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Questão 1)

Leia e observe a charge

Charge é uma ilustração que envolve a caricatura de um ou mais personagens, feita com o objetivo de
satirizar algum acontecimento.
Ao observar a charge, compreende-se que
a) é vantagem comprar um produto como um carro, mesmo sem saber quanto custa para mantê-lo.
b) desperdiça-se dinheiro com seu carro, tanto por gastar a mais, desnecessariamente, quanto por
“economizar” na hora certa.
c) não podemos prever exatamente o gasto com combustível, ao ponto de não poder mais possuir o carro.
d) a venda de combustíveis em garrafas pet e sacos plásticos é proibida em postos de todo o país.
e) Nos países da américa latina, parar o carro na rua por falta de combustível é infração média, punida com
quatro pontos na Carteira Nacional de Habilitação e multa.

Questão 2)

Observe a tirinha.

As histórias em quadrinhos adotam um estilo satírico conhecidos como cartuns, charges ou caricaturas que
tomam formas nas populares tirinhas. A partir da leitura dessa tirinha, infere-se que o discurso do médico
a) induz o paciente a experimentar um novo tratamento para a doença.
b) aconselha que sua doença acontece em decorrência de sua idade.
c) leva o paciente a não se preocupar com sua doença que o aflige.
d) indica que o procurou tarde, pois passou toda a semana doente.
e) apresenta um tratamento incomum para sua sintomatologia.

Questão 3)


(BBC. Disponível em: <http://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-40401146>. Acesso em 25 de junho de 2017)

Os jornais e agências de notícias destacam acontecimentos diários nos diversos meios: impressos, internet,
televisão e rádio. Nessa reportagem, o fato principal relatado é sobre
a) as consequências do naufrágio na cidade colombiana de Guatapé.
b) as ações do governo local para salvar as vítimas do acidente.
c) uma embarcação que afundou no noroeste da Colômbia.
d) uma operação de resgate de acidentados em um naufrágio.
e) a assistência dos oficiais às pessoas em um helicóptero.

Questão 4)

Veja estas afirmações retiradas do texto "A CREEPING HORROR":

I - Finally, the mighty towers themselves were no reduced to nothing.
II - Every sound was cause for alarm.
III - People hid beneath cars and each other.
It kept getting worse.
The horror arrived in episodic bursts of chilling disbelief, signified first by trembling floors, sharp eruptions,
cracked windows. (…) There was the merciless sight of bodies helplessly tumbling out, some of them in flames.
Finally, the mighty towers themselves were reduced to nothing. Dense plumes of smoke raced through the
downtown avenues, coursing between the buildings, shaped like tornadoes on their sides.
Every sound was cause for alarm. A plane appeared overhead. Was another one coming? No, it was a fighter
jet. But was it friend or enemy? People scrambled for their lives, but they didn't know where to go. Should they
go north, south, east, west? Stay outside, go indoors? People hid beneath cars and each other. Some
contemplated jumping into the river.
The New York Times, Sep. 12, 2001.
As afirmações que estão de acordo com o texto acima, são:
a) I, II e III
b) II e III
c) I e II.
d) I e III.
e) III, apenas.

Questão 5)

Podemos fazer a associação de vocábulos e expressões para ampliarmos as possibilidades de acesso a

informações contidas no texto.
Responda à questão que segue:
It kept getting worse.
The horror arrived in episodic bursts of chilling disbelief, signified first by trembling floors, sharp eruptions,
cracked windows. (…) There was the merciless sight of bodies helplessly tumbling out, some of them in flames.
Finally, the mighty towers themselves were reduced to nothing. Dense plumes of smoke raced through the
downtown avenues, coursing between the buildings, shaped like tornadoes on their sides.
Every sound was cause for alarm. A plane appeared overhead. Was another one coming? No, it was a fighter
jet. But was it friend or enemy? People scrambled for their lives, but they didn't know where to go. Should they
go north, south, east, west? Stay outside, go indoors? People hid beneath cars and each other. Some
contemplated jumping into the river.
The New York Times, Sep. 12, 2001.
Indique a opção em que a ideia das frases em português está relacionada corretamente com as frases
em inglês.
I. As pessoas não sabiam que rumo seguir.
II. O terror chegou em explosões sequenciais e arrepiantes.
III. A destruição das torres gêmeas foi feita por aviões a jato sequestrados.
IV. As avenidas no centro da cidade foram cobertas por nuvens de fumaça.

