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Collins Concise English Dictionary 6th Edition 2006

a [e] [] an (before vowel or silent h)
INDEF ART 1. um* (uma)
a book/girl/mirror, um livro/uma menina/um espelho
an apple, uma ma
shes a doctor, ela mdica 2. (instead of the number one) um* (uma)
a year ago, h um ano, um ano atrs
a hundred/thousand etc pounds, cem/mil etc libras 3. (in expressing ratios,
prices etc) 3 a day/week, 3 por dia/semana
10 km an hour, 10 km por hora
30p a kilo, 30p o quilo
A , a [e]
N 1. (letter) A, a M 2. (MUS) A, l M A for Andrew BRIT or Able US (BRIT) (US) A
de Antnio
A road (BRIT AUT) via expressa
A shares (BRIT STOCK EXCHANGE) aes FPL preferenciaisa
ABBR acre
N ABBR 1. Alcoholics Anonymous, AA M 2. (BRIT) Automobile Association, TCB M (BR)
ACP M (PT) 3. (US) Associate in/of Arts, ttulo universitrio, anti-aircraft, AA
N ABBR 1. American Automobile Association, TCB M (BR) ACP M (PT) 2. (BRIT)
Amateur Athletics Association
N ABBR American Association of University Professors, sindicato universitrio
ABBR 1. (BRIT) able-bodied seaman 2. (CANADIAN) Alberta
abaci [bsa]
NPL (of abacus)
aback [bk]
ADV to be taken aback, ficar surpreendido, sobressaltar-se
abacus [bks] (PL abaci )
N baco
abandon [bndn]
VT abandonar N (wild behaviour) with abandon, com desenfreio to abandon ship,
abandonar o navio
abandoned [bndnd]
ADJ 1. (child, house) abandonado 2. (unrestrained) desenfreado
abase [bes]
VT to abase o.s. (so far as to do) rebaixar-se (at o ponto de fazer)
abashed [bt]
ADJ envergonhado
abate [bet]
VI 1. (lessen) diminuir 2. (calm down) acalmar-se
abatement [betmnt]
N noise
abattoir [btw*] (BRIT)
N matadouro
abbey [b]
N abadia, mosteiro
abbot [bt]
N abade M
abbreviate [brivet]
VT 1. (essay) resumir 2. (word) abreviar
abbreviation [briven]
N 1. (short form) abreviatura 2. (act) abreviao F
N ABBR American Broadcasting Company, rede de televiso
abdicate [bdket]
VT abdicar, renunciar a VI abdicar, renunciar ao trono
abdication [bdken]
N abdicao F
abdomen [bdmn]
N abdmen M
abdominal [bdmnl]
ADJ abdominal
abduct [bdkt]
VT seqestrar
abduction [bdkn]
N seqestro
Aberdonian [bdunn]
ADJ de Aberdeen N natural M, F de Aberdeen
aberration [bren]
N aberrao F in a moment of mental aberration, num momento de desatino
abet [bt]
VT aid
abeyance [bens]
N in abeyance (law) em desuso (matter) suspenso
abhor [bh*]
VT detestar, odiar
abhorrent [bhrnt]
ADJ detestvel, repugnante
abide [bad]
VT agentar, suportar I cant abide him, eu no o soporto abide by 1. (promise,
word) cumprir 2. (law, rules) ater-se a VT
ability [blt]
N 1. habilidade F, capacidade F 2. (talent) talento 3. (skill) percia to the best of my
ability, o melhor que eu puder or pudesse
abashed [bt]
ADJ envergonhado
abate [bet]
VI 1. (lessen) diminuir 2. (calm down) acalmar-se
abatement [betmnt]
N noise
abattoir [btw*] (BRIT)
N matadouro
abbey [b]
N abadia, mosteiro
abbot [bt]
N abade M
abbreviate [brivet]
VT 1. (essay) resumir 2. (word) abreviar
abbreviation [briven]
N 1. (short form) abreviatura 2. (act) abreviao F
N ABBR American Broadcasting Company, rede de televiso
abdicate [bdket]
VT abdicar, renunciar a VI abdicar, renunciar ao trono
abdication [bdken]
N abdicao F
abdomen [bdmn]
N abdmen M
abdominal [bdmnl]
ADJ abdominal
abduct [bdkt]
VT seqestrar
abduction [bdkn]
N seqestro
Aberdonian [bdunn]
ADJ de Aberdeen N natural M, F de Aberdeen
aberration [bren]
N aberrao F in a moment of mental aberration, num momento de desatino
abet [bt]
VT aid
abeyance [bens]
N in abeyance (law) em desuso (matter) suspenso
abhor [bh*]
VT detestar, odiar
abhorrent [bhrnt]
ADJ detestvel, repugnante
abide [bad]
VT agentar, suportar I cant abide him, eu no o soporto abide by 1. (promise,
word) cumprir 2. (law, rules) ater-se a VT
ability [blt]
N 1. habilidade F, capacidade F 2. (talent) talento 3. (skill) percia to the best of my
ability, o melhor que eu puder or pudesse
abject [bdkt]
ADJ 1. (poverty) miservel 2. (coward) desprezvel, vil an abject apology, um
pedido de desculpa humilde
ablaze [blez]
ADJ em chamas ablaze with light, resplandecente
able [ebl]
ADJ 1. capaz 2. (skilled) hbil, competente to be able to do sth, poder fazer algo
able-bodied [-bdd]
ADJ so* (s) able-bodied seaman BRIT (BRIT) marinheiro experimentado
ably [ebl]
ADV habilmente
N ABBR anti-ballistic missile
abnormal [bnml]
ADJ anormal
abnormality [bnmlt]
N anormalidade F
aboard [bd]
ADV a bordo PREP 1. a bordo de 2. (train) dentro de
abode [bud]
N 1. (old) residncia, domiclio 2. (LAW) of no fixed abode, sem domiclio fixo
abide [bad]
VT agentar, suportar I cant abide him, eu no o soporto abide by 1. (promise,
word) cumprir 2. (law, rules) ater-se a VT
abolish [bl]
VT abolir
abolition [bln]
N abolio F
abominable [bmnbl]
ADJ abominvel, detestvel
aborigine [brdn]
N aborgene M, F
abort [bt]
VT 1. (MED) abortar 2. (plan) fracassar
abortion [bn]
N aborto to have an abortion, fazer um aborto
abortive [btv]
ADJ 1. (failed) fracassado 2. (fruitless) intil
abound [baund]
VI to abound (in or with) abundar (em)
about [baut]
ADV 1. (approximately) aproximadamente
it takes about 10 hours, leva mais ou menos 10 horas
at about 2 oclock, aproximadamente s duas horas
its just about finished, est quase terminado 2. (referring to place) por toda
parte, por todo lado
to run/walk etc about, correr/andar etc por todos os lados 3. to be about to do
sth, estar a ponto de fazer algo PREP 1. (relating to) acerca de, sobre
a book about London, um livro sobre Londres
what is it about? do que se trata? sobre o qu?
we talked about it, ns falamos sobre isso
what or how about doing this? que tal se fizermos isso? 2. (place) em redor de,
to walk about the town, andar pela cidade
about face
N 1. (MIL) meia-volta 2. (fig) reviravolta
about turn
N about face
above [bv]
ADV em or por cima, acima PREP acima de, por cima de mentioned above, acima
costing above 10 que custa mais de 10
above all, sobretudo
aboveboard [bvbd]
ADJ legtimo, limpo
abrasion [bren]
N (on skin) esfoladura
abrasive [brezv]
ADJ 1. abrasivo 2. (fig) (person) custico (manner) mordaz
abreast [brst]
ADV lado a lado to keep abreast of (fig) estar a par de
abridge [brd]
VT resumir, abreviar
abroad [brd]
ADV 1. (be abroad) no estrangeiro 2. (go abroad) ao estrangeiro there is a rumour
abroad that ... (fig) corre o boato de que ...
abrupt [brpt]
ADJ 1. (sudden) brusco 2. (curt) rspido
abruptly [brptl]
ADV bruscamente
abscess [bss]
N abscesso (BR) abcesso (PT)
abscond [bsknd]
VI to abscond with, sumir com to abscond from, fugir de
absence [bsns]
N ausncia in the absence of (person) na ausncia de (thing) na falta de
absent [bsnt]
ADJ ausente absent without leave, ausente sem permisso oficial
to be absent, faltar
absentee [bsnti]
N ausente M, F
absenteeism [bsntizm]
N absentesmo
ADJ distrado
absent-mindedness [-manddns]
N distrao F
absolute [bslut]
ADJ absoluto
absolutely [bslutl]
ADV absolutamente oh, yes, absolutely! claro que sim!
absolution [bslun]
N absolvio F
absolve [bzlv]
VT to absolve sb (from) (sin etc) absolver algum (de) (blame) isentar algum (de)
to absolve sb from (oath) desobrigar algum de
absorb [bzb]
VT 1. absorver 2. (group, business) incorporar 3. (changes) assimilar 4. (information)
digerir to be absorbed in a book, estar absorvido num livro
absorbent [bzbnt]
ADJ absorvente
absorbent cotton [bzbnt-] (US)
N algodo M hidrfilo
absorbing [bzb]
ADJ (book, film etc) absorvente, cativante
absorption [bzpn]
N 1. absoro F 2. (interest) fascinao F
abstain [bsten]
VI to abstain (from) abster-se (de)
abstemious [bstims]
ADJ abstinente
abstention [bstnn]
N absteno F
abstinence [bstnns]
N abstinncia, sobriedade F
ADJ [bstrkt] abstrato N [bstrkt] resumo VT [bstrkt] 1. (remove) abstrair 2.
(summarize) resumir 3. (steal) surripiar
abstruse [bstrus]
ADJ obscuro
absurd [bsd]
ADJ absurdo
absurdity [bsdt]
N absurdo
ABTA [bt]
N ABBR Association of British Travel Agents.
Abu Dhabi [budb]
N Abu Dabi (no article)
abundance [bndns]
N abundncia
abundant [bndnt]
ADJ abundante
N [bjus] 1. (insults) insultos MPL 2. (misuse) (ill-treatment) maus-tratos MPL, abuso
VT [bjuz] 1. insultar 2. maltratar 3. abusar open to abuse, aberto ao abuso
abusive [bjusv]
ADJ ofensivo
abysmal [bzml]
ADJ 1. (ignorance) profundo, total 2. (very bad) pssimo
abyss [bs]
N abismo
N ABBR (US) athletic club ABBR alternating current, CA
ABBR (BANKING etc) account, c/
academic [kdmk]
ADJ 1. acadmico 2. (pej: issue) terico N universitrio* (universitria)
academic freedom
N liberdade de ctedra
academic year
N ano letivo
academy [kdm]
N 1. (learned body) academia 2. (school) instituto, academia, colgio military/naval
academy, academia militar/escola naval
academy of music
N conservatrio
ACAS [eks] (BRIT)
N ABBR Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service, Justia do Trabalho
accede [ksid]
VI to accede to (request) consentir em, aceder a (throne) subir a
accelerate [kslret]
VT VI acelerar
acceleration [kslren]
N acelerao F
accelerator [kslret*]
N acelerador M
accent [ksnt]
N 1. (written) acento 2. (pronunciation) sotaque M 3. (fig) (emphasis) nfase F
accentuate [ksntjuet]
VT 1. (syllable) acentuar 2. (need, difference etc) ressaltar, salientar
accept [kspt]
VT 1. aceitar 2. (responsibility) assumir
acceptable [ksptbl]
ADJ 1. (offer) bem-vindo 2. (risk) assumir, aceitvel
acceptance [ksptns]
N aceitao F to meet with general acceptance, ter aprovao geral
access [kss]
N acesso VT (COMPUT) acessar to have access to, ter acesso a
the burglars gained access through a window, os ladres conseguiram entrar
por uma janela
accessible [kssbl]
ADJ 1. acessvel 2. (available) disponvel
accession [ksn]
N 1. acesso F 2. (of king) elevao F ao trono 3. (to library) aquisio F
accessory [kssr]
N 1. acessrio 2. (LAW) accessory to, cmplice M, F de toilet accessories BRIT
(BRIT) artigos de toalete
access road
N via de acesso
access time
N (COMPUT) tempo de acesso
accident [ksdnt]
N 1. acidente M 2. (chance) casualidade F to meet with or have an accident, sofrer
or ter um acidente
accidents at work, acidentes de trabalho
by accident (unintentionally) sem querer (by coincidence) por acaso
accidental [ksdntl]
ADJ acidental
accidentally [ksdntl]
ADV 1. (by accident) sem querer 2. (by chance) casualmente
accident insurance
N seguro contra acidentes
ADJ com tendncia para sofrer or causar acidente, desastrado
acclaim [klem]
VT aclamar to be acclaimed for ones achievements, ser aclamado por seus fatas
N aclamao F
acclamation [klmen]
N 1. (approval) aclamao F 2. (applause) aplausos MPL
acclimate [klamt] (US)
VT acclimatize
acclimatize [klamtaz] (BRIT)
VT to become acclimatized (to) aclimatar-se (a)
accolade [kled]
N louvor M, honra
accommodate [kmdet]
VT 1. alojar 2. (reconcile) (subj: car, hotel, etc) acomodar, conciliar 3. (oblige, help)
comprazer a 4. (adapt) to accommodate ones plans to, acomodar seus projetos
a this car accommodates 4 people, este carro tem lugar para 4 pessoas
accommodating [kmdet]
ADJ complacente, servial
accommodation [kmden] (BRIT)
N 1. alojamento 2. (space) lugar M (BR) stio (PT) hes found accommodation, ele
j encontrou um lugar para morar
accommodation to let, aluga-se (apartamento etc)
they have accommodation for 500 tm lugar para 500 pessoas
seating accommodation, lugares MPL sentados
accommodations [kmdenz] (US)
NPL accommodation
accompaniment [kmpnmnt]
N acompanhamento
accompanist [kmpnst]
N acompanhador* M (F acompanhadora) acompanhante M, F
accompany [kmpn]
VT acompanhar
accomplice [kmpls]
N cmplice M, F
accomplish [kmpl]
VT 1. (task) concluir 2. (goal) alcanar
accomplished [kmplt]
ADJ 1. (person) talentoso 2. (performance) brilhante
accomplishment [kmplmnt]
N 1. (bringing about) realizao F 2. (achievement) proeza accomplishments
(skills) talentos MPL NPL
accord [kd]
N tratado VT conceder of his own accord, por sua iniciativa
with one accord, de comum acordo
accordance [kdns]
N in accordance with, de acordo com, conforme
according [kd]
PREP according to, segundo (in accordance with) conforme according to plan,
como previsto
accordingly [kdl]
ADV 1. (thus) por conseguinte 2. (appropriately) do modo devido
accordion [kdn]
N acordeo M
accost [kst]
VT abordar
account [kaunt]
N 1. conta 2. (report) relato accounts (books, department) contabilidade F NPL
``account payee only BRIT (BRIT) ``cheque no endossvel (a ser creditado
na conta do favorecido)
to keep an account of, anotar, registrar
to bring sb to account for sth/for having done sth, chamar algum a contas
por algo/por ter feito algo
by all accounts, segundo dizem todos
of little account, sem importncia
on his own account, por sua conta
to pay 5 on account, pagar 5 por conta
to buy sth on account, comprar algo a crdito
of no account, sem importncia
on account, por conta
on no account, de modo nenhum
on account of, por causa de
to take into account, take account of, levar em conta account for 1. (explain)
explicar 2. (represent) representar VT all the children were accounted for,
nenhuma das crianas faltava
4 people are still not accounted for, 4 pessoas ainda no foram encontradas
accountability [kauntblt]
N responsabilidade F
accountable [kauntbl]
ADJ accountable (to) responsvel (por)
accountancy [kauntns]
N contabilidade F
accountant [kauntnt]
N contador* M (F contadora) (BR) contabilista M, F (PT)
accounting [kaunt]
N contabilidade F
accounting period
N exerccio
account number
N nmero de conta
account payable
N conta a pagar
account receivable
N conta a receber
accredited [krdtd]
ADJ (agent) autorizado
accretion [krin]
N acreso F
accrue [kru]
VI 1. aumentar 2. (mount up) acumular-se to accrue to, advir a
accrued interest [krud-]
N juros MPL acumulados
accumulate [kjumjulet]
VT acumular VI acumular-se
accumulation [kjumjulen]
N acumulao F
accuracy [kjurs]
N exatido F, preciso F
accurate [kjurt]
ADJ 1. (number) exato 2. (description) correto 3. (person, device) preciso 4. (shot)
accurately [kjurtl]
ADV com preciso
accusation [kjuzen]
N 1. acusao F 2. (instance) incriminao F
accusative [kjuztv]
N (LING) acusativo
accuse [kjuz]
VT to accuse sb (of sth) acusar algum (de algo)
accused [kjuzd]
N the accused, acusado* (acusada)
accustom [kstm]
VT acostumar to accustom o.s. to sth, acostumar-se a algo
accustomed [kstmd]
ADJ (usual) habitual accustomed to, acostumado a
ABBR alternating current/direct current, CA/CC
ace [es]
N s M to be or come within an ace of doing BRIT (BRIT) no fazer por um triz
ACE [es]
N ABBR American Council on Education
acerbic [sbk]
ADJ (also fig) acerbo
acetate [stet]
N acetato
ache [ek]
N dor F VI 1. doer 2. (yearn) to ache to do sth, ansiar por fazer algo Ive got (a)
stomach ache, eu estou com dor de barriga
my head aches, di-me a cabea
Im aching all over, estou todo dolorido
achieve [tiv]
VT 1. (reach) alcanar 2. (realize) realizar 3. (victory, success) obter
achievement [tivmnt]
N 1. (of aims) realizao F 2. (success) proeza
acid [sd]
ADJ cido, azedo N cido
acidity [sdt]
N acidez F
acid rain
N chuva cida
acknowledge [knld]
VT 1. (fact) reconhecer 2. (person) cumprimentar 3. acknowledge receipt of, acusar o
recebimento de BR or a recepo de PT
acknowledgement [knldmnt]
N (of letter) notificao F de recebimento acknowledgements (in book)
agradecimentos MPL NPL
N ABBR American Civil Liberties Union, associao que defende os direitos humanos
acme [km]
N acme M
acne [kn]
N acne F
acorn [ekn]
N bolota
acoustic [kustk]
ADJ acstico
acoustic coupler
N (COMPUT) acoplador M acstico
acoustics [kustks]
N NPL acstica
acoustic screen
N divisria
acquaint [kwent]
VT to acquaint sb with sth (inform) pr algum ao corrente de alguma coisa to be
acquainted with (person) conhecer (fact) saber
acquaintance [kwentns]
N 1. conhecimento 2. (person) conhecido* (conhecida) to make sbs
acquaintance, conhecer algum
acquiesce [kws]
VI to acquiesce (to) condescender (a) (request) ceder(a)
acquire [kwa*]
VT 1. adquirir 2. (interest, skill) desenvolver
acquired [kwad]
ADJ adquirido an acquired taste, um gosto cultivado
acquisition [kwzn]
N aquisio F
acquisitive [kwztv]
ADJ cobioso
acquit [kwt]
VT absolver to acquit o.s. well, desempenhar-se bem
acquittal [kwtl]
N absolvio F
acre [ek*]
N acre M (= 4047m)
acreage [ekrd]
N extenso F (em acres)
acrid [krd]
ADJ 1. (smell) acre 2. (fig) mordaz
acrimonious [krmuns]
ADJ 1. (remark) mordaz 2. (argument) acrimonioso
acrobat [krbt]
N acrobata M, F
acrobatic [krbtk]
ADJ acrobtico
acrobatics [krbtks]
NPL acrobacia
acronym [krnm]
N acrnimo
Acropolis [krpls]
N the Acropolis, a Acrpole
across [krs]
PREP 1. (from one side to the other of) de um lado para outro de 2. (on the other side
of) no outro lado de 3. (crosswise) atravs de ADV de um lado ao outro to walk
across (the road) atravessar (a rua)
to run/swim across, atravessar correndo/a nado
the lake is 12 km across, o lago tem 12 km de largura
across from, em frente de
to get sth across (to sb) conseguir comunicar algo (a algum)
acrylic [krlk]
ADJ acrlico N acrlico
act [kt]
N 1. ao F 2. (THEATRE) ato 3. (in show) nmero 4. (LAW) lei F VI 1. tomar ao 2.
(behave, have effect) agir 3. (THEATRE) representar 4. (pretend) fingir VT (part)
representar in the act of, no ato de
act of God (LAW) fora maior
to catch sb in the act, apanhar algum em flagrante, flagrar algum
its only an act, s encenao
to act Hamlet BRIT (BRIT) representar Hamlet
to act the fool BRIT (BRIT) fazer-se de bobo
to act as, servir de
it acts as a deterrent, serve para dissuadir
acting in my capacity as chairman, I ... na qualidade de presidente, eu ... act
on to act on sth, agir de acordo com algo VT act out 1. (event) representar 2.
(fantasy) realizar VT
N ABBR American College Test, vestibular M
acting [kt]
ADJ interino N 1. (performance) representao F, atuao F 2. (activity) to do some
acting, fazer teatro
action [kn]
N 1. ao F 2. (MIL) batalha, combate M 3. (LAW) ao judicial to bring an action
against sb (LAW) intentar ao judicial contra algum
killed in action (MIL) morto em combate
out of action (person) fora de combate (thing) com defeito
to take action, tomar atitude
to put a plan into action, pr um plano em ao
action replay (BRIT)
N (TV) replay M
activate [ktvet]
VT 1. (mechanism) acionar 2. (CHEM PHYS) ativar
active [ktv]
ADJ 1. ativo 2. (volcano) em atividade
active duty (US)
N (MIL) ativa
actively [ktvl]
ADV ativamente
active partner
N (COMM) comanditado* (comanditada)
active service (BRIT)
N (MIL) ativa
activist [ktvst]
N ativista M, F, militante M, F
activity [ktvt]
N atividade F
actor [kt*]
N ator M
actress [ktrs]
N atriz F
N ABBR Association of Cinematographic, Television and Allied Technicians, sindicato
dos tcnicos do cinema e da televiso
actual [ktjul]
ADJ real
actually [ktjul]
ADV 1. realmente 2. (in fact) na verdade 3. (even) mesmo
actuary [ktjur]
N aturio* (aturia)
actuate [ktjuet]
VT atuar, acionar
acuity [kjut]
N acuidade F
acumen [kjumn]
N perspiccia business acumen, tino para os negcios
acupuncture [kjupkt*]
N acupuntura
acute [kjut]
ADJ 1. agudo 2. (person) perspicaz
ADV ABBR Anno Domini, d.C. N ABBR (US MIL) active duty
ad [d]
N ABBR advertisement
adamant [dmnt]
ADJ inflexvel
Adams apple [dmz-]
N pomo-de-Ado M (BR) ma-de-Ado F (PT)
adapt [dpt]
VT adaptar VI to adapt (to) adaptar-se (a)
adaptability [dptblt]
N adaptabilidade F
adaptable [dptbl]
ADJ 1. (device) ajustvel 2. (person) adaptvel
adaptation [dpten]
N adaptao F
adapter [dpt*]
N (ELEC) adaptador M adapter
N ABBR 1. (MIL) aide-de-camp 2. (US) Aid to Dependent Children, auxlio a crianas
add [d]
VT 1. acrescentar 2. add up (figures) somar VI to add to (increase) aumentar add
on acrescentar, adicionar VT add up 1. (figures) somar 2. (fig) it doesnt add up,
no faz sentido VT it doesnt add up to much, pouca coisa
adder [d*]
N vbora
addict [dkt]
N viciado* (viciada) heroin addict, viciado* em herona (viciada)
drug addict, toxicmano* (toxicmana)
addicted [dktd]
ADJ to be/become addicted to, ser/ficar viciado em
addiction [dkn]
N (MED) dependncia
addictive [dktv]
ADJ que causa dependncia
adding machine [d-]
N mquina de somar
Addis Ababa [dsbb]
N Adis-Abeba
addition [dn]
N 1. (adding up) adio F 2. (thing added) acrscimo in addition, alm disso
in addition to, alm de
additional [dnl]
ADJ adicional
additive [dtv]
N aditivo
addled [dld] (BRIT)
ADJ (egg) podre, estragado
address [drs]
N 1. endereo 2. (speech) discurso VT 1. (letter) enderear 2. (speak to) dirigir-se a,
dirigir a palavra a form of address, tratamento
to address (o.s. to) (problem, issue) enfocar
absolute/relative address (COMPUT) endereo absoluto/relativo
addressee [drsi]
N destinatrio* (destinatria)
Aden [edn]
N den (no article) Gulf of Aden, golfo de den
adenoids [dndz]
NPL adenides FPL
adept [dpt]
ADJ adept at, hbil or competente em
adequate [dkwt]
ADJ 1. (enough) suficiente 2. (suitable) adequado 3. (satisfactory) satisfatrio to feel
adequate to the task, sentir-se altura da tarefa
adequately [dkwtl]
ADV adequadamente
adhere [dh*]
VI to adhere to, aderir a (abide by) ater-se a
adherent [dhrnt]
N partidrio* (partidria)
adhesion [dhin]
N adeso F
adhesive [dhizv]
ADJ N adesivo
adhesive tape
N 1. (BRIT) durex M, fita adesiva 2. (US) esparadrapo
ad hoc [-hk]
ADJ 1. (decision) para o caso 2. (committee) ad hoc
ad infinitum [-nfnatm]
ADV ad infinitum
adjacent [desnt]
ADJ adjacent (to) adjacente (a)
adjective [dktv]
N adjetivo
adjoin [dn]
VT ser contguo a
adjoining [dn]
ADJ adjacente
adjourn [dn]
VT 1. (postpone) adiar 2. (session) suspender VI 1. encerrar a sesso 2. (go) deslocar-
se they adjourned to the pub (BRIT inf) deslocaram-se para o bar
adjournment [dnmnt]
N (period) recesso
ABBR (MIL) adjutant, Ajte
adjudicate [dudket]
VT VI julgar
adjudication [dudken]
N julgamento
adjudicator [dudket*]
N juza M, F
adjust [dst]
VT 1. (change) ajustar 2. (clothes) arrumar 3. (machine) regular VI to adjust (to)
adaptar-se (a)
adjustable [dstbl]
ADJ ajustvel
adjuster [dst*]
N loss
adjustment [dstmnt]
N 1. ajuste M 2. (of engine) regulagem F 3. (of prices, wages) reajuste M 4. (of person)
adaptao F
adjutant [dtnt]
N ajudante M
ad-lib [-lb]
VT VI improvisar N 1. improviso 2. (THEATRE) caco ADV ad lib, vontade
adman [dmn] (inf)
N IRREG publicitrio
admin [dmn] (inf)
N ABBR administration
administer [dmnst*]
VT 1. administrar 2. (justice) aplicar 3. (drug) ministrar
administration [dmnstren]
N 1. administrao F 2. (US: government) governo
administrative [dmnstrtv]
ADJ administrativo
administrator [dmnstret*]
N administrador* M (F administradora)
admirable [dmrbl]
ADJ admirvel
admiral [dmrl]
N almirante M
Admiralty [dmrlt] (BRIT)
N Admiralty Board, Ministrio da Marinha, Almirantado
admiration [dmren]
N admirao F
admire [dma*]
VT 1. (respect) respeitar 2. (appreciate) admirar
admirer [dmar*]
N 1. (suitor) pretendente M, F 2. (fan) admirador* M (F admiradora)
admission [dmn]
N 1. (admittance) entrada 2. (fee) ingresso 3. (enrolment) admisso F 4. (confession)
confisso F ``admission free, ``free admission ``entrada gratuita ``ingresso
by his own admission he drinks too much, ele mesmo reconhece que bebe
admit [dmt]
VT 1. admitir 2. (acknowledge) reconhecer 3. (accept) aceitar 4. (confess) confessar
``children not admitted ``entrada proibida a menores de idade
this ticket admits two, este ingresso vlido para duas pessoas
I must admit that ... devo admitir or reconhecer que ... admit of admitir VT
admit to confessar VT
admittance [dmtns]
N entrada ``no admittance ``entrada proibida
admittedly [dmtdl]
ADV evidentemente
admonish [dmn]
VT admoestar
ad nauseam [dnsm]
ADV sem parar
ado [du]
N without further or (any) more ado, sem mais cerimnias
adolescence [dulsns]
N adolescncia
adolescent [dulsnt]
ADJ N adolescente M, F
adopt [dpt]
VT adotar
adopted [dptd]
ADJ adotivo
adoption [dpn]
N adoo F
adoptive [dptv]
ADJ adotivo
adorable [drbl]
ADJ encantador* (encantadora)
adoration [dren]
N adorao F
adore [d*]
VT adorar
adoring [dr]
ADJ devotado
adoringly [drl]
ADV com adorao
adorn [dn]
VT adornar, enfeitar
adornment [dnmnt]
N enfeite M, adorno
N ABBR automatic data processing
adrenalin [drnln]
N adrenalina
Adriatic [edrtk] Adriatic Sea
N (mar m) Adritico
adrift [drft]
ADV deriva to come adrift, desprender-se
adroit [drt]
ADJ hbil
ABBR Atlantic Daylight Time, hora de vero de Nova Iorque.
adult [dlt]
N adulto* (adulta) ADJ 1. adulto 2. (literature, education) para adultos
adult education
N educao F para adultos
adulterate [dltret]
VT adulterar
adulterer [dltr*]
N adltero
adulteress [dltrs]
N adltera
adultery [dltr]
N adultrio
adulthood [dlthud]
N idade F adulta
advance [dvns]
N 1. avano 2. (money) (payment in advance) adiantamento (loan) emprstimo 3.
(MIL) avanada ADJ antecipado VT 1. (develop) desenvolver, promover 2. (money)
adiantar VI 1. (move forward) avanar 2. (progress) progredir in advance, com
to make advances to sb (gen) fazer propostas a algum (amorously) fazer
propostas amorosas a algum
advanced [dvnst]
ADJ 1. avanado 2. (studies, country) adiantado advanced in years, de idade
advancement [dvnsmnt]
N 1. (improvement) progresso 2. (in rank) promoo F
advance notice
N aviso prvio
advantage [dvntd]
N 1. vantagem F 2. (supremacy) supremacia 3. (advantage) benefcio 4. (TENNIS) o
primeiro ponto marcado depos do empate de 40 iguas to take advantage of
(use) aproveitar, aproveitar-se de (gain by) tirar proveito de
its to our advantage (to do) vantajoso para ns (fazer)
advantageous [dvnteds]
ADJ advantageous (to) vantajoso (para)
advent [dvnt]
N advento, chegada Advent (REL) Advento
Advent calendar
N calendrio do Advento
adventure [dvnt*]
N aventura
adventurer [dvntr*]
N aventureiro* (aventureira)
adventurous [dvntrs]
ADJ aventureiro
adverb [dvb]
N advrbio
adversary [dvsr]
N adversrio* (adversria)
adverse [dvs]
ADJ 1. (effect) contrrio 2. (weather, publicity) desfavorvel adverse to, contrrio a
adversity [dvst]
N adversidade F
advert [dvt] (BRIT)
N ABBR advertisement
advertise [dvtaz]
VI 1. anunciar, fazer propaganda 2. (in newspaper etc) anunciar VT 1. (event, job)
anunciar 2. (product) fazer a propaganda de to advertise for (staff) procurar
advertisement [dvtsmnt]
N 1. (classified) anncio 2. (display, TV) propaganda, anncio
advertiser [dvtaz*]
N anunciante M, F
advertising [dvtaz]
N publicidade F
advertising agency
N agncia de publicidade
advertising campaign
N campanha publicitria
advice [dvas]
N 1. conselhos MPL 2. (notification) aviso piece of advice, conselho
to ask (sb) for advice, pedir conselho (a algum)
to take legal advice, consultar um advogado
advice note (BRIT)
N aviso
advisable [dvazbl]
ADJ aconselhvel
advise [dvaz]
VT 1. aconselhar 2. (inform) to advise sb of sth, avisar algum de algo to advise
sb against sth, desaconselhar algo a algum
to advise sb against doing sth, aconselhar algum a no fazer algo
you would be well/ill advised to go, seria melhor voc ir/voc no ir
advisedly [dvazdl]
ADV de propsito
adviser [dvaz*]
N 1. conselheiro* (conselheira) 2. (consultant) consultor* M (F consultora) 3.
(political) assessor* M (F assessora)
advisor [avaz*]
advisory [dvazr]
ADJ consultivo in an advisory capacity, na qualidade de assessor* or consultor*
(na qualidade de assessora or consultora)
VT [dvket] 1. defender 2. (recommend) advogar N [dvkt] 1. advogado*
(advogada) 2. (supporter) defensor* M (F defensora)
ABBR advertisement
N ABBR Atomic Energy Authority, CNEN F
N ABBR Atomic Energy Commission, CNEN F
Aegean [idin]
N the Aegean (Sea) Egeu (o mar)
aegis [ids]
N under the aegis of, sob a gide de
aeon [in]
N eternidade F
aerial [rl]
N antena ADJ areo
aerobatics [rubtks]
NPL acrobacias FPL areas
aerobics [rubks]
N ginstica
aerodrome [rdrum] (BRIT)
N aerdromo
aerodynamic [rudanmk]
ADJ aerodinmico
aerodynamics [rudanmks]
N NPL aerodinmica
aeronautics [rntks]
N aeronutica
aeroplane [rplen] (BRIT)
N avio M
aerosol [rsl]
N aerossol M
aerospace industry [ruspes-]
N indstria aeroespacial
aesthetic [istk]
ADJ esttico
aesthetics [istks]
N NPL esttica
N ABBR Amalgamated Engineering Union, sindicato dos operrios tcnicos
afar [f*]
ADV from afar, de longe
N ABBR Air Force Base
N ABBR Aid to Families with Dependent Children, auxlio-famlia M
affable [fbl]
ADJ 1. afvel 2. (behaviour) simptico
affair [f*]
N 1. (matter) assunte 2. (business) negcio 3. (question) questo F 4. love affair, caso
affairs (matters) assuntos MPL (personal concerns) vida
that is my affair, isso comigo
the Watergate affair, o caso Watergate
affect [fkt]
VT 1. afetar 2. (move) comover
affectation [fkten]
N afetao F
affected [fktd]
ADJ afetado
affection [fkn]
N afeto, afeio F
affectionate [fknt]
ADJ afetuoso, carinhoso
affectionately [fkntl]
ADV carinhosamente
affidavit [fdevt]
N (LAW) declarao F escrita e juramentada
affiliated [fletd]
ADJ affiliated (to) afiliado (a) affiliated company, filial F
affinity [fnt]
N afinidade F to have an affinity with (rapport) ter afinidade com (resemblance) ter
semelhanca com
affirm [fm]
VT afirmar
affirmation [fmen]
N afirmao F
affirmative [fmtv]
ADJ afirmativo N in the affirmative, afirmativamente
affix [fks]
VT 1. (signature) apor 2. (stamp) colar
afflict [flkt]
VT afligir to be afflicted with, sofrer de
affliction [flkn]
N 1. aflio F 2. (illness) doena
affluence [fluns]
N riqueza
affluent [flunt]
ADJ rico the affluent society, a sociedade de abundncia
afford [fd]
VT 1. (provide) fornecer 2. (goods etc) ter dinheiro suficiente para 3. (permit o.s.) I
cant afford the time, no tenho tempo can we afford a car? temos dinheiro
para comprar um carro?
we can afford to wait, podemos permitir-nos esperar
affray [fre] (BRIT)
N (LAW) desordem F, tumulto
affront [frnt]
N ofensa
affronted [frntd]
ADJ afrontado, ofendido
Afghan [fn]
ADJ N afego* M (F afeg)
Afghanistan [fnstn]
N Afeganisto M
afield [fild]
ADV far afield, muito longe
N ABBR American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations,
confederao sindical
afloat [flut]
ADV 1. (floating) flutuando 2. (at sea) no mar to stay afloat, continuar flutuando
to keep/get afloat (business) manter financeiramente equilibrado/estabelecer
afoot [fut]
ADV there is something afoot, est acontecendo algo
aforementioned [fmnnd]
ADJ acima mencionado
aforesaid [fsd]
ADJ supracitado, referido
afraid [fred]
ADJ 1. (frightened) assustado 2. (fearful) receoso to be afraid of/to, ter medo de
I am afraid that, lamento que
Im afraid so/not, receio que sim/no
afresh [fr]
ADV de novo
Africa [frk]
N frica
African [frkn]
ADJ N africano* (africana)
Afrikaans [frkns]
N (LING) afrikaan M
Afrikaner [frkn*]
N africnder M, F
Afro-American [fru-]
ADJ afro-americano
aft [ft]
ADV a r
N ABBR American Federation of Teachers, sindicato dos professores
after [ft*]
PREP (time) depois de ADV depois CONJ depois que after dinner, depois do jantar
the day after tomorrow, depois de amanh
day after day, dia aps dia
time after time, repetidas vezes
a quarter after two US (US) duas e quinze
what are you after? o que voc quer?
who are you after? quem procura?
after he left done, depois que ele se foi
after having done, tendo feito
the police are after him, a polcia est atrs dele
to ask after sb, perguntar por algum
after all, afinal (de contas)
after you! passe primeiro!
afterbirth [ftb]
N placenta
aftercare [ftk*] (BRIT)
N (MED) assistncia ps-operatria
NPL (of illness etc) efeitos MPL secundrios
afterlife [ftlaf]
N vida aps a morte
aftermath [ftm]
N conseqncias FPL in the aftermath of, no perodo depois de
afternoon [ftnun]
N tarde F good afternoon! boa tarde!
afters [ftz] (BRIT inf)
N (dessert) sobremesa
after-sales service (BRIT)
N 1. servio ps-vendas 2. (of computers etc) assistncia tcnica
after-shave , after-shave lotion
N loo F aps-barba
aftershock [ftk]
N abalo secundrio
afterthought [ftt]
N reflexo F posterior or tardia
afterwards [ftwdz]
ADV depois immediately afterwards, logo depois
again [n]
ADV 1. (once more) outra vez 2. (repeatedly) de novo to do sth again, voltar a fazer
again and again, repetidas vezes
now and again, de vez em quando
against [nst]
PREP 1. contra 2. (compared to) em contraste com against a blue background,
sobre um fundo azul
(as) against BRIT (BRIT) em contraste com
age [ed]
N 1. idade F 2. (old age) velhice F 3. (period) poca VT VI envelhecer hes 20 years
of age, ele tem 20 anos de idade
at the age of 20 aos 20 anos de idade
under age, menor de idade
to come of age, atingir a maioridade
its been ages since I saw him, faz muito tempo que eu no o vejo
ADJ aged 10 de 10 anos de idade
ADJ idoso NPL the aged, os idosos
age group
N faixa etria the 40 to 50 age group, a faixa etria dos 40 aos 50 anos
ageless [edls]
ADJ 1. (eternal) eterno 2. (ever young) sempre jovem
age limit
N idade F mnima/mxima
agency [edns]
N 1. agncia 2. (government body) rgo M through or by the agency of, por meio
agenda [dnd]
N ordem F do dia
agent [ednt]
N 1. agente M, F 2. (spy) agente M secreto* (F agente secreta)
aggravate [rvet]
VT 1. agravar 2. (annoy) irritar
aggravation [rven]
N irritao F
aggregate [rt]
N (whole) conjunto on aggregate (SPORT) no total dos pontos
aggression [rn]
N agresso F
aggressive [rsv]
ADJ agressivo
aggressiveness [rsvns]
N agressividade F
aggrieved [rivd]
ADJ aflito
aghast [st]
ADJ horrorizado
agile [dal]
ADJ gil
agitate [dtet]
VT 1. agitar 2. (trouble) perturbar VI to agitate for/against, fazer agitao a favor
de/contra de
agitation [dten]
N agitao F
agitator [dtet*]
N agitador(a) M F
N ABBR annual general meeting, AGO F
agnostic [nstk]
N agnstico
ago [u]
ADV 2 days ago, h 2 dias (atrs) not long ago, h pouco tempo
as long ago as 1960 j em 1960
how long ago? h quanto tempo?
agog []
ADJ 1. (eager) vido 2. (impatient) agog to, ansioso para 3. (excited) (all) agog,
agonize [naz]
VI to agonize over sth, agoniar-se or angustiar-se com algo
agonizing [naz]
ADJ 1. (pain) agudo 2. (wait) angustiante
agony [n]
N 1. (pain) dor F 2. (distress) angstia to be in agony, sofrer dores terrveis
agony column
N correspondncia sentimental
agree [ri]
VT (price, date) combinar VI 1. concordar 2. (correspond) corresponder 3. (statements
etc) combinar to agree (with) (person, LING) concordar (com)
to agree to do, aceitar fazer
to agree to do, aceitar fazer
to agree to sth, consentir algo
to agree that (admit) concordar or admitir que
it was agreed that ... foi combinado que ...
they agree on this, concordam or esto de acordo nisso
garlic doesnt agree with me, no me dou bem com o alho
agreeable [ribl]
ADJ 1. agradvel 2. (willing) disposto are you agreeable to this? voc concorda or
est de acordo com isso?
agreed [rid]
ADJ (time, place) combinado to be agreed, concordar, estar de acordo
agreement [rimnt]
N 1. acordo 2. (COMM) contrato in agreement, de acordo
by mutual agreement, de comum acordo
agricultural [rkltrl]
ADJ 1. (of crops) agrcola 2. (of crops and cattle) agropecurio
agriculture [rklt*]
N 1. (of crops) agricultura 2. (of crops and cattle) agropecuria
aground [raund]
ADV to run aground, encalhar
ahead [hd]
ADV adiante go right or straight ahead, siga em frente
go ahead! (fig) v em frente! (speak) pode falar!
ahead of, na frente de (fig) (schedule etc) antes de
ahead of time, antes do tempo
to go ahead (with) prosseguir (com)
to be ahead of sb (fig) ter vantagem sobre algum
N ABBR 1. Amnesty International 2. (COMPUT) artificial intelligence
N ABBR Accident Investigation Bureau, comisso de inqurito sobre acidentes.
N ABBR 1. artificial insemination by donor 2. (US) Agency for International
aid [ed]
N ajuda VT ajudar with the aid of, com a ajuda de
in aid of, em benefcio de
to aid and abet (LAW) ser cmplice de hearing
aide [ed]
N (person) assessor(a) M F
AIDS [edz]
N ABBR acquired immune deficiency syndrome, AIDS F (BR) SIDA F (PT)
N ABBR artificial insemination by husband
ailing [e]
ADJ enfermo
ailment [elmnt]
N achaque M
aim [em]
VT to aim sth (at) (gun, camera, blow) apontar algo (para) (missile, remark) dirigir
algo (a) VI take aim, apontar N 1. (skill) pontaria 2. (objective) objetivo, meta to
aim at (with weapon) mirar
to aim to do, pretender fazer
aimless [emls]
ADJ sem objetivo
aimlessly [emlsl]
ADV toa
aint [ent] (inf)
am not, arent, isnt
air [*]
N 1. ar M 2. (appearance) aparncia, aspeto VT 1. arejar 2. (grievances, ideas) discutir
CPD (currents, attack etc) areo to throw sth into the air, jogar algo para cima
by air (travel) de avio (send) por via area
to be on the air (RADIO TV) (programme, station) estar no ar
air base
N base F area
air bed [bd] (BRIT)
N colcho M de ar
airborne [bn]
ADJ 1. (in the air) no ar 2. (plane) em vo 3. (troops) aerotransportado
air cargo
N frete M areo
air-conditioned [-kndnd]
ADJ com ar condicionado
air conditioning [-kndn]
N ar condicionado
air-cooled [-kuld]
ADJ refrigerado a ar
aircraft [krft]
N INV aeronave F
aircraft carrier
N porta-avies M INV
air cushion
N almofada de ar
airfield [fild]
N campo de aviao
Air Force
N Fora Area, Aeronutica
air freight
N frete M areo
air freshener [-frn*]
N perfumador M de ar
air gun [n]
N espingarda de ar comprimido
air hostess (BRIT)
N aeromoa (BR) hospedeira (PT)
airily [rl]
ADV levianamente
airing [r]
N to give an airing to, arejar (fig) (ideas, views) discutir
air letter (BRIT)
N aerograma M
airlift [lft]
N ponte area
airline [lan]
N linha area
airliner [lan*]
N avio M de passageiros
airlock [lk]
N (blockage) entupimento de ar
airmail [mel]
N by airmail, por via area
air mattress
N colcho M de ar
airplane [plen] (US)
N avio M
air pocket
N bolsa de ar
airport [pt]
N aeroporto
air raid
N ataque M areo
airsick [sk]
ADJ to be airsick, enjoar-se (no avio)
airspace [speus]
N espao areo
airstrip [strp]
N pista (de aterrissar)
air terminal
N terminal M areo
airtight [tat]
ADJ hermtico
air traffic control
N controle M de trfego areo
air traffic controller
N controlador* M de trfego areo (F controladora)
air waybill
N conhecimento areo
airy [r]
ADJ 1. (room) arejado 2. (manner) leviano
aisle [al]
N 1. (of church) nave F 2. (of theatre etc) corredor M, coxia
ajar [d*]
ADJ entreaberto
ABBR (POST) Alaska
ABBR also known as, vulgo
akin [kn]
ADJ akin to, parecido com
ABBR (POST) Alabama
N ABBR American Library Association
la carte [lkt]
ADJ ADV la carte
alacrity [lkrt]
N alacridade F with alacrity, prontamente
alarm [lm]
N 1. alarme M 2. (anxiety) inquietao F VT alarmar, inquietar
alarm call
N (in hotel etc) sinal M de alarme
alarm clock
N despertador M
alarming [lm]
ADJ alarmante
alarmist [lmst]
ADJ N alarmista M, F
alas [ls]
EXCL ai, ai de mim
Alaska [lsk]
N Alasca M
Albania [lben]
N Albnia
Albanian [lbenn]
ADJ albans* (albanesa) N 1. albans* M (F albanesa) 2. (LING) albans M
albeit [lbit]
CONJ embora
album [lbm]
N 1. (for stamps etc) lbum M 2. (record) elep M
albumen [lbjumn]
N 1. albumina 2. (of egg) albume M
alchemy [lkm]
N alquimia
alcohol [lkhl]
N lcool M
alcoholic [lkhlk]
ADJ alcolico N alcolatra M, F
alcoholism [lkhlzm]
N alcoolismo
alcove [lkuv]
N alcova
ABBR alderman
alderman [ldmn]
N IRREG vereador M
ale [el]
N cerveja
alert [lt]
ADJ 1. atento 2. (to danger, opportunity) alerta 3. (sharp) esperto 4. (watchful) vigilante
N alerta VT to alert sb (to sth) alertar algum (de or sobre algo) to be on the
alert, estar alerta (MIL) ficar de prontido
Aleutian Islands [lun-]
NPL ilhas FPL Aletas
Alexandria [lzndr]
N Alexandria
alfresco [lfrsku]
ADJ ADV ao ar livre
Algarve [lv]
N the Algarve, o Algarve
algebra [ldbr]
N lgebra
Algeria [ldr]
N Arglia
Algerian [ldrn]
ADJ N argelino* (argelina)
Algiers [ldz]
N Argel
algorithm [lrm]
N algoritmo
alias [els]
ADV tambm chamado N 1. (of criminal) alcunha 2. (of writer) pseudnimo
alibi [lba]
N libi M
alien [eln]
N 1. estrangeiro* (estrangeira) 2. (from space) aliengena M, F ADJ alien to, alheio a
alienate [elnet]
VT alienar
alienation [elnen]
N alienao F
alight [lat]
ADJ 1. em chamas 2. (eyes) aceso 3. (expression) intento VI 1. (passenger) descer (de
um vecolo) 2. (bird) pousar
align [lan]
VT alinhar
alignment [lanmnt]
N alinhamento
alike [lak]
ADJ 1. semelhante 2. (identical) igual ADV 1. similamente 2. igualmente to look
alike, parecer-se
alimony [lmn]
N (payment) penso F alimentcia
alive [lav]
ADJ 1. vivo 2. (lively) alegre to be alive with, fervilhar de
alive to, sensvel a
alkali [lkla]
N lcali M
all [l]
ADJ (singular) todo* (toda) (plural) todos* (todas)
all day/night, o dia inteiro/a noite inteira
all men, todos os homens
all five came, todos os cinco vieram
all the books/food, todos os livros/toda a comida
all the time/his life, o tempo todo/toda a sua vida PRON 1. tudo
I ate it all, I ate all of it, comi tudo
all of us/the boys went, todos ns fomos/todos os meninos foram
we all sat down, ns todos sentamos
is that all? s isso? (in shop) mais alguma coisa? 2. (in phrases) above all,
after all, afinal (de contas)
not at all (in answer to question) em absoluto, absolutamente no
Im not at all tired, no estou nada cansado
anything at all will do, qualquer coisa serve
all in all, ao todo ADV todo, completamente
all alone, completamente s
its not as hard as all that, no to difcil assim
all the more, ainda mais
all the better, tanto melhor, melhor ainda
all but, quase
the score is 2 all, o escore 2 a 2
allay [le]
VT 1. (fears) acalmar 2. (pain) aliviar
all clear
N 1. sinal M de tudo limpo 2. (after air raid) sinal de fim de alerta area
allegation [len]
N alegao F
allege [ld]
VT alegar he is alleged to have said, afirma-se que ele disse
alleged [ldd]
ADJ pretenso
allegedly [lddl]
ADV segundo dizem
allegiance [lidns]
N lealdade F
allegory [lr]
N alegoria
all-embracing [-mbres]
ADJ universal
allergic [ldk]
ADJ allergic (to) alrgico (a)
allergy [ld]
N alergia
alleviate [livet]
VT 1. (pain) aliviar 2. (difficulty) minorar
alley [l]
N 1. (street) viela 2. (in garden) passeio
alliance [lans]
N aliana
allied [lad]
ADJ 1. aliado 2. (related) afim, aparentado
alligator [let*]
N 1. aligtor M 2. (in Brazil) jacar M
ADJ importantssimo
all-in (BRIT)
ADJ ADV (charge) tudo includo
all-in wrestling (BRIT)
N luta livre
alliteration [ltren]
N aliterao F
ADJ 1. (caf) aberto toda a noite 2. (party) que dura toda a noite
allocate [lket]
VT 1. (earmark) destinar 2. (share out) distribuir
allocation [lken]
N 1. (of money) repartio F 2. (distribution) distribuio F 3. (money) verbas FPL
allot [lt]
VT distribuir, repartir to allot to, designar para
in the allotted time, no tempo designado
allotment [ltmnt]
N 1. (share) partilha 2. (garden) lote M
ADJ 1. (effort etc) mximo 2. (attack etc) irrestrito ADV all out, com toda a fora
allow [lau]
VT 1. (practice, behaviour) permitir 2. (sum to spend etc) dar, conceder 3. (claim, goal)
admitir 4. (sum, time estimated) calcular 5. (concede) to allow that, reconhecer
que to allow sb to do, permitir a algum fazer
he is allowed to do, permitido que ele faa, ele pode fazer
smoking is not allowed, proibido fumar
we must allow 3 days for the journey, temos que calcular trs dias para a
viagem allow for levar em conta VT
allowance [launs]
N 1. ajada de custo 2. (welfare, payment) penso F, auxlio 3. (TAX) abatimento to
make allowances for, levar em considerao
alloy [l]
N liga
all right
ADV 1. (well) bem 2. (correctly) corretamente 3. (as answer) est bem!
ADJ 1. (view) geral, amplo 2. (person) consumado
all-rounder (BRIT)
N to be a good all-rounder, ser homem/mulher para tudo
allspice [lspas]
N pimenta da Jamaica
ADJ (record) de todos os tempos
allude [lud]
VI to allude to, aludir a
alluring [ljur]
ADJ tentador* (tentadora)
allusion [lun]
N aluso F
alluvium [luvm]
N aluvio M
N [la] aliado VT [la] to ally o.s. with, aliar-se com
almighty [lmat]
ADJ 1. onipotente 2. (row etc) a maior
almond [mnd]
N 1. (fruit) amndoa 2. (tree) amendoeira
almost [lmust]
ADV quase
alms [mz]
NPL esmolas FPL, esmola
aloft [lft]
ADV em cima
alone [lun]
ADJ s, sozinho ADV s, somente to leave sb alone, deixar algum em paz
to leave sth alone, no tocar em algo
let alone ... sem falar em ...
along [l]
PREP por, ao longo de ADV is he coming along? ele vem conosco? he was
hopping/limping along, ele/ia pulando/coxeando
along with, junto com
all along (all the time) o tempo tudo
alongside [lsad]
PREP ao lado de ADV (NAUT) encostado
aloof [luf]
ADJ afastado, altivo ADV to stand aloof, afastar-se
aloofness [lufns]
N afastamento, altivez F
aloud [laud]
ADV em voz alta
alphabet [lfbt]
N alfabeto
alphabetical [lfbtkl]
ADJ alfabtico in alphabetical order, em ordem alfabtica
alphanumeric [lfnjumrk]
ADJ alfanumrico
alpine [lpan]
ADJ alpino
Alps [lps]
NPL the Alps, os Alpes
already [lrd]
alright [lrat] (BRIT)
ADV all right
Alsatian [lsen] (BRIT)
N (dog) pastor M alemo
also [lsu]
ADV 1. tambm 2. (moreover) alm disso
altar [lt*]
N altar M
alter [lt*]
VT alterar VI modificar-se
alteration [ltren]
N 1. (to plan) mudana 2. (to clothe) conserto 3. (to build) reforma timetable
subject to alteration, horrio sujeito a mudanas
ADJ [ltnt] 1. alternado 2. (US: alternative) alternativo VI [ltnet] to alternate
with, alternar-se (com) on alternate days, em dias alternados
alternately [ltntl]
ADV alternadamente
alternating [ltnet]
ADJ alternating current, corrente F alternada
alternative [ltntv]
ADJ alternativo N alternativa
alternatively [ltntvl]
ADV alternatively one could ... por outro lado se podia ...
alternator [ltnet*]
N (AUT) alternador M
although [lu]
CONJ 1. embora 2. (given that) se bem que
altitude [lttjud]
N altitude F
alto [ltu]
N 1. (female) contralto F 2. (male) alto
altogether [lt*]
ADV 1. (completely) totalmente 2. (on the whole) no total how much is that
altogether? qual a soma total?
altruistic [ltrustk]
ADJ 1. (person) altrusta 2. (behaviour) altrustico
aluminium [ljumnm] (BRIT)
N alumnio
aluminum [lumnm] (US)
N aluminium
always [lwez]
ADV sempre
am [m]
VB be
ABBR amplitude modulation
ADV ABBR ante meridiem, da manh
N ABBR American Medical Association
amalgam [mlm]
N amlgama M
amalgamate [mlmet]
VI amalgamar-se VT amalgamar, unir
amalgamation [mlmen]
N (COMM) amalgamao F, unio F
amass [ms]
VT acumular
amateur [mt*]
ADJ N amador* M (F amadora)
amateur dramatics
N teatro amador
amateurish [mtr] (pej)
ADJ amador* (amadora)
amaze [mez]
VT pasmar to be amazed (at) espantar-se (de or com)
amazement [mezmnt]
N pasmo, espanto to my amazement, para o meu espanto
amazing [mez]
ADJ 1. (surprising) surpreendente 2. (fantastic) fantstico 3. (incredible) incrvel
amazingly [mezl]
ADV 1. (surprisingly) surpreendentemente 2. (incredibly) incrivelmente
Amazon [mzn]
N 1. (GEO) Amazonas M 2. (MYTHOLOGY) amazona F CPD amaznico, do
Amazonas the Amazon basin, a bacia amaznica
the Amazon jungle, a selva amaznica
Amazonian [mzeunn]
ADJ 1. (of river, region) amaznico 2. (of state) amazonense N amazonense M, F
ambassador [mbsd*]
N embaixador/embaixatriz M, F
amber [mb*]
N mbar M at amber (BRIT AUT) em amarelo
ambidextrous [mbdkstrs]
ADJ ambidestro
ambience [mbns]
N ambiente M
ambiguity [mbjut]
N ambigidade F
ambiguous [mbjus]
ADJ ambguo
ambition [mbn]
N ambio F
ambitious [mbs]
ADJ 1. ambicioso 2. (plan) grandioso
ambivalent [mbvlnt]
ADJ 1. ambivalente 2. (pej) equvoco
amble [mbl]
VI amble along, andar a furta-passo
ambulance [mbjulns]
N ambulncia
ambush [mbu]
N emboscada VT emboscar
ameba [mib] (US)
N amoeba
ameliorate [milret]
VT melhorar
amen [mn]
EXCL amm
amenable [minbl]
ADJ amenable to (advice etc) receptivo a
amend [mnd]
VT 1. (law, text) emendar 2. (habits) corrigir
amendment [mndmnt]
N 1. (to law etc) emenda 2. (text) correo F
amends [mndz]
N to make amends, compensar to make amends to sb for sth, compensar
algum por algo
amenity [mint]
N amenidade F amenities (features, facilities) atraes FPL, comodidades FPL NPL
America [mrk]
N 1. (continent) Amrica 2. (USA) Estados Unidos MPL
American [mrkn]
ADJ 1. americano 2. (from USA) norte-americano, estadunidense N 1. americano*
(americana) 2. (from USA) norte-americano* (norte-americana)
americanize [mrknaz]
VT americanizar
amethyst [mst]
N ametista
Amex [mks]
N ABBR American Stock Exchange
amiable [embl]
ADJ amvel
amicable [mkbl]
ADJ 1. amigvel 2. (person) amigo
amid [md] amidst, mdst
PREP em meio a
amiss [ms]
ADV to take sth amiss, levar algo a mal theres something amiss, a tem coisa
ammo [mu] (inf)
N ABBR ammunition
ammonia [mun]
N 1. (gas) amonaco 2. (liquid) amnia
ammunition [mjunn]
N 1. munio F 2. (fig) argumentos MPL
ammunition dump
N depsito de munies
amnesia [mniz]
N amnsia
amnesty [mnst]
N anistia to grant an amnesty to, anistiar
amoeba [mib] ameba (US)
N ameba
ameba [mib] (US)
N amoeba
amok [mk]
ADV to run amok, enlouquecer
among [m] amongst, mst
PREP entre, no meio de
amoral [mrl]
ADJ amoral
amorous [mrs]
ADJ 1. amoroso 2. (in love) apaixonado, enamorado
amorphous [mfs]
ADJ amorfo
amortization [mtazen]
N amortizao F
amount [maunt]
N 1. quantidade F 2. (of money etc) quantia, importncia, montante M VI to amount to
(reach) chegar a (total) montar a (be same as) equivaler a, significar this
amounts to a refusal, isto equivale a uma recusa
the total amount (of money) o total
amp [mp] ampre, mp*
N ampre M a 13 amp plug, um pino de tomada de 13 ampres
ampersand [mpsnd]
N ``e M comercial
amphibian [mfbn]
N anfbio
amphibious [mfbs]
ADJ anfbio
amphitheatre [mft*] amphitheater (US)
N anfiteatro
ample [mpl]
ADJ 1. amplo 2. (abundant) abundante 3. (enough) suficiente this is ample, isso
mais do que suficiente
to have ample time/room, ter tempo/lugar de sobra
amplifier [mplfa*]
N amplificador M
amplify [mplfa]
VT amplificar
amply [mpl]
ADV amplamente
ampoule [mpul] ampule (US)
N (MED) ampola
amputate [mpjutet]
VT amputar
Amsterdam [mstdm]
N Amsterd (BR) Amsterdo (PT)
ABBR amount
amuck [mk]
ADV amok
amuse [mjuz]
VT 1. divertir 2. (distract) distrair to amuse o.s. with sth/by doing sth, divertir-se
com algo/em fazer algo
to be amused at, achar graa em
he was not amused, ele ficou sem graa
amusement [mjuzmnt]
N 1. diverso F, diverso F 2. (pleasure) divertimento 3. (pastime) passatempo 4.
(laughter) riso much to my amusement, para grande diverso minha
amusement arcade
N fliperama M
amusing [mjuz]
ADJ divertido
an [n] [n] [n]
N ABBR American Newspaper Association, American Nurses Association
anachronism [nkrnzm]
N anacronismo
anaemia [nim] anemia (US)
N anemia
anemia [nim] (US)
N anaemia
anaemic [nimk] anemic (US)
ADJ anmico
anemic [nimk] (US)
ADJ anaemic
anaesthetic [nstk] anesthetic (US)
ADJ N anestsico under anaesthetic, sob anestesia
local/general anaesthetic, anestesia local/geral
anaesthetist [nistst] anesthetist (US)
N anestesista M, F
anagram [nrm]
N anagrama M
analgesic [nldisk]
ADJ anaalgsica N analgsico
analog , analogue [nl]
ADJ (watch, computer) analgico
analogy [nld]
N analogia to draw or make an analogy between, fazer uma analogia entre
analyse [nlaz] analyze (US)
VT analizar
analyses [nlsiz]
NPL (of analysis)
analysis [nlss] (PL analyses )
N anlise F in the last or final analysis, em ltima anlise
analyst [nlst]
N 1. analista M, F 2. (psychoanalyst) psicanalista M, F
analytic [nltk] analytical, nltkl
ADJ analtico
analyze [nlaz] (US)
VT analyse
anarchic [nkk]
ADJ anrquico
anarchist [nkst]
ADJ N anarquista M, F
anarchy [nk]
N anarquia
anathema [nm]
N it is anathema to him, ele tem horror disso
anatomical [ntmkl]
ADJ anatmico
anatomy [ntm]
N anatomia
N ABBR African National Congress, CNA M
ancestor [nsst*]
N antepassado
ancestral [nsstrl]
ADJ ancestral
ancestry [nsstr]
N ascendncia, ancestrais MPL
anchor [k*]
N ncora VI to drop anchor, ancorar, fundear VT 1. (boat) ancorar 2. (fig) to anchor
sth to, firmar algo em to weigh anchor, levantar ncoras
to drop anchor, fundear
anchorage [krd]
N ancoradouro
anchovy [ntv]
N enchova
ancient [ennt]
ADJ 1. antigo 2. (person, car) velho ancient monument, monumento antigo
ancillary [nslr]
ADJ auxiliar
and [nd]
CONJ e and so on, e assim por diante
try and come, tente vir
he talked and talked, ele falou sem parar
better and better, cada vez melhor
Andes [ndiz]
NPL the Andes, os Andes
anecdote [nkdut]
N anedota
anemia [nim] (US)
N anaemia
anaemia [nim] anemia (US)
N anemia
anemic [nimk] (US)
ADJ anaemic
anemone [nmn]
N (BOT) anmona
anesthetic [nstk] (US)
ADJ N anaesthetic
anesthetist [nistst] (US)
N anaesthetist
anew [nju]
ADV de novo
angel [endl]
N anjo
anger [*]
N raiva VT zangar
angina [ndan]
N angina (de peito)
angle [l]
N ngulo from their angle, do ponto de vista deles VI to angle for (fish,
compliments) pescar
angler [l*]
N pescador* M de vara BR or linha PT (F pescadora)
Anglican [lkn]
ADJ N anglicano* (anglicana)
anglicize [lsaz]
VT anglicizar
angling [l]
N pesca vara BR or linha PT
Anglo- [lu]
PREFIX anglo-
ADJ anglo-brasileiro
ADJ anglo-portugus* (anglo-portuguesa)
Anglo-Saxon [-sksn]
ADJ anglo-saxo* (anglo-saxni(c)a) N 1. anglo-saxo* M (F anglo-saxni(c)a) 2.
(LING) anglo-saxo M
Angola [ul]
N Angola (no article)
Angolan [uln]
ADJ N angolano* (angolana)
angrily [rl]
ADV com raiva
angry [r]
ADJ zangado to be angry with sb/at sth, estar zangado com algum/algo
to get angry, zangar-se
to make sb angry, zangar algum
anguish [w]
N 1. (physical) dor F, sofrimento 2. (mental) angstia
angular [jul*]
ADJ 1. (shape) angular 2. (features) anguloso
animal [nml]
N animal M, bicho ADJ animal
animal spirits
NPL vivacidade F
ADJ [nmt] animado VT [nmet] animar
animated [nmetd]
ADJ animado
animation [nmen]
N animao F
animosity [nmst]
N animosidade F
aniseed [nsid]
N erva-doce F, anis F
Ankara [kr]
N Ancara
ankle [kl]
N tornozelo
ankle sock
N soquete F
N [nks] (also BRIT: annexe) (building) anexo VT [nks] anexar
annexe [nks] (BRIT)
N annex
annexation [nksen]
N anexao F
annihilate [nalet]
VT aniquilar
anniversary [nvsr]
N aniversrio
annotate [nutet]
VT anotar
announce [nauns]
VT anunciar he announced that he wasnt going, ele declarou que no iria
announcement [naunsmnt]
N 1. anncio 2. (official) comunicao F 3. (in letter etc) aviso to make an
announcement, anunciar alguma coisa
announcer [nauns*]
N (RADIO TV) locutor* M (F locutora)
annoy [n]
VT aborrecer to be annoyed (at sth/with sb) aborrecer-se (com algo/algum)
dont get annoyed! no se aborrea!
annoyance [nns]
N 1. aborrecimento 2. (thing) molstia
annoying [n]
ADJ 1. irritante 2. (person) importuno
annual [njul]
ADJ anual N 1. (BOT) anual F 2. (book) anurio
annual general meeting (BRIT)
N assemblia geral ordinria
annually [njul]
ADV anualmente
annual report
N relatrio anual
annuity [njut]
N anuidade F or renda anual life annuity, renda vitalcia
annul [nl]
VT 1. anular 2. (law) revogar
annulment [nlmnt]
N 1. anulao F 2. (of law) revogao F
annum [nm]
N per
Annunciation [nnsen]
N Anunciao F
anode [nud]
N anodo
anoint [nnt]
VT ungir
anomalous [nmls]
ADJ anmalo
anomaly [nml]
N anomalia
anon [nn]
ADV daqui a pouco
anon. [nn]
ABBR anonymous
anonymity [nnmt]
N anonimato
anonymous [nnms]
ADJ annimo to remain anonymous, ficar no anonimato
anorak [nrk]
N anoraque M (BR) anorak M (PT)
anorexia [nrks]
N anorexia nervosa (MED) anorexia
another [n*]
ADJ another book (one more) outro livro, mais um livro (a different one) um outro
livro, um livro diferente PRON outro another drink? outra bebida? mais uma
in another 5 years, daqui a 5 anos one
N ABBR American National Standards Institute, instituto de padres
answer [ns*]
N 1. resposta 2. (to problem) soluo F VI responder VT 1. (reply to) responder a 2.
(problem) resolver in answer to your letter, em resposta or respondendo sua
to answer the phone, atender o telefone
to answer the bell or the door, atender porta answer back replicar, retrucar
VI answer for responder por, responsabilizar-se por VT answer to 1.
(description) corresponder a 2. (needs) satisfazer VT
answerable [nsrbl]
ADJ answerable (to sb/for sth) responsvel (perante algum/por algo) I am
answerable to no-one, no tenho que dar satisfaes a ningum
answering machine [nsr-]
N secretria eletrnica
ant [nt]
N formiga
N ABBR American National Theater and Academy
antacid [ntsd]
ADJ anticido
antagonism [ntnzm]
N antagonismo
antagonist [ntnst]
N antagonista M, F, adversrio* (adversria)
antagonistic [ntnstk]
ADJ 1. antagnico, hostil 2. (opposed) oposto, contrrio
antagonize [ntnaz]
VT contrariar, hostilizar
Antarctic [ntktk]
ADJ antrtico N the Antarctic, o Antrtico
Antarctica [ntktk]
N Antrtica
Antarctic Circle
N Crculo Polar Antrtico
Antarctic Ocean
N oceano Antrtico
ante [nt]
N to up the ante, apostar mais alto
ante... [nt]
PREFIX ante... pr...
anteater [ntit*]
N tamandu M
antecedent [ntsidnt]
N antecedente M
antechamber [nttemb*]
N antecmara
antelope [ntlup]
N antlope M
antenatal [ntnetl]
ADJ pr-natal
antenatal clinic
N clnica pr-natal
antenna [ntn] (PL antennae )
N antena
antennae [ntni]
NPL (of antenna)
anthem [nm]
N motete M national anthem, hino nacional
ant hill
N formigueiro
anthology [nld]
N antologia
anthropologist [nrpldst]
N antropologista M, F, antroplogo* (antroploga)
anthropology [nrpld]
N antropologia
anti... [nt]
PREFIX anti...
ADJ antiareo
anti-aircraft defence
N defesa antiarea
anti-ballistic missile [ntblstk-]
N mssil M antimssil
antibiotic [ntbatk]
ADJ N antibitico
antibody [ntbd]
N anticorpo
anticipate [ntspet]
VT 1. (foresee) prever 2. (expect) esperar 3. (forestall) antecipar 4. (look forward to)
aguardar, esperar this is worse than I anticipated, isso pior do que eu
as anticipated, como previsto
anticipation [ntspen]
N 1. (expectation) expectativa 2. (eagerness) entusiasmo thanking you in
anticipation, antecipadamente grato(s) agradeo (or agradecemos)
antecipadamente a ateno de V.S

anticlimax [ntklamks]
N desapontamento
anticlockwise [ntklkwaz] (BRIT)
ADV em sentido anti-horrio
antics [ntks]
NPL 1. bobices FPL 2. (of child) travessuras FPL
anticyclone [ntsaklun]
N anticiclone M
antidote [ntdut]
N antdoto
antifreeze [ntfriz]
N anticongelante M
N antiglobalizao M antiglobalization protesters, manifestantes antiglobalizao
antihistamine [nthstmin]
N anti-histamnico
Antilles [ntliz]
NPL the Antilles, as Antilhas
antipathy [ntp]
N antipatia
Antipodean [ntpdin]
ADJ australiano e neozelands
Antipodes [ntpdiz]
NPL the Antipodes, a Austrlia e a Nova Zelndia
antiquarian [ntkwrn]
ADJ antiquarian bookshop, livraria de livros usados, sebo (BR) N antiqurio*
antiquated [ntkwetd]
ADJ antiquado
antique [ntik]
N antiguidade F ADJ antigo
antique dealer
N antiqurio* (antiquria)
antique shop
N loja de antiguidades
antiquity [ntkwt]
N antiguidade F
anti-Semitic [-smtk]
ADJ 1. (person) anti-semita 2. (views, publications etc) anti-semtico
anti-Semitism [-smtzm]
N anti-semitismo
antiseptic [ntsptk]
ADJ N anti-sptico
antisocial [ntsul]
ADJ 1. insocivel 2. (against society) anti-social
antitank [nttk]
ADJ antitanque
antitheses [ntsiz]
NPL (of antithesis)
antithesis [ntss] (PL antitheses )
N anttese F
antitrust legislation [nttrst-]
N legislao F antitruste
antivirus [ntvars]
ADJ antivirus antivirus software, programa (de) antivrus
Antwerp [ntwp]
N Anturpia
anus [ens]
N nus M
anvil [nvl]
N bigorna
anxiety [zat]
N 1. (worry) inquietude F 2. (eagerness) nsia 3. (MED) ansiedade F anxiety to do,
nsia de fazer
anxious [ks]
ADJ 1. (worried) preocupado, apreensivo 2. (worrying) angustiante 3. (keen) ansioso
anxious to do/for sth, ansioso para fazer/por algo
to be anxious that, desejar que
Im very anxious about you, estou muito preocupado com voc
anxiously [ksl]
ADV ansiosamente
any [n]
ADJ 1. (in questions etc) algum* (alguma)
have you any butter/children? voc tem manteiga/filhos?
if there are any tickets left, se houver alguns bilhetes sobrando 2. (with
negative) nenhum* (nenhuma)
I havent any money/books, no tenho dinheiro/livros 3. (no matter which)
choose any book you like, escolha qualquer livro que quiser 4. (in phrases) in
any case, em todo o caso
any day now, qualquer dia desses
at any moment, a qualquer momento
at any rate, de qualquer modo
any time, a qualquer momento (whenever) quando quer que seja PRON 1. (in
questions etc) algum* (alguma)
have you got any? tem algum?
can any of you sing? algum de vocs sabe cantar? 2. (with negative) nenhum*
I havent any (of them) no tenho nenhum (deles) 3. (no matter which one(s))
take any of those books (you like) leve qualquer um desses livros (que voc
quiser) ADV 1. (in questions etc) algo
do you want any more soup/sandwiches? quer mais sopa/sanduches?
are you feeling any better? voc est se sentindo melhor? 2. (with negative)
I cant hear him any more, no consigo mais ouvi-lo
anybody [nbd]
PRON 1. qualquer um, qualquer pessoa 2. (in interrogative sentences) algum 3. (in
negative sentences) I dont see anybody, no vejo ningum
anyhow [nhau]
ADV 1. (at any rate) de qualquer modo, de qualquer maneira 2. (haphazard) de
qualquer jeito I shall go anyhow, eu irei de qualquer jeito
do it anyhow you like, de qualquer jeito
do it anyhow you like, faa do jeito que voc quiser
she leaves things just anyhow, ela deixa as coisas de qualquer maneira
anyone [nwn]
PRON 1. (in questions etc) algum 2. (with negative) ningum 3. (no matter who) quem
quer que seja can you see anyone? voc pode ver algum?
if anyone should phone ... se algum telefonar
I cant see anyone, no vejo ningum
anyone could do it, qualquer um* podeira fazer isso (qualquer uma)
I could teach anyone to do it, eu podeira ensimar qualquer um* a fazer isso (eu
podeira ensimar qualquer uma)
anyplace [nples] (US)
ADV 1. em qualquer parte 2. (negative sense) em parte nenhuma 3. (everywhere) em
or por toda a parte
anything [n]
PRON 1. (in questions etc) alguma coisa 2. (with negative) nada 3. (no matter what)
qualquer coisa can you see anything? voc pode ver alguma coisa?
if anything happens to me ... se alguma coisa me acontecer ...
I cant see anything, na posso ver nada
you can say anything you like, voc pode dizer o que quiser
anything will do, qualquer coisa serve
anytime [ntam]
ADV 1. (at any moment) a qualquer momento 2. (whenever) no importa quando
anyway [nwe]
ADV 1. (at any rate) de qualquer modo 2. (besides) alm disso I shall go anyway,
eu irei de qualquer jeito
anyway, I couldnt come even if I wanted to, alm disso, mesmo se eu
quisesse, no poderia vir
anywhere [nw*]
ADV 1. (in questions etc) em algum lugar 2. (with negative) em parte nenhuma 3. (no
matter where) no importa onde/onde quer que seja can you see him
anywhere? voc pode v-lo em algum lugar?
I cant see him anywhere, no o vejo em parte nenhuma
anywhere in the world, em qualquer lugar do mundo
put the books down anywhere, colegue os livros em qualquer lugar
Anzac [nzk]
N ABBR Australia-New Zealand Army Corps, soldado da tropa ANZAC
apart [pt]
ADV 1. parte, distncia 2. (separately) separado 10 miles apart, separados por
10 milhas
to take apart, desmembrar
they are living apart, esto separados
apart from, alm de, parte de
apartheid [ptet]
N apartheid M
apartment [ptmnt] (US)
N apartamento
apartment building (US)
N prdio or edifcio (de apartamentos)
apathetic [ptk]
ADJ aptico
apathy [p]
N apatia, indiferena
N ABBR all points bulletin, expresso usada pela polcia significando ``descubram e
prendam o suspeito
ape [ep]
N macaco VT macaquear, imitar
Apennines [pnanz]
NPL the Apennines, os Apeninos
aperitif [prtv]
N aperitivo
aperture [ptju*]
N 1. orifcio 2. (PHOT) abertura
APEX [epks]
N 1. (BRIT) Association of Professional, Executive, Clerical and Computer Staff,
sindicato de funcionrios comerciais 2. (AVIAT) advance passenger excursion,
apex [epks]
N pice M
aphid [efd]
N pulgo M
aphrodisiac [frudzk]
ADJ afrodisaco N afrodisaco
N ABBR American Press Institute
apiece [pis]
ADV 1. (for each person) cada um, por cabea 2. (for each item) cada
aplomb [plm]
N desenvoltura
N ABBR Army Post Office, servio postal do exrcito
apocalypse [pklps]
N apocalipse M
apolitical [epltkl]
ADJ apoltico
apologetic [pldtk]
ADJ cheio de desculpas
apologetically [pldtkl]
ADV 1. (say) desculpando-se 2. (smile) como quem pede desculpas
apologize [pldaz]
VI to apologize (for sth to sb) desculpar-se or pedir desculpas (por or de algo a
apology [pld]
N desculpas FPL please accept my apologies for ... peo desculpas por ...
to send ones apologies, apresentar desculpas
apoplectic [pplktk]
ADJ 1. (MED) apoplctico 2. (inf) apoplectic with rage, enraivecido
apoplexy [pplks]
N (MED) apoplexia
apostle [psl]
N apstolo
apostrophe [pstrf]
N apstrofo
appal [pl]
VT horrorizar
Appalachian Mountains [plen-]
NPL the Appalachian Mountains, os montes Apalaches
appalling [pl]
ADJ 1. (shocking) chocante 2. (awful) terrvel shes an appalling cook, ela uma
pssima cozinheira
apparatus [prets]
N 1. aparelho 2. (in gym) aparelhos MPL 3. (organization) aparato
apparel [prl] (US)
N vesturio, roupa
apparent [prnt]
ADJ 1. aparente 2. (obvious) claro, patente it is apparent that ... claro or evidente
que ...
apparently [prntl]
ADV aparentemente, pelo(s) visto(s)
apparition [prn]
N 1. apario F 2. (ghost) fantasma M
appeal [pil]
VI (LAW) apelar, recorrer N 1. (LAW) recurso, apelao F 2. (request) pedido 3. (plea)
splica 4. (charm) atrao F to appeal (to sb) for, suplicar (a algum)
to appeal to (subj) (person) suplicar a (be attractive to) atrair
to appeal to sb for mercy, pedir misericrdia a algum
it doesnt appeal to me, no me atrai
right of appeal, direito a recorrer or apelar
appealing [pil]
ADJ 1. (attractive) atraente 2. (touching) comovedor* (comovedora) comovente
appear [p*]
VI 1. (come into view) aparecer 2. (be present) comparecer 3. (LAW) apresentar-se,
comparecer 4. (publication) ser publicado 5. (seem) parecer it would appear
that ... pareceria que ...
to appear in Hamlet, trabalhar em Hamlet
to appear on TV (person, news item) sair na televiso (programme) passar na
appearance [prns]
N 1. (coming into view) aparecimento 2. (presence) comparecimento 3. (look, aspect)
aparncia to put in or make an appearance, comparecer
in order of appearance (THEATRE) por ordem de entrar em cena
to keep up appearances, manter as aparncias
to all appearances, ao que tudo indica
appease [piz]
VT 1. (pacify) apaziguar 2. (satisfy) satisfazer
appeasement [pizmnt]
N apaziguamento
append [pnd]
VT anexar
appendage [pndd]
N apndice M
appendices [pndsiz]
NPL (of appendix)
appendicitis [pndsats]
N apendicite F
appendix [pndks] (PL appendices )
N apndice M to have ones appendix out, tirar o apndice
appetite [ptat]
N 1. apetite M 2. (fig) desejo that walk has given me an appetite, essa caminhada
me abriu o apetite
appetizer [ptaz*]
N 1. (food) tira-gosto 2. (drink) aperitivo
appetizing [ptaz]
ADJ apetitoso
applaud [pld]
VI aplaudir VT 1. aplaudir 2. (praise) admirar
applause [plz]
N aplausos MPL
apple [pl]
N 1. ma F 2. apple tree, macieira shes the apple of his eye, ela a menina dos
olhos dele
apple tree
N macieira
apple turnover
N pastel M de ma
appliance [plans]
N (TECH) aparelho electrical or domestic appliances, eletrodomsticos MPL
applicable [plkbl]
ADJ 1. aplicvel 2. (relevant) apropriado the law is applicable from January, a lei
entrar em vigor a partir de janeiro
to be applicable to, valer para
applicant [plknt]
N applicant (for) (for post) candidato* (a) (candidata) (ADMIN) (for benefit etc)
requerente M, F (de)
application [plken]
N 1. aplicao F 2. (for a job, a grant etc) candidatura, requerimento on application,
a pedido
application form
N 1. (formulrio de) requerimento 2. (hard work) esforo
application program
N (COMPUT) aplicativo
applications package
N (COMPUT) pacote M de aplicaes
applied [plad]
ADJ aplicado
apply [pla]
VT 1. (paint etc) usar 2. (law etc) pr em prtica VI to apply to, apresentar-se a (be
suitable for) ser aplicvel a (be relevant to) dizer respeito a (ask) pedir to apply
for (permit, grant, job) solicitar, pedir
to apply the brakes, frear (BR) travar (PT)
to apply o.s. to, aplicar-se a, dedicar-se a
appoint [pnt]
VT 1. (to post) nomear 2. (date, place) marcar
appointed [pntd]
ADJ at the appointed time, hora marcada
appointee [pnti]
N nomeado* (nomeada)
appointment [pntmnt]
N 1. (engagement) encontro, marcado, compromisso 2. (at doctors etc) hora marcada
3. (act) nomeao F 4. (post) cargo to make an appointment (with) sb, marcar
um encontro (com) algum (with doctor, hairdresser etc) marcar hora (com)
appointments (vacant) (PRESS) ofertas de emprego
by appointment, com hora marcada
apportion [pn]
VT 1. repartir, distribuir 2. (blame) pr to apportion sth to sb, atribuir algo a algum
appraisal [prezl]
N avaliao F
appraise [prez]
VT avaliar
appreciable [pribl]
ADJ aprecivel, notvel
appreciate [priet]
VT 1. (like) apreciar, estimar 2. (be grateful for) agradecer 3. (understand)
compreender VI (COMM) valorizar-se I appreciate your help, agradeo-lhe a or
pela sua ajuda
appreciation [prien]
N 1. apreciao F, estima 2. (understanding) comprenso F 3. (gratitude)
agradecimento 4. (COMM) valorizao F
appreciative [pritv]
ADJ 1. (person) agradecido 2. (comment) elogioso
apprehend [prhnd]
VT 1. (understand) perceber, compreender 2. (arrest) prender
apprehension [prhnn]
N apreenso F
apprehensive [prhnsv]
ADJ apreensivo, receoso
apprentice [prnts]
N aprendiz M, F VT to be apprenticed to, ser aprendiz de
apprenticeship [prntsp]
N aprendizado, aprendizagem F to serve ones apprenticeship, fazer seu
appro. [pru] (BRIT inf)
ABBR (COMM) approval
approach [prut]
VI aproximar-se VT 1. aproximar-se de 2. (be approximate) aproximar-se a 3. (ask,
apply to) dirigir-se a 4. (subject, passer-by) abordar N 1. aproximao F 2. (access)
acesso 3. (proposal) proposio F 4. (to problem, situation) enfoque M to
approach sb about sth, falar com algum sobre algo
approachable [prutbl]
ADJ 1. (person) tratvel 2. (place) acessvel
approach road
N via de acesso
approbation [prben]
N aprovao F
ADJ [pruprt] 1. (apt) apropriado 2. (relevant) adequado VT [prupret] 1. (take)
apropriar-se de 2. (allot) to appropriate sth for, destinar algo a it would not be
appropriate for me to comment, no seria conveniente eu comentar
appropriately [pruprtl]
ADV adequadamente
appropriation [prupren]
N 1. (confiscation) apropriao F 2. (of funds for sth) dotao F
approval [pruvl]
N 1. aprovao F 2. (permission) consentimento on approval (COMM) a contento
to meet with sbs approval (proposal etc) ser aprovado por algum, obter a
aprovao de algum
approve [pruv]
VT 1. (publication, product) autorizar 2. (motion, decision) aprovar approve of
aprovar VT
approved school [pruvd-] (BRIT)
N reformatrio
approvingly [pruvl]
ADV com aprovao
ABBR approximately
ADJ [prksmt] aproximado VT [prksmet] aproximar
approximately [prksmtl]
ADV aproximadamente
approximation [prksmen]
N aproximao F
ABBR April
N ABBR annual percentage rate, taxa de juros anual
apricot [eprkt]
N damasco
April [eprl]
N abril M July
April Fools Day
N Primeiro-de-abril M
apron [eprn]
N 1. avental M 2. (AVIAT) ptio de estacionamento
apse [ps]
N (ARCHIT) abside F
N ABBR advanced passenger train
ABBR apartment, ap. apto
apt [pt]
ADJ 1. (suitable) adequado 2. (appropriate) a propsito, apropriado 3. (likely) apt to
do, sujeito a fazer
aptitude [pttjud]
N aptido F, talento
aptitude test
N teste M de aptido
aptly [ptl]
ADV (express) acertadamente aptly named, apropriadamente chamado
aqualung [kwl]
N aparelho respiratrio autnomo
aquarium [kwrm]
N aqurio
Aquarius [kwrs]
N Aqurio
aquatic [kwtk]
ADJ aqutico
aqueduct [kwdkt]
N aqueduto
ABBR (POST) Arkansas
N ABBR Associate of the Royal Academy
Arab [rb]
ADJ N rabe M, F
Arabia [reb]
N Arbia
Arabian [rebn]
ADJ rabe
Arabian Desert
N deserto da Arbia
Arabian Sea
N mar M Arbico
Arabic [rbk]
ADJ rabe N 1. (LING) rabe M 2. (numerals) arbico
Arabic numerals
NPL algarismos MPL arbicos
arable [rbl]
ADJ cultivvel
N ABBR Associate of the Royal Academy of Music
arbiter [bt*]
N rbitro
arbitrary [btrr]
ADJ arbitrrio
arbitrate [btret]
VI arbitrar
arbitration [btren]
N arbitragem F the dispute went to arbitration, o litgio foi submetido a arbitragem
arbitrator [btret*]
N rbitro
N ABBR American Red Cross
arc [k]
N arco
arcade [ked]
N 1. arcada 2. (round a square) arcos MPL 3. (passage with shops) galeria
arch [t]
N 1. arco 2. (of foot) curvatura VT arquear, curvar ADJ malicioso PREFIX arch(-) arce...
arqui... pointed arch, ogiva
archaeological [kldkl] archeological (US)
ADJ arqueolgico
archaeologist [kldst] archeologist (US)
N arquelogo* (arqueloga)
archaeology [kld] archeology (US)
N arqueologia
archaic [kek]
ADJ arcaico
archangel [kendl]
N arcanjo
archbishop [tbp]
N arcebispo
N arquiinimigo* (arquiinimiga)
archeology [kld] (US)
archer [t*]
N arqueiro* (arqueira)
archery [tr]
N tiro de arco
archetypal [ktapl]
ADJ arquetpico
archetype [ktap]
N arqutipo
archipelago [kplu]
N arquiplago
architect [ktkt]
N arquiteto* (arquiteta)
architectural [ktktrl]
ADJ arquitetnico
architecture [ktkt*]
N arquitetura
archives [kavz]
NPL arquivo
archivist [kvst]
N arquivista M, F
archway [twe]
N arco
N ABBR Associate of the Royal College of Music
Arctic [ktk]
ADJ rtico N the Arctic, o rtico
Arctic Circle
N Crculo Polar rtico
Arctic Ocean
N oceano rtico
N ABBR (MED) acute respiratory disease
ardent [dnt]
ADJ 1. (admirer) ardente 2. (discussion) acalorado 3. (fervent) fervoroso
ardour [d*] ardor (US)
N 1. (passion) ardor M 2. (fervour) fervor M
arduous [djus]
ADJ rduo
are [*]
VB be
area [r]
N 1. (zone) zona, regio F 2. (part of place) regio 3. (in room, of knowledge,
experience) rea 4. (MAT) superfcie F, extenso F dining area, rea de jantar
the London area, a regio de Londres
area code (US)
N (TEL) cdigo DDD or de rea
arena [rin]
N 1. arena 2. (of circus) picadeiro (BR) pista (PT) 3. (for bullfight) arena (BR) praa
arent [nt]
are not
Argentina [dntin]
N Argentina
Argentinian [dntnn]
ADJ N argentino* (argentina)
arguable [jubl]
ADJ discutvel
arguably [jubl]
ADV possivelmente
argue [ju]
VI 1. (quarrel) discutir 2. (reason) argumentar to argue about sth (with sb) discutir
sobre algo (com algum)
to argue that, sustentar que
argument [jumnt]
N 1. (reasons) argumento 2. (quarrel) briga, discusso F 3. (debate) debate M
argument for/against, argumento a favor de/contra
argumentative [jumnttv]
ADJ (person) que gosta de discutir
aria [r]
N (MUS) ria
N ABBR Associate of the Royal Institute of British Architects
arid [rd]
ADJ rido
aridity [rdt]
N aridez F
Aries [rz]
N ries M
arise [raz] (PT arose ), (PP arisen )
VI 1. (rise up) levantar-se, erguer-se 2. (emerge) surgir to arise from, resultar de
should the need arise, se for necessrio
arisen [rzn]
(of arise)
aristocracy [rstkrs]
N aristocracia
aristocrat [rstkrt]
N aristocrata M, F
aristocratic [rstkrtk]
ADJ aristocrtico
arithmetic [rmtk]
N aritmtica
arithmetical [rmtkl]
ADJ aritmtico
ark [k]
N Noahs Ark, arca de No
arm [m]
N (of organization etc) brao, diviso F VT armar arms 1. (weapons) armas FPL 2.
(HERALDRY) braso M NPL arm in arm, de braos dados
armaments [mmnts]
NPL (weapons) armamento
armband [mbnd]
N 1. faixa de brao, braadeira 2. (for swimming) bia de brao
armchair [mt*]
N poltrona
armed [md]
ADJ armado the armed forces, as foras armadas
armed robbery
N assalto mo armada
Armenia [min]
N Armnia
Armenian [minn]
ADJ armnio N 1. armnio* (armnia) 2. (LING) armnio
armful [mful]
N braada
armistice [msts]
N armistcio
armour [m*] armor (US)
N 1. armadura 2. armour plating, blindagem F
armoured car [md-] armored car (US)
N carro blindado
armoury [mr] armory (US)
N arsenal M
armpit [mpt]
N sovaco
armrest [mrst]
N brao (de poltrona)
arms control
N controle M de armas
arms race
N corrida armamentista
army [m]
N exrcito
aroma [rum]
N aroma
aromatic [rmtk]
ADJ aromtico
arose [ruz]
PT (of arise)
arise [raz] (PT arose ), (PP arisen )
VI 1. (rise up) levantar-se, erguer-se 2. (emerge) surgir to arise from, resultar de
should the need arise, se for necessrio
around [raund]
ADV 1. em volta 2. (in the area) perto PREP 1. em volta de 2. (near) perto de 3. (fig)
(about) cerca de is he around? ele est por a?
arouse [rauz]
VT 1. despertar 2. (anger) provocar
arpeggio [pdu]
N arpejo
arrange [rend]
VT 1. arranjar 2. (organize) organizar 3. (put in order) arrumar VI we have arranged
for a car to pick you up, providenciamos um carro para busc-lo it was
arranged that ... foi combinado que ...
to arrange to do sth, combinar em or ficar de fazer algo
arrangement [rendmnt]
N 1. (agreement) acordo 2. (order, lay out) dispocio F arrangements 1. (plans)
planos MPL 2. (preparations) preparativos MPL NPL to come to an arrangement
(with sb) chegar a um acordo (com algum)
home deliveries by arrangement, entregas a domiclio por convnio
Ill make all the necessary arrangements, eu vou tomar todas as providncias
array [re]
N array of (of things, people) variedade F de (MATH COMPUT) tabela
arrears [rz]
NPL atrasos MPL to be in arrears with ones rent, atrasar o aluguel
arrest [rst]
VT 1. prender, deter 2. (sb's attention) chamar, prender N deteno F, priso F under
arrest, preso
arresting [rst]
ADJ (fig) (beauty) cativante (painting, novel) impressionante
arrival [ravl]
N chegada new arrival, recm-chegado (baby) recim-nascido
arrive [rav]
VI chegar arrive at (fig) chegar a VT
arrogance [rns]
N arrogncia
arrogant [rnt]
ADJ arrogante
arrow [ru]
N 1. flecha 2. (sign) seta
arse [s] (BRIT inf!)
N cu M (!)
ass [s]
N 1. jumento, burro 2. (inf) imbecil M, F 3. (US inf!) cu M (!)
arsenal [snl]
N arsenal M
arsenic [snk]
N arsnico
arson [sn]
N incndio premeditado
art [t]
N 1. arte F 2. (craft) ofcio 3. (skill) habilidade F, jeito Arts (SCH) letras FPL NPL
work of art, obra de arte
artefact [tfkt]
N artefato
arterial [trl]
ADJ (ANAT) arterial arterial road, estrada mestra
artery [tr]
N 1. (MED) artria 2. (fig) estrada principal
artful [tful]
ADJ ardiloso, esperto
art gallery
N 1. museu M de belas artes 2. (small, private) galeria de arte
arthritis [rats]
N artrite F
artichoke [ttuk]
N 1. (globe artichoke) alcachofra 2. Jerusalem artichoke, topinambo
article [tkl]
N artigo articles (BRIT LAW) (training) contrato de aprendizagem NPL articles of
clothing, peas FPL de vesturio
articles of association
NPL (COMM) estatutos MPL sociais
ADJ [tkjult] 1. (speech) bem articulado 2. (writing) bem escrito 3. (person)
eloqente VT [tkjulet] expressar
articulated lorry [tkjuletd-] (BRIT)
N caminho M or camio M PT articulado, jamanta
artifice [tfs]
N ardil M, artifcio
artificial [tfl]
ADJ 1. artificial 2. (limb) postio 3. (person, manner) afetado
artificial insemination [-nsmnen]
N inseminao F artificial
artificial intelligence
N inteligncia artificial
artificial respiration
N respirao F artificial
artillery [tlr]
N artilharia
artisan [tzn]
N arteso* M (F artes)
artist [tst]
N 1. artista M, F 2. (MUS) intrprete M, F
artistic [tstk]
ADJ artstico
artistry [tstr]
N arte F, mestria
artless [tls]
ADJ 1. (innocent) natural, simples 2. (clumsy) desajeitado
art school
N escola de artes
N ABBR American Revised Version, traduo norte-americana da Bblia
as [z] [z]
CONJ 1. (referring to time) quando
as the years went by, no decorrer dos anos
he came in as I was leaving, ele chegou quando eu estava saindo
as from tomorrow, a partir de amanh 2. (in comparisons) to como, tanto como
as big as, to grande como
twice as big as, duas vezes maior que
as much/many as, tanto/tantos como
as much money/many books as, tanto dinheiro quanto/tantos livros quanto
as soon as, logo que, assim que 3. (since, because) como
as you cant come, Ill go without you, como voc no pode vir, eu vou sem
voc 4. (referring to manner, way) como
do as you wish, faa como quiser
as she said, como ela disse 5. (concerning) as for or to that, quanto a isso 6. as
if or though, como se
he looked as if he was ill, ele parecia doente PREP (in the capacity of) he works
as a driver, ele trabalha como motorista
he gave it to me as a present, ele me deu isso de presente long, such, well
N ABBR (SCH) Associate in/of Science, ttulo universitrio ABBR (POST) American
A , a [e]
N 1. (letter) A, a M 2. (MUS) A, l M A for Andrew BRIT or Able US (BRIT) (US) A
de Antnio
A road (BRIT AUT) via expressa
A shares (BRIT STOCK EXCHANGE) aes FPL preferenciaisa
N ABBR American Standards Association, associao de padronizao
ABBR as soon as possible
asbestos [zbsts]
N asbesto, amianto
ascend [snd]
VT 1. subir 2. (throne) ascender
ascendancy [sndns]
N predomnio, ascendncia
ascendant [sndnt]
N to be in the ascendant, estar em alta
Ascension [snn]
N (REL) the Ascension, a Ascenso
Ascension Island
N ilha da Ascenso
ascent [snt]
N 1. subida 2. (slope) rampa 3. (promotion) ascenso F
ascertain [sten]
VT averiguar, verificar
ascetic [stk]
ADJ asctico
asceticism [stszm]
N ascetismo
ASCII [ski]
N ABBR American Standard Code for Information Interchange, ASCII M
ascribe [skrab]
VT to ascribe sth to, atribuir algo a
N ABBR Association of State Colleges and Universities
N ABBR American Stock Exchange
N ABBR Action on Smoking and Health, liga antitabagista
ash []
N 1. cinza 2. (tree, wood) freixo
ashamed [emd]
ADJ envergonhado to be ashamed of, ter vergonha de
to be ashamed (of o.s.) for having done, ter vergonha de ter feito
ashen [n]
ADJ cinzento
ashore [*]
ADV em terra to go ashore, descer terra, desembarcar
ashtray [tre]
N cinzeiro
Ash Wednesday
N quarta-feira de cinzas
Asia [e]
N sia
Asia Minor
N sia Menor
Asian [en]
ADJ N asitico* (asitica)
Asiatic [estk]
ADJ asitico* (asitica)
aside [sad]
ADV parte, de lado N aparte M aside from, alm de
ask [sk]
VT 1. perguntar 2. (invite) convidar to ask sb sth, perguntar algo a algum
to ask sb for sth, pedir algo a algum
to ask sb to do sth, pedir para algum fazer algo
to ask sb the time, perguntar as horas a algum
to ask sb about sth, perguntar a algum sobre algo
to ask about the price, perguntar pelo preo
to ask (sb) a question, fazer uma pergunta (a algum)
to ask sb out to dinner, convidar algum para jantar ask after perguntar por
VT ask for pedir VT its just asking for it or trouble, procurar encrenca
askance [skns]
ADV to look askance at sb, sth, olhar algum/algo de soslaio
askew [skju]
ADV torto
asking price [sk-]
N preo pedido
asleep [slip]
ADJ dormindo to fall asleep, dormir, adormecer
ASLEF [zlf] (BRIT)
N ABBR Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen, sindicato dos
asp [sp]
N spide M, F
asparagus [sprs]
N aspargo (BR) espargo (PT)
asparagus tips
NPL aspargos MPL
N ABBR American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
aspect [spkt]
N 1. aspecto 2. (direction in which a building etc faces) direo F
aspersions [spnz]
NPL to cast aspersions on, difamar, caluniar
asphalt [sflt]
N asfalto
asphyxiate [sfkset]
VT asfixiar VI asfixiar-se
asphyxiation [sfksen]
N asfixia
VT [spret] aspirar ADJ [sprt] aspirado
aspirations [sprens]
N 1. (hopes) esperana 2. (ambitions) aspiraes FPL
aspire [spa*]
VI to aspire to, aspirar a
aspirin [sprn]
N aspirina
ass [s]
N 1. jumento, burro 2. (inf) imbecil M, F 3. (US inf!) cu M (!)
arse [s] (BRIT inf!)
N cu M (!)
assail [sel]
VT assaltar, atacar
assailant [selnt]
N 1. (attacker) assaltante M, F, atacante M, F 2. (aggressor) agressor* M (F agressora)
assassin [ssn]
N assassino* (assassina)
assassinate [ssnet]
VT assassinar
assassination [ssnen]
N assassinato, assassnio
assault [slt]
N 1. assalto 2. (LAW) assault (and battery) vias FPL de fato VT 1. assaltar, atacar 2.
(sexually) agredir, violar
assemble [smbl]
VT 1. (people) reunir 2. (objects) juntar 3. (TECH) montar VI reunir-se
assembly [smbl]
N 1. (meeting) reunio F 2. (institution) assemblia 3. (people) congregao F 4.
(construction) montagem F
assembly language
N (COMPUT) linguagem F de montagem
assembly line
N linha de montagem
assent [snt]
N aprovao F VI to assent (to sth) consentir or assentir (em algo)
assert [st]
VT 1. afirmar 2. (claim etc) fazer valer to assert o.s. impor-se
assertion [sn]
N afirmao F
assertive [stv]
ADJ 1. (vigorous) enrgico 2. (forceful) agressivo 3. (dogmatic) peremptrio
assess [ss]
VT 1. avaliar 2. (tax, damages) fixar 3. (property etc) (for tax) taxar
assessment [ssmnt]
N avaliao F
assessor [ss*]
N 1. avaliador* M (F avaliadora) 2. (of tax) avaliador* do fisco (avaliadora)
asset [st]
N 1. (property) bem M 2. (quality) vantagem F, trunfo assets 1. (property, funds)
bens MPL 2. (COMM) ativo NPL
asset-stripping [-strp]
N (COMM) venda em parcelas do patrimnio social
assiduous [sdjus]
ADJ assduo
assign [san]
VT (date) fixar to assign (to) (task) designar (a) (resources) destinar (a) (cause,
meaning) atribuir (a)
assignment [sanmnt]
N tarefa
assimilate [smlet]
VT 1. assimilar 2. (absorb) (immigrants) integrar
assimilation [smlen]
N assimilao F
assist [sst]
VT 1. ajudar 2. (progress etc) auxiliar 3. (injured person etc) socorrer
assistance [sstns]
N 1. ajuda, auxlio 2. (welfare) subsdio 3. (to injured person) socorro
assistant [sstnt]
N 1. assistente M, F, auxiliar M, F 2. shop assistant (BRIT) vendedor* M (F vendedora)
assistant manager
N subgerente M, F
assizes [sazz]
NPL sesso F de tribunal superior
ADJ [sut] 1. associado 2. (professor, director etc) adjunto N 1. (colleague) colega
M, F 2. (at work, member) scio* (scia) 3. (in crime) cmplice M, F VI [suet] to
associate with sb, associar-se com algum VT [suet] associar associate
company, companhia ligada
associate director, diretor* M associado* (F diretora associada)
associated company [suetd-]
N companhia ligada
association [susen]
N 1. associao F 2. (link) ligao F 3. (COMM) sociedade F in association with,
em parceria com
association football (BRIT)
N futebol M
assorted [std]
ADJ sortido in assorted sizes, em vrios tamanhos
assortment [stmnt]
N 1. (of shapes, colours) sortimento 2. (of books, people) variedade F
ABBR assistant
assuage [swed]
VT 1. (grief, pain) aliviar, abrandar 2. (thirst) matar
assume [sjum]
VT 1. (suppose) supor, presumir 2. (responsibilities etc) assumir 3. (attitude, name)
adotar, tomar
assumed name [sjumd-]
N nome M falso
assumption [smpn]
N (supposition) suposio F, presuno F on the assumption that, na suposio or
hiptese que (on condition that) com a condio de que
assurance [urns]
N 1. garantia 2. (confidence) confiana 3. (insurance) seguro
assure [u*]
VT 1. assegurar 2. (guarantee) garantir to assure sb that, garantir or assegurar a
algum que
ABBR Atlantic Standard Time, hora de inverno de Nova Iorque
asterisk [strsk]
N asterisco
astern [stn]
ADV 1. popa 2. (direction) r
asteroid [strd]
N asteride M
asthma [sm]
N asma
asthmatic [smtk]
ADJ N asmtico* (asmtica)
astigmatism [stmtzm]
N astigmatismo
astir [st*]
ADV em agitao
N ABBR Association of Scientific, Technical and Managerial Staffs, sindicato dos
empregados cientficos, tcnicos e administrativos
astonish [stn]
VT assombrar, espantar
astonishing [stn]
ADJ espantoso, surpreendente
astonishingly [stnl]
ADV surpreendentemente
astonishment [stnmnt]
N assombro, espanto to my astonishment, para minha grande surpresa
astound [staund]
VT pasmar, estarrecer
astray [stre]
ADV to go astray (person) perder-se (letter etc) extraviar-se to go astray in ones
calculations, cometer um erro em seus clculos
to lead astray (morally) desencaminhar
astride [strad]
PREP montado or a cavalo sobre
astringent [strndnt]
ADJ adstringente N adstringente M
astrologer [strld*]
N astrlogo* (astrloga)
astrology [strld]
N astrologia
astronaut [strnt]
N astronauta M, F
astronomer [strnm*]
N astrnomo* (astrnoma)
astronomical [strnmkl]
ADJ astronmico
astronomy [strnm]
N astronomia
astrophysics [strufzks]
N astrofsica
astute [stjut]
ADJ astuto
asunder [snd*]
ADV to put asunder, separar to tear asunder, rasgar
N ABBR American Standard Version, traduo da Bblia
asylum [salm]
N 1. (refuge) asilo 2. (hospital) manicmio political asylum
asymmetric [esmtrk] asymmetrical, esmtrkl
ADJ assimtrico
at [t]
PREP 1. (referring to position) em (referring to direction) a
at the top, em cima
at home/school, em casa/ na escola
at the bakers, na padaria
to look at sth, olhar para algo 2. (referring to time) at 4 oclock, s quatro horas
at night, noite
at Christmas, no Natal
at times, s vezes 3. (referring to rates, speed etc) at 1 a kilo, a uma libra o
two at a time, de dois em dois 4. (referring to manner) at a stroke, de um golpe
at peace, em paz 5. (referring to activity) to be at work, estar no trabalho
to play at cowboys, brincar de mocinho
to be good at sth, ser bom em algo 6. (referring to cause) to be
shocked/surprised/annoyed at sth, ficar chocado/surpreso/chateado com algo
I went at his suggestion, eu fui por causa da sugesto dele 7. (= symbol) arroba
ate [et]
PT (of eat)
eat [it] (PT ate ), (PP eaten )
VT VI comer eat away corroer VT eat away at corroer VT eat into eat away at VT
eat out jantar fora VI eat up (food) acabar VT it eats up electricity, consome
eletricidade demais
atheism [ezm]
N atesmo
atheist [est]
N ateu* M (F atia)
Athenian [inn]
ADJ N ateniense M, F
Athens [nz]
N Atenas
athlete [lit]
N atleta M, F
athletic [ltk]
ADJ atltico
athletics [ltks]
N atletismo
Atlantic [tlntk]
ADJ atlntico N the Atlantic (Ocean) o (oceano) Atlntico
atlas [tls]
N atlas M INV
Atlas Mountains
NPL the Atlas Mountains, os montes Atlas
ABBR Automatic Telling Machine, caixa automtica or eletrnica
atmosphere [tmsf*]
N 1. atmosfera 2. (fig) ambiente M
atmospheric [tmsfrk]
ADJ atmosfrico
atmospherics [tmsfrks]
NPL (RADIO) esttica
atoll [tl]
N atol M
atom [tm]
N tomo
atom bomb , atomic bomb
N bomba atmica
atomic [tmk]
ADJ atmico
atomizer [tmaz*]
N atomizador M, pulverizador M
atone [tun]
VI to atone for (sin) expiar (mistake) reparar
atonement [tunmnt]
N expiao F
N ABBR Association of Tennis Professionals, Associao F de Tenistas Profissionais
atrocious [trus]
ADJ 1. atroz 2. (very bad) pssimo
atrocity [trst]
N atrocidade F
atrophy [trf]
N atrofia VT atrofiar VI atrofiar-se
attach [tt]
VT 1. (fasten) prender 2. (document, letter) juntar, anexar 3. (importance etc) dar 4.
(employee, troops) adir to be attached to sb/sth (to like) ter afeio por
the attached letter, a carta junta or anexa
attach [te]
N adido* (adida)
attach case
N pasta
attachment [ttmnt]
N 1. (tool) acessrio 2. (love) attachment (to) afeio F (por) 3. (to e-mail) anexo
attack [tk]
VT 1. atacar 2. (subj) (criminal) assaltar 3. (task etc) empreender N 1. ataque M 2.
(mugging etc) assalto 3. (on sb's life) atentado heart attack, ataque cardaco or
de corao
attacker [tk*]
N 1. agressor* M (F agressora) 2. (criminal) assaltante M, F
attain [ten]
VT attain to (happiness, results) alcanar, atingir (knowledge) obter
attainments [tenmnts]
NPL feito
attempt [tmpt]
N tentativa VT tentar to make an attempt on sbs life, atentar contra a vida de
he made no attempt to help, ele no fez nada para ajudar
attempted [mptd]
ADJ attempted theft etc (LAW) tentativa de roubo etc
attend [tnd]
VT 1. (lectures) assistir a 2. (party) presenciar 3. (school) cursar 4. (church) ir a 5.
(course) fazer 6. (patient) tratar to attend (up)on, acompanhar, servir attend to
1. (matter) encarregar-se de 2. (speech etc) prestar ateno a 3. (needs, customer)
atender a 4. (patient) tratar de VT
attendance [tndns]
N 1. (being present) comparecimento 2. (people present) assistncia
attendant [tndnt]
N 1. servidor* M (F servidora) 2. (THEATRE) arrumador* M (F arrumadora) ADJ
attention [tnn]
N 1. ateno F 2. (care) cuidados MPL EXCL (MIL) sentido! at attention (MIL) em
posio de sentido
for the attention of ... (ADMIN) ateno ...
it has come to my attention that ... constatei que ...
attentive [tntv]
ADJ 1. atento 2. (polite) corts
attentively [tntvl]
ADV atentamente
attenuate [tnjuet]
VT atenuar VI atenuar-se
attest [tst]
VI to attest to, atestar
attic [tk]
N sto M
attire [ta*]
N traje M, roupa
attitude [ttjud]
N 1. atitude F 2. (view) attitude (to) atitude (para com)
attorney [tn]
N 1. (US: lawyer) advogado* (advogada) 2. (having proxy) procurador* M (F
Attorney General
N 1. (BRIT) procurador* M geral da Justia (F procuradora) 2. (US) Secretrio de
attract [trkt]
VT atrair, chamar
attraction [trkn]
N 1. atrao F 2. (good point) atrativo attraction towards sth, atrao por algo
attractive [trktv]
ADJ 1. atraente 2. (idea, offer) interessante
N [trbjut] atributo VT [trbjut] to attribute sth to, atribuir algo a
attrition [trn]
N war of attrition, guerra de atrio
Atty. Gen.
ABBR Attorney General
N ABBR all terrain vehicle, veculo todo-terreno
aubergine [ubin]
N berinjela
auburn [bn]
ADJ castanho-avermelhado
auction [kn]
N sale by auction, leilo M VT leiloar to sell by auction, vender em leilo
to put up for auction, pr em leilo
auctioneer [kn*]
N leiloeiro* (leiloeira)
auction room
N local M de leilo
audacious [des]
ADJ 1. audaz, atrevido 2. (pej) descarado
audacity [dst]
N 1. audcia, atrevimento 2. (pej) descaramento
audible [dbl]
ADJ audvel
audience [dns]
N 1. (in theatre, concert etc) platia 2. (of TV, radio programme) audincia 3. (of
speech etc) auditrio 4. (of writer, magazine) pblico 5. (interview) audincia
audio-typist [du-]
N datilgrafo* (datilgrafa) (de textos ditados em fita)
audio-visual [du-]
ADJ audiovisual
audio-visual aid [du-]
N recursos MPL audiovisuais
audit [dt]
VT fazer a auditoria de N auditoria
audition [dn]
N audio F
auditor [dt*]
N auditor* M (F auditora)
auditoria [dtr]
NPL (of auditorium)
auditorium [dtrm] (PL auditoria )
N auditrio
N ABBR Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers, sindicato das indstrias
ABBR August
augment [mnt]
VT VI aumentar
augur [*]
VI it augurs well, de bom augrio VT (be a sign of) augurar, pressagiar
August [st]
N agosto July
august [st]
ADJ augusto, imponente
aunt [nt]
N tia
auntie [nt]
N titia
aunty [nt]
N titia
au pair [up*]
N au pair girl, au pair F
aura [r]
N 1. (of person) ar M, aspecto 2. (of place) ambiente M
auspices [spsz]
NPL under the auspices of, sob os auspcios de
auspicious [sps]
ADJ 1. favorvel 2. (occasion) propcio
Aussie [z] (inf)
ADJ N australiano* (australiana)
austere [st*]
ADJ 1. austero 2. (manner) severo
austerity [strt]
N 1. simplicidade F 2. (ECON) privao F
Australasia [strlez]
N Australsia
Australia [strel]
N Austrlia
Australian [streln]
ADJ N australiano* (australiana)
Austria [str]
N ustria
Austrian [strn]
ADJ N austraco* (austraca)
N ABBR Association of University Teachers, sindicato universitrio
authentic [ntk]
ADJ autntico
authenticate [ntket]
VT autenticar
authenticity [ntst]
N autenticidade F
author []
N autor* M (F autora)
authoritarian [rtrn]
ADJ autoritrio
authoritative [rttv]
ADJ 1. (account) autorizado 2. (manner) autoritrio
authority [rt]
N 1. autoridade F 2. (government body) jurisdio F 3. (permission) autorizao F
the authorities (ruling body) as autoridades NPL to have authority to do sth, ter
autorizao para fazer algo
authorization [razen]
N autorizao F
authorize [raz]
VT autorizar
authorized capital [razd-]
N (COMM) capital M autorizado
authorship [p]
N autoria
autistic [tstk]
ADJ autista
auto [tu] (US)
N carro, automvel M CPD (industry) automobilstico
autobiographical [tbarfkl]
ADJ autobiogrfico
autobiography [tbarf]
N autobiografia
autocratic [tkrtk]
ADJ autocrtico
autograph [trf]
N autgrafo VT (photo etc) autografar
automat [tmt]
N 1. (vending machine) autmato 2. (US: restaurant) restaurante M automtico
automata [tmt]
NPL (of automaton)
automated [tmetd]
ADJ automatizado
automatic [tmtk]
ADJ automtico N 1. (gun) pistola automtica 2. (washing machine) mquina de lavar
roupa automtica 3. (BRIT: car) carro automtico
automatically [tmtkl]
ADV automaticamente
automatic data processing
N processamento automtico de dados
automation [tmen]
N automao F
automaton [tmtn] (PL automata )
N autmato
automobile [tmbil] (US)
N carro, automvel M CPD (industry, accident) automobilstico
autonomous [tnms]
ADJ autnomo
autonomy [tnm]
N autonomia
autopsy [tps]
N autpsia
autumn [tm]
N outono
auxiliary [zlr]
ADJ N auxiliar M, F
N ABBR Authorized Version, traduo inglesa da Bblia ABBR audiovisual
ABBR avenue, Av. Avda
avail [vel]
VT to avail o.s. of, aproveitar, valer-se de N to no avail, em vo, inutilmente
availability [velblt]
N disponibilidade F
available [velbl]
ADJ 1. disponvel 2. (time) livre every available means, todos os recursos sua (or
nossa etc) disposio
is the manager available? o gerente pode me atender? (on phone) queria falar
com o gerente
to make sth available to sb, pr algo disposio de algum
avalanche [vln]
N avalanche F
avant-garde [vd]
ADJ de vanguarda
avarice [vrs]
N avareza
avaricious [vrs]
ADJ avarento, avaro
ABBR avoirdupoids
ABBR avenue, Av. Avda
avenge [vnd]
VT vingar
avenue [vnju]
N 1. avenida 2. (drive) caminho 3. (means) soluo F
average [vrd]
N mdia ADJ 1. (mean) mdio 2. (ordinary) regular VT 1. alcanar uma mdia de 2.
(calculate) calcular a mdia de on average, em mdia
above/below (the) average, acima/abaixo da mdia average out 1. calcular a
mdia de 2. to average out at, dar uma mdia de VT
averse [vs]
ADJ to be averse to sth/doing sth, ser avesso or pouco disposto a algo/a fazer algo
I wouldnt be averse to a drink, eu aceitaria uma bebida
aversion [vn]
N averso F
avert [vt]
VT 1. prevenir 2. (blow, one's eyes) desviar
aviary [evr]
N avirio, viveiro de aves
aviation [even]
N aviao F
avid [vd]
ADJ vido
avidly [vdl]
ADV avidamente
avocado [vkdu]
N (also BRIT: avocado pear) abacate M
avoid [vd]
VT evitar
avoidable [vdbl]
ADJ evitvel
avoidance [vdns]
N evitao F
avowed [vaud]
ADJ confesso, declarado
N ABBR assistant vice-president
avuncular [vkjul*]
ADJ paternal
AWACS [ewks]
N ABBR airborne warning and control system, AWACS M (sistema aerotransportado de
alerta e de controle)
await [wet]
VT esperar, aguardar awaiting attention/delivery (COMM) a ser(em)
long awaited, longamente esperado
awake [wek] (PT awoke ), ( awoken ), (PP awaked )
ADJ acordado VT VI despertar, acordar awake to, atento a
to be awake, estar acordado
he was still awake, ele ainda estava acordado
awakening [wekn]
N despertar M
award [wd]
N 1. (prize) prmio, condecorao F 2. (LAW) (damages) sentena 3. (act) concesso
F VT 1. outorgar, conceder 2. adjudicar
aware [w*]
ADJ aware of (conscious) consciente de (informed) informado de or sobre to
become aware of, reparar em, saber de
politically/socially aware, conscientizado politicamente/socialmente
I am fully aware that ... eu compreendo perfeitamente que ...
awareness [wns]
N 1. conscincia 2. (knowledge) conhecimento to develop peoples awareness
(of) conscientizar o pblico (de)
awash [w]
ADJ awash with (also fig) inundado de
away [we]
ADV 1. fora 2. (faraway) muito longe two kilometres away, a dois quilmetros de
two hours away by car, a duas horas de carro
the holiday was two weeks away, faltavam duas semanas para as frias
away from, longe de
hes away for a week, est ausente uma semana
hes away in Miami, ele foi para Miami
to take away, levar
to work/pedal etc away, trabalhar/pedalar etc sem parar
to fade away (colour) desvanecer-se (enthusiasm, sound) diminuir
away game
N (SPORT) jogo de fora
away match
N (SPORT) jogo de fora
awe []
N temor M respeitoso
ADJ imponente
awesome [sm]
ADJ awe-inspiring
awestruck [strk]
ADJ pasmado
awful [fl]
ADJ 1. terrvel, horrvel 2. (quantity) an awful lot of, um monte de
awfully [fl]
ADV (very) muito
awhile [wal]
ADV por algum tempo, um pouco
awkward [kwd]
ADJ 1. (person, movement) desajeitado 2. (shape) incmodo 3. (problem) difcil 4.
(situation) embaraoso, delicado
awkwardness [kwdns]
N (embarrassment) embarao
awl [l]
N sovela
awning [n]
N toldo
awoke [wuk]
PT (of awake)
awoken [wukn]
PP (of awake)
AWOL [ewl]
ABBR (MIL) absent without leave
awry [ra]
ADV to be awry, estar de vis or de esguelha to go awry, sair mal
axe [ks] ax (US)
N machado VT 1. (employee) despedir 2. (project etc) abandonar 3. (jobs) reduzir to
have an axe to grind (fig) ter interesse pessoal, puxar a brasa para a sua sardinha
NPL (of ax(e))
axis [kss] (PL axes )
N eixo
NPL (of axis)
axiom [ksm]
N axioma M
axiomatic [ksumtk]
ADJ axiomtico
axle [ksl]
N axle tree (AUT) eixo
ay , aye [a]
EXCL (yes) sim N the ayes, os votos a favor
N ABBR American Youth Hostels
ABBR (POST) Arizona
azalea [zel]
N azalia
Azores [zz]
NPL the Azores, os Aores
Aztec [ztk]
ADJ N asteca M, F
azure [e*]
ADJ azul-celeste

B , b [bi]
N 1. (letter) B, b M 2. (MUS) B, si M B for Benjamin BRIT or Baker US (BRIT) (US)
B de Beatriz
B road (BRIT AUT) via secundria
ABBR born
N ABBR 1. British Academy 2. (SCH) Bachelor of Arts
babble [bbl]
VI 1. balbuciar 2. (brook) murmurinhar N balbucio
baboon [bbun]
N babuno
baby [beb]
N 1. nenm M, F, nen M, F, beb M, F 2. (US inf) querido* (querida)
baby carriage (US)
N carrinho de beb
baby grand
N baby grand piano, piano de de cauda
babyhood [bebhud]
N primeira infncia
babyish [beb]
ADJ infantil
baby-minder (BRIT)
N bab F
VI IRREG tomar conta da(s) criana(s)
N baby-sitter M, F
bachelor [btl*]
N 1. solteiro 2. (SCH) Bachelor of Arts/Science, bacharel M em Letras/Cincias
Bachelor of Arts/Science degree, bacharelado em Letras/Cincias
bachelorhood [btlhud]
N celibato
bachelor party (US)
N despedida de solteiro
back [bk]
N 1. (of person) costas FPL 2. (of animal) lombo 3. (of hand) dorso 4. (of car, train)
parte F traseira 5. (of house) fundos MPL 6. (of chair) encosto 7. (of page) verso 8.
(of book) lombada 9. (of crowd) fundo 10. (of coin) reverso 11. (FOOTBALL)
zagueiro (BR) defesa M (PT) VT 1. (financially) patrocinar 2. back up (candidate)
apoiar 3. (horse) (at races) apostar em 4. (car) recuar VI back up (car etc) dar
marcha-r (BR) fazer marcha atrs (PT) CPD 1. (payment) atrasado 2. (AUT)
(seats, wheels) de trs ADV 1. (not forward) para trs 2. (returned) de volta hes
back, ele voltou
throw the ball back, devolva a bola
he called back, chamou de novo
to have ones back to the wall (fig) estar acuado
to break the back of a job BRIT (BRIT) fazer o mais difcil de um trabalho
at the back of my mind was the thought that ... no meu ntimo havia a idia
que ...
back to front, pelo avesso, s avessas
back garden/room, jardim M /quarto dos fundos
to take a back seat (fig) colocar-se em segundo plano
when will you be back? quando voc estar de volta?
he ran back, recuou correndo
can I have it back? pode devolv-lo? back down desistir VI back on to the
house backs on to the golf course, a casa d fundas para o campo de golfe VT
back out (of promise) voltar atrs, recuar VI back up 1. (support) apoiar 2.
(COMPUT) tirar um backup de VT
backache [bkek]
N dor F nas costas
backbencher [bkbnt*] (BRIT)
N membro do parlamento sem pasta
backbiting [bkbat]
N maledicncia
backbone [bkbun]
N 1. coluna vertebral 2. (fig) esteio hes the backbone of the organization, ele o
pilar or esteio da organizao
backchat [bktt] (BRIT inf)
N insolncias FPL
backcloth (BRIT)
N pano de fundo
backcomb [bkkum] (BRIT)
VT encrespar
backdate [bkdet]
VT (letter) antedatar backdated pay rise, aumento de vencimento com efeito
backdrop [bkdrp]
N backcloth
backer [bk*]
N 1. (supporter) partidrio* (partidria) 2. (COMM) (in partnership) comanditrio*
(comanditria) (financier) financiador* M (F financiadora)
backfire [bkfa*]
VI 1. (AUT) engasgar 2. (plan) sair pela culatra
backgammon [bkmn]
N gamo M
background [bkraund]
N 1. fundo 2. (of events) antecedentes MPL 3. (basic knowledge) bases FPL 4.
(experience) conhecimentos MPL, experincia CPD (noise, music) de fundo
background reading, leitura de fundo
family background, antecedentes MPL familiares
backhand [bkhnd]
N backhand stroke (TENNIS) revs M
backhanded [bkhndd]
ADJ (fig) ambguo
backhander [bkhnd*] (BRIT)
N (bribe) propina, peita (PT)
backing [bk]
N 1. (fig) apoio 2. (COMM) patrocnio 3. (MUS) fundo (musical)
backlash [bkl]
N reao F
backlog [bkl]
N backlog of work, atrasos MPL
back number
N (of magazine etc) nmero atrasado
backpack [bkpk]
N mochila
backpacker [bkpk*]
N excursionista M, F com mochila
back pay
N salrio atrasado
backpedal [bkpdl]
VI (fig) recuar, voltar atrs
backside [bksad] (inf)
N traseiro
backslash [bksl]
N contrabarra
backslide [bkslad]
VI IRREG ter uma recada
backsliding [bkslad]
N recadas FPL
backspace [bkspes]
VI (TYPING) retroceder
backstage [bksted]
ADV nos bastidores
ADJ (abortion) clandestino back-street abortionist, aborteiro* (aborteira)
backstroke [bkstruk]
N nado de costas
backtrack [bktrk]
VI (fig) backpedal
backup [bkp]
ADJ 1. (train, plane) reserva 2. (COMPUT) de backup N 1. (support) apoio 2. backup
file (COMPUT) backup M 3. (US: congestion) congestionamento
backward [bkwd]
ADJ 1. (movement) para trs 2. (person, country) atrasado 3. (shy) tmido backward
and forward movement, movimento de vaivm
backwards [bkwdz]
ADV 1. (move, go) para trs 2. (read a list) s avessas 3. (fall) de costas to know
sth backwards BRIT or backwards and forwards US (BRIT) (US) (inf) saber
algo de cor e salteado
backwater [bkwt*]
N (fig) (backward place) lugar M atrasado (remote place) fim-do-mundo M
backyard [bkjd]
N quintal M
bacon [bekn]
N toucinho, bacon M
bacteria [bktr]
NPL bactrias FPL
bacteriology [bktrld]
N bacteriologia
bad [bd]
ADJ 1. mau* (m) ruim 2. (child) levado 3. (mistake, injury) grave 4. (meat, food)
estragado his bad leg, sua perna machucada
to go bad, estragar-se
to have a bad time of it, passar um mau pedao
I feel bad about it (guilty) eu me sinto culpado (por isso)
in bad faith, de m f
bade [bd]
PT (of bid)
badge [bd]
N 1. (of school etc) emblema M 2. (policeman's) crach M
badger [bd*]
N texugo VT acossar
badly [bdl]
ADV mal badly wounded, gravemente ferido
he needs it badly, faz-lhe grande falta
things are going badly, as coisas vo mal
to be badly off (for money) estar com pouco dinheiro
bad-mannered [-mnd]
ADJ mal-educado, sem modas
badminton [bdmntn]
N badminton M
ADJ 1. mal humorado 2. (temporary) de mau humor
baffle [bfl]
VT (puzzle) deixar perplexo, desconcertar
baffled [bfld]
ADJ perplexo
baffling [bfl]
ADJ desconcertante
bag [b]
N 1. saco, bolsa 2. (handbag) bolsa 3. (satchel, shopping bag) sacola 4. (case) mala
5. (of hunter) caa VT 1. (inf: take) pegar 2. (game) matar 3. (TECH) ensacar
bags of ... (inf: lots of) ... de sobra
to pack ones bags, fazer as malas
bags under the eyes, olheiras FPL
bagful [bful]
N saco cheio
baggage [bd]
N bagagem F
baggage checkroom [-tkrum] (US)
N depsito de bagagem
baggage claim
N (at airport) recebimento de bagagem
baggy [b]
ADJ folgado, largo
Baghdad [bdd]
N Bagd F
bagpipes [bpaps]
NPL gaita de foles
bag-snatcher [-snt*] (BRIT)
N trombadinha M
bag-snatching [-snt] (BRIT)
N roubo de bolsa
Bahamas [bhmz]
NPL the Bahamas, as Bahamas
Bahrain [bren]
N Barein M
bail [bel]
N 1. (payment) fiana 2. (release) liberdade F sob fiana VT 1. (prisoner) (gen: grant
bail to) libertar sob fiana 2. bail out (boat) baldear a gua de on bail, sob fiana
to be released on bail, ser posto em liberdade mediante fiana bale bail out 1.
(prisoner) afianar 2. (fig) (help out) socorrer VT
bailiff [belf]
N (LAW BRIT) oficial M, F de justia BR or de diligncias PT (US) funcionrio
encarregado de acompanhar presos no tribunal
bait [bet]
N 1. isca, engodo 2. (for criminal etc) atrativo, chamariz M VT 1. iscar, cevar 2.
(person) apoquentar
bake [bek]
VT 1. cozinhar ao forno 2. (TECH) (clay etc) cozer VI 1. assar 2. (be hot) fazer um
calor terrvel
baked beans [bekt-]
NPL feijo M cozido com molho de tomate
baker [bek*]
N padeiro* (padeira)
bakery [bekr]
N 1. (for bread) padaria 2. (for cakes) confeitaria
baking [bek]
N 1. (act) cozimento 2. (batch) fornada
baking powder
N fermento em p
baking tin
N 1. (for cake) frma 2. (for meat) assadeira
baking tray
N tabuleiro
balaclava [blklv]
N balaclava helmet, capuz F
balance [blns]
N 1. equilbrio 2. (scales) balana 3. (COMM) balano 4. (remainder) resto, saldo VT 1.
equilibrar 2. (budget) nivelar 3. (account) fazer o balano de 4. (compensate)
contrabalanar 5. (pros and cons) pesar balance of trade/payments, balana
comercial/balano de pagamentos
balance carried forward, transporte
balance brought forward, transporte
to balance the books, fazer o balano dos livros
balanced [blnst]
ADJ 1. (report) objetivo 2. (personality, diet) equilibrado
balance sheet
N balano geral
balance wheel
N balanceiro
balcony [blkn]
N 1. (open) varanda 2. (closed) galeria 3. (in theatre) balco M
bald [bld]
ADJ 1. calvo, careca 2. (tyre) careca
baldness [bldns]
N calvcie F
bale [bel]
N (AGR) fardo bale out 1. (of a plane) atirar-se de pra-quedas 2. (NAUT) (water)
baldear (boat) baldear a gua de VI
Balearic Islands [blrk-]
NPL the Balearic Islands, as ilhas Baleares
baleful [belful]
ADJ 1. (look) triste 2. (sinister) funesto, sinistro
balk [bk]
VI to balk (at) (subj) (person) relutar (contra) (horse) refugar, empacar (diante de) to
balk at doing, relutar em fazer
Balkan [blkn]
ADJ balcnico N the Balkans, os Balcs
ball [bl]
N 1. bola 2. (of wool, string) novelo 3. (dance) baile M to play ball with sb, jogar
bola com algum (fig) fazer o jogo de algum
to be on the ball (fig) (competent) ser competente or batuta (inf) (alert) estar
to start the ball rolling (fig) dar comeo, dar o pontap inicial
the ball is in their court (fig) a vez deles de agir
ballad [bld]
N balada
ballast [blst]
N lastro
ball bearings
NPL rolim M
ball cock
N torneira com bia
ballerina [blrin]
N bailarina
ballet [ble]
N bal M
ballet dancer
N bailarino* (bailarina)
ballistic [blstk]
ADJ balstico
ballistics [blstks]
N balstica
balloon [blun]
N 1. balo M 2. (hot air balloon) balo de ar quente VI 1. (sails etc) inflar(-se) 2.
(prices) disparar
balloonist [blunst]
N aerstata M, F
ballot [blt]
N votao F
ballot box
N urna
ballot paper
N cdula eleitoral
ballpark [blpk] (US)
N estdio de beisebol
ballpark figure (inf)
N nmero aproximado
ballpoint [blpnt] ballpoint pen
N (caneta) esferogrfica
balls [blz] (inf!)
NPL colhes MPL (!) ovos MPL (!)
balm [bm]
N blsamo
balmy [bm]
ADJ 1. (breeze, air) suave, fragrante 2. (BRIT inf) barmy
BALPA [blp]
N ABBR British Airline Pilots Association, sindicato dos aeronautas
balsa [bls] balsa wood
N pau-de-balsa M
balsam [blsm]
N blsamo
Baltic [bltk]
N the Baltic (Sea) o (mar) Bltico
balustrade [blstred]
N balaustrada
bamboo [bmbu]
N bambu M
bamboozle [bmbuzl] (inf)
VT embromar, trapacear
ban [bn]
N 1. proibio F, interdio F 2. (suspension, exclusion) excluso F VT 1. proibir,
interditar 2. (exclude) excluir he was banned from driving BRIT (BRIT)
cassaram-lhe a carteira de motorista
banal [bnl]
ADJ banal
banana [bnn]
N banana
band [bnd]
N 1. (group) bando, banda 2. (gang) quadrilha 3. (at a dance) orquestra 4. (MIL)
banda 5. (strip) faixa, cinta band together juntar-se, associar-se VI
bandage [bndd]
N atadura (BR) ligadura (PT) VT enfaixar
bandaid [bnded] (US)
N esparadrapo
bandit [bndt]
N bandido
bandstand [bndstnd]
N coreto
bandwagon [bndwn]
N to jump on the bandwagon (fig) entrar na roda, ir na onda
bandy [bnd]
VT (jokes, insults) trocar bandy about usar a torto e a direito VT
ADJ cambaio, de pernas tortas
bane [ben]
N it (or he etc ) is the bane of my life, a maldio da minha vida
bang [b]
N 1. estalo 2. (of door) estrondo 3. (of gun, exhaust) exploso F 4. (blow) pancada
EXCL bum! bumba! VT 1. bater com fora 2. (door) fechar com violncia VI 1.
produzir estrondo 2. (door) bater 3. (fireworks) soltar ADV (BRIT inf) to be bang on
time, chegar na hora exata to bang at the door, bater porta com violncia
to bang into sth, bater em algo
banger [b*]
N 1. old banger (BRIT: car) calhambeque M, lata-velha (inf: sausage) salsicha 2.
(firework) bomba (de So Joo)
Bangkok [bkk]
N Bangcoc
Bangladesh [bld]
N Bangladesh M (no article)
bangle [bl]
N bracelete M
bangs [bz] (US)
NPL (fringe) franja
banish [bn]
VT banir
banister N [bnst*] banisters NPL, bnstz
corrimo M
banjo [bndu] (PL banjoes or banjos )
N banjo
bank [bk]
N 1. banco 2. (of river, lake) margem F 3. (of earth) rampa, ladeira VI 1. (AVIAT)
ladear-se 2. (COMM) they bank with Pitts, eles tm conta no banco Pitts bank
on contar com, apostar em VT
bank account
N conta bancria
bank card
N carto M de garantia de cheques
bank charges (BRIT)
NPL encargos MPL bancrios
bank draft
N saque M bancrio
banker [bk*]
N banqueiro* (banqueira) bankers card BRIT (BRIT) carto M de garantia de
bankers order BRIT (BRIT) ordem F bancria
bankers card (BRIT)
N bank card
bank giro
N transferncia bancria
Bank holiday (BRIT)
N feriado nacional
banking [bk]
N 1. transaes FPL bancrias 2. (job) profisso F de banqueiro
banking hours
NPL horrio de banco
bank loan
N emprstimo bancrio
bank manager
N gerente M, F de banco
banknote [bknut]
N nota (bancria)
bank rate
N taxa bancria
bankrupt [bkrpt]
N falido* (falida) quebrado* (quebrada) ADJ falido, quebrado to go bankrupt, falir
to be bankrupt, estar falido/quebrado
bankruptcy [bkrpts]
N 1. falncia 2. (fraudulent) bancarrota
bank statement
N extrato bancrio
banner [bn*]
N faixa
bannister N [bnst*] bannisters NPL, bnstz
banns [bnz]
NPL proclamas FPL
banquet [bkwt]
N banquete M
bantamweight [bntmwet]
N peso-galo
banter [bnt*]
N caoada
N ABBR British Army of the Rhine, foras armadas britnicas na Alemanha
baptism [bptzm]
N batismo
Baptist [bptst]
N batista M, F
baptize [bptaz]
VT batizar
bar [b*]
N 1. (gen, of chocolate) barra 2. (rod) vara 3. (of window etc) grade F 4. (fig)
(hindrance) obstculo 5. (prohibition) impedimento 6. (pub) bar M 7. (counter) (in
pub) balco M VT 1. (road) obstruir 2. (window) trancar 3. (person) excluir 4.
(activity) proibir PREP bar none, sem exceo bar of soap, sabonete M
behind bars (prisoner) atrs das grades
the Bar (LAW) (profession) a advocacia (people) o corpo de advogados
Barbados [bbeds]
N Barbados M (no article)
barbaric [bbrk]
ADJ brbaro
barbarous [bbrs]
ADJ brbaro
barbecue [bbkju]
N churrasco
barbed wire [bbd-]
N arame M farpado
barber [bb*]
N barbeiro, cabeleireiro
barbiturate [bbtjurt]
N barbitrico
Barcelona [bslun]
N Barcelona
bar chart
N grfico de barras
bar code
N cdigo de barras
bare [b*]
ADJ 1. despido 2. (head) descoberto 3. (trees, vegetation) sem vegetao 4.
(minimum) bsico VT (body, teeth) mostrar the bare essentials, o imprescindvel
bareback [bbk]
ADV em plo, sem arreios
barefaced [bfest]
ADJ descarado
barefoot [bfut]
ADJ ADV descalo
bareheaded [bhdd]
ADJ ADV de cabea descoberta
barely [bl]
ADV apenas, mal
Barents Sea [brnts-]
N the Barents Sea, o mar de Barents
bargain [bn]
N 1. (deal) negcio 2. (agreement) acordo 3. (good buy) pechincha VI 1. (trade)
negociar 2. (haggle) regatear 3. (negotiate) to bargain (with sb) pechinchar (com
algum) into the bargain, ainda por cima bargain for (inf) he got more than
he bargained for, ele conseguiu mais do que pediu VT
bargaining [bn]
N 1. (haggling) regateio 2. (talks) negociaes FPL
barge [bd]
N barcaa barge in irromper VI barge into 1. (collide with) atropelar 2. (interrupt)
intrometer-se em VT
baritone [brtun]
N bartono
barium meal [brm-]
N contraste M de brio
bark [bk]
N 1. (of tree) casca 2. (of dog) latido VI latir
barley [bl]
N cevada
barley sugar
N maltose F
barmaid [bmed]
N garonete F (BR) empregada (de bar) (PT)
barman [bmn]
N IRREG garom M (BR) empregado (de bar) (PT)
barmy [bm] (BRIT inf)
ADJ maluco
barn [bn]
N celeiro
barnacle [bnkl]
N craca
barometer [brmt*]
N barmetro
baron [brn]
N 1. baro M 2. (of press, industry) magnata M
baroness [brns]
N baronesa
barracks [brks]
NPL quartel M, caserna
barrage [br]
N 1. (MIL) fogo de barragem 2. (dam) barragem F 3. (fig) a barrage of questions,
uma saraivada de perguntas
barrel [brl]
N 1. barril M 2. (of gun) cano
barrel organ
N realejo
barren [brn]
ADJ 1. (sterile) estril 2. (land) rido
barricade [brked]
N barricada VT barricar to barricade o.s. (in) basrricar-se (em)
barrier [br*]
N 1. barreira 2. (fig) (to progress etc) obstculo 3. crash barrier (BRIT) cerca entre as
barrier cream (BRIT)
N creme M protetor
barring [br]
PREP exceto, salvo
barrister [brst*] (BRIT)
N advogado* (advogada) causdico* (causdica)
barrow [bru]
N (wheelbarrow) carrinho (de mo)
bar stool
N tamborete M de bar
Bart. (BRIT)
ABBR baronet
bartender [btnd*] (US)
N garom M (BR) empregado (de bar) (PT)
barter [bt*]
N permuta, troca VT to barter sth for sth, trocar algo por algo
base [bes]
N base F VT 1. (troops) to be based at, estar estacionado em 2. (opinion, belief) to
base sth on, basear or fundamentar algo em ADJ (thoughts) sujo, baixo, vil
coffee-based, base de caf
a Rio-based firm, uma empresa sediada no Rio
Im based in London, estou sediado em Londres
baseball [besbl]
N beisebol M
baseboard [besbd] (US)
N rodap M
base camp
N base F de operaes
Basel [bzl]
N Basle
basement [besmnt]
N 1. (in house) poro M 2. (in shop etc) subsolo
base rate
N taxa de base
NPL (of base)
NPL (of basis)
bash [b] (inf)
VT 1. (with fist) dar soco or murro em 2. (with object) bater em N (BRIT) Ill have a
bash (at it) vou tentar (faz-lo) bashed in, amassado bash up (inf) 1. (car)
arrebentar 2. (BRIT: person) dar uma surra em, espancar VT
bashful [bful]
ADJ tmido, envergonhado
bashing [b] (inf)
N surra Paki-bashing, espancamento de asiticos por motivos racistas
queer-bashing, espancamento de homossexuais
BASIC [besk]
basic [besk]
ADJ 1. bsico 2. (facilities) mnimo 3. (vocabulary, rate) de base
basically [beskl]
ADV 1. basicamente 2. (really) no fundo
basic rate
N (of tax) alquota de base
basics [bess]
NPL the basics, o essencial
basil [bzl]
N manjerico M
basin [besn]
N 1. (vessel) bacia 2. (dock, GEO) bacia 3. washbasin, pia
basis [bess] (PL bases )
N base F on a part-time basis, num esquema de meio-expediente
on a trial basis, em experincia
on the basis of what youve said, com base no que voc disse
bask [bsk]
VI to bask in the sun, tomar sol
basket [bskt]
N 1. cesto 2. (with handle) cesta
basketball [bsktbl]
N basquete(bol) M
basketball player
N jogador* M de basquete (F jogadora)
basketwork [bsktwk]
N obra de verga, trabalho de vime
Basle [bl]
N Basilia
Basque [bsk]
ADJ N basco* (basca)
Basque Country
N the Basque Country, o Pas Basco
bass [bes]
N (MUS) baixo
bass clef
N clave F de f
bassoon [bsun]
N fagote M
bastard [bstd]
N 1. bastardo* (bastarda) 2. (inf!) filho-da-puta M (!)
baste [best]
VT 1. (CULIN) untar 2. (SEWING) alinhavar
bastion [bstn]
N baluarte M
N ABBR British Association of Social Workers, sindicato dos assistentes sociais
bat [bt]
N 1. (ZOOL) morcego 2. (for ball games) basto M 3. (BRIT: for table tennis) raquete F
VT he didnt bat an eyelid, ele nem pestanejou off ones own bat, por iniciativa
batch [bt]
N 1. (of bread) fornada 2. (of papers) monte M 3. (lot) remessa, lote M
batch processing
N (COMPUT) processamento batch or em lote
bated [betd]
ADJ with bated breath, contendo a respirao
bath [b] (PL baths bz )
N 1. banho 2. (bathtub) banheira VT banhar to have a bath, tomar banho (de
banheira) baths
bath chair
N cadeira de rodas
bathe [be]
VI 1. banhar-se 2. (US: have a bath) tomar um banho VT 1. banhar 2. (wound) lavar
bather [be*]
N banhista M, F
bathing [be]
N banho
bathing cap
N touca de banho
bathing costume , bathing suit (US)
N (woman's) mai M (BR) fato de banho (PT)
bath mat
N tapete M de banheiro
bathrobe [brub]
N roupo M de banho
bathroom [brum]
N banheiro (BR) casa de banho (PT)
baths [bs]
NPL swimming baths, banhos MPL pblicos
bath towel
N toalha de banho
bathtub [btb]
N banheira
batman [btmn] (BRIT)
N IRREG ordenana M
baton [btn]
N 1. (MUS) batuta 2. (ATHLETICS) basto M 3. (truncheon) cassetete M
battalion [btln]
N batalho M
batten [btn]
N (CARPENTRY) caibro batten down (NAUT) to batten down the hatches, correr
as escotilhas VT
batter [bt*]
VT 1. espancar 2. (subj) (wind, rain) castigar N massa (mole)
battered [btd]
ADJ (hat, pan) amassado, surrado battered wife/child, mulher/criana seviciada
battering ram [btr]
N arete M
battery [btr]
N 1. bateria 2. (of torch) pilha
battery charger
N carregador M de bateria
battery farming
N criao F intensiva
battle [btl]
N 1. batalha 2. (fig) luta VI lutar thats half the battle (fig) meio caminho andado
its a or were fighting a losing battle, estamos lutando em vo
battle dress
N uniforme M de combate
battlefield [btlfild]
N campo de batalha
battlements [btlmnts]
NPL ameias FPL
battleship [btlp]
N couraado
bauble [bbl]
N bugiganga
baud [bd]
N (COMPUT) baud M
baud rate
N (COMPUT) ndice M de baud, taxa de transmisso
baulk [blk]
VI balk
bauxite [bksat]
N bauxita
bawdy [bd]
ADJ 1. indecente 2. (joke) imoral
bawl [bl]
VI 1. gritar 2. (child) berrar
bay [be]
N 1. (GEO) baa 2. (BOT) louro 3. (BRIT: for parking) rea de estacionamento (for
loading) vo M de carregamento VI ladrar to hold sb at bay, manter algum a
the Bay of Biscay, o golfo de Biscaia
bay leaf
N IRREG louro
bayonet [bent]
N baioneta
bay tree
N loureiro
bay window
N janela saliente
bazaar [bz*]
N bazar M
bazooka [bzuk]
N bazuca
N ABBR bed and breakfast
N ABBR Boys Brigade, movimento de meninos
N ABBR Better Business Bureau, organizao de defesa ao consumidor
N ABBR British Broadcasting Corporation, companhia britnica de rdio e televiso
N ABBR Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, associao beneficente
ADV ABBR before Christ, a.C ABBR (CANADIAN) British Columbia
N ABBR Bacillus Calmette-Gurin, BCG M
N ABBR Bachelor of Divinity, ttulo universitrio
ABBR bank draft
N ABBR Bachelor of Dental Surgery, ttulo universitrio
ABBR bill of exchange
be [bi] ( was ), (PT were ), (PP been )
AUX VB 1. (with present participle) (forming continuous tense) estar
what are you doing? o que voc est fazendo BR or a fazer PT ?
it is raining, est chovendo BR or a chover PT
Ive been waiting for you for hours, h horas que eu espero por voc 2. (with
pp) (forming passives)
to be killed, ser morto
the box had been opened, a caixa tinha sido aberta
the thief was nowhere to be seen, ningum viu o ladro 3. (in tag questions) it
was fun, wasnt it? foi divertido, no foi?
shes back again, is she? ela voltou novamente, ? 4. (+ to + infin) the house
is to be sold, a casa est venda
youre to be congratulated for all your work, voc devia ser cumprimentado
pelo seu trabalho
hes not to open it, ele no pode abrir isso VB + COMPLEMENT 1. (gen) Im
English, sou ingls
Im tired, estou cansado
Im hot/cold, estou com calor/frio
hes a doctor, ele mdico
2 and 2 are 4 dois e dois so quatro
shes tall/pretty, ela alta/bonita
be careful! tome cuidado!
be quiet! fique quieto! fique calado!
be good! seja bonzinho! 2. (of health) estar
how are you? como est?
hes very ill, ele est muito doente 3. (of age) how old are you? quantos anos
voc tem?
Im twenty (years old) tenho vinte anos 4. (cost) ser
how much was the meal? quanto foi a refeio?
thatll be 5.75, please, so 5.75, por favor VI 1. (exist, occur etc) exister, haver
the best singer that ever was, o maior cantor de todos os tempos
is there a God? Deus existe?
be that as it may ... de qualquer forma ...
so be it, que seja assim 2. (referring to place) estar
I wont be here tomorrow, eu no estarei aqui amanh
Edinburgh is in Scotland, Edinburgo or fica na Esccia
its on the table, est na mesa 3. (referring to movement) ir
where have you been? onde voc foi?
Ive been to the post office/to China, fui ao correio/ China
Ive been in the garden, estava no quintal IMPERS VB 1. (referring to time) ser
its 8 oclock, so 8 horas
its the 28th of April, 28 de abril 2. (referring to distance) ficar
its 10 km to the village, fica a 10 km do lugarejo 3. (referring to the weather)
its too hot/cold, est quente/frio demais 4. (emphatic) its only me, sou eu!
its only the postman, apenas o carteiro
it was Maria who paid the bill, foi Maria quem pagou a conta
beach [bit]
N praia VT puxar para a terra or praia, encalhar
beachcomber [bitkum*]
N vagabundo* de praia (vagabunda)
beachwear [bitw*]
N roupa de praia
beacon [bikn]
N 1. (lighthouse) farol M 2. (marker) baliza 3. radio beacon, radiofarol M
bead [bid]
N 1. (of necklace) conta 2. (of sweat) gota beads (necklace) colar M NPL
beady [bid]
ADJ beady eyes, olhinhos vivos
beagle [bil]
N bigle M
beak [bik]
N bico
beaker [bik*]
N copo com bico
beam [bim]
N 1. (ARCH) viga 2. (of light) raio 3. (NAUT) travs M 4. (RADIO) feixe M direcional VI
1. brilhar 2. (smile) sorrir to drive on full or main beam BRIT (BRIT) to drive
on high beam US (US) transitar com os faris altos
beaming [bim]
ADJ (sun, smile) radiante
bean [bin]
N 1. feijo M 2. (of coffee) gro M runner/broad bean, vagem F /fava
bean shoots
NPL brotos MPL de feijo
bean sprouts
NPL brotos MPL de feijo
bear [b*] (PT bore ), (PP borne )
N 1. urso 2. (STOCK EXCHANGE) baixista M, F VT 1. (carry, support) arcar com 2.
(tolerate) suportar 3. (fruit) dar 4. (name, title) trazer 5. (traces, signs) apresentar,
trazer 6. (children) ter, dar luz 7. (COMM) (interest) render VI to bear right/left,
virar direita/ esquerda to bear the responsibility of, assumir a
responsabilidade de
to bear comparison with, comparar-se a
I cant bear him, eu no o agento
to bring pressure to bear on sb, exercer presso sobre algum bear out
(theory, suspicion) confirmar, corroborar VT bear up agentar, resistir VI bear
with (sb's moods, temper) ter pacincia com VT bear with me a minute, s um
momentinho, por favor
bearable [brbl]
ADJ suportvel, tolervel
beard [bd]
N barba
bearded [bdd]
ADJ barbado, barbudo
bearer [br*]
N 1. portador* M (F portadora) 2. (of title) detentor* M (F detentora)
bearing [br]
N 1. porte M, comportamento 2. (connection) relao F bearings ball bearings,
rolim M NPL to take a bearing, fazer marcao
to find ones bearings, orientar-se
beast [bist]
N 1. bicho 2. (inf) fera
beastly [bistl]
ADJ horrvel
beat [bit] (PT beat ), (PP beaten )
N 1. (of heart) batida 2. (MUS) ritmo, compasso 3. (of policeman) ronda VT 1. (hit)
bater em 2. (eggs) bater 3. (defeat) vencer, derrotar 4. (better) superar, ultrapassar
5. (drum) tocar 6. (rhythm) marcar VI (heart) bater to beat about the bush, falar
com rodeios (BR) fazer rodeios (PT)
to beat it (inf) cair fora
off the beaten track, fora de mo
to beat time, marcar o compasso
that beats everything! isso o cmulo! beat down 1. (door) arrombar 2.
(price) conseguir que seja abatido 3. (seller) conseguir que abata o preo 4. (rain)
cair a cntaros 5. (sun) bater de chapa VT beat off repelir VT beat up 1. (inf:
person) espancar 2. (eggs) bater VT
beaten [bitn]
PP (of beat)
beater [bit*]
N (for eggs, cream) batedeira
beating [bit]
N 1. batida 2. (thrashing) surra to take a beating, levar uma surra
beat-up (inf)
ADJ 1. (car) caindo aos pedaos 2. (suitcase etc) surrado
beautician [bjutn]
N esteticista M, F
beautiful [bjutful]
ADJ belo, lindo, formoso
beautifully [bjutful]
ADV admiravelmente
beautify [bjutfa]
VT embelezar
beauty [bjut]
N 1. beleza 2. (person) beldade F, beleza the beauty of it is that ... o atrativo disso
que ...
beauty contest
N concurso de beleza
beauty queen
N miss F, rainha de beleza
beauty salon [-sln]
N salo M de beleza
beauty spot
N 1. sinal M (de beleza na pele) 2. (BRIT TOURISM) lugar M de beleza excepcional
beaver [biv*]
N castor M
becalmed [bkmd]
ADJ parado devido a calmaria
became [bkem]
PT (of become)
become [bkm]
VT (suit) favorecer a VI 1. (+ n) virar, fazer-se, tornar-se 2. (+ adj) tornar-se, ficar to
become fat/thin, ficar gordo/magro
to become angry, zangar-se, ficar com raiva
it became known that, soube-se que
what has become of him? o que feito dele? o que aconteceu a ele?
because [bkz]
CONJ porque because of, por causa de
beck [bk]
N to be at sbs beck and call, estar s ordens de algum
beckon [bkn]
VT beckon to, chamar com sinais, acenar para
becoming [bkm]
ADJ 1. (behaviour) decoroso 2. (clothes) favorecedor* (favorecedora) elegante
bed [bd]
N 1. cama 2. (of flowers) canteiro 3. (of coal, clay) camada, base F 4. (of sea, lake)
fundo 5. (of river) leito to go to bed, ir dormir, deitar(-se) bed down dormir VI
N ABBR Bachelor of Education, habilitao ao magistrio
bed and breakfast
N 1. (place) penso F 2. (terms) cama e caf da manh BR or pequeno almoo PT
bedbug [bdb]
N percevejo
bedclothes [bdkluz]
NPL roupa de cama
bed cover
N colcha
bedding [bd]
N roupa de cama
bedevil [bdvl]
VT (harass) acossar to be bedevilled by, ser vtima de
bedfellow [bdflu]
N they are strange bedfellows (fig) eles formam uma dupla estranha
bedlam [bdlm]
N confuso F
bedpan [bdpn]
N comadre F
bedpost [bdpust]
N p M de cama
bedraggled [bdrld]
ADJ 1. molhado, ensopado 2. (dirty) enlameado
bedridden [bdrdn]
ADJ acamado
bedrock [bdrk]
N 1. (fig) fundamento, alicerce M 2. (GEO) leito de rocha firme
bedroom [bdrum]
N quarto, dormitrio
Beds (BRIT)
ABBR Bedfordshire
bedside [bdsad]
N at sbs bedside, cabeceira de algum CPD (book, lamp) de cabeceira
bedsit [bdst] bedsitter, bdst* (BRIT)
N conjugado
bedspread [bdsprd]
N colcha
bedtime [bdtam]
N na hora de ir para cama
bee [bi]
N abelha to have a bee in ones bonnet (about sth) estar obcecado (por algo)
beech [bit]
N faia
beef [bif]
N carne F de vaca roast beef, rosbife M beef up (inf) 1. (support) reforar 2.
(essay) desenvolver mais VT
beefburger [bifb*]
N hambrguer M
beefeater [bifit*]
N alabardeiro (da guarda da Torre de Londres)
beehive [bihav]
N colmia
beeline [bilan]
N to make a beeline for, ir direto a
been [bin]
PP (of be)
beer [b*]
N cerveja
beer can
N lata de cerveja
beet [bit] (US)
N beterraba
beetle [bitl]
N besouro
beetroot [bitrut] (BRIT)
N beterraba
befall [bfl]
VT acontecer a
befit [bft]
VT convir a
before [bf*]
PREP 1. (of time) antes de 2. (of space) diante de CONJ antes que ADV 1. antes,
anteriormente 2. frente, na dianteira before going, antes de sair
before she goes, antes dela sair
the week before, a semana anterior
Ive seen it before, eu j vi isso (antes)
Ive never seen it before, nunca vi isso antes
beforehand [bfhnd]
ADV antes
befriend [bfrnd]
VT fazer amizade com
befuddled [bfdld]
ADJ atordoado, aturdido
beg [b]
VI mendigar, pedir esmola VT 1. beg for, mendigar 2. (favour) pedir 3. (entreat)
suplicar to beg sb to do sth, implorar a algum para fazer algo
that begs the question of ... isso d por resolvida a questo de ... pardon
began [bn]
PT (of begin)
begin [bn] (PT began ), (PP begun )
VT VI comear, iniciar to begin doing or to do sth, comear a fazer algo
beginning (from) Monday, a partir de segunda-feira
I cant begin to thank you, no sei como agradecer-lhe
to begin with, em primeiro lugar
beggar [b*]
N beggarman, beggarwoman, mendigo* (mendiga)
beginner [bn*]
N principiante M, F
beginning [bn]
N incio, comeo right from the beginning, desde o incio
begrudge [brd]
VT to begrudge sb sth (envy) invejar algo de algum (give grudgingly) dar algo a
algum de m vontade
beguile [bal]
VT (enchant) encantar
beguiling [bal]
ADJ (charming) sedutor* (sedutora) encantador* (encantadora)
begun [bn]
PP (of begin)
behalf [bhf]
N on or in US behalf of (US) (as representative of) em nome de (for benefit of) no
interesse de (in aid of) em favor de on my/his behalf, em meu nome/no nome
behave [bhev]
VI 1. comportar-se 2. behave o.s. (well) comportar-se (bem)
behaviour [bhevj*] behavior (US)
N comportamento
behead [bhd]
VT decapitar, degolar
beheld [bhld]
PT PP (of behold)
behold [bhuld]
VT contemplar
behind [bhand]
PREP atrs de ADV 1. atrs 2. (move) para trs N traseiro behind (time) atrasado
to be behind (schedule) with sth, estar atrasado or com atraso em algo
behind the scenes, nos bastidores
to leave sth behind (forget) esquecer algo (run ahead of) deixar algo para trs
beige [be]
ADJ bege
Beijing [be]
N Pequim
being [bi]
N 1. (state) existncia 2. (entity) ser M to come into being, nascer, aparecer
Beirut [berut]
N Beirute
belated [bletd]
ADJ atrasado
belch [blt]
VI arrotar VT belch out (smoke etc) vomitar
beleaguered [blid]
ADJ 1. (city, fig) assediado 2. (army) cercado
Belfast [blfst]
N Belfast
belfry [blfr]
N campanrio
Belgian [bldn]
ADJ N belga M, F
Belgium [bldm]
N Blgica
Belgrade [blred]
N Belgrado
belie [bla]
VT 1. (contradict) contradizer 2. (disprove) desmentir 3. (obscure) ocultar
belief [blif]
N 1. (opinion) opinio F 2. (trust, faith) f F 3. (acceptance as true) crena, convico F
its beyond belief, inacreditvel
in the belief that, na convico de que
believable [blivbl]
ADJ crvel, acreditvel
believe [bliv]
VT to believe sth/sb, acreditar algo/em algum VI to believe in (God, ghosts) crer em
(method, person) acreditar em I believe (that) ... (think) eu acho que ...
I dont believe in corporal punishment, no sou partidrio de castigos
he is believed to be abroad, acredita-se que ele esteja no exterior
believer [bliv*]
N 1. (REL) crente M, F, fiel M, F 2. (in idea, activity) believer in, partidrio* de
belittle [bltl]
VT diminuir, depreciar
Belize [bliz]
N Belize M (no article)
bell [bl]
N 1. sino 2. (small, doorbell) campainha 3. (animal's, on toy) guizo, sininho that
rings a bell (fig) tenho uma vaga lembrana disso
the name rings a bell, o nome no me estranho
NPL cala boca-de-sino
bellboy [blb] (BRIT)
N boy M (de hotel) (BR) groom M (PT)
bellhop [blhp] (US)
N bellboy
belligerent [bldrnt]
ADJ 1. (at war) beligerante 2. (fig) agressivo
bellow [blu]
VI 1. mugir 2. (person) bramar VT (orders) gritar, berrar
bellows [bluz]
NPL fole M
bell push (BRIT)
N boto M de campainha
belly [bl]
N barriga, ventre M
bellyache [blek] (inf)
N dor F de barriga VI bufar
belly button [blbtn]
N umbigo
belong [bl]
VI to belong to, pertencer a (club etc) ser scio de the book belongs here, o livro
fica guardado aqui
belongings [blz]
NPL pertences MPL
beloved [blvd]
ADJ querido, amado N bem-amado* (bem-amada)
below [blu]
PREP 1. (beneath) embaixo de 2. (lower than, less than) abaixo de 3. (covered by)
debaixo de ADV em baixo see below, ver abaixo
temperatures below normal, temperaturas abaixo da normal
belt [blt]
N 1. cinto 2. (of land) faixa 3. (TECH) correia VT (thrash) surrar VI (BRIT inf) to belt
along, ir a toda, correr industrial belt, zona industrial belt out (song) cantar a
plenos pulmes VT belt up (BRIT inf) calar a boca VI
beltway [bltwe] (US)
N via circular
bemoan [bmun]
VT lamentar
bemused [bmjuzd]
ADJ bestificado, estupidificado
bench [bnt]
N 1. banco 2. (work bench) bancada (de carpinteiro) 3. (BRIT POL) assento num
Parlamento the Bench (LAW) o tribunal (people) os magistrados, o corpo de
bench mark
N referncia
bend [bnd] (PT, PP bent )
VT 1. (leg, arm) dobrar 2. (pipe) curvar VI dobrar-se, inclinar-se N 1. curva 2. (in pipe)
curvatura bends mal-dos-mergulhadores M NPL bend down 1. abaixar-se 2.
(squat) agachar-se VI bend over debruar-se VI
beneath [bni]
PREP 1. (position) abaixo de 2. (covered by) debaixo de 3. (unworthy of) indigno de
ADV em baixo
benefactor [bnfkt*]
N benfeitor* M (F benfeitora)
benefactress [bnfktrs]
N benfeitora
beneficial [bnfl]
ADJ beneficial (to) benfico (a)
beneficiary [bnfr]
N (LAW) beneficirio* (beneficiria)
benefit [bnft]
N 1. benefcio, vantagem F 2. (as part of salary etc) benefcio 3. (money) subsdio,
auxlio 4. benefit performance, apresentao F beneficente VT beneficiar VI to
benefit from sth, beneficiar-se de algo
benefit performance
N apresentao F beneficente
Benelux [bnlks]
N Benelux M
benevolent [bnvlnt]
ADJ benvolo
N ABBR Bachelor of Engineering, ttulo universitrio
benign [bnan]
ADJ 1. (person, smile) afvel, bondoso 2. (MED) benigno
bent [bnt]
PT PP (of bend) N inclinao F ADJ 1. (wire, pipe) torto 2. (inf: dishonest) corrupto to
be bent on, estar empenhado em
to have a bent for, ter queda para
bequeath [bkwi]
VT legar
bequest [bkwst]
N legado
bereaved [brivd]
NPL the bereaved, os enlutados ADJ enlutado
bereavement [brivmnt]
N luto
beret [bre]
N boina
Bering Sea [ber-]
N the Bering Sea, o mar de Bering
Berks (BRIT)
ABBR Berkshire
Berlin [bln]
N Berlim East/West Berlin, Berlim Oriental/Ocidental
berm [bm] (US)
N acostamento (BR) berma (PT)
Bermuda [bmjud]
N Bermudas FPL
Bermuda shorts
NPL bermuda
Bern [bn]
N Berna
berry [br]
N baga
berserk [bsk]
ADJ to go berserk, perder as estribeiras
berth [b]
N 1. (bed) beliche M 2. (cabin) cabine F 3. (on train) leito 4. (for ship) ancoradouro VI 1.
(in harbour) atracar, encostar-se 2. (at anchor) ancorar to give sb a wide berth
(fig) evitar algum
beseech [bsit] (PT, PP besought )
VT suplicar, implorar
beset [bst] (PT, PP beset )
VT (subj) (problems, difficulties) acossar ADJ a policy beset with dangers, uma
poltica cercada de perigos
besetting [bst]
ADJ his besetting sin, seu grande vcio
beside [bsad]
PREP 1. (next to) junto de, ao lado de, ao p de 2. (compared with) em comparao
com to be beside o.s. (with anger) estar fora de si
thats beside the point, isso no tem nada a ver
besides [bsadz]
ADV alm disso PREP 1. (as well as) alm de 2. (except) salvo, exceto
besiege [bsid]
VT 1. (town) sitiar, pr cerco a 2. (fig) assediar
besotted [bstd] (BRIT)
ADJ besotted with, gamado em, louco por
besought [bst]
PT PP (of beseech)
bespectacled [bspktkld]
ADJ de culos
bespoke [bspuk] (BRIT)
ADJ (garment) feito sob medida bespoke software, software M sob medida
bespoke tailor, alfaiate M que confecciona roupa sob medida
best [bst]
ADJ melhor ADV (o) melhor the best part of (quantity) a maior parte de
at best, na melhor das hipteses
to make the best of sth, tirar o maior partido possvel de algo
to do ones best, fazer o possvel
to the best of my knowledge, que eu saiba
to the best of my ability, o melhor que eu puder
hes not exactly patient at the best of times, mesmo nos seus melhores
momentos ele no muito paciente
the best thing to do is ... o melhor ...
best man
N padrinho de casamento
bestow [bstu]
VT 1. (affection) dar, oferecer 2. (honour, title) to bestow sth on sb, outorgar algo a
bestseller [bstsl*]
N (book) best-seller M
bet [bt] ( bet ), (PT, PP betted )
N aposta VT to bet sb sth, apostar algo con algum VI to bet (on) apostar (em) to
bet money on sth, apostar dinheiro em algo
its a safe bet (fig) coisa segura, dinheiro ganho
Bethlehem [blhm]
N Belm
betray [btre]
VT 1. trair 2. (denounce) delatar
betrayal [btrel]
N traio F
better [bt*]
ADJ ADV melhor VT 1. melhorar 2. (go above) superar N to get the better of sb, vencer
algum you had better do it, melhor voc fazer isso
he thought better of it, pensou melhor, mudou de opinio
to get better, melhorar
thats better! isso!
good [ud]
ADJ 1. bom/boa 2. (kind) bom, bondoso 3. (well-behaved) educado 4. (useful) til N
bem M goods 1. (possessions) bens MPL 2. (COMM) mercadorias FPL NPL
goods and chattels, bens mveis
good! bom!
to be good at, ser bom em
to be good for, servir para
its good for you, faz-lhe bem
would you be good enough to ...? podia fazer-me o favor de ...? poderia me
fazer a gentileza de ...?
its a good thing you were there, ainda bem que voc estava l
she is good with children/her hands, ela tem habilidade com crianas/com as
to feel good, sentir-se bem, estar bom
its good to see you, bom ver voc (formal) prazer em v-lo
hes up to no good, ele tem ms intenes
for the common good, para o bem comum
thats very good of you, muita bondade sua
is this any good? (will it do?) ser que isso serve? (what's it like?) ser que vale
a pena?
a good deal (of) muito
a good many, muitos
to make good, reparar
its no good complaining, no adianta se queixar
for good (forever) para sempre, definitivamente (once and for all) de uma vez
por todas
good morning/afternoon! bom dia/boa tarde!
good evening! boa noite!
good night! boa noite!
well [wl]
N 1. poo 2. (pool) nascente F ADV bem ADJ to be well, estar bem (de sade) EXCL
bem! ento! as well, tambm
as well as, assim como
well done! muito bem!
get well soon! melhoras!
to do well, ir or sair-se bem (business) ir bem
to think well of sb, ter um bom conceito a respeito de algum
I dont feel well, no estou me sentindo bem
you might as well tell me, melhor voc me contar logo
well, as I was saying ... bem, como eu estava dizendo ... well up brotar VI
better off
ADJ 1. mais rico 2. (fig) em melhor situao youd be better off this way, seria
melhor para voc assim
betting [bt]
N jogo
betting shop (BRIT)
N agncia de apostas
between [btwin]
PREP no meio de, entre ADV no meio the road between here and London, a
estrada daqui a Londres
we only had 5 between us, juntos s tnhamos 5
between you and me, c entre ns
bevel [bvl]
N bevel edge, bisel M
beverage [bvrd]
N bebida
bevy [bv]
N a bevy of, um grupo or bando de
bewail [bwel]
VT lamentar
beware [bw*]
VT VI to beware (of) precaver-se (de) ter cuidado (com) beware of the dog,
cuidado com o cachorro EXCL cuidado!
bewildered [bwldd]
ADJ 1. atordeado 2. (confused) confuso
bewildering [bwldr]
ADJ atordoador* (atordoadora) desnorteante
bewitching [bwt]
ADJ encantador* (encantadora) sedutor* (sedutora)
beyond [bjnd]
PREP 1. (in space, exceeding) alm de 2. (exceeding) acima de, fora de 3. (date) mais
tarde que 4. (above) acima ADV 1. alm 2. (in time) mais longe, mais adiante
beyond doubt, fora de qualquer dvida
to be beyond repair, no ter conserto
ABBR brought forward
N ABBR British Forces Post Office, servio postal do exrcito
N ABBR (AUT) brake horsepower, potncia efetiva ao freio
bi... [ba]
PREFIX bi...
bus [bs]
N nibus M INV (BR) autocarro (PT)
biannual [banjul]
ADJ semestral
bias [bas]
N 1. (prejudice) preconceito 2. (preference) preveno F
biased , biassed [bast]
ADJ parcial to be bias(s)ed against, ter preconceito contra
bib [bb]
N babadouro, babador M
Bible [babl]
N Bblia
biblical [bblkl]
ADJ bblico
bibliography [bblrf]
N bibliografia
bicarbonate of soda [bakbnt-]
N bicarbonato de sdio
bicentenary [basntinr]
N bicentenrio
bicentennial [basntnl]
N bicentenrio
biceps [basps]
N bceps M INV
bicker [bk*]
VI brigar
bicycle [baskl]
N bicicleta
bicycle path
N ciclovia
bicycle pump
N bomba de bicicleta
bicycle track
N ciclovia
bid [bd] ( bade ), (PT bid ), ( bidden ), (PP bid )
N 1. oferta 2. (at auction) lance M 3. (attempt) tentativa VI 1. fazer uma oferta 2. fazer
lance 3. (COMM) licitar, fazer uma licitao VT 1. (price) oferecer 2. (order) mandar,
ordenar to bid sb good day, dar bom dia a algum
bidder [bd*]
N (COMM) licitante M the highest bidder, quem oferece mais
bidding [bd]
N 1. (at auction) lances MPL 2. (COMM) licitao F 3. (order) ordem F
bide [bad]
VT to bide ones time, esperar o momento adequado
bidet [bide]
N bid M
bidirectional [badrknl]
ADJ bidirecional
biennial [banl]
ADJ bienal N (plant) planta bienal
bier [b*]
N fretro
bifocals [bafuklz]
NPL culos MPL bifocais
big [b]
ADJ 1. grande 2. (bulky) volumoso big brother/sister, irmo mais velho* (irmo
maisirm mais velha)
to do things in a big way, fazer as coisas em grande escala
bigamy [bm]
N bigamia
big business
N alto comrcio
big dipper [-dp*]
N montanha-russa
big end
N (AUT) cabea de biela
bigheaded [bhdd]
ADJ convencido
big-hearted [bhtd]
ADJ magnnimo
bigot [bt]
N fantico, intolerante M, F
bigoted [btd]
ADJ fantico, intolerante
bigotry [btr]
N fanatismo, intolerncia
big toe
N dedo M do p
big top
N tenda de circo
big wheel
N (at fair) roda gigante
bigwig [bw] (inf)
N mandachuva M
bike [bak]
N bicicleta
bikini [bkin]
N biquni M
bilateral [baltrl]
ADJ bilateral
bile [bal]
N blis F
bilingual [balwl]
ADJ bilnge
bilious [bls]
ADJ bilioso
bill [bl]
N 1. conta 2. (invoice) fatura 3. (POL) projeto de lei 4. (US: banknote) bilhete M, nota
5. (in restaurant) conta, notinha 6. (notice) cartaz M 7. (of bird) bico VT 1. (item)
faturar 2. (customer) enviar fatura a may I have the bill please? a conta or a
notinha, por favor?
``stick or post no bills `` proibido afixar cartazes
to fit or fill the bill (fig) servir
bill of exchange, letra de cmbio
bill of lading, conhecimento de carga
bill of sale, nota de venda (formal) escritura de venda
billboard [blbd]
N quadro para cartazes
billet [blt]
N alojamento VT alojar, quartelar
billfold [blfuld] (US)
N carteira (para notas)
billiards [bldz]
N bilhar M
billion [bln]
N 1. (BRIT) 1,000,000,000,000 trilho M 2. (US) 1,000,000,000 bilho M
billow [blu]
N (of smoke) bulco M VI 1. (smoke) redemoinhar 2. (sail) enfunar-se
billy goat [bl-]
N bode M
bin [bn]
N 1. caixa 2. dustbin, litter bin (BRIT) lata de lixo breadbin
binary [banr]
ADJ binrio
bind [band] (PT, PP bound )
VT 1. atar, amarrar 2. (wound) enfaixar 3. (oblige) obrigar 4. (book) encadernar N (inf)
saco bind over (LAW) pr em liberdade condicional VT bind up (wound)
enfaixar VT to be bound up with, estar vinculado a
binder [band*]
N (file) fichrio
binding [band]
ADJ (contract) sujeitante N (of book) encadernao F
binge [bnd] (inf)
N to go on a binge, tomar uma bebedeira
bingo [bu]
N bingo
binoculars [bnkjulz]
NPL binculo
bio ... [bau]
PREFIX bio ...
biochemistry [bakmstr]
N bioqumica
biodegradable [baudredbl]
ADJ biodegradvel
biographer [barf*]
N bigrafo* (bigrafa)
biographic [barfk] biographical, barfkl
ADJ biogrfico
biography [barf]
N biografia
biological [baldkl]
ADJ biolgico
biologist [baldst]
N bilogo* (biloga)
biology [bald]
N biologia
biometric [baumtrk]
ADJ biomtrico* (biomtrica)
biophysics [baufzks]
N biofsica
biopsy [baps]
N biopsia
biotechnology [bautknld]
N biotecnia
birch [bt]
N 1. btula 2. (cane) vara de vidoeiro
bird [bd]
N 1. ave F, pssaro 2. (BRIT inf: girl) gatinha
birdcage [bdked]
N gaiola
bird flu
N gripe F do frango
birds-eye view
N 1. vista area 2. (overview) vista geral
bird watcher [-wt*]
N ornitfilo* (ornitfila)
Biro [baru]
N caneta esferogrfica
birth [b]
N 1. nascimento 2. (MED) parto to give birth to, dar luz, parir
birth certificate
N certido F de nascimento
birth control
N 1. controle M de natalidade 2. (methods) mtodos MPL anticoncepcionais
birthday [bde]
N aniversrio (BR) dia M de anos (PT) CPD de aniversrio happy
birthmark [bmk]
N nevo
birthplace [bples]
N lugar M de nascimento
birth rate
N ndice M de natalidade F
Biscay [bske]
N the Bay of Biscay, o golfo de Biscaia
biscuit [bskt]
N 1. (BRIT) bolacha, biscoito 2. (US) po M doce
bisect [baskt]
VT dividir ao meio
bishop [bp]
N 1. bispo 2. (CHESS) pea de jogo de xadrex
bit [bt]
PT (of bite) N 1. pedao, bocado 2. (of tool) broca 3. (of horse) freio 4. (COMPUT) bit
M a bit of (a little) um pouco de
a bit mad/dangerous, um pouco doido/perigoso
bit by bit, pouco a pouco
to come to bits (break) cair aos pedaos
bring all your bits and pieces, traz todos os teus troos
to do ones bit, fazer sua parte
bite [bat] (PT bit ), (PP bitten )
VT VI 1. morder 2. (insect etc) picar N 1. mordida 2. (insect bite) picada 3. (mouthful)
bocado to bite ones nails, roer as unhas
lets have a bite (to eat) (inf) vamos fazer uma boquinha
bitch [bt]
N 1. (dog) cadela, cachorra 2. (inf!: woman) cadela (!) vagabunda (!)
biting [bat]
ADJ 1. (wind) penetrante 2. (wit) mordaz
bit part
N (THEATRE) ponta
bitten [btn]
PP (of bite)
bitter [bt*]
ADJ 1. amargo 2. (wind, criticism) cortante, penetrante 3. (battle) encarniado N (BRIT:
beer) cerveja amarga to the bitter end, at o fim
bitterly [btl]
ADV 1. (complain, weep) amargamente 2. (criticize) asperamente 3. (oppose)
implacavelmente 4. (jealous, disappointed) extremamente its bitterly cold, faz
um frio glacial
bitterness [btns]
N 1. amargor M 2. (anger) rancor M
bittersweet [btswit]
ADJ agridoce
bitty [bt] (BRIT inf)
ADJ sem nexo
bitumen [btjumn]
N betume M
bivouac [bvuk]
N bivaque M
bizarre [bz*]
ADJ esquisito
ABBR bank, book
ABBR bill of lading
N ABBR 1. Bachelor of Laws, Bachelor of Letters, ttulo universitrio 2. (US) Bachelor
of Literature, ttulo universitrio
blab [blb]
VI dar or bater com a lngua nos dentes VT blab out, revelar, badalar
black [blk]
ADJ 1. preto 2. (humour) negro N 1. (colour) cor F preta 2. (person) Black, negro*
(negra) preto* (preta) VT 1. (shoes) lustrar (BR) engraxar (PT) 2. (BRIT
INDUSTRY) boicotar to give sb a black eye, esmurrar algum e deix-lo de olho
black and blue, contuso, contundido
there it is in black and white (fig) a est preto no branco
to be in the black (in credit) estar com saldo credor black out (faint) desmaiar
black belt (US)
N zona de negros
blackberry [blkbr]
N amora preta (BR) amora silvestre (PT)
blackbird [blkbd]
N melro
blackboard [blkbd]
N quadro(-negro)
black box
N (AVIAT) caixa preta
black coffee
N caf M preto
Black Country (BRIT)
N the Black Country, zona industrial na regio central da Inglaterra
blackcurrant [blkkrnt]
N groselha negra
black economy (BRIT)
N economia invisvel
blacken [blkn]
VT 1. enegrecer 2. (fig) denegrir
Black Forest
N the Black Forest, a Floresta Negra
blackhead [blkhd]
N cravo
black ice
N gelo negro
blackjack [blkdk]
N 1. (CARDS) vinte-e-um M 2. (US: truncheon) cassetete M
blackleg [blkl] (BRIT)
N fura-greve M, F
blacklist [blklst]
N lista negra VT colocar na lista negra
blackmail [blkmel]
N chantagem F VT fazer chantagem a
blackmailer [blkmel*]
N chantagista M, F
black market
N mercado or cmbio negro
blackout [blkaut]
N 1. blecaute M 2. (fainting) desmaio 3. (of radio signal) desvanecimento
Black Sea
N the Black Sea, o mar Negro
black sheep
N (fig) ovelha negra
blacksmith [blksm]
N ferreiro
black spot
N 1. (AUT) lugar M perigoso 2. (for unemployment etc) rea crtica
bladder [bld*]
N bexiga
blade [bled]
N 1. folha 2. (of knife, sword) lmina 3. (of oar, rotor) p F a blade of grass, uma
folha de relva
blame [blem]
N culpa VT to blame sb for sth, culpar algum por algo to be to blame, ter a culpa
blameless [blemls]
ADJ (person) inocente
blanch [blnt]
VI (person, face) empalidecer VT (CULIN) escaldar
bland [blnd]
ADJ 1. suave 2. (taste) brando
blank [blk]
ADJ 1. em branco 2. (shot) sem bala 3. (look) sem expresso N 1. (of memory) to go
blank, dar um branco, on form, espao em branco 2. (cartridge) bala de festim
we drew a blank (fig) chegamos a lugar nenhum
blank cheque , blank check (US)
N cheque M em branco to give sb a blank cheque to do ... dar carta branca a
algum para fazer ...
blanket [blkt]
N 1. (for bed) cobertor M 2. (for travelling etc) manta 3. (of snow, fog) camada ADJ
(statement, agreement) global, geral to give blanket cover (subj) (insurance
policy) dar cobertura geral
blare [bl*]
VI (horn, radio) clangorar
blarney [bln]
N bajulao F
blas [blze]
ADJ indiferente
blasphemous [blsfms]
ADJ blasfemo
blasphemy [blsfm]
N blasfmia
blast [blst]
N 1. (of wind) rajada 2. (of whistle) toque M 3. (of explosive) exploso F 4. (shock
wave) sopro 5. (of air, steam) jato VT 1. (blow up) fazer voar 2. (blow open) abrir
com uma carga explosiva EXCL (BRIT inf) droga! (at) full blast (play music etc)
no volume mximo (fig) a todo vapor blast off (SPACE) decolar VI
blast furnace
N alto forno
N (SPACE) lanamento
blatant [bletnt]
ADJ descarado
blatantly [bletntl]
ADV (lie) descaradamente its blatantly obvious, de toda a evidncia, est na
blaze [blez]
N 1. (fire) fogo 2. (in building etc) incndio 3. (flames) chamas FPL 4. (fig) (of colour)
esplendor M (of glory, publicity) exploso F VI 1. (fire) arder 2. (guns) descarregar 3.
(eyes) brilhar VT to blaze a trail (fig) abrir (um) caminho in a blaze of publicity,
numa exploso de publicidade
blazer [blez*]
N casaco esportivo, blazer M
bleach [blit]
N household bleach, gua sanitria VT (linen) branquear
bleached [blitt]
ADJ 1. (hair) oxigenado 2. (linen) branqueado, alvejado
bleachers [blitz] (US)
NPL (SPORT) arquibancada descoberta
bleak [blik]
ADJ 1. (countryside) desolado 2. (prospect) desanimador* (desanimadora) sombrio 3.
(weather) ruim 4. (smile) sem graa, amarelo
bleary-eyed [blrad]
ADJ de olhos injetados
bleat [blit]
VI balir N balido
bled [bld]
PT PP (of bleed)
bleed [blid] (PT, PP bled )
VT VI sangrar my nose is bleeding, eu estou sangrando do nariz
bleeper [blip*]
N (of doctor etc) bip M
blemish [blm]
N 1. mancha 2. (on reputation) mcula
blend [blnd]
N mistura VT misturar VI blend in (colours etc) combinar-se, misturar-se
blender [blnd*]
N (CULIN) liqidificador M
bless [bls] ( blessed ), (PT, PP blest )
VT abenoar bless you! (after sneeze) sade!
PT PP (of bless) to be blessed with, estar dotado de
ADJ 1. (REL) (holy) bendito, bento 2. (happy) afortunado it rains every blessed
day, chove cada santo dia
blessing [bls]
N 1. bno F 2. (godsend) graa, ddiva 3. (approval) aprovao F to count ones
blessings, dar graas a Deus
it was a blessing in disguise, Deus escreve certo por linhas tortas
blest [blst]
PT PP (of bless)
blew [blu]
PT (of blow)
blow [blu] (PT blew ), (PP blown )
N 1. golpe M 2. (punch) soco VI soprar VT 1. (subj) (wind) soprar 2. (instrument) tocar
3. (fuse) queimar 4. (glass) soprar to blow ones nose, assoar o nariz
to come to blows, chegar s vias de fato blow away 1. levar, arrancar 2. ser
levado pelo vento VT blow down derrubar VT blow off 1. levar 2. ser levado VT
blow out 1. (candle) apagar 2. (tyre) estourar 3. (candle) apagar VI blow over
passar VI blow up 1. explodir 2. (fig) perder a pacincia 3. explodir 4. (tyre)
encher 5. (PHOT) ampliar VI
blight [blat]
VT (hopes etc) frustrar, gorar N (of plants) ferrugem F
blimey [blam] (BRIT inf)
EXCL nossa!
blind [bland]
ADJ cego N 1. (for window) persiana 2. Venetian blind, veneziana VT 1. cegar 2.
(dazzle) deslumbrar the blind (blind people) os cegos NPL to turn a blind eye
(on or to) fazer vista grossa (a)
blind alley
N beco-sem-sada M
blind corner (BRIT)
N curva sem visibilidade
blindfold [blandfuld]
N venda ADJ ADV com os olhos vendados, s cegas VT vendar os olhos a
blindly [blandl]
ADV 1. s cegas 2. (without thinking) cegamente
blindness [blandns]
N cegueira
blind spot
N 1. (AUT) local M pouco visvel 2. (fig) ponto fraco
blink [blk]
VI piscar N (inf) the TVs on the blink, a TV est com defeito
blinkers [blkz]
NPL antolhos MPL
blinking [blk] (BRIT inf)
ADJ this blinking ... este danado ...
bliss [bls]
N felicidade F
blissful [blsful]
ADJ 1. (event, day) maravilhoso 2. (sigh, smile) contente in blissful ignorance,
numa bendita ignorncia
blissfully [blsful]
ADJ 1. (smile) ditosamente 2. (happy) maravilhosamente
blister [blst*]
N 1. (on skin) bolha 2. (in paint, rubber) empola VI (paint) empolar-se
blistering [blstr]
ADJ (heat) causticante
BLit , BLitt
N ABBR Bachelor of Literature, ttulo universitrio
blithe [bla]
ADJ alegre
blithely [blal]
ADV 1. (unconcernedly) tranqilamente 2. (joyfully) alegremente
blithering [blr] (inf)
ADJ this blithering idiot, esta besta quadrada
blitz [blts]
N 1. bombardeio areo 2. (fig) to have a blitz on sth, dar um jeito em algo
blizzard [blzd]
N nevasca
N ABBR Bureau of Land Management
bloated [blutd]
ADJ 1. (swollen) inchado 2. (full) empanturrado
blob [blb]
N 1. (drop) gota 2. (stain, spot) mancha 3. (indistinct shape) ponto
bloc [blk]
N (POL) bloco
block [blk]
N 1. (of wood) bloco 2. (of stone) laje F 3. (in pipes) entupimento 4. (toy) cubo 5. (of
buildings) quarteiro M VT 1. obstruir, bloquear 2. (pipe) entupir 3. (progress)
impedir 4. (COMPUT) blocar block of flats BRIT (BRIT) prdio (de
3 blocks from here, a trs quarteires daqui
mental block, bloqueio
block and tackle (TECH) talha block up 1. (hole) tampar 2. (pipe) entupir 3.
(road) bloquear VT
blockade [blked]
N bloqueio VT bloquear
blockage [blkd]
N obstruo F
block booking
N reserva em bloco
blockbuster [blkbst*]
N grande sucesso
block capitals
NPL letras FPL de forma
blockhead [blkhd]
N imbecil M, F
block letters
NPL letras FPL maisculas
block release (BRIT)
N licena para fins de aperfeioamento profissional
block vote (BRIT)
N voto em bloco
blog [bl]
N (inf: Internet journal) blog M, blogue F
blogger [blr]
N (inf: person) blogueiro* (blogueiroa)
bloke [bluk] (BRIT inf)
N cara M (BR) gajo (PT)
blond , blonde [blnd]
ADJ N louro* (loura)
blood [bld]
N sangue M
bloodcurdling [bldkdl]
ADJ horripilante, de fazer gelar o sangue nas veias
blood donor
N doador* M de sangue (F doadora)
blood group
N grupo sangneo
bloodhound [bldhaund]
N sabujo
bloodless [bldls]
ADJ 1. (victory) incruento 2. (pale) plido
bloodletting [bldlt]
N 1. (MED) sangria 2. (fig) derramamento de sangue
blood poisoning
N toxemia
blood pressure
N presso F arterial or sangnea
bloodshed [bldd]
N matana, carnificina
bloodshot [bldt]
ADJ (eyes) injetado
bloodstained [bldstend]
ADJ manchado de sangue
bloodstream [bldstrim]
N corrente F sangnea
blood test
N exame M de sangue
bloodthirsty [bldst]
ADJ sanginrio
blood transfusion
N transfuso F de sangue
blood vessel
N vaso sangneo
bloody [bld]
ADJ 1. sangrento 2. (nose) ensangentado 3. (BRIT inf!) this bloody ... essa droga de
... esse maldito ... bloody strong/good, forte/bom pra burro (inf)
bloody-minded [bldmandd] (BRIT inf)
ADJ esprito de porco
bloom [blum]
N 1. flor F 2. (fig) florescimento, vio VI florescer
blooming [blum] (inf)
ADJ this blooming ... esse maldito ... esse miservel ...
blossom [blsm]
N flor F VI 1. florescer 2. (fig) desabrochar-se to blossom into (fig) tornar-se
blot [blt]
N 1. borro M 2. (fig) mancha VT 1. borrar 2. (ink) secar a blot on the landscape,
um aleijo na paisagem
to blot ones copy book (fig) manchar sua reputao blot out 1. (view) tapar
2. (memory) apagar VT
blotchy [blt]
ADJ (complexion) cheio de manchas
blotter [blt*]
N mata-borro M
blotting paper [blt-]
N mata-borro M
blouse [blauz]
N blusa
blow [blu] (PT blew ), (PP blown )
N 1. golpe M 2. (punch) soco VI soprar VT 1. (subj) (wind) soprar 2. (instrument) tocar
3. (fuse) queimar 4. (glass) soprar to blow ones nose, assoar o nariz
to come to blows, chegar s vias de fato blow away 1. levar, arrancar 2. ser
levado pelo vento VT blow down derrubar VT blow off 1. levar 2. ser levado VT
blow out 1. (candle) apagar 2. (tyre) estourar 3. (candle) apagar VI blow over
passar VI blow up 1. explodir 2. (fig) perder a pacincia 3. explodir 4. (tyre)
encher 5. (PHOT) ampliar VI
N escova VT fazer escova em
blowlamp [blulmp] (BRIT)
N maarico
blown [blun]
PP (of blow)
N 1. (of tyre) furo 2. (inf: big meal) rega-bofe M
blowtorch [blutt]
N blowlamp
blowzy [blauz] (BRIT)
ADJ balofa
N ABBR Bureau of Labor Statistics
blubber [blb*]
N leo de baleia VI (pej) choramingar
blue [blu]
ADJ 1. azul 2. (depressed) deprimido blues (MUS) the blues, o blues N to have
the blues (inf: feeling) estar na fossa, estar de baixo astral
(only) once in a blue moon, uma vez na vida e outra na morte
out of the blue (fig) de estalo, inesperadamente
blue baby
N criana azul
bluebell [blubl]
N campainha
bluebottle [blubtl]
N varejeira azul
blue cheese
N queijo tipo roquefort
ADJ blue-chip investment, investimento de primeira ordem
blue-collar worker
N operrio* (operria)
blue film
N filme picante
blue jeans
NPL jeans M (BR) jeans MPL (PT)
blueprint [bluprnt]
N 1. anteprojeto 2. (fig) blueprint (for) esquema M (de)
bluff [blf]
VI blefar N 1. blefe M 2. (crag) penhasco ADJ (person) brusco to call sbs bluff,
pagar para ver algum
blunder [blnd*]
N gafe F VI cometer or fazer uma gafe to blunder into sb/sth, esbarrar com
blunt [blnt]
ADJ 1. (knife) cego 2. (pencil) rombudo 3. (person) franco, direto VT embotar blunt
instrument (LAW) arma imprpria
bluntly [blntl]
ADV sem rodeios
bluntness [blntns]
N (of person) franqueza, rudeza
blur [bl*]
N borro M VT 1. borrar, nublar 2. (vision) embaar
blurb [blb]
N (for book) dizeres MPL de propaganda
blurred [bld]
ADJ indistinto, borrado
blurt out [blt-]
VT 1. (reveal) deixar escapar 2. (say) balbuciar
blush [bl]
VI corar, ruborizar-se N rubor M, vermelhido F
blusher [bl*]
N blusher M
bluster [blst*]
N fanfarronada, bazfia VI fanfarronar
blustering [blstr]
ADJ (person) fanfarro* (fanfarrrona)
blustery [blstr]
ADJ (weather) borrascoso, tormentoso
ABBR boulevard
N ABBR 1. British Museum 2. (SCH) Bachelor of Medicine, ttulo universitrio
N ABBR British Medical Association
N ABBR British Medical Journal
N ABBR Bachelor of Music, ttulo universitrio
N ABBR 1. (inf) body odour, fartum M, c.c. M 2. (US) box office
boar [b*]
N javali M
board [bd]
N 1. (wooden) tbua 2. (cardboard) quadro 3. (notice board) quadro de avisos 4. (for
chess etc) tabuleiro 5. (committee) junta, conselho 6. (in firm) diretoria, conselho
administrativo 7. (NAUT AVIAT) on board, a bordo VT embarcar em full board
BRIT (BRIT) penso F completa
half board BRIT (BRIT) meia-penso F
board and lodging, casa e comida
above board (fig) limpo
across the board (adj) geral
across the board (adv) de uma maneira geral
to go by the board, ficar abandonado, danar (inf) board up (door) entabuar
boarder [bd*]
N 1. hspede M, F 2. (SCH) interno* (interna)
board game
N jogo de tabuleiro
boarding card [bd-]
N boarding pass
boarding house [bd-]
N penso M
boarding pass [bd-] (BRIT)
N (AVIAT, NAUT) carto M de embarque
boarding school [bd-]
N internato
board meeting
N reunio F da diretoria
board room
N sala da diretoria
boardwalk [bdwk] (US)
N passeio de tbuas
boast [bust]
VI contar vantagem to boast (about or of) gabar-se (de) jactar-se (de) VT ostentar N
jactncia, bazfia
boastful [bustful]
ADJ vaidoso, jactancioso
boastfulness [bustfulns]
N bazfia, jactncia
boat [but]
N 1. barco 2. (small) bote M 3. (big) navio to go by boat, ir de barco
to be in the same boat (fig) estar no mesmo barco
boater [but*]
N (hat) chapu M de palha
boating [but]
N passeio de barco
boatman [butmn]
N IRREG barqueiro
boatswain [busn]
N contramestre M
bob [bb]
VI bob up and down (boat, cork on water) balouar-se N (BRIT inf) shilling bob up
aparecer, surgir VI
bobbin [bbn]
N bobina, carretel M
bobby [bb] (BRIT inf)
N policial M, F (BR) polcia M (PT)
bobsleigh [bbsle]
N bob M, tren M duplo
bode [bud]
VI to bode well/ill (for) ser de bom/mau agouro (para)
bodice [bds]
N corpete M
bodily [bdl]
ADJ 1. corporal 2. (pain) fsico 3. (needs) material ADV (lift) em peso
body [bd]
N 1. corpo 2. (corpse) cadver M 3. (of car) carroceria 4. (of plane) fuselagem F 5. (fig)
(group) grupo (organization) organizao F 6. (quantity) conjunto 7. (of wine) corpo
in a body, todos juntos
N musculao F
bodyguard [bdd]
N guarda-costas M INV
body repairs
NPL lanternagem F
bodywork [bdwk]
N lataria
boffin [bfn] (BRIT)
N cientista M, F
bog [b]
N pntano, atoleiro VT to get bogged down (in) (fig) atolar-se (em)
bogey [bu]
N 1. (worry) espectro 2. (BRIT inf: dried mucus) meleca
boggle [bl]
VI the mind boggles (wonder) no d para imaginar (innuendo) nem quero pensar
bogie [bu]
N (RAIL) truque M
Bogot [bt]
N Bogot
bogus [bus]
ADJ 1. falso 2. (workman etc) farsante
Bohemia [buhim]
N Bomia
Bohemian [buhimn]
ADJ N bomio* (bomia)
boil [bl]
VT 1. ferver 2. (eggs) cozinhar VI ferver N (MED) furnculo to bring to the BRIT or a
US boil (BRIT) (US) deixar ferver
to come to the BRIT or a US boil (BRIT) (US) comear a ferver boil down to
(fig) reduzir-se a VT boil over transbordar VI
boiled egg [bld-]
N ovo cozido
boiled potatoes [bld-]
NPL batatas FPL cozidas
boiler [bl*]
N 1. caldeira 2. (for central heating) boiler M
boiler suit (BRIT)
N macaco M (BR) fato macaco (PT)
boiling [bl]
ADJ its boiling (weather) est um calor horrvel Im boiling (hot) (inf) estou
morrendo de calor
boiling point
N ponto de ebulio
boisterous [bstrs]
ADJ 1. (noisy) barulhento 2. (excitable) agitado 3. (crowd) turbulento
bold [buld]
ADJ 1. corajoso 2. (pej) atrevido, insolente 3. (outline, colour) forte
boldness [buldns]
N 1. arrojo, coragem F 2. (cheek) audcia, descaramento
bold type
N (TYP) negrito
Bolivia [blv]
N Bolvia
Bolivian [blvn]
ADJ N boliviano* (boliviana)
bollard [bld]
N 1. (BRIT AUT) poste M de sinalizao 2. (NAUT) poste de amarrao
bolster [bulst*]
N travesseiro bolster up sustentar VT
bolt [bult]
N 1. (lock) trinco, ferrolho 2. (with nut) parafuso, cavilha ADV bolt upright, direito
como um fuso VT 1. (door) fechar a ferrolho, trancar 2. (food) engolir s pressas VI
1. fugir 2. (horse) disparar to be a bolt from the blue (fig) cair como uma bomba,
ser uma bomba
bomb [bm]
N bomba VT bombardear
bombard [bmbd]
VT bombardear
bombardment [bmbdmnt]
N bombardeio
bombastic [bmbstk]
ADJ bombstico
bomb disposal
N bomb disposal expert, perito* em desmontagem de explosivos (perita) bomb
disposal unit, unidade F de desmontagem de explosivos
bomber [bm*]
N 1. (AVIAT) bombardeiro 2. (terrorist) terrorista M, F
bombing [bm]
N 1. bombardeio 2. (by terrorists) atentado a bomba
bombshell [bml]
N 1. granada de artilharia 2. (fig) bomba
bomb site
N zona bombardeada
bona fide [bunfad]
ADJ genuno, autntico
bonanza [bnnz]
N boom M
bond [bnd]
N 1. (binding promise) compromisso 2. (link) vnculo, lao 3. (FINANCE) obrigao F
4. (COMM) in bond (goods) retido sob cauo na alfndega
bondage [bndd]
N escravido F
bonded warehouse [bndd-]
N depsito da alfndega, entreposto aduaneiro
bone [bun]
N 1. osso 2. (of fish) espinha VT 1. desossar 2. tirar as espinhas de
bone china
N porcelana com mistura de cinza de ossos
ADJ completamente seco
bone idle
ADJ preguioso
boner [bun*] (US)
N gafe F
bonfire [bnfa*]
N fogueira
Bonn [bn]
N Bonn
bonnet [bnt]
N 1. toucado 2. (BRIT: of car) cap M
bonny [bn] (SCOTTISH)
ADJ bonitinho
bonus [buns]
N 1. (payment) bnus M 2. (fig) gratificao F 3. (on salary) prmio, gratificao F
bony [bun]
ADJ 1. (arm, face, MED) (tissue) ossudo 2. (meat) cheio de ossos 3. (fish) cheio de
boo [bu]
VT vaiar N vaia EXCL ruuh! bu!
boob [bub] (inf)
N 1. (breast) seio 2. (BRIT: mistake) besteira, gafe F
booby prize [bub-]
N prmio de consolao
booby trap [bub-]
N armadilha explosiva
booby-trapped [bubtrpt]
ADJ que tem armadilha explosiva
book [buk]
N 1. livro 2. (of stamps, tickets) talo M 3. (notebook) caderno VT 1. reservar 2. (driver)
autuar 3. (football player) mostrar o carto amarelo a books (COMM) contas FPL,
contabilidade F NPL to keep the books, fazer a escriturao or contabilidade
by the book, de acordo com o regulamento, corretamente
to throw the book at sb, condenar algum pena mxima book in (BRIT) (at
hotel) registrar (BR) registar (PT) VI book up reservar VT all seats are booked
up, todos os lugares esto tomados
the hotel is booked up, o hotel est lotado
bookable [bukbl]
ADJ seats are bookable, lugares podem ser reservados
bookcase [bukkes]
N estante F (para livros)
book ends
NPL suportes MPL de livros
booking [buk] (BRIT)
N reserva
booking office (BRIT)
N (RAIL THEATRE) bilheteria (BR) bilheteira (PT)
N escriturao F, contabilidade F
booklet [buklt]
N livrinho, brochura
bookmaker [bukmek*]
N book(maker) M (BR) agenciador M de apostas (PT)
bookseller [buksl*]
N livreiro* (livreira)
bookshop [bukp]
N livraria
bookstall [bukstl]
N banca de livros
bookstore [bukst*]
N bookshop
book token
N vale M para livro
book value
N valor M contbil
boom [bum]
N 1. (noise) barulho, estrondo 2. (in sales etc) aumento rpido 3. (ECON) boom M,
fase F or aumento de prosperidade VI 1. (sound) retumbar 2. (business) tomar surto
boomerang [bumr]
N bumerangue M
boom town
N cidade F de rpido crescimento econmico
boon [bun]
N ddiva, benefcio
boorish [bur]
ADJ rude
boost [bust]
N estmulo VT estimular to give a boost to sbs spirits or to sb, dar uma fora a
booster [bust*]
N 1. (MED) revacinao F 2. (TV) amplificador M (de sinal) 3. (ELEC) sobrevoltador M
4. booster rocket, foguete M auxiliar
booster seat
N (AUT) (for children) assento de carro para crianas maiores
boot [but]
N 1. bota 2. (for football) chuteira 3. (for walking) bota (para caminhar) 4. (ankle boot)
botina 5. (BRIT: of car) porta-malas M (BR) mala (BR inf) porta-bagagem M (PT) VT
1. (kick) dar pontap em 2. (COMPUT) dar carga em to boot ... (in addition)
ainda por cima ...
to give sb the boot (inf) botar algum na rua
booth [bu]
N 1. (at fair) barraca 2. (telephone booth, voting booth) cabine F
bootleg [butl]
ADJ de contrabando bootleg recording, gravao F pirata
booty [but]
N despojos MPL, pilhagem F
booze [buz] (inf)
N bebida alcolica VI embebedar-se
boozer [buz*] (inf)
N 1. (person) beberro* M (F beberrona) 2. (BRIT: pub) pub M
border [bd*]
N 1. margem F 2. (for flowers) borda 3. (of a country) fronteira 4. (on cloth etc) debrum
M, remate M VT border on, limitar-se com CPD (town, region) fronteirio the
Borders, a regio fronteiria entre a Esccia e a Inglaterra border on (fig)
chegar s raias de VT
borderline [bdlan]
N (fig) fronteira
borderline case
N caso-limite M
bore [b*]
PT (of bear) VT 1. (hole) abrir 2. (well) cavar 3. (person) aborrecer N 1. (person) chato*
(chata) maante M, F 2. (of gun) calibre M what a bore! que chato! (BR) que
saco! (BR) que maada! (PT)
to be bored to tears or bored to death or bored stiff, estar muito entediado
bear [b*] (PT bore ), (PP borne )
N 1. urso 2. (STOCK EXCHANGE) baixista M, F VT 1. (carry, support) arcar com 2.
(tolerate) suportar 3. (fruit) dar 4. (name, title) trazer 5. (traces, signs) apresentar,
trazer 6. (children) ter, dar luz 7. (COMM) (interest) render VI to bear right/left,
virar direita/ esquerda to bear the responsibility of, assumir a
responsabilidade de
to bear comparison with, comparar-se a
I cant bear him, eu no o agento
to bring pressure to bear on sb, exercer presso sobre algum bear out
(theory, suspicion) confirmar, corroborar VT bear up agentar, resistir VI bear
with (sb's moods, temper) ter pacincia com VT bear with me a minute, s um
momentinho, por favor
bored [bd]
ADJ entediado
boredom [bdm]
N tdio, aborrecimento
boring [br]
ADJ chato, maante
born [bn]
ADJ to be born, nascer I was born in 1960 nasci em 1960
born blind, cego de nascena
a born leader, um lder nato
borne [bn]
PP (of bear)
Borneo [bnu]
N Bornu
borough [br]
N municpio
borrow [bru]
VT to borrow sth (from sb) pedir algo emprestado a algum may I borrow your
car? voc pode me emprestar o seu carro?
borrower [bru*]
N tomador* M de emprstimo (F tomadora)
borrowing [bru]
N emprstimo(s) M MPL
borstal [bstl] (BRIT)
N reformatrio (de menores)
bosom [buzm]
N peito
bosom friend
N amigo* ntimo* or do peito (amiga ntima)
boss [bs]
N 1. chefe M, F 2. (employer) patro* M (F patroa) 3. (in agriculture, industry etc)
capataz M VT boss about, boss around, mandar em
bossy [bs]
ADJ mando* (mandona)
bosun [busn]
N contramestre M
botanical [btnkl]
ADJ botnico
botanist [btnst]
N botnico* (botnica)
botany [btn]
N botnica
botch [bt]
VT botch up, estropiar, atamancar
both [bu]
ADJ PRON ambos* (ambas) os dois/as duas ADV both A and B, tanto A como B both
of us went we both went, ns dois fomos, ambos fomos
bother [b*]
VT 1. (worry) preocupar 2. (irritate) incomodar, molestar 3. (disturb) atrapalhar VI
bother o.s. preocupar-se N 1. (trouble) preocupao F 2. (nuisance) amolao F,
inconveniente M EXCL bolas! to bother about, preocupar-se com
Im sorry to bother you, lamento incomod-lo
please dont bother, por favor, no se preocupe, no se d ao trabalho
dont bother, no vale a pena
to bother doing, dar-se ao trabalho de fazer
its no bother, no tem problema
Botswana [btswn]
N Botsuana
bottle [btl]
N 1. garrafa 2. (of perfume, medicine) frasco 3. (baby's) mamadeira (BR) bibero M
(PT) VT engarrafar bottle up conter, refrear VT
bottleneck [btlnk]
N 1. (traffic) engarrafamento 2. (fig) obstculo, problema M
N abridor M (de garrafas) (BR) abre-garrafas M INV (PT)
bottom [btm]
N 1. (of container, sea) fundo 2. (buttocks) traseiro, bunda (inf) 3. (of page, list) p M
4. (of class) nvel M mais baixo 5. (of mountain, hill) sop M ADJ 1. (low) inferior,
mais baixo 2. (last) ltimo to get to the bottom of sth (fig) tirar algo a limpo
bottomless [btmls]
ADJ 1. sem fundo 2. (fig) insondvel 3. (funds) ilimitado
bough [bau]
N ramo
bought [bt]
PT PP (of buy)
buy [ba] (PT, PP bought )
VT comprar N compra to buy sb sth/sth from sb, comprar algo para algum/algo a
to buy sb a drink, pagar um drinque para algum buy back 1. comprar de
volta 2. (COMM) recomprar VT buy in (BRIT) (goods) comprar, abastecer-se com
VT buy into (BRIT) (COMM) comprar aes de VT buy off 1. (partner) comprar
a parte de 2. (business) comprar o fundo de comrcio de VT buy up comprar em
grande quantidade VT
boulder [buld*]
N pedregulho, mataco M
bounce [bauns]
VI 1. (ball) saltar, quicar 2. (cheque) ser devolvido (por insuficincia de fundos) VT
fazer saltar N (rebound) salto hes got plenty of bounce (fig) ele tem pique
bouncer [bauns*] (inf)
N leo-de-chcara M
bound [baund]
PT PP (of bind) N 1. (leap) pulo, salto 2. (gen pl) (limit) limite M VI (leap) pular, saltar VT
1. (border) demarcar 2. (limit) limitar ADJ bound by (law, regulation) limitado por
to be bound to do sth (obliged) ter a obrigao de fazer algo (likely) na certa ir
fazer algo
bound for, com destino a
out of bounds, fora dos limites
boundary [baundr]
N limite M, fronteira
boundless [baundls]
ADJ ilimitado
bountiful [bauntful]
ADJ 1. (person) generoso 2. (supply) farto
bounty [baunt]
N 1. (generosity) generosidade F 2. (wealth) fartura
bouquet [buke]
N 1. (of flowers) buqu M, ramalhete M 2. (of wine) buqu M, aroma M
bourbon [bubn] (US)
N bourbon whiskey, usque M BR or whisky M PT (norte-americano)
bourgeois [buew]
ADJ burgus* (burguesa)
bout [baut]
N 1. perodo 2. (of malaria etc) ataque M 3. (of activity) exploso F 4. (BOXING etc)
combate M
boutique [butik]
N butique F
N 1. (knot) lao 2. (weapon, MUS) arco
N 1. (of the body) reverncia 2. (of the head) inclinao F 3. bows (NAUT) proa VI 1.
curvar-se, fazer uma reverncia 2. (yield) to bow to or before, ceder ante,
submeter-se a to bow to the inevitable, curvar-se ao inevitvel
bowels [baulz]
NPL 1. intestinos MPL, tripas FPL 2. (fig) entranhas FPL
bowl [bul]
N 1. tigela 2. (for washing) bacia 3. (ball) bola 4. (of pipe) fornilho 5. (US: stadium)
estdio VI (CRICKET) arremessar a bola bowl over (fig) impressionar, comover
ADJ cambaio, de pernas tortas
bowler [bul*]
N 1. jogador* M de bolas (F jogadora) 2. (CRICKET) lanador M (da bola) 3. bowler
hat (BRIT) chapu-coco M
bowling [bul]
N (game) boliche M
bowling alley
N boliche M
bowling green
N gramado BR or relvado PT para jogo de bolas
bowls [bulz]
N jogo de bolas
bow tie [bu-]
N gravata-borboleta
box [bks]
N 1. caixa 2. (crate) caixote M 3. (for jewels) estojo 4. (for money) cofre M 5.
(THEATRE) camarote M VT 1. encaixotar 2. (SPORT) boxear contra VI (SPORT)
boxer [bks*]
N 1. (person) boxeador M, pugilista M 2. (dog) boxer M
boxer shorts
NPL cueca samba-cano
boxing [bks]
N (SPORT) boxe M, pugilismo
Boxing Day (BRIT)
N Dia de Santo Estevo 26 de dezembro
boxing gloves
NPL luvas FPL de boxe
boxing ring
N ringue M de boxe
box number
N (for advertisements) caixa postal
box office
N bilheteria (BR) bilheteira (PT)
boxroom [bksrum]
N quarto pequeno
boy [b]
N 1. (young) menino, garoto 2. (older) moo, rapaz M 3. (son) filho 4. (servant) criado
boycott [bkt]
N boicote M, boicotagem F VT boicotar
boyfriend [bfrnd]
N namorado
boyish [b]
ADJ 1. (man) jovial 2. (looks) pueril 3. (woman) como ares de menino
ABBR bishop
ABBR British Rail
ABBR (REL) brother, Fr
bra [br]
N suti M (BR) soutien M (PT)
brace [bres]
N 1. reforo, braadeira 2. (on teeth) aparelho 3. (tool) arco de pua 4. brace bracket
(TYP) chave F VT 1. firmar, reforar 2. (knees, shoulders) retesar braces (BRIT)
suspensrios MPL NPL to brace o.s. (for weight, fig) preparar-se
bracelet [breslt]
N pulseira
bracing [bres]
ADJ tonificante
bracken [brkn]
N samambaia (BR) feto (PT)
bracket [brkt]
N 1. (TECH) suporte M 2. (group) classe F, categoria 3. (range) faixa 4. brace bracket,
chave F 5. round bracket, parntese M 6. square bracket, colchete M VT 1. pr entre
parnteses 2. bracket together (fig) agrupar in brackets, entre parnteses (or
brackish [brk]
ADJ (water) salobro
brag [br]
VI gabar-se, contar vantagem
braid [bred]
N 1. (trimming) galo M 2. (of hair) trana
Braille [brel]
N braile M
brain [bren]
N crebro brains 1. (CULIN) miolos MPL 2. (intelligence) inteligncia, miolos NPL
hes got brains, ele inteligente
brainchild [brentald]
N idia original
brainless [brenls]
ADJ estpido, desmiolado
brainstorm [brenstm]
N 1. (fig) momento de distrao 2. (US: brainwave) idia luminosa
brainwash [brenw]
VT fazer uma lavagem cerebral em
brainwave [brenwev]
N inspirao F, idia luminosa or brilhante
brainy [bren]
ADJ inteligente
braise [brez]
VT assar na panela
brake [brek]
N freio (BR) travo M (PT) VT VI frear (BR) travar (PT)
brake drum
N tambor M de freio BR or de travo PT
brake fluid
N leo de freio BR or dos traves PT
brake light
N farol M do freio (BR) farolim M de travagem (PT)
brake pedal
N pedal M do freio (BR) travo M de p (PT)
bramble [brmbl]
N amora-preta
bran [brn]
N farelo
branch [brnt]
N 1. ramo, galho 2. (road) ramal M 3. (COMM) sucursal F, filial F (bank) agncia VI
bifurcar-se branch out (fig) diversificar suas atividades VI to branch out into,
estender suas atividades a
branch line
N (RAIL) ramal M
branch manager
N gerente M, F de sucursal or filial
brand [brnd]
N 1. marca 2. (fig) (type) tipo VT 1. (cattle) marcar com ferro quente 2. (fig pej) to
brand sb a communist etc, estigmatizar algum de comunista etc
brandish [brnd]
VT brandir
brand name
N marca de fbrica, griffe F
ADJ novo em folha, novinho
brandy [brnd]
N conhaque M
brash [br]
ADJ 1. (rough) grosseiro 2. (forward) descarado
Brasilia [brzl]
N Braslia
brass [brs]
N lato M the brass (MUS) os metais
the top brass, as altas patentes
brass band
N banda de msica
brassiere [brs*]
N suti M (BR) soutien M (PT)
brass tacks
NPL to get down to brass tacks, passar ao que interessa, entrar no assunto principal
brat [brt] (pej)
N pirralho, fedelho, malcriado
bravado [brvdu]
N bravata
brave [brev]
ADJ valente, corajoso N guerreiro pele-vermelha VT 1. (face up to) desafiar 2. (resist)
bravery [brevr]
N coragem F, bravura
bravo [brvu]
EXCL bravo!
brawl [brl]
N briga, pancadaria VI brigar
brawn [brn]
N 1. fora 2. (meat) pat M de carne
brawny [brn]
ADJ musculoso, carnudo
bray [bre]
N zurro, ornejo VI zurrar, ornejar
brazen [brezn]
ADJ descarado VT to brazen it out, defender-se descaradamente
brazier [brez*]
N braseiro
Brazil [brzl]
N Brasil M
Brazilian [brzljn]
ADJ N brasileiro* (brasileira)
Brazil nut
N castanha-do-par F
breach [brit]
VT abrir brecha em N 1. (gap) brecha 2. (estrangement) rompimento 3. (breaking)
breach of contract, inadimplncia (BR) inadimplemento (PT)
breach of the peace
N perturbao F da ordem pblica
breach of trust
N abuso de confiana
bread [brd]
N 1. po M 2. (inf: money) grana to earn ones daily bread, ganhar o po or a vida
to know which side ones bread is buttered (on) saber o que lhe convm
bread and butter
N 1. po M com manteiga 2. (fig) ganha-po M
breadbin [brdbn] (BRIT)
N caixa de po
breadboard [brdbd]
N 1. tbua de po 2. (COMPUT) breadboard M
breadbox [brdbks] (US)
N caixa de po
breadcrumbs [brdkrmz]
NPL 1. migalhas FPL 2. (CULIN) farinha de rosca
breadline [brdlan]
N to be on the breadline, viver na misria
breadth [brt]
N 1. largura 2. (fig) amplitude F
breadwinner [brdwn*]
N arrimo de famlia
break [brek] (PT broke ), (PP broken )
VT 1. quebrar (BR) partir (PT) 2. (split) partir 3. (promise) quebrar 4. (word) faltar a 5.
(fall) amortecer 6. (journey) interromper 7. (law) violar, transgredir 8. (record) bater
9. (news) revelar VI 1. quebrar-se, partir-se 2. (storm) comenar subitamente 3.
(weather) mudar 4. (dawn) amanhecer 5. (story, news) revelar N 1. (gap) abertura
2. (crack) fenda 3. (fracture) fratura 4. (breakdown) ruptura, rompimento 5. (rest)
descanso 6. (interval) intervalo 7. (at school) recreio 8. (chance) oportunidade F
to break ones leg etc, quebrar a perna etc
to break with sb, romper com algum
to break the news to sb, dar a notcia a algum
to break even, sair sem ganhar nem perder
to break free or loose, soltar-se
to break open (door etc) arrombar
to take a break (few minutes) descansar um pouco, fazer uma pausa (holiday)
tirar frias para descansar
without a break, sem parar VT 1. (rocks) partir 2. (biscuit etc) quebrar 3.
(journey) romper 4. (fight) intervir em 5. (marriage) desmanchar break down 1.
(door etc) arrombar 2. (figures, data) analisar 3. (resistance) acabar com 4. (go
awry) desarranjar-se 5. (machine, AUT) enguiar, pifar (inf) 6. (MED) sofrer uma
crise nervosa 7. (person) (cry) desatar a chorar 8. (talks) fracassar VT break in 1.
(horse etc) domar 2. (US: car) fazer a rodagem de 3. (burglar) forar uma entrada
4. (interrupt) interromper VT break into (house) arrombar VT break off 1.
(speaker) parar-se, deter-se 2. (branch) partir 3. (talks) suspender 4. (relations)
cortar 5. (engagement) terminar, acabar com VI break out 1. (war) estourar 2.
(prisoner) libertar-se VI to break out in spots/a rash, aparecer coberto de
manchas/brotvejas break through 1. the sun broke through, o sol apareceu, o
tempo abriu 2. (defences, barrier) transpor 3. (crowd) abrir passagem por VI
break up 1. despedaar-se 2. (ship) partir-se 3. (partnership) acabar 4. (marriage)
desmanchar-se 5. (friends) separar-se, brigar, falhar VI youre breaking up, sua
voz est falhando
breakable [brekbl]
ADJ quebradio, frgil N breakables, artigos MPL frgeis
breakage [brekd]
N 1. quebradura 2. (COMM) quebra to pay for breakages, pagar indenizao por
breakaway [brekwe]
ADJ (group etc) dissidente
breakdown [brekdaun]
N 1. (AUT) enguio, avaria 2. (in communications) interrupo F 3. (of marriage)
fracasso, trmino 4. (machine) enguio 5. nervous breakdown (MED) esgotamento
nervoso 6. (of figures) discriminao F, desdobramento
breakdown service (BRIT)
N auto-socorro (BR) pronto socorro (PT)
breakdown van (BRIT)
N reboque M (BR) pronto socorro (PT)
breaker [brek*]
N onda grande
breakeven [brekivn]
CPD breakeven chart, grfico do ponto de equilbrio breakeven point, ponto de
breakfast [brkfst]
N caf M da manh (BR) pequeno almoo (PT)
breakfast cereal
N cereais MPL
N roubo com arrombamento
breaking and entering
N (LAW) arrombamento
breaking point [brek-]
N limite M
breakthrough [brekru]
N 1. ruptura 2. (fig) avano, novo progresso
N (of partnership, marriage) dissoluo F
break-up value
N (COMM) valor M de liquidao
breakwater [brekwt*]
N quebra-mar M
breast [brst]
N 1. (of woman) peito, seio 2. (chest, meat) peito
VT VI amamentar
breast pocket
N bolso sobre o peito
breast-stroke [brststruk]
N nado de peito
breath [br]
N flego, respirao F to go out for a breath of air, sair para tomar flego
out of breath, ofegante, sem flego
Breathalyser [brlaz*]
N bafmetro
breathe [bri]
VT VI respirar I wont breathe a word about it, no vou abrir a boca, eu sou um
tmulo breathe in inspirar VT breathe out expirar VT
breather [bri*]
N pausa
breathing [bri]
N respirao F
breathing space
N (fig) descanso, repouso
breathless [brls]
ADJ 1. sem flego 2. (MED) ofegante
breathtaking [brtek]
ADJ comovedor* (comovedora) emocionante
bred [brd]
PT PP (of breed)
breed [brid] (PT, PP bred )
VT 1. (animals) criar 2. (plants) miltiplicar 3. (hate, suspicion) gerar VI criar, reproduzir
N raa
-bred [brd]
SUFFIX well/ill-bred, bem-/mal-educado
breed [brid] (PT, PP bred )
VT 1. (animals) criar 2. (plants) miltiplicar 3. (hate, suspicion) gerar VI criar, reproduzir
N raa
breeder [brid*]
N 1. (person) criador* M (F criadora) 2. breeder reactor (PHYS) reator M regenerador
breeding [brid]
N 1. reproduo F 2. (raising) criao F 3. (upbringing) educao F
breeze [briz]
N brisa, aragem F
breezeblock [brizblk] (BRIT)
N bloco pr-moldado
breezy [briz]
ADJ 1. (person) despreocupado, animado 2. (weather) ventoso
Breton [brtn]
ADJ breto* (bret) N 1. breto* (bret) 2. (LING) breto M
brevity [brvt]
N brevidade F
brew [bru]
VT 1. (tea) fazer 2. (beer) fermentar 3. (plot) armar, tramar VI 1. (tea) fazer-se,
preparar-se 2. (beer) fermentar 3. (storm, fig) armar-se
brewer [bru*]
N cervejeiro* (cervejeira)
brewery [brur]
N cervejaria
briar [bra*]
N 1. (thorny bush) urze-branca F 2. (wild rose) roseira-brava
bribe [brab]
N suborno VT subornar to bribe sb to do sth, subornar algum para fazer algo
bribery [brabr]
N suborno
bric-a-brac [brkbrk]
N bricabraque M
brick [brk]
N tijolo
bricklayer [brkle*]
N pedreiro
brickwork [brkwk]
N alvenaria
brickworks [brkwkz]
N fbrica de tijolos
bridal [bradl]
ADJ nupcial
bride [brad]
N noiva
bridegroom [bradrum]
N noivo
bridesmaid [bradzmed]
N dama de honra
bridge [brd]
N 1. (ARCHIT DENTISTRY) ponte F 2. (NAUT) ponte de comando 3. (CARDS) bridge
M 4. (of nose) cavalete M VT 1. (river) lanar uma ponte sobre 2. (gap) transpor
bridgehead [brdhd]
N cabea-de-ponte F
bridging loan [brd-] (BRIT)
N emprstimo a curto prazo
bridle [bradl]
N cabeada, freio VT 1. enfrear 2. (fig) refrear, conter
bridle path
N senda
brief [brif]
ADJ breve N 1. (LAW) causa 2. (task) tarefa VT 1. (inform) informar 2. (instruct) instruir
briefs 1. (for men) cueca (BR) cuecas FPL (PT) 2. (for women) calcinha (BR)
cuecas FPL (PT) NPL in brief ... em resumo ...
to brief sb about sth, informar algum sobre algo
briefcase [brifkes]
N pasta
briefing [brif]
N 1. instrues FPL 2. (PRESS) informaes FPL
briefly [brifl]
ADV 1. (glance) rapidamente 2. (say) em poucas palavras to glimpse briefly,
briefness [brifns]
N brevidade F
ABBR brigadier, brig
brigade [bred]
N (MIL) brigada
brigadier [brd*]
N general M de brigada, brigadeiro
bright [brat]
ADJ 1. claro, brilhante 2. (weather) resplandecente 3. (person) (clever) inteligente
(lively) alegre, animado 4. (colour) vivo 5. (future) promissor* (promissora)
favorvel to look on the bright side, considerar o lado positivo
brighten [bratn] brighten up
VT 1. (room) tornar mais alegre 2. (event) animar, alegrar VI 1. (weather) clarear 2.
(person) animar-se, alegrar-se 3. (face) iluminar-se 4. (prospects) tornar-se
animado or favorvel
brightly [bratl]
ADV brilhantemente
brightness [bratns]
N claridade F
brilliance [brljns]
N brilho, claridade F
brilliant [brljnt]
ADJ 1. brilhante 2. (clever) inteligente 3. (inf: great) sensacional
brim [brm]
N 1. borda 2. (of hat) aba
brimful [brmful]
ADJ 1. cheio at as bordas 2. (fig) repleto
brine [bran]
N (CULIN) salmoura
bring [br] (PT, PP brought )
VT trazer to bring sth to an end, acabar com algo
I cant bring myself to fire him, no posso me resolver a despedi-lo bring
about ocasionar, produzir VT bring back 1. (restore) restabelecer 2. (return)
devolver VT bring down 1. (price) abaixar 2. (MIL) (plane) abater, derrubar 3.
(government, plane) derrubar VT bring forward 1. adiantar 2. (BOOKKEEPING)
transportar VT bring in 1. (person) fazer entrar 2. (object) trazer 3. (POL)
(legislation) introduzir (bill) apresentar 4. (LAW) (verdict) pronunciar 5. (produce)
(income) render 6. (harvest) recolher VT bring off 1. (task, plan) levar a cabo 2.
(deal) fechar VT bring out 1. (object) tirar 2. (meaning) salientar 3. (new product,
book) lanar VT bring round 1. (unconscious person) fazer voltar a si 2.
(convince) convencer VT bring to (unconscious person) fazer voltar a si VT
bring up 1. (person) educar, criar 2. (carry up) subir 3. (question) introduzir 4.
(food) vomitar VT
brink [brk]
N beira on the brink of doing, a ponto de fazer, beira de fazer
she was on the brink of tears, ela estava beira de desatar em prantos
brisk [brsk]
ADJ 1. vigoroso 2. (tone, person) enrgico 3. (speedy) rpido 4. (trade, business) ativo
brisket [brskt]
N carne F de vaca para assar
bristle [brsl]
N 1. (of animal) plo rijo 2. (of beard) plo de barba curta 3. (of brush) cerda VI (in
anger) encolerizar-se to bristle with, estar cheio de
bristly [brsl]
ADJ (beard, hair) eriado
Brit [brt] (inf)
N ABBR British person, britnico* (britnica)
Britain [brtn]
N Great Britain, Gr-Bretanha in Britain, na Gr-Bretanha
British [brt]
ADJ britnico NPL the British, os britnicos
British Isles
NPL the British Isles Isles, as ilhas Britnicas
British Rail
N companhia ferroviria britnica
Briton [brtn]
N britnico* (britnica)
Brittany [brtn]
N Bretanha
brittle [brtl]
ADJ quebradio, frgil
ABBR (REL) brother, Fr
broach [brut]
VT (subject) abordar, tocar em
broad [brd]
ADJ 1. (street, range) amplo 2. (shoulders, smile) largo 3. (distinction, outline) geral 4.
(accent) carregado N (US inf) sujeita broad hint, indireta transparente
in broad daylight, em pleno luz do dia
broadband [brdbnd]
N banda larga
broad bean
N fava
broadcast [brdkst] (PT, PP broadcast )
N transmisso F VT (RADIO TV) transmitir VI transmitir
broadcasting [brdkst]
N radiodifuso F, transmisso F
broadcasting station
N emissora
broaden [brdn]
VT alargar VI alargar-se to broaden ones mind, abrir os horizontes
broadly [brdl]
ADV em geral
ADJ tolerante, liberal
broccoli [brkl]
N brcolis MPL (BR) brcolos MPL (PT)
brochure [bruju*]
N folheto, brochura
brogue [bru]
N 1. (accent) sotaque M regional 2. (shoe) chanca
broil [brl] (US)
VT grelhar
broiler [brl*]
N (fowl) ave F (a ser grelhada)
broke [bruk]
PT (of break) ADJ (inf) sem um vintm, duro to go broke, quebrar
broken [brukn]
PP (of break) ADJ 1. quebrado 2. (marriage) desfeito broken leg, perna quebrada
a broken home, um lar desfeito
children from broken homes, filhos de pais separados
in broken English, num ingls mascavado
ADJ 1. (car) enguiado 2. (machine) com defeito 3. (house) desmoronado, caindo aos
ADJ com o corao partido
broker [bruk*]
N corretor* M (F corretora)
brokerage [brukrd]
N corretagem F
brolly [brl] (BRIT inf)
N guarda-chuva M
bronchitis [brkats]
N bronquite F
bronze [brnz]
N 1. bronze M 2. (sculpture) esttua feita de bronze
bronzed [brnzd]
ADJ bronzeado
brooch [brut]
N broche M
brood [brud]
N 1. ninhada 2. (children) filhos MPL 3. (pej) prole F VI 1. (hen) chocar 2. (person)
cismar, remoer
broody [brud]
ADJ (fig) taciturno, melanclico
brook [bruk]
N arroio, ribeiro
broom [brum]
N 1. vassoura 2. (BOT) giesta-das-vassouras
broomstick [brumstk]
N cabo de vassoura
ABBR (COMM) brothers, Irmos
broth [br]
N caldo
brothel [brl]
N bordel M
brother [br*]
N irmo M
brotherhood [brhud]
N (association, REL) confraria
brother-in-law (PL brothers-in-law )
N cunhado
brotherly [brl]
ADJ fraternal, fraterno
brought [brt]
PT PP (of bring)
bring [br] (PT, PP brought )
VT trazer to bring sth to an end, acabar com algo
I cant bring myself to fire him, no posso me resolver a despedi-lo bring
about ocasionar, produzir VT bring back 1. (restore) restabelecer 2. (return)
devolver VT bring down 1. (price) abaixar 2. (MIL) (plane) abater, derrubar 3.
(government, plane) derrubar VT bring forward 1. adiantar 2. (BOOKKEEPING)
transportar VT bring in 1. (person) fazer entrar 2. (object) trazer 3. (POL)
(legislation) introduzir (bill) apresentar 4. (LAW) (verdict) pronunciar 5. (produce)
(income) render 6. (harvest) recolher VT bring off 1. (task, plan) levar a cabo 2.
(deal) fechar VT bring out 1. (object) tirar 2. (meaning) salientar 3. (new product,
book) lanar VT bring round 1. (unconscious person) fazer voltar a si 2.
(convince) convencer VT bring to (unconscious person) fazer voltar a si VT
bring up 1. (person) educar, criar 2. (carry up) subir 3. (question) introduzir 4.
(food) vomitar VT
brow [brau]
N 1. (forehead) fronte F, testa 2. (rare) (gen: eyebrow) sobrancelha 3. (of hill) cimo,
cume M
browbeat [braubit]
VT intimidar, amedrontar
brown [braun]
ADJ 1. marrom (BR) castanho (PT) 2. (hair) castanho 3. (tanned) bronzeado, moreno
4. (rice, bread, flour) integral N (colour) cor F marrom BR or castanha PT VT 1.
tostar 2. (tan) bronzear 3. (CULIN) dourar to go brown (person) bronzear-se,
ficar moreno (leaves) secar
brown bread
N po M integral
Brownie [braun]
N Brownie Guide, fadinha de bandeirante
brownie [braun] (US)
N (cake) docinho de chocolate com amndoas
brown paper
N papel M pardo
brown sugar
N acar M mascavo
browse [brauz]
VI 1. (in shop) dar uma olhada 2. (among books) folhear livros 3. (animal) pastar to
browse through a book, folhear um livro
bruise [bruz]
N hematoma M, contuso F VT 1. machucar 2. (fig) magoar VI (fruit) amassar
Brum [brm] (inf)
N ABBR Birmingham
Brummagem [brmdm] (inf)
N Birmingham
Brummie [brm] (inf)
N natural M, F de Birmingham
brunch [brnt]
N brunch M
brunette [brunt]
N morena
brunt [brnt]
N the brunt of (greater part) a maior parte de
brush [br]
N 1. escova 2. (for painting, shaving etc) pincel M 3. (BOT) mato rasteiro 4. (quarrel)
bate-boca M VT 1. (sweep) varrer 2. (groom) escovar 3. brush past, brush against,
tocar ao passar, roar to have a brush with sb, bater boca com algum
to have a brush with the police, ser indiciado pela polcia brush aside
afastar, no fazer caso de VT brush up (knowledge) retocar, revisar VT
brushed [brt]
ADJ 1. (TECH) (steel, chrome etc) escovado 2. (nylon, denim etc) felpudo
brush-off (inf)
N to give sb the brush-off, dar o fora em algum
brushwood [brwud]
N 1. (bushes) mato 2. (sticks) lenha, gravetos MPL
brusque [brusk]
ADJ 1. rspido 2. (apology) abrupto
Brussels [brslz]
N Bruxelas
Brussels sprout
N couve-de-bruxelas F
brutal [brutl]
ADJ brutal
brutality [brutlt]
N brutalidade F
brute [brut]
N 1. bruto 2. (person) animal M ADJ by brute force, por fora bruta
brutish [brut]
ADJ grosseiro, bruto
ABBR bill of sale
N ABBR Bachelor of Science
B , b [bi]
N 1. (letter) B, b M 2. (MUS) B, si M B for Benjamin BRIT or Baker US (BRIT) (US)
B de Beatriz
B road (BRIT AUT) via secundria
N ABBR Boy Scouts of America
N ABBR Bachelor of Science
N ABBR British Standards Institution, instituto britnico de padres
ABBR British Summer Time, hora de vero
Bt. (BRIT)
ABBR baronet
N ABBR British thermal unit, BTU F (1054.2 joules)
bubble [bbl]
N bolha (BR) borbulha (PT) VI borbulhar
bubble bath
N banho de espuma
bubble gum
N chiclete M (de bola) (BR) pastilha elstica (PT)
Bucharest [bukrst]
N Bucareste
buck [bk]
N 1. (rabbit) macho 2. (deer) cervo 3. (US inf) dlar M VI corcovear to pass the
buck, fazer o jogo de empurra buck up 1. (cheer up) animar-se, cobrar nimo 2.
to buck ones ideas up, tomar jeito VI
bucket [bkt]
N balde M VI (BRIT inf) the rain is bucketing down, est chovendo a cntaros
buckle [bkl]
N fivela VT afivelar VI torcer-se, cambar-se buckle down empenhar-se VI
Bucks [bks] (BRIT)
ABBR Buckinghamshire
bud [bd]
N 1. broto 2. (of flower) boto M VI 1. brotar, desabrochar 2. (fig) florescer
Budapest [bjudpst]
N Budapeste
Buddha [bud]
N Buda M
Buddhism [budzm]
N budismo
Buddhist [budst]
ADJ 1. (person) budista 2. (scripture, thought etc) budstico N budista M, F
budding [bd]
ADJ 1. (flower) em boto 2. (passion etc) nascente 3. (poet etc) em ascenso
buddy [bd] (US)
N camarada M, companheiro
budge [bd]
VT mover VI mexer-se
budgerigar [bdr*]
N periquito
budget [bdt]
N oramento VI to budget for sth, incluir algo no oramento she works out her
budget every month, ela calcula seu oramento todos es meses
Im on a tight budget, estou com o oramento apertado
budgie [bd]
N budgerigar
Buenos Aires [bwnsarz]
N Buenos Aires
buff [bf]
ADJ (colour) cor de camura N (inf: enthusiast) aficionado* (aficionada)
buffalo [bflu] (PL buffalo or buffaloes )
N 1. (BRIT) bfalo 2. (US: bison) biso M
buffer [bf*]
N 1. pra-choque M 2. (COMPUT) buffer M, memria intermediria
buffering [bfr]
N (COMPUT) buffering M, armazenamento intermedirio
buffer state
N estado-tampo M
[bufe] (BRIT)
N 1. (in station) bar M 2. (food) buf M
VT (subj) (wind etc) fustigar
buffet car (BRIT)
N vago-restaurante M
buffet lunch
N almoo americano
buffoon [bfun]
N bufo M
bug [b]
N 1. (esp US: insect) bicho 2. (fig) (germ) micrbio 3. (spy device) microfone M oculto
4. (tap) escuta clandestina 5. (COMPUT) (of program) erro (of equipment) defeito
VT 1. (inf: annoy) apoquentar, incomodar 2. (room) colocar microfones em 3.
(phone) grampear Ive got the travel bug, peguei a mania de viajar
bugbear [bb*]
N pesadelo, fantasma M
bugger [b*] (inf!)
N filho-da-puta M (!) VT bugger (it)! merda! (!) bugger all (nothing) chongas (!)
bugger off (inf!) bugger off! vai a merda! (!) VI
buggy [b]
N (for baby) carrinho (desdobrvel) de beb
bugle [bjul]
N trompa, corneta
build [bld] (PT, PP built )
N (of person) talhe M, estatura VT construir, edificar build on (fig) explorar,
aproveitar VT build up 1. (MED) fortalecer 2. (stocks) acumular 3. (business)
desenvolver 4. (reputation) estabelecer VT
builder [bld*]
N 1. (contractor) construtor* M (F construtora) empreiteiro* (empreiteira) 2. (worker)
building [bld]
N 1. (act, industry) construo F 2. (residential, offices) edifcio, prdio
building contractor
N 1. empreiteiro* de obras (empreiteira) 2. (company) construtora
building industry
N construo F
building site
N terreno de construo
building society (BRIT)
N sociedade F de crdito imobilirio, financiadora
building trade
N construo F
N 1. (of gas etc) acumulao F 2. (publicity) to give sb/sth a good build-up, fazer
muita propaganda de algum/algo
built [blt]
PT PP (of build) ADJ built-in (cupboard) embutido (device) incorporado, embutido
built-up area
N zona urbanizada
bulb [blb]
N 1. (BOT) bulbo 2. (ELEC) lmpada
bulbous [blbs]
ADJ bojudo
Bulgaria [blr]
N Bulgria
Bulgarian [blrn]
ADJ blgaro N 1. blgaro* (blgara) 2. (LING) blgaro
bulge [bld]
N 1. bojo, salincia 2. (in birth rate, sales) disparo VI 1. inchar-se 2. (pocket etc) fazer
bojo to be bulging with, estar abarrotado de
bulk [blk]
N (mass) massa, volume M in bulk (COMM) a granel
the bulk of, a maior parte de
bulk buying [-ba]
N compra a granel
bulkhead [blkhd]
N anteparo
bulky [blk]
ADJ 1. volumoso 2. (person) corpulento
bull [bul]
N 1. touro 2. (STOCK EXCHANGE) altista M, F 3. (REL) bula
bulldog [buld]
N buldogue M
bulldoze [bulduz]
VT arrasar (com buldzer) I was bulldozed into doing it (fig inf) fui forado or
obrigado a faz-lo
bulldozer [bulduz*]
N buldzer M, escavadora
bullet [bult]
N bala
bulletin [bultn]
N 1. noticirio 2. (journal) boletim M
bulletin board
N 1. (US) quadro de anncios 2. (COMPUT) informativo
bulletproof [bultpruf]
ADJ prova de balas bulletproof vest, colete M prova de balas
bullet wound
N ferida de bala
bullfight [bulfat]
N tourada
bullfighter [bulfat*]
N toureiro
bullfighting [bulfat]
N (art) tauromaquia
bullion [buljn]
N ouro (or prata) em barras
bullock [bulk]
N boi M, novilho
bullring [bulr]
N praa de touros
N centro do alvo, mosca (do alvo) (BR)
bully [bul]
N fanfarro M, valento M VT intimidar, tiranizar
bullying [bul]
N provocao F, implicncia
bum [bm]
N 1. (inf: backside) bum-bum M 2. (esp US: tramp) vagabundo* (vagabunda) vadio*
(vadia) bum around (inf) vadiar VI
bumblebee [bmblbi]
N mamangaba
bumf [bmf] (inf)
N (forms etc) papelada
bump [bmp]
N 1. (blow) choque M, embate M, baque M 2. (in car) (minor accident) batida 3. (jolt)
sacudida 4. (on head) galo 5. (on road) elevao F 6. (sound) baque VT (strike)
bater contra, dar encontro em VI dar sacudidas bump along mover-se aos
solavancos VI bump into 1. chocar-se com or contra, colidir com 2. (inf: person)
dar com, topar com VT
bumper [bmp*]
N (BRIT) pra-choque M ADJ bumper crop/harvest, supersafra
bumper cars
NPL carros MPL de trombada
bumph [bmf]
N bumf
bumptious [bmps]
ADJ presunoso
bumpy [bmp]
ADJ 1. (road) acidentado, cheio de altos e baixos 2. (journey) cheio de solavancos 3.
(flight) turbulento
bun [bn]
N 1. po M doce (BR) pozinho (PT) 2. (in hair) coque M
bunch [bnt]
N 1. (of flowers) ramo 2. (of keys) molho 3. (of bananas, grapes) cacho 4. (of people)
grupo bunches (in hair) cachos MPL NPL
bundle [bndl]
N 1. trouxa, embrulho 2. (of sticks) feixe M 3. (of papers) mao VT 1. bundle up,
embrulhar, atar 2. (put) to bundle sth/sb into, meter or enfiar algo/algum
correndo em bundle off (person) despachar sem cerimnia VT bundle out
expulsar sem cerimnia VT
bung [b]
N tampo M, batoque M VT 1. bung up (pipe, hole) tapar 2. (BRIT inf: throw) jogar my
nose is bunged up, estou com o nariz entupido
bungalow [blu]
N bangal M, chal M
bungle [bl]
VT estropear, estragar
bunion [bnjn]
N joanete M
bunk [bk]
N beliche M
bunk beds
NPL beliche M, cama-beliche F
bunker [bk*]
N 1. (coal store) carvoeira 2. (MIL) abrigo, casamata 3. (GOLF) bunker M
bunny [bn]
N bunny rabbit, coelhinho
bunny girl (BRIT)
N coelhinha
bunny hill (US)
N (SKI) pista para principiantes
bunting [bnt]
N bandeiras FPL
buoy [b]
N bia buoy up 1. fazer boiar 2. (fig) animar VT
buoyancy [bns]
N flutuabilidade F
buoyant [bnt]
ADJ 1. flutuante 2. (person) alegre 3. (COMM) (market) animado (currency, prices)
burden [bdn]
N 1. (responsibility) responsabilidade F, fardo 2. (load) carga VT 1. carregar 2.
(oppress) sobrecarregar 3. (trouble) to be a burden to sb, ser um estorvo para
algum to be a burden to sb, ser um fardo para algum
bureau [bjuru] (PL bureaux )
N 1. (BRIT: desk) secretria, escrivaninha 2. (US: chest of drawers) cmoda 3. (office)
escritrio, agncia
bureaucracy [bjurkrs]
N burocracia
bureaucrat [bjurkrt]
N burocrata M, F
bureaucratic [bjurkrtk]
ADJ burocrtico
bureaux [bjuruz]
NPL (of bureau)
burgeon [bdn]
VI florescer
burglar [bl*]
N ladro/ladrona M, F
burglar alarm
N alarma de roubo
burglarize [blraz] (US)
VT assaltar, arrombar
burglary [blr]
N roubo
burgle [bl]
VT assaltar, arrombar
Burgundy [bnd]
N (wine) borgonha M
burial [brl]
N enterro
burial ground
N cemitrio
burlesque [blsk]
N pardia
burly [bl]
ADJ robusto, forte
Burma [bm]
N Birmnia
Burmese [bmiz]
ADJ birmans* (birmanesa) N INV 1. birmans* M (F birmanesa) 2. (LING) birmans M
burn [bn] ( burned ), (PT, PP burnt )
VT 1. queimar 2. (house) incendiar VI 1. queimar-se, arder 2. (sting) arder, picar N
queimadura the cigarette burnt a hole in her dress, o cigarro fez um buraco no
vestido dela
Ive burnt myself! eu me queimei! burn down incendiar VT burn out (subj)
(writer etc)
to burn o.s. out, desgastar-se VT
burner [bn*]
N (on cooker, heater) bico de gs, fogo
burning [bn]
ADJ 1. ardente 2. (hot) (sand etc) abrasador* (abrasadora) 3. (ambition) grande
burnish [bn]
VT polir, lustrar
burnt [bnt]
PT PP (of burn)
burnt sugar (BRIT)
N caramelo
burp [bp] (inf)
N arroto VI arrotar
burrow [bru]
N toca, lura VI 1. fazer uma toca, cavar 2. (rummage) esquadrinhar
bursar [bs*]
N 1. tesoureiro* (tesoureira) 2. (BRIT: student) bolsista M, F (BR) bolseiro* (bolseira)
bursary [bsr] (BRIT)
N (SCH) bolsa
burst [bst] (PT, PP burst )
VT 1. (balloon, pipe) arrebentar 2. (banks etc) romper VI 1. estourar 2. (tyre) furar 3.
(bomb) estourar, explodir N 1. estouro 2. (of shots) rajada to burst into flames,
incendiar-se de repente
to burst into tears, desatar a chorar
to burst out laughing, cair na gargalhada
to be bursting with (subj) (room, container) estar abarrotado de (emotion) estar
tomado de
to be bursting with health/energy, estar esbanjando sade/energia
the door burst open, a porta abriu-se de repente
a burst of applause, una salva de palmas
a burst of energy/speed/enthusiasm, uma exploso de
energia/velocidade/entusiasmo burst into (room etc) irromper em VT burst out
of sair precipitadamente de VT
bury [br]
VT 1. enterrar 2. (at funeral) sepultar to bury ones head in ones hands, cobrir o
rosto com as mos
to bury ones head in the sand (fig) bancar avestruz
to bury the hatchet (fig) fazer as pazes
bus [bs]
N nibus M INV (BR) autocarro (PT)
bush [bu]
N 1. arbusto, mata 2. (scrubland) serto M to beat about the bush, ser evasivo
bushel [bul]
N alqueire M
bushy [bu]
ADJ (thick) espesso
busily [bzl]
ADV atarefadamente
busy [bz]
ADJ 1. (person) ocupado, atarefado 2. (shop, street) animado, movimentado 3. (US
TEL) ocupado (BR) impedido (PT) VT to busy o.s. with, ocupar-se em or de
business [bzns]
N 1. (matter) negcio 2. (trading) comrcio, negcios MPL 3. (firm) empresa 4.
(occupation) profisso F 5. (affair) assunto to be away on business, estar fora a
hes in the insurance business, ele trabalha com seguros
to do business with sb, fazer negcios com algum
its my business to ... encarrego-me de ...
its none of my business, eu no tenho nada com isto
thats my business, isso c comigo
he means business, fala a srio
business address
N endereo profissional
business card
N carto M de visita
businesslike [bznslak]
ADJ eficiente, metdico, srio
businessman [bznsmn]
N IRREG homem M de negcios
business trip
N viagem F de negcios
businesswoman [bznswumn]
N IRREG mulher F de negcios
busker [bsk*] (BRIT)
N artista M, F de rua
bus lane
N pista reservada aos nibus BR or autocarros PT
bus shelter
N abrigo
bus station
N rodoviria
N ponto de nibus (BR) paragem F de autocarro (PT)
bust [bst]
N (ANAT) busto ADJ (inf: broken) quebrado VT (inf POLICE) (arrest) prender, grampear
to go bust, falir
bustle [bsl]
N animao F, movimento VI apressar-se, andar azafamado
bustling [bsl]
ADJ (town) animado, movimentado
bust-up (BRIT inf)
N bate-boca M
busybody [bzbd]
N intrometido* (intrometida)
busy signal (US)
N sinal M de ocupado BR or impedido PT
but [bt]
CONJ 1. (yet) mas, porm
hes not very bright, but hes hard-working, ele no muito inteligente mas
hes tired but Paul isnt, ele est cansado mas Paul no
the trip was enjoyable but tiring, a viagem foi agradvel porm cansativa 2.
(however) mas
Id love to come, but Im busy, eu adoraria vir, mas estou ocupado 3. (showing
disagreement, surprise etc) mas
but thats far too expensive! mas isso caro demais! PREP (apart from, except)
exceto, menos
he was/weve had nothing but trouble, ele s deu problema/ns s tivemos
no-one but him, s ele, ningum a no ser ele
who but a lunatic would do such a thing? quem, exceto um louco, faria tal
but for, sem, se no fosse
but for you, se no fosse voc
(Ill do) anything but that, (eu faria) qualquer coisa menos isso ADV (just, only)
shes but a child, ela apenas uma criana
had I but known, se eu soubesse
I can but try, a nica coisa que eu posso fazer tentar
all but finished, quase acabado
butane [bjuten]
N butano
butcher [but*]
N aougueiro (BR) homem M do talho (PT) VT 1. (prisoners etc) chacinar, massacrar
2. (cattle etc for meat) abater e carnear
butchers , butchers shop
N aougue M (BR) talho (PT)
butler [btl*]
N mordomo
butt [bt]
N 1. (cask) tonel M 2. (for rain) barril M 3. (thick end) cabo, extremidade F 4. (of gun)
coronha 5. (of cigarette) toco (BR) ponta (PT) 6. (BRIT fig) (target) alvo VT (subj)
(goat) marrar (person) dar uma cabeada em butt in (interrupt) interromper VI
butter [bt*]
N manteiga VT untar com manteiga
butter bean
N fava
buttercup [btkp]
N boto-de-ouro M, rannculo
butter dish
N manteigueira
butterfingers [btfz] (inf)
N mo-furada M, F
butterfly [btfla]
N 1. borboleta 2. butterfly stroke (SWIMMING) nado borboleta
buttocks [btks]
NPL ndegas FPL
button [btn]
N 1. boto M 2. (US: badge) emblema M VT button up, abotoar VI ter botes
buttonhole [btnhul]
N 1. casa de boto, botoeira 2. (flower) flor F na lapela VT obrigar a ouvir
buttress [btrs]
N contraforte M
buxom [bksm]
ADJ 1. (baby) saudvel 2. (woman) rechonchudo
buy [ba] (PT, PP bought )
VT comprar N compra to buy sb sth/sth from sb, comprar algo para algum/algo a
to buy sb a drink, pagar um drinque para algum buy back 1. comprar de
volta 2. (COMM) recomprar VT buy in (BRIT) (goods) comprar, abastecer-se com
VT buy into (BRIT) (COMM) comprar aes de VT buy off 1. (partner) comprar
a parte de 2. (business) comprar o fundo de comrcio de VT buy up comprar em
grande quantidade VT
buyer [ba*]
N comprador* M (F compradora) buyers market, mercado de comprador
buzz [bz]
N 1. zumbido 2. (inf: phone call) to give sb a buzz, dar uma ligada para algum VI
zumbir VT 1. (call on intercom) chamar no interfone 2. (AVIAT) (plane, building)
voar baixo sobre buzz off (inf) cair fora VI
buzzard [bzd]
N abutre M, urubu M
buzzer [bz*]
N 1. cigarra, vibrador M 2. (doorbell) campainha
buzz word
N modismo
by [ba]
PREP 1. (referring to cause, agent) por, de
killed by lightning, morto por um raio
a painting by Picasso, um quadro de Picasso 2. (referring to method, manner,
means) de, com
by bus/car/train, de nibus/carro/trem
to pay by cheque, pagar com cheque
by moonlight/candlelight, sob o luar/ luz de vela
by saving hard, he ... economizando muito, ele ... 3. (via, through) por, via
we came by Dover, viemos por or via Dover 4. (close to) perto de, ao p de
the house by the river, a casa perto do rio
a holiday by the sea, frias beira-mar
she sat by his bed, ela sentou-se ao lado de seu leito 5. (past) por
she rushed by me, ela passou por mim correndo 6. (not later than) by 4 oclock,
antes das quatro
by this time tomorrow, esta mesma hora amanh
by the time I got here it was too late, quando eu cheguei aqui, j era tarde
demais 7. (during) by daylight, durante o dia 8. (amount) por
by the kilometre, por quilmetro
paid by the hour, pago por hora 9. (MATH,: measure) por
to divide/multiply by 3 dividir/multiplicar por 3
its broader by a metre, tem um metro a mais de largura 10. (according to)
segundo, de acordo com
its all right by me, por mim tudo bem 11. (all) by oneself etc, (completamente)
s, sozinho
he did it (all) by himself, ele fz tudo sozinho 12. by the way, a propsito
this wasnt my idea, by the way, a propsito, essa no era a minha idia ADV 1.
go, pass 2. by and by, logo, mais tarde
by and large (on the whole) em geral
Britain has a poor image abroad, by and large, de uma maneira geral, a Gr-
Bretanha tem uma imagem ruim no exterior
bye [ba] bye-bye, baba
EXCL at logo (BR) tchau (BR) adeus (PT)
N lei F de municpio
by-election (BRIT)
N eleio F parlamentar complementar
bygone [ban]
ADJ passado, antigo N let bygones be bygones, o que passou passou
N bye-law
bypass [baps]
N 1. via secundria, desvio 2. (MED) ponte F de safena VT evitar
N 1. subproduto, produto derivado 2. (of situation) subproduto
byre [ba*] (BRIT)
N estbulo (de vacas)
bystander [bastnd*]
N 1. circunstante M, F 2. (observer) espectador* M (F espectadora) a crowd of
bystanders, um grupo de curiosos
byte [bat]
N (COMPUT) byte M
byway [bawe]
N caminho secundrio
byword [bawd]
N to be a byword for, ser sinnimo de
N without so much as a by-your-leave, sem mais aquela

