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label en_NOP1:
window hide None
scene black
with None
scene bg op_snowywoods
show snow
with Dissolve(2.0)
window show
play music music_serene fadein 2.0
"Uma leve brisa faz com que os galhos em cima de mim faam barulhos iguais a de si
nos de bamboo."
"Este um lugar muito popular para casais no vero. As folhas das rvores fazem um li
ndo cenrio verde, longe da vista de professores e estudantes."
"Mas agora, no fim do inverno,sinto como se estivesse embaixo de uma pilha de gr
"Eu assopro as minhas mos e esfrego elas juntas para evitar delas ficarem dorment
es devido ao frio."
hi "Quanto tempo esperam que eu fique aqui? Tenho certeza que o bilhete dizia 4:
00 PM."
"Ah sim o bilhetefoi colocado entre as pginas do meu livro de matemtica quando eu no
estava olhando."
"Quando se sobre clichs, eu prefiro o bilhete no armrio da escola, mas pelo menos
assim ela est mostrando um pouco de iniciativa."
"Enquanto penso no significado do bilhete, a neve comea a ficar mais forte."
"Os flocos de neve silenciosamente cando do cu branco so o nico sinal que o tempo es
t passando."
"Sua lenta descida na floresta congelada faz paracer que tudo a minha volta est e
m cmera lenta."
play sound sfx_rustling
"O barulho de passos na neve seca me assusta, interrompendo o clima queto. Algum
est se aproximando por trs."
mystery "Ol Hisao? Voc veio?"
"Uma pergunta que no consegui escutar."
"Porm, eu reconheo a dona daquela frgil voz no mesmo instante."
"Sinto meu corao batendo mais forte."
" uma voz que ouvi milhares de vezes, mas s bisbliotando outras conversas."
"Me viro para encarar a voz, a voz dos meus sonhos, meu corao comea a bater mais fo
window hide
$ ksgallery_unlock("evul other_iwanako")
scene ev other_iwanako_start
show snow
with GenericWhiteout(0.5,0.0,5.0)
window show
hi "Iwanako? Eu recebi um bilhete pedindo para esperar aqui seu?"
"Droga. Eu passei a tarde toda tentando inventar uma boa frase e esse foi o resu
"Iwanako" "Ahmm Sim. Eu pedi a um amigo para te dar este bilhete Estou to feliz que
"Um sorriso alegre e tmido me deixa to tenso que no consigo mover nenhum msculo mesm
o se eu tentasse."
stop music fadeout 10.0
window hide
scene bg op_snowywoods
show snow
with GenericWhiteout(0.5,0.0,2.0)
play sound sfx_heartslow
show heartattack alpha
with Dissolve (0.1)
hide heartattack alpha
with Dissolve (0.7)
with Pause(0.7)
play sound sfx_heartslow
show heartattack alpha
with Dissolve (0.1)
hide heartattack alpha
with Dissolve (0.7)
window show
"Meu corao est batendo como se estivesse tentando sair do meu peito e pegar esta ga
rota pra ele."
window hide
scene ev other_iwanako
show snow
with GenericWhiteout(0.5,0.0,3.0)
window show
hi "Ento hmm Aqui estamos ns. No frio"
"Novamente, o vento balana os galhos. O barulho msica para meus ouvidos."
"Iwanako treme gentilmente por causa da rajada de vento."
"Depois do vento passar, Ela se arruma, como se o vento tivesse renovado a sua c
"Seus olhos encaram os meus enquanto ela fica enrolando seu longo e escuro cabel
o em seu dedo."
"E enquanto isso, o batimento do meu corao acelera."
window hide
scene bg op_snowywoods
show snow
with GenericWhiteout(0.5,0.0,2.0)
window show
"Minha gargante est seca; eu duvido que conseguiria falar algo se tentasse."
"Iwanako" "Veja bem"
window hide
play sound sfx_heartslow
show heartattack alpha
with Dissolve (0.1)
hide heartattack alpha
with Dissolve (0.4)
window show
"Iwanako" "Eu gostaria de saber"
stop music fadeout 0.5
window hide
play sound sfx_heartslow
show heartattack alpha
with Dissolve (0.1)
hide heartattack alpha
with Dissolve (0.2)
with Pause(0.7)
play sound sfx_heartfast
show heartattack alpha
with Dissolve (0.1)
hide heartattack alpha
with Dissolve (0.2)
window show
"Iwanako" "se voc gostaria de sair comigo"
"Eu fico l, totalmente parado, tirando o meu corao, que continua batendo forte."
"Eu quero responder, mas minhas cordas vocais parecem que foram esticadas ao pon
to de rasgar."
play music music_tragic fadein 0.05
"Iwanako" " Hisao?"
"Eu movo meus braos para tentar massagear minha garganta, mas isso acaba mandando
grandes dores para os meus braos."
"Iwanako" "Hisao?!"
window hide
play sound sfx_heartfast
show heartattack alpha
with Dissolve (0.1)
hide heartattack alpha
with Dissolve (0.8)
window show
"Meu corpo congelou, tirando meus olhos , que mostram terror."
window hide
play sound sfx_heartfast
show heartattack alpha
with Dissolve (0.1)
hide heartattack alpha
with Dissolve (0.8)
with Pause(0.15)
play sound sfx_heartslow
show heartattack alpha
with Dissolve (0.1)
hide heartattack alpha
with Dissolve (0.8)
play sound sfx_heartfast
show heartattack alpha
with Dissolve (0.1)
hide heartattack alpha
with Dissolve (0.8)
with Pause(0.05)
play sound sfx_heartstop
show heartattack alpha
with Dissolve (0.1)
stop music fadeout 0.3
show heartattack residual
with Dissolve (0.8)
window show
"Iwanako" "HISAO!"
