Você está na página 1de 195


"WelcomeToSteamTitle" "BOAS-VINDAS AO STEAM"
"[english]WelcomeToSteamTitle" "WELCOME TO STEAM"
" Jogue os jogos mais recentes
Encontre os seus amigos
Encontre os melhores servidores
Receba atualizaes automticas
Converse com amigos, mesmo enquanto joga
Receba ofertas exclusivas do Steam"
"[english]WelcomeToSteamInfo" " Play the latest games
Find your Friends
Find the best servers
Get automatic updates
Chat with Friends, even when in-game
Receive Steam-only special offers
"Como uma medida de segurana adicional, e
scolha uma pergunta secreta e d uma resposta abaixo.
Isso ser usado se voc esquecer a sua senha."
"As an additional security measu
re, please select a secret
question and provide the answer below. This will be used
if you ever forget your password."
"Pergunta secreta"
"Secret question"
"Sua resposta"
"[english]SteamUI_YourAnswer" "Your Answer"
"Qual o nome de solteira da sua me?"
"What is your mother's maiden name?"
"Qual o nome do seu animal de estimao?"
"What is the name of your pet?"
"Quem o seu super-heri favorito?"
"Who was your childhood hero?"
"Qual a sua cidade natal?"
"What city were you born in?"
"Qual o nome da sua escola?"
"What is the name of your school?"
"Qual o seu time favorito?"
"What is your favorite team?"
"WelcomeToSteamCreateAccount" "Criar nova conta"
"[english]WelcomeToSteamCreateAccount" "Create new account"
"WelcomeToSteamLogin" "Iniciar sesso com uma conta existente"
"[english]WelcomeToSteamLogin" "Login to an existing account"
"Insira o seu endereo de e-mail. Caso esquea a sua
\nsenha, contataremos voc por esse endereo para\nverificar a sua identidade."
"Please enter your email address. If yo
u forget your\npassword, you will be contacted via this address to\nverify your
"Por favor, insira um nome de perfil. Os seus am
igos vero esse nome\nquando voc estiver online. Voc tambm pode inserir o seu nome\nr
eal para ajudar os seus amigos a encontrarem voc."
"Please enter a profile name. This is th
e name your Friends \nwill see when you're online. You can also enter your real
\nname to help your Friends find you."
"SteamUI_WelcomeNameOptional" "(opcional)"

"[english]SteamUI_WelcomeNameOptional" "(optional)"
"SteamUI_ConvertExistingInfo" "Convertendo instalaes de jogos existentes. Isso p
ode levar alguns minutos."
"[english]SteamUI_ConvertExistingInfo" "Converting existing game installation.
This may take several minutes."
"Pr-carregamento do Steam concludo."
"Steam pre-loading complete."
"SteamUI_ConversionCompleteInfoFailed" " "
"[english]SteamUI_ConversionCompleteInfoFailed" " "
"Pr-carregando arquivos de %s1 do disco."
"Pre-loading %s1 files from disk
"Pr-carregando arquivos de %s1 do disco..
"Pre-loading %s1 files from disk
"Pr-carregando arquivos de %s1 do disco..
"Pre-loading %s1 files from disk
"Endereo de e-mail"
"Email address"
"(deve ser uma conta vlida)"
"(must be a valid account)"
"Insira o seu endereo de e-mail novamente"
"Re-enter your email address"
"Veja a nossa"
"[english]WelcomeToSteamPrivacyInfo1" "See Valve's"
"Poltica de Privacidade"
"[english]WelcomeToSteamPrivacyInfo2" "Privacy Policy"
"para mais informaes."
"[english]WelcomeToSteamPrivacyInfo3" "for more information."
"[english]Underline2" "
"Por favor, insira uma senha. Certifique-se de q
ue seja algo difcil de adivinhar use pelo menos 8 caracteres."
"[english]WelcomeToSteamPasswordInfo" "Please provide a password. Be sure to c
hoose something
hard to guess - use at least 8 characters."
"WelcomeToSteamRetypePassword" "Redigite a senha"
"[english]WelcomeToSteamRetypePassword" "Retype password"
"WelcomeAccountCreateComplete" "Tudo pronto! Obrigado por usar o Steam. O progr
ama roda dentro
da rea de Notificao que costuma ficar no canto inferior direito da sua
tela. Para acessar o Steam, clique com o boto direito no seu cone."
"[english]WelcomeAccountCreateComplete" "You're all set! Thanks for using Steam.
The program
runs in the Notification Tray -- usually at the lower right
of your screen. To access Steam, right-click on its icon."
"Play games"

"SteamRootNews" "Notcias"
"Escolha um jogo e comece a jogar!"
"Choose a game and start playing!"
"Encontre amigos, conversem, joguem juntos"
"Find Friends, chat, play together"
"Navegue por jogos multijogador em andamento"
"Browse multiplayer games-in-progress"
"Veja a atividade da rede Steam"
"Watch Steam network activity"
"Altere as opes do Steam"
"Change Steam options"
"Acompanhe as ltimas notcias do Steam"
"Keep up with the latest Steam news"
"Navegue por jogos"
"Browse games"
"Encontre novos jogos para jogar"
"Find new games to play"
"O Steam roda na rea de Notificao. Para acessar ou sair do
Steam, clique com o boto direito sobre seu cone."
"Steam runs in the Notification Tray. To access
Steam or to quit, right-click on its icon."
"Por favor, entre com o seu nome e sobrenome, ex
atamente como eles aparecem no seu carto de crdito."
"Please enter your first and last names,
exactly as they appear on your credit card."
"Endereo de e-mail"
"[english]Steam_EmailAddress" "Email address"
"(para confirmao de compra e recibo)"
"(for purchase confirmation and
"First name"
"Last name"
"Por favor, digite o nmero do carto e a validade c
omo aparecem no seu carto de crdito."
"Please enter the card number and expira
tion date as they appear on your credit card."
"Steam_CreditCardType" "Bandeira do carto"
"[english]Steam_CreditCardType" "Credit card type"
"Nmero do carto de crdito %cardtype%"
"%cardtype% credit card number"
"Validade do carto"
"[english]Steam_CreditCardExpiration" "Card expiration"
"Por favor, digite o seu endereo como ele aparece
na fatura do seu carto de crdito."
"[english]Steam_SubscribeBillingInfo" "Please enter your address as it appears
on your credit card billing statement."

"[english]Steam_City" "City"
"Steam_StateOrProvince" "Estado, UF ou provncia"
"State or Province"
"Steam_Country" "Pas"
"Cdigo postal (CEP)"
"Postal (or Zip) code"
"Eu vivo atualmente no pas selecionado acima"
"I currently live in the country selecte
d above"
"Por favor, revise o seu pedido. Se houver erros
abaixo, clique em \"Voltar\" para arrum-los. Caso contrrio, clique em \"Comprar\"
para concluir a transao."
"Please review your order. If there are
any errors below, click 'Back' to fix them. Otherwise, click 'Purchase' to compl
ete your transaction."
"Imposto estimado"
"Estimated tax"
"Processando sua assinatura. Isso deve d
emorar menos de um minuto."
"Processing your subscription.
This should take less than a minute."
"Steam_SubscribeCompleteInfo" "Obrigado! A sua compra de %s1 foi concluda. \n\n
Basta dar um duplo clique no jogo a partir da sua biblioteca para inici-lo (ou cl
ique com o boto direito no nome do jogo e selecione \"Jogar\" no menu)."
"[english]Steam_SubscribeCompleteInfo" "Thank you! Your purchase of %s1 is comp
lete. \n\nIn your Games Library, you can now double click the game to play (or r
ight-click on the game's title and select 'Play' in the menu.)"
"Obrigado! Sua pr-compra de %s1 est completa. \n\n
Voc poder jog-lo no minuto que ele for lanado oficialmente!"
"[english]Steam_PreorderCompleteInfo" "Thank you! Your pre-order for %s1 is co
mplete. \n\nYou'll be able to play the game the minute it's officially released!
"Sua compra no foi efetuada. Os dados do \ncarto d
e crdito que voc inseriu foram rejeitados.\n\nUm e-mail foi enviado a voc com mais
informaes \nmais detalhadas. Se quiser inserir dados de um \ncarto de crdito diferen
te, tente comprar novamente."
"Your purchase has not been completed. T
he credit \ncard information you provided has been rejected.\n\nAn email has bee
n sent to you with more detailed \ninformation. If you would like to provide dif
ferent \ncredit card information, try your purchase again."
"Sua senha no pode ser definida.\nA sua resposta
pergunta secreta estava errada ou a conta informada no existe."
"Your password was not successfully set.
\nYou either answered the secret question wrong, or the specified account does n
ot exist."
"Steam_ErrorPasswordTooShort" "A sua nova senha deve ter pelo menos 8 caracter
"[english]Steam_ErrorPasswordTooShort" "Your new password must be at least 8 ch
aracters long."
"Steam_ErrorPasswordsDontMatch" "As senhas inseridas no conferem.\nPor favor, ins
ira a mesma senha em cada campo."
"The passwords you entered do no
t match.\nPlease enter the same password in each field."
"Jogo atualmente indisponvel.\nPor favor, tente n

ovamente mais tarde."

"This game is currently unavailable.\nPl
ease try again at another time."
"Steam_ErrorUsernameTooShort" "Voc deve digitar um nome de com pelo menos 3 car
"[english]Steam_ErrorUsernameTooShort" "You must enter a name at least 3 charac
ters long."
"Steam_ErrorPasswordTooShort2" "A sua senha deve ter pelo menos 8 caracteres."
"[english]Steam_ErrorPasswordTooShort2" "Your password must be at least 8 charac
ters long."
"A resposta pergunta secreta deve\nter pelo meno
s 3 caracteres."
"The answer to the secret question\nmust
be at least 3 characters long."
"O seu nome de usurio deve ter pelo menos 3 carac
"Your account name must be at least 3 ch
aracters long."
"Steam_UserNameInvalid" "O seu nome de usurio contm caracteres invlidos.\nSomente l
etras, nmeros e _ so permitidos."
"Your account name contains invalid char
acters.\nOnly letters, numbers and _ are allowed."
"Steam_UserNameInvalidSpaces" "O seu nome de usurio no pode conter espaos."
"[english]Steam_UserNameInvalidSpaces" "Your account name may not contain any s
"Steam_UserNameTooLong" "O seu nome de usurio deve ter menos de 64 caracteres."
"Your account name must be less than 64
characters long."
"Sua nova senha deve ter menos de 64 caracteres.
"[english]Steam_ErrorPasswordTooLong" "Your new password must be less than 64
characters long."
"Steam_ErrorPasswordTooLong2" "Sua senha deve ter menos de 64 caracteres."
"[english]Steam_ErrorPasswordTooLong2" "Your password must be less than 64 char
acters long."
"Por favor, insira uma nova senha.\nEla deve con
ter pelo menos 8 caracteres."
"Please enter a new password.\nIt must b
e at least 8 characters in length."
"Nova senha"
"New password"
"Confirmar senha"
"Confirm password"
"Steam_ForgottenPassword_Title" "Recuperar conta Steam"
"Retrieve Account Info - Steam"
"Antes de podermos mudar sua sen
ha, ns precisamos verificar sua identidade. Por favor, digite o seu nome de usurio
"Before we can change yo
ur password, we first need to verify your identity. Please enter your account na
"Quando voc criou sua conta Steam
, pedimos a voc\numa resposta sua pergunta 'secreta', que s voc\nsaberia. Por favor
, insira sua resposta abaixo:"
"When you created your S
team account, we asked\nyou for an answer to a 'secret' question, which only\nyo
u would know. Please enter your answer below:"
"Sua senha no foi alterada.\nOu voc inseri
u o cdigo de validao incorretamente\nou a sua nova senha invlida.\n\nPor favor, cliq
ue em \"Voltar\" e tente novamente. \n"

"Your password was not changed.\
nEither you entered the validation code incorrectly,\nor your new password is in
valid.\n\nPlease hit 'Back' and try again. \n"
"A sua senha foi alterada.\n\nPor favor,
clique em \"Concluir\" abaixo para voltar tela de\nincio de sesso."
"Your password has been changed.
\n\nPlease click 'finish' below to return to the login screen."
"Iniciar sesso no Steam"
"Steam Login"
"Steam_Login_CreateNewAccount" "Criar uma nova conta..."
"[english]Steam_Login_CreateNewAccount" "Create a new account..."
"Steam_Login_RetrievePassword" "No consigo iniciar a sesso..."
"[english]Steam_Login_RetrievePassword" "I can't sign in..."
"Steam_Login_NoAccount" "No possui uma conta Steam?"
"Don't have a Steam account?"
"Precisa de ajuda?"
"[english]Steam_Login_ForgotPassword" "Need help with sign in?"
"SteamUI_CreateAccount_Title" "Criar uma conta Steam"
"[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_Title" "Create a Steam Account"
"Nome do perfil"
"Profile name"
"First name"
"Last name"
"SteamUI_CreateAccount_Error" "Steam Erro ao criar conta"
"[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_Error" "Steam - Create account error"
"Por favor, escolha onde voc quer que o S
team armazene os seus jogos.\n recomendado ter pelo menos 1GB de espao livre na\n
unidade que selecionar."
"Please choose where you want St
eam to store your games.\nIt is recommended to have at least 1GB of disk space f
ree\non the drive that you select."
"Endereo de e-mail de contato"
"[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_ContactEmail" "Contact email address"
"Confirmar endereo de e-mail"
"Confirm email address"
"SteamUI_CreateAccount_ValidationCode" "Cdigo de validao"
"[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_ValidationCode" "Validation code"
"Por favor, copie e cole este cdigo no ca
mpo abaixo."
"[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_CopyAndPaste" "Please copy and paste this code
into the field below."
"Dentro de alguns minutos, voc receber um
e-mail\nde resposta do Steam contendo um cdigo de validao."
"Within a few minutes, you will
receive a response\nemail from Steam, containing a validation code."
"SteamUI_CreateAccount_SentTo" "Um e-mail de confirmao foi enviado para:"
"[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_SentTo" "A confirmation email has been sent to:"
"SteamUI_CreateAccount_EnterCodeAgain" "Clique em 'Voltar' para inserir o cdigo
novamente\nou fornea um endereo de e-mail diferente."
"[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_EnterCodeAgain" "Click 'Back' to enter the code
again, or to provide\na different email address."
"Este cdigo no coincide com aquele em noss
os\nregistros. Por favor, verifique a mensagem de e-mail\nnovamente e certifique
-se que voc digitou\no cdigo corretamente. Enviamos este\ncdigo em um e-mail intitu
lado \"Conta Steam -\nPor favor, verifique seu endereo de e-mail\".\nO cdigo compo
sto por 8 caracteres."
"[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_DoesNotMatch" "This code does not match the on
e in our records.\nPlease check the email message again and make\nsure that you

have type the code correctly.\nWe sent you this code in an email titled\n\"Steam
account - Please verify your email address\".\nThe code is 8 characters long."
"SteamUI_SteamProgress_Title" "Steam Processando"
"[english]SteamUI_SteamProgress_Title" "Steam - Working"
"Criando conta..."
"Creating account..."
"SteamUI_InstallServiceTitle" "Instalando o Servio Steam"
"[english]SteamUI_InstallServiceTitle" "Installing Steam Service"
"Para executar o Steam corretamente nesta verso d
o Windows, o componente do servio Steam deve ser\ninstalado. O processo de instal
ao do servio requer privilgios de administrador."
"[english]SteamUI_InstallServiceText" "In order to run Steam properly on this
version of Windows, the Steam service component must be installed.\nThe service
installation process requires administrator privileges."
"Instalar Servio"
"Install Service"
"SteamUI_InstallServiceCancel" "Cancelar"
"[english]SteamUI_InstallServiceCancel" "Cancel"
"SteamUI_GamesDialog_MyGames" "MEUS JOGOS"
"[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_MyGames" "MY GAMES"
"SteamUI_GamesDialog_MyMedia" "MDIA"
"[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_MyMedia" "MEDIA"
"[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_AvailableGames" "AVAILABLE GAMES"
"[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_LaunchGames" "Play Game... "
"SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_LaunchMediaApp" "Iniciar mdia"
"Play Media..."
"SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_CreateDesktopShortcut" "Criar atalho na rea de t
"[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_CreateDesktopShortcut" "Create Desktop
"Properties "
"Instalar jogo"
"[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_InstallGame" "Install Game..."
"SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_PurchaseGame" "Comprar jogo"
"[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_PurchaseGame" "Purchase Game..."
"SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_ViewStorePage" "Pgina na loja"
"[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_ViewStorePage" "View Store Page"
"SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_ViewForumPage" "Frum"
"[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_ViewForumPage" "View Forum"
"Contedo adicional"
"View Downloadable Conte
"View Guide"
"Voc no tem uma assinatura deste jogo.\nQu
er ir para a pgina de assinaturas agora?"
"[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_NoSubscription" "You are not subscribed to this
game.\nDo you want to go to the subscriptions page now?"
"SteamUI_JoinDialog_ErrorTitle" "Steam Erro"
"Steam - Error"
"SteamUI_JoinDialog_PlayGame_Btn$apptype=game" "Jogar"

"[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_PlayGame_Btn$apptype=game" "Play game"

"SteamUI_JoinDialog_PlayGame_Btn$apptype=tool" "Iniciar"
"[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_PlayGame_Btn$apptype=tool" "Launch tool"
"SteamUI_JoinDialog_PlayGame_Btn$apptype=media" "Reproduzir"
"SteamUI_JoinDialog_Cancel_Btn" "Cancelar"
"Iniciar jogo assim que
estiver pronto"
"Launch game as
soon as it's ready"
"Iniciar ferramenta assi
m que estiver pronta"
"Launch tool as
soon as it's ready"
"Iniciar mdia assim que e
stiver pronta"
"Play media as s
oon as it's ready"
"Pronto para iniciar em aprox.:"
"[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_ReadyToPlayTime" "Ready to launch in approximatel
"Hospedagem de contedo fornecida por:"
"Content hosting provided by:"
"Pronto para iniciar"
"Ready to launch"
"Steam Erro"
"Steam - Error"
"Falha ao contatar o servidor de
"Failed to contact key s
"SteamUI_JoinDialog_DataRequest_Text" "Concluindo a instalao... %progress%%%"
"[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_DataRequest_Text" "Completing installation ... %pr
"Steam Erro"
"[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_DataRequestFailed_Title" "Steam - Error"
"Os servidores Steam esto muito o
cupados para processar o seu pedido de %game%. Cdigo de erro (%error%)"
"The Steam servers are t
oo busy to handle your request for %game%. Error Code (%error%)"
"Steam Aviso"
"Steam - Warning"
"No foi possvel sincronizar os seu
s arquivos de %game% com a Nuvem Steam"
"Steam was unable to syn
c your files for %game% with the Steam Cloud"
"Se voc iniciou este aplicativo e
m outro computador, as configuraes e/ou progresso no aplicativo podem no estar em s
incronia com o que est armazenado na Nuvem. Se iniciar agora, voc pode perder essa
s alteraes ou progressos."
"If you have launched th
is application from another computer, your application settings and/or progress
may not be in sync with what is stored in the Cloud. If you launch the applicati
on now, you may lose those changes or progress."
"Steam Conflito de sincronizao com a Nuvem"
"Steam - Cloud Sync Conflict"
"Os seus arquivos locais de %game% esto em confli
to com aqueles armazenados na Nuvem Steam."
"Your local %game% files conflict with t

he ones stored in the Steam Cloud."

"Na Nuvem"
"Cloud Files"
"Steam_CloudConflict_CloudFiles_Time" "ltima modificao: %remotetime%"
"[english]Steam_CloudConflict_CloudFiles_Time" "Last modified: %remotetime%"
"Local Files"
"Steam_CloudConflict_LocalFiles_Time" "ltima modificao: %localtime%"
"[english]Steam_CloudConflict_LocalFiles_Time" "Last Modified: %localtime%"
"Baixar para esta mquina"
"Download to this machine"
"Enviar para a Nuvem Steam"
"Upload to the Steam Cloud"
"Cancelar - no copiar nada agora"
"[english]Steam_CloudConflict_Cancel" "Cancel - don't copy anything now"
"AVISO: Voc ter que escolher uma das outras duas o
pes acima para iniciar o aplicativo."
"NOTE: You'll have to choose one of the
other two options above in order to launch the application."
"SteamUI_NotifyTrayHintDialog_DontShow" "No exibir esta janela novamente"
"Don't show this dialog
"[english]SteamUI_NotifyTrayHintDialog_Close" "Close"
"SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_LaunchOptions" "Opes de inicializao"
"[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_LaunchOptions" "Launch options"
"SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_AcquiredLabel" "Quantidade adquirida:"
"[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_AcquiredLabel" "Amount acquired:"
"Hospedagem de contedo fornecida
"Content hosting provide
d by:"
"Atualizando, %s1"
"Updating, %s1"
"Pronto para iniciar"
"Ready to play"
"SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_CacheAcquired" "%cache_usage%%%"
"[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_CacheAcquired" "%cache_usage%%%"
"SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_DiskUsageLabel" "Uso de disco:"
"[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_DiskUsageLabel" "Disk usage:"
"SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_DeveloperLabel" "Desenvolvedor:"
"[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_DeveloperLabel" "Developer:"
"Informaes sobre a verso do
"Game version in
"Steam Assinar"
"Steam - Subscribe"
"SteamUI_SubscribeProgress_Cancel_Btn" "Cancelar"
"[english]SteamUI_SubscribeProgress_Cancel_Btn" "Cancel"
"SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccount_Title" "Steam Criar conta"
"[english]SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccount_Title" "Steam - Create Account"
"SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccount_Failure_Title" "Steam Falha ao criar conta"
"[english]SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccount_Failure_Title" "Steam - Create Account

"SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccount_Failed" "Falha ao criar conta.\nClique em Voltar
para tentar novamente ou Cancelar para sair."
"Create account failed.\
nHit Back to try again or Cancel to quit."
"Nome de usurio"
"Account Name"
"Por favor, informe um nome de u
surio e senha.\nCertifique-se de que a sua senha seja algo difcil\nde adivinhar e
tenha pelo menos 8 caracteres."
"Please provide an accou
nt name and password.\nBe sure to make your password something hard\nto guess, a
nd use at least 8 characters."
"SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccountRetypePassword" "Redigite a senha"
"[english]SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccountRetypePassword" "Retype password"
"Falha ao requisitar o e
-mail de verificao."
"Failed to reque
st verification email."
"SteamUI_SubscribeWizard_Title" "Assinar"
"SteamUI_Subscriptions_Title" "Conta"
"[english]SteamUI_Subscriptions_Title" "Account"
"SteamUI_Subscriptions_Subscribe_Btn" "Assinar"
"[english]SteamUI_Subscriptions_Subscribe_Btn" "Subscribe"
"SteamUI_Subscriptions_Unsubscribe_Btn" "Cancelar assinatura"
"SteamUI_Subscriptions_MySubscribe_Hdr" "MINHAS ASSINATURAS"
"SteamUI_Subscriptions_SubscriptionTo" "Steam Assinatura de %s1"
"[english]SteamUI_Subscriptions_SubscriptionTo" "Steam - Subscription to %s1"
"Voc assinou %s1 com sucesso."
"You have been successfully subs
cribed to %s1."
"SteamUI_Subscriptions_UnsubscribeFrom" "Steam Cancelando assinatura de %s1"
"Steam - Unsubscribing f
rom %s1"
"Voc cancelou a assinatura de %s1
com sucesso."
"You have been successfu
lly unsubscribed from %s1."
"Steam Erro"
"Steam - Error"
"SteamUI_WelcomeToSteam_Title" "Steam"
"[english]SteamUI_WelcomeToSteam_Title" "Steam"
"SteamUI_AccountDialog_Subscriptions" "Assinaturas"
"[english]SteamUI_AccountDialog_Subscriptions" "Subscriptions"
"SteamUI_AccountDialog_AccountDetails" "Conta"
"[english]SteamUI_AccountDialog_AccountDetails" "Account"
"Finalizar sesso"
"Steam_LogoutDialogMsg" "A sua sesso no Steam ser finalizada. Voc precisar reinserir
\no seu nome de usurio e senha para usar o Steam novamente.\n\nDeseja continuar?"

