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Casa de Cultura Britânica

Semestre II
Data: 27 de Julho de 2014.
Duração: das 9:00 às 13:00 horas.


01. Antes de iniciar a resolução das questões, verifique se o Caderno de Provas está completo.
Qualquer reclamação deverá ser feita nos primeiros 15 (quinze) minutos após o início da prova.

02. Anote, na capa do Caderno de Provas, o seu número de inscrição e o número da sala.

03. Confira os dados do cabeçalho da Folha-Resposta. Havendo necessidade de correção de algum

dado (CPF, NOME ou RG), chame o fiscal para anotar a correção. Para marcar a resposta de uma
questão, preencha, totalmente, com caneta azul ou preta, apenas a quadrícula correspondente à sua
opção. Não use corretivo nem rasure a Folha-Resposta.

04. Durante a realização das provas, será feita a identificação dos candidatos através da verificação do
original do documento de identidade e da coleta da assinatura na Ata de Aplicação e na Folha-
Resposta, no campo destinado à assinatura.

05. A duração da prova é de 4 (quatro) horas e o tempo mínimo de permanência em sala é de 1 (uma) hora.

06. É aconselhável reservar 30 (trinta) minutos para o preenchimento da Folha-Resposta.

07. O candidato, ao terminar a prova, só poderá sair da sala após entregar o Caderno de Prova e a

08. Os dois últimos candidatos só poderão deixar a sala simultaneamente e deverão assinar a Ata de

09. A desobediência a qualquer dessas determinações e o desrespeito ao pessoal da supervisão,

coordenação e fiscalização são faltas que eliminam o candidato do concurso.

10. Será eliminado do Concurso o candidato cujo celular estiver ligado durante a realização das provas,
ou for flagrado copiando gabarito.

11. Acompanhe o Calendário de Atividades do Concurso, através do endereço eletrônico


Coloque, de imediato, o seu número de inscrição e o número de sua sala nos retângulos abaixo.

Inscrição Sala
Casa de Cultura Britânica
20 questões

For questions 01 to 05, choose the option that completes the sentences CORRECTLY. (Note: X = no word)

01. Please, _____! There _____ a _____ _____ the desk and three _____ _____ the door! But _____!
They’re _____!
A) helps – isn’t – mice – at – mice – on – hurries – quite fast
B) help – is – mouse – under – mice – near – hurry – very fast
C) help – aren’t – mice – in – mouses – at – to hurry – not very fast
D) to help – are – mouse – on – mouses – to – don’t hurry – not quite slow
E) don’t help – is – mice – under – mices – for – don’t hurry – not very slow

02. Fashion is _____ significant contributor to _____ _____ economy. To help with fashion topics and
problems, in _____ Britain there is _____ organisation – the Fashion Council (FC). _____ council
develops excellence and expansion in the fashion sector. It _____ fashion talent in Britain to a global
A) an – X – british – the – an – That – am support and is support
B) X – the – britanic – the – a – This – supports and promotes
C) an – the – Britanic – the – X – That – support and promote
D) a – the – British – X – an – This – supports and promotes
E) a – X – British – X – a – Those – support and promote

03. Jonathan Saunders is the winner of the 2012 FC/Vogue Designer Fashion Fund. The competition is now
in _____ third year. Saunders _____, “I’m _____ happy about winning the fund. I’m excited and I’m
appreciative of _____ workers and all _____ hard work. We _____ exciting plans for the near future.
With the support of the FC we plan to realize _____ objectives.”
A) her – declare – very – my – our – has – my
B) its – declare – quite – our – their – have – our
C) its – declares – very – my – their – have – our
D) his – declare – not very – their – its – has – my
E) his – declares – quite – our – our – have – our

04. Mary _____ tells _____ her plans _____ the evening or _____ night.
A) usual – him – in – at
B) always – me – in – at
C) always – me – in – in the
D) hardly ever – I – in – in the
E) hardly ever – he – at – at the

05. Carolyn _____ a chef. She _____ in London. She _____ in a restaurant from Tuesday to Sunday. She
_____ time to go out with her friends because she _____ always very busy. Her husband also _____ in
the same restaurant. They _____ any children.
A) is – lives – works – hasn’t – is – doesn’t works – has
B) is – live – doesn’t work – doesn’t have – is – works – have
C) is – lives – works – doesn’t have – is – works – don’t have
D) isn’t – doesn’t live – work – has – isn’t – doesn’t work – don’t have
E) isn’t – doesn’t lives – doesn’t works – doesn’t has – isn’t – work – have

For questions 06 to 10, choose the INCORRECT option.