"O batimento do meu corao para de repente, e eu caio de joelhos."
window hide
show passoutOP1
with None
nvl show Dissolve(0.2)
n "\n\n\n\n\n\n\nO mundo ao meu redor - o cenrio dos galhos vazios, o cu tedioso d
o inverno, Iwanako correndo em minha direo - tudo isso desaparece, e fico em uma e
n "\nA ltima coisa que me lembro antes de desmaiar o som da Iwanako gritando por
ajuda e o barulho constante dos galhos"
nvl hide Dissolve(3.0)
nvl clear
with Pause (1.0)
scene black
with None
label en_NOP2:
window hide None
scene black
with None
centered "Fazem exatamente quarto meses des do meu ataque do corao." with dissolve
scene bg hosp_room
show sakura
show hospitalmask
with Dissolve (1.5)
$ renpy.music.set_volume(0.5, 0.0, channel="music")
play music music_rain fadein 4.0
nvl show dissolve
n "\n\nNesse tempo todo, eu posso contar as vezes que sai desse quarto de hospit
al sem surperviso."
n "Quarto meses e bastante tempo para pensar sobre tudo. Ento, tive bastante temp
o para pensar sobre minha situao."
n "Arrhythmia."
n "A strange word. A foreign, alien one. One that you don't want to be in the sa
me room with."
n "A rare condition. It causes the heart to act erratically and occasionally bea
t way too fast. It can be fatal."
n "Apparently, I've had it for a long time. They said it was a miracle that I wa
s able to go on so long without anything happening."
n "Is that really a miracle? I guess it was supposed to make me feel better, mor
e appreciative of my life."
n "It really didn't do anything to cheer me up."
nvl clear
n "\n\n\n\n\nMy parents, I think, were hit harder by the news than I was. They p
ractically had two hemorrhages apiece."
n "\nI had already had a full day by then to digest everything. To them, it was
all fresh. They were even willing to sell our house in order to pay for a cure."
n "\n\nOf course there isn't a cure."
nvl clear
n "\nBecause of the late discovery of this condition, I've had to stay at the hos
pital, to recuperate from the treatments."
n "When I was first admitted, it felt as if I was missed"
n "For about a week, my room in the ward was full of flowers, balloons and cards
n "But, the visitors soon dwindled and all the get-well gifts began trickling do
wn to nothing shortly after."
n "I realized that the only reason I had gotten so many cards and flowers was be
cause sending me their sympathy had been turned into a class project."
n "Maybe some people were genuinely concerned, but I doubt it. Even in the begin
ning, I barely had visitors. By the end of the first month, only my parents came
by on a regular basis."
n "Iwanako was the last to stop visiting."
n "After six weeks, I never saw her again. We never had that much to talk about
when she visited, anyway."
n "We didn't touch the subject that was between us on that snowy day ever again.
nvl clear
n "\nThe hospital?"
n "It's not really a place I'd like to live in."
n "The doctors and nurses feel so impersonal and faceless."
n "I guess it's because they are in a hurry and they have a million other patien
ts waiting for them, but it makes me feel uncomfortable."
n "For the first month or so, I asked the head cardiologist every time I saw him
for a rough estimate of when I'd be able to leave."
n "He never answered anything in a straightforward way, but told me to wait and
see if the treatment and surgeries worked."
n "\nSo, I idly observed the scar that those surgeries had left on my chest slow
ly change its appearance over time, thinking of it as some kind of an omen."
n "I still ask the head cardiologist about leaving, but my expectations are low
enough now that I'm not disappointed any more when I don't get a reply. The way
he shuffles around the answer shows that there is at least some hope."
nvl clear
n "\n\n\n\nAt some point I stopped watching TV. I don't know why, I just did."
n "Maybe it was the wrong kind of escapism for my situation."
n "\nI started reading instead. There was a small library at the hospital, althoug
h it was more like a storeroom for books. I began working my way through it, one
small stack at a time. After consuming them, I would go back for more."
n "I found that I liked reading and I think I even became a bit addicted. I star
ted feeling naked without a book in my hands."
n "\nBut I loved the stories."
nvl clear
n "\nThat was what my life was like."
n "\nThe days became increasingly harder to distinguish from each other, differi
ng only by the book I was reading and the weather outside. It felt like time blu
rred into some kind of gooey mass I was trapped inside, instead of moving within
n "A week could go by without me really noticing it."
n "Sometimes, I'd pause in realization that I didn't know what day of the week i
t was."
n "But other times, all the things that surrounded me would painfully crash into
my consciousness, through the barrier of nonchalance I had set up for myself."
n "The pages of my book would start to feel sharp and burning hot and the heavin
ess in my chest would become so hard to bear that I had to put the book aside an
d just lay down for a while, looking at the ceiling as if I was going to cry."
n "But that happened only rarely."
n "\nAnd I couldn't even cry."
$ renpy.music.set_volume(1.0, 1.0, channel="music")
nvl hide dissolve
nvl clear
window show
"Today, the doctor comes in and gives me a smile. He seems excited, but not very
. It's like he is trying to make an effort to be happy on my behalf."
"My parents are here. It's been a few days since I've last seen them. Both of th
em are even sort of dressed up. Is this supposed to be some kind of special occa
sion? It's not a party."
"There is this ritual the head cardiologist has. He takes his time, sorting his
papers, then setting them aside as if to make a point of the pointlessness of wh
at he just did."
"Then he casually sits down on the edge of the bed next to mine. He looks me in
the eyes for a moment."
"Doctor" "Hello, Hisao. How are you today?"
"I don't answer him but I smile a little, back at him."
"Doctor" "I believe that you can go home; your heart is stronger now, and with s
ome precautions, you should be fine."
"Doctor" "We have all your medication sorted out. I'll give your father the pres
"The doctor hands a sheet of paper to my dad, whose expression turns wooden as h
e reads it quickly."
"Dad" "So many"
"I take it from his hand and take a look myself, feeling numb. How am I supposed
to react to this?"
$ renpy.music.set_volume(0.5, 2.0, channel="music")
scene white
with Dissolve(2.0)
show wallodrugs:
xalign 0.0 subpixel True
easein 25.0 xalign 1.0
"The absurdly long list of medications staring back at me from the paper seems i
nsurmountable. They all blend together in a sea of letters."
"This is insane."
"Side effects, adverse effects, contraindications and dosages are listed line af
ter line with cold precision."
"I try to read them, but it's so futile."
"I can't understand any of it. Attempting to only makes me feel sicker."
"All this for the rest of my life, every day?"
$ renpy.music.set_volume(1.0, 1.0, channel="music")
scene bg hosp_room
show sakura
show hospitalmask
with fade
"Doctor" "I'm afraid that is the best we can do at this point."
"Doctor" "However, new medications are always being developed, so I wouldn't be
surprised to see that list fade over the years."
"Years What kind of confidence booster is that? I'd have felt better if he hadn't
said anything at all"
"Doctor" "Also, I've spoken with your parents and we believe that it would be be
st if you don't return to your old school."
"Dad" "Please, calm down, Hisao. Listen to what the doctor has to say"
"Calm down? The way he says it tells me he knew full well that I wouldn't like i
t. Am I going to be home schooled?"