C , c [si]
N 1. (letter) C, c M 2. (SCH) (mark) 5 6 3. (MUS) C, d M C for Charlie, C de Carlos
ABBR Celsius, centigrade, C
ABBR 1. century, sc. circa, ca. 2. (US etc) cent, cent
N ABBR 1. Central America 2. (BRIT) chartered accountant ABBR (US POST) California
ABBR circa, ca
ABBR 1. capital account, credit account 2. current account, c/c
N ABBR 1. (BRIT) Civil Aviation Authority 2. (US) Civil Aeronautics Authority, DAC M
N ABBR Citizens Advice Bureau, servio de informao do consumidor
cab [kb]
N 1. txi M 2. (of truck etc) bolia 3. (of train) cabina de maquinista 4. (horse-drawn)
cabriol M
cabaret [kbre]
N cabar M
cabbage [kbd]
N repolho (BR) couve F (PT)
cabin [kbn]
N 1. cabana 2. (on ship) camarote M 3. (on plane) cabina de passageiros
cabin cruiser
N lancha a motor com cabine
cabinet [kbnt]
N 1. (POL) gabinete M 2. (furniture) armrio 3. display cabinet, armrio com vitrina
cabinet reshuffle, reforma ministerial
N marceneiro* (marceneira)
cabinet minister
N ministro* (ministra) (integrante do gabinete)
cable [kebl]
N 1. cabo 2. (telegram) cabograma M VT enviar cabograma para
N bonde M (BR) telefrico (PT)
cablegram [keblrm]
N cabograma M
cable railway (BRIT)
N funicular M
cable television
N televiso F a cabo
cache [k]
N esconderijo a cache of arms etc, um depsito secreto de armas etc
cackle [kkl]
VI 1. gargalhar 2. (hen) cacarejar
cacti [kkta]
NPL (of cactus)
cactus [kkts] (PL cacti )
N cacto
N ABBR computer-aided design, CAD M
caddie [kd]
N corregador M de tracos
caddy [kd]
N caddie
cadet [kdt]
N (MIL) cadete M
cadge [kd] (inf)
VT to cadge (from or off) filar (de)
cadger [kd*]
N filante M, F
cadre [kd*]
N funcionrios MPL qualificados
Caesarean [sizrn] Cesarean (US)
ADJ N Caesarean (section) cesariana
ABBR cost and freight, custo e frete
caf [kfe]
N caf M
cafeteria [kftr]
N lanchonete F
caffein , caffeine [kfin]
N cafena
cage [ked]
N 1. (bird cage) gaiola 2. (for large animals) jaula 3. (of lift) cabina VT 1. engaiolar 2.
cagey [ked] (inf)
ADJ cuidadoso, reservado, desconfiado
cagoule [kul]
N casaco de nilon
N ABBR computer-aided instruction, CAI M
Cairo [karu]
N o Cairo
cajole [kdul]
VT lisonjear
cake [kek]
N 1. (large) bolo 2. (small) doce M, bolinho its a piece of cake (inf) moleza or
he wants to have his cake and eat it (too) (fig) ele quer chupar cana e assoviar
ao mesmo tempo
caked [kekt]
ADJ caked with, encrostado de
cake mix
N massa pronta de bolo
cake of soap
N sabonete M
cake shop
N confeitaria
calamitous [klmts]
ADJ calamitoso
calamity [klmt]
N calamidade F
calcium [klsm]
N clcio
calculate [klkjulet]
VT 1. calcular 2. (estimate) (chances, effect) avaliar calculate on to calculate on
sth/on doing sth, contar com algo/em fazer algo VT
calculated [klkjuletd]
ADJ (insult, action) intencional a calculated risk, um risco calculado
calculating [klkjulet]
ADJ 1. (scheming) maquinador* (maquinadora) calculista 2. (clever) matreiro
calculation [klkjulen]
N clculo
calculator [klkjulet*]
N calculador M
calculus [klkjuls]
N clculo integral/differential calculus, clculo integral/diferencial
calendar [klnd*]
N calendrio
calendar month
N ms M civil
calendar year
N ano civil
calf [kf] (PL calves )
N 1. (of cow) bezerro, vitela 2. (of other animals) cria 3. calfskin, pele F or couro de
bezerro 4. (ANAT) barriga-da-perna
caliber [klb*] (US)
N calibre
calibrate [klbret]
VT calibrar
calibre [klb*] caliber (US)
N (of person) capacidade F, comptencia, calibre M
calico [klku]
N 1. (BRIT) morim M 2. (US) chita
California [klfn]
N Califrnia
calipers [klpz] (US)
NPL callipers
call [kl]
VT 1. chamar 2. (label) qualificar, descrever 3. (TEL) telefonar a, ligar para 4.
(summon) (witness) citar 5. (announce) (flight) anunciar 6. (meeting, strike)
convocar VI 1. chamar 2. (shout) gritar 3. (TEL) telefonar 4. call in, call round (visit)
dar um pulo N 1. (shout, announcement) chamada 2. telephone call, chamada,
telefonema M 3. (of bird) canto 4. (visit) visita 5. (fig) (appeal) chamamento, apelo
to be called, chamar-se
shes called Suzanna, ela se chama Suzanna
to call (for) passar (para buscar)
who is calling? (TEL) quem fala?
London calling (RADIO) aqui fala Londres
on call (nurse, doctor etc) de planto
please give me a call at 7 acorde-me s 7.00 por favor
to make a call, telefonar
to pay a call on sb, visitar algum, dar um pulo na casa de algum
theres not much call for these items, no h muita procura para esses artigos
call at (subj) (ship) fazer escala em (train) parar em VT call back 1. (return)
voltar, passar de novo 2. (TEL) ligar de volta 3. (TEL) ligar de volta para VI call
for 1. (demand) requerer, exigir 2. (fetch) ir buscar VT call in (doctor, expert,
police) chamar VT call off (cancel) cancelar VT call on 1. (visit) visitar 2. (appeal
to) pedir 3. (turn to) recorrer a VT to call on sb to do, pedir para algum fazer
call out 1. gritar, bradar 2. (doctor, police, troops) chamar VI call up 1. (MIL)
chamar s fileiras 2. (TEL) dar una ligada VT
call box (BRIT)
N cabine F telefnica
caller [kl*]
N 1. visita M, F 2. (TEL) chamador* M (F chamadora)
call girl
N call girl F, prostituta
call-in (US)
N 1. (RADIO) programa com participao dos ouvintes 2. (TV) programa com
participao dos espectadores
calling [kl]
N 1. vocao F 2. (trade) profisso F
calling card (US)
N carto M de visita
callipers [klpz] calipers (US)
NPL 1. (MATH) compasso de calibre 2. (MED) aparelho ortopdico
callous [kls]
ADJ cruel, insensvel
callousness [klsns]
N crueldade F, insensibilidade F
callow [klu]
ADJ inexperiente
calm [km]
ADJ 1. calmo 2. (peaceful) tranqilo 3. (weather) estvel N calma VT 1. acalmar 2.
(fears, grief) abrandar calm down 1. acalmar, tranqilizar 2. acalmar-se VT
calmly [kml]
ADV tranqilamente, com calma
calmness [kmns]
N tranqilidade F
Calor gas [kl*-]
N butano
calorie [klr]
N caloria
N ABBR computer-aided manufacture, CAM M
camber [kmb*]
N (of road) abaulamento
Cambodia [kmbudj]
N Camboja
Cambodian [kmbudn]
ADJ N cambojano* (cambojana)
Cambs (BRIT)
ABBR Cambridgeshire
came [kem]
PT (of come)
camel [kml]
N camelo
cameo [kmu]
N camafeu M
camera [kmr]
N 1. mquina fotogrfica 2. (CINEMA TV) cmera in camera (LAW) em cmara
cameraman [kmrmn]
N IRREG cinegrafista M
camera phone
N celular M com cmera
Cameroon [kmrun]
N Camares M
Cameroun [kmrun]
N Cameroon
camouflage [kmfl]
N camuflagem F VT camuflar
camp [kmp]
N 1. campo, acampamento 2. (MIL) acampamento 3. (for prisoners) campo 4. (faction)
faco F VI acampar ADJ afeminado to go camping, fazer camping (BR) fazer
campismo (PT)
campaign [kmpen]
N (MIL POL etc) campanha VI fazer campanha
campaigner [kmpen*]
N campaigner for, partidrio* de (partidria) campaigner against, oponente M, F
camp-bed (BRIT)
N cama de campanha
camper [kmp*]
N 1. campista M, F 2. (vehicle) reboque M
camping [kmp]
N camping M (BR) campismo (PT) to go camping, acampar
camping site
N camping M (BR) parque M de campismo (PT)
campsite [kmpsat]
N camping M (BR) parque M de campismo (PT)
campus [kmps]
N campus M, cidade F universitria
camshaft [kmft]
N eixo de ressaltos
N (of oil, food) lata VT 1. enlatar 2. (preserve) conservar em latas to carry the can
(BRIT inf) assumir a responsabilidade
[kn] (NEGATIVE cant, cannot ), (CONDITIONAL could )
AUX VB 1. (be able to) poder
you can do it if you try, se voc tentar, voc consegue faz-lo
Ill help you all I can, ajudarei voc em tudo que eu puder
she couldnt sleep that night, ela no conseguiu dormir aquela noite
I cant go on any longer, no posso continuar mais
can you hear me? voc est me ouvindo?
I can see you tomorrow, if youre free, posso v-lo amanh, se voc estiver
livre 2. (know how to) saber
I can swim, sei nadar
can you speak Portuguese? voc fala portugus? 3. (may) can I use your
phone? posso usar o telefone?
could I have a word with you? ser que eu podia falar com voc?
you can smoke if you like, voc pode fumar se quiser
can I help you with that? posso ajud-lo? 4. (expressing disbelief, puzzlement)
it CANT be true! no pode ser verdade!
what CAN he want? o que que ele quer? 5. (expressing possibility, suggestion
etc) he could be in the library, ele talvez esteja na biblioteca
they could have forgotten, eles podiam ter esquecido
Canada [knd]
N Canad M
Canadian [knedn]
ADJ N canadense M, F
canal [knl]
N canal M
Canaries [knrz]
NPL Canary Islands
canary [knr]
N canrio
Canary Islands
NPL the Canary Islands, as (ilhas) Canrias
Canberra [knbr]
N Canberra
cancel [knsl]
VT 1. cancelar 2. (contract) anular 3. (cross out) riscar, invalidar 4. (stamp) contra-
selar cancel out anular VT they cancel each other out, eles se anulam
cancellation [knslen]
N 1. cancelamento 2. (of contract) anulao F
cancer [kns*]
N cncer M (BR) cancro (PT) Cancer (ASTROLOGY) Cncer
cancerous [knsrs]
ADJ canceroso
cancer patient
N canceroso* (cancerosa)
cancer research
N pesquisa sobre o cncer BR or cancro PT
C and F (BRIT)
ABBR cost and freight, custo e frete
candid [kndd]
ADJ franco, sincero
candidacy [kndds]
N candidatura
candidate [knddet]
N candidato* (candidata)
candidature [knddt*] (BRIT)
N candidacy
candied [kndd]
ADJ cristalizado candied apple US (US) mac F do amor
candle [kndl]
N 1. vela 2. (in church) crio
candle holder
N 1. (single) castial M 2. (bigger, more ornate) candelabro, lustre M
candlelight [kndllat]
N by candlelight, luz de vela (dinner) luz de velas
candlestick [kndlstk]
N 1. (plain) castial M 2. (bigger, ornate) candelabro, lustre M
candour [knd*] candor (US)
N franqueza
candy [knd]
N 1. sugar candy, acar M cristalizado 2. (US) bala (BR) rebuado (PT)
candy-floss [-fls] (BRIT)
N algodo-doce M
candy store (US)
N confeitaria
cane [ken]
N 1. (BOT) cana 2. (stick) bengala 3. (for chairs etc) palhinha VT (BRIT SCH) castigar
(com bengala)
canine [knan]
ADJ canino
canister [knst*]
N lata
cannabis [knbs]
N 1. cannabis plant, cnhamo 2. (drug) maconha
canned [knd]
ADJ 1. (food) em lata, enlatado 2. (inf: music) gravado 3. (BRIT inf: drunk) bbado 4.
(US inf: worker) despedido
cannibal [knbl]
N canibal M, F
cannibalism [knblzm]
N canibalismo
cannon [knn] (PL cannons )
N canho M
cannonball [knnbl]
N bala (de canho)
cannon fodder
N bucha para canho
cannot [knt]
can not
canny [kn]
ADJ astuto
canoe [knu]
N canoa
canoeing [knu]
N (SPORT) canoagem F
canoeist [knust]
N canosta M, F
canon [knn]
N 1. (clergyman) cnego 2. (standard) cnone M
canonize [knnaz]
VT canonizar
can opener
N abridor M de latas (BR) abre-latas M INV (PT)
canopy [knp]
N 1. dossel M 2. (ARCH) baldaquino
cant [knt]
N jargo M
cant [kant]
can not
Cantab. (BRIT)
ABBR cantabrigiensis of Cambridge
cantankerous [kntkrs]
ADJ rabugento, irritvel
canteen [kntin]
N 1. cantina 2. (bottle) cantil M 3. (BRIT: of cutlery) jogo (de talheres)
canter [knt*]
N meio galope VI ir a meio galope
cantilever [kntliv*]
N cantilver M
canvas [knvs]
N 1. (material) lona 2. (for painting) tela 3. (NAUT) velas FPL under canvas
(camping) em barracas
canvass [knvs]
VI (POL) to canvass for, fazer campanha por VT 1. (POL) (district) fazer campanha
em (person) angariar 2. (investigate) (opinions) sondar
canvasser [knvs*]
N cabo eleitoral
canvassing [knvs]
N 1. (POL) angariao F de votos 2. (COMM) pesquisa de mercado
canyon [knjn]
N canho M, garganta, desfiladeiro
cap [kp]
N 1. gorro 2. (peaked) bon M 3. (of pen, bottle) tampa 4. Dutch cap (contraceptive)
diafragma M 5. (for toy gun) cartucho 6. (BRIT FOOTBALL) he won his England
cap, ele foi escalado para jogar na seleo inglesa VT (outdo) superar and to
cap it all, he ... BRIT (BRIT) e para completar or culminar, ele ...
N ABBR Common Agricultural Policy, PAC F
capability [kepblt]
N capacidade F
capable [kepbl]
ADJ 1. (of sth) capaz 2. (competent) competente, hbil capable of (interpretation
etc) susceptvel de, passvel de
capacious [kpes]
ADJ vasto
capacity [kpst]
N 1. capacidade F 2. (of stadium etc) lotao F 3. (role) condio F, posio F filled
to capacity, lotado
in his capacity as, em sua condio de
this work is beyond my capacity, este trabalho est alm das minhas
in an advisory capacity, na condio de consultor
to work at full capacity, trabalhar com mximo rendimento
cape [kep]
N 1. capa 2. (GEO) cabo
Cape of Good Hope
N Cabo da Boa Esperana
caper [kep*]
N 1. (CULIN) (gen: capers) alcaparra 2. (prank) travessura
Cape Town
N Cidade F do Cabo
capita [kpt]
per capita
capital [kptl]
N 1. capital city, capital F 2. (money) capital M 3. capital letter, maiscula
capital account
N conta de capital
capital allowance
N desconto para depreciao
capital assets
NPL bens MPL imobilizados, ativo fixo
capital expenditure
N despesas FPL or dispndio de capital
capital gains tax
N imposto sobre ganhos de capital
capital goods
NPL bens MPL de capital
ADJ intensivo de capital
capitalism [kptlzm]
N capitalismo
capitalist [kptlst]
ADJ N capitalista M, F
capitalize [kptlaz]
VT capitalizar VI to capitalize on (fig) aproveitar, explorar
capital punishment
N pena de morte
capital transfer tax (BRIT)
N imposto sobre transferncias de capital
Capitol [kptl]
capitulate [kptjulet]
VI capitular
capitulation [kptjulen]
N capitulao F
capricious [kprs]
ADJ caprichoso
Capricorn [kprkn]
N Capricrnio
caps [kps]
ABBR capital letters
capsize [kpsaz]
VT VI emborcar, virar
capstan [kpstn]
N cabrestante M
capsule [kpsjul]
N cpsula
ABBR captain, Cap
captain [kptn]
N capito M VT capitanear, ser o capito de
caption [kpn]
N 1. (heading) ttulo 2. (to picture) legenda
captivate [kptvet]
VT cativar
captive [kptv]
ADJ N cativo* (cativa)
captivity [kptvt]
N cativeiro
captor [kpt*]
N capturador* M (F capturadora)
capture [kpt*]
VT 1. prender, aprisionar 2. (person) capturar 3. (place) tomar 4. (attention) atrair,
chamar N 1. captura 2. (of place) tomada 3. (thing taken) presa
car [k*]
N 1. carro, automvel M 2. (RAIL) vago M by car, de carro
Caracas [krks]
N Caracas
carafe [krf]
N garrafa de mesa
caramel [krml]
N 1. (sweet) caramelo 2. (burnt sugar) caramelado
carat [krt]
N quilate M 18 carat gold, ouro de 18 quilates
caravan [krvn]
N 1. reboque M (BR) trailer M (BR) rulote F (PT) 2. (in desert) caravana
caravan site (BRIT)
N parque M de campismo
caraway [krwe]
N caraway seed, sementes FPL de alcaravia
carbohydrate [kbuhadret]
N 1. hidrato de carbono 2. (food) carboidrato
carbolic acid [kblk-]
N cido carblico, fenol M
carbon [kbn]
N carbono
carbonated [kbenetd]
ADJ (drink) gasoso
carbon copy
N cpia de papel carbono
carbon dioxide
N dixido de carbono
carbon monoxide
N monxido de carbono
carbon paper
N papel M carbono
carbon ribbon
N fita carbono
carburettor [kbjurt*] carburetor (US)
N carburador M
carcass [kks]
N carcaa
carcinogenic [ksndnk]
ADJ carcinognico
card [kd]
N 1. playing card, carta 2. (visiting card, postcard etc) carto M 3. (membership card
etc) carteira 4. (thin cardboard) cartolina to play cards, jogar cartas
cardamom [kdmm]
N cardamomo
cardboard [kdbd]
N carto M, papelo M
cardboard box
N caixa de papelo
card-carrying member [-kr-]
N membro ativo
card game
N jogo de cartas
cardiac [kdk]
ADJ cardaco
cardigan [kdn]
N casaco de l, cardig M
cardinal [kdnl]
ADJ 1. cardeal 2. (MATH) cardinal N 1. (REL) cardeal M 2. (MATH) nmero cardinal
card index
N index M fichrio
Cards (BRIT)
ABBR Cardiganshire
cardsharp [kdp]
N batoteiro* (batoteira) trapaceiro* (trapaceira)
card vote (BRIT)
N votao F de delegados
CARE [k*]
N ABBR Cooperative for American Relief Everywhere, associao beneficente
care [k*]
N 1. cuidado 2. (worry) preocupao F 3. (charge) encargo, custdia VI to care about
(person, animal) preocupar-se com (thing, idea) ter interesse em would you care
to/for ...? voc quer ...?
I wouldnt care to do it, eu no gostaria de faz-lo
care of (on letter) aos cuidados de
in sbs care, a cargo de algum
``with care ``frgil
to take care (to do) cuidar-se or ter o cuidado (de fazer)
to take care of (person) cuidar de (situation) encarregar-se de
the child has been taken into care, a criana foi entregue aos cuidados da
Assistncia Social
I dont care, no me importa
I couldnt care less, no dou a mnima care for 1. cuidar de 2. (like) gostar de
CARE [k*]
N ABBR Cooperative for American Relief Everywhere, associao beneficente
careen [krin]
VI (ship) dar de quilha, querenar VT querenar
career [kr*]
N carreira VI career along, correr a toda velocidade
career girl
N moa disposta a fazer carreira
careers officer
N orientador* M vocacional (F orientadora)
career woman
N IRREG mulher F com profisso liberal
carefree [kfri]
ADJ despreocupado
careful [kful]
ADJ 1. (thorough) cuidadoso 2. (cautious) cauteloso (be) careful! tenha cuidado!
carefully [kful]
ADV 1. cuidadosamente 2. cautelosamente
careless [kls]
ADJ 1. descuidado 2. (heedless) desatento
carelessly [klsl]
ADV 1. sem cuidado 2. (without worry) sem preocupao
carelessness [klsns]
N descuido, falta de ateno
caress [krs]
N carcia VT acariciar
caretaker [ktek*]
N zelador* M (F zeladora)
caretaker government (BRIT)
N governo interino
N barca para carros (BR) barco de passagem (PT)
cargo [ku] (PL cargoes )
N 1. carga 2. (freight) frete M
cargo boat
N cargueiro
cargo plane
N avio M de carga
car hire (BRIT)
N aluguel M BR or aluguer M PT de carros
Caribbean [krbin]
ADJ caraba the Caribbean (Sea) o Caribe
caricature [krktju*]
N caricatura
caring [kr]
ADJ 1. (person) bondoso 2. (society) humanitrio
carnage [knd]
N carnificina, matana
carnal [knl]
ADJ carnal
carnation [knen]
N cravo
carnival [knvl]
N 1. carnaval M 2. (US: funfair) parque M de diverses
carnivore [knv*]
N carnvoro
carnivorous [knvrs]
ADJ carnvoro
carol [krl]
N (Christmas) carol, cntico de Natal
carouse [krauz]
VI farrear
carousel [krsl] (US)
N carrossel M
carp [kp]
N INV (fish) carpa carp at criticar VT
car park (BRIT)
N estacionamento
carpenter [kpnt*]
N carpinteiro
carpentry [kpntr]
N carpintaria
carpet [kpt]
N tapete M VT 1. atapetar 2. (with fitted carpet) acarpetar fitted carpet BRIT (BRIT)
carpete M
carpet slippers
NPL chinelos MPL
carpet sweeper [-swip*]
N limpador M de tapetes
car rental (US)
N aluguel M BR or aluguer M PT de carros
carriage [krd]
N 1. carruagem F 2. (BRIT RAIL) vago M 3. (of goods) transporte M (cost) porte M 4.
(of typewriter) carro 5. (bearing) porte M carriage forward, frete a pagar
carriage free, franco de porte
carriage paid, frete or porte pago
carriage return
N retorno do carro
carriageway [krdwe] (BRIT)
N (part of road) pista
carrier [kr*]
N 1. transportador* M (F transportadora) 2. (company) empresa de transportes,
transportadora 3. (MED) portador* M (F portadora) 4. (NAUT) porta-avies M INV
carrier bag (BRIT)
N saco, sacola
carrier pigeon
N pombo-correio
carrion [krn]
N carnia
carrot [krt]
N cenoura
carry [kr]
VT 1. carregar 2. (take) levar 3. (transport) transportar 4. (a motion, bill) aprovar 5.
(involve) (responsibilities etc) implicar 6. (MATH) (figure) levar 7. (COMM) (interest)
render VI (sound) projetar-se to get carried away (fig) exagerar carry forward
transportar VT carry on 1. (continue) seguir, continuar 2. (inf: complain) queixar-
se, criar caso 3. prosseguir, continuar VI carry out 1. (orders) cumprir 2.
(investigation) levar a cabo, realizar 3. (idea, threat) executar VT
carrycot [krkt] (BRIT)
N moiss M INV
carry-on (inf)
N alvoroo, rebulio
cart [kt]
N 1. carroa, carreta 2. (US: for luggage) carrinho VT transportar (em carroa)
carte blanche [ktbl]
N to give sb carte blanche, dar carta branca a algum
cartel [ktl]
N (COMM) cartel M
cartilage [ktld]
N cartilagem F
cartographer [ktrf*]
N cartgrafo* (cartgrafa)
cartography [ktrf]
N cartografia
carton [ktn]
N 1. (box) caixa (de papelo) 2. (of yogurt) pote M 3. (of milk) caixa 4. (packet) pacote
cartoon [ktun]
N 1. (drawing) desenho 2. (PRESS) charge F 3. (satirical) caricatura 4. (BRIT: comic
strip) histria em quadrinhos (BR) banda desenhada (PT) 5. (film) desenho
cartoonist [ktunst]
N 1. caricaturista M, F, cartunista M, F 2. (PRESS) chargista M, F
cartridge [ktrd]
N 1. cartucho 2. (of record player) cpsula
cartwheel [ktwil]
N pirueta, cabriola to turn a cartwheel, fazer uma pirueta
carve [kv]
VT 1. (meat) trinchar 2. (wood, stone) cinzelar, esculpir 3. (initials, design) gravar
carve up dividir, repartir
carving [kv]
N 1. (object) escultura 2. (design) talha, entalhe M
carving knife
N IRREG trinchante M, faca de trinchar
car wash
N lavagem F de carros
cascade [ksked]
N cascata VI cascatear, cair em cascata
case [kes]
N 1. (instance, investigation, MED) caso 2. (for spectacles etc) estojo 3. (LAW) causa
4. suitcase (BRIT) mala 5. (of wine etc) caixa 6. (TYP) lower/upper case, caixa
baixa/alta to have a good case, ter bons argumentos
theres a strong case for ... h bons argumentos para ...
in case (of) em caso (de)
in any case, em todo o caso
just in case (conj) se por acaso
just in case (adv) por via das dvidas
ADJ calejado
case history
N (MED) anamnese F
case study
N 1. (MED) caso clnico 2. (SOCIOLOGY) estudo sociolgico
cash [k]
N dinheiro (em espcie) VT descontar to pay (in) cash, pagar em dinheiro
cash on delivery, pagamento contra entrega
to be short of cash, estar sem dinheiro cash in (insurance policy etc) resgatar
VT cash in on lucrar com, explorar VT
cash account
N conta de caixa
N livro-caixa M
cash box
N cofre M
cash card (BRIT)
N carto M de saque
cash desk (BRIT)
N caixa
cash discount
N desconto por pagamento vista
cash dispenser
N caixa automtica or eletrnica
cashew [ku]
N cashew nut, castanha de caju
cash flow
N fluxo de caixa
cashier [k*]
N caixa M, F VT (MIL) exonerar
cashmere [km*]
N caxemira, cachemira
cash payment
N 1. (in money) pagamento em dinheiro 2. (in one go) pagamento vista
cash price
N preo vista
cash register
N caixa registradora
cash sale
N venda vista
casing [kes]
N 1. invlucro 2. (of boiler etc) revestimento
casino [ksinu]
N casino
cask [ksk]
N barril M
casket [kskt]
N 1. cofre M, porta-jias M INV 2. (US: coffin) caixo M
Caspian Sea [kspn-]
N the Caspian Sea, o mar Cspio
casserole [ksrul]
N 1. panela de ir ao forno 2. (food) ensopado BR no forno, guisado PT no forno
cassette [kst]
N fita-cassete F
cassette deck
N toca-fitas M INV
cassette player
N toca-fitas M INV
cassette recorder
N gravador M
cassock [ksk]
N sotaina, batina
cast [kst] (PT, PP cast )
VT 1. (throw) lanar, atirar 2. (skin) mudar, perder 3. (metal) fundir 4. (THEATRE) to
cast sb as Hamlet, dar a algum o papel de Hamlet VI (FISHING) lanar N 1.
(THEATRE) elenco 2. (mould) forma, molde M 3. plaster cast, gesso to cast
loose, soltar
to cast ones vote, votar cast aside rejeitar VT cast away desperdiar VT
cast down abater, desalentar VT cast off 1. (NAUT) soltar o cabo 2. (KNITTING)
rematar os pontos 3. (KNITTING) rematar VI cast on 1. (KNITTING) montar 2.
montar os pontos VT
castanets [kstnts]
NPL castanholas FPL
castaway [kstw]
N nufrago* (nufraga)
caste [kst]
N casta
caster sugar [kast*-] (BRIT)
N acuar M branco refinado
casting vote [kst-] (BRIT)
N voto decisivo, voto de minerva
cast iron
N ferro fundido ADJ cast-iron (fig) (will) de ferro (alibi) forte
castle [ksl]
N 1. castelo 2. (CHESS) torre F
castor [kst*]
N (wheel) rodzio
castor oil
N leo de rcino
castor sugar (BRIT)
N caster sugar
castrate [kstret]
VT castrar
casual [kjul]
ADJ 1. (by chance) fortuito 2. (irregular) (work etc) eventual 3. (unconcerned)
despreocupado 4. (informal) (clothes etc) descontrado, informal casual wear,
roupas FPL esportivas
casual labour
N mo-de-obra F ocasional
casually [kjul]
ADV 1. (in a relaxed way) casualmente 2. (dress) informalmente
casualty [kjult]
N 1. (wounded) ferido* (ferida) 2. (dead) morto* (morta) 3. (of situation) (victim) vtima
4. (MED) (department) pronto-socorro 5. (MIL) baixa casualties perdas FPL NPL
casualty ward (BRIT)
N setor M de emergncia, pronto-socorro
cat [kt]
N gato
catacombs [ktkumz]
NPL catacumbas FPL
Catalan [ktln]
ADJ catalo* (catal) N 1. catalo* M (F catal) 2. (LING) catalo M
catalogue [ktl] catalog (US)
N catlogo VT catalogar
Catalonia [ktlun]
N Catalunha
catalyst [ktlst]
N catalisador M
catapult [ktplt] (BRIT)
N 1. catapulta 2. (sling) atiradeira
cataract [ktrkt]
N (also) (MED) catarata
catarrh [kt*]
N catarro
catastrophe [ktstrf]
N catstrofe F
catastrophic [ktstrfk]
ADJ catastrfico
catcall [ktkl]
N assobio
catch [kt] (PT, PP caught )
VT 1. (ball, train, illness) pegar (BR) apanhar (PT) 2. (fish) pescar 3. (arrest) prender,
deter 4. (person) (by surprise) flagrar, surpreender 5. (attention) atrair 6. (hear)
ouvir 7. (understand) compreender 8. (get entangled) prender 9. catch up, alcanar
VI 1. (fire) pegar 2. (in branches etc) ficar preso, prender-se N 1. (fish etc) pesca 2.
(act of catching) captura 3. (game) manha, armadilha 4. (of lock) trinco, lingeta
to catch sbs attention or eye, chamar a ateno de algum
to catch fire, pegar fogo (building) incendiar-se
to catch sight of, avistar catch on 1. (understand) entender (BR) perceber
(PT) 2. (grow popular) pegar VI catch out (BRIT) (with trick question) apanhar em
erro VT catch up 1. equiparar-se 2. (make up for lost time) recuperar o tempo
perdido 3. catch up with, alcanar VI
catch-22 [-twenttu]
N its a catch-22 situation, uma situao do tipo se correr, o bicho pega, se ficar, o
bicho come
catching [kt]
ADJ (MED) contagioso
catchment area [ktmnt-]
N (BRIT) rea atendida por um hospital, uma escola etc
catch phrase
N clich M, slogan M
catchy [kt]
ADJ (tune) que pega fcil, que gruda no ouvido
catechism [ktkzm]
N (REL) catecismo
categoric [ktrk] categorical, ktrkl
ADJ categrico, terminante
categorize [ktraz]
VT classificar
category [ktr]
N categoria
cater [ket*]
VI preparar comida cater for 1. (needs) atender a 2. (consumers) satisfazer VT
caterer [ketr*]
N (service) servio de buf
catering [ketr]
N 1. servio de buf 2. (trade) abastecimento
caterpillar [ktpl*]
N lagarta CPD (vehicle) de lagartas
caterpillar track
N lagarta
cathedral [kidrl]
N catedral F
cathode [kud]
N ctodo
cathode ray tube
N tubo de raios catdicos
Catholic [klk]
ADJ N (REL) catlico* (catlica)
catholic [klk]
ADJ ecltico
cats-eye (BRIT)
N (AUT) catadiptrico
catsup [ktsp] (US)
N ketchup M
cattle [ktl]
NPL gado
catty [kt]
ADJ malicioso
Caucasian [kken]
ADJ N caucaside M, F
Caucasus [kkss]
N Cucaso
caucus [kks]
N (POL) (group) panelinha (de polticos) (US) comit M eleitoral (para indicar
caught [kt]
PT PP (of catch)
catch [kt] (PT, PP caught )
VT 1. (ball, train, illness) pegar (BR) apanhar (PT) 2. (fish) pescar 3. (arrest) prender,
deter 4. (person) (by surprise) flagrar, surpreender 5. (attention) atrair 6. (hear)
ouvir 7. (understand) compreender 8. (get entangled) prender 9. catch up, alcanar
VI 1. (fire) pegar 2. (in branches etc) ficar preso, prender-se N 1. (fish etc) pesca 2.
(act of catching) captura 3. (game) manha, armadilha 4. (of lock) trinco, lingeta
to catch sbs attention or eye, chamar a ateno de algum
to catch fire, pegar fogo (building) incendiar-se
to catch sight of, avistar catch on 1. (understand) entender (BR) perceber
(PT) 2. (grow popular) pegar VI catch out (BRIT) (with trick question) apanhar em
erro VT catch up 1. equiparar-se 2. (make up for lost time) recuperar o tempo
perdido 3. catch up with, alcanar VI
cauliflower [klflau*]
N couve-flor F
cause [kz]
N 1. causa 2. (reason) motivo, razo F VT causar, provocar there is no cause for
concern, no h motivo de preocupao
to cause sth to be done, fazer com que algo seja feito
to cause sb to do sth, fazer com que algum faa algo
causeway [kzwe]
N 1. (road) calada 2. (embankment) banqueta
caustic [kstk]
ADJ 1. custico 2. (fig) mordaz
caution [kn]
N 1. cautela, prudncia 2. (warning) aviso VT acautelar, avisar
cautious [ks]
ADJ cauteloso, prudente, precavido
cautiously [ksl]
ADV com cautela
cautiousness [ksns]
N cautela, prudncia
cavalier [kvl*]
ADJ arrogante N (knight) cavaleiro
cavalry [kvlr]
N cavalaria
cave [kev]
N caverna, gruta cave in 1. dar de si 2. (roof etc) ceder VI
caveman [kevmn]
N IRREG troglodita M, homem M das cavernas
cavern [kvn]
N caverna
caviar , caviare [kv*]
N caviar M
cavity [kvt]
N 1. cavidade F 2. (in tooth) crie F
cavort [kvt]
VI cabriolar
caw [k]
VI grasnar
cayenne [ken]
N cayenne pepper, pimenta-de-caiena
N ABBR 1. Citizens Band (Radio) 2. (BRIT) Companion of (the Order of the Bath) ttulo
N ABBR Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
N ABBR Companion of (the Order of) the British Empire, ttulo honorfico
N ABBR Confederation of British Industry, federao de indstria
N ABBR Columbia Broadcasting System, emissora de televiso
ABBR 1. cubic centimetre, cc 2. (on letter etc) carbon copy
County Council
N ABBR Circuit Court of Appeals, tribunal de recursos itinerante
N ABBR coronary care unit, unidade de cardiologia
N ABBR 1. compact disc, disco laser 2. (MIL BRIT) Civil Defence (Corps) 3. (US) Civil
Defense ABBR (BRIT) Corps Diplomatique, CD
CD burner , CD writer
N gravador M, INV de CD
N ABBR center for disease control
CD player
N toca-discos M, INV laser
ABBR commander, Com
N ABBR Central Daylight Time, hora de vero do centro
cease [sis]
VT VI cessar
ceasefire [sisfa*]
N cessar-fogo M
ceaseless [sisls]
ADJ contnuo, incessante
ceaselessly [sislsl]
ADV sem parar, sem cessar
N ABBR Committee for Economic Development
cedar [sid*]
N cedro
cede [sid]
VT ceder
cedilla [sdl]
N cedilha
N ABBR College Entry Examination Board, comisso de admisso ao ensino superior
ceiling [sil]
N (also fig) teto
celebrate [slbret]
VT celebrar VI 1. celebrar 2. (birthday, anniversary etc) festejar 3. (REL) (mass) rezar
celebrated [slbretd]
ADJ clebre
celebration [slbren]
N 1. (act) celebrao F 2. (party) festa
celebrity [slbrt]
N celebridade F
celeriac [slrk]
N aipo-rbano
celery [slr]
N aipo
celestial [slstl]
ADJ 1. (of sky) celeste 2. (divine) celestial
celibacy [slbs]
N celibato
cell [sl]
N 1. cela 2. (BIO) clula 3. (ELEC) pilha, elemento
cellar [sl*]
N 1. poro M 2. (for wine) adega
cellist [tlst]
N violoncelista M, F
cello [tlu]
N violoncelo
cellophane [slfen]
N celofane M
cellular [sljul*]
ADJ celular
Celluloid [sljuld]
N celulide M
cellulose [sljulus]
N celulose F
Celsius [slss]
ADJ Clsius
Celt [klt]
ADJ N celta M, F
Celtic [kltk]
ADJ celta N (LING) celta M
cement [smnt]
N cimento VT 1. cimentar 2. (fig) cimentar, fortalecer
cement mixer
N betoneira
cemetery [smtr]
N cemitrio
cenotaph [sntf]
N cenotfio
censor [sns*]
N 1. (person) censor* M (F censora) 2. (concept) the censor, a censura VT censurar
censorship [snsp]
N censura
censure [sn*]
VT criticar
census [snss]
N censo
cent [snt]
N (US etc: coin) cntimo per
centenary [sntinr]
N centenrio
centennial [sntnl]
N centenrio
center [snt*] (US)
centre etc
centigrade [sntred]
ADJ centgrado
centilitre [sntlit*] centiliter (US)
N centilitro
centimetre [sntmit*] centimeter (US)
N centmetro
centipede [sntpid]
N centopia
central [sntrl]
ADJ central
Central African Republic
N Repblica Centro-Africana
Central America
N Amrica Central
Central American
ADJ centro-americano
central heating
N aquecimento central
centralize [sntrlaz]
VT centralizar
central processing unit
N (COMPUT) unidade F central de processamento
central reservation (BRIT)
N (AUT) canteiro divisor
centre [snt*] center (US)
N 1. centro 2. (of room, circle etc) meio VT centrar VI (concentrate) to centre (on)
concentrar (em)
centrefold [sntfuld] centerfold (US)
N poster M central
N (SPORT) centro-avante M, centro
N (SPORT) (centro) mdio
centrepiece [sntpis] centerpiece (US)
N centro de mesa
centre spread (BRIT)
N pginas FPL centrais
centrifugal [sntrfjul]
ADJ centrfugo
centrifuge [sntrfju]
N centrfuga
century [sntjur]
N sculo 20th century, sculo vinte
N ABBR chief executive officer
ceramic [srmk]
ADJ cermico
ceramics [srmks]
N cermica
cereal [sirl]
N cereal M
cerebral [srbrl]
ADJ 1. cerebral 2. (intellectual) intelectual
ceremonial [srmunl]
N 1. cerimonial M 2. (rite) rito
ceremony [srmn]
N 1. cerimnia 2. (ritual) rito to stand on ceremony, fazer cerimnia
cert [st] (BRIT inf)
N its a dead cert, barbada, coisa certa
certain [stn]
ADJ 1. (sure) seguro 2. (person) a certain Mr Smith, un certo Sr. Smith 3. (particular)
certain days/places, certos dias/lugares 4. (some) a certain coldness/pleasure,
uma certa frieza/um certo prazer to make certain of, assegurar-se de
for certain, com certeza
certainly [stnl]
ADV certamente, com certeza
certainty [stnt]
N certeza
certificate [stfkt]
N certido F, diploma M
certified mail [stfad-] (US)
N correio registrado
certified public accountant [stfad-] (US)
N perito-contador M /perita-contadora F
certify [stfa]
VT certificar VI to certify to, atestar
cervical [svkl]
ADJ cervical cancer, cncer M BR or cancro PT do colo do tero cervical smear,
exame M de lmina, esfregao
cervix [svks]
N cerviz F
Cesarean [szrn] (US)
ADJ N Caesarean
cessation [ssen]
N cessao F, suspenso F
cesspit [sspt]
N fossa sptica
ABBR Central European Time, hora da Europa Central
Ceylon [sln]
N (old) Ceilo M
ABBR compare, cf
ABBR (COMM) carry forward, a transportar
ABBR centigram, cg
N ABBR coastguard
ch (BRIT)
ABBR central heating
N ABBR Companion of Honour, ttulo honorfico
ABBR chapter, cap
Chad [td]
N Chad M
chafe [tef]
VT 1. (rub) roar 2. (wear) gastar 3. (irritate) irritar VI (fig) to chafe at sth, irritar-se
com algo
chaffinch [tfnt]
N tentilho M
chagrin [rn]
N desgosto
chain [ten]
N 1. corrente F 2. (of islands) grupo 3. (of mountains) cordilheira 4. (of shops) cadeia
5. (of events) srie F VT chain up, acorrentar
chain reaction
N reao F em cadeia
VI fumar um (cigarro) atrs do outro
chain store
N magazine M (BR) grande armazem F (PT)
chair [t*]
N 1. cadeira 2. (armchair) poltrona 3. (of university) ctedra 4. (of meeting)
presidncia, mesa VT (meeting) presidir the chair (US: electric chair) a cadeira
chairlift [tlft]
N telefrico
chairman [tmn]
N IRREG presidente M
chairperson [tpsn]
N presidente M, F
chairwoman [twumn]
N IRREG presidenta, presidente F
chalet [le]
N chal M
chalice [tls]
N clice M
chalk [tk]
N 1. (GEO) greda 2. (for writing) giz M chalk up 1. escrever a giz 2. (fig) (success)
obter VT
challenge [tlnd]
N desafio VT 1. desafiar 2. (statement, right) disputar, contestar to challenge sb to
sth/to do sth, desafiar algum para algo/a fazer algo
challenger [tlnd*]
N (SPORT) competidor* M (F competidora)
challenging [tlnd]
ADJ 1. desafiante 2. (tone) de desafio
chamber [temb*]
N 1. cmara 2. (BRIT LAW) (gen pl) sala de audincias
chambermaid [tembmed]
N arrumadeira (BR) empregada (PT)
chamber music
N msica de cmara
chamber of commerce
N cmara de comrcio
chamberpot [tembpt]
N urinol M
chameleon [kmiln]
N camaleo M
chamois [mw]
N camura
chamois leather [m-]
N camura
champagne [mpen]
N champanhe M, F
champion [tmpn]
N 1. campeo* M (F campe) 2. (of cause) defensor* M (F defensora) VT defender,
lutar por
championship [tmpnp]
N campeonato
chance [tns]
N 1. (luck) acaso, casualidade F 2. (opportunity) oportunidade, ocasio F 3.
(likelihood) chance F 4. (risk) risco VT arriscar ADJ fortuito, casual there is little
chance of his coming, pouco provvel que ele venha
to take a chance, arriscar-se
its the chance of a lifetime, uma chance que s se tem uma vez na vida
by chance, por acaso
to chance it, arriscar-se
to chance to do, fazer por acaso chance on, chance upon dar com,
encontrar por acaso VT
chancel [tnsl]
N coro, capela-mor F
chancellor [tnsl*]
N chanceler M Chancellor of the Exchequer BRIT (BRIT) Ministro da Economia
(Fazenda e Planejamento)
chandelier [ndl*]
N lustre M
change [tend]
VT 1. (alter) mudar 2. (wheel, bulb, money) trocar 3. (replace) substituir 4. (clothes,
house) mudar de, trocar de 5. (nappy) mudar, trocar 6. (transform) to change sb
into, transformar algum em VI 1. mudar(-se) 2. (change clothes) trocar-se 3.
(trains) fazer baldeao (BR) mudar (PT) 4. (be transformed) to change into,
transformar-se em N 1. mudana 2. (exchange, money returned) troca 3.
(difference) diferena 4. (of clothes) muda 5. (modification) modificao F 6.
(transformation) transformao F 7. small change (coins) trocado to change gear
(AUT) trocar de marcha
to change ones mind, mudar de idia
for a change, para variar
she changed into an old skirt, ela (trocou de roupa e) vestiu uma saia velha
a change of clothes, uma muda de roupa
to give sb change for or of 10 trocar 10 para algum
changeable [tendbl]
ADJ 1. (weather, mood) instvel 2. (mood) instvel, inconstante
changeless [tendls]
ADJ imutvel
change machine
N mquina que fornece trocado
changeover [tenduv*]
N (to new system) mudana
changing [tend]
ADJ varivel
changing room (BRIT)
N 1. (SPORT) vestirio 2. (in shop) cabine F de provas
channel [tnl]
N 1. (TV) canal M 2. (of river) leito 3. (for boats) canal 4. (of sea) canal, estreito 5.
(groove) ranhura 6. (fig) (medium) meio, via VT (money, resources) to channel
(into) canalizar (para) to go through the usual channels, seguir os trmites
green/red channel (CUSTOMS) canal verde/vermelho
the (English) Channel, o Canal da Mancha
Channel Islands
NPL the Channel Islands, as ilhas Anglo-Normandas
chant [tnt]
N 1. (of crowd) canto 2. (REL) cntico VT 1. cantar 2. (word, slogan) entoar
chaos [kes]
N caos M
chaotic [ketk]
ADJ catico
chap [tp]
N 1. (BRIT inf: man) sujeito (BR) tipo (PT) 2. (term of address) old chap, meu velho
VT (skin) rachar
chapel [tpl]
N capela
chaperon , chaperone [prun]
N mulher F acompanhante VT acompanhar
chaplain [tpln]
N capelo M
chapped [tpt]
ADJ ressecado
chapter [tpt*]
N captulo
char [t*]
VT (burn) tostar, queimar VI (BRIT) trabalhar como diarista N (BRIT) charlady
character [krkt*]
N 1. carter M 2. (in novel, film) personagem M, F 3. (role) papel M 4. (eccentric) to be
a (real) character, ser um nmero 5. (letter) letra a person of good character,
uma pessoa de bom carter
character code
N (COMPUT) cdigo de carter
characteristic [krktrstk]
ADJ caracterstico N caracterstica
characterize [krktraz]
VT caracterizar
charade [rd]
N charada
charcoal [tkul]
N 1. carvo M de lenha 2. (ART) carvo M
charge [td]
N 1. (of gun, electrical, MIL) (attack) carga 2. (LAW) encargo, acusao F 3. (fee)
preo, custo 4. (responsibility) encargo 5. (task) incumbncia VT 1. (battery)
carregar 2. (MIL) (enemy) atacar 3. (price) cobrar 4. (customer) cobrar dinheiro de
5. (sb with task) incumbir, encarregar 6. (LAW) to charge sb (with) acusar algum
(de) VI 1. precipitar-se 2. (make pay) cobrar charges bank/labour charges,
taxas FPL cobradas pelo banco/custos MPL de mo-de-obra NPL free of charge,
is there a charge? se tem que pagar?
theres no charge, de graa
extra charge, sobretaxa
to reverse the charges (BRIT TEL) ligar a cobrar
how much do you charge? quanto voc cobra?
to charge an expense (up) to sbs account, pr a despesa na conta de algum
to take charge of, encarregar-se de, tomar conta de
to be in charge of, estar a cargo de or encarregado de
they charged us 10 for the dinner, eles nos cobraram 10 pelo jantar
to charge in/out, precipitar-se para dentro/fora
charge account
N conta de crdito
charge card
N carto M de crdito (emitido por uma loja)
charg daffaires [edf*]
N encarregado* de negcios (encarregada)
chargehand [tdhnd] (BRIT)
N capataz M
charger [td*]
N 1. battery charger, carregador M 2. (old) (warhorse) cavalo de batalha
charisma [krzm]
N carisma M
charitable [trtbl]
ADJ 1. caritativo 2. (organization) beneficente
charity [trt]
N 1. caridade F 2. (organization) obra de caridade 3. (kindness) compaixo F 4.
(money, gifts) donativo
charlady [tled] (BRIT)
N diarista
charlatan [tltn]
N charlato M
charm [tm]
N 1. (quality) charme M 2. (attraction) encanto, atrativo 3. (spell) feitio 4. (talisman)
amuleto 5. (on bracelet) berloque M VT encantar, deliciar
charm bracelet
N pulseira de berloques
charming [tm]
ADJ encantador* (encantadora)
chart [tt]
N 1. (table) quadro 2. (graph) grfico 3. (diagram) diagrama M 4. (map) carta de
navegao 5. (weather chart) carta meteorolgica or de tempo VT 1. fazer um
grfico de 2. (course, progress) traar charts (hit parade) paradas FPL (de
sucesso) NPL to be in the charts (record, pop group) estar nas paradas (de
charter [tt*]
VT fretar N (document) carta, alvar M on charter (plane) fretado
chartered accountant [ttd-] (BRIT)
N perito-contador M /perita-contadora F
charter flight
N vo charter or fretado
charwoman [twumn]
N IRREG charlady
chase [tes]
VT 1. (pursue) perseguir 2. (hunt) caar, dar caa a 3. chase away, enxotar VI to
chase after, correr atrs de N perseguio F, caa chase down (US) chase up
VT chase up (BRIT) 1. (person) ficar atrs de 2. (information) pesquisar VT
chasm [kzm]
N abismo
chassis [s]
N chassi M
chaste [test]
ADJ casto
chastened [tesnd]
ADJ to be chastened by an experience, aprender uma lio com uma experincia
chastening [tesn]
ADJ it was a chastening experience, foi uma lio
chastise [tstaz]
VT castigar
chastity [tstt]
N castidade F
chat [tt]
VI 1. have a chat, conversar, bater papo (BR) cavaquear (PT) 2. (on the Internet)
bater papo, conversar N conversa, bate-papo M (BR) cavaqueira (PT) chat up
(BRIT inf) (girl) paquerar VT
N sala F de bate-papo
chat show (BRIT)
N programa M de entrevistas
chattel [ttl]
N goods
chatter [tt*]
VI 1. (person) tagarelar 2. (animal) emitir sons 3. (teeth) tiritar N 1. tagarelice F 2.
emisso F de sons 3. (of birds) chilro
chatterbox [ttbks]
N tagarela M, F
chatty [tt]
ADJ 1. (style) informal 2. (person) conversador* (conversadora)
chauffeur [uf*]
N chofer M, motorista M, F
chauvinism [uvnzm]
N 1. male chauvinism, machismo 2. (nationalism) chauvinismo
chauvinist [uvnst]
N 1. male chauvinist, machista M 2. (nationalist) chauvinista M, F
ABBR chemical engineer
cheap [tip]
ADJ 1. barato 2. (ticket etc) a preo reduzido 3. (poor quality) barato, de pouca
qualidade 4. (behaviour) vulgar 5. (joke) de mau gosto ADV barato a cheap trick,
uma sujeira, uma sacanagem
cheapen [tipn]
VT baixar o preo de, rebaixar to cheapen o.s. rebaixar-se
cheaply [tipl]
ADV barato, por baixo preo
cheat [tit]
VI 1. trapacear 2. (at cards) roubar (BR) fazer batota (PT) 3. (in exam) colar (BR)
cabular (PT) VT defraudar, enganar N 1. fraude F 2. (person) trapaceiro*
(trapaceira) to cheat sb (out of sth) passar o conto do vigrio em algum
to cheat on sb (inf: husband, wife etc) passar algum para trs
cheating [tit]
N trapaa
check [tk]
VT 1. (examine) controlar 2. (facts) verificar 3. (count) contar 4. (halt) conter, impedir
5. (restrain) parar, refrear VI verificar N 1. (inspection) controle M, inspeo F 2.
(curb) freio 3. (US: bill) conta 4. (CHESS) xeque M 5. (token) ficha, talo M 6.
(pattern) (gen pl) xadrez M 7. (US) cheque ADJ checked (pattern, cloth) xadrez to
check with sb, perguntar a algum
to keep a check on sb/sth, controlar algum/algo check in 1. (in hotel)
registrar-se 2. (in airport) apresentar-se 3. (luggage) entregar VI check off checar
VT check out 1. (of hotel) pagar a conta e sair 2. (story) verificar 3. (person)
investigar VI check it out (see for yourself) confira check up to check up on
sth, verificar algo VI to check up on sb, investigar algum
checkbook [tkbuk] (US)
N chequebook
checkered [tkd] (US)
ADJ chequered
checkers [tkz] (US)
N (jogo de) damas FPL
check guarantee card (US)
N carto M (de garantia) de cheques
check-in , check-in desk
N (at airport) check-in M
checking account [tk-] (US)
N conta corrente
checklist [tklst]
N lista de conferncia
checkmate [tkmet]
N xeque-mate M
checkout [tkaut]
N caixa
checkpoint [tkpnt]
N (ponto de) controle M
checkroom [tkrum] (US)
N depsito de bagagem
checkup [tkp]
N 1. (MED) check-up M 2. (of machine) reviso F
cheek [tik]
N 1. bochecha 2. (impudence) folga, descaramento what a cheek! que folga!
cheekbone [tikbun]
N ma F do rosto
cheeky [tik]
ADJ insolente, descarado
cheep [tip]
N (of bird) pio VI piar
cheer [t*]
VT 1. dar vivas a, aplaudir 2. (gladden) alegrar, animar VI gritar com entusiasmo N
(gen pl) gritos MPL de entusiasmo cheers (of crowd) aplausos MPL NPL cheers!
sade! cheer on torcer por VT cheer up 1. animar-se, alegrar-se 2. alegrar,
animar VI
cheerful [tful]
ADJ alegre
cheerfulness [tfulns]
N alegria
cheerio [tru] (BRIT)
EXCL tchau (BR) adeus (PT)
cheerless [tls]
ADJ triste, sombrio
cheese [tiz]
N queijo
cheeseboard [tizbd]
N (in restaurant) sortimento de queijos
cheesecake [tizkek]
N queijada, torta de queijo
cheetah [tit]
N chit M
chef [f]
N cozinheiro-chefe/cozinheira-chefe M, F
chemical [kmkl]
ADJ qumico N produto qumico
chemist [kmst]
N 1. (BRIT: pharmacist) farmacutico* (farmacutica) 2. (scientist) qumico*
chemistry [kmstr]
N qumica
chemists shop (BRIT)
N farmcia
cheque [tk] (BRIT)
N cheque M to pay by cheque, pagar com cheque
check [tk]
VT 1. (examine) controlar 2. (facts) verificar 3. (count) contar 4. (halt) conter, impedir
5. (restrain) parar, refrear VI verificar N 1. (inspection) controle M, inspeo F 2.
(curb) freio 3. (US: bill) conta 4. (CHESS) xeque M 5. (token) ficha, talo M 6.
(pattern) (gen pl) xadrez M 7. (US) cheque ADJ checked (pattern, cloth) xadrez to
check with sb, perguntar a algum
to keep a check on sb/sth, controlar algum/algo check in 1. (in hotel)
registrar-se 2. (in airport) apresentar-se 3. (luggage) entregar VI check off checar
VT check out 1. (of hotel) pagar a conta e sair 2. (story) verificar 3. (person)
investigar VI check it out (see for yourself) confira check up to check up on
sth, verificar algo VI to check up on sb, investigar algum
chequebook [tkbuk] (BRIT)
N talo M BR or livro PT de cheques
checkbook [tkbuk] (US)
N chequebook
cheque card (BRIT)
N carto M (de garantia) de cheques
chequered [tkd] checkered (US)
ADJ (fig) variado, acidentado
cherish [tr]
VT 1. (person) tratar com carinho 2. (memory) lembrar (com prazer) 3. (love) apreciar
4. (protect) cuidar 5. (hope etc) acalentar
cheroot [rut]
N charuto
cherry [tr]
N 1. cereja 2. cherry tree, cerejeira
Ches (BRIT)
ABBR Cheshire
chess [ts]
N xadrez M
chessboard [tsbd]
N tabuleiro de xadrez
chessman [tsmn]
N IRREG pea, pedra (de xadrez)
chessplayer [tsple*]
N xadrezista M, F
chest [tst]
N 1. (ANAT) peito 2. (box) caixa, cofre M to get sth or it off ones chest (inf)
chest measurement
N medida de peito
chestnut [tsnt]
N 1. castanha 2. chestnut tree, castanheiro 3. (colour) castanho ADJ castanho
chest of drawers
N cmoda
chew [tu]
VT mastigar
chewing gum [tu-]
N chiclete M (BR) pastilha elstica (PT)
chic [k]
ADJ elegante, chique
chick [tk]
N 1. pinto 2. (inf: girl) broto
chicken [tkn]
N 1. galinha 2. (food) galinha, frango 3. (inf: coward) covarde M, F, galinha chicken
out (inf) agalinhar-se VI
chicken feed
N (fig) dinheiro mido
chickenpox [tknpks]
N catapora (BR) varicela (PT)
chickpea [tkpi]
N gro-de-bico M
chicory [tkr]
N chicria
chide [tad]
VT repreender, censurar
chief [tif]
N 1. (of tribe) cacique M, morubixaba M 2. (of organization) chefe M, F ADJ principal
Chief of Staff (MIL) chefe M do Estado-Maior
chief constable (BRIT)
N chefe M, F de polcia
chief executive , chief executive officer (US)
N diretor* M geral (F diretora)
chiefly [tifl]
ADV principalmente
chiffon [fn]
N gaze F
chilblain [tlblen]
N frieira
child [tald] (PL children )
N 1. criana 2. (offspring) filho* (filha) do you have any children? voc tem filhos?
childbirth [taldb]
N parto
childhood [taldhud]
N infncia
childish [tald]
ADJ infantil
childless [taldls]
ADJ sem filhos
childlike [taldlak]
ADJ infantil, ingnuo
child minder (BRIT)
N cuidadora de crianas
children [tldrn]
NPL (of child)
Chile [tl]
N Chile M
Chilean [tln]
ADJ N chileno* (chilena)
chili [tl] (US)
N chilli
chill [tl]
N 1. frio, friagem F 2. (MED) resfriamento VT 1. (CULIN) semi-congelar 2. (person)
congelar ADJ frio, glacial ``serve chilled ``servir fresco
chilli [tl] chili (US)
N pimento M picante
chilly [tl]
ADJ 1. frio 2. (person) friorento to feel chilly, estar com frio
chime [tam]
N 1. (of bell) repique M 2. (of clock) soar M VI 1. repicar 2. soar
chimney [tmn]
N chamin F
chimney sweep
N limpador M de chamins
chimpanzee [tmpnzi]
N chimpanz M
chin [tn]
N queixo
China [tan]
N China
china [tan]
N 1. porcelana 2. (crockery) loua fina
Chinese [taniz]
ADJ chins* (chinesa) N INV 1. chins* M (F chinesa) 2. (LING) chins M
chink [tk]
N 1. (opening) fenda, fissura 2. (noise) tinir M
chip [tp]
N 1. (gen pl BRIT CULIN) batata frita 2. potato chip (US) batatinha frita 3. (of wood)
lasca 4. (of glass, stone) lasca, pedao 5. (at poker) ficha 6. microchip (COMPUT)
chip M VT (cup, plate) lascar when the chips are down (fig) na hora H chip in
(inf) 1. interromper 2. (contribute) compartilhar as despesas VI
chipboard [tpbd]
N compensado
chipmunk [tpmk]
N tmia M
chippings [tpz]
NPL ``loose chippings ``projeo de cascalho
chiropodist [krpdst] (BRIT)
N pedicuro* (pedicura)
chiropody [krpd] (BRIT)
N quiropodia
chirp [tp]
VI 1. chilrar, piar 2. (cricket) chilrear N chilro
chirpy [tp]
ADJ alegre, animado
chisel [tzl]
N 1. (for wood) formo M 2. (for stone) cinzel M
chit [tt]
N talo M
chitchat [tttt]
N conversa fiada
chivalrous [vlrs]
ADJ cavalheiresco
chivalry [vlr]
N cavalheirismo
chives [tavz]
NPL cebolinha
chloride [klrad]
N cloreto
chlorinate [klrnet]
VT clorar
chlorine [klrin]
N cloro
chock [tk]
N cunha
ADJ abarrotado, apinhado
ADJ chock-a-block
chocolate [tklt]
N chocolate M
choice [ts]
N 1. (selection) seleo F 2. (option) escolha 3. (preference) preferncia ADJ seleto,
escolhido by or from choice, de preferncia
a wide choice, uma grande variedade
choir [kwa*]
N coro
choirboy [kwab]
N menino de coro
choke [tuk]
VI 1. sufocar-se 2. (on food) engasgar VT 1. estrangular 2. (block) obstruir N (AUT)
afogador M (BR) ar M (PT)
choker [tuk*]
N (necklace) colar M curto
cholera [klr]
N clera M
cholesterol [klstrl]
N colesterol M
choose [tuz] (PT chose ), (PP chosen )
VT escolher VI to choose between, escolher entre to choose to do, optar por fazer
choosy [tuz]
ADJ exigente
chop [tp]
VT 1. (wood) cortar, talhar 2. chop up (CULIN) cortar em pedaos 3. (meat) picar N 1.
golpe M 2. (CULIN) costeleta chops (inf: jaws) beios MPL NPL to get the chop
(BRIT inf: project) ser cancelado (person: be sacked) ser posto na rua chop
down (tree) abater, derrubar VT
chopper [tp*]
N (helicopter) helicptero
choppy [tp]
ADJ (sea) agitado
chopsticks [tpstks]
NPL pauzinhos MPL, palitos MPL
choral [krl]
ADJ coral
chord [kd]
N (MUS) acorde M
chore [t*]
N 1. tarefa 2. (routine task) trabalho de rotina household chores, afazeres MPL
choreographer [krrf*]
N coregrafo* (coregrafa)
chorister [krst*]
N corista M, F
chortle [ttl]
VI rir, gargalhar
chorus [krs]
N 1. (group) coro 2. (song) coral M 3. (refrain) estribilho
chose [tuz]
PT (of choose)
chosen [tuzn]
PP (of choose)
chow [tau]
N (dog) chow M (raa de co)
chowder [taud*]
N sopa (de peixe)
Christ [krast]
N Cristo
christen [krsn]
VT 1. batizar 2. (nickname) apelidar
christening [krsn]
N batismo
Christian [krstn]
ADJ N cristo* M (F crist)
Christianity [krstnt]
N cristianismo
Christian name
N prenome M, nome M de batismo
Christmas [krsms]
N Natal M Happy or Merry Christmas! Feliz Natal!
Christmas card
N carto M de Natal
Christmas cracker
Christmas Day
N dia M de Natal
Christmas Eve
N vspera de Natal
Christmas Island
N ilha de Christmas
Christmas tree
N rvore F de Natal
chrome [krum]
N chromium
chromium [krumm]
N cromo
chromosome [krumsum]
N cromossomo
chronic [krnk]
ADJ 1. crnico 2. (fig) (drunkenness) inveterado
chronicle [krnkl]
N crnica
chronological [krnldkl]
ADJ cronolgico
chrysanthemum [krsnmm]
N crisntemo
chubby [tb]
ADJ rolio, gorducho
chuck [tk]
VT 1. jogar (BR) deitar (PT) 2. (BRIT: also) (chuck up; in: job) largar (person) acabar
com chuck out 1. (thing) jogar BR or deitar PT fora 2. (person) expulsar VT
chuckle [tkl]
VI rir
chug [t]
VI 1. mover-se fazendo rudo de descarga 2. chug along (car, boat) ir indo
chum [tm]
N camarada M, F
chump [tmp] (inf)
N imbecil M, F, boboca M, F
chunk [tk]
N pedao, naco
chunky [tk]
ADJ 1. (furniture) pesado 2. (person) atarracado 3. (knitwear) grosso
church [tt]
N igreja the Church of England, a Igreja Anglicana
churchyard [ttjd]
N adro, cemitrio
churlish [tl]
ADJ 1. (silence) constrangedor* (constrangedora) 2. (behaviour) grosseiro, rude
churn [tn]
N 1. (for butter) batedeira 2. milk churn, lata, vasilha VT bater, agitar churn out
produzir em srie VT
chute [ut]
N 1. rampa 2. rubbish chute, despejador M
chutney [ttn]
N conserva picante
N ABBR Central Intelligence Agency, CIA F
N ABBR Criminal Investigation Department
cider [sad*]
N sidra
ABBR cost, insurance and freight, CIF
cigar [s*]
N charuto
cigarette [srt]
N cigarro
cigarette case
N cigarreira
cigarette end
N ponta de cigarro, guimba (BR)
cigarette holder
N piteira (BR) boquilha (PT)
ABBR commander-in-chief
cinch [snt] (inf)
N its a cinch, sopa, moleza
Cinderella [sndrl]
N Gata Borralheira
cinders [sndz]
NPL cinzas FPL
cine-camera [sn-] (BRIT)
N cmera (cinematogrfica)
cine-film [sn-] (BRIT)
N filme M cinematogrfico
cinema [snm]
N cinema M
cine-projector [sn-] (BRIT)
N projetor M cinematogrfico
cinnamon [snmn]
N canela
cipher [saf*]
N cifra in cipher, cifrado
circa [sk]
PREP cerca de
circle [skl]
N 1. crculo 2. (in cinema) balco M VI dar voltas VT 1. (surround) rodear, cercar 2.
(move round) dar a volta de
circuit [skt]
N 1. circuito 2. (tour, lap) volta 3. (track) pista
circuit board
N placa
circuitous [skjuts]
ADJ tortuoso
circular [skjul*]
ADJ circular N (carta) circular F
circulate [skjulet]
VT VI circular
circulation [skjulen]
N 1. circulao F 2. (of newspaper, book etc) tiragem F
circumcise [skmsaz]
VT circuncidar
circumference [skmfrns]
N circunferncia
circumflex [skmflks]
N circumflex accent, (acento) circunflexo
circumscribe [skmskrab]
VT circunscrever
circumspect [skmspkt]
ADJ prudente, cauteloso
circumstances [skmstnsz]
NPL 1. circunstncias FPL 2. (conditions) condies FPL 3. (financial condition) situao
F econmica in the circumstances, em tais circunstncias, assim sendo, neste
under no circumstances, de modo algum, de jeito nenhum
circumstantial [skmstnl]
ADJ (report) circunstanciado circumstantial evidence, prova circunstancial
circumvent [skmvnt]
VT (rule etc) driblar, burlar
circus [sks]
N 1. circo 2. Circus (in place names) praa
cistern [sstn]
N 1. tanque M 2. (in toilet) caixa dgua
citation [saten]
N 1. (commendation) meno F 2. (US LAW) intimao F 3. (quotation) citao F
cite [sat]
VT 1. citar 2. (LAW) intimar
citizen [stzn]
N 1. (of country) cidado* M (F cidad) 2. (of town) habitante M, F
citizenship [stznp]
N cidadania
citric acid [strk-]
N cido ctrico
citrus fruit [strs-]
N citrino
city [st]
N cidade F the City, centro financeiro de Londres.
city centre
N centro (da cidade)
civic [svk]
ADJ cvico, municipal
civic centre (BRIT)
N sede F do municpio
civil [svl]
ADJ 1. civil 2. (polite) delicado, corts
civil disobedience
N resistncia passiva
civil engineer
N engenheiro* civil (engenheira)
civil engineering
N engenharia civil
civilian [svln]
ADJ N civil M, F
civilization [svlazen]
N civilizao F
civilized [svlazd]
ADJ civilizado
civil law
N direito civil
civil rights
NPL direitos MPL civis
civil servant
N funcionrio* pblico* (funcionria pblica)
Civil Service
N administrao F pblica
civil war
N guerra civil
ABBR centilitre, cl
clad [kld]
ADJ clad (in) vestido (de)
claim [klem]
VT 1. exigir, reclamar 2. (rights etc) reivindicar 3. (assert) to claim that, afirmar que VI
(for insurance) reclamar N 1. reclamao F 2. (LAW) direito 3. (pretension)
pretenso F 4. (wage claim etc) reivindicao F (insurance) claim, reclamao F
to put in a claim for (pay rise etc) reivindicar
claimant [klemnt]
N (ADMIN LAW) requerente M, F
claim form
N 1. formulrio de requerimento 2. (INSURANCE) formulrio para reclamaes
clairvoyant [klvnt]
N clarividente M, F
clam [klm]
N molusco clam up (inf) ficar calado VI
clamber [klmb*]
VI 1. subir 2. (up hill etc) escalar
clammy [klm]
ADJ 1. (hands, face) mido e pegajoso 2. (sticky) pegajoso
clamour [klm*] clamor (US)
N clamor M VI to clamour for, clamar
clamp [klmp]
N grampo VT (two things together) grampear clamp down on suprimir, proibir VT
clan [kln]
N cl M
clandestine [klndstn]
ADJ clandestino
clang [kl]
N retintim M, som metlico VI retinir
clansman [klnzmn]
N IRREG membro de um cl escocs
clap [klp]
VI bater palmas, aplaudir VT (performer) aplaudir N (of hands) palmas FPL to clap
ones hands, bater palmas
a clap of thunder, uma trovoada
clapping [klp]
N aplausos MPL, palmas FPL
claret [klrt]
N clarete M
clarification [klrfken]
N esclarecimento
clarify [klrfa]
VT esclarecer
clarinet [klrnt]
N clarinete M
clarity [klrt]
N clareza
clash [kl]
N 1. (of metal) estridor M 2. (with police, fig) choque M VI 1. (gangs, beliefs) chocar-se
2. (disagree) entrar em conflito, ter uma desavena 3. (colours) no combinar 4.
(dates, events) coincidir 5. (weapons, cymbals etc) bater ruidosamente
clasp [klsp]
N 1. fecho 2. (embrace) abrao VT 1. (hold) prender 2. (hand) apertar 3. (embrace)
class [kls]
N 1. classe F 2. (lesson) aula 3. (type) tipo CPD de classe VT classificar
ADJ que tem conscincia de classe
class consciousness
N conscincia de classe
classic [klsk]
ADJ clssico N (author, work, race etc) clssico classics (SCH) lnguas FPL
clssicas NPL
classical [klskl]
ADJ clssico
classification [klsfken]
N classificao F
classified [klsfad]
ADJ (information) secreto
classified advertisement
N classificado
classify [klsfa]
VT classificar
classmate [klsmet]
N colega M, F de aula
classroom [klsrum]
N sala de aula
classy [kls] (inf)
ADJ 1. (person) classudo 2. (flat, clothes) chique, incrementado
clatter [klt*]
N 1. rudo, barulho 2. (of hooves) tropel M VI fazer barulho or rudo
clause [klz]
N 1. clusula 2. (LING) orao F
claustrophobia [klstrfub]
N claustrofobia
claw [kl]
N 1. (of animal) pata 2. (of bird of prey) garra 3. (of lobster) pina 4. (TECH) unha VT
arranhar claw at 1. arranhar 2. (tear) rasgar VT
clay [kle]
N argila
clean [klin]
ADJ 1. limpo 2. (clear) ntido, bem definido VT 1. limpar 2. (hands, face etc) lavar ADV
he clean forgot, ele esqueceu completamente to come clean (inf: own up) abrir
o jogo
to clean ones teeth BRIT (BRIT) escovar os dentes
clean driving licence BRIT (BRIT)
clean record US (US) carteira de motorista sem infraes clean off tirar VT
clean out limpar VT clean up 1. limpar, assear 2. (fig) (make profit)
to clean up on, faturar com, lucrar com VT
ADJ (person) alinhado
cleaner [klin*]
N 1. (person) faxineiro* (faxineira) 2. (product) limpador M
cleaners [klinz]
N dry cleaners, tinturaria
cleaning [klin]
N limpeza
cleaning lady
N faxineira
cleanliness [klnlns]
N limpeza
cleanly [klinl]
ADV 1. perfeitamente 2. (without mess) limpamente
cleanse [klnz]
VT 1. limpar 2. (purify) purificar
cleanser [klnz*]
N 1. limpador M 2. (for face) creme M de limpeza
clean-shaven [-evn]
ADJ sem barba, de cara raspada
cleansing department [klnz-] (BRIT)
N departamento de limpeza
N limpeza geral
clear [kl*]
ADJ 1. claro 2. (footprint, photograph) ntido 3. (obvious) evidente 4. (glass, water)
transparente 5. (road, way) limpo, livre 6. (conscience) tranqilo 7. (skin) macio 8.
(profit) lquido 9. (majority) absoluto VT 1. (space) abrir 2. (desk etc) limpar 3.
(room) esvaziar 4. (LAW) (suspect) absolver 5. (fance, wall) saltar, transpor 6.
(obstacle) salvar, passar sobre 7. (debt) liquidar 8. (woodland) desmatar 9.
(cheque) compensar 10. (COMM) (goods) liquidar VI 1. (weather) abrir 2. (sky)
clarear 3. (fog etc) dissipar-se ADV clear of, a salvo de N to be in the clear (out of
debt) estar sem dvidas (out of suspicion) estar livre de suspeita (out of danger)
estar fora de perigo to clear the table, tirar a mesa
to clear ones throat, pigarrear
to clear a profit, fazer um lucro lquido
let me make myself clear, deixe-me explicar melhor
do I make myself clear? entendeu?
to make o.s. clear, fazer-se entender bem
to make it clear to sb that ... deixar bem claro para algum que
I have a clear day tomorrow BRIT (BRIT) no tenho compromisso amanh
to keep clear of sb/sth, evitar algum/algo clear off (inf) (leave) cair fora VI
clear up 1. limpar 2. (mystery) resolver, esclarecer VT
clearance [klrns]
N 1. (of trees, slums) remoo F 2. (permission) permisso F
clearance sale
N (COMM) liquidao F
ADJ bem definido, ntido
clearing [klr]
N 1. (in wood) clareira 2. (BRIT BANKING) compensao F
clearing bank (BRIT)
N cmara de compensao
clearly [kll]
ADV 1. (distinctly) distintamente 2. (obviously) claramente 3. (coherently)
clearway [klwe] (BRIT)
N estrada onde no se pode estacionar
cleavage [klivd]
N 1. (of dress) decote M 2. (of woman) colo
cleaver [kliv]
N cutelo (de aougueiro)
clef [klf]
N (MUS) clave F
cleft [klft]
N (in rock) fissura
clemency [klmns]
N clemncia
clement [klmnt]
ADJ (weather) ameno
clench [klnt]
VT 1. apertar, cerrar 2. (teeth) trincar
clergy [kld]
N clero
clergyman [kldmn]
N IRREG clrigo, pastor M
clerical [klrkl]
ADJ 1. de escritrio 2. (REL) clerical
clerk [klk] [klrk US]
N 1. auxiliar M, F de escritrio 2. (US: sales person) balconista M, F Clerk of Court
(LAW) escrivo* M (do tribunal) (F escriv)
clever [klv*]
ADJ 1. (mentally) inteligente 2. (deft, crafty) hbil 3. (device, arrangement) engenhoso
clew [klu] (US)
N clue
clich [klie]
N clich M, frase F feita
click [klk]
VT 1. (tongue) estalar 2. (heels) bater 3. (COMPUT) clicar em VI 1. (make sound)
estalar 2. (COMPUT) clicar
client [klant]
N cliente M, F
clientele [klintl]
N clientela
cliff [klf]
N penhasco
cliffhanger [klfh*]
N (TV, fig) histria de suspense
climactic [klamktk]
ADJ culminante
climate [klamt]
N clima M
climax [klamks]
N 1. clmax M, ponto culminante 2. (sexual) clmax
climb [klam]
VI 1. subir 2. (plant) trepar 3. (plane) ganhar altitude 4. (prices etc) escalar 5. (move
with effort) to climb over a wall/into a car, passar por cima de um mura/entrar
num carro VT 1. (stairs) subir 2. (tree) trepar em 3. (hill) escalar N 1. subida 2. (of
prices etc) escalada to climb over a wall, passar por cima de um muro climb
down 1. descer 2. (BRIT fig) recuar, ceder VI
climb-down (BRIT)
N retrao F
climber [klam*]
N 1. alpinista M, F 2. (plant) trepadeira
climbing [klam]
N alpinismo
clinch [klnt]
VT 1. (deal) fechar 2. (argument) decidir, resolver
cling [kl] (PT, PP clung )
VI to cling to, pegar-se a, aderir a (hold on to) (support, idea) agarrar-se a (clothes)
ajustar-se a
clinic [klnk]
N 1. clnica 2. (consultation) consulta
clinical [klnkl]
ADJ 1. clnico 2. (fig) frio, impessoal
clink [klk]
VI tinir
clip [klp]
N 1. (for hair) grampo (BR) gancho (PT) 2. paper clip, mola, clipe M 3. (TV CINEMA)
clipe 4. (on necklace etc) fecho 5. (AUT) (holding hose etc) braadeira VT 1. (cut)
aparar 2. clip together (papers) grampear
clippers [klpz]
NPL 1. (for gardening) podadeira 2. (for hair) mquina 3. nail clippers, alicate M de
clipping [klp]
N recorte M
clique [klik]
N panelinha
cloak [kluk]
N capa, manto VT (fig) encobrir
cloakroom [klukrum]
N 1. vestirio 2. (BRIT: WC) sanitrios MPL (BR) lavatrios MPL (PT)
clock [klk]
N 1. relgio 2. (in taxi) taxmetro round the clock (work etc) dia e noite,
30,000 on the clock (BRIT AUT) 30 000 km rodados
to work against the clock, trabalhar contra o tempo clock in (BRIT) assinar o
ponto na entrada VI clock off (BRIT) assinar o ponto na sada VI clock on
(BRIT) clock in VI clock out (BRIT) clock off VI clock up (miles, hours etc) fazer
clockwise [klkwaz]
ADV em sentido horrio
clockwork [klkwk]
N mecanismo de relgio ADJ de corda
clog [kl]
N tamanco VT entupir VI clog up, entupir-se
cloister [klst*]
N claustro
clone [klun]
N clone M
ADJ [klus] 1. prximo 2. (print, weave) denso, compacto 3. (friend) ntimo 4.
(connection) estreito 5. (examination) minucioso 6. (weather) abafado 7.
(atmosphere) sufocante 8. (room) mal arejado ADV [klus] perto VT [kluz] 1. (shut)
fechar 2. (end) acabar, concluir VI [kluz] 1. (shop, door etc) fechar 2. (end)
concluir-se, terminar-se N [kluz] (end) fim M, concluso F, terminao F close by,
close at hand, perto, pertinho
how close is Edinburgh to Glasgow? qual a distncia entre Edimburgo e
to have a close shave (fig) livrar-se por um triz
at close quarters, de perto
to bring sth to a close, dar fim a algo close down fechar definitivamente VT
close in 1. (hunters) apertar o cerco 2. (night, fog) cair VI the days are closing
in, os dias esto ficando mais curtos
to close in on sb, aproximar-se de algum, cercar algum close off (area)
isolar VT
closed [kluzd]
ADJ fechado
ADJ closed-circuit television, televiso F de circuito fechado
closed shop
N estabelecimento industrial que s admite empregados sindicalizados
ADJ (family, community) muito unido
closely [klusl]
ADV 1. (exactly) fielmente 2. (carefully) rigorosamente 3. (watch) de perto we are
closely related, somos parentes prximos
a closely guarded secret, um segredo bem guardado
closet [klzt]
N 1. (cupboard) armrio 2. (walk-in) closet M
close-up [klus-]
N close M, close-up M
closing [kluz]
ADJ (stages, remarks) final closing price (STOCK EXCHANGE) cotao F de
closing-down sale (BRIT)
N liquidao F (por motivo de fechamento)
closure [klu*]
N (of factory etc) fechamento
clot [klt]
N 1. (gen) (blood clot) cogulo 2. (inf: idiot) imbecil M, F VI (blood) coagular-se
cloth [kl]
N 1. (material) tecido, fazenda 2. (rag) pano 3. tablecloth, toalha
clothe [klu]
VT 1. vestir 2. (fig) revestir
clothes [kluz]
NPL roupa to put ones clothes on, vestir-se
to take ones clothes off, tirar a roupa
clothes brush
N escova (para a roupa)
clothes line
N corda (para estender a roupa)
clothes peg , clothes pin (US)
N pregador M
clothing [klu]
N clothes
clotted cream [kltd-] (BRIT)
N creme M coalhado
cloud [klaud]
N nuvem F VT (liquid) turvar to cloud the issue, confundir or complicar as coisas
every cloud has a silver lining (proverb) Deus escreve certo por linhas tortas
cloud over fig, fechar VI
cloudburst [klaudbst]
N aguaceiro
cloud-cuckoo-land (BRIT)
N to live in cloud-cuckoo-land, viver no mundo da lua
cloudy [klaud]
ADJ 1. nublado 2. (liquid) turvo
clout [klaut]
VT dar uma bofetada em N 1. (blow) bofetada 2. (fig) influncia
clove [kluv]
N cravo
clove of garlic
N dente M de alho
clover [kluv*]
N trevo
cloverleaf [kluvlif]
N IRREG (AUT) trevo rodovirio
clown [klaun]
N palhao VI clown about, clown around, fazer palhaadas
cloying [kl]
ADJ (taste, smell) enjoativo, nauseabundo
club [klb]
N 1. (society) clube M 2. (weapon) cacete M 3. golf club, taco VT esbordoar VI to club
together, cotizar-se clubs (CARDS) paus MPL NPL
club car (US)
N (RAIL) vago-restaurante M
clubhouse [klbhaus]
N sede F do clube
cluck [klk]
VI cacarejar
clue [klu]
N 1. indcio, pista 2. (in crossword) definio F I havent a clue, no fao idia
clued up [klud-] clued in (US inf)
ADJ entendido
clueless [kluls] (inf)
ADJ burro
clump [klmp]
N (of trees etc) grupo
clumsy [klmz]
ADJ 1. (person) desajeitado 2. (movement) deselegante, mal-feito 3. (attempt) inbel
clung [kl]
PT PP (of cling)
cluster [klst*]
N 1. grupo 2. (of flowers) ramo VI agrupar-se, apinhar-se
clutch [klt]
N 1. (grip, grasp) garra 2. (AUT) embreagem F (BR) embraiagem F (PT) 3. (pedal)
pedal M de embreagem BR or embraiagem PT VT empunhar, pegar em VI to clutch
at, agarrar-se a
clutter [klt*]
VT clutter up, abarrotar, encher desordenadamente N baguna, desordem F
ABBR centimetre, cm
ABBR (POST) North Mariana Islands
N ABBR Council for National Academic Awards, rgo no universitrio que outorga
N ABBR Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
N ABBR 1. commanding officer, Com. 2. (BRIT) Commonwealth Office ABBR (US
POST) Colorado
ABBR 1. county 2. company, Cia
ABBR care of, a/c
coach [kut]
N 1. (bus) nibus M (BR) autocarro (PT) 2. (horse-drawn) carruagem F, coche M 3. (of
train) vago M 4. (SPORT) treinador* M (F treinadora) instrutor* M (F instrutora) 5.
(tutor) professor* M particular (F professora) VT 1. (SPORT) treinar 2. (student)
preparar, ensinar
coach trip
N passeio de nibus BR or autocarro PT
coagulate [kujulet]
VI coagular-se VT coagular
coal [kul]
N carvo M
coal face
N frente F de carvo
coalfield [kulfild]
N regio F carbonfera
coalition [kuln]
N coalizo F, coligao F
coalman [kulmn]
N IRREG carvoeiro
coal merchant
N coalman
coalmine [kulman]
N mina de carvo
coal miner
N mineiro de carvo
coal mining
N minerao F de carvo
coarse [ks]
ADJ 1. grosso, spero 2. (vulgar) grosseiro, ordinrio
coast [kust]
N costa, litoral M VI (AUT) ir em ponto morto
coastal [kustl]
ADJ costeiro
coaster [kust*]
N 1. embarcao F costeira, barco de cabotagem 2. (for glass) descanso
coastguard [kustd]
N (person) guarda encarregado de policiar a costa
coastline [kustlan]
N litoral M
coat [kut]
N 1. (jacket) casaco 2. (overcoat) sobretudo 3. (of animal) pelo 4. (of paint) demo F,
camada VT cobrir, revestir
coat hanger
N cabide M
coating [kut]
N camada
coat of arms
N braso M
co-author [ku-]
N co-autor* M (F co-autora)
coax [kuks]
VT persuadir com meiguice
cob [kb]
N corn
cobbler [kbl*]
N sapateiro
cobbles [kblz]
NPL pedras FPL arredondadas
cobblestones [kblstunz]
NPL cobbles
COBOL [kubl]
cobra [kubr]
N naja
cobweb [kbwb]
N teia de aranha
cocaine [kken]
N cocana
cock [kk]
N 1. (rooster) galo 2. (male bird) macho VT (gun) engatilhar to cock ones ears (fig)
prestar ateno
ADJ exultante, eufrico
cockatoo [kktu]
N cacatua
cockerel [kkrl]
N frango, galo pequeno
cock-eyed [-ad]
ADJ 1. (crooked) torto 2. (fig) (idea) absurdo
cockle [kkl]
N berbigo M
cockney [kkn]
N londrino* (londrina) (nativo dos bairros populares do leste de Londres)
cockpit [kkpt]
N (in aircraft) cabina
cockroach [kkrut]
N barata
cocktail [kktel]
N coquetel M (BR) cocktail M (PT)
cocktail cabinet
N mvel-bar M
cocktail party
N coquetel (BR) cocktail (BR)
cocktail shaker [-ek*]
N coqueteleira
cocoa [kuku]
N 1. cacau M 2. (drink) chocolate M
coconut [kuknt]
N coco
cocoon [kkun]
N casulo
cod [kd]
N INV bacalhau M
ABBR 1. (BRIT) cash on delivery 2. (US) collect on delivery
code [kud]
N 1. cifra 2. (dialling code, post code) cdigo
codeine [kudin]
N codena
code name
N codinome M
code of behaviour
N cdigo de comportamento
code of practice
N deontologia
codicil [kdsl]
N codicilo
codify [kudfa]
VT codificar
cod-liver oil
N leo de fgado de bacalhau
co-driver [ku-]
N 1. (in race) co-piloto 2. (in lorry) segundo motorista M
co-ed [kud]
ADJ ABBR coeducational N 1. (US: female student) aluna de escola mista 2. (BRIT:
school) escola mista
coeducational [kudjukenl]
ADJ misto
coerce [kus]
VT coagir
coercion [kun]
N coero F
coexistence [kuzstns]
N coexistncia
C. of C.
N ABBR chamber of commerce
C of E
ABBR Church of England
coffee [kf]
N caf M white coffee BRIT or coffee with cream US (BRIT) (US) caf com leite
coffee bar (BRIT)
N caf M, lanchonete F
coffee bean
N gro M de caf
coffee break
N hora do caf
coffee cake (US)
N po M doce com passas
coffee cup
N xcara BR or chvena PT de caf
coffee grounds
NPL borras FPL de caf
coffee plant
N p M de caf
coffee plantation
N cafezal M
coffeepot [kfpt]
N cafeteira
coffee table
N mesinha de centro
coffin [kfn]
N caixo M
C of I
ABBR Church of Ireland
C of S
ABBR Church of Scotland
cog [k]
N 1. (tooth) dente M 2. (wheel) roda dentada
cogent [kudnt]
ADJ convincente
cognac [knjk]
N conhaque M
cogwheel [kwil]
N roda dentada
cohabit [kuhbt]
VI (formal) to cohabit (with sb) coabitar (com algum)
coherent [kuhrnt]
ADJ coerente
cohesion [kuhin]
N coeso F
cohesive [kuhisv]
ADJ coeso
COHSE [kuz] (BRIT)
N ABBR Confederation of Health Service Employees, sindicato dos empregados do
servio de sade
N ABBR Central Office of Information, servio de informao governamental
coil [kl]
N 1. rolo 2. (rope) corda enrolada 3. (of smoke) espiral F 4. (ELEC) bobina 5.
(contraceptive) DIU M VT enrolar VI enrolar-se, espiralar-se
coin [kn]
N moeda VT (word) cunhar, criar
coinage [knd]
N moeda, sistema M monetrio
coin box (BRIT)
N telefone M pblico
coincide [kunsad]
VI coincidir
coincidence [kunsdns]
N coincidncia
coin-operated [-pretd]
ADJ (machine, laundry) automtico, que funciona com moedas
Coke [kuk]
N coca
coke [kuk]
N (coal) coque M
ABBR colonel, Cel
N ABBR cost-of-living adjustment, URP F
colander [klnd*]
N coador M, passador M
cold [kuld]
ADJ frio N 1. frio 2. (MED) resfriado (BR) constipao F (PT) its cold, est frio
to be cold, estar com frio
to catch cold, resfriar-se (BR) apanhar constipao (PT)
to catch a cold, apanhar um resfriado
in cold blood, a sangue frio
to have cold feet (fig) estar com medo
to give sb the cold shoulder, tratar algum com frieza, dar uma fria em algum
cold-blooded [-bldd]
ADJ 1. (ZOOL) de sangue frio 2. (murder) a sangue frio
cold cream
N creme M de limpeza
coldly [kuldl]
ADV friamente
VT tratar com frieza
cold sore
N herpes M labial
coleslaw [kulsl]
N salada de repolho cru
colic [klk]
N clica
collaborate [klbret]
VI colaborar
collaboration [klbren]
N colaborao F
collaborator [klbret*]
N colaborador* M (F colaboradora)
collage [kl]
N colagem F
collagen [kldn]
N colgeno
collapse [klps]
VI 1. cair, tombar 2. (roof) dar de si, desabar 3. (building) desabar 4. (MED) desmaiar
N 1. desabamento, desmoronamento 2. (of government) queda 3. (MED) colapso
collapsible [klpsbl]
ADJ dobrvel
collar [kl*]
N 1. (of shirt) colarinho 2. (of coat etc) gola 3. (for dog) coleira 4. (TECH) aro, colar M
VT (inf: person) prender
collarbone [klbun]
N clavcula
collate [klet]
VT cotejar
collateral [kltrl]
N garantia subsidiria or pignoratcia
collation [klen]
N colao F
colleague [kli]
N colega M, F
collect [klkt]
VT 1. reunir 2. (as a hobby) colecionar 3. (gather) recolher 4. (wages, debts) cobrar 5.
(donations, subscriptions) colher 6. (mail) coletar 7. (BRIT: call for) (ir) buscar VI 1.
(people) reunir-se 2. (dust, dirt) acumular-se ADV to call collect (US TEL) ligar a
cobrar to collect ones thoughts, refletir
collect on delivery (US COMM) pagamento na entrega
collected [klktd]
ADJ collected works, obra completa
collection [klkn]
N 1. coleo F 2. (of people) grupo 3. (of donations) arrecadao F 4. (of post, for
charity) coleta 5. (of writings) coletnea
collective [klktv]
ADJ coletivo
collective bargaining
N negociao F coletiva
collector [klkt*]
N 1. colecionador* M (F colecionadora) 2. (of taxes etc) cobrador* M (F cobradora)
collectors item or piece, pea de coleo
college [kld]
N 1. colgio 2. (of university) faculdade F 3. (of technology, agriculture) instituto,
escola to go to college, fazer faculdade
college of education
N faculdade F de educao
collide [klad]
VI to collide (with) colidir (com)
collie [kl]
N collie M
colliery [klr] (BRIT)
N mina de carvo
collision [kln]
N coliso M to be on a collision course, estar em curso de coliso
colloquial [klukwl]
ADJ coloquial
collusion [klun]
N coluso F, conluio in collusion with, em conluio com
cologne [klun]
N eau-de-cologne, (gua de) colnia
Colombia [klmb]
N Colmbia
Colombian [klmbn]
ADJ N colombiano* (colombiana)
colon [kuln]
N 1. (sign) dois pontos 2. (MED) clon M
colonel [knl]
N coronel M
colonial [klunl]
ADJ colonial
colonize [klnaz]
VT colonizar
colony [kln]
N colnia
color [kl*] (US)
Colorado beetle [klrdu-]
N besouro da batata, dorfora
colossal [klsl]
ADJ colossal
colour [kl*] color (US)
N cor F VT 1. colorir 2. (with crayons) colorir, pintar 3. (dye) tingir 4. (fig) (account)
falsear VI (blush) corar colours (of party, club) cores FPL NPL in colour
(photograph etc) a cores
colour bar , color bar (US)
N discriminao F racial
colour-blind [klbland] color-blind (US)
ADJ daltnico
coloured [kld] colored (US)
ADJ 1. colorido 2. (person) de cor
coloureds [kldz] coloreds (US)
NPL gente F de cor
colour film , color film (US)
N filme M a cores
colourful [klful] colorful (US)
ADJ 1. colorido 2. (account) vivido 3. (personality) vivo, animado
colouring [klr] coloring (US)
N 1. colorido 2. (complexion) tez F 3. (in food) colorante M
colourless [klls] colorless (US)
ADJ sem cor, plido
colour scheme , color scheme (US)
N distribuio F de cores
colour supplement (BRIT)
N (PRESS) revista, suplemento a cores
colour television , color television (US)
N televiso F a cores
colt [kult]
N potro
column [klm]
N 1. coluna 2. (of smoke) faixa 3. (of people) fila the editorial column, o editorial
columnist [klmnst]
N cronista M, F
coma [kum]
N coma M to be in a coma, estar em coma
comb [kum]
N 1. pente M 2. (ornamental) crista 3. (of cock) crista VT 1. (hair) pentear 2. (area)
combat [kmbt]
N combate M VT combater
combination [kmbnen]
N 1. combinao F 2. (of safe) segredo
combination lock
N fechadura de combinao
VT [kmban] 1. combinar 2. (qualities) reunir VI [kmban] combinar-se N [kmban]
1. (ECON) associao F 2. (pej) monoplio 3. combine harvester, ceifeira
debulhadora a combined effort, um esforo conjunto
combine harvester
N ceifeira debulhadora
combo [kmbu]
N (JAZZ etc) conjunto
combustible [kmbstbl]
ADJ combustvel
combustion [kmbstn]
N combusto F
come [km] (PT came ), (PP come )
VI 1. (movement towards) vir
come here! vem aqui!
Ive only come for an hour, eu s vim por uma hora
come with me, vem comigo
are you coming to my party? voc vem minha festa?
to come running, vir correndo 2. (arrive) chegar
hes just come from Aberdeen, ele acabou de chegar de Aberdeen
shes come here to work, ela veio aqui para trabalhar
they came to a river, eles chegaram num rio
to come home, chegar em casa 3. (reach) to come to, chegar a
the bill came to 40 a conta deu 40
her hair came to her waist, o cabelo dela batia na cintura
to come to power, chegar ao poder
to come to a decision, chegar a uma deciso 4. (occur) an idea came to me,
uma idia me ocorreu 5. (be, become) ficar
to come loose/undone, soltar-se/desfazer-se
Ive come to like him, passei a gostar dele come about suceder, acontecer VI
come across 1. (person) topar com 2. (thing) encontrar VT come away 1.
(leave) ir-se embora 2. (become detached) desprender-se, soltar-se VI come
back (return) voltar VI come by (acquire) conseguir VT come down 1. (price)
baixar 2. (tree) cair 3. (building) desmoronar-se VI come forward (volunteer)
apresentar-se VI come from (place, source etc) (subj: person) ser de (thing)
originar-se de VT come in 1. (visitor) entrar 2. (on deal etc) participar 3. (be
involved) estar envolvido VI come in for (criticism etc) merecer VT come into 1.
(money) herdar 2. (fashion) ser 3. (be involved) estar envolvido em VT come off
1. (button) desprender-se, soltar-se 2. (attempt) dar certo VI come on 1. (pupil,
work, project) avanar 2. (lights, electricity) ser ligado VI come on! vamos! vai!
come out 1. (fact) vir tona 2. (book) ser publicado 3. (stain, sun) sair VI come
round (after faint, operation) voltar a si VI come to (regain consciousness) voltar
a si VI come up 1. (sun) nascer 2. (problem, in conversation) surgir 3. (event)
acontecer VI come up against (resistance, difficulties) enfrentar, esbarrar em VT
come upon (find) encontrar, achar VT come up with 1. (idea) propor, sugerir 2.
(money) contribuir VT
comeback [kmbk]
N 1. (of film star etc) volta 2. (reaction) reao F 3. (response) resposta
Comecon [kmkn]
N ABBR Council for Mutual Economic Aid, COMECON M
comedian [kmidn]
N cmico, humorista M
comedienne [kmidn]
N cmica, humorista
comedown [kmdaun] (inf)
N revs M, humilhao F
comedy [kmd]
N 1. comdia 2. (humour) humor M
comet [kmt]
N cometa M
comeuppance [kmpns]
N to get ones comeuppance (for sth) pagar (por algo)
comfort [kmft]
N 1. comodidade F, conforto 2. (well-being) bem-estar M 3. (solace) consolo 4. (relief)
alvio VT consolar, confortar comforts (of home etc) conforto NPL
comfortable [kmftbl]
ADJ 1. confortvel 2. (financially) tranqilo 3. (walk, climb etc) fcil I dont feel very
comfortable about it, no estou completamente conformado com isso
comfortably [kmftbl]
ADV confortavelmente
comforter [kmft*] (US)
N edredom M (BR) edredo M (PT)
comfort station (US)
N banheiro (BR) lavatrios MPL (PT)
comic [kmk]
ADJ comical, cmico N 1. (person) humorista M, F 2. (BRIT: magazine) revista em
quadrinhos (BR) revista de banda desenhada (PT) gibi M (BR inf)
comical [kmkl]
ADJ engraado, cmico
comic strip
N histria em quadrinhos (BR) banda desenhada (PT)
coming [km]
N vinda, chegada ADJ que vem, vindouro in the coming weeks, nas prximas
come [km] (PT came ), (PP come )
VI 1. (movement towards) vir
come here! vem aqui!
Ive only come for an hour, eu s vim por uma hora
come with me, vem comigo
are you coming to my party? voc vem minha festa?
to come running, vir correndo 2. (arrive) chegar
hes just come from Aberdeen, ele acabou de chegar de Aberdeen
shes come here to work, ela veio aqui para trabalhar
they came to a river, eles chegaram num rio
to come home, chegar em casa 3. (reach) to come to, chegar a
the bill came to 40 a conta deu 40
her hair came to her waist, o cabelo dela batia na cintura
to come to power, chegar ao poder
to come to a decision, chegar a uma deciso 4. (occur) an idea came to me,
uma idia me ocorreu 5. (be, become) ficar
to come loose/undone, soltar-se/desfazer-se
Ive come to like him, passei a gostar dele come about suceder, acontecer VI
come across 1. (person) topar com 2. (thing) encontrar VT come away 1.
(leave) ir-se embora 2. (become detached) desprender-se, soltar-se VI come
back (return) voltar VI come by (acquire) conseguir VT come down 1. (price)
baixar 2. (tree) cair 3. (building) desmoronar-se VI come forward (volunteer)
apresentar-se VI come from (place, source etc) (subj: person) ser de (thing)
originar-se de VT come in 1. (visitor) entrar 2. (on deal etc) participar 3. (be
involved) estar envolvido VI come in for (criticism etc) merecer VT come into 1.
(money) herdar 2. (fashion) ser 3. (be involved) estar envolvido em VT come off
1. (button) desprender-se, soltar-se 2. (attempt) dar certo VI come on 1. (pupil,
work, project) avanar 2. (lights, electricity) ser ligado VI come on! vamos! vai!
come out 1. (fact) vir tona 2. (book) ser publicado 3. (stain, sun) sair VI come
round (after faint, operation) voltar a si VI come to (regain consciousness) voltar
a si VI come up 1. (sun) nascer 2. (problem, in conversation) surgir 3. (event)
acontecer VI come up against (resistance, difficulties) enfrentar, esbarrar em VT
come upon (find) encontrar, achar VT come up with 1. (idea) propor, sugerir 2.
(money) contribuir VT
coming and going N comings and goings NPL
vaivm M, azfama
Comintern [kmntn]
N Comintern M
comma [km]
N vrgula
command [kmnd]
N 1. ordem F, mandado 2. (control) controle M 3. (MIL) (authority) comando 4.
(mastery) domnio 5. (COMPUT) comando VT 1. (troops) mandar 2. (give orders to)
mandar, ordenar 3. (dispose of) dispor de 4. (deserve) merecer to command sb
to do, mandar algum fazer
to have/take command of, ter/assumir o controle de
to have at ones command (money, resources etc) dispor de
commandeer [kmnd*]
VT requisitar
commander [kmnd*]
N (MIL) comandante M, F
N (MIL) comandante-em-chefe M, F, comandante-chefe M, F
commanding [kmnd]
ADJ 1. (appearance) imponente 2. (voice, tone) autoritrio, imperioso 3. (lead,
position) dominante
commanding officer
N comandante M, F
commandment [kmndmnt]
N (REL) mandamento
command module
N (SPACE) mdulo de comando
commando [kmndu]
N 1. (group) comando 2. (soldier) soldado
commemorate [kmmret]
VT 1. (with monument) comemorar 2. (with celebration) celebrar
commemoration [kmmren]
N comemorao F
commemorative [kmmrtv]
ADJ comemorativo
commence [kmns]
VT VI comear, iniciar
commend [kmnd]
VT 1. (praise) elogiar, louvar 2. (entrust) encomendar 3. (recommend) to commend
sth to sb, recomendar algo a algum
commendable [kmndbl]
ADJ louvvel
commendation [kmnden]
N elogio, louvor M
commensurate [kmnrt]
ADJ commensurate with, compatvel com
comment [kmnt]
N comentrio VI comentar to comment on sth, comentar algo
to comment that, observar que
``no comment ``sem comentrio
commentary [kmntr]
N comentrio
commentator [kmntet*]
N comentarista M, F
commerce [kms]
N comrcio
commercial [kml]
ADJ comercial N anncio, comercial M
commercial bank
N banco comercial
commercial break
N intervalo para os comerciais
commercial college
N escola de comrcio
commercialism [kmlzm]
N mercantilismo
commercialize [kmlaz]
VT comercializar
commercialized [kmlazd] (pej)
ADJ comercializado
commercial radio
N rdio F comercial
commercial television
N televiso F comercial
commercial traveller
N caixeiro/a-viajante M, F
commercial vehicle
N veculo utilitrio
commiserate [kmzret]
VI to commiserate with, comiserar-se de, condoer-se de
commission [kmn]
N 1. (body, fee) comisso F 2. (act) incumbncia 3. (order for work of art etc)
empreitada, encomenda VT 1. (MIL) dar patente oficial a 2. (work of art)
encomendar 3. (artist) incumbir out of commission (NAUT) fora do servio ativo
(not working) com defeito
to commission sb to do sth, mandar algum fazer algo
to commission sth from sb, encomendar algo a algum
commission of inquiry BRIT (BRIT) comisso de inqurito
commissionaire [kmn*] (BRIT)
N porteiro
commissioner [kmn*]
N comissrio* (comissria)
commit [kmt]
VT 1. (act) cometer 2. (money, resources) alocar 3. (to sb's care) entregar to
commit o.s. (to do) comprometer-se (a fazer)
to commit suicide, suicidar-se
to commit to writing, pr por escrito, pr no papel
to commit sb for trial, levar algum a julgamento
commitment [kmtmnt]
N 1. (obligation) compromisso 2. (political etc) engajamento 3. (undertaking)
committed [kmtd]
ADJ (writer, politician etc) engajado
committee [kmt]
N comit M to be on a committee, ser membro de um comit
committee meeting
N reunio F de comit
commodity [kmdt]
N mercadoria commodities (COMM) commodities MPL NPL
commodity exchange
N bolsa de mercadorias
common [kmn]
ADJ 1. comum 2. (vulgar) vulgar N terrenos baldios MPL Commons (BRIT POL) the
(House of) Commons, a Cmara dos Comuns NPL to have sth in common
(with sb) tel algo em comum (con algum)
in common use, de uso corrente
its common knowledge that, todos sabem que
to the common good, para o bem comum
commoner [kmn*]
N plebeu* M (F plebia)
common ground
N (fig) consenso
common law
N lei F consuetudinria ADJ common-law wife, concubina
commonly [kmnl]
ADV geralmente
Common Market
N Mercado Comum
commonplace [kmnples]
ADJ vulgar, trivial N lugar-comum M
common room
N 1. sala comum 2. (SCH) sala dos professores (or estudantes)
common sense
N bom senso
Commonwealth [kmnwl]
N the Commonwealth, a Comunidade Britnica
commotion [kmun]
N tumulto, confuso F
communal [kmjunl]
ADJ 1. (life) comunal 2. (shared) comun
N [kmjun] (group) comuna VI [kmjun] to commune with, comunicar-se
communicate [kmjunket]
VT comunicar VI to communicate (with) comunicar-se (com)
communication [kmjunken]
N 1. comunicao F 2. (letter, call) mensagem F
communication cord (BRIT)
N sinal M de alarme
communications network
N rede F de comunicaes
communications satellite
N satlite M de comunicaes
communicative [kmjunktv]
ADJ comunicativo
communion [kmjunn]
N Holy Communion, comunho F
communiqu [kmjunke]
N comunicado
communism [kmjunzm]
N comunismo
communist [kmjunst]
ADJ N comunista M, F
community [kmjunt]
N 1. comunidade F 2. (within larger group) sociedade F
community centre
N centro social
community chest (US)
N fundo de assistncia social
community health centre
N centro de sade comunitrio
community service
N servios MPL comunitrios
community spirit
N esprito comunitrio
commutation ticket [kmjuten-] (US)
N passe M, bilhete M de assinatura
commute [kmjut]
VI viajar diariamente VT comutar
commuter [kmjut*]
N viajante M, F habitual
ADJ [kmpkt] 1. compacto 2. (style) conciso N [kmpkt] 1. (pact) pacto 2. powder
compact, estojo
compact disk
N disco laser
companion [kmpnn]
N companheiro* (companheira)
companionship [kmpnnp]
N 1. companhia, companheirismo 2. (spirit) camaradagem F
companionway [kmpnjnwe]
N (NAUT) escada de tombadilho
company [kmpn]
N 1. companhia 2. (COMM) sociedade F, companhia hes good company, ele
uma boa companhia
we have company, temos visita
to keep sb company, fazer companhia a algum
to part company with, separar-se de
Smith and Company, Smith e Companhia
company car
N carro da companhia
company director
N administrador* M de companhia (F administradora)
company secretary (BRIT)
N (COMM) secretrio* geral (secretria) (de uma companhia)
comparable [kmprbl]
ADJ comparvel
comparative [kmprtv]
ADJ 1. comparativo 2. (relative) relativo
comparatively [kmprtvl]
ADJ (relatively) relativamente
compare [kmp*]
VT to compare sb/sth (with/to) comparar algum/algo (com/a) VI to compare with,
comparar-se com how do the prices compare? qual a diferena entre os
compared with or to, em comparao com
comparison [kmprsn]
N comparao F in comparison (with) em comparao (com) comparado (com)
compartment [kmptmnt]
N 1. (RAIL,: of fridge) compartimento 2. (of wallet) diviso F
compass [kmps]
N bssola within the compass of, no mbito de
compasses [kmpsz]
NPL compasso
compassion [kmpn]
N compaixo F
compassionate [kmpnt]
ADJ compassivo on compassionate grounds, por motivos humanitrios
compatibility [kmptblt]
N compatibilidade F
compatible [kmptbl]
ADJ compatvel
compel [kmpl]
VT obrigar
compelling [kmpl]
ADJ (fig) (argument) convincente
compendium [kmpndm]
N compndio
compensate [kmpnset]
VT (employee, victim) indenizar VI to compensate for, compensar
compensation [kmpnsen]
N 1. compensao F 2. (damages) indenizao F
compre [kmp*]
N apresentador* M (F apresentadora)
compete [kmpit]
VI 1. (take part) competir 2. (vie) to compete (with) competir (com) fazer competio
competence [kmptns]
N competncia, capacidade F
competent [kmptnt]
ADJ competente
competition [kmptn]
N 1. (contest) concurso 2. (ECON) concorrncia 3. (rivalry) competio F in
competition with, em competio com
competitive [kmpttv]
ADJ 1. competitivo 2. (person) competidor* (competidora)
competitive examination
N concurso
competitor [kmptt*]
N 1. (rival) competidor* M (F competidora) 2. (participant, ECON) concorrente M, F
our competitors (COMM) a (nossa) concorrncia
compile [kmpal]
VT compilar, compor
complacency [kmplesns]
N satisfao F consigo mesmo
complacent [kmplesnt]
ADJ relaxado, acomodado
complain [kmplen]
VI 1. queixar-se 2. (in shop etc) reclamar to complain of (pain) queixar-se de
complaint [kmplent]
N 1. (objection) objeo F 2. (criticism) queixa 3. (in shop etc) reclamao F 4. (JUR)
querela 5. (MED) achaque M, doena
complement [kmplmnt]
N 1. complemento 2. (esp ship's crew) tripulao F VT complementar
complementary [kmplmntr]
ADJ complementar
complete [kmplit]
ADJ 1. completo 2. (finished) acabado VT 1. (finish) (building, task) acabar (set, group)
completar 2. (a form) preencher a complete disaster, um desastre total
completely [kmplitl]
ADV completamente
completion [kmplin]
N 1. concluso F, trmino 2. (of contract etc) realizao F to be nearing
completion, estar quase pronto
on completion of contract, na assinatura do contrato (for house) na escritura
complex [kmplks]
ADJ complexo N 1. (PSYCH,: of ideas etc) complexo 2. (of buildings) conjunto
complexion [kmplkn]
N 1. (of face) cor F, tez F 2. (fig) aspecto
complexity [kmplkst]
N complexidade F
compliance [kmplans]
N 1. (submission) submisso F 2. (agreement) conformidade F in compliance with,
de acordo com, conforme
compliant [kmplant]
ADJ complacente, submisso
complicate [kmplket]
VT complicar
complicated [kmplketd]
ADJ complicado
complication [kmplken]
N 1. problema F 2. (MED) complicao F
complicity [kmplst]
N cumplicidade F
N [kmplmnt] 1. (formal) cumprimento 2. (praise) elogio VT [kmplmnt] elogiar
compliments cumprimentos MPL NPL to pay sb a compliment, elogiar algum
to compliment sb (on sth/on doing sth) cumprimentar or elogiar algum (por
algo/por ter feito algo)
complimentary [kmplmntr]
ADJ 1. lisonjeiro 2. (free) gratuito
complimentary ticket
N entrada de favor or de cortesia
compliments slip
N memorando
comply [kmpla]
VI to comply with, cumprir com
component [kmpunnt]
ADJ componente N 1. (part) pea 2. (element) componente M
compose [kmpuz]
VT compor to be composed of, compor-se de
to compose o.s. tranqilizar-se
composed [kmpuzd]
ADJ calmo
composer [kmpuz*]
N (MUS) compositor* M (F compositora)
composite [kmpzt]
ADJ composto
composition [kmpzn]
N composio F
compost [kmpst]
N adubo
composure [kmpu*]
N serenidade F, calma
N [kmpaund] 1. (CHEM LING) composto 2. (enclosure) recinto ADJ [kmpaund] 1.
composto 2. (fracture) complicado VT [kmpaund] (fig) (problem etc) agravar
compound interest
N juro composto
comprehend [kmprhnd]
VT compreender
comprehension [kmprhnn]
N compreenso F
comprehensive [kmprhnsv]
ADJ 1. abrangente 2. (INSURANCE) total N comprehensive school (BRIT) escola
secundria de amplo programa
comprehensive insurance policy
N aplice F de seguro com cobertura total
comprehensive school (BRIT)
N escola secundria de amplo programa
VT [kmprs] 1. comprimir 2. (text, information etc) reduzir N [kmprs] (MED)
compression [kmprn]
N compresso F
comprise [kmpraz]
VT 1. be comprised of, compreender, constar de 2. (constitute) constituir
compromise [kmprmaz]
N meio-termo VT comprometer VI chegar a um meio-termo CPD (decision, solution) de
compulsion [kmpln]
N 1. compulso F 2. (force) coao F, fora under compulsion, sob coao, forca
compulsive [kmplsv]
ADJ compulsrio hes a compulsive smoker, ele no pode deixar de fumar
compulsory [kmplsr]
ADJ 1. obrigatrio 2. (retirement) compulsrio
compulsory purchase
N compra compulsria
compunction [kmpkn]
N compuno to have no compunction about doing sth, no hesitar em fazer
computer [kmpjut*]
N computador M
computerize [kmpjutraz]
VT informatizar, computadorizar
computer language
N linguagem F de mquina
computer peripheral
N perifrico
computer program
N programa M de computador
computer programer , computer programmer
N programador* M (F programadora)
computer programing , computer programming
N programao F
computer science
N informtica, computao F
computer scientist
N cientista M, F da computao
computing [kmpjut]
N 1. computao F 2. (science) informtica
comrade [kmrd]
N camarada M, F
comradeship [kmrdp]
N camaradagem F
comsat [kmst]
N ABBR communications satellite
con [kn]
VT 1. enganar 2. (cheat) trapacear N vigarice F cons convenience pro NPL to
con sb into doing sth, convencer algum a fazer algo (por artimanhas)
concave [knkev]
ADJ cncavo
conceal [knsil]
VT 1. ocultar 2. (information) omitir
concede [knsid]
VT (admit) reconhecer, admitir VI ceder
conceit [knsit]
N presuno F
conceited [knsitd]
ADJ vaidoso
conceivable [knsivbl]
ADJ concebvel it is conceivable that, possvel que
conceivably [knsivbl]
ADV he may conceivably be right, possvel que ele tenha razo
conceive [knsiv]
VT conceber VI conceber, engravidar to conceive of sth/of doing sth, conceber
algo/fazer idia de fazer algo
concentrate [knsntret]
VI concentrar-se VT concentrar
concentration [knsntren]
N concentrao F
concentration camp
N campo de concentrao
concentric [knsntrk]
ADJ concntrico
concept [knspt]
N conceito
conception [knspn]
N 1. (idea) conceito, idia 2. (BIO) concepo F
concern [knsn]
N 1. (matter) assunto 2. (COMM) empresa 3. (anxiety) preocupao F VT 1. (worry)
preocupar 2. (involve) envolver 3. (relate to) dizer respeito a to be concerned
(about) preocupar-se (com)
``to whom it may concern ``a quem interessar possa
as far as Im concerned, no que me diz respeito, quanto a mim
to be concerned with (person) (involved with) ocupar-se de (book) (be about)
tratar de
the department concerned (under discussion) o departamento em questo
(relevant) o departamento competente
concerning [knsn]
PREP sobre, a respeito de, acerca de
concert [knst]
N concerto in concert, de comum acordo
concerted [knstd]
ADJ 1. (joint) conjunto 2. (strong) srio
concert hall
N sala de concertos
concertina [knstin]
N sanfona VI engavetar-se
concert master (US)
N primeiro violino de uma orquestra
concerto [knttu]
N concerto
concession [knsn]
N concesso F tax concession, reduo no imposto
concessionaire [knsn*]
N concessionrio* (concessionria)
concessionary [knsnr]
ADJ (ticket, fare) a preo reduzido
conciliation [knslen]
N conciliao F
conciliatory [knsltr]
ADJ conciliador* (conciliadora)
concise [knsas]
ADJ conciso
conclave [knklev]
N conclave M
conclude [knklud]
VT 1. (finish) acabar, concluir 2. (treaty etc) firmar 3. (agreement) chegar a 4. (decide)
decidir to conclude that, chegar concluso de que VI terminar, acabar
conclusion [knklun]
N concluso F to come to the conclusion that, chegar concluso de que
conclusive [knklusv]
ADJ conclusivo, decisivo
concoct [knkkt]
VT 1. (excuse) fabricar 2. (plot) tramar 3. (meal) preparar
concoction [knkkn]
N (mixture) mistura
concord [kkd]
N 1. (harmony) concrdia 2. (treaty) acordo
concourse [kks]
N 1. (hall) saguo M 2. (crowd) multido F
concrete [knkrit]
N concreto (BR) beto M (PT) ADJ concreto
concrete mixer
N betoneira
concur [knk*]
VI estar de acordo, concordar
concurrently [knkrntl]
ADV ao mesmo tempo, simultaneamente
concussion [knkn]
N (MED) concusso F cerebral
condemn [kndm]
VT 1. (denounce) denunciar 2. (prisoner, building) condenar
condemnation [kndmnen]
N 1. condenao F 2. (blame) censura
condensation [kndnsen]
N condensao F
condense [kndns]
VI condensar-se VT condensar
condensed milk [kndnst-]
N leite M condensado
condescend [kndsnd]
VI condescender, dignar-se to condescend to do sth, condescender a fazer algo
condescending [kndsnd]
ADJ condescendente
condition [kndn]
N 1. condio F 2. (health) estado de sade 3. (MED) (illness) doena VT condicionar
conditions (circumstances) circunstncias FPL NPL on condition that, com a
condio (de) que
in good/poor condition, em bom/mau estado (de conservao)
a heart condition, um problema no corao
weather conditions, condies FPL meteorolgicas
conditional [kndnl]
ADJ condicional to be conditional upon, depender de
conditioner [kndn*]
N 1. (for hair) condicionador M 2. (for fabrics) amaciante M
condo [kndu] (US inf)
N ABBR condominium
condolences [kndulnsz]
NPL psames MPL
condom [kndm]
N preservativo, camisa-de-Venus F
condominium [kndmnm] (US)
N 1. (building) edifcio 2. (rooms) apartamento
condone [kndun]
VT admitir, aceitar
conducive [kndjusv]
ADJ conducive to, conducente para or a
N [kndkt] conduta, comportamento VT [kndkt] 1. conduzir 2. (manage) dirigir 3.
(MUS) reger VI [kndkt] (MUS) reger uma orquestra to conduct o.s. comportar-
conducted tour [kndktd-]
N 1. viagem F organizada 2. (of building etc) visita guiada
conductor [kndkt*]
N 1. (of orchestra) regente M, F 2. (on bus) cobrador* M (F cobradora) 3. (US RAIL)
revisor* M (F revisora) 4. (ELEC) condutor M
conductress [kndktrs]
N (on bus) cobradora
conduit [kndt]
N conduto
cone [kun]
N 1. cone M 2. (BOT) pinha 3. (for ice-cream) casquinha pine cone, pinha
confectioner [knfkn*]
N confeiteiro* (confeiteira) (BR) pasteleiro* (pasteleira) (PT)
confectioners , confectioners shop
N 1. confeitaria (BR) pastelaria (PT) 2. (sweet shop) confeitaria
confectionery [knfknr]
N 1. (cakes) bolos MPL 2. (sweets) doces MPL
confederate [knfdrt]
ADJ confederado N 1. cmplice M, F 2. (US HISTORY) confederado* (sulista)
confederation [knfdren]
N confederao F
confer [knf*]
VT to confer on, outorgar a VI conferenciar
conference [knfrns]
N (meeting) congresso to be in conference, estar em conferncia
conference room
N sala de conferncia
confess [knfs]
VT confessar VI (admit) admitir
confession [knfn]
N 1. admisso F 2. (REL) confisso F
confessional [knfnl]
N confessionrio
confessor [knfs*]
N confessor M
confetti [knft]
N confete M
confide [knfad]
VI to confide in, confiar em, fiar-se em
confidence [knfdns]
N 1. confiana 2. (faith) f F 3. (secret) confidncia to have (every) confidence
that, ter certeza de que
motion of no confidence, moo de no confiana
in confidence, em confidncia
confidence trick
N conto do vigrio
confident [knfdnt]
ADJ 1. confiante, convicto 2. (positive) seguro
confidential [knfdnl]
ADJ 1. confidencial 2. (secretary) de confiana
confidentiality [knfdnlt]
N sigilo
configuration [knfjuren]
N (also) (COMPUT) configurao F
confine [knfan]
VT 1. (shut up) encarcerar 2. (limit) to confine (to) confinar (a) to confine o.s. to
(doing) sth, limitar-se a (fazer) algo
confined [knfand]
ADJ (space) reduzido
confinement [knfanmnt]
N 1. (imprisonment) priso F 2. (enclosure) recluso F 3. (MED) parto
confines [knfanz]
NPL confins MPL
confirm [knfm]
VT confirmar
confirmation [knfmen]
N 1. confirmao F 2. (REL) crisma
confirmed [knfmd]
ADJ inveterado
confiscate [knfsket]
VT confiscar
confiscation [knfsken]
N confiscao F
conflagration [knflren]
N conflagrao F
N [knflkt] 1. (disagreement) divergncia 2. (of interests, loyalties) conflito 3.
(fighting) combate M VI [knflkt] 1. estar em conflito 2. (opinions) divergir
conflicting [knflkt]
ADJ 1. (reports) divergente 2. (interests) oposto 3. (account) discrepante
conform [knfm]
VI conformar-se to conform to, ajustar-se a, acomodar-se a
conformist [knfmst]
N conformista M, F
confound [knfaund]
VT 1. confundir 2. (amaze) desconcertar
confounded [knfaundd]
ADJ maldito
confront [knfrnt]
VT 1. (problems) enfrentar 2. (enemy, danger) defrontar-se com
confrontation [knfrnten]
N confrontao F
confuse [knfjuz]
VT 1. (perplex) desconcertar 2. (mix up) confundir, misturar 3. (complicate) complicar
confused [knfjuzd]
ADJ 1. confuso 2. (person) perplexo, confuso
confusing [knfjuz]
ADJ confuso
confusion [knfjun]
N 1. (mix-up) mal-entendido 2. (perplexity) perplexidade F 3. (disorder) confuso F
congeal [kndil]
VI 1. (freeze) congelar-se 2. (coagulate) coagular-se
congenial [kndinl]
ADJ simptico, agradvel
congenital [kndntl]
ADJ congnito
conger eel [ke*-]
N congro
congested [kndstd]
ADJ congestionado
congestion [kndstn]
N 1. (MED) congesto F 2. (traffic) congestionamento
conglomerate [knlmrt]
N (COMM) conglomerado
conglomeration [knlmren]
N conglomerao F, aglomerao F
Congo [ku]
N (state) Congo
congratulate [knrtjulet]
VT parabenizar to congratulate sb (on) felicitar or parabenizar algum (por)
congratulations [knrtjulenz]
NPL congratulations (on) parabns MPL (por) EXCL parabns!
congregate [kret]
VI reunir-se
congregation [kren]
N 1. (in church) fiis MPL 2. (assembly) congregao F, reunio F
congress [krs]
N 1. congresso 2. (US) Congress, Congresso
congressman [krsmn] (US)
N IRREG deputado
congresswoman [krswumn] (US)
N IRREG deputada
conical [knkl]
ADJ cnico
conifer [knf*]
N confera
coniferous [knfrs]
ADJ (forest) confero
conjecture [kndkt*]
N conjetura VT VI conjeturar
conjugal [kndul]
ADJ conjugal
conjugate [knduet]
VT conjugar
conjugation [knduen]
N conjugao F
conjunction [kndkn]
N conjuno F in conjunction with, junto com
conjunctivitis [kndktvats]
N conjuntivite F
conjure [knd*]
VI fazer truques VT fazer aparecer conjure up 1. (ghost, spirit) fazer aparecer,
invocar 2. (memories) evocar VT
conjurer [kndr*]
N mgico* (mgica) prestidigitador* M (F prestidigitadora)
conjuring trick [kndr-]
N mgica
conker [kok*] (BRIT)
N castanha-da-ndia
conk out [kk-] (inf)
VI pifar
con man [kn-]
N IRREG vigarista M
connect [knkt]
VT 1. (ELEC TEL) ligar 2. (fig) (associate) associar 3. (join) to connect sth (to) juntar
or unir algo (a) VI to connect with (train) conectar com to be connected with,
estar relacionado com
Im trying to connect you (TEL) estou tentando completar a ligao
connection [knkn]
N 1. ligao F 2. (ELEC RAIL) conexo F 3. (TEL) ligao F 4. (fig) relao F in
connection with, com relao a
what is the connection between them? qual a relao entre eles?
business connections, contatos de trabalho
connexion [knkn] (BRIT)
N connection
conning tower [kn-]
N torre F de comando
connive [knav]
VI to connive at, ser conivente em
connoisseur [kns*]
N conhecedor* M (F conhecedora) apreciador* M (F apreciadora)
connotation [knten]
N conotao F
connubial [knjubl]
ADJ conjugal
conquer [kk*]
VT 1. conquistar 2. (enemy) vencer 3. (feelings) superar
conqueror [kkr*]
N conquistador* M (F conquistadora)
conquest [kkwst]
N conquista
cons [knz]
NPL convenience
con [kn]
VT 1. enganar 2. (cheat) trapacear N vigarice F cons convenience pro NPL to
con sb into doing sth, convencer algum a fazer algo (por artimanhas)
conscience [knns]
N conscincia in all conscience, em s conscincia
conscientious [knns]
ADJ 1. consciencioso 2. (objection) de conscincia
conscientious objector
N aquele que faz uma objeo de conscincia sua participao nas foras armadas
conscious [kns]
ADJ conscious (of) consciente (de) (deliberate) (insult, error) intencional to
become conscious of, tornar-se consciente de, conscientizar-se de
consciousness [knsns]
N conscincia to lose/regain consciousness, perder/recuperar os sentidos
conscript [knskrpt]
N recruta M, F
conscription [knskrpn]
N servio militar obrigatrio
consecrate [knskret]
VT consagrar
consecutive [knskjutv]
ADJ consecutivo
consensus [knsnss]
N consenso the consensus (of opinion) o consenso (de opinies)
consent [knsnt]
N consentimento VI to consent to, consentir em age of consent, maioridade
by common consent, de comum acordo
consequence [knskwns]
N 1. conseqncia 2. (significance) of consequence, de importncia in
consequence, por conseqncia
consequently [knskwntl]
ADV por conseguinte
conservation [knsven]
N 1. (Of the environment) preservao F 2. (of energy, paintings etc) conservao F 3.
nature conservation, proteo F do meio ambiente energy conservation,
conservao da energia
conservationist [knsvenst]
N conservacionista M, F
conservative [knsvtv]
ADJ 1. conservador* (conservadora) 2. (cautious) moderado 3. (BRIT POL)
Conservative, conservador* (conservadora) N (BRIT POL) conservador* M (F
conservatory [knsvtr]
N 1. (MUS) conservatrio 2. (greenhouse) estufa
conserve [knsv]
VT 1. conservar 2. (preserve) preservar 3. (supplies, energy) poupar N conserva
consider [knsd*]
VT 1. (believe) acreditar 2. (take into account) levar em considerao 3. (study)
estudar, examinar to consider doing sth, pensar em fazer algo
consider yourself lucky, d-se por sortudo
all things considered, afinal de contas
considerable [knsdrbl]
ADJ 1. considervel 2. (sum) importante
considerably [knsdrbl]
ADV consideravelmente
considerate [knsdrt]
ADJ atencioso
consideration [knsdren]
N 1. considerao F 2. (deliberation) deliberao F 3. (factor) fator M 4. (reward)
remunerao F out of consideration for, em considerao a
to be under consideration, estar em apreciao
my first consideration is my family, minha maior preocupao a minha
considering [knsdr]
PREP em vista de CONJ considering (that) apesar de que, considerando que
consign [knsan]
VT consignar to consign to (to a place) relegar para (to sb's care, to poverty)
confiar a
consignee [knsani]
N consignatrio* (consignatria)
consignment [knsanmnt]
N consignao F
consignment note
N (COMM) guia de remessa
consignor [knsan*]
N consignador* M (F consignadora)
consist [knsst]
VI to consist of (comprise) comprender
consistency [knsstns]
N 1. (of policies etc) coerncia 2. (thickness) consistncia
consistent [knsstnt]
ADJ 1. (person) coerente, estvel 2. (agrument, idea) slido 3. (even) constante
consistent with, compatvel com, de acordo com
consolation [knslen]
N conforto
VT [knsul] confortar N [knsul] consolo
consolidate [knsldet]
VT consolidar
consols [knslz] (BRIT)
consomm [knsme]
N consom M, caldo
consonant [knsnnt]
N consoante F
N [knst] consorte M, F VI [knst] to consort with, ter ligaes com, conviver com
prince consort, prncipe M consorte
consortia [knst]
NPL (of consortium)
consortium [knstm] (PL consortiums or consortia )
N consrcio
conspicuous [knspkjus]
ADJ 1. (noticeable) conspcuo 2. (visible) visvel 3. (garish) berrante 4. (outstanding)
notvel to make o.s. conspicuous, fazer-se notar
conspiracy [knsprs]
N conspirao F, trama
conspiratorial [knsprtrl]
ADJ conspirador* (conspiradora)
conspire [knspa*]
VI conspirar
constable [knstbl] (BRIT)
N policial M, F (BR) polcia M, F (PT) chief constable, chefe M, F de polcia
constabulary [knstbjulr]
N polcia (distrital)
constant [knstnt]
ADJ 1. constante 2. (loyal) leal, fiel
constantly [knstntl]
ADV constantemente
constellation [knstlen]
N constelao F
consternation [knstnen]
N consternao F
constipated [knstpetd]
ADJ com priso de ventre
constipation [knstpen]
N priso F de ventre
constituency [knsttjuns]
N 1. (POL) distrito eleitoral 2. (people) eleitorado
constituency party
N partido local
constituent [knsttjunt]
N 1. (POL) eleitor* M (F eleitora) 2. (component) componente M
constitute [knsttjut]
VT 1. (represent) representar 2. (make up) constituir
constitution [knsttjun]
N 1. constituio F 2. (health) compleio F
constitutional [knsttjunl]
ADJ constitucional
constrain [knstren]
VT obrigar
constrained [knstrend]
ADJ to feel constrained to ... sentir-se compelido a ...
constraint [knstrent]
N 1. (compulsion) coao F, presso F 2. (restriction) limitao F 3. (shyness)
constrict [knstrkt]
VT apertar, constringir
construct [knstrkt]
VT construir
construction [knstrkn]
N 1. construo F 2. (structure) estrutura 3. (fig) (interpretation) interpretao F
under construction, em construo
construction industry
N construo F
constructive [knstrktv]
ADJ construtivo
construe [knstru]
VT interpretar
consul [knsl]
N cnsul M, F
consulate [knsjult]
N consulado
consult [knslt]
VT VI consultar
consultancy [knsltns]
N consultoria
consultant [knsltnt]
N 1. (MED) (mdico/a) especialista M, F 2. (other specialist) assessor* M (F
assessora) consultor* M (F consultora) CPD consultant engineer, engenheiro-
consultor/engenheira-consultora M, F consultant paediatrician, pediatra M, F
legal/management consultant, assessor jurdico/consultor em administrao
consultancy fee
N honorrio de consultor
consultation [knslten]
N 1. (MED) consulta 2. (discussion) discusso F in consultation with, em consulta
consulting room [knslt-] (BRIT)
N consultrio
consume [knsjum]
VT 1. (eat) comer 2. (drink) beber 3. (fire etc, COMM) consumir
consumer [knsjum*]
N consumidor* M (F consumidora)
consumer credit
N crdito ao consumidor
consumer durables
NPL bens MPL de consumo durveis
consumer goods
NPL bens MPL de consumo
consumerism [knsjumrzm]
N 1. (ECON) consumismo 2. (consumer protection) proteo F ao consumidor
consumer society
N sociedade F de consumo
consummate [knsmet]
VT consumar
consumption [knsmpn]
N 1. consumao F 2. (buying) consumo 3. (MED) tuberculose F not fit for human
consumption, imprprio para consumo
ABBR continued
contact [kntkt]
N contato VT entrar or pr-se em contato com to be in contact with sb, estar em
contato com algum
he has good contacts, tem boas relaes
contact lenses
NPL lentes FPL de contato
contagious [knteds]
ADJ 1. contagioso 2. (fig) (laughter etc) contagiante
contain [knten]
VT conter to contain o.s. conter-se
container [knten*]
N 1. recipiente M 2. (for shipping etc) container M, cofre M de carga
containerize [kntenraz]
VT containerizar
contaminate [kntmnet]
VT contaminar
contamination [kntmnen]
N contaminao F
ABBR continued
contemplate [kntmplet]
VT 1. (idea) considerar 2. (person, painting etc) contemplar 3. (expect) contar com 4.
(intend) pretender, pensar em
contemplation [kntmplen]
N contemplao F
contemporary [kntmprr]
ADJ 1. contemporneo 2. (design etc) moderno N contemporneo* (contempornea)
contempt [kntmpt]
N desprezo
contemptible [kntmptbl]
ADJ desprezvel
contempt of court (LAW)
N desacato autoridade do tribunal
contemptuous [kntmptjus]
ADJ desdenhoso
contend [kntnd]
VT (assert) to contend that, afirmar que VI 1. to contend with (struggle) lutar com
(difficulty) enfrentar 2. (compete) to contend for, competir por to have to
contend with, arcar com, lidar com
he has a lot to contend with, ele tem muito o que enfrentar
contender [kntnd*]
N contendor* M (F contendora)
ADJ [kntnt] 1. (happy) contente 2. (satisfied) satisfeito VT [kntnt] contentar,
satisfazer N [kntnt] 1. contedo 2. (fat content, moisture content etc) quantidade
F contents (of packet, book) contedo NPL (table of) contents, ndice M das
to be content with, estar contente or satisfeito com
to content o.s. with sth/with doing sth, contentar-se com algo/em fazer algo
contented [kntntd]
ADJ contente, satisfeito
contentedly [kntntdl]
ADV contentemente
contention [kntnn]
N 1. (assertion) assero F 2. (disagreement) contenda bone of contention, pomo
da discrdia
contentious [kntns]
ADJ controvertido
contentment [kntntmnt]
N contentamento
N [kntst] 1. contenda 2. (competition) concurso VT [kntst] 1. (dispute) disputar 2.
(legal case) defender 3. (POL) ser candidato a 4. (competition) disputar 5.
(statement, decision) contestar
contestant [kntstnt]
N 1. competidor* M (F competidora) 2. (in fight) adversrio* (adversria)
context [kntkst]
N contexto in/out of context, em/fora de contexto
continent [kntnnt]
N continente M the Continent BRIT (BRIT) o continente europeu
on the Continent, na Europa (continental)
continental [kntnntl]
ADJ continental N (BRIT) europeu* M (F europia)
continental breakfast
N caf M da manh (BR) pequeno almoo (PT: de po, gelia e caf)
continental quilt (BRIT)
N edredom M (BR) edredo M (PT)
contingency [kntndns]
N contingncia
contingent [kntndnt]
N contingente M ADJ contingente to be contingent upon, depender de
contingency plan
N plano de contingncia
continual [kntnjul]
ADJ contnuo
continually [kntnjul]
ADV constantemente
continuation [kntnjuen]
N 1. prolongamento 2. (after interruption) continuao F, retomada
continue [kntnju]
VI prosseguir, continuar VT 1. continuar 2. (start again) recomear, retomar to be
continued (story) segue
continued on page 10 continua na pgina 10
continuity [kntnjut]
N (also) (CINEMA TV) continuidade F
continuity girl
N (CINEMA) continuista
continuous [kntnjus]
ADJ contnuo continuous performance (CINEMA) sesso F contnua
continuous stationery (COMPUT) formulrios MPL contnuos
continuously [kntnjusl]
ADV 1. (repeatedly) repetidamente 2. (uninterruptedly) continuamente
contort [kntt]
VT contorcer
contortion [kntn]
N contoro F
contortionist [kntnst]
N contorcionista M, F
contour [kntu*]
N 1. (outline) (gen pl) contorno 2. contour line, curva de nvel
contraband [kntrbnd]
N contrabando ADJ de contrabando, contrabandeado
contraception [kntrspn]
N anticoncepo F
contraceptive [kntrsptv]
ADJ anticoncepcional N anticoncepcional F
N [kntrkt] contrato CPD [kntrkt] 1. (price, date) contratual 2. (work) de
empreitada VI [kntrkt] 1. (become smaller) contrair-se, encolher-se 2. (COMM)
to contract to do sth, comprometer-se por contrato a fazer algo VT [kntrkt]
contrair contract of employment or service, contrato de trabalho, vnculo
empregatcio contract in comprometer-se por contrato VI contract out 1.
desobrigar-se por contrato 2. (from pension scheme) optar por no participar VI
contraction [kntrkn]
N contrao F
contractor [kntrkt*]
N contratante M, F
contractual [kntrktul]
ADJ contratual
contradict [kntrdkt]
VT contradizer, desmentir
contradiction [kntrdkn]
N contradio F to be in contradiction with, contradizer
contradictory [kntrdktr]
ADJ contraditrio
contralto [kntrltu]
N contralto
contraption [kntrpn] (pej)
N engenhoca, geringona
ADJ contrrio N contrrio on the contrary, muito pelo contrrio
unless you hear to the contrary, salvo aviso contrrio
contrary to what we thought, ao contrrio do que pensamos
ADJ teimoso
N [kntrst] contraste M VT [kntrst] comparar in contrast to or with, em
contraste com, ao contrrio de
contrasting [kntrst]
ADJ contrastante
contravene [kntrvin]
VT infringir
contravention [kntrvnn]
N contraveno F, infrao F
contribute [kntrbjut]
VT contribuir VI dar to contribute to (charity) contribuir para (newspaper) escrever
para (discussion) participar de
contribution [kntrbjun]
N 1. (donation) doao F 2. (BRIT: for social security) contribuio F 3. (to debate)
interveno F 4. (to journal) colaborao F
contributor [kntrbjut*]
N (to newspaper) colaborador* M (F colaboradora)
contributory [kntrbjutr]
ADJ it was a contributory factor in ... era um fator que contribuiu para ...
contributory pension scheme (BRIT)
N sistema M de penso contributria
contrite [kntrat]
ADJ arrependido, contrito
contrivance [kntravns]
N 1. (scheme) maquinao F 2. (device) aparelho, dispositivo
contrive [kntrav]
VT 1. (invent) idealizar 2. (carry out) efetuar 3. (plot) tramar VI to contrive to do,
chegar a fazer
control [kntrul]
VT 1. controlar 2. (traffic etc) dirigir 3. (machinery) regular 4. (temper) dominar N 1.
controle M 2. (of car) direo F (BR) conduo F (PT) 3. (check) freio, controle
controls 1. (of vehicle) mando 2. (on radio, television etc) controle NPL to take
control of, assumir o controle de
to be in control of, ter o controle de (in charge of) ser responsvel por
to control o.s. controlar-se
out of/under control, fora de/sob controle
through circumstances beyond our control, por motivos alheios nossa
control key
N (COMPUT) tecla de controle
controller [kntrul*]
N controlador* M (F controladora)
controlling interest [kntrul-]
N (COMM) controle M acionrio
control panel
N painel M de instrumentos
control point
N ponto de controle
control room
N 1. sala de comando 2. (RADIO TV) sala de controle
control tower
N (AVIAT) torre F de controle
control unit
N (COMPUT) unidade F de controle
controversial [kntrvl]
ADJ controvertido, polmico
controversy [kntrvs]
N controvrsia, polmica
conurbation [knben]
N conurbao F
convalesce [knvls]
VI convalescer
convalescence [knvlsns]
N convalescena
convalescent [knvlsnt]
ADJ N convalescente M, F
convector [knvkt*]
N (heater) aquecedor M de conveco
convene [knvin]
VT convocar VI convocar-se
convener [knvin*]
N organizador* M (F organizadora)
convenience [knvinns]
N 1. (easiness) facilidade F 2. (suitability) convenincia 3. (comfort) comodidade F 4.
(advantage) vantagem F, convenincia at your convenience, quando lhe convier
at your earliest convenience (COMM) o mais cedo que lhe for possvel
all modern conveniences (also BRIT: all mod cons) com todos os confortos
convenience foods
NPL alimentos MPL semiprontos
convenient [knvinnt]
ADJ 1. conveniente 2. (useful) til 3. (place) acessvel 4. (time) oportuno, conveniente
if it is convenient to you, se isso lhe convier, se isso no lhe for incmodo
conveniently [knvinntl]
ADV convenientemente
convent [knvnt]
N convento
convention [knvnn]
N 1. (custom) costume M 2. (agreement) conveno F 3. (meeting) assemblia
conventional [knvnnl]
ADJ convencional
convent school
N colgio de freiras
converge [knvd]
VI 1. convergir 2. (people) to converge on, convergir para
conversant [knvsnt]
ADJ to be conversant with, estar familiarizado com
conversation [knvsen]
N conversao F, conversa
conversational [knvsenl]
ADJ 1. de conversa 2. (familiar) familiar 3. (talkative) loquaz 4. (COMPUT)
conversacional, interativo
conversationalist [knvsenlst]
N conversador* M (F conversadora) shes a good conversationalist, ela tem
muita conversa
N [knvs] inverso VI [knvs] conversar
conversely [knvsl]
ADV pelo contrrio, inversamente
conversion [knvn]
N 1. converso F 2. (BRIT: of house) transformao F
conversion table
N tabela de converso
VT [knvt] converter N [knvt] convertido* (convertida)
convertible [knvtbl]
ADJ convertvel N conversvel M
convex [knvks]
ADJ convexo
convey [knve]
VT 1. transportar, levar 2. (thanks) expressar 3. (information) deixar claro
conveyance [knvens]
N 1. (of goods) transporte M 2. (vehicle) meio de transporte, veculo
conveyancing [knvens]
N (LAW) transferncia de bens imveis
conveyor belt [knve*-]
N correia transportadora
VT [knvkt] 1. condenar 2. (sentence) declarar culpado N [knvkt] presidirio
conviction [knvkn]
N 1. condenao F 2. (belief) convico F 3. (certainty) certeza
convince [knvns]
VT 1. (assure) assegurar 2. (persuade) convencer to convince sb of sth/that,
convencer algum de algo/de que
convinced [knvnst]
ADJ convinced of/that, convencido de/de que
convincing [knvns]
ADJ convincente
convincingly [knvnsl]
ADV convincentemente
convivial [knvvl]
ADJ jovial, alegre
convoluted [knvlutd]
ADJ 1. (shape) curvilneo 2. (argument) complicado
convoy [knv]
N escolta
convulse [knvls]
VT convulsionar to be convulsed with laughter/pain, morrer de rir/dor
convulsion [knvln]
N 1. convulso F 2. (laughter) ataque M, acesso
coo [ku]
VI 1. arrulhar 2. (person) falar suavemente
cook [kuk]
VT 1. cozinhar 2. (meal) preparar VI cozinhar N cozinheiro* (cozinheira) cook up
(inf) (excuse, story) bolar VT
cookbook [kukbuk]
N livro de receitas
cooker [kuk*]
N fogo M
cookery [kukr]
N 1. (dishes) cozinha 2. (art) culinria
cookery book (BRIT)
N cookbook
cookie [kuk] (US)
N bolacha, biscoito
cooking [kuk]
N cozinha CPD 1. (apples, chocolate) para cozinhar 2. (utensils, salt) de cozinha
cookout [kukaut] (US)
N churrasco
cool [kul]
ADJ 1. fresco 2. (not hot) tpido 3. (calm) calmo 4. (unfriendly) frio VT resfriar VI esfriar
its cool (weather) est fresco cool down 1. esfriar 2. (fig) (person, situation)
acalmar-se VI
cool box (BRIT)
N mala frigorfica
cooler [kul*] (US)
N mala frigorfica
cooling tower [kul-]
N torre F de esfriamento
coolly [kul]
ADV 1. (calmly) calmamente 2. (audaciously) descaradamente 3. (unenthusiastically)
coolness [kulns]
N 1. frescura 2. (hostility) frieza 3. (indifference) indiferena
coop [kup]
N 1. (for poultry) galinheiro 2. (for rabbits) capoeira coop up (fig) confinar VT
co-op [kup]
N ABBR cooperative (society)
cooperate [kupret]
VI 1. colaborar 2. (assist) ajudar
cooperation [kupren]
N cooperao F, colaborao F
cooperative [kuprtv]
ADJ cooperativo N cooperativa
coopt [kupt]
VT to coopt sb onto a committee, cooptar algum para fazer parte de um comit
VT [kudnet] coordenar N [kudnt] (MATH) coordenada coordinates (clothes)
coordenados MPL NPL
coordination [kudnen]
N coordenao F
coot [kut]
N galeiro M
co-ownership [ku-]
N co-propriedade F, condomnio
cop [kp] (inf)
N policial M, F (BR) polcia M, F (PT) tira M (inf)
cope [kup]
VI sair-se, dar-se to cope with, poder com, arcar com (problem) estar altura de
Copenhagen [kupnhen]
N Copenhague
copier [kp*]
N photocopier, copiador M
co-pilot [ku-]
N co-piloto* (co-pilota)
copious [kups]
ADJ copioso, abundante
copper [kp*]
N 1. (metal) cobre M 2. (inf: policeman/woman) polcia M, F coppers (coins) moedas
FPL de pouco valor NPL
copper sulphate
N sulfato de cobre
coppice [kps]
N bosquete M
copse [kps]
N coppice
copulate [kpjulet]
VI copular
copulation [kpjulen]
N cpula
copy [kp]
N 1. cpia 2. (duplicate) duplicata 3. (of book etc) exemplar M 4. (of writing) originais
MPL VT 1. copiar 2. (imitate) imitar to make good copy (PRESS) fazer uma boa
matria copy out copiar VT
copycat [kpkt] (inf)
N macaco
copyright [kprat]
N direitos MPL de autor, direitos autorais, copirraite M copyright reserved, todos os
direitos reservados
copy typist
N datilgrafo* (datilgrafa)
copywriter [kprat*]
N redator* M de material publicitrio (F redatora)
coral [krl]
N coral M
coral reef
N recife M de coral
Coral Sea
N the Coral Sea, o mar de Coral
cord [kd]
N 1. corda 2. (ELEC) fio, cabo 3. (fabric) veludo cotel cords (trousers) cala BR or
calas FPL PT de veludo cotel NPL
cordial [kdl]
ADJ cordial N cordial M
cordless [kdls]
ADJ sem fio
cordon [kdn]
N cordo M cordon off isolar VT
corduroy [kdr]
N veludo cotel
CORE [k*] (US)
N ABBR Congress of Racial Equality
core [k*]
N 1. centro, ncleo 2. (of fruit) caroo 3. (of problem) mago VT descaroar rotten to
the core, completamente podre
Corfu [kfu]
N Corfu F (no article)
coriander [krnd*]
N coentro
cork [kk]
N 1. rolha 2. (tree) cortia
corkage [kkd]
N taxa cobrada num restaurante pela abertura das garrafas levadas pelo cliente
corked [kkt] (BRIT)
ADJ que tem gosto de rolha
corkscrew [kkskru]
N saca-rolhas M INV
corky [kk] (US)
ADJ que tem gosto de rolha
corm [km]
N cormo
cormorant [kmrnt]
N cormoro M, corvo marinho
Corn (BRIT)
ABBR Cornwall
corn [kn]
N 1. (BRIT: wheat) trigo 2. (US: maize) milho 3. (cereals) gro M, cereal M 4. (on foot)
calo corn on the cob (CULIN) espiga de milho
cornea [kn]
N crnea
corned beef [knd-]
N carne F de boi enlatada
corner [kn*]
N 1. (outside) esquina 2. (inside) canto 3. (in road) curva 4. corner kick (FOOTBALL
etc) crner M VT 1. (trap) encurralar 2. (COMM) aambarcar, monopolizar VI (in car)
fazer uma curva to cut corners (fig) matar o servio
corner flag
N (FOOTBALL) bandeira de escanteio
corner kick
N (FOOTBALL) crner M
cornerstone [knstun]
N 1. pedra angular 2. (fig) base F, fundamento
cornet [knt]
N 1. (MUS) cornetim M 2. (BRIT: of ice-cream) casquinha
cornflakes [knfleks]
NPL flocos MPL de milho
cornflour [knflau*] (BRIT)
N farinha de milho, maisena
cornice [kns]
N cornija
Cornish [kn]
ADJ de Cornualha N (LING) crnico
corn oil
N leo de milho
cornstarch [knstt] (US)
N cornflour
cornucopia [knjukup]
N cornucpia
Cornwall [knwl]
N Cornualha
corny [kn] (inf)
ADJ velho, gasto
corollary [krlr]
N corolrio
coronary [krnr]
N coronary (thrombosis) trombose F (coronria)
coronation [krnen]
N coroao F
coroner [krn*]
N magistrado que investiga mortes suspeitas
coronet [krnt]
N coroa aberta, diadema M
ABBR corporation
corporal [kprl]
N cabo ADJ corpreo corporal punishment, castigo corporal
corporate [kprt]
ADJ 1. corporativo 2. (action, ownership) coletivo 3. (COMM) (of a company) da
corporate body
N (LAW) pessoa jurdica
corporate identity
N imagem F da empresa
corporate image
N imagem F da empresa
corporation [kpren]
N 1. (of town) municpio, junta 2. (COMM) sociedade F
corporation tax
N imposto sobre a renda de sociedades
corps [k*] (PL corps kz )
N 1. (MIL) unidade F 2. (diplomatic) corpo the press corps, a imprensa
corpse [kps]
N cadver M
corpuscle [kpsl]
N corpsculo
corral [krl]
N curral M
correct [krkt]
ADJ 1. exato 2. (proper) correto VT corrigir you are correct, voc tem razo
correction [krkn]
N 1. correo F 2. (erasure) emenda
correlate [krlet]
VT correlacionar VI to correlate with, corresponder a
correlation [krlen]
N correlao F
correspond [krspnd]
VI 1. (write) to correspond (with) corresponder-se (com) 2. (be equal to) to
correspond to, corresponder a 3. (be in accordance) to correspond (with)
corresponder a
correspondence [krspndns]
N 1. correspondncia 2. (relationship) relao F
correspondence column
N (PRESS) seo F de cartas
correspondence course
N curso por correspondncia
correspondent [krspndnt]
N correspondente M, F
corresponding [krspnd]
ADJ correspondente
corridor [krd*]
N corredor M
corroborate [krbret]
VT corroborar
corrode [krud]
VT corroer VI corroer-se
corrosion [krun]
N corroso F
corrosive [kruzv]
ADJ corrosivo
corrugated [kretd]
ADJ corrugado
corrugated iron
N chapa ondulada or corrugada
corrupt [krpt]
ADJ corrupto VT 1. corromper 2. (bribe) subornar 3. (data) corromper, destruir
corrupt practices, corrupo F
corruption [krpn]
N 1. corrupo F 2. (of data) destruio F
corset [kst]
N 1. espartilho 2. (MED) colete M
Corsica [ksk]
N Crsega
Corsican [kskn]
ADJ N crsico* (crsica)
corset [kst]
N 1. espartilho 2. (MED) colete M
Corsica [ksk]
N Crsega
Corsican [kskn]
ADJ N crsico* (crsica)
coruscating [krsket]
ADJ cintilante
ABBR cash on shipment, pagamento na expedio
cosh [k] (BRIT)
N cassetete M
cosignatory [kusntr]
N co-signatrio* (co-signatria)
cosiness [kuzns] coziness (US)
N 1. conforto 2. (atmosphere) aconchego, conforto
cosy [kuz] cozy (US)
ADJ 1. cmodo 2. (atmosphere) aconchegante 3. (life) folgado, confortvel
cos lettuce [ks-]
N alface M (cos)
cosmetic [kzmtk]
N cosmtico ADJ 1. (preparation) cosmtico 2. (fig) (measure, improvement) simblico,
superficial cosmetic surgery, cirurgia plstica embelezadora
cosmic [kzmk]
ADJ csmico
cosmonaut [kzmnt]
N cosmonauta M, F
cosmopolitan [kzmpltn]
ADJ cosmopolita
cosmos [kzms]
N cosmo
cosset [kst]
VT paparicar
cost [kst] (PT, PP cost )
N 1. (gen) custo 2. (price) preo VI custar VT 1. custar 2. (determine cost of)
determinar o custo de costs (LAW COMM) custas FPL NPL at the cost of,
custa de
how much does it cost? quanto custa?
it costs 5/too much, custa 5/ muito caro
to cost sb time/effort, custar tempo/esforo a algum
it cost him his life/job, custou-lhe a vida/o emprego
the cost of living, o custo de vida
at all costs, custe o que custar
cost accountant
N contador* M de custos (F contadora)
co-star [ku-]
N co-estrela M, F
Costa Rica [kstrik]
N Costa Rica
Costa Rican [kstrikn]
ADJ N costarriquenho* (costarriquenha)
cost centre
N centro de custo
cost control
N controle M dos custos
ADJ rentvel
N rentabilidade F
costly [kstl]
ADJ 1. (expensive) caro, custoso 2. (valuable) suntuoso
ADJ cost-of-living allowance, ajuda de custo cost-of-living index, ndice M de
preos ao consumidor
cost price (BRIT)
N preo de custo
costume [kstjum]
N 1. traje M 2. swimming costume (BRIT: woman's) mai M (BR) fato de banho (PT) 3.
(man's) calo M (de banho) (BR) cales MPL de banho (PT)
costume jewellery
N bijuteria
cosy [kuz] cozy (US)
ADJ 1. cmodo 2. (atmosphere) aconchegante 3. (life) folgado, confortvel
coziness [kuzns] (US)
N cosiness
cozy [kuz] (US)
ADJ cosy
cot [kt]
N 1. (BRIT: child's) cama (de criana) bero 2. (US: campbed) cama de lona
Cotswolds [ktswuldz]
NPL the Cotswolds, regio de colinas em Gloucestershire
cottage [ktd]
N 1. casa de campo 2. (rustic) cabana
cottage cheese
N ricota (BR) queijo creme (PT)
cottage industry
N indstria artesanal
cottage pie
N prato de carne picada com batata
cotton [ktn]
N 1. algodo M 2. (thread) fio, linha CPD de algodo cotton on (inf) to cotton on (to
sth) sacar (algo) VI
cotton candy (US)
N algodo M doce
cotton wool (BRIT)
N algodo M (hidrfilo)
couch [kaut]
N 1. sof M 2. (doctor's) cama 3. (psychiatrist's) div M VT formular
couchette [kut]
N leito
cough [kf]
VI tossir N tosse F cough up 1. expelir 2. (inf: money) desembolsar VT
cough drop
N pastilha para a tosse
cough mixture
N xarope M (para a tosse)
cough syrup
N xarope M (para a tosse)
could [kud]
PT (of can)
couldnt [kudnt]
could not
council [kaunsl]
N conselho city or town council, cmara municipal
Council of Europe, Conselho da Europa
council estate (BRIT)
N conjunto habitacional
council house (BRIT)
N casa popular
councillor [kaunsl*]
N vereador* M (F vereadora)
counsel [kaunsl]
N 1. (advice) conselho 2. (lawyer) advogado* (advogada) VT to counsel sth/sb to do
sth, aconselhar algo/algum a fazer algo counsel for the defence/the
prosecution, advogado* M de defesa/promotor* M pblico* (F advogada de
defesa/promotora pblica)
counsellor [kaunsl*] counselor (US)
N 1. conselheiro* (conselheira) 2. (US LAW) advogado* (advogada)
count [kaunt]
VT 1. contar 2. (include) incluir VI contar N 1. conta 2. (of votes etc) contagem F 3. (of
pollen, alcohol) nivel M 4. (nobleman) conde M 5. (sum) total M, soma not
counting the children, sem contar as crianas
10 counting him, 10 contando com ele
it counts for very little, conta muito pouco
count yourself lucky, considere-se sortudo
that doesnt count! isso no vale! count on contar com VT to count on
doing sth, contar em fazer algo count up contar VT
countdown [kauntdaun]
N contagem F regressiva
countenance [kauntnns]
N expresso F VT tolerar
counter [kaunt*]
N 1. (in shop) balco M 2. (in post office etc) guich M 3. (in games) ficha VT 1.
contrariar 2. (blow) parar ADV counter to, ao contrrio de to buy under the
counter (fig) comprar por baixo do pano or da mesa
counteract [kauntrkt]
VT neutralizar
counterattack [kauntrtk]
N contra-ataque M VI contra-atacar
counterbalance [kauntblns]
N contrapeso
ADV ao contrrio dos ponteiros do relgio
N contra-espionagem F
counterfeit [kauntft]
N falsificao F VT falsificar ADJ falso, falsificado
counterfoil [kauntfl]
N canhoto (BR) talo M (PT)
counterintelligence [kauntrntldns]
N contra-informaco F
countermand [kauntmnd]
VT revogar
countermeasure [kauntm*]
N contramedida
counteroffensive [kauntrfnsv]
N contra-ofensiva
counterpane [kauntpen]
N colcha
counterpart [kauntpt]
N 1. contrapartida 2. (of person) ssia M, F (opposite number) homlogo* (homloga)
counterproductive [kauntprdktv]
ADJ contraproducente
counterproposal [kauntprpuzl]
N contraproposta
N contra-revoluo F
countersign [kauntsan]
VT autenticar
countersink [kauntsk]
VT escarear
countess [kaunts]
N condessa
countless [kauntls]
ADJ inumervel
countrified [kntrfad]
ADJ buclico, rstico
country [kntr]
N 1. pas M 2. (nation) nao F 3. (native land) terra 4. (as opposed to town) campo 5.
(region) regio F, terra in the country, no campo (esp in Brazil) no interior
mountainous country, regio montanhosa
country and western , country and western music
N msica country
country dancing (BRIT)
N dana regional
country house
N IRREG casa de campo
countryman [kntrmn]
N 1. (national) compatriota M 2. (rural) campons M
countryside [kntrsad]
N campo
ADJ 1. em todo o pas 2. (problem) de escala nacional ADV em todo o pas
county [kaunt]
N condado
county town (BRIT)
N capital F do condado
coup [ku]
N 1. golpe M de mestre 2. coup dtat, golpe (de estado)
coup [kupe]
N (AUT) cup M
couple [kpl]
N 1. (of things, people) par M 2. (married couple, courting couple) casal M VT 1. (ideas,
names) unir, juntar 2. (machinery) ligar, juntar a couple of, um par de (a few)
couplet [kplt]
N dstico
coupling [kpl]
N (RAIL) engate M
coupon [kupn]
N 1. cupom M (BR) cupo M (PT) 2. (pools coupon) talo M 3. (voucher) vale M
courage [krd]
N coragem F
courageous [kreds]
ADJ corajoso
courgette [kut] (BRIT)
N abobrinha
courier [kur*]
N 1. correio 2. (diplomatic) mala 3. (for tourists) guia M, F, agente M, F de turismo
course [ks]
N 1. (direction) direo F 2. (process) desenvolvimento 3. (of river, SCH) curso 4. (of
ship) rumo 5. (of bullet) trajetria 6. (fig) procedimento 7. (GOLF) campo 8. (part of
meal) prato of course, naturalmente (certainly) certamente
of course! claro! lgico!
(no) of course not! claro que no!
in due course, oportunamente, no devido tempo
first course, entrada
in the course of the next few days, no decorrer dos prximos dias
the best course would be to do ... o melhor seria fazer ...
we have no other course but to ... no temos nenhuma outra opo, seno ...
course of action
N atitude F
course of treatment
N (MED) tratamento
court [kt]
N 1. (royal) corte F 2. (LAW) tribunal M 3. (TENNIS etc) quadra VT 1. (woman) cortejar,
namorar 2. (danger etc) procurar out of court (LAW) (settle) extrajudicialmente
to take to court, demandar, levar a julgamento
court of appeal, tribunal de recursos
courteous [kts]
ADJ corts* (cortesa)
courtesan [ktzn]
N cortes F
courtesy [kts]
N cortesia (by) courtesy of, com permisso de
courtesy coach
N nibus M BR or autocarro PT gratuito
courtesy light
N (AUT) luz F interior
court-house (US)
N palcio de justia
courtier [kt*]
N corteso M
court martial (PL courts martial )
N conselho de guerra VT submeter a conselho de guerra
courtroom [ktrum]
N sala de tribunal
court shoe
N escarpim M
courtyard [ktjd]
N ptio
cousin [kzn]
N primo* M (F prima) first cousin, primo irmo* (primoprima irm)
cove [kuv]
N angra, enseada
covenant [kvnnt]
N convnio VT to covenant 2000 per year to a charity, comprometer-se a doar
2000 por ano para uma obra de caridade
Coventry [kvntr]
N to send sb to Coventry (fig) relegar algum ao ostracismo
cover [kv*]
VT 1. (gen, PRESS, costs) cobrir 2. (with lid) tapar 3. (chairs etc) revestir 4. (distance)
percorrer 5. (include) abranger 6. (protect) abrigar 7. (issues) tratar N 1. (gen,
PRESS, COMM) cobertura 2. (lid) tampa 3. (for chair etc) capa 4. (for bed) cobertor
M 5. (envelope) envelope M 6. (of book, magazine) capa 7. (shelter) abrigo 8.
(INSURANCE) cobertura to take cover, abrigar-se
under cover (indoors) abrigado
under cover of, sob o abrigo de (fig) sob capa de
under separate cover (COMM) em separado
10 will cover everything, 10 vo dar para tudo cover up 1. (person, object)
to cover up (with) cobrir (com) 2. (fig) (truth, facts) abafar, encobrir 3. to cover up
for sb (fig) cobrir algum VT
coverage [kvrd]
cover charge
N couvert M
covering [kvr]
N 1. cobertura 2. (of snow, dust etc) comada
covering letter , cover letter (US)
N carta de cobertura
cover note
N (INSURANCE) nota de cobertura
cover price
N preo de capa
covert [kuvt]
ADJ 1. (threat) velado 2. (action) oculto, secreto
N encobrimento (dos fatos)
covet [kvt]
VT cobiar
cow [kau]
N vaca CPD fmea VT intimidar
coward [kaud]
N covarde M, F
cowardice [kauds]
N covardia
cowardly [kaudl]
ADJ covarde
cowboy [kaub]
N vaqueiro
cower [kau*]
VI encolher-se (de medo)
cowshed [kaud]
N estbulo
cowslip [kauslp]
N (BOT) primavera
cox [kks]
N ABBR coxswain
coxswain [kksn]
N timoneiro* (timoneira)
coy [k]
ADJ tmido
coyote [kut]
N coiote M
coziness [kuzns] (US)
N cosiness
cozy [kuz] (US)
ADJ cosy
cosy [kuz] cozy (US)
ADJ 1. cmodo 2. (atmosphere) aconchegante 3. (life) folgado, confortvel
N ABBR Communist Party, PC M
ABBR compare, cp
c/p (BRIT)
ABBR carriage paid
N ABBR certified public accountant
N ABBR Consumer Price Index, IPC M
ABBR Corporal
N ABBR Central Program for Microprocessors, CP/M M
ABBR characters per second, c.p.s
N ABBR Civil and Public Services Association, sindicato dos funcionrios pblicos
N ABBR Central Processing Unit, CPU F
ABBR credit, creditor
crab [krb]
N caranguejo
crab apple
N ma cida
crack [krk]
N 1. rachadura 2. (gap) brecha 3. (noise) estalo 4. (joke) piada 5. (DRUGS) crack M 6.
(inf: attempt) to have a crack (at sth) tentar (fazer algo) VT 1. quebrar 2. (nut)
partir, descascar 3. (wall) rachar 4. (safe) arrombar 5. (whip etc) estalar 6.
(knuckles) estalar, partir 7. (joke) soltar 8. (mystery) resolver 9. (code) decifrar ADJ
(expert) de primeira classe to get cracking (inf) pr mos obra crack down
on 1. (crime) ser linha dura com 2. (spending) cortar VT crack up (PSYCH) sofrer
um colapso nervoso VI
crackdown [krkdaun]
N crackdown (on) (on crime) endurecimento (em relao a) (on spending) arrocho
cracked [krkt] (inf)
ADJ doido
cracker [krk*]
N 1. (biscuit) biscoito 2. (Christmas cracker) busca-p-surpresa M 3. (firework) busca-
p M a cracker of a ... (BRIT inf) um* ... sensacional (uma)
crackers [krkz] (BRIT inf)
ADJ hes crackers, ele maluco
crackle [krkl]
VI crepitar
crackling [krkl]
N 1. (of fire) crepitao F 2. (of leaves etc) estalidos MPL 3. (of pork) torresmo
cradle [kredl]
N bero VT 1. (child) embalar 2. (object) segurar com cuidado
craft [krft]
N 1. (skill) arte F 2. (trade) ofcio 3. (cunning) astcia 4. (boat) barco
craftsman [krftsmn]
N IRREG artfice M, arteso M
craftsmanship [krftsmnp]
N (quality) qualidada F
craftsmen [krftsmn]
NPL (of craftsman)
crafty [krft]
ADJ astuto, malandro, esperto
crag [kr]
N penhasco
craggy [kr]
ADJ escarpado
cram [krm]
VT 1. (fill) to cram sth with, encher or abarrotar algo de 2. (put) to cram sth into,
enfiar algo em VI (for exams) estudar na ltima hora
crammed [krmd]
ADJ abarrotado
cramming [krm]
N (for exams) virada final
cramp [krmp]
N 1. (MED) cibra 2. (TECH) grampo VT 1. (limit) restringir 2. (annoy) estorvar
cramped [krmpt]
ADJ apertado, confinado
crampon [krmpn]
N gato de ferro
cranberry [krnbr]
N oxicoco
crane [kren]
N 1. (TECH) guindaste M 2. (bird) grou M VT VI to crane forward to crane ones
neck, espichar-se, espichar o pescoo
crania [kren]
NPL (of cranium)
cranium [krenm] (PL crania )
N crnio
crank [krk]
N 1. manivela 2. (person) excntrico* (excntrica)
crankshaft [krkft]
N virabrequim M
cranky [krk]
ADJ 1. (eccentric) excntrico 2. (bad-tempered) irritadio
cranny [krn]
N nook
crap [krp] (inf!)
N papo furado to have a crap, cagar (!)
crash [kr]
N 1. (noise) estrondo 2. (of cars etc) batida 3. (of plane) desastre M de avio 4.
(COMM) falncia, quebra 5. (STOCK EXCHANGE) craque M VT 1. (car) colidar 2.
(plane) cair, espatifar VI 1. bater 2. cair, espatifar-se 3. (two cars) colidir, bater 4.
(COMM) falir, quebrar 5. (fall noisily) cair (com estrondo) 6. (fig) despencar to
crash into, bater em
he crashed into a wall, ele bateu com o carro num muro
crash barrier (BRIT)
N (AUT) cerca de proteo
crash course
N curso intensivo
crash helmet
N capacete M
crash landing
N aterrissagem F forada (BR) aterragem F forosa (PT)
crass [krs]
ADJ grosseiro
crate [kret]
N 1. caixote M 2. (inf: old car) lata-velha 3. (for bottles) engradado
crater [kret*]
N cratera
cravat , cravate [krvt]
N gravata
crave [krev]
VT VI to crave for, ansiar por
craving [krev]
N (of pregnant woman) desejo
crawl [krl]
VI 1. arrastar-se 2. (child) engatinhar 3. (vehicle) arrastar-se a passo de tartaruga N 1.
rastejo 2. (SWIMMING) crawl M to crawl to sb (inf) puxar o saco de algum
crayfish [kref]
N INV 1. (freshwater) camaro M dgua doce 2. (saltwater) lagostim M
crayon [kren]
N lpis M de cera, crayon M
craze [krez]
N 1. mania 2. (fashion) moda
crazed [krezd]
ADJ 1. (look, person) enlouquecido 2. (pottery, glaze) craquel
crazy [krez]
ADJ 1. (person) louco, maluco, doido 2. (idea) disparatado to go crazy, enlouquecer
to be crazy about sb/sth (inf) ser louco por algum/algo
crazy paving (BRIT)
N pavimento irregular
creak [krik]
VI 1. chiar, ranger 2. (door etc) ranger
cream [krim]
N 1. (of milk) nata 2. (artificial, cosmetic) creme M 3. (lite) the cream of, a fina flor de
ADJ (colour) creme cream off (fig) tirar VT
cream cake
N bolo de creme
cream cheese
N ricota (BR) queijo creme (PT)
creamery [krimr]
N 1. (shop) leiteria 2. (factory) fbrica de laticnios
creamy [krim]
ADJ 1. (colour) cor de creme 2. (taste) cremoso
crease [kris]
N 1. (fold) dobra, vinco 2. (in trousers) vinco 3. (wrinkle) ruga VT 1. (fold) dobrar, vincar
2. (wrinkle) amassar, amarrotar VI (wrinkle up) amassar-se, amarrotar-se
ADJ a crease-resistant fabric, um tecido que no amarrota
create [kriet]
VT 1. criar 2. (produce) produzir
creation [krien]
N criao F
creative [krietv]
ADJ 1. criativo 2. (inventive) inventivo
creativity [krietvt]
N criatividade F
creator [kriet*]
N 1. criador* M (F criadora) 2. (inventor) inventor* M (F inventora)
creature [krit*]
N 1. (animal) animal M, bicho 2. (living thing) criatura
crche [kr]
N creche F
credence [kridns]
N to lend or give credence to, dar crdito a
credentials [krdnlz]
NPL credenciais FPL
credibility [krdblt]
N credibilidade F
credible [krdbl]
ADJ 1. acreditvel 2. (trustworthy) digno de crdito
credit [krdt]
N 1. (gen, COMM) crdito 2. (merit) mrito VT 1. give credit to (believe) acreditar 2.
(COMM) creditar CPD creditcio credits (CINEMA TV) crdito NPL to credit sb
with sth (fig) atribuir algo a algum
to credit 5 to sb, creditar 5 a algum
to be in credit (person, bank account) ter fundos
on credit, a crdito
to ones credit, honra lhe seja
to take the credit for sth, atribuir-se o mrito de
it does him credit, motivo de honra para ele
hes a credit to his family, ele um orgulho para a famlia
creditable [krdtbl]
ADJ louvvel
credit account
N conta de crdito
credit agency (BRIT)
N agncia de crdito
credit balance
N saldo credor
credit bureau (US)
N IRREG credit agency
credit card
N carto M de crdito
credit control
N controle M de crdito
credit facilities
NPL credirio
credit limit
N limite M de crdito
credit note
N nota de crdito
creditor [krdt*]
N credor* M (F credora)
credit transfer
N transferncia
creditworthy [krdtw]
ADJ merecedor* de crdito (merecedora)
credulity [krdjult]
N credulidade F
creed [krid]
N credo
creek [krik]
N 1. enseada 2. (US) riacho
creel [kril]
N cesto de pescador
creep [krip] (PT, PP crept )
VI 1. (animal) rastejar 2. (person) deslizar(-se) 3. (plant) trepar N (inf) puxa-saco M it
gives me the creeps, me d arrepios
to creep up on sb, pegar algum de surpresa
creeper [krip*]
N trepadeira creepers (US: for baby) macaco M (BR) fato macaco (PT) NPL
creepy [krip]
ADJ (frightening) horripilante
creepy-crawly [-krl] (inf)
N bichinho
cremate [krmet]
VT cremar
cremation [krmen]
N cremao F
crematoria [krmtr]
NPL (of crematorium)
crematorium [krmtrm] (PL crematoria )
N crematrio
creosote [krsut]
N creosoto
crpe [krep]
N 1. (fabric) crepe M 2. (paper) papel crepom M
crpe bandage (BRIT)
N atadura de crepe
crpe paper
N papel M crepom
crpe sole
N sola de crepe
crept [krpt]
PT PP (of creep)
creep [krip] (PT, PP crept )
VI 1. (animal) rastejar 2. (person) deslizar(-se) 3. (plant) trepar N (inf) puxa-saco M it
gives me the creeps, me d arrepios
to creep up on sb, pegar algum de surpresa
crescendo [krndu]
N crescendo
crescent [krsnt]
N 1. meia-lua 2. (street) rua semicircular
cress [krs]
N agrio M
crest [krst]
N 1. (of bird) crista 2. (of hill) cimo, topo 3. (of helmet) cimeira 4. (of coat of arms)
timbre M
crestfallen [krstfln]
ADJ abatido, cabisbaixo
Crete [krit]
N Creta
crevasse [krvs]
N fenda
crevice [krvs]
N 1. (crack) fenda 2. (gap) greta
crew [kru]
N 1. (of ship etc) tripulao F 2. (gang) bando, quadrilha 3. (MIL) guarnio F 4.
(CINEMA) equipe F
N corte M escovinha
N gola arredondada
crib [krb]
N 1. manjedoira, prespio 2. (US: cot) bero VT (inf) colar
cribbage [krbd]
N jogo de cartas
crick [krk]
N cibra crick in the neck, torcicolo
cricket [krkt]
N 1. (insect) grilo 2. (game) criquete M, cricket M
cricketer [krkt*]
N jogador* M de criquete (F jogadora)
crime [kram]
N 1. (no pl) (illegal activities) crime M 2. (offence) delito 3. (crime in general)
criminalidade F 4. (fig) pecado, maldade F
crime wave
N onda de criminalidade
criminal [krmnl]
N criminoso ADJ 1. criminal 2. (law) penal 3. (morally wrong) imoral the Criminal
Investigation Department BRIT (BRIT) a Brigada de Investigao Criminal
crimp [krmp]
VT (hair) frisar
crimson [krmzn]
ADJ carmesim
cringe [krnd]
VI encolher-se
crinkle [krkl]
VT amassar, enrugar
cripple [krpl]
N coxo* (coxa) aleijado* (aleijada) VT 1. aleijar 2. (ship, plane) inutilizar 3. (industry,
exports) paralisar
crippling [krpl]
ADJ 1. (disease) devastador* (devastadora) 2. (taxation, debts) excessivo
crises [krasiz]
NPL (of crisis)
crisis [krass] (PL crises )
N crise F
crisp [krsp]
ADJ 1. (crunchy) crocante 2. (vegetables, fruit) fresco 3. (bacon etc) torrado 4.
(manner) seco
crisps [krsps] (BRIT)
NPL batatinhas FPL fritas
criss-cross [krs-]
ADJ 1. (design) entrecruzado 2. (pattern) em xadrez VT entrecruzar criss-cross
pattern, padro m em xadrez M
criteria [kratr]
NPL (of criterion)
criterion [kratrn] (PL criteria )
N critrio
critic [krtk]
N crtico* (crtica)
critical [krtkl]
ADJ 1. crtico 2. (illness) grave to be critical of sth/sb, criticar algo/algum
critically [krtkl]
ADV 1. (examine) criteriosamente 2. (speak) criticamente 3. (ill) gravemente
criticism [krtszm]
N crtica
criticize [krtsaz]
VT criticar
critique [krtik]
N crtica
croak [kruk]
VI 1. (frog) coaxar 2. (bird) crocitar 3. (person) falar lugubremente N grasnido
crochet [krue]
N croch M
crock [krk]
N 1. jarro 2. old crock (inf: person) caco velho (car) calhambeque M
crockery [krkr]
N loua
crocodile [krkdal]
N crocodilo
crocus [kruks]
N aafro-da-primavera M
croft [krft] (BRIT)
N pequena chcara
crofter [krft*] (BRIT)
N arrendatrio
croissant [krwas]
N croissant M
crone [krun]
N velha encarquilhada
crony [krun] (inf pej)
N camarada M, F, compadre M
crook [kruk]
N 1. (inf: criminal) vigarista M, F 2. (of shepherd) cajado 3. (of arm) curva
crooked [krukd]
ADJ 1. (bent) torto 2. (path) tortuoso 3. (dishonest) desonesto
crop [krp]
N 1. (produce) colheita 2. (amount produced) safra 3. (riding crop) chicotinho 4. (of
bird) papo VT cortar crop up surgir VI
cropper [krp*]
N to come a cropper (inf) dar com os burros ngua, entrar pelo cano
crop spraying [-spre]
N pulverizao F das culturas
croquet [kruke] (BRIT)
N croquet M, croqu M
croquette [krkt]
N croquete M
cross [krs]
N 1. cruz F 2. (hybrid) cruzamento VT 1. cruzar 2. (street etc) atravessar 3. (thwart)
(person, plan) contrariar VI atravessar ADJ zangado, mal-humorado to cross o.s.
theyve got their lines crossed, eles tm um mal-entendido cross out riscar
VT cross over atravessar VI
crossbar [krsb*]
N 1. travessa 2. (SPORT) barra transversal
crossbreed [krsbrid]
N raa cruzada
cross-Channel ferry
N barca que faz a travessia do Canal da Mancha
N conferio F VT conferir
cross-country , cross-country race
N corrida pelo campo
N 1. interrogatrio 2. (LAW) repergunta
VT 1. interrogar 2. (LAW) reperguntar
cross-eyed [-ad]
ADJ vesgo
crossfire [krsfa*]
N fogo cruzado
crossing [krs]
N 1. (road) cruzamento 2. (rail) passagem F de nvel 3. (sea passage) travessia 4.
pedestrian crossing, faixa (para pedestres) (BR) passadeira (PT)
crossing guard (US)
N guarda M, F para pedestres
NPL to be at cross-purposes (with sb) no entender-se (com algum) were
(talking) at cross-purposes, no falamos da mesma coisa
N referncia remissiva
crossroads [krsrudz]
N cruzamento
cross section
N 1. (of object) corte M transversal 2. (of population) grupo representativo
crosswalk [krswk] (US)
N faixa (para pedestres) (BR) passadeira (PT)
crosswind [krswnd]
N vento costal
crosswise [krswaz]
ADV transversalmente
crossword [krswd]
N palavras FPL cruzadas
crotch [krt]
N (of garment) fundilho
crotchet [krtt]
N (MUS) semnima
crotchety [krtt]
ADJ (person) rabugento
crouch [kraut]
VI agachar-se
croup [krup]
N (MED) crupe M
croupier [krup]
N crupi M, F
crouton [krutn]
N crouton M
crow [kru]
N 1. (bird) corvo 2. (of cock) canto, cocoric M VI 1. (cock) cantar, cocoricar 2. (fig)
contar vantagem
crowbar [krub*]
N p-de-cabra M
crowd [kraud]
N 1. multido F 2. (SPORT) pblico, galera (inf) 3. (unruly) tropel M 4. (common herd)
turba, vulgo VT (fill) apinhar VI 1. (gather) reunir-se 2. (cram) to crowd in, encher
de crowds of people, um grande nmero de pessoas
crowded [kraudd]
ADJ 1. (full) lotado 2. (well-attended) concorrido 3. (densely populated) densamente
crowd scene
N (CINEMA THEATRE) cena de multido
crown [kraun]
N 1. coroa 2. (of head, hill) topo 3. (of hat) copa VT 1. coroar 2. (tooth) pr uma coroa
artificial em 3. (fig) rematar
crown court (BRIT)
N Tribunal M de Justia
crowning [kraun]
ADJ (achievement, glory) supremo
crown jewels
NPL jias FPL reais
crown prince
N prncipe M herdeiro
NPL ps-de-galinha MPL
N (on ship) cesto de gvea
crucial [krul]
ADJ 1. (decision) vital 2. (vote) decisivo crucial to, vital para
crucifix [krusfks]
N crucifixo
crucifixion [krusfkn]
N crucificao F
crucify [krusfa]
VT crucificar
crude [krud]
ADJ 1. (materials) bruto 2. (fig) (basic) tosco (vulgar) grosseiro N crude oil, petrleo em
crude oil
N petrleo em bruto
cruel [krul]
ADJ cruel
cruelty [krult]
N crueldade F
cruet [krut]
N galheta
cruise [kruz]
N cruzeiro VI 1. (ship) fazer um cruzeiro 2. (aircraft) voar 3. (car) to cruise at ... km/h,
ir a ... km por hora
cruise missile
N mssil M Cruise
cruiser [kruz*]
N cruzador M
cruising speed [kruz-]
N velocidade F de cruzeiro
crumb [krm]
N 1. (of bread) migalha 2. (of cake) farelo
crumble [krmbl]
VT esfarelar VI 1. (building, fig) desmoronar-se 2. (plaster, earth) esfacelar-se 3. (fig)
crumbly [krmbl]
ADJ farelento
crummy [krm] (inf)
ADJ 1. mixa 2. (unwell) podre
crumpet [krmpt]
N bolo leve
crumple [krmpl]
VT 1. (paper) amassar 2. (material) amarrotar
crunch [krnt]
VT 1. (food etc) mastigar 2. (underfoot) esmagar N (fig) the crunch, a momento
crunchy [krnt]
ADJ crocante
crusade [krused]
N 1. cruzada 2. (campaign) campanha VI (fig) to crusade for/against, batalhar
crusader [krused*]
N 1. cruzado 2. (fig) crusader (for) batalhador* M (por) (F batalhadora)
crush [kr]
N 1. (people) esmagamento 2. (crowd) aglomerao F 3. (love) to have a crush on
sb, ter um rabicho por algum 4. (drink) lemon crush, limonada VT 1. (press)
esmagar 2. (squeeze) espremer 3. (paper) amassar 4. (cloth) enrugar 5. (army,
opposition) aniquilar 6. (hopes) destruir 7. (person) arrasar
crushing [kr]
ADJ (burden) esmagador* (esmagadora)
crust [krst]
N 1. cdea 2. (of bread, pastry) casca 3. (of snow, ice) crosta 4. (of earth) camada
crustacean [krsten]
N crustceo
crusty [krst]
ADJ cascudo
crutch [krt]
N 1. muleta 2. crotch (of garment) fundilho
crux [krks]
N ponto crucial
cry [kra]
VI 1. chorar 2. cry out (shout) gritar N grito to cry for help, gritar por socorro
its a far cry from ... (fig) totalmente diferente de ... cry off desistir VI
crying [kra]
ADJ (fig) flagrante
crypt [krpt]
N cripta
cryptic [krptk]
ADJ enigmtico
crystal [krstl]
N cristal M
ADJ cristalino, claro
crystallize [krstlaz]
VT cristalizar VI cristalizar-se
N ABBR Confederate States of America
N ABBR Civil Service Commission, comisso de recrutamento de funcionrios pblicos
N ABBR Certificate of Secondary Education
N ABBR Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions, confederao dos
sindicatos da construo naval e da engenharia.
CS gas (BRIT)
N gs M CS
N ABBR Central Standard Time, fuso horrio
N ABBR Civil Service Union, sindicato de funcionrios pblicos
ABBR carat
ABBR (POST) Connecticut
ABBR cubic
cub [kb]
N 1. filhote M 2. cub scout, lobinho
Cuba [kjub]
N Cuba
Cuban [kjubn]
ADJ N cubano* (cubana)
cubbyhole [kbhul]
N esconderijo
cube [kjub]
N cubo VT (MATH) elevar ao cubo
cube root
N raiz F cbica
cubic [kjubk]
ADJ cbico cubic metre etc, metro cbico etc
cubic capacity
N (AUT) cilindrada
cubicle [kjubkl]
N 1. cubculo 2. (shower cubicle) boxe M
cuckoo [kuku]
N cuco
cuckoo clock
N relgio de cuco
cucumber [kjukmb*]
N pepino
cud [kd]
N to chew the cud, ruminar
cuddle [kdl]
VT abraar VI abraar-se
cuddly [kdl]
ADJ fofo
cudgel [kdl]
N cacete M VT to cudgel ones brains, quebrar a cabea
cue [kju]
N 1. (SNOOKER) taco 2. (THEATRE etc) deixa
cuff [kf]
N 1. (of shirt, coat etc) punho 2. (US: on trousers) bainha 3. (blow) bofetada VT
esbofetear off the cuff, de improviso
cuff links
NPL abotoaduras FPL
cu. in.
ABBR cubic inches
cuisine [kwzin]
N cozinha
cul-de-sac [kldsk]
N beco sem sada
culinary [klnr]
ADJ culinrio
cull [kl]
VT 1. (flowers) escolher 2. (story, idea) escolher, selecionar 3. (kill) matar
seletivamente N (of animals) matana seletiva
culminate [klmnet]
VI to culminate in, terminar em (lead to) resultar em
culmination [klmnen]
N 1. (of career) auge M 2. (of process) concluso F
culottes [kjults]
NPL saia-cala
culpable [klpbl]
ADJ culpvel
culprit [klprt]
N culpado* (culpada)
cult [klt]
N culto
cult figure
N dolo
cultivate [kltvet]
VT (also fig) cultivar
cultivation [kltven]
N 1. cultivo 2. (fig) cultura
cultural [kltrl]
ADJ cultural
culture [klt*]
N (also fig) cultura
cultured [kltd]
ADJ culto
cumbersome [kmbsm]
ADJ 1. pesado, desajeitado 2. (person) lente, ineficiente
cumin [kmn]
N cominho
cumulative [kjumjultv]
ADJ cumulativo
cunning [kn]
N astcia ADJ 1. astuto, malandro 2. (device, idea) engenhoso
cup [kp]
N 1. xcara (BR) chvena (PT) 2. (prize, of bra) taa
cupboard [kbd]
N 1. armrio 2. (for crockery) guarda-loua
cup final (BRIT)
N final F
Cupid [kjupd]
N Cupido
cupidity [kjupdt]
N cupidez F
cupola [kjupl]
N cpula
cup tie (BRIT)
N jogo eliminatrio
cur [k]
N 1. co M vadio, vira-latas M INV 2. (person) patife M, F
curable [kjurbl]
ADJ curvel
curate [kjurt]
N coadjutor M
curator [kjuret*]
N diretor* M (F diretora)
curb [kb]
VT refrear N 1. freio 2. (US) kerb
kerb [kb] (BRIT)
N meio-fio (BR) borda do passeio (PT)
curdle [kdl]
VI coalhar
curds [kdz]
NPL coalho
cure [kju*]
VT curar N tratamento, cura to be cured of sth, sarar(-se) de algo
N (fig) panacia
curfew [kfju]
N toque M de recolher
curio [kjuru]
N antiguidade F
curiosity [kjurst]
N curiosidade F
curious [kjurs]
ADJ 1. (interested) curioso 2. (nosy) abelhudo 3. (unusual) estranho
curiously [kjursl]
ADV curiosamente curiously enough, ... por estranho que parea, ...
curl [kl]
N (of hair) cacho VT 1. (hair) (loosely) frisar (tightly) encrespar 2. (paper) enrolar 3.
(lip) torcer VI (hair) encaracolar curl up 1. frisar-se 2. (person) encaracolar-se VI
curler [kl*]
N rolo, bobe M
curlew [klu]
N maarico
curling [kl]
N (SPORT) curling M
curling tongs , curling irons (US)
NPL ferros MPL de frisar cabelo
curly [kl]
ADJ cacheado, crespo
currant [krnt]
N 1. passa de corinto 2. (blackcurrant, redcurrant) groselha
currency [krns]
N moeda foreign currency, cmbio, divisas
to gain currency (fig) consagrar-se
current [krnt]
N 1. corrente F 2. (in river) correnteza ADJ 1. corrente 2. (present) atual 3. (accepted)
corrente in current usage, de uso corrente
current account (BRIT)
N conta corrente
current affairs
NPL atualidades FPL
current assets
NPL (COMM) ativo corrente
current liabilities
NPL (COMM) passivo corrente
currently [krntl]
ADV atualmente
curricula [krkjul]
NPL (of curriculum)
curriculum [krkjulm] (PL curriculums or curricula )
N programa M de estudos
curriculum vitae [-vita]
N curriculum vitae M, currculo
curry [kr]
N caril M VT to curry favour with, captar simpatia de
curry powder
N ps MPL de caril, curry M
curse [ks]
VI xingar (BR) praguejar (PT) VT 1. (swear at) xingar (BR) 2. (bemoan) amaldioar N 1.
maldio F 2. (swearword) palavro M (BR) baixo calo M (PT) 3. (problem) castigo
cursor [ks*]
N (COMPUT) cursor M
cursory [ksr]
ADJ rpido, superficial
curt [kt]
ADJ seco, brusco
curtail [ktel]
VT 1. (freedom, rights) restringir 2. (visit etc) abreviar, encurtar 3. (expenses etc)
curtain [ktn]
N 1. cortina 2. (THEATRE) pano
curtain call
N (THEATRE) chamada ribalta
curtain ring
N argola
curtsy , curtsey [kts]
N mesura, reverncia VI fazer reverncia
curvature [kvt*]
N curvatura
curve [kv]
N curva VT encurvar, torcer VI 1. encurvar-se, torcer-se 2. (road) fazer (uma) curva
curved [kvd]
ADJ curvado, curvo
cushion [kun]
N 1. almofada 2. (SNOOKER) tabela VT 1. (seat) escorar com almofada 2. (shock, fall
etc) amortecer
cushy [ku] (inf)
ADJ a cushy job, uma boca to have a cushy time, estar na moleza
custard [kstd]
N (for pouring) nata, creme M
custard powder (BRIT)
N p M para fazer creme
custodian [kstudn]
N guarda M, F
custody [kstd]
N 1. custdia 2. (for offenders) priso F preventiva to take into custody, deter
custom [kstm]
N 1. (tradition) tradio F 2. (convention) costume M 3. (habit) hbito 4. (COMM)
customary [kstmr]
ADJ costumeiro it is customary to do it, costume faz-lo
ADJ feito sob encomenda
customer [kstm*]
N cliente M, F hes an awkward customer (inf) ele um cara difcil
customized [kstmazd]
ADJ (car etc) feito sob encomenda
ADJ 1. (car) feito sob encomenda 2. (clothes) feito sob medida
customs [kstmz]
NPL alfndega
Customs and Excise (BRIT)
N autoridades FPL alfandegrias
customs duty
N imposto alfandegrio
customs officer
N inspetor* M da alfndega (F inspetora), aduaneiro* (aduaneira)
cut [kt] (PT, PP cut )
VT 1. cortar 2. (price) baixar 3. (record) gravar 4. (reduce) reduzir 5. (inf: class) matar
VI 1. cortar 2. (intersect) interceptar-se N 1. corte M 2. (in spending) reduo F 3. (of
garment) tacho cold cuts (US) frios MPL sortidos NPL to cut a tooth, estar com
um dente nascendo
to cut ones finger, cortar o dedo
to get ones hair cut, cortar o cabelo
to cut sth short, abreviar algo
to cut sb dead, fingir que no conhece algum cut back 1. (plants) podar 2.
(production, expenditure) cortar VT cut down 1. (tree) derrubar 2. (reduce) reduzir
VT to cut sb down to size (fig) abaixar a crista de algum, colocar algum no
seu lugar cut in to cut in (on) interromper (AUT) cortar VI cut off 1. (piece,
TEL) cortar 2. (person, village) isolar 3. (supply) suspender 4. (retreat) impedir 5.
(troops) cercar VT weve been cut off (TEL) fomos cortados cut out 1. (shape)
recortar 2. (activity etc) suprimir 3. (remove) remover VT cut through abrir
caminho VI cut up cortar em pedaos VT
ADJ cut-and-dry, todo resolvido
cutaway [ktwe]
ADJ N cutaway (drawing) vista diagramtica
cutback [ktbk]
N reduo F, corte M
cute [kjut]
ADJ 1. bonitinho, gracinha 2. (shrewd) astuto
cut glass
N cristal M lapidado
cuticle [kjutkl]
N cutcula
cuticle remover
N produto para tirar as cutculas
cutlery [ktlr]
N talheres MPL
cutlet [ktlt]
N costeleta
cutoff [ktf]
N cutoff point, ponto de corte
cutoff switch
N interruptor M
cutout [ktaut]
N 1. (shape) figura para recortar 2. (switch) interruptor M
cut-price , cut-rate (US)
ADJ a preo reduzido
N assassino* (assassina) ADJ feroz
cutting [kt]
ADJ 1. cortante 2. (remark) mordaz N 1. (BRIT: from newspaper) recorte M (RAIL)
corte M 2. (CINEMA) corte M 3. (from plant) muda
cuttlefish [ktlf]
N sita
ADJ arrasado, aflito
N ABBR curriculum vitae
N ABBR country and western (music)
ABBR (COMM) cash with order
ABBR hundredweight
cyanide [sanad]
N cianeto
cybercaf [sabkfe]
N cibercaf M
cybernetics [sabntks]
N ciberntica
cyberspace [sabspes]
N ciberespao
cyclamen [sklmn]
N cclame M
cycle [sakl]
N 1. ciclo 2. (bicycle) bicicleta VI andar de bicicleta
cycle lane , cycle path
N ciclovia F
cycle race
N corrida de bicicletas
cycle rack
N engradado para guardar bicicletas
cycling [sakl]
N ciclismo
cyclist [saklst]
N ciclista M, F
cyclone [saklun]
N ciclone M
cygnet [snt]
N cisne M novo
cylinder [slnd*]
N 1. cilindro 2. (of gas) bujo M
cylinder block
N bloco de cilindros
cylinder capacity
N capacidade F cilndrica, cilindrada
cylinder head
N cilndrico
cylinder-head gasket
N culatra
cymbals [smblz]
NPL pratos MPL
cynic [snk]
N cnico* (cnica)
cynical [snkl]
ADJ cnico, sarcstico
cynicism [snszm]
N cinismo
N ABBR Catholic Youth Organization
cypress [saprs]
N cipreste M
Cypriot [sprt]
ADJ N cipriota M, F
Cyprus [saprs]
N Chipre F
cyst [sst]
N cisto
cystitis [sstats]
N cistite F
N ABBR Canal Zone, zona do canal do Panam
czar [z*]
N czar M
Czech [tk]
ADJ tcheco N 1. tcheco* (tcheca) 2. (LING) tcheco
Czechoslovak [tksluvk]
ADJ N Czechoslovakian
Czechoslovakia [tkslvk]
N Tchecoslovquia
Czechoslovakian [tkslvkn]
ADJ N tchecoslovaco* (tchecoslovaca)
Czech Republic
N the Czech Republic, a Repblica Tcheca

d (BRIT)
ABBR (old) penny
D (US)
ABBR (POL) democrat(ic)
ABBR died
N ABBR district attorney
dab [db]
VT 1. (eyes, wound) tocar (de leve) 2. (paint, cream) aplicar de leve N 1. (of paint)
pincelada 2. (of liquid) gota 3. (amount) pequena quantidade F
dabble [dbl]
VI to dabble in, interessar-se por
dachshund [dkshund]
N bass M
dad [dd] (inf)
N papai M
daddy [dd]
N dad
N INV pernilongo
daffodil [dfdl]
N narciso-dos-prados M
daft [dft]
ADJ bobo, besta to be daft about, ser louco por
dagger [d*]
N punhal M, adaga to look daggers at sb, olhar feio para algum
to be at daggers drawn with sb, andar s turras com algum
dahlia [delj]
N dlia
daily [del]
ADJ dirio N 1. (paper) jornal M, dirio 2. (BRIT: domestic help) diarista (BR) mulher F
a dias (PT) ADV diariamente twice daily, duas vezes por dia
dainty [dent]
ADJ 1. delicado 2. (tasteful) elegante, gracioso
dairy [dr]
N leiteria ADJ 1. (industry) de laticnios 2. (cattle) leiteiro
dairy cow
N vaca leiteira
dairy farm
N fazenda de gado leiteiro
dairy products
NPL laticnios MPL
dairy store (US)
N leiteria
dais [des]
N estrado
daisy [dez]
N margarida
daisy wheel
N (on printer) margarida
daisy-wheel printer
N impressora margarida
Dakar [dk*]
N Dacar
dale [del] (BRIT)
N vale M
dally [dl]
VI vadiar
dalmatian [dlmen]
N (dog) dlmata M
dam [dm]
N represa, barragem F VT represar
damage [dmd]
N 1. (physical) danos MPL 2. (harm) prejuzo 3. (dents etc) avaria VT 1. (spoil, break)
danificar 2. (harm) prejudicar damages (LAW) indenizao F por perdas e danos
NPL to pay 5,000 in damages, pagar 5,000 de indenizao
damage to property, danos materiais
damaging [dmd]
ADJ damaging (to) prejudicial (a)
Damascus [dmsks]
N Damasco
dame [dem]
N 1. (title) ttulo honorfico dado a uma membra da Ordem do Imprio Britnico 2.
ttulo honorfico dado esposa de um cavalheiro ou baronete 3. (US inf) dona 4.
(THEATRE) dama
damn [dm]
VT 1. condenar 2. (curse) maldizer N (inf) I dont give a damn, no dou a mnima,
estou me lixando ADJ damned (inf) donado, maldito damn (it)! (que) droga!
damnable [dmnbl] (inf)
ADJ 1. (behaviour) condenvel 2. (weather) horrvel
damnation [dmnen]
N (REL) danao F EXCL (inf) droga!
damning [dm]
ADJ 1. (evidence) prejudicial 2. (criticism) condenador* (condenadora)
damp [dmp]
ADJ mido N umidade F VT dampen (cloth, rag) umedecer (enthusiasm etc) jogar gua
fria em
dampcourse [dmpks]
N impermeabilizao F
damper [dmp*]
N 1. (MUS) abafador M 2. (of fire) registro to put a damper on (fig) (atmosphere)
criar um mal-estar em (party) acabar com a animao de (enthusiasm) cortar
dampness [dmpns]
N umidade F
damson [dmzn]
N ameixa pequena
dance [dns]
N 1. dana 2. (party etc) baile M VI danar to dance about, saltitar
dance hall
N salo M de baile
dancer [dns*]
N 1. danarino* (danarina) 2. (professional) bailarino* (bailarina)
dancing [dns]
N dana
D and C
N ABBR (MED) dilation and curettage, dilatao F e curetagem F
dandelion [dndlan]
N dente-de-leo M
dandruff [dndrf]
N caspa
dandy [dnd]
N dndi M ADJ (US inf) bacana
Dane [den]
N dinamarqus* M (F dinamarquesa)
danger [dend*]
N 1. perigo 2. (risk) risco 3. (possibility) there is a danger of ... h o risco de ...
danger! (on sign) perigo!
to be in danger of, correr o risco de
in danger, em perigo
out of danger, fora de perigo
danger list
N (MED) on the danger list, na lista dos pacientes graves
danger money (BRIT)
N adicional M por insalubridade
dangerous [dendrs]
ADJ perigoso
dangerously [dendrsl]
ADV perigosamente dangerously ill, gravemente doente
danger zone
N zona de perigo
dangle [dl]
VT balanar VI pender balanando
Danish [den]
ADJ dinamarqus* (dinamarquesa) N (LING) dinamarqus M
Danish pastry
N doce M (de massa com frutas)
dank [dk]
ADJ frio e mido
Danube [dnjub]
N the Danube, o Danbio
dapper [dp*]
ADJ 1. garboso 2. (appearance) esmerado
dare [d*]
VT to dare sb to do sth, desafiar algum a fazer algo VI to dare (to) do sth, atrever-
se a fazer algo, ousar fazer algo I dare say (I suppose) acho provvel que
I darent tell him BRIT (BRIT) eu no ouso diz-lo a ele
I dare say hell turn up, acho provvel que ele venha
daredevil [ddvl]
N intrpido, atrevido
Dar-es-Salaam [drsslm]
N Dar-es-Salaam
daring [dr]
ADJ 1. (audacious) audacioso 2. (bold) ousado N 1. atrevimento, audcia, ousadia 2.
(courage) coragem F, destemor M
dark [dk]
ADJ 1. (gen, hair) escuro 2. (complexion) moreno 3. (cheerless) triste, sombrio 4. (fig)
sombrio N escuro in the dark, no escuro
in the dark about (fig) no escuro sobre
after dark, depois de escurecer
it is/is getting dark, est escuro/est escurecendo
dark chocolate
N chocolate M amargo
darken [dkn]
VT 1. escurecer 2. (colour) fazer mais escuro VI escurecer(-se)
dark glasses
NPL culos MPL escuros
darkly [dkl]
ADV 1. (gloomily) sombriamente 2. (in a sinister way) sinistramente
darkness [dkns]
N escurido F
dark room
N cmara escura
darling [dl]
ADJ querido N 1. querido* (querida) 2. (favourite) to be the darling of, ser o
queridinho de
darn [dn]
VT cerzir
dart [dt]
N 1. dardo 2. (in sewing) alinhavo VI precipitar-se to dart away/along, ir-se/seguir
dartboard [dtbd]
N alvo (para jogo de dardos)
N (game) jogo de dardos
dash [d]
N 1. (sign) hfen M (long) travesso M 2. (rush) correria 3. (small quantity) pontinha VT
1. (throw) arremessar 2. (hopes) frustrar VI precipitar-se, ir depressa dash away
sair apressado VI dash off 1. (letter, essay) escrever a toda 2. dash away VT
dashboard [dbd]
N painel M de instrumentos
dashing [d]
ADJ arrojado
dastardly [dstdl]
ADJ vil
data [det]
NPL dados MPL
database [detbes]
N banco de dados
data capture
N entrada de dados
data processing
N processamento de dados
data transmission
N transmisso F de dados
date [det]
N 1. (day) data 2. (with friend) encontro 3. (fruit) tmara 4. (tree) tamareira VT 1. datar
2. (person) namorar whats the date today? que dia hoje?
date of birth, data de nascimento
closing date, data de encerramento
to date, at agora
out of date, desatualizado
up to date (correspondence etc) em dia (dictionary, phone book etc) atualizado
(method, technology) moderno
to bring up to date (correspondence, person) pr em dia (method) modernizar
letter dated 5th July BRIT or July 5th US (BRIT) (US) carta datada de 5 de
dated [detd]
ADJ antiquado
dateline [detlan]
N meridiano or linha de data
date rape
N estupro cometido pelo acompanhante da vtima, geralmente aps encontro
date stamp
N carimbo datador
daub [db]
VT borrar
daughter [dt*]
N filha
daughter-in-law (PL daughters-in-law )
N nora
daunt [dnt]
VT desalentar, desencorajar
daunting [dnt]
ADJ desanimador* (desanimadora)
dauntless [dntls]
ADJ intrpido, destemido
dawdle [ddl]
VI 1. (waste time) fazer cera 2. (go slow) vadiar
dawn [dn]
N 1. alvorada, amanhecer M 2. (of period, situation) surgimento, incio VI 1. (day)
amanhecer 2. (fig) it dawned on him that ... comeou a perceber que ... at
dawn, ao amanhecer
from dawn to dusk, de manh noite
dawn chorus (BRIT)
N canto dos pssaros na alvorada
day [de]
N 1. dia M 2. (working day) jornada, dia til the day before/after, a vspera/o dia
the day before yesterday, anteontem
the day after tomorrow, depois de amanh
the following day, o dia seguinte
(on) the day that ... (n) o dia em que ...
day by day, dia a dia
by day, de dia
paid by the day, pago por dia
these days
in the present day, hoje em dia
daybook [debuk] (BRIT)
N dirio
day boy
N (SCH) externo
daybreak [debrek]
N amanhecer M
daydream [dedrim]
N devaneio VI devanear
day girl
N (SCH) externa
daylight [delat]
N luz F (do dia)
Daylight Saving Time (US)
N hora de vero
day release
N to be on day release, ter licena de um dia por semana para fins de
aperfeioamento profissional
day return (BRIT)
N (ticket) bilhete M de ida e volta no mesmo dia
day shift
N turno diurno
daytime [detam]
N dia M ADJ de dia, diurno
ADJ (life, expenses) cotidiano the day-to-day routine, o dia-a-dia
on a day-to-day basis, dia a dia, diariamente
day trip
N excurso F (de um dia)
day tripper
N excursionista M, F
daze [dez]
VT (stun) aturdir N in a daze, aturdido
dazzle [dzl]
VT 1. (bewitch) deslumbrar 2. (blind) ofuscar
dazzling [dzl]
ADJ deslumbrante, ofuscante
ABBR 1. (ELEC) direct current 2. (US POST) District of Columbia
N ABBR Doctor of Divinity, ttulo universitrio
ABBR direct debit
ABBR (COMM) delivered, entregue
D-day [dide]
N o dia D
N ABBR Doctor of Dental Science, Doctor of Dental Surgery, ttulos universitrios
N ABBR dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, DDT M
ABBR (POST) Delaware
N ABBR Drug Enforcement Administration, Conselho Nacional de Entorpecentes
deacon [dikn]
N dicono
dead [dd]
ADJ 1. morto 2. (deceased) falecido 3. (numb) dormente 4. (telephone) cortado 5.
(ELEC) sem corrente ADV 1. (very) totalmente 2. (completely) completamente 3.
(exactly) absolutamente NPL the dead, os mortos to shoot sb dead, matar
algum a tiro
the line has gone dead (TEL) caiu a ligao
dead tired, morto de cansado
to stop dead, estacar
dead on time, na hora em ponto
deaden [ddn]
VT 1. (blow, sound) amortecer 2. (pain) anestesiar
dead end
N beco sem sada ADJ a dead-end job, um emprego sem perspectivas
dead heat
N (SPORT) empate M to finish in a dead heat (race) ser empatado
dead-letter office
N seo F de cartas no reclamadas
deadline [ddlan]
N prazo final to work to a deadline, trabalhar com prazo estabelecido
deadlock [ddlk]
N impasse M
dead loss (inf)
N to be a dead loss, no ser de nada
deadly [ddl]
ADJ 1. mortal, fatal 2. (weapon) mortfero ADV deadly dull, tediosssimo, chatssimo
deadpan [ddpn]
ADJ sem expresso
Dead Sea
N the Dead Sea, o mar Morto
dead season
N (TOURISM) baixa estao F
deaf [df]
ADJ surdo
deaf-aid (BRIT)
N aparelho para a surdez
ADJ surdo-mudo deaf-and-dumb alphabet, alfabeto de surdos-mudos
deafen [dfn]
VT ensurdecer
deafening [dfn]
ADJ ensurdecedor* (ensurdecedora)
N surdo-mudo/surda-muda
deafness [dfns]
N surdez F
deal [dil] (PT, PP dealt )
N 1. (agreement) acordo 2. (business) negcio VT (cards, blows) dar to strike a deal
with sb, fechar um negcio com algum
its a deal! (inf) negcio fechado
he got a fair/bad deal from them, ele foi/no foi bem tratado por eles
a good deal, bastante
a good or great deal (of) bastante, muito deal in (COMM) negociar em or com
VT deal with 1. (people) tratar com 2. (problem) ocupar-se de 3. (subject) tratar
de 4. (COMM) negociar com 5. (punish) castigar VT
dealer [dil*]
N 1. negociante M, F 2. (for cars) concessionrio* (concessionria) 3. (for products)
revendedor* M (F revendedora) 4. (CARDS) carteador* M (F carteadora)
banqueiro* (banqueira)
dealership [dilp]
N concesionria
dealings [dilz]
NPL transaes FPL
dealt [dlt]
PT PP (of deal)
dean [din]
N 1. (REL) decano 2. (SCH BRIT) reitor* M (F reitora) (US) orientador* M de estudos
(F orientadora)
dear [d*]
ADJ 1. querido, caro 2. (expensive) caro N my dear, meu querido/minha querida EXCL
dear me! ai, meu Deus! Dear Sir/Madam (in letter) Ilmo. Senhor/Exma. Senhora
(BR) Exmo. Senhor/Exma. Senhora (PT)
Dear Mr/Mrs X, Caro Sr./Cara Sra.
dearly [dl]
ADV 1. (love) ternamente 2. (pay) caro
dearth [d]
N escassez F
death [d]
N 1. morte F 2. (ADMIN) bito
deathbed [dbd]
N leito de morte
death certificate
N certido F de bito
death duties
NPL (BRIT) impostos MPL sobre inventrio
deathly [dl]
ADJ 1. (colour) plido 2. (silence) profundo ADV (quiet) completamente
death penalty
N pena de morte
death rate
N (ndice M de) mortalidade F
death sentence
N sentena de morte
death toll
N nmero de mortos (en acidentes)
deathtrap [dtrp]
N perigo
deb [db] (inf)
N ABBR debutante
debacle [debkl]
N fracasso
debar [db*]
VT (exclude) excluir to debar sb from doing sth, proibir a algum fazer algo or que
faa algo
debase [dbes]
VT 1. degradar 2. (value) desvalorizar 3. (quality) piorar
debatable [dbetbl]
ADJ discutvel
debate [dbet]
N debate M VT debater VI (consider) to debate whether, perguntar-se se
debauchery [dbtr]
N decadncia
debenture [dbnt*]
N (COMM) debnture F
debilitate [dbltet]
VT debilitar
debilitating [dbltet]
ADJ (illness etc) debilitante
debit [dbt]
N dbito VT to debit a sum to sb or to sbs account, lanar uma quantia ao dbito
de algum or conta de algum direct debit
debit balance
N saldo devedor
debit note
N nota de dbito
debrief [dibrif]
VT interrogar
debriefing [dibrif]
N interrogatrio
debris [dbri]
N escombros MPL
debt [dt]
N 1. (sum) dvida 2. (state) endividiamento to be in debt, ter dvidas, estar
bad debt, dvida incobrvel
debt collector
N cobrador* M de dvidas (F cobradora)
debtor [dt*]
N devedor* M (F devedora)
debug [dib]
VT (COMPUT) depurar
debunk [dibk]
VT (myths, ideas) desmacarar
dbut [debju]
N estria
debutante [dbjutnt]
N debutante F
ABBR December, dez
decade [dked]
N dcada
decadence [dkdns]
N decadncia
decadent [dkdnt]
ADJ decadente
decaf [dikf] (inf)
N descafeinado M
decaffeinated [dkfnetd]
ADJ descafeinado
decamp [dkmp] (inf)
VI safar-se
decant [dknt]
VT (wine) decantar
decanter [dknt*]
N garrafa ornamental
decarbonize [dikbnaz]
VT (AUT) descarbonizar
decay [dke]
N 1. decadncia 2. (of building) runa 3. (fig) deteriorao F 4. (rotting) podrido F 5.
tooth decay, crie F VI 1. (rot) apodrecer-se 2. (fig) decair
decease [dsis]
N falecimento, bito
deceased [dsist]
N the deceased, o falecido (a falecida)
deceit [dsit]
N 1. engano 2. (duplicity) fraude F
deceitful [dsitful]
ADJ enganador* (enganadora)
deceive [dsiv]
VT enganar
decelerate [dislret]
VT moderar a marcha de, desacelerar VI diminuir a velocidade
December [dsmb*]
N dezembro July
decency [disns]
N 1. decncia 2. (kindness) bondade F
decent [disnt]
ADJ 1. (proper) decente 2. (kind, honest) honesto, amvel
decently [disntl]
ADV 1. (respectably) decentemente 2. (kindly) gentilmente
decentralization [disntrlazen]
N descentralizao F
decentralize [disntrlaz]
VT descentralizar
deception [dspn]
N 1. engano 2. (deceitful act) fraude F
deceptive [dsptv]
ADJ enganador* (enganadora)
decibel [dsbl]
N decibel M
decide [dsad]
VT 1. (person) convencer 2. (question, argument) resolver VI decidir to decide to
do/that, decidir fazer/que
to decide on sth, decidir-se por algo
to decide on doing, decidir fazer
to decide against doing, decidir no fazer
decided [dsadd]
ADJ 1. (resolute) decidido 2. (clear, definite) claro, definido
decidedly [dsaddl]
ADV 1. (distinctly) claramente 2. (emphatically) decididamente
deciding [dsad]
ADJ decisivo
deciduous [dsdjus]
ADJ decduo
decimal [dsml]
ADJ decimal N decimal M to 3 decimal places, com 3 casas decimais
decimalize [dsmlaz] (BRIT)
VT decimalizar
decimal point
N vrgula de decimais
decimate [dsmet]
VT dizimar
decipher [dsaf*]
VT decifrar
decision [dsn]
N 1. (choice) escolha 2. (act of choosing) deciso F 3. (decisiveness) resoluo F to
make a decision, tomar uma deciso
decisive [dsasv]
ADJ 1. (action) decisivo 2. (person) decidido 3. (manner, reply) categrico
deck [dk]
N 1. (NAUT) convs M 2. (of bus) top deck, andar M de cima 3. (of cards) baralho to
go up on deck, subir ao convs
below deck, abaixo do convs principal
record/cassette deck, toca-discos M, INV /toca-fitas M, INV
deck chair
N cadeira de lona, espreguiadeira
deck hand
N taifeiro* (taifeira)
declaration [dklren]
N 1. declarao F 2. (public announcement) pronunciamento
declare [dkl*]
VT 1. (intention) revelar 2. (result) divulgar 3. (income, at customs) declarar
declassify [diklsfa]
VT tornar pblico
decline [dklan]
N 1. declnio 2. (lessening) diminuio F, baixa VT recusar VI 1. diminuir 2. (fall) baixar
decline in living standards, queda dos padres de vida
to decline to do sth, recusar-se a fazer algo
declutch [diklt] (BRIT)
VI debrear
decode [dikud]
VT 1. decifrar 2. (TV signal etc) decodificar
decoder [dikud*]
N decodificador M
decompose [dikmpuz]
VI decompor-se
decomposition [dikmpzn]
N decomposio F
decompression [dikmprn]
N descompresso F
decompression chamber
N cmara de descompresso
decongestant [dikndstnt]
N descongestionante M
decontaminate [dikntmnet]
VT descontaminar
decontrol [dikntrul]
VT (prices etc) liberar
dcor [dek*]
N 1. decorao F 2. (THEATRE) cenrio
decorate [dkret]
VT 1. (adorn) to decorate (with) adornar (com) 2. (give medal to) condecorar 3.
(paint) pintar 4. (paper) decorar com papel
decoration [dkren]
N 1. decorao F, adorno 2. (on tree, dress etc) enfeite M 3. (act) decorao 4.
(medal) condecorao F
decorative [dkrtv]
ADJ decorativo
decorator [dkret*]
N (painter) pintor* M (F pintora)
decorum [dkrm]
N decoro
decoy [dik]
N engodo, chamariz M
N [dikris] decrease (in) diminuio F (de) VT [dikris] reduzir VI [dikris] diminuir
to be on the decrease, estar diminuindo
decreasing [dikris]
ADJ decrescente
decree [dkri]
N decreto VT to decree (that) decretar (que) decree absolute, sentena final de
decree nisi
N ordem F provisria de divrcio
decrepit [dkrpt]
ADJ 1. decrpito 2. (building) (que est) caindo aos pedaos
decry [dkra]
VT 1. execrar 2. (disparage) denegrir
dedicate [ddket]
VT dedicar
dedicated [ddketd]
ADJ (person, COMPUT) dedicado dedicated word processor, processador M de
texto dedicado
dedication [ddken]
N 1. (devotion) dedicao F 2. (in book) dedicatria 3. (on radio) mensagem F
deduce [ddjus]
VT deduzir
deduct [ddkt]
VT 1. deduzir 2. (from wage etc) descontar
deduction [ddkn]
N 1. (deducting) reduo F 2. (amount) subtrao F 3. (deducing) deduo F 4. (from
wage etc) desconto 5. (conclusion) concluso F, deduo F
deed [did]
N 1. feito 2. (LAW) escritura, ttulo
deed of covenant
N escritura de transferncia
deem [dim]
VT julgar, estimar to deem it wise to do, julgar prudente fazer
deep [dip]
ADJ 1. profundo 2. (in measurements) de profundidade 3. (voice) baixo, grave 4.
(person) fechado 5. (breath) fundo 6. (colour) forte, carregado ADV the spectators
stood 20 deep, os espectadores formaram-se em 20 fileiras knee-deep in
water, com gua at os joelhos
to be 4 metres deep, ter 4 metros de profundidade
he took a deep breath, ele respirou fundo
deepen [dipn]
VT aprofundar VI (mystery) aumentar
N congelador M, freezer M (BR)
VT fritar em recipiente fundo
deeply [dipl]
ADV 1. (breathe) fundo 2. (interested, moved) profundamente
deep-rooted [-rutd]
ADJ 1. (prejudice) enraizado 2. (affection) profundo
deep-sea diver
N escafandrista M, F
deep-sea diving
N mergulho com escafandro
deep-sea fishing
N pesca de alto-mar
deep-seated [-sitd]
ADJ (beliefs etc) arraigado
ADJ (eyes) fundo
deer [d*]
N INV veado, cervo
deerskin [dskn]
N camura, pele F de cervo
deerstalker [dstk*]
N tipo de chapu como o de Sherlock Holmes
deface [dfes]
VT desfigurar
defamation [dfmen]
N difamao F
defamatory [dfmtr]
ADJ difamatrio
default [dflt]
VI 1. (LAW) inadimplir 2. (SPORT) no comparecer N default value (COMPUT) valor M
de default by default (win) por desistncia (LAW) revelia (SPORT) por
to default on a debt, deixar de pagar uma dvida
defaulter [dflt*]
N (in debt) devedor* M inadimplente (F devedora)
default option
N (COMPUT) opo F de default
defeat [dfit]
N 1. derrota 2. (failure) malogro VT 1. derrotar, vencer 2. (fig) (efforts) frustrar
defeatism [dfitzm]
N derrotismo
defeatist [dfitst]
ADJ N derrotista M, F
N [difkt] defeito VI [dfkt] to defect to the enemy, desertar para se juntar ao
inimigo physical/mental defect, defeito fsico/mental
defective [dfktv]
ADJ defeituoso
defector [dfkt*]
N trnsfuga M, F
defence [dfns] defense (US)
N defesa in defence of, em defesa de
witness for the defence, testemunha de defesa
the Ministry of Defence BRIT (BRIT)
the Department of Defense US (US) o Ministrio da Defesa
defenceless [dfnsls]
ADJ indefeso
defend [dfnd]
VT 1. defender 2. (LAW) contestar
defendant [dfndnt]
N 1. acusado* (acusada) 2. (in civil case) ru* M (F r)
defender [dfnd*]
N defensor* M (F defensora)
defending champion [dfnd-]
N (SPORT) atual campeo* M (F atual campe)
defending counsel [dfnd-]
N (LAW) advogado* de defesa (advogada)
defense [dfns] (US)
N defence
defensive [dfnsv]
ADJ defensivo N on the defensive, na defensiva
defer [df*]
VT (postpone) adiar VI (submit) to defer to, submeter-se a
deference [dfrns]
N deferncia out of or in deference to, por or em deferncia a
defiance [dfans]
N 1. desafio 2. (rebellion) rebeldia in defiance of, sem respeito por (despite) a
despeito de
defiant [dfant]
ADJ 1. (insolent) desafiante, insolente 2. (challenging) desafiador* (desafiadora)
defiantly [dfantl]
ADV desafiadoramente
deficiency [dfns]
N 1. (lack) deficincia, falta 2. (defect) defeito 3. (COMM) dficit M
deficiency disease
N doena de carncia
deficient [dfnt]
ADJ 1. (inadequate) deficiente 2. (incomplete) incompleto 3. (defective) imperfeito 4.
(defective) deficient in, falto de, carente de
deficit [dfst]
N dficit M
VT [dfal] 1. (memory) desonrar 2. (statue etc) profanar VI [dfal] desfilar N [difal]
desfile M
define [dfan]
VT definir
definite [dfnt]
ADJ 1. (fixed) definitivo 2. (clear, obvious) claro, categrico 3. (certain) certo 4. (LING)
definido he was definite about it, ele foi categrico
definitely [dfntl]
ADV sem dvida
definition [dfnn]
N definio F
definitive [dfntv]
ADJ conclusivo
deflate [diflet]
VT 1. esvaziar 2. (person) fazer perder o rebolado 3. (ECON) deflacionar
deflation [diflen]
N (ECON) deflao F
deflationary [diflenr]
ADJ (ECON) deflacionrio
deflect [dflkt]
VT desviar
defog [dif] (US)
VT desembaar
defogger [dif*] (US)
N (AUT) desembaador M
deform [dfm]
VT distorcer
deformed [dfmd]
ADJ deformado
deformity [dfmt]
N deformidade F
defraud [dfrd]
VT to defraud sb (of sth) trapacear algum (por causa de algo)
defray [dfre]
VT (costs, expenses) correr com
defrost [difrst]
VT descongelar
defroster (US)
N demister
deft [dft]
ADJ 1. (hands) destro 2. (movement) hbil
defunct [dfkt]
ADJ extinto
defuse [difjuz]
VT 1. tirar o estopim or a espoleta de 2. (situation) neutralizar
defy [dfa]
VT 1. desafiar 2. (resist) opor-se a 3. (order) desobedecer
VI [ddnret] deteriorar ADJ [ddnrt] degenerado
degradation [drden]
N degradao F
degrade [dred]
VT degradar
degrading [dred]
ADJ degradante
degree [dri]
N 1. grau M 2. (SCH) diploma M, ttulo degree in maths, formatura em matemtica
10 degrees below (zero) 10 graus abaixo de zero
a considerable degree of risk, um grau considervel de risco
by degrees (gradually) pouco a pouco
to some degree
to a certain degree, at certo ponto
dehydrated [dihadretd]
ADJ 1. desidratado 2. (milk) em p
dehydration [dihadren]
N desidratao F
VT (windscreen) descongelar
de-icer [-as*]
N descongelador M
deign [den]
VI to deign to do, dignar-se a fazer
deity [dit]
N divindade F, deidade F
dejected [ddktd]
ADJ 1. (depressed) deprimado 2. (face) triste
dejection [ddkn]
N desnimo
ABBR delete
delay [dle]
VT 1. (decision etc) retardar, atrasar 2. (train, person) atrasar VI hesitar N 1. demora 2.
(postponement) adiamento to be delayed, estar atrasado
without delay, sem demora or atraso
delayed-action [dled-]
ADJ de retardo, de ao retardada
delectable [dlktbl]
ADJ 1. (person) gostoso 2. (food) delicioso
N [dlt] delegado* (delegada) VT [dlet] (person) autorizar, task, delegar to
delegate sth to sb/sb to do sth, delegar algo a algum/algum para fazer algo
delegation [dlen]
N 1. (group) delegao F 2. (by leader) autorizao F
delete [dlit]
VT 1. eliminar, riscar 2. (COMPUT) deletar
Delhi [dl]
N Dlhi
ADJ [dlbrt] 1. (intentional) intencional 2. (slow) pausado, lento VI [dlbret] 1.
deliberar 2. (consider) considerar
deliberately [dlbrtl]
ADV 1. (on purpose) de propsito 2. (slowly) lentamente
deliberation [dlbren]
N deliberao F
delicacy [dlks]
N 1. delicadeza 2. (of problem) dificuldade F 3. (choice food) iguaria
delicate [dlkt]
ADJ 1. delicado 2. (health) frgil 3. (skilled) fino
delicately [dlktl]
ADV delicadamente
delicatessen [dlktsn]
N delicatessen M
delicious [dls]
ADJ 1. delicioso 2. (food) saboroso
delight [dlat]
N 1. (feeling) prazer M, deleite M 2. (person) encanto 3. (experience) delcia VT
encantar, deleitar to take (a) delight in, deleitar-se com
delighted [dlatd]
ADJ delighted (at or with sth) encantado (com algo) to be delighted to do
sth/that, ter muito prazer em fazer algo/ficar muito contente que
Id be delighted, eu adoraria
delightful [dlatful]
ADJ encantador* (encantadora) delicioso
delimit [dilmt]
VT delimitar
delineate [dlnet]
VT 1. delinear 2. (fig) (describe) descrever, definir
delinquency [dlkwns]
N delinqncia
delinquent [dlkwnt]
ADJ N delinqente M, F
delirious [dlrs]
ADJ delirante to be delirious, delirar
delirium [dlrm]
N delrio
deliver [dlv*]
VT 1. (distribute) distribuir 2. (hand over) entregar 3. (message) comunicar 4. (speech)
proferir 5. (free) livrar 6. (MED) partejar to deliver the goods (fig) dar conta do
deliverance [dlvrns]
N libertao F, livramento
delivery [dlvr]
N 1. entrega 2. (of mail) distribuio F 3. (of speaker) enunciao F 4. (MED) parto
to take delivery of, receber
delivery note
N guia or nota de entrega
delivery van , delivery truck (US)
N furgo M de entrega
delouse [dilaus]
VT espiolhar
delta [dlt]
N delta M
delude [dlud]
VT iludir, enganar to delude o.s. iludir-se
deluge [dljud]
N 1. dilvio 2. (fig) enxurrada VT (fig) to deluge (with) inundar (de)
delusion [dlun]
N iluso F to have delusions of grandeur, ter mania de grandeza
de luxe [dlks]
ADJ de luxo
delve [dlv]
VI to delve into (subject) investigar, pesquisar (cupboard etc) vasculhar
Dem. (US)
ABBR (POL) democrat(ic)
demagogue [dm]
N demagogo* (demagoga)
demand [dmnd]
VT 1. exigir 2. (rights) reivindicar, reclamar N 1. exigncia 2. (claim) reivindicao F 3.
(ECON) procura to demand sth (from or of sb) exigir algo (de algum)
to be in demand, estar en demando
on demand, vista
demanding [dmnd]
ADJ 1. (boss) exigente 2. (work) absorvente
demarcation [dimken]
N demarcao F
demarcation dispute
N (INDUSTRY) dissdio coletivo
demean [dmin]
VT to demean o.s. rebaixar-se
demeanour [dmin*] demeanor (US)
N conduta, comportamento
demented [dmntd]
ADJ demente, doido
demilitarized zone [dimltrazd-]
N zona desmilitarizada
demise [dmaz]
N falecimento
demist [dimst] (BRIT)
VT desembaar
demister [dimst*] (BRIT)
N (AUT) desembaador M de pra-brisa
demo [dmu] (inf)
N ABBR demonstration, passeata
demobilize [dimublaz]
VT desmobilizar
democracy [dmkrs]
N democracia
democrat [dmkrt]
N democrata M, F
democratic [dmkrtk]
ADJ democrtico
demography [dmraf]
N demografia
demolish [dml]
VT 1. demolir, derrubar 2. (fig) (argument) refutar, contestar
demolition [dmln]
N 1. demolio F 2. (of argument) contestao F
demon [dimn]
N demnio CPD a demon squash player, um* craque em squash (uma)
demonstrate [dmnstret]
VT demonstrar VI to demonstrate (for/against) manifestar-se (a favor de/contra)
demonstration [dmnstren]
N 1. (POL) manifestao F (march) passeata 2. (proof) demonstrao F 3. (exhibition)
exibio F to hold a demonstration, realizar uma passeata
demonstrative [dmnstrtv]
ADJ demonstrativo
demonstrator [dmnstret*]
N 1. (POL) manifestante M, F 2. (COMM) (sales person) demonstrador* M (F
demonstradora) (car, computer etc) modelo de demonstrao
demoralize [dmrlaz]
VT desmoralizar
demote [dmut]
VT rebaixar de posto
demotion [dmun]
N rebaixamento
demur [dm*]
VI to demur (at sth) objetar (a algo) opor-se (a algo) N without demur, sem objeo
demure [dmju*]
ADJ recatado
demurrage [dmrd]
N sobreestadia
den [dn]
N 1. (of animal) covil M 2. (of thieves) antro, esconderijo 3. (room) aposento privado,
denationalization [dinnlazen]
N desnacionalizao F, desestatizao F
denationalize [dinnlaz]
VT desnacionalizar, desestatizar
denatured alcohol [dinetd-]
N lcool M desnaturado
denial [dnal]
N 1. refutao F 2. (refusal) negativa 3. (of report etc) desmentido
denier [dn*]
N denier M 15 denier stockings, meias de 15 denieres
denigrate [dnret]
VT denegrir
denim [dnm]
N brim M, zuarte M denims jeans M (BR) jeans MPL (PT) NPL
denim jacket
N jaqueta de brim
denizen [dnzn]
N habitante M, F
Denmark [dnmk]
N Dinamarca
denomination [dnmnen]
N 1. valor M, denominao F 2. (REL) confisso F, seita
denominator [dnmnet*]
N denominador M
denote [dnut]
VT 1. (indicate) denotar, indicar 2. (represent) representar 3. (mean) significar
denounce [dnauns]
VT denunciar
dense [dns]
ADJ 1. (crowd) denso 2. (smoke, foliage etc) denso, espesso 3. (inf: stupid) estpido,
densely [dnsl]
ADV densely populated, com grande densidade de populao densely wooded,
coberto de florestas densas
density [dnst]
N densidade F single/double density disk (COMPUT) disco de densidade
dent [dnt]
N amolgadura, depresso F VT make a dent in, amolgar, dentar to make a dent in
(fig) reduzir
dental [dntl]
ADJ 1. (treatment) dentrio 2. (hygiene) dental
dental surgeon
N cirurgio* M dentista (F cirurgi)
dentifrice [dntfrs]
N dentifrcio
dentist [dntst]
N dentista M, F dentists surgery BRIT (BRIT) consultrio dentrio
dentistry [dntstr]
N odontologia
dentures [dntz]
NPL dentadura
denunciation [dnnsen]
N denncia
deny [dna]
VT 1. negar 2. (report) desmentir 3. (refuse) recusar he denies having said it, ele
nega ter dito isso
deodorant [diudrnt]
N desodorante M (BR) desodorizante M (PT)
depart [dpt]
VI 1. ir-se, partir 2. (train etc) sair to depart from (fig) (differ from) afastar-se de
department [dptmnt]
N 1. (SCH) departamento 2. (COMM) seo F 3. (POL) repartio F thats not my
department (fig) este no o meu departamento
Department of State US (US) Departamento de Estado
departmental [diptmntl]
ADJ departamental departmental manager, chefe M, F de servio
department store
N magazine M (BR) grande armazm M (PT)
departure [dpt*]
N 1. partida, ida 2. (of train etc) sada 3. (of employee) sada 4. (fig) departure from,
afastamento de a new departure, uma nova orientao
departure lounge
N sala de embarque
departures board , departure board (US)
N horrio de sadas
depend [dpnd]
VI to depend (up)on, depender de (rely on) contar com it depends, depende
depending on the result ... dependendo do resultado ...
dependable [dpndbl]
ADJ 1. (person) de confiana, seguro 2. (watch, car) confivel
dependant [dpndnt]
N dependente M, F
dependence [dpndns]
N dependncia
dependent [dpndnt]
ADJ to be dependent (on) depender (de) ser dependente (de) N dependant.
depict [dpkt]
VT 1. (in picture) retratar, representar 2. (describe) descrever
depilatory [dpltr]
N depilatory cream, depilatrio
depleted [dplitd]
ADJ esgotado
deplorable [dplrbl]
ADJ 1. (disgraceful) deplorvel 2. (regrettable) lamentvel
deplore [dpl*]
VT 1. (condemn) deplorar 2. (regret) lamentar
deploy [dpl]
VT 1. dispor 2. (missiles) instalar
depopulate [dippjulet]
VT despovoar
depopulation [dippjulen]
N despovoamento
deport [dpt]
VT deportar
deportation [dpten]
N deportao F
deportation order
N ordem F de deportao
deportment [dptmnt]
N 1. comportamento 2. (way of walking) modo de andar
depose [dpuz]
VT depor
deposit [dpzt]
N 1. (COMM GEO) depsito 2. (CHEM) sedimento 3. (of ore, oil) jazida 4. (down
payment) sinal M 5. (for hired goods etc) cauo F VT 1. depositar 2. (luggage)
guardar to put down a deposit of 50 pagar um sinal de 50
deposit account
N conta de depsito a prazo
depositor [dpzt*]
N depositante M, F
depository [dpztr]
N 1. (person) depositrio* (depositria) 2. (place) depsito
depot [dpu]
N 1. (storehouse) depsito, armazm M 2. (for vehicles) garagem F, parque M 3. (US)
estao F
depraved [dprevd]
ADJ depravado, viciado
depravity [dprvt]
N depravao F, vcio
deprecate [dprket]
VT desaprovar
deprecating [dprket]
ADJ desaprovador* (desaprovadora)
depreciate [dpriet]
VT depreciar VI depreciar-se, desvalorizar-se
depreciation [dprien]
N depreciao F
depress [dprs]
VT 1. deprimir 2. (press down) apertar
depressant [dprsnt]
N (MED) depressor M
depressed [dprst]
ADJ 1. (person) deprimido 2. (area, market, trade) em depresso
depressing [dprs]
ADJ deprimente
depression [dprn]
N 1. (also) (ECON) depresso F 2. (hollow) achatamento
deprivation [dprven]
N 1. privao F 2. (loss) perda
deprive [dprav]
VT to deprive sb of, privar algum de
deprived [dprvd]
ADJ carente
ABBR department, depto
depth [dp]
N 1. profundidade F 2. (of feeling) intensidade F 3. (of room etc) comprimento in the
depths of despair, no auge do deespero
at a depth of 3 metres, a uma profundidade de 3 metros
to be out of ones depth (BRIT: swimmer) estar sem p (fig) estar voando
to study sth in depth, estudar algo em profundidade
depth charge
N carga de profundidade
deputation [dpjuten]
N delegao F
deputize [dpjutaz]
VI to deputize for sb, substituir algum
deputy [dpjut]
ADJ deputy chairman, vice-presidente* M (F vice-presidenta) N 1. (assistant) ajunto
2. (replacement) substituto* (substituta) suplente M, F 3. (POL) (MP) deputado*
(deputada) 4. (second in command) vice M, F
deputy head (BRIT SCH)
N diretor adjunto/diretora adjunta M, F
deputy leader (BRIT POL)
N vice-lder M, F
derail [drel]
VT descarrilhar to be derailed, descarrilhar
derailment [drelmnt]
N descarrilhamento
deranged [drendd]
ADJ (person) louco, transtornado
derby [db] (US)
N chapu-coco
Derbys (BRIT)
ABBR Derbyshire
deregulate [drjulet]
VT liberar
deregulation [drjulen]
N liberao F
derelict [drlkt]
ADJ abandonado
deride [drad]
VT ridicularizar, zombar de
derision [drn]
N irriso F, escrnio
derisive [drasv]
ADJ zombeteiro
derisory [drasr]
ADJ 1. (sum) irrisrio 2. (person, smile) zombeteiro
derivation [drven]
N derivao F
derivative [drvtv]
N derivado ADJ 1. derivado 2. (work) pouco original
derive [drav]
VT to derive (from) obter or tirar (de) VI to derive from, derivar-se de
dermatitis [dmtats]
N dermatite F
dermatology [dmtld]
N dermatologia
derogatory [drtr]
ADJ depreciativo
derrick [drk]
N 1. (crane) guindaste M 2. (oil derrick) torre F de perfurar
derv [dv] (BRIT)
N gasleo
N ABBR Department of Education and Science, Ministrio da Educao e das Cincias
desalination [dislnen]
N dessalinizao F
descend [dsnd]
VT VI descer to descend from, descer de (to descend to) descambar em
in descending order, em ordem decrescente descend on (subj) (enemy,
angry person) cair sobre (misfortune) abater-se sobre (gloom, silence) invadir VT
visitors descended (up)on us, visitas invadiram nossa casa
descendant [dsndnt]
N descendente M, F
descent [dsnt]
N 1. descida 2. (slope) declive M, ladeira 3. (origin) descendncia
describe [dskrab]
VT descrever
description [dskrpn]
N 1. descrio F 2. (sort) classe F, espcie F of every description, de toda a sorte,
de todo o tipo
descriptive [dskrptv]
ADJ descritivo
desecrate [dskret]
VT profanar
N [dzt] deserto VT [dzt] 1. (place) desertar 2. (partner, family) abandonar VI
[dzt] (MIL) desertar
deserter [dzt*]
N desertor M
desertion [dzn]
N 1. (MIL) desero F 2. (LAW) abandono do lar
desert island
N ilha deserta
deserts [dzts]
NPL to get ones just deserts, receber o que merece
deserve [dzv]
VT merecer
deservedly [dzvdl]
ADJ merecidamente
deserving [dzv]
ADJ 1. (person) merecedor* (merecedora) digno 2. (action, cause) meritrio
desiccated [dsketd]
ADJ dessecado
design [dzan]
N 1. (sketch) desenho, esboo 2. (layout, shape) plano, projeto 3. (pattern) desenho,
padro M 4. (of dress, car etc) modelo 5. (art) design M 6. (intention) propsito,
inteno F VT 1. desenhar 2. (plan) projetar to have designs on, ter a mira em
well-designed, bem projetado
to be designed for sb/sth (intended) ser destinado a algum/algo
VT [dznet] 1. (point to) apontar 2. (appoint) nomear 3. (destine) designar ADJ
[dznt] designado
designation [dznen]
N 1. (appointment) nomeao F 2. (name) designao F
designer [dzan*]
N 1. (ART) artista M grfico* (F artista grfica) 2. (TECH) desenhista M, F, projetista
M, F 3. (fashion designer) estilista M, F
desirability [dzarblt]
N necessidade F
desirable [dzarbl]
ADJ 1. (proper) desejvel 2. (attractive) atraente
desire [dza*]
N 1. anseio 2. (sexual) desejo VT 1. querer 2. (lust after) desejar, cobiar to desire
to do sth/that, desejar fazer algo/que
desirous [dzars]
ADJ desirous of, desejoso de
desk [dsk]
N 1. (in office) mesa, secretria 2. (for pupil) carteira F 3. (at airport) balco M 4. (in
hotel) recepo F 5. (BRIT: in shop, restaurant) caixa
desk-top publishing
N editorao F eletrnica, desktop publishing M
desolate [dslt]
ADJ 1. (place) deserto 2. (person) desolado
desolation [dslen]
N 1. (of place) desolao F 2. (of person) aflio F
despair [dsp*]
N desesperana VI to despair of, desesperar-se de to be in despair, estar
despatch [dspt]
N VT dispatch
desperate [dsprt]
ADJ 1. desesperado 2. (situation) desperador* (desperadora) to be desperate for
sth/to do, estar louco por algo/para fazer
desperately [dsprtl]
ADV 1. desesperadamente 2. (very) (unhappy) terrvelmente (ill) gravemente
desperation [dspren]
N desespero, desesperana in (sheer) desperation, desesperado
despicable [dspkbl]
ADJ desprezvel
despise [dspaz]
VT desprezar
despite [dspat]
PREP apesar de, a despeito de
despondent [dspndnt]
ADJ abatido, desanimado
despot [dspt]
N dspota M, F
dessert [dzt]
N sobremesa
dessertspoon [dztspun]
N colher F de sobremesa
destabilize [disteblaz]
VT desestabilizar
destination [dstnen]
N destino
destine [dstn]
VT destinar
destined [dstnd]
ADJ to be destined to do sth, estar destinado a fazer algo destined for, com
destino a
destiny [dstn]
N destino
destitute [dsttjut]
ADJ indigente, necessitado destitute of, desprovido de
destroy [dstr]
VT 1. destruir 2. (animal) matar
destroyer [dstr*]
N (NAUT) contratorpedeiro
destruction [dstrkn]
N destruio F
destructive [dstrktv]
ADJ 1. (capacity, criticism) destrutivo 2. (force, child) destruidor* (destruidora)
desultory [dsltr]
ADJ 1. (reading, conversation) desconexo 2. (contact) irregular
detach [dtt]
VT 1. separar 2. (unstick) desprender
detachable [dttbl]
ADJ 1. separvel 2. (TECH) desmontvel
detached [dttt]
ADJ 1. (attitude) imparcial, objetivo 2. (house) independente, isolado
detachment [dttmnt]
N 1. distanciamento 2. (MIL) destacamento 3. (fig) objetividade F, imparcialidade F
detail [ditel]
N 1. detalhe M 2. (trifle) bobagem F 3. (MIL) destacamento VT 1. detalhar 2. (MIL) to
detail sb (for) destacar algum (para) in detail, pormenorizado, em detalhe
to go into detail(s) entrar em detalhes
detailed [diteld]
ADJ detalhado
detain [dten]
VT 1. deter 2. (in captivity) prender 3. (in hospital) hospitalizar
detainee [dteni]
N detido* (detida)
detect [dtkt]
VT 1. perceber 2. (MED POLICE) identificar 3. (MIL RADAR TECH) detectar
detection [dtkn]
N 1. descoberta 2. (MED POLICE) identificao F 3. (MIL RADAR TECH) deteco F
to escape detection, evitar ser descoberto
crime detection, investigao F de crimes
detective [dtktv]
N detetive M, F private detective, detetive particular
detective story
N romance M policial
detector [dtkt*]
N detetor M
dtente [detnt]
N distenso F (de relaes) dtente F
detention [dtnn]
N 1. deteno F, priso F 2. (SCH) castigo
deter [dt*]
VT 1. (discourage) desanimar 2. (dissuade) dissuadir 3. (prevent) impedir
detergent [dtdnt]
N detergente M
deteriorate [dtrret]
VI deteriorar-se
deterioration [dtrren]
N deteriorao F
determination [dtmnen]
N 1. determinao F 2. (resolve) resoluo F
determine [dtmn]
VT 1. determinar 2. (facts) descobrir 3. (limits etc) demarcar to determine to do,
resolver fazer, determinar-se de fazer
determined [dtmnd]
ADJ 1. (person) resoluto 2. (quantity) determinado 3. (effort) grande determined to
do, decido a fazer
deterrence [dtrns]
N dissuaso F
deterrent [dtrnt]
N dissuasivo
detest [dtst]
VT detestar
detestable [dtstbl]
ADJ detestvel
detonate [dtnet]
VI explodir, estalar VT detonar
detonator [dtnet*]
N detonador M
detour [ditu*]
N desvio
detract [dtrkt]
VI to detract from (merits, reputation) depreciar (quality, pleasure) diminuir
detractor [dtrkt*]
N detrator* M (F detratora)
detriment [dtrmnt]
N to the detriment of, em detrimento de without detriment to, sem detrimento de
detrimental [dtrmntl]
ADJ detrimental (to) prejudicial (a)
deuce [djus]
N (TENNIS) empate M, iguais
devaluation [dvljuen]
N desvalorizao F
devalue [dvlju]
VT desvalorizar
devastate [dvstet]
VT 1. devastar 2. (fig) to be devastated by, estar arrasado com he was devastated
by the news, as notcias deixaram-no desolado
devastating [dvstet]
ADJ 1. devastador* (devastadora) 2. (fig) assolador* (assoladora)
devastation [dvsten]
N devastao F
develop [dvlp]
VT 1. desenvolver 2. (PHOT) revelar 3. (disease) contrair 4. (resources) explotar 5.
(engine trouble) comear a ter VI 1. desenvolver-se 2. (advance) progredir 3.
(evolve) evoluir 4. (appear) aparecer
developer [dvlp*]
N 1. (PHOT) revelador M 2. property developer, empresrio* de imveis (empresria)
developing country [dvlp-]
N pas M em desenvolvimento
development [dvlpmnt]
N 1. desenvolvimento 2. (advance) progresso 3. (of land) urbanizao F
development area
N zona a ser urbanizada
deviate [divet]
VI desviar-se
deviation [diven]
N desvio
device [dvas]
N 1. (scheme) estratagema M, plano 2. (apparatus) aparelho, dispositivo explosive
device, dispositivo explosivo
devil [dvl]
N diabo
devilish [dvl]
ADJ diablico
ADJ despreocupado
devious [divs]
ADJ 1. (means) intricado, indireto 2. (person) malandro, esperto
devise [dvaz]
VT 1. (plan) criar 2. (machine) inventar
devoid [dvd]
ADJ devoid of, destitudo de
devolution [divlun]
N (POL) descentralizao F
devolve [dvlv]
VI to devolve (up)on, passar a ser da competncia de
devote [dvut]
VT to devote sth to, dedicar algo a
devoted [dvutd]
ADJ (loyal) (friendship) leal (partner) fiel to be devoted to (love) estar devotado a
the book is devoted to politics, o livro trata de poltica
devotee [dvuti]
N 1. adepto* (adepta) entusiasta M, F 2. (REL) devoto
devotion [dvun]
N 1. devoo F 2. (to duty) dedicao F
devour [dvau*]
VT devorar
devout [dvaut]
ADJ devoto
dew [dju]
N orvalho
dexterity [dkstrt]
N destreza
dexterous , dextrous [dkstrs]
ADJ destro
ABBR decigram, dg
Dhaka [dk]
N Daca
diabetes [dabitiz]
N diabete F
diabetic [dabtk]
ADJ 1. (person) diabtico 2. (chocolate, jam) para diabticos N diabtico* (diabtica)
diabolical [dablkl]
ADJ 1. diablico 2. (inf: dreadful) horrvel
diaeresis [darss]
N direse F
diagnose [danuz]
VT diagnosticar
diagnoses [dansiz]
NPL (of diagnosis)
diagnosis [danuss] (PL diagnoses )
N diagnstico
diagonal [danl]
ADJ diagonal N diagonal F
diagram [darm]
N diagrama M, esquema M
dial [dal]
N disco VT (number) discar (BR) marcar (PT) to dial a wrong number, discar BR or
marcar PT um nmero errado
can I dial London direct? possvel discar direto para Londres?
ABBR dialect
dial code (US)
N dialling code
dialect [dalkt]
N dialeto
dialling code [dal-] (BRIT)
N cdigo de discagem
dialling tone [dal-] (BRIT)
N sinal M de discagem BR or de marcar PT
dialogue [dal] dialog (US)
N 1. dilogo 2. (conversation) conversa
dial tone (US)
N dialling tone
dialysis [dalss]
N dilise F
diameter [damt*]
N dimetro
diametrically [damtrkl]
ADV diametrically opposed (to) diametralmente oposto (a)
diamond [damnd]
N 1. diamante M 2. (shape) losango, rombo diamonds (CARDS) ouros MPL NPL
diamond ring
N anel M de brilhante
diaper [dap*] (US)
N fralda
diaphragm [dafrm]
N diafragma M
diarrhoea [dari] diarrhea (US)
N diarria
diary [dar]
N 1. (daily account) dirio 2. (engagements book) agenda to keep a diary, ter um
diatribe [datrab]
N diatribe F
dice [das]
NPL (of die) N INV dado VT (CULIN) cortar em cubos
dicey [das] (inf)
ADJ its a bit dicey, um pouco arriscado
dichotomy [daktm]
N dicotomia
Dictaphone [dktfun]
N ditafone M, mquina de ditar
dictate [dktet]
VT ditar VI to dictate to (person) dar ordens a I wont be dictated to, no vou
acatar ordens
dictates [dktets]
NPL ditames MPL
dictation [dkten]
N ditado at dictation speed, com a velocidade de ditado
dictator [dktet*]
N ditador* M (F ditadora)
dictatorship [dktetp]
N ditadura
diction [dkn]
N dico F
dictionary [dknr]
N dicionrio
did [dd]
PT (of do)
do [du] (PT did ), (PP done )
VB AUX 1. (in negative constructions) I dont understand, eu no compreendo 2. (to
form questions) didnt you know? voc no sabia?
what do you think? o que voc acha? 3. (for emphasis, in polite expressions)
people do make mistakes sometimes, impossvel no cometer erros de vez
em quando
she does seem rather late, ela est muito atrasada
do sit down/help yourself, sente-se/sirva-se
do take care! tome cuidado!
oh do shut up! cale a boca! 4. (used to avoid repeating vb) she swims better
than I do, ela nada melhor que eu
do you agree? - yes, I do/no, I dont, voc concorda? - sim, concordo/no, no
she lives in Glasgow - so do I, ela mora em Glasgow - eu tambm
who broke it? - I did, quem quebrou isso? - (fui) eu 5. (in question tags) you like
him, dont you? voc gosta dele, no ?
he laughed, didnt he? ele riu, no foi? VT 1. (gen) (carry out, perform etc) fazer
what are you doing tonight? o que voc vai fazer hoje noite?
to do the washing-up/cooking, lavar a loua/cozinhar
to do ones teeth/nails, escovar os dentes/fazer as unhas
to do ones hair (comb) pentear-se (style) fazer um penteado
were doing Othello at school (studying) ns estamos estudando Otelo na
escola (performing) ns vamos encenar Otelo na escola 2. (AUT etc) the car was
doing 100 o carro estava a 100 por hora
weve done 200 km already, ns j fizemos 200 km
he can do 100 in that car, ele consegue dar 100 nesse carro VI 1. (act, behave)
do as I do, faa como eu fao 2. (get on, fare) ir
how do you do? como voc est indo? 3. (suit) servir
will it do? serve? 4. (be sufficient) bastar
will 10 do? 10 d?
thatll do, suficiente
thatll do! (in annoyance) basta! chega!
to make do (with) contentar-se (com) N (inf: party etc) festa
were having a little do on Saturday, ns vamos dar uma festinha no sbado
it was rather a do, foi uma festana do away with 1. (kill) matar 2. (abolish)
(law etc) abolir 3. (withdraw) retirar VT do up 1. (laces) atar 2. (zip) fechar 3.
(dress, skirt) abotoar 4. (renovate) (room, house) arrumar, renovar VT do with 1.
(need) I could do with a drink/some help, eu bem que gostaria de tomar alguma
coisa/eu bem que precisaria de uma ajuda 2. (be connected) ter a ver com VT
what has it got to do with you? o que que isso tem a ver com voc? do
without 1. if youre late for tea then youll do without, se voc chegar atrasado
ficar sem almoo 2. passar sem VI I can do without a car, eu posso ficar sem
um carro
well have to do without a holiday this year, no poderemos ter frias esse
didactic [dadktk]
ADJ didtico
didnt [ddnt]
did not
die [da]
N 1. (pl dice) dado 2. (pl dies) cunho, molde M VI 1. morrer 2. (fig) (fade) murchar to
die of or from, morrer de
to be dying for sth/to do sth, estar louco por algo/para fazer algo die away
(sound, light) extinguir-se lentamente VI die down 1. (fire) apagar-se 2. (wind)
abrandar 3. (excitement) diminuir VI die out 1. desaparecer 2. (animal, bird)
extinguir-se VI
diehard [dahd]
N reacionrio* (reacionria) reaa M, F (inf)
diesel [dizl]
N 1. diesel M 2. diesel fuel, diesel oil, leo diesel
diesel engine [dizl-]
N motor M diesel
diesel fuel
N leo diesel
diet [dat]
N 1. dieta 2. (restricted food) regime M VI be on a diet, estar de dieta, fazer regime to
live on a diet of, alimentar-se de
dietician [datn]
N dietista M, F
differ [df*]
VI 1. (be different) to differ from sth, ser diferente de algo, diferenciar-se de algo 2.
(disagree) to differ (about) discordar (sobre)
difference [dfrns]
N 1. diferena 2. (disagreement) divergncia 3. (quarrel) desacordo it makes no
difference to me, no faz diferena para mim, para mim d no mesmo
to settle ones differences, resolver as diferenas
different [dfrnt]
ADJ diferente
differential [dfrnl]
N (AUT) diferencial M wage/price differentials, diferenas de salrio/preo
differentiate [dfrnet]
VT diferenciar, distinguir VI to differentiate (between) distinguir (entre)
differently [dfrntl]
ADV de outro modo, de forma diferente
difficult [dfklt]
ADJ difcil difficult to understand, difcil de (se) entender
difficulty [dfklt]
N dificuldade F to have difficulties with, ter problemas com
to be in difficulty, estar em dificuldade
diffidence [dfdns]
N timidez F
diffident [dfdnt]
ADJ tmido
ADJ [dfjus] difuso VT [difjuz] difundir
dig [d] (PT, PP dug )
VT 1. (hole, garden) cavar 2. (coal) escavar 3. (nails etc) cravar N 1. (prod) pontada 2.
(archaeological) excavao F 3. (remark) alfinetada to dig into ones pockets
for sth, enfiar as mos nos bolsos procura de algo
to dig ones nails into, cravar as unhas em dig in 1. (MIL) cavar trincheiras 2.
(inf: eat) atacar 3. (compost) misturar 4. (knife, claw) cravar VI to dig in ones
heels (fig) bater o p
dig in! vai l! dig into (savings) gastar VT dig out escavar VT dig up 1.
(plant) arrancar 2. (information) trazer tona VT
VT [dadst] 1. (food) digerir 2. (facts) assimilar N [dadst] sumrio
digestible [ddstbl]
ADJ digervel
digestion [ddstn]
N digesto F
digestive [ddstv]
ADJ digestivo
digit [ddt]
N 1. (MATH) dgito 2. (finger) dedo
digital [ddtl]
ADJ digital
digital camera
N cmara digital
digital computer
N computador M digital
digital TV
N televiso F digital
dignified [dnfad]
ADJ digno
dignitary [dntr]
N dignitrio* (dignitria)
dignity [dnt]
N dignidade F
digress [dars]
VI to digress from, afastar-se de
digression [darn]
N digresso F
digs [dz] (BRIT inf)
NPL penso F, alojamento
dike [dak]
N dyke
dilapidated [dlpdetd]
ADJ arruinado
dilate [dalet]
VT dilatar VI dilatar-se
dilatory [dltr]
ADJ retardio
dilemma [dalm]
N dilema M to be in a dilemma, estar num dilema
diligent [dldnt]
ADJ 1. (worker) diligente 2. (research) cuidadoso
dill [dl]
N endro, aneto
dilly-dally [dldl]
VI 1. (loiter) vadiar 2. (hesitate) vacilar
dilute [dalut]
VT diluir ADJ diludo
dim [dm]
ADJ 1. (light, eyesight) fraco 2. (outline) indistinto 3. (memory) vago 4. (room) escuro
5. (inf: person) burro VT 1. (light) diminuir 2. (US AUT) baixar to take a dim view
of sth, desaprovar algo
dime [dam] (US)
N moeda de dez centavos.
dimension [dmnn]
N 1. dimenso F 2. (measurement) medida 3. dimensions (scale, size) famanho
-dimensional [dmnnl]
SUFFIX two-dimensional, bidimensional
diminish [dmn]
VT VI diminuir
diminished [dmnt]
ADJ diminished responsibility (LAW) responsabilidade F reduzida
diminutive [dmnjutv]
ADJ diminuto N (LING) diminutivo
dimly [dml]
ADV 1. fracamente 2. (not clearly) indistintamente
dimmers [dmz] (US)
NPL (AUT) (headlights) faris MPL baixos
dimple [dmpl]
N covinha
dim-witted [-wtd] (inf)
ADJ burro
din [dn]
N zoeira VT to din sth into sb (inf) meter algo na cabea de algum, repisar algo a
dine [dan]
VI jantar
diner [dan*]
N 1. (person) comensal M, F 2. (RAIL) vago-restaurante M 3. (US: eating place)
lanchonete F
dinghy [d]
N 1. dingue M, bote M 2. sailing dinghy, barco a vela rubber dinghy, bote de
dingy [dnd]
ADJ 1. (room) sombrio, lgubre 2. (clothes, curtains etc) sujo 3. (dull) descolorido
dining car [dan-] (BRIT)
N (RAIL) vago-restaurante M
dining room [dan-]
N sala de jantar
dinner [dn*]
N 1. (evening meal) jantar M 2. (lunch) almoo 3. (banquet) banquete M dinners
ready! est na mesa!
dinner jacket
N smoking M
dinner party
N jantar M
dinner time
N 1. (midday) hora de almoar 2. (evening) hora de jantar
dinosaur [dans*]
N dinossauro
dint [dnt]
N by dint of, fora de
diocese [dass]
N diocese F
dioxide [daksad]
N dixido
Dip. (BRIT)
ABBR diploma
dip [dp]
N 1. (slope) inclinao F 2. (in sea) mergulho 3. (CULIN) pasta para servir com
salgadinhos VT 1. (in water) mergulhar 2. (ladle etc) meter 3. (BRIT AUT) (lights)
baixar VI (ground, road) descer subitamente
diphtheria [dfr]
N difteria
diphthong [df]
N ditongo
diploma [dplum]
N diploma M
diplomacy [dplums]
N diplomacia
diplomat [dplmt] (BRIT)
N diplomata M, F
diplomatic [dplmtk]
ADJ diplomtico to break off diplomatic relations (with) romper relaes
diplomticas (com)
dipstick [dpstk]
N (AUT) vareta medidora
dipswitch [dpswt] (BRIT)
N (AUT) interruptor M de luz alta e baixa
dire [da*]
ADJ 1. terrvel 2. (very bad) pssimo
direct [darkt]
ADJ 1. direto 2. (route) reto 3. (manner) franco, sincero VT 1. dirigir 2. (order) to direct
sb to do sth, ordenar algum para fazer algo ADV direto can you direct me to
...? pode me indicar o caminho a ...?
direct cost
N (COMM) custo direto
direct current
N (ELEC) corrente F contnua
direct debit (BRIT)
N (BANKING) dbito direto
direct dialling
N (TEL) discagem F direta (BR) marcao F directa (PT)
direct hit
N (MIL) acerto direto
direction [drkn]
N 1. (way) indicao F 2. (TV RADIO CINEMA) direo F directions 1. (to a place)
indicao F 2. (instructions) instrues FPL NPL directions for use, modo de usar
to ask for directions, pedir uma indicao, perguntar o caminho
sense of direction, senso de direo
in the direction of, na direo de
directive [drktv]
N diretriz F
direct labour
N mo-de-obra direta
directly [drktl]
ADV 1. (in a straight line) diretamente 2. (at once) imediatamente
direct mail
N mala direta
direct mailshot (BRIT)
N mailing M
directness [darktns]
N (of person, speech) franqueza
director [drkt*]
N diretor M Director of Public Prosecutions (BRIT) procurador* M, F de Repblica
directory [drktr]
N 1. (TEL) lista (telefnica) 2. street directory, lista de endereos 3. (COMM) anurio
comercial 4. (COMPUT) diretrio
directory enquiries , directory assistance (US)
N (servio de) informaes FPL (BR) servio informativo (PT)
dirt [dt]
N sujeira (BR) sujidade (PT) to treat sb like dirt, espezinhar algum
ADJ baratssimo
dirt road
N estrada de terra
dirty [dt]
ADJ 1. sujo 2. (joke) indecente VT sujar
dirty trick
N golpe M baixo, sujeira
disability [dsblt]
N incapacidade F
disability allowance
N penso F de invalidez
disable [dsebl]
VT 1. (subj) (illness, accident) incapacitar 2. (tank, gun) inutilizar
disabled [dsebld]
ADJ deficiente NPL the disabled, os deficientes
disadvantage [dsdvntd]
N 1. desvantagem F 2. (prejudice) inconveniente M
disadvantaged [dsdvntdd]
ADJ (person) menos favorecido
disadvantageous [dsdvnteds]
ADJ desvantajoso
disaffected [dsfktd]
ADJ disaffected (to or towards) descontente (de)
disaffection [dsfkn]
N descontentamento
disagree [dsri]
VI 1. (differ) diferir 2. (be against, think otherwise) to disagree (with) no concordar
(com) discordar (de) garlic disagrees with me, o alho me faz mal, o alho no
me convm
disagreeable [dsrbl]
ADJ desagradvel
disagreement [dsrimnt]
N 1. desacordo 2. (quarrel) desavena
disallow [dslau]
VT 1. no admitir 2. (LAW) vetar, proibir 3. (BRIT: goal) anular
disappear [dsp*]
VI 1. desaparecer, sumir 2. (custom etc) acabar
disappearance [dsprns]
N desaparecimento, desapario F
disappoint [dspnt]
VT 1. (cause to regret) desapontar 2. (let down) decepcionar 3. (hopes) frustrar
disappointed [dispntd]
ADJ 1. decepcionado 2. (with oneself) desapontado
disappointing [dspnt]
ADJ decepcionante
disappointment [dspntmnt]
N 1. decepo F 2. (cause) desapontamento
disapproval [dspruvl]
N desaprovao F
disapprove [dspruv]
VI to disapprove of, desaprovar
disapproving [dspruv]
ADJ desaprovativo, de desaprovao
disarm [dsm]
VT desarmar
disarmament [dsmmnt]
N desarmamento
disarming [dsm]
ADJ (smile) encantador* (encantadora)
disarray [dsre]
N desordem F in disarray (troops) desbaratado (organization) desorganizado,
catico (thoughts) confuso (clothes) em desalinho
to throw into disarray (troops) desbaratar (government etc) deixar em polvorosa
disaster [dzst*]
N 1. (accident) desastre M 2. (natural) catstrofe F
disastrous [dzstrs]
ADJ desastroso
disband [dsbnd]
VT dispersar VI dispersar-se, desfazer-se
disbelief [dsblif]
N incredulidade F in disbelief, com incredulidade, incrdulo
disbelieve [dsbliv]
VT no acreditar em
disc [dsk]
N 1. disco 2. (COMPUT) disk
ABBR (COMM) discount
discard [dskd]
VT 1. (old things) desfazer-se de 2. (fig) descartar
disc brake
N freio de disco (BR) travo M de discos (PT)
discern [dsn]
VT 1. perceber 2. (identify) identificar
discernible [dsnbl]
ADJ 1. perceptvel 2. (object) visvel
discerning [dsn]
ADJ perspicaz
VT [dstd] 1. (duties) cumprir, desempenhar 2. (settle) (debt) saldar, quitar 3.
(patient) dar alta a 4. (employee) despedir 5. (soldier) dar baixa em, dispensar 6.
(defendant) pr em liberdade 7. (waste etc) descarregar, despejar N [dstd] 1.
(ELEC) descarga 2. (dismissal) despedida 3. (of duty) desempenho 4. (of debt)
quitao F 5. (from hospital) alta 6. (from army) baixa 7. (LAW) absolvio F 8.
(MED) secreo F 9. vaginal discharge, corrimento to discharge ones gun,
descarregar a arma, disparar
discharged bankrupt, falido* reabilitado* (falida reabilitada)
disciple [dsapl]
N discpulo* (discpula)
disciplinary [dsplnr]
ADJ disciplinar to take disciplinary action against sb, mover ao disciplinar
contra algum
discipline [dspln]
N 1. disciplina 2. (self-discipline) auto-disciplina VT 1. disciplinar 2. (punish) punir to
discipline o.s. to do sth, disciplinar-se para fazer algo
disc jockey
N 1. (on radio) radialista M, F 2. (in discothque) discotecrio* (discotecria)
disclaim [dsklem]
VT negar
disclaimer [dsklem*]
N desmentido to issue a disclaimer, publicar um desmentido
disclose [dskluz]
VT revelar
disclosure [dsklu*]
N revelao F
disco [dsku]
N ABBR discothque
discolour [dskl*] discolor (US)
VT 1. descolorar 2. (fade) (fabric) desbotar 3. (yellow) (teeth) amarelar 4. (stain)
manchar VI 1. (fabric) desbotar 2. (teeth etc) amarelar
discolouration [dsklren] discoloration (US)
N 1. (of fabric) desbotamento 2. (stain) mancha
discoloured [dskld] discolored (US)
ADJ 1. descolorado 2. (teeth etc) amarelado
discomfort [dskmft]
N 1. (unease) inquietao F 2. (physical) desconforto
disconcert [dsknst]
VT desconcertar
disconnect [dsknkt]
VT 1. desligar 2. (pipe, tap) desmembrar 3. (gas, water) cortar
disconnected [dsknktd]
ADJ (speech, thoughts) desconexo, incoerente
disconsolate [dsknslt]
ADJ desconsolado, inconsolvel
discontent [dskntnt]
N descontentamento
discontented [dskntntd]
ADJ descontente
discontinue [dskntnju]
VT 1. interromper 2. (payments) suspender ``discontinued (COMM) ``fora de
discord [dskd]
N 1. discrdia 2. (MUS) dissonncia
discordant [dskdnt]
ADJ dissonante
discothque [dskutk]
N discoteca
N [dskaunt] desconto VT [dskaunt] 1. descontar 2. (idea) ignorar to give sb a
discount on sth, dar or conceder um desconto a algum por algo
discount for cash, desconto por pagamento vista
at a discount, com desconto
discount house
N 1. (FINANCE) agncia corretora de descontos 2. discount store (COMM) loja de
discount rate
N taxa de desconto
discourage [dskrd]
VT 1. (dishearten) desanimar 2. (dissuade) dissuadir 3. (deter) desincentivar 4. (theft
etc) desencorajar 5. (advise against) to discourage sth/sb from doing,
desaconselhar algo/algum a fazer
discouragement [dskrdmnt]
N (depression) desnimo, desalento to act as a discouragement to sb, dissuadir
discouraging [dskrd]
ADJ desanimador* (desanimadora)
discourteous [dskts]
ADJ descorts
discover [dskv*]
VT 1. descobrir 2. (missing person) encontrar 3. (mistake) achar
discovery [dskvr]
N 1. (act) descobrimento, descoberta 2. (of object etc) achado 3. (thing found)
discredit [dskrdt]
VT 1. desacreditar 2. (claim) desmerecer N descrdito
discreet [dskrit]
ADJ 1. discreto 2. (careful) cauteloso
discreetly [dskritl]
ADV discretamente
discrepancy [dskrpns]
N 1. (difference) diferena 2. (disagreement) discrepncia
discretion [dskrn]
N discrio F at the discretion of, ao arbtrio de
use your discretion, aja segundo o seu critrio
discretionary [dskrnr]
ADJ (powers) discricionrio
discriminate [dskrmnet]
VI to discriminate between, fazer distino entre to discriminate against,
discriminar contra
discriminating [dskrmnet]
ADJ (public, audience) criterioso
discrimination [dskrmnen]
N 1. (discernment) discernimento 2. (bias) discriminaa F racial/sexual
discrimination, discriminao racial/sexual
discus [dsks]
N 1. disco 2. (event) arremesso do disco
discuss [dsks]
VT 1. discutir 2. (analyse) analiser
discussion [dskn]
N 1. discusso F 2. (debate) debate M under discussion, em discusso
disdain [dsden]
N desdm M VT desdenhar
disease [dziz]
N doena
diseased [dzizd]
ADJ doente
disembark [dsmbk]
VT VI desembarcar
disembarkation [dsembken]
N desembarque M
disembodied [dsmbdd]
ADJ desencarnado
disembowel [dsmbaul]
VT estripar, eviscerar
disenchanted [dsntntd]
ADJ disenchanted (with) desencantado (de)
disenfranchise [dsnfrntaz]
VT 1. privar do privilgio do voto 2. (COMM) retirar a concesso de
disengage [dsned]
VT 1. soltar 2. (TECH) desengrenar 3. (AUT) to disengage the clutch, desembrear
disengagement [dsnedmnt]
N (POL) desengajamento
disentangle [dsntl]
VT 1. (from wreckage) desvencilhar 2. (wool, wire) desembaraar
disfavour [dsfev*] disfavor (US)
N desfavor M
disfigure [dsf*]
VT 1. (person) desfigurar 2. (object) estragar, enfear
disgorge [dsd]
VT descarregar, despejar
disgrace [dsres]
N 1. ignomnia 2. (downfall) queda 3. (shame) vergonha, desonra VT 1. (family)
envergonhar 2. (name, country) desonrar
disgraceful [dsresful]
ADJ 1. vergonhoso 2. (behaviour) escandaloso
disgruntled [dsrntld]
ADJ descontente
disguise [dsaz]
N disfarce M VT disfarar to disguise o.s. (as) disfarar-se (de)
in disguise, disfarado
theres no disguising the fact that ... no h como esconder o fato de que ...
disgust [dsst]
N repugnncia VT repugnar a, dar nojo em
disgusting [dsst]
ADJ 1. (revolting) repugnante 2. (unacceptable) inaceitvel
dish [d]
N 1. prato 2. (serving dish) travessa to do or wash the dishes, lavar os pratos or a
loua dish out repartir VT dish up 1. servir 2. (facts, statistics) apresentar VT
dishcloth [dkl]
N pano de prato or de loua
dishearten [dshtn]
VT desanimar
dishevelled [dvld] disheveled (US)
ADJ 1. (hair) despenteado 2. (clothes) desalinhado
dishonest [dsnst]
ADJ 1. (person) desonesto 2. (means) fraudulento
dishonesty [dsnst]
N desonestidade F
dishonour [dsn*] dishonor (US)
N desonra
dishonourable [dsnrbl] dishonorable (US)
ADJ 1. (person) desonesto, vil 2. (behaviour) desonroso
dish soap (US)
N detergente M
dishtowel [dtaul] (US)
N pano de prato
dishwasher [dw*]
N mquina de lavar loua or pratos
disillusion [dslun]
VT desiludir N desiluso F to become disillusioned, ficar desiludido, desiludir-se
disillusionment [dslunmnt]
N desiluso F
disincentive [dsnsntv]
N desincentivo to be a disincentive to sb, desincentivar algum
disinclined [dsnkland]
ADJ to be disinclined to do, estar pouco disposto a fazer
disinfect [dsnfkt]
VT desinfetar
disinfectant [dsnfktnt]
N desinfetante M
disinflation [dsnflen]
N desinflao F
disinherit [dsnhrt]
VT deserdar
disintegrate [dsntret]
VI desintegrar-se
disinterested [dsntrstd]
ADJ imparcial
disjointed [dsdntd]
ADJ desconexo
disk [dsk]
N (COMPUT) disco single-/double-sided disk, disquete de face simples/dupla
disc [dsk]
N 1. disco 2. (COMPUT) disk
disk drive
N unidade F de disco
diskette [dskt] (US)
N disk
disk operating system
N sistema M operacional residente em disco
dislike [dslak]
N desagrado VT antipatizar com, no gostar de to take a dislike to sb/sth, tomar
antipatia por algum/algo
I dislike the idea, no gosto da idia
dislocate [dslket]
VT deslocar he has dislocated his shoulder, ele deslocou o ombro
dislodge [dsld]
VT 1. mover, deslocar 2. (enemy) desalojar
disloyal [dsll]
ADJ desleal
dismal [dzml]
ADJ 1. (dull) sombrio, lgubre 2. (depressing) deprimente 3. (very bad) horrvel
dismantle [dsmntl]
VT desmontar, desmantelar
dismay [dsme]
N consternao F VT consternar much to my dismay, para minha grande
dismiss [dsms]
VT 1. (worker) despedir 2. (pupils) dispensar 3. (soldiers) dar baixa a 4. (official)
demitir 5. (LAW,: possibility) rejeitar VI (MIL) sair de forma
dismissal [dsmsl]
N 1. (of worker) despedida 2. (of official) demisso F
dismount [dsmaunt]
VI 1. (from horse) desmontar 2. (from bicycle) descer
disobedience [dsbidns]
N desobedincia
disobedient [dsbidnt]
ADJ desobediente
disobey [dsbe]
VT 1. desobedecer a 2. (rules) transgredir, desrespeitar
disorder [dsd*]
N 1. desordem F 2. (rioting) distrbios MPL, tumulto 3. (MED) distrbio stomach
disorder, problema estomacal
disorderly [dsdl]
ADJ 1. (untidy) desarrumado 2. (meeting) tumultuado 3. (behaviour) escandaloso
disorderly conduct
N (LAW) perturbao F da ordem, ofensa moral
disorganized [dsnazd]
ADJ desorganizado
disorientated [dsrntetd]
ADJ desorientado
disown [dsun]
VT 1. repudiar 2. (child) rejeitar
disparaging [dsprd]
ADJ depreciativo to be disparaging about sb/sth, fazer pouco de algum/algo,
depreciar algum/algo
disparate [dsprt]
ADJ 1. (groups) diverso 2. (levels) desigual
disparity [dsprt]
N desigualdade F
dispassionate [dspnt]
ADJ 1. (calm) calmo, controlado 2. (impartial) imparcial
dispatch [dspt]
VT 1. (person, business) despachar 2. (send) (parcel etc) expedir (messenger) enviar
N 1. (sending) remessa 2. (speed) rapidez F, urgncia 3. (PRESS) comunicado 4.
(MIL) parte F
dispatch department
N (servio de) expedio F
dispatch rider
N (MIL) estafeta M, F
dispel [dspl]
VT dissipar
dispensary [dspnsr]
N dispensrio, farmcia
dispense [dspns]
VT 1. (give out) dispensar 2. (medicine) preparar (e vender) to dispense sb from,
dispensar algum de dispense with prescindir de VT
dispenser [dspns*]
N (device) distribuidor M automtico
dispensing chemist [dspns-] (BRIT)
N farmcia
dispersal [dspsl]
N disperso F
disperse [dsps]
VT 1. (objects) espalhar 2. (crowd) dispersar VI dispersar-se
dispirited [dsprtd]
ADJ desanimado
displace [dsples]
VT (shift) deslocar
displaced person [dsplest-]
N (POL) deslocado* de guerra (deslocada)
displacement [dsplesmnt]
N deslocamento
display [dsple]
N 1. (in shop) mostra 2. (exhibition) exposio F 3. (COMPUT) (information)
apresentao F visual (device) display M 4. (MIL) parada 5. (of feeling)
manifestao F 6. (pej) ostentao F 7. (show, spectacle) espetculo VT 1. mostrar
2. (goods) expor 3. (feelings, tastes) manifestar 4. (ostentatiously) ostentar 5.
(results, departure times) expor on display (visible) mostra (goods, paintings
etc) em exposio
display advertising
N anncios MPL
displease [dspliz]
VT 1. desagradar, desgostar 2. (Offend) ofender 3. (annoy) aborrecer
displeased [dspliz]
ADJ displeased with, descontente com (disappointed) aborrecido
displeasure [dspl*]
N desgosto
disposable [dspuzbl]
ADJ 1. descartvel 2. (income) disponvel
disposable nappy (BRIT)
N fralda descartvel
disposal [dspuzl]
N 1. (availability, arrangement) disposio F 2. (of rubbish) destruio F 3. (of property
etc) (by selling) venda, traspasse M (by giving away) cesso F at sbs disposal,
disposio de algum
to put sth at sbs disposal, pr algo disposio de algum
dispose [dspuz]
VT to dispose of (time, money) dispor de (unwanted goods) desfazer-se de (throw
away) jogar BR or tirar PT fora (COMM) (stock) vender (problem, task) lidar
(argument) derrubar
disposed [dspuzd]
ADJ disposed to do, disposto a fazer to be well disposed towards sb, estar
predisposto a favor de algum
disposition [dspzn]
N 1. (inclination) disposio F 2. (temperament) ndole F
dispossess [dspzs]
VT to dispossess sb (of) despojar algum (de)
disproportion [dsprpn]
N desproporo F
disproportionate [dsprpnt]
ADJ desproporcionado
disprove [dspruv]
VT refutar
dispute [dspjut]
N 1. disputa 2. (verbal) discusso F 3. (domestic) briga 4. industrial dispute, conflito,
disputa VT 1. disputar 2. (argue) discutir 3. (question) questionar to be in or
under dispute (matter) estar em discusso (territory) estar em disputa, ser
disqualification [dskwlfken]
N 1. (LAW) inabilitao F, incapacitao F 2. (SPORT) desclassificao F
disqualification (from driving) BRIT (BRIT) cassao F da carteira (de
disqualify [dskwlfa]
VT (SPORT) desclassificar to disqualify sb for sth/from doing sth, desqualificar
algum para algo/de fazer algo
to disqualify sb (from driving) BRIT (BRIT) cassar a carteira (de motorista) a
disquiet [dskwat]
N inquietao F
disquieting [dskwat]
ADJ inquietante, alarmante
disregard [dsrd]
VT ignorar N 1. (indifference) disregard (for) (feelings) desconsiderao F (por) 2.
(danger) indiferena (a) 3. (money) menosprezo (por)
disrepair [dsrp*]
N to fall into disrepair, ficar dilapidado
disreputable [dsrpjutbl]
ADJ 1. (person) de m fama 2. (behaviour) vergonhoso
disrepute [dsrpjut]
N descrdito, desonra to bring into disrepute, desacreditar, desprestigiar
disrespect [dsrspkt]
N disrespect (for) desrespeito (por)
disrespectful [dsrspktful]
ADJ desrespeitoso
disrupt [dsrpt]
VT 1. (plans) desfazer 2. (conversation, proceedings) perturbar, interromper
disruption [dsrpn]
N 1. (interruption) interrupo F 2. (disturbance) perturbao F
disruptive [dsrptv]
ADJ 1. (influence) malfico 2. (strike) perturbador* (perturbadora)
dissatisfaction [dsstsfkn]
N descontentamento
dissatisfied [dsstsfad]
ADJ dissatisfied (with) descontente (com)
dissect [dskt]
VT dissecar
disseminate [dsmnet]
VT divulgar
dissent [dsnt]
N dissenso F
dissenter [dsnt*]
N (REL POL etc) dissidente M, F
dissertation [dsten]
N (also) (SCH) dissertao F, tese F
disservice [dssvs]
N to do sb a disservice, prejudicar algum
dissident [dsdnt]
ADJ N dissidente M, F
dissimilar [dsml*]
ADJ dissimilar (to) dessemelhante (de) diferente (de)
dissipate [dspet]
VT 1. dissipar 2. (money, effort) desperdiar VI dissipar-se
dissipated [dspetd]
ADJ (person) dissoluto
dissociate [dsuet]
VT dissociar, separar to dissociate o.s. from, desassociar-se de, distanciar-se de
dissolute [dslut]
ADJ dissoluto
dissolution [dslun]
N dissoluo F
dissolve [dzlv]
VT dissolver VI 1. dissolver-se 2. (fig) (problem etc) desaparecer to dissolve in(to)
tears, debulhar-se em lgrimas
dissuade [dswed]
VT to dissuade sb (from) dissuadir algum (de)
distance [dstns]
N distncia in the distance, ao longe
whats the distance to London? qual a distncia daqui a Londres?
its within walking distance, pode-se ir a p, d para ir a p (inf)
distant [dstnt]
ADJ 1. distante 2. (manner) afastado, reservado
distaste [dstest]
N repugnncia
distasteful [dstestful]
ADJ repugnante
Dist. Atty. (US)
ABBR district attorney
distemper [dstmp*]
N 1. (paint) tinta plstica 2. (of dogs) cinomose F
distended [dstndd]
ADJ inchado
distil [dstl] distill (US)
VT destilar
distillery [dstlr]
N destilaria
distinct [dstkt]
ADJ 1. (different) distinto 2. (clear) claro 3. (unmistakable) ntido as distinct from,
em oposio a
distinction [dstkn]
N 1. (difference) diferena 2. (honour) honra 3. (in exam) distino F to draw a
distinction between, fazer distino entre
a writer of distinction, um escritor de destaque
distinctive [dstktv]
ADJ distintivo
distinctly [dstktl]
ADV claramente, nitidamente
distinguish [dstw]
VT 1. distinguir 2. (differentiate) diferenciar 3. (identify) identificar VI to distinguish
between (concepts) distinguir entre, fazer distino entre to distinguish o.s.
distinguished [dstwt]
ADJ 1. (eminent) eminente 2. (in appearance) distinto 3. (career) notvel
distinguishing [dstw]
ADJ (feature) distintivo
distort [dstt]
VT distorcer
distortion [dstn]
N 1. detoro F 2. (of sound) deturpao F
distract [dstrkt]
VT 1. distrair 2. (attention) desviar 3. (bewilder) aturdir
distracted [dstrktd]
ADJ 1. distrado 2. (anxious) aturdido
distraction [dstrkn]
N 1. distrao F 2. (confusion) aturdimento, perplexidade F 3. (amusement)
divertimento to drive sb to distraction, deixar algum louco
distraught [dstrt]
ADJ desesperado
distress [dstrs]
N 1. (anguish) angstia 2. (misfortune) desgraa 3. (want) misria 4. (pain) dor F VT
(cause anguish) afligir in distress (ship) em perigo
distressed area BRIT (BRIT) rea de baixo nvel socio-econmico
distressing [dstrs]
ADJ angustiante
distress signal
N sinal M de socorro
distribute [dstrbjut]
VT 1. distribuir 2. (share out) repartir, dividir
distribution [dstrbjun]
N 1. distribuio F 2. (of profits etc) repartio F
distribution cost
N custo de distribuio
distributor [dstrbjut*]
N 1. (AUT) distribuidor M 2. (COMM) distribuidor* M (F distribuidora) (company)
district [dstrkt]
N 1. (of country) regio F 2. (of town) zona 3. (ADMIN) distrito
district attorney (US)
N promotor* M pblico* (F promotora pblica)
district council (BRIT)
N municpio (BR) cmara municipal (PT)
district nurse (BRIT)
N enfermeiro/a do Servio Nacional que visita os pacientes em casa
distrust [dstrst]
N desconfiana VT desconfiar de
distrustful [dstrstful]
ADJ desconfiado
disturb [dstb]
VT 1. (disorganize) perturbar 2. (upset) incomodar 3. (interrupt) atrapalhar sorry to
disturb you, desculpe incomod-lo
disturbance [dstbns]
N 1. perturbao F 2. (upheaval) convulso F 3. (political, violent) distrbio 4. (of mind)
transtorno to cause a disturbance, perturbar a ordem
disturbed [dstbd]
ADJ 1. perturbado 2. (child) infeliz to be mentally/emotionally disturbed, ter
problemas psicolgicos/emocionais
disturbing [dstb]
ADJ perturbador* (perturbadora)
disuse [dsjus]
N to fall into disuse, cair em desuso
disused [dsjuzd]
ADJ abandonado
ditch [dt]
N 1. fosso 2. (irrigation ditch) rego VT (inf: partner) abandonar (car, plan etc) desfazer-
se de
dither [d*]
VI vacilar
ditto [dtu]
ADV idem
divan [dvn]
N divan bed, div M
dive [dav]
N 1. (from board) salto 2. (underwater, of submarine) mergulho 3. (AVIAT) picada 4.
(pej: caf, bar etc) espelunca VI 1. mergulhar 2. picar to dive into (bag, drawer
etc) enfiar a mo (shop, car etc) enfiar-se em
diver [dav*]
N 1. (SPORT) saltador* M (F saltadora) 2. (underwater) mergulhador* M (F
diverge [davd]
VI divergir
divergent [davdnt]
ADJ divergente
diverse [davs]
ADJ 1. diverso 2. (group) heterogneo
diversification [davsfken]
N diversificao F
diversify [davsfa]
VT VI diversificar
diversion [davn]
N 1. (BRIT AUT) desvio 2. (distraction, MIL) diverso F 3. (of funds) desvio
diversity [davst]
N diversidade F
divert [davt]
VT 1. desviar 2. (amuse) divertir
divest [davst]
VT to divest sb of sth, privar algum de algo
divide [dvad]
VT 1. (MATH) dividir 2. (separate) separar 3. (share out) repartit VI 1. dividir-se 2.
(road) bifurcar-se to divide (between or among) dividir or repartir (entre)
40 divided by 5 40 dividido por 5 divide out to divide out (between or
among) distribuir or repartir (entre) VT
divided [dvadd]
ADJ (fig) dividido
divided highway (US)
N pista dupla
divided skirt
N saia-cala
dividend [dvdnd]
N 1. dividendo 2. (fig) lucro to pay dividends, valer a pena
dividend cover
N cobertura para pagamento de dividendos
dividers [dvadz]
NPL 1. compasso de ponta seca 2. (between pages) divisrias FPL
divine [dvan]
ADJ (also fig) divino VT 1. (future, truth) adivinhar 2. (water, metal) descobrir
diving [dav]
N 1. (SPORT) salto 2. (underwater) mergulho
diving board
N trampolim M
diving suit
N escafandro
divinity [dvnt]
N 1. divindade F 2. (SCH) teologia
division [dvn]
N 1. diviso F 2. (sharing out) repartio F 3. (disagreement) discrdia 4. (FOOTBALL)
grupo 5. (BRIT POL) votao F division of labour, diviso do trabalho
divisive [dvasv]
ADJ que causa diviso
divorce [dvs]
N divrcio VT 1. divorciar-se de 2. (dissociate) desligar-se
divorced [dvst]
ADJ divorciado
divorcee [dvsi]
N divorciado* (divorciada)
divulge [davld]
VT 1. (information) divulgar 2. (secret) revelar
ADJ ABBR N ABBR do-it-yourself
dizziness [dzns]
N vertigem F, tontura
dizzy [dz]
ADJ 1. (person) tonto 2. (height) vertiginoso to feel dizzy, sentir-se tonto, sentir-se
to make sb dizzy, dar vertigem a algum
N ABBR disc jockey
Djakarta [dkt]
N Jacarta
N ABBR (STOCK EXCHANGE) Dow Jones Industrial Average
ABBR decilitre, dl
DLit , DLitt
N ABBR Doctor of Literature, Doctor of Letters, ttulos universitrios
N ABBR dead-letter office
ABBR decimetre, dm
N ABBR Doctor of Music, ttulo universitrio
N ABBR demilitarized zone
N ABBR deoxyribonucleic acid, ADN M
do [du] (PT did ), (PP done )
VB AUX 1. (in negative constructions) I dont understand, eu no compreendo 2. (to
form questions) didnt you know? voc no sabia?
what do you think? o que voc acha? 3. (for emphasis, in polite expressions)
people do make mistakes sometimes, impossvel no cometer erros de vez
em quando
she does seem rather late, ela est muito atrasada
do sit down/help yourself, sente-se/sirva-se
do take care! tome cuidado!
oh do shut up! cale a boca! 4. (used to avoid repeating vb) she swims better
than I do, ela nada melhor que eu
do you agree? - yes, I do/no, I dont, voc concorda? - sim, concordo/no, no
she lives in Glasgow - so do I, ela mora em Glasgow - eu tambm
who broke it? - I did, quem quebrou isso? - (fui) eu 5. (in question tags) you like
him, dont you? voc gosta dele, no ?
he laughed, didnt he? ele riu, no foi? VT 1. (gen) (carry out, perform etc) fazer
what are you doing tonight? o que voc vai fazer hoje noite?
to do the washing-up/cooking, lavar a loua/cozinhar
to do ones teeth/nails, escovar os dentes/fazer as unhas
to do ones hair (comb) pentear-se (style) fazer um penteado
were doing Othello at school (studying) ns estamos estudando Otelo na
escola (performing) ns vamos encenar Otelo na escola 2. (AUT etc) the car was
doing 100 o carro estava a 100 por hora
weve done 200 km already, ns j fizemos 200 km
he can do 100 in that car, ele consegue dar 100 nesse carro VI 1. (act, behave)
do as I do, faa como eu fao 2. (get on, fare) ir
how do you do? como voc est indo? 3. (suit) servir
will it do? serve? 4. (be sufficient) bastar
will 10 do? 10 d?
thatll do, suficiente
thatll do! (in annoyance) basta! chega!
to make do (with) contentar-se (com) N (inf: party etc) festa
were having a little do on Saturday, ns vamos dar uma festinha no sbado
it was rather a do, foi uma festana do away with 1. (kill) matar 2. (abolish)
(law etc) abolir 3. (withdraw) retirar VT do up 1. (laces) atar 2. (zip) fechar 3.
(dress, skirt) abotoar 4. (renovate) (room, house) arrumar, renovar VT do with 1.
(need) I could do with a drink/some help, eu bem que gostaria de tomar alguma
coisa/eu bem que precisaria de uma ajuda 2. (be connected) ter a ver com VT
what has it got to do with you? o que que isso tem a ver com voc? do
without 1. if youre late for tea then youll do without, se voc chegar atrasado
ficar sem almoo 2. passar sem VI I can do without a car, eu posso ficar sem
um carro
well have to do without a holiday this year, no poderemos ter frias esse
ABBR ditto
ABBR dead on arrival, j era cadver
ABBR date of birth
docile [dusal]
ADJ dcil
dock [dk]
N 1. (NAUT) doca 2. (wharf) cais M 3. (LAW) banco (dos rus) VI 1. (arrive) chegar 2.
(LAW) (enter dock) entrar no estaleiro 3. (SPACE) unir-se no espao VT (pay etc)
deduzir docks docas FPL NPL
dock dues
NPL direitos MPL porturios
docker [dk*]
N porturio, estivador M
docket [dkt]
N (of delivery etc) guia
dockyard [dkjd]
N estaleiro
doctor [dkt*]
N 1. mdico* (mdica) 2. (PhD etc) doutor* M (F doutora) VT 1. (fig) tratar, falsificar 2.
(drink etc) falsificar 3. (cat) castrar doctors office US (US) consultrio
doctorate [dktrt]
N doutorado
Doctor of Philosophy
N 1. (degree) doutorado 2. (person) doutor* M (F doutora)
doctrine [dktrn]
N doutrina
N [dkjumnt] documento VT [dkjumnt] documentar
documentary [dkjumntr]
ADJ documental N documentrio
documentation [dkjumnten]
N documentao F
N ABBR Department of Defense
doddering [ddr]
ADJ (senile) caqutico, caduco
Dodecanese N [dudkniz] Dodecanese Islands NPL
(ilhas FPL do) Dodecaneso
dodge [dd]
N 1. (of body) evasiva 2. (trick) trapaa VT 1. esquivar-se de, evitar 2. (tax) sonegar 3.
(blow) furtar-se a VI to dodge out of the way, esquivar-se to dodge the traffic,
ziguezaguear por entre os carros
dodgems [ddmz] (BRIT)
NPL carros MPL de choque
dodgy [dd]
ADJ arriscado
N ABBR 1. (BRIT) Department of the Environment 2. (US) Department of Energy
doe [du]
N 1. (deer) cora 2. (rabbit) coelha
does [dz]
VB do
doesnt [dznt]
does not
dog [d]
N cachorro, co M VT (subj) (person) seguir (bad luck) perseguir to go to the dogs
(nation etc) degringolar
dog biscuits
NPL biscoitos MPL para cachorro
dog collar
N 1. coleira de cachorro 2. (of priest) gola de padre
dog-eared [-d]
ADJ surrado
dog food
N rao F para cachorro
dogged [dd]
ADJ tenaz, persistente
dogma [dm]
N dogma M
dogmatic [dmtk]
ADJ dogmtico
do-gooder [-ud*] (pej)
N bom* samaritano* (boa samaritana)
dogsbody [dzbd] (BRIT inf)
N faz-tudo M, F
doing [du]
N this is your doing, foi voc que fez isso doings 1. (events) acontecimentos MPL
2. (activities) atividades FPL NPL
do [du] (PT did ), (PP done )
VB AUX 1. (in negative constructions) I dont understand, eu no compreendo 2. (to
form questions) didnt you know? voc no sabia?
what do you think? o que voc acha? 3. (for emphasis, in polite expressions)
people do make mistakes sometimes, impossvel no cometer erros de vez
em quando
she does seem rather late, ela est muito atrasada
do sit down/help yourself, sente-se/sirva-se
do take care! tome cuidado!
oh do shut up! cale a boca! 4. (used to avoid repeating vb) she swims better
than I do, ela nada melhor que eu
do you agree? - yes, I do/no, I dont, voc concorda? - sim, concordo/no, no
she lives in Glasgow - so do I, ela mora em Glasgow - eu tambm
who broke it? - I did, quem quebrou isso? - (fui) eu 5. (in question tags) you like
him, dont you? voc gosta dele, no ?
he laughed, didnt he? ele riu, no foi? VT 1. (gen) (carry out, perform etc) fazer
what are you doing tonight? o que voc vai fazer hoje noite?
to do the washing-up/cooking, lavar a loua/cozinhar
to do ones teeth/nails, escovar os dentes/fazer as unhas
to do ones hair (comb) pentear-se (style) fazer um penteado
were doing Othello at school (studying) ns estamos estudando Otelo na
escola (performing) ns vamos encenar Otelo na escola 2. (AUT etc) the car was
doing 100 o carro estava a 100 por hora
weve done 200 km already, ns j fizemos 200 km
he can do 100 in that car, ele consegue dar 100 nesse carro VI 1. (act, behave)
do as I do, faa como eu fao 2. (get on, fare) ir
how do you do? como voc est indo? 3. (suit) servir
will it do? serve? 4. (be sufficient) bastar
will 10 do? 10 d?
thatll do, suficiente
thatll do! (in annoyance) basta! chega!
to make do (with) contentar-se (com) N (inf: party etc) festa
were having a little do on Saturday, ns vamos dar uma festinha no sbado
it was rather a do, foi uma festana do away with 1. (kill) matar 2. (abolish)
(law etc) abolir 3. (withdraw) retirar VT do up 1. (laces) atar 2. (zip) fechar 3.
(dress, skirt) abotoar 4. (renovate) (room, house) arrumar, renovar VT do with 1.
(need) I could do with a drink/some help, eu bem que gostaria de tomar alguma
coisa/eu bem que precisaria de uma ajuda 2. (be connected) ter a ver com VT
what has it got to do with you? o que que isso tem a ver com voc? do
without 1. if youre late for tea then youll do without, se voc chegar atrasado
ficar sem almoo 2. passar sem VI I can do without a car, eu posso ficar sem
um carro
well have to do without a holiday this year, no poderemos ter frias esse
N sistema M faa-voc-mesmo ADJ do tipo faa-voc-mesmo
doldrums [dldrmz]
NPL to be in the doldrums (person) estar abatido (business) estar parado or
dole [dul] (BRIT)
N (payment) subsdio de desemprego on the dole, desempregado dole out
distribuir VT
doleful [dulful]
ADJ triste, lgubre
doll [dl]
N 1. boneca 2. (US inf: woman) mulher F juven e bonita doll up to doll o.s. up,
embonecar-se (BR) ataviar-se (PT) VT
dollar [dl*]
N dlar M
dollar area
N zona do dlar
dolled up [dld-] (inf)
ADJ embonecado
dolphin [dlfn]
N golfinho
domain [dmen]
N 1. domnio 2. (fig) campo
dome [dum]
N 1. (ARCH) cpula 2. (shape) abbada
domestic [dmstk]
ADJ 1. domstico 2. (national) nacional 3. (home-loving) caseiro 4. (strife) interno
domesticated [dmstketd]
ADJ 1. domesticado 2. (home-loving) prendado hes very domesticated, ele
muito prendado (no lar)
domesticity [dmstst]
N vida caseira
domestic servant
N empregado* domstico* (empregada domstica)
domicile [dmsal]
N domiclio
dominant [dmnnt]
ADJ dominante
dominate [dmnet]
VT dominar
domination [dmnen]
N dominao F
domineering [dmnr]
ADJ dominante, mando* (mandona)
Dominican Republic [dmnkn-]
N Repblica Dominicana
dominion [dmnn]
N 1. domnio 2. (territory) imprio
domino [dmnu] (PL dominoes )
N pea de domin dominoes (game) domin M N
don [dn]
N (BRIT) professor* M universitrio* (F professora universitria) VT vestir
donate [dnet]
VT doar
donation [dnen]
N 1. doao F 2. (contribution) contribuio F
done [dn]
PP (of do)
do [du] (PT did ), (PP done )
VB AUX 1. (in negative constructions) I dont understand, eu no compreendo 2. (to
form questions) didnt you know? voc no sabia?
what do you think? o que voc acha? 3. (for emphasis, in polite expressions)
people do make mistakes sometimes, impossvel no cometer erros de vez
em quando
she does seem rather late, ela est muito atrasada
do sit down/help yourself, sente-se/sirva-se
do take care! tome cuidado!
oh do shut up! cale a boca! 4. (used to avoid repeating vb) she swims better
than I do, ela nada melhor que eu
do you agree? - yes, I do/no, I dont, voc concorda? - sim, concordo/no, no
she lives in Glasgow - so do I, ela mora em Glasgow - eu tambm
who broke it? - I did, quem quebrou isso? - (fui) eu 5. (in question tags) you like
him, dont you? voc gosta dele, no ?
he laughed, didnt he? ele riu, no foi? VT 1. (gen) (carry out, perform etc) fazer
what are you doing tonight? o que voc vai fazer hoje noite?
to do the washing-up/cooking, lavar a loua/cozinhar
to do ones teeth/nails, escovar os dentes/fazer as unhas
to do ones hair (comb) pentear-se (style) fazer um penteado
were doing Othello at school (studying) ns estamos estudando Otelo na
escola (performing) ns vamos encenar Otelo na escola 2. (AUT etc) the car was
doing 100 o carro estava a 100 por hora
weve done 200 km already, ns j fizemos 200 km
he can do 100 in that car, ele consegue dar 100 nesse carro VI 1. (act, behave)
do as I do, faa como eu fao 2. (get on, fare) ir
how do you do? como voc est indo? 3. (suit) servir
will it do? serve? 4. (be sufficient) bastar
will 10 do? 10 d?
thatll do, suficiente
thatll do! (in annoyance) basta! chega!
to make do (with) contentar-se (com) N (inf: party etc) festa
were having a little do on Saturday, ns vamos dar uma festinha no sbado
it was rather a do, foi uma festana do away with 1. (kill) matar 2. (abolish)
(law etc) abolir 3. (withdraw) retirar VT do up 1. (laces) atar 2. (zip) fechar 3.
(dress, skirt) abotoar 4. (renovate) (room, house) arrumar, renovar VT do with 1.
(need) I could do with a drink/some help, eu bem que gostaria de tomar alguma
coisa/eu bem que precisaria de uma ajuda 2. (be connected) ter a ver com VT
what has it got to do with you? o que que isso tem a ver com voc? do
without 1. if youre late for tea then youll do without, se voc chegar atrasado
ficar sem almoo 2. passar sem VI I can do without a car, eu posso ficar sem
um carro
well have to do without a holiday this year, no poderemos ter frias esse
donkey [dk]
N burro
donkey-work (BRIT inf)
N labuta
donor [dun*]
N doador* M (F doadora)
dont [dunt]
do not
doodle [dudl]
N rabisco VI rabiscar
doom [dum]
N 1. (fate) destino 2. (ruin) runa VT to be doomed to failure, estar destinado or
fadado ao fracasso
doomsday [dumzde]
N o Juzo Final
door [d*]
N 1. porta 2. (entry) entrada next door, na casa ao lado
to go from door to door, ir de porta em porta
doorbell [dbl]
N campainha
door handle
N 1. maaneta (BR) puxador M (PT) 2. (of car) maaneta
door knocker
N aldrava
doorman [dmn]
N IRREG porteiro
doormat [dmt]
N capacho
doormen [dmn]
NPL (of doorman)
doorpost [dpust]
N batente M de porta
doorstep [dstp]
N degrau M da porta, soleira
ADJ door-to-door selling, venda de porta em porta
doorway [dwe]
N vo M da porta, entrada
dope [dup]
N 1. (inf: person) imbecil M, F (drugs) malconha 2. (information) dica, macete M VT
(horse etc) dopar
dopey [dup] (inf)
ADJ 1. (groggy) zonzo 2. (stupid) imbecil
dormant [dmnt]
ADJ 1. inativo 2. (latent) latente
dormer [dm*]
N dormer window, gua-furtada, trapeira
dormice [dmas]
NPL (of dormouse)
dormouse [dmaus] (PL dormice )
N rato (de campo)
dormitory [dmtr]
N 1. dormitrio 2. (US) prdio numa universidade onde os estudantes moram
Dors (BRIT)
ABBR Dorset
DOS [ds]
N ABBR disk operating system, DOS M
dosage [dusd]
N 1. dosagem, posologia 2. (on label) posologia
dose [dus]
N 1. dose F 2. (BRIT: bout) ataque M VT to dose o.s. medicar-se a dose of flu, uma
doss house [ds-] (BRIT)
N penso F barata or de malta (PT)
dossier [dse]
N dossi
dot [dt]
N 1. ponto 2. (speck) marca sequeria VT dotted with, salpicado de on the dot, em
N ABBR Department of Transportation
dot command
N (COMPUT) comando precedido de um ponto
dote [dut]
VT to dote on, adorar, idolatrar
dot-matrix printer
N impressora matricial
dotted line [dtd-]
N linha pontilhada to sign on the dotted line (fig) firmar o compromisso
dotty [dt] (inf)
ADJ lel, doido
double [dbl]
ADJ duplo ADV (twice) to cost double (sth) custar o dobro (de algo) N 1. dobro 2.
(person) duplo* (dupla) 3. (CINEMA) substituto* (substituta) VT 1. dobrar 2.
(efforts) duplicar VI 1. dobrar 2. (have two uses) to double as, servir tambm de
double five two six (5526) (BRIT TEL) cinco cinco dois meia
its spelt with a double ``l escreve-se com dois ls
at the double BRIT (BRIT)
on the double, em passo acelerado double back (person) voltar atrs VI
double up 1. (bend over) dobrar-se 2. (share room) dividir o quarto VI
double bass
N contrabaixo
double bed
N cama de casal
double bend (BRIT)
N curva dupla, curva em ``s
double-breasted [-brstd]
ADJ trespassado
VT VI verificar de novo
VI (COMPUT) dar um clique duplo
double-clutch (US)
VI fazer embreagem dupla
double cream (BRIT)
N creme M de leite
double-cross [dblkrs]
VT 1. (trick) enganar 2. (betray) atraioar
double-decker [dbldk*]
N nibus M BR or autocarro PT de dois andares
double declutch (BRIT)
VI fazer embreagem dupla
double exposure
N (PHOT) dupla exposio F
double glazing [-lez] (BRIT)
N (janelas FPL de) vidro duplo
double-page spread
N anncio (or reportagem F etc) de pgina dupla
VI VT estacionar em fila dupla
double room
N quarto de casal
N (TENNIS) dupla
doubly [dbl]
ADV duplamente
doubt [daut]
N dvida VT 1. duvidar 2. (suspect) desconfiar de without (a) doubt, sem dvida
beyond doubt (adv) sem dvida alguma
beyond doubt (adj) indubitvel
there is no doubt that, no h dvida que
to doubt that ... duvidar que ...
I doubt it very much, duvido muito
doubtful [dautful]
ADJ duvidoso to be doubtful about sth, ter dvidas or estar em dvida sobre algo
Im a bit doubtful, duvido
doubtless [dautls]
ADV sem dvida
dough [du]
N 1. massa 2. (inf: money) grana
doughnut [dunt] donut (US)
N sonho (BR) bola de Berlim (PT)
dour [du*]
ADJ austero
douse [dauz]
VT 1. (with water) encharcar 2. (flames) apagar
dove [dv]
N pomba
dovetail [dvtel]
VI (fig) encaixar-se N dovetail joint, sambladura em cauda de andorinha
dowager [daud*]
N mulher que herda o ttulo do marido falecido
dowdy [daud]
ADJ 1. desalinhado 2. (inelegant) deselegante, pouco elegante
Dow-Jones average [daudunz-] (US)
N ndice M da bolsa de valores de Nova Iorque
down [daun]
N 1. (fluff) lanugem F 2. (feathers) penugem F 3. (hill) colina ADV 1. abaixo 2.
(downwards) para baixo 3. (on the ground) por terra PREP por, abaixo VT (inf: drink)
tomar de um gole s (food) devorar Downs (BRIT) the down, chapada gredosa
do sul da Inglaterra NPL down there, l em baixo
down here, aqui em baixo
the price of meat is down, o preo da carne baixou
Ive got it down in my diary, j o anotei na minha agenda
to pay 2 down, pagar 2 de entrada
England are two goals down, a Inglaterra est perdendo por dois gols
to down tools BRIT (BRIT) cruzar os braos
down with X! abaixo X!
N (tramp) vagabundo* (vagabunda)
ADJ 1. descuidado, desmazelado 2. (appearance) deselegante
downbeat [daunbit]
N (MUS) tempo forte ADJ sombrio, negativo
downcast [daunkst]
ADJ abatido
downer [daun*] (inf)
N (drug) calmante M to be on a downer (depressed) estar na fossa, estar de baixo
downfall [daunfl]
N queda, runa
downgrade [daunred]
VT 1. (reduce) reduzir 2. (devalue) desvalorizar, depreciar
downhearted [daunhtd]
ADJ desanimado
downhill [daunhl]
ADV para baixo N downhill race (SKI) descida to go downhill, descer, ir morro
abaixo (fig) (business) degringolar
Downing Street [daun-] (BRIT)
N 10 Downing Street, residncia do primeiro-ministro
download [daunlud]
VT (COMPUT) baixar, fazer o download de
ADJ destinado a consumidores de renda baixa
down payment
N entrada, sinal M
downplay [daunple] (US)
VT minimizar
downpour [daunp*]
N aguaceiro
downright [daunrat]
ADJ 1. (lie) patente 2. (refusal) categrico ADV francamente
downstairs [daunstz]
ADV 1. (below) l em baixo 2. (direction) para baixo to come or go downstairs,
downstream [daunstrim]
ADV gua or rio abaixo
downtime [dauntam]
N (of machine, person) tempo ocioso
ADJ prtico, realista
downtown [dauntaun]
ADV no centro da cidade ADJ (US) downtown Chicago, o centro comercial de
downtrodden [dauntrdn]
ADJ oprimido
down under
ADV na Austrlia (or Nova Zelndia)
downward [daunwd]
ADJ ADV para baixo a downward trend, uma tendncia para a baixa
downwards [daunwdz]
ADV downward
dowry [daur]
N dote M
ABBR dozen, dz
doze [duz]
VI dormitar doze off cochilar VI
dozen [dzn]
N dzia a dozen books, uma dzia de livros
80p a dozen, 80p a dzia
dozens of times, milhares de vezes
N ABBR Doctor of Philosophy, ttulo universitrio
N ABBR Director of Public Prosecutions
N ABBR (MED) diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, espcie de vacina
N ABBR Department of Public Works
ABBR doctor, Dr* (Dra)
ABBR 1. (in street names) drive 2. doctor, Dr* (Dra)
ABBR (COMM) debtor
drab [drb]
ADJ sombrio
draft [drft]
N 1. (first copy) rascunho 2. (POL) (of bill) projeto de lei 3. (bank draft) saque M, letra
4. (US: call-up) recrutamento VT 1. (plan) esboar 2. (speech, letter) rascunhar
draught [drft] draft (US)
N 1. (of air) corrente F 2. (drink) trago 3. (NAUT) calado 4. (beer) chope M on
draught (beer) de barril
draftsman [drftsmn] (US)
N draughtsman etc
drag [dr]
VT 1. arrastar 2. (river) dragar VI arrastar-se N 1. (inf) chatice F (BR) maada (PT) 2.
(of cigarette) tragada 3. (AVIAT NAUT) resistncia 4. (women's clothing) in drag,
em travesti drag away to drag away (from) desgrudar (de) VT drag on
arrastar-se VI
dragnet [drnt]
N 1. rede F de arrasto 2. (by police) diligncia policial
dragon [drn]
N drago M
dragonfly [drnfla]
N liblula
dragoon [drun]
N (cavalryman) drago M VT to dragoon sb into doing sth BRIT (BRIT) forar
algum a fazer algo
drain [dren]
N 1. (drain pipe) cano de esgoto 2. (underground) esgoto 3. (in street) bueiro 4.
(source of loss) sorvedouro VT 1. (land, marshes, MED) drenar 2. (reservoir)
esvaziar 3. (vegetables) coar 4. (fig) esgotar VI (water) escorrer, escoar-se to feel
drained, sentir-se esgotado or estafado
drainage [drend]
N 1. (act) drenagem F 2. (MED AGR) dreno 3. (system) esgoto
drainboard [drenbd] (US)
N draining board
draining board [dren-] (BRIT)
N escorredor M
drainpipe [drenpap]
N cano de esgoto
drake [drek]
N pato (macho)
dram [drm]
N (drink) trago
drama [drm]
N 1. (art) teatro 2. (play, event) drama M
dramatic [drmtk]
ADJ 1. dramtico 2. (theatrical) teatral
dramatically [drmtkl]
ADV dramaticamente
dramatist [drmtst]
N dramaturgo* (dramaturga)
dramatize [drmtaz]
VT dramatizar
drank [drk]
PT (of drink)
drape [drep]
VT ornar, cobrir VI cair
draper [drep*] (BRIT)
N fanqueiro* (fanqueira)
drapes [dreps] (US)
NPL cortinas FPL
drastic [drstk]
ADJ drstico
drastically [drstkl]
ADV drasticamente
draughtboard [drftbd] (BRIT)
N tabuleiro de damas
draughts (BRIT)
N (jogo de) damas FPL
draughtsman [drftsmn] draftsman (US)
N IRREG desenhista M, F industrial
draughtsmanship [drftsmnp] draftsmanship (US)
N 1. (art) desenho industrial 2. (technique) habilidade F de desenhista
draughtsmen [drftsmn] draftsmen (US)
NPL (of draughtsman)
draw [dr] (PT drew ), (PP drawn )
VT 1. (picture) desenhar 2. (cart) puxar 3. (curtain) fechar 4. (gun) sacar 5. (attract)
atrair 6. (money) tirar (from bank) sacar 7. (wages) receber 8. (comparison,
distinction) fazer VI (SPORT) empatar N 1. (SPORT) empate M 2. (lottery) sorteio 3.
(attraction) atrao F to draw to a close, tender para o fim
to draw near, aproximar-se draw back (move back) to draw back (from)
recuar (de) VI draw in 1. (BRIT: car) encostar (train) entrar na estao 2. (involve)
envolver VI draw on 1. (resources) recorrer a, lanar mo de 2. (person,
imagination) recorrer a VT draw out 1. (car, train) sair 2. (lengthen) esticar,
alargar 3. (money) sacar 4. (confession, truth) arrancar 5. (shy person)
desacanhar, desinibir VI draw up 1. (stop) parar(-se) 2. (chair etc) puxar 3.
(document) redigir 4. (plans) esboar VI
drawback [drbk]
N inconveniente M, desvantagem F
drawbridge [drbrd]
N ponte F levadia
drawee [dri]
N sacado
N gaveta
N (of cheque) sacador* M (F sacadora) emitente M, F
drawing [dr]
N desenho
drawing board
N prancheta
drawing pin (BRIT)
N tachinha (BR) pions M (PT)
drawing room
N sala de visitas
drawl [drl]
N fala arrastada
drawn [drn]
PP (of draw) ADJ (haggard) abatido
drawstring [drstr]
N cordo M
dread [drd]
N medo, pavor M VT temer, recear, ter medo de
dreadful [drdful]
ADJ terrvel
dream [drim] ( dreamed ), (PT, PP dreamt )
N sonho VT VI sonhar to have a dream about sb/sth to dream about sb/sth,
sonhar com algum/algo
sweet dreams! sonha com os anjos! dream up inventar, bolar (inf) VT
dreamer [drim*]
N sonhador* M (F sonhadora)
dreamt [drmt]
PT PP (of dream)
dream world
N mundo da fantasia
dreamy [drim]
ADJ 1. (expression, person) sonhador* (sonhadora) distrado 2. (music) sentimental
dreary [drr]
ADJ 1. (talk, time) montono 2. (weather) sombrio
dredge [drd]
VT dragar dredge up 1. tirar do fundo 2. (fig) (unpleasant facts) trazer tona,
descobrir VT
dredger [drd*]
N 1. (ship) draga 2. sugar dredger (BRIT) polvilhador M
dregs [drz]
NPL 1. lia 2. (of humanity) escria, ral F
drench [drnt]
VT encharcar to get drenched, encharcar-se
dress [drs]
N 1. vestido 2. (no pl) (clothing) traje M VT 1. vestir 2. (wound) fazer curativo em 3.
(CULIN) preparar, temperar VI vestir-se to dress o.s. to get dressed, vestir-se
to dress a shop window, adornar uma vitrina dress up 1. vestir-se com
elegncia 2. (in fancy dress) fantasiar-se VI
dress circle (BRIT)
N balco M nobre
dress designer
N estilista M, F
dresser [drs*]
N 1. (THEATRE) camareiro* (camareira) 2. window dresser, vitrinista M, F 3. (BRIT:
cupboard) aparador M 4. (US: chest of drawers) cmoda de espelho
dressing [drs]
N 1. (MED) curativo 2. (CULIN) molho
dressing gown (BRIT)
N 1. roupo M 2. (woman's) peignoir M
dressing room
N 1. (THEATRE) camarim M 2. (SPORT) vestirio
dressing table
N penteadeira (BR) toucador M (PT)
dressmaker [drsmek*]
N costureiro* (costureira)
dressmaking [drsmek]
N (arte f da) costura
dress rehearsal
N ensaio geral
dress shirt
N camisa social
dressy [drs] (inf)
ADJ (clothes) chique
drew [dru]
PT (of draw)
dribble [drbl]
VI 1. gotejar, pingar 2. (baby) babar VT (ball) driblar
dried [drad]
ADJ 1. seco 2. (eggs, milk) em p
dry [dra]
ADJ 1. seco 2. (day) sem chuva 3. (uninteresting) inspido 4. (humour) irnico VT 1.
secar, enxugar 2. (tears) limpar VI secar on dry land, em terra firme
to dry ones hands/hair/eyes, enxugar as mas o cabelo/as lgrimas dry up
1. secar completamente 2. (supply) esgotar-se 3. (in speech) calar-se 4. (dishes)
enxugar (a loua) VI
drier [dra*]
N dryer
drift [drft]
N 1. (of current etc) fora 2. (of snow, sand etc) monte M 3. (distance off course)
deriva 4. (meaning) sentido VI 1. (boat) derivar 2. (sand, snow) amontoar-se to let
things drift, deixar o barco correr
to drift apart (friends, lovers) afastar-se um do outro
I get or catch your drift, eu entendo mais ou menos o que voc est dizendo
drifter [drft*]
N nmade M, F
driftwood [drftwud]
N madeira flutuante
drill [drl]
N 1. furadeira 2. (bit, of dentist) broca 3. (for mining etc) broca, furadeira 4. (MIL)
exerccios MPL militares VT 1. furar, brocar 2. (MIL) exercitar VI (for oil) perfurar
drilling [drl]
N (for oil) perfurao F
drilling rig
N torre F de perfurar
drily [dral]
ADV dryly
drink [drk] (PT drank ), (PP drunk )
N bebida VT VI beber to have a drink, tomar uma bebida
a drink of water, um copo dgua
would you like something to drink? voc quer beber or tomar alguma coisa?
to drink to sb/sth, brindar algum/algo drink in embeber-se em VT
drinkable [drkbl]
ADJ 1. (not dangerous) potvel 2. (palatable) bebvel
drinker [drk*]
N bebedor* M (F bebedora)
drinking [drk]
N (drunkenness) alcoolismo
drinking fountain
N bebedouro
drinking water
N gua potvel
drip [drp]
N 1. gotejar M 2. (one drip) gota, pingo 3. (MED) gota a gota M 4. (inf: person) man M,
banana M VI gotejar, pingar
ADJ (shirt) de lavar e vestir
VT IRREG alimentar intravenosamente
dripping [drp]
N gordura ADJ dripping wet, encharcado
drive [drav] (PT drove ), (PP driven )
N 1. passeio (de automvel) 2. (journey) trajeto, percurso 3. driveway, entrada 4.
(energy) energia, vigor M 5. (PSYCH) impulso 6. (SPORT) drive M 7. (campaign)
campanha 8. (TECH) propulso F 9. disk drive (COMPUT) unidade F de disco VT 1.
conduzir 2. (car) dirigir (BR) guiar (PT) 3. (urge) fazer trabalhar 4. (by power)
impelir 5. (push) empurrar 6. (TECH) (motor) acionar 7. (nail) to drive sth into,
cravar algo em VI (AUT) (at controls) dirigir (BR) guiar (PT) (travel) ir de carro to
go for a drive, dar um passeio (de carro)
its 3 hours drive from London, so 3 horas de carro de l a Londres
left-/right-hand drive, direo esquerda/direita
front-/rear-wheel drive (AUT) trao dianteira/traseira
to drive sb to do sth, impelir algum a fazer algo
to drive sb mad, deixar algum louco drive at (fig) (intend, mean) querer dizer
VT what are you driving at? onde que voce queria chegar? drive on 1.
seguir adiante 2. impelir VI
ADJ drive-in N (cinema) drive-in M
drive-in window (US)
N balco M drive-in
drivel [drvl] (inf)
N bobagem F, besteira
driven [drvn]
PP (of drive)
driver [drav*]
N 1. motorista M, F 2. (RAIL) maquinista M
drivers license (US)
N carteira de motorista (BR) carta de conduo (PT)
driveway [dravwe]
N entrada
driving [drav]
N direo F (BR) conduo F (PT) ADJ driving rain, chuva torrencial
driving belt
N correia de transmisso
driving force
N (fig) mola
driving instructor
N instrutor* M de auto-escola BR or de conduo PT (F instrutora)
driving lesson
N aula de direo BR or de conduo PT
driving licence (BRIT)
N carteira de motorista (BR) carta de conduo (PT)
driving mirror (BRIT)
N retrovisor M
driving school
N auto-escola F
driving test
N exame M de motorista
drizzle [drzl]
N chuvisco VI chuviscar
droll [drul]
ADJ engraado
dromedary [drmdr]
N dromedrio
drone [drun]
N 1. (sound) zumbido 2. (male bee) zango M VI 1. (bee, engine) zumbir 2. drone on,
falar monotonamente
drool [drul]
VI babar(-se) to drool over sth, babar por algo
droop [drup]
VI pender
drop [drp]
N 1. (of water) gota 2. (lessening) dinimuio F 3. (fall) (distance) declive M (in prices)
baixa, queda (in salary) reduo F 4. parachute drop, salto VT 1. (allow to fall)
deixar cair 2. (voice, eyes, price) baixar 3. (set down from car) deixar
(saltar/descer) 4. (omit) omitir VI 1. cair 2. (price, temperature) baixar 3. (wind) parar
drops (MED) gotas FPL NPL cough drops, pastilhas para tosse
a drop of 10% uma queda de 10%
to drop sb a line, escrever (umas linhas) para algum drop in (inf) (visit) to
drop in (on) dar um pulo (na casa de) VI drop off 1. (sleep) cochilar 2.
(passenger) deixar (saltar) VI drop out 1. (withdraw) retirar-se 2. (student etc)
largar tudo VI
droplet [drplt]
N gotcula
N pessoa que abandona o trabalho, os estudos etc
dropper [drp*]
N conta-gotas M INV
droppings [drpz]
NPL fezes FPL (de animal)
dross [drs]
N escria
drought [draut]
N seca
drove [druv]
PT (of drive) N droves of people, uma quantidade de gente
drown [draun]
VT 1. afogar 2. drown out (sound) encobrir VI afogar-se
drowse [drauz]
VI dormitar
drowsy [drauz]
ADJ sonolento to be drowsy, estar com sono
drudge [drd]
N burro-de-carga M
drudgery [drdr]
N trabalho enfadonho
drug [dr]
N 1. remdio, medicamento 2. (narcotic) droga (MED ADMIN) entorpecente M VT
drogar to be on drugs (an addict) estar viciado em drogas (MED) estar sob
hard/soft drugs, drogas pesadas/leves
drug addict
N toxicmano* (toxicmana)
druggist [drst] (US)
N farmacutico* (farmacutica)
drug peddler
N traficante M, F de drogas
drugstore [drst] (US)
N drogaria
drum [drm]
N 1. tambor M 2. (large) bombo 3. (for oil, petrol) tambor, barril M VI (with fingers)
tamborilar VT to drum sth into sb, incutir algo em algum drums (kit) bateria NPL
drum up (enthusiasm, support) angariar VT
drummer [drm*]
N baterista M, F
drum roll
N rufo de tambor
drumstick [drmstk]
N 1. (MUS) baqueta 2. (of chicken) perna
drunk [drk]
PP (of drink) ADJ bbado N drunkard, bbado* (bbada) to get drunk, ficar bbado,
encher a cara (inf)
drunkard [drkd]
N beberro* M (F beberrona)
drunken [drkn]
ADJ 1. (laughter) de bbado 2. (party) cheic de bbado 3. (person) bbado drunken
driving, embriaguez F no volante
drunkenness [drknns]
N embriaguez F
dry [dra]
ADJ 1. seco 2. (day) sem chuva 3. (uninteresting) inspido 4. (humour) irnico VT 1.
secar, enxugar 2. (tears) limpar VI secar on dry land, em terra firme
to dry ones hands/hair/eyes, enxugar as mas o cabelo/as lgrimas dry up
1. secar completamente 2. (supply) esgotar-se 3. (in speech) calar-se 4. (dishes)
enxugar (a loua) VI
VT lavar a seco
N tintureiro* (tintureira)
N tinturaria, lavanderia
N lavagem F a seco
dry dock
N (NAUT) dique M seco
dryer [dra*]
N 1. secador M 2. spin-dryer, secadora
dry goods
NPL (COMM) fazendas FPL e artigos MPL de armarinho
dry goods store (US)
N armarinho
dry ice
N gelo seco
dryness [drans]
N secura
dry rot
N putrefao F fungosa
dry run
N (fig) ensaio, prova
dry ski slope
N pista de esqui artificial
N ABBR Doctor of Science, ttulo universitrio
N ABBR Department of Social Security, INAMPS M
ABBR Daylight Saving Time, hora de vero
N ABBR (COMPUT) data transmission
N Department of Trade and Industry
N ABBR desktop publishing, DTP M
DTs (inf)
NPL ABBR delirium tremens, delirium tremens M
dual [djul]
ADJ dual, duplo
dual carriageway (BRIT)
N pista dupla
ADJ de duplo comando
dual nationality
N dupla nacionalidade F
ADJ de duplo uso
dubbed [dbd]
ADJ 1. (CINEMA) dublado 2. (nicknamed) apelidado
dubious [djubs]
ADJ 1. duvidoso 2. (reputation, company) suspeitoso Im very dubious about it, eu
tenho muitas dvidas a respeito
Dublin [dbln]
N Dublin
Dubliner [dbln*]
N natural M, F de Dublin
duchess [dts]
N duquesa
duck [dk]
N pato VI duck down, abaixar-se repentinamente VT mergulhar
duckling [dkl]
N patinho
duct [dkt]
N 1. conduto, canal M 2. (ANAT) ducto
dud [dd]
N 1. (shell) bomba falhada 2. (object, tool) its a dud, no presta ADJ (BRIT: coin,
note) falso dud cheque, cheque M sem fundos, cheque M voador (inf)
due [dju]
ADJ 1. (proper) devido 2. (expected) esperado 3. (fitting) conveniente, oportuno N to
give sb his (or her) due, ser justo com algum ADV due north, exatamente ao
norte dues 1. (for club, union) quota 2. (in harbour) direitos MPL NPL in due
course, no devido tempo (eventually) no final
due to, devido a
the rent is due on the 30th, o aluguel vence no dia 30
the train is due at 8 o trem deve chegar s 8
I am due 6 days leave, eu tenho direito a 6 dias de folga
due date
N (data de) vencimento
duel [djul]
N 1. duelo 2. (fig) batalha
duet [djut]
N dueto
duff [df] (BRIT inf)
ADJ de nada
duffel bag [dfl-]
N mochila
duffel coat [dfl-]
N casaco de baeta
duffer [df*] (inf)
N zero ( esquerda)
duffle bag [dfl-]
N duffelbag
duffle coat [dfl-]
N duffelcoat
dug [d]
PT PP (of dig)
duke [djuk]
N duque M
dull [dl]
ADJ 1. (light) sombrio 2. (intelligence, wit) lento 3. (boring) enfadonho 4. (sound, pain)
surdo 5. (weather, day) nublado, carregado 6. (blade) embotado, cego VT 1. (pain,
grief) aliviar 2. (mind, senses) entorpecer
duly [djul]
ADV 1. devidamente 2. (on time) no devido tempo
dumb [dm]
ADJ 1. mudo 2. (pej: stupid) estpido to be struck dumb (fig) ficar pasmo
dumbbell [dmbl]
N (SPORT) haltere M
dumbfounded [dmfaundd]
ADJ pasmado
dummy [dm]
N 1. (tailor's model) manequim M 2. (mock-up) modelo 3. (BRIT: for baby) chupeta 4.
(CARDS) morto ADJ falso
dummy run
N prova, ensaio
dump [dmp]
N 1. (heap) monto M 2. rubbish dump, depsito de lixo 3. (inf: place) chiqueiro 4.
(MIL) depsito 5. (COMPUT) dump M, descarga VT 1. (put down) depositar,
descarregar 2. (get rid of) desfazer-se de 3. (COMM) (goods) fazer dumping de 4.
(COMPUT) tirar um dump de to be (down) in the dumps (inf) estar na fossa
dumping [dmp]
N 1. (ECON) dumping M 2. (of rubbish) ``no dumping ``proibido jogar lixo (BR)
``proibido deitar lixo (PT)
dumpling [dmpl]
N bolinho cozido
dumpy [dmp]
ADJ gorducho
dunce [dns]
N burro, ignorante M, F
dune [djun]
N duna
dung [d]
N estrume M
dungarees [driz]
NPL macaco M (BR) fato macaco (PT)
dungeon [dndn]
N calabouo
dunk [dk]
VT mergulhar
duo [djuu]
N 1. (gen) dupla 2. (MUS) duo
duodenal [djudinl]
ADJ duodenal
dupe [djup]
N (victim) otrio* (otria) trouxa M, F VT enganar
duplex [djuplks] (US)
N 1. (house) casa geminada 2. duplex apartment, duplex M
N [djuplkt] 1. (of document) duplicata 2. (of key) cpia VT [djuplket] 1. duplicar 2.
(photocopy) multigrafar 3. (repeat) reproduzir in duplicate, em duplicata
duplicate key, cpia de chave
duplicating machine [djuplket-]
N duplicador M
duplicator [djuplket*]
N duplicador M
duplicity [djuplst]
N falsidade F
Dur (BRIT)
ABBR Durham
durability [djurblt]
N durabilidade F, solidez F
durable [djurbl]
ADJ 1. durvel 2. (clothes, metal) resistente
duration [djuren]
N durao F
duress [djurs]
N under duress, sob coao
Durex [djurks] (BRIT)
N preservativo, camisinha (inf) camisa-de-venus F
during [djur]
PREP durante
dusk [dsk]
N crepsculo, anoitecer M
dusky [dsk]
ADJ 1. (sky, room) sombrio 2. (person, complexion) moreno
dust [dst]
N p M, poeira VT 1. (furniture) tirar o p de 2. (cake etc) to dust with, polvilhar com
dust off (dirt) tirar VT
dustbin [dstbn]
N (BRIT) lata de lixo
duster [dst*]
N pano de p
dust jacket
N sobrecapa
dustman [dstmn] (BRIT)
N IRREG lixeiro, gari M (BR inf)
dustpan [dstpn]
N p F de lixo
dusty [dst]
ADJ empoeirado
Dutch [dt]
ADJ holands* (holandesa) N (LING) holands M ADV lets go Dutch (inf) cada um
paga o seu, vamos rachar the Dutch (people) os holandeses NPL
Dutch auction
N leilo m em que os ertantes oferecem cada vez menos
Dutchman [dtmn]
N IRREG holands M
Dutchwoman [dtwumn]
N IRREG holandesa
dutiable [djutbl]
ADJ 1. (taxable) tributvel 2. (by customs) sujeito a impostos alfandegrios
dutiful [djutful]
ADJ 1. (child) respeitoso 2. (husband, wife) atencioso 3. (employee) zeloso,
duty [djut]
N 1. dever M 2. (tax) taxa 3. (customs) taxa alfandegria duties funes FPL NPL to
make it ones duty to do sth, dar-se a responsabilidade de fazer algo
to pay duty on sth, pagar imposto sobre algo
on duty, de servio (at night etc) de planto
off duty, de folga
ADJ livre de impostos duty-free shop, duty-free F
duty officer
N (MIL etc) oficial M de servio
duvet [duve] (BRIT)
N edredom M (BR) edredo M (PT)
ABBR Deo volente, se Deus quiser
N ABBR digital versatile disc, digital video disc, DVD M
DVD burner , DVD writer
N gravador M de DVD
N ABBR Driver and Vehicle Licensing Centre, Contran M
N ABBR Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, ttulo universitrio
dwarf [dwf] (PL dwarves )
N ano* M (F an) VT ananicar
dwarves [dwvz]
NPL (of dwarf)
dwell [dwl] (PT, PP dwelt )
VI morar dwell on estender-se sobre VT
dweller [dwl*]
N habitante M, F
dwelling [dwl]
N residncia
dwelt [dwlt]
PT PP (of dwell)
dwindle [dwndl]
VI diminuir
dwindling [dwndl]
ADJ descrescente, minguante
dye [da]
N tintura, tinta VT tingir hair dye, tintura para o cabelo
dyestuffs [dastfs]
NPL corantes MPL
dying [da]
ADJ 1. moribundo, agonizante 2. (moments) final 3. (words) ltimo
dyke [dak] (BRIT)
N (embankment) dique M, represa
dynamic [danmk]
ADJ dinmico
dynamics [danmks]
N NPL dinmica
dynamite [danmat]
N dinamite F VT dinamitar
dynamo [danmu]
N dnamo
dynasty [dnst]
N dinastia
dysentery [dsntr]
N disenteria
dyslexia [dslks]
N dislexia
dyslexic [dslksk]
ADJ N disltico* (disltica) dislxico* (dislxica)
dyspepsia [dspps]
N dispepsia
dystrophy [dstrf]
N distrofia muscular dystrophy