( ) Hijacked jets destroy twin towers.

( ) Dense plumes of smoke raced through the downtown avenues.
( ) They didn’t know where to go.
( ) The horror arrived in episodic bursts of chilling disbelief.
a) I, II, III, IV
b) II, III, IV, I
c) III, IV, I, II
d) III, II, I, IV
e) II, IV, III, I
Questão 6)

Do texto abaixo, podemos extrair algumas ideias para estudo e compreensão, fazendo a associação
de vocábulos e expressões para reconhecermos o tema principal do texto.
Responda às questões que seguem:
Creeping Horror
The horror arrived in episodic bursts of chilling disbelief, signified first by trembling floors, sharp eruptions,
cracked windows. (…) There was the merciless sight of bodies helplessly tumbling out, some of them in flames.
Finally, the mighty towers themselves were reduced to nothing. Dense plumes of smoke raced through the
downtown avenues, coursing between the buildings, shaped like tornadoes on their sides.
Every sound was cause for alarm. A plane appeared overhead. Was another one coming? No, it was a fighter
jet. But was it friend or enemy? People scrambled for their lives, but they didn't know where to go. Should they
go north, south, east, west? Stay outside, go indoors? People hid beneath cars and each other. Some
contemplated jumping into the river.
The New York Times, Sep. 12, 2001.
1. Qual é o tema principal do texto acima?
a) Mostrar o horror de uma guerra.
b) Demonstrar os horrores sofridos por um atentado.
c) Relatar os fatos ocorridos com as pessoas.
d) Detalhar como as pessoas ficaram depois de um ataque a bomba.
e) Traumatizar o leitor do texto.

Questão 7)

Benjamim Franklin fundou a primeira biblioteca circulante dos Estados Unidos e uma academia que mais
tarde se transformou na Universidade da Pensilvânia. Sobre a aprendizagem faz a seguinte citação

De acordo com a tradução da frase pode-se compreender que

a) aprendemos através das lembranças.
b) aprendemos através de gestos.
c) devemos falar o que aprendemos.
d) ensinar é a melhor forma de aprender.
e) envolver é a melhor forma de aprender
Questão 8)

No dia 17 de junho de 2017 um grande incêndio abalou o centro de Portugal especificamente no município
de Pédrogão Grande.
Portugal forest fire: 12 survive by hiding in a water tank

Twelve people survived one of Portugal's deadliest fires by seeking refuge in a water tank after access to their
village was cut off by the blaze.
The residents, including a disabled 95-year-old woman, spent more than six hours in the tank as the fire
prevented them from being rescued.
"If it wasn't for this, we would all have died," one of the survivors said.
The fires in central Portugal left 62 dead, many of them inside their cars as they tried to flee.
Numerous fires were still raging on several fronts, stretching Portugal's civil protection force to its limits.
Outbreaks were reported in two more central regions, Castelo Branco and Coimbra.
Maria do Céu Silva was hailed as a hero after using her house's water tank to rescue the residents of
Nodeirinho, next to the IC8 motorway, which was badly hit by the fire.
http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-40324006 Acesso em 19 de Junho de 2017.
No texto acima, pode-se afirmar a partir do título que
a) ainda não conseguiram parar o fogo no centro dePortugal.
b) doze pessoas sobreviveram dentro de um tanque de água.
c) duas cidades foram completamente destruídas pelo fogo.
d) sessenta e duas pessoas morreram no centro de Portugal.
e) uma mulher de 95 anos não conseguiu sobreviver ao fogo.