"Whatever of my concern shows, it's ignored."
"Doctor" "We all understand that your education is paramount; however, I don't t
hink that it's wise for you to be without supervision."
"Doctor" "At least not until we're sure that your medication is suitable."
"Doctor" "So, I've spoken to your parents about a transfer."
"Doctor" "It's a school called Yamaku Academy that specializes in dealing with d
isabled students."
"Disabled? What? Am I"
"Doctor" "It has a 24-hour nursing staff and it's only a few minutes from a high
ly regarded general hospital. The majority of students live on the campus."
"Doctor" "Think of it as a boarding school of sorts. It's designed to give stude
nts a degree of independence, while keeping help nearby."
"Independence? It's a school for disabled kids. Don't try to disguise that fact.
"If it was really that free, there wouldn't be a 24-hour nursing staff, and you wo
uldn't make a hospital being nearby a selling point."
"Dad" "Of course, that's only if you want to go. But your mother and I aren't rea
lly able to home school you."
"Dad" "We went out there and had a look a couple of weeks back; I think you'd li
ke it."
"It looks like I really don't have a choice."
"Doctor" "Compared to other heart problems, people with your condition usually t
end to live long lives. You'll need a job one day and this is a good opportunity
to continue your education."
"This isn't an opportunity, don't call it an opportunity. Don't call it a goddam
ned opportunity."
"Doctor" "Well, you should be excited at the chance to go back to school. I reme
mber you wanted to return to school, and while it's not the same one"
"A special school. That's"
"An insult. That is what I want to say. It's a step down."
"Dad" "It's not what you think. All of the students there are pretty active, in
their own sort of way."
"Dad" "It's geared towards students that can still get around and learn, but jus
t need a little help in one way or another."
"Doctor" "Your father's right. And many of the graduates of the school have gone
on to do amazing things. A person doesn't have to be held back by their disabil
"Doctor" "One of my colleagues in another hospital is a graduate."
"I don't care. A person doesn't have to be held back by their disability? That's
what a disability is."
"I really hate that something so important was decided for me. But what can I do
about it? A normal life is out of the question now."
stop music fadeout 10.0
"It's funny, I had always thought my life was actually kind of boring, but now I
miss it."
"I want to protest. I want to blame this lack of reaction on shock, or fatigue.
I could easily yell out something now - something about how I can go back to sch
ool anyway. But, no."
"I don't say anything. The fact is that I know now it's futile."
"I look around the room, feeling very tired of all this. The hospital, doctors,
my condition, everything. I don't see anything that would make me feel any diffe
"There really isn't a choice. I know this, but the thought of going to a disable
d school what are those even like? As much as I try to put a positive spin on thi
s, it's very difficult."
"But let me try."
"A clean slate isn't a bad thing."
"That is all I can think of to get me through this. At least I still have someth
ing; even if it's a special school, it's something. It's a fresh start, and my lif
e isn't over. It would be a mistake to just resign myself to thinking that."
"At the very least, I'll try to see what my new life will look like."
window hide
label en_A1:
window hide None
scene bg school_gate
with Dissolve(3.0)
play music music_happiness
window show
"The gate looked far too pompous for what it was."
"In fact, gates in general seem to do that, but this one especially so."
"Red bricks, black wrought iron and gray plaster, assembled into a whole that di
dn't feel welcoming at all."
"I wondered if it looked like what a gate for a school should look like, but cou
ldn't really decide. Probably no."
"Of course I didn't want to get stuck on thinking about the gate for too long, s
o I entered through it with a brisk pace that felt surprisingly good."
"Moving forward feels good."
scene bg school_courtyard
with locationchange
"So I walk towards the main building of Yamaku Academy with this brisk pace. I'm
alone, as my parents are taking my stuff to the dorms, and there's supposed to
be someone waiting for me."
"The grounds are incredibly lush, filled with green."
"It doesn't feel like the kind of grounds a school would have, more like a park,
with a clean walkway going past trees and the smell of fresh-cut grass and all
other park-like things."
"Words like clean and hygienic pop into my mind. It makes me shudder."
"I shake them off. Stay open-minded now. It's your new life. You have to take it
as it comes."
"That's what I tell myself."
"A few big buildings loom behind the leafy canopies, too big and too many for ju
st a school."
"Everything seems off; it's different from what I thought I knew about schools."
"It's an uncanny valley. Even though I was told this is my new school, in the ba
ck of my head it doesn't feel like one."
"I wonder if the feeling is real or caused by my expectations of a school for th
e disabled."
"Speaking of that, I don't see anyone else here. It's kinda eerie."
"It makes me wish there was somebody here so I could anchor myself to something
tangible instead of having this feeling that I stepped into another dimension."
"The trees hum with the wind and the green hues flashing all around me catch my
"It makes me think about hospitals again, how they say that the operating rooms
are painted green because green is a calming color."
"So why am I feeling so anxious, despite all this greenery?"
"Only after I stand in front of the haughty main building, I surprise myself by
realizing why the gate bothered me:"
"It was the last chance I had to turn back, even if I had no life I could return
"But still, after entering, there was absolutely no way I could go back any more
"Feeling nervous and with this realization set in my head, I open the front door
scene bg school_lobby
with locationchange
"A tall man with bad posture notices me as I enter. We're the only people in the
lobby, so it's only logical."
show muto normal at center
with charaenter
mu_ "You must be Ni Na Niki?"
hi "Nakai."
show muto smile
with charachange
mu_ "So you are. Excellent. I'm your homeroom and science teacher. My name is Mu
mu "Welcome."
"We exchange a handshake that is neither firm nor sloppy, and he looks at his wa
show muto irritated
with charachange
mu "The head nurse asked you for a brief check-in visit, but there's no time for
that now."
hi "Oh. Should I go later?"
show muto normal
with charachange
mu "Yes, afternoon is probably fine. We should get going and introduce you to th
e rest of the class. They're waiting already."
"Waiting for me? I don't really like being the center of attention, but I guess
it's inevitable in a situation like this."
"Somehow, not knowing what is waiting for me makes me feel really nervous."
"Thinking of this, I almost miss what the teacher is saying."
label en_choiceA1:
mu "Do you want to introduce yourself to the class?"
with menueffect
return m1
"Yeah, of course.":
return m2
label en_A1a:
hi "Why? Do I have to?"
mu "Of course not. That's why I asked."
hi "Right."
mu "Let's go then."
label en_A1b:
hi "Yeah, sure. I mean, isn't that normal?"
mu "Of course. But not everyone likes to be at the center of attention."
