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26/04/2023 ALCIDES REGO

- A duração do teste é de 60 minutos e não existe tolerância de tempo.
- Utilize apenas caneta ou esferográfica de tinta azul e preta.
- É permitido o uso de régua, compasso, esquadro e calculadora gráfica.
- Não é permitido o uso de corretor. Risque aquilo que pretende que não seja classificado.
- Para cada resposta, identifique o grupo e o item.
- Apresente as suas respostas de forma legível e apenas uma resposta para cada item.
- Na resposta aos itens de escolha múltipla, selecione a opção correta. Escreva, na folha de respostas, o
número do item e a letra que identifica a opção escolhida.
- Na resposta aos restantes itens, apresente todos os cálculos que tiver que efetuar e todas as
justificações necessárias. Quando, para um resultado, não é pedida aproximação, apresente sempre o
valor exato.
- A prova inclui um formulário.
- As cotações dos itens encontram-se no final do enunciado da prova (ou alternativamente podem ser
colocadas no final de cada pergunta entre parêntesis).

Plagiarism in music

Plagiarism in music is a topic that new artists should keep

an eye on. It is a reason that may lead to the downfall of
their career quickly if ignored. Even though in most cases
detected plagiarism in music is coincidental, in some
cases, small oversights, whether they are intentional or
unintentional, may lead to the musician´s career
collapsing. So, artists should be aware of the possible risks and what they can do to prevent them.
The good news for artists is that the base beat and chords that make a song can be nearly identical and
free of copyright infringement. The main focus is the lead melody that makes the song recognisable.
This is the melody which stays in your head for weeks and you whistle or hum on your way to the
supermarket. When two or more songs resemble this defining melody, the problems start for the most
recent artist.
Songs from different genres are not excluded from this rule. A good example of this in the German band
Kraftwerk that was formed around the year 1969. Until today, many genres have changed and new ones
have emerged. However, you can still hear Kraftwerk song excerpts in songs today.
Plagiarising music can lead to the undoing of musical careers, financial problems and damaged
reputation. Artists should always aim for uniqueness and originality to prevent that from ever

1. Find synonyms for the following words in the first paragraph. (6  0,5 p)

a) Subject - Topic
b) Ruin - Downfall
c) Mistakes - Oversights
d) Deliberate - Intentional
e) Ending - Collapsing
f) Dangers- Riscks
2. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)? UNDERLINE the right answer. (4  0,7 p)
a. New artists should be concerned with plagiarism because it could be the reason for the end of a
career. True / False
b. Artists do not need to be aware of the possible risks and what they can do to prevent them.
True / False
c. Because of an accusation of plagiarism, artists may have to deal with financial debts and
destroyed reputation. True / False
d. To avoid being accused of plagiarism, artists should produce unique and original songs.
True / False


1. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. (10  0,4 p)

original similarity creativity access melody

infringement influenced plagiarism lawsuits accused

Music a) lawsuits is a hot topic in the music industry these days. From Sam Smith to Bruno Mars, artists
seem to be b) accused of music plagiarism more than ever.
As the old saying goes: “There is no such thing as an c) original thought”. Everyone from Shakespeare to
the Beatles has been accused of stealing ideas from those that came before them. We are all influenced
by the world around us, but where is the line drawn between being d) influenced by something, and
plagiarising it? The law states that anything that reflects a “minimal spark” of e) creativity and originality
can be copyrightable including f) melody , chord progression, rhythm and lyrics. In the event of a trial,
the person claiming g) plagiarism must prove two things:
1. h) infringement : that the infringer had heard, or could reasonably be presumed to have heard,
the original song prior to writing their own;
2. Substantial i) similarity: that the average listener can tell that one song has been copied from the
other. The more elements that the two works have in common, the more likely they are
substantially similar.

Music plagiarism j) lawsuits in the music industry seem to be more common in the digital era, where
sampling, snipping and outright stealing parts of songs has never been easier.

http://lawyerdrummer.com (accessed in February 2019)


1. Complete the sentences whith the verbs in the to-Infinitive or the Bare Infinitive. (5  0,6 p)
a. People shouldn´t accuse (accuse) singers of plagiarism without well founded evidence.
b. I want to be (be) sure about her part in this ethical crime.
c. You shouldn´t believe _ (believe) in everything you hear about music plagiarism.
d. Many skills are essential to succed (succed) in the world of music and entertainment.
e. He always persuades his fans to buy (buy) his songs.

2. Complete each sentence with one of these verbs in the to-Infinitive. (6  0,4 p)

get not use do use work share

a) As the world of work has gone global, it’s impossible not to use technologies.
b) Because we can work offline, we manage to do more tasks.
c) All my teachers advise me to get training in ICT.
d) Before Thomas started the job, I warned him to work on his digital literacy.
e) Modern corporations expect their employees to use different media tools for communication.
f) It’s very easy to share files and folders using Google Drive.

3. Choose the correct option from the box to complete each sentence. (5  0,4 p)

work wait have hand look for

a) This is a great opportunity. You shouldn´t wait for another one to come along.
b) Why look for a job abroad if you have so many options in your country?
c) You´d better have some qualifications in ICT. Otherwise, it will be difficult to make it.
d) I will hand my CV over to the CEO. We have a meeting next Monday.
e) I´m exhausted! My boss makes me work too many hours.

WRITING (7 X 0,4 p)

A. Two friends, Mike and Sam, are chatting online. What does Mike say to Sam? (Complete the
dialogue using the answers in the box below.)

Mike: Hey, Sam! How are things?

Sam: (1) F – Things are great, Mike!

Mike: Did you do anything interesting at the weekend?

Sam: (2) B – Yes. I went to the cinema to see the film “I

Mike: What is it about?

Sam: (3) D – It is about the relationship between

robots and humans.
Mike: You didn’t forget about tomorrow afternoon, did you?

Sam: (4) A – Oh, I am sorry… I forgot.

Mike: Sam! We are going to finish our Science project. Don’t you remember? We must decide what to


Sam: (5) C – I do now... Can it be about Robots?

Mike: Well… Yes. We can think of something related to Artificial Intelligence.

Sam: (6) E – Good! What time shall we meet?

Mike: What about 4 o’clock in the school library?

Sam: (7) G – It is ok. See you tomorrow.


D – It is about the relationship between

A – Oh, I am sorry… I forgot.
robots and humans.
B – Yes. I went to the cinema to see the film “I
E – Good! What time shall we meet?
F – Things are great, Mike!
C – I do now... Can it be about Robots?
G – It is ok. See you tomorrow.


Reading Vocabulary and Grammar Writing Total

1. 6 x 0,5 = 3 Vocab: 1. 10 x 0,4 = 4 Writ: 1. 7 x 0,4 = 2,8 ALCIDES
20 pontosREGO
2. 4 x 0,7 = 2,8 Gram: 1. 5 x 0,6 = 3
2. 6 x 0,4 = 2,4
3. 5 x 0,4 = 2

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