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2 Ano ____________ M ATUTINO

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PROF.: Juscilia

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Quem no conhece nenhuma lngua estrangeira no conhece integralmente a sua prpria lngua. Goethe TEXT - 1 Has the beauty measure? f) _________ Bruna be ready for her presentation tomorrow? g) Anna ________ always read a book before she goes to bed. h) ____________ you mind giving Zoe a ride to the mall? i) _______ you join us for lunch? j) I _________ love to do some voluntary work. 4. Associe corretamente com a forma em would ou wouldnt que completam as frases a seguir: Some people are considered attractive and others are not. Why is that? Until recently there wasnt any clue. But now studies have shown there is no doubt that facial symmetry determines beauty. Why were some traits such as kindness, generosity, sympathy, the ability to love, and spiritual potentials not measured? Because none can be measured by looking at photograph. 1. Em relao ao texto escolha a alternativa correta. a. ( ) Estudiosos acreditam que a beleza espiritual e as potencialidades podem ser medidas. b. ( ) Toda beleza pode ser medida pela fotografia. c.( )Pessoas atraentes so aquelas que tm generosidade, bondade e simpatia. d. ( ) Estudos tm mostrado que no h dvida de que a simetria facial determina beleza. e. ( ) N.d.a. 2. A sequncia corretamente traduzida das palavras some, any, no, none abaixo a. b. c. d. e. algum, qualquer,nenhum, nenhuma. nenhum, qualquer,nenhum, alguma. algum, qualquer, todos, nenhuma. algum, qualquer,nenhum, nenhuma. N.d.a.
DAVIS, Jim. Garfield gains weight. New York: Ballantine Books, 1981. 1-23.

( 1 ) WOULD ( 2 ) WOULDNT a.( ) If someone pointed a gun at me, I honestly(not know) what to do! b.( )(you/like) to go on a picnic with us tomorrow? c.( ) I(not be) there now if this meeting werent so important. d.Too bad its raining: otherwise I(be) playing football with my friends. e. John was sorry he couldnt pay me today, but he assured me he (pay) at the end of the month. f.( ) (you/not/be) happy if you won a lottery prize? 5. Observe e leia a tirinha abaixo, em seguida assinale a resposta CORRETA de cada questo.

Assinale a alternativa CORRETA, de acordo com o texto: a) No primeiro quadrinho, o personagem Garfield est pensando no que ele gostaria de ver na televiso. b) No segundo quadrinho, Garfield est assistindo a um programa na televiso. c) O texto faz referncia aos males causados por programas violentos que so exibidos na televiso. d) Garfield mostra-se insatisfeito com a sugesto do personagem humano no final. e) A fala do personagem humano fundamental para se entender o aspecto cmico desta tira. Assinale a alternativa CORRETA:

3.Preencha a lacuna de maneira apropriada com os Modal Verbs will/wont, would, would have. a) ____________ you like some milk with your coffee? b) If I werent a teacher, I ____________ been a rock star. c) Karen, _________ you be my date to the prom? d) Candy ___________ asked Max out if she were more courageous. e) ____________ you go to Marys party?

a) Na sentena Would you like me to turn the TV on, Garfield?, o phrasal verb turn on pode ser colocado antes do objeto, ficando: Would you like me to turn on the TV, Garfield? b) A forma negativa da sentena That would be nice : That won't be nice. c) A sentena I've been watching it all day tem o mesmo sentido de I've been watching it every day. d) Na sentena citada na alternativa c, o termo it um pronome objetivo que se refere ao termo habit do quadrinho anterior. e) Na sentena a seguir, os termos enumerados tm, respectivamente, as funes de (1)substantivo e (2)verbo. Television can be (1)habit (2)forming. TEXT 2 Wednesday, February 13, 2008 Kiss Kiss by Roald Dahl

8. Compelte a frase:His flowers _______________ better if he ___________ them more carefully. a)would grow wate b) would have grown had watered c)would have grow watered d) will grow watered e) will grew will water 9. Don't tell _____ lies to me; you cannot deceive me any longer. a) some b) no c) none d) no one e) any 10. She didn't have ________ mistakes in her paper. a) some b) any c) no d) no one e) none 11. Are there ________ books for me today? No, there are not ______ books for you today. a) any any b) some - some c) any - some d) anyone some e) something - no 12. "Have you seen my radio?" "No, I haven't seen it____." a) where b) nowhere c)everywhere d)somewhere e)anywhere 13. He couldn't find ________ wrong with the food. a) some b) nothing c) anything d) every e) no 14. The room is empty. There is ______ in it. a) anybody b) somebody c) nobody d) anything e) something 15. I ever eat _______ for breakfast. a) something b) whatever c) nothing d) anything e) something 16. (FATEC) He left without ________ money. a) some b) no c) no one d) any e) none 17.TEXT 3

Thanks to Nonanon, who recommend this wonderful book about a month ago. Kiss Kiss by Roald Dahl is like a case full of boxes of Cracker Jacks. There are lots of surprises inside - at least one in every story. As a reader, I never knew what was going to happen next, nor how the story.() As readers of his memoirs or his children's books knows, Dahl wastes no words. There is an economy to his storytelling, and he chooses his words well.() "Royal Jelly," with the beekeeper reversing the decline of his infant daughter is a very close second. It is definitely not "Pig," which is too horrible to contemplate. Do not read "Pig" right before going to bed!
Dahl, Roald. Kiss Kiss. Knopf, 1960.

COMPREHENSION 6. Associe as sentenas de acordo com a traduo ( 1 ) muito difcil considerar. ( 2 ) O autor conciso em seus textos. (3)Cada histria apresenta, pelo menos, surpreendente. ( 4 ) O autor usa as palavras apropriadamente. ( 5 ) O livro maravilhoso.



( ) ...he chooses his words. ( ) ...this wonderful book 18.Complete as frases abaixo com Future Tense dos ( ) is too horrible to contemplate verbos entre parnteses: ( ) There are lots of surprises inside- at least one in 1) Tomorrow it _____________in the North-west. (to rain) every story. 2) My friend ___________12 next Monday. (to be) ( ) Dahl wastes no words. 3) Hey John! Wait a minute. I _____________a word with you. (to have) 7. Qual o objetivo do texto? 4) She _________her boss next week.(to contact) _____________________________________________ 5) I think you ______________this job. (to get) ____________________________________________

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