Questão 9)

Mary Shelley, desafiada a escrever um conto sombrio e fantasmagórico, deu vida a um cientista e sua
criatura, sua obsessão, seus sentimentos e escolhas ao escrever Frankestein.
“I discovered how and why life is conceived. More impressive still: I became capable of give life to inanimate
matter - of turning death into life.”
Frankestein – Mary Shelley
Victor Frankenstein era um estudante que desejava conhecer os segredos do mundo, do céu e da terra, do
espírito da natureza e da misteriosa alma do homem. No trecho acima o personagem faz uma descoberta
a) como seria a vida após a morte.
b) como e porque a vida é concebida.
c) como ser capaz de se tornar imortal.
d) como entender o mundo e seus segredos.
e) como entender a misteriosa alma humana.
Questão 10)


In a world full of hypocrisy, talking about alcoholic beverages may sound politically incorrect, socially inadequate
and religiously forbidden, but a glimpse at Brazilian history shows us centuries of injustices, persecutions,
prohibitions and undue labeling of a decent genuinely Brazilian drink. This is why it is so important to speak of
it and to regain the respect that cachaça deserves.
In this book we won’t reveal in-depth boring technicalities, but we’ll tell the story of cachaça in our country and
offer a fundamental, scientific comparison between distilled spirits manufactured throughout the world and the
Brazilian cachaça. We won’t sing praise to the consumption of alcohol, but we’ll show the strength of a segment
that has generated many jobs, is of significant economic importance and should be seen and respected also
by the government and social elite that have historically turned their back on it.
Viver e aprender. Linguagens e culturas : linguagens e códigos : ensino médio : educação de jovens e adultos / Neide Aparecida de Almeida ... [et al.]. – 1. ed. -São
Paulo : Global , 2013. p. 311
03. O autor insiste em mostrar a força da cachaça brasileira que tem gerado muitos empregos e uma
importância econômica significativa, portanto deve ser vista e respeitada também pelos(as)
a) políticos.
b) religiosos.
c) historiadores.
d) governo e elite social.
e) consumidores sem limites da cachaça.

Questão 11)


In a world full of hypocrisy, talking about alcoholic beverages may sound politically incorrect, socially inadequate
and religiously forbidden, but a glimpse at Brazilian history shows us centuries of injustices, persecutions,
prohibitions and undue labeling of a decent genuinely Brazilian drink. This is why it is so important to speak of
it and to regain the respect that cachaça deserves.
In this book we won’t reveal in-depth boring technicalities, but we’ll tell the story of cachaça in our country and
offer a fundamental, scientific comparison between distilled spirits manufactured throughout the world and the
Brazilian cachaça. We won’t sing praise to the consumption of alcohol, but we’ll show the strength of a segment
that has generated many jobs, is of significant economic importance and should be seen and respected also
by the government and social elite that have historically turned their back on it.
Viver e aprender. Linguagens e culturas : linguagens e códigos : ensino médio : educação de jovens e adultos / Neide Aparecida de Almeida ... [et al.]. – 1. ed. -São
Paulo : Global , 2013. p. 311
02. A intenção do texto é discutir o(s) a(s)
a) substâncias da cachaça destilada.
b) problemas trabalhistas gerados pelo álcool.
c) valorização econômica da cachaça brasileira.
d) vantagens do consumo de bebidas alcoólicas.
e) comparação da cachaça estrangeira com a do Brasil.

Questão 12)


In a world full of hypocrisy, talking about alcoholic beverages may sound politically incorrect, socially inadequate
and religiously forbidden, but a glimpse at Brazilian history shows us centuries of injustices, persecutions,
prohibitions and undue labeling of a decent genuinely Brazilian drink. This is why it is so important to speak of
it and to regain the respect that cachaça deserves.
In this book we won’t reveal in-depth boring technicalities, but we’ll tell the story of cachaça in our country and
offer a fundamental, scientific comparison between distilled spirits manufactured throughout the world and the
Brazilian cachaça. We won’t sing praise to the consumption of alcohol, but we’ll show the strength of a segment
that has generated many jobs, is of significant economic importance and should be seen and respected also
by the government and social elite that have historically turned their back on it.

Viver e aprender. Linguagens e culturas : linguagens e códigos : ensino médio : educação de jovens e adultos / Neide Aparecida de Almeida ... [et al.]. – 1. ed. -São
Paulo : Global , 2013. p. 311
01. De acordo com o texto, ao falar da cachaça brasileira, em um mundo cheio de hipocrisia, ainda existe por
parte de alguns um conceito
a) secular injusto
b) politcamente correto
c) verdadeiramente justo
d) socialmente adequado
e) religiosamente liberal

Questão 13)

Leia o anúncio abaixo.

