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Teacher Mrcia Elisa

Os verbos modais so verbos que tem caractersticas prpria. Eles
funcionam juntamente com o verbo principal para acrescentar um
significado extra. Muitos verbos modais tem significados diferentes,
dependendo do contexto.

# Usamos um verbo no infinitivo sem to depois de um modal.
I can speak Italian.

# Os verbos modais funcional como auxiliares para formar perguntas ou
fazer negaes.
Can you speak Italian?
I cant speak Italian.

Aqui esto alguns dos significados que os verbos modais podem

# Certeza

- WILL / WONT: coloca o verbo que o segue no futuro. Expressa a idia de
que algo vai ou no acontecer no futuro.

Profits will increase next year.
(Os lucros aumentaro no prximo ano.)


Profits wont increase next year.
(Os lucros no aumentaro no prximo ano.)

- MUST: (deve) expressa certeza por parte do falante, quando estamos
quase certos de que algo vai acontecer.

They must be at school by now. It's already 9 o'clock.
(Eles devem estar na escola agora. J so 9 horas.)

That must be Jack. He always rings at this time.
(Deve ser o Jack. Ele sempre liga a esta hora.)

- CANT: (no pode) usamos can't para falar que achamos que algo
impossivel, ns temos evidncias para pensar isso. Can't a forma
negativa do 'must'.

He can't be at the cinema. He never goes to the cinema without taking me.
(Ele no pode estar no cinema. Ele nunca vai ao cinema sem me levar.)

- COULDNT: (deveria) expressa certeza por parte do falante, quando
estamos quase certos de que algo vai acontecer.

He couldnt have written this. He doesnt speak Japanese.
(Ele no poderia ter escrito isto. Ele no fala Japons.)

It couldnt be Mary. She is the U.S.A.
(No poderia ser a Mary. Ela est nos E.U.A.)

# Probabilidade

- SHOULD / SHOULDNT: A equivalncia de 'should' em portugus algo
como: devo, deve, devia, deveria.

They should be there by now.
(Eles deveriam estar l agora.)

It shouldnt take long to drive here.
(No deveria levar muito tempo para dirigir at aqui.)

- OUGHT TO / OUGHTNT TO: podemos dizer que "ought to" a mesma
coisa que "should".

Modal Verb Meaning

must / will (future) Very sure

can Very sure (ability)

should Expect it to happen

might A good chance

may 50 / 50

may not / mightnt About 30-40%

could It is possible

wont / couldnt /
cant / mustnt Negative very sure
A Choose the correct alternative:

1. They ________________ be away for the weekend but I'm not sure.
? may
? can
2. He ________________ be French, judging by his accent.
? can
? could
3. They ________________ still be out!
? can't
? may not
4. With luck, tomorrow ________________ be a sunny day.
? can
? could
5. You ________________ be right but I'm going to check anyway.
? might
? can
6. The exam ________________ be easy. You never know.
? can
? might
7. It ________________ be true about a sauropod dinosaur living in Lake Tel in
the Congo. It's impossible.
? can't
? can
8. Dave reckons she's from The States but I think she ________________ be
from Scandinavia.
? might
? can
9. I ________________ go to the party but I'm not sure yet.
? can
? might
10. This ________________ be the right answer but we'll have to check with your
teacher to make sure.
? can
? could
11. She ________________ steal things from shops. She's rich and famous.
? can't
? could
12. I really think Real Madrid ________________ lose the final of the King's Cup.
? could
? Can

13. She's been revising 10 hours a day for 3 weeks. She ________________ be
? must
? can
14. Nobody's answering. They ________________ be out.
? must
? can
15. He ________________ be from the USA. He doesn't speak English.
? can't
? may

B Use could or must to complete the sentences.

1. According to the forecast on the TV, it rain tomorrow.

2. I don't really know. It be the right answer, but I'm not sure. What
should I do?

3. Rosminet and Gizmo help us a lot if we asked them.

4. This .. be a great idea, but it's definitely not !

C Check the correct alternative.
1. I (should / would / could) speak to him, if I were you.

2. I think you (should / would / could) learn Spanish if you want to work in the
Export department.

3. Clare (should / would / could) be very happy to help you. Go and ask her.

4. He (shouldnt / wouldnt / couldnt) be dating Sue. Hes married.

D Click on Answer to see the correct response.

1. I'm sorry I _____ come yesterday.
a. could not
b. might not

2. I'm sorry but I _____ be able to come today.
a. could not
b. might not

3. I'm sure that _____ have been him.
a. could not
b. might not

4. I'm not sure, but that _____ have been him.
a. could not
b. might not

5. Let's check the news. The airport _____ be open.
a. could not
b. might not

6. I _____ tell him the truth about Holly... but I should have.
a. could not
b. might not

7. Jeanette had made other plans, so she _____ come with us to the museum
a. could not
b. might not

8. Jeanette has made other plans, so she _____ come with us to the museum
a. could not
b. might not

9. He _____ have possibly won that contest! He was so stupid!
a. could not
b. might not

10. _____ have told him. That's why he didn't mention anything to me.
a. could not
b. might not

1. A 1. would
2. B 2. should
3. A 3. would
4. B 4. coudnt
5. a
6. B D
7. A 1.a
8. A 2.b
9. B 3.a
10. B 4.b
11. A 5.b
12. A 6.a
13. A 7.a
14. A 8.b
15. A 9.a

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