"I'm probably one of those people, but I guess I should be the one to give the f
irst impression of myself."
hi "Right, but it's no problem."
mu "Let's go then."
label en_A1c:
scene bg school_staircase2
with locationchange
"My heart is pounding in my chest and it keeps me thinking about my condition as
I follow the teacher up the stairs."
scene bg school_hallway3
show muto normal at center
with locationchange
"The third door down the third floor corridor is marked as the classroom for cla
ss 3-3."
play sound sfx_dooropen
"Mutou opens the door and enters."
show muto normal at Alphaout(0.5), Slide(0.5,0.5,0.4,0.5,0.5,_ease_out_time_warp
with Pause (0.5)
hide muto
with None
mu "Good morning everyone, sorry I'm late again."
stop music fadeout 2.0
"I hesitate for a split second at the door, freezing on the spot."
label en_A2:
scene bg school_hallway3
with None
"Ah, get a grip! This is a big step, I know that But there isn't any point to wor
rying so much about it, at least not this soon."
scene ev hisao_class_start
with fade
play music music_normal fadein 0.5
"I follow the teacher into the classroom and look around, partially so I won't h
ave to meet the curious gazes of my new classmates."
"It's pretty spacious; the ceiling is unusually high and there's lots of space l
eft over around and inbetween the desks."
"An entire wall taken up by blackboards and the high, old fashioned windows only
make it seem larger."
"The students' desks are just standard wooden desks with a shelf underneath for
books and wooden chairs with metal frames. Simple and efficient."
"I stop walking in front of the classroom and face the other students. They all
look normal, like students in any other school. But then, why would they be here
scene ev hisao_class_move
with None
"They're probably like me and have something wrong with them, only it's just not
immediately obvious. Then, I notice that one of the girls seems to be missing t
he thumb of her right hand. It's a little jarring."
"Despite the natural tendency to listen when someone's talking about you, I tune
out the teacher's speech halfway through while he introduces me to the class."
"I notice a flash of dark hair and see that someone is looking at me. A girl wit
h really long, straight hair that is pretty eye-catching. As she sees me looking
back at her, she covers her face with her hands as if it will make her invisibl
"There is one boy with a cane leaning against the lockers at the rear of the cla
ss. It's weird seeing someone so young with a cane."
"Another girl seems to be making some weird hand motions. Sign language? She pee
rs at me over the rims of her glasses, then goes back to whatever she's doing."
"She's kind of cute. So is the cheery-looking girl with pink hair sitting next t
o her. She's really hard to miss; I don't know how I didn't notice her the momen
t I walked in"
mu "please welcome our newest classmate."
"He claps his hands and so does everyone else, except one girl in the first row
who has only one hand. I cringe a little, but hide it by bowing in thanks for th
is applause I did not deserve."
label en_A2a:
"After the applause, there is a brief silence that nobody seems to want to be re
sponsible for breaking."
"The teacher soon realizes that he should probably say something. He opens up wi
th some unintelligible noise, shuts up as he loses his momentum, and then starts
introducing me."
"Nobody seems to be too interested."
"Maybe I should've said yes to the self-introduction thing."
"Probably realizing he doesn't know anything about me, he just ends up saying my
name wrong again, and asks me to write it on the blackboard."
"I do that, and turn back to face the class, feeling awkward."
label en_A2b:
"A collective silence tells me that I should open my mouth now."
hi "So I'm Hisao Nakai."
"And after that?"
hi "My hobbies are reading and soccer. I hope to get along well with everyone ev
en though I'm a new student."
"And after that?"
"I'm being so boring. This is exactly like every self-introduction ever. I shoul
d say something more. Something more exciting."
"I end up saying nothing, and the teacher picks up from there."
"Everyone seems to be satisfied even with what little I said, though. A few girl
s are whispering to each other, throwing glances at me. It could've gone worse."
label en_A2c:
scene ev hisao_class_end
with None
"I listen to the teacher as he drones about getting along while letting my gaze
sweep across the classroom."
"Everyone seems to be listening to him intently and when he's done, they clap th
eir hands again which feels like a weird thing to do."
"The first row girl claps on this round, with her one hand against her other wri
st that ends in a bandaged stump."
"It makes me feel a little bad."
scene bg school_scienceroom at bgright
show muto normal at center
with fade
mu "We're going to be doing some group work today, so that'll give you a chance
to talk with everyone. Is that okay with you?"
hi "Yeah, it's fine with me."
show muto smile
with charachange
mu "That's good, you can work with Hakamichi. She is the class representative."
mu "She can explain anything you might want to know. And who else would be able
to do that better, right?"
hide muto
with charaexit
"How could I know?"
"The teacher passes out the day's assignments and announces that we will be work
ing in groups of three."
"It hits me that I don't know who Hakamichi is. Slow. The teacher seems to catch
my helpless expression."
mu "Oh, right. Hakamichi is right there, Shizune Hakamichi."
show misha perky_smile at center
with charaenter
"As he calls out her name, the cute, bubbly looking girl with bright pink hair a
nd gold eyes waves her hand at me. I take a seat next to her, by the window."
hi "Hey, I guess you're Hakamichi, right? It's nice to meet you."
stop music fadeout 1.0
show misha cross_laugh
with charachange
mi_shi "Hahaha~!"
"What? I'm caught off guard by her laughter."
show misha hips_grin
with charachange
mi_shi "It's nice to meet you, too!{w=0.5} But~!"
mi_not_shi "It's nice to meet you, too! But~!{fast}, I'm not Hakamichi, I'm Mish
a! This is Hakamichi. Shicchan~!"
play music music_shizune fadein 1.0
show misha hips_grin at twoleft
show bg school_scienceroom at center
with charamove
show shizu basic_normal at tworight
with charaenter
"Giggling, Misha points to the girl next to her, the one I saw using sign langua
ge before. It looks like she has been staring at me this whole time. She nods on
ce nonchalantly to show that she acknowledges my presence but only barely."
"She has short, yet carefully, neatly brushed hair, a pair of oval-shaped glasse
s balanced on the tip of a dainty nose, and dark blue eyes that seem to alternat
e every few seconds between analytical and slightly bored."
hi "It's nice to meet you."
show shizu behind_blank
with charachange
shi ""
show misha perky_smile
with charachange
show misha sign_smile
with charachange
show misha perky_smile
with charachange
"She immediately looks at Misha, who smiles and makes a few quick gestures with
her hands."
show shizu adjust_happy
with charachange
show shizu behind_smile
with charachange
"Hakamichi nods and makes a few gestures of her own."