O anúncio publicitário acima, produzido pela empresa NHS emprega a linguagem verbal e a linguagem não
verbal com recurso básico para transmissão da mensagem. Da análise de todos elementos que o compõem,
pode-se afirmar que a função principal do texto é
a) anunciar um produto.
b) apresentar uma nova marca de cigarro.
c) assustar.
d) conscientizar.
e) amedrontar.
Questão 14)

Marque o intem que completa as frases usando seus conhecimentos sobre 'Third Conditional'
If I had studied harder, I __________ my exams.
a) would pass
b) will pass
c) would have passed
d) would passed
e) passed

Questão 15)

Leia o texto
To live the longest and healthiest life possible, get smarter. Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) data
show that past a certain threshold, health and wealth are just weakly correlated. However, overall health is closely
tied to how many years people spend in school. Mexico, for instance, has a fifth the per capita gross domestic product
(GDP) of the United States, but, for women, more than 50 percent of the latter’s schooling.
In line with the trend, Mexico’s female adult mortality rate is only narrowly higher. Vietnam and Yemen have roughly
equivalent per capita GDP. Yet Vietnamese women average 6.3 more years in school and are half as likely to die
between the ages of 15 and 60. “Economic growth is also significantly associated with child mortality reductions, but
the magnitude of the association is much smaller than that of increased education,” comments Emmanuela Gakidou,
IHME’s director of education and training. “One year of schooling gives you about 10 percent lower mortality rates,
whereas with a 10 percent increase in GDP, your mortality rate would go down only by 1 to 2 percent.”
Discover, May 31, 2013. Adaptado.
De acordo como texto, “about 10 percent lower mortality rates” é resultado de
a) 10 percent increase in GDP”
b) “child mortality reductions”.
c) “economic growth”.
d) “equivalent per capita GDP”.
e) "one year of schooling”

Questão 16)

Leia o Texto
Juliet, a member of the Capulet family, meets Romeo of the Montague family - which has an ongoing feud with the
Capulets - at a masked ball held by Juliet’s family. Although Juliet is due to marry Paris, she falls instantly in love
with Romeo, and he with her. Later, in the famous ‘balcony scene’, they exchange vows of love, well knowing that
their families would be extremely hostile to their union.
www.open.edu - March 2016
Shakespeare provavelmente escreveu sua grande história de amor trágico, Romeu e Julieta, em torno de 1595, e
foi publicado pela primeira vez em 1597. A tragédia que envolve o romance é decorrente da rivalidade entre as
famílias. Essa rivalidade pode ser comprovada na expressão
a) “masked ball held”.
b) "exchange vows of love”.
c) “ongoing feud”.
d) “extremely hostile”.
e) "due to marry"

Questão 17)

Leia o texto:

Assinale a palavra que completa o trecho II de modo que tenha o mesmo conteúdo semântico do trecho I:
I. "According to their findings, a person' choice of hobby can be almost as revealing as his reaction to an
inkblot."( linha3 a 5)
II." Scientists have_____________that a person's choice of hobby can be almost as revealing as his reaction
to an inkblot."
a) find
b) founded
c) finding
d) founding
e) found
Questão 18)

Leia o texto:

Assinale a alternativa em que o verbo está no singular:

a) exists(linha 7)
b) pick (linha 13)
c) have (linha 1)
d) are (linha 8)
e) say ( linha8)

Questão 19)

Leia o texto:

Os vocábulos abaixo são COGNATOS entre as línguas inglesa e portuguesa, EXCETO

a) investigators
b) complements
c) several
d) parallel
e) personality

Questão 20)

Leia o texto:

De acordo com o texto, hobbies são:

a) adotados por várias pessoas.
b) apenas para revelar traços da personalidade.
c) está sendo amplamente investigado hoje.
d) é o hobby favorito do autor do texto.
e) não pode ser utilizado por pessoas inteigentes.
Questão 21)

Leia o texto:

O assunto principal do texto é:

a) hobbies e personalidade
b) os hobbies preferidos de psicologos
c) beneficios de se ter um hobby.
d) sugestões hobbies que custam pouco.
e) o exercício do livre arbítrio.

