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Herald (both N. / V.

) = anunciar (falar Abertamente, MAKE S’THG PUBLIC)

Advertise (V.)= anunciar (de fazer propaganda)
Ad (advertisement) (N.)= anúncio (de propaganda de algo).
Bullhorn /megaphone= megafone
Floading = enchente
Floodwater = nos locais águas “enchentados”
Curb = meio-fio (the Edge of the sidewalk/pavement)
Call / phone = ligar, chamar.
Call to = Chamar no sentido de Pedir a Atenção (recorrer à alguém)
Call out = Convocar
Call in = Ligar para órgãos/polícia/bombeiro, hospital etc
Call in Sick (or call off sick) = Ligar pro serviço pra dizer que tá doente e não vai
Call on = visit (visitar alguém).
Turn loose = soltar (liberar, mandar embora)
Paddock = pastagem, campo, área livre.
Ex: The doogs were making such a noise that I turned them loose in the
Well (n.) = Poço.
Refusal (n.) = negação/recusa. To refuse (v).
Work on s’thg = trabalhar EM algo! Let’s work On our Project!
Effort = esforço = Will you make that Effort?
Debris = detritos
Loan = empréstimos
Persuade (convince)= convencer/persuadir
(Un)able = (in)capaz
Remain = permanecer (time remaining = time left)
Concerns = preocupações/interesses
Hardest – hit áreas = regiões mais afetadas
Plight = aperto financeiro (pindaíba), into financial constraint, in dire Straits
(maus lençóis)
Gale = rajada
Relief = alívio
Relieve = aliviar (V=ease=aliviar (easy =adj)
Strike = greve / strike = bater
Subside = abaixar
Charge = cobrar
Take part in s’thg. = fazer parte de algo (participate OF s’thg.)
Ageing process = o processo/avanço da idade (de ficar velho)
So-called = o “famoso”, o tão chamado
Alleged = suposto
Ban = banir(proibir) , prohibit, forbide
Wonder drug = remédio milagroso
Stiff (duro) I got a stiff neck (to com o pescoço duro/torcicolo)
Stiffening = endurecimento
Painkiller = analgésico
Antipyretic = antitérmico
Barbiturates = calmantes
Antibiotic = antibiótico
Anti-inflamatory = anti inflamatório
Injured = machucado, contundido
Impassable = intransitável (não tem como passar).
Blast = explosão/bomba (can be figurative)
Blast from the Past ! = Estrondo/Estouro/ Surpresa do passado (algo
Surpreendente que Apareceu de repente)!
Blast , no sentido negativo: (caramba/droga) = Blast! I just spilled my coffee all
over the floor!
Holy moses/ Holy Cow/ Holy shit (no sentido de surpresa = Caramba!) HOLY
Around the clock = all the time = noite e dia, o tempo todo!
From dawn to dark = do amanhecer ao anoitecer (de madrugada até a noite)!

Use 1 Word to fit the 3 gaps (a,b,c). Put the word in the appropriate form:

1 – CALL
A) When My brother was down he callED on me.
B) I had a terrible headache, fever and Finally I callED off sick.
C) We, police officers are ready to help you, whenever you need, please call in.

A) It turnS out to me that the world is really coming to an end (chegando ao fim).
B) Don’t give him Pets as presents, as he doesn’t like them and turnS them loose.
C) I hated when he Turns to me and always says I’m stupid just because I don’t
do things the way he wants.
Turns out to me/ seems to me/ looks/sounds = Parece
Turns s’thg/s’one loose = realease = soltar
Turns to = adresses to = “vira”

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