"I start to wonder if the teacher was messing with me, saying things like you'll
be able to talk to people and who better to explain things to you."
show misha hips_smile
with charachange
mi "I can see you're a little confused, right?, right? But, I understand why you
would think I was Shicchan!"
mi "Shicchan is deaf, so I'm the person who translates things back and forth for
show misha hips_grin
with charachange
mi "I'm like an interpreter~! She says it's nice to meet you, too!"
show shizu basic_normal2
with charachange
shi ""
show misha perky_smile
with charachange
mi "You're the new student, aren't you? Well, Shicchan, of course he is! If he w
asn't, he would have been standing up there for no reason, right? Right~!"
label en_A2d:
mi "He seems like a very interesting person, doesn't he~!"
label en_A2e:
"Misha looks at me with a weird expression, then continues."
mi "We don't know much about him, but maybe we'll find out later."
"Maybe I should've introduced myself after all. Anything would've given a better
first impression than the teacher's drone and fumbling with my name."
label en_A2f:
mi "We knew there was going to be a new student, but we didn't know you would be
here today. So soon! Hicchan, right?"
show misha hips_grin
with charachange
mi "Yup~! It fits, doesn't it?"
"Did I say it out loud? It's just a surprise. I've never liked that nickname."
hi "I don't really see how."
show misha cross_grin
with charachange
mi "It fits~! You look just like I imagined!"
show shizu adjust_smug
with charachange
shi ""
show misha cross_laugh
show shizu adjust_happy
with charachange
mi "Hahahaha~! Yeah, you look just like a Hicchan!"
hi "I wonder why everyone seems to think so"
shi ""
"Hakamichi taps her fingers on the desk to get Misha's attention. They gesture b
ack and forth to each other excitedly, their hands a blur."
show shizu adjust_happy
with charachange
show misha sign_smile
with charachange
show shizu behind_smile
with charachange
show misha perky_confused
with charachange
"Misha seems a little overwhelmed."
show misha hips_grin
with charachange
mi "Ahaha~! Er, sorry about that!"
show misha hips_smile
with charachange
mi "Shicchan wants you to know that she's the class rep, so if there is anything
you need to know, you can feel free to ask her."
show shizu behind_blank
with charachange
shi ""
show misha sign_smile
with charachange
mi "Do you like the school so far? We can show you around a little if you haven'
t had the time to walk around and{w=0.5}{nw}"
show misha perky_smile:
"misha perky_confused" with Dissolve(0.5, alpha=True)
with None
extend " familiarize?{w=0.5}{nw}"
show misha perky_confused:
"misha perky_smile" with Dissolve(0.5, alpha=True)
with None
extend " yourself with it!"
"Misha stumbles with the hard word a bit, making it stick out in her otherwise f
luid translation."
hi "Thanks, that would be pretty helpful. Yeah, I just kind of came straight to
class today."
show shizu behind_frown
with charachange
shi ""
show misha hips_laugh
with charachange
mi "Hahaha~!"
show misha hips_smile
with charachange
mi "That's no good! You should always try to learn as much as you can about wher
e you're going before you go there. Not just with school, either~!"
show misha hips_grin
with charachange
mi "Always! Even if it's a trip to the convenience store! Really, Shicchan? Haha
show misha perky_smile
show shizu behind_smile
with charachange
"Learn about where you're going? I guess I didn't bother to do that, or just did
n't care enough to do so."
"I didn't look forward to this, even if I committed myself to go along with it h
alf-assedly, but anyway."
"I don't say anything, and Misha signs something that ends in a shrug. What was
that? It seems like it was about me."
"I feel like slumping over in my seat. Both of them are smiling, but that shrug
hit me unexpectedly deeply."
show misha perky_sad
with charachange
mi "You look down, are you okay?"
show shizu basic_normal
with charachange
shi ""
show misha perky_smile
with charachange
mi "Don't take it the wrong way, please~! I hate it when people are afraid to as
k questions! That's how people learn things, by asking~!"
mi "Asking for help is perfectly normal, as much as needing help! Stop looking l
ike you just failed a test!"
show misha cross_laugh
with charachange
mi "Wahahaha~!"
hi "All right."
show shizu adjust_happy
with charachange
shi ""
show misha perky_smile
with charachange
mi "Ah, and another thing, you don't have to call Shicchan something so formal l
ike Hakamichi or class rep all the time! Just call her Shicchan~!"
stop music fadeout 0.5
show shizu adjust_blush
with charachange
shi ""
show misha hips_smile
with charachange
mi "Ahaha~! Okay, maybe that's too casual. Maybe Shizune would be more appropriate
show shizu basic_normal2
with charachange
shi ""
show misha hips_grin
with charachange
play music music_shizune fadein 5.0
mi "Yup, yup~! Shizune is fine!"
hi "Heh. Okay, that would be a lot easier for me."
"I feel a lot more at ease. Both of them seem so friendly, so I feel like an idi
ot for being so apprehensive earlier. Especially about Shizune, who I assumed wo
uld be all business."
"Well, she still seems like that. Just less so, I guess."
show shizu behind_frown
with charachange
shi "!"
show misha perky_confused
with charachange
mi "Huh? Oh, right, we haven't even touched the assignment! We should start work
now, or Shicchan will get mad."
hi "The assignment is also kind of long, so we should start now if we want to fi
nish it before the end of class."
show misha hips_laugh
with charachange
mi "Wahaha~! That too!"
show shizu basic_frown
with charachange
shi ""
"Shizune glares at the two of us impatiently. I don't need to know sign language
to understand that."
hi "Okay, okay, I get the message."
show shizu basic_normal
with charachange
shi ""
show misha perky_smile
with charachange
mi "After class, we can take a walk around the grounds together. It's a nice day
today! Okay~?"
"The assignment is actually very challenging to get through, combining aspects o
f being both difficult and unnecessarily long."
stop music fadeout 6.0
scene bg school_scienceroom
with shorttimeskip
"Still, we finish it a few minutes earlier than anyone else in the class, despit
e our late start. Shizune and Misha are really capable."
"They're quite different, though. The class rep is as calm and professional as s
he looks, while Misha is a lot more playful and girlish. Not to mention a little
more easily distracted."