Questão 22)

Leia o texto:
It is easy to make a delicious-looking hamburger at home. But would this hamburger still look delicious after it
sat on your kitchen table under very bright lights for six or seven hours? If someone took a picture or made a
video of this hamburger after the seventh hour, would anyone want to eat it? More importantly, do you think you
could get millions of people to pay money for this hamburger? These are the questions that fast food companies
worry about when they produce commercials or print ads for their products. Video and photo shoots often last
many hours. The lights that the photographers use can be extremely hot. These conditions can cause the food
to look quite unappealing to potential consumers. Because of this, the menu items that you see in fast food
commercials are probably not actually edible. Let’s use the hamburger as an example. The first step towards
building the perfect commercial hamburger is the bun. The food stylist—a person employed by the company to
make sure the products look perfect—sorts through hundreds of buns until he or she finds one with no wrinkles.
Next, the stylist carefully rearranges the sesame seeds on the bun using glue and tweezers for maximum visual
appeal. The bun is then sprayed with a waterproofing solution so that it will not get soggy from contact with
other ingredients, the lights, or the humidity in the room. Next, the food stylist shapes a meat patty into a perfect
circle. Only the outside of the meat gets cooked—the inside is left raw so that the meat remains moist. The food
stylist then paints the outside of the meat patty with a mixture of oil, molasses, and brown food coloring. Grill
marks are either painted on or seared into the meat using hot metal skewers. Finally, the food stylist searches
through dozens of tomatoes and heads of lettuce to find the best-looking produce. One leaf of the crispest
lettuce and one center slice of the reddest tomato are selected and then sprayed with glycerin to keep them
looking fresh. So the next time you see a delectable hamburger in a fast food commercial, remember: you’re
actually looking at glue, paint, raw meat, and glycerin! Are you still hungry?
O tom predominante no texto é
a) humorístico.
b) impessoal e objetivo.
c) altamente crítico.
d) levemente desconfiado.
e) inquisidor.

Questão 23)

Leia o texto:

It is easy to make a delicious-looking

hamburger at home. But would this hamburger still
look delicious after it sat on your kitchen table
under very bright lights for six or seven hours? If
someone took a picture or made a video of this
hamburger after the seventh hour, would anyone
want to eat it? More importantly, do you think you
could get millions of people to pay money for this
These are the questions that fast food
companies worry about when they produce
commercials or print ads for their products. Video
and photo shoots often last many hours. The lights
that the photographers use can be extremely hot.
These conditions can cause the food to look quite
unappealing to potential consumers. Because of
this, the menu items that you see in fast food
commercials are probably not actually edible.
Let’s use the hamburger as an example. The
first step towards building the perfect commercial
hamburger is the bun. The food stylist—a person
employed by the company to make sure the
products look perfect—sorts through hundreds of
buns until he or she finds one with no wrinkles.
Next, the stylist carefully rearranges the sesame
seeds on the bun using glue and tweezers for
maximum visual appeal. The bun is then sprayed
with a waterproofing solution so that it will not get
soggy from contact with other ingredients, the
lights, or the humidity in the room.
Next, the food stylist shapes a meat patty
into a perfect circle. Only the outside of the meat
gets cooked—the inside is left raw so that the meat
remains moist. The food stylist then paints the
outside of the meat patty with a mixture of oil,
molasses, and brown food coloring. Grill marks are
either painted on or seared into the meat using hot
metal skewers.
Finally, the food stylist searches through
dozens of tomatoes and heads of lettuce to find the
best-looking produce. One leaf of the crispest
lettuce and one center slice of the reddest tomato
are selected and then sprayed with glycerin to keep
them looking fresh.
So the next time you see a delectable
hamburger in a fast food commercial, remember:
you’re actually looking at glue, paint, raw meat, and
glycerin! Are you still hungry?

bun – pão
sesame – gergelim
A palavra ‘delectable’ (linha 45) é sinônima de:
a) fake.
b) disgusting.
c) sweet.
d) delicious.
e) familiar.