E , e [i]
N 1. (letter) E, e M 2. (MUS) E, mi M E for Edward BRIT or Easy US (BRIT) (US) E
de Eliane
ABBR east, E
N ABBR form E111 formulrio E111
E.A. (US)
N ABBR educational age, idade educacional
ABBR each
each [it]
ADJ cada PRON cada um* (cada uma) each one, cada um
each other, um ao outro
they hate each other, (eles) se odeiam
you are jealous of each other, vocs tm ciume um do outro
each day, cada dia
they have 2 books each, eles tm 2 livros cada um
they cost 5 each, custam 5 cada
each of us, cada um de ns
eager [i*]
ADJ 1. vido 2. (hopeful) desejoso 3. (ambitious) ambicioso 4. (pupil) empolgado to
be eager to do sth, ansiar por fazer algo
to be eager for, ansiar por
eagle [il]
N guia
E and OE
ABBR errors and omissions excepted, SEO
ear [*]
N 1. (external) orelha 2. (inner, fig) ouvido 3. (of corn) espiga to play by ear, tocar
de ouvido
up to ones ears in debt, endividado at o pescoo
earache [rek]
N dor F de ouvidos
eardrum [drm]
N tmpano
earl [l]
N conde M
earlier [l*]
ADJ 1. (date etc) mais adiantado 2. (edition etc) anterior ADV mais cedo
early [l]
ADV 1. cedo 2. (before time) com antecedncia ADJ 1. (sooner than expected)
prematuro 2. (reply) pronto 3. (Christians, settlers) primeiro 4. (man) primitivo 5.
(life, work) juvenil have an early night/start, v para cama cedo/saia de manh
in the early or early in the spring/19th century, no princpio da primavera/do
sculo dezenove
as early as possible, o mais cedo possvel
youre early! voc chegou cedo!
early in the morning, de manh cedo
shes in her early forties, ela tem pouco mais de 40 anos
at your earliest convenience (COMM) o mais cedo que lhe for possvel
early retirement
N aposentadoria antecipada
early warning system
N sistema M de alerta antecipado
earmark [mk]
VT to earmark sth for, reservar or destinar algo para
earn [n]
VT 1. ganhar 2. (COMM) (interest) render 3. (praise, reward) merecer to earn ones
living, ganhar a vida
earned income [nd-]
N rendimento do trabalho individual
earnest [nst]
ADJ 1. (wish) intenso 2. (manner) srio N earnest money, sinal M em dinheiro in
earnest, a srio
earnings [nz]
NPL 1. (personal) vencimentos MPL, salrio, ordenado 2. (of company) lucro
ear nose and throat specialist
N otorrinolaringologista M, F, otorrino M, F
earphones [funz]
NPL fones MPL de ouvido
earplugs [plz]
NPL borrachinhas FPL (de ouvido)
earring [r]
N brinco
earshot [t]
N out of/within earshot, fora do/ao alcance do ouvido or da voz
earth []
N 1. terra 2. (BRIT ELEC) fio terra VT (BRIT ELEC) ligar terra what on earth! que
earthenware [nw*]
N loua de barro ADJ de barro
earthly [l]
ADJ terrestre earthly paradise, paraso terrestre
there is no earthly reason to think ... no h a mnima razo para se pensar
que ...
earthquake [kwek]
N terremoto (BR) terramoto (PT)
earth tremor
N tremor M, abalo ssmico
earthworks [wks]
NPL trabalhos MPL de terraplenagem
earthworm [wm]
N minhoca
earthy []
ADJ (fig) (vulgar) grosseiro (natural) natural
earwax [wks]
N cerume M
earwig [w]
N lacrainha
ease [iz]
N 1. facilidade F 2. (relaxed state) sossego VT 1. facilitar 2. (relieve) (pressure)
afrouxar 3. (pain, tension) aliviar 4. (help pass) to ease sth in/out, meter/tirar algo
com cuidado VI (situation) abrandar at ease! (MIL) descansar!
to be at ease, estar vontade
with ease, com facilidade ease off 1. acalmar-se 2. (at work) deixar de
trabalhar tanto 3. (wind) baixar 4. (rain) moderar-se VI ease up ease off VI
easel [izl]
N cavalete M
easily [izl]
ADV facilmente, fcil (inf)
easy [iz]
ADJ 1. fcil 2. (comfortable) folgado, cmodo 3. (relaxed) natural, complacente 4.
(victim, prey) desprotegido ADV to take it or things easy (not worry) levar as
coisas com calma (go slowly) ir devagar (rest) descansar payment on easy
terms (COMM) pagamento facilitado
thats easier said than done, mais fcil falar do que fazer
Im easy (inf) para mim, tanto faz
easiness [izns]
N 1. facilidade F 2. (of manner) desenvoltura
east [ist]
N leste M ADJ 1. (region) leste 2. (wind) do leste ADV para o leste the East, o Oriente
(POL) o leste
Easter [ist*]
N Pscoa ADJ 1. (holidays) da Pscoa 2. (traditions) pascal
Easter egg
N ovo de Pscoa
Easter Island
N ilha da Pscoa
easterly [istl]
ADJ 1. (to the east) para o leste 2. (from the east) do Leste
Easter Monday
N Segunda-Feira da Pscoa
eastern [istn]
ADJ do leste, oriental Eastern Europe, a Europa Oriental
the Eastern bloc (POL) o Bloco Oriental
Easter Sunday
N Domingo da Pscoa
East Germany
N Alemanha Oriental
eastward [istwd] eastwards, istwdz
ADV ao leste
easy chair
N poltrona
ADJ pacato, fcil
eat [it] (PT ate ), (PP eaten )
VT VI comer eat away corroer VT eat away at corroer VT eat into eat away at VT
eat out jantar fora VI eat up (food) acabar VT it eats up electricity, consome
eletricidade demais
eatable [itbl]
ADJ comestvel
eau de Cologne [ud-]
N (gua de) Colnia
eaves [ivz]
NPL beira, beiral M
eavesdrop [ivzdrp]
VI to eavesdrop (on) escutar s escondidas
ebb [b]
N refluxo VI 1. baixar 2. ebb away (fig) declinar the ebb and flow, o fluxo e refluxo
to be at a low ebb (fig) (person) estar de mar baixa (business, relations etc) ir
ebb tide
N baixa-mar F, mar F vazante
ebony [bn]
N bano
ebullient [blnt]
ADJ vivo, enrgico
N ABBR European Community, CE F
N ABBR European Central Bank, BCE M, Banco Central Europeu
eccentric [ksntrk]
ADJ N excntrico* (excntrica)
ecclesiastic [klizstk] ecclesiastical, klizstkl
ADJ eclesistico
N ABBR electrocardiogram, eletro
N ABBR Export Credits Guarantee Department, servio de garantia financeira para
echo [ku] (PL echoes )
N eco VT (sound) ecoar, repetir VI ressoar, repetir
clair [ekl*]
N (CULIN) bomba
eclipse [klps]
N eclipse M VT eclipsar
N ABBR European Common Market
ecologist [kldst]
N ecologista M, F
ecology [kld]
N ecologia
economic [iknmk]
ADJ 1. econmico 2. (business etc) rentvel
economical [iknmkl]
ADJ 1. econmico 2. (proposition etc) rentvel
economically [iknmkl]
ADV economicamente
economics [iknmks]
N economia NPL aspectos MPL econmicos
economist [knmst]
N economista M, F
economize [knmaz]
VI economizar, fazer economias
economy [knm]
N economia economies of scale, economias de escala
economy class
N (AVIAT) classe F econmica
economy size
N tamanho econmico
N ABBR European Coal and Steel Community, CECA F
ecstasy [ksts]
N xtase M to go into ecstasies over, extasiar-se com
ecstatic [ksttk]
ADJ extasiado
N ABBR electroconvulsive therapy
N ABBR European Currency Unit, ECU F
Ecuador [kwd*]
N Equador M
Ecuadorian [kwdrn]
ADJ N equatoriano* (equatoriana)
ecumenical [ikjumnkl]
ADJ ecumnico
eczema [ksm]
N eczema M
eddy [d]
N rodamoinho
edge [d]
N 1. (of knife etc) fio 2. (of table, chair etc) borda 3. (of lake etc) margem F VT (trim)
embainhar VI to edge forward, avanar pouco a pouco on edge (fig)
to have the edge on (fig) levar vantagem sobre
to edge away from, afastar-se pouco a pouco de
edgeways [dwez]
ADV lateralmente he couldnt get a word in edgeways, no pde entrar na
edging [d]
N 1. (SEWING) debrum M 2. (of path) borda
edgy [d]
ADJ nervoso, inquieto
edible [dbl]
ADJ comestvel
edict [idkt]
N dito
edifice [dfs]
N edifcio
edifying [dfa]
ADJ edificante
Edinburgh [dnbr]
N Edimburgo
edit [dt]
VT 1. (be editor of) dirigir 2. (cut) cortar, redigir 3. (COMPUT TV) editar 4. (CINEMA)
edition [dn]
N 1. (gen) edio F 2. (number printed) tiragem F
editor [dt*]
N 1. redator* M (F redatora) 2. (of newspaper) diretor* M (F diretora) 3. (of column)
foreign/political editor, editor* M (F editora) 4. (of book) organizador* M da edio
(F organizadora) 5. film editor, montador* M (F montadora)
editorial [dtrl]
ADJ editorial N editorial M the editorial staff, a redao
N ABBR electronic data processing
ABBR Eastern Daylight Time, hora de vero de Nova Iorque
educate [djuket]
VT educar educated at ... que cursou ...
education [djuken]
N 1. educao F 2. (schooling) ensino 3. (science) pedagogia primary BRIT or
elementary US education (BRIT) (US) ensino de 1/2grau
educational [djukenl]
ADJ 1. (policy, experience) educacional 2. (teaching) docente 3. (toy etc) educativo
educational technology, tecnologia educacional
Edwardian [dwdn]
ADJ da poca do rei Eduardo VII, dos anos 1900
ABBR electrical engineer
N ABBR European Economic Community, CEE F
N ABBR electroencephalogram, eletro
eel [il]
N enguia
N ABBR (MED) eye, ear, nose and throat
N ABBR Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
eerie [r]
ADJ 1. (strange) estranho 2. (mysterious) misterioso
N ABBR Eastern European Time, hora da Europa Oriental
effect [fkt]
N efeito VT 1. (repairs) fazer 2. (savings) efetuar effects 1. (THEATRE) efeitos MPL
2. (property) bens MPL mveis, pertences MPL NPL to take effect (law) entrar em
vigor (drug) fazer efeito
to put into effect (plan) pr em ao or prtica
to have an effect on sb/sth, produzir efeito em algum/algo
in effect, en vigor
his letter is to the effect that ... a carta dele informa que ...
effective [fktv]
ADJ 1. (successful) eficaz 2. (striking) impressionante 3. (actual) efetivo to become
effective (LAW) entrar em vigor
effective date, data de entrada em vigor
effectively [fktvl]
ADV 1. (successfully) eficazmente 2. (in reality) efetivamente
effectiveness [fktvns]
N eficcia
effeminate [fmnt]
ADJ efeminado
effervescent [fvsnt]
ADJ efervescente
efficacy [fks]
N eficcia
efficiency [fns]
N 1. eficincia 2. (of machine) rendimento
efficiency apartment (US)
N kitchenette F
efficient [fnt]
ADJ 1. eficiente 2. (machine) rentvel
efficiently [fntl]
ADV eficientemente
effigy [fd]
N efgie F
effluent [flunt]
N efluente M
effort [ft]
N esforo to make an effort to, esforar-se para
effortless [ftls]
ADJ fcil
effrontery [frntr]
N descaramento
effusive [fjusv]
ADJ 1. efusivo 2. (welcome) caloroso
N ABBR (SCH) English as a foreign language
EFTA [ft]
N ABBR European Free Trade Association, AELC F
ADV ABBR exempli gratia, p. ex
egalitarian [ltrn]
ADJ igualitrio
egg []
N ovo hard-boiled/soft-boiled egg, ovo duro/mole egg on incitar VT
eggcup [kp]
N oveiro
eggplant [plnt] (esp US)
N beringela
eggshell [l]
N casca de ovo
egg white
N clara (de ovo)
egg yolk
N gema
ego [iu]
N ego
egoism [iuzm]
N egosmo
egoist [iust]
N egosta M, F
egotism [utzm]
N egotismo M
egotist [utst]
N egotista M, F
Egypt [idpt]
N Egito
Egyptian [dpn]
ADJ N egpcio* (egpcia)
eiderdown [addaun]
N edredom M (BR) edredo M (PT)
eight [et]
NUM oito five
eighteen [etin]
NUM dezoito five
eighth [et]
NUM oitavo fifth
eighty [et]
NUM oitenta fifty
Eire [r]
N (Repblica da) Irlanda
N ABBR Educational Institute of Scotland, sindicato dos professores escoceses
either [a*]
ADJ 1. (one or other) um ou outro 2. (each) cada 3. (any) qualquer 4. (both) ambos
PRON either (of them) qualquer (dos dois) ADV no, I dont either, eu tambm no
CONJ either yes or no, ou sim ou no on either side, de ambos os lados
I dont like either, no gosto nem de um nem do outro
I havent seen either one or the other, eu no vi nem um nem o outro
ejaculation [dkjulen]
N (PHYSIOLOGY) ejaculao F
eject [dkt]
VT expulsar VI (pilot) ser ejetado
ejector seat [dkt*-]
N assento ejetor
eke [ik]
VI VT to eke out (money) economizar (food) economizar em (add to) complementar
N ABBR electrocardiogram, eletro
el [l] (US inf)
N ABBR elevated railroad
ADJ [lbrt] 1. complicado 2. (decorated) rebuscado VT [lbret] 1. elaborar 2.
(expand) expandir 3. (refine) aperfeioar VI [lbret] to elaborate on,
acrescentar detalhes a
elapse [lps]
VI transcorrer
elastic [lstk]
ADJ 1. elstico 2. (adaptable) flexvel, adaptvel N elstico
elastic band (BRIT)
N elstico
elasticity [lstst]
N elasticidade F
elated [letd]
ADJ to be elated, rejubilar-se
elation [len]
N exaltao F
elbow [lbu]
N cotovelo VT to elbow ones way through the crowd, abrir passagem pela multido
com os cotovelos
elbow room
N (fig) liberdade F
elder [ld*]
ADJ mais velho N 1. (tree) sabugueiro 2. (person) o mais velho* (a mais velha) 3. (of
tribe) ancio 4. (of church) presbtero
elderly [ldl]
ADJ idoso, de idade NPL the elderly, as pessoas de idade, os idosos
eldest [ldst]
ADJ mais velho N o mais velho* (o maisa mais velha)
elect [lkt]
VT eleger ADJ the president elect, o presidente eleito to elect to do (choose) optar
por fazer
election [lkn]
N 1. (voting) votao F 2. (installation) eleio F to hold an election, realizar uma
election campaign
N campanha eleitoral
electioneering [lknr]
N campanha or propaganda eleitoral
elector [lkt*]
N eleitor* M (F eleitora)
electoral [lktrl]
ADJ eleitoral
electoral college
N colgio eleitoral
electoral roll (BRIT)
N lista de eleitores
electorate [lktrt]
N eleitorado
electric [lktrk]
ADJ eltrico
electrical [lktrkl]
ADJ eltrico
electrical engineer
N engenheiro* eletricista (engenheira)
electrical failure
N pane F eltrica
electric blanket
N cobertor M eltrico
electric chair (US)
N cadeira eltrica
electric cooker
N fogo M eltrico
electric current
N corrente F eltrica
electric fire (BRIT)
N aquecimento eltrico
electrician [lktrn]
N eletricista M, F
electricity [lktrst]
N eletricidade F
electricity board (BRIT)
N empresa de energia eltrica
electric light
N luz F eltrica
electric shock
N choque M eltrico
electrify [lktrfa]
VT 1. (fence, RAIL) eletrificar 2. (audience) eletrizar
electro... [lktru]
PREFIX eletro...
electrocardiogram [lktrukdrm]
N eletrocardiograma M
electro-convulsive therapy
N eletrochoques MPL
electrocute [lktrkjut]
VT eletrocutar
electrode [lktrud]
N eletrodo (BR) elctrodo (PT)
electroencephalogram [lktrunsflrm]
N eletroencefalograma M
electrolysis [lktrlss]
N eletrlise F
electromagnetic [lktrumntk]
ADJ eletromagntico
electron [lktrn]
N eltron M (BR) electro M (PT)
electronic [lktrnk]
ADJ eletrnico
electronic data processing
N processamento de dados eletrnico
electronic mail
N correio eletrnico
electronics [lktrnks]
N eletrnica
electron microscope
N microscpio eletrnico
electroplated [lktrupletd]
ADJ galvanizado
electrotherapy [lktrurp]
N eletroterapia
elegance [lns]
N elegncia
elegant [lnt]
ADJ 1. (person, building) elegante 2. (idea) refinado
element [lmnt]
N elemento to brave the elements, enfrentar intemprie
elementary [lmntr]
ADJ 1. (gen) elementar 2. (primitive) rudimentar 3. (school, education) primrio
elementary school (US)
elephant [lfnt]
N elefante M
elevate [lvet]
VT 1. elevar 2. (in rank) promover
elevated railroad (US)
N ferrovia elevada
elevation [lven]
N 1. elevao F 2. (land) eminncia 3. (height) altura
elevator [lvet*] (US)
N elevador M
eleven [lvn]
NUM onze five
elevenses [lvnzz] (BRIT)
NPL refeio leve da manh
eleventh [lvn]
NUM dcimo-primeiro at the eleventh hour (fig) no ltimo momento, na hora H fifth
elf [lf] (PL elves )
N elfo, duende M
elicit [lst]
VT to elicit (from) (information) extrair (de) (response, reaction) provocar (de)
eligible [ldbl]
ADJ elegvel, apto to be eligible for sth (job etc) ter qualificaes para algo
(pension etc) ter direito a algo
eliminate [lmnet]
VT 1. (poverty, smoking) erradicar 2. (candidate, team) eliminar 3. (strike out) suprimir
4. (suspect) eliminar, excluir
elimination [lmnen]
N eliminao F by a process of elimination, por eliminao
lite [elit]
N elite F
litist [elitst] (pej)
ADJ elitista
elixir [lks*]
N elixir M
Elizabethan [lzbin]
ADJ elisabetano
ellipse [lps]
N elipse F
elliptical [lptkl]
ADJ elptico
elm [lm]
N olmo
elocution [lkjun]
N elocuo F
elongated [iletd]
ADJ alongado
elope [lup]
VI fugir
elopement [lupmnt]
N fuga do lar paterno
eloquence [lkwns]
N eloqncia
eloquent [lkwnt]
ADJ eloqente
else [ls]
ADV outro, mais something else, outra coisa
somewhere else, em outro lugar (BR) noutro stio (PT)
everywhere else, por todo o lado (menos aqui)
everyone else, todos os outros
where else? onde mais?
what else can we do? que mais podemos fazer?
or else, seno
there was little else to do, no havia outra coisa a fazer
nobody else spoke, ningum mais falou
elsewhere [lsw*]
ADV 1. (be) em outro lugar (BR) noutro stio (PT) 2. (go) para outro lugar (BR) a outro
stio (PT)
N ABBR (SCH) English Language Teaching
elucidate [lusdet]
VT esclarecer, elucidar
elude [lud]
VT 1. (pursuer) escapar de, esquivar-se de 2. (subj) (fact, idea) evadir
elusive [lusv]
ADJ 1. esquivo 2. (quality) indefinvel 3. (answer) evasivo
elves [lvz]
NPL (of elf)
elf [lf] (PL elves )
N elfo, duende M
emaciated [mesetd]
ADJ emaciado, macilento
e-mail [imel]
N e-mail M, correio eletrnico VT (person) enviar um e-mail a
e-mail account
N conta de e-mail, conta de correio eletrnico
e-mail address
N e-mail M, endereo eletrnico
emanate [mnet]
VI to emanate from, emanar de
emancipate [mnspet]
VT 1. libertar 2. (women) emancipar
emancipated [mnspetd]
ADJ emancipado
emancipation [mnspen]
N emancipao F
emasculate [mskjulet]
VT emascular
embalm [mbm]
VT embalsamar
embankment [mbkmnt]
N 1. aterro 2. (of river) dique M
embargo [mbu] (PL embargoes )
N 1. (NAUT) embargo 2. (COMM) proibio F VT boicotear to put an embargo on
sth, proibir algo
embark [mbk]
VI embarcar VT embarcar to embark on (fig) empreender, comear
embarkation [mbken]
N (of people, goods) embarque M
embarkation card
N carto M de embarque
embarrass [mbrs]
VT 1. (politician) embaraar 2. (emotionally) constranger
embarrassed [mbrst]
ADJ (laugh, silence) descomfortvel to be financially embarrassed, estar com
dificuldades financeiras
embarrassing [mbrs]
ADJ embaraoso, constrangedor* (constrangedora)
embarrassment [mbrsmnt]
N 1. embarao, constrangimento 2. (financial) dificuldades FPL
embassy [mbs]
N embaixada
embed [mbd]
VT 1. embutir 2. (teeth etc) cravar
embedded [mbdd]
ADJ encravado
embellish [mbl]
VT 1. embelezar 2. (fig) (story) florear
embers [mbz]
NPL brasa, borralho, cinzas FPL
embezzle [mbzl]
VT desviar
embezzlement [mbzlmnt]
N desvio (de fundos)
embezzler [mbzl*]
N malversador* M (F malversadora)
embitter [mbt*]
VT 1. (person) amargurar 2. (relations) azedar
embittered [mbtd]
ADJ amargurado
emblem [mblm]
N emblema M
embodiment [mbdmnt]
N encarnao F
embody [mbd]
VT 1. (features) incorporar 2. (ideas) expressar
embolden [mbuldn]
VT encorajar, animar
embolism [mblzm]
N embolia
embossed [mbst]
ADJ realado embossed with, ornado com relevos de
embrace [mbres]
VT 1. abraar, dar um abrao em 2. (include) abarcar, abranger 3. (adopt) (idea)
adotar VI abraar-se N abrao
embroider [mbrd*]
VT 1. bordar 2. (fig) (story) florear
embroidery [mbrdr]
N bordado
embroil [mbrl]
VT to become embroiled (in sth) ficar envolvido (em algo)
embryo [mbru]
N (fig) embrio M
emend [mnd]
VT emendar
emerald [mrld]
N esmeralda
emerge [md]
VI 1. sair 2. (from sleep) acordar 3. (fact, idea) emergir it emerges that ... BRIT
(BRIT) veio tona que ...
emergence [mdns]
N 1. surgimento, aparecimento 2. (of a nation) nascimento
emergent [mdnt]
ADJ 1. (nation) em desenvolvimento 2. (group) emergente
emergency [mdns]
N emergncia in an emergency, em caso de urgncia
state of emergency, estado de emergncia
emergency cord (US)
N sinal M de alarme
emergency exit
N sada de emergncia
emergency landing
N aterrissagem F forada (BR) aterragem F forosa (PT)
emergency lane (US)
N (AUT) acostamento (BR) berma (PT)
emergency meeting
N reunio F extraordinria
emergency road service (US)
N auto-socorro (BR) pronto socorro (PT)
emergency services
NPL servios MPL de emergncia
emergency stop (BRIT)
N (AUT) parada de emergncia
emery board [mr-]
N lixa de unhas
emery paper [mr-]
N lixa or papel M de esmeril
emetic [mtk]
N emtico
emigrant [mrnt]
N emigrante M, F
emigrate [mret]
VI emigrar
emigration [mren]
N emigrao F
migr [mre]
N emigrado* (emigrada)
eminence [mnns]
N eminncia
eminent [mnnt]
ADJ eminente
eminently [mnntl]
ADV eminentemente
emirate [mrt]
N emirado
emission [mn]
N emisso F
emit [mt]
VT 1. (gen) emitir 2. (smoke) soltar 3. (smell) exalar 4. (sound) produzir
emolument [mljumnt]
N 1. (often pl) (formal: fee) honorrio 2. (salary) remunerao F
emotion [mun]
N emoo F
emotional [munl]
ADJ 1. (needs, exhaustion) emocional 2. (person) sentimental, emotivo 3. (scene)
comovente 4. (tone) emocionante
emotionally [munl]
ADV 1. (disturbed, involved) emocionalmente 2. (behave) emotivamente 3. (speak)
com emoo
emotive [mutv]
ADJ que sensibiliza emotive power, capacidade F de comover
empathy [mp]
N empatia to feel empathy with sb, ter afinidade com algum
emperor [mpr*]
N imperador M
emphases [mfsiz]
NPL (of emphasis)
emphasis [mfss] (PL emphases )
N 1. nfase F 2. (stress) acentuao F to lay or place emphasis on sth, dar nfase
the emphasis is on reading, a leitura ocupa um lugar de destaque
emphasize [mfsaz]
VT 1. (word, point) enfatizar, acentuar 2. (feature) salientar
emphatic [mftk]
ADJ 1. (statement) vigoroso, expressivo 2. (person) convincente 3. (manner) enftico
emphatically [mftkl]
ADV 1. com nfase 2. (certainly) certamente
empire [mpa*]
N imprio
empirical [mprkl]
ADJ emprico
employ [mpl]
VT 1. empregar 2. (tool) utilizar hes employed in a bank, ele trabalha num banco
employee [mpli]
N empregado* (empregada)
employer [mpl*]
N empregador* M (F empregadora) patro* M (F patroa)
employment [mplmnt]
N 1. (gen) emprego 2. (work) trabalho to find employment, encontrar um emprego
without employment, sem emprego, desempregado
place of employment, local de trabalho
employment agency
N agncia de empregos
employment exchange (BRIT)
N bolsa de trabalho
empower [mpau*]
VT to empower sb to do sth, autorizar algum para fazer algo
empress [mprs]
N imperatriz F
emptiness [mptns]
N vazio, vcuo
empty [mpt]
ADJ 1. vazio 2. (place) deserto 3. (house) desocupado 4. (threat) vo* (v) N (bottle)
vazio VT 1. esvaziar 2. (place) evacuar VI 1. esvaziar-se 2. (place) ficar deserto
on an empty stomach, em jejum, com o estmago vazio
to empty into (river) desaguar em
empty-handed [-hndd]
ADJ de mos vazias
empty-headed [-hdd]
ADJ de cabea oca
N ABBR European Monetary System, SME M
N ABBR emergency medical technician
emulate [mjulet]
VT (person) emular com
emulsion [mln]
N 1. emulso F 2. emulsion paint, tinta plstica
enable [nebl]
VT to enable sb to do sth (allow) permitir que algum faa algo (make possible)
tornar possvel (prepare) capacitar algum para fazer algo
enact [nkt]
VT 1. (law) pr em vigor, promulgar 2. (play) representar 3. (role) fazer
enamel [nml]
N esmalte M
enamel paint
N esmalte M
enamoured [nmd]
ADJ to be enamoured of (person) estar apaixonado por (activity etc) ser louco por
(idea) encantar-se com
ABBR (in letters etc) enclosed, enclosure
encampment [nkmpmnt]
N acampamento
encased [nkest]
ADJ encased in (enclosed) encaixado em (covered) revestido de
encash [nk] (BRIT)
VT descontar
enchant [ntnt]
VT encantar
enchanted [ntntd]
ADJ encantado
enchanting [ntnt]
ADJ encantador* (encantadora)
encircle [nskl]
VT 1. cercar, circundar 2. (waist) rodear
ABBR (in letters etc) enclosed, enclosure
enclave [nklev]
N an enclave of, um encrave de
enclose [nkluz]
VT 1. (land) cercar 2. (with letter etc) anexar (BR) enviar junto (PT) please find
enclosed, segue junto
enclosure [nklu*]
N 1. cercado 2. (COMM) documento anexo
encoder [nkud*]
N (COMPUT) codificador M
encompass [nkmps]
VT abranger, encerrar
encore [k*]
EXCL bis! outra! N bis M
encounter [nkaunt*]
N encontro VT 1. encontrar, topar com 2. (difficulty) enfrentar
encourage [nkrd]
VT 1. (activity) encorajar 2. (growth) estimular 3. (person) to encourage sb to do sth,
animar algum a fazer algo
encouragement [nkrdmnt]
N estmulo
encouraging [nkrd]
ADJ animador* (animadora)
encroach [nkrut]
VI to encroach (up)on, invadir (time) ocupar
encrusted [nkrstd]
ADJ encrusted with, incrustado de
encumber [nkmb*]
VT to be encumbered with (carry) estar carregado de (debts) estar sobrecarregado
encyclopaedia , encyclopedia [nsaklupid]
N enciclopdia
end [nd]
N 1. (gen, also aim) fim M 2. (of table, line, rope etc) ponta 3. (of street, town) final M 4.
(SPORT) ponta VT 1. acabar, terminar 2. bring to an end, put an end to, acabar
com, pr fim a VI terminar, acabar from end to end, de ponta a ponta
to come to an end, acabar
to be at an end, estar no fim, estar terminado
in the end, ao fim, por fim, finalmente
on end (object) na ponta
to stand on end (hair) arrepiar-se
for hours on end, por horas a fio
at the end of the day (BRIT fig) no final das contas
to this end
with this end in view, a este fim end up to end up in, terminar em (place) ir
parar em VI
endanger [ndend*]
VT pr em perigo an endangered species, uma espcie ameaada de extino
endear [nd*]
VT to endear o.s. to sb, conquistar a afeio de algum, cativar algum
endearing [ndr]
ADJ simptico, atrativo
endearment [ndmnt]
N to whisper endearments, sussurrar palavras carinhosas term of endearment,
palavra carinhosa
endeavour [ndv*] endeavor (US)
N 1. esforo 2. (attempt) tentativa 3. (striving) empenho VI to endeavour to do,
esforar-se para fazer (try) tentar fazer
endemic [ndmk]
ADJ endmico
ending [nd]
N 1. fim M, concluso F 2. (of book) desenlace M 3. (LING) terminao F
endive [ndav]
N 1. (curly) chicria 2. (smooth, flat) endvia
endless [ndls]
ADJ 1. interminvel 2. (possibilities) infinito
endorse [nds]
VT 1. (cheque) endossar 2. (approve) aprovar
endorsee [ndsi]
N endossado* (endossada) endossatrio* (endossatria)
endorsement [ndsmnt]
N 1. (BRIT: on driving licence) descrio F das multas 2. (approval) aval M 3.
(signature) endosso
endorser [nds*]
N endossante M, F, endossador* M (F endossadora)
endow [ndau]
VT (provide with money) dotar (institution) fundar to be endowed with, ser dotado
endowment [ndaumnt]
N dotao F
endowment assurance
N seguro dotal
end product
N 1. (INDUSTRY) produto final 2. (fig) resultado
end result
N resultado final
endurable [ndjurbl]
ADJ suportvel
endurance [ndjurns]
N resistncia
endurance test
N teste M de resistncia
endure [ndju*]
VT (bear) agentar, suportar VI 1. (last) durar 2. (resist) resistir
end user
N (COMPUT) usurio* BR or utente M, F PT final (usuria)
enema [nm]
N (MED) enema M, clister M
enemy [nm]
ADJ N inimigo* (inimiga) to make an enemy of sb, fazer de algum um inimigo
energetic [ndtk]
ADJ energtico
energy [nd]
N energia Department of Energy, Ministrio da Energia
energy crisis
N crise F de energia
ADJ 1. (policy) de economia de energia 2. (device) que economiza energia
enervating [nvet]
ADJ enervante
enforce [nfs]
VT (LAW) fazer cumprir
enforced [nfst]
ADJ foroso
enfranchise [nfrntaz]
VT 1. conferir o direito de voto a 2. (set free) emancipar
engage [ned]
VT 1. (attention) chamar 2. (interest) atrair 3. (lawyer) contratar 4. (clutch) engrenar VI
(TECH) engrenar to engage in, dedicar-se a, ocupar-se com
to engage sb in conversation, travar conversa com algum
engaged [nedd]
ADJ 1. (BRIT: phone) ocupado (BR) impedido (PT) (toilet) ocupado 2. (betrothed)
noivo to get engaged, ficar noivo
he is engaged in research, dedica-se pesquisa
engaged tone (BRIT)
N (TEL) sinal M de ocupado BR or de impedido PT
engagement [nedmnt]
N 1. (appointment) encontro 2. (booking) contrato 3. (battle) combate M 4. (to marry)
noivado I have a previous engagement, j tenho compromisso
engagement ring
N aliana de noivado
engaging [ned]
ADJ atraente, simptico
engender [ndnd*]
VT engendrar, gerar
engine [ndn]
N 1. (AUT) motor M 2. (RAIL) locomotiva
engine driver (BRIT)
N maquinista M, F
engineer [ndn*]
N 1. engenheiro* (engenheira) 2. (US RAIL) maquinista M, F 3. (BRIT: for repairs)
tcnico* (tcnica) (for domestic appliances) consertador* M (de aparelhos
domsticos) (F consertadora)
engineering [ndnr]
N engenharia CPD engineering works or factory, fbrica de construo de mquinas
engine failure
N falha do motor
engine trouble
N enguio
England [lnd]
N Inglaterra
English [l]
ADJ ingls* (inglesa) N (LING) ingls M the English (people) os ingleses NPL an
English speaker, uma pessoa de lngua inglesa
English Channel
N the English Channel, o Canal da Mancha
Englishman [lmn]
N IRREG ingls M
ADJ de lngua inglesa
Englishwoman [lwumn]
N IRREG inglesa
engrave [nrev]
VT gravar
engraving [nrev]
N gravura
engrossed [nrust]
ADJ engrossed in, absorto em
engulf [nlf]
VT (subj) (fire, water) engolfar, tragar (panic, fear) tomar conta de
enhance [nhns]
VT 1. (gen) ressaltar, salientar 2. (beauty) realar 3. (position) melhorar 4. (add to)
enigma [nm]
N enigma M
enigmatic [nmtk]
ADJ enigmtico
enjoy [nd]
VT 1. (like) gostar de 2. (have) (health, privilege) desfrutar de 3. (food) comer com
gosto to enjoy o.s. divertir-se
enjoyable [ndbl]
ADJ 1. (pleasant) agradvel 2. (amusing) divertido
enjoyment [ndmnt]
N 1. (joy) prazer M 2. (use) gozo
enlarge [nld]
VT 1. aumentar 2. (broaden) estender, alargar 3. (PHOT) ampliar VI to enlarge on
(subject) desenvolver, estender-se sobre
enlarged [nldd]
ADJ 1. (edition) ampliado 2. (MED) (organ, gland) dilatado, hipertrofiado
enlargement [nldmnt]
N (PHOT) ampliao F
enlighten [nlatn]
VT (inform) informar, instruir
enlightened [nlatnd]
ADJ 1. (cultured) culto 2. (knowledgeable) bem informado 3. (tolerant) compreensivo
enlightening [nlatn]
ADJ esclarecedor* (esclarecedora)
enlightenment [nlatnmnt]
N 1. esclarecimento 2. (HISTORY) the Enlightenment, o Sculo das Luzes
enlist [nlst]
VT 1. alistar 2. (support) conseguir, aliciar VI alistar-se enlisted man (US MIL) praa
enliven [nlavn]
VT animar, agitar
enmity [nmt]
N inimizade F
ennoble [nubl]
VT (with title) nobilitar
enormity [nmt]
N enormidade F
enormous [nms]
ADJ enorme
enormously [nmsl]
ADV imensamente
enough [nf]
ADJ enough time/books, tempo suficiente/livros suficientes PRON have you got
enough? voc tem o suficiente? ADV big enough, suficientemente grande will 5
be enough? 5 chegam?
enough! basta! chega!
thats enough, thanks, chega, obrigado
Ive had enough! no agento mais!
Ive had enough of him, estou farto dele
he has not worked enough, no tem trabalhado o suficiente
its hot enough (as it is)! j est to quente!
he was kind enough to lend me the money, ele teve a gentileza de me
emprestar o dinheiro
which, funnily or oddly enough ... o que, por estranho que parea ...
enquire [nkwa*]
VT VI inquire
enrage [nred]
VT enfurecer, enraivecer
enrich [nrt]
VT enriquecer
enrol [nrul] enroll (US)
VT 1. inscrever 2. (SCH) matricular VI 1. inscrever-se 2. matricular-se
enrolment [nrulmnt] enrollment (US)
N 1. inscrio F 2. (SCH) matrcula
en route [n-]
ADV (on the way) no caminho en route for or to, a caminho de
ensconced [nsknst]
ADJ ensconced in, acomodado em
enshrine [nran]
VT (fig) conservar, resguardar
ensign [nsan]
N 1. (flag) bandeira 2. (MIL) insgnia 3. (US NAUT) guarda-marinha M
enslave [nslev]
VT escravizar
ensue [nsju]
VI 1. seguir-se 2. (result) resultar 3. (happen) acontecer
ensure [nu*]
VT assegurar to ensure that, verificar-se que
N ABBR Ear, Nose&Throat, otorrinolaringologia
entail [ntel]
VT 1. (involve) implicar 2. (result in) acarretar
entangle [ntl]
VT enredar, emaranhar to get entangled in sth (fig) ficar enrolado em algo
entanglement [ntlmnt]
N emaranhado
enter [nt*]
VT 1. (room) entrar em 2. (club) ficar or fazer-se scio de 3. (army) alistar-se em 4.
(competition) inscrever-se em 5. (sb for a competition) inscrever 6. (write down)
completar 7. (COMPUT) entrar com VI entrar enter for inscrever-se em VT
enter into 1. (relations) estabelecer 2. (plans) fazer parte de 3. (debate,
negotiations) entrar em 4. (agreement) chegar a, firmar VT enter on (career)
entrar para VT enter up lanar VT enter upon enter on VT
enteritis [ntrats]
N enterite F
enterprise [ntpraz]
N 1. empresa 2. (undertaking) empreendimento 3. (initiative) iniciativa free/private
enterprise, livre-empresa/empresa privada
enterprising [ntpraz]
ADJ empreendedor* (empreendedora)
entertain [ntten]
VT 1. (amuse) divertir, entreter 2. (invite) (guest) receber (em casa) 3. (idea, plan)
entertainer [ntten*]
N artista M, F
entertaining [ntten]
ADJ divertido N to do a lot of entertaining, receber com freqncia
entertainment [nttenmnt]
N 1. (amusement) entretenimento, diverso F 2. (show) espetculo
entertainment allowance
N verba de representao
enthralled [nrld]
ADJ encantado, cativado
enthralling [nrl]
ADJ cativante, encantador* (encantadora)
enthuse [nuz]
VI to enthuse about or over, entusiasmar-se com or por
enthusiasm [nuzzm]
N entusiasmo
enthusiast [nuzst]
N entusiasta M, F a jazz etc enthusiast, um* aficionado* de jazz etc (ua
enthusiastic [nuzstk]
ADJ entusiasmado to be enthusiastic about, entusiasmar-se por
entice [ntas]
VT 1. atrair, tentar 2. (seduce) seduzir
enticing [ntas]
ADJ sedutor* (sedutora) tentador* (tentadora)
entire [nta*]
ADJ inteiro
entirely [ntal]
ADV totalmente, completamente
entirety [ntart]
N in its entirety, na sua totalidade
entitle [ntatl]
VT to entitle sb to sth, dar a algum direito a algo to entitle sb to do, dar a algum
direito de fazer
entitled [ntatld]
ADJ (book etc) intitulado to be entitled to sth/to do sth, ter direito a algo/de fazer
entity [ntt]
N ente M
entourage [ntur]
N squito
entrails [ntrelz]
NPL entranhas FPL
N [ntrns] 1. entrada 2. (arrival) chegada VT [ntrns] encantar, fascinar to gain
entrance to (university etc) ser admitido em
entrance examination
N exame M de admisso
entrance fee
N 1. jia 2. (to museum etc) (preo da) entrada
entrance ramp (US)
N (AUT) entrada (para a rodovia)
entrancing [ntrns]
ADJ encantador* (encantadora) fascinante
entrant [ntrnt]
N 1. participante M, F 2. (BRIT: in exam) candidato* (candidata)
entreat [ntrit]
VT to entreat sb to do, suplicar con algum para fazer
entreaty [ntrit]
N rogo, splica
entre [ntre]
N (CULIN) entrada
entrenched [ntrntd]
ADJ 1. (position, power) fortalecido 2. (idea) arraigado
entrepreneur [ntrprn]
N empresrio* (empresria)
entrepreneurial [ntrprnrl ]
ADJ empreendedor* (empreendedora)
entrust [ntrst]
VT to entrust sth to sb, confiar algo a algum
entry [ntr]
N 1. entrada 2. (permission to enter) acesso 3. (in register) registro, assentamento 4.
(in account) lanamento 5. (in dictionary) verbete M ``no entry ``entrada
proibida (AUT) ``contramo (BR) ``entrada proibida (PT)
single/double entry book-keeping, escriturao por partidas simples/dobradas
entry form
N formulrio de inscrio
entry phone (BRIT)
N interfone M (em apartamento)
entwine [ntwan]
VT entrelaar
enumerate [njumret]
VT enumerar
enunciate [nnset]
VT 1. pronunciar 2. (principle etc) enunciar
envelop [nvlp]
VT envolver
envelope [nvlup]
N envelope M
enviable [nvbl]
ADJ invejvel
envious [nvs]
ADJ 1. invejoso 2. (look) de inveja
environment [nvarnmnt]
N meio ambiente M Department of the Environment BRIT (BRIT) Ministrio da
Habitao, Urbanismo e Meio Ambiente
environmental [nvarnmntl]
ADJ ambiental environmental studies (SCH) ecologia
environmentalist [nvarnmntlst]
N ecologista M, F
Environmental Protection Agency (US)
N Secretaria Especial do Meio Ambiente
envisage [nvzd]
VT 1. (foresee) prever 2. (imagine) conceber, imaginar
envision [nvn] (US)
VT envisage
envoy [nv]
N enviado* (enviada)
envy [nv]
N inveja VT ter inveja de to envy sb sth, invejar algum por algo, cobiar algo de
enzyme [nzam]
N enzima
N ABBR Environmental Protection Agency, SEMA
ephemeral [fmrl]
ADJ efmero
epic [pk]
N epopia ADJ pico
epicentre [psnt*] epicenter (US)
N epicentro
epidemic [pdmk]
N epidemia
epilepsy [plps]
N epilepsia
epileptic [plptk]
ADJ N epiltico* (epiltica)
epilogue [pl]
N eplogo
episcopal [pskpl]
ADJ episcopal
episode [psud]
N 1. episdio 2. (instalment) captulo
epistle [psl]
N epstola
epitaph [ptf]
N epitfio
epithet [pt]
N epteto
epitome [ptm]
N eptome M
epitomize [ptmaz]
VT epitomar, resumir
epoch [ipk]
N poca
ADJ que marca poca, marcante
eponymous [pnms]
ADJ epnimo
equable [kwbl]
ADJ 1. (climate) uniforme 2. (temper, reply) equnime 3. (character) tranqilo, calmo
equal [ikwl]
ADJ 1. igual 2. (treatment) equitativo, equivalente N igual M, F VT ser igual a to be
equal to (task) estar altura de
equal to doing, capaz de fazer
equality [ikwlt]
N igualdade F
equalize [ikwlaz]
VT VI 1. igualar 2. (SPORT) empatar
equalizer [ikwlaz*]
N gol M BR or golo PT de empate
equally [ikwl]
ADV 1. igualmente 2. (share etc) por igual
Equal Opportunities Commission , Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission (US)
N comisso para a no-discriminao no trabalho
equal sign , equals sign
N sinal M de igualdade
equanimity [kwnmt]
N equanimidade F
equate [kwet]
VT to equate sth with, equiparar algo com to equate sth to, igualar algo a
equation [kwen]
N (MATH) equao F
equator [kwet*]
N equador M
equatorial [kwtrl]
ADJ equatorial
Equatorial Guinea
N Guin F Equatorial
equestrian [kwstrn]
ADJ 1. eqestre 2. (sport) hpico N 1. (man) ginete M 2. (woman) amazona
equilibrium [ikwlbrm]
N equilbrio
equinox [ikwnks]
N equincio
equip [kwp]
VT 1. equipar 2. (person) prover, munir to equip sb/sth with, equipar algum/algo
com, munir algum/algo de
to be well equipped, estar bem preparado or equipado
equipment [kwpmnt]
N 1. equipamento 2. (machines etc) equipamentos MPL, aparelhagem F
equitable [kwtbl]
ADJ equitativo
equities [kwtz] (BRIT)
NPL (COMM) aes FPL ordinrias
equity capital
N capital M prprio
equivalent [kwvlnt]
ADJ equivalente N equivalente M to be equivalent to, ser equivalente a
equivocal [kwvkl]
ADJ 1. equvoco 2. (open to suspicion) ambguo
equivocate [kwvket]
VI sofismar
equivocation [kwvken]
N sofismas MPL
ABBR Elizabeth Regina, a rainha Elisabete
N ABBR (POL) equal rights amendment, emenda sobre a igualdade das mulheres
era [r]
N era, poca
eradicate [rdket]
VT erradicar, eliminar
erase [rez]
VT apagar
eraser [rez*]
N borracha (de apagar)
erect [rkt]
ADJ 1. (posture) ereto 2. (tail, ears) leventado VT 1. erigir, levantar 2. (assemble)
montar 3. (tent) armar
erection [rkn]
N 1. construo F 2. (assembly) montagem F 3. (structure) edifcio 4. (PHYSIO)
ereo F
ergonomics [nmks]
N ergonomia
N ABBR Employee Retirement Income Security Act, lei referente s aposentadorias
ermine [mn]
N arminho
N ABBR Electronic Random Number Indicator Equipment, computador que serve para
o sorteio dos ``premium bonds
erode [rud]
VT 1. (GEO) causar eroso em 2. (confidence) minar 3. (salary) corroer
erosion [run]
N 1. eroso F 2. (fig) corroso F
erotic [rtk]
ADJ ertico
eroticism [rtszm]
N erotismo
err [*]
VI 1. errar, enganar-se 2. (REL) pecar
errand [rnd]
N recado, mensagem F to run errands, fazer incumbncias
errand of mercy, misso F de caridade
errand boy
N mensageiro
erratic [rtk]
ADJ imprevisvel
erroneous [runs]
ADJ errneo
error [r*]
N erro typing/spelling error, erro de datilografia/ortografia
in error, por engano
errors and omissions excepted, salvo erro ou omisso
error message
N (COMPUT) mensagem F de erro
erstwhile [stwal]
ADJ antigo
erudite [rjudat]
ADJ erudito
erupt [rpt]
VI 1. entrar em erupo 2. (fig) explodir, estourar
eruption [rpn]
N 1. erupo F 2. (fig) exploso F
N ABBR European Space Agency, AEE F
escalate [sklet]
VI 1. intensificar-se 2. (costs, prices) disparar
escalation [sklen]
N escalada, intensificao F
escalation clause
N clusula de reajustamento
escalator [sklet*]
N escada rolante
escapade [skped]
N peripcia
escape [skep]
N 1. fuga 2. (from duties) escapatria 3. (from chase) fuga, evaso F 4. (of gas)
escapatria VI 1. escapar 2. (flee) fugir, evadir-se 3. (leak) vazar, escapar VT 1.
evitar, fugir de 2. (consequences) fugir de 3. (elude) his name escapes me, o
nome dele me fogo a memria to escape from (place) escapar de (person)
escapulir de (clutches) livrar-se de
to escape to, fugir para
to escape to safety, salvar-se
to escape notice, passar despercebido
escape artist
N ilusionista M, F
escape clause
N clusula que permite revogao do contrato
escape key
N (COMPUT) tecla de sada
escape route
N 1. (from fire) sada de emergncia 2. (of prisoners) roteiro da fuga
escapism [skepzm]
N escapismo, fuga realidade
escapist [skepst]
ADJ 1. (person) que foge da realidade 2. (literature) de evaso
escapologist [skpldst] (BRIT)
N ilusionista M, F
escarpment [skpmnt]
N escarpa
eschew [stu]
VT evitar
N [skt] 1. acompanhante M, F 2. (MIL NAUT) escolta VT [skt] 1. acompanhar 2.
(MIL NAUT) escoltar
escort agency
N agncia de escorte
Eskimo [skmu]
ADJ esquim N 1. esquim M, F 2. (LING) esquim M
N ABBR (SCH) English as a Second Language
esophagus [isfs] (US)
N oesophagus
esoteric [strk]
ADJ esotrico
N ABBR extrasensory perception
ABBR especially
especially [spl]
ADV 1. (gen) especialmente 2. (above all) sobretudo 3. (particularly) em particular
espionage [spn]
N espionagem F
esplanade [splned]
N (by sea) avenida beira-mar, esplanada
espouse [spauz]
VT 1. (policy, idea) adotar 2. (cause) abraar
Esq. (BRIT)
ABBR Esquire, Sr
Esquire [skwa*] (BRIT)
N (abbr Esq.) J. Brown, Esquire, Sr. J. Brown
essay [se]
essence [sns]
N essncia in essence, em sua essncia
speed is of the essence, a rapidez fundamental
essential [snl]
ADJ 1. (necessary) indispensvel 2. (basic) essencial N elemento essencial it is
essential that, indispensvel que (+ sub)
essentially [snl]
ADV essencialmente
ABBR established, estimate(d)
ABBR Eastern Standard Time, hora de inverno de Nova Iorque
establish [stbl]
VT 1. estabelecer 2. (facts) verificar 3. (proof) demonstrar 4. (reputation) firmar
established [stblt]
ADJ 1. consagrado 2. (staff) fixo
establishment [stblmnt]
N estabelecimento the Establishment, a classe dirigente
estate [stet]
N 1. (land) fazenda (BR) propriedade F (PT) 2. (property) propriedade 3. (LAW)
herana 4. (POL) estado 5. housing estate (BRIT) conjunto habitacional
estate agency (BRIT)
N imobiliria, corretora de imveis
estate agent (BRIT)
N corretor* M de imveis (F corretora) (BR) agente M imobilirio* (F agente
imobiliria) (PT)
estate car (BRIT)
N perua (BR) canadiana (PT)
esteem [stim]
N estima VT estimar to hold sb in high esteem, estimar muito algum
esthetic [stk] (US)
ADJ aesthetic
N [stmt] 1. (assessment) avaliao F 2. (calculation) clculo 3. (COMM) oramento
VT [stmet] estimar, avaliar, calcular VI [stmet] (BRIT COMM) to estimate for a
job, orar uma obra at a rough estimate, numa estimativa aproximada
estimation [stmen]
N 1. opinio F 2. (calculation) clculo 3. (esteem) apreo in my estimation, na
minha opinio
estimator [stmet*]
N avaliador* M (F avaliadora)
Estonia [stun]
N Estnia
estranged [strendd]
ADJ 1. (couple) separado 2. (husband, wife) de quem se separou
estrangement [strendmnt]
N separao F
estrogen [istrudn] (US)
N oestrogen
estuary [stjur]
N esturio
ABBR Eastern Time, hora de Nova Iorque
N ABBR estimated time of arrival
et al.
ABBR et alii, e outras pessoas
ABBR et cetera, etc
etch [t]
VT gravar com gua-forte
etching [t]
N gua-forte F
N ABBR estimated time of departure
eternal [tnl]
ADJ 1. eterno 2. (unchanging) absoluto
eternity [tnt]
N eternidade F
ether [i*]
N ter M
ethereal [rl]
ADJ etreo
ethical [kl]
ADJ 1. tico 2. (honest) honrado
ethics [ks]
N tica NPL moral F
Ethiopia [iup]
N Etipia
Ethiopian [iupn]
ADJ N etope M, F
ethnic [nk]
ADJ 1. tnico 2. (culture) folclrico 3. (food) extico
ethnology [nld]
N etnologia
ethos [is]
N sistema M de valores
e-ticket [itkt]
N etiqueta
etiquette [tkt]
N etiqueta
N ABBR Electrical Trades Union, sindicato dos eletricistas
N ABBR Educational Television, TV F educativa
etymology [tmld]
N etimologia
ABBR European Union, UE F
eucalyptus [juklpts]
N eucalipto
euphemism [jufmzm]
N eufemismo
euphemistic [jufmstk]
ADJ eufmico
euphoria [jufr]
N euforia
Eurasia [jure]
N Eursia
Eurasian [juren]
ADJ 1. (person) eurasitico 2. (continent) eursio N eurasitico* (eurasitica)
Euratom [jurtm]
N ABBR European Atomic Energy Community, EURATOM F
euro [jr]
N (currency) euro M
Eurocheque [jurutk]
N eurocheque M
Eurocrat [jurukrt]
N eurocrata M, F, funcionrio* da CEE (funcionria)
Eurodollar [jurudl*]
N eurodlar M
Europe [jurp]
N Europa
European [jurpin]
ADJ N europeu* (europia)
European Court of Justice
N Tribunal M Europeu de Justia
European Union
N the European Union, a Unio Europia
euthanasia [junez]
N eutansia
evacuate [vkjuet]
VT evacuar
evacuation [vkjuen]
N evacuao F
evade [ved]
VT 1. (person) evitar 2. (question, duties) esquivar-se de 3. (tax) sonegar
evaluate [vljuet]
VT 1. avaliar 2. (evidence) interpretar
evangelist [vndlst]
N 1. evangelista M, F 2. (preacher) evangelizador* M (F evangelizadora)
evangelize [vndlaz]
VT evangelizar
evaporate [vpret]
VI evaporar-se VT evaporar
evaporated milk [vpretd-]
N leite M desidratado
evaporation [vpren]
N evaporao F
evasion [ven]
N 1. evaso F, fuga 2. (of tax) sonegao F 3. (fig) evasiva
evasive [vesv]
ADJ evasivo
eve [iv]
N on the eve of, na vspera de
even [ivn]
ADJ 1. (level) plano 2. (smooth) liso 3. (speed, temperature) uniforme 4. (equal,
SPORT) igual 5. (number) par 6. (nature) equilibrado ADV at, mesmo even if,
mesmo que
even though, mesmo que, embora
even more, ainda mais
even faster, ainda mais rpido, mais rpido ainda
even so, mesmo assim
never even, nem sequer
not even, nem
even he was there, at ele esteve ali
even on Sundays, at nos domingos
to get even with sb, ficar quite com algum
to break even, sair sem lucros nem prejuzos even out nivelar-se VI
evening [ivn]
N 1. (early) tarde F 2. (late) noite F 3. (before six) tarde F 4. (event) noitada in the
evening, noite
this evening, hoje noite
tomorrow/yesterday evening, amanh/ontem noite
evening class
N aula noturna
evening dress
N 1. (man's) traje M de rigor BR or de cerimnia PT 2. (woman's) vestido de noite
evenly [ivnl]
ADV 1. uniformemente 2. (space) regularmente 3. (divide) por igual
evensong [ivns]
N orao F da tarde
event [vnt]
N 1. acontecimento 2. (SPORT) prova in the course of events, no decorrer dos
in the event of, no caso de
in the event, de fato, na realidade
at all events BRIT (BRIT)
in any event, em todo o caso
eventful [vntful]
ADJ 1. cheio de acontecimentos 2. (game etc) cheio de emoo, agitado
eventing [vnt]
N (HORSERIDING) concurso completo (hipismo)
eventual [vntul]
ADJ 1. (outcome) final 2. (resulting) definitivo
eventuality [vntult]
N eventualidade F
eventually [vntul]
ADV 1. (finally) finalmente 2. (in time) por fim
ever [v*]
ADV 1. j, alguma vez 2. (in negative) nunca, jamais 3. (always) sempre 4. (at any
time) em qualquer moment 5. (in question) why ever not? por que nem sempre?
the best ever, o melhor que j se viu
have you ever seen it? voc alguma vez j viu isto?
better than ever, melhor que nunca
for ever, para sempre
hardly ever, quase nunca
ever since (adv) desde ento
ever since (conj) depois que
ever so pretty, to bonitinho
thank you ever so much, muitssimo obrigado, obrigado (inf)
yours ever BRIT (BRIT) (in letters) sempre seu/sua
Everest [vrst]
N Mount Everest, o monte Everest
evergreen [vrin]
N sempre-verde F
everlasting [vlst]
ADJ eterno, perptuo
every [vr]
ADJ 1. (each) cada
every one of them, cada um deles
every shop in the town was closed, todas as lojas da cidade estavam fechadas
2. (all possible) todo* (toda)
I gave you every assistance, eu lhe dei toda assistncia
I have every confidence in her, tenho absoluta confiana nela
we wish you every success, desejamo-lhe o maior sucesso
hes every bit as clever as his brother, ele to inteligente quanto o irmo 3.
(showing recurrence) todo* (toda)
every day/week, todo dia/toda semana
every other car had been broken into, cada dois carros foram arrombados
she visits me every other/third day, ele me visita cada dois/trs dias
every now and then, de vez em quando
everybody [vrbd]
PRON todos, todo mundo (BR) toda a gente (PT) everybody knows about it, todo o
mundo j sabe
everybody else, todos os outros
everyday [vrde]
ADJ 1. (daily) dirio 2. (usual) corrente 3. (common) comum 4. (routine) rotineiro
everyone [vrwn]
PRON everybody
everything [vr]
PRON tudo everything is ready, tudo est pronto
he did everything possible, ele fez todo o possvel
everywhere [vrw*]
ADV 1. (be) em todo lugar (BR) em toda a parte (PT) 2. (go) a todo lugar (BR) a toda a
parte (PT) 3. (wherever) everywhere you go you meet ... aonde quer que se,
encontra-se ...
evict [vkt]
VT despejar
eviction [vkn]
N despejo
eviction notice
N notificao F de despejo
evidence [vdns]
N 1. (proof) prova(s) F FPL 2. (of witness) testemunho, depoimento 3. (indication) sinal
M 4. (facts) dados MPL, evidncia to give evidence, testemunhar, prestar
in evidence (obvious) em evidncia, evidente
evident [vdnt]
ADJ evidente
evidently [vdntl]
ADV 1. evidentemente 2. (apparently) aparentemente
evil [ivl]
ADJ 1. mau* (m) 2. (person) perverso 3. (system, influence) nocivo 4. (smell) horrvel
N mal M, maldade F
evildoer [ivldu*]
N malfeitor* M (F malfeitora)
evince [vns]
VT evidenciar
evocative [vktv]
ADJ evocativo, sugestivo
evoke [vuk]
VT evocar
evolution [ivlun]
N 1. evoluo F 2. (development) desenvolvimento
evolve [vlv]
VT desenvolver VI desenvolver-se
ewe [ju]
N ovelha
ex- [ks]
PREFIX 1. (former) ex- 2. (out of) the price ex- works, o preo na porta da fbrica
exacerbate [kssbet]
VT 1. (pain, illness) exacerbar 2. (fig) agravar
exact [zkt]
ADJ 1. exato 2. (person) meticuloso VT to exact sth (from) exigir algo (de)
exacting [zkt]
ADJ 1. exigente 2. (conditions) difcil
exactitude [zkttjud]
N exatido F
exactly [zktl]
ADV 1. exatamente 2. (time) em ponto 3. (indicating agreement) isso mesmo
exaggerate [zdret]
VT VI exagerar
exaggeration [zdren]
N exagero
exalted [zltd]
ADJ exaltado
exam [zm]
N ABBR examination
examination [zmnen]
N 1. (SCH MED) exame M 2. (LAW) inquirio F 3. (inquiry) investigao F to sit
BRIT or take an examination (BRIT) submeter-se a um exame
the matter is under examination, o assunto est sendo examinado
examine [zmn]
VT 1. examinar 2. (inspect) inspecionar 3. (LAW) (person) interrogar 4. (at customs)
(luggage) revistar 5. (passport) controlar
examiner [zmn*]
N examinador* M (F examinadora)
example [zmpl]
N exemplo for example, por exemplo
to set a good/bad example, dar um bom/mau exemplo
exasperate [zspret]
VT exasperar, irritar
exasperating [zspret]
ADJ irritante
exasperation [zspren]
N exasperao F, irritao F
excavate [kskvet]
VT escavar
excavation [kskven]
N escavao F
excavator [kskvet*]
N (machine) escavadeira
exceed [ksid]
VT 1. exceder 2. (number) ser superior a 3. (speed limit) ultrapassar 4. (limits) ir alm
de 5. (powers) exceder-se em 6. (hopes) superar
exceedingly [ksidl]
ADV extremamente
excel [ksl]
VI sobressair, distinguir-se VT superar to excel o.s. BRIT (BRIT) destacar-se
excellence [kslns]
N excelncia
Excellency [kslns]
N His Excellency, Sua Excelncia
excellent [kslnt]
ADJ excelente
except [kspt]
PREP except for, excepting, exceto, a no ser VT to except sb from, excluir algum
de except if/when, a menos que, a no ser que
except that, exceto que
exception [kspn]
N exceo F to take exception to, ressentir-se de
with the exception of, exceo de
to make an exception, fazer exceo
exceptional [kspnl]
ADJ excepcional
excerpt [kspt]
N trecho
excess [kss]
N 1. excesso 2. (COMM) excedente M in excess of, mais de
excess baggage
N excesso de bagagem
excess fare (BRIT)
N sobretaxa de excesso
excessive [kssv]
ADJ excessivo
excess supply
N oferta excedente
exchange [kstend]
N 1. troca 2. (of teachers, students) intercmbio 3. telephone exchange, estao F
telefnica (BR) central F telefnica (PT) VT to exchange (for) trocar (por) in
exchange for, em troca de
foreign exchange (COMM) divisas FPL, cmbio
exchange control
N controle M de cmbio
exchange market
N mercado cambial or de cmbio
exchange rate
N (taxa de) cmbio
Exchequer [kstk*] (BRIT)
N the Exchequer, o Tesouro Nacional
excisable [ksazbl]
ADJ tributvel
N [ksaz] imposto de consumo VT [ksaz] cortar (fora)
excise duties
NPL impostos MPL indiretos
excitable [ksatbl]
ADJ 1. excitvel 2. (edgy) nervoso
excite [ksat]
VT 1. (stimulate, a4rouse) excitar 2. (awaken) despertar 3. (move) entusiasmar to
get excited, entusiasmar-se
excitement [ksatmnt]
N 1. emoes FPL 2. (anticipation) expectativa 3. (agitation) agitao F
exciting [ksat]
ADJ emocionante, empolgante
ABBR excluding, exclusive (of)
exclaim [ksklem]
VI exclamar
exclamation [ksklmen]
N exclamao F
exclamation mark
N ponto de exclamao
exclude [ksklud]
VT 1. excluir 2. (except) excetuar
excluding [ksklud]
PREP excluding tax, imposto excludo
exclusion [ksklun]
N excluso F to the exclusion of, a ponto de excluir
exclusion clause
N clusula de excluso
exclusive [ksklusv]
ADJ 1. exclusivo 2. (club, district) privativo 3. (item of news) com exclusividade
exclusive of tax, sem incluir os impostos
exclusive of postage, tarifas postais excludas
from 1st to 15th March exclusive, entre o dia 1 e 15 de maro
exclusive rights (COMM) exclusividade F
exclusively [ksklusvl]
ADV unicamente
excommunicate [kskmjunket]
VT excomungar
excrement [kskrmnt]
N excremento
excrete [kskrit]
VI excretar
excruciating [kskruet]
ADJ (pain) doloroso, martirizante
excursion [kskn]
N excurso F
excursion ticket
N passagem F de excurso
excusable [kskjuzbl]
ADJ perdovel, excusvel
N [kskjus] 1. desculpa 2. (evasion) pretexto VT [ikskjuz] desculpar, perdoar to
excuse sb from doing sth, dispensar algum de fazer algo
excuse me! (attracting attention, apology) desculpe! (asking permission) (com)
if you will excuse me ... com a sua licena ...
to make excuses for sb, apresentar desculpas por algum
to excuse o.s. for sth/for doing sth, desculpar-se de algo/de fazer algo
ex-directory (BRIT)
ADJ ex-directory (phone) number, nmero que no figura na lista telefnica
execute [kskjut]
VT 1. (plan) realizar 2. (order) cumprir 3. (person, movement) executar
execution [kskjun]
N 1. realizao F 2. (killing) execuo F
executioner [kskjun*]
N verdugo, carrasco
executive [zkjutv]
N (COMM POL) executivo ADJ executivo
executive director
N diretor* M executivo* (F diretora executiva)
executor [zkjut*]
N executor* M testamentrio* (F executora testamentria) testamenteiro*
exemplary [zmplr]
ADJ exemplar
exemplify [zmplfa]
VT 1. exemplificar 2. (illustrate) ilustrar
exempt [zmpt]
ADJ exempt from, isento de VT to exempt sb from, dispensar or isentar algum de
exemption [zmpn]
N 1. (from taxes etc) iseno F 2. (from military service) dispensa 3. (immunity)
imunidade F
exercise [kssaz]
N exerccio VT 1. exercer 2. (right) valer-se de 3. (dog) levar para passear VI to take
exercise, fazer exerccio
exercise book
N caderno
exert [zt]
VT exercer to exert o.s. esforar-se, empenhar-se
exertion [zn]
N esforo
ex gratia [-re]
ADJ ex gratia payment, gratificao F
exhale [kshel]
VT VI expirar
exhaust [zst]
N 1. exhaust pipe (AUT) escape M, exaustor M 2. (fumes) escapamento (de gs) VT
esgotar to exhaust o.s. esgotar-se
exhaust manifold (AUT etc) cano de descarga
exhausted [zstd]
ADJ esgotado
exhausting [zst]
ADJ exaustivo, estafante
exhaustion [zstn]
N exausto F
exhaustive [zstv]
ADJ exaustivo
exhibit [zbt]
N 1. (ART) obra exposta 2. (LAW) objeto exposto VT 1. (courage etc) manifestar,
mostrar 2. (quality, emotion) demonstrar 3. (film) apresentar 4. (paintings) expor
exhibition [ksbn]
N exposio F
exhibitionist [ksbnst]
N 1. exibicionista M, F 2. (of talent etc) mostra
exhibitor [zbt*]
N expositor* M (F expositora)
exhilarating [zlret]
ADJ estimulante, tnico
exhilaration [zlren]
N euforia
exhort [zt]
VT exortar
exile [ksal]
N 1. exlio 2. (person) exilado* (exilada) VT desterrar, exilar in exile, em exlio,
exist [zst]
VI 1. existir 2. (live) viver
existence [zstns]
N 1. existncia 2. (life) vida to be in existence, existir
existentialism [zstnlzm]
N existencialismo
existing [zst]
ADJ 1. (laws) existente 2. (system, regime) atual
exit [kst]
exit ramp (US)
N (AUT) sada da rodovia
exit visa
N visto de sada
exodus [ksds]
N xodo
ex officio [-fu]
ADJ ADV ex-officio, por dever do cargo
exonerate [znret]
VT to exonerate from (responsibility) desobrigar (guilt) isentar
exorbitant [zbtnt]
ADJ exorbitante
exorcize [kssaz]
VT exorcizar
exotic [ztk]
ADJ extico
expand [kspnd]
VT 1. (widen) ampliar 2. (number) aumentar 3. (influence etc) estender VI 1.
(population, business) aumentar 2. (trade, gas etc) expandir-se 3. (metal) dilatar-se
to expand on (notes, story etc) estender-se sobre
expanse [kspns]
N extenso F
expansion [kspnn]
N 1. (of town) desenvolvimento 2. (of trade) expanso F 3. (of population) aumento 4.
(of metal) dilatao F
expansionism [kspnnzm]
N expansionismo
expansionist [kspnnst]
ADJ expansionista
N [ksptrt] expatriado* (expatriada) VT [ksptret] expatriar
expect [kspkt]
VT 1. (gen) esperar 2. (count on) contar com 3. (suppose) supor 4. (require) exigir VI
to be expecting, estar grvida to expect sb to do (anticipate) esperar que
algum faa (demand) esperar de algum que faa
to expect to do sth, esperar fazer algo
as expected, como previsto
I expect so, suponho que sim
expectancy [kspktns]
N expectativa life expectancy, expectativa de vida
expectant [kspktnt]
ADJ expectante expectant mother, gestante F
expectantly [ikspktntl]
ADV cheio de expectativa
expectation [kspkten]
N 1. (hope) esperana 2. (belief) expectativa in expectation of, na expectativa de
against or contrary to all expectation(s) contra todas as expectativas
to come or live up to ones expectations, corresponder expectativa de
expedience [kspidns]
N expediency
expediency [kspidns]
N convenincia for the sake of expediency, por ser mais conveniente
expedient [kspidnt]
ADJ conveniente, oportuno N expediente M, recurso
expedite [kspdat]
VT acelerar
expedition [kspdn]
N expedio F
expeditionary force [kspdnr-]
N fora expedicionria
expeditious [kspds]
ADJ eficiente
expel [kspl]
VT 1. expelir 2. (from place, school) expulsar
expend [kspnd]
VT 1. gastar 2. (use up) consumir
expendable [kspndbl]
ADJ prescindvel
expenditure [kspndt*]
N 1. gastos MPL 2. (of energy) consumo
expense [kspns]
N 1. gasto, despesa 2. (high cost) custo 3. (expenditure) despesas FPL expenses
(COMM) (costs) despesas FPL (paid to employee) ajuda de custo NPL at the
expense of, custa de
to go to the expense of, fazer a despesa de
to meet the expense of, arcar com a despesa de
expense account
N relatrio de despesas
expensive [kspnsv]
ADJ caro
experience [ksprns]
N experincia VT 1. (situation) enfrentar 2. (feeling) sentir to learn by experience,
aprender com a experincia
experienced [ksprnst]
ADJ experiente
experiment [ksprmnt]
N experimento, experincia VI to experiment (with/on) fazer experincias (com/em)
experimental [ksprmntl]
ADJ experimental
expert [kspt]
ADJ hbil, perito N 1. perito* (perita) 2. (specialist) especialista M, F expert in or at
doing sth, perito em fazer algo
an expert on sth, um perito em algo
expertise [ksptiz]
N percia
expert witness (LAW)
N perito* (perita)
expire [kspa*]
VI 1. (gen) expirar 2. (end) terminar 3. (run out) vencer
expiry [kspar]
N expirao F, vencimento
explain [ksplen]
VT 1. explicar 2. (clarify) esclarecer 3. (demonstrate) expor explain away justificar
explanation [ksplnen]
N explicao F to find an explanation for sth, achar uma explicao para algo
explanatory [ksplntr]
ADJ explicativo
explicit [ksplst]
ADJ explcito
explode [ksplud]
VI 1. estourar, explodir 2. (fig) explodir VT 1. detonar, fazer explodir 2. (fig) (theory)
derrubar (myth) destruir
N [ksplt] faanha VT [ksplt] explorar
exploitation [ksplten]
N explorao F
exploration [ksplren]
N explorao F
exploratory [ksplrtr]
ADJ 1. (talks) exploratrio, de pesquisa 2. (MED) (operation) exploratrio
explore [kspl*]
VT 1. explorar 2. (fig) examinar, pesquisar
explorer [ksplr*]
N explorador* M (F exploradora)
explosion [ksplun]
N exploso F
explosive [ksplusv]
ADJ explosivo N explosivo
exponent [kspunnt]
N 1. (of theory etc) representante M, F, defensor* M (F defensora) 2. (of skill) expoente
M, F 3. (MATH) expoente M
VT [kspt] exportar N [kspt] exportao F CPD [kspt] de exportao
exportation [kspten]
N exportao F
exporter [kspt*]
N exportador* M (F exportadora)
export licence
N licena de exportao
expose [kspuz]
VT 1. expor 2. (unmask) desmascarar
exposed [kspuzd]
ADJ 1. exposto 2. (house etc) desabrigado 3. (wire) descascado 4. (pipes, beams)
exposition [kspzn]
N exposio F
exposure [kspu*]
N 1. exposio F 2. (publicity) publicidade F 3. (PHOT) revelao F (shot) fotografia
to die from exposure (MED) morrer de frio
exposure meter
N fotmetro
expound [kspaund]
VT expor, explicar
express [ksprs]
ADJ 1. (definite) expresso, explcito 2. (BRIT: letter etc) urgente N (train) rpido ADV
(send) por via expressa VT 1. exprimir, expressar 2. (quantity) representar to
express o.s. expressar-se
expression [ksprn]
N expresso F
expressionism [ksprnzm]
N expressionismo
expressive [ksprsv]
ADJ expressivo
expressly [ksprsl]
ADV expressamente
expressway [ksprswe] (US)
N rodovia (BR) auto-estrada (PT)
expropriate [ksprupret]
VT expropriar
expulsion [kspln]
N 1. expulso F 2. (of gas, liquid) emisso F
expurgate [kspet]
VT expurgar
exquisite [kskwzt]
ADJ requintado
N IRREG veterano (de guerra)
ABBR (TEL) (extension) r. (BR) int. (PT)
extemporize [kstmpraz]
VI improvisar
extend [kstnd]
VT 1. (visit, street) prolongar 2. (building) aumentar 3. (offer) fazer 4. (hand) estender
5. (COMM) (credit) conceder (period of loan) prorrogar VI (land) estender-se
extension [kstnn]
N 1. (ELEC) extenso F 2. (building) acrscimo, expanso F 3. (of rights) ampliao F
4. (TEL) ramal M (BR) extenso F (PT) 5. (of deadline, campaign) prolongamento,
prorrogao F
extension cable
N cabo de extenso
extensive [kstnsv]
ADJ 1. extenso 2. (damage) considervel 3. (broad) vasto, amplo 4. (frequent) geral,
extensively [kstnsvl]
ADV (altered, damaged etc) amplamente hes travelled extensively, ele j viajou
extent [kstnt]
N 1. (breadth) extenso F 2. (of damage etc) dimenso F 3. (scope) alcance M to
some or to a certain extent, at certo ponto
to the extent of ... a ponto de ...
to a large extent, em grande parte
to what extent? at que ponto?
to such an extent that ... a tal ponto que ...
debts to the extent of 5,000 dvidas da ordem de 5,000
extenuating [kstnjuet]
ADJ extenuating circumstances, circunstncias FPL atenuantes
exterior [kstr*]
ADJ externo N 1. exterior M 2. (appearance) aspecto
exterminate [kstmnet]
VT exterminar
extermination [kstmnen]
N extermnio
external [kstnl]
ADJ 1. externo 2. (foreign) exterior N the externals, as aparncias for external use
only (MED) exclusivamente para uso externo
externally [kstnl]
ADV por fora
extinct [kstkt]
ADJ extinto
extinction [kstkn]
N extino F
extinguish [kstw]
VT extinguir
extinguisher [kstw*]
N fire extinguisher, extintor M
extol [kstul] extoll (US)
VT 1. (merits) exaltar 2. (person) elogiar
extort [kstt]
VT to extort sth (from sb) extorquir algo (a or de algum)
extortion [kstn]
N extorso F
extortionate [kstnt]
ADJ extorsivo, excessivo
extra [kstr]
ADJ 1. adicional 2. (excessive) de mais, extra 3. (bonus) (payment) extraordinrio ADV
(in addition) adicionalmente N 1. (surcharge) extra M, suplemento 2. (CINEMA
THEATRE) figurante M, F 3. (newspaper) edio F extra the wine will cost extra,
o vinho no est includo no preo
extra large sizes, tamanhos extra grandes
extra... [kstr]
PREFIX extra...
VT [kstrkt] 1. tirar, extrair 2. (tooth) arrancar 3. (mineral) extrair 4. (money) extorquir
5. (promise) conseguir, obter 6. (confession) arrancar, obter N [kstrkt] extrato
extraction [kstrkn]
N 1. extrao F 2. (of tooth) arrancamento 3. (descent) descendncia
extracurricular [kstrkrkjul*]
ADJ (SCH) extracurricular
extradite [kstrdat]
VT 1. (from country) extraditar 2. (to country) obter a extradio de
extradition [kstrdn]
N extradio F
extramarital [kstrmrtl]
ADJ extramatrimonial
extramural [kstrmjurl]
ADJ (course) de extenso universitria
extraneous [kstrens]
ADJ extraneous to, alheio a
extraordinary [kstrdnr]
ADJ 1. extraordinrio 2. (odd) estranho
extraordinary general meeting
N assemblia geral extraordinria
extrapolation [kstrplen]
N extrapolao F
extrasensory perception [kstrsnsr-]
N percepo F extra-sensorial
extra time
N (FOOTBALL) prorrogao F
extravagance [kstrvns]
N 1. extravagncia 2. (no pl) (spending) esbanjamento
extravagant [kstrvnt]
ADJ 1. (lavish) extravagante 2. (wasteful) gastador* (gastadora) esbanjador*
(esbanjadora) 3. (price) exorbitante 4. (praise) excessivo 5. (odd) excntrico,
extreme [kstrim]
ADJ 1. extremo 2. (case) excessivo N extremo the extreme left/right (POL) a
extrema esquerda/direita
extremes of temperature, temperaturas extremas
extremely [kstriml]
ADV muito, extremamente
extremist [kstrimst]
ADJ N extremista M, F
extremity [kstrmt]
N 1. extremidade F 2. (need) apuro, necessidade F
extricate [kstrket]
VT to extricate sb/sth (from) (trap) libertar algum/algo de (situation) livrar
algum/algo de
extrovert [kstrvt]
N extrovertido* (extrovertida)
exuberance [zjubrns]
N exuberncia
exuberant [zjubrnt]
ADJ 1. (person) eufrico 2. (style) exuberante
exude [zjud]
VT 1. exsudar 2. (confidence) esbanjar the charm etc he exudes, o charme que
emana dele etc
exult [zlt]
VI to exult (in) regozijar-se (em)
exultant [zltnt]
ADJ exultante, triunfante
exultation [zlten]
N exultao F, regozijo
eye [a]
N 1. olho 2. (of needle) buraco VT olhar, observar as far as the eye can see, a
perder de vista
to keep an eye on, vigiar, ficar de olho em
to have an eye for sth, ter faro para algo
in the public eye, conhecido pelo pblico
with an eye to doing BRIT (BRIT) com vista a fazer
theres more to this than meets the eye, a coisa mais complicada do que
eyeball [abl]
N globo ocular
eyebath [ab] (BRIT)
N copinho (para lavar o olho)
eyebrow [abrau]
N sobrancelha
eyebrow pencil
N lpis M de sobrancelha
ADJ chamativo, vistoso
eye cup (US)
N copinho (para lavar o olho)
eye drops
NPL gotas FPL para os olhos
eyeglass [als]
N monculo eyeglasses (US) culos MPL NPL
eyelash [al]
N clio
eyelet [alt]
N ilhs M
ADJ altura dos olhos
eyelid [ald]
N plpebra
eyeliner [alan*]
N delineador M
N revelao F, grande surpresa
eye shadow
N sombra de olhos
eyesight [asat]
N vista, viso F
eyesore [as*]
N monstruosidade F
eyestrain [astren]
N cansao ocular
eyetooth [atu]
N IRREG dente M canino superior to give ones eyeteeth for sth/to do sth (fig) dar
tudo por algo/para fazer algo
eyewash [aw]
N 1. colrio 2. (fig) disparates MPL, maluquices FPL
eye witness
N testemunha F ocular
eyrie [r]
N ninho de ave de rapina

ABBR Fahrenheit
F , f [f]
N 1. (letter) F, f M 2. (MUS) F, f M F for Frederick BRIT or Fox US (BRIT) (US) F
de Francisco
N ABBR Football Association, confederao de futebol
N ABBR Federal Aviation Administration
fable [febl]
N fbula
fabric [fbrk]
N 1. tecido, pano 2. (of building) estrutura
fabricate [fbrket]
VT inventar
fabrication [fbrken]
N invencionice F
fabric conditioner
N amaciante M de pano
fabulous [fbjuls]
ADJ 1. fabuloso 2. (inf: super) sensacional
faade [fsd]
N fachada
face [fes]
N 1. (ANAT) cara, rosto 2. (grimace) careta 3. (of clock) mostrador M 4. (side, surface)
superfcie F 5. (of building) frente F, fachada VT 1. (facts, problem) enfrentar 2.
(particular direction) (building) dar para face down (person) de bruos (card)
virado para baixo
to lose face, perder o prestgio
to save face, salvar as aparncias
to make or pull a face, fazer careta
in the face of (difficulties etc) diante de, vista de
on the face of it, a julgar pelas aparncias, primeira vista
face to face, face a face
we are faced with serious problems, estamos enfrentando srios problemas,
temos srios problemas pela frente face up to enfrentar VT
face cloth (BRIT)
N pano de rosto
face cream
N creme M facial
face lift
N 1. (operao F ) plstica 2. (of faade) remodelamento
face powder
N p M de arroz
ADJ para salvar as aparncias
facet [fst]
N faceta
facetious [fsis]
ADJ jocoso
ADV face a face, cara a cara
face value
N (of coin, stamp) valor M nominal to take sth at face value (fig) tomar algo em
sentido literal
facia [fe]
N fascia
facial [fel]
ADJ facial
facile [fsal]
ADJ superficial
facilitate [fsltet]
VT facilitar
facilities [fsltz]
NPL facilidades FPL, instalaes FPL credit facilities, credirio
facing [fes]
PREP de frente para N 1. (of wall etc) revestimento 2. (SEWING) forro
facsimile [fksml]
N (copy, machine, document) fac-smile M
fact [fkt]
N fato in fact, realmente, na verdade
to know for a fact that ... saber com certeza que ...
facts and figures, dados e nmeros
ADJ a fact-finding tour or mission, uma misso de pesquisa
faction [fkn]
N faco F
factor [fkt*]
N 1. fator M 2. (COMM) comissrio financiador, empresa que compra contas a receber
(agent) corretor* M (F corretora) VI comprar contas a receber safety factor, fator
de segurana
factory [fktr]
N fbrica
factory farming (BRIT)
N criao F intensiva
factory ship
N navio-fbrica M
factual [fktjul]
ADJ real, fatual
faculty [fklt]
N 1. faculdade F 2. (US: teaching staff) corpo docente
faculty [fklt]
N 1. faculdade F 2. (US: teaching staff) corpo docente
fad [fd] (inf)
N mania, modismo
fade [fed]
VI 1. (colour, cloth) desbotar 2. (sound, hope) desvanecer-se 3. (light) apagar-se 4.
(flower) murchar fade in 1. (sound) subir 2. (picture) clarear VT fade out 1.
(sound) abaixar 2. (picture) escurecer VT
faeces [fisiz] feces (US)
NPL fezes FPL
fag [f] (inf)
N 1. (cigarette) cigarro 2. (US: homosexual) bicha 3. (chore) what a fag! que saco!
fag end (BRIT inf)
N ponta de cigarro, guimba
fagged out [fd-] (BRIT inf)
ADJ estafado
fail [fel]
VT 1. (candidate) reprovar 2. (exam) no passar em, ser reprovado em 3. (subj)
(leader) fracassar (courage) carecer (memory) falhar VI 1. (candidate, attempt)
fracassar 2. (business) falir 3. (supply) acabar 4. (engine, brakes, voice) falhar 5.
(patient) enfraquecer-se to fail to do sth (neglect) deixar de fazer algo (be
unable) no conseguir fazer algo
without fail, sem falta
failing [fel]
N defeito PREP na or falta de failing that, seno
failsafe [felsef]
ADJ (device etc) de segurana contra falhas
failure [felj*]
N 1. fracasso 2. (in exam) reprovao F 3. (of crop) perda 4. (mechanical etc) falha
his failure to turn up, o fato dele no ter vindo
heart failure, parada cardaca
failure rate
N taxa de reprovados
faint [fent]
ADJ 1. fraco 2. (recollection) vago 3. (mark) indistinto 4. (smell, trace) leve 5. (dizzy)
tonto N desmaio VI desmaiar to feel faint, sentir tonteira
ADJ pusilnime
faintly [fentl]
ADV indistintamente, vagamente
faintness [fentns]
N fraqueza
fair [f*]
ADJ 1. justo 2. (hair) louro 3. (complexion) branco 4. (weather) bom 5. (good enough)
razovel 6. (sizeable) considervel ADV to play fair, fazer jogo limpo N 1. trade fair,
feira 2. (BRIT: funfair) parque M de diverses a fair amount of time, bastante
its not fair! no justo!
fair copy
N cpia a limpo
ADJ (de cabelo) louro
fairly [fl]
ADV 1. (justly) com justia 2. (share) igualmente 3. (quite) bastante Im fairly sure,
tenho quase certeza
fairness [fns]
N 1. justia 2. (impartiality) imparcialidade F in all fairness, com toda a justia
fair play
N jogo limpo
fairy [fr]
N fada
fairy godmother
N fada-madrinha
fairy lights (BRIT)
NPL lmpadas FPL coloridas de enfeite
fairy tale
N conto de fadas
faith [fe]
N 1. f F 2. (trust) confiana 3. (denomination) seita to have faith in sb/sth, ter f or
confiana em algum/algo
faithful [feful]
ADJ 1. fiel 2. (account) exato
faithfully [feful]
ADV fielmente yours faithfully (BRIT: in letters) atenciosamente
faith healer
N curandeiro* (curandeira)
fake [fek]
N 1. (painting etc) falsificao F 2. (person) impostor* M (F impostora) ADJ falso VT 1.
fingir 2. (painting etc) falsificar his illness is a fake, sua doena fingimento or
um embuste
falcon [flkn]
N falco M
Falkland Islands [flklnd-]
NPL the Falkland Islands, as (ilhas) Malvinas or Falkland
fall [fl] (PT fell ), (PP fallen )
N 1. queda 2. (US: autumn) outono VI 1. cair 2. (price) baixar falls (waterfall)
cascata, queda dgua NPL to fall flat (on one's face) cair de cara no cho (plan)
falhar (joke) no agradar
to fall short of (sb's expectations) no corresponder a, ficar abaixo de
a fall of snow BRIT (BRIT) uma nevasca fall apart 1. cair aos pedaos 2. (inf:
emotionally) descontrolar-se completamente VI fall back retroceder VI fall back
on (remedy etc) recorrer a VT fall behind ficar para trs VI fall down 1. (person)
cair 2. (building) desabar 3. (hopes) cair por terra VI fall for 1. (trick) cair em 2.
(person) enamorar-se de VT fall in 1. (roof) ruir 2. (MIL) alinhar-se VI fall in with
(sb's plans etc) conformar-se com VT fall off 1. cair 2. (diminish) declinar, diminuir
VI fall out 1. (hair, teeth) cair 2. (friends etc) brigar 3. (MIL) sair da fila VI fall
over cair por terra, tombar VI fall through (plan, project) furar VI
fallacy [fls]
N 1. (error) erro 2. (lie) mentira, falcia
fallback [flbk]
ADJ fallback position, alternativa
fallen [fln]
PP (of fall)
fallible [flbl]
ADJ 1. (person) falvel 2. (memory) falha
falling-off [fl-]
N declnio
fallopian tube [flupn-]
N (ANAT) trompa de Falpio
fallout [flaut]
N chuva radioativa
fallout shelter
N refgio contra chuva radioativa
fallow [flu]
ADJ alqueivado, de pousio
false [fls]
ADJ 1. falso 2. (impression) (hair, teeth etc) postio 3. (disloyal) desleal, traidor*
false alarm
N alarme M falso
falsehood [flshud]
N 1. (lie) mentira 2. (falseness) falsidade F
falsely [flsl]
ADV falsamente
false pretences
NPL under false pretences, sob falsos pretextos
false teeth (BRIT)
NPL dentadura postia
falsify [flsfa]
VT falsificar
falter [flt*]
VI 1. (engine) falhar 2. (person) vacilar
fame [fem]
N fama
familiar [fml*]
ADJ 1. (well-known) conhecido 2. (tone) familiar, ntimo to be familiar with (subject)
estar familiarizado com
to make o.s. familiar with sth, familiarizar-se com algo
to be on familiar terms with sb, ter intimidade com algum
familiarity [fmlrt]
N familiaridade F
familiarize [fmlraz]
VT to familiarize o.s. with, familiarizar-se com
family [fml]
N famlia
family allowance (BRIT)
N abono-famlia M
family business
N negcio de famlia
family doctor
N mdico* da famlia (mdica)
family life
N vida familiar
family planning
N planejamento familiar family planning clinic, clnica de planejamento familiar
family tree
N rvore F genealgica
famine [fmn]
N fome F
famished [fmt]
ADJ faminto Im famished! (inf) estou morrendo de fome
famous [fems]
ADJ famoso, clebre
famously [femsl]
ADV (get on) maravilhosamente
fan [fn]
N 1. (hand-held) leque M 2. (ELEC) ventilador M 3. (person) f, fan (PT) 4. (SPORT)
torcedor* M (F torcedora) (BR) adepto* (adeptoa) (PT) VT 1. abanar 2. (fire,
quarrel) atiar fan out espalhar-se VI
fanatic [fntk]
N fantico* (fantica)
fanatical [fntkl]
ADJ fantico
fan belt
N correia do ventilador BR or da ventoinha PT
fancied [fnsd]
ADJ imaginrio
fancy [fns]
N 1. (whim) capricho 2. (taste) inclinao F, gosto 3. (imagination) imaginao F 4.
(fantasy) fantasia ADJ 1. (decorative) ornamental 2. (luxury) luxuoso 3. (as
decoration) como decorao VT 1. (feel like, want) desejar, querer 2. (imagine)
imaginar 3. (think) acreditar, achar to take a fancy to, tomar gosto por
it took or caught my fancy, gostei disso
when the fancy takes him, quando lhe d na veneta
to fancy that ... imaginar que ...
he fancies her (inf) ele est a fim dela
fanciful [fnsful]
ADJ 1. (notion) irreal 2. (design) extravagante
fancy dress
N fantasia
fancy-dress ball
N baile M fantasia
fancy goods
NPL artigos MPL de fantasia
fanfare [fnf*]
N fanfarra
fanfold paper [fnfuld-]
N formulrios MPL contnuos
fang [f]
N presa
fan heater (BRIT)
N aquecedor M de ventoinha
fanlight [fnlat]
N (window) basculante F
fantasize [fntsaz]
VI fantasiar
fantastic [fntstk]
ADJ 1. (enormous) enorme 2. (strange, wonderful) fantstico
fantasy [fnts]
N 1. (dream) sonho 2. (unreality) fantasia 3. (imagination) imaginao F
N ABBR Food and Agriculture Organization, FAO F
ABBR free at quay, posto no cais
far [f*]
ADJ (distant) distante ADV (also far away, far off) longe the far side/end, o lado de
l/a outra ponta
the far left/right (POL) a extrema esquerda/direita
is it far to London? Londres longe daqui?
its not far (from here) no longe (daqui)
far better, muito melhor
far from, longe de
by far, de longe
go as far as the farm, v at a BR or PT fazenda
as far as I know, que eu saiba
as far as possible, na medida do possvel
how far? at onde? (fig) at que ponto?
faraway [frwe]
ADJ remoto, distante
farce [fs]
N farsa
farcical [fskl]
ADJ farsante
fare [f*]
N 1. (on trains, buses) preo (da passagem) 2. (in taxi) (cost) tarifa (passenger)
passageiro* (passageira) 3. (food) comida VI sair-se half/full fare, meia/inteira
Far East
N the Far East, o Extremo Oriente
farewell [fwl]
EXCL adeus N despedida CPD (party etc) de despedida
far-fetched [-ftt]
ADJ inverossmil
farm [fm]
N fazenda (BR) quinta (PT) VT cultivar farm out (work etc) dar de empreitada VT
farmer [fm*]
N fazendeiro* (fazendeira) agricultor M
farmhand [fmhnd]
N lavrador* M (F lavradora) trabalhador* M rural (F trabalhadora)
farmhouse [fmhaus]
N IRREG casa da fazenda BR or da quinta PT
farming [fm]
N 1. agricultura 2. (tilling) cultura 3. (of animals) criao F intensive farming, cultura
sheep farming, criao de ovelhas, ovinocultura
farm labourer
N lavrador* M (F lavradora) trabalhador* M rural (F trabalhadora)
farmland [fmlnd]
N terra de cultivo
farm produce
N produtos MPL agrcolas
farm worker
N farmhand
farmyard [fmjd]
N curral M
Faroe Islands [fru-]
NPL the Faroe Islands, as (ilhas) Faro
Faroes [fruz]
NPL Faroe Islands
far-reaching [-rit]
ADJ de grande alcance, abrangente
ADJ 1. presbita 2. (fig) previdente
fart [ft] (inf!)
N peido (!) VI soltar um peido (!) peidar (!)
farther [f*]
ADV mais longe ADJ mais distante, mais afastado
farthest [fst]
SUPERL (of far)
ABBR free alongside ship, FAS
fascia [fe]
N (AUT) painel M
fascinate [fsnet]
VT fascinar
fascinating [fsnet]
ADJ fascinante
fascination [fsnen]
N fascinao F, fascnio
fascism [fzm]
N fascismo
fascist [fst]
ADJ N fascista M, F
fashion [fn]
N 1. moda 2. (fashion industry) indstria da moda 3. (manner) maneira VT modelar,
dar feitio a in fashion, na moda
out of fashion, fora da moda
in the Greek fashion, grega, maneira dos gregos
after a fashion (finish, manage etc) at certo ponto
fashionable [fnbl]
ADJ 1. da moda, elegante 2. (writer, caf) da moda
fashion designer
N estilista M, F
fashion parade (BRIT)
N desfile M de modas
fashion show
N desfile M de modas
fast [fst]
ADJ 1. rpido 2. (dye, colour) firme, permanente 3. (PHOT) (film) de alta sensibilidade
4. (clock) to be fast, estar adiantado ADV 1. rpido, rapidamente, depressa 2.
(stuck, held) firmemente N jejum M VI jejuar my watch is 5 minutes fast, meu
relgio est 5 minutos adiantado
fast asleep, dormindo profundamente
as fast as I can, o mais rpido possvel
to make a boat fast BRIT (BRIT) amarrar um barco
fasten [fsn]
VT 1. fixar, prender 2. (coat) fechar 3. (belt) apertar VI prender-se, fixar-se fasten
on, fasten upon (idea) agarrar-se a VT
fastener [fsn*]
N 1. presilha, fecho 2. (of door etc) fechadura zip fastener BRIT (BRIT) fecho ecler
BR or clair PT
fastening [fsn]
N fastener
fast food
N fast food F
fastidious [fstds]
ADJ 1. (fussy) meticuloso 2. (demanding) exigente
fast lane
N (AUT) pista de velocidade
fat [ft]
ADJ 1. gordo 2. (meat) com muita gordura 3. (greasy) gorduroso 4. (book) grosso 5.
(wallet) recheado 6. (profit) grande N 1. (on person, CHEM) gordura 2. (lard) banha,
gordura to live off the fat of the land, viver na abundncia
fatal [fetl]
ADJ 1. fatal 2. (injury) mortal 3. (consequence) funesto
fatalism [fetlzm]
N fatalismo
fatalistic [fetlstk]
ADJ fatalista, fatalstico
fatality [ftlt]
N (road death etc) vtima M, F
fatally [fetl]
ADV fatally injured, mortalmente ferido
fate [fet]
N 1. destino 2. (of person) sorte F
fated [fetd]
ADJ 1. (person) condenado 2. (project) fadado ao fracasso
fateful [fetful]
ADJ fatdico
father [f*]
N pai M
Father Christmas
N Papai M Noel
fatherhood [fhud]
N paternidade F
father-in-law (PL fathers-in-law )
N sogro
fatherland [flnd]
N ptria
fatherly [fl]
ADJ paternal
fathom [fm]
N braa VT 1. (NAUT) sondar 2. (unravel) penetrar, deslindar 3. (understand)
fatigue [fti]
N 1. fadiga, cansao 2. (MIL) faxina metal fatigue, fadiga do metal
fatness [ftns]
N gordura
fatten [ftn]
VT VI engordar chocolate is fattening, o chocolate engorda
fatty [ft]
ADJ (food) gorduroso N (inf) gorducho* (gorducha)
fatuous [ftjus]
ADJ ftuo
faucet [fst] (US)
N torneira
fault [flt]
N 1. (error) defeito, falta 2. (blame) culpa 3. (defect) defeito 4. (GEO) falha 5.
(TENNIS) falta, bola fora VT criticar its my fault, minha culpa
to find fault with, criticar, queixar-se de
at fault, culpado
to a fault, em demasia
faultless [fltls]
ADJ 1. (action) impecvel 2. (person) irrepreensvel
faulty [flt]
ADJ defeituoso
fauna [fn]
N fauna
faux pas [fup]
N INV gafe F
favour [fev*] favor (US)
N favor M VT 1. (proposition) favorecer, aprovar 2. (person etc) favorecer 3. (assist)
auxiliar to ask a favour of, pedir um favor a
to do sb a favour, fazer favor a algum
to be in favour of sth/of doing sth, estar a favor de algo/de fazer algo
to find favour with, cair nas boas graas de
in favour of, em favor de
favourable [feurbl] favorable (US)
ADJ favorvel
favourably [fevrbl] favorably (US)
ADV favoravelmente
favourite [fevrt] favorite (US)
ADJ predileto N favorito* (favorita)
favouritism [fevrtzm] favoritism (US)
N favoritismo
fawn [fn]
N cervo novo, cervato ADJ fawn-coloured, castanho-claro VI to fawn (up)on, bajular
fax [fks]
N (document, machine) fax M, fac-smile M VT enviar por fax or fac-smile
N ABBR Federal Bureau of Investigation, FBI M
N ABBR Federal Communications Commission
N ABBR Foreign and Commonwealth Office, ministrio das Relaes Exteriores
N ABBR fire department
N ABBR Food and Drug Administration, rgo controlador de medicamentos e gneros
fear [f*]
N 1. medo 2. (misgiving) temor M VT ter medo de, temer VI to fear for, recear or temer
por to fear that, temer que
fear of heights, medo das alturas, vertigem F
for fear of, com medo de
fearful [fful]
ADJ 1. medonho, temvel 2. (cowardly) medroso 3. (awful) terrvel to be fearful of,
temer, ter medo de
fearfully [ffl]
ADV 1. (timidly) timidamente 2. (inf: very) muito, terrivelmente
fearless [fls]
ADJ 1. sem medo, intrpido 2. (bold) audaz
fearsome [fsm]
ADJ 1. (opponent) medonho, temvel 2. (sight) espantoso
feasibility [fizblt]
N viabilidade F
feasibility study
N estudo de viabilidade
feasible [fizbl]
ADJ vivel
feast [fist]
N 1. banquete M 2. feast day (REL) festa VI banquetear-se
feat [fit]
N faanha, feito
feather [f*]
N pena, pluma VT to feather ones nest (fig) acumular riquezas CPD (bed etc) de
N (BOXING) peso-pena M
feature [fit*]
N 1. caracterstica 2. (ANAT) feio F, trao 3. (article) reportagem F VT (subj) (film)
apresentar VI figurar features (of face) feies FPL NPL it featured prominently
in ... ocupou um lugar de destaque em ...
feature film
N longa-metragem M
featureless [fitls]
ADJ annimo
ABBR February, fev
February [fbrur]
N fevereiro July
feces [fisiz] (US)
NPL faeces
feckless [fkls]
ADJ displicente
Fed (US)
ABBR federal, federation
Fed. [fd] (US inf)
N ABBR Federal Reserve Board
fed [fd]
PT PP (of feed)
federal [fdrl]
ADJ federal
Federal Reserve Board (US)
N rgo controlador do banco central dos EUA
Federal Trade Commission (US)
N rgo regulador de prticas comerciais
federation [fdren]
N federao F
fed up
ADJ to be fed up, estar (de saco) cheio (BR) estar farto (PT)
fee [fi]
N 1. taxa (BR) propina (PT) 2. (of school) matrcula 3. (of doctor, lawyer) honorrios
MPL entrance fee (to club) jia (to museum etc) entrada
membership fee (to join) jia (annual etc) quota
for a small fee, em troca de uma pequena taxa
feeble [fibl]
ADJ 1. fraco, dbil 2. (attempt) ineficaz
ADJ imbecil
feed [fid] (PT, PP fed )
N 1. comida 2. (of baby) alimento infantil 3. (of animal) rao F 4. (on printer)
mecanismo alimentador VT 1. (gen, machine) alimentar 2. (baby) (breastfeed)
amamentar 3. (animal) dar de comer a 4. (data, information) to feed into, introduzir
em feed on alimentar-se de VT
feedback [fidbk]
N 1. (ELEC) feedback M 2. (from person) reao F
feeder [fid*]
N (bib) babador M
feeding bottle [fid-] (BRIT)
N mamadeira
feel [fil] (PT, PP felt )
N 1. (sensation) sensao F 2. (sense of touch) tato 3. (impression) impresso F VT 1.
(touch) tocar, apalpar 2. (anger, pain etc) sentir 3. (think, believe) achar, acreditar
to get the feel of sth (fig) acostumar-se a algo
to feel (that) achar (que)
I feel that you ought to do it, eu acho que voc deveria faz-lo
to feel hungry/cold, estar com fome/frio (BR) ter fome/frio (PT)
to feel lonely/better, sentir-se s/melhor
to feel sorry for, ter pena de
I dont feel well, no estou me sentindo bem
it feels soft, macio
it feels colder here, sente-se mais frio aqui
it feels like velvet, parece veludo
to feel like (want) querer
to feel about or around, apalpar, tatear
Im still feeling my way (fig) ainda estou me ambientando
feeler [fil*]
N (of insect) antena to put out feelers or a feeler (fig) sondar opinies, lanar um
feeling [fil]
N 1. sensao F 2. (foreboding) pressentimento 3. (opinion) opinio F 4. (emotion)
sentimento 5. (impression) impresso F to hurt sbs feelings, magoar algum
feelings ran high about it, os sentimentos se esquentaram a respeito disso
what are your feelings about the matter? qual a sua opinio sobre o
my feeling is that ... eu acho que ...
I have a feeling that ... tenho a impresso de que ...
feet [fit]
NPL (of foot)
feign [fen]
VT fingir
felicitous [flsts]
ADJ feliz
feline [filan]
ADJ felino
fell [fl]
PT (of fall) VT (tree) lanar por terra, derrubar N (BRIT: mountain) montanha
the fells, a charneca ADJ with one fell blow, de um s golpe
fall [fl] (PT fell ), (PP fallen )
N 1. queda 2. (US: autumn) outono VI 1. cair 2. (price) baixar falls (waterfall)
cascata, queda dgua NPL to fall flat (on one's face) cair de cara no cho (plan)
falhar (joke) no agradar
to fall short of (sb's expectations) no corresponder a, ficar abaixo de
a fall of snow BRIT (BRIT) uma nevasca fall apart 1. cair aos pedaos 2. (inf:
emotionally) descontrolar-se completamente VI fall back retroceder VI fall back
on (remedy etc) recorrer a VT fall behind ficar para trs VI fall down 1. (person)
cair 2. (building) desabar 3. (hopes) cair por terra VI fall for 1. (trick) cair em 2.
(person) enamorar-se de VT fall in 1. (roof) ruir 2. (MIL) alinhar-se VI fall in with
(sb's plans etc) conformar-se com VT fall off 1. cair 2. (diminish) declinar, diminuir
VI fall out 1. (hair, teeth) cair 2. (friends etc) brigar 3. (MIL) sair da fila VI fall
over cair por terra, tombar VI fall through (plan, project) furar VI
fellow [flu]
N 1. (gen) camarada M, F 2. (inf: man) cara M (BR) tipo (PT) 3. (of learned society)
membro 4. (of university) membro do conselho universitrio CPD fellow students,
colegas M, FPL de curso his fellow workers, seus colegas de trabalho
fellow citizen
N concidado* M (F concidad)
fellow countryman
N IRREG compatriota M
fellow feeling
N simpatia
fellow men
NPL semelhantes MPL
fellowship [flup]
N 1. (comradeship) amizade F 2. (grant) bolsa de estudo 3. (society) associao F
fellow traveller , fellow traveler (US)
N 1. companheiro* de viagem (companheira) 2. (POL) simpatizante M, F
fell-walking (BRIT)
N caminhadas FPL nas montanhas
felon [fln]
N (LAW) criminoso* (criminosa)
felony [fln]
N (LAW) crime M
felt [flt]
PT PP (of feel) N feltro
felt-tip pen
N caneta pilot BR or de feltro PT
female [fimel]
N 1. (pej: woman) mulher F 2. (ZOOL) fmea ADJ 1. (BIO ELEC) fmeo* (fmea) 2.
(sex, character) feminino 3. (vote etc) das mulheres 4. (child etc) do sexo feminino
male and female teachers, professores e professoras
female impersonator
N (THEATRE) travesti M
feminine [fmnn]
ADJ 1. feminino 2. (womanly) feminil N feminino
femininity [fmnnt]
N feminilidade F
feminism [fmnzm]
N feminismo
feminist [fmnst]
N feminista M, F
fen [fn] (BRIT)
N the Fens, os pntanos de Norfolk
fence [fns]
N 1. cerca 2. (SPORT) obstculo 3. (inf: person) receptor* M (F receptora) VT fence in,
cercar VI esgrimir to sit on the fence (fig) ficar no muro
fencing [fns]
N (sport) esgrima
fend [fnd]
VI to fend for o.s. defender-se, virar-se fend off (attack, attacker) defender-se de
fender [fnd*]
N 1. (of fireplace) guarda-fogo M 2. (on boat) defesa de embarcao 3. (US AUT)
pra-lama M (RAIL) limpa-trilhos M INV
fennel [fnl]
N erva-doce F, funcho
VI [fmnt] fermentar N [fmnt] (fig) agitao F
fermentation [fmnten]
N fermentao F
fern [fn]
N samambaia (BR) feto (PT)
ferocious [frus]
ADJ feroz
ferocity [frst]
N ferocidade F
ferret [frt]
N furo M ferret about (BRIT) ferret around VI ferret around to ferret around in
sth, vasculhar algo VI ferret out (information) desenterrar, descobrir VT
ferry [fr]
N 1. (small) barco (de travessia) 2. ferryboat (large) balsa VT transportar to ferry
sth/sb across or over, transportar algo/algum para o outro lado
ferryman [frmn]
N IRREG barqueiro, balseiro
fertile [ftal]
ADJ 1. frtil 2. (BIO) fecundo
fertility [ftlt]
N 1. fertilidade F 2. (BIO) fecundidade F
fertility drug
N droga que propicia a fecundao
fertilize [ftlaz]
VT 1. fertilizar 2. (BIO) fecundar
fertilizer [ftlaz*]
N adubo, fertilizante M
fervent [fvnt]
ADJ ardente, apaixonado
fervour [fv*] fervor (US)
N fervor M
fester [fst*]
VI inflamar-se
festival [fstvl]
N 1. (REL) festa 2. (ART MUS) festival M
festive [fstv]
ADJ festivo the festive season (BRIT: Christmas) a poca do Natal
festivities [fstvtz]
NPL festas FPL, festividades FPL
festoon [fstun]
VT to festoon with, engrinaldar de or com
fetch [ft]
VT 1. ir buscar, trazer 2. (BRIT: sell for) alcanar how much did it fetch? quanto
rendeu? por quanto foi vendido? fetch up (US) ir parar VI
fetching [ft]
ADJ atraente
fte [fet]
N festa
fetid [ftd]
ADJ ftido
fetish [ft]
N fetiche M
fetter [ft*]
VT restringir, refrear
fetters [ftz]
NPL grilhes MPL
fettle [ftl] (BRIT)
N in fine fettle (car etc) em bom estado (person) em forma
fetus [fits] (US)
N foetus
feud [fjud]
N 1. (hostility) inimizade F 2. (quarrel) disputa, rixa VI brigar a family feud, uma briga
de famlia
feudal [fjudl]
ADJ feudal
feudalism [fjudlzm]
N feudalismo
fever [fiv*]
N febre F he has a fever, ele est com febre
feverish [fivr]
ADJ 1. febril 2. (activity) febril
few [fju]
ADJ PRON poucos* (poucas) a few ... alguns* ... (algumas)
I know a few, conheo alguns
quite a few ... vrios* ... (vrias)
in the next few days, nos prximos dias
in the past few days, nos ltimos dias
every few days/months, cada dois ou trs dias/meses
a few more ... mais alguns/algumas ...
fewer [fju*]
ADJ PRON menos
fewest [fjust]
ADJ o menor nmero de
N ABBR Future Farmers of America
ABBR fire hydrant
N ABBR Federal Housing Administration, secretaria federal da habitao
fianc [fse]
N noivo
fiance [fse]
N noiva
fiasco [fsku]
N fiasco
fib [fb]
N lorota
fibre [fab*] fiber (US)
N fibra
fibreboard [fabbd] fiberboard (US)
N madeira compensada, compensado
fibre-glass , fiber-glass (US)
N fibra de vidro
fibrositis [fabrsats]
N aponeurosite F
N ABBR Federal Insurance Contributions Act
fickle [fkl]
ADJ 1. inconstante 2. (weather) instvel
fiction [fkn]
N 1. fico F 2. (invention) invenco F
fictional [fknl]
ADJ de fico
fictionalize [fknlaz]
VT romancear
fictitious [fkts]
ADJ fictcio
fiddle [fdl]
N 1. (MUS) violino 2. (cheating) fraude F, embuste M 3. (swindle) trapaa VT (BRIT:
accounts) falsificar fiddle with brincar com VT
fiddler [fdl*]
N violinista M, F
fiddly [fdl]
ADJ (task) espinhoso
fidelity [fdlt]
N fidelidade F
fidget [fdt]
VI estar irrequieto, mexer-se
fidgety [fdt]
ADJ inquieto, nervoso
fiduciary [fdjur]
N fiducirio* (fiduciria)
field [fild]
N 1. campo 2. (fig) rea, esfera, especialidade F to lead the field (SPORT) tomar a
dianteira (COMM) liderar
to have a field day (fig) fazer a festa
field glasses
NPL binculo
field marshal
N marechal-de-campo
fieldwork [fildwk]
N trabalho de campo
fiend [find]
N demnio
fiendish [find]
ADJ diablico
fierce [fs]
ADJ 1. feroz 2. (wind, attack) violento 3. (heat) intenso 4. (fighting, enemy) feroz,
fiery [far]
ADJ 1. (burning) ardente 2. (temperament) fogoso
FIFA [fif]
N ABBR Fdration Internationale de Football Association, FIFA
fifteen [fftin]
NUM quinze five
fifth [ff]
NUM quinto I was (the) fifth to arrive, eu fui o quinto a chegar
he came fifth in the competition, ele tirou o quinto lugar (in race) ele chegou
em quinto lugar
Henry the Fifth, Henrique Quinto
the fifth of July
July the fifth, dia cinco de julho
I wrote to him on the fifth, eu lhe escrevi no dia cinco
fiftieth [fft]
NUM qinquagsimo fifth
fifty [fft]
NUM cinqenta about fifty people, umas cinqenta pessoas
hell be fifty (years old) next birthday, ele far cinqenta anos no seu prximo
hes about fifty, ele tem uns cinqenta anos
the fifties, os anos 50
to be in ones fifties, estar na casa dos cinqenta anos
the temperature was in the fifties, a temperatura estava na faixa dos cinqenta
to do fifty (AUT) ir a 50 (quilmetros por hora)
fifty-fifty [fftfft]
ADV to share or go fifty-fifty with sb, dividir meio a meio com algum, rachar com
algum ADJ to have a fifty-fifty chance, ter 50% de chance
fig [f]
N figo
fight [fat] (PT, PP fought )
N 1. briga 2. (MIL) combate M 3. (struggle) (against illness etc) luta VT 1. lutar contra 2.
(cancer, alcoholism) combater 3. (election) competir 4. (LAW) (case) defender VI 1.
brigar, bater-se 2. (fig) to fight (for/against) lutar (por/contra) fight back 1.
revidar 2. (SPORT,: from illness etc) reagir 3. (tears) tentar reter VI fight off 1.
(attack, attacker) repelir 2. (illness, sleep, urge) lutar contra VT fight out to fight
it out, resolver a questo pela briga VT
fighter [fat*]
N 1. combatente M, F 2. (fig) lutador* M (F lutadora) 3. (plane) caa M
fighter pilot
N piloto de caa
fighting [fat]
N 1. (battle) batalha 2. (brawl) briga
figment [fmnt]
N a figment of the imagination, um produto da imaginao
figurative [fjurtv]
ADJ 1. (expression) figurado 2. (style) figurativo
figure [f*]
N 1. (DRAWING MATH) figura, desenho 2. (numeral) algarismo 3. (number, cipher)
nmero, cifra 4. (outline) forma 5. (of woman) corpo 6. (person) personagem M VT
(esp US) imaginar VI 1. (appear) figurar 2. (US: make sense) fazer sentido public
figure, personalidade F figure on (US) to figure on doing, contar em fazer VT
figure out compreender VT
figurehead [fhd]
N 1. (NAUT) carranca de proa 2. (pej: leader) chefe M nominal
figure of speech
N figura de linguagem
figure skating
N movimentos MPL de patinao
Fiji N [fidi] Fiji Islands NPL
(ilhas FPL ) Fiji (no article)
filament [flmnt]
N filamento
filch [flt] (inf)
VT surripiar, afanar
file [fal]
N 1. (tool) lixa 2. (dossier) dossi M, pasta 3. (folder) pasta (binder) fichrio 4.
(COMPUT) arquivo 5. (row) fila, coluna VT 1. (wood, nails) lixar 2. (papers) arquivar
3. (LAW) (claim) apresentar, dar entrada em 4. (store) arquivar VI to file in/out,
entrar/sair em fila to file past, desfilar em frente de
to file a suit against sb (LAW) abrir processo contra algum
file name
N (COMPUT) nome M do arquivo
filibuster [flbst*] (esp US)
N (POL) obstrucionista M, F VI obstruir
filing [fal]
N arquivamento filings (of iron etc) limalha NPL
filing cabinet
N fichrio, arquivo
filing clerk
N arquivista M, F
Filipino [flpinu]
N 1. (person) filipino* (filipina) 2. (LING) filipino
fill [fl]
VT 1. encher 2. (vacancy) preencher 3. (order) atender N to eat ones fill, encher-se
or fartar-se de comer filled with admiration, cheio de admirao fill in 1.
(form) preencher 2. (need) satisfazer 3. (hole) tapar 4. (time) encher 5. (details,
report) escrever 6. to fill in for sb, substituir algum VT to fill sb in on sth (inf)
dar as dicas a algum sobre algo fill out preencher VT fill up 1. encher 2.
(AUT) abastecer o carro VT fill it up, please (AUT) pode encher (o tanque) por
fillet [flt]
N filete M, fil M VT preparar em fils
fillet steak
N fil M
filling [fl]
N 1. (CULIN) recheio 2. (for tooth) obturao F (BR) chumbo (PT)
filling station
N posto de gasolina
fillip [flp]
N estimulo, incentivo
filly [fl]
N potranca
film [flm]
N 1. filme M 2. (of liquid etc) camada fina, veu M VT (scene) rodar, filmar VI filmar
film star
N astro/estrela do cinema
film strip
N diafilme M
film studio
N estdio (de cinema)
filter [flt*]
N filtro VT filtrar
filter coffee
N caf M filtro
filter lane (BRIT)
N (AUT) pista para se dobrar esquerda (or direita)
filter tip
N filtro
ADJ filtrado
filth [fl]
N sujeira (BR) sujidade F (PT)
filthy [fl]
ADJ 1. sujo 2. (language) indecente, obsceno
fin [fn]
N barbatana
final [fanl]
ADJ 1. final, ltimo 2. (definitive) definitivo N (SPORT) final F finals (SCH) exames
MPL finais NPL
final demand
N (on invoice etc) demanda final
finale [fnl]
N final M
finalist [fanlst]
N (SPORT) finalista M, F
finalize [fanlaz]
VT concluir, completar
finally [fanl]
ADV 1. (lastly) finalmente, por fim 2. (eventually) por fim 3. (irrevocably)
finance [fanns]
N 1. (money) fundos MPL 2. (money management) finanas FPL VT financiar
finances (finance finances) finanas NPL
financial [fannl]
ADJ financeiro financial statement, demonstrao financeira
financially [fannl]
ADV financeiramente
financial year
N ano fiscal, exerccio
financier [fnns*]
N 1. financista M, F 2. (backer) financiador* M (F financiadora)
find [fand] (PT, PP found )
VT 1. encontrar, achar 2. (discover) descobrir N achado, descoberta to find sb
guilty (LAW) declarar algum culpado find out 1. descobrir 2. (person)
desmascarar 3. to find out about, informar-se sobre (by chance) saber de VT
findings [fandz]
NPL 1. (LAW) veredito, deciso F 2. (of report) constataes FPL
fine [fan]
ADJ 1. fino 2. (excellent) excelente 3. (good) bom/boa 4. (beautiful) bonito ADV (well)
muito bem N (LAW) multa VT (LAW) multar to be fine (person) estar bem
(weather) estar bom
youre doing fine, voc se d bem
to cut it fine, deixar pouca margem (arrive just in time) chegar em cima da hora
fine arts
NPL belas artes FPL
finely [fanl]
ADV (tune) finamente finely chopped, picado
finery [fanr]
N enfeites MPL
finesse [fns]
N sutileza
fine-tooth comb
N to go through sth with a fine-tooth comb (fig) passar o pente fino em algo
finger [f*]
N dedo VT 1. (touch) manusear 2. (MUS) dedilhar little/index finger, dedo
fingering [fr]
N (MUS) dedilhado
fingermark [fmk]
N dedada
fingernail [fnel]
N unha
fingerprint [fprnt]
N impresso F digital VT (person) tirar as impresses digitais de
fingerstall [fstl]
N dedeira
fingertip [ftp]
N ponta do dedo to have sth at ones fingertips, ter algo sua disposio, dispor
de algo (knowledge) saber algo na ponta da lngua
finicky [fnk]
ADJ (fussy) fresco, cheio de coisas
finish [fn]
N 1. (end) fim M 2. (SPORT) chegada 3. (on wood etc) acabamento VT VI terminar,
acabar to finish doing sth, terminar de fazer algo
to finish with sb (end relationship) acabar com algum
to finish third, chegar no terceiro lugar finish off 1. terminar 2. (kill) liquidar VT
finish up 1. acabar 2. acabar 3. (in place) ir parar VT
finished product [fnt-]
N produto acabado
finishing line [fn-]
N linha de chegada, meta
finishing school [fn-]
N escola de aperfeioamento (para moas)
finishing touches [fn-]
NPL ltimos retoques MPL
finite [fanat]
ADJ finito
Finland [fnlnd]
N Finlndia
Finn [fn]
N finlands* M (F finlandesa)
Finnish [fn]
ADJ finlands* (finlandesa) N (LING) finlands M
fiord [fjd]
N fjord
fir [f*]
N abeto
fire [fa*]
N 1. fogo 2. (accidental) incndio 3. (gas fire, electric fire) aquecedor M VT 1. (gun)
disparar 2. (arrow) atirar 3. (interest) estimular 4. (dismiss) despedir 5. (excite) to
fire sb with enthusiasm, encher algum de entusiasmo VI disparar CPD fire
hazard fire risk, perigo or risco de incndio on fire, em chamas
to set fire to sth
set sth on fire, incendiar algo
insured against fire, segurado contra fogo
to come under fire (from) (fig) ser atacado (por)
fire alarm
N alarme M de incndio
firearm [farm]
N arma de fogo
fire brigade
N (corpo de) bombeiros MPL
fire chief (US)
N fire master
fire department (US)
N fire brigade
fire drill
N treinamento de incndio
fire engine
N carro de bombeiro
fire escape
N escada de incndio
fire extinguisher
N extintor M de incndio
fireguard [fad] (BRIT)
N guarda-fogo M
fire insurance
N seguro contra fogo
fireman [famn]
N IRREG bombeiro
fire master (BRIT)
N capito M dos bombeiros
firemen [famn]
NPL (of fireman)
fireplace [faples]
N lareira
fireproof [fapruf]
ADJ prova de fogo
fire regulations
NPL normas FPL preventivas contra incndio
fire screen
N guarda-fogo M
fireside [fasad]
N lugar M junto lareira
fire station
N posto de bombeiros
firewood [fawud]
N lenha
fireworks [fawks]
NPL 1. fogos MPL de artifcio 2. (display) queima de fugos
firing [far]
N (MIL) tiros MPL, tiroteio
firing line
N (MIL) linha de fogo to be in the firing line (fig) estar na linha de frente
firing squad
N peloto M de fuzilamento
firm [fm]
ADJ firme N firma to be a firm believer in sth, ser partidrio perseverante de algo
to stand firm or take a firm stand on sth (fig) manter-se firme em algo
firmly [fml]
ADV firmemente
firmness [fmns]
N firmeza
first [fst]
ADJ primeiro ADV 1. (before others) primeiro 2. (when listing reasons etc) em primeiro
lugar N 1. (person) (in race) primeiro* (primeira) 2. (AUT) primeira 3. (BRIT SCH)
meno F honrosa the first of January, primeiro de janeiro (BR) dia um de
Janeiro (PT)
at first, no incio
first of all, antes de tudo, antes de mais nada
in the first place, em primeiro lugar
Ill do it first thing tomorrow, vou faz-lo amanh cedo
head first, com a cabea para a frente
for the first time, pela primeira vez
from the (very) first, desde o incio fifth
first aid
N primeiros socorros MPL
first-aid kit
N estojo de premeiros socorros
first-aid post
N pronto-socorro
ADJ de primeira classe
first-class mail
N correspondncia prioritria
ADJ de primeira mo
first lady (US)
N primeira dama
firstly [fstl]
ADV primeiramente, em primeiro lugar
first name
N primeiro nome M
first night
N (THEATRE) estria
ADJ de primeira categoria
fir tree
N abeto
N ABBR Family Income Supplement, abono-famlia M
fiscal [fskl]
ADJ fiscal fiscal year, ano-fiscal
fish [f]
N INV peixe M VT VI pescar to go fishing, ir pescar fish out 1. (from water) pescar
2. (from box etc) tirar VT
fish bone
N espinha de peixe
fisherman [fmn]
N IRREG pescador M
fishery [fr]
N pescaria
fish factory (BRIT)
N fbrica de processamento de pescados
fish farm
N viveiro (de piscicultura)
fish fingers (BRIT)
NPL filezinhos MPL de peixe
fish hook
N anzol M
fishing boat [f-]
N barco de pesca
fishing industry [f-]
N indstria da pesca
fishing line [f-]
N linha de pesca
fishing net [f-]
N rede F de pesca
fishing rod [f-]
N vara (de pesca)
fishing tackle [f-]
N apetrechos MPL (de pesca)
fish market
N mercado de peixe
fishmonger [fm*]
N peixeiro* (peixeira) fishmongers (shop) peixaria
fish sticks (US)
NPL fish fingers
fishy [f] (inf)
ADJ (tale) suspeito
fission [fn]
N fisso F nuclear fission, fisso nuclear
fissure [f*]
N fenda, fissura
fist [fst]
N punho
fistfight [fstfat]
N briga de socos
fit [ft]
ADJ 1. (healthy) em (boa) forma 2. (suitable) adequado, apropriado VT 1. (subj)
(clothes) caber em 2. (try on) (clothes) experimentar, provar 3. (facts) enquadrar-se
or condizer com 4. (accommodate) ajustar, adaptar 5. (correspond exactly)
encaixar em 6. (put in, attach) colocar 7. (equip) equipar 8. (suit) assentar bem VI 1.
(clothes) servir 2. (parts) ajustar 3. (in space, gap) caber 4. (correspond) encaixar-
se N (MED) ataque M fit to, bom para
fit for, adequado para
a fit of anger/pride, um acesso de raiva/orgulho
to have a fit (MED) sofrer or ter um ataque (fig inf) fazer escndalo
this dress is a good/tight fit, este vestido tem um bom corte/est um pouco
do as you think or see fit, faa como voc achar melhor
by fits and starts, espasmodicamente fit in 1. encaixar-se 2. (fig) (person) dar-
se bem (com todos) VI fit out (BRIT) fit up, equipar VT
fitful [ftful]
ADJ espasmdico, intermitente
fitment [ftmnt]
N mvel M
fitness [ftns]
N 1. (MED) sade F, boa forma 2. (of remark) convenincia
fitted [ftd]
ADJ 1. (cupboards) embutido 2. (BRIT: kitchen) com armrios embutidos fitted
carpet, carpete M
fitter [ft*]
N 1. ajustador* M (F ajustadora) montador* M (F montadora) 2. gas fitter, gasista M, F
fitting [ft]
ADJ apropriado N (of dress) prova fittings (in building) instalaes FPL, acessrios
fitting room
N (in shop) cabine F (para experimentar roupa)
five [fav]
NUM cinco she is five (years old) ela tem cinco anos
they live at number five/at five Green Street, eles moram no nmero cinco/na
Green Street nmero cinco
there are five of us, somos cinco
all five of them came, todos os cinco vieram
it costs five pounds, custa cinco libras
five and a quarter/half, cinco e um quarto/e meio
its five (oclock) so cinco horas
to divide sth into five, dividir algo em cinco partes
they are sold in fives, eles so vendidos em pacotes de cinco
five-day week
N semana de cinco dias
fiver [fav*] (inf)
N 1. (BRIT) nota de cinco libras 2. (US) nota de cinco dlares
fix [fks]
VT 1. (secure) fixar, colocar 2. (arrange) arranjar 3. (mend) consertar 4. (meal, drink)
preparar 5. (inf: game etc) arranjar N to be in a fix, estar em apuros the fight
was a fix, a luta foi uma marmelada
to fix sth in ones mind, gravar algo fix up (meeting) marcar VT to fix sb up
with sth, arranjar algo para algum
fixation [fksen]
N fixao F
fixative [fkstv]
N fixador M
fixed [fkst]
ADJ (prices, smile) fixo how are you fixed for money? (inf) a quantas anda voc
em matria de dinheiro?
fixed assets
NPL ativo fixo
fixture [fkst*]
N 1. coisa fixa 2. (furniture) mvel M fixo 3. (SPORT) desafio, encontro
fizz [fz]
VI efervescer
fizzle [fzl]
VI chiar
fizzle out
VI 1. fracassar 2. (interest) diminuir
fizzy [fz]
ADJ 1. (drink) com gs, gasoso 2. (gen) efervescente
fjord [fjd]
N fiorde M
ABBR (POST) Florida
flabbergasted [flbstd]
ADJ pasmado
flabby [flb]
ADJ flcido
flag [fl]
N 1. bandeira 2. (for signalling) bandeirola 3. (flagstone) laje F VI acabar-se, descair
flag of convenience, bandeira de convenincia flag down to flag sb down,
fazer sinais a algum para que pare VT
flagon [fln]
N garrafo M
flagpole [flpul]
N mastro de bandeira
flagrant [flernt]
ADJ flagrante
flagship [flp]
N 1. nau F capitnia 2. (fig) carro-chefe M
flag stop (US)
N (for bus) parada facultativa
flair [fl*]
N 1. (talent) talento 2. (style) habilidade F
flak [flk]
N 1. (MIL) fogo antiareo 2. (inf: criticism) crticas FPL
flake [flek]
N 1. (of rust, paint) lasca 2. (of snow, soap powder) floco VI flake off, lascar,
flaky [flek]
ADJ 1. (paintwork) laminoso 2. (skin) escamoso 3. (pastry) folhado
flamboyant [flmbnt]
ADJ 1. (dress) espalhafatoso 2. (person) extravagante
flame [flem]
N chama to burst into flames, irromper em chamas
old flame (inf) velha paixo F
flamingo [flmu] (PL flamingoes )
N flamingo
flammable [flmbl]
ADJ inflamvel
flan [fln] (BRIT)
N torta
flange [flnd]
N flange M
flank [flk]
N 1. flanco 2. (of person) lado VT ladear
flannel [flnl]
N 1. face flannel (BRIT) pano 2. (fabric) flanela 3. (BRIT inf) conversa fiada flannels
cala BR or calas FPL PT de flanela NPL
flannelette [flnlt]
N baetilha
flap [flp]
N 1. (of pocket, table) aba 2. (of envelope) dobra 3. (wing movement) bater M 4.
(AVIAT) flap M VT 1. (arms) oscilar 2. (wings) bater VI 1. (sail, flag) ondular 2. be in
a flap (inf) estar atarantado
flapjack [flpdk]
N 1. (US: pancake) panqueca 2. (BRIT: biscuit) biscoito de aveia
flare [fl*]
N 1. fogacho, chama 2. (MIL) sinal M luminoso 3. (in skirt etc) folga flare up 1.
chamejar 2. (fig) (person) encolerizar-se (violence) irromper VI
flared [fld]
ADJ 1. (trousers) com roda 2. (skirt) rodado
flash [fl]
N 1. (of lightning) claro M 2. news flash, notcias FPL de ltima hora 3. (PHOT) flash M
4. (of inspiration) lampejo VT 1. (light, headlights) piscar 2. (torch) acender 3. (news,
message) transmitir 4. (look, smile) brilhar VI 1. brilhar 2. (light on ambulance, eyes
etc) piscar in a flash, num instante
to flash by or past, passar como um raio
to flash sth about (fig inf) ostentar or exibir algo
flashback [flbk]
N flashback M
flashbulb [flblb]
N lmpada de flash
flash card
N (SCH) carto M
flashcube [flkjub]
N cubo de flash
flasher [fl*]
N (AUT) pisca-pisca M
flashlight [fllat]
N lanterna de bolso
flash point
N ponto de centelha
flashy [fl] (pej)
ADJ espalhafatoso
flask [flsk]
N 1. frasco 2. vacuum flask, garrafa trmica (BR) termo (PT)
flat [flt]
ADJ 1. plano 2. (smooth) liso 3. (battery) descarregado 4. (tyre) vazio 5. (beer) choco
6. (denial) categrico 7. (MUS) abemolado (voice) desafinado 8. (rate) nico 9.
(fee) fixo N 1. (BRIT: apartment) apartamento 2. (MUS) bemol M 3. (AUT) pneu M
furado flat out (work) a toque de caixa (race) a toda
flat rate of pay (COMM) salrio fixo
flat-footed [-futd]
ADJ de ps chatos
flatly [fltl]
ADV terminantemente
flatmate [fltmet] (BRIT)
N companheiro* de apartamento (companheira)
flatness [fltns]
N (of land) planura, lisura
flatten [fltn]
VT 1. flatten out, aplanar 2. (smooth out) alisar 3. (demolish) arrasar 4. (defeat)
flatter [flt*]
VT 1. lisonjear 2. (show to advantage) favorecer
flatterer [fltr*]
N lisonjeador* M (F lisonjeadora)
flattering [fltr]
ADJ 1. lisonjeiro 2. (clothes etc) favorecedor* (favorecedora)
flattery [fltr]
N bajulao F
flatulence [fltjulns]
N flatulncia
flaunt [flnt]
VT ostentar, pavonear
flavour [flev*] flavor (US)
N sabor M VT condimentar, aromatizar strawberry-flavoured, com sabor de
flavouring [flevr] flavoring (US)
N 1. condimento 2. (synthetic) aromatizante M
flaw [fl]
N 1. (in cloth, glass) defeito 2. (in character) falha 3. (in argument) erro
flawless [flls]
ADJ impecvel
flax [flks]
N linho
flaxen [flksn]
ADJ da cor de linho
flea [fli]
N pulga
flea market
N feira de quinquilharias
fleapit [flipt]
N (cinema) pulgueiro
fleck [flk]
N 1. (mark) mancha, sinal M 2. (of dust) partcula 3. (of mud) salpico 4. (of paint)
pontinho VT salpicar brown flecked with white, marrom salpicado de branco
fled [fld]
PT PP (of flee)
flee [fli] (PT, PP fled )
VT fugir de VI fugir
fledgeling , fledgling [fldl]
N ave F recm-emplumada
fleece [flis]
N 1. velo 2. (wool) l F VT (inf) espoliar
fleecy [flis]
ADJ 1. (blanket) felpudo 2. (cloud) fofo
fleet [flit]
N 1. (gen, of lorries etc) frota 2. (of ships) esquadra
fleeting [flit]
ADJ fugaz
Flemish [flm]
ADJ flamengo N (LING) flamengo the Flemish os flamengos NPL
flesh [fl]
N 1. carne F 2. (of fruit) polpa of flesh and blood, de carne e osso
flesh wound
N ferimento de superfcie
flew [flu]
PT (of fly)
flex [flks]
N fio VT (muscles) flexionar
flexibility [flksblt]
N flexibilidade F
flexible [flksbl]
ADJ flexvel
flick [flk]
N 1. pancada leve 2. (with finger) peteleco, piparote M 3. (with whip) chicotada VT 1.
dar um peteleo 2. (switch) apertar flicks (BRIT inf) cinema M NPL flick through
folhear VT
flicker [flk*]
VI 1. (light, flame) tremular 2. (eyelids) tremer N tremulao F a flicker of light, um
fio de luz
flick knife (BRIT)
N IRREG canivete M de mola
flier [fla*]
N aviador* M (F aviadora)
flight [flat]
N 1. vo M 2. (escape) fuga 3. (of steps) lance M to take flight, fugir, pr-se em fuga
to put to flight, pr em fuga
flight attendant (US)
N comissrio* de bordo (comissria)
flight crew
N tripulao F
flight deck
N 1. (AVIAT) cabine F do piloto 2. (NAUT) pista de aterrissagem BR or aterragem PT
flight recorder
N gravador M de vo
flimsy [flmz]
ADJ 1. (thin) delgado, franzino 2. (weak) dbil 3. (excuse) fraco
flinch [flnt]
VI encolher-se to flinch from sth/from doing sth, vacilar diante de algo/em fazer
fling [fl] (PT, PP flung )
VT lanar N (love affair) caso
flint [flnt]
N 1. pederneira 2. (in lighter) pedra
flip [flp]
VT 1. (turn over) dar a volta em 2. (throw) jogar to flip a coin, tirar cara ou coroa
flip through folhear VT
flippant [flpnt]
ADJ petulante, irreverente
flipper [flp*]
N 1. (of animal) nadadeira 2. (for swimmer) p-de-pato, nadadeira
flip side
N (of record) outro lado
flirt [flt]
VI flertar N namorador* M (F namoradora) paquerador* M (F paqueradora)
flirtation [flten]
N flerte M, paquera
flit [flt]
VI esvoaar
float [flut]
N 1. bia 2. (in procession) carro alegrico 3. (sum of money) caixa VI 1. flutuar 2.
(swimmer) boiar VT 1. fazer flutuar 2. (company) lanar (na Bolsa)
floating [flut]
ADJ flutuante floating vote, voto oscilante
floating voter, indeciso* (indecisa)
flock [flk]
N 1. (of sheep, REL) rebanho 2. (of birds) bando 3. (of people) multido F VI to flock
to, afluir
floe [flu]
N ice floe, banquisa
flog [fl]
VT 1. aoitar 2. (inf) vender
flood [fld]
N 1. enchente F, inundao F 2. (of words, tears etc) torrente M VT 1. inundar, alagar 2.
(AUT) (carburettor) afogar VI 1. place, alagar 2. (people, goods) to flood into,
inundar to flood the market (COMM) inundar o mercado
in flood, transbordante
flooding [fld]
N inundao F
floodlight [fldlat]
N refletor M, holofote M VT iluminar com holofotes
floodlit [fldlt]
PT PP (of floodlight) ADJ iluminado (por holofotes)
flood tide
N mar F enchente
floor [fl*]
N 1. cho M 2. (in house) soalho 3. (storey) andar M 4. (of sea) fundo 5. (dance floor)
pista de dana VT (fig) (confuse) confundir, pasmar ground floor BRIT or first
floor US (BRIT) (US) andar trreo (BR) rs-do-cho (PT)
first floor BRIT or second floor US (BRIT) (US) primeiro andar
top floor, ltimo andar
to have the floor (speaker) ter a palavra
floorboard [flbd]
N tbua de assoalho
flooring [flr]
N piso
floor lamp (US)
N abajur M de p
floor show
N show M
floorwalker [flwk*] (esp US)
N supervisor* M (numa loja de departamentos) (F supervisora)
flop [flp]
N fracasso VI 1. (fail) fracassar 2. (into chair etc) cair pesadamente
floppy [flp]
ADJ frouxo, mole N floppy disk, disquete M
floppy disk
N disquete M
flora [flr]
N flora
floral [flrl]
ADJ floral
Florence [flrns]
N Florena
florid [flrd]
ADJ 1. (style) florido 2. (complexion) corado
florist [flrst]
N florista M, F
florists , florists shop
N floricultura
flotation [fluten]
N 1. (of shares) emisso F 2. (of company) lanamento (na Bolsa)
flounce [flauns]
N babado, debrum M flounce out sair indignado VI
flounder [flaund*] (PL flounder ), ( flounders )
N (ZOOL) linguado VI 1. (swimmer) debater-se 2. (fig) atrapalhar-se
flour [flau*]
N farinha
flourish [flr]
VI florescer VT brandir, menear N 1. floreio 2. (bold gesture) with a flourish, con
gestos floreados 3. (of trumpets) fanfarra
flourishing [flr]
ADJ prspero
flout [flaut]
VT 1. (law) desrespeitar 2. (offer) desprezar
flow [flu]
N 1. (of tide, traffic) fluxo 2. (direction) curso 3. (of river, ELEC) corrente F 4. (of blood)
circulao F VI 1. correr 2. (traffic) fluir 3. (blood, ELEC) circular 4. (clothes, hair)
flow chart
N fluxograma M
flow diagram
N fluxograma M
flower [flau*]
N flor F VI florescer, florir in flower, em flor
flower bed
N canteiro
flowerpot [flaupt]
N vaso
flowery [flaur]
ADJ 1. (perfume) a base de flor 2. (pattern) florido 3. (speech) floreado
flown [flun]
PP (of fly)
flu [flu]
N gripe F
fluctuate [flktjuet]
VI 1. flutuar 2. (temperature) variar
fluctuation [flktjuen]
N flutuao F, oscilao F
flue [flu]
N fumeiro
fluency [fluns]
N fluncia
fluent [flunt]
ADJ (speech) fluente he speaks fluent French hes fluent in French, ele fala
francs fluentemente
fluently [fluntl]
ADV fluentemente
fluff [flf]
N felpa, penugem F
fluffy [flf]
ADJ macio, fofo fluffy toy, brinquedo de pelcia
fluid [flud]
ADJ fluido N 1. fluido 2. (in diet) lquido
fluid ounce (BRIT)
N 0.028 l, 0.05 pints
fluke [fluk] (inf)
N sorte F
flummox [flmks]
VT desconcertar
flung [fl]
PT PP (of fling)
flunky [flk]
N lacaio
fluorescent [flursnt]
ADJ fluorescente
fluoride [flurad]
N fluoreto CPD fluoride toothpaste, pasta de dentes com flor
fluorine [flurin]
N flor M
flurry [flr]
N 1. (of snow) lufada 2. (haste) agitao F flurry of activity/excitement, muita
flush [fl]
N 1. (on face) rubor M 2. (plenty) abundncia VT lavar com gua VI ruborizar-se ADJ
flush with, rente com to flush the toilet, dar descarga
hot flushes (MED) calores flush out leventar VT
flushed [flt]
ADJ ruborizado, corado
fluster [flst*]
N agitao F VT atrapalhar, desconcertar
flustered [flstd]
ADJ atrapalhado
flute [flut]
N flauta
fluted [flutd]
ADJ acanelado
flutter [flt*]
N 1. agitao F 2. (of wings) bater M 3. (inf: bet) aposta VI esvoaar
flux [flks]
N fluxo in a state of flux, mudando continuamente
fly [fla] (PT flew ), (PP flown )
N 1. (insect) mosca 2. flies (on trousers) braguilha VT 1. (plane) pilotar 2. (passengers,
cargo) transportar (de avio) 3. (flag) hastear 4. (distances) percorrer 5. (kite)
soltar, empinar VI 1. voar 2. (passengers) ir de avio 3. (escape) fugir 4. (flag)
hastear-se to fly open, abrir-se bruscamente
to fly off the handle, perder as estribeiras fly away voar VI fly in chegar VI
fly off fly away VI fly out sair (de avio) VI
N pesca com iscas artificiais
flying [fla]
N (activity) aviao F ADJ flying visit, visita de mdico with flying colours,
he doesnt like flying, ele no gosta de andar de avio
flying buttress
N arcobotante M
flying saucer
N disco voador
flying start
N to get off to a flying start (in race) disparar (fig) comear muito bem
fly leaf [flalif]
N IRREG guarda (num livro)
flyover [flauv*] (BRIT)
N (bridge) viaduto
flypast [flapst]
N desfile M areo
fly sheet
N (for tent) duplo teto
flywheel [flawil]
N volante M
ABBR 1. (BRIT MIL) field marshal 2. (RADIO) frequency modulation, FM
N ABBR Federal Maritime Board
N ABBR Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, Justia do Trabalho
N ABBR Foreign Office
foal [ful]
N potro
foam [fum]
N espuma VI espumar
foam rubber
N espuma de borracha
ABBR free on board, FOB
fob [fb]
VT to fob sb off with sth, despachar algum com algo to fob sth off on sb,
impingir algo a algum
foc (BRIT)
ABBR free of charge
focal [fukl]
ADJ focal
focal point
N foco
focus [fuks] (PL focuses )
N foco VT (field glasses etc) enfocar VI to focus on, enfocar, focalizar in/out of
focus, em foco/fora de foco
fodder [fd*]
N forragem F
N ABBR 1. Friends of the Earth, organizaco ecologista 2. (US) Fraternal Order of
Eagles, associao beneficente
foe [fu]
N inimigo
foetus [fits] fetus (US)
N feto
fog [f]
N nevoeiro
fogbound [fbaund]
ADJ imobilizado pelo nevoeiro
foggy [f]
ADJ nevoento
fog lamp , fog light (US)
N farol M de neblina
foible [fbl]
N fraqueza, ponto fraco
foil [fl]
VT frustrar N 1. folha metlica 2. kitchen foil, folha or papel M de alumnio 3.
(complement) contraste M, complemento 4. (FENCING) florete M to act as a foil
to (fig) dar realce a
foist [fst]
VT to foist sth on sb, impingir algo a algum
fold [fuld]
N 1. (bend, crease) dobra, vinco, prega 2. (of skin) ruga 3. (AGR) redil M, curral M VT
dobrar to fold ones arms, cruzar os braos fold up 1. (map etc) dobrar 2.
(business) abrir falncia 3. (map etc) dobrar VI
folder [fuld*]
N 1. (for papers) pasta (binder) fichrio 2. (brochure) folheto
folding [fuld]
ADJ (chair, bed) dobrvel
foliage [fuld]
N folhagem F
folk [fuk]
NPL gente F CPD popular, folclrico folks 1. (family) famlia, parentes MPL 2. (people)
gente F NPL
folklore [fukl*]
N folclore M
folk song
N cano F popular or folclrica
follow [flu]
VT seguir VI 1. seguir 2. (result) resultar to follow sbs advice, seguir o conselho de
I dont quite follow you, no consigo acompanhar o seu raciocnio
to follow in sbs footsteps, seguir os passos de algum
it doesnt follow that ... (isso) no quer dizer que ...
to follow suit, fazer o mesmo follow out (idea, plan) levar a cabo, executar VT
follow through levar a cabo, executar VT follow up 1. (letter) responder a 2.
(offer) levar adiante 3. (case) acompanhar VT
follower [flu*]
N 1. seguidor* M (F seguidora) 2. (POL) partidrio* (partidria)
following [flu]
ADJ seguinte N adeptos MPL
N continuao F CPD follow-up letter, carta suplementar de reforo
folly [fl]
N loucura
fond [fnd]
ADJ 1. (memory, look) carinhoso 2. (hopes) absurdo, descabido to be fond of,
gostar de
fondle [fndl]
VT acariciar
fondly [fndl]
ADV 1. (lovingly) afetuosamente 2. (navely) he fondly believed that ... ele acreditava
piamente que ...
fondness [fndns]
N 1. (for things) gosto, afeio F 2. (for people) carinho
font [fnt]
N 1. (REL) pia batismal 2. (TYP) fonte F, famlia
food [fud]
N comida
food mixer
N batedeira
food poisoning
N intoxicao F alimentar
food processor
N multiprocessador M de cozinha
foodstuffs [fudstfs]
NPL gneros MPL alimentcios
fool [ful]
N 1. tolo* (tola) 2. (HISTORY) (of king) bobo 3. (CULIN) pur M de frutas com creme
VT enganar VI 1. (gen) (fool around) brincar 2. (waste time) fazer baguna to
make a fool of sb (ridicule) ridicularizar algum (trick) fazer algum de bobo
to make a fool of o.s. fazer papel de bobo, fazer-se de bobo
you cant fool me, voc no pode me fazer de bobo fool about (pej) 1. (waste
time) fazer baguna 2. (behave foolishly) fazer-se de bobo VI fool around (pej) 1.
(waste time) fazer baguna 2. (behave foolishly) fazer-se de bobo VI
foolhardy [fulhd]
ADJ temerrio
foolish [ful]
ADJ 1. bobo 2. (stupid) burro 3. (careless) imprudente
foolishly [full]
ADV imprudentemente
foolishness [fulns]
N tolice F
foolproof [fulpruf]
ADJ (plan etc) infalvel
foolscap [fulskp]
N papel M ofcio
foot [fut] (PL feet )
N 1. p M 2. (of animal) pata 3. (measure) p (304 mm; 12 inches) VI (bill) pagar on
foot, a p
to find ones feet (fig) ambientar-se
to put ones foot down (AUT) acelerar (say no) bater o p
footage [futd]
N (CINEMA) (length) metragem F (material) seqncias FPL
foot and mouth , foot and mouth disease
N febre F aftosa
football [futbl]
N 1. bola 2. (game BRIT) futebol M (US) futebol norte-americano
footballer [futbl*]
N futebolista M, jogador M de futebol
football ground
N campo de futebol
football match (BRIT)
N partida de futebol
football player
N jogador M de futebol
foot brake
N freio BR or travo M PT de p
footbridge [futbrd]
N passarela
foothills [futhlz]
NPL contraforte M
foothold [futhuld]
N apoio para o p
footing [fut]
N (fig) posio F to lose ones footing, escorregar
on an equal footing, em p de igualdade
footlights [futlats]
NPL ribalta
footman [futmn]
N IRREG lacaio
footnote [futnut]
N nota ao p da pgina, nota de rodap
footpath [futp]
N 1. caminho, atalho 2. (pavement) calada
footprint [futprnt]
N pegada
footrest [futrst]
N suporte M para os ps
footsore [futs*]
ADJ com os ps doloridos
footstep [futstp]
N passo
footwear [futw*]
N calados MPL
for [f*]
PREP 1. (indicating destination, direction) para
the train for London, o trem para Londres
he went for the paper, foi pegar o jornal
is this for me? para mim?
its time for lunch, hora de almoar 2. (indicating purpose) para
whats it for? para qu serve?
to pray for peace, orar pela paz 3. (on behalf of, representing) por
the MP for Hove, o MP por Hove
he works for the government/a local firm, ele trabalha para o governo/uma
firma local
Ill ask him for you, vou pedir a ele por voc
G for George, G de George 4. (because of) por
for this reason, por esta razo
for fear of being criticised, com medo de ser criticado 5. (with regard to) com
relao a
its cold for July, est frio para julho
for everyone who voted yes, 50 voted no, para cada um que votou sim,
cinqenta votaram no 6. (in exchange for) por
it was sold for 5 foi vendido por 5 7. (in favour of) a favor de
are you for or against us? voc est a favor de ou contra ns?
Im all for it, concordo plenamente, tem todo o meu apoio
vote for X, vote em X 8. (referring to distance) there are roadworks for 5 km,
h obras na estrada por 5 quilmetros
we walked for miles, andamos quilmetros 9. (referring to time) he was away
for 2 years, esteve fora 2 anos
she will be away for a month, ela ficar fora um ms
I have known her for years, eu a conheo h anos
can you do it for tomorrow? voc pode fazer isso para amanh? 10. (with
infinite clause) it is not for me to decide, no cabe a mim decidir
it would be best for you to leave, seria melhor que voc fosse embora
there is still time for you to do it, ainda h tempo para voc fazer isso
for this to be possible ... para que isso seja possvel ... 11. (in spite of) apesar
for all his complaints ... apesar de suas reclamaes, ... CONJ (since, as) (rather
formal) pois, porque
she was very angry, for he was late again, ela estava muito zangada pois ele
se atrasou novamente
ABBR free on rail, franco sobre vago
forage [frd]
N forragem F VI ir procura de alimentos
forage cap
N casquete M
foray [fre]
N incurso F
forbad , forbade [fbd]
PT (of forbid)
forbid [fbd] (PT forbad(e) ), (PP forbidden )
VT proibir to forbid sb to do sth, proibir algum de fazer algo
forbearing [fbr]
ADJ indulgente
forbidden [fbdn]
PP (of forbid) ADJ proibido
forbidding [fbd]
ADJ 1. (look, prospect) sombrio 2. (severe) severo
force [fs]
N fora VT 1. (gen, smile) forar 2. (confession) arrancar fora the Forces (BRIT)
as Foras Armadas NPL to force sb to do, forar algum a fazer
in force, em vigor
to come into force, entrar em vigor
a force 5 wind, um vento fora 5
the sales force (COMM) a equipe de vendas
to join forces, unir foras
by force, fora force back 1. (crowd, enemy) fazer recuar 2. (tears) reprimir
VT force down (food) forar-se a comer VT
forced [fst]
ADJ forado
force-feed [fsfid]
VT IRREG alimentar fora
forceful [fsful]
ADJ enrgico, vigoroso
forcemeat [fsmit] (BRIT)
N (CULIN) recheio
forceps [fsps]
NPL frceps M INV
forcibly [fsbl]
ADV fora
ford [fd]
N vau M VT vadear
fore [f*]
N to bring to the fore, pr em evidncia to come to the fore (person) salientar-se
forearm [frm]
N antebrao
forebear [fb*]
N antepassado
foreboding [fbud]
N mau pressgio
forecast [fkst]
N 1. prognstico, previso F 2. weather forecast, previso do tempo VT prognosticar,
foreclose [fkluz]
VT foreclose on (LAW) executar
foreclosure [fklu*]
N execuo F de uma hipoteca
forecourt [fkt]
N (of garage) rea de estacionamento
forefathers [ffz]
NPL antepassados MPL
forefinger [ff*]
N (dedo) indicador M
forefront [ffrnt]
N in the forefront of, em primeiro plano em
VT 1. (give up) renunciar a 2. (go without) abster-se de
foregoing [fu]
ADJ acima mencionado N the foregoing, o supracitado
foregone [fn]
PP (of forego) ADJ its a foregone conclusion, uma concluso inevitvel
foreground [fraund]
N primeiro plano CPD (COMPUT) de primeiro plano
forehand [fhnd]
N (TENNIS) golpe M de frente
forehead [frd]
N testa
foreign [frn]
ADJ 1. estrangeiro 2. (trade) exterior
foreign body
N corpo estranho
foreign currency
N cmbio, divisas FPL
foreigner [frn*]
N estrangeiro* (estrangeira)
foreign exchange
N 1. (system) cmbio 2. (money) divisas FPL
foreign exchange market
N mercado de cmbio
foreign exchange rate
N taxa de cmbio
foreign investment
N investimento estrangeiro
Foreign Office (BRIT)
N Ministrio das Relaes Exteriores
foreign secretary (BRIT)
N ministro das Relaes Exteriores
foreleg [fl]
N perna dianteira
foreman [fmn]
N IRREG 1. capataz M 2. (in construction) contramestre M 3. (LAW) (of jury) primeiro
foremost [fmust]
ADJ principal ADV first and foremost, antes de mais nada
forename [fnem]
N prenome M
forensic [frnsk]
ADJ forense forensic medicine, medicina legal
forensic expert, perito* criminal (perita)
forerunner [frn*]
N precursor* M (F precursora)
foresee [fsi]
VT prever
foreseeable [fsibl]
ADJ previsvel
foreshadow [ffdu]
VT prefigurar
foreshorten [ftn]
VT escorar
foresight [fsat]
N previdncia
foreskin [fskn]
N (ANAT) prepcio
forest [frst]
N floresta
forestall [fstl]
VT prevenir
forestry [frstr]
N silvicultura
foretaste [ftest]
N 1. antegosto, antegozo 2. (sample) amostra
foretell [ftl]
VT predizer, profetizar
forethought [ft]
N previdncia
foretold [ftuld]
PT PP (of foretell)
forever [frv*]
ADV 1. para sempre 2. (a long time) muito tempo, um tempo (inf) hes forever
forgetting my name, ele vive esquecendo o meu nome
forewarn [fwn]
VT prevenir
PT (of forego)
VT 1. (give up) renunciar a 2. (go without) abster-se de
forgo [fu]
VT forego
foreword [fwd]
N prefcio
forfeit [fft]
N 1. prenda, perda 2. (fine) multa VT 1. perder (direito a) 2. (one's life, health) pagar
forgave [fev]
PT (of forgive)
forgive [fv] (PT forgave ), (PP forgiven )
VT perdoar to forgive sb for sth, perdoar algo a algum, perdoar algum de algo
forge [fd]
N 1. forja 2. (smithy) ferraria VT 1. (signature, money) falsificar 2. (metal) forjar forge
ahead avanar constantemente VI
forger [fd*]
N falsificador* M (F falsificadora)
forgery [fdr]
N falsificao F
forget [ft] (PT forgot ), (PP forgotten )
VT VI esquecer
forgetful [ftful]
ADJ esquecido
forgetfulness [ftfulns]
N esquecimento
N miostis M
forgiveness [fvns]
N perdo M
forgiving [fv]
ADJ clemente
forgo [fu]
VT forego
forgot [ft]
PT (of forget)
forgotten [ftn]
PP (of forget)
fork [fk]
N 1. (for eating) garfo 2. (for gardening) forquilha 3. (of roads etc) bifurcao F VI
(road) bifurcar-se fork out (inf) 1. (pay) desembolsar, morrer em 2. (pay)
descolar uma grana VT
forked [fkt]
ADJ (lightning) em ziguezague
fork-lift truck
N empilhadeira
forlorn [fln]
ADJ 1. (person, place) desolado 2. (attempt) desesperado 3. (hope) ltimo
form [fm]
N 1. forma 2. (type) tipo 3. (SCH) srie F 4. (questionnaire) formulrio VT 1. formar 2.
(organization) criar in the form of, na forma de
to form part of sth, fazer parte de algo
to form a queue BRIT (BRIT) fazer fila
to be in good form (SPORT, fig) estar em forma
in top form, em plena forma
formal [fml]
ADJ 1. (offer, receipt) oficial 2. (person etc) cerimonioso 3. (occasion, education)
formal 4. (dress) a rigor (BR) de cerimnia (PT) 5. (garden) simtrico
formalities [fmltz]
NPL (procedures) formalidades FPL
formality [fmlt]
N 1. (of person) formalismo 2. (formal requirement) formalidade F 3. (ceremony)
formalize [fmlaz]
VT formalizar
formally [fml]
ADV 1. oficialmente, formalmente 2. (in a formal way) formalmente
format [fmt]
N formato VT (COMPUT) formatar
formation [fmen]
N formao F
formative [fmtv]
ADJ (years) formativo
former [fm*]
ADJ 1. anterior 2. (earlier) antigo 3. (ex) ex- the former ... the latter ... aquele ...
este ...
the former president, o ex-presidente
formerly [fml]
ADV anteriormente
form feed
N (on printer) alimentar formulrio
formidable [fmdbl]
ADJ terrvel, temvel
formula [fmjul] (PL formulas or formulae )
N frmula Formula One (AUT) Frmula Um
formulate [fmjulet]
VT formular
fornicate [fnket]
VI fornicar
forsake [fsek] (PT forsook ), (PP forsaken )
VT 1. abandonar 2. (plan) renunciar a
forsaken [fsekn]
PP (of forsake)
forsook [fsuk]
PT (of forsake)
fort [ft]
N forte M to hold the fort (fig) agentar a mo
forte [ft]
N forte M
forth [f]
ADV para adiante back and forth, de c para l
and so forth, e assim por diante
forthcoming [fkm]
ADJ 1. prximo, que est para aparecer 2. (help) disponvel 3. (person) comunicativo
4. (book) a ser publicado
forthright [frat]
ADJ franco
forthwith [fw]
ADV em seguida
fortieth [ft]
NUM quadragsimo fifth
fortification [ftfken]
N fortificao F
fortified wine [ftfad-]
N vinho generoso
fortify [ftfa]
VT 1. (city) fortificar 2. (person) fortalecer
fortitude [fttjud]
N fortaleza
fortnight [ftnat] (BRIT)
N quinzena, quinze dias MPL
fortnightly [ftnatl]
ADJ quinzenal ADV quinzenalmente
FORTRAN [ftrn]
fortress [ftrs]
N fortaleza
fortuitous [ftjuts]
ADJ fortuito
fortunate [ftnt]
ADJ 1. (event) feliz 2. (person) to be fortunate, ter sorte it is fortunate that ...
uma sorte que ...
fortunately [ftntl]
ADV felizmente
fortune [ftn]
N 1. sorte F 2. (wealth) fortuna to make a fortune, fazer fortuna
N adivinho* (adivinha)
forty [ft]
NUM quarenta fifty
forum [frm]
N foro
forward [fwd]
ADJ 1. (movement) para a frente 2. (position) avanado 3. (front) dianteiro 4. (not shy)
imodesto, presunoso 5. (COMM) (delivery) futuro (sales, exchange) a termo N
(SPORT) atacante M ADV para a frente VT 1. (letter) remeter 2. (goods, parcel)
expedir 3. (career) promover 4. (plans) ativar to move forward, avanar
``please forward ``por favor remeta a novo endereo
forward planning, planejamento para o futuro
forwards [fwdz]
ADV para a frente
forwent [fwnt]
PT (of forgo)
fossil [fsl]
N fssil M
fossil fuel
N combustvel M fssil
foster [fst*]
VT 1. adoptar 2. (activity) promover
foster brother
N irmo M de criao
foster child
N IRREG filho adotivo
foster mother
N me F adotiva
fought [ft]
PT PP (of fight)
foul [faul]
ADJ 1. sujo, porco 2. (food) podre 3. (weather) horrvel 4. (language) obsceno 5.
(deed) infame N (SPORT) falta VT 1. (dirty) sujar 2. (block) entupir 3. (football
player) cometer uma falta contra 4. (entangle) (anchor, propeller) enredar
foul play
N 1. (SPORT) jogada suja 2. (LAW) crime M
found [faund]
PT PP (of find) VT (establish) fundar
find [fand] (PT, PP found )
VT 1. encontrar, achar 2. (discover) descobrir N achado, descoberta to find sb
guilty (LAW) declarar algum culpado find out 1. descobrir 2. (person)
desmascarar 3. to find out about, informar-se sobre (by chance) saber de VT
foundation [faunden]
N 1. (act) fundao F 2. (base) base F 3. foundation cream, creme M base
foundations (of building) alicerces MPL NPL to lay the foundations (fig) lanar os
foundation stone
N pedra fundamental
founder [faund*]
N fundador* M (F fundadora) VI naufragar
founding [faund]
N fundao F ADJ fundador* (fundadora)
foundry [faundr]
N fundio F
fount [faunt]
N fonte F
fountain [fauntn]
N chafariz M
fountain pen
N caneta-tinteiro F
four [f*]
NUM quatro on all fours, de quatro five
N four-poster bed, cama com colunas
foursome [fsm]
N grupo de quatro pessoas
fourteen [ftin]
NUM catorze five
fourteenth [ftin]
NUM dcimo-quarto fifth
fourth [f]
NUM quarto N fourth gear (AUT) quarta fifth
four-wheel drive
N (AUT) with four-wheel drive, com trao nas quatro rodas
fowl [faul]
N ave F (domstica)
fox [fks]
N raposa VT deixar perplexo
fox fur
N raposa
foxglove [fkslv]
N (BOT) dedaleira
N caa raposa
foxtrot [fkstrt]
N foxtrote M
foyer [fe]
N saguo M
N ABBR 1. (BRIT) former pupil 2. (US) fireplug
N ABBR Family Planning Association
ABBR (REL) father, P. friar, Fr
ABBR franc, fr
fracas [frk]
N desordem F, rixa
fraction [frkn]
N frao F
fractionally [frknl]
ADV ligeiramente
fractious [frks]
ADJ irascvel
fracture [frkt*]
N fratura VT fraturar
fragile [frdal]
ADJ frgil
fragment [frmnt]
N fragmento
fragmentary [frmntr]
ADJ fragmentrio
fragrance [frerns]
N fragrncia
fragrant [frernt]
ADJ fragrante, perfumado
frail [frel]
ADJ 1. (person) fraco 2. (structure) frgil 3. (weak) delicado
frame [frem]
N 1. (of building) estrutura 2. (body) corpo 3. (TECH) armao F 4. (of picture, door)
moldura 5. frames (of spectacles) armao F, aro VT 1. enquadrar, encaixilhar 2.
(picture) emoldurar 3. (reply) formular 4. (inf) incriminar
frame of mind
N estado de esprito
framework [fremwk]
N 1. armao F 2. (fig) sistema M, quadro
France [frns]
N Frana
franchise [frntaz]
N 1. (POL) direito de voto 2. (COMM) concesso F
franchisee [frntazi]
N concessionrio* (concessionria)
franchiser [frntaz*]
N concedente M, F
frank [frk]
ADJ franco VT (letter) franquear
Frankfurt [frkft]
N Frankfurt (BR) Francoforte (PT)
frankfurter [frkft*]
N salsicha de cachorro quente
franking machine [frk-]
N mquina de selagem
frankly [frkl]
ADV 1. francamente 2. (candidly) abertamente
frankness [frkns]
N franqueza
frantic [frntk]
ADJ 1. frentico 2. (person) fora de si
frantically [frntkl]
ADV freneticamente
fraternal [frtnl]
ADJ fraterno
fraternity [frtnt]
N 1. (club) fraternidade F 2. (US) clube M de estudantes 3. (guild) confraria
fraternize [frtnaz]
VI confraternizar
fraud [frd]
N 1. fraude F 2. (person) impostor* M (F impostora)
fraudulent [frdjulnt]
ADJ fraudulento
fraught [frt]
ADJ tenso fraught with, repleto de
fray [fre]
N combate M, luta VT esfiapar VI esfiapar-se tempers were frayed, estavam com os
nervos em frangalhos
N ABBR Federal Reserve Board
N ABBR Fellow of the Royal College of Music
N ABBR Fellow of the Royal College of Organists
N ABBR Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians
N ABBR Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons
freak [frik]
N 1. (person) anormal M, F 2. (event) anomalia 3. (thing) aberrao F 4. (inf:
enthusiast) health freak, manaco* com a sade (manaca) freak out (inf) 1. (on
drugs) baratinar-se 2. (get angry) ficar uma fera VI
freakish [frik]
ADJ anormal
freckle [frkl]
N sarda
free [fri]
ADJ 1. livre 2. (seat) desocupada 3. (not fixed) solto 4. (costing nothing) gratis, gratuito
5. (liberal) generoso VT 1. (prisoner etc) pr em liberdade 2. (jammed object) soltar
to give sb a free hand, dar carta branca a algum
free and easy, informal
admission free, entrada livre
free (of charge) (for free) grtis, de graa
freebie [frib] (inf)
N 1. brinde M 2. (trip etc) its a freebie, est tudo pago
freedom [fridm]
N liberdade F
freedom fighter
N lutador* M pela liberdade (F lutadora)
free enterprise
N livre iniciativa
N quebra-quebra M
free gift
N brinde M
freehold [frihuld]
N propriedade F livre e alodial
free kick
N (tiro) livre M
freelance [frilans]
ADJ autnomo
freelancer [frilns*]
N free-lance M, F
freeloader [frilud*] (pej)
N sanguessuga M
freely [fril]
ADV livremente
freemason [frimesn]
N maom M
freemasonry [frimesnr]
N maonaria
Freepost [fripust]
N porte M pago
N (egg) caseiro
free sample
N amostra grtis
free speech
N liberdade F de expresso
free trade
N livre comrcio
freeway [friwe] (US)
N auto-estrada
freewheel [friwil]
VI ir em ponto morto
freewheeling [friwil]
ADJ independente, livre
free will
N livre arbtrio of ones own free will, por sua prpria vontade
freeze [friz] (PT froze ), (PP frozen )
VI gelar(-se) congelar-se VT 1. gelar 2. (prices, food, salaries) congelar N 1. geada 2.
(on arms, wages) congelamento freeze over 1. (lake, river) gelar 2. (windscreen)
cobrir-se de gelo VI freeze up gelar VI
ADJ liofilizado
freezer [friz*]
N congelador M, freezer M (BR)
freezing [friz]
ADJ freezing (cold) (weather) glacial (water) gelado 3 degrees below freezing, 3
graus abaixo de zero
freezing point
N ponto de congelamento
freight [fret]
N 1. (goods) carga 2. (money charged) frete M freight forward, frete pago na
freight inward, frete includo no preo
freight car (US)
N vago M de carga
freighter [fret*]
N cargueiro
freight forwarder [-fwd*]
N despachante M, F
freight train (US)
N trem M de carga
French [frnt]
ADJ francs* (francesa) N (LING) francs M the French os franceses NPL
French bean (BRIT)
N feijo M comum
French dressing
N (CULIN) molho francs (de salada)
French fried potatoes
NPL batatas FPL fritas
French fries (US)
NPL French fried potatoes
French Guiana [-an]
N Guiana Francesa
Frenchman [frntmn]
N IRREG francs M
French Riviera
N the French Riviera, a Costa Azul
French window
N porta-janela, janela de batente
Frenchwoman [frntwumn]
N IRREG francesa
frenetic [frntk]
ADJ frentico
frenzy [frnz]
N frenesi M
frequency [frikwns]
N freqncia
ADJ [frikwnt] freqente VT [frkwnt] freqentar
frequency modulation
N freqncia modulada
frequently [frikwntl]
ADV freqentemente, a mido
fresco [frsku]
N fresco
fresh [fr]
ADJ 1. fresco 2. (new) novo 3. (cheeky) atrevido to make a fresh start, comear de
freshen [frn]
VI (wind, air) tornar-se mais forte freshen up (person) lavar-se, refrescar-se VI
freshener [frn*]
N skin freshener, refrescante M da pele air freshener, purificador M de ar
fresher [fr*] (BRIT inf)
N (SCH) calouro* (caloura)
freshly [frl]
ADV 1. (newly) novamente 2. (recently) recentemente, h pouco
freshman [frmn] (US)
N IRREG fresher
freshness [frns]
N frescor M
freshwater [frwt*]
ADJ de gua doce
fret [frt]
VI afligir-se
fretful [frtful]
ADJ irritvel
Freudian [frdn]
ADJ freudiano Freudian slip, ato falho
N ABBR Federal Republic of Germany, RFA F
ABBR Friday, sex
friar [fra*]
N 1. frade M 2. (before name) frei M
friction [frkn]
N 1. frico F 2. (between people) atrito
friction feed
N (on printer) alimentao F por frico
Friday [frad]
N sexta-feira F Tuesday
fridge [frd]
N geladeira (BR) frigorfico (PT)
fried [frad]
PT PP (of fry) ADJ frito fried egg, ovo estrelado or frito
friend [frnd]
N amigo* (amiga) to make friends with sb, fazer amizade com algum
friendliness [frndlns]
N simpatia
friendly [frndl]
ADJ 1. (kind) simptico 2. (relations, behaviour) amigvel N friendly match, amistoso
to be friendly with, ser amigo de
to be friendly to, ser simptico com
friendly society
N sociedade F mutuante, mtua
friendship [frndp]
N amizade F
frieze [friz]
N friso
frigate [frt]
N fragata
fright [frat]
N 1. (terror) terror M 2. (scare) pavor M to take fright, assustar-se
frighten [fratn]
VT assustar frighten away espantar VT frighten off espantar VT
frightened [fratnd]
ADJ to be frightened of, ter medo de
frightening [fratn]
ADJ assustador* (assustadora)
frightful [fratful]
ADJ terrvel, horrvel
frightfully [fratful]
ADV terrivelmente
frigid [frdd]
ADJ (MED) frgido, frio
frigidity [frddt]
N (MED) frigidez F
frill [frl]
N babado without frills (fig) (car) sem nenhum luxo (dinner) simples (service) sem
mordomias (holiday) sem extras
fringe [frnd]
N 1. franja 2. (on shawl etc) beira, orla 3. (edge) (of forest etc) margem F 4. (fig) on
the fringe of, margem de
fringe benefits
NPL benefcios MPL adicionais
fringe theatre
N teatro de vanguarda
frisk [frsk]
VT revistar
frisky [frsk]
ADJ alegre, animado
fritter [frt*]
N bolinho frito fritter away desperdiar VT
frivolity [frvlt]
N frivolidade F
frivolous [frvls]
ADJ 1. frvolo 2. (activity) ftil
frizzy [frz]
ADJ frisado
fro [fru]
ADJ to
frock [frk]
N vestido
frog [fr]
N r F to have a frog in ones throat, ter pigarro
frogman [frmn]
N IRREG homem-r M
frogmarch [frmt] (BRIT)
VT to frogmarch sb in/out, arrastar algum para dentro/para fora
frogmen [frmn]
NPL (of frogman)
frolic [frlk]
VI brincar
from [frm]
PREP 1. (indicating starting place) de
where do you come from? de onde voc ?
we flew from London to Glasgow, fomos de avio de Londres para Glasgow
to escape from sth/sb, escapar de algo/algum 2. (indicating origin etc) de
a letter/telephone call from my sister, uma carta/um telefonema da minha irm
tell him from me that ... diga a ele que da minha parte ...
to drink from the bottle, beber na garrafa 3. (indicating time) from one oclock
to or until or till two, da uma hora at s duas
from January (on) a partir de janeiro 4. (indicating distance) de
were still a long way from home, ainda estamos muito longe de casa 5.
(indicating price, number etc) de
prices range from 10 to 50 os preos vo de 10 a 50
the interest rate was increased from 9% to 10% a taxa de juros foi aumentada
de 9% para 10% 6. (indicating difference) de
he cant tell red from green, ele no pode diferenciar vermelho do verde
to be different from sb/sth, ser diferente de algum/algo 7. (because of/on the
basis of) from what he says, pelo que ele diz
from what I understand, pelo que eu entendo
to act from conviction, agir por convico
weak from hunger, fraco de fome
frond [frnd]
N fronde F
front [frnt]
N 1. (of dress) frente F 2. (of vehicle) parte F dianteira 3. (of house) fachada 4. (of
book) capa 5. sea front (promenade) orla martima 6. (MIL POL METEOROLOGY,:
of dress) frente F 7. (fig) (appearances) fachada ADJ dianteiro, da frente VI to front
onto sth, dar para algo in front (of) em frente (de)
frontage [frntd]
N fachada
frontal [frntl]
ADJ frontal
front bench (BRIT)
N (POL) os dirigentes do partido no poder ou da oposio
front desk (US)
N (in hotel, at doctor's) recepo F
front door
N 1. porta principal 2. (of car) porta dianteira
frontier [frnt*]
N fronteira
frontispiece [frntspis]
N frontispcio
front page
N primeira pgina
front room (BRIT)
N salo M, sala de estar
front runner
N (fig) favorito* (favorita)
front-wheel drive
N trao F dianteira
frost [frst]
N 1. geada 2. hoarfrost, gelo
frostbite [frstbat]
N ulcerao F produzida pelo frio
frosted [frstd]
ADJ 1. (glass) fosco 2. (esp US) (cake) com cobertura
frosting [frst] (esp US)
N (on cake) glace F
frosty [frst]
ADJ 1. (window) coberto de geada 2. (welcome) glacial
froth [fr]
N espuma
frown [fraun]
N olhar M carrancudo, cara amarrada VI franzir as sobrancelhas, amarrar a cara
frown on (fig) desaprovar, no ver com bons olhos VT
froze [fruz]
PT (of freeze)
frozen [fruzn]
PP (of freeze) ADJ congelado frozen foods, congelados MPL
N ABBR 1. (BRIT) Fellow of the Royal Society, membro de associao promovedora de
pesquisa cientfica 2. (US) Federal Reserve System, banco central dos EUA
frugal [frul]
ADJ frugal
fruit [frut]
N INV 1. fruta 2. (fig) (results) fruto
fruiterer [frutr*]
N fruteiro* (fruteira) fruiterers (shop) fruterio (BR) frutaria (PT)
fruitful [frutful]
ADJ proveitoso
fruition [frun]
N to come to fruition, realizar-se
fruit juice
N suco BR or sumo PT de frutas
fruitless [frutls]
ADJ intil, vo* (v)
fruit machine (BRIT)
N caa-nqueis M INV (BR) mquina de jogo (PT)
fruit salad
N salada de frutas
frump [frmp]
N careta (mulher antiquada)
frustrate [frstret]
VT frustrar
frustrated [frstretd]
ADJ frustrado
frustrating [frstret]
ADJ frustrante
frustration [frstren]
N 1. frustrao F 2. (disappointment) decepo F
fry [fra] (PT, PP fried )
VT fritar small
frying pan [fra-]
N frigideira
N ABBR Financial Times, jornal financeiro the FT index, o ndice da Bolsa de Valores
de Londres
ABBR foot, feet
N ABBR Federal Trade Commission
fuchsia [fju]
N fcsia
fuck [fk] (inf!)
VI trepar (!) VT trepar com (!) fuck off, ! vai tomar no cu! (!)
fucking [fk] (inf!)
ADJ this fucking ... essa merda de ... (!) fucking hell, puta que pariu (!)
fuddled [fdld]
ADJ (muddled) confuso, enrolado
fuddy-duddy [fddd] (pej)
ADJ N careta M, F
fudge [fd]
N (CULIN) doce M de leite VT (issue, problem) evadir
fuel [fjul]
N 1. (gen, for heating) combustvel M 2. (for propelling) carburante M
fuel oil
N leo combustvel
fuel pump
N (AUT) bomba de gasolina
fuel tank
N depsito de combustvel
fug [f] (BRIT)
N bafio
fugitive [fjudtv]
N fugitivo* (fugitiva)
fulfil [fulfl] fulfill (US)
VT 1. (function) cumprir 2. (condition) satisfazer 3. (wish, desire) realizar
fulfilled [fulfld]
ADJ (person) realizado
fulfilment [fulflmnt] fulfillment (US)
N 1. satisfao F 2. (of wish, desire) realizao F
full [ful]
ADJ 1. cheio 2. (fig) pleno 3. (use, volume) mximo 4. (complete) completo 5.
(information) detalhado 6. (price) integral 7. (skirt) folgado ADV full well,
perfeitamente Im full (up) estou satisfeito
full (up) (hotel etc) lotado
full employment, pleno emprego
full fare, passagem completa
a full two hours, duas horas completas
at full speed, a toda a velocidade
in full (reproduce, quote) integralmente (name) por completo
full employment, pleno emprego
fullback [fulbk]
N zagueiro (BR) defesa M (PT)
full-blooded [-bldd]
ADJ (vigorous) vigoroso
full-cream (BRIT)
ADJ full-cream milk, leite M integral
ADJ crescido, adulto
ADJ 1. (portrait) de corpo inteiro 2. (coat) longo full-length (feature) film, longa-
metragem M
full moon
N lua cheia
ADJ 1. (model) em tamanho natural 2. (war) em grande escala
full-sized [-sazd]
ADJ (portrait etc) em tamanho natural
full stop
N ponto (final)
ADJ (work) de tempo completo or integral N full time (SPORT) final M
fully [ful]
ADV 1. completamente 2. (at least) fully as big as, pelo menos to grande como
fully-fledged [-fldd]
ADJ 1. (teacher, barrister) diplomado 2. (citizen, member) verdadeiro
fulsome [fulsm] (pej)
ADJ extravagante
fumble [fmbl]
VI atrapalhar-se VT (ball) atrapalhar-se com, apanhar de (inf) fumble with
atrapalhar-se com, apanhar de (inf) VT
fume [fjum]
VI 1. fumegar 2. (be angry) estar com raiva fumes gases MPL NPL
fumigate [fjumet]
VT 1. fumigar 2. (against pests etc) pulverizar
fun [fn]
N 1. (amusement) divertimento 2. (joy) alegria to have fun, divertir-se
for fun, de brincadeira
its not much fun, no tem graa
to make fun of, fazer troa de, zombar de
function [fkn]
N 1. funo F 2. (reception, dinner) recepo F VI funcionar to function as, funcionar
functional [fknl]
ADJ 1. funcional 2. (practical) prtico
function key
N (COMPUT) tecla de funo
fund [fnd]
N 1. fundo 2. (source, store) fonte F funds (money) fundos MPL NPL
fundamental [fndmntl]
ADJ fundamental
fundamentalist [fndmntlst]
N fundamentalista M, F
fundamentally [fndmntl]
ADV fundamentalmente
fundamentals [fndmntlz]
NPL fundamentos MPL
fund-raising [-rez]
N angariao F de fundos
funeral [fjunrl]
N 1. (burial) enterro 2. (ceremony) exquias FPL
funeral director
N agente M funerrio
funeral parlour
N casa funerria
funeral service
N missa fnebre
funereal [fjunrl]
ADJ fnebre, funreo
funfair [fnf*] (BRIT)
N parque M de diverses
fungi [fa]
NPL (of fungus)
fungus [fs] (PL fungi )
N 1. fungo 2. (mould) bolor M, mofo
funicular [fjunkjul*]
N funicular railway, funicular M
funnel [fnl]
N 1. funil M 2. (of ship) chamin M
funnily [fnl]
ADV funnily enough, por incrvel que parea
funny [fn]
ADJ 1. engraado, divertido 2. (strange) esquisito, estranho
funny bone
N parte sensvel do cotovelo
fur [f*]
N 1. pele F 2. (BRIT: in kettle etc) depsito, crosta
fur coat
N casaco de peles
furious [fjurs]
ADJ 1. furioso 2. (effort) incrvel
furiously [fjursl]
ADV 1. com fria 2. (argue) com violncia
furl [fl]
VT 1. enrolar 2. (NAUT) colher
furlong [fl]
N 201.17m
furlough [flu]
N licena
furnace [fns]
N forno
furnish [fn]
VT 1. mobiliar (BR) mobilar (PT) 2. (supply) to furnish sb with sth, fornecer algo a
algum furnished flat BRIT or apartment US (BRIT) (US) apartamento
mobiliado BR or mobilado PT
furnishings [fnz]
NPL moblia
furniture [fnt*]
N moblia, mveis MPL piece of furniture, mvel
furniture polish
N cera de lustrar mveis
furore [fjurr]
N furor M
furrier [fr*]
N peleiro* (peleira)
furrow [fru]
N 1. (in field) rego 2. (in skin) sulco
furry [fr]
ADJ 1. peludo 2. (toy) de pelcia
further [f*]
ADJ (new) novo, adicional ADV 1. mais longe 2. (more) mais 3. (moreover) alm disso
VT promover how much further is it? quanto mais tem que se ir?
until further notice, at novo aviso
further to your letter of ... (COMM) em resposta sua carta do ...
further education (BRIT)
N educao F superior
furthermore [fm*]
ADV alm disso
furthermost [fmust]
ADJ mais distante
furthest [fst]
SUPERL (of far)
furtive [ftv]
ADJ furtivo
furtively [ftvl]
ADV furtivamente
fury [fjur]
N fria
fuse [fjuz] fuze (US)
N 1. fusvel M 2. (for bomb etc) espoleta, mecha VT 1. fundir 2. (fig) unir VI 1. (metal)
fundir-se 2. unir-se to fuse the lights BRIT (BRIT) (ELEC) queimar as luzes
a fuse has blown, queimou um fusvel
fuze [fjuz] (US)
N VT, VI fuse
fuse box
N caixa de fusveis
fuselage [fjuzl]
N fuselagem F
fuse wire
N fio fusvel
fusillade [fjuzled]
N 1. fuzilada 2. (fig) saraivada
fusion [fjun]
N fuso F
fuss [fs]
N 1. (uproar) rebulio 2. (excitement) estardalhao 3. (complaining) escndalo VI criar
caso to make a fuss, criar caso
to make a fuss of sb, paparicar algum fuss over (person) paparicar VT
fussy [fs]
ADJ 1. (person) exigente, complicado, cheio de coisas (inf) 2. (dress, style)
espalhafatoso Im not fussy (inf) para mim, tanto faz
futile [fjutal]
ADJ 1. (existence) ftil 2. (attempt) intil, ftil
futility [fjutlt]
N inutilidade F
future [fjut*]
ADJ futuro N 1. futuro 2. (prospects) perspectiva futures (COMM) operaes FPL a
termo NPL in (the) future, no futuro
in the near/immediate future, em futuro prximo/imediato
futuristic [fjutrstk]
ADJ futurstico
fuze [fjuz] (US)
N VT, VI fuse
fuzzy [fz]
ADJ 1. (PHOT) indistinto 2. (hair) frisado, encrespado
ABBR forward
fwy (US)
ABBR freeway
ABBR fiscal year
ABBR for your information, para seu conhecimento

ABBR gram, g, gravity, g
G , g [di]
N (letter) G, g M (MUS)
G, sol M G for George, G for Gomes
N ABBR 1. (BRIT SCH) good 2. (US CINEMA) general (audience) livre
ABBR (POST) Georgia
gab [b] (inf)
N to have the gift of the gab, ter lbia, ser bom de bico
gabble [bl]
VI tagarelar
gaberdine [badin]
N gabardina, gabardine F
gable [ebl]
N cumeeira
Gabon [bn]
N Gabo M
gad about [d-] (inf)
VI badalar
gadget [dt]
N 1. aparelho, engenhoca 2. (in kitchen) pequeno utenslio
Gaelic [elk]
ADJ galico* (galica) N (LING) galico
gaffe [f]
N gafe F
gag []
N 1. (on mouth) mordaa 2. (joke) piada VT amordaar
gaga []
ADJ to go gaga, ficar gag
gaiety [et]
N alegria
gaily [el]
ADV 1. alegremente 2. (coloured) vivamente
gain [en]
N 1. ganho 2. (profit) lucro VT ganhar VI 1. (watch) adiantar-se 2. (benefit) to gain
from sth, tirar proveito de algo to gain on sb, aproximar-se de algum
to gain 3lbs (in weight) engordar 3 libras
to gain ground, ganhar terreno
gainful [enful]
ADJ lucrativo, proveitoso
gainsay [ense]
VT 1. (contradict) contradizer 2. (deny) negar
gait [et]
N modo de andar
ABBR gallon
gala [l]
N festa, gala swimming gala, festival de natao
Galapagos [lps] Galapagos Islands
NPL the Galapagos (Islands) as ilhas Galpagos
galaxy [lks]
N galxia
gale [el]
N (wind) ventania gale force 10 vento de fora 10
gall [l]
N 1. (ANAT) fel M, blis F 2. (fig) descaramento VT irritar
ABBR gallon
gallant [lnt]
ADJ 1. valente 2. (polite) galante
gallantry [lntr]
N 1. valentia 2. (courtesy) galanteria
gall bladder [l-]
N vescula biliar
galleon [ln]
N galeo M
gallery [lr]
N 1. (in theatre etc) galeria 2. art gallery (public) museu M (private) galeria (de arte)
galley [l]
N 1. (ship's kitchen) cozinha 2. (ship) gal F 3. galley proof, paqu M
Gallic [lk]
ADJ francs* (francesa)
galling [l]
ADJ irritante
gallon [ln]
N galo M (= 8 pints; BRIT = 4.5l; US = 3.8l)
gallop [lp]
N galope M VI galopar galloping inflation, inflao galopante
gallows [luz]
N forca
gallstone [lstun]
N clculo biliar
galore [l*]
ADV bea
galvanize [lvnaz]
VT 1. galvanizar 2. (person, support) arrebatar to galvanize sb into action,
galvanizar or eletrizar algum
Gambia [mb]
N Gmbia (no article)
gambit [mbt]
N (fig) (opening) gambit, incio (de conversa)
gamble [mbl]
N 1. (risk) risco 2. (bet) aposta VT to gamble on, apostar em VI 1. jogar, arriscar 2.
(COMM) especular
gambler [mbl*]
N jogador* M (F jogadora)
gambling [mbl]
N jogo
gambol [mbl]
VI cabriolar
game [em]
N 1. jogo 2. (match) partida 3. (esp TENNIS) jogada 4. (strategy) plano, esquema M 5.
(HUNTING) caa ADJ 1. valente 2. (willing) to be game for anything, topar
qualquer parada games (SCH) esporte M (BR) desporto (PT) NPL Im game, eu
big game, caa grossa
game bird
N ave F de caa
gamekeeper [emkip*]
N guarda-caa M
gamely [eml]
ADV valentemente
game reserve
N reserva de caa
gamesmanship [emzmnp]
N ttica
gammon [mn]
N 1. (bacon) toucinho (defumado) 2. (ham) presunto
gamut [mt]
N gama
gang []
N 1. bando, grupo 2. (of criminals) gangue F 3. (of workmen) turma VI to gang up on
sb, conspirar contra algum
Ganges [ndiz]
N the Ganges, o Ganges
gangling [l]
ADJ desengonado
gangplank [plk]
N prancha (de desembarque)
gangrene [rin]
N gangrena
gangster [st*]
N gngster M, bandido
gangway [we]
N 1. (BRIT: in cinema, bus) corredor M 2. (on ship) passadio 3. (on dock) portal M
gantry [ntr]
N 1. prtico 2. (for rocket) guindaste M
N ABBR General Accounting Office, Tribunal M de Contas da Unio
gaol [del] (BRIT)
N VT jail
gap [p]
N 1. brecha, fenda 2. (in trees, traffic) abertura 3. (in time) intervalo 4. (fig) lacuna 5.
(difference) gap (between) diferena (entre)
gape [ep]
VI 1. (person) estar or ficar boquiaberto 2. (hole) abrir-se
gaping [ep]
ADJ (hole) muito aberto
garage [r]
N 1. garagem F 2. (for car repairs) oficina (mecnica)
garb [b]
N traje M
garbage [bd]
N 1. (US) lixo 2. (inf: nonsense) disparates MPL the book/film is garbage, o
livro/filme uma droga
garbage can (US)
N lata de lixo
garbage disposal , garbage disposal unit
N triturador M de lixo
garbled [bld]
ADJ (account) deturpado, destorcido
garden [dn]
N jardim M VI jardinar gardens (public park) jardim pblico, parque M NPL
garden centre
N loja de jardinagem
gardener [dn*]
N jardineiro* (jardineira)
gardening [dn]
N jardinagem F
gargle [l]
VI gargarejar N gargarejo
gargoyle [l]
N grgula
garish [r]
ADJ 1. vistoso, chamativo 2. (colour) berrante 3. (light) brilhante
garland [lnd]
N guirlanda
garlic [lk]
N alho
garment [mnt]
N pea de roupa
garner [n*]
VT acumular, amontoar
garnish [n]
VT 1. adornar 2. (food) enfeitar
garret [rt]
N mansarda
garrison [rsn]
N guarnio F VT guarnecer
garrulous [rjuls]
ADJ tagarela
garter [t*]
N liga
garter belt (US)
N cinta-liga
gas [s]
N 1. gs M 2. (US: gasoline) gasolina VT 1. asfixiar com gs 2. (MIL) gasear
gas cooker (BRIT)
N fogo M a gs
gas cylinder
N bujo M de gs
gaseous [ss]
ADJ gasoso
gas fire (BRIT)
N aquecedor M a gs
gash []
N 1. talho 2. (tear) corte M VT 1. talhar 2. cortar
gasket [skt]
N (AUT) junta, gaxeta
gas mask
N mscara antigs
gas meter
N medidor M de gs
gasoline [slin] (US)
N gasolina
gasp [sp]
N arfada VI arfar gasp out (say) dizer com voz entrecortada VT
gas ring
N boca de gs
gas station (US)
N posto de gasolina
gas stove
N 1. (cooker) fogo M a gs 2. (heater) aquecedor M a gs
gassy [s]
ADJ gasoso
gas tank (US)
N (AUT) tanque M de gasolina
gas tap
N torneira do gs
gastric [strk]
ADJ gstrico
gastric ulcer
N lcera gstrica
gastroenteritis [struntrats]
N gastrenterite F
gastronomy [strnm]
N gastronomia
gasworks [swks]
N NPL usina de gs, gasmetro
gate [et]
N 1. porto M 2. (RAIL) barreira 3. (of town, castle) porta 4. (at airport) porto M 5. (of
lock) comporta
gateau [tu] (PL gateaux )
N bolo com creme e frutas
gateaux [tuz]
NPL (of gateau)
gate-crash [etkr] (BRIT)
VT entrar de penetra em
gate-crasher [etkr*]
N penetra M, F
gateway [etwe]
N porto M, passagem F
gather [*]
VT 1. (flowers, fruit) colher 2. (assemble) reunir 3. (pick up) colher 4. (SEWING) franzir
5. (understand) compreender VI 1. (assemble) reunir-se 2. (dust, clouds) acumular-
se to gather (from/that) concluir or depreender (de/que)
as far as I can gather, ao que eu entendo
to gather speed, acelerar(-se)
gathering [r]
N reunio F, assemblia
GATT [t]
N General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, GATT M
gauche [u]
ADJ desajeitado
gaudy [d]
ADJ 1. chamativo 2. (pej) cafona
gauge [ed]
N 1. (instrument) medidor M 2. (measure, fig) medida 3. (RAIL) bitola VT 1. medir 2.
(fig) (sb's capabilities, character) avaliar to gauge the right moment, calcular o
momento azado
petrol BRIT or gas US gauge (BRIT) (US) medidor de gasolina
Gaul [l]
N 1. (country) Glia 2. (person) gauls/esa M, F
gaunt [nt]
ADJ 1. descarnado 2. (bare, stark) desolado
gauntlet [ntlt]
N 1. luva 2. (fig) to run the gauntlet, expr-se ( crtica) to throw down the
gauntlet, lanar um desafio
gauze [z]
N gaze F
gave [ev]
PT (of give)
give [v] (PT gave ), (PP given )
VT 1. (hand over) dar
to give sb sth, give sth to sb, dar algo a algum
give it to him, give him it, d isso a ele/d-lhe isso
Ill give you 5 for it, dou-lhe 5 por isso 2. (used with n to replace a vb) to give
a cry/sigh/push etc, dar um grito/suspiro/empurro etc
to give a groan/shrug/shout, dar um gemido/de ombros/um grito
to give a speech/a lecture, fazer um discurso/uma palestra
to give three cheers, dar trs vivas 3. (tell, deliver) (news, advice, message etc)
did you give him the message/the news? voc deu a mensagem/notcia a ele?
to give the right/wrong answer, dar a resposta certa/errada 4. (supply, provide)
(opportunity, surprise, job etc) dar (bestow: title, honour, right) conceder
the sun gives warmth and light, o sol fornece calor e luz
thats given me an idea, isso me deu uma idia 5. (dedicate) (time, one's
life/attention) dedicar
she gave it all her attention, ela dedicou toda sua ateno a isto 6. (organize)
to give a party/dinner etc, dar uma festa/jantar etc VI 1. give way (break, collapse)
dar folga
his legs gave beneath him, suas pernas bambearam
the roof/floor gave as I stepped on it, o telhado/cho desabou quando eu pisei
nele 2. (stretch) (fabric) dar de si give away 1. (money, opportunity) dar 2.
(secret, information) revelar VT give back devolver VT give in 1. (yield) ceder 2.
(essay etc) entregar VI give off (heat, smoke) soltar VT give out 1. (distribute)
distribuir 2. (make known) divulgar VT give up 1. (surrender) desistir, dar-se por
vencido 2. (job, boyfriend, habit) renunciar a 3. (idea, hope) abandonar VI to give
up smoking, deixar de fumar
to give o.s. up, entregar-se give way 1. (yield) ceder 2. (break, collapse)
(rope) arrebentar (ladder) quebrar 3. (BRIT AUT) dar a preferncia (BR) dar
prioridade (PT) VI
gavel [vl]
N martelo
gawky [k]
ADJ desengonado
gawp [p]
VI to gawp at, olhar boquiaberto para
gay [e]
ADJ 1. (homosexual) gay 2. (old-fashioned) (cheerful) alegre 3. (colour) vistoso 4.
(music) vivo
gaze [ez]
N olhar M fixo VI to gaze at sth, fitar algo
gazelle [zl]
N gazela
gazette [zt]
N 1. (newspaper) jornal M 2. (official publication) boletim M oficial
gazetteer [zt*]
N dicionrio geogrfico
gazumping [zmp] (BRIT)
N o fato de um vendedor quebrar uma promessa de venda para conseguir um preo
mais alto
ABBR Great Britain
GBH (BRIT inf)
N ABBR (LAW) grievous bodily harm
N ABBR George Cross, distino militar
N ABBR General Certificate of Education
N ABBR Government Communications Headquarters, centro de intercepo de
radiotransmisses estrangeiras
N ABBR General Certificate of Secondary Education
N ABBR George Cross, distino militar
N ABBR General Certificate of Education
N ABBR Government Communications Headquarters, centro de intercepo de
radiotransmisses estrangeiras
N ABBR General Certificate of Secondary Education
gear [*]
N 1. equipamento 2. (TECH) engrenagem F 3. (AUT) velocidade F, marcha (BR)
mudana (PT) VT (fig) (adapt)
to gear sth to, preparar algo para our service is geared to meet the needs of
the disabled, o nosso servio est adequado s necessidades dos deficientes
top BRIT or high US /low gear (BRIT) (US) quarta/primeira (marcha)
in gear, engrenado
out of gear, desengrenado gear up to gear up to do, preparar-se para fazer VI
gearbox [bks]
N caixa de mudana BR or velocidades PT
gear lever , gear shift (US)
N alavanca de mudana BR or mudanas PT
gear wheel
N roda de engrenagem
N ABBR (SCH) general educational development
geese [is]
NPL (of goose)
Geiger counter [a-]
N contador M Geiger
gel [dl]
N gel M
gelatin , gelatine [dltin]
N gelatina
gelignite [dlnat]
N gelignite F
gem [dm]
N jia, gema
Gemini [dmna]
N Gminis M, Gmeos MPL
ABBR (MIL) general, Gen
gen [dn] (BRIT inf)
N to give sb the gen on sth, pr algum a par de algo
ABBR general, generally, ger
gender [dnd*]
N gnero
gene [din]
N (BIO) gene M
genealogy [dinld]
N genealogia
general [dnrl]
N general M ADJ geral in general, em geral
the general public, o grande pblico
general audit (COMM) exame M geral de auditoria
general anaesthetic , general anesthetic (US)
N anestesia geral
general delivery (US)
N posta-restante F
general election
N eleies FPL gerais
generalization [dnrlazen]
N generalizao F
generalize [dnrlaz]
VI generalizar
generally [dnrl]
ADV geralmente
general manager
N diretor* M geral (F diretora)
general practitioner
N clnico* geral (clnica)
general strike
N greve F geral
generate [dnret]
VT 1. gerar 2. (fig) produzir
generation [dnren]
N gerao F
generator [dnret*]
N gerador M
generic [dnrk]
ADJ genrico
generosity [dnrst]
N generosidade F
generous [dnrs]
ADJ 1. generoso 2. (measure etc) abundante
genesis [dnss]
N gnese F
genetic [dntk]
ADJ gentico genetic engineering, engenharia gentica
genetics [dntks]
N gentica
Geneva [dniv]
N Genebra
genial [dinl]
ADJ cordial, simptico
genitals [dntlz]
NPL rgos MPL genitais
genitive [dntv]
N genitivo
genius [dins]
N gnio
genocide [dnusad]
N genocdio
gent [dnt]
N ABBR gentleman
genteel [dntil]
ADJ fino
gentle [dntl]
ADJ 1. (sweet) amvel, doce 2. (touch, breeze) leve, suave 3. (landscape) suave 4.
(animal) manso
gentleman [dntlmn]
N IRREG 1. senhor M 2. (referring to social position) fidalgo 3. (well-bred man)
cavalheiro gentlemans agreement, acordo de cavalheiros
gentlemanly [dntlmnl]
ADJ cavalheiresco
gentlemen [dntlmen]
NPL (of gentleman)
gentleness [dntlns]
N 1. doura, meiguice F 2. (of touch) suavidade F 3. (of animal) mansido F
gently [dntl]
ADV suavemente
gentry [dntr]
N pequena nobreza
gents [dnts]
N banheiro de homens (BR) casa de banho dos homens (PT)
genuine [dnjun]
ADJ 1. autntico 2. (person) sincero
genuinely [dnjunl]
ADJ sinceramente, realmente
geographer [drf*]
N gegrafo* (gegrafa)
geographic [drfk] geographical, drfkl
ADJ geogrfico
geography [drf]
N geografia
geological [dldkl]
ADJ geolgico
geology [dld]
N geologia
geologist [dldst]
N gelogo* (geloga)
geometric [dmtrk] geometrical, dmtrkl
ADJ geomtrico
geometry [dmtr]
N geometria
Geordie [dd] (BRIT inf)
N natural M, F da cidade de Newcastle-upon-Tyne
geranium [drenjm]
N gernio
geriatric [drtrk]
ADJ geritrico
germ [dm]
N 1. micrbio, bacilo 2. (BIO fig) germe M
German [dmn]
ADJ alemo* (alem) N 1. alemo* M (F alem) 2. (LING) alemo M
German measles
N rubola
Germany [dmn]
N Alemanha
germination [dmnen]
N germinao F
germ warfare
N guerra bacteriolgica
gerrymandering [drmndr]
N reorganizao dos distritos eleitorais para garantir a vitria do prprio partido
gestation [dsten]
N gestao F
gesticulate [dstkjulet]
VI gesticular
gesture [dstj*]
N gesto as a gesture of friendship, em sinal de amizade
get [t] (PT, PP got ), (PP gotten ) (US)
VI 1. (become, be) ficar, tornar-se
to get old/tired/cold, envelhecer/cansar-se/resfriar-se
to get annoyed/bored, aborrecer-se/amuar-se
to get drunk, embebedar-se
to get dirty, sujar-se
to get killed/married, ser morto/casar-se
when do I get paid? quando eu recebo? quando eu vou ser pago?
its getting late, est ficando tarde 2. (go) to get to/from, ir para/de
to get home, chegar em casa 3. (begin) comear a
to get to know sb, comear a conhecer algum
lets get going or started, vamos l! MODAL AUX VB youve got to do it, voc tem
que faz-lo VT 1. to get sth done (do) fazer algo (have done) mandar fazer algo
to get the washing/dishes done, lavar roupa/a loua
to get ones hair cut, cortar o cabelo
to get the car going or to go, fazer o carro andar
to get sb to do sth, convencer algum a fazer algo
to get sth/sb ready, preparar algo/arrumar algum
to get sb drunk/into trouble, embebedar algum/meter algum em confuso 2.
(obtain) (money, permission, results) ter (find: job, flat) achar (fetch: person, doctor,
object) buscar
to get sth for sb, arranjar algo para algum (fetch) ir buscar algo para algum
he got a job in London, ele arrumou um emprego em Londres
get me Mr Harris, please (TEL) pode chamar o Sr Harris, por favor
can I get you a drink? voc est servido? 3. (receive) (present, letter) receber
(acquire: reputation, prize) ganhar
how much did you get for the painting? quanto voc recebeu pela pintura? 4.
(catch) agarrar (hit: target etc) pegar
to get sb by the arm/throat, agarrar algum pelo brao/pela garganta
get him! pega ele!
the bullet got him in the leg, a bala pegou na perna dele 5. (take, move) levar
to get sth to sb, levar algo para algum
I cant get it in/out/through, no consigo enfi-lo/tir-lo/pass-lo
do you think well get it through the door? voc acha que conseguiremos
passar isto na porta?
we must get him to a hospital, temos que lev-lo para um hospital 6. (plane,
bus etc) pegar, tomar
where do I get the train to Birmingham? onde eu pego o trem para
Birmingham? 7. (understand) entender (hear) ouvir
Ive got it, entendi
I dont get your meaning, no entendo o que voc quer dizer 8. (have, possess)
to have got, ter
how many have you got? quantos voc tem? get about (news) espalhar-se VI
get along 1. (agree) entender-se 2. (depart) ir embora 3. (manage) get by VI
get around get round get at 1. (attack, criticize) atacar 2. (reach) alcanar VT
what are you getting at? o que voc est querendo dizer? get away 1. (leave)
partir 2. (escape) escapar VI get away with conseguir fazer impunemente VT
get back 1. (return) regressar, voltar 2. receber de volta, recobrar VI get by 1.
(pass) passar 2. (manage) virar-se VI get down 1. descer 2. abaixar 3. (object)
abaixar, descer 4. (depress) (person) deprimir VI get down to (work) pr-se a
(fazer) VT get in 1. entrar 2. (train) chegar 3. (arrive home) voltar para casa VI
get into 1. entrar em 2. (vehicle) subir em 3. (clothes) pr, vestir, enfiar VT to get
into bed/a rage, meter-se na cama/ficar com raiva get off 1. (from train etc)
saltar (BR) descer (PT) 2. (depart) (person, car) sair 3. (escape) escapar 4.
(remove) (clothes, stain) tirar 5. (send off) mandar 6. (train, bus) saltar de (BR) sair
de (PT) VI get on 1. (at exam etc) how are you getting on? como vai? 2. (agree)
to get on (with) entender-se (com) 3. (train etc) subir em (BR) subir para (PT) 4.
(horse) montar em VI get out 1. (of place, vehicle) sair 2. (take out) tirar VI get
out of (duty etc) escapar de VT get over (illness) restabelecer-se de VT get
round 1. rodear 2. (fig) (person) convencer VT get through (TEL) completar a
ligao VI get through to (TEL) comunicar-se com VT get together 1. (people)
reunir-se 2. reunir VI get up 1. levantar-se 2. levantar VI get up to 1. (reach)
chegar a 2. (BRIT: prank etc) fazer VT
getaway [twe]
N fuga, escape M
getaway car
N carro de fuga
N reunio F
get-up (inf)
N (outfit) roupa
get-well card
N carto M com votos de melhoras
geyser [iz*]
N 1. (GEO) giser M 2. (BRIT) aquecedor M de gua
Ghana [n]
N Gana (no article)
Ghanaian [nen]
ADJ N ganense M, F
ghastly [stl]
ADJ 1. horrvel 2. (building) medonho 3. (appearance) horripilante 4. (pale) plido
gherkin [kn]
N pepino em vinagre
ghetto [tu]
N gueto
ghost [ust]
N fantasma M VT (sb else's book) escrever
ghostly [ustl]
ADJ fantasmal
ghostwriter [ustrat*]
N escritor* M cujos trabalhos so assinados por outrem (F escritora)
ghoul [ul]
N assombrao F
ghoulish [ul]
ADJ (tastes etc) macabro
N ABBR (MIL) general headquarters
GI (US inf)
N ABBR government issue, soldado do exrcito americano
giant [dant]
N gigante M ADJ gigantesco, gigante giant (size) packet, pacote tamanho gigante
gibber [db*]
VI algaraviar
gibberish [dbr]
N algaravia
gibe [dab]
N deboche M VI to gibe at, debochar de
giblets [dblts]
NPL midos MPL
Gibraltar [dbrlt*]
N Gibraltar M (no article)
giddiness [dns]
N vertigem F
giddy [d]
ADJ 1. (dizzy) tonto 2. (speed) vertiginoso 3. (frivolous) frvolo it makes me giddy,
me d vertigem
to be or feel giddy, estar com vertigem
gift [ft]
N 1. presente M, ddiva 2. (offering) oferta 3. (ability) dom M, talento 4. free gift
(COMM) brinde M to have a gift for sth, ter o dom de algo, ter facilidade para
gifted [ftd]
ADJ bem-dotado
gift token
N vale M para presente
gift voucher
N gift token
gig [] (inf)
N (of musician) show M
gigantic [dantk]
ADJ gigantesco
giggle [l]
VI dar risadinha boba N risadinha boba
GIGO [au] (inf)
ABBR (COMPUT) garbage in, garbage out, qualidade de entrada, qualidade de sada
gild [ld]
VT dourar
gill [dl]
N (measure) = 0.25 pints (BRIT = 0.148l, US = 0.118l)
gills [lz]
NPL (of fish) guelras FPL, brnquias FPL
gilt [lt]
ADJ dourado N dourado
gilt-edged [-dd]
ADJ (stocks, securities) do Estado, de toda confiana
gimlet [mlt]
N verruma
gimmick [mk]
N truque M or macete M (publicitrio)
gin [dn]
N gim M, genebra
ginger [dnd*]
N gengibre M ginger up animar VT
ginger ale
N cerveja de gengibre
ginger beer
N cerveja de gengibre
gingerbread [dndbrd]
N 1. (cake) po M de gengibre 2. (biscuit) biscoito de gengibre
ADJ ruivo
gingerly [dndl]
ADV cuidadosamente
gingham [m]
N riscadinho
gipsy [dps]
N cigano CPD (caravan, camp) de ciganos
giraffe [drf]
N girafa
girder [d*]
N viga, trave F
girdle [dl]
N (corset) cinta VT cintar
girl [l]
N 1. (small) menina (BR) rapariga (PT) 2. (young woman) jovem F, moa 3. (daughter)
filha an English girl, uma moa inglesa
girlfriend [lfrnd]
N 1. (of girl) amiga 2. (of boy) namorada
girlish [l]
ADJ ameninado, de menina
Girl Scout (US)
N escoteira
Giro [daru]
N the National Giro BRIT (BRIT) servio bancrio do correio
giro [daru]
N 1. (bank giro) transferncia bancria 2. (post office giro) transferncia postal 3.
(BRIT: welfare cheque) cheque do governo destinado a desempregados
girth []
N 1. circunferncia 2. (stoutness) gordura 3. (of horse) cilha
gist [dst]
N essencial M
give [v] (PT gave ), (PP given )
VT 1. (hand over) dar
to give sb sth, give sth to sb, dar algo a algum
give it to him, give him it, d isso a ele/d-lhe isso
Ill give you 5 for it, dou-lhe 5 por isso 2. (used with n to replace a vb) to give
a cry/sigh/push etc, dar um grito/suspiro/empurro etc
to give a groan/shrug/shout, dar um gemido/de ombros/um grito
to give a speech/a lecture, fazer um discurso/uma palestra
to give three cheers, dar trs vivas 3. (tell, deliver) (news, advice, message etc)
did you give him the message/the news? voc deu a mensagem/notcia a ele?
to give the right/wrong answer, dar a resposta certa/errada 4. (supply, provide)
(opportunity, surprise, job etc) dar (bestow: title, honour, right) conceder
the sun gives warmth and light, o sol fornece calor e luz
thats given me an idea, isso me deu uma idia 5. (dedicate) (time, one's
life/attention) dedicar
she gave it all her attention, ela dedicou toda sua ateno a isto 6. (organize)
to give a party/dinner etc, dar uma festa/jantar etc VI 1. give way (break, collapse)
dar folga
his legs gave beneath him, suas pernas bambearam
the roof/floor gave as I stepped on it, o telhado/cho desabou quando eu pisei
nele 2. (stretch) (fabric) dar de si give away 1. (money, opportunity) dar 2.
(secret, information) revelar VT give back devolver VT give in 1. (yield) ceder 2.
(essay etc) entregar VI give off (heat, smoke) soltar VT give out 1. (distribute)
distribuir 2. (make known) divulgar VT give up 1. (surrender) desistir, dar-se por
vencido 2. (job, boyfriend, habit) renunciar a 3. (idea, hope) abandonar VI to give
up smoking, deixar de fumar
to give o.s. up, entregar-se give way 1. (yield) ceder 2. (break, collapse)
(rope) arrebentar (ladder) quebrar 3. (BRIT AUT) dar a preferncia (BR) dar
prioridade (PT) VI
N toma-l-d-c M
giveaway [vwe]
CPD giveaway prices, preos de liquidao N (inf) her expression was a giveaway,
a expresso dela a atraioava the exam was a giveaway, ! o exame foi sopa!
given [vn]
PP (of give) ADJ (fixed) (time, amount) dado, determinado CONJ given the
circumstances, ... dadas as circunstncias ... given that ... dado que ... j que
glacial [lesl]
ADJ 1. (GEO) glacirio 2. (wind, weather) glacial
glacier [ls*]
N glaciar M, geleira
glad [ld]
ADJ contente to be glad about sth/that, estar contente com algo/contente que
I was glad of his help, eu lhe agradeci (por) sua ajuda
gladden [ldn]
VT alegrar
glade [led]
N clareira
gladioli [ldula]
NPL gladolos MPL
gladly [ldl]
ADV com muito prazer
glamorous [lmrs]
ADJ encantador* (encantadora) glamoroso
glamour [lm*]
N encanto, glamour M
glance [lns]
N relance M, vista de olhos VI to glance at, olhar (de relance) glance off (bullet)
ricochetear de VT
glancing [lns]
ADJ (blow) oblquo
gland [lnd]
N glndula
glandular fever [lndjul*-] (BRIT)
ADJ mononucleose F infecciosa
glare [l*]
N 1. (of anger) olhar M furioso 2. (of light) luminosidade F 3. (of publicity) foco VI brilhar
to glare at, olhar furiosamente para
glaring [lr]
ADJ (mistake) notrio
glass [ls]
N 1. vidro, cristal M 2. (for drinking) copo (with stem) clice M 3. looking glass, espelho
glasses (spectacles) culos MPL NPL
glass-blowing [-blu]
N modelagem F de vidro a quente
glass fibre
N fibra de vidro
glasshouse [lshaus]
N estufa
glassware [lsw*]
N objetos MPL de cristal
glassy [ls]
ADJ (eyes) vidrado
Glaswegian [lswdn]
ADJ de Glasgow N natural M, F de Glasgow
glaze [lez]
VT 1. (door) envidraar 2. (pottery) vitrificar 3. (CULIN) glaar N 1. verniz M 2. (CULIN)
glac M
glazed [lezd]
ADJ 1. (eye) vidrado 2. (pottery) vitrificado
glazier [lez*]
N vidraceiro* (vidraceira)
N ABBR (old) Greater London Council, o municpio de Grande Londres
gleam [lim]
N brilho VI brilhar a gleam of hope, um fio de esperana
gleaming [lim]
ADJ brilhante
glean [lin]
VT (information) colher
glee [li]
N alegria, regozijo
gleeful [liful]
ADJ alegre
glen [ln]
N vale M
glib [lb]
ADJ 1. (answer) pronto 2. (person) labioso
glibness [lbns]
N 1. verbosidade F, lbia 2. (of answer) facilidade F
glide [lad]
VI 1. deslizar 2. (AVIAT) (birds) planar N 1. deslizamento 2. (AVIAT) vo planado
glider [lad*]
N (AVIAT) planador M
gliding [lad]
N (AVIAT) vo sem motor
glimmer [lm*]
N 1. luz F trmula 2. (of interest, hope) lampejo VI tremeluzir
glimpse [lmps]
N vista rpida, vislumbre M VT vislumbrar, ver de relance to catch a glimpse of,
glint [lnt]
N 1. brilho 2. (in the eye) cintilao F VI cintilar
glisten [lsn]
VI brilhar
glitter [lt*]
VI reluzir, brilhar N brilho
glitz [lts] (inf)
N cafonice F
gloat [lut]
VI to gloat (over) exultar (com)
global [lubl]
ADJ 1. (worldwide) mundial 2. (overall) global
globalization [lublazein]
N globalizao F
global warming
ADJ aquecimento global
globe [lub]
N globo, esfera
globetrotter [lubtrt*]
N pessoa que corre mundo
globule [lbjul]
N glbulo
gloom [lum]
N 1. escurido F 2. (sadness) tristeza
gloomy [lum]
ADJ 1. (dark) escuro 2. (sad) triste 3. (pessimistic) pessimista to feel gloomy, estar
glorification [lrfken]
N glorificao F
glorify [lrfa]
VT 1. glorificar 2. (praise) adorar
glorious [lrs]
ADJ 1. (weather) magnfico 2. (future) glorioso 3. (splendid) excelente
glory [lr]
N glria VI to glory in, gloriar-se de
glory hole (inf)
N zona
Glos (BRIT)
ABBR Gloucestershire
gloss [ls]
N 1. (shine) brilho 2. gloss paint, pintura brilhante, esmalte M gloss over encobrir VT
glossary [lsr]
N glossrio
glossy [ls]
ADJ lustroso N glossy magazine, revista de luxo
glove [lv]
N luva
glove compartment
N (AUT) porta-luvas M INV
glow [lu]
VI 1. (shine) brilhar 2. (fire) arder N brilho
glower [lau*]
VI to glower at (sb) olhar (algum) de modo ameaador
glowing [lu]
ADJ 1. (fire) ardente 2. (complexion) afogueado 3. (report, description etc) entusistico
N pirilampo, vaga-lume M
glucose [lukus]
N glicose F
glue [lu]
N cola VT colar
glue-sniffing [-snf]
N cheira-cola M
glum [lm]
ADJ 1. (mood) abatido 2. (person, tone) triste
glut [lt]
N abundncia, fartura VT (market) saturar
glutinous [lutns]
ADJ glutinoso
glutton [ltn]
N gluto* M (F glutona) a glutton for work/punishment, um* trabalhador*
incansvel/um* masoquista (uma trabalhadora incansvel/uma)
gluttonous [ltns]
ADJ gluto* (glutona)
gluttony [ltn]
N gula
glycerin , glycerine [lsrin]
N glicerina
ABBR gram, g
ADJ ABBR genetically modified, geneticamente modificado
N ABBR Graduate Management Admissions Test, exame de admisso aos cursos de
N ABBR General Municipal Boilermakers and Allied Trade Union, sindicato dos
empregados dos municpios
ABBR Greenwich Mean Time, GMT M
gnarled [nld]
ADJ 1. (tree) nodoso 2. (tree) retorcido
gnash [n]
VT to gnash ones teeth, ranger os dentes
gnat [nt]
N mosquito
gnaw [n]
VT roer
gnome [num]
N gnomo
N ABBR gross national product
go [u] (PT went ), (PP gone ), (PL goes )
VI 1. ir (travel, move) viajar
a car went by, um carro passou
he has gone to Aberdeen, ele foi para Aberdeen 2. (depart) partir, ir-se
`I must go, she said, preciso ir ela disse
our plane went at 6pm, nosso avio partiu s 6 da tarde
they came at 8 and went at 9 eles chegaram s 8 e foram s 9 3. (attend) ir
she went to university in Rio, ela fez universidade no Rio
she goes to her dancing class on Tuesdays, ela vai a aula de dana s teras-
he goes to the local church, ele freqenta a igreja local 4. (take part in an
activity) ir
to go for a walk, ir passear 5. (work) funcionar
the clock stopped going, o relgio parou de funcionar
the bell went just then, a campainha acabou de tocar 6. (become) to go
pale/mouldy, ficar plido/mofado 7. (be sold) to go for 10 ser vendido por 10 8.
(fit, suit) to go with, acompanhar, combinar com 9. (be about to, intend to) hes
going to do it, ele vai faz-lo
were going to leave in an hour, vamos partir dentro de uma hora
are you going to come? voc vem? 10. (time) passar 11. (event, activity) ser
how did it go? como foi? 12. (be given) ir (ser dado)
the job is to go to someone else, o emprego vai ser dado para outra pessoa
13. (break) romper-se
the fuse went, o fusvel queimou
the leg of the chair went, a perna da cadeira quebrou 14. (be placed) where
does this cup go? onde que pe esta xcara?
the milk goes in the fridge, pode guardar o leite na geladeira N 1. (try) to have
a go (at) tentar 2. (turn) vez F
whose go is it? de quem a vez? 3. (move) to be on the go, ter muito para
fazer go about 1. go around (rumour) espalhar-se 2. how do I go about this?
como que eu fao isto? VI go ahead 1. (make progress) progredir 2. (get going)
ir em frente VI go along 1. ir 2. ladear VI to go along with (agree with) (plan,
idea, policy) concordar com go away (leave) ir-se, ir embora VI go back 1.
(return) voltar 2. (go again) ir de novo VI go back on (promise) faltar com VT go
by 1. (years, time) passar 2. (book, rule) guiar-se por VI go down 1. (descend)
descer, baixar 2. (ship) afundar 3. (sun) pr-se 4. (stairs, ladder) descer VI go for
1. (fetch) ir buscar 2. (like) gostar de 3. (attack) atacar VT go in (enter) entrar VI
go in for 1. (competition) inscrever-se em 2. (like) gostar de VT go into 1. (enter)
entrar em 2. (investigate) investigar 3. (embark on) embarcar em VT go off 1.
(leave) ir-se 2. (food) estragar, apodrecer 3. (bomb, gun) explodir 4. (event)
realizar-se 5. (person, place, food etc) deixar de gostar de VI go on 1. (continue)
seguir, continuar 2. (happen) acontecer, ocorrer VI to go on doing sth, continuar
fazendo or a fazer algo go out 1. (leave) (room, building) sair 2. (for
entertainment) are you going out tonight? voc vai sair hoje noite? 3. (couple)
they went out for 3 years, eles namoraram 3 anos 4. (fire, light) apagar-se VI go
over 1. (ship) soobrar 2. (check) revisar VI go round (news, rumour) circular VI
go through 1. (town etc) atravessar 2. (search through) (files, papers) vasculhar 3.
(examine) (list, book, story) percorrer de cabo a rabo VT go up 1. (ascend) subir
2. (price, level) aumentar VI go without (food, treats) passar sem VT
goad [ud]
VT aguilhoar
ADJ empreendedor* (empreendedora) N luz F verde
goal [ul]
N 1. meta, alvo 2. (SPORT) gol M (BR) golo (PT)
goalkeeper [ulkip*]
N goleiro* (goleira) (BR) guarda-redes M, F INV (PT)
goalpost [ulpust]
N trave F
goat [ut]
N 1. cabra 2. billy goat, bode M
gobble [bl]
VT gobble down, gobble up, engolir rapidamente, devorar
N intermedirio* (intermediria)
Gobi Desert [ub-]
N Deserto de Gobi
goblet [blt]
N clice M
goblin [bln]
N duende M
N kart M CPD go-cart racing, kartismo
god [d]
N deus M God, Deus
godchild [dtald]
N IRREG afilhado* (afilhada)
goddaughter [ddt*]
N afilhada
goddess [ds]
N deusa
godfather [df*]
N padrinho
god-forsaken [-fsekn]
ADJ miservel, abandonado
godmother [dm*]
N madrinha
godparents [dprnts]
NPL padrinhos MPL
godsend [dsnd]
N ddiva do cu
godson [dsn]
N afilhado
goes [uz]
VB go
go-getter [-t*]
N pessoa dinmica, pessoa furona (inf)
goggle [l]
VI to goggle at, olhar de olhos esbugalhados
goggles [lz]
NPL culos MPL de proteo
going [u]
N (conditions) estado do terreno ADJ the going rate, tarifa corrente or em vigor
going concern, empresa em funcionamento, empresa com fundo de comrico
it was slow going, ia devagar
goings-on (inf)
NPL maquinaes FPL
go-kart [-kt]
N go-cart
gold [uld]
N ouro ADJ de ouro
golden [uldn]
ADJ 1. (made of gold) de ouro 2. (gold in colour) dourado
golden age
N idade F de ouro
golden handshake (BRIT)
N bolada
golden rule
N regra de ouro
goldfish [uldf]
N INV peixe-dourado M
gold leaf
N ouro em folha
gold medal
N (SPORT) medalha de ouro
gold mine
N mina de ouro
gold-plated [-pletd]
ADJ plaqu
N corrida do ouro
goldsmith [uldsm]
N ourives M, F INV
gold standard
N padro-ouro M
golf [lf]
N golfe M
golf ball
N 1. bola de golfe 2. (on typewriter) esfera
golf club
N 1. clube M de golfe 2. (stick) taco
golf course
N campo de golfe
golfer [lf*]
N jogador* M de golfe (F jogadora), golfista M, F
gondola [ndl]
N gndola
gondolier [ndl*]
N gondoleiro
gone [n]
PP (of go)
go [u] (PT went ), (PP gone ), (PL goes )
VI 1. ir (travel, move) viajar
a car went by, um carro passou
he has gone to Aberdeen, ele foi para Aberdeen 2. (depart) partir, ir-se
`I must go, she said, preciso ir ela disse
our plane went at 6pm, nosso avio partiu s 6 da tarde
they came at 8 and went at 9 eles chegaram s 8 e foram s 9 3. (attend) ir
she went to university in Rio, ela fez universidade no Rio
she goes to her dancing class on Tuesdays, ela vai a aula de dana s teras-
he goes to the local church, ele freqenta a igreja local 4. (take part in an
activity) ir
to go for a walk, ir passear 5. (work) funcionar
the clock stopped going, o relgio parou de funcionar
the bell went just then, a campainha acabou de tocar 6. (become) to go
pale/mouldy, ficar plido/mofado 7. (be sold) to go for 10 ser vendido por 10 8.
(fit, suit) to go with, acompanhar, combinar com 9. (be about to, intend to) hes
going to do it, ele vai faz-lo
were going to leave in an hour, vamos partir dentro de uma hora
are you going to come? voc vem? 10. (time) passar 11. (event, activity) ser
how did it go? como foi? 12. (be given) ir (ser dado)
the job is to go to someone else, o emprego vai ser dado para outra pessoa
13. (break) romper-se
the fuse went, o fusvel queimou
the leg of the chair went, a perna da cadeira quebrou 14. (be placed) where
does this cup go? onde que pe esta xcara?
the milk goes in the fridge, pode guardar o leite na geladeira N 1. (try) to have
a go (at) tentar 2. (turn) vez F
whose go is it? de quem a vez? 3. (move) to be on the go, ter muito para
fazer go about 1. go around (rumour) espalhar-se 2. how do I go about this?
como que eu fao isto? VI go ahead 1. (make progress) progredir 2. (get going)
ir em frente VI go along 1. ir 2. ladear VI to go along with (agree with) (plan,
idea, policy) concordar com go away (leave) ir-se, ir embora VI go back 1.
(return) voltar 2. (go again) ir de novo VI go back on (promise) faltar com VT go
by 1. (years, time) passar 2. (book, rule) guiar-se por VI go down 1. (descend)
descer, baixar 2. (ship) afundar 3. (sun) pr-se 4. (stairs, ladder) descer VI go for
1. (fetch) ir buscar 2. (like) gostar de 3. (attack) atacar VT go in (enter) entrar VI
go in for 1. (competition) inscrever-se em 2. (like) gostar de VT go into 1. (enter)
entrar em 2. (investigate) investigar 3. (embark on) embarcar em VT go off 1.
(leave) ir-se 2. (food) estragar, apodrecer 3. (bomb, gun) explodir 4. (event)
realizar-se 5. (person, place, food etc) deixar de gostar de VI go on 1. (continue)
seguir, continuar 2. (happen) acontecer, ocorrer VI to go on doing sth, continuar
fazendo or a fazer algo go out 1. (leave) (room, building) sair 2. (for
entertainment) are you going out tonight? voc vai sair hoje noite? 3. (couple)
they went out for 3 years, eles namoraram 3 anos 4. (fire, light) apagar-se VI go
over 1. (ship) soobrar 2. (check) revisar VI go round (news, rumour) circular VI
go through 1. (town etc) atravessar 2. (search through) (files, papers) vasculhar 3.
(examine) (list, book, story) percorrer de cabo a rabo VT go up 1. (ascend) subir
2. (price, level) aumentar VI go without (food, treats) passar sem VT
gong []
N gongo
gonorrhea [nr]
N gonorria
good [ud]
ADJ 1. bom/boa 2. (kind) bom, bondoso 3. (well-behaved) educado 4. (useful) til N
bem M goods 1. (possessions) bens MPL 2. (COMM) mercadorias FPL NPL
goods and chattels, bens mveis
good! bom!
to be good at, ser bom em
to be good for, servir para
its good for you, faz-lhe bem
would you be good enough to ...? podia fazer-me o favor de ...? poderia me
fazer a gentileza de ...?
its a good thing you were there, ainda bem que voc estava l
she is good with children/her hands, ela tem habilidade com crianas/com as
to feel good, sentir-se bem, estar bom
its good to see you, bom ver voc (formal) prazer em v-lo
hes up to no good, ele tem ms intenes
for the common good, para o bem comum
thats very good of you, muita bondade sua
is this any good? (will it do?) ser que isso serve? (what's it like?) ser que vale
a pena?
a good deal (of) muito
a good many, muitos
to make good, reparar
its no good complaining, no adianta se queixar
for good (forever) para sempre, definitivamente (once and for all) de uma vez
por todas
good morning/afternoon! bom dia/boa tarde!
good evening! boa noite!
good night! boa noite!
goodbye [udba]
EXCL at logo (BR) adeus (PT) to say goodbye, despedir-se
good faith
N boa f
ADJ imprestvel
Good Friday
N Sexta-Feira Santa
good-humoured [-hjumd]
ADJ 1. (person) alegre 2. (remark, joke) sem malcia
good-looking [-luk]
ADJ bonito
ADJ 1. (person) de bom gnio 2. (pet) de boa ndole 3. (discussion) cordial
goodness [udns]
N (of person) bondade F for goodness sake! pelo amor de Deus!
goodness gracious! meu Deus do cu! nossa (senhora)!
goods train (BRIT)
N trem M de carga
goodwill [udwl]
N 1. boa vontade F 2. (COMM) fundo de comrcio, aviamento
goody-goody [udud] (pej)
N puxa-saco M
goose [us] (PL geese )
N ganso
gooseberry [uzbr]
N groselha to play gooseberry BRIT (BRIT) ficar de vela, segurar a vela
gooseflesh [usfl]
N goose pimples
goose pimples
NPL pele F arrepiada
goose step
N (MIL) passo de ganso
GOP (US inf)
N ABBR (POL) Grand Old Party, partido republicano
gore [*]
VT escornar N sangue M
gorge [d]
N desfiladeiro VT to gorge o.s. (on) empanturrar-se (de)
gorgeous [ds]
ADJ 1. magnfico, maravilhoso 2. (person) lindo
gorilla [rl]
N gorila M
gormless [mls] (BRIT inf)
ADJ burro
gorse [s]
N tojo
gory [r]
ADJ sangrento
go-slow (BRIT)
N greve F de trabalho lento, operao F tartaruga
gospel [spl]
N evangelho
gossamer [sm*]
N 1. (cobweb) teia de aranha 2. (cloth) tecido difano, gaze F fina
gossip [sp]
N 1. (scandal) fofocas FPL (BR) mexericos MPL (PT) 2. (chat) conversa 3.
(scandalmonger) fofoqueiro* (fofoqueira) (BR) mexeriqueiro* (mexeriqueira) (PT)
VI 1. (spread scandal) fofocar (BR) mexericar (PT) 2. (chat) bater (um) papo (BR)
cavaquear (PT) a piece of gossip, uma fofoca (BR) um mexerico (PT)
gossip column
N (PRESS) coluna social
got [t]
PT PP (of get)
Gothic [k]
ADJ gtico
gotten [tn] (US)
PP (of get)
gouge [aud]
VT gouge out (hole etc) abrir (initials) talhar to gouge sbs eyes out, arrancar os
olhos de algum
gourd [ud]
N cabaa, cucrbita
gourmet [ume]
N gourmet M, gastrnomo* (gastrnoma)
gout [aut]
N gota
govern [vn]
VT 1. governar 2. (event) controlar
governess [vns]
N governanta
governing [vn]
ADJ (POL) no governo, ao poder governing body, conselho de administrao
government [vnmnt]
N governo CPD 1. (of administration) governamental 2. (of state) do Estado local
government, governo municipal
governmental [vnmntl]
ADJ governamental
government housing (US)
N casas FPL populares
government stock
N ttulos MPL do governo
governor [vn*]
N 1. governador* M (F governadora) 2. (of school, hospital, jail) diretor* M (F diretora)
ABBR government
gown [aun]
N 1. vestido 2. (of teacher, judge) toga
N ABBR (MED) general practitioner
N ABBR 1. (BRIT: old) General Post Office 2. (US) Government Printing Office
ABBR (COMM) gross
grab [rb]
VT agarrar VI to grab at, tentar agarrar
grace [res]
N 1. (REL) graa 2. (gracefulness) elegncia, fineza VT 1. (honour) honrar 2. (adorn)
adornar 5 days grace, um prazo de 5 dias
to say grace, dar graas (antes de comer)
with a good/bad grace, de bom/mau grado
his sense of humour is his saving grace, seu nico mrito seu senso de
graceful [resful]
ADJ elegante, gracioso
gracious [res]
ADJ 1. gracioso, afvel 2. (benevolent) bondoso, complacente 3. (formal) (God)
misericordioso EXCL (good) gracious! meu Deus do cu! nossa (senhora)!
gradation [rden]
N gradao F
grade [red]
N 1. (quality) classe F, qualidade F 2. (degree) grau M 3. (US SCH) srie f, classe
(gradient) declive M VT classificar to make the grade (fig) ter sucesso
grade crossing (US)
N passagem F de nvel
grade school (US)
N escola primria
gradient [rednt]
N 1. declive M 2. (GEOM) gradiente M
gradual [rdjul]
ADJ gradual, gradativo
gradually [rdjul]
ADV gradualmente, gradativamente, pouco a pouco
N [rdjut] 1. graduado, licenciado 2. (US) diplomado do colgio VI [rdjuet]
formar-se, licenciar-se
graduated pension [rdjuetd-]
N aposentadoria calculada em funo dos ltimos salrios
graduation [rdjuen]
N formatura
graffiti [rfit]
N NPL pichaes FPL
graft [rft]
N 1. (AGR MED) enxerto 2. (BRIT inf) trabalho pesado 3. (bribery) suborno VT
enxertar hard graft (inf) labuta
grain [ren]
N 1. gro M 2. (no pl) (cereals) cereais MPL 3. (US: corn) trigo 4. (in wood) veio, fibra
it goes against the grain, contra a sua (or minha etc) natureza
gram [rm]
N grama M
grammar [rm*]
N gramtica
grammar school
N (BRIT) liceo
grammatical [rmtkl]
ADJ gramatical
gramme [rm]
N gram
gramophone [rmfun] (BRIT)
N (old) gramofone M
granary [rnr]
N celeiro
grand [rnd]
ADJ 1. esplndido 2. (inf: wonderful) temo, formidvel N (inf: thousand) mil libras FPL (
or dlares MPL )
grandchild [rntald]
N IRREG neto* (neta)
granddad [rndd]
N vov M
granddaughter [rndt*]
N neta
grandeur [rndj*]
N 1. grandeza, magnificncia 2. (of event) grandiosidade F 3. (of house, style)
grandfather [rnf*]
N av M
grandiose [rnduz]
ADJ 1. grandioso 2. (pej) pomposo 3. (house, style) imponente
grand jury (US)
N jri M de instruo
grandma [rnm]
N av F, vov F
grandmother [rnm*]
N av F
grandpa [rnp]
N granddad
grandparents [rndprnts]
grand piano
N piano de cauda
Grand Prix [rpri]
N (AUT) Grande Prmio
grandson [rnsn]
N neto
grandstand [rnstnd]
N (SPORT) tribuna principal
grand total
N total M geral or global
granite [rnt]
N granito
granny [rn] (inf)
N av F, vov F
grant [rnt]
VT 1. (concede) conceder 2. (a request etc) anuir a 3. (admit) admitir N 1. (SCH) bolsa
2. (ADMIN) subveno F, subsdio to take sth for granted, dar algo por certo
to grant that, admitir que
granulated sugar [rnjuletd-]
N acar M granulado
granule [rnjul]
N grnulo
grape [rep]
N uva sour grapes (fig) inveja
a bunch of grapes, um cacho de uvas
grapefruit [repfrut] (PL grapefruits )
N toranja, grapefruit M (BR)
grapevine [repvan]
N parreira I heard it on or through the grapevine (fig) um passarinho me contou
graph [rf]
N grfico
graphic [rfk]
ADJ grfico
graphic designer
N desenhista M, F industrial
graphics [rfks]
N (art) artes FPL grficas NPL (drawings) dessenhos MPL (COMPUT) grficos MPL
graphite [rfat]
N grafita
graph paper
N papel M quadriculado
grapple [rpl]
VI to grapple with sth, estar s voltas com algo
grappling iron [rpl-]
N (NAUT) arpu M
grasp [rsp]
VT 1. agarrar, segurar 2. (understand) compreender, entender N 1. (grip) agarramento
2. (reach) alcance M 3. (understanding) compreenso F to have sth within ones
grasp, ter algo ao seu alcance
to have a good grasp of sth (fig) ter um bom domnio de algo, dominar algo
grasp at 1. (rope etc) tentar agarrar 2. (opportunity) agarrar VT
grasping [rsp]
ADJ avaro
grass [rs]
N 1. grama (BR) relva (PT) 2. (uncultivated) cupim M 3. (lawn) gramado (BR) relvado
(PT) 4. (BRIT inf: informer) dedo-duro M
grasshopper [rshp*]
N gafanhoto
grassland [rslnd]
N pradaria
grass roots
NPL (fig) razes FPL, base F ADJ grass-roots, popular
grass snake
N serpente F
grassy [rs]
ADJ coberto de grama BR or de relva PT
grate [ret]
N 1. (fireplace) lareira 2. (of iron) grelha VI ranger VT (CULIN) ralar
grateful [retful]
ADJ agradecido, grato
gratefully [retfl]
ADV agradecidamente
grater [ret*]
N ralador M
gratification [rtfken]
N satisfao F
gratify [rtfa]
VT 1. gratificar 2. (whim) satisfazer
gratifying [rtfa]
ADJ gratificante
grating [ret]
N (iron bars) grade F ADJ (noise) spero
gratitude [rttjud]
N agradecimento
gratuitous [rtjuts]
ADJ gratuito
gratuity [rtjut]
N gratificao F, gorjeta
grave [rev]
N cova, sepultura ADJ 1. srio 2. (mistake) grave
grave digger
N coveiro
gravel [rvl]
N cascalho
gravely [revl]
ADV gravemente gravely ill, gravemente doente
gravestone [revstun]
N lpide F
graveyard [revjd]
N cemitrio
gravitate [rvtet]
VI to gravitate towards, ser atrado por
gravity [rvt]
N 1. (PHYS) gravidade F 2. (seriousness) seriedade F, gravidade F
gravy [rev]
N molho (de carne)
gravy boat
N molheira
gravy train (inf)
N to be on or ride the gravy train, ter achado uma mina
gray [re] (US)
ADJ grey
graze [rez]
VI pastar VT 1. (touch lightly) roar 2. (scrape) raspar 3. (MED) esfolar N (MED)
esfoladura, arranhadura
grazing [rez]
N (pasture) pasto, pastagem F
grease [ris]
N 1. (fat) gordura 2. (lubricant) graxa, lubrificante M VT 1. (CULIN) (dish) untar 2.
(TECH) (brakes etc) lubrificar, engraxar
grease gun
N bomba de graxa
greasepaint [rispent]
N maquilagem F (para o teatro)
greaseproof paper [rispruf-] (BRIT)
N papel M de cera (vegetal)
greasy [riz]
ADJ 1. gordurento, gorduroso 2. (skin, hair) oleoso 3. (hands, clothes) engordurado 4.
(BRIT: road, surface) escorregadio
great [ret]
ADJ 1. grande 2. (inf) genial 3. (pain, heat) forte 4. (important) importante theyre
great friends, eles so grandes amigos
we had a great time, nos divertimos bea
it was great! foi timo, foi um barato (inf)
the great thing is that ... o melhor que ...
Great Barrier Reef
N the Great Barrier Reef, a Grande Barreira
Great Britain
N Gr-Bretanha
N IRREG bisneto* (bisneta)
N bisav M
N bisav F
Great Lakes
NPL the Great Lakes, os Grandes Lagos
greatly [retl]
ADV imensamente, muito
greatness [retns]
N grandeza
Grecian [rin]
ADJ grego
Greece [ris]
N Grcia
greed [rid]
N 1. greediness, avidez F, cobia 2. (for food) gula
greedily [ridl]
ADV 1. com avidez 2. (eat) gulosamente
greedy [rid]
ADJ 1. avarento 2. (for food) guloso
Greek [rik]
ADJ grego N 1. grego* (grega) 2. (LING) grego ancient/modern Greek, grego
green [rin]
ADJ 1. verde 2. (inexperienced) inexperiente, ingnuo N 1. verde M 2. (stretch of grass)
gramado (BR) relvado (PT) 3. (on golf course) green M 4. village green, praa
greens (vegetables) verduras FPL NPL to have green fingers BRIT or a green
thumb US (BRIT) (US) ter mo boa (para plantar)
green belt
N (round town) cinturo M verde
green card
N 1. (BRIT AUT) carta verde 2. (US) autorizao F de residncia
greenery [rinr]
N verdura
greenfly [rinfla] (BRIT)
N pulgo M
greengage [rined]
N rainha-cludia
greengrocer [rinrus*] (BRIT)
N verdureiro* (verdureira)
greenhouse [rinhaus]
N estufa
greenish [rin]
ADJ esverdeado
Greenland [rinlnd]
N Groenlndia
Greenlander [rinlnd*]
N groenlands* M (F groenlandesa)
green pepper
N pimento M verde
greet [rit]
VT 1. saudar 2. (welcome) acolher 3. (news) receber
greeting [rit]
N 1. cumprimento 2. (welcome) acolhimento Christmas/birthday greetings, votos
de boas festas/feliz aniversrio
greeting card , greetings card
N carto M comemorativo
gregarious [rrs]
ADJ gregrio
grenade [rned]
N hand grenade, granada
grew [ru]
PT (of grow)
grow [ru] (PT grew ), (PP grown )
VI 1. crescer 2. (increase) aumentar 3. (develop) to grow (out of/from) originar-se 4.
(become) tornar-se VT 1. plantar, cultivar 2. (beard) deixar crescer to grow
rich/weak, enriquecer(-se)/enfraquecer-se grow apart (fig) afastar-se (um do
outro) VI grow away from (fig) afastar-se de VT grow on that painting is
growing on me, estou gostando cada vez mais daquele quadro VT grow out of
1. (clothes) ficar muito grande para 2. (habit) superar com or perder o tempo VT
grow up crescer, fazer-se homem/mulher VI
grey [re] gray (US)
ADJ 1. cinzento 2. (dismal) sombrio to go grey (hair, person) ficar grisalho
ADJ grisalho
greyhound [rehaund]
N galgo
grid [rd]
N 1. grade F 2. (ELEC) rede F 3. (US AUT) cruzamento
griddle [rdl]
N (on cooker) chapa de assar
gridiron [rdan]
N 1. grelha 2. (US FOOTBALL) campo
grief [rif]
N dor F, pesar M to come to grief, fracassar
grievance [rivns]
N motivo de queixa, agravo
grieve [riv]
VI sofrer VT dar pena a, afligir to grieve for, chorar por
grievous [rivs]
ADJ penoso grievous bodily harm (LAW) leso F corporal (grave)
grill [rl]
N 1. (on cooker) grelha 2. mixed grill, prato de grelhados 3. grillroom, grill-room M,
churrascaria VT 1. (BRIT) grelhar 2. (question) interrogar cerradamente
grille [rl]
N 1. grade F 2. (AUT) grelha
grillroom [rlrum]
N grill-room M, churrascaria
grim [rm]
ADJ 1. sinistro, lgubre 2. (unpleasant) desagradvel 3. (unattractive) feio 4. (stern)
severo 5. (inf: dreadful) horrvel
grimace [rmes]
N careta VI fazer caretas
grime [ram]
N sujeira (BR) sujidade F (PT)
grimy [ram]
ADJ sujo, encardido
grin [rn]
N sorriso largo VI sorrir abertamente to grin (at) dar um sorriso largo (para)
grind [rand] (PT, PP ground )
VT 1. (crush) triturar 2. (coffee, pepper etc) moer 3. (make sharp) afiar 4. (US: meat)
picar 5. (polish) (gem) lapidar (lens) polir VI (car gears) ranger N (work) trabalho
(repetitivo e maante) to grind ones teeth, ranger os dentes
to grind to a halt (vehicle) parar com um ranger de freios (fig) (work, production)
paralisar-se (talks, process) empacar
the daily grind (inf) a labuta diria
grinder [rand*]
N (machine) (for coffee) moinho (for waste disposal) triturador M
grindstone [randstun]
N to keep ones nose to the grindstone, trabalhar sem descanso
grip [rp]
N 1. (of hands) aperto 2. (handle) punho 3. (of racquet etc) cabo 4. (of tyre, shoe)
aderncia 5. (holdall) valise F VT 1. agarrar 2. (attention) prender to come or get
to grips with, arcar com
to grip the road (AUT) aderir estrada
to lose ones grip, perder a pega (fig) perder a eficincia
gripe [rap]
N 1. (MED) clicas FPL 2. (inf: complaint) queixa VI (inf) bufar
gripping [rp]
ADJ absorvente, emocionante
grisly [rzl]
ADJ horrendo, medonho
grist [rst]
N (fig) its (all) grist to his mill, ele se vale de tudo
gristle [rsl]
N 1. cartilagem F 2. (on meat) nervo
grit [rt]
N 1. areia, gro M de areia 2. (courage) coragem F VT (road) pr areia em grits (US)
canjica NPL to grit ones teeth, cerrar os dentes
to have a piece of grit in ones eye, ter uma pedrinha no olho
grizzle [rzl] (BRIT)
VI choramingar
grizzly [rzl]
N grizzly bear, urso pardo
groan [run]
N gemido VI gemer
grocer [rus*]
N dono* de mercearia (dona)
grocers , grocers shop
N mercearia
grocery [rusr]
N mercearia groceries comestveis MPL NPL
grog [r]
N grogue M
groggy [r]
ADJ grogue
groin [rn]
N virilha
groom [rum]
N 1. cavalario 2. bridegroom, noivo VT 1. (horse) tratar 2. (fig) to groom sb for sth,
preparar algum para algo well-groomed, bem-posto
groove [ruv]
N ranhura, entalhe M
grope [rup]
VI tatear to grope for, procurar s cegas
grosgrain [ruren]
N gorgoro M
gross [rus]
ADJ 1. grosso 2. (flagrant) grave 3. (vulgar) vulgar (building) de mau-gosto 4. (COMM)
bruto N INV (twelve dozen) grosa VT (COMM) to gross 500,000 dar uma receita
bruta de 500,000
gross domestic product
N produto interno bruto
grossly [rusl]
ADV (greatly) enormemente, gritantemente
gross national product
N produto nacional bruto
grotesque [rtsk]
ADJ grotesco
grotto [rtu]
N gruta
grotty [rt] (BRIT inf)
ADJ 1. vagabundo 2. (room etc) mixa Im feeling grotty, estou me sentindo podre
grouch [raut] (inf)
VI ralhar N (person) pessoa geniosa, rabugento* (rabugenta)
ground [raund]
PT PP (of grind) N 1. terra, cho M 2. (SPORT) campo 3. (land) terreno 4. (reason)
(gen pl) motivo, razo F 5. ground wire (US) (ligao F ) terra, fio-terra M VT 1.
(plane) manter em terra 2. (US ELEC) ligar terra VI (ship) encalhar ADJ 1. (coffee
etc) modo 2. (US: meat) picado grounds 1. (of coffee etc) borra 2. (gardens etc)
jardins MPL, parque M NPL on the ground, no cho
to the ground, por terra
below ground, embaixo da terra
to gain/lose ground, ganhar/perder terreno
common ground, consenso
he covered a lot of ground in his lecture, sua palestra cobriu uma rea
ground cloth (US)
N groundsheet
ground control
N (AVIAT SPACE) controle M de solo or terra
ground floor
N andar M trreo (BR) rs-do-cho M (PT)
grounding [raund]
N (SCH) conhecimentos MPL bsicos
groundless [raundls]
ADJ infundado
groundnut [raundnt]
N amendoim M
ground rent (BRIT)
N foro
groundsheet [raundit] (BRIT)
N capa impermevel
grounds keeper (US)
N (SPORT) zelador M de um campo esportivo
groundsman [raundzmn]
N IRREG (SPORT) zelador M de um campo esportivo
ground staff
N pessoal M de terra
ground swell
N (of opinion) onda
ground-to-ground missile
N mssil M terra-terra
groundwork [raundwk]
N base F, preparao F
group [rup]
N 1. grupo 2. pop group, conjunto VT group together, agrupar VI group together,
grouse [raus]
N INV (bird) tetraz M, galo-silvestre M VI (complain) queixar-se, resmungar
grove [ruv]
N arvoredo
grovel [rvl]
VI (fig) humilhar-se to grovel (before) abaixar-se (diante de)
grow [ru] (PT grew ), (PP grown )
VI 1. crescer 2. (increase) aumentar 3. (develop) to grow (out of/from) originar-se 4.
(become) tornar-se VT 1. plantar, cultivar 2. (beard) deixar crescer to grow
rich/weak, enriquecer(-se)/enfraquecer-se grow apart (fig) afastar-se (um do
outro) VI grow away from (fig) afastar-se de VT grow on that painting is
growing on me, estou gostando cada vez mais daquele quadro VT grow out of
1. (clothes) ficar muito grande para 2. (habit) superar com or perder o tempo VT
grow up crescer, fazer-se homem/mulher VI
grower [ru*]
N cultivador* M (F cultivadora) produtor* M (F produtora)
growing [ru]
ADJ crescente growing pains (MED) dores FPL do crescimento (fig) dificuldades FPL
growl [raul]
VI rosnar
grown [run]
PP (of grow) ADJ crescido, adulto
N adulto* (adulta) pessoa mais velha
growth [ru]
N 1. crescimento 2. (what has grown) crescimento 3. (increase) aumento 4. (MED)
abcesso, tumor M
growth rate
N taxa de crescimento
N ABBR Graduate of the Royal Schools of Music
grub [rb]
N 1. larva, lagarta 2. (inf: food) comida, rango (BR)
grubby [rb]
ADJ encardido
grudge [rd]
N motivo de rancor VT to grudge sb sth, dar algo a algum de m vontade, invejar
algo a algum to bear sb a grudge for sth, guardar rancor de algum por algo
he grudges (giving) the money, ele d dinheiro de m vontade
grudgingly [rdl]
ADV de m vontade
gruelling [rul] grueling (US)
ADJ duro, rduo
gruesome [rusm]
ADJ horrvel
gruff [rf]
ADJ 1. (voice) rouco 2. (manner) brusco
grumble [rmbl]
VI resmungar, bufar
grumpy [rmp]
ADJ rabugento
grunt [rnt]
VI grunhir N grunhido
grub [rb]
N 1. larva, lagarta 2. (inf: food) comida, rango (BR)
grubby [rb]
ADJ encardido
grudge [rd]
N motivo de rancor VT to grudge sb sth, dar algo a algum de m vontade, invejar
algo a algum to bear sb a grudge for sth, guardar rancor de algum por algo
he grudges (giving) the money, ele d dinheiro de m vontade
grudgingly [rdl]
ADV de m vontade
gruelling [rul] grueling (US)
ADJ duro, rduo
gruesome [rusm]
ADJ horrvel
gruff [rf]
ADJ 1. (voice) rouco 2. (manner) brusco
grumble [rmbl]
VI resmungar, bufar
grumpy [rmp]
ADJ rabugento
grunt [rnt]
VI grunhir N grunhido
guarantee [rnti]
N garantia VT garantir
guarantor [rnt*]
N fiador* M (F fiadora)
guard [d]
N 1. guarda 2. (one person) guarda M 3. (BRIT RAIL) guarda-freio 4. (on machine)
dispositivo de segurana 5. fireguard, guarda-fogo VT 1. guardar 2. (protect) to
guard (against) proteger (contra) 3. (prisoner) vigiar to be on ones guard, estar
prevenido guard against prevenir-se contra VT to guard against doing sth,
guardar-se de fazer algo
guard dog
N co M de guarda
guarded [dd]
ADJ (statement) cauteloso
guardian [dn]
N 1. protetor* M (F protetora) 2. (of minor) tutor* M (F tutora)
guards van (BRIT)
N (RAIL) vago M de freio
Guatemala [wtml]
N Guatemala
Guatemalan [wtmln]
ADJ N guatemalteco* (guatemalteca)
Guernsey [nz]
N Guernsey F (no article)
guerrilla [rl]
N guerrilheiro* (guerrilheira)
guerrilla warfare
N guerrilha
guess [s]
VT VI 1. (estimate) avaliar, conjeturar 2. (correct answer) adivinhar 3. (US: suppose)
achar, supor N suposio F, conjetura to take or have a guess, adivinhar, chutar
to keep sb guessing, no contar a algum
my guess is that ... meu palpite que ...
to guess right/wrong, acertar/errar
guesstimate [stmt] (inf)
N estimativa aproximada
guesswork [swk]
N conjeturas FPL I got the answer by guesswork, obtive a resposta por
guest [st]
N 1. convidado* (convidada) 2. (in hotel) hspede M, F be my guest, fique
N penso F
guest room
N quarto de hspedes
guffaw [f]
N gargalhada VI dar gargalhadas
guidance [adns]
N 1. orientao F 2. (advice) conselhos MPL under the guidance of, sob a direo
de, orientado por
vocational or careers guidance, orientao vocacional
marriage guidance, aconselhamento conjugal
guide [ad]
N 1. (person) guia M, F 2. (book, fig) guia M 3. girl guide (BRIT) escoteira VT guiar to
be guided by sb/sth, orientar-se com algum/por algo
guidebook [adbuk]
N guia M
guided missile [add-]
N 1. (internally controlled) mssil M guiado 2. (remote-controlled) mssil M teleguiado
guide dog
N co M de guia
guidelines [adlanz]
NPL 1. (advice) orientao F 2. (fig) princpios MPL gerais, diretrizes FPL
guild [ld]
N grmio
guildhall [ldhl] (BRIT)
N sede F da prefeitura
guile [al]
N astcia
guileless [alls]
ADJ ingnuo, cndido
guillotine [ltin]
N guilhotina
guilt [lt]
N culpa
guilty [lt]
ADJ culpado to plead guilty/not guilty, declarar-se culpado/inocente
Guinea [n]
N Republic of Guinea, (Repblica da) Guin F
guinea [n] (BRIT)
N guinu M (= 21 shillings: antiga unidade monetria equivalente a 1.05)
guinea pig [np]
N 1. porquinho-da-ndia M, cobaia 2. (fig) cobaia
guise [az]
N in or under the guise of, sob a aparncia de, sob o pretexto de
guitar [t*]
N violo M
guitarist [trst]
N violonista M, F
gulch [lt] (US)
N ravina
gulf [lf]
N 1. golfo 2. (abyss) (also fig) abismo the (Persian) G gulf, o Golfo Prsico
Gulf States
NPL the Gulf States (in Middle East) os pases do Golfo Prsico
Gulf Stream
N the Gulf Stream, a corrente do Golfo
gull [l]
N gaivota
gullet [lt]
N esfago
gullibility [lblt]
N credulidade F
gullible [lbl]
ADJ crdulo
gully [l]
N barranco
gulp [lp]
VI engolir em seco VT gulp down, engolir N (of drink) gole M at one gulp, de um gole
gum [m]
N 1. (ANAT) gengiva 2. (glue) goma 3. gum drop, bala de goma 4. chewing-gum,
chiclete M (BR) pastilha elstica (PT) VT colar gum up to gum up the works (inf)
estragar tudo VT
gumboil [mbl]
N abscesso gengival, parlide F
gumboots [mbuts] (BRIT)
NPL botas FPL de borracha, galochas FPL
gumption [mpn]
N juzo, bom senso
gun [n]
N 1. (gen) arma (de fogo) 2. (revolver) revlver M 3. (small) pistola 4. (rifle) espingarda
5. (cannon) canho M VT gun down, balear to stick to ones guns (fig) no dar o
brao a torcer, ser duro (inf)
gunboat [nbut]
N canhoneira
gun dog
N co M de caa
gunfire [nfa*]
N tiroteio
gunk [k] (inf)
N sujeira (BR) sujidade F (PT)
gunman [nmn]
N IRREG pistoleiro
gunner [n*]
N artilheiro
gunpoint [npnt]
N at gunpoint, sob a ameaa de uma arma
gunpowder [npaud*]
N plvora
gunrunner [nrn*]
N contrabandista M, F de armas
gunrunning [nrn]
N contrabando de armas
gunshot [nt]
N tiro (de arma de fogo) within gunshot, ao alcance do tiro
gunsmith [nsm]
N armeiro* (armeira)
gurgle [l]
VI 1. (baby) balbuciar 2. (water) gorgolejar N gorgolejo
guru [uru]
N guru M
gush []
VI 1. jorrar 2. (fig) alvoroar-se N jorro
gusset [st]
N 1. nesga 2. (of tights, pants) entreperna
gust [st]
N (of wind) rajada
gusto [stu]
N with gusto, com garra
gut [t]
N 1. intestino, tripa 2. (MUS etc) corda de tripa VT 1. (poultry, fish) estripar 2. (building)
destruir o interior de guts 1. (ANAT) entranhas FPL 2. (inf: courage) coragem F,
raa (inf) NPL to hate sbs guts, ter algum atravessado na garganta, no poder
ver algum nem pintado
gut reaction
N reao F instintiva
gutter [t*]
N 1. (of roof) calha 2. (in street) sarjeta
guttural [trl]
ADJ gutural
guy [a]
N 1. guyrope, corda 2. (inf: man) cara M (BR) tipo (PT)
Guyana [an]
N Guiana
Guyanese [aniz]
ADJ N INV guianense M, F
Guy Fawkes Night
guzzle [zl]
VI comer or beber com gula VT engolir com gula
gym [dm]
N 1. gymnasium, ginsio 2. gymnastics, ginstica
gymkhana [dmkn]
N gincana
gymnasium [dmnezm]
N ginsio
gymnast [dmnst]
N ginasta M, F
gymnastics [dmnstks]
N ginstica
gym shoes
NPL tnis MPL
gym slip (BRIT)
N uniforme M escolar
gynaecologist [ankldst] gynecologist (US)
N ginecologista M, F
gynaecology [ankld] gynecology (US)
N ginecologia
gypsy [dps]
N CPD gipsy
gyrate [daret]
VI girar
gyroscope [darskup]
N giroscpio

