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C( )

Altos, ________ de _______________________de 2020. TURNO: Tarde

Aluno (a):______________________________________________ Nº_________
6º ciclo de atividades remotas (período: 31/08 a 19/09) – Prof.ª: Isaura Araújo Disciplina: Inglês

 Copiar o assunto no caderno (não precisa xerocar a
parte do assunto);
 Responder (em folhas separadas ou xerocadas) as
questões do exercício;
 Entregar na escola (na data marcada) somente as
questões do exercício.

Futuro com going to

O going to é uma expressão utilizada no inglês para falar de planos e intenções futuras.

Ele é usado quando a pessoa já decidiu o que vai fazer. Ou seja, quando uma ação já está
planejada e irá acontecer num futuro próximo.

Confira abaixo as regras de formação do going to:

Afirmativa (Affirmative Form): sujeito + verbo to be + going to + infinitivo do verbo principal

sem “to”.
Exemplo: I am going to work. (Eu irei trabalhar)

Negativa (Negative Form): sujeito + verbo to be + not + going to + infinitivo do verbo principal
sem “to”.
Exemplo: I am not going to work. (Eu não irei trabalhar)

Interrogativa (Interrrogative Form): verbo to be + sujeito + going to + infinitivo do verbo

principal sem “to”
Exemplo: Am I going to work? (Eu irei trabalhar?)
C( )

Altos, ________ de _______________________de 2020. TURNO: Tarde

Aluno (a):______________________________________________ Nº_________
6º ciclo de atividades remotas (período: 31/08 a 19/09) – Prof.ª: Isaura Araújo Disciplina: Inglês

Exercício (Exercise)
1- Fill in the blanks using going to.
a) My father ________________________ (buy) a car.
b) Our classmates _____________________(enjoy) their afternoon watching movies.
c) I'm so sad! My best friend May___________________ (move) to another city.
d) My neighbours_____________________ (build) a new garage.
e) My friends and I _____________________(learn) Italian.

2- What are you going to do?

a) I travel to Los Angeles.
b) I do my homework.
c) I'm going to call to the police.
d) We're going not to do that.
e) We'll think about it last week.
3- Traduza as frases abaixo. Translate the sentences below.

a) I'm going to stay at home. I'm not going to travel.

b) Are you going to buy food?
c)He is going to help you tomorrow.
d) She isn't going to study Spanish.
e) Is it going to rain?

4- Use Going to no lugar de Will. Use Going to in place of Will.

a) I will send an email to Mary

b) You will play soccer tomorrow.
c) Will you dance with Anna?
d) I won't write a letter.
e) I will listen to music.
5- A frase “Jane is cooking black beans” no Futuro com going to é:

a) Jane will going to cook black beans. b) Jane is going to cook black beans.
c) Jane are going to cook black beans. d) Jane is cooking black beans.

6- Marque a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase “I _______________________ home for my vacation next
year” no futuro com going to
a) am going to go. b) are going to go. c) is going to go. d) am to go.

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