"To be honest, the two of them did most of the work. I feel guilty about that."
play sound sfx_normalbell
"The clock tower bells ring, signaling the end of the period. Time for lunch."
scene bg school_hallway3
with locationchange
"Without knowing what else to do, I follow Misha, who is beckoning me into the h
allway and down the stairs."
label en_A3:
scene bg school_staircase2
with locationchange
"We descend even below the lobby where I met Mutou, down to the bottom floor."
play ambient sfx_crowd_indoors fadein 6.0
scene bg school_cafeteria
with locationchange
"Just like everything in this school, the cafeteria seems too spacious and oddly
modern in contrast to the classic exterior."
"Its big windows open to the courtyard, towards the main gate."
show misha hips_grin
with charachange
play music music_ease
mi "It's the cafeteria~!"
"Her enthusiastic statement of the obvious makes people around us stare, but Mis
ha doesn't seem to care so we proceed to the line."
hide misha
with charaexit
"There is a rather long list of menu options, which seems great until I realize
that many of them are to accommodate students who need special diets."
"How nice. It almost feels like I'm back at the hospital, eating portions measur
ed with scientific precision to meet the needs of the patients."
"I pick something at random and follow Shizune to a table, sitting opposite of h
show misha hips_frown at twoleft
show shizu basic_normal at tworight
with charaenter
"As I nibble indifferently at the food I'd rather not eat, Misha pokes me in the
side to get my attention and points to Shizune."
show misha perky_smile
show shizu basic_frown
with charachange
shi ""
"I don't understand sign, so the point escapes me."
"Maybe looking at a person who talks to you is proper and polite?"
show misha hips_smile
show shizu behind_blank
with charachange
mi "Do you want to know something?"
hi "What?"
show misha hips_grin
with charachange
mi "About anything! We're your guides so you should ask if there is something~!"
label en_choiceA3:
hi "Hmm, I wonder"
with menueffect
"Ask about the library.":
return m1
"Ask about Shizune's deafness.":
return m2
"I think I got everything I need to know.":
return m3
label en_A3a:
hi "Oh, yeah. Is there a library in the school? Lately I've gotten into reading
a lot so I'd like to check it out."
"Misha gives the kind of frown that makes it clear she doesn't consider reading
a healthy hobby, but then picks up her smile again."
mi "There is~! It's in the second floor, we can show it to you sometime!"
hi "Thanks."
"I return to my food while the girls talk between themselves."
label en_A3b:
"Shizune intrigues me, and I kind of want to ask something about her."
"But I can't really ask about something that personal, can I?"
"I can't come up with anything else to ask so I just focus on my food while the
girls talk between themselves."
label en_A3c:
hi "I can't think of anything, really."
show misha sign_smile
with charachange
mi "Ooh! That means we've been good guides, doesn't it, doesn't it~?"
hi "Eeh if you say so."
show misha hips_grin
with charachange
show shizu behind_smile
with charachange
"Misha positively beams, and so does Shizune after a quick translation."
"I shake my head at their somewhat exaggerated enthusiasm, and shift my focus on
the food."
label en_A3d:
"Misha and Shizune sign back and forth very animatedly, throwing sideway glances
at me but Misha refrains from translating."
"Maybe they are talking about secret girl stuff or something."
stop music fadeout 3.0
$ renpy.music.set_volume(1.0, .5, channel="ambient")
stop ambient fadeout 3.0
"I quickly notice a conversation in sign is not enough to fill a silence."
scene bg school_scienceroom
with shorttimeskip
play music music_daily fadein 0.5
"We arrive in the classroom early, but we're not the first."
show hanako emb_downtimid at Transform(xanchor=0.8, xpos=1.0)
with charaenter
"That dark haired girl I noticed before is slumped over her desk at the last row
show hanako defarms_shock
with vpunch
show hanako defarms_shock at Transform(xanchor=0.6, xpos=1.0)
with charamove
"She jumps a little when Misha crashes into the room with the elegance of a rhin
"She shrinks deeper into her seat. I can feel her tension all the way from here,
as if she were slowly turning into stone just from our presence."
"Misha and Shizune either don't notice or don't mind it, as they walk directly p
ast her to their seats and begin to converse."
show hanako defarms_shock at offscreenright
with charamove
hide hanako
with None
"I'm left wondering about her, even when the classroom slowly fills with other s
tudents and finally, the teacher."
"Getting into the rhythm of school feels strange; it's as if my brain remembers
how this is done, but my body doesn't."
"Towards the end of the class I start yawning and counting the minutes left."
"I shouldn't be this tired on my first day of school."
"Maybe it's the long time spent in the hospital that made me like this. I'm even
feeling physically weak and lifeless."
scene bg school_scienceroom
with shorttimeskip
play sound sfx_normalbell
"Before long, the final bell rings."
"School is finally over for the day."
"Beside me, Misha and Shizune are having a short conversation. After a bit of de
liberation, Misha turns to me."
show shizu behind_blank at tworight
show misha perky_smile at twoleft
with charaenter
shi ""
mi "Unfortunately we can't stay and show you around today, Hicchan. We've got to
hurry already, since there is a lot of work for us to do."
show shizu basic_normal2
with charachange
shi ""
mi "You'll find your way around here, I'm sure of it."
hi "Ah, wait! The teacher said I'd have to see the nurse. Where do I have to go?
show shizu behind_smile
show misha hips_grin
with charachange
mi "Is that so? We can at least show you that much~!"
mi "Come on, the nurses have their own building, so we have to go outside."
hide shizu
hide misha
with charaexit
scene bg school_hallway3
with locationchange
"We join the flow of students making their way down the stairwell and outside, w
ith the girls pointing out other senior classrooms in the same hallway as ours."
scene bg school_courtyard
with locationskip
"When we get outside, the girls make their way to the smaller building right nex
t to the school."
"It's built in the same style, so it looks like it's actually a part of the main
show shizu behind_smile at tworight
show misha perky_smile at twoleft
with charaenter
shi ""
mi "This is the auxiliary building here. There's a lot of official and important
stuff inside, like the Yamaku Foundation office and all the nurses' offices. Th
ey even have a swimming pool!"
hi "How is that official?"
show shizu behind_frustrated
with charachange
shi ""
show misha hips_grin
with charachange
mi "Don't be silly, Hicchan! It's for physical therapy of course."
show misha sign_smile
with charachange
mi "Anyway, all the nursing staff facilities are in there too. The head nurse's
office is on the first floor."
show misha hips_smile
show shizu behind_smile
with charachange
mi "You'll be fine from here, right~? We'll be going, then! See you tomorrow!"
hi "Yeah, thanks. Bye."
stop music fadeout 5.0
hide shizu
hide misha
with charaexit
"A whole building for stuff that has nothing to do with the actual education?"
