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Doing nothing is doing ill. Seeing is believing. Once bitten, twice shy. Better be safe than sorry.

To get out of bed on the wrong side. Rest on your laurels. A chip off the old block. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Scratch my back and Ill scratch yours. Gods mill grinds slow, but sure. The early bird gets the worm. Every man for himself. Make do with what you have. Theres more than one way to skin a cat. One cannot teach an old dog new tricks. One rotten apple spoils the barrel. To teach your grandmother to suck eggs. Out of sight, out of mind. What cant be cured, must be endured. One word to the wise is sufficient. All is not gold that glitters. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. If the adder could hear, and the blind worm could see, neither man nor beast would ever go free. Constant dripping wears away the stone. Care killed a cat. As the twig is bent, so grows the tree. Never look a gift horse in the mouth. As you sow, so you shall reap. To call a spade a spade. Birds of a feather flock together. A man is known by the company he keeps. Many hands make light work. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. A place for everything and everything in its place Make a mountain out of a molehill. Haste makes waste. When it rains, it pours. Easier said than done. Where there is life, there is hope. Choose the lesser of two evils. Better late than never. Every Jack must have his Jill. A heavy purse makes a light heart. If the cap fits, wear it. All roads lead to Rome. A stitch in time saves nine. Add fuel to the flames.

Mente vazia, oficina do diabo. Ver para crer. Gato escaldado tem medo de gua fria. melhor prevenir do que remediar. Acordar com o p esquerdo. Cria fama e deita-te na cama. Filho de peixe, peixinho . De boas intenes, o inferno est cheio. Uma mo lava a outra. Deus tarda, mas no falha. Deus ajuda a quem cedo madruga. Cada um por si. Quem no tem co, caa com gato. Papagaio velho no aprende a falar. Uma ovelha m pe o rebanho a perder. Ensinar o pai nosso ao vigrio. O que os olhos no veem o corao no sente. O que no tem remdio, remediado est. Ao bom entendedor, meia palavra basta. Nem tudo que reluz ouro. Longe dos olhos, perto do corao. Deus no d asa a cobra.

gua mole em pedra dura, tanto bate at que fura. De pensar morreu um burro. de pequenino que se torce o pepino. Cavalo dado no se olha o dente. Cada um colhe o que semeou. Dar nome aos bois. Diga-me com quem andas e te direi quem s. A unio faz a fora. Deve danar-se conforme a msica. Cada macaco no seu galho. Fazer tempestade em copo dgua. Pressa inimiga da perfeio. Desgraa pouca bobagem. Falar fcil, difcil fazer. Esperana a ltima que morre. Dos males, o menor. Antes tarde do que nunca. Cada um tem seu par. Rico ri toa. Se a carapua serviu, use-a. Todos os caminhos levam a Roma. Um homem prevenido vale por dois. Jogar lenha na fogueira.

Where theres a will theres a way. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. No pain, no gain. They that sow the wind, shall reap the whirlwind A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Cobblers children never wear shoes. To kill two birds with one stone. A friend in need is a friend indeed. His bark is worse than his bite. Its the last straw that breaks the camels back. The eye is bigger than the belly. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It is only at the tree loaded with fruit that people throw stones. The face is no index to the heart. Many men, many minds. To rain cats and dogs.

Querer poder. Quem no arrisca, no petisca. Quem planta vento, colhe tempestade. Mais vale um pssaro na mo que dois voando. Casa de ferreiro, espeto de pau. Matar dois coelhos com uma s cajadada. Na hora do perigo que se conhece o amigo. Co que ladra no morde. a ltima gota que faz transbordar o clice. Ter o olho maior que a barriga. Quem ama o feio, bonito lhe parece. Quem desdenha quer comprar. Quem v cara no v corao. Cada cabea uma sentena. Chover canivete.

To be rusty The icing on the cake. To pierce ones eyes. To kick dirt in ones eye. To take cuts. To jump the queue. (To be a) no-show. To stand someone up. To blow someone off. And whatnot. To act like sheep. To be a good sport. To club together. At crunch time. When it comes to the crunch. On the spot. On the dot. Dont count your chickens before they are hatched. To combine. Banger Beater Shit or get off the pot. Fuck or drown. Take it or leave it. Damned if you do, damned if you dont. To pants someone. Wedgie. To have a face-off. To fly the flag of the company. To wear the colors of the company.

Ficar enferrujado. A cereja do bolo. Furar o olho. Furar fila. Dar bolo.

Etc. Baixar a cabea, ser submisso. Aceitar sem reclamar, ser compreensivo. Fazer vaquinha. Na hora do vamos ver. Na hora. No conte vitria antes da hora. Conciliar. Lata velha. Ou d ou desce.

Se correr o bicho pega, se ficar o bicho come. Abaixar as calas de algum/Cueco. Trocar farpas. Vestir a camisa da empresa.

Sighs Brawl Strife Broil Havoc Dare or double dare. To talk somebody out of doing something. To talk somebody into doing something. To eavesdrop. Pacifier. Someones jaw dropped. To never hear the end of it. To carol. Hail Mary Fickle. To shriek. Whiny. Hideous. To clash. To hope against hope. To wait for the other shoe to drop. Flat iron. To give something the thumbs up. The world is ones oyster. To punch a clock. Tug at your heartstrings. Pull on your heartstrings. A Gordian knot. None of your business. None of your beeswax. To aim for the stars. To get someones feet wet. To raise hob with someone/something. To play hob with someone/something. To take a fancy to someone/something. To take a liking to someone/something. To take a shine to someone/something. To hurry up and wait. To make the fur fly. To make the feathers fly. To create and uproar. To faint dead away. Even steven(s). To go bananas. A fish story. To make headway.

Suspiros. Treta.

Passa ou repassa. Fazer a cabea de algum. Ouvir por acaso. Chupeta. Ficar de queixo cado. Levar sermo. Cantar canes natalinas. Ave Maria Inconstante. Guinchar. Choro. Hediondo. Discordar, chocar. Esperar por algo com poucas justificativas. Esperar pelo prximo episdio. Chapinha. Aprovar algo. O mundo seu, voc o comandante. Bater ponto. Causar fortes emoes. Um problema difcil. No da sua conta. Mirar em seus objetivos. Ter uma experincia, geralmente arriscada. Fazer algo de ruim a algum ou algo. Desenvolver afeto ou preferncia por algo ou algum. Fazer algo rapidamente e depois ter que esperar Causar intriga.

Desmaiar e ficar inconsciente. Ficar quite. Enlouquecer, ficar muito bravo. Histria de pescador. Progredir, s vezes no sentido ruim.

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