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Potente agente antioxidante obtido de 22 frutas e verduras

Oxxynea é um extrato padronizado em 75% de polifenóis que proporciona máxima atividade antioxidante, obtido de
22 frutas e verduras sendo elas: uvas vermelhas e brancas, laranja, toranja, mirtilo, papaia, abacaxi, morango, maçã,
damasco, cereja, groselha preta, tomate, cenoura, chá verde, brócolis, repolho verde, cebola, alho, azeitona, gérmen
de trigo, pepino e aspargo. Padronizadas em índice ORAC (Capacidade de Absorbância do Radical Oxigênio).

Devido ao elevado teor de elementos antioxidantes extraídos de frutas e verduras, Oxxynea favorece uma maior
atividade antioxidante no organismo, contribuindo, portanto, para auxiliar no combate ao estresse oxidativo.


 Fornecimento dos nutrientes diários necessários para uma atividade antioxidante máxima;
 Auxilia na diminuição do colesterol;
 Auxilia na prevenção contra os danos causados pelo estresse oxidativo.

Recomendação oral de 500 a 800mg de Oxxynea , ao dia.


® ®
Oxxynea ......................................................... 300mg Oxxynea ......................................................... 250mg
® ®
Kactiline Organic .............................................. 400mg Bio-CG ......................................................... 150mg
Sinetrol ............................................................. 350mg Pomegranate 40%............................................. 400mg
Chá Verde....................................................... 250mg
Modo de uso: 1 dose, 30 minutos antes do almoço e
Modo de uso: 1 dose pela manhã e outra antes do do jantar.
almoço. Indicação: Auxílio no emagrecimento e antioxidante.
Indicação: Promotor da saciedade e antioxidante.


GAILLET S.; LACAN D.; ROUANET J.M. Dietary Antioxidants: From Micronutrients and Phytochemicals to Enzymes – Preventive Effects on Early
Atherosclerosis and Obesity. Université Montpellier. Disponível em:< http://cdn.intechopen.com/pdfs/36271/InTech-
Acesso em: 19 de Novembro de 2015, às 11:27.

Referência baseada na própria lâmina do fornecedor.


A Commercial Extract of Fruits and Vegetables, Oxxynea, Acts as a Powerful Antiatherosclerotic Supplement
in an Animal Model by Reducing Cholesterolemia, Oxidative Stress, and NADPH Oxidase Expression

The effects of fruit and vegetable extract (Oxxynea) on plasma cholesterol, early atherosclerosis, cardiac production of
superoxide anion, and NAD(P)H oxidase expression were studied in an animal model of atherosclerosis. Thirty six
hamsters were divided into two groups of 18 and fed an atherogenic diet for 12 weeks. They received by gavage
either water or Oxxynea in water at a human dose equivalent of 10 fruits and vegetables per day. Oxxynea lowered
plasma cholesterol and non-HDL cholesterol, but not HDL-cholesterol, and increased plasma antioxidant capacity. It
also strongly reduced the area of aortic fatty streak deposition by 77%, cardiac production of superoxide anion by
45%, and p22 subunit of NAD(P)H oxidase expression by 59%. These findings support the view that chronic
consumption of antioxidants supplied by fruits and vegetables has potential beneficial effects with respect to the
development of atherosclerosis. The underlying mechanism is related mainly to inhibiting pro-oxidant factors and
improving the serum lipid profile.


SUTRA T.; DÉCORDE K.; RISS J.; DALLAS C.; CRISTOL J.P.; ROUANET J.M. A Commercial Extract of Fruits and Vegetables, Oxxynea, Acts as
a Powerful Antiatherosclerotic Supplement in an Animal Model by Reducing Cholesterolemia, Oxidative Stress, and NADPH Oxidase Expression. J.
Agric. Food Chem. V. 55, nº10, p.4258–4263. 2007. Disponível em:< http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jf070029n>. Acesso em: 19 de
Novembro de 2015, às 11:10.

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