"This will log you out of Steam. You wil
l need to re-enter\nyour account name and password to use Steam again.\n\nDo you
wish to continue?"
"Finalizar sesso"
"[english]Steam_LogoutDialogOKButton" "Logout"
"Nome de usurio:"
"Account Name:"
"Finalizar sesso..."
"[english]Steam_AccountDialog_Logout" "Logout..."
"Steam Erro"
"Steam - Error"
"Steam_RunGame_AnotherGameIsBeingRan" "No foi possvel executar o jogo. Voc tem ou
tra inicializao\nem andamento, aguarde at que seja concluda."
"[english]Steam_RunGame_AnotherGameIsBeingRan" "Cannot run game. You currently
have another game launch in progress,\nplease wait until that is complete."
"Steam Comprar %subscription%"
"Steam - purchase %subscription%
"O seu cdigo de produto vlido lhe d direito
\na uma assinatura dos seguintes jogos."
"Your valid product code entitle
s you to a\nsubscription to the following games."
"Uma instalao existente de %s1 foi \nencon
trada no seu computador. Seu cdigo de produto lhe d o direito a uma \nassinatura d
os seguintes jogos."
"[english]Steam_ScanCDKey_RetailProductFound" "An existing installation of %s1
has been \nfound on your computer. Your product code entitles you to a \nsubscr
iption to the following games."
"Steam_ScanCDKey_SpaceRequired" "Espao em disco necessrio:"
"Disk space required:"
"Espao em disco disponvel:"
"Disk space available:"
"Steam_ScanCDKey_SelectGames" "Selecione os jogos para adicionar sua bibliotec
"[english]Steam_ScanCDKey_SelectGames" "Select which games to add to your libra
"Desmarque os jogos que voc no deseja conv
"Uncheck any games you don't wan
t converted."
"Mapas personalizados foram detectados na sua pa
sta do \nCounter-Strike. Os mapas selecionados sero copiados\npara a sua nova ins
talao do Counter-Strike no Steam."
"Custom maps have been detected in your
Counter-Strike \nfolder. Selected maps will be copied into your new \nSteam inst
allation of Counter-Strike."
"MODs personalizadas foram detectadas na sua pas
ta do\nHalf-Life. As MODs selecionadas sero copiadas para \na sua nova instalao do
Half-Life no Steam."
"Custom game MODs have been detected in
your Half-Life \nfolder. Selected MODs will be copied into your new \nSteam inst
allation of Half-Life."
"Steam_ConvertCleanUpOptions" "O Steam est convertendo os arquivos existentes d
a \nsua pasta Half-Life para as pastas de cache do Steam. Para \neconomizar espao
em disco, voc pode excluir os arquivos antigos do computador. \n\nAviso: Os seus
jogos salvos e decalques personalizados \n(se houver) sero preservados."
"[english]Steam_ConvertCleanUpOptions" "Steam is converting game files from you
r existing \nHalf-Life folder to the Steam cache folders. To save disk \nspace,
you can delete the old files from your computer. \n\nNote: your saved games and
custom decals (if any) \nwill be preserved."

"Steam_ConvertDeleteOldFiles" "Limpar arquivos antigos (recomendado)"

"[english]Steam_ConvertDeleteOldFiles" "Clean up old files (recommended)"
"Steam_ConvertLeaveFilesIntact" "Deixar arquivos antigos intactos (mais espao em
disco necessrio)"
"Leave old files intact (more di
sk space required)"
"Steam_Working_Title" "Steam Processando"
"[english]Steam_Working_Title" "Steam - working"
"Steam_Working_ConvertingCDKeyToSteam" "Comunicando-se com o Steam..."
"[english]Steam_Working_ConvertingCDKeyToSteam" "Communicating with Steam..."
"Sua instalao do Half-Life foi convertida
com \nsucesso para ser executado pelo Steam."
"Your Half-Life installation has
been successfully \nconverted to run under Steam."
"Os seus jogos selecionados esto agora di
sponveis na biblioteca\ndo Steam."
"Your selected games are now acc
essible in the Steam \n'library."
"Por favor, selecione uma forma de pagamento."
"Please select a payment method."
"Steam_PaymentMethod" "Forma de pagamento"
"[english]Steam_PaymentMethod" "Payment method"
"Carto de crdito"
"Credit card"
"Steam_PayWithPayPal" "PayPal"
"[english]Steam_PayWithPayPal" "PayPal"
"Steam_IAlreadyOwnThisProduct" "Eu j possuo este produto"
"[english]Steam_IAlreadyOwnThisProduct" "I already own this product"
"Steam_Working_InitTxn" "Inicializando compra..."
"Initializing purchase..."
"Steam_Working_GetFinalPrice" "Obtendo preo final..."
"[english]Steam_Working_GetFinalPrice" "Getting final price..."
"Steam Erro"
"Steam - Error"
"Steam_PurchaseFailedMessage" "No foi possvel concluir a compra devido a um erro
durante o processamento\n de sua transao. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde."
"[english]Steam_PurchaseFailedMessage" "Purchase could not be completed due to
an error while processing\n your transaction. Please try again later."
"Por favor, digite o cdigo de segurana de seu carto de crdit
"Please enter your credit card's security number
"Steam_CardSecurityInstruction" "Esse cdigo est localizado na parte de trs do carto,
na rea da assinatura. So os trs ltimos dgitos (aps o nmero da conta)."
"This number is located on the b
ack of the card in the signature area. It's the last three digits (after the acc
ount number)."
"Steam_Working_ContactingSvr" "Contatando servidor..."
"[english]Steam_Working_ContactingSvr" "Contacting server..."
"Transaes de %provider% so autorizadas atravs do sit
e de %provider%. Clique no boto abaixo para abrir o seu navegador de web e inicia
r a transao."
"[english]Steam_PayPalIntroToBrowser" "%provider% transactions are authorized
through the %provider% web site. Click the button below to open your web browser
and initiate the transaction."
"Steam_PayPalOpenBrowserButton" "Iniciar compra com %provider%"

"Begin %provider% purchase"
"Steam_PayPalWaiting" "O seu navegador web foi redirecionado para o website do
%provider%. Por favor, inicie a sesso ou crie uma conta l para revisar os detalhe
s da sua compra e autorizar a transao."
"[english]Steam_PayPalWaiting" "Your web browser has been directed to the %prov
ider% web site. Please login or create an account there to review your purchase
details and authorize the transaction."
"PayPal no aceito na Alemanha atualmente.
Por favor, escolha outra forma de pagamento."
"PayPal is not currently accepte
d in Germany. Please choose another payment method."
"Compra - %subscription%"
"[english]Steam_CancelPurchase_Title" "Purchase - %subscription%"
"Sua compra no foi concluda. Se cancelar agora, no
ter acesso a %subscription% e no ser cobrado.\n\nTem certeza de que deseja cancelar
sua compra?"
"Your purchase has not been completed. I
f you cancel now, you will not have access to %subscription% and you will not be
charged.\n\nAre you sure you wish to cancel your purchase?"
"Steam_CancelPurchase_ContinueButton" "Continuar compra"
"[english]Steam_CancelPurchase_ContinueButton" "Resume purchase"
"Cancelar compra"
"Cancel purchase"
"Em cartes American Express, esse nmero lo
calizado na frente do carto, em cima do nmero primrio do carto. composto por quatro
"[english]Steam_CardSecurityInstruction_Amex" "On American Express cards, this
number is located on the front of the card, above the primary card number. It's
four digits long."
"Cdigo de segurana"
"Security Number"
"Monitor Steam"
"[english]Steam_MonitorTitle" "Steam Monitor"
"[english]Steam_Game" "Game"
"Steam_Status" "Status"
"[english]Steam_Status" "Status"
"Modo offline"
"Offline Mode"
"Sem conexo"
"No Connection"
"Downloading "
"1 item na fila "
"[english]Steam_Status_OneItemPaused" "1 Item Queued "
"Steam_Status_OneItemComplete" "1 item concludo "
"[english]Steam_Status_OneItemComplete" "1 Item Complete "
"Steam_Status_ItemsDownloading" "Baixando %numdown% itens "
"%numdown% Items Downloading "
"%numpause% itens na fila "
"%numpause% Items Queued "
"%numcompl%/%numtotal% itens concludos "
"[english]Steam_Status_ItemsComplete" "%numcompl% of %numtotal% Items Complete
"Exibir mais recente(s)"
"Show most recent"
"Steam_Time_5Minutes" "5 minutos"
"[english]Steam_Time_5Minutes" "5 minutes"
"1 hora"
"1 hour"

"1 dia"
"1 day"
"Steam_PauseAllUpdates" "Pausar todas as atualizaes"
"Pause all updates"
"Limitar o uso da rede para"
"Limit network usage to"
"Uso de rede pelo Steam: %s1"
"Steam network usage: %s1"
"Steam_NoGamesUpdating" "O Steam no est atualizando nenhum jogo no momento."
"Steam is not currently updating any gam
"Steam_SteamErrorTitle" "Steam Erro"
"Steam - Error"
"Steam_UpdatingTitle" "Steam"
"[english]Steam_UpdatingTitle" "Steam"
"Atualizando arquivos de plataforma do S
"Updating Steam platform files..
"Verificando se h atualizaes..."
"Checking for updates..."
"Steam_LaunchingSteam" "Conectando-se ao Steam: %AccountName%..."
"[english]Steam_LaunchingSteam" "Connecting Steam account: %AccountName%..."
"Saindo ..."
"[english]Steam_ExitingSteam" "Exiting ..."
"SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_RequiresUpdate" "Requer atualizao"
"[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_RequiresUpdate" "Requires update"
"No foi lanado"
"Not Released"
"Pode necessitar de atua
"May require upd
"Steam_ErrorCacheMissing_Title" "Steam Aviso"
"Steam - Warning"
"O Steam detectou que o arquivo de cache para es
te jogo\nfoi excludo do seu disco.\n\nO Steam agora precisa obter todos os arquiv
os necessrios novamente atravs\ndo servidor de contedo. Por favor, tente novamente
em alguns segundos.\n"
"Steam has detected that the cache file
for this game \nhas been deleted from your hard drive. \n\nSteam must now re-acq
uire all necessary game data from \nthe content server. Please try again in a fe
w seconds.\n"
"Steam_ErrorDataInvalid_Title" "Steam"
"[english]Steam_ErrorDataInvalid_Title" "Steam"
"Steam_PurchaseUserInfoInvalid" "Todos os campos devem ser preenchidos para cont
"All fields must be filled out t
o continue."
" necessrio um endereo de e-mail vlido."
"A valid email address is requir
"Steam_CreditCardInfoInvalid" "O nmero de carto de crdito que voc digitou invlido.
"[english]Steam_CreditCardInfoInvalid" "The credit card number you have entered
is invalid."
"O carto de crdito que voc digitou expirou."
"The credit card you have entered has ex

"Steam_CreditCardCVV2Invalid" "Cdigo de segurana do carto de crdito deve ter 3 dgit

"[english]Steam_CreditCardCVV2Invalid" "Credit card security number must be 3 n
umbers long."
"Todos os campos de endereo devem ser pre
"All the address fields need to
be filled out."
"Por favor, digite um nmero de telefone vl
ido de 10 dgitos."
"Please enter a valid 10-digit p
hone number."
"Steam_PurchasePhoneInfoEmpty" "O campo de nmero de telefone precisa ser preench
ido para continuar."
"[english]Steam_PurchasePhoneInfoEmpty" "The phone number field needs to be fill
ed out to continue."
"Para concluir esta compra, voc p
recisa viver no pas especificado no seu endereo de cobrana."
"In order to complete th
is purchase, you must live in the same country as your billing address."
"Steam Processando"
"Steam - working"
"Iniciar o Steam ao ligar o computador"
"Run Steam when my computer star
"Steam_ErrorNotEnoughDiskSpace_Title" "Steam Erro"
"[english]Steam_ErrorNotEnoughDiskSpace_Title" "Steam - Error"
"Steam_ErrorNotEnoughDiskSpace" "Voc no tem espao em disco suficiente para iniciar
este jogo.\nPor favor, libere espao em disco e tente novamente."
"You do not have enough disk spa
ce available to run this game.\nPlease free up some disk space and then try agai
"Steam_DeleteCacheConfirmation_Title" "Excluir os arquivos do jogo?"
"[english]Steam_DeleteCacheConfirmation_Title" "Delete Game Files?"
"Isso excluir todo o contedo de %s1\ndeste
computador.\n\nO jogo permanecer na sua biblioteca, mas\npara jog-lo no futuro vo
c precisar\nbaix-lo novamente."
"[english]Steam_DeleteCacheConfirmation_Text" "This will delete all %s1 game c
ontent\nfrom this computer.\n\nThe game will remain in your Games Library, but\n
to play it in the future you'll have to first\nre-download its content."
"Isso excluir todo o contedo do jo
go %s1\ndeste computador."
"This will delete all %s
1 game content\nfrom this computer."
"Steam_CantDeleteCache_Title" "Steam No possvel excluir %s1"
"[english]Steam_CantDeleteCache_Title" "Steam - Cannot delete %s1"
"No foi possvel excluir %s1, j que os seus dados so
usados pelos seguintes jogos: %s2"
"[english]Steam_CantDeleteCache_Info" "Cannot delete %s1, since its data is us
ed by the following games: %s2"
"No foi possvel excluir %s1, j que est em ex
ecuo no momento. Por favor, feche %s1 antes de tentar exclu-lo."
"[english]Steam_CantDeleteAppItsRunning_Info" "Cannot delete %s1, since it's c
urrently running. Please close %s1 before attempting to delete it."
"Steam_DiskUsageNone" "Uso de disco: nenhum"
"[english]Steam_DiskUsageNone" "Disk usage: none"

"Steam_Games_Purchase" "Comprar"
"[english]Steam_Games_Purchase" "Purchase"
"Steam_Games_PreOrder" "Pr-comprar"
"[english]Steam_Games_PreOrder" "Pre-order"
"Steam_Games_MoreInfo" "Mais informaes"
"[english]Steam_Games_MoreInfo" "More Info"
"Iniciar pr-carregamento"
"Start pre-loading"
"Status do pr-carregamento"
"Pre-loading status"
"Status do pr-carregamento"
"[english]Steam_Games_DonePreLoading" "Pre-loading status"
"Steam Instalar aplicativo"
"[english]Steam_ReAddToMyGames_Title" "Steam - Install Application"
"%s1 ir usar %s2 MB em disco.\nSteam comear a baixa
r o contedo ou\nconverter uma instalao existente do jogo."
"%s1 will use %s2 MB on disk.\nSteam wil
l now download the content or\nconvert an existing installation of the game."
"Steam Sem espao em disco suficie
"Steam - Not enough disk
"Voc no tem espao suficiente em dis
co para instalar os jogos selecionados.\nPor favor, libere espao em disco ou cliq
ue em \"Voltar\" e desmarque alguns itens."
"You do not have enough
disk space to install the selected games.\nPlease free up some disk space, or pr
ess 'Back' and de-select some items."
"Steam_ConversionNotEnoughDiskSpaceForConversion_Info" "No h espao em disco sufici
ente para converter os jogos selecionados para o Steam.\nPor favor, libere %s1 M
b de espao em disco e tente novamente."
"[english]Steam_ConversionNotEnoughDiskSpaceForConversion_Info" "There is not en
ough disk space available to convert the selected games to Steam.\nPlease free u
p %s1 Mb of disk space and try again."
"Preferncias da barra de tarefas"
"Set Taskbar Preferences"
"Steam_ShowOnlineStatusOptions" "Selecione as opes de status para exibir"
"Select online options to displa
"Steam_ShowDestinationOptions" "Selecione destinos para exibir"
"[english]Steam_ShowDestinationOptions" "Select destinations to display"
"Steam_MustRestartToTakeEffect" "Essa opo no surtir efeito at que\nvoc reinicie o Ste
"This setting will not take effe
ct until\nyou have restarted Steam."
"Steam_LanguageSelect" "Selecione o idioma desejado para usar o Steam (o Steam
ser reiniciado)"
"[english]Steam_LanguageSelect" "Select the language you wish Steam to use (requ
ires Steam to restart)"
"Steam_SelectSkinToUse" "Selecione o visual desejado para o Steam (o Steam ser re
"Select the skin you wish Steam to use (
requires Steam to restart)"
"Steam Criar atalho"
"[english]Steam_CreateShortcut_Title" "Steam - Create Shortcut"
"Um atalho foi criado e posicionado na sua rea de

"A shortcut has been created and placed
on your desktop."
"No foi possvel criar atalho.\nProvavelmen
te j h um atalho para este jogo na rea de trabalho."
"Could not create shortcut.\nA s
hortcut to this game is probably already on the desktop."
"Cdigo de produto"
"Product Code"
"Steam Cdigo de produto invlido"
"Steam - Invalid product code"
"O cdigo de produto inserido no vlido. \n\nPor favo
r, verifique se voc o digitou corretamente. Pode haver confuso entre I, L e 1, ass
im como V e Y, e 0 e O. \nVisite\nhttp://www.steampowered.com para obter ajuda."
"The product code you've entered is not
valid. \n\nPlease double check to see if you've mistyped your key. I, L, and 1 c
an look alike, as can V and Y, and 0 and O. \nSee http://www.steampowered.com fo
r help."
"Steam Por favor, insira a senha
"Steam - Please enter pa
"Sua senha do Steam necessria para contin
"Your Steam password is required
to continue."
"Steam_InvalidPassword_Title" "Steam Erro"
"[english]Steam_InvalidPassword_Title" "Steam - Error"
"A senha que voc digitou invlida."
"[english]Steam_InvalidPassword_Info" "The password you have entered is invali
"Steam_MonitorScanning" "Escaneando..."
"Steam Erro"
"[english]Steam_NoCacheDetails_Title" "Steam - Error"
"O cache no est atualmente em um estado onde o sta
tus possa ser recuperado\n.\nPor favor, ative a atualizao automtica de contedo e ten
te novamente."
"The cache is not currently in a state w
here status can be retrieved
.\nPlease enable automatic content updates and try again."
"Steam_AllAppsMustBeClosedToQuit_Title" "Steam Erro"
"Steam - Error"
"Steam_AllAppsMustBeClosedToQuit_Info" "H aplicativos do Steam rodando no moment
o.\nPara sair do Steam, voc primeiro deve fech-los."
"[english]Steam_AllAppsMustBeClosedToQuit_Info" "One or more Steam applications
are currently running.\nTo exit Steam, you must first shut down all Steam applic
"Por favor, feche %game% antes de sair d
o Steam."
"Please close %game% before exit
ing Steam."
"Steam_ExitLogoutSteam" "Sair e finalizar sesso"
"Exit and logout"
"Steam_ChangePassword" "Alterar senha..."
"[english]Steam_ChangePassword" "Change password..."
"Steam Assistente de alterao de senha"
"Steam - Change Password Wizard"

"Steam Erro"
"Steam - Error"
"Steam_ChangePasswordOrSecret" "Que item deseja alterar?"
"[english]Steam_ChangePasswordOrSecret" "Which item would you like to change?"
"Insira a sua senha atual"
"Enter your old password"
"Insira a senha nova"
"Enter a new password"
"Insira a sua senha nova novamen
"Enter your new password
"As duas senhas inseridas no conf
erem. Por favor, insira a senha desejada novamente."
"[english]Steam_ChangePasswordMismatchedNewPasswords" "Sorry, your two passwor
d entries don't match. Please re-enter your desired password."
"A senha atual a igual senha nova inseri
da.\nPor favor, insira novamente a senha desejada."
"[english]Steam_ChangePasswordPasswordNotNew" "The current password is the sam
e as the new password you have entered.\nPlease re-enter desired password."
"Falha ao alterar a senha.\nPor favor, verifique
se voc inseriu a senha atual corretamente."
"[english]Steam_ChangePasswordFailed" "Failed to change password.\nPlease chec
k that you have entered your original password correctly."
"Falha ao alterar pergunta secreta.\nPor
favor, verifique se voc inseriu a senha atual corretamente."
"Failed to change secret questio
n.\nPlease check that you have entered your original password correctly."
"Steam_IWantToChangePassword" "Desejo alterar a minha senha."
"[english]Steam_IWantToChangePassword" "I want to change my password."
"Desejo alterar a minha pergunta secreta
"I want to change my secret ques
"Steam_ChangeSecretQuestionSuccessful" "Pergunta secreta e resposta secreta\nfo
ram alteradas com sucesso."
"[english]Steam_ChangeSecretQuestionSuccessful" "Secret question and secret answ
er\nhave been successfully changed."
"A sua senha foi alterada com sucesso.\n
Por favor, use essa nova senha toda vez que iniciar a sesso no Steam."
"Your password has been successf
ully changed.\nPlease use this new password each time you log into Steam."
"Por favor, insira a sua senha"
"[english]Steam_ChangeSecretQuestionPassword" "Please enter your password"
"Selecione uma pergunta secreta"
"Select a secret question"
"Responda sua pergunta secreta"
"Answer your secret question"
"Steam Erro"
"Steam - Error"
"Steam_CacheDirError_NotRoot" "Arquivos de cache do Steam no podem ser colocado
s na pasta raiz de nenhuma unidade.\nPor favor, escolha outro local."
"[english]Steam_CacheDirError_NotRoot" "Steam cache files cannot be put in the
root directory of any drive.\nPlease choose another location."
"Steam_CacheDirError_NotWithOtherApps" "Os arquivos de cache do Steam no podem s
er colocados na mesma pasta de outro aplicativo.\nPor favor, escolha outro local
"[english]Steam_CacheDirError_NotWithOtherApps" "Steam cache files cannot be put
in same directory as another application.\nPlease choose another location."
"Tamanho do cache em disco:"

"Cache size on disk:"
"Steam_CacheReserved" "Poro do cache reservada para atualizaes:"
"[english]Steam_CacheReserved" "Portion of cache reserved for updates:"
"Steam_CacheFileSize" "Tamanho total do aplicativo:"
"[english]Steam_CacheFileSize" "Total application size:"
"Quantidade de aplicativos adquiridos?"
"Amount of application acquired:"
"Steam_CacheReadySize" "Tamanho 'pronto para jogar':"
"[english]Steam_CacheReadySize" "Ready-to-play size:"
"'Pronto para jogar' adquirido:"
"Ready-to-play acquired:"
"Steam Reinicializao necessria"
"Steam - Restart required"
"O Steam precisa ser reiniciado agora para receb
er as ltimas atualizaes.\nVoc no poder continuar a usar o Steam at que seja reinicia
"Steam must now be restarted in order to
receive the latest update.\nYou won't be able to continue using Steam until it
has restarted."
"Reiniciar o Steam"
"Restart Steam"
"Voc precisa reiniciar o Steam para alterar o idi
"[english]Steam_MustRestart_Language" "You must restart Steam now to change yo
ur language settings."
"Steam_CSConnectionLost_Title" "Steam Conexo perdida"
"[english]Steam_CSConnectionLost_Title" "Steam - Connection Lost"
"Steam_CSConnectionLost_Info" "A conexo com os servidores do Steam foi perdida,
\ntornando impossvel que o Steam continue funcionando .\nIsso pode ter sido causa
do por um problema com sua conexo ou com os servidores \nSteam. Por favor, veja w
ww.steampowered.com para mais informaes."
"[english]Steam_CSConnectionLost_Info" "The connection to the Steam content ser
vers has been lost,\nmaking it impossible to continue running Steam.\nThis could
be due to a problem with your Internet connection, or with the \nSteam servers.
Please check www.steampowered.com for more info."
"Steam_CSConnectionLost_Button" "Sair do Steam"
"Exit Steam"
"No foi possvel conectar-se rede Steam.\nIsso pode
ter sido causado por um problema com a sua conexo ou com os servidores Steam. Po
r favor, acesse www.steampowered.com para mais informaes."
"[english]Steam_ErrorCouldNotConnect" "Could not connect to Steam network.\nTh
is could be due to a problem with your Internet connection, or with the Steam ne
twork. Please visit www.steampowered.com for more info."
"steam_preload_title" "Pr-carregar %game%"
"[english]steam_preload_title" "Pre-Load %game%"
"Pr-carregando %game% (%preload_amount%%% concludo
"Pre-Loading %game% (%preload_amount%%%
"steam_sellpage_title" "%subscription%"
"[english]steam_sellpage_title" "%subscription%"
"Steam_GamesDialog_ComingSoon" "EM BREVE"
"[english]Steam_GamesDialog_ComingSoon" "COMING SOON"
"Os endereos de e-mail no so iguais.\nPor f
avor, certifique-se de que o endereo de e-mail e o endereo de e-mail de confirmao so
os mesmos."
"The email addresses did not mat
ch.\nPlease ensure the email address and confirmation email address match exactl
"Confirmar endereo de e-mail"