H , h [et]
N (letter) H, h M H for Harry BRIT (BRIT) H for How US (US) H de Henrique
habeas corpus [hebskps]
N (LAW) habeas-corpus M
haberdashery [hbdr] (BRIT)
N armarinho
habit [hbt]
N 1. hbito, costume M 2. (addiction) vcio 3. (REL) hbito to get out of/into the
habit of doing sth, perder/criar o hbito de fazer algo
habitable [hbtbl]
ADJ habitvel
habitat [hbtt]
N habitat M
habitation [hbten]
N habitao F
habitual [hbtjul]
ADJ 1. habitual, costumeiro 2. (drinker, liar) inveterado
habitually [hbtjul]
ADV habitualmente
hack [hk]
VT 1. (cut) cortar 2. (chop) talhar N 1. corte M 2. (axe blow) talho 3. (pej: writer)
escrevinhador* M (F escrevinhadora) 4. (old horse) metungo
hacker [hk*]
N (COMPUT) pirata (de dados de computador)
hackles [hklz]
NPL to make sbs hackles rise (fig) enfurecer algum
hackney cab [hkn-]
N fiacre M
hackneyed [hknd]
ADJ corriqueiro, batido
had [hd]
PT PP (of have)
haddock [hdk] (PL haddocks or haddock )
N hadoque M (BR) eglefim M (PT)
hadnt [hdnt]
had not
haematology [himtld] hematology (US)
N hematologia
haemoglobin [himlubn] hemoglobin (US)
N hemoglobina
haemophilia [himfl] hemophilia (US)
N hemofilia
haemorrhage [hmrd] hemorrhage (US)
N hemorragia
haemorrhoids [hmrdz] hemorrhoids (US)
NPL hemorridas FPL
hag [h]
N 1. (ugly) bruxa 2. (nasty) megera 3. (witch) bruxa
haggard [hd]
ADJ emaciado, macilento
haggis [hs]
N midos de carneiro com aveia, cozidos no estmago do animal
haggle [hl]
VI (bargain) pechinchar, regatear to haggle over, discutir sobre
haggling [hl]
N regateio
Hague [he]
N The Hague, Haia
hail [hel]
N 1. (weather) granizo 2. (of objects) chuva 3. (of criticism) torrente F VT 1. (greet)
cumprimentar, saudar 2. (call) chamar VI 1. chover granizo 2. (originate) he hails
from Scotland, ele originrio da Esccia
hailstone [helstun]
N pedra de granizo
hailstorm [helstm]
N tempestade F de granizo
hair [h*]
N 1. (of human) cabelo 2. (of animal, on legs) plo 3. (one hair) fio de cabelo, plo 4.
(head of hair) cabeleira grey hair, cabelo grisalho
to do ones hair, pentear-se
hairbrush [hbr]
N escova de cabelo
haircut [hkt]
N corte M de cabelo
hairdo [hdu]
N penteado
hairdresser [hdrs*]
N cabeleireiro* (cabeleireira)
N cabeleireiro
hair dryer
N secador M de cabelo
-haired [hd]
SUFFIX fair/long-haired, de cabelo louro/comprido
hairgrip [hrp]
N grampo (BR) gancho (PT)
hairline [hlan]
N contorno do couro cabeludo
hairline fracture
N fratura muito fina
hairnet [hnt]
N rede F de cabelo
hair oil
N leo para o cabelo
hairpiece [hpis]
N aplique M
hairpin [hpn]
N grampo (BR) gancho (PT) pina
hairpin bend , hairpin curve (US)
N curva fechada
hair-raising [-rez]
ADJ horripilante, de arrepiar os cabelos
hair remover
N (creme M ) depilatrio
hair spray
N laqu M (BR) laca (PT)
hairstyle [hstal]
N penteado
hairy [hr]
ADJ 1. cabeludo, peludo 2. (inf: situation) perigoso
Haiti [het]
N Haiti M
hake [hek] (PL hakes or hake )
N abrtea
halcyon [hlsn]
ADJ tranqilo
hale [hel]
ADJ hale and hearty, robusto, em tima forma
half [hf] (PL halves )
N 1. metade F 2. (SPORT) (of match) tempo 3. (of ground) lado ADJ meio ADV meio,
pela metade half-an-hour, meia hora
half a pound, meia libra
two and a half, dois e meio
half a dozen, meia-dzia
a week and a half, uma semana e meia
half (of it) a metade
half (of) a metade de
half the amount of, a metade de
to cut sth in half, cortar algo ao meio
half past three, trs e meia
half asleep/empty/closed, meio adormecido/vazio/fechado
to go halves (with sb) rachar as despesas (com algum)
N (SPORT) meio-de-campo
half-baked (inf)
ADJ (idea, scheme) mal planejado
N mestio* (mestia)
N meio-irmo M
N mestio* (mestia)
ADJ irresoluto, indiferente
N meia hora
ADV ADV at half-mast (flag) a meio-pau
halfpenny [hepn]
N meio pni M
ADJ pela metade do preo ADV at half-price, pela metade do preo
half term (BRIT)
N (SCH) dias de folga no meio do semestre
N meio tempo
halfway [hfwe]
ADV 1. a meio caminho 2. (in time) no meio to meet sb halfway (fig) chegar a um
meio-termo com algum
ADV semestralmente ADJ semestral
halibut [hlbt]
N INV hipoglosso
halitosis [hltuss]
N halitose F, mau hlito
hall [hl]
N 1. (for concerts) sala 2. (entrance way) hall M, entrada 3. (corridor) corredor M
town hall, prefeitura (BR) cmara municipal (PT)
hallmark [hlmk]
N (also fig) marca
hallo [hlu]
EXCL hello
hall of residence (PL halls of residence ) (BRIT)
N residncia universitria
Halloween [hluin]
N Dia M das Bruxas (31 de outubro)
hallucination [hlusnen]
N alucinao F
hallway [hlwe]
N 1. hall M, entrada 2. (corridor) corredor M
halo [helu]
N 1. (of saint etc) aurola 2. (of sun) halo
halt [hlt]
N 1. (stop) parada (BR) paragem F (PT) 2. (RAIL) pequena parada 3. (MIL) alto VI 1.
parar 2. (MIL) fazer alto VT 1. deter 2. (process) interromper to call a halt to sth
(fig) pr um fim a algo
halter [hlt*]
N (for horse) cabresto
halter-neck [hltnk]
ADJ (dress) frente-nica
halve [hv]
VT 1. (divide) dividir ao meio 2. (reduce by half) reduzir metade
halves [hvz]
NPL (of half)
half [hf] (PL halves )
N 1. metade F 2. (SPORT) (of match) tempo 3. (of ground) lado ADJ meio ADV meio,
pela metade half-an-hour, meia hora
half a pound, meia libra
two and a half, dois e meio
half a dozen, meia-dzia
a week and a half, uma semana e meia
half (of it) a metade
half (of) a metade de
half the amount of, a metade de
to cut sth in half, cortar algo ao meio
half past three, trs e meia
half asleep/empty/closed, meio adormecido/vazio/fechado
to go halves (with sb) rachar as despesas (com algum)
ham [hm]
N 1. presunto, fiambre M (PT) 2. (inf: actor, actress) canastro* M (F canastrona) 3.
radio ham, rdio-amador* M (F rdio-amadora)
hamburger [hmb*]
N hambrguer M
ham-fisted [-fstd] (BRIT)
ADJ desajeitado
ham-handed [-hndd] (US)
ADJ desajeitado
hamlet [hmlt]
N aldeola, lugarejo
hammer [hm*]
N martelo VT 1. martelar 2. (fig) dar uma surra em VI (on door) bater insistentemente
to hammer a point home to sb, fincar uma idia na mente de algum
hammer out 1. (metal) malhar 2. (fig) (solution) elaborar VT
hammock [hmk]
N rede F
hamper [hmp*]
VT dificultar, atrapalhar N cesto
hamster [hmst*]
N hamster M
hamstring [hmstr]
N (ANAT) tendo M do jarrete
hand [hnd]
N 1. mo F 2. (of clock) ponteiro 3. (writing) letra 4. (applause) aplauso 5. (of cards)
cartas FPL 6. (worker) trabalhador M 7. (measurement) palmo VT 1. (give) dar,
passar 2. (deliver) entregar to give or lend sb a hand, dar uma mozinha a
algum, dar uma ajuda a algum
at hand, mo, disponvel
in hand, livre (situation) sob controle (COMM) em caixa, disposio
to be on hand (person) estar disponvel (emergency services) estar num estado
de prontido
to hand (information) mo
to force sbs hand, forar algum a agir
to have a free hand, ter carta branca
to have sth in ones hand, ter algo na mo
on the one hand ..., on the other hand ... por um lado ..., por outro (lado) ...
hand down 1. passar 2. (tradition, heirloom) transmitir 3. (US: sentence, verdict)
proferir VT hand in entregar VT hand out distribuir VT hand over 1. (deliver)
entregar 2. (surrender) ceder 3. (powers etc) transmitir VT hand round (BRIT) 1.
(information) fazer circular 2. (chocolates) oferecer VT
handbag [hndb]
N bolsa
pocketbook [pktbuk] (US)
N carteira
purse [ps]
N 1. (BRIT) for money, carteira 2. (US: bag) bolsa VT enrugar, franzir
handball [hndbl]
N handebol M
hand basin [hndbesn]
N pia (BR) lavatrio (PT)
handbook [hndbuk]
N manual M
handbrake [hndbrek]
N freio BR or travo M PT de mo
hand cream
N creme M para as mos
handcuffs [hndkfs]
NPL algemas FPL
handful [hndful]
N 1. punhado 2. (of people) grupo
handicap [hndkp]
N 1. (MED) incapacidade F 2. (disadvantage) desvantagem F 3. (SPORT) handicap M
VT prejudicar mentally/physically handicapped, deficiente mental/fsico
handicraft [hndkrft]
N artesanato, trabalho manual
handiwork [hndwk]
N obra this looks like his handiwork (pej) isso parece coisa dele
handkerchief [hktf]
N leno
handle [hndl]
N 1. (of door etc) maaneta 2. (of bag etc) ala 3. (of cup etc) asa 4. (of knife etc)
cabo 5. (for winding) manivela 6. (inf: name) ttulo VT 1. manusear 2. (deal with)
tratar de 3. (treat) (people) lidar com ``handle with care ``cuidado - frgil
to fly off the handle, perder as estribeiras
handlebar N [hndlb*] handlebars NPL, hndlbz
guidom M (BR) guido M (PT)
handling charges [hndl-]
NPL 1. taxa de manuseio 2. (BANKING) comisso F
N bagagem F de mo
handmade [hndmed]
ADJ feito a mo
handout [hndaut]
N 1. (money, food) doao F, esmola 2. (leaflet) folheto 3. (at lecture) apostila
hand-picked [-pkt]
ADJ 1. (fruit) colhido mo 2. (staff) escolhido a dedo
handrail [hndrel]
N (on staircase) corrimo M
handsfree kit [hndzfri-]
N viva-voz M
handshake [hndek]
N 1. aperto de mo 2. (COMPUT) handshake M
handsome [hnsm]
ADJ 1. bonito 2. (woman) vistoso 3. (gift) generoso 4. (building) imponente, elegante 5.
(profit) considervel
handstand [hndstnd]
N to do a handstand, plantar bananeira
ADJ (existence) ao deus-dar
handwriting [hndrat]
N letra, caligrafia
handwritten [hndrtn]
ADJ escrito mo, manuscrito
handy [hnd]
ADJ 1. (close at hand) mo 2. (useful) til 3. (skilful) habilidoso, hbil to come in
handy, ser til
handyman [hndmn]
N IRREG 1. faz-tudo M 2. (in hotel etc) biscateiro
hang [h] (PT, PP hung )
VT 1. pendurar 2. (on wall etc) prender 3. (head) baixar 4. ((PT, PP hanged )) (criminal)
enforcar VI 1. estar pendurado 2. (hair, drapery) cair N (inf) to get the hang of
(doing) sth, pegar o jeito de (fazer) algo hang about vadiar, vagabundear VI
hang about! (inf) pera a! hang around hang about VI hang back (hesitate)
to hang back from (doing) sth, vacilar em (fazer) algo VI hang on 1. (wait)
esperar 2. (depend on) depender de VI to hang on to (keep hold of) no soltar,
segurar (keep) ficar com hang out 1. (washing) estender 2. (be visible) aparecer
3. (inf: spend time) fazer ponto VT hang together (argument etc) ser coerente VI
hang up 1. (coat) pendurar 2. (TEL) desligar VT to hang up on sb, bater o
telefone na cara de algum
hangar [h*]
N hangar M
hangdog [hd]
ADJ (look, expression) envergonhado
hanger [h*]
N cabide M
N parasita M, F, filo* M (F filona)
N vo livre
hanging [h]
N enforcamento
hangman [hmn]
N IRREG carrasco
hangover [huv*]
N (after drinking) ressaca to have a hangover, estar de ressaca
N grilo
hank [hk]
N meada
hanker [hk*]
VI to hanker after (miss) sentir saudade de (long for) ansiar por
hankie [hk]
N ABBR handkerchief
hanky [hk]
N ABBR handkerchief
Hants (BRIT)
ABBR Hampshire
haphazard [hphzd]
ADJ 1. (random) fortuito 2. (disorganized) desorganizado
hapless [hpls]
ADJ desafortunado
happen [hpn]
VI acontecer whats happening? o que que est acontecendo?
she happened to be in London, aconteceu que estava em Londres
if anything happened to him, se lhe acontecesse alguma coisa
as it happens ... acontece que ... happen on, happen upon dar com VT
happening [hpn]
N acontecimento, ocorrncia
happily [hpl]
ADV 1. (luckily) felizmente 2. (cheerfully) alegremente
happy [hp]
ADJ 1. feliz 2. (cheerful) contente to be happy (with) estar contente (com)
to be happy, ser feliz
to be happy to do (willing) estar disposto a fazer
yes, Id be happy to, sim, com muito prazer
happy birthday! feliz aniversrio (said to somebody) parabns!
happy Christmas/New Year, feliz Natal/Ano Novo
happiness [hpns]
N 1. felicidade F 2. (joy) alegria
ADJ despreocupado
harangue [hr]
VT arengar
harass [hrs]
VT 1. (bother) importunar 2. (pursue) acossar
harassed [hrst]
ADJ chateado
harassment [hrsmnt]
N 1. perseguio F 2. (worry) preocupao F
harbour [hb*] harbor (US)
N porto VT 1. (hope etc) abrigar 2. (hide) esconder to harbour a grudge against sb,
guardar rancor a algum
harbour dues , harbor dues (US)
NPL direitos MPL porturios
harbour master , harbor master (US)
N capito M do porto
hard [hd]
ADJ 1. duro 2. (difficult) difcil 3. (work) rduo 4. (person) severo, cruel 5. (facts)
verdadeiro ADV 1. (work) muito, diligentemente 2. (think, try) seriamente to look
hard at, olhar firme or fixamente para
hard luck! azar!
no hard feelings! sem ressentimentos!
to be hard of hearing, ser surdo
to be hard done by, ser tratado injustamente
to be hard on sb, ser rigoroso com algum
I find it hard to believe that ... acho difcil acreditar que ...
ADJ rgido
hardback [hdbk]
N livro de capa dura
hardboard [hdbd]
N madeira compensada
hard-boiled egg [-bld-]
N ovo cozido
hard cash
N dinheiro vivo or em espcie
hard copy
N (COMPUT) cpia impressa
ADJ 1. (pornography) pesado 2. (supporters) ferrenho
hard court
N (TENNIS) quadra de cimento
hard disk
N (COMPUT) disco rgido
harden [hdn]
VT 1. endurecer 2. (steel) temperar 3. (fig) tornar insensvel VI endurecer-se
hardened [hdnd]
ADJ (criminal, drinker) inveterado to be hardened to sth, ser insensvel a algo
hardening [hdn]
N endurecimento
hard-headed [-hdd]
ADJ prtico
ADJ empedernido, insensvel
hard labour
N trabalhos MPL forados
hardliner [hdlan*]
N intransigente M, F
hardly [hdl]
ADV 1. (scarcely) apenas 2. (no sooner) mal that can hardly be true, dificilmente
pode ser verdade
hardly ever, quase nunca
I can hardly believe it, mal posso acreditar nisso
hardness [hdns]
N dureza
hard sell
N venda agressiva
hardship [hdp]
N (difficulty) privao F
hard shoulder (BRIT)
N (AUT) acostamento (BR) berma (PT)
hard up (inf)
ADJ duro (BR) liso (PT)
hardware [hdw*]
N 1. ferragens FPL 2. (COMPUT) hardware M
hardware shop
N loja de ferragens
hard-wearing [-wr]
ADJ resistente
ADJ 1. trabalhador* (trabalhadora) 2. (student) aplicado
hardy [hd]
ADJ 1. forte 2. (plant) resistente
hare [h*]
N lebre F
hare-brained [-brend]
ADJ maluco, absurdo
harelip [hlp]
N (MED) lbio leporino
harem [hrim]
N harm M
hark back [hk-]
VI to hark back back to (reminisce) recordar (be reminiscent of) lembrar
harm [hm]
N 1. mal M 2. (damage) dano VT 1. (person) fazer mal a, prejudicar 2. (thing) danificar
to mean no harm, ter boas intenes
theres no harm in trying, no faz mal tentar
out of harms way, a salvo
harmful [hmful]
ADJ 1. prejudicial, nocivo 2. (plant, weed) daninho
harmless [hmls]
ADJ 1. inofensivo 2. (activity) inofensivo
harmonic [hmnk]
ADJ harmnico
harmonica [hmnk]
N gaita de boca, harmnica
harmonics [hmnks]
NPL harmnicos MPL
harmonious [hmuns]
ADJ harmonioso
harmonium [hmunm]
N harmnio
harmonize [hmnaz]
VT VI harmonizar
harmony [hmn]
N harmonia
harness [hns]
N 1. (for horse) arreios MPL 2. (for child) correia 3. (safety harness) correia de
segurana VT 1. (horse) arrear, pr arreios em 2. (resources) aproveitar
harp [hp]
N harpa VI to harp on about, bater sempre na mesma tecla sobre
harpist [hpst]
N harpista M, F
harpoon [hpun]
N arpo M VT arpoar
harpsichord [hpskd]
N cravo, clavecino
harrow [hru]
N (AGR) grade F, rastelo
harrowing [hru]
ADJ doloroso, pungente
harry [hr]
VT (MIL, fig) assolar
harsh [h]
ADJ 1. (life) duro 2. (judge, criticism) severo 3. (rough) (surface, taste) spero (sound)
harshly [hl]
ADV severamente
harshness [hns]
N 1. dureza, severidade F 2. (roughness) aspereza
harvest [hvst]
N 1. colheita 2. (of grapes) vindima VT VI colher
harvester [hvst*]
N 1. (machine) segadora 2. combine harvester, ceifeira-debulhadora 3. (person)
segador* M (F segadora)
has [hz]
VB have
have [hv] (PT, PP had )
AUX VB 1. (gen) ter
to have arrived/gone/eaten/slept, ter chegado/ido/comido/dormido
he has been kind/promoted, ele foi bondoso/promovido
having finished or when he had finished, he left, quando ele terminou, foi
embora 2. (in tag questions) youve done it, havent you? voc fez isto, no foi?
he hasnt done it, has he? ele no fez isto, fez? 3. (in short questions and
answers) youve made a mistake - no I havent/so I have, voc fez um erro -
no, eu no fiz/sim, eu fiz
Ive been there before, have you? eu j estive l, e voc? MODAL AUX VB (be
obliged) to have (got) to do sth, ter que fazer algo
I havent got or I dont have to wear glasses, eu no preciso usar culos
this has to be a mistake, isto tem que ser um erro VT 1. (possess) ter
he has (got) blue eyes/dark hair, ele tem olhos azuis/cabelo escuro 2. (referring
to meals etc) to have breakfast, tomar caf (BR) tomar o pequeno almoo (PT)
to have lunch/dinner, almoar/jantar
to have a drink/a cigarette, tomar um drinque/fumar um cigarro 3. (receive,
obtain etc) may I have your address? pode me dar seu endereo?
you can have it for 5 pounds, voc pode lev-lo por 5 libras
I must have it by tomorrow, preciso ter isto at amanh
to have a baby, dar luz (BR) ter um nen or beb (PT) 4. (maintain, allow) he
will have it that he is right, ele vai insistir que ele est certo
I wont have it/this nonsense! no vou agentar isso/este absurdo!
we cant have that, no podemos permitir isto 5. to have sth done, mandar
fazer algo
to have ones hair cut, ir cortar o cabelo
to have sb do sth, mandar algum fazer algo
he soon had them all laughing/working, logo ele tinha feito com que todos
rissem/trabalhassem 6. (experience, suffer) to have a cold/flu, estar resfriado BR
or constipado PT /com gripe
she had her bag stolen/her arm broken, ela teve sua bolsa roubada/ela
quebrou o brao
to have an operation, fazer uma operao 7. (+ n) (take, hold etc)
to have a swim/walk/bath/rest, ir nadar/passear/tomar um banho/descansar
lets have a look, vamos dar uma olhada
to have a party, fazer uma festa
to have a meeting, ter um encontro
let me have a try, deixe-me tentar 8. (inf: dupe) hes been had, ele comprou
gato por lebre have out to have it out with sb (settle a problem) explicar-se com
algum VT
has-been (inf)
N (person) he/shes a has-been, ele/ela j era
hash [h]
N 1. (CULIN) picadinho 2. (fig) (mess) confuso F N ABBR (inf) hashish
hashish [h]
N haxixe M
hasnt [hznt]
has not
hassle [hsl] (inf)
N (fuss, problems) complicao F VT molestar, chatear
haste [hest]
N pressa in haste, s pressas
hasten [hesn]
VT acelerar VI to hasten to do sth, apressar-se em fazer algo
hastily [hestl]
ADV depressa
hasty [hest]
ADJ 1. apressado 2. (rash) precipitado
has [hz]
VB have
have [hv] (PT, PP had )
AUX VB 1. (gen) ter
to have arrived/gone/eaten/slept, ter chegado/ido/comido/dormido
he has been kind/promoted, ele foi bondoso/promovido
having finished or when he had finished, he left, quando ele terminou, foi
embora 2. (in tag questions) youve done it, havent you? voc fez isto, no foi?
he hasnt done it, has he? ele no fez isto, fez? 3. (in short questions and
answers) youve made a mistake - no I havent/so I have, voc fez um erro -
no, eu no fiz/sim, eu fiz
Ive been there before, have you? eu j estive l, e voc? MODAL AUX VB (be
obliged) to have (got) to do sth, ter que fazer algo
I havent got or I dont have to wear glasses, eu no preciso usar culos
this has to be a mistake, isto tem que ser um erro VT 1. (possess) ter
he has (got) blue eyes/dark hair, ele tem olhos azuis/cabelo escuro 2. (referring
to meals etc) to have breakfast, tomar caf (BR) tomar o pequeno almoo (PT)
to have lunch/dinner, almoar/jantar
to have a drink/a cigarette, tomar um drinque/fumar um cigarro 3. (receive,
obtain etc) may I have your address? pode me dar seu endereo?
you can have it for 5 pounds, voc pode lev-lo por 5 libras
I must have it by tomorrow, preciso ter isto at amanh
to have a baby, dar luz (BR) ter um nen or beb (PT) 4. (maintain, allow) he
will have it that he is right, ele vai insistir que ele est certo
I wont have it/this nonsense! no vou agentar isso/este absurdo!
we cant have that, no podemos permitir isto 5. to have sth done, mandar
fazer algo
to have ones hair cut, ir cortar o cabelo
to have sb do sth, mandar algum fazer algo
he soon had them all laughing/working, logo ele tinha feito com que todos
rissem/trabalhassem 6. (experience, suffer) to have a cold/flu, estar resfriado BR
or constipado PT /com gripe
she had her bag stolen/her arm broken, ela teve sua bolsa roubada/ela
quebrou o brao
to have an operation, fazer uma operao 7. (+ n) (take, hold etc)
to have a swim/walk/bath/rest, ir nadar/passear/tomar um banho/descansar
lets have a look, vamos dar uma olhada
to have a party, fazer uma festa
to have a meeting, ter um encontro
let me have a try, deixe-me tentar 8. (inf: dupe) hes been had, ele comprou
gato por lebre have out to have it out with sb (settle a problem) explicar-se com
algum VT
has-been (inf)
N (person) he/shes a has-been, ele/ela j era
hash [h]
N 1. (CULIN) picadinho 2. (fig) (mess) confuso F N ABBR (inf) hashish
hashish [h]
N haxixe M
hasnt [hznt]
has not
hassle [hsl] (inf)
N (fuss, problems) complicao F VT molestar, chatear
haste [hest]
N pressa in haste, s pressas
hasten [hesn]
VT acelerar VI to hasten to do sth, apressar-se em fazer algo
hastily [hestl]
ADV depressa
hasty [hest]
ADJ 1. apressado 2. (rash) precipitado
hat [ht]
N chapu M
hatbox [htbks]
N chapeleira
hatch [ht]
N 1. hatchway (NAUT) escotilha 2. service hatch, comunicao F entre a cozinha e a
sala de jantar VI sair do ovo, chocar VT 1. chocar 2. (plot) tramar, arquitetar
hatchback [htbk]
N (AUT) camionete F, hatch M
hatchet [htt]
N machadinha
hate [het]
VT odiar, detestar N dio to hate to do or doing, odiar or detestar fazer
I hate to trouble you, but ... desculpe incomod-lo, mas ...
hateful [hetful]
ADJ odioso
hatred [hetrd]
N dio
hat trick (BRIT)
N (SPORT, fig) trs vitrias (or gols etc) consecutivas
haughty [ht]
ADJ soberbo, arrogante
haul [hl]
VT 1. puxar 2. (by lorry) carregar, fretar 3. (NAUT) levar ora N 1. (of fish) redada 2.
(of stolen goods etc) pilhagem F, presa
haulage [hld]
N 1. transporte M (rodovirio) 2. (costs) gasto com transporte
haulage contractor (BRIT)
N 1. (firm) transportadora 2. (person) transportador* M (F transportadora)
hauler [hl*] (US)
N haulier
haulier [hlj*] (BRIT)
N 1. (firm) transportadora 2. (person) transportador* M (F transportadora)
haunch [hnt]
N 1. anca, quadril M 2. (of meat) quarto traseiro
haunt [hnt]
VT 1. (subj) (ghost) assombrar (problem, memory) perseguir 2. (frequent) freqentar
3. (obsess) obcecar N 1. lugar M freqentado 2. (haunted house) casa mal-
haunted [hntd]
ADJ (castle etc) mal-assombrado
haunting [hnt]
ADJ (sight, music) obcecante
Havana [hvn]
N Havana
have [hv] (PT, PP had )
AUX VB 1. (gen) ter
to have arrived/gone/eaten/slept, ter chegado/ido/comido/dormido
he has been kind/promoted, ele foi bondoso/promovido
having finished or when he had finished, he left, quando ele terminou, foi
embora 2. (in tag questions) youve done it, havent you? voc fez isto, no foi?
he hasnt done it, has he? ele no fez isto, fez? 3. (in short questions and
answers) youve made a mistake - no I havent/so I have, voc fez um erro -
no, eu no fiz/sim, eu fiz
Ive been there before, have you? eu j estive l, e voc? MODAL AUX VB (be
obliged) to have (got) to do sth, ter que fazer algo
I havent got or I dont have to wear glasses, eu no preciso usar culos
this has to be a mistake, isto tem que ser um erro VT 1. (possess) ter
he has (got) blue eyes/dark hair, ele tem olhos azuis/cabelo escuro 2. (referring
to meals etc) to have breakfast, tomar caf (BR) tomar o pequeno almoo (PT)
to have lunch/dinner, almoar/jantar
to have a drink/a cigarette, tomar um drinque/fumar um cigarro 3. (receive,
obtain etc) may I have your address? pode me dar seu endereo?
you can have it for 5 pounds, voc pode lev-lo por 5 libras
I must have it by tomorrow, preciso ter isto at amanh
to have a baby, dar luz (BR) ter um nen or beb (PT) 4. (maintain, allow) he
will have it that he is right, ele vai insistir que ele est certo
I wont have it/this nonsense! no vou agentar isso/este absurdo!
we cant have that, no podemos permitir isto 5. to have sth done, mandar
fazer algo
to have ones hair cut, ir cortar o cabelo
to have sb do sth, mandar algum fazer algo
he soon had them all laughing/working, logo ele tinha feito com que todos
rissem/trabalhassem 6. (experience, suffer) to have a cold/flu, estar resfriado BR
or constipado PT /com gripe
she had her bag stolen/her arm broken, ela teve sua bolsa roubada/ela
quebrou o brao
to have an operation, fazer uma operao 7. (+ n) (take, hold etc)
to have a swim/walk/bath/rest, ir nadar/passear/tomar um banho/descansar
lets have a look, vamos dar uma olhada
to have a party, fazer uma festa
to have a meeting, ter um encontro
let me have a try, deixe-me tentar 8. (inf: dupe) hes been had, ele comprou
gato por lebre have out to have it out with sb (settle a problem) explicar-se com
algum VT
haven [hevn]
N 1. porto 2. (fig) abrigo, refgio
havent [hvnt]
have not
haversack [hvsk]
N mochila
havoc [hvk]
N destruio F to play havoc with (fig) estragar
Hawaii [hwai]
N Hava M
Hawaiian [hawajn]
ADJ N havaiano* (havaiana)
hawk [hk]
N falco M VT (goods for sale) mascatear
hawker [hk*]
N camel M, mascate M
hawthorn [hn]
N pilriteiro, estripeiro
hay [he]
N feno
hay fever
N febre F do feno
haystack [hestk]
N palheiro
haywire [hewa*] (inf)
ADJ to go haywire (person) ficar maluco (plan) desorganizar-se, degringolar
hazard [hzd]
N 1. (danger) perigo, risco 2. (chance) acaso VT aventurar, arriscar to be a
health/fire hazard, ser um risco para a sade/de incndio
to hazard a guess, arriscar um palpite
hazardous [hzds]
ADJ 1. (dangerous) perigoso 2. (risky) arriscado
hazard pay (US)
N adicional M por insalubridade
hazard warning lights
NPL (AUT) pisca-alerta M
haze [hez]
N nvoa
hazel [hezl]
N (tree) aveleira ADJ (eyes) castanho-claro
hazelnut [hezlnt]
N avel F
hazy [hez]
ADJ 1. nublado 2. (idea) confuso
N bomba de hidrognio
h&c (BRIT)
ABBR hot and cold (water)
h&c (BRIT)
ABBR hot and cold (water)
he [hi]
PRON ele he who ... quem ... aquele que ...
he-bear etc, urso macho etc
ABBR 1. high explosive 2. (REL DIPLOMACY) His (or Her) Excellency
head [hd]
N 1. cabea 2. (of table) cabeceira 3. (of queue) frente F 4. (of organization) chefe M, F
5. (of school) diretor* M (F diretora) VT 1. (list) encabear 2. (group) liderar heads
or tails, cara ou coroa
head first, de cabea
head over heels, de pernas para o ar
head over heels in love, apaixonadssimo
to head the ball, cabecear a bola
10 a or per head, 10 por pessoa or cabea
to sit at the head of the table, sentar-se cabeceira da mesa
to have a head for business, ter tino para negcios
to have no head for heights, no suportar alturas
to come to a head (fig) (situation etc) chegar a um ponto crtico
on your head be it, voc que arque com as conseqncias head for 1. dirigir-
se a 2. (disaster) estar procurando VT head off (danger, threat) desviar VT
headache [hdek]
N dor F de cabea to have a headache, estar com dor de cabea
head cold
N resfriado (BR) constipao F (PT)
headdress [hddrs]
N 1. (of Indian etc) cocar M 2. (of bride) grinalda
header [hd*]
N 1. (BRIT inf FOOTBALL) cabeada 2. (on page) cabealho
headhunter [hdhnt*]
N caador M de cabeas
heading [hd]
N 1. ttulo, cabealho 2. (subject title) rubrica
headlamp [hdlmp] (BRIT)
N headlight
headland [hdlnd]
N promontrio
headlight [hdlat]
N farol M
headline [hdlan]
N manchete F
headlong [hdl]
ADV 1. (fall) de cabea 2. (rush) precipitadamente
headmaster [hdmst*]
N diretor M (de escola)
headmistress [hdmstrs]
N diretora F (de escola)
head office
N matriz F
ADJ 1. (collision) de frente 2. (confrontation) direto
headphones [hdfunz]
NPL fones MPL de ouvido
headquarters [hdkwtz]
NPL 1. (of business etc) sede F 2. (MIL) quartel M general
headrest [hdrst]
N apoio para a cabea
headroom [hdrum]
N 1. (in car) espao (para a cabea) 2. (under bridge) vo M livre
headscarf [hdskf]
N IRREG leno de cabea
headset [hdst]
N fones MPL de ouvido
headstone [hdstun]
N lpide F de ponta cabea
headstrong [hdstr]
ADJ voluntarioso, teimoso
head waiter
N maitre M (BR) chefe M de mesa (PT)
headway [hdwe]
N progresso to make headway, avanar
headwind [hdwnd]
N vento contrrio
heady [hd]
ADJ 1. (exciting) emocionante 2. (intoxicating) estonteante
heal [hil]
VT curar VI cicatrizar
health [hl]
N sade F good health! sade!
Department of Health US (US) Ministrio da Sade
health centre (BRIT)
N posto de sade
health food N health foods NPL
alimentos MPL naturais
health food shop
N loja de comida natural
health hazard
N risco para a sade
Health Service (BRIT)
N the Health Service, o Servio Nacional da Sade, a Previdncia Social
healthy [hl]
ADJ 1. (person) saudvel 2. (air, walk) sadio 3. (economy) prspero, forte
heap [hip]
N pilha, monto M VT 1. amontoar, empilhar 2. (plate) encher heaps (of) (inf: lots)
um monte (de)
to heap favours/praise/gifts etc on sb, cobrir or cumular algum de
favores/elogios/presentes etc
hear [h*] (PT, PP heard )
VT 1. ouvir 2. (listen to) escutar 3. (news) saber 4. (lecture) assistir a VI ouvir to hear
about, ouvir falar de
when did you hear about this? quando voc soube disso?
to hear from sb, ter notcias de algum
Ive never heard of the book, eu nunca ouvi falar no livro hear out ouvir sem
interromper VT
heard [hd]
PT PP (of hear)
hearing [hr]
N 1. (sense) audio F 2. (LAW) audincia to give sb a hearing BRIT (BRIT) ouvir
hearing aid
N aparelho para a surdez
hearsay [hse]
N boato, ouvir-dizer M by hearsay, por ouvir dizer
hearse [hs]
N carro fnebre
heart [ht]
N 1. corao M 2. (of problem, city) centro hearts (CARDS) copas FPL NPL to
lose/take heart, perder o nimo/criar coragem
at heart, no fundo
by heart (learn, know) de cor
to set ones heart on sth/on doing sth, decidir-se por algo/a fazer algo
the heart of the matter, a essncia da questo
heart attack
N ataque M de corao
heartbeat [htbit]
N batida do corao
heartbreak [htbrek]
N desgosto, dor F
heartbreaking [htbrek]
ADJ desolador* (desoladora)
heartbroken [htbrukn]
ADJ to be heartbroken, estar inconsolvel
heartburn [htbn]
N azia
-hearted [htd]
SUFFIX kind-hearted, bondoso
heartening [htn]
ADJ animador* (animadora)
heart failure
N parada cardaca
heartfelt [htflt]
ADJ 1. (cordial) cordial 2. (deeply felt) sincero
hearth [h]
N 1. lar M 2. (fireplace) lareira
heartily [htl]
ADV 1. sinceramente, cordialmente 2. (laugh) a gargalhadas, com vontade 3. (eat)
apetitosamente I heartily agree, concordo completamente
to be heartily sick of BRIT (BRIT) estar farto de
heartland [htlnd]
N corao M (do pas)
heartless [htls]
ADJ cruel, sem corao
ADJ (conversation) franco, sincero N conversa franca
heart transplant
N transplante M de corao
heartwarming [htwm]
ADJ emocionante
hearty [ht]
ADJ 1. (person) energtico 2. (laugh) animado 3. (appetite) bom/boa 4. (welcome)
sincero 5. (dislike) absoluto
heat [hit]
N 1. calor M 2. (excitement) ardor M 3. qualifying heat (SPORT) (prova) eliminatria 4.
(ZOOL) in heat, on heat BRIT (BRIT) no cio VT 1. esquentar 2. (room, house)
aquecer 3. (fig) acalorar heat up 1. aquecer-se, esquentar 2. esquentar VI
heated [hitd]
ADJ 1. aquecido 2. (fig) acalorado
heater [hit*]
N aquecedor M
heath [hi] (BRIT)
N charneca
heathen [hin]
ADJ N pago/pag M, F
heather [h*]
N urze F
heating [hit]
N aquecimento, calefao F
ADJ resistente ao calor
heatstroke [hitstruk]
N insolao F
heat wave
N onda de calor
heave [hiv]
VT 1. (pull) puxar 2. (push) empurrar (com esforo) 3. (lift) levantar (com esforo) VI 1.
(water) agitar-se 2. (retch) ter nsias de vmito N 1. puxo M 2. empurro M to
heave a sigh, soltar um suspiro heave to (NAUT) capear VI
heaven [hvn]
N cu M, paraso heaven forbid! Deus me livre!
thank heaven! graas a Deus!
for heavens sake! pelo amor de Deus!
heavenly [hvnl]
ADJ 1. celestial 2. (REL) divino
heavily [hvl]
ADV 1. pesadamente 2. (drink, smoke) excessivamente 3. (sleep, depend)
heavy [hv]
ADJ 1. pesado 2. (work) duro 3. (responsibility) grande 4. (sea) violento 5. (rain, meal)
forte 6. (drinker, smoker) inveterado 7. (weather) carregado its heavy going,
heavy cream (US)
N creme M de leite
ADJ de servio pesado
heavy goods vehicle (BRIT)
N caminho M de carga pesada
heavy-handed [-hndd]
ADJ (fig) desajeitado, sem tato
heavyweight [hvwet]
N (SPORT) peso-pesado
Hebrew [hibru]
ADJ 1. hebreu/hebria 2. (LING) hebraico N (LING) hebraico
Hebrides [hbrdiz]
N the Hebrides, as (ilhas) Hbridas
heckle [hkl]
VT apartear
heckler [hkl*]
N pessoa que aparteia
hectare [hkt*] (BRIT)
N hectare M
hectic [hktk]
ADJ agitado
hector [hkt*]
VT importunar, implicar com
hed [hid]
he would, he had
hedge [hd]
N cerca viva, sebe F VI dar evasivas VT to hedge ones bets (fig) resguardar-se as
a hedge against inflation, para precaver-se da inflao hedge in cercar com
uma sebe VT
hedgehog [hdh]
N ourio
hedgerow [hdru]
N cercas FPL vivas, sebes FPL
hedonism [hidnzm]
N hedonismo
heed [hid]
VT take heed of (attend to) prestar ateno a (bear in mind) levar em considerao
heedless [hidls]
ADJ desatento, negligente
heel [hil]
N 1. (of shoe) salto 2. (of foot) calcanhar M VT (shoe) pr salto em to take to ones
heels, dar no p or aos calcanhares
hefty [hft]
ADJ 1. (person) robusto 2. (parcel) pesado 3. (piece) grande 4. (profit) alto
heifer [hf*]
N novilha, bezerra
height [hat]
N 1. (of person) estatura 2. (of building, tree) altura 3. (of plane) altitude F 4. (high
ground) monte M 5. (altitude) altitude F 6. (fig) (of power) auge M (of luxury) mximo
(of stupidity) cmulo what height are you? quanto voc tem de altura?
of average height, de estatura mediana
to be afraid of heights, ter medo de alturas
its the height of fashion, a ltima palavra or moda
heighten [hatn]
VT 1. elevar 2. (fig) aumentar
heinous [hins]
ADJ hediondo, abominvel
heir [*]
N herdeiro
heir apparent
N herdeiro presuntivo
heiress [rs]
N herdeira
heirloom [lum]
N relquia de famlia
heist [hast] (US inf)
N (hold-up) assalto
held [hld]
PT PP (of hold)
helicopter [hlkpt*]
N helicptero
heliport [hlpt]
N (AVIAT) heliporto
helium [hilm]
N hlio
hell [hl]
N inferno a hell of a ... (inf) um ... danado
hell! (inf) droga!
hell [hil]
he will, he shall
hellish [hl]
ADJ 1. infernal 2. (inf) terrvel
hello [hlu]
EXCL 1. oi! (BR) ol! (PT) 2. (on phone) al! (BR) est! (PT) 3. (surprise) ora essa!
helm [hlm]
N (NAUT) timo M, leme M
helmet [hlmt]
N capacete M
helmsman [hlmzmn]
N IRREG timoneiro
help [hlp]
N 1. ajuda 2. (charwoman) faxineira 3. (assistant) auxiliar M, F VT ajudar help!
help yourself, sirva-se
can I help you? (in shop) deseja alguma coisa?
with the help of, com a ajuda de
to be of help to sb, ajudar algum, ser til a algum
to help sb (to) do sth, ajudar algum a fazer algo
he cant help it, no tem culpa
helper [hlp*]
N ajudante M, F
helpful [hlpful]
ADJ 1. (person) prestativo 2. (advice) til
helping [hlp]
N poro F
helpless [hlpls]
ADJ 1. (incapable) incapaz 2. (defenceless) indefeso 3. (baby) desamparado
helplessly [hlplsl]
ADV (watch) sem poder fazer nada
Helsinki [hlsk]
N Helsinque
helter-skelter [hltsklt*] (BRIT)
N (at amusement park) tobog M
hem [hm]
N bainha VT embainhar hem in cercar, encurralar VT to feel hemmed in, sentir-se
N IRREG macho
hematology [himtld] (US)
N haematology
haematology [himtld] hematology (US)
N hematologia
hemisphere [hmsf*]
N hemisfrio
hemlock [hmlk]
N cicuta
hemoglobin [himlubn] (US)
N haemoglobin
hemophilia [himfl] (US)
N haemophilia
hemorrhage [hmrd] (US)
N haemorrhage
hemorrhoids [hmrd] (US)
NPL haemorrhoids
hemp [hmp]
N cnhamo
hen [hn]
N 1. galinha 2. (female bird) fmea
hence [hns]
ADV (therefore) da, portanto 2 years hence, daqui a 2 anos
henceforth [hnsf]
ADV de agora em diante, doravante
henchman [hntmn] (pej)
N IRREG jaguno, capanga M
henna [hn]
N hena
hen party (inf)
N reunio F de mulheres
henpecked [hnpkt]
ADJ dominado pela esposa
hepatitis [hptats]
N hepatite F
her [h*]
PRON 1. (direct) a 2. (indirect) lhe 3. (stressed, after prep) ela ADJ seu/sua, dela her
name, o nome dela
I see her, vejo-a, vejo ela (BR inf)
give her a book, d-lhe um livro, d um livro a ela me, my
herald [hrld]
N (forerunner) precursor* M (F precursora) VT anunciar
heraldic [hrldk]
ADJ herldico
heraldry [hrldr]
N herldica
herb [hb]
N erva
herbaceous [hbes]
ADJ herbceo
herbal [hbl]
ADJ herbceo herbal tea, tisana
herd [hd]
N rebanho VT 1. (drive) (animals, people) conduzir 2. (gather) arrebanhar
here [h*]
ADV 1. aqui 2. (to this place) para c 3. (at this point) nesse ponto EXCL toma! here!
(present) presente!
here is/are, aqui est/esto
here he/she is! aqui est ele/ela!
here she comes, l vem ela
come here! vem c!
here and there, aqui e ali
hereabouts [hrbauts]
ADV por aqui
hereafter [hrft*]
ADV daqui por diante N the hereafter, a vida de alm-tmulo
hereby [hba]
ADV (in letter) por este meio
hereditary [hrdtr]
ADJ hereditrio
heredity [hrdt]
N hereditariedade F
heresy [hrs]
N heresia
heretic [hrtk]
N herege M, F
heretical [hrtkl]
ADJ hertico
herewith [hw]
ADV em anexo, junto
heritage [hrtd]
N 1. herana 2. (fig) patrimnio our national heritage, nosso patrimnio nacional
hermetically [hmtkl]
ADV hermeticamente hermetically sealed, hermeticamente fechado
hermit [hmt]
N eremita M, F
hernia [hn]
N hrnia
hero [hru] (PL heroes )
N 1. heri M 2. (of book, film) protagonista M
heroic [hruk]
ADJ herico
heroin [hrun]
N herona
heroin addict
N viciado* em herona (viciada)
heroine [hrun]
N 1. herona 2. (of book, film) protagonista
heroism [hruzm]
N herosmo
heron [hrn]
N gara
hero worship
N culto de heris
herring [hr] (PL herrings or herring )
N arenque M
hers [hz]
PRON (o) seu/(a) sua, (o/a) dela a friend of hers, uma amiga dela
this is hers, isto dela mine
herself [hslf]
PRON 1. (reflexive) se 2. (emphatic) ela mesma 3. (after prep) si (mesma) oneself
Herts (BRIT)
ABBR Hertfordshire
hes [hiz]
he is, he has
hesitant [hztnt]
ADJ hesitante, indeciso to be hesitant about doing sth, hesitar em fazer algo
hesitate [hztet]
VI hesitar to hesitate to do, hesitar em fazer
dont hesitate to phone, no deixe de telefonar
hesitation [hzten]
N hesitao F, indeciso F I have no hesitation in saying (that) ... no hesito em
dizer (que) ...
hessian [hsn]
N aniagem F
heterogeneous [htrdins]
ADJ heterogneo
heterosexual [htrusksjul]
ADJ N heterossexual M, F
het up [ht-] (inf)
ADJ excitado
hew [hju] (PP hewed ), ( hewn )
VT cortar (com machado)
N ABBR Department of Health,Education and Welfare, ministrio da sade, da
educao e da previdncia social
hex [hks] (US)
N feitio VT enfeitiar
hexagon [hksn]
N hexgono
hexagonal [hksnl]
ADJ hexagonal
hey [he]
EXCL eh! ei!
heyday [hede]
N the heyday of, o auge or apogeu de
N ABBR high frequency, HF F
N ABBR heavy goods vehicle
hi [ha]
EXCL oi!
ABBR (POST) Hawaii
hiatus [haets]
N hiato
hibernate [habnet]
VI hibernar
hibernation [habnen]
N hibernao F
hiccough [hkp]
VI soluar NPL ( hiccoughs ) soluo to have (the) hiccoughs, estar com soluo
hiccup [hkp]
VI hiccough
hiccups [hkps]
NPL hiccoughs
hid [hd]
PT (of hide)
hidden [hdn]
PP (of hide) ADJ (costs) oculto
hide [had] (PT hid ), (PP hidden )
N (skin) pele F VT 1. esconder, ocultar 2. (view) obscurecer VI to hide (from sb)
esconder-se or ocultar-se (de algum)
N esconde-esconde M
hideaway [hadwe]
N esconderijo
hideous [hds]
ADJ horrvel
N esconderijo
hiding [had]
N (beating) surra to be in hiding (concealed) estar escondido
hiding place
N esconderijo
hierarchy [hark]
N hierarquia
hieroglyphic [harlfk]
ADJ hieroglfico
hieroglyphics [harlfks]
NPL hieroglifos MPL
hi-fi [hafa]
ABBR high fidelity N 1. alta-fidelidade F 2. (system) som M ADJ de alta-fidelidade
higgledy-piggledy [hldpld]
ADV desordenadamente
high [ha]
ADJ 1. alto 2. (number) grande 3. (price) alto, elevado 4. (wind) forte 5. (voice) agudo
6. (opinion) timo 7. (principles) nobre 8. (inf: person) (on drugs) alto, baratinado 9.
(BRIT CULIN) (meat, game) faisand (spoilt) estragado ADV alto, a grande altura N
exports have reached a new high, as exportaes atingiram um novo pico it is
20 m high, tem 20 m de altura
high in the air, nas alturas
to pay a high price for sth, pagar caro por algo
highball [habl] (US)
N usque com soda
highboy [hab] (US)
N comoda alta
highbrow [habrau]
ADJ intelectual, erudito
highchair [hat*]
N cadeira alta (para criana)
ADJ 1. (neighbourhood) nobre 2. (hotel) de primeira categoria 3. (person) da classe
alta 4. (performance etc) de alto nvel
high court
N (LAW) tribunal M superior
higher [ha*]
ADJ (form of life, study etc) superior ADV mais alto
higher education
N ensino superior
high finance
N altas finanas FPL
N estudante M (or empregado*) talentoso* e ambicioso* (estudante (or empregada )
talentosa e ambiciosa)
ADJ (fig) ambicioso, talentoso
high-handed [-hndd]
ADJ desptico
high-heeled [-hild]
ADJ de salto alto
highjack [hadk]
N VT hijack
high jump
N (SPORT) salto em altura
highlands [halndz]
NPL serrania, serra the Highlands (in Scotland) a Alta Esccia
ADJ de alto nvel high-level language (COMPUT) linguagem F de alto nvel
highlight [halat]
N 1. (fig) (of event) ponto alto 2. (in hair) mecha VT realar, ressaltar the highlights
of the match, os melhores lances do jogo
highlighter [halat*]
N (pen) caneta marca-texto
highly [hal]
ADV 1. altamente 2. (very) muito highly paid, muito bem pago
to speak highly of, falar elogiosamente de
highly strung
ADJ tenso, irritadio
High Mass
N missa cantada
highness [hans]
N altura Her (or His) Highness, Sua Alteza
ADJ agudo
ADJ 1. (engine) muito potente, de alta potncia 2. (fig) (person) dinmico (job,
businessman) muito importante
ADJ de alta presso
high -rise
ADJ alto
high-rise block
N edifcio alto, espigo M
high school
N 1. (BRIT) escola secundria 2. (US) cientfico
high season (BRIT)
N alta estao F
high spirits
NPL alegria to be in high spirits, estar alegre
high street (BRIT)
N rua principal
highway [hawe] (US)
N 1. (between states, towns) estrada 2. (main road) rodovia
Highway Code (BRIT)
N Cdigo Nacional de Trnsito
highwayman [hawemn]
N IRREG salteador M de estrada
hijack [hadk]
VT seqestrar N hijacking, seqestro (de avio)
hijacker [hadk*]
N seqestrador* M (de avio) (F seqestradora)
hike [hak]
VI (go walking) caminhar N 1. caminhada, excurso F a p 2. (inf: in prices etc)
aumento VT (inf) aumentar
hiker [hak*]
N caminhante M, F, andarilho* (andarilha)
hiking [hak]
N excurses FPL a p, caminhar M
hilarious [hlrs]
ADJ (behaviour, event) hilariante
hilarity [hlrt]
N hilaridade F
hill [hl]
N 1. colina 2. (high) montanha 3. (slope) ladeira, rampa
hillbilly [hlbl] (US)
N 1. montanhs* M (F montanhesa) 2. (pej) caipira M, F, jeca M, F
hillock [hlk]
N morro pequeno
hillside [hlsad]
N vertente F
hill start
N (AUT) partida em ladeira
hilly [hl]
ADJ 1. montanhoso 2. (uneven) acidentado
hilt [hlt]
N (of sword) punho, guarda to the hilt (fig) (support) plenamente
him [hm]
PRON 1. (direct) o 2. (indirect) lhe 3. (stressed, after prep) ele I see him, vejo-o, vejo
ele (BR inf)
give him a book, d-lhe um livro, d um livro a ele mine
Himalayas [hmlez]
NPL the Himalayas, o Himalaia
himself [hmslf]
PRON 1. (reflexive) se 2. (emphatic) ele mesmo 3. (after prep) si (mesmo) oneself
hind [hand]
ADJ traseiro N cora
hinder [hnd*]
VT 1. atrapalhar 2. (delay) retardar
hindquarters [handkwtz]
NPL (ZOOL) quartos MPL traseiros
hindrance [hndrns]
N 1. (nuisance) estorvo 2. (interruption) impedimento
hindsight [handsat]
N with (the benefit of) hindsight, em retrospecto
Hindu [hndu]
ADJ N hindu M, F
hinge [hnd]
N dobradia VI (fig) to hinge on, depender de
hint [hnt]
N 1. (suggestion) sugesto F 2. (advice) palpite M, dica 3. (sign) sinal M VT to hint
that, insinuar que VI dar indiretas to hint at, fazer aluso a
to drop a hint, dar uma indireta
give me a hint (clue) me d uma pista
hip [hp]
N quadril M
hip flask
N cantil M
hippie [hp]
N hippie M, F
hip pocket
N bolso traseiro
hippopotami [hpptma]
NPL (of hippopotamus)
hippopotamus [hpptms] (PL hippopotamuses or hippopotami )
N hipoptamo
hippy [hp]
N hippie
hire [ha*]
VT 1. (BRIT: car, equipment) alugar 2. (worker) contratar N 1. aluguel M 2. (of person)
contratao F for hire, aluga-se (taxi) livre
on hire, alugado hire out alugar VT
hire car , hired car [had-] (BRIT)
N carro alugado
hire purchase (BRIT)
N compra a prazo to buy sth on hire purchase, comprar algo a prazo or pelo
his [hz]
PRON (o) seu/(a) sua, (o/a) dele ADJ seu/sua, dele his name, o nome dele
its his, dele my, mine
Hispanic [hspnk]
ADJ hispnico
hiss [hs]
VI 1. (snake, fat) assoviar 2. (gas) silvar 3. (boo) vaiar N 1. silvo 2. vaia
histogram [hstrm]
N histograma M
historian [hstrn]
N historiador* M (F historiadora)
historic [hstrk] historical, hstrkl
ADJ histrico
history [hstr]
N 1. histria 2. (of illness etc) histrico medical history (of patient) histrico mdico
histrionics [hstrnks]
N teatro
hit [ht] (PT, PP hit )
VT 1. (strike) (person, thing) bater em 2. (reach) (target) acertar, alcanar 3. (collide
with) (car) bater em, colidir com 4. (fig) (affect) atingir N 1. (blow) golpe M 2.
(success) sucesso, grande xito 3. (song) sucesso 4. (Internet visit) visita to hit it
off with sb, dar-se bem com algum
to hit the headlines, virar or fazer manchete
to hit the road (inf) dar o fora, mandar-se hit back to hit back at sb, revidar
ao ataque (or crtica etc) de algum VI hit on (answer) descobrir VT hit out at
1. tentar bater em 2. (fig) criticar veementemente VT hit upon hit on VT
hit-and-run driver
N motorista que atropela algum e foge da cena do acidente
hitch [ht]
VT 1. (fasten) atar, amarrar 2. hitch up, levantar N (difficulty) dificuldade F to hitch a
lift, pegar carona (BR) arranjar uma boleia (PT)
technical hitch, probleminha tcnico hitch up (horse, cart) atrelar, hitch VT
VI pegar carona (BR) andar boleia (PT)
N pessoa que pega carona BR or anda boleia PT
ADJ tecnologicamente avanado N alta tecnologia
hitherto [htu]
ADV at agora
hit-man [htmn]
N IRREG sicrio
ADJ aleatrio its hit-or-miss whether ... no nada certo que ...
hit parade
N parada de sucessos
hive [hav]
N colmia the shop was a hive of activity (fig) a loja fervilhava de atividade hive
off (inf) transferir VT
ABBR hectolitre, hl
ABBR His Majesty, Her Majesty, SM
ABBR His Majestys Government, Her Majestys Government
ABBR (SCH) His Majestys Inspector, Her Majestys Inspector
N ABBR health maintenance organization, rgo que garante a manuteno de sude
ABBR His Majestys Ship, Her Majestys Ship
N ABBR His Majestys Stationery Office, Her Majestys Stationery Office, imprensa do
N ABBR Higher National Certificate
N ABBR Higher National Diploma
hoard [hd]
N 1. proviso F 2. (of money) tesouro VT acumular
hoarding [hd] (BRIT)
N tapume M, outdoor M
hoarfrost [hfrst]
N geada
hoarse [hs]
ADJ rouco
hoax [huks]
N trote M
hob [hb]
N parte de cima do fogo
hobble [hbl]
VI coxear
hobby [hb]
N hobby M, passatempo predileto
N 1. cavalinho-de-pau 2. (fig) tema M favorito
hobnob [hbnb]
VI to hobnob with, ter intimidade com
hobo [hubu] (PL hobos or hoboes ) (US)
N vagabundo
hock [hk]
N 1. (BRIT: wine) vinho branco do Reno 2. (of animal, CULIN) jarrete M 3. (inf) to be
in hock (person) estar endividado 4. (object) estar no prego or empenhado
hockey [hk]
N hquei M
hocus-pocus [hukspuks]
N 1. (trickery) tapeao F 2. (words) embromao F
hodgepodge [hdpd]
N hotchpotch
hoe [hu]
N enxada VT trabalhar com enxada, capinar
hog [h]
N 1. porco 2. (person) gluto* M (F glutona) VT (fig) monopolizar to go the whole
hog, ir at o fim
hoist [hst]
N 1. (lift) guincho 2. (crane) guindaste M VT iar
hold [huld] (PT, PP held )
VT 1. segurar 2. (contain) conter 3. (keep back) reter 4. (believe) sustentar 5. (have)
ter 6. (record etc) deter 7. (take weight) agentar 8. (meeting) realizar 9. (detain)
deter 10. (consider) to hold sb responsible (for sth) responsabilizar algum (por
algo) VI 1. (withstand pressure) resistir 2. (be valid) ser vlido N 1. (handle) apoio
(para a mo) 2. (fig) (grasp) influncia, domnio 3. (of ship) poro M 4. (of plane)
compartimento para cargo to hold office (POL) exercer um cargo
he holds the view that ... ele sustenta que ...
hold the line! (TEL) no desligue!
to hold ones own (fig) virar-se, sair-se bem
to hold firm or fast, agentar
to catch or get (a) hold of, agarrar, pegar
to get hold of (fig) arranjar
to get hold of o.s. controlar-se hold back 1. reter 2. (secret) manter, guardar
VT to hold sb back from doing sth, impedir algum de fazer algo hold down
1. (person) segurar 2. (job) manter VT hold forth discursar, deitar falao VI
hold off 1. (enemy) afastar, repelir 2. (rain) if the rain holds off, se no chover VT
hold on 1. agarrar-se 2. (wait) esperar VI hold on! espera a! (TEL) no
desligue! hold on to 1. agarrar-se a 2. (keep) guardar, ficar com VT hold out 1.
estender 2. (resist) resistir VT to hold out (against) defender-se (contra) hold
over (meeting etc) adiar VT hold up 1. (raise) levantar 2. (support) apoiar 3.
(delay) atrasar 4. (traffic) reter 5. (rob) assaltar VT
holdall [huldl] (BRIT)
N bolsa de viagem
holder [huld*]
N 1. (of ticket) portador* M (F portadora) 2. (of record) detentor* M (F detentora) 3. (of
office, title etc) titular M, F
holding [huld]
N (share) participao F holdings posses FPL NPL
holding company
N holding F
hold-up [huldp]
N 1. (robbery) assalto 2. (delay) demora 3. (BRIT: in traffic) engarrafamento
hole [hul]
N 1. buraco 2. (small) (in sock etc) furo VT esburacar hole in the heart (MED)
defeito na membrana cardaca
to pick holes (in) (fig) botar defeito (em) hole up esconder-se VI
holiday [hld]
N 1. (BRIT: vacation) frias FPL 2. (day off) dia M de folga 3. (public holiday) feriado
to be on holiday, estar de frias
tomorrow is a holiday, amanh feriado
holiday camp (BRIT)
N colnia de frias
holiday-maker (BRIT)
N pessoa (que est) de frias
holiday pay
N salrio de frias
holiday resort
N local M de frias
holiday season
N temporada de frias
holiness [hulns]
N santidade F
Holland [hlnd]
N Holanda
hollow [hlu]
ADJ 1. oco, vazio 2. (cheeks) cncavo 3. (eyes) fundo 4. (sound) surdo 5. (laugh,
claim) falso N 1. buraco 2. (in ground) cavidade F, depresso F VT to hollow out,
holly [hl]
N azevinho
hollyhock [hlhk]
N malva-rosa
holocaust [hlkst]
N holocausto
hologram [hlrm]
N holograma M
holster [hulst*]
N coldre M
holy [hul]
ADJ 1. sagrado 2. (person) santo 3. (water) bento
Holy Ghost
N Esprito Santo
Holy Land
N the Holy Land, a Terra Santa
holy orders
NPL ordens FPL sacras
Holy Spirit
N Holy Ghost
homage [hmd]
N homenagem F to pay homage to, prestar homenagem a, homenagear
home [hum]
N 1. casa, lar M 2. (country) ptria 3. (institution) asilo CPD 1. (domestic) caseiro,
domstico 2. (of family) familiar 3. (heating, computer etc) residencial 4. (ECON
POL) nacional, interno 5. (SPORT) (team) de casa (game) no prprio campo ADV 1.
(direction) para casa 2. (right in) (nail etc) at o fundo to go/come home, ir/vir
para casa
at home, em casa
make yourself at home, fique vontade
near my home, perto da minha casa home in on (missiles) dirigir-se
automaticamente para VT
home address
N endereo residencial
N 1. (wine) vinho feito em casa 2. (beer) cerveja feita em casa
homecoming [humkm]
N regresso ao lar
home computer
N computador M residencial
Home Counties
NPL os condados por volta de Londres
home economics
N economia domstica
ADJ 1. (not foreign) nacional 2. (from garden) plantado em casa
homeland [humlnd]
N terra (natal)
homeless [humls]
ADJ sem casa, desabrigado NPL the homeless, os desabrigados
home loan
N crdito imobilirio, financiamento habitacional
homely [huml]
ADJ 1. (domestic) caseiro 2. (simple) simples
ADJ caseiro
Home Office (BRIT)
N Ministrio do Interior
homeopathy [hump] (US)
homoeopathy etc
home page
N (COMPUT) home page F, pgina inicial
home rule
N autonomia
Home Secretary (BRIT)
N Ministro do Interior
homesick [humsk]
ADJ to be homesick, estar com saudades (do lar)
homestead [humstd]
N 1. propriedade F 2. (farm) fazenda
home town
N cidade F natal
homeward [humwd]
ADJ (journey) para casa, para a terra natal ADV para casa
homewards [humwd]
ADV para casa
homework [humwk]
N dever M de casa
homicidal [hmsadl]
ADJ homicida
homicide [hmsad] (US)
N homicdio
homily [hml]
N homilia
homing [hum]
ADJ (device, missile) de correo de rumo homing pigeon, pombo- correio
homoeopath [hump] homeopath (US)
N homeopata M, F
homoeopathic [humpk] homeopathic (US)
ADJ homeoptico
homoeopathy [hump] homeopathy (US)
N homeopatia
homogeneous [hmudins]
ADJ homogneo
homogenize [hmdnaz]
VT homogeneizar
homosexual [hmusksjul]
ADJ N homossexual M, F
homosexuality [hmsksjult]
N homossexualismo
ABBR honourable, honorary
Honduran [hndjurn]
ADJ N hondurenho* (hondurenha)
Honduras [hndjurs]
N Honduras (no article)
hone [hun]
VT amolar, afiar
honest [nst]
ADJ 1. (truthful) franco 2. (trustworthy) honesto 3. (sincere) sincero, franco to be
quite honest with you ... para falar a verdade ...
honestly [nstl]
ADV honestamente, francamente
honesty [nst]
N honestidade F, sinceridade F
honey [hn]
N 1. mel M 2. (US inf: darling) querido* (querida)
honeycomb [hnkum]
N 1. favo de mel 2. (pattern) em forma de favo VT (fig) to honeycomb with, crivar de
honeymoon [hnmun]
N 1. lua-de-mel F 2. (trip) viagem F de lua-de-mel
honeysuckle [hnskl]
N madressilva
Hong Kong [hk]
N Hong Kong (no article)
honk [hk]
N buzinada VI (AUT) buzinar
Honolulu [hnlulu]
N Honolulu
honor [n*] (US)
VT N honour
honorary [nrr]
ADJ 1. (unpaid) no remunerado 2. (duty, title) honorrio
honour [n*] honor (US)
VT honrar N honra in honour of, em honra de
honourable [nrbl] honorable (US)
ADJ honrado
honour-bound , honor-bound (US)
ADJ to be honour-bound to do, estar moralmente obrigado a fazer
honours degree
N (SCH) diploma M com distino
ABBR (SCH) honours degree
hood [hud]
N 1. capuz M 2. (of cooker) tampa 3. (BRIT AUT) capota 4. (US AUT) cap M 5. (inf:
hoodlum) pinta-brava M
hooded [hudd]
ADJ encapuzado, mascarado
hoodlum [hudlm]
N pinta-brava M
hoodwink [hudwk]
VT tapear
hoof [huf] (PL hooves )
N casco, pata
hook [huk]
N 1. gancho 2. (on dress) colchete M 3. (for fishing) anzol M VT 1. (fasten) prender com
gancho (or colchete) 2. (fish) fisgar hook and eye, colchete M
by hook or by crook, custe o que custar
to be hooked (on) (inf) estar viciado (em) (person) estar fissurado (em) hook
up ligar VT
hooligan [huln]
N desordeiro* (desordeira) bagunceiro* (bagunceira)
hooliganism [hulinzm]
N vandalismo
hoop [hup]
N arco
hooray [hure]
EXCL hurrah
hoot [hut]
VI 1. (AUT) buzinar 2. (siren) tocar 3. (owl) piar VT (jeer at) vaiar N 1. buzinada 2.
toque M de sirena to hoot with laughter, morrer de rir
hooter [hut*]
N 1. (BRIT AUT) buzina 2. (NAUT,: factory) sirena
hoover [huv*] (BRIT)
aspirador M (de p) VT passar o aspirador em
hooves [huvz]
NPL (of hoof)
hop [hp]
VI 1. saltar, pular 2. (on one foot) pular num p s N salto, pulo
hope [hup]
VT to hope that/to do, esperar que/fazer VI esperar N esperana I hope so/not,
espero que sim/no
hopeful [hupful]
ADJ 1. (person) otimista, esperanoso 2. (situation) promissor* (promissora) Im
hopeful that shell manage to come, acredito que ela conseguir vir
hopefully [hupful]
ADV 1. (with hope) esperanosamente 2. (one hopes) hopefully, theyll come back,
de esperar or esperamos que voltem
hopeless [hupls]
ADJ 1. desesperado, irremedivel 2. (useless) intil 3. (bad) pssimo
hopelessly [huplsl]
ADV (confused, involved) irremediavelmente
hopper [hp*]
N tremonha
hops [hps]
NPL (BOT) lpulo
horde [hd]
N multido F
horizon [hrazn]
N horizonte M
horizontal [hrzntl]
ADJ horizontal
hormone [hmun]
N hormnio
horn [hn]
N 1. corno, chifre M 2. (material) chifre 3. (MUS) trompa 4. (AUT) buzina
horned [hnd]
ADJ (animal) com chifres, chifrudo
hornet [hnt]
N vespo M
horn-rimmed [-rmd]
ADJ com aro de chifre or de tartaruga
horny [hn]
ADJ 1. (material) crneo 2. (hands) calejado 3. (inf: aroused) excitado (sexualmente)
com teso (BR inf!)
horoscope [hrskup]
N horscopo
horrendous [hrnds]
ADJ horrendo
horrible [hrbl]
ADJ 1. horrvel 2. (terrifying) terrvel
horrid [hrd]
ADJ horrvel
horrific [hrfk]
ADJ horroroso
horrify [hrfa]
VT horrorizar
horrifying [hrfa]
ADJ horripilante
horror [hr*]
N horror M
horror film
N filme M de terror
ADJ horror-struck
ADJ horrorizado
hors duvre [dvr]
N entrada
horse [hs]
N cavalo
horseback [hsbk]
N ADJ on horseback, ADV, a cavalo
horsebox [hsbks]
N reboque M (para transportar cavalos)
horse chestnut
N castanha-da-ndia
ADJ puxado a cavalo
horsefly [hsfla]
N mutuca
horseman [hsmn]
N IRREG 1. cavaleiro 2. (skilled) ginete M
horsemanship [hsmnp]
N equitao F
horsemen [hsmn]
NPL (of horseman)
horseplay [hsple]
N zona, baguna (brincadeiras etc)
horsepower [hspau*]
N cavalo-vapor M
N corridas FPL de cavalo, turfe M
horseradish [hsrd]
N rbano-bastardo
horseshoe [hsu]
N ferradura
horse show
N concurso hpico
N regateio
horse trials
NPL horse show
horsewhip [hswp]
VT chicotear
horsewoman [hswumn]
N IRREG amazona
horsey [hs]
ADJ 1. aficionado por cavalos 2. (appearance) com cara de cavalo
horticulture [htklt*]
N horticultura
hose [huz]
N hosepipe, mangueira hose down lavar com mangueira VT
hosiery [huzr]
N meias FPL e roupa de baixo
hospice [hsps]
N asilo
hospitable [hsptbl]
ADJ hospitaleiro
hospital [hsptl]
N hospital M
hospitality [hsptlt]
N hospitalidade F
hospitalize [hsptlaz]
VT hospitalizar
host [hust]
N 1. anfitrio M 2. (in hotel etc) hospedeiro 3. (TV RADIO) apresentador* M (F
apresentadora) 4. (REL) hstia 5. (large number) a host of, uma multido de VT
(TV programme) apresentar, animar
hostage [hstd]
N refm M
host country
N pas M anfitrio
hostel [hstl]
N 1. hospedaria 2. (for students) residncia 3. (for the homeless) albergue M, abrigo 4.
youth hostel, albergue da juventude
hostelling [hstl]
N to go (youth) hostelling, viajar de frias pernoitando em albergues de juventude
hostess [husts]
N 1. anfitri F 2. (BRIT: air hostess) aeromoa (BR) hospedeira de bordo (PT) 3. (TV
RADIO) apresentadora 4. (in nightclub) taxi-girl F
hostile [hstal]
ADJ hostil
hostility [hstlt]
N hostilidade F
hot [ht]
ADJ 1. quente 2. (as opposed to only warm) muito quente 3. (spicy) picante 4. (fierce)
ardente to be hot (person) estar com calor (thing, weather) estar quente hot up
(BRIT inf) 1. (party, debate) esquentar 2. (pace) acelerar 3. (engine) envenenar VI
hot-air balloon
N balo M de ar quente
hotbed [htbd]
N (fig) foco, ninho
hotchpotch [htpt] (BRIT)
N mixrdia, salada
hodgepodge [hdpd]
N hotchpotch
hot dog
N cachorro-quente M
hotel [hutl]
N hotel M
hotelier [htlje]
N 1. hoteleiro* (hoteleira) 2. (manager) gerente M, F
hotel industry
N indstria hoteleira
hotel room
N quarto de hotel
hotfoot [htfut]
ADV a mil, a toda
hot-headed [-hdd]
ADJ impetuoso
hothouse [hthaus]
N estufa
hot line
N (POL) telefone M vermelho, linha direta
hotly [htl]
ADV ardentemente, apaixonadamente
hotplate [htplet]
N (on cooker) chapa eltrica
hotpot [htpt] (BRIT)
N (CULIN) ragu M
hot seat
N (fig) posio F de responsabilidade
hot spot
N rea de tenso
hot spring
N fonte F termal
ADJ esquentado, de pavio curto
hot-water bottle
N bolsa de gua quente
hound [haund]
VT acossar, perseguir N co M de caa, sabujo
hour [au*]
N hora at 30 miles an hour, a 50 km por hora
lunch hour, hora do almoo
to pay sb by the hour, pagar algum por hora
hourly [aul]
ADV de hora em hora ADJ 1. de hora em hora 2. (rate) por hora
house [hauziz] (PL houses hauziz )
N [haus] 1. (gen, firm) casa 2. (POL) cmara 3. (THEATRE) assistncia, lotao F VT
[hauz] 1. (person) alojar 2. (collection) abrigar to/at my house, para a/na minha
the H house (of Commons) BRIT (BRIT) a Cmara dos Comuns
the H house (of Representatives) US (US) a Cmara de Deputados
on the house (fig) por conta da casa
house arrest
N priso F domiciliar
houseboat [hausbut]
N casa flutuante
housebound [hausbaund]
ADJ preso em casa
housebreaking [hausbrek]
N arrombamento de domiclio
house-broken (US)
ADJ house-trained
housecoat [hauskut]
N roupo M
household [haushuld]
N 1. famlia 2. (house) casa
householder [haushuld*]
N 1. (owner) dono* de casa (dona) 2. (head of family) chefe M, F de famlia
household name
N nome M conhecido por todos
house-hunting [haushnt]
N to go house-hunting, procurar casa para morar
housekeeper [hauskip*]
N governanta
housekeeping [hauskip]
N 1. (work) trabalhos MPL domsticos 2. (money) economia domstica 3. (COMPUT)
gesto F dos discos
houseman [hausmn] (BRIT)
N IRREG (MED) interno
ADJ preocupado com a aparncia da casa
ADJ 1. (enquiries) de porta em porta 2. (search) de casa em casa
house-trained (BRIT)
ADJ (animal) domesticado
house-warming [-wm] house-warming party
N festa de inaugurao de uma casa
housewife [huswaf]
N IRREG dona de casa
housework [hauswk]
N trabalhos MPL domsticos
housing [hauz]
N 1. (provision) alojamento 2. (houses) residncias FPL 3. (as issue) habitao F CPD
(problem, shortage) habitacional
housing association
N organizao beneficente que vende ou alaga casas
housing conditions
NPL condies FPL de habitao
housing development
N conjunto residencial
housing estate (BRIT)
N housing development
hovel [hvl]
N casebre M
hover [hv*]
VI 1. pairar 2. (person) rondar
hovercraft [hvkrft]
N aerobarco
hoverport [hvpt]
N porto para aerobarcos
how [hau]
ADV 1. (in what way) como
how was the film? que tal o filme?
how are you? como vai? 2. (to what degree) quanto
how much milk/many people? quanto de leite/quantas pessoas?
how long have you been here? h quanto tempo voc est aqui?
how old are you? quantos anos voc tem?
how tall is he? qual a altura dele?
how lovely/awful! que timo/terrvel!
however [hauv*]
ADV 1. de qualquer modo 2. (+ adj) por mais ... que 3. (in questions) como CONJ no
entanto, contudo, todavia
howitzer [hauts*]
N (MIL) morteiro, obus M
howl [haul]
N uivo VI uivar
howler [haul*]
N besteira, erro
N ABBR hire purchase
ABBR (AUT) horsepower, CV
N ABBR headquarters, QG M
ABBR hour, h
N ABBR House of Representatives
ABBR His (or Her) Royal Highness, SAR
ABBR hours, hs
ABBR high school
ABBR Hawaiian Standard Time, hora do Hava
N ABBR Hypertext Mark-up Language, HTML F
hub [hb]
N 1. (of wheel) cubo 2. (fig) centro
hubbub [hbb]
N algazarra, vozerio
hubcap [hbkp]
N (AUT) calota
N ABBR Department of Housing and Urban Development, ministrio do urbanismo e da
huddle [hdl]
VI to huddle together, aconchegar-se
hue [hju]
N cor F, matiz M
hue and cry
N clamor M pblico
huff [hf]
N in a huff, com raiva to take the huff, ficar sem graa
hug [h]
VT 1. abraar 2. (thing) agarrar, prender N abrao to give sb a hug, dar um abrao
em algum, abraar algum
huge [hjud]
ADJ enorme, imenso
hulk [hlk]
N 1. (wreck) navio velho 2. (hull) casco, carcaa 3. (person) brutamontes M INV 4.
(building) trambolho
hulking [hlk]
ADJ pesado, grando* (grandona)
hull [hl]
N (of ship) casco
hullabaloo [hlblu] (inf)
N algazarra
hullo [hlu]
EXCL hello
hum [hm]
VT (tune) cantarolar VI 1. cantarolar 2. (insect, machine etc) zumbir N zumbido
human [hjumn]
ADJ humano N human being, ser M humano
humane [hjumen]
ADJ humano
humanism [hjumnzm]
N humanismo
humanitarian [hjumntrn]
ADJ humanitrio
humanity [hjumnt]
N humanidade F
humanly [hjumnl]
ADV humanamente
humanoid [hjumnd]
ADJ N humanide M, F
humble [hmbl]
ADJ humilde VT humilhar
humbly [hmbl]
ADV humildemente
humbug [hmb]
N 1. fraude F, embuste M 2. (BRIT: sweet) bala de hortel
humdrum [hmdrm]
ADJ 1. (boring) montono, enfadonho 2. (routine) rotineiro
humid [hjumd]
ADJ mido
humidifier [hjumdfa*]
N umidificador M
humidity [hjumdt]
N umidade F
humiliate [hjumlet]
VT humilhar
humiliation [hjumlen]
N humilhao F
humility [hjumlt]
N humildade F
humor [hjum*] (US)
N VT humour
humorist [hjumrst]
N humorista M, F
humorous [hjumrs]
ADJ 1. humorstico 2. (person) engraado
humour [hjum*] humor (US)
N 1. humorismo, senso de humor 2. (mood) humor M VT (person) fazer a vontade de
sense of humour, senso de humor
to be in a good/bad humour, estar de bom/mau humor
humorist [hjumrst]
N humorista M, F
humorous [hjumrs]
ADJ 1. humorstico 2. (person) engraado
humourless [hjumls] humorless (US)
ADJ sem senso de humor
hump [hmp]
N 1. (in ground) elevao F 2. (camel's) corcova, giba 3. (deformity) corainda
humpback [hmpbk]
N corcunda M, F
humpbacked [hmpbkt]
ADJ humpbacked bridge, ponte pequena e muito arqueada
humus [hjums]
N hmus M, humo
hunch [hnt]
N (premonition) pressentimento, palpite M
hunchback [hntbk]
N corcunda M, F
hunched [hntt]
ADJ corcunda
hundred [hndrd]
NUM 1. cem 2. (before lower numbers) cento 3. (collective) centena hundreds of
people, centenas de pessoas
Im a hundred per cent sure, tenho certeza absoluta
hundredweight [hndrdwet]
N 1. (BRIT) 50.8 kg; 112 lb 2. (US) = 45.3 kg; 100 lb
hung [h]
PT PP (of hang)
Hungarian [hrn]
ADJ hngaro N 1. hngaro* (hngara) 2. (LING) hngaro
Hungary [hr]
N Hungria
hunger [h*]
N fome F VI to hunger for, ter fome de (desire) desejar ardentemente
hunger strike
N greve F de fome
hungrily [hrl]
ADV 1. (eat) vorazmente 2. (fig) avidamente
hungry [hr]
ADJ 1. faminto, esfomeado 2. (keen) hungry for (fig) vido de, ansioso por to be
hungry, estar com fome
hung up (inf)
ADJ complexado, grilado
hunk [hk]
N 1. naco 2. (inf: man) gato M
hunt [hnt]
VT 1. (seek) buscar, perseguir 2. (SPORT) caar VI caar N caa, caada hunt
down acossar VT
hunter [hnt*]
N 1. caador* M (F caadora) 2. (BRIT: horse) cavalo de caa
hunting [hnt]
N caa
hurdle [hdl]
N 1. (SPORT) barreira 2. (fig) obstculo
hurl [hl]
VT 1. arremessar, lanar 2. (abuse) gritar
hurrah [hur]
EXCL oba! viva!
hurray [hure]
EXCL hurrah
hurricane [hrkn]
N furaco M
hurried [hrd]
ADJ 1. (fast) apressado 2. (rushed) feito s pressas
hurriedly [hrdl]
ADV depressa, apressadamente
hurry [hr]
N pressa VI hurry up, apressar-se VT hurry up (person) apressar (work) acelerar to
be in a hurry, estar com pressa
to do sth in a hurry, fazer algo s pressas
to hurry in/out, entrar/sair correndo
to hurry home, correr para casa hurry along andar s pressas VI hurry
away sair correndo VI hurry off sair correndo VI hurry up apressar-se VI
hurt [ht] (PT, PP hurt )
VT 1. machucar 2. (injure) ferir 3. (damage) (business etc) prejudicar 4. (fig) magoar VI
doer ADJ machucado, ferido I hurt my arm, machuquei o brao
where does it hurt? onde que di?
hurtful [htful]
ADJ (remark) que magoa, ofensivo
hurtle [htl]
VI correr to hurtle past, passar como um raio
to hurtle down, cair com violncia
husband [hzbnd]
N marido, esposo
hush [h]
N silncio, quietude F VT silenciar, fazer calar hush! silncio! psiu! hush up (fact)
abafar, encobrir VT
hushed [ht]
ADJ (tone) baixo
ADJ secreto
husk [hsk]
N 1. (of wheat) casca 2. (of maize) palha
husky [hsk]
ADJ 1. rouco 2. (burly) robusto N co M esquim
hustings [hstz] (BRIT)
NPL (POL) campanha (eleitoral)
hustle [hsl]
VT 1. (push) empurrar 2. (hurry) apressar N agitao F, atividade F febril hustle and
bustle, grande movimento
hut [ht]
N 1. cabana, choupana 2. (shed) alpendre M
hutch [ht]
N coelheira
hyacinth [hasn]
N jacinto
hybrid [habrd]
ADJ N 1. hbrido 2. (mixture) combinao F
hydrant [hadrnt]
N fire hydrant, hidrante M
hydraulic [hadrlk]
ADJ hidrulico
hydraulics [hadrlks]
N hidrulica
hydrochloric acid [hadruklrk-]
N cido clordrico
hydroelectric [hadrulktrk]
ADJ hidroeltrico
hydrofoil [hadrfl]
N hidrofoil M, aliscafo
hydrogen [hadrdn]
N hidrognio
hydrogen bomb
N bomba de hidrognio
hydrolysis [hadrlss]
N hidrlise F
hydrophobia [hadrfub]
N hidrofobia
hydroplane [hadrplen]
N lancha planadora
hyena [hain]
N hiena
hygiene [hadin]
N higiene F
hygienic [hadink]
ADJ higinico
hymn [hm]
N hino
hype [hap] (inf)
N tititi M, falatrio
hyperactive [haprktv]
ADJ hiperativo
hypermarket [hapmkt] (BRIT)
N hipermercado
hypertension [haptnn]
N (MED) hipertenso F
hyphen [hafn]
N hfen M
hypnosis [hpnuss]
N hipnose F
hypnotic [hpntk]
ADJ hipntico
hypnotism [hpntzm]
N hipnotismo
hypnotist [hpntst]
N hipnotizador* M (F hipnotizadora)
hypnotize [hpntaz]
VT hipnotizar
hypoallergenic [hapuldnk]
ADJ hipoalergnico
hypochondriac [hapkndrk]
N hipocondraco* (hipocondraca)
hypocrisy [hpkrs]
N hipocrisia
hypocrite [hpkrt]
N hipcrita M, F
hypocritical [hpkrtkl]
ADJ hipcrita
hypodermic [hapdmk]
ADJ hipodrmico N seringa hipodrmica
hypothermia [hapma]
N hipotermia
hypotheses [hapsiz]
NPL (of hypothesis)
hypothesis [hapss] (PL hypotheses )
N hiptese F
hypothetic [haputk] hypothetical, haputkl
ADJ hipottico
hysterectomy [hstrktm]
N histerectomia
hysteria [hstr]
N histeria
hysterical [hstrkl]
ADJ 1. histrico 2. (funny) hilariante
hysterics [hstrks]
NPL 1. (nervous) crise F histrica 2. (laughter) ataque M de riso to be in or have
hysterics, ter uma crise histrica
ABBR hertz, Hz

I [a]
PRON eu ABBR island, isle, I
N ABBR International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA F
N Independent Broadcasting Authority, rgo que supervisiona as emissoras
comerciais de TV
Iberian [abrn]
ADJ ibrico
Iberian Peninsula
N the Iberian Peninsula, a pennsula Ibrica
N ABBR International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, sindicato internacional dos
i/c (BRIT)
ABBR in charge
N ABBR 1. International Chamber of Commerce 2. (US) Interstate Commerce
ice [as]
N 1. gelo 2. (ice cream) sorvete M VT 1. (cake) cobrir com glac 2. (drink) gelar VI ice
over, ice up, gelar to put sth on ice (fig) engavetar algo
ice age
N era glacial
ice axe
N picareta para o gelo
iceberg [asb]
N iceberg M this is just the tip of the iceberg, isso s a ponta do iceberg
icebox [asbks]
N 1. (US) geladeira 2. (BRIT: in fridge) congelador M 3. (insulated box) geladeira
icebreaker [asbrek*]
N navio quebra-gelo M
ice bucket
N balde M de gelo
ADJ gelado
ice cream
N sorvete M (BR) gelado (PT)
ice cube
N pedra de gelo
iced [ast]
ADJ 1. (drink) gelado 2. (cake) glaado
ice hockey
N hquei M sobre o gelo
Iceland [aslnd]
N Islndia
Icelander [aslnd*]
N islands* M (F islandesa)
Icelandic [aslndk]
ADJ islands* (islandesa) N (LING) islands M
ice lolly (BRIT)
N picol M
ice pick
N furador M de gelo
ice rink
N pista de gelo, rinque M
N patim M (para o gelo) VI patinar no gelo
N patinao F no gelo
icicle [askl]
N pingente M de gelo
icing [as]
N 1. (CULIN) glac M 2. (AVIAT etc) formao F de gelo
icing sugar (BRIT)
N acar M glac
N ABBR International Court of Justice
icon [akn]
N (gen, COMPUT) cone M
N ABBR Institute for Cancer Research
N ABBR intensive care unit, UTI F
icy [as]
ADJ 1. gelado 2. (fig) glacial, indiferente
Id [ad]
I would, I had
ID card
N identity card
N ABBR (TEL) international direct dialling, DDI F
idea [ad]
N idia good idea! boa idia!
to have an idea that ... ter a impresso de que ...
I havent the least idea, no tenho a mnima idia
ideal [adl]
N ideal M ADJ ideal
idealist [adlst]
N idealista M, F
ideally [adl]
ADV de preferncia ideally the book should have ... seria ideal que o livro tivesse
identical [adntkl]
ADJ idntico
identification [adntfken]
N identificao F means of identification, documentos pessoais
identify [adntfa]
VT identificar VI to identify with, identificar-se com
Identikit [adntkt]
N Identikit picture, retrato falado
identity [adntt]
N identidade F
identity card
N carteira de identidade
identity parade (BRIT)
N identificao F
ideological [adldkl]
ADJ ideolgico
ideology [adld]
N ideologia
idiocy [ds]
N 1. idiotice F 2. (stupid act) estupidez F
idiom [dm]
N 1. expresso F idiomtica 2. (style of speaking) idioma M, linguagem F
idiomatic [dmtk]
ADJ idiomtico
idiosyncrasy [duskrs]
N idiossincrasia
idiot [dt]
N idiota M, F
idiotic [dtk]
ADJ idiota
idle [adl]
ADJ 1. ocioso 2. (lazy) preguioso 3. (unemployed) desempregado 4. (pointless) intil,
vo* (v) VI (machine) funcionar com a transmisso desligada idle away to idle
away the time, perder or desperdiar tempo VT
idleness [adlns]
N 1. ociosidade F 2. preguia 3. (pointlessness) inutilidade F
idler [adl*]
N preguioso* (preguiosa)
idle time
N (COMM) tempo ocioso
idol [adl]
N dolo
idolize [adlaz]
VT idolatrar
idyllic [dlk]
ADJ idlico
ABBR id est, i.e. isto
if [f]
CONJ 1. (conditional use) se
Ill go if you come with me, irei se voc vier comigo
if necessary, se necessrio
if I were you, se eu fsse voc 2. (whenever) quando 3. (although) (even) if,
mesmo que
I like it, (even) if you dont, eu gosto disto, mesmo que voc no goste 4.
(whether) se 5. if so/not, sendo assim/do contrrio
if only, se pelo menos as
igloo [lu]
N iglu M
ignite [nat]
VT 1. acender 2. (set fire to) incendiar VI acender
ignition [nn]
N (AUT) ignio F to switch on/off the ignition, ligar/desligar o motor
ignition key
N (AUT) chave F de ignio
ignoble [nubl]
ADJ ignbil
ignominious [nmns]
ADJ vergonhoso, humilhante
ignoramus [nrems]
N ignorante M, F
ignorance [nrns]
N ignorncia to keep sb in ignorance of sth, deixar algum na ignorncia de algo
ignorant [nrnt]
ADJ ignorante to be ignorant of, ignorar
ignore [n*]
VT 1. (person) no fazer caso de 2. (fact) no levar em considerao, ignorar
ikon [akn]
N icon
ABBR (POST) Illinois
N ABBR International Longshoremens Association, sindicato internacional dos
N ABBR Inner London Education Authority, rgo administrador de ensino em Grande
N ABBR International Ladies Garment Workers Union, sindicato dos trabalhadores na
rea de roupa feminina
Ill [al]
I will, I shall
ill [l]
ADJ 1. doente 2. (slightly ill) indisposto 3. (bad) mau* (m) 4. (harmful) (effects) nocivo
N 1. mal M 2. (fig) desgraa ADV to speak/think ill of sb, falar/pensar mal de
algum to take or be taken ill, ficar doente
ill-advised [-dvazd]
ADJ 1. pouco recomendado 2. (misled) mal aconselhado
ADJ constrangido, pouco vontade
ill-considered [-knsdd]
ADJ (plan) imponderado
ADJ to be ill-disposed towards sb/sth, ser desfavorvel a algum/algo
illegal [lil]
ADJ ilegal
illegally [lil]
ADV ilegalmente
illegible [ldbl]
ADJ ilegvel
illegitimate [ldtmt]
ADJ ilegtimo
ADJ malfadado
ill-favoured [-fevd] ill-favored (US)
ADJ desagradvel
ill feeling
N m vontade F, rancor M
ADJ (gains etc) mal adquirido
illicit [lst]
ADJ ilcito
ADJ mal informado
illiterate [ltrt]
ADJ analfabeto
ill-mannered [-mnd]
ADJ mal-educado, grosseiro
illness [lns]
N doena
illogical [ldkl]
ADJ ilgico
ill-suited [-sutd]
ADJ (couple) desajustado he is ill-suited to the job, ele inadequado para o cargo
ill-timed [-tamd]
ADJ inoportuno
VT maltratar
N maus tratos MPL
illuminate [lumnet]
VT 1. (room, street) iluminar, clarear 2. (subject) esclarecer illuminated sign,
anncio luminoso
illuminating [lumnet]
ADJ esclarecedor
illumination [lumnen]
N iluminao F illuminations (decorative lights) luminrias FPL NPL
illusion [lun]
N iluso F to be under the illusion that ... estar com a iluso de que ...
illusive [lusv]
ADJ ilusrio
illusory [lusr]
ADJ ilusrio
illustrate [lstret]
VT 1. ilustrar 2. (subject) esclarecer 3. (point) exemplificar
illustration [lstren]
N 1. (art) ilustrao F 2. (example) exemplo 3. (explanation) esclarecimento 4. (in
book) gravura, ilustrao
illustrator [lstret*]
N ilustrador* M (F ilustradora)
illustrious [lstrs]
ADJ ilustre
ill will
N animosidade F
N ABBR International Labour Organization, OIT F
N ABBR International Longshoremens and Warehousemens Union, sindicato dos
Im [am]
I am
image [md]
N imagem F
imagery [mdr]
N imagens FPL
imaginable [mdnbl]
ADJ imaginvel, concebvel
imaginary [mdnr]
ADJ imaginrio
imagination [mdnen]
N 1. imaginao F 2. (inventiveness) inventividade F 3. (illusion) fantasia
imaginative [mdntv]
ADJ imaginativo
imagine [mdn]
VT 1. imaginar 2. (delude o.s.) fantasiar
imbalance [mblns]
N 1. desequilbrio 2. (inequality) desigualdade F
imbecile [mbsil]
N imbecil M, F
imbue [mbju]
VT to imbue sth with, imbuir or impregnar algo de
N ABBR International Monetary Fund, FMI M
imitate [mtet]
VT imitar
imitation [mten]
N 1. imitao F 2. (copy) cpia 3. (mimicry) mmica
imitator [mtet*]
N imitador* M (F imitadora)
immaculate [mkjult]
ADJ 1. impecvel 2. (REL) imaculado
immaterial [mtrl]
ADJ irrelevante it is immaterial whether ... indiferente se ...
immature [mtju*]
ADJ 1. (person, organism) imaturo 2. (fruit) verde 3. (of one's youth) juvenil
immaturity [mtjurt]
N imaturidade F
immeasurable [mrbl]
ADJ incomensurvel, imensurvel
immediacy [mids]
N 1. (of events etc) proximidade F 2. (of needs) urgncia
immediate [midt]
ADJ 1. imediato 2. (pressing) urgente, premente 3. (neighbourhood, family) prximo
immediately [midtl]
ADV (at once) imediatamente immediately next to, bem junto a
immense [mns]
ADJ 1. imenso 2. (importance) enorme
immensity [mnst]
N imensidade F
immerse [ms]
VT 1. (submerge) submergir 2. (sink) imergir, mergulhar to be immersed in (fig)
estar absorto em
immersion heater [mn-] (BRIT)
N aquecedor M de imerso
immigrant [mrnt]
N imigrante M, F
immigrate [mret]
VI imigrar
immigration [mren]
N imigrao F
immigration authorities
NPL fiscais MPL de imigrao, polcia federal
immigration laws
NPL leis FPL imigratrias
imminent [mnnt]
ADJ iminente
immobile [mubal]
ADJ imvel
immobilize [mublaz]
VT imobilizar
immoderate [mdrt]
ADJ imoderado
immodest [mdst]
ADJ 1. (indecent) indecente, impudico 2. (person) (boasting) presumido, arrogante
immoral [mrl]
ADJ imoral
immorality [mrlt]
N imoralidade F
immortal [mtl]
ADJ imortal
immortalize [mtlaz]
VT imortalizar
immovable [muvbl]
ADJ 1. (object) imvel, fixo 2. (person) inflexvel
immune [mjun]
ADJ immune to, imune a, imunizado contra
immunity [mjunt]
N 1. (MED) imunidade F 2. (COMM) iseno F diplomatic immunity, imunidade
immunization [mjunazen]
N imunizao F
immunize [mjunaz]
VT imunizar
imp [mp]
N diabinho, criana levada
impact [mpkt]
N impacto (BR) impacte M (BR)
impair [mp*]
VT prejudicar
impale [mpel]
VT perfurar, empalar
impart [mpt]
VT 1. (make known) comunicar 2. (bestow) dar
impartial [mpl]
ADJ imparcial
impartiality [mplt]
N imparcialidade F
impassable [mpsbl]
ADJ 1. (barrier, river) intransponvel 2. (road) intransitvel
impasse [mps]
N (fig) impasse M
impassioned [mpnd]
ADJ ardente, veemente
impassive [mpsv]
ADJ impassvel
impatience [mpens]
N impacincia
impatient [mpent]
ADJ impaciente to get or grow impatient, impacientar-se
impeach [mpit]
VT 1. impugnar 2. (public official) levar a juzo
impeachment [mpitmnt]
N (LAW) impeachment M
impeccable [mpkbl]
ADJ impecvel
impecunious [mpkjuns]
ADJ impecunioso, sem recursos
impede [mpid]
VT impedir, estorvar
impediment [mpdmnt]
N 1. obstculo 2. speech impediment, defeito (de fala)
impel [mpl]
VT (force) to impel sb (to do sth) impelir algum (a fazer algo)
impending [mpnd]
ADJ (near) iminente, prximo
impenetrable [mpntrbl]
ADJ 1. impenetrvel 2. (fig) incompreensvel
imperative [mprtv]
ADJ 1. (tone) imperioso, obrigatrio 2. (necessary) indispensvel 3. (pressing)
premente N (LING) imperativo
imperceptible [mpsptbl]
ADJ imperceptvel
imperfect [mpfkt]
ADJ 1. imperfeito 2. (goods etc) defeituoso N imperfect tense (LING) imperfeito
imperfection [mpfkn]
N 1. (blemish) defeito 2. (state) imperfeio F
imperial [mprl]
ADJ imperial
imperialism [mprlzm]
N imperialismo
imperil [mprl]
VT pr em perigo, arriscar
imperious [mprs]
ADJ imperioso
impersonal [mpsnl]
ADJ impessoal
impersonate [mpsnet]
VT 1. fazer-se passar por, personificar 2. (THEATRE) imitar
impersonation [mpsnen]
N 1. (LAW) impostura 2. (THEATRE) imitaco F
impersonator [mpsnet*]
N 1. impostor* M (F impostora) 2. (THEATRE) imitador* M (F imitadora)
impertinence [mptnns]
N impertinncia, insolncia
impertinent [mptnnt]
ADJ impertinente, insolente
imperturbable [mptbbl]
ADJ imperturbvel, inabalvel
impervious [mpvs]
ADJ 1. impenetrvel 2. (fig) impervious to, insensvel a
impetuous [mptjus]
ADJ impetuoso, precipitado
impetus [mpts]
N 1. mpeto 2. (fig) impulso
impinge [mpnd]
VI VT FUS to impinge on, impressionar, impingir em (affect) afetar
impish [mp]
ADJ levado, travesso
implacable [mplkbl]
ADJ implacvel, impiedoso
VT [mplnt] 1. (MED) implantar 2. (fig) inculcar N [mplnt] implante M
implausible [mplzbl]
ADJ inverossmil (BR) inverosmil (PT)
N [mplmnt] 1. instrumento, ferramenta 2. (for cooking) utenslio VT [mplmnt] 1.
efetivar 2. (carry out) realizar, executar
implicate [mplket]
VT 1. (compromise) comprometer 2. (involve) implicar, envolver
implication [mplken]
N 1. implicao F, conseqncia 2. (involvement) involvimento by implication, por
implicit [mplst]
ADJ 1. implcito 2. (complete) absoluto
implicitly [mplstl]
ADV 1. implicitamente 2. (completely) completamente
implore [mpl*]
VT (person) implorar, suplicar
imply [mpla]
VT 1. (involve) implicar 2. (mean) significar 3. (hint) dar a entender que it is implied,
se subentende
impolite [mplat]
ADJ indelicado, mal-educado
imponderable [mpndrbl]
ADJ impondervel
VT [mpt] importar N [mpt] 1. (COMM) importao F (article) mercadoria
importada 2. (meaning) significado, sentido CPD [mpt] (duty, licence etc) de
importance [mptns]
N importncia to be of great/little importance, ser de grande/pouca importncia
important [mptnt]
ADJ importante it is important that ... importante or importa que ...
its not important, no tem importncia, no importa
importantly [mptntl]
ADV but, more importantly ... mas, o que mais importante ...
importation [mpten]
N importao F
imported [mptd]
ADJ importado
importer [mpt*]
N importador* M (F importadora)
impose [mpuz]
VT impor VI to impose on sb, abusar de algum
imposing [mpuz]
ADJ imponente
imposition [mpzn]
N (of tax etc) imposio F to be an imposition on sb (person) abusar de algum
impossibility [mpsblt]
N impossibilidade F
impossible [mpsbl]
ADJ 1. impossvel 2. (situation) invivel 3. (person) insuportvel its impossible for
me to leave, -me impossvel sair, no d para eu sair (inf)
impostor [mpst*]
N impostor* M (F impostora)
impotence [mptns]
N impotncia
impotent [mptnt]
ADJ impotente
impound [mpaund]
VT confiscar
impoverished [mpvrt]
ADJ 1. empobrecido 2. (land) esgotado
impracticable [mprktkbl]
ADJ impraticvel, inexeqvel
impractical [mprktkl]
ADJ pouco prtico
imprecise [mprsas]
ADJ impreciso, inexato
impregnable [mprnbl]
ADJ 1. invulnervel 2. (castle) inexpugnvel
impregnate [mprnet]
VT 1. (gen) impregnar 2. (soak) embeber 3. (fertilize) fecundar
impresario [mprsru]
N empresrio* (empresria)
impress [mprs]
VT 1. impressionar 2. (mark) imprimir VI causar boa impresso to impress sth on
sb, inculcar algo em algum
it impressed itself on me, fiquei com isso gravado (na memria)
impression [mprn]
N 1. impresso F 2. (footprint etc) marca 3. (print run) edio F to make a good/bad
impression on sb, causar boa/m impresso em algum
to be under the impression that, estar com a impresso de que
impressionable [mprnbl]
ADJ 1. impressionvel 2. (sensitive) sensvel
impressionist [mprnst]
N impressionista M, F
impressive [mprsv]
ADJ impressionante
imprint [mprnt]
N 1. impresso F, marca 2. (PUBLISHING) nome M (da coleo)
imprinted [mprntd]
ADJ imprinted on, imprimido em (fig) gravado em
imprison [mprzn]
VT encarcerar
imprisonment [mprznmnt]
N priso F
improbable [mprbbl]
ADJ 1. improvvel 2. (story) inverossmil (BR) inverosmil (PT)
impromptu [mprmptju]
ADJ improvisado ADV de improviso
improper [mprp*]
ADJ 1. (unsuitable) imprprio 2. (dishonest) desonesto 3. (unseemly) indecoroso 4.
(indecent) indecente
impropriety [mprprat]
N 1. falta de decoro, inconvenincia 2. (indecency) indecncia 3. (of language)
impropriedade F
improve [mpruv]
VT melhorar VI 1. melhorar 2. (pupils) progredir improve on, improve upon
melhorar VT
improvement [mpruvmnt]
N 1. melhora 2. (of pupils) progresso to make improvements to, melhorar
improvisation [mprvazen]
N improvisao F
improvise [mprvaz]
VT VI improvisar
imprudence [mprudns]
N imprudncia
imprudent [mprudnt]
ADJ imprudente
impudent [mpjudnt]
ADJ insolente, impudente
impugn [mpjun]
VT impugnar, contestar
impulse [mpls]
N 1. impulso, mpeto 2. (ELEC) impulso to act on impulse, agir sem pensar or num
impulse buy
N compra por impulso
impulsive [mplsv]
ADJ impulsivo
impunity [mpjunt]
N with impunity, impunemente
impure [mpju*]
ADJ 1. (adulterated) adulterado 2. (not pure) impuro
impurity [mpjurt]
N impureza
in [n]
PREP 1. (indicating place, position) em
in the house/garden, na casa/no jardim
I have it in my hand, eu estou soft vousegurando isto
in here/there, aqui dentro/l dentro 2. (with place names) (of town, country,
region) em
in London, em Londres
in England/Japan/Canada/the United States, na Inglaterra/no Japo/no
Canad/nos Estados Unidos
in Rio, no Rio 3. (indicating time) (during) em
in spring/autumn, na primavera/no outono
in 1988 em 1988
in May, em maio
Ill see you in July, at julho
in the morning, de manh
at 4 oclock in the afternoon, s 4 da tarde 4. (indicating time) (in the space of)
I did it in 3 hours/days, fiz isto em 3 horas/dias
in 2 weeks or in 2 weeks time, daqui a 2 semanas 5. (indicating manner etc) in
a loud/soft voice, em voz alta/numa voz suave
written in pencil/ink, escrito a lpis/ caneta
in English/Portuguese, em ingls/portugus
the boy in the blue shirt, o menino de camisa azul 6. (indicating circumstances)
in the sun, ao or sob o sol
in the rain, na chuva
a rise in prices, um aumento nos preos 7. (indicating mood, state) in tears, aos
in anger/despair, com raiva/desesperado
in good condition, em boas condies
to live in luxury, viver no luxo 8. (with ratios, numbers) 1 in 10 1 em 10 1 em
cada 10
20 pence in the pound, vinte pnis numa libra
they lined up in twos, eles se alinharam dois a dois 9. (referring to people,
works) em
in (the works of) Dickens, nas obras de Dickens 10. (indicating profession etc)
to be in teaching/publishing, ser professor/trabalhar numa editora 11. (after
superl) the best pupil in the class, o melhor aluno da classe
the biggest/smallest in Europe, o maior/menor na Europa 12. (with present
participle) in saying this, ao dizer isto ADV to be in (person) (at home) estar em
casa (at work) estar no trabalho (fashion) estar na moda (ship, plane, train)
its in, chegou
is he in? ele est?
to ask sb in, convidar algum para entrar
to run/limp etc in, entrar correndo/mancando etc N the ins and outs (of
proposal, situation etc) os cantos e recantos, os pormenores
ABBR (POST) Indiana
ABBR inch(es)
inability [nblt]
N inability (to do) incapacidade F (de fazer) inability to pay, impossibilidade de
inaccessible [nkssbl]
ADJ inacessvel
inaccuracy [nkjurs]
N inexatido F, impreciso F
inaccurate [nkjurt]
ADJ inexato, impreciso
inaction [nkn]
N inao F
inactivity [nktvt]
N inatividade F
inadequacy [ndkws]
ADJ (insufficiency) insuficincia
inadequate [ndkwt]
ADJ 1. (insufficient) insuficiente 2. (unsuitable) inadequado 3. (person) imprprio
inadmissible [ndmsbl]
ADJ inadmissvel
inadvertent [ndvtnt]
ADJ (mistake) cometido sem querer
inadvertently [ndvtntl]
ADV inadvertidamente, sem querer
inadvisable [ndvazbl]
ADJ desaconselhvel, inoportuno
inane [nen]
ADJ 1. tolo 2. (fatuous) vazio
inanimate [nnmt]
ADJ inanimado
inapplicable [nplkbl]
ADJ inaplicvel
inappropriate [npruprt]
ADJ 1. inadequado 2. (word, expression) imprprio
inapt [npt]
ADJ inapto
inaptitude [npttjud]
N incapacidade F, inaptido F
inarticulate [ntkjult]
ADJ 1. (person) incapaz de expressar-se (bem) 2. (speech) inarticulado
inasmuch as [nzmt-]
ADV CONJ 1. (given that) visto que 2. (since) desde que, j que
inattention [ntnn]
N inateno F
inattentive [ntntv]
ADJ desatento
inaudible [ndbl]
ADJ inaudvel
inaugural [njurl]
ADJ (speech) inaugural (of president) de posse
inaugurate [njuret]
VT 1. inaugurar 2. (president, official) empossar
inauguration [njuren]
N 1. inaugurao F 2. (of president, official) posse F
inauspicious [nsps]
ADJ infausto
ADJ intermedirio
inborn [nbn]
ADJ 1. (feeling) inato 2. (defect) congnito
inbred [nbrd]
ADJ 1. inato 2. (family) de procriao consangnea
inbreeding [nbrid]
N endogamia
ABBR incorporated
Inca [k]
ADJ Incan, inca, incaico N inca M, F
incalculable [nklkjulbl]
ADJ incalculvel
incapability [nkepblt]
N incapacidade F
incapable [nkepbl]
ADJ incapable (of doing) incapaz (de fazer)
incapacitate [nkpstet]
VT incapacitar
incapacitated [nkpstetd]
ADJ (LAW) incapacitado
incapacity [nkpst]
N (inability) incapacidade F
incarcerate [nksret]
VT encarcerar
ADJ [nknt] encarnado, personificado VT [nknet] encarnar
incarnation [nknen]
N encarnao F
incendiary [nsndr]
ADJ incendirio N (bomb) bomba incendiria
N [nsns] incenso VT [nsns] (anger) exasperar, enraivecer
incense burner
N incensrio
incentive [nsntv]
N incentivo, estmulo
incentive scheme
N plano de incentivos
inception [nspn]
N comeo, incio
incessant [nssnt]
ADJ incessante, contnuo
incessantly [nssntl]
ADV constantemente
incest [nsst]
N incesto
inch [nt]
N polegada (= 25 mm; 12 in a foot) to be within an inch of, estar a um passo de
he didnt give an inch, ele no cedeu nem um milmetro inch forward
avanar palmo a palmo VI
inch tape (BRIT)
N fita mtrica
incidence [nsdns]
N (of crime, disease) incidncia
incident [nsdnt]
N 1. incidente M, evento 2. (in book) episdio
incidental [nsdntl]
ADJ 1. acessrio, no essencial 2. (unplanned) acidental, casual incidental
expenses, despesas FPL adicionais
incidentally [nsdntl]
ADV (by the way) a propsito
incidental music
N msica de cena or de fundo
incinerate [nsnret]
VT incinerar
incinerator [nsnret*]
N incinerador M
incipient [nspnt]
ADJ incipiente
incision [nsn]
N inciso F
incisive [nsasv]
ADJ 1. (mind) penetrante, perspicaz 2. (tone) mordaz, sarcstico 3. (remark etc)
incisor [nsaz*]
N incisivo
incite [nsat]
VT 1. (rioters) incitar 2. (violence) provocar
ABBR including, inclusive (of)
inclement [nklmnt]
ADJ (weather) inclemente
inclination [nklnen]
N 1. (tendency) tendncia 2. (disposition) inclinao F
N [nklan] inclinao F, ladeira VT [nklan] 1. (slope) inclinar 2. (head) curvar, inclinar
VI [nklan] inclinar-se to be inclined to (tend) tender a, ser propenso a (be
willing) estar disposto a
include [nklud]
VT incluir the service is/is not included, o servio est/no est includo
including [nklud]
PREP inclusive including tip, gorjeta includa
inclusion [nklun]
N incluso F
inclusive [nklusv]
ADJ includo, incluso ADV inclusive inclusive of, incluindo
50 inclusive of all surcharges, 50, includas todas as sobretaxas
inclusive terms (BRIT)
NPL preo global
incognito [nknitu]
ADV incgnito
incoherent [nkuhrnt]
ADJ incoerente
income [km]
N 1. (earnings) renda, rendimentos MPL 2. (unearned) renda 3. (profit) lucro
gross/net income, renda bruta/lquida
income and expenditure account, conta de receitas e despesas
income bracket
N faixa salarial
income tax
N imposto de renda (BR) imposto complementar (PT)
income tax inspector
N fiscal M, F do imposto de renda
income tax return
N declarao F do imposto de renda
incoming [nkm]
ADJ 1. (flight, passenger) de chegada 2. (mail) de entrada 3. (government, tenant)
novo incoming tide, mar enchente
incommunicado [nkmjunkdu]
ADJ incomunicvel
incomparable [nkmprbl]
ADJ incomparvel
incompatible [nkmptbl]
ADJ incompatvel
incompetence [nkmptns]
N incompetncia
incompetent [nkmptnt]
ADJ incompetente
incomplete [nkmplit]
ADJ 1. incompleto 2. (unfinished) por terminar
incomprehensible [nkmprhnsbl]
ADJ incompreensvel
inconceivable [nknsivbl]
ADJ inconcebvel
inconclusive [nknklusv]
ADJ 1. inconclusivo 2. (argument) pouco convincente
incongruous [nkrus]
ADJ 1. (foolish) ridculo, absurdo 2. (situation, figure) incongruente 3. (remark, act)
inconsequential [nknskwnl]
ADJ sem importncia
inconsiderable [nknsdrbl]
ADJ not inconsiderable, importante
inconsiderate [nknsdrt]
ADJ sem considerao how inconsiderate of him! que falta de considerao (de
sua parte)!
inconsistency [nknsstns]
N inconsistncia
inconsistent [nknsstnt]
ADJ inconsistente inconsistent with (beliefs) incompatvel com
inconsolable [nknsulbl]
ADJ inconsolvel
inconspicuous [nknspkjus]
ADJ 1. modesto, discreto 2. (more intensely) (modest) modesto to make o.s.
inconspicuous, no chamar a ateno
inconstant [nknstnt]
ADJ inconstante
incontinence [nkntnns]
N incontinncia
incontinent [nkntnnt]
ADJ incontinente
incontrovertible [nkntrvtbl]
ADJ incontestvel
inconvenience [nknvinjns]
N 1. (quality) inconvenincia 2. (problem) inconveniente M VT incomodar dont
inconvenience yourself, no se incomode
inconvenient [nknvinjnt]
ADJ 1. inconveniente, incmodo 2. (time, place) inoportuno that time is very
inconvenient for me, esse horrio me muito inconveniente
incorporate [nkpret]
VT 1. incorporar 2. (contain) compreender 3. (add) incluir
incorporated company [nkpretd-] (US)
N sociedade F annima
incorrect [nkrkt]
ADJ incorreto
incorrigible [nkrdbl]
ADJ incorrigvel
incorruptible [nkrptbl]
ADJ 1. incorruptvel 2. (not open to bribes) insubornvel
N [nkris] aumento VI [nkris] VT aumentar an increase of 5% um aumento de 5%
to be on the increase, estar em crescimento or alta
increasing [nkris]
ADJ (number) crescente, em aumento
increasingly [nkrisl]
ADV 1. (more intensely) progressivamente 2. (more often) cada vez mais
incredible [nkrdbl]
ADJ 1. inacreditvel 2. (enormous) incrvel
incredulous [nkrdjuls]
ADJ incrdulo
increment [nkrmnt]
N aumento, incremento
incriminate [nkrmnet]
VT incriminar
incriminating [nkrmnet]
ADJ incriminador* (incriminadora)
incrust [nkrst]
VT encrust
incubate [nkjubet]
VT VI incubar
incubation [nkjuben]
N incubao F
incubation period
N perodo de incubao
incubator [nkjubet*]
N 1. incubadora 2. (for eggs) chocadeira
inculcate [nklket]
VT to inculcate sth in sb, inculcar algo a algum
incumbent [nkmbnt]
N titular M, F ADJ it is incumbent on him to ... cabe a ele ...
incur [nk*]
VT 1. incorrer em 2. (expenses) contrair
incurable [nkjurbl]
ADJ 1. incurvel 2. (fig) irremedivel
incursion [nkn]
N incurso F
indebted [ndtd]
ADJ to be indebted to sb, estar em dvida com algum, dever obrigao a algum
indecency [ndisns]
N indecncia
indecent [ndisnt]
ADJ indecente
indecent assault (BRIT)
N atentado contra o pudor
indecent exposure
N exibio F obscena, exibicionismo
indecipherable [ndsafrbl]
ADJ indecifrvel
indecision [ndsn]
N indeciso F
indecisive [ndsasv]
ADJ 1. indeciso 2. (discussion) inconcludente, sem resultados
indeed [ndid]
ADV 1. de fato 2. (certainly) certamente 3. (furthermore) alis yes indeed! claro que
indefatigable [ndftbl]
ADJ incansvel
indefensible [ndfnsbl]
ADJ indefensvel
indefinable [ndfanbl]
ADJ indefinvel
indefinite [ndfnt]
ADJ 1. indefinido 2. (uncertain) impreciso 3. (period, number) indeterminado
indefinitely [ndfntl]
ADV (wait) indefinidamente
indelible [ndlbl]
ADJ indelvel
indelicate [ndlkt]
ADJ 1. (tactless) inbil 2. (not polite) indelicado, rude
indemnify [ndmnfa]
VT indenizar, compensar
indemnity [ndmnt]
N 1. (insurance) garantia, seguro 2. (compensation) indenizao F
indent [ndnt]
VT (text) recolher VI to indent for sth (COMM) encomendar algo
indentation [ndnten]
N 1. entalhe M, recorte M 2. (TYP) pargrafo, recuo
indenture [ndnt*]
N contrato de aprendizagem
independence [ndpndns]
N independncia
Independence Day
independent [ndpndnt]
ADJ 1. independente 2. (business, school) privado 3. (inquiry) imparcial to become
independent, tornar-se independente
independently [ndpndntl]
ADV independentemente
indescribable [ndskrabbl]
ADJ indescritvel
indestructible [ndstrktbl]
ADJ indestrutvel
indeterminate [ndtmnt]
ADJ indeterminado
index [ndks] (PL indexes )
N 1. (in book) ndice M 2. (in library etc) catlogo 3. ((PL indices ndsiz )) (ratio,
sign) ndice M, expoente M
index card
N ficha de arquivo
indexed [ndkst] (US)
ADJ index-linked
index finger
N dedo indicador
index-linked [-lkt] (BRIT)
ADJ vinculado ao ndice (do custo de vida)
India [nd]
N ndia
Indian [ndn]
ADJ N 1. (from India) indiano* (indiana) 2. (American, Brazilian) ndio* (ndia) Red
Indian, ndio* pele vermelha (ndia)
Indian ink
N tinta nanquim
Indian Ocean
N the Indian Ocean, o oceano ndico
Indian summer
N (fig) veranico
India paper
N papel M da China
India rubber
N borracha
indicate [ndket]
VT 1. (show) sugerir 2. (point to) indicar 3. (mention) mencionar VI (BRIT AUT) to
indicate left/right, indicar para a esquerda/direita
indication [ndken]
N indcio, sinal M
indicative [ndktv]
ADJ indicativo N (LING) indicativo to be indicative of sth, ser sintomtico de algo
indicator [ndket*]
N 1. indicador M 2. (AUT) pisca-pisca M
indices [ndsiz]
NPL (of index)
indict [ndat]
VT acusar
indictable [ndatbl]
ADJ (person) culpado indictable offence, crime sujeito s penas da lei
indictment [ndatmnt]
N acusao F, denncia
indifference [ndfrns]
N indiferena
indifferent [ndfrnt]
ADJ 1. indiferente 2. (quality) medocre
indigenous [nddns]
ADJ indgena, nativo
indigestible [nddstbl]
ADJ indigesto
indigestion [nddstn]
N indigesto F
indignant [ndnnt]
ADJ to be indignant about sth/with sb, estar indignado com algo/algum, indignar-
se de algo/algum
indignation [ndnen]
N indignao F
indignity [ndnt]
N 1. indignidade F 2. (insult) ultraje M, afronta
indigo [ndu]
ADJ cor de anil N anil M
indirect [ndrkt]
ADJ indireto
indirectly [ndrktl]
ADV indiretamente
indiscreet [ndskrit]
ADJ 1. indiscreto 2. (rash) imprudente
indiscretion [ndskrn]
N 1. indiscrio F 2. imprudncia
indiscriminate [ndskrmnt]
ADJ indiscriminado
indispensable [ndspnsbl]
ADJ indispensvel, imprescindvel
indisposed [ndspuzd]
ADJ (unwell) indisposto
indisposition [ndspzn]
N (illness) mal-estar M, indisposio F
indisputable [ndspjutbl]
ADJ incontestvel
indistinct [ndstkt]
ADJ 1. indistinto 2. (memory, noise) confuso, vago
indistinguishable [ndstwbl]
ADJ indistinguvel
individual [ndvdjul]
N indivduo ADJ 1. individual 2. (personal) pessoal 3. (characteristic) particular
individualist [ndvdjulst]
N individualista M, F
individuality [ndvdjult]
N individualidade F
individually [ndvdjul]
ADV individualmente, particularmente
indivisible [ndvzbl]
ADJ indivisvel
Indo-China [ndu-]
N Indochina
indoctrinate [ndktrnet]
VT doutrinar
indoctrination [ndktrnen]
N doutrinao F
indolent [ndlnt]
ADJ indolente, preguioso
Indonesia [ndniz]
N Indonsia
Indonesian [ndnizn]
ADJ indonsio N 1. indonsio* (indonsia) 2. (LING) indonsio
indoor [nd*]
ADJ 1. (inner) interno, interior 2. (inside) dentro de casa 3. (swimming pool) coberto 4.
(games, sport) de salo
indoors [ndz]
ADV 1. em lugar fechado 2. (at home) em casa
indubitable [ndjubtbl]
ADJ indubitvel
induce [ndjus]
VT 1. (MED) induzir 2. (bring about) causar, produzir 3. (provoke) provocar to
induce sb to do sth, induzir algum a fazer algo
inducement [ndjusmnt]
N (incentive) incentivo
induct [ndkt]
VT instalar
induction [ndkn]
N (MED) (of birth) induo F
induction course (BRIT)
N curso de induo
indulge [ndld]
VT 1. (desire) satisfazer 2. (whim) condescender com 3. (person) comprazer 4. (child)
fazer a vontade de VI to indulge in, entregar-se a, satisfazer-se com
indulgence [ndldns]
N 1. (of desire) satisfao F 2. (leniency) indulgncia, tolerncia
indulgent [ndldnt]
ADJ indulgente
industrial [ndstrl]
ADJ 1. industrial 2. (injury) de trabalho 3. (dispute) trabalhista
industrial action
N greve F
industrial design
N desenho industrial
industrial estate (BRIT)
N zona industrial
industrialist [ndstrlst]
N industrial M, F
industrialize [ndstrlaz]
VT industrializar
industrial park (US)
N industrial estate
industrial relations
NPL relaes FPL industriais
industrial tribunal (BRIT)
N tribunal M do trabalho
industrial unrest (BRIT)
N agitao F operria
industrious [ndstrs]
ADJ 1. trabalhador* (trabalhadora) 2. (student) aplicado
industry [ndstr]
N 1. indstria 2. (diligence) aplicao F, diligncia
inebriated [nibretd]
ADJ embriagado, bbado
inedible [ndbl]
ADJ no-comestvel
ineffective [nfktv]
ADJ ineficaz
ineffectual [nfktul]
ADJ ineffective
inefficiency [nfns]
N ineficincia
inefficient [nfnt]
ADJ ineficiente
inelegant [nlnt]
ADJ deselegante
ineligible [nldbl]
ADJ (candidate) inelegvel to be ineligible for sth, no estar qualificado para algo
inept [npt]
ADJ inepto
ineptitude [npttjud]
N inpcia, incompetncia
inequality [nkwlt]
N desigualdade F
inequitable [nkwtbl]
ADJ injusto, inquo
ineradicable [nrdkbl]
ADJ inerradicvel
inert [nt]
ADJ 1. inerte 2. (immobile) imvel
inertia [n]
N 1. inrcia 2. (laziness) lerdeza
inertia-reel seat belt
N cinto de segurana retrtil
inescapable [nskepbl]
ADJ inevitvel
inessential [nsnl]
ADJ desnecessrio
inestimable [nstmbl]
ADJ inestimvel, incalculvel
inevitable [nvtbl]
ADJ 1. inevitvel 2. (necessary) foroso, necessrio
inevitably [nvtbl]
ADV inevitavelmente
inexact [nzkt]
ADJ inexato
inexcusable [nkskjuzbl]
ADJ imperdovel, indesculpvel
inexhaustible [nzstbl]
ADJ inesgotvel, inexaurvel
inexorable [nksrbl]
ADJ inexorvel
inexpensive [nkspnsv]
ADJ barato, econmico
inexperience [nksprns]
N inexperincia, falta de experincia
inexperienced [nksprnst]
ADJ inexperiente
inexplicable [nksplkbl]
ADJ inexplicvel
inexpressible [nksprsbl]
ADJ inexprimvel
inextricable [nkstrkbl]
ADJ inextricvel
inextricably [nkstrkbl]
ADV (linked) inextricavelmente
infallibility [nflblt]
N infalibilidade F
infallible [nflbl]
ADJ infalvel
infamous [nfms]
ADJ infame, abominvel
infamy [nfm]
N infmia
infancy [nfns]
N infncia
infant [nfnt]
N 1. (baby) beb M 2. (young child) criana
infantile [nfntal]
ADJ 1. infantil 2. (pej) acrianado
infant mortality
N mortalidade F infantil
infantry [nfntr]
N infantaria
infantryman [nfntrmn]
N IRREG soldado de infantaria
infant school (BRIT)
N pr-escola
infatuated [nftjuetd]
ADJ infatuated with, apaixonado por
infatuation [nftjuen]
N gamao F, paixo F louca
infect [nfkt]
VT 1. (wound) infeccionar, infetar 2. (person) contagiar 3. (food) contaminar 4. (fig pej)
corromper, contaminar infected with (illness) contagiado por
to become infected (wound) infeccionar(-se) infetar(-se)
infection [nfkn]
N 1. infeco F 2. (fig) contgio
infectious [nfks]
ADJ 1. contagioso 2. (fig) infeccioso
infer [nf*]
VT deduzir, inferir
inference [nfrns]
N deduo F, inferncia
inferior [nfr*]
ADJ 1. inferior 2. (goods) de qualidade inferior N 1. inferior M, F 2. (in rank) subalterno*
(subalterna) to feel inferior, sentir-se inferior
inferiority [nfrrt]
N inferioridade F
inferiority complex
N complexo de inferioridade
infernal [nfnl]
ADJ infernal
infernally [nfnl]
ADV (very) muito
inferno [nfnu]
N 1. inferno 2. (fig) inferno de chamas
infertile [nftal]
ADJ 1. infrtil 2. (person, animal) estril
infertility [nftlt]
N 1. infertilidade F 2. (of person, animal) esterilidade F
infested [nfstd]
ADJ infested (with) infestado (de) assolado (por)
infidelity [nfdlt]
N infidelidade F
N lutas FPL internas, conflitos MPL internos
infiltrate [nfltret]
VT (troops etc) infiltrar-se em VI infiltrar-se
infinite [nfnt]
ADJ 1. infinito 2. (time, money) ilimitado
infinitely [nfntl]
ADV infinitamente
infinitesimal [nfntsml]
ADJ infinitsimo
infinitive [nfntv]
N infinitivo
infinity [nfnt]
N 1. (also) (MATH) infinito 2. (an infinity) infinidade F
infirm [nfm]
ADJ enfermo, fraco
infirmary [nfmr]
N enfermaria, hospital M
infirmity [nfmt]
N 1. fraqueza 2. (illness) enfermidade F, achaque M
inflame [nflem]
VT inflamar
inflamed [nflemd]
ADJ inflamado
inflammable [nflmbl] (BRIT)
ADJ inflamvel
inflammation [nflmen]
N inflamao F
inflammatory [nflmtr]
ADJ (speech) incendirio
inflatable [nfletbl]
ADJ inflvel
inflate [nflet]
VT 1. (tyre, balloon) inflar, encher 2. (price) inflar
inflated [nfletd]
ADJ 1. (style) empolado, pomposo 2. (value) excessivo
inflation [nflen]
N (ECON) inflao F
inflationary [nflenr]
ADJ inflacionrio
inflexible [nflksbl]
ADJ inflexvel
inflict [nflkt]
VT to inflict sth on sb, infligir algo em algum (tax etc) impor algo a algum
infliction [nflkn]
N imposio F, inflio F
ADJ 1. (refuelling) em vo 2. (movie) exibido durante o vo 3. (service) de bordo
inflow [nflu]
N afluncia
influence [nfluns]
N influncia VT 1. influir em, influenciar 2. (persuade) persuadir under the influence
of alcohol, sob o efeito do lcool
influential [nflunl]
ADJ influente
influenza [nflunz]
N gripe F
influx [nflks]
N 1. (of refugees) afluxo 2. (of funds) influxo
infomercial [nfuml] (US)
N (for product) infomercial M
inform [nfm]
VT to inform sb of sth, informar algum de algo (warn) avisar algum de algo
(communicate) comunicar algo a algum VI to inform on sb, delatar algum to
inform sb about, informar algum sobre
informal [nfml]
ADJ 1. informal 2. (visit, discussion) extra-oficial 3. (intimate) familiar ``dress
informal ``traje de passeio
informality [nfmlt]
N 1. falta de cerimnia 2. (intimacy) intimidade F 3. (familiarity) familiaridade F 4.
(ease) informalidade F
informally [nfml]
ADV 1. sem formalidade 2. (unofficially) no oficialmente
informant [nfmnt]
N 1. informante M, F 2. (to police) delator* M (F delatora)
information [nfmen]
N 1. informao F, informaes FPL 2. (news) notcias FPL 3. (knowledge)
conhecimento a piece of information, uma informao
for your information, para a sua informao, para o seu governo
information bureau
N balco M de informaes
information office
N escritrio de informaes
information processing
N processamento de informaes
information retrieval
N recuperao F de informaes
information technology
N informtica
informative [nfmtv]
ADJ informativo
informed [nfmd]
ADJ informado an informed guess, um palpite baseado em conhecimento dos fatos
informer [nfm*]
N delator* M (F delatora)
infra dig [nfr-] (inf)
ADJ ABBR infra dignitatem, abaixo da minha (or sua etc) dignidade
infra-red [nfr-]
ADJ infravermelho
infrastructure [nfrstrkt*]
N infra-estrutura
infrequent [nfrikwnt]
ADJ infreqente
infringe [nfrnd]
VT infringir, transgredir VI to infringe on, violar
infringement [nfrndmnt]
N 1. transgresso F 2. (of rights) violao F 3. (SPORT) infrao F
infuriate [nfjuret]
VT enfurecer, enraivecer
infuriating [nfjuret]
ADJ de dar raiva, enfurecedor* (enfurecedora)
infuse [nfjuz]
VT to infuse sb with sth (fig) inspirar or infundir algo em algum
infusion [nfjun]
N (tea etc) infuso F
ingenious [ndinjs]
ADJ engenhoso
ingenuity [ndnjut]
N engenho, habilidade F
ingenuous [ndnjus]
ADJ ingnuo
ingot [t]
N lingote M
ingrained [nrend]
ADJ arraigado, enraizado
ingratiate [nreet]
VT to ingratiate o.s. with, cair nas (boas) graas de
ingratiating [nreet]
ADJ insinuante
ingratitude [nrttjud]
N ingratido F
ingredient [nridnt]
N 1. ingrediente M 2. (of situation) fator M
ingrowing toenail [nru-]
N unha encravada
ingrown toenail [nrun-]
N ingrowing toenail
inhabit [nhbt]
VT 1. habitar 2. (occupy) ocupar
inhabitable [nhbtbl]
ADJ habitvel
inhabitant [nhbtnt]
N habitante M, F
inhale [nhel]
VT inalar VI (in smoking) aspirar
inherent [nhrnt]
ADJ inherent in or to, inerente a
inherently [nhrntl]
ADV inerentemente, em si
inherit [nhrt]
VT herdar
inheritance [nhrtns]
N 1. herana 2. (fig) patrimnio
inhibit [nhbt]
VT inibir to inhibit sb from doing sth, impedir algum de fazer algo
inhibited [nhbtd]
ADJ inibido
inhibiting [nhbt]
ADJ constrangedor* (constrangedora)
inhibition [nhbn]
N inibio F
inhospitable [nhsptbl]
ADJ 1. (person) inospitaleiro 2. (place) inspito
inhuman [nhjumn]
ADJ inumano, desumano
inhumane [nhjumen]
ADJ desumano
inimitable [nmtbl]
ADJ inimitvel
iniquity [nkwt]
N 1. iniqidade F 2. (injustice) injustia
initial [nl]
ADJ 1. inicial 2. (first) primeiro N inicial F VT marcar com iniciais initials 1. (of name)
iniciais FPL 2. (abbreviation) abreviatura, sigla NPL
initialize [nlaz]
VT (COMPUT) inicializar
initially [nl]
ADV 1. inicialmente, no incio 2. (first) primeiramente
initiate [net]
VT 1. (start) iniciar, comear 2. (person) iniciar to initiate sb into a secret, revelar
um segredo a algum
to initiate proceedings against sb (LAW) abrir um processo contra algum
initiation [nen]
N 1. (into secret etc) iniciao F 2. (beginning) comeo, incio
initiative [ntv]
N iniciativa to take the initiative, tomar a iniciativa
inject [ndkt]
VT 1. (liquid, fig) (money) injetar 2. (person) dar uma injeo em 3. (fig) (put in)
injection [ndkn]
N injeo F to have an injection, tomar uma injeo
injudicious [nduds]
ADJ imprudente
injunction [ndkn]
N injuno F, ordem F
injure [nd*]
VT 1. ferir 2. (damage) (reputation etc) prejudicar 3. (offend) ofender, magoar to
injure o.s. ferir-se
injured [ndd]
ADJ 1. (person, leg) ferido 2. (feelings) ofendido, magoado injured party (LAW)
parte F lesada
injurious [ndurs]
ADJ injurious (to) prejudicial (a)
injury [ndr]
N 1. ferida 2. (wrong) dano, prejuzo to escape without injury, escapar ileso
injury time
N (SPORT) desconto
injustice [ndsts]
N injustia to do sb an injustice, fazer mau juzo de algum
ink [k]
N tinta
ink-jet printer
N impressora a tinta
inkling [kl]
N 1. suspeita 2. (idea) to have an inkling of, ter uma vaga idia de
ink pad
N almofada de tinta
inky [k]
ADJ manchado de tinta
inlaid [nled]
ADJ 1. (with gems) incrustado 2. (table etc) marchetado
ADJ [nlnd] interior, interno ADV [nlnd] para o interior inland waterways,
hidrovias FPL
Inland Revenue (BRIT)
N fisco, receita federal (BR)
NPL sogros MPL
inlet [nlt]
N 1. (GEO) enseada, angra 2. (TECH) entrada
inlet pipe
N tubo de admisso
inmate [nmet]
N 1. (in prison) presidirio* (presidiria) 2. (in asylum) internado* (internada)
inmost [nmust]
ADJ mais ntimo
inn [n]
N hospedaria, taberna
innards [nd] (inf)
NPL entranhas FPL
innate [net]
ADJ inato
inner [n*]
ADJ 1. (place) interno 2. (feeling) interior
inner city
N aglomerao F urbana, metrpole F
innermost [nmust]
ADJ mais ntimo
inner tube
N (of tyre) cmara de ar
innings [nz]
N 1. (SPORT) turno 2. (BRIT fig) hes had a good innings, ele aproveitou bem a vida
innocence [nsns]
N inocncia
innocent [nsnt]
ADJ inocente
innocuous [nkjus]
ADJ incuo
innovation [nuven]
N inovao F, novidade F
innuendo [njundu] (PL innuendoes )
N insinuao F, indireta
innumerable [njumrbl]
ADJ incontvel
inoculate [nkjulet]
VT to inoculate sb with sth, inocular algo em algum to inoculate sb against sth,
vacinar algum contra algo
inoculation [nkjulen]
N inoculao F, vacinao F
inoffensive [nfnsv]
ADJ inofensivo
inopportune [nptjun]
ADJ inoportuno
inordinate [ndnt]
ADJ desmesurado, excessivo
inordinately [ndntl]
ADV desmedidamente, excessivamente
inorganic [nnk]
ADJ inorgnico
N paciente M interno* (F paciente interna)
input [nput]
N 1. (information, COMPUT) entrada 2. (resources) investimento VT (COMPUT) entrar
inquest [nkwst]
N 1. inqurito policial 2. (coroner's) inqurito judicial
inquire [nkwa*]
VI pedir informao VT (ask) perguntar to inquire about, pedir informaes sobre
to inquire when/where/whether, perguntar quando/onde/se inquire after
(person) perguntar por VT inquire into investigar, indagar VT
inquiring [nkwar]
ADJ 1. (mind) inquiridor* (inquiridora) 2. (look) interrogativo
inquiry [nkwar]
N 1. pergunta 2. (LAW) investigao F, inqurito 3. (commission) comisso F de
inqurito to hold an inquiry into sth, realizar uma investigao sobre algo
inquiry desk (BRIT)
N balco M de informaes
inquiry office (BRIT)
N seo F de informaes
inquisition [nkwzn]
N 1. inqurito 2. (REL) the Inquisition, a Inquisio
inquisitive [nkwztv]
ADJ 1. (curious) curioso, perguntador* (perguntadora) 2. (prying) indiscreto,
inroads [nrudz]
NPL to make inroads into (savings, supplies) consumir parte de
ABBR inches
in [n]
PREP 1. (indicating place, position) em
in the house/garden, na casa/no jardim
I have it in my hand, eu estou soft vousegurando isto
in here/there, aqui dentro/l dentro 2. (with place names) (of town, country,
region) em
in London, em Londres
in England/Japan/Canada/the United States, na Inglaterra/no Japo/no
Canad/nos Estados Unidos
in Rio, no Rio 3. (indicating time) (during) em
in spring/autumn, na primavera/no outono
in 1988 em 1988
in May, em maio
Ill see you in July, at julho
in the morning, de manh
at 4 oclock in the afternoon, s 4 da tarde 4. (indicating time) (in the space of)
I did it in 3 hours/days, fiz isto em 3 horas/dias
in 2 weeks or in 2 weeks time, daqui a 2 semanas 5. (indicating manner etc) in
a loud/soft voice, em voz alta/numa voz suave
written in pencil/ink, escrito a lpis/ caneta
in English/Portuguese, em ingls/portugus
the boy in the blue shirt, o menino de camisa azul 6. (indicating circumstances)
in the sun, ao or sob o sol
in the rain, na chuva
a rise in prices, um aumento nos preos 7. (indicating mood, state) in tears, aos
in anger/despair, com raiva/desesperado
in good condition, em boas condies
to live in luxury, viver no luxo 8. (with ratios, numbers) 1 in 10 1 em 10 1 em
cada 10
20 pence in the pound, vinte pnis numa libra
they lined up in twos, eles se alinharam dois a dois 9. (referring to people,
works) em
in (the works of) Dickens, nas obras de Dickens 10. (indicating profession etc)
to be in teaching/publishing, ser professor/trabalhar numa editora 11. (after
superl) the best pupil in the class, o melhor aluno da classe
the biggest/smallest in Europe, o maior/menor na Europa 12. (with present
participle) in saying this, ao dizer isto ADV to be in (person) (at home) estar em
casa (at work) estar no trabalho (fashion) estar na moda (ship, plane, train)
its in, chegou
is he in? ele est?
to ask sb in, convidar algum para entrar
to run/limp etc in, entrar correndo/mancando etc N the ins and outs (of
proposal, situation etc) os cantos e recantos, os pormenores
insane [nsen]
ADJ 1. louco, doido 2. (MED) demente, insano
insanitary [nsntr]
ADJ insalubre
insanity [nsnt]
N 1. loucura 2. (MED) insanidade F, demncia
insatiable [nsebl]
ADJ insacivel
inscribe [nskrab]
VT 1. inscrever 2. (book etc) to inscribe (to sb) dedicar (a algum)
inscription [nskrpn]
N 1. inscrio F 2. (in book) dedicatria
inscrutable [nskrutbl]
ADJ inescrutvel, impenetrvel
inseam measurement [nsim-] (US)
N altura de entrepernas
insect [nskt]
N inseto
insect bite
N picada de inseto
insecticide [nsktsad]
N inseticida M
insect repellent
N repelente M contra insetos, insetfugo
insecure [nskju*]
ADJ inseguro
insecurity [nskjurt]
N insegurana
insemination [nsmnen]
N artificial insemination, inseminao F artificial
insensible [nsnsbl]
ADJ 1. impassvel, insensvel 2. (unconscious) inconsciente
insensitive [nsnstv]
ADJ insensvel
insensitivity [nsnstvt]
N insensibilidade F
inseparable [nsprbl]
ADJ inseparvel
VT [nst] 1. (between things) intercalar 2. (into sth) introduzir, inserir 3. (in paper)
publicar (advert) pr N [nst] folha solta
insertion [nsn]
N 1. insero F 2. (publication) publicao F 3. (of pages) matria inserida
ADJ 1. (training) contnuo 2. (course) de aperfeioamento, de reciclagem
inshore [n*]
ADJ perto da costa, costeiro ADV 1. (be) perto da costa 2. (move) em direo costa
inside [nsad]
N 1. interior M 2. (lining) forro 3. (of road) (in Britain) lado esquerdo (da estrada) (in
US, Europe etc) lado direito (da estrada) ADJ 1. interior, interno 2. (secret) secreto
ADV 1. (be) dentro 2. (go) para dentro 3. (inf: in prison) na priso PREP 1. dentro de
2. (of time) inside 10 minutes, em menos de 10 minutos insides (inf) entranhas
FPL NPL the inside story, a verdade sobre os fatos
inside forward
N (SPORT) centro avante
inside information
N informao F privilegiada
inside lane
N (AUT) (in Britain) pista da esquerda (in US, Europe etc) pista da direita
inside leg measurement (BRIT)
N altura de entrepernas
inside out
ADV 1. s avezzas 2. (know) muito bem to turn sth inside out out, virar algo pelo
insider [nsad*]
N iniciado* (iniciada)
insider dealing
N (STOCK EXCHANGE) uso de informaes privilegiadas
insidious [nsds]
ADJ 1. insidioso 2. (underground) clandestino
insight [nsat]
N 1. (into situation) insight M 2. (quality) discernimento an insight into sth, uma
idia de algo
insignia [nsn]
N INV insgnias FPL
insignificant [nsnfknt]
ADJ insignificante
insincere [nsns*]
ADJ insincero
insincerity [nsnsrt]
N insinceridade F
insinuate [nsnjuet]
VT insinuar
insinuation [nsnjuen]
N 1. insinuao F 2. (hint) indireta
insipid [nspd]
ADJ 1. inspido, insosso 2. (person) sem graa
insist [nsst]
VI insistir to insist on doing, insistir em fazer (stubbornly) teimar em fazer
to insist that, insistir que (claim) cismar que
insistence [nsstns]
N 1. insistncia 2. (stubbornness) teimosia
insistent [nsstnt]
ADJ 1. insistente, pertinaz 2. (continual) persistente
insole [nsul]
N palmilha
insolence [nslns]
N insolncia, atrevimento
insolent [nslnt]
ADJ insolente, atrevido
insoluble [nsljubl]
ADJ insolvel
insolvency [nslvns]
N insolvncia
insolvent [nslvnt]
ADJ insolvente
insomnia [nsmn]
N insnia
insomniac [nsmnk]
N insone M, F
inspect [nspkt]
VT 1. inspecionar 2. (building) vistoriar 3. (BRIT: tickets) fiscalizar 4. (troops) passar
revista em
inspection [nspkn]
N 1. inspeo F 2. (of building) vistoria 3. (BRIT: of tickets) fiscalizao F
inspector [nspkt*]
N 1. inspetor* M (F inspetora) 2. (BRIT: on buses, trains) fiscal M
inspiration [nspren]
N inspirao F
inspire [nspa*]
VT inspirar
inspired [nspad]
ADJ (writer, book etc) inspirado in an inspired moment, num momento de
inspiring [nspar]
ADJ inspirador* (inspiradora)
inst. (BRIT)
ABBR (COMM) instant
instability [nstblt]
N instabilidade F
install [nstl]
VT 1. instalar 2. (official) nomear
installation [nstlen]
N instalao F
installment [nstlmnt] (US)
N instalment
instalment [nstlmnt] (BRIT)
N 1. (of money) prestao F 2. (of story) fascculo 3. (of TV serial etc) captulo in
instalments (pay) a prestaes (receive) em vrias vezes
installment plan (US)
N credirio
instance [nstns]
N 1. (example) exemplo 2. (case) caso for instance, por exemplo
in many instances, em muitos casos
in that instance, naquele caso
in the first instance, em primeiro lugar
instant [nstnt]
N instante M, momento ADJ 1. imediato 2. (coffee) instantneo of the 10th instant
BRIT (BRIT) (COMM) de 10 do corrente
instantaneous [nstntens]
ADJ instantneo
instantly [nstntl]
ADV imediatamente
instant messaging
N sistema M de mensagens instantneas
instant replay (US)
N (TV) replay M
instead [nstd]
ADV em vez disso instead of, em vez de, em lugar de
instep [nstp]
N 1. peito do p 2. (of shoe) parte F de dentro
instigate [nstet]
VT 1. (rebellion, strike) fomentar 2. (new ideas) suscitar
instigation [nsten]
N instigao F at sbs instigation, por incitao de algum
instil [nstl]
VT to instil sth (into) infundir or incutir algo (em)
instinct [nstkt]
N instinto
instinctive [nstktv]
ADJ instintivo
instinctively [nstktvl]
ADV por instinto, instintivamente
institute [nsttjut]
N 1. instituto 2. (professional body) associao F VT 1. (inquiry) comear, iniciar 2.
(proceedings) instituir, estabelecer
institution [nsttjun]
N 1. instituio F 2. (beginning) incio 3. (organization) instituto 4. (MED) (home) asilo
5. (asylum) manicmio 6. (custom) costume M
institutional [nsttjunl]
ADJ institucional
instruct [nstrkt]
VT to instruct sb in sth, instruir algum em or sobre algo to instruct sb to do sth,
dar instrues a algum para fazer algo
instruction [nstrkn]
N (teaching) instruo F instructions ordens FPL NPL instructions (for use) modo
de usar
instruction book
N livro de instrues
instructive [nstrktv]
ADJ instrutivo
instructor [nstrkt*]
N instrutor* M (F instrutora)
instrument [nstrumnt]
N instrumento
instrumental [nstrumntl]
ADJ (MUS) instrumental to be instrumental in, contribuir para
instrumentalist [nstrumntlst]
N instrumentalista M, F
instrument panel
N painel M de instrumentos
insubordinate [nsbdnt]
ADJ insubordinado
insubordination [nsbdnen]
N insubordinao F
insufferable [nsfrbl]
ADJ insuportvel
insufficient [nsfnt]
ADJ insuficiente
insufficiently [nsfntl]
ADV insuficientemente
insular [nsjul*]
ADJ 1. insular 2. (outlook) estreito 3. (person) de mente limitada
insulate [nsjulet]
VT 1. isolar 2. (protect) (person, group) segregar
insulating tape [nsjulet-]
N fita isolante
insulation [nsjulen]
N isolamento
insulin [nsjuln]
N insulina
N [nslt] 1. insulto 2. (offence) ofensa VT [nslt] insultar, ofender
insulting [nslt]
ADJ insultante, ofensivo
insuperable [nsjuprbl]
ADJ insupervel
insurance [nurns]
N seguro fire/life insurance, seguro contra incndio/de vida
to take out insurance (against) segurar-se or fazer seguro (contra)
insurance agent
N agente M, F de seguros
insurance broker
N corretor* M de seguros (F corretora)
insurance company
N seguradora
insurance policy
N aplice F de seguro
insurance premium
N prmio de seguro
insure [nu*]
VT segurar to insure sb/sbs life, segurar algum/a vida de algum
to be insured for 5000 estar segurado em 5000
insured [nud]
N the insured, o segurado* (oa segurada)
insurer [nur*]
N 1. (person) segurador* M (F seguradora) 2. (company) seguradora
insurgent [nsdnt]
ADJ N insurgente M, F
insurmountable [nsmauntbl]
ADJ insupervel
insurrection [nsrkn]
N insurreio F
intact [ntkt]
ADJ 1. intacto, ntegro 2. (unharmed) ileso, so e salvo
intake [ntek]
N 1. (TECH) entrada, tomada (pipe) tubo de entrada 2. (of food) quantidade F ingerida
3. (BRIT SCH) an intake of 200 a year, 200 matriculados por ano
intangible [ntndbl]
ADJ intangvel
integral [ntrl]
ADJ 1. (whole) integral, total 2. (part) integrante, essencial
integrate [ntret]
VT integrar VI integrar-se
integrated circuit [ntretd-]
N (COMPUT) circuito integrado
integration [ntren]
N integrao F racial integration, integrao racial
integrity [ntrt]
N integridade F, honestidade F, retido F
intellect [ntlkt]
N 1. intelecto 2. (cleverness) inteligncia
intellectual [ntlktjul]
ADJ N intelectual M, F
intelligence [ntldns]
N 1. inteligncia 2. (MIL etc) informaes FPL
intelligence quotient
N quociente M de inteligncia
intelligence service
N servio de informaes
intelligence test
N teste M de inteligncia
intelligent [ntldnt]
ADJ inteligente
intelligently [ntldntl]
ADV inteligentemente
intelligentsia [ntldnts]
N the intelligentsia, a intelligentsia
intelligible [ntldbl]
ADJ inteligvel, compreensvel
intemperate [ntmprt]
ADJ 1. imoderado 2. (with alcohol) intemperado
intend [ntnd]
VT (gift etc) to intend sth for, destinar algo a to intend to do sth, tencionar or
pretender fazer algo (plan) planejar fazer algo
intended [ntndd]
ADJ 1. (effect) desejado 2. (insult) intencional N noivo* (noiva)
intense [ntns]
ADJ 1. intenso 2. (person) muito emotivo
intensely [ntnsl]
ADV 1. intensamente 2. (very) extremamente
intensify [ntnsfa]
VT 1. intensificar 2. (increase) aumentar
intensity [ntnst]
N 1. intensidade F 2. (of emotion) fora, veemncia
intensive [ntnsv]
ADJ intensivo
intensive care
N to be in intensive care, estar na UTI
intensive care unit
N unidade F de tratamento intensivo
intent [ntnt]
N inteno F ADJ 1. (absorbed) absorto 2. (attentive) atento to all intents and
purposes, para todos os efeitos
to be intent on doing sth, estar resolvido a fazer algo
intention [ntnn]
N inteno F, propsito
intentional [ntnnl]
ADJ intencional, propositado
intentionally [ntnnl]
ADV de propsito
intently [ntntl]
ADV atentamente
inter [nt*]
VT enterrar
interact [ntrkt]
VI interagir
interaction [ntrkn]
N interao F, ao F recproca
interactive [ntrktv]
ADJ interativo
intercede [ntsid]
VI to intercede (with sb/on behalf of sb) interceder (junto a algum/em favor de
intercept [ntspt]
VT 1. interceptar 2. (person) deter
interception [ntspn]
N 1. interceptao F 2. (of person) deteno F
N [nttend] 1. intercmbio 2. (exchange) troca, permuta 3. (on motorway) trevo VT
[nttend] intercambiar, trocar
interchangeable [nttendbl]
ADJ permutvel
intercity [ntst] intercity train
N expresso
intercom [ntkm]
N interfone M
interconnect [ntknkt]
VI interligar
intercontinental [ntkntnntl]
ADJ intercontinental
intercourse [ntks]
N (social) relacionamento sexual intercourse, relaes FPL sexuais
interdependent [ntdpndnt]
ADJ interdependente
interest [ntrst]
N 1. interesse M 2. (COMM) (sum of money) juros MPL (in company) participao F VT
interessar to be interested in, interessar-se por, estar interessado em
compound/simple interest, juros compostos/simples
British interests in the Middle East, os interesses britnicos no Oriente Mdio
interested [ntrstd]
ADJ interessado to be interested in, interessar-se por, estar interessado em
ADJ sem juros
interesting [ntrst]
ADJ interessante
interest rate
N taxa de juros
interface [ntfes]
N (COMPUT) interface F
interfere [ntf*]
VI to interfere in (quarrel, other people's business) interferir or intrometer-se em to
interfere with (objects) mexer em (hinder) impedir (plans) interferir
dont interfere, no se meta
interference [ntfrns]
N 1. intromisso F 2. (RADIO TV) interferncia
interfering [ntfr]
ADJ intrometido
interim [ntrm]
ADJ interino, provisrio N in the interim, neste nterim, nesse meio tempo
interior [ntr*]
N interior M ADJ 1. interno 2. (ministry) do interior
interior decorator
N decorador* M (F decoradora) arquiteto* de interiores (arquiteta)
interior designer
N arquiteto* de interiores (arquiteta)
interject [ntdkt]
VT inserir, interpor
interjection [ntdkn]
N 1. interrupo F 2. (LING) interjeio F, exclamao F
interlock [ntlk]
VI 1. entrelaar-se 2. (wheels etc) engatar-se, engrenar-se VT engrenar
interloper [ntlup*]
N intruso* (intrusa)
interlude [ntlud]
N 1. interldio 2. (rest) descanso 3. (THEATRE) intervalo
intermarry [ntmr]
VI ligar-se por casamento
intermediary [ntmidr]
N intermedirio* (intermediria)
intermediate [ntmidt]
ADJ intermedirio
interminable [ntmnbl]
ADJ interminvel
intermission [ntmn]
N intervalo
intermittent [ntmtnt]
ADJ 1. intermitente 2. (publication) peridico
intermittently [ntmtntl]
ADV intermitentemente, a intervalos
VT [ntn] 1. internar 2. (enclose) encerrar N [ntn] (US) mdico-interno/mdica-
internal [ntnl]
ADJ interno internal injuries, ferimentos MPL internos
internally [ntnl]
ADV interiormente ``not to be taken internally ``uso externo
Internal Revenue , Internal Revenue Service (US)
N fisco, receita federal (BR)
international [ntnnl]
ADJ internacional N (BRIT SPORT) (game) jogo internacional (player) jogador* M
internacional (F jogadora)
International Atomic Energy Agency
N Agncia Internacional de Energia Atmica
International Court of Justice
N Corte F Internacional de Justia
international date line
N linha internacional de mudana de data
internationally [ntnnl]
ADV internacionalmente
International Monetary Fund
N Fundo Monetrio Internacional
internecine [ntnisan]
ADJ mutuamente destrutivo
internee [ntni]
N internado* (internada)
Internet [ntnet]
N the Internet, a Internet
Internet caf
N cibercaf M
Internet Service Provider
N provedor de acesso Internet
internment [ntnmnt]
N internamento
interplay [ntple]
N interao F
Interpol [ntpl]
N Interpol M
interpret [ntprt]
VT 1. interpretar 2. (translate) traduzir VI interpretar
interpretation [ntprten]
N 1. interpretao F 2. (translation) traduo F
interpreter [ntprt*]
N intrprete M, F
interpreting [ntprt]
N (profession) interpretao F
interrelated [ntrletd]
ADJ inter-relacionado
interrogate [ntruet]
VT interrogar
interrogation [ntren]
N interrogatrio
interrogative [ntrtv]
ADJ interrogativo N (LING) interrogativo
interrogator [ntret*]
N interrogador* M (F interrogadora)
interrupt [ntrpt]
VT VI interromper
interruption [ntrpn]
N interrupo F
intersect [ntskt]
VT cruzar VI (roads) cruzar-se
intersection [ntskn]
N 1. interseco F 2. (of roads) cruzamento
intersperse [ntsps]
VT entremear to intersperse with, entremear com or de
intertwine [nttwan]
VT entrelaar VI entrelaar-se
interval [ntvl]
N 1. intervalo 2. (BRIT SCH) recreio (THEATRE SPORT) intervalo sunny intervals
(in weather) perodos de melhoria
at intervals, a intervalos
intervene [ntvin]
VI 1. intervir 2. (event) ocorrer 3. (time) decorrer
intervention [ntvnn]
N interveno F
interview [ntvju]
N entrevista VT entrevistar
interviewee [ntvjui]
N entrevistado* (entrevistada)
interviewer [ntvju*]
N entrevistador* M (F entrevistadora)
intestate [ntstet]
ADJ intestado
intestinal [ntstnl]
ADJ intestinal
intestine [ntstn]
N intestino large/small intestine, intestino grosso/delgado
intimacy [ntms]
N intimidade F
ADJ [ntmt] 1. ntimo 2. (knowledge) profundo VT [ntmet] insinuar, sugerir
intimately [ntmtl]
ADV intimamente
intimation [ntmen]
N insinuao F, sugesto F
intimidate [ntmdet]
VT amedrontar
intimidation [ntmden]
N intimidao F
into [ntu]
PREP 1. em 2. (indicating motion or direction) em
come into the house/garden, venha para dentro/o jardim
go into town, ir para a cidade
he got into the car, ele entrou na carro
throw it into the fire, jogue isto na fogueira
research into cancer, pesquisa sobre o cncer
he worked late into the night, ele trabalhou at altas horas
the car bumped into the wall, o carro bateu no muro
she poured tea into the cup, ela botou o ch na xcara 3. (indicating change of
condition, result) she burst into tears, ela desatou a chorar
he was shocked into silence, ele ficou mudo de choque
into 3 pieces/French, em 3 pedaos/para o francs
they got into trouble, eles se deram mal
intolerable [ntlrbl]
ADJ intolervel, insuportvel
intolerance [ntlrns]
N intolerncia
intolerant [ntlrnt]
ADJ intolerant (of) intolerante (com or para com)
intonation [ntunen]
N entonao F, inflexo F
intoxicate [ntksket]
VT embriagar
intoxicated [ntksketd]
ADJ embriagado
intoxication [ntksken]
N intoxicao F, embriaguez F
intractable [ntrktbl]
ADJ 1. (child, illness) intratvel 2. (material) difcil de trabalhar 3. (problem) espinhoso
intranet [ntrnet]
N intranet F
intransigent [ntrnsdnt]
ADJ intransigente
intransitive [ntrnstv]
ADJ intransitivo
intra-uterine device [ntrjutran-]
N dispositivo intra-uterino
intravenous [ntrvins]
ADJ intravenoso
N cesta para correspondncia de entrada
intrepid [ntrpd]
ADJ intrpido
intricacy [ntrks]
N complexidade F
intricate [ntrkt]
ADJ complexo, complicado
intrigue [ntri]
N intriga VT intrigar VI fazer intriga
intriguing [ntri]
ADJ intrigante
intrinsic [ntrnsk]
ADJ intrnseco
introduce [ntrdjus]
VT introduzir to introduce sb (to sb) apresentar algum (a algum)
to introduce sb to (pastime, technique) iniciar algum em
may I introduce ...? permita-me apresentar ...
introduction [ntrdkn]
N 1. introduo F 2. (of person) apresentao F a letter of introduction, uma carta
de recomendao
introductory [ntrdktr]
ADJ introdutrio introductory remarks, observaes preliminares
introductory offer, oferta de lanamento
introspection [ntruspkn]
N introspeco F
introspective [ntruspktv]
ADJ introspectivo
introvert [ntruvt]
N introvertido* (introvertida) ADJ introverted, introvertido
intrude [ntrud]
VI to intrude (on or into) intrometer-se (em)
intruder [ntrud*]
N intruso* (intrusa)
intrusion [ntrun]
N intromisso F
intrusive [ntrusv]
ADJ intruso
intuition [ntjun]
N intuio F
intuitive [ntjutv]
ADJ intuitivo
inundate [nndet]
VT to inundate with, inundar de
inure [nju*]
VT to inure (to) habituar (a)
invade [nved]
VT invadir
invader [nved*]
N invasor* M (F invasora)
N [nvld] invlido* (invlida) ADJ [nvld] (not valid) invlido, nulo
invalidate [nvldet]
VT invalidar, anular
invalid chair [nvld-] (BRIT)
N cadeira de rodas
invaluable [nvljubl]
ADJ valioso, inestimvel
invariable [nvrbl]
ADJ invarivel
invariably [nvrbl]
ADV invariavelmente she is invariably late, ela sempre chega atrasada
invasion [nven]
N invaso F
invective [nvktv]
N invectiva
inveigle [nvil]
VT to inveigle sb into (doing) sth, aliciar algum para (fazer) algo
invent [nvnt]
VT inventar
invention [nvnn]
N 1. inveno F 2. (inventiveness) engenho 3. (lie) fico F, mentira
inventive [nvntv]
ADJ engenhoso
inventiveness [nvntvns]
N engenhosidade F, inventiva
inventor [nvnt*]
N inventor* M (F inventora)
inventory [nvntr]
N inventrio, relao F
inventory control
N (COMM) controle M de estoques
inverse [nvs]
ADJ N inverso in inverse proportion to, em proporo inversa a
inversely [nvsl]
ADV inversamente
invert [nvt]
VT inverter
invertebrate [nvtbrt]
N invertebrado
inverted commas [nvtd-] (BRIT)
NPL aspas FPL
invest [nvst]
VT 1. investir 2. (endow) to invest sb with sth, conferir algo a algum, investir
algum de algo VI investir to invest in, investir em (acquire) comprar
investigate [nvstet]
VT 1. investigar 2. (study) estudar, examinar
investigation [nvsten]
N investigao F
investigative journalism [nvsttv-]
N jornalismo de investigao
investigator [nvstet*]
N investigador* M (F investigadora) private investigator, detetive particular
investiture [nvstt*]
N investidura
investment [nvstmnt]
N investimento
investment income
N rendimento de investimentos
investment trust
N fundo mtuo
investor [nvst*]
N investidor* M (F investidora)
inveterate [nvtrt]
ADJ inveterado
invidious [nvds]
ADJ 1. injusto 2. (task) desagradvel
invigilate [nvdlet] (BRIT)
VT fiscalizar VI fiscalizar o exame
invigilator [nvdlet*]
N fiscal M, F (de exame)
invigorating [nvret]
ADJ revigorante
invincible [nvnsbl]
ADJ invencvel
inviolate [nvalt]
ADJ inviolado
invisible [nvzbl]
ADJ invisvel
invisible assets (BRIT)
NPL ativo intangvel
invisible ink
N tinta invisvel
invisible mending
N cerzidura
invitation [nvten]
N convite M by invitation only, estritamente mediante convite
at sbs invitation, a convite de algum
invite [nvat]
VT 1. convidar 2. (opinions etc) solicitar, pedir 3. (trouble) pedir to invite sb to do,
convidar algum para fazer
to invite sb to dinner, convidar algum para jantar invite out convidar or
chamar para sair VT invite over chamar VT
inviting [nvat]
ADJ convidativo
invoice [nvs]
N fatura VT faturar to invoice sb for goods, faturar mercadorias em nome de
invoke [nvuk]
VT 1. invocar 2. (aid) implorar 3. (law) apelar para
involuntary [nvlntr]
ADJ involuntrio
involve [nvlv]
VT 1. (entail) implicar 2. (require) exigir to involve sb (in) envolver algum (em)
involved [nvlvd]
ADJ 1. envolvido 2. (emotionally) comprometido 3. (complex) complexo to be/get
involved in sth, estar/ficar envolvido em algo
involvement [nvlvmnt]
N 1. envolvimento 2. (obligation) compromisso
invulnerable [nvlnrbl]
ADJ invulnervel
inward [nwd]
ADJ 1. (movement) interior, interno 2. (thought, feeling) ntimo ADV para dentro
inwardly [nwdl]
ADV (feel, think etc) para si, para dentro
inwards [nwdz]
ADV para dentro
ABBR (COMPUT) input/output, E/S, I/O
N ABBR International Olympic Committee, COI M
iodine [audin]
N iodo
ion [an]
N on M, io M (PT)
Ionian Sea [aunn-]
N the Ionian Sea, o mar Inico
iota [aut]
N (fig) pouquinho, tiquinho
N ABBR I owe you, vale M
ABBR Isle of Wight
N ABBR International Phonetic Alphabet, AFI M
N ABBR intelligence quotient, QI M
N ABBR 1. Irish Republican Army, IRA M 2. (US) individual retirement account
Iran [rn]
N Ir M (BR) Iro M (PT)
Iranian [renn]
ADJ iraniano N 1. iraniano* (iraniana) 2. (LING) iraniano
Iraq [rk]
N Iraque M
Iraqi [rk]
ADJ N iraquiano* (iraquiana)
irascible [rsbl]
ADJ irascvel
irate [aret]
ADJ irado, enfurecido
Ireland [alnd]
N Irlanda Republic of Ireland, Repblica da Irlanda
iris [ars] (PL irises )
N ris F
Irish [ar]
ADJ irlands* (irlandesa) N (LING) irlands M the Irish os irlandeses NPL
Irishman [armn]
N IRREG irlands M
Irish Sea
N the Irish Sea, o mar da Irlanda
Irishwoman [arwumn]
N IRREG irlandesa
irk [k]
VT aborrecer
irksome [ksm]
ADJ aborrecido
N ABBR Independent Radio News, agncia de notcias radiofnicas
N ABBR International Refugee Organization
iron [an]
N 1. ferro 2. (for clothes) ferro de passar roupa ADJ de ferro VT (clothes) passar
irons (chains) grilhes MPL NPL iron out 1. (crease) tirar 2. (fig) (problem)
resolver VT
Iron Curtain
N the Iron Curtain, a cortna de ferro
iron foundry
N fundio F
ironic [arnk] ironical, arnkl
ADJ irnico
ironically [arnkl]
ADV ironicamente
ironing [an]
N 1. (activity) passar roupa 2. (clothes) roupa passada 3. (to be ironed) roupa a ser
ironing board
N tbua de passar roupa
ironmonger [anm*] (BRIT)
N ferreiro* (ferreira)
ironmongers , ironmongers shop (BRIT)
N loja de ferragens
iron ore
N minrio de ferro
ironworks [anwks]
N siderrgica
irony [arn]
N ironia the irony of it is that ... o irnico que ...
irrational [rnl]
ADJ irracional
irreconcilable [rknsalbl]
ADJ 1. (disagreement) irreconcilivel 2. (ideas) incompatvel
irredeemable [rdimbl]
ADJ (COMM) irresgatvel
irrefutable [rfjutbl]
ADJ irrefutvel
irregular [rjul*]
ADJ 1. irregular 2. (surface) desigual 3. (illegal) ilegal
irregularity [rjulrt]
N 1. irregularidade F 2. (of surface) desigualdade F
irrelevance [rlvns]
N irrelevncia
irrelevant [rlvnt]
ADJ irrelevante
irreligious [rlds]
ADJ irreligioso
irreparable [rprbl]
ADJ irreparvel
irreplaceable [rplesbl]
ADJ insubstituvel
irrepressible [rprsbl]
ADJ irreprimvel, irrefrevel
irreproachable [rprutbl]
ADJ irrepreensvel
irresistible [rzstbl]
ADJ irresistvel
irresolute [rzlut]
ADJ irresoluto
irrespective [rspktv]
ADJ PREP irrespective of, independente de, sem considerar
irresponsible [rspnsbl]
ADJ (act, person) irresponsvel
irretrievable [rtrivbl]
ADJ 1. (object) irrecupervel 2. (loss, damage) irreparvel
irreverent [rvrnt]
ADJ irreverente, desrespeitoso
irrevocable [rvkbl]
ADJ irrevogvel
irrigate [ret]
VT irrigar
irrigation [ren]
N irrigao F
irritable [rtbl]
ADJ 1. irritvel 2. (mood) de mal humor, nervoso
irritate [rtet]
VT irritar
irritating [rtet]
ADJ irritante
irritation [rten]
N irritao F
N ABBR Internal Revenue Service
is [z]
VB be
N ABBR International Standard Book Number, ISBN M
N ABBR Integrated Services Digital Network, RDSI F, ISDN F
Islam [zlm]
N islamismo
Islamic [zlmk]
ADJ islmico* (islmica)
island [alnd]
N 1. ilha 2. traffic island, abrigo
islander [alnd*]
N ilhu/ilhoa M, F
isle [al]
N ilhota, ilha
isnt [znt]
is not
isolate [aslet]
VT isolar
isolated [asletd]
ADJ isolado
isolation [aslen]
N isolamento
isolationism [aslenzm]
N isolacionismo
isotope [asutup]
N istopo
N ABBR Internet Service Provider, ISP M
Israel [zrel]
N Israel
Israeli [zrel]
ADJ N israelense M, F
issue [sju]
N 1. questo F, tema M 2. (outcome) resultado 3. (of book) edio F 4. (of stamps)
emisso F 5. (of newspaper etc) nmero 6. (offspring) sucesso F, descendncia VT
1. (rations, equipment) distribuir 2. (orders) dar 3. (certificate) emitir 4. (decree)
promulgar 5. (book) publicar 6. (cheques, banknotes, stamps) emitir VI to issue
from (smell, liquid) emanar de at issue, em debate
to avoid the issue, contornar o problema
to take issue with sb (over sth) discordar de algum (sobre algo)
to make an issue of sth, criar caso com algo
to confuse or obscure the issue, complicar as coisas
Istanbul [stnbul]
N Istambul
isthmus [sms]
N istmo
it [t]
PRON 1. (specific) (subject) ele/ela (direct object) o* (a) (indirect object) lhe
its on the table, est em cima da mesa
I cant find it, no consigo ach-lo
give it to me, d-mo
about/from it, sobre/de isto
did you go to it? (party, concert etc) voc foi? 2. (impers) isto, isso (after prep)
ele, ela
its raining, est chovendo BR or a chover PT
its cold today, est frio hoje
its Friday tomorrow, amanh sexta-feira
its six oclock/the 10th of August, so seis horas/ hoje (dia) 10 de agosto
who is it? - its me, quem ? - sou eu
N ABBR information technology
N ABBR initial teaching alphabet, alfabeto modificado utilizado na alfabetizao
Italian [tljn]
ADJ italiano N 1. italiano* (italiana) 2. (LING) italiano
italic [tlk]
ADJ itlico
italics [tlks]
NPL itlico
Italy [tl]
N Itlia
itch [t]
N comicho F, coceira VI 1. (person) estar com or sentir comicho or coceira 2. (part
of body) comichar, coar Im itching to do sth, estou louco para fazer algo
itching [t]
N comicho F, coceira
itchy [t]
ADJ que coa to be itchy, to itch
itd [td]
it would, it had
item [atm]
N 1. item M 2. (on agenda) assunto 3. (in programme) nmero 4. news item, notcia
items of clothing, artigos de vesturio
itemize [atmaz]
VT detalhar, especificar
itinerant [tnrnt]
ADJ itinerante
itinerary [atnrr]
N itinerrio
itll [tl]
it will, it shall
N ABBR Independent Television News, agncia de notcias televisivas
its [ts]
ADJ seu/sua, dele/dela PRON o seu* sua (o sea), o dele* dela (o dela)
its [ts]
it is, it has
itself [tslf]
PRON 1. (reflexive) si mesmo* (si mesma) 2. (emphatic) ele mesmo/ela mesma
N ABBR Independent Television, canal de televiso comercial
N ABBR intra-uterine device, DIU M
Ive [av]
I have
ivory [avr]
N 1. marfim M 2. (colour) cor F de marfim
Ivory Coast
N Costa do Marfim
ivory tower
N (fig) torre F de marfim
ivy [av]
N hera
Ivy League (US)
N as grandes faculdades Harvard, Yale, Princeton etc do nordeste dos EUA

J , j [de]
N (letter) J, j M J for Jack BRIT or Jig US (BRIT) (US) J de Jos
N ABBR judge advocate
ABBR joint account
jab [db]
VT 1. (elbow) cutucar 2. (punch) esmurrar, socar N 1. cotovelada, murro 2. (MED inf)
injeo F to jab sth into sth, cravar algo em algo
jabber [db*]
VT VI tagarelar
jack [dk]
N 1. (AUT) macaco 2. (BOWLS) bola branca 3. (CARDS) valete M jack in (inf) largar
VT jack up 1. (AUT) levantar com macaco 2. (raise) (prices) aumentar VT
jackal [dkl]
N chacal M
jackass [dks]
N (fig) burro
jackdaw [dkd]
N gralha
jacket [dkt]
N 1. jaqueta, casaco curto 2. (of boiler etc) capa, forro 3. (of book) sobrecapa
potatoes in their jackets BRIT (BRIT) batatas com casca
N caixa de surpresas
N canivete M VI the lorry jack-knifed, o reboque do caminho deu uma guinada
N pau M para toda obra, homem M dos sete instrumentos
jack plug
N pino
jackpot [dkpt]
N bolada, sorte F grande
jacuzzi [dkuz]
N jacuzzi M, banheira de hidromassagem
jade [ded]
N (stone) jade M
jaded [dedd]
ADJ 1. (tired) cansado 2. (fed-up) aborrecido, amolado
N ABBR Judge Advocate General
jagged [dd]
ADJ dentado, denteado
jaguar [dju*]
N jaguar M
jail [del]
N priso F, cadeia VT encarcerar
jailbird [delbd]
N criminoso inveterado
jailbreak [delbrek]
N fuga da priso
jailer [del*]
N carcereiro
jalopy [dlp] (inf)
N calhambeque M
jam [dm]
N 1. gelia 2. traffic jam, engarrafamento 3. (inf: difficulty) apuro VT 1. (passage etc)
obstruir, atravancar 2. (mechanism) emperrar 3. (RADIO) bloquear, interferir VI
(mechanism, drawer etc) emperrar to get sb out of a jam (inf) tirar algum de
uma enrascada
to jam sth into sth, forar algo dentro de algo
the telephone lines are jammed, as linhas telefnicas esto congestionadas
Jamaica [dmek]
N Jamaica
Jamaican [dmekn]
ADJ N jamaicano* M (F jamaicana)
jamb [dm]
N umbral M
ADJ jam-packed (with) abarrotado (de)
jam session
N jam session M
ABBR January, jan
jangle [dl]
VI soar estridentemente
janitor [dnt*]
N 1. (caretaker) zelador M 2. (doorman) porteiro
January [dnjur]
N janeiro July
Japan [dpn]
N Japo M
Japanese [dpniz]
ADJ japons* (japonesa) N INV 1. japons* M (F japonesa) 2. (LING) japons M
jar [d*]
N 1. (container, glass) (large) jarro 2. (glass) (small) pote M VI 1. (sound) ranger, chiar
2. (colours) destoar VT (shake) abalar
jargon [dn]
N jargo M
jarring [dr]
ADJ (sound, colour) destoante
ABBR James
jasmin , jasmine [dzmn]
N jasmim M
jaundice [dnds]
N ictercia
jaundiced [dndst]
ADJ (fig) (unenthusiastic) desanimado (embittered) amargurado, despeitado
(disillusioned) desiludido
jaunt [dnt]
N excurso F
jaunty [dnt]
ADJ 1. alegre, jovial 2. (step) enrgico
Java [dv]
N Java (no article)
javelin [dvln]
N dardo de arremesso
jaw [d]
N mandbula, maxilar M
jawbone [dbun]
N osso maxilar, maxila
jay [de]
N gaio
jaywalker [dewk*]
N pedestre M, F imprudente (BR) peo M imprudente (PT)
jazz [dz]
N jazz M jazz up (liven up) animar, avivar VT
jazz band
N banda de jazz
jazzy [dz]
ADJ 1. (of jazz) jazzstico 2. (bright) de cor berrante
N ABBR Joint Chiefs of Staff
N ABBR Doctor of Laws, ttulo universitrio, Justice Department, ministrio da Justia
jealous [dls]
ADJ 1. ciumento 2. (envious) invejoso to be jealous, estar com cimes
jealously [dlsl]
ADV 1. (enviously) invejosamente 2. (guard) zelosamente
jealousy [dls]
N 1. cimes MPL 2. (envy) inveja
jeans [dinz]
NPL jeans M (BR) jeans MPL (PT)
jeep [dip]
N jipe M
jeer [d*]
VI to jeer (at) (boo) vaiar (mock) zombar (de)
jeering [dr]
ADJ vaiador* (vaiadora) N vaias FPL
jeers [dz]
NPL 1. (boos) vaias FPL 2. (mocking) zombarias FPL
jelly [dl]
N (jam) gelia
jellyfish [dlf]
N INV gua-viva
jeopardize [dpdaz]
VT arriscar, pr em perigo
jeopardy [dpd]
N to be in jeopardy, estar em perigo, estar correndo risco
jerk [dk]
N 1. (jolt) solavanco, sacudida 2. (wrench) puxo M 3. (inf: idiot) babaca M VT sacudir
VI (vehicle) dar um solavanco
jerkin [dkn]
N jaqueta
jerky [dk]
ADJ espasmdico, aos arrancos
jerry-built [dr-]
ADJ mal construdo
jerry can [dr-]
N lata
Jersey [dz]
N Jersey (no article)
jersey [dz]
N 1. suter M (BR) camisola (PT) 2. (fabric) jrsei M, malha
Jerusalem [druslm]
N Jerusalm
Jerusalem artichoke
N topinambo
jest [dst]
N gracejo, brincadeira in jest, de brincadeira
jester [dst*]
N (HISTORY) bobo
Jesus [dizs] Jesus Christ
N Jesus M (Cristo)
jet [dt]
N 1. (of gas, liquid) jato 2. (AVIAT) (avio M a) jato 3. (stone) azeviche M
ADJ da cor do azeviche
jet engine
N motor M a jato
jet lag
N cansao devido diferena de fuso horrio
jetsam [dtsm]
N objetos MPL alijados ao mar
jettison [dtsn]
VT alijar
jetty [dt]
N quebra-mar M, cais M
Jew [du]
N judeu* M (F judia)
jewel [dul]
N 1. jia 2. (in watch) rubi M
jeweller [dul*] jeweler (US)
N joalheiro* (joalheira)
jewellers , jewellers shop
N joalheria
jewellery [dulr] jewelry (US)
N jias FPL, pedrarias FPL
Jewess [dus]
N (offensive) judia
Jewish [du]
ADJ judeu/judia
N ABBR John Fitzgerald Kennedy International Airport
jib [db]
N 1. (NAUT) bujarrona 2. (of crane) lana VI (horse) empacar to jib at doing sth,
relutar em fazer algo
jibe [dab]
N gibe
jiffy [df] (inf)
N in a jiffy, num instante
jig [d]
N jiga
jigsaw [ds]
N 1. jigsaw puzzle, quebra-cabea M 2. (tool) serra de vaivm
jilt [dlt]
VT dar o fora em
jingle [dl]
N (for advert) msica de propaganda VI tilintar, retinir
jingoism [duzm]
N jingosmo
jinx [dks] (inf)
N caipora, p M frio
jitters [dtz] (inf)
NPL to get the jitters, ficar muito nervoso
jittery [dtr] (inf)
ADJ nervoso
jiu-jitsu [dudtsu]
N jiu-jtsu M
job [db]
N 1. trabalho 2. (task) tarefa 3. (duty) dever M 4. (post) emprego 5. (inf: difficulty)
youll have a job to do that, no vai ser fcil voc fazer isso its not my job,
no faz parte das minhas funes
a part-time/full-time job, um trabalho de meio-expediente/de tempo integral
its a good job that ... ainda bem que ...
just the job! justo o que queria!
jobber [db*] (BRIT)
N (STOCK EXCHANGE) operador* M intermedirio* (F operadora intermediria)
jobbing [db] (BRIT)
ADJ (workman) tarefeiro, pago por tarefa
job centre [dbsnt*]
N agncia de emprego
job creation scheme
N plano para a criao de empregos
job description
N descrio F do cargo
jobless [dbls]
ADJ desempregado
job lot
N lote M (de mercadorias variadas)
job satisfaction
N satisfao F profissional
job security
N estabilidade F de emprego
job specification
N especificao F do cargo
jockey [dk]
N jquei M VI to jockey for position, manobrar para conseguir uma posio
jockey box (US)
N (AUT) porta-luvas M INV
jocular [dkjul*]
ADJ 1. (remark) jocoso, divertido 2. (person) alegre
jog [d]
VT empurrar, sacudir VI (run) fazer jogging or cooper to jog sbs memory, refrescar
a memria de algum jog along ir levando VI
jogger [d*]
N corredor* M (F corredora) praticante M, F de jogging
jogging [d]
N jogging M
join [dn]
VT 1. (things) juntar, unir 2. (queue) entrar 3. (become member of) associar-se a 4.
(meet) encontrar-se com 5. (accompany) juntar-se a VI (roads, rivers) confluir N
juno F will you join us for dinner? voc janta conosco?
Ill join you later, vou me encontrar com voc mais tarde
to join forces (with) associar-se (com) join in 1. participar 2. participar em VI
join up 1. unir-se 2. (MIL) alistar-se VI
joiner [dn*] (BRIT)
N marceneiro
joinery [dnr]
N marcenaria
joint [dnt]
N 1. (TECH) junta, unio F 2. (wood) encaixe M 3. (ANAT) articulao F 4. (BRIT
CULIN) quarto 5. (inf: place) espelunca (marijuana cigarette) baseado ADJ 1.
(common) comum 2. (combined) conjunto 3. (committee) misto by joint
agreement, por comum acordo
joint responsibility, co-responsabilidade F
joint account
N conta conjunta
jointly [dntl]
ADV 1. em comum 2. (collectively) coletivamente 3. (together) conjuntamente
joint ownership
N co-propriedade F, condomnio
joint-stock company
N sociedade F annima por aes
joint venture
N joint venture M
joist [dst]
N barrote M
joke [duk]
N 1. piada 2. practical joke, brincadeira, pea VI brincar to play a joke on, pregar
uma pea em
joker [duk*]
N 1. piadista M, F, brincalho* M (F brincalhona) 2. (CARDS) curingo M
joking [duk]
N brincadeira
jollity [dlt]
N alegria
jolly [dl]
ADJ 1. (merry) alegre 2. (enjoyable) divertido ADV (BRIT inf) muito, extremamente VT
(BRIT) to jolly sb along, animar algum jolly good! BRIT (BRIT) excelente!
jolt [dult]
N 1. (shake) sacudida, solavanco 2. (shock) susto VT 1. sacudir 2. (emotionally) abalar
Jordan [ddn]
N 1. Jordnia 2. (river) Jordo M
Jordanian [ddenn]
ADJ N jordaniano* (jordaniana)
joss stick [ds-]
N palito perfumado
jostle [dsl]
VT acotovelar, empurrar
jot [dt]
N not one jot, nem um pouquinho jot down anotar VT
jotter [dt*] (BRIT)
N bloco (de anotaes)
journal [dnl]
N 1. (paper) jornal M 2. (magazine) revista 3. (diary) dirio
journalese [dnliz] (pej)
N linguagem F jornalstica
journalism [dnlzm]
N jornalismo
journalist [dnlst]
N jornalista M, F
journey [dn]
N 1. viagem F 2. (distance covered) trajeto VI viajar return journey, volta
a 5-hour journey, 5 horas de viagem
jovial [duvl]
ADJ jovial, alegre
jowl [daul]
N papada
joy [d]
N alegria
joyful [dful]
ADJ alegre
joyous [ds]
ADJ alegre
joyride [drad]
N 1. passeio de carro 2. (illegal) passeio (com veculo roubado)
joystick [dstk]
N 1. (AVIAT) manche M, alavanca de controle 2. (COMPUT) joystick M
N ABBR Justice of the Peace
ABBR junior
N ABBR Job Training Partnership, programa governamental de aprendizagem
jubilant [dublnt]
ADJ jubilante
jubilation [dublen]
N jbilo, regozijo
jubilee [dubli]
N jubileu M silver jubilee, jubileu de prata
judge [dd]
N 1. juiz/juza M, F 2. (in competition) rbitro 3. (fig) (expert) especialista M, F,
conhecedor* M (F conhecedora) VT 1. julgar 2. (competition) arbitrar 3. (estimate)
(weight, size etc) avaliar 4. (consider) considerar VI judging or to judge by ... a
julgar por ... as far as I can judge, ao que me parece, no meu entender
I judged it necessary to inform him, julguei necessrio inform-lo
judge advocate
N (MIL) auditor M de guerra
Judge Advocate General
N (MIL) procurador M geral da Justia Militar
judgement , judgment [ddmnt]
N 1. juzo 2. (punishment) deciso F, sentena 3. (opinion) opinio F 4. (discernment)
discernimento in my judg(e)ment, na minha opinio
to pass judg(e)ment on (LAW) julgar, dar sentena sobre
judicial [dudl]
ADJ 1. judicial 2. (fair) imparcial
judiciary [dudr]
N poder M judicirio
judicious [duds]
ADJ judicioso
judo [dudu]
N jud M
jug [d]
N jarro
jugged hare [dd-] (BRIT)
N guisado de lebre
juggernaut [dnt] (BRIT)
N (huge truck) jamanta
juggle [dl]
VI fazer malabarismos
juggler [dl*]
N malabarista M, F
Jugoslav [juuslv]
jugular [djul*] jugular vein
N veia jugular
juice [dus]
N 1. suco (BR) sumo (PT) 2. (inf: petrol) weve run out of juice, estamos sem
juicy [dus]
ADJ suculento
jukebox [dukbks]
N juke-box M
ABBR July, jul
July [dula]
N julho the first of July, dia primeiro de julho
(on) the eleventh of July (no) dia onze de julho
in the month of July, no ms de julho
at the beginning/end of July, no comeo/fim de julho
in the middle of July, em meados de julho
during July, durante o ms de julho
in July of next year, em julho do ano que vem
each or every July, todo ano em julho
July was wet this year, choveu muito em julho deste ano
jumble [dmbl]
N confuso F, mixrdia VT jumble up (mix up) misturar (disarrange) desorganizar
jumble sale (BRIT)
N venda de objetos usados, bazar M
jumbo [dmbu] jumbo jet
N avio M jumbo
jump [dmp]
VI 1. saltar, pular 2. (start) sobressaltar-se 3. (increase) disparar VT pular, saltar N 1.
pulo, salto 2. (increase) alta 3. (fence) obstculo to jump the queue BRIT (BRIT)
furar a fila (BR) pr-se frente (PT)
to jump for joy, pular de alegria jump about saltitar VI jump at 1. (accept)
aceitar imediatamente 2. (chance) agarrar VT jump down pular para baixo VI
jump up levantar-se num mpeto VI
jumped-up [dmpt-] (BRIT pej)
ADJ arrivista
jumper [dmp*]
N 1. (BRIT: pullover) suter M (BR) camisola (PT) 2. (US: pinafore dress) avental M 3.
(SPORT) saltador* M (F saltadora)
jumper cables (US)
NPL jump leads
jump leads , jumper cables (US)
NPL cabos MPL para ligar a bateria
jumpy [dmp]
ADJ nervoso
ABBR June, junior
junction [dkn] (BRIT)
N 1. (of roads) cruzamento (on motorway) trevo 2. (RAIL) entroncamento
juncture [dkt*]
N at this juncture, neste momento, nesta conjuntura
June [dun]
N junho July
jungle [dl]
N selva, mato
junior [dun*]
ADJ 1. (in age) mais novo or moo 2. (competition) juvenil 3. (position) subalterno N 1.
jovem M, F 2. (SPORT) jnior M hes junior to me (by 2 years) hes (2 years)
my junior, ele (dois anos) mais novo do que eu
hes junior to me (seniority) tenho mais antiguidade do que ele
junior executive
N executivo* jnior (executiva)
junior high school (US)
N colgio (2 e 3 ginasial)
junior minister (BRIT)
N ministro* subalterno* (ministra subalterna)
junior partner
N scio* minoritrio* (scia minoritria)
junior school (BRIT)
N escola primria
junior sizes
NPL (COMM) tamanhos MPL para crianas
juniper [dunp*]
N junpero
junk [dk]
N 1. (cheap goods) tranqueira, velharias FPL 2. (lumber) trastes MPL 3. (rubbish) lixo 4.
(ship) junco VT (inf) jogar no lixo
junk dealer
N belchior M
junket [dkt]
N 1. (CULIN) coalhada 2. (BRIT inf) to go on a junket, viajar custa do governo VI
(BRIT inf) to go junketing, to go on a junket
junk food
N comida pronta de baixo valor nutritivo
junkie [dk] (inf)
N drogado* (drogada)
junk room (US)
N quarto de despejo
junk shop
N loja de objetos usados
ABBR junior
junta [dnt]
N junta
Jupiter [dupt*]
N Jpiter M
jurisdiction [dursdkn]
N jurisdio F it falls or comes within/outside our jurisdiction, /no da nossa
jurisprudence [dursprudns]
N jurisprudncia
juror [dur*]
N jurado* (jurada)
jury [dur]
N jri M
jury box
N banca dos jurados
juryman [durmn]
N IRREG juror
just [dst]
ADJ justo ADV 1. (exactly) justamente, exatamente 2. (only) apenas, somente hes
just done it/left, ele acabou BR or acaba PT de faz-lo/ir
just as I expected, exatamente como eu esperava
just right, perfeito
just two oclock, duas (horas) em ponto
shes just as clever as you, ela to inteligentecomo voc
its just as good, igualmente bom
just as well that ... ainda bem que ...
I was just about to phone, eu j ia telefonar
we were just leaving, estvamos de sada
just as he was leaving, no momento em que ele saa
just before/enough, justo antes/o suficiente
just here, bem aqui
its just a mistake, no passa de um erro
he just missed, falhou por pouco
just listen, escute aqui!
just ask someone the way, s pedir uma indicao
not just now, no neste momento
just a minute!
just one moment! s um minuto! espera a! pera! (inf)
justice [dsts]
N 1. justia 2. (US: judge) juiz/juza M, F Lord Chief Justice BRIT (BRIT) presidente
do tribunal de recursos
to do justice to (fig) apreciar devidamente
this photo doesnt do you justice, esta foto no te faz justia
Justice of the Peace
N juiz/juza M, F de paz
justifiable [dstfabl]
ADJ justificvel
justifiably [dstfabl]
ADV justificadamente
justification [dstfken]
N 1. (reason) justificativa 2. (action) justificao F
justify [dstfa]
VT justificar to be justified in doing sth, ter razo de fazer algo
justly [dstl]
ADV 1. justamente 2. (with reason) com razo
justness [dstns]
N justia
jut [dt]
VI jut out, sobressair
jute [dut]
N juta
juvenile [duvnal]
ADJ 1. juvenil 2. (court) de menores 3. (books) para adolescentes N 1. jovem M, F 2.
(LAW) menor M, F de idade
juvenile delinquency
N delinqncia juvenil
juvenile delinquent
N delinqente M, F juvenil
juxtapose [dkstpuz]
VT justapor
juxtaposition [dkstpzn]
N justaposio F

ABBR 1. kilobyte, K 2. (BRIT) Knight, ttulo honorfico N ABBR one thousand, mil
kaftan [kftn]
N cafet M
Kalahari Desert [klhr-]
N deserto de Kalahari
kale [kel]
N couve F
kaleidoscope [kladskup]
N calidoscpio, caleidoscpio
Kampala [kmpl]
N Campala
Kampuchea [kmput]
N Kampuchea M, Camboja M
kangaroo [kru]
N canguru M
kaput [kput] (inf)
ADJ pifado
karate [krt]
N karat M
Kashmir [km*]
N Cachemira
N ABBR (LAW) Kings Counsel, ttulo dado a certos advogados
ABBR knocked down, em pedaos
kebab [kbb]
N churrasquinho, espetinho
keel [kil]
N quilha on an even keel (fig) em equilbrio keel over 1. (NAUT) emborcar 2.
(person) desmaiar VI
keen [kin]
ADJ 1. (interest, desire) grande, vivo 2. (eye, intelligence) penetrante 3. (competition)
acirrado, intenso 4. (edge) afiado 5. (eager) entusiasmado to be keen to do or
on doing sth, sentir muita vontade de fazer algo
to be keen on sth/sb, gostar de algo/algum
Im not keen on going, no estou a fim de ir
keenly [kinl]
ADV 1. (enthusiastically) com entusiasmo 2. (feel) profundamente, agudamente
keenness [kinns]
N (eagerness) entusiasmo, interesse M keenness to do, vontade de fazer
keep [kip] (PT, PP kept )
VT 1. (retain) ficar com 2. (maintain) (house etc) cuidar 3. (detain) deter 4. (look after)
(shop etc) tomar conta de 5. (preserve) conservar 6. (hold back) reter 7. (accounts,
diary) manter 8. (support) (family etc) manter 9. (promise) cumprir 10. (chickens,
bees etc) criar 11. (prevent) to keep sb from doing sth, impedir algum de fazer
algo VI 1. (food) conservar-se 2. (remain) ficar N 1. (of castle) torre F de menagem
2. (food etc) to earn ones keep, ganhar a vida 3. (inf) for keeps, para sempre
to keep doing sth, continuar fazendo algo
to keep sth from happening, impedir que algo acontea
to keep sb happy, manter algum satisfeito
to keep a place tidy, manter um lugar limpo
to keep sb waiting, deixar algum esperando
to keep an appointment, manter um compromisso
to keep a record of sth, anotar algo
to keep sth to o.s. guardar algo para si mesmo
to keep sth (back) from sb, ocultar algo de algum
to keep time (clock) marcar a hora exata keep away 1. to keep sth/sb away
from sb, manter algo/algum afastado de algum 2. to keep away (from) manter-
se afastado (de) VT keep back 1. (crowd, tears) conter 2. (money) reter 3.
manter-se afastado VT keep down 1. (control) (prices, spending) limitar, controlar
2. no se levantar VT I cant keep my food down, o que como no pra no
estmago keep in 1. (invalid, child) no deixar sair 2. (SCH) reter 3. to keep in
with sb, manter boas relaes com algum VT keep off 1. no se aproximar 2.
afastar VI ``keep off the grass ``no pise na grama
keep your hands off! tira a mo! keep on to keep on doing, continuar
fazendo VI keep out 1. impedir de entrar 2. (stay out) permanecer fora VT
``keep out ``entrada proibida keep up 1. manter 2. no atrasar-se,
acompanhar VT to keep up with (pace) acompanhar (level) manter-se ao nvel
keeper [kip*]
N guarda M, guardio* M (F guardi)
keep fit
N ginstica
keeping [kip]
N (care) cuidado in keeping with, de acordo com
keepsake [kipsek]
N lembrana
keg [k]
N barrilete M, barril M pequeno
kennel [knl]
N casa de cachorro kennels (establishment) canil M N
Kenya [knj]
N Qunia M
Kenyan [knjn]
ADJ N queniano* M (F queniana)
kept [kpt]
PT PP (of keep)
kerb [kb] (BRIT)
N meio-fio (BR) borda do passeio (PT)
kernel [knl]
N 1. amndoa 2. (fig) cerne M
kerosene [krsin]
N querosene M
ketchup [ktp]
N molho de tomate, catsup M
kettle [ktl]
N chaleira
kettle drums
NPL tmpanos MPL
key [ki]
N 1. chave F 2. (MUS) clave F 3. (of piano, typewriter) tecla 4. (on map) legenda CPD
(issue etc) chave VT key in, digitar, teclar
keyboard [kibd]
N teclado VT (text) teclar, digitar
keyed up [kid-]
ADJ to be (all) keyed up, estar excitado or ligado (inf)
keyhole [kihul]
N buraco da fechadura
keynote [kinut]
N 1. (MUS) tnica 2. (fig) idia fundamental CPD keynote speech, discurso
keypad [kipd]
N teclado complementar
keyring [kir]
N chaveiro
keystone [kistun]
N pedra angular
keystroke [kistruk]
N batida de tecla
ABBR kilogram, kg
khaki [kk]
ADJ cqui
kibbutz [kbuts] (PL kibbutzim )
N kibutz M
kibbutzim [kbutsm]
NPL (of kibbutz)
kick [kk]
VT 1. (person) dar um pontap em 2. (ball) chutar 3. (inf: habit) conseguir superar VI
(horse) dar coices N 1. (from person) pontap M 2. (from animal) coice M, patada 3.
(to ball) chute M 4. (of rifle) recuo 5. (inf: thrill) he does it for kicks, faz isso para
curtir kick around (inf) ficar por a VI kick off (SPORT) dar o pontap inicial VI
N (SPORT) chute M inicial
N kick-starter, arranque M VT dar partida em
kid [kd]
N 1. (inf: child) criana 2. (animal) cabrito 3. (leather) pelica VI (inf) brincar
kidnap [kdnp]
VT seqestrar
kidnapper [kdnp*]
N seqestrador* M (F seqestradora)
kidnapping [kdnp]
N seqestro
kidney [kdn]
N rim M
kidney bean
N feijo M roxo
kidney machine
N (MED) aparelho de hemodilise
Kilimanjaro [klmndru]
N Mount Kilimanjaro, Kilimanjaro
kill [kl]
VT 1. matar 2. (murder) assassinar 3. (destroy) destruir 4. (finish off) acabar com,
aniquilar N ato de matar to kill time, matar o tempo kill off 1. aniquilar 2. (fig)
eliminar VT
killer [kl*]
N assassino* (assassina)
killing [kl]
N 1. (one) assassinato 2. (several) matana 3. (instance) morte F ADJ (funny)
divertido, engraado to make a killing (inf) faturar uma boa nota
killjoy [kld]
N desmancha-prazeres M INV
kiln [kln]
N forno
kilo [kilu]
N quilo
kilobyte [kilubat]
N kilobyte M
kilogram , kilogramme [klurm]
N quilograma M
kilometre [klmit*] kilometer (US)
N quilmetro
kilowatt [kluwt]
N quilowatt M
kilt [klt]
N saiote M escocs
kimono [kmunu]
N quimono
kin [kn]
N parentela kith, next
kind [kand]
ADJ 1. (friendly) gentil 2. (generous) generoso 3. (good) bom/boa, bondoso, amvel N
1. espcie F, classe F 2. (species) gnero in kind (COMM) em espcie
a kind of, uma espcie de
two of a kind, dois da mesma espcie
would you be kind enough to ...?
would you be so kind as to ...? pode me fazer a gentileza de ...?
its very kind of you (to do) muito gentil da sua parte (fazer)
to repay sb in kind (fig) pagar algum na mesma moeda
kindergarten [kndtn]
N jardim M de infncia
ADJ de bom corao, bondoso
kindle [kndl]
VT 1. acender 2. (emotion) despertar
kindling [kndl]
N gravetos MPL
kindly [kandl]
ADJ 1. (good) bom/boa, bondoso 2. (gentle) gentil, carinhoso ADV bondosamente,
amavelmente will you kindly ... voc pode fazer o favor de ...
he didnt take it kindly, no gostou
kindness [kandns]
N bondade F, gentileza
kindred [kndrd]
ADJ aparentado kindred spirit, pessoa com os mesmos gostos
kinetic [kntk]
ADJ cintico
king [k]
N rei M
kingdom [kdm]
N reino
kingfisher [kf*]
N martim-pescador M
kingpin [kpn]
N 1. (TECH) pino mestre 2. (fig) mandachuva M
king-size [-sa] king-sized, -sad
ADJ 1. tamanho grande 2. (cigarettes) king-size
kink [kk]
N 1. (of rope) dobra, coca 2. (inf fig) mania
kinky [kk] (pej)
ADJ 1. (odd) excntrico, esquisito 2. (sexually) pervertido
kinship [knp]
N parentesco
kinsman [knzmn]
N IRREG parente M
kinswoman [knzwumn]
N IRREG parenta
kiosk [kisk]
N 1. banca (BR) quiosque M (PT) 2. telephone kiosk (BRIT) cabine F
kipper [kp*]
N tipo de arenque defumado
kiss [ks]
N beijo VT beijar to kiss (each other) beijar-se
to kiss sb goodbye, despedir-se de algum com beijos
kiss of life (BRIT)
N respirao F boca-a-boca
kit [kt]
N 1. apetrechos MPL 2. (clothes) (for sport etc) kit M 3. (equipment) equipamento 4.
(set of tools etc) caixa de ferramentas 5. (for assembly) kit M para montar kit out
(BRIT) equipar VT
kitbag [ktb]
N saco de viagem
kitchen [ktn]
N cozinha
kitchen garden
N horta
kitchen sink
N pia (de cozinha)
kitchen unit (BRIT)
N mdulo de cozinha
kitchenware [ktnw*]
N bateria de cozinha
kite [kat]
N 1. (toy) papagaio, pipa 2. (ZOOL) milhafre M
kith [k]
N kith and kin, amigos e parentes MPL
kitten [ktn]
N gatinho
kitty [kt]
N 1. (pool of money) fundo comum, vaquinha 2. (CARDS) bolo
N ABBR Ku Klux Klan
Kleenex [klinks]
N leno de papel
kleptomaniac [klptumenk]
N cleptomanaco* (cleptomanaca)
ABBR kilometre, km
ABBR kilometres per hour, km/h
knack [nk]
N to have the knack of doing sth, ter um jeito or queda para fazer algo theres a
knack (to it) tem um jeito
knapsack [npsk]
N mochila
knave [nev]
N (CARDS) valete M
knead [nid]
VT amassar
knee [ni]
N joelho
kneecap [nikp]
N rtula
ADJ the water was knee-deep, a gua batia no joelho
kneel [nil] (PT, PP knelt )
VI kneel down, ajoelhar-se
kneepad [nipd]
N joelheira
knell [nl]
N dobre M de finados
knelt [nlt]
PT PP (of kneel)
knew [nju]
PT (of know)
knickers [nkz] (BRIT)
NPL calcinha (BR) cuecas FPL (PT)
knick-knack [nk-]
N bibel M
knife [naf] (PL knives )
N faca VT esfaquear knife, fork and spoon, talher M
knight [nat]
N 1. cavaleiro 2. (CHESS) cavalo
knighthood [nathud] (BRIT)
N 1. cavalaria 2. (title) to get a knighthood, receber o ttulo de Sir
knit [nt]
VT 1. tricotar 2. (brows) franzir VI 1. tricotar (BR) fazer malha (PT) 2. (bones)
consolidar-se to knit together (fig) unir, juntar
knitted [ntd]
ADJ de malha
knitting [nt]
N ato de tricotar, trabalho de tric (BR) malha (PT)
knitting machine
N mquina de tricotar
knitting needle
N agulha de tric BR or de malha PT
knitting pattern
N molde M para tricotar
knitwear [ntw*]
N roupa de malha
knives [navz]
NPL (of knife)
knob [nb]
N 1. (of door) maaneta 2. (of drawer) puxador M 3. (of stick) casto M 4. (on radio, TV
etc) boto M 5. (lump) calombo a knob of butter BRIT (BRIT) uma poro de
knobbly [nbl] (BRIT)
ADJ 1. (wood, surface) nodoso 2. (knees) ossudo
knobby [nb] (US)
ADJ knobbly
knock [nk]
VT 1. (strike) bater em 2. (bump into) colidir com 3. (inf: criticize) criticar, malhar N 1.
pancada, golpe M 2. (on door) batida VI to knock at or on the door, bater porta
to knock a hole in sth, abrir um buraco em algo
to knock a nail into, pregar um prego em knock down 1. derrubar 2. (price)
abater 3. (pedestrian) atropelar VT knock off 1. (inf: finish) terminar 2. (inf: steal)
abafar 3. (vase) derrubar 4. (from price) to knock off 10 fazer um desconto de
10 VI knock out 1. pr nocaute, nocautear 2. (defeat) eliminar VT knock over
1. (object) derrubar 2. (pedestrian) atropelar VT
knockdown [nkdaun]
ADJ (price) de liqidao, de queima (inf)
knocker [nk*]
N (on door) aldrava
knock-for-knock (BRIT)
ADJ knock-for-knock agreement, acordo entre seguradoras pelo qual cada uma se
compromete a indenizar seu prprio cliente
knocking [nk]
N pancadas FPL
knock-kneed [-nid]
ADJ cambaio
knockout [nkaut]
N (BOXING) nocaute M CPD (competition) com eliminatrias
N (TENNIS) bate-bola M
knot [nt]
N n M VT dar n em to tie a knot, dar or fazer um n
knotty [nt]
ADJ (fig) cabeludo, espinhoso
know [nu] (PT knew ), (PP known )
VT 1. saber 2. (person, author, place) conhecer 3. (recognize) reconhecer VI to know
about or of sth, saber de algo to know that ... saber que ...
to know how to swim, saber nadar
to get to know sth (fact) saber, descobrir (place) conhecer
I dont know him, no o conheo
to know right from wrong, saber distinguir o bem e o mal
as far as I know ... que eu saiba ...
know-all (BRIT pej)
N sabicho* M (F sabichona)
N know-how M, experincia
knowing [nu]
ADJ (look) (of complicity) de cumplicidade
knowingly [nul]
ADV 1. (purposely) de propsito 2. (spitefully) maliciosamente
know-it-all (US)
N know-all
knowledge [nld]
N 1. conhecimento 2. (range of learning) saber M, conhecimentos MPL to have no
knowledge of, no ter conhecimento de
not to my knowledge, que eu saiba, no
without my knowledge, sem eu saber
to have a working knowledge of Portuguese, ter um conhecimento bsico do
its common knowledge that ... todos sabem que ...
it has come to my knowledge that ... chegou ao meu conhecimento que ...
knowledgeable [nldbl]
ADJ entendido, versado
known [nun]
PP (of know) ADJ 1. (thief) famigerado 2. (fact) conhecido
knuckle [nkl]
N n M knuckle under (inf) ceder VI
knuckleduster [nkldst*]
N soco ingls
N ABBR knockout VT nocautear, pr nocaute
koala [kul]
N koala bear, coala M
kook [kuk] (US inf)
N maluco* (maluca) biruta (inf)
Koran [krn]
N the Koran, o Alcoro
Korea [kr]
N Coria North/South Korea, Coria do Norte/Sul
Korean [krn]
ADJ coreano N 1. coreano* (coreana) 2. (LING) coreano
kosher [ku*]
ADJ kosher
kowtow [kautau]
VI to kowtow to sb, bajular algum
Kremlin [krmln]
N the Kremlin, o Kremlin
ABBR (POST) Kansas
ABBR Knight, ttulo honorfico
Kuala Lumpur [kwllumpu*]
N Cuala Lumpur
kudos [kjuds]
N glria, fama
Kuwait [kuwet]
N Kuweit M
Kuwaiti [kuwet]
ADJ N kuweitiano* (kuweitiana)
ABBR kilowatt, kW
ABBR (POST) Kentucky

ABBR litre, l
ABBR 1. lake, L, large, G, left, esq 2. (BRIT AUT) learner, (condutor* M ) aprendiz (F
N ABBR Los Angeles ABBR (POST) Louisiana
lab [lb]
N ABBR laboratory
label [lebl]
N 1. etiqueta, rtulo 2. (brand) (of record) selo VT etiquetar, rotular to label sb a ...
rotular algum de ...
labor [leb*] (US)
labour etc
labour [leb*] labor (US)
N 1. (task) trabalho 2. (work force) mo-de-obra F 3. (workers) trabalhadores MPL 4.
(MED) to be in labour, estar em trabalho de parto VI to labour (at) trabalhar (em)
VT insistir em Labour the Labour Party BRIT (BRIT) o Partido Trabalhista
laboratory [lbrtr]
N laboratrio
Labor Day (US)
N Dia M do Trabalho
laborious [lbrs]
ADJ laborioso
labor union (US)
N sindicato
labour camp , labor camp (US)
N campo de trabalhos forados
labour cost , labor cost (US)
N custo de mo-de-obra
laboured [lebd] labored (US)
ADJ 1. (movement) forado 2. (style) elaborado
labourer [lebr*] laborer (US)
N operrio farm labourer, trabalhador M rural, peo M
day labourer, diarista M
labour force , labor force (US)
N mo-de-obra F
labour-intensive , labor-intensive (US)
ADJ intensivo de mo-de-obra
labour market , labor market (US)
N mercado de trabalho
labour pains , labor pains (US)
NPL dores FPL do parto
labour relations , labor relations (US)
NPL relaes FPL trabalhistas
labour-saving , labor-saving (US)
ADJ que poupa trabalho
labour unrest , labor unrest (US)
N agitao F operria
labyrinth [lbrn]
N labirinto
lace [les]
N 1. renda 2. (of shoe etc) cadaro VT 1. (shoe) amarrar 2. (drink) misturar aguardente
lace-making [lesmek]
N feitura de renda
laceration [lsren]
N lacerao F
ADJ (shoes etc) de cordes
lack [lk]
N falta VT 1. (money, confidence) faltar 2. (intelligence) carecer de through or for
lack of, por falta de
to be lacking, faltar
to be lacking in, carecer de
lackadaisical [lkdezkl]
ADJ 1. (careless) descuidado 2. (indifferent) aptico, indiferente
lackey [lk]
N (fig) lacaio
lacklustre [lklst*]
ADJ sem brilho, insosso
laconic [lknk]
ADJ lacnico
lacquer [lk*]
N 1. laca 2. (hair) fixador M
lacy [les]
ADJ rendado
lad [ld]
N 1. menino, rapaz M, moo 2. (BRIT: in stable etc) empregado
ladder [ld*]
N 1. escada F de mo 2. (BRIT: in tights) defeito (em forma de escada) VT (BRIT:
tights) desfiar VI (BRIT: tights) desfiar
laden [ledn]
ADJ laden (with) carregado (de) fully laden (truck, ship) completamente carregado,
com a carga mxima
ladle [ledl]
N concha (de sopa)
lady [led]
N 1. senhora 2. (distinguished, noble) dama 3. (in address) ladies and gentlemen, ...
senhoras e senhores, ... young lady, senhorita
Lady Smith, a lady Smith
ladies (toilets) senhoras
a lady doctor, uma mdica
ladybird [ledbd] (BRIT)
N joaninha
ladybug [ledb] (US)
N ladybird
N dama de companhia
lady-killer [ledkl*]
N mulherengo
ladylike [ledlak]
ADJ elegante, refinado
ladyship [ledp]
N your ladyship, Sua Senhoria
lag [l]
N (period of time) atraso, retardamento VI lag behind, ficar para trs VT (pipes) revestir
com isolante trmico
lager [l*]
N cerveja leve e clara
lagging [l]
N revestimento
lagoon [lun]
N lagoa
Lagos [les]
N Lagos
laid [led]
PT PP (of lay)
lay [le] (PT, PP laid )
PT (of lie) ADJ leigo VT 1. (place) colocar 2. (eggs, table) pr 3. (trap) armar 4. (plan)
traar to lay the table, pr a mesa
to lay the facts/ones proposals before sb, apresentar os fatos/suas propostas
a algum
to get laid (inf!) trepar (!) lay aside pr de lado VT lay by lay aside VT lay
down 1. (object) depositar 2. (flat) deitar 3. (arms) depor 4. (rules etc) impor,
estabelecer VT to lay down the law (pej) impor regras
to lay down ones life, sacrificar voluntariamenta a vida lay in armazenar,
abastecer-se de VT lay into (inf) 1. (attack) surrar, espancar 2. (scold) dar uma
bronca em VT lay off (workers) demitir VT lay on 1. (water, gas) instalar 2.
(meal, entertainment) prover 3. (paint) aplicar VT lay out 1. (spread out) dispor
em ordem 2. (design) planejar 3. (display) expor 4. (spend) esbanjar VT lay up 1.
(store) estocar 2. (ship) pr fora de servio 3. (subj) (illness) acometer VT
laid-back (inf)
ADJ descontrado
laid up
ADJ to be laid up up with flu, ficar de cama com gripe
lain [len]
PP (of lie)
lie [la]
VI (PT lay ), (PP lain ) 1. (act) deitar-se 2. (state) estar deitado 3. (object) (be situated)
estar, encontrar-se 4. (fig) (problem, cause) residir 5. (in race, league) ocupar 6.
((PT, PT lied )) (tell lies) mentir N mentira to lie low (fig) esconder-se
to tell lies, dizer mentiras, mentir lie about 1. (things) estar espalhado 2.
(people) vadiar VI lie around lie about VI lie back recostar-se VI lie down
deitar-se VI
lair [l*]
N covil M, toca
laissez-faire [lsef*]
N laissez-faire M
laity [let]
N leigos MPL
lake [lek]
N lago
Lake District (BRIT)
N the Lake District, a regio dos Lagos
lamb [lm]
N cordeiro
lamb chop
N costeleta de cordeiro
lambskin [lmskn]
N pele F de cordeiro
lambswool [lmzwul]
N l F de cordeiro
lame [lem]
ADJ 1. coxo, manco 2. (excuse, argument) pouco convincente, fraco lame duck (fig)
pessoa incapaz
lamely [leml]
ADV (fig) sem convico
lament [lmnt]
N lamento, queixa VT lamentar-se de
lamentable [lmntbl]
ADJ lamentvel
laminated [lmnetd]
ADJ laminado
lamp [lmp]
N lmpada
lamplight [lmplat]
N by lamplight, luz da lmpada
lampoon [lmpun]
VT satirizar
lamppost [lmppust] (BRIT)
N poste M
lampshade [lmped]
N abajur M, quebra-luz M
lance [lns]
N lana VT (MED) lancetar
lance corporal (BRIT)
N cabo
lancet [lnst]
N (MED) bisturi, lanceta
Lancs [lks] (BRIT)
ABBR Lancashire
land [lnd]
N 1. terra 2. (country) pas M 3. (piece of land) terreno 4. (estate) terras FPL,
propriedades FPL 5. (AGR) solo VI 1. (from ship) desembarcar 2. (AVIAT) pousar,
aterrissar (BR) aterrar (PT) 3. (fig) (arrive unexpectedly) cair, terminar VT 1. (obtain)
conseguir 2. (passengers, goods) desembarcar to go/travel by land, ir/viajar por
to own land, ter propriedades
to land on ones feet (fig) dar-se bem, cair de p
to land sb with sth (inf) sobrecarregar algum com algo land up to land up
in/at, ir parar em VI
landed gentry [lndd-]
N proprietrios MPL de terras
landing [lnd]
N 1. (from ship) desembarque M 2. (AVIAT) pouso, aterrissagem F (BR) aterragem F
(PT) 3. (of staircase) patamar M
landing card
N carto M de desembarque
landing craft
N navio para desembarque
landing gear
N trem M de aterrissagem BR or de aterragem PT
landing stage (BRIT)
N cais M de desembarque
landing strip
N pista de aterrissagem BR or de aterragem PT
landlady [lndled]
N 1. (of rented property) senhoria 2. (of pub) dona, proprietria
landlocked [lndlkt]
ADJ cercado de terra
landlord [lndld]
N 1. senhorio, locador M 2. (of pub etc) dono, proprietrio
landlubber [lndlb*]
N pessoa desacostumada ao mar
landmark [lndmk]
N 1. lugar M conhecido 2. (fig) marco
landowner [lndun*]
N latifundirio* (latifundiria)
landscape [lndskep]
N paisagem F
landscape architect
N paisagista M, F
landscaped [lndskept]
ADJ projetado paisagisticamente
landscape gardener
N paisagista M, F
landscape painting
N (ART) (genre) paisagismo (picture) paisagem F
landslide [lndslad]
N 1. (GEO) desmoronamento, desabamento 2. (fig) (POL) vitria esmagadora
lane [len]
N 1. (in country) caminho, estrada estreita 2. (in town) ruela 3. (AUT) pista 4. (in race)
raia 5. (for air or sea traffic) rota
language [lwd]
N 1. lngua 2. (way one speaks, COMPUT, style) linguagem F bad language,
palavres MPL
language laboratory
N laboratrio de lnguas
language school
N escola de lnguas
languid [lwd]
ADJ lnguido
languish [lw]
VI elanguescer, debilitar-se
lank [lk]
ADJ (hair) liso
lanky [lk]
ADJ magricela
lanolin , lanoline [lnln]
N lanolina
lantern [lntn]
N lanterna
Laos [laus]
N Laos M
lap [lp]
N 1. (of track) volta 2. (of person) colo VT lap up, lamber VI (waves) marulhar lap up
(fig) (food) comer sofregamente (compliments etc) receber com sofreguido VT
La Paz [lpz]
N La Paz
lapdog [lpd]
N cozinho de estimao
lapel [lpl]
N lapela
Lapland [lplnd]
N Lapnia
Lapp [lp]
ADJ N lapo* M (F lapona)
lapse [lps]
N 1. lapso 2. (bad behaviour) deslize M VI 1. (expire) caducar 2. (law) prescrever 3.
(morally) decair to lapse into bad habits, adquirir maus hbitos
lapse of time, lapso, intervalo
a lapse of memory, um lapso de memria
larceny [lsn]
N furto petty larceny, delito leve
larch [lt]
N lario
lard [ld]
N banha de porco
larder [ld*]
N despensa
large [ld]
ADJ 1. grande 2. (fat) gordo at large (free) em liberdade (generally) em geral
to make larger, ampliar
a large number of people, um grande nmero de pessoas
by and large, de modo geral
on a large scale, em grande escala
largely [ldl]
ADV 1. em grande parte 2. (introducing reason) principalmente
ADJ 1. (map) em grande escala 2. (fig) importante, de grande alcance
largesse [lds]
N generosidade F
lark [lk]
N 1. (bird) cotovia 2. (joke) brincadeira, pea lark about divertir-se, brincar VI
larva [lv] (PL larvae )
N larva
larvae [lvi]
NPL (of larva)
laryngitis [lrndats]
N laringite F
larynx [lrks]
N laringe F
lascivious [lsvs]
ADJ lascivo
laser [lez*]
N laser M
laser beam
N raio laser
laser printer
N impressora a laser
lash [l]
N 1. chicote M, aoite M 2. (blow) chicotada 3. eyelash, pestana, clio VT 1. chicotear,
aoitar 2. (subj) rain, wind, castigar 3. (tie) atar lash down 1. atar, amarrar 2.
(rain) cair em btegas VT lash out to lash out (at sb) atacar (algum)
violentamente VI to lash out at or against sb (criticize) atacer algum
to lash out (on sth) (inf: spend) esbanjar dinheiro (em algo)
lashings [lz] (BRIT inf)
NPL lashings of (cream etc) montes MPL de, um monto de
lass [ls] (BRIT)
N moa
lasso [lsu]
N lao VT laar
last [lst]
ADJ 1. ltimo 2. (final) derradeiro ADV em ltimo lugar VI 1. (endure) durar 2. (continue)
continuar last week, na semana passada
last night, ontem noite
at last, finalmente
at last! at que enfim!
last but one, penltimo
the last time, a ltima vez
it lasts (for) 2 hours, dura 2 horas
ADJ desesperado, derradeiro
lasting [lst]
ADJ duradouro
lastly [lstl]
ADV 1. (last of all) por fim, por ltimo 2. (finally) finalmente
ADJ de ltima hora
latch [lt]
N trinco, fecho, tranca latch on to (cling to) (person) grudar em (idea) agarrar-se a
latchkey [ltki]
N chave F de trinco
late [let]
ADJ 1. (not on time) atrasado 2. (far on in day etc) tardio 3. (hour) avanado 4.
(recent) recente 5. (former) antigo, ex- anterior 6. (dead) falecido ADV 1. tarde 2.
(behind time, schedule) atrasado to be late, estar atrasado, atrasar
to be 10 minutes late, estar atrasado dez minutos
to work late, trabalhar at tarde
late in life, com idade avanada
it was too late, j era tarde
of late, recentemente
in late May, no final de maio
the late Mr X, o falecido Sr X
latecomer [letkm*]
N retardatrio* (retardatria)
lately [letl]
ADV ultimamente
lateness [letns]
N 1. (of person) atraso 2. (of event) hora avanada
latent [letnt]
ADJ latente
later [let*]
ADJ 1. (date etc) posterior 2. (version etc) mais recente ADV mais tarde, depois later
on, mais tarde
lateral [ltrl]
ADJ lateral
latest [letst]
ADJ ltimo the latest news, as ltimas novidades
at the latest, no mais tardar
latex [letks]
N ltex M
lath [l] (PL laths lz )
N ripa
lathe [le]
N torno
lather [l*]
N espuma (de sabo) VT ensaboar VI fazer espuma
Latin [ltn]
N (LING) latim M ADJ latino
Latin America
N Amrica Latina
Latin American
ADJ N latino-americano* (latino-americana)
latitude [lttjud]
N (also fig) latitude F
latrine [ltrin]
N latrina
latter [lt*]
ADJ 1. ltimo 2. (of two) segundo N the latter, o ltimo, este
latterly [ltl]
ADV ultimamente
lattice [lts]
N trelia
lattice window
N janela com trelia de chumbo
Latvia [ltv]
N Letnia
laudable [ldbl]
ADJ louvvel
laudatory [ldtr]
ADJ laudatrio, elogioso
laugh [lf]
N 1. riso, risada 2. (loud) gargalhada VI rir, dar risada (or gargalhada) (to do sth) for
a laugh, (fazer algo) s de curtio laugh at rir de VT laugh off disfarar
sorrindo VT
laughable [lfbl]
ADJ ridculo, absurdo
laughing [lf]
ADJ risonho this is no laughing matter, isto no para rir
laughing gas
N gs M hilariante
laughing stock
N alvo de riso
laughter [lft*]
N 1. riso, risada 2. (people laughing) risos MPL
launch [lnt]
N 1. (boat) lancha 2. (COMM,: of rocket etc) lanamento VT (ship, rocket, plan) lanar
launch into lanar-se a VT launch out to launch out (into) lanar-se (a) VI
launching [lnt]
N (of rocket etc) lanamento
launching pad , launch pad
N plataforma de lanamento
launder [lnd*]
VT 1. lavar e passar 2. (money) lavar
launderette [lndrt] (BRIT)
N lavanderia automtica
laundromat [lndrmt] (US)
N lavanderia automtica
laundry [lndr]
N 1. lavanderia 2. (clothes) roupa para lavar to do the laundry, lavar a roupa
laureate [lrt]
ADJ poet
laurel [lrl]
N 1. louro 2. (BOT) loureiro to rest on ones laurels, dormir sobre os louros
lava [lv]
N lava
lavatory [lvtr]
N privada (BR) casa de banho (PT) lavatories (public) sanitrios MPL (BR) lavabos
lavatory paper (BRIT)
N papel M higinico
lavender [lvnd*]
N lavanda
lavish [lv]
ADJ 1. (amount) generoso 2. (person) lavish with, prdigo em, generoso com VT to
lavish sth on sb, encher or cobrir algum de algo
lavishly [lvl]
ADV 1. (give, spend) prodigamente 2. (furnished) luxuosamente
law [l]
N 1. lei F 2. (rule) regra 3. (SCH) direito against the law, contra a lei
to study law, estudar direito
to go to law BRIT (BRIT) recorrer justia
law-abiding [-bad]
ADJ obediente lei
law and order
N a ordem pblica
lawbreaker [lbrek*]
N infrator* M (da lei) (F infratora)
law court
N tribunal M de justia
lawful [lful]
ADJ legal, lcito
lawfully [lful]
ADV legalmente
lawless [lls]
ADJ 1. (act) ilegal 2. (person) rebelde 3. (country) sem lei, desordenado
lawmaker [lmek*]
N legislador* M (F legisladora)
lawn [ln]
N gramado (BR) relvado (PT)
lawnmower [lnmu*]
N cortador M de grama BR or de relva PT
lawn tennis
N tnis M de gramado BR or de relvado PT
law school (US)
N faculdade F de direito
law student
N estudante M, F de direito
lawsuit [lsut]
N ao F judicial, processo to bring a lawsuit against, mover processo contra
lawyer [lj*]
N 1. advogado* (advogada) 2. (for sales, wills etc) notrio* (notria) tabelio* M (F
lax [lks]
ADJ 1. (discipline) relaxado 2. (person) negligente
laxative [lkstv]
N laxante M
laxity [lkst]
N moral laxity, falta de escrpulo or carter
lay [le] (PT, PP laid )
PT (of lie) ADJ leigo VT 1. (place) colocar 2. (eggs, table) pr 3. (trap) armar 4. (plan)
traar to lay the table, pr a mesa
to lay the facts/ones proposals before sb, apresentar os fatos/suas propostas
a algum
to get laid (inf!) trepar (!) lay aside pr de lado VT lay by lay aside VT lay
down 1. (object) depositar 2. (flat) deitar 3. (arms) depor 4. (rules etc) impor,
estabelecer VT to lay down the law (pej) impor regras
to lay down ones life, sacrificar voluntariamenta a vida lay in armazenar,
abastecer-se de VT lay into (inf) 1. (attack) surrar, espancar 2. (scold) dar uma
bronca em VT lay off (workers) demitir VT lay on 1. (water, gas) instalar 2.
(meal, entertainment) prover 3. (paint) aplicar VT lay out 1. (spread out) dispor
em ordem 2. (design) planejar 3. (display) expor 4. (spend) esbanjar VT lay up 1.
(store) estocar 2. (ship) pr fora de servio 3. (subj) (illness) acometer VT
lie [la]
VI (PT lay ), (PP lain ) 1. (act) deitar-se 2. (state) estar deitado 3. (object) (be situated)
estar, encontrar-se 4. (fig) (problem, cause) residir 5. (in race, league) ocupar 6.
((PT, PT lied )) (tell lies) mentir N mentira to lie low (fig) esconder-se
to tell lies, dizer mentiras, mentir lie about 1. (things) estar espalhado 2.
(people) vadiar VI lie around lie about VI lie back recostar-se VI lie down
deitar-se VI
layabout [lebaut] (inf)
N vadio* (vadia) preguioso* (preguiosa)
lay-by (BRIT)
N acostamento
lay days
NPL (NAUT) dias MPL de estadia
layer [le*]
N camada
layette [let]
N enxoval M de beb
layman [lemn]
N IRREG leigo
N demisso F
layout [leaut]
N 1. (of garden, building) desenho 2. (of piece of writing) leiaute M 3. (disposition)
disposio F 4. (PRESS) composio F
laze [lez]
VI 1. descansar 2. laze about, vadiar
laziness [lezns]
N preguia
lazy [lez]
ADJ 1. preguioso 2. (movement) lento
ABBR Labrador
ABBR pound (0.45 kg)
ABBR (CRICKET) leg before wicket, falta em que o batedor est com a perna em
frente da meta
N ABBR Library of Congress
N ABBR liquid crystal display
ABBR lord, ttulo honorfico
N ABBR Licentiate in Dental Surgery, diploma universitrio, Latter-day Saints, os
Santos dos ltimos Dias
N ABBR local education authority, departamento de ensino do municpio
[lid] (PT, PP led )
N 1. (front position) dianteira 2. (SPORT) liderana 3. (fig) vantagem F 4. (clue) pista
5. (ELEC) fio 6. (for dog) correia 7. (in play, film) papel M principal VT 1. conduzir 2.
(guide) levar 3. (induce) levar, induzir 4. (be leader of) chefiar 5. (start, guide)
(activity) encabear 6. (SPORT) liderar 7. (orchestra BRIT) ser a primeira figura de
(US) reger VI encabear to lead sb astray, desencaminhar algum
to be in the lead (SPORT) (in race) estar na frente (in match) estar ganhando
to take the lead (SPORT) disparar na frente (fig) tomar a dianteira
to lead the way, assumir a direco
to lead sb to believe that ... levar algum a acreditar que ...
to lead sb to do sth, levar algum a fazer algo lead away levar VT lead back
levar de volta VT lead off (in game etc) comear VI lead on (tease) provocar VT
to lead sb on to, induzir algum a lead to levar a, conduzir a VT lead up to
conduzir a VT
N 1. chumbo 2. (in pencil) grafite F
leaded [ldd]
ADJ (petrol) com chumbo leaded window, janela com pequenas lminas de vidro
presas por tiras de chumbo
leaden [ldn]
ADJ (sky, sea) cor de chumbo, cinzento
leader [lid*]
N 1. lder M, F, chefe M, F 2. (of party, union etc) lder M, F 3. (of gang) cabea M, F 4.
(of newspaper) artigo de fundo they are leaders in their field, so os lderes na
rea em que atuam
the Leader of the House BRIT (BRIT) o chefe dos ministros na Cmara
leadership [lidp]
N 1. liderana 2. (quality) poder M de liderana under the leadership of ... sob a
liderana de ... (army) sob o comando de ...
qualities of leadership, qualidades de liderana
lead-free [ld-]
ADJ sem chumbo
leading [lid]
ADJ 1. (main) principal 2. (role) de destaque 3. (first, front) primeiro, dianteiro a
leading question, uma pergunta capciosa
leading role, papel de destaque
leading lady
N (THEATRE) primeira atriz F
leading light
N (person) figura principal, destaque M
leading man
N IRREG (THEATRE) ator M principal
lead pencil [ld-]
N lpis F de grafite
lead poisoning [ld-]
N saturnismo
lead singer
N (in pop group) cantor(a) M F
lead time [lid-]
N (COMM) prazo de entrega
lead weight [ld-]
N peso de chumbo
leaf [lif] (PL leaves )
N 1. folha 2. (of table) aba VI to leaf through (book) folhear to turn over a new leaf,
mudar de vida, partir para outra (inf)
to take a leaf out of sbs book (fig) seguir o exemplo de algum
leaflet [liflt]
N folheto
leafy [lif]
ADJ folhoso, folhudo
league [li]
N 1. liga 2. (FOOTBALL) (championship) campeonato (table) classificao F to be
in league with, estar de comum acordo com
leak [lik]
N 1. (of liquid, gas) escape M, vazamento 2. (hole) buraco, rombo 3. (in roof) goteira 4.
(fig) (of information) vazamento VI 1. (ship) fazer gua 2. (shoe) deixar entrar gua
3. (roof) gotejar 4. (pipe, container, liquid) vazar 5. (gas) escapar 6. (fig) (news)
vazar VT (news) vazar the information was leaked to the enemy, as
informaes foram passadas para o inimigo leak out vazar VI
leakage [likd]
N (fig) vazamento
leaky [lik]
ADJ 1. (pipe, shoe, boat) furado 2. (roof) com goteira
lean [lin] ( leaned ), (PT, PP leant )
ADJ magro N (of meat) carne F magra VT to lean sth on, encostar or apoiar algo em VI
(slope) inclinar-se to lean against, encostar-se or apoiar-se contra
to lean on, encostar-se or apoiar-se em lean back 1. (move body) inclinar-se
para trs 2. (against wall, in chair) recostar-se VI lean forward inclinar-se para
frente VI lean out to lean out (of) inclinar-se para fora (de) VI lean over 1.
debruar-se 2. debruar-se sobre VI
leaning [lin]
ADJ inclinado N leaning (towards) inclinao F (para) the Leaning Tower of Pisa, a
torre inclinada de Pisa
leant [lnt]
PT PP (of lean)
N alpendre M
leap [lip] (PT leaped ), (PP leapt )
N salto, pulo VI saltar leap at to leap at an offer, agarrar uma oferta VT leap up
(person) levantar-se num mpeto VI
leapfrog [lipfr]
N jogo de pular carnia
leapt [lpt]
PT PP (of leap)
leap year
N ano bissexto
learn [ln] ( learned ), (PT, PP learnt )
VT 1. aprender 2. (by heart) decorar VI aprender to learn about sth (SCH) instruir-
se sobre algo (hear, read) saber de algo
we were sorry to learn that ... sentimos tomar conhecimento de que ...
to learn to do sth, aprender a fazer algo
learned [lnd]
ADJ erudito
learner [ln*]
N 1. principiante M, F 2. learner driver (BRIT) aprendiz M, F de motorista
learning [ln]
N 1. (process) aprendizagem F 2. (quality) erudio F 3. (knowledge) saber M
learnt [lnt]
PT PP (of learn)
lease [lis]
N arrendamento VT arrendar on lease, em arrendamento lease back vender e
alugar do comprador VT
leaseback [lisbk]
N venda de uma propriedade com a condio do comprador alug-la ao vendedor
leasehold [lishuld]
N (contract) arrendamento ADJ arrendado
leash [li]
N correia
least [list]
ADJ the least + n, o* menor (a) (smallest amount of) a menor quantidade de ADV the
least + n, o* menos (a) the least money, o menos dinheiro de todos
the least expensive, o menos caro* (a menos cara)
the least possible effort, o menor esforo possvel
at least, pelo menos
you could at least have written, voc poderia pelo menos ter escrito
not in the least, de maneira nenhuma
leather [l*]
N couro CPD de couro leather goods, artigos MPL de couro
leave [liv] (PT, PP left )
VT 1. deixar 2. (go away from) abandonar VI 1. ir-se, sair 2. (train) sair N 1. (consent)
permisso F, licena 2. (time off, MIL) licena to leave sth to sb (money etc)
deixar algo para algum
to be left, sobrar
theres some milk left over, sobrou um pouco de leite
to leave school, sair da escola
leave it to me! deixe comigo!
on leave, de licena
to take ones leave of, despedir-se de leave behind 1. (also fig) deixar para
trs 2. (forget) esquecer VT leave off 1. (lid, cover) no colocar 2. (heating) no
ligar 3. (light) deixar apagado 4. (BRIT inf: stop) to leave off (doing sth) parar (de
fazer algo) VT leave on 1. (coat etc) ficar com, no tirar 2. (lid) no tirar 3. (light,
fire) deixar aceso 4. (radio) deixar ligado VT leave out omitir VT
leave of absence
N licena excepcional
leaves [livz]
NPL (of leaf)
leaf [lif] (PL leaves )
N 1. folha 2. (of table) aba VI to leaf through (book) folhear to turn over a new leaf,
mudar de vida, partir para outra (inf)
to take a leaf out of sbs book (fig) seguir o exemplo de algum
leave-taking [livtek]
N despedida
Lebanese [lbniz]
ADJ N INV libans* M (F libanesa)
Lebanon [lbnn]
N Lbano
lecherous [ltrs] (pej)
ADJ lascivo
lectern [lktn]
N atril M
lecture [lkt*]
N 1. conferncia, palestra 2. (SCH) aula VI dar aulas, lecionar VT (scold) passar um
sermo em to give a lecture on, dar uma conferncia sobre
lecture hall
N salo M de conferncias, anfiteatro
lecturer [lktr*]
N 1. conferencista M, F (BR) conferente M, F (PT) 2. (BRIT: at university) professor* M
(F professora) assistant lecturer BRIT (BRIT) assistente M, F
senior lecturer BRIT (BRIT) lente M, F
lecture theatre
N lecture hall
led [ld]
PT PP (of lead)
N ABBR light-emitting diode, LED M
[lid] (PT, PP led )
N 1. (front position) dianteira 2. (SPORT) liderana 3. (fig) vantagem F 4. (clue) pista
5. (ELEC) fio 6. (for dog) correia 7. (in play, film) papel M principal VT 1. conduzir 2.
(guide) levar 3. (induce) levar, induzir 4. (be leader of) chefiar 5. (start, guide)
(activity) encabear 6. (SPORT) liderar 7. (orchestra BRIT) ser a primeira figura de
(US) reger VI encabear to lead sb astray, desencaminhar algum
to be in the lead (SPORT) (in race) estar na frente (in match) estar ganhando
to take the lead (SPORT) disparar na frente (fig) tomar a dianteira
to lead the way, assumir a direco
to lead sb to believe that ... levar algum a acreditar que ...
to lead sb to do sth, levar algum a fazer algo lead away levar VT lead back
levar de volta VT lead off (in game etc) comear VI lead on (tease) provocar VT
to lead sb on to, induzir algum a lead to levar a, conduzir a VT lead up to
conduzir a VT
ledge [ld]
N 1. (of window) peitoril M 2. (of mountain) salincia, proeminncia
ledger [ld*]
N livro-razo M, razo M
lee [li]
N sotavento in the lee of, ao abrigo de
leech [lit]
N sanguessuga
leek [lik]
N alho-por M
leer [l*]
VI to leer at sb, olhar maliciosamente para algum
leeward [liwd]
ADJ de sotavento ADV a sotavento N sotavento to leeward, para sotavento
leeway [liwe]
N (fig) to make up leeway, reduzir o atraso to have some leeway, ter certa
liberdade de ao
left [lft]
PT PP (of leave) ADJ esquerdo N esquerda ADV esquerda on the left, esquerda
to the left, para a esquerda
the Left (POL) a Esquerda
leave [liv] (PT, PP left )
VT 1. deixar 2. (go away from) abandonar VI 1. ir-se, sair 2. (train) sair N 1. (consent)
permisso F, licena 2. (time off, MIL) licena to leave sth to sb (money etc)
deixar algo para algum
to be left, sobrar
theres some milk left over, sobrou um pouco de leite
to leave school, sair da escola
leave it to me! deixe comigo!
on leave, de licena
to take ones leave of, despedir-se de leave behind 1. (also fig) deixar para
trs 2. (forget) esquecer VT leave off 1. (lid, cover) no colocar 2. (heating) no
ligar 3. (light) deixar apagado 4. (BRIT inf: stop) to leave off (doing sth) parar (de
fazer algo) VT leave on 1. (coat etc) ficar com, no tirar 2. (lid) no tirar 3. (light,
fire) deixar aceso 4. (radio) deixar ligado VT leave out omitir VT
left-hand drive (BRIT)
N direo F do lado esquerdo
left-handed [-hndd]
ADJ 1. canhoto 2. (scissors etc) para canhotos
left-hand side
N lado esquerdo
leftist [lftst]
ADJ (POL) esquerdista
left-luggage , left-luggage office (BRIT)
N depsito de bagagem
leftovers [lftuvz]
NPL sobras FPL
left wing
N 1. (MIL SPORT) ala esquerda 2. (POL) esquerda ADJ left-wing (POL) de esquerda,
N 1. (POL) esquerdista M, F 2. (SPORT) ponta-esquerda M, F
leg [l]
N 1. perna 2. (of animal) pata 3. (of chair) p M 4. (CULIN) (of meat) perna 5. (of
journey) etapa lst/2nd leg (SPORT) primeiro/segundo turno
to pull sbs leg, brincar or mexer com algum
to stretch ones legs, esticar as pernas
legacy [ls]
N 1. legado 2. (fig) herana
legal [lil]
ADJ 1. (lawful, of law) legal 2. (terminology, enquiry etc) jurdico to take legal
proceedings or action against sb, instaurar processo contra algum
legal adviser
N consultor* M jurdico* (F consultora jurdica)
legal holiday (US)
N feriado
legality [llt]
N legalidade F
legalize [lilaz]
VT legalizar
legally [lil]
ADV 1. legalmente 2. (in terms of law) de acordo com a lei
legal tender
N moeda corrente
legation [len]
N legao F
legend [ldnd]
N 1. lenda 2. (person) mito
legendary [ldndr]
ADJ legendrio
-legged [ld]
SUFFIX two-legged, de duas patas (or pernas)
leggings [lz]
NPL 1. (over-trousers) perneiras FPL 2. (women's) legging F
legibility [ldblt]
N legibilidade F
legible [ldbl]
ADJ legvel
legibly [ldbl]
ADV legivelmente
legion [lidn]
N legio F
legionnaire [lidn*]
N legionrio legionnaires disease, doena rara parecida pneumonia
legislate [ldslet]
VI legislar
legislation [ldslen]
N legislao F a piece of legislation, uma lei
legislative [ldsltv]
ADJ legislativo
legislator [ldslet*]
N legislador* M (F legisladora)
legislature [ldslt*]
N legislatura
legitimacy [ldtms]
N legitimidade F
legitimate [ldtmt]
ADJ legtimo
legitimize [ldtmaz]
VT legitimar
N espao para as pernas
Leics (BRIT)
ABBR Leicestershire
leisure [l*]
N lazer M at leisure, desocupado, livre
leisure centre
N centro de lazer
leisurely [ll]
ADJ calmo, vagaroso
leisure suit (BRIT)
N jogging M
lemon [lmn]
N limo(-galego) M
lemonade [lmned]
N limonada
lemon cheese
N coalho or pasta de limo
lemon curd
N coalho or pasta de limo
lemon juice
N suco BR or sumo PT de limo
lemon squeezer [-skwiz*]
N espremedor M de limo
lemon tea
N ch M de limo
lend [lnd] (PT, PP lent )
VT to lend sth to sb, emprestar algo a algum to lend a hand, dar uma ajuda
lender [lnd*]
N emprestador* M (F emprestadora)
lending library [lnd]
N biblioteca circulante
length [l]
N 1. comprimento, extenso F 2. (of swimming pool) extenso F 3. (piece) (of wood,
string etc) comprimento 4. (section) (of road, pipe etc) trecho 5. (amount of time)
durao F what length is it? de que comprimento ?
it is 2 metres in length, tem dois metros de comprimento
to fall full length, cair estirado
at length (at last) finalmente, afinal (lengthily) por extenso
to go to any length(s) to do sth, fazer qualquer coisa para fazer algo
lengthen [ln]
VT encompridar, alongar VI encompridar-se
lengthways [lwez]
ADV longitudinalmente, ao comprido
lengthy [l]
ADJ 1. comprido, longo 2. (meeting) prolongado
leniency [linns]
N indulgncia
lenient [linnt]
ADJ indulgente
leniently [linntl]
ADV com indulgncia
lens [lnz]
N 1. (of spectacles) lente F 2. (of camera) objetiva
Lent [lnt]
N Quaresma
lent [lnt]
PT PP (of lend)
lentil [lntl]
N lentilha
Leo [liu]
N Leo M
leopard [lpd]
N leopardo
leotard [litd]
N collant M
leper [lp*]
N leproso* (leprosa)
leper colony
N leprosrio
leprosy [lprs]
N lepra
lesbian [lzbn]
ADJ lsbico N lsbica
lesion [lin]
N (MED) leso F
Lesotho [lsutu]
N Lesoto
less [ls]
ADJ PRON, ADV menos PREP less tax/10% discount, menos ???/10% de disconto
less than that/you, menos que isso/voc
less than half, menos da metade
less than ever, menos do que nunca
less than 1/a kilo/3 metres, menos de um/um quilo/3 metros
less and less, cada vez menos
the less he works ... quanto menos trabalha ...
income less expenses, renda menos despesas
lessee [lsi]
N arrendatrio* (arrendatria) locatrio* (locatria)
lessen [lsn]
VI diminuir, minguar VT diminuir, reduzir
lesser [ls*]
ADJ menor to a lesser extent or degree, nem tanto
lesson [lsn]
N 1. aula 2. (example, warning) lio F a maths lesson, uma aula or uma lio de
to give lessons in, dar aulas de
to teach sb a lesson (fig) dar uma lio em algum
lessor [ls*]
N arrendador* M (F arrendadora) locador* M (F locadora)
lest [lst]
CONJ lest it happen, para que no acontea I was afraid lest he forget, temi que
ele esquecesse
let [lt] (PT, PP let )
VT 1. (allow) deixar 2. (BRIT: lease) alugar to let sb do sth, deixar algum fazer
to let sb know sth, avisar algum de algo
he let me go, ele me deixou ir
let the water boil and ... deixe ferver a gua e ...
lets go! vamos!
let him come! deixa ele vir!
``to let ``aluga-se let down 1. (lower) abaixar 2. (dress) encompridar 3.
(BRIT: tyre) esvaziar 4. (hair) soltar 5. (disappoint) desapontar VT let go soltar VT
let in 1. deixar entrar 2. (visitor etc) fazer entrar VT what have you let yourself
in for? onde voc foi se meter? let off 1. (allow to leave) deixar ir 2. (culprit)
perdoar 3. (subj) (bus driver) deixar (saltar) 4. (firework etc) soltar VT to let off
steam (fig) desabafar let on 1. revelar 2. (inf) to let on that ... dizer por a que ...
contar que ... VI let out 1. deixar sair 2. (dress) alargar 3. (scream) soltar 4. (rent
out) alugar VT let up cessar, afrouxar VI
N (disappointment) decepo F
lethal [lil]
ADJ 1. letal 2. (wound) mortal
lethargic [ldk]
ADJ letrgico
lethargy [ld]
N letargia
letter [lt*]
N 1. (of alphabet) letra 2. (correspondence) carta small/capital letter,
letter bomb
N carta-bomba
letterbox [ltbks] (BRIT)
N caixa do correio
letterhead [lthd]
N cabealho
lettering [ltr]
N letras FPL
letter opener
N corta-papel M
letterpress [ltprs]
N (method) impresso F tipogrfica
letter quality
N qualidade F carta
letters patent
N carta patente
lettuce [lts]
N alface F
N diminuio F, afrouxamento
leukaemia [lukim] leukemia (US)
N leucemia
level [lvl]
ADJ 1. (flat) plano 2. (flattened) nivelado 3. (uniform) uniforme ADV no mesmo nvel N
1. nvel M 2. (height) altura 3. (flat place) plano 4. spirit level, nvel de bolha VT 1.
aplanar 2. (gun) apontar 3. (accusation) to level (against) dirigir or lanar (contra)
VI (inf) to level with sb, ser franco com algum ``A levels (> npl BRIT)
vestibular M
``O levels (npl BRIT) exames optativos feitos aps o trmino do 10 Grau
a level spoonful (CULIN) uma colherada rasa
to be level with, estar no mesmo nvel que
to draw level with (team) empatar com (runner, car) alcanar
on the level, em nvel (fig) (honest) sincero level off 1. (prices etc) estabilizar-
se 2. (ground) nivelar, aplanar VI level out level off VI
level crossing (BRIT)
N passagem F de nvel
level-headed [-hdd]
ADJ sensato
levelling [lvl] leveling (US)
ADJ 1. (process) de nivelamento 2. (effect) nivelador* (niveladora)
lever [liv*]
N 1. alavanca 2. (fig) estratagema M VT to lever up, levantar com alavanca
leverage [livrd]
N 1. fora de uma alavanca 2. (fig) (influence) influncia
levity [lvt]
N leviandade F, frivolidade F
levy [lv]
N imposto, tributo VT arrecadar, cobrar
lewd [lud]
ADJ obsceno, lascivo
ABBR Long Island
liability [lablt]
N 1. responsabilidade F 2. (handicap) desvantagem F liabilities 1. (COMM)
exigibilidades FPL, obrigaes FPL 2. (on balance sheet) passivo NPL
liable [labl]
ADJ 1. (subject) liable to, sujeito a 2. (responsible) liable for, responsvel por 3.
(likely) liable to do, capaz de fazer to be liable to a fine, ser passvel de or
sujeito a uma multa
liaise [liez]
VI to liaise (with) cooperar (com)
liaison [liezn]
N 1. (coordination) ligao F 2. (affair) relao F amorosa
liar [la*]
N mentiroso* (mentirosa)
libel [labl]
N difamao F VT caluniar, difamar
libellous [labls] libelous (US)
ADJ difamatrio
liberal [lbrl]
ADJ 1. liberal 2. (generous) generoso N Liberal (POL) Liberal M, F
liberality [lbrlt]
N (generosity) generosidade F
liberalize [lbrlaz]
VT liberalizar
ADJ liberal
liberate [lbret]
VT libertar
liberation [lbren]
N liberao F, libertao F
Liberia [labr]
N Libria
Liberian [labrn]
ADJ N liberiano* (liberiana)
liberty [lbt]
N 1. liberdade F 2. (criminal) to be at liberty, estar livre to be at liberty to do, ser
livre de fazer
to take the liberty of doing sth, tomar a liberdade de fazer algo
libido [lbidu]
N libido F
Libra [libr]
N Libra, Balana
librarian [labrrn]
N bibliotecrio* (bibliotecria)
library [labrr]
N biblioteca
library book
N livro de biblioteca
libretto [lbrtu]
N libreto
Libya [lb]
N Lbia
Libyan [lbn]
ADJ N lbio* (lbia)
lice [las]
NPL (of louse)
licence [lasns] license (US)
N 1. (gen, COMM) licena 2. (AUT) carta de motorista (BR) carta de conduo (PT) 3.
(excessive freedom) libertinagem F produced under licence, fabricado sob
licence number (BRIT)
N (AUT) nmero da placa
license [lasns]
N (US) licence VT 1. autorizar, dar licena a 2. (car) licenciar
licensed [lasnst]
ADJ 1. (car) autorizado oficialmente 2. (for alcohol) autorizado para vender bebidas
licensee [lasnsi] (BRIT)
N (in a pub) dono* (dona)
license plate (US)
N (AUT) placa (de identificao) (do carro)
licentious [lasns]
ADJ licencioso
lichen [lakn]
N lquen M
lick [lk]
VT 1. lamber 2. (inf: defeat) arrasar, surrar N lambida to lick ones lips (also fig)
lamber os beios
a lick of paint, uma mo de pintura
licorice [lkrs] (US)
N liquorice
lid [ld]
N 1. (of box, case, pan) tampa 2. (eyelid) plpebra to take the lid off sth (fig)
desvendar algo
lido [ladu]
N piscina pblica ao ar livre
lie [la]
VI (PT lay ), (PP lain ) 1. (act) deitar-se 2. (state) estar deitado 3. (object) (be situated)
estar, encontrar-se 4. (fig) (problem, cause) residir 5. (in race, league) ocupar 6.
((PT, PT lied )) (tell lies) mentir N mentira to lie low (fig) esconder-se
to tell lies, dizer mentiras, mentir lie about 1. (things) estar espalhado 2.
(people) vadiar VI lie around lie about VI lie back recostar-se VI lie down
deitar-se VI
Liechtenstein [lktnstan]
N Liechtenstein M
lie detector
N detector M de mentiras
lie-down (BRIT)
N to have a lie-down, descansar
lie-in (BRIT)
N to have a lie-in, dormir at tarde
lieu [lu]
N PREP in lieu of, em vez de
ABBR lieutenant, Ten
lieutenant [lftnnt] [lutnnt US]
N (MIL) tenente M
N tenente-coronel M
life [laf] (PL lives )
N vida CPD 1. (imprisonment) perptuo 2. (style) de vida true to life, fiel realidade
to come to life (fig) animar-se
to paint from life, pintar copiando a natureza
to be sent to prison for life, ser condenado a priso perptua
country/city life, vida campestre/urbana
life annuity
N renda vitalcia
life assurance (BRIT)
N life insurance
lifebelt [lafblt] (BRIT)
N cinto salva-vidas
lifeblood [lafbld]
N (fig) fora vital
lifeboat [lafbut]
N barco salva-vidas
lifebuoy [lafb]
N bia salva-vidas
life expectancy
N expectativa de vida
lifeguard [lafd]
N (guarda M ) salva-vidas M, F
life imprisonment
N priso F perptua
life insurance
N seguro de vida
life jacket
N colete M salva-vidas
lifeless [lafls]
ADJ 1. sem vida 2. (fig) sem graa
lifelike [laflak]
ADJ 1. natural 2. (realistic) realista
lifeline [laflan]
N corda salva-vidas
lifelong [lafl]
ADJ que dura todo a vida
life preserver [-przv*] (US)
N lifebelt, life jacket
N balsa salva-vidas
life-saver [-sev*]
N (guarda M ) salva-vidas M, F
life sentence
N pena de priso perptua
life-size [-saz] life-sized, -sazd
ADJ de tamanho natural
N vida, durao F
life style
N estilo de vida
life support system
N (MED) sistema M de respirao artificial
lifetime [laftam]
N vida in his lifetime, durante a sua vida
once in a lifetime, uma vez na vida
the chance of a lifetime, uma oportunidade nica
lift [lft]
VT 1. levantar 2. (steal) roubar VI (fog) dispersar-se, dissipar-se N (BRIT: elevator)
elevador M to give sb a lift BRIT (BRIT) dar uma carona para algum (BR) dar
uma boleia a algum (PT) lift off (rocket, helicopter) decolar VI lift out 1. tirar 2.
(troops etc) evacuar de avio or helicptero VT lift up levantar VT
lift-off [lftf]
N decolagem F
ligament [lmnt]
N ligamento
light [lat] (PT, PP lit )
N 1. luz F 2. (lamp) luz, lmpada 3. (daylight) (luz do) dia M 4. (AUT) (headlight) farol M
(rear light) luz traseira 5. (for cigarette etc) have you got a light? tem fogo? VT 1.
(candle, cigarette, fire) acender 2. (room) iluminar ADJ 1. (colour, room) claro 2. (not
heavy, also fig) leve 3. (rain, traffic) fraco 4. (movement, action) delicado ADV
(travel) com pouca bagagem lights (AUT) sinal M de trnsito NPL to turn the
light on/off, acender/apagar a luz
to cast or shed or throw light on, esclarecer
to come to light, vir tona
in the light of, luz de
to make light of sth (fig) no levar algo a srio, fazer pouco caso de algo light
up 1. (smoke) acender um cigarro 2. (face) iluminar-se 3. (illuminate) iluminar 4.
(cigarette etc) acender VI
light bulb
N lmpada
lighten [latn]
VI (grow light) clarear VT 1. (give light to) iluminar 2. (make lighter) clarear 3. (make
less heavy) tornar mais leve
lighter [lat*]
N 1. cigarette lighter, isqueiro, acendedor M 2. (boat) chata
light-fingered [-fd]
ADJ gatuno to be light-fingered, ter mo leve
light-headed [-hdd]
ADJ 1. (dizzy) aturdido, tonto 2. (excited) exaltado 3. (by nature) estouvado
ADJ alegre, despreocupado
lighthouse [lathaus]
N farol M
lighting [lat]
N (act, system) iluminao F
lighting-up time (BRIT)
N hora oficial hora oficialdo anoitecer
lightly [latl]
ADV 1. (touch) ligeiramente 2. (thoughtlessly) despreocupadamente 3. (slightly)
levemente 4. (not seriously) levianamente to get off lightly, conseguir se safar,
livrar a cara (inf)
light meter
N (PHOT) fotmetro
lightness [latns]
N 1. claridade F 2. (in weight) leveza
lightning [latn]
N relmpago, raio
lightning conductor
N pra-raios M INV
lightning rod (US)
N lightning conductor
lightning strike (BRIT)
N greve F relmpago
light pen
N caneta leitora
lightship [latp]
N navio-farol M
lightweight [latwet]
ADJ 1. (suit) leve 2. (BOXING) peso-leve
light year
N ano-luz M
like [lak]
VT gostar de PREP 1. como 2. (such as) tal qual ADJ parecido, semelhante N the like,
coisas FPL parecidas his likes and dislikes, seus gostos e averses
I would like
Id like (eu) (eu) gostaria de
would you like a coffee? voc quer um caf?
to be or look like sb/sth, parecer-se com algum/algo, parecer algum/algo
what does it look/taste/sound like? como que ?/tem gosto de qu?/como
que soa?
whats the weather like? como est o tempo?
thats just like him, tpico dele
something like that, uma coisa dessas
do it like this, faa isso assim
I feel like a drink, estou com vontade de tomar um drinque
it is nothing like ... no se parece nada com ...
likeable [lakbl]
ADJ simptico, agradvel
likelihood [laklhud]
N probabilidade F
likely [lakl]
ADJ 1. provvel 2. (excuse) plausvel hes likely to leave, provvel que ele se v
not likely! (inf) nem morto!
ADJ da mesma opinio
liken [lakn]
VT to liken sth to sth, comparar algo com algo
likeness [lakns]
N semelhana thats a good likeness, tem uma grande semelhana
likewise [lakwaz]
ADV igualmente to do likewise, fazer o mesmo
liking [lak]
N afeio F, simpatia to take a liking to sb, simpatizar com algum
to be to sbs liking, ser ao gosto de algum
lilac [lalk]
N lils M ADJ (colour) de cor lils
lilt [llt]
N cadncia
lilting [llt]
N cadenciado
lily [ll]
N lrio, aucena
lily of the valley
N lrio-do-vale M
Lima [lim]
N Lima
limb [lm]
N membro to be out on a limb (fig) estar isolado
limber up [lmb*-]
VI (SPORT) fazer aquecimento
limbo [lmbu]
N to be in limbo (fig) viver na expectativa
lime [lam]
N 1. (tree) limeira 2. (fruit) limo M 3. lime juice, suco BR or sumo PT de limo 4.
(GEO) cal F
limelight [lamlat]
N to be in the limelight (fig) ser o centro das atenes
limerick [lmrk]
N quintilha humorstica
limestone [lamstun]
N pedra calcria
limit [lmt]
N limite M VT limitar weight/speed limit, limite de peso/de velocidade
limitation [lmten]
N limitao F
limited [lmtd]
ADJ limitado to be limited to, limitar-se a
limited edition, edio F limitada
limited company (BRIT)
N sociedade F annima
limitless [lmtls]
ADJ ilimitado
limousine [lmzin]
N limusine F
limp [lmp]
N to have a limp, mancar, ser coxo VI mancar ADJ frouxo
limpet [lmpt]
N lapa
limpid [lmpd]
ADJ lmpido, cristalino
linchpin [lntpn]
N 1. cavilha 2. (fig) piv M
Lincs [lks] (BRIT)
ABBR Lincolnshire
line [lan]
N 1. linha 2. (straight line) reta 3. (rope) corda 4. (for fishing) linha 5. (US: queue) fila
(BR) bicha (PT) 6. (wire) fio 7. (row) fila, fileira 8. (of writing) linha 9. (on face) ruga
10. (speciality) ramo (de negcio) 11. (COMM) (type of goods) linha VT 1. (road,
room) encarreirar 2. (container, clothing) to line sth (with) forrar algo (de) to line
the streets, ladear as ruas
in line, em fila
to cut in line US (US) furar a fila (BR) pr-se frente (PT)
in his line of business, no ramo dele
on the right lines, no caminho certo
a new line in cosmetics, uma nova linha de cosmticos
hold the line please (BRIT TEL) no desligue
to be in line for sth, estar na bica para algo
in line with, de acordo com
to bring sth into line with sth, alinhar algo com algo
to draw the line at doing sth (fig) recusar-se a fazer algo
to take the line that ... ser de opinio que ... line up 1. enfileirar-se 2. enfileirar
3. (set up, have ready) preparar, arranjar VI to have sth/sb lined up, ter algo
programado/algum em vista
linear [ln*]
ADJ linear
lined [land]
ADJ 1. (face) enrugado 2. (paper) pautado 3. (clothes) forrado
line feed
N (COMPUT) entrelinha
linen [lnn]
N 1. artigos de cama e mesa 2. (cloth) linho
line printer
N impressora de linha
liner [lan*]
N 1. navio de linha regular 2. bin liner, saco para lata de lixo
linesman [lanzmn]
N IRREG (SPORT) juiz M de linha
N 1. formao F em linha, alinhamento 2. (SPORT) escalao F
linger [l*]
VI 1. demorar-se, retardar-se 2. (smell, tradition) persistir
lingerie [lnri]
N lingerie F, roupa de baixo (de mulher)
lingering [lr]
ADJ 1. persistente 2. (death) lento, vagaroso
lingo [lu] (PL lingoes ) (inf)
N lngua
linguist [lwst]
N lingista M, F
linguistic [lwstk]
ADJ lingstico
linguistics [lwstks]
N lingstica
lining [lan]
N 1. forro 2. (ANAT) parede F 3. (TECH) revestimento (of brakes) lona
link [lk]
N 1. (of a chain) elo 2. (connection) conexo F 3. (bond) vnculo, lao VT 1. vincular,
unir 2. (associate) to link with or to, unir a links (GOLF) campo de golfe NPL
rail link, ligao ferroviria link up 1. acoplar 2. unir-se VT
N 1. ligao F 2. (in space) acoplamento 3. (of roads) juno F, confluncia 4. (RADIO
TV) transmisso F em rede
lino [lanu]
N linoleum
linoleum [lnulm]
N linleo
linseed oil [lnsid-]
N leo de linhaa
lint [lnt]
N 1. fibra de algodo 2. (thread) fio
lintel [lntl]
N verga
lion [lan]
N leo M
lion cub
N filhote M de leo
lioness [lans]
N leoa
lip [lp]
N 1. lbio 2. (of jug) bico 3. (of cup etc) borda 4. (insolence) insolncia
lipread [lprid]
VI IRREG ler os lbios
lip salve
N pomada para os lbios
lip service
N to pay lip service to sth, devotar-se a or elogiar algo falsamente
lipstick [lpstk]
N batom M
liquefy [lkwfa]
VT liquefazer VI liquefazer-se
liqueur [lkju*]
N licor M
liquid [lkwd]
ADJ lquido N lquido
liquid assets
NPL ativo disponvel, disponibilidades FPL
liquidate [lkwdet]
VT liquidar
liquidation [lkwden]
N to go into liquidation, entrar em liquidao
liquidation sale (US)
N liquidao F (por motivo de fechamento)
liquidator [lkwdet*]
N liquidador* M (F liquidadora)
liquid crystal display
N display M digital em cristal lquido
liquidity [lkwdt]
N (COMM) liquidez F
liquidize [lkwdaz] (BRIT)
VT (CULIN) liqidificar, passar no liqidificador
liquidizer [lkwdaz*] (BRIT)
N (CULIN) liqidificador M
liquor [lk*]
N licor M, bebida alcolica
liquorice [lkrs] (BRIT)
N alcauz M
liquor store (US)
N loja que vende bebidas alcolicas
Lisbon [lzbn]
N Lisboa
lisp [lsp]
N ceceio VI cecear, falar com a lngua presa
lissom [lsm]
ADJ gracioso, gil
list [lst]
N 1. lista 2. (of ship) inclinao F VT 1. (write down) fazer uma lista or relao de 2.
(enumerate) enumerar 3. (COMPUT) listar VI (ship) inclinar-se, adernar shopping
list, lista de compras
listed building [lstd-] (BRIT)
N prdio tombado
listed company [lstd-]
N sociedade F de capital aberto, sociedade cotada na Bolsa
listen [lsn]
VI 1. escutar, ouvir 2. (pay attention) prestar ateno to listen to, escutar
listener [lsn*]
N ouvinte M, F
listing [lst]
N (COMPUT) listagem F
listless [lstls]
ADJ aptico, indiferente
listlessly [lstlsl]
ADV apaticamente
list price
N preo de tabela
lit [lt]
PT PP (of light)
light [lat] (PT, PP lit )
N 1. luz F 2. (lamp) luz, lmpada 3. (daylight) (luz do) dia M 4. (AUT) (headlight) farol M
(rear light) luz traseira 5. (for cigarette etc) have you got a light? tem fogo? VT 1.
(candle, cigarette, fire) acender 2. (room) iluminar ADJ 1. (colour, room) claro 2. (not
heavy, also fig) leve 3. (rain, traffic) fraco 4. (movement, action) delicado ADV
(travel) com pouca bagagem lights (AUT) sinal M de trnsito NPL to turn the
light on/off, acender/apagar a luz
to cast or shed or throw light on, esclarecer
to come to light, vir tona
in the light of, luz de
to make light of sth (fig) no levar algo a srio, fazer pouco caso de algo light
up 1. (smoke) acender um cigarro 2. (face) iluminar-se 3. (illuminate) iluminar 4.
(cigarette etc) acender VI
litany [ltn]
N ladainha, litania
liter [lit*] (US)
N litre
litre [lit*] liter (US)
N litro
literacy [ltrs]
N capacidade F de ler e escrever, alfabetizao F
literacy campaign
N campanha de alfabetizao
literal [ltrl]
ADJ literal
literally [ltrl]
ADV literalmente
literary [ltrr]
ADJ literrio
literate [ltrt]
ADJ 1. alfabetizado, instrudo 2. (educated) culto, letrado
literature [ltrt*]
N 1. literatura 2. (brochures etc) folhetos MPL
lithe [la]
ADJ gil
lithography [lrf]
N litografia
Lithuania [ljuen]
N Litunia
litigate [ltet]
VT VI litigar
litigation [lten]
N litgio
litmus paper [ltms-]
N papel M de tornassol
litter [lt*]
N 1. (rubbish) lixo 2. (paper) papis MPL 3. (young animals) ninhada 4. (stretcher)
maca, padiola VT (subj) (person) jogar lixo em (papers etc) estar espalhado por
littered with (scattered) semeado de (covered) coberto de
litter bin (BRIT)
N lata de lixo
litterbug [ltb]
N sujismundo
litter lout (BRIT)
N litterbug
little [ltl]
ADJ 1. (small) pequeno 2. (not much) pouco little house, casinha ADV pouco a
little, um pouco (de)
little milk, pouco leite
a little milk, um pouco de leite
for a little while, por um instante
with little difficulty, com pouca dificuldade
as little as possible, o menos possvel
little by little, pouco a pouco
to make little of, fazer pouco de
little finger
N dedo mindinho
liturgy [ltd]
N liturgia
VI [lv] 1. viver 2. (reside) morar VT [lv] 1. (a life) levar 2. (experience) viver ADJ [lav]
1. (animal) vivo 2. (wire) eletrizado 3. (broadcast) ao vivo 4. (shell) carregado to
live in London, morar em Londres
to live with sb, morar com algum
live ammunition, munio de guerra live down redimir VT live in 1. (maid)
dormir no emprego 2. (student, nurse) ser interno* (ser interna) VI live off 1.
(land, fish etc) viver de 2. (pej: parents etc) viver s custas de VT live on 1. (food)
viver de, alimentar-se de 2. continuar vivo VT to live on 50 a week, viver com
50 por semana live out 1. (BRIT: student) ser externo 2. to live out ones days
or life, viver o resto de seus dias VI live together viver juntos VI live up (inf) to
live it up, cair na farra VT live up to 1. (fulfil) cumprir 2. (justify) justificar VT
livelihood [lavlhud]
N meio de vida, subsistncia
liveliness [lavlns]
N vivacidade F
lively [lavl]
ADJ 1. vivo 2. (talk) animado 3. (pace) rpido 4. (party, tune) alegre
liven up [lavn-]
VT 1. (room) dar nova vida a 2. (discussion, evening) animar VI animar-se
liver [lv*]
N fgado
liverish [lvr]
ADJ (fig) rabugento, mal-humorado
Liverpudlian [lvpdln]
ADJ de Liverpool N natural M, F de Liverpool
livery [lvr]
N libr F
lives [lavz]
NPL (of life)
livestock [lavstk]
N gado
livid [lvd]
ADJ 1. lvido 2. (inf: furious) furioso
living [lv]
ADJ (alive) vivo N to earn or make a living, ganhar a vida cost of living, custo de
within living memory, na memria de pessoas ainda vivas
living conditions
NPL condies FPL de vida
living expenses
NPL despesas FPL para sobrevivncia quotidiana
living room
N sala de estar
living standards
NPL padro M or nvel M de vida
living wage
N salrio de subsistncia
lizard [lzd]
N lagarto
llama [lm]
N lhama
N ABBR Bachelor of Laws, ttulo universitrio
N ABBR Doctor of Laws, ttulo universitrio
ABBR Local Mean Time, hora local
load [lud]
N 1. carga 2. (weight) peso VT 1. (gen, COMPUT) carregar 2. (fig) cumular, encher a
load of rubbish, um monte de besteira
a load of
loads of (fig) um monte de, uma poro de
loaded [ludd]
ADJ 1. (vehicle) to be loaded with, estar carregado de 2. (dice) viciado 3. (question,
word) intencionado 4. (inf: rich) cheio da nota (drunk) de porre
loading bay [lud-]
N vo M de carregamento
loaf [luf] (PL loaves )
N po-de-forma M VI loaf about, loaf around, vadiar, vagabundar
loam [lum]
N marga
loan [lun]
N emprstimo VT emprestar on loan, emprestado
to raise a loan, levantar um emprstimo
loan account
N conta de emprstimo
loan capital
N capital-obrigaes M
loath [lu]
ADJ to be loath to do sth, estar pouco inclinado a fazer also, relutar em fazer algo
loathe [lu]
VT detestar, odiar
loathing [lu]
N dio it fills me with loathing, me d (um) dio
loathsome [lusm]
ADJ repugnante, asqueroso
loaves [luvz]
NPL (of loaf)
lob [lb]
N (TENNIS) lobe M VT to lob the ball, dar um lobe
lobby [lb]
N 1. vestbulo, saguo M 2. (POL) (pressure group) grupo de presso, lobby M VT
lobbyist [lbst]
N membro de um grupo de presso
lobe [lub]
N lbulo
lobster [lbst*]
N 1. lagostim M 2. (large) lagosta
lobster pot
N armadilha para pegar lagosta
local [lukl]
ADJ local N (pub) bar M (local) the locals (local inhabitants) os moradores locais NPL
local anaesthetic , local anesthetic (US)
N anestesia local
local authority
N municpio
local call
N (TEL) ligao F local
local government
N administrao F municipal
locality [luklt]
N localidade F
localize [luklaz]
VT localizar
locally [lukl]
ADV nos arredores, na vizinhana
locate [luket]
VT 1. (find) localizar, situar 2. (situate) to be located in, estar localizado em
location [luken]
N local M, posio F on location (CINEMA) em externas
loch [lx]
N lago
lock [lk]
N 1. (of door, box) fechadura 2. (of canal) eclusa 3. (of hair) anel M, mecha VT 1. (with
key) trancar 2. (immobilize) travar VI 1. (door etc) fechar-se chave 2. (wheels)
travar-se lock stock and barrel (fig) com tudo
on full lock (BRIT AUT) com o volante virado ao mximo lock away 1.
(valuables) guardar a sete chaves 2. (person) encarcerar VT lock in trancar
dentro VT lock out 1. trancar do lado de fora 2. (on purpose) deixar na rua
(workers) recusar trabalho a VT lock up 1. (criminal, mental patient) prender 2.
(house) trancar 3. fechar tudo VT
locker [lk*]
N compartimento com chave
locket [lkt]
N medalho M
lockjaw [lkd]
N trismo
lockout [lkaut]
N greve F de patres, lockout M
locksmith [lksm]
N serralheiro* (serralheira)
lockup [lkp]
N 1. (prison) priso F 2. (cell) cela 3. lockup garage, compartimento seguro
locomotive [lukmutv]
N locomotiva
locum [lukm]
N (MED) (mdico*) interino* ((mdica ) interina)
locust [lukst]
N gafanhoto
lodge [ld]
N 1. casa do guarda, guarita 2. (hunting lodge) pavilho M de caa 3. (porter's)
portaria 4. (FREEMASONRY) loja VI (person) to lodge (with) alojar-se (na casa
de) VT (complaint) apresentar to lodge (itself) in/between, cravar-se em/entre
lodger [ld*]
N inquilino* (inquilina) hspede M, F
lodging [ld]
N alojamento lodgings quarto (mobiliado) NPL board
lodging house (BRIT)
N casa de hspedes
loft [lft]
N sto M
lofty [lft]
ADJ 1. alto, elevado 2. (haughty) altivo, arrogante 3. (sentiments, aims) nobre
log [l]
N 1. (of wood) tora 2. (book) logbook N ABBR logarithm, log M VT registrar log in
(COMPUT) iniciar o uso, logar VI log off (COMPUT) encerrar o uso, dar logoff VI
log on (COMPUT) iniciar o uso, logar VI log out (COMPUT) encerrar o uso, dar
logoff VI
logarithm [lrm]
N logaritmo
logbook [lbuk]
N 1. (NAUT) dirio de bordo 2. (AVIAT) dirio de vo 3. (of car) documentao F (do
log cabin
N cabana de madeira
log fire
N fogueira
loggerheads [lhdz]
NPL at loggerheads (with) s turras (com)
logic [ldk]
N lgica
logical [ldkl]
ADJ lgico
logically [ldkl]
ADV logicamente
logistics [ldstks]
N logstica
logo [luu]
N logotipo
loin [ln]
N (CULIN) (carne F de) lombo loins lombos MPL NPL
loin cloth
N tanga
loiter [lt*]
VI 1. perder tempo 2. (pej) vadiar, vagabundar
loll [ll]
VI loll about, refestelar-se, reclinar-se
lollipop [llpp]
N 1. pirulito (BR) chupa-chupa M (PT) 2. (iced) picol M
lollipop lady (BRIT)
N mulher que ajuda as crianas a atravessarem a rua
lollipop man (BRIT)
N IRREG homem que ajuda as crianas a atravessarem a rua
lollop [llp] (BRIT)
VI andar com pachorra
London [lndn]
N Londres
Londoner [lndn*]
N londrino* (londrina)
lone [lun]
ADJ 1. (person) solitrio 2. (thing) nico
loneliness [lunlns]
N solido F, isolamento
lonely [lunl]
ADJ 1. (person) s 2. (place, childhood) solitrio, isolado to feel lonely, sentir-se s
loner [lun*]
N solitrio* (solitria)
lonesome [lunsm]
ADJ 1. (person) s 2. (place, childhood) solitrio
long [l]
ADJ 1. longo 2. (road, hair, table) comprido ADV muito tempo N the long and the short
of it is that ... (fig) em poucas palavras ... VI to long for sth, ansiar or suspirar por
algo he had long understood that ... fazia muito tempo que ele entendia ...
how long is the street? qual a extenso da rua?
how long is the lesson? quanto dura a lio?
6 metres long, de 6 metros de extenso, que mede 6 metros
6 months long, de 6 meses de durao, que dura 6 meses
all night long, a noite inteira
he no longer comes, ele no vem mais
long before/after, muito antes/depois
before long (+ future) dentro de pouco (+ past) pouco tempo depois
long ago, h muito tempo atrs
dont be long! no demore!
I shant be long, no vou demorar
at long last, por fim, no final
in the long run, no final de contas
so or as long as, contanto que
ADJ 1. (travel) de longa distncia 2. (call) interurbano
longevity [lndvt]
N longevidade F
ADJ 1. (person) cabeludo 2. (animal) peludo
longhand [lhnd]
N escrita usual
longing [l]
N 1. desejo, anseio 2. (nostalgia) saudade F ADJ saudoso
longingly [ll]
ADV 1. ansiosamente 2. (nostalgically) saudosamente
longitude [ltjud]
N longitude F
long johns [-dnz]
NPL ceroulas FPL
long jump
N salto em distncia
ADJ (milk, batteries) longa vida
ADJ perdido h muito (tempo)
long-playing record [-ple-]
N elep M (BR) LP M (PT)
ADJ 1. de longo alcance 2. (forecast) a longo prazo
longshoreman [lmn] (US)
N IRREG estivador M, porturio
ADJ 1. presbita 2. (fig) previdente
ADJ de muito tempo
ADJ paciente, resignado
ADJ a longo prazo
long wave
N (RADIO) onda longa
long-winded [-wndd]
ADJ prolixo, cansativo
loo [lu] (BRIT inf)
N banheiro (BR) casa de banho (PT)
loofah [luf]
N tipo de esponja
look [luk]
VI 1. olhar 2. (seem) parecer 3. (building etc) to look south/(out) onto the sea, dar
para o sul/o mar N 1. olhar M 2. (glance) olhada, vista de olhos 3. (appearance)
aparncia, aspecto 4. (style) visual M looks (good looks) fsico, aparncia NPL
look (here)! (annoyance) escuta aqui!
look! (surprise) olha!
to look like sb, parecer-se com algum
it looks like him, parece ele
it looks about 4 metres long, parece ter uns 4 metros de comprimento
it looks all right to me, para mim est bem
to have a look at sth, dar uma olhada em algo
to have a look for sth, procurar algo
to look ahead, olhar para a frente (fig) pensar no futuro look after 1. cuidar de
2. (deal with) lidar com 3. (luggage etc) (watch over) ficar de olho em VT look
around 1. olhar em torno 2. (in shop) dar uma olhada VI look at 1. olhar (para) 2.
(read quickly) ler rapidamente 3. (consider) considerar VT look back to look
back at sth/sb, voltar-se para ver algo/algum VI to look back on (remember)
recordar, rever look down on (fig) desdenhar, desprezar VT look for procurar
VT look forward to 1. aguardar com prazer, ansiar por 2. (in letter) we look
forward to hearing from you, no aguardo de suas notcias VT to look forward
to doing sth, no ver a hora de fazer algo
Im not looking forward to it, no estou nada animado com isso look in to
look in on sb, dar uma passada na casa de algum VI look into investigar VT
look on assistir VI look out (beware) to look out (for) tomar cuidado (com) VI
look out for 1. (seek) procurar 2. (await) esperar VT look over 1. (essay) dar
uma olhada em 2. (town, building) visitar 3. (person) olhar da cabea aos ps VT
look round virar a cabea, voltar-se VI to look round for sth, procurar algo
look through 1. (papers, book) examinar (briefly) folhear 2. (telescope) olhar
atravs de VT look to 1. cuidar de 2. (rely on) contar com VT look up 1. levantar
os olhos 2. (improve) melhorar 3. (word) procurar 4. (friend) visitar VI look up to
admirar, respeitar VT
lookout [lukaut]
N 1. (tower etc) posto de observao, guarita 2. (person) vigia M to be on the
lookout for sth, estar na expectativa de algo
look-up table
N (COMPUT) tabela de pesquisa
N ABBR Loyal Order of Moose, associao beneficente
loom [lum]
N tear M VI 1. loom up, agigantar-se 2. (event) aproximar-se 3. (threaten) ameaar
loony [lun] (inf)
ADJ meio doido N debil M, F mental
loony bin (inf)
N hospcio, manicmio
loop [lup]
N 1. lao 2. (bend) volta, curva 3. (contraceptive) DIU M VT to loop sth round sth,
prender algo em torno de algo
loophole [luphul]
N escapatria
loose [lus]
ADJ 1. (not fixed) solto 2. (not tight) frouxo 3. (animal, hair) solto 4. (clothes) folgado 5.
(morals, discipline) relaxado 6. (sense) impreciso N to be on the loose, estar solto
VT 1. (free) soltar 2. (slacken) afrouxar loose connection (ELEC) conexo solta
to tie up loose ends (of sth) (fig) amarrar (algo)
loose change
N trocado
loose chippings [-tpz]
NPL (on road) pedrinhas FPL soltas
loose end
N to be at a loose end BRIT or at loose ends US (BRIT) (US) (fig) no ter o que
ADJ (clothes) folgado, largo
ADJ loose-leaf binder or folder, pasta de folhas soltas
loose-limbed [-lmd]
ADJ gil
loosely [lusl]
ADV 1. frouxamente, folgadamente 2. (not closely) aproximativamente
loosen [lusn]
VT 1. (free) soltar 2. (untie) desatar 3. (slacken) afrouxar loosen up 1. (before
game) aquecer 2. (inf: relax) descontrair-se VI
loot [lut]
N saque M, despojo VT saquear, pilhar
looter [lut*]
N saqueador* M (F saqueadora)
looting [lut]
N saque M, pilhagem F
lop off [lp-]
VT 1. cortar 2. (branches) podar
lop-sided [lpsadd]
ADJ torto
lord [ld]
N senhor M Lord Smith, Lord Smith
the Lord (REL) o Senhor
good Lord! Deus meu!
the (House of) Lords BRIT (BRIT) a Cmara dos Lordes
lordly [ldl]
ADJ 1. senhorial 2. (arrogant) arrogante
lordship [ldp] (BRIT)
N Your Lordship, Vossa senhoria
lore [l*]
N sabedoria popular, tradies FPL
lorry [lr] (BRIT)
N caminho M (BR) camio M (PT)
lorry driver (BRIT)
N caminhoneiro (BR) camionista M, F (PT)
lorry load (BRIT)
N carga de caminho
lose [luz] (PT, PP lost )
VT VI perder to lose (time) (clock) atrasar-se
to lose no time (in doing sth) no demorar (a fazer algo)
to get lost (person) perder-se (thing) extraviar-se
loser [luz*]
N 1. perdedor* M (F perdedora) 2. (inf: failure) derrotado* (derrotada) fracassado*
(fracassada) to be a good/bad loser, ser bom/mau perdedor
loss [ls]
N 1. perda 2. (COMM) to make a loss, sair com prejuzo to cut ones losses,
reduzir os prejuzos
to sell sth at a loss, vender algo com prejuzo
heavy losses (MIL) grandes perdas
to be at a loss, estar perplexo
to be at a loss to do, ser incapaz de fazer
to be a dead loss, ser totalmente intil
loss adjuster
N (INSURANCE) rbitro regulador de avarias
loss leader
N (COMM) chamariz M
lost [lst]
PT PP (of lose) ADJ perdido lost in thought, perdido em seus pensamentos
lost and found property US (US) (objetos MPL ) perdidos e achados MPL
lost and found US (US) (seo F de) perdidos e achados MPL
lost property (BRIT)
N (objetos MPL ) perdidos e achados MPL lost property office or department,
(seo F de) perdidos e achados MPL
lot [lt]
N 1. (set of things) poro F 2. (at auctions) lote M 3. (destiny) destino, sorte F the
lot, tudo, todos* (todas)
a lot, muito, bastante
a lot of
lots of, muito(s)
I read a lot, leio bastante
to draw lots, tirar sorte
parking lot US (US) estacionamento
lotion [lun]
N loo F
lottery [ltr]
N loteria
loud [laud]
ADJ 1. (voice) alto 2. (shout) forte 3. (noise) barulhento 4. (support, condemnation)
veemente 5. (gaudy) berrante ADV alto out loud, em voz alta
loud-hailer [-hel*] (BRIT)
N megafone M
loudly [laudl]
ADV 1. (noisily) ruidosamente 2. (aloud) em voz alta
loudspeaker [laudspik*]
N alto-falante M
lounge [laund]
N 1. sala de estar F 2. (of airport) salo M 3. lounge bar (BRIT) bar M social VI
recostar-se, espreguiar-se lounge about ficar -toa VI lounge around lounge
about VI
lounge suit (BRIT)
N terno (BR) fato (PT)
louse [laus] (PL lice )
N piolho louse up (inf) estragar VT
lousy [lauz] (inf)
ADJ 1. ruim, pssimo 2. (ill) to feel lousy, sentir-se mal
lout [laut]
N rstico, grosseiro
louvre [luv*] louver (US)
ADJ louvre door, porta de veneziana louvre window, veneziana
lovable [lvbl]
ADJ adorvel, simptico
love [lv]
N amor M VT 1. amar 2. (care for) gostar 3. (activity) to love to do, gostar (muito) de
fazer love (from) Anne (on letter) um abrao or um beijo, Anne
I love you, eu te amo
I love coffee, adoro o caf
Id love to come, gostaria muito de ir
15 love (TENNIS) 15 a zero
to be in love with, estar apaixonado por
to fall in love with, apaixonar-se por
to make love, fazer amor
love at first sight, amor primeira vista
for the love of, pelo amor de
to send ones love to sb, mandar um abrao para algum
love affair
N aventura (amorosa) caso (de amor)
love letter
N carta de amor
love life
N vida sentimental
lovely [lvl]
ADJ 1. (delightful) encantador* (encantadora) delicioso 2. (beautiful) lindo, belo 3.
(holiday, surprise) muito agradvel, maravilhoso we had a lovely time, foi
maravilhoso, ns nos divertimos muito
lover [lv*]
N amante M, F a lover of art/music, um* apreciador* de or um* amante de
arte/msica (uma apreciadora de or uma)
lovesick [lvsk]
ADJ perdido de amor
love song
N cano F de amor
loving [lv]
ADJ 1. carinhoso, afetuoso 2. (actions) dedicado
low [lu]
ADJ 1. baixo 2. (depressed) deprimido 3. (ill) doente ADV baixo N (METEOROLOGY)
rea de baixa presso VI (cow) mugir to turn (down) low, baixar, diminuir
to be low on (supplies) ter pouco
to reach a new or an all-time low, cair para o seu nvel mais baixo
ADJ de baixo teor alcolico
lowbrow [lubrau]
ADJ sem pretenses intelectuais
ADJ baixo em calorias, de baixo teor calrico
ADJ (dress) decotado
N (inf) he gave me the low-down on it, me deu a dica sobre isso ADJ (mean) vil,
ADJ 1. mais baixo 2. (less important) inferior VT 1. abaixar 2. (reduce) reduzir, diminuir
to lower o.s. to (fig) rebaixar-se a
VI 1. (sky, clouds) escurecer 2. (person) to lower at sb, olhar para algum com raiva
ADJ magro
ADJ de baixa qualidade
ADJ discreto
lowlands [lulndz]
NPL plancie F
ADJ 1. de baixo nvel, baixo 2. (flying) a baixa altura
lowly [lul]
ADJ humilde
ADJ de baixo nvel
ADJ 1. (person) de renda baixa 2. (work) mal pago
loyal [ll]
ADJ leal
loyalist [llst]
N legalista M, F
loyalty [llt]
N lealdade F
lozenge [lznd]
N 1. (MED) pastilha 2. (GEOM) losango, rombo
N ABBR long-playing record
L-plates [lplets] (BRIT)
NPL placas FPL de aprendiz de motorista
N ABBR Licensed Practical Nurse, enfermeiro* diplomado* (enfermeira diplomada)
N ABBR Licentiate of the Royal Academy of Music
N ABBR Law Schools Admissions Test
N ABBR 1. lysergic acid diethylamide, LSD M 2. (BRIT) pounds, shillings and pence,
sistema monetrio usado na Gr-Bretanha at 1971
N ABBR London School of Economics
ABBR (ELEC) low tension, BT
ABBR lieutenant, Ten
Ltd (BRIT)
ABBR limited (liability) company, SA
lubricant [lubrknt]
N lubrificante M
lubricate [lubrket]
VT lubrificar
lucid [lusd]
ADJ lcido
lucidity [lusdt]
N lucidez F
luck [lk]
N sorte F bad luck, azar M
good luck! boa sorte!
to be in luck, ter or dar sorte
to be out of luck, ter azar
bar or hard or tough luck! que azar!
luckily [lkl]
ADV por sorte, felizmente
lucky [lk]
ADJ 1. (person) sortudo 2. (coincidence) feliz 3. (situation) afortunado 4. (object) de
lucrative [lukrtv]
ADJ lucrativo
ludicrous [ludkrs]
ADJ ridculo
ludo [ludu]
N ludo
lug [l] (inf)
VT 1. (drag) arrastar 2. (pull) puxar
luggage [ld]
N bagagem F
luggage car (US)
N (RAIL) vago M de bagagens
luggage rack
N 1. (in train) rede F para bagagem 2. (on car) porta-bagagem M, bagageiro
luggage van (BRIT)
N (RAIL) vago M de bagagens
lugubrious [luubrs]
ADJ lgubre
lukewarm [lukwm]
ADJ 1. morno, tpido 2. (fig) indiferente
lull [ll]
N pausa, interrupo F VT to lull sb to sleep, acalentar algum to be lulled into a
false sense of security, ser acalmado com uma falsa sensao de segurana
lullaby [llba]
N cano F de ninar
lumbago [lmbeu]
N lumbago
lumber [lmb*]
N 1. (junk) trastes MPL velhos 2. (wood) madeira serrada, tbua VT to lumber sb with
sth/sb, empurrar algo/algum para cima de algum VI lumber about, lumber along,
mover-se pesadamente
lumberjack [lmbdk]
N madeireiro, lenhador M
lumber room (BRIT)
N quarto de despejo
lumber yard
N depsito de madeira
luminous [lumns]
ADJ luminoso
lump [lmp]
N 1. torro M 2. (fragment) pedao 3. (in sauce) caroo 4. (in throat) n M 5. (on body)
galo, caroo 6. sugar lump, cubo de acar VT to lump together, amontoar a
lump sum, uma quantia global
lumpy [lmp]
ADJ (sauce, bed) encaroado
lunacy [luns]
N loucura
lunar [lun*]
ADJ lunar
lunatic [luntk]
ADJ N louco* (louca)
lunatic asylum
N manicmio, hospcio
lunch [lnt]
N almoo VI almoar to invite sb for lunch, convidar algum para almoar
luncheon [lntn]
N almoo formal
luncheon meat
N bolo de carne
luncheon voucher (BRIT)
N vale M para refeio, ticket M restaurante
lunch hour
N hora do almoo
lunch time
N hora do almoo
lung [l]
N pulmo M
lung cancer
N cncer M BR or cancro PT de pulmo
lunge [lnd]
VI lunge forward, dar estocada or bote to lunge at, arremeter-se contra
lupin [lupn]
N tremoo
lurch [lt]
VI balanar N solavanco to leave sb in the lurch, deixar algum em apuros, deixar
algum na mo (inf)
lure [lu*]
N 1. (bait) isca 2. (decoy) chamariz M, engodo VT atrair, seduzir
lurid [lurd]
ADJ 1. (account) sensacional 2. (detail) horrvel
lurk [lk]
VI 1. (hide) esconder-se 2. (wait) estar espreita
luscious [ls]
ADJ 1. (person, thing) atraente 2. (food) delicioso
lush [l]
ADJ exuberante
lust [lst]
N 1. luxria 2. (greed) cobia lust after cobiar VT lust for lust after VT
luster [lst*] (US)
N lustre
lustre [lst*] luster (US)
N lustre M, brilho
lustful [lstful]
ADJ lascivo, sensual
lusty [lst]
ADJ robusto, forte
lute [lut]
N alade M
Luxembourg [lksmb]
N Luxemburgo
luxuriant [lzjurnt]
ADJ luxuriante, exuberante
luxurious [lzjurs]
ADJ luxuoso
luxury [lkr]
N luxo CPD de luxo
N ABBR luncheon voucher
ABBR (RADIO) long wave, OL
lying [la]
N mentira(s) F FPL ADJ mentiroso, falso
lie [la]
VI (PT lay ), (PP lain ) 1. (act) deitar-se 2. (state) estar deitado 3. (object) (be situated)
estar, encontrar-se 4. (fig) (problem, cause) residir 5. (in race, league) ocupar 6.
((PT, PT lied )) (tell lies) mentir N mentira to lie low (fig) esconder-se
to tell lies, dizer mentiras, mentir lie about 1. (things) estar espalhado 2.
(people) vadiar VI lie around lie about VI lie back recostar-se VI lie down
deitar-se VI
lynch [lnt]
VT linchar
lynching [lnt]
N linchamento
lynx [lks]
N lince M
lyre [la*]
N lira
lyric [lrk]
ADJ lrico
lyrical [lrkl]
ADJ lrico
lyricism [lrszm]
N lirismo
lyrics [lrks]
NPL (of song) letra