Questão 24)

Leia o texto:
It is easy to make a delicious-looking
hamburger at home. But would this hamburger still
look delicious after it sat on your kitchen table
under very bright lights for six or seven hours? If
someone took a picture or made a video of this
hamburger after the seventh hour, would anyone
want to eat it? More importantly, do you think you
could get millions of people to pay money for this
These are the questions that fast food
companies worry about when they produce
commercials or print ads for their products. Video
and photo shoots often last many hours. The lights
that the photographers use can be extremely hot.
These conditions can cause the food to look quite
unappealing to potential consumers. Because of
this, the menu items that you see in fast food
commercials are probably not actually edible.
Let’s use the hamburger as an example. The
first step towards building the perfect commercial
hamburger is the bun. The food stylist—a person
employed by the company to make sure the
products look perfect—sorts through hundreds of
buns until he or she finds one with no wrinkles.
Next, the stylist carefully rearranges the sesame
seeds on the bun using glue and tweezers for
maximum visual appeal. The bun is then sprayed
with a waterproofing solution so that it will not get
soggy from contact with other ingredients, the
lights, or the humidity in the room.
Next, the food stylist shapes a meat patty
into a perfect circle. Only the outside of the meat
gets cooked—the inside is left raw so that the meat
remains moist. The food stylist then paints the
outside of the meat patty with a mixture of oil,
molasses, and brown food coloring. Grill marks are
either painted on or seared into the meat using hot
metal skewers.
Finally, the food stylist searches through
dozens of tomatoes and heads of lettuce to find the
best-looking produce. One leaf of the crispest
lettuce and one center slice of the reddest tomato
are selected and then sprayed with glycerin to keep
them looking fresh.
So the next time you see a delectable
hamburger in a fast food commercial, remember:
you’re actually looking at glue, paint, raw meat, and
glycerin! Are you still hungry?

bun – pão
sesame – gergelim
De acordo com o texto, a alface e o tomate utilizados no comercial devem:
a) ter aparência de vegetais frescos.
b) ter bom sabor.
c) ser de tamanho grande.
d) ter sido cultivados sem agrotóxicos.
e) ter sido plantados no mesmo tipo de solo.

Questão 25)

Leia o texto.

It is easy to make a delicious-looking

hamburger at home. But would this hamburger still
look delicious after it sat on your kitchen table
under very bright lights for six or seven hours? If
someone took a picture or made a video of this
hamburger after the seventh hour, would anyone
want to eat it? More importantly, do you think you
could get millions of people to pay money for this
These are the questions that fast food
companies worry about when they produce
commercials or print ads for their products. Video
and photo shoots often last many hours. The lights
that the photographers use can be extremely hot.
These conditions can cause the food to look quite
unappealing to potential consumers. Because of
this, the menu items that you see in fast food
commercials are probably not actually edible.
Let’s use the hamburger as an example. The
first step towards building the perfect commercial
hamburger is the bun. The food stylist—a person
employed by the company to make sure the
products look perfect—sorts through hundreds of
buns until he or she finds one with no wrinkles.
Next, the stylist carefully rearranges the sesame
seeds on the bun using glue and tweezers for
maximum visual appeal. The bun is then sprayed
with a waterproofing solution so that it will not get
soggy from contact with other ingredients, the
lights, or the humidity in the room.
Next, the food stylist shapes a meat patty
into a perfect circle. Only the outside of the meat
gets cooked—the inside is left raw so that the meat
remains moist. The food stylist then paints the
outside of the meat patty with a mixture of oil,
molasses, and brown food coloring. Grill marks are
either painted on or seared into the meat using hot
metal skewers.
Finally, the food stylist searches through
dozens of tomatoes and heads of lettuce to find the
best-looking produce. One leaf of the crispest
lettuce and one center slice of the reddest tomato
are selected and then sprayed with glycerin to keep
them looking fresh.
So the next time you see a delectable
hamburger in a fast food commercial, remember:
you’re actually looking at glue, paint, raw meat, and
glycerin! Are you still hungry?

bun – pão
sesame – gergelim
De acordo com o texto, o profissional que trabalha no comercial de hambúrgueres utiliza cola para:
a) certificar-se de que o hambúrguer continuará comestível após a produção do comercial.
b) manter as sementes de gergelim no pão organizadas de forma perfeita.
c) posicionar a alface sobre o tomate.
d) fixar todas as partes do hambúrguer
e) manter a carne fixa no pão.
01 C
02 E
03 C
04 B
05 C
06 B
07 E
08 B
09 B
10 D
11 C
12 A
13 D
14 C
15 E
16 C
17 E
18 A
19 C
20 A
21 A
22 B
23 D
24 A
25 B

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