"Confirm email address"
"Steam_PurchaseProgress_Title" "Steam Processando"
"[english]Steam_PurchaseProgress_Title" "Steam - Working"
"Steam_PurchaseProgress_Info" "Ativando cdigo no Steam..."
"[english]Steam_PurchaseProgress_Info" "Activating key with Steam..."
"Steam_PurchaseFailedBadCDKey" "No foi possvel registrar o seu cdigo de produto (C
D Key).\n\nOu seu cdigo j est em uso no nosso banco de dados ou invlido. Por favor,
certifique-se de que o inseriu corretamente. Pode haver confuso entre I, L e 1, a
ssim como V e Y ou 0 e O."
"[english]Steam_PurchaseFailedBadCDKey" "Steam was unable to register your CD-Ke
y.\n\nEither your product's CD-Key matches one already used in our database, or
is invalid. Please double check to see if you've mistyped your key. I, L, and 1
can look alike, as can V and Y, and 0 and O."
"Steam_PleaseVisitSupportPage" "Para mais ajuda ou suporte do produto, por favo
r, visite:"
"[english]Steam_PleaseVisitSupportPage" "For further help or product support, pl
ease visit:"
"Steam_SteamPoweredURL" "http://www.steampowered.com"
"Parabns! Sua cpia de %subscription% foi ativada c
om sucesso na conta %account%.\n\nPara jogar %game%, voc dever iniciar sesso no Ste
am com essa conta."
"[english]Steam_PurchaseCDKeySuccess" "Congratulations! Your copy of %subscri
ption% has been successfully activated with the account %account%.\n\nIn order t
o play %game%, you will have to login to Steam with this account."
"Steam_PurchaseAccount" "%account%"
"Steam_PurchaseCDKeyIncomplete" "Devido alta demanda por %subscription% sua assi
natura no pde ser completamente ativada desta vez. Voc poder jogar %game% enquanto s
ua transao finalizada."
"Due to high demand for %subscri
ption% your subscription could not be fully activated at this time. You will be
allowed to play %game% while your transaction is being finalized."
"Steam_PreLoadingDescription" "Voc escolheu pr-comprar %game%. O Steam cuida de
pr-compras em trs simples passos:"
"[english]Steam_PreLoadingDescription" "You have chosen to pre-order %game%. St
eam handles pre-orders in three easy steps:"
"1. Pr-carregue o contedo do jogo"
"1. Pre-load the game content"
"Baixe o jogo, sem nenhuma obrigao."
"Download the game, with no obligation."
"2. Complete seu pedido com um carto de crdito"
"2. Complete your order with a credit card"
"Aps o contedo do jogo estar no seu computador, vo
c poder finalizar o seu pedido."
"After the game content is on your compu
ter, you can complete your order."
"3. Jogue no dia do lanamento!"
"3. Play the game on release day!"
"Quando %game% for lanado oficialmente, sua cpia s
er desbloqueada e estar pronta para jogar."
"When %game% is officially released, you
r copy will be unlocked and ready to play."
"Steam_StartPreloading" "Iniciar pr-carregamento agora"
"Start Pre-loading Now"
"Steam_PreloadGameName" "%game%"
"Pr-carregamento em andamento"
"Pre-loading in progress"

"[english]Steam_PreloadPause" "Pause"
"Steam_PreloadContinue" "Continuar"
"Steam_PreloadCancel" "Voc escolheu cancelar o pr-carregamento. Isso excluir quai
squer dados j baixados.\n\nClique em \"OK\" para continuar ou \"Cancelar\" para m
anter os dados."
"[english]Steam_PreloadCancel" "You have chosen to cancel preloading. This will
cause any data you have already downloaded to be deleted.\n\nSelect \"OK\" to c
ontinue or \"Cancel\" to keep the data."
"Cancelar pr-carregamento"
"Cancel Pre-Loading"
"%game% est sendo pr-carregado no seu computador.\
n\nCaso compre-o na pr-venda agora, ele ser desbloqueado e estar pronto para jogar
no dia do lanamento oficial."
"[english]Steam_PreloadProgressNotes" "%game% is being pre-loaded onto your co
mputer.\n\nIf you pre-order the game now, it will be unlocked and ready for play
on the official release day."
"%game% est sendo pr-carregado no seu comp
utador.\n\nTenha pacincia, pr-carregamentos podem demorar um longo tempo. Voc pode
fechar esta janela, mas deixe o Steam aberto e d outra olhada mais tarde."
"%game% is being pre-loaded onto
your computer.\n\nPlease be patient, pre-loading may take a long time. You can
close this window, but leave Steam running and check back later."
"%game% est pronto para ser pr-carregado n
o seu computador.\n\nCaso compre-o na pr-venda agora, ele ser desbloqueado e estar
pronto para jogar no dia do lanamento oficial."
"%game% is ready to be pre-loade
d onto your computer.\n\nIf you pre-order the game now, it will be unlocked and
ready for play on the official release day."
"Steam_PreloadProgressNotesStartPayed" "%game% est pronto para ser pr-carregado n
o seu computador."
"[english]Steam_PreloadProgressNotesStartPayed" "%game% is ready to be pre-loade
d onto your computer."
"Aviso: Voc est comprando %subscription% na pr-vend
a. Ele poder ser desbloqueado e jogado na sua data de lanamento oficial."
"Note: You are pre-ordering %subscriptio
n%. It will be unlocked and ready for play on its official release day."
"Steam_PreloadComplete_Title" "Pr-carregamento de %game% concludo"
"[english]Steam_PreloadComplete_Title" "%game% preloading complete"
"Steam_PreloadComplete" "Pr-carregamento concludo"
"Pre-loading is complete"
"Steam_PreloadCompletePreOrder" "Uma cpia bloqueada de %game% agora est no seu com
putador. Compre agora durante a pr-venda e jogue-o assim que for lanado oficialmen
"A locked copy of %game% is now
on your computer. Pre-order the game now and play it immediately after it's offi
cially released!"
"Completar minha pr-compra agora..."
"Complete my pre-order now..."
"Pr-comprar agora..."
"Pre-order now..."
"Steam_PreloadCompletePurchase" "Uma cpia bloqueada de %game% j foi instalada no s
eu computador. Compre agora e comece a jogar imediatamente!"
"A locked copy of %game% has alr
eady been installed on your computer. Purchase it now and start playing immediat
"Steam_PreloadBuyNow" "Comprar esse jogo agora..."
"[english]Steam_PreloadBuyNow" "Purchase this game now..."
"Pr-compra de %game% completa"
"%game% Pre-Order Comple

"Sua pr-compra de %subscription% est completa! Qua
ndo o jogo for lanado oficialmente, voc poder jog-lo imediatamente.\n\nAgradecemos s
eu pedido!"
"Your pre-order for %subscription% is co
mplete! When the game is officially released, you'll be able to play it immediat
ely.\n\nThank you for your order!"
"Quando o jogo for lanado oficialmente, voc poder j
og-lo imediatamente."
"When the game is officially released, y
ou'll be able to play it immediately."
"Steam_Monitor_AppAcquiredPercentage" "Quantidade adquirida"
"[english]Steam_Monitor_AppAcquiredPercentage" "Amount acquired"
"Steam_ChangeContactEmailLabel" "E-mail de contato:"
"Contact Email:"
"Alterar endereo de e-mail de contato..."
"Change contact email address..."
"Verificar endereo de e-mail..."
"Verify email address..."
"Steam_EmailAddressUnverified" "No especificado"
"[english]Steam_EmailAddressUnverified" "Not specified"
"Enviando e-mail de verificao..."
"Sending verification email..."
"Endereo de e-mail"
"Your email address"
"Steam_ChangeContactEmailWizard_Title" "Alterar endereo de e-mail de contato"
"[english]Steam_ChangeContactEmailWizard_Title" "Change Contact Email Address"
"Steam_ChangeContactEmailWizardAbout" "O seu endereo de e-mail usado para confi
rmar compras e ajud-lo a gerenciar o acesso sua conta Steam."
"[english]Steam_ChangeContactEmailWizardAbout" "Your email address is used to c
onfirm purchases and help you manage access to your Steam account."
"Insira um novo endereo de e-mail
de contato"
"[english]Steam_ChangeContactEmailWizardAddressEntry" "Enter a new contact ema
il address"
"Insira o seu novo ender
eo novamente"
"Enter your new
address again"
"O seu endereo de e-mail de conta
to foi alterado."
"Your contact email addr
ess has been changed."
"Este novo endereo ser usado para
confirmar compras futuras e ajud-lo a gerenciar o acesso sua conta Steam."
"This new address will b
e used to confirm future purchases and help you manage access to your Steam acco
"Steam_ChangeCred_EmailCodeForPassword" "Clique em \"Avanar\" para iniciar o proc
esso de atualizao da senha. Uma mensagem de e-mail contendo um cdigo de confirmao ser
enviada para:"
"Click 'Next' to begin t
he process of updating your password. An email message containing a confirmation
code will be sent to:"
"Clique em \"Avanar\" para iniciar o proc
esso de atualizao do seu endereo de e-mail para contato. Uma mensagem de e-mail con
tendo um cdigo de confirmao ser enviada para: %s1."
"[english]Steam_ChangeCred_EmailCodeForEmail" "Click 'Next' to begin the proce
ss of updating your contact email address. An email message containing a confirm
ation code will be sent to: %s1."

"Steam_ChangeCred_EmailCodeForSecretQA" "Clique em \"Avanar\" para iniciar o proc

esso de atualizao da sua pergunta secreta. Uma mensagem de e-mail contendo um cdigo
de confirmao ser enviada para: %s1."
"Click 'Next' to begin t
he process of updating your secret question. An email message containing a confi
rmation code will be sent to: %s1."
"Contatando os servidores do Steam para
enviar uma mensagem de confirmao para:"
"Contacting Steam servers to sen
d a confirmation message to:"
"Insira a sua senha atual"
"Enter your current password"
"Digite o cdigo de confirmao enviado para: %s1"
"[english]Steam_ChangeCred_EnterCode" "Enter the confirmation code sent to: %s
"Insira a sua senha atual"
"Enter your current password"
"A senha estava incorreta. Por favor, in
sira a sua senha."
"[english]Steam_ChangeCred_IncorrectPassword" "Password was incorrect. Please
enter your password."
"Falha ao alterar a senha.\nPor
favor, verifique se voc inseriu o cdigo de verificao corretamente."
"[english]Steam_ChangeCred_IncorrectVerificationCode" "Failed to change passwo
rd.\nPlease check that you have entered the verification code correctly."
"Steam_ChangeSecretQuestion_IncorrectVerificationCode" "Falha ao alterar a perg
unta secreta.\nPor favor, verifique se voc digitou o cdigo de verificao corretamente
"[english]Steam_ChangeSecretQuestion_IncorrectVerificationCode" "Failed to chang
e secret question.\nPlease check that you have entered the verification code cor
"Steam_ChangeEmail_IncorrectVerificationCode" "Falha ao alterar o e-mail de co
ntato.\nPor favor, verifique se voc digitou o cdigo de verificao corretamente."
"[english]Steam_ChangeEmail_IncorrectVerificationCode" "Failed to change contac
t email.\nPlease check that you have entered the verification code correctly."
"Steam_ChangeContactEmailError_Title" "Erro ao validar e-mail"
"[english]Steam_ChangeContactEmailError_Title" "Email Validation Error"
"Os dois endereos inserid
os no conferem.\nPor favor, insira o endereo de e-mail de contato desejado novamen
"Sorry, your two
address entries don't match.\nPlease re-enter your desired contact email addres
"O endereo de e-mail que voc digit
ou no est no \nformato vlido de endereo. Por favor, tente novamente."
"[english]Steam_ChangeContactEmailError_InvalidEmail" "The email address you e
ntered is not in the \nformat of a valid address. Please try again."
"O Steam no pode processa
r seu pedido no momento. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde."
"Steam cannot cu
rrently process your request. Please try again later."
"O Steam no pode processa
r seu pedido no momento.\nPor favor, tente novamente mais tarde."
"Steam cannot cu
rrently process your request.\nPlease try again later."
"Steam_ProductUnavailableForPurchase" "Esse produto no est atualmente disponvel p
ara download ou compra."
"[english]Steam_ProductUnavailableForPurchase" "This product is currently not a
vailable for download or purchase."
"O endereo inserido igual ao seu\

nendereo de e-mail atual. Para alter-lo,\ninsira um novo endereo de e-mail."

"The address you entered
is the same as your \ncurrent contact email address. To change it, \nplease ent
er a new address."
"Condition Zero: Deleted Scenes
no pode ser comprado separadamente.\nCompre o Condition Zero para adquiri-lo."
"Condition Zero: Deleted
Scenes cannot be bought seperately.\nPurchase Condition Zero to get it."
"Houve um erro no pedido de veri
ficao de e-mail. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde."
"Failed to request email
verification. Please try again later."
"SteamUI_CreateAccount_TheName" "O nome"
"The name"
"j foi registrado por outro usurio do Stea
"[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_AlreadyTaken" "has already been registered by
another Steam user."
"SteamUI_CreateAccount_DifferentNames" "Clique em \"Voltar\" para tentar um nom
e diferente\nou selecione um dos nomes sugeridos abaixo e\nclique em \"Avanar\"."
"[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_DifferentNames" "Click 'Back' to try a different
name, or select one\nof the suggested names, below, and click 'next'."
"SteamUI_CreateAccount_SuggestedNames" "Sugestes de nome de usurio:"
"[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_SuggestedNames" "Suggested account names:"
"SteamUI_CreateAccount_Names" "Nomes"
"[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_Names" "Names"
"Steam_ForgottenPassword_Authorization" "Uma mensagem de e-mail contendo um cdigo
de verificao e uma pergunta secreta foi enviada para o endereo fornecido.\n\nPor f
avor, verifique o seu e-mail e insira as informaes solicitadas abaixo."
"An email message contai
ning a verification code and a secret question has just been sent to the address
you provided. \n\nPlease check your email, then enter the requested information
"Cdigo de verificao"
"Verification code"
"Steam_ForgottenPassword_SecretAnswer" "Resposta secreta"
"[english]Steam_ForgottenPassword_SecretAnswer" "Secret answer"
"Voc escolheu adicionar"
"You have chosen to add"
"Steam_PurchaseEmail_MyGames" "para a sua Biblioteca de Jogos. Clique em \"Ava
nar\" para continuar."
"[english]Steam_PurchaseEmail_MyGames" "to your Games Library. Click 'Next' to
"O Steam ainda no tem registrado
seu endereo de e-mail.\nPor favor, digite seu endereo de e-mail atual abaixo."
"Steam does not yet have
an email address\nfor you. Please enter a current email address below."
"E-mail de contato"
"Contact email address"
"Cdigo de validao"
"[english]Steam_PurchaseEmail_ValidationCode" "Validation Code"
"Um e-mail de confirmao foi enviado para:"
"A confirmation email has been s
ent to:"
"Steam_PurchaseEmail_Response" "Dentro de alguns minutos voc receber um e-mail\nd
e resposta do Steam contendo um cdigo de validao.\n\nPor favor, copie e cole esse cd
igo no campo abaixo."
"[english]Steam_PurchaseEmail_Response" "Within a few minutes, you will receive
a response\nemail from Steam, containing a validation code.\n\nPlease copy and p
aste this code into the field below."

"Steam_PurchaseEmail_BadCode" "Este cdigo no coincide com aquele em nossos\nregi

stros. Por favor, certifique-se que voc digitou\no cdigo corretamente. Enviamos es
te\ncdigo em um e-mail intitulado \"Conta Steam -\nPor favor, verifique seu ender
eo de e-mail\".\nO cdigo composto por 8 caracteres.\n\nClique em 'Voltar' para dig
itar o cdigo novamente ou\npara fornecer um endereo de e-mail diferente."
"[english]Steam_PurchaseEmail_BadCode" "This code does not match the one in our
records.\nPlease make sure that you have typed the code\ncorrectly. We sent you
this code in an email titled\n\"Steam account - Please verify your email addres
s\".\nThe code is 8 characters long.\n\nClick 'Back' to enter the code again, or
\nto provide a different email address."
"O cdigo de validao que voc digitou :"
"The validation code you entered is:"
"Sair e finalizar sesso"
"Exit and logout"
"No exibir isso novamente"
"[english]Steam_Logout_DontShowAgain" "Don't show me this again"
"Steam_Logout_ExitOff" "Sair do Steam dessa maneira permitir o uso do \n\"modo o
ffline\" na prxima vez que o Steam for iniciado."
"[english]Steam_Logout_ExitOff" "Exiting Steam this way will allow you to use\n'
Offline Mode' the next time you start Steam."
"Parte dos seus dados pessoais sero guardados\nne
ste computador. Se estiver usando um computador\npblico, voc talvez deseje usar a
opo mais segura \"Sair e finalizar sesso\"."
"Some of your personal information will
be saved\non this computer. If you're using a public\ncomputer, you may want to
use the more secure\n'Exit and Logout' option instead."
"Steam_Logout_Secure" "\"Sair e finalizar sesso\" o modo mais seguro de sair do
\nSteam (recomendado para uso em computadores\npblicos). Porm no ser possvel usar o\n
\"modo offline\" at voc iniciar a sesso no Steam novamente."
"[english]Steam_Logout_Secure" "'Exit and logout' is the most secure way to qui
t\nSteam (recommended for use on public\ncomputers). But you won't be able to us
e\n'Offline Mode' until you login to Steam again."
"Para permitir o uso do \"modo offline\" na prxim
a vez que o \nSteam for iniciado, clique em \"Cancelar\" e escolha \"Sair\" no m
"To allow 'Offline Mode' the next time y
ou start\nSteam, click 'Cancel' and choose 'Exit' from\nthe Steam menu."
"[english]Steam_Logout_Title" "Exit"
"Sair e finalizar sesso"
"Exit and Logout"
"Estas opes so apenas para usurios avanados."
"These options are for advanced
users only."
"Pgina inicial:"
"Parabns! Agora voc tem acesso a todo o co
ntedo da VALVe."
"Congratulations! You now have
access to all of VALVe's content."
"SteamUI_OfflineMode_CouldNotConnect" "No foi possvel conectar-se rede Steam."
"[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_CouldNotConnect" "Could not connect to the Steam
"Parece que voc no est conectado Internet o
u a sua conexo no est configurada corretamente para o Steam."
"It appears that you are not cur
rently connected to the Internet, or that your Internet connection is not config
ured correctly for Steam."
"O Steam est no modo offline. Muitas funes,
como a rede de amigos e o navegador de servidores, no estaro disponveis enquanto o

"Steam is currently set to be in
Offline Mode. Many features, such as Friends and the Server Browser, will not b
e available while offline."
"Verifique a sua conexo e clique em \"Tentar nova
mente\" ou inicie o Steam no \"modo offline\"."
"[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_Choose" "Either check your connection and click
'Retry', or start Steam in 'Offline Mode'."
"Ficar online"
"[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_GoOnlineButton" "Go Online"
"Tentar novamente"
"Retry connection"
"Iniciar no modo offline"
"[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_StartInOffline" "Start in Offline Mode"
"SteamUI_OfflineMode_GoOffline_Title" "Steam Ficar offline"
"[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_GoOffline_Title" "Steam - Go Offline"
"Steam Ficar online"
"[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_GoOnline_Title" "Steam - Go Online"
"SteamUI_OfflineMode_GoOffline" "Ficar offline..."
"Go Offline..."
"SteamUI_OfflineMode_GoOnline" "Ficar online..."
"[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_GoOnline" "Go Online..."
"Erro de conexo"
"Connection Error"
"Reiniciar e ficar online"
"Restart and go online"
"Reiniciar no modo offline"
"[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_RestartOffline" "Restart in Offline Mode"
"Steam_OfflineMode_NoPersonalInfoError_Title" "Steam Modo offline"
"[english]Steam_OfflineMode_NoPersonalInfoError_Title" "Steam - Offline Mode"
"O modo offline requer que as cr
edenciais da sua conta Steam estejam salvas localmente.\n\nComo a opo \"No salvar c
redenciais de conta neste computador\" est ativada,\ntais informaes no esto salvas.\n
\nDeseja desativar tal opo para poder usar o modo offline?\n\n"
"[english]Steam_OfflineMode_NoPersonalInfoError_Info" "Steam requires you to h
ave your account credentials cached locally to enter Offline Mode.\n\nSince you
have the 'Don't save account credentials on this computer' option enabled,\nyou
currently have no cached information.\n\nDo you wish to re-enable caching accoun
t credentials locally, so you can go Offline?\n\n"
"Salvar credenciais"
"Enable saving a
ccount credentials"
"Steam Downloads desativados"
"Steam - Downloads Disabled"
"O modo offline usado quando voc est prest
es a desconectar o seu laptop da internet\nou espera no estar conectado Internet.
\n\nMuitos recursos, como a rede de amigos e o navegador de servidores, no estaro\
ndisponveis enquanto offline. Somente jogos totalmente atualizados\nestaro disponve
"Offline Mode is used when you'r
e about to unplug your laptop,\nor are otherwise expecting to not be connected t
o the Internet.\n\nMany features, such as Friends and the Server Browser, will n
ot\nbe available while offline. Only games that are fully up-to-date\nwill be av
"Deseja voltar a ficar online?\n\nO Stea
m ser reiniciado.\n"
"Do you want to go back online?\
n\nThis will require Steam to restart.\n"
"SteamUI_GameProperties_Status" "Status"

"Notcias de atualizao"
"Update news"
"Modo offline:"
"Offline Mode:"
"Menu do Steam"
"[english]SteamUI_Steam_Menu" "Steam menu"
"SteamUI_OfflineMode_CannotLoadNewGame" "Voc no pode baixar um novo jogo no modo o
"You cannot download a n
ew game when offline."
"SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_ReadyForOffline" "Pronto"
"No est pronto"
"Not Ready"
"No possvel completar esta operao enquanto o Steam estiver n
o modo offline."
"[english]Steam_ErrorOffline" "This operation cannot be completed when Steam i
s in Offline Mode."
"Monitor - Offline"
"[english]Steam_MonitorTitle_Offline" "Monitor - Offline"
"Jogos - Offline"
"Games - Offline "
"Steam_MonitorScanning_Offline" "Atualizaes no podem ser baixadas enquanto o Steam
estiver no modo offline."
"Steam is in Offline Mode so no
updates can be downloaded."
"Este jogo no est pronto para ser jogado n
o modo offline."
"This game is not ready to be pl
ayed in Offline Mode."
"Jogo indisponvel"
"Game unavailable"
"SteamUI_5_kb" "5 kb/s"
"[english]SteamUI_5_kb" "5 kb/s"
"SteamUI_50_kb" "50 kb/s"
"50 kb/s"
"100 kb/s"
"100 kb/s"
"250 kb/s"
"250 kb/s"
"SteamUI_1_Mb" "1 Mb/s"
"[english]SteamUI_1_Mb" "1 Mb/s"
"SteamUI_10_Mb" "10 Mb/s"
"10 Mb/s"
"SteamUI_b_s" "b/s"
"[english]SteamUI_b_s" "b/s"
"SteamUI_kb_s" "kb/s"
"[english]SteamUI_kb_s" "kb/s"
"SteamUI_Mb_s" "Mb/s"
"[english]SteamUI_Mb_s" "Mb/s"
"< visual padro >"
"< default skin >"

"Chins Simplificado"
"[english]SteamUI_Simplified_Chinese" "Simplified Chinese"
"SteamUI_Traditional_Chinese" "Chins Tradicional"
"[english]SteamUI_Traditional_Chinese" "Traditional Chinese"
"SteamUI_Thai" "Tailands"
"[english]SteamUI_Thai" "Thai"
"[english]SteamUI_Portuguese" "Portuguese"
"SteamUI_Dutch" "Holands"
"SteamUI_Czech" "Tcheco"
"English (Ingls)"
"Espaol (Espanhol)"
"Espaol (Spanish)"
"Franais (Francs)"
"Franais (French)"
"Italiano (Italiano)"
"Italiano (Italian)"
"Deutsch (Alemo)"
"Deutsch (German)"
"SteamUI_Selection_Simplified_Chinese" " (Chins Simplificado)"
"[english]SteamUI_Selection_Simplified_Chinese" " (Simplified Chinese)"
"SteamUI_Selection_Traditional_Chinese" " (Chins Tradicional)"
" (Traditional Chinese)"
" (Russo)"
" (Russian)"
" (Tailands)"
" (Thai)"
" (Japons)"
"[english]SteamUI_Selection_Japanese" " (Japanese)"
"SteamUI_Selection_Portuguese" "Portugus (Portugal)"
"[english]SteamUI_Selection_Portuguese" "Portugus (Portuguese)"

"Polski (Polons)"
"Polski (Polish)"
"Dansk (Dinamarqus)"
"Dansk (Danish)"
"Nederlands (Holands)"
"Nederlands (Dutch)"
"Suomi (Finlands)"
"Suomi (Finnish)"
"SteamUI_Selection_Norwegian" "Norsk (Noruegus)"
"[english]SteamUI_Selection_Norwegian" "Norsk (Norwegian)"
"Svenska (Sueco)"
"Svenska (Swedish)"
"etina (Tcheco)"
"etina (Czech)"
"SteamUI_Selection_Hungarian" "Magyar (Hngaro)"
"[english]SteamUI_Selection_Hungarian" "Magyar (Hungarian)"
"Romn (Romeno)"
"[english]SteamUI_Selection_Romanian" "Romn (Romanian)"
"SteamUI_Modem_33_6k" "Modem - 33,6kb/s"
"[english]SteamUI_Modem_33_6k" "Modem - 33.6kbps"
"ISDN - 112kb/s"
"ISDN - 112kbps"
"T1 > 1Mb/s"
"[english]SteamUI_T1" "T1 > 1Mbps"
"SteamUI_LAN" "LAN > 10Mb/s"
"[english]SteamUI_LAN" "LAN > 10Mbps"
"SteamUI_PrivacyButton" "Ver a Poltica de Privacidade da Valve"
"View Valve Privacy Policy"
"Alterando endereo de e-mail de contato..
"Changing contact email address.
"Ainda no disponvel"
"[english]SteamUI_Preload_GameNotReady_Title" "Not Yet Available"
"SteamUI_Preload_GameNotReady" "Este jogo ainda no foi lanado. Ele ser desbloquead
o\ne estar disponvel para jogar na data de lanamento oficial."
"[english]SteamUI_Preload_GameNotReady" "This game is not yet released. It will
be unlocked\nand available for play on its official release day."
"Pesquisa de Hardware da Valve"
"Valve Hardware Survey"
"Por favor, reserve um momento para resp
onder a esta pequena pesquisa. Todo ms o Steam coleta informaes sobre qual tipo de
hardware e software nossos usurios esto usando. As informaes coletadas na pesquisa so
de grande ajuda, pois nos auxiliam a tomar decises corretas em relao a que melhori
as tecnolgicas devemos fazer e quais produtos devemos disponibilizar.\nAs informaes
coletadas so confidenciais e no sero associadas sua conta."
"Please take a moment to complet
e the following short survey. Each month, Steam collects data about what kinds o
f computer hardware and software our customers are using. The survey data is in
credibly helpful to us in that it ensures that we're making good decisions about
what kinds of technology investments to make and products to offer.\nThe data w
e collect is anonymous and wont be associated with your account."
"Sim, desejo participar da pesquisa."
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_YesParticipate" "Yes, I would like to participat
e in the survey."
"No, obrigado."
"No, thanks."
"Ver a Poltica de Privacidade da Valve"
"View Valve Privacy Policy"
"Agradecemos a sua participao na pesquisa.

