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TEACHER: Juscilia Prado SUBJECT: English GRADE:1st__________ M( )

UNIT: I V( ) RESULT: __________

ATTENTION!- Use apenas caneta

preta ou azul.- As questes objetivas admitem apenas UMA resposta correta. Questes rasuradas sero anuladas.

STUDENT:__________________________________________________ W.: 1,5 LISTA DE EXERCCIOS Leia o texto e responda as questes 1 a 4: Meet Peter Smith! Hi! Im Peter Smith. I love my name, because its short. Im a young boy from England. Im twelve years old and I live with my parents, my brother and my sister. My address is 77, New Oxford Street, London. My telephone number is 555.867956. Im a student. In the weekend, I like playing football with my friends and playing computer games. I dont like soup, or Maths. 1- De acordo com o texto, Peter: a) mora com seus avs paternos e com seus irmos b) mora com seus pais, seu irmo e irm c) mora com seus parentes d) mora sozinho 2- Qual o nmero do telefone de Peter? a) Five, five, five, eight, six, seven, nine, five, six b) Five, five, five, seven, eight, ten, four, three, one c) Five, five, five, six, nine, seven, eight, five, six d) Five, five, five, two, five, six, nine, seven, eight

B) o aluno expressa suas preocupao em relao ao teste de lgebra que acontecer na sexta. C) o professor aconselha o aluno a tomar alguma providncia em relao s aulas de matemtica. D) o aluno no possui calculadora ou celular que o ajude nas aulas de lgebra. 4. A figura ao lado pode ser considerada A) um anncio. B) uma charge. C) uma tirinha. D) histria em quadrinhos.

3. Observando a figura e a fala abaixo entre aspas, pode-se afirmar que A) o professor pressupe um pensamento do aluno em relao s suas aulas de matemtica.

5.The main objective of this poster is to highlight the _______________ of the drink. The word that correctly completes the sentence above is: A) flavor. B) location. C) price. D) size. 6.Na propaganda a seguir, o po com gergelim de um sanduche simula algo que pode ser comparado ao seio materno

b) there to be. c) there is. d) there are. 12. A frase There is a mistake in your exercise no plural : a) There is not a mistake in your exercise. b) There is many mistakes in your exercises. c) There are many mistakes in your exercises. d) There to be many mistakes in your exercices. 13.Marque a alternativa que empregou corretamente os possessivos em ingls: a) Those shoes are his. b) This sweater is her. c) I dont like theirs friends. d) You can sell yours car. 14. Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente a frase: We are reading ________ books. Is she reading ________ ?. a) our her. b) ours her. c) ours hers. d) our hers. 15.Na frase These are _________ pen, not ________ qual a alternativa que contm os possessivos para complet-la corretamente? a) my your. b) my yours. c) mine yours. d) mine your.

a) deixar claro que os mesmos nutrientes que possui o leite materno, so encontrados nos pes do McDonalds. b) evidenciar o contato com os produtos do McDonalds desde a infncia. c) lanar o site www.mcdonalds.at, que, como sugere a foto, uma criao recente. d) mostrar que os sanduches do McDonalds causam um retardo na aprendizagem das crianas. 7.Marque a alternativa que substitui corretamente os termos grifados na frase: Paul, Robert and I gave flowers to Helen. a) They its she. b) We them her. c) We its her. d) They them she. 8.Complete as frases abaixo com os pronomes que substituem as palavras sublinhadas. Em seguida, marque a seqncia correta: I The dog is in the house. ________ is in the house. II Is Mr. Browm a doctor? ________ a doctor? III Sally is French. ________ She is French. IV Bob and Jack are in the kitchen. ________ are in the kitchen. a) it he she they b) it it she he c) he he she they d) it she he they 9. Marque a alternativa que usa corretamente o verbo there to be: a) There are chairs in the class. b) Is there teachers at school? c) Are there a flower in the vase? d) There is problems in my life. 10. Marque a alternativa que completa corretamente frase: ____________ a clock on the wall: a) There are. b) There is. c) There to be. d) There have. 11. Marque a alternativa que completa corretamentea frase In my school _____________ many students: a) there have.

16. What would be the best title for picture? a) A global language b) Speak to all peoples c) The international language d) The world in your hands

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