ABBR metre, m, mile, mil. million
M , m [m]
N (letter) M, m M M for Mary BRIT or Mike US (BRIT) (US) M de Maria
N ABBR (BRIT) motorway the M8 BR 8 F medium, M
ABBR 1. (SCH) Master of Arts 2. (US) military academy (POST) Massachusetts
mac [mk] (BRIT)
N capa impermevel
macabre [mkbr]
ADJ macabro
Macao [mkau]
N Macau
macaroni [mkrun]
N macarro M
macaroon [mkrun]
N biscoitinho de amndoas
mace [mes]
N 1. (BOT) macis M 2. (sceptre) basto M
machinations [mknenz]
NPL maquinaes FPL, intrigas FPL
machine [min]
N mquina VT 1. (dress etc) costurar mquina 2. (TECH) usinar
machine code
N (COMPUT) cdigo de mquina
machine gun
N metralhadora
machine language
N (COMPUT) linguagem F de mquina
machine readable
ADJ (COMPUT) legvel por mquina
machinery [minr]
N 1. maquinaria 2. (fig) mquina
machine shop
N oficina mecnica
machine tool
N mquina-ferramenta F
machine washable
ADJ (garment) lavvel mquina
machinist [minst]
N 1. operrio* (de mquina) (operria) 2. (RAIL) maquinista M, F
macho [mtu]
ADJ machista
mackerel [mkrl]
N INV cavala
mackintosh [mknt] (BRIT)
N capa impermevel
macro... [mkru]
PREFIX macro...
N macroeconomia
mad [md]
ADJ 1. louco 2. (foolish) tolo 3. (angry) furioso, brabo 4. (keen) to be mad about, ser
louco por to go mad, enlouquecer
madam [mdm]
N senhora, madame F yes, madam, sim, senhora
Madam Chairman, Senhora Presidente
can I help you, madam? a senhora j foi atendida?
madden [mdn]
VT exasperar
maddening [mdn]
ADJ exasperante
made [med]
PT PP (of make)
Madeira [mdr]
N 1. (GEO) Madeira 2. (wine) (vinho) Madeira M
Madeiran [mdrn]
ADJ N madeirense M, F
made-to-measure (BRIT)
ADJ feito sob medida
madly [mdl]
ADV loucamente madly in love, louco de amor
madman [mdmn]
N IRREG louco
madness [mdns]
N 1. loucura 2. (foolishness) tolice F
Madrid [mdrd]
N Madri (BR) Madrid (PT)
Mafia [mf]
N mfia
mag. [m] (BRIT inf)
N ABBR magazine
magazine [mzin]
N 1. (PRESS) revista 2. (RADIO TV) programa M de actualidades 3. (MIL) (store)
depsito 4. (of firearm) cmara
magazine rack
N porta-revistas M INV
maggot [mt]
N larva de inseto
magic [mdk]
N magia, mgica ADJ mgico
magical [mdkl]
ADJ mgico
magician [mdn]
N 1. mago* (maga) 2. (entertainer) mgico* (mgica)
magistrate [mdstret]
N magistrado* (magistrada) juiz/juza M, F
magnanimous [mnnms]
ADJ magnnimo
magnate [mnet]
N magnata M
magnesium [mnizm]
N magnsio
magnet [mnt]
N m M, iman M (PT)
magnetic [mntk]
ADJ magntico
magnetic disk
N (COMPUT) disco magntico
magnetic tape
N fita magntica
magnetism [mntzm]
N magnetismo
magnification [mnfken]
N aumento
magnificence [mnfsns]
N magnificncia
magnificent [mnfsnt]
ADJ magnfico
magnify [mnfa]
VT aumentar
magnifying glass [mnfa-]
N lupa, lente F de aumento
magnitude [mntjud]
N magnitude F
magnolia [mnul]
N magnlia
magpie [mpa]
N pega
mahogany [mhn]
N mogno, acaju M CPD de mogno or acaju
maid [med]
N empregada old maid (pej) solteirona
maiden [medn]
N moa, donzela ADJ 1. (aunt etc) solteirona 2. (speech, voyage) inaugural
maiden name
N nome M de solteira
mail [mel]
N 1. correio 2. (letters) cartas FPL VT 1. (post) pr no correio 2. (send) mandar pelo
correio by mail, pelo correio
mailbox [melbks]
N 1. (US: for letters) caixa do correio 2. (COMPUT) caixa de entrada
mailing list [mel-]
N lista de clientes, mailing list M
mailman [melmn] (US)
N IRREG carteiro
mail order
N 1. pedido por reembolso postal 2. (business) venda por correspondncia CPD mail-
order firm or house, firma de vendas por correspondncia
mailshot [melt] (BRIT)
N mailing M
mail train
N trem-correio, trem M postal
mail truck (US)
N (AUT) mail van
mail van (BRIT)
N 1. (AUT) furgo M do correio 2. (RAIL) vago M postal
maim [mem]
VT mutilar, aleijar
main [men]
ADJ principal N (pipe) cano or esgoto principal the mains (ELEC,: gas, water) a rede
NPL in the main, na maior parte
main course
N (CULIN) prato principal
mainframe [menfrem]
N (COMPUT) mainframe M
mainland [menlnd]
N the mainland, o continente
mainline [menlan] (inf)
VT (heroin) picar-se com VI picar-se, aplicar-se
main line
N (RAIL) linha-tronco F ADJ main-line, de linha-tronco
mainly [menl]
ADV principalmente
main road
N estrada principal
mainstay [menste]
N (fig) esteio
mainstream [menstrim]
N corrente F principal
maintain [menten]
VT 1. manter 2. (keep up) conservar (em bom estado) 3. (affirm) sustentar, afirmar
to maintain that ... afirmar que ...
maintenance [mentnns]
N 1. manuteno F 2. (LAW) (alimony) alimentos MPL, penso F alimentcia
maintenance contract
N contrato de assistncia tcnica
maintenance order
N (LAW) ordem F de penso
maisonette [meznt] (BRIT)
N duplex M
maize [mez]
N milho
ABBR (MIL) major
majestic [mdstk]
ADJ majestoso
majesty [mdst]
N 1. majestade F 2. (title) Your Majesty, Sua Majestade
major [med*]
N (MIL) major M ADJ 1. (main) principal 2. (considerable) importante 3. (great) grande
4. (MUS) maior VI (US SCH) to major (in) especializar-se (em) a major
operation (MED) uma operao sria
Majorca [mjk]
N Maiorca
major general
N (MIL) general-de-diviso M
majority [mdrt]
N maioria CPD (verdict, holding) majoritrio
make [mek] (PT, PP made )
VT 1. fazer 2. (manufacture) fabricar, produzir 3. (cause to be) to make sb sad,
entristecer algum, fazer algum ficar triste 4. (force) to make sb do sth, fazer
com que algum faa algo 5. (equal) 2 and 2 make 4 dois e dois so quatro N
marca to make the bed, fazer a cama
to make a fool of sb, fazer algum de bobo
to make a profit/loss, ter um lucro/uma perda
to make it (arrive) chegar (succeed) ter sucesso
what time do you make it? que horas voc tem?
to make good (succeed) dar-se bem (losses) indenizar
to make do with, contentar-se com make for (place) dirigir-se a VT make off
fugir VI make out 1. (decipher) decifrar 2. (understand) compreender 3. (see)
divisar, avistar 4. (write out) (prescription) escrever (form, cheque) preencher 5.
(claim, imply) afirmar 6. (pretend) fazer de conta VT to make out a case for sth,
argumentar em favor de algo, defender algo make over (assign) to make over
(to) transferir (para) VT make up 1. (constitute) constituir 2. (invent) inventar 3.
(parcel) embrulhar 4. reconciliar-se 5. (with cosmetics) maquilar-se (BR) maquilhar-
se (PT) VT to be made up of, compor-se de, ser composto de
to make up ones mind, decidir-se make up for compensar VT
ADJ fingido, simulado N a world of make-believe, um mundo de faz-de-conta its
just make-believe, pura iluso
maker [mek*]
N 1. (of film, programme) criador M 2. (manufacturer) fabricante M, F
makeshift [mekft]
ADJ provisrio
make-up [mekp]
N maquilagem F (BR) maquilhagem F (PT)
make-up bag
N bolsa de maquilagem (BR) bolsa de maquilhagem (PT)
make-up remover
N removidor M de maquilagem
making [mek]
N (fig) in the making, em vias de formao he has the makings of an actor, ele
tem tudo para ser ator
maladjusted [mldstd]
ADJ inadaptado, desajustado
malaise [mlez]
N mal-estar M, indisposio F
malaria [mlr]
N malria
Malawi [mlw]
N Malavi M
Malay [mle]
ADJ malaio N 1. malaio* (malaia) 2. (LING) malaio
Malaya [mle]
N Malaia
Malayan [mlen]
ADJ N Malay
Malaysia [mlez]
N Malasia (BR) Malsia (PT)
Malaysian [mlezn]
ADJ N malsio* (malsia)
Maldives [mldavz]
NPL the Maldives, as ilhas Maldivas
male [mel]
N (BIO ELEC) macho ADJ 1. (sex, attitude) masculino 2. (animal) macho 3. (child etc)
do sexo masculino
male chauvinist
N machista M
male nurse
N enfermeiro
malevolence [mlvlns]
N malevolncia
malevolent [mlvlnt]
ADJ malvolo
malfunction [mlfkn]
N funcionamento defeituoso
malice [mls]
N 1. (ill will) malcia 2. (rancour) rancor M
malicious [mls]
ADJ 1. malevolente 2. (LAW) com inteno criminosa
malign [mlan]
VT caluniar, difamar
malignant [mlnnt]
ADJ (MED) maligno
malingerer [mlr*]
N doente M fingido* (F doente fingida)
mall [ml]
N shopping mall, shopping M
malleable [mlbl]
ADJ malevel
mallet [mlt]
N mao, marreta
malnutrition [mlnjutrn]
N desnutrio F
malpractice [mlprkts]
N falta profissional
malt [mlt]
N 1. malte M 2. (malt whisky) usque M de malte
Malta [mlt]
N Malta
Maltese [mltiz]
ADJ malts* (maltesa) N INV 1. malts* M (F maltesa) 2. (LING) malts M
maltreat [mltrit]
VT maltratar
mammal [mml]
N mamfero
mammoth [mm]
N mamute M ADJ gigantesco, imenso
man [mn] (PL men )
N 1. homem M 2. (CHESS) pea VT 1. (NAUT) tripular 2. (MIL) guarnecer 3. (operate)
(machine) operar an old man, um velho
a young man, um jovem
man and wife, marido e mulher
manacles [mnklz]
NPL grilhes MPL
manage [mnd]
VI arranjar-se, virar-se VT 1. (be in charge of) dirigir, administrar 2. (business)
gerenciar 3. (ship, person) controlar 4. (device) manusear 5. (carry) carregar to
manage to do sth, conseguir fazer algo
to manage without sb/sth, passar sem algum/algo
can you manage? voc consegue?
manageable [mndbl]
ADJ 1. manejvel 2. (task etc) vivel
management [mndmnt]
N administrao F, direo F, gerncia ``under new management ``sob nova
management accounting
N contabilidade F administrativa or gerencial
management consultant
N consultor* M em administrao (F consultora)
manager [mnd*]
N 1. gerente M, F 2. (SPORT) tcnico* (tcnica) 3. (of project) superintendente M, F 4.
(of department, unit) chefe M, F, diretor* M (F diretora) 5. (of artist) empresrio*
(empresria) sales manager, gerente de vendas
manageress [mndrs]
N gerente F
managerial [mnderl]
ADJ administrativo, gerencial
managing director [mnd-]
N diretor* M geral (F diretora), diretor-gerente/diretora-gerente M, F
Mancunian [mkjunn]
ADJ de Manchester N natural M, F de Manchester
mandarin [mndrn]
N 1. mandarin orange, tangerina 2. (person) mandarim M
mandate [mndet]
N mandato
mandatory [mndtr]
ADJ 1. obrigatrio 2. (powers etc) mandatrio
mandolin , mandoline [mndln]
N bandolim M
mane [men]
N 1. (of horse) crina 2. (of lion) juba
maneuver [mnuv*] (US)
manoeuvre etc
manfully [mnfl]
ADV valentemente
manganese [mniz]
N mangans M
mangle [ml]
VT mutilar, estropiar N calandra
mango [mu] (PL mangoes )
N manga
mangrove [mruv]
N mangue M
mangy [mend]
ADJ sarnento, esfarrapado
manhandle [mnhndl]
VT 1. (mistreat) maltratar 2. (move by hand) manipular
manhole [mnhul]
N poo de inspeo
manhood [mnhud]
N 1. (age) idade F adulta 2. (masculinity) virilidade F
N hora-homem F
manhunt [mnhnt]
N caa ao homem
mania [men]
N mania
maniac [menk]
N 1. manaco* (manaca) 2. (fig) louco* (louca)
manic [mnk]
ADJ manaco
ADJ N manaco-depressivo* (manaco-depressiva)
manicure [mnkju*]
N manicure F (BR) manicura (PT)
manicure set
N estojo de manicure BR or manicura PT
manifest [mnfst]
VT manifestar, mostrar ADJ manifesto, evidente N (AVIAT NAUT) manifesto
manifestation [mnfsten]
N manifestao F
manifesto [mnfstu] (PL manifestos or manifestoes )
N manifesto
manifold [mnfuld]
ADJ mltiplo N (AUT etc) exhaust
Manila [mnl]
N Manilha
manila [mnl]
ADJ manila paper, papel-manilha M
manipulate [mnpjulet]
VT manipular
manipulation [mnpjulen]
N manipulao F
mankind [mnkand]
N humanidade F, raa humana
manliness [mnlns]
N virilidade F
manly [mnl]
ADJ msculo, viril
ADJ sinttico, artificial
manna [mn]
N man M
mannequin [mnkn]
N manequim M
manner [mn*]
N 1. modo, maneira 2. (behaviour) conduta, comportamento 3. (type) all manner of
things, todos os tipos de coisa manners (conduct) boas maneiras FPL, educao
F NPL bad manners, falta de educao
all manner of, todo tipo de
mannerism [mnrzm]
N maneirismo, hbito
mannerly [mnl]
ADJ polido, educado
manoeuvrable [mnuvrbl] maneuverable (US)
ADJ manobrvel
manoeuvre [mnuv*] maneuver (US)
VT 1. manobrar 2. (manipulate) manipular VI manobrar N manobra to manoeuvre sb
into doing sth, induzir algum a fazer algo
manor [mn*]
N manor house, casa senhorial, solar M
manpower [mnpau*]
N potencial M humano, mo-de-obra F
manservant [mnsvnt] (PL menservants )
N criado
mansion [mnn]
N manso F, palacete M
manslaughter [mnslt*]
N homicdio involuntrio
mantelpiece [mntlpis]
N consolo da lareira
mantle [mntl]
N 1. manto 2. (fig) camada
ADJ ADV de homem para homem
manual [mnjul]
ADJ manual N 1. manual M 2. (MUS) teclado
manual worker
N trabalhador* M braal (F trabalhadora)
manufacture [mnjufkt*]
VT manufaturar, fabricar N fabricao F
manufactured goods [mnjufktd-]
NPL produtos MPL industrializados
manufacturer [mnjufktr*]
N fabricante M, F
manufacturing industries [mnjufktr]
NPL indstrias FPL de transformao
manure [mnju*]
N estrume M, adubo
manuscript [mnjuskrpt]
N manuscrito
many [mn]
ADJ PRON muitos* (muitas) how many? quantos*? (quantas)
a great many, muitssimos
twice as many (adj) duas vezes mais
twice as many (pron) o dobro
many a time, muitas vezes
map [mp]
N mapa M VT fazer o mapa de map out 1. traar 2. (fig) (career, holiday) planejar VT
maple [mepl]
N bordo
ABBR March
mar [m*]
VT estragar
marathon [mrn]
N maratona ADJ a marathon session, uma sesso exaustiva
marathon runner
N corredor* M de maratona (F corredora), maratonista M, F
marauder [mrd*]
N saqueador* M (F saqueadora)
marble [mbl]
N 1. mrmore M 2. (toy) bola de gude marbles (game) jogo de gude N
March [mt]
N maro July
march [mt]
VI 1. (MIL) marchar 2. (demonstrators) desfilar N 1. marcha 2. (demonstration)
passeata to march out of/into etc, sair de/entrar em marchando etc
marcher [mt*]
N (demonstrator) manifestante M, F
marching [mt]
N to give sb his marching orders (fig) dar um bilhete azul a algum, mandar
passear algum
N desfile M
mare [m*]
N gua
marg. [md] (inf)
N ABBR margarine
margarine [mdrin]
N margarina
margin [mdn]
N margem F
marginal [mdnl]
ADJ marginal marginal seat (POL) cadeira ganha por pequena maioria
marginally [mdnl]
ADV ligeiramente
marigold [mruld]
N malmequer M
marijuana [mrwn]
N maconha
marina [mrin]
N marina
N [mrned] escabeche M VT [mrned] marinate
marinate [mrnet]
VT marinar, pr em escabeche
marine [mrin]
ADJ 1. (in the sea) marinho 2. (engineer) naval 3. (of seafaring) martimo N fuzileiro
marine insurance
N seguro martimo
marital [mrtl]
ADJ matrimonial, marital marital status, estado civil
maritime [mrtam]
ADJ martimo
maritime law
N direito martimo
marjoram [mdrm]
N manjerona
mark [mk]
N 1. marca, sinal M 2. (imprint) impresso F 3. (stain) mancha 4. (BRIT SCH) nota 5.
(currency) marco 6. (BRIT TECH) Mark 2 2a verso VT 1. (also) (SPORT: player)
marcar 2. (stain) manchar 3. (indicate) indicar 4. (commemorate) comemorar 5.
(BRIT SCH) (grade) dar nota em (correct) corrigir to mark time, marcar passo
to be quick off the mark (in doing) (fig) no perder tempo (para fazer)
up to the mark (in efficiency) altura das exigncias mark down (prices,
goods) rebaixar, remarcar para baixo VT mark off (tick off) ticar VT mark out 1.
(trace) traar 2. (designate) destinar VT mark up (price) aumentar, remarcar VT
marked [mkt]
ADJ acentuado
markedly [mkdl]
ADV marcadamente
marker [mk*]
N 1. (sign) marcador M, marca 2. (bookmark) marcador
market [mkt]
N mercado VT (COMM) comercializar to be on the market, estar venda
on the open market, no mercado livre
to play the market, especular na bolsa de valores
marketable [mktbl]
ADJ comercializvel
market analysis
N anlise F de mercado
market day
N dia M de mercado
market demand
N procura de mercado
market forces
NPL foras FPL do mercado
market garden (BRIT)
N horta
marketing [mkt]
N marketing M
market leader
N lder M do mercado
marketplace [mktples]
N mercado
market price
N preo de mercado
market research
N pesquisa de mercado
market value
N valor M de mercado
marking [mk]
N 1. (on animal) marcao F 2. (on road) marca
marksman [mksmn]
N IRREG bom atirador M
marksmanship [mksmnp]
N boa pontaria
marksmen [mksmn]
NPL (of marksman)
N (COMM) (margin) margem F (de lucro) markup M (increase) remarcao F, aumento
marmalade [mmled]
N gelia de laranja
maroon [mrun]
VT to be marooned, ficar abandonado (numa ilha) ADJ de cor castanho-avermelhado,
marquee [mki]
N toldo, tenda
marquess [mkws]
N marqus M
marquis [mkws]
N marquess
marriage [mrd]
N casamento
marriage bureau
N IRREG agncia matrimonial
marriage certificate
N certido F de casamento
marriage counselling (US)
N marriage guidance
marriage guidance (BRIT)
N orientao F matrimonial
married [mrd]
ADJ 1. casado 2. (life, love) conjugal to get married, casar(-se)
marrow [mru]
N 1. medula 2. (vegetable) abbora
marry [mr]
VT 1. casar(-se) com 2. (subj) (father, priest etc) casar, unir VI (also) get married,
Mars [mz]
N (planet) Marte M
marsh [m]
N 1. pntano 2. (salt marsh) marisma
marshal [ml]
N 1. field marshal (MIL) marechal M 2. (at sports meeting etc) oficial M VT 1. (thoughts,
support) organizar 2. (soldiers) formar
marshalling yard [ml-]
N (RAIL) local M de manobras
marshmallow [mmlu]
N espcie de doce de malvavisco
marshy [m]
ADJ pantanoso
marsupial [msupl]
ADJ marsupial N marsupial M
martial [ml]
ADJ marcial
martial arts
NPL artes FPL marciais
martial law
N lei F marcial
Martian [mn]
N marciano* (marciana)
martin [mtn]
N house martin, andorinha-de-casa
martyr [mt*]
N mrtir M, F VT martirizar
martyrdom [mtdm]
N martrio
marvel [mvl]
N maravilha VI to marvel (at) maravilhar-se (de or com)
marvellous [mvls] marvelous (US)
ADJ maravilhoso
Marxism [mkszm]
N marxismo
Marxist [mksst]
ADJ N marxista M, F
marzipan [mzpn]
N maapo M
mascara [mskr]
N rmel M
mascot [mskt]
N mascote F
masculine [mskjuln]
ADJ N masculino
masculinity [mskjulnt]
N masculinidade F
MASH [m] (US)
N ABBR (MIL) mobile army surgical hospital
mash [m]
VT 1. (CULIN) fazer um pur de 2. (crush) amassar
mashed potatoes [mt-]
N pur M de batatas
mask [msk]
N mscara VT 1. (face) encobrir 2. (feelings) esconder, ocultar
masochism [mskzm]
N masoquismo
masochist [mskst]
N masoquista M, F
mason [mesn]
N 1. stone mason, pedreiro* (pedreira) 2. freemason, maom M
masonic [msnk]
ADJ manico
masonry [mesnr]
N 1. freemasonry, maonaria 2. (building) alvenaria
masquerade [mskred]
N 1. baile M de mscaras 2. (fig) farsa, embuste M VI to masquerade as, disfarar-se
de, fazer-se passar por
mass [ms]
N 1. (of papers etc) quantidade F 2. (people) multido F 3. (PHYS) massa 4. (REL)
missa 5. (great quantity) monto M CPD de massa VI 1. reunir-se 2. (MIL)
concentrar-se the masses (ordinary people) as massas NPL masses of (inf)
montes de
to go to mass, ir missa
massacre [msk*]
N massacre M, carnificina VT massacrar
massage [ms]
N massagem F VT fazer massagem em, massagear
masseur [ms*]
N massagista M
masseuse [msz]
N massagista
massive [msv]
ADJ 1. (large) enorme 2. (support) massivo
mass market
N mercado de consumo em massa
mass media
NPL meios MPL de comunicao de massa, mdia
mass meeting
N concentrao F de massa
VT produzir em massa, fabricar em srie
N produo F em massa, fabricao F em srie
mast [mst]
N 1. (NAUT) mastro 2. (RADIO etc) antena
master [mst*]
N 1. mestre M 2. (landowner) senhor M, dono 3. (fig) (of situation) dono 4. (in
secondary school) professor M 5. (title for boys) Master X, o menino X VT 1.
controlar 2. (learn) conhecer a fundo master of ceremonies, mestre de
Masters degree, mestrado
master disk
N (COMPUT) disco mestre
masterful [mstful]
ADJ autoritrio, imperioso
master key
N chave F mestra
masterly [mstl]
ADJ magistral
mastermind [mstmand]
N (fig) cabea VT dirigir, planejar
Master of Arts/Science
N 1. detentor* M de mestrado em letras/cincias (F detentora) 2. (degree) mestrado
masterpiece [mstpis]
N obra-prima
master plan
N plano piloto
master stroke
N golpe M de mestre
mastery [mstr]
N domnio
mastiff [mstf]
N mastim M
masturbate [mstbet]
VI masturbar-se
masturbation [mstben]
N masturbao F
mat [mt]
N 1. esteira 2. doormat, capacho 3. table mat, descanso ADJ matt
match [mt]
N 1. fsforo 2. (game) jogo, partida 3. (equal) igual M, F VT 1. match up, casar,
emparelhar 2. (go well with) combinar com 3. (equal) igualar 4. (correspond to)
corresponder a VI 1. combinar 2. (couple) formar um bom casal match up casar,
emparelhar VT
matchbox [mtbks]
N caixa de fsforos
matching [mt]
ADJ que combina (com)
matchless [mtls]
ADJ sem igual, incomparvel
mate [met]
N 1. (inf) colega M, F 2. (assistant) ajudante M, F 3. (CHESS) mate M 4. (animal)
macho/fmea 5. (in merchant navy) imediato VI acasalar-se VT acasalar
material [mtrl]
N 1. (substance) matria 2. (equipment) material M 3. (cloth) pano, tecido 4. (data)
dados MPL ADJ 1. material 2. (important) importante materials (equipment)
material NPL reading material (material de) leitura
materialistic [mtrlstk]
ADJ materialista
materialize [mtrlaz]
VI materializar-se, concretizar-se
materially [mtrl]
ADV materialmente
maternal [mtnl]
ADJ maternal
maternity [mtnt]
N maternidade F CPD de maternidade, de gravidez
maternity benefit
N auxlio-maternidade M
maternity dress
N vestido de gestante
maternity hospital
N maternidade F
matey [met] (BRIT inf)
ADJ chapinha
math [m] (US)
N maths
mathematical [mmtkl]
ADJ matemtico
mathematician [mmtn]
N matemtico* (matemtica)
mathematics [mmtks]
N matemtica
maths [ms] math (US)
N matemtica
matine [mtne]
N matin F
mating [met]
N acasalamento
mating call
N chamado do macho
mating season
N poca de cio
matriarchal [metrkl]
ADJ matriarcal
matrices [metrsiz]
NPL (of matrix)
matriculation [mtrkjulen]
N matrcula
matrimonial [mtrmunl]
ADJ matrimonial
matrimony [mtrmn]
N matrimnio, casamento
matrix [metrks] (PL matrices )
N matriz F
matron [metrn]
N 1. (in hospital) enfermeira-chefe F 2. (in school) inspetora
matronly [metrnl]
ADJ 1. matronal 2. (fig) (figure) corpulento
matt [mt]
ADJ fosco, sem brilho
matted [mtd]
ADJ embaraado
matter [mt*]
N 1. questo F, assunto 2. (PHYS) matria 3. (substance) substncia 4. (content)
contedo 5. (reading matter etc) material M 6. (MED) (pus) pus M VI importar
matters (affairs) questes FPL NPL it doesnt matter, no importa (I don't mind)
tanto faz
whats the matter? o que ( que) h? qual o problema?
no matter what, acontea o que acontecer
as a matter of course, o que de se esperar (routine) por rotina
as a matter of fact, na realidade, de fato
its a matter of habit, uma questo de hbito
printed matter, impressos
reading matter BRIT (BRIT) (material de) leitura
matter-of-fact [mtrfkt]
ADJ prosaico, prtico
matting [mt]
N esteira
mattress [mtrs]
N colcho M
mature [mtju*]
ADJ 1. maduro 2. (cheese, wine) amadurecido VI amadurecer
maturity [mtjurt]
N maturidade F
maudlin [mdln]
ADJ 1. (film, book) piegas 2. (person) choro* (chorona)
maul [ml]
VT machucar, maltratar
Mauritania [mrten]
N Mauritnia
Mauritius [mrs]
N Maurcio F (no article)
mausoleum [mslm]
N mausolu M
mauve [muv]
ADJ cor de malva
maverick [mvrk]
N (fig) dissidente M, F
mawkish [mk]
ADJ piegas
ABBR maximum
maxim [mksm]
N mxima
maxima [mksm]
NPL (of maximum)
maximum [mksmm] (PL maxima or maximums )
ADJ mximo N mximo
maximize [mksmaz]
VT maximizar
may [me] (CONDITIONAL might )
AUX VB 1. (indicating possibility) he may come, pode ser que ele venha, capaz de
vir 2. (be allowed to) may I smoke? posso fumar? 3. (wishes) may God bless
you! que Deus lhe abenoe he might be there, ele poderia estar l, ele capaz
de estar l
I might as well go, mais vale que eu v
you might like to try, talvez voc queira tentar
May [me]
N maio July
maybe [mebi]
ADV talvez maybe hell come, talvez ele venha
maybe not, talvez no
May Day
N dia M primeiro de maio
mayday [mede]
N S.O.S. M (chamada de socorro internacional)
mayhem [mehm]
N caos M
mayonnaise [menez]
N maionese F
mayor [m*]
N prefeito (BR) presidente M do municpio (PT)
mayoress [mrs]
N prefeita (BR) presidenta do municpio (PT)
maypole [mepul]
N mastro erguido no dia primeiro de maio
maze [mez]
N labirinto
ABBR 1. (COMPUT) megabyte 2. (CANADIAN) Manitoba
N ABBR Master of Business Administration, grau universitrio
N ABBR Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery, grau universitrio
N ABBR Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery, grau universitrio
N ABBR Member of the Order of the British Empire, ttulo honorfico
N ABBR master of ceremonies
N ABBR Medical College Admissions Test
MCP (BRIT inf)
N ABBR male chauvinist pig, machista M
N ABBR 1. Doctor of Medicine 2. (COMM) managing director ABBR (US POST)
ABBR Mountain Daylight Time, hora de vero nas montanhas Rochosas
me [mi]
PRON 1. (direct) me
can you hear me? voc pode me ouvir?
he heard me, ele me ouviu
he heard ME! (not anyone else) ele me ouviu
its me, sou eu 2. (indirect) me
he gave me the money
he gave the money to me, ele deu o dinheiro para mim
give them to me, d-me-os 3. (stressed, after prep) mim
its for me, para mim
with me, comigo
without me, sem mim
ABBR (POST) Maine N ABBR (MED) medical examiner
meadow [mdu]
N prado, campina
meagre [mi*] meager (US)
ADJ escasso
meal [mil]
N 1. refeio F 2. (flour) farinha to go out for a meal, jantar fora
mealtime [miltam]
N hora da refeio
mealy-mouthed [milimaud]
ADJ insincero
mean [min] (PT, PP meant )
ADJ 1. (with money) sovina, avarento, po-duro (BR) 2. (unkind) mesquinho 3.
(shabby) malcuidado, dilapidado 4. (of poor quality) inferior 5. (average) mdio VT
1. (signify) significar, querer dizer 2. (refer to) I thought you meant her, eu pensei
que voc estivesse se referindo a ela 3. (intend) to mean to do sth, pretender or
tencionar fazer algo N meio, meio termo means (way, money) meio NPL by
means of, por meio de, mediante
by all means! claro que sim! pois no
do you mean it? voc est falando srio?
what do you mean? o que voc quer dizer?
to be meant for, estar destinado a
meander [mnd*]
VI 1. (river) serpentear 2. (person) vadiar, perambular
meaning [min]
N sentido, significado
meaningful [minful]
ADJ 1. significativo 2. (relationship) srio
meaningless [minls]
ADJ sem sentido
meanness [minns]
N 1. (with money) avareza, sovinice F 2. (shabbiness) pobreza, misria 3.
(unkindness) maldade F, mesquinharia
means test
N (ADMIN) avaliao F de rendimento
meant [mnt]
PT PP (of mean)
meantime [mintam]
ADV in the meantime, entretanto, enquanto isso
meanwhile [minwal]
ADV meantime
measles [mizlz]
N sarampo
measly [mizl] (inf)
ADJ miservel
measure [m*]
VT 1. medir 2. (for clothes etc) tirar as medidas de 3. (consider) avaliar, ponderar VI
medir N 1. medida 2. tape measure (ruler) fita mtrica a litre measure, um litro
some measure of success, certo grau de sucesso
to take measures to do sth, tomar medidas or providncias para fazer algo
measure up to measure up (to) corresponder (a) VI
measured [md]
ADJ 1. medido, calculado 2. (tone) ponderado
measurement [mmnt]
N 1. (act) medio F 2. (dimension) medida measurements (size) medidas FPL NPL
to take sbs measurements, tirar as medidas de algum
chest/hip measurement, medida de peito/quadris
meat [mit]
N carne F cold meats BRIT (BRIT) frios
crab meat, caranguejo
meatball [mitbl]
N almndega
meat pie
N bolo de carne
meaty [mit]
ADJ 1. carnudo 2. (fig) substancial
Mecca [mk]
N 1. Meca 2. (fig) a Mecca (for) a meca (de)
mechanic [mknk]
N mecnico
mechanical [mknkl]
ADJ mecnico
mechanical engineer
N engenheiro* mecnico* (engenheira mecnica)
mechanical engineering
N 1. (science) mecnica 2. (industry) engenharia mecnica
mechanics [mknks]
N mecnica NPL mecanismo
mechanism [mknzm]
N mecanismo
mechanization [mknazen]
N mecanizao F
N ABBR Master of Education, grau universitrio
medal [mdl]
N medalha
medalist [mdlst] (US)
N medallist
medallist [mdlst] medalist (US)
N (SPORT) ganhador* M de medalha (F ganhadora)
medallion [mdln]
N medalho M
meddle [mdl]
VI to meddle in, meter-se em, intrometer-se em to meddle with sth, mexer em
meddlesome [mdlsm]
ADJ intrometido
meddling [mdl]
ADJ intrometido
media [mid]
NPL meios MPL de comunicao, mdia
mediaeval [mdivl]
ADJ medieval
median [midn] (US)
N median strip, canteiro divisor
media research
N pesquisa de audincia
mediate [midet]
VI mediar
mediation [miden]
N mediao F
mediator [midet*]
N mediador* M (F mediadora)
Medicaid [mdked] (US)
N programa de ajuda mdica.
medical [mdkl]
ADJ mdico N (examination) exame M mdico
medical certificate
N atestado mdico
medical student
N estudante M, F de medicina
Medicare [mdk*] (US)
N sistema federal de seguro sade
medicated [mdketd]
ADJ medicinal, higienizado
medication [mdken]
N (drugs etc) medicao F
medicinal [mdsnl]
ADJ medicinal
medicine [mdsn]
N 1. medicina 2. (drug) remdio, medicamento
medicine chest
N armrio de remdios
medicine man
N IRREG curandeiro M, paj M
medieval [mdivl]
ADJ medieval
mediocre [miduk*]
ADJ medocre
mediocrity [midkrt]
N mediocridade F
meditate [mdtet]
VI meditar
meditation [mdten]
N meditao F
Mediterranean [mdtrenn]
ADJ mediterrneo the Mediterranean (Sea) o (mar) Mediterrneo
medium [midm] ( media ), (PL mediums )
ADJ mdio N 1. (means) meio 2. ((PL mediums )) (person) mdium M, F the happy
medium, o justo meio
medium-sized [-sazd]
ADJ de tamanho mdio
medium wave
N (RADIO) onda mdia
medley [mdl]
N 1. mistura 2. (MUS) pot-pourri M
meek [mik]
ADJ manso, dcil
meet [mit] (PT, PP met )
VT 1. (gen) encontrar 2. (accidentally) topar com, dar de cara com 3. (by arrangement)
encontrar-se com, ir ao encontro de 4. (for the first time) conhecer 5. (go and fetch)
ir buscar 6. (opponent, problem) enfrentar 7. (obligations) cumprir 8. (need)
satisfazer VI 1. encontrar-se 2. (for talks) reunir-se 3. (join) (objects) unir-se 4. (get
to know) conhecer-se N 1. (BRIT HUNTING) reunio F de caadores 2. (US
SPORT) promoo F, competio F pleased to meet you! prazer em conhec-
lo/-la meet up to meet up with sb, encontrar-se com algum VI meet with 1.
reunir-se com 2. (face) (difficulty) encontrar VT
meeting [mit]
N 1. encontro 2. (session) (of club, COMM) reunio F 3. (assembly) (of people, POL)
assemblia 4. (interview) entrevista 5. (SPORT) corrida shes in or at a meeting,
ela est em conferncia
to call a meeting, convocar uma reunio
meeting place
N ponto de encontro
megabyte [mbat]
N (COMPUT) megabyte M
megalomaniac [mlumenk]
ADJ N megalomanaco* (megalomanaca)
megaphone [mfun]
N megafone M
megapixel [mpksl]
N megapixel M
melancholy [mlnkl]
N melancolia ADJ melanclico
melee [mle]
N briga, refrega
mellow [mlu]
ADJ 1. (sound) melodioso, suave 2. (colour, wine) suave 3. (fruit) maduro VI (person)
melodious [mluds]
ADJ melodioso
melodrama [mludrm]
ADJ melodrama M
melodramatic [mldrmtk]
ADJ melodramtico
melody [mld]
N melodia
melon [mln]
N melo M
melt [mlt]
VI 1. (metal) fundir-se 2. (snow) derreter 3. (fig) desvanecer-se VT derreter melt
away desaparecer VI melt down fundir VT
meltdown [mltdaun]
N fuso F
melting point [mlt-]
N ponto de fuso
melting pot [mlt-]
N (fig) mistura
member [mmb*]
N 1. membro* (membra) 2. (of club) scio* (scia) 3. (ANAT) membro CPD member
state, estado membro Member of Parliament BRIT (BRIT) deputado*
Member of the European Parliament BRIT (BRIT) Membro* do Parlamento
Europeu (Membra)
Member of the House of Representatives US (US) membro* da Cmara dos
representantes (membra)
membership [mmbp]
N 1. (state) adeso F 2. (of club) associao F 3. (members) nmero de scios to
seek membership of, candidatar-se a scio de
membership card
N carteira de scio
membrane [mmbren]
N membrana
memento [mmntu] (PL mementos or mementoes )
N lembrana
memo [mmu]
N memorando, nota
memoirs [mmwz]
NPL memrias FPL
memo pad
N bloco de memorando
memorable [mmrbl]
ADJ memorvel
memoranda [mmrnd]
NPL (of memorandum)
memorandum [mmrndm] (PL memoranda )
N memorando
memorial [mmrl]
N monumento comemorativo ADJ comemorativo
Memorial Day (US)
memorize [mmraz]
VT decorar, aprender de cor
memory [mmr]
N 1. memria 2. (recollection) lembrana 3. (of dead person) in memory of, em
memria de to have a good/bad memory, ter memria boa/ruim
loss of memory, perda de memria
memory card
N placa de memria
men [mn]
NPL (of man)
man [mn] (PL men )
N 1. homem M 2. (CHESS) pea VT 1. (NAUT) tripular 2. (MIL) guarnecer 3. (operate)
(machine) operar an old man, um velho
a young man, um jovem
man and wife, marido e mulher
menace [mns]
N 1. ameaa 2. (nuisance) droga VT ameaar
menacing [mns]
ADJ ameaador* (ameaadora)
menagerie [mndr]
N coleo F de animais
mend [mnd]
VT 1. consertar, reparar 2. (darn) remendar N remendo to be on the mend, estar
mending [mnd]
N 1. conserto, reparo 2. (clothes) roupas FPL por consertar
menial [minl]
ADJ (often pej) humilde, subalterno
meningitis [mnndats]
N meningite F
menopause [mnupz]
N menopausa
menservants [mnsvnts]
NPL (of manservant)
menstruate [mnstruet]
VI menstruar
menstruation [mnstruen]
N menstruao F
mental [mntl]
ADJ mental mental illness, doena mental
mentality [mntlt]
N mentalidade F
mentally [mntl]
ADV to be mentally handicapped, ser deficiente mental
menthol [mnl]
N mentol M
mention [mnn]
N meno F VT 1. mencionar 2. (speak of) falar de dont mention it! no tem de
qu! de nada!
I need hardly mention that ... no preciso dizer que ...
not to mention ..., without mentioning ... para no falar de ... sem falar de ...
mentor [mnt*]
N mentor M
menu [mnju]
N 1. (set menu, COMPUT) menu M 2. (printed) cardpio (BR) ementa (PT)
ADJ (COMPUT) que se navega atravs de menus
N ABBR Member of the European Parliament
mercantile [mkntal]
ADJ 1. mercantil 2. (law) comercial
mercenary [msnr]
ADJ mercenrio N mercenrio
merchandise [mtndaz]
N mercadorias FPL VT comercializar
merchandiser [mtndaz*]
N comerciante M, F
merchant [mtnt]
N comerciante M, F timber/wine merchant, negociante de madeira/vinhos
merchant bank (BRIT)
N banco mercantil
merchantman [mtntmn]
N IRREG navio mercante
merchant navy , merchant marine (US)
N marinha mercante
merciful [msful]
ADJ 1. (person) misericordioso, humano 2. (release) afortunado
mercifully [msfl]
ADV 1. misericordiosamente, generosamente 2. (fortunately) graas a Deus,
merciless [msls]
ADJ desumano, inclemente
mercurial [mkjurl]
ADJ 1. volvel 2. (lively) vivo
mercury [mkjur]
N mercrio
mercy [ms]
N 1. piedade F 2. (REL) misericrdia to have mercy on sb, apiedar-se de algum
at the mercy of, merc de
mercy killing
N eutansia
mere [m*]
ADJ mero, simples
merely [ml]
ADV simplesmente, somente, apenas
merge [md]
VT 1. (join) unir 2. (mix) misturar 3. (COMM) fundir 4. (COMPUT) intercalar VI 1. unir-
se 2. (COMM) fundir-se
merger [md*]
N (COMM) fuso F
meridian [mrdn]
N meridiano
meringue [mr]
N suspiro, merengue M
merit [mrt]
N 1. mrito 2. (advantage) vantagem F VT merecer
meritocracy [mrtkrs]
N sistema M social baseado no mrito
mermaid [mmed]
N sereia
merrily [mrl]
ADV alegremente, com alegria
merriment [mrmnt]
N alegria
merry [mr]
ADJ alegre Merry Christmas! Feliz Natal!
N carrossel M
mesh [m]
N 1. malha 2. (TECH) engrenagem F VI (gears) engrenar
mesmerize [mzmraz]
VT hipnotizar
mess [ms]
N 1. (situation) confuso F 2. (of objects) desordem F 3. (in room) baguna 4. (MIL)
rancho to be in a mess (untidy) ser uma baguna, estar numa baguna (fig)
(marriage, life) estar bagunado
to be/get o.s. in a mess (fig) meter-se numa encrenca mess about (inf) 1.
perder tempo 2. (pass the time) vadiar VI mess about with (inf) mexer com VT
mess around (inf) mess about VI mess around with (inf) to mess about with VT
mess up 1. (disarrange) desarrumar 2. (spoil) estragar 3. (dirty) sujar VT
message [msd]
N recado, mensagem F to get the message (fig inf) sacar, pescar
message switching [-swt]
N (COMPUT) troca de mensagens
messenger [msnd*]
N mensageiro* (mensageira)
Messiah [msa]
N Messias M
Messrs [msz]
ABBR (on letters) messieurs, Srs
messy [ms]
ADJ 1. (dirty) sujo 2. (untidy) desarrumado 3. (confused) bagunado
met [mt]
PT PP (of meet) ADJ ABBR meteorological
Met [mt] (US)
N ABBR Metropolitan Opera
meet [mit] (PT, PP met )
VT 1. (gen) encontrar 2. (accidentally) topar com, dar de cara com 3. (by arrangement)
encontrar-se com, ir ao encontro de 4. (for the first time) conhecer 5. (go and fetch)
ir buscar 6. (opponent, problem) enfrentar 7. (obligations) cumprir 8. (need)
satisfazer VI 1. encontrar-se 2. (for talks) reunir-se 3. (join) (objects) unir-se 4. (get
to know) conhecer-se N 1. (BRIT HUNTING) reunio F de caadores 2. (US
SPORT) promoo F, competio F pleased to meet you! prazer em conhec-
lo/-la meet up to meet up with sb, encontrar-se com algum VI meet with 1.
reunir-se com 2. (face) (difficulty) encontrar VT
metabolism [mtblzm]
N metabolismo
metal [mtl]
N metal M VT (road) empedrar
metallic [mtlk]
ADJ metlico
metallurgy [mtld]
N metalurgia
metalwork [mtlwk]
N (craft) trabalho em metal
metamorphoses [mtmfsiz]
NPL (of metamorphosis)
metamorphosis [mtmfss] (PL metamorphoses )
N metamorfose F
metaphor [mtf*]
N metfora
metaphysics [mtfzks]
N metafsica
meteor [mit*]
N meteoro
meteoric [mitrk]
ADJ (fig) meterico
meteorite [mitrat]
N meteorito
meteorological [mitrldkl]
ADJ meteorolgico
meteorology [mitrld]
N meteorologia
mete out [mit-]
VT infligir
meter [mit*]
N 1. (instrument) medidor M 2. parking meter, parcmetro 3. (US: unit) metre
methane [mien]
N metano
method [md]
N mtodo method of payment, modalidade de pagamento
methodical [mdkl]
ADJ metdico
Methodist [mdst]
ADJ N metodista M, F
methodology [mdld]
N metodologia
meths [ms] (BRIT)
N methylated spirit
methylated spirit [mletd-] (BRIT)
N lcool M metlico or desnaturado
meticulous [mtkjuls]
ADJ meticuloso
metre [mit*] meter (US)
N metro
metric [mtrk]
ADJ mtrico to go metric, adotar o sistema mtrico decimal
metrical [mtrkl]
ADJ mtrico
metrication [mtrken]
N converso F ao sistema mtrico decimal
metric system
N sistema M mtrico decimal
metric ton
N tonelada (mtrica)
metronome [mtrnum]
N metrnomo
metropolis [mtrpls]
N metrpole F
metropolitan [mtrpltn]
ADJ metropolitano
Metropolitan Police (BRIT)
N the Metropolitan Police, a polcia de Londres
mettle [mtl]
N 1. (spirit) carter M, tmpera 2. (courage) coragem F
mew [mju]
VI (cat) miar
mews [mjuz] (BRIT)
N mews cottage, pequena casa resultante de reforma de antigos estbulos
Mexican [mkskn]
ADJ N mexicano* (mexicana)
Mexico [mksku]
N Mxico
Mexico City
N Cidade F do Mxico
mezzanine [mtsnin]
N sobreloja, mezanino
N ABBR Master of Fine Arts, grau universitrio
ABBR manufacture, manufacturer
ABBR milligram, mg
ABBR 1. Monseigneur, Monsignor 2. manager, dir
N ABBR Member of the House of Representatives
ABBR megahertz, MHz
ABBR (POST) Michigan
N ABBR Military Intelligence 5 SNI M
N ABBR Military Intelligence 6 SNI M
ABBR missing in action
miaow [miau]
VI miar
mice [mas]
NPL (of mouse)
micro [makru]
N microcomputer, micro(computador) M
micro... [makru]
PREFIX micro
microbe [makrub]
N micrbio
microbiology [makrubald]
N microbiologia
microchip [makrutp]
N microchip M
microcomputer [makrukmpjut*]
N microcomputador M
microcosm [makrukzm]
N microcosmo
microeconomics [makruiknmks]
N microeconomia
microfiche [makrufi]
N microficha
microfilm [makruflm]
N microfilme M VT microfilmar
microlight [makrulat]
N ultraleve M
micrometer [makrmt*]
N micrmetro
microphone [makrfun]
N microfone M
microprocessor [makrupruss*]
N microprocessador M
microscope [makrskup]
N microscpio under the microscope, com microscpio
microscopic [makrskpk]
ADJ microscpico
microwave [makruwev]
N microwave oven, forno microondas
mid [md]
ADJ in mid May, em meados de maio in mid afternoon, no meio da tarde
in mid air, em pleno ar
hes in his mid thirties, ele tem por volta de trinta e cinco anos
midday [mdde]
N meio-dia M
middle [mdl]
N 1. meio 2. (waist) cintura ADJ 1. meio 2. (quantity, size) mdio, mediano in the
middle of the night, no meio da noite
Im in the middle of reading it, estou no meio da leitura
middle age
N meia-idade F CPD middle-age spread, barriga de meia-idade
ADJ de meia-idade
Middle Ages
NPL the Middle Ages, a Idade Mdia
middle class
N the middle class(es) a classe mdia ADJ middle-class, de classe mdia
Middle East
N the Middle East, o Oriente Mdio
middleman [mdlmn]
N IRREG 1. intermedirio 2. (COMM) atravessador M
middle management
N escalo gerencial intermedirio
middlemen [mdlmn]
NPL (of middleman)
middle name
N segundo nome M
ADJ 1. (policy) de meio-termo 2. (music) romntico
middleweight [mdlwet]
N (BOXING) peso mdio
middling [mdl]
ADJ mediano
Middx (BRIT)
ABBR Middlesex
midge [md]
N mosquito
midget [mdt]
N ano* M (F an) ADJ minsculo
Midlands [mdlndz]
NPL regio central da Inglaterra
midnight [mdnat]
N meia-noite F at midnight, meia-noite
midriff [mdrf]
N barriga
midst [mdst]
N in the midst of, no meio de, entre
midsummer [mdsm*]
N a midsummer day, um dia em pleno vero
midway [mdwe]
ADJ ADV midway (between) no meio do caminho (entre)
midweek [mdwik]
ADV no meio da semana
midwife [mdwaf] (PL midwives )
N parteira
midwifery [mdwfr]
N trabalho de parteira, obstetrcia
midwinter [mdwnt*]
N in midwinter, em pleno inverno
midwives [mdwavz]
NPL (of midwife)
might [mat]
VB may N poder M, fora
mighty [mat]
ADJ poderoso, forte ADV (inf) mighty ... ... pra burro
migraine [miren]
N enxaqueca
migrant [marnt]
N 1. (bird) ave F de arribao 2. (person) emigrante M, F 3. (fig) nmade M, F ADJ 1.
migratrio 2. (worker) emigrante
migrate [maret]
VI 1. emigrar 2. (birds) arribar
migration [maren]
N 1. emigrao F 2. (of birds) arribao F
mike [mak]
N ABBR microphone
mild [mald]
ADJ 1. (character) pacfico 2. (climate) temperado 3. (slight) ligeiro 4. (taste) suave 5.
(illness) leve, benigno 6. (interest) pequeno N cerveja ligeira
mildew [mldju]
N 1. mofo 2. (BOT) mldio
mildly [maldl]
ADV 1. brandamente 2. (slightly) ligeiramente, um tanto to put it mildly (inf) para
no dizer coisa pior
mildness [maldns]
N 1. (softness) suavidade F 2. (gentleness) doura 3. (quiet character) brandura
mile [mal]
N milha (1609 m) to do 30 miles per gallon, fazer 10.64 quilmetros por litro
mileage [mald]
N 1. nmero de milhas 2. (AUT) quilometragem F
mileage allowance
N ajuda de custo com base na quilometragem rodada
mileometer [malmt*] (BRIT)
N conta-quilmetros M INV
milestone [malstun]
N 1. marco milirio 2. (event) marco
milieu [milj] (PL milieus or milieux )
N meio, meio social
milieux [miljz]
NPL (of milieu)
militant [mltnt]
ADJ N militante M, F
militarism [mltrzm]
N militarismo
militaristic [mltrstk]
ADJ militarista
military [mltr]
ADJ militar N the military, as foras armadas, os militares
militate [mltet]
VI to militate against, militar contra
militia [ml]
N milcia
milk [mlk]
N leite M VT 1. (cow) ordenhar 2. (fig) explorar, chupar
milk chocolate
N chocolate M de leite
milk float (BRIT)
N furgo M de leiteiro
milking [mlk]
N ordenhao F, ordenha
milkman [mlkman]
N IRREG leiteiro
milk shake
N milk-shake M, leite M batido com sorvete
milk tooth
N IRREG dente M de leite
milk truck (US)
N milk float
milky [mlk]
ADJ leitoso
Milky Way
N Via Lctea
mill [ml]
N 1. (windmill etc) moinho 2. (coffee mill) moedor M de caf 3. (factory) moinho,
engenho 4. (spinning mill) fbrica de tecelagem, fiao F VT moer VI mill about,
aglomerar-se, remoinhar
millennia [mln]
NPL (of millennium)
millennium [mlnm] (PL millenniums or millennia )
N milnio, milenrio
miller [ml*]
N moleiro* (moleira)
millet [mlt]
N milhete M
milli... [ml]
PREFIX mili...
milligram , milligramme [mlrm]
N miligrama M
millilitre [mllit*] milliliter (US)
N mililitro
millimetre [mlmit*] millimeter (US)
N milmetro
milliner [mln*]
N chapeleiro* de senhoras (chapeleira)
millinery [mlnr]
N chapelaria de senhoras
million [mljn]
N milho M a million times, um milho de vezes
millionaire [mljn*]
N milionrio* (milionria)
millipede [mlpid]
N embu M
millstone [mlstun]
N m F, pedra (de moinho)
millwheel [mlwil]
N roda de azenha
milometer [malmt*]
N mileometer
mime [mam]
N 1. mimo 2. (actor) mmico* (mmica) comediante M, F VT imitar VI fazer mmica
mimic [mmk]
N mmico* (mmica) imitador* M (F imitadora) VT imitar, parodiar
mimicry [mmkr]
N 1. imitao F 2. (ZOOL) mimetismo
Min. (BRIT)
ABBR (POL) ministry
ABBR minute, minimum, min
minaret [mnrt]
N minarete M
mince [mns]
VT moer VI (in walking) andar com afetao N (BRIT CULIN) carne F moda he does
not mince (his) words, ele no tem papas na lngua
mincemeat [mnsmit]
N 1. recheio de sebo e frutas picadas 2. (US: meat) carne F moda
mince pie
N pastel com recheio de sebo e frutas picadas
mincer [mns*]
N moedor M de carne
mincing [mns]
ADJ afetado
mind [mand]
N 1. mente F 2. (intellect) intelecto 3. (opinion) to my mind, a meu ver 4. (sanity) to
be out of ones mind, estar fora de si VT 1. (attend to, look after) tomar conta de,
cuidar de 2. (be careful of) ter cuidado com 3. (object to) I dont mind the noise, o
barulho no me incomoda do you mind if ...? voc se incomoda se ...?
it is on my mind, no me sai de cabea
to keep or bear sth in mind, levar algo em considerao, no esquecer-se de
to make up ones mind, decidir-se
I dont mind (it doesn't worry me) eu nem ligo (it's all the same to me) para mim
tanto faz
mind you, ... se bem que ...
never mind! no faz mal, no importa! (don't worry) no se preocupe!
to change ones mind, mudar de idia
to be in two minds about sth BRIT (BRIT) estar dividido em relao a algo
to have sb/sth in mind, ter algum/algo em mente
to have in mind to do, pretender fazer
it went right out of my mind, saiu-me totalmente da cabea
to bring or call sth to mind, lembrar algo
``mind the step ``cuidado com o degrau
-minded [mandd]
SUFFIX fair-minded, imparcial, justo an industrially-minded nation, uma nao de
vocao industrial
minder [mand*]
N 1. (childminder) pessoa que toma conta de crianas 2. (bodyguard) guarda-costas
mindful [mandful]
ADJ mindful of, consciente de, atento a
mindless [mandls]
ADJ 1. estpido 2. (violence, crime) insensato 3. (job) montono
PRON o meu* (a minha)
that book is mine, esso livro meu
these cases are mine, estas caixas so minhas
this is mine, este meu
yours is red, mine is green, o seu vermelho, o meu verde
a friend of mine, um amigo meu

N mina VT 1. (coal) extrair, explorar 2. (ship, beach) minar
mine detector
N detector M de minas
minefield [manfild]
N 1. campo minado 2. (fig) rea delicada
miner [man*]
N mineiro
mineral [mnrl]
ADJ mineral N mineral M minerals (BRIT: soft drinks) refrigerantes MPL NPL
mineralogy [mnrld]
N mineralogia
mineral water
N gua mineral
minesweeper [manswip*]
N caa-minas M INV
mingle [ml]
VT misturar VI to mingle with, misturar-se com
mingy [mnd] (inf)
ADJ sovina, po-duro (BR)
miniature [mnt*]
ADJ em miniatura N miniatura
minibus [mnbs]
N micronibus M
minicab [mnkb] (BRIT)
N (txi M ) cooperativado
minicomputer [mnkmpjut*]
N minicomputador M, mni M
MiniDisc [mndsk]
N MiniDisc M
minim [mnm]
N (MUS) mnima
minima [mnm]
NPL (of minimum)
minimal [mnml]
ADJ mnimo
minimize [mnmaz]
VT minimizar
minimum [mnmm] (PL minima )
ADJ mnimo N mnimo to reduce to a minimum, reduzir ao mnimo
minimum lending rate
N (ECON) taxa mnima de emprstimos
minimum wage
N salrio mnimo
mining [man]
N explorao F de minas ADJ mineiro
minion [mnjn] (pej)
N lacaio
miniscule [mnskjul]
ADJ minsculo
miniskirt [mnskt]
N minissaia
minister [mnst*]
N 1. (BRIT POL) ministro* (ministra) 2. (REL) pastor M VI to minister to sb, prestar
assistncia a algum to minister to sbs needs, atender s necessidades de
ministerial [mnstrl] (BRIT)
ADJ (POL) ministerial
ministry [mnstr]
N 1. (BRIT POL) ministrio 2. (REL) to go into the ministry, ingressar no sacerdcio
mink [mk]
N marta
mink coat
N casaco de marta
minnow [mnu]
N peixinho (de gua doce)
minor [man*]
ADJ 1. menor 2. (unimportant) de pouca importncia 3. (inferior) inferior 4. (MUS)
menor N (LAW) menor M, F de idade
Minorca [mnk]
N Minorca
minority [manrt]
N 1. minoria 2. (age) menoridade F to be in a minority, estar em minoria
minster [mnst*]
N catedral F
minstrel [mnstrl]
N menestrel M
mint [mnt]
N 1. (plant) hortel F 2. (sweet) bala de hortel VT (coins) cunhar the (Royal) Mint
BRIT or the (US) Mint US (BRIT) (US) a Casa da Moeda
in mint condition, em perfeito estado
mint sauce
N molho de hortel
minuet [mnjut]
N minueto
minus [mans]
N minus sign, sinal M de subtrao PREP 1. menos 2. (without) sem
ADJ 1. mido, diminuto 2. (search) minucioso in minute detail, por mido, em
N 1. minuto 2. (official record) ata minutes (of meeting) atas FPL NPL it is 5
minutes past 3 so 3 e 5
wait a minute! (espere) minuto or minutinho!
at the last minute, no ltimo momento
to leave sth till the last minute, deixar algo at em cima da hora
up to the minute (fashion) ltimo (news) de ltima hora
up to the minute technology, a ltima tecnologia
minute book
N livro de atas
minute hand
N ponteiro dos minutos
minutely [manjutl]
ADV 1. (by a small amount) ligeiramente 2. (in detail) minuciosamente
miracle [mrkl]
N milagre M
miraculous [mrkjuls]
ADJ milagroso
mirage [mr]
N miragem F
mire [ma*]
N lamaal M
mirror [mr*]
N 1. espelho 2. (in car) retrovisor M VT refletir
mirror image
N imagem F de espelho
mirth [m]
N 1. alegria 2. (laughter) risada
misadventure [msdvnt*]
N desgraa, infortnio death by misadventure BRIT (BRIT) morte acidental
misanthropist [mznrpst]
N misantropo* (misantropa)
misapply [mspla]
VT empregar mal
misapprehension [msprhnn]
N mal-entendido, equvoco
misappropriate [msprupret]
VT desviar
misappropriation [msprupren]
N desvio
misbehave [msbhev]
VI comportar-se mal
misbehaviour [msbhevj*] misbehavior (US)
N mau comportamento
ABBR miscellaneous
miscalculate [msklkjulet]
VT calcular mal
miscalculation [msklkjulen]
N erro de clculo
miscarriage [mskrd]
N 1. (MED) aborto (espontneo) 2. (failure) miscarriage of justice, erro judicial
miscarry [mskr]
VI 1. (MED) abortar espontaneamente 2. (fail) (plans) fracassar
miscellaneous [mslens]
ADJ 1. (items, expenses) diverso 2. (selection) variado
miscellany [msln]
N coletnea
mischance [mstns]
N infelicidade F, azar M
mischief [mstf]
N 1. (naughtiness) travessura 2. (fun) diabrura 3. (harm) dano, prejuzo 4.
(maliciousness) malcia
mischievous [mstvs]
ADJ 1. malicioso 2. (naughty) travesso 3. (playful) traquino
misconception [msknspn]
N concepo F errada, conceito errado
misconduct [mskndkt]
N comportamento imprprio professional misconduct, m conduta profissional
misconstrue [msknstru]
VT interpretar mal
miscount [mskaunt]
VT VI contar mal
misdeed [msdid]
N delito, ofensa
misdemeanour [msdmin*] misdemeanor (US)
N m ao, contraveno F
misdirect [msdrkt]
VT 1. (person) orientar or informar mal 2. (letter) enderear mal
miser [maz*]
N avaro* (avara) sovina M, F
miserable [mzrbl]
ADJ 1. (unhappy) triste 2. (wretched) miservel 3. (unpleasant) (weather, person)
deprimente 4. (contemptible) (offer) desprezvel (failure) humilhante to feel
miserable, estar na fossa, estar de baixo astral
miserably [mzrbl]
ADV 1. (smile, answer) tristemente 2. (fail, live, pay) miseravelmente
miserly [mazl]
ADJ avarento, mesquinho
misery [mzr]
N 1. (unhappiness) tristeza 2. (wretchedness) misria
misfire [msfa*]
VI falhar
misfit [msft]
N (person) inadaptado* (inadaptada) deslocado* (deslocada)
misfortune [msftn]
N desgraa, infortnio
misgiving N [msv] misgivings NPL
1. (mistrust) desconfiana, receio 2. (apprehension) mau pressentimento to have
misgiving(s)s about sth, ter desconfianas em relao a algo
misguided [msadd]
ADJ enganado
mishandle [mshndl]
VT 1. (treat roughly) maltratar 2. (mismanage) manejar mal
mishap [mshp]
N desgraa, contratempo
mishear [msh*]
VT IRREG ouvir mal
mishmash [mm] (inf)
N mixrdia, salada
misinform [msnfm]
VT informar mal
misinterpret [msntprt]
VT interpretar mal
misinterpretation [msntprten]
N interpretao F errnea
misjudge [msdd]
VT fazer um juzo errado de, julgar mal
mislay [msle]
VT IRREG extraviar, perder
mislead [mslid]
VT induzir em erro, enganar
misleading [mslid]
ADJ enganoso, errneo
misled [msld]
PT PP (of mislead)
mismanage [msmnd]
VT 1. administrar mal 2. (situation) tratar de modo ineficiente
mismanagement [msmndmnt]
N m administrao F
misnomer [msnum*]
N termo imprprio or errado
misogynist [msdnst]
N misgino
misplace [msples]
VT 1. (lose) extraviar, perder 2. (wrongly) colocar em lugar errado to be misplaced
(trust etc) ser imerecido
misprint [msprnt]
N erro tipogrfico
mispronounce [msprnauns]
VT pronunciar mal
misquote [mskwut]
VT citar incorretamente
misread [msrid]
VT IRREG interpretar or ler mal
misrepresent [msrprznt]
VT desvirtuar, deturpar
miss [ms]
VT 1. (train, class, opportunity) perder 2. (fail to hit) errar, no acertar em 3. (fail to
see) you cant miss it, e impossvel no ver 4. (notice loss of) (money etc) dar por
falta de 5. (regret the absence of) I miss him, sinto a falta dele VI falhar N 1. (shot)
tiro perdido or errado 2. (fig) that was a near miss (near accident) essa foi por
pouco the bus just missed the wall, o nibus por pouco no bateu no muro
youre missing the point, voc no est entendendo miss out (BRIT) omitir
VT miss out on perder, ficar por fora de VT
Miss [ms]
N Senhorita (BR) a menina (PT) Dear Miss Smith, Ilma. Srta. Smith (BR) Exma.
Sra. Smith (PT)
missal [msl]
N missal M
misshapen [msepn]
ADJ disforme
missile [msal]
N (weapon) (MIL) mssil M (object thrown) projtil M
missile base
N base F de msseis
missile launcher [-lnt*]
N plataforma para lanamento de msseis
missing [ms]
ADJ 1. (pupil) ausente 2. (thing) perdido 3. (removed) que est faltando 4. (MIL)
desaparecido to be missing, estar desaparecido
to go missing, desaparecer
missing person, pessoa desaparecida
mission [mn]
N 1. misso F 2. (official representatives) delegao F on a mission to sb, em
misso a algum
missionary [mnr]
N missionrio* (missionria)
missive [msv]
N missiva
misspell [msspl]
VT escrever errado, errar na ortografia de
misspent [msspnt]
ADJ his misspent youth, sua juventude desperdiada
mist [mst]
N 1. (light) neblina 2. (heavy) nvoa 3. (at sea) bruma VI 1. mist over (eyes) enevoar-
se 2. mist over, mist up (BRIT: windows) embaar
mistake [mstek]
N erro, engano VT entender or interpretar mal by mistake, por engano
to make a mistake, fazer um erro
to make a mistake about sb/sth, enganar-se a respeito de algum/algo
to mistake A for B, confundir A com B
mistaken [mstekn]
PP (of mistake) ADJ 1. (idea etc) errado 2. (person) enganado to be mistaken,
enganar-se, equivocar-se
mistaken identity
N identidade F errada
mistakenly [msteknl]
ADV por engano
mister [mst*] (inf)
N senhor M Mr
mistletoe [msltu]
N visco
mistook [mstuk]
PT (of mistake)
mistranslation [mstrnslen]
N erro de traduo, traduo F incorreta
mistreat [mstrit]
VT maltratar
mistreatment [mstritmnt]
N maus tratos MPL
mistress [mstrs]
N 1. (lover) amante F 2. (of house) dona (da casa) 3. (BRIT: in school) professora,
mestra 4. (of situation) dona Mrs
mistrust [mstrst]
VT desconfiar de N mistrust (of) desconfiana (em relao a)
mistrustful [mstrstful]
ADJ mistrustful (of) desconfiado (em relao a)
misty [mst]
ADJ 1. enevoado, nebuloso 2. (day) nublado 3. (glasses etc) embaado
misty-eyed [-ad]
ADJ (fig) sentimental
misunderstand [msndstnd]
VT IRREG VI entender or interpretar mal
misunderstanding [msndstnd]
N 1. mal-entendido 2. (disagreement) desentendimento
misunderstood [msndstud]
PT PP (of misunderstand)
N [msjus] 1. uso imprprio 2. (of power) abuso 3. (of funds) desviar VT [msjuz] 1.
(use wrongly) empregar mal 2. abusar de 3. desviar
N ABBR Massachusetts Institute of Technology
mite [mat]
N 1. (small quantity) pingo 2. (BRIT: small child) criancinha
miter [mat*] (US)
N mitre
mitre [mat*] miter (US)
N 1. mitra 2. (CARPENTRY) meia-esquadria
mitigate [mtet]
VT mitigar, atenuar mitigating circumstances, circunstncias FPL atenuantes
mitigation [mten]
N abrandamento, mitigao F
mitt [mt] mitten, mtn
N mitene F
mix [mks]
VT 1. (gen) misturar 2. (combine) combinar VI 1. misturar-se 2. (people) entrosar-se N
1. mistura 2. (combination) combinao F to mix sth with sth, misturar algo com
to mix business with pleasure, misturar trabalho com divertimento mix in
misturar VT mix up (confuse) (things) misturar (people) confundir VT to be
mixed up in sth, estar envolvido or metido em algo
mixed [mkst]
ADJ 1. misto 2. (assorted) sortido, variado
mixed doubles
NPL (SPORT) duplas FPL mistas
mixed economy
N economia mista
mixed grill (BRIT)
N carnes FPL grelhadas
ADJ (confused) confuso
mixer [mks*]
N 1. (for food) batedeira 2. (person) pessoa socivel
mixture [mkst*]
N 1. mistura 2. (MED) preparado
N trapalhada, confuso F
ABBR mark currency
ABBR (TECH) mark
ABBR market
N ABBR Master of Literature, Master of Letters, grau universitrio
N ABBR minimum lending rate
ABBR millimetre, mm
ABBR 1. (BRIT) merchant navy 2. (US POST) Minnesota
N ABBR 1. (MED) medical officer 2. (US inf) modus operandi, mtodo ABBR (US POST)
ABBR money order
moan [mun]
N gemido VI 1. gemer 2. (inf: complain) to moan (about) queixar-se (de) bufar (sobre)
moaning [mun]
N 1. gemidos MPL 2. (inf: complaining) queixas FPL
moat [mut]
N fosso
mob [mb]
N 1. multido F 2. (pej) the mob (masses) o povinho 3. (mafia) a mfia VT cercar
ABBR mobile phone, cel.
mobile [mubal]
ADJ mvel N mvel M applicants must be mobile BRIT (BRIT) os candidatos
devem estar dispostos a aceitar qualquer deslocamento
mobile home
N trailer M, casa mvel
mobile shop (BRIT)
N loja circulante
mobility [mublt]
N mobilidade F
mobilize [mublaz]
VT mobilizar VI 1. mobilizar-se 2. (MIL) ser mobilizado
moccasin [mksn]
N mocassim M
mock [mk]
VT 1. (make ridiculous) ridicularizar 2. (laugh at) zombar de, gozar de ADJ 1. falso,
fingido 2. (exam, battle) simulado
mockery [mkr]
N zombaria to make a mockery of sth, ridicularizar algo
mocking [mk]
ADJ zombeteiro
mockingbird [mkbd]
N tordo-dos-remdios M
N maqueta, modelo
N ABBR Ministry of Defence
mod cons [md-] (BRIT)
NPL ABBR modern conveniences convenience
mode [mud]
N 1. modo 2. (of transport) meio
model [mdl]
N 1. modelo 2. (ARCH) maqueta 3. (person) (for fashion, ART) modelo M, F ADJ 1.
(car, toy) de brinquedo 2. (child, factory etc) modelar VT 1. modelar 2. (copy) to
model o.s. on, mirar-se em VI 1. servir de modelo 2. (in fashion) trabalhar como
modelo to model clothes, desfilar apresentando modelos
to model sb/sth on, modelar algum/algo a or por
modeller [mdl*] modeler (US)
N 1. modelador* M (F modeladora) 2. (model maker) maquetista M, F
model railway
N trenzinho de brinquedo
modem [mudm]
N modem M
ADJ [mdrt] N moderado* (moderada) VI [mdret] moderar-se, acalmar-se VT
[mdret] moderar
moderately [mdrtl]
ADV 1. (act) com moderao, moderadamente 2. (pleased, happy) razoavelmente
moderately priced, de preo mdio or razovel
moderation [mdren]
N moderao F in moderation, com moderao
modern [mdn]
ADJ moderno modern languages, lnguas FPL vivas
modernization [mdnazen]
N modernizao F
modernize [mdnaz]
VT modernizar, atualizar
modest [mdst]
ADJ modesto
modesty [mdst]
N modstia
modicum [mdkm]
N a modicum of, um mnimo de
modification [mdfken]
N modificao F
modify [mdfa]
VT modificar
Mods [mdz] (BRIT)
N ABBR (Honour) Moderations, primeiro exame universitrio (em Oxford)
modular [mdjul*]
ADJ (filing, unit) modular
modulate [mdjulet]
VT modular
modulation [mdjulen]
N modulao F
module [mdjul]
N mdulo
mogul [mul]
N (fig) magnata M
N ABBR Medical Officer of Health
mohair [muh*]
N mohair M, angor M
Mohammed [mhmd]
N Maom M
moist [mst]
ADJ mido (BR) hmido (PT) molhado
moisten [msn]
VT umedecer (BR) humedecer (PT)
moisture [mst*]
N umidade F (BR) humidade F (PT)
moisturize [mstraz]
VT (skin) hidratar
moisturizer [mstraz*]
N creme M hidratante
molar [mul*]
N molar M
molasses [mulsz]
N melao, melado
mold [muld] (US)
N VT mould
mould [muld] mold (US)
N 1. molde M 2. (mildew) mofo, bolor M VT 1. moldar 2. (fig) moldar
mole [mul]
N 1. (animal) toupeira 2. (spot) sinal M, lunar M 3. (fig) espio* M (F espi)
molecule [mlkjul]
N molcula
molehill [mulhl]
N montculo (feito por uma toupeira)
molest [mulst]
VT 1. molestar 2. (attack sexually) atacar sexualmente
mollusc [mlsk]
N molusco
mollycoddle [mlkdl]
VT mimar
molt [mult] (US)
VI moult
molten [multn]
ADJ 1. fundido 2. (lava) liquefeito
mom [mm] (US)
N mum
moment [mumnt]
N 1. momento 2. (importance) importncia at the moment, neste momento
for the moment, por enquanto
in a moment, num instante
``one moment please (TEL) ``no desligue
momentarily [mumntrl]
ADV 1. momentaneamente 2. (US: soon) daqui a pouco
momentary [mumntr]
ADJ momentneo
momentous [mumnts]
ADJ importantssimo
momentum [mumntm]
N 1. momento 2. (fig) mpeto to gather momentum, ganhar mpeto
mommy [mm] (US)
N mummy
ABBR Monday, seg. 2a
Monaco [mnku]
N Mnaco (no article)
monarch [mnk]
N monarca M, F
monarchist [mnkst]
N monarquista M, F
monarchy [mnk]
N monarquia
monastery [mnstr]
N mosteiro, convento
monastic [mnstk]
ADJ monstico
Monday [mnd]
N segunda-feira Tuesday
monetarist [mntrst]
N monetarista M, F
monetary [mntr]
ADJ monetrio
money [mn]
N 1. dinheiro 2. (currency) moeda to make money, ganhar dinheiro
Ive got no money left, no tenho mais dinheiro
moneyed [mnd]
ADJ rico, endinheirado
moneylender [mnlnd*]
N agiota M, F
moneymaking [mnmek]
ADJ lucrativo, rendoso
money market
N mercado financeiro
money order
N vale M (postal)
money-spinner (inf)
N mina
money supply
N meios MPL de pagamento, suprimento monetrio
Mongol [ml]
N 1. mongol M, F 2. (LING) mongol M
mongol [ml]
ADJ N (offensive) mongolide M, F
Mongolia [mul]
N Monglia
Mongolian [muln]
ADJ mongol N 1. mongol M, F 2. (LING) mongol M
mongoose [mus]
N mangusto
mongrel [mrl]
N (dog) vira-lata M
monitor [mnt*]
N 1. (SCH) monitor* M (F monitora) 2. (TV COMPUT) terminal M de vdeo VT 1.
(heartbeat, pulse) controlar 2. (broadcasts, progress) monitorar
monk [mk]
N monge M
monkey [mk]
N macaco
monkey business
N trapaa, travessura
monkey nut (BRIT)
N amendoim M
monkey tricks
NPL trapaa, travessura
monkey wrench
N chave F inglesa
mono [mnu]
ADJ mono
mono... [mnu]
PREFIX mono...
monochrome [mnkrum]
ADJ monocromtico
monocle [mnkl]
N monculo
monogram [mnrm]
N monograma M
monolith [mnl]
N monlito
monologue [mnl]
N monlogo
monoplane [mnplen]
N monoplano
monopolize [mnplaz]
VT monopolizar
monopoly [mnpl]
N monoplio Monopolies and Mergers Commission (BRIT) comisso de inqurito
sobre os monoplios
monorail [mnurel]
N monotrilho
monosodium glutamate [mnsudm lutmet]
N glutamato de monossdio
monosyllabic [mnuslbk]
ADJ 1. monossilbico 2. (person) lacnico
monosyllable [mnslbl]
N monosslabo
monotone [mntun]
N monotonia to speak in a monotone, falar num tom montono
monotonous [mntns]
ADJ montono
monotony [mntn]
N monotonia
monoxide [mnksad]
N carbon monoxide
monsoon [mnsun]
N mono F
monster [mnst*]
N monstro
monstrosity [mnstrst]
N monstruosidade F
monstrous [mnstrs]
ADJ 1. (huge) descomunal 2. (atrocious) monstruoso
montage [mnt]
N montagem F
Mont Blanc [mbl]
N Monte M Branco
Montevideo [mntevdeu]
N Montevidu
month [mn]
N ms M every month, todo ms
300 dollars a month, 300 dlares mensais or por ms
monthly [mnl]
ADJ mensal ADV mensalmente N (magazine) revista mensal twice monthly, duas
vezes por ms
monument [mnjumnt]
N monumento
monumental [mnjumntl]
ADJ 1. monumental 2. (terrific) terrvel
monumental mason
N marmorista M, F
moo [mu]
VI mugir
mood [mud]
N 1. humor M 2. (of crowd) atmosfera to be in a good/bad mood, estar de
bom/mau humor
to be in the mood for, estar a fim or com vontade de
moody [mud]
ADJ 1. (variable) caprichoso, de veneta 2. (sullen) rabugento
moon [mun]
N lua
moonbeam [munbim]
N raio de lua
moon landing
N alunissagem F
moonlight [munlat]
N luar M VI ter dois empregos, ter um bico
moonlighting [munlat]
N trabalho adicional, bico
moonlit [munlt]
ADJ enluarado a moonlit night, uma noite de lua
moonshot [munt]
N (SPACE) lanamento de nave para a lua
moonstruck [munstrk]
ADJ luntico, aluado
Moor [mu*]
N mouro* (moura)
moor [mu*]
N charneca VT (ship) amarrar VI fundear, atracar
mooring [mur]
N (place) ancoradouro moorings (chains) amarras FPL NPL
Moorish [mur]
ADJ 1. mouro 2. (architecture) mourisco
moorland [mulnd]
N charneca
moose [mus]
N INV alce M
moot [mut]
VT levantar ADJ moot point, ponto discutvel
mop [mp]
N 1. esfrego M 2. (for dishes) esponja com cabea 3. (of hair) grenha VT esfregar
mop up limpar VT
mope [mup]
VI estar or andar deprimido or desanimado mope about andar por a desanimado VI
mope around mope about VI
moped [mupd]
N moto F pequena (BR) motorizada (PT)
moquette [mkt]
N moquete F
moral [mrl]
ADJ moral N moral F morals (principles) moralidade F, costumes MPL NPL
morale [mrl]
N moral F, estado de esprito
morality [mrlt]
N 1. moralidade F 2. (correctness) retido F, probidade F
moralize [mrlaz]
VI to moralize (about) dar lies de moral (sobre)
morally [mrl]
ADV moralmente
morass [mrs]
N pntano, brejo
moratoria [mrtr]
NPL (of moratorium)
moratorium [mrtrm] (PL moratoriums or moratoria )
N moratria
morbid [mbd]
ADJ mrbido
more [m*]
ADJ 1. (greater in number etc) mais
more people/work/letters than we expected, mais pessoas/trabalho/cartas do
que espervamos
I have more wine/money than you, tenho mais vinho/dinheiro do que voc 2.
(additional) mais
do you want (some) more tea? voc quer mais ch?
I have no or I dont have any more money, no tenho mais dinheiro
itll take a few more weeks, levar mais algumas semanas PRON 1. (greater
amount) mais
more than 10 mais de 10
it cost more than we expected, custou mais do que espervamos 2. (further or
additional amount) mais
is there any more? tem ainda mais?
theres no more, no tem mais
many/much more, muitos/muito mais ADV mais
more dangerous/difficult etc than, mais perigoso/difcil etc do que
more easily/economically/quickly (than) mais fcil/econmico/rpido (do que)
more and more, cada vez mais
more or less, mais ou menos
more than ever, mais do que nunca
more beautiful than ever, mais bonito do que nunca
moreover [mruv*]
ADV alm do mais, alm disso
morgue [m]
N necrotrio
MORI [mr] (BRIT)
N ABBR Market and Opinion Research Institute, IBOPE M
moribund [mrbnd]
ADJ agonizante
Mormon [mmn]
N mrmon M, F
morning [mn]
N 1. manh F 2. (early morning) madrugada CPD da manh good morning, bom dia
in the morning, de manh
7 oclock in the morning, (as) 7 da manh
3 oclock in the morning, (as) 3 da madrugada
tomorrow morning, amanh de manh
this morning, hoje de manh
morning sickness
N nusea matinal
Moroccan [mrkn]
ADJ N marroquino* (marroquina)
Morocco [mrku]
N Marrocos M
moron [mrn] (inf)
N dbil mental M, F, idiota M, F
moronic [mrnk]
ADJ imbecil, idiota
morose [mrus]
ADJ taciturno, rabugento
morphine [mfin]
N morfina
Morse [ms]
N Morse code, cdigo Morse
morsel [msl]
N (of food) bocado
mortal [mtl]
ADJ N mortal M, F
mortality [mtlt]
N mortalidade F
mortality rate
N (taxa de) mortalidade F
mortar [mt*]
N 1. (cannon) morteiro 2. (CONSTR) argamassa 3. (dish) pilo M, almofariz M
mortgage [md]
N 1. hipoteca 2. (for house) financiamento VT hipotecar to take out a mortgage,
fazer um crdito imobilirio
mortgage company (US)
N sociedade F de crdito imobilirio
mortgagee [mdi]
N credor* M hipotecrio* (F credora hipotecria)
mortgagor [md*]
N devedor* M hipotecrio* (F devedora hipotecria)
mortician [mtn] (US)
N agente M funerrio* (F agente funerria)
mortified [mtfad]
ADJ morto de vergonha
mortify [mtfa]
VT motrificar
mortise lock [mts-]
N fechadura embutida
mortuary [mtjur]
N necrotrio
mosaic [muzek]
N mosaico
Moscow [msku]
N Moscou (BR) Moscovo (PT)
Moslem [mzlm]
ADJ N Muslim
mosque [msk]
N mesquita
mosquito [mskitu] (PL mosquitoes )
N mosquito
mosquito net
N mosquiteiro
moss [ms]
N musgo
mossy [ms]
ADJ musgoso, musguento
most [must]
ADJ 1. (almost all) (people, things etc) a maior parte de, a maioria de
most people, a maioria das pessoas 2. (largest, greatest) (interest) mximo
who has (the) most money? quem que tem mais dinheiro?
he derived the most pleasure from her visit, ele teve o maior prazer em
receb-la PRON (greatest quantity, number) a maior parte, a maioria
most of it/them, a maioria dele/deles
most of the money, a maior parte do dinheiro
most of her friends, a maioria dos seus amigos
do the most you can, faa o mximo que voc puder
I saw the most, vi mais
to make the most of sth, aproveitar algo ao mximo
at the (very) most, quando muito, no mximo ADV (+ vb) o mais (+ adj)
the most intelligent/expensive etc, o mais inteligente/caro etc (+ adv: carefully,
easily etc) o mais (very: polite, interesting etc) muito
a most interesting book, um livro interessantssimo
mostly [mustl]
ADV principalmente, na maior parte
N ABBR Ministry of Transport the MOT (test) vistoria anual dos veculos automotores
motel [mutl]
N motel M
moth [m]
N 1. mariposa 2. (clothes moth) traa
mothball [mbl]
N bola de naftalina
ADJ rodo pelas traas
mother [m*]
N me F ADJ materno VT (care for) cuidar de (como uma me)
mother board
N (COMPUT) placa-base F
motherhood [mhud]
N maternidade F
mother-in-law (PL mothers-in-law )
N sogra
motherly [ml]
ADJ maternal
N madreprola
mothers help
N bab F
mother-to-be (PL mothers-to-be )
N futura mame F
mother tongue
N lngua materna
mothproof [mpruf]
ADJ prova de traas
motif [mutif]
N motivo
motion [mun]
N 1. movimento 2. (gesture) gesto, sinal M 3. (at meeting) moo F 4. (BRIT: of
bowels) fezes FPL VT VI to motion (to) sb to do sth, fazer sinal a algum para que
faa algo to be in motion (vehicle) estar em movimento
to set in motion, pr em movimento
to go through the motions of doing sth (fig) fazer algo automaticamente or
sem convico
motionless [munls]
ADJ imvel
motion picture
N filme M (cinematogrfico)
motivate [mutvet]
VT motivar
motivated [mutvetd]
ADJ motivated (by) motivado (por)
motivation [mutven]
N motivao F
motive [mutv]
N motivo ADJ motor/motriz from the best (of) motives, com as melhores intenes
motley [mtl]
ADJ variado, heterogneo
motor [mut*]
N 1. motor M 2. (BRIT inf: vehicle) carro, automvel M CPD (industry) de automvel ADJ
motorbike [mutbak]
N moto(cicleta) F motoca (inf)
motorboat [mutbut]
N barco a motor
motorcar [mutk] (BRIT)
N carro, automvel M
motorcoach [mutkut]
N nibus M turstico
motorcycle [mutsakl]
N motocicleta
motorcycle racing
N corrida de motocicleta
motorcyclist [mutsaklst]
N motociclista M, F
motoring [mutr] (BRIT)
N automobilismo ADJ (accident, offence) de trnsito motoring holiday, passeio de
motorist [mutrst]
N motorista M, F
motorize [mutraz]
VT motorizar
motor oil
N leo de motor
motor racing (BRIT)
N corrida de carros, automobilismo
motor scooter
N lambreta (BR) motoreta (PT)
motor vehicle
N automvel M, veculo automotor
motorway [mutwe] (BRIT)
N rodovia (BR) autoestrada (PT)
mottled [mtld]
ADJ mosqueado, em furta-cores
motto [mtu] (PL mottoes )
N lema M
mould [muld] mold (US)
N 1. molde M 2. (mildew) mofo, bolor M VT 1. moldar 2. (fig) moldar
mold [muld] (US)
N VT mould
moulder [muld*] molder (US)
VI (decay) desfazer-se
moulding [muld] molding (US)
N moldura
mouldy [muld] moldy (US)
ADJ mofado
moult [mult] molt (US)
VI mudar (de penas etc)
molt [mult] (US)
VI moult
mound [maund]
N 1. (of earth) monte M 2. (of blankets, leaves etc) pilha, montanha
mount [maunt]
N 1. monte M 2. (horse) montaria 3. (for jewel etc) engaste M 4. (for picture) moldura
VT 1. (horse etc) montar em, subir a 2. (stairs) subir 3. (exhibition) montar 4.
(attack) montar, desfechar 5. (picture) emoldurar VI (increase) aumentar mount
up aumentar VI
mountain [mauntn]
N montanha CPD de montanha to make a mountain out of a molehill (fig) fazer um
bicho de sete cabeas or um cavalo de batalha (de algo)
mountaineer [mauntn*]
N alpinista M, F, montanhista M, F
mountaineering [mauntnr]
N alpinismo to go mountaineering, praticar o alpinismo
mountainous [mauntns]
ADJ montanhoso
mountain rescue team
N equipe M de socorro para alpinistas
mountainside [mauntnsad]
N lado da montanha
mounted [mauntd]
ADJ montado
Mount Everest
N monte M Everest
mourn [mn]
VT chorar, lamentar VI to mourn for, chorar or lamentar a morte de
mourner [mn*]
N parente* M or amigo* do defunto (F parenta or amiga)
mournful [mnful]
ADJ desolado, triste
mourning [mn]
N luto CPD (dress) de luto (to be) in mourning, (estar) de luto
mouse [maus] (PL mice )
N 1. camundongo (BR) rato (PT) 2. (COMPUT) mouse M
mouse mat , mouse pad
N (COMPUT) mouse pad M
mousetrap [maustrp]
N ratoeira
mousse [mus]
N musse F
moustache [mst] mustache (US)
N bigode M
mousy [maus]
ADJ 1. (person) tmido 2. (hair) pardacento
mouth [mau] (PL mouths mauz )
N 1. boca 2. (of cave, hole) entrada 3. (of river) desembocadura
mouthful [mauful]
N bocado
mouth organ
N gaita
mouthpiece [maupis]
N 1. (of musical instrument) bocal M 2. (representative) porta-voz M, F
ADJ mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, respirao F boca-a-boca
mouthwash [mauw]
N colutrio
ADJ de dar gua na boca
movable [muvbl]
ADJ mvel
move [muv]
N 1. (movement) movimento 2. (in game) lance M, jogada (turn to play) turno, vez F 3.
(change) (of house, job) mudana VT 1. (change position of) mudar (in game) jogar
2. (hand etc) mexer, mover 3. (from one place to another) deslocar 4. (emotionally)
comover 5. (POL) (resolution etc) propor VI 1. mexer-se, mover-se 2. (traffic)
circular 3. move house, mudar-se 4. (develop) (situation) desenvolver to move
sb to do sth, convencer algum a fazer algo
to get a move on, apressar-se
to be moved (emotionally) ficar comovido move about 1. (fidget) mexer-se 2.
(travel) deslocar-se VI move along avanar VI move around move about VI
move away afastar-se VI move back 1. (step back) recuar 2. (return) voltar VI
move down 1. abaixar 2. (demote) rebaixar VT move forward 1. avanar 2.
adiantar VI move in (to a house) instalar-se (numa casa) VI move off partir VI
move on 1. ir andando 2. (onlookers) afastar VI move out (of house) sair (de
uma casa) VI move over afastar-se VI move over! (towards speaker) chega
mais para c! (away from speaker) chega mais para l! move up 1. subir 2.
(employee) ser promovido 3. (move aside) chegar mais para l or c VI
moveable [muvbl]
ADJ movable
movement [muvmnt]
N 1. movimento 2. (gesture) gesto 3. (of goods) transporte M 4. (in attitude, policy)
mudana 5. (TECH) mecanismo 6. bowel movement (MED) defecao F
mover [muv*]
N autor* M de proposta (F autora)
movie [muv]
N filme M to go to the movies, ir ao cinema
movie camera
N cmara cinematogrfica
moviegoer [muvu*] (US)
N freqentador* M de cinema (F freqentadora)
moving [muv]
ADJ 1. (emotional) comovente 2. (that moves) mvel 3. (in motion) em movimento N
(US) mudana
mow [mu] (PT mowed ), ( mowed ), (PP mown )
VT 1. (grass) cortar 2. (corn) ceifar mow down 1. ceifar 2. (massacre) chacinar VT
mower [mu*]
N 1. ceifeira 2. lawnmower, cortador M de grama BR or de relva PT
mown [mun]
PP (of mow)
Mozambique [muzmbik]
N Moambique M (no article)
N ABBR 1. Military Police, PM F 2. (BRIT) Member of Parliament 3. (CANADIAN)
Mounted Police
N ABBR miles per gallon 30 mpg = 10.64 km/l
ABBR miles per hour 60 mph = 96 km/h
N ABBR Master of Philosophy, grau universitrio
MP3 player
N tocador M MP3
N ABBR Member of the Pharmaceutical Society
Mr [mst*] Mr. (US)
N Mr Smith, (o) Sr. Smith
N ABBR Medical Research Council
N ABBR Member of the Royal College of Physicians
N ABBR Member of the Royal College of Surgeons
N ABBR Member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons
Mrs [msz] Mrs. (US)
N Mrs Smith, (a) Sra. Smith
N ABBR 1. manuscript, ms, multiple sclerosis 2. (US) Master of Science, grau
universitrio ABBR (US POST) Mississippi
Ms [mz] Ms. (US)
N (= Miss or Mrs) Ms X, (a) Sa X
M , m [m]
N (letter) M, m M M for Mary BRIT or Mike US (BRIT) (US) M de Maria
N ABBR Master of Science in Agriculture, grau universitrio
N ABBR Master of Science
N ABBR monosodium glutamate
ABBR Mountain Standard Time, hora de inverno das montanhas Rochosas
N ABBR Master of Social Work, grau universitrio
N ABBR machine translation ABBR (US POST) Montana
ABBR (GEO) mount, Mt
much [mt]
ADJ (time, money, effort) muito
how much money/time do you need? quanto dinheiro/tempo voc precisa?
hes done so much work for the charity, ele trabalhou muito para a obra de
as much as, tanto como PRON muito
there isnt much to do, no h muito o que fazer
much has been gained from our discussions, nossas discusses foram muito
how much does it cost? - too much, quanto custa isso? - caro demais
how much is it? quanto ? quanto custa? ADV 1. (greatly, a great deal) muito
thank you very much, muito obrigado* (muito obrigada)
we are very much looking forward to your visit, estamos aguardando a sua
visita com muito ansiedade
he is very much the gentleman/politician, ele muito cavalheiro/poltico
as much as, tanto como
I read as much as possible/as I can/as ever, leio o mximo possvel/que eu
posso/como nunca
he is as much part of the community as you, ele faz parte da comunidade
tanto quanto voc 2. (by far) de longe
Im much better now, estou bem melhor agora 3. (almost) quase
the view is much as it was 10 years ago, a vista quase a mesma que h dez
how are you feeling? - much the same, como voc est (se sentindo)? - do
mesmo jeito
muck [mk]
N 1. (dirt) sujeira (BR) sujidade F (PT) 2. (manure) estrume M 3. (fig) porcaria muck
about (inf) 1. (fool about) fazer besteiras 2. (waste time) fazer cera 3. (tinker)
mexer VI muck around muck about VI muck in (BRIT inf) dar uma ajuda VI
muck out (stable) limpar VT muck up (inf) 1. (ruin) estragar 2. (dirty) sujar VT
muckraking [mkrek] (inf)
N (PRESS) sensacionalismo
mucky [mk]
ADJ (dirty) sujo
mucus [mjuks]
N muco
mud [md]
N lama
muddle [mdl]
N 1. confuso F, baguna 2. (mix-up) trapalhada VT muddle up (person, story)
confundir (things) misturar to be in a muddle (person) estar confuso
to get in a muddle (while explaining etc) enrolar-se muddle along viver sem
rumo VI muddle through virar-se VI
muddle-headed [-hdd]
ADJ (person) confuso
muddy [md]
ADJ 1. (road) lamacento 2. (person, clothes) enlameado
mud flats
NPL extenso F de terra lamacenta
mudguard [mdd]
N pra-lama M
mudpack [mdpk]
N mscara (de beleza)
mud-slinging [-sl]
N difamao F, injria
muesli [mjuzl]
N muesli M
muff [mf]
N regalo VT 1. (chance) desperdiar, perder 2. (lines) estropiar
muffin [mfn]
N bolinho redondo e chato
muffle [mfl]
VT 1. (sound) abafar 2. (against cold) agasalhar
muffled [mfld]
ADJ abafado, surdo
muffler [mfl*]
N 1. (scarf) cachecol M 2. (US AUT) silencioso (BR) panela de escape (PT)
mufti [mft]
N in mufti, vestido paisana
mug [m]
N 1. (cup) caneca (for beer) caneco, caneco 2. (inf: face) careta (fool) bobo* (boba)
VT (assault) assaltar mug up (BRIT inf) mug up on, decorar VT
mugger [m*]
N assaltante M, F
mugging [m]
N assalto
muggy [m]
ADJ abafado
mulatto [mjultu] (PL mulattoes )
N mulato* (mulata)
mulberry [mlbr]
N 1. (fruit) amora 2. (tree) amoreira
mule [mjul]
N mula
mulled [mld]
ADJ mulled wine, quento M
mull over [ml-]
VT meditar sobre
multi... [mlt]
PREFIX multi...
ADJ (COMPUT) de mltiplo acesso
multicoloured [mltkld] multicolored (US)
ADJ multicolor
multifarious [mltfrs]
ADJ diverso, variado
multilateral [mltltrl]
ADJ (POL) multilateral
multi-level (US)
ADJ multistorey
multimedia [mltmid]
ADJ multimdia
multimillionaire [mltmljn*]
N multimilionrio* (multimilionria)
multinational [mltnnl]
N multinacional F ADJ multinacional
multiple [mltpl]
ADJ mltiplo N mltiplo
multiple choice
N mltipla escolha
multiple crash
N engavetamento
multiple sclerosis
N esclerose F mltipla
multiple store
N cadeia de lojas
multiplication [mltplken]
N multiplicao F
multiplication table
N tabela de multiplicao
multiplicity [mltplst]
N multiplicidade F
multiply [mltpla]
VT multiplicar VI multiplicar-se
multiracial [mltrel]
ADJ multirracial
multistorey [mltstr] (BRIT)
ADJ de vrios andares
multitude [mlttjud]
N 1. multido F 2. (large number) a multitude of, um grande nmero de
mum [mm]
N (BRIT inf) mame F ADJ to keep mum, ficar calado mums the word! bico calado!
mumble [mmbl]
VT VI resmungar, murmurar
mummify [mmfa]
VT mumificar
mummy [mm]
N 1. (BRIT: mother) mame F 2. (embalmed) mmia
mumps [mmps]
N caxumba
munch [mnt]
VT VI mascar
mundane [mnden]
ADJ banal, mundano
municipal [mjunspl]
ADJ municipal
municipality [mjunsplt]
N 1. municipalidade F 2. (area) municpio
munitions [mjunnz]
NPL munies FPL
mural [mjurl]
N mural M
murder [md*]
N 1. assassinato 2. (LAW) homicdio VT 1. assassinar 2. (spoil) estragar to commit
murder, cometer um assassinato
murderer [mdr*]
N assassino
murderess [mdrs]
N assassina
murderous [mdrs]
ADJ homicida
murk [mk]
N escurido F
murky [mk]
ADJ 1. escuro 2. (water) turvo 3. (fig) sombrio
murmur [mm*]
N murmrio VT VI murmurar heart murmur (MED) sopro cardaco or no corao
MusB , MusBac
N ABBR Bachelor of Music, grau universitrio
muscle [msl]
N 1. msculo 2. (fig) (strength) fora (muscular) muscle in imiscuir-se, impor-se VI
muscular [mskjul*]
ADJ 1. muscular 2. (person) musculoso
muscular dystrophy
N distrofia muscular
MusD , MusDoc
N ABBR Doctor of Music, grau universitrio
muse [mjuz]
VI meditar N musa
museum [mjuzm]
N museu M
mush [m]
N 1. pasta, papa 2. (fig) pieguice F
mushroom [mrum]
N cogumelo VI (fig) crescer da noite para o dia, pipocar
mushy [m]
ADJ 1. mole 2. (pej) piegas
music [mjuzk]
N msica
musical [mjuzkl]
ADJ 1. (of music, person) musical 2. (harmonious) melodioso N (show) musical M
musical instrument
N instrumento musical
music box
N caixinha de msica
music hall
N teatro de variedades
musician [mjuzn]
N msico* (msica)
music stand
N atril M, estante F de msica
musk [msk]
N almscar M
musket [mskt]
N mosquete M
muskrat [mskrt]
N rato almiscarado
musk rose
N (BOT) rosa-moscada
Muslim [mzlm]
ADJ N muulmano* (muulmana)
muslin [mzln]
N musselina
musquash [mskw]
N 1. rato almiscarado 2. (fur) pele F de rato almiscarado
mussel [msl]
N mexilho M
must [mst]
AUX VB 1. (obligation) I must do it, tenho que or devo fazer isso 2. (probability) he
must be there by now, ele j deve estar l 3. (suggestion, invitation) you must
come and see me soon, voc tem que vir me ver em breve 4. (indicating sth
unwelcome) why must he behave so badly? por que ele tem que se comportar
to mal? N (necessity) necessidade F its a must, imprescindvel
I must have made a mistake, eu devo ter feito um erro
mustache [mst] (US)
N moustache
mustard [mstd]
N mostarda
mustard gas
N gs M de mostarda
muster [mst*]
VT 1. (support) reunir 2. (energy) juntar 3. (MIL) formar 4. muster up (strength,
courage) criar, juntar
mustiness [mstns]
N mofo
mustnt [msnt]
must not
musty [mst]
ADJ mofado, com cheiro de bolor
mutant [mjutnt]
ADJ N mutante M, F
mutate [mjutet]
VI sofrer mutao gentica
mutation [mjuten]
N mutao F
mute [mjut]
ADJ N mudo* (muda)
muted [mjutd]
ADJ 1. (colour) suave 2. (reaction) moderado 3. (noise, MUS) abafado 4. (criticism)
mutilate [mjutlet]
VT mutilar
mutilation [mjutlen]
N mutilao F
mutinous [mjutns]
ADJ 1. (troops) amotinado 2. (attitude) rebelde
mutiny [mjutn]
N motim M, rebelio F VI amotinar-se
mutter [mt*]
VT VI resmungar, murmurar
mutton [mtn]
N carne F de carneiro
mutual [mjutul]
ADJ 1. mtuo 2. (shared) comum
mutually [mjutul]
ADV mutuamente, reciprocamente
muzzle [mzl]
N 1. (of animal) focinho 2. (guard) (for dog) focinheira 3. (of gun) boca VT 1. (press
etc) amordaar 2. (dog) pr focinheira em
N ABBR (SPORT) most valuable player
ABBR medium wave, OM
my [ma]
ADJ meu/minha
this is my house/car/brother, esta a minha casa/meu carro/meu irmo
Ive washed my hair/cut my finger, lavei meu cabelo/cortei meu dedo
is this my pen or yours? esta caneta minha ou sua?
mynah bird [man-]
N main M
myopic [mapk]
ADJ mope
myriad [mrd]
N mirade F
myself [maslf]
PRON 1. (reflexive) me 2. (emphatic) eu mesmo 3. (after prep) mim mesmo oneself
mysterious [mstrs]
ADJ misterioso
mystery [mstr]
N mistrio
mystery story
N romance M policial
mystic [mstk]
ADJ N mstico* (mstica)
mystical [mstkl]
ADJ mstico
mystify [mstfa]
VT 1. (perplex) mistificar, confundir 2. (disconcert) desconcertar
mystique [mstik]
N mstica
myth [m]
N mito
mythical [mkl]
ADJ mtico
mythological [mldkl]
ADJ mitolgico
mythology [mld]
N mitologia

N , n [n]
N (letter) N, n M N for Nellie BRIT or Nan US (BRIT) (US) N de Nair
ABBR north, N
N ABBR Narcotics Anonymous, associao de assistncia aos toxicmanos National
ABBR 1. not applicable 2. (COMM etc) no account
N ABBR National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
N ABBR Navy,Army&Air Force Institute, rgo responsvel pelas lojas e cantinas do
nab [nb] (inf)
VT pegar, prender
N ABBR National Association of Colleges and Universities
nadir [ned*]
N (ASTRONOMY, fig) nadir M
nag [n]
N (pej: horse) rocim M VT ralhar, apoquentar
nagging [n]
ADJ 1. (doubt) persistente 2. (pain) contnuo N queixas FPL, censuras FPL,
apoquentao F
nail [nel]
N 1. (human) unha 2. (metal) prego VT pregar to nail sb down to a date/price,
conseguir que algum se defina sobre a data/o preo
to pay cash on the nail BRIT (BRIT) pagar na bucha
nailbrush [nelbr]
N escova de unhas
nailfile [nelfal]
N lixa de unhas
nail polish
N esmalte M BR or verniz M PT de unhas
nail polish remover
N removedor M de esmalte BR or verniz PT
nail scissors
NPL tesourinha de unhas
nail varnish (BRIT)
N nail polish
Nairobi [narub]
N Nairbi
nave [naiv]
ADJ ingnuo
navet [naivte]
N naivety
navety [naivt]
N ingenuidade F
naked [nekd]
ADJ nu* (nua) with the naked eye, a olho nu
nakedness [nekdns]
N nudez F
NALGO [nlu] (BRIT)
N ABBR National and Local Government Officers Association, sindicato dos
funcionrios pblicos
N ABBR National Association of Manufacturers
name [nem]
N 1. nome M 2. (surname) sobrenome M 3. (reputation) reputao F, fama VT 1. (child)
pr nome em 2. (criminal) apontar 3. (appoint) nomear 4. (price) fixar 5. (date)
marcar whats your name? qual o seu nome? como (voc) se chama?
my name is Peter, eu me chamo Peter
by name, de nome
in the name of, em nome de
to give ones name and address (to police etc) dar o seu nome e endereo
to make a name for o.s. fazer nome
to get (o.s.) a bad name, fazer m reputao
to call sb names, xingar algum
name-dropping [-drp]
N she loves name-dropping, ela adora esnobar conhecimento de gente importante
nameless [nemls]
ADJ 1. (unknown) sem nome 2. (anonymous) annimo
namely [neml]
ADV a saber, isto
nameplate [nemplet]
N (on door etc) placa
namesake [nemsek]
N xar M, F (BR) homnimo* (homnima) (PT)
nanny [nn]
N bab F
nanny goat
N cabra
nap [np]
N 1. (sleep) soneca 2. (of cloth) felpa VI to be caught napping, ser pego de surpresa
N ABBR National Association of Performing Artists, sindicato dos artistas de teatro e de
napalm [nepm]
N napalm M
nape [nep]
N nape of the neck, nuca
napkin [npkn]
N table napkin, guardanapo
nappy [np] (BRIT)
N fralda
nappy liner (BRIT)
N gaze F
nappy rash (BRIT)
N assadura
narcissi [nssa]
NPL (of narcissus)
narcissus [nsss] (PL narcissi )
N narciso
narcissistic [nssstk]
ADJ narcisista
narcotic [nktk]
ADJ narctico N narctico narcotics (drugs) entorpecentes MPL NPL
nark [nk] (BRIT inf)
VT encher o saco de
narrate [nret]
VT narrar, contar
narration [nren]
N narrao F
narrative [nrtv]
N narrativa ADJ narrativo
narrator [nret*]
N narrador* M (F narradora)
narrow [nru]
ADJ 1. estreito 2. (shoe) apertado 3. (fig) (majority) pequeno (ideas) tacanho VI 1.
(road) estreitar-se 2. (difference) diminuir to have a narrow escape, escapar por
um triz
to narrow sth down to, restringir or reduzir algo a
narrow gauge
ADJ (RAIL) de bitola estreita
narrowly [nrul]
ADV (miss) por pouco he narrowly missed injury/the tree, por pouco no se
machucou/no bateu na rvore
narrow-minded [-mandd]
ADJ de viso limitada, bitolado
N ABBR National Academy of Sciences
NASA [ns] (US)
N ABBR National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA F
nasal [nezl]
ADJ nasal
Nassau [ns]
N (in Bahamas) Nassau
nastily [nstl]
ADV (say, act) maldosamente
nasty [nst]
ADJ 1. (unpleasant) (remark) desagradvel (person) mau, ruim 2. (malicious) maldoso
3. (rude) grosseiro, obsceno 4. (revolting) (taste, smell) repugnante, asqueroso 5.
(wound, disease etc) grave, srio to turn nasty (situation, weather) ficar feio
(person) engrossar
nastiness [nstns]
N 1. (malice) maldade F 2. (rudeness) grosseria
nasturtium [nstm]
N chagas FPL, capuchinha
N ABBR National Association of Schoolmasters/Union of Women Teachers, sindicato
dos professores
nation [nen]
N nao F
national [nnl]
ADJ N nacional M, F
national anthem
N hino nacional
national debt
N dvida pblica
national dress
N traje M nacional
National Guard (US)
N guarda nacional
National Health Service (BRIT)
N servio nacional de sade
National Insurance (BRIT)
N previdncia social
nationalism [nnlzm]
N nacionalismo
nationalist [nnlst]
ADJ N nacionalista M, F
nationality [nnlt]
N nacionalidade F
nationalization [nnlazen]
N nacionalizao F
nationalize [nnlaz]
VT nacionalizar
nationally [nnl]
ADV 1. (nationwide) de mbito nacional 2. (as a nation) nacionalmente, como nao
national park
N parque M nacional
national press
N imprensa nacional
National Security Council (US)
N conselho nacional de segurana
national service
N (MIL) servio militar
National Trust (BRIT)
nationwide [nenwad]
ADJ de mbito or a nvel nacional ADV em todo o pas
native [netv]
N 1. (local inhabitant) natural M, F, nativo* (nativa) 2. (in colonies) indgena M, F,
nativo* (nativa) ADJ 1. (indigenous) indgena 2. (of one's birth) natal 3. (language)
materno 4. (innate) inato, natural a native of Russia, um natural da Rssia
a native speaker of Portuguese, uma pessoa de lngua (materna) portuguesa
Nativity [ntvt]
N (REL) the Nativity, a Natividade
NATO [netu]
N ABBR North Atlantic Treaty Organization, OTAN F
NATSOPA [ntsup] (BRIT)
N ABBR National Society of Operative Printers, Graphical and Media Personnel,
sindicato da imprensa e das indstrias grficas
natter [nt*] (BRIT)
VI conversar fiado
N ABBR National Association of Television, Theatrical and Kinematographic
Employees, sindicato dos empregados de televiso, de teatro e de cinema
natural [ntrl]
ADJ natural death from natural causes, morte F natural
natural childbirth
N parto natural
natural gas
N gs M natural
naturalist [ntrlst]
N naturalista M, F
naturalization [ntrlazen]
N naturalizao F
naturalize [ntrlaz]
VT to become naturalized (person) naturalizar-se
naturally [ntrl]
ADV 1. naturalmente 2. (of course) claro, evidentemente 3. (instinctively) por instinto,
naturalness [ntrlns]
N naturalidade F
natural resources
NPL recursos MPL naturais
natural wastage
N (INDUSTRY) afastamentos MPL naturais e voluntrios
nature [net*]
N 1. natureza 2. (character) carter M, ndole F by nature, por natureza
documents of a confidential nature, documentos de carter confidencial
-natured [netd]
SUFFIX ill-natured, de mau carter
nature reserve (BRIT)
N reserva natural
nature trail
N trilha de descoberta da natureza
naturist [netrst]
N naturista M, F
naught [nt]
N nought
naughtiness [ntns]
N 1. (of child) travessura, mau comportamento 2. (of story etc) picante M
naughty [nt]
ADJ 1. (child) travesso, levado 2. (story, film) picante
nausea [ns]
N nusea
nauseate [nset]
VT 1. dar nuseas a 2. (fig) repugnar
nauseating [nset]
ADJ 1. nauseabundo, enjoativo 2. (fig) nojento, repugnante
nauseous [nss]
ADJ 1. (nauseating) nauseabundo, enjoativo 2. (feeling sick) to be nauseous, estar
nautical [ntkl]
ADJ nutico
nautical mile
N milha martima (1853 m)
naval [nevl]
ADJ naval
naval officer
N oficial M de marinha
nave [nev]
N nave F
navel [nevl]
N umbigo
navigable [nvbl]
ADJ navegvel
navigate [nvet]
VT 1. (ship) pilotar 2. (sea) navegar VI 1. navegar 2. (AUT) ler o mapa
navigation [nven]
N 1. (action) navegao F 2. (science) nutica
navigator [nvet*]
N navegador* M (F navegadora)
navvy [nv] (BRIT)
N trabalhador M braal, cavouqueiro
navy [nev]
N 1. marinha (de guerra) 2. (ships) armada, frota ADJ navy-blue, azul-marinho
Department of the Navy US (US) ministrio da Marinha
ADJ azul-marinho
Nazareth [nzr]
N Nazar
Nazi [nts]
ADJ N nazista M, F
Nazism [ntszm]
N nazismo
ABBR 1. nota bene, NB 2. (CANADA) New Brunswick
N ABBR National Basketball Association, National Boxing Association
N ABBR National Broadcasting Company, rede de televiso
N ABBR National Bureau of Standards, rgo de padronizao
ABBR 1. (COMM etc) no charge 2. (US POST) North Carolina
N ABBR (old) National Coal Board
N ABBR 1. (BRIT) Nature Conservancy Council, rgo de proteo natureza 2. (US)
National Council of Churches
N ABBR National Council for Civil Liberties, associao de defesa das liberdades civis
N ABBR non-commissioned officer
ABBR (POST) North Dakota
ABBR (POST) Nebraska, New England
N ABBR National Education Association
neap tide [nip-]
N mar F morta
near [n*]
ADJ 1. (place) vizinho 2. (time) prximo 3. (relation) ntimo ADV perto PREP near to
(space) perto de (time) perto de, quase VT aproximar-se de near here/there,
aqui/ali perto
25,000 or nearest offer BRIT (BRIT) 25,000 ou melhor oferta
in the near future, no prximo futuro
the building is nearing completion, o edifcio est quase pronto
to come near, aproximar-se
nearby [nba]
ADJ prximo, vizinho ADV mo, perto
Near East
N the Near East, o Oriente Prximo
nearer [nr*]
ADJ que fica mais perto ADV mais perto
nearly [nl]
ADV quase I nearly fell, quase que ca
its not nearly big enough, pequeno demais
near miss
N 1. (of planes) quase-coliso F 2. (shot) tiro que passou de raspo
nearness [nns]
N 1. proximidade F 2. (relationship) intimidade F
nearside [nsad]
N (AUT) (right-hand drive) lado esquerdo (left-hand drive) lado direito ADJ 1. esquerdo
2. direito
near-sighted [-satd]
ADJ mope
neat [nit]
ADJ 1. (place) arrumado, em ordem 2. (person) asseado, arrumado 3. (work) hbil 4.
(plan) engenhoso, bem bolado 5. (spirits) puro
neatly [nitl]
ADV 1. caprichosamente, com capricho 2. (skilfully) habilmente
neatness [nitns]
N 1. (tidiness) asseio 2. (skilfulness) habilidade F
nebulous [nbjuls]
ADJ 1. nebuloso 2. (fig) vago, confuso
necessarily [nssrl]
ADV necessariamente not necessarily, no necessariamente
necessary [nssr]
ADJ necessrio he did all that was necessary, fez tudo o que foi necessrio
if necessary, se necessrio for
necessitate [nsstet]
VT exigir, tornar necessrio
necessity [nsst]
N 1. (thing needed) necessidade F, requisito 2. (compelling circumstances)
necessidade necessities (essentials) artigos MPL de primeira necessidade NPL
in case of necessity, em caso de necessidade
neck [nk]
N 1. (ANAT) pescoo 2. (of garment) gola 3. (of bottle) gargalo VI (inf) ficar de
agarramento neck and neck, emparelhados
to stick ones neck out (inf) arriscar-se
necklace [nkls]
N colar M
neckline [nklan]
N decote M
necktie [nkta] (esp US)
N gravata
nectar [nkt*]
N nctar M
nectarine [nktrn]
N nectarina
N ABBR National Economic Development Council
Neddy [nd] (BRIT inf)
ne [ne]
ADJ ne Scott, em solteira Scott
need [nid]
N 1. (lack) falta, carncia 2. (necessity) necessidade F 3. (thing needed) requisito,
necessidade VT (require) precisar de I need to do it, preciso faz-lo
you dont need to go, voc no precisa ir
a signature is needed, necessria uma assinatura
to be in need of or have need of, estar precisando de
10 will meet my immediate needs, 10 atendero minhas necessidades mais
in case of need, em caso de necessidade
theres no need to do ... no preciso fazer ...
theres no need for that, isso no necessrio
needle [nidl]
N agulha VT (inf) provocar, alfinetar
needlecord [nidlkd] (BRIT)
N veludo cotel
needless [nidls]
ADJ intil, desnecessrio needless to say ... desnecessrio dizer que ...
needlessly [nidlsl]
ADV desnecessariamente, toa
needlework [nidlwk]
N trabalho de agulha, costura
neednt [nidnt]
need not
needy [nid]
ADJ necessitado, carente
negation [nen]
N negao F
negative [ntv]
ADJ negativo N 1. (PHOT) negativo 2. (LING) negativa to answer in the negative,
responder negativamente
neglect [nlkt]
VT 1. (one's duty) negligenciar, no cumprir com 2. (child) descuidar, esquecer-se de
N 1. (of child) descuido, desateno F 2. (personal) desleixo 3. (of house etc)
abondono 4. (of duty) negligncia to neglect to do sth, omitir de fazer algo
neglected [nlktd]
ADJ abandonado
neglectful [nlktful]
ADJ negligente to be neglectful of sb/sth, descuidar de algum/algo
negligee [nle]
N nglig M
negligence [nldns]
N negligncia, descuido
negligent [nldnt]
ADJ negligente
negligently [nldntl]
ADV 1. por negligncia 2. (offhandedly) negligentemente
negligible [nldbl]
ADJ insignificante, desprezvel, nfimo
negotiable [nubl]
ADJ 1. (cheque) negocivel 2. (road) transitvel
negotiate [nuet]
VI negociar VT 1. (treaty, transaction) negociar 2. (obstacle) contornar 3. (bend in
road) fazer to negotiate with sb for sth, negociar com algum para obter algo
negotiation [nuen]
N negociao F to enter into negotiations with sb, entrar em negociaes com
negotiator [nuet*]
N negociador* M (F negociadora)
Negress [nirs]
N negra
Negro [niru] (PL Negroes )
ADJ N negro* (negra)
neigh [ne]
N relincho VI relinchar
neighbour [neb*] neighbor (US)
N vizinho* (vizinha)
neighbourhood [nebhud] neighborhood (US)
N 1. (place) vizinhana, bairro 2. (people) vizinhos MPL
neighbouring [nebr] neighboring (US)
ADJ vizinho
neighbourly [nebl] neighborly (US)
ADJ amistoso, prestativo
neither [na*]
CONJ I didnt move and neither did he, no me movi nem ele ADJ PRON nenhum (dos
dois) nem um nem outro ADV neither good nor bad, nem bom nem mau neither
story is true, nenhuma das estrias verdade
neo... [niu]
neolithic [niulk]
ADJ neoltico
neologism [nldzm]
N neologismo
neon [nin]
N nenio, non M
neon light
N luz F de nenio
neon sign
N anncio luminoso a nenio
Nepal [npl]
N Nepal M
nephew [nvju]
N sobrinho
nepotism [nptzm]
N nepotismo
nerve [nv]
N 1. (ANAT) nervo 2. (courage) coragem F 3. (impudence) descaramento, atrevimento
he gets on my nerves, ele me irrita, ele me d nos nervos
to have a fit of nerves, ter uma crise nervosa
to lose ones nerve (self-confidence) perder o sangue frio
nerve centre , nerve center (US)
N 1. (ANAT) centro nervoso 2. (fig) centro de operaes
nerve gas
N gs M txico
nerve-racking [-rk]
ADJ angustiante
nervous [nvs]
ADJ 1. (ANAT) nervoso 2. (anxious) apreensivo 3. (timid) tmido, acanhado nervous
exhaustion, esgotamento nervoso
nervous breakdown
N esgotamento nervoso
nervously [nvsl]
ADV 1. nervosamente 2. (timidly) timidamente
nervousness [nvsns]
N 1. nervosismo 2. (timidity) timidez F
nest [nst]
VI aninhar-se N 1. (of bird) ninho 2. (of wasp) vespeiro
nest egg
N (fig) p-de-meia M
nestle [nsl]
VI to nestle up to sb, aconchegar-se a algum
nestling [nstl]
N filhote M (de passarinho)
net [nt]
N 1. rede F 2. (fabric) fil M ADJ (COMM) lquido VT 1. pegar na rede 2. (money) (subj:
person) faturar (deal, sale) render net of tax, isento de impostos
he earns 10,000 net per year, ele ganha 10,000 lquidas por ano
the Net (Internet) a Rede
netball [ntbl]
N espcie de basquetebol
net curtains
NPL cortinas FPL de voile
Netherlands [nlndz]
NPL the Netherlands, os Pases Baixos
net profit
N lucro lquido
nett [nt]
ADJ net
netting [nt]
N 1. rede F, redes FPL 2. (fabric) voile M
nettle [ntl]
N urtiga
network [ntwk]
N rede F theres no network coverage here (TEL) aqui no tem cobertura VT 1.
(RADIO TV) transmitir em rede 2. (computers) interligar
neuralgia [njurld]
N neuralgia
neuroses [njurusiz]
NPL (of neurosis)
neurosis [njuruss] (PL neuroses )
N neurose F
neurotic [njurtk]
ADJ N neurtico* (neurtica)
neuter [njut*]
ADJ neutro N neutro VT (cat etc) castrar, capar
neutral [njutrl]
ADJ neutro N (AUT) ponto morto
neutrality [njutrlt]
N neutralidade F
neutralize [njutrlaz]
VT neutralizar
neutron [njutrn]
N nutron M (BR) neutro M (PT)
neutron bomb
N bomba de nutrons BR or neutres PT
never [nv*]
ADV nunca I never went, nunca fui
never again, nunca mais
never in my life, nunca na minha vida mind
never-ending [-nd]
ADJ sem fim, interminvel
nevertheless [nvls]
ADV todavia, contudo
new [nju]
ADJ novo as good as new, tal como novo
newborn [njubn]
ADJ recm-nascido
newcomer [njukm*]
N recm-chegado* (recm-chegada) novato* (novata)
new-fangled [-fld] (pej)
ADJ ultramoderno
ADJ 1. (friend) novo 2. (enthusiasm) recente
Newfoundland [njufnlnd]
N Terra Nova
New Guinea
N Nova Guin F
newly [njul]
ADV recm, novamente
NPL recm-casados MPL
new moon
N lua nova
newness [njuns]
N novidade F
news [njuz]
N 1. notcias FPL 2. (RADIO TV) noticirio a piece of news, uma notcia
good/bad news, boa/m notcia
financial news, noticirio financeiro
news agency
N agncia de notcias
newsagent [njuzednt] (BRIT)
N jornaleiro* (jornaleira)
news bulletin
N (RADIO TV) noticirio
newscaster [njuzkst*]
N locutor* M (F locutora)
newsdealer [njuzdil*] (US)
N newsagent
news flash
N notcia de ltima hora
newsletter [njuzlt*]
N boletim M informativo
newspaper [njuzpep*]
N 1. jornal M 2. (material) papel M de jornal daily newspaper, dirio
weekly newspaper, semanrio
newsprint [njuzprnt]
N papel M de jornal
newsreader [njuzrid*]
N newscaster
newsreel [njuzril]
N jornal M cinematogrfico, atualidades FPL
newsroom [njuzrum]
N 1. (PRESS) sala da redao 2. (TV) estdio
news stand
N banca de jornais
newt [njut]
N trito M
New Year
N ano novo Happy New Year! Feliz Ano Novo!
to wish sb a happy New Year, desejar feliz ano novo a algum
New Years Day
N dia M de ano novo
New Years Eve
N vspera de ano novo
New York [-jk]
N Nova Iorque
New Zealand [-zilnd]
N Nova Zelndia CPD neozelands* (neozelandesa)
New Zealander [-zilnd*]
N neozelands* M (F neozelandesa)
next [nkst]
ADJ 1. (in space) prximo, vizinho 2. (in time) seguinte, prximo ADV 1. depois 2.
depois, logo the next day, o dia seguinte
next time, na prxima vez
next year, o ano que vem
``turn to the next page ``vire para a pgina seguinte
the week after next, sem ser a semana que vem, a outra
next to, ao lado de
next to nothing, quase nada
whos next? quem o prximo?
next please! prximo, por favor!
when do we meet next? quando que ns nos reencontramos?
next door
ADV na casa do lado ADJ vizinho
N parentes MPL mais prximos
N ABBR (BRIT POL) National Front, partido poltico da extrema direita ABBR (CANADA)
N ABBR National Football League
N ABBR National Farmers Union, sindicato dos fazendeiros
ABBR National Guard
N ABBR National Graphical Association, sindicato das indstrias grficas
N ABBR non-governmental organization
ABBR (POST) New Hampshire
N ABBR National Hockey League
N ABBR National Health Service
ABBR 1. Northern Ireland 2. (BRIT) National Insurance
Niagara Falls [nar-]
NPL the Niagara Falls, as cataratas do Niagara
nib [nb]
N ponta or bico da pena
nibble [nbl]
VT 1. mordiscar, beliscar 2. (ZOOL) roer
Nicaragua [nkrju]
N Nicargua
Nicaraguan [nkrjun]
ADJ N nicaragense M, F
nice [nas]
ADJ 1. (likeable) simptico 2. (kind) amvel, atencioso 3. (pleasant) agradvel 4.
(attractive) bonito 5. (subtle) sutil, fino
nice-looking [-luk]
ADJ bonito
nicely [nasl]
ADV agradavelmente, bem that will do nicely, isso ser perfeito
niceties [nastz]
NPL sutilezas FPL
niche [ni]
N nicho
nick [nk]
N 1. (wound) corte M 2. (cut, indentation) entalhe M, inciso F 3. (BRIT inf) in good
nick, em bom estado VT 1. (cut) entalhar 2. (inf: steal) furtar (BRIT: arrest) prender,
arrochar in the nick of time, na hora H, no momento exato
to nick o.s. cortar-se
nickel [nkl]
N 1. nquel M 2. (US) moeda de 5 centavos
nickname [nknem]
N apelido (BR) alcunha (PT) VT apelidar de (BR) alcunhar de (PT)
Nicosia [nksi]
N Nicsia
nicotine [nktin]
N nicotina
niece [nis]
N sobrinha
nifty [nft] (inf)
ADJ 1. (car, jacket) chique 2. (gadget, tool) jeitoso
Niger [nad*]
N (country, river) Nger M
Nigeria [nadr]
N Nigria
Nigerian [nadrn]
ADJ N nigeriano* (nigeriana)
niggardly [ndl]
ADJ 1. (person) avarento, sovina 2. (amount) miservel
nigger [n*] (inf!)
N (highly offensive) crioulo* (crioula) baiano* (baiana)
niggle [nl]
VI 1. (find fault) botar defeito 2. (fuss) fazer histrias VT irritar
niggling [nl]
ADJ 1. (trifling) insignificante, mesquinho 2. (annoying) irritante 3. (pain, doubt)
night [nat]
N noite F at or by night, or de noite
in or during the night, durante a noite
last night, ontem noite
the night before last, anteontem noite
good night! boa noite!
N 1. (ZOOL) ave F noturna 2. (fig) noctvago* (noctvaga)
nightcap [natkp]
N bebida tomada antes de dormir
nightclub [natklb]
N boate F
nightdress [natdrs]
N camisola (BR) camisa de noite (PT)
nightfall [natfl]
N anoitecer M
nightgown [nataun]
N nightdress
nightie [nat]
N nightdress
nightingale [natel]
N rouxinol M
nightlife [natlaf]
N vida noturna
nightly [natl]
ADJ noturno, de noite ADV todas as noites, cada noite
nightmare [natm*]
N pesadelo
night porter
N porteiro da noite
night safe
N cofre M noturno
night school
N escola noturna
nightshade [nated]
N deadly nightshade (BOT) beladona
night shift
N turno da noite
N noite F
night watchman
N IRREG vigia M, guarda-noturno M
nihilism [nalzm]
N niilismo
nil [nl]
N 1. nada 2. (BRIT SPORT) zero
Nile [nal]
N the Nile, o Nilo
nimble [nmbl]
ADJ 1. (agile) gil, ligeiro 2. (skilful) hbil, esperto
nine [nan]
NUM nove five
nineteen [nantin]
NUM dezenove (BR) dezanove (PT) five
ninety [nant]
NUM noventa fifty
ninth [nan]
NUM nono fifth
nip [np]
VT 1. (pinch) beliscar 2. (bite) morder VI (BRIT inf) to nip out/down/up, dar uma
saidinha/descida/subida N (drink) gole M, trago to nip into a shop, dar um pulo
numa loja
nipple [npl]
N 1. (ANAT) bico do seio, mamilo 2. (of bottle) bocal M, bico 3. (TECH) bocal
nippy [np] (BRIT)
ADJ 1. (person) rpido, gil 2. (cold) friozinho
nit [nt]
N 1. (in hair) lndea, ovo de piolho 2. (inf: idiot) imbecil M, F, idiota M, F
nit-pick (inf)
VI ser implicante
nitrate [natret]
N nitrato
nitrogen [natrdn]
N nitrognio
nitroglycerin , nitroglycerine [natrulsrin]
N nitroglicerina
nitty-gritty [ntrt] (inf)
N to get down to the nitty-gritty, chegar ao mago
nitwit [ntwt] (inf)
N pateta M, F, bobalho* M (F bobalhona)
ABBR (POST) New Jersey
N ABBR National Liberation Front
ABBR near letter quality, qualidade F carta
N ABBR National Labor Relations Board, rgo de proteo aos trabalhadores
ABBR (POST) New Mexico
no [nu] (PL noes )
ADV (opposite of ``yes'') no
are you coming? - no (Im not) voc vem? - no (eu no)
no thank you, no obrigado ADJ (not any) nenhum* (nenhuma) no ... algum*
(no ... alguma)
I have no more money/time/books, no tenho mais dinheiro/tempo/livros
no other man would have done it, nenhum outro homem teria feito isto
``no entry ``entrada proibida
``no smoking `` proibido fumar N no M, negativa
there were 20 noes and one ``dont know houve 20 nos e um ``no sei
ABBR number, nor
nobble [nbl] (BRIT inf)
VT 1. (bribe) subornar 2. (person) (speak to) agarrar 3. (RACING) (horse) incapacitar
(com drogas)
Nobel prize [nubl-]
N prmio Nobel
nobility [nublt]
N nobreza
noble [nubl]
ADJ 1. (person) nobre 2. (title) de nobreza
nobleman [nublmn]
N IRREG nobre M, fidalgo
nobly [nubl]
ADV nobremente
nobody [nubd]
PRON ningum
no-claims bonus
N bonificao F (por no ter reclamado indenizao)
nocturnal [nktnl]
ADJ noturno
nod [nd]
VI 1. (greeting) cumprimentar com a cabea 2. (in agreement) acenar (que sim) com a
cabea 3. (doze) cochilar, dormitar VT to nod ones head, inclinar a cabea N
inclinao F da cabea they nodded their agreement, inclinaram a cabea
afirmando seu acordo nod off cochilar VI
noise [nz]
N barulho
noise abatement
N luta contra a poluio sonora
noiseless [nzls]
ADJ silencioso
noisily [nzl]
ADV ruidosamente, com muito barulho
noisy [nz]
ADJ barulhento
nomad [numd]
N nmade M, F
nomadic [numdk]
ADJ nmade
no mans land
N terra de ningum
nominal [nmnl]
ADJ nominal
nominate [nmnet]
VT 1. (propose) propor 2. (appoint) nomear
nomination [nmnen]
N 1. (proposal) proposta 2. (appointment) nomeao F
nominee [nmni]
N pessoa nomeada, candidato* (candidata)
non... [nn]
PREFIX no- des... in... anti-...
ADJ no-alcolico
nonaligned [-land]
ADJ no-alinhado
ADJ inquebrvel
nonce word [nns-]
N palavra criada para a ocasio
nonchalant [nnlnt]
ADJ despreocupado
non-commissioned [-kmnd]
ADJ non-commissioned officer, oficial M subalterno
non-committal [-kmtl]
ADJ evasivo
nonconformist [nnknfmst]
ADJ no-conformista, dissidente N no-conformista M, F
ADJ non-contributory pension scheme BRIT or plan US (BRIT) (US) caixa de
aposentadoria no-contributria
N no-cooperao F
nondescript [nndskrpt]
ADJ 1. qualquer 2. (pej) medocre
none [nn]
PRON 1. (person) ningum 2. (thing) nenhum* (nenhuma) nada none of you,
nenhum de vocs
I have none, no tenho
Ive none left, no tenho mais
none at all (not one) nem um s
how much milk? - none at all, quanto leite? - nada
hes none the worse for it, isso no o afetou
nonentity [nnntt]
N nulidade F, zero esquerda M
ADJ no essencial, dispensvel NPL non-essentials, desnecessrios MPL
nonetheless [nnls]
ADV no entanto, apesar disso, contudo
ADJ non-executive director, administrador* M (F administradora) conselheiro*
non-existent [-zstnt]
ADJ inexistente
N literatura de no-fico
ADJ no inflamvel
N no-interveno F
non obst.
ABBR non obstante, notwithstanding, no obstante
N falta de pagamento
nonplussed [nnplst]
ADJ perplexo, pasmado
ADJ sem fins lucrativos
nonsense [nnsns]
N disparate M, besteira, absurdo nonsense! bobagem! que nada!
its nonsense to say ... um absurdo dizer que ...
non-shrink (BRIT)
ADJ que no encolhe
ADJ antiderrapante
N no-fumante M, F
ADJ tefal, no-aderente
ADJ 1. ininterrupto 2. (RAIL) direto 3. (AVIAT) sem escala ADV sem parar
non-taxable income
N renda no-tributvel
non-U (BRIT inf)
ADJ ABBR non-upper class, que no se diz (or se faz)
non-volatile memory
N (COMPUT) memria no voltil
non-voting shares
NPL aes FPL sem direito de voto
ADJ N no-branco* (no-branca)
noodles [nudlz]
NPL talharim M
nook [nuk]
N canto, recanto nooks and crannies, esconderijos MPL
noon [nun]
N meio-dia M
PRON nobody
noose [nus]
N 1. lao corredio 2. (hangman's) corda da forca
nor [n*]
CONJ neither ADV neither
no [nu] (PL noes )
ADV (opposite of ``yes'') no
are you coming? - no (Im not) voc vem? - no (eu no)
no thank you, no obrigado ADJ (not any) nenhum* (nenhuma) no ... algum*
(no ... alguma)
I have no more money/time/books, no tenho mais dinheiro/tempo/livros
no other man would have done it, nenhum outro homem teria feito isto
``no entry ``entrada proibida
``no smoking `` proibido fumar N no M, negativa
there were 20 noes and one ``dont know houve 20 nos e um ``no sei
Norf (BRIT)
ABBR Norfolk
norm [nm]
N 1. (convention) norma 2. (requirement) regra
normal [nml]
ADJ normal N to return to normal, normalizar-se
normality [nmlt]
N normalidade F
normally [nml]
ADV normalmente
Normandy [nmnd]
N Normandia
north [n]
N norte M ADJ do norte, setentrional ADV ao or para o norte
North Africa
N frica do Norte
North African
ADJ N norte-africano* (norte-africana)
North America
N Amrica do Norte
North American
ADJ N norte-americano* (norte-americana)
Northants [nnts] (BRIT)
ABBR Northamptonshire
northbound [nbaund]
ADJ em direo norte
Northd (BRIT)
ABBR Northumberland
N nordeste M
northerly [nl]
ADJ (wind, course) norte
northern [nn]
ADJ do norte, setentrional
Northern Ireland
N Irlanda do Norte
North Pole
N the North Pole, o Plo Norte
North Sea
N the North Sea, o Mar do Norte
North Sea oil
N petrleo do Mar do Norte
northward [nwd] northwards, nwdz
ADV em direo norte
N noroeste M
Norway [nwe]
N Noruega
Norwegian [nwidn]
ADJ noruegus* (norueguesa) N 1. noruegus* M (F norueguesa) 2. (LING)
noruegus M
ABBR numbers, nor
no [nu] (PL noes )
ADV (opposite of ``yes'') no
are you coming? - no (Im not) voc vem? - no (eu no)
no thank you, no obrigado ADJ (not any) nenhum* (nenhuma) no ... algum*
(no ... alguma)
I have no more money/time/books, no tenho mais dinheiro/tempo/livros
no other man would have done it, nenhum outro homem teria feito isto
``no entry ``entrada proibida
``no smoking `` proibido fumar N no M, negativa
there were 20 noes and one ``dont know houve 20 nos e um ``no sei
nose [nuz]
N 1. (ANAT) nariz M 2. (ZOOL) focinho 3. (sense of smell) (of person) olfato (of
animal) faro VI nose ones way, avanar cautelosamente to turn up ones nose
at, desdenhar
to pay through the nose (for sth) (inf) pagar os olhos da cara por algo nose
about bisbilhotar VI nose around nose about VI
nosebleed [nuzblid]
N hemorragia nasal
N 1. (deliberate) vo picado 2. (involuntary) parafuso
nose drops
NPL gotas FPL para o nariz
nosey [nuz] (inf)
ADJ nosy
nostalgia [nstld]
N nostalgia
nostalgic [nstldk]
ADJ nostlgico
nostril [nstrl]
N narina
nosy [nuz] (inf)
ADJ intrometido, abelhudo
not [nt]
ADV no
he is not or isnt here, ele no est aqui
you must not or mustnt do that, voc no deve fazer isso
its too late, isnt it? muito tarde, no?
he asked me not to do it, ele me pediu para no fazer isto
not that (I dont like him/he isnt interesting) no que (eu no goste dele/ele
no seja interessante)
not yet/now, ainda/agora no all, only
notable [nutbl]
ADJ notvel
notably [nutbl]
ADV 1. (particularly) particularmente 2. (markedly) notavelmente
notary [nutr]
N notary public, tabelio/tabelioa M, F, notrio* (notria)
notation [nuten]
N notao F
notch [nt]
N 1. (in wood) entalhe M 2. (in blade) corte M notch up 1. (score) marcar 2. (victory)
registrar VT
note [nut]
N 1. (MUS,: banknote) nota 2. (letter) nota, bilhete M 3. (record) nota, anotao F 4.
(tone) tom M VT 1. (observe) observar, reparar em 2. note down, anotar, tomar nota
de just a quick note to let you know ... apenas um bilhete rpido para avis-lo
to take notes, tomar notas
to compare notes (fig) trocar impresses
to take note of, fazer caso de
a person of note, uma pessoa eminente
notebook [nutbuk]
N caderno
note-case (BRIT)
N carteira
noted [nutd]
ADJ clebre, conhecido
notepad [nutpd]
N bloco de anotaes
notepaper [nutpep*]
N papel M de carta
noteworthy [nutw]
ADJ notvel
nothing [n]
N 1. nada 2. (zero) zero he does nothing, ele no faz nada
nothing new/much, nada de novo
for nothing (free) de graa, grtis (in vain) em vo, por nada
nothing at all, absolutamente nada, coisa nenhuma
notice [nuts]
N 1. (sign) aviso, anncio 2. (warning) aviso 3. (of leaving) aviso prvio 4. (BRIT:
review) (of play etc) resenha VT (observe) reparar em, notar without notice, sem
aviso prvio
advance notice, aviso prvio, preaviso
to give sb notice of sth, dar aviso a algum de algo
at short notice, de repente, em cima da hora
until further notice, at nova ordem
to hand in or give ones notice (subj) (employee) demitir, pedir a demisso
to take notice of, prestar ateno a, fazer caso de
to bring sth to sbs notice, levar algo ao conhecimento de algum
it has come to my notice that ... tornei-me ciente que ...
to escape or avoid notice, passar desapercebido
noticeable [nutsbl]
ADJ evidente, visvel
notice board (BRIT)
N quadro de avisos
notification [nutfken]
N aviso, notificao F
notify [nutfa]
VT avisar, notificar to notify sth to sb, notificar algo a algum
to notify sb of sth, avisar algum de algo
notion [nun]
N noo F, idia notions (US) miudezas FPL NPL
notoriety [nutrat]
N notoriedade F, m fama
notorious [nutrs]
ADJ notrio
notoriously [nutrsl]
ADV notoriamente
Notts [nts] (BRIT)
ABBR Nottinghamshire
notwithstanding [ntwstnd]
ADV no entanto, no obstante PREP notwithstanding this, apesar disto
nougat [nu]
N torrone M, nug M
nought [nt]
N zero
noun [naun]
N substantivo
nourish [nr]
VT 1. nutrir, alimentar 2. (fig) fomentar, alentar
nourishing [nr]
ADJ nutritivo, alimentcio
nourishment [nrmnt]
N alimento, nutrimento
ABBR November, nov
Nova Scotia [nuvsku]
N Nova Esccia
novel [nvl]
N 1. romance M 2. (short) novela ADJ 1. (new) novo, recente 2. (unexpected) inslito
novelist [nvlst]
N romancista M, F
novelty [nvlt]
N novidade F
November [nuvmb*]
N novembro July
novice [nvs]
N 1. principiante M, F, novato* (novata) 2. (REL) novio* (novia)
now [nau]
ADV 1. (at the present time) agora 2. (these days) atualmente, hoje em dia CONJ now
(that) agora que right now, agora mesmo
by now, j
just now
thats the fashion just now, a moda atualmente
I saw her just now, eu a vi agora, acabei de v-la
now and then
now and again, de vez em quando
from now on, de agora em diante
in 3 days from now, daqui a 3 dias
between now and Monday, at segunda-feira
thats all for now, por agora tudo
NOW [nau] (US)
N ABBR National Organization for Women
nowadays [naudez]
ADV hoje em dia
nowhere [nuw*]
ADV 1. (go) a lugar nenhum 2. (be) em nenhum lugar nowhere else, em nenhum
outro lugar
noxious [nks]
ADJ nocivo
nozzle [nzl]
N 1. bico, bocal M 2. (TECH) tubeira (hose) agulheta
N ABBR notary public
ABBR Nova Scotia
N ABBR National Security Council
N ABBR National Science Foundation
N ABBR National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
ABBR New South Wales
N ABBR New Testament, NT
nth [n]
ADJ for the nth time, pela ensima vez
N ABBR National Union of Agricultural and Allied Workers, sindicato da agropecuria
nuance [njuns]
N nuana, matiz M
N ABBR National Union of Bank Employees, sindicato dos bancrios
nubile [njubal]
ADJ (woman) jovem e bela
nuclear [njukl*]
ADJ nuclear
nuclear disarmament
N desarmamento nuclear
nuclei [njukla]
NPL (of nucleus)
nucleus [njukls] (PL nuclei )
N ncleo
nude [njud]
ADJ nu* (nua) N (ART) nu M in the nude, nu, pelado
nudge [nd]
VT acotovelar, cutucar (BR)
nudist [njudst]
N nudista M, F
nudist colony
N colonia nudista
nudity [njudt]
N nudez F
nugget [nt]
N pepita
nuisance [njusns]
N 1. amolao F, aborrecimento 2. (person) chato what a nuisance! que saco! (BR)
que chatice! (PT)
N ABBR National Union of Journalists, sindicato dos jornalistas
nuke [njuk] (inf)
N usina nuclear
null [nl]
ADJ null and void, rrito e nulo
nullify [nlfa]
VT anular, invalidar
N ABBR National Union of Mineworkers, sindicato dos mineiros
numb [nm]
ADJ 1. dormente, entorpecido 2. (fig) estupefato VT adormecer, entorpecer numb
with cold, tolhido de frio
numb with fear, paralisado de medo
number [nmb*]
N 1. nmero 2. (numeral) algarismo VT 1. (pages etc) numerar 2. (amount to) montar a
a number of, vrios, muitos
to be numbered among, figurar entre
they were ten in number, eram em nmero de dez
wrong number (TEL) engano
numbered account [nmbd-]
N (in bank) conta numerada
number plate (BRIT)
N placa (do carro)
Number Ten (BRIT)
N 10 Downing Street, residncia do primeiro-ministro
numbness [nmns]
N 1. torpor M, dormncia 2. (fig) insensibilidade F
numeral [njumrl]
N algarismo
numerate [njumrt] (BRIT)
ADJ to be numerate, ter uma noo bsica da aritmtica
numerical [njumrkl]
ADJ numrico
numerous [njumrs]
ADJ numeroso
nun [nn]
N freira
NUPE [njup] (BRIT)
N ABBR National Union of Public Employees, sindicato dos funcionrios pblicos
nuptial [npl]
ADJ nupcial
N ABBR National Union of Railwaymen, sindicato dos ferrovirios
nurse [ns]
N 1. enfermeiro* (enfermeira) 2. nursemaid, ama-seca, bab F VT 1. (patient) cuidar
de, tratar de 2. (baby) (feed) criar, amamentar (BRIT: rock) embalar 3. (fig)
alimentar wet nurse, ama de leite
nursery [nsr]
N 1. (institution) creche F 2. (room) quarto das crianas 3. (for plants) viveiro
nursery rhyme
N poesia infantil
nursery school
N escola maternal
nursery slope (BRIT)
N (SKI) rampa para principiantes
nursing [ns]
N 1. (profession) enfermagem F 2. (care) cuidado, assistncia
nursing home
N sanatrio, clnica de repouso
nursing mother
N lactante F
nurture [nt*]
VT alimentar
N ABBR National Union of Seamen, sindicato dos marinheiros, National Union of
Students, sindicato dos estudantes
nut [nt]
N 1. (TECH) porca 2. (BOT) noz F CPD (chocolate etc) de nozes
N ABBR National Union of Teachers, sindicato dos professores
nutcase [ntkes] (inf)
N doido* (doida) biruta M, F
nutcrackers [ntkrkz]
NPL quebra-nozes M INV
nutmeg [ntm]
N noz-moscada
nutrient [njutrnt]
N nutrimento ADJ nutritivo
nutrition [njutrn]
N 1. (diet) alimentao F 2. (nourishment) nutrio F
nutritionist [njutrnst]
N nutricionista M, F
nutritious [njutrs]
ADJ nutritivo
nuts [nts] (inf)
ADJ hes nuts, ele doido
nutshell [ntl]
N casca de noz in a nutshell (fig) em poucas palavras
nuzzle [nzl]
VI to nuzzle up to, aconchegar-se com
ABBR (POST) Nevada
ABBR Northwest Territories
ABBR (POST) New York
ABBR (POST) New York City
nylon [naln]
N nilon M (BR) nylon M (PT) ADJ de nilon nylons (stockings) meias FPL (de nilon)
nymph [nmf]
N ninfa
nymphomaniac [nmfumenk]
N ninfmana
N ABBR New York Stock Exchange
ABBR New Zealand

O , o [u]
N 1. (letter) O, o M 2. (US SCH) outstanding O for Olive BRIT or oboe US (BRIT)
(US) O de Osvaldo
oaf [uf]
N imbecil M, F
oak [uk]
N carvalho ADJ de carvalho
N abbr old-age pensioner
oar [*]
N remo to put or shove ones oar in (fig inf) meter o bedelho or a colher
oarsman [zmn]
N IRREG remador M
oarswoman [zwumn]
N IRREG remadora
N ABBR Organization of American States, OEA F
oases [uesiz]
NPL (of oasis)
oasis [uess] (PL oases )
N osis M INV
oath [u]
N 1. juramento 2. (swear word) palavro M 3. (curse) praga on BRIT or under oath
(BRIT) sob juramento
to take an oath, prestar juramento
oatmeal [utmil]
N farinha or mingau M de aveia
oats [uts]
N aveia
N ABBR Organization of African Unity, OUA F
obdurate [bdjurt]
ADJ 1. (obstinate) teimoso 2. (sinner) empedernido 3. (unyielding) inflexvel
obedience [bidns]
N obedincia in obedience to, em conformidade com
obedient [bidnt]
ADJ obediente to be obedient to sb/sth, obedecer a algum/algo
obelisk [blsk]
N obelisco
obese [ubis]
ADJ obeso
obesity [ubist]
N obesidade F
obey [be]
VT 1. obedecer a 2. (instructions, regulations) cumprir VI obedecer
obituary [btjur]
N necrolgio
N [bdkt] 1. (gen, LING) objeto 2. (purpose) objetivo VI [bdkt] to object to
(attitude) desaprovar, objetar a (proposal) opor-se a I object! protesto!
he objected that ... ele objetou que ...
do you object to my smoking? voc se incomoda que eu fume?
whats the object of doing that? qual o objetivo de fazer isso?
expense is no object, o preo no problema
objection [bdkn]
N 1. objeo F 2. (drawback) inconveniente M I have no objection to ... no tenho
nada contra ...
to make or raise an objection, fazer or levantar uma objeo
objectionable [bdknbl]
ADJ 1. desagradvel 2. (conduct) censurvel
objective [bdktv]
ADJ objetivo N objetivo
objectivity [bdktvt]
N objetividade F
object lesson
N (fig) object lesson (in) demonstrao F (de)
objector [bdkt*]
N opositor* M (F opositora)
obligation [blen]
N 1. obrigao F 2. (debt) dvida (de gratido) without obligation, sem
to be under an obligation to do sth, ser obrigado a fazer algo
obligatory [bltr]
ADJ obrigatrio
oblige [blad]
VT 1. (do a favour for) obsequiar, fazer um favor a 2. (force) to oblige sb to do sth,
obrigar or forar algum a fazer algo to be obliged to sb for doing sth, ficar
agradecido por algum fazer algo
anything to oblige! (inf) estou sua disposio!
obliging [blad]
ADJ prestativo
oblique [blik]
ADJ 1. oblquo 2. (allusion) indireto
obliterate [bltret]
VT 1. (erase) apagar 2. (destroy) destruir
oblivion [blvn]
N esquecimento
oblivious [blvs]
ADJ oblivious of, inconsciente de, esquecido de
oblong [bl]
ADJ oblongo, retangular N retngulo
obnoxious [bnks]
ADJ 1. odioso, detestvel 2. (smell) enjoativo
o.b.o (US)
ABBR or best offer, ou melhor oferta
oboe [ubu]
N obo M
obscene [bsin]
ADJ obsceno
obscenity [bsnt]
N obscenidade F
obscure [bskju*]
ADJ 1. obscuro, desconhecido 2. (difficult to understand) pouco claro VT 1. ocultar,
escurecer 2. (hide) (sun etc) esconder
obscurity [bskjurt]
N 1. obscuridade F 2. (darkness) escurido F
obsequious [bsikws]
ADJ obsequioso, servil
observable [bzvbl]
ADJ 1. observvel 2. (appreciable) perceptvel
observance [bzvns]
N 1. observncia, cumprimento 2. (ritual) prtica, hbito religious observances,
observncia religiosa
observant [bzvnt]
ADJ observador* (observadora)
observation [bzven]
N 1. observao F 2. (by police etc) vigilncia 3. (MED) exame M
observation post
N (MIL) posto de observao
observatory [bzvtr]
N observatrio
observe [bzv]
VT 1. observar 2. (rule) cumprir
observer [bzv*]
N observador* M (F observadora)
obsess [bss]
VT obsedar, obcecar to be obsessed by or with sb/sth, estar obcecado por or com
obsession [bsn]
N obsesso F, idia fixa
obsessive [bssv]
ADJ obsessivo
obsolescence [bslsns]
N obsolescncia built-in or planned obsolescence (COMM) obsolescncia pr-
obsolescent [bslsnt]
ADJ obsolescente, antiquado
obsolete [bslit]
ADJ obsoleto to become obsolete, cair em desuso
obstacle [bstkl]
N 1. obstculo 2. (hindrance) estorvo, impedimento
obstacle race
N corrida de obstculos
obstetrician [bsttrn]
N obstetra M, F
obstetrics [bsttrks]
N obstetrcia
obstinacy [bstns]
N teimosia, obstinao F
obstinate [bstnt]
ADJ obstinado
obstreperous [bstrprs]
ADJ turbulento
obstruct [bstrkt]
VT 1. obstruir 2. (block) (pipe) entupir 3. (hinder) estorvar
obstruction [bstrkn]
N 1. obstruo F 2. (object) obstculo
obstructive [bstrktv]
ADJ obstrutor* (obstrutora)
obtain [bten]
VT 1. (get) obter 2. (achieve) conseguir VI prevalecer
obtainable [btenbl]
ADJ disponvel
obtrusive [btrusv]
ADJ 1. (person) intrometido, intruso 2. (building etc) que d muito na vista
obtuse [btjus]
ADJ obtuso
obverse [bvs]
N 1. (of medal, coin) obverso 2. (fig) contrapartida
obviate [bvet]
VT obviar a, prevenir
obvious [bvs]
ADJ 1. (clear) bvio, evidente 2. (unsubtle) nada sutil
obviously [bvsl]
ADV evidentemente obviously, he was not drunk or he was obviously not drunk,
certamente ele no estava bbado
he was not obviously drunk, ele no aparentava estar bbado
obviously! claro! lgico!
obviously not! () claro que no!
N ABBR Organization of Central American States, ODECA F
occasion [ken]
N 1. ocasio F 2. (event) acontecimento VT ocasionar, causar on that occasion,
naquela ocasio
to rise to the occasion, mostrar-se altura da situao
occasional [kenl]
ADJ de vez em quando
occasionally [kenl]
ADV de vez em quando very occasionally, raramente
occasional table
N mesinha
occult [klt]
ADJ oculto N the occult, as cincias ocultas
occupancy [kjupns]
N ocupao F, posse F
occupant [kjupnt]
N 1. (of house) inquilino* (inquilina) 2. (of car) ocupante M, F
occupation [kjupen]
N 1. ocupao F 2. (job) profisso F unfit for occupation (house) inabitvel
occupational [kjupenl]
ADJ 1. (accident) de trabalho 2. (disease) profissional
occupational guidance (BRIT)
N orientao F vocacional
occupational hazard
N risco profissional
occupational pension
N penso F profissional
occupational therapy
N terapia ocupacional
occupier [kjupa*]
N inquilino* (inquilina)
occupy [kjupa]
VT 1. ocupar 2. (house) morar em to occupy o.s. in doing (as job) dedicar-se a
fazer (be busy with) ocupar-se de fazer
to be occupied with sth, ocupar-se de algo
occur [k*]
VI 1. (event) ocorrer 2. (phenomenon) acontecer 3. (difficulty, opportunity) surgir to
occur to sb, ocorrer a algum
it occurs to me that ... ocorre-me que ...
occurrence [krns]
N 1. (event) ocorrncia, acontecimento 2. (existence) existncia
ocean [un]
N oceano oceans of (inf) um monte de
ocean bed
N fundo do oceano
ocean-going [-u]
ADJ de longo curso
Oceania [uen]
N Oceania
ocean liner
N transatlntico
ochre [uk*] ocher (US)
ADJ cor de ocre
oclock [klk]
ADV it is 5 oclock, so cinco horas
N ABBR optical character reader, optical character recognition
ABBR October, out
octagonal [ktnl]
ADJ octogonal
octane [kten]
N octano high-octane petrol BRIT or gas US (BRIT) (US) gasolina de alto ndice
de octana
octave [ktv]
N oitava
October [ktub*]
N outubro July
octogenarian [ktudnrn]
N octogenrio* (octogenria)
octopus [ktps]
N polvo
odd [d]
ADJ 1. (strange) estranho, esquisito 2. (number) mpar 3. (sock etc) desemparelhado
4. (left over) avulso, de sobra 60-odd, 60 e tantos
at odd times, s vezes, de vez em quando
to be the odd one out, ficar sobrando, ser a exceo
oddball [dbl] (inf)
N excntrico* (excntrica) esquisito* M (F esquisitona)
oddity [dt]
N 1. coisa estranha, esquisitice F 2. (person) excntrico* (excntrica)
odd-job man
N IRREG faz-tudo M
odd jobs
NPL biscates MPL, bicos MPL
oddly [dl]
ADV curiosamente enough
oddments [dmnts] (BRIT)
NPL (COMM) retalhos MPL
odds [dz]
NPL (in betting) pontos MPL de vantagem the odds are against his coming,
pouco provvel que ele venha
it makes no odds, d no mesmo
to succeed against all the odds, conseguir contra todas as expectativas
at odds, brigados* (brigadas) de mal
odds and ends
NPL miudezas FPL
ode [ud]
N ode F
odious [uds]
ADJ odioso
odometer [udmt*]
N conta-quilmetros M INV
odour [ud*] odor (US)
N 1. odor M, cheiro 2. (unpleasant) fedor M
odourless [udls] odorless (US)
ADJ inodoro
N ABBR Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, OCDE F
oesophagus [isfs] esophagus (US)
N esfago
of [v] [v]
PREP 1. (gen) de
the history of France, a histria da Frana
a friend of ours, um amigo nosso
a boy of 10 um menino de 10 anos
that was very kind of you, foi muito gentil da sua parte
the city of New York, a cidade de Nova Iorque 2. (expressing quantity, amount,
dates etc) de
a kilo of flour, um quilo de farinha
how much of this do you need? de quanto voc precisa?
3 of them, 3 deles
3 of us went, 3 de ns foram
a cup of tea/vase of flowers, uma xcara de ch/um vaso de flores
the 5th of July, dia 5 de julho 3. (from, out of) de
a statue of marble, uma esttua de mrmore
made of wood, feito de madeira
off [f]
ADV 1. (referring to distance, time) its a long way off, fica bem longe
the game is 3 days off, o jogo daqui a 3 dias 2. (departure) Im off, estou de
to go off to Paris/Italy, ir para Paris/a Itlia
I must be off, devo ir-me 3. (removal) to take off ones hat/coat/clothes, tirar o
chapu/o casaco/a roupa
the button came off, o boto caiu
10% off (COMM) 10% de abatimento or desconto 4. (not at work) (on holiday)
to have a day off, tirar um dia de folga (sick)
to be off sick, estar ausente por motivo de sade
Im off on Fridays, estou de folga s sextas-feiras ADJ 1. (not turned on)
(machine, water, gas) desligado (light) apagado (tap) fechado 2. (cancelled)
(meeting, match, agreement) cancelado 3. (BRIT: not fresh) (food) passado (milk)
talhado, anulado 4. on the off chance (just in case) ao acaso
today I had an off day (not as good as usual) hoje no foi o meu dia PREP 1.
(indicating motion, removal, etc) de
the button came off my coat, o boto do meu casaco caiu 2. (distant from) de
5 km off (the road) a 5 km (da estrada)
off the coast, em frente costa 3. to be off meat (no longer eat it) no comer
mais carne (no longer like it) enjoar de carne
offal [fl]
N (CULIN) sobras FPL, restos MPL
offbeat [fbit]
ADJ excntrico
off-centre , off-center (US)
ADJ descentrado, excntrico
off-colour (BRIT)
ADJ (ill) indisposto
offence [fns] offense (US)
N 1. (crime) delito 2. (insult) insulto, ofensa to give offence to, ofender
to take offence at, ofender-se com, melindrar-se com
to commit an offence, cometer uma infrao
offend [fnd]
VT (person) ofender VI to offend against (law, rule) pecar contra, transgredir
offender [fnd*]
N 1. delinqente M, F 2. (against regulations) infrator* M (F infratora)
offense [fns] (US)
N offence
offensive [fnsv]
ADJ 1. (weapon, remark) ofensivo 2. (smell etc) repugnante N (MIL) ofensiva
offer [f*]
N 1. oferta 2. (proposal) proposta VT 1. oferecer 2. (opportunity) proporcionar to
make an offer for sth, fazer uma oferta por algo
to offer sth to sb
offer sb sth, oferecer algo a algum
to offer to do sth, oferecer-se para fazer algo
``on offer (COMM) ``em oferta
offering [fr]
N oferenda
offertory [ftr]
N (REL) ofertrio
off-hand [fhnd]
ADJ informal ADV de improviso I cant tell you off-hand, no posso te dizer assim
de improviso
office [fs]
N 1. (place) escritrio 2. (room) gabinete M 3. (position) cargo, funo F to take
office, tomar posse
doctors office US (US) consultrio
through his good offices (fig) graas aos grandes prstimos dele
Office of Fair Trading BRIT (BRIT) rgo de proteo ao consumidor
office automation
N automao F de escritrios
office bearer
N (of club etc) detentor* M de um cargo (F detentora)
office block , office building (US)
N conjunto de escritrios
office boy
N contnuo, bi M
office building (US)
N conjunto de escritrios
office hours
NPL 1. (horas FPL de) expediente M 2. (US MED) horas FPL de consulta
office manager
N gerente M, F de escritrio
officer [fs*]
N 1. (MIL etc) oficial M, F 2. (of organization) diretor* M (F diretora) 3. police officer,
agente M, F policial or de polcia
office work
N trabalho de escritrio
office worker
N empregado* or funcionrio* de escritrio (empregada or funcionria)
official [fl]
ADJ oficial N 1. oficial M, F 2. (civil servant) funcionrio* (pblico*) (funcionria
officialdom [fldm] (pej)
N burocracia
officially [fl]
ADV oficialmente
official receiver
N sndico* de massa falida (sndica)
officiate [fet]
VI (REL) oficiar to officiate as Mayor, exercer as funes de prefeito
to officiate at a marriage, celebrar um casamento
officious [fs]
ADJ intrometido
offing [f]
N in the offing (fig) em perspectiva
ADJ ADV desafinado
off-licence (BRIT)
N (shop) loja de bebidas alcolicas
off-limits (esp US)
ADJ proibido
off line
ADJ (COMPUT) fora de linha (switched off) desligado
VT to off-load sth (onto) (goods) descarregar algo (sobre) (job) descarregar algo
ADJ 1. (heating etc) de perodo de pouco consumo 2. (ticket, train) de perodo de
pouco movimento
off-putting [-put] (BRIT)
ADJ desconcertante
ADJ ADV fora de estao or temporada
offset [fst]
VT (counteract) compensar, contrabalanar N offset printing, ofsete M
offshoot [fut] (fig)
N desdobramento
offshore [f*]
ADV a pouca distncia da costa, ao largo ADJ 1. (breeze) de terra 2. (island) perto do
litoral 3. (fishing) costeiro offshore oilfield, campo petrolfero ao largo
offside [fsad]
N (AUT) lado do motorista ADJ 1. (SPORT) impedido 2. (AUT) do lado do motorista
offspring [fspr]
N descendncia, prole F
offstage [fsted]
ADV nos bastidores
ADJ improvisado ADV de improviso
off-the-job training
N treinamento fora do local de trabalho
off-the-peg , off-the-rack (US)
ADJ pronto
ADJ quase branco
often [fn]
ADV muitas vezes, freqentemente how often do you go? quantas vezes or com
que freqncia voc vai?
as often as not, quase sempre
very often, com muita freqncia
ogle [ul]
VT comer com os olhos
ogre [u*]
N ogre M
oh [u]
EXCL oh! ! ah!
ABBR On His Majestys Service, On Her Majestys Service
oil [l]
N 1. (CULIN) azeite M 2. (petroleum) petrleo 3. (for heating) leo VT (machine)
oilcan [lkn]
N 1. almotolia 2. (for storing) lata
oil change
N mudana de leo
oilfield [lfild]
N campo petrolfero
oil filter
N (AUT) filtro de leo
oil-fired [-fad]
ADJ que usa leo combustvel
oil gauge
N indicador M do nvel de leo
oil industry
N indstria petroleira
oil level
N nvel M de leo
oil painting
N pintura a leo
oil refinery
N refinaria de petrleo
oil rig
N torre F de perfurao
oilskins [lsknz]
NPL capa de oleado
oil slick
N mancha de leo
oil tanker
N 1. (ship) petroleiro 2. (truck) carro-tanque M de petrleo
oil well
N poo petrolfero
oily [l]
ADJ 1. oleoso 2. (food) gorduroso
ointment [ntmnt]
N pomada
ABBR (POST) Oklahoma
O.K. [uke]
EXCL est bem, est bom, t (bem or bom) (inf) ADJ 1. bom 2. (correct) certo VT
aprovar N to give sth the O.K. dar luz verde a algo is it O.K.? t bom?
are you O.K.? voc est bem?
are you O.K. for money? voc est bem de dinheiro?
its O.K. with or by me, para mim tudo bem
okay [uke]
old [uld]
ADJ 1. velho 2. (former) antigo, anterior how old are you? quantos anos voc tem?
hes 10 years old, ele tem 10 anos
older brother, irmo mais velho
any old thing will do, qualquer coisa serve
old age
N velhice F
old-age pensioner (BRIT)
N aposentado* (aposentada) (BR) reformado* (reformada) (PT)
old-fashioned [-fnd]
ADJ 1. fora de moda 2. (person) antiquado 3. (values) absoleto, retrgrado
old maid
N solteirona
old peoples home
N asilo de velhos
ADJ antigo, do tempo antigo
N veterano
old wives tale
N conto da carochinha
olive [lv]
N 1. (fruit) azeitona 2. (tree) oliveira ADJ olive-green, verde-oliva
olive oil
N azeite M de oliva
Olympic [ulmpk]
ADJ olmpico the Olympic Games the Olympics, os Jogos Olmpicos, as
N ABBR Order of Merit, ttulo honorfico
Oman [umn]
N Om M (BR) Oman M (PT)
N ABBR Office of Management and Budget, servio que assessora o presidente em
assuntos oramentrios
omelet , omelette [mlt]
N omelete F (BR) omeleta (PT)
omen [umn]
N pressgio, agouro
ominous [mns]
ADJ 1. (menacing) preocupante 2. (event) de mau agouro
omission [umn]
N 1. omisso F 2. (error) descuido, negligncia
omit [umt]
VT 1. omitir 2. (by mistake) esquecer to omit to do sth, deixar de fazer algo
omnivorous [mnvrs]
ADJ onvoro
on [n]
PREP 1. (indicating position) sobre, em (cima de)
on the wall, na parede
on the left, esquerda
the house is on the main road, a casa fica na rua principal 2. (indicating means,
method, condition etc) on foot, a p
on the train/plane, no trem/no avio
on the telephone/radio, no telefone/rdio
on television, na televiso
to be on drugs (addicted) ser viciado em drogas (MED) estar sob medicao
to be on holiday/business, estar de frias/a negcio 3. (referring to time) on
Friday, na sexta-feira
a week on Friday, sem ser esta sexta-feira, a outra
on arrival, ao chegar
on seeing this, ao ver isto 4. (about, concerning) sobre ADV 1. (referring to dress)
to have ones coat on, estar de casaco
whats she got on? o que ela est usando?
she put her boots on, ela calou as botas
he put his gloves/hat on, ele colocou as luvas/o chapu 2. (referring to
covering) screw the lid on tightly, atarraxar bem a tampa 3. (further, continuously)
to walk/drive on, continuar andando/dirigindo
to go on, continuar (em frente)
to read on, continuar a ler ADJ 1. (functioning, in operation) (machine) em
funcionamento (light) aceso (radio) ligado (tap) aberto (brakes: of car etc)
to be on, estar freado
is the meeting still on? (in progress) a reunio ainda est sendo realizada? (not
cancelled) ainda vai haver reunio?
theres a good film on at the cinema, tem um bom filme passando no cinema 2.
thats not on! (inf: of behaviour) isso no se faz!
ABBR Ontario
N ABBR Ordinary National Certificate
once [wns]
ADV 1. uma vez 2. (formerly) outrora CONJ depois que once he had left/it was
done, depois que ele saiu/foi feito
at once, imediatamente (simultaneously) de uma vez, ao mesmo tempo
all at once, de repente
once a week, uma vez por semana
once more, mais uma vez
I knew him once, eu o conheci antigamente
once and for all, uma vez por todas, definitivamente
once upon a time, era uma vez
oncoming [nkm]
ADJ (traffic) que vem de frente
N ABBR Ordinary National Diploma
one [wn]
NUM um(a)
one hundred and fifty, cento e cinqenta
one by one, um por um ADJ 1. (sole) nico
the one book which ... o nico livro que ... 2. (same) mesmo
they came in the one car, eles vieram no mesmo carro PRON 1. um* (uma)
this one, este/esta
that one, esse/essa, aquele/aquela
Ive already got one/a red one, eu j tenho um/um vermelho 2. one another,
um ao outro
do you two ever see one another? vocs dois se vem de vez em quando?
the boys didnt dare look at one another, os meninos no ousaram olhar um
para o outro 3. (impers) one never knows, nunca se sabe
to cut ones finger, cortar o dedo
one needs to eat, preciso comer
one-armed bandit
N caa-nqueis M INV
one-day excursion (US)
N bilhete M de ida e volta
ADJ (business) individual
one-man band
N homem-orquestra M
one-off (BRIT inf)
N exemplar M nico ADJ nico
ADJ one-piece bathing suit, mai inteiro
onerous [unrs]
ADJ 1. (task, duty) incmodo 2. (responsibility) pesado
oneself [wnslf]
PRON (reflexive) se (after prep, emphatic) si mesmo* (sisi mesma)
by oneself, sozinho* (sozinha)
to hurt oneself, ferir-se
to keep sth for oneself, guardar algo para si mesmo
to talk to oneself, falar consigo mesmo
one-sided [-sadd]
ADJ 1. (decision) unilateral 2. (judgement, account) parcial 3. (contest) desigual
ADJ antigo
ADJ (relationship) individual
one-upmanship [-pmnp]
N the art of one-upmanship, a arte de aparentar ser melhor do que os outros
ADJ (street, traffic) de mo nica (BR) de sentido nico (PT)
ongoing [nu]
ADJ 1. (project) em andamento 2. (situation) existente
onion [njn]
N cebola
on line
ADJ (COMPUT) on-line, em linha (switched on) ligado
onlooker [nluk*]
N espectador* M (F espectadora)
only [unl]
ADV somente, apenas ADJ nico, s CONJ s que, porm an only child, um filho
not only ... but also ... no s ... mas tambm ...
I only ate one, eu comi s um
I saw her only yesterday, apenas ontem eu a vi
Id be only too pleased to help, eu teria muitssimo prazer em ajudar
I would come, only Im very busy, eu iria, porm estou muito ocupado
ABBR or nearest offer, ou melhor oferta
onset [nst]
N 1. (beginning) comeo 2. (attack) ataque M
onshore [n*]
ADJ (wind) do mar
onslaught [nslt]
N investida, arremetida
on-the-job training
N treinamento no servio
onto [ntu]
PREP on to
onus [uns]
N responsabilidade F the onus is upon him to prove it, cabe a ele comprov-lo
onward [nwd] onwards, nwdz
ADV (move) para diante, para a frente from this time onward(s) de (ag)ora em
onyx [nks]
N nix M
ooze [uz]
VI ressumar, filtrar-se to ooze a feeling, mostrar um sentimento exagerado
opacity [upst]
N opacidade F
opal [upl]
N opala
opaque [upek]
ADJ opaco, fosco
OPEC [upk]
N ABBR Organization of Petroleum-Exporting Countries, OPEP F
open [upn]
ADJ 1. aberto 2. (car) descoberto 3. (road) livre 4. (fig) (frank) aberto 5. (meeting)
aberto, sem restries 6. (admiration) declarado 7. (question) discutvel 8. (enemy)
assumido VT abrir VI 1. (gen) abrir(-se) 2. (shop) abrir 3. (book etc) (commence)
comear in the open (air) ao ar livre
the open sea, o largo
open ground (among trees) clareira, abertura (waste ground) terreno baldio
to have an open mind (on sth) ter uma cabeaaberta (a respeito de algo)
open on to (subj) (room, door) dar para VT open out 1. abrir 2. abrir-se VT
open up 1. abrir 2. (blocked road) desobstruir 3. (COMM) abrir VT
ADJ a cu aberto
ADJ open-and-shut case, caso evidente
open day (BRIT)
N dia M de visita
open-ended [-ndd]
ADJ (fig) no limitado
opener [upn*]
N can opener, tin opener, abridor M de latas (BR) abre-latas M INV (PT)
open-heart surgery
N cirurgia de corao aberto
opening [upn]
ADJ de abertura N 1. abertura 2. (start) incio 3. (opportunity) oportunidade F 4. (job)
opening night
N (THEATRE) estria
openly [upnl]
ADV abertamente
open-minded [-mandd]
ADJ aberto, imparcial
open-necked [-nkt]
ADJ aberto no colo
openness [upnns]
N abertura, sinceridade F
ADJ sem paredes divisrias
open sandwich
N canap M
open shop
N empresa que admite trabalhadores no sindicalizados
Open University (BRIT)
N universidade que oferece curso universitrio por correspondncia
opera [pr]
N pera
opera glasses
NPL binculo de teatro
opera house
N teatro lrico or de pera
opera singer
N cantor* M de pera (F cantora)
operate [pret]
VT 1. (machine) fazer funcionar, pr em funcionamento 2. (company) dirigir VI 1.
funcionar 2. (drug) fazer efeito 3. (MED) to operate on sb, operar algum
operatic [prtk]
ADJ lrico, operstico
operating [pret]
ADJ (COMM) (costs, profit) operacional
operating system
N (COMPUT) sistema M operacional
operating table
N mesa de operaes
operating theatre
N sala de operaes
operation [pren]
N 1. operao F 2. (of machine) funcionamento to have an operation, fazer uma
to be in operation (system) estar em vigor (machine) estar funcionando
operational [prenl]
ADJ operacional when the service is fully operational, quando o servio estiver
com toda a sua eficcia
operative [prtv]
ADJ (measure) em vigor N (in factory) operrio* (operria) the operative word, a
palavra mais importante or atuante
operator [pret*]
N 1. (of machine) operador* M (F operadora) manipulador* M (F manipuladora) 2.
(TEL) telefonista M, F
operetta [prt]
N opereta
ophthalmic [flmk]
ADJ oftlmico
ophthalmologist [flmldst]
N oftalmologista M, F, oftalmlogo* (oftalmloga)
opinion [pnn]
N opinio F in my opinion, na minha opinio, a meu ver
to seek a second opinion, procurar uma segunda opinio
opinionated [pnnetd]
ADJ opinioso
opinion poll
N pesquisa, levantamento
opium [upm]
N pio
opponent [punnt]
N 1. oponente M, F 2. (MIL SPORT) adversrio* (adversria)
opportune [ptjun]
ADJ oportuno
opportunism [ptjunzm]
N oportunismo
opportunist [ptjunst]
N (pej) oportunista M, F
opportunity [ptjunt]
N oportunidade F to take the opportunity of doing, aproveitar a oportunidade para
oppose [puz]
VT opor-se a to be opposed to sth, opor-se a algo, estar contra algo
as opposed to, em oposio a
opposing [puz]
ADJ (side) oposto, contrrio
opposite [pzt]
ADJ 1. oposto 2. (house etc) em frente ADV (l) em frente PREP em frente de, defronte
de N oposto, contrrio the opposite sex, o sexo oposto
opposite number (BRIT)
N homlogo* (homloga)
opposition [pzn]
N oposio F
oppress [prs]
VT oprimir
oppression [prn]
N opresso F
oppressive [prsv]
ADJ opressivo
opprobrium [prubrm]
N (formal) oprbrio
opt [pt]
VI to opt for, optar por to opt to do, optar por fazer opt out to opt out of doing
sth, optar por no fazer algo
optical [ptkl]
ADJ tico
optical character reader
N leitora de caracteres ticos
optical character recognition
N reconhecimento de caracteres ticos
optical fibre
N fibra tica
optical illusion
N iluso F tica
optician [ptn]
N oculista M, F
optics [ptks]
N tica
optimism [ptmzm]
N otimismo
optimist [ptmst]
N otimista M, F
optimistic [ptmstk]
ADJ otimista
optimum [ptmm]
ADJ timo
option [pn]
N opo F to keep ones options open (fig) manter as opes em aberto
I have no option, no tenho opo or escolha
optional [pnl]
ADJ opcional, facultativo optional extras, acessrios MPL opcionais
opulence [pjulns]
N opulncia
opulent [pjulnt]
ADJ opulento
or [*]
CONJ 1. ou 2. (with negative) he hasnt seen or heard anything, ele no viu nem
ouviu nada or else, seno
either ..., or else, ou ..., ou (ento)
ABBR (POST) Oregon
oracle [rkl]
N orculo
oral [rl]
ADJ oral N exame M oral
orange [rnd]
N (fruit) laranja ADJ cor de laranja, alaranjado
orangeade [rnded]
N laranjada
oration [ren]
N orao F
orator [rt*]
N orador* M (F oradora)
oratorio [rtru]
N oratrio
orb [b]
N orbe M
orbit [bt]
N rbita VT VI orbitar to be/go into orbit (around) estar/entrar em rbita (em torno
orchard [td]
N pomar M apple orchard, pomar de macieiras
orchestra [kstr]
N 1. orquestra 2. (US: seating) platia
orchestral [kstrl]
ADJ 1. orquestral 2. (concert) sinfnico
orchestrate [kstret]
VT (MUS, fig) orquestrar
orchid [kd]
N orqudea
ordain [den]
VT 1. ordenar, decretar 2. (decide) decidir, mandar
ordeal [dil]
N experincia penosa, provao F
order [d*]
N 1. (gen) ordem F 2. (COMM) encomenda good order, bom estado VT 1. put in
order, pr em ordem, arrumar 2. (in restaurant) pedir 3. (COMM) encomendar 4.
(command) mandar, ordenar in order, em ordem
in (working) order, em bom estado
in order of preference, por ordem de preferncia
in order to do/that, para fazer/que (+ sub)
on order (COMM) encomendado
out of order, com defeito, enguiado
to order sb to do sth, mandar algum fazer algo
to place an order for sth with sb, fazer uma encomenda a algum para algo,
encomendar algo a algum
made to order, feito sob encomenda
to be under orders to do sth, ter ordens para fazer algo
a point of order, uma questo de ordem
to the order of (BANKING) ordem de
order book
N livro de encomendas
order form
N impresso para encomendas
orderly [dl]
N 1. (MIL) ordenana M 2. (MED) servente M, F ADJ 1. (room) arrumado, ordenado 2.
(person) metdico
order number
N nmero de encomenda
ordinal [dnl]
ADJ (number) ordinal
ordinary [dnr]
ADJ 1. comum, usual 2. (pej) ordinrio, medocre out of the ordinary, fora do
comum, extraordinrio
ordinary seaman (BRIT)
N IRREG marinheiro de segunda classe
ordinary shares
NPL aes FPL ordinrias
ordination [dnen]
N ordenao F
ordnance [dnns]
N (MIL) (unit) artilharia
Ordnance Survey (BRIT)
N servio oficial de topografia e cartografia
ore [*]
N minrio
organ [n]
N (gen) rgo M
organic [nk]
ADJ orgnico
organism [nzm]
N organismo
organist [nst]
N organista M, F
organization [nazen]
N organizao F
organize [naz]
VT organizar to get organized, organizar-se
organization chart
N organograma M
organized labour [nazd-]
N mo-de-obra F sindicalizada
organizer [naz*]
N organizador* M (F organizadora)
orgasm [zm]
N orgasmo
orgy [d]
N orgia
Orient [rnt]
N the Orient, o Oriente
oriental [rntl]
ADJ N oriental M, F
orientate [rntet]
VT to orientate o.s. orientar-se
orifice [rfs]
N orifcio
origin [rdn]
N 1. origem F 2. (point of departure) procedncia country of origin, pas de origem
original [rdnl]
ADJ original N original M
originality [rdnlt]
N originalidade F
originally [rdnl]
ADV 1. (at first) originalmente 2. (with originality) com originalidade
originate [rdnet]
VI to originate from, originar-se de, surgir de to originate in, ter origem em
originator [rdnet*]
N iniciador* M (F iniciadora)
Orkneys [knz]
NPL the Orkneys the Orkney Islands, as ilhas rcadas
ornament [nmnt]
N 1. ornamento 2. (trinket) quinquilharia 3. (on dress) enfeite M
ornamental [nmntl]
ADJ decorativo, ornamental
ornamentation [nmnten]
N ornamentao F
ornate [net]
ADJ enfeitado, requintado
ornithologist [nldst]
N ornitlogo* (ornitloga)
ornithology [nld]
N ornitologia
orphan [fn]
N rfo/rf M, F VT to be orphaned, ficar orfo
orphanage [fnd]
N orfanato
orthodox [dks]
ADJ ortodoxo
orthodoxy [dks]
N ortodoxia
orthopaedic [pidk] orthopedic (US)
ADJ ortopdico
orthopaedics [pidks] orthopedics (US)
N ortopedia
ABBR 1. Ordnance Survey 2. (NAUT) ordinary seaman 3. (DRESS) outsize
ABBR out of stock
oscillate [slet]
VI 1. oscilar 2. (person) vacilar, hesitar
N ABBR Occupational Safety and Health Administration, rgo que supervisiona a
higiene e a segurana do trabalho
Oslo [zlu]
N Oslo
ostensible [stnsbl]
ADJ aparente
ostensibly [stnsbl]
ADV aparentemente
ostentation [stnten]
N ostentao F
ostentatious [stntes]
ADJ 1. pomposo, espalhafatoso 2. (person) ostentoso
osteopath [stp]
N osteopata M, F
ostracize [strsaz]
VT condenar ao ostracismo
ostrich [strt]
N avestruz M, F
N ABBR Old Testament, AT M
N ABBR off-track betting, apostas tomadas fora da pista de corridas
other [*]
ADJ outro PRON the other (one) o outro* outra (o outra) ADV 1. (usually in negatives)
other than (apart from) alm de 2. (anything but) exceto others (other people)
some other people have still to arrive, outras pessoas ainda no chegaram
the other day, outro dia
some actor or other, um certo ator
somebody or other, no sei quem, algum
the car was none other than Johns, o carro no era nenhum outro seno o de
otherwise [waz]
ADV de outra maneira CONJ (if not) seno an otherwise good piece of work, sob
outros aspectos, um trabalho bem feito
OTT (inf)
ABBR over the top top
otter [t*]
N lontra
N ABBR Open University
ouch [aut]
EXCL ai!
ought [t] (PT ought )
AUX VB I ought to do it, eu deveria faz-lo this ought to have been corrected, isto
deveria ter sido corrigido
he ought to win (probability) ele deve ganhar
you ought to go and see it, voc deveria ir v-lo
ounce [auns]
N ona (= 28.35g)
our [au*]
ADJ nosso my
ours [auz]
PRON (o) nosso/(a) nossa etc mine
ourselves [auslvz]
PRON PL 1. (reflexive, after prep) ns 2. (emphatic) ns mesmos* (ns mesmas) we
did it (all) by ourselves, ns fizemos isso sozinhos oneself
oust [aust]
VT expulsar
out [aut]
ADV 1. (not in) fora
(to stand) out in the rain/snow, (estar em p) na chuva/neve
its cold out here/out in the desert, est frio aqui fora/faz frio l no deserto
out here/there, aqui/l fora
to go/come etc out, sair/vir etc para fora
out loud, em voz alta 2. (not at home, absent) fora (de casa)
Mr Green is out at the moment, Sr. Green no est no momento
to have a day/night out, passar o dia fora/sair noite 3. (indicating distance) the
boat was 10 km out, o barco estava a 10 km da costa
3 days out from Plymouth, 3 dias fora de Plymouth 4. (SPORT) the ball is/has
gone out, a bola caiu fora
out! (TENNIS etc) fora! ADJ 1. to be out (unconscious) estar inconsciente (out of
game) estar fora (out of fashion) estar fora de moda 2. (have appeared) (news,
secret) do conhecimento pblico (flowers)
the flowers are out, as flores desabrochatam 3. (extinguished) (light, fire)
before the week was out (finished) antes da semana acabar 4. to be out to do
sth (intend) pretender fazer algo
to be out in ones calculations (wrong) enganar-se nos clculos PREP 1. out of
(outside, beyond) fora de
to go out of the house, sair da casa
to look out of the window, olhar pela janela 2. out of (cause, motive) por
out of curiosity/fear/greed, por curiosidade/medo/ganncia 3. out of origin
(origin) to drink sth out of a cup, beber algo na xcara
to copy sth out of a book, copiar algo de um livro 4. out of (without) sem
to be out of milk/sugar/petrol etc, no ter leite/acar/gasolina etc 5. 1 out of
every 3 smokers, 1 entre 3 fumantes
out of 100 cars sold, only one had any faults, dos 100 carros vendidos, s um
tinha defeito
outage [autd] (esp US)
N (power failure) blecaute M
ADJ (liar etc) completo, rematado
outback [autbk]
N (in Australia) the outback, o interior
outbid [autbd] ( outbid ), (PT, PP outbidded )
VT sobrepujar
outboard [autbd]
N outboard motor, motor M de popa
outbreak [autbrek]
N 1. (of war) deflagrao F 2. (of disease) surto 3. (of violence etc) exploso F
outbuilding [autbld]
N dependncia
outburst [autbst]
N exploso F
outcast [autkst]
N pria M, F
outclass [autkls]
VT ultrapassar, superar
outcome [autkm]
N resultado
outcrop [autkrp]
N afloramento
outcry [autkra]
N clamor M (de protesto)
outdated [autdetd]
ADJ antiquado, fora de moda
outdistance [autdstns]
VT deixar para trs
outdo [autdu]
VT IRREG ultrapassar, exceder
outdoor [autd*]
ADJ 1. ao ar livre 2. (clothes) de sair
outdoors [autdz]
ADV ao ar livre
outer [aut*]
ADJ exterior, externo
outer space
N espao (exterior)
outfit [autft]
N 1. equipamento 2. (clothes) roupa, traje M 3. (inf COMM) firma
outfitters [autftz] (BRIT)
N fornecedor M de roupas
outgoing [autu]
ADJ 1. (president, tenant) de sada 2. (character) extrovertido, socivel
outgoings [autuz] (BRIT)
NPL despesas FPL
outgrow [autru]
VT IRREG he has outgrown his clothes, a roupa ficou pequena para ele
outhouse [authaus]
N anexo
outing [aut]
N 1. (going out) sada 2. (excursion) excurso F
outlandish [autlnd]
ADJ estranho, bizarro
outlast [autlst]
VT sobreviver a
outlaw [autl]
N 1. fora-da-lei M, F, vt 2. (person) declarar fora da lei 3. (practice) declarar ilegal
outlay [autle]
N despesas FPL
outlet [autlt]
N 1. sada, escape M 2. (of pipe) desage M, escoadouro 3. (US ELEC) tomada 4.
retail outlet, posto de venda
outline [autlan]
N 1. (shape) contorno, perfil M 2. (of plan) traado 3. (sketch) esboo, linhas FPL
gerais VT (theory, plan) traar, delinear
outlive [autlv]
VT sobreviver a
outlook [autluk]
N 1. (attitude) ponto de vista 2. (fig) (prospects) perspectiva (for weather) previso F
outlying [autla]
ADJ afastado, remoto
outmanoeuvre [autmnuv*] outmaneuver (US)
VT (rival etc) passar a perna em
outmoded [autmudd]
ADJ antiquado, fora de moda, obsoleto
outnumber [autnmb*]
VT exceder em nmero
ADJ 1. (passport, ticket) sem validade 2. (theory, idea) antiquado, superado 3.
(custom) antiquado 4. (clothes) fora de moda
ADJ 1. remoto, afastado 2. (fig) inslito
outpatient [autpent]
N paciente M externo* (F paciente externa) paciente M, F de ambulatrio
outpost [autpust]
N posto avanado
output [autput]
N 1. (volume M de) produo F 2. (TECH) rendimento 3. (COMPUT) sada VT
(COMPUT) liberar
outrage [autred]
N 1. (scandal) escndalo 2. (atrocity) atrocidade F VT ultrajar
outrageous [autreds]
ADJ ultrajante, escandaloso
outrider [autrad*]
N (on motorcycle) batedor* M (F batedora)
ADV [autrat] 1. (kill, win) completamente 2. (ask, refuse) abertamente ADJ [autrat] 1.
completo 2. franco
outrun [autrn]
VT IRREG ultrapassar
outset [autst]
N incio, princpio
outshine [autan]
VT IRREG (fig) eclipsar
outside [autsad]
N exterior M ADJ 1. exterior, externo 2. (contractor etc) de fora ADV (l) fora PREP 1.
fora de 2. (beyond) alm (dos limites) de at the outside (fig) no mximo
an outside chance, uma possibilidade remota
outside broadcast
N (RADIO TV) transmisso F de exteriores
outside lane
N (AUT) (in Britain) pista da direita (in US, Europe) pista da esquerda
outside left
N (FOOTBALL) extremo-esquerdo
outside line
N (TEL) linha de sada
outsider [autsad*]
N 1. (stranger) estranho* (estranha) forasteiro* (forasteira) 2. (in race etc) outsider M
outsize [autsaz]
ADJ 1. enorme 2. (clothes) de tamanho extra-grande or especial
outskirts [autskts]
NPL arredores MPL, subrbios MPL
outsmart [autsmt]
VT passar a perna em
outspoken [autspukn]
ADJ franco, sem rodeios
outspread [autsprd]
ADJ estendido
outstanding [autstnd]
ADJ 1. excepcional 2. (work, debt) pendente your account is still outstanding, a
sua conta ainda no est liquidada
outstay [autste]
VT to outstay ones welcome, abusar da hospitalidade (demorando mais tempo)
outstretched [autstrtt]
ADJ 1. (hand) estendido 2. (body) esticado
outstrip [autstrp]
VT (competitors, demand) ultrapassar
out tray
N cesta de sada
outvote [autvut]
VT to outvote sb (by ...) vencer algum (por ... votos) to outvote sth (by ...) rejeitar
algo (por ... votos)
outward [autwd]
ADJ 1. (sign, appearances) externo 2. (journey) de ida
outwardly [autwdl]
ADV para fora
outweigh [autwe]
VT ter mais valor do que
outwit [autwt]
VT passar a perna em
oval [uvl]
ADJ ovalado N oval M
Oval Office
ovary [uvr]
N ovrio
ovation [uven]
N ovao F
oven [vn]
N forno
ovenproof [vnpruf]
ADJ refratrio
ADJ pronto para o forno
ovenware [vnw*]
N loua refratria
over [uv*]
ADV 1. (across) (walk, jump, fly etc) por cima
to cross over to the other side of the road, atravessar para o outro lado da rua
over here, por aqui, c
over there, por ali, l
to ask sb over (to one's home) convidar algum 2. to fall over, cair
to knock over, derrubar
to turn over, virar
to bend over, curvar-se, debruar-se 3. (finished) to be over, estar acabado 4.
(excessively) (clever, rich, fat etc) muito, demais
shes not over intelligent, ela no superdotada 5. (remaining) (money, food
there are 3 over, tem 3 sobrando/sobraram 3
is there any cake left over? sobrou algum bolo? 6. all over (everywhere) por
todos os lados
over and over (again) repetidamente PREP 1. (on top of) sobre (above) acima de
2. (on the other side of) no outro lado de
he jumped over the wall, ele pulou o muro 3. (more than) mais de
over and above, alm de
this order is over and above what we have already ordered, esta encomenda
est acima do que j havamos pedido 4. (during) durante
lets discuss it over dinner, vamos discutir isto durante o jantar
over... [uv*]
PREFIX sobre... super...
overabundant [uvrbndnt]
ADJ superabundante
overact [uvrkt]
VI (THEATRE) exagerar
N [uvrl] ADJ 1. (length) total 2. (study) global ADV [uvrl] 1. (view) globalmente
2. (measure, paint) totalmente overalls macaco M (BR) (fato) macaco (PT) NPL
overanxious [uvrks]
ADJ muito ansioso
overawe [uvr]
VT intimidar
overbalance [uvblns]
VI perder o equilbrio, desequilibrar-se
overbearing [uvbr]
ADJ 1. autoritrio, dominador* (dominadora) 2. (arrogant) arrogante
overboard [uvbd]
ADV (NAUT) ao mar man overboard! homem ao mar!
to go overboard for sth (fig) empolgar-se com algo
overbook [uvbuk]
VI reservar em excesso
overcapitalize [uvkptlaz]
VT sobrecapitalizar
overcast [uvkst]
ADJ nublado, fechado
overcharge [uvtd]
VT to overcharge sb, cobrar em excesso a algum
overcoat [uvkut]
N sobretudo
overcome [uvkm]
VT IRREG 1. vencer, dominar 2. (difficulty) superar ADJ (emotionally) assolado
overcome with grief, tomado pelador
overconfident [uvknfdnt]
ADJ confiante em excesso
overcrowded [uvkraudd]
ADJ 1. superlotado 2. (country) superpovoado
overcrowding [uvkraud]
N 1. superlotao F 2. (in country) superpovoamento
overdo [uvdu]
VT IRREG 1. exagerar 2. (overcook) cozinhar demais to overdo it to overdo things
(work too hard) exceder-se (go too far) exagerar
overdose [uvdus]
N overdose F, dose F excessiva
overdraft [uvdrft]
N saldo negativo
overdrawn [uvdrn]
ADJ (account) sem fundos, a descoberto
overdue [uvdju]
ADJ 1. atrasado 2. (COMM) vencido 3. (change) tardio that change was long
overdue, essa mudana foi muito protelada
overestimate [uvrstmet]
VT sobrestimar
overexcited [uvrksatd]
ADJ superexcitado
over-exertion [uvrzn]
N estafa
overexpose [uvrkspuz]
VT (PHOT) expor demais ( luz)
VI [uvflu] transbordar N [uvflu] 1. (excess) excesso 2. overflow pipe, tubo de
descarga, ladro M
overfly [uvfla]
VT IRREG sobrevoar
overgenerous [uvdnrs]
ADJ 1. prdigo 2. (offer) excessivo
overexpose [uvrkspuz]
VT (PHOT) expor demais ( luz)
VI [uvflu] transbordar N [uvflu] 1. (excess) excesso 2. overflow pipe, tubo de
descarga, ladro M
overfly [uvfla]
VT IRREG sobrevoar
overgrown [uvrun]
ADJ (garden) coberto de vegetao hes just an overgrown schoolboy (fig) ele
apenas um garoto de escola
VT IRREG [uvh] sobrepairar VI [uvh] sobressair N [uvh] salincia,
VT [uvhl] revisar N [uvhl] reviso F
ADV [uvhd] 1. por cima, em cima 2. (in the sky) no cu ADJ [uvhd] 1. areo,
elevado 2. (railway) suspenso N [uvhd] (US) overheads overheads
(expenses) despesas FPL gerais NPL
overhear [uvh*]
VT IRREG ouvir por acaso
overheat [uvhit]
VI 1. ficar superaquecido 2. (engine) aquecer demais
overjoyed [uvdd]
ADJ to be overjoyed (a) estar muito alegre (com)
overkill [uvkl]
N (fig) it would be overkill, seria exagero, seria matar mosquito com tiro de canho
overkill [uvkl]
N (fig) it would be overkill, seria exagero, seria matar mosquito com tiro de canho
overmanning [uvmn]
N excesso de pessoal
ADV [uvnat] 1. durante a noite 2. (fig) (suddenly) da noite para o dia ADJ [uvnat]
1. de uma (or de) noite 2. (decision) tomada da noite para o dia to stay
overnight, passar a noite, pernoitar
if you travel overnight ... se voc viajar de noite ...
hell be away overnight, ele no voltar hoje
overpaid [uvped]
PT PP (of overpay)
overpay [uvpe]
VT IRREG to overpay sb by 50 pagar 50 em excesso a algum
overpass [uvps]
N 1. (road) viaduto 2. (esp US) passagem F superior
overpower [uvpau*]
VT 1. dominar, subjugar 2. (fig) assolar
overpowering [uvpaur]
ADJ (heat, stench) sufocante
overproduction [uvprdkn]
N super-produo F
overrate [uvret]
VT sobrestimar, supervalorizar
overreach [uvrit]
VT to overreach o.s. exceder-se
overreact [uvrikt]
VI reagir com exagero
override [uvrad]
VT IRREG 1. (order, objection) no fazer caso de, ignorar 2. (decision) anular
overriding [uvrad]
ADJ primordial
overrule [uvrul]
VT 1. (decision) anular 2. (claim) indeferir
overrun [uvrn]
VT IRREG 1. (country etc) invadir 2. (time limit) ultrapassar, exceder VI ultrapassar o
devido tempo the town is overrun with tourists, a cidade est infestada de
overseas [uvsiz]
ADV 1. ultra-mar 2. (abroad) no estrangeiro, no exterior ADJ 1. (trade) exterior 2.
(visitor) estrangeiro
overseer [uvs*]
N 1. (in factory) superintendente M, F 2. (foreman) capataz M
overshadow [uvdu]
VT ofuscar
overshoot [uvut]
VT IRREG passar
oversight [uvsat]
N descuido due to an oversight, devido a um descuido or uma inadvertncia
oversimplify [uvsmplfa]
VT simplificar demais
oversleep [uvslip]
VI IRREG dormir alm da hora
overspend [uvspnd]
VI IRREG gastar demais we have overspent by $5000 gastamos $5000 alm dos
nossos recursos
overspill [uvspl]
N excesso (de populao)
overstaffed [uvstft]
ADJ to be overstaffed, ter um excesso de pessoal
overstate [uvstet]
VT exagerar
overstatement [uvstetmnt]
N exagero
overstep [uvstp]
VT to overstep the mark, ultrapassar o limite
overstock [uvstk]
VT estocar em excesso
N [uvstrak] (on printer) batida mltipla VT [uvstrak] sobreimprimir
overt [uvt]
ADJ aberto, indissimulado
overtake [uvtek]
VT IRREG ultrapassar
overtaking [uvtek]
N (AUT) ultrapassagem F
overtax [uvtks]
VT 1. (ECON) sobrecarregar de impostos 2. (fig) (strength, patience) abusar de
(person) exigir demais de to overtax o.s. exceder-se
overthrow [uvru]
VT IRREG (government) derrubar
overtime [uvtam]
N horas FPL extras to do or work overtime, fazer horas extras
overtime ban
N recusa de fazer horas extras
overtone [uvtun]
N overtones (fig) implicao F, tom M
overture [uvtu*]
N 1. (MUS) abertura 2. (fig) proposta, oferta
overturn [uvtn]
VT 1. virar 2. (system) derrubar 3. (decision) anular VI 1. virar 2. (car) capotar
overweight [uvwet]
ADJ 1. gordo demais, com excesso de peso 2. (luggage) com excesso de peso
overwhelm [uvwlm]
VT 1. (defeat) esmagar, assolar 2. (affect deeply) esmagar, sufocar
overwhelming [uvwlm]
ADJ 1. (victory, defeat) esmagador* (esmagadora) 2. (heat) sufocante 3. (desire)
irresistvel ones overwhelming impression is of heat, a impresso mais forte
de calor
overwhelmingly [uvwlml]
ADV 1. (vote) em massa 2. (win) esmagadoramente
overwork [uvwk]
N excesso de trabalho VT sobrecarregar de trabalho VI trabalhar demais
overwrite [uvrat]
VT IRREG (COMPUT) gravar em cima de
overwrought [uvrt]
ADJ extenuado, superexcitado
ovulation [vjulen]
N ovulao F
owe [u]
VT dever to owe sb sth to owe sth to sb, dever algo a algum
owing to [u-]
PREP devido a, por causa de
owl [aul]
N coruja
own [un]
ADJ prprio VI (BRIT) to own to (having done) sth, confessar (ter feito) algo VT
possuir, ter a room of my own, meu prprio quarto
can I have it for my (very) own? posso ficar com isso para mim?
to get ones own back, ir forra
on ones own, sozinho
to come into ones own, revelar-se own up to own up to sth, confessar algo
VI to own up to having done sth, confessar ter feito algo
own brand
N (COMM) marca de distribuidora
owner [un*]
N dono* (dona) proprietrio* (proprietria)
N proprietrio* com posse e uso (proprietria)
ownership [unp]
N posse F its under new ownership (shop etc) est sob novo proprietrio
ox [ks] (PL oxen )
N boi M
oxen [ksn]
NPL (of ox)
Oxfam [ksfm] (BRIT)
N ABBR Oxford Committee for Famine Relief, associao de assistncia
oxide [ksad]
N xido
Oxon. [ksn] (BRIT)
ABBR Oxoniensis, of Oxford
oxtail [kstel]
N oxtail soup, sopa de rabada
oxyacetylene [ksstlin]
N oxiacetileno CPD oxyacetylene burner oxyacetylene torch, maarico
oxygen [ksdn]
N oxignio
oxygen mask
N mscara de oxignio
oxygen tent
N tenda de oxignio
oyster [st*]
N ostra
ABBR ounce(s)
ozone [uzun]
N oznio
ozone layer
N camada de oznio