\n\nO que ns desejamos saber primeiro a velocidade da sua conexo Internet. Por fav
or, escolha a sua nas opes abaixo.\n\nVelocidade de conexo Internet:"
"Thank you for participating in
this survey.\n\nThe first piece of information we would like to know is the spee
d of your Internet connection. Please select yours from the choices below.\n\nIn
ternet Connection Speed:"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_InternetDontKnow" "No sei"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_InternetDontKnow" "Don t Know"
"Esta pesquisa coletou algumas informaes d
e diagnstico sobre o seu computador, as quais podem ser vistas abaixo.\n\n(Quando
voc clicar em \"Avanar\", essas informaes sero enviadas Valve)"
"This survey has gathered some d
iagnostic information about your computer, which you can see below.\n\n(When you
click the Next button, this information will be transmitted to Valve.)"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Processor" "Informaes do processador:"
"Processor Information:"
"Informaes da rede:"
"Network Information:"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_OSVersion" "Verso do sistema operacional:"
"Operating System Versio
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VideoCard" "Placa de vdeo:"
"Video Card:"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Memory" "Memory:"
"Placa de som:"
"Sound card:"
"A pesquisa foi concluda. Agradecemos nov
amente pela sua participao.\n\nCaso queira comparar o seu computador com o de outr
os usurios Steam, voc pode ver os resultados compilados da pesquisa clicando no li
nk abaixo.\n\n (Caso contrrio, clique em \"Concluir\" para fechar esta janela.)"
"This survey is complete. Thank
you again for participating.\n\nIf you d like to see how your computer compares
to those of other Steam subscribers, you can view the compiled results of the su
rvey by clicking on the link below.\n\n (Otherwise, you can just click Finish
to close this window.)"
"Visitar a pgina de resultados."
"Visit survey results page."
"Modelo: %s1"
"Model: %s1"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CPUVendor" "Fabricante da CPU: %s1"
"CPU Vendor: %s1"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CPUSpeed" "Velocidade: %s1 MHz"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CPUSpeed" "Speed: %s1 Mhz"
"RAM: %s1 Mb"
"RAM: %s1 Mb"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VideoDriverName" "Driver: %s1"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VideoDriverName" "Driver: %s1"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DirectXDriverName" "Nome do driver do DirectX: %s1"
"DirectX Driver
Name: %s1"
"Verso do driver: %s1"

"Driver Version:
"Verso do driver do Direc
tX: %s1"
"DirectX Driver
Version: %s1"
"Data do driver: %day_number% de
%month_name% de %year_number%"
"Driver Date: %day_numbe
r% %month_name% %year_number%"
"Profundidade de cor da rea de tr
abalho: %s1 bits por pixel"
"Desktop Color Depth: %s
1 bits per pixel"
"Taxa de atualizao do monitor: %s1
"Monitor Refresh Rate: %
s1 Hz"
"Placa DirectX: %s1"
"DirectX Card: %s1"
"VendorID: 0x%s1"
"VendorID: 0x%s1"
"DeviceID: 0x%s1"
"DeviceID: 0x%s1"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_NumberOfMonitors" "Nmero de monitores: %s1"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_NumberOfMonitors" "Number of Monitors: %s
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_NumberOfDisplayAdapters" "Nmero de placas de vdeo lg
icas: %s1"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_NumberOfDisplayAdapters" "Number of Logic
al Video Cards: %s1"
"SLI detectada (%s1 GPUs)"
"SLI Detected (%s1 GPUs)
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CrossfireEnabled" "Crossfire detectado (%s1 GPUs)"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CrossfireEnabled" "Crossfire Detected (%s1
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_PrimaryMonitorResolution" "Resoluo do monitor primrio
: %s1"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_PrimaryMonitorResolution" "Primary Display
Resolution: %s1"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DesktopResolution" "Resoluo da rea de trabalho: %s1"
"Desktop Resolut
ion: %s1"
"Tamanho do moni
tor primrio: %width_inches%\" x %height_inches%\" (%diagonal_inches%\" diag)\n
%width_cm%cm x %height_cm%cm (%diagonal_cm%cm diag)"
Display Size: %width_inches%\" x %height_inches%\" (%diagonal_inches%\" diag)\
%width_cm%cm x %height_cm%cm (%dia
gonal_cm%cm diag)"
"Tipo do monitor primrio: %s1"
"Primary Display Type: %
"Barramento primrio: %s1"
"Primary Bus: %s1"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_AGPGART" "AGP GART primrio: %s1 MB"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_AGPGART" "Primary AGP GART: %s1 MB"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VRAMSize" "VRAM primria: %s1 MB"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VRAMSize" "Primary VRAM: %s1 MB"

"Fabricante do monitor primrio: %
"Primary Monitor Vendor:
"Modelo do monitor primrio: %s1"
"Primary Monitor Model:
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_MSAAModes" "Modos de MSAA suportados: %s1"
"Supported MSAA Modes:
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VideoDriverName_Unknown" "Driver no detectado"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VideoDriverName_Unknown" "Driver Not Dete
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DirectXDriverName_Unknown" "Nome do driver do Direc
tX no detectado"
Driver Name Not Detected"
"Verso do driver
no detectada"
Version Not Detected"
"Verso do driver
do DirectX no detectada"
Driver Version Not Detected"
"Data do driver no detect
"Driver Date Not
"Profundidade de cor da r
ea de trabalho no detectada"
"Desktop Color D
epth Not Detected"
"Taxa de atualizao do moni
tor no detectada"
"Monitor Refresh
Rate Not Detected"
"Placa DirectX no detecta
"DirectX Card No
t Detected"
"VendorID no detectado"
"VendorID Not De
"DeviceID no detectado"
"DeviceID Not De
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_NumberOfMonitors_Unknown" "Nmero de monitores no det
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_NumberOfMonitors_Unknown" "Number of Monit
ors Not Detected"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_NumberOfDisplayAdapters_Unknown" "Nmero de placas
de vdeo no detectado"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_NumberOfDisplayAdapters_Unknown" "Number
of Video Cards Not Detected"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_PrimaryMonitorResolution_Unknown" "Resoluo do monito
r primrio no detectada"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_PrimaryMonitorResolution_Unknown" "Primary
Display Resolution Not Detected"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DesktopResolution_Unknown" "Resoluo da rea de trabalho

no detectada"
Resolution Not Detected"
do monitor primrio no detectado"
"Primary Display Size Not Detected"
"Tipo do monitor primrio
no detectado"
"Primary Display
Type Not Detected"
"Tipo do barramento primrio no det
"Primary Bus Type Not De
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_AGPGART_Unknown" "AGP GART primrio no detectado"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_AGPGART_Unknown" "Primary AGP GART Not De
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VRAMSize_Unknown" "VRAM primria no detectada"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VRAMSize_Unknown" "Primary VRAM Not Detect
"Fabricante do monitor p
rimrio no detectado"
"Primary Monitor
Vendor Not Detected"
"Modelo do monitor primri
o no detectado"
"Primary Monitor
Model Not Detected"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_MSAAModes_Unknown" "Modos de MSAA suportados no dete
"Supported MSAA
Modes Not Detected"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SLICrossfireNotDetected" "Nenhum SLI ou Crossfire
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SLICrossfireNotDetected" "No SLI or Cross
fire Detected"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_1" "jan"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_1" "Jan"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_2" "fev"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_2" "Feb"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_3" "mar"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_3" "Mar"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_4" "abr"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_4" "Apr"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_5" "mai"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_5" "May"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_6" "jun"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_6" "June"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_7" "jul"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_7" "July"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_8" "ago"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_8" "Aug"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_9" "set"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_9" "Sept"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_10" "out"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_10" "Oct"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_11" "nov"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_11" "Nov"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_12" "dez"

"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_12" "Dec"
"Configuraes de exibio do jo
"Game Display Se
"Resoluo do jogo G
oldSrc: %s1 x %s2 (modo janela)"
Game Resolution: %s1 x %s2 (Windowed)"
"Resoluo do jogo G
oldSrc: %s1 x %s2 (tela cheia)"
Game Resolution: %s1 x %s2 (Fullscreen)"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_GoldSrc_Renderer" "Modo de renderizao do jogo GoldSr
c: %s1"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_GoldSrc_Renderer" "GoldSrc Game Render Mod
e: %s1"
"Profundidade de bits do jogo Go
ldSrc: %s1"
"GoldSrc Game Bit Depth:
"Resoluo de Half-L
ife: Source: %s1 x %s2 (modo janela)"
fe: Source Resolution: %s1 x %s2 (Windowed)"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL1Source_ScreenSize_Fullscreen" "Resoluo de Half-L
ife: Source: %s1 x %s2 (tela cheia)"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL1Source_ScreenSize_Fullscreen" "Half-Li
fe: Source Resolution: %s1 x %s2 (Fullscreen)"
"Modo de renderizao de Hal
f-Life: Source: %s1"
"Half-Life: Sour
ce Render Mode: %s1"
"Nvel de MSAA de Half-Life: Sourc
e: %s1x"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL1Source_MSAA" "Half-Life: Source MSAA
Level: %s1x"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL1Source_MSAA_Disabled" "MSAA desativado em Half
-Life: Source"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL1Source_MSAA_Disabled" "Half-Life: Sour
ce MSAA Disabled"
"Configurao de MSAA em Hal
f-Life: Source no detectada"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL1Source_MSAA_Unknown" "Half-Life: Sour
ce MSAA Setting Not Detected"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2_ScreenSize_Windowed" "Resoluo de Half-Life 2: %
s1 x %s2 (modo janela)"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2_ScreenSize_Windowed" "Half-Life 2 Res
olution: %s1 x %s2 (Windowed)"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2_ScreenSize_Fullscreen" "Resoluo de Half-Life 2: %
s1 x %s2 (tela cheia)"
fe 2 Resolution: %s1 x %s2 (Fullscreen)"
"Modo de renderizao de Half-Life 2
: %s1"
"Half-Life 2 Render Mode
: %s1"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2_MSAA" "Nvel de MSAA de Half-Life 2: %s1x"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2_MSAA" "Half-Life 2 MSAA Level: %s1x"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2_MSAA_Disabled" "MSAA desativado em Half-Life 2"

"Half-Life 2 MSA
A Disabled"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2_MSAA_Unknown" "Configurao de MSAA em Half-Life 2
no detectada"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2_MSAA_Unknown" "Half-Life 2 MSAA Settin
g Not Detected"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2MP_ScreenSize_Windowed" "Resoluo de HL2DM: %s1 x %
s2 (modo janela)"
esolution: %s1 x %s2 (Windowed)"
"Resoluo de HL2DM:
%s1 x %s2 (tela cheia)"
esolution: %s1 x %s2 (Fullscreen)"
"Modo de renderizao de HL2DM: %s1"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2MP_Renderer" "HL2DM Render Mode: %s1
"Nvel de MSAA de HL2DM: %s1x"
"HL2DM MSAA Level: %s1x
"MSAA desativado em HL2D
"Configurao de MSAA em HL2
DM no detectada"
ing Not Detected"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CSS_ScreenSize_Windowed" "Resoluo de Counter-Strike
: Source: %s1 x %s2 (modo janela)"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CSS_ScreenSize_Windowed" "Counter-Strike:
Source Resolution: %s1 x %s2 (Windowed)"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CSS_ScreenSize_Fullscreen" "Resoluo de Counter-Strike
: Source: %s1 x %s2 (tela cheia)"
-Strike: Source Resolution: %s1 x %s2 (Fullscreen)"
"Modo de renderizao de Counter-Str
ike: Source: %s1"
"Counter-Strike: Source
Render Mode: %s1"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CSS_MSAA" "Nvel de MSAA de Counter-Strike: Source:
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CSS_MSAA" "Counter-Strike: Source MSAA Lev
el: %s1x"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CSS_MSAA_Disabled" "MSAA desativado em Counter-Stri
ke: Source"
Source MSAA Disabled"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CSS_MSAA_Unknown" "Configurao de MSAA em Counter-Str
ike: Source no detectada"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CSS_MSAA_Unknown" "Counter-Strike: Source
MSAA Setting Not Detected"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DOD_ScreenSize_Windowed" "Resoluo de Day of Defeat:
Source: %s1 x %s2 (modo janela)"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DOD_ScreenSize_Windowed" "Day of Defeat:
Source Resolution: %s1 x %s2 (Windowed)"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DOD_ScreenSize_Fullscreen" "Resoluo de Day of Defeat:
Source: %s1 x %s2 (tela cheia)"
"Day of
Defeat: Source Resolution: %s1 x %s2 (Fullscreen)"

"Modo de renderizao de Day of Defe
at: Source: %s1"
"Day of Defeat: Source R
ender Mode: %s1"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DOD_MSAA" "Nvel de MSAA de Day of Defeat: Source: %
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DOD_MSAA" "Day of Defeat: Source MSAA Leve
l: %s1x"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DOD_MSAA_Disabled" "MSAA desativado em Day of Defea
t: Source"
"Day of Defeat:
Source MSAA Disabled"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DOD_MSAA_Unknown" "Configurao de MSAA em Day of Defe
at: Source no detectada"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DOD_MSAA_Unknown" "Day of Defeat: Source M
SAA Setting Not Detected"
"Resoluo de Lost C
oast: %s1 x %s2 (modo janela)"
"Lost Co
ast Resolution: %s1 x %s2 (Windowed)"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LostCoast_ScreenSize_Fullscreen" "Resoluo de Lost C
oast: %s1 x %s2 (tela cheia)"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LostCoast_ScreenSize_Fullscreen" "Lost Co
ast Resolution: %s1 x %s2 (Fullscreen)"
"Modo de renderizao de Los
t Coast: %s1"
"Lost Coast Rend
er Mode: %s1"
"Nvel de MSAA de Lost Coast: %s1x
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LostCoast_MSAA" "Lost Coast MSAA Level:
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LostCoast_MSAA_Disabled" "MSAA desativado em Lost
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LostCoast_MSAA_Disabled" "Lost Coast MSAA
"Configurao de MSAA em Los
t Coast no detectada"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LostCoast_MSAA_Unknown" "Lost Coast MSAA
Setting Not Detected"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_OSVersionString" "%s1 (%s2-bit)"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_OSVersionString" "%s1 (%s2 bit)"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SoundCard" "Dispositivo de udio: %s1"
"Audio device: %s1"
"Controle para jogos: %s1 detect
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_GameController" "Game Controller: %s1 de
"Controle para jogos: Ne
nhum detectado"
"Game Controller
: None detected"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Supported" "Suportado"
"No suportado"
"RDTSC: %s1"
"RDTSC: %s1"
"CMOV: %s1"
"CMOV: %s1"

"FCMOV: %s1"
"FCMOV: %s1"
"SSE: %s1"
"SSE: %s1"
"SSE2: %s1"
"SSE2: %s1"
"SSE3: %s1"
"SSE3: %s1"
"SSSE3: %s1"
"SSSE3: %s1"
"SSE4a: %s1"
"SSE4a: %s1"
"SSE41: %s1"
"SSE41: %s1"
"SSE42: %s1"
"SSE42: %s1"
"3DNOW: %s1"
"3DNOW: %s1"
"NTFS: %s1"
"NTFS: %s1"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LogicalSingular" "%s1 processador lgico"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LogicalSingular" "%s1 logical processor"
"%s1 processadores lgicos"
"%s1 logical processors"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_PhysicalSingular" "%s1 processador fsico"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_PhysicalSingular" "%s1 physical processor"
"%s1 processadores fsicos"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_PhysicalPlural" "%s1 physical processors
"HyperThreading: %s1"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HyperThreading" "HyperThreading: %s1"
"Configurao do barramento AGP: %s1"
"AGP Bus Setting: %s1"
"Velocidade do barramento: %s1"
"Bus Speed: %s1"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_IPAddress" "Endereo IP: %s1"
"IP Address: %s1"
"Sem endereo IP"
"No IP Address"
"Velocidade da rede: %s1"
"Network Speed: %s1"
"Falha ao enviar"
"Upload Failed"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_UploadFailedText" "No foi possvel receber os seus da
dos com sucesso. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde."
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_UploadFailedText" "We weren t able to succ
essfully receive your data. Please try again later."
"Progresso do envio:"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_UploadProgress" "Upload Progress:"
"No foi possvel encontrar um servi
dor de envio de estatsticas no momento. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde."
"Unable to find a statis
tics reporting server at this time. Please try again later."
"Steam_UnableToPreload_NotSubscribed" "No foi possvel pr-carregar este aplicativo
porque voc no o assina"
"[english]Steam_UnableToPreload_NotSubscribed" "Unable to preload this applicat
ion because you are not subscribed to it"
"Idioma da interface: %s1"

"UI Language: %s1"
"Tipo de mdia: %s1"
"Media Type: %s1"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HDAvail" "Total de espao disponvel em disco: %s1 Mb
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HDAvail" "Total Hard Disk Space Available
: %s1 Mb"
"Maior bloco livre do disco rgido
: %s1 Mb"
"Largest Free Hard Disk
Block: %s1 Mb"
"Data de instalao do SO: %s1"
"OS Install Date: %s1"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_InvalidLanguage" "Idioma invlido"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_InvalidLanguage" "Invalid Language"
"SteamUI_CZ_SellPage" "http://www.steampowered.com/platform/game_info/czero/"
"[english]SteamUI_CZ_SellPage" "http://www.steampowered.com/platform/game_info/
"Steam_PackageChoice" "%game% est disponvel para compra como parte de dois pacot
es diferentes. Escolha qual voc deseja comprar."
"[english]Steam_PackageChoice" "%game% is available for purchase as part of two
different packages. Choose the one you would like to order."
"Steam_PackageIncludes" "Inclui:"
"As informaes do seu carto de crdito sero criptografa
das durante a transmisso e processamento."
"Your credit card information will be en
crypted during transmission and processing."
"Falha ao criar conta.\nEsse nome de usurio j est e
m uso.\nPor favor, tente novamente com um outro nome de usurio."
"Failed to create account.\nThat account
name is already in use.\nPlease try again using a different account name."
"Steam_ErrorValidEmailRequired" " necessrio um endereo de e-mail vlido."
"A valid email address is requir
"Essa conta no foi encontrada.\nP
or favor, digite o nome de usurio que voc usa para iniciar sesso no Steam."
"That account was not fo
und.\nPlease enter the account name you use to log into Steam."
"Sua conta Steam importante!"
"Your Steam account is i
"Trate de nunca esquecer o seu nome de u
surio e senha - voc precisar iniciar a sesso para acessar os seus jogos. O Steam bai

xar os seus jogos para qualquer computador que voc usar."

"Be sure to remember your userna
me and password - you will need to log in to access your games. Steam will downl
oad your games to any computer you use."
"Para mais informaes visite:"
"[english]SteamUI_ForMoreInformation" "For more information visit:"
"SteamUI_ChosenCreateMultipleHeadline" "Informaes importantes sobre contas Steam"
"[english]SteamUI_ChosenCreateMultipleHeadline" "Important information about Ste
am accounts"
"SteamUI_ChosenCreateDuplicate" "Por favor, somente crie uma nova conta Steam se
voc ainda no possui uma. Caso j tenha criado a sua conta Steam, todos os jogos que
possua s podero ser acessados ao iniciar sesso com a conta j existente.\n\nCaso ain
da no possua uma conta Steam, clique em \"Avanar\" para continuar."
"Please only create a new Steam
account if you don t already have one. If you have already created a Steam accou
nt, then any games to which you ve subscribed will only be accessible when you l
og in to the existing account.\n\nIf you don t already have a Steam account, pre
ss \"Next\" to continue."
"SteamUI_CCWarning_Duplicate" "Antes que voc conclua esta compra:\n\nParece que
esta tentativa de compra contm informaes idnticas (ou quase idnticas) s que voc hav
submetido anteriormente. Voc dever repetir esta tentativa de compra somente se est
iver certo de que as informaes foram recusadas impropriamente.\n\nAVISO IMPORTANTE
: Caso a sua tentativa de compra seja recusada pela administradora, ela poder tem
porariamente bloquear fundos na sua conta."
"[english]SteamUI_CCWarning_Duplicate" "Before you submit this purchase request
:\n\nIt appears that this purchase attempt contains identical (or nearly identic
al) information to one you already submitted. You should only repeat this purcha
se attempt if you re sure that your credit card information was improperly denie
d.\n\nIMPORTANT NOTE: If your purchase attempt is denied by your credit card com
pany, they may temporarily \"lock\" funds in your account for some period of tim
"Steam Aviso"
"Steam - Warning"
"Para recuperar as credenciais da sua co
nta Steam, precisamos comear com o seu nome de usurio."
"[english]SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordResetType" "To retrieve the login informati
on for your Steam account, we need to start with your account name."
"Eu no sei o meu nome de usurio."
"I don t know my account
"Eu sei o meu nome de usurio."
"I know my account name.
"SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordEmailAddress" "Eu lembro do e-mail que usei."
"I remember the contact
email address I used."
"Eu lembro do cdigo de produto que usei."
"I remember the product code I u
"No possuo ambos."
"I don t have either of these."
"SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordAccountName" "Para recuperar o seu nome de usurio voc p
recisa do e-mail que voc usou ao criar sua conta ou o cdigo do produto que ativou
na sua conta."
"[english]SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordAccountName" "To retrieve your account name y
ou need either the contact email address you used when creating your account or
the product code you registered to the account."
"Por favor, insira o endereo de e
-mail de contato que voc usou quando criou sua conta Steam."
"Please enter the contac

t email address you used when you created your Steam account."
"Steam_CDKey" "Cdigo de produto"
"[english]Steam_CDKey" "Product code"
"SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordEnterCDKey" "Para recuperar seu nome de usurio, por f
avor, insira o cdigo de produto que ativou na sua conta Steam."
"[english]SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordEnterCDKey" "To retrieve your account name p
lease enter the product code you activated to your Steam account."
"Para recuperar suas informaes de conta vo
c deve informar seu endereo de e-mail de contato ou o cdigo de produto que voc usou
ao ativar a conta."
"[english]SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordOtherText" "To retrieve your account inform
ation you need to either know the contact email address or the product code you
used when activating the account."
"Um e-mail contendo seu nome de
usurio Steam foi enviado para voc.\n\nUma vez que voc receber o e-mail, voc pode usa
r o boto \"Recuperar conta\" novamente para redefinir a sua senha."
"An email containing you
r Steam account name has been sent to you.\n\nOnce you receive the email, you ca
n click the \"Retrieve lost account\" button again to reset your password."
"Um e-mail foi enviado para o do
no do cdigo de produto que voc digitou. Uma vez que receber o nome de usurio, voc po
de usar o boto \"Recuperar conta\" novamente para redefinir a sua senha."
"An email has been sent
to the owner of the product code you entered. Once you get this account name you
can use the \"Retrieve lost account\" button again to reset your password."
"Steam_ForgottenPassword_RequestFailed" "A operao falhou. Por favor, tente novamen
"The operation failed. P
lease try again."
"Steam_CreateNewAccount_EmailAddrAlreadyInUse" "Esse endereo de e-mail j est vincu
lado a uma conta Steam. Caso tenha se cadastrado no Steam anteriormente, use ess
a conta em vez de cadastrar uma nova."
"[english]Steam_CreateNewAccount_EmailAddrAlreadyInUse" "A Steam account already
exists with that contact email address. If you have previously created a Steam
account, you should use the existing account rather than creating a new one."
"Perguntas frequentes sobre Contas Steam
"[english]Steam_CreateNewAccount_AccountsFAQ" "The Steam Accounts FAQ"
"Steam_CreateNewAccount_CDFAQ" "Perguntas frequentes sobre cdigos de produto no
"[english]Steam_CreateNewAccount_CDFAQ" "The Steam CD Key FAQ"
"Steam_CreateNewAccount_CreateAccount" "Criar nova conta"
"[english]Steam_CreateNewAccount_CreateAccount" "Create new account"
"Steam_CreateNewAccount_FindOldAccount" "Encontrar a minha conta antiga"
"Find my old account"
"Pgina inicial"
"SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_Manual" "Manual do jogador"
"View player manual"
"Steam Erro ao comprar"
"Steam - Purchase Error"
"Veja o site do suporte Steam para mais informaes"
"See the Steam support site for more inf
"Steam_SubscriptionPrintConfirmation" "Imprimir pr-compra"
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionPrintConfirmation" "Print Preorder "
"Imprimir recibo"
"Print Receipt"
"Steam_SubscriptionCardHolder" "Titular do carto"
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionCardHolder" "Card holder"

"Bandeira do carto"
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionCardType" "Card type"
"Steam_SubscriptionCardLast4" "ltimos 4 dgitos"
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionCardLast4" "Last 4 digits"
"Steam_SubscriptionPriceTotal" "Total"
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionPriceTotal" "Total"
"Cdigo de confirmao"
"Confirmation code"
"Steam_TroubleshooterURL_CDKey" "http://support.steampowered.com/cgi-bin/steampo
"Ativao bem-sucedida!"
"Activation Successful!"
"O seu cdigo de produto foi ativado com s
ucesso. Os produtos listados abaixo foram associados permanentemente sua conta S
team e voc dever iniciar a sesso com a mesma para acess-los.\n\nImprima um recibo de
sta transao para lembrar a sua conta para uso futuro."
"Your product activation code ha
s successfully been activated. This product or products listed below are now per
manently associated with your Steam account. You must login to this account to h
ave access to the items you ve just activated on Steam.\n\nPrint a receipt of th
is transaction in order to remember your account for future use."
"Cdigo de produto duplicado"
"[english]Steam_Subscription_Rejected_Cdkey_Headline" "Duplicate Product Code"
"O cdigo de produto inserido j foi ativado
por uma outra conta Steam, no podendo ser usado novamente. Por favor, entre em c
ontato com a loja com a qual comprou o cdigo para assistncia."
"The product code you ve entered
has already been activated by a different Steam account. This code cannot be us
ed again. Please contact the retailer or online seller where the code was purcha
sed for assistance."
"Cdigo de produto invlido"
"Invalid Product
"O cdigo de produto inserido no vli
do. \n\nOlhe novamente para ver se no digitou algo errado. Pode haver confuso entr
e I, L e 1, assim como V e Y, e 0 e O."
"The product code you ve
entered is not valid. \n\nPlease double check to see if you ve mistyped your ke
y. I, L, and 1 can look alike, as can V and Y, and 0 and O."
"Ativao de jogo ba
se necessria"
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_CDKey_MustOwnOtherApp_Headline" "Please
first activate the original game"
"O cdigo de produto inser
ido requer que voc tenha outro produto antes desta ativao.\n\nCaso esteja tentando
ativar um pacote de expanso ou contedo adicional (DLC), primeiro ative o jogo base
e depois ative o contedo adicional."
"The product cod
e you ve entered requires ownership of another product before activation.\n\nIf
you are trying to activate an expansion pack or downloadable content, please fir
st activate the original game, then activate this additional content."
"Obrigado - a sua transao foi concluda."
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionSuccess_Headline" "Thank you - Your transaction is
"A sua assinatura de %su
bscription% foi realizada com sucesso.