"I guess it's necessary for a place like this."
scene bg school_nursehall
with locationchange
"I walk in, hoping that this really will be only a quick visit like the teacher
"On a white door on the left is a green cross with the text Head Nurse and a namep
play sound sfx_doorknock2
"A voice from the inside responds to my knock almost immediately, but I can't qu
ite make it out."
"It sounded a bit like an invitation to open the door, so I invite myself furthe
r in."
play sound sfx_dooropen
scene bg school_nurseoffice
with locationchange
"The room is not large and it smells strange. A friendly-looking man turns aroun
d on his office chair to face me as I enter."
"His desk is neat and tidy, but the bin under the table is overflowing with used
medical utensils and there are at least a dozen coffee-cup rings lingering on t
he desk."
play music music_nurse fadein 0.5
show nurse neutral at center
with charaenter
nk_ "Hello there. What can I do for you today?"
"He is young-looking and sort of rugged, but the dimples in his cheeks wash that
impression away when he smiles."
hi "Erm, are you the nurse?"
show nurse grin
with charachange
"He smiles like a person who has heard this very same question hundreds of times
nk_ "Why yes, I am. It says so on the door, no?"
nk_ "You can call me by my name or just the nurse like everyone else."
"Of course. I shake off my confusion, realizing I probably should grab his exten
ded hand.{w} His handshake is rather firm and friendly."
hi "Right err, I'm a new student and my homeroom teacher told me to come and meet
you. My name is Hisao Nakai."
play sound sfx_snap
"His eyes light up with revelation and he snaps his fingers."
show nurse fabulous
with charachange
nk "Oh you're THAT Nakai. I was just reading your file in the morning."
nk "Some kind of chronic arrhythmia and related congenital heart muscle deficien
cy, right?"
"He gestures me to sit down in a vacant armchair in front of his desk."
hi "Eh, yes."
show nurse neutral
with charachange
nk "Good. Well, you've probably been briefed about the school enough, so I'll ju
st go over this quickly."
nk "We have all kinds of facilities available, mostly physical therapy and such.
nk "There's always someone from my staff around, even at night, so never hesitat
e to call us if there is a problem."
"The famous twenty-four-hour nursing staff."
hi "Wow, this is like a hospital."
nk "Well, not exactly. For instance, we don't do brain surgery here."
"His joke feels so out of place that I'm left thinking why he even said it."
hi "Yeah just that it's really weird to have so many medical people at a school."
nk "You'll get used to it."
"I'm not so sure of that myself but I don't let the nurse know it."
nk "Now, let me just find your file again"
"While he searches for something from his computer and shuffles stacks of papers
around, I let my gaze wander around the room."
"It's the epitome of generic, I'd like to say."
"Beige walls and ceiling, dark gray laminate flooring, and all the equipment you
'd expect from a school nurse's office."
"Even the ridiculous educational posters are hanging on all four walls, remindin
g me to eat properly - three times a day and from all the food groups."
show nurse grin
with charachange
"Smiling, the nurse draws a thick file from a stack of similarly thick files and
opens it."
nk "So, you already have medication for the arrhythmia, just remember to take yo
ur pills every morning and evening or it won't be much help."
show nurse fabulous
with charachange
nk "Apart from that do you do any sports? Rash stuff like I don't know, boxing?"
"He grins to his own joke but I don't."
hi "Eh, well. I played soccer occasionally with some classmates."
nk "All right, I'm afraid I'm going to have to recommend you refrain from doing
that. At least, for the time being."
hi "Oh."
"My lack of reaction makes him raise an eyebrow, but really, I'm not too bothere
d by him forbidding me to kick a ball around."
"I guess I never did it out of burning passion for the sport. Just to have somet
hing to do."
nk "Any kind of concussion might be very dangerous to your heart and risking ano
ther attack is not a good idea."
nk "Was the previous one caused by a sudden concussion to the chest area? There
is no mention of the cause in your papers."
hi "Err not exactly."
show nurse concern
with charachange
"I sidestep the question acceptably, and he glances at me over his papers, with
a more serious expression on his face."
nk "Still, you need to keep your body healthy so some exercise would do you good
nk "We have physical therapy and such available as I said, but I don't think you
really need such heavy measures."
nk "Just get some light exercise regularly."
nk "Brisk walks or even light jogging, jumping rope, that sort of thing. Swimmin
g, maybe? There's a pool here."
hi "So I was told."
show nurse neutral
with charachange
nk "You were? Very good."
nk "At any rate, and I'm sure you've been told this before, you just need to tak
e care not to overexert yourself."
"He wags his finger to emphasize the point. No need really, I've heard this a th
ousand times already."
show nurse concern
with charachange
nk "Absolutely no unnecessary risks. Take care of yourself."
hi "Okay."
"He goes over my papers one more time and sets them on the desk, obviously conte
show nurse neutral
with charachange
nk "Good. That's it, then. Come meet me if you ever need something."
scene bg school_nursehall
with locationchange
stop music fadeout 2.0
"I'm ushered out before I even realize it. A quick visit, indeed."
label en_A4:
scene bg school_courtyard
with locationchange
play music music_pearly fadein 4.0
"I end up standing in front of the main building and the auxiliary building, alt
hough to my eyes, they still look one and the same."
"It's the first real look I get at the other students, so I watch people coming
out of the school, going towards the gate or the dorms."
"Everyone seems to know where they are going."
"And I still keep thinking that most of them don't look too special for being st
udents at a special school. Then again, neither do I."
"Does that make me one of them?{w} One of us?"
"I should go somewhere too, to prevent me from getting lost."
"It's around dinnertime, but I feel tired instead of hungry."
"The weariness in me only grows as I trudge towards the dorms, set a little way
apart from the main building complex."
scene bg school_gardens
with locationchange
"There is a garden of sorts between the school and the dorms; shrubbery, flowers
and that overbearing smell of fresh cut grass that fills the atmosphere."
"It dawns on my tired mind that the smell feels novel because I haven't been out
side at all for so long."
scene bg school_dormext_start at bgleft
with locationchange
"The dorm building is big and made of red brick. Like the others, it feels way t
oo pompous for what it is, so I push forward, going inside."
scene bg school_dormhallground
with locationchange
"It takes more time than necessary to fish out the key I was given from my pocke
hi "Room one-one-nine"
"Despite the ornate exterior, the inside of the dorm is fairly new, functional,
and boring."