p [pi]
ABBR 1. page, p 2. (BRIT) penny, pence
ABBR president, prince
N ABBR personal assistant, public address system ABBR (US POST) Pennsylvania
pa [p] (inf)
N papai M
ABBR per annum
N ABBR political action committee
pace [pes]
N 1. (step) passo 2. (speed) velocidade F 3. (rhythm) ritmo VI to pace up and down,
andar de um lado para o outro to keep pace with, acompanhar o passo de
(events) manter-se inteirado de or atualizado com
to set the pace (running) regular a marcha (fig) dar o tom
to put sb through his paces (fig) pr algum prova
pacemaker [pesmek*]
N (MED) marcapasso M
pacific [psfk]
ADJ pacfico N the Pacific (Ocean) o (Oceano) Pacfico
pacification [psfken]
N pacificao F
pacifier [psfa*] (US)
N chupeta
pacifist [psfst]
N pacifista M, F
pacify [psfa]
VT 1. (soothe) acalmar, serenar 2. (country) pacificar
pack [pk]
N 1. pacote M, embrulho 2. (US: packet) pacote M (of cigarettes) mao 3. (of hounds)
matilha 4. (of thieves etc) bando, quadrilha 5. (of cards) baralho 6. (bundle) trouxa
7. (backpack) mochila VT 1. (wrap) empacotar, embrulhar 2. (fill) encher 3. (in
suitcase etc) arrumar (na mala) 4. (cram) to pack into, entupir de, entulhar com 5.
(fig) (room etc) lotar 6. (COMPUT) compactar VI to pack (ones bags) fazer as
malas to pack into (room, stadium) apinhar-se em
to send sb packing (inf) dar o fora em algum pack in (BRIT inf) 1. (machine)
pifar 2. (boyfriend) dar o fora em VI pack it in! pra com isso! pack off (person)
despedir VT pack up 1. (BRIT inf: machine) pifar (person) desistir, parar 2.
(belongings) arrumar 3. (goods, presents) empacotar, embrulhar VI
package [pkd]
N 1. pacote M 2. (bulky) embrulho, fardo 3. package deal, acordo global, pacote 4.
(COMPUT) pacote VT (goods) empacotar, acondicionar
package holiday (BRIT)
N pacote M (de frias)
package tour (BRIT)
N excurso F organizada
packaging [pkd]
N embalagem F
packed [pkt]
ADJ (crowded) lotado, apinhado
packed lunch (BRIT)
N merenda
packer [pk*]
N (person) empacotador* M (F empacotadora)
packet [pkt]
N 1. pacote M 2. (of cigarettes) mao 3. (of washing powder etc) caixa 4. (NAUT)
paquete M
packet switching [-swt]
N (COMPUT) chaveamento de pacote
pack ice
N gelo flutuante
packing [pk]
N 1. embalagem F 2. (internal) enchimento 3. (act) empacotamento
packing case
N caixa de embalagem
pact [pkt]
N 1. pacto 2. (COMM) convnio
pad [pd]
N 1. (of paper) bloco 2. (for inking) almofada 3. (launch pad) plataforma (de
lanamento) 4. (to prevent friction) acolchoado 5. (inf: home) casa VT acolchoar,
enchumaar VI to pad in/about etc, entrar/andar etc sem rudo
padding [pd]
N 1. enchimento 2. (fig) palavreado intil
paddle [pdl]
N 1. (oar) remo curto 2. (US: for table tennis) raquete F VT remar VI (with feet) patinhar
paddle steamer
N vapor M movido a rodas
paddling pool [pdl-] (BRIT)
N lago de recreao
paddock [pdk]
N 1. cercado 2. (at race course) paddock M
paddy field [pd-]
N arrozal M
padlock [pdlk]
N cadeado VT fechar com cadeado
padre [pdr]
N capelo M, padre M
paediatrics [pidtrks] pediatrics (US)
N pediatria
pediatrics [pidtrks] (US)
N paediatrics
pagan [pen]
ADJ N pago/pag M, F
page [ped]
N 1. pgina 2. page boy, mensageiro 3. (at wedding) pajem M VT (in hotel etc) mandar
pageant [pdnt]
N 1. (procession) cortejo suntuoso 2. (show) desfile M alegrico
pageantry [pdntr]
N pompa, fausto
page break
N quebra de pgina
pager [ped*]
N bip M
paginate [pdnet]
VT paginar
pagination [pdnen]
N paginao F
pagoda [pud]
N pagode M
paid [ped]
PT PP (of pay) ADJ 1. (work) remunerado 2. (holiday) pago 3. (official) assalariado to
put paid to BRIT (BRIT) acabar com
pay [pe] (PT, PP paid )
N 1. salrio 2. (of manual worker) paga VT 1. pagar 2. (debt) liquidar, saldar 3. (visit)
fazer VI 1. pagar 2. (be profitable) valer a pena, render how much did you pay
for it? quanto voc pagou por isso?
I paid 5 for that record, paguei or dei 5 por esse disco
to pay ones way, pagar sua parte (company) render
to pay dividends (fig) trazer vantagens or benefcios
it wont pay you to do that, no vale a pena voc fazer isso
to pay attention (to) prestar ateno (a)
to pay ones respects to sb, fazer uma visita de cortesia a algum pay back
1. (money) devolver 2. (person) pagar 3. (debt) saldar VT pay for 1. pagar a 2.
(fig) recompensar VT pay in depositar VT pay off 1. (debts) saldar, liquidar 2.
(mortgage) resgatar 3. (creditor) pagar, reembolsar 4. (worker) despedir 5. (plan,
patience) valer a pena VT to pay sth off in instalments, pagar algo a prazo
pay out 1. (money) pagar, desembolsar 2. (rope) dar VT pay up 1. (debts) pagar,
liquidar 2. (amount) pagar VT
paid-up , paid-in (US)
ADJ 1. (member) efetivo 2. (shares) integralizado paid-up capital, capital M
pail [pel]
N balde M
pain [pen]
N dor F to be in pain, sofrer or sentir dor
to have a pain in, estar com uma dor em
on pain of death, sob pena de morte
to take pains to do sth, dar-se ao trabalho de fazer algo
pained [pend]
ADJ (expression) magoado, aflito
painful [penful]
ADJ 1. doloroso 2. (laborious) penoso 3. (unpleasant) desagradvel
painfully [penful]
ADV (fig) (very) terrivelmente
painkiller [penkl*]
N analgsico
painless [penls]
ADJ sem dor, indolor
painstaking [penztek]
ADJ 1. (work) esmerado 2. (person) meticuloso
paint [pent]
N pintura VT pintar to paint the door blue, pintar a porta de azul
to paint the town red (fig) cair na farra
paintbox [pentbks]
N estojo de tintas
paintbrush [pentbr]
N 1. (artist's) pincel M 2. (decorator's) broxa
painter [pent*]
N 1. pintor* M (F pintora) 2. (decorator) pintor* de paredes (pintora)
painting [pent]
N 1. pintura 2. (picture) tela, quadro
N removedor M de tinta
paintwork [pentwk]
N pintura
pair [p*]
N 1. (of shoes, gloves etc) par M 2. (of people) casal M 3. (twosome) dupla a pair of
scissors, uma tesoura
a pair of trousers, uma cala (BR) umas calas (PT) pair off formar pares VI
pajamas [pdmz] (US)
NPL pijama M
Pakistan [pkstn]
N Paquisto M
Pakistani [pkstn]
ADJ N paquistans* M (F paquistanesa)
pal [pl] (inf)
N camarada M, F, colega M, F
PAL [pl]
N ABBR (TV) (phase alternation line) PAL M
palace [pls]
N palcio
palatable [pltbl]
ADJ 1. saboroso, apetitoso 2. (acceptable) aceitvel
palate [plt]
N paladar M
palatial [plel]
ADJ suntuoso, magnfico
palaver [plv*] (inf)
N 1. (fuss) confuso F 2. (hindrances) complicao F
pale [pel]
ADJ 1. (face) plido 2. (colour) claro 3. (light) fraco VI empalidecer N to be beyond the
pale, passar dos limites to grow or turn pale, empalidecer
pale blue, azul claro
to pale into insignificance (beside) perder a importncia (diante de)
paleness [pelns]
N palidez F
Palestine [plstan]
N Palestina
Palestinian [plstnn]
ADJ N palestino* (palestina)
palette [plt]
N palheta
paling [pel]
N (stake) estaca palings (fence) cerca NPL
palisade [plsed]
N paliada
pall [pl]
N (of smoke) manto VI perder a graa
pallet [plt]
N (for goods) paleta
pallid [pld]
ADJ plido, descorado
pallor [pl*]
N palidez F
pally [pl] (inf)
ADJ chapinha
palm [pm]
N 1. (hand, leaf) palma 2. palm tree, palmeira VT to palm sth off on sb (inf) impingir
algo a algum
palmist [pmst]
N quiromante M, F
Palm Sunday
N Domingo de Ramos
palpable [plpbl]
ADJ palpvel
palpitations [plptenz]
NPL palpitaes FPL to have palpitations, sentir palpitaes
paltry [pltr]
ADJ irrisrio
pamper [pmp*]
VT paparicar, mimar
pamphlet [pmflt]
N panfleto
pan [pn]
N 1. saucepan, panela (BR) caarola (PT) 2. frying pan, frigideira 3. (of lavatory) vaso
VI (CINEMA) tomar uma panormica VT (inf: book, film) arrasar com to pan for
gold, batear procura de ouro
panacea [pns]
N panacia
panache [pn]
N desenvoltura
Panama [pnm]
N Panam M
Panama Canal
N canal M do Panam
pancake [pnkek]
N panqueca
Pancake Day (BRIT)
N tera-feira de Carnaval
pancreas [pkrs]
N pncreas M INV
panda [pnd]
N panda M, F
panda car (BRIT)
N patrulhinha, carro policial
pandemonium [pndmunm]
N 1. (noise) pandemnio 2. (mess) caos M
pander [pnd*]
VI to pander to, favorecer
pane [pen]
N vidraa, vidro
panel [pnl]
N 1. (of wood, RADIO, TV) painel M 2. (of cloth) pano
panel game (BRIT)
N jogo em painel
panelling [pnl] paneling (US)
N painis MPL
panellist [pnlst] panelist (US)
N convidado* (convidada) integrante M, F do painel
pang [p]
N a pang of regret, uma sensao de pesar pangs of hunger, fome aguda
panic [pnk]
N pnico VI entrar em pnico
panicky [pnk]
ADJ (person) assustadio, apavorado
panic-stricken [-strkn]
ADJ tomado de pnico
pannier [pn*]
N 1. (on bicycle) cesta 2. (on mule etc) cesto, alcofa
panorama [pnrm]
N panorama M
panoramic [pnrmk]
ADJ panormico
pansy [pnz]
N 1. (BOT) amor-perfeito 2. (inf pej) bicha (BR) maricas M (PT)
pant [pnt]
VI arquejar, ofegar
pantechnicon [pntknkn] (BRIT)
N caminho M de mudanas
panther [pn*]
N pantera
panties [pntz]
NPL calcinha (BR) cuecas FPL (PT)
pantihose [pnthuz] (US)
N meia-cala (BR) collants MPL (PT)
pantomime [pntmam] (BRIT)
N pantomima, revista musical montada na poca de Natal, baseada em contos de
pantry [pntr]
N despensa
pants [pnts]
NPL 1. (BRIT: underwear) (woman's) calcinha (BR) cuecas FPL (PT) (man's) cueca
(BR) cuecas (PT) 2. (US: trousers) cala (BR) calas FPL (PT)
pantsuit [pntsut] (US)
N terninho (de mulher)
papacy [peps]
N papado
papal [pepl]
ADJ papal
paper [pep*]
N 1. papel M 2. newspaper, jornal M 3. wallpaper, papel de parede 4. (study, article)
artigo, dissertao F 5. (exam) exame M, prova ADJ de papel VT (room) revestir
(com papel de parede) papers identity papers, documentos MPL NPL a piece of
paper, um papel
to put sth down on paper, pr algo por escrito
paper advance
N (on printer) avanar formulrio
paperback [pepbk]
N livro de capa mole ADJ paperback edition, edio F brochada
paper bag
N saco de papel
paperboy [pepb]
N jornaleiro
paper clip
N clipe M
paper hankie
N leno de papel
paper mill
N fbrica de papel
paper money
N papel-moeda M
paper profit
N lucro fictcio
paperweight [pepwet]
N pesa-papis M INV
paperwork [pepwk]
N 1. trabalho burocrtico 2. (pej) papelada
papier-mch [ppeme]
N papel M mach
paprika [pprk]
N pprica, pimento-doce M
Pap smear [pp-]
N (MED) esfregao
Pap test [pp-]
N (MED) esfregao
par [p*]
N 1. par M 2. (equality of value) paridade F, igualdade F 3. (GOLF) mdia F to be on
a par with, estar em p de igualdade com
at par, ao par
above/below par, acima/abaixo do par
to feel below or under or not up to par, estar aqum das suas possibilidades
parable [prbl]
N parbola
parabola [prbl]
N parbola
parachute [prut]
N pra-quedas M INV VI saltar de pra-quedas
parachute jump
N salto de pra-quedas
parachutist [prutst]
N pra-quedista M, F
parade [pred]
N desfile M VT 1. desfilar 2. (show off) exibir VI 1. desfilar 2. (MIL) passar revista
parade ground
N praa de armas
paradise [prdas]
N paraso
paradox [prdks]
N paradoxo
paradoxical [prdkskl]
ADJ paradoxal
paradoxically [prdkskl]
ADV paradoxalmente
paraffin [prfn] (BRIT)
N paraffin (oil) querosene M liquid paraffin, leo de parafina
paraffin heater (BRIT)
N aquecedor M a parafina
paraffin lamp (BRIT)
N lmpada de parafina
paragon [prn]
N modelo
paragraph [prrf]
N pargrafo
Paraguay [prwa]
N Paraguai M
Paraguayan [prwan]
ADJ N paraguaio* (paraguaia)
parallel [prll]
ADJ parallel (with or to) (lines etc) paralelo (a) (fig) correspondente (a) N 1. paralela
2. correspondncia
paralyse [prlaz] (BRIT)
VT paralisar
paralyses [prlsiz]
NPL (of paralysis)
paralysis [prlss] (PL paralyses )
N paralisia
paralytic [prltk]
ADJ 1. paraltico 2. (BRIT inf: drunk) de cara cheia
paralyze [prlaz] (US)
VT paralyse
parameter [prmt*]
N parmetro
paramilitary [prmltr]
ADJ paramilitar
paramount [prmaunt]
ADJ primordial of paramount importance, de suma importncia
paranoia [prn]
N parania
paranoid [prnd]
ADJ paranico
paranormal [prnml]
ADJ paranormal
parapet [prpt]
N parapeito, balaustrada
paraphernalia [prfnel]
N (gear) acessrios MPL, parafernlia, equipamento
paraphrase [prfrez]
VT parafrasear
paraplegic [prplidk]
N paraplgico* (paraplgica)
parapsychology [prsakld]
N parapsicologia
parasite [prsat]
N parasito* (parasita)
parasol [prsl]
N guarda-sol M, sombrinha
paratrooper [prtrup*]
N pra-quedista M, F
parcel [psl]
N pacote M VT parcel up, embrulhar, empacotar parcel out repartir, distribuir VT
parcel bomb (BRIT)
N pacote-bomba M
parcel post
N servio de encomenda postal
parch [pt]
VT secar, ressecar
parched [ptt]
ADJ (person) morto de sede
parchment [ptmnt]
N pergaminho
pardon [pdn]
N 1. perdo M 2. (LAW) indulto VT 1. perdoar 2. (LAW) indultar pardon! desculpe!
pardon me!
I beg your pardon (apologizing) desculpe(-me)
(I beg your) pardon? BRIT (BRIT)
pardon me? US (US) (not hearing) como? como disse?
pare [p*]
VT 1. (BRIT: nails) aparar 2. (fruit etc) descascar 3. (fig) (costs etc) reduzir, cortar
parent [prnt]
N 1. (father) pai M 2. (mother) me F parents (mother and father) pais MPL NPL
parentage [prntd]
N ascendncia of unknown parentage, de pais desconhecidos
parental [prntl]
ADJ paternal (or maternal) dos pais
parent company
N (empresa) matriz F
parentheses [prnsiz]
NPL (of parenthesis)
parenthesis [prnss] (PL parentheses )
N parntese M in parentheses, entre parnteses
parenthood [prnthud]
N paternidade F ( or maternidade F )
parenting [prnt]
N trabalho de ser pai (or me)
Paris [prs]
N Paris
parish [pr]
N parquia, freguesia ADJ paroquial
parish council (BRIT)
N junta da freguesia
parishioner [prn*]
N paroquiano* (paroquiana)
Parisian [przn]
ADJ N parisiense M, F
parity [prt]
N paridade F, igualdade F
park [pk]
N parque M VT VI estacionar
parka [pk]
N parka M
parking [pk]
N estacionamento ``no parking ``estacionamento proibido
parking lights
NPL luzes FPL de estacionamento
parking lot (US)
N (parque M de) estacionamento
parking meter
N parqumetro
parking offence (BRIT)
N parking offence
parking place
N vaga
parking ticket
N multa por estacionamento proibido
parking violation (US)
N infrao F por estacionamento no permitido
parkway [pkwe] (US)
N rodovia arborizada
parlance [plns]
N in common/modern parlance, na linguagem cotidiana or corrente/moderna
parliament [plmnt] (BRIT)
N parlamento
parliamentary [plmntr]
ADJ parlamentar
parlour [pl*] parlor (US)
N sala de visitas, salo M, saleta
parlous [pls]
ADJ (formal) precrio
Parmesan [pmzn]
N Parmesan cheese, parmeso M
parochial [prukl]
ADJ 1. paroquial 2. (pej) provinciano
parody [prd]
N pardia VT parodiar
parole [prul]
N on parole, em liberdade condicional, sob promessa
paroxysm [prkszm]
N 1. paroxismo 2. (of anger, coughing) acesso
parquet [pke]
N parquet floor(ing) parquete M, assoalho de tacos
parrot [prt]
N papagaio
parrot fashion
ADV mecanicamente, feito papagaio
parry [pr]
VT aparar, desviar
parsimonious [psmuns]
ADJ sovina, parsimonioso
parsley [psl]
N salsa
parsnip [psnp]
N cherivia, pastinaga
parson [psn]
N 1. padre M, clrigo 2. (in Church of England) pastor M
parsonage [psnd]
N presbitrio
part [pt]
N 1. (gen, MUS) parte F 2. (of machine) pea 3. (THEATRE etc) papel M 4. (of serial)
captulo 5. (US: in hair) risca, repartido ADJ parcial ADV partly VT 1. dividir 2. (break)
partir 3. (hair) repartir VI 1. (people) separar-se 2. (roads) bifurcar-se 3. (crowd)
dispersar-se 4. (break) partir-se to take part in, participar de, tomar parte em
to take sbs part, defender algum
on his part, da sua parte
for my part, pela minha parte
for the most part, na maior parte
for the better part of the day, durante a maior parte do dia
to be part and parcel of, fazer parte de
to take sth in good part, no se ofender com algo
part of speech (LING) categoria gramatical part with 1. ceder, entregar 2.
(money) pagar VT
partake [ptek]
VI IRREG (formal) to partake of sth, participar de algo
part exchange (BRIT)
N in part exchange, como parte do pagamento
partial [pl]
ADJ parcial to be partial to, gostar de, ser apreciador* de (ser apreciadora)
partially [pl]
ADV parcialmente
participant [ptspnt]
N participante M, F
participate [ptspet]
VI to participate in, participar de
participation [ptspen]
N participao F
participle [ptspl]
N particpio
particle [ptkl]
N 1. partcula 2. (of dust) gro M
particular [ptkjul*]
ADJ 1. (special) especial 2. (specific) especfico 3. (given) determinado 4. (fussy)
exigente, minucioso in particular, em particular
Im not particular, para mim tanto faz
particularly [ptkjull]
ADV em particular, especialmente
particulars [ptkjulz]
NPL 1. detalhes MPL 2. (personal details) dados MPL pessoais
parting [pt]
N 1. (act) separao F 2. (farewell) despedida 3. (BRIT: in hair) risca, repartido ADJ de
despedida parting shot (fig) flecha de parto
partisan [ptzn]
ADJ partidrio N 1. partidrio* (partidria) 2. (in war) guerrilheiro* (guerrilheira)
partition [ptn]
N 1. (POL) diviso F 2. (wall) tabique M, divisria VT 1. separar com tabique 2. (fig)
partly [ptl]
ADV em parte
partner [ptn*]
N 1. (COMM) scio* (scia) 2. (SPORT) parceiro* (parceira) 3. (at dance) par M 4.
(spouse) cnjuge M, F 5. (friend etc) companheiro* (companheira) VT acompanhar
partnership [ptnp]
N 1. associao F, parceria 2. (COMM) sociedade F to go into or form a
partnership (with) associar-se (com) formar sociedade (com)
partook [ptuk]
PT (of partake)
part payment
N parcela, prestao F
partridge [ptrd]
N perdiz F
ADJ ADV de meio expediente
N part-time worker, trabalhador* M de meio expediente (F trabalhadora)
party [pt]
N 1. (POL) partido 2. (celebration) festa 3. (group) grupo 4. (LAW) parte F interessada,
litigante M, F CPD (POL) do partido, partidrio dinner party, jantar M
to give or have or throw a party, dar uma festa
to be a party to a crime, ser cmplice num crime
party dress
N vestido de gala
party line
N 1. (POL) linha partidria 2. (TEL) linha compartilhada
par value
N (of share, bond) valor M nominal
pass [ps]
VT 1. (time, object) passar 2. (exam) passar em 3. (place) passar por 4. (overtake,
surpass) ultrapassar 5. (approve) aprovar 6. (candidate) aprovar VI 1. passar 2.
(SCH) ser aprovado, passar N 1. (permit) passe M 2. (membership card) carteira 3.
(in mountains) desfiladeiro 4. (SPORT) passe M 5. pass mark (SCH) to get a pass
in, ser aprovado em to pass sth through sth, passar algo por algo
things have come to a pretty pass BRIT (BRIT) as coisas ficaram pretas
to make a pass at sb, tomar liberdade com algum pass away falecer VI
pass by 1. passar 2. (ignore) passar por cima de VI pass down (customs,
inheritance) passar VT pass for passar por VT pass on 1. (die) falecer 2. (hand
on) (news, illness) transmitir 3. (object) passar para 4. (price rises) repassar VI
pass out 1. desmaiar 2. (BRIT MIL) sair (de uma escola militar) VI pass over
(ignore) passar por cima de VT pass up deixar passar VT
passable [psbl]
ADJ 1. (road) transitvel 2. (work) aceitvel
passage [psd]
N 1. passageway (indoors) corredor M (outdoors) passagem F 2. (ANAT) via 3. (act of
passing) trnsito 4. (in book) passagem F, trecho 5. (fare) passagem (BR) bilhete M
(PT) 6. (by boat) travessia 7. (MECHANICS MED) conduto
passbook [psbuk]
N caderneta
passenger [psnd*]
N passageiro* (passageira)
passer-by [ps*-] (PL passers-by )
N transeunte M, F
passing [ps]
ADJ (fleeting) passageiro, fugaz in passing, de passagem
passing place
N trecho de ultrapassagem
passion [pn]
N paixo F to have a passion for sth, ser aficionado* de algo (ser aficionada)
passionate [pnt]
ADJ apaixonado
passive [psv]
ADJ (also) (LING) passivo
passkey [pski]
N chave F mestra
Passover [psuv*]
N Pscoa (dos judeus)
passport [pspt]
N passaporte M
passport control
N controle M dos passaportes
password [pswd]
N senha, contra-senha
past [pst]
PREP 1. (drive, walk etc) (in front of) por (beyond: further than) mais alm de 2. (later
than) depois de ADJ 1. passado 2. (president etc) ex- anterior N passado hes
past forty, ele tem mais de quarenta anos
ten/quarter past four, quatro e dez/quinze
for the past few/3 days, nos ltimos/3 dias
to run past, passar correndo (por)
its past midnight, mais de meia-noite
in the past, no passado
Im past caring, j no ligo mais
hes past it (BRIT inf: person) ele j passou da idade
pasta [pst]
N massa
paste [pest]
N 1. pasta 2. (glue) grude M, cola 3. (jewellery) vidro VT 1. (stick) grudar 2. (glue) colar
tomato paste, massa de tomate
pastel [pstl]
ADJ 1. pastel 2. (painting) a pastel
pasteurized [pstrazd]
ADJ pasteurizado
pastille [pstl]
N pastilha
pastime [pstam]
N passatempo
past master (BRIT)
N to be a past master at, ser perito em
pastor [pst*]
N pastor* M (F pastora)
pastoral [pstrl]
ADJ pastoral
pastry [pestr]
N 1. massa 2. (cake) bolo
pasture [pst*]
N 1. (grass) pasto 2. (land) pastagem F, pasto
N [pst] empado M de carne ADJ [pest] 1. pastoso 2. (complexion) plido
pat [pt]
VT 1. dar palmadinhas em 2. (dog etc) fazer festa em N (of butter) poro F ADV he
knows it off pat BRIT (BRIT) he has it down pat US (US) ele sabe isso de cor
to give sb a pat on the back (fig) animar algum
patch [pt]
N 1. (of material) retalho 2. (eye patch) tapa-olho M 3. (area) ara pequena 4. (spot)
mancha 5. (mend) remendo 6. (of land) lote M, terreno VT (clothes) remendar (to
go through) a bad patch, (passar por) um mau pedao patch up 1. (mend
temporarily) consertar provisoriamente 2. (quarrel) resolver VT
patchwork [ptwk]
N colcha de retalhos ADJ (feito) de retalhos
patchy [pt]
ADJ 1. (colour) desigual 2. (information) incompleto
pate [pet]
N a bald pate, uma calva, uma careca
pt [pte]
N pat M
patent [petnt]
N patente F VT patentear ADJ patente, evidente
patent leather
N verniz M
patently [petntl]
ADV claramente
patent medicine
N medicamento registrado
patent office
N escritrio de registro de patentes
paternal [ptnl]
ADJ 1. paternal 2. (relation) paterno
paternity [ptnt]
N paternidade F
paternity suit
N (LAW) processo de paternidade
path [p]
N 1. caminho 2. (trail, track) trilha, senda 3. (trajectory) trajetria 4. (of planet) rbita
pathetic [ptk]
ADJ 1. (pitiful) pattico, digno de pena 2. (very bad) pssimo 3. (moving) comovente
pathological [pldkl]
ADJ patolgico
pathologist [pldst]
N patologista M, F
pathology [pld]
N patologia
pathos [pes]
N patos M, pattico
pathway [pwe]
N caminho, trilha
patience [pens]
N pacincia to lose ones patience, perder a pacincia
patient [pent]
ADJ N paciente M, F
patiently [pentl]
ADV pacientemente
patio [ptu]
N ptio
patriot [petrt]
N patriota M, F
patriotic [ptrtk]
ADJ patritico
patriotism [ptrtzm]
N patriotismo
patrol [ptrul]
N patrulha VT patrulhar to be on patrol, fazer ronda, patrulhar
patrol boat
N barco de patrulha
patrol car
N carro de patrulha
patrolman [ptrulmn] (US)
N IRREG guarda M, policial M (BR) polcia M (PT)
patron [petrn]
N 1. (customer) cliente M, F, fregus* M (F freguesa) 2. (of charity) benfeitor* M (F
benfeitora) patron of the arts, mecenas M
patronage [ptrnd]
N patrocnio M
patronize [ptrnaz]
VT 1. (pej: look down on) tratar com ar de superioridade 2. (shop) ser cliente de 3.
(business, artist) patrocinar
patronizing [ptrnaz]
ADJ condescendente
patron saint
N (santo*) padroeiro* ((santa ) padroeira)
patter [pt*]
N 1. (of rain) tamborilada 2. (of feet) passos midos MPL 3. (sales talk) jargo M
profissional VI 1. correr dando passinhos 2. (rain) tamborilar
pattern [ptn]
N 1. modelo, padro M 2. (SEWING) molde M 3. (design) desenho 4. (sample)
amostra behaviour pattern, modo de comportamento
patterned [ptnd]
ADJ padronizado
paucity [pst]
N penria, escassez F
paunch [pnt]
N pana, barriga
pauper [pp*]
N pobre M, F paupers grave, vala comum
pause [pz]
N 1. pausa 2. (interval) intervalo VI fazer uma pausa to pause for breath, tomar
flego (fig) fazer uma pausa
pave [pev]
VT pavimentar to pave the way for, preparar o terreno para
pavement [pevmnt]
N 1. (BRIT) calada (BR) passeio (PT) 2. (US) pavimento
pavilion [pvln]
N 1. pavilho M 2. (for band etc) coreto 3. (SPORT) barraca
paving [pev]
N pavimento, calamento
paving stone
N laje F, paraleleppedo
paw [p]
N 1. pata 2. (of cat) garra VT 1. passar a pata em 2. (touch) manusear 3. (amorously)
pawn [pn]
N 1. (CHESS) peo M 2. (fig) ttere M VT empenhar
pawnbroker [pnbruk*]
N agiota M, F
pawnshop [pnp]
N loja de penhores
pay [pe] (PT, PP paid )
N 1. salrio 2. (of manual worker) paga VT 1. pagar 2. (debt) liquidar, saldar 3. (visit)
fazer VI 1. pagar 2. (be profitable) valer a pena, render how much did you pay
for it? quanto voc pagou por isso?
I paid 5 for that record, paguei or dei 5 por esse disco
to pay ones way, pagar sua parte (company) render
to pay dividends (fig) trazer vantagens or benefcios
it wont pay you to do that, no vale a pena voc fazer isso
to pay attention (to) prestar ateno (a)
to pay ones respects to sb, fazer uma visita de cortesia a algum pay back
1. (money) devolver 2. (person) pagar 3. (debt) saldar VT pay for 1. pagar a 2.
(fig) recompensar VT pay in depositar VT pay off 1. (debts) saldar, liquidar 2.
(mortgage) resgatar 3. (creditor) pagar, reembolsar 4. (worker) despedir 5. (plan,
patience) valer a pena VT to pay sth off in instalments, pagar algo a prazo
pay out 1. (money) pagar, desembolsar 2. (rope) dar VT pay up 1. (debts) pagar,
liquidar 2. (amount) pagar VT
payable [pebl]
ADJ 1. pagvel 2. (cheque) payable to, em favor de, nominal
pay day
N dia M do pagamento
N ABBR pay as you earn, tributao na fonte
payee [pei]
N beneficirio* (beneficiria)
pay envelope (US)
N pay packet
paying [pe]
ADJ 1. pagador* (pagadora) 2. (business) rendoso paying guest, pensionista M, F
payload [pelud]
N carga paga
payment [pemnt]
N pagamento advance payment (part sum) entrada (total sum) pagamento
deferred payment
payment by instalments, pagamento a prazo
monthly payment, pagamento mensual
in payment for or of, em pagamento por
on payment of 5 contra pagamento de 5
pay packet (BRIT)
N envelope M de pagamento
pay phone [pefun]
N telefone M pblico
payroll [perul]
N folha de pagamento to be on a firms payroll, fazer parte do quadro de pessoal
assalariado de uma firma
pay slip (BRIT)
N contracheque M
pay station (US)
N cabine F telefnica, orelho M (BR)
pay television
N televiso F por assinatura
N ABBR Public Broadcasting Service
ABBR per cent, postcard
N ABBR 1. personal computer, PC M 2. (BRIT) police constable ABBR (BRIT) Privy
ABBR petty cash
N ABBR printed circuit board
ABBR paid
N ABBR police department
N ABBR personal digital assistant, PDA M, assistente digital pessoal
N ABBR Peoples Dispensary for Sick Animals
ABBR Pacific Daylight Time, hora de vero do Pacfico
N ABBR physical education ABBR (CANADA) Prince Edward Island
pea [pi]
N ervilha
peace [pis]
N 1. paz F 2. (calm) tranqilidade F, quietude F to be at peace with sb/sth, estar em
paz com algum/algo
to keep the peace (subj) (policeman) manter a ordem (citizen) no perturbar a
ordem pblica
peaceable [pisbl]
ADJ pacato
peaceful [pisful]
ADJ 1. (person) tranqilo, pacfico 2. (place, time) tranqilo, sossegado
peace-keeping [-kip]
N pacificao F
peace offering
N proposta de paz
peach [pit]
N pssego
peacock [pikk]
N pavo M
peak [pik]
N 1. (of mountain) (top) cume M (point) pico 2. (of cap) pala, viseira 3. (fig) (of career,
fame) apogeu M (highest level) mximo
ADJ (traffic etc) no horrio de maior movimento, na hora de pique
peak hours
NPL horrio de maior movimento
peak period
N perodo de pique
peaky [pik] (BRIT inf)
ADJ adoentado
peal [pil]
N (of bells) repique M, toque M peal of laughter, gargalhada
peanut [pint]
N amendoim M
peanut butter
N manteiga de amendoim
pear [p*]
N pra
pearl [pl]
N prola
pear tree
N pereira
peasant [pznt]
N campons* M (F camponesa)
peat [pit]
N turfa
pebble [pbl]
N seixo, calhau M
peck [pk]
VT 1. peck at, bicar, dar bicadas em 2. (food) beliscar N 1. bicada 2. (kiss) beijoca
pecking order [pk-]
N ordem F de hierarquia
peckish [pk] (BRIT inf)
ADJ I feel peckish, estou a fim de comer alguma coisa
peculiar [pkjul*]
ADJ 1. (odd) estranho, esquisito 2. (marked) especial 3. (belonging to) peculiar to,
prprio de
peculiarity [pkjulrt]
N 1. (distinctive feature) peculiaridade F 2. (oddity) excentricidade F
pecuniary [pkjunr]
ADJ pecunirio
pedal [pdl]
N pedal M VI pedalar
pedal bin (BRIT)
N lata de lixo com pedal
pedantic [pdntk]
ADJ pedante
peddle [pdl]
VT 1. vender nas ruas, mascatear 2. (drugs) traficar, fazer trfico de
peddler [pdl*]
N drugs peddler, mascate M, F, camel M
pedestal [pdstl]
N pedestal M
pedestrian [pdstrn]
N pedestre M, F (BR) peo M (PT) ADJ 1. pedestre (BR) para pees (PT) 2. (fig)
pedestrian crossing (BRIT)
N passagem F para pedestres (BR) passadeira (PT)
pediatrics [pidtrks] (US)
N paediatrics
pedigree [pdri]
N 1. (of animal) raa 2. (fig) genealogia CPD (animal) de raa
pedlar [pdl*]
N peddler
peddler [pdl*]
N drugs peddler, mascate M, F, camel M
pee [pi] (inf)
VI fazer xixi, mijar
peek [pik]
VI to peek at, espiar, espreitar to peek over/into, espiar por cima de/dentro,
espreitar por cima de/dentro
peel [pil]
N casca VT descascar VI 1. (paint, skin) descascar 2. (wallpaper) desprender-se peel
back descascar VT
peeler [pil*]
N (potato etc peeler) descascador M
peelings [pilz]
NPL cascas FPL
peep [pip]
N 1. (BRIT: look) espiadela 2. (sound) pio VI 1. (BRIT: look) espreitar 2. (sound) piar
peep out (BRIT) mostrar-se, surgir VI
peephole [piphul]
N vigia, olho mgico
peer [p*]
VI to peer at, perscrutar, fitar N 1. (noble) par M, F 2. (equal) igual M, F 3.
(contemporary) contemporneo* (contempornea)
peerage [prd]
N pariato
peerless [pls]
ADJ sem igual
peeved [pivd]
ADJ irritado
peevish [piv]
ADJ rabugento
peg [p]
N 1. cavilha 2. (for coat etc) cabide M 3. clothes peg (BRIT) pregador M 4. (tent peg)
estaca VT 1. (clothes) prender 2. (BRIT: groundsheet) segurar com estacas 3. (fig)
(prices, wages) fixar, tabelar
pejorative [pdrtv]
ADJ pejorativo
Pekin [pikn]
N Pequim
Pekinese , Pekingese [pikniz]
N pequins M
Peking [pik]
N Pekin
pelican [plkn]
N pelicano
pelican crossing (BRIT)
N (AUT) passagem F sinalizada para pedestres (BR) passadeira para pees (PT)
pellet [plt]
N 1. bolinha 2. (for shotgun) pelota de chumbo
pell-mell [plml]
ADV a esmo
pelmet [plmt]
N sanefa
pelt [plt]
VT to pelt sb with sth, atirar algo em algum VI 1. pelt down (rain) chover a cntaros
2. (inf: run) correr N pele F (no curtida)
pelvis [plvs]
N pelvis F, bacia
pen [pn]
N 1. caneta 2. (for sheep etc) redil M, cercado 3. (US inf: prison) cadeia to put pen
to paper, escrever pen in encurralar VT
penal [pinl]
ADJ penal
penalize [pinlaz]
VT 1. impor penalidade a 2. (SPORT) penalizar 3. (fig) prejudicar
penal servitude [-svtjud]
N pena de trabalhos forados
penalty [pnlt]
N 1. pena, penalidade F 2. (fine) multa 3. (SPORT) punio F 4. (FOOTBALL) pnalti
M to take a penalty, cobrar um pnalti
penalty area (BRIT)
N rea de pnalti
penalty clause
N clusula penal
penalty kick
N 1. (RUGBY) chute M de pnalti 2. (FOOTBALL) cobrana de pnalti
penance [pnns]
N penitncia
pence [pns] (BRIT)
NPL (of penny)
penchant [p]
N pendor M, queda
pencil [pnsl]
N lpis M VT to pencil sth in, anotar algo a lpis
pencil case
N lapiseira, porta-lpis M INV
pencil sharpener
N apontador M (de lpis) (BR) apara-lpis M INV (PT)
pendant [pndnt]
N pingente M
pending [pnd]
PREP 1. (during) durante 2. (until) at ADJ pendente
pendulum [pndjulm]
N pndulo
penetrate [pntret]
VT penetrar
penetrating [pntret]
ADJ penetrante
penetration [pntren]
N penetrao F
penfriend [pnfrnd] (BRIT)
N amigo* por correspondncia (amiga), correspondente M, F
penguin [pwn]
N pingim M
penicillin [pnsln]
N penicilina
peninsula [pnnsjul]
N pennsula
penis [pins]
N pnis M
penitence [pntns]
N penitncia
penitent [pntnt]
ADJ 1. arrependido 2. (REL) penitente
penitentiary [pntnr] (US)
N penitenciria, presdio
penknife [pnnaf]
N IRREG canivete M
pen name
N pseudnimo
pennant [pnnt]
N flmula
penniless [pnls]
ADJ sem dinheiro, sem um tosto
Pennines [pnanz]
NPL the Pennines, as Pennines
penny [pn] ( pennies ), (PL (BRIT) pence )
N 1. pni M 2. (US) cntimo
penpal [pnpl]
N amigo* por correspondncia (amiga), correspondente M, F
pension [pnn]
N 1. penso F 2. (old-age pension) aposentadoria, penso de governo 3. (MIL)
reserva pension off aposentar VT
pensionable [pnnbl]
ADJ 1. (person) com direito a uma penso 2. (age) de aposentadoria
pensioner [pnn*] (BRIT)
N aposentado* (aposentada) (BR) reformado* (reformada) (PT)
pension fund
N fundo da aposentadoria
pensive [pnsv]
ADJ 1. pensativo 2. (withdrawn) absorto
pentagon [pntn]
N the Pentagon US (US) o Pentgono
Pentecost [pntkst]
N Pentecostes M
penthouse [pnthaus]
N IRREG cobertura
pent-up [pnt-]
ADJ (feelings) reprimido
penultimate [pnltmt]
ADJ penltimo
penury [pnjur]
N pobreza, misria
people [pipl]
NPL 1. gente F, pessoas FPL 2. (inhabitants) habitantes M, FPL 3. (citizens) povo 4.
(POL) the people, o povo N (nation, race) povo VT povoar several people came,
vieram vrias pessoas
I know people who ... conheo gente que ...
people say that ... dizem que ...
old people, os idosos
young people, os jovens
a man of the people, um homem do povo
person [psn]
N pessoa in person, em pessoa
on or about ones person, consigo
person to person call (TEL) chamada pessoal
pep [pp] (inf)
N pique M, energia, dinamismo pep up animar VT
pepper [pp*]
N 1. pimenta 2. (vegetable) pimento M VT 1. apimentar 2. (fig) to pepper with,
salpicar de
peppermint [ppmnt]
N 1. hortel-pimenta 2. (sweet) bala de hortel
pepper pot
N pimenteiro
pep talk [pptk] (inf)
N conversa para levantar o esprito
per [p*]
PREP por per day/person, por dia/pessoa
per annum, por ano
as per your instructions, conforme suas instrues
per capita
ADJ ADV per capita, por pessoa
perceive [psiv]
VT 1. perceber 2. (notice) notar 3. (realize) compreender
per cent
N ADV por cento a 20 per cent discount, um desconto de 20 por cento
percentage [psntd]
N porcentagem F, percentagem F on a percentage basis, na base de percentagem
perceptible [psptbl]
ADJ perceptvel, sensvel
perception [pspn]
N 1. percepo F 2. (insight) perspiccia
perceptive [psptv]
ADJ perceptivo
perch [pt] (PL perches )
N 1. (for bird) poleiro 2. (fish) perca VI to perch (on) (bird) empoleirar-se (em)
(person) encarapitar-se (em)
percolate [pklet]
VT VI passar
percolator [pklet*]
N coffee percolator, cafeteira de filtro
percussion [pkn]
N percusso F
peremptory [prmptr]
ADJ 1. peremptrio 2. (person) (imperious) autoritrio
perennial [prnl]
ADJ 1. perene 2. (fig) constante N planta perene
ADJ [pfkt] 1. perfeito 2. (utter) completo N [pfkt] perfect tense, perfeito VT
[pfkt] aperfeioar a perfect stranger, uma pessoa completamente
perfection [pfkn]
N perfeio F
perfectionist [pfknst]
N perfeccionista M, F
perfectly [pfktl]
ADV perfeitamente Im perfectly happy with the situation, estou completamente
satisfeito com a situao
you know perfectly well, voc sabe muito bem
perforate [pfret]
VT perfurar
perforated [pfretd]
ADJ (stamp) picotado
perforated ulcer
N (MED) lcera perfurada
perforation [pfren]
N 1. perfurao F 2. (line of holes) picote M
perform [pfm]
VT 1. (carry out) realizar, fazer 2. (concert etc) executar 3. (piece of music) interpretar
VI 1. (well, badly) interpretar 2. (animal) fazer truques de amestramento 3.
(THEATRE) representar 4. (TECH) funcionar
performance [pfmns]
N 1. (of task) cumprimento, realizao F 2. (of play, by artist) atuao F 3. (of engine,
athlete, economy) desempenho 4. (of car) performance F
performer [pfm*]
N 1. (actor) artista M, F, ator/atriz M, F 2. (MUS) intrprete M, F
performing [pfm]
ADJ (animal) amestrado, adestrado
perfume [pfjum]
N perfume M VT perfumar
perfunctory [pfktr]
ADJ superficial, negligente
perhaps [phps]
ADV talvez perhaps hell come, talvez ele venha
perhaps so/not, talvez seja assim/talvez no
peril [prl]
N perigo, risco
perilous [prls]
ADJ perigoso
perilously [prlsl]
ADV they came perilously close to being caught, no foram presos por um triz
perimeter [prmt*]
N permetro
perimeter wall
N muro perifrico
period [prd]
N 1. perodo 2. (HISTORY) poca 3. (time limit) prazo 4. (SCH) aula 5. (full stop)
ponto final 6. (MED) menstruao F, regra ADJ (costume, furniture) da poca for a
period of three weeks, por um perodo de trs semanas
the holiday period BRIT (BRIT) o perodo de frias
periodic [prdk]
ADJ peridico
periodical [prdkl]
N peridico ADJ peridico
periodically [prdkl]
ADV periodicamente, de vez em quando
period pains (BRIT)
NPL clicas FPL menstruais
peripatetic [prpttk]
ADJ 1. (salesman) viajante 2. (teacher) que trabalha em vrios lugares
peripheral [prfrl]
ADJ perifrico N (COMPUT) perifrico
periphery [prfr]
N periferia
periscope [prskup]
N periscpio
perish [pr]
VI 1. perecer 2. (decay) deteriorar-se
perishable [prbl]
ADJ perecvel, deteriorvel
perishables [prblz]
NPL perecveis MPL
perishing [pr] (BRIT inf)
ADJ (cold) gelado, glacial
peritonitis [prtnats]
N peritonite F
perjure [pd*]
VT to perjure o.s. prestar falso testemunho
perjury [pdr]
N (LAW) perjrio, falso testemunho
perk [pk] (inf)
N mordomia, regalia perk up 1. (cheer up) animar-se 2. (in health) recuperar-se VI
perky [pk]
ADJ (cheerful) animado, alegre
perm [pm]
N permanente F VT to have ones hair permed, fazer permanente (no cabelo)
permanence [pmnns]
N permanncia, continuidade F
permanent [pmnnt]
ADJ permanente Im not permanent here, no estou aqui em carter permanente
permanently [pmnntl]
ADV permanentemente
permeable [pmbl]
ADJ permevel
permeate [pmet]
VI difundir-se VT 1. penetrar 2. (subj) (idea) difundir
permissible [pmsbl]
ADJ permissvel, lcito
permission [pmn]
N 1. permisso F 2. (authorization) autorizao F to give sb permission to do sth,
dar permisso a algum para fazer algo
permissive [pmsv]
ADJ permissivo
N [pmt] 1. permisso F 2. (for fishing, export etc) licena 3. (to enter) passe M VT
[pmt] 1. permitir 2. (authorize) autorizar to permit sb to do sth, permitir a
algum fazer or que faa algo
weather permitting, se o tempo permitir
permutation [pmjuten]
N permutao F
pernicious [pns]
ADJ 1. nocivo 2. (MED) pernicioso, maligno
pernickety [pnkt] (inf)
ADJ 1. cheio de nove-horas or luxo 2. (task) minucioso
persnickety [psnkt] (US inf)
ADJ pernickety
perpendicular [ppndkjul*]
ADJ perpendicular N perpendicular F
perpetrate [pptret]
VT cometer
perpetual [pptjul]
ADJ perptuo
perpetuate [pptjuet]
VT perpetuar
perpetuity [pptjut]
N in perpetuity, para sempre
perplex [pplks]
VT deixar perplexo
perplexing [pplks]
ADJ desconcertante
perquisites [pkwzts]
NPL perks, mordomias FPL, regalias FPL
persecute [pskjut]
VT 1. importunar 2. (pursue) perseguir
persecution [pskjun]
N perseguio F
perseverance [psvrns]
N perseverana
persevere [psv*]
VI perseverar
Persia [p]
N Prsia
Persian [pn]
ADJ persa N (LING) persa M the (Persian) Gulf, o golfo Prsico
persist [psst]
VI to persist (in doing sth) persistir (em fazer algo)
persistence [psstns]
N 1. persistncia 2. (of disease) insistncia 3. (obstinacy) teimosia
persistent [psstnt]
ADJ 1. persistente 2. (determined) teimoso 3. (disease) insistente, persistente
persistent offender (LAW) infrator* M contumaz (F infratora)
persnickety [psnkt] (US inf)
ADJ pernickety
person [psn]
N pessoa in person, em pessoa
on or about ones person, consigo
person to person call (TEL) chamada pessoal
personable [psnbl]
ADJ atraente, bem apessoado
personal [psnl]
ADJ 1. pessoal 2. (private) particular 3. (visit) em pessoa, pessoal personal
belongings or effects, pertences MPL particulares
personal hygiene, higiene F ntima
a personal interview, uma entrevista particular
personal allowance
N (TAX) abatimento da renda de pessoa fsica
personal assistant
N secretrio* particular (secretria)
personal call
N (TEL) chamada pessoal
personal column
N anncios MPL pessoais
personal computer
N computador M pessoal
personal details
NPL (on form etc) dados MPL pessoais
personal identification number
N (COMPUT BANKING) senha, nmero de identificao individual
personality [psnlt]
N personalidade F
personally [psnl]
ADV pessoalmente to take sth personally, ofender-se
personal organizer
N agenda
personal property
N bens MPL mveis
personal stereo
N Walkman M
personify [psnfa]
VT personificar
personnel [psnl]
N pessoal M
personnel department
N departamento de pessoal
personnel manager
N gerente M, F de pessoal
perspective [pspktv]
N perspectiva to get sth into perspective, colocar algo em perspectiva
Perspex [pspks] (BRIT)
N Blindex M
perspicacity [pspkst]
N perspiccia
perspiration [pspren]
N transpirao F
perspire [pspa*]
VI transpirar
persuade [pswed]
VT persuadir to persuade sb to do sth, persuadir algum a fazer algo
to persuade sb that/of sth, persuadir algum que/de algo
persuasion [pswen]
N 1. persuaso F 2. (persuasiveness) poder M de persuaso 3. (creed) convico F,
persuasive [pswesv]
ADJ persuasivo
pert [pt]
ADJ atrevido, descarado
pertaining [pten]
PREP pertaining to, relativo a
pertinent [ptnnt]
ADJ pertinente, a propsito
perturb [ptb]
VT inquietar
perturbing [ptb]
ADJ inquietante
Peru [pru]
N Peru M
perusal [pruzl]
N leitura
peruse [pruz]
VT ler com ateno, examinar
Peruvian [pruvjn]
ADJ N peruano* (peruana)
pervade [pved]
VT impregnar, penetrar em
pervasive [pvesv]
ADJ 1. (smell) penetrante 2. (influence, ideas, gloom) difundido
perverse [pvs]
ADJ 1. perverso 2. (stubborn) teimoso 3. (wayward) caprichoso
perversion [pvn]
N 1. perverso F 2. (of truth) currupo F
perversity [pvst]
N perversidade F
N [pvt] pervertido* (pervertida) VT [pvt] 1. perverter, corromper 2. (truth)
pessary [psr]
N pessrio
pessimism [psmzm]
N pessimismo
pessimist [psmst]
N pessimista M, F
pessimistic [psmstk]
ADJ pessimista
pest [pst]
N 1. peste F, praga 2. (insect) inseto nocivo 3. (fig) peste F
pest control
N 1. dedetizao F 2. (for mice) desratizao F
pester [pst*]
VT incomodar
pesticide [pstsad]
N pesticida M
pestilent [pstlnt] (inf)
ADJ (exasperating) chato
pestilential [pstlnl] (inf)
ADJ (exasperating) chato
pestle [psl]
N mo F (de almofariz)
pet [pt]
N animal M de estimao CPD predileto VT acariciar VI (inf) acariciar-se teachers pet
(favourite) preferido* do professor (preferida)
pet lion etc, leo etc de estimao
my pet hate, a coisa que eu mais odeio
petal [ptl]
N ptala
peter out [pit*-]
VI 1. (conversation) esgotar-se 2. (road etc) acabar-se
petite [ptit]
ADJ delicado, mignon
petition [ptn]
N 1. petio F 2. (list of signatures) abaixo-assinado VT apresentar uma petio a VI to
petition for divorce, requerer divrcio
pet name (BRIT)
N apelido carinhoso
petrified [ptrfad]
ADJ (fig) petrificado, paralisado
petrify [ptrfa]
VT 1. paralisar 2. (frighten) petrificar
petrochemical [ptrkmkl]
ADJ petroqumico
petrodollars [ptrudlz]
NPL petrodlares MPL
petrol [ptrl] (BRIT)
N gasolina two/four star petrol, gasolina de duas/quatro estrelas
petrol can (BRIT)
N lata de gasolina
petrol engine (BRIT)
N motor M a gasolina
petroleum [ptrulm]
N petrleo
petroleum jelly
N vaselina
petrol pump (BRIT)
N (in car, at garage) bomba de gasolina
petrol station (BRIT)
N posto BR or bomba PT de gasolina
petrol tank (BRIT)
N tanque M de gasolina
petticoat [ptkut]
N 1. angua 2. (slip) combinao F
pettifogging [ptf]
ADJ chicaneiro
pettiness [ptns]
N mesquinharia F
petty [pt]
ADJ 1. (mean) mesquinho 2. (unimportant) insignificante
petty cash
N fundo para despesas midas, caixa pequena, fundo de caixa
petty officer
N suboficial M da marinha
petulant [ptjulnt]
ADJ irascvel
pew [pju]
N banco (de igreja)
pewter [pjut*]
N peltre M
Pfc (US)
ABBR (MIL) private first class
N ABBR (CINEMA) parental guidance, aviso dos pais recomendado
N ABBR Professional Golfers Association
N ABBR (MIL) Purple Heart, condecorao para feridos em combate
p&h (US)
ABBR postage and handling
N ABBR Public Housing Administration, rgo que supervisiona a construo
phallic [flk]
ADJ flico
phantom [fntm]
N fantasma M
Pharaoh [fru]
N fara M
pharmaceutical [fmsjutkl]
ADJ farmacutico
pharmaceuticals [fmsjutklz]
NPL farmacuticos MPL
pharmacist [fmsst]
N farmacutico* (farmacutica)
pharmacy [fms]
N farmcia
phase [fez]
N fase F VT to phase sth in/out, introduzir/retirar algo por etapas
N ABBR Doctor of Philosophy N doutorado
pheasant [fznt]
N faiso M
phenomena [fnmn]
NPL (of phenomenon)
phenomenal [fnmnl]
ADJ fenomenal
phenomenon [fnmnn] (PL phenomena )
N fenmeno
phew [fju]
EXCL ufa!
phial [fal]
N frasco
philanderer [flndr*]
N mulherengo
philanthropic [flnrpk]
ADJ filantrpico
philanthropist [flnrpst]
N filantropo* (filantropa)
philatelist [fltlst]
N filatelista M, F
philately [fltl]
N filatelia
Philippines [flpinz]
NPL the Philippines, as Filipinas
philosopher [flsf*]
N filsofo* (filsofa)
philosophical [flsfkl]
ADJ 1. filosfico 2. (fig) calmo, sereno
philosophy [flsf]
N filosofia
phishing [f]
N phishing, golpe M de phishing
phlegm [flm]
N fleuma
phlegmatic [flmtk]
ADJ fleumtico
phobia [fubj]
N fobia
phone [fun]
N telefone M VT telefonar para, ligar para VI telefonar, ligar to be on the phone, ter
telefone (be calling) estar no telefone phone back ligar de volta VT phone up 1.
telefonar para 2. telefonar VT
phone book
N lista telefnica
phone booth
N cabine F telefnica
phone box (BRIT)
N cabine F telefnica
phone call
N telefonema M, ligada
phone-in (BRIT)
N 1. (RADIO) programa com participao dos ouvintes 2. (TV) programa com
participao dos espectadores
phone number
N nmero de telefone
phonetics [fntks]
N fontica
phoney [fun]
ADJ 1. falso 2. (person) fingido N (person) impostor* M (F impostora)
phonograph [funrf] (US)
N vitrola
phony [fun]
ADJ N phoney
phosphate [fsfet]
N fosfato
phosphorus [fsfrs]
N fsforo
photo [futu]
N foto F
photo... [futu]
PREFIX foto...
photocopier [futukp*]
N fotocopiadora F
photocopy [futukp]
N fotocpia, xerox M VT fotocopiar, xerocar
photoelectric [futulktrk]
ADJ fotoeltrico photoelectric cell, clula fotoeltrica
photogenic [futudnk]
ADJ fotognico
photograph [futrf]
N fotografia VT fotografar to take a photograph of sb, bater or tirar uma foto de
photographer [ftrf*]
N fotgrafo* (fotgrafa)
photographic [futrfk]
ADJ fotogrfico
photography [ftrf]
N fotografia
photostat [futustt]
N cpia fotosttica
photosynthesis [futusnss]
N fotos sntese F
phrase [frez]
N frase F VT 1. expressar 2. (letter) redigir
phrase book
N livro de expresses idiomticas (para turistas)
physical [fzkl]
ADJ fsico physical examination, exame M fsico
physical exercise, exerccio fsico, movimento
physical education
N educao F fsica
physically [fzkl]
ADV fsicamente
physician [fzn]
N mdico* (mdica)
physicist [fzsst]
N fsico* (fsica)
physics [fzks]
N fsica
physiological [fzldkl]
ADJ fisiolgico
physiology [fzld]
N fisiologia
physiotherapist [fzurpst]
N fisioterapeuta M, F
physiotherapy [fzurp]
N fisioterapia
physique [fzik]
N fsico
pianist [pinst]
N pianista M, F
piano [pnu]
N piano
piano accordion (BRIT)
N acordeo M, sanfona
piccolo [pklu]
N flautim M
pick [pk]
N pickaxe (tool) picareta VT 1. (select) escolher, selecionar 2. (gather) colher 3.
(remove) tirar 4. (lock) forar take your pick, escolha o que quiser
the pick of, o melhor de
to pick a bone, roer um osso
to pick ones nose, colocar o dedo no nariz
to pick ones teeth, palitar os dentes
to pick sbs brains, aproveitar os conhecimentos de algum
to pick pockets, roubar or bater carteira
to pick a quarrel or a fight with sb, comprar uma briga com algum
to pick and choose, ser exigente pick at (food) beliscar VT pick off (kill)
matar de um tiro VT pick on (person) (criticize) criticar (treat badly) azucrinar,
aporrinhar VT pick out 1. escolher 2. (distinguish) distinguir VT pick up 1.
(improve) melhorar 2. (from floor, AUT) apanhar 3. (POLICE) prender 4.
(telephone) atender, tirar do gancho 5. (collect) buscar 6. (for sexual encounter)
paquerer 7. (learn) aprender 8. (RADIO TV TEL) pegar VI to pick up speed,
to pick o.s. up, levantar-se
to pick up where one left off, continuar do ponto onde se parou
pickaxe [pkks] pickax (US)
N picareta
picket [pkt]
N 1. (in strike) piquete M 2. (person) piqueteiro* (piqueteira) VT formar piquete em
frente de
picket line
N piquete M
pickings [pkz]
NPL there are rich pickings to be had for investors in gold, os investidores em
ouro vo se dar bem
pickle [pkl]
N 1. pickles (as condiment) picles MPL 2. (fig) (mess) apuro VT 1. (in vinegar)
conservar em vinagre 2. (in salt) conservar em sale gua
N estimulante M
pickpocket [pkpkt]
N batedor* M de carteira (F batedora) (BR) carteirista M, F (PT)
pickup [pkp]
N 1. (on record player) pick-up M 2. pickup truck, pickup van (small truck) camioneta,
pick-up M
picnic [pknk]
N piquenique M VI fazer um piquenique
picnicker [pknk*]
N pessoa que faz piquenique
pictorial [pktrl]
ADJ 1. pictrico 2. (magazine etc) ilustrado
picture [pkt*]
N 1. quadro 2. (painting) pintura 3. (drawing) desenho 4. (etching) gua-forte F 5.
(photograph) foto(grafia) F 6. (TV) imagem F 7. (film) filme M 8. (fig) (description)
descrio F (situation) conjuntura VT 1. imaginar-se 2. (describe) retratar the
pictures (BRIT inf) o cinema NPL to take a picture of sb/sth, tirar uma foto de
the overall picture, o quadro geral
to put sb in the picture, pr algum a par da situao
picture book
N livro de figuras
picturesque [pktrsk]
ADJ pitoresco
picture window
N janela panormica
piddling [pdl] (inf)
ADJ irrisrio
pidgin [pdn]
ADJ pidgin English, forma achinesada do ingls usada entre comerciantes
pie [pa]
N 1. (vegetable) pastelo M 2. (fruit) torta 3. (meat) empado M
piebald [pabld]
ADJ malhado
piece [pis]
N 1. pedao 2. (portion) fatia 3. (of land) lote M, parcela 4. (CHESS etc) pea 5. (item)
a piece of clothing/furniture/advice, uma roupa/um mvel/um conselho VT to
piece together, juntar (TECH) montar in pieces (broken) em pedaos (not yet
assembled) desmontado
to fall to pieces, cair aos pedaos
to take to pieces, desmontar
in one piece (object) inteiro (person) ileso
a 10p piece BRIT (BRIT) uma moeda de 10p
piece by piece, pedao por pedao
a six-piece band, um sexteto
to say ones piece, vender o seu peixe
piecemeal [pismil]
ADV pouco a pouco
piece rate
N salrio por pea
piecework [piswk]
N trabalho por empreitada or pea
pie chart
N grfico de setores
pier [p*]
N 1. cais M 2. (jetty) embarcadouro, molhe M 3. (of bridge etc) pilar M, pilastra
pierce [ps]
VT furar, perfurar to have ones ears pierced, furar as orelhas
piercing [ps]
ADJ 1. (cry) penetrante, agudo 2. (stare) penetrante 3. (wind) cortante
piety [pat]
N piedade F
piffling [pfl]
ADJ irrisrio
pig [p]
N 1. porco 2. (fig) porcalho* M (F porcalhona) 3. (pej: unkind person) grosseiro*
(grosseira) (greedy person) ganancioso* (gananciosa)
pigeon [pdn]
N pombo
pigeonhole [pdnhul]
N escaninho
pigeon-toed [-tud]
ADJ com p de pombo
piggy bank [p-]
N cofre em forma de porquinho
pig-headed [-hdd] (pej)
ADJ teimoso, cabeudo
piglet [plt]
N porquinho, leito M
pigment [pmnt]
N pigmento
pigmentation [pmnten]
N pigmentao F
pigmy [pm]
N pygmy
pigskin [pskn]
N couro de porco
pigsty [psta]
N chiqueiro
pigtail [ptel]
N 1. (girl's) rabo-de-cavalo, trana 2. (Chinese) rabicho
pike [pak] (PL pikes )
N 1. (spear) lana, pique M 2. (fish) lcio
pilchard [pltd]
N sardinha
pile [pal]
N 1. (of books) pilha 2. (heap) monte M 3. (of carpet) plo 4. (of cloth) lado felpudo 5.
(support) (in building) estaca VT 1. pile up, empilhar 2. (heap) amontoar 3. (fig)
acumular VI pile up (objects) empilhar-se (problems, work) acumular-se in a pile,
numa pilha pile into (car) apinhar-se VT pile on to pile it on (inf) exagerar VT
piles [palz]
NPL (MED) hemorridas FPL
N (AUT) engavetamento
pilfer [plf*]
VT VI furtar, afanar, surripiar
pilfering [plfr]
N furto
pilgrim [plrm]
N peregrino* (peregrina)
pilgrimage [plrmd]
N peregrinao F, romaria
pill [pl]
N plula the pill, a plula
to be on the pill, usar or tomar a plula
pillage [pld]
N pilhagem F VT saquear, pilhar
pillar [pl*]
N 1. pilar M 2. (concrete) coluna
pillar box (BRIT)
N caixa coletora (do correio) (BR) marco do correio (PT)
pillion [pljn]
N (of motor cycle) garupa to ride pillion, andar na garupa
pillory [plr]
N pelourinho VT expor ao ridculo
pillow [plu]
N travesseiro (BR) almofada (PT)
pillowcase [plukes]
N fronha
pillowslip [pluslp]
N fronha
pilot [palt]
N piloto* (pilota) CPD (scheme etc) piloto VT 1. pilotar 2. (fig) guiar
pilot boat
N barco-piloto
pilot light
N piloto
pimento [pmntu]
N pimento-doce M
pimp [pmp]
N cafeto M (BR) cften M (PT)
pimple [pmpl]
N espinha
pimply [pmpl]
ADJ espinhento
pin [pn]
N 1. alfinete M 2. (TECH) cavilha 3. (wooden, BRIT) (ELEC: of plug) pino VT alfinetar
pins and needles, comicho F, sensao F de formigamento
to pin sb against or to, apertar algum contra
to pin sth on sb (fig) culpar algum de algo pin down (fig) to pin sb down,
conseguir que algum se defina or tome atitude VT theres something strange
here but I cant quite pin it down, h alguma coisa estranha aqui, mas no
consigo precisar o qu
N ABBR personal identification number
pinafore [pnf*]
N pinafore dress, avental M
pinball [pnbl]
N fliper M, fliperama M
pincers [pnsz]
NPL pina, tenaz F
pinch [pnt]
N 1. belisco M 2. (of salt etc) pitada VT 1. beliscar 2. (inf: steal) afanar VI (shoe)
apertar at a pinch, em ltimo caso
to feel the pinch (fig) apertar o cinto, passar por um aperto
pinched [pntt]
ADJ (drawn) abatido pinched with cold, transido de frio
pinched for money, desprovido de dinheiro
to be pinched for space, no dispor de muito espao
pincushion [pnkun]
N alfineteira
pine [pan]
N 1. pine tree, pinho 2. (wood) madeira de pinho VI to pine for, ansiar por pine
away consumir-se, definhar VI
pineapple [panpl]
N abacaxi M (BR) anans M (PT)
ping [p]
N (noise) silvo, sibilo
N pingue-pongue M
pink [pk]
ADJ cor de rosa N 1. (colour) cor F de rosa 2. (BOT) cravo, cravina
pinking scissors [pk-]
NPL tesoura para picotar
pinking shears [pk-]
NPL tesoura para picotar
pin money (BRIT)
N dinheiro extra
pinnacle [pnkl]
N 1. cume M 2. (fig) auge M
pinpoint [pnpnt]
VT 1. (discover) descobrir 2. (explain) identificar 3. (locate) localizar com preciso
pinstripe [pnstrap]
N tecido listrado ADJ listrado
pint [pant]
N quartilho (BRIT: = 568cc; US: = 473cc) to go for a pint (BRIT inf) ir tomar uma
N pin-up F, retrato de mulher atraente
pioneer [pan*]
N pioneiro* (pioneira) VT ser pioneiro de
pious [pas]
ADJ pio, devoto
pip [pp]
N (seed) caroo, semente F the pip (BRIT: time signal on radio) o toque de seis
segundos NPL
pipe [pap]
N 1. cano 2. (for smoking) cachimbo 3. (MUS) flauta VT canalizar, encanar pipes
bagpipes, gaita de foles NPL pipe down (inf) calar o bico, meter a viola no saco VI
pipe cleaner
N limpa-cachimbo
piped music [papt-]
N msica enlatada
pipe dream
N sonho impossvel, castelo no ar
pipeline [paplan]
N 1. (for oil) oleoduto 2. (for gas) gaseoduto its in the pipeline (fig) est na bica
piper [pap*]
N 1. (gen) flautista M, F 2. (of bagpipes) gaiteiro* (gaiteira)
pipe tobacco
N fumo BR or tabaco PT para cachimbo
piping [pap]
ADV piping hot, chiando de quente
piquant [piknt]
ADJ picante
pique [pik]
N ressentimento, melindre M
piracy [pars]
N pirataria
pirate [part]
N pirata M VT (record, video, book) piratear
pirate radio (BRIT)
N rdio pirata
pirouette [prut]
N pirueta VI fazer pirueta(s)
Pisces [pasiz]
N Pisces M, Peixes MPL
piss [ps] (inf!)
VI mijar piss off! vai merda (!)
pissed [pst] (inf!)
ADJ (drunk) bbado, de porre
pistol [pstl]
N pistola
piston [pstn]
N pisto M, mbolo
pit [pt]
N 1. cova, fossa 2. (quarry, hole in surface of sth) buraco 3. coal pit, mina de carvo
4. orchestra pit, fosso VT to pit ones wits against sb, competir em conhecimento
or inteligncia contra algum pits (AUT) box M NPL to pit A against B, opor A a
to pit o.s. against, opor-se a
pitapat [ptpt] (BRIT)
ADV to go pitapat (heart) disparar (rain) tiquetaquear
pitch [pt]
N 1. (throw) arremesso, lance M 2. (MUS) tom M 3. (of voice) altura 4. (fig) (degree)
intensidade F 5. sales pitch, papo (de vendedor) 6. (BRIT SPORT) campo 7. (tar)
piche M, breu M 8. (NAUT) arfada 9. (in market etc) barraca VT 1. (throw)
arremessar, lanar 2. (tent) armar 3. (set) (price, message) adaptar VI 1. (fall
forwards) tombar (para frente) cair 2. (NAUT) jogar, arfar to be pitched forward,
ser jogado para frente
at this pitch, neste pique or ritmo
to pitch ones aspirations too high, colocar as aspiraes alto demais pitch
in contribuir VI
ADJ escuro como o breu
pitched battle [ptt-]
N batalha campal
pitcher [pt*]
N 1. jarro, cntaro 2. (US BASEBALL) arremessador M
pitchfork [ptfk]
N forcado
piteous [pts]
ADJ lastimvel
pitfall [ptfl]
N perigo (imprevisto) armadilha
pith [p]
N 1. (of orange) casca interna e branca 2. (fig) essncia, parte F essencial
pithead [pthd] (BRIT)
N boca do poo
pithy [p]
ADJ substancial
pitiable [ptbl]
ADJ deplorvel
pitiful [ptful]
ADJ 1. (touching) comovente, tocante 2. (contemptible) desprezvel, lamentvel
pitifully [ptfl]
ADV lamentavelmente, deploravelmente
pitiless [ptls]
ADJ impiedoso
pittance [ptns]
N ninharia, misria
pitted [ptd]
ADJ pitted with (chickenpox) marcado com (rust) picado de pitted with potholes,
pity [pt]
N 1. (compassion) compaixo F, piedade F 2. (shame) pena VT ter pena de,
compadecer-se de what a pity! que pena!
its a pity (that) you cant come, uma pena que voc no possa vir
to have or take pity on sb, ter pena de algum
pitying [pt]
ADJ compassivo, compadecido
pivot [pvt]
N 1. pino, eixo 2. (fig) piv M VI to pivot on, girar sobre (fig) depender de
pixel [pksl]
N (COMPUT) pxel M
pixie [pks]
N duende M
pizza [pits]
N pizza
ABBR profit and loss
placard [plkd]
N 1. placar M 2. (in march etc) cartaz M
placate [plket]
VT apaziguar, aplacar
placatory [plketr]
ADJ apaziguador* (apaziguadora) aplacador* (aplacadora)
place [ples]
N 1. lugar M 2. (rank, position) posio F 3. (post) posto 4. (role) papel M 5. (home)
at/to his place, na/para a casa dele VT 1. (object) pr, colocar 2. (identify)
identificar, situar 3. (find a post for) colocar to take place, realizar-se (occur)
from place to place, de lugar em lugar
all over the place, em tudo quanto lugar
out of place (not suitable) fora de lugar, deslocado
I feel out of place here, eu me sinto deslocado aqui
in the first place, em primeiro lugar
to change places with sb, trocar de lugar com algum
to put sb in his place (fig) pr algum no seu lugar
hes going places (fig) ele vai se dar bem
its not my place to do it, no me compete faz-lo
to place an order with sb for sth (COMM) encomendar algo a algum
to be placed (in race, exam) classificar-se
how are you placed next week? voc tem tempo na semana que vem?
placebo [plsibu]
N placebo
place mat
N descanso
placement [plesmnt]
N 1. (placing) colocao F 2. (job) cargo
place name
N topnimo
placenta [plsnt]
N placenta
place of birth
N local M de nascimento
placid [plsd]
ADJ plcido, sereno
placidity [plsdt]
N placidez F
plagiarism [pledjrzm]
N plgio
plagiarist [pledjrst]
N plagirio* (plagiria)
plagiarize [pledjraz]
VT plagiar
plague [ple]
N 1. (MED) peste F 2. (fig) praga VT (fig) atormentar, importunar to plague sb with
questions, importunar algum com perguntas
plaice [ples]
N INV solha
plaid [pld]
N 1. (material) tecido de xadrez 2. (pattern) xadrez M escocs
plain [plen]
ADJ 1. (unpatterned) liso 2. (clear) claro, evidente 3. (simple) simples, despretensioso
4. (frank) franco, sem rodeios 5. (not handsome) sem atrativos 6. (pure) puro,
natural ADV claramente, com franqueza N plancie F, campina to make sth plain
to sb, dar claramente a entender algo a algum
plain chocolate
N chocolate M amargo
ADJ (police officer) paisana
plainly [plenl]
ADV 1. claramente, obviamente 2. (hear, see) facilmente 3. (state) francamente
plainness [plenns]
N 1. clareza 2. (simplicity) simplicidade F 3. (frankness) franqueza
plaintiff [plentf]
N querelante M, F, queixoso* (queixosa)
plaintive [plentv]
ADJ 1. (voice, tone) queixoso 2. (song) lamentoso 3. (look) tristonho
plait [plt]
N trana, dobra VT tranar
plan [pln]
N 1. plano 2. (scheme) projeto 3. (schedule) programa M VT planejar (BR) planear
(PT) VI fazer planos to plan to do, pretender fazer
how long do you plan to stay? quanto tempo voc pretende ficar?
plane [plen]
N 1. (AVIAT) avio M 2. plane tree, pltano 3. (fig) (level) nivel M 4. (tool) plaina 5.
(ART MATH) plano ADJ plano VT (with tool) aplainar
planet [plnt]
N planeta M
planetarium [plntrm]
N planetrio
plank [plk]
N 1. tbua 2. (POL) item M da plataforma poltica
plankton [plktn]
N plncton M
planner [pln*]
N 1. planejador* M (F planejadora) (BR) planeador* M (F planeadora) (PT) 2. (chart)
agenda (quadro) 3. (town planner) urbanista M, F 4. (of TV programme, project)
programador* M (F programadora)
planning [pln]
N planejamento (BR) planeamento (PT) family planning, planejamento or
planeamento familiar
planning permission (BRIT)
N autorizao F para construir
plant [plnt]
N 1. planta 2. (machinery) maquinaria 3. (factory) usina, fbrica VT 1. plantar 2. (field)
semear 3. (bomb) colocar, pr 4. (inf) pr s escondidas 5. (incriminating evidence)
plantation [plnten]
N 1. plantao F 2. (estate) fazenda 3. (area of trees) bosque M
plant hire
N locao F de equipamentos
plant pot (BRIT)
N vaso para planta
plaque [plk]
N 1. placa, insgnia 2. dental plaque, placa dental
plasma [plzm]
N plasma M
plaster [plst*]
N 1. (for walls) reboco 2. plaster of Paris, gesso 3. sticking plaster (BRIT)
esparadrapo, band-aid M VT 1. rebocar 2. (cover) to plaster with, encher or cobrir
de in plaster (BRIT: leg etc) engessado
plaster of Paris, gesso
plaster cast
N 1. (MED) aparelho de gesso 2. (ART) molde M de gesso
plastered [plstd] (inf)
ADJ bbado, de porre
plasterer [plstr*]
N rebocador* M (F rebocadora) caiador* M (F caiadora)
plastic [plstk]
N plstico ADJ 1. de plstico 2. (flexible) plstico 3. (art) plstico
plastic bag
N sacola de plstico
Plasticine [plstsin]
N plasticina
plastic surgery
N cirurgia plstica
plate [plet]
N 1. prato, chapa 2. (PHOT,: on door, dental) chapa 3. (TYP) clich M 4. (in book)
gravura 5. (AUT) (number plate) placa gold/silver plate, placa de ouro/prata
plateau [pltu] ( plateaus ), (PL plateaux )
N planalto
plateaux [pltuz]
NPL (of plateau)
plateful [pletful]
N pratada
plate glass
N vidro laminado
platelayer [pletle*] (BRIT)
N (RAIL) assentador M de trilhos
platen [pltn]
N (on typewriter, printer) rolo
plate rack
N escorredor M de pratos
platform [pltfm]
N 1. (RAIL) plataforma (BR) cais M (PT) 2. (stage) estrado 3. (at meeting) tribuna 4.
(raised structure) (for landing etc) plataforma 5. (BRIT: of bus) plataforma 6. (POL)
programa M partidrio
platform ticket (BRIT)
N bilhete M de plataforma BR or cais PT
platinum [pltnm]
N platina
platitude [plttjud]
N lugar M comum, chavo M
platonic [pltnk]
ADJ platnico
platoon [pltun]
N peloto M
platter [plt*]
N travessa
plaudits [pldts]
NPL aclamaes FPL, aplausos MPL
plausible [plzbl]
ADJ 1. plausvel 2. (person) convincente
play [ple]
N 1. jogo 2. (THEATRE) obra, pea VT 1. jogar 2. (team, opponent) jogar contra 3.
(instrument, music, record) tocar 4. (THEATRE) representar (role) fazer o papel de
5. (fig) desempenhar VI 1. (sport, game) jogar 2. (music) tocar 3. (frolic) brincar to
bring or call into play (plan) acionar (emotions) detonar
play on words, jogo de palavras, trocadilho
to play a trick on sb, pregar uma pea em algum
theyre playing at soldiers, eles esto brincando de soldados
to play for time (fig) tentar ganhar tempo, protelar
to play into sbs hands (fig) fazer o jogo de algum
to play the fool/innocent, bancar o tolo/inocente
to play safe, no se arriscar, no correr riscos play about brincar VI play
along 1. (fig) to play along with sb, fazer o jogo de algum 2. (fig) to play sb
along, fazer algum de criana VI play around brincar VI play back repetir VT
play down minimizar VT play on (sb's feelings, credulity) tirar proveito de, usar VT
play up 1. (person) dar trabalho 2. (TV,: car) estar com defeito VI
playact [plekt]
VI fazer fita
playboy [pleb]
N playboy M
played-out [pled-]
ADJ gasto
player [ple*]
N 1. jogador* M (F jogadora) 2. (THEATRE) ator/atriz M, F 3. (MUS) msico* (msica)
playful [pleful]
ADJ brincalho* (brincalhona)
playgoer [pleu*]
N freqentador* M de teatro (F freqentadora)
playground [pleraund]
N 1. (in park) playground M 2. (in school) ptio de recreio
playgroup [plerup]
N espcie de jardim de infncia
playing card [ple-]
N carta de baralho
playing field [ple-]
N campo de esportes BR or jogos PT
playmate [plemet]
N colega M, F, camarada M, F
N (SPORT) partida de desempate
playpen [plepn]
N cercado para crianas
playroom [plerum]
N sala de jogos
plaything [ple]
N 1. brinquedo 2. (fig) joguete M
playtime [pletam]
N (SCH) recreio
playwright [plerat]
N dramaturgo* (dramaturga)
ABBR public limited company
plea [pli]
N 1. (request) apelo, petio F 2. (excuse) justificativa 3. (LAW) (defence) defesa
plead [plid]
VT 1. (LAW) defender, advogar 2. (give as excuse) alegar VI 1. (LAW) declarar-se 2.
(beg) to plead with sb (for sth) suplicar or rogar (algo) a algum to plead
guilty/not guilty, declarar-se culpado/inocente
pleasant [plznt]
ADJ 1. agradvel 2. (person) simptico
pleasantly [plzntl]
ADV agradavelmente
pleasantness [plzntns]
N 1. (of person) amabilidade F, simpatia 2. (of place) encanto
pleasantry [plzntr]
N (joke) brincadeira pleasantries (polite remarks) amenidades FPL (na conversa)
please [pliz]
EXCL por favor VT (give pleasure to) agradar a, dar prazer a VI (think fit) do as you
please, faa o que or como quiser please yourself! (inf) como voc quiser! voc
que sabe!
pleased [plizd]
ADJ (happy) satisfeito, contente pleased (with) satisfeito (com)
pleased to meet you, prazer (em conhec-lo)
we are pleased to inform you that ... temos a satisfao de inform-lo de que ...
pleasing [pliz]
ADJ agradvel
pleasurable [plrbl]
ADJ agradvel
pleasure [pl*]
N prazer M ``its a pleasure ``no tem de qu
with pleasure, com muito prazer
is this trip for business or pleasure? esta viagem de negcios ou de recreio?
pleasure boat
N barco de recreio
pleasure steamer
N vapor M de recreio
pleat [plit]
N prega
plebiscite [plbst]
N plebiscito
plebs [plbz] (pej)
NPL plebe F
plectrum [plktrm]
N plectro
pledge [pld]
N 1. (object) penhor M 2. (promise) promessa VT 1. (invest) empenhar 2. (promise)
prometer to pledge support for sb, empenhar-se a apoiar algum
to pledge sb to secrecy, comprometer algum a guardar sigilo
plenary [plinr]
ADJ in plenary session, no plenrio
plentiful [plntful]
ADJ abundante
plenty [plnt]
N abundncia plenty of (food, money) bastante (jobs, people) muitos* (muitas)
weve got plenty of time, temos tempo de sobra
pleurisy [plurs]
N pleurisia
Plexiglas [plksls] (US)
N Blindex M
pliable [plabl]
ADJ 1. flexvel 2. (fig) (person) adaptvel, moldvel
pliant [plant]
ADJ pliable
pliers [plaz]
NPL alicate M
plight [plat]
N situao F difcil, apuro
plimsolls [plmslz] (BRIT)
NPL tnis MPL
plinth [pln]
N peinto
N ABBR Palestine Liberation Organization, OLP F
plod [pld]
VI 1. caminhar pesadamente 2. (fig) trabalhar laboriosamente
plodder [pld*]
N burro-de-carga M
plodding [pld]
ADJ mourejador* (mourejadora)
plonk [plk] (inf)
N (BRIT: wine) zurrapa VT to plonk sth down, deixar cair algo (pesadamente)
plot [plt]
N 1. (scheme) conspirao F, compl M 2. (of story, play) enredo, trama 3. (of land)
lote M VT 1. (mark out) traar 2. (conspire) tramar, planejar (BR) planear (PT) 3.
(AVIAT NAUT MATH) plotar VI conspirar a vegetable plot BRIT (BRIT) uma
plotter [plt*]
N 1. conspirador* M (F conspiradora) 2. (instrument) plotadora 3. (COMPUT) plotter
F, plotadora
plough [plau] plow (US)
N arado VT (earth) arar to plough money into, investir dinheiro em plough back
(COMM) reinvestir VT plough through 1. (crowd) abrir caminho por 2. (snow)
avanar penosamente por VT
ploughing [plau] plowing (US)
N aradura
ploughman [plaumn] plowman (US)
N IRREG lavrador M
ploughmans lunch (BRIT)
N lanche de po, queijo e picles
plow [plau] (US)
ploy [pl]
N estratagema M
pluck [plk]
VT 1. (fruit) colher 2. (musical instrument) dedilhar 3. (bird) depenar N coragem F,
puxo M to pluck ones eyebrows, fazer as sobrancelhas
to pluck up courage, criar coragem
plucky [plk]
ADJ corajoso, valente
plug [pl]
N 1. tampo M 2. (ELEC) tomada (BR) ficha (PT) 3. (in sink) tampa 4. spark(ing) plug
(AUT) vela (de ignio) VT 1. (hole) tapar 2. (inf: advertise) fazer propaganda de
to give sb/sth a plug (inf) fazer propaganda de algum/algo plug in (ELEC)
ligar VT
plughole [plhul] (BRIT)
N (in sink) escoadouro
plum [plm]
N (fruit) ameixa CPD (inf) a plum job, um emprego jia
plumage [plumd]
N plumagem F
plumb [plm]
ADJ vertical N prumo ADV (exactly) exatamente VT sondar to plumb the depths (fig)
chegar ao extremo plumb in (washing machine) instalar VT
plumber [plm*]
N bombeiro* (bombeira) (BR) encanador* M (F encanadora) (BR) canalizador* M (F
canalizadora) (PT)
plumbing [plm]
N 1. (trade) ofcio de encanador 2. (piping) encanamento
plumb line [plmlan]
N fio de prumo
plume [plum]
N 1. pluma 2. (on helmet) penacho
plummet [plmt]
VI to plummet (down) (bird, aircraft) cair rapidamente (price) baixar rapidamente
plump [plmp]
ADJ rolio, rechonchudo VT to plump sth (down) on, deixar cair algo em VI to plump
for (inf: choose) escolher, optar por plump up (cushion) afofar VT
plunder [plnd*]
N 1. pilhagem F 2. (loot) despojo VT pilhar, espoliar
plunge [plnd]
N 1. (dive) salto 2. (submersion) mergulho 3. (fig) queda VT (hand, knife) enfiar, meter
VI 1. (fall, fig) cair 2. (dive) mergulhar to take the plunge, topar a parada
to plunge a room into darkness, mergulhar um aposento na escurido
plunger [plnd*]
N 1. mbolo 2. (for blocked sink) desentupidor M
plunging [plnd]
ADJ (neckline) decotado
pluperfect [plupfkt]
N mais-que-perfeito
plural [plurl]
ADJ plural N plural M
plus [pls]
N plus sign, sinal M de adio PREP mais ten/twenty plus, dez/vinte e tantos
its a plus, uma vantagem
plus fours
NPL cala BR or calas FPL PT de golfe
plush [pl]
ADJ 1. de pelcia 2. (car, hotel etc) suntuoso N pelcia
plutonium [plutunm]
N plutnio
ply [pla]
N 1. (of wool) fio 2. (of wood) espessura VT (a trade) exercer VI (ship) ir e vir three
ply (wool) de trs fios
to ply sb with drink/questions, bombardear algum com bebidas/perguntas
plywood [plawud]
N madeira compensada
N ABBR Prime Minister
ADV ABBR post meridiem, da tarde, da noite
N ABBR premenstrual tension, TPM F, tenso F pr-menstrual
N ABBR Prime Minister
ADV ABBR post meridiem, da tarde, da noite
N ABBR premenstrual tension, TPM F, tenso F pr-menstrual
pneumatic [njumtk]
ADJ pneumtico
pneumatic drill
N perfuratriz F
pneumonia [njumun]
N pneumonia
ABBR postal order
N ABBR 1. Post Office 2. (MIL) petty officer
N ABBR Prison Officers Association
poach [put]
VT 1. (cook) (fish) escaldar (eggs) fazer poch (BR) escalfar (PT) 2. (steal) furtar VI
caar (or pescar) em propriedade alheia
poached [putt]
ADJ (egg) poch (BR) escalfado (PT)
poacher [put*]
N caador M ( or pescador M ) furtivo
poaching [put]
N caa (or pesca) furtiva
PO Box
N ABBR Post Office Box
pocket [pkt]
N 1. bolso 2. (fig) (small area) pedao 3. (BILLIARDS) caapa, ventanilha VT 1. meter
no bolso 2. (steal) embolsar 3. (BILLIARDS) encaapar to be out of pocket
BRIT (BRIT) perder, ter prejuzo
pocket of resistance, foco de resistncia
pocketbook [pktbuk] (US)
N carteira
pocket calculator
N calculadora de bolsa
pocket knife
N IRREG canivete M
pocket money
N 1. dinheiro para despesas midas 2. (for child) mesada
pockmarked [pkmkt]
ADJ (face) com marcas de varola
pod [pd]
N vagem F VT descascar
podcast [pdkast]
N podcast M
podcasting [pdkast]
N podcasting M
podgy [pd] (inf)
ADJ gorducho, rechanchudo
podiatrist [pditrst] (US)
N pedicuro* (pedicura)
podiatry [pditr] (US)
N podiatria
podium [pudm]
N pdio
N ABBR port of embarkation, port of entry
poem [pum]
N poema M
poet [put]
N poeta/poetisa M, F
poetess [puts]
N poetisa
poetic [putk]
ADJ potico
poet laureate [-lrt]
N poeta M laureado
poetry [putr]
N poesia
N ABBR Post Office Engineering Union, sindicato dos tcnicos do correio
poignant [pnjnt]
ADJ 1. comovente 2. (sharp) agudo
point [pnt]
N 1. (gen) ponto 2. (of needle, knife etc) ponta 3. (purpose) finalidade F 4. (significant
part) ponto principal 5. (position, place) lugar M, posio F 6. (moment) momento 7.
(stage in development) estgio 8. power point (BRIT ELEC) tomada 2 point 3
(2.3) dois vrgula trs VT 1. (show, mark) mostrar 2. (window, wall) tomar com
argamassa 3. (gun etc) to point sth at sb, apontar algo para algum VI apontar
points 1. (AUT) platinado, contato 2. (RAIL) agulhas FPL NPL to point at, apontar
good points, qualidades
to be on the point of doing sth, estar prestes a or a ponto de fazer algo
to make a point, fazer uma observao
to make a point of, fazer questo de, insistir em
to make ones point, dar sua opinio
youve made your point, voc j disse o que queria, voc j falou (inf)
to get the point, perceber
to miss the point, compreender mal
to come to the point, ir ao assunto
when it comes to the point, na hora
theres no point (in doing) no h razo (para fazer)
thats the whole point! a que est a questo! a que t! (inf)
to be beside the point, estar fora do assunto
youve got a point there! voc tem razo!
in point of fact, na verdade, na realidade
point of departure, ponto de partida
point of sale (COMM) ponto de venda
point of view, ponto de vista point out 1. (indicate) indicar 2. (in debate etc)
ressaltar VT point to 1. apontar para 2. (fig) indicar VT
ADV 1. categoricamente 2. at point-blank range, queima-roupa ADJ (fig) categrico
point duty (BRIT)
N to be on point duty, estar de servio no controle do trnsito
pointed [pntd]
ADJ 1. (stick etc) pontudo 2. (remark) mordaz
pointedly [pntdl]
ADV sugestivamente
pointer [pnt*]
N 1. (on chart) indicador M 2. (on machine) ponteiro 3. (needle) agulha 4. (dog) pointer
M 5. (fig) dica
pointless [pntls]
ADJ 1. (useless) intil 2. (senseless) sem sentido 3. (motiveless) sem razo
poise [pz]
N 1. (composure) elegncia 2. (balance) equilbrio 3. (of head, body) porte M 4.
(calmness) serenidade F VT pr em equilbrio to be poised for (fig) estar pronto
poison [pzn]
N veneno VT envenenar
poisoning [pzn]
N envenenamento
poisonous [pzns]
ADJ 1. venenoso 2. (fumes etc) txico 3. (fig) pernicioso
poke [puk]
VT 1. (fire) atiar 2. (jab with finger, stick etc) cutucar 3. (put) to poke sth in(to) enfiar
or meter algo em N 1. (to fire) remexida 2. (jab) cutucada 3. (with elbow) cotovelada
to poke ones nose into, meter o nariz em
to poke ones head out of the window, meter a cabea para fora da janela
to poke fun at sb, ridicularizar or fazer troa de algum poke about
escarafunchar, espionar VI
poker [puk*]
N 1. atiador M (de brasas) 2. (CARDS) pquer M
poker-faced [-fest]
ADJ com rosto impassvel
poky [puk] (pej)
ADJ apertado
Poland [pulnd]
N Polnia
polar [pul*]
ADJ polar
polar bear
N urso polar
polarize [pulraz]
VT polarizar
Pole [pul]
N polons* M (F polonesa)
pole [pul]
N 1. vara 2. (GEO) plo 3. (telegraph pole) poste M 4. (flagpole) mastro 5. (tent pole)
pole bean (US)
N feijo-trepador M
polecat [pulkt]
N furo-bravo
Pol. Econ. [plkn]
N ABBR political economy
polemic [plmk]
N polmica
pole star
N estrela Polar
pole vault
N salto com vara
police [plis]
N polcia VT policiar
police car
N rdio-patrulha F
police constable (BRIT)
N policial M, F (BR) polcia M, F (PT)
police department (US)
N polcia
police force
N polcia
policeman [plismn]
N IRREG policial M (BR) polcia M (PT)
police officer
N policial M, F (BR) polcia M, F (PT)
police record
N ficha na polcia
police state
N estado policial
police station
N delegacia (de polcia) (BR) esquadra (PT)
policewoman [pliswumn]
N IRREG policial F (feminina) (BR) mulher F polcia (PT)
policy [pls]
N 1. poltica 2. insurance policy, aplice F 3. (of newspaper, company) orientao F
to take out a policy (INSURANCE) fazer uma aplice or um contrato de seguro
policy holder
N segurado* (segurada)
polio [pulu]
N poliomielite F, polio F
Polish [pul]
ADJ polons* (polonesa) N (LING) polons M
polish [pl]
N 1. (for shoes) graxa 2. (for floor) cera (para encerar) 3. (for nails) esmalte M 4.
(shine) brilho 5. (fig) (refinement) refinamento, requinte M VT 1. (shoes) engraxar 2.
(make shiny) lustrar, dar brilho a 3. (fig) (improve) refinar, polir polish off 1.
(work) dar os arremates a 2. (food) raspar VT
polished [plt]
ADJ (fig) (person) culto (manners) refinado
polite [plat]
ADJ 1. educado 2. (formal) corts 3. (company, society) refinado its not polite to
do that, falta de educao fazer isso
politely [platl]
ADV educadamente
politeness [platns]
N gentileza, cortesia
politic [pltk]
ADJ prudente
political [pltkl]
ADJ poltico
political asylum
N asilo poltico to seek political asylum, pedir asilo poltico
politically [pltkl]
ADV politicamente
politician [pltn]
N poltico
politics [pltks]
N NPL poltica
polka [plk]
N polca
polka dot
N bolinha
poll [pul]
N 1. (votes) votao F 2. opinion poll, pesquisa, sondagem F VT (votes) receber, obter
to go to the polls (voters) ir s urnas (government) convocar eleies
pollen [pln]
N plen M
pollen count
N contagem F de plen
pollination [plnen]
N polinizao F
polling [pul]
N 1. (BRIT POL) votao F 2. (TEL) apurao F
polling booth (BRIT)
N cabine F de votar
polling day (BRIT)
N dia M de eleio
polling station (BRIT)
N centro eleitoral
pollute [plut]
VT poluir
pollution [plun]
N poluio F
polo [pulu]
N (sport) plo
polo neck
N gola rul ADJ polo-neck, de gola rul
polo-necked [-nkt]
ADJ de gola rul
poltergeist [pltast]
N esprito pertubador (espcie de fantasma)
poly [pl] (BRIT)
N ABBR polytechnic
polyester [plst*]
N polister M
polyethylene [pllin] (US)
N polietileno
polygamy [plm]
N poligamia
Polynesia [plniz]
N Polinsia
Polynesian [plnizn]
ADJ N polinsio* (polinsia)
polyp [plp]
N (MED) plipo
polystyrene [plstarin]
N isopor M
polytechnic [pltknk]
N politcnico, escola politcnica
polythene [plin]
N politeno
polythene bag
N bolsa de plstico
polyurethane [pljuren]
N poliuretano
pomegranate [pmrnt]
N rom F
pommel [pml]
N 1. boto M 2. (saddle) maaneta VT pummel
pomp [pmp]
N pompa, fausto
pompom [pmpm]
N pompom M
pompon [pmpn]
N pompom
pompous [pmps] (pej)
ADJ pomposo
pond [pnd]
N 1. (natural) lago pequeno 2. (artificial) tanque M
ponder [pnd*]
VT VI ponderar, meditar (sobre)
ponderous [pndrs]
ADJ pesado
pong [p] (BRIT inf)
N fedor M, fartum M (inf) catinga (inf) VI feder
pontiff [pntf]
N pontfice M
pontificate [pntfket]
VI (fig) to pontificate (about) pontificar (sobre)
pontoon [pntun]
N 1. ponto M 2. (BRIT: card game) vinte-e-um M
pony [pun]
N pnei M
ponytail [puntel]
N rabo-de-cavalo
pony trekking [-trk] (BRIT)
N excurso F em pnei
poodle [pudl]
N co-dgua M
pooh-pooh [pupu]
VT desprezar
pool [pul]
N 1. (puddle) poa, charco 2. (pond) lago 3. swimming pool, piscina 4. (fig) (of light)
feixe M (of liquid) poa 5. (SPORT) sinuca 6. (sth shared) fundo comum 7. (money
at cards) bolo 8. (COMM) (consortium) consrcio, pool M 9. (US: monopoly trust)
truste M VT juntar (football) pools (football pools) loteria esportiva (BR) totobola
(PT) NPL typing BRIT or secretary US pool (BRIT) (US) seo F de datilografia
poor [pu*]
ADJ 1. pobre 2. (bad) inferior, mau NPL the poor, os pobres poor in (resources etc)
deficiente em
poorly [pul]
ADJ adoentado, indisposto ADV mal
pop [pp]
N 1. (sound) estalo, estouro 2. (MUS) pop M 3. (US inf: father) papai M 4. (inf: fizzy
drink) bebida gasosa VT to pop sth into/onto etc (put) pr em/sobre etc VI 1.
estourar 2. (cork) saltar she popped her head out of the window, ela meteu a
cabea fora da janela pop in dar um pulo VI pop out dar uma sada VI pop up
surgir, aparecer inesperadamente VI
pop concert
N concerto pop
popcorn [ppkn]
N pipoca
pope [pup]
N papa M
poplar [ppl*]
N lamo, choupo
poplin [ppln]
N popeline F
popper [pp*] (BRIT)
N presilha
poppy [pp]
N papoula
poppycock [ppkk] (inf)
N conversa fiada, papo furado
popsicle [ppskl] (US)
N picol M
pop star
N pop star M, F
populace [ppjuls]
N povo
popular [ppjul*]
ADJ 1. popular 2. (person) querido 3. (fashionable) badalado to be popular (with)
(person) fazer sucesso (com) (decision) ser aplaudido (por)
popularity [ppjulrt]
N popularidade F
popularize [ppjulraz]
VT 1. popularizar 2. (science) vulgarizar
populate [ppjulet]
VT povoar
population [ppjulen]
N populao F
population explosion
N exploso F demogrfica
populous [ppjuls]
ADJ populoso
porcelain [psln]
N porcelana
porch [pt]
N 1. prtico 2. (US: verandah) varanda
porcupine [pkjupan]
N porco-espinho
pore [p*]
N poro VI to pore over, examinar minuciosamente
pork [pk]
N carne F de porco
pork chop
N costeleta de porco
pornographic [pnrfk]
ADJ pornogrfico
pornography [pnrf]
N pornografia
porous [prs]
ADJ poroso
porpoise [pps]
N golfinho, boto
porridge [prd]
N mingau M (de aveia)
port [pt]
N 1. (harbour) porto 2. (NAUT) (left side) bombordo 3. (wine) vinho do Porto 4.
(COMPUT) porta, port M CPD porturio to port (NAUT) a bombordo
port of call, porto de escala
portable [ptbl]
ADJ porttil
portal [ptl]
N portal M
portcullis [ptkls]
N grade F levadia
portend [ptnd]
VT pressagiar
portent [ptnt]
N pressgio, portento
porter [pt*]
N 1. (for luggage) carregador M 2. (doorkeeper) porteiro
portfolio [ptfulu]
N 1. (case) pasta 2. (POL) pasta ministerial 3. (FINANCE) carteira de aes ou ttulos
4. (of artist) pasta, portfoli
porthole [pthul]
N vigia
portico [ptku]
N prtico
portion [pn]
N 1. poro F, quinho M 2. (of food) rao F
portly [ptl]
ADJ corpulento
portrait [ptret]
N retrato
portray [ptre]
VT 1. retratar 2. (act) interpretar 3. (in writing) descrever
portrayal [ptrel]
N 1. retrato 2. (actor's) interpretao F 3. (in book, film) representao F
Portugal [ptjul]
N Portugal M (no article)
Portuguese [ptjuiz]
ADJ portugus* (portuguesa) N INV 1. portugus* M (F portuguesa) 2. (LING)
portugus M
Portuguese man-of-war
N (jellyfish) urtiga-do-mar F, caravela
pose [puz]
N 1. postura, pose F 2. (pej) pose, afetao F VI 1. posar 2. (pretend) to pose as,
fazer-se passar por VT 1. (question) fazer 2. (problem) causar to strike a pose,
fazer pose
to pose for (painting) posar para
poser [puz*]
N 1. problema M, abacaxi M (BR inf) 2. (person) poseur
poseur [puz*] (pej)
N posudo* (posuda) pessoa afetada
posh [p] (inf)
ADJ 1. fino, chique 2. (upper-class) de classe alta to talk posh, falar com sotaque
position [pzn]
N 1. posio F 2. (job) cargo 3. (situation) situao F VT colocar, situar to be in a
position to do sth, estar em posio de fazer algo
positive [pztv]
ADJ 1. positivo 2. (certain) certo 3. (definite) definitivo Im positive, tenho certeza
posse [ps] (US)
N peloto M de civis armados
possess [pzs]
VT possuir like one possessed, como um possudo do demnio
whatever can have possessed you? o que que te deu?
possession [pzn]
N 1. posse F, possesso F 2. (object) bem M, posse possessions (belongings)
pertences MPL NPL to take possession of sth, tomar posse de algo
possessive [pzsv]
ADJ possessivo
possessively [pzsvl]
ADV possessivamente
possessor [pzs*]
N possuidor* M (F possuidora)
possibility [psblt]
N 1. possibilidade F 2. (of sth happening) probabilidade F
possible [psbl]
ADJ possvel it is possible to do it, possvel faz-lo
as far as possible, tanto quanto possvel, na medida do possvel
if possible, se for possvel
as big as possible, o maior possvel
possibly [psbl]
ADV (perhaps) pode ser, talvez if you possibly can, se lhe for possvel
could you possibly come over? ser qu voc podia vir para ca?
I cannot possibly come, estou impossibilitado de vir
post [pust]
N 1. (BRIT: mail) correio 2. (job, situation) cargo, posto 3. (pole) poste M 4. (MIL)
nomeao F 5. (trading post) entreposto comercial VT 1. (BRIT: send by post) pr
no correio (MIL) nomear 2. (bills) afixar, pregar 3. (BRIT: appoint) to post to,
destinar a by post BRIT (BRIT) pelo correio
by return of post BRIT (BRIT) na volta do correio
to keep sb posted, manter algum informado
post- [pust]
PREFIX ps... post-1990 depois de 1990
postage [pustd]
N porte M, franquia postage paid, porte pago
postage prepaid US (US) franquia de porte
postage stamp
N selo postal
postal [pustl]
ADJ postal
postal order
N vale M postal
postbag [pustb] (BRIT)
N 1. mala de correio 2. (postman's) sacola
postbox [pustbks] (BRIT)
N caixa de correio
postcard [pustkd]
N carto M postal
postcode [pustkud] (BRIT)
N cdigo postal, CEP M (BR)
postdate [pustdet]
VT (cheque) ps-datar
poster [pust*]
N 1. cartaz M 2. (as decoration) pster M
poste restante [pustrstnt] (BRIT)
N posta-restante F
posterior [pstr*] (inf)
N traseiro, ndegas FPL
posterity [pstrt]
N posteridade F
poster paint
N guache M
post exchange (US)
N (MIL) loja do exrcito
post-free (BRIT)
ADJ franco de porte
postgraduate [pustrdjut]
N ps-graduado* (ps-graduada)
posthumous [pstjums]
ADJ pstumo
posthumously [pstjumsl]
ADV postumamente
posting [pust] (BRIT)
N nomeao F
postman [pustmn]
N IRREG carteiro
postmark [pustmk]
N carimbo do correio
postmaster [pustmst*]
N agente M BR or chefe M PT do correio
Postmaster General
N Superintendente M Geral dos Correios
postmen [pustmn]
NPL (of postman)
postmistress [pustmstrs]
N agente F BR or chefe F PT do correio
postmortem [pustmtm]
N autpsia
postnatal [pustnetl]
ADJ ps-natal
post office
N 1. (building) agncia do correio, correio 2. (organization) Empresa Nacional dos
Correios e Telgrafos (BR) Correios, Telgrafos e Telefones (PT)
post office box
N caixa postal
post-paid (BRIT)
ADJ porte pago
postpone [pspun]
VT adiar
postponement [pspunmnt]
N adiamento
postscript [pustskrpt]
N ps-escrito
postulate [pstjulet]
VT postular
posture [pst*]
N 1. postura 2. (fig) atitude F VI posar
postwar [pustw*]
ADJ de aps-guerra
posy [puz]
N ramalhete M
pot [pt]
N 1. (for cooking) panela 2. (for flowers) vaso 3. (container, teapot, coffee pot) pote M
4. (inf: marijuana) maconha VT 1. (plant) plantar em vaso 2. (conserve) pr em
conserva to go to pot (inf: country, economy) arruinar-se, degringolar
the town has gone to pot, a cidade mixou
pots of ... (BRIT inf) ... aos potes
potash [pt]
N potassa
potassium [ptsm]
N potssio
potato [ptetu] (PL potatoes )
N batata
potato crisps , potato chips (US)
NPL batatinhas FPL fritas
potato flour
N fcula (de batata)
potato peeler
N descascador M de batatas
potbellied [ptbld]
ADJ barrigudo
potency [putns]
N 1. potncia 2. (of drink) teor M alcolico
potent [putnt]
ADJ 1. weapon, argument, poderoso 2. (drink) forte 3. (man) potente
potentate [putntet]
N potentado
potential [ptnl]
ADJ potencial N potencial M to have potential, ser promissor
potentially [ptnl]
ADV potencialmente
pothole [pthul]
N 1. (in road) buraco 2. (BRIT: underground) caldeiro M, cova
potholer [pthul*] (BRIT)
N espeleologista M, F
potholing [pthul] (BRIT)
N to go potholing, dedicar-se espeleologia
potion [pun]
N poo F
potluck [ptlk]
N to take potluck, contentar-se com o que houver
potpourri [pupuri]
N potpourri M (de ptalas e folhas secas para perfumar o ambiente)
pot roast
N carne F assada
potshot [ptt]
N to take a potshot at sth, atirar em algo a esmo
potted [ptd]
ADJ 1. (food) em conserva 2. (plant) de vaso 3. (fig) (shortened) resumido
potter [pt*]
N 1. (artistic) ceramista M, F 2. (artisan) oleiro* (oleira) VI (BRIT) to potter around
potter about, ocupar-se com pequenos trabalhos potters wheel, roda or torno
de oleiro
pottery [ptr]
N 1. cermica 2. (factory) olaria a piece of pottery, uma cermica
potty [pt]
ADJ (inf: mad) maluco, doido N penico
N treino (da criana) para o uso do urinol
pouch [paut]
N 1. (ZOOL) bolsa 2. (for tobacco) tabaqueira
pouf , pouffe [puf]
N pufe M
poultice [pultis]
N cataplasma
poultry [pultr]
N 1. aves FPL domsticas 2. (meat) carne F de aves domsticas
poultry farm
N granja avcola
poultry farmer
N avicultor* M (F avicultora)
pounce [pauns]
VI to pounce on, lanar-se sobre (person) agarrar em (fig) (mistake etc) apontar N
salto, arremetida
pound [paund]
N 1. libra (weight = 453g, 16 ounces; money = 100 pence) 2. (for dogs) canil M 3. (for
cars) depsito VT 1. (beat) socar, esmurrar 2. (crush) triturar VI (heart) bater half a
pound (of) meia libra (de)
a five-pound note, uma nota de cinco libras
pounding [paund]
N to take a pounding (fig) levar uma surra
pound sterling
N libra esterlina
pour [p*]
VT 1. despejar 2. (tea) servir VI 1. correr, jorrar 2. (rain) chover a cntaros to pour
sb a drink, servir uma bebida a algum pour away esvaziar, decantar VT pour
in 1. (people) entrar numa enxurrada 2. (information) chegar numa enxurrada VI
pour off esvaziar, decantar VT pour out 1. (people) sair aos borbotes 2. (drink)
servir 3. (water etc) esvaziar 4. (fig) extravasar VI
pouring [pr]
ADJ pouring rain, chuva tor rencial
pout [paut]
VI fazer beicinho or biquinho
poverty [pvt]
N pobreza, misria
ADJ muito pobre, carente
poverty trap (BRIT)
N armadilha da pobreza
N ABBR prisoner of war
powder [paud*]
N 1. p M 2. (face powder) p-de-arroz M 3. (gunpowder) plvora VT 1. pulverizar 2.
(face) empoar, passar p em to powder ones nose, empoar-se (euphemism) ir
ao banheiro
powder compact
N estojo (de p-de-arroz)
powdered milk [paudd-]
N leite M em p
powder puff
N esponja de p-de-arroz
powder room
N toucador M, banheiro de senhoras
powdery [paudr]
ADJ poeirento
power [pau*]
N 1. poder M 2. (of explosion, engine) fora, potncia 3. (nation) potncia 4. (ability,
POL) (of party, leader) poder, poderio 5. (of speech, thought) faculdade F 6. (MATH
TECH) potncia 7. (electricity, strength) fora VT 1. (ELEC) alimentar 2. (engine,
machine) acionar 3. (car, plane) propulsionar to do all in ones power to help
sb, fazer tudo que tiver ao seu alcance para ajudar algum
the world powers, as grandes potncias
to be in power, estar no poder
power of attorney, procurao F
powerboat [paubut] (BRIT)
N barco a motor
power cut (BRIT)
N corte M de energia, blecaute M (BR)
ADJ 1. movido a motor 2. (ELEC) eltrico
powered [paud]
ADJ powered by, movido a nuclear-powered submarine, submarino nuclear
power failure
N corte M de energia
powerful [pauful]
ADJ 1. poderoso 2. (engine) potente 3. (body) vigoroso 4. (blow) violento 5.
(argument) convincente 6. (emotion) intenso
powerhouse [pauhaus]
N (fig) (person) poo de energia a powerhouse of ideas, um poo de idias
powerless [pauls]
ADJ impotente
power line
N fio de alta tenso
power point (BRIT)
N tomada
power station
N central F eltrica
power steering
N direo F hidrulica
powwow [pauwau]
N reunio F
pox [pks] (inf)
N sfilis F chickenpox, smallpox
p&p (BRIT)
ABBR postage and packing, porte e embalagem
ABBR per procurationem, p.p. pages
N ABBR (SCH) philosophy, politics and economics
N ABBR 1. post postscriptum, PPS 2. (BRIT) parliamentary private secretary,
parlamentrio no servio de um ministro
ABBR Province of Quebec
N ABBR proportional representation, public relations ABBR (US POST) Puerto Rico
ABBR prince, Princ
practicability [prktkblt]
N viabilidade F
practicable [prktkbl]
ADJ (scheme) vivel
practical [prktkl]
ADJ prtico
practicality [prktklt]
N 1. (of plan) viabilidade F 2. (of person) ndole F prtica practicalities (of situation)
aspectos MPL prticos NPL
practical joke
N brincadeira, pea
practically [prktkl]
ADV (almost) praticamente
practice [prkts]
N 1. (habit, REL) costume M, hbito 2. (exercise) prtica 3. (of profession) exerccio 4.
(training) treinamento 5. (MED) consultrio 6. (LAW) escritrio VT VI (US) practise
in practice (in reality) na prtica
out of practice, destreinado
its common practice, comum
to put sth into practice, pr algo em prtica
to set up in practice, abrir consultrio
practice match
N jogo de treinamento
practise [prkts] practice (US)
VT 1. praticar 2. (profession) exercer 3. (sport) treinar VI 1. (doctor) ter consultrio 2.
(lawyer) ter escritrio 3. (train) treinar, praticar
practised [prktst] (BRIT)
ADJ 1. (person) experiente, experimentado 2. (performance) competente 3. (liar)
contumaz with a practised eye, com olhar de entendedor
practising [prkts]
ADJ 1. (Christian etc) praticante 2. (lawyer) que exerce 3. (homosexual) assumido
practitioner [prktn*]
N 1. praticante M, F 2. (MED) mdico* (mdica)
pragmatic [prmtk]
ADJ pragmtico
Prague [pr]
N Praga
prairie [prr]
N campina, pradaria
praise [prez]
N 1. (approval) louvor M 2. (admiration) elogio VT elogiar, louvar
praiseworthy [prezw]
ADJ louvvel, digno de elogio
pram [prm] (BRIT)
N carrinho de beb
prance [prns]
VI to prance about/up and down etc (horse) curvetear, fazer cabriolas (person)
andar espalhafatosamente
prank [prk]
N travessura, pea
prattle [prtl]
VI 1. tagarelar 2. (child) balbuciar
prawn [prn]
N 1. pitu M 2. (small) camaro M
pray [pre]
VI to pray for/that, rezar por/para que
prayer [pr*]
N 1. (activity) reza 2. (words) orao F, prece F 3. (entreaty) splica, rogo
prayer book
N missal M, livro de oraes
pre- [pri]
PREFIX pr- pre-1970 antes de 1970
preach [prit]
VT pregar VI 1. pregar 2. (pej: moralize) catequizar to preach at sb, fazer sermes a
preacher [prit*]
N 1. pregador* M (F pregadora) 2. (US: clergyman) pastor M
preamble [prmbl]
N prembulo
prearranged [prirendd]
ADJ combinado de antemo
precarious [prkrs]
ADJ precrio
precaution [prkn]
N precauo F
precautionary [prknr]
ADJ (measure) de precauo
precede [prsid]
VT VI preceder
precedence [prsdns]
N 1. precedncia 2. (priority) prioridade F
precedent [prsdnt]
N precedente M to establish or set a precedent, estabelecer or abrir precedente
preceding [prsid]
ADJ anterior
precept [prispt]
N preceito
precinct [priskt]
N 1. (round church) recinto 2. (US: district) distrito policial precincts (of large
building) arredores MPL NPL pedestrian precinct BRIT (BRIT) zona para
pedestres BR or pees PT
shopping precinct BRIT (BRIT) zona comercial
precious [prs]
ADJ 1. precioso 2. (stylized) afetado ADV (inf) precious little, muito pouco,
pouqussimo your precious dog (ironic) seu adorado cozinho
precipice [prsps]
N precipcio
ADJ [prsptt] (hasty) precipitado, apressado VT [prsptet] 1. (hasten) precipitar,
acelerar 2. (bring about) causar
precipitation [prspten]
N precipitao F
precipitous [prspts]
ADJ (steep) ngreme, escarpado
prcis [presi]
N INV resumo, sumrio
precise [prsas]
ADJ 1. exato, preciso 2. (plans) detalhado 3. (person) escrupuloso, meticuloso
precisely [prsasl]
ADV 1. precisamente 2. (exactly) exatamente
precision [prsn]
N preciso F
preclude [prklud]
VT excluir to preclude sb from doing, impedir que algum faa
precocious [prkus]
ADJ precoce
preconceived [priknsivd]
ADJ (idea) preconcebido
preconception [priknspn]
N preconceito
precondition [prikndn]
N condio F prvia
precursor [priks*]
N precursor* M (F precursora)
predate [pridet]
VT (precede) preceder
predator [prdt*]
N predador M
predatory [prdtr]
ADJ predatrio, rapace
predecessor [pridss*]
N predecessor* M (F predecessora) antepassado* (antepassada)
predestination [pridstnen]
N predestinao F, destino
predetermine [pridtmn]
VT predeterminar, predispor
predicament [prdkmnt]
N situao F difcil, apuro
predicate [prdkt]
N (LING) predicado
predict [prdkt]
VT prever, predizer, prognosticar
predictable [prdktbl]
ADJ previsvel
predictably [prdktbl]
ADV (behave, react) de maneira previsvel predictably she didnt come, como era
de se esperar, ela no veio
prediction [prdkn]
N previso F, prognstico
predispose [pridspuz]
VT predispor
predominance [prdmnns]
N predominncia, preponderncia
predominant [prdmnnt]
ADJ predominante, preponderante
predominantly [prdmnntl]
ADV 1. predominantemente 2. (for the most part) na maioria 3. (above all) sobretudo
predominate [prdmnet]
VI predominar
ADJ preeminente
pre-empt [-mt] (BRIT)
VT 1. (obtain) adquirir por preempo or de antemo 2. (fig) to pre-empt sb/sth,
antecipar-se a algum/antecipar algo
pre-emptive [-mtv]
ADJ pre-emptive strike, ataque M preventivo
preen [prin]
VT to preen itself (bird) limpar e alisar as penas (com o bico) to preen o.s. enfeitar-
se, envaidecer-se
prefab [prifb]
N casa pr-fabricada
prefabricated [prifbrketd]
ADJ pr-fabricado
preface [prfs]
N prefcio
prefect [prifkt]
N 1. (BRIT SCH) monitor* M (F monitora) tutor* M (F tutora) 2. (in Brazil) prefeito*
prefer [prf*]
VT 1. preferir 2. (LAW) to prefer charges, intentar uma ao judicial to prefer
coffee to tea, preferir caf a ch
preferable [prfrbl]
ADJ prefervel
preferably [prfrbl]
ADV de preferncia
preference [prfrns]
N preferncia in preference to sth, de preferncia a algo
preference shares (BRIT)
NPL aes FPL preferenciais
preferential [prfrnl]
ADJ preferencial preferential treatment, preferncia
preferred stock [prfd-] (US)
NPL aes FPL preferenciais
prefix [prifks]
N prefixo
pregnancy [prnns]
N 1. gravidez F 2. (animal) prenhez F
pregnant [prnnt]
ADJ 1. grvida 2. (animal) prenha 3 months pregnant, grvida de 3 meses
pregnant with, rico de, cheio de
prehistoric [prihstrk]
ADJ pr-histrico
prehistory [prihstr]
N pr-histria
prejudge [pridd]
VT fazer um juzo antecipado de, prejulgar
prejudice [prduds]
N 1. (bias) preconceito 2. (harm) prejuzo VT 1. (predispose) predispor 2. (harm)
prejudicar to prejudice sb in favour of/against, predispor algum a favor
prejudiced [prdudst]
ADJ 1. (person) cheio de preconceitos 2. (view) parcial, preconcebido to be
prejudiced against sb/sth, estar com preveno contra algum/algo
prelate [prlt]
N prelado
preliminaries [prlmnrz]
NPL preliminares FPL
preliminary [prlmnr]
ADJ preliminar, prvio
prelude [prljud]
N preldio
premarital [primrtl]
ADJ pr-nupcial
premature [prmtu*]
ADJ prematuro to be premature (in doing sth) precipitar-se (em fazer algo)
premeditated [primdtetd]
ADJ premeditado
premeditation [primdten]
N premeditao F
premenstrual [primnstrul]
ADJ pr-menstrual
premenstrual tension
N tenso F pr-menstrual
premier [prm*]
ADJ primeiro, principal N (POL) primeiro-ministro/primeira-ministra
premire [prm*]
N estria
premise [prms]
N premissa premises 1. (of business, institution) local M 2. (house) casa 3. (shop)
loja NPL on the premises, no local
business premises, local utilizado para fins comerciais
premium [primm]
N prmio to be at a premium, ser caro
to sell at a premium (shares) vender acima do par
premium bond (BRIT)
N obrigao qu d direito a prmio mediante sorteio
premium deal
N (COMM) oferta especial
premium gasoline (US)
N gasolina azul or super
premonition [prmnn]
N pressgio, pressentimento
preoccupation [prikjupen]
N preocupao F
preoccupied [prikjupad]
ADJ 1. (worried) preocupado, apreensivo 2. (absorbed) absorto
prep [prp]
ADJ ABBR prep school, preparatory school N (SCH) study, deveres MPL
prepackaged [pripkdd]
ADJ embalado para venda ao consumidor
prepaid [priped]
ADJ com porte pago
preparation [prpren]
N preparao F preparations (arrangements) preparativos MPL NPL in preparation
for, em preparao para
preparatory [prprtr]
ADJ preparatrio preparatory to, antes de
preparatory school
N escola particular para crianas at 11 ou 13 anod de idade
prepare [prp*]
VT preparar VI to prepare for, preparar-se or aprontar-se para (make preparations)
fazer preparativos para prepared to, disposto a
prepared for, pronto para
preponderance [prpndrns]
N predomnio
preposition [prpzn]
N preposio F
prepossessing [pripzs]
ADJ atraente
preposterous [prpstrs]
ADJ absurdo, disparatado
prep school
N preparatory school
prerecorded [prirkdd]
ADJ pr-gravado
prerequisite [prirkwzt]
N pr-requisito, condio F prvia
prerogative [prrtv]
N prerrogativa
presbyterian [przbtrn]
ADJ N presbiteriano* (presbiteriana)
presbytery [przbtr]
N presbitrio
preschool [priskul]
ADJ 1. (education, age) pr-escolar 2. (child) de idade pr-escolar
prescribe [prskrab]
VT 1. prescrever 2. (MED) receitar prescribed books (BRIT SCH) livros MPL
prescription [prskrpn]
N 1. prescrio F, ordem F 2. (MED) receita to make up BRIT or fill US a
prescription (BRIT) (US) aviar uma receita
``only available on prescription ``venda exclusivamente mediante receita
prescription charges (BRIT)
NPL participao F no preo das receitas mdicas
prescriptive [prskrptv]
ADJ prescritivo
presence [przns]
N 1. presena 2. (spirit) espectro
presence of mind
N presena de esprito
ADJ [prznt] 1. (in attendance) presente 2. (current) atual N [prznt] 1. (gift) presente
M 2. (actuality) the present, o presente VT [prznt] (give) to present sth to sb to
present sb with sth (as gift) presentear algum com algo (as prize) entregar algo
a algum (expound) expor (information, programme, person, difficulty, threat)
apresentar (describe) descrever (THEATRE) representar at present, no
momento, agora
for the present, por enquanto
to be present at, estar presente a, presenciar
to give sb a present, presentear algum
presentable [przntbl]
ADJ apresentvel
presentation [prznten]
N 1. apresentao F 2. (gift) presente M 3. (ceremony) entrega 4. (of plan etc)
exposio F 5. (THEATRE) representao F on presentation of, mediante
apresentao de
ADJ atual, de hoje
presenter [prznt*]
N (RADIO TV) apresentador* M (F apresentadora)
presently [przntl]
ADV 1. (soon after) logo aps 2. (soon) logo, em breve 3. (now) atualmente
preservation [przven]
N conservao F, preservao F
preservative [przvtv]
N preservativo
preserve [przv]
VT 1. (situation) conservar, manter 2. (building, manuscript) preservar 3. (food) pr em
conserva 4. (in salt) conservar em sal, salgar N 1. (for game) reserva de caa,
coutada 2. (often pl) (jam) gelia (fruit) compota, conserva
preshrunk [prirk]
ADJ pr-encolhido
preside [przad]
VI to preside (over) presidir
presidency [przdns]
N presidncia
president [przdnt]
N presidente* M (F presidenta)
presidential [przdnl]
ADJ presidencial
press [prs]
N 1. (tool, machine) prensa 2. (printer's) imprensa, prelo 3. (newspapers) imprensa 4.
(of switch) presso F 5. (crowd) turba, apinhamento 6. (of hand) aperto M VT 1.
apertar 2. (squeeze) (fruit etc) espremer 3. (clothes) (iron) passar 4. (put pressure
on) (person) assediar 5. (TECH) prensar 6. (harry) assediar 7. (insist) to press sth
on sb, insistir para que algum aceite algo 8. (urge) to press sb to do or into
doing sth, impelir or pressionar algum a fazer algo VI 1. (squeeze) apertar 2.
(pressurize) to press for, pressionar por we are pressed for time/money,
estamos com pouco tempo/dinheiro
to press for sth, pressionar por algo
to press sb for an answer, pressionar algum por uma resposta
to press charges against sb (LAW) intentar ao judicial contra algum
to go to press (newspaper) ir para o prelo
to be in the press, estar no prelo
to appear in the press, sair no jornal press on continuar VI
press agency
N agncia de informaes
press clipping
N recorte M de jornal
press conference
N entrevista coletiva (para a imprensa)
press cutting
N recorte M de jornal
N peloto de recrutamento da marinha VT to be press-ganged into doing, ser
impelido a fazer
pressing [prs]
ADJ urgente N ao F (or servio M ) de passar roupa etc
pressman [prsmn]
N IRREG jornalista M
press release
N release M or comunicado imprensa
press stud (BRIT)
N boto M de presso
press-up (BRIT)
N flexo F
pressure [pr*]
N presso F VT to put pressure on to put pressure on sb (to do sth) pressionar
algum (a fazer algo)
pressure cooker
N panela de presso
pressure gauge
N manmetro
pressure group
N grupo de presso
pressurize [prraz]
VT 1. pressurizar 2. (BRIT fig) to pressurize sb (into doing sth) pressionar algum
(a fazer algo)
pressurized [prrazd]
ADJ pressurizado
Prestel [prstl]
N servio de videotexto
prestige [prsti]
N prestgio
prestigious [prstds]
ADJ prestigioso
presumably [przjumbl]
ADV presumivelmente, provavelmente presumably he did it, de se presumir que
ele o fez
presume [przjum]
VT to presume (that) supor (que) to presume to do (dare) ousar fazer, atrever-se
a fazer (set out to) pretender fazer
presumption [przmpn]
N 1. suposio F 2. (pretension) presuno F 3. (boldness) atrevimento, audcia
presumptuous [przmps]
ADJ presunoso
presuppose [prispuz]
VT pressupor
ADJ antes de impostos
pretence [prtns] pretense (US)
N 1. (claim) pretenso F 2. (display) ostentao F 3. (pretext) pretexto 4. (make-
believe) fingimento under false pretences, sob o pretexto de
on the pretence of, sob o mscara de
to make a pretence of doing, fingir fazer
pretense [prtns] (US)
N pretence
pretend [prtnd]
VT fingir VI 1. (feign) fingir 2. (claim) to pretend to sth, aspirar a or pretender a algo
to pretend to do, fingir fazer
pretension [prtnn]
N 1. (presumption) presuno F 2. (claim) pretenso F to have no pretensions to
sth/to being sth, no ter pretenso a algo/a ser algo
pretentious [prtns]
ADJ pretensioso, presunoso
preterite [prtrt]
N pretrito
pretext [pritkst]
N pretexto on or under the pretext of doing sth, sob o or a pretexto de fazer algo
pretty [prt]
ADJ bonito ADV (quite) bastante
prevail [prvel]
VI 1. (gain acceptance) triunfar 2. (be current) imperar 3. (be usual) prevalecer,
vigorar 4. (persuade) to prevail (up)on sb to do sth, persuadir algum a fazer
prevailing [prvel]
ADJ 1. (wind) dominante 2. (fashion, attitude) predominante 3. (usual) corrente
prevalent [prvlnt]
ADJ 1. (common) predominante 2. (usual) corrente 3. (fashionable) da moda
prevarication [prvrken]
N embromao F
prevent [prvnt]
VT to prevent sb from doing sth, impedir algum de fazer algo to prevent sth
from happening, impedir que algo acontea
preventable [prvntbl]
ADJ evitvel
preventative [prvnttv]
ADJ preventive
prevention [prvnn]
N preveno F
preventive [prvntv]
ADJ preventivo
preview [privju]
N 1. (of film etc) pr-estria 2. (fig) antecipao F
previous [privs]
ADJ 1. (experience, notice) prvio 2. (earlier) anterior I have a previous
engagement, j tenho compromisso
previous to doing, antes de fazer
previously [privsl]
ADV 1. (before) previamente 2. (in the past) anteriormente
prewar [priw*]
ADJ anterior guerra
prey [pre]
N presa VI to prey on, viver s custas de (feed on) alimentar-se de (plunder) saquear,
pilhar it was preying on his mind, preocupava-o, atormentava-o
price [pras]
N 1. preo 2. (of shares) cotao F VT fixar o preo de what is the price of ...? qual
o preo de ...? quanto ...?
to go up or rise in price, subir de preo
to put a price on sth, determinar o preo de algo
to be priced out of the market (article) no ser competitivo (producer, country)
perder freguesia por causa de preos muito altos
what price his promises now? que valem suas promessas agora?
he regained his freedom, but at a price, ele recobrou a liberdade, mas pagou
at any price, por qualquer preo
price control
N controle M de preos
N corte M de preos
priceless [prasls]
ADJ 1. inestimvel 2. (inf: amusing) impagvel
price list
N lista or tabela de preos
price range
N gama de preos its within my price range, est dentro do meu preo
price tag
N etiqueta de preo
price war
N guerra de preos
pricey [pras] (inf)
ADJ salgado
prick [prk]
N 1. picada 2. (with pin) alfinetada 3. (inf!: penis) pau M (!) 4. (inf!: person) filho-da-
puta M (!) VT 1. picar 2. (make holes in) furar to prick up ones ears, aguar os
prickle [prkl]
N 1. (sensation) comicho F, ardncia 2. (BOT) espinho
prickly [prkl]
ADJ 1. espinhoso 2. (fig) (person) irritadio
prickly heat
N brotoeja
prickly pear
N opncia
pride [prad]
N 1. orgulho 2. (pej) soberba VT to pride o.s. on, orgulhar-se de to take (a) pride
in, orgulhar-se de, sentir orgulho em
to have pride of place BRIT (BRIT) ocupar o lugar de destaque, ter destaque
her pride and joy, seu tesouro
priest [prist]
N 1. (Christian) padre M 2. (non-Christian) sacerdote M
priestess [prists]
N sacerdotisa
priesthood [pristhud]
N 1. (practice) sacerdcio 2. (priests) clero
prig [pr]
N esnobe M, F
prim [prm] (pej)
ADJ 1. (formal) empertigado 2. (affected) afetado 3. (easily shocked) pudico
prima facie [pramfe]
ADJ to have a prima facie case (LAW) ter uma causa convincente
primarily [pramrl]
ADV 1. (above all) principalmente 2. (firstly) em primeiro lugar
primary [pramr]
ADJ 1. primrio 2. (first in importance) principal N (US: election) eleio F primria
primary colour
N cor F primria
primary products
NPL produtos MPL bsicos
primary school (BRIT)
N escola primria
N (REL) primaz M
N (ZOOL) primata M
prime [pram]
ADJ 1. primeiro, principal 2. (basic) fundamental, primrio 3. (excellent) de primeira VT
1. (wood) imprimar 2. (gun, pump) escorvar 3. (fig) aprontar, preparar N in the
prime of life, na primavera da vida prime example, exemplo tpico
prime minister
N primeiro-ministro/primeira-ministra
primer [pram*]
N 1. (book) livro de leitura 2. (paint) pintura de base 3. (of gun) escorva
prime time
N (RADIO TV) horrio nobre
primeval [pramivl]
ADJ primitivo
primitive [prmtv]
ADJ 1. primitivo 2. (crude) rudimentar 3. (uncivilized) grosseiro, inculto
primrose [prmruz]
N prmula, primavera
Primus [prams] primus stove (BRIT)
N fogo M porttil movido parafina
prince [prns]
N prncipe M
princess [prnss]
N princesa
principal [prnspl]
ADJ principal N 1. (of school, college) diretor* M (F diretora) 2. (in play) papel M
principal 3. (money) principal M
principality [prnsplt]
N principado
principally [prnspl]
ADV principalmente
principle [prnspl]
N princpio in principle, em princpio
on principle, por princpio
print [prnt]
N 1. (impression) impresso F, marca 2. (letters) letra de forma 3. (fabric) estampado
4. (ART) estampa, gravura 5. (PHOT) cpia 6. (footprint) pegada 7. (fingerprint)
impresso F digital VT 1. imprimir 2. (write in capitals) escrever em letra de
imprensa out of print, esgotado print out (COMPUT) imprimir VT
printed circuit board [prntd-]
N placa de circuito impresso
printed matter [prntd-]
N impressos MPL
printer [prnt*]
N 1. (person) impressor* M (F impressora) 2. (firm) grfica 3. (machine) impressora
printhead [prnthd]
N cabeote M de impresso
printing [prnt]
N 1. (art) imprensa 2. (act) impresso F 3. (quantity) tiragem F
printing press
N prelo, mquina impressora
printout [prntaut]
N (COMPUT) cpia impressa
print wheel
N margarida
prior [pra*]
ADJ 1. anterior, prvio 2. (more important) prioritrio N (REL) prior M prior to doing,
antes de fazer
without prior notice, sem aviso prvio
to have a prior claim to sth, ter prioridade na reivindicao de algo
priority [prart]
N prioridade F to have priority (over) ter prioridade (sobre)
priory [prar]
N priorado
prise [praz]
VT to prise open, arrombar
prism [przm]
N prisma M
prison [przn]
N priso F CPD carcerrio
prison camp
N campo de prisioneiros
prisoner [przn*]
N 1. (in prison) preso* (presa) presidirio* (presidiria) 2. (under arrest) detido*
(detida) 3. (in dock) acusado* (acusada) ru* M (F r) to take sb prisoner,
aprisionar algum, prender algum
prisoner of war
N prisioneiro de guerra
prissy [prs]
ADJ fresco, cheio de luxo
pristine [prstin]
ADJ imaculado
privacy [prvs]
N 1. (seclusion) isolamento, solido F 2. (intimacy) intimidade F, privacidade F
private [pravt]
ADJ 1. privado 2. (personal) particular 3. (confidential) confidencial, reservado 4.
(lesson, car) particular 5. (personal) (belongings) pessoal (thoughts, plans) secreto,
ntimo 6. (place) isolado 7. (quiet) (person) reservado 8. (intimate) privado, ntimo
9. (sitting etc) a portas fechadas N soldado raso ``private (on envelope)
``confidencial (on door) ``privativo
in private, em particular
in (his) private life, em (sua) vida particular
he is a very private person, ele uma pessoa muito reservada
to be in private practice, ter clnica particular
private enterprise
N iniciativa privada
private eye
N detetive M, F particular
private hearing
N (LAW) audincia em segredo da justia
private limited company (BRIT)
N sociedade F annima fechada
privately [pravtl]
ADV 1. em particular 2. (in oneself) no fundo
private parts
NPL partes FPL (pudendas)
private property
N propriedade F privada
private school
N escola particular
privation [praven]
N privao F
privatize [pravtaz]
VT privatizar
privet [prvt]
N alfena
privilege [prvld]
N privilgio
privileged [prvldd]
ADJ privilegiado
privy [prv]
ADJ to be privy to, estar inteirado de
Privy Council (BRIT)
N Conselho Privado
prize [praz]
N prmio ADJ 1. (bull, novel) premiado 2. (first class) de primeira classe 3. (example)
perfeito VT valorizar
prize fight
N luta de boxe profissional
prize-giving [-v]
N distribuio F dos prmios
prize money
N dinheiro do prmio
prizewinner [prazwn*]
N premiado* (premiada)
prizewinning [prazwn]
ADJ premiado
pro [pru]
N (SPORT) profissional M, F PREP a favor de the pros and cons, os prs e os
N ABBR public relations officer, RP M, F INV
pro- [pru]
PREFIX (in favour of) pr-
probability [prbblt]
N probability of/that, probabilidade F de/de que in all probability, com toda a
probable [prbbl]
ADJ 1. provvel 2. (plausible) verossmil it is probable/hardly probable that ...
provvel/pouco provvel que ...
probably [prbbl]
ADV provavelmente
probate [prubt]
N (LAW) homologao F, legitimao F
probation [prben]
N 1. (in employment) estgio probatrio 2. (LAW) liberdade F condicional 3. (REL)
noviciado on probation (employee) em estgio probatrio (LAW) em liberdade
probationary [prbenr]
ADJ (period) probatrio
probe [prub]
N 1. (MED SPACE) sonda 2. (enquiry) pesquisa VT investigar, esquadrinhar
probity [prubt]
N probidade F
problem [prblm]
N problema M whats the problem? qual o problema?
I had no problem in finding her, no foi difcil encontr-la
no problem! no tem problema!
problematic [prblmtk] problematical, prblmtkl
ADJ problemtico
procedure [prsid*]
N 1. (ADMIN LAW) procedimento 2. (method) mtodo, processo cashing a cheque
is a simple procedure, descontar um cheque uma operao simples
proceed [prsid]
VI 1. (do afterwards) to proceed to do sth, passar a fazer algo 2. (continue) to
proceed (with) continuar or prosseguir (com) 3. (activity, event) (carry on)
continuar 4. (go) ir em direo a, dirigir-se a to proceed to, passar a
to proceed to do, passar a fazer
I am not sure how to proceed, no sei como proceder
to proceed against sb (LAW) processar algum, instaurar processo contra
proceeding [prsid]
N processo proceedings 1. (organized events) evento, acontecimento 2. (LAW)
processo NPL
proceeds [prusidz]
NPL produto, proventos MPL
N [pruss] processo VT [pruss] processar VI [prss] (BRIT: formal) (go in
procession) desfilar in process, em andamento
we are in the process of moving to Rio, estamos de mudana para o Rio
processed cheese [prusst-]
N requeijo M
processing [pruss]
N processamento
procession [prsn]
N desfile M, procisso F funeral procession, cortejo fnebre
proclaim [prklem]
VT 1. proclamar 2. (announce) anunciar
proclamation [prklmen]
N 1. proclamao F 2. (written) promulgao F
proclivity [prklvt]
N inclinao F
procrastinate [prukrstnet]
VI protelar
procrastination [prukrstnen]
N protelao F
procreation [prukren]
N procriao F
procure [prkju*]
VT obter
procurement [prkjumnt]
N 1. obteno F 2. (purchase) compra
prod [prd]
VT 1. (push) empurrar 2. (with elbow) acotovelar 3. (with finger, stick) cutucar 4. (jab)
espetar N 1. empurro M 2. cotovelada 3. espetada
prodigal [prdl]
ADJ prdigo
prodigious [prdds]
ADJ colossal, extraordinrio
prodigy [prdd]
N prodgio
N [prdjus] (AGR) produtos MPL agrcolas VT [prdjus] 1. produzir 2. (profit) render 3.
(cause) provocar 4. (evidence, argument) apresentar, monstrar 5. (show)
apresentar, exibir 6. (THEATRE) pr em cena or em cartaz 7. (offspring) dar luz
producer [prdjus*]
N 1. (THEATRE) diretor* M (F diretora) 2. (AGR CINEMA,: of record) produtor* M (F
produtora) 3. (country) produtor M
product [prdkt]
N produto
production [prdkn]
N 1. produo F 2. (of electricity) gerao F 3. (thing) produto 4. (THEATRE)
encenao F to put into production (goods) passar a fabricar
production agreement (US)
N acordo sobre produtividade
production control
N controle M de produo
production line
N linha de produo or de montagem
production manager
N gerente M, F de produo
productive [prdktv]
ADJ produtivo
productivity [prdktvt]
N produtividade F
productivity agreement (BRIT)
N acordo sobre produtividade
productivity bonus
N prmio de produo
Prof. [prf]
ABBR professor, Prof
profane [prfen]
ADJ 1. profano 2. (language etc) irreverente, sacrlego
profess [prfs]
VT 1. professar 2. (feeling, opinion) manifestar I do not profess to be an expert,
no me tenho na conta de entendido
professed [prfst]
ADJ (self-declared) assumido
profession [prfn]
N 1. profisso F 2. (people) classe F the professions as profisses liberais NPL
professional [prfnl]
N profissional M, F ADJ 1. profissional 2. (work) de profissional hes a professional
man, ele exerce uma profisso liberal
to take professional advice, consultar um perito
professionalism [prfnlzm]
N profissionalismo
professionally [prfnl]
ADV 1. profissionalmente 2. (as a job) de profisso I only know him professionally,
eu s conheo ele pelo trabalho
professor [prfs*]
N 1. (BRIT) catedrtico* (catedrtica) 2. (US CANADA) professor* M (F professora)
professorship [prfsp]
N ctedra
proffer [prf*]
VT 1. (hand) estender 2. (remark) fazer 3. (apologies) apresentar
proficiency [prfns]
N competncia, proficincia
proficient [prfnt]
ADJ competente, proficiente
profile [prufal]
N perfil M to keep a high profile, destacar-se
to keep a low profile, sair de circulao
profit [prft]
N 1. (COMM) lucro 2. (fig) proveito, vantagem F VI to profit by or from (financially)
lucrar com (benefit) aproveitar-se de, tirar proveito de profit and loss account,
conta de lucros e perdas
to make a profit, lucrar
to sell sth at a profit, vender algo com lucro
profitability [prftblt]
N rentabilidade F
profitable [prftbl]
ADJ 1. (ECON) lucrativo, rendoso 2. (useful) proveitoso
profit centre
N centro de lucro
profiteering [prftr]
N mercantilismo, explorao F
ADJ com fins lucrativos
profit margin
N margem F de lucro
profit-sharing [-r]
N participao F nos lucros
profits tax (BRIT)
N imposto sobre os lucros
profligate [prflt]
ADJ 1. (behaviour, person) devasso 2. (extravagant) profligate (with) prdigo (de)
pro forma [-fm]
ADJ pro forma invoice, fatura pro-forma or simulada
profound [prfaund]
ADJ profundo
profuse [prfjus]
ADJ abundante
profusely [prfjusl]
ADV profusamente
profusion [prfjun]
N profuso F, abundncia
progeny [prdn]
N prole F, prognie F
prognoses [prnusiz]
NPL (of prognosis)
prognosis [prnuss] (PL prognoses )
N prognstico
programme [prurm] program (US)
N programa M VT programar
programmer [prurm*] programer (US)
N programador* M (F programadora)
programming [prurm] programing (US)
N programao F
programming language , programing language (US)
N linguagem F de programao
N [prurs] progresso VI [prrs] progredir, avanar in progress, em andamento
to make progress, fazer progressos
as the match progressed, medida que o jogo se desenvolvia
progression [prrn]
N progresso F
progressive [prrsv]
ADJ 1. progressivo 2. (person) progressista
progressively [prrsvl]
ADV progressivamente
progress report
N 1. (MED) boletim M mdico 2. (ADMIN) relatrio sobre o andamento dos trabalhos
prohibit [prhbt]
VT proibir to prohibit sb from doing sth, proibir algum de fazer algo
``smoking prohibited ``proibido fumar
prohibition [prubn]
N 1. proibio F 2. (US) Prohibition, lei F seca
prohibitive [prhbtv]
ADJ (price etc) proibitivo
N [prdkt] 1. projeto 2. (SCH) (research) pesquisa VT [prdkt] 1. projetar 2. (figure)
estimar VI [prdkt] (stick out) ressaltar, sobressair
projectile [prdktal]
N projtil M
projection [prdkn]
N 1. projeo F 2. (overhang) salincia
projectionist [prdknst]
N operador* M de projetor (F operadora)
projection room
N (CINEMA) sala de projeo
projector [prdkt*]
N projetor M
proletarian [prultrn]
ADJ N proletrio* (proletria)
proletariat [prultrt]
N proletariado
proliferate [prlfret]
VI proliferar
proliferation [prlfren]
N proliferao F
prolific [prlfk]
ADJ prolfico
prologue [prul] prolog (US)
N prlogo
prolong [prl]
VT prolongar
prom [prm]
N ABBR 1. promenade, promenade concert 2. (US: ball) baile M de estudantes
promenade [prmnd]
N (by sea) passeio ( orla martima)
promenade concert (BRIT)
N concerto (de msica clssica)
promenade deck
N (NAUT) convs M superior
prominence [prmnns]
N eminncia, importncia
prominent [prmnnt]
ADJ 1. (standing out) proeminente 2. (important) eminente, notrio he is prominent
in the field of ... ele muito conhecido no campo de ...
prominently [prmnntl]
ADV (display, set) bem vista he figured prominently in the case, ele teve um
papel importante no caso
promiscuity [prmskjut]
N promiscuidade F
promiscuous [prmskjus]
ADJ promscuo
promise [prms]
N promessa VT to promise sb sth promise sth to sb, prometer a algum algo,
prometer algo a algum VI prometer to make sb a promise, fazer uma promessa
a algum
to promise (sb) to do sth/that, prometer (a algum) fazer algo/que
a young man of promise, um jovem que promete
to promise well, prometer
promising [prms]
ADJ promissor* (promissora) prometedor* (prometedora)
promissory note [prmsr-]
N (nota) promissria
promontory [prmntr]
N promontrio
promote [prmut]
VT 1. promover 2. (new product) promover, fazer propaganda de 3. (event) patrocinar
promoter [prmut*]
N 1. (of sporting event etc) patrocinador* M (F patrocinadora) 2. (of cause etc)
partidrio* (partidria)
promotion [prmun]
N promoo F
prompt [prmpt]
ADJ pronto, rpido ADV (exactly) em ponto, pontualmente N (COMPUT) sinal M de
orientao, prompt M VT 1. (urge) incitar, impelir 2. (cause) provocar, ocasionar 3.
(THEATRE) servir de ponto a to prompt sb to do sth, induzir algum a fazer
hes very prompt (punctual) ele pontual
at 8 oclock prompt, s 8 horas em ponto
he was prompt to accept, ele no hesitou em aceitar
prompter [prmpt*]
N (THEATRE) ponto
promptly [prmptl]
ADV 1. (immediately) imediatamente 2. (exactly) pontualmente 3. (rapidly)
promptness [prmptns]
N 1. (punctuality) pontualidade F 2. (rapidity) rapidez F
promulgate [prmlet]
VT promulgar
prone [prun]
ADJ (lying) de bruos prone to, propenso a, predisposto a
she is prone to burst into tears if ... ela tende a desatar a chorar se ...
prong [pr]
N 1. ponta 2. (of fork) dente M
pronoun [prunaun]
N pronome M
pronounce [prnauns]
VT 1. pronunciar 2. (verdict, opinion) declarar VI to pronounce (up)on, pronunciar-se
pronounced [prnaunst]
ADJ (marked) pronunciado, marcado
pronouncement [prnaunsmnt]
N pronunciamento
pronunciation [prnnsen]
N pronncia
proof [pruf]
N 1. prova 2. (of alcohol) teor M alcolico ADJ proof against, prova de VT (BRIT:
tent, anorak) impermeabilizar to be 70proof, ter 70de gradao
proofreader [prufrid*]
N revisor* M de provas (F revisora)
ABBR (COMM) proprietor
prop [prp]
N 1. suporte M, escora 2. (fig) amparo, apoio VT 1. prop up, apoiar, escorar 2. (lean) to
prop sth against, apoiar algo contra
propaganda [prpnd]
N propaganda
propagate [prpet]
VT propagar
propel [prpl]
VT 1. propelir, propulsionar 2. (fig) impelir
propeller [prpl*]
N hlice F
propelling pencil [prpl-] (BRIT)
N lapiseira
propensity [prpnst]
N a propensity for/to/to do, uma propenso para/a/para fazer
proper [prp*]
ADJ 1. (correct) correto 2. (socially acceptable) respeitvel, digno 3. (authentic)
genuno, autntico 4. (referring to place) the village proper, a cidadezinha
propriamente dita physics proper, a fsica propriamente dita
to go through the proper channels (ADMIN) seguir os trmites oficiais
properly [prpl]
ADV 1. (eat, study) bem 2. (behave) decentemente
proper noun
N nome M prprio
property [prpt]
N 1. (possessions, quality) propriedade F 2. (goods) posses FPL, bens MPL 3.
(buildings) imveis MPL 4. (estate) propriedade F, fazenda its their property,
deles, pertence a eles
property developer (BRIT)
N empresrio* de imveis (empresria)
property owner
N proprietrio* (proprietria)
property tax
N imposto predial e territorial
prophecy [prfs]
N profecia
prophesy [prfsa]
VT 1. profetizar 2. (fig) predizer VI profetizar
prophet [prft]
N profeta M, F
prophetic [prftk]
ADJ proftico
proportion [prpn]
N 1. proporo F 2. (share) parte F, poro F VT proporcionar in proportion to or
with sth, em proporo or proporcional a algo
out of proportion, desproporcionado
to see sth in proportion (fig) ter a viso adequada de algo
proportional [prpnl]
ADJ proportional (to) proporcional (a)
proportional representation
N (POL) representao F proporcional
proportionate [prpnt]
ADJ proportionate (to) proporcionado (a)
proposal [prpuzl]
N 1. proposta 2. (of marriage) pedido
propose [prpuz]
VT 1. propor 2. (toast) erguer VI propor casamento to propose to do, propor-se
proposer [prpuz*] (BRIT)
N (of motion etc) apresentador* M (F apresentadora)
proposition [prpzn]
N 1. proposta, proposio F 2. (offer) oferta to make sb a proposition, fazer uma
proposta a algum
propound [prpaund]
VT propor
proprietary [prpratr]
ADJ proprietary brand, marca registrada proprietary product, produto patenteado
proprietor [prprat*]
N proprietrio* (proprietria) dono* (dona)
propriety [prprat]
N propriedade F
propulsion [prpln]
N propulso F
pro rata [-rt]
ADV pro rata, proporcionalmente
prosaic [pruzek]
ADJ prosaico
Pros. Atty. (US)
ABBR prosecuting attorney
proscribe [prskrab]
VT proscrever
prose [pruz]
N prosa
prosecute [prskjut]
VT (LAW) processar
prosecuting attorney [prskjut-] (US)
N promotor* M pblico* (F promotora pblica)
prosecution [prskjun]
N 1. acusao F 2. (accusing side) autor M da demanda
prosecutor [prskjut*]
N 1. promotor* M (F promotora) 2. public prosecutor, promotor* M pblico* (F
promotora pblica)
N [prspkt] 1. (chance) probabilidade F 2. (outlook, potential) perspectiva VT
[prspkt] explorar VI [prspkt] to prospect (for) prospectar (por) prospects
(for work etc) perspectivas FPL NPL we are faced with the prospect of ... ns
estamos diante da perspectiva de ...
there is every prospect of an early victory, h toda probabilidade de uma
vitria rpida
prospecting [prspkt]
N prospeco F
prospective [prspktv]
ADJ 1. (possible) provvel 2. (future) futuro
prospector [prspkt*]
N garimpeiro* (garimpeira)
prospectus [prspkts]
N prospecto, programa M
prosper [prsp*]
VI prosperar
prosperity [prsprt]
N prosperidade F
prosperous [prsprs]
ADJ prspero
prostate [prstet]
N prostate gland, prstata
prostitute [prsttjut]
N prostituta male prostitute, prostituto
prostitution [prsttjun]
N prostituio F
ADJ [prstret] 1. prostrado 2. (fig) abatido, aniquilado VT [prstret] to prostrate o.s.
(before sb) prostrar-se (diante de algum)
protagonist [prtnst]
N 1. protagonista M, F 2. (leading participant) lder M, F
protect [prtkt]
VT proteger
protection [prtkn]
N proteo F to be under sbs protection, estar sob a proteo de algum
protectionism [prtknzm]
N protecionismo
protection racket
N extorso F
protective [prtktv]
ADJ protetor* (protetora) protective custody (LAW) priso F preventiva
protector [prtkt*]
N protetor* M (F protetora)
protg [prute]
N protegido
protge [prute]
N protegida
protein [prutin]
N protena
pro tem [-tm]
ADV ABBR pro tempore, provisoriamente
N [prutst] protesto VI [prtst] to protest about or against or at, protestar contra
VT [prtst] (insist) to protest (that) insistir (que)
Protestant [prtstnt]
ADJ N protestante M, F
protester [prtst*]
N manifestante M, F
protest march
N passeata
protestor [prtst*]
N protester
protocol [prutkl]
N protocolo
prototype [pruttap]
N prottipo
protracted [prtrktd]
ADJ prolongado, demorado
protractor [prtrkt*]
N (GEOM) transferidor M
protrude [prtrud]
VI projetar-se
protuberance [prtjubrns]
N protuberncia
proud [praud]
ADJ 1. orgulhoso 2. (pej) vaidoso, soberbo to be proud to do sth, sentir-se
orgulhoso de fazer algo
to do sb proud (inf) fazer muita festa a algum
proudly [praudl]
ADV orgulhosamente
prove [pruv]
VT comprovar VI to prove (to be) correct etc, vir a ser correto etc to prove o.s.
pr-se prova
to prove itself (to be) useful etc, revelar-se or mostrar-se til etc
he was proved right in the end, no final deram-lhe razo
proverb [prvb]
N provrbio
proverbial [prvbl]
ADJ proverbial
provide [prvad]
VT fornecer, proporcionar to provide sb with sth, fornecer algum de algo, fornecer
algo a algum
to be provided with, estar munido de provide for 1. (person) prover
subsistncia de 2. (emergency) prevenir VT
provided [prvadd] provided that
CONJ contanto que (+ sub) sob condio de (que) (+ sub)
Providence [prvdns]
N a Divina Providncia
providing [prvad]
CONJ providing (that) contanto que (+ sub)
province [prvns]
N 1. provncia 2. (fig) esfera
provincial [prvnl]
ADJ 1. provincial 2. (pej) provinciano
provision [prvn]
N 1. proviso F 2. (supply) fornecimento 3. (supplying) abastecimento 4. (in contract)
clusula, condio F provisions (food) mantimentos MPL NPL to make
provision for, fazer proviso para
theres no provision for this in the contract, no h clusula nesse sentido no
provisional [prvnl]
ADJ 1. provisrio, interino 2. (agreement, licence) provisrio N Provisional (IRELAND
POL) militante do brao armado do IRA
provisional licence (BRIT)
N (AUT) licena prvia para aprendizagem
provisionally [prvnl]
ADV provisoriamente
proviso [prvazu]
N 1. condio F 2. (reservation) ressalva 3. (LAW) clusula with the proviso that,
com a ressalva que
Provo [prvu] (inf)
N ABBR Provisional
provocation [prvken]
N provocao F
provocative [prvktv]
ADJ 1. provocante 2. (sexually) excitante
provoke [prvuk]
VT 1. provocar 2. (cause) causar to provoke sb to sth/to do or into doing sth,
provocar algum a algo/a fazer algo
provoking [prvuk]
ADJ provocante
provost [prvst]
N 1. (BRIT: of university) reitor* M (F reitora) 2. (SCOTLAND) prefeito* (prefeita)
prow [prau]
N proa
prowess [praus]
N destreza, percia
prowl [praul]
VI prowl about, prowl around, rondar, andar espreita N on the prowl, de ronda,
prowler [praul*]
N tarado* (tarada)
proximity [prksmt]
N proximidade F
proxy [prks]
N 1. procurao F 2. (person) procurador* M (F procuradora) by proxy, por
prude [prud]
N pudico* (pudica)
prudence [prudns]
N prudncia
prudent [prudnt]
ADJ prudente
prudish [prud]
ADJ pudico* (pudica)
prune [prun]
N ameixa seca VT podar
pry [pra]
VI to pry (into) intrometer-se (em)
N ABBR postscript, PS M
psalm [sm]
N salmo
N ABBR Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test
N ABBR public sector borrowing requirement, necessidade F de emprstimos no setor
pseud [sjud] (BRIT inf)
N posudo* (posuda)
pseudo- [sjudu]
PREFIX pseudo-
pseudonym [sjudnm]
N pseudnimo
ABBR Pacific Standard Time, hora de inverno do Pacfico
N ABBR public service vehicle
psyche [sak]
N psiquismo
psychiatric [saktrk]
ADJ psiquitrico
psychiatrist [sakatrst]
N psiquiatra M, F
psychiatry [sakatr]
N psiquiatria
psychic [sakk]
ADJ 1. psquico 2. psychical (person) sensvel a foras psquicas N mdium M, F
psychoanalyse [sakunlaz]
VT psicanalisar
psychoanalysis [sakunlss]
N psicanlise F
psychoanalyst [sakunlst]
N psicanalista M, F
psychological [sakldkl]
ADJ psicolgico
psychologist [sakldst]
N psiclogo* (psicloga)
psychology [sakld]
N psicologia
psychopath [sakup]
N psicopata M, F
psychoses [sakusiz]
NPL (of psychosis)
psychosis [sakuss] (PL psychoses )
N psicose F
psychosomatic [sakusmtk]
ADJ psicossomtico
psychotherapy [sakurp]
N psicoterapia
psychotic [saktk]
ADJ N psictico* (psictica)
N ABBR physical training
ABBR (in place names) Point, Pto
ABBR pint, point
N ABBR Parent-Teacher Association
Pte. (BRIT)
ABBR (MIL) private
ABBR please turn over, v.v. vire
N ABBR pay television, public television
pub [pb]
N ABBR public house, pub M, bar M, botequim M
puberty [pjubt]
N puberdade F
pubic [pjubk]
ADJ pbico, pubiano
public [pblk]
ADJ pblico N pblico in public, em pblico
to make public, tornar pblico
the general public, o grande pblico
to be public knowledge, ser de conhecimento pblico
to go public (COMM) tornar-se uma companhia de capital aberto, passar a ser
cotado na Bolsa de Valores
public address system
N sistema M (de reforo) de som
publican [pblkn]
N dono* de pub (dona)
publication [pblken]
N publicao F
public company
N sociedade F annimaaberta
public convenience (BRIT)
N banheiro pblico
public holiday
N feriado
public house (BRIT)
N pub M, bar M, taberna
publicity [pblst]
N publicidade F
publicize [pblsaz]
VT 1. divulgar 2. (product) promover
public limited company
N sociedade F annima aberta
publicly [pblkl]
ADV publicamente
public opinion
N opinio F pblica
public ownership
N to be taken into public ownership, ser estatizado
public relations
N relaes FPL pblicas
public relations officer
N relaes-pblicas M, F INV
public school
N 1. (BRIT) escola particular 2. (US) escola pblica
public sector
N setor M pblico
public service vehicle (BRIT)
N veculo para o transporte pblico
public-spirited [-sprtd]
ADJ zeloso pelo bem-estar pblico
public transport , public transportation (US)
N transporte M coletivo
public utility
N (servio de) utilidade F pblica
public works
NPL obras FPL pblicas
publish [pbl]
VT publicar
publisher [pbl*]
N 1. editor* M (F editora) 2. (company) editora
publishing [pbl]
N (industry) a indstria editorial
publishing company
N editora
puce [pjus]
ADJ roxo
puck [pk]
N 1. (elf) duende M 2. (ICE HOCKEY) disco
pucker [pk*]
VT 1. (fabric) amarrotar 2. (brow etc) franzir
pudding [pud]
N 1. (BRIT: dessert) sobremesa 2. (cake) pudim M, doce M black BRIT or blood US
pudding (BRIT) (US) morcela
rice pudding, pudim de arroz
puddle [pdl]
N poa
puerile [pjural]
ADJ infantil
Puerto Rican [pwtrikn]
ADJ N porto-riquenho* (porto-riquenha)
Puerto Rico [pwturiku]
N Porto Rico (no article)
puff [pf]
N 1. sopro 2. (of cigarette) baforada 3. (of air, smoke) lufada 4. (gust) rajada, lufada 5.
(sound) sopro 6. powder puff, pompom M VT to puff ones pipe, tirar baforadas do
cachimbo VI 1. soprar 2. (pant) arquejar puff out 1. (sails) enfunar 2. (cheeks)
encher VT to puff out smoke, lanar baforadas puff up inflar VT
puffed [pft] (inf)
ADJ (out of breath) sem flego
puffin [pfn]
N papagaio-do-mar M
puff pastry , puff paste (US)
N massa folhada
puffy [pf]
ADJ inchado, entumecido
pugnacious [pnes]
ADJ pugnaz, brigo* (brigona)
pull [pul]
N 1. (of magnet, sea etc) atrao F 2. (influence) influncia 3. (tug) to give sth a pull,
dar um puxo em algo VT 1. puxar 2. (trigger) apertar 3. (curtain, blind) fechar 4.
(muscle) distender VI puxar, dar um puxo to pull a face, fazer careta
to pull to pieces, picar em pedacinhos
to pull ones punches, no usar toda a fora
to pull ones weight, fazer a sua parte
to pull o.s. together, recompor-se
to pull sbs leg (fig) brincar com algum, sacanear algum (inf)
to pull strings for sb, mexer os pauzinhos para algum pull about (BRIT)
(handle roughly) maltratar VT pull apart 1. separar 2. (break) romper VT pull
down 1. abaixar 2. (building) demolir, derrubar 3. (tree) abater, derrubar VT pull
in 1. (AUT) (at the kerb) encostar 2. (RAIL) chegar (na plataforma) VI pull off 1.
tirar 2. (fig) (deal etc) acertar VT pull out 1. arrancar, partir 2. (withdraw) retirar-se
3. (AUT) (from kerb) sair 4. (RAIL) partir 5. tirar, arrancar VI to pull out in front of
sb (AUT) dar uma fechada em algum pull over (AUT) encostar VI pull round
1. (unconscious person) voltar a si 2. (sick person) recuperar-se VI pull through
1. sair-se bem (de um aperto) 2. (MED) sobreviver VI pull up 1. (stop) deter-se,
parar 2. levantar 3. (uproot) desarraigar, arrancar 4. (stop) parar VI
pulley [pul]
N roldana
N 1. (withdrawal) retirada 2. (section) (in magazine, newspaper) encarte M CPD
(magazine, pages) destacvel
pullover [puluv*]
N pulver M
pulp [plp]
N 1. (of fruit) polpa 2. (for paper) pasta, massa to reduce sth to a pulp, amassar
pulpit [pulpt]
N plpito
pulsate [plset]
VI 1. pulsar, palpitar 2. (music) vibrar
pulse [pls]
N 1. (ANAT) pulso 2. (of music, engine) cadncia 3. (BOT) legume M to feel or take
sbs pulse, tomar o pulso de algum
pulse rate
N freqncia de pulsos
pulverize [plvraz]
VT 1. pulverizar 2. (fig) esmagar, aniquilar
puma [pjum]
N puma, ona-parda
pumice [pms]
N pumice stone, pedra-pomes F
pummel [pml]
VT esmurrar, socar
pump [pmp]
N 1. bomba 2. (shoe) sapatilha (de dana) VT 1. bombear 2. (fig inf) sondar to pump
sb for information, tentar extrair informaes de algum pump up encher VT
pumpkin [pmpkn]
N abbora
pun [pn]
N jogo de palavras, trocadilho
punch [pnt]
N 1. (blow) soco, murro 2. (tool) puno M 3. (for tickets) furador M 4. (drink) ponche M
5. (fig) (force) vigor M, fora VT 1. (make a hole in) perfurar, picotar 2. (hit) to punch
sb/sth, esmurrar or socar algum/algo punch in (US) assinar o ponto na entrada
VI punch out (US) assinar o ponto na sada VI
punch card
N carto M perfurado
punch-drunk (BRIT)
ADJ estupidificado
punched card [pntt-]
N punch card
punch line
N (of joke) remate M
punch-up (BRIT inf)
N briga
punctual [pktjul]
ADJ pontual
punctuality [pktjult]
N pontualidade F
punctually [pktjul]
ADV pontualmente it will start punctually at 6 comear s 6 horas em ponto
punctuate [pktjuet]
VT pontuar
punctuation [pktjuen]
N pontuao F
punctuation marks
NPL sinais MPL de pontuao
puncture [pkt*]
N 1. picada 2. (flat tyre) furo VT 1. picar, furar 2. (tyre) furar I have a puncture (AUT)
estou com um pneu furado
pundit [pndt]
N entendedor* M (F entendedora)
pungent [pndnt]
ADJ 1. (smell, taste) acre 2. (fig) mordaz
punish [pn]
VT punir, castigar to punish sb for sth/for doing sth, punir algum por algo/por ter
feito algo
punishable [pnbl]
ADJ punvel, castigvel
punishing [pn]
ADJ (fig) (exhausting) desgastante N punio F
punishment [pnmnt]
N 1. castigo, punio F 2. (fig) (wear) desgaste M
punk [pk]
N 1. punk rocker, punk M, F 2. punk rock, punk M 3. (US inf: hoodlum) pinta-brava M
punt [pnt]
N (boat) chalana
punter [pnt*]
N 1. (BRIT: gambler) jogador* M (F jogadora) 2. (inf: client) cliente M, F
puny [pjun]
ADJ dbil, fraco
pup [pp]
N 1. (dog) cachorrinho (BR) cachorro (PT) 2. (seal etc) filhote M
pupil [pjupl]
N 1. aluno* (aluna) 2. (of eye) pupila
puppet [ppt]
N 1. marionete F, ttere M 2. (fig) fantoche M
puppet government
N governo fantoche or ttere
puppy [pp]
N cachorrinho (BR) cachorro (PT)
purchase [pts]
N 1. compra 2. (grip) ponto de apoio VT comprar to get a purchase on, apoiar-se
purchase order
N ordem F de compra
purchase price
N preo de compra
purchaser [pts*]
N comprador* M (F compradora)
purchase tax (BRIT)
N imposto de circulao de mercadorias
purchasing power [pts-]
N poder M aquisitivo
pure [pju*]
ADJ puro a pure wool jumper, um pulver de pura l
pure and simple, puro e simples
purebred [pjubrd]
ADJ de sangue puro
pure [pjure]
N pur M
purely [pjul]
ADV 1. puramente 2. (only) meramente
purgatory [ptr]
N 1. purgatrio 2. (fig) inferno
purge [pd]
N 1. (MED) purgante M 2. (POL) expurgo VT 1. purgar 2. (POL) expurgar
purification [pjurfken]
N purificao F, depurao F
purify [pjurfa]
VT purificar, depurar
purist [pjurst]
N purista M, F
puritan [pjurtn]
N puritano* (puritana)
puritanical [pjurtnkl]
ADJ puritano
purity [pjurt]
N pureza
purl [pl]
N ponto reverso VT fazer ponto de tric
purloin [pln]
VT surripiar
purple [ppl]
ADJ roxo, purpreo
purport [ppt]
VI to purport to be/do, dar a entender que /faz
purpose [pps]
N propsito, objetivo on purpose, de propsito
for teaching purposes, para fins pedaggicos
for the purposes of this meeting, para esta reunio
to no purpose, em vo
purpose-built (BRIT)
ADJ feito sob medida
purposeful [ppsful]
ADJ decidido, resoluto
purposely [ppsl]
ADV de propsito
purr [p*]
N ronrom M VI ronronar
purse [ps]
N 1. (BRIT) for money, carteira 2. (US: bag) bolsa VT enrugar, franzir
purser [ps*]
N (NAUT) comissrio de bordo
purse snatcher [-snt*]
N trombadinha M, F
pursue [psju]
VT 1. perseguir 2. (fig) (activity) exercer (interest, plan) dedicar-se a (result) lutar por
pursuer [psju*]
N perseguidor* M (F perseguidora)
pursuit [psjut]
N 1. (chase) caa 2. (persecution) perseguio F 3. (fig) busca 4. (occupation)
ocupao F, atividade F 5. (pastime) passatempo in (the) pursuit of sth, em
busca de algo
purveyor [pve*]
N fornecedor* M (F fornecedora)
pus [ps]
N pus M
push [pu]
N 1. empurro M 2. (of button) aperto 3. (attack) ataque M, arremetida 4. (advance)
avano VT 1. empurrar 2. (button) apertar 3. (promote) promover 4. (thrust) to push
sth (into) enfiar algo (em) VI 1. empurrar 2. (press) apertar 3. (fig) to push for,
reivindicar to push a door open/shut, abrir/fechar uma porta empurrando-a
``push (on door) ``empurre (on bell) ``aperte
to be pushed for time/money, estar com pouco tempo/dinheiro
she is pushing fifty (inf) ela est beirando os 50
at a push (BRIT inf) em ltimo caso push aside afastar com a mo VT push
in introduzir-se fora VI push off (inf) dar o fora VI push on (continue)
prosseguir VI push over derrubar VT push through 1. abrir caminho 2.
(measure) forar a aceitao de VI push up (total, prices) forar a alta de VT
push-bike (BRIT)
N bicicleta
ADJ por botes de presso
pushchair [put*] (BRIT)
N carrinho
pusher [pu*]
N drug pusher, traficante M, F de drogas, passador* M de drogas (F passadora)
pushing [pu]
ADJ empreendedor* (empreendedora)
pushover [puuv*] (inf)
N its a pushover, sopa
push-up (US)
N flexo F
pushy [pu] (pej)
ADJ intrometido, agressivo
puss [pus] (inf)
N gatinho
pussy [pus] pussycat, puskt (inf)
N gatinho
put [put] (PT, PP put )
VT 1. (place) pr, colocar 2. (put into) meter 3. (person) (in institution etc) internar 4.
(say) dizer, expressar 5. (case, view) expor 6. (a question) fazer 7. (person) (in
situation) colocar 8. (estimate) avaliar, calcular 9. (write, type etc) colocar to put
sb in a good/bad mood, deixar algum de bom/mau humor
to put sb to bed, pr algum para dormir
to put sb to a lot of trouble, incomodar algum
how shall I put it? como dizer?
to put a lot of time into sth, investir muito tempo em algo
to put money on a horse, apostar num cavalo
I put it to you that ... BRIT (BRIT) eu gostaria de colocar que ...
to stay put, no se mexer put about 1. (NAUT) mudar de rumo 2. (rumour)
espalhar VI put across (ideas etc) comunicar VT put aside deixar de lado VT
put away (store) guardar VT put back 1. (replace) repor 2. (postpone) adiar 3.
(delay, also) (watch, clock) atrasar VT put by (money etc) poupar, pr de lado VT
put down 1. pr em 2. (pay) pagar 3. (animal) sacrificar 4. (in writing) anotar,
inscrever 5. (revolt etc) sufocar 6. (attribute) (to put sth down to) atribuir algo a VT
put forward 1. (ideas) apresentar, propor 2. (date, clock) adiantar VT put in 1.
(application, complaint) apresentar 2. (time, effort) investir, gastar 3. (gas,
electricity) instalar VT put in for 1. (job) candidatar-se a 2. (promotion, pay rise)
solicitar VT put off 1. (light) apagar 2. (postpone) adiar, protelar 3. (discourage)
desencorajar VT put on 1. (clothes, make-up, dinner) pr 2. (light etc) acender 3.
(play etc) encenar 4. (food, meal) preparar 5. (weight) ganhar 6. (brake) aplicar 7.
(record, video, kettle) ligar 8. (attitude) fingir, simular 9. (accent, manner) assumir
10. (inf: tease) fazer de criana 11. (inform) to put sb on to sth, indicar algo a
algum VT put out 1. (take out) colocar fora 2. (fire, cigarette, light) apagar 3.
(one's hand) estender 4. (news) anunciar 5. (rumour) espalhar 6. (tongue etc)
mostrar 7. (person) (inconvenience) incomodar 8. (BRIT: dislocate) deslocar 9. (inf:
person) to be put out, estar aborrecido 10. (NAUT) to put out to sea, fazer-se ao
mar VT to put out from Plymouth, zarpar de Plymouth put through 1. (caller,
call) transferir 2. (plan) ser abrovado VT Id like to put a call through to Brazil,
eu gostaria de fazer uma ligao para o Brasil put together 1. colocar junto(s) 2.
(assemble) montar 3. (meal) preparar VT put up 1. (raise) levantar, erguer 2.
(hang) prender 3. (build) construir, edificar 4. (tent) armar 5. (increase) aumentar 6.
(accommodate) hospedar VT to put sb up to doing sth, incitar algum a fazer
to put sth up for sale, pr algo venda put upon to be put upon, sofrer
abusos VT put up with suportar, agentar VT
putrid [pjutrd]
ADJ ptrido, podre
putt [pt]
VT (GOLF) fazer um putt N putt M, tacada leve
putter [pt*]
N (GOLF) putter M
potter [pt*]
N 1. (artistic) ceramista M, F 2. (artisan) oleiro* (oleira) VI (BRIT) to potter around
potter about, ocupar-se com pequenos trabalhos potters wheel, roda or torno
de oleiro
putting green [pt-]
N campo de golfe em miniatura
putty [pt]
N massa de vidraceiro, betume M
ADJ put-up job BRIT (BRIT) embuste M
puzzle [pzl]
N 1. (riddle) charada 2. (jigsaw) quebra-cabea M 3. crossword puzzle, palavras
cruzadas FPL 4. (mystery) mistrio VT desconcertar, confundir VI to puzzle over
sth, tentar entender algo to be puzzled about sth, estar perplexo com algo
puzzling [pzl]
ADJ 1. (thing, action) intrigante, confuso 2. (mysterious) enigmtico, misterioso 3.
(unnerving) desconcertante 4. (incomprehensible) incompreensvel
N ABBR polyvinyl chloride, PVC M
Pvt. (US)
ABBR (MIL) private
ABBR per week, por semana
N ABBR (MIL) post exchange
pygmy [pm]
N pigmeu* M (F mia)
pyjamas [pdmz] pajamas (US)
NPL pijama M, F
pylon [paln]
N pilono, poste M, torre F
pyramid [prmd]
N pirmide F
Pyrenees [prniz]
NPL the Pyrenees, os Pirineus
Pyrex [parks]
N Pirex M CPD a Pyrex dish, um pirex
python [pan]
N pito M

Q , q [kju]
N (letter) Q, q M Q for Queen, Q de Quinteta
Qatar [kt*]
N Catar M
N ABBR Queens Counsel, ttulo dado a certos advogados
ABBR quod erat demonstrandum, QED
N ABBR quartermaster
q.t. (inf)
N ABBR quiet on the q.t. de fininho
ABBR quantity, quant
quack [kwk]
N 1. (of duck) grasnido 2. (pej: doctor) curandeiro* (curandeira) charlato* M (F
charlat) VI grasnar
quad [kwd]
ABBR quadrangle, quadruplet
quadrangle [kwdrl]
N (courtyard) ptio quadrangular
quadruped [kwdrupd]
N quadrpede M
quadruple [kwdrupl]
ADJ qudruplo N qudruplo VT VI quadruplicar
quadruplets [kwdruplts]
NPL quadrigmeos MPL, qudruplos MPL
quagmire [kwma*]
N lamaal M, atoleiro
quail [kwel]
N (bird) codorniz F, codorna (BR) VI acovardar-se
quaint [kwent]
ADJ 1. (ideas) curioso, esquisito 2. (village etc) pitoresco
quake [kwek]
VI (with fear) tremer N ABBR earthquake
Quaker [kwek*]
N quacre M, F
qualification [kwlfken]
N 1. (skill, quality) qualificao F 2. (reservation) restrio F, ressalva 3. (modification)
modificao F 4. (often pl) (degree, training) ttulo, qualificao what are your
qualifications? quais so as suas qualificaes?
qualified [kwlfad]
ADJ 1. (trained) habilitado, qualificado 2. (professionally) diplomado 3. (fit) qualified
to, apto para, capaz de 4. (limited) limitado 5. (professionally) diplomado
qualified for/to do, credenciado or qualificado para/para fazer
qualify [kwlfa]
VT 1. qualificar 2. (modify) modificar 3. (limit) restringir, limitar VI (SPORT) classificar-
se to qualify as, classificar como
to qualify as (pass examination) formar-se em, diplomar-se em
to qualify for, reunir os requisitos para
qualifying [kwlfa]
ADJ qualifying exam, exame M de habilitao qualifying round, eliminatrias FPL
qualitative [kwltetv]
ADJ qualitativo
quality [kwlt]
N qualidade F CPD de qualidade of good/poor quality, de boa/m qualidade
quality control
N controle M de qualidade
quality papers (BRIT)
NPL the quality papers, os jornais de categoria
qualm [kwm]
N 1. (doubt) dvida 2. (scruple) escrpulo to have qualms about sth, ter dvidas
sobre a retido de algo
quandary [kwndr]
N to be in a quandary, estar num dilema
quango [kwu] (BRIT)
N ABBR quasi-autonomous non-governmental organization, comisso nomeada pelo
quantitative [kwntttv]
ADJ quantitativo
quantity [kwntt]
N quantidade F in quantity, em quantidade
quantity surveyor
N calculista M, F de obra
quarantine [kwrntin]
N quarentena
quarrel [kwrl]
N 1. (argument) discusso F 2. (fight) briga VI to quarrel (with) brigar (com) to have
a quarrel with sb, ter uma briga or brigar com algum
I have no quarrel with him, no tenho nada contra ele
I cant quarrel with that, no posso discordar disso
quarrelsome [kwrlsm]
ADJ brigo* (brigona)
quarry [kwr]
N 1. (for stone) pedreira 2. (animal) presa, caa VT (marble etc) extrair
quart [kwt]
N quarto de galo (1.136 l)
quarter [kwt*]
N 1. quarto, quarta parte F 2. (of year) trimestre M 3. (district) bairro 4. (US CANADA:
25 cents) (moeda de) 25 centavos MPL de dlar VT 1. dividir em quatro 2. (MIL)
(lodge) aquartelar quarters 1. (MIL) quartel M 2. (living quarters) alojamento NPL
a quarter of an hour, um quarto de hora
its a quarter to BRIT or of US 3 (BRIT) (US) so quinze para as trs (BR) so
trs menos um quarto (PT)
its a quarter past BRIT or after US 3 (BRIT) (US) so trs e quinze (BR) so
trs e um quarto (PT)
from all quarters, de toda parte
at close quarters, de perto
N (NAUT) tombadilho superior
quarter final
N quarta de final
quarterly [kwtl]
ADJ trimestral ADV trimestralmente N (PRESS) revista trimestral
quartermaster [kwtmst*]
N 1. (MIL) quartel-mestre M 2. (NAUT) contramestre M
quartet , quartette [kwtt]
N quarteto
quarto [kwtu]
ADJ N in-quarto
quartz [kwts]
N quartzo CPD de quartzo
quash [kw]
VT (verdict) anular
quasi- [kweza]
PREFIX quase-
quaver [kwev*]
N (BRIT MUS) colcheia VI tremer
quay [ki]
N quayside, cais M
queasy [kwiz]
ADJ (sickly) enjoado
Quebec [kwbk]
N Quebec
queen [kwin]
N 1. rainha 2. queen bee, abelha-mestra, rainha 3. (CARDS etc) dama
queen mother
N rainha-me F
queer [kw*]
ADJ 1. (odd) esquisito, estranho 2. (suspect) suspeito, duvidoso 3. (BRIT: sick) I feel
queer, no estou bem N (inf: homosexual) bicha M (BR) maricas M (PT)
quell [kwl]
VT 1. (opposition) sufocar 2. (fears) abrandar, sufocar
quench [kwnt]
VT apagar to quench ones thirst, matar a sede
querulous [kwruls]
ADJ lamuriante
query [kwr]
N 1. (question) pergunta 2. (doubt) dvida 3. (question mark) ponto de interrogao VT
quest [kwst]
N 1. busca 2. (journey) expedio F
question [kwstn]
N 1. pergunta 2. (doubt) dvida 3. (issue) questo F 4. (in text) (problem) problema M
VT 1. (doubt) duvidar 2. (interrogate) interrogar, inquirir to ask sb a question to
put a question to sb, fazer uma pergunta a algum
to bring or call sth into question, colocar algo em questo, pr algo em dvida
the question is ... a questo ...
it is a question of, questo de
beyond question, sem dvida
out of the question, fora de cogitao, impossvel
questionable [kwstnbl]
ADJ 1. discutvel 2. (doubtful) duvidoso
questioner [kwstn*]
N pessoa que faz uma pergunta (or que fez a pergunta etc)
questioning [kwstn]
ADJ interrogador* (interrogadora) N interrogatrio
question mark
N ponto de interrogao
questionnaire [kwstn*]
N questionrio
queue [kju] (BRIT)
N fila (BR) bicha (PT) VI queue up, fazer fila BR or bicha PT to jump the queue,
furar a fila (BR) pr-se frente (PT)
quibble [kwbl]
VI to quibble about or over/with, tergiversar sobre/com
quiche [ki]
N quiche M
quick [kwk]
ADJ 1. rpido 2. (temper) vivo 3. (agile) gil 4. (mind) sagaz, despachado ADV rpido N
to cut sb to the quick, ferir algum be quick! ande depressa! vai rpido!
to be quick to act, agir com rapidez
she was quick to see that ... ela no tardou a ver que ...
quicken [kwkn]
VT apressar VI apressar-se
quicklime [kwklam]
N cal F viva
quickly [kwkl]
ADV rapidamente, depressa
quickness [kwkns]
N 1. rapidez F 2. (agility) agilidade F 3. (liveliness) vivacidade F
quicksand [kwksnd]
N areia movedia
quickstep [kwkstp]
N dana de ritmo rpido
ADJ irritadio, de pavio curto
quick-witted [-wtd]
ADJ perspicaz, vivo
quid [kwd] (BRIT inf)
N INV libra
quid pro quo [-kwu]
N contrapartida
quiet [kwat]
ADJ 1. (voice, music) baixo 2. (peaceful) (place) tranqilo 3. (person) (calm) calmo 4.
(not noisy) (place) silencioso (person) calado 5. (silent) silencioso 6. (not busy)
(day, business) calmo 7. (ceremony, colour) discreto N 1. (peacefulness) sossego
2. (silence) quietude F VT VI (US) quieten keep quiet! cale-se! fique quieto!
on the quiet, de fininho
quieten [kwatn] quieten down
VI 1. (grow calm) acalmar-se 2. (grow silent) calar-se VT 1. tranqilizar 2. fazer calar
quietly [kwatl]
ADV 1. tranqilamente 2. (silently) silenciosamente 3. (talk) baixo
quietness [kwatns]
N 1. (silence) quietude F 2. (calm) tranqilidade F
quill [kwl]
N pena (de escrever)
quilt [kwlt]
N acolchoado, colcha (continental) quilt BRIT (BRIT) edredom M (BR) edredo M
quin [kwn]
N ABBR quintuplet
quince [kwns]
N 1. (fruit) marmelo 2. (tree) marmeleiro
quinine [kwnin]
N quinina
quintet , quintette [kwntt]
N quinteto
quintuplets [kwntjuplts]
NPL quntuplos MPL
quip [kwp]
N escrnio, dito espirituoso VT ... he quipped ... soltou
quire [kwa*]
N mo F (de papel)
quirk [kwk]
N peculiaridade F by some quirk of fate, por uma singularidade do destino, por
uma dessas coisas que acontecem
quit [kwt] ( quit ), (PT, PP quitted )
VT 1. (smoking etc) parar 2. (job) deixar (o emprego) 3. (premises) desocupar VI 1.
parar 2. (give up) desistir 3. (resign) demitir-se to quit doing, parar or deixar de
quit stalling! (US inf) chega de evasivas!
notice to quit BRIT (BRIT) aviso para desocupar (um imvel)
quite [kwat]
ADV 1. (rather) bastante 2. (entirely) completamente, totalmente 3. (following a
negative) (almost)
thats not quite big enough, no suficientemente grande quite new,
shes quite pretty, ela bem bonita
I quite understand, eu entendo completamente
quite a few of them, um bom nmero deles
thats not quite right, no bem assim
not quite as many as last time, um pouco menos do que da vez passada
quite (so)! exatamente! isso mesmo!
Quito [kitu]
N Quito
quits [kwts]
ADJ quits (with) quite (com) lets call it quits, ficamos quites
quiver [kwv*]
VI estremecer N (for arrows) carcs M, aljava
quiz [kwz]
N 1. (game) concurso (de cultura geral) 2. (in magazine etc) questionrio, teste M VT
quizzical [kwzkl]
ADJ zombeteiro
quoits [kwts]
NPL jogo de malha
quorum [kwrm]
N quorum M
quota [kwut]
N cota, quota
quotation [kwuten]
N 1. citao F 2. (estimate) oramento 3. (of shares) cotao F
quotation marks
NPL aspas FPL
quote [kwut]
N 1. citao F 2. (estimate) oramento VT 1. (sentence) citar 2. (price) propor 3.
(figure, example) citar, dar 4. (shares) cotar VI to quote from, citar quotes
(quotation marks) aspas FPL NPL to quote for a job, propor um preo para um
in quotes, entre aspas
quote ... unquote (in dictation) abre aspas ... fecha aspas
quotient [kwunt]
N quociente M
ABBR quod vide, vide
qwerty keyboard [kwt-]
N teclado qwerty

R , r [*]
N (letter) R, r M R for Robert BRIT or Roger US (BRIT) (US) R de Roberto
ABBR 1. right, dir. river, R. Raumur (scale) R 2. (US CINEMA) restricted, proibido
para menores de 17 anos 3. (US POL) republican 4. (BRIT) Rex, Regina
ABBR rear admiral N ABBR (BRIT) Royal Academy, Royal Academician
N ABBR Royal Australian Air Force
Rabat [rbt]
N Rabat
rabbi [rba]
N rabino
rabbit [rbt]
N coelho VI to rabbit (on) BRIT (BRIT) tagarelar
rabbit hole
N toca, lura
rabbit hutch
N coelheira
rabble [rbl] (pej)
N povinho, ral F
rabid [rbd]
ADJ raivoso
rabies [rebiz]
N raiva
N ABBR Royal Automobile Club, TCB M (BR) ACP M (PT)
raccoon [rkun]
N mo-pelada M, guaxinim M
race [res]
N 1. (competition, rush) corrida 2. (species) raa VT 1. (person) apostar corrida com 2.
(horse) fazer correr 3. (engine) acelerar VI 1. (compete) competir 2. (run) correr 3.
(pulse) bater rapidamente the human race, a raa humana
to race in/out etc, entrar/sair correndo etc
race car (US)
N racing car
race car driver (US)
N racing driver
racecourse [resks]
N hipdromo
racehorse [reshs]
N cavalo de corridas
race relations
NPL relaes FPL entre as raas
racetrack [restrk]
N 1. pista de corridas 2. (for cars) autdromo
racial [rel]
ADJ racial
racialism [relzm]
N racismo
racialist [relst]
ADJ N racista M, F
racing [res]
N corrida
racing car (BRIT)
N carro de corrida
racing driver (BRIT)
N piloto* de corrida (pilota)
racism [reszm]
N racismo
racist [resst] (pej)
ADJ N racista M, F
rack [rk]
N 1. luggage rack, bagageiro 2. (shelf) estante F 3. roof rack, xalmas FPL, porta-
bagagem M 4. (dish rack) secador M de prato 5. (clothes rack) cabide M VT (cause
pain to) atormentar racked by (pain, anxiety) tomado por
to rack ones brains, quebrar a cabea
to go to rack and ruin (building) cair aos pedaos (business) falir rack up
acumular VT
rack-and-pinion [-pnjn]
N (TECH) cremalheira e pinho
racket [rkt]
N 1. (for tennis) raquete F (BR) raqueta (PT) 2. (noise) barulheira, zoeira 3. (swindle)
negcio ilegal, fraude F
racketeer [rkt*] (esp US)
N chantagista M, F
racoon [rkun]
N raccoon
racquet [rkt]
N raquete F (BR) raqueta (PT)
racy [res]
ADJ ousado, picante
RADA [rd] (BRIT)
N ABBR Royal Academy of Dramatic Art
radar [red*]
N radar M CPD de radar
radar trap
N radar M rodovirio
radial [redl]
ADJ radial-ply, radial
radiance [redns]
N brilho, esplendor M
radiant [rednt]
ADJ 1. radiante, brilhante 2. (PHYS) radiante
radiate [redet]
VT 1. (heat, emotion) irradiar 2. (emit) emitir VI (lines) difundir-se, estender-se
radiation [reden]
N radiao F
radiation sickness
N radiointoxicao F, intoxicao F radioativa
radiator [redet*]
N radiador M
radiator cap
N tampa do radiador
radiator grill
N (AUT) grade F do radiador
radical [rdkl]
ADJ radical
radii [reda]
NPL (of radius)
radio [redu]
N rdio VI to radio to sb, comunicar com algum por rdio VT to radio sb, comunicar-
se por rdio com algum (information) transmitir por rdio (position) comunicar por
rdio on the radio, no rdio
radio... [redu]
PREFIX radio...
radioactive [reduktv]
ADJ radioativo
radioactivity [reduktvt]
N radioatividade F
radio announcer
N locutor* M de rdio (F locutora)
radio-controlled [-kntruld]
ADJ controlado por rdio
radiographer [redrf*]
N radigrafo* (radigrafa)
radiography [redrf]
N radiografia
radiologist [redldst]
N radiologista M, F
radiology [redld]
N radiologia
radio station
N emissora, estao F de rdio
radio taxi
N rdio-txi M
radiotelephone [redutlfun]
N radiotelefone M
radiotherapist [redurpst]
N radioterapeuta M, F
radiotherapy [redurp]
N radioterapia
radish [rd]
N rabanete M
radium [redm]
N rdio
radius [reds] (PL radii )
N 1. raio 2. (ANAT) rdio within a 50-mile radius, dentro de um raio de 50 milhas
N ABBR Royal Air Force
raffia [rf]
N rfia
raffish [rf]
ADJ reles, ordinrio
raffle [rfl]
N rifa VT rifar
raft [rft]
N 1. (craft; also) (life raft) balsa 2. (logs) flutuante M de rvores
rafter [rft*]
N viga, caibro
rag [r]
N 1. (piece of cloth) trapo 2. (torn cloth) farrapo 3. (pej: newspaper) jornaleco 4.
(UNIVERSITY) (for charity) atividades estudantis beneficentes VT (BRIT) encarnar
em, zombar de rags (torn clothes) trapos MPL, farrapos MPL NPL in rags, em
rag-and-bone man (BRIT)
N IRREG ragman
ragbag [rb]
N (fig) salada
rag doll
N boneca de trapo
rage [red]
N (fury) raiva, furor M VI 1. (person) estar furioso 2. (storm) assolar 3. (debate)
continuar calorosamente to fly into a rage, enfurecer-se
its all the rage, a ltima moda
ragged [rd]
ADJ 1. (edge) irregular, desigual 2. (clothes) pudo, gasto 3. (appearance)
esfarrapado, andrajoso 4. (coastline) acidentado
raging [red]
ADJ 1. furioso 2. (fever, pain) violento raging toothache, dor de dente alucinante
in a raging temper, enfurecido
ragman [rmn]
N IRREG negociante M de trastes
rag trade (inf)
N the rag trade, a confeco e venda de roupa
raid [red]
N 1. (MIL) incurso F 2. (criminal) assalto 3. (attack) ataque M 4. (by police) batida VT
1. invadir, atacar 2. assaltar 3. atacar 4. fazer uma batida em
raider [red*]
N 1. atacante M, F 2. (criminal) assaltante M, F
rail [rel]
N 1. (on stair) corrimo M 2. (on bridge, balcony) parapeito, anteparo 3. (of ship)
amurada rails (for train) trilhos MPL NPL by rail, de trem (BR) por caminho de
ferro (PT)
railing N [rel] railings NPL, relz
grade F
railroad [relrud] (US)
N railway
railway [relwe]
N estrada BR or caminho PT de ferro
railway engine
N locomotiva
railway line (BRIT)
N linha de trem BR or de comboio PT
railwayman [relwemn] (BRIT)
N IRREG ferrovirio
railway station (BRIT)
N estao F ferroviria BR or de caminho de ferro PT
rain [ren]
N chuva VI chover in the rain, na chuva
its raining, est chovendo (BR) est a chover (PT)
its raining cats and dogs, chove a cntaros
rainbow [renbu]
N arco-ris M INV
raincoat [renkut]
N impermevel M, capa de chuva
raindrop [rendrp]
N gota de chuva
rainfall [renfl]
N 1. chuva 2. (measurement) pluviosidade F
rainproof [renpruf]
ADJ impermevel
rainstorm [renstm]
N chuvada torrencial
rainwater [renwt*]
N gua pluvial
rainy [ren]
ADJ chuvoso a rainy day, um dia de chuva
raise [rez]
N aumento VT 1. (lift) levantar 2. (end) (siege, embargo) levantar, terminar 3. (build)
erguer, edificar 4. (salary, production) aumentar 5. (morale, standards) melhorar 6.
(doubts) suscitar, despertar 7. (a question) fazer, expor 8. (cattle, family) criar 9.
(crop) cultivar, plantar 10. (army) recrutar, alistar 11. (funds) angariar 12. (loan)
levantar, obter to raise ones voice, levantar a voz
to raise ones glass to sb/sth, brindar sade de algum/brindar algo
to raise sbs hopes, dar esperanas a algum
to raise a laugh/smile, provocar risada/sorrisos
raisin [rezn]
N passa, uva seca
Raj [rd]
N the Raj, o imprio (na ndia)
rajah [rd]
N raj M
rake [rek]
N 1. (tool) ancinho 2. (person) libertino VT 1. (garden) revolver or limpar com o
ancinho 2. (fire) remover as cinzas de 3. (with machine gun) varrer VI to rake
through (fig) (search) vasculhar
rake-off (inf)
N comisso F
rakish [rek]
ADJ (dissolute) devasso, dissoluto at a rakish angle, de banda, inclinado
rally [rl]
N 1. (POL etc) comcio 2. (AUT) rally M, rali M 3. (TENNIS) rebatida VT reunir VI 1.
reorganizar-se 2. (sick person, Stock Exchange) recuperar-se rally round 1. dar
apoio 2. dar apoio a VI
rallying point [rl-]
N (POL MIL) ponto de encontro
ram [rm]
N 1. carneiro 2. (TECH) mbolo, arete M VT 1. (push) cravar 2. (crash into) colidir com
3. (tread down) pisar, calcar
RAM [rm]
N ABBR (COMPUT) random access memory, RAM F
ramble [rmbl]
N caminhada, excurso F a p VI 1. cominhar 2. ramble on (talk) divagar
rambler [rmbl*]
N 1. caminhante M, F 2. (BOT) roseira trepadeira
rambling [rmbl]
ADJ 1. (speech) desconexo, incoerente 2. (house) cheio de recantos 3. (plant)
rastejante N excursionismo
N ABBR Royal Army Medical Corps
ramification [rmfken]
N ramificao F
ramp [rmp]
N 1. (incline) rampa 2. (in road) lombada on/off ramp (US AUT) entrada (para a
rodovia) sada da rodovia
rampage [rmped]
N to be on the rampage, alvoroar-se VI they went rampaging through the town,
correram feito loucos pela cidade
rampant [rmpnt]
ADJ (disease etc) violento, implacvel
rampart [rmpt]
N 1. baluarte M 2. (wall) muralha
ramshackle [rmkl]
ADJ caindo aos pedaos
ran [rn]
PT (of run)
N ABBR Royal Australian Navy
run [rn] (PT ran ), (PP run )
N 1. corrida 2. (in car) passeio (de carro) 3. (distance travelled) trajeto, percurso 4.
(journey) viagem F 5. (series) srie F 6. (THEATRE) temporada 7. (SKI) pista 8. (in
stockings) fio puxado VT 1. (race) correr 2. (operate) (business) dirigir (competition,
course) organizar (hotel, house) administrar 3. (water) deixar correr 4. (bath)
encher 5. (PRESS) (feature) publicar 6. (COMPUT) (program) rodar 7. (pass)
(hand, finger) passar VI 1. correr 2. (pass) (road etc) passar 3. (work) (machine)
funcionar 4. (bus, train) (operate) circular (travel) ir 5. (continue) (play) continuar
em cartaz (contract) ser vlido 6. (slide) (drawer) deslizar 7. (flow) (river, bath) fluir,
correr 8. (colours, washing) desbotar 9. (in election) candidatar-se 10. (nose)
escorrer to go for a run, fazer cooper (in car) dar uma volta (de carro)
to break into a run, pr-se a correr
a run of luck, um perodo de sorte
to have the run of sbs house, ter a casa de algum sua disposio
there was a run on (meat, tickets) houve muita procura de
in the long run, no final das contas, mais cedo ou mais tarde
on the run, em fuga, foragido
to run for the bus, correr at o nibus
well have to run for it, vamos ter que correr atrs
Ill run you to the station, vou te levar estao
to run a risk, correr um risco
to run errands, fazer recados
to make a run for it, fugir, dar no p
the train runs between Gatwick and Victoria, o trem faz o percurso entre
Gatwick e Victoria
the bus runs every 20 minutes, o nibus passa a cada 20 minutos
its very cheap to run (car, machine) muito econmico
to run on petrol BRIT or gas US /on diesel/off batteries (BRIT) (US) funcionar
a gasolina/a leo diesel/a pilhas
to run for president, candidatar-se presidncia, ser presidencivel
their losses ran into millions, suas perdas se elevaram a milhes
to be run off ones feet BRIT (BRIT) no ter descanso, no parar um minuto
my salary wont run to a car, meu salrio no suficiente para comprar um
carro run about (children) correr por todos os lados VI run across (find)
encontrar por acaso, topar com, dar com VT run around run about VI run away
fugir VI run down 1. (clock) parar 2. (AUT) atropelar 3. (production) reduzir 4.
(factory) reduzir a produo de 5. (criticize) criticar VI to be run down (tired) estar
enfraquecido or exausto run in (BRIT) (car) rodar VT run into 1. (meet)
(person) dar com, topar com (trouble) esbarrar em 2. (collide with) bater em VT to
run into debt, endividar-se run off 1. (water) deixar correr 2. (copies) fotocopiar
3. fugir VT run out 1. (person) sair correndo 2. (liquid) escorrer, esgotar-se 3.
(lease, passport) caducar, vencer 4. (money) acabar VI run out of ficar sem VT
Ive run out of petrol BRIT or gas US (BRIT) (US) estou sem gasolina run
over 1. (AUT) atropelar 2. (revise) recapitular VT run through 1. (instructions)
examinar, recapitular 2. (rehearse) recapitular VT run up 1. (debt) acumular 2. to
run up against (difficulties) esbarrar em VT
ranch [rnt]
N rancho, fazenda, estncia
rancher [rnt*]
N rancheiro* (rancheira) fazendeiro* (fazendeira)
rancid [rnsd]
ADJ ranoso, rncio
rancour [rk*] rancor (US)
N rancor M
random [rndm]
ADJ 1. ao acaso, casual, fortuito 2. (COMPUT MATH) aleatrio N at random, a esmo,
random access
N (COMPUT) acesso randmico or aleatrio
random access memory
N (COMPUT) memria de acesso randmico or aleatrio
randy [rnd] (BRIT inf)
ADJ de fogo
rang [r]
PT (of ring)
range [rend]
N 1. (of mountains) cadeia, cordilheira 2. (of missile) alcance M 3. (of voice) extenso
F 4. (series) srie F 5. (of products) gama, sortimento 6. shooting range (MIL)
estande M 7. kitchen range, fogo M VT 1. (place) colocar 2. (arrange) arrumar,
ordenar VI to range over (wander) percorrer (extend) estender-se por to range
from ... to ... variar de ... a ... oscilar entre ... e ...
do you have anything else in this price range? voc tem outras coisas dentro
desta faixa de preo?
within (firing) range, ao alcance de tiro
ranged left/right (text) alinhado esquerda/direita
ranger [rend*]
N guarda-florestal M, F
Rangoon [run]
N Rangum
rank [rk]
N 1. (row) fila, fileira 2. (MIL) posto 3. (status) categoria, posio F 4. taxi rank (BRIT)
ponto de txi VI to rank among, figurar entre VT I rank him sixth, eu o coloco em
sexto lugar ADJ 1. (stinking) ftido, malcheiroso 2. (hypocrisy, injustice) total the
ranks (MIL) a tropa NPL the rank and file (fig) a gente comum
to close ranks (MIL, fig) cerrar fileiras
rankle [rkl]
VI (insult) doer, magoar
ransack [rnsk]
VT 1. (search) revistar 2. (plunder) saquear, pilhar
ransom [rnsm]
N resgate M to hold sb to ransom (fig) encostar algum contra a parede
rant [rnt]
VI arengar
ranting [rnt]
N palavreado oco
rap [rp]
N batida breve e seca, tapa VT bater de leve
rape [rep]
N 1. estupro 2. (BOT) colza VT violentar, estuprar
rape oil , rapeseed oil [repsid-]
N leo de colza
rapid [rpd]
ADJ rpido
rapidity [rpdt]
N rapidez F
rapidly [rpdl]
ADV rapidamente
rapids [rpdz]
NPL (GEO) cachoeira
rapist [repst]
N estuprador M
rapport [rp*]
N harmonia, afinidade F
rapt [rpt]
ADJ absorvido to be rapt in contemplation, estar contemplando embevecido
rapture [rpt*]
N xtase M, arrebatamento to go into raptures over, extasiar-se com
rapturous [rptrs]
ADJ 1. exttico 2. (applause) entusiasta
rare [r*]
ADJ 1. raro 2. (CULIN) (steak) mal passado
rarebit [rbt]
N Welsh rarebit
rarefied [rrfad]
ADJ (air, atmosphere) rarefeito
rarely [rl]
ADV raramente
raring [rr]
ADJ to be raring to go (inf) estar louco para comear
rarity [rrt]
N raridade F
rascal [rskl]
N maroto, malandro
rash [r]
ADJ impetuoso, precipitado N 1. (MED) exantema M, erupo F cutnea 2. (of events)
srie F, torrente F he came out in a rash, apareceu-lhe uma irritao na pele
rasher [r*]
N fatia fina
rashness [rns]
N impetuosidade F
rasp [rsp]
N (tool) lima, raspadeira VT rasp out (speak) falar em voz spera
raspberry [rzbr]
N framboesa
raspberry bush
N framboeseira
rasping [rsp]
ADJ a rasping noise, um rudo spero or irritante
rat [rt]
N rato (BR) ratazana (PT)
ratable [retbl]
ADJ rateable
ratchet [rtt]
N (TECH) roquete M, catraca
rate [ret]
N 1. (ratio) razo F 2. (percentage) percentagem F, proporo F 3. (price) preo, taxa
(of hotel) diria 4. (of interest, change) taxa 5. (speed) velocidade F VT 1. (value)
taxar 2. (estimate) avaliar rates 1. (BRIT) imposto predial e territorial 2. (fees)
pagamento NPL to rate as, ser considerado como
to rate sb/sth as, considerar algum/algo como
to rate sth among, considerar algo como um* dos/das (considerar algo como
to rate sb/sth highly, valorizar algum/algo
at a rate of 60 km/h, velocidade de 60 km/h
at any rate, de qualquer modo
rate of exchange, taxa de cmbio
rate of growth, taxa de crescimento
rate of return, taxa de retorno
rateable value [retbl-] (BRIT)
N valor M tributvel (de um imvel)
ratepayer [retpe*] (BRIT)
N contribuinte M, F de imposto predial
rather [r*]
ADV 1. (somewhat) um tanto, meio 2. (to some extent) at certo ponto 3. (more
accurately) or rather, ou melhor its rather expensive (quite) meio caro (too)
caro demais
theres rather a lot, h bastante or muito
rather than, em vez de
I would or Id rather go, preferiria or preferia ir
Id rather not leave, eu preferiria or preferia no sair
or rather (more accurately) ou melhor
I rather think he wont come, eu estou achando que ele no vem
ratification [rtfken]
N ratificao F
ratify [rtfa]
VT ratificar
rating [ret]
N 1. (assessment) avaliao F 2. (score) classificao F 3. (value) valor M 4. (standing)
posio F 5. (NAUT) (category) posto (BRIT: sailor) marinheiro ratings (RADIO
TV) ndice(s) M de audincia MPL NPL
ratio [reu]
N razo F, proporo F in the ratio of 100 to 1 na proporo or razo de 100 para 1
ration [rn]
N rao F VT racionar rations (MIL) mantimentos MPL, vveres MPL NPL
rational [rnl]
ADJ 1. racional 2. (solution, reasoning) lgico 3. (person) sensato, razovel
rationale [rnl]
N razo F fundamental
rationalization [rnlazen]
N racionalizao F
rationalize [rnlaz]
VT racionalizar
rationally [rnl]
ADV 1. racionalmente 2. (logically) logicamente
rationing [rn]
N racionamento
rat poison
N raticida M
rat race
N the rat race, a competio acirrada na vida moderna
rattan [rtn]
N rotim M
rattle [rtl]
N 1. (of door) batida 2. (of train etc) chocalhada 3. (of coins) chocalhar M 4. (of hail)
saraivada 5. (object) (for baby) chocalho (of sports fan) matraca 6. (of snake) guizo
VI 1. chocalhar 2. (small objects) tamborilar 3. (vehicle) to rattle along, mover-se
ruidosamente VT 1. sacudir, fazer bater 2. (unnerve) perturbar 3. (disconcert)
desconcertar 4. (annoy) encher
rattlesnake [rtlsnek]
N cascavel F
ratty [rt] (inf)
ADJ rabugento
raucous [rks]
ADJ espalhafatoso, banelhento
raucously [rksl]
ADV em voz rouca
ravage [rvd]
VT devastar, estragar
ravages [rvdz]
NPL estragos MPL
rave [rev]
VI 1. (in anger) encolerizar-se 2. (MED) delirar 3. (with enthusiasm) to rave about,
vibrar com CPD rave review (inf) crtica estrondosa
raven [revn]
N corvo
ravenous [rvns]
ADJ morto de fome, esfomeado
ravine [rvin]
N ravina, barranco
raving [rev]
ADJ raving lunatic, doido* varrido* (doida varrida)
ravings [revz]
NPL delrios MPL
ravioli [rvul]
N ravili M
ravish [rv]
VT 1. arrebatar 2. (delight) encantar
ravishing [rv]
ADJ encantador* (encantadora)
raw [r]
ADJ 1. (uncooked) cru* (crua) 2. (not processed) bruto 3. (sore) vivo 4.
(inexperienced) inexperiente, novato 5. (weather) muito frio
raw deal (inf)
N to get a raw deal, levar a pior
raw material
N matria-prima
ray [re]
N raio ray of hope, fio de esperana
rayon [ren]
N raiom M
raze [rez]
VT raze to the ground, arrasar, aniquilar
razor [rez*]
N 1. (open) navalha 2. (safety razor) aparelho de barbear 3. (electric) aparelho de
barbear eltrico
razor blade
N gilete M (BR) lmina de barbear (PT)
razzle [rzl] razzle-dazzle (BRIT inf)
N to go on the razzle(-dazzle) cair na farra
razzmatazz [rzmtz] (inf)
N alvoroo
N ABBR rhythm and blues
ABBR Roman Catholic
N ABBR Royal Canadian Air Force
N ABBR Royal Canadian Mounted Police
N ABBR Royal Canadian Navy
N ABBR research and development
ABBR (POST) rural delivery
ABBR road
N ABBR rural district council
re [ri]
PREP referente a
N ABBR 1. religious education 2. (MIL) Royal Engineers
reach [rit]
N 1. alcance M 2. (BOXING) campo de ao 3. (of river etc) extenso F VT 1. (be able
to touch) alcanar 2. (arrive at) (place) chegar em (agreement, conclusion) chegar
a 3. (achieve) conseguir 4. (stretch out) estender, esticar 5. (by telephone)
conseguir falar com VI 1. alcanar 2. (stretch out) esticar-se within reach (object)
ao alcance (da mo)
out of or beyond reach, fora de alcance
within easy reach of the shops/station, perto das lojas/da estao
``keep out of the reach of children ``manter fora do alcance de crianas
to reach out for sth, estender or esticar a mo para pegar (em) algo
to reach sb by phone, comunicar-se com algum por telefone
can I reach you at your hotel? posso entrar em contato com voc no seu hotel?
reach out 1. (hand) esticar 2. to reach out for sth, estender or esticar mo
para pegar (em) algo VT
react [rikt]
VI reagir
reaction [rikn]
N reao F reactions (reflexes) reflexos MPL NPL
reactionary [riknr]
ADJ N reacionrio* (reacionria)
reactor [rikt*]
N nuclear reactor, reator M nuclear
read [rid] (PT, PP read rd )
VI ler VT 1. ler 2. (understand) compreender 3. (study) estudar to take sth as read
(fig) considerar algo como garantido
do you read me? (TEL) est me ouvindo?
to read between the lines, ler nas entrelinhas read out ler em voz alta VT
read over reler VT read through 1. (quickly) dar uma lida em 2. (thoroughly) ler
at o fim VT read up, read up on estudar VT
readable [ridbl]
ADJ 1. (writing) legvel 2. (book) que merece ser lido
reader [rid*]
N 1. leitor* M (F leitora) 2. (book) livro de leituras 3. (BRIT: at university) professor* M
adjunto* (F professora adjunta)
readership [ridp]
N (of paper) (readers) leitores MPL (number of readers) nmero de leitores
readily [rdl]
ADV 1. (willingly) de boa vontade 2. (easily) facilmente 3. (quickly) sem demora,
readiness [rdns]
N 1. (willingness) boa vontade F 2. (preparedness) prontido F in readiness
(prepared) preparado, pronto
reading [rid]
N 1. leitura 2. (understanding) compreenso F 3. (on instrument) indicao F, registro
(BR) registo (PT)
reading lamp
N lmpada de leitura
reading room
N sala de leitura
readjust [ridst]
VT reajustar VI (adapt) to readjust to, reorientar-se para
ready [rd]
ADJ 1. pronto, preparado 2. (willing) disposto 3. (available) disponvel ADV ready-
cooked, pronto para comer N at the ready (MIL) pronto para atirar (fig) pronto
ready for use, pronto para o uso
to be ready to do sth, estar pronto or preparado para fazer algo
to get ready (vi) preparar-se
to get ready (vt) preparar
ready cash
N dinheiro vivo
ADJ 1. (j) feito 2. (clothes) pronto
N (for cakes etc) massa pronta
ready money
N dinheiro vivo or disponvel
ready reckoner [-rkn*] (BRIT)
N tabela de clculos feitos
ADJ pronto, prt porter
reaffirm [rifm]
VT reafirmar
reagent [riednt]
N reagente M, reativo
real [rl]
ADJ 1. real 2. (genuine) verdadeiro, autntico 3. (proper) de verdade 4. (for emphasis)
a real idiot/miracle, um verdadeiro idiota/milagre ADV (US inf: very) bem in real
life, na vida real
in real terms, em termos reais
real estate
N bens MPL imobilirios or de raiz
realism [rlzm]
N realismo
realist [rlst]
N realista M, F
realistic [rlstk]
ADJ realista
reality [rilt]
N realidade F in reality, na verdade, na realidade
reality TV
N reality TV F
realization [rlazen]
N 1. (fulfilment) realizao F 2. (understanding) compreenso F 3. (COMM) converso
F em dinheiro, realizao
realize [rlaz]
VT 1. (understand) perceber 2. (fulfil, COMM) realizar I realize that ... eu concordo
que ...
really [rl]
ADV 1. (for emphasis) realmente 2. (actually) what really happened? o que
aconteceu na verdade? really? (interest) mesmo? (surprise) verdade!
really! (annoyance) realmente!
realm [rlm]
N reino
ADJ (COMPUT) em tempo real
realtor [rlt*] (US)
N corretor* M de imveis (F corretora) (BR) agente M imobilirio* (F agente
imobiliria) (PT)
ream [rim]
N resma reams (fig inf) pginas FPL e pginas NPL
reap [rip]
VT 1. segar, ceifar 2. (fig) colher
reaper [rip*]
N 1. segador* M (F segadora) ceifeiro* (ceifeira) 2. (machine) segadora
reappear [rip*]
VI reaparecer
reappearance [riprns]
N reapario F
reapply [ripla]
VI to reapply for, requerer de novo (job) candidatar-se de novo a
reappraisal [riprezl]
N reavaliao F
rear [r*]
ADJ traseiro, de trs N 1. traseira 2. (inf: bottom) traseiro VT (cattle, family) criar VI rear
up, empinar-se
rear-engined [-ndnd]
ADJ (AUT) com motor traseiro
rearguard [rd]
N retaguarda
rearm [rim]
VT VI rearmar
rearmament [rimmnt]
N rearmamento M
rearrange [rirend]
VT arrumar de novo, reorganizar
rear-view mirror
N (AUT) espelho retrovisor
reason [rizn]
N 1. (cause) razo F 2. (ability to think) raciocnio 3. (sense) bom-senso VI to reason
with sb, argumentar com algum, persuadir algum the reason for/why, a razo
de/pela qual
to have reason to think, ter motivo para pensar
it stands to reason that, razovel or lgico que
she claims with good reason that ... ela afirma com toda a razo que ...
all the more reason why you should not sell it, mais uma razo para voc no
reasonable [riznbl]
ADJ 1. (fair) razovel 2. (sensible) sensato
reasonably [riznbl]
ADV 1. (fairly) razoavelmente 2. (sensibly) sensatamente one can reasonably
assume that ... tudo indica que ...
reasoned [riznd]
ADJ (argument) fundamentado
reasoning [rizn]
N raciocnio
reassemble [rismbl]
VT 1. (people) reunir 2. (machine) montar de novo VI reunir-se de novo
reassert [rist]
VT reafirmar
reassurance [riurns]
N 1. garantia 2. (comfort) reconforto
reassure [riu*]
VT tranqilizar to reassure sb of, reafirmar a confiana de algum acerca de
reassuring [riur]
ADJ animador* (animadora) tranqilizador* (tranqilizadora)
reawakening [riwekn]
N despertar M
rebate [ribet]
N 1. (on product) abatimento 2. (on tax etc) devoluo F 3. (refund) reembolso
N [rbl] rebelde M, F VI [rbl] rebelar-se
rebellion [rbljn]
N rebelio F, revolta
rebellious [rbljs]
ADJ 1. insurreto 2. (behaviour) rebelde
rebirth [rib]
N renascimento
VI [rbaund] (ball) ressaltar N [ribaund] 1. on the rebound, ressalto 2. (person) she
married him on the rebound, ela casou com ele logo aps o rompimento do
casamento (or relationamento) anterior
rebuff [rbf]
N repulsa, recusa VT repelir
rebuild [ribld]
VT IRREG 1. reconstruir 2. (economy, confidence) recuperar
rebuke [rbjuk]
N reprimenda, censura VT repreender
rebut [rbt]
VT refutar
rebuttal [rbtl]
N refutao F
recalcitrant [rklstrnt]
ADJ recalcitrante, teimoso
recall [rkl]
VT 1. (remember) recordar, lembrar 2. (parliament) reunir de volta 3. (ambassador etc)
chamar de volta N 1. (memory) recordao F, lembrana 2. (of ambassador etc)
chamada (de volta) it is beyond recall, caiu no esquecimento
recant [rknt]
VI retratar-se
recap [rikp]
VT sintetizar VI recapitular N recapitulao F
recapitulate [rikptjulet]
VT VI recap
recapture [rikpt*]
VT 1. (town) retomar, recobrar 2. (atmosphere) recriar
ABBR received
recede [rsid]
VI 1. (tide) baixar 2. (lights) diminuir 3. (memory) enfraquecer 4. (hair) escassear
receding [rsid]
ADJ 1. (forehead, chin) metido or puxado para dentro 2. (hair) que est escasseando
nas tmporas receding hairline, entradas FPL (no cabelo)
receipt [rsit]
N 1. (document) recibo 2. (act of receiving) recebimento (BR) recepo F (PT)
receipts (COMM) receitas FPL NPL on receipt of, ao receber
to acknowledge receipt of, acusar o recebimento BR or a recepo PT de
we are in receipt of ... recebimos ...
receivable [rsivbl]
ADJ (COMM) a receber
receive [rsiv]
VT 1. receber 2. (guest) acolher 3. (wound, criticism) sofrer ``received with thanks
(COMM) ``recebido
receiver [rsiv*]
N 1. (TEL) fone M (BR) auscultador M (PT) 2. (RADIO TV) receptor M 3. (of stolen
goods) receptador* M (F receptadora) 4. (COMM) curador* M sndico* de massa
falida (F curadora sndica)
recent [risnt]
ADJ recente in recent years, nos ltimos anos
recently [risntl]
ADV 1. (a short while ago) recentemente 2. (in recent times) ultimamente as
recently as yesterday, ainda ontem
until recently, at recentemente
receptacle [rsptkl]
N receptculo, recipiente M
reception [rspn]
N 1. recepo F 2. (welcome) acolhida
reception centre (BRIT)
N centro de recepo
reception desk
N (mesa de) recepo F
receptionist [rspnst]
N recepcionista M, F
receptive [rsptv]
ADJ receptivo
recess [rss]
N 1. (in room) recesso, vo M 2. (for bed) nicho 3. (secret place) esconderijo 4. (POL
etc) (holiday) frias FPL 5. (US LAW) (short break) recesso 6. (SCH esp US) recreio
recession [rsn]
N recesso F
recharge [ritd]
VT (battery) recarregar
rechargeable [ritdbl]
ADJ recarregvel
recipe [rsp]
N receita
recipient [rspnt]
N 1. recipiente M, F, recebedor* M (F recebedora) 2. (of letter) destinatrio*
reciprocal [rsprkl]
ADJ recproco
reciprocate [rsprket]
VT retribuir VI 1. (in hospitality etc) retribuir 2. (in aggression etc) revidar
recital [rsatl]
N recital M
recite [rsat]
VT 1. (poem) recitar 2. (complaints etc) enumerar
reckless [rkls]
ADJ 1. (driver) imprudente 2. (speed) imprudente, excessivo 3. (spending)
recklessly [rklsl]
ADV 1. temerariamente, sem prudncia 2. (spend) irresponsavelmente
reckon [rkn]
VT 1. (calculate) calcular, contar 2. (consider) considerar 3. (think) I reckon that ...
acho que ... VI he is somebody to be reckoned with, ele algum que no pode
ser esquecido to reckon without sb/sth, no levar algum/algo em conta, no
contar com algum/algo reckon on contar com VT
reckoning [rkn]
N (calculation) clculo the day of reckoning, o dia do Juzo Final
reclaim [rklem]
VT 1. (get back) recuperar 2. (demand back) reivindicar 3. (land) desbravar (from sea)
aterrar 4. (waste materials) reaproveitar
reclamation [rklmen]
N 1. recuperao F 2. (of land from sea) aterro
recline [rklan]
VI 1. reclinar-se 2. (lean) apoiar-se, recostar-se
reclining [rklan]
ADJ (seat) reclinvel
recluse [rklus]
N recluso* (reclusa)
recognition [rknn]
N reconhecimento transformed beyond recognition, to transformado que est
in recognition of, em reconhecimento de
to gain recognition, ser reconhecido
recognizable [rknazbl]
ADJ recognizable (by) reconhecvel (por)
recognize [rknaz]
VT 1. reconhecer 2. (accept) aceitar to recognize by/as, reconhecer por/como
VI [rkl] 1. recuar 2. (person) to recoil from doing sth, recusar-se a fazer algo N
[rikl] (of gun) coice M
recollect [rklkt]
VT lembrar, recordar
recollection [rklkn]
N 1. (memory) recordao F 2. (remembering) lembrana to the best of my
recollection, se no me falha a memria
recommend [rkmnd]
VT recomendar she has a lot to recommend her, ela tem muito a seu favor
recommendation [rkmnden]
N recomendao F
recommended retail price [rkmndd-] (BRIT)
N preo mximo consumidor
recompense [rkmpns]
VT recompensar N recompensa
reconcilable [rknsalbl]
ADJ (ideas) concilivel
reconcile [rknsal]
VT 1. (two people) reconciliar 2. (two facts) conciliar, harmonizar to reconcile o.s.
to sth, resignar-se a or conformar-se com algo
reconciliation [rknslen]
N reconciliao F
recondite [rkndat]
ADJ obscuro
recondition [rikndn]
VT recondicionar
reconnaissance [rknsns]
N (MIL) reconhecimento
reconnoitre [rknt*] reconnoiter (US)
VT (MIL) reconhecer VI fazer um reconhecimento
reconsider [riknsd*]
VT reconsiderar
reconstitute [riknsttjut]
VT reconstituir
reconstruct [riknstrkt]
VT 1. reconstruir 2. (event) reconstituir
reconstruction [riknstrkn]
N reconstruo F
N [rkd] 1. (MUS) disco 2. (of meeting etc) ata, minuta 3. (COMPUT,: of attendance)
registro (BR) registo (PT) 4. (file) arquivo 5. (written) histria 6. criminal record,
antecedentes MPL 7. (SPORT) recorde M VT [rkd] 1. (write down) anotar 2.
(temperature, speed) registrar (BR) registar (PT) 3. (relate) relatar, referir 4. (MUS)
(song etc) gravar ADJ [rkd] in record time, num tempo recorde public
records, arquivo pblico
to keep a record of, anotar
to put the record straight (fig) corrigir um equvoco
he is on record as saying that ... ele declarou publicamente que ...
Italys excellent record, o excelente desempenho da Itlia
off the record (adj) confidencial
off the record (adv) confidencialmente
record card
N (in file) ficha
recorded delivery letter [rkdd-] (BRIT)
N (POST) carta registrada BR or registada PT
recorder [rkd*]
N 1. (MUS) flauta 2. (TECH) indicador M mecnico 3. (official) escrivo* M (F escriv)
record holder
N (SPORT) detentor* M do recorde (F detentora)
recording [rkd]
N (MUS) gravao F
recording studio
N estdio de gravao
record library
N discoteca
record player
N toca-discos M INV (BR) gira-discos M INV (PT)
recount [rkaunt]
VT relatar
N [rikaunt] (POL) (of votes) nova contagem F, recontagem F VT [rikaunt] recontar
recoup [rkup]
VT to recoup ones losses, recuperar-se dos prejuzos
recourse [rks]
N recurso to have recourse to, recorrer a
recover [rkv*]
VT 1. recuperar 2. (rescue) resgatar VI 1. (from illness) recuperar-se 2. (from shock)
VT (chair etc) revestir
recovery [rkvr]
N 1. recuperao F 2. (MED) recuperao, melhora
recreate [rikret]
VT recriar
recreation [rkren]
N 1. recreao F 2. (play) recreio
recreational [rkrenl]
ADJ recreativo
recreational vehicle (US)
N kombi M
recrimination [rkrmnen]
N recriminao F
recruit [rkrut]
N 1. recruta M, F 2. (in company) novato* (novata) VT recrutar
recruiting office [rkrut-]
N centro de recrutamento
recruitment [rkrutmnt]
N recrutamento
rectangle [rktl]
N retngulo
rectangular [rktjul*]
ADJ retangular
rectify [rktfa]
VT retificar
rector [rkt*]
N 1. (REL) proco 2. (SCH) reitor* M (F reitora)
rectory [rktr]
N residncia paroquial
rectum [rktm]
N (ANAT) reto
recuperate [rkupret]
VI recuperar-se
recur [rk*]
VI 1. repetir-se, ocorrer outra vez 2. (opportunity) surgir de novo 3. (symptoms)
recurrence [rkrns]
N 1. repetio F 2. (of symptoms) reapario F
recurrent [rkrnt]
ADJ repetido, peridico
recurring [rkr]
ADJ (MATH) peridico
recyclable [rsaklbl]
ADJ reciclvel
red [rd]
N 1. vermelho 2. (POL pej) vermelho* (vermelha) ADJ 1. vermelho 2. (hair) ruivo 3.
(wine) tinto to be in the red (person) estar no vermelho (account) no ter fundos
red carpet treatment
N she was given the red carpet treatment, ela foi recebida com todas as honras
Red Cross
N Cruz F Vermelha
redcurrant [rdkrnt]
N groselha
redden [rdn]
VT avermelhar VI corar, ruborizar-se
reddish [rd]
ADJ 1. avermelhado 2. (hair) arruivado
redecorate [ridkret]
VT decorar de novo, redecorar
redecoration [ridkren]
N remodelao F
redeem [rdim]
VT 1. (REL) redimir 2. (sth in pawn) tirar do prego 3. (loan, fig) (situation) salvar
redeemable [rdimbl]
ADJ resgatvel
redeeming [rdim]
ADJ redeeming feature, lado bom or que salva
redeploy [ridpl]
VT (resources, troops) redistribuir
redeployment [ridplmnt]
N redistribuio F
redevelop [ridvlp]
VT renovar
redevelopment [ridvlpmnt]
N renovao F
ADJ ruivo
red-handed [-hndd]
ADJ to be caught red-handed, ser apanhado em flagrante, ser flagrado
redhead [rdhd]
N ruivo* (ruiva)
red herring
N (fig) pista falsa
ADJ incandescente
redid [ridd]
PT (of redo)
redirect [ridarkt]
VT (mail) enderear de novo
redistribute [ridstrbjut]
VT redistribuir
red-letter day
N dia M memorvel
red light
N to go through a red light (AUT) avanar o sinal
red-light district
N zona (de meretrcio)
redness [rdns]
N vermelhido F
redo [ridu]
VT IRREG refazer
redolent [rdlnt]
ADJ redolent of, que cheira a (fig) que evoca
redone [ridn]
PP (of redo)
redouble [ridbl]
VT to redouble ones efforts, redobrar os esforos
redraft [ridrft]
VT redigir de novo
redress [rdrs]
N compensao F VT retificar to redress the balance, restituir o equilbrio
Red Sea
N the Red Sea, o mar Vermelho
redskin [rdskn]
N pele-vermelha M, F
red tape
N (fig) papelada, burocracia
reduce [rdjus]
VT 1. reduzir 2. (lower) rebaixar ``reduce speed now (AUT) ``diminua a
to reduce sth by/to, diminuir algo em/reduzir algo a
to reduce sb to (silence, begging) levar algum a (tears) reduzir algum a
``greatly reduced prices ``preos altamente reduzidos
at a reduced price, a preo reduzido
reduction [rdkn]
N 1. reduo F 2. (of price) abatimento 3. (discount) desconto
redundancy [rdndns]
N 1. redundncia 2. (BRIT: dismissal) demisso F 3. (unemployment) desemprego
compulsory redundancy, demisso
voluntary redundancy, demisso voluntria
redundant [rdndnt]
ADJ 1. (BRIT: worker) desempregado 2. (detail, object) redundante, suprfluo to be
made redundant, ficar desempregado or sem trabalho
redundancy payment (BRIT)
N indenizao paga aos empregados dispensados sem justa causa
reed [rid]
N 1. (BOT) junco 2. (MUS) (of clarinet etc) palheta
reedy [rid]
ADJ (voice, instrument) agudo
reef [rif]
N (at sea) recife M
reek [rik]
VI to reek (of) cheirar (a) feder (a)
reel [ril]
N 1. carretel M, bobina 2. (of film) rolo, filme M 3. (on fishing-rod) carretilha 4. (dance)
dana tpica da Esccia VT 1. (TECH) bobinar 2. reel up, enrolar VI (sway)
cambalear, oscilar my head is reeling, estou completamente confuso reel in
puxar enrolando a linha VT reel off (say) enumerar, recitar VT
N reeleio F
VT reentrar em
N reentrada
VT [rikspt] reexportar N [rikspt] reexportao F
ref [rf] (inf)
N ABBR referee
ABBR (COMM) reference, ref
refectory [rfktr]
N refeitrio
refer [rf*]
VT 1. (matter, problem) to refer sth to, submeter algo apreciao de 2. (person,
patient) to refer sb to, encaminhar algum a 3. (reader) (to text)
to refer sb to, remeter algum a VI to refer to (allude to) referir-se or aludir a
(apply to) aplicar-se a (consult) recorrer a referring to your letter (COMM) com
referncia sua carta
referee [rfri]
N 1. rbitro* (rbitra) 2. (BRIT: for job application) referncia VT 1. arbitrar 2. (football
match) apitar
reference [rfrns]
N 1. referncia 2. (mention) meno F with reference to, com relao a (COMM) (in
letter) com referncia a
``please quote this reference (COMM) ``queira citar esta referncia
reference book
N livro de consulta
reference number
N nmero de referncia
referenda [rfrnd]
NPL (of referendum)
referendum [rfrndm] (PL referenda )
N referendum M, plebiscito
VT [rifl] 1. reencher 2. (lighter etc) reabastecer N [rifil] 1. (for pen) carga nova 2.
(COMM) refill M
refine [rfan]
VT refinar
refined [rfand]
ADJ (person, taste) refinado, culto
refinement [rfanmnt]
N 1. (of person) cultura, refinamento, requinte M 2. (of system) refinamento
refinery [rfanr]
N refinaria
N [rift] (NAUT) reequipamento VT [rift] reequipar
reflate [riflet]
VT (economy) reflacionar
reflation [riflen]
N reflao F
reflationary [riflenr]
ADJ reflacionrio
reflect [rflkt]
VT refletir VI (think) refletir, meditar it reflects badly/well on him, isso repercute
mal/bem para ele
reflection [rflkn]
N 1. reflexo 2. (thought, act) reflexo F 3. (criticism) reflection on, crtica de on
reflection, pensando bem
reflector [rflkt*]
N (AUT,: on bicycle, for light) refletor M
reflect stud (US)
N (AUT) olho de gato
reflex [riflks]
ADJ N reflexo
reflexive [rflksv]
ADJ (LING) reflexivo
reform [rfm]
N reforma VT reformar
reformat [rifmt]
VT (COMPUT) reformatar
Reformation [rfmen]
N the Reformation, a Reforma
reformatory [rfmtr] (US)
N reformatrio
reformed [rfmd]
ADJ emendado, reformado
reformer [rfm*]
N reformador* M (F reformadora)
reformist [rfmst]
N reformista M, F
refrain [rfren]
VI to refrain from doing, abster-se de fazer N estribilho, refro M
refresh [rfr]
VT refrescar
refresher course [rfr*-] (BRIT)
N curso de reciclagem
refreshing [rfr]
ADJ 1. refrescante 2. (sleep) repousante 3. (change) agradvel 4. (idea, thought)
refreshment [rfrmnt]
N 1. (eating) for some refreshment, para comer alguma coisa 2. (resting etc) in
need of refreshment, precisando se refazer, precisando refazer as suas foras
refreshments (food and drink) bebidas FPL (no-alcelicas) e guloseimas NPL
refrigeration [rfrdren]
N refrigerao F
refrigerator [rfrdret*]
N refrigerador M, geladeira (BR) frigorfico (PT)
refuel [rifjul]
VT VI reabastecer
refuge [rfjud]
N refgio to take refuge in, refugiar-se em
refugee [rfjudi]
N refugiado* (refugiada)
refugee camp
N campo de refugiados
N [rifnd] reembolso VT [rfnd] devolver, reembolsar
refurbish [rifb]
VT renovar
refurnish [rifn]
VT colocar mveis novos em
refusal [rfjuzl]
N recusa, negativa first refusal, primeira opo
VT 1. recusar 2. (order) recusar-se a VI 1. recusar-se, negar-se 2. (horse) recusar-se a
pular a cerca to refuse to do sth, recusar-se a fazer algo
N refugo, lixo
refuse bin
N lata de lixo
refuse collection
N remoo F de lixo
refuse collector
N lixeiro* (lixeira) gari M, F (BR)
refuse disposal
N destruio F de lixo
refuse tip
N depsito de lixo
refute [rfjut]
VT refutar
regain [ren]
VT recuperar, recobrar
regal [ril]
ADJ real, rgio
regale [rel]
VT to regale sb with sth, regalar algum com algo
regalia [rel]
N NPL insgnias FPL reais
regard [rd]
N 1. (gaze) olhar M firme 2. (aspect) respeito 3. (attention) ateno F 4. (esteem)
estima, considerao F VT (consider) considerar to give ones regards to, dar
lembranas a
``with kindest regards ``cordialmente
as regards
with regard to, com relao a, com respeito a, quanto a
regarding [rd]
PREP com relao a
regardless [rdls]
ADV apesar de tudo regardless of, apesar de
regatta [rt]
N regata
regency [ridns]
N regncia
regenerate [rdnret]
VT regenerar VI regenerar-se
regent [ridnt]
N regente M, F
rgime [reim]
N regime M
N [rdmnt] regimento VT [rdmnt] 1. regulamentar 2. (children etc) subordinar a
disciplina rgida
regimental [rdmntl]
ADJ regimental
regimentation [rdmnten]
N organizao F
region [ridn]
N regio F in the region of (fig) por volta de, ao redor de
regional [ridnl]
ADJ regional
regional development
N desenvolvimento regional
register [rdst*]
N 1. registro (BR) registo (PT) 2. (SCH) chamada 3. (list) lista VT 1. registrar (BR)
registar (PT) 2. (subj) (instrument) marcar, indicar VI 1. (at hotel) registrar-se (BR)
registar-se (PT) 2. (for work) candidatar-se 3. (as student) inscrever-se 4. (make
impression) causar impresso to register for a course, matricular-se num curso
to register a protest, registrar BR or registar PT uma queixa
registered [rdstd]
ADJ 1. (letter, parcel) registrado (BR) registado (PT) 2. (student) matriculado 3. (voter)
registered company
N sociedade F registrada BR or registada PT
registered nurse (US)
N enfermeiro* formado* (enfermeira formada)
registered office
N sede F social
registered trademark
N marca registrada BR or registada PT
registrar [rdstr*]
N 1. oficial M, F de registro BR or registo PT, escrivo* M (F escriv) 2. (in college)
funcionrio* administrativo* snior (funcionria administrativa) 3. (in hospital)
mdico* snior (mdica)
registration [rdstren]
N 1. (act) registro (BR) registo (PT) 2. registration number (AUT) nmero da placa
registry [rdstr]
N registro (BR) registo (PT) cartrio
registry office (BRIT)
N registro BR or registo PT civil, cartrio to get married in a registry office, casar-
se no civil
regret [rrt]
N 1. desgosto, pesar M 2. (remorse) remorso VT 1. (deplore) lamentar 2. (repent of)
arrepender-se de to regret that ... lamentar que ... (+ sub)
we regret to inform you that ... lamentamos inform-lo de que ...
regretfully [rrtful]
ADV com pesar, pesarosamente
regrettable [rrtbl]
ADJ 1. deplorvel 2. (loss) lamentvel
regrettably [rrtbl]
ADV lamentavelmente regrettably, he was unable ... infelizmente, ele no pde ...
regroup [rirup]
VT reagrupar VI reagrupar-se
ABBR regiment
regular [rjul*]
ADJ 1. (verb, service, shape) regular 2. (frequent) freqente 3. (usual) habitual 4.
(soldier) de linha 5. (listener, reader) assduo 6. (COMM) (size) mdio N (client etc)
habitual M, F
regularity [rjulrt]
N regularidade F
regularly [rjull]
ADV 1. regularmente 2. (shaped) simetricamente 3. (often) freqentemente
regulate [rjulet]
VT 1. (speed) regular 2. (spending) controlar 3. (TECH) regular, ajustar
regulation [rjulen]
N 1. (rule) regra, regulamento 2. (adjustment) ajuste M CPD regulamentar
rehabilitation [rihblten]
N reabilitao F
rehash [rih] (inf)
VT retocar
rehearsal [rhsl]
N ensaio dress
rehearse [rhs]
VT VI ensaiar
rehouse [rihauz]
VT realojar
reign [ren]
N 1. reinado 2. (fig) domnio VI 1. reinar 2. imperar
reigning [ren]
ADJ 1. (monarch) reinante 2. (champion) atual
reimburse [rimbs]
VT reembolsar
reimbursement [rimbsmnt]
N reembolso
rein [ren]
N (for horse) rdea to give rein to, dar rdeas a, dar rdea larga a
to give sb free rein (fig) dar carta branca a algum
reincarnation [rinknen]
N reencarnao F
reindeer [rend*]
N INV rena
reinforce [rinfs]
VT reforar
reinforced [rinfst]
ADJ (concrete) armado
reinforcement [rinfsmnt]
N reforo reinforcements (MIL) reforos MPL NPL
reinstate [rinstet]
VT 1. (worker) readmitir 2. (official) reempossar 3. (tax, law) reintroduir
reinstatement [rinstetmnt]
N readmisso F
reissue [riu]
VT 1. (book) reeditar 2. (film) relanar
reiterate [ritret]
VT reiterar, repetir
N [ridkt] (COMM) artigo defeituoso VT [rdkt] 1. rejeitar 2. (offer of help) recusar
3. (goods) refugar
rejection [rdkn]
N 1. rejeio F 2. (of offer of help) recusa
rejoice [rds]
VI to rejoice at or over, regozijar-se or alegrar-se de
rejoinder [rdnd*]
N (retort) rplica
rejuvenate [rduvnet]
VT rejuvenescer
rekindle [rikndl]
VT 1. reacender 2. (fig) despertar, reanimar
relapse [rlps]
N 1. (MED) recada 2. (into crime) reincidncia
relate [rlet]
VT 1. (tell) contar, relatar 2. (connect) to relate sth to, relacionar algo com VI to relate
to, relacionar-se com related to, ligado a, relacionado a
relating [rlet]
VB PREP relating to, relativo a, acerca de
relation [rlen]
N 1. (person) parente M, F 2. (link) relao F relations 1. (dealings) relaes FPL 2.
(relatives) parentes MPL NPL diplomatic/international relations, relaes
in relation to, em relao a
to bear no relation to, no ter relao com
relationship [rlenp]
N 1. relacionamento 2. (between two things) relao F 3. family relationship,
parentesco 4. (affair) caso
relative [rltv]
N parente M, F ADJ 1. relativo 2. (respective) respectivo
relatively [rltvl]
ADV relativamente
relax [rlks]
VI 1. (rest) descansar 2. (unwind) descontrair-se 3. (muscle) relaxar-se 4. (calm down)
acalmar-se VT 1. (grip) afrouxar 2. (control) relaxar 3. (mind, person) descansar
relax! (calm down) calma!
to relax ones grip or hold, afrouxar um pouco
relaxation [rilksen]
N 1. (rest) descanso 2. (of muscle, control) relaxamento 3. (of grip) afrouxamento 4.
(recreation) lazer M
relaxed [rlkst]
ADJ 1. relaxado 2. (tranquil) descontrado
relaxing [rlks]
ADJ relaxante
relay [rile]
N (race) (corrida de) revezamento VT (message) retransmitir
release [rlis]
N 1. (from prison) libertao F 2. (from obligation) liberao F 3. (of shot) disparo 4. (of
gas) escape M 5. (of water) despejo 6. (of film, book etc) lanamento 7. (device)
desengate M VT 1. (prisoner) pr em liberdade 2. (book, film) lanar 3. (report,
news) publicar 4. (gas etc) soltar 5. (free) (from wreckage etc) soltar 6. (TECH)
(catch, spring etc) desengatar, desapertar 7. (let go) soltar to release ones grip
or hold, afrouxar
to release the clutch (AUT) desembrear
relegate [rlet]
VT 1. relegar 2. (SPORT) to be relegated, ser rebaixado
relent [rlnt]
VI 1. abrandar-se 2. (yield) ceder
relentless [rlntls]
ADJ 1. (unceasing) contnuo 2. (determined) implacvel
relevance [rlvns]
N 1. pertinncia 2. (of question etc) importncia relevance of sth to sth, relao de
algo com algo
relevant [rlvnt]
ADJ 1. (fact, information) pertinente 2. (apt) apropriado 3. (important) relevante
relevant to, relacionado com
reliability [rlablt]
N 1. (of person, firm) confiabilidade F, seriedade F 2. (of method, machine) segurana
3. (of news) fidedignidade F
reliable [rlabl]
ADJ 1. (person, firm) digno de confiana, confivel, srio 2. (method, machine) seguro
3. (news) fidedigno
reliably [rlabl]
ADV to be reliably informed that ... saber atravs de fonte segura que ...
reliance [rlans]
N reliance (on) (trust) confiana (em) esperana (em) (dependence) dependncia
reliant [rlant]
ADJ to be reliant on sth/sb, depender de algo/algum
relic [rlk]
N 1. (REL) relquia 2. (of the past) vestgio
relief [rlif]
N 1. (from pain, anxiety) alvio 2. (help, supplies) ajuda, socorro 3. (of guard) rendio
F 4. (ART GEO) relevo by way of light relief, como forma de diverso
relief map
N mapa M em relevo
relief road (BRIT)
N estrada alternativa
relieve [rliv]
VT 1. (pain, fear) aliviar 2. (bring help to) ajudar, socorrer 3. (burden) abrandar, mitigar
4. (take over from) (gen) substituir, revezar (guard) render to relieve sb of sth
(load) tirar algo de algum (duties) destituir algum de algo
to relieve sb of his command, exonerar algum, destituir algum de sua funo
to relieve o.s. fazer as necessidades
religion [rldn]
N religio F
religious [rlds]
ADJ religioso
reline [rilan]
VT (brakes) trocar o forro de
relinquish [rlkw]
VT 1. abandonar 2. (plan, habit) renunciar a
relish [rl]
N 1. (CULIN) condimento, tempero 2. (enjoyment) entusiasmo VT 1. (food etc)
saborear 2. (thought) ver com satisfao to relish doing, gostar de fazer
relive [rilv]
VT reviver
reload [rilud]
VT recarregar
relocate [riluket]
VT deslocar VI deslocar-se to relocate in, instalar-se em
reluctance [rlktns]
N relutncia
reluctant [rlktnt]
ADJ relutante to be reluctant to do sth, relutar em fazer algo
reluctantly [rlktntl]
ADV relutantemente, de m vontade
rely on [rla-]
VT FUS 1. confiar em, contar com 2. (be dependent on) depender de
remain [rmen]
VI 1. (survive) sobreviver 2. (stay) ficar, permanecer 3. (be left) sobrar 4. (continue)
continuar to remain silent, ficar calado
I remain, yours faithfully (BRIT: in letters) subscrevo-me atenciosamente
remainder [rmend*]
N resto, restante M
remaining [rmen]
ADJ restante
remains [rmenz]
NPL 1. (of body) restos MPL 2. (of meal) sobras FPL 3. (of building) runas FPL
remand [rmnd]
N on remand, sob priso preventiva VT to be remanded in custody, continuar sob
priso preventiva, manter sob custdia
remand home (BRIT)
N instituio F do juizado de menores, reformatrio
remark [rmk]
N observao F, comentrio VT comentar VI to remark on sth, comentar algo, fazer
um comentrio sobre algo
remarkable [rmkbl]
ADJ 1. notvel 2. (outstanding) extraordinrio
remarry [rimr]
VI casar-se de novo
remedial [rmidl]
ADJ 1. (tuition, classes) de reforo 2. (exercise) teraputico
remedy [rmd]
N remedy (for) remdio (contra or a) VT remediar
remember [rmmb*]
VT 1. lembrar-se de, lembrar 2. (memorize) guardar 3. (bear in mind) ter em mente 4.
(send greetings) remember me to her, d lembranas a ela I remember seeing
it I remember having seen it, eu me lembro de ter visto aquilo
she remembered to do it, ela se lembrou de fazer aquilo
remembrance [rmmbrns]
N 1. (memory) memria 2. (souvenir) lembrana, recordao F
Remembrance Sunday
remind [rmand]
VT to remind sb to do sth, lembrar a algum que tem de fazer algo to remind sb
of sth, lembrar algo a algum, lembrar algum de algo
she reminds me of her mother, ela me lembra a me dela
that reminds me, ... falando nisso, ...
reminder [rmand*]
N 1. lembrete M 2. (souvenir) lembrana 3. (letter) carta de advertncia
reminisce [rmns]
VI relembrar velhas histrias to reminisce about sth, relembrar algo
reminiscences [rmnsnsz]
NPL recordaes FPL, lembranas FPL
reminiscent [rmnsnt]
ADJ to be reminiscent of sth, lembrar algo
remiss [rms]
ADJ negligente, desleixado it was remiss of him, foi um descuido dele
remission [rmn]
N 1. remisso F 2. (of sentence) diminuio F
remit [rmt]
VT (send) (money) remeter, enviar, mandar
remittance [rmtns]
N remessa
remnant [rmnnt]
N 1. resto 2. (of cloth) retalho remnants (COMM) retalhos MPL NPL
remonstrate [rmnstret]
VI to remonstrate (with sb about sth) reclamar (a algum de algo)
remorse [rms]
N remorso
remorseful [rmsful]
ADJ arrependido
remorseless [rmsls]
ADJ (fig) implacvel
remote [rmut]
ADJ 1. (distant) remoto, distante 2. (person) reservado, afastado 3. (slight) there is a
remote possibility that ... existe uma possibilidade remota de que ...
remote control
N controle M remoto
remote-controlled [-kntruld]
ADJ 1. (plane) telecomandado 2. (missile) teleguiado
remotely [rmutl]
ADV 1. remotamente 2. (slightly) levemente
remoteness [rmutns]
N afastamento, isolamento
remould [rimuld] (BRIT)
N (tyre) pneu M recauchutado
removable [rmuvbl]
ADJ (detachable) removvel
removal [rmuvl]
N 1. (taking away) remoo F 2. (BRIT: from house) mudana 3. (from office)
(sacking) afastamento, demisso F 4. (MED) extrao F
removal man
N IRREG homem M da companhia de mudanas
removal van (BRIT)
N caminho M BR or camio M PT de mudanas
remove [rmuv]
VT 1. tirar, retirar 2. (clothing) tirar 3. (stain) remover 4. (employee) afastar, demitir 5.
(name from list, obstacle) eliminar, remover 6. (doubt, abuse) afastar 7. (TECH)
retirar, separar 8. (MED) extrair, extirpar first cousin once removed, primo* em
segundo grau (prima)
remover [rmuv*]
N (substance) removedor M removers (BRIT: company) companhia de mudanas
remunerate [rmjunret]
VT remunerar
remuneration [rmjunren]
N remunerao F
Renaissance [rnesns]
N the Renaissance, a Renascena
rename [rinem]
VT dar novo nome a
rend [rnd] (PT, PP rent )
VT rasgar, despedaar
render [rnd*]
VT 1. (give) (thanks) trazer (service) prestar (account) entregar 2. (make) fazer, tornar
3. (translate) traduzir 4. render down (fat) clarificar 5. (wall) rebocar
rendering [rndr]
N (MUS etc) interpretao F
rendezvous [rndvu]
N 1. encontro 2. (place) ponto de encontro VI encontrar-se to rendezvous with sb,
encontrar-se com algum
renegade [rned]
N renegado* (renegada)
renew [rnju]
VT 1. renovar 2. (resume) retomar, recomear 3. (loan etc) prorrogar 4. (negotiations,
acquaintance) reatar
renewable [rnjubl]
ADJ renovvel
renewal [rnjul]
N 1. (of contract) renovao F 2. (resumption) retomada 3. (of loan) prorrogao F
renounce [rnauns]
VT 1. renunciar a 2. (disown) repudiar, rejeitar
renovate [rnvet]
VT 1. renovar 2. (house, room) reformar
renovation [rnven]
N 1. renovao F 2. (of house etc) reforma
renown [rnaun]
N renome M
renowned [rnaund]
ADJ renomado, famoso
rent [rnt]
PT PP (of rend) N aluguel M (BR) aluguer M (PT) VT rent out, alugar
rental [rntl]
N (for television, car) aluguel M (BR) aluguer M (PT)
renunciation [rnnsen]
N renncia
reopen [riupn]
VT reabrir
reopening [riupn]
N reabertura
reorder [rid*]
VT 1. encomendar novamente 2. (rearrange) reorganizar
reorganize [rinaz]
VT reorganizar
Rep. (US)
ABBR (POL) representative, republican
rep [rp]
N ABBR 1. (COMM) representative 2. (THEATRE) repertory
repaid [riped]
PT PP (of repay)
repay [ripe]
VT IRREG 1. (money) reembolsar, restituir 2. (person) pagar de volta 3. (debt) saldar,
liquidar 4. (sb's efforts) corresponder, retribuir 5. (favour) retribuir
repair [rp*]
N 1. reparao F, conserto 2. (patch) remendo VT consertar beyond repair,
in good/bad repair, em bom/mau estado
under repair, no conserto
repair kit
N caixa de ferramentas
repair man
N IRREG consertador M
repair shop
N oficina de reparos
repartee [rpti]
N 1. resposta arguta e engenhosa 2. (skill) presteza em replicar
repast [rpst]
N (formal) repasto
repatriate [riptret]
VT repatriar
repayment [ripemnt]
N 1. reembolso 2. (of debt) pagamento 3. (of mortgage etc) prestao F
repeal [rpil]
N 1. (of law) revogao F 2. (of sentence) anulao F VT 1. revogar 2. anular
repeat [rpit]
N (RADIO TV) repetio F VT 1. repetir 2. (COMM) (order) renovar VI repetir-se
repeatedly [rpitdl]
ADV repetidamente
repel [rpl]
VT 1. repelir 2. (disgust) repugnar
repellent [rplnt]
ADJ repugnante N insect repellent, repelente M de insetos
repent [rpnt]
VI to repent (of) arrepender-se (de)
repentance [rpntns]
N arrependimento
repercussions [ripknz]
NPL repercusses FPL to have repercussions, repercutir
repertoire [rptw*]
N repertrio
repertory [rptr]
N repertory theatre, teatro de repertrio
repertory company
N companhia teatral
repetition [rptn]
N repetio F
repetitious [rpts]
ADJ (speech) repetitivo
repetitive [rpttv]
ADJ repetitivo
replace [rples]
VT 1. (put back) repor, devolver 2. (take the place of) substituir 3. (TEL) ``replace the
receiver ``desligue
replacement [rplesmnt]
N 1. (substitution) substituio F 2. (putting back) reposio F 3. (substitute)
substituto* (substituta)
replacement part
N pea sobressalente
replay [riple]
N 1. (of match) partida decisiva 2. action replay (TV) replay M
replenish [rpln]
VT 1. (glass) reencher 2. (stock etc) completar, prover 3. (with fuel) reabastecer
replete [rplit]
ADJ 1. repleto 2. (well-fed) cheio, empanturrado
replica [rplk]
N rplica, cpia, reproduo F
reply [rpla]
N resposta VI responder in reply (to) em resposta (a)
theres no reply (TEL) ningum atende
reply coupon
N carto-resposta M
report [rpt]
N 1. relatrio 2. (PRESS etc) reportagem F 3. school report (BRIT) boletim M escolar
4. (of gun) estampido, detonao F VT 1. informar sobre 2. (PRESS etc) fazer uma
reportagem sobre 3. (bring to notice) (occurrence) comunicar, anunciar (person)
denunciar VI 1. (make a report) to report (on) apresentar um relatrio (sobre) 2.
(for newspaper) fazer uma reportagem (sobre) 3. (present o.s.) to report (to sb)
apresentar-se (a algum) 4. (be responsible to) to report to sb, obedecer as
ordens de algum it is reported that, dizem que
it is reported from Berlin that, h notcias de Berlim de que
report card (US SCOTTISH)
N boletim M escolar
reportedly [rptdl]
ADV she is reportedly living in Spain, dizem que ela mora na Espanha
reported speech [rptd-]
N (LING) discurso indireto
reporter [rpt*]
N 1. (PRESS) jornalista M, F, reprter M, F 2. (RADIO TV) reprter
repose [rpuz]
N in repose, em repouso
repossess [ripzs]
VT retomar
reprehensible [rprhnsbl]
ADJ repreensvel, censurvel, condenvel
represent [rprznt]
VT 1. representar 2. (constitute) constituir 3. (COMM) ser representante de 4.
(describe) to represent sth as, representar algo como 5. (explain) to represent to
sb that, explicar a algum que
representation [rprznten]
N 1. representao F 2. (picture, statue) representao, retrato 3. (petition) petio F
representations (protest) reclamao F, protesto NPL
representative [rprznttv]
N 1. representante M, F 2. (US POL) deputado* (deputada) ADJ representative (of)
representativo (de)
repress [rprs]
VT reprimir
repression [rprn]
N represso F
repressive [rprsv]
ADJ repressivo
reprieve [rpriv]
N 1. (LAW) suspenso F temporria 2. (fig) adiamento VT 1. suspender
temporariamente 2. aliviar
reprimand [rprmnd]
N reprimenda VT repreender, censurar
N [riprnt] reimpresso F VT [riprnt] reimprimir
reprisal [rprazl]
N represlia reprisals (acts of revenge) represlias FPL NPL to take reprisals,
fazer or exercer represlias
reproach [rprut]
N repreenso F, censura VT to reproach sb with sth, repreender algum por algo
beyond reproach, irrepreensvel, impecvel
reproachful [rprutful]
ADJ repreensivo, acusatrio
reproduce [riprdjus]
VT reproduzir VI reproduzir-se
reproduction [riprdkn]
N reproduo F
reproductive [riprdktv]
ADJ reprodutivo
reproof [rpruf]
N reprovao F, repreenso F
reprove [rpruv]
VT (action) reprovar to reprove sb for sth, repreender algum por algo
reproving [rpruv]
ADJ 1. (look) de reprovao 2. (tone) de censura
reptile [rptal]
N rptil M
Repub. (US)
ABBR (POL) republican
republic [rpblk]
N repblica
republican [rpblkn]
ADJ N 1. republicano* (republicana) 2. (US POL) Republican, membro* do Partido
Republicano (membra)
repudiate [rpjudet]
VT 1. (accusation) rejeitar, negar 2. (violence) repudiar 3. (obligation) desconhecer
repugnant [rpnnt]
ADJ repugnante, repulsivo
repulse [rpls]
VT repelir
repulsion [rpln]
N 1. repulsa 2. (PHYS) repulso F
repulsive [rplsv]
ADJ repulsivo
reputable [rpjutbl]
ADJ 1. (make etc) bem conceituado, de confiana 2. (person) honrado, respeitvel
reputation [rpjuten]
N reputao F to have a reputation for, ter fama por
he has a reputation for being cruel, ele tem fama de ser cruel
repute [rpjut]
N reputao F, renome M
reputed [rpjutd]
ADJ suposto, pretenso he is reputed to be rich, dizem que ele rico
reputedly [rpjutdl]
ADV segundo se diz, supostamente
request [rkwst]
N 1. pedido 2. (formal) petio F VT to request sth of or from sb, pedir algo a algum
(formally) solicitar algo a algum on request, a pedido
at the request of, a pedido de
``you are requested not to smoke ``pede-se or favor no fumar
request stop (BRIT)
N (for bus) parada no obrigatria
requiem [rkwm]
N rquiem M
require [rkwa*]
VT 1. (need) (subj: person) precisar de, necessitar (thing, situation) requerer, exigir 2.
(want) pedir 3. (order) to require sb to do sth/sth of sb, exigir que algum faa
algo/algo de algum if required, se for necessrio
what qualifications are required? quais so as qualificaes necessrias?
required by law, exigido por lei
required [rkwad]
ADJ 1. (necessary) necessrio 2. (desired) desejado
requirement [rkwamnt]
N 1. requisito 2. (need) necessidade F 3. (want) pedido
requisite [rkwzt]
N requisito ADJ necessrio, indispensvel toilet requisites, artigos de toalete
requisition [rkwzn]
N requisition (for) requerimento (para) VT (MIL) requisitar, confiscar
reroute [rirut]
VT (train etc) desviar
resale [risel]
N revenda
resale price maintenance
N manuteno F de preos de revenda
rescind [rsnd]
VT 1. (contract) rescindir 2. (law) revogar 3. (verdict) anular
rescue [rskju]
N salvamento, resgate M VT to rescue (from) (survivors, wounded etc) resgatar (de)
(save, fig) salvar (de) to come to sbs rescue, ir ao socorro de algum
rescue party
N grupo or expedio F de resgate
rescuer [rskju*]
N 1. (in disaster etc) resgatador* M (F resgatadora) 2. (fig) salvador* M (F salvadora)
research [rst]
N pesquisa VT pesquisar VI to research (into sth) pesquisar (algo) fazer pesquisas
(sobre algo) a piece of research, uma pesquisa
research and development, pesquisa e desenvolvimento
researcher [rst*]
N pesquisador* M (F pesquisadora)
research work
N trabalho de pesquisa
resell [risl]
VT IRREG revender
resemblance [rzmblns]
N semelhana to bear a strong resemblance to, ser muito parecido com
resemble [rzmbl]
VT parecer-se com
resent [rznt]
VT 1. (attitude) ressentir-se de 2. (person) estar ressentido com
resentful [rzntful]
ADJ ressentido
resentment [rzntmnt]
N ressentimento
reservation [rzven]
N 1. (booking, doubt, protected area) reserva 2. central reservation (BRIT AUT)
canteiro divisor to make a reservation, fazer reserva
with reservations (doubts) com reservas
reservation desk (US)
N (in hotel) recepo F
reserve [rzv]
N 1. reserva 2. (SPORT) suplente M, F, reserva M, F (BR) VT reservar reserves 1.
(MIL) (tropas FPL da) reserva 2. (COMM) reserva NPL in reserve, de reserva
reserve currency
N moeda de reserva
reserved [rzvd]
ADJ reservado
reserve price (BRIT)
N preo mnimo de venda
reserve team (BRIT)
N time M reserva
reservist [rzvst]
N reservista M
reservoir [rzvw*]
N 1. (large) represa 2. (small) depsito
reset [rist]
VT IRREG 1. reajustar 2. (COMPUT) dar reset em, restabelecer
reshape [riep]
VT (policy) reformar, remodelar
reshuffle [rifl]
N Cabinet reshuffle, reforma ministerial
reside [rzad]
VI residir
residence [rzdns]
N 1. residncia 2. (formal) (home) domiclio to take up residence, instalar-se
in residence (monarch) em residncia (doctor) residente
residence permit (BRIT)
N autorizao F de residncia
resident [rzdnt]
N 1. (of country, town) habitante M, F 2. (of house, area) morador* M (F moradora) 3.
(in hotel) hspede M, F ADJ 1. (population) permanente 2. (doctor) interno, residente
residential [rzdnl]
ADJ residencial
residue [rzdju]
N 1. resto 2. (COMM) montante M lquido 3. (CHEM PHYS) resduo
resign [rzan]
VT (one's post) renunciar a, demitir-se de VI to resign (from) demitir-se (de) to
resign o.s. to (endure) resignar-se a
resignation [rznen]
N 1. demisso F 2. (state of mind) resignao F to tender ones resignation, pedir
resigned [rzand]
ADJ resignado
resilience [rzlns]
N 1. (of material) elasticidade F 2. (of person) resistncia
resilient [rzlnt]
ADJ 1. (person) forte 2. (material) resistente
resin [rzn]
N resina
resist [rzst]
VT resistir a
resistance [rzstns]
N resistncia
resistant [rzstnt]
ADJ resistant (to) resistente (a)
resold [risuld]
PT PP (of resell)
resell [risl]
VT IRREG revender
resolute [rzlut]
ADJ 1. resoluto, firme 2. (refusal) firme
resolution [rzlun]
N 1. resoluo F 2. (of problem) soluo F to make a resolution, tomar uma
resolve [rzlv]
N 1. resoluo F 2. (purpose) inteno F VT resolver VI to resolve to do, resolver-se a
resolved [rzlvd]
ADJ decidido
resonance [rznns]
N ressonncia
resonant [rznnt]
ADJ ressonante
resort [rzt]
N 1. (town) local M turstico, estao F de veraneio 2. (recourse) recurso VI to resort
to, recorrer a seaside/winter sports resort, balnerio/estao de inverno
in the last resort, em ltimo caso, em ltima instncia
resound [rzaund]
VI ressoar the room resounded with shouts, os gritos ressoaram no quarto
resounding [rzaund]
ADJ retumbante
resource [rss]
N (raw material) recurso naturel resources (coal, money, energy) recursos MPL NPL
natural resources, recursos naturais
resourceful [rssful]
ADJ engenhoso, habilidoso
resourcefulness [rssflns]
N desembarao, engenho
respect [rspkt]
N respeito VT respeitar respects (greetings) cumprimentos MPL NPL to pay ones
respects to sb, fazer visita de cortesia a algum
to pay ones last respects to sb, prestar a ltima homenagem a algum
to have or show respect for sb/sth, ter or mostrar respeito por algum/algo
out of respect for, por respeito a
with respect to, com respeito a
in respect of, a respeito de
in this respect, neste respeito
in some respects, em alguns pontos
with all due respect, I ... com todo respeito, eu ...
respectability [rspktblt]
N respeitabilidade F
respectable [rspktbl]
ADJ 1. respeitvel 2. (large) considervel 3. (quite good) (result, player) razovel
respectful [rspktful]
ADJ respeitoso
respective [rspktv]
ADJ respectivo
respectively [rspktvl]
ADV respectivamente
respiration [rspren]
N respirao F
respiratory [rsprtr]
ADJ respiratrio
respite [rspat]
N 1. pausa, folga 2. (LAW) adiamento, suspenso F
resplendent [rsplndnt]
ADJ resplandecente
respond [rspnd]
VI 1. (answer) responder 2. (react) reagir
respondent [rspndnt]
N 1. (in survey) respondedor* M (F respondedora) 2. (LAW) ru* M (F r)
response [rspns]
N 1. (answer) resposta 2. (reaction) reao F in response to, em resposta a
responsibility [rspnsblt]
N 1. responsabilidade F 2. (duty) dever M to take responsibility for sth/sb, assumir
a responsabilidade por algo/algum
responsible [rspnsbl]
ADJ 1. (character) srio, responsvel 2. (job) de responsabilidade 3. (liable)
responsible (for) responsvel (por) to be responsible to sb (for sth) ser
responsvel diante de algum (por algo)
to hold sb responsible (for sth) responsabilizar algum (por algo)
responsibly [rspnsbl]
ADV com responsabilidade
responsive [rspnsv]
ADJ receptivo
rest [rst]
N 1. descanso, repouso 2. (pause) pausa, intervalo 3. (support) apoio 4. (remainder)
resto 5. (MUS) pausa VI 1. descansar 2. (stop) parar 3. (be supported) to rest on,
apoiar-se em VT 1. descansar 2. (lean) to rest sth on/against, apoiar algo em or
sobre/contra the rest of them, os outros
to set sbs mind at rest, tranqilizar algum
it rests with him to do it, cabe a ele faz-lo
rest assured that ... tenha certeza de que ...
restart [ristt]
VT 1. (engine) arrancar de novo 2. (work) reiniciar, recomear
restaurant [rstr]
N restaurante M
restaurant car (BRIT)
N vago-restaurante M
rest cure
N repouso forado (para tratamento de sade)
restful [rstful]
ADJ tranqilo, repousante
rest home
N asilo, casa de repouso
restitution [rsttjun]
N to make restitution to sb for sth, indenizar algum por algo
restive [rstv]
ADJ 1. inquieto, impaciente 2. (horse) rebelo* (rebelona) teimoso
restless [rstls]
ADJ desassossegado, irrequieto to get restless, impacientar-se
restlessly [rstlsl]
ADV inquietamente
restock [ristk]
VT reabastecer
restoration [rstren]
N restaurao F
restorative [rstrtv]
ADJ reconstituinte N reconstituinte M
restore [rst*]
VT 1. (building, order) restaurar 2. (sth stolen) restituir 3. (peace, health) restabelecer
restorer [rstr*]
N (ART etc) restaurador* M (F restauradora)
restrain [rstren]
VT 1. (feeling) reprimir 2. (growth, inflation) refrear 3. (person) to restrain (from
doing) impedir (de fazer)
restrained [rstrend]
ADJ 1. (style) moderado, comedido 2. (person) comedido
restraint [rstrent]
N 1. (restriction) restrio F 2. (moderation) moderao F, comedimento 3. (of style)
sobriedade F wage restraint, restrio salarial
restrict [rstrkt]
VT 1. restringir, limitar 2. (people, animals) confinar 3. (activities) limitar
restricted area [rstrktd-]
N (AUT) zona com limite de velocidade
restriction [rstrkn]
N restrio F, limitao F restriction (on) restrio (em)
restrictive [rstrktv]
ADJ restritivo
restrictive practices
NPL (INDUSTRY) prticas FPL restritivas
rest room (US)
N banheiro (BR) lavabo (PT)
restructure [ristrkt*]
VT reestruturar
result [rzlt]
N resultado VI to result (from) resultar (de) to result in, resultar em
as a result of, como resultado or conseqncia de
resultant [rzltnt]
ADJ resultante
resume [rzjum]
VT 1. (work, journey) retomar, recomear 2. (sum up) resumir VI recomear
rsum [rezjume]
N 1. (summary) resumo 2. (US: curriculum vitae) curriculum vitae M, currculo
resumption [rzmpn]
N retomada
resurgence [rsdns]
N ressurgimento
resurrection [rzrkn]
N ressurreio F
resuscitate [rsstet]
VT (MED) ressuscitar, reanimar
resuscitation [rssten]
N ressuscitao F
retail [ritel]
N varejo (BR) venda a retalho (PT) ADJ a varejo (BR) a retalho (PT) ADV a varejo (BR)
a retalho (PT) VT vender no varejo BR or a retalho PT VI to retail at $10 ser
vendido no varejo BR or a retalho PT por $10
retailer [ritel*]
N varejista M, F (BR) retalhista M, F (PT)
retail outlet
N ponto de venda
retail price
N preo no varejo BR or de venda a retalho PT
retail price index
N ndice M de preos ao consumidor
retain [rten]
VT 1. (keep) reter, conservar 2. (employ) contratar
retainer [rten*]
N 1. (servant) empregado 2. (fee) adiantamento
retaliate [rtlet]
VI to retaliate (against) revidar (contra)
retaliation [rtlen]
N represlias FPL, vingana in retaliation for, em retaliao por
retaliatory [rtltr]
ADJ retaliativo, retaliatrio
retarded [rtdd]
ADJ retardado
retch [rt]
VI fazer esforo para vomitar
retentive [rtntv]
ADJ (memory) tenaz, de anjo
rethink [rik]
VT IRREG reconsiderar, repensar
reticence [rtsns]
N reserva
reticent [rtsnt]
ADJ reservado
retina [rtn]
N retina
retinue [rtnju]
N squito, comitiva
retire [rta*]
VI 1. (give up work) aposentar-se 2. (withdraw) retirar-se 3. (go to bed) deitar-se
retired [rtad]
ADJ (person) aposentado (BR) reformado (PT)
retiree [rtari] (US)
N aposentado* (aposentada) (BR) reformado* (reformada) (PT)
retirement [rtamnt]
N (state, act) aposentadoria (BR) reforma (PT)
retirement age
N idade F de aposentadoria BR or de reforma PT
retiring [rtar]
ADJ 1. (leaving) de sada 2. (shy) acanhado, retrado
retort [rtt]
N 1. (reply) rplica 2. (container) retorta VI replicar, retrucar
retrace [ritres]
VT to retrace ones steps, voltar sobre (os) seus passos, refazer o mesmo caminho
retract [rtrkt]
VT 1. (statement, offer) retirar, retratar 2. (claws) encolher 3. (undercarriage, aerial)
recolher VI retratar-se
retractable [rtrktbl]
ADJ retrtil
retrain [ritren]
VT reciclar VI ser reciclado
retraining [ritren]
N readaptao F profissional, reciclagem F
N [ritrd] (tyre) pneu M recauchutado VT [ritrd] recauchutar
retreat [rtrit]
N 1. (place) retiro 2. (act) retirada VI 1. retirar-se 2. (flood) retroceder to beat a
hasty retreat, bater em retirada
retrial [ritral]
N reviso F do processo
retribution [rtrbjun]
N desforra, revide M, vingana
retrieval [rtrivl]
N recuperao F
retrieve [rtriv]
VT 1. (sth lost) reaver, recuperar 2. (situation, honour) salvar 3. (error, loss) reparar 4.
(COMPUT) recuperar
retriever [rtriv*]
N co M de busca, perdigueiro
retroactive [rtruktv]
ADJ retroativo
retrograde [rtrred]
ADJ retrgrado
retrospect [rtrspkt]
N in retrospect, retrospectivamente, em retrospecto
retrospective [rtrspktv]
ADJ 1. retrospectivo 2. (law) retroativo N (ART) retrospectiva
return [rtn]
N 1. (going or coming back) regresso, volta 2. (of sth stolen etc) devoluo F 3.
(recompense) recompensa 4. (FINANCE) (from land, shares) rendimento 5.
(report) relatrio CPD 1. (journey) de volta 2. (BRIT: ticket) de ida e volta 3. (match)
de revanche VI 1. (person etc) (come or go back) voltar, regressar 2. (symptoms
etc) voltar 3. (regain) to return to (consciousness) recobrar 4. (power) retornar a
VT 1. devolver 2. (favour, love etc) retribuir 3. (verdict) proferir, anunciar 4. (POL)
(candidate) eleger returns (COMM) receita (returned goods) mercadorias FPL
devolvidas NPL in return (for) em troca (de)
many happy returns (of the day)! parabns!
by return (of post) por volta docorreio
returnable [rtnbl]
ADJ (bottle etc) restituvel
return key
N (COMPUT) tecla de retorno
reunion [rijunn]
N 1. (family) reunio F 2. (two people, class) reencontro
reunite [rijunat]
VT 1. reunir 2. (reconcile) reconciliar
ABBR reverend
rev [rv]
N ABBR (AUT) revolution, revoluo F VT rev up, aumentar a velocidade de VI acelerar
revaluation [rivljuen]
N reavaliao F
revamp [rivmp]
VT dar um jeito em
rev counter (BRIT)
N tacmetro
ABBR reverend
reveal [rvil]
VT 1. revelar 2. (make visible) mostrar
revealing [rvil]
ADJ revelador* (reveladora)
reveille [rvl]
N (MIL) toque M de alvorada
revel [rvl]
VI to revel in sth/in doing sth, deleitar-se com algo/em fazer algo
revelation [rvlen]
N revelao F
reveller [rvl*]
N farrista M, F, folio* M (F foli)
revelry [rvlr]
N festana, folia
revenge [rvnd]
N 1. vingana, desforra 2. (in sport) revanche F VT vingar to take revenge on,
vingar-se de
revengeful [rvndful]
ADJ vingativo
revenue [rvnju]
N 1. receita, renda 2. (on investment) rendimento
reverberate [rvbret]
VI 1. (sound) ressoar, repercutir, ecoar 2. (light) reverberar 3. (fig) repercutir
reverberation [rvbren]
N repercusso F
revere [rv*]
VT reverenciar, venerar
reverence [rvrns]
N reverncia
reverend [rvrnd]
ADJ 1. reverendo 2. (in titles) the Reverend John Smith, o reverendo John Smith
reverent [rvrnt]
ADJ reverente
reverie [rvr]
N devaneio, sonho
reversal [rvsl]
N 1. (of order) reverso F 2. (of direction) mudana em sentido contrrio 3. (of
decision) revogao F 4. (of opinion) reviravolta 5. (of roles) inverso F
reverse [rvs]
N 1. (opposite) contrrio 2. (back) (of cloth) avesso (of coin) reverso (of paper) dorso
3. reverse gear (AUT) marcha r (BR) marcha atrs (PT) 4. (setback) revs M,
derrota ADJ 1. (order) inverso, oposto 2. (direction) contrrio 3. (process) inverso VT
1. (turn over) virar do lado do avesso 2. (direction, roles) inverter 3. (position)
mudar 4. (process, decision) revogar 5. (car) dar marcha-re em VI (BRIT AUT) dar
(marcha ) r (BR) fazer marcha atrs (PT) to go into reverse, dar r (BR) fazer
marcha atrs (PT)
in reverse order, na ordem inversa
reverse-charge call (BRIT)
N (TEL) ligao F a cobrar
reverse video
N vdeo reverso
reversible [rvsbl]
ADJ reversvel
reversing lights [rvs-] (BRIT)
NPL luzes FPL de r (BR) luzes FPL de marcha atrs (PT)
reversion [rvn]
N volta
revert [rvt]
VI to revert to, voltar a (LAW) reverter a
review [rvju]
N 1. (magazine, MIL) revista 2. (of book, film) crtica, resenha 3. (examination)
recapitulao F, exame M VT 1. (situation) rever, examinar 2. (MIL) passar em
revista 3. (book, film) fazer a crtica or resenha de to come under review, ser
reviewer [rvju*]
N crtico* (crtica)
revile [rval]
VT insultar
revise [rvaz]
VT 1. (manuscript) corrigir 2. (opinion, procedure) alterar 3. (price) revisar 4. (study)
(subject) recapitular 5. (look over) revisar, rever revised edition, edio F revista
revision [rvn]
N 1. correo F 2. (for exam) reviso F 3. (revised version) reviso F
revitalize [rivatlaz]
VT revitalizar, revivificar
revival [rvavl]
N 1. (recovery) restabelecimento 2. (of interest) renascena, renascimento 3.
(THEATRE) reestria 4. (of faith) despertar M
revive [rvav]
VT 1. (person) reanimar, ressuscitar 2. (economy) recuperar 3. (custom) restabelecer,
restaurar 4. (hope, courage) despertar 5. (play) reapresentar VI 1. (person) (from
faint) voltar a si, recuperar os sentidos (from ill-health) recuperar-se 2. (activity,
economy) reativar 3. (hope, interest) renascer
revoke [rvuk]
VT 1. revogar 2. (decision, promise) voltar atrs com
revolt [rvult]
N revolta, rebelio F, insurreio F VI revoltar-se VT causar averso a, repugnar
revolting [rvult]
ADJ revoltante, repulsivo
revolution [rvlun]
N 1. revoluo F 2. (of wheel, earth) rotao F
revolutionary [rvlunr]
ADJ N revolucionrio* (revolucionria)
revolutionize [rvlunaz]
VT revolucionar
revolve [rvlv]
VI 1. girar 2. (life) to revolve (a)round, girar em torno de
revolver [rvlv*]
N revlver M
revolving [rvlv]
ADJ (chair etc) giratrio
revolving credit
N crdito rotativo
revolving door
N porta giratria
revue [rvju]
N (THEATRE) revista
revulsion [rvln]
N averso F, repugnncia
reward [rwd]
N recompensa VT to reward (for) recompensar or premiar (por)
rewarding [rwd]
ADJ (fig) gratificante, compensador* (compensadora)
rewind [riwand]
VT IRREG 1. (watch) dar corda em 2. (tape) voltar para trs
rewire [riwa*]
VT (house) renovar a instalao eltrica de
reword [riwd]
VT reformular, exprimir em outras palavras
rewound [riwaund]
PT PP (of rewind)
rewrite [rirat]
VT IRREG reescrever, escrever de novo
Reykjavik [rekjvik]
N Reikjavik
ABBR (POST) rural free delivery
ABBR rhesus, Rh
rhapsody [rpsd]
N 1. (MUS) rapsdia 2. (fig) elocuo F exagerada or empolada
rhesus factor [riss-]
N (MED) fator M Rh
rhetoric [rtrk]
N retrica
rhetorical [rtrkl]
ADJ retrico
rheumatic [rumtk]
ADJ reumtico
rheumatism [rumtzm]
N reumatismo
rheumatoid arthritis [rumtd-]
N artrite F reumatide
Rhine [ran]
N the Rhine, o (rio) Reno
rhinestone [ranstun]
N diamante M postio
rhinoceros [ransrs]
N rinoceronte M
Rhodes [rudz]
N (ilha de) Rodes
Rhodesia [rudi]
N Rodsia
Rhodesian [rudin]
ADJ N rodsio* (rodsia)
rhododendron [ruddndrn]
N rododendro
Rhone [run]
N the Rhone, o (rio) Rdano
rhubarb [rubb]
N ruibarbo
rhyme [ram]
N 1. rima 2. (verse) verso(s) M rimado(s) MPL poesia VI to rhyme (with) rimar (com)
without rhyme or reason, sem p nem cabea
rhythm [rm]
N ritmo
rhythmic [rmk] rhythmical, rmkl
ADJ rtmico, com passado
rhythmically [rmkl]
ADV ritmicamente
N ABBR (BRIT) religious instruction ABBR (US POST) Rhode Island
rib [rb]
N (ANAT) costela VT (mock) zombar de, encarnar em
ribald [rbld]
ADJ vulgarmente engraado, irreverente
ribbed [rbd]
ADJ (knitting) em ponto de meia
ribbon [rbn]
N 1. fita 2. (strip) faixa, tira in ribbons (torn) em tirinhas, esfarrapado
rice [ras]
N arroz M
rice field
N arrozal M
rice pudding
N arroz M doce
rich [rt]
ADJ 1. rico 2. (clothes) valioso 3. (banquet) suntuoso, opulento 4. (soil) frtil 5. (food)
suculento, forte (sweet) rico 6. (colour) intenso 7. (voice) suave, cheio the rich os
ricos NPL riches (wealth) riquezas FPL NPL to be rich in sth, ser rico em algo
richly [rtl]
ADV 1. (decorated) ricamente 2. (rewarded) generosamente 3. (deserved) bem
richness [rtns]
N 1. riqueza, opulncia 2. (of soil etc) fertilidade F
rickets [rkts]
N raquitismo
rickety [rkt]
ADJ fraco, sem firmeza
rickshaw [rk]
N jinriquix M
ricochet [rke]
N ricochete M VI ricochetear
rid [rd] (PT, PP rid )
VT to rid sb of sth, livrar algum de algo to get rid of, livrar-se de (sth no longer
required) desfazer-se de
riddance [rdns]
N good riddance! bons ventos o levem!
ridden [rdn]
PP (of ride)
riddle [rdl]
N 1. (conundrum) adivinhao F 2. (mystery) enigma M, charada VT to be riddled
with, estar cheio de
ride [rad] (PT rode ), (PP ridden )
N 1. (gen) passeio 2. (on horse) passeio a cavalo 3. (distance covered) percurso,
trajeto VI 1. (as sport) montar 2. (go somewhere) (on horse, bicycle) ir (a cavalo, de
bicicleta) 3. (journey) (on bicycle, motorcycle, bus) viajar VT 1. (a horse) montar a 2.
(bicycle, motorcycle) andar de 3. (distance) percorrer to ride a bicycle, andar de
can you ride a bike? voc sabe andar de bicicleta?
to ride at anchor (NAUT) estar ancorado
horse/car ride, passeio a cavalo/de carro
to go for a ride, dar um passeio or uma volta (de carro or de bicicleta etc)
to take sb for a ride (fig) enganar algum ride out to ride out the storm (fig)
superar as dificuldades VT
rider [rad*]
N 1. (on horse) (male) cavaleiro (female) amazona 2. (on bicycle) ciclista M, F 3. (on
motorcycle) motociclista M, F 4. (in document) clusula adicional
ridge [rd]
N 1. (of hill) cume M, topo 2. (of roof) cumeeira 3. (wrinkle) ruga
ridicule [rdkjul]
N escrnio, zombaria, mofa VT ridicularizar, zombar de to hold sb/sth up to
ridicule, ridicularizar algum/algo
ridiculous [rdkjuls]
ADJ ridculo
riding [rad]
N equitao F
riding school
N escola de equitao
rife [raf]
ADJ to be rife, ser comum to be rife with, estar repleto de, abundar em
riffraff [rfrf]
N plebe F, ral F, povinho
rifle [rafl]
N rifle M, fuzil M VT saquear rifle through vasculhar VT
rifle range
N 1. campo de tiro 2. (at fair) tiro ao alvo
rift [rft]
N 1. (in ground) fenda, fratura 2. (in clouds) brecha 3. (fig) (disagreement: between
friends) desentendimento (in party) rompimento, divergncia
rig [r]
N oil rig, torre F de perfurao VT (election etc) adulterar or falsificar os resultados de
rig out (BRIT) to rig out as/in, ataviar or vestir como/com VT rig up instalar,
montar, improvisar VT
rigging [r]
N (NAUT) cordame M
right [rat]
ADJ 1. (true, correct) certo, correto 2. (suitable) adequado, conveniente (decision)
certo 3. (just) justo 4. (morally good) bom 5. (not left) direito N 1. direito 2. (not left)
direita ADV 1. (correctly) bem, corretamente 2. (fairly) adequadamente, justamente
3. (not on the left) direita 4. (to the right) para a direita 5. (exactly) right now,
agora mesmo VT 1. colocar em p 2. (correct) corrigir, indireitar EXCL bom! all
right! tudo bem! est bem! (enough) chega! basta!
the right time (precise) a hora exata (not wrong) a hora certa
to be right (person) ter razo (in guess etc) acertar (answer, clock) estar certo
to get sth right, acertar em algo
lets get it right this time! vamos acertar desta vez
you did the right thing, voc fez a coisa certa
to put a mistake right BRIT (BRIT) consertar um erro
right before/after, logo antes/depois
right against the wall, rente parede
to go right to the end of sth, ir at o finalzinho de algo
by rights, por direito
on the right, direita
to be in the right, ter razo
right away, imediatamente, logo, j
right in the middle, bem no meio
film rights, direitos de adaptao para o cinema
right angle
N ngulo reto
righteous [rats]
ADJ 1. justo, honrado 2. (anger) justificado
righteousness [ratsns]
N justia
rightful [ratful]
ADJ 1. (heir) legtimo 2. (place) justo, legtimo
rightfully [ratfl]
ADV legitimamente
ADJ direita
right-handed [-hndd]
ADJ (person) destro
right-hand man
N brao direito
right-hand side
N lado direito
rightly [ratl]
ADV 1. corretamente, devidamente 2. (with reason) com razo if I remember rightly
BRIT (BRIT) se me lembro bem, se no me engano
ADJ sensato, ajuizado
right of way
N 1. prioridade F de passagem 2. (AUT) preferncia
rights issue
N (STOCK EXCHANGE) emisso F de bnus de subscrio
right wing
N 1. (POL) direita 2. (SPORT) ponta direita 3. (MIL) ala direita ADJ right-wing, de
N 1. (POL) direitista M, F 2. (SPORT) ponta-direita M
rigid [rdd]
ADJ 1. rgido 2. (principle) inflexvel
rigidity [rddt]
N rigidez F, inflexibilidade F
rigidly [rddl]
ADV 1. rigidamente 2. (behave) inflexivelmente
rigmarole [rmrul]
N 1. (process) processo 2. (story) ladainha
rigor [r*] (US)
N rigour
rigor mortis [-mts]
N rigidez F cadavrica
rigorous [rrs]
ADJ rigoroso
rigorously [rrsl]
ADV rigorosamente
rigour [r*] rigor (US)
N rigor M
rig-out (BRIT inf)
N roupa, traje M
rile [ral]
VT irritar, aborrecer
rim [rm]
N 1. borda, beira 2. (of spectacles, wheel) aro
rimless [rmls]
ADJ (spectacles) sem aro
rind [rand]
N 1. (of bacon) pele F 2. (of lemon etc) casca 3. (of cheese) crosta, casca
ring [r] (PT rang ), (PP rung )
N 1. (of metal) aro 2. (on finger) anel M 3. wedding ring, aliana 4. (of people, objects)
crculo, grupo 5. (of spies etc) grupo 6. (for boxing) ringue M 7. (of circus) pista,
picadeiro 8. (bullring) picadeiro, arena 9. (of light, smoke) crculo 10. (sound) (of
small bell) toque M (of large bell) badalada, repique M 11. (telephone call) chamada
(telefnica) ligada VI 1. (on telephone) telefonar 2. (bell) tocar 3. ring out (voice,
words) soar 4. (ears) zumbir VT 1. (BRIT TEL) telefonar a, ligar para 2. (bell etc)
badalar 3. (doorbell) tocar to give sb a ring (BRIT TEL) dar uma ligada or ligar
para algum
that has the ring of truth about it, isso tem jeito de ser verdade
the name doesnt ring a bell (with me) o nome no me diz nada ring back
(BRIT) 1. (TEL) telefonar or ligar de volta 2. telefonar or ligar de volta para VI ring
off (BRIT) (TEL) desligar VI ring up (BRIT) (TEL) telefonar a, ligar para VT
ring binder
N fichrio (pasta)
ring finger
N dedo anelar
ringing [r]
N 1. (of telephone) toque M 2. (of large bell) repicar M 3. (of doorbell) tocar M 4. (in
ears) zumbido
ringing tone (BRIT)
N (TEL) sinal M de chamada
ringleader [rlid*]
N (of gang) cabea M, F, crebro
ringlets [rlts]
NPL caracis MPL, anis MPL
ring road (BRIT)
N estrada perifrica or perimetral
ringtone (BRIT)
N (on cellphone) toque M (de cellular)
rink [rk]
N 1. ice rink, pista de patinao, rinque M 2. (for roller skating) rinque
rinse [rns]
N enxaguada VT 1. enxaguar 2. rinse out (mouth) bochechar
Rio [riu] Rio de Janeiro, riuddnru
N o Rio (de Janeiro)
riot [rat]
N 1. distrbio, motim M, desordem F 2. (of colour) festival M, profuso F VI provocar
distrbios, amotinar-se to run riot, desenfrear-se
rioter [rat*]
N desordeiro* (desordeira) amotinador* M (F amotinadora)
riotous [rats]
ADJ 1. (crowd) desordeiro 2. (behaviour) turbulento 3. (party) tumultuado, barulhento
4. (uncontrolled) desenfreado
riotously [ratsl]
ADV riotously funny, hilariante
riot police
N polcia anti-motim
rip [rp]
N 1. rasgo M 2. (opening) abertura VT rasgar VI rasgar-se rip up rasgar VT
ABBR rest in peace, RIP
ripcord [rpkd]
N corda de abertura (de pra-quedas)
ripe [rap]
ADJ 1. maduro 2. (ready) pronto
ripen [rapn]
VT VI amadurecer
ripeness [rapns]
N maturidade F, amadurecimento
rip-off (inf)
N this is a rip-off, isso roubo
riposte [rpst]
N riposta
ripple [rpl]
N 1. ondulao F, encrespao F 2. (of laughter etc) onda 3. (sound) murmrio VI
encrespar-se VT ondular
rise [raz] (PT rose ), (PP risen )
N 1. (slope) elevao F, ladeira 2. (hill) colina, rampa 3. (increase) (in wages BRIT)
aumento (in prices, temperature) subida 4. (fig) (to power etc) ascenso F VI 1.
(gen) levantar-se, erguer-se 2. (prices, waters) subir 3. (river) encher 4. (sun)
nascer 5. (wind, person) (from bed etc) levantar(-se) 6. (sound, voice) aumentar,
erguer-se 7. rise up (building) erguer-se (rebel) sublevar-se 8. (in rank) ascender,
subir to give rise to, ocasionar, dar origem a
to rise to the occasion, mostrar-se altura da situao
risen [rzn]
PP (of rise)
rising [raz]
ADJ 1. (increasing) (prices) em alta (number) crescente, cada vez maior
(unemployment) crescente 2. (tide) montante 3. (sun, moon) nascente N (uprising)
insurreio F
rising damp
N umidade F que sobe
risk [rsk]
N 1. risco, perigo 2. (INSURANCE) risco VT 1. (endanger) pr em risco 2. (chance)
arriscar, aventurar 3. (dare) atrever-se a to take or run the risk of doing, correr
o risco de fazer
at risk, em perigo
at ones own risk, por sua prpria conta e risco
a fire/health/security risk, um risco de incndio/ sade/ segurana
Ill risk it, eu vou me arriscar
risk capital
N capital M de risco
risky [rsk]
ADJ perigoso
risqu [riske]
ADJ (joke) picante
rissole [rsul]
N rissole M
rite [rat]
N rito funeral rites, exquias, cerimnia fnebre
last rites, ltimos sacramentos
ritual [rtjul]
ADJ ritual N 1. ritual M 2. (of initiation) rito
rival [ravl]
ADJ N 1. rival M, F 2. (in business) concorrente M, F VT competir com to rival sb/sth
in, rivalizar com algum/algo em
rivalry [ravlr]
N 1. rivalidade F 2. (between companies) concorrncia
river [rv*]
N rio CPD (port, traffic) fluvial up/down river, rio acima/abaixo
riverbank [rvbk]
N margem F (do rio)
riverbed [rvbd]
N leito (do rio)
riverside [rvsad]
N beira, orla (do rio)
rivet [rvt]
N rebite M, cravo VT 1. rebitar 2. (fig) fixar
riveting [rvt]
ADJ (fig) fascinante
Riviera [rvr]
N the (French) Riviera, a Costa Azul (francesa) a Riviera francesa the Italian
Riviera, a Riviera italiana
Riyadh [rjd]
N Riad
N ABBR 1. (BRIT) Royal Navy 2. (US) registered nurse
N ABBR ribonucleic acid, ARN M
N ABBR Royal National Lifeboat Institution, Salvamar
N ABBR Royal New Zealand Air Force
N ABBR Royal New Zealand Navy
road [rud]
N 1. via 2. (motorway etc) estrada (de rodagem) 3. (in town) rua 4. (fig) caminho CPD
rodovirio main road, estrada principal
major/minor road, via preferencial/secundria
it takes four hours by road, leva quatro horas de carro
road up BRIT (BRIT) obras
road block
N barricada
road haulage
N transportes MPL rodovirios
road hog
N dono da estrada
road map
N mapa M rodovirio
road rage
N conduta agressiva dos motoristas no trnsito
road safety
N segurana do trnsito
roadside [rudsad]
N beira da estrada CPD beira da estrada by the roadside, beira da estrada
road sign
N placa de sinalizao
road sweeper (BRIT)
N (person) gari M, F (BR) varredor* M (F varredora) (PT)
road transport
N transportes MPL rodovirios
road user
N usurio* da via pblica (usuria)
roadway [rudwe]
N pista, estrada
road works [rudwks]
NPL obras FPL (na estrada)
roadworthy [rudw]
ADJ (car) em bom estado de conservao e segurana
roam [rum]
VI vagar, perambular, errar VT vagar or vadiar por
roar [r*]
N 1. (of animal) rugido, urro 2. (of crowd) bramido 3. (of vehicle, storm) estrondo 4. (of
laughter) barulho VI 1. (animal, engine) rugir 2. (person, crowd) bradar to roar
with laughter, dar gargalhadas
roaring [rr]
ADJ a roaring fire, labaredas a roaring success, um sucesso estrondoso
to do a roaring trade, fazer um bom negcio
roast [rust]
N carne F assada, assado VT 1. assar 2. (coffee) torrar
roast beef
N rosbife M
rob [rb]
VT 1. roubar 2. (bank) assaltar to rob sb of sth, roubar algo de algum (fig)
(deprive) despojar algum de algo
robber [rb*]
N ladro/ladra M, F
robbery [rbr]
N roubo
robe [rub]
N 1. (for ceremony etc) toga, beca 2. bath robe, roupo M (de banho) VT revestir
robin [rbn]
N pisco-de-peito-ruivo (BR) pintarroxo (PT)
robot [rubt]
N rob M
robotics [rbtks]
N robtica
robust [rubst]
ADJ 1. robusto, forte 2. (appetite) sadio 3. (economy) forte
rock [rk]
N 1. rocha 2. (boulder) penhasco, rochedo 3. (US: small stone) cascalho 4. (BRIT:
sweet) pirulito VT 1. (swing gently) (cradle) balanar, oscilar (child) embalar,
acalentar 2. (shake) sacudir VI 1. (object) balanar-se 2. (person) embalar-se 3.
(shake) sacudir-se on the rocks (drink) com gelo (marriage etc) arruinado, em
to rock the boat (fig) criar confuso
rock and roll
N rock-and-roll M
ADJ (fig) mnimo, nfimo N to hit or reach rock-bottom (prices) chegar ao nvel mais
baixo (person) chegar ao fundo do poo
rock climber
N alpinista M, F
rock climbing
N alpinismo
rockery [rkr]
N jardim de plantas rasteiras entre pedras
rocket [rkt]
N foguete M VI (prices) disparar
rocket launcher [-lnt*]
N dispositivo lana-foguetes
rock face
N rochedo a pique
rock fall
N queda de pedras
rocking chair [rk-]
N cadeira de balano
rocking horse [rk-]
N cavalo de balano
rocky [rk]
ADJ 1. rochoso 2. (unsteady) (table) bambo, instvel 3. (marriage, etc) instvel
Rocky Mountains
NPL the Rocky Mountains, as Montanhas Rochosas
rod [rd]
N 1. vara, varinha 2. (TECH) haste F 3. fishing rod, vara de pescar
rode [rud]
PT (of ride)
ride [rad] (PT rode ), (PP ridden )
N 1. (gen) passeio 2. (on horse) passeio a cavalo 3. (distance covered) percurso,
trajeto VI 1. (as sport) montar 2. (go somewhere) (on horse, bicycle) ir (a cavalo, de
bicicleta) 3. (journey) (on bicycle, motorcycle, bus) viajar VT 1. (a horse) montar a 2.
(bicycle, motorcycle) andar de 3. (distance) percorrer to ride a bicycle, andar de
can you ride a bike? voc sabe andar de bicicleta?
to ride at anchor (NAUT) estar ancorado
horse/car ride, passeio a cavalo/de carro
to go for a ride, dar um passeio or uma volta (de carro or de bicicleta etc)
to take sb for a ride (fig) enganar algum ride out to ride out the storm (fig)
superar as dificuldades VT
rodent [rudnt]
N roedor M
rodeo [rudu] (US)
N rodeio
roe [ru]
N 1. roe deer, cora, cerva 2. (of fish) hard/soft roe, ova/esperma M de peixe
rogue [ru]
N velhaco, maroto
roguish [ru]
ADJ travesso, brincalho* (brincalhona)
role [rul]
N papel M
roll [rul]
N 1. rolo 2. (of banknotes) mao 3. bread roll, pozinho 4. (register) rol M, lista 5.
(sound) (of drums etc) rufar M 6. (movement) (of ship) jogo VT 1. rolar 2. roll up
(string) enrolar (sleeves) arregaar 3. (cigarette) enrolar 4. (eyes) virar 5. roll out
(pastry) esticar 6. (lawn, road etc) aplanar VI 1. rolar 2. (drum) rufar 3. (in walking)
gingar 4. (vehicle) also 5. (roll along) rodar 6. (ship) balanar, jogar cheese roll,
sanduche de queijo (num pozinho) roll about ficar rolando VI roll around roll
about VI roll by (time) passar VI roll in (mail, cash) chegar em grande
quantidade VI roll over dar uma volta VI roll up 1. (inf: arrive) pintar, chegar,
aparecer 2. (carpet etc) enrolar 3. (sleeves) arregaar VI to roll o.s. up into a
ball, enrolar-se
roll call
N chamada, toque M de chamada
rolled gold [ruld-]
N plaqu M
roller [rul*]
N 1. (in machine) rolo, cilindro 2. (wheel) roda, roldana 3. (for lawn, road) rolo
compressor 4. (for hair) rolo
Rollerblades [rulbledz]
N patins MPL em linha
roller blind (BRIT)
N estore M
roller coaster
N montanha-russa
roller skates
NPL patins MPL de roda
rollicking [rlk]
ADJ alegre, brincalho* (brincalhona) divertido
rolling [rul]
ADJ (landscape) ondulado
rolling mill
N laminador M
rolling pin
N rolo de pastel
rolling stock
N (RAIL) material M rodante
roll-on-roll-off (BRIT)
ADJ (ferry) para veculos
roly-poly [rulpul] (BRIT)
N (CULIN) bolo de rolo
ROM [rm]
N ABBR (COMPUT) read-only memory, ROM M
Roman [rumn]
ADJ N romano* (romana)
Roman Catholic
ADJ N catlico* (romano*) (catlica (romana)
romance [rmns]
N 1. (love affair) aventura amorosa, romance M 2. (book etc) histria de amor 3.
(charm) romantismo
Romania [rumen]
N Romnia
Romanian [rumenn]
ADJ romeno N 1. romeno* (romena) 2. (LING) romeno
Roman numeral
N nmero romano
romantic [rmntk]
ADJ romntico
romanticism [rmntszm]
N romantismo
Romany [rumn]
ADJ cigano N 1. cigano* (cigana) 2. (LING) romani M
Rome [rum]
N Roma
romp [rmp]
N brincadeira, travessura VI romp about, brincar ruidosamente to romp home
(horse) ganhar fcil
rompers [rmpz]
NPL macaco M de beb
rondo [rndu]
N (MUS) rond
roof [ruf]
N 1. (of house) telhado 2. (of car) capota, teto 3. (of tunnel, cave) teto VT telhar, cobrir
com telhas the roof of the mouth, o cu da boca
roof garden
N jardim M em terrao
roofing [ruf]
N cobertura
roof rack
N (AUT) bagageiro
rook [ruk]
N 1. (bird) gralha 2. (CHESS) torre F
room [rum]
N 1. (in house) quarto, aposento 2. bedroom, quarto, dormitrio 3. (in school etc) sala
4. (space) espao, lugar M 5. (scope) (for improvement etc) espao rooms
(lodging) alojamento NPL ``rooms to let BRIT (BRIT) ``rooms for rent US
(US) ``alugam-se quartos or apartamentos
single room, quarto individual
double room, quarto duplo or de casal or para duas pessoas
is there room for this? tem lugar para isto aqui?
to make room for sb, dar lugar a algum
there is room for improvement, isso podia estar melhor
rooming house [rum-] (US)
N casa de cmodos
roommate [rummet]
N companheiro* de quarto (companheira)
room service
N servio de quarto
room temperature
N temperatura ambiente
roomy [rum]
ADJ 1. espaoso 2. (garment) folgado
roost [rust]
N poleiro VI empoleirar-se, pernoitar
rooster [rust*]
N galo
root [rut]
N 1. raiz F 2. (fig) (of problem, belief) origem F VI (plant, belief) enraizar, arraigar
roots (family origins) razes FPL NPL to take root (plant) enraizar (idea) criar
raizes root about 1. (fig) to root about in (drawer) vasculhar 2. (house)
esquadrinhar VI root for torcer por VT root out extirpar VT
rope [rup]
N 1. corda 2. (NAUT) cabo VT 1. (tie) amarrar 2. (horse, cow) laar 3. rope together
(climbers) amarrar or atar com uma corda 4. rope off (area) isolar to know the
ropes (fig) estar por dentro (do assunto) rope in (fig) to rope sb in, persuadir
algum a tomar parte VT
rope ladder
N escada de corda
rosary [ruzr]
N rosrio
rose [ruz]
PT (of rise) N 1. rosa 2. rosebush, roseira 3. (on watering can) crivo ADJ rosado, cor de
ros [ruze]
N rosado, ros M
rise [raz] (PT rose ), (PP risen )
N 1. (slope) elevao F, ladeira 2. (hill) colina, rampa 3. (increase) (in wages BRIT)
aumento (in prices, temperature) subida 4. (fig) (to power etc) ascenso F VI 1.
(gen) levantar-se, erguer-se 2. (prices, waters) subir 3. (river) encher 4. (sun)
nascer 5. (wind, person) (from bed etc) levantar(-se) 6. (sound, voice) aumentar,
erguer-se 7. rise up (building) erguer-se (rebel) sublevar-se 8. (in rank) ascender,
subir to give rise to, ocasionar, dar origem a
to rise to the occasion, mostrar-se altura da situao
rose bed
N roseiral M
rosebud [ruzbd]
N boto M de rosa
rosebush [ruzbu]
N roseira
rosemary [ruzmr]
N alecrim M
rosette [ruzt]
N roseta
ROSPA [rsp] (BRIT)
N ABBR Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents
roster [rst*]
N duty roster, lista de tarefas, escala de servio
rostrum [rstrm]
N tribuna
rosy [ruz]
ADJ 1. rosado, rosceo 2. (cheeks) rosado 3. (situation) cor-de-rosa a rosy future,
um futuro promissor
rot [rt]
N 1. (decay) putrefao F, podrido F 2. (fig pej) besteira VT VI apodrecer to stop the
rot (BRIT fig) acabar com a onda de fracassos
dry rot, apodrecimento seco (de madeira)
wet rot, putrefao fungosa
rota [rut]
N lista de tarefas, escala de servio on a rota basis, em rodzio
rotary [rutr]
ADJ rotativo
rotate [rutet]
VT 1. (revolve) fazer girar, dar voltas em 2. (change round) (crops) alternar (jobs)
alternar, revezar VI (revolve) girar, dar voltas
rotating [rutet]
ADJ (movement) rotativo
rotation [ruten]
N rotao F in rotation, por turnos
rote [rut]
N by rote, de cor
rotor [rut*]
N rotor blade, rotor M
rotten [rtn]
ADJ 1. (decayed) podre 2. (wood) carcomido 3. (fig) corrupto 4. (inf: bad) pssimo to
feel rotten (ill) sentir-se podre
rotting [rt]
ADJ podre
rotund [rutnd]
ADJ 1. rotundo 2. (person) rechonchudo
rouble [rubl] ruble (US)
N rublo
rouge [ru]
N rouge M, blush M, carmim M
rough [rf]
ADJ 1. (skin, surface) spero 2. (terrain) acidentado 3. (road) desigual 4. (voice)
spero, rouco 5. (person, manner) (coarse) grosseiro, grosso (violent) violento
(brusque) rsido 6. (weather) tempestuoso 7. (treatment) brutal, mau* (m) 8. (sea)
agitado 9. (district) violento 10. (plan) preliminar 11. (work, cloth) grosseiro 12.
(guess) aproximado N 1. (person) grosseiro M 2. (GOLF) in the rough, na grama
crescida to have a rough time (of it) passar maus bocados
rough estimate, estimativa aproximada
to rough it, passar aperto
to play rough, jogar bruto
to sleep rough BRIT (BRIT) dormir na rua
to feel rough BRIT (BRIT) passar mal rough out (draft) rascunhar VT
roughage [rfd]
N fibras FPL
ADJ improvisado, feito s pressas
N luta, confuso F
roughcast [rfkst]
N reboco
rough copy
N rascunho
rough draft
N rascunho
roughen [rfn]
VT (surface) tornar spero
rough justice
N justia sumria
roughly [rfl]
ADV 1. (handle) bruscamente 2. (make) toscamente 3. (speak) bruscamente 4.
(approximately) aproximadamente
roughness [rfns]
N 1. aspereza 2. (rudeness) grosseria
roughshod [rfd]
ADV to ride roughshod over (person) tratar a pontaps (objection) passar por cima
rough work
N (at school etc) rascunho
roulette [rult]
N roleta
Roumania [rumen]
N Romania etc
round [raund]
ADJ redondo N 1. crculo 2. (BRIT: of toast) rodela 3. (of drinks) rodada 4. (of
policeman) ronda 5. (of milkman) trajeto 6. (of doctor) visitas FPL 7. (game) (of
cards, golf, in competition) partida 8. (stage of competition) rodada, turno 9. (of
ammunition) cartucho 10. (BOXING) rounde M, assalto 11. (of talks) ciclo VT 1.
(corner) virar, dobrar 2. (bend) fazer 3. (cape) dobrar PREP 1. (surrounding) round
his neck/the table, em volta de seu pescoo/ao redor da mesa 2. (in a circular
movement) to move round the room/round the world, mover-se pelo quarto/dar
a volta ao mundo 3. (in various directions) to move round a room/house, mover-se
por um quarto/uma casa 4. (approximately) round about, aproximadamente ADV
all round right round, por todos os lados the long way round, o caminho mais
all the year round, durante todo o ano
in round figures, em nmeros redondos
its just round the corner, est logo depois de virar a esquina (fig) est pertinho
round the clock, ininterrupto
to ask sb round, convidar algum (para sua casa)
Ill be round at 6 oclock, estarei a s 6 horas
to go round, dar a volta
to go round to sbs (house) dar um pulinho na casa de algum
to go round an obstacle, contornar um obstculo
to go round the back, passar por detrs
to go round a house, visitar uma casa
enough to go round, suficiente para todos
she arrived round (about) noon BRIT (BRIT) ela chegou por volta do meio-dia
to go the rounds (story) divulgar-se
the daily round (fig) o cotidiano
a round of applause, uma salva de palmas
a round of drinks, uma rodada de bebidas
round of sandwiches, sanduche M (BR) sandes F INV (PT) round off (speech
etc) terminar, completar VT round up 1. (cattle) encurralar 2. (people) reunir 3.
(price, figure) arredondar VT
roundabout [raundbaut]
N (BRIT AUT) rotatria (at fair) carrossel M ADJ (route, means) indireto
rounded [raundd]
ADJ 1. arredondado 2. (style) expressivo
rounders [raundz]
NPL (game) jogo semelhante ao beisebol
roundly [raundl]
ADV (fig) energicamente, totalmente
round-shouldered [-uldd]
ADJ encurvado
roundsman [raundzmn] (BRIT)
N IRREG entregador M a domiclio
round trip
N viagem F de ida e volta
roundup [raundp]
N 1. (of news) resumo 2. (of animals) rodeio 3. (of criminals) batida
rouse [rauz]
VT 1. (wake up) despertar, acordar 2. (stir up) suscitar
rousing [rauz]
ADJ emocionante, vibrante
rout [raut]
N 1. (MIL) derrota 2. (flight) fuga, debandada VT derrotar
route [rut]
N 1. caminho, rota 2. (of bus) trajeto 3. (of shipping) rumo, rota 4. (of procession) rota
``all routes (AUT) ``todas as direes
the best route to London, o melhor caminho para Londres
en route for, a caminho de
en route from ... to, a caminho de ... para
route map (BRIT)
N 1. (for journey) mapa M rodovirio 2. (for trains etc) mapa da rede
routine [rutin]
ADJ 1. (work) rotineiro 2. (procedure) de rotina N 1. rotina 2. (THEATRE) nmero
daily routine, cotidiano
rove [ruv]
VT vagar por, perambular por
roving [ruv]
ADJ (wandering) errante
roving reporter
N correspondente M, F
N 1. (line) fila, fileira 2. (in theatre, boat) fileira 3. (KNITTING) carreira, fileira VI VT
remar in a row (fig) a fio, seguido
N 1. (racket) barulho, balbrdia 2. (dispute) discusso F, briga 3. (fuss) confuso F,
baguna 4. (scolding) repreenso F VI brigar to have a row, ter uma briga
rowboat [rubut] (US)
N barco a remo
rowdiness [raudns]
N 1. barulheira 2. (fighting) brigas FPL
rowdy [raud]
ADJ 1. (person) (noisy) barulhento (quarrelsome) brigo* (brigona) 2. (occasion)
tumultuado N encrenqueiro, criador M de caso
rowdyism [raudzm]
N violncia
rowing [ru]
N remo
rowing boat (BRIT)
N barco a remo
rowlock [rlk] (BRIT)
N toleteira, forqueta
royal [rl]
ADJ real
Royal Academy (BRIT)
Royal Air Force (BRIT)
N fora area britnica
royal blue
ADJ azul vivo
royalist [rlst]
ADJ N monarquista M, F (BR) monrquico* (monrquica) (PT)
Royal Navy (BRIT)
N marinha de guerra britnica
royalty [rlt]
N 1. (persons) famlia real, realeza 2. (payment) (to author) direitos MPL autorais (to
inventor) direitos MPL de explorao de patente
N ABBR received pronunciation, norma de pronncia
ABBR revolutions per minute, rpm
ABBR railroad
N ABBR Royal Society of Arts, Royal Scottish Academy
N ABBR Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
N ABBR Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
ABBR rpondez sil vous plat, ER
Rt Hon. (BRIT)
ABBR Right Honourable, ttulo honorfico de conselheiro do estado ou juiz
Rt Rev.
ABBR Right Reverend, reverendssimo
rub [rb]
VT 1. (part of body) esfregar 2. (object) (with cloth, substance) friccionar N 1.
esfregadela 2. (hard) frico F 3. (touch) roar M to give sth a rub, dar uma
esfregada em algo
to rub sb up BRIT or rub sb US the wrong way (BRIT) (US) irritar algum rub
down 1. (person) esfregar 2. (horse) almofaar VT rub in (ointment) esfregar VT
rub off sair esfregando VI rub off on transmitir-se para, influir sobre VT rub out
1. apagar 2. apagar-se VT
rubber [rb*]
N 1. borracha 2. (BRIT: eraser) borracha
rubber band
N elstico, tira elstica
rubber plant
N 1. (tree) seringueira 2. (plant) figueira
rubber ring
N (for swimming) bia
rubber stamp
N carimbo VT to rubber-stamp (fig) aprovar sem questionar
rubbery [rbr]
ADJ 1. elstico 2. (food) sem gosto
rubbish [rb]
N 1. (waste) refugo 2. (from household, in street) lixo 3. (junk) coisas FPL sem valor 4.
(fig pej: nonsense) disparates MPL, asneiras FPL VT (BRIT inf) desprezar what
youve just said is rubbish, voc acabou de dizer uma besteira
rubbish! que nada! nado disso!
rubbish bin (BRIT)
N lata de lixo
rubbish dump
N (in town) depsito (de lixo)
rubbishy [rb] (BRIT inf)
ADJ micha, chinfrim
rubble [rbl]
N 1. (debris) entulho 2. (CONSTR) escombros MPL
ruble [rubl] (US)
N rouble
ruby [rub]
N rubi M
N ABBR Royal Ulster Constabulary
rucksack [rksk]
N mochila
ructions [rknz]
NPL confuso F, tumulto
rudder [rd*]
N 1. leme M 2. (of plane) leme de direo
ruddy [rd]
ADJ 1. (face) corado, avermelhado 2. (inf: damned) maldito, desgraado
rude [rud]
ADJ 1. (impolite) (person) grosso, mal-educado (word, manners) grosseiro 2. (sudden)
brusco 3. (shocking) obsceno, chocante to be rude to sb, ser grosso com
rudely [rudl]
ADV grosseiramente
rudeness [rudns]
N falta de educao
rudiment [rudmnt]
N rudimento rudiments (basics) primeiras noes FPL NPL
rudimentary [rudmntr]
ADJ rudimentar
rue [ru]
VT arrepender-se de
rueful [ruful]
ADJ arrependido
ruff [rf]
N rufo
ruffian [rfn]
N brigo M, desordeiro
ruffle [rfl]
VT 1. (hair) despentear, desmanchar 2. (clothes) enrugar, amarrotar 3. (fig) (person)
perturbar, irritar
rug [r]
N 1. tapete M 2. (BRIT: for knees) manta (de viagem)
rugby [rb]
N rugby football, rgbi M (BR) rguebi M (PT)
rugged [rd]
ADJ 1. (landscape) acidentado, irregular 2. (features) marcado 3. (character) severo,
austero 4. (determination) teimoso
rugger [r*] (BRIT inf)
N rgbi M (BR) rguebi M (PT)
ruin [run]
N 1. (of building) runa 2. (destruction) (of plans) destruo F 3. (downfall) queda 4.
(bankruptcy) bancarrota VT 1. destruir 2. (future, person) arruinar 3. (spoil) estragar
ruins (of building) runas FPL NPL in ruins, em runas
ruination [runen]
N runa
ruinous [runs]
ADJ desastroso
rule [rul]
N 1. (norm) regra 2. (regulation) regulamento 3. (government) governo, domnio 4.
(ruler) rgua VT 1. (country, person) governar 2. (decide) decidir 3. (draw) (lines)
traar VI 1. (leader) governar 2. (monarch) reger 3. (LAW) to rule in favour
of/against, decidir oficialmente a favor de/contra to rule that (umpire, judge)
decidir que
under British rule, sob domniobritnico
its against the rules, no permitido
by rule of thumb, empiricamente
as a rule, por via de regra, geralmente rule out excluir VT
ruled [ruld]
ADJ (paper) pautado
ruler [rul*]
N 1. (sovereign) soberano* (soberana) 2. (for measuring) rgua
ruling [rul]
ADJ 1. (party) dominante 2. (class) dirigente N (LAW) parecer M, deciso F
rum [rm]
N rum M ADJ (BRIT inf) esquisito
Rumania [rumen]
N Romania
rumble [rmbl]
N 1. rudo surdo, barulho 2. (of thunder) estrondo, ribombo VI 1. ribombar, ressoar 2.
(stomach) roncar 3. (pipe) fazer barulho 4. (thunder) ribombar
rumbunctious [rmbks] (US)
rumbustious [rmbsts] (BRIT)
ADJ (person) enrgico
rummage [rmd]
VI vasculhar to rummage in (drawer) vasculhar
rumour [rum*] rumor (US)
N rumor M, boato VT it is rumoured that ... corre o boato de que ...
rump [rmp]
N (of animal) anca, garupa
rumple [rmpl]
VT 1. (hair) despentear 2. (clothes) amarrotar
rump steak
N alcatra
rumpus [rmps]
N 1. barulho, confuso F, zorra 2. (quarrel) bate-boca M to kick up a rumpus, fazer
um escndalo
run [rn] (PT ran ), (PP run )
N 1. corrida 2. (in car) passeio (de carro) 3. (distance travelled) trajeto, percurso 4.
(journey) viagem F 5. (series) srie F 6. (THEATRE) temporada 7. (SKI) pista 8. (in
stockings) fio puxado VT 1. (race) correr 2. (operate) (business) dirigir (competition,
course) organizar (hotel, house) administrar 3. (water) deixar correr 4. (bath)
encher 5. (PRESS) (feature) publicar 6. (COMPUT) (program) rodar 7. (pass)
(hand, finger) passar VI 1. correr 2. (pass) (road etc) passar 3. (work) (machine)
funcionar 4. (bus, train) (operate) circular (travel) ir 5. (continue) (play) continuar
em cartaz (contract) ser vlido 6. (slide) (drawer) deslizar 7. (flow) (river, bath) fluir,
correr 8. (colours, washing) desbotar 9. (in election) candidatar-se 10. (nose)
escorrer to go for a run, fazer cooper (in car) dar uma volta (de carro)
to break into a run, pr-se a correr
a run of luck, um perodo de sorte
to have the run of sbs house, ter a casa de algum sua disposio
there was a run on (meat, tickets) houve muita procura de
in the long run, no final das contas, mais cedo ou mais tarde
on the run, em fuga, foragido
to run for the bus, correr at o nibus
well have to run for it, vamos ter que correr atrs
Ill run you to the station, vou te levar estao
to run a risk, correr um risco
to run errands, fazer recados
to make a run for it, fugir, dar no p
the train runs between Gatwick and Victoria, o trem faz o percurso entre
Gatwick e Victoria
the bus runs every 20 minutes, o nibus passa a cada 20 minutos
its very cheap to run (car, machine) muito econmico
to run on petrol BRIT or gas US /on diesel/off batteries (BRIT) (US) funcionar
a gasolina/a leo diesel/a pilhas
to run for president, candidatar-se presidncia, ser presidencivel
their losses ran into millions, suas perdas se elevaram a milhes
to be run off ones feet BRIT (BRIT) no ter descanso, no parar um minuto
my salary wont run to a car, meu salrio no suficiente para comprar um
carro run about (children) correr por todos os lados VI run across (find)
encontrar por acaso, topar com, dar com VT run around run about VI run away
fugir VI run down 1. (clock) parar 2. (AUT) atropelar 3. (production) reduzir 4.
(factory) reduzir a produo de 5. (criticize) criticar VI to be run down (tired) estar
enfraquecido or exausto run in (BRIT) (car) rodar VT run into 1. (meet)
(person) dar com, topar com (trouble) esbarrar em 2. (collide with) bater em VT to
run into debt, endividar-se run off 1. (water) deixar correr 2. (copies) fotocopiar
3. fugir VT run out 1. (person) sair correndo 2. (liquid) escorrer, esgotar-se 3.
(lease, passport) caducar, vencer 4. (money) acabar VI run out of ficar sem VT
Ive run out of petrol BRIT or gas US (BRIT) (US) estou sem gasolina run
over 1. (AUT) atropelar 2. (revise) recapitular VT run through 1. (instructions)
examinar, recapitular 2. (rehearse) recapitular VT run up 1. (debt) acumular 2. to
run up against (difficulties) esbarrar em VT
runaway [rnwe]
ADJ 1. (horse) desembestado 2. (truck) desgovernado 3. (person) fugitivo 4. (inflation)
rundown [rndaun] (BRIT)
N (of industry etc) reduo F progressiva
rung [r]
PP (of ring) N (of ladder) degrau M
run-in (inf)
N briga, bate-boca M
runner [rn*]
N 1. (in race) (person) corredor* M (F corredora) (horse) corredor M 2. (on sledge)
patim M, lmina 3. (on curtain) anel M 4. (wheel) roldana, roda 5. (for drawer)
corredia 6. (carpet) (in hall etc) passadeira
runner bean (BRIT)
N (BOT) vagem F (BR) feijo M verde (PT)
N segundo* colocado* (segunda colocada)
running [rn]
N 1. (sport, race) corrida 2. (of business) direo F 3. (of event) organizao F 4. (of
machine etc) funcionamento ADJ 1. (water) corrente 2. (commentary) contnuo,
seguido 6 days running, 6 dias seguidos or consecutivos
to be in/out of the running for sth, disputar algo/estar fora da disputa por algo
running costs
NPL 1. (of business) despesas FPL operacionais 2. (of car) custos MPL de manuteno
running head
N (TYP) ttulo corrido
running mate (US)
N (POL) companheiro* de chapa (companheira)
runny [rn]
ADJ 1. (sauce, paint) aguado 2. (egg) mole to have a runny nose, estar com coriza,
estar com o nariz escorrendo
N 1. (in contest, election) segundo turno 2. (extra race etc) corrida decisiva
ADJ mediocre, ordinrio
runt [rnt]
N 1. (animal) nanico 2. (pej: person) ano* M (F an)
N ensaio
N run-up to sth (election etc) perodo que antecede algo during or in the run-up
to, nas vsperas de
runway [rnwe]
N (AVIAT) pista (de decolagem or de pouso)
rupee [rupi]
N rupia
rupture [rpt*]
N (MED) hrnia VT to rupture o.s. provocar-se uma hrnia
rural [rurl]
ADJ rural
ruse [ruz]
N ardil M, manha
rush [r]
N 1. (hurry) pressa 2. (COMM) grande procura or demanda 3. (BOT) junco 4. (current)
torrente F 5. (of emotion) mpeto VT 1. apressar 2. (work) fazer depressa 3. (attack)
(town etc) assaltar 4. (BRIT inf: charge) cobrar VI 1. apressar-se, precipitar-se 2.
(air) suprar impetuosamente 3. (water) afluir impetuosamente dont rush me!
no me apresse!
is there any rush for this? isso urgente?
to rush sth off (do quickly) fazer algo s pressas (send) enviar depressa
weve had a rush of orders, recebimos uma enxurrada de pedidos
to be in a rush, estar com pressa
to do sth in a rush, fazer algo s pressas
to be in a rush to do sth, ter urgncia em fazer algo rush through 1. (work)
fazer s pressas 2. (COMM) (order) executar com toda a urgncia VT
rush hour
N rush M (BR) hora de ponta (PT)
rush job
N trabalho urgente
rush matting
N tapete M de palha
rusk [rsk]
N rosca
Russia [r]
N Rssia
Russian [rn]
ADJ russo N 1. russo* (russa) 2. (LING) russo
rust [rst]
N ferrugem F VI enferrujar
rustic [rstk]
ADJ rstico N (pej) caipira M, F
rustle [rsl]
VI sussurrar VT 1. (paper) farfalhar 2. (US: cattle) roubar, afanar
rustproof [rstpruf]
ADJ inoxidvel, prova de ferrugem
rustproofing [rstpruf]
N tratamento contra ferrugem
rusty [rst]
ADJ enferrujado
rut [rt]
N 1. sulco 2. (ZOOL) cio to be in a rut, ser escravo da rotina
rutabaga [rutbe] (US)
N rutabaga
ruthless [ruls]
ADJ implacvel, sem piedade
ruthlessness [rulsns]
N crueldade F, desumanidade F, insensibilidade F
ABBR revised version, traduo inglesa da Bblia de 1885 N ABBR (US) recreational
rye [ra]
N centeio
rye bread
N po M de centeio