A sua assinatura est registrada na seguinte conta Steam: %accountname%. No futuro

, voc precisar iniciar a sesso com esta conta para ter acesso aos seus jogos. Agrad
ecemos o seu pedido!"
"Your subscripti
on to %subscription% has been completed successfully. Your subscription is regis
tered to this Steam account: %accountname%. In the future, you must login to thi
s account to have access to your games. Thank you for your order!"
"Steam_SubscriptionSuccess$purchasetype=gift" "O seu presente de %subscription
% foi enviado para %giftee%. Agradecemos seu pedido!"
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionSuccess$purchasetype=gift" "Your gift of %subscript
ion% has been sent to %giftee%. Thank you for your order!"
"A sua compra de %subscr
iption% foi concluda com sucesso. Agradecemos o seu pedido!"
"Your purchase o
f %subscription% has been completed successfully. Thank you for your order!"
"Carto de crdito r
card declined"
"A sua assinatura de %su
bscription% no foi realizada. As informaes do seu carto de crdito foram recusadas pel
a administradora.\n\nSaiba que, em certos casos, a administradora reter os fundos
, mas no haver cobrana. Aps revisar as informaes abaixo, se voc acredita que o seu c
foi recusado por erros, por favor, tente finalizar a compra novamente."
"Your subscripti
on to %subscription% has not been completed. Your credit card information has be
en declined by your credit card company.\n\nNote that in some cases, your credit
card company may put a hold on funds in your account, but you will not be cha
rged. After reviewing the information below, if you believe your card has been d
eclined in error please try your purchase again."
"Steam_SubscriptionSuccess_Preorder_Headline" "Pedido realizado carto ainda no f
oi cobrado"
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionSuccess_Preorder_Headline" "Order complete - card n
ot yet charged"
"A sua compra de %subscription% na pr-ven
da foi concluda com sucesso.\nO pagamento no ser processado at que o jogo seja lanado
oficialmente. Voc receber um recibo completo quando o seu carto for processado. Ag
radecemos o seu pedido!"
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionSuccess_Preorder" "Your preorder of %subscription%
has been completed successfully.\nYour payment will not be processed until the
game is officially released. You will receive a full receipt when your card is p
rocessed. Thank you for your order!"
"Sua pr-compra foi proces
"Your preorder h
as been processed"
"Voc pr-comprou %subscription% rec
entemente. O jogo foi lanado oficialmente, assim, fizemos o processamento e cobra
na do seu carto de crdito. Agradecemos seu pedido!"
"Recently you preordered
%subscription%. The game has been officially released, so your credit card has
been processed and charged. Thank you for your order!"
"Pr-compra - carto de crdit
o recusado"
"[english]Steam_Subscription_Preorder_CcardDeclined_Headline" "Preorder - cred
it card declined"
"Voc tentou pr-comprar %subscripti
on% recentemente. O jogo foi lanado oficialmente, assim, o Steam tentou fazer o p
rocessamento do seu carto de crdito.\n\nSeu carto foi recusado e no houve cobrana. Ap
revisar as informaes abaixo e se acreditar que seu carto aprovado por erros, por f

avor, tente efetivar a compra novamente."

"Recently you attempted
to pre-order %subscription%. The game has now been officially released, so Steam
has processed your credit card information.\n\nYour card has been declined, and
your card has not been charged. After reviewing the information below, if you b
elieve your card has been declined in error please attempt your subscription aga
"Sua pr-compra foi proces
"Your pre-order
has been processed"
"A sua compra de %subscription%
na pr-venda foi concluda e o jogo ser lanado oficialmente em breve. O seu pagamento
foi processado.\n\nVoc ser informado quando o jogo estiver disponvel. Agradecemos o
seu pedido!"
"Your pre-order for %sub
scription% has been completed, and the game will be officially released soon. Yo
ur payment has been processed.\n\nWe ll let you know as soon as the game is avai
lable to play. Thank you for your order!"
"Sua pr-compra fo
i processada"
"Your pr
e-order has been processed"
"Steam_Subscription_Preorder_PreProcess_PayPal" "A sua compra de %subscription%
na pr-venda foi concluda e o jogo ser lanado oficialmente em breve. A sua conta do %
provider% foi cobrada.\n\nVoc ser informado quando o jogo estiver disponvel. Agrade
cemos o seu pedido!"
"Your pre-order
for %subscription% has been completed, and the game will be officially released
soon. Your %provider% account has been charged.\n\nWe ll let you know as soon as
the game is available to play. Thank you for your order!"
"Steam_Subscription_Preorder_Timeout_Headline" "Pr-compra pendente"
"[english]Steam_Subscription_Preorder_Timeout_Headline" "Pre-order pending"
"Steam_Subscription_Preorder_Timeout" "A sua compra de %subscription% na pr-ven
da no foi concluda porque o Steam est muito ocupado para processar a transao.\n\nCont
ataremos voc com o resultado da transao assim que seja possvel process-la."
"[english]Steam_Subscription_Preorder_Timeout" "Your pre-order for %subscriptio
n% has not been completed, because Steam is currently too busy to process the tr
ansaction.\n\nWe will get back to you with the results of your transaction as so
on as we are able to process it."
"Assinatura cancelada"
"Subscription ca
"Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_Cancelled" "Sua assinatura de %subscription% foi ca
ncelada. O cancelamento foi feito ou pelo dono desta conta Steam ou pela Valve,
segundo o Acordo de Assinatura do Steam."
"Your subscription to %s
ubscription% has been cancelled. This cancellation was either at the request of
the Steam account owner, or a cancellation by Valve in accordance with the Steam
Subscriber Agreement."
"O Servidor Steam est mui
to ocupado no momento."
"The Steam Serve
r is currently too busy."
"A sua assinatura de %subscripti
on% no foi realizada. Os servidores do Steam esto muito ocupados para processar o
seu pedido. \n\nLamentamos o transtorno. Por favor, tente realizar a transao novam
ente dentro de algumas horas."
"Your subscription to %s
ubscription% has not been completed. The Steam servers are currently too busy to

process your request. \n\nWe apologize for the inconvenience. Please try your t
ransaction again in a few hours."
"Erro ao comprar"
"[english]Steam_Subscription_ContactSupport_Headline" "Purchase error"
"Um erro inesperado ocorreu. A sua assin
atura de %subscription% no foi concluda. \n\nPor favor, contate o Suporte Steam us
ando o link abaixo."
"An unexpected error has occurre
d. Your subscription to %subscription% has not been completed. \n\nPlease contac
t Steam Support using the link below."
"Assinatura pendente"
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionFailure_Timeout_Headline" "Subscription pending"
"A sua assinatura de %subscription% no fo
i realizada porque o Steam est muito ocupado no momento para processar a transao. \
n\nVoc poder jogar %subscription% enquanto isso e contataremos voc com o resultado
da transao assim que seja possvel process-la."
"Your subscription to %subscript
ion% has not been completed, because Steam is currently too busy to process the
transaction. \n\nHowever, you can play %subscription% in the meantime, and we wi
ll get back to you with the results of your transaction as soon as we are able t
o process it."
"Steam_Subscription_RestrictedCountry_Headline" "Indisponvel"
"Not Available"
"Steam_Subscription_RestrictedCountry" "Lamentamos, mas %subscription% no est dis
ponvel para compra neste pas. A sua compra foi cancelada."
"[english]Steam_Subscription_RestrictedCountry" "Sorry, but %subscription% is no
t available for purchase in this country. Your purchase has been cancelled."
"Steam_Subscription_Refunded_Headline" "Compra reembolsada"
"[english]Steam_Subscription_Refunded_Headline" "Purchase Refunded"
"Steam_Subscription_Refunded" "Sua compra de %subscription% foi reembolsada. O
crdito dever aparecer na sua conta dentro de alguns dias teis."
"[english]Steam_Subscription_Refunded" "Your purchase of %subscription% has bee
n refunded. The credit should appear in your account within a couple business da
"Cadastro duplicado"
"Duplicate Regis
"Steam_Subscription_HardwarePromo_Used" "Esta oferta j foi ativada usando outra c
onta Steam."
"This offer has already
been activated using a different Steam account."
"Steam_PurchaseError_HardwarePromoIneligible" "Lamentamos, este computador no t
em os requisitos de sistema necessrios para ativar a oferta de %subscription%."
"[english]Steam_PurchaseError_HardwarePromoIneligible" "Sorry, this computer do
es not meet the system requirements for the %subscription% offer."
"Produto j adquir
"[english]Steam_Subscription_HardwarePromo_AlreadyPurchased_Headline" "Product
Already Owned"
"Esta conta Steam j possu
i o(s) produto(s) contido(s)\nnesta oferta. Para acess-los, v at a sua Biblioteca S
"This Steam acco
unt already owns the product(s) contained in\nthis offer. To access them, visit
your Games Library."
"Steam_PurchaseError_HardwarePromoNeedDirectX" "Ops! Precisamos do DirectX 9 ou

posterior para verificar os requisitos de elegibilidade da oferta de %subscript

"[english]Steam_PurchaseError_HardwarePromoNeedDirectX" "Sorry! We require Direc
tX 9 or above to verify the eligibility requirements for the %subscription% offe
"Site para download do Microsoft
"Microsoft DirectX downlo
ad site"
"Steam_HardwarePromoInstallDirextX_URL" "http://www.microsoft.com/windows/direct
"Cadastro bem-sucedido"
"Registration su
"O seu resgate da oferta de %sub
scription% foi bem-sucedido. A sua assinatura est registrada na seguinte conta St
eam: %accountname%. No futuro, voc dever iniciar sesso com esta conta para ter aces
so aos seus jogos."
"Your redemption of the
%subscription% offer has been completed successfully. Your subscription is regis
tered to this Steam account: %accountname%. In the future, you must login to thi
s account to have access to your games."
"Voc ter acesso aos jogos contidos
nesta oferta de qualquer computador, contanto que voc inicie sesso com a conta St
eam \"%accountname%\"."
"You will be able to acc
ess the games contained in this offer from any computer, as long as you log in t
o the Steam account %accountname% ."
"Pr-compra cancelada"
"Preorder Cancelled"
"Como pedido, sua pr-compra de %subscription% pel
o Steam foi cancelada. Voc no ser cobrado."
"As you requested, your pre-order throug
h Steam for %subscription% has been cancelled. Your account will not be charged.
"Por favor, aguarde"
"Please wait"
"Steam_CyberCafe_FeatureLocked_Title" "Steam Erro"
"[english]Steam_CyberCafe_FeatureLocked_Title" "Steam - Error"
"Steam_CyberCafe_FeatureLocked" "Este recurso est bloqueado no momento.\nPara ace
ss-lo, inicie a sesso no Steam com a sua conta de Cyber Caf,\nassegurando-se de que
a opo \"lembrar senha\" est ativada."
"This feature is currently locke
d.\nTo access, log in again into Steam using your cybercafe account,\nmaking sur
e that remember my password is checked."
"Por favor, insira o cdigo de produto que deseja
adicionar sua biblioteca Steam."
"Please enter the product code you wish
to add to your Steam library."
"Steam_RegisterCDKey_Example" "O cdigo ter um dos seguintes formatos:\n AAAAA-BB
"[english]Steam_RegisterCDKey_Example" "Keys look like the following:\n
"Steam_InstallAppWizard_Title" "Instalar %game%"
"[english]Steam_InstallAppWizard_Title" "Install - %game%"

"Preparando arquivos de %s1 para instalao."
"Preparing %s1 files for install."
"Preparando arquivos de %s1 para instalao.."
"Preparing %s1 files for install.."
"Preparando arquivos de %s1 para instalao..."
"Preparing %s1 files for install..."
"Steam Aviso de cdigo de produto"
"[english]Steam_CDKeyAlreadyRegistered_Title" "Steam - product code warning"
"Voc est impossibilitado de registrar cdigos de produto nes
ta conta."
"You are unable to register product codes on thi
s account."
"Navegar por jogos..."
"Browse games..."
"Steam Navegar por jogos"
"Steam - Browse Games"
"Ativar um cdigo de produto..."
"Activate a Product on Steam..."
"Steam_PurchaseError_SubscriptionAlreadyOwned" "Voc j possui %subscription%."
"[english]Steam_PurchaseError_SubscriptionAlreadyOwned" "You already own %subscr
"Steam Novidades"
"Steam - News"
"Avise-me (via mensagens instantneas do S
team) sobre adies ou mudanas sobre:"
"Notify me (with Steam instant m
essages) about additions or changes to:"
"Meus jogos"
"[english]Steam_SettingsNotification_MyGames" "My Games"
"Steam_SettingsNotification_UpcomingReleases" "ltimos e prximos lanamentos"
"[english]Steam_SettingsNotification_UpcomingReleases" "Upcoming and new releas
"Steam_PurchaseError_HardwarePromoAlreadyOwned" "Voc j resgatou a oferta de %subsc
ription% com esta conta Steam."
"You have alread
y redeemed the %subscription% offer using this Steam account."
"View News"
"Steam Erro"
"Steam - Error"
"Steam_ContentServersBusy_Info" "Os servidores Steam esto muito ocupados para pro
cessar o seu pedido.\nPor favor, tente novamente em alguns minutos."
"The Steam servers are currently
too busy to handle your request.\nPlease try again in a few minutes."
"Steam_NoContentServers_Info" "Nenhum servidor de contedo Steam est configurado
no momento para entregar contedo deste jogo.\nIsso ser corrigido em breve. Por fav
or, tente novamente em alguns minutos."
"[english]Steam_NoContentServers_Info" "No Steam content servers are currently
configured to deliver content for this game.\nThis will be corrected soon. Pleas
e try again in a few minutes."
"Ver atualizaes"
"View Updates"
"O Suporte Steam suspendeu esta conta.\n\nContas
normalmente so suspensas ao serem acessadas\npor outra pessoa ou quando uma disp
uta de pagamento est em andamento."
"[english]Steam_ErrorAccountDisabled" "Steam Support has suspended this accoun
t.\n\nAccounts typically become suspended when an account has been accessed\nby
someone else, or a payment dispute is in progress."

"Esta oferta contm os itens listados abaixo."
"[english]Steam_PurchaseInfo" "This offer contains the items listed below."
"Steam_PurchaseInfo_Preorder" "Voc est comprando este pacote na pr-venda; o seu p
agamento no ser processado at que o pacote esteja disponvel para jogar na sua data d
e lanamento oficial."
"[english]Steam_PurchaseInfo_Preorder" "You are pre-ordering this package; Your
payment will not be processed until the package becomes playable on its officia
l release day."
"Steam_InstallGameInfo" "Voc est prestes a instalar %game%.\n"
"You are about to install %game%.\n"
"Arquivos da sua instalao local (i
ncluindo arquivos salvos e arquivos de configurao) sero copiados para uso no Steam.
Quaisquer arquivos no presentes localmente sero baixados do servidores Steam."
"Files from your local i
nstallation (including any saved games and config files) will be copied for use
in Steam. Any files not present locally will be downloaded from the Steam server
"Uma cpia bloqueada de %game% est
agora no seu computador."
"A locked copy of %game%
is now on your computer."
"Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardUseLimitHit_Headline" "Limite de uso d
o carto de crdito excedido"
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardUseLimitHit_Headline" "Credit
Card Use Limit Exceeded"
"Esta transao no fo
i processada porque o carto de crdito abaixo foi usado muitas vezes no Steam.\n\nNs
fazemos isso para prevenir nossos consumidores de fraudes com cartes de crdito. Ns
iremos processar fraudadores at onde a lei permitir."
"This tr
ansaction was not processed because the credit card below has been used too many
times in Steam.\n\nThis policy exists in order to protect our customers from cr
edit card fraud. We will prosecute fraud to the fullest extent of the law."
"Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardAlert_Headline" "Carto recusado"
"Card De
"Esta transao no foi proces
sada porque o banco emissor do carto de crdito identificou usos potencialmente fra
udulentos.\n\nNs iremos processar fraudadores at onde a lei permitir."
"This transactio
n was not processed because your credit card bank has identified use of this cre
dit card as potentially fraudulent.\n\nPlease note that we will prosecute fraud
to the fullest extent of the law."
"Steam DirectX mais recente necessrio"
"Steam - latest DirectX required
"A ltima verso do Microsoft DirectX(r) necessria pa
ra jogar %game%."
"The latest version of Microsoft DirectX
(r) is required to play %game%."
"Site de download do Microsoft DirectX(r)"
"Microsoft DirectX(r) download site"
"Steam_PurchaseError_AllAppsInSubscriptionAlreadyOwned" "Voc j possui todos estes
jogos.\nVoc pode acess-los na sua Biblioteca de Jogos Steam."
"You alr
eady have all these games.\nYou can access them in your Steam Games Library."
"Ativao de produto"
"Product Activation"
"Steam_Install_AutoLaunchGame" "Jogar %game% agora"
"[english]Steam_Install_AutoLaunchGame" "Play %game% now"

"Ver biblioteca Steam"
"View Steam Library"
"Steam_UnableToPreload" "Os servidores Steam esto muito ocupados para lidar com m
ais pr-carregamentos de %game%.\nPor favor, tente novamente em algumas horas."
"The Steam servers are currently too bus
y to handle any more preloads of %game%.\nPlease try again in a few hours."
"Pr-carregamento - Erro"
"Preloading - Error"
"Steam_PreloadProgress" "%preload_amount%%% pr-carregado"
"%preload_amount%%% pre-loaded"
"Fraude de carto de crdito crime, e a Valve cooper
a com a Justia para processar atividades ilegais."
"[english]Steam_PurchaseFraudWarning" "Credit card fraud is a crime, and Valve
cooperates with law enforcement to prosecute illegal activity."
"Steam_CacheValidation_Title" "Validando arquivos do Steam %progress%%% conclud
"[english]Steam_CacheValidation_Title" "Validating Steam files - %progress%%% c
"Steam_ValidatingSteamCaches" "Validando arquivo %cache_name% (%cache_number%
de %cache_total%)"
"[english]Steam_ValidatingSteamCaches" "Validating %cache_name% file (%cache_nu
mber% of %cache_total%)"
"Steam_CacheDecryption_Title" "Descriptografando arquivos do Steam %progress%%
% concludo"
"[english]Steam_CacheDecryption_Title" "Decrypting Steam files - %progress%%% c
"Steam_DecryptingSteamCaches" "Descriptografando arquivos de jogo de %cache_na
"[english]Steam_DecryptingSteamCaches" "Decrypting %cache_name% game files"
"Por favor, aguarde enquanto o Steam des
bloqueia os arquivos do jogo."
"Please wait while Steam unlocks
game files."
"SteamUI_VidDriverDetailsLabel" "Detalhes do seu driver"
"Your Driver details"
"SteamUI_VidDriverOS" "Verso do SO:"
"[english]SteamUI_VidDriverOS" "OS Version:"
"SteamUI_VidDriverDescription" "Descrio:"
"[english]SteamUI_VidDriverDescription" "Description:"
"SteamUI_DriverOutdated_Title" "Driver de vdeo desatualizado"
"[english]SteamUI_DriverOutdated_Title" "Video Driver Outdated"
"SteamUI_DriverOutdated_Info" "Os seus drivers de vdeo esto desatualizados e pod
ero causar problemas caso deseje continuar a rodar o jogo. Recomendamos fortement
e que voc siga o link abaixo e atualize os seus drivers de vdeo para a ltima verso d
isponibilizada pela fabricante da sua placa."
"[english]SteamUI_DriverOutdated_Info" "Your video drivers appear to be out of
date and could cause problems if you choose to continue and run the game. We st
rongly recommend that you follow the link below and update your video drivers to
the latest version available from your driver vendor."
"Ir para pgina de atualizao de driver..."
"Go to driver update page..."
"Continuar mesmo assim"
"Continue Anyway"
"No exibir este aviso novamente"
"Don t show this warning again"
"Placa de vdeo no suportada"
"Unsupported Video Card"
"O seu hardware de vdeo no atende aos requ

isitos mnimos deste jogo. Caso escolha continuar a iniciar o jogo mesmo assim, vo
c poder enfrentar problemas de estabilidade ou desempenho no jogo. Recomendamos fo
rtemente que voc siga o link abaixo e atualize os seus drivers de vdeo para a ltima
verso disponibilizada pela fabricante da sua placa."
"Your video hardware does not me
et the minimum requirements that we have set for the game. If you choose to con
tinue and run the game anyway, you could have problems with stability or perform
ance in the game. We strongly recommend that you follow the link below and upda
te your video drivers to the latest version available from your driver vendor."
"SteamUI_UnsupportedUrlLabel" "Exibir os requisitos mnimos..."
"[english]SteamUI_UnsupportedUrlLabel" "Show minimum requirements..."
"SteamUI_ContinueUnsupported" "Continuar mesmo assim"
"[english]SteamUI_ContinueUnsupported" "Continue Anyway"
"SteamUI_SuppressUnsupported" "No exibir este aviso novamente"
"[english]SteamUI_SuppressUnsupported" "Don t show this warning again"
"SteamUI_DriverUnknown_Title" "Placa de vdeo desconhecida"
"[english]SteamUI_DriverUnknown_Title" "Unknown Video Card"
"Sua placa de vdeo no est em nosso banco de dados.
Consequentemente voc poder ou no conseguir jogar com estabilidade ou desempenho suf
iciente. Agradeceramos se nos ajudasse em ter certeza de que, no futuro, saibamos
te ajudar em relao a sua placa de vdeo e drivers. Ao clicar no boto Enviar detalhe
s voc nos ajudar a saber que placas de vdeo no esto atualmente no nosso banco de dad
"[english]SteamUI_DriverUnknown_Info" "Your video card does not appear in our
database. Consequently, you may or may not be able to the play game with suffic
ient stability or performance. We would appreciate your help in ensuring that w
e have sufficient information to address your video card and driver in the futur
e. By clicking the Upload Details button you will help us track which video car
ds are currently missing from our database."
"Ver a Poltica de Privacidade da Valve..."
"View Valve Privacy Policy..."
"SteamUI_UnknownUpload" "Enviar detalhes"
"Upload Details"
"Continuar mesmo assim"
"Continue Anyway"
"No exibir este aviso novamente"
"Don t show this warning again"
"Verso do Windows desconhecida"
"Unknown Windows Version"
"Windows 98/98 SE/ME"
"Windows 98/98 SE/ME"
"SteamUI_OSVersion2000" "Windows 2000"
"Windows 2000"
"SteamUI_OSVersionXP" "Windows XP"
"[english]SteamUI_OSVersionXP" "Windows XP"
"SteamUI_DriverUnsupportedURL" "http://www.steampowered.com/Steam/Messages/mini
"[english]SteamUI_DriverUnsupportedURL" "http://www.steampowered.com/Steam/Messa
"Aprovado na verificao de requisitos de si
"System Requirements Check Passe

"Este computador atende aos requisitos mnimos par
a rodar %game%."
"This computer meets the minimum system
requirements for %game%."
"SteamUI_MBPGPUWarning_Title" "Steam Mltiplas GPUs detectadas"
"[english]SteamUI_MBPGPUWarning_Title" "Steam - Multiple GPUs detected"
"O seu MacBook Pro tem duas placas de vdeo e est c
onfigurado para eficincia de energia, no velocidade.
Para uma melhor experincia, sugerimos que voc mude para a placa com melhor desempe
nho; abra o
painel de preferncias do sistema \"Economizador de Energia\" e escolha grficos par
a \"Melhor Desempenho\".
Voc precisar finalizar a sesso no macOS para que a alterao surta efeito."
"Your MacBook Pro has two Graphics cards
and is currently configured for power efficiency, not speed.
For the best experience, we suggest you switch to the card with better performan
ce, by opening the
Energy Saver system preferences pane, and choosing Higher Performance graphics

You ll need to log out of OSX for the change to take effect."
"SteamUI_MBPEnegySaverLinkText" "Clique aqui para abrir o painel de preferncias \
"Economizador de Energia\"."
"Click here to open the Energy S
aver preference pane."
"SteamUI_PleaseInsertRetailCDRom_Title" "CD / DVD necessrio"
"CD / DVD required"
"SteamUI_PleaseInsertRetailCDRom_Info" "Por favor, insira seu CD ou DVD de %sub
scription% no seu drive."
"[english]SteamUI_PleaseInsertRetailCDRom_Info" "Please insert your %subscriptio
n% CD or DVD into your drive."
"Steam Compra pendente"
"Steam - Purchase pending"
"A sua compra ainda est sendo processada
o Steam notificar voc quando a transao for concluda.\nAt l, este jogo no estar dis
ara ser jogado."
"Your purchase is still being pr
ocessed - Steam will notify you when the transaction has been completed.\nUntil
then, this game is not available to play."
"Steam disponvel apenas no modo offline"
"Steam available in Offline Mode
"No momento a rede Steam est permitindo apenas o
uso no modo offline. Isso significa que voc ter acesso aos seus jogos, mas vrios se
rvios da rede Steam estaro indisponveis."
"[english]SteamUI_FSMode_Explanation" "The Steam network currently allows Stea
m to be used in Offline Mode only. This means you ll have access to your games,
but many Steam network services will be unavailable."
"SteamUI_FSMode_Explanation2" "A equipe do Steam est trabalhando em restaurar p
or completo os servios de rede o mais rpido possvel. Obrigado por sua pacincia duran
te este tempo."
"[english]SteamUI_FSMode_Explanation2" "The Steam team is working on restoring
full network services as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience during th
is time."
"SteamUI_FSMode_StartInOffline" "Iniciar Steam no modo offline"
"Start Steam in Offline Mode"
"SteamUI_FSMode_Title" "Iniciar no modo offline?"