"Just like in the main building, the halls and doors are wide to accommodate whe
elchairs. The same goes for the elevators at the ends of the hallways."
"I poke my head around the corner of the common room door."
"Inside a few students are watching the television."
"One nods and gives a quick hello before turning back to the TV."
"Seems that only the girls around here are sociable. I suppose that's perfectly
fine with me."
"I climb the stairs to the upper floor."
scene bg school_dormhallway
with locationchange
"Here, small corridors branch off from the main hallway."
"Each of these minor halls seems to have a toilet and shower, as well as four ro
"About halfway down the hall, I spy room 119."
"The name plates on the rooms adjacent to mine are blank. I guess there are just
two of us here."
play sound sfx_doorknock2
stop music fadeout 3.0
"Light shines from below the door of room 117, so I knock lightly."
hi "Hello, is anyone home?"
"From inside, I hear a few movements, then the clicking of way more locks than I
thought these doors had. After a moment the door squeaks open."
show kenji tsun at Slide(0.4,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5)
with charaenter
play music music_kenji fadein 0.5
"A bespectacled boy is standing in the doorway. He is looking at me very intentl
y through his extremely thick eyeglasses."
ke_ "Who is it?"
"Blind? No, at least not completely, why would he have eyeglasses if he was?"
show kenji tsun_close at center
with characlose
"He leans closer to me until our noses are almost touching. His breath stinks of
hi "Hisao Nakai I'm moving into the next room. I thought I should introduce my"
show kenji happy
with charadistant
"His face suddenly brightens in realization, and he stands back upright, thrusti
ng his hand out in a smiling greeting, almost straight to my diaphragm."
ke_ "Oh, 'sup dude? The name's Kenji."
hi "Ah, hi."
"I take Kenji's sweaty hand and shake it, still a little rattled by the sudden c
hange of attitude and vehement welcome."
ke "There were some suspicious-looking people going in and out of your room earl
hi "It was probably my parents."
show kenji tsun
with charachange
ke "Your parents? You sure? 'Cause they could've been some other people, too. Yo
u can't judge a book by its cover."
"His out-of-place proverb is left hanging between us awkwardly as I try to think
of some way to respond."
hi "I'd say the chances are high enough."
"He shudders and makes some exaggerated hand gestures."
show kenji neutral
with charachange
ke "You're a brave man, Hisao."
show kenji tsun
with charachange
ke "Me, I don't think I could trust the chances."
ke "The only one I trust is myself."
hi "Does that mean I shouldn't get to know you, either?"
"He thinks about this for a while."
show kenji neutral
with charachange
ke "A wise decision."
show kenji happy
with charachange
ke "Damn, you are smarter than you look."
ke "Probably."
ke "What do you look like? I hope not smart."
show kenji neutral_close
with characlose
"He squints his eyes and leans closer again, but I lean backwards to dodge it."
show kenji tsun
with charadistant
ke "Never mind, it doesn't matter."
hide kenji
with charaexit
stop music fadeout 3.0
"With that, he turns, fumbles around for a moment in search of the door handle,{
play sound sfx_doorslam
extend " and shuts the door behind him."
"I slide the key into the lock of the door marked 119."
scene bg school_dormhisao_ss
with locationchange
play music music_night fadein 1.0
"Bleak beige walls, white linen, a desk made of some type of light wood. Ugly cu
"It's no one's room; impersonal, like my hospital room was."
"My bags are sitting at the foot of my bed, looking a lot emptier than they did
this morning."
"The closet is sitting open, stocked with my clothes."
"Also, it seems that there are a number of school uniforms hanging there as well
"A note is pinned to the sleeve of one of the shirts."
window hide
$ written_note("Hi Hicchan. We've unpacked your things and made your bed.\nThey
said that if these don't fit then you should go to the office tomorrow.\nIf you
have any problems, you can always call us.\n\nLove, Mom and Dad")
window show
"Well, at least I don't have to worry about unpacking."
"I kind of hoped I would have, then there would be something to do."
"It's still too early."
"I put the note down on the desktop and lie down on the bed, feeling drained."
"Lying there makes me want to read something, but I have nothing with me."
"I wonder if the hospital conditioned me for wanting to read whenever I have not
hing to do."
"The restless urge just keeps growing until I have to stand up."
"Maybe it's stress or something."
"I was pretty nervous about it before coming and for the entire day today too. I
still am, I think."
"Damn, I have to distract myself somehow, so I won't be this unnatural all the t
"Tomorrow, I'll go borrow some books from the library."
"Yeah, I'll do that."
"But for now"
show pills:
alpha 0.0 xalign 0.5 yanchor 0.5 ypos 0.7 subpixel True
easein 1.0 ypos 0.5 alpha 1.0
with Pause (1.0)
"The bottles of medications neatly arranged on my night table catch my eye."
"I pick up one and shake it just to hear the contents rattle inside, and then re
ad the glued-on pharmacy label."
window hide
show pills:
alpha 1.0 xalign 0.5 yanchor 0.5 ypos 0.5 subpixel True
easeout 1.0 ypos 0.7 alpha 0.0
with Pause (1.0)
hide pills
with None
$ written_note("Hisao Nakai\n\nTwo tablets daily to stay alive", quiet=True)
window show
"It doesn't really say that, but it could just as well."
"It's kinda twisted, having your life depend on chemicals like this. I resent it
a little, but what choice do I have?"
"With a sigh, I begin my new daily ritual of taking the right number of pills fr
om each bottle, being careful to check the correct dosages."
"I lie down again, feeling hollow and uncertain, and after that I keep staring a
t the blank, unfamiliar ceiling for a long time."
stop music fadeout 8.0
scene bg school_dormhisao_ni
with Dissolve(3.0)
"It doesn't start looking any more familiar, not even after darkness falls and l
ong shadows draw across my room like fingers."
"The sheets feel slightly more comfortable, warm and nest-like against the chill
that passes for room temperature here."
"Soon the lighter shade of darkness that is the ceiling looks like every ceiling
does at night, and it becomes the only thing I recognize any more."
"The night beckons me to sleep, and I feel the coldness of unfamiliarity and fea
r creeping up my spine once again."
"I keep drifting further away from the world I knew."
$ suppress_window_after_timeskip = True
scene black
with shuteye

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