ABBR south, S, saint, S, S

N ABBR South Africa, South America
Sabbath [sb]
N 1. (Christian) domingo 2. (Jewish) sbado
sabbatical [sbtkl]
N sabbatical year, ano sabtico or de licena
sabotage [sbt]
N sabotagem F VT sabotar
saccharin , saccharine [skrn]
N sacarina
sachet [se]
N sach M
sack [sk]
N (bag) saco, saca VT 1. (dismiss) despedir 2. (plunder) saquear to get the sack,
ser demitido
to give sb the sack, pr algum no olho da rua, despedir algum
sackful [skful]
N a sackful of, um saco de
sacking [sk]
N 1. (dismissal) demisso F 2. (material) aniagem F
sacrament [skrmnt]
N sacramento
sacred [sekrd]
ADJ sagrado
sacrifice [skrfas]
N sacrifcio VT sacrificar to make sacrifices (for sb) fazer um sacrifcio (por
sacrilege [skrld]
N sacrilgio
sacrosanct [skruskt]
ADJ sacrossanto
sad [sd]
ADJ 1. triste 2. (deplorable) deplorvel, triste
sadden [sdn]
VT entristecer
saddle [sdl]
N 1. sela 2. (of cycle) selim M VT (horse) selar to saddle sb with sth (inf: task, bill)
pr algo nas costas de algum (responsibility) sobrecarregar algum com algo
saddlebag [sdlb]
N alforje M
sadism [sedzm]
N sadismo
sadist [sedst]
N sdico* (sdica)
sadistic [sdstk]
ADJ sdico
sadly [sdl]
ADV 1. tristemente 2. (regrettably) infelizmente 3. (mistaken, neglected) gravemente
sadly lacking (in) muito carente (de)
sadness [sdns]
N tristeza
ABBR stamped addressed envelope, envelope selado e sobrescritado
safari [sfr]
N safri M
safari park
N parque com animais selvagens
safe [sef]
ADJ 1. seguro 2. (out of danger) fora de perigo 3. (unharmed) ileso, inclume 4.
(trustworthy) digno de confiana N cofre M, caixa-forte F safe from, protegido de
safe and sound, so e salvo
(just) to be on the safe side, por via das dvidas
to play safe, no correr riscos
it is safe to say that ... posso afirmar que ...
safe journey! boa viagem!
safe-breaker (BRIT)
N arrombador M de cofres
N salvo-conduto
N arrombador M de cofres
N 1. (vault) cofre M de segurana 2. (box) caixa-forte F
safeguard [sefd]
N salvaguarda, proteo F VT proteger, defender
safekeeping [sefkip]
N custdia, proteo F
safely [sefl]
ADV 1. com segurana, a salvo 2. (without mishap) sem perigo I can safely say ...
posso seguramente dizer ...
safety [seft]
N segurana
safety belt
N cinto de segurana
safety curtain
N cortina de ferro
safety net
N rede F de segurana
safety pin
N alfinete M de segurana
safety valve
N vlvula de segurana
saffron [sfrn]
N aafro M
sag [s]
VI 1. (breasts) cair 2. (roof) afundar 3. (hem) desmanchar
saga [s]
N 1. saga 2. (fig) novela
sage [sed]
N 1. (herb) salva 2. (man) sbio
Sagittarius [sdtrs]
N Sagitrio
sago [seu]
N sagu M
Sahara [shr]
N the Sahara (Desert) o Saara
said [sd]
PT PP (of say)
say [se] (PT, PP said )
N to have ones say, exprimir sua opinio, vender seu peixe (inf) VT dizer, falar to
have a or some say in sth, opinar sobre algo, ter que ver com algo
say after me ... repita comigo ...
to say yes/no, dizer (que) sim/no
could you say that again? poderia repetir?
she said (that) I was to give you this, ela disse que eu deveria te dar isso
my watch says 3 oclock, meu relgio marca 3 horas
shall we say Tuesday? marcamos para tera?
I should say its worth about 100 acho que vale mais ou menos 100
that doesnt say much for him, aquilo no o favorece
when all is said and done, afinal das contas
there is something or a lot to be said for it, isto tem muitas vantagens
that is to say, ou seja
to say nothing of ... por no falar em ...
say that ... vamos supor que ...
that goes without saying, bvio, nem preciso dizer
sail [sel]
N 1. (on boat) vela 2. (trip) to go for a sail, dar um passeio de barco a vela VT (boat)
governar VI 1. (travel) (ship) navegar, velejar (passenger) ir de barco 2. (SPORT)
velejar 3. (set off) zarpar to set sail, zarpar
they sailed into Rio de Janeiro, entraram no porto do Rio de Janeiro sail
through 1. (fig) fazer com facilidade 2. fazer de letra, fazer com um p nas costas
sailboat [selbut] (US)
N barco a vela
sailing [sel]
N (SPORT) navegao F a vela, vela to go sailing, ir velejar
sailing boat
N barco a vela
sailing ship
N veleiro
sailor [sel*]
N marinheiro, marujo
saint [sent]
N santo* (santa) Saint John, So Joo
saintly [sentl]
ADJ 1. santo 2. (life, expression) de santo
sake [sek]
N for the sake of, por (causa de) em considerao a for sbs/sths sake, pelo bem
de algum/algo
for my sake, por mim
arguing for arguings sake, brigar por brigar
for the sake of argument, por exemplo
for heavens sake! pelo amor de Deus!
salad [sld]
N salada
salad bowl
N saladeira
salad cream (BRIT)
N maionese F
salad dressing
N tempero or molho da salada
salad oil
N azeite M de mesa
salami [slm]
N salame M
salaried [slrd]
ADJ (staff) assalariado
salary [slr]
N salrio
salary scale
N escala salarial
sale [sel]
N 1. venda 2. (at reduced prices) liquidao F, saldo 3. (auction) leilo M sales (total
amount sold) vendas FPL NPL ``for sale ``vende-se
on sale, venda
on sale or return, em consignao
sale and lease back, venda com clusula de aluguel ao vendedor do item
saleroom [selrum]
N sala de vendas
sales assistant , sales clerk (US)
N vendedor* M (F vendedora)
sales conference
N conferncia de vendas
sales drive
N campanha de vendas
sales force
N equipe M de vendas
salesman [selzmn]
N IRREG 1. vendedor M 2. (representative) vendedor M viajante
sales manager
N gerente M, F de vendas
salesmanship [selzmnp]
N arte F de vender
salesmen [selzmn]
NPL (of salesman)
sales tax (US)
saleswoman [selzwumn]
N IRREG 1. vendedora 2. (representative) vendedora viajante
salient [selnt]
ADJ saliente
saline [selan]
ADJ salino
saliva [slav]
N saliva
sallow [slu]
ADJ amarelado
sally forth [sl-]
VI partir, pr-se em marcha
sally out [sl-]
VI partir, pr-se em marcha
salmon [smn]
N INV salmo M
salon [sln]
N 1. (hairdressing salon) salo M (de cabeleireiro) 2. (beauty salon) salo (de beleza)
saloon [slun]
N 1. (US) bar M, botequim M 2. (BRIT AUT) sed M 3. (ship's lounge) salo M
Salop [slp] (BRIT)
N ABBR Shropshire
SALT [slt]
N ABBR Strategic Arms Limitation Talks/Treaty, SALT M
salt [slt]
N sal M VT salgar CPD 1. de sal 2. (CULIN) salgado an old salt, um lobo-do-mar
salt away pr de lado VT
salt cellar
N saleiro
ADJ sem sal
saltwater [sltwt*]
ADJ de gua salgada
salty [slt]
ADJ salgado
salubrious [slubrs]
ADJ salubre, sadio
salutary [sljutr]
ADJ salutar
salute [slut]
N 1. (greeting) saudao F 2. (of guns) salva 3. (MIL) continncia VT 1. saudar 2.
(guns) receber com salvas 3. (MIL) fazer continncia a
salvage [slvd]
N 1. (saving) salvamento, recuperao F 2. (things saved) salvados MPL VT salvar
salvage vessel
N navio de salvamento
salvation [slven]
N salvao F
Salvation Army
N Exrcito da Salvao
salve [slv]
N (cream etc) ungento, pomada
salver [slv*]
N bandeja, salva
salvo [slvu] (PL salvoes )
N salva
Samaritan [smrtn]
N the Samaritans (or ganization) os Samaritanos
same [sem]
ADJ mesmo PRON the same, o mesmo* mesma (o mesma) the same book as, o
mesmo livro que
at the same time, ao mesmo tempo
on the same day, no mesmo dia
all or just the same, apesar de tudo, mesmo assim
its all the same, d no mesmo, tanto faz
theyre one and the same (people) so os mesmos (things) so idnticos
to do the same (as sb) fazer o mesmo (que algum)
the same to you! igualmente!
same here! eu tambm!
the same again! (in bar etc) mais um ... por favor!
sample [smpl]
N amostra VT (food, wine) provar, experimentar to take a sample, tirar uma amostra
free sample, amostra grtis
sanatoria [sntr]
NPL (of sanatorium)
sanatorium [sntrm] (PL sanatoria )
N sanatrio
sanitarium [sntrm] (PL sanitaria ) (US)
N sanatorium
sanctify [sktfa]
VT santificar
sanctimonious [sktmuns]
ADJ carola, beato
sanction [skn]
N sano F VT sancionar sanctions (severe measures) sanes FPL NPL to
impose economic sanctions on or against, impor sanes econmicas a
sanctity [sktt]
N 1. santidade F, divindade F 2. (inviolability) inviolabilidade F
sanctuary [sktjur]
N 1. (holy place) santurio 2. (refuge) refgio, asilo 3. (for animals) reserva
sand [snd]
N 1. areia 2. sands (beach) praia VT 1. arear, jogar areia em 2. sand down (wood etc)
sandal [sndl]
N 1. sandlia 2. (wood) sndalo
sandbag [sndb]
N saco de areia
sandbank [sndbk]
N banco de areia
sandblast [sndblst]
VT limpar com jato de areia
sandbox [sndbks] (US)
N (for children) caixa de areia
sandcastle [sndksl]
N castelo de areia
sand dune
N duna (de areia)
sandpaper [sndpep*]
N lixa
sandpit [sndpt]
N (for children) caixa de areia
sandstone [sndstun]
N arenito, grs M
sandstorm [sndstm]
N tempestade F de areia
sandwich [sndwt]
N sanduche M (BR) sandes F INV (PT) VT sandwich in, intercalar sandwiched
between, encaixado entre
cheese/ham sandwich, sanduche BR or sandes PT de queijo/presunto
sandwich board
N cartaz M ambulante
sandwich course (BRIT)
N curso profissionalizante de teoria e prtica alternadas
sandy [snd]
ADJ 1. arenoso 2. (colour) vermelho amarelado
sane [sen]
ADJ 1. so do juzo* (so dos do juzo) 2. (sensible) ajuizado, sensato
sang [s]
PT (of sing)
sanguine [swn]
ADJ otimista
sanitaria [sntr] (US)
NPL (of sanitarium)
sanitary [sntr]
ADJ 1. (system, arrangements) sanitrio 2. (clean) higinico
sanitary towel , sanitary napkin (US)
N toalha higinica or absorvente
sanitation [snten]
N 1. (in house) instalaes FPL sanitrias 2. (in town) saneamento
sanitation department (US)
N comisso F de limpeza urbana
sanity [snt]
N 1. sanidade F, equilbrio mental 2. (common sense) juzo, sensatez F
sank [sk]
PT (of sink)
San Marino [snmrinu]
N San Marino (no article)
Santa Claus [sntklz]
N Papai Noel M
Santiago [sntu]
N Santiago de Chile, Santiago (do Chile)
sap [sp]
N (of plants) seiva VT (strength) esgotar, minar
sapling [spl]
N rvore F nova
sapphire [sfa*]
N safira
sarcasm [skzm]
N sarcasmo
sarcastic [skstk]
ADJ sarcstico
sarcophagi [skfa]
NPL (of sarcophagus)
sarcophagus [skfs] (PL sarcophagi )
N sarcfago
sardine [sdin]
N sardinha
Sardinia [sdn]
N Sardenha
Sardinian [sdnn]
ADJ sardo N 1. sardo* (sarda) 2. (LING) sardo
sardonic [sdnk]
ADJ sardnico
sari [sr]
N sri M
sartorial [strl]
ADJ indumentrio
N ABBR (MIL) Special Air Service
N ABBR self-addressed stamped envelope, envelope selado e sobrescritado
sash [s]
N 1. faixa, banda 2. (belt) cinto
sash window
N janela de guilhotina
N ABBR Scholastic Aptitude Test
sit [st] (PT, PP sat )
VI 1. sentar-se 2. (be sitting) estar sentado 3. (assembly) reunir-se 4. (for painter)
posar 5. (dress) cair VT (exam) prestar to sit on a committee, ser membro de um
to sit tight, no se mexer (fig) esperar sit about ficar sentado no fazendo
nada VI sit around ficar sentado no fazendo nada VI sit back acomodar-se
num assento VI sit down sentar-se VI to be sitting down, estar sentado sit in
on assistir a VT sit up 1. (after lying) levantar-se 2. (straight) endireitar-se 3. (not
go to bed) aguardar acordado, velar VI
ABBR Saturday, sb
sat [st]
PT PP (of sit)
Satan [setn]
N Satans M, Sat M
satanic [stnk]
ADJ satnico, diablico
satchel [stl]
N sacola
sated [setd]
ADJ saciado, farto
satellite [stlat]
N satlite M
satellite dish
N antena parablica
satiate [seet]
VT saciar
satin [stn]
N cetim M ADJ acetinado with a satin finish, acetinado
satire [sta*]
N stira
satirical [strkl]
ADJ satrico
satirist [strst]
N 1. (writer) satirista M, F 2. (cartoonist) chargista M, F
satirize [straz]
VT satirizar
satisfaction [stsfkn]
N 1. satisfao F 2. (refund, apology etc) compensao F has it been done to your
satisfaction? voc est satisfeito?
satisfactory [stsfktr]
ADJ satisfatrio
satisfy [stsfa]
VT 1. satisfazer 2. (convince) convencer, persuadir to satisfy the requirements,
satisfazer as exigncias
to satisfy sb (that) convencer algum (de que)
to satisfy o.s. of sth, convencer-se de algo
satisfying [stsfa]
ADJ satisfatrio
saturate [stret]
VT to saturate (with) saturar or embeber (de)
saturation [stren]
N saturao F
Saturday [std]
N sbado Tuesday
sauce [ss]
N 1. molho 2. (sweet) calda 3. (fig) (cheek) atrevimento
saucepan [sspn]
N panela (BR) caarola (PT)
saucer [ss*]
N pires M INV
saucy [ss]
ADJ 1. atrevido, descarado 2. (flirtatious) flertivo, provocante
Saudi [saud]
ADJ N 1. Saudi Arabia, Arbia Saudita 2. Saudi Arabian, saudita M, F
Saudi Arabian
ADJ N saudita M, F
sauna [sn]
N sauna
saunter [snt*]
VI to saunter over/along/into, andar devagar para/por/entrar devagar em
sausage [ssd]
N 1. salsicha, lingia 2. (cold meat) frios MPL
sausage roll
N folheado de salsicha
saut [sute]
ADJ (CULIN) (potatoes) saut (onions) frito rapidamente VT fritar levemente
savage [svd]
ADJ 1. (cruel, fierce) cruel, feroz 2. (primitive) selvagem N selvagem M, F VT (attack)
atacar ferozmente
savagery [svdr]
N selvageria, ferocidade F
save [sev]
VT 1. (rescue, COMPUT) salvar 2. (money) poupar, economizar 3. (time) ganhar 4.
(put by) (food) guardar 5. (SPORT) impedir 6. (avoid) (trouble) evitar 7. (keep)
(seat) guardar VI save up, poupar N (SPORT) salvamento PREP salvo, exceto it
will save me an hour, vou ganhar uma hora
to save face, salvar as aparncias
God save the Queen! Deus salve a Rainha!
saving [sev]
N (on price etc) economia ADJ the saving grace of, o nico mrito de savings
(money) economias FPL NPL to make savings, economizar
savings account
N (caderneta de) poupana
savings bank
N caixa econmica, caderneta de poupana
saviour [sevj*] savior (US)
N salvador* M (F salvadora)
savour [sev*] savor (US)
N sabor M VT 1. saborear 2. (experience) apreciar
savoury [sevr] savory (US)
ADJ 1. saboroso 2. (dish) (not sweet) salgado
savvy [sv] (inf)
N juzo
saw [s] (PT sawed ), ( sawed ), (PP sawn )
PT (of see) N (tool) serra VT serrar to saw sth up, serrar algo em pedaos
see [si] (PT saw ), (PP seen )
VT 1. ver 2. (make out) enxergar 3. (understand) entender 4. (accompany) to see sb
to the door, acompanhar or levar algum at a porta VI 1. ver 2. (find out) achar N
s F, sede F to see that (ensure) assegurar que
there was nobody to be seen, no havia ningum
let me see, deixa eu ver
to go and see sb, ir visitar algum
see for yourself, veja voc mesmo, confira
I dont know what she sees in him, no sei o que ela v nele
as far as I can see, que eu saiba
see you! at logo! (BR) adeus! (PT)
see you soon/later/tomorrow! at logo/mais tarde/amanh! see about tratar
de VT see off despedir-se de VT see through 1. enxergar atravs de 2. levar a
cabo VT see to providenciar VT
sawdust [sdst]
N serragem F, p M de serra
sawed-off shotgun [sd-] (US)
N sawn-off shotgun
sawmill [sml]
N serraria
sawn [sn]
PP (of saw)
sawn-off shotgun (BRIT)
N espingarda de cano serrado
saxophone [sksfun]
N saxofone M
say [se] (PT, PP said )
N to have ones say, exprimir sua opinio, vender seu peixe (inf) VT dizer, falar to
have a or some say in sth, opinar sobre algo, ter que ver com algo
say after me ... repita comigo ...
to say yes/no, dizer (que) sim/no
could you say that again? poderia repetir?
she said (that) I was to give you this, ela disse que eu deveria te dar isso
my watch says 3 oclock, meu relgio marca 3 horas
shall we say Tuesday? marcamos para tera?
I should say its worth about 100 acho que vale mais ou menos 100
that doesnt say much for him, aquilo no o favorece
when all is said and done, afinal das contas
there is something or a lot to be said for it, isto tem muitas vantagens
that is to say, ou seja
to say nothing of ... por no falar em ...
say that ... vamos supor que ...
that goes without saying, bvio, nem preciso dizer
saying [se]
N ditado, provrbio
N ABBR Small Business Administration, rgo de auxlio s pequenas empresas
N ABBR supreme court ABBR (POST) South Carolina
ABBR self-contained
scab [skb]
N 1. casca, crosta (de ferida) 2. (pej) fura-greve M, F INV
scabby [skb]
ADJ cheio de casca or cicatrizes
scaffold [skfuld]
N (for execution) cadafalso, patbulo
scaffolding [skfuld]
N andaime M
scald [skld]
N escaldadura VT escaldar, queimar
scalding [skld]
ADJ scalding hot, escaldante
scale [skel]
N 1. (gen, MUS) escala 2. (of fish) escama 3. (of salaries, fees etc) tabela 4. (of map,
also size, extent) escala VT 1. (mountain) escalar 2. (fish) escamar scales (for
weighing) balana NPL pay scale, tabela de salrios
on a large scale, em grande escala
scale of charges, tarifa, lista de preos
to draw sth to scale, desenhar algo em escala
small-scale model, modelo reduzido scale down reduzir VT
scale drawing
N desenho em escala
scale model
N maquete F em escala
scallion [skljn]
N cebola
scallop [sklp]
N 1. (ZOOL) vieira, venera 2. (SEWING) barra, arremate M
scalp [sklp]
N couro cabeludo VT escalpar
scalpel [sklpl]
N bisturi M
scalper [sklp*] (US inf)
N (of tickets) cambista M, F
scamp [skmp]
N moleque M
scamper [skmp*]
VI to scamper away or off, sair correndo
scampi [skmp]
NPL camares MPL fritos
scan [skn]
VT 1. (examine) esquadrinhar, perscrutar 2. (glance at quickly) passar uma vista de
olhos por 3. (TV RADAR) explorar N (MED) exame M
scandal [skndl]
N 1. escndalo 2. (gossip) fofocas FPL 3. (fig) (disgrace) vergonha
scandalize [skndlaz]
VT escandalizar
scandalous [skndls]
ADJ 1. escandaloso 2. (disgraceful) vergonhoso 3. (libellous) difamatrio, calunioso
Scandinavia [skndnev]
N Escandinvia
Scandinavian [skndnevn]
ADJ N escandinavo* (escandinava)
scanner [skn*]
N 1. (RADAR) antena 2. (MED COMPUT) scanner M
scant [sknt]
ADJ escasso, insuficiente
scantily [skntl]
ADV scantily clad or dressed, precariamente vestido
scanty [sknt]
ADJ 1. (meal) insuficiente, pobre 2. (underwear) sumrio
scapegoat [skeput]
N bode M expiatrio
scar [sk]
N cicatriz F VT marcar (com uma cicatriz)
scarce [sks]
ADJ escasso, raro to make o.s. scarce (inf) dar o fora, cair fora
scarcely [sksl]
ADV 1. mal, quase no 2. (with numbers) (barely) apenas scarcely anybody, quase
I can scarcely believe it, mal posso acreditar
scarcity [skst]
N escassez F
scarcity value
N valor M de escassez
scare [sk*]
N 1. susto 2. (panic) pnico VT assustar to scare sb stiff, deixar algum morrendo
de medo
bomb scare, alarme de bomba scare away espantar VT scare off scare
away VT
scarecrow [skkru]
N espantalho
scared [skd]
ADJ to be scared, estar assustado or com medo
scaremonger [skm*]
N alarmista M, F
scarf [skf] ( scarfs ), (PL scarves )
N 1. (long) cachecol M 2. (square) leno (de cabea)
scarlet [sklt]
ADJ escarlate
scarlet fever
N escarlatina
scarves [skvz]
NPL (of scarf)
scary [skr] (inf)
ADJ assustador* (assustadora)
scathing [ske]
ADJ mordaz to be scathing about sth, fazer uma crtica mordaz sobre algo
scatter [skt*]
VT 1. (spread) espalhar 2. (put to flight) dispersar VI espalhar-se
scatterbrained [sktbrend] (inf)
ADJ 1. desmiolado, avoado 2. (forgetful) esquecido
scattered [sktd]
ADJ espalhado
scatty [skt] (BRIT inf)
ADJ maluquinho
scavenge [skvnd]
VI (person) to scavenge (for) filar to scavenge for food (hyenas etc) procurar
scavenger [skvnd*]
N 1. (person) pessoa que procura comida no lixo 2. (ZOOL) animal M ( or ave F ) que
se alimenta de carnia
N ABBR Scottish Certificate of Education
scenario [snru]
N 1. (THEATRE CINEMA) sinopse F 2. (fig) quadro
scene [sin]
N 1. (THEATRE, fig) cena 2. (of crime, accident) cenrio 3. (sight) vista, panorama M
4. (fuss) escndalo behind the scenes, nos bastidores
to make a scene (inf: fuss) fazer um escndalo
to appear on the scene, entrar em cena
the political scene, o panorama poltico
scenery [sinr]
N 1. (THEATRE) cenrio 2. (landscape) paisagem F
scenic [sink]
ADJ pitoresco
scent [snt]
N 1. perfume M 2. (smell) aroma 3. (track, fig) pista, rastro 4. (sense of smell) olfato VT
perfumar to put or throw sb off the scent, despistar algum
scepter [spt*] (US)
N sceptre
sceptic [skptk] skeptic (US)
N ctico* (ctica)
sceptical [skptkl] skeptical (US)
ADJ ctico
scepticism [skptszm] skepticism (US)
N ceticismo
sceptre [spt*] scepter (US)
N cetro
sceptic [skptk] skeptic (US)
N ctico* (ctica)
sceptical [skptkl] skeptical (US)
ADJ ctico
scepticism [skptszm] skepticism (US)
N ceticismo
schedule [djul] [skdjul US]
N 1. (of trains) horrio 2. (of events) programa M 3. (plan) plano 4. (list) lista VT 1.
(timetable) planejar 2. (visit) marcar (a hora de) as scheduled, como previsto
the meeting is scheduled for 7.00 a reunio est programada para as 7.00h
on schedule, na hora, sem atraso
to be ahead of/behind schedule, estar adiantado/atrasado
we are working to a very tight schedule, nosso horrio est muito apertado
everything went according to schedule, tudo correu como planejado
scheduled [djuld] [skdjuld US]
ADJ 1. (date, time) marcado 2. (visit, event) programado 3. (train, bus, flight) de linha
schematic [skmtk]
ADJ esquemtico
scheme [skim]
N 1. (plan, plot) maquinao F 2. (method) mtodo 3. (pension scheme etc) projeto 4.
(trick) ardil M 5. (arrangement) arranjo VI conspirar
scheming [skim]
ADJ intrigante N intrigas FPL
schism [skzm]
N cisma M
schizophrenia [sktsufrin]
N esquizofrenia
schizophrenic [sktsfrnk]
ADJ esquizofrnico
scholar [skl*]
N 1. (pupil) aluno* (aluna) estudante M, F 2. (learned person) sbio* (sbia) erudito*
scholarly [skll]
ADJ erudito
scholarship [sklp]
N 1. erudio F 2. (grant) bolsa de estudos
school [skul]
N 1. escola 2. (in university) faculdade F 3. (secondary school) colgio 4. (US:
university) universidade F 5. (of fish) cardume M CPD escolar VT (animal) adestrar,
school age
N idade F escolar
schoolbook [skulbuk]
N livro escolar
schoolboy [skulb]
N aluno
schoolchildren [skultldrn]
NPL alunos MPL
schooldays [skuldez]
NPL anos MPL escolares
schoolgirl [skull]
N aluna
schooling [skul]
N educao F, ensino
school-leaving age [-liv-]
N idade F em que se termina a escola
schoolmaster [skulmst*]
N professor M
schoolmistress [skulmstrs]
N professora
school report (BRIT)
N boletim M escolar
schoolroom [skulrum]
N sala de aula
schoolteacher [skultit*]
N professor* M (F professora)
schooner [skun*]
N 1. (ship) escuna 2. (glass) caneca, caneco M
sciatica [satk]
N citica
science [sans]
N cincia
science fiction
N fico F cientfica
scientific [santfk]
ADJ cientfico
scientist [santst]
N cientista M, F
sci-fi [safa] (inf)
N ABBR science fiction
Scillies [slz]
NPL the Scillies, as ilhas Scilly
Scilly Isles [slalz]
NPL the Scilly Isles, as ilhas Scilly
scintillating [sntlet]
ADJ (wit etc) brilhante
scissors [szz]
NPL tesoura a pair of scissors, uma tesoura
sclerosis [sklruss]
N esclerose F
scoff [skf]
VT (BRIT inf: eat) engolir VI to scoff (at) (mock) zombar (de)
scold [skuld]
VT ralhar
scolding [skuld]
N repreenso F
scone [skn]
N bolinho de trigo
scoop [skup]
N 1. colherona 2. (for flour etc) p F 3. (PRESS) furo (jornalstico) scoop out
escavar VT scoop up recolher VT
scooter [skut*]
N 1. motor scooter, lambreta 2. (toy) patinete M
scope [skup]
N 1. liberdade F de ao 2. (of plan, undertaking) mbito 3. (reach) alcance M 4. (of
person) competncia 5. (opportunity) oportunidade F within the scope of, dentro
dos limites de
there is plenty of scope for improvement BRIT (BRIT) poderia ser muito
scorch [skt]
VT 1. (clothes) chamuscar 2. (earth, grass) secar, queimar
scorched earth policy [sktt-]
N ttica da terra arrasada
scorcher [skt*] (inf)
N (hot day) dia M muito quente
scorching [skt]
ADJ ardente
score [sk*]
N 1. (points etc) escore M, contagem F 2. (MUS) partitura 3. (reckoning) conta 4.
(twenty) vintena VT 1. (goal, point) fazer 2. (mark) marcar, entalhar 3. (success)
alcanar VI 1. (in game) marcar 2. (FOOTBALL) marcar or fazer um gol 3. (keep
score) marcar o escore on that score, a esse respeito, por esse motivo
to have an old score to settle with sb (fig) ter umas contas a ajustar com
scores of (fig) um monte de
to keep (the) score, marcar os pontos
to score 6 out of 10 conseguir um escore de 6 num total de 10 score out
riscar VT
scoreboard [skbd]
N marcador M, placar M
scorecard [skkd]
N (SPORT) carto M de marcao
scorer [skr*]
N marcador* M (F marcadora)
scorn [skn]
N desprezo VT desprezar, rejeitar
scornful [sknful]
ADJ desdenhoso, zombador* (zombadora)
Scorpio [skpu]
N Escorpio M
scorpion [skpn]
N escorpio M
Scot [skt]
N escocs* M (F escocesa)
Scotch [skt]
N usque M BR or whisky M PT escocs
scotch [skt]
VT 1. (rumour) desmentir 2. (plan) estragar
Scotch tape
N fita adesiva, durex M (BR)
ADJ to get off scot-free (unpunished) sair impune (unhurt) sair ileso
Scotland [sktlnd]
N Esccia
Scots [skts]
ADJ escocs* (escocesa)
Scotsman [sktsmn]
N IRREG escocs M
Scotswoman [sktswumn]
N IRREG escocesa
Scottish [skt]
ADJ escocs* (escocesa)
scoundrel [skaundrl]
N canalha M, F, patife M
scour [skau*]
VT 1. (clean) limpar, esfregar 2. (search) esquadrinhar, procurar em
scourer [skaur*]
N esponja de ao, bombril M (BR)
scourge [skd]
N flagelo, tormento
scout [skaut]
N 1. (MIL) explorador M, batedor M 2. boy scout, escoteiro girl scout US (US)
escoteira scout around explorar VI
scowl [skaul]
VI franzir a testa to scowl at sb, olhar de cara feia para algum
scrabble [skrbl]
VI (claw) to scrabble at, arranhar N Scrabble, mexe-mexe M to scrabble (around)
for sth (search) tatear procurando algo
scraggy [skr]
ADJ magricela, descarnado
scram [skrm] (inf)
VI dar o fora, safar-se
scramble [skrmbl]
N 1. (climb) escalada (difcil) 2. (struggle) luta VI to scramble out/through, conseguir
sair com dificuldade to scramble for, lutar por
scrambled eggs [skrmbld-]
NPL ovos MPL mexidos
scrap [skrp]
N 1. (of paper) pedacinho 2. (of material) fragmento 3. (fig) (of truth) mnimo 4. (fight)
rixa, luta 5. scrap iron, ferro velho, sucata VT 1. sucatar, jogar no ferro velho 2. (fig)
descartar, abolir VI brigar scraps (leftovers) sobras FPL, restos MPL NPL to sell
sth for scrap, vender algo como sucata
scrapbook [skrpbuk]
N lbum M de recortes
scrap dealer
N ferro-velho M, sucateiro* (sucateira)
scrape [skrep]
N (fig) to get into a scrape, meter-se numa enrascada VT 1. raspar 2. (scrape
against) (hand, car) arranhar, roar VI to scrape through (in exam) passar
raspando scrape together (money) juntar com dificuldade VT
scraper [skrep*]
N raspador M
scrap heap
N (fig) on the scrap heap, rejeitado, jogado fora
scrap merchant (BRIT)
N sucateiro* (sucateira)
scrap metal
N sucata, ferro-velho
scrap paper
N papel M de rascunho
scrappy [skrp]
ADJ 1. (piece of work) desconexo 2. (speech) incoerente, desconexo 3. (bitty)
scrap yard
N ferro-velho
scratch [skrt]
N 1. arranho M 2. (from claw) arranhadura CPD scratch team, time M improvisado,
escrete M VT 1. (rub) (one's nose etc) coar 2. (with claw, nail) arranhar, unhar 3.
(damage) (paint, car) arranhar 4. (COMPUT) apagar VI coar(-se) to start from
scratch, partir do zero
to be up to scratch, estar altura (das circunstncias)
scratch pad (US)
N bloco de rascunho
scrawl [skrl]
N garrancho, garatujas FPL VI garatujar, rabiscar
scrawny [skrn]
ADJ magricela
scream [skrim]
N grito VI gritar it was a scream (inf) foi engraadssimo
to scream at sb, gritar com algum
scree [skri]
N seixos MPL
screech [skrit]
VI guinchar N guincho
screen [skrin]
N 1. (CINEMA TV COMPUT) tela (BR) cran M (PT) 2. (movable) biombo 3. (wall)
tapume M 4. windscreen, pra-brisa M 5. (fig) cortina VT 1. (conceal) esconder,
tapar 2. (from the wind etc) proteger 3. (film) projetar 4. (candidates etc, MED)
screen editing [-dt]
N (COMPUT) edio F na tela
screening [skrin]
N 1. (MED) exame M mdico 2. (of film) exibio F 3. (for security) controle M
screen memory
N (COMPUT) memria da tela
screenplay [skrinple]
N roteiro
screensaver [skrinsev*]
N protetor M de tela
screen test
N teste M de cinema
screw [skru]
N 1. parafuso 2. (propeller) hlice F VT 1. aparafusar 2. screw in, apertar, atarraxar 3.
(inf!: have sex with) comer (!) trepar com (!) to screw sth to the wall, pregar algo
na parede
to have ones head screwed on (fig) ter juzo screw up 1. (paper etc)
amassar 2. (inf: ruin) estragar VT to screw up ones eyes, franzir os olhos
to screw up ones face, contrair as feies
screwdriver [skrudrav*]
N chave F de fenda or de parafuso
screwy [skru] (inf)
ADJ maluco, estranho
scribble [skrbl]
N garrancho VT escrevinhar VI rabiscar to scribble sth down, anotar algo
scribe [skrab]
N escriba M, F
script [skrpt]
N 1. (CINEMA etc) roteiro, script M 2. (writing) escrita, caligrafia
scripted [skrptd]
ADJ (RADIO TV) com script
Scripture N [skrpt*] Scriptures NPL, skrptz
Sagrada Escritura
scriptwriter [skrptrat*]
N roteirista M, F
scroll [skrul]
N rolo de pergaminho VT (COMPUT) passar na tela
scrotum [skrutm]
N escroto
scrounge [skraund] (inf)
VT to scrounge sth off or from sb, filar algo de algum VI to scrounge on sb, viver
s custas de algum N on the scrounge, viver s custas de algum (or dos outros
scrounger [skraund*] (inf)
N filo* M (F filona)
scrub [skrb]
N 1. (clean) esfregao F, limpeza 2. (land) mato, cerrado VT 1. esfregar 2. (inf: reject)
cancelar, eliminar
scrubbing brush [skrb-]
N escova de esfrega
scruff [skrf]
N by the scruff of the neck, pelo cangote
scruffy [skrf]
ADJ desmazelado
scrum [skrm] scrummage, skrmd
N rolo
scruple [skrupl]
N escrpulo to have no scruples about doing sth, no ter escrpulos em fazer
scrupulous [skrupjuls]
ADJ escrupuloso
scrupulously [skrupjlsl]
ADV escrupulosamente
scrutinize [skrutnaz]
VT 1. examinar minuciosamente 2. (votes) escrutinar
scrutiny [skrutn]
N escrutnio, exame M cuidadoso under the scrutiny of, vigiado por
scuba [skub]
N equipamento de mergulho
scuba diving
N mergulho
scuff [skf]
VT desgastar
scuffle [skfl]
N tumulto
scull [skl]
N ginga
scullery [sklr]
N copa
sculptor [sklpt*]
N escultor* M (F escultora)
sculpture [sklpt*]
N escultura
scum [skm]
N 1. (on liquid) espuma 2. (pej: people) ral F, gentinha 3. (fig) escria
scupper [skp*] (BRIT)
VT 1. (ship) afundar 2. (inf: plans) estragar
scurrilous [skrls]
ADJ calunioso
scurry [skr]
VI sair correndo scurry off sair correndo, dar no p VI
scurvy [skv]
N escorbuto
scuttle [sktl]
N coal scuttle, balde M para carvo VT (ship) afundar voluntariamente, fazer ir a pique
VI (scamper) to scuttle away or off, sair em disparada
scythe [sa]
N segadeira, foice F grande
ABBR (POST) South Dakota
N ABBR Strategic Defense Initiative, IDE F
N ABBR (POL) Social Democratic and Labour Party
N ABBR Social Democratic Party
sea [si]
N mar M CPD do mar, marino on the sea (boat) no mar (town) junto ao mar
by or beside the sea (holiday) na praia (village) beira-mar
to go by sea, viajar por mar
out to or at sea, em alto mar
heavy or rough sea(s) mar agitado
a sea of faces (fig) uma grande quantidade de pessoas
to be all at sea (fig) estar confuso or desorientado
sea anemone
N anmona-do-mar F
sea bed
N fundo do mar
sea bird
N ave F marinha
seaboard [sibd]
N costa, litoral M
sea breeze
N brisa martima, virao F
seafarer [sifr*]
N marinheiro, homem M do mar
seafaring [sir]
ADJ (life) de marinheiro seafaring people, povo navegante
seafood [sifud]
N mariscos MPL
sea front
N orla martima
seagoing [siu]
ADJ (ship) de longo curso
seagull [sil]
N gaivota
seal [sil]
N 1. (animal) foca 2. (stamp) selo VT 1. (close) fechar (with seal) selar 2. (decide) (sb's
fate) decidir (bargain) fechar seal of approval, aprovao F seal off 1. (close)
fechar 2. (cordon off) isolar VT
sea level
N nvel M do mar
sealing wax [sil-]
N lacre M
sea lion
N leo-marinho M
sealskin [silskn]
N pele F de foca
seam [sim]
N 1. costura 2. (where edges meet) junta 3. (of coal) veio, filo M the hall was
bursting at the seams, a sala estava apinhada de gente
seaman [simn]
N IRREG marinheiro
seamanship [simnp]
N nutica
seamen [simn]
NPL (of seaman)
seamless [simls]
ADJ sem costura
seamstress [smstrs]
N costureira
seamy [sim]
ADJ srdido
seance [sens]
N sesso F esprita
seaplane [siplen]
N hidroavio M
seaport [sipt]
N porto de mar
search [st]
N 1. (for person, thing) busca, procura 2. (COMPUT) procura 3. (of drawer, pockets)
revista 4. (inspection) exame M, investigao F VT 1. (look in) procurar em 2.
(examine) examinar 3. (person, place) revistar VI to search for, procurar in
search of, procura de
``search and replace (COMPUT) ``procura e substituio search through
dar busca em VT
search engine
N (on Internet) ferramenta F de busca
searching [st]
ADJ 1. penetrante, perscrutador* (perscrutadora) 2. (study) minucioso
searchlight [stlat]
N holofote M
search party
N equipe F de salvamento
search warrant
N mandado de busca
searing [sr]
ADJ 1. (heat) ardente 2. (pain) agudo
seashore [si*]
N praia, beira-mar F, litoral M on the seashore, na praia
seasick [sisk]
ADJ enjoado, mareado to be or get seasick, enjoar
seaside [sisad]
N praia
seaside resort
N balnerio
season [sizn]
N 1. (of year) estao F 2. (sporting etc) temporada 3. (of films etc) srie F VT (food)
temperar to be in/out of season (fruit) estar na poca/fora de poca
the busy season (shops) a poca de muito movimento (hotels) a temporada de
the open season (HUNTING) a temporada de caa
seasonal [siznl]
ADJ sazonal
seasoned [siznd]
ADJ 1. (wood) tratado 2. (fig) (traveller) experiente (worker, troops) calejado a
seasoned campaigner, um combatente experiente
seasoning [sizn]
N tempero
season ticket
N bilhete M de temporada
seat [sit]
N 1. (in bus, train) (place) assento 2. (chair) cadeira 3. (POL) lugar M, cadeira 4. (of
bicycle) selim M 5. (buttocks) traseiro, ndegas FPL 6. (of government) sede F 7. (of
trousers) fundilhos MPL VT 1. sentar 2. (have room for) ter capacidade para to be
seated, estar sentado
are there any seats left? h algum lugar vago?
to take ones seat, sentar-se
please be seated, sentem-se
seat belt
N cinto de segurana
seating [sit]
N lugares MPL sentados CPD seating arrangements, distribuio F dos lugares
seating capacity
N lotao F
seating room
N lugares MPL sentados
SEATO [situ]
N ABBR Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, OTSA F
sea urchin
N ourio-do-mar M
sea water
N gua do mar
seaweed [siwid]
N alga marinha
seaworthy [siw]
ADJ em condies de navegar, resistente
N ABBR Securities and Exchange Commission, rgo que supervisiona o
funcionamento da Bolsa de Valores
ABBR second, seg
secateurs [sktz]
NPL tesoura para podar plantas
secede [ssid]
VI separar-se
secluded [skludd]
ADJ 1. (place) afastado 2. (life) solitrio
seclusion [sklun]
N recluso F, isolamento
[sknd] (BRIT)
VT (employee) transferir temporariamente
ADJ segundo ADV (in race etc) em segundo lugar N 1. segundo 2. second gear (AUT)
segunda 3. (COMM) artigo defeituoso 4. (BRIT SCH) (degree) uma qualificao
boa mas sem distino VT (motion) apoiar, secundar Charles the Second,
Carlos II
just a second! um minuto or minutinho!
second floor BRIT (BRIT) segundo andar (US) primeiro andar
to ask for a second opinion (MED) querer uma segunda opinio
secondary [skndr]
ADJ secundrio
secondary picket
N piquete M secundrio
secondary school
N escola secundria, colgio
N segunda opo F
ADJ de segunda classe ADV em segunda classe to send sth second-class, remeter
algo em segunda classe
to travel second-class, viajar em segunda classe
second-class citizen, cidado* da segunda classe (cidad)
second cousin
N primo* em segundo grau (prima)
seconder [sknd*]
N pessoa que secunda uma moo
secondhand [skndhnd]
ADJ de BR or em PT segunda mo, usado ADV (buy) de BR or em PT segunda mo
to hear sth secondhand, ouvir algo de fonte indireta
second hand
N (on clock) ponteiro de segundos
N suplente M, F
secondly [skndl]
ADV em segundo lugar
secondment [skndmnt] (BRIT)
N substituio F temporria
ADJ de segunda categoria
second thoughts , second thought (US)
NPL to have second thoughts (about doing sth) pensar duas vezes (antes de fazer
algo) on second thoughts, pensando bem
secrecy [sikrs]
N sigilo in secrecy, sob sigilo, sigilosamente
secret [sikrt]
ADJ secreto N segredo in secret, em segredo
to keep sth secret from sb, esconder algo de algum
keep it secret, no diz nada a ningum
to make no secret of sth, no esconder algo de ningum
secret agent
N agente M secreto* (F agente secreta)
secretarial [skrtrl]
ADJ de secretrio* (de secretria) secretarial
secretariat [skrtrt]
N secretaria, secretariado
secretary [skrtr]
N 1. secretrio* (secretria) 2. (BRIT POL) Secretary of State, Ministro* de Estado
(Ministra) Foreign Secretary (US POL) Ministro* das Relaes Exteriores
secrete [skrit]
VT 1. (ANAT BIO MED) secretar 2. (hide) esconder
secretion [skrin]
N secreo F
secretive [sikrtv]
ADJ sigiloso, reservado
secretly [sikrtl]
ADV secretamente
sect [skt]
N seita
sectarian [sktrn]
ADJ sectrio
section [skn]
N 1. seo F 2. (part) parte F, poro F 3. (of document) pargrafo, artigo 4. (of
opinion) setor M cross-section, corte M transversal VT secionar the business
etc section (PRESS) a seo de negcios etc
sectional [sknl]
ADJ (drawing) transversal, secional
sector [skt*]
N setor M
secular [skjul*]
ADJ 1. (priest) secular 2. (music, society) leigo
secure [skju*]
ADJ 1. (safe) seguro 2. (firmly fixed) firme, rgido 3. (in safe place) a salvo, em
segurana VT 1. (fix) prender 2. (get) conseguir, obter 3. (COMM) (loan) garantir
to make sth secure, firmar algo, segurar algo
to secure sth for sb, arranjar algo para algum
secured creditor [skjud-]
N credor M com garantia
security [skjurt]
N 1. segurana 2. (for loan) fiana, garantia (object) penhor M securities (STOCK
EXCHANGE) ttulos MPL, valores MPL NPL to increase or tighten security,
aumentar a segurana
security forces
NPL foras FPL de segurana
security guard
N (guarda M, F de) segurana M, F
security risk
N risco segurana
ABBR secretary, secr
sedan [sdn] (US)
N (AUT) sed M
sedate [sdet]
ADJ 1. calmo 2. (calm) sossegado, tranqilo 3. (formal) srio, ponderado VT sedar,
tratar com calmantes
sedation [sden]
N (MED) sedao F to be under sedation, estar sob o efeito de sedativos
sedative [sdtv]
N calmante M, sedativo
sedentary [sdntr]
ADJ sedentrio
sediment [sdmnt]
N sedimento
sedition [sdn]
N sedio F
seduce [sdjus]
VT seduzir
seduction [sdkn]
N seduo F
seductive [sdktv]
ADJ sedutor* (sedutora)
see [si] (PT saw ), (PP seen )
VT 1. ver 2. (make out) enxergar 3. (understand) entender 4. (accompany) to see sb
to the door, acompanhar or levar algum at a porta VI 1. ver 2. (find out) achar N
s F, sede F to see that (ensure) assegurar que
there was nobody to be seen, no havia ningum
let me see, deixa eu ver
to go and see sb, ir visitar algum
see for yourself, veja voc mesmo, confira
I dont know what she sees in him, no sei o que ela v nele
as far as I can see, que eu saiba
see you! at logo! (BR) adeus! (PT)
see you soon/later/tomorrow! at logo/mais tarde/amanh! see about tratar
de VT see off despedir-se de VT see through 1. enxergar atravs de 2. levar a
cabo VT see to providenciar VT
seed [sid]
N 1. semente F 2. (sperm) esperma M 3. (fig) (gem pl) germe M 4. (TENNIS) pr-
selecionado* (pr-selecionada) to go to seed, produzir sementes (fig)
seedless [sidls]
ADJ sem caroas
seedling [sidl]
N planta brotada da semente, muda
seedy [sid]
ADJ (shabby) (place) mal-cuidado (person) maltrapilho
seeing [si]
CONJ seeing (that) visto (que) considerando (que)
seek [sik] (PT, PP sought )
VT 1. procurar 2. (post) solicitar to seek advice/help from sb, pedir um conselho a
algum/procurar ajuda de algum seek out (person) procurar VT
seem [sim]
VI parecer there seems to be ... parece que h ...
what seems to be the trouble? qual o problema?
I did what seemed best, fiz o que me pareceu melhor
seemingly [siml]
ADV aparentemente, pelo que aparenta
seen [sin]
PP (of see)
seep [sip]
VI filtrar-se, penetrar
seer [s*]
N vidente M, F, profeta M, F
seersucker [ssk*]
N tecido listrado de algodo
seesaw [sis]
N gangorra, balano
seethe [si]
VI ferver to seethe with anger, estar danado (da vida)
ADJ transparente
segment [smnt]
N 1. segmento 2. (of orange) gomo
segregate [sret]
VT segregar
segregation [sren]
N segregao F
Seine [sen]
N the Seine, o Sena
seismic [sazmk]
ADJ ssmico
seize [siz]
VT 1. (grasp) agarrar, pegar 2. (take possession of) (power, hostage) apoderar-se de,
confiscar (territory) tomar posse de 3. (opportunity) aproveitar seize on valer-se
de VT seize up (TECH) gripar VI seize upon seize on VT
seizure [si*]
N 1. (MED) ataque M, acesso 2. (LAW,: of power) confisco, embargo
seldom [sldm]
ADV raramente
select [slkt]
ADJ seleto, fino VT 1. escolher, selecionar 2. (SPORT) selecionar, escalar a select
few, uns poucos escolhidos
selection [slkn]
N 1. seleo F, escolha 2. (COMM) sortimento
selection committee
N comisso F de seleo
selective [slktv]
ADJ seletivo
selector [slkt*]
N 1. (person) selecionador* M (F selecionadora) seletor* M (F seletora) 2. (TECH)
selecionador M
self [slf] (PL selves )
PRON herself himself itself myself oneself ourselves themselves
yourself N the self, o eu
self... [slf]
PREFIX auto...
self-addressed [-drst]
ADJ self-addressed envelope, envelope M endereado ao remetente
ADJ auto-adesivo
self-appointed [-pntd]
ADJ auto-nomeado
ADJ autoritrio
N autoconfiana
self-assured [-ud]
ADJ seguro de si
self-catering (BRIT)
ADJ 1. (flat) com cozinha 2. (holiday) em casa alugada
self-centred [-sntd] self-centered (US)
ADJ egocntrico
ADJ de limpeza automtica
self-coloured , self-colored (US)
ADJ 1. de cor natural 2. (of one colour) de uma s cor
self-confessed [-knfst]
ADJ assumido
N autoconfiana, confiana em si
ADJ inibido, constrangido
self-contained [-kntend] (BRIT)
ADJ 1. (gen) independente 2. (flat) completo, autnomo
N autocontrole M, autodomnio
self-defeating [-dfit]
ADJ contraproducente
self-defence , self-defense (US)
N legtima defesa, autodefesa in self-defence, en legtima defesa
N autodisciplina
self-employed [-mpld]
ADJ autnomo
N amor M prprio
ADJ patente
ADJ que se explica por si mesmo
self-governing [-vns]
ADJ autnomo
N iniciativa prpria, esforo pessoal
N presuno F
ADJ presunoso, que se d muita importncia
ADJ que se permite excessos
self-inflicted [-nflktd]
ADJ infligido a si mesmo
N egosmo
selfish [slf]
ADJ egosta
selfishness [slfns]
N egosmo
selfless [slfls]
ADJ desinteressado
selflessly [slflsl]
ADV desinteressadamente
N self-made man, homem M que se fez por conta prpria
N pena de si mesmo
N auto-retrato
self-possessed [-pzst]
ADJ calmo, senhor* de si (senhora)
N auto-preservao F
self-raising [-rez] (BRIT)
ADJ self-raising flour, farinha de trigo com fermento acrescentado
ADJ seguro de si, independente
N amor M prprio
self-respecting [-rspkt]
ADJ que se respeita
ADJ farisaico, santarro* (santarrrona)
self-rising (US)
ADJ self-rising flour, farinha de trigo com fermento acrescentado
N abnegao F, altrusmo
ADJ mesmo
self-satisfied [-stsfad]
ADJ satisfeito consigo mesmo
ADJ (envelope) auto-adesivo
ADJ de auto-servio N auto-servio
self-styled [-stald]
ADJ pretenso
ADJ auto-suficiente
self-supporting [-spt]
ADJ financeiramente independente
ADJ autobronzeador
ADJ autodidata
N (COMPUT) auto-teste M
sell [sl] (PT, PP sold )
VT 1. vender 2. (fig) to sell sb an idea, convencer algum de uma idia VI vender-se
to sell at or for 10 vender a or por 10 sell off liquidar VT sell out 1. vender
todo o estoque 2. the tickets are all sold out, todos os ingressos j foram
vendidos VI to sell out (to) (COMM) vender o negcio (a) (fig) vender-se (a)
sell up vender o negcio VI
sell-by date
N vencimento
seller [sl*]
N vendedor* M (F vendedora) sellers market, mercado de vendedor
selling price [sl-]
N preo de venda
sellotape [slutep] (BRIT)
N fita adesiva, durex M (BR)
sellout [slaut]
N 1. traio F 2. (of tickets) it was a sellout, foi um sucesso de bilheteria
selves [slvz]
PL (of self)
self [slf] (PL selves )
PRON herself himself itself myself oneself ourselves themselves
yourself N the self, o eu
semantic [smntk]
ADJ semntico
semantics [smntks]
N semntica
semaphore [smf*]
N semforo
semblance [smblns]
N aparncia
semen [simn]
N smen M
semester [smst*] (esp US)
N semestre M
semi [sm] (BRIT inf)
N (casa) geminada
semi... [sm]
PREFIX semi... meio...
semibreve [smbriv] (BRIT)
N semibreve F
semicircle [smskl]
N semicrculo
semicircular [smskjul*]
ADJ semicircular
semicolon [smkuln]
N ponto e vrgula
semiconductor [smkndkt*]
N semicondutor M
ADJ semiconsciente
semidetached [smdttt] semidetached house (BRIT)
N (casa) geminada
semifinal [smfanl]
N semifinal F
seminar [smn*]
N seminrio
seminary [smnr]
N (for priests) seminrio
semiprecious [smprs]
ADJ semiprecioso
semiquaver [smkwev*] (BRIT)
N semicolcheia
semiskilled [smskld]
ADJ (work, worker) semi-especializado
semi-skimmed milk [smskmd-]
N leite M semidesnatado
semitone [smtun]
N (MUS) semitom M
semolina [smlin]
N smola, semolina
N ABBR State Enrolled Nurse
ABBR Senator, Senior
ABBR senator, senior
senate [snt]
N senado
senator [snt*]
N senador* M (F senadora)
send [snd] (PT, PP sent )
VT 1. mandar, enviar 2. (dispatch) expedir, remeter 3. (transmit) transmitir 4.
(telegram) passar to send by post BRIT or mail US (BRIT) (US) mandar pelo
to send sb for sth, mandar algum buscar algo
to send word that ... mandar dizer que ...
she sends (you) her love, ela lhe envia lembranas
to send sb to Coventry BRIT (BRIT) colocar algum em ostracismo
to send sb to sleep, dar sono a algum
to send sb into fits of laughter, dar um ataque de riso a algum
to send sth flying, derrubar algo send away 1. (letter, goods) expedir, mandar
2. (unwelcome visitor) mandar embora VT send away for encomendar, pedir pelo
correio VT send back devolver, mandar de volta VT send for 1. mandar buscar
2. (by post) pedir pelo correio, encomendar VT send in (report, application)
entregar VT send off 1. (goods) despachar, expedir 2. (BRIT SPORT) (player)
expulsar VT send on 1. (BRIT: letter) remeter 2. (luggage etc) (in advance)
mandar com antecedncia VT send out 1. (invitation) distribuir 2. (signal) emitir
VT send round (letter, document) circular VT send up 1. (person, price) fazer
subir 2. (BRIT: parody) parodiar VT
sender [snd*]
N remetente M, F
N a good send-off, uma boa despedida
Senegal [snl]
N Senegal M
Senegalese [snliz]
ADJ N INV senegals* M (F senegalesa)
senile [sinal]
ADJ senil
senility [snlt]
N senilidade F
senior [sin*]
ADJ 1. (older) mais velho or idoso 2. (on staff) mais antigo 3. (of higher rank) superior
N 1. o mais velho* (a mais velha) 2. (on staff) o mais antigo* (a mais antiga) P.
Jones senior, P. Jones Snior
senior citizen
N idoso* (idosa)
senior high school (US)
N colgio
seniority [sinrt]
N 1. antiguidade F 2. (in service) status M
sensation [snsen]
N sensao F to cause a sensation, causar sensao
sensational [snsenl]
ADJ 1. sensacional 2. (headlines, result) sensacionalista
sensationalism [snsenlzm]
N sensacionalismo
sense [sns]
N 1. sentido 2. (feeling) sensao F 3. (good sense) bom senso VT sentir, perceber
senses juzo NPL it makes sense, faz sentido
there is no sense in (doing) that, no h sentido em (fazer) isso
to come to ones senses (regain consciousness) recobrar os sentidos (become
reasonable) recobrar o juzo
to take leave of ones senses, enlouquecer
senseless [snsls]
ADJ 1. insensato, estpido 2. (unconscious) sem sentidos, inconsciente
sense of humour
N senso de humor
sensibility [snsblt]
N sensibilidade F sensibilities suscetibilidade F NPL
sensible [snsbl]
ADJ 1. sensato, de bom senso 2. (reasonable) (price) razovel (advice, decision)
sensato 3. (shoes etc) prtico
sensitive [snstv]
ADJ 1. sensvel 2. (fig) (touchy) suscetvel
sensitivity [snstvt]
N 1. sensibilidade F 2. (touchiness) suscetibilidade F
sensual [snsjul]
ADJ sensual
sensuous [snsjus]
ADJ sensual
sent [snt]
PT PP (of send)
send [snd] (PT, PP sent )
VT 1. mandar, enviar 2. (dispatch) expedir, remeter 3. (transmit) transmitir 4.
(telegram) passar to send by post BRIT or mail US (BRIT) (US) mandar pelo
to send sb for sth, mandar algum buscar algo
to send word that ... mandar dizer que ...
she sends (you) her love, ela lhe envia lembranas
to send sb to Coventry BRIT (BRIT) colocar algum em ostracismo
to send sb to sleep, dar sono a algum
to send sb into fits of laughter, dar um ataque de riso a algum
to send sth flying, derrubar algo send away 1. (letter, goods) expedir, mandar
2. (unwelcome visitor) mandar embora VT send away for encomendar, pedir pelo
correio VT send back devolver, mandar de volta VT send for 1. mandar buscar
2. (by post) pedir pelo correio, encomendar VT send in (report, application)
entregar VT send off 1. (goods) despachar, expedir 2. (BRIT SPORT) (player)
expulsar VT send on 1. (BRIT: letter) remeter 2. (luggage etc) (in advance)
mandar com antecedncia VT send out 1. (invitation) distribuir 2. (signal) emitir
VT send round (letter, document) circular VT send up 1. (person, price) fazer
subir 2. (BRIT: parody) parodiar VT
sentence [sntns]
N 1. (LING) frase F, orao F 2. (LAW) (verdict) sentena (punishment) pena VT to
sentence sb to death/to 5 years, condenar algum morte/a 5 anos de priso
to pass sentence on sb, sentenciar algum
sentiment [sntmnt]
N 1. sentimento 2. (opinion) (also pl) opinio F
sentimental [sntmntl]
ADJ sentimental
sentimentality [sntmntlt]
N sentimentalismo
sentry [sntr]
N sentinela F
sentry duty
N to be on sentry duty, estar de guarda
Seoul [sul]
N Seul
separable [sprbl]
ADJ separvel
ADJ [sprt] 1. separado 2. (distinct) diferente VT [spret] 1. separar 2. (part) dividir VI
[spret] separar-se separate from, separado de
under separate cover (COMM) em separado
to separate into, dividir em
separated [spretd]
ADJ (from spouse) separado
separately [sprtl]
ADV separadamente
separates [sprts]
NPL (clothes) roupas FPL que fazem jogo
separation [spren]
N separao F
ABBR September, set
September [sptmb*]
N setembro July
septic [sptk]
ADJ 1. stico 2. (wound) infeccionado
septicaemia [sptsim] septicemia (US)
N septicemia
septic tank
N fossa stica
sequel [sikwl]
N 1. conseqncia, resultado 2. (of film, story) continuao F
sequence [sikwns]
N 1. srie F, seqncia 2. (CINEMA) srie in sequence, em seqncia
sequential [skwnl]
ADJ sequential access (COMPUT) acesso seqencial
sequin [sikwn]
N lantejoula, paet M
Serbo-Croat [sbukrut]
N (LING) serbo-croata M
serenade [srned]
N serenata VT fazer serenata para
serene [srin]
ADJ sereno, tranqilo
serenity [srnt]
N serenidade F, tranqilidade F
sergeant [sdnt]
N sargento
sergeant major
N sargento-ajudante M
serial [srl]
N 1. (TV RADIO,: magazine) seriado 2. (in newspaper) histria em folhetim ADJ
(COMPUT) (interface, printer) serial (access) seqencial
serialize [srlaz]
VT 1. (book) publicar em folhetim 2. (TV) seriar
serial number
N nmero de srie
series [sriz]
N INV srie F
serious [srs]
ADJ 1. srio 2. (matter) importante 3. (illness) grave are you serious (about it)?
voc est falando srio?
seriously [srsl]
ADV 1. a srio, com seriedade 2. (hurt) gravemente to take sth/sb seriously, levar
algo/algum a srio
seriousness [srsns]
N 1. (of manner) seriedade F 2. (importance) importncia 3. (gravity) gravidade F
sermon [smn]
N sermo M
serrated [sretd]
ADJ serrado, dentado
serum [srm]
N soro
servant [svnt]
N 1. empregado* (empregada) 2. (fig) servidor* M (F servidora)
serve [sv]
VT 1. servir 2. (customer) atender 3. (subj) (train) passar por 4. (treat) tratar 5.
(apprenticeship) fazer 6. (prison term) cumprir VI 1. (at table) servir-se 2. (TENNIS)
sacar 3. (be useful) to serve as/for/to do, servir como/para/para fazer N (TENNIS)
saque M are you being served? voc j foi atendido?
to serve on a committee/jury, fazer parte de um comit/jri
it serves him right, bem feito para ele
it serves my purpose, isso me serve serve out (food) servir VT serve up
serve out VT
service [svs]
N 1. servio 2. (REL) culto 3. (AUT) reviso F 4. (TENNIS) saque M 5. dinner service,
aparelho de jantar VT (car, washing machine) fazer a reviso de, revisar (repair)
consertar the Services (army, navy etc) as Foras Armadas NPL to be of
service to sb to do sb a service, ser til a algum
serviceable [svsbl]
ADJ aproveitvel, prtico, durvel
service area
N (on motorway) posto de gasolina com bar, restaurante etc
service charge (BRIT)
N servio
service industries
NPL setor M de servios
serviceman [svsmn]
N IRREG militar M
service station
N posto de gasolina (BR) estao F de servio (PT)
serviette [svt] (BRIT)
N guardanapo
servile [sval]
ADJ servil
session [sn]
N 1. (period of activity) sesso F 2. (SCH) ano letivo to be in session, estar reunido
em sesso
set [st] (PT, PP set )
N 1. (collection of things) jogo 2. (radio set, TV set) aparelho 3. (of utensils) bateria de
cozinha 4. (of cutlery) talher M 5. (of books) coleo F 6. (group of people) grupo 7.
(TENNIS) set M 8. (THEATRE CINEMA) cenrio 9. (HAIRDRESSING) penteado
10. (MATH) conjunto ADJ 1. (fixed) fixo 2. (ready) pronto 3. (resolved) decidido,
estabelecido VT 1. (place) pr, colocar 2. (table) pr 3. (establish) (price) fixar (rules
etc) estabelecer, decidir 4. (record) estabelecer (time) marcar 5. (adjust) ajustar 6.
(task, exam) passar 7. (TYP) compor VI 1. (sun) pr-se 2. (jam, jelly, concrete)
endurecer, solidificar-se to be set on doing sth, estar decidido a fazer algo
to be all set to do, estar todo pronto para fazer
to be (dead) set against, estar (completamente) contra
hes set in his ways, ele tem opinies fixas
to set to music, musicar, pr msica em
to set on fire, botar fogo em, incendiar
to set free, libertar
to set sth going, pr algo em movimento
to set sail, zarpar, alar velas
set phrase, frase F feita
a set of false teeth, uma dentadura
a set of dining-room furniture, um conjunto de salade jantar
a film set in Rome, um filme ambientado em Roma set about (task) comear
com VT to set about doing sth, comear a fazer algo set aside deixar de lado
VT set back 1. (cost) it set me back 5 me deu um prejuzo de 5 2. (in time) to
set sb back (by) atrasar algum (em) 3. (place) a house set back from the road,
uma casa afastada da estrada VT set in 1. (infection) manifestar-se 2.
(complications) surgir VI the rain has set in for the day, vai chover o dia inteiro
set off 1. partir, ir indo 2. (bomb) fazer explodir 3. (alarm) disparar 4. (chain of
events) iniciar 5. (show up well) ressaltar VI set out 1. partir 2. (arrange) colocar,
dispor 3. (state) expor, explicar VI to set out to do sth, pretender fazer algo
to set out (from) sair (de) set up (organization) fundar, estabelecer VT to set
up shop (fig) estabelecer-se
setback [stbk]
N 1. (hitch) revs M, contratempo 2. (in health) piora
set menu
N refeio F a preo fixo
set square
N esquadro
settee [sti]
N sof M
setting [st]
N 1. (background) cenrio 2. (position) posio F 3. (frame) moldura 4. (placing)
colocao F 5. (of sun) pr(-do-sol) M 6. (of jewel) engaste M
setting lotion
N loo F fixadora
settle [stl]
VT 1. (argument, matter) resolver, esclarecer 2. (accounts) ajustar, liquidar 3. (land)
colonizar 4. (MED) (calm) acalmar, tranqilizar VI 1. (dust etc) assentar 2. (calm
down) (children) acalmar-se 3. (weather) firmar, melhorar 4. settle down, instalar-
se, estabilizar-se to settle to sth, concentrar-se em algo
to settle for sth, concordar em aceitar algo
to settle on sth, optar por algo
thats settled then, est resolvido ento
to settle ones stomach, acomodar o estmago settle in instalar-se VI settle
up to settle up with sb, ajustar as contas com algum VI
settlement [stlmnt]
N 1. (payment) liquidao F 2. (agreement) acordo, convnio 3. (village etc) povoado,
povoao F in settlement of our account (COMM) em liquidao da nossa
settler [stl*]
N colono* (colona) colonizador* M (F colonizadora)
setup [stp]
N 1. (organization) organizao F 2. (situation) situao F
seven [svn]
NUM sete five
seventeen [svntin]
NUM dezessete five
seventh [svn]
NUM stimo fifth
seventy [svnt]
NUM setenta fifty
sever [sv*]
VT 1. cortar 2. (relations) romper
several [svrl]
ADJ PRON vrios* (vrias) several of us, vrios de ns
several times, vrias vezes
severance [svrns]
N (of relations) rompimento
severance pay
N indenizao F pela demisso
severe [sv*]
ADJ 1. severo 2. (serious) grave 3. (hard) duro 4. (pain) intenso 5. (dress) austero
severely [svl]
ADV 1. severamente 2. (wounded, ill) gravemente
severity [svrt]
N 1. severidade F 2. (of pain) intensidade F 3. (of dress) austeridade F
sew [su] (PT sewed ), (PP sewn )
VT VI coser, costurar sew up coser, costurar VT its all sewn up (fig) est no papo
sewage [sud]
N detritos MPL
sewer [su*]
N (cano do) esgoto, bueiro
sewing [su]
N costura
sewing machine
N mquina de costura
sewn [sun]
PP (of sew)
sex [sks]
N sexo to have sex with sb, fazer sexo com algum
sex act
N ato sexual
sexism [skszm]
N sexismo
sexist [sksst]
ADJ sexista
sextet [skstt]
N sexteto
sexual [sksjul]
ADJ sexual sexual assault, atentado ao pudor
sexual intercourse, relaes FPL sexuais
sexy [sks]
ADJ sexy
Seychelles [sel(z)]
NPL the Seychelles, Seychelles (no article)
N ABBR science fiction
N ABBR Surgeon General
ABBR sergeant, sarg
shabbiness [bns]
N 1. (of clothes) pobreza 2. (of building) mau estado de conservao
shabby [b]
ADJ 1. (person) esfarrapado, maltrapilho 2. (clothes) usado, surrado 3. (behaviour)
shack [k]
N choupana, barraca
shackles [klz]
NPL algemas FPL, grilhes MPL
shade [ed]
N 1. sombra 2. (for lamp) quebra-luz M 3. (for eyes) viseira 4. (of colour) tom M,
tonalidade F 5. (US: window shade) estore M 6. (small quantity) a shade (???) um
pouquinho (mais/grande) VT 1. dar sombra a 2. (eyes) sombrear shades (US:
sunglasses) culos MPL escuros NPL in the shade, sombra
shadow [du]
N sombra VT (follow) seguir de perto (sem ser visto) without or beyond a shadow
of doubt, sem sombra de dvida
shadow cabinet (BRIT)
N (POL) gabinete paralelo formado pelo partido da oposio
shadowy [du]
ADJ 1. escuro 2. (dim) vago, indistinto
shady [ed]
ADJ 1. sombra 2. (fig) (dishonest: person) suspeito, duvidoso (deal) desonesto
shaft [ft]
N 1. (of arrow, spear) haste F 2. (column) fuste M 3. (AUT TECH) eixo, manivela 4. (of
mine, of lift) poo 5. (of light) raio
shaggy []
ADJ desgrenhado
shake [ek] (PT shook ), (PP shaken )
VT 1. sacudir 2. (building, confidence) abalar 3. (surprise) surpreender VI tremer N 1.
(movement) sacudidela 2. (violent) safano M to shake hands with sb, apertar a
mo de algum
to shake ones head (in refusal etc) dizer no com a cabea (in dismay) sacudir
a cabea shake off 1. sacudir 2. (fig) livrar-se de VT shake up 1. sacudir 2. (fig)
reorganizar VT
N reorganizao F
shakily [ekl]
ADV 1. (reply) de voz trmula 2. (walk) vacilante 3. (write) de mo trmula
shaky [ek]
ADJ 1. (hand, voice) trmulo 2. (table) instvel 3. (building) abalado 4. (person) (in
shock) abalado (old) frgil 5. (knowledge) duvidoso
shale [el]
N argila xistosa
shall [l]
AUX VB I shall go, irei shall I open the door? posso abrir a porta?
Ill get some, shall I? eu vou pegar algum, est bem?
shallot [lt] (BRIT)
N cebolinha
shallow [lu]
ADJ 1. raso 2. (breathing) fraco 3. (fig) superficial
sham [m]
N fraude F, fingimento ADJ falso, simulado VT fingir, simular
shambles [mblz]
N confuso F the economy is (in) a complete shambles, a economia est
completamente desorganizada
shame [em]
N 1. vergonha 2. (pity) pena VT envergonhar it is a shame (that/to do) (uma)
pena (que/fazer)
what a shame! que pena!
to put sb/sth to shame, deixar algum/algo envergonhado
shamefaced [emfest]
ADJ envergonhado
shameful [emful]
ADJ vergonhoso
shameless [emls]
ADJ 1. sem vergonha, descarado 2. (immodest) cnico, impudico
shampoo [mpu]
N xampu M (BR) champ M (PT) VT lavar o cabelo (com xampu or champ)
shampoo and set
N lavagem F e penteado
shamrock [mrk]
N trevo
shandy [nd]
N mistura de cerveja com refresco gaseificado
shant [nt]
shall not
shanty town [nt-]
N favela
SHAPE [ep]
N ABBR Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers, Europe, QG das foras aliadas na
shape [ep]
N forma VT 1. (form) moldar 2. (clay, stone) dar forma a 3. (sb's ideas) formar 4. (sb's
life) definir, determinar to take shape, tomar forma
in the shape of a heart, em forma de corao
I cant bear gardening in any shape or form, no suporto jardinagem de forma
to get o.s. into shape, ficar em forma shape up 1. (events) desenrolar-se 2.
(person) tomar jeito VI
-shaped [ept]
SUFFIX heart-shaped, em forma de corao
shapeless [epls]
ADJ informe, sem forma definida
shapely [epl]
ADJ escultural
share [*]
N 1. (part) parte F 2. (contribution) cota 3. (COMM) ao F VT 1. dividir 2. (have in
common) compartilhar to share in, participar de
to have a share in the profits, ter uma participao nos lucros share out to
share out (among or between) distribuir (entre) VI
share capital
N capital M em aes
share certificate
N cautela de ao
shareholder [huld*]
N acionista M, F
share index
N ndice M da Bolsa de Valores
share issue
N emisso F de aes
shark [k]
N tubaro M
sharp [p]
ADJ 1. (razor, knife) afiado 2. (point, features) pontiagudo 3. (outline) definido, bem
marcado 4. (pain, voice) agudo 5. (taste) acre 6. (curve, bend) fechado 7. (MUS)
desafinado 8. (contrast) marcado 9. (person) (quick-witted) perspicaz 10.
(dishonest) desonesto N (MUS) sustenido ADV at 2 oclock sharp, s 2 (horas) em
ponto turn sharp left, vira logo esquerda
to be sharp with sb, ser brusco com algum
look sharp! rpido!
sharpen [pn]
VT 1. afiar 2. (pencil) apontar, fazer a ponta de 3. (fig) aguar
sharpener [pn*]
N pencil sharpener, apontador M (BR) apara-lpis M INV (PT)
sharp-eyed [-ad]
ADJ de vista aguda
sharply [pl]
ADV 1. (abruptly) bruscamente 2. (clearly) claramente 3. (harshly) severamente
ADJ irascvel
sharp-witted [-wtd]
ADJ perspicaz, observador* (observadora)
shatter [t*]
VT 1. despedaar, estilhaar 2. (fig) (ruin) destruir, acabar com (upset) arrasar VI
despedaar-se, estilhaar-se
shattered [td]
ADJ 1. (overwhelmed) arrasado 2. (exhausted) exausto
shatterproof [tpruf]
ADJ inestilhavel
shave [ev]
VT barbear, fazer a barba de VI fazer a barba, barbear-se N to have a shave, fazer a
shaven [evn]
ADJ (head) raspado
shaver [ev*]
N barbeador M electric shaver, barbeador eltrico
shaving [ev]
N (action) barbeao F shavings (of wood) aparas FPL NPL
shaving brush
N pincel M de barba
shaving cream
N creme M de barbear
shaving foam
N espuma de barbear
shaving soap
N sabo M de barba
shawl [l]
N xale M
she [i]
PRON ela PREFIX she-elephant etc, elefante etc fmea there she is, l est ela
sheaf [if] (PL sheaves )
N 1. (of corn) gavela 2. (of arrows) feixe M 3. (of papers) mao
shear [*] (PT sheared ), (PP shorn )
VT (sheep) tosquiar, tosar shear off 1. cercear 2. cisalhar VT
shears [z]
NPL (for hedge) tesoura de jardim
sheath [i]
N 1. bainha 2. (contraceptive) camisa-de-vnus F, camisinha
sheathe [i]
VT embainhar
sheath knife
N IRREG faca com bainha
sheaves [ivz]
NPL (of sheaf)
shed [d] (PT, PP shed )
N 1. alpendre M, galpo M 2. (INDUSTRY RAIL) galpo M VT 1. (skin) mudar 2. (load,
leaves, fur) perder 3. (tears, blood) derramar 4. (workers) despedir to shed light
on (problem, mystery) esclarecer
shed [id]
she had, she would
sheen [in]
N brilho
sheep [ip]
N INV ovelha
sheepdog [ipd]
N co M pastor
sheep farmer
N criador* M de ovelhas (F criadora)
sheepish [ip]
ADJ tmido, acanhado
sheepskin [ipskn]
N pele F de carneiro, pelego
sheepskin jacket
N casaco de pele de carneiro
sheer [*]
ADJ 1. (utter) puro, completo 2. (steep) ngreme, empinado 3. (almost transparent)
fino, translcido ADV a pique by sheer chance, totalmente por acaso
sheet [it]
N 1. (on bed) lenol M 2. (of paper) folha 3. (of glass, metal) lmina, chapa 4. (of ice)
sheet feed
N (on printer) alimentao F de papel (em folhas soltas)
sheet lightning
N relmpago difuso
sheet metal
N metal M em chapa
sheet music
N msica
sheik , sheikh [ek]
N xeque M
shelf [elf] (PL shelves )
N prateleira set of shelves, estante F
shelf life
N (COMM) validade F (de produtos perecveis)
shell [l]
N 1. (on beach) concha 2. (of egg, nut etc) casca 3. (explosive) obus M 4. (of building)
armao F, esqueleto VT 1. (peas) descascar 2. (MIL) bombardear shell out (inf)
to shell out (for) pagar VI
shell [il]
she will, she shall
shellfish [lf]
N INV 1. crustceo 2. (as food) frutos MPL do mar, mariscos MPL
shelter [lt*]
N 1. (building) abrigo 2. (protection) refgio VT 1. (protect) proteger 2. (give lodging to)
abrigar 3. (hide) esconder VI abrigar-se, refugiar-se to take shelter from, abrigar-
se de
sheltered [ltd]
ADJ 1. (life) protegido 2. (spot) abrigado, protegido sheltered housing, acomodao
para idosos e defeituosos
shelve [lv]
VT (fig) pr de lado, engavetar
shelves [lvz]
NPL (of shelf)
shelving [lv]
N (shelves) prateleiras FPL
shepherd [pd]
N pastor M VT (guide) guiar, conduzir
shepherdess [pds]
N pastora
shepherds pie (BRIT)
N empado M de carne e batata
sherbet [bt]
N 1. (BRIT: powder) p doce e efervescente 2. (US: water ice) sorvete de frutas
base de gua
sheriff [rf] (US)
N xerife M
sherry [r]
N (vinho de) Xerez M
shes [iz]
she is, she has
Shetland [tlnd]
N the Shetlands, the Shetland Isles, as ilhas Shetland
shield [ild]
N 1. escudo 2. (SPORT) escudo, braso M 3. (protection) proteo F 4. (TECH)
blindagem F VT to shield (from) proteger (contra)
shift [ft]
N 1. (change) mudana 2. (of place) transferncia 3. (of work) turno 4. (of workers)
turma VT 1. transferir 2. (remove) tirar VI 1. mudar 2. (change place) mudar de lugar
the wind has shifted to the south, o vento virou para o sul
a shift in demand (COMM) um deslocamento de demanda
shift key
N (on typewriter) tecla para maisculas
shiftless [ftls]
ADJ indolente
shift work
N trabalho em turnos to do shift work, trabalhar em turnos
shifty [ft]
ADJ 1. esperto, trapaceiro 2. (eyes) velhaco, maroto
shilling [l] (BRIT)
N xelim M (= 12 old pence; 20 in a pound)
shilly-shally [ll]
VI vacilar
shimmer [m*]
N reflexo trmulo VI cintilar, tremeluzir
shin [n]
N canela (da perna) VI to shin up/down a tree, subir em/descer de um rvore com
mos e pernas
shindig [nd] (inf)
N arrasta-p M
shine [an] (PT, PP shone )
N brilho, lustre M VI brilhar VT 1. (glasses) polir 2. ((PT, PP shined )) (shoes) lustrar to
shine a torch on sth, apontar uma lanterna para algo
shingle [l]
N 1. (on beach) pedrinhas FPL, seixinhos MPL 2. (on roof) telha
shingles [lz]
N (MED) herpes-zoster M
shining [an]
ADJ brilhante
shiny [an]
ADJ brilhante, lustroso
ship [p]
N 1. barco 2. (large) navio VT 1. (goods) embarcar 2. (send) transportar or mandar
(por via martima) on board ship, a bordo
shipbuilder [pbld*]
N construtor M naval
shipbuilding [pbld]
N construo F naval
ship canal
N canal M de navegao
ship chandler [-tndl*]
N fornecedor M de provises para navios
shipment [pmnt]
N 1. (act) embarque M 2. (goods) carregamento
shipowner [pun*]
N armador* M (F armadora)
shipper [p*]
N exportador* M (F exportadora) expedidor* M (F expedidora)
shipping [p]
N 1. (ships) navios MPL 2. (cargo) transporte M de mercadorias (por via martima) 3.
(traffic) navegao F
shipping agent
N agente M martimo* (F agente martima)
shipping company
N companhia de navegao
shipping lane
N rota de navegao
shipping line
N companhia de navegao
shipshape [pep]
ADJ em ordem
shipwreck [prk]
N 1. (event) malogro 2. (ship) naufrgio VT to be shipwrecked, naufragar
shipyard [pjd]
N estaleiro
shire [a*] (BRIT)
N condado
shirk [k]
VT 1. (work) esquivar-se de 2. (obligations) no cumprir, faltar a
shirt [t]
N 1. (man's) camisa 2. (woman's) blusa in shirt sleeves, em manga de camisa
shirty [t] (BRIT inf)
ADJ chateado, sem graa
shit [t] (inf!)
EXCL merda (!)
shiver [v*]
N tremor M, arrepio VI tremer, estremecer, tiritar
shoal [ul]
N 1. (of fish) cardume M 2. shoals (fig) bando, multido F
shock [k]
N 1. (impact) choque M 2. (ELEC) descarga 3. (emotional) comoo F, abalo 4. (start)
susto, sobressalto 5. (MED) trauma M VT 1. dar um susto em, chocar 2. (offend)
escandalizar suffering from shock (MED) traumatizado
it gave us a shock, ficamos chocados
it came as a shock to hear that ... ficamos atnitos ao saber que ...
shock absorber [-bzb*]
N amortecedor M
shocking [k]
ADJ 1. (awful) chocante, lamentvel 2. (outrageous) revoltante, chocante 3. (improper)
escandaloso 4. (very bad) pssimo
shockproof [kpruf]
ADJ prova de choque
shock therapy
N terapia de choque
shock treatment
N terapia de choque
shod [d]
PT PP (of shoe) ADJ calado
shoddy [d]
ADJ de m qualidade
shoe [u] (PT, PP shod )
N 1. sapato 2. (for horse) ferradura 3. brake shoe, sapata VT (horse) ferrar
shoe brush
N escova de sapato
shoehorn [uhn]
N caladeira
shoelace [ules]
N cadaro, cordo M (de sapato)
shoemaker [umek*]
N sapateiro* (sapateira)
shoe polish
N graxa de sapato
shoe rack
N porta-sapatos M INV
shoeshop [up]
N sapataria
shoestring [ustr]
N (fig) on a shoestring, com muito pouco dinheiro
shoetree [utri]
N frma de sapato
shone [n]
PT PP (of shine)
shoo [u]
EXCL x! VT shoo away, shoo off, enxotar
shook [uk]
PT (of shake)
shoot [ut] (PT, PP shot )
N (on branch, seedling) broto VT 1. disparar 2. (kill) matar bala, balear 3. (wound)
ferir bala, balear 4. (execute) fuzilar 5. (film) filmar, rodar VI 1. (with gun, bow) to
shoot (at) atirar (em) 2. (FOOTBALL) chutar to shoot past sb, passar disparado
por algum shoot down (plane) derrubar, abater VT shoot in entrar correndo VI
shoot out sair correndo VI shoot up (fig) subir vertiginosamente VI
shooting [ut]
N 1. (shots) tiros MPL, tiroteio 2. (HUNTING) caada (com espingarda) 3. (attack)
tiroteio (murder) assassinato 4. (CINEMA) filmagens FPL
shooting range
N estande M
shooting star
N estrela cadente
shop [p]
N 1. loja 2. (workshop) oficina VI go shopping, ir fazer compras to talk shop (fig)
falar de negcios shop around 1. comparar preos 2. (fig) estudar todas as
possibilidades VI
shop assistant (BRIT)
N vendedor* M (F vendedora)
shop floor (BRIT)
N operrios MPL
shopkeeper [pkip*]
N lojista M, F
shoplift [plft]
VI furtar (em lojas)
shoplifter [plft*]
N larpio* de loja (larpia)
shoplifting [plft]
N furto (em lojas)
shopper [p*]
N comprador* (F compradora)
shopping [p]
N (goods) compras FPL
shopping bag
N bolsa (de compras)
shopping centre , shopping center (US)
N shopping (center) M
ADJ danificado (pelo tempo ou manuseio)
shop steward (BRIT)
N (INDUSTRY) representante M, F sindical
shop window
N vitrine F (BR) montra (PT)
shopworn [pwn] (US)
ADJ manuseado
shore [*]
N 1. (of sea) costa, praia 2. (of lake) margem F VT to shore (up) reforar, escorar on
shore, em terra
shore leave
N (NAUT) licena para desembarcar
shorn [n]
PP (of shear)
short [t]
ADJ 1. (not long) curto 2. (in time) breve, de curta durao 3. (person) baixo 4. (curt)
seco, brusco 5. (insufficient) insuficiente, em falta N short film, curta-metragem M
to be short of sth, estar em falta de algo
to be in short supply, estar em falta
Im 3 short, esto me faltando trs
in short, em resumo
short of doing ... a no ser fazer ...
everything short of ... tudo a no ser ...
a short time ago, pouco tempo atrs
in the short term, a curto prazo
Im short of time, tenho pouco tempo
it is short for, a abreviatura de
to cut short (speech, visit) encurtar (person) interromper
to fall short, ser deficiente
to fall short of, no ser altura de
to run short of sth, ficar sem algo
to stop short, parar de repente
to stop short of, chegar quase a
shortage [td]
N escassez F, falta
shortbread [tbrd]
N biscoito amanteigado
VT to short-change sb, roubar algum no troco
short circuit
N curto-circuito VT provocar um curto-circuito VI entrar em curto-circuito
shortcoming [tkm]
N defeito, imperfeio F, falha
shortcrust pastry [t(krst)-] short pastry (BRIT)
N massa amanteigada
shortcut [tkt]
N atalho
shorten [tn]
VT 1. encurtar 2. (visit) abreviar
shortening [tn]
N (CULIN) gordura
shortfall [tfl]
N dficit M
shorthand [thnd] (BRIT)
N estenografia
shorthand notebook (BRIT)
N bloco para estenografia
shorthand typist (BRIT)
N estenodatilgrafo* (estenodatilgrafa)
short list (BRIT)
N (for job) lista dos candidatos escolhidos
short-lived [-lvd]
ADJ de curta durao
shortly [tl]
ADV em breve, dentro em pouco
shortness [tns]
N 1. (of distance) curteza 2. (of time) brevidade F 3. (manner) maneira brusca, secura
short pastry
N shortcrust pastry
NPL (a pair of) shorts, um calo (BR) um short (BR) uns cales (PT)
short-sighted (BRIT)
ADJ 1. mope 2. (fig) imprevidente
short-staffed [-stft]
ADJ com falta de pessoal
short story
N conto
ADJ irritadio
ADJ (effect) a curto prazo
short time
N to work short time to be on short time, trabalhar em regime de semana reduzida
short wave
N (RADIO) onda curta
shot [t]
PT PP (of shoot) N 1. (of gun) tiro 2. (pellets) chumbo 3. (person) atirador* M (F
atiradora) 4. (try, FOOTBALL) tentativa 5. (injection) injeo F 6. (PHOT) fotografia
to be a good/bad shot (person) ter boa/m pontaria
to fire a shot at sb/sth, atirar em algum/algo
to have a shot at (doing) sth, tentar fazer algo
like a shot, como um relmpago, de repente
to get shot of sb/sth (inf) livrar-se de algum/algo
a big shot (inf) um mandachuva, um figuro
shoot [ut] (PT, PP shot )
N (on branch, seedling) broto VT 1. disparar 2. (kill) matar bala, balear 3. (wound)
ferir bala, balear 4. (execute) fuzilar 5. (film) filmar, rodar VI 1. (with gun, bow) to
shoot (at) atirar (em) 2. (FOOTBALL) chutar to shoot past sb, passar disparado
por algum shoot down (plane) derrubar, abater VT shoot in entrar correndo VI
shoot out sair correndo VI shoot up (fig) subir vertiginosamente VI
shotgun [tn]
N espingarda
should [ud]
AUX VB I should go now, devo ir embora agora he should be there now, ele j
deve ter chegado
I should go if I were you, se eu fosse voc eu iria
I should like to, eu gostaria de
should he phone ... caso ele telefone ...
shoulder [uld*]
N 1. ombro 2. (BRIT: of road) hard shoulder, acostamento (BR) berma (PT) VT (fig)
arcar com to look over ones shoulder, olhar para trs
to rub shoulders with sb (fig) andar com algum
to give sb the cold shoulder (fig) desprezar algum, dar uma fria em algum
shoulder bag
N sacola a tiracolo
shoulder blade
N omoplata M
shoulder strap
N ala
shouldnt [udnt]
should not
shout [aut]
N grito VT gritar VI shout out, gritar, berrar to give sb a shout, chamar algum
shout down fazer calar com gritos VT
N gritaria, berreiro
shove [v]
N empurro M VT 1. empurrar 2. (inf: put) to shove sth in, botar algo em he shoved
me out of the way, ele me empurrou para o lado shove off 1. (NAUT) zarpar,
partir 2. (inf) dar o fora VI
shovel [vl]
N 1. p F 2. (mechanical) escavadeira VT cavar com p
show [u] (PT showed ), (PP shown )
N 1. (of emotion) demonstrao F 2. (semblance) aparncia 3. (exhibition) exibio F
4. (THEATRE) espetculo, representao F 5. (CINEMA) sesso F VT 1. mostrar 2.
(courage etc) demonstrar, dar prova de 3. (exhibit) exibir, expor 4. (depict) ilustrar
5. (film) exibir VI 1. mostrar-se 2. (appear) aparecer it doesnt show, no parece
Ive nothing to show for it, no consegui nada
to show sb to his seat/to the door, levar algum ao seu lugar/at a porta
to show a profit/loss (COMM) apresentar lucros/prejuzo
it just goes to show (that) ... isso s mostra (que) ...
to ask for a show of hands, pedir uma votao pelo levantamento das mos
its just for show, isso s para mostrar
to be on show, estar em exposio
whos running the show here? (inf) quem que manda aqui? show in
mandar entrar VT show off 1. (pej) mostrar-se, exibir-se 2. (display) exibir,
mostrar 3. (pej) fazer ostentao de VI show out levar at a porta VT show up
1. (stand out) destacar-se 2. (inf: turn up) aparecer, pintar 3. descobrir 4. (unmask)
desmascarar VI
show business
N o mundo do espetculo
showcase [ukes]
N vitrina
showdown [udaun]
N confrontao F
shower [au*]
N 1. (rain) pancada de chuva 2. (of stones etc) chuva, enxurrada 3. shower bath,
chuveiro VI tomar banho (de chuveiro) VT to shower sb with (gifts etc) cumular
algum de to have or take a shower, tomar banho (de chuveiro)
shower cap
N touca de banho
showerproof [aupruf]
ADJ impermevel
showery [aur]
ADJ (weather) chuvoso
showground [uraund]
N recinto da feira
showing [u]
N (of film) projeo F, exibio F
show jumping [-dmp]
N hipismo
showman [umn]
N IRREG 1. artista M, F 2. (fig) pessoa expansiva
showmanship [umnp]
N senso teatral
showmen [umn]
NPL (of showman)
shown [un]
PP (of show)
show-off (inf)
N (person) exibicionista M, F, faroleiro* (faroleira)
showpiece [upis]
N (of exhibition etc) obra mais importante that hospital is a showpiece, aquele
um hospital modelo
showroom [urum]
N sala de exposio
showy [u]
ADJ vistoso, chamativo
shrank [rk]
PT (of shrink)
shrink [rk] (PT shrank ), (PP shrunk )
VI 1. encolher 2. (be reduced) reduzir-se 3. shrink away, encolher-se VT (cloth) fazer
encolher N (inf pej) psicanalista M, F to shrink from doing sth, no se atrever a
fazer algo
shrapnel [rpnl]
N estilhaos MPL
shred [rd]
N (gen pl) tira, pedao VT 1. rasgar em tiras, retalhar 2. (CULIN) desfiar, picar 3.
(documents) fragmentar not a shred of evidence, prova alguma
shredder [rd*]
N 1. (for vegetables) ralador M 2. (for documents) fragmentadora
shrew [ru]
N 1. (ZOOL) musaranho 2. (pej: woman) megera
shrewd [rud]
ADJ perspicaz
shrewdness [rudns]
N astcia
shriek [rik]
N grito VT VI gritar, berrar
shrift [rft]
N to give sb short shrift, dar uma resposta a algum sem maiores explicaes
shrill [rl]
ADJ agudo, estridente
shrimp [rmp]
N camaro M
shrine [ran]
N santurio
shrinkage [rkd]
N encolhimento, reduo F
VT embalar a vcuo
shrivel [rvl]
VT shrivel up (dry) secar (crease) enrugar VI 1. secar-se 2. enrugar-se, murchar
shroud [raud]
N mortalha VT shrouded in mystery, envolto em mistrio
Shrove Tuesday [ruv-]
N tera-feira gorda
shrub [rb]
N arbusto
shrubbery [rbr]
N arbustos MPL
shrug [r]
N encolhimento dos ombros VT VI to shrug (ones shoulders) encolher os ombros,
dar de ombros (BR) shrug off negar a importncia de VT
shrunk [rk]
PP (of shrink)
shrunken [rkn]
ADJ encolhido
shudder [d*]
N estremecimento, tremor M VI estremecer, tremer de medo
shuffle [fl]
VT (cards) embaralhar VI to shuffle (ones feet) arrastar os ps
shun [n]
VT evitar, afastar-se de
shunt [nt]
VT 1. (RAIL) manobrar, desviar 2. (object) desviar VI to shunt (to and fro) ir e vir
shunting [nt]
N (RAIL) manobras FPL
shunting yard
N ptio de manobras
shush [u]
EXCL psiu!
shut [t] (PT, PP shut )
VT fechar VI fechar(-se) shut down 1. fechar 2. (machine) parar 3. fechar VT shut
off (supply etc) cortar, interromper VT shut out 1. (person, cold) impedir que
entre 2. (noise) abafar 3. (memory) reprimir VT shut up 1. (inf: keep quiet) calar-
se, calar a boca 2. (close) fechar 3. (silence) calar VI
shutdown [tdaun]
N paralizao F
shutter [t*]
N 1. veneziana 2. (PHOT) obturador M
shuttle [tl]
N 1. (in weaving) lanadeira 2. shuttle service (plane) ponte F area 3. (space shuttle)
nibus M espacial VI (vehicle, person) ir e vir VT (passengers) transportar de ida e
shuttlecock [tlkk]
N peteca
shy [a]
ADJ 1. tmido 2. (reserved) reservado VI to shy away from doing sth (fig) no se
atrever a fazer algo
shyness [ans]
N timidez F
Siam [sam]
N Sio M
Siamese [samiz]
ADJ Siamese cat, gato siams Siamese twins, irmos MPL siameses/irms FPL
Siberia [sabr]
N Sibria F
sibling [sbl]
N irmo/irm M, F
Sicilian [ssln]
ADJ N siciliano* (siciliana)
Sicily [ssl]
N Siclia
sick [sk]
ADJ 1. (ill) doente 2. (nauseated) enjoado 3. (humour) negro 4. (vomiting) to be sick,
vomitar to feel sick, estar enjoado
to fall sick, ficar doente
to be (off) sick, estar ausente por motivo de doena
to be sick of (fig) estar cheio or farto de
he makes me sick (fig inf) ele me enche o saco
sickbay [skbe]
N enfermaria
sicken [skn]
VT 1. dar nuseas a 2. (disgust) enojar, repugnar VI to be sickening for sth (cold, flu
etc) estar no comeo de algo
sickening [skn]
ADJ (fig) repugnante
sickle [skl]
N foice F
sick leave
N licena por doena
sickly [skl]
ADJ 1. doentio 2. (causing nausea) nauseante
sickness [skns]
N 1. doena, indisposio F 2. (vomiting) nusea, enjo
sickness benefit
N auxlio-enfermidade M, auxlio-doena M
sick pay
N salrio pago em perodo de doena
sickroom [skrum]
N enfermaria
side [sad]
N 1. (gen) lado 2. (of body) flanco 3. (of lake) margem F 4. (aspect) aspecto 5. (team)
time M (BR) equipa (PT) 6. (of hill) declive M 7. (page) pgina 8. (of meat) costela
CPD (door, entrance) lateral VI to side with sb, tomar o partido de algum by the
side of, ao lado de
side by side, lado a lado, juntos
on this/that or the other side, do lado de c/do lado de l
they are on our side (in game) fazem parte do nosso time (in discussion)
concordam com ns
from side to side, para l e para c
from all sides, de todos os lados
to take sides with, pr-se ao lado de
sideboard [sadbd]
N aparador M sideboards (BRIT) sideburns NPL
sideburns [sadbnz]
NPL suias FPL, costeletas FPL
sidecar [sadk*]
N sidecar M
side dish
N guarnio F
side drum
N (MUS) caixa clara
side effect
N efeito colateral
sidekick [sadkk] (inf)
N camarada M, F
sidelight [sadlat]
N (AUT) luz F lateral
sideline [sadlan]
N 1. (SPORT) linha lateral 2. (fig) linha adicional de produtos (job) emprego
sidelong [sadl]
ADJ de soslaio
side plate
N pequeno prato
side road
N rua lateral
ADV de silho
sideshow [sadu]
N (stall) barraca
Siam [sam]
N Sio M
Siamese [samiz]
ADJ Siamese cat, gato siams Siamese twins, irmos MPL siameses/irms FPL
Siberia [sabr]
N Sibria F
sibling [sbl]
N irmo/irm M, F
Sicilian [ssln]
ADJ N siciliano* (siciliana)
Sicily [ssl]
N Siclia
sick [sk]
ADJ 1. (ill) doente 2. (nauseated) enjoado 3. (humour) negro 4. (vomiting) to be sick,
vomitar to feel sick, estar enjoado
to fall sick, ficar doente
to be (off) sick, estar ausente por motivo de doena
to be sick of (fig) estar cheio or farto de
he makes me sick (fig inf) ele me enche o saco
sickbay [skbe]
N enfermaria
sicken [skn]
VT 1. dar nuseas a 2. (disgust) enojar, repugnar VI to be sickening for sth (cold, flu
etc) estar no comeo de algo
sickening [skn]
ADJ (fig) repugnante
sickle [skl]
N foice F
sick leave
N licena por doena
sickly [skl]
ADJ 1. doentio 2. (causing nausea) nauseante
sickness [skns]
N 1. doena, indisposio F 2. (vomiting) nusea, enjo
sickness benefit
N auxlio-enfermidade M, auxlio-doena M
sick pay
N salrio pago em perodo de doena
sickroom [skrum]
N enfermaria
side [sad]
N 1. (gen) lado 2. (of body) flanco 3. (of lake) margem F 4. (aspect) aspecto 5. (team)
time M (BR) equipa (PT) 6. (of hill) declive M 7. (page) pgina 8. (of meat) costela
CPD (door, entrance) lateral VI to side with sb, tomar o partido de algum by the
side of, ao lado de
side by side, lado a lado, juntos
on this/that or the other side, do lado de c/do lado de l
they are on our side (in game) fazem parte do nosso time (in discussion)
concordam com ns
from side to side, para l e para c
from all sides, de todos os lados
to take sides with, pr-se ao lado de
sideboard [sadbd]
N aparador M sideboards (BRIT) sideburns NPL
sideburns [sadbnz]
NPL suias FPL, costeletas FPL
sidecar [sadk*]
N sidecar M
side dish
N guarnio F
side drum
N (MUS) caixa clara
side effect
N efeito colateral
sidekick [sadkk] (inf)
N camarada M, F
sidelight [sadlat]
N (AUT) luz F lateral
sideline [sadlan]
N 1. (SPORT) linha lateral 2. (fig) linha adicional de produtos (job) emprego
sidelong [sadl]
ADJ de soslaio
side plate
N pequeno prato
side road
N rua lateral
ADV de silho
sideshow [sadu]
N (stall) barraca
sidestep [sadstp]
VT evitar VI (BOXING etc) dar um passo para o lado
sidetrack [sadtrk]
VT (fig) desviar (do seu propsito)
sidewalk [sadwk] (US)
N calada
sideways [sadwez]
ADV de lado
siding [sad]
N (RAIL) desvio, ramal M
sidle [sadl]
VI to sidle up (to) aproximar-se furtivamente (de)
siege [sid]
N stio, assdio to lay siege to, assediar
siege economy
N economia de guerra
Sierra Leone [srlun]
N Serra Leoa (no article)
siesta [sst]
N sesta
sieve [sv]
N peneira VT peneirar
sift [sft]
VT 1. peneirar 2. (fig) (information) esquadrinhar, analisar minuciosamente VI (fig) to
sift through, examinar minuciosamente
sigh [sa]
N suspiro VI suspirar
sight [sat]
N 1. (faculty) vista, viso F 2. (spectacle) espetculo 3. (on gun) mira VT avistar in
sight, vista
on sight (shoot) no local
out of sight, longe dos olhos
at sight (COMM) vista
at first sight, primeira vista
I know her by sight, conheo-a de vista
to catch sight of sb/sth, avistar algum/algo
to lose sight of sb/sth, perder algum/algo de vista
to set ones sights on sth, visar algo
sighted [satd]
ADJ que enxerga partially sighted, com vista parcial
sightseeing [satsi]
N turismo to go sightseeing, fazer turismo, passear
sightseer [satsi*]
N turista M, F
sign [san]
N 1. (with hand) sinal M, aceno 2. (indication) indcio 3. (trace) vestgio 4. (notice)
letreiro, tabuleta 5. road sign, placa 6. (written, of zodiac) signo VT assinar as a
sign of, como sinal de
its a good/bad sign, um bom/mau sinal
plus/minus sign, sinal de mais/menos
theres no sign of a change of mind, no h sinal or indcios de uma mudana
de atitude
he was showing signs of improvement, ele estava comeando a melhorar
to sign ones name, assinar
to sign sth over to sb, assinar a transferncia de algo para algum sign away
(rights etc) abrir mo de VT sign off (RADIO TV) terminar a transmisso VI sign
on 1. (MIL) alistar-se 2. (BRIT: as unemployed) cadastrar-se para receber auxlio-
desemprego 3. (for course) inscrever-se 4. (MIL) alistar 5. (employee) efetivar VI
sign out assinar o registro na partida VI sign up 1. (MIL) alistar-se 2. (for course)
inscrever-se 3. recrutar VI
signal [snl]
N 1. sinal M, aviso 2. (US TEL) rudo discal VI (also) (AUT) sinalizar, dar sinal VT 1.
(person) fazer sinais para 2. (message) transmitir to signal a left/right turn
(AUT) dar sinal para esquerda/direita
to signal to sb (to do sth) fazer sinais para algum (fazer algo)
signal box
N (RAIL) cabine F de sinaleiro
signalman [snlmn]
N IRREG sinaleiro
signatory [sntr]
N signatrio* (signatria)
signature [snt*]
N assinatura
signature tune
N tema M (de abertura)
signet ring [snt-]
N anel M com o sinete or a chancela
significance [snfkns]
N 1. significado 2. (importance) importncia that is of no significance, isto no tem
importncia alguma
significant [snfknt]
ADJ 1. significativo 2. (important) importante
significantly [snfkntl]
ADV 1. (improve, increase) significativamente 2. (smile) sugestivamente and,
significantly, ... e, significativamente, ...
signify [snfa]
VT significar
sign language
N mmica, linguagem F atravs de sinais
sign post
N 1. indicador M 2. (traffic) placa de sinalizao
silage [sald]
N 1. (fodder) silagem F 2. (method) ensilagem F
silence [salns]
N silncio VT 1. silenciar, impor silncio a 2. (guns) silenciar
silent [salnt]
ADJ 1. silencioso 2. (not speaking) calado 3. (film) mudo to keep or remain silent,
manter-se em silncio
silencer [salns*]
N 1. (on gun) silenciador M 2. (BRIT AUT) silencioso
silently [salntl]
ADV silenciosamente
silent partner
N (COMM) scio* comanditrio* (scia comanditria)
silhouette [slut]
N silhueta VT silhouetted against, em silhueta contra
silicon [slkn]
N silcio
silicon chip
N placa or chip M de silcio
silicone [slkun]
N silicone M
silk [slk]
N seda ADJ de seda
silky [slk]
ADJ sedoso
sill [sl]
N 1. window sill, parapeito, peitoril M 2. (AUT) soleira
silly [sl]
ADJ 1. (person) bobo, idiota, imbecil 2. (idea) absurdo, ridculo to do something
silly, fazer uma besteira
silo [salu]
N silo
silt [slt]
N sedimento, aluvio M
silver [slv*]
N 1. prata 2. (money) moedas FPL 3. silverware, prataria ADJ de prata
silver foil
N papel M de prata
silver paper (BRIT)
N papel M de prata
silver-plated [-pletd]
ADJ prateado, banhado a prata
silversmith [slvsm]
N prateiro* (prateira)
silverware [slvw*]
N prataria
silver wedding (anniversary)
N bodas FPL de prata
silvery [slvr]
ADJ prateado
similar [sml*]
ADJ similar to, parecido com, semelhante a
similarity [smlrt]
N semelhana
similarly [smll]
ADV da mesma maneira
simile [sml]
N smile F
simmer [sm*]
VI cozer em fogo lento, ferver lentamente simmer down (inf) (fig) acalmar-se VI
simper [smp*]
VI sorrir afetadamente
simpering [smpr]
ADJ idiota
simple [smpl]
ADJ 1. simples 2. (foolish) ingnuo the simple truth, a pura verdade
simple interest
N juros MPL simples
ADJ simplrio
simpleton [smpltn]
N simplrio* (simplria) pateta M, F
simplicity [smplst]
N simplicidade F
simplification [smplfken]
N simplificao F
simplify [smplfa]
VT simplificar
simply [smpl]
ADV 1. de maneira simples 2. (merely) simplesmente
simulate [smjulet]
VT simular
simulated [smjuletd]
ADJ simulado
simulation [smjulen]
N simulao F
simultaneous [smltens]
ADJ simultneo
simultaneously [smltensl]
ADV simultaneamente
sin [sn]
N pecado VI pecar
Sinai [sanea]
N Sinai M
since [sns]
ADV desde ento, depois PREP desde CONJ 1. (time) desde que 2. (because) porque,
visto que, j que since then, desde ento
since Monday, desde segunda-feira
(ever) since I arrived, desde que eu cheguei
sincere [sns*]
ADJ sincero
sincerely [snsl]
ADV sinceramente yours sincerely (at end of letter) atenciosamente
sincerity [snsrt]
N sinceridade F
sine [san]
N (MATH) seno
sinew [snju]
N tendo M
sinful [snful]
ADJ 1. (thought) pecaminoso 2. (person) pecador* (pecadora)
sing [s] (PT sang ), (PP sung )
VT VI cantar
Singapore [sp*]
N Cingapura (no article)
singe [snd]
VT chamuscar
singer [s*]
N cantor* M (F cantora)
Singhalese [sliz]
ADJ Sinhalese
singing [s]
N 1. (gen) canto 2. (songs) canes FPL 3. (in the ears) zumbido
single [sl]
ADJ 1. nico, s 2. (unmarried) solteiro 3. (not double) simples N 1. single ticket (BRIT)
passagem F de ida 2. (record) compacto not a single one was left, no sobrou
every single day, todo santo dia single out 1. (choose) escolher 2.
(distinguish) distinguir VT
single bed
N cama de solteiro
single-breasted [-brstd]
ADJ no trespassado
single file
N in single file, em fila indiana
single-handed [-hndd]
ADV sem ajuda, sozinho
ADJ determinado
single parent
N pai M solteiro/me F solteira
single room
N quarto individual
singles [slz]
N (TENNIS) partida simples NPL (US: people) solteiros MPL
singlet [slt]
N camiseta
singly [sl]
ADV separadamente
singsong [ss]
ADJ (tone) cantado N (songs) to have a singsong, cantar
singular [sjul*]
ADJ 1. (odd) esquisito 2. (outstanding) extraordinrio, excepcional 3. (LING) singular N
(LING) singular M in the feminine singular, no feminino singular
singularly [sjull]
ADV particularmente
Sinhalese [snhliz]
ADJ cingals* (cingalesa)
sinister [snst*]
ADJ sinistro
sink [sk] (PT sank ), (PP sunk )
N pia VT 1. (ship) afundar 2. (foundations) escavar VI 1. (ship, ground) afundar-se 2.
(heart) partir 3. (spirits) ficar deprimido 4. sink back, sink down, cair or mergulhar
gradativamente 5. (share prices) cair to sink sth into (teeth etc) enterrar algo em
he sank into a chair/the mud, ele afundou na cadeira/na lama
a sinking feeling, um vazio no estmago sink in (fig) penetrar VI it took a
long time to sink in, demorou muito para ser entendido
sinking fund [sk-]
N fundo de amortizao
sink unit
N pia
sinner [sn*]
N pecador* M (F pecadora)
Sino- [sanu]
PREFIX sino-
sinuous [snjus]
ADJ sinuoso
sinus [sans]
N (ANAT) seio (paranasal)
sinusitis [sansats]
N sinusite F
sip [sp]
N gole M VT sorver, bebericar
siphon [safn]
N sifo M siphon off 1. extrair com sifo 2. (funds) desviar VT
sir [s*]
N senhor M Sir John Smith, Sir John Smith
yes sir, sim, senhor
Dear Sir (in letter) (Prezado) Senhor
siren [sarn]
N sirena
sirloin [sln]
N lombo de vaca
sirloin steak
N fil M de alcatra
sisal [sasl]
N sisal M
sissy [ss] (inf)
N fresco
sister [sst*]
N 1. irm F 2. (BRIT: nurse) enfermeira-chefe F 3. (nun) freira CPD sister
organization, organizao F congnere sister ship, navio gmeo
sister-in-law (PL sisters-in-law )
N cunhada
sit [st] (PT, PP sat )
VI 1. sentar-se 2. (be sitting) estar sentado 3. (assembly) reunir-se 4. (for painter)
posar 5. (dress) cair VT (exam) prestar to sit on a committee, ser membro de um
to sit tight, no se mexer (fig) esperar sit about ficar sentado no fazendo
nada VI sit around ficar sentado no fazendo nada VI sit back acomodar-se
num assento VI sit down sentar-se VI to be sitting down, estar sentado sit in
on assistir a VT sit up 1. (after lying) levantar-se 2. (straight) endireitar-se 3. (not
go to bed) aguardar acordado, velar VI
sitcom [stkm]
N ABBR situation comedy, comdia de costumes
ADJ sit-down strike, greve F de braos cruzados a sit-down meal, uma refeio
servida mesa
site [sat]
N 1. local M, stio 2. building site, lote M (de terreno) VT situar, localizar
N (demonstration) ocupao de um local como forma de protesto, manifestao F
siting [sat]
N (location) localizao F
sitter [st*]
N 1. (for painter) modelo 2. babysitter, baby-sitter M, F
sitting [st]
N 1. (of assembly etc) sesso F 2. (in canteen) turno
sitting member
N (POL) parlamentar M, F
sitting room
N sala de estar
sitting tenant (BRIT)
N inquilino* (inquilina)
situate [stjuet]
VT situar
situated [stjuetd]
ADJ situado
situation [stjuen]
N 1. situao F 2. (job) posio F 3. (location) local M ``situations vacant/wanted
BRIT (BRIT) ``empregos oferecem-se/procurados
situation comedy
N (THEATRE TV) comdia de costumes
six [sks]
NUM seis five
sixteen [skstin]
NUM dezesseis five
sixth [sks]
NUM sexto the upper/lower sixth (BRIT SCH) os dois ltimos anos do colgio fifth
sixty [skst]
NUM sessenta fifty
size [saz]
N 1. (gen) tamanho 2. (extent) extenso F 3. (of clothing) tamanho, medida 4. (of
shoes) nmero 5. (glue) goma I take size 14 (of dress) meu tamanho 44
the small/large size (of soap powder etc) o tamanho pequeno/grande
what size do you take in shoes? que nmero voc cala?
its the size of ... do tamanho de ... size up avaliar, formar uma opinio
sobre VT
sizeable [sazbl]
ADJ considervel, importante
sizzle [szl]
VI chiar
ABBR Saskatchewan
skate [sket]
N 1. patim M 2. (fish) (pl inv) arraia VI patinar skate around (problem) evitar VT
skate over skate around VT
skateboard [sketbd]
N skate M, patim-tbua M
skater [sket*]
N patinador* M (F patinadora)
skating [sket]
N patinao F
skating rink
N rinque M de patinao
skeleton [skltn]
N 1. esqueleto 2. (TECH) armao F 3. (outline) esquema M, esboo
skeleton key
N chave F mestra
skeleton staff
N pessoal M reduzido (ao mnimo)
skeptic [skptk] (US)
sketch [skt]
N 1. (drawing) desenho 2. (outline) esboo, croqui M 3. (THEATRE) quadro, esquete
M VT 1. desenhar, esboar 2. sketch out (ideas) esboar
sketchbook [sktbuk]
N caderno de rascunho
sketch pad
N bloco de desenho
sketchy [skt]
ADJ incompleto, superficial
skew [skju] (BRIT)
N on the skew, fora de esquadria
skewer [skju*]
N espetinho
ski [ski]
N esqui M VI esquiar
ski boot
N bota de esquiar
skid [skd]
N derrapagem F VI 1. deslizar 2. (AUT) derrapar
skid mark
N marca de derrapagem
skier [ski*]
N esquiador* M (F esquiadora)
skiing [ski]
N esqui M to go skiing, ir esquiar
ski instructor
N instrutor* M de esqui (F instrutora)
ski jump
N 1. pista para saltos de esqui 2. (event) salto de esqui
skilful [sklful] skillful (US)
ADJ habilidoso, jeitoso
skilfully [sklfl] skillfully (US)
ADV habilmente
ski lift
N ski lift M
skill [skl]
N 1. habilidade F, percia 2. (for work) tcnica
skilled [skld]
ADJ 1. hbil, perito 2. (worker) especializado, qualificado
skillet [sklt]
N frigideira
skillful [sklful] (US)
skim [skm]
VT 1. (milk) desnatar 2. (glide over) roar VI to skim through (book) folhear
skimmed milk [skmd-]
N leite M desnatado
skimp [skmp]
VT 1. skimp on (work) atamancar 2. (cloth etc) economizar, regatear
skimpy [skmp]
ADJ 1. (meagre) escasso, insuficiente 2. (skirt) sumrio
skin [skn]
N 1. (gen) pele F 2. (of fruit, vegetable) casca 3. (on pudding, paint) pelcula VT 1. (fruit
etc) descascar 2. (animal) tirar a pele de wet or soaked to the skin, encharcado,
molhado como um pinto
ADJ superficial
skin diver
N mergulhador* M (F mergulhadora)
skin diving
N caa-submarina
skinflint [sknflnt]
N po-duro M
skin graft
N enxerto de pele
skinny [skn]
ADJ magro, descarnado
skin test
N cutirreao F
skintight [skntat]
ADJ (dress etc) justo, grudado (no corpo)
skip [skp]
N 1. salto, pulo 2. (BRIT: container) balde M VI 1. saltar 2. (with rope) pular corda VT 1.
(pass over) omitir, saltar 2. (miss) deixar de to skip school esp US (esp US)
matar aula
ski pants
NPL cala BR or calas FPL PT de esquiar
ski pole
N vara de esqui
skipper [skp*]
N (NAUT SPORT) capito M VT capitanear
skipping rope [skp-] (BRIT)
N corda (de pular)
ski resort
N estao F de esqui
skirmish [skm]
N escaramua
skirt [skt]
N saia VT 1. (surround) rodear 2. (go round) orlar, circundar
skirting board [skt-] (BRIT)
N rodap M
ski run
N pista de esqui
ski slope
N pista de esqui
ski suit
N traje M de esqui
skit [skt]
N pardia, stira
ski tow
N ski lift M
skittle [sktl]
N pau M skittles (game) (jogo de) boliche M (BR) jogo da bola (PT) N
skive [skav] (BRIT inf)
VI evitar trabalhar
skulk [sklk]
VI esconder-se
skull [skl]
N 1. caveira 2. (ANAT) crnio
skullcap [sklkp]
N 1. solidu M 2. (worn by Pope) barrete M
skunk [skk]
N 1. gamb M 2. (fig) (person) cafajeste M, F, pessoa vil
sky [ska]
N cu M to praise sb to the skies, pr algum nas nuvens
ADJ azul-celeste
ADV muito alto ADJ prices are sky-high, os preos dispararam
skylark [skalk]
N (bird) cotovia
skylight [skalat]
N clarabia, escotilha
skyline [skalan]
N 1. (horizon) linha do horizonte 2. (of city) silhueta
skyscraper [skaskrep*]
N arranha-cu M
slab [slb]
N 1. (stone) bloco 2. (flat) laje F 3. (of cake) fatia grossa
slack [slk]
ADJ 1. (loose) frouxo 2. (slow) lerdo 3. (careless) descuidoso, desmazelado 4.
(COMM) (market) inativo, frouxo (demand) fraco N (in rope) brando slacks
(trousers) cala (BR) calas FPL (PT) NPL business is slack, os negcios vo
slacken [slkn]
VI slacken off, afrouxar-se VT 1. afrouxar 2. (speed) diminuir
slag [sl]
N escria, escombros MPL
slag heap [sl-]
N monte M de escria or de escombros
slag off [sl-] (BRIT inf)
VT malhar
slain [slen]
PP (of slay)
slake [slek]
VT (one's thirst) matar
slalom [sllm]
N slalom M
slam [slm]
VT 1. (door) bater or fechar (com violncia) 2. (throw) atirar violentamente 3. (criticize)
malhar, criticar VI fechar-se (com violncia)
slander [slnd*]
N calnia, difamao F VT caluniar, difamar
slanderous [slndrs]
ADJ calunioso, difamatrio
slang [sl]
N 1. gria 2. (jargon) jargo M
slant [slnt]
N 1. declive M, inclinao F 2. (fig) ponto de vista
slanted [slntd]
ADJ 1. (roof) inclinado 2. (eyes) puxado
slanting [slnt]
ADJ slanted
slap [slp]
N tapa M, F VT 1. dar um* tapa em (dar uma) 2. (paint etc) to slap sth on sth, passar
algo em algo descuidadamente ADV (directly) diretamente, exatamente
slapdash [slpd]
ADJ 1. impetuoso 2. (work) descuidado
slapstick [slpstk]
N (comedy) (comdia-) pastelo M
slap-up (BRIT)
ADJ a slap-up meal, uma refeio suntuosa
slash [sl]
VT 1. cortar, talhar 2. (fig) (prices) cortar
slat [slt]
N 1. (of wood) ripa 2. (of plastic) tira
slate [slet]
N ardsia VT (fig) (criticize) criticar duramente, arrasar
slaughter [slt*]
N 1. (of animals) matana 2. (of people) carnificina VT 1. abater 2. matar, massacrar
slaughterhouse [slthaus]
N matadouro
Slav [slv]
ADJ N eslavo* (eslava)
slave [slev]
N escravo* (escrava) VI slave away, trabalhar como escravo to slave (away) at
sth/at doing sth, trabalhar feito condenado em algo/fazendo algo
slave labour
N trabalho escravo
slaver [slv*]
VI (dribble) babar
slavery [slevr]
N escravido F
Slavic [slvk]
ADJ eslavo
slavish [slev]
ADJ 1. servil 2. (copy) descarado
Slavonic [slvnk]
ADJ eslavo
slay [sle] (PT slew ), (PP slain )
VT (literary) matar
N ABBR (POL) Social and Liberal Democratic Party
sleazy [sliz]
ADJ (place) srdido
sled [sld] (US)
N tren M
sledge [sld] (BRIT)
N tren M
sledgehammer [sldhm*]
N marreta, malho
sleek [slik]
ADJ 1. (hair, fur) macio, lustroso 2. (car, boat) aerodinmico
sleep [slip] (PT, PP slept )
N sono VI dormir VT we can sleep 4 podemos acomodar 4 pessoas to go to sleep,
dormir, adormecer
to have a good nights sleep, ter uma boa noite de sono
to put to sleep (patient) fazer dormir (animal) (euphemism: kill) sacrificar
to sleep lightly, ter sono leve
to sleep with sb (euphemism) dormir com algum sleep around ser
promscuo sexualmente VI sleep in 1. (oversleep) dormir demais 2. (lie in) dormir
at tarde VI
sleeper [slip*]
N 1. (person) dorminhoco* (dorminhoca) 2. (RAIL) (on track) dormente M (train)
vago-leitos M (BR) carruagem-camas F (PT)
sleepily [slipl]
ADV sonolentamente
sleeping [slip]
ADJ adormecido, que dorme
sleeping bag
N saco de dormir
sleeping car
N vago-leitos M (BR) carruagem-camas F (PT)
sleeping partner (BRIT)
N (COMM) scio comanditrio
sleeping pill
N plula para dormir
sleepless [slipls]
ADJ a sleepless night, uma noite em claro
sleeplessness [sliplsns]
N insnia
sleepwalker [slipwk*]
N sonmbulo
sleepy [slip]
ADJ 1. sonolento 2. (fig) morto to be or feel sleepy, estar com sono
sleet [slit]
N chuva com neve or granizo
sleeve [sliv]
N 1. manga 2. (of record) capa
sleeveless [slivls]
ADJ (garment) sem manga
sleigh [sle]
N tren M
sleight [slat]
N sleight of hand, prestidigitao F
slender [slnd*]
ADJ 1. esbelto, delgado 2. (means) escasso, insuficiente
slept [slpt]
PT PP (of sleep)
sleuth [slu] (inf)
N detetive M
slew [slu]
PT (of slay) VI slew round (BRIT) virar
slice [slas]
N 1. (of meat, bread) fatia 2. (of lemon) rodela 3. (of fish) posta 4. (utensil) p F or
esptula de bolo VT cortar em fatias sliced bread, po M em fatias
slick [slk]
ADJ 1. (skilful) jeitoso, gil, engenhoso 2. (quick) rpido 3. (clever) esperto, astuto N oil
slick, mancha de leo
slid [sld]
PT PP (of slide)
slide [slad] (PT, PP slid )
N 1. (downward movement) deslizamento, escorrego M 2. (in playground)
escorregador M 3. (PHOT) slide M 4. hair slide (BRIT) passador M 5. (microscope
slide) lmina 6. (in prices) queda, baixa VT deslizar VI 1. (slip) escorregar 2. (glide)
deslizar to let things slide (fig) deixar tudo ir por gua abaixo
slide projector
N (PHOT) projetor M deslides
slide rule
N rgua de clculo
sliding [slad]
ADJ (door) corredio sliding roof (AUT) teto deslizante
sliding scale
N escala mvel
slight [slat]
ADJ 1. (slim) fraco, franzino 2. (frail) delicado 3. (error, pain, increase) pequeno 4.
(trivial) insignificante N desfeita, desconsiderao F VT (offend) desdenhar,
menosprezar not in the slightest, em absoluto, de maneira alguma
the slightest, o* menor (a)
a slight improvement, uma pequena melhora
slightly [slatl]
ADV ligeiramente, um pouco slightly built, magrinho
slim [slm]
ADJ 1. esbelto, delgado 2. (chance) pequeno VI emagrecer
slime [slam]
N lodo, limo, lama
slimming [slm]
N emagrecimento ADJ (diet, pills) para emagrecer
slimy [slam]
ADJ 1. pegajoso 2. (pond) lodoso 3. (fig) falso
sling [sl] (PT, PP slung )
N 1. (MED) tipia 2. (for baby) bebbag M 3. (weapon) estilingue M, funda VT atirar,
arremessar, lanar to have ones arm in a sling, estar com o brao na tipia
slink [slk] (PT, PP slunk )
VI to slink away or off, escapulir
slip [slp]
N 1. (slide) tropeo M 2. (fall) escorrego M 3. (mistake) erro, lapso 4. (underskirt)
combinao F 5. (of paper) tira VT deslizar VI 1. (slide) deslizar 2. (lose balance)
escorregar 3. (decline) decair 4. (move smoothly) to slip into/out of, entrar
furtivamente em/sair furtivamente de to let a chance slip by, deixar passar uma
to slip sth on/off, enfiar/tirar algo
it slipped from her hand, escorregou da mo dela
to give sb the slip, esgueirar-se de algum
a slip of the tongue, um lapso da lngua Freudian slip away escapulir VI slip
in 1. meter 2. (errors) surgir VT slip out (go out) sair (um momento) VI slip up
cometer um erro VI
ADJ sem fecho ou botes slip-on shoes, mocassins MPL
slipped disc [slpt-]
N disco deslocado
slipper [slp*]
N chinelo
slippery [slpr]
ADJ escorregadio
slip road (BRIT)
N (to motorway) entrada para a rodovia
slipshod [slpd]
ADJ descuidoso, desmazelado
N 1. (error) equvoco, mancada 2. (by neglect) descuido
slipway [slpwe]
N carreira
slit [slt] (PT, PP slit )
N 1. fenda 2. (cut) corte M VT 1. (cut) rachar, cortar 2. (open) abrir to slit sbs
throat, cortar o pescoo de algum
slither [sl*]
VI escorregar, deslizar
sliver [slv*]
N 1. (of glass, wood) lasca 2. (of cheese etc) fatia fina
slob [slb] (inf)
N 1. (in manners) porco* (porca) 2. (in appearance) maltrapilho* (maltrapilha)
slog [sl] (BRIT)
VI mourejar N it was a slog, deu um trabalho louco
slogan [slun]
N lema M, slogan M
slop [slp]
VI slop over, transbordar, derramar VT transbordar, entornar
slope [slup]
N 1. ladeira 2. (side of mountain) encosta, vertente F 3. (ski slope) pista 4. (slant)
inclinao F, declive M VI to slope down, estar em declive to slope up, inclinar-
sloping [slup]
ADJ 1. inclinado, em declive 2. (handwriting) torto
sloppy [slp]
ADJ 1. (work) descuidado 2. (appearance) relaxado 3. (film etc) piegas
slosh [sl] (inf)
VI to slosh about or around (children) patinhar (liquid) esparrinhar
sloshed [slt] (inf)
ADJ (drunk) com a cara cheia
slot [slt]
N 1. (in machine) fenda 2. (opening) abertura 3. (fig) (in timetable, RADIO TV) horrio
VT to slot into, encaixar em VI encaixar-se em
sloth [slu]
N (vice, ZOOL) preguia
slot machine
N 1. (for gambling) caa-nqueis M INV 2. (BRIT: vending machine) distribuidora
slot meter (BRIT)
N contador M de eletricidade ou gs operado por moedas
slouch [slaut]
VI ter m postura slouch about vadiar VI slouch around slouch about VI
slovenly [slvnl]
ADJ 1. (dirty) desalinhado, sujo 2. (careless) desmazelado
slow [slu]
ADJ 1. lento 2. (not clever) bronco, de raciocnio lento 3. (watch) to be slow, atrasar
ADV lentamente, devagar VT 1. slow down, slow up (vehicle) ir (mais) devagar 2.
(business) estar devagar VI ir (mais) devagar ``slow (road sign) ``devagar
at a slow speed, devagar
to be slow to act/decide, ser lento nas aes/decises, vacilar
my watch is 20 minutes slow, meu relgio est atrasado vinte minutos
business is slow, os negcios vo mal
to go slow (driver) dirigir devagar (in industrial dispute) fazer uma greve
the slow lane, a faixa da direita
bake for 2 hours in a slow oven, asse durante 2 horas em fogo brando
ADJ de ao lenta
slowdown (US)
N greve F de trabalho lento, operao F tartaruga
slowly [slul]
ADV lentamente, devagar
slow motion
N in slow motion, em cmara lenta
slowness [sluns]
N lentido F
sludge [sld]
N lama, lodo
slue [slu] (US)
VI slew
slug [sl]
N 1. lesma 2. (bullet) bala
sluggish [sl]
ADJ 1. vagaroso 2. (business) lento
sluice [slus]
N 1. (gate) comporta, eclusa 2. (channel) canal M VT to sluice down or out, lavar
com jorro dgua
slum [slm]
N 1. (area) favela 2. (house) cortio, barraco
slumber [slmb*]
N sono
slump [slmp]
N 1. (economic) depresso F 2. (COMM) baixa, queda VI 1. (person) cair 2. (prices)
baixar repentinamente he was slumped over the wheel, estava cado sobre a
slung [sl]
PT PP (of sling)
slunk [slk]
PT PP (of slink)
slur [sl*]
N calnia VT 1. difamar, caluniar 2. (word) pronunciar indistintamente to cast a slur
on sb, manchar a reputao de algum
slurred [sld]
ADJ (pronunciation) indistinto, ininteligvel
slush [sl]
N neve F meio derretida
slush fund
N verba para suborno
slushy [sl]
ADJ 1. (snow) meio derretido 2. (street) lamacento 3. (BRIT fig) piegas
slut [slt] (pej)
N 1. mulher F desmazelada 2. (whore) prostituta
sly [sla]
ADJ 1. (person) astuto 2. (smile, remark) malicioso, velhaco on the sly, s
smack [smk]
N 1. (slap) palmada 2. (blow) tabefe M VT 1. bater 2. (child) dar uma palmada em 3.
(on face) dar um tabefe em VI to smack of, cheirar a, saber a ADV (inf) it fell
smack in the middle, caiu exatamente no meio
smacker [smk*] (inf)
N 1. (kiss) beijoca 2. (BRIT: pound note) libra 3. (US: dollar bill) dlar M
small [sml]
ADJ 1. pequeno 2. (short) baixo 3. (letter) minsculo N the small of the back, os rins
to get or grow smaller, diminuir
to make smaller, diminuir
a small shopkeeper, um pequeno comerciante
small ads (BRIT)
NPL classificados MPL
small arms
NPL armas FPL leves
small change
N trocado
small fry
NPL gente F sem importncia
smallholder [smlhuld*] (BRIT)
N pequeno* proprietrio* (pequena proprietria)
smallholding [smlhuld] (BRIT)
N minifndio
small hours
NPL in the small hours, na madrugada, l pelas tantas (inf)
smallish [sml]
ADJ de pequeno porte
ADJ mesquinho
smallpox [smlpks]
N varola
small print
N tipo mido
ADJ 1. (model, map) reduzido 2. (business, farming) de pequeno porte
small talk
N conversa fiada
ADJ (farmer etc) pequeno a small-time thief, um ladro de galinha
smart [smt]
ADJ 1. elegante 2. (clever) inteligente, astuto 3. (quick) vivo, esperto VI sofrer the
smart set, a alta sociedade
to look smart, estar elegante
my eyes are smarting, meus olhos esto ardendo
smart card
N smart card M, carto M inteligente
smarten up [smtn-]
VI arrumar-se VT arrumar
smash [sm]
N 1. smash-up, coliso F, choque M 2. (smash hit) sucesso de bilheteira 3. (sound)
estrondo VT 1. (break) escangalhar, despedaar 2. (car etc) bater com 3. (SPORT)
(record) quebrar VI 1. despedaar-se 2. (against wall etc) espatifar-se smash up
destruir VT
smash hit
N sucesso absoluto
smashing [sm] (inf)
ADJ excelente
smattering [smtr]
N a smattering of, um conhecimento superficial de
smear [sm*]
N 1. mancha, ndoa 2. (MED) esfregao 3. (insult) difamao F VT 1. untar 2. (to make
dirty) lambuzar 3. (fig) caluniar, difamar his hands were smeared with oil/ink,
as mos dele estavam manchadas de leo/tinta
smear campaign
N campanha de desmoralizao
smear test (BRIT)
N (MED) esfregao
smell [sml] ( smelt ), (PT, PP smelled )
N 1. cheiro 2. (sense) olfato VT cheirar VI 1. (food etc) cheirar 2. (pej) cheirar mal to
smell of, cheirar a
it smells good, cheira bem, tem um bom cheiro
smelly [sml] (pej)
ADJ fedorento, malcheiroso
smelt [smlt]
PT PP (of smell) VT (ore) fundir
smile [smal]
N sorriso VI sorrir
smiling [smal]
ADJ sorridente, risonho
smirk [smk] (pej)
N sorriso falso or afetado
smith [sm]
N ferreiro
smithy [sm]
N forja, oficina de ferreiro
smitten [smtn]
ADJ smitten with (charmed by) encantado por (grief etc) tomado por
smock [smk]
N 1. guarda-p M 2. (children's) avental M
smog [sm]
N nevoeiro com fumaa BR or fumo PT
smoke [smuk]
N fumaa (BR) fumo (PT) VI 1. fumar 2. (chimney) fumegar VT (cigarettes) fumar to
have a smoke, fumar
do you smoke? voc fuma?
to go up in smoke (house etc) queimar num incndio (fig) no dar em nada
smoked [smukt]
ADJ 1. (bacon) defumado 2. (glass) fume
smokeless fuel [smukls-]
N combustvel M no poluente
smokeless zone [smukls-] (BRIT)
N zona onde no permitido o uso de combustveis poluentes
smoker [smuk*]
N 1. (person) fumante M, F 2. (RAIL) vago M para fumantes
smokescreen [smukskrin]
N cortina de fumaa
smoke shop (US)
N tabacaria, charutaria (BR)
N ``no smoking (sign) ``proibido fumar hes given up smoking, ele deixou de
smoking compartment , smoking car (US)
N vago M para fumantes
smoky [smuk]
ADJ 1. (room) enfumaado 2. (taste) defumado
smolder [smuld*] (US)
VI smoulder
smooth [smu]
ADJ 1. liso, macio 2. (sauce) cremoso 3. (sea) tranqilo, calmo 4. (flat) plano 5.
(flavour, movement) suave 6. (person) culto, refinado (pej) meloso 7. (flight,
landing) tranqilo 8. (cigarette) suave VT smooth out, alisar (difficulties) aplainar
smooth over to smooth things over (fig) arranjar as coisas VT
smoothly [smul]
ADV (easily) facilmente, sem problemas everything went smoothly, tudo correu
muito bem
smother [sm*]
VT 1. (fire) abafar 2. (person) sufocar 3. (emotions) reprimir
smoulder [smuld*] smolder (US)
VI 1. arder sem chamas 2. (fig) estar latente
smoulder [smuld*] smolder (US)
VI 1. arder sem chamas 2. (fig) estar latente
N ABBR short message service, SMS M
smug [sm] (pej)
ADJ convencido
smuggle [sml]
VT contrabandear to smuggle in/out (goods etc) fazer entrar/sair de contrabando
smuggler [sml*]
N contrabandista M, F
smuggling [sml]
N contrabando
smut [smt]
N 1. (of soot) marca de fuligem 2. (mark) mancha 3. (in conversation etc)
obscenidades FPL
smutty [smt]
ADJ (fig) obsceno, indecente
snack [snk]
N lanche M (BR) merenda (PT) to have a snack, fazer um lanche
snack bar
N lanchonete F (BR) snackbar M (PT)
snag [sn]
N dificuldade F, obstculo
snail [snel]
N 1. caracol M 2. (water snail) caramujo
snake [snek]
N cobra
snap [snp]
N 1. (sound) estalo 2. (of whip) estalido 3. (click) clique M 4. (photograph) foto F ADJ
repentino VT 1. (break) quebrar 2. (fingers, whip) estalar 3. (photograph) tirar uma
foto de VI 1. quebrar 2. (fig) (person) retrucar asperamente 3. (sound) estalar to
snap shut, fechar com um estalo
to snap ones fingers, estalar os dedos
a cold snap, uma onda de frio snap at (subj) (person) retrucar bruscamente a
(dog) tentar morder VT snap off (break) partir VT snap up arrebatar, comprar
rapidamente VT
snap fastener
N colchete M de mola
snappy [snp] (inf)
ADJ 1. rpido 2. (slogan) vigoroso hes a snappy dresser, ele est sempre chique
make it snappy! faa rpido!
snapshot [snpt]
N foto F (instantnea)
snare [sn*]
N armadilha, lao VT apanhar no lao or na armadilha
snarl [snl]
N grunhido VI grunhir VT to get snarled up (wool, plans) ficar embaralhado (traffic)
ficar engarrafado
snatch [snt]
N 1. (fig) roubo 2. (small piece) trecho VT 1. agarrar 2. (fig) (look) roubar VI dont
snatch! no tome as coisas dos outros! to snatch a sandwich, fazer um lanche
to snatch some sleep, dormir um pouco snatch up agarrar VT
sneak [snik] ( sneaked ), (PT snuck ) (US)
VI to sneak in/out, entrar/sair furtivamente VT to sneak a look at sth, olhar
disfaradamente para algo N (inf) dedo-duro to sneak up on sb, chegar de
sneakers [snikz]
NPL tnis M (BR) sapatos MPL de treino (PT)
sneaking [snik]
ADJ to have a sneaking suspicion that ... ter uma vaga suspeita de que ...
sneaky [snik]
ADJ sorrateiro
sneer [sn*]
N sorriso de desprezo VI 1. rir-se com desdm 2. (mock) to sneer at, zombar de,
sneeze [sniz]
N espirro VI espirrar
snide [snad]
ADJ sarcstico
sniff [snf]
N 1. fungada 2. (of dog) farejada 3. (of person) fungadela VI fungar VT 1. fungar,
farejar 2. (glue, drug) cheirar sniff at its not to be sniffed at, isso no deve ser
desprezado VT
snigger [sn*]
N riso dissimulado VI rir-se com dissimulao
snip [snp]
N 1. tesourada 2. (piece) pedao, retalho 3. (BRIT inf: bargain) pechincha VT cortar
com tesoura
sniper [snap*]
N franco-atirador* M (F franco-atiradora)
snippet [snpt]
N fragmento, trecho
snivelling [snvl]
ADJ (whimpering) choro* (chorona) lamuriento
snob [snb]
N esnobe M, F
snobbery [snbr]
N esnobismo
snobbish [snb]
ADJ esnobe
snooker [snuk*]
N sinuca
snoop [snup]
VI to snoop about, bisbilhotar
snooper [snup*]
N bisbilhoteiro* (bisbilhoteira) xereta M, F
snooty [snut]
ADJ arrogante
snooze [snuz]
N soneca VI tirar uma soneca, dormitar
snore [sn*]
VI roncar N ronco
snoring [snr]
N roncadura, roncaria
snorkel [snkl]
N tubo snorkel
snort [snt]
N bufo, bufido VI bufar VT (drugs) cheirar
snot [snt] (inf)
N ranho
snotty [snt]
ADJ 1. ranhoso 2. (fig) altivo, arrogante
snout [snaut]
N focinho
snow [snu]
N neve F VI nevar VT to be snowed under with work, estar atolado or
sobrecarregado de trabalho
snowball [snubl]
N bola de neve VI 1. acumular-se 2. (fig) aumentar (como bola de neve)
snowbound [snubaund]
ADJ bloqueado pela neve
snow-capped [-kpt]
ADJ coberto de neve
snowdrift [snudrft]
N monte M de neve (formado pelo vento)
snowdrop [snudrp]
N campainha branca
snowfall [snufl]
N nevada
snowflake [snuflek]
N floco de neve
snowman [snumn]
N IRREG boneco de neve
snowplough [snuplau] snowplow (US)
N mquina limpa-neve, removedor M de neve
snowshoe [snuu]
N raquete F de neve
snowstorm [snustm]
N nevasca, tempestade F de neve
Snow White
N Branca de Neve
snowy [snu]
ADJ nevoso
N ABBR (POL) Scottish National Party
snub [snb]
VT desdenhar, menosprezar N repulsa
snub-nosed [-nuzd]
ADJ de nariz arrebitado
snuff [snf]
N rap M VT snuff out (candle) apagar
snug [sn]
ADJ 1. (sheltered) abrigado, protegido 2. (fitted) justo, cmodo
snuggle [snl]
VI to snuggle up to sb, aconchegar-se or aninhar-se a algum
snugly [snl]
ADV (fit) perfeitamente
so [su]
ADV 1. (thus, likewise) assim, deste modo
so saying he walked away, falou isto e foi embora
if so, se for assim, se assim
I didnt do it - you did so, no fiz isso - voc fez!
so do I, so am I etc, eu tambm
so it is! verdade!
I hope/think so, espero/acho que sim
so far, at aqui
so far I havent had any problems, at agora no tive nenhum problema 2. (in
comparisons etc) (to such a degree) to
so big/quickly (that) to grande/rpido (que)
shes not so clever as her brother, ela no to inteligente quanto o irmo 3.
so much (adj, adv) tanto
Ive got so much work, tenho tanto trabalho
so many, tantos* (tantas)
there are so many people to see, tem tanta gente para ver 4. (phrases) 10 or
so, 10 mais ou menos
so long! (inf: goodbye) tchau! CONJ 1. (expressing purpose) so as to do, para
we hurried so as not to be late, ns nos apressamos para no chegarmos
so (that) para que, a fim de que 2. (result) de modo que
he didnt arrive so I left, como ele no chegou, eu fui embora
so I was right after all, ento eu estava certo no final das contas
ABBR (BANKING) standing order
soak [suk]
VT 1. (drench) embeber, ensopar 2. (put in water) pr de molho VI estar de molho,
impregnar-se soak in infiltrar VI soak up absorver VT
soaking [suk]
ADJ soaking wet, encharcado
so and so
N fulano* (fulana)
soap [sup]
N sabo M
soap flakes
NPL flocos MPL de sabo
soap opera
N novela
soap powder
N sabo M em p
soapsuds [supsdz]
N gua de sabo
soapy [sup]
ADJ ensaboado
soar [s*]
VI 1. (on wings) elevar-se em vo 2. (rocket, temperature) subir 3. (building etc)
levantar-se 4. (price, production) disparar 5. (morale, spirits) renascer
soaring [sr]
ADJ 1. (flight) a grande altura 2. (prices, inflation) disparado
sob [sb]
N soluo VI soluar
s.o.b. (US inf!)
N ABBR son of a bitch, filho da puta (!)
sober [sub*]
ADJ 1. (serious) srio 2. (sensible) sensato 3. (moderate) moderado 4. (not drunk)
sbrio 5. (colour, style) discreto sober up ficar sbrio VI
sobriety [sbrat]
N sobriedade F
ABBR society
so-called [-kld]
ADJ chamado
soccer [sk*]
N futebol M
soccer pitch
N campo de futebol
soccer player
N jogador M de futebol
sociable [subl]
ADJ socivel
social [sul]
ADJ 1. social 2. (sociable) socivel N reunio F social
social climber
N arrivista M, F
social club
N clube M
Social Democrat
N democrata-social M, F
social insurance (US)
N seguro social
socialism [sulzm]
N socialismo
socialist [sulst]
ADJ N socialista M, F
socialite [sulat]
N socialite M, F, colunvel M, F
socialize [sulaz]
VI to socialize (with) socializar (com)
socially [sul]
ADV socialmente
social science
N cincias FPL sociais
social security (BRIT)
N previdncia social Department of Social security Social security, Instituto
Nacional de Assistncia Mdica e Previdncia Social (BR)
social welfare
N bem-estar M social
social work
N assistncia social, servio social
social worker
N assistente M, F social
society [ssat]
N 1. sociedade F 2. (club) associao F 3. high society, alta sociedade CPD (party,
column) da alta sociedade
socio-economic [susu-]
ADJ scio-econmico
sociological [susldkl]
ADJ sociolgico
sociologist [susldst]
N socilogo* (sociloga)
sociology [susld]
N sociologia
sock [sk]
N meia (BR) pega (PT) VT (inf: hit) socar, dar um soco em to pull ones socks up
(fig) tomar jeito
socket [skt]
N 1. bocal M, encaixe M 2. (BRIT ELEC) tomada
sod [sd]
N 1. (of earth) gramado, torro M 2. (BRIT inf!) imbecil M, F VT sod it! (inf!) droga!
soda [sud]
N 1. (CHEM) soda 2. soda water, gua com gs 3. soda pop (US) soda
sodden [sdn]
ADJ encharcado
sodium [sudm]
N sdio
sodium chloride
N cloreto de sdio
sofa [suf]
N sof M
Sofia [suf]
N Sfia
soft [sft]
ADJ 1. (gen) macio 2. (not hard) mole 3. (voice, music, light) suave 4. (kind) meigo,
bondoso 5. (weak) fraco 6. (stupid) idiota
soft-boiled egg [-bld-]
N ovo quente
soft currency
N moeda fraca
soft drink
N refrigerante M
soft drugs
N drogas FPL leves
soften [sfn]
VT 1. amolecer, amaciar 2. (effect) abrandar 3. (expression) suavizar VI 1. amolecer-
se 2. (voice, expression) suavizar-se
softener [sfnr]
N amaciante M
soft fruit (BRIT)
N bagas FPL
soft furnishings
NPL cortinas FPL e estofados MPL
ADJ bondoso, caridoso
softly [sftl]
ADV 1. suavemente 2. (gently) delicadamente
softness [sftns]
N 1. maciez F 2. (gentleness) suavidade F
soft sell
N venda de forma no agressiva
soft spot
N to have a soft spot for sb, ter xod por algum
soft toy
N brinquedo de pelcia
software [sftw*]
N software M
software package
N soft M, pacote M
SOGAT [sut] (BRIT)
N ABBR Society of Graphical and Allied Trades, sindicato dos impressores
soggy [s]
ADJ ensopado, encharcado
soil [sl]
N 1. (earth) terra, solo 2. (territory) territrio VT sujar, manchar
soiled [sld]
ADJ sujo
sojourn [sdn]
N (formal) estada F
solace [sls]
N consolo
solar [sul*]
ADJ solar
solaria [slr]
NPL (of solarium)
solarium [slrm] (PL solaria )
N solrio
solar plexus [-plkss]
N plexo solar
sold [suld]
PT PP (of sell) ADJ sold out (COMM) esgotado
solder [suld*]
VT soldar N solda
soldier [suld*]
N 1. soldado 2. (army man) militar M toy soldier, soldado de chumbo soldier on
agentar firme (inf) perseverar VI
sole [sul]
N 1. (of foot, shoe) sola 2. (fish) (pl inv) solha, linguado ADJ nico the sole reason, a
nica razo
solely [sull]
ADV somente, unicamente I will hold you solely responsible, vou apontar-lhe
como o nico responsvel
solemn [slm]
ADJ solene
sole trader
N (COMM) comerciante M, F independente
solicit [slst]
VT (request) solicitar VI (prostitute) aliciar fregueses
solicitor [slst*] (BRIT)
N 1. (for wills etc) tabelio* M (F tabelioa) 2. (in court) advogado* (advogada)
solid [sld]
ADJ 1. slido 2. (gold etc) macio 3. (person) srio 4. (line) contnuo 5. (vote) unnime
N slido solids (food) comida slida (em contraste ao leite ou sopas) NPL we
waited 2 solid hours, esperamos durante 2 horas a fio
to be on solid ground, estar em terra firme (fig) ter base
solidarity [sldrt]
N solidariedade F
solidify [sldfa]
VI solidificar-se
solidity [sldt]
N solidez F
ADJ de estado slido
soliloquy [sllkw]
N monlogo
solitaire [slt*]
N 1. (gem) solitrio 2. (game) solitrio, jogo de pacincia
solitary [sltr]
ADJ 1. solitrio, s 2. (walk) s 3. (isolated) isolado, retirado 4. (single) nico
solitary confinement
N priso F celular, solitria
solitude [sltjud]
N solido F
solo [sulu]
N ADV solo
soloist [suluist]
N solista M, F
Solomon Islands [slmn-]
NPL the Solomon Islands, as ilhas Salomo
solstice [slsts]
N solstcio
soluble [sljubl]
ADJ solvel
solution [slun]
N soluo F
solve [slv]
VT resolver, solucionar
solvency [slvns]
N (COMM) solvncia
solvent [slvnt]
ADJ (COMM) solvente N (CHEM) solvente M
solvent abuse
N abuso de solventes alucingenos
Som. (BRIT)
ABBR Somerset
Somali [sml]
ADJ N somaliano* (somaliana)
Somalia [sml]
N Somlia
sombre [smb*] somber (US)
ADJ sombrio, lgubre
some [sm]
ADJ 1. (a certain number or amount) some tea/water/biscuits, um pouco de
ch/gua/uns biscoitos
some children came, algumas crianas vieram
theres some milk in the fridge, h leite na geladeira
Ive got some money, but not much, tenho algum dinheiro, mas no muito 2.
(certain) (in contrasts) algum* (alguma)
some people say that ... algumas pessoas dizem que ... 3. (unspecified) um
pouco de
some woman was asking for you, uma mulher estava perguntando por voc
some day, um dia PRON 1. (a certain number) alguns/algumas
Ive got some (books etc) tenho alguns
some went for a taxi and some walked, alguns foram pegar um txi e outros
foram andando 2. (a certain amount) um pouco
Ive got some (milk, money etc) tenho um pouco ADV some 10 people, umas 10
somebody [smbd]
PRON someone
someday [smde]
ADV algum dia
somehow [smhau]
ADV 1. de alguma maneira 2. (for some reason) por uma razo ou outra
someone [smwn]
PRON algum
theres someone coming, tem algum vindo/chegando
someplace [smples] (US)
ADV somewhere
somersault [smslt]
N 1. (deliberate) salto mortal 2. (accidental) cambalhota VI dar um salto mortal or uma
something [sm]
PRON alguma coisa, algo (BR)
something nice, alguma coisa boa
something to do, alguma coisa para fazer
theres something wrong, tem alguma coisa errada
would you like something to eat/drink? voc gostaria de comer/beber alguma
sometime [smtam]
ADV 1. (in future) algum dia, em outra oportunidade 2. (in past) sometime last month,
durante o ms passado Ill finish it sometime, vou terminar uma hora dessas
sometimes [smtamz]
ADV s vezes, de vez em quando
somewhat [smwt]
ADV um tanto
somewhere [smw*]
ADV (be) em algum lugar (go) para algum lugar
I must have lost it somewhere, devo ter perdido (isso) em algum lugar
its somewhere or other in Scotland, em algum lugar na Esccia
somewhere else (be) em outro lugar (go) para outro lugar
son [sn]
N filho
sonar [sun*]
N sonar M
sonata [snt]
N sonata
song [s]
N 1. cano F 2. (of bird) canto
songbook [sbuk]
N cancioneiro
songwriter [srat*]
N compositor* M de canes (F compositora)
sonic [snk]
ADJ (boom) snico
son-in-law [snnl] (PL sons-in-law )
N genro
sonnet [snt]
N soneto
sonny [sn] (inf)
N meu filho
soon [sun]
ADV 1. logo, brevemente 2. (a short time after) logo aps 3. (early) cedo soon
afterwards, pouco depois
very/quite soon, logo/daqui a pouco
how soon can you be ready? quando voc estar pronto?
its too soon to tell, muito cedo para dizer
see you soon! at logo! as
sooner [sun*]
ADV 1. (time) antes, mais cedo 2. (preference) I would sooner do that, preferia fazer
isso sooner or later, mais cedo ou mais tarde
no sooner said than done, dito e feito
the sooner the better, quanto mais cedo melhor
no sooner had we left than he ... mal partimos, ele ...
soot [sut]
N fuligem F
soothe [su]
VT 1. acalmar, sossegar 2. (pain) aliviar, suavizar
soothing [su]
ADJ calmante
sop [sp]
N paliativo
N ABBR standard operating procedure
sophisticated [sfstketd]
ADJ sofisticado
sophistication [sfstken]
N sofisticao F
sophomore [sfm*] (US)
N segundanista M, F
soporific [sprfk]
ADJ soporfico
sopping [sp]
ADJ sopping (wet) encharcado
soppy [sp] (pej)
ADJ piegas
soprano [sprnu]
N soprano M, F
sorbet [sbe]
N sorvete de frutas base de gua
sorcerer [ssr*]
N feiticeiro
sordid [sdd]
ADJ 1. (dirty) imundo, srdido 2. (wretched) miservel
sore [s*]
ADJ 1. (painful) dolorido 2. (offended) magoado, ofendido N chaga, ferida its a sore
point, um ponto delicado
my eyes are sore
Ive got sore eyes, meus olhos esto doloridos
sorely [sl]
ADV I am sorely tempted (to) estou muito tentado (a)
sore throat
N dor F de garganta
sorrel [srl]
N azeda
sorrow [sru]
N tristeza, mgoa, dor F sorrows (causes of grief) tristezas FPL NPL
sorrowful [sruful]
ADJ 1. (day) triste 2. (smile) aflito, magoado
sorry [sr]
ADJ 1. (regretful) arrependido 2. (condition, excuse) lamentvel sorry! desculpe!
perdo! sinto muito!
to feel sorry for sb, sentir pena de algum
I feel sorry for him, estou com pena dele
Im sorry to hear that ... lamento saber que ...
to be sorry about sth, arrepender-se de algo
sort [st]
N 1. tipo 2. (brand) (of coffee etc) marca VT sort out (papers) classificar (problems)
solucionar, resolver what sort do you want? que tipo voc quer?
what sort of car? que tipo de carro?
Ill do nothing of the sort! no farei nada do gnero!
its sort of awkward (inf) meio difcil
sortie [st]
N surtida
sorting office [st-]
N departamento de distribuio
N ABBR save our souls, S.O.S. M
ADV mais ou menos, regular
souffl [sufle]
N sufl M
sought [st]
PT PP (of seek)
seek [sik] (PT, PP sought )
VT 1. procurar 2. (post) solicitar to seek advice/help from sb, pedir um conselho a
algum/procurar ajuda de algum seek out (person) procurar VT
ADJ desejado
soul [sul]
N 1. alma 2. (person) criatura I didnt see a soul, no vi uma alma
God rest his soul, que a sua alma descanse em paz
the poor soul had nowhere to sleep, o pobre coitado no tinha onde dormir
soul-destroying [-dstr]
ADJ desalentador* (desalentadora)
soulful [sulful]
ADJ emocional, sentimental
soulless [sulls]
ADJ desalmado
soul mate
N companheiro* ideal (companheira)
N after much soul-searching, depois de muita ponderao
sound [saund]
ADJ 1. (healthy) saudvel, sadio 2. (safe, not damaged) slido, completo 3. (secure)
seguro 4. (reliable) confivel 5. (sensible) sensato 6. (argument, policy) vlido 7.
(move) acertado ADV sound asleep, dormindo profundamente N 1. (noise) som M,
rudo, barulho 2. (volume) (on TV etc) volume M 3. (GEO) estreito, brao (de mar)
VT (alarm) soar VI 1. soar, tocar 2. (fig) (seem) parecer to be of sound mind,
estar em juzo perfeito
I dont like the sound of it, eu no estou gostando disso
to sound like, parecer
it sounds as if ... parece que ... sound off (inf) to sound off (about) pontificar
(sobre) VI sound out sondar VI
sound barrier
N barreira do som
sound effects
NPL efeitos MPL sonoros
sound engineer
N engenheiro* de som (engenheira)
sounding [saund]
N (NAUT etc) sondagem F
sounding board
N 1. (MUS) caixa de ressonncia 2. (fig) to use sb as a sounding board for ones
ideas, testar suas idias em algum
soundly [saundl]
ADV 1. (sleep) profundamente 2. (beat) completamente
soundproof [saundpruf]
ADJ prova de som VT insonorizar
soundtrack [saundtrk]
N (of film) trilha sonora
sound wave
N onda sonora
soup [sup]
N 1. (thick) sopa 2. (thin) caldo in the soup (fig) numa encrenca
soup kitchen
N local onde se distribui comida aos pobres
soup plate
N prato fundo (para sopa)
soupspoon [supspun]
N colher F de sopa
sour [sau*]
ADJ 1. azedo, cido 2. (milk) talhado 3. (fig) mal-humorado, rabugento its sour
grapes! (fig) despeito!
to go or turn sour (milk, wine) azedar (fig) (relationship, plan) azedar, dar errado
source [ss]
N fonte F I have it from a reliable source that ... uma fonte confivel me assegura
que ...
south [sau]
N sul M ADJ do sul, meridional ADV ao or para o sul (to the) south of, ao sul de
the South of France, o Sul da Frana
to travel south, viajar para o sul
South Africa
N frica do Sul
South African
ADJ N sul-africano* (sul-africana)
South America
N Amrica do Sul
South American
ADJ N sul-americano* (sul-americana)
southbound [saubaund]
ADJ em direo ao sul
N sudeste M ADJ do sudeste
South-East Asia
N o Sudeste da sia
southerly [sl]
ADJ 1. para o sul 2. (from the south) do sul
southern [sn]
ADJ 1. (to the south) para o sul, em direo do sul 2. (from the south) do sul, sulista
the southern hemisphere, o Hemisfrio Sul
South Pole
N Plo Sul
South Sea Islands
NPL the South Sea Islands, as ilhas dos Mares do Sul
South Seas
NPL the South Seas, os Mares do Sul
southward [sauwd] southwards, sauwdz
ADV para o sul
N sudoeste M
souvenir [suvn*]
N lembrana
sovereign [svrn]
ADJ N soberano* (soberana)
sovereignty [svrnt]
N soberania
soviet [suvt]
ADJ sovitico the Soviet Union, a Unio Sovitica
N porca
[su] (PT sowed ), (PP sown )
VT 1. semear 2. (fig) (spread) disseminar, espalhar
sown [sun]
PP (of sow)
soya [s] soy (US)
N soja
soya bean
N semente F de soja
soya sauce
N molho de soja
spa [sp]
N 1. (town) estncia hidro-mineral 2. health spa (US) estncia balnear
space [spes]
N 1. (gen) espao 2. (room) lugar M 3. (cpd) espacial VT space out, espaar in a
confined space, num espao confinado
in a short space of time, num curto espao de tempo
(with)in the space of an hour, dentro do espao de uma hora
to clear a space for sth, abrir espao para algo
space bar
N tecla de espacejamento
spacecraft [speskrft]
N nave F espacial
spaceman [spesmn]
N IRREG astronauta M, cosmonauta M
spaceship [spesp]
N spacecraft
space shuttle
N nibus M espacial
spacesuit [spessut]
N traje M espacial
spacewoman [speswumn]
N IRREG astronauta, cosmonauta
spacing [spes]
N espacejamento, espaamento single/double spacing, espacejamento
spacious [spes]
ADJ espaoso
spade [sped]
N p F spades (CARDS) espadas FPL NPL
spadework [spedwk]
N (fig) trabalho preliminar
spaghetti [spt]
N espaguete M
Spain [spen]
N Espanha
spam [spm]
N (junk e-mail) spam M
span [spn]
N 1. wingspan, envergadura 2. (of hand) palma 3. (of arch) vo M 4. (in time) lapso,
espao VT 1. estender-se sobre, atravessar 2. (fig) abarcar
Spaniard [spnjd]
N espanhol* M (F espanhola)
spaniel [spnjl]
N spaniel M
Spanish [spn]
ADJ espanhol* (espanhola) N (LING) espanhol M, castelhano the Spanish os
espanhis NPL
Spanish omelette
N omelete M espanhola
spank [spk]
VT bater, dar palmadas em
spanner [spn*] (BRIT)
N chave F inglesa
spar [sp*]
N mastro, verga VI (BOXING) treinar
spare [sp*]
ADJ 1. (free) vago, desocupado 2. (surplus) de sobra, a mais 3. (available) disponvel,
de reserva N spare part VT 1. (do without) dispensar, passar sem 2. (make
available) dispor de 3. (afford to give) dispor de, ter de sobra 4. (refrain from
hurting) perdoar, poupar 5. (be grudging with) dar frugalmente to spare (surplus)
de sobra
there are 2 going spare BRIT (BRIT) h 2 sobrando
to spare no expense, no poupar despesas
can you spare (me) 10? pode me ceder 10?
can you spare the time? voc tem tempo?
there is no time to spare, no h tempo a perder
Ive a few minutes to spare, tenho alguns minutos de sobra
spare part
N pea sobressalente
spare room
N quarto de hspedes
spare time
N tempo livre
spare tyre
N estepe M
spare wheel
N estepe M
sparing [spr]
ADJ to be sparing with, ser econmico com
sparingly [sprl]
ADV frugalmente, com moderao
spark [spk]
N 1. chispa, fasca 2. (fig) centelha
sparking plug [spk()-]
N vela (de ignio)
sparkle [spkl]
N cintilao F, brilho VI 1. cintilar 2. (shine) brilhar, faiscar
sparkling [spkl]
ADJ 1. (wine) espumante 2. (conversation) animado 3. (performance) brilhante
spark plug
N vela (de ignio)
sparrow [spru]
N pardal M
sparse [sps]
ADJ 1. escasso 2. (hair) ralo
spartan [sptn]
ADJ (fig) espartano
spasm [spzm]
N 1. (MED) espasmo 2. (fig) acesso, ataque M
spasmodic [spzmdk]
ADJ espasmdico
spastic [spstk]
N espstico* (espstica)
spat [spt]
PT PP (of spit) N (US) bate-boca M
spit [spt] (PT, PP spat )
N 1. (for roasting) espeto 2. (GEOG) restinga 3. (spittle) cuspe M, cusparada 4.
(saliva) saliva VI 1. cuspir 2. (sound) escarrar 3. (rain) chuviscar
spate [spet]
N 1. srie F 2. (fig) a spate of, uma enxurrada de in spate (river) em cheia
spatial [spel]
ADJ espacial
spatter [spt*]
N borrifo VT borrifar, salpicar VI borrifar
spatula [sptjul]
N esptula
spawn [spn]
VI desovar, procriar VT 1. gerar 2. (pej: create) gerar, criar N ovas FPL
N ABBR Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
N ABBR Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
speak [spik] (PT spoke ), (PP spoken )
VT 1. (language) falar 2. (truth) dizer VI 1. falar 2. (make a speech) discursar to
speak to sb/of or about sth, falar com algum/de or sobre algo
speak up! fale alto!
speaking! (on phone) ele/ela mesmo!
to speak ones mind, desabafar
he has no money to speak of, ele quase no tem dinheiro speak for to speak
for sb, falar por algum VT that picture is already spoken for, aquele quadro j
est vendido
speaker [spik*]
N 1. (in public) orador* M (F oradora) 2. loudspeaker, alto-falante M 3. (POL) the
Speaker, o Presidente da Cmara are you a Welsh speaker? voc fala gals?
speaking [spik]
ADJ falante Italian-speaking people, pessoas de lngua italiana
spear [sp*]
N 1. lana 2. (for fishing) arpo M VT lancear, arpoar
spearhead [sphd]
N ponta-de-lana VT (attack) encabear
spearmint [spmnt]
N hortel F
spec [spk] (inf)
N on spec, por acaso
special [spl]
ADJ 1. especial 2. (edition etc) extra 3. (delivery) rpido N (train) trem M especial
take special care, tome muito cuidado
nothing special, nada especial
todays special (at restaurant) especialidade do dia, prato do dia
special delivery
N by special delivery, por entrega rpida
specialist [splst]
N especialista M, F heart specialist, especialista em doenas do corao
speciality [splt]
N especialidade F
specialize [splaz]
VI to specialize (in) especializar-se (em)
specially [spl]
ADV especialmente
special offer
N oferta especial
specialty [splt] (esp US)
N speciality
species [spiiz]
N INV espcie F
specific [spsfk]
ADJ especfico
specifically [spsfkl]
ADV especificamente
specification [spsfken]
N 1. especificao F 2. (requirement) requinto specifications 1. (TECH) ficha
tcnica 2. (of building) especificaes FPL NPL
specify [spsfa]
VT VI especificar unless otherwise specified, salvo indicao em contrrio
specimen [spsmn]
N 1. espcime M, amostra 2. (for testing, MED) espcime 3. (fig) exemplar M
specimen copy
N exemplar M de amostra
specimen signature
N modelo de assinatura
speck [spk]
N 1. mancha, pinta 2. (particle) gro M
speckled [spkld]
ADJ pintado
specs [spks] (inf)
NPL culos MPL
spectacle [spktkl]
N espetculo spectacles (glasses) culos MPL NPL
spectacle case
N estojo de culos
spectacular [spktkjul*]
ADJ espetacular N (CINEMA etc) superproduo F
spectator [spktet*]
N espectador* M (F espectadora)
specter [spkt*] (US)
N spectre
spectra [spktr]
NPL (of spectrum)
spectre [spkt*] specter (US)
N espectro, apario F
spectrum [spktrm] (PL spectra )
N espectro
speculate [spkjulet]
VI 1. especular 2. (try to guess) to speculate about, especular sobre
speculation [spkjulen]
N especulao F
speculative [spkjultv]
ADJ especulativo
speculator [spkjulet*]
N especulador* M (F especuladora)
sped [spd]
PT PP (of speed)
speech [spit]
N 1. (faculty, THEATRE) fala 2. (formal talk) discurso
speech day (BRIT)
N (SCH) dia M de distribuio de prmios
speech impediment
N defeito M de articulao
speechless [spitls]
ADJ estupefato, emudecido
speech therapy
N ortofonia
speed [spid] (PT, PP sped )
N 1. (fast travel) velocidade F 2. (rate) rapidez F 3. (haste) pressa 4. (promptness)
prontido F 5. (gear) marcha VI (in car) correr the years sped by, os anos
at full or top speed, a toda a velocidade
at a speed of 70 km/h, a uma velocidade de 70 km/h
shorthand/typing speed, velocidade de estenografia/datilografia
at speed, em alta velocidade
a five-speed gearbox, uma caixa de mudanas com cinco marchas speed up
(PT, PP speeded up ) acelerar VT
speedboat [spidbut]
N lancha
speedily [spidl]
ADV depressa, rapidamente
speeding [spid]
N (AUT) excesso de velocidade
speed limit
N limite M de velocidade, velocidade F mxima
speedometer [spdmt*]
N velocmetro
speed trap
N rea de fiscalizao contra motoristas que dirigem em alta velocidade
speedway [spidwe]
N 1. (SPORT) pista de corrida, rodovia de alta velocidade 2. speedway racing, corrida
de motocicleta
speedy [spid]
ADJ 1. (fast) veloz, rpido 2. (prompt) pronto, imediato
speleologist [spilldst]
N espeleologista M, F
spell [spl] ( spelled ), (PT, PP spelt )
N 1. magic spell, encanto, feitio 2. (period of time) perodo, temporada VT 1. spell out,
soletrar 2. (fig) pressagiar, ser sinal de to cast a spell on sb, enfeitiar algum
he cant spell, no sabe escrever bem, comete erros de ortografia
how do you spell your name? como voc escreve o seu nome?
can you spell it for me? pode soletrar isso para mim?
spellbound [splbaund]
ADJ enfeitiado, fascinado
spelling [spl]
N ortografia
spelling mistake
N erro ortogrfico
spelt [splt]
PT PP (of spell)
spend [spnd] (PT, PP spent )
VT 1. (money) gastar 2. (time) passar to spend time/money on sth, gastar
tempo/dinheiro em algo
spending [spnd]
N gastos MPL government spending, gastos pblicos
spending money
N dinheiro para pequenas despesas
spending power
N poder M aquisitivo
spendthrift [spndrft]
N esbanjador* M (F esbanjadora) perdulrio* (perdulria)
spent [spnt]
PT PP (of spend) ADJ gasto
sperm [spm]
N esperma
sperm whale
N cachalote M
spew [spju]
VT vomitar, lanar
sphere [sf*]
N esfera
spherical [sfrkl]
ADJ esfrico
sphinx [sfks]
N esfinge F
spice [spas]
N especiaria VT condimentar
spick-and-span [spk-]
ADJ tudo arrumado
spicy [spas]
ADJ 1. condimentado 2. (fig) picante
spider [spad*]
N aranha spiders web, teia de aranha
spiel [spil]
N lengalenga
spike [spak]
N 1. (point) ponta, espigo M 2. (BOT) espiga spikes (SPORT) ferres MPL NPL
spike heel (US)
N salto alto e fino
spiky [spak]
ADJ espinhoso
spill [spl] ( spilt ), (PT, PP spilled )
VT 1. entornar, derramar 2. (blood) derramar VI derramar-se to spill the beans (inf)
dar com a lngua nos dentes spill out 1. (come out) sair 2. (fall out) cair VI spill
over transbordar VI
spin [spn] (PT, PP spun )
N 1. (revolution of wheel) volta, rotao F 2. (AVIAT) parafuso 3. (trip in car) volta or
passeio de carro 4. (ball) to put spin on, fazer rolar VT 1. (wool etc) fiar, tecer 2.
(wheel) girar 3. (clothes) torcer VI 1. girar, rodar 2. (make thread) tecer the car
spun out of control, o carro se desgovernou spin out 1. prolongar 2. (money)
fazer render VT
spinach [spnt]
N espinafre M
spinal [spanl]
ADJ espinhal
spinal column
N coluna vertebral
spinal cord
N espinha dorsal
spindly [spndl]
ADJ longo e espigado
VT torcer (na mquina)
spin-dryer (BRIT)
N secadora
spine [span]
N 1. espinha dorsal 2. (thorn) espinho
spine-chilling [-tl]
ADJ arrepiante
spineless [spanls]
ADJ (fig) fraco, covarde
spinner [spn*]
N (of thread) fiandeiro* (fiandeira)
spinning [spn]
N fiao F
spinning top
N pio M
spinning wheel
N roca de fiar
N subproduto
spinster [spnst*]
N 1. solteira 2. (pej) solteirona
spiral [sparl]
N espiral F ADJ em espiral, helicoidal VI (prices) disparar the inflationary spiral, a
espiral inflacionria
spiral staircase
N escada em caracol
spire [spa*]
N flecha, agulha
spirit [sprt]
N 1. esprito 2. (soul) alma 3. (ghost) fantasma M 4. (humour) humor M 5. (courage)
coragem F, nimo 6. (frame of mind) estado de esprito 7. (sense) sentido spirits
(drink) lcool M NPL in good spirits, alegre, de bom humor
Holy Spirit, Esprito Santo
community/public spirit, esprito comunitrio/pblico
spirit duplicator
N duplicador M a lcool
spirited [sprtd]
ADJ animado, espirituoso
spirit level
N nvel M de bolha
spiritual [sprtjul]
ADJ espiritual N Negro spiritual, canto religioso dos negros
spiritualism [sprtjulzm]
N espiritualismo
spit [spt] (PT, PP spat )
N 1. (for roasting) espeto 2. (GEOG) restinga 3. (spittle) cuspe M, cusparada 4.
(saliva) saliva VI 1. cuspir 2. (sound) escarrar 3. (rain) chuviscar
spite [spat]
N rancor M, ressentimento VT contrariar in spite of, apesar de, a despeito de
spiteful [spatful]
ADJ maldoso, malvolo
spitting [spt]
N ``spitting prohibited ``proibido cuspir ADJ to be the spitting image of sb, ser a
imagem escarrada de algum
spittle [sptl]
N cuspe M
spiv [spv] (BRIT inf)
N negocista M
splash [spl]
N 1. (sound) borrifo, respingo 2. (of colour) mancha VT to splash (with) salpicar (de)
VI splash about, borrifar, respingar EXCL pluft
splashdown [spldaun]
N amerissagem F
spleen [splin]
N (ANAT) bao
splendid [splndd]
ADJ 1. esplndido 2. (impressive) impressionante
splendour [splnd*] splendor (US)
N 1. esplendor M 2. (of achievement) pompa, glria splendours (features)
esplendores MPL NPL
splice [splas]
VT juntar
splint [splnt]
N tala
splinter [splnt*]
N 1. (of wood, glass) lasca 2. (in finger) farpa VI lascar-se, estilhaar-se, despedaar-
splinter group
N grupo dissidente
split [splt] (PT, PP split )
N 1. fenda, brecha 2. (fig) (division) rompimento (difference) diferena 3. (POL)
diviso F VT 1. partir, fender 2. (party, work) dividir 3. (profits) repartir VI (divide)
dividir-se, repartir-se the splits (GYMNASTICS) to do the splits, abrir or fazer
espaguete NPL to split sth down the middle, partir algo ao meio (fig) dividir algo
(pela metade) split up 1. (couple) separar-se, acabar 2. (meeting) terminar VI
ADJ em vrios nveis
split peas
NPL ervilhas secas FPL
split personality
N dupla personalidade F
split second
N frao F de segundo
splitting [splt]
ADJ (headache) lancinante
splutter [splt*]
VI 1. crepitar 2. (person) balbuciar, gaguejar
spoil [spl] ( spoilt ), (PT, PP spoiled )
VT 1. (damage) danificar 2. (mar) estragar, arruinar 3. (child) mimar 4. (ballot paper)
violar VI to be spoiling for a fight, estar querendo comprar uma briga
spoils [splz]
NPL desojo, saque M
spoilsport [splspt] (pej)
N desmancha-prazeres M, F INV
spoilt [splt]
PT PP (of spoil) ADJ 1. (child) mimado 2. (ballot paper) violado
spoke [spuk]
PT (of speak) N (of wheel) raio
speak [spik] (PT spoke ), (PP spoken )
VT 1. (language) falar 2. (truth) dizer VI 1. falar 2. (make a speech) discursar to
speak to sb/of or about sth, falar com algum/de or sobre algo
speak up! fale alto!
speaking! (on phone) ele/ela mesmo!
to speak ones mind, desabafar
he has no money to speak of, ele quase no tem dinheiro speak for to speak
for sb, falar por algum VT that picture is already spoken for, aquele quadro j
est vendido
spoken [spukn]
PP (of speak)
spokesman [spuksmn]
N IRREG porta-voz M
spokeswoman [spukswumn]
N IRREG porta-voz F
sponge [spnd]
N 1. esponja 2. (cake) po-de-l M VT lavar com esponja VI to sponge on sb, viver s
custas de algum
sponge bag (BRIT)
N bolsa de toalete
sponge cake
N po-de-l M
sponger [spnd*] (pej)
N parasito* (parasita)
spongy [spnd]
ADJ esponjoso
sponsor [spns*]
N 1. patrocinador* M (F patrocinadora) 2. (for membership) padrinho/madrinha 3.
(COMM) fiador* M (F fiadora) financiador* M (F financiadora) 4. (bill in parliament
etc) responsvel M, F VT 1. patrocinar 2. apadrinhar 3. fiar 4. (applicant, proposal)
apoiar, defender I sponsored him at 3p a mile, eu o patrocinei razo de 3p
por milha
sponsorship [spnsp]
N patrocnio
spontaneity [spntnet]
N espontaneidade F
spontaneous [spntens]
ADJ espontneo
spooky [spuk] (inf)
ADJ arrepiante
spool [spul]
N 1. carretel M 2. (of film) rolo 3. (for tape) bobina 4. (of sewing machine) bobina,
spoon [spun]
N colher F
spoon-feed [spunfid]
VT IRREG 1. dar de comer com colher 2. (fig) dar tudo mastigado a
spoonful [spunful]
N colherada
sporadic [sprdk]
ADJ espordico
sport [spt]
N 1. esporte M (BR) desporto (PT) 2. (person) bom perdedor/boa perdedora M, F VT
(wear) exibir indoor/outdoor sports, esportes de salo/ao ar livre
to say sth in sport, dizer algo de brincadeira
sporting [spt]
ADJ 1. esportivo (BR) desportivo (PT) 2. (generous) nobre to give sb a sporting
chance, dar uma grande chance a algum
sport jacket (US)
N sports jacket
sports car
N carro esporte (BR) carro de sport (PT)
sports ground
N campo de esportes BR or de desportos PT
sports jacket (BRIT)
N casaco esportivo BR or desportivo PT
sportsman [sptsmn]
N IRREG esportista M (BR) desportista M (PT)
sportsmanship [sptsmnp]
N esprito esportivo BR or desportivo PT
sportsmen [sptsmn]
NPL (of sportsman)
sports page
N pgina de esportes
sportswear [sptsw*]
N roupa esportiva BR or desportiva PT or esporte
sportswoman [sptswumn]
N IRREG esportista (BR) desportista (PT)
sporty [spt]
ADJ esportivo (BR) desportivo (PT)
spot [spt]
N 1. (mark) marca 2. (place) lugar M, local M 3. (dot) (on pattern) mancha, ponto 4. (on
skin) espinha 5. (RADIO TV) hora 6. (small amount) a spot of, um pouquinho de VT
(notice) notar on the spot (at once) na hora (there) ali mesmo (in difficulty) em
spot check
N fiscalizao F de surpresa
spotless [sptls]
ADJ sem mancha, imaculado
spotlight [sptlat]
N holofote M, refletor M
spot-on (BRIT inf)
ADJ acertado em cheio
spot price
N preo vista
spotted [sptd]
ADJ (pattern) com bolinhas
spotty [spt]
ADJ (face) cheio de espinhas
spouse [spauz]
N cnjuge M, F
spout [spaut]
N 1. (of jug) bico 2. (of pipe) cano VI jorrar
sprain [spren]
N distenso F, torcedura VT to sprain ones ankle/wrist, torcer o tornozelo/a pulseira
sprang [spr]
PT (of spring)
spring [spr] (PT sprang ), (PP sprung )
N 1. (leap) salto, pulo 2. (coiled metal) mola 3. (bounciness) elasticidade F 4. (season)
primavera 5. (of water) fonte F VI pular, saltar VT to spring a leak (pipe etc) furar
he sprang the news on me, ele me pegou de surpresa com a notcia
in spring
in the spring, na primavera
to spring from, provir de
to spring into action, partir para ao
to walk with a spring in ones step, andar espevitado spring up aparecer de
repente VI
sprawl [sprl]
VI esparramar-se N urban sprawl, crescimento urbano to send sb sprawling, jogar
algum no cho
spray [spre]
N 1. borrifo 2. (container) spray M, atomizador M 3. (garden spray) vaporizador M 4. (of
paint) pistola borrifadora 5. (of flowers) ramalhete M VT 1. pulverizar 2. (crops)
borrifar, regar CPD (deodorant etc) em spray
spread [sprd] (PT, PP spread )
N 1. extenso F 2. (distribution) expanso F, difuso F 3. (PRESS TYP) (two pages)
chapada 4. (CULIN) pasta 5. (inf: food) banquete M VT 1. espalhar 2. (butter) untar,
passar 3. (wings, sails) abrir, desdobrar 4. (workload, wealth) distribuir 5. (scatter)
disseminar 6. (payments) espaar VI 1. (news, stain) espalhar-se 2. (disease)
alastrar-se spread out dispersar-se VI
spread-eagled [-ild]
ADJ to be or lie spread-eagled, estar estirado
spreadsheet [sprdit]
N (COMPUT) planilha
spree [spri]
N to go on a spree, cair na farra
sprig [spr]
N raminho
sprightly [spratl]
ADJ ativo, gil
springboard [sprbd]
N trampolim M
N limpeza total, faxina (geral)
spring onion (BRIT)
N cebolinha
springtime [sprtam]
N primavera
springy [spr]
ADJ elstico, flexvel
sprinkle [sprkl]
VT 1. (liquid) salpicar 2. (salt, sugar) borrifar to sprinkle water on sprinkle with
water, salpicar de gua
sprinkled with (fig) salpicado or polvilhado de
sprinkler [sprkl*]
N 1. (for lawn etc) regador M 2. (to put out fire) sprinkler M
sprinkling [sprkl]
N 1. (of water) borrifo 2. (of salt) pitada 3. (of sugar) bocado
sprint [sprnt]
N corrida de pequena distncia VI correr a toda velocidade
sprinter [sprnt*]
N corredor* M (F corredora)
sprite [sprat]
N duende M, elfo
sprocket [sprkt]
N (on printer etc) dente M (de roda)
sprout [spraut]
VI brotar, germinar
sprouts [sprauts]
NPL Brussels sprouts, couves-de-Bruxelas FPL
spruce [sprus]
N INV (BOT) abeto ADJ arrumado, limpo, elegante spruce up arrumar VT to spruce
o.s. up, arrumar-se
sprung [spr]
PP (of spring)
spry [spra]
ADJ ativo, gil
N ABBR Society for the Protection of Unborn Children
spud [spd] (inf)
N batata
spun [spn]
PT PP (of spin)
spin [spn] (PT, PP spun )
N 1. (revolution of wheel) volta, rotao F 2. (AVIAT) parafuso 3. (trip in car) volta or
passeio de carro 4. (ball) to put spin on, fazer rolar VT 1. (wool etc) fiar, tecer 2.
(wheel) girar 3. (clothes) torcer VI 1. girar, rodar 2. (make thread) tecer the car
spun out of control, o carro se desgovernou spin out 1. prolongar 2. (money)
fazer render VT
spur [sp*]
N 1. espora 2. (fig) estmulo VT spur on, incitar, estimular on the spur of the
moment, de improviso, de repente
spurious [spjurs]
ADJ esprio, falso
spurn [spn]
VT desdenhar, desprezar
spurt [spt]
N 1. (of energy) acesso 2. (of blood etc) jorro VI jorrar to put in or on a spurt
(runner) dar uma arrancada (fig) (in work etc) dar uma virada
sputter [spt*]
VI 1. crepitar 2. (person) balbuciar, gaguejar
spy [spa]
N espio/espi M, F VI to spy on, espiar, espionar VT (see) enxergar, avistar CPD (film,
story) de espionagem
spying [spa]
N espionagem F
ABBR (in address) square
ABBR (MATH etc) square
squabble [skwbl]
N briga, bate-boca M VI brigar, discutir
squad [skwd]
N 1. (MIL POLICE) peloto M, esquadra 2. (FOOTBALL) seleo F flying squad
(POLICE) polcia de prontido
squad car (BRIT)
N (POLICE) radiopatrulha
squadron [skwdrn]
N 1. (MIL) esquadro M 2. (AVIAT) esquadrilha 3. (NAUT) esquadra
squalid [skwld]
ADJ 1. (conditions) esqulido 2. (story etc) srdido
squall [skwl]
N 1. (storm) tempestade F 2. (wind) p M (de vento) rajada
squalor [skwl*]
N sordidez F
squander [skwnd*]
VT 1. (money) esbanjar, dissipar 2. (chances) desperdiar
square [skw*]
N 1. quadrado 2. (in town) praa 3. (MATH) (instrument) esquadro 4. (inf: person)
quadrado* (quadrada) careta M, F ADJ 1. quadrado 2. (inf: ideas, tastes) careta,
antiquado VT 1. (arrange) ajustar, acertar 2. (MATH) elevar ao quadrado 3.
(reconcile) conciliar VI (agree) ajustar-se all square, igual, quite
a square meal, uma refeio substancial
2 metres square, um quadrado de dois metros de lado
2 square metres, 2 metros quadrados
were back to square one, voltamos estaca zero square up (BRIT) (settle)
ajustar VI to square up with sb, acertar as contas com algum
square bracket
N (TYP) colchete M
squarely [skwl]
ADV 1. em forma quadrada 2. (directly) diretamente 3. (fully) em cheio
square root
N raiz F quadrada
squash [skw]
N 1. (BRIT: drink) lemon/orange squash, limonada/laranjada concentrada 2.
(SPORT) squash M 3. (US: vegetable) abbora VT esmagar to squash together,
squat [skwt]
ADJ atarracado VI 1. squat down, agachar-se, acocorar-se 2. (on property) ocupar
squatter [skwt*]
N posseiro* (posseira)
squawk [skwk]
VI grasnar
squeak [skwik]
VI 1. grunhir, chiar 2. (door) ranger 3. (mouse) guinchar N 1. grunhido, chiado 2.
rangido 3. guincho
squeal [skwil]
VI 1. guinchar, gritar agudamente 2. (inf: inform) delatar
squeamish [skwim]
ADJ melindroso, delicado
squeeze [skwiz]
N 1. (gen, of hand) aperto 2. (in bus etc) apinhamento 3. (ECON) arrocho VT 1.
comprimir, socar 2. (hand, arm) apertar VI to squeeze past/under sth, espremer-
se para passar algo/para passar por baixo de algo a squeeze of lemon, umas
gotas de limo squeeze out 1. espremer 2. (fig) extorquir VT
squelch [skwlt]
VI fazer rudo de passos na lama
squib [skwb]
N busca-p M
squid [skwd] ( squids ), (PL squid )
N lula
squiggle [skwl]
N garatuja
squint [skwnt]
VI olhar or ser vesgo N (MED) estrabismo to squint at sth, olhar algo de soslaio or
de esguelha
squire [skwa*] (BRIT)
N proprietrio rural
squirm [skwm]
VI retorcer-se
squirrel [skwrl]
N esquilo
squirt [skwt]
VI VT jorrar, esguichar
ABBR 1. senior 2. (REL) sister
N ABBR Students Representative Council
Sri Lanka [srlk]
N Sri Lanka M
N ABBR State Registered Nurse
ABBR standing room only
ABBR steamship
ABBR Social Security Administration
ABBR supersonic transport
ABBR Standard Time
ABBR saint, S. street
stab [stb]
N 1. (with knife etc) punhalada 2. (of pain) pontada 3. (inf: try) to have a stab at
(doing) sth, tentar (fazer) algo VT apunhalar to stab sb to death, matar algum
a facadas, esfaquear algum
stabbing [stb]
N theres been a stabbing, houve um esfaqueamento ADJ (pain) cortante
stability [stblt]
N estabilidade F
stable [stebl]
ADJ estvel N estbulo, cavalaria riding stables, clube M de equitao
stabilization [steblazen]
N estabilizao F
stabilize [steblaz]
VT estabilizar VI estabilizar-se
stabilizer [steblaz*]
N estabilizador M
staccato [stktu]
ADV destacado, staccato ADJ 1. (MUS) destacado, staccato 2. (noise) interrupto 3.
(voice) quebrado
stack [stk]
N monto M, pilha VT amontoar, empilhar theres stacks of time (BRIT inf) tem
tempo de sobra
stadium [stedm] ( stadia ), (PL stadiums )
N estdio
staff [stf]
N 1. (work force) pessoal M, quadro 2. teaching staff (BRIT SCH) corpo docente 3.
(stick) cajado, basto M VT prover de pessoal the office is staffed by women, o
escritrio est composto de mulheres
staffroom [stfrum]
N sala dos professores
Staffs (BRIT)
ABBR Staffordshire
stag [st]
N veado, cervo
stage [sted]
N 1. (in theatre) palco, cena 2. (point) etapa, fase F 3. (platform) plataforma, estrado 4.
(profession) the stage, o palco, o teatro VT 1. (play) pr em cena, representar 2.
(demonstration) montar, organizar 3. (fig) (perform: recovery etc) realizar in
stages, por etapas
to go through a difficult stage, passar por uma fase difcil
in the early/final stages, na fase inicial/final
stagecoach [stedkut]
N diligncia
stage door
N entrada dos artistas
stage fright
N medo da platia
stagehand [stedhnd]
N ajudante M, F de teatro
VT (fig) orquestrar
stage manager
N diretor* M de cena (F diretora)
stagger [st*]
VI cambalear VT 1. (amaze) surpreender, chocar 2. (hours, holidays) escalonar
staggering [str]
ADJ (amazing) surpreendente, chocante
stagnant [stnnt]
ADJ estagnado
stagnate [stnet]
VI estagnar
stagnation [stnen]
N estagnao F
stag party
N despedida de solteiro
staid [sted]
ADJ srio, sbrio
stain [sten]
N 1. mancha 2. (colouring) tinta, tintura VT 1. manchar 2. (wood) tingir
stained glass window [stend-]
N janela com vitral
stainless [stenls]
ADJ (steel) inoxidvel
stain remover
N tira-manchas M
stair [st*]
N (step) degrau M stairs (flight of steps) escada NPL
staircase [stkes]
N escadaria, escada
stairway [stwe]
N staircase
stairwell [stwl]
N caixa de escada
stake [stek]
N 1. estaca, poste M 2. (COMM) (interest) interesse M, participao F 3. (BETTING)
(gen pl) aposta VT 1. apostar 2. (claim) reivindicar to be at stake, estar em jogo
to have a stake in sth, ter interesse em algo
to stake a claim to sth, reivindicar algo
stalactite [stlktat]
N estalactite F
stalagmite [stlmat]
N estalagmite F
stale [stel]
ADJ 1. (bread) dormido 2. (food) estragado 3. (air) viciado 4. (smell) mofado 5. (beer)
stalemate [stelmet]
N 1. empate M 2. (fig) impasse M, beco sem sada
stalk [stk]
N talo, haste F VT caar de tocaia to stalk in/out, entrar/sair silenciosamente
to stalk off, andar com arrogncia
stall [stl]
N 1. (BRIT: in market) barraca 2. (in stable) baia VT 1. (AUT) fazer morrer 2. (fig)
(delay) impedir, atrasar VI 1. morrer 2. esquivar-se, ganhar tempo stalls (BRIT: in
cinema, theatre) platia NPL a newspaper/flower stall, uma banca de
jornais/uma barraca de flores
stallholder [stlhuld*]
N feirante M, F
stallion [stln]
N garanho M
stalwart [stlwt]
ADJ 1. (in build) robusto 2. (in spirit) leal N partidrio leal
stamen [stemn]
N estame M
stamina [stmn]
N resistncia
stammer [stm*]
N gagueira VI gaguejar, balbuciar
stamp [stmp]
N 1. selo 2. (rubber stamp) carimbo, timbre M 3. (mark, also fig) marca, impresso F VI
stamp ones foot, bater com o p VT 1. (letter) selar 2. (mark) marcar 3. (with rubber
stamp) carimbar stamped addressed envelope, envelope M selado e
sobrescritado stamp out 1. (fire) apagar com os ps 2. (crime) eliminar 3.
(opposition) esmagar VT
stamp album
N lbum M de selos
stamp collecting [-klkt]
N filatelia
stamp duty (BRIT)
N imposto de selo
stampede [stmpid]
N debandada, estouro (da boiada)
stamp machine
N mquina de selos
stance [stns]
N postura, posio F
stand [stnd] (PT, PP stood )
N 1. (position) posio F, postura 2. (for taxis) ponto 3. hall stand, pedestal M 4. music
stand, estante F 5. (SPORT) tribuna, palanque M 6. (stall) barraca 7. news stand,
banca de jornais VI 1. (be) estar, encontrar-se 2. (be on foot) estar em p 3. (rise)
levantar-se 4. (remain) (decision, offer) estar de p 5. (in election) candidatar-se VT
1. (place) pr, colocar 2. (tolerate, withstand) agentar, suportar 3. (cost) pagar
to make a stand, resistir (fig) ater-se a um princpio
to take a stand on an issue, tomar posio definida sobre um assunto
to stand for parliament BRIT (BRIT) apresentar-se como candidato ao
to stand guard or watch (MIL) montar guarda
it stands to reason, lgico
as things stand, como as coisas esto
to stand sb a drink/meal, pagar uma bebida/refeio para algum
I cant stand him, no o agento
to stand still, ficar parado stand aside pr-se de lado VI stand by 1. (be
ready) estar a postos 2. (opinion) aferrar-se a 3. (person) ficar ao lado de VI
stand down 1. (withdraw) retirar-se 2. (MIL) deixar o servio VI stand for 1.
(defend) apoiar 2. (signify) significar 3. (represent) representar 4. (tolerate) tolerar,
permitir VT stand in for substituir VT stand out (be prominent) destacar-se VI
stand up (rise) levantar-se VI stand up for defender VT stand up to enfrentar
ADJ (COMPUT) autnomo, stand-alone
standard [stndd]
N 1. padro M, critrio 2. (flag) estandarte M 3. (level) nvel M ADJ (size etc)
padronizado, regular, normal standards (morals) valores MPL morais NPL to be
or come up to standard, alcanar os padres exigidos
to apply a double standard, ter dois pesos e duas medidas
the gold standard (COMM) o padro ouro
standardization [stnddazen]
N padronizao F
standardize [stnddaz]
VT padronizar
standard lamp (BRIT)
N abajur M de p
standard of living
N padro de vida
standard time
N hora legal or oficial
ADJ de reserva N to be on stand-by, estar de sobreaviso or de prontido
stand-by ticket
N bilhete M de stand-by
N 1. suplente M, F 2. (CINEMA) dubl M, F
standing [stnd]
ADJ 1. (upright) ereto vertical 2. (on foot) em p 3. (permanent) permanente N posio
F, reputao F of 6 months standing, de 6 meses de durao
of many years standing, de muitos anos
he was given a standing ovation, ele foi ovacionado
a man of some standing, um homem de posio
standing joke
N piada conhecida
standing order (BRIT)
N (at bank) instruo F permanente standing orders (MIL) regulamento geral NPL
standing room
N lugar M em p
stand-offish [-f]
ADJ incomunicativo, reservado
standpat [stndpt] (US)
ADJ inflexvel, conservador* (conservadora)
standpipe [stndpap]
N tubo de subida
standpoint [stndpnt]
N ponto de vista
standstill [stndstl]
N at a standstill, paralisado, parado to come to a standstill (car) parar (factory,
traffic) ficar paralisado
stank [stk]
PT (of stink)
stanza [stnz]
N estncia, estrofe F
staple [stepl]
N 1. (for papers) grampo 2. (chief product) produto bsico ADJ (food etc) bsico VT
stapler [stepl*]
N grampeador M
star [st*]
N 1. estrela 2. (celebrity) astro/estrela VI to star in, ser a estrela em, estrelar VT
(CINEMA) ser estrelado por the stars (horoscope) o horscopo NPL 4-star
hotel, hotel 4 estrelas
2-star petrol, gasolina simples BR or normal PT
4-star petrol BRIT (BRIT) gasolina azul BR or sper PT
star attraction
N atrao F principal
starboard [stbd]
N estibordo to starboard, a estibordo
starch [stt]
N 1. (in food) amido, fcula 2. (for clothes) goma
starched [sttt]
ADJ (collar) engomado
starchy [stt]
ADJ amilceo
stardom [stdm]
N estrelato
stare [st*]
N olhar M fixo VI to stare at, olhar fixamente, fitar
starfish [stf]
N INV estrela-do-mar F
stark [stk]
ADJ 1. (bleak) severo, spero 2. (colour) sbrio 3. (reality, truth, simplicity) cru 4.
(contrast) gritante ADV stark naked, completamente nu, em plo
starlet [stlt]
N (CINEMA) vedete F
starlight [stlat]
N by starlight, luz das estrelas
starling [stl]
N estorninho
starlit [stlt]
ADJ iluminado pelas estrelas
starry [str]
ADJ estrelado
starry-eyed [-ad]
ADJ (innocent) deslumbrado
star-studded [-stdd]
ADJ a star-studded cast, um elenco cheio de estrelas
start [stt]
N 1. (beginning) princpio, comeo 2. (departure) partida 3. (sudden movement)
sobressalto, susto 4. (advantage) vantagem F VT 1. comear, iniciar 2. (cause)
causar 3. (found) fundar 4. (engine) ligar 5. (fire) provocar VI 1. comear, iniciar 2.
(with fright) sobressaltar-se, assustar-se 3. (train etc) sair to start doing or to do
sth, comear a fazer algo
at the start, no incio
for a start, para incio de conversa
to make an early start, sair or comear cedo
to start (off) with ... (firstly) para comear ... (at the beginning) no incio ...
to give sb a start, dar um susto em algum start off 1. comear, principiar 2.
(leave) sair, pr-se a caminho VI start over (US) comear de novo VI start up 1.
comear 2. (car) pegar, pr-se em marcha 3. comear 4. (car) ligar VI
starter [stt*]
N 1. (AUT) arranque M 2. (SPORT) (official) juiz/juza M, F da partida (runner)
corredor* M (F corredora) 3. (BRIT CULIN) entrada
starting handle [stt-] (BRIT)
N manivela de arranque
starting point [stt-]
N ponto de partida
starting price [stt-]
N preo inicial
startle [sttl]
VT assustar, aterrar
startling [sttl]
ADJ surpreendente
star turn (BRIT)
N rei M /rainha F do show
starvation [stven]
N 1. fome F 2. (MED) inanio F
starve [stv]
VI 1. passar fome 2. (to death) morrer de fome VT 1. fazer passar fome 2. (fig) to
starve (of) privar (de) Im starving, estou morrendo de fome
starving [stv]
ADJ faminto, esfomeado
state [stet]
N 1. estado 2. (pomp) in state, com grande pompa VT 1. (say, declare) afirmar,
declarar 2. (a case) expor, apresentar the States (GEO) os Estados Unidos NPL
to be in a state, estar agitado
state of emergency, estado de emergncia
state of mind, estado de esprito
the state of the art, a ltima palavra
to lie in state, estar exposto em cmara ardente
State Department (US)
N Departamento de Estado, Ministrio das Relaes Exteriores
state education (BRIT)
N educao F pblica
stateless [stetls]
ADJ desnacionalizado
stately [stetl]
ADJ majestoso, imponente
statement [stetmnt]
N 1. declarao F 2. (LAW) depoimento 3. (ECON) balano official statement,
comunicado oficial
statement of account, extrato de conta, extrato bancrio
state-owned [-und]
ADJ estatal
state secret
N segredo de estado
statesman [stetsmn]
N IRREG estadista M
statesmanship [stetsmnp]
N arte F de governar
statesmen [stetsmn]
NPL (of statesman)
static [sttk]
N (RADIO TV) interferncia ADJ esttico
static electricity
N (eletricidade F ) esttica
station [sten]
N 1. estao F 2. (place) posto, lugar M 3. (POLICE) delegacia 4. (RADIO) emissora 5.
(rank) posio F social VT colocar to be stationed in (MIL) estar estacionado em
stationary [stenr]
ADJ estacionrio
stationer [sten*]
N dono de papelaria
stationers , stationers shop
N papelaria
stationery [stenr]
N 1. artigos MPL de papelaria 2. (writing paper) papel M de carta
station master
N (RAIL) chefe M da estao
station wagon (US)
N perua (BR) canadiana (PT)
statistic [sttstk]
N estatstica
statistical [sttstkl]
ADJ estatstico
statistics [sttstks]
N (science) estatstica
statue [sttju]
N esttua
statuesque [sttjusk]
ADJ escultural
statuette [sttjut]
N estatueta
stature [stt*]
N 1. estatura, altura 2. (fig) estatura, envergadura
status [stets]
N 1. posio F 2. (official classification) categoria 3. (importance) status M 4. marital
status (ADMIN) estado civil
status quo [-kwu]
N the status quo, o status quo
status symbol
N smbolo de prestgio
statute [sttjut]
N estatuto, lei F statutes (of club etc) estatuto NPL
statute book
N Cdigo
statutory [sttjutr]
ADJ 1. (according to statutes) estatutrio 2. (holiday etc) regulamentar
staunch [stnt]
ADJ fiel VT estancar
stave [stev]
N (MUS) pauta stave off 1. (attack) repelir 2. (threat) evitar, protelar VT
stay [ste]
N 1. (period of time) estadia, estada 2. (LAW) stay of execution, adiamento de
execuo VI 1. (remain) ficar 2. (as guest) hospedar-se 3. (spend some time)
demorar-se to stay put, no se mexer
to stay the night, pernoitar stay behind ficar atrs VI stay in (at home) ficar
em casa VI stay on ficar VI stay out 1. (of house) ficar fora de casa 2. (strikers)
continuar em greve VI stay up (at night) velar, ficar acordado VI
staying power [ste-]
N resistncia, raa
N ABBR (BRIT) subscriber trunk dialling, DDD F, sexually transmitted disease, DST F
stead [std]
N in sbs stead, em lugar de algum to stand sb in good stead, prestar bons
servios a algum
steadfast [stdfst]
ADJ firme, estvel, resoluto
steadily [stdl]
ADV 1. (firmly) firmemente 2. (unceasingly) sem parar, constantemente 3. (walk)
regularmente 4. (drive) a uma velocidade constante
steady [std]
ADJ 1. (job, boyfriend) constante 2. (speed) fixo 3. (unswerving) firme 4. (regular)
regular 5. (person, character) sensato, equilibrado 6. (diligent) diligente 7. (calm)
calmo, sereno VT 1. (hold) manter firme 2. (stabilize) estabilizar 3. (nerves) acalmar
to steady o.s. on or against sth, firmar-se em algo
steak [stek]
N 1. fil M 2. (beef) bife M
steakhouse [stekhaus]
N churrascaria
steal [stil] (PT stole ), (PP stolen )
VT roubar VI (move secretly) mover-se furtivamente steal away sair s escondidas
VI steal off steal away VI
stealth [stl]
N by stealth, furtivamente, s escondidas
stealthy [stl]
ADJ furtivo
steam [stim]
N vapor M VT (CULIN) cozinhar no vapor VI 1. fumegar 2. (ship) to steam along,
avanar or mover-se (a vapor) under ones own steam (fig) por esforo prprio
to run out of steam (fig) (person) perder o pique
to let off steam (fig inf) desabafar steam up (window) embaar VI to get
steamed up about sth, irritar-se com algo
steam engine
N mquina a vapor
steamer [stim*]
N vapor M, navio (a vapor)
steam iron
N ferro a vapor
steamroller [stimrul*]
N rolo compressor (a vapor)
steamy [stim]
ADJ 1. vaporoso 2. (room) cheio de vapor, mido (BR) hmido (PT) 3. (heat,
atmosphere) vaporoso
steed [stid]
N (literary) corcel M
steel [stil]
N ao ADJ de ao
steel band
N banda de percusso do Caribe
steel industry
N indstria siderrgica
steel mill
N (usina) siderrgica
steelworks [stilwks]
N (usina) siderrgica
steely [stili]
ADJ 1. (determination) inflexvel 2. (gaze, eyes) duro, frio steely-grey, cor de ao
steep [stip]
ADJ 1. ngreme 2. (increase) acentuada 3. (price) exorbitante VT 1. (food) colocar de
molho 2. (cloth) ensopar, encharcar
steeple [stipl]
N campanrio, torre F
steeplechase [stipltes]
N corrida de obstculos
steeplejack [stipldk]
N consertador M de torres or de chamins altas
steeply [stipl]
ADV escarpadamente, a pique
steer [st*]
N boi M VT 1. (person) guiar 2. (vehicle) dirigir VI conduzir to steer clear of sb/sth
(fig) evitar algum/algo
steering [str]
N (AUT) direo F
steering column
N (AUT) coluna da direo
steering committee
N comit M dirigente
steering wheel
N volante M
stellar [stl*]
ADJ estelar
stem [stm]
N 1. (of plant) caule M, haste F 2. (of glass) p M 3. (of pipe) tubo VT 1. deter, reter 2.
(blood) estancar stem from originar-se de VT
stem cell
N clula-tronco M
stench [stnt] (pej)
N fedor M
stencil [stnsl]
N 1. (pattern, design) estncil M 2. (lettering) gabarito de letra VT imprimir com estncil
stenographer [stnrf*] (US)
N estengrafo* (estengrafa)
stenography [stnrf] (US)
N estenografia
step [stp]
N 1. passo 2. (stair) degrau M 3. (action) medida, providncia VI to step forward, dar
um passo a frente/atrs steps (BRIT) stepladder NPL step by step, passo a
to be in step (with) (fig) manter a paridade (com)
to be out of step (with) (fig) estar em disparidade (com)
to take steps, tomar providncias step down (fig) renunciar VI step in (fig)
intervir VI step off descer de VT step on pisar VT step over passar por cima
de VT step up 1. (increase) aumentar 2. (intensify) intensificar VT
stepbrother [stpbr*]
N meio-irmo M
stepchild [stptald]
N IRREG enteado* (enteada)
stepdaughter [stpdt*]
N enteada
stepfather [stpf*]
N padrasto
stepladder [stpld*] (BRIT)
N escada porttil or de abrir
stepmother [stpm*]
N madrasta
stepping stone [stp-]
N 1. pedra utilizada em passarelas 2. (fig) trampolim M
stepsister [stpsst*]
N meia-irm F
stepson [stpsn]
N enteado
stereo [stru]
N 1. estreo 2. (record player) (aparelho de) som M ADJ stereophonic, estereofnico
in stereo, em estreo
stereotype [strtap]
N esteretipo VT estereotipar
sterile [stral]
ADJ 1. (free from germs) esterelizado 2. (barren) estril
sterility [strlt]
N esterilidade F
sterilization [strlazen]
N esterilizao F
sterilize [strlaz]
VT esterilizar
sterling [stl]
ADJ 1. esterlino 2. (silver) de lei 3. (fig) genuno, puro N (currency) libra esterlina one
pound sterling, uma libra esterlina
sterling area
N zona esterlina
stern [stn]
ADJ severo, austero N (NAUT) popa, r F
sternum [stnm]
N esterno
steroid [strd]
N esteride M
stethoscope [stskup]
N estetoscpio
stevedore [stivd*]
N estivador M
stew [stju]
N guisado, ensopado VT VI 1. guisar, ensopar 2. (fruit) cozinhar stewed tea, ch
muito forte
stewed fruit, compota de frutas
steward [stjud]
N 1. (AVIAT) comissrio de bordo 2. shop steward, delegado* sindical (delegada)
stewardess [stjuds]
N aeromoa (BR) hospedeira de bordo (PT)
stewing steak [stju-] stew meat (US)
N carne F para ensopado
St. Ex.
ABBR stock exchange
ABBR sterling
stick [stk] (PT, PP stuck )
N 1. pau M 2. (as weapon) cacete M 3. (walking stick) bengala, cajado VT 1. (glue)
colar 2. (thrust) to stick sth into, cravar or enfiar algo em 3. (inf: put) meter
(tolerate) agentar, suportar VI 1. (become attached) colar-se, aderir-se 2. (be
unmoveable) emperrar 3. (in mind etc) gravar-se to get hold of the wrong end
of the stick (BRIT fig) confundir-se
to stick to (promise, principles) manter stick around (inf) ficar VI stick out 1.
estar saliente, projetar-se 2. to stick it out (inf) agentar firme VI stick up estar
saliente, projetar-se VI stick up for defender VT
sticker [stk*]
N adesivo
sticking plaster [stk-]
N esparadrapo
stickleback [stklbk]
N espinhela
stickler [stkl*]
N to be a stickler for, insistir em, exigir
ADJ adesivo
stick-up (inf)
N assalto a mo armada
sticky [stk]
ADJ 1. pegajoso 2. (label) adesivo 3. (fig) delicado
stiff [stf]
ADJ 1. (strong) forte 2. (hard) duro 3. (difficult) difcil 4. (moving with difficulty) (person)
teso (door, zip) empenado 5. (formal) formal ADV (bored, worried) extremamente
to be or feel stiff (person) ter dores musculares
stiff upper lip (BRIT fig) fleuma britnica
stiffen [stfn]
VT 1. endurecer 2. (limb) entumecer VI 1. enrijecer-se 2. (grow stronger) fortalecer-se
stiff neck
N torcicolo
stiffness [stfns]
N rigidez F
stifle [stafl]
VT 1. sufocar, abafar 2. (opposition) sufocar
stifling [stafl]
ADJ (heat) sufocante, abafado
stigma [stm] (PL stigmata )
N 1. (BOT MED REL) estigma M 2. ((PL stigmas )) (fig) estigma M
stigmata [stmt]
NPL (of stigma)
stile [stal]
N degraus para passar por uma cerca ou muro
stiletto [stltu] (BRIT)
N stiletto heel, salto alto e fino
still [stl]
ADJ 1. parado 2. (motionless) imvel 3. (calm) quieto 4. (BRIT: orange drink etc) sem
gs ADV 1. (up to this time) ainda 2. (even, yet) ainda 3. (nonetheless) entretanto,
contudo N (CINEMA) still M to stand still, ficar parado
keep still! no se mexa!
he still hasnt arrived, ele ainda no chegou
stillborn [stlbn]
ADJ nascido morto, natimorto
still life
N natureza morta
stilt [stlt]
N 1. perna de pau 2. (pile) estaca, suporte M
stilted [stltd]
ADJ afetado
stimulant [stmjulnt]
N estimulante M
stimulate [stmjulet]
VT estimular
stimulating [stmjulet]
ADJ estimulante
stimulation [stmjulen]
N estimulao F
stimuli [stmjula]
NPL (of stimulus)
stimulus [stmjuls] (PL stimuli )
N estmulo, incentivo
sting [st] (PT, PP stung )
N 1. (wound) picada 2. (pain) ardncia 3. (of insect) ferro M 4. (inf: confidence trick)
conto-do-vigrio VT arguilhar VI 1. (insect, animal) picar 2. (eyes, ointment) queimar
stingy [stnd] (pej)
ADJ po-duro, sovina
stink [stk] (PT stank ), (PP stunk )
N fedor M, catinga VI feder, cheirar mal
stinker [stk*] (inf)
N (problem, person) osso duro de roer
stinking [stk]
ADJ 1. fedorento, ftido 2. (inf fig) maldito stinking rich, ricao
stint [stnt]
N tarefa, parte F VI to stint on, ser parco com to do ones stint, fazer a sua parte
stipend [stapnd]
N (of vicar etc) estipndio, remunerao F
stipendiary [stapndr]
ADJ stipendiary magistrate, juiz M estipendirio, juza F estipendirio
stipulate [stpjulet]
VT estipular
stipulation [stpjulen]
N estipulao F, clusula
stir [st*]
N (fig) (agitation) comoo F, rebulio VT 1. (tea etc) mexer 2. (fig) (emotions) comover
VI mover-se, remexer-se to give sth a stir, mexer algo
to cause a stir, causar sensao or um rebulio stir up 1. excitar 2. (trouble)
provocar VT
stirring [str]
ADJ comovedor* (comovedora)
stirrup [strp]
N estribo
stitch [stt]
N 1. (SEWING KNITTING MED) ponto 2. (pain) pontada VT 1. costurar 2. (MED) dar
pontos em, suturar
stoat [stut]
N arminho
stock [stk]
N 1. (supply) suprimento 2. (COMM) (reserves) estoque M, proviso F (selection)
sortimento 3. (AGR) gado 4. (CULIN) caldo 5. (lineage) estirpe F, linhagem F 6.
(FINANCE) valores MPL, ttulos MPL (shares) aes FPL 7. rolling stock (RAIL)
material M circulante ADJ (fig) (reply etc) de sempre, costumeiro (greeting) habitual
VT 1. (have in stock) ter em estoque, estocar 2. (sell) vender well-stocked, bem
in stock, em estoque
out of stock, esgotado
to take stock of (fig) fazer um balano de
stocks and shares, valores e ttulos mobilirios
government stock, ttulos do governo, fundos pblicos stock up to stock up
(with) abastecer-se (de) VI
stockade [stked]
N estacada
stockbroker [stkbruk*]
N corretor* M de valores or da Bolsa (F corretora)
stock control
N (COMM) controle M de estoque
stock cube (BRIT)
N (CULIN) cubo de caldo
stock exchange
N Bolsa de Valores
stockholder [stkhuld*] (US)
N acionista M, F
Stockholm [stkhum]
N Estocolmo
stocking [stk]
N meia
N 1. (tool) instrumento de trabalho 2. (fig) arma
stockist [stkst] (BRIT)
N estoquista M, F
stock market (BRIT)
N Bolsa, mercado de valores
stock phrase
N frase F feita
stockpile [stkpal]
N reservas FPL, estocagem F VT acumular reservas de, estocar
stockroom [stkrum]
N almoxarifado
stocktaking [stktek] (BRIT)
N (COMM) inventrio
stocky [stk]
ADJ 1. (strong) robusto 2. (short) atarracado
stodgy [std]
ADJ pesado
stoic [stuk]
N estico* (estica)
stoical [stukl]
ADJ estico
stoke [stuk]
VT atiar, alimentar
stoker [stuk*]
N (RAIL NAUT etc) foguista M
stole [stul]
PT (of steal) N estola
stolen [stuln]
PP (of steal)
stolid [stld]
ADJ fleumtico
stomach [stmk]
N 1. (ANAT) estmago 2. (belly) barriga, ventre M VT suportar, tolerar
stomach ache
N dor F de estmago
stomach pump
N bomba gstrica
stomach ulcer
N lcera gstrica
stomp [stmp]
VI to stomp in/out, entrar/sair como um furaco
stone [stun]
N 1. pedra 2. (pebble) pedrinha 3. (in fruit) caroo 4. (MED) pedra, clculo 5. (BRIT:
weight) = 6.348kg; 14 pounds ADJ de pedra VT 1. apedrejar 2. (fruit) tirar o(s)
caroo(s) de within a stones throw of the station, pertinho da estao
Stone Age
N the Stone Age, a Idade da Pedra
ADJ gelado
stoned [stund] (inf)
ADJ (on drugs) doido* (doidona) baratinado
ADJ surdo como uma porta
stonemason [stunmesn]
N pedreiro* (pedreira)
stonework [stunwk]
N cantaria
stony [stun]
ADJ 1. pedregoso 2. (fig) glacial
stood [stud]
PT PP (of stand)
stand [stnd] (PT, PP stood )
N 1. (position) posio F, postura 2. (for taxis) ponto 3. hall stand, pedestal M 4. music
stand, estante F 5. (SPORT) tribuna, palanque M 6. (stall) barraca 7. news stand,
banca de jornais VI 1. (be) estar, encontrar-se 2. (be on foot) estar em p 3. (rise)
levantar-se 4. (remain) (decision, offer) estar de p 5. (in election) candidatar-se VT
1. (place) pr, colocar 2. (tolerate, withstand) agentar, suportar 3. (cost) pagar
to make a stand, resistir (fig) ater-se a um princpio
to take a stand on an issue, tomar posio definida sobre um assunto
to stand for parliament BRIT (BRIT) apresentar-se como candidato ao
to stand guard or watch (MIL) montar guarda
it stands to reason, lgico
as things stand, como as coisas esto
to stand sb a drink/meal, pagar uma bebida/refeio para algum
I cant stand him, no o agento
to stand still, ficar parado stand aside pr-se de lado VI stand by 1. (be
ready) estar a postos 2. (opinion) aferrar-se a 3. (person) ficar ao lado de VI
stand down 1. (withdraw) retirar-se 2. (MIL) deixar o servio VI stand for 1.
(defend) apoiar 2. (signify) significar 3. (represent) representar 4. (tolerate) tolerar,
permitir VT stand in for substituir VT stand out (be prominent) destacar-se VI
stand up (rise) levantar-se VI stand up for defender VT stand up to enfrentar
stool [stul]
N tamborete M, banco
stoop [stup]
VI 1. have a stoop, ser corcunda 2. stoop down, debruar-se, curvar-se 3. (fig) to
stoop to sth/doing sth, rebaixar-se para algo/fazer algo
stop [stp]
N 1. parada, interrupo F 2. (for bus etc) parada (BR) ponto (BR) paragem F (PT) 3.
full stop, ponto VT 1. parar, deter 2. (break off) interromper 3. (pay, cheque) sustar,
suspender 4. put a stop to, impedir VI 1. parar, deter-se 2. (watch, noise) parar 3.
(end) acabar to stop doing sth, deixar de fazer algo
to stop sb (from) doing sth, impedir algum de fazer algo
stop it! para com isso! stop by dar uma passada VI stop dead parar de
repente VI stop off dar uma parada VI stop up (hole) tapar VT
stopcock [stpkk]
N torneira de passagem
stopgap [stpp]
N 1. (person) tapa-buraco M, F 2. (measure) paliativo
stoplights [stplats]
NPL (AUT) luzes FPL do freio (BR) faris MPL de stop (PT)
stopover [stpuv*]
N 1. parada rpida 2. (AVIAT) escala
stoppage [stpd]
N 1. (strike) greve F 2. (temporary stop) paralisao F 3. (of pay) suspenso F 4.
(blockage) obstruo F
stopper [stp*]
N tampa, rolha
stop press
N notcia de ltima hora
stopwatch [stpwt]
N cronmetro
storage [strd]
N armazenagem F
storage heater (BRIT)
N tipo de aquecimento que armazena calor durante a noite emitindo-o durante o dia
store [st*]
N 1. (stock) suprimento 2. (depot) armazm M 3. (reserve) estoque M 4. (BRIT: large
shop) loja de departamentos 5. (US: shop) loja VT 1. armazenar 2. (keep) guardar
stores (provisions) vveres MPL, provises FPL NPL who knows what is in store
for us? quem sabe o que nos espera?
to set great/little store by sth, dar grande/pouca importncia a algo store up
acumular VT
storehouse [sthaus]
N depsito, armazm M
storekeeper [stkip*] (US)
N lojista M, F
storeroom [strum]
N depsito, almoxarifado
storey [str] story (US)
N andar M
stork [stk]
N cegonha
storm [stm]
N 1. tempestade F 2. (wind) borrasca, vendaval M 3. (fig) tumulto VI (fig) enfurecer-se
VT tomar de assalto, assaltar
storm cloud
N nuvem F de tempestade
storm door
N porta adicional
stormy [stm]
ADJ tempestuoso
story [str]
N 1. histria, estria 2. (PRESS) matria 3. (plot) enredo 4. (lie) mentira 5. (US) storey
storybook [strbuk]
N livro de contos
storyteller [strtl*]
N contador* M de estrias (F contadora)
stout [staut]
ADJ 1. (strong) slido, forte 2. (fat) gordo, corpulento 3. (resolute) decidido, resoluto N
cerveja preta
stove [stuv]
N 1. (for cooking) fogo M 2. (for heating) estufa, fogareiro gas/electric stove
(cooker) fogo a gs/eltrico
stow [stu]
VT 1. guardar 2. (NAUT) estivar
stowaway [stuwe]
N passageiro* clandestino* (passageira clandestina)
straddle [strdl]
VT cavalgar
strafe [strf]
VT metralhar
straggle [strl]
VI 1. (houses) espalhar-se desordenadamente 2. (people) vagar, perambular 3. (lag
behind) ficar para trs
straggler [strl*]
N pessoa que fica para trs
straggling [strl]
ADJ (hair) rebelde, emaranhado
straggly [strl]
ADJ (hair) rebelde, emaranhado
straight [stret]
ADJ 1. reto 2. (back) esticado 3. (hair) liso 4. (honest) honesto 5. (frank) franco, direto
6. (simple) simples 7. (THEATRE) (part, play) srio 8. (inf: conventional) quadrado,
careta (inf) (heterosexual) heterossexual ADV 1. reto 2. (drink) puro N the straight
(SPORT) a reta to put or get sth straight, esclarecer algo
lets get this straight (explaining) ento, vamos fazer assim (warning) eu quero
que isso fique bem claro
10 straight wins, 10 vitrias consecutivas
to go straight home, ir direto para casa
straight away
straight off (at once) imediatamente
straight off
straight out, sem mais nem menos
straighten [stretn]
VT (skirt, bed) arrumar to straighten things out, arrumar as coisas straighten
out 1. endireitar 2. (fig) esclarecer VT
straight-faced [-fest]
ADJ impassvel ADV com cara sria
straightforward [stretfwd]
ADJ 1. (simple) simples, direto 2. (honest) honesto, franco
strain [stren]
N 1. tenso F 2. (TECH) esforo 3. (MED) (back strain) distenso F (tension) luxao F
4. (breed) raa, estirpe F 5. (of virus) classe F VT 1. (back etc) forar, torcer,
distender 2. (tire) extenuar 3. (stretch) puxar, estirar 4. (CULIN) coar 5. (filter) filtrar
VI esforar-se strains (MUS) acordes MPL NPL hes been under a lot of strain,
ele tem estado sob muita tenso
strained [strend]
ADJ 1. (muscle) distendido 2. (laugh) forado 3. (relations) tenso
strainer [stren*]
N 1. (for tea, coffee) coador M 2. (sieve) peneira
strait [stret]
N (GEO) estreito straits (fig) to be in dire straits, estar em apuros NPL
straitjacket [stretdkt]
N camisa-de-fora
strait-laced [-lest]
ADJ puritano, austero
strand [strnd]
N 1. (of thread, hair) fio 2. (of rope) tira VT (boat) encalhar
stranded [strndd]
ADJ 1. desamparado 2. (holidaymakers) preso
strange [strend]
ADJ 1. (not known) desconhecido 2. (odd) estranho, esquisito
strangely [strendl]
ADV estranhamente
stranger [strend*]
N 1. desconhecido* (desconhecida) 2. (from another area) forasteiro* (forasteira)
strangle [strl]
VT 1. estrangular 2. (fig) (economy) sufocar
stranglehold [strlhuld]
N (fig) domnio total
strangulation [strjulen]
N estrangulao F
strap [strp]
N 1. correia 2. (of slip, dress) ala VT prender com correia
straphanging [strph]
N viajar etc em p (no metr M )
strapless [strpls]
ADJ (bra, dress) sem alas
strapping [strp]
ADJ corpulento, robusto, forte
Strasbourg [strzb]
N Estrasburgo
strata [strt]
NPL (of stratum)
stratagem [strtdm]
N estratagema M
strategic [strtidk]
ADJ estratgico
strategist [strtdst]
N estrategista M, F
strategy [strtd]
N estratgia
stratosphere [strtsf*]
N estratosfera
stratum [strtm] (PL strata )
N camada
straw [str]
N 1. palha 2. (drinking straw) canudo thats the last straw! essa foi a ltima gota!
strawberry [strbr]
N 1. morango 2. (plant) morangueiro
stray [stre]
ADJ 1. (animal) extraviado 2. (bullet) perdido 3. (scattered) espalhado VI perder-se
streak [strik]
N 1. listra, trao 2. (in hair) mecha 3. (fig) (of madness etc) sinal M VT listrar VI to
streak past, passar como um raio to have streaks in ones hair, fazer mechas
no cabelo
a winning/losing streak, uma fase de sorte/azar
streaky [strik]
ADJ listrado
streaky bacon (BRIT)
N toicinho or bacon M em fatias (entremeado com gordura)
stream [strim]
N 1. riacho, crrego 2. (current) fluxo, corrente F 3. (of people, vehicles) fluxo 4. (of
smoke) rastro 5. (of questions etc) torrente F VT (SCH) classificar VI correr, fluir to
stream in/out (people) entrar/sair em massa
against the stream, contra a corrente
on stream (power plant etc) em funcionamento
streamer [strim*]
N 1. serpentina 2. (pennant) flmula
stream feed
N (on photocopier etc) alimentao F contnua
streamline [strimlan]
VT 1. aerodinamizar 2. (fig) agilizar
streamlined [strimland]
ADJ aerodinmico
street [strit]
N rua the back streets, as ruelas
to be on the streets (homeless) estar desabrigado (as prostitute) fazer a vida
streetcar [stritk*] (US)
N bonde M (BR) elctrico (PT)
street lamp
N poste M de iluminao
street lighting
N iluminao F pblica
street map
N mapa M
street market
N feira
street plan
N mapa M
streetwise [stritwaz] (inf)
ADJ malandro
strength [str]
N 1. fora 2. (of girder, knot etc) firmeza, resistncia 3. (of chemical solution)
concentrao F 4. (of wine) teor M alcolico 5. (fig) poder M on the strength of,
com base em
at full strength, completo
below strength, desfalcado
strengthen [strn]
VT 1. fortificar 2. (fig) fortalecer
strenuous [strnjus]
ADJ 1. (tough) rduo, estrnuo 2. (energetic) enrgico 3. (determined) tenaz
stress [strs]
N 1. (force, pressure) presso F 2. (mental strain) tenso F, stress M 3. (accent)
acento 4. (emphasis) nfase F 5. (TECH) tenso VT 1. realar, dar nfase a 2.
(syllable) acentuar to lay great stress on sth, dar muita nfase a algo
to be under stress, estar com estresse
stressful [strsful]
ADJ (job) desgastante
stretch [strt]
N 1. (of sand etc) trecho, extenso F 2. (of time) perodo VI 1. espreguiar-se 2.
(extend) to stretch to or as far as, estender-se at 3. (be enough) (money, food)
to stretch to, dar para VT 1. estirar, esticar 2. (fig) (subj: job, task) exigir o
mximo de at a stretch, sem parar
to stretch ones legs, esticar as pernas stretch out 1. esticar-se 2. (arm etc)
esticar 3. (spread) estirar VI
stretcher [strt*]
N maca, padiola
N padioleiro
stretch marks
NPL estrias FPL
strewn [strun]
ADJ strewn with, coberto or cheio de
stricken [strkn]
ADJ 1. (wounded) ferido 2. (devastated) arrasado 3. (ill) acometido stricken with,
tomado por
strict [strkt]
ADJ 1. (person) severo, rigoroso 2. (meaning) exato, estrito in strict confidence,
muito confidencialmente
strictly [strktl]
ADV 1. (severely) severamente 2. (exactly) estritamente 3. (definitively) rigorosamente
strictly confidential, estritamente confidencial
strictly speaking, a rigor
strictly between ourselves ... c entre ns ...
strictness [strktns]
N rigor M, severidade F
stridden [strdn]
PP (of stride)
stride [strad] (PT strode ), (PP stridden )
N passo largo VI andar a passos largos to take in ones stride (fig) (changes etc)
no se perturbar com
strident [stradnt]
ADJ 1. estridente 2. (colour) berrante
strife [straf]
N conflito
strike [strak] (PT, PP struck )
N 1. greve F 2. (of oil etc) descoberta 3. (attack) ataque M VT 1. bater em 2. (fig) the
thought or it strikes me that ... me ocorre que ... 3. (oil etc) descobrir 4.
(obstacle) esbarrar em 5. (deal) fechar, acertar VI 1. estar em greve 2. (attack)
(soldiers, illness) atacar (disaster) assolar 3. (clock) bater on strike, em greve
to call a strike, convocar uma greve
to strike a match, acender um fsforo
to strike a balance (fig) encontrar um equilbrio
the clock struck nine, o relgio bateu nove horas strike back 1. (MIL) contra-
atacar 2. (fig) revidar VI strike down derrubar VT strike off 1. (from list) tirar,
cortar 2. (doctor) suspender VT strike out cancelar, rasurar VT strike up 1.
(MUS) comear a tocar 2. (conversation, friendship) travar VT
strikebreaker [strakbrek*]
N fura-greve M, F INV
striker [strak*]
N 1. grevista M, F 2. (SPORT) atacante M, F
striking [strak]
ADJ 1. impressionante 2. (colour) chamativo
string [str] (PT, PP strung )
N 1. (cord) barbante M (BR) cordel M (PT) 2. (of beads) cordo M 3. (of onions) rstia
4. (MUS) corda 5. (series) srie F 6. (of people, cars) fila (BR) bicha (PT) 7.
(COMPUT) string M VT to string out, esticar the strings (MUS) os instrumentos
de corda NPL to string together (words) unir (ideas) concatenar
to get a job by pulling strings (fig) usar pistolo
with no strings attached (fig) sem condies
string bean
N vagem F
stringed instrument [strd-]
N (MUS) instrumento de corda
stringent [strndnt]
ADJ rigoroso
string instrument
N (MUS) instrumento de corda
string quartet
N quarteto de cordas
strip [strp]
N 1. tira 2. (of land) faixa 3. (of metal) lmina, tira 4. (SPORT) cores FPL VT 1. despir 2.
(fig) to strip sb of sth, despojar algum de algo 3. strip down (machine)
desmontar VI despir-se
strip cartoon
N histria em quadrinhos (BR) banda desenhada (PT)
stripe [strap]
N 1. listra 2. (MIL) galo M
striped [strapt]
ADJ listrado, com listras
strip light (BRIT)
N lmpada fluorescente
strip lighting (BRIT)
N iluminao F fluorescente
stripper [strp*]
N artista M, F de striptease
striptease [strptiz]
N striptease M
strive [strav] (PT strove ), (PP striven )
VI to strive for sth/to do sth, esforar-se por or batalhar para algo/para fazer algo
striven [strvn]
PP (of strive)
strode [strud]
PT (of stride)
stroke [struk]
N 1. (blow) golpe M 2. (MED) derrame M cerebral 3. (caress) carcia 4. (of pen) trao
5. (of paintbrush) pincelada 6. (SWIMMING) (style) nado (movement) braada 7.
(of piston) curso VT acariciar, afagar at a stroke, de repente, de golpe
on the stroke of five, s cinco em ponto
a stroke of luck, um golpe de sorte
a two-stroke engine, um motor de dois tempos
stroll [strul]
N volta, passeio VI passear, dar uma volta to go for a stroll, dar uma volta
stroller [strul*] (US)
N carrinho (de criana)
strong [str]
ADJ 1. forte 2. (imagination) frtil 3. (personality) forte, dominante 4. (nerves) de ao 5.
(object, material) slido 6. (chemical) concentrado ADV to be going strong
(company) estar prosperando (person) estar com boa sade they are 50 strong,
so 50
ADJ (tactics, methods) repressivo, violento
strongbox [strbks]
N cofre-forte M
strong drink
N bebida alcolica
stronghold [strhuld]
N 1. fortaleza 2. (fig) baluarte M
strong language
N palavres MPL
strongly [strl]
ADV 1. (construct) firmemente 2. (push, defend) vigorosamente 3. (believe)
profundamente I feel strongly about it, tenho uma opinio firme sobre isso
strongman [strmn]
N IRREG homem M forte
strongroom [strrum]
N casa-forte F
strove [struv]
PT (of strive)
struck [strk]
PT PP (of strike)
structural [strktrl]
ADJ estrutural
structurally [strktrl]
ADV estruturalmente
structure [strkt*]
N 1. estrutura 2. (building) construo F
struggle [strl]
N luta, contenda VI 1. (fight) lutar 2. (try hard) batalhar to have a struggle to do sth,
ter que batalhar para fazer algo
strum [strm]
VT (guitar) dedilhar
strung [str]
PT PP (of string)
strut [strt]
N escora, suporte M VI pavonear-se, empertigar-se
strychnine [strknin]
N estricnina
stub [stb]
N 1. (of ticket etc) canhoto 2. (of cigarette) toco, ponta to stub ones toe, dar uma
topada stub out apagar VT
stubble [stbl]
N 1. restolho 2. (on chin) barba por fazer
stubborn [stbn]
ADJ teimoso, cabeudo, obstinado
stubby [stb]
ADJ atarracado
stucco [stku]
N estuque
stuck [stk]
PT PP (of stick) ADJ (jammed) emperrado to get stuck, emperrar
ADJ convencido, metido, esnobe
stud [std]
N 1. (shirt stud) boto M 2. (earring) tarraxa, rosca 3. (of boot) cravo 4. stud farm,
fazenda de cavalos 5. stud horse, garanho M VT (fig) studded with, salpicado de
student [stjudnt]
N estudante M, F ADJ estudantil law/medical student, estudante de direito/medicina
student driver (US)
N aprendiz M, F
students union (BRIT)
N 1. (association) unio F dos estudantes 2. (building) centro estudantil
studied [stdd]
ADJ estudado, calculado
studio [stjudu]
N 1. estdio 2. (sculptor's) ateli M
studio flat , studio apartment (US)
N (apartamento) conjugado
studious [stjuds]
ADJ 1. estudioso, aplicado 2. (careful) cuidadoso 3. (studied) calculado
studiously [stjudsl]
ADV (carefully) com esmero
study [std]
N 1. estudo 2. (room) sala de leitura or estudo VT 1. estudar 2. (examine) examinar,
investigar VI estudar studies (subjects) estudos MPL, matrias FPL NPL to make
a study of sth, estudar algo
to study for an exam, estudar para um exame
stuff [stf]
N 1. (substance) troo 2. (things) troos MPL, coisas FPL VT 1. encher 2. (CULIN)
rechear 3. (animals) empalhar 4. (inf: push) enfiar my nose is stuffed up, meu
nariz est entupido
get stuffed! (inf!) vai tomar banho!
stuffed toy, brinquedo de pelcia
stuffing [stf]
N recheio
stuffy [stf]
ADJ 1. (room) abafado, mal ventilado 2. (person) rabujento, melindroso
stumble [stmbl]
VI tropear to stumble across or on (fig) topar com
stumbling block [stmbl-]
N pedra no caminho
stump [stmp]
N 1. (of tree) toco 2. (of limb) coto VT to be stumped, ficar perplexo
stun [stn]
VT (subj) (blow) aturdir (news) pasmar
stung [st]
PT PP (of sting)
stunk [stk]
PP (of stink)
stunning [stn]
ADJ (fig) (news) atordoante (appearance) maravilhoso
stunt [stnt]
N 1. faanha sensacional 2. (AVIAT) vo acrobtico 3. (publicity stunt) truque M
publicitrio VT tolher
stunted [stntd]
ADJ atrofiado, retardado
stuntman [stntmn]
N IRREG dubl M
stupefaction [stjupfkn]
N estupefao F, assombro
stupefy [stjupfa]
VT deixar estupefato
stupendous [stjupnds]
ADJ monumental
stupid [stjupd]
ADJ estpido, idiota
stupidity [stjupdt]
N estupidez F
stupidly [stjupdl]
ADV estupidamente
stupor [stjup*]
N estupor M
sturdy [std]
ADJ 1. (person) robusto, firme 2. (thing) slido
sturgeon [stdn]
N INV esturjo M
stutter [stt*]
N gagueira, gaguez F VI gaguejar
sty [sta]
N (for pigs) chiqueiro
stye [sta]
N (MED) terol M
style [stal]
N 1. estilo 2. (elegance) elegncia 3. (allure) charme M in the latest style, na ltima
hair style, penteado
styli [stala]
NPL (of stylus)
stylus [stals] ( styli ), (PL styluses )
N (of record player) agulha
stylish [stal]
ADJ elegante, chique
stylist [stalst]
N 1. (hair stylist) cabeleireiro* (cabeleireira) 2. (literary) estilista M, F
stylized [stalazd]
ADJ estilizado
suave [swv]
ADJ suave, melfluo
sub [sb]
N ABBR submarine, subscription
sub... [sb]
PREFIX sub...
subcommittee [sbkmt]
N subcomisso F
subconscious [sbkns]
ADJ do subconsciente N subconsciente M
subcontinent [sbkntnnt]
N the (Indian) subcontinent, o subcontinente (da ndia)
N [sbkntrkt] subcontrato VT [sbkntrkt] subcontratar
subcontractor [sbkntrkt*]
N subempreiteiro* (subempreiteira)
subdivide [sbdvad]
VT subdividir
subdivision [sbdvn]
N subdiviso F
subdue [sbdju]
VT 1. subjugar 2. (passions) dominar
subdued [sbdjud]
ADJ 1. (light) tnue 2. (person) desanimado
subeditor [sbdt*] (BRIT)
N subeditor* M (F subeditora)
N [sbdkt] 1. (of king) sdito* (sdita) 2. (theme) assunto 3. (SCH) matria 4.
(LING) sujeito VT [sbdkt] to subject sb to sth, submeter algum a algo to be
subject to, estar sujeito a
subject to confirmation in writing, sujeito a confirmao por escrito
to change the subject, mudar de assunto
subjection [sbdkn]
N submisso F, dependncia
subjective [sbdktv]
ADJ subjetivo
subject matter
N 1. assunto 2. (content) contedo
sub judice [-djuds]
ADJ (LAW) sob apreciao judicial, sub judice
subjugate [sbduet]
VT subjugar, submeter
subjunctive [sbdktv]
ADJ N subjuntivo
sublet [sblt]
VT sublocar
sublime [sblam]
ADJ sublime
subliminal [sblmnl]
ADJ subliminar
submachine gun [sbmin-]
N metralhadora de mo
submarine [sbmrin]
N submarino
submerge [sbmd]
VT 1. submergir 2. (flood) inundar VI submergir-se
submersion [sbmn]
N submerso F, imerso F
submission [sbmn]
N 1. submisso F 2. (to committee) petio F 3. (of plan) apresentao F, exposio F
submissive [sbmsv]
ADJ submisso
submit [sbmt]
VT submeter VI submeter-se
subnormal [sbnml]
ADJ 1. anormal, subnormal 2. (temperature) abaixo do normal 3. (backward) atrasado
subordinate [sbdnt]
ADJ N subordinado* (subordinada)
subpoena [sbpin]
N (LAW) intimao F, citao F judicial VT intimar a comparecer judicialmente, citar
subroutine [sbrutin]
N (COMPUT) sub-rotina
subscribe [sbskrab]
VI subscrever to subscribe to (opinion) concordar com (fund) contribuir para
(newspaper) assinar
subscriber [sbskrab*]
N (to periodical, telephone) assinante M, F
subscript [sbskrpt]
N (TYP) subscrito
subscription [sbskrpn]
N 1. subscrio F 2. (to magazine etc) assinatura 3. (to club) cota, mensalidade F to
take out a subscription to, fazer uma assinatura de
subsequent [sbskwnt]
ADJ subseqente, posterior subsequent to, posterior a
subsequently [sbskwntl]
ADV posteriormente, depois
subside [sbsad]
VI 1. (feeling, wind) acalmar-se 2. (flood) baixar
subsidence [sbsadns]
N 1. baixa 2. (in road etc) afundamento da superfcie
subsidiary [sbsdr]
ADJ 1. secundrio 2. (BRIT SCH) (subject) suplementar N subsidiary company,
subsidize [sbsdaz]
VT subsidiar
subsidy [sbsd]
N subsdio
subsist [sbsst]
VI to subsist on sth, subsistir de algo
subsistence [sbsstns]
N 1. subsistncia 2. (allowance) subsdio, ajuda de custo
subsistence allowance
N diria
subsistence level
N nvel M de subsistncia
subsistence wage
N salrio de fome
substance [sbstns]
N 1. substncia 2. (fig) essncia a man of substance, um homem de recursos
to lack substance, no ter substncia
substandard [sbstndd]
ADJ 1. (goods) de qualidade inferior 2. (housing) inferior ao padro
substantial [sbstnl]
ADJ 1. (solid) slido 2. (reward, meal) substancial
substantially [sbstnl]
ADV 1. consideravelmente 2. (in essence) substancialmente
substantiate [sbstnet]
VT comprovar, justificar
substitute [sbsttjut]
N 1. substituto* (substituta) 2. (person) suplente M, F VT to substitute A for B,
substituir B por A
substitute teacher (US)
N professor* M suplente (F professora)
substitution [sbsttjun]
N substituio F
subterfuge [sbtfjud]
N subterfgio
subterranean [sbtrenn]
ADJ subterrneo
subtitle [sbtatl]
N (CINEMA) legenda
subtle [stl]
ADJ sutil
subtlety [stlt]
N sutileza
subtly [stl]
ADV sutilmente
subtotal [sbtutl]
N total M parcial, subtotal M
subtract [sbtrkt]
VT subtrair, deduzir
subtraction [sbtrkn]
N subtrao F
subtropical [sbtrpkl]
ADJ subtropical
suburb [sbb]
N subrbio
suburban [sbbn]
ADJ 1. suburbano 2. (train etc) de subrbio
suburbia [sbb]
N os subrbios
subvention [sbvnn]
N subveno F, subsdio
subversion [sbvn]
N subverso F
subversive [sbvsv]
ADJ subversivo
subway [sbwe]
N 1. (BRIT) passagem F subterrnea 2. (US) metr M (BR) metro(-politano) (PT)
ADJ abaixo de zero
succeed [sksid]
VI 1. (person) ser bem sucedido, ter xito 2. (plan) sair bem VT suceder a to
succeed in doing, conseguir fazer
succeeding [sksid]
ADJ (following) sucessivo, posterior
success [skss]
N 1. xito 2. (hit, person) sucesso 3. (gain) triunfo
successful [skssful]
ADJ 1. (venture) bem sucedido 2. (writer) de sucesso, bem sucedido to be
successful (in doing) conseguir (fazer)
successfully [skssful]
ADV com sucesso, com xito
succession [sksn]
N 1. (series) sucesso F, srie F 2. (to throne) sucesso 3. (descendants)
descendncia in succession, em sucesso
3 years in succession, trs anos consecutivos
successive [skssv]
ADJ sucessivo on 3 successive days, em 3 dias consecutivos
successor [skss*]
N sucessor* M (F sucessora)
succinct [skskt]
ADJ sucinto
succulent [skjulnt]
ADJ suculento N (BOT) succulents, suculentos MPL
succumb [skm]
VI sucumbir
such [st]
ADJ 1. tal, semelhante 2. (of that kind) (singular)
such a book, um livro parecido, tal livro (plural)
such books, tais livros 3. (so much) such courage, tanta coragem ADV to
such a long trip, uma viagem to longa
such good books, livros to bons
such a lot of, tanto
making such a noise that, fazendo tanto barulho que
such a long time ago, h tanto tempo atrs
such as (like) tal como
a noise such as to, um rudo tal que
such books as I have, os poucos livros que eu tenho
I said no such thing, eu no disse tal coisa
as such, como tal
until such time as, at que
ADJ tal e qual
suchlike [stlak] (inf)
PRON and suchlike, e coisas assim
suck [sk]
VT 1. chupar 2. (breast) mamar 3. (subj) (pump, machine) sugar
sucker [sk*]
N 1. (BOT) rebento 2. (ZOOL) ventosa 3. (inf) trouxa M, F, otrio* (otria)
suckle [skl]
VT amamentar
sucrose [sukruz]
N sucrose F
suction [skn]
N suco F
suction pump
N bomba de suco
Sudan [sudn]
N Sudo M
Sudanese [sudniz]
ADJ N INV sudans* M (F sudanesa)
sudden [sdn]
ADJ 1. (rapid) repentino, sbito 2. (unexpected) imprevisto all of a sudden, de
repente (unexpectedly) inesperadamente
suddenly [sdnl]
ADV 1. de repente 2. (unexpectedly) inesperadamente
suds [sdz]
NPL gua de sabo
sue [su]
VT processar VI to sue (for) processar (por) promover ao (por) to sue for
divorce, requerer divrcio
to sue sb for damages, intentar uma ao de perdas e danos contra algum
suede [swed]
N camura CPD de camura
suet [sut]
N sebo
Suez [suz]
N the Suez Canal, o Canal de Suez
Suff. (BRIT)
ABBR Suffolk
suffer [sf*]
VT 1. sofrer 2. (bear) agentar, suportar VI sofrer, padecer to suffer from (illness)
sofrer de, estar com
to suffer from the effects of alcohol, sofrer os efeitos do lcool
sufferance [sfrns]
N he was only there on sufferance, ele estava l por tolerncia
sufferer [sfr*]
N sofredor* M (F sofredora) a sufferer from (MED) uma pessoa que sofre de
suffering [sfr]
N 1. sofrimento 2. (pain) dor F
suffice [sfas]
VI bastar, ser suficiente
sufficient [sfnt]
ADJ suficiente, bastante
sufficiently [sfntl]
ADV suficientemente
suffix [sfks]
N sufixo
suffocate [sfket]
VT sufocar, asfixiar VI sufocar(-se) asfixiar(-se)
suffocation [sfken]
N 1. sufocao F 2. (MED) asfixia
suffrage [sfrd]
N 1. sufrgio 2. (vote) direito de voto
suffused [sfjuzd]
ADJ suffused with (light etc) banhado de
sugar [u*]
N acar M VT pr acar em, aucarar
sugar beet
N beterraba (sacarina)
sugar bowl
N aucareiro
sugar cane
N cana-de-acar F
sugar-coated [-kutd]
ADJ cristalizado
sugar lump
N torro M de acar
sugar refinery
N refinaria de acar
sugary [ur]
ADJ aucarado
suggest [sdst]
VT 1. sugerir 2. (indicate) indicar 3. (advise) aconselhar what do you suggest I do?
o que voc sugere que eu faa?
suggestion [sdstn]
N 1. sugesto F 2. (indication) indicao F
suggestive [sdstv]
ADJ 1. sugestivo 2. (pej) indecente
suicidal [susadl]
ADJ suicida
suicide [susad]
N 1. suicdio 2. (person) suicida M, F commit
suicide attack
N ataque M suicida, atentado suicida
suicide attempt
N tentativa de suicdio
suicide bid
N tentativa de suicdio
suicide bomber
N bombardeio suicida
suit [sut]
N 1. (man's) terno (BR) fato (PT) 2. (woman's) conjunto 3. (LAW) processo 4.
(CARDS) naipe M VT 1. (gen) convir a 2. (clothes) ficar bem a 3. (adapt) to suit sth
to, adaptar or acomodar algo a to be suited to sth, ser apto para algo
they are well suited, fazem um bom par
to bring a suit against sb, mover um processo contra algum
to follow suit (fig) seguir o exemplo
suitable [sutbl]
ADJ 1. conveniente 2. (appropriate) apropriado would tomorrow be suitable?
amanh lhe convm?
suitably [sutbl]
ADV 1. (dressed) apropriadamente 2. (impressed) bem
suitcase [sutkes]
N mala
suite [swit]
N 1. (of rooms) conjunto de salas 2. (MUS) suite F 3. (furniture) bedroom/dining
room suite, conjunto de quarto/de sala de jantar a three-piece suite, um
conjunto estofado (sof e duas poltronas)
suitor [sut*]
N pretendente M
sulfate [slfet] (US)
N sulphate
sulfur [slf*] (US)
sulphur [slf*] sulfur (US)
N enxofre M
sulk [slk]
VI ficar emburrado, fazer beicinho or biquinho (inf)
sulky [slk]
ADJ emburrado
sullen [sln]
ADJ 1. rabugento 2. (silence) pesado
sulphate [slfet] sulfate (US)
N sulfato copper sulphate
sulphuric [slfjurk] sulfuric (US)
ADJ sulphuric acid, cido sulfrico
sultan [sltn]
N sulto M
sultana [sltn]
N (CULIN) passa branca
sultry [sltr]
ADJ 1. (weather) abafado, mormacento 2. (seductive) sedutor* (sedutora)
sum [sm]
N 1. soma 2. (calculation) clculo sum up 1. sumariar, fazer um resumo de 2.
(describe) resumir 3. (evaluate) avaliar 4. resumir VT
Sumatra [sumtr]
N Sumatra
summarize [smraz]
VT resumir
summary [smr]
N resumo ADJ (justice) sumrio
summer [sm*]
N vero M ADJ de vero in (the) summer, no vero
summer camp (US)
N colnia de frias
summerhouse [smhaus]
N (in garden) pavilho M
summertime [smtam]
N (season) vero M
summer time
N (by clock) horrio de vero
summery [smr]
ADJ estival, de vero
summing-up [sm-]
N resumo, recapitulao F
summit [smt]
N 1. topo, cume M 2. summit conference, (conferncia de) cpula
summon [smn]
VT 1. (person) mandar chamar 2. (meeting) convocar 3. (LAW) (witness) convocar
summon up concentrar VT
summons [smnz]
N 1. (JUR) citao F, intimao F 2. (fig) chamada VT citar, intimar to serve a
summons on sb, entregar uma citao a algum
sump [smp] (BRIT)
N (AUT) crter M
sumptuous [smptjus]
ADJ suntuoso
ABBR Sunday, dom
sun [sn]
N sol M in the sun, ao sol
everything under the sun, cada coisa
sunbathe [snbe]
VI tomar sol
sunbeam [snbim]
N raio de sol
sunbed [snbd]
N 1. espreguiadeira 2. (with sunlamp) cama para bronzeamento artificial
sunblock [snblblk]
N bloqueador M solar
sunburn [snbn]
N queimadura do sol
sunburned [snbnd]
ADJ sunburnt
sunburnt [snbnt]
ADJ 1. bronzeado 2. (painfully) queimado
sun cream
N creme M solar
sundae [snde]
N sorvete M BR or gelado PT com frutas e nozes
Sunday [snd]
N domingo Tuesday
Sunday school
N escola dominical
sundial [sndal]
N relgio de sol
sundown [sndaun]
N pr M do sol
sundries [sndrz]
NPL gneros MPL diversos
sundry [sndr]
ADJ vrios, diversos all and sundry, todos
sunflower [snflau*]
N girassol M
sung [s]
PP (of sing)
sunglasses [snlsz]
NPL culos MPL de sol
sunk [sk]
PP (of sink)
sunken [skn]
ADJ 1. (ship) afundado 2. (eyes, cheeks) cavado 3. (bath) enterrado
sunlamp [snlmp]
N lmpada ultravioleta
sunlight [snlat]
N (luz F do) sol M
sunlit [snlt]
ADJ ensolarado, iluminado pelo sol
sunny [sn]
ADJ 1. cheio de sol 2. (day) ensolarado, de sol 3. (fig) alegre its sunny, faz sol
sunrise [snraz]
N nascer M do sol
sun roof
N (AUT) teto solar
sunscreen [snskrin]
N protetor M solar
sunset [snst]
N pr M do sol
sunshade [sned]
N 1. (over table) pra-sol M 2. (on beach) barraca
sunshine [snan]
N (luz F do) sol M
sunspot [snspt]
N mancha solar
sunstroke [snstruk]
N insolao F
suntan [sntn]
N bronzeado
suntan lotion
N loo F de bronzear
suntanned [sntnd]
ADJ bronzeado, moreno
suntan oil
N leo de bronzear, bronzeador M
suntrap [sntrp]
N lugar M muito ensolarado
super [sup*] (inf)
ADJ bacana (BR) muito giro (PT)
superannuation [suprnjuen]
N penso F de aposentadoria
superb [supb]
ADJ excelente
supercilious [supsls]
ADJ 1. (disdainful) arrogante, desdenhoso 2. (haughty) altivo
superficial [supfl]
ADJ superficial
superficially [supfl]
ADV superficialmente
superfluous [supflus]
ADJ suprfluo, desnecessrio
superhuman [suphjumn]
ADJ sobre-humano
superimpose [suprmpuz]
VT to superimpose (on/with) sobrepor (a)
superintend [suprntnd]
VT superintender, dirigir
superintendent [suprntndnt]
N 1. superintendente M, F 2. (POLICE) chefe M, F de polcia
superior [supr*]
ADJ 1. superior 2. (smug) desdenhoso N superior M Mother Superior (REL) Madre
superiority [suprrt]
N superioridade F
superlative [supltv]
ADJ superlativo N superlativo
superman [supmn]
N IRREG super-homem M
supermarket [supmkt]
N supermercado
supernatural [supntrl]
ADJ sobrenatural N the supernatural, o sobrenatural
superpower [suppau*]
N (POL) superpotncia
supersede [supsid]
VT suplantar
supersonic [supsnk]
ADJ supersnico
superstar [supsta*]
N superstar M, F
superstition [supstn]
N superstio F
superstitious [supsts]
ADJ supersticioso
superstore [supst*] (BRIT)
N hipermercado
supertanker [suptk*]
N superpetroleiro
supertax [suptks]
N sobretaxa
supervise [supvaz]
VT supervisar, supervisionar
supervision [supvn]
N superviso F under medical supervision, a critrio mdico
supervisor [supvaz*]
N 1. supervisor* M (F supervisora) 2. (academic) orientador* M (F orientadora)
supervisory [supvazr]
ADJ fiscalizador* (fiscalizadora)
supine [supan]
ADJ em supinao
supper [sp*]
N 1. jantar M 2. (late evening) ceia to have supper, jantar
supplant [splnt]
VT suplantar
supple [spl]
ADJ flexvel
N [splmnt] suplemento VT [splmnt] suprir, completar
supplementary [splmntr]
ADJ suplementar
supplementary benefit (BRIT)
N auxlio suplementar pago aos de renda baixa
supplier [spla*]
N 1. abastecedor* M (F abastecedora) fornecedor* M (F fornecedora) 2. (stockist)
distribuidor* M (F distribuidora)
supply [spla]
VT 1. (provide) to supply sth (to sb) fornecer algo (por algum) 2. (need) suprir a 3.
(equip) to supply (with) suprir (de) N 1. fornecimento, proviso F 2. (stock) estoque
M 3. (supplying) abastecimento ADJ (teacher etc) suplente supplies 1. (food)
vveres MPL 2. (MIL) apetrechos MPL NPL office supplies, material M de escritrio
to be in short supply, estar escasso
the electricity/water/gas supply, o abastecimento de fora/gua/gs
supply and demand, oferta e procura
supply teacher (BRIT)
N professor* M suplente (F professora)
support [spt]
N 1. (moral, financial etc) apoio 2. (TECH) suporte M VT 1. apoiar 2. (financially)
manter 3. (TECH) (hold up) sustentar 4. (theory etc) defender 5. (SPORT) (team)
torcer por to support o.s. (financially) ganhar a vida
supporter [spt*]
N 1. (POL etc) partidrio* (partidria) 2. (SPORT) torcedor* M (F torcedora)
supporting [spt]
ADJ (THEATRE etc) (role) secundrio (actor) coadjuvante
suppose [spuz]
VT 1. supor 2. (imagine) imaginar 3. (duty) to be supposed to do sth, dever fazer
algo VI 1. supor 2. imaginar hes supposed to be an expert, dizem que ele um
I dont suppose shell come, eu acho que ela no vir
supposedly [spuzdl]
ADV supostamente, pretensamente
supposing [spuz]
CONJ caso, supondo-se que always supposing he comes, caso ele venha
supposition [spzn]
N suposio F
suppository [spztr]
N supositrio
suppress [sprs]
VT 1. (information) suprimir 2. (feelings, revolt) reprimir 3. (yawn) conter 4. (scandal)
abafar, encobrir
suppression [sprn]
N 1. (information) supresso F 2. (feelings, revolt) represso F 3. (yawn) controle M 4.
(scandal) abafamento
suppressor [sprs*]
N (ELEC etc) supressor M
supremacy [suprms]
N supremacia
supreme [suprim]
ADJ supremo
Supreme Court (US)
N Corte F Suprema
ABBR (POLICE) superintendent
surcharge [std]
N sobretaxa
sure [u*]
ADJ 1. (gen) seguro 2. (definite) certo 3. (aim) certeiro ADV (inf esp US) that sure is
pretty, bonito mesmo to make sure of sth/that, assegurar-se de algo/que
sure! (of course) claro que sim!
sure enough, efetivamente
Im not sure how/why/when, no tenho certeza como/por que/quando
to be sure of sth, ter certeza de alguma coisa
to be sure of o.s. estar seguro de si
sure-footed [-futd]
ADJ de andar seguro
surely [ul]
ADV sure (certainly US) certamente surely you dont mean that! no acredito que
voc queira dizer isso
surety [urt]
N 1. garantia, fiana 2. (person) fiador* M (F fiadora) to go or stand surety for sb,
afianar algum, prestar fiana por algum
surf [sf]
N 1. (foam) espuma 2. (waves) ondas FPL, arrebentao F VI fazer surfe, pegar onda
surface [sfs]
N superfcie F VT (road) revestir VI 1. vir superfcie or tona 2. (fig) (news, feeling) vir
tona on the surface (fig) primeira vista
surface area
N rea da superfcie
surface mail
N correio comum
surfboard [sfbd]
N prancha de surfe
surfeit [sft]
N a surfeit of, um excesso de
surfer [sf*]
N 1. surfista M, F 2. (on the Internet) internauta M, F
surfing [sf]
N surfe M to go surfing, fazer surfe, pegar onda (inf)
surge [sd]
N 1. onda 2. (ELEC) surto VI 1. (sea) encapelar-se 2. (people, vehicles) precipitar-se
3. (feeling) aumentar repentinamente to surge forward, avanar em tropel
surgeon [sdn]
N cirurgio* M (F cirurgi)
Surgeon General (US)
N diretor* M nacional de sade (F diretora)
surgery [sdr]
N 1. cirurgia 2. (BRIT: room) consultrio 3. surgery hours, horas FPL de consulta to
undergo surgery, operar-se
surgical [sdkl]
ADJ cirrgico
surgical spirit (BRIT)
N lcool M
surly [sl]
ADJ malcriado, rude
surmise [smaz]
VT conjeturar
surmount [smaunt]
VT superar, sobrepujar, vencer
surname [snem]
N sobrenome M (BR) apelido (PT)
surpass [sps]
VT superar
surplus [spls]
N 1. excedente M 2. (COMM) supervit M ADJ excedente, de sobra surplus to my
requirements, que me sobram
surplus stock, estoque M excedente
surprise [spraz]
N 1. surpresa 2. (astonishment) assombro VT surpreender to take by surprise
(person) pegar de surpresa (MIL) (town, fort) atacar de surpresa
surprising [spraz]
ADJ 1. surpreendente 2. (unexpected) inesperado
surprisingly [sprazl]
ADV (easy, helpful) surpreendentemente (somewhat) surprisingly, he agreed,
para surpresa de todos, ele concordou
surrealism [srlzm]
N surrealismo
surrealist [srlst]
ADJ N surrealista M, F
surrender [srnd*]
N rendio F, entrega VI render-se, entregar-se VT (claim, right) renunciar a
surrender value
N valor M de resgate
surreptitious [srpts]
ADJ clandestino, furtivo
surrogate [srt]
N (BRIT: substitute) substituto* (substituta) ADJ substituto
surrogate mother
N me F portadora
surround [sraund]
VT 1. circundar, rodear 2. (MIL etc) cercar
surrounding [sraund]
ADJ circundante, adjacente
surroundings [sraundz]
NPL arredores MPL, cercanias FPL
surtax [stks]
N sobretaxa
surveillance [svelns]
N vigilncia
N [sve] 1. (inspection) inspeo F, vistoria 2. (investigation) (of habits etc) pesquisa,
levantamento 3. (of house) inspeo F 4. (of land) levantamento VT [sve] 1.
inspecionar, vistoriar 2. (look at) observar, contemplar 3. (land) fazer um
levantamento de 4. (make inquiries about) pesquisar, fazer um levantamento de
surveying [sve]
N agrimensura
surveyor [sve*]
N 1. (of land) agrimensor* M (F agrimensora) 2. (of building) inspetor* M (F inspetora)
survival [svavl]
N 1. sobrevivncia 2. (relic) remanescente M CPD (course, kit) de sobrevivncia
survive [svav]
VI 1. sobreviver 2. (custom etc) perdurar VT sobreviver a
survivor [svav*]
N sobrevivente M, F
susceptible [ssptbl]
ADJ susceptible (to) (heat, injury) suscetvel or sensvel (a) (flattery, pressure)
vulnervel (a)
ADJ [sspkt] N suspeito* (suspeita) VT [sspkt] suspeitar, desconfiar
suspend [sspnd]
VT suspender
suspended sentence [sspndd-]
N condenao F condicional
suspender belt [sspnd*-]
N cinta-liga
suspenders [sspndz]
NPL 1. (BRIT) ligas FPL 2. (US) suspensrios MPL
suspense [sspns]
N 1. incerteza, ansiedade F 2. (in film etc) suspense M to keep sb in suspense,
manter algum em suspense or na expectativa
suspense account
N conta provisria
suspension [sspnn]
N 1. (gen, AUT) suspenso F 2. (of driving licence) cassao F
suspension bridge
N ponte F pnsil
suspicion [sspn]
N 1. suspeita 2. (trace) trao, vestgio to be under suspicion, estar sob suspeita
arrested on suspicion of murder, preso sob suspeita de homicdio
suspicious [ssps]
ADJ 1. (suspecting) suspeitoso 2. (causing suspicion) suspeito to be suspicious of
or about sb/sth, desconfiar de algum/algo
suss out [ss-] (BRIT inf)
VT 1. (discover) descobrir 2. (understand) sacar
sustain [ssten]
VT 1. sustentar, manter 2. (subj) (food, drink) sustenar 3. (suffer) sofrer
sustained [sstend]
ADJ (effort) contnuo
sustenance [sstnns]
N sustento
suture [sut*]
N sutura
N ABBR sports utility vehicle, SUV M
ABBR short wave, OC
swab [swb]
N (MED) mecha de algodo VT swab down (NAUT) lambazar
swagger [sw*]
VI andar com ar de superioridade
swallow [swlu]
N 1. (bird) andorinha 2. (of food etc) bocado 3. (of drink) trago VT 1. engolir, tragar 2.
(fig) (story) engolir 3. (pride) pr de lado 4. (one's words) retirar swallow up
(savings etc) consumir VT
swam [swm]
PT (of swim)
swim [swm] (PT swam ), (PP swum )
N to go for a swim, ir nadar VI 1. nadar 2. (head, room) rodar 3. (fig) my head/the
room is swimming, estou com a cabea zonza/sinto o quarto rodar VT 1.
atravessar a nado 2. (distance) percorrer (a nado) to go swimming, ir nadar
to swim a length, nadar uma volta
swamp [swmp]
N pntano, brejo VT 1. atolar, inundar 2. (fig) (person) assoberbar
swampy [swmp]
ADJ pantanoso
swan [swn]
N cisne M
swank [swk] (inf)
VI esnobar
swan song
N (fig) canto do cisne
swap [swp]
N troca, permuta VT to swap (for) trocar (por) (replace (with)) substituir (por)
swarm [swm]
N 1. (of bees) enxame M 2. (of people) multido F VI 1. enxamear 2. aglomerar-se 3.
(place) to be swarming with, estar apinhado de
swarthy [sw]
ADJ moreno
swashbuckling [swbkl]
ADJ (film) de capa e espada
swastika [swstk]
N sustica
swat [swt]
VT esmagar N fly swat (BRIT) p F para matar mosca
swathe [swe]
VT to swathe in (bandages, blankets) enfaixar em, envolver em
swatter [swt*]
N fly swatter, p F para matar mosca
sway [swe]
VI balanar-se, oscilar VT (influence) influenciar N (rule, power) domnio (sobre) to
hold sway over sb, dominar algum
Swaziland [swzlnd]
N Suazilndia
swear [sw*] (PT swore ), (PP sworn )
VI 1. (by oath) jurar 2. (curse) xingar VT (promise) jurar to swear an oath, prestar
to swear to sth, afirmar algo sob juramento swear in 1. (witness) ajuramentar
2. (president) empossar VT
swearword [swwd]
N palavro M
sweat [swt]
N suor M VI suar
sweatband [swtbnd]
N (SPORT) tira elstica (para o cabelo)
sweater [swt*]
N suter M, F (BR) camisola (PT)
sweatshirt [swtt]
N suter M de malha de algodo
sweatshop [swtp]
N oficina onde os trabalhadores so explorados
sweaty [swt]
ADJ suado
Swede [swid]
N sueco* (sueca)
swede [swid]
N tipo de nabo
Sweden [swidn]
N Sucia
Swedish [swid]
ADJ sueco N (LING) sueco
sweep [swip] (PT, PP swept )
N 1. (act) varredura 2. (of arm) movimento circular 3. (range) extenso F, alcance M 4.
chimney sweep, limpador M de chamins VT 1. varrer 2. (with arm) empurrar 3.
(subj) (current) arrastar (fashion, craze) espalhar-se por (disease) arrasar VI 1.
varrer 2. (person) passar majestosamente sweep away 1. varrer 2. (rub out)
apagar VT sweep past 1. passar rapidamente 2. (brush by) roar VI sweep up
varrer VT
sweeping [swip]
ADJ 1. (gesture) dramtico 2. (reform) radical 3. (statement) generalizado
sweepstake [swipstek]
N sweepstake M
sweet [swit]
N 1. (candy) bala (BR) rebuado (PT) 2. (BRIT: pudding) sobremesa ADJ 1. doce 2.
(sugary) aucarado 3. (fig) (air) fresco (water, smell) doce (sound) suave (kind)
meigo 4. (baby, kitten) bonitinho ADV to smell sweet, ter bom cheiro to taste
sweet, estar doce
sweet and sour, agridoce
sweetbread [switbrd]
N moleja
sweetcorn [switkn]
N milho
sweeten [switn]
VT 1. pr acar em 2. (temper) abrandar
sweetener [switn*]
N (CULIN) adoante M
sweetheart [switht]
N 1. namorado* (namorada) 2. (as address) amor M
sweetly [switl]
ADV 1. docemente 2. (gently) suavemente
sweetness [switns]
N doura
sweet pea
N ervilha-de-cheiro F
sweet potato
N IRREG batata doce
sweetshop [switp]
N confeitaria
swell [swl] (PT swelled ), ( swollen ), (PP swelled )
N (of sea) vaga, onda ADJ (US inf: excellent) bacana VT engrossar VI 1. (increase)
aumentar 2. (get stronger) intensificar-se 3. swell up, inchar(-se)
swelling [swl]
N (MED) inchao F
sweltering [swltr]
ADJ 1. (heat) sufocante 2. (day) mormacento
swept [swpt]
PT PP (of sweep)
swerve [swv]
VI desviar-se
swift [swft]
N (bird) andorinho M ADJ rpido
swiftly [swftl]
ADV rapidamente, velozmente
swiftness [swftns]
N rapidez F, ligeireza
swig [sw] (inf)
N (drink) trago, gole M
swill [swl]
N lavagem F VT swill out, swill down, lavar, limpar com gua
swim [swm] (PT swam ), (PP swum )
N to go for a swim, ir nadar VI 1. nadar 2. (head, room) rodar 3. (fig) my head/the
room is swimming, estou com a cabea zonza/sinto o quarto rodar VT 1.
atravessar a nado 2. (distance) percorrer (a nado) to go swimming, ir nadar
to swim a length, nadar uma volta
swimmer [swm*]
N nadador* M (F nadadora)
swimming [swm]
N natao F
swimming baths (BRIT)
NPL piscina
swimming cap
N touca de natao
swimming costume (BRIT)
N 1. (woman's) mai M (BR) fato de banho (PT) 2. (man's) calo M de banho (BR)
cales MPL de banho (PT)
swimming pool
N piscina
swimming trunks
NPL sunga (BR) cales MPL de banho (PT)
swimsuit [swmsut]
N mai M (BR) fato de banho (PT)
swindle [swndl]
N fraude F VT defraudar
swindler [swndl*]
N vigarista M, F
swine [swan]
N 1. porcos MPL 2. (inf!) canalha M, calhorda M
swing [sw] (PT, PP swung )
N 1. (in playground) balano 2. (movement) balanceio, oscilao F 3. (change) (in
opinion) mudana (of direction) virada 4. (rhythm) ritmo VT 1. balanar 2. swing
round, girar, rodar VI 1. oscilar 2. (on swing) balanar 3. swing round, voltar-se
bruscamente a swing to the left (POL) uma guinada para a esquerda
to be in full swing, estar a todo vapor
to get into the swing of things, familiarizar-se com tudo
the road swings south, a estrada vira em direo ao sul
swing bridge
N ponte F giratria
swing door , swinging door (US)
N porta de vaivm
swingeing [swnd] (BRIT)
ADJ 1. esmagador* (esmagadora) 2. (cuts) devastador* (devastadora)
swinging [sw]
ADJ 1. rtmico 2. (person) badalativo
swipe [swap]
N pancada violenta VT 1. (hit) bater com violncia 2. (inf: steal) afanar, roubar
swirl [swl]
VI redemoinhar N redemoinho
swish [sw]
ADJ (BRIT inf: smart) chique N 1. (of whip) silvo 2. (of skirt, grass) ruge-ruge M VI 1.
(tail) abanar 2. (clothes) fazer ruge-ruge
Swiss [sws]
ADJ N INV suio* (suia)
Swiss roll
N bolo de rolo, rocambole M doce
switch [swt]
N 1. (for light, radio etc) interruptor M 2. (change) mudana VT (change) trocar
switch off 1. apagar 2. (engine) desligar 3. (BRIT: gas, water) fechar VT switch
on 1. acender 2. ligar 3. abrir VT
switchback [swtbk] (BRIT)
N montanha-russa
switchblade [swtbled]
N switchblade knife, canivete M de mola
switchboard [swtbd]
N (TEL) mesa telefnica
switchboard operator
N (TEL) telefonista M, F
Switzerland [swtslnd]
N Suia
swivel [swvl]
VI swivel round, girar (sobre um eixo) fazer pio
swollen [swuln]
PP (of swell) ADJ inchado
swell [swl] (PT swelled ), ( swollen ), (PP swelled )
N (of sea) vaga, onda ADJ (US inf: excellent) bacana VT engrossar VI 1. (increase)
aumentar 2. (get stronger) intensificar-se 3. swell up, inchar(-se)
swoon [swun]
VI desmaiar
swoop [swup]
N 1. (by police etc) batida 2. (of bird) vo picado VI swoop down, precipitar-se, cair
swop [swp]
N VT swap
sword [sd]
N espada
swordfish [sdf]
N INV peixe-espada M
swore [sw*]
PT (of swear)
sworn [swn]
PP (of swear) ADJ 1. (statement) sob juramento 2. (enemy) declarado
swot [swt]
VI queimar as pestanas
swum [swm]
PP (of swim)
swim [swm] (PT swam ), (PP swum )
N to go for a swim, ir nadar VI 1. nadar 2. (head, room) rodar 3. (fig) my head/the
room is swimming, estou com a cabea zonza/sinto o quarto rodar VT 1.
atravessar a nado 2. (distance) percorrer (a nado) to go swimming, ir nadar
to swim a length, nadar uma volta
swung [sw]
PT PP (of swing)
sycamore [skm*]
N sicmoro
sycophant [skfnt]
N bajulador* M (F bajuladora)
sycophantic [skfntk]
ADJ 1. (person) bajulador* (bajuladora) 2. (behaviour) bajulatrio
Sydney [sdn]
N Sydney
syllable [slbl]
N slaba
syllabus [slbs]
N programa M de estudos on the syllabus, no roteiro
symbol [smbl]
N smbolo
symbolic [smblk] symbolical, smblkl
ADJ simblico
symbolism [smblzm]
N simbolismo
symbolize [smblaz]
VT simbolizar
symmetrical [smtrkl]
ADJ simtrico
symmetry [smtr]
N simetria
sympathetic [smptk]
ADJ 1. (showing pity) compassivo 2. (understanding) compreensivo 3. (likeable)
agradvel 4. (supportive) sympathetic to(wards) solidrio com
sympathetically [smptkl]
ADV 1. (with pity) com compaixo 2. (understandingly) compreensivamente
sympathize [smpaz]
VI to sympathize with (person) compadecer-se de (sb's feelings) compreender
(cause) simpatizar com
sympathizer [smpaz*]
N (POL) simpatizante M, F
sympathy [smp]
N (pity) compaixo F sympathies (tendencies) simpatia NPL in sympathy with,
em acordo com (strike) em solidariedade com
with our deepest sympathy, com nossos mais profundos psames
symphonic [smfnk]
ADJ sinfnico
symphony [smfn]
N sinfonia
symphony orchestra
N orquestra sinfnica
symposia [smpuz]
NPL (of symposium)
symposium [smpuzm] ( symposiums ), (PL symposia )
N simpsio
symptom [smptm]
N 1. sintoma M 2. (sign) indcio
symptomatic [smptmtk]
ADJ sintomtico
synagogue [sn]
N sinagoga
synchromesh [skrum]
N (AUT) engrenagem F sincronizada
synchronize [skrnaz]
VT sincronizar VI to synchronize with, sincronizar-se com
syncopated [skpetd]
ADJ sincopado
syndicate [sndkt]
N 1. sindicato 2. (of newspapers) cadeia
syndrome [sndrum]
N sndrome F
synonym [snnm]
N sinnimo
synonymous [snnms]
ADJ synonymous (with) sinnimo (de)
synopses [snpsiz]
NPL (of synopsis)
synopsis [snpss] (PL synopses )
N sinopse F, resumo
syntax [sntks]
N sintaxe F
syntheses [snsiz]
NPL (of synthesis)
synthesis [snss] (PL syntheses )
N sntese F
synthesizer [snsaz*]
N (MUS) sintetizador M
synthetic [sntk]
ADJ sinttico N synthetics, matrias FPL sintticas
syphilis [sfls]
N sfilis F
syphon [safn]
Syria [sr]
N Sria
Syrian [srn]
ADJ N srio* (sria)
syringe [srnd]
N seringa
syrup [srp]
N 1. xarope M 2. golden syrup (BRIT) melao
syrupy [srp]
ADJ xaroposo
system [sstm]
N 1. sistema M 2. (method) mtodo 3. (ANAT) organismo
systematic [sstmtk]
ADJ sistemtico
system disk
N (COMPUT) disco do sistema
systems analyst
N analista M, F de sistemas

T , t [ti]
N (letter) T, t M T for Tommy, T de Tereza
N ABBR Territorial Army
ta [t] (BRIT inf)
EXCL obrigado* (obrigada)
tab [tb]
N ABBR tabulator N 1. lingeta, aba 2. (label) etiqueta to keep tabs on (fig) vigiar
tabby [tb]
N tabby cat, gato malhado or listrado
table [tebl]
N 1. mesa 2. (of statistics etc) quadro, tabela VT (motion etc) apresentar to lay or
set the table, pr a mesa
to clear the table, tirar a mesa
league table (BRIT FOOTBALL) classificao F dos times
table of contents, ndice M, sumrio
tablecloth [teblkl]
N toalha de mesa
table dhte [tbldut]
N refeio F comercial
table lamp
N abajur M (BR) candeeiro (PT)
tableland [tebllnd]
N planalto
table mat
N descanso
table salt
N sal M fino
tablespoon [teblspun]
N 1. colher F de sopa 2. tablespoonful (as measurement) colherada
tablet [tblt]
N 1. (MED) comprimido (for sucking) pastilha 2. (for writing) bloco 3. (of stone) lpide
F tablet of soap BRIT (BRIT) sabonete M
table tennis
N pingue-pongue M, tnis M de mesa
table wine
N vinho de mesa
tabloid [tbld]
N (newspaper) tablide M the tabloids, os jornais populares
tabloid press
taboo [tbu]
N tabu M ADJ tabu
tabulate [tbjulet]
VT (data, figures) dispor em forma de tabela
tabulator [tbjulet*]
N tabulador M
tachograph [tkrf]
N tacgrafo
tachometer [tkmt*]
N tacmetro
tacit [tst]
ADJ tcito, implcito
taciturn [tstn]
ADJ taciturno
tack [tk]
N 1. (nail) tachinha, percevejo 2. (BRIT: stitch) alinhavo 3. (NAUT) amura VT 1.
prender com tachinha 2. alinhavar VI virar de bordo to change tack, virar de
bordo (fig) mudar de ttica
to tack sth on to (the end of) sth, anexar algo a algo
tackle [tkl]
N 1. (gear) equipamento 2. fishing tackle, apetrechos MPL 3. (for lifting) guincho 4.
(FOOTBALL) ato de tirar a bola de adversrio VT 1. (difficulty) atacar 2. (challenge)
(person) desafiar 3. (grapple with) atracar-se com 4. (FOOTBALL) tirar a bola de
tacky [tk]
ADJ 1. pegajoso, grudento 2. (inf: tasteless) cafona
tact [tkt]
N tato, diplomacia
tactful [tktful]
ADJ diplomtico to be tactful, ser diplomata
tactfully [tktful]
ADV discretamente, com tato
tactical [tktkl]
ADJ ttico
tactics [tktks]
N NPL ttica
tactless [tktls]
ADJ sem diplomacia
tactlessly [tktlsl]
ADV indiscretamente
tadpole [tdpul]
N girino
taffy [tf] (US)
N puxa-puxa M (BR) caramelo (PT)
tag [t]
N (label) etiqueta price/name tag, etiqueta de preo/com o nome tag along
seguir VI
Tahiti [thit]
N Taiti (no article)
tail [tel]
N 1. rabo 2. (of bird, comet, plane) cauda 3. (of shirt, coat) aba VT (follow) seguir bem
de perto to turn tail, dar no p head tail away (in size, quality etc) diminuir
gradualmente VI tail off (in size, quality etc) diminuir gradualmente VI
tailback [telbk] (BRIT)
N fila (de carros)
tail coat
N fraque M
tail end
N 1. (of train) cauda 2. (of procession) parte F final
tailgate [telet]
N (AUT) porta traseira
tailor [tel*]
N alfaiate M VT to tailor sth (to) adaptar algo (a) tailors (shop) alfaiataria
tailoring [telr]
N 1. (cut) feitio 2. (craft) oficio de alfaiate
ADJ 1. feito sob medida 2. (fig) especial
tailwind [telwnd]
N vento de popa or de cauda
taint [tent]
VT 1. (meat, food) estragar 2. (fig) (reputation) manchar
tainted [tentd]
ADJ 1. (food) estragado, passado 2. (water, air) poludo 3. (fig) manchado
Taiwan [tawn]
N Taiuan (no article)
take [tek] (PT took ), (PP taken )
VT 1. (gen) tomar 2. (photo, holiday) tirar 3. (grab) pegar (em) 4. (gain) (prize) ganhar
5. (require) (effort, courage) requerer, exigir 6. (tolerate) agentar 7. (accompany,
bring, carry) (person) acompanhar, trazer (thing) trazer, carregar 8. (exam) fazer 9.
(hold) (passengers etc)
it takes 50 people, cabem 50 pessoas VI (dye, fire) pegar N (CINEMA) tomada
to take sth from (drawer etc) tirar algo de (person) pegar algo de
I take it that ... suponho que ...
I took him for a doctor, eu o tomei por mdico
to take sbs hand, pegar a mo de algum
to take for a walk, levar a passeio
to be taken ill, adoecer, ficar doente
to take it upon o.s. to do sth, assumir a responsabilidade de fazer algo
take the first (street) on the left, pega a primeira (rua) esquerda
it wont take long, no vai demorar muito
I was quite taken with it/her, gostei muito daquilo/dela take after parecer-se
com VT take apart desmontar VT take away 1. (extract) tirar 2. (carry off) levar
3. (subtract) subtrair 4. to take away from, diminuir VT take back 1. (return)
devolver 2. (one's words) retirar VT take down 1. (building) demolir 2. (dismantle)
desmontar 3. (letter etc) tomar por escrito VT take in 1. (deceive) enganar 2.
(understand) compreender 3. (include) abranger 4. (lodger) receber 5. (orphan,
stray dog) acolher 6. (dress etc) apertar VT take off 1. (AVIAT) decolar 2. (go
away) ir-se 3. (remove) tirar 4. (imitate) imitar VI take on 1. (work) empreender 2.
(employee) empregar 3. (opponent) desafiar VT take out 1. tirar 2. (extract)
extrair 3. (invite) acompanhar 4. (licence) tirar VT to take sth out of, tirar algo de
dont take it out on me! no descarregue em cima de mim! take over 1.
(business) assumir 2. (country) tomar posse de 3. to take over from sb, suceder a
algum VT take to 1. (person) simpatizar com 2. (activity) afeioar-se a VT to
take to doing sth, criar o hbito de fazer algo take up 1. (dress) encurtar 2.
(story) continuar 3. (occupy) (time, space) ocupar 4. (engage in) (hobby etc)
dedicar-se a 5. (accept) (offer, challenge) aceitar 6. (absorb) (liquids) absorver 7. to
take up with sb, fazer amizade com algum VT to take sb up on a
suggestion/offer, aceitar a oferta/sugesto de algum sobre algo
takeaway [tekwe] (BRIT)
ADJ (food) para levar
take-home pay
N salrio lquido
taken [tekn]
PP (of take)
takeoff [tekf]
N (AVIAT) decolagem F
takeout [tekaut] (US)
ADJ (food) para levar
takeover [tekuv*]
N (COMM) aquisio F de controle
takeover bid
N oferta pblica de aquisio de controle
takings [tekz]
NPL (COMM) receita, renda
talc [tlk]
N talcum powder, talco
tale [tel]
N 1. (story) conto 2. (account) narrativa to tell tales (fig) (lie) dizer mentiras (sneak)
talent [tlnt]
N talento
talented [tlntd]
ADJ talentoso
talent scout
N caador* M de talentos (F caadora)
talk [tk]
N 1. conversa, fala 2. (gossip) mexerico, fofocas FPL 3. (conversation) conversa,
conversao F VI 1. (speak) falar 2. (chatter) bater papo, conversar talks (POL
etc) negociaes FPL NPL to give a talk, dar uma palestra
to talk about, falar sobre
talking of films, have you seen ...? por falar em filmes, voc viu ...?
to talk sb into doing sth, convencer algum a fazer algo
to talk sb out of doing sth, dissuadir algum de fazer algo
to talk shop, falar sobre negcios/questes profissionais talk over discutir VT
talkative [tktv]
ADJ loquaz, tagarela
talker [tk*]
N falador* M (F faladora)
talking point [tk-]
N assunto para discusso
talking-to [tk-]
N to give sb a good talking-to, passar um sabo em algum
talk show
N (TV RADIO) programa M de entrevistas
tall [tl]
ADJ 1. alto 2. (tree) grande to be 6 feet tall, medir 6 ps, ter 6 ps de altura
how tall are you? qual a sua altura?
tallboy [tlb] (BRIT)
N cmoda alta
tallness [tlns]
N altura
tall story
N estria inverossmil
tally [tl]
N conta VI to tally (with) conferir (com) to keep a tally of sth, fazer um registro de
talon [tln]
N garra
tambourine [tmbrin]
N tamborim M, pandeiro
tame [tem]
ADJ 1. (animal, bird) domesticado 2. (mild) manso 3. (fig) (story, style) sem graa,
tamper [tmp*]
VI to tamper with, mexer em
tampon [tmpn]
N tampo M higinico
tan [tn]
N suntan, bronzeado VT bronzear VI bronzear-se ADJ (colour) bronzeado, marrom
claro to get a tan, bronzear-se
tandem [tndm]
N tandem M in tandem, junto
tang [t]
N sabor M forte
tangent [tndnt]
N (MATH) tangente F to go off at a tangent (fig) sair pela tangente
tangerine [tndrin]
N tangerina, mexerica
tangible [tndbl]
ADJ tangvel tangible assets, ativos MPL tangveis
tangle [tl]
N emaranhado VT emaranhar to get in(to) a tangle, meter-se num rolo
tango [tu]
N tango
tank [tk]
N 1. (water tank) depsito, tanque M 2. (for fish) aqurio 3. (MIL) tanque M
tankard [tkd]
N caneco M
tanker [tk*]
N 1. (ship) navio-tanque M (for oil) petroleiro 2. (truck) caminho-tanque M
tanned [tnd]
ADJ (skin) moreno, bronzeado
tannin [tnn]
N tanino
tanning [tn]
N (of leather) curtimento
tannoy [tn] (BRIT)
N alto-falante M over the tannoy, nos alto-falantes
tantalizing [tntlaz]
ADJ tentador* (tentadora)
tantamount [tntmaunt]
ADJ tantamount to, equivalente a
tantrum [tntrm]
N chilique M, acesso (de raiva) to throw a tantrum, ter um chilique or acesso
Tanzania [tnzn]
N Tanznia
Tanzanian [tnznn]
ADJ N tanzaniano* (tanzaniana)
tap [tp]
N 1. (on sink etc) torneira 2. (gentle blow) palmadinha 3. (gas tap) chave F VT 1. dar
palmadinha em, bater de leve 2. (resources) utilizar, explorar 3. (telephone)
grampear on tap (beer) de barril (resources) disponvel
N sapateado
tape [tep]
N 1. fita 2. magnetic tape, fita magntica 3. (sticky tape) fita adesiva VT 1. (record)
gravar (em fita) 2. (stick with tape) colar on tape (song etc) em fita
tape deck
N gravador M, toca-fitas M INV
tape measure
N fita mtrica, trena
taper [tep*]
N crio VI afilar-se, estreitar-se
VT gravar (em fita)
tape recorder
N gravador M
tape recording
N gravao F (em fita)
tapered [tepd]
ADJ afilado
tapering [tepr]
ADJ afilado
tapestry [tpstr]
N 1. (object) tapete M de parede 2. (art) tapearia
tapeworm [tepwm]
N solitria
tapioca [tpuk]
N tapioca
tappet [tpt]
N (AUT) tucho (BR) ponteiro de vlvula (PT)
tar [t]
N 1. alcatro M 2. (on road) piche M low-/middle-tar cigarettes, cigarros com
baixo/mdio teor de alcatro
tarantula [trntjul]
N tarntula
tardy [td]
ADJ tardio
target [tt]
N 1. alvo 2. (fig) (objective) objetivo to be on target (project) progredir segundo as
target practice
N exerccio de tiro ao alvo
tariff [trf]
N tarifa
tariff barrier
N barreira alfandegria
tarmac [tmk]
N 1. (BRIT: on road) macadame M 2. (AVIAT) pista VT (BRIT) asfaltar
tarnish [tn]
VT empanar o brilho de
tarpaulin [tpln]
N lona alcatroada
tarragon [trn]
N estrago M
tart [tt]
N 1. (CULIN) torta 2. (BRIT inf pej: woman) piranha ADJ (flavour) cido, azedo tart
up (inf) arrumar, dar um jeito em VT to tart o.s. up, arrumar-se (pej) empetecar-
tartan [ttn]
N pano escocs axadrezado, tartan M ADJ axadrezado
tartar [tt*]
N (on teeth) trtaro
tartar sauce , tartare sauce [tt*-]
N molho trtaro
task [tsk]
N tarefa to take to task, repreender
task force
N (MIL POLICE) fora-tarefa
taskmaster [tskmst*]
N hes a hard taskmaster, ele muito exigente
Tasmania [tzmen]
N Tasmnia F
tassel [tsl]
N borla, pendo M
taste [test]
N 1. gosto 2. aftertaste, gosto residual 3. (sip) golinho 4. (sample, fig) (glimpse, idea)
amostra, idia VT 1. (get flavour of) provar 2. (test) experimentar VI to taste of or
like (fish etc) ter gosto or sabor de you can taste the garlic (in it) sente-se o
gosto de alho
can I have a taste of this wine? posso provar o vinho?
to have a taste for, sentir predileo por
in good/bad taste, de bom/mau gosto
taste bud
N papila gustativa
tasteful [testful]
ADJ de bom gosto
tastefully [testful]
ADV com bom gosto
tasteless [testls]
ADJ 1. (food) inspido, insosso 2. (remark) de mau gosto
tasty [test]
ADJ saboroso, delicioso
tattered [ttd]
ADJ esfarrapado
tatters [ttz]
NPL in tatters (clothes) em farrapos (papers etc) em pedaos
tattoo [ttu]
N 1. tatuagem F 2. (spectacle) espetculo militar VT tatuar
tatty [tt] (BRIT inf)
ADJ 1. (clothes) surrado 2. (shop, area) mal-cuidado
taught [tt]
PT PP (of teach)
taunt [tnt]
N zombaria, escrnio VT zombar de, mofar de
Taurus [trs]
N Touro
taut [tt]
ADJ esticado
tavern [tvn]
N taverna
tawdry [tdr]
ADJ de mau gosto, espalhafatoso, berrante
tawny [tn]
ADJ moreno, trigueiro
tax [tks]
N imposto VT 1. tributar 2. (fig) (test) sobrecarregar (patience) esgotar before/after
tax, antes/depois de impostos
free of tax, isento de impostos
taxable [tksbl]
ADJ (income) tributvel
tax allowance
N abatimento da renda
taxation [tksen]
N 1. (system) tributao F 2. (money paid) imposto system of taxation, sistema
tax avoidance
N evaso F de impostos
tax collector
N cobrador* M de impostos (F cobradora)
tax disc (BRIT)
N (AUT) plaqueta
tax evasion
N sonegao F fiscal
tax exemption
N iseno F de impostos
tax exile
N pessoa que se expatria para evitar impostos excessivos
ADJ isento de impostos
tax haven
N refgio fiscal
taxi [tks]
N txi M VI (AVIAT) taxiar
taxidermist [tksdmst]
N taxidermista M, F
taxi driver
N motorista M, F de txi
taximeter [tksmit*]
N taxmetro
tax inspector (BRIT)
N fiscal M, F de imposto de renda
taxi rank (BRIT)
N ponto de txi
taxi stand
N ponto de txi
tax payer
N contribuinte M, F
tax rebate
N devoluo F de imposto de renda
tax relief
N iseno F de imposto
tax return
N declarao F de rendimentos
tax year
N ano fiscal, exerccio
ABBR (of tuberculosis)
N ABBR 1. Treasury Department 2. (FOOTBALL) touchdown
tea [ti]
N 1. ch M 2. (BRIT: meal) refeigo F noite high tea BRIT (BRIT) ajantarado
tea bag
N saquinho BR or carteira PT de ch
tea break (BRIT)
N pausa (para o ch)
teacake [tikek] (BRIT)
N pozinho doce
teach [tit] (PT, PP taught )
VT to teach sb sth, teach sth to sb, ensinar algo a algum (in school) lecionar VI 1.
ensinar 2. (be a teacher) lecionar it taught him a lesson (fig) isto lhe serviu de
teacher [tit*]
N professor* M (F professora)
teacher training college
N faculdade F de formao de professores
teaching [tit]
N 1. ensino 2. (as profession) magistrio
teaching aids
NPL recursos MPL de ensino
teaching hospital (BRIT)
N hospital M escola
teaching staff (BRIT)
N corpo docente
tea cosy
N coberta do bule, abafador M
teacup [tikp]
N xcara BR or chvena PT de ch
teak [tik]
N (madeira de) teca CPD de teca
tea leaves
NPL folhas FPL de ch
team [tim]
N 1. (SPORT) time M (BR) equipa (PT) 2. (group) equipe F (BR) equipa (PT) 3. (of
animals) parelha team up to team up (with) agrupar-se (com) VI
team games
NPL jogos MPL de equipe
teamwork [timwk]
N trabalho de equipe
tea party
N ch M (reunio)
teapot [tipt]
N bule M de ch
N lgrima in tears, chorando, em lgrimas
to burst into tears, romper em lgrimas
[t*] (PT tore ), (PP torn )
N rasgo M VT rasgar VI rasgar-se to tear to pieces or to bits or to shreds,
despedaar, estraalhar (fig) arrasar com tear along (rush) precipitar-se VI tear
apart 1. rasgar 2. (fig) arrasar VT tear away to tear o.s. away (from sth)
desgrudar-se (de algo) VT tear out (sheet of paper, cheque) arrancar VT tear up
rasgar VT
tearaway [trwe] (inf)
N bagunceiro* (bagunceira)
teardrop [tdrp]
N lgrima
tearful [tful]
ADJ choroso
tear gas
N gs M lacrimognio
tearoom [tirum]
N salo M de ch
tease [tiz]
N implicante M, F VT implicar com
tea set
N aparelho de ch
teashop [tip]
N salo M de ch
teaspoon [tispun]
N 1. colher F de ch 2. teaspoonful (as measurement) (contedo de) colher de ch
tea strainer
N coador M (de ch)
teat [tit]
N (of bottle) bico (de mamadeira)
teatime [titam]
N hora do ch
tea towel (BRIT)
N pano de prato
tea urn
N samovar M
tech [tk] (inf)
N ABBR technology, technical college
technical [tknkl]
ADJ tcnico
technical college (BRIT)
N escola tcnica
technicality [tknklt]
N detalhe M tcnico
technically [tknkl]
ADV tecnicamente
technician [tknn]
N tcnico* (tcnica)
technique [tknik]
N tcnica
technocrat [tknkrt]
N tecnocrata M, F
technological [tknldkl]
ADJ tecnolgico
technologist [tknldst]
N tecnlogo* (tecnloga)
technology [tknld]
N tecnologia
teddy [td-] (bear)
N ursinho de pelcia
tedious [tids]
ADJ maante, chato
tedium [tidm]
N tdio
tee [ti]
N (GOLF) tee M
teem [tim]
VI abundar, pulular to teem with, abundar em
it is teeming (with rain) est chovendo a cntaros
teenage [tined]
ADJ (fashions etc) de or para adolescentes
teenager [tined*]
N adolescente M, F, jovem M, F
teens [tinz]
NPL to be in ones teens, estar entre os 13 e 19 anos, estar na adolescncia
N T-shirt
teeter [tit*]
VI balanar-se
teeth [ti]
NPL (of tooth)
teethe [ti]
VI comear a ter dentes
teething ring [ti-]
N mastigador M para a dentio
teething troubles [ti-]
NPL (fig) dificuldades FPL iniciais
teetotal [titutl]
ADJ (person) abstmio
teetotaller [titutl*] teetotaler (US)
N abstmio* (abstmia)
TEFL [tfl]
N ABBR Teaching of English as a Foreign Language
Teheran [trn]
N Teer (BR) Teero (PT)
ABBR telephone, tel
Tel Aviv [tlviv]
N Telavive
telecast [tlkst]
VT televisionar, transmitir por televiso
telecommunications [tlkmjunkenz]
N telecomunicaes FPL
teleconferencing [telknfrns]
N teleconferncia F
telegram [tlrm]
N telegrama M
telegraph [tlrf]
N telgrafo
telegraphic [tlrfk]
ADJ telegrfico
telegraph pole
N poste M telegrfico
telegraph wire
N fio telegrfico
telepathic [tlpk]
ADJ teleptico
telepathy [tlp]
N telepatia
telephone [tlfun]
N telefone M VT 1. (person) telefonar para 2. (message) telefonar to be on the
telephone BRIT (BRIT) to have a telephone (subscriber) ter telefone
to be on the telephone (be speaking) estar falando no telefone
telephone booth , telephone box (BRIT)
N cabine F telefnica
telephone call
N telefonema M
telephone directory
N lista telefnica, catlogo (BR)
telephone exchange
N estao F telefnica
telephone kiosk (BRIT)
N cabine F telefnica
telephone number
N (nmero de) telefone M
telephone operator
N telefonista M, F
telephone tapping [-tp]
N escuta telefnica
telephonist [tlfnst] (BRIT)
N telefonista M, F
telephoto [tlfutu]
ADJ telephoto lens, teleobjetivo
teleprinter [tlprnt*]
N teletipo
Teleprompter [tlprmpt*] (US)
N ponto mecnico
telesales [telselz]
NPL televendas FPL
telescope [tlskup]
N telescpio VT VI abrir (or fechar) como um telescpio
telescopic [tlskpk]
ADJ 1. telescpico 2. (legs, aerial) desmontvel
Teletex [tltks]
N (TEL) videotexto
televiewer [tlvju*]
N telespectador* M (F telespectadora)
televise [tlvaz]
VT televisar, televisionar
television [tlvn]
N televiso F on television, na televiso
television licence (BRIT)
N licena para utilizar um televisor
television programme
N programa M de televiso
television set
N (aparelho de) televiso F, televisor M
teleworking [telwk]
N teletrabalho M
telex [tlks]
N telex M VT 1. (message) enviar por telex, telexar 2. (person) mandar um telex para
VI enviar um telex
tell [tl] (PT, PP told )
VT 1. dizer 2. (relate) (story) contar 3. (distinguish) to tell sth from, distinguir algo de
VI 1. (have effect) ter efeito 2. (talk) to tell (of) falar (de or em) to tell sb to do
sth, dizer para algum fazer algo (order) mandar algum fazer algo
to tell sb about sth, falar a algum de algo (what happened) contar algo a
to tell the time (know how to) dizer as horas (clock) marcar as horas
can you tell me the time? pode me dizer a hora?
(I) tell you what ... escuta ...
I cant tell them apart, no consigo diferenciar um do outro
to tell the difference, sentir a diferena
how can you tell? como voc sabe? tell off repreender VT tell on (inform
against) delatar, dedurar VT
teller [tl*]
N (in bank) caixa M, F
telling [tl]
ADJ (remark, detail) revelador* (reveladora)
telltale [tltel]
ADJ (sign) revelador* (reveladora)
telly [tl] (BRIT inf)
N ABBR television
temerity [tmrt]
N temeridade F
temp [tmp] (BRIT inf)
N temporary, temporrio* (temporria) VI trabalhar como temporrio* (trabalhar
como temporria)
temper [tmp*]
N 1. (nature) temperamento 2. (mood) humor M 3. (bad temper) mau gnio 4. (fit of
anger) clera 5. (of child) birra VT (moderate) moderar to be in a temper, estar
de mau humor
to lose ones temper, perder a pacincia or a calma, ficar zangado
to keep ones temper, controlar-se
temperament [tmprmnt]
N (nature) temperamento
temperamental [tmprmntl]
ADJ temperamental
temperance [tmprns]
N 1. moderao F 2. (in drinking) sobriedade F
temperate [tmprt]
ADJ 1. moderado 2. (climate) temperado
temperature [tmprt*]
N temperatura to have or run a temperature, ter febre
temperature chart
N (MED) tabela de temperatura
tempered [tmpd]
ADJ (steel) temperado
tempest [tmpst]
N tempestade F
tempestuous [tmpstjus]
ADJ (relationship) tempestuoso
tempi [tmpi]
NPL (of tempo)
template [tmplt]
N molde M
temple [tmpl]
N 1. (building) templo 2. (ANAT) tmpora
templet [tmplt]
N template
tempo [tmpu] ( tempos ), (PL tempi )
N 1. tempo 2. (fig) (of life etc) ritmo
temporal [tmprl]
ADJ temporal
temporarily [tmprrl]
ADV 1. temporariamente 2. (closed) provisoriamente
temporary [tmprr]
ADJ 1. temporrio 2. (passing) transitrio temporary secretary, secretria
temporary teacher, professor suplente
temporize [tmpraz]
VI temporizar
tempt [tmpt]
VT tentar to tempt sb into doing sth, tentar or induzir algum a fazer algo
to be tempted to do sth, ser tentado a fazer algo
temptation [tmpten]
N tentao F
tempting [tmpt]
ADJ tentador* (tentadora)
ten [tn]
NUM dez N tens of thousands, milhares MPL e milhares five
tenable [tnbl]
ADJ sustentvel
tenacious [tnes]
ADJ tenaz
tenacity [tnst]
N tenacidade F
tenancy [tnns]
N 1. aluguel M 2. (of house) locao F
tenant [tnnt]
N inquilino* (inquilina) locatrio* (locatria)
tend [tnd]
VT 1. (sick etc) cuidar de 2. (machine) vigiar VI to tend to do sth, tender a fazer algo
tendency [tndns]
N tendncia
tender [tnd*]
ADJ 1. (person, heart, core) tenro 2. (age) tenro 3. (delicate) delicado 4. (sore)
sensvel, dolorido 5. (meat) macio N 1. (COMM) (offer) oferta, proposta 2. (money)
legal tender, moeda corrente or legal VT oferecer to tender ones resignation,
pedir demisso
to put in a tender (for) apresentar uma proposta (para)
to put work out to tender BRIT (BRIT) abrir concorrncia para uma obra
tenderize [tndraz]
VT (CULIN) amaciar
tenderly [tndl]
ADV afetuosamente
tenderness [tndns]
N 1. ternura 2. (of meat) maciez F
tendon [tndn]
N tendo M
tenement [tnmnt]
N conjunto habitacional
Tenerife [tnrif]
N Tenerife (no article)
tenet [tnt]
N princpio
tenner [tn*] (BRIT inf)
N nota de dez libras
tennis [tns]
N tnis M CPD (match, racket etc) de tnis
tennis ball
N bola de tnis
tennis court
N quadra de tnis
tennis elbow
N (MED) sinovite F do cotovelo
tennis player
N jogador* M de tnis (F jogadora)
tennis racket
N raquete F de tnis
tennis shoes
NPL tnis M
tenor [tn*]
N 1. (MUS) tenor M 2. (of speech etc) teor M
tenpin bowling [tnpn-] (BRIT)
N boliche M com 10 paus
tense [tns]
ADJ 1. tenso 2. (muscle) rgido, teso N (LING) tempo VT (tighten) (muscles) retesar
tenseness [tnsns]
N tenso F
tension [tnn]
N tenso F
tent [tnt]
N tenda, barraca
tentacle [tntkl]
N tentculo
tentative [tnttv]
ADJ 1. (conclusion) provisrio, tentativo 2. (person) hesitante, indeciso
tenterhooks [tnthuks]
NPL on tenterhooks, em suspense
tenth [tn]
NUM dcimo fifth
tent peg
N estaca
tent pole
N pau M
tenuous [tnjus]
ADJ tnue
tenure [tnju*]
N 1. (of property) posse F 2. (of job) estabilidade F
tepid [tpd]
ADJ tpido, morno
ABBR terrace
term [tm]
N 1. (COMM) prazo 2. (word, expression) termo, expresso F 3. (period) perodo 4.
(SCH) trimestre M 5. (LAW) sesso F VT denominar terms 1. (conditions)
condies FPL 2. (COMM) clusulas FPL, termos MPL NPL in terms of ... em
funo de ...
term of imprisonment, pena de priso
his term of office, seu mandato
in the short/long term, a curto/longo prazo
to be on good terms with sb, dar-se bem com algum
to come to terms with (person) chegar a um acordo com (problem) aceitar
terminal [tmnl]
ADJ incurvel N 1. (ELEC) borne M 2. air terminal (BRIT) terminal M 3. (for oil, ore etc,
also) (COMPUT) terminal M 4. coach terminal (BRIT) estao F rodoviria
terminate [tmnet]
VT terminar VI to terminate in, acabar em to terminate a pregnancy, fazer um
termination [tmnen]
N 1. trmino 2. (of contract) resciso F termination of pregnancy (MED)
interrupo da gravidez
termini [tmna]
NPL (of terminus)
terminology [tmnld]
N terminologia
terminus [tmns] (PL termini )
N terminal M
termite [tmat]
N cupim M
ABBR terrace
terrace [trs]
N 1. terrao 2. (BRIT: row of houses) lance M de casas the terraces (BRIT SPORT)
a arquibancada (BR) a geral (PT) NPL
terraced [trst]
ADJ 1. (house) ladeado por outras casas 2. (garden) em dois nveis
terracotta [trkt]
N terracota
terrain [tren]
N terreno
terrible [trbl]
ADJ 1. terrvel, horroroso 2. (conditions) precrio 3. (inf: awful) terrvel
terribly [trbl]
ADV 1. terrivelmente 2. (very badly) pessimamente
terrier [tr*]
N terrier M
terrific [trfk]
ADJ 1. terrvel, magnfico 2. (wonderful) maravilhoso, sensacional
terrify [trfa]
VT apavorar
territorial [trtrl]
ADJ territorial
territorial waters
NPL guas FPL territoriais
territory [trtr]
N territrio
terror [tr*]
N terror M
terrorism [trrzm]
N terrorismo
terrorist [trrst]
N terrorista M, F
terrorize [trraz]
VT aterrorizar
terse [ts]
ADJ 1. (style) conciso, sucinto 2. (reply) brusco
tertiary [tr]
ADJ tercirio tertiary education BRIT (BRIT) ensino superior
Terylene [trlin] (BRIT)
N tergal M
TESL [tsl]
N ABBR Teaching of English as a Second Language
test [tst]
N 1. (trial, check) prova, ensaio (of goods in factory) controle M 2. (of courage etc,
CHEM) prova 3. (MED) exame M 4. (exam) teste M, prova 5. driving test, exame de
motorista VT testar, pr prova to put sth to the test, pr algo prova
testament [tstmnt]
N testamento the Old/New Testament, o Velho/Novo Testamento
test ban
N nuclear test ban, proibio F de testes nucleares
test case
N (LAW, fig) caso exemplar
test flight
N teste M de vo
testicle [tstkl]
N testculo
testify [tstfa]
VI (LAW) depor, testemunhar to testify to sth (LAW) atestar algo (gen) testemunhar
testimonial [tstmunl]
N 1. (reference) carta de recomendao 2. (gift) obsquio, tributo
testimony [tstmn]
N (LAW) testemunho, depoimento to be (a) testimony to, ser uma prova de
testing [tst]
ADJ (situation, period) difcil
testing ground
N campo de provas
test match
N (CRICKET RUGBY) jogo internacional
test paper
N (SCH) prova escrita
test pilot
N piloto de prova
test tube
N proveta, tubo de ensaio
test-tube baby
N beb M de proveta
testy [tst]
ADJ rabugento, irritvel
tetanus [ttns]
N ttano
tetchy [tt]
ADJ irritvel
tether [t*]
VT amarrar N at the end of ones tether, a ponto de perder a pacincia or as
text [tkst]
N 1. texto 2. text message, mensagem F de texto 3. (fam) torpedo
textbook [tkstbuk]
N 1. livro didtico 2. (SCH) livro escolar
textiles [tkstalz]
NPL 1. txteis MPL 2. (textile industry) indstria txtil
texture [tkst*]
N textura
TGIF (inf)
ABBR thank God its Friday
N ABBR Transport and General Workers Union, sindicato dos transportadores
Thai [ta]
ADJ tailands* (tailandesa) N 1. tailands* M (F tailandesa) 2. (LING) tailands M
Thailand [talnd]
N Tailndia
thalidomide [ldmad]
N talidomida
Thames [tmz]
N the Thames, o Tmisa (BR) o Tamisa (PT)
than [n] [n]
CONJ (in comparisons) do que
more than 10 mais de 10
I have more/less than you, tenho mais/menos do que voc
she has more apples than pears, ela tem mais mas do que peras
she is older than you think, ela mais velha do que voc pensa
more than once, mais de uma vez
thank [k]
VT agradecer thank you (very much) muito obrigado* (muito obrigada)
thank God, graas a Deus
thanks to, graas a
to thank sb for sth, agradecer a algum (por) algo
to say thank you, agradecer
thankful [kful]
ADJ thankful (for) agradecido (por) thankful that (relieved) aliviado que
thankfully [kfl]
ADV 1. (gratefully) agradecidamente 2. (fortunately) felizmente
thankless [kls]
ADJ ingrato
thanks [ks]
NPL 1. agradecimentos MPL 2. (to God etc) graas FPL EXCL obrigado*! (obrigada)
thanks to, graas a
Thanksgiving [ksv] Thanksgiving Day
N Dia M de Ao de Graas
that [t] [t] (PL those )
ADJ (demonstrative) esse/essa (more remote) aquele/aquela
that man/woman/book, aquele homem/aquela mulher/aquele livro
leave these books on the table, deixe aqueles livros na mesa
that one, esse/essa
that one over there, aquele l
I want this one, not that one, quero este, no esse PRON 1. (demonstrative)
esse/essa, aquele/aquela (neuter) isso, aquilo
whos/whats that? quem ?/o que isso?
is that you? voc?
I prefer this to that, eu prefiro isto a aquilo
thats my house, aquela a minha casa
thats what he said, foi isso o que ele disse
that is (to say) isto , quer dizer 2. (relative) (direct: thing, person) que (person)
quem (relative: indirect: thing, person) o* qual SG, os/as quais PL (a) (person) quem
the book (that) I read, o livro que eu li
the books that are in the library, os livros que esto na biblioteca
the man (that) I saw, o homem que eu vi
all (that) I have, tudo o que eu tenho
the box (that) I put it in, a caixa na qual eu botei-o
the man (that) I spoke to, o homem com quem or o qual falei 3. (relative) (of
on the day that he came, no dia em que ele veio CONJ que
she suggested that I phone you, ela sugeriu que eu telefonasse para voc ADV
(demonstrative) I cant work that much, no posso trabalhar tanto
I didnt realize it was that bad, no pensei que fsse to ruim
that high, dessa altura, at essa altura
thatched [tt]
ADJ (roof) de sap thatched cottage, chal M com telhado de sap or de colmo
thaw []
N degelo VI 1. (ice) derreter-se 2. (food) descongelar-se VT (food) descongelar its
thawing (weather) degela
the [i] []
DEF ART 1. (gen) (singular) o* (a) (plural) os* (as)
the history of France, a histria da Frana
the books/children are in the library, os livros/as crianas esto na biblioteca
she put it on the table, ela colocou-o na mesa
he took it from the drawer, ele tirou isto da gaveta
to play the piano/violin, tocar piano/violino
Im going to the cinema, vou ao cinema 2. (+ adj to form n) the rich and the
poor, os ricos e os pobres
to attempt the impossible, tentar o impossvel 3. (in titles) Richard the Second,
Ricardo II
Peter the Great, Pedro o Grande 4. (in comparisons) (+ adv)
the more he works the more he earns, quanto mais ele trabalha, mais ele
theatre [t*] theater (US)
N 1. teatro 2. (MED) (also: operating theatre) sala de operao
theatre-goer [tu*]
N freqentador* M de teatro (F freqentadora)
theatrical [trkl]
ADJ teatral theatrical company, companhia de teatro
theft [ft]
N roubo
their [*]
ADJ seu/sua, deles/delas
theirs [z]
PRON (o) seu/(a) sua a friend of theirs, um amigo seu/deles
its theirs, deles
them [m] [m]
PRON 1. (direct) os/as 2. (indirect) lhes 3. (stressed, after prep) a eles* elas (a elea) I
see them, eu os vejo
give them the book, d o livro a eles
give me some of them, me d alguns deles
theme [im]
N tema M
theme song
N tema M musical
themselves [mslvz]
PRON 1. (subject) eles mesmos/elas mesmas 2. (complement) se 3. (after prep) si
then [n]
ADV 1. (at that time) ento 2. (next) em seguida 3. (later) logo, depois 4. (and also)
alm disso CONJ (therefore) ento, nesse caso, portanto ADJ the then president, o
ento presidente by then (past) at ento (future) at l
from then on, a partir de ento
before then, antes (disso)
until then, at l
and then what? e ento? e da?
what do you want me to do then? (afterwards) o que voc quer que eu faa
depois? (in that case) ento, o que voc quer que eu faa?
theologian [ludn]
N telogo* (teloga)
theological [ldkl]
ADJ teolgico
theology [ld]
N teologia
theorem [rm]
N teorema M
theoretical [rtkl]
ADJ terico
theoretically [rtkl]
ADV teoricamente
theorize [raz]
VI teorizar, elaborar uma teoria
theory [r]
N teoria in theory, em teoria, teoricamente
therapeutic [rpjutk] therapeutical, rpjutkl
ADJ teraputico
therapist [rpst]
N terapeuta M, F
therapy [rp]
N terapia
there [*]
ADV 1. there is, there are, h, tem
there are 3 of them (people, things) h 3 deles
there is no-one here/no bread left, no tem ningum aqui/no tem mais po
there has been an accident, houve um acidente 2. (referring to place) a, ali, l
put it in/on/up/down there, pe isto l dentro/cima/em cima/embaixo
I want that book there, quero aquele livro l
there he is! l est ele! 3. there, there! (esp to child) calma!
thereabouts [rbauts]
ADV 1. por a 2. (amount) aproximadamente
thereafter [rft*]
ADV depois disso
thereby [ba]
ADV assim, deste modo
therefore [f]
ADV portanto
theres [z]
there is, there has
thereupon [rpn]
ADV 1. (at that point) aps o que 2. (formal) (on that subject) a respeito
thermal [ml]
ADJ trmico thermal paper/printer, papel trmico/impressora trmica
thermodynamics [mdanmks]
N termodinmica
thermometer [mmt*]
N termmetro
thermonuclear [munjukl*]
ADJ termonuclear
Thermos [ms]
N Thermos flask, garrafa trmica (BR) termo (PT)
thermostat [mustt]
N termostato
thesaurus [srs]
N tesouro, dicionrio de sinnimos
these [iz]
PL ADJ PRON estes/estas
theses [isiz]
NPL (of thesis)
thesis [iss] (PL theses )
N tese F
they [e]
PL PRON eles/elas they say that ... (it is said that) diz-se que ... dizem que ...
theyd [ed]
they had, they would
theyll [el]
they shall, they will
theyre [e*]
they are
theyve [ev]
they have
thick [k]
ADJ 1. (in shape) espesso 2. (mud, fog, forest) denso 3. (sauce) grosso 4. (dense)
denso, compacto 5. (stupid) burro N in the thick of the battle, em plena batalha
its 20 cm thick, tem 20 cm de espessura
thicken [kn]
VI 1. (fog) adensar-se 2. (plot etc) complicar-se VT (sauce etc) engrossar
thicket [kt]
N matagal M
thickly [kl]
ADV 1. (spread) numa camada espessa 2. (cut) em fatias grossas
thickness [kns]
N espessura, grossura
thickset [kst]
ADJ troncudo
thick-skinned [-sknd]
ADJ (fig) insensvel, indiferente
thief [if] (PL thieves )
N ladro/ladra M, F
thieves [ivz]
NPL (of thief)
thieving [iv]
N roubo, furto
thigh [a]
N coxa
thighbone [abun]
N fmur M
thimble [mbl]
N dedal M
thin [n]
ADJ 1. magro 2. (slice, line, book) fino 3. (light) leve 4. (hair) ralo 5. (crowd) pequeno
6. (fog) pouco denso 7. (soup, sauce) aguado VT thin down (sauce, paint) diluir VI 1.
(fog) rarefazer-se 2. thin out (crowd) dispersar his hair is thin, o cabelo dele est
thing []
N 1. coisa 2. (object) negcio 3. (matter) assunto, negcio 4. (mania) mania things
(belongings) pertences MPL NPL to have a thing about sb/sth, ser vidrado em
the best thing would be to ... o melhor seria ...
how are things? como vai? tudo bem?
first thing (in the morning) de manh, antes de mais nada
last thing (at night), he ... logo antes de dormir, ele ...
the thing is ... que ... o negcio o seguinte ...
for one thing, primeiro
shes got a thing about ... ela detesta ...
poor thing! coitadinho*! (coitadinha)
think [k] (PT, PP thought )
VI 1. pensar 2. (believe) achar VT 1. pensar, achar 2. (imagine) imaginar what did
you think of them? o que voc achou deles?
to think about sth/sb, pensar em algo/algum
Ill think about it, vou pensar sobre isso
to think of doing sth, pensar em fazer algo
I think so/not, acho que sim/no
to think well of sb, fazer bom juzo de algum
think again! pensa bem!
to think aloud, pensar em voz alta think out 1. (plan) arquitetar 2. (solution)
descobrir VT think over refletir sobre, meditar sobre VT Id like to think things
over, eu gostaria de pensar sobre isso com cuidado think through considerar
todos os aspectos de VT think up inventar, bolar VT
thinking [k]
N to my (way of) thinking, na minha opinio
think tank
N comisso F de peritos
thinly [nl]
ADV 1. (cut) em fatias finas 2. (spread) numa camada fina
thinness [nns]
N magreza
third [d]
ADJ terceiro N 1. terceiro* (terceira) 2. (fraction) tero 3. (AUT) terceira 4. (SCH)
(degree) terceira categoria fifth
third-degree burns
NPL queimaduras FPL de terceiro grau
thirdly [dl]
ADV em terceiro lugar
third party insurance
N seguro contra terceiros
ADJ medocre
Third World
N the Third World, o Terceiro Mundo
thirst [st]
N sede F
thirsty [st]
ADJ 1. (person) sedento, com sede 2. (work) que d sede to be thirsty, estar com
thirteen [tin]
NUM treze five
thirteenth [tin]
NUM dcimo terceiro fifth
thirtieth [t]
NUM trigsimo fifth
thirty [t]
NUM trinta fifty
this [s] (PL these )
ADJ (demonstrative) este/esta
this man/woman/book, este homem/esta mulher/este livro
these people/children/records, estas pessoas/crianas/estes discos
this one, este aqui PRON (demonstrative) este/esta (neuter) isto
who/what is this? quem esse?/o que isso?
this is where I live, aqui que eu moro
this is Mr Brown (in photo, introduction) este o Sr Brown (on phone) aqui o
Sr Brown ADV (demonstrative) this high, desta altura
this long, deste comprimento
we cant stop now weve gone this far, no podemos parar agora que fomos
to longe
thistle [sl]
N cardo
thong []
N correia, tira de couro
thorn [n]
N espinho
thorny [n]
ADJ espinhoso
thorough [r]
ADJ 1. (search) minucioso 2. (knowledge, research) (person: methodical) metdico,
profundo 3. (work) meticuloso 4. (cleaning) completo
thoroughbred [rbrd]
ADJ (horse) de puro sangue
thoroughfare [rf*]
N via, passagem F ``no thoroughfare ``passagem proibida
thoroughly [rl]
ADV 1. (examine, study) minuciosamente 2. (search) profundamente 3. (wash)
completamente 4. (very) muito he thoroughly agreed, concordou
thoroughness [rns]
N 1. (of person) meticulosidade F 2. (of search etc) minuciosidade F
those [uz]
PL PRON ADJ 1. esses/essas 2. (more remote) aqueles/aquelas
though [u]
CONJ embora, se bem que ADV no entanto even though, mesmo que
its not easy, though, se bem que no fcil
thought [t]
PT PP (of think) N 1. pensamento 2. (idea) idia 3. (opinion) opinio F 4. (reflection)
reflexo F 5. (intention) inteno F after much thought, depois de muito pensar
Ive just had a thought, acabei de pensar em alguma coisa
to give sth some thought, pensar sobre algo
thoughtful [tful]
ADJ 1. pensativo 2. (serious) srio 3. (considerate) atencioso
thoughtfully [tfl]
ADV 1. pensativamente 2. atenciosamente
thoughtless [tls]
ADJ 1. (behaviour) desatencioso 2. (words, person) inconseqente
thoughtlessly [tlsl]
ADV desconsideradamente
thousand [auznd]
NUM mil two thousand, dois mil
thousands (of) milhares MPL (de)
thousandth [auzn]
ADJ milsimo
thrash [r]
VT 1. surrar, malhar 2. (defeat) derrotar thrash about debater-se VI thrash out
discutir exaustivamente VT
thrashing [r]
N to give sb a thrashing, dar uma surra em algum
thread [rd]
N 1. fio, linha 2. (of screw) rosca VT (needle) enfiar to thread ones way between,
passar por
threadbare [rdb*]
ADJ surrado, pudo
threat [rt]
N ameaa to be under threat of, estar sob ameaa de
threaten [rtn]
VI ameaar VT to threaten sb with sth/to do, ameaar algum com algo/de fazer
threatening [rtn]
ADJ ameaador* (ameaadora)
three [ri]
NUM trs five
ADJ tridimensional, em trs dimenses
threefold [rifuld]
ADV to increase threefold, triplicar
three-piece suit
N terno (3 peas) (BR) fato de 3 peas (PT)
three-piece suite
N conjunto de sof e duas poltronas
ADJ 1. (wool) triple, com trs fios 2. (wood) com trs espessuras
NPL trs quartos MPL three-quarters full, cheio at os trs quartos
N (car) carro de trs rodas
thresh [r]
VT (AGR) debulhar
threshing machine [r-]
N debulhadora
threshold [rhuld]
N limiar M to be on the threshold of (fig) estar no limiar de
threshold agreement
N (ECON) acordo sobre a indexao de salrios
threw [ru]
PT (of throw)
thrift [rft]
N economia, poupana
thrifty [rft]
ADJ econmico, frugal
thrill [rl]
N 1. (excitement) emoo F 2. (shudder) estremecimento VI vibrar VT emocionar,
vibrar to be thrilled (with gift etc) estar emocionado
thriller [rl*]
N romance M ( or filme M ) de suspense
thrilling [rl]
ADJ 1. (book, play etc) excitante 2. (news, discovery) emocionante
thrive [rav] ( thrived ), (PT throve ), ( thrived ), (PP thriven )
VI 1. (grow) vicejar 2. (do well) prosperar, florescer to thrive on sth, realizar-se ao
fazer algo
thriven [rvn]
PP (of thrive)
thriving [rav]
ADJ prspero
throat [rut]
N garganta to have a sore throat, estar com dor de garganta
throb [rb]
N 1. (of heart) batida 2. (of engine) vibrao F 3. (of pain) latejo VI 1. (heart) bater,
palpitar 2. (pain) dar pontadas 3. (engine) vibrar my head is throbbing, minha
cabea est latejando
throes [ruz]
NPL in the throes of, no meio de
thrombosis [rmbuss]
N trombose F
throne [run]
N trono
throng [r]
N multido F VT apinhar, apinhar-se em
throttle [rtl]
N (AUT) acelerador M VT estrangular
through [ru]
PREP 1. por, atravs de 2. (time) durante 3. (by means of) por meio de, por intermdio
de 4. (owing to) devido a ADJ (ticket, train) direto ADV atravs (from) Monday
through Friday US (US) de segunda a sexta
to let sb through, deixar algum passar
to put sb through to sb (TEL) ligar algum com algum
to be through (TEL) estar na linha (have finished) acabar
``no through traffic US (US) ``trnsito proibido
``no through road ``rua sem sada
Im halfway through the book, estou na metade do livro
throughout [ruaut]
PREP 1. (place) por todo* (por toda) 2. (time) durante todo* (durante toda) ADV por or
em todas as partes
throughput [ruput]
N 1. (of goods, materials) quantidade F tratada 2. (COMPUT) capacidade F de
throve [ruv]
PT (of thrive)
throw [ru] (PT threw ), (PP thrown )
N 1. arremesso, tiro 2. (SPORT) lanamento VT 1. jogar, atirar 2. (SPORT) lanar 3.
(rider) derrubar 4. (fig) desconcertar 5. (pot) afeioar to throw a party, dar uma
festa throw about (litter etc) esparramar VT throw around (litter etc)
esparramar VT throw away 1. (dispose of) jogar fora 2. (waste) desperdiar VT
throw in (SPORT) pr em jogo VT throw off 1. desfazer-se de 2. (habit, cold)
livrar-se VT throw out 1. (person) expulsar 2. (rubbish) jogar fora 3. (idea) rejeitar
VT throw together (clothes, meal etc) arranjar s pressas VT throw up vomitar,
botar para fora VI
throwaway [ruwe]
ADJ 1. descartvel 2. (line, remark) gratuito
throwback [rubk]
N its a throwback to, um retrocesso a
N (SPORT) lance M
thru [ru] (US)
PREP ADJ, ADV through
thrush [r]
N 1. (ZOOL) tordo 2. (MED) monlia
thrust [rst] (PT, PP thrust )
N 1. impulso 2. (TECH) empuxo VT 1. empurrar 2. (push in) enfiar, meter
thrusting [rst]
ADJ dinmico
thud [d]
N baque M, som M surdo
thug []
N 1. (criminal) criminoso* (criminosa) 2. (pej) facnora M, F
thumb [m]
N 1. (ANAT) polegar M 2. (inf) dedo M VT (book) folhear to thumb a lift, pegar
carona (BR) arranjar uma bolia (PT)
to give sb/sth the thumbs up (approve) dar luz verde a algum/algo thumb
through folhear VT
thumb index
N ndice M de dedo
thumbnail [mnel]
N unha do polegar
thumbnail sketch
N descrio F resumida
thumbtack [mtk] (US)
N percevejo, tachinha
thump [mp]
N 1. murro, pancada 2. (sound) baque M VT dar um murro em VI bater
thunder [nd*]
N 1. trovo M 2. (sudden noise) trovoada 3. (of applause etc) estrondo VI 1. trovejar 2.
(train etc) to thunder past, passar como um raio
thunderbolt [ndbult]
N raio
thunderclap [ndklp]
N estampido do trovo
thunderous [ndrs]
ADJ estrondoso
thunderstorm [ndstm]
N tempestade F com trovoada, temporal M
thunderstruck [ndstrk]
ADJ estupefato
thundery [ndr]
ADJ tempestuoso
Thur. , Thurs.
ABBR Thursday, qui, 5