"[english]SteamUI_FSMode_Title" "Start in Offline Mode?"

"Meu endereo para envio o
igual ao de cobrana."
"My shipping add
ress is the same as my billing address."
"[english]Steam_ShippingName" "Name"
"Steam_SubscribeShippingInfo" "Por favor, fornea seu endereo para envio atual."
"[english]Steam_SubscribeShippingInfo" "Please provide your current shipping ad
"Iniciar sesso com outra conta..."
"Login as a different user..."
"Steam_NoSavePersonalInfoCheck" "No salvar credenciais de conta neste computador"
"Don t save account credentials
on this computer"
"Esta opo recomendada para computa
dores pblicos,\nmas desativar o \"modo offline\"."
"This option is recommen
ded for public computers.\nNote that this will disable Offline Mode."
"Por favor, insira um cdigo postal de 5 dg
itos vlido"
"Please enter a valid 5-digit zi
p code"
"Por favor, insira um estado de 2 letras
"Please enter a valid 2-letter s
"Velocidade aproximada da sua conexo"
"Approximate speed of your conne
"Servidor dedicado - Erro no sistema de
"Dedicated Server - Filesystem E
"Falha na montagem do sistema de arquivos Steam.
"[english]Start_Server_FSMount_Error" "Failed to mount Steam filesystem."
"Steam_Subscription_Success_WithShipping$purchasetype=regular" "A sua assinatur
a de %subscription% foi realizada com sucesso.\n\nVoc pode jogar qualquer um dos
jogos j lanados clicando neles na sua Biblioteca de Jogos Steam. Alm disso, voc rece
ber uma confirmao por e-mail assim que os produtos fsicos do seu pedido forem enviad
os. Agradecemos o seu pedido!"
"[english]Steam_Subscription_Success_WithShipping$purchasetype=regular" "Your su
bscription to %subscription% has been completed successfully.\n\nYou can play an
y of the currently released games by clicking on them in your Steam Games Librar
y. Also, you ll receive an email confirmation as soon as the merchandise portion
of your order has shipped. Thank you for your order!"
"O seu presente
de %subscription% foi enviado para %giftee%. Voc receber um e-mail de confirmao assi
m que os produtos fsicos do seu pedido forem enviados. Agradecemos o seu pedido!"
"Your gi
ft of %subscription% has been sent to %giftee%. You ll receive an email confirma
tion as soon as the merchandise portion of your order has shipped. Thank you for
your order!"
"Steam_Subscription_Success_WithShipping$purchasetype=unknown" "A sua compra de
%subscription% foi concluda. Voc receber um e-mail de confirmao assim que os produto
s fsicos do seu pedido forem enviados. Agradecemos o seu pedido!"
"[english]Steam_Subscription_Success_WithShipping$purchasetype=unknown" "Your pu
rchase of %subscription% has been completed. You ll receive an email confirmatio
n as soon as the merchandise portion of your order has shipped. Thank you for yo

ur order!"
"Obrigado - a sua transao
foi concluda."
"Thank you - You
r transaction is complete."
"Steam_SubscriptionFailure_Timeout_CantPlay_Headline" "Assinatura pendente"
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionFailure_Timeout_CantPlay_Headline" "Subscription pe
"A sua assinatura de %subscripti
on% no foi realizada porque os servidores Steam esto impossibilitados de processar
a transao no momento.\n\nVoc no poder jogar %subscription% at que o processo seja co
cludo. Lamentamos qualquer transtorno que isso venha a lhe causar. A equipe do St
eam est trabalhando para resolver essa situao e lhe notificar assim que a transao for
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionFailure_Timeout_CantPlay" "Your subscription to %s
ubscription% has not been completed, because Steam servers are currently unable
to process the transaction.\n\nYou won t be able to play %subscription% until th
e subscription process is complete. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may
cause. The Steam team is working to rectify this situation, and will notify you
as soon as the transaction is complete."
"J h uma compra em andamento, ento voc no pod
e iniciar outra agora. Por favor, complete ou cancele a compra em andamento."
"There is already a purchase in
progress, so you can t initiate another one right now. Please either complete or
cancel the purchase already in progress."
"Por favor, instale %subscriptio
n% antes de continuar."
"Please install %subscri
ption% before continuing."
"SteamUI_PleaseInstallRetailFiles_Info" "A instalao de %subscription% necessria ant
es de continuar.\nPor favor, insira seu CD/DVD de %subscription% no drive e sele
cione instalar do menu de reproduo automtica."
"Installation of %subscr
iption% is required before continuing.\nPlease insert your %subscription% CD/DVD
into the drive and select install from the autorun menu."
"Nmero de telefone"
"Phone number"
"[english]Steam_GamePurchaseableWhenReleased" " *"
"Steam_ShippingGoods" "Produtos de Half-Life 2"
"[english]Steam_ShippingGoods" "Half-Life 2 Merchandise"
"Frete e manuseio"
"Shipping & Handling"
"As mercadorias sero enviadas dos Estados Unidos. Voc ser r
esponsvel pelo pagamento de quaisquer impostos e taxas alfandegrias."
"Merchandise will be shipped from the United Sta
tes. You are responsible for any applicable duty charges."
"Steam_AgreeToTheTerms" "Aceito os termos do"
"I agree to the terms of the"
"Acordo de Assinatura do Steam"
"Steam Subscriber Agreement"
"Steam Aviso"
"Steam - Warning"
"Steam_ComplianceRequired_Info" "Voc precisa concordar com os termos do acordo de
assinatura do Steam para continuar."
"Agreement to the terms of the S
team subscriber agreement is required to continue."
"Steam_Legal_UnreleasedProduct" "* Este produto ainda no foi lanado e ser disponibi
lizado aos compradores no dia do lanamento. A data de lanamento deste produto ince
rta e os compradores no devem confiar em nenhuma data estimada de lanamento."

"* This is an unreleased product
and will be made available to purchasers upon its release. The release date fo
r this product is uncertain and purchasers should not rely on any estimated rele
ase date."
"Steam_Legal_TimeToShipGoods" "** Por favor, espere de 6 a 8 semanas para que
as mercadorias includas no pacote ouro de Half-Life 2 sejam entregues."
"[english]Steam_Legal_TimeToShipGoods" "** Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery of mer
chandise included in the Half-Life 2 gold package."
"Eu concordo que o Acordo de Assinatura do Steam
e os termos da oferta descritos aqui se aplicam a esta compra."
"I agree that the Steam Subscriber Agree
ment and the terms of the offer described here will apply to this purchase."
"Steam_Legal_SSANext" "Aceito"
"[english]Steam_Legal_SSANext" "I Agree"
"Registrar oferta promocional"
"Register Promotional Offer"
"Parabns! O seu computador se qualifica para esta
oferta. Voc pode resgatar esta oferta registrando-a com uma, e somente uma, cont
a Steam. Voc poder jogar os jogos inclusos nesta oferta de qualquer computador, co
ntanto que voc inicie sesso com esta conta Steam."
"Congratulations! Your computer qualifie
s for this offer. You may redeem the offer by registering it to one, and only on
e, Steam account. You ll be able to play the games contained in the offer from a
ny computer, as long as you login to this Steam account."
"Steam_Legal_HardwarePromo_Unreleased" "Alguns dos produtos deste pacote ainda
no foram lanados e sero disponibilizados automaticamente para voc, no dia do lanament
o, pelo Steam. A data de lanamento destes produtos incerta e compradores no devem
confiar em nenhuma data estimada de lanamento. Termos e condies adicionais sero exib
idos ao clicar em \"Avanar\"."
"[english]Steam_Legal_HardwarePromo_Unreleased" "Some of the products in this pa
ckage have not yet been released and are not currently available. These products
will automatically be made available to you via Steam upon their release. The r
elease date for these products is uncertain and purchasers should not rely on an
y estimated release date. Additional terms and conditions will be shown by click
ing Next ."
"Steam_Working_HardwarePromo" "Registrando oferta..."
"[english]Steam_Working_HardwarePromo" "Registering offer..."
"SteamUI_OEMTicketWizard_Title" "Registrar licena OEM"
"Register OEM License"
"Fazer backup dos arquivos"
"Backup Game Files..."
"Steam_BackupRequiresFullCache_Title" "Steam Backup"
"[english]Steam_BackupRequiresFullCache_Title" "Steam - Backup"
"Voc no poder fazer o backup de %game% at qu
e a atualizao esteja concluda."
"[english]Steam_BackupRequiresFullCache_Info" "%game% cannot be backed up unti
l it has finished updating."
"Steam_BackupSelectGames_Info" "Selecione os programas que voc deseja incluir ne
ste backup.\nSomente programas completamente baixados e atualizados esto disponvei
s para backup."
"[english]Steam_BackupSelectGames_Info" "Select the programs you wish to include
in this backup.\nOnly programs which are fully downloaded and up-to-date are av
ailable to be backed up."
"Steam_BackupStartText" "O que deseja fazer?"
"What would you like to do?"
"Restaurar um backup anterior"
"Restore a previous backup"
"Fazer backup dos programas instalados"
"Backup currently installed programs"
"Fazer backup e restaurar programas"

"Backup and Restore Programs"
"Steam_BackingUpFile" "Fazendo backup de %file%"
"[english]Steam_BackingUpFile" "Backing up %file%"
"Tempo restante:"
"Time remaining:"
"Localize o diretrio contendo os arquivos
de backup que voc quer recuperar. Se voc salvou seu backup no local padro do Steam
, tal local ser uma pasta Backups , dentro do diretrio do Steam."
"Locate the directory containing
the backup files from which you wish to restore. If you ve saved your backup to
Steam s default location, this will be a folder inside the directory called Ba
ckups. "
"Restaurar programa(s) da pasta:"
"Restore program from folder:"
"Backups encontrados:"
"Program backups found:"
"Localize os seus arquivos de backup"
"[english]Steam_SelectRestoreDirectory_Title" "Locate your Backup Files"
"Escolha o diretrio no qual voc deseja cri
ar os arquivos de backup."
"Choose a directory where you wi
sh to create the backup files."
"Steam_BackupDirectory" "Destino do backup"
"Backup destination"
"Steam_ChangeDirectory" "Procurar..."
"Por favor, aguarde enquanto os arquivos de back
up esto sendo comprimidos e salvos..."
"Please wait while the backup archives a
re being compressed and saved..."
"Steam Backup"
"Steam - Backup"
"No possvel fazer backup de arquivos para
diretrios do sistema."
"Cannot backup files to system d
"Steam_CannotBackupNoEnoughDiskSpace" "No h espao em disco suficiente neste drive
"[english]Steam_CannotBackupNoEnoughDiskSpace" "Not enough disk space free on t
his drive."
"Steam_BackupNameAndSize_Info" "Se necessrio, seu backup ser dividido em vrios arq
uivos para facilitar o armazenamento em CD-R ou DVD-R."
"[english]Steam_BackupNameAndSize_Info" "If necessary, your backup will be split
into multiple files for easy storage on CD-R or DVD-R."
"Steam_BackupFileSize" "Tamanho do arquivo"
"[english]Steam_BackupFileSize" "File size"
"Steam_BackupSize_CD" "CD [640 MB]"
"[english]Steam_BackupSize_CD" "CD [640 MB]"
"Steam_BackupSize_DVD" "DVD [4,7 GB]"
"[english]Steam_BackupSize_DVD" "DVD [4.7 GB]"
"Steam_BackupFileName" "Nome do arquivo de backup"
"[english]Steam_BackupFileName" "Backup file name"
"Escolha a pasta de backup"
"Select backup folder"
"Nmero aproximado de arquivos\ncomprimidos que se
ro gravados:"

"Approximate number of compressed\nfiles
which will be written:"
"Steam_BackupWizard_OpenFolder" "Abrir pasta do backup"
"Open Backup Folder"
"O backup est concludo. Caso tenha um gravador de
disco ou um pendrive, voc pode us-lo para salvar o seu backup.\n\nUse o assistente
de backup e restaurao do Steam para restaurar os backups dos seus jogos."
"Backup is now complete. If you have a C
D-R or DVD-R drive, you can use it to save your backup file(s).\n\nUse Steam s B
ackup and Restore wizard to restore your backed-up games."
"Baixar e instalar"
"Download and Install"
"Steam Ferramentas"
"Steam - Tools"
"Steam_CreditCardAmexInvalid" "O nmero de segurana do carto de crdito deve conter
4 dgitos."
"[english]Steam_CreditCardAmexInvalid" "Credit card security number must be 4 n
umbers long."
"Steam_CreditCardDinersInvalid" "[temp]"
"Descriptografando arquivos de jogo de %s1."
"Decrypting %s1 game files."
"Descriptografando arquivos de jogo de %s1.."
"Decrypting %s1 game files.."
"Descriptografando arquivos de jogo de %s1..."
"Decrypting %s1 game files..."
"Steam_ConnectionIssues_Title" "Steam Aviso"
"[english]Steam_ConnectionIssues_Title" "Steam - Warning"
"Steam_ConnectionIssues_Info" "O Steam est tendo problemas de conexo com os serv
idores Steam."
"[english]Steam_ConnectionIssues_Info" "Steam is having trouble connecting to t
he Steam servers."
"Dicas para soluo de problemas"
"Troubleshooting tips"
"Steam_RetryConnection" "Tentar novamente"
"Retry connection"
"Steam_GamePropertiesContent_Scanning" "Escaneando..."
"[english]Steam_GamePropertiesContent_Scanning" "Scanning..."
"Steam_Install_CreateDesktopShortcut" "Criar um atalho na rea de trabalho"
"[english]Steam_Install_CreateDesktopShortcut" "Create desktop shortcut"
"Steam_Install_CreateMultipleDesktopShortcut" "Criar atalho na rea de trabalho
para cada jogo"
"[english]Steam_Install_CreateMultipleDesktopShortcut" "Create desktop shortcut
for each game"
"Adicionar ao Explorador de Jogo
"Add to Games Explorer"
"Steam_Install_ViewGameManual" "Ver manual de %game_manual%"
"[english]Steam_Install_ViewGameManual" "View %game_manual% manual"
"Ver detalhes da conta"
"[english]Steam_Account_Link" "View Account Details"
"Conta Steam"
"[english]Steam_SteamAccount" "Steam account"
"[english]Steam_Cost" "Cost"
"Imposto estimado"
"[english]Steam_EstimatedTax" "Estimated tax"
"A mercadoria ser enviada dos Estados Unidos. Voc

responsvel por quaisquer impostos aplicveis."

"Merchandise will be shipped from the Un
ited States. You are responsible for any applicable duty charges."
"Steam_CardHolderName" "Nome do titular do carto"
"[english]Steam_CardHolderName" "Card holder name"
"Bandeira do carto"
"Card type"
"Nmero do carto"
"Card number"
"Steam_CardExpiration" "Validade do carto"
"[english]Steam_CardExpiration" "Card expiration"
"Steam_BillingAddress" "Endereo de cobrana"
"[english]Steam_BillingAddress" "Billing address"
"Endereo de cobrana - linha 2"
"Billing address line 2"
"Steam_BillingPostCode" "Cdigo postal (CEP)"
"Postal code"
"[english]Steam_BillingState" "State"
"Steam_BillingCountry" "Pas"
"[english]Steam_BillingCountry" "Country"
"Steam_ShippingAddress" "Endereo para envio"
"Shipping address"
"Endereo para envio - linha 2"
"[english]Steam_ShippingAddressLine2" "Shipping address line 2"
"[english]Steam_ShippingCity" "City"
"Cdigo postal (CEP)"
"Postal code"
"Steam_ShippingState" "Estado/UF"
"[english]Steam_ShippingState" "State"
"Steam_ShippingCountry" "Pas"
"Steam_ShippingPhone" "Nmero de telefone"
"[english]Steam_ShippingPhone" "Phone number"
"Requer credenciais Steam vlidas"
"Valid Steam Login Required"
"No foi possvel detectar credenciais vlidas.\n\nPor
favor, inicie a sesso para continuar usando o Steam."
"Steam cannot detect a valid login.\n\nP
lease log in to continue using Steam."
"Iniciar sesso..."
"[english]Steam_LoginElipsis" "Login..."
"Steam_ConnectionFailureTitle" "Falha na conexo"
"[english]Steam_ConnectionFailureTitle" "Connection Failure"
"Steam_ConnectionFailureDetail" "O Steam no pode se conectar rede. Isto pode ser
devido a um problema com sua conexo Internet."
"Steam cannot connect to the net
work. This may be due to a problem with your Internet connection."
"Steam_ConnectionSupportLink" "Solucionar problemas com minha conexo"
"[english]Steam_ConnectionSupportLink" "Troubleshoot my connection"
"[english]Steam_ConnectionSupportURL" "http://support.steampowered.com/cgi-bin

"Dicas para solucionar problemas de rede
"[english]SteamUI_NetworkTroubleshootingTips" "Network troubleshooting tips"
"Aviso de desempenho"
"Performance Warning"
"SteamUI_PerfWarning" "Seu sistema no atende a uma ou mais das recomendaes de %ga
me% para CPU, memria ou placa de vdeo."
"[english]SteamUI_PerfWarning" "Your system does not meet one or more of %game%
s system recommendations for CPU, Memory or Video Card."
"SteamUI_PerfWarningLostCoast" "Lost Coast uma atualizao gratuita para os donos d
e Half-Life 2, criada para apresentar os mais recentes grficos em tempo real, inc
luindo iluminao por HighDynamic Range. Por isso, o jogo possui requisitos de siste
ma elevados e fora do comum."
"[english]SteamUI_PerfWarningLostCoast" "Lost Coast is a free update for owners
of Half-Life 2 which has been built to showcase the latest in real-time graphics
, including HighDynamic Range lighting. As such, it has unusually high system re
"SteamUI_PerfWarningYourSystem" "SEU SISTEMA:"
"SteamUI_PerfWarningBuyStuff" "Um link para placas de vdeo de alto desempenho e
ncontra-se abaixo. Para outros itens, favor consultar sua loja de informtica favo
"[english]SteamUI_PerfWarningBuyStuff" "A link to high-performance video cards
is below. For the other items, please consult your favorite computer store."
"Clique aqui para comprar uma placa de vdeo compa
tvel com HDR na Amazon.com"
"Click here to shop for an HDR-capable v
ideo card at Amazon.com"
"Instalar %game%"
"Install %game%"
"Steam_RunGameAnyway" "Iniciar %game%"
"[english]Steam_RunGameAnyway" "Launch %game%"
"Steam_PurchaseAnyway" "Comprar %game%"
"[english]Steam_PurchaseAnyway" "Purchase %game%"
"Assista ao vdeo do Lost Coast"
"Watch the Lost Coast video"
"Falha nos requisitos de sistema"
"System Requirements failed"
"Voc precisa estar usando %os% ou posterior para rodar es
te jogo"
"You must be running %os% or later to run this g
"Continuar mesmo assim"
"Continue Anyway"
"SteamUI_OSWarningOkay" "OK"
"Por favor, leia este acordo por completo. Voc deve conco
rdar com os termos do Acordo de Assinatura do Steam para continuar."
"Please read this agreement in its entirety. You
must agree with the terms of the Steam Subscriber Agreement to continue."
"Eu sou um Operador Cybercafe Licenciado e conco
rdo com estes termos"
"[english]SteamUI_SSA_CybercafeAgree" "I am a Licensed Cybercafe Operator and
agree to these terms"
"SteamUI_SSA_ActivateProduct" "Para ativar o produto no Steam e adicion-lo bibl
ioteca, insira o cdigo do produto distribudo com um CD/DVD ou outro cdigo de produt
o do Steam aqui. Clique em \"Avanar\" para continuar."