06. A) A: Do you have any plastic bags here? B: No, I don’t have any.
B) I have some friends from school, but no friends from university.
C) There are no English or Spanish books in the library.
D) I don’t have some mechanical pencils.
E) I want no friends.

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07. A) John and Meg’s parents are here.
B) The Smiths’ dog is a pitbull.
C) This is Charles’s daughter.
D) The actress’s hair is long.
E) Where is laptop’s Susan?

08. A) The class begins at Saturday on 9:00.

B) Julia studies chemistry at university.
C) I live in King Street, near the bank.
D) I’m busy at the moment.
E) I work on Sundays.

09. A) Give Ana and I an example.

B) Give Ana and John examples.
C) Do not give Ana and me an example.
D) Don’t give an example to Ana and me.
E) Do not give examples to Ana and John.

10. A) He’s quite a good-looking man.

B) Wear your coat. It’s quite cold.
C) No rain! It’s quite a nice day!
D) Maria’s English is quite good.
E) This is a very quite old house.

For questions 11 to 15, choose the option that expresses the same idea as the sentence in italics.

11. Would you like a cup of coffee?

A) Do you like a cup of coffee?
B) Do you have some coffee?
C) Do you want some coffee?
D) Do you like coffee?
E) Do you need coffee?

12. My aunt isn’t very tall, but her husband is.

A) My mother’s sister is a little short, but her husband is very tall.
B) My father’s brother is short but his wife is quite tall.
C) My uncle’s wife is very short but he’s tall.
D) My aunt’s husband is short but she is tall.
E) My uncle is short and his wife is tall.

13. I like strawberries but I don’t like grapes.

A) I like strawberries and grapes.
B) I hate grapes and strawberries.
C) I don’t like strawberries or grapes.
D) Strawberries and grapes are my favourite fruit.
E) For me, grapes are not good but strawberries are.

14. They hardly ever go to the gym.

A) They never go to the gym.
B) They rarely go to the gym.
C) They usually go to the gym.
D) They always go to the gym.
E) They go to the gym very often.

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15. There isn’t room for you to sit.
A) There aren’t any seats in the room
B) The room is not very big
C) There is an empty space
D) There is an extra room
E) There is some space

Answer questions 16 to 20 according to the instructions.

16. Choose the option with the OPPOSITES of the underlined words in “This rich area of the town is very safe
and beautiful.”
A) dirty – easy – fast
B) ugly – high – low
C) full – empty – cheap
D) poor – dangerous – ugly
E) slow – expensive – clean

17. Choose the option where all of the words are in THE SAME vocabulary group.
A) check in – check out – book – reservation
B) pencil – pen – notebook – makeup
C) computer – science – car – smart
D) doctor – dentist – fan – woman
E) cousin – niece – slow – mother

18. Choose the option where the suffix -s at the end of the verbs has THE SAME pronunciation as in
A) dies – lies – ties
B) agrees – sees – flees
C) parks – talks – works
D) comes – notes – pastes
E) passes – kisses – misses

19. Choose the option where the letter a has THE SAME pronunciation in American English.
A) father – any – quarter
B) watch – man – wake
C) page – phrase – says
D) have – black – cat
E) tall – fast – start

20. Choose the option where the linking words THEN or BECAUSE is INCORRECT.
A) Do your exercise. Then, go to your room.
B) Go to your room. Then, do your exercise.
C) Go to your room, then. And do your exercise.
D) The weather is hot because the window is open.
E) The bedroom is hot because the window is closed.

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