Thursday [zd]
N quinta-feira Tuesday
thus [s]
ADV 1. assim, desta maneira 2. (consequently) conseqentemente
thwart [wt]
VT frustrar
thyme [tam]
N tomilho
thyroid [ard]
N tireide F
tiara [tr]
N tiara, diadema M
Tibet [tbt]
N Tibete M
Tibetan [tbtn]
ADJ tibetano N 1. tibetano* (tibetana) 2. (LING) tibetano
tibia [tb]
N tbia
tic [tk]
N tique M
tick [tk]
N 1. (sound) (of clock) tique-taque M 2. (mark) tique M, marca 3. (ZOOL) carrapato 4.
(BRIT inf) in a tick, num instante (credit)
to buy sth on tick, comprar algo a crdito VI fazer tique-taque VT marcar, ticar
to put a tick against sth, marcar or ticar algo tick off 1. assinalar, ticar 2.
(person) dar uma bronca em VT tick over (BRIT) 1. (engine) funcionar em
marcha lenta 2. (fig) ir indo VI
ticker tape [tk*-]
N 1. fita de teleimpressor 2. (US: in celebrations) chuva de papel
ticket [tkt]
N 1. (for bus, plane) passagem F 2. (for theatre, raffle) bilhete M 3. (for cinema)
entrada 4. (in shop) (on goods) etiqueta (receipt) ficha, nota fiscal 5. (parking ticket)
(fine) multa 6. (for library) carto M 7. (US POL) chapa to get a (parking) ticket
(AUT) ganhar uma multa (por estacionamento ilegal)
ticket agency
N agncia de ingressos teatrais
ticket collector
N revisor* M (F revisora)
ticket holder
N portador* M de um bilhete or ingresso (F portadora)
ticket inspector
N revisor* M (F revisora)
ticket office
N bilheteria (BR) bilheteira (PT)
tickle [tkl]
N ccegas FPL VT 1. fazer ccegas em 2. (captivate) encantar 3. (make laugh) fazer rir
VI fazer ccegas
ticklish [tkl]
ADJ 1. (person) coceguento 2. (problem) delicado 3. (which tickles) (blanket etc) que
pica, que faz ccegas (cough) irritante to be ticklish (person) ter ccegas
tidal [tadl]
ADJ de mar
tidal wave
N macaru M, onda gigantesca
tidbit [tdbt] (esp US)
N titbit
tiddlywinks [tdlwks]
N jogo de fichas
tide [tad]
N 1. mar F 2. (fig) (of events) curso VT to tide sb over, dar para algum agentar
high/low tide, mar alta/baixa
the tide of public opinion, a corrente da opinio pblica tide over (help out)
ajudar num perodo difcil VT
tidily [tadl]
ADV com capricho
tidiness [tadns]
N 1. (good order) ordem F 2. (neatness) asseio, limpeza
tidy [tad]
ADJ 1. (room) arrumado 2. (dress, work) limpo 3. (person) bem arrumado 4. (mind)
metdico VT tidy up, pr em ordem, arrumar to tidy o.s. up, arrumar-se
tie [ta]
N 1. (string etc) fita, corda 2. necktie (BRIT) gravata 3. (fig) (link) vnculo, lao 4.
(SPORT) (draw) empate M 5. (US RAIL) dormente M VT amarrar VI (SPORT)
empatar to tie in a bow, dar um lao em
to tie a knot in sth, dar um n em algo
family ties, laos de famlia
``black/white tie ``smoking/traje a rigor tie down 1. amarrar 2. (fig) (person:
restrict) limitar, restringir 3. (to date, price etc) obrigar VT tie in to tie in (with)
combinar com VI tie on (BRIT) (label etc) prender (com barbante) VT tie up 1.
(parcel) embrulhar 2. (dog) prender 3. (boat, prisoner etc) amarrar 4.
(arrangements) concluir VT to be tied up (busy) estar ocupado
tie-break , tie-breaker
N 1. (TENNIS) tie-break M 2. (in quiz etc) deciso F de empate
tie-on (BRIT)
ADJ (label) para atar
tie-pin (BRIT)
N alfinete M de gravata
tier [t*]
N 1. fileira 2. (of cake) camada
Tierra del Fuego [trdlfweu]
N Terra do Fogo
tie tack (US)
N alfinete M de gravata
tie-up (US)
N engarrafamento
tiff [tf]
N 1. briga 2. (lover's tiff) arrufo
tiger [ta*]
N tigre M
tight [tat]
ADJ 1. (rope) esticado, firme 2. (money) escasso 3. (clothes, shoes) justo 4. (bend)
fechado 5. (budget, programme) rigoroso 6. (control) rigoroso 7. (inf: drunk) bbado
ADV 1. (squeeze) bem forte 2. (shut) hermeticamente to be packed tight
(suitcase) estar abarrotado (people) estar apinhado
everybody hold tight! segurem firme!
tighten [tatn]
VT 1. (rope) esticar 2. (screw, grip) apertar 3. (security) aumentar VI 1. esticar-se 2.
tight-fisted [-fstd]
ADJ po-duro
tightly [tatl]
ADV (grasp) firmemente
N corda (bamba)
tight-rope walker
N funmbulo* (funmbula)
tights [tats] (BRIT)
NPL collant M
tigress [tars]
N tigre fmea
tilde [tld]
N til M
tile [tal]
N 1. (on roof) telha 2. (on floor) ladrilho 3. (on wall) azulejo, ladrilho VT 1. (floor)
ladrilhar 2. (wall, bathroom) azulejar
tiled [tald]
ADJ 1. ladrilhado 2. (roof) de telhas
till [tl]
N caixa (registradora) VT (land) cultivar PREP CONJ until
tiller [tl*]
N (NAUT) cana do leme
tilt [tlt]
VT inclinar VI inclinar-se N (slope) inclinao F (at) full tilt, a toda velocidade
timber [tmb*]
N 1. (material) madeira 2. (trees) mata, floresta
time [tam]
N 1. tempo 2. (epoch) (often pl) poca 3. (by clock) hora 4. (moment) momento 5.
(occasion) vez F 6. (MUS) compasso VT 1. calcular or medir o tempo de 2. (fix
moment for) (visit etc) escolher o momento para 3. (remark etc) to time sth
well/badly, ser oportuno/no ser oportuno a long time, muito tempo
4 at a time, quatro de uma vez
for the time being, por enquanto
from time to time, de vez em quando
at times, s vezes
time after time
time and again, repetidamente
in time (soon enough) a tempo (after some time) com o tempo (MUS) no
in a weeks time, dentro de uma semana
in no time, num abrir e fechar de olhos
any time, a qualquer hora
on time, na hora
to be 30 minutes behind/ahead of time, estar atrasado/adiantado de 30
by the time he arrived, at ele chegar
5 times 5 is 25 5 vezes 5 so 25
what time is it? que horas so?
what time do you make it? que horas voc tem?
to have a good time, divertir-se
we had a hard time, foi difcil para ns
hell do it in his own (good) time (without being hurried) ele vai fazer isso
quando tiver tempo
hell do it in BRIT or on US his own time (BRIT) (US) (out of working hours) ele
vai fazer isso fora do expediente
to be behind the times, estar antiquado
time-and-motion study
N estudo de tempos e movimentos
time bomb
N bomba-relgio F
time clock
N relgio de ponto
time-consuming [-knsjum]
ADJ que exige muito tempo
time difference
N fuso horrio
time-honoured [-nd] time-honored (US)
ADJ consagrado pelo tempo
timekeeper [tamkip*]
N (SPORT) cronometrista M, F
time lag (BRIT)
N 1. defasagem F 2. (in travel) fuso horrio
timeless [tamls]
ADJ eterno
time limit
N 1. limite M de tempo 2. (COMM) prazo
timely [taml]
ADJ oportuno
time off
N tempo livre
timer [tam*]
N 1. (in kitchen) cronmetro 2. (switch) timer M
ADJ que economiza tempo
time scale
N prazos MPL
time-sharing [-r]
N (COMPUT) tempo compartilhado
time sheet
N folha de ponto
time signal
N tope M, sinal M horrio
time switch (BRIT)
N interruptor M horrio
timetable [tamtebl]
N 1. horrio 2. (of project) cronograma M
time zone
N fuso horrio
timid [tmd]
ADJ tmido
timidity [tmdt]
N timidez F
timing [tam]
N 1. escolha do momento 2. (SPORT) cronometragem F the timing of his
resignation, o momento que escolheu para se demitir
timing device
N (on bomb) dispositivo de retardamento
Timor [tim*]
N Timor (no article)
timpani [tmpn]
NPL tmbales MPL
tin [tn]
N 1. estanho 2. tin plate, folha-de-flandres F 3. (BRIT: can) lata (for baking) frma
tin foil
N papel M de estanho
tinge [tnd]
N 1. (of colour) matiz M 2. (of feeling) toque M VT tinged with, tingido de
tingle [tl]
N comicho F VI formigar
tinker [tk*]
N 1. funileiro* (funileira) 2. (gipsy) cigano* (cigana) tinker with mexer com VT
tinkle [tkl]
VI tilintar, tinir N (inf) to give sb a tinkle, dar uma ligada para algum
tin mine
N mina de estanho
tinned [tnd] (BRIT)
ADJ (food) em lata, em conserva
tinny [tn]
ADJ metlico
tin opener (BRIT)
N abridor M de latas (BR) abre-latas M INV (PT)
tinsel [tnsl]
N ouropel M
tint [tnt]
N 1. matiz M 2. (for hair) tintura, tinta VT (hair) pintar
tinted [tntd]
ADJ 1. (hair) pintado 2. (spectacles, glass) fum
tiny [tan]
ADJ pequenininho, minsculo
tip [tp]
N 1. (end) ponta 2. (gratuity) gorjeta 3. (BRIT: for rubbish) depsito 4. (advice) dica VT
1. (waiter) dar uma gorjeta a 2. (tilt) inclinar 3. (winner) apostar em 4. tip over
(overturn) virar, emborcar 5. tip out (empty) esvaziar, entornar he tipped out the
contents of the box, esvaziou a caixa tip off avisar VT
N (hint) aviso, dica
tipped [tpt]
ADJ (BRIT: cigarette) com filtro steel-tipped, com ponta de ao
Tipp-Ex [tpks] (BRIT)
N lquido corretor
tipple [tpl] (BRIT)
VT bebericar N to have a tipple, beber um gole
tipsy [tps]
ADJ embriagado, tocado, alto, alegre
tiptoe [tptu]
N on tiptoe, na ponta dos ps
tiptop [tptp]
ADJ in tiptop condition, em perfeitas condies
tire [ta*]
N (US) tyre VT cansar VI 1. cansar-se 2. (become bored) chatear-se tire out esgotar,
exaurir VT
tyre [ta*] tire (US)
N pneu M
tired [tad]
ADJ cansado to be tired of sth, estar farto or cheio de algo
tiredness [tadns]
N cansao
tireless [tals]
ADJ incansvel
tiresome [tasm]
ADJ enfadonho, chato
tiring [tar]
ADJ cansativo
tissue [tu]
N 1. tecido 2. (paper handkerchief) leno de papel
tissue paper
N papel M de seda
tit [tt]
N 1. (bird) passarinho 2. (inf: breast) teta to give tit for tat, pagar na mesma moeda
titanium [ttenm]
N titnio
titbit [ttbt]
N 1. (food) guloseima 2. (news) boato, rumor M
tidbit [tdbt] (esp US)
N titbit
titillate [ttlet]
VT titilar, excitar
titivate [ttvet]
VT arrumar
title [tatl]
N 1. ttulo 2. (LAW) (right)
title (to) direito (a)
title deed
N (LAW) ttulo de propriedade
title page
N pgina de rosto
title role
N papel M principal
titter [tt*]
VI rir-se com riso sufocado
tittle-tattle [ttlttl]
N fofocas FPL (BR) mexericos MPL (PT)
titular [ttjul*]
ADJ (in name only) nominal, titular
tizzy [tz]
N to be in a tizzy, estar muito nervoso
N bifurcao F em T
N ABBR trademark, transcendental meditation
ABBR (POST) Tennessee
N ABBR trinitrotoluene, Tnt M, trotil M
to [tu] [t]
PREP 1. (direction) a, para (towards) para
to go to France/London/school/the station, ir Frana/a Londres/ao colgio/
to go to Lgias/the doctors, ir casa da Lgia/ao mdico
the road to Edinburgh, a estrada para Edinburgo
to the left/right, esquerda/direita 2. (as far as) at
to count to 10 contar at 10
from 40 to 50 people, de 40 a 50 pessoas 3. (with expressions of time) a
quarter to 5 quinze para as 5 (BR) 5 menos um quarto (PT) 4. (for, or) de, para
the key to the front door, a chave da porta da frente
a letter to his wife, uma carta para a sua mulher 5. (expressing indirect object)
to give sth to sb, dar algo a algum
to talk to sb, falar com algum
I sold it to a friend, vendi isto para um amigo
to cause damage to sth, causar danos em algo
to be a danger to sb/sth, ser um perigo para algum/algo
to carry out repairs to sth, fazer consertos em algo
youve done something to your hair, voc fz algo no seu cabelo 6. (in relation
to) para
A is to B as C is to D, A est para B assim como C est para D
3 goals to 2 3 a 2
8 apples to the kilo, 8 mas por quilo 7. (purpose, result) para
to come to sbs aid, prestar ajuda a algum
to sentence sb to death, condenar algum morte
to my surprise, para minha surpresa WITH VB 1. (simple infin) to go/eat, ir/comer
2. (following another vb) to want/try to do, querer/tentar fazer
to start to do, comear a fazer 3. (with vb omitted) I dont want to, eu no quero
you ought to, voc deve 4. (purpose, result) para
he did it to help you, ele fez isso para ajudar voc 5. (equivalent to relative
clause) para, a
I have things to do, eu tenho coisas para fazer
he has a lot to lose, ele tem muito a perder
the main thing is to try, o principal tentar 6. (after adj etc) para
ready to go, pronto para ir
too old/young to ... muito velho/jovem para ... ADV pull/push the door to,
puxar/empurrar a porta
toad [tud]
N sapo
toadstool [tudstul]
N chapu-de-cobra M, cogumelo venenoso
toady [tud]
VI ser bajulador* (ser bajuladora) puxar saco (inf)
toast [tust]
N 1. (CULIN) torradas FPL 2. (drink, speech) brinde M VT 1. (CULIN) torrar 2. (drink to)
brindar a piece or slice of toast, uma torrada
toaster [tust*]
N torradeira
toastmaster [tustmst*]
N mestre M de cerimnias
toast rack
N porta-torradas M INV
tobacco [tbku]
N tabaco, fumo (BR)
tobacconist [tbknst]
N vendedor* M de tabaco (F vendedora) tobacconists (shop) tabacaria, charutaria
Tobago [tbeu]
N Trinidad
toboggan [tbn]
N tobog M
today [tde]
ADV N (fig) hoje M what day is it today? que dia hoje?
what date is it today? qual a data de hoje?
today is the 4th of March, hoje dia 4 de maro
a week ago today, h uma semana atrs
a fortnight today, daqui a quinze dias
todays paper, o jornal de hoje
toddler [tdl*]
N criana que comea a andar
toddy [td]
N ponche M quente
N (fuss) rebulio, alvoroo
toe [tu]
N 1. dedo do p 2. (of shoe) bico VT to toe the line (fig) conformar-se, cumprir as
obrigaes big toe, dedo M do p
little toe, dedo mindinho do p
toehold [tuhuld]
N apoio
toenail [tunel]
N unha do p
toffee [tf]
N puxa-puxa M (BR) caramelo (PT)
toffee apple (BRIT)
N ma F do amor
toga [tu]
N toga
together [t*]
ADV 1. juntos 2. (at same time) ao mesmo tempo together with, junto com
togetherness [tns]
N companheirismo, camaradagem F
toggle switch [tl-]
N (COMPUT) (interruptor m) teimoso
Togo [tuu]
N Togo
togs [tz] (inf)
NPL (clothes) roupa
toil [tl]
N faina, labuta VI labutar, trabalhar arduamente
toilet [tlt]
N 1. (apparatus) privada, vaso sanitrio 2. (BRIT: lavatory) banheiro (BR) casa de
banho (PT) CPD (bag, soap etc) de toalete to go to the toilet, ir ao banheiro
toilet bag (BRIT)
N bolsa de toucador
toilet bowl
N vaso sanitrio
toilet paper
N papel M higinico
toiletries [tltrz]
NPL 1. artigos MPL de toalete 2. (make-up etc) artigos de toucador
toilet roll
N rolo de papel higinico
toilet water
N gua de colnia
to-ing and fro-ing [tunfru] (BRIT)
N vaivm M
token [tukn]
N 1. (sign) sinal M, smbolo, prova 2. (souvenir) lembrana 3. (substitute coin) ficha 4.
(voucher) cupom M, vale M CPD (fee, strike) simblico by the same token (fig)
pela mesma razo
book/record token BRIT (BRIT) vale para comprar livros/discos
Tokyo [tukju]
N Tquio
told [tuld]
PT PP (of tell)
tolerable [tlrbl]
ADJ 1. (bearable) suportvel 2. (fairly good) passvel
tolerably [tlrbl]
ADV tolerably good, razovel
tolerance [tlrns]
N (also) (TECH) tolerncia
tolerant [tlrnt]
ADJ tolerant of, tolerante com
tolerate [tlret]
VT 1. suportar 2. (MED TECH) tolerar
toleration [tlren]
N tolerncia
toll [tul]
N 1. (of casualties) nmero de baixas 2. (tax, charge) pedgio (BR) portagem F (PT) VI
(bell) dobrar, tanger
tollbridge [tulbrd]
N ponte F de pedgio BR or de portagem PT
tomato [tmtu] (PL tomatoes )
N tomate M
tomb [tum]
N tumba
tombola [tmbul]
N tmbola
tomboy [tmb]
N menina moleque
tombstone [tumstun]
N lpide F
tomcat [tmkt]
N gato
tomorrow [tmru]
ADV N amanh M the day after tomorrow, depois de amanh
tomorrow morning, amanh de manh
ton [tn]
N 1. (BRIT) tonelada 2. register ton (NAUT) tonelagem F de registro tons of (inf) um
monte de
tonal [tunl]
ADJ tonal
tone [tun]
N 1. tom M 2. (BRIT TEL) sinal M VI harmonizar tone down 1. (colour, criticism)
suavizar 2. (sound) baixar 3. (MUS) entoar VT tone up (muscles) tonificar VT
ADJ que no tem ouvido
toner [tun*]
N (for photocopier) tinta
Tonga [t]
N Tonga (no article)
tongs [tz]
NPL 1. (for coal) tenaz F 2. (for hair) ferros MPL de frisar cabelo
tongue [t]
N lngua tongue in cheek, ironicamente
tongue-tied [-tad]
ADJ (fig) calado
tongue-twister [-twst*]
N trava-lngua M
tonic [tnk]
N 1. (MED) tnico 2. (MUS) tnica 3. tonic water, (gua) tnica
tonight [tnat]
ADV N esta noite, hoje noite (Ill) see you tonight! at a noite!
tonnage [tnd]
N (NAUT) tonelagem F
tonne [tn] (BRIT)
N (metric ton) tonelada
tonsil [tnsl]
N amgdala to have ones tonsils out, tirar as amgdalas
tonsillitis [tnslats]
N amigdalite F to have tonsillitis, estar com uma amigdalite
too [tu]
ADV 1. (excessively) demais 2. (very) muito 3. (also) tambm too much (adv)
too much (adj) demasiado
too many (adj) muitos* (muitas) demasiados* (demasiadas)
too sweet, doce demais
I went too, eu fui tambm
took [tuk]
PT (of take)
take [tek] (PT took ), (PP taken )
VT 1. (gen) tomar 2. (photo, holiday) tirar 3. (grab) pegar (em) 4. (gain) (prize) ganhar
5. (require) (effort, courage) requerer, exigir 6. (tolerate) agentar 7. (accompany,
bring, carry) (person) acompanhar, trazer (thing) trazer, carregar 8. (exam) fazer 9.
(hold) (passengers etc)
it takes 50 people, cabem 50 pessoas VI (dye, fire) pegar N (CINEMA) tomada
to take sth from (drawer etc) tirar algo de (person) pegar algo de
I take it that ... suponho que ...
I took him for a doctor, eu o tomei por mdico
to take sbs hand, pegar a mo de algum
to take for a walk, levar a passeio
to be taken ill, adoecer, ficar doente
to take it upon o.s. to do sth, assumir a responsabilidade de fazer algo
take the first (street) on the left, pega a primeira (rua) esquerda
it wont take long, no vai demorar muito
I was quite taken with it/her, gostei muito daquilo/dela take after parecer-se
com VT take apart desmontar VT take away 1. (extract) tirar 2. (carry off) levar
3. (subtract) subtrair 4. to take away from, diminuir VT take back 1. (return)
devolver 2. (one's words) retirar VT take down 1. (building) demolir 2. (dismantle)
desmontar 3. (letter etc) tomar por escrito VT take in 1. (deceive) enganar 2.
(understand) compreender 3. (include) abranger 4. (lodger) receber 5. (orphan,
stray dog) acolher 6. (dress etc) apertar VT take off 1. (AVIAT) decolar 2. (go
away) ir-se 3. (remove) tirar 4. (imitate) imitar VI take on 1. (work) empreender 2.
(employee) empregar 3. (opponent) desafiar VT take out 1. tirar 2. (extract)
extrair 3. (invite) acompanhar 4. (licence) tirar VT to take sth out of, tirar algo de
dont take it out on me! no descarregue em cima de mim! take over 1.
(business) assumir 2. (country) tomar posse de 3. to take over from sb, suceder a
algum VT take to 1. (person) simpatizar com 2. (activity) afeioar-se a VT to
take to doing sth, criar o hbito de fazer algo take up 1. (dress) encurtar 2.
(story) continuar 3. (occupy) (time, space) ocupar 4. (engage in) (hobby etc)
dedicar-se a 5. (accept) (offer, challenge) aceitar 6. (absorb) (liquids) absorver 7. to
take up with sb, fazer amizade com algum VT to take sb up on a
suggestion/offer, aceitar a oferta/sugesto de algum sobre algo
tool [tul]
N 1. ferramenta 2. (fig) (person) joguete M VT trabalhar
tool box
N caixa de ferramentas
tool kit
N jogo de ferramentas
toot [tut]
N 1. (of horn) buzinada 2. (of whistle) apito VI 1. (with car horn) buzinar 2. (whistle)
tooth [tu] (PL teeth )
N 1. (ANAT TECH) dente M 2. (molar) molar M to have a tooth out BRIT or pulled
US (BRIT) (US) arrancar um dente
to brush ones teeth, escovar os dentes
by the skin of ones teeth (fig) por um triz
toothache [tuek]
N dor F de dente to have toothache, estar com dor de dente
toothbrush [tubr]
N escova de dentes
toothpaste [tupest]
N pasta de dentes, creme M dental
toothpick [tupk]
N palito
tooth powder
N p M dentifrcio
top [tp]
N 1. (of mountain) cume M, cimo 2. (of tree) topo 3. (of head) cocuruto 4. (of cupboard,
table) superfcie F, topo 5. (of box, jar, bottle) tampa 6. (of ladder, page) topo 7. (of
list etc) cabea M 8. (toy) pio M 9. (DRESS) (blouse etc) top M, blusa (of pyjamas)
palet M ADJ 1. (highest) (shelf, step) mais alto (marks) mximo 2. (in rank)
principal, superior 3. (best) melhor VT 1. (exceed) exceder 2. (be first in) estar
cabea de the top of the milk BRIT (BRIT) a nata do leite
at the top of the stairs/page/street, no alto da escada/no alto da pgina/no
comeo da rua
on top of (above) sobre, em cima de (in addition to) alm de
from top to toe BRIT (BRIT) da cabea aos ps
from top to bottom, de cima abaixo
at the top of the list, cabea da lista
at the top of ones voice, aos gritos
at top speed, a toda velocidade
a top surgeon, um dos melhores cirurgies
over the top (inf: behaviour etc) extravagante top up, top off (US) 1.
completar 2. (mobile phone) recarregar VT
topaz [tupz]
N topzio
topcoat [tpkut]
N sobretudo
topflight [tpflat]
ADJ de primeira categoria
top floor
N ltimo andar M
top hat
N cartola
ADJ (object) desequilibrado
topic [tpk]
N tpico, assunto
topical [tpkl]
ADJ atual
topless [tpls]
ADJ (bather etc) topless, sem a parte superior do biquni
ADJ (talks) de alto nvel
topmost [tpmust]
ADJ o mais alto
topography [tprf]
N topografia
topping [tp]
N (CULIN) cobertura
topple [tpl]
VT derrubar VI cair para frente
top-ranking [-rk]
ADJ de alto escalo
TOPS [tps] (BRIT)
N ABBR Training Opportunities Scheme, programa de formao profissional
ADJ ultra-secreto, supersecreto
top-security (BRIT)
ADJ de alta segurana
topsy-turvy [tpstv]
ADJ ADV de pernas para o ar, confuso, s avessas
N would you like a top-up? voc quer mais? (for mobile phone) recarga
top-up card
N carto de recarga (para celular)
torch [tt]
N 1. tocha, archote M 2. (BRIT: electric torch) lanterna
tore [t*]
PT (of tear)
[t*] (PT tore ), (PP torn )
N rasgo M VT rasgar VI rasgar-se to tear to pieces or to bits or to shreds,
despedaar, estraalhar (fig) arrasar com tear along (rush) precipitar-se VI tear
apart 1. rasgar 2. (fig) arrasar VT tear away to tear o.s. away (from sth)
desgrudar-se (de algo) VT tear out (sheet of paper, cheque) arrancar VT tear up
rasgar VT
N [tmnt] tormento, suplcio VT [tmnt] 1. atormentar 2. (fig) (annoy) chatear,
torn [tn]
PP (of tear) ADJ torn between (fig) dividido entre
tornado [tnedu] (PL tornadoes )
N tornado
torpedo [tpidu] (PL torpedoes )
N torpedo VT torpedear
torpedo boat
N torpedeiro
torpor [tp*]
N torpor M
torque [tk]
N momento de toro
torrent [trnt]
N torrente F
torrential [trnl]
ADJ torrencial
torrid [trd]
ADJ 1. trrido 2. (fig) abrasador* (abrasadora)
torso [tsu]
N torso
tortoise [tts]
N tartaruga
tortoiseshell [ttl]
CPD de tartaruga
tortuous [ttjus]
ADJ 1. tortuoso 2. (argument, mind) confuso
torture [tt*]
N tortura VT 1. torturar 2. (fig) atormentar
torturer [ttr*]
N torturador* M (F torturadora)
Tory [tr] (BRIT)
ADJ N (POL) conservador* M (F conservadora)
toss [ts]
VT 1. atirar, arremessar 2. (head) lanar para trs N 1. (of head) meneio 2. (of coin)
lanamento VI to toss and turn in bed, virar de um lado para o outro na cama to
toss a coin, tirar cara ou coroa
to toss up for sth BRIT (BRIT) jogar cara ou coroa por algo
to win/lose the toss, ganhar/perder no cara ou coroa (SPORT) ganhar/perder o
tot [tt]
N 1. (BRIT: drink) copinho, golinho 2. (child) criancinha tot up (BRIT) (figures)
somar, adicionar VT
total [tutl]
ADJ total N total M, soma VT 1. (add up) somar 2. (amount to) montar a in total, em
totalitarian [tutltrn]
ADJ totalitrio
totality [tutlt]
N totalidade F
totally [tutl]
ADV totalmente
tote bag [tut-]
N sacola
totem pole [tutm-]
N mastro totmico
totter [tt*]
VI 1. cambalear 2. (object, government) vacilar
touch [tt]
N 1. (sense) (also skill: of pianist etc) toque M 2. (contact) contato 3. (FOOTBALL) in
touch, fora do campo VT 1. tocar (em) 2. (tamper with) mexer com 3. (make
contact with) fazer contato com 4. (emotionally) comover the personal touch, o
toque pessoal
to put the finishing touches to sth, dar os ltimos retoques em algo
a touch of (fig) um trao de
to get in touch with sb, entrar em contato com algum
to lose touch (friends) perder o contato
to be out of touch with events, no estar a par dos acontecimentos
no artist in the country can touch him, nenhum artista no pas se compara a
ele touch on (topic) tocar em, fazer meno de VT touch up (paint) retocar VT
ADJ arriscado it was touch-and-go whether we did it, por pouco fizemos aquilo
touchdown [ttdaun]
N 1. aterrissagem F (BR) aterragem F (PT) 2. (on sea) amerissagem F (BR)
amaragem F (PT) 3. (US FOOTBALL) touchdown M (colocao da bola no cho
atrs da linha de gol)
touched [ttt]
ADJ 1. comovido 2. (inf) tocado, muito louco
touching [tt]
ADJ comovedor* (comovedora)
touchline [ttlan]
N (SPORT) linha de fundo
VI datilografar sem olhar para as teclas
touchy [tt]
ADJ (person) suscetvel, sensvel
tough [tf]
ADJ 1. duro 2. (difficult) difcil 3. (resistant) resistente 4. (person) (physically) forte
(mentally) tenaz 5. (exam, experience) brabo 6. (firm) firme, inflexvel N (gangster
etc) bandido, capanga M tough luck! azar!
they got tough with the workers, comearam a falar grosso com os
toughen [tfn]
VT 1. (sb's character) fortalecer 2. (glass etc) tornar mais resistente
toughness [tfns]
N 1. dureza 2. (difficulty) dificuldade F 3. (resistance) resistncia 4. (of person)
tenacidade F
toupee [tupe]
N peruca
tour [tu*]
N 1. viagem F, excurso F 2. package tour, excurso organizada 3. (of town, museum)
visita 4. (by artist) turn F VT 1. (country, city) excursionar por 2. (factory) visitar to
go on a tour of (museum, region) visitar
to go on tour, fazer turn
touring [tur]
N viagens FPL tursticas, turismo
tourism [turzm]
N turismo
tourist [turst]
N turista M, F CPD turstico the tourist trade, o turismo
tourist office
N 1. (in country) escritrio de turismo 2. (in embassy etc) departamento de turismo
tournament [tunmnt]
N torneio
tourniquet [tunke]
N (MED) torniquete M
tour operator (BRIT)
N empresa de viagens
tousled [tauzld]
ADJ (hair) despenteado
tout [taut]
VI to tout for, angariar clientes para VT (BRIT) to tout sth (around) tentar vender
algo N (BRIT: ticket tout) cambista M, F
tow [tu]
N to give sb a tow (AUT) rebocar algum VT rebocar ``on tow BRIT (BRIT) ``in
tow US (US) (AUT) ``rebocado
with her husband in tow, com o marido a tiracolo
toward [twd] towards, twdz
PREP 1. em direo a 2. (of attitude) para com 3. (of purpose) para toward(s)
noon/the end of the year, perto do meio-dia/do fim do ano
to feel friendly toward(s) sb, sentir amizade em relao a algum
towel [taul]
N 1. toalha 2. tea towel, pano to throw in the towel (fig) dar-se por vencido
towelling [taul]
N (fabric) tecido para toalhas
towel rail , towel rack (US)
N toalheiro
tower [tau*]
N torre F VI (building, mountain) elevar-se to tower above or over sb/sth, dominar
tower block (BRIT)
N prdio alto, espigo M, cortio (BR)
towering [taur]
ADJ 1. elevado 2. (figure) eminente
towline [tulan]
N cabo de reboque
town [taun]
N cidade F to go to town, ir cidade (fig) fazer com entusiasmo, mandar brasa
in the town, na cidade
to be out of town (person) estar fora da cidade
town centre
N centro (da cidade)
town clerk
N administrador* M municipal (F administradora)
town council
N cmara municipal
town hall
N prefeitura (BR) concelho (PT)
town plan
N mapa M da cidade
town planner
N urbanista M, F
town planning
N urbanismo
townspeople [taunzpipl]
NPL habitantes MPL da cidade
towpath [tup]
N caminho de sirga
towrope [turup]
N cabo de reboque
tow truck (US)
N reboque M (BR) pronto socorro (PT)
toxic [tksk]
ADJ txico
toxin [tksn]
N toxina
toy [t]
N brinquedo CPD de brinquedo toy with 1. (object, food) brincar com 2. (idea)
contemplar VT
toy shop
N loja de brinquedos
trace [tres]
N 1. (sign) sinal M 2. (small amount) trao VT 1. (through paper) decalcar 2. (draw)
traar, esboar 3. (follow) seguir a pista de 4. (locate) encontrar without trace
(disappear) sem deixar vestgios
there was no trace of it, no havia nenhum vestgio disso
trace element
N elemento trao
trachea [trk]
N (ANAT) traquia
tracing paper [tres-]
N papel M de decalque
track [trk]
N 1. (mark) pegada, vestgio 2. (path) (gen) caminho, vereda (of bullet etc) trajetria
(of suspect, animal) pista, rasto 3. (RAIL) trilhos (BR) carris MPL (PT) 4. (on tape)
trilha 5. (SPORT) pista 6. (on record) faixa VT seguir a pista de to keep track of,
no perder de vista (fig) manter-se informado sobre
to be on the right track (fig) estar no caminho certo track down 1. (prey)
seguir a pista de 2. (sth lost) procurar e encontrar VT
tracked [trkt]
ADJ com lagarta
tracker dog [trk-] (BRIT)
N co M policial
track events
NPL (SPORT) corridas FPL
tracking station [trk-]
N (SPACE) estao F de rastreamento
track record
N to have a good track record (fig) ter uma boa folha de servio
track suit
N roupa de jogging
tract [trkt]
N 1. (GEO) regio F 2. (pamphlet) folheto respiratory tract (ANAT) aparelho
traction [trkn]
N 1. trao F 2. (MED) in traction, em trao
tractor [trkt*]
N trator M
tractor feed
N (on printer) alimentao F a trator
trade [tred]
N 1. comrcio 2. (skill, job) ofcio VI negociar, comerciar VT to trade sth (for sth)
trocar algo (por algo) to trade with/in, comerciar com/em
foreign trade, comrcio exterior
Department of Trade and Industry BRIT (BRIT) Ministrio de Indstria e
Comrcio trade in dar como parte do pagamento VT
trade barrier
N barreira comercial
trade deficit
N dficit M na balana comercial
Trade Descriptions Act (BRIT)
N lei contra a publicidade mentirosa
trade discount
N desconto de revendedor
trade fair
N feira industrial
N venda
trade-in price
N valor de um objeto usado que se desconta do preo do outro novo
trademark [tredmk]
N marca registrada
trade mission
N misso F comercial
trade name
N 1. (of product) marca or nome comercial de um produto 2. (of company) razo F
trader [tred*]
N comerciante M, F
trade secret
N segredo do ofcio
tradesman [tredzmn]
N IRREG (shopkeeper) lojista M
trade union
N sindicato
trade unionism [-junjnzm]
N sindicalismo
trade unionist [-junjnst]
N sindicalista M, F
trade wind
N vento alsio
trading [tred]
N comrcio
trading estate (BRIT)
N parque M industrial
trading stamp
N selo de bonificao
tradition [trdn]
N tradio F
traditional [trdnl]
ADJ tradicional
traffic [trfk]
N 1. trnsito 2. (air traffic etc) trfego 3. (illegal) trfico VI to traffic in (pej: liquor,
drugs) traficar com, fazer trfico com
traffic circle (US)
N rotatria
traffic island
N refgio de segurana (para pedestres)
traffic jam
N engarrafamento, congestionamento
trafficker [trfk*]
N traficante M, F
traffic lights
NPL sinal M luminoso
traffic offence (BRIT)
N infrao F de trnsito
traffic sign
N placa de sinalizao
traffic violation (US)
N infrao F
traffic warden
N guarda M, F de trnsito
tragedy [trdd]
N tragdia
tragic [trdk]
ADJ trgico
trail [trel]
N 1. (tracks) rasto, pista 2. (path) caminho, trilha 3. (wake) esteira 4. (of smoke, dust)
rasto, rastro VT 1. (drag) arrastar 2. (follow) seguir a pista de 3. (follow closely)
vigiar VI 1. arrastar-se 2. (hang loosely) pender 3. (in game, contest) ficar para trs
to be on sbs trail, estar no encalo de algum trail away 1. (sound, voice) ir-
se perdendo 2. (interest) diminuir VI trail behind atrasar-se VI trail off 1.
(sound, voice) ir-se perdendo 2. (interest) diminuir VI
trailer [trel*]
N 1. (AUT) reboque M 2. (US: caravan) trailer M (BR) rulote F (PT) 3. (CINEMA) trailer
trailer truck (US)
N caminho-reboque M
train [tren]
N 1. trem M (BR) comboio (PT) 2. (of dress) cauda 3. (series) seqncia, srie F 4.
(followers) sqito, comitiva VT 1. (professionals etc) formar 2. (teach skills to)
instruir 3. (SPORT) treinar 4. (dog) adestrar, amestrar 5. (point) (gun etc)
to train on, apontar para VI 1. (learn a skill) instruir 2. (SPORT) treinar 3. (be
educated) ser treinado to lose ones train of thought, perder o fio
to go by train, ir de trem
to train sb to do sth, treinar algum para fazer algo
train attendant (US)
N revisor* M (F revisora)
trained [trend]
ADJ 1. (worker) especializado 2. (teacher) formado 3. (animal) adestrado
trainee [treni]
N 1. estagirio* (estagiria) 2. (in trade) aprendiz M, F
trainer [tren*]
N 1. (SPORT) treinador* M (F treinadora) 2. (of animals) adestrador* M (F
adestradora) trainers (shoes) tnis M NPL
training [tren]
N 1. instruo F 2. (SPORT,: for occupation) treinamento 3. (professional) formao
in training, en treinamento
training college
N (for teachers) Escola Normal
training course
N curso de formao profissional
training shoes
NPL tnis M
traipse [treps]
VI perambular
trait [tret]
N trao
traitor [tret*]
N traidor* M (F traidora)
trajectory [trdktr]
N trajetria
tram [trm] (BRIT)
N tramcar, bonde M (BR) elctrico (PT)
tramline [trmlan]
N trilho para bondes
tramp [trmp]
N 1. (person) vagabundo* (vagabunda) 2. (inf pej: woman) piranha VI caminhar
pesadamente VT (walk through) (town, streets) percorrer, andar por
trample [trmpl]
VT to trample (underfoot) calcar aos ps
trampoline [trmplin]
N trampolim M
trance [trns]
N 1. estupor M 2. (MED) transe M hipntico to go into a trance, cair em transe
tranquil [trkwl]
ADJ tranqilo
tranquillity [trkwlt]
N tranqilidade F
tranquillizer [trkwlaz*]
N (MED) tranqilizante M
transact [trnzkt]
VT (business) negociar
transaction [trnzkn]
N transao F, negcio transactions (minutes) ata NPL cash transaction,
transao vista
transatlantic [trnztlntk]
ADJ transatlntico
transcend [trnsnd]
VT 1. transcender, exceder 2. (excel over) ultrapassar
transcendental [trnsndntl]
ADJ transcendental meditation, meditao F transcendental
transcribe [trnskrab]
VT transcrever
transcript [trnskrpt]
N cpia, traslado
transcription [trnskrpn]
N transcrio F
transept [trnspt]
N transepto
N [trnsf*] 1. transferncia 2. (picture, design) decalcomania VT [trnsf*] transferir
to transfer the charges (BRIT TEL) ligar a cobrar
by bank transfer, por transferncia bancria
transferable [trnsfrbl]
ADJ transfervel not transferable, intransfervel
transfix [trnsfks]
VT 1. trespassar 2. (fig) transfixed with fear, paralisado de medo
transform [trnsfm]
VT transformar
transformation [trnsfmen]
N transformao F
transformer [trnsfm*]
N (ELEC) transformador M
transfusion [trnsfjun]
N blood transfusion, transfuso F (de sangue)
transgress [trnsrs]
VT transgredir
transient [trnznt]
ADJ transitrio
transistor [trnzst*]
N transistor radio (ELEC) transistor M
transit [trnzt]
N in transit, em trnsito, de passagem
transit camp
N campo de trnsito
transition [trnzn]
N transio F
transitional [trnznl]
ADJ de transio, transicional
transitive [trnztv]
ADJ (LING) transitivo
transit lounge
N salo M de trnsito
transitory [trnztr]
ADJ transitrio
translate [trnzlet]
VT to translate (from/into) traduzir (do/para o)
translation [trnzlen]
N traduo F
translator [trnzlet*]
N tradutor* M (F tradutora)
translucent [trnzlusnt]
ADJ translcido
transmission [trnzmn]
N transmisso F
transmit [trnzmt]
VT transmitir
transmitter [trnzmt*]
N 1. transmissor M 2. (station) emissora
transparency [trnsprns]
N 1. (of glass etc) transparncia 2. (BRIT PHOT) diapositivo
transparent [trnsprnt]
ADJ transparente
transpire [trnspa*]
VI 1. (turn out) tornar sabido 2. (happen) ocorrer, acontecer 3. (become known) it
finally transpired that ... no final soube-se que ...
VT [trnsplnt] transplantar N [trnsplnt] (MED) transplante M to have a heart
transplant, ter um transplante de corao
N [trnspt] transporte M VT [trnspt] 1. transportar 2. (carry) acarretar public
transport, transportes coletivos
Department of Transport BRIT (BRIT) ministrioda dos Transportes
transportation [trnspten]
N transporte M Department of Transportation US (US) ministrio da Infra-estrutura
transport caf (BRIT)
N lanchonete F de estrada
transpose [trnspuz]
VT transpor
transship [trnsp]
VT baldear
transverse [trnzvs]
ADJ transversal
transvestite [trnzvstat]
N travesti M, F
trap [trp]
N 1. (snare) armadilha, cilada 2. (trick) cilada 3. (carriage) aranha, charrete F VT 1.
pegar em armadilha 2. (person) (trick) armar (in bad marriage, fire) estar preso*
(estar presa) 3. (immobilize) bloquear 4. (jam) emperrar to set or lay a trap (for
sb) montar uma armadilha (para algum)
to shut ones trap (inf) calar a boca
to trap ones finger in the door, prender o dedo na porta
trap door
N alapo M
trapeze [trpiz]
N trapzio
trapper [trp*]
N caador M de peles
trappings [trpz]
NPL adornos MPL, enfeites MPL
trash [tr]
N 1. (pej: goods) refugo, escria (nonsense) besteiras FPL 2. (US: rubbish) lixo
trash can (US)
N lata de lixo
trauma [trm]
N trauma M
traumatic [trmtk]
ADJ traumtico
travel [trvl]
N viagem F VI 1. viajar 2. (sound) propagar-se 3. (news) levar 4. (wine) this wine
travels well, este vinho no sofre alterao ao ser transportado 5. (move)
deslocar-se VT (distance) percorrer travels (journeys) viagens FPL NPL
travel agency
N agncia de viagens
travel agent
N agente M, F de viagens
travel brochure
N prospecto turstico
traveller [trvl*] traveler (US)
N 1. viajante M, F 2. (COMM) caixeiro* viajante (caixeira)
travellers cheque , travelers check (US)
N cheque M de viagem
travelling [trvl] traveling (US)
N as viagens, viajar M ADJ 1. (circus, exhibition) itinerante 2. (salesman) viajante CPD
(bag, clock, expenses) de viagem
travelling salesman , traveling salesman (US)
N IRREG caixeiro viajante
travelogue [trvl]
N 1. (book) livro de viagem 2. (film) documentrio de viagem
travel sickness
N enjo
traverse [trvs]
VT atravessar
travesty [trvst]
N pardia
trawler [trl*]
N traineira
tray [tre]
N 1. bandeja 2. (on desk) cesta
treacherous [trtrs]
ADJ 1. traioeiro 2. (ground, tide) perigoso road conditions are treacherous, as
estradas esto perigosas
treachery [trtr]
N traio F
treacle [trikl]
N melado
tread [trd] (PT trod ), (PP trodden )
N 1. (step) passo, pisada 2. (sound) passada 3. (of stair) piso 4. (of tyre) banda de
rodagem VI pisar tread on pisar (em) VT
treadle [trdl]
N pedal M
ABBR treasurer
treason [trizn]
N traio F
treasure [tr*]
N 1. tesouro 2. (person) jia VT (value) apreciar, estimar treasures (art treasures
etc) preciosidades FPL NPL
treasure hunt
N caa ao tesouro
treasurer [trr*]
N tesoureiro* (tesoureira)
treasury [trr]
N 1. tesouraria 2. (POL) the Treasury BRIT or Treasury Department US (BRIT)
(US) o Tesouro Nacional
treasury bill
N letra do Tesouro (Nacional)
treat [trit]
N 1. (present) regalo, deleite M 2. (pleasure) prazer M VT tratar to treat sb to sth,
convidar algum para algo
to give sb a treat, dar um prazer a algum
to treat sth as a joke, no levar algo a srio
treatise [tritz]
N tratado
treatment [tritmnt]
N tratamento to have treatment for sth (MED) fazer tratamento para algo
treaty [trit]
N tratado, acordo
treble [trbl]
ADJ trplice N (MUS) soprano VT triplicar VI triplicar(-se)
treble clef
N clave F de sol
tree [tri]
N rvore F
ADJ ladeado de rvores
treetop [tritp]
N copa (de rvore)
tree trunk
N tronco de rvore
trek [trk]
N 1. (long journey) jornada 2. (walk) caminhada 3. (as holiday) excurso F (a p) VI
(as holiday) caminhar
trellis [trls]
N grade F de ripas, latada
tremble [trmbl]
VI tremer
trembling [trmbl]
N tremor M ADJ trmulo, trepidante
tremendous [trmnds]
ADJ 1. tremendo 2. (enormous) enorme 3. (excellent) sensacional, fantstico
tremendously [trmndsl]
ADV 1. (well, clever etc) extraordinariamente 2. (very much) muitssimo 3. (very well)
muito bem
tremor [trm*]
N 1. tremor M 2. earth tremor, tremor de terra
trench [trnt]
N trincheira
trench coat
N capa (de chuva)
trench warfare
N guerra de trincheiras
trend [trnd]
N 1. (tendency) tendncia 2. (of events) curso 3. (fashion) modismo, tendncia
trend towards/away from doing, tendncia a/contra fazer
to set the trend, dar o tom
to set a trend, lanar uma moda
trendy [trnd]
ADJ 1. (idea) de acordo com a tendncia atual 2. (clothes) da ltima moda
trepidation [trpden]
N 1. trepidao F 2. (fear) apreenso F
trespass [trsps]
VI to trespass on, invadir ``no trespassing ``entrada proibida
trespasser [trsps*]
N intruso* (intrusa) ``trespassers will be prosecuted ``aqueles que invadirem
esta rea sero punidos
tress [trs]
N trana
trestle [trsl]
N cavalete M
trestle table
N mesa de cavaletes
trial [tral]
N 1. (LAW) processo 2. (test) (of machine etc) prova, teste M 3. (hardship) provao F
trials 1. (unpleasant experiences) dissabores MPL 2. (SPORT) eliminatrias FPL
NPL horse trials, provas FPL de equitao
by trial and error, por tentativas
trial by jury, julgamento por jri
to be sent for trial, ser levado a julgamento
to be on trial, ser julgado
trial balance
N (COMM) balancete M
trial basis
N on a trial basis, em experincia
trial period
N perodo de experincia
trial run
N ensaio
triangle [tral]
N (MATH MUS) tringulo
triangular [trajul*]
ADJ triangular
tribal [trabl]
ADJ tribal
tribe [trab]
N tribo F
tribesman [trabzmn]
N IRREG membro da tribo
tribulation [trbjulen]
N tribulao F, aflio F
tribunal [trabjunl]
N tribunal M
tributary [trbjutr]
N (river) afluente M
tribute [trbjut]
N 1. homenagem F 2. (payment) tributo to pay tribute to, prestar homenagem a,
trice [tras]
N in a trice, num instante
trick [trk]
N 1. truque M 2. (deceit) fraude F, trapaa 3. (joke) pea, brincadeira 4. (skill, knack)
habilidade F 5. (CARDS) vaza VT enganar to play a trick on sb, pregar uma
pea em algum
to trick sb into doing sth, induzir algum a fazer algo pela astcia
to trick sb out of sth, obter algo de algum pela astcia
its a trick of the light, uma iluso de tica
that should do the trick (inf) isso deveria dar resultado
trickery [trkr]
N trapaa, astcia
trickle [trkl]
N (of water etc) fio (de gua) VI gotejar, pingar to trickle in/out (people) ir
entrando/saindo aos poucos
trick question
N pergunta capciosa
trickster [trkst*]
N vigarista M, F
tricky [trk]
ADJ difcil, complicado
tricycle [traskl]
N triciclo
trifle [trafl]
N 1. (small detail) bobagem F, besteira 2. (CULIN) tipo de bolo com fruta e creme ADV
a trifle long, um pouquinho longo VI to trifle with, brincar com
trifling [trafl]
ADJ insignificante
trigger [tr*]
N (of gun) gatilho trigger off desencadear VT
trigonometry [trnmtr]
N trigonometria
trilby [trlb] (BRIT)
N trilby hat, chapu M de feltro
trill [trl]
N (of bird, MUS) trinado, trilo
trilogy [trld]
N trilogia
trim [trm]
ADJ 1. (figure) elegante 2. (house) arrumado 3. (garden) bem cuidado N 1. (haircut
etc) aparada 2. (on car) estofamento 3. (embellishment) acabamento, remate M VT
1. (cut) aparar, cortar 2. (decorate) to trim (with) enfeitar (com) 3. (NAUT) (sail)
ajustar to keep in (good) trim, manter em bom estado
trimmings [trmz]
NPL 1. decorao F 2. (extras) (gen CULIN) acompanhamentos MPL
Trinidad and Tobago [trndd-]
N Trinidad e Tobago (no article)
Trinity [trnt]
N the Trinity, a Trindade
trinket [trkt]
N 1. bugiganga 2. (piece of jewellery) berloque M, bijuteria
trio [triu]
N trio
trip [trp]
N 1. viagem F 2. (outing) excurso F 3. (stumble) tropeo M VI 1. trip up, tropear 2.
(go lightly) andar com passos ligeiros VT fazer tropear on a trip, de viagem
trip up 1. tropear 2. passar uma rasteira em VI
tripartite [traptat]
ADJ 1. (in three parts) tripartido 2. (POL) tripartidrio
tripe [trap]
N 1. (CULIN) bucho, tripa 2. (pej: rubbish) bobagem F
triple [trpl]
ADJ triplo, trplice ADV triple the distance/the speed, trs vezes a distncia/a
triplets [trplts]
NPL trigmeos* M (FPL trigmeas)
triplicate [trplkt]
N in triplicate, em triplicata, em trs vias
tripod [trapd]
N trip M
Tripoli [trpl]
N Trpoli
tripper [trp*] (BRIT)
N excursionista M, F
tripwire [trpwa*]
N fio de disparo
trite [trat]
ADJ gasto, banal
triumph [tramf]
N 1. (satisfaction) satisfao F 2. (great achievement) triunfo VI to triumph (over)
triunfar (sobre)
triumphal [tramfl]
ADJ triunfal
triumphant [tramfnt]
ADJ triunfante
trivia [trv]
NPL trivialidades FPL
trivial [trvl]
ADJ 1. insignificante 2. (commonplace) trivial
triviality [trvlt]
N trivialidade F
trivialize [trvlaz]
VT banalizar, trivializar
trod [trd]
PT (of tread)
trodden [trdn]
PP (of tread)
trolley [trl]
N 1. carrinho 2. (table on wheels) mesa volante
trolley bus
N nibus M eltrico (BR) trlei M (PT)
trollop [trlp]
N rameira
trombone [trmbun]
N trombone M
troop [trup]
N bando, grupo VI to troop in/out, entrar/sair em bando troops (MIL) tropas FPL
(men) homens MPL NPL trooping the colour (BRIT: ceremony) a saudao da
troop carrier
N 1. (plane) avio M de transporte de tropas 2. troopship (NAUT) navio-transporte M
trooper [trup*]
N 1. (MIL) soldado de cavalaria 2. (US: policeman) policial M militar, PM M
troopship [trupp]
N navio-transporte M
trophy [truf]
N trofu M
tropic [trpk]
N trpico in the tropics, nos trpicos
Tropic of Cancer/Capricorn, Trpico de Cncer/Capricrnio
tropical [trpkl]
ADJ tropical
trot [trt]
N 1. trote M 2. (fast pace) passo rpido VI 1. trotar 2. (person) andar rapidamente on
the trot (fig inf) a fio trot out 1. (excuse, reason) apresentar, dar 2. (names,
facts) recitar VT
trouble [trbl]
N 1. problema(s) M MPL, dificuldade(s) F FPL 2. (worry) preocupao F 3. (bother,
effort) incmodo, trabalho 4. (POL) distrbios MPL 5. (MED) stomach trouble etc,
problemas MPL gstricos etc VT 1. perturbar 2. (worry) preocupar, incomodar VI to
trouble to do sth, incomodar-se or preocupar-se de fazer algo troubles (POL
etc) distrbios MPL NPL to be in trouble (in difficulty) estar num aperto (for doing
sth wrong) estar numa encrenca (ship, climber etc) estar em dificuldade
to go to the trouble of doing sth, dar-se ao trabalho de fazer algo
to have trouble doing sth, ter dificuldade em fazer algo
its no trouble! no tem problema!
please dont trouble yourself, por favor, no se d trabalho!
the trouble is ... o problema ...
whats the trouble? qual o problema?
troubled [trbld]
ADJ 1. (person) preocupado 2. (epoch, life) agitado
ADJ sem problemas
troublemaker [trblmek*]
N 1. criador*-de-casos M (F criadora) 2. (child) encrenqueiro* (encrenqueira)
troubleshooter [trblut*]
N 1. (in conflict) conciliador* M (F conciliadora) 2. (solver of problems) solucionador*
M de problemas (F solucionadora)
troublesome [trblsm]
ADJ 1. importuno 2. (child) (cough) incmodo
trouble spot
N rea de conflito
trough [trf]
N 1. drinking trough, bebedouro, cocho 2. feeding trough, gamela 3. (depression)
depresso F 4. (channel) canal M trough of low pressure (METEOROLOGY)
cavado de baixa presso
trounce [trauns]
VT (defeat) dar uma surra or um banho em
troupe [trup]
N companhia teatral
trouser press
N passadeira de calas
trousers [trauzz]
NPL cala (BR) calas FPL (PT)
trouser suit (BRIT)
N terninho (BR) conjunto de calas casaco (PT)
trousseau [trusu] ( trousseaux ), (PL trousseaus )
N enxoval M
trousseaux [trusuz]
NPL (of trousseau)
trout [traut]
N INV truta
trowel [traul]
N 1. (garden tool) colher F de jardineiro 2. (builder's tool) colher F de pedreiro
truancy [truns]
N evaso F escolar
truant [trunt] (BRIT)
N to play truant, matar aula (BR) fazer gazeta (PT)
truce [trus]
N trgua, armistcio
truck [trk]
N 1. caminho M (BR) camio M (PT) 2. (RAIL) vago M
truck driver
N caminhoneiro* (caminhoneira) (BR) camionista M, F (PT)
trucker [trk*] (esp US)
N caminhoneiro (BR) camionista M, F (PT)
truck farm (US)
N horta
trucking [trk] (esp US)
N transporte M rodovirio
trucking company (US)
N transportadora
truck stop (US)
N bar M de estrada
truculent [trkjulnt]
ADJ agressivo
trudge [trd]
VI andar com dificuldade, arrastar-se
true [tru]
ADJ 1. verdadeiro 2. (accurate) exato 3. (genuine) autntico 4. (faithful) fiel, leal 5.
(wall) aprumado 6. (beam) nivelado 7. (wheel) alinhado to come true, realizar-
se, tornar-se realidade
true to life, realista, fiel realidade
its true, verdade
truffle [trfl]
N 1. trufa 2. (sweet) docinho de chocolate or rum
truly [trul]
ADV 1. (really) realmente 2. (truthfully) verdadeiramente 3. (faithfully) fielmente
yours truly (in letter) atenciosamente
trump [trmp]
N trunfo to turn or come up trumps (fig) salvar a ptria
trump card
N fig, trunfo
trumped-up [trmpt-]
ADJ inventado, forjado
trumpet [trmpt]
N trombeta
truncated [trketd]
ADJ truncado
truncheon [trntn]
N cassetete M
trundle [trndl]
VT (push slowly) (trolley etc) empurrar lentamente VI to trundle along, rolar or rodar
fazendo rudo
trunk [trk]
N 1. (of tree, person) tronco 2. (of elephant) tromba 3. (case) ba M 4. (US AUT) mala
(BR) porta-bagagens M (PT) trunks swimming trunks, sunga (BR) cales MPL de
banho (PT) NPL
trunk call (BRIT)
N (TEL) ligao F interurbana
trunk road (BRIT)
N rodovia nacional
truss [trs]
N (MED) funda VT to truss (up) atar, amarrar
trust [trst]
N 1. confiana 2. (responsibility) responsibilidade F 3. (COMM) truste M 4. (LAW)
fideicomisso VT 1. (rely on) confiar em 2. (entrust) to trust sth to sb, confiar algo a
algum 3. (hope) to trust (that) esperar que to take sth on trust, aceitar algo
sem verificao prvia
in trust (LAW) em fideicomisso
trust company
N companhia fiduciria
trusted [trstd]
ADJ de confiana
trustee [trsti]
N 1. (LAW) fideicomissrio* (fideicomissria) depositrio* (depositria) 2. (of school
etc) administrador* M (F administradora)
trustful [trstful]
ADJ confiante
trust fund
N fundo de fideicomisso
trusting [trst]
ADJ confiante
trustworthy [trstw]
ADJ digno de confiana
trusty [trst]
ADJ fidedigno, fiel
truth [tru] (PL truths truz )
N verdade F
truthful [truful]
ADJ 1. (person) sincero, honesto 2. (account) verdico
truthfully [truful]
ADV sinceramente
truthfulness [trufulns]
N veracidade F
try [tra]
N 1. tentativa 2. (RUGBY) ensaio VT 1. (LAW) julgar 2. (test) (sth new) provar, pr
prova 3. (attempt) tentar 4. (food etc) experimentar 5. (strain) cansar VI tentar to
have a try, fazer uma tentativa
to try to do sth, tentar fazer algo
to try ones (very) best or ones (very) hardest, fazer (todo) o possvel
to give sth a try, tentar algo try on (clothes) experimentar, provar VT to try it
on with sb (fig) (test sb's patience) testar a pacincia de algum (try to trick) tentar
engambelar algum try out experimentar, provar VT
trying [tra]
ADJ (person, experience) exasperante
tsar [z*]
N czar M
N camiseta (BR) T-shirt F (PT)
N rgua em T
ADJ ABBR (BRIT inf) teetotal ABBR (US POST) Trust Territory
tub [tb]
N 1. tina 2. (bath) banheira
tuba [tjub]
N tuba
tubby [tb]
ADJ gorducho
tube [tjub]
N 1. tubo 2. (pipe) cano 3. (BRIT: underground) metr M (BR) metro(-politano) (PT) 4.
(for tyre) cmara-de-ar F
tubeless [tjubls]
ADJ sem cmara
tuber [tjub*]
N (BOT) tubrculo
tuberculosis [tjubkjuluss]
N tuberculose F
tube station (BRIT)
N estao F de metr
tubing [tjub]
N tubulao F, encanamento a piece of tubing, um pedao de tubo
tubular [tjubjul*]
ADJ 1. tubular 2. (furniture) tubiforme
N ABBR Trades Union Congress, CUT F
tuck [tk]
N (SEWING) prega, dobra VT (put) enfiar, meter tuck away esconder VT to be
tucked away, estar escondido tuck in 1. enfiar para dentro 2. (child) aconchegar
3. (eat) comer com apetite VT tuck up (child) aconchegar VT
tuck shop
N loja de balas
Tue. , Tues.
ABBR Tuesday, ter, 3

Tuesday [tjuzd]
N tera-feira (the date) today is Tuesday 23rd March, hoje tera-feira, 23 de
on Tuesday, na tera(-feira)
on Tuesdays, nas teras(-feiras)
every Tuesday, todas as teras(-feiras)
every other Tuesday, tera-feira sim, tera-feira no
last/next Tuesday, na tera-feira passada/na tera-feira que vem
Tuesday next, na tera-feira que vem
the following Tuesday, na tera-feira seguinte
a week on Tuesday, sem ser essa tera, a outra
the Tuesday before last, na tera-feira retrasada
the Tuesday after next, sem ser essa tera, a outra
Tuesday morning/lunchtime/afternoon/evening, na tera-feira de manh/ao
meio-dia/ tarde/ noite
Tuesday night, na tera-feira noite
Tuesdays newspaper, o jornal de tera-feira
tuft [tft]
N 1. penacho 2. (of grass etc) tufo
tug [t]
N (ship) rebocador M VT puxar
N 1. cabo-de-guerra M 2. (fig) disputa
tuition [tjun]
N 1. ensino 2. (private tuition) aulas FPL particulares 3. (US: fees) taxas FPL escolares
tulip [tjulp]
N tulipa
tumble [tmbl]
N (fall) queda VI cair, tombar VT derrubar to tumble to sth (inf) sacar algo
tumbledown [tmbldaun]
ADJ em runas
tumble dryer (BRIT)
N mquina de secar roupa
tumbler [tmbl*]
N copo
tummy [tm] (inf)
N 1. (belly) barriga 2. (stomach) estmago
tumour [tjum*] tumor (US)
N tumor M
tumult [tjumlt]
N tumulto
tumultuous [tjumltjus]
ADJ tumultuado
tuna [tjun]
N INV tuna fish, atum M
tune [tjun]
N melodia VT 1. (MUS) afinar 2. (RADIO TV) sintonizar 3. (AUT) regular to be in/out
of tune (instrument) estar afinado/desafinado (singer) cantar afinado/desafinar
to be in/out of tune with (fig) harmonizar-se com/destoar de
she was robbed to the tune of 10,000 ela foi roubada em mais de 10,000
tune in (RADIO TV) to tune in (to) sintonizar (com) VI tune up (musician) afinar
(seu instrumento) VI
tuneful [tjunful]
ADJ melodioso
tuner [tjun*]
N (radio set) sintonizador M piano tuner, afinador* M de pianos (F afinadora)
tuner amplifier
N sintonizador M amplificador
tungsten [tstn]
N tungstnio
tunic [tjunk]
N tnica
tuning [tjun]
N 1. (of radio) sintonia 2. (MUS) afinao F 3. (of car) regulagem F
tuning fork
N diapaso M
Tunis [tjuns]
N Tnis
Tunisia [tjunz]
N Tunsia
Tunisian [tjunzn]
ADJ N tunisiano* (tunisiana)
tunnel [tnl]
N 1. tnel M 2. (in mine) galeria VI abrir um tnel ( or uma galeria)
tunny [tn]
N atum M
turban [tbn]
N turbante M
turbid [tbd]
ADJ turvo
turbine [tban]
N turbina
turbojet [tbudt]
N turbojato (BR) turbojacto (PT)
turboprop [tbuprp]
N (engine) turbolice M
turbot [tbt]
N INV rodovalho
turbulence [tbjulns]
N (AVIAT) turbulncia
turbulent [tbjulnt]
ADJ turbulento
tureen [trin]
N terrina
turf [tf]
N torro M VT relvar, gramar the Turf, o turfe turf out (inf) 1. (thing) jogar fora 2.
(person) pr no olho da rua VT
turf accountant (BRIT)
N corretor M de apostas
turgid [tdd]
ADJ (speech) pomposo
Turk [tk]
N turco* (turca)
Turkey [tk]
N Turquia
turkey [tk]
N peru* M (F perua)
Turkish [tk]
ADJ turco* (turca) N (LING) turco
Turkish bath
N banho turco
Turkish delight
N lokum M
turmeric [tmrk]
N aafro-da-terra M
turmoil [tml]
N tumulto, distrbio, agitao F in turmoil, agitado, tumultuado
turn [tn]
N 1. volta, turno 2. (in road) curva 3. (go) vez F, turno 4. (tendency) (of mind, events)
propenso F, tendncia 5. (THEATRE) nmero 6. (MED) choque M VT 1. dar volta
a, fazer girar 2. (collar) virar 3. (steak) virar 4. (milk) azedar 5. (shape) (wood)
tornear 6. (change) to turn sth into, converter algo em VI 1. virar 2. (person) (look
back) voltar-se 3. (reverse direction) mudar de direo 4. (milk) azedar 5. (change)
mudar 6. (become) tornar-se, virar to turn nasty, engrossar
to turn forty, fazer quarenta anos
to turn into, converter-se em
a good turn, um favor
it gave me quite a turn, me deu um susto enorme
``no left turn (AUT) ``proibido virar esquerda
its your turn, a sua vez
in turn, por sua vez
to take turns (at) revezar (em)
at the turn of the year/century, no final do ano/sculo
to take a turn for the worse (situation, patient) piorar
to turn left (AUT) virar esquerda
she has no one to turn to, ela no tem a quem recorrer turn about dar meia-
volta VI turn away 1. virar a cabea 2. (reject) (person) rejeitar (business,
applicants) recusar VI turn back 1. voltar atrs 2. voltar para trs 3. (clock)
atrasar VI turn down 1. (refuse) recusar 2. (reduce) baixar 3. (fold) dobrar, virar
para baixo VT turn in 1. (inf: go to bed) ir dormir 2. (fold) dobrar para dentro VI
turn off 1. (from road) virar, sair do caminho 2. (light, radio etc) apagar 3. (engine)
desligar VI turn on 1. (light) acender 2. (engine, radio) ligar 3. (tap) abrir VT turn
out 1. (light, gas) apagar 2. (produce) produzir 3. (troops) ser mobilizado VT to
turn out to be ... revelar-se (ser) ... resultar (ser) ... vir a ser ... turn over 1.
(person) virar-se 2. (object) virar VI turn round 1. voltar-se, virar-se 2. girar VI
turn up 1. (person) aparecer, pintar 2. (lost object) aparecer 3. (collar) subir 4.
(volume, radio etc) aumentar VI
turnabout [tnbaut]
N reviravolta
turnaround [tnraund]
N reviravolta
turncoat [tnkut]
N vira-casaca M, F
turned-up [tnd-]
ADJ (nose) arrebitado
turning [tn]
N (in road) via lateral the first turning on the right, a primeira direita
turning circle (BRIT)
N raio de viragem
turning point
N (fig) momento decisivo, virada
turning radius (US)
N raio de viragem
turnip [tnp]
N nabo
turnout [tnaut]
N 1. assistncia 2. (in election) comparecimento s urnas
turnover [tnuv*]
N 1. (COMM) (amount of money) volume M de negcios (of goods) movimento 2. (of
staff) rotatividade F 3. (CULIN) espcie de pastel
turnpike [tnpak] (US)
N estrada or rodovia com pedgio BR or portagem PT
turnstile [tnstal]
N borboleta (BR) torniquete M (PT)
turntable [tntebl]
N (on record player) prato
turn-up (BRIT)
N (on trousers) volta, dobra
turpentine [tpntan]
N turps, aguarrs F
turquoise [tkwz]
N (stone) turquesa ADJ azul-turquesa
turret [trt]
N torrinha
turtle [ttl]
N tartaruga, cgado
turtleneck [ttlnk] turtleneck sweater
N pulver M BR or camisola PT de gola alta
tusk [tsk]
N defesa (de elefante)
tussle [tsl]
N 1. (fight) luta 2. (scuffle) contenda, rixa
tutor [tjut*]
N 1. professor* M (F professora) 2. (private tutor) professor* M particular (F
tutorial [tjutrl]
N (SCH) seminrio
tuxedo [tksidu] (US)
N smoking M
N ABBR television, TV F
twaddle [twdl]
N bobagens FPL, disparates MPL
twang [tw]
N 1. (of instrument) dedilhado 2. (of voice) timbre M nasal or fanhoso VI vibrar VT
(guitar) dedilhar
tweak [twik]
VT 1. (nose, ear) beliscar 2. (hair) puxar
tweed [twid]
N tweed M, pano grosso de l
tweezers [twizz]
NPL pina (pequena)
twelfth [twlf]
NUM dcimo segundo fifth
Twelfth Night
N noite F de Reis, Epifania
twelve [twlv]
NUM doze at twelve (oclock) (midday) ao meio-dia (midnight) meia-noite five
twentieth [twnt]
NUM vigsimo fifth
twenty [twnt]
NUM vinte five
twerp [twp] (inf)
N imbecil M, F
twice [twas]
ADV duas vezes twice as much, duas vezes mais
twice a week, duas vezes por semana
she is twice your age, ela tem duas vezes a sua idade
twiddle [twdl]
VT VI to twiddle (with) sth, mexer em algo to twiddle ones thumbs (fig) chupar o
twig [tw]
N graveto, varinha VT VI (inf) sacar
twilight [twalat]
N crepsculo, meia-luz F in the twilight, na penumbra
twill [twl]
N sarja
twin [twn]
ADJ 1. (sister, brother, towers) gmeo* (gmea) 2. (beds) separado N gmeo*
(gmea) VT irmanar
twin-bedded room [-bdd-]
N quarto com duas camas
twin beds
NPL camas FPL separadas
ADJ de dois carburadores
twine [twan]
N barbante M (BR) cordel M (PT) VI (plant) enroscar-se, enrolar-se
twin-engined [-ndnd]
ADJ bimotor twin-engined aircraft, (avio M ) bimotor M
twinge [twnd]
N 1. (of pain) pontada 2. (of conscience) remorso
twinkle [twkl]
N cintilao F VI 1. cintilar 2. (eyes) pestanejar
twin room
N quarto com duas camas
twin town
N cidade F irm
twirl [twl]
N giro, volta VT fazer girar VI girar rapidamente
twist [twst]
N 1. (action) toro F 2. (in road, coil) curva 3. (in wire, flex) virada 4. (in story)
mudana imprevista VT 1. torcer, retorcer 2. (ankle) torcer 3. (weave) entrelaar 4.
(roll around) enrolar 5. (fig) deturpar VI serpentear to twist ones ankle/wrist,
torcer o tornozelo/pulso
twisted [twstd]
ADJ 1. (wire, rope, ankle) torcido 2. (fig) (mind, logic) deturpado
twit [twt] (inf)
N idiota M, F, bobo* (boba)
twitch [twt]
N 1. puxo M 2. (nervous) tique M nervoso VI contrair-se
two [tu]
NUM dois two by two, in twos, de dois em dois
to put two and two together (fig) tirar concluses five
ADJ (AUT) de duas portas
two-faced [-fest] (pej)
ADJ (person) falso
twofold [tufuld]
ADV to increase twofold, duplicar ADJ 1. (increase) em cem por cento 2. (reply) duplo
N 1. two-piece suit, traje M de duas peas 2. two-piece swimsuit, mai M de duas
peas, biquni M
two-seater [-sit*]
N 1. (plane) avio M de dois lugares 2. (car) carro de dois lugares
twosome [tusm]
N (people) casal M
N two-stroke engine, motor M de dois tempos ADJ de dois tempos
ADJ em dois tons
ADJ two-way radio, rdio emissor-receptor two-way traffic, trnsito em mo dupla
tycoon [takun]
N (business) tycoon, magnata M
type [tap]
N 1. (category) tipo, espcie F 2. (model) modelo 3. (TYP) tipo, letra VT (letter etc)
datilografar, bater ( mquina) what type do you want? que tipo voc quer?
in bold/italic type, em negrito/itlico
typecast [tapkst]
ADJ que representa sempre o mesmo papel
typeface [tapfes]
N tipo, letra
typescript [tapskrpt]
N texto datilografado
typeset [tapst]
VT IRREG compor (para imprimir)
typesetter [tapst*]
N compositor* M (F compositora)
typewriter [taprat*]
N mquina de escrever
typewritten [taprtn]
ADJ datilografado
typhoid [tafd]
N febre F tifide
typhoon [tafun]
N tufo M
typhus [tafs]
N tifo
typical [tpkl]
ADJ tpico
typify [tpfa]
VT tipificar, simbolizar
typing [tap]
N datilografia
typing error
N erro de datilografia
typing pool
N seo F de datilografia
typist [tapst]
N datilgrafo* M (F datilgrafa)
typo [tapu] (inf)
N ABBR typographical error, erro tipogrfico
typography [taprf]
N tipografia
tyranny [trn]
N tirania
tyrant [tarnt]
N tirano* (tirana)
tyre [ta*] tire (US)
N pneu M
tyre pressure
N presso F dos pneus
Tyrrhenian Sea [trinn-]
N the Tyrrhenian Sea, o mar Tirreno
tzar [z*]
N tsar

U , u [ju]
N (letter) U, u M U for Uncle, U de rsula
N ABBR (CINEMA) universal, livre
N ABBR United Automobile Workers, sindicato dos trabalhadores na indstria
N ABBR unemployment benefit form 40 carteira que comprova que o portador recebe o
N (in pipe) curva em U
ubiquitous [jubkwts]
ADJ ubquo, onipresente
N ABBR Universities Central Council on Admissions
N ABBR Ulster Defence Association
N ABBR Urban District Council
udder [d*]
N ubre F
N ABBR (POL) unilateral declaration of independence
N ABBR Ulster Defence Regiment
UEFA [juef]
N ABBR Union of European Football Associations, UEFA F
UFO [jufu]
N ABBR unidentified flying object, vni M
Uganda [jund]
N Uganda (no article)
Ugandan [jundn]
ADJ N ugandense M, F
ugh [h]
EXCL uh!
ugliness [lns]
N feira
ugly [l]
ADJ 1. feio 2. (dangerous) perigoso
ABBR ultra-high frequency, UHF, frequncia ultra-alta
ADJ ABBR ultra-heat treated UHT milk, leite M longa-vida
N ABBR United Kingdom
ulcer [ls*]
N lcera mouth ulcer, afta
Ulster [lst*]
N Ulster M, Irlanda do Norte
ulterior [ltr*]
ADJ ulterior ulterior motive, segundas intenes FPL
ultimata [ltmet]
NPL (of ultimatum)
ultimate [ltmt]
ADJ 1. ltimo, final 2. (authority) mximo N the ultimate in luxury, o mximo em luxo
ultimately [ltmtl]
ADV 1. (in the end) no final, por ltimo 2. (fundamentally) no fundo
ultimatum [ltmetm] ( ultimatums ), (PL ultimata )
N ultimato
ultrasonic [ltrsnk]
ADJ ultra-snico
ultrasound [ltrsaund]
N (MED) ultra-som M
ultraviolet [ltrvalt]
ADJ ultravioleta
umbilical cord [mblakl-]
N cordo M umbilical
umbrage [mbrd]
N to take umbrage, ofender-se
umbrella [mbrl]
N 1. guarda-chuva M 2. (for sun) guarda-sol M, barraca (da praia) 3. (fig) under the
umbrella of, sob a gide de
umpire [mpa*]
N rbitro VT arbitrar
umpteen [mptin]
ADJ inmeros* (inmeras)
umpteenth [mptin]
ADJ for the umpteenth time, pela ensima vez
N ABBR United Mineworkers of America, sindicato dos mineiros
N ABBR United Nations, ONU F
unabashed [nbt]
ADJ imperturbado
unabated [nbetd]
ADJ sem diminuir
unable [nebl]
ADJ to be unable to do sth, no poder fazer algo (be incapable) ser incapaz de fazer
unabridged [nbrdd]
ADJ integral
unacceptable [nksptbl]
ADJ 1. (behaviour) insuportvel 2. (price, proposal) inaceitvel
unaccompanied [nkmpnd]
ADJ 1. desacompanhado 2. (singing, song) sem acompanhamento
unaccountably [nkauntbl]
ADV inexplicavelmente
unaccounted [nkauntd]
ADJ two passengers are unaccounted for, dois passageiros esto desaparecidos
unaccustomed [nkstmd]
ADJ desacostumado to be unaccustomed to, no estar acostumado a
unacquainted [nkwentd]
ADJ to be unacquainted with (person) no conhecer (facts etc) no estar
familiarizado com
unadulterated [ndltretd]
ADJ puro, natural
unaffected [nfktd]
ADJ 1. (person, behaviour) natural, simples 2. (emotionally) to be unaffected by, no
se comover com
unafraid [nfred]
ADJ to be unafraid, no ter medo
unaided [nedd]
ADJ sem ajuda, por si s
unanimity [junnmt]
N unanimidade F
unanimous [junnms]
ADJ unnime
unanimously [junnmsl]
ADV unanimemente
unanswered [nnsd]
ADJ sem resposta
unappetizing [nptaz]
ADJ pouco apetitoso
unappreciative [npritv]
ADJ (ungrateful) ingrato
unarmed [nmd]
ADJ 1. (without a weapon) desarmado 2. (defenceless) indefeso
unashamed [nemd]
ADJ 1. (open) desembaraado 2. (pleasure, greed) descarado 3. (impudent)
unassisted [nsstd]
ADJ ADV sem ajuda
unassuming [nsjum]
ADJ modesto, despretencioso
unattached [nttt]
ADJ 1. (person) livre 2. (part etc) solto, separado
unattended [ntndd]
ADJ (car, luggage) abandonado
unattractive [ntrktv]
ADJ 1. sem atrativos 2. (building, appearance, idea) pouco atraente
unauthorized [nrazd]
ADJ no autorizado, sem autorizao
unavailable [nvelbl]
ADJ 1. (article, room, book) indisponvel 2. (person) no disponvel
unavoidable [nvdbl]
ADJ inevitvel
unavoidably [nvdbl]
ADV inevitavelmente
unaware [nw*]
ADJ to be unaware of, ignorar, no perceber
unawares [nwz]
ADV improvisadamente, de surpresa
unbalanced [nblnst]
ADJ desequilibrado
unbearable [nbrbl]
ADJ insuportvel
unbeatable [nbitbl]
ADJ 1. (team) invencvel 2. (price) sem igual
unbeaten [nbitn]
ADJ 1. invicto 2. (record) no batido
unbecoming [nbkm]
ADJ 1. (unseemly) (language, behaviour) inconveniente 2. (unflattering) (garment) que
no fica bem
unbeknown [nbnun] unbeknownst, nbnunst
ADV unbeknown(st) to me, sem eu saber
unbelief [nblif]
N incredulidade F
unbelievable [nblivbl]
ADJ 1. inacreditvel 2. (amazing) incrvel
unbelievingly [nblivl]
ADV incredulamente
unbend [nbnd]
VI IRREG relaxar-se VT (wire) desentortar
unbending [nbnd]
ADJ inflexvel
unbent [nbnt]
PT PP (of unbend)
unbiased [nbast]
ADJ imparcial
unblemished [nblmt]
ADJ imaculado
unblock [nblk]
VT (pipe) desentupir
unborn [nbn]
ADJ por nascer
unbounded [nbaundd]
ADJ ilimitado, infinito, imenso
unbreakable [nbrekbl]
ADJ inquebrvel
unbridled [nbradld]
ADJ (fig) desenfreado
unbroken [nbrukn]
ADJ 1. (seal) intacto 2. (line) contnuo 3. (silence, series) ininterrupto 4. (record)
mantido 5. (spirit) indmito
unbuckle [nbkl]
VT desafivelar
unburden [nbdn]
VT to unburden o.s. desabafar
unbutton [nbtn]
VT desabotoar
uncalled-for [nkld-]
ADJ desnecessrio, gratuito
uncanny [nkn]
ADJ 1. (silence, resemblance) estranho 2. (knack) excepcional
unceasing [nsis]
ADJ contnuo
unceremonious [nsrmuns]
ADJ 1. (abrupt) incerimonioso 2. (rude) rude
uncertain [nstn]
ADJ 1. incerto 2. (character) indeciso 3. (unsure) uncertain about, inseguro sobre
we were uncertain whether ... no tnhamos certeza se ...
in no uncertain terms, em termos precisos
uncertainty [nstnt]
N 1. incerteza 2. (also pl) (doubts) dvidas FPL
unchallenged [ntlndd]
ADJ incontestado to go unchallenged, no ser contestado
unchanged [ntendd]
ADJ inalterado
uncharitable [ntrtbl]
ADJ sem caridade
uncharted [nttd]
ADJ inexplorado
unchecked [ntkt]
ADV sem controle, descontrolado
uncivilized [nsvlazd]
ADJ 1. (country, people) primitivo 2. (fig) (behaviour) incivilizado (hour) de manh bem
uncle [kl]
N tio
unclear [nkl*]
ADJ 1. (not obvious) pouco evidente 2. (confused) confuso 3. (indistinct) indistinto
Im still unclear about what Im supposed to do, ainda no sei exatamente o
que devo fazer
uncoil [nkl]
VT desenrolar VI desenrolar-se
uncomfortable [nkmftbl]
ADJ 1. incmodo 2. (uneasy) pouco vontade 3. (situation) desagradvel
uncomfortably [nkmftbl]
ADV 1. desconfortavelmente 2. (uneasily) sem graa 3. (unpleasantly)
uncommitted [nkmtd]
ADJ no comprometido
uncommon [nkmn]
ADJ raro, incomum, excepcional
uncommunicative [nkmjunktv]
ADJ reservado
uncomplicated [nkmplketd]
ADJ descomplicado, simples
uncompromising [nkmprmaz]
ADJ intransigente, inflexvel
unconcerned [nknsnd]
ADJ indiferente, despreocupado to be unconcerned (about) no estar preocupado
unconditional [nkndnl]
ADJ incondicional
uncongenial [nkndinl]
ADJ desagradvel
unconnected [nknktd]
ADJ no relacionado
unconscious [nkns]
ADJ 1. sem sentidos, desacordado 2. (unaware) unconscious of, inconsciente de N
the unconscious, o inconsciente to knock sb unconscious, pr algum
nocaute, nocautear algum
unconsciously [nknsl]
ADV inconscientemente
unconstitutional [nknsttjunl]
ADJ inconstitucional
uncontested [nkntstd]
ADJ incontestado
uncontrollable [nkntrulbl]
ADJ 1. (temper) ingovernvel 2. (child, animal, laughter) incontrolvel
uncontrolled [nkntruld]
ADJ descontrolado
unconventional [nknvnnl]
ADJ 1. (person) inconvencional 2. (approach) heterodoxo
unconvinced [nknvnst]
ADJ to be unconvinced, no estar convencido
unconvincing [nknvns]
ADJ pouco convincente
uncork [nkk]
VT desarrolhar
uncorroborated [nkrbretd]
ADJ no confirmado
uncouth [nku]
ADJ rude, grosseiro
uncover [nkv*]
VT 1. descobrir 2. (take lid off) destapar, destampar
unctuous [ktjus]
ADJ untuoso, pegajoso
undamaged [ndmdd]
ADJ 1. (goods) intacto 2. (fig) (reputation) inclume
undaunted [ndntd]
ADJ impvido, inabalvel
undecided [ndsadd]
ADJ 1. (character) indeciso 2. (question) no respondido, pendente
undelivered [ndlvd]
ADJ no entregue
undeniable [ndnabl]
ADJ inegvel
under [nd*]
PREP 1. embaixo de (BR) debaixo de (PT) 2. (fig) sob 3. (in age, price) (less than)
menos de 4. (according to) segundo, de acordo com ADV 1. embaixo 2. (movement)
por baixo from under sth, de embaixo de algo
under there, ali embaixo
in under 2 hours, em menos de 2 horas
under anaesthetic, sob anestesia
under discussion, em discusso
under the circumstances, nas circunstncias
under repair, em conserto
under... [nd*]
ADJ menor de idade under-age drinking, consumo de bebidas alcolicas por
menores de idade
underarm [ndrm]
ADV com a mo por baixo ADJ 1. (throw) com a mo por baixo 2. (deodorant) para as
undercapitalized [ndkptlazd]
ADJ subcapitalizado
undercarriage [ndkrd] (BRIT)
N (AVIAT) trem M de aterrissagem
undercharge [ndtd]
VT no cobrar o suficiente
underclothes [ndkluz]
NPL roupa de baixo, roupa ntima
undercoat [ndkut]
N (paint) primeira mo F
undercover [ndkv*]
ADJ secreto, clandestino
undercurrent [ndkrnt]
N (fig) tendncia
undercut [ndkt]
VT IRREG 1. (person) prejudicar 2. (prices) vender por menos que
underdeveloped [nddvlpt]
ADJ subdesenvolvido
underdog [ndd]
N o mais fraco
underdone [nddn]
ADJ (CULIN) mal passado
N subemprego
underestimate [ndrstmet]
VT subestimar
underexposed [ndrkspuzd]
ADJ (PHOT) sem exposio suficiente
underfed [ndfd]
ADJ subnutrido
underfoot [ndfut]
ADV sob os ps
undergo [ndu]
VT IRREG 1. sofrer 2. (test) passar por 3. (operation, treatment) ser submetido a the
car is undergoing repairs, o carro est sendo consertado
undergraduate [ndrdjut]
N universitrio* (universitria) CPD undergraduate courses, profisses FPL
underground [ndraund]
N 1. (BRIT) metr M (BR) metro(-politano) (PT) 2. (POL) organizao F clandestina
ADJ 1. subterrneo 2. (fig) clandestino ADV 1. (work) embaixo da terra 2. (fig) na
undergrowth [ndru]
N vegetao F rasteira
underhand [ndhnd] underhanded, ndhndd
ADJ (fig) secreto e desonesto
underinsured [ndrnud]
ADJ segurado abaixo do valor corrente
underlie [ndla]
VT IRREG (fig) ser a base de
underline [ndlan]
VT sublinhar
underling [ndl] (pej)
N subalterno* (subalterna)
underlying [ndla]
ADJ the underlying cause, a causa subjacente
undermentioned [ndmnnd]
ADJ abaixo mencionado
undermine [ndman]
VT minar, solapar
underneath [ndni]
ADV embaixo, debaixo, por baixo PREP embaixo de (BR) debaixo de (PT)
undernourished [ndnrt]
ADJ subnutrido
underpaid [ndped]
ADJ mal pago
underpants [ndpnts] (BRIT)
NPL cueca (BR) cuecas FPL (PT)
underpass [ndps] (BRIT)
N passagem F inferior
underpin [ndpn]
VT (argument, case) sustentar
underplay [ndple] (BRIT)
VT minimizar
underpopulated [ndppjuletd]
ADJ de populao reduzida
underprice [ndpras]
VT vender abaixo do preo
underprivileged [ndprvldd]
ADJ menos favorecido
underrate [ndret]
VT depreciar, subestimar
underscore [ndsk*]
VT sublinhar
underseal [ndsil] (BRIT)
VT fazer bronzina em
undersecretary [ndskrtr]
N subsecretrio* (subsecretria)
undersell [ndsl]
VT IRREG (competitors) vender por preo mais baixo que
undershirt [ndt] (US)
N camiseta
undershorts [ndts] (US)
NPL cueca (BR) cuecas FPL (PT)
underside [ndsad]
N parte F inferior
undersigned [ndsand]
ADJ N abaixo assinado* (abaixo assinada)
underskirt [ndskt] (BRIT)
N angua
understaffed [ndstft]
ADJ com falta de pessoal
understand [ndstnd]
VT IRREG entender, compreender VI (believe) to understand that, acreditar que I
understand that ... (I hear) ouo dizer que ... (I sympathize) eu compreendo que ...
to make o.s. understood, fazer-se entender
understandable [ndstndbl]
ADJ compreensvel
understanding [ndstnd]
ADJ compreensivo N 1. (in relationship) compreenso F 2. (knowledge) entendimento
3. (agreement) acordo to come to an understanding, chegar a um acordo
on the understanding that ... sob condio que ... contanto que ...
understate [ndstet]
VT minimizar
understatement [ndstetmnt]
N 1. (quality) subestimao F 2. (euphemism) eufemismo its an understatement to
say that ... uma subestimao dizer que ...
understood [ndstud]
PT PP (of understand) ADJ 1. entendido 2. (implied) subentendido, implcito
understudy [ndstd]
N ator M substituto/atriz F substituta
undertake [ndtek]
VT 1. (job, project) empreender 2. (task, duty) incumbir-se de, encarregar-se de to
undertake to do sth, comprometer-se a fazer algo
undertaker [ndtek*]
N agente M funerrio* (F agente funerria)
undertaking [ndtek]
N 1. empreendimento 2. (promise) promessa
undertone [ndtun]
N 1. (of criticism etc) sugesto F 2. (low voice) in an undertone, em meia voz
undertook [ndtuk]
PT (of undertake)
undervalue [ndvlju]
VT subestimar
underwater [ndwt*]
ADV sob a gua ADJ subaqutico
underwear [ndw*]
N roupa de baixo
underweight [ndwet]
ADJ 1. de peso inferior ao normal 2. (person) magro
underwent [ndwnt]
PT (of undergo)
undergo [ndu]
VT IRREG 1. sofrer 2. (test) passar por 3. (operation, treatment) ser submetido a the
car is undergoing repairs, o carro est sendo consertado
underworld [ndwld]
N (of crime) submundo
underwrite [ndrat]
VT IRREG (COMM) subscrever
underwriter [ndrat*]
N (INSURANCE) subscritor* M (que faz resseguro) (F subscritora)
underwritten [ndrtn]
PP (of underwrite)
underwrote [ndrut]
PT (of underwrite)
undeserving [ndzv]
ADJ to be undeserving of, no merecer
undesirable [ndzarbl]
ADJ indesejvel
undeveloped [ndvlpt]
ADJ (land, resources) no desenvolvido
undid [ndd]
PT (of undo)
undies [ndz] (inf)
NPL roupa de baixo, roupa ntima
undignified [ndnfad]
ADJ sem dignidade, indecoroso
undiluted [ndalutd]
ADJ 1. no diludo, puro 2. (pleasure) puro
undiplomatic [ndplmtk]
ADJ pouco diplomtico, inbil
undischarged [ndstdd]
ADJ undischarged bankrupt, falido* no reabilitado* (falida no reabilitada)
undisciplined [ndsplnd]
ADJ indisciplinado
undisguised [ndsazd]
ADJ (dislike etc) patente
undisputed [ndspjutd]
ADJ incontestvel
undistinguished [ndstwt]
ADJ medocre, regular
undisturbed [ndstbd]
ADJ (sleep) tranqilo to leave sth undisturbed, no mexer em algo
undivided [ndvadd]
ADJ can I have your undivided attention? quero a sua total ateno
undo [ndu]
VT 1. (unfasten) desatar 2. (spoil) desmanchar
undoing [ndu]
N runa, desgraa
undone [ndn]
PP (of undo) ADJ to come undone, desfazer-se
undoubted [ndautd]
ADJ indubitvel
undoubtedly [ndautdl]
ADV sem dvida, indubitavelmente
undress [ndrs]
VI despir-se, tirar a roupa VT despir, tirar a roupa de
undrinkable [ndrkbl]
ADJ 1. (unpalatable) intragvel 2. (poisonous) impotvel
undue [ndju]
ADJ excessivo
undulating [ndjulet]
ADJ ondulante
unduly [ndjul]
ADV excessivamente
undying [nda]
ADJ eterno
unearned [nnd]
ADJ (praise, respect) imerecido unearned income, rendimento no ganho com o
trabalho individual
unearth [n]
VT 1. desenterrar 2. (fig) revelar
unearthly [nl]
ADJ sobrenatural at an unearthly hour of the night, na calada da noite
uneasy [niz]
ADJ 1. (person) preocupado 2. (feeling) incmodo 3. (peace, truce) desconfortvel
to feel uneasy about doing sth, estar apreensivo quanto a fazer algo
uneconomic , uneconomical [niknmkl]
ADJ 1. antieconmico 2. (unprofitable) no rentvel
uneducated [ndjuketd]
ADJ inculto, sem instruo, no escolarizado
unemployed [nmpld]
ADJ desempregado NPL the unemployed, os desempregados
unemployment [nmplmnt]
N desemprego
unemployment benefit , unemployment compensation (US)
N auxlio-desemprego
unending [nnd]
ADJ interminvel
unenthusiastic [nnuzstk]
ADJ sem entusiasmo
unenviable [nnvbl]
ADJ nada invejvel
unequal [nikwl]
ADJ desigual
unequalled [nikwld] unequaled (US)
ADJ inigualvel, sem igual
unequivocal [nkwvkl]
ADJ 1. (answer) inequvoco 2. (person) categrico
unerring [nr]
ADJ infalvel
UNESCO [junsku]
N ABBR United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization, UNESCO F
unethical [nkl]
ADJ 1. (methods) imoral 2. (professional behaviour) contrrio tica
uneven [nivn]
ADJ 1. desigual 2. (road etc) irregular, acidentado
uneventful [nvntful]
ADJ tranqilo, rotineiro
unexceptional [nkspnl]
ADJ regular, corriqueiro
unexciting [nksat]
ADJ montono
unexpected [nkspktd]
ADJ inesperado
unexpectedly [nkspktdl]
ADV inesperadamente
unexplained [nksplend]
ADJ inexplicado
unexploded [nkspludd]
ADJ no explodido
unfailing [nfel]
ADJ inexaurvel
unfair [nf*]
ADJ unfair (to) injusto (com) its unfair that ... no justo que ...
unfair dismissal
N demisso F injusta or infundada
unfairly [nfl]
ADV injustamente
unfaithful [nfeful]
ADJ infiel
unfamiliar [nfml*]
ADJ pouco familiar, desconhecido to be unfamiliar with sth, no estar familiarizado
com algo
unfashionable [nfnbl]
ADJ fora da moda
unfasten [nfsn]
VT 1. desatar 2. (open) abrir
unfathomable [nfmbl]
ADJ insondvel
unfavourable [nfevrbl] unfavorable (US)
ADJ desfavorvel
unfavourably [nfevrbl] unfavorably (US)
ADV to look unfavourably upon, no ser favorvel a
unfeeling [nfil]
ADJ insensvel
unfinished [nfnt]
ADJ incompleto, inacabado
unfit [nft]
ADJ 1. (physically) sem preparo fsico 2. (incompetent) incompetente, incapaz unfit
for work, inapto para trabalhar
unflagging [nfl]
ADJ incansvel
unflappable [nflpbl]
ADJ imperturbvel, sereno
unflattering [nfltr]
ADJ 1. (dress, hairstyle) que no fica bem 2. (remark) pouco elogioso
unflinching [nflnt]
ADJ destemido, intrpido
unfold [nfuld]
VT 1. desdobrar 2. (fig) revelar VI (story, situation) desdobrar-se
unforeseeable [nfsibl]
ADJ imprevisvel
unforeseen [nfsin]
ADJ imprevisto
unforgettable [nftbl]
ADJ inesquecvel
unforgivable [nfvbl]
ADJ imperdovel
unformatted [nfmtd]
ADJ (disk, text) no formatado
unfortunate [nftnt]
ADJ 1. infeliz 2. (event, remark) inoportuno
unfortunately [nftntl]
ADV infelizmente
unfounded [nfaundd]
ADJ infundado
unfriendly [nfrndl]
ADJ antiptico
unfulfilled [nfulfld]
ADJ 1. (ambition, prophecy) no realizado 2. (desire) no satisfeito 3. (promise, terms
of contract) no cumprido 4. (person) que no se realizou
unfurl [nfl]
VT desfraldar
unfurnished [nfnt]
ADJ desmobiliado, sem moblia
ungainly [nenl]
ADJ desalinhado
ungodly [ndl]
ADJ mpio at an ungodly hour, s altas horas da madrugada
ungrateful [nretful]
ADJ mal-agradecido, ingrato
unguarded [ndd]
ADJ unguarded moment, momento de inateno
unhappily [nhpl]
ADV 1. tristemente 2. (unfortunately) infelizmente
unhappy [nhp]
ADJ 1. (sad) triste 2. (unfortunate) desventurado 3. (childhood) infeliz 4. (dissatisfied)
unhappy with (arrangements etc) descontente com, insatisfeito com
unhappiness [nhpns]
N infelicidade F
unharmed [nhmd]
ADJ ileso
unhealthy [nhl]
ADJ 1. insalubre 2. (person) doentio 3. (fig) anormal
unheard-of [nhd-]
ADJ 1. inslito 2. (unknown) desconhecido
unhelpful [nhlpful]
ADJ 1. (person) imprestvel 2. (advice) intil
unhesitating [nhztet]
ADJ 1. (loyalty) firme 2. (reply) imediato
unhook [nhuk]
VT 1. desenganchar 2. (from wall) despendurar 3. (dress) abrir, soltar
unhurt [nht]
ADJ ileso
unhygienic [nhadink]
ADJ anti-higinico
UNICEF [junsf]
N ABBR United Nations International Childrens Emergency Fund, Unicef M
unicorn [junkn]
N licorne M, unicrnio
unidentified [nadntfad]
ADJ no-identificado UFO
uniform [junfm]
N uniforme M ADJ uniforme
uniformity [junfmt]
N uniformidade F
unify [junfa]
VT unificar, unir
unilateral [junltrl]
ADJ unilateral
unimaginable [nmdnbl]
ADJ inimaginvel, inconcebvel
unimaginative [nmdntv]
ADJ sem imaginao
unimpaired [nmpd]
ADJ inalterado
unimportant [nmptnt]
ADJ sem importncia
unimpressed [nmprst]
ADJ indiferente
uninhabited [nnhbtd]
ADJ inabitado
uninhibited [nnhbtd]
ADJ sem inibies
uninjured [nndd]
ADJ ileso
uninspired [nnspad]
ADJ inspido
unintelligent [nntldnt]
ADJ ininteligente
unintentional [nntnnl]
ADJ involuntrio, no intencional
unintentionally [nntnnl]
ADV sem querer
uninvited [nnvatd]
ADJ (guest) no convidado
uninviting [nnvat]
ADJ 1. (place) pouco convidativo 2. (food) pouco apetitoso
union [junjn]
N 1. unio F 2. trade union, sindicato (de trabalhadores) CPD sindical
unionize [junjnaz]
VT sindicalizar
Union Jack
N bandeira britnica
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
N Unio F das Repblicas Socialistas Soviticas
union shop
N empresa onde todos os trabalhadores tm que filiar-se ao sindicato
unique [junik]
ADJ nico, sem igual
unisex [junsks]
ADJ unissex
unison [junsn]
N in unison, em harmonia, em unssono
unit [junt]
N 1. unidade F 2. (of furniture etc) sego F 3. (team, squad) equipe F kitchen unit,
armrio de cozinha
sink unit, pia de cozinha
production unit, unidade de produo
unit cost
N custo unitrio
unite [junat]
VT unir VI unir-se
united [junatd]
ADJ 1. unido 2. (effort) conjunto
United Arab Emirates
NPL Emirados MPL rabes Unidos
United Kingdom
N Reino Unido
United Nations , United Nations Organization
N (Organizao F das) Naes FPL Unidas
United States , United States of America
N Estados Unidos MPL (da Amrica)
unit price
N preo unitrio
unit trust (BRIT)
N (COMM) fundo de investimento
unity [junt]
N unidade F
ABBR university
universal [junvsl]
ADJ universal
universe [junvs]
N universo
university [junvst]
N universidade F, faculdade F CPD universitrio
unjust [ndst]
ADJ injusto
unjustifiable [ndstfabl]
ADJ injustificvel
unjustified [ndstfad]
ADJ 1. injustificado 2. (text) no alinhado
unkempt [nkmpt]
ADJ 1. desleixado, descuidado 2. (hair) despenteado 3. (beard) mal tratado
unkind [nkand]
ADJ 1. maldoso 2. (comment etc) cruel
unkindly [nkandl]
ADV (treat, speak) maldosamente
unknown [nnun]
ADJ desconhecido unknown to me, sem eu saber
unknown quantity (MATH, fig) incgnita
unladen [nledn]
ADJ (ship, weight) sem carga
unlawful [nlful]
ADJ ilegal
unleash [nli]
VT (fig) desencadear
unleavened [nlvnd]
ADJ sem fermento
unless [nls]
CONJ a menos que, a no ser que unless he comes, a menos que ele venha
unless otherwise stated, salvo indicao contrria
unless I am mistaken, se no me engano
unlicensed [nlasnst] (BRIT)
ADJ sem licena para a venda de bebidas alcolicas
unlike [nlak]
ADJ diferente PREP diferentemente de, ao contrrio de
unlikelihood [nlaklhud]
N improbabilidade F
unlikely [nlakl]
ADJ 1. (not likely) improvvel 2. (unexpected) inesperado
unlimited [nlmtd]
ADJ ilimitado
unlisted [nlstd]
ADJ 1. (STOCK EXCHANGE) no cotado na Bolsa de Valores 2. (US TEL) an
unlisted number, um nmero que no consta na lista telefnica
unlit [nlt]
ADJ (room) sem luz
unload [nlud]
VT descarregar
unlock [nlk]
VT destrancar
unlucky [nlk]
ADJ 1. infeliz 2. (object, number) de mau agouro to be unlucky, ser azarado, ter
unmanageable [nmndbl]
ADJ (unwieldy) (tool) de difcil manuseio, difcil de manejar (situation) difcil de
unmanned [nmnd]
ADJ no tripulado, sem tripulao
unmarked [nmkt]
ADJ (unstained) sem marca unmarked police car, carro policial sem identificao
unmarried [nmrd]
ADJ solteiro
unmask [nmsk]
VT desmascarar
unmatched [nmtt]
ADJ sem igual, inigualvel
unmentionable [nmnnbl]
ADJ 1. (topic) que no se deve mencionar 2. (word) que no se diz
unmerciful [nmsful]
ADJ impiedoso
unmistakable , unmistakeable [nmstekbl]
ADJ inconfundvel
unmitigated [nmtetd]
ADJ no mitigado, absoluto
unnamed [nnemd]
ADJ 1. (nameless) sem nome 2. (anonymous) annimo
unnatural [nntrl]
ADJ 1. antinatural, artificial 2. (manner) afetado 3. (habit) depravado
unnecessary [nnssr]
ADJ desnecessrio, intil
unnerve [nnv]
VT amedrontar
unnoticed [nnutst]
ADJ (to go or pass) unnoticed, (passar) despercebido
UNO [junu]
N ABBR United Nations Organization, ONU F
unobservant [nbzvnt]
N desatento
unobtainable [nbtenbl]
ADJ 1. inaccessvel 2. (TEL) ocupado
unobtrusive [nbtrusv]
ADJ discreto
unoccupied [nkjupad]
ADJ 1. (seat etc) desocupado, livre 2. (house) desocupado, vazio
unofficial [nfl]
ADJ 1. no-oficial, informal 2. (strike) desautorizado
unopened [nupnd]
ADJ por abrir
unopposed [npuzd]
ADJ incontestado, sem oposio
unorthodox [ndks]
ADJ pouco ortodoxo, heterodoxo
unpack [npk]
VI desembrulhar VT desfazer
unpaid [nped]
ADJ 1. (bill) a pagar, no pago 2. (holiday) no pago, sem salrio 3. (work, worker)
no remunerado
unpalatable [npltbl]
ADJ desagradvel
unparalleled [nprlld]
ADJ 1. (unequalled) sem paralelo 2. (unique) nico, incomparvel
unpatriotic [nptrtk]
ADJ 1. (person) antipatriota 2. (speech, attitude) antipatritico
unplanned [nplnd]
ADJ 1. (visit) imprevisto 2. (baby) no previsto
unpleasant [nplznt]
ADJ 1. (disagreeable) desagradvel 2. (person, manner) antiptico
unplug [npl]
VT desligar
unpolluted [nplutd]
ADJ impoludo
unpopular [nppjul*]
ADJ impopular
unprecedented [nprsdntd]
ADJ sem precedentes
unpredictable [nprdktbl]
ADJ imprevisvel
unprejudiced [nprdudst]
ADJ 1. (not biased) imparcial 2. (having no prejudices) sem preconceitos
unprepared [nprpd]
ADJ 1. (person) despreparado 2. (speech) improvisado
unprepossessing [npripzs]
ADJ pouco atraente
unpretentious [nprtns]
ADJ despretensioso
unprincipled [nprnspld]
ADJ sem princpios
unproductive [nprdktv]
ADJ improdutivo
unprofessional [nprfnl]
ADJ (conduct) pouco profissional
unprofitable [nprftbl]
ADJ no lucrativo
unprovoked [nprvukt]
ADJ sem provocao
unpunished [npnt]
ADJ mpune
unqualified [nkwlfad]
ADJ 1. (teacher) no qualificado, inabilitado 2. (success) irrestrito, absoluto
unquestionably [nkwstnbl]
ADV indubitavelmente
unquestioning [nkwstn]
ADJ (obedience, acceptance) incondicional, total
unravel [nrvl]
VT 1. desemaranhar 2. (mystery) desvendar
unreal [nrl]
ADJ 1. irreal, ilusrio 2. (extraordinary) extraordinrio
unrealistic [nrlstk]
ADJ pouco realista
unreasonable [nriznbl]
ADJ 1. insensato 2. (demand) absurdo
unrecognizable [nrknazbl]
ADJ irreconhecvel
unrecognized [nrknazd]
ADJ (talent, genius) no reconhecido
unrecorded [nrkdd]
ADJ no registrado
unrefined [nrfand]
ADJ (sugar, petroleum) no refinado
unrehearsed [nrhst]
ADJ improvisado
unrelated [nrletd]
ADJ 1. sem relao 2. (family) sem parentesco
unrelenting [nrlnt]
ADJ implacvel
unreliable [nrlabl]
ADJ 1. (person) indigno de confiana 2. (machine) incerto, perigoso
unrelieved [nrlivd]
ADJ (monotony) invarivel
unremitting [nrmt]
ADJ constante, incessante
unrepeatable [nrpitbl]
ADJ (offer) irrepetvel
unrepentant [nrpntnt]
ADJ convicto, impenitente
unrepresentative [nrprznttv]
ADJ pouco representativo or caracterstico
unreserved [nrzvd]
ADJ 1. (seat) no reservado 2. (approval, admiration) total, integral
unreservedly [nrzvdl]
ADV sem reserva, francamente
unresponsive [nrspnsv]
ADJ indiferente, impassvel
unrest [nrst]
N 1. inquietao F, desassossego 2. (POL) distrbios MPL
unrestricted [nrstrktd]
ADJ irrestrito, ilimitado
unrewarded [nrwdd]
ADJ sem sucesso
unripe [nrap]
ADJ verde, imaturo
unrivalled [nravld] unrivaled (US)
ADJ sem igual, incomparvel
unroll [nrul]
VT desenrolar
unruffled [nrfld]
ADJ 1. (person) sereno, imperturbvel 2. (hair) liso
unruly [nrul]
ADJ 1. indisciplinado 2. (hair) desalinhado
unsafe [nsef]
ADJ perigoso unsafe to eat/drink, no comestvel/potvel
unsaid [nsd]
ADJ to leave sth unsaid, deixar algo por dizer
unsaleable [nselbl] unsalable (US)
ADJ invendvel, invendvel
unsatisfactory [nstsfktr]
ADJ insatisfatrio
unsatisfied [nstsfad]
ADJ descontente
unsavoury [nsevr] unsavory (US)
ADJ (fig) repugnante, vil
unscathed [nsked]
ADJ ileso
unscientific [nsantfk]
ADJ no cientfico
unscrew [nskru]
VT desparafusar
unscrupulous [nskrupjuls]
ADJ inescrupuloso, imoral
unsecured [nskjud]
ADJ unsecured creditor, credor* M quirografrio* (F credora quirografria)
unseemly [nsiml]
ADJ inconveniente
unseen [nsin]
ADJ 1. (person) despercebido 2. (danger) escondido
unselfish [nslf]
ADJ desinteressado
unsettled [nstld]
ADJ 1. (uncertain) incerto, duvidoso 2. (weather) instvel 3. (person) inquieto
unsettling [nstl]
ADJ inquietador* (inquietadora) inquietante
unshakable , unshakeable [nekbl]
ADJ inabalvel
unshaven [nevn]
ADJ com a barba por fazer
unsightly [nsatl]
ADJ feio, disforme
unskilled [nskld]
ADJ no-especializado
unsociable [nsubl]
ADJ anti-social
unsocial [nsul]
ADJ (hours) fora do horrio normal
unsold [nsuld]
ADJ no vendido
unsolicited [nslstd]
ADJ no solicitado, espontneo
unsophisticated [nsfstketd]
ADJ simples, natural
unsound [nsaund]
ADJ 1. (health) mau 2. (floor, foundations) em mau estado 3. (policy, advice)
unspeakable [nspikbl]
ADJ 1. indescritvel 2. (awful) inqualificvel
unspoken [nspukn]
ADJ (agreement, approval) tcito
unstable [nstbl]
ADJ 1. (piece of furniture) em falso 2. (government, mentally) instvel 3. (step, voice,
hance) trmulo 4. (ladder) em falso
unsteady [nstd]
ADJ instvel
unstinting [nstnt]
ADJ 1. (support) irrestrito, total 2. (generosity) ilimitado
unstuck [nstk]
ADJ to come unstuck, despregar-se (fig) fracassar
unsubstantiated [nsbstnetd]
ADJ 1. (rumour) que no foi confirmado 2. (accusation) sem provas
unsuccessful [nskssful]
ADJ 1. (attempt) frustrado, vo* (v) 2. (writer, proposal) sem xito to be
unsuccessful (in attempting sth) ser mal sucedido, no conseguir (application) ser
unsuccessfully [nskssful]
ADV em vo, debalde
unsuitable [nsutbl]
ADJ 1. (clothes, person) inadequado 2. (time, moment) inconveniente
unsuited [nsutd]
ADJ to be unsuited for or to, ser inadequado or imprprio para
unsupported [nsptd]
ADJ 1. (claim) no verificado 2. (theory) no sustentado
unsure [nu*]
ADJ inseguro, incerto to be unsure of o.s. no ser seguro de si
unsuspecting [nsspkt]
ADJ confiante, insuspeitado
unsweetened [nswitnd]
ADJ no adoado, sem acar
unswerving [nswv]
ADJ inabalvel, firme, resoluto
unsympathetic [nsmptk]
ADJ 1. insensvel 2. (unlikeable) antiptico unsympathetic to, indiferente a
untangle [ntl]
VT desemaranhar, desenredar
untapped [ntpt]
ADJ (resources) inexplorado
untaxed [ntkst]
ADJ 1. (goods) isento de impostos 2. (income) no tributado
unthinkable [nkbl]
ADJ impensvel, inconcebvel, incalculvel
untidy [ntad]
ADJ 1. (room) desarrumado, desleixado 2. (appearance) desmazelado, desalinhado
untie [nta]
VT 1. desatar, desfazer 2. (dog, prisoner) soltar
until [ntl]
PREP at CONJ at que until he comes, at que ele venha
until now, at agora
until then, at ento
from morning until night, de manh noite
untimely [ntaml]
ADJ 1. inoportuno, intempestivo 2. (death) prematuro
untold [ntuld]
ADJ 1. (story) indito 2. (suffering) incalculvel 3. (joy, wealth) inestimvel
untouched [nttt]
ADJ 1. (not used) intacto 2. (safe) (person) ileso untouched by, indiferente a
untoward [ntwd]
ADJ desfavorvel, inconveniente
untrammelled [ntrmld]
ADJ sem entraves
untranslatable [ntrnsletbl]
ADJ impossvel de traduzir, intraduzvel
untrue [ntru]
ADJ falso
untrustworthy [ntrstw]
ADJ indigno de confiana
unusable [njuzbl]
ADJ inutilizvel, imprestvel
ADJ novo, sem uso
ADJ to be unused to sth/to doing sth, no estar acostumado com algo/a fazer algo
unusual [njuul]
ADJ 1. (strange) estranho 2. (rare) incomum 3. (exceptional) extraordinrio
unusually [njul]
ADV extraordinariamente
unveil [nvel]
VT (statue) desvelar, descobrir
unwanted [nwntd]
ADJ no desejado, indesejvel
unwarranted [nwrntd]
ADJ injustificado
unwary [nwr]
ADJ imprudente
unwavering [nwevr]
ADJ firme
unwelcome [nwlkm]
ADJ 1. (guest) inoportuno 2. (news) desagradvel to feel unwelcome, no se sentir
unwell [nwl]
ADJ to be unwell, estar doente to feel unwell, estar indisposto
unwieldy [nwild]
ADJ difcil de manejar, pesado
unwilling [nwl]
ADJ to be unwilling to do sth, relutar em fazer algo, no querer fazer algo
unwillingly [nwll]
ADV de m vontade
unwind [nwand]
VT IRREG desenrolar VI (relax) relaxar-se
unwise [nwaz]
ADJ imprudente
unwitting [nwt]
ADJ inconsciente, involuntrio
unworkable [nwkbl]
ADJ (plan etc) invivel, inexequvel
unworthy [nw]
ADJ indigno
unwound [nwaund]
PT PP (of unwind)
unwrap [nrp]
VT desembrulhar
unwritten [nrtn]
ADJ (agreement) tcito
unzip [nzp]
VT abrir (o fecho ecler de)
up [p]
PREP to go/be up sth, subir algo/estar em cima de algo
we climbed/walked up the hill, ns subimos/andamos at em cima da colina
they live further up the street, eles moram mais adiante nesta rua
go up that road and turn left, v por aquela rua e vire esquerda ADV 1.
(upwards, higher) em cima, para cima
up in the sky/the mountains, l no cu/nas montanhas
up there, l em cima
up above, em cima
theres a village and up above, on the hill, a monastery, h uma aldeia e,
mais acima na colina, um monastrio 2. to be up (out of bed) estar de p (prices,
level) estar elevado (building, tent) estar erguido 3. up to (as far as) at
the water came up to his knees, a gua subiu at os seus joelhos
up to now, at agora 4. it is up to you (depends on) voc quem sabe, voc
its not up to me to decide, no sou eu quem decide 5. to be up to (equal to)
estar altura de
hes not up to it (job, task etc) ele no capaz de faz-lo
his work is not up to the required standard, seu trabalho no atende aos
padres exigidos 6. to be up to (inf: be doing) estar fazendo BR or a fazer PT
what is he up to? (showing disapproval, suspicion) o que ele est querendo? o
que ele est tramando? N ups and downs (in life, career) altos MPL e baixos
we all have our ups and downs, todos ns temos nossos altos e baixos
ADJ prometedor* (prometedora)
upbeat [pbit]
ADJ 1. (MUS) movimentado 2. (optimistic) otimista
upbraid [pbred]
VT repreender, censurar
upbringing [pbr]
N educao F, criao F
update [pdet]
VT 1. atualizar, pr em dia 2. (contract etc) atualizar
upend [pnd]
VT colocar em p
upgrade [pred]
VT 1. (person) promover 2. (job) melhorar 3. (house) reformar 4. (COMPUT) fazer um
upgrade de
upheaval [phivl]
N 1. transtorno 2. (unrest) convulso F
upheld [phld]
PT PP (of uphold)
uphill [phl]
ADJ 1. ladeira acima 2. (fig) (task) trabalhoso, rduo ADV to go uphill, ir morro acima
uphold [phuld]
VT defender, preservar
upholstery [phulstr]
N estofamento
upkeep [pkip]
N manuteno F
ADJ (product) requintado
upon [pn]
PREP sobre
upper [p*]
ADJ superior, de cima N (of shoe) gspea, parte F superior
upper class
N the upper class, a classe alta ADJ upper-class, de classe alta
upper hand
N to have the upper hand, ter controle or domnio
uppermost [pmust]
ADJ mais elevado what was uppermost in my mind, o que me preocupava mais
Upper Volta [-vlt]
N Alto Volta M
upright [prat]
ADJ 1. vertical 2. (straight) reto 3. (fig) honesto N viga vertical
uprising [praz]
N revolta, rebelio F, sublevao F
uproar [pr*]
N tumulto, algazarra
uproot [prut]
VT 1. (tree) arrancar 2. (fig) desarraigar
N [pst] 1. (to plan etc) revs M, reviravolta 2. (stomach upset) indisposio F VT
[pst] 1. (glass etc) virar 2. (spill) derramar 3. (plan) perturbar 4. (person) (annoy)
aborrecer (sadden) afligir ADJ [pst] 1. aborrecido, contrariado 2. (sad) aflito 3.
(stomach) indisposto
upset price (US SCOTTISH)
N preo mnimo
upsetting [pst]
ADJ desconcertante
upshot [pt]
N resultado, concluso F
upside down [psad-]
ADV de cabea para baixo to turn a place upside down (fig) deixar um lugar de
cabea para baixo
upstairs [pstz]
ADV 1. (be) em cima 2. (go) l em cima ADJ (room) de cima N andar M de cima
upstart [pstt] (pej)
N novo-rico, pessoa sem classe
upstream [pstrim]
ADV rio acima
upsurge [psd]
N (of enthusiasm etc) exploso F
uptake [ptek]
N he is quick on the uptake, ele v longe he is slow on the uptake, ele tem
raciocnio lento
uptight [ptat] (inf)
ADJ nervoso
ADJ 1. (person) moderno, atualizado 2. (information) atualizado to be up-to-date
with the facts, estar a par dos fatos
upturn [ptn]
N 1. (in luck) virada 2. (in economy) retomada
upturned [ptnd]
ADJ (nose) arrebitado
upward [pwd]
ADJ ascendente, para cima ADV 1. para cima 2. (more than) upward of, para cima de
upwards [pwdz]
ADV upward
N ABBR Urban Renewal Administration
Ural Mountains [jurl-]
NPL the Ural Mountains the Urals, as montanhas Urais, os Urais
uranium [jurenm]
N urnio
Uranus [jurens]
N Urano
urban [bn]
ADJ urbano, da cidade
urbane [ben]
ADJ gentil, urbano
urbanization [bnazen]
N urbanizao F
urchin [tn] (pej)
N moleque M, criana maltrapilha
urge [d]
N 1. (force) impulso 2. (desire) desejo VT to urge sb to do sth, incitar algum a fazer
algo urge on animar, encorajar VT
urgency [dns]
N 1. urgncia 2. (of tone) insistncia
urgent [dnt]
ADJ 1. urgente 2. (tone, plea) insistente
urgently [dntl]
ADV urgentemente
urinal [jurnl] (BRIT)
N 1. (vessel) urinol M 2. (building) mictrio
urinate [jurnet]
VI urinar, mijar
urine [jurn]
N urina
ABBR uniform resource locator, URL M
urn [n]
N 1. urna 2. tea urn, samovar M
Uruguay [jurwa]
N Uruguai M
Uruguayan [jurwan]
ADJ N uruguaio* (uruguaia)
us [s]
PRON 1. nos 2. (after prep) ns me
N ABBR United States, EUA MPL
U , u [ju]
N (letter) U, u M U for Uncle, U de rsula
N ABBR 1. United States (of America) EUA MPL 2. (MIL) United States Army
usable [juzbl]
ADJ usvel, utilizvel
N ABBR United States Air Force
usage [juzd]
N uso
N ABBR United States Coast Guard
N ABBR United States Department of Agriculture
N ABBR Union of Shop,Distributive and Allied Workers, sindicato dos varejistas e
N ABBR United States Department of the Interior
N [jus] 1. uso, emprego 2. (usefulness) utilidade F VT [juz] 1. usar, utilizar 2. (phrase)
empregar in use, em uso
out of use, fora de uso
ready for use, pronto para ser usado
to be of use, ser til
its no use (pointless) intil (not useful) no serve
to have use of, ter uso de
to make use of, fazer uso de
to be used to, estar acostumado a
she used to do it, ela costumava faz-lo use up 1. esgotar, consumir 2.
(money) gostar VT
used [juzd]
ADJ usado
useful [jusful]
ADJ til to come in useful, sertil
usefulness [jusflns]
N utilidade F
useless [jusls]
ADJ 1. intil 2. (person) incapaz
user [juz*]
N usurio* (usuria) (BR) utente M, F (PT)
ADJ de fcil utilizao
N ABBR United States Employment Service
usher [*]
N 1. (in cinema) lanterninha M (BR) arrumador M (PT) 2. (at wedding) oficial M de
justia VT to usher sb in, fazer algum entrar
usherette [rt]
N (in cinema) lanterninha (BR) arrumadora (PT)
N ABBR United States Information Agency
N ABBR United States Mail, United States Mint
N ABBR United States Navy
N ABBR United States Public Health Service
N ABBR United States Post Office
N ABBR United States Ship, United States Steamer
N ABBR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, URSS F
usual [juul]
ADJ usual, habitual as usual, como de hbito, como sempre
usually [juul]
ADV normalmente
usurer [jur*]
N usurrio* (usurria)
usurp [juzp]
VT usurpar
utensil [jutnsl]
N utenslio kitchen utensils, utenslios de cozinha
uterus [jutrs]
N tero
utilitarian [jutltrn]
ADJ utilitrio
utility [jutlt]
N 1. utilidade F 2. (public utility) utilidade F pblica
utility room
N rea de servio
utilization [jutlazen]
N utilizao F
utilize [jutlaz]
VT utilizar
utmost [tmust]
ADJ maior N to do ones utmost, fazer todo o possvel of the utmost importance,
da maior importncia
utter [t*]
ADJ total VT 1. (sounds) emitir 2. (words) proferir, pronunciar
utterance [trns]
N declarao F
utterly [tl]
ADV completamente, totalmente
N 1. retorno 2. (fig) reviravolta

ABBR 1. verse 2. vide: see, vide, versus, v, volt, v
V , v [vi]
N (letter) V, v M V for Victor, V de Vera
ABBR (POST) Virginia
vac [vk] (BRIT inf)
N ABBR vacation
vacancy [vekns]
N 1. (BRIT: job) vaga 2. (room) quarto livre no vacancies, cheio
vacant [veknt]
ADJ 1. (house) vazio 2. (post) vago 3. (seat etc) desocupado, livre 4. (expression)
vacant lot
N 1. terreno vago 2. (uncultivated) terreno baldio
vacate [vket]
VT 1. (house) desocupar 2. (job) deixar 3. (throne) renunciar a
vacation [vken] (esp US)
N frias FPL to take a vacation, tirar frias
on vacation, de frias
vacation course
N curso de frias
vacationer [vken*] (US)
N veranista M, F
vaccinate [vksnet]
VT to vaccinate sb (against sth) vacinar algum (contra algo)
vaccination [vksnen]
N vacinao F
vaccine [vksin]
N vacina
vacuum [vkjum]
N vcuo M
vacuum bottle (US)
N garrafa trmica (BR) termo (PT)
vacuum cleaner
N aspirador M de p
vacuum flask (BRIT)
N garrafa trmica (BR) termo (PT)
ADJ embalado a vcuo
vagabond [vbnd]
N vagabundo* (vagabunda)
vagary [ver]
N extravagncia, capricho
vagina [vdan]
N vagina
vagrancy [verns]
N vadiagem F
vagrant [vernt]
N vagabundo* (vagabunda) vadio* (vadia)
vague [ve]
ADJ 1. vago 2. (blurred) (memory) fraco I havent the vaguest idea, no tenho a
mnima idia
vaguely [vel]
ADV vagamente
vain [ven]
ADJ 1. (conceited) vaidoso 2. (useless) vo* (v) intil in vain, em vo
valance [vlns]
N sanefa
vale [vel]
N vale M
valedictory [vldktr]
ADJ de despedida
valentine [vlntan]
N 1. valentine card, carto M do Dia dos Namorados 2. (person) namorado
Valentines Day, Dia M dos Namorados
valet [vlt]
N 1. (of lord) criado pessoal 2. (in hotel) camareiro
valet parking
N estacionamento por manobrista
valet service
N 1. (for clothes) lavagem F a seco 2. (for car) limpeza completa
valiant [vlnt]
ADJ carajoso
valid [vld]
ADJ vlido
validate [vldet]
VT 1. (contract, document) validar, legitimar 2. (argument, claim) confirmar, corroborar
validity [vldt]
N validade F
valise [vliz]
N maleta
valley [vl]
N vale M
valour [vl*] valor (US)
N valor M, valentia
valuable [vljubl]
ADJ 1. (jewel) de valor 2. (time) valioso 3. (help) precioso
valuables [vljublz]
NPL objetos MPL de valor
valuation [vljuen]
N 1. avaliao F 2. (of quality) apreciao F
value [vlju]
N 1. valor M 2. (importance) importncia VT 1. (fix price of) avaliar 2. (appreciate)
valorizar, estimar 3. (cherish) apreciar values (principles) valores MPL NPL you
get good value (for money) in that shop, o seu dinheiro rende mais naquela loja
to lose (in) value, desvalorizar-se
to gain (in) value, valorizar-se
to be of great value to sb (fig) ser de grande utilidade para algum
to be valued at $8 ser avaliado em $8
value added tax [-dd-] (BRIT)
N imposto sobre a circulao de mercadorias (BR) imposto sobre valor acrescentado
valued [vljud]
ADJ (appreciated) valorizado
valuer [vlju*]
N avaliador* M (F avaliadora)
valve [vlv]
N 1. vlvula 2. (in radio) lmpada
valuer [vlju*]
N avaliador* M (F avaliadora)
valve [vlv]
N 1. vlvula 2. (in radio) lmpada
vampire [vmpa*]
N vampiro* (vampira)
van [vn]
N (AUT) camionete F (BR) camioneta (PT)
V and A (BRIT)
N ABBR Victoria and Albert Museum
vandal [vndl]
N vndalo* (vndala)
vandalism [vndlzm]
N vandalismo
vandalize [vndlaz]
VT destruir, depredar
vanguard [vnd]
N in the vanguard of, na vanguarda de
vanilla [vnl]
N baunilha CPD (ice cream) de baunilha
vanish [vn]
VI desaparecer, sumir
vanity [vnt]
N vaidade F
vanity case
N bolsa de maquilagem
vantage point [vntd-]
N posio F estratgica
vapor [vep*] (US)
N vapour etc
vapour [vep*] vapor (US)
N vapor M
vaporize [vepraz]
VT vaporizar VI vaporizar-se
vapour trail , vapor trail (US)
N (AVIAT) esteira de vapor
variable [vrbl]
ADJ varivel N varivel F
variance [vrns]
N to be at variance (with) estar em desacordo (com)
variant [vrnt]
N variante F
variation [vren]
N 1. variao F 2. (variant) variante F 3. (in opinion) mudana
varicose [vrkus]
ADJ varicose veins, varizes FPL
varied [vrd]
ADJ variado
variety [vrat]
N 1. variedade F, diversidade F 2. (type, quantity) variedade for a variety of
reasons, por vrias or diversas razes
variety show
N espetculo de variedades
various [vrs]
ADJ 1. vrios* (vrias) diversos* (diversas) 2. (several) vrios* (vrias) at various
times (different) em horas variadas (several) vrias vezes
varnish [vn]
N 1. verniz M 2. (nail varnish) esmalte M VT 1. envernizar 2. (nails) pintar (com
vary [vr]
VT 1. variar 2. (change) mudar VI 1. variar 2. (deviate) desviar-se 3. (become different)
to vary with or according to, variar de acordo com
varying [vr]
ADJ variado
vase [vz]
N vaso
vasectomy [vsktm]
N vasectomia
vaseline [vslin]
N vaselina
vast [vst]
ADJ enorme
vastly [vstl]
ADV 1. (underestimate etc) enormemente 2. (different) completamente
vastness [vstns]
N imensido F
vat [vt]
N tina, cuba
VAT [vt] (BRIT)
N ABBR value added tax, ICM M (BR) IVA M (PT)
Vatican [vtkn]
N the Vatican, o Vaticano
vault [vlt]
N 1. (of roof) abbada 2. (tomb) sepulcro 3. (in bank) caixa-forte F 4. (jump) salto VT
vault over, saltar (por cima de)
vaunted [vntd]
ADJ much-vaunted, to alardeado
N ABBR 1. vice-chairman 2. (BRIT) Victoria Cross, distino militar
N ABBR video cassette recorder
N ABBR venereal disease
N ABBR visual display unit
veal [vil]
N carne F de vitela
veer [v*]
VI virar
veg. [vd] (BRIT inf)
N ABBR vegetable(s)
vegan [vin]
N vegetalista M, F
vegetable [vdtbl]
N 1. (BOT) vegetal M 2. (edible plant) legume M, hortalia ADJ vegetal vegetables
(cooked) verduras FPL NPL
vegetable garden
N horta
vegetarian [vdtrn]
ADJ N vegetariano* (vegetariana)
vegetate [vdtet]
VI vegetar
vegetation [vdten]
N vegetao F
vehemence [vimns]
N veemncia, violncia
vehement [vimnt]
ADJ 1. veemente 2. (impassioned) apaixonado 3. (attack) violento
vehicle [vikl]
N veculo
vehicular [vhkjul*]
ADJ ``no vehicular traffic ``proibido trnsito de veculos automotores
veil [vel]
N vu M VT velar under a veil of secrecy (fig) sob um manto de sigilo
veiled [veld]
ADJ velado
vein [ven]
N 1. veia 2. (of ore etc) filo M 3. (on leaf) nervura 4. (fig) (mood) tom M
vellum [vlm]
N papel M velino
velocity [vlst]
N velocidade F
velvet [vlvt]
N veludo ADJ aveludado
vendetta [vndt]
N vendeta
vending machine [vnd-]
N vendedor M automtico
vendor [vnd*]
N vendedor* M (F vendedora) street vendor, camel M
veneer [vn*]
N 1. capa exterior, folheado 2. (wood) compensado 3. (fig) aparncia
venerable [vnrbl]
ADJ venervel
venereal [vnrl]
ADJ venereal disease, doena venrea
Venetian blind [vnin-]
N persiana
Venezuela [vnzwel]
N Venezuela
Venezuelan [vnzweln]
ADJ N venezuelano* (venezuelana)
vengeance [vndns]
N vingana with a vengeance (fig) para valer
vengeful [vndful]
ADJ vingativo
Venice [vns]
N Veneza
venison [vnsn]
N carne F de veado
venom [vnm]
N 1. veneno 2. (bitterness) malevolncia
venomous [vnms]
ADJ 1. venenoso 2. (look, stare) malvolo
vent [vnt]
N 1. (opening, in jacket) abertura 2. air vent, respiradouro 3. (in wall) abertura para
ventilao VT (fig) (feelings) desabafar, descarregar
ventilate [vntlet]
VT ventilar
ventilation [vntlen]
N ventilao F
ventilation shaft
N poo de ventilao
ventilator [vntlet*]
N ventilador M
ventriloquist [vntrlkwst]
N ventrloquo
venture [vnt*]
N empreendimento VT 1. aventurar 2. (opinion) arriscar VI arriscar-se business
venture, empreendimento comercial
to venture to do sth, aventurar-se or arriscar-se a fazer algo
venture capital
N capital M de especulao
venue [vnju]
N 1. local M 2. (meeting place) ponto de encontro 3. (theatre etc) espao
Venus [vins]
N (planet) Vnus F
veracity [vrst]
N veracidade F
veranda , verandah [vrnd]
N varanda
verb [vb]
N verbo
verbal [vbl]
ADJ verbal
verbally [vbl]
ADV verbalmente
verbatim [vbetm]
ADJ ADV palavra por palavra
verbose [vbus]
ADJ prolixo
verdict [vdkt]
N 1. veredicto, deciso F 2. (fig) opinio F, parecer M verdict of guilty/not guilty,
veredicto de culpado/no culpado
verge [vd]
N 1. beira, margem F 2. (on road) acostamento (BR) berma (PT) ``soft verges
(BRIT AUT) ``acostamento mole
to be on the verge of doing sth, estar a ponto or beira de fazer algo verge
on beirar em VT
verger [vd*]
N (REL) sacristo M
verification [vrfken]
N verificao F
verify [vrfa]
VT verificar
veritable [vrtbl]
ADJ verdadeiro
vermin [vmn]
NPL 1. (animals) bichos MPL 2. (insects, fig) insetos MPL nocivos
vermouth [vm]
N vermute M
vernacular [vnkjul*]
N vernculo in the vernacular, na lngua corrente
versatile [vstal]
ADJ 1. (person) verstil 2. (machine, tool etc) polivalente 3. (mind) gil, flexvel
verse [vs]
N 1. verso, poesia 2. (stanza) estrofe F 3. (in bible) versculo in verse, em verso
versed [vst]
ADJ (well-)versed in, versado em
version [vn]
N verso F
versus [vss]
PREP contra, versus
vertebra [vtbr] (PL vertebrae )
N vrtebra
vertebrae [vtbri]
NPL (of vertebra)
vertebrate [vtbrt]
N vertebrado
vertical [vtkl]
ADJ vertical N vertical F
vertically [vtkl]
ADV verticalmente
vertigo [vtu]
N vertigem F to suffer from vertigo, ter vertigens
verve [vv]
N garra, pique M
very [vr]
ADV muito ADJ the very book which, o mesmo livro que the very thought (of it) ...
s de pensar (nisso) ...
at the very end, bem no final
the very last, o ltimo (de todos) bem o ltimo
at the very least, no mnimo
very much, muitssimo
very little, muito pouco, pouqussimo
very [vr]
ADV muito ADJ the very book which, o mesmo livro que the very thought (of it) ...
s de pensar (nisso) ...
at the very end, bem no final
the very last, o ltimo (de todos) bem o ltimo
at the very least, no mnimo
very much, muitssimo
very little, muito pouco, pouqussimo
vespers [vspz]
NPL vsperas FPL
vessel [vsl]
N 1. (ANAT) vaso 2. (NAUT) navio, barco 3. (container) vaso, vasilha
vest [vst]
N 1. (BRIT) camiseta (BR) camisola interior (PT) 2. (US: waistcoat) colete M VT to
vest sb with sth, to vest sth in sb, investir algum de algo, conferir algo a algum
vested interest [vstd-]
N to have a vested interest in doing, ter um interesse em fazer vested interests
(COMM) direitos MPL adquiridos NPL
vestibule [vstbjul]
N vestbulo
vestige [vstd]
N vestgio
vestry [vstr]
N sacristia
Vesuvius [vsuvs]
N Vesvio
vet [vt]
N ABBR veterinary surgeon, veterinrio* (veterinria) VT examinar
veteran [vtrn]
N 1. veterano* (veterana) 2. war veteran, veterano de guerra ADJ shes a veteran
campaigner for ... ela uma veterana nas campanhas de ...
veteran car
N carro antigo
veterinarian [vtrnrn] (US)
N veterinrio* (veterinria)
veterinary [vtrnr]
ADJ veterinrio
veterinary surgeon (BRIT)
N veterinrio* (veterinria)
veto [vitu] (PL vetoes )
N veto VT vetar to put a veto on, opor seu veto a
vex [vks]
VT 1. (irritate) irritar, apoquentar 2. (make impatient) impacientar
vexed [vkst]
ADJ (question) controvertido, discutido
N ABBR voluntary fire department
N ABBR (SCH) very good
ABBR very high frequency, VHF, freqncia muito alta
ABBR (POST) Virgin Islands
via [va]
PREP por, via
viability [vablt]
N viabilidade F
viable [vabl]
ADJ vivel
viaduct [vadkt]
N viaduto
vibrant [vabrnt]
ADJ 1. (lively) entusiasmado 2. (colour) vibrante 3. (voice) ressonante
vibrate [vabret]
VI vibrar
vibration [vabren]
N vibrao F
vicar [vk*]
N vigrio
vicarage [vkrd]
N vicariato
vicarious [vkrs]
ADJ (pleasure, existence) indireto
vice [vas]
N 1. (evil) vcio 2. (TECH) torno mecnico
vice- [vas]
PREFIX vice-
N IRREG vice-presidente M, F
vice-chancellor (BRIT)
N reitor* M (F reitora)
N vice-presidente M, F
vice squad
N delegacia de costumes
vice versa [vasvs]
ADV vice-versa
vicinity [vsnt]
N (area) (nearness) proximidade F
vicious [vs]
ADJ 1. (violent) violento 2. (depraved) depravado, vicioso 3. (cruel) cruel 4. (bitter)
vicious circle
N crculo vicioso
viciousness [vsns]
N 1. violncia 2. depravao F 3. crueldade F 4. rancor M
vicissitudes [vsstjudz]
NPL vicissitudes FPL
victim [vktm]
N vtima F
victimization [vktmazen]
N 1. perseguio F 2. (in strike) represlias FPL
victimize [vktmaz]
VT (strikers etc) fazer represlia contra
victor [vkt*]
N vencedor* M (F vencedora)
Victorian [vktrn]
ADJ vitoriano
victorious [vktrs]
ADJ vitorioso
victory [vktr]
N vitria to win a victory over sb, conseguir uma vitria sobre algum
video [vdu]
N 1. (video film) vdeo 2. (pop video) videoclipe M 3. video cassette, videocassete M 4.
video cassette recorder, videocassete M CPD de vdeo
video cassette
N videocassete M
video cassette recorder
N videocassete M
video recording
N gravao F em vdeo
video tape
N 1. videoteipe M 2. (cassette) videocassete M
vie [va]
VI to vie (with sb) (for sth) competir (com algum) (por algo)
Vienna [vn]
N Viena
Viet Nam [vjtnm]
N Vietnam
Vietnam [vjtnm]
N Vietn M (BR) Vietname M (PT)
Vietnamese [vjtnmiz]
ADJ vietnamita N INV 1. vietnamita M, F 2. (LING) vietnamita M
view [vju]
N 1. vista 2. (outlook) perspectiva 3. (landscape) paisagem F 4. (opinion) opinio F,
parecer M VT 1. (look at, fig) olhar 2. (examine) examinar on view (in museum
etc) em exposio
in full view (of) plena vista (de)
an overall view of the situation, uma viso geral da situao
in my view, na minha opinio
in view of the weather/the fact that, em vista do tempo/do fato de que
with a view to doing sth, com a inteno de fazer algo
view-data [vjudet] (BRIT)
N teletexto, videotexto
viewer [vju*]
N 1. (small projector) visor M 2. (person) telespectador* M (F telespectadora)
viewfinder [vjufand*]
N visor M
viewpoint [vjupnt]
N 1. ponto de vista 2. (place) lugar M
vigil [vdl]
N viglia to keep vigil, velar
vigilance [vdlns]
N vigilncia
vigilant [vdlnt]
ADJ vigilante
vigilance committee
N comit M de vigilncia
vigor [v*] (US)
N vigour
vigour [v*] vigor (US)
N energia, vigor M
vigorous [vrs]
ADJ 1. vigoroso 2. (plant) vigoso
vile [val]
ADJ 1. (action) vil, infame 2. (smell) repugnante, repulsivo 3. (temper) violento
vilify [vlfa]
VT vilipendiar
villa [vl]
N 1. (country house) casa de campo 2. (suburban house) vila, quinta
village [vld]
N aldeia, povoado
villager [vld*]
N aldeo/alde M, F
villain [vln]
N 1. (scoundrel) patife M 2. (BRIT: in novel etc) vilo M 3. (criminal) marginal M, F
N ABBR vehicle identification number
vindicate [vndket]
VT 1. vingar 2. (justify) jusfificar
vindication [vndken]
N in vindication of, em defesa de
vindictive [vndktv]
ADJ vingativo
vine [van]
N 1. vinha, videira 2. (climbing plant) planta trepadeira
vinegar [vn*]
N vinagre M
vine grower
N vinhateiro* (vinhateira) viticultor* M (F viticultora)
ADJ vitcola N viticultura
vineyard [vnjd]
N vinha, vinhedo
vintage [vntd]
N 1. vindima 2. (year) safra, colheita CPD 1. (comedy) de poca 2. (performance)
clssico the 1970 vintage, a safra de 1970
vintage car
N carro antigo
vintage wine
N vinho velho
vinyl [vanl]
N vinil M
viola [vul]
N viola
violate [valet]
VT violar
violation [valen]
N violao F in violation of (rule, law) em violao de
violence [valns]
N 1. violncia 2. (strength) fora
violent [valnt]
ADJ 1. violento 2. (intense) intenso a violent dislike of sb/sth, uma forte averso a
violently [valntl]
ADV 1. violentemente 2. (ill, angry) extremamente
violet [valt]
ADJ violeta N (colour, plant) violeta
violin [valn]
N violino
violinist [valnst]
N violinista M, F
N ABBR very important person, VIP M, F
viper [vap*]
N vbora
virgin [vdn]
N virgem M, F ADJ virgem the Blessed Virgin, a Virgem Santssima
virginity [vdnt]
N virgindade F
Virgo [vu]
N Virgem F
virile [vral]
ADJ viril
virility [vrlt]
N virilidade F
virtual [vtjul]
ADJ 1. (COMPUT PHYS) virtual 2. (in effect) its a virtual impossibility,
praticamente impossvel the virtual leader, o lder na prtica
virtually [vtjul]
ADV (almost) praticamente
virtue [vtju]
N 1. virtude F 2. (advantage) vantagem F by virtue of, em virtude de
virtuosi [vtjuuz]
NPL (of virtuoso)
virtuoso [vtjuuzu] ( virtuosos ), (PL virtuosi )
N virtuoso* (virtuosa)
virtuous [vtjus]
ADJ virtuoso
virulent [vrulnt]
ADJ virulento
virus [vars]
N vrus M
visa [viz]
N visto
vis--vis [vizvi]
PREP com relao a
viscose [vskuz]
N viscose F
viscount [vakaunt]
N visconde M
viscous [vsks]
ADJ viscoso
vise [vas] (US)
N (TECH) vice
visibility [vzblt]
N visibilidade F
visible [vzbl]
ADJ visvel visible exports/imports, exportaes FPL /importaes FPL visveis
visibly [vzbl]
ADV visivelmente
vision [vn]
N 1. (sight) vista, viso F 2. (foresight, in dream) viso F
visionary [vnr]
N visionrio* (visionria)
visit [vzt]
N visita VT 1. visit with (person US) visitar, fazer uma visita a 2. (place) ir a, ir
conhecer on a private/official visit, em visita particular/oficial
visiting [vzt]
ADJ (speaker, team) visitante
visiting card
N carto M de visita
visiting hours
NPL horrio de visita
visiting professor
N professor* M de outra faculdade (F professora)
visitor [vzt*]
N 1. visitante M, F 2. (to one's house) visita 3. (tourist) turista M, F 4. (tripper)
excursionista M, F
visitors book
N livro de visitas
visor [vaz*]
N viseira
VISTA [vst]
N ABBR Volunteers in Service to America, programa de assistncia s regies pobres
vista [vst]
N vista
visual [vzjul]
ADJ visual
visual aid
N recurso visual
visual display unit
N terminal M de vdeo
visualize [vzjulaz]
VT 1. visualizar 2. (foresee) prever
visually [vzjul]
ADV visualmente visually handicapped, deficiente visual
vital [vatl]
ADJ 1. (essential) essencial, indispensvel 2. (important) de importncia vital 3.
(crucial) crucial 4. (person) vivo 5. (of life) vital of vital importance, de
importncia vital
vitality [vatlt]
N energia, vitalidade F
vitally [vatl]
ADV vitally important, de importncia vital
vital statistics
NPL 1. (of population) estatstica demogrfica 2. (fig) medidas FPL
vitamin [vtmn]
N vitamina
vitiate [vet]
VT viciar
vitreous [vtrs]
ADJ vtreo
vitriolic [vtrlk]
ADJ (fig) mordaz
viva [vav]
N viva voce, exame M oral
vivacious [vves]
ADJ vivaz, animado
vivacity [vvst]
N vivacidade F
vivid [vvd]
ADJ 1. (account) vvido 2. (light) claro, brilhante 3. (imagination, colour) vivo
vividly [vvdl]
ADV 1. (describe) vividamente 2. (remember) distintamente
vivisection [vvskn]
N vivisseco F
vixen [vksn]
N 1. raposa 2. (pej: woman) megera
ABBR videlicet, a saber
ABBR very low frequency
N V-neck jumper, V-neck pullover, suter F com decote em V
N ABBR Voice of America, voz F da Amrica, emissora que transmite para o
vocabulary [vukbjulr]
N vocabulrio
vocal [vukl]
ADJ 1. vocal 2. (noisy) clamoroso 3. (articulate) claro, eloqente
vocal cords
NPL cordas FPL vocais
vocalist [vuklst]
N vocalista M, F, cantor* M (F cantora)
vocals [vuklz]
NPL vozes FPL
vocation [vuken]
N vocao F
vocational [vukenl]
ADJ vocacional vocational guidance/training, orientao F vocacional/ensino
vociferous [vsfrs]
ADJ vociferante
vodka [vdk]
N vodca
vogue [vu]
N voga, moda to be in vogue, estar na moda
voice [vs]
N voz F VT (opinion) expressar in a low/loud voice, em voz baixa/alta
to give voice to, dar voz a
voice mail
N (TEL) correio M de voz
void [vd]
N 1. vazio 2. (hole) oco ADJ 1. (null) nulo 2. (empty) void of, destituido de
voile [vl]
N voile M
ABBR volume, vol
volatile [vltal]
ADJ 1. voltil 2. (situation, person) imprevisvel
volcanic [vlknk]
ADJ vulcnico
volcano [vlkenu] (PL volcanoes )
N vulco M
volition [vln]
N of ones own volition, de livre vontade
volley [vl]
N 1. (of gunfire) descarga, salva 2. (of stones etc) chuva 3. (of questions etc)
enxurrada, chuva 4. (TENNIS etc) voleio
volleyball [vlbl]
N voleibol M, vlei M (BR)
volt [vult]
N volt M
voltage [vultd]
N voltagem F high/low voltage, alta/baixa tenso
voluble [vljubl]
ADJ 1. (person) tagarela 2. (speech) loquaz
volume [vljum]
N 1. volume M 2. (of tank) capacidade F volume one/two, tomo um/dois
his expression spoke volumes, sua expresso disse tudo
volume control
N (RADIO TV) controle M de volume
volume discount
N (COMM) desconto de volume
voluminous [vlumns]
ADJ volumoso
voluntarily [vlntrl]
ADV livremente, voluntariamente
voluntary [vlntr]
ADJ 1. voluntrio 2. (unpaid) (a ttulo) gratuito
voluntary liquidation
N (COMM) liquidao F requerida pela empresa
voluntary redundancy (BRIT)
N demisso F voluntria
volunteer [vlnt*]
N voluntrio* (voluntria) VT oferecer voluntariamente VI (MIL) alistar-se
voluntariamente to volunteer to do, oferecer-se voluntariamente para fazer
voluptuous [vlptjus]
ADJ voluptuoso
vomit [vmt]
N vmito VT VI vomitar
vote [vut]
N 1. voto 2. (votes cast) votao F 3. (right to vote) direito de votar 4. (franchise) ttulo
de eleitor VT 1. to be voted chairman etc, ser eleito presidente etc 2. (propose) to
vote that, propor que (in election) votar VI votar to put sth to the vote to take
a vote on sth, votar algo, submeter algo votao
to vote for sb, votar em algum
to vote for/against a proposal, votar a favor de/contra uma proposta
to vote to do sth, votar a favor de fazer algo
vote of censure, voto de censura
vote of confidence, voto de confiana
vote of thanks
N agradecimento
voter [vut*]
N votante M, F, eleitor* M (F eleitora)
voting [vut]
N votao F
voting paper (BRIT)
N cdula eleitoral
voting right
N direito de voto
voucher [vaut*]
N 1. luncheon voucher, vale-refeio M 2. (with petrol etc) vale M 3. (gift voucher) vale
M para presente 4. (receipt) comprovante M
vouch for [vaut-]
VT FUS garantir, responder por
vow [vau]
N voto VT to vow to do/that, prometer solenemente fazer/que VI fazer votos to take
or make a vow to do sth, fazer voto de fazer algo
vowel [vaul]
N vogal F
voyage [vd]
N 1. (journey) viagem F 2. (crossing) travessia
N ABBR vice-president
ABBR versus, x
V , v [vi]
N (letter) V, v M V for Victor, V de Vera
V-sign (BRIT)
N gesto grosseiro to give a V-sign to sb, dar uma banana para algum
N ABBR Voluntary Service Overseas
ABBR (POST) Vermont
vulgar [vl*]
ADJ 1. (rude) grosseiro, ordinrio 2. (in bad taste) vulgar, baixo
vulgarity [vlrt]
N 1. grosseria 2. (bad taste) vulgaridade F
vulnerability [vlnrblt]
N vulnerabilidade F
vulnerable [vlnrbl]
ADJ vulnervel
vulture [vlt*]
N abutre M, urubu M

ABBR 1. west, o 2. (ELEC) watt, W
ABBR (POST) Washington
wad [wd]
N 1. (of cotton wool) chumao 2. (of paper) bola 3. (of banknotes etc) mao
wadding [wd]
N enchimento
waddle [wdl]
VI andar gingando or bamboleando
wade [wed]
VI to wade through, andar em (fig) (a book) ler com dificuldade VT vadear, atravessar
(a vau)
wafer [wef*]
N 1. (biscuit) bolacha 2. (REL) hstia 3. (COMPUT) pastilha
ADJ fininho, finssimo
waffle [wfl]
N 1. (CULIN) waffle M 2. (empty talk) lengalenga VI encher linguia
waffle iron
N frma para fazer waffles
waft [wft]
VT levar VI flutuar
wag [w]
VT 1. (tail) sacudir 2. (finger) menear VI acenar, abanar the dog wagged its tail, o
cachorro abanou o rabo
wage [wed]
N wages, salrio, ordenado VT to wage war, empreender or fazer guerra a days
wages, uma diria
wage claim
N reivindicao F salarial
wage differential
N desnvel M salarial, diferena de salrio
wage earner [wedn*]
N assalariado* (assalariada)
wage freeze
N congelamento de salrios
wage packet (BRIT)
N envelope M de pagamento
wager [wed*]
N aposta, parada VT apostar
waggle [wl]
VT mover
waggon , wagon [wn]
N 1. (horse-drawn) carroa 2. (BRIT RAIL) vago M
wail [wel]
N lamento, gemido VI 1. lamentar-se, gemer 2. (siren) tocar
waist [west]
N cintura
waistcoat [weskut] (BRIT)
N colete M
waistline [westlan]
N cintura
wait [wet]
N espera VI esperar to lie in wait for, aguardar em emboscada
I cant wait to (fig) estou morrendo de vontade de
to wait for sb/sth, esperar por algum/algo
to keep sb waiting, deixar algum esperando
wait a minute! espera a!
``repairs while you wait ``conserta-se na hora wait behind ficar para trs VI
wait on servir VT wait up esperar, no ir dormir VI dont wait up for me, v
dormir, no espere por mim
waiter [wet*]
N garom M (BR) empregado (PT)
waiting [wet]
N ``no waiting (BRIT AUT) ``proibido estacionar
waiting list [wet-]
N lista de espera
waiting room
N sala de espera
waitress [wetrs]
N garonete F (BR) empregada (PT)
waive [wev]
VT abrir mo de
waiver [wev*]
N desistncia
wake [wek] (PT woke ), (PP woken )
VT wake up, acordar VI acordar N 1. (for dead person) velrio 2. (NAUT) esteira to
wake up to sth (fig) abrir os olhos or acordar para algo
in the wake of (fig) na esteira de
to follow in sbs wake (fig) seguir a esteira or o exemplo de algum
waken [wekn]
VT VI wake
Wales [welz]
N Pas M de Gales the Prince of Wales, o Prncipe de Gales
walk [wk]
N 1. passeio 2. (hike) excurso F a p, caminhada 3. (gait) passo, modo de andar 4.
(in park etc) alameda, passeio VI 1. andar 2. (for pleasure, exercise) passear VT 1.
(distance) percorrer a p, andar 2. (dog) levar para passear its 10 minutes
walk from here, daqui so 10 minutos a p
to go for a walk (ir) dar uma volta
Ill walk you home, vou andar com voc at a sua casa
people from all walks of life, pessoas de todos os nveis walk out 1. (go out)
sair 2. (audience) retirar-se 3. (strike) entrar em greve VI walk out on (family etc)
abandonar VT
walker [wk*]
N (person) caminhante M, F
walkie-talkie [wktk]
N transmissor-receptor M porttil, walkie-talkie M
walking [wk]
N o andar its within walking distance, d para ir a p
walking holiday
N frias FPL fazendo excurses a p
walking shoes
NPL sapatos MPL para andar
walking stick
N bengala
N Walkman M
ADJ (THEATRE) (part) de figurante
walkout [wkaut]
N (of workers) greve F branca
walkover [wkuv*] (inf)
N barbada
walkway [wkwe]
N passeio, passadio
wall [wl]
N 1. parede F 2. (exterior) muro 3. (city wall etc) muralha to go to the wall (fig) (firm
etc) falir, quebrar wall in (garden etc) cercar com muros VT
wall cupboard
N armrio de parede
walled [wld]
ADJ 1. (city) cercado por muralhas 2. (garden) murado, cercado
wallet [wlt]
N carteira
wallflower [wlflau*]
N goivo-amarelo to be a wallflower (fig) tomar ch de cadeira
wall hanging
N tapete M
wallop [wlp] (BRIT inf)
VT surrar, espancar
wallow [wlu]
VI 1. (in mud) chafurdar 2. (in water) rolar 3. (person) (in guilt) regozijar-se to
wallow in ones own grief, regozijar-se na prpria dor
wallpaper [wlpep*]
N papel M de parede VT colocar papel de parede em
ADJ wall-to-wall carpeting, carpete M
wally [wl] (inf)
N man M, boboca M
walnut [wlnt]
N 1. noz F 2. (tree, wood) nogueira
walrus [wlrs] ( walrus ), (PL walruses )
N morsa, vaca marinha
waltz [wlts]
N valsa VI valsar
wan [wn]
ADJ 1. plido 2. (smile) amarelo
wand [wnd]
N magic wand, varinha de condo
wander [wnd*]
VI 1. (person) vagar, perambular 2. (thoughts) divagar 3. (get lost) extraviar-se VT
wanderer [wndr*]
N vagabundo* (vagabunda)
wandering [wndr]
ADJ 1. errante 2. (thoughts) distrado 3. (tribe) nmade 4. (minstrel, actor) itinerante
wane [wen]
VI 1. diminuir 2. (moon) minguar
wangle [wl] (BRIT inf)
VT to wangle sth, conseguir algo atravs de pistolo
want [wnt]
VT 1. (wish for) querer 2. (demand) exigir 3. (need) precisar de, necessitar 4. (lack)
carecer de N (poverty) pobreza, misria wants (needs) necessidades FPL NPL
for want of, por falta de
to want to do, querer fazer
to want sb to do sth, querer que algum faa algo
``cook wanted ``precisa-se cozinheiro
want ads (US)
NPL classificados MPL
wanted [wntd]
ADJ (criminal etc) procurado (pela polcia) ``cook wanted (in advertisement)
``precisa-se cozinheiro
youre wanted on the phone, esto querendo falar com voc no telefone
wanting [wnt]
ADJ falto, deficiente to be found wanting, no estar altura da situao
to be wanting in, carecer de
wanton [wntn]
ADJ 1. (destruction) gratuito, irresponsvel 2. (licentious) libertino, lascivo
war [w*]
N guerra to make war (on) fazer guerra (em)
to go to war, entrar na guerra
war of attrition, guerra de atrio
warble [wbl]
N gorjeio VI gorjear
war cry
N grito de guerra
ward [wd]
N 1. (in hospital) ala 2. (POL) distrito eleitoral 3. (LAW) (child) tutelado* (tutelada)
pupilo* (pupila) ward off 1. desviar, aparar 2. (attack) repelir VT
warden [wdn]
N 1. (BRIT: of institution) diretor* M (F diretora) 2. (of park, game reserve)
administrador* M (F administradora) 3. traffic warden (BRIT) guarda M, F
warder [wd*] (BRIT)
N carcereiro* (carcereira)
wardrobe [wdrub]
N 1. (cupboard) armrio 2. (clothes) guarda-roupa M
warehouse [whaus]
N armazm M, depsito
wares [wz]
NPL mercadorias FPL
warfare [wf*]
N guerra, combate M
war game
N jogo de estrategia militar
warhead [whd]
N ogiva
warily [wrl]
ADV cautelosamente, com precauo
warlike [wlak]
ADJ guerreiro, blico
warm [wm]
ADJ 1. quente 2. (thanks, welcome) caloroso, cordial 3. (supporter) entusiasmado
its warm, est quente
Im warm, estou com calor
to keep sth warm, manter algo aquecido warm up 1. (person, room) esquentar
2. (athlete) fazer aquecimento 3. (discussion) esquentar-se 4. esquentar VI
warm-blooded [-bldd]
ADJ de sangue quente
war memorial
N monumento aos mortos
warm-hearted [-htd]
ADJ afetuoso
warmly [wml]
ADV calorosamente, afetuosamente
warmonger [wm*]
N belicista M, F
warmongering [wmr]
N belicismo
warmth [wm]
N calor M
N (SPORT) aquecimento
warn [wn]
VT prevenir, avisar to warn sb against sth, prevenir algum contra algo
to warn sb that/of/(not) not to do, prevenir algum de que/de/para (no) fazer
warning [wn]
N 1. advertncia 2. (in writing) aviso 3. (signal) sinal M without (any) warning
(suddenly) de improviso, inopinadamente (without notice) sem aviso prvio, sem
gale warning (METEOROLOGY) aviso de vendaval
warning light
N luz F de advertncia
warning triangle
N (AUT) tringulo de advertncia
warp [wp]
N (TEXTILES) urdidura VT deformar VI empenar, deformar-se
warpath [wp]
N to be on the warpath (fig) estar disposto a brigar
warped [wpt]
ADJ 1. (wood) empenado 2. (fig) (sense of humour) pervertido, deformado
warrant [wrnt]
N 1. (guarantee) garantia 2. (voucher) comprovante M 3. (LAW) (to arrest) mandado
de priso (to search) mandado de busca VT (justify) justificar
warrant officer
N 1. (MIL) subtenente M 2. (NAUT) suboficial M
warranty [wrnt]
N garantia under warranty (COMM) sob garantia
warren [wrn]
N 1. (of rabbits) lura 2. (house) coelheira 3. (fig) labirinto
warring [wr]
ADJ 1. (nations) em guerra 2. (interests etc) antagnico
warrior [wr*]
N guerreiro* (guerreira)
Warsaw [ws]
N Varsvia
warship [wp]
N navio de guerra
wart [wt]
N verruga
wartime [wtam]
N in wartime, em tempo de guerra
wary [wr]
ADJ cauteloso, precavido to be wary about or of doing sth, hesitar em fazer algo
was [wz]
PT (of be)
wash [w]
VT 1. lavar 2. (sweep, carry) (sea etc) levar, arrastar (ashore) lanar VI 1. lavar-se 2.
(sea etc) to wash over/against sth, bater/chocar-se contra algo N 1. (clothes etc)
lavagem F 2. (of ship) esteira to have a wash, lavar-se
to give sth a wash, lavar algo
he was washed overboard, foi arrastado do navio pelas guas wash away 1.
(stain) tirar ao lavar 2. (subj) (river etc) levar, arrastar VT wash down 1. lavar 2.
(food) regar VT wash off 1. tirar lavando 2. sair ao lavar VT wash up 1. (BRIT)
lavar a loua 2. (US) lavar-se VI
washable [wbl]
ADJ lavvel
washbasin [wbesn]
N pia (BR) lavatrio (PT)
washbowl [wbul] (US)
N washbasin
washcloth [wkl] (US)
N taolhinha para lavar o rosto
washer [w*]
N (TECH) arruela, anilha
wash-hand basin (BRIT)
N pia (BR) lavatrio (PT)
washing [w] (BRIT)
N 1. (dirty) roupa suja 2. (clean) roupa lavada
washing line (BRIT)
N corda de estender roupa, varal M
washing machine
N mquina de lavar roupa, lavadora
washing powder (BRIT)
N sabo M em p
Washington [wtn]
N (city, state) Washington
N to do the washing-up, lavar a loua
washing-up liquid (BRIT)
N detergente M
wash-out (inf)
N fracasso, fiasco
washroom [wrum] (US)
N banheiro (BR) casa de banho (PT)
wasnt [wznt]
was not
WASP [wsp] Wasp (US inf)
N ABBR White Anglo-Saxon Protestant, apelido, muitas vezes pejorativo, dado aos
membros da classe dominante nos EUA
wasp [wsp]
N vespa
waspish [wsp]
ADJ irritadio
wastage [westd]
N 1. desgaste M, desperdcio 2. (loss) perda natural wastage, desgaste natural
waste [west]
N 1. desperdcio, esbanjamento 2. (wastage) desperdcio 3. (of time) perda 4. (food)
sobras FPL 5. household waste, detritos MPL domsticos 6. (rubbish) lixo ADJ 1.
(material) de refugo 2. (left over) de sobra 3. (land) baldio VT 1. (squander)
esbanjar, desperdiar 2. (time, opportunity) perder wastes ermos MPL NPL its a
waste of money, jogar dinheiro fora
to go to waste, ser desperdiado
to lay waste (destroy) devastar waste away definhar VI
waste bin (BRIT)
N lata de lixo
waste disposal , waste disposal unit (BRIT)
N triturador M de lixo
wasteful [westful]
ADJ 1. esbanjador* (esbanjadora) 2. (process) anti-econmico
waste ground (BRIT)
N terreno baldio
wasteland [westlnd]
N 1. terra inculta 2. (in town) terreno baldio
wastepaper basket [westpep*-]
N cesta de papis
waste pipe
N cano de esgoto
waste products
N (INDUSTRY) resduos MPL
watch [wt]
N 1. (clock) relgio 2. wrist watch, relgio de pulso 3. (act of watching) vigia 4. (guard)
(MIL) sentinela 5. (NAUT) (spell of duty) quarto VT 1. (look at) observar, olhar 2.
(programme, match) assistir a 3. (television) ver 4. (spy on, guard) vigiar 5. (be
careful of) tomar cuidado com VI 1. ver, olhar 2. (keep guard) montar guarda to
keep a close watch on sb/sth, vigiar algum/algo, ficar de olho em algum/algo
watch what youre doing, presta ateno no que voc est fazendo watch
out ter cuidado VI
watchband [wtbnd] (US)
N pulseira de relgio
watchdog [wtd]
N 1. co M de guarda 2. (fig) vigia M, F
watchful [wtful]
ADJ vigilante, atento
watchmaker [wtmek*]
N relojoeiro* (relojoeira)
watchman [wtmn]
N IRREG 1. vigia M 2. night watchman, guarda M noturno (in factory) vigia M noturno
watch stem (US)
N boto M de corda
watchstrap [wtstrp]
N pulseira de relgio
watchword [wtwd]
N lema M, divisa
water [wt*]
N gua VT (plant) regar VI 1. (eyes) lacrimejar 2. (mouth) salivar a drink of water,
um copo dgua
in British waters, nas guas territoriais britnicas
to pass water, urinar
to make sbs mouth water, dar gua na boca de algum water down 1. (milk)
aguar 2. (fig) diluir VT
water cannon
N tanque de espirrar gua para dispersar multides
water closet (BRIT)
N privada
watercolour [wtkl*] watercolor (US)
N aquarela
water-cooled [-kuld]
ADJ refrigerado a gua
watercress [wtkrs]
N agrio M
waterfall [wtfl]
N cascata, cachoeira
waterfront [wtfrnt]
N 1. (seafront) orla martima 2. (docks) zona porturia
water heater
N aquecedor M de gua, boiler M
water hole
N bebedouro, poo
water ice (BRIT)
N sorvete de frutas base de gua
watering can [wtr-]
N regador M
water level
N nvel M dgua
water lily
N nenfar M
waterline [wtlan]
N (NAUT) linha dgua
waterlogged [wtld]
ADJ alagado
water main
N adutora
watermark [wtmk]
N (on paper) filigrana
watermelon [wtmln]
N melancia
water polo
N plo aqutico
waterproof [wtpruf]
ADJ 1. impermevel 2. (watch) prova dgua
ADJ hidrfugo
watershed [wtd]
N 1. (GEO) linha divisria das guas 2. (fig) momento crtico
N esqui M aqutico
water softener
N abrandador M de gua
water tank
N depsito dgua
watertight [wttat]
ADJ hermtico, prova dgua
water vapour
N vapor M de gua
waterway [wtwe]
N hidrovia
waterworks [wtwks]
NPL usina hidrulica
watery [wtr]
ADJ 1. (colour) plido 2. (coffee) aguado 3. (eyes) hmido
watt [wt]
N watt M
wattage [wtd]
N wattagem F
wattle [wtl]
N caniada
wave [wev]
N 1. (on water, RADIO, fig) onda 2. (of hand) aceno, sinal M 3. (in hair) onda,
ondulao F VI 1. acenar com a mo 2. (flag, grass, branches) tremular VT 1. (hand)
acenar 2. (handkerchief) acenar com 3. (weapon) brandir 4. (hair) ondular to
wave goodbye to sb, despedir-se de algum com um aceno
short/medium/long wave (RADIO) ondas curtas/mdias/longas
the new wave (CINEMA MUS) a nova onda wave aside 1. (fig) (suggestion,
objection) rejeitar (doubts) pr de lado 2. (person) to wave sb aside, fazer sinal
para algum pr-se de lado VT wave away 1. (fig) (suggestion, objection) rejeitar
(doubts) pr de lado 2. (person) to wave sb away, fazer sinal para algum pr-se
de lado VT
waveband [wevbnd]
N faixa de onda
wavelength [wevl]
N comprimento de onda to be on the same wavelength as, ter os mesmos gostos
e atitudes que
waver [wev*]
VI 1. vacilar 2. (voice, eyes, love) hesitar
wavy [wev]
ADJ 1. (hair) ondulado 2. (line) ondulante
wax [wks]
N cera VT 1. encerar 2. (car) polir VI (moon) crescer
waxworks [wkswks]
N museu M de cera NPL (models) figuras FPL de cera
way [we]
N 1. caminho 2. (distance) percurso 3. (direction) direo F, sentido 4. (manner)
maneira, modo 5. (habit) costume M 6. (condition) estado which way? - this
way, por onde? - por aqui
to crawl ones way to ... arrastar-se at ...
to lie ones way out of it, mentir para livrar-se de apuros
on the way (to) a caminho (de)
to be on ones way, estar a caminho
to be in the way, atrapalhar
to keep out of sbs way, evitar algum
its a long way away, muito longe
the village is rather out of the way, o lugarejo um pouco fora de mo
to go out of ones way to do sth (fig) dar-se ao trabalho de fazer algo
to lose ones way, perder-se
to be under way (work, project) estar em andamento
to make way (for sb/sth) abrir caminho (para algum/algo)
to get ones own way, conseguir o que quer
to put sth the right way up BRIT (BRIT) colocar algo na posio certa
to be the wrong way round, estar s avessas
hes in a bad way, ele vai muito mal
in a way, de certo modo, at certo ponto
in some ways, a certos respeitos
by the way, a propsito
``way in BRIT (BRIT) ``entrada
``way out BRIT (BRIT) ``sada
the way back, o caminho de volta
``give way (BRIT AUT) ``d a preferncia
in the way of, em matria de
by way of (through) por, via (as a sort of) guisa de
no way! (inf) de jeito nenhum!
waybill [webl]
N (COMM) conhecimento
waylay [wele]
VT IRREG 1. armar uma cilada para 2. (fig) I got waylaid, algum me deteve
wayside [wesad]
N beira da estrada to fall by the wayside (fig) desistir (morally) corromper-se
way station (US)
N 1. (RAIL) apeadeiro 2. (fig) etapa
wayward [wewd]
ADJ (behaviour, child) caprichoso, voluntarioso
WC [dbljusi] (BRIT)
N ABBR water closet
N ABBR World Council of Churches
we [wi]
weak [wik]
ADJ 1. fraco, dbil 2. (morally, currency) fraco 3. (excuse) pouco convincente 4. (tea)
aguado, ralo to grow weak(er) enfraquecer, ficar cada vez mais fraco
weaken [wikn]
VI 1. enfraquecer(-se) 2. (give way) ceder 3. (influence, power) diminuir VT 1.
enfraquecer 2. (lessen) diminuir
weak-kneed [-nid]
ADJ (fig) covarde
weakling [wikl]
N 1. pessoa fraca or delicada 2. (morally) pessoa de personalidade fraca
weakly [wikl]
ADJ fraco ADV fracamente
weakness [wikns]
N 1. fraqueza 2. (fault) ponto fraco to have a weakness for, ter uma queda por
wealth [wl]
N 1. (money, resources) riqueza 2. (of details) abundncia
wealth tax
N imposto sobre fortunas
wealthy [wl]
ADJ 1. (person, family) rico, abastado 2. (country) rico
wean [win]
VT desmamar
weapon [wpn]
N arma weapons of mass destruction, armas de destruio em massa
wear [w*] (PT wore ), (PP worn )
N 1. (use) uso 2. (deterioration through use) desgaste M 3. (clothing) baby/sports
wear, roupa infantil/de esporte VT 1. (clothes) usar 2. (shoes) usar, calar 3. (put
on) vestir 4. (damage) (through use) desgastar 5. (beard etc) ter VI 1. (last) durar 2.
(rub through etc) gastar-se town/evening wear, traje M de passeio/de moite
to wear a hole in sth, fazer um buraco em algo pelo uso wear away 1. gastar
2. desgastar-se VT wear down 1. gastar 2. (strength) esgotar VT wear off (pain
etc) passar VI wear on alongar-se VI wear out 1. desgastar 2. (person,
strength) esgotar VT
wearable [wrbl]
ADJ que se pode usar
wear and tear
N desgaste M
wearily [wrl]
ADV de maneira cansada
weariness [wrns]
N 1. cansao, fadiga 2. (boredom) aborrecimento
wearisome [wrsm]
ADJ 1. (tiring) cansativo 2. (boring) fastidioso
weary [wr]
ADJ 1. (tired) cansado 2. (dispirited) deprimido VT aborrecer VI to weary of, cansar-se
weasel [wizl]
N (ZOOL) doninha
weather [w*]
N tempo VT (storm, crisis) resistir a whats the weather like? como est o tempo?
under the weather (fig) (ill) doente
ADJ 1. curtido 2. (building, stone) castigado, erodido
weathercock [wkk]
N cata-vento
weather forecast
N previso F do tempo
weatherman [wmn] (inf)
N IRREG meteorologista M
weatherproof [wpruf]
ADJ 1. (garment) impermevel 2. (building) prova de intemprie
weather report
N boletim M meteorolgico
weather vane [-ven]
N weathercock
weave [wiv] ( wove ), (PT, PP woven )
VT 1. (cloth) tecer 2. (fig) compor, criar VI ((PT, PP weaved )) (fig: move in and out)
weaver [wiv*]
N tecelo* M (F teceloa)
weaver [wiv*]
N tecelo* M (F teceloa)
weaving [wiv]
N tecelagem F
web [wb]
N 1. (of spider) teia 2. (on foot) membrana 3. (network) rede F the (World Wide)
Web, a (World Wide) Web
webbed [wbd]
ADJ (foot) palmpede
webbing [wb]
N (on chair) tira de tecido forte
webcam [wbkm]
N webcam F
weblog [wbl]
N weblog M
web page
N pgina (da) web
website [wbsat]
N site M, website M
ABBR Wednesday, qua. 4a
wed [wd] (PT, PP wedded )
VT casar VI casar-se N the newly-weds, os recm-casados
wed [wid]
we had, we would
wedded [wdd]
PT PP (of wed)
wedding [wd]
N casamento, npcias FPL
wedding anniversary
N aniversrio de casamento silver/golden wedding anniversary, bodas FPL de
prata/de ouro
wedding day
N dia M de casamento
wedding dress
N vestido de noiva
wedding night
N noite F de npcias
wedding present
N presente M de casamento
wedding ring
N anel M or aliana de casamento
wedge [wd]
N 1. (of wood etc) cunha, calo 2. (of cake) fatia VT 1. (pack tightly) apinhar 2. (door)
pr calo em
wedge-heeled shoes [-hild-]
NPL sapatos MPL tipo Annabella
wedlock [wdlk]
N matrimnio, casamento
Wednesday [wdnzd]
N quarta-feira Tuesday
wee [wi] (SCOTTISH)
ADJ pequeno, pequenino
weed [wid]
N erva daninha VT capinar
weedkiller [widkl*]
N herbicida M
weedy [wid]
ADJ (man) fraquinho
week [wik]
N semana once/twice a week, uma vez/duas vezes por semana
in two weeks time, daqui a duas semanas
a week today, daqui a uma semana
Tuesday week
a week on Tuesday, sem ser essa tera-feira, a prxima
every other week, uma semana sim, uma semana no
weekday [wikde]
N 1. dia M de semana 2. (COMM) dia til on weekdays, durante a semana
weekend [wiknd]
N fim M de semana
weekend case
N maleta
weekly [wikl]
ADV semanalmente ADJ semanal N semanrio
weep [wip] (PT, PP wept )
VI 1. (person) chorar 2. (MED) (wound) supurar
weeping willow [wip-]
N salgueiro choro
weft [wft]
N (TEXTILES) trama
weigh [we]
VT VI pesar to weigh anchor, levantar ferro
to weigh the pros and cons, pesar os prs e contras weigh down 1.
sobrecarregar 2. (fig) (with worry) deprimir, acabrunhar VT weigh out (goods)
pesar VT weigh up ponderar, avaliar VT
weighbridge [webrd]
N bscula automtica
weighing machine [we-]
N balana
weight [wet]
N peso VT 1. carregar com peso 2. (fig) (statistic) ponderar to lose/put on weight,
sold by weight, vendido por peso
weights and measures, pesos e medidas
weighting [wet]
N (allowance) indenizao F de residncia
weightlessness [wetlsns]
N ausncia de peso
weightlifter [wetlft*]
N levantador M de pesos
weighty [wet]
ADJ 1. pesado 2. (matters) importante
weir [w*]
N represa, aude M
weird [wd]
ADJ esquisito, estranho
welcome [wlkm]
ADJ bem-vindo N acolhimento, recepo F VT 1. dar as boas-vindas a 2. (be glad of)
saudar youre welcome (after thanks) de nada
to make sb welcome, dar bom acolhimento a algum
youre welcome to try, pode tentar se quiser
welcoming [wlkm]
ADJ 1. acolhedor* (acolhedora) 2. (speech) de boas-vindas
weld [wld]
N solda VT soldar, unir
welder [wld*]
N (person) soldador* M (F soldadora)
welding [wld]
N soldagem F, solda
welfare [wlf*]
N 1. bem-estar M 2. (social aid) assistncia social
welfare state
N pas auto-financiador da sua assistncia social
welfare work
N trabalho social
well [wl]
N 1. poo 2. (pool) nascente F ADV bem ADJ to be well, estar bem (de sade) EXCL
bem! ento! as well, tambm
as well as, assim como
well done! muito bem!
get well soon! melhoras!
to do well, ir or sair-se bem (business) ir bem
to think well of sb, ter um bom conceito a respeito de algum
I dont feel well, no estou me sentindo bem
you might as well tell me, melhor voc me contar logo
well, as I was saying ... bem, como eu estava dizendo ... well up brotar VI
well [wil]
we will, we shall
well-behaved [-bhevd]
ADJ bem comportado
N bem-estar M
ADJ bem educado
ADJ 1. (person) robusto 2. (house) bem construdo
ADJ bem escolhido
well-deserved [-dzvd]
ADJ bem merecido
well-developed [-dvlpt]
ADJ bem desenvolvido
ADJ well-disposed to(wards) favorvel a
well-dressed [-drst]
ADJ bem vestido
ADJ (rest) bem merecido
well-groomed [-rumd]
ADJ bem tratado
well-heeled [-hild] (inf)
ADJ (wealthy) rico
ADJ bem informado, versado
wellingtons [wltnz]
N wellington boots, botas de borracha at os joelhos
ADJ 1. (house, hands etc) bem tratado 2. (secret) bem guardado
ADJ conhecido its a well-known fact that ... sabido que ...
well-mannered [-mnd]
ADJ bem educado
ADJ bem intencionado
well-nigh [-na]
ADV well-nigh impossible, praticamente impossvel
ADJ prspero, rico
ADJ lido, versado
ADJ (person) bem-falante
well-stocked [-stkt]
ADJ bem abastecido
well-timed [-tamd]
ADJ oportuno
ADJ abastado
well-wisher [-w*]
N 1. simpatizante M, F 2. (admirer) admirador* M (F admiradora)
Welsh [wl]
ADJ gals/galesa N (LING) gals M the Welsh (people) os galeses NPL
Welshman [wlmn]
N IRREG gals M
Welsh rarebit
N torradas com queijo derretido
Welshwoman [wlwumn]
N IRREG galesa
welter [wlt*]
N tumulto
went [wnt]
PT (of go)
wept [wpt]
PT PP (of weep)
were [w*]
PT (of be)
were [w*]
we are
werent [wnt]
were not
werewolf [wwulf]
N IRREG lobisomem M
west [wst]
N oeste M ADJ ocidental, do oeste ADV para o oeste or ao oeste the West (POL) o
Oeste, o Ocidente
westbound [wstbaund]
ADJ em direo ao oeste
West Country (BRIT)
N the West Country, o sudoeste da Inglaterra
westerly [wstl]
ADJ 1. (situation) ocidental 2. (wind) oeste
western [wstn]
ADJ ocidental N (CINEMA) western M, bangue-bangue (BR inf)
westernized [wstnazd]
ADJ ocidentalizado
West German
ADJ N alemo* M ocidental (F alem)
West Germany
N Alemanha Ocidental
West Indian
ADJ N antilhano* (antilhana)
West Indies [-ndz]
NPL Antilhas FPL
westward [wstwd] westwards, wstwdz
ADV para o oeste
wet [wt] ( wet ), (PT, PP wetted )
ADJ 1. molhado 2. (damp) mido 3. (wet through) encharcado 4. (rainy) chuvoso N
(BRIT POL) poltico de tendncia moderada VT molhar to wet ones pants or
o.s. fazer xixi na cala
to get wet, molhar-se
``wet paint ``tinta fresca
wet blanket (pej)
N (fig) desmancha-prazeres M, F INV
wetness [wtns]
N umidade F
wetsuit [wtsut]
N roupa de mergulho
weve [wiv]
we have
whack [wk]
VT bater
whacked [wkt] (inf)
ADJ morto, esgotado
whale [wel]
N (ZOOL) baleia
whaler [wel*]
N baleeiro
wharf [wf] (PL wharves )
N cais M INV
wharves [wvz]
NPL (of wharf)
what [wt]
ADJ 1. (in direct/indirect questions) que, qual
what size is it? que tamanho este?
what colour/shape is it? qual a cor/o formato?
what books do you need? que livros voc precisa?
he asked me what books I needed, ele me perguntou de quais os livros eu
precisava 2. (in exclamations) qu! como!
what a mess! que baguna! PRON 1. (interrogative) que, o que
what are you doing? o que que voc est fazendo?
whats happened? o que aconteceu?
whats in there? o que que tem l dentro?
what are you talking about? sobre o que voc est falando?
what is it called? como se chama?
what about me? e eu?
what about doing ...? que tal fazer ...? 2. (relative) o que
I saw what you did/was on the table, eu vi o que voc fez/estava na mesa
he asked me what she had said, ele me perguntou o que ela tinha dito EXCL
(disbelieving) what, no coffee! o que, no tem caf!
Ive crashed the car - what! bati com o carro puxa!
whatever [wtv*]
ADJ whatever book you choose, qualquer livro que voc escolha PRON do whatever
is necessary/you want, faa tudo o que for preciso/o que voc quiser whatever
happens, acontea o que acontecer
no reason whatever or whatsoever, nenhuma razo seja qual for or em
nothing whatever, nada em absoluto
whatsoever [wtsuv*]
ADJ whatever
wheat [wit]
N trigo
wheatgerm [witdm]
N germe M de trigo
wheatmeal [witmil]
N farinha de trigo
wheedle [widl]
VT to wheedle sb into doing sth, persuadir algum a fazer algo to wheedle sth
out of sb, conseguir algo de algum por meio de agrados
wheel [wil]
N 1. roda 2. steering wheel, volante M 3. (NAUT) roda do leme VT (pram etc) empurrar
VI 1. (birds) dar voltas 2. wheel round, girar, dar voltas, virar-se
wheelbarrow [wilbru]
N carrinho de mo
wheelbase [wilbes]
N distncia entre os eixos
wheelchair [wilt*]
N cadeira de rodas
wheel clamp
N (AUT) grampo com que se imobiliza carros estacionados ilegalmente
wheeler-dealer [wil*-]
N negocista M, F
wheelhouse [wilhaus]
N casa do leme
wheeling [wil]
N wheeling and dealing, negociatas FPL
wheeze [wiz]
N respirao F difcil, chiado VI respirar ruidosamente
when [wn]
ADV quando
when are you going to Brazil? quando voc vai para o Brasil? CONJ 1. (at,
during, after the time that) quando
she was reading when I came in, ela estava lendo quando eu entrei
when youve read it, tell me what you think, depois que voc tiver lido isto,
diga-me o que acha
that was when I needed you, foi quando eu precisei de voc 2. (on, at which)
quando, em que
on the day when I met him, no dia em que o conheci
one day when it was raining, um dia quando estava chovendo 3. (whereas) ao
passo que
you said I was wrong when in fact I was right, voc disse que eu estava
errado quando, na verdade, eu estava certo
why did you buy it when you cant afford it? por que voc comprou isto se no
tinha condies (de faz-lo)
whenever [wnv*]
CONJ 1. quando, quando quer que 2. (every time that) sempre que ADV quando voc
where [w*]
ADV onde CONJ onde, aonde this is where ... aqui onde ...
where are you from? de onde voc ?
whereabouts [wrbauts]
ADV (por) onde N nobody knows his whereabouts, ningum sabe o seu paradeiro
whereas [wrz]
CONJ uma vez que, ao passo que
whereby [wba]
ADV (formal) pelo qual (or pela qual etc)
whereupon [wrpn]
ADV depois do que
wherever [wrv*]
CONJ onde quer que ADV (interrogative) onde? sit wherever you like, sente-se onde
wherewithal [wwl]
N recursos MPL, meios MPL
whet [wt]
VT 1. afiar 2. (appetite) abrir
whether [w*]
CONJ se I dont know whether to accept or not, no sei se aceito ou no
whether you go or not, quer voc v quer no
its doubtful whether ... no certo que ...
whey [we]
N soro (de leite)
which [wt]
ADJ 1. (interrogative) (direct, indirect) que, qual
which picture do you want? que quadro voc quer?
which books are yours? quais so os seus livros?
which one? qual? 2. in which case, em cujo caso
the train may be late, in which case dont wait up, o trem talvez esteja
atrasado e, neste caso, no espere
by which time, momento em que
we got there at 8pm, by which time the cinema was full, quando chegamos l
s 8 da noite, o cinema estava lotado PRON 1. (interrogative) qual
which (of these) are yours? quais (destes) so seus?
I dont mind which, no me importa qual 2. (relative) que, o que, o qual etc
the apple which you ate, a ma que voc comeu
the apple which is on the table, a ma que est sobre a mesa
the meeting (which) we attended, a reunio da qual participamos
the chair on which you are sitting, a cadeira na qual voc est sentado
the book of which you spoke, o livro do qual voc falou
he said he knew, which is true, ele disse que sabia, o que verdade
after which, depois do que
whichever [wtv*]
ADJ take whichever book you prefer, pegue o livro que preferir whichever book
you take, qualquer livro que voc pegue
whiff [wf]
N cheiro to catch a whiff of sth, tomar o cheiro de algo
while [wal]
N tempo, momento CONJ 1. enquanto, ao mesmo tempo que 2. (as long as) contanto
que 3. (although) embora for a while, durante algum tempo
in a while, daqui a pouco
all the while, todo o tempo
well make it worth your while, faremos com que valha a pena para voc
while away (time) encher VT
whilst [walst]
CONJ while
whim [wm]
N capricho, veneta
whimper [wmp*]
N 1. (weeping) choradeira 2. (moan) lamria VI choramingar, soluar
whimsical [wmzkl]
ADJ 1. (person) caprichoso, de veneta 2. (look) excntrico
whine [wan]
N 1. (of pain) gemido 2. (of engine, siren) zunido VI 1. (person, animal) gemer 2. zunir
3. (fig) lamuriar-se 4. (dog) ganir
whip [wp]
N 1. aoite M 2. (for riding) chicote M 3. (POL) lder M, F da bancada VT 1. chicotear 2.
(snatch) apanhar de repente 3. (cream, eggs) bater 4. (move quickly) to whip sth
out/off/away etc, arrancar algo whip up 1. (cream) bater 2. (inf: meal) arrumar 3.
(stir up) (feeling) atiar (support) angariar VT
whiplash [wpl]
N whiplash injury (MED) golpe M de chicote, chicotinho
whipped cream [wpt-]
N (creme m) chantilly M
whipping boy [wp-]
N (fig) bode M expiatrio
whip-round (BRIT)
N coleta, vaquinha
whirl [wl]
N remoinho VT fazer girar VI 1. (dancers) rodopiar 2. (leaves, water etc) redemoinhar
whirlpool [wlpul]
N remoinho
whirlwind [wlwnd]
N furaco M, remoinho
whirr [w*]
VI zumbir
whisk [wsk]
N (CULIN) batedeira VT bater to whisk sth away from sb, arrebatar algo de algum
to whisk sb away or off, levar algum rapidamente
whiskers [wskz]
NPL 1. (of animal) bigodes MPL 2. (of man) suias FPL
whisky [wsk] whiskey (US IRELAND)
N usque M (BR) whisky M (PT)
whisper [wsp*]
N 1. sussurro, murmrio 2. (rumour) rumor M VT VI sussurrar to whisper sth to sb,
sussurrar algo para algum
whispering [wspr]
N sussurros MPL
whist [wst] (BRIT)
N uste M (BR) whist M (PT)
whistle [wsl]
N 1. (sound) assobio 2. (object) apito VT VI assobiar
ADJ to make a whistle-stop tour (POL) fazer uma viagem eleitoral
Whit [wt]
N Pentecostes M
white [wat]
ADJ 1. branco 2. (pale) plido N 1. branco 2. (of egg) clara the whites (washing) a
roupa branca NPL tennis whites, traje M de tnis
to turn or go white (person) ficar branco or plido (hair) ficar grisalho
whitebait [watbet]
N filhote M de arenque
white coffee (BRIT)
N caf M com leite
white-collar worker
N empregado* de escritrio (empregada)
white elephant
N (fig) elefante M branco
white goods
N eletrodomsticos MPL
ADJ (metal) incandescente
White House
white lie
N mentira inofensiva or social
whiteness [watns]
N brancura
white noise
N rudo branco
whiteout [wataut]
N resplendor M branco
White Paper
N (POL) relatrio oficial sobre determinado assunto
whitewash [watw]
N (paint) cal F VT 1. caiar 2. (fig) encobrir
whiting [wat]
N INV pescada-marlonga
Whit Monday
N segunda-feira de Pentecostes
Whitsun [wtsn]
N Pentecostes M
whittle [wtl]
VT aparar to whittle away whittle down, reduzir gradualmente, corroer
whizz [wz]
VI zunir to whizz past or by, passar a toda velocidade
whizz kid (inf)
N prodgio
who [hu]
PRON 1. (interrogative) quem?
who is it? quem ?
whos there? quem est a?
who are you looking for? quem voc est procurando? 2. (relative) que, o qual
etc, quem
my cousin, who lives in New York, meu primo que mora em Nova Iorque
the man/woman who spoke to me, o homem/a mulher que falou comigo
those who can swim, aqueles que sabem nadar
N ABBR World Health Organization, OMS F
whodunit [hudnt] (inf)
N romance M ( or filme M ) policial
whoever [huv*]
PRON whoever finds it, quem quer que or seja quem for que o encontre ask
whoever you like, pergunte a quem quiser
whoever he marries, no importa com quem se case
whoever told you that? quem te disse isso pelo amor de Deus?
whole [hul]
ADJ 1. (complete) todo, inteiro 2. (not broken) intacto N 1. (all) the whole of the time,
o tempo todo 2. (entire unit) conjunto 3. (total) total M the whole lot (of it) tudo
the whole lot (of them) todos* (todas)
the whole of the town, toda a cidade, a cidade inteira
whole villages were destroyed, lugarejos inteiros foram destrudos
on the whole
as a whole, como um todo, no conjunto
wholefood N [hulfud] wholefoods NPL, hulfudz
comida integral
wholehearted [hulhtd]
ADJ total
wholemeal [hulmil] (BRIT)
ADJ (flour, bread) integral
whole note (US)
N semibreve F
wholesale [hulsel]
N venda por atacado ADJ 1. por atacado 2. (destruction) em grande escala ADV por
wholesaler [hulsel*]
N atacadista M, F
wholesome [hulsm]
ADJ saudvel, sadio
wholewheat [hulwit]
ADJ wholemeal
wholly [hul]
ADV totalmente, completamente
whom [hum]
PRON 1. (interrogative) quem?
whom did you see? quem voc viu?
to whom did you give it? para quem voc deu isto? 2. (relative) que, quem
the man whom I saw/to whom I spoke, o homem que eu vi/com quem eu falei
whooping cough [hup-]
N coqueluche F
whoosh [wu]
N chio
whopper [wp*] (inf)
N 1. (lie) lorota 2. (large thing) it was a whopper, era enorme
whopping [wp] (inf)
ADJ (big) imenso
whore [h*] (inf pej)
N puta
whose [huz]
ADJ 1. (possessive) (interrogative)
whose book is this?, whose is this book? de quem este livro?
I dont know whose it is, eu no sei de quem isto 2. (possessive) (relative)
the man whose son you rescued, o homem cujo filho voc salvou
the girl whose sister you were speaking to, a menina com cuja irm voc
estava falando
the woman whose car was stolen, a mulher de quem o carro foi roubado PRON
de quem
whose is this? de quem isto?
I know whose it is, eu seu de quem
whose are these? de quem so estes?
Whos Who
N Quem quem (registro de notabilidades)
why [wa]
ADV por que (BR) porque (PT) (at end of sentence) por qu (BR) porqu (PT)
why is he always late? por que ele est sempre atrasado?
Im not coming - why not? eu no vou - por que no? CONJ por que
I wonder why he said that, eu me pergunto por que ele disse isso
thats not why Im here, no por isso que estou aqui
the reason why, a razo por que EXCL (expressing surprise, shock, annoyance)
ora essa! (explaining) bem!
why, its you! ora, voc!
whyever [wav*]
ADV mas por que
N ABBR (BRIT) Womens Institute, associao de mulheres ABBR 1. (GEO) West Indies
2. (US POST) Wisconsin
wick [wk]
N mecha, pavio
wicked [wkd]
ADJ 1. (crime, man, witch) perverso 2. (smile) malicioso 3. (inf: terrible) (prices, waste)
wicker [wk*]
N wickerwork, (trabalho de) vime M ADJ de vime
wicket [wkt]
N (CRICKET) arco
wicket keeper
N (CRICKET) guarda-meta M (no crquete)
wide [wad]
ADJ 1. largo 2. (broad) extenso, amplo 3. (area, publicity, knowledge) amplo ADV to
open wide, abrir totalmente to shoot wide, atirar longe do alvo
it is 4 metres wide, tem 4 metros de largura
wide-angle lens
N lente F grande angular
ADJ 1. bem acordado 2. (fig) vivo, esperto
wide-eyed [-ad]
ADJ 1. de olhos arregalados 2. (fig) ingnuo
widely [wadl]
ADV 1. (different) extremamente 2. (travelled, spaced) muito 3. (believed, known)
ampliamente it is widely believed that ... h uma convico generalizada de
que ...
to be widely read, ser muito lido
widen [wadn]
VT 1. (road, river) alargar 2. (one's experience) aumentar VI alargar-se
wideness [wadns]
N 1. largura 2. (breadth) extenso F
wide open
ADJ 1. (eyes) arregalado 2. (door) escancarado
wide-ranging [-rend]
ADJ 1. (survey, report) abrangente 2. (interests) diversos
widespread [wadsprd]
ADJ (belief etc) difundido, comum
widow [wdu]
N viva
widowed [wdud]
ADJ vivo
widower [wdu*]
N vivo
width [wd]
N largura its 7 metres in width, tem 7 metros de largura
widthways [wdwez]
ADV transversalmente
wield [wild]
VT 1. (sword) brandir, empunhar 2. (power) exercer
wife [waf] (PL wives )
N mulher F, esposa
wig [w]
N peruca
wigging [w] (BRIT inf)
N sabo M, descompostura
wiggle [wl]
VT menear, agitar VI menear, agitar-se
wiggly [wl]
ADJ (line) ondulado
wild [wald]
ADJ 1. (animal) selvagem 2. (plant) silvestre 3. (rough) violento, furioso 4. (idea)
disparatado, extravagante 5. (person) insensato 6. (enthusiastic) to be wild about,
ser louco por N the wild, a natureza wilds (remote area) regies FPL selvagens,
terras FPL virgens NPL
wild card
N (COMPUT) carcter M de substituio
wildcat [waldkt]
N 1. gato selvagem 2. (US: lynx) lince M
wildcat strike
N greve espontnea e no autorizada pelo sindicato
wilderness [wldns]
N 1. ermo 2. (in Brazil) serto M
wildfire [waldfa*]
N to spread like wildfire, espalhar-se rapidamente
wild-goose chase
N (fig) busca intil
wildlife [waldlaf]
N animais MPL (e plantas FPL ) selvagens
wildly [waldl]
ADV 1. (behave) freneticamente 2. (hit, guess) irrefletidamente 3. (happy)
wiles [walz]
NPL artimanhas FPL, estratagemas MPL
wilful [wlful] willful (US)
ADJ 1. (person) teimoso, voluntarioso 2. (action) deliberado, intencional 3. (crime)
will [wl] (PT, PP willed ) (vt)
AUX VB 1. (forming future tense) I will finish it tomorrow, vou acabar isto amanh
I will have finished it by tomorrow, at amanh eu terei terminado isto
will you do it? - yes I will/no I wont, voc vai fazer isto? - sim, vou/no eu no
vou 2. (in conjectures, predictions) he will come, ele vir
he will or hell be there by now, nesta altura ele est l
that will be the postman, deve ser o carteiro
this medicine will/wont help you, este remdio vai/no vai fazer efeito em
voc 3. (in commands, requests, offers) will you be quiet! fique quieto, por favor!
will you come? voc vem?
will you help me? voc pode me ajudar?
will you have a cup of tea? voc vai querer uma xcara de ch or um ch?
I wont put up with it, eu no vou tolerar isto VT to will sb to do sth, desejar
que algum faa algo
he willed himself to go on, reuniu grande fora de vontade para continuar N
(volition) vontade F (testament) testamento
willful [wlful] (US)
ADJ wilful
willing [wl]
ADJ 1. (with goodwill) disposto, pronto 2. (enthusiastic) entusiasmado 3. (submissive)
complacente N to show willing, mostrar boa vontade hes willing to do it, ele
disposto a faz-lo
willingly [wll]
ADV de bom grado, de boa vontade
willingness [wlns]
N boa vontade F, disposio F
N 1. fogo-ftuo 2. (fig) quimera
willow [wlu]
N salgueiro
willpower [wlpau*]
N fora de vontade
willy-nilly [wlnl]
ADV quer queira ou no
wilt [wlt]
VI 1. (flower) murchar 2. (plant) morrer
Wilts [wlts] (BRIT)
ABBR Wiltshire
wily [wal]
ADJ esperto, astuto
wimp [wmp] (inf)
N banana M
win [wn] (PT, PP won )
N (in sports etc) vitria VT 1. ganhar, vencer 2. (obtain) conseguir, obter 3. (support)
alcanar VI ganhar win over conquistar VT win round (BRIT) win over VT
wince [wns]
VI encolher-se, estremecer N estremecimento
winch [wnt]
N guincho
Winchester disk [wntst-]
N (COMPUT) (disco) Winchester M
N 1. vento 2. (MED) gases MPL, flatulncia 3. (breath) flego VT (take breath away
from) deixar sem flego the wind(s) (MUS) instrumentos MPL de sopro
into or against the wind, contra o vento
to get wind of sth (fig) ter notcia de algo, tomar conhecimento de algo
to break wind, soltar gases intestinais
[wand] (PT, PP wound )
VT 1. enrolar, bobinar 2. (wrap) envolver 3. (clock, toy) dar corda a VI (road, river)
serpentear wind down 1. (car window) abaixar, abrir 2. (fig) (production,
business) diminuirgradativamente VT wind up 1. (clock) dar corda em 2. (debate)
rematar, concluir VT
windbreak [wndbrek]
N quebra-ventos M
windbreaker [wndbrek*] (US)
N anoraque M
windcheater [wndtit*] (BRIT)
N anoraque M
winder [wand*] (BRIT)
N (on watch) boto M de corda
windfall [wndfl]
N golpe M de sorte
winding [wand]
ADJ 1. (road) sinuoso, tortuoso 2. (staircase) de caracol, em espiral
wind instrument
N (MUS) instrumento de sopro
windmill [wndml]
N moinho de vento
window [wndu]
N 1. janela 2. (in shop etc) vitrine F (BR) montra (PT)
window box
N jardineira (no peitoril da janela)
window cleaner
N (person) limpador* M de janelas (F limpadora)
window dressing
N decorao F de vitrines
window envelope
N envelope M de janela
window frame
N caixilho da janela
window ledge
N peitoril M da janela
window pane
N vidraa, vidro
N to go window-shopping, ir ver vitrines
windowsill [wndusl]
N 1. (inside) peitoril M 2. (outside) soleira
windpipe [wndpap]
N traquia
windscreen [wndskrin] (BRIT)
N pra-brisa M
windscreen washer (BRIT)
N lavador M de pra-brisa
windscreen wiper [-wap*] (BRIT)
N limpador M de pra-brisa
windshield [wndild] (US)
N windscreen
windswept [wndswpt]
ADJ varrido pelo vento
wind tunnel
N tnel M aerodinmico
windy [wnd]
ADJ com muito vento, batido pelo vento its windy, est ventando (BR) faz vento
wine [wan]
N vinho VT to wine and dine sb, levar algum para jantar
wine bar
N bar M para degustao de vinhos
wine cellar
N adega
wine glass
N clice M (de vinho)
wine list
N lista de vinhos
wine merchant
N negociante M, F de vinhos
wine tasting [-test]
N degustao F de vinhos
wine waiter
N garo M dos vinhos
wing [w]
N 1. asa 2. (of building) ala 3. (AUT) aleta, pra-lamas M INV wings (THEATRE)
bastidores MPL NPL
winger [w*]
N (SPORT) ponta, extremo
wing mirror (BRIT)
N espelho lateral
wing nut
N porca borboleta
wingspan [wspn]
N envergadura
wingspread [wsprd]
N envergadura
wink [wk]
N piscadela VI 1. piscar o olho 2. (light etc) piscar
winkle [wkl]
N bzio
winner [wn*]
N vencedor* M (F vencedora)
winning [wn]
ADJ 1. (team) vencedor* (vencedora) 2. (goal) decisivo 3. (smile) sedutor* (sedutora)
winning post
N meta de chegada
winnings [wnz]
NPL ganhos MPL
winsome [wnsm]
ADJ encantador* (encantadora) cativante
winter [wnt*]
N inverno VI hibernar
winter sports
NPL esportes MPL BR or desportos MPL PT de inverno
wintry [wntr]
ADJ glacial, invernal
wipe [wap]
N to give sth a wipe, limpar algo com um pano (rub) esfregar (erase) (tape) apagar
VT limpar to wipe ones nose, limpar o nariz wipe off remover esfregando VT
wipe out 1. (debt) liquidar 2. (memory) apagar 3. (destroy) exterminar VT wipe
up 1. (mess) limpar 2. (dishes) enxugar VT
wire [wa*]
N 1. arame M 2. (ELEC) fio (eltrico) 3. (telegram) telegrama M VT 1. (house) instalar a
rede eltrica em 2. wire up, conectar 3. (telegram) telegrafar para
wire brush
N escova de ao
wire cutters [-ktz]
NPL alicate M corta-arame
wireless [wals] (BRIT)
N rdio
wire netting
N rede F de arame
wire-tapping [-tp]
N escuta telefnica
wiring [war]
N instalao F eltrica
wiry [war]
ADJ 1. nervoso 2. (hair) grosso
wisdom [wzdm]
N 1. (of person) prudncia 2. (of action, remark) bom-senso, sabedoria
wisdom tooth
N IRREG dente M do siso
wise [waz]
ADJ 1. (person) prudente 2. (action, remark) sensato Im none the wiser, eu no
entendi nada wise up (inf) to wise up to, abrir os olhos para VI
...wise [waz]
SUFFIX time..wise etc, com relao ao tempo etc
wisecrack [wazkrk]
N piada
wish [w]
N desejo VT 1. desejar 2. (want) querer best wishes (on birthday etc) parabns MPL,
felicidades FPL
with best wishes (in letter) cumprimentos
give her my best wishes, d um abrao para ela
to wish sb goodbye, despedir-se de algum
he wished me well, me desejou boa sorte
to wish to do/sb to do sth, querer fazer/que algum faa algo
to wish for, desejar
to wish sth on sb, desejar algo a algum
wishful [wful]
ADJ its wishful thinking, doce iluso
wishy-washy [ww] (inf)
ADJ 1. (colour) indefinido 2. (person) sem carter 3. (ideas) aguado
wisp [wsp]
N 1. mecha, tufo 2. (of smoke) fio
wistful [wstful]
ADJ melanclico
wit [wt]
N 1. (wittiness) presena de esprito, engenho 2. wits (intelligence) entendimento 3.
(person) espirituoso* (espirituosa) to be at ones wits end (fig) no saber para
onde se virar
to have ones wits about one, ter uma presena de esprito
to wit, a saber
witch [wt]
N bruxa
witchcraft [wtkrft]
N bruxaria
witch doctor
N mdico feiticeiro, paj M (BR)
N caa s bruxas
with [w] [w]
PREP 1. (accompanying, in the company of) com
I was with him, eu estava com ele
to stay overnight with friends, dormir na casa de amigos
well take the children with us, vamos levar as crianas conosco
Ill be with you in a minute, vou v-lo num minuto
Im with you (I understand) compreendo
to be with it (inf) estar por dentro (aware) estar a par da situao (up-to-date)
estar atualizado com 2. (descriptive) com, de
a room with a view, um quarto com vista
the man with the grey hat/blue eyes, o homem do chapu cinza/de olhos azuis
3. (indicating manner, means, cause) com, de
with tears in her eyes, com os olhos cheios de lgrimas
to walk with a stick, andar com uma bengala
to tremble with fear, tremer de medo
to fill sth with water, encher algo de gua
withdraw [wdr]
VT IRREG 1. tirar, remover 2. (offer) retirar VI 1. retirar-se 2. (go back on promise) voltar
atrs to withdraw money (from the bank) retirar dinheiro (do banco)
to withdraw into o.s. introverter-se
withdrawal [wdrl]
N retirada
withdrawal symptoms
NPL sndrome F de abstinncia to have withdrawal symptoms, ter uma reao
withdrawn [wdrn]
PP (of withdraw) ADJ (person) reservado, introvertido
wither [w*]
VI murchar
withered [wd]
ADJ murcho
withhold [whuld]
VT 1. (money) reter 2. (decision) adiar 3. (permission) negar 4. (information) esconder
within [wn]
PREP dentro de ADV dentro within reach, ao alcance da mo
within sight, vista
within the week, antes do fim da semana
within a mile of, a uma milha de
within an hour from now, daqui a uma hora
to be within the law, estar dentro da lei
without [waut]
PREP sem without anybody knowing, sem ningum saber
to go or do without sth, passar sem algo
withstand [wstnd]
VT resistir a
witness [wtns]
N 1. (person) testemunha 2. (evidence) testemunho VT 1. (event) testemunhar,
presenciar 2. (document) legalizar to bear witness to sth (fig) testemunhar algo
witness for the prosecution/defence, testemunha para acusao/defesa
to witness to sth/having seen sth, testemunhar algo/ter visto algo
witness box , witness stand (US)
N banco das testemunhas
witticism [wtszm]
N observao F espirituosa, chiste M
witty [wt]
ADJ espirituoso
wives [wavz]
NPL (of wife)
wizard [wzd]
N feiticeiro, mago
wizened [wznd]
ADJ encarquilhado
ABBR week
ABBR William
N ABBR warrant officer
wobble [wbl]
VI 1. oscilar 2. (chair) balanar
wobbly [wbl]
ADJ (table) balanante, bambo
woe [wu]
N dor F, mgoa
woke [wuk]
PT (of wake)
wake [wek] (PT woke ), (PP woken )
VT wake up, acordar VI acordar N 1. (for dead person) velrio 2. (NAUT) esteira to
wake up to sth (fig) abrir os olhos or acordar para algo
in the wake of (fig) na esteira de
to follow in sbs wake (fig) seguir a esteira or o exemplo de algum
woken [wukn]
PP (of wake)
wolf [wulf] (PL wolves )
N lobo
wolves [wulvz]
NPL (of wolf)
woman [wumn] (PL women )
N mulher F woman doctor, mdica
woman teacher, professora
young woman, mulher jovem
womens page (PRESS) pgina da mulher
womanize [wumnaz]
VI paquerar as mulheres
womanly [wumnl]
ADJ feminino
womb [wum]
N (ANAT) matriz F, tero
women [wmn]
NPL (of woman)
womens lib [-lb] (inf)
N womens liberation movement
womens liberation movement
N movimento pela libertao da mulher
won [wn]
PT PP (of win)
wonder [wnd*]
N 1. maravilha, prodgio 2. (feeling) espanto VI to wonder whether/why, perguntar-se
a si mesmo se/por qu to wonder at, admirar-se de
to wonder about, pensar sobre or em
its no wonder that, no de admirar que
wonderful [wndful]
ADJ 1. maravilhoso 2. (miraculous) impressionante
wonderfully [wndful]
ADV maravilhosamente
wonky [wk] (BRIT)
ADJ errado, torto
wont [wunt]
will not
woo [wu]
VT 1. (woman) namorar, cortejar 2. (audience) atrair
wood [wud]
N 1. (timber) madeira 2. (forest) floresta, bosque M 3. (firewood) lenha CPD de madeira
wood carving
N 1. (act) escultura em madeira 2. (object) entalhe M
wooded [wudd]
ADJ arborizado
wooden [wudn]
ADJ 1. de madeira 2. (fig) inexpressivo
woodland [wudlnd]
N floresta, bosque M
woodpecker [wudpk*]
N pica-pau M
wood pigeon
N pombo torcaz
woodwind [wudwnd]
N (MUS) instrumentos MPL de sopro de madeira
woodwork [wudwk]
N carpintaria
woodworm [wudwm]
N carcoma, caruncho
woof [wuf]
N (of dog) latido VI latir woof, woof! au-au!
wool [wul]
N l F to pull the wool over sbs eyes (fig) enganar algum, vender a algum gato
por lebre
woollen [wuln]
ADJ de l
woollens [wulnz]
NPL artigos MPL de l
woolly [wul] wooly (US)
ADJ 1. de l 2. (fig) (ideas) confuso
word [wd]
N 1. palavra 2. (news) notcia 3. (message) aviso VT 1. (express) expressar 2.
(document) redigir in other words, em outras palavras, ou seja
to break/keep ones word, faltar palavra/cumprir a promessa
word for word, ao p da letra
whats the word for ``pen in Portuguese? como se fala ``pen em portugus?
to put sth into words, expressar algo
to have a word with sb, falar com algum
to have words with sb, discutir com algum
Ill take your word for it, acredito em voc
to send word that ... mandar dizer que ...
to leave word that ... deixar recado dizendo que ...
wording [wd]
N fraseado
ADJ he was word-perfect in his speech etc, ele sabia o discurso etc de cor
word processing
N processamento de textos
word processor [-pruss*]
N processador M de textos
wordwrap [wdrp]
N (COMPUT) marginao F automtica
wordy [wd]
ADJ prolixo, verboso
wore [w*]
PT (of wear)
work [wk]
N 1. trabalho 2. (job) emprego, trabalho 3. (ART LITERATURE) obra VI 1. trabalhar 2.
(mechanism) funcionar 3. (medicine etc) surtir efeito, ser eficaz 4. (plan) dar certo
VT 1. (clay) moldar 2. (wood etc) talhar 3. (mine etc) explorar 4. (machine) fazer
trabalhar, manejar 5. (effect, miracle) causar road works, obras FPL (na estrada)
to go to work, ir trabalhar
to set to work
to start work, comear a trabalhar
to be at work (on sth) estar trabalhando (em algo)
to be out of work, estar desempregado
to work hard, trabalhar muito
to work loose (part) soltar-se (knot) afrouxar-se work on 1. trabalhar em,
dedicar-se a 2. (principle) basear-se em VT work out 1. (plans etc) dar certo,
surtir efeito 2. (problem) resolver 3. (plan) elaborar, formular VI it works out at
100 monta or soma a 100
workable [wkbl]
ADJ (solution) vivel
workaholic [wkhlk]
N burro de carga
workbench [wkbnt]
N banco, bancada
worked up [wkt-]
ADJ to get worked up, ficar exaltado
worker [wk*]
N trabalhador* M (F trabalhadora) operrio* (operria) office worker, empregado*
de escritrio (empregada)
work force
N fora de trabalho
work-in (BRIT)
N ocupao F de fbrica etc (sem paralisao da produo)
working [wk]
ADJ 1. (day, tools etc, conditions) de trabalha 2. (wife) que trabalha 3. (population,
partner) ativo a working knowledge of English, um conhecimento prtico do
working capital
N (COMM) capital M de giro
working class
N proletariado, classe F operria ADJ working-class, do proletariado, da classe
working man
N IRREG trabalhador M
working model
N modelo articulado
working order
N in working order, em perfeito estado
working party (BRIT)
N grupo de trabalho
working week
N semana de trabalho
N (COMM) produo F em curso
workload [wklud]
N carga de trabalho
workman [wkmn]
N IRREG operrio, trabalhador M
workmanship [wkmnp]
N 1. (art) acabamento 2. (skill) habilidade F
workmate [wkmet]
N colega M, F de trabalho
workout [wkaut]
N treinamento, treino
work permit
N permisso F de trabalho
N 1. (BRIT: factory) fbrica, usina 2. (of clock, machine) mecanismo
works council
N comisso F de operrios
worksheet [wkit]
N 1. registro das horas de trabalho 2. (COMPUT) folha de trabalho
workshop [wkp]
N 1. oficina 2. (practical session) aula prtica
work station
N estao F de trabalho
work study
N estudo de trabalho
work-to-rule (BRIT)
N paralisao F de trabalho extraordinrio (forma de protesto)
world [wld]
N mundo CPD mundial to think the world of sb (fig) ter algum em alto conceito
all over the world, no mundo inteiro
what in the world is he doing? o que que ele est fazendo, pelo amor de
to do sb a world of good, fazer muito bem a algum
World War One/Two, Primeira/Segunda Guerra Mundial
out of this world, sensacional
World Cup
N the World Cup (FOOTBALL) a Copa do Mundo
ADJ de fama mundial
worldly [wldl]
ADJ 1. mundano 2. (knowledgeable) experiente
worldwide [wldwad]
ADJ mundial, universal ADV no mundo inteiro
worm [wm]
N 1. verme M 2. earthworm, minhoca, lombriga
worn [wn]
PP (of wear) ADJ gasto
ADJ 1. (object) gasto 2. (person) esgotado, exausto
worried [wrd]
ADJ preocupado to be worried about sth, estar preocupado com algo
worry [wr]
N preocupao F VT preocupar, inquietar VI preocupar-se, afligir-se to worry about
or over sth/sb, preocupar-se com algo/algum
worrier [wr*]
N hes a worrier, ele se preocupa com tudo
worrying [wr]
ADJ inquietante, preocupante
worse [ws]
ADJ ADV pior N o pior a change for the worse, uma mudana para pior, uma piora
to get worse, piorar
hes none the worse for it, no lhe fez mal
so much the worse for you! pior para voc!
worsen [wsn]
VT VI piorar
worse off
ADJ 1. com menos dinheiro 2. (fig) youll be worse off this way, assim voc ficar
pior que nunca
worship [wp]
N 1. culto 2. (act) adorao F VT 1. (god) adorar, venerar 2. (person, thing) adorar
Your Worship (BRIT: to mayor) vossa Excelncia (to judge) senhor Juiz
worshipper [wp*]
N devoto* (devota) venerador* M (F veneradora)
worst [wst]
ADJ (o/a) pior ADV pior N o pior at worst, na pior das hipteses
if the worst comes to the worst, se o pior acontecer
worsted [wstd]
N (wool) worsted, l F penteada
worth [w]
N valor M, mrito ADJ to be worth, valer its worth it, vale a pena
to be worth ones while (to do) valer a pena (fazer)
how much is it worth? quanto vale?
50 pence worth of apples, mas no valor de 50 pence
worthless [wls]
ADJ 1. sem valor 2. (person) imprestvel 3. (thing) intil
worthwhile [wwal]
ADJ 1. (activity) que vale a pena 2. (cause) de mrito, louvvel a worthwhile book,
um livro que vale a pena ler
worthy [w]
ADJ 1. (person) merecedor* (merecedora) respeitvel 2. (motive) justo worthy of,
digno de
would [wud]
AUX VB 1. (conditional tense) if you asked him, he would do it, se voc pedisse, ele
faria isto
if you had asked him, he would have done it, se voc tivesse pedido, ele teria
feito isto 2. (in offers, invitations, requests) would you like a biscuit? voc quer
um biscoito?
would you ask him to come in? pode pedir a ele para entrar?
would you close the door, please? quer fechar a porta por favor? 3. (in indirect
speech) I said I would do it, eu disse que eu faria isto
he asked me if I would go with him, ele me perguntou se eu iria com ele 4.
(emphatic) it WOULD have to snow today! tinha que nevar logo hoje!
you WOULD say that, wouldnt you? lgico que voc vai dizer isso 5.
(insistence) she wouldnt behave, no houve jeito dela se comportar 6.
(conjecture) it would have been midnight, devia ser meia-noite
it would seem so, parece que sim 7. (indicating habit) he would go on
Mondays, ele costumava ir s segundas-feiras
ADJ aspirante, que pretende ser
wouldnt [wudnt]
would not
PT PP (of wind)
N ferida VT ferir
wove [wuv]
PT (of weave)
woven [wuvn]
PP (of weave)
N ABBR word processing, word processor ABBR (BRIT inf) weather permitting
N ABBR woman police constable
ABBR words per minute, palavras por minuto
N ABBR Womens Royal Army Corps
N ABBR Womens Royal Air Force
wrangle [rnl]
N briga VI brigar
wrap [rp]
N 1. (stole) xale M 2. (cape) capa VT 1. (cover) envolver 2. wrap up, embrulhar
under wraps (fig) (plan, scheme) em sigilo
wrapper [rp*]
N 1. (on chocolate) invlucro 2. (BRIT: of book) capa
wrapping paper [rp-]
N 1. papel M de embrulho 2. (fancy) papel de presente
wrath [r]
N clera, ira
wreak [rik]
VT (destruction) causar to wreak havoc (on) causar estragos (em)
to wreak vengeance on, vingar-se em, tirar vingana de
wreath [ri] (PL wreaths riz )
N 1. (funeral wreath) coroa 2. (of flowers) grinalda
wreathe [ri]
VT tranar, cingir
wreck [rk]
N 1. (vehicle) calhambeque M, lata-velha 2. (ship) restos MPL do naufrgio 3. (pej:
person) runa, caco VT 1. destruir, danificar 2. (fig) arruinar, arrasar
wreckage [rkd]
N 1. (of car, plane) destroos MPL 2. (of ship) restos MPL 3. (of building) escombros
wrecker [rk*] (US)
N (breakdown van) reboque M (BR) pronto socorro (PT)
WREN [rn] (BRIT)
N ABBR membro do WRNS
wren [rn]
N (ZOOL) carria
wrench [rnt]
N 1. (TECH) chave F inglesa 2. (tug) puxo M 3. (fig) separao F penosa VT torcer
com fora to wrench sth from sb, arrancar algo de algum
wrest [rst]
VT to wrest sth from sb, extorquir algo de or a algum
wrestle [rsl]
VI to wrestle (with sb) lutar (com or contra algum) to wrestle with (fig) lutar com
wrestler [rsl*]
N lutador M
wrestling [rsl]
N luta (livre)
wrestling match
N partida de luta romana
wretch [rt]
N desgraado* (desgraada) little wretch! (often humorous) seu desgraado!
wretched [rtd]
ADJ 1. desventurado, infeliz 2. (inf) maldito
wriggle [rl]
N contoro F VI wriggle about, retorcer-se, contorcer-se
wring [r] (PT, PP wrung )
VT 1. (clothes, neck) torcer 2. (hands) apertar 3. (fig) to wring sth out of sb, arrancar
algo de algum
wringer [r*]
N mquina de espremer roupa
wringing [r]
ADJ wringing wet, encharcado, ensopado
wrinkle [rkl]
N 1. (on skin) ruga 2. (on paper) prega VT franzir VI 1. enrugar-se 2. (cloth etc) franzir-
wrinkled [rkld]
ADJ 1. (fabric, paper) franzido, pregueado 2. (surface, skin) enrugado
wrinkly [rkl]
ADJ 1. (fabric, paper) franzido, pregueado 2. (surface, skin) enrugado
wrist [rst]
N pulso
wristband [rstbnd] (BRIT)
N 1. (of shirt) punho 2. (of watch) pulseira
wristwatch [rstwt]
N relgio M de pulso
writ [rt]
N mandado judicial to issue a writ against sb, serve a writ on sb, demandar
judicialmente algum
write [rat] (PT wrote ), (PP written )
VT 1. letter 2. (cheque, prescription) passar VI escrever to write to sb, escrever para
algum write away to write away for (information) escrever pedindo (goods)
encomendar pelo correio VI write down 1. escrever 2. (note) anotar 3. (put on
paper) pr no papel VT write off 1. (debt, plan) cancelar 2. (capital) reduzir 3.
(smash up) (car) destroar VT write out 1. escrever por extenso 2. (cheque etc)
passar 3. (fair copy) passar a limpo VT write up redigir VT
N perda total the car is a write-off, o carro virou sucata or est destroado
VT (COMPUT) proteger de escrita or contra gravao
writer [rat*]
N escritor* M (F escritora)
N crtica
writhe [ra]
VI contorcer-se
writing [rat]
N 1. escrita 2. (handwriting) caligrafia, letra 3. (of author) obra in writing, por escrito
to put sth in writing, pr algo no papel
in my own writing, do prprio punho
writing case
N pasta com material de escrita
writing desk
N escrivaninha
writing paper
N papel M para escrever
written [rtn]
PP (of write)
N ABBR Womens Royal Naval Service
wrong [r]
ADJ 1. (bad) errado, mau 2. (unfair) injusto 3. (incorrect) errado, equivocado 4.
(inappropriate) imprprio ADV mal, errado N 1. mal M 2. (injustice) injustia VT 1. ser
injusto com 2. (hurt) ofender to be wrong, estar errado
you are wrong to do it, voc se engana ao faz-lo
its wrong to steal
stealing is wrong, errado roubar
you are wrong about that
youve got it wrong, voc est enganado sobre isso
to be in the wrong, no ter razo
whats wrong? o que que h?
theres nothing wrong, no h nada de errado, no tem problema
whats wrong with the car? qual o problema com o carro?
to go wrong (person) desencaminhar-se (plan) dar errado (machine) sofrer uma
wrongful [rful]
ADJ injusto wrongful dismissal, demisso F injusta
wrongly [rl]
ADV 1. (treat) injustamente 2. (incorrectly) errado
wrong number
N (TEL) you have the wrong number, o nmero est errado
wrong side
N (of cloth) avesso
wrote [rut]
PT (of write)
wrought [rt]
ADJ wrought iron, ferro forjado
wrung [r]
PT PP (of wring)
N ABBR Womens Royal Voluntary Service, instituio de caridade
wry [ra]
ADJ (humour, expression) irnico to make a wry face, fazer uma careta
ABBR weight
ABBR (POST) West Virginia
N ABBR World Wide Web the WWW, a WWW
ABBR (POST) Wyoming
ABBR (COMPUT) what you see is what you get, o documento sair na impressora
exatamente como aparece na tela

X , x [ks]
N 1. (letter) X, x M 2. (BRIT CINEMA) (old) (proibido para menores de) 18 anos X for
Xmas, X de Xavier
if you have X, x dollars a year ... se voc tem x dlares por ano ...
Xerox [zrks]
N 1. Xerox machine, xerox M 2. (photocopy) xerox M VT xerocar, tirar um xerox de
ABBR extra large
Xmas [ksms]
N ABBR Christmas
X-rated [-retd] (US)
ADJ (film) proibido para menores de 18 anos
X-ray [ksre]
N radiografia VT radiografar, tirar uma chapa de X-rays raios MPL X NPL to have an
X-ray, tirar or bater um raio x
xylophone [zalfun]
N xilofone M

Y , y [wa]
N (letter) Y, y M Y for Yellow BRIT or Yoke US (BRIT) (US) Y de Yolanda
yacht [jt]
N 1. iate M 2. (smaller) veleiro
yachting [jt]
N (sport) iatismo
yachtsman [jtsmn]
N IRREG iatista M
yam [jm]
N inhame M
Yank [jk] (pej)
N ianque M, F
yank [jk]
VT arrancar
Yankee [jk]
N Yank
yap [jp]
VI (dog) ganir
yard [jd]
N 1. ptio, quintal M 2. (US: garden) jardim M 3. (measure) jarda (914 mm; 3 feet)
builders yard, depsito de material de construo
yardstick [jdstk]
N (fig) critrio, padro M
yarn [jn]
N 1. fio 2. (tale) histria inverossmil
yawn [jn]
N bocejo VI bocejar
yawning [jn]
ADJ (gap) enorme
ABBR yard(s)
yeah [j] (inf)
year [j*]
N ano to be 8 years old, ter 8 anos
every year, todos os anos, todo ano
this year, este ano
a or per year, por ano
year in, year out, entra ano, sai ano
an eight-year-old child, uma criana de oito anos (de idade)
yearbook [jbuk]
N anurio, almanaque M
yearly [jl]
ADJ anual ADV anualmente twice yearly, duas vezes por ano
yearn [jn]
VI to yearn to do/for sth, ansiar fazer/por algo
yearning [jn]
N nsia, desejo ardente
yeast [jist]
N levedura, fermento
yell [jl]
N grito, berro VI gritar, berrar
yellow [jlu]
ADJ amarelo N amarelo
yellow fever
N febre F amarela
yellowish [jlu]
ADJ amarelado
Yellow Sea
N the Yellow Sea, o mar Amarelo
yelp [jlp]
N latido VI latir
Yemen [jmn]
N Imen M (BR) Imene M (PT)
yen [jn]
N 1. (currency) iene M 2. (craving) yen for/to do, desejo de/de fazer
yeoman [jumn]
N IRREG Yeoman of the Guard, membro da guarda real
yes [js]
ADV N sim M do you speak English? - yes I do, voc fala ingls? - falo (sim)
does the plane leave at six? - yes, o avio sai s seis? -
to say yes to sth/sb (approve) dar o sim a algo/algum
yesterday [jstd]
ADV N ontem M the day before yesterday, anteontem
yesterday morning/evening, ontem de manh/ noite
all day yesterday, ontem o dia inteiro
yet [jt]
ADV ainda CONJ porm, no entanto it is not finished yet, ainda no est acabado
must you go just yet? voc j tem que ir?
the best yet, o melhor at agora
as yet, at agora, ainda
a few days yet, mais alguns dias
yet again, mais uma vez
yew [ju]
N teixo
N ABBR Youth Hostels Association
Yiddish [jd]
N (i) diche M
yield [jild]
N 1. produo F 2. (AGR) colheita 3. (COMM) rendimento VT 1. (gen) produzir 2.
(profit) render 3. (surrender) ceder VI 1. (give way) render-se, ceder 2. (US AUT)
ceder a yield of 5% um rendimento de 5%
N ABBR Young Mens Christian Association, ACM F
yob [jb] yobbo, jbu (BRIT inf)
N baguneiro
yodel [judl]
VI cantar tirolesa
yoga [ju]
N ioga
yoghourt , yogourt [jut]
N iogurte M
yoghurt , yogurt [jut]
N yog(h)ourt
yoke [juk]
N 1. canga, cangalha 2. (of oxen) junta 3. (on shoulders) balancim M 4. (fig) jugo VT
yoke together, unir, ligar
yolk [juk]
N gema (do ovo)
yonder [jnd*]
ADV alm, acol
Yorks [jks] (BRIT)
ABBR Yorkshire
you [ju]
PRON 1. (subj) (singular) tu, voc (plural) vs, vocs
you French enjoy your food, vocs franceses gostam de comer
you and I will go, ns iremos 2. (direct object) (singular) te, o* (a) (plural) vos,
os/as (indirect object: singular) te, lhe (plural) vos, lhes
I know you, eu lhe conheo
I gave it to you, dei isto para voc 3. (stressed) voc
I told YOU to do it, eu disse para voc fazer isto 4. (after prep, in comparisons)
(singular) ti, voc (plural) vs, vocs (polite form: singular) o senhor* (a senhora)
(plural) os senhores* (as senhoras)
its for you, para voc
can I come with you? posso ir com voc?
with you, contigo, com voc, convosco, com vocs, com o senhor etc
shes younger than you, ela mais jovem do que voc 5. (impers) (one)
you never know, nunca se sabe
apples do you good, as mas fazem bem sade
you cant do that! no se pode fazer isto!
youd [jud]
you had, you would
youll [jul]
you will, you shall
young [j]
ADJ jovem NPL 1. (of animal) filhotes MPL, crias FPL 2. (people) the young, a
juventude, os jovens a young man, um jovem
a young lady (unmarried) uma jovem, uma moa (married) uma jovem senhora
my younger brother, o meu irmo mais novo
younger [jr]
ADJ (brother etc) mais novo the younger generation, a gerao mais jovem
youngish [j]
ADJ bem novo
youngster [jst*]
N jovem M, F, moo* (moa)
your [j*]
ADJ 1. teu/tua, seu/sua 2. (plural) vosso, seu/sua 3. (formal) do senhor/da senhora my
youre [ju*]
you are
yours [jz]
PRON 1. teu/tua, seu/sua 2. (plural) vosso, seu/sua 3. (formal) do senhor/da senhora
yours is blue, o teu* tua etc azul (o tea)
is it yours? teu etc?
yours sincerely or faithfully, atenciosamente
a friend of yours, um amigo seu etc mine
yourself [jslf]
PRON 1. (emphatic) tu mesmo, voc mesmo 2. (object, reflexive) te, se 3. (after prep)
ti mesmo, si mesmo 4. (formal) o senhor mesmo* senhora mesma (o senhor
mesma) you yourself told me, voc mesmo me falou
(all) by yourself, sozinho* (sozinha) oneself
yourselves [jslvz]
PRON 1. (emphatic) vs mesmos, vocs mesmos 2. (object, reflexive) vos, se 3. (after
prep) vs mesmos, vces mesmos 4. (formal) os senhores mesmos/as senhoras
mesmas oneself
youth [ju] (PL youths juz )
N 1. mocidade F, juventude F 2. (young man) jovem M in my youth, na minha
youth club
N associao F de juventude
youthful [juful]
ADJ juvenil
youthfulness [juflns]
N juventude F
youth hostel
N albergue M da juventude
youve [juv]
you have
yowl [jaul]
N uivo VI uivar
N ABBR Youth Training Scheme, programa de ensino profissionalizante
Yugoslav [juuslv]
ADJ N iugoslavo* (iugoslava)
Yugoslavia [juuslv]
N Iugoslvia
Yugoslavian [juuslvn]
ADJ iugoslavo
Yule [jul]
N Yule log, acha de Natal
Yuletide [jultad]
N poca natalina or do Natal
yuppie [jp] (inf)
ADJ N yuppie M, F
N ABBR Young Womens Christian Association, ACM F

Z , z [zd] [zi US]
N (letter) Z, z M Z for Zebra, Z de Zebra
Zaire [zi*]
N Zaire M
Zambia [zmb]
N Zmbia
Zambian [zmbn]
ADJ N zambiano* (zambiana)
zany [zen]
ADJ tolo, bobo
zap [zp]
VT (COMPUT) apagar
zeal [zil]
N 1. entusiasmo 2. (religious) fervor M
zealot [zlt]
N fantico* (fantica)
zealous [zls]
ADJ zeloso, entusiasta
zebra [zibr]
N zebra
zebra crossing (BRIT)
N faixa (para pedestres) (BR) passadeira (PT)
zenith [zn]
N 1. (ASTRONOMY) znite M 2. (fig) apogeu M
zero [zru]
N zero VI to zero in on, fazer mira em 5or below zero, 5 graus abaixo de zero
zero hour
N hora zero
zero-rated [-retd] (BRIT)
ADJ isento de IVA
zest [zst]
N 1. vivacidade F, entusiasmo 2. (of lemon etc) zesto
zigzag [zz]
N ziguezague M VI ziguezaguear
Zimbabwe [zmbbw]
N Zimbbue M (BR) Zimbabwe M (PT)
Zimbabwean [zmbbwn]
ADJ N zimbabuano* (zimbabuana) (BR) zimbabweano* (zimbabweana) (PT)
zinc [zk]
N zinco
Zionism [zanzm]
N sionismo
Zionist [zanst]
ADJ N sionista M, F
zip [zp]
N 1. zip fastener, fecho ecler BR or clair PT 2. (energy) vigor M VT zip up, fechar o
fecho ecler de, subir o fecho ecler de
zip code (US)
N cdigo postal
zip file
N (COMPUT) arquivo zipado
zipper [zp*] (US)
N zip
zither [z*]
N citara
zodiac [zudk]
N zodaco
zombie [zmb]
N (fig) like a zombie, como um zumbi
zone [zun]
N zona
zoo [zu]
N (jardim M ) zoolgico
zoological [zuldkl]
ADJ zoolgico
zoologist [zuldst]
N zologo* (zologa)
zoology [zuld]
N zoologia
zoom [zum]
VI to zoom past, passar zunindo to zoom in (on sb/sth) (PHOT CINEMA) fechar a
cmera (em algum/algo)
zoom lens
N zoom M, zum M
zucchini [zukin] (US)
N NPL abobrinha
Zulu [zulu]
ADJ N zulu M, F
Zurich [zjurk]
N Zurique


Medidas de Comprimento/Linear Measure Equivalente

1 inch 2,54 cm
1 foot 12 inches 30,48 cm
1 yard 3 feet 91,44 cm
1 pole, rod, perch 5 yards 5,03 m
1 chain (ingl.) 4 poles, etc 20,12 m
1 furlong (200 yards) 10 chains (40 rods.) 201,17 m
1 statute mile (1760 yards) 8 furlongs (5280 feet) 1,609 km
1 nautical mile 6080.2 feet 1,853 km
1 league 3 statute miles 4,828 km

Medidas Nuticas (ou martimas)/Mariner's Measure

1 fathom 6 feet 1,83 m
1 nautical mile 1000 fathoms (approx.) 1,853 km
1 league 3 nautical mile 5,559 km

Medidas de Agrimensor/Surveyor's Measure

1 link 7.92 inches 20,12 cm
1 chain 100 links 20,12 m
1 mile 80 chains 1609,34 m
1 acre 10 square chains 0,4047 ha

Medidas de Superfcie/Square Measure Equivalente

1 square inch 6,45 cm
1 square foot 9,29 dm
1 square yard 0,84 m
1 square pole (Am.: rod) 25,29 m
1 perch (Brit.) 10 square poles 252,93 m
1 rood (Brit.) 40 square poles 1011,71 m
1 acre (U.S.A.) 160 square rods 0,4047 ha
1 acre (Brit.) 4 roods 0,4047 ha
1 square mile 640 acres 259,00 ha
ou 2,59 km

Medidas de Volume/Cubic Measure

1 cubic inch 16,39 cm
1 cubic foot 1728 cubic inches 28,32 dm
1 cubic yard 27 cubic feet 764,53 dm

Medidas de Capacidade para Lquidos/Liquid Measure

1 minim (Brit.) 0.592 milliliter 0,0000592 l
1 minim (U.S.A.) 0,0000616 l
1 fluid dram (Brit.) 60 minims 3,552 ml
1 fluid dram (U.S.A.) 60 minims 3,697 ml
1 fluid ounce (Brit.) 8 fluid drams 28,47 ml
1 fluid ounce (U.S.A.) 8 fluid drams 29,57 ml
1 pint (Brit.) 20 fluid ounces 569,4 ml
1 pint (U.S.A.) 16 fluid ounces 473,12 ml
1 pint (Brit.) 4 gills 0,5682 l
1 quart (Brit.) 2 pints 1,1364 l
1 gallon (Brit.) 4 quarts 4,5459 l
1 gallon (U.S.A.) 4 quarts 3,785 l
1 peck (Brit.) 2 gallons 9,092 l
1 bushel (Brit.) 4 pecks 36,368 l
1 quarter (Brit.) 8 bushels 2,909 hl
1 barrel (U.S.A.) 31 gallons 1,43198 hl
1 hogshead (U.S.A.) 2 barrels 2,86396 hl

Medidas de Capacidade para Secos/Dry Measure

1 pint (Brit.; abbr. pt.) 4 gills 568,3 ml
1 pint (U.S.A.) 4 gills 473,2 ml
1 quart (U.S.A.; abbr. qt.) 2 pints 0,9464 l
1 gallon (Brit.; abbr. gal.) 4 quarts 4,546 l
1 gallon (U.S.A.) 4 quarts 4,41 l
1 peck (Brit.; abbr. pk.) 2 gallons 9,092 l
1 peck (U.S.A.) 2 gallons 8,810 l
1 bushel (Brit.; abbr .bu.) 4 pecks 36,37 l
1 bushel (U.S.A.) 4 pecks 35,24 l
1 barrel (Brit.) 36 gallons 1,637 hl
1 barrel (U.S.A.) 36 gallons 1,192 hl
1 quarter (Brit.) 8 bushels 2,909 hl
1 quarter (U.S.A.) 8 bushels 2,421 hl

Pesos de Farmcia/Apothecaries' Weight

1 grain (Brit.; abbr. gr.) 20 mites 64,80 mg
1 scrupel (U.S.A.) 20 gr 1,296 g
1 dram (Brit.; abbr. dm.) 1/256 lb 1,772 g
1 drachm 3 scrupels 3,888 g
1 ounce (Brit.; abbr. oz.) 16 dm 28,35 g
1 ounce (U.S.A.) 8 drachms 31,10 g
1 pound avoirdupois (lb.) 16 oz 453,6 g
1 pound avoirdupois (lb.) 12 oz 372,4 g

Pesos Comerciais/Avoirdupois Weight

1 ounce (Brit.; abbr. oz.) 16 drams 28,35 g
437 grains troy
1 ounce (U.S.A.; abbr. oz.) 31,10 g
1 pound (Brit.; abbr. lb. av.) 16 ounces 453,6 g
1 stone (Brit.) 14 pounds 6,350 kg
1 quarter (Brit.) 28 pounds 12,70 kg
1 quarter (U.S.A.) 25 pounds 11,34 kg
hundredweight cental
(Brit. & U.S.A.; abbr. cwt.sh.) 100 pounds 45,36 kg
1 hundredweight long (Brit.) 4 quarters
112 pounds 50,80 kg
1 short ton 2000 pounds 907,2 kg
1 long ton 2240 pounds 1016,064 kg

Pesos "Troy" (para metais preciosos e gemas)/Troy Weight

1 carat 200 mg
1 pennyweight 20 grains 1,555 g
1 ounce 20 pennyweights 31,1035 g
1 pound 12 ounces troy or
5,760 grains 373,24 g

Equivalentes importantes/Important equivalents

Em ingls usa-se o ponto para separar os decimais das unidades,
ao passo que em portugus se usa vrgula; p. ex.: 4.5 (four point five)
4,5 (quatro vrgula cinco). A vrgula, em ingls, usa-se para separar
os milhares das centenas, etc., onde, em portugus, usa-se o ponto; p.
ex.: (ingl.) 3,400 (port.) 3.400 (trs mil e quatrocentos).

Ingls Portugus
.5 point five 0,5 zero vrgula cinco
43,861.36 forty-three thousand 43.861,36 quarenta e trs mil
eight hundred and sixty-one oitocentos e sessenta e
point thirty-six. um vrgula trinta e seis

Nmero Ingl. E.U.A. Port.

1000 thousand thousand mil
1000000 million million milho
1000000000 thousand millions = milliard billion bilho
1000000000000 billion trillion trilho

Assim o bilho dos ingleses mil vezes maior do que o dos americanos.


Medidas de Comprimento --- Linear Measures

1 milmetro (mm) 0,001 m 0.03937 in.
1 centmetro (cm) 0,01 m 0.3937 in.
1 decmetro (dm) 0,1 m 3.937 in.
1 metro (m) 100 cm 39.37 in.
1 quilmetro (km) 1.000 m 0.62137 mi.
1 mirimetro (Mm) 10.000 m (10 km) 6.2137 mi.

Medidas de Superfcie --- Square Measures

1 milmetro quadrado (mm) 0,000001 m 0.00155 sq. in.
1 centmetro quadrado (cm) 0,0001 m 0.155 sq. in.
1 decmetro quadrado (dm) 0,01 m 15.50 sq. in.
1 metro quadrado (m) 0,01 are 1.1960 sq. yd.
1 are (a) 100 m 119.6 sq. yd.
1 hectare (ha) 100 ares 2.471 acres
1 quilmetro quadrado (km) 10.000 ares 247.104 acres

Medidas de Volume --- Cubic Measures

1 milmetro cbico (mm) 0,000000001 m 0.000061 cu.in.
1 centmetro cbico (cm) 0,000001 m 0.0610 cu.in.
1 decmetro cbico (dm) 0,001 m (1 litro) 61.023 cu.in.
1 metro cbico (m) 1.000 dm (1.000 litros) 1.308 cu.yd.

Pesos Comerciais --- Avoirdupois Weights

1 quilate mtrico 0,2 g 3.09 gr.
1 miligrama (mg) 0,001 g 0.0154 gr.
1 centigrama (cg) 0,01 g 0.154 gr.
1 decigrama (dg) 0,1 g 1.543 gr.
1 grama (g) 0,001 kg 15.432 gr.
1 decagrama (dag) 10 g 0.352 oz.
1 quilograma (kg) 1.000 g 2.204 lb.
1 arroba mtrica 15 kg 33.07 lb.
1 quintal mtrico (q) 100 kg 220.4 lb.
1 tonelada (t) 1.000 kg 2,204 lb.

Medidas de Capacidade --- Measures of Capacity

1 centilitro (cl) 0,01 l Br.: 0.352 fluid ounce
Am.: 0.338 fluid ounce
1 decilitro (dl) 0,1 l 6.1025 cu. in.
1 litro (l) 1 dm 61.025 cu. in.
1 decalitro (dal) 10 l 610.25 cu. in.
1 hectolitro (hl) 100 l Br.: 22 gallons
Am.:26.418 gallons
1 quilolitro (kl) 1.000 l 35.315 cu. ft.

Medidas Itinerrias --- Itinerary Measures

1 milha brasileira 2.200 m 1.36 mi.
1 milha portuguesa 2.066 m 1.28 mi.
1 milha martima (n) 1.852 m 1,013 fathoms
1 lgua brasileira 6.600 m 4.10 mi.
1 lgua portuguesa 6.200 m 3.85 mi.
1 lgua martima 5.555 m 3 nautical miles

Medidas de Comprimento --- Linear Measures

1 ponto 0,2 mm 0.007874 in.
1 linha 2,3 mm 0.09 in.
1 polegada 2,75 cm 1.08 in.
1 palmo 22 cm 8.66 in.
1 p 33 cm 1.08 ft.
1 cvado 66 cm 25.98 in.
1 vara 1,10 m 43.31 in.
1 braa 2,20 m 86.62 in.

Medidas de Superfcie --- Square Measures

1 braa quadrada 4,84 m 5.7886 sq. yd.
1 alqueire (N. Braz.) 27.225 m 32,560 sq. yd.
1 alqueire (Minas, Rio, Gois) 48.400 m 57,886 sq. yd.
1 alqueire paulista 24.200 m 28,943 sq. yd.

Pesos --- Weights

1 quilate 199 mg 3.07 gr.
1 ona 28,691 g 1.012 oz.
1 libra 459,5 g 1.013 lb.
1 arroba 14,689 kg 32.38 lb.
1 quintal 58,758 kg 129.50 lb.
1 tonelada 793,238 kg 1,748.70 lb.


Present Past Present Past
tense Preterite participe tense Preterite participe

abide abode (*) abode (*) make made made
mean meant meant
awake awoke <- awoke meet met met
<- awaked melt melted molten (*)
be was been pay paid paid
bear bore <- borne put put put
<- born read read read
beat beat beaten rend rent rent
become became become rid rid (*) rid (*)
begin began begun ride rode ridden
bend bent bent ring rang rung
bet bet (*) bet (*) rise rose risen
bid bade bidden run ran run
bind bound bound saw sawed sawn (*)
bite bit <- bit say said said
<- bitten see saw seen
bleed bled bled seek sought sought
blow blew blown sell sold sold
break broke broken send sent sent
breed bred bred set set set
bring brougth brougth sew sewed sewn (*)
build built built shake shook shaken
burn burnt (*) burnt (*) shed shed shed
burst burst burst shine shone shone
buy bougth bougth shoe shod shod
cast cast cast shoot shot shot
catch caught caught show showed shown
choose chose chosen shred shred (*) shred (*)
cling clung clung shrink <- shrank <- shrunk
clothe clad (*) clad (*) <- shrunk <- shrunken
come came come shut shut shut
cost cost cost sing sang sung
creep crept crept sink sank sunk
crow crew (*) crowed slay slew slain
cut cut cut sleep slept slept
deal dealt dealt slide slid slid
dig dug dug sling slung slung
do did done smell smelt (*) smelt (*)
draw drew drawn smite smote smitten
dream dreamt (*) dreamt (*) sow sowed sown (*)
drink drank <- drunk speak spoke spoken
<- drunken speed sped sped
drive drove driven spell spelt (*) spelt (*)
dwell dwelt (*) dwelt (*) spend spent spent
eat ate eaten spill spilt (*) spilt (*)
fall fell fallen spin <- span spun
feed fed fed <- spun
fell felt felt spit <- spat <- spat
fight fought fought <- spit <- spit
find found found spoil spoilt spoiled
flee fled fled spread spread spread
fling flung flung spring sprang sprung
fly flew flown stand stood stood
forbear forbore forborne steal stole stolen
forbid forbade forbidden stick stuck stuck
forget forgot forgotten sting stung stung
forgive forgave forgiven stink stank stunk
forsake forsook forsaken strew strewed strewn (*)
freeze froze frozen stride strode stridden
get got got strike struck <- struck
give gave given <- stricken
go went gone string strung strung
grind ground ground strive strove striven
grow grew grown swear swore sworn
hang hung (*) hung (*) sweat sweat (*) sweat (*)
have had had sweep swept swept
hear heard heard swell swelled <- swelled
heave hove (*) hove (*) <- swollen
hew hewed hewn (*) swim swam swum
hide hid <- hidden swing swung swung
<- hid take took taken
hit hit hit teach taught taught
hold held held tear tore torn
hurt hurt hurt tell told told
keep kept kept think thought thought
kneel knelt (*) knelt (*) thrive throve (*) thriven (*)
knit knit (*) knit (*) throw threw thrown
know knew known thrust thrust thrust
lay laid laid tread trod trodden
lead led led wake woke waked
lean leant (*) leant (*) wear wore worn
leap leapt (*) leapt (*) weave wove woven
learn learnt (*) learnt (*) weep wept wept
leave left left wet wet (*) wet (*)
lend lent lent win won won
let let let wind wound wound
lie lay lain work wrought (*) wrought (*)
light lit (*) lit (*) wring wrung wrung
lose lost lost write wrote written

(*) H tambm a forma regular em -ed.

Abbr. English Franais Allemand
abbr. abbreviation abrviation Abkurzung
abk. abbreviation abrviation Abkurzung
adj. adjective adjectif Adjektiv
adv. adverb adverbe Adverb
ausdr. expression expression Ausdruck
ausr. interjection interjection Ausruf
expr. expression expression Ausdruck
f. noun, feminine nom fmenin Femininum, weiblich
f.pl. noun, feminine plural nom fminin pluriel Femininum, plural
int. interjection interjection Ausruf
m. noun, masculine nom masculin Maskulinum, mnnlich
n. noun nom Neutrum, schlich
n.f. noun, feminine nom fminin Femininum, weiblich
n.f.pl noun, feminine plural nom fmenin pluriel Substantiv weiblich plural
n.m. noun, masculine nom masculin Maskulinum, mnnlich
n.m.,f. noun, masc. & fem. nom masc. et fm. Substantiv mnnl. u. weibl.
n.m.pl. noun, masculine plural nom masculin pluriel Substantiv mnnlich plural
n.pl. noun, plural nom pluriel Neutrum/schlich plural
prp. preposition prposition Prposition
prep. preposition prposition Prposition
prp. preposition prposition Prposition
v. verb verbe Verb
v.aux. auxilliary verb verb auxiliaire Auxiliarverb, Hilfsverb
v.i. verb, intransitive verbe intransitif intransitives Verb
v.irr. irregular verb verbe irrgulier unregelmiges Verb
v.m. modal verb verbe modale Modalverb
v.t. verb, transitive verbe transitif transitives Verb

Abbr. English Franais Allemand
Abw. belittling humiliant erniedrigend
Coll. colloquial familier Umgangssprache
dia. dialect dialecte Dialekt, Mundart
Fam. colloquial familier Umgangssprache
Fig. figurative figuratif figurativ, bildlich
Gros. vulgar, obscene grossier vulgr, obszn
Hist. historical historique historisch
Hum. humorous humoristique humoristisch
Lit. literary litteraire literarisch
Off. offensive, abusive dsobligeant beleidigend
Pej. pejorative, derogatory pjoratif pejorativ, abfllig
Rar rare rarissime selten
Sl. slang argot Slang
Ugs. colloquial familier Umgangssprache
Veralt. obsolete obsolte veraltet
Vulg. vulgar vulgaire vulgr

Terms & abbreviations used in contextual indicators and definitions.
Abbr. English Franais Allemand

acc. accusative accusatif Akkusativ
bef. imperative impratif Befehlsform
beisp. example exemple Beispiel
bes. especially notamment besonders
bzw. respectively,
beziehungsweise, und/oder
c..d. that is cest dire das heit
d.h. that is cest dire das heit
dat. dative datif Dativ
esp. especially notamment besonders
etc. etcetera etcetera und so weiter
etw. something quelque chose etwas
ex. example exemple Beispiel
gen. genitive genitif Genitiv
ggf. as the case
may be
au cas o gegebenenfalls
i.e. that is cest dire das heit
imp. imperative impratif Befehlsform
jmd. someone someone jemand (nom.)
jmdm. someone someone jemandem (dat.)
jmdn. someone quelquun jemanden (acc.)
jmds. someones de quelquun jemandes (gen;)
Lit. literary literaiure literarisch
Literal. literally littralement buchstblich, wrtlich
nom. nominative nominatif Nominativ
notam. especially notamment besonders
o.s. oneself se (pronom
od. or ou oder
or or ou oder
ou or ou oder
qqch. something quelque chose etwas
qqn. someone quelquun jemand
s.o. someone someone jemand
s.t. something something etwas
see see voir siehe
siehe see voir siehe
usw. etc. etc. usw.
voir see voir siehe
z.B. for example par exemple zum Beispiel

Abbr. English Franais Allemand
Adv. advertising publicit Werbung
Anat. anatomie anatomie Anatomie
Apic. apiculture, beekeeping apiculture Bienenzucht
Arch. architecture archtitecture Architektur
Art art art Kunst
Astr. astronomy astronomie Sternkunde
Avi. aviation, aerotechnic aviation, arotechnique Luftfahrt, Flugwesen
Bank. banking banque Bankwesen
Bankw. banking banque Bankwesen
Bibl. library bibliothque Bibliothekwesen
Bio. biolgy biologie Biologie
Bot. botany botanie Botanik, Pflanzenkunde
Chem. chemistry chimie Chemie
Cinema cinema cinma Kino
Cloth. clothing vtements Kleidung
Com. commerce commerce Kommerz
Constr. constructioin construction Bauwesen
cole school cole Schule
Econ. economics science conomique Witschaftswissenschaft
Edu. education ducation Ausbildung
Elec. electricity, electronics lectricit, lectronique Elektrizitt, Elektronuk
Elektr. electricity, electronics lectricit Elektrizitt, Elektronik
Entom. entomology entomologie Entomologie,
Fin. finance, banking finance Finanzwesen
Gastro. food, foodstuffs, cooking aliments, cuisine,
Lebensmittel, Kochen,
Idiom. idiomatic expression expression idiomatique Idiom
IT. information technology informatique Informatik
Kfz. vehicles vhicules Kraftfahrzeug
Kunst art art Kunst
Lkw. trucks poids lourds Lastkraftwagen
Mar. merchant shipping marine marchande Handelsmarine
Med. medicine, medical mdecine Medizin
Md. medicine, medical mdecine Medizin
Met. meteorology mtorologie Meteorologie, Wetterkunde
Mil. military militaire Militr
Min. mining minier Bergbau
Mot. motors, engines moteurs Motoren
Mus. music musiique Musik
Naut. shipping transport naval Schifffahrt
Nav. navigation navigation Schifffahrt
Ornith. ornithology ornithologie Ornithologie, Vogelkunde
Photo. photography photographie Fotografie
Phys. physics physiaue Physik
Pkw. cars voitures Personenkraftwagen.
Pol. politics politique Politik
Prov. proverb proverbe Sprichwort
Pub. publishing edition Verlagswesen, Publizistik
Redew. saying devise Redewendung.
Rel. religion religion Religion
Sch. sch. cole Schule
Schiff. Shipping navigation Schifffahrt
Sped. Transport (goods) transports Spedition
Sport sport sport Sport
Tech. technical technique Technik
Tex. textiles textiles Textilien
Theatre theatre, theater thtre Theater
Tran. transport transpots Spedition
Typ. typography, printing typographie, imprimerie Typografie, Druck
Uni. university universit Universitt
Veh. vehicles vhicules Kraftfahrzeug
Verlag. publishing edition Verlagswesen, Publizistik
Vtem.. clothing vtements Kleidung
Zool. zoology zoologie Zoologie, Tierkunde

Abbr. English Franais Allemand
Am. North America Amrique du Nord Nordamerika
Aus. Australia Australie Australien
Bav. Bavaria Bavire Bayern
Berlin Berlin Berlin Berlin
Br. British isles les sbritannique britische Inseln
Can. Canada Canada Canada
Eire Ireland Irlande Ireland
HK Hong Kong Hong Kong Hong Kong
India India Inde Indien
Norddtl. northern Germany Allemagne du nord Norddeutschland
sterr. Austria Autriche sterreich
Rhein Rhein Rhenanie Rheinland
Scotl. Scotland Ecosse Schottland
Sing. Singapore Singapour Singapur
Sddtl. southern Germany Allemagne du sud Sddeutschland
Schw. Switzerland Suisse Schweiz

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