"[english]SteamUI_SSA_ActivateProduct" "To register your product with Steam and

add it to your Steam library, enter the product code distributed with a retail
CD/DVD or other Steam product code here. Click Next to continue."
"[english]Steam_StatusColumn" "Status"
"[english]Steam_UpdateColumn" "Update"
"Steam_DeveloperColumn" "Desenvolvedor"
"Nuvem Steam"
"Steam Cloud"
"Meus jogos"
"My games"
"Steam_Store_TabTitle" "Loja"
"[english]Steam_Store_TabTitle" "Store"
"Steam_Tools_TabTitle" "Ferramentas"
"[english]Steam_Tools_TabTitle" "Tools"
"[english]Steam_Account_Name" "%account%"
"[english]Steam_News" "News"
"Steam_Friends" "Amigos"
"Steam_Servers" "Servidores"
"Steam_Support" "Suporte"
"Steam_Friends_Upper" "AMIGOS"
"[english]Steam_Friends_Upper" "FRIENDS"
"Steam_Servers_Upper" "SERVIDORES"
"[english]Steam_Servers_Upper" "SERVERS"
"Steam_Settings_Upper" "CONFIGURAES"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Upper" "SETTINGS"
"Steam_Support_Upper" "SUPORTE"
"[english]Steam_Support_Upper" "SUPPORT"
"Steam_Launch" "Jogar"
"[english]Steam_Launch" "Play"
"Steam_Install" "Instalar"
"Steam_Preload" "Pr-carregar"
"Steam_Details" "Detalhes"

"steam_menu_view_games" "Exibir Biblioteca de jogos"
"View Games Library"
"[english]steam_menu_account" "Steam"
"Detalhes dos jogos"
"Games Details"
"steam_menu_games_list" "Lista de jogos"
"Games List"
"steam_menu_games_grid" "Grade de jogos"
"Games Grid"
"steam_store" "Loja"
"[english]steam_store" "Store"
"steam_mygames" "Jogos"
"steam_tools" "Ferramentas"
"[english]steam_tools" "Tools"
"steam_about" "Sobre o Steam"
"[english]steam_about" "About Steam"
"Alterar para lista compacta de jogos"
"Switch to Mini Games List"
"Alterar para visualizao completa"
"Switch to Full View"
"Fazer backup e restaurar jogos..."
"Backup and Restore Games..."
"steam_menu_changeuser" "Trocar usurio..."
"Change User..."
"Suporte Steam"
"[english]steam_menu_support" "Steam Support"
"steam_menu_community" "Comunidade"
"[english]steam_menu_community" "Community"
"Steam_NotYetReleased" "Ainda no lanado"
"[english]Steam_NotYetReleased" "Not yet released"
"No instalado"
"[english]Steam_NotInstalled" "Not installed"
"[english]Steam_NotAvailable" "Not available"
"Atualizao pausada"
"[english]Steam_UpdatePaused" "Update paused"
"Steam_PreloadPaused" "Pr-carregamento pausado"
"[english]Steam_PreloadPaused" "Pre-load paused"
"Steam_PreloadStarting" "Pr-carregamento na fila"
"Pre-load queued"
"Steam_PreloadStopping" "Interrompendo pr-carregamento..."
"Pre-load stopping..."
"Ready to play"
"Pr-carregamento concludo; no lanado"
"Pre-load complete; unreleased"
"Pr-carregamento concludo; no lanado"

"Pre-load complete; unreleased"
"Pr-carregamento concludo"
"Pre-load complete"
"Mod pronto para jogar"
"Mod ready to play"
"Steam_GamePreloading" "Pr-carregando"
"[english]Steam_GamePreloading" "Pre-loading"
"[english]Steam_GameUpdating" "Updating"
"Steam_GameDownloading" "Baixando"
"Na fila"
"[english]Steam_GameDownloadStarting" "Queued"
"Interrompendo download..."
"[english]Steam_GameDownloadStopping" "Download stopping..."
"steam_gamecalculating" "Calculando..."
"steam_gamepreloaded" "Pr-carregamento concludo"
"[english]steam_gamepreloaded" "Pre-load complete"
"Conflito de sincronizao"
"Sync conflict"
"Steam Backup"
"Steam - Backup"
"Steam_BackupRequiresFullyDownloadedGames_Info" "No h jogos prontos para criao de ba
"You don t curre
ntly have any games ready to backup."
"Steam_WebBrowser_Back" "< Voltar"
"< Back"
"Steam_WebBrowser_Home" "^ Incio"
"^ Home"
"~ Recarregar"
"~ Reload"
"Tamanho do texto"
"Text size"
"[english]Steam_MiniGamesColumn_NotInstalled" "NOT INSTALLED"
"Steam_minigamescolumn_tools" "FERRAMENTAS"
"[english]Steam_minigamescolumn_tools" "TOOLS"
"(atualizao pausada)"
"(update paused)"
"Steam_MiniGamesList_DownloadStarting" "iniciando download..."
"[english]Steam_MiniGamesList_DownloadStarting" "download starting..."
"Steam_MiniGamesList_DownloadStopping" "interrompendo download..."
"[english]Steam_MiniGamesList_DownloadStopping" "download stopping..."
"(pr-carregamento pausado)"
"(pre-load paused)"
"Steam_MiniGamesList_PreloadStarting" "iniciando pr-carregamento..."
"[english]Steam_MiniGamesList_PreloadStarting" "pre-load starting..."
"(no lanado)"
"Steam_MiniGamesList_Preloaded" "(pr-carregado)"

"Pausar atualizao"
"Pause Updating"
"Retomar atualizao"
"Resume Updating"
"Steam_RightClick_DeleteLocalContent" "Excluir contedo local"
"[english]Steam_RightClick_DeleteLocalContent" "Delete Local Content..."
"Pausar pr-carregamento"
"Pause Pre-loading"
"Retomar pr-carregamento"
"Resume Pre-loading"
"Exibir informaes de pr-carregamento"
"View Pre-load Info..."
"Sobre o Steam"
"About Steam"
"Aplicativo cliente Steam"
"Steam client application"
"Criado: %build_date% s %build_time%"
"Built: %build_date%, at %build_time%"
"API Steam: v%build_interface%"
"Steam API: v%build_interface%"
"Steam_SteamSubscriberAgreement_Title" "Acordo de Assinatura do Steam"
"[english]Steam_SteamSubscriberAgreement_Title" "Steam Subscriber Agreement"
"Steam Criar conta de Cyber Caf"
"Steam - Create Cybercaf
e Account"
"Opes de inicializao %game%"
"Launch Options - %game%"
"%game% Propriedades"
"[english]Steam_GameProperties_Title" "%game% - Properties"
"[english]Steam_GameProperties_Close" "Close"
"Arquivos locais"
"[english]Steam_GameProperties_LocalFilesTab" "Local files"
"Steam_GameProperties_DLCTab" "Cont. adicional"
"[english]Steam_GameProperties_DLCTab" "DLC"
"Steam_Game_Homepage" "Pgina"
"[english]Steam_Game_Homepage" "Homepage"
"Steam_Game_Developer" "Desenvolvedor"
"[english]Steam_Game_Developer" "Developer"
"Steam_Game_NoManual" "[ nenhum disponvel ]"
"[english]Steam_Game_NoManual" "[ none available ]"
"Manual de %game%"
"%game% manual"
"Steam_Game_SetLaunchOptions" "Definir opes de inicializao..."
"[english]Steam_Game_SetLaunchOptions" "Set launch options..."
"Criar atalho na rea de trabalho"
"Create desktop shortcut"
"Steam_Game_DLC_Title" "Voc tem os seguintes contedos adicionais (DLCs) para %gam
e%.\n\nTodos os contedos adicionais so instalados e desinstalados automaticamente
junto com o produto e podem ser acessados ao us-lo."
"[english]Steam_Game_DLC_Title" "You have the following downloadable content for

%game%.\n\nAll downloadable content is automatically installed and uninstalled

along with this product, and can be accessed by launching it."
"Exibir contedo adicional disponvel para este prod
"View available downloadable content for
this product"
"Mtodo de aquisio"
"Acquisition Method"
"Atualmente voc no possui contedo adicional para es
te produto."
"You currently have no downloadable cont
ent for this product."
"Fim de semana gratuito"
"Free Weekend"
"De varejo"
"Promoo de hardware"
"Hardware Promo"
"Steam_Game_SteamStore" "Loja Steam"
"Steam Store"
"Pgina da loja"
"Store Page"
"Atualizaes automticas"
"Automatic updates"
"Ver histrico de atualizaes de %game%"
"View %game% update history"
"Steam_Game_DiskUsage" "Espao em disco"
"[english]Steam_Game_DiskUsage" "Disk usage"
"Ver histrico de atualizaes de %game%"
"View %game% update history"
"Poltica de Privacidade"
"Privacy Policy"
"steam_menu_LegalInformation" "Informaes Legais"
"[english]steam_menu_LegalInformation" "Legal Information"
"steam_menu_SteamSubscriberAgreement" "Acordo de Assinatura do Steam"
"[english]steam_menu_SteamSubscriberAgreement" "Steam Subscriber Agreement"
"steam_menu_bandwidthmonitor" "Monitor de velocidade"
"[english]steam_menu_bandwidthmonitor" "Bandwidth monitor"
"Steam_BandwidthMonitor_Title" "Steam Monitor de banda"
"[english]Steam_BandwidthMonitor_Title" "Steam - Bandwidth monitor"
"steam_monitor_usage" "Taxa atual de download"
"[english]steam_monitor_usage" "Current download rate"
"Pico da taxa de download"
"Peak download rate"
"steam_monitor_totaldownloaded" "Total de bytes baixados nesta sesso"
"Total bytes downloaded this ses
"A sua a
ssinatura de %subscription% no foi realizada. As informaes do seu carto de crdito for
am recusadas pela administradora porque no h limite suficiente no seu carto.\n\nSai
ba que, em certos casos, a administradora reter os fundos, mas no haver cobrana."
"Your subscription to %subscription% has not been completed. Your credit card in
formation has been declined by your credit card company due to insufficient fund
s in the account.\n\nNote that in some cases, your credit card company may put a
hold on funds in your account, but you will not be charged."

"A sua assinatur
a de %subscription% no foi realizada. As informaes do seu carto de crdito foram recus
adas pela administradora porque um endereo incorreto foi inserido.\n\nSaiba que,
em certos casos, a administradora reter os fundos, mas no haver cobrana. Aps revisar
as informaes abaixo, se voc acredita que o seu carto foi recusado por erros, por fav
or, tente finalizar a compra novamente."
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardDeclined_AVSFailure" "Your su
bscription to %subscription% has not been completed. Your credit card informatio
n has been declined by your credit card company due to an incorrect address bein
g entered.\n\nNote that in some cases, your credit card company may put a hold
on funds in your account, but you will not be charged. After reviewing the info
rmation below, if you believe your card has been declined in error please try yo
ur purchase again."
"ServerBrowser_ModNotInstalled" "Voc no tem esse mod de terceiros instalado"
"You do not have this 3rd party
mod installed"
"No foi possvel se conectar ao servidor,\n app id
especificado pelo servidor invlido"
"Unable to connect to server,\n app id s
pecified by server is invalid"
"ServerBrowser_NotInitialized" "O Steam no foi inicializado. Por favor, tente no
"[english]ServerBrowser_NotInitialized" "Steam is not initialized. Please try ag
"O Acordo de Assinatura do Steam foi atualizado
pela ltima vez em %SSA_date%. Ao usar o Steam e os seus jogos voc confirma que leu
e aceitou tais alteraes."
"The Steam Subscriber Agreement has been
updated as of %SSA_date%. By using Steam and Steam games you are stating that y
ou have read and agree with these changes."
"Steam_SSAUpdated_Link" "Clique aqui para ver o acordo atualizado."
"Click here to view the updated agreemen
"Steam_Settings_Title" "Configuraes"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Title" "Settings"
"Steam_ProducerColumn" "Produtor"
"[english]Steam_ProducerColumn" "Producer"
"Steam_MediaTypeColumn" "Tipo"
"Minhas mdias"
"My media"
"SteamUI_AppTypeGame" "jogo"
"[english]SteamUI_AppTypeGame" "game"
"SteamUI_AppTypeGameInitialCapsPlural" "Jogos"
"[english]SteamUI_AppTypeGameInitialCapsPlural" "Games"
"SteamUI_AppTypeTool" "ferramenta"
"[english]SteamUI_AppTypeTool" "tool"
"SteamUI_AppTypeToolInitialCapsPlural" "Ferramentas"

"[english]SteamUI_AppTypeToolInitialCapsPlural" "Tools"
"SteamUI_AppTypeMediaFileInitialCaps" "Mdia"
"[english]SteamUI_AppTypeMediaFileInitialCaps" "Media"
"Excluir arquivo de mdia?"
"Delete media file?"
"Isso excluir todo o contedo de %s
1 \ndeste computador.\n\nPara usar esta mdia novamente voc primeiro\nter que baixar
seu contedo novamente."
"This will delete all %s
1 content\nfrom this computer.\n\nTo play this media in the future you ll have t
o first\nre-download its content."
"Steam_DeleteMediaCache_Button" "Excluir"
"Steam_AlwaysKeepThisGameUpToDate$appType=game" "Sempre manter este jogo atualiz
"Always keep thi
s game up to date"
"Sempre manter esta mdia
"Always keep thi
s media up to date"
"Steam_AlwaysKeepThisGameUpToDate$appType=tool" "Sempre manter esta ferramenta a
"Always keep thi
s tool up to date"
"Atualizar apenas ao iniciar"
"Only update this game w
hen I launch it"
"Atualizar apenas ao iniciar"
"Only update this media
when I launch it"
"Atualizar apenas ao iniciar"
"Only update this tool w
hen I launch it"
"Steam_GameProperties_AlwaysUpToDateInfo$appType=game" "Este jogo e as suas atu
alizaes sero adquiridos automaticamente assim que estiverem disponveis."
"[english]Steam_GameProperties_AlwaysUpToDateInfo$appType=game" "This game and i
ts updates will be automatically acquired as soon as they are available."
"Steam_GameProperties_AlwaysUpToDateInfo$appType=media" "Esta mdia e as suas atua
lizaes sero adquiridas automaticamente assim que estiverem disponveis."
"This me
dia and its updates will be automatically acquired as soon as they are available
"Steam_GameProperties_AlwaysUpToDateInfo$appType=tool" "Esta ferramenta e as su
as atualizaes sero adquiridas automaticamente assim que estiverem disponveis."
"[english]Steam_GameProperties_AlwaysUpToDateInfo$appType=tool" "This tool and i
ts updates will be automatically acquired as soon as they are available."
"Contedo atualizado ser ad
quirido apenas ao iniciar este jogo."
"Updated content
will be acquired only when launching this game."
"Contedo atualizado ser ad
quirido apenas ao iniciar esta mdia."
"[english]Steam_GameProperties_NeverUpdateInfo$appType=media" "Updated content

will be acquired only when launching this media."

"Contedo atualizado ser ad
quirido apenas ao iniciar esta ferramenta."
"Updated content
will be acquired only when launching this tool."
"Verificar integridade dos arqui
"Verify integrity of gam
e cache..."
"Verificar integridade dos arqui
"Verify integrity of med
ia cache..."
"Verificar integridade dos arqui
"Verify integrity of too
l cache..."
"Excluir contedo local..."
"Delete local game conte
"Excluir contedo local..."
"[english]Steam_DeleteLocalGameContent$appType=media" "Delete local media cont
"Excluir contedo local..."
"Delete local tool conte
"Fazer backup dos arquivos..."
"[english]Steam_BackupGameFiles$appType=game" "Backup game files..."
"Steam_BackupGameFiles$appType=media" "Fazer backup dos arquivos..."
"[english]Steam_BackupGameFiles$appType=media" "Backup media files..."
"Fazer backup dos arquivos..."
"[english]Steam_BackupGameFiles$appType=tool" "Backup tool files..."
"Agora todos os arquivos
deste jogo sero baixados pelo Steam."
"All files for t
his game will now be downloaded through Steam."
"Agora todos os arquivos
desta mdia sero baixados pelo Steam."
"All files for t
his media will now be downloaded through Steam."
"Agora todos os arquivos
desta ferramenta sero baixados pelo Steam."
"All files for t
his tool will now be downloaded through Steam."
"Steam_Install_StartCacheLoading$appType=game" "Criando arquivos locais de cach
e do jogo..."
"[english]Steam_Install_StartCacheLoading$appType=game" "Creating local game cac
he files..."
"Steam_Install_StartCacheLoading$appType=media" "Criando arquivos de cache local
da mdia..."
"Creating local
media cache files..."
"Steam_Install_StartCacheLoading$appType=tool" "Criando arquivos de cache local
da ferramenta..."
"[english]Steam_Install_StartCacheLoading$appType=tool" "Creating local tool cac
he files..."
"Steam_CDKeyConversionConfirmListMedia" "Os arquivos de mdia selecionados esto ago
ra disponveis na sua \nBiblioteca de Jogos Steam."
"Your selected media fil
es are now available in your Steam \ngames library."

"Steam_PreparingGamesList$appType=game" "Preparando lista de jogos do Steam%prog

"Preparing list of Steam
"Preparando lista de mdia do Stea
"Preparing list of Steam
"Steam_PreparingGamesList$appType=tool" "Preparando lista de ferramentas do Stea
"Preparing list of Steam
"Preparando lista de licenas do S
"Preparing list of Steam
"Steam_ScanningForUpdates$appType=game" "Verificando se h atualizaes para jogos do
"Scanning for Steam game
s updates%progress%"
"Verificando se h atualizaes para md
ias do Steam%progress%"
"Scanning for Steam medi
a updates%progress%"
"Steam_ScanningForUpdates$appType=tool" "Verificando se h atualizaes para ferrament
as do Steam%progress%"
"Scanning for Steam tool
s updates%progress%"
"Verificando se h atualizaes para l
icenas do Steam%progress%"
"Scanning for Steam lice
nses updates%progress%"
"No h jogos Steam para exibir."
"No Steam games to displ
"No h mdias do Steam para exibir."
"No Steam media to displ
"No h ferramentas do Steam para ex
"No Steam tools to displ
"Por favor, aguarde enqu
anto o Steam verifica os arquivos do jogo."
"Please wait whi
le Steam verifies game files."
"Por favor, aguarde enqu
anto o Steam verifica os arquivos da mdia."
"Please wait whi
le Steam verifies media files."
"Por favor, aguarde enqu
anto o Steam verifica os arquivos da ferramenta."
"Please wait whi
le Steam verifies tool files."
"Todos os arquivos foram validados com s
"[english]Steam_ValidationResults_NoFailures" "All files successfully validate
"%num% arquivos falharam na validao e sero

"%num% files failed to validate
and will be reacquired."
"steam_mymedia" "Mdia"
"Steam_minigamescolumn_media" "MDIA"
"[english]Steam_minigamescolumn_media" "MEDIA"
"Fazer backup de arquivos de mdia
"[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_BackupMedia" "Backup media files..."
"No possvel iniciar %game% porque o sistem
a operacional %osversion% no suportado."
"[english]SteamUI_CantRunMediaDueToOSVersion" "Can t launch %game% because ope
rating system %osversion% is not supported."
"SteamUI_CantRunMediaDueToMediaPlayerVersion" "No possvel iniciar %game% porque
a verso do seu Windows Media Player [%detectedVersion%], sendo que voc precisa da
verso [%requiredVersion%] para executar a mdia.\nPor favor, instale a ltima verso do
Windows Media Player de:"
"[english]SteamUI_CantRunMediaDueToMediaPlayerVersion" "Can t launch %game% bec
ause Windows Media Player is version [%detectedVersion%], but version [%required
Version%] is required to play the media.\nPlease install the latest version of W
indows Media Player from:"
"No possvel iniciar %game%
porque o Windows Media Player no est instalado.\nPor favor, instale a ltima verso d
o Windows Media Player de:"
"Can t launch %g
ame% because Windows Media Player is not installed.\nPlease install the latest v
ersion of Windows Media Player from:"
"SteamUI_WindowsMediaPlayerInstallURL" "http://www.microsoft.com/windows/window
"[english]SteamUI_WindowsMediaPlayerInstallURL" "http://www.microsoft.com/window
"SteamUI_CantRunMediaDueToMediaPlayerNotInstalledOSX" "No possvel iniciar %game%
porque o Windows Media Components for QuickTime no est instalado.\nPor favor, i
nstale a ltima verso do Windows Media Components for QuickTime de:"
"[english]SteamUI_CantRunMediaDueToMediaPlayerNotInstalledOSX" "Can t launch %g
ame% because Windows Media Components for QuickTime are not installed.\nPlease i
nstall the latest version of Windows Media Components for QuickTime from:"
"Erro desconhecido ao iniciar mdia."
"Unknown error launching media."
"Steam_HiDefPack_Title" "Pacote HiDef de Half-Life Steam"
"Half-Life HiDef Pack - Steam"
"O Pacote HiDef de Half-Life foi ativado.\nInici
ar Half-Life agora?"
"The Half-Life HiDef Pack has been activ
ated.\nLaunch Half-Life now?"
"O Pacote HiDef de Half-Life foi desativado."
"The Half-Life HiDef Pack has been deact
"O Pacote HiDef de Half-Life j est ativado
"The Half-Life HiDef Pack is alr
eady active."
"O Pacote HiDef de Half-Life no est ativo
no momento."
"The Half-Life HiDef Pack is not
currently active."

"Iniciar Half-Life"
"Launch Half-Life"
"A primeira linha do cam
po de endereo deve conter somente o nome da rua, no o nome do titular do carto."
"The first line
of the address field should just be your street address, not the cardholder name
"Steam_Purchase_CardholderName" "Nome: %name%"
"Name: %name%"
"Steam_Address" "Endereo"
"Street address"
"Endereo - 2 linha (opcional)"
"Street address line 2 (optional
"Steam_Countdown_Days" "Dias"
"[english]Steam_Countdown_Days" "Days"
"Steam_Countdown_Hours" "Horas"
"%game% ser liberado em:"
"%game% will be unlocked in:"
"Steam_DoDFreeWeekend_BeginsIn" "O fim de semana gratuito de Day of Defeat comear
"Day of Defeat Free Weekend will
begin in:"
"Quando o relgio chegar a zero, as 72 horas gratu
itas de jogo comearo."
"When the clock reaches zero, 72 hours o
f free play will begin."
"Saiba mais sobre o fim de semana gratuito de Da
y of Defeat"
"Read more info about Day of Defeat Free
"O fim de semana gratuito de %game% comear em:"
"[english]Steam_FreeWeekend_BeginsIn" "%game% Free Weekend will begin in:"
"Quando o relgio chegar a zero, %time% de jogo gr
atuito comearo."
"When the clock reaches zero, %time% of
free play will begin."
"Steam_FreeWeekend_URL" "Saiba mais sobre o fim de semana gratuito de %game%"
"Read more info about %game% Free Weeken
"Steam_FreeWeekend_48H" "48 horas"
"48 hours"
"Steam_FreeWeekend_72H" "72 horas"
"72 hours"
"Steam_FreeWeekend_1W" "1 semana"
"[english]Steam_FreeWeekend_1W" "1 week"
"Steam_NoLongerOwnsGame_Title" "Steam %game%"
"[english]Steam_NoLongerOwnsGame_Title" "Steam - %game%"
"Steam_NoLongerOwnsGame_Info" "Este jogo j no est mais disponvel gratuitamente."
"[english]Steam_NoLongerOwnsGame_Info" "This game is no longer available for fr
"steam_menu_systeminfo" "Informaes do sistema"
"System Information"

"Steam Informaes do sistema"
"Steam - System Information"
"steam_systeminfo_info" "O Steam detectou os seguintes hardwares e softwares no
seu sistema:"
"Steam has detected the following hardwa
re and software in your system:"
"steam_systeminfo_surveylink" "Compare o seu hardware com o de outros usurios S
"[english]steam_systeminfo_surveylink" "Compare your hardware to that of other
Steam users"
"Steam_P2POptions_FolderLabel" "Pasta dos downloads Peer-to-peer (\"Freloads\")
"[english]Steam_P2POptions_FolderLabel" "Peer-to-peer downloads (\"Freloads\") f
"Limitar velocidade de upload para:"
"Limit upload speed to:"
"Steam_P2POptions_SharingLabel" "Compartilhamento peer-to-peer:"
"Peer-to-peer sharing:"
"(Quando voc possuir 100%
de um arquivo, o upload cessar imediatamente.)"
"(When you have
100% of a file, uploading will stop immediately.)"
"Steam_P2POptions_SharingHelpText_UntilRatio" "(Quando voc possui 100% de um ar
quivo, o upload do mesmo continuar at que voc o tenha compartilhado uma vez.)"
"[english]Steam_P2POptions_SharingHelpText_UntilRatio" "(When you have 100% of
a file, uploading will continue until you ve shared the file one time.)"
"(Quando voc possuir 100% de um a
rquivo, o compartilhamento continuar at voc desativ-lo manualmente ou iniciar um jog
"(When you have 100% of
a file, sharing will continue until you manually disable it or join a game.)"
"Parar de compartilhar cada arqu
ivo assim que baixado"
"[english]Steam_P2POptions_SharingCB_StopImmediately" "Stop sharing each file
as soon as it is downloaded"
"Steam_P2POptions_SharingCB_UntilRatio" "Compartilhar cada arquivo at que sua pro
poro de compartilhamento atinja 1:1"
"Share each file until i
ts sharing ratio reaches 1:1"
"Compartilhar cada arquivo at eu desativa
r o compartilhamento"
"Share each file until I turn sh
aring off"
"Steam_P2POptions_ChooseFolder" "Escolher pasta..."
"Chose folder..."
"Steam_P2POptions_OpenFolder" "Abrir pasta"
"[english]Steam_P2POptions_OpenFolder" "Open Folder"
"Escolher pasta"
"[english]Steam_P2POptions_ChooseFolderTitle" "Choose Folder"
"Status peer-to-peer"
"[english]Steam_RightClick_P2PStatus" "Peer-to-peer status"
"Steam_P2P_ReadAbout" "Ler sobre Steam P2P"
"[english]Steam_P2P_ReadAbout" "Read about Steam P2P"

