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Adicione uma sada de udio digital coaxial no seu F90

O F90 por padro s tem uma sada de udio digital ptica. Se seu receiver/home
theater s tem entrada digital coaxial, voc pode adicionar uma sada assim no seu F90.
S seguir o abaixo.

A saida SPDIF do F90 em nivel TTL. Ou seja.....d para adaptar um conector RCA com
sada digital coaxial (SPDIF coaxial) no F90 em paralelo com a sada ptica.

Para isso o correto usar um circuito adaptador, que ajuste o nvel de tenso TTL para
SPDIF. Isso bem fcil de fazer, basta ser um pouquinho curioso e ter um ferro de solda
em mos ou solicitar ajuda para qualquer tcnico em eletrnica.

1 passo: faa um furo na traseira da carcaa do seu F90 e coloque nele um

conector RCA fmea.

2 passo: localize a sada SPDIF no seu F90, em especial os pontos GND e SIGNAL. A
figura abaixo mostra o cabo plugado na sada e os pontos dela na placa verde.

O GND e SIGNAL podem ser alcanados atravs de solda na parte de baixo da placa ou
simplesmente descascando 2 fios do cabinho (na placa verde: GND o fio central, SIGNAL
o voltado pro lado da frente do F90).
3 passo: escolha e faa seu circuito adaptador de TTL para SPDIF H
inmeros circuitos adaptadores. No Google acha vrios.

Um muito simples o abaixo. Ele usa somente 1 capacitor e 2 resistores. D pra montar
facinho at de forma area, direto no conector RCA de sada.

Se o udio no ficar ok no seu receiver/home theater, varias outras opes um

pouquinho mais elaboradas so listadas abaixo:

S/PDIF output buffer circuits

Here is set of output circuit which take in TTL level S/PDIF signal in and output standard S/PDIF coax cable output
signal. Those output circuit are very useful building blocks for all kinds of S/PDIF related electronics projects. All the
circuits do basically the same thing. They just use different components, so use the one where you can easily get

S/PDIF output buffer circuit

S/PDIF output
(RCA or BNC)
TTL level signal ----------| O----- 680R-- --------- ------- center pin
| |/ | | |
| | )||(
| |\ | )||(
-----| O----- 680R-- )||(
|/ | )||(
100R | |
74HC04 | | ------- ground
---- ---- T1

Idea for this circuit is taken from "A digital Output for the CD720" web page (was at
http://www.spiceisle.com/homepages/brian/audiodiy/mods/digi-out.htm). The transformer T1 is high quality 1:1 pulse
transformer (can be salvaged from old broken network interface card or similar source).

Another S/PDIF output circuit

-----| O-----------
| |/ | S/PDIF output
| | 100nF (RCA or BNC)
| |\ | || T1
TTL level signal ----- -----| O----------- --- ||---- ------- --75R--- center pin
| |/ | || | | |
| | )|| | |
| |\ | 15 )||( 3 220R
-----| O----------- turns )||( turns |
| |/ | )|| | |
| | | | |
| |\04 | | ------- -------- ground
-----| 0----------- |
|/ ---

This circuit is part of circuit "Splitter for S/PDIF coax/optical output" by T. Giesberts from Elektor Electronics
magazine July/August 1995 pages 78-79. The transformer T1 is made to G2.3-FT12 ferrite ring core. Primary coil is
15 turns of 0.5 mm diameter enamelled copper wire and secondary is 3 turns of 0.5 mm diameter enamelled copper
wire. The chip 74HCU04 is manufactured by Philips

The circuit in the magazine had 3 outputs. The two extra output were made by adding two more output coils to T1
and the output resistors.

Output circuit with transformer used as impedance matcher

This circuit is taken from Digital One V. 1.1 documentation. Digital One is from NET-Labs and is designed by by
Enland Unruh.

S/PDIF output

IC1 0.1 uF 0.1 uF

|\ || ||
TTL level signal -----------| -----750R-- ---||---- --||--- center pin
|/ | || | | ||
| )||(
| )||(
| )||(
| )||(
499R | |
| | ------- ground
---- ---- T1

T1 is a HF-transformer which has 2:1 turns ratio. Transformer type used in example circuit is SC944-05. IC1 in
this circuit consists of 8 parallel connected buffer ports from 74ACQ244 IC.

Output with 1:1 pulse transformer

This is the recommended S/PDIF output circuit from Crystal Semiconductor CD4237 single chip multimedia audio
system IC datasheet page 71. '

S/PDIF output
TTL level signal -----------| -----374R-- --------- ------- center pin
|/ | | |
| )||(
| )||(
| )||(
| )||(
90.9R | |
| | ------- ground
---- ---- T1

The transformer used in this circuit is 1:1 pulse transformer (the original application note suggested pulse transformer
from Pulse Engineering or Schott Corporation). IC1 is a buffer IC which must be capable to supply enough current to
drive the 75 S/PDIF interface to full voltage swing specified (capable of loading 415 load or capable of supplying
12 mA current).
Simple S/PDIF output without galvanic isolation

-----| O-----------
| |/ | S/PDIF output
| | 150nF (RCA or BNC)
|\ | |\ | ||
TTL level ---| o------ -----| O----------- --- ||----- 374R--- ----- center pin
signal |/ | |/ | || |
| | |
| |\ | 93R1
-----| O----------- |
| |/ | ----- ground
| | |
| |\ | ---
-----| 0-----------
| |/ |
| |
| |\ |
-----| 0-----------


This circuit does not provide any isolation on the output. The TTL level signal form 74HCT04 buffer is attenuated to the
levels specified in S/PDIF optical interface by using the voltage divider made of 374 and 93.1 resistors. This circuit is
based on S/PDIF converter circuit diagram from Elektor Electronics magazine issue 4/1997 page 66.

Simplest TTL to S/PDIF coax interface

TTL ----||-----330ohm-- --------- coax S/PDIF signal out
in |
Ground ----------------- --------- coax signal ground

This circuit interfaces directly to the TTL level output provided by some sound equipment (CD-ROM or sound card).
This circuit works if the equipment which gives out TTL level has powerful enough TTL output to run this circuit
(enough current output capability). If this simple circuit does not work reliably, then you need to build a circuit
which includes the buffering electronics.

Isolation transformer for S/PDIF output

If your equipment (for example sound cards) has an S/PDIF output which does not have an isolation transformer at the
output, you can easily add the transformer to it by putting a suitable transformer afther the original output.

Elector Electronics magazine issue 7-8/1999 recommend building the transformer for S/PDIF isolation in the
following way:

The transformer must have good coupling factor, so the transformer core must be a toroidal core made of high permiability
material. The prototype described in the magazine uses Philips Type TN13/7.5/5-3E25 core which has permeability rating
(yt) of 4500. The primary and secondary windings consisted of 6 turns of 0.5 mm diameter enamelled copper wire laid on
opposite sides of toroid. The transformer used in this prototype was described to have a bandwidth raged from 50 kHz to
17 MHz, which is more than adequate for an S/PDIF link.

The transformer should be fitted directly to the source and the receiving end must be properly terminated for reliable
operation. The reason for this is that the transformer input and output impedances are not exactly 75 .

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