"[english]Steam_P2P_AboutURL" "http://www.valvesoftware.com"
"Steam_P2P_StatusTitle" "Download de %game% Steam P2P"
"%game% download - Steam P2P"
"Baixando: %game%"
"Downloading: %game%"
"Compartilhando: %game%"
"Sharing: %game%"
"Steam_P2P_PausedLabel" "Pausado: %game%"
"Paused: %game%"
"%percentcomplete% concludo; %remainingtime% rest
"%percentcomplete% complete; %remainingt
ime% remaining"
"100% concludo"
"100% complete"
"%percentcomplete% concludo"
"%percentcomplete% complete"
"Steam_P2P_DownloadRateLabel" "Taxa de download: %dlrate% (pico: %dlpeak%)"
"[english]Steam_P2P_DownloadRateLabel" "Download rate: %dlrate% (peak: %dlpeak%
"Taxa de upload: %ulrate% (pico: %ulpeak%)"
"Upload rate: %ulrate% (peak: %ulpeak%)"
"Peers conectados:"
"Peers connected:"
"Steam_P2P_SharingColumnLabel" "Compartilhamento"
"[english]Steam_P2P_SharingColumnLabel" "Sharing"
"%s1 K/s"
"%s1 K/s"
"Baixando: %s1% %s2 K/s"
"Downloading: %s1% %s2 K/s"
"Tamanho do arquivo:"
"File Size:"
"Steam_P2P_SharingRatioLabel" "Proporo de compartilhamento"
"[english]Steam_P2P_SharingRatioLabel" "Sharing ratio:"
"Steam_P2P_SharingRatioValue" "%sharingratio% : 1"
"[english]Steam_P2P_SharingRatioValue" "%sharingratio% : 1"
"Clique para mudar a durao do grfico"
" Click to change duration of graph"
"1 minuto"
"1 minute"
"2 minutos"
"2 minutes"
"5 minutos"
"5 minutes"
"10 minutos"
"[english]Steam_P2P_Graph_Duration10" "10 minutes"
"15 minutos"
"[english]Steam_P2P_Graph_Duration15" "15 minutes"
"30 minutos"
"[english]Steam_P2P_Graph_Duration30" "30 minutes"
"1 hora"
"[english]Steam_P2P_Graph_Duration60" "1 hour"
"Steam_P2P_OfflineWithoutAllData_Title" "Modo offline"
"Offline Mode"

"No possvel jogar \"%game%\", nem
todos os dados foram baixados antes de ficar offline"
"Can t play %game% , no
t all data was downloaded before going off-line"
"Steam_RightClick_StopSharing" "Parar compartilhamento"
"[english]Steam_RightClick_StopSharing" "Stop sharing"
"Retomar compartilhamento"
"Resume sharing"
"Steam_RightClick_StopChecking" "Parar verificao"
"Stop checking"
"Steam_AllAppsInstalled_Title" "Steam Instalar"
"[english]Steam_AllAppsInstalled_Title" "Steam - Install"
"Selecione quais jogos instalar."
"Select which games to install."
"Steam Insira o prximo disco"
"[english]Steam_InsertNextDisk_Title" "Steam - Insert next disk"
"Por favor, insira o disco %disk%"
"Please insert disk %disk%"
"Disco %disk%"
"Disk %disk%"
"Instalando: %time% restantes"
"Installing: %time% remaining"
"Tempo estimado de download:"
"Estimated download time:"
"%time% a %rate%"
"%time% at %rate%"
"Instalado: %mb_installed% / %mb_to_install% MB"
"[english]Steam_InstallBytesProgress" "Installed: %mb_installed% / %mb_to_inst
all% MB"
"Steam_Install_CreateStartMenuShortcut" "Criar atalho no menu Iniciar"
"Create start menu short
"Steam_Install_CreateMultipleStartMenuShortcut" "Criar atalho no menu iniciar pa
ra cada jogo"
"Create start me
nu shortcut for each game"
"O Steam comear agora a instalar o contedo
do jogo."
"Steam will now begin installing
game content."
"Steam_Install_WillVerifyExistingFiles" "O Steam verificar agora a instalao de seu
"Steam will now verify y
our game install."
"Conte-me mais sobre o Steam"
"[english]Steam_MoreInfoLink" "Tell me more about Steam"
"Cdigos de produto usam :\n
"Product codes use :\n
"Por favor, insira o cdigo de produto que
deseja ativar. Ele pode ser encontrado na caixa do DVD, no manual, no disco ou
dentro da caixa, embaixo do local onde se guarda o disco."
"Please enter the product code y
ou wish to activate. This can be found on the DVD jewel case, manual cover, disc
insert or inside the case under the disc."
"Steam_DownloadPaused" "Download pausado"
"[english]Steam_DownloadPaused" "Download paused"

"Voc j ativou o(s) produto(s) associado(s)
a esse cdigo.\nVoc no precisa digitar seu cdigo de produto novamente, voc simplesmen
te precisa iniciar sesso com esta conta Steam para acessar esses itens."
"You have already activated the
product(s) associated with this code.\nYou don t need to re-enter your product c
ode, you simply need to log into this Steam account to access these items."
"Steam_InstallComplete_RetailInstall" "Os seus jogos selecionados agora esto ac
essveis na Biblioteca de Jogos Steam. Quaisquer atualizaes comearam a ser baixadas e
m segundo plano."
"[english]Steam_InstallComplete_RetailInstall" "Your selected games are now acc
essible in the Steam Games Library. Any updates have begun downloading in the ba
"Para acessar es
ses jogos de qualquer computador, basta iniciar a sesso com a conta Steam \"%acco
"You can
access these games again at any time, from any computer, by logging into your S
team account %account% ."
"Iniciar agora"
"Launch now"
"O Steam iniciou o download de %game%. V
oc pode ver o progresso na seo Downloads do Steam.\n\nCaso saia do Steam, o downloa
d ser retomado automaticamente ao reabri-lo."
"[english]Steam_InstallComplete_DownloadInfo" "Steam is now downloading %game%
. You can track the progress of this download in the Steam Downloads view.\n\nYo
u can safely exit and restart Steam, and the download will automatically resume.
"Buscar jogos..."
"Browse games..."
"Buscar mdias..."
"Browse media..."
"Buscar ferramentas..."
"Browse tools..."
"Steam_NoGamesOfThisType$appType=game" "No encontramos nada! Tente limpar o camp
o de busca ou selecionar outra categoria no menu acima."
"[english]Steam_NoGamesOfThisType$appType=game" "We ve come up empty! Try cleari
ng your search field or selecting another category from the dropdown above."
"No encontramos nada! Tente limpar o camp
o de busca ou selecionar outra categoria no menu acima."
"We ve come up empty! Try cleari
ng your search field or selecting another category from the dropdown above."
"Steam_NoGamesOfThisType$appType=media" "No encontramos nada! Tente alterar os se
us filtros de exibio acima ou <a href=steam://browsemedia>navegue pelos vdeos dispo
nveis</a> na Loja Steam."
"We ve come up empty! Tr
y changing your view filters above, or <a href=steam://browsemedia>browse availa
ble videos</a> in the Steam store."
"Steam_NoGamesOfThisType$appType=tool" "No encontramos nada! Tente alterar os se
us filtros de exibio acima."
"[english]Steam_NoGamesOfThisType$appType=tool" "We ve come up empty! Try changi
ng your view filters above."
"Steam_MetascoreColumn" "Metascore"
"Steam Cancelar instalao"
"Steam - Cancel install"
"Deseja cancelar a instalao de %game%?"
"Do you wish to cancel installation of %
"Continuar instalao"
"[english]Steam_CancelInstall_ContinueButton" "Continue installing"

"Cancelar instalao"
"Cancel installation"
"%media% Steam"
"%media% - Steam"
"Steam_MediaAdded_Info" "%media% foi adicionado sua biblioteca de mdias do Steam.
"%media% has been added to your Steam me
dia library."
"Visualizar biblioteca de mdias"
"View media library"
"Steam_ContinueBrowsingMedia" "Continuar navegando"
"[english]Steam_ContinueBrowsingMedia" "Continue browsing"
"Steam_Uninstall_Title" "Steam Excluir arquivos locais?"
"Steam - Delete game caches?"
"Steam_Uninstall_Info" "Isto excluir o seguinte contedo de jogo deste computador:
\n\n%games%\nOs jogos continuaro na sua Biblioteca de Jogos, mas para jogar no fu
turo\nvoc ter que primeiro reinstalar ou baixar o seu contedo novamente."
"[english]Steam_Uninstall_Info" "This will delete the following game content fro
m this computer:\n\n%games%\nThe games will remain in your Games Library, but to
play it in the future\nyou ll have to first re-install or re-download their con
"Excluir arquivos locais"
"[english]Steam_Uninstall_ButtonText" "Delete game caches"
"Steam Falha ao desinstalar"
"[english]SteamUI_SecuROM_Revoke_Error_Title" "Steam - Uninstall failed"
"A desinstalao deste aplicativo requer uma
conexo internet."
"Uninstalling this application r
equires an internet connection."
"Decrypting: "
"Validating: "
"Launching: "
"Modem - 56kb/s"
"Modem - 56kbps"
"DSL > 256kb/s"
"DSL > 256kbps"
"DSL > 768kb/s"
"DSL > 768kbps"
"SteamUI_CABLEDSL_2M" "DSL/Cabo > 2Mb/s"
"[english]SteamUI_CABLEDSL_2M" "DSL/Cable > 2Mbps"
"Cabo/Fibra > 10Mb/s"
"Cable/Fiber > 10Mbps"
"Steam_RetailAccountActivating" "Ativando %product% no Steam"
"Activating %product% on Steam"
"Uma vez ativados, voc poder acessar seus jogos a
qualquer hora, de qualquer computador, simplesmente iniciando sesso com sua conta
"[english]Steam_RetailAccountChoices" "Once activated, you will be able to acc
ess your games at any time, from any computer just by logging into your Steam ac
"Steam Jogo bloqueado"
"Steam - Game locked"
"%product% no foi lanado oficialmente e no

pode ser desbloqueado no momento. Por favor, verifique as notcias do Steam para d
escobrir a data de lanamento.\nO Steam lhe notificar quando o jogo estiver desbloq
"%product% has not been official
ly released, and cannot be unlocked at this time. Please check the Steam news to
find out the release time.\nSteam will notify you when the game becomes unlocke
"Veja mais sobre %product%"
"[english]Steam_RetailInstallLocked_LinkText" "See more about %product%"
"Steam Reinicializao necessria"
"Steam - Reboot required"
"Devido s mudanas na atualizao mais recente,
seu sistema precisa ser reiniciado para poder iniciar o jogo."
"Due to changes in the recent up
date, your system needs to be restarted in order to launch this game."
"Reiniciar agora"
"Restart now"
"[english]Steam_Game_Developer$appType=media" "Producer"
"Steam_Forums" "Discusses"
"[english]Steam_Forums" "Discussions"
zir mdia com o tocador associado"
"Play media with associated viewer..."
"Steam_CCDeclined_SupportLink" "Visite o web site do suporte Steam para mais in
"[english]Steam_CCDeclined_SupportLink" "Visit the Steam support web site for mo
re information"
"Instalando a partir do disco...
"Installing from disk...
"%bytes% / %total% MB"
"%bytes% / %total% MB"
"%type% - Fragmentao: %frag%"
"%type% Fragmentation: %frag%"
"Steam_FileFragmentationType" "Arquivo"
"[english]Steam_FileFragmentationType" "File"
"Steam_DataFragmentationType" "Dados internos"
"[english]Steam_DataFragmentationType" "Internal Data"
"Clusters: %clusterscompleted% / %cluste
"Clusters: %clusterscompleted% /
"Desfragmentar arquivos de cache"
"Defragment cache files"
"Desfragmentao - %game%"
"Defrag - %game%"
"Desfragmentao - %game%"

"Defrag - %game%"
"A desfragmentao requer Windows 2000 ou posterior.
"Defragmentation requires Windows 2000 o
r newer."
"Desfragmentao concluda. Seus arquivos agora esto co
mpletamente otimizados."
"[english]Steam_DefragDebriefSuccess" "Defragmentation is complete. Your game
files are now fully optimized."
"A desfragmentao foi concluda. Seus arquivo
s de jogo agora esto desfragmentados o suficiente para proporcionar uma boa exper
incia.\n\nPara reduzir a fragmentao ainda mais, execute a ferramenta de desfragment
ao do sistema."
"[english]Steam_DefragDebriefModerateSuccess" "Defragmentation is complete. Yo
ur game files are now defragmented enough to provide a good experience.\n\nIn or
der to reduce fragmentation further, run the system defragmentation tool."
"A desfragmentao dos arquivos do jogo foi concluda,
mas no foi possvel realiz-la por completo pois o seu disco est muito fragmentado.\n
\n recomendado que voc execute a ferramenta de desfragmentao do seu sistema operacio
"[english]Steam_DefragDebriefFailure" "Defragmentation is complete. Steam coul
d not fully defragment your game files because your hard disk has too much fragm
entation.\n\nIt is recommended that your run the system defragmentation tool."
"Steam_DefragDebriefForLaunch" "A desfragmentao foi concluda. Seu jogo agora est pr
onto para ser jogado."
"[english]Steam_DefragDebriefForLaunch" "Defragmentation is complete. Your game
is now ready to play."
"Restaurar backup - %game%"
"[english]Steam_InstallAppWizard_RestoreBackup_Title" "Restore Backup - %game%
"Steam_BackupFileAlreadyExists_Title" "Steam Backup"
"[english]Steam_BackupFileAlreadyExists_Title" "Steam - Backup"
"No possvel criar os arquivos de backup do
Steam em:\n\n%path%\n\nJ existe um diretrio com esse nome."
"[english]Steam_BackupFileAlreadyExists_Info" "Cannot create Steam backup file
s in:\n\n%path%\n\nA directory already exists with that name."
"Steam_Games" "Jogos"
"[english]Steam_Games" "Games"
"Steam_RegionRestricted_Title" "Steam Jogo indisponvel"
"[english]Steam_RegionRestricted_Title" "Steam - Game unavailable"
"Steam_RegionRestrictedPurchase_Info" "Este jogo foi ativado com um cdigo de pr
oduto que vlido apenas em uma regio geogrfica especfica. J que voc atualmente no e
sa regio, %game% no est disponvel para ser jogado."
"[english]Steam_RegionRestrictedPurchase_Info" "This game was activated with a
product code that is valid only in a specific geographic region. Since you are n
ot currently in that region, %game% is not available to play."
"Visite o site do Suporte Steam para mai
s informaes"
"[english]Steam_RegionRestricted_SupportLink" "Visit the Steam support web sit
e for more information"
"Steam_RegionRestricted_Info" "%game% indisponvel no seu territrio."
"[english]Steam_RegionRestricted_Info" "%game% is not available in your territo

"Steam_CountryRestricted_Info" "Essa assinatura no est disponvel para compra no se
u pas."
"[english]Steam_CountryRestricted_Info" "This subscription is not available for
purchase in your country."
"[english]Steam_CountryRestricted_SupportURL" "http://support.steampowered.com
"Steam Produto indisponvel"
"Steam - Product unavailable"
"Este cdigo de produto no pode ser ativado
na sua regio."
"This product code cannot be act
ivated in your region."
"Steam_RegionRestrictedCode_SupportURL" "http://support.steampowered.com/cgi-bin
"Steam_FragmentationBad_Title" "Steam Aviso de fragmentao de disco"
"[english]Steam_FragmentationBad_Title" "Steam - Disk fragmentation warning"
"Steam_FragmentationBad_Info" "Seus arquivos de jogo possuem um alto nvel de fr
agmentao em disco. Isso pode causar tempos de carregamento elevados e baixa perfor
mance no jogo. \n\nO Steam pode otimizar os arquivos de jogo para voc agora.\n"
"[english]Steam_FragmentationBad_Info" "Your game files have a high level of on
-disk fragmentation. This can cause slow load times and poor performance in the
game. \n\nSteam can optimize your game files for you now.\n"
"Run defrag"
"Play game"
"Atalhos do usurio"
"User Shortcuts"
"SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_LaunchShortcut" "Iniciar"
"Explorador de Jogos do Windows"
"[english]SteamUI_GameExplorer_Title" "Windows Games Explorer"
"SteamUI_GameExplorer_AddGame_Success" "O jogo foi adicionado ao Explorador de
"[english]SteamUI_GameExplorer_AddGame_Success" "Game has been added to Games Ex
"SteamUI_GameExplorer_AddGame_Failure" "Falha ao adicionar jogo ao Explorador d
e Jogos"
"[english]SteamUI_GameExplorer_AddGame_Failure" "Failed adding game to Games Exp
"SteamUI_GameExplorer_AddGame" "Adicionar ao Explorador de Jogos"
"[english]SteamUI_GameExplorer_AddGame" "Add to Games Explorer"
"Remover do Explorador de Jogos do Windo
"Remove from Games Explorer"
"SteamUI_ParentalControl_Title" "Controle dos Pais do Windows"
"Windows Parental Control"
"Jogo bloqueado para o usurio atual pelo
Controle dos Pais do Windows."
"Game blocked for current user b
y Windows Parental Control."

"SteamUI_ShortcutName" "Nome:"
"[english]SteamUI_ShortcutName" "Name:"
"Iniciar em:"
"Start In:"
"Escolher cone..."
"Choose Icon..."
"Adicionar jogo"
"Add a Game"
"SteamUI_StatusShortcutReady" "Atalho"
"[english]SteamUI_StatusShortcutReady" "Shortcut"
"Criar atalho"
"Create Shortcut"
"Excluir atalho"
"Delete Shortcut"
"Adicionar um jogo no Steam Biblioteca..."
"Add a Non-Steam Game to My Library..."
"steam_desktop" "rea de trabalho"
"Menu Iniciar"
"Start Menu"
"Adicionar selecionado(s)"
"Add selected programs"
"steam_addshortcuts_searching" "Buscando..."
"[english]steam_addshortcuts_searching" "Searching..."
"SteamUI_AddGameLabel" "Selecione um programa para adicionar sua Biblioteca de
"[english]SteamUI_AddGameLabel" "Select a program to add it to your Games Librar
"Steam Falha ao iniciar atalho"
"Steam - Shortcut launch failed"
"Falha ao iniciar %game%."
"Failed to launch %game%."
"(Sem atalhos)"
"(No Shortcuts)"
"Estados Unidos"
"United States"
"Aland Islands"
"Samoa Americana"
"American Samoa"

"Antgua e Barbuda"
"Antigua and Barbuda"
"Bsnia e Herzegovina"
"Bosnia and Herzegovina"
"Ilha Bouvet"
"Bouvet Island"
"Territrio Britnico do Oceano ndico"
"British Indian Ocean Territory"
"Brunei Darussalam"
"Burkina Faso"
"Burkina Faso"

"Cabo Verde"
"Cape Verde"
"Ilhas Cayman"
"Cayman Islands"
"Repblica Centro-Africana"
"Central African Republic"
"Ilha Christmas"
"Christmas Island"
"Ilhas Cocos (Keeling)"
"Cocos (Keeling) Islands"
"Repblica Democrtica do Congo"
"Congo, the Democratic Republic of the"
"Ilhas Cook"
"Cook Islands"
"Costa Rica"
"Costa Rica"
"Costa do Marfim"
"Cote d Ivoire"
"Repblica Tcheca"
"Czech Republic"
"Repblica Dominicana"
"Dominican Republic"
"El Salvador"
"El Salvador"
"Guin Equatorial"
"Equatorial Guinea"

"Ilhas Malvinas"
"Falkland Islands (Malvinas)"
"Ilhas Feroe"
"Faroe Islands"
"Guiana Francesa"
"French Guiana"
"Polinsia Francesa"
"French Polynesia"
"Terras Austrais e Antrticas Francesas"
"French Southern Territories"
"Ilha Heard e Ilhas McDonald"
"Heard and Mc Donald Islands"
"Santa S (Vaticano)"
"Holy See(Vatican City State)"

"Hong Kong"
"Hong Kong"
"Ilha de Man"
"Isle of Man"
"Coreia do Sul"
"Korea, Republic of"
"Lao People s Democratic Republic"
"Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of"

"Ilhas Marshall"
"Marshall Islands"
"Estados Federados da Micronsia"
"Micronesia, Federated States of"
"Repblica da Moldvia"
"Moldova, Republic of"
"Pases Baixos"
"Antilhas Holandesas"
"Netherlands Antilles"
"Nova Calednia"
"New Caledonia"
"Nova Zelndia"
"New Zealand"

"Ilha Norfolk"
"Norfolk Island"
"Marianas Setentrionais"
"Northern Mariana Islands"
"Palestinian Territory, Occupied"
"Papua Nova Guin"
"Papua New Guinea"
"Ilhas Pitcairn"
"Porto Rico"
"Puerto Rico"
"Reunio (Frana)"
"Federao Russa"
"Russian Federation"
"Santa Helena"
"Saint Helena"
"So Cristvo e Neves"
"Saint Kitts and Nevis"
"Santa Lcia"
"Saint Lucia"
"So Pedro e Miquelo"
"Saint Pierre and Miquelon"
"So Vicente e Granadinas"
"Saint Vincent and the Grenadines"
"So Marino"
"San Marino"
"So Tom e Prncipe"
"Sao Tome and Principe"
"Arbia Saudita"
"Saudi Arabia"

"Srvia e Montenegro"
"Serbia and Montenegro"
"Serra Leoa"
"Sierra Leone"
"Ilhas Salomo"
"Solomon Islands"
"frica do Sul"
"South Africa"
"Ilhas Gergia do Sul e Sandwich do Sul"
"South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands"
"Sri Lanka"
"Sri Lanka"
"Svalbard e Jan Mayen"
"Svalbard and Jan Mayen"
"Tanzania, United Republic of"
"Trindade e Tobago"
"Trinidad and Tobago"

"Ilhas Turcas e Caicos"
"Turks and Caicos Islands"
"Emirados rabes Unidos"
"United Arab Emirates"
"Reino Unido"
"United Kingdom"
"Ilhas Menores Distantes dos Estados Unidos"
"United States Minor Outlying Islands"
"Viet Nam"
"Ilhas Virgens Britnicas"
"Virgin Islands, British"
"Ilhas Virgens Americanas"
"Virgin Islands, U.S."
"Wallis e Futuna"
"Wallis and Futuna"
"Saara Ocidental"
"Western Sahara"
"Pacote Russo de Half-Life 2 Steam"
"Half-Life 2 Russian Pack - Steam"
"O Pacote Russo de Half-Life 2 foi ativado.\nIni
ciar Half-Life 2 agora?"
"[english]Steam_HL2Russian_Installed" "The Half-Life 2 Russian Pack has been a
ctivated.\nLaunch Half-Life 2 now?"
"O Pacote Russo de Half-Life 2 foi desativado."
"The Half-Life 2 Russian Pack has been d
"O Pacote Russo de Half-Life 2 j est ativa
"The Half-Life 2 Russian Pack is
already active."
"O Pacote Russo de Half-Life 2 no est ativ
o no momento."
"The Half-Life 2 Russian Pack is
not currently active."
"Iniciar Half-Life 2"
"[english]Steam_HL2Russian_LaunchHalfLifeNow" "Launch Half-Life 2"
"Steam_GameLaunchOptions_Title" "%game% Steam"
"%game% - Steam"
"Jogar %game%"

"Play %game%"
"Iniciar editor de configuraes"
"Launch Configuration Editor"
"Falha ao adicionar mdia lista."
"[english]Steam_Media_GenericFailure" "Failed to add media to list."
"Steam_Media_ErrorNotEnoughDiskSpace" "Voc no tem espao em disco suficiente para
reproduzir esta mdia.\nPor favor, libere espao em disco e tente novamente."
"[english]Steam_Media_ErrorNotEnoughDiskSpace" "You do not have enough disk spa
ce available to play this media.\nPlease free up some disk space and then try ag
"O seu nome de usurio no pode conter \"Valve\" ou
"Your account name may not contain Valv
e or Steam ."
"Endereo de e-mail (opcional)"
"Email address (optional)"
"%subscription% requer que voc te
nha %app%,\n clique em OK para ver opes de compra de %app%."
"%subscription% requires
that you own %app%,\n click OK to view purchase options for %app%."
"A Ubisoft, distribuidora de %subscription%, gos
taria de entrar em contato com voc. Se voc digitar suas informaes abaixo, voc ser inf
rmado sobre novos lanamentos."
"Ubisoft, publisher of %subscription%, w
ould like to stay in touch with you. By providing your information below you wil
l occasionally be sent information about upcoming games."
"A Telltale, que distribui %subscription%, desej
a manter contato com voc. Por favor, informe o seu endereo de e-mail abaixo para a
ssinar o boletim informativo da Telltale, que inclui anncios de novos jogos, bast
idores do processo de desenvolvimento, quadrinhos, colunas de conselho e culinria
, alm das ocasionais ofertas especiais. Voc vai nos agradecer depois!"
"[english]Steam_TellTale_EmailPrompt" "Telltale, the publisher of %subscriptio
n%, would like to stay in touch with you. Please enter your email address below
to sign up for Telltale s newsletter, which includes new game announcements, beh
ind-the-scenes peeks into the development process, comics, cooking and advice co
lumns, and the occasional special offer. You ll be glad you did!"
"Gerenciar presentes e passes de convidado..."
"Manage Gifts and Guest Passes..."
"Presentes e passes de convidado"
"Gifts and Guest Passes"
"Steam_GuestPasses_Description" "Um presente uma verso completa de um jogo que vo
c pode dar para um amigo.\n\nPasses de convidado permitem que voc envie um convite
a seu amigo para que ele teste o jogo e junte-se a voc em partidas online."
"A gift is a full version of the
game you can give to a friend.\n\nGuest passes can allow you to send temporary
game trials to your friends, so that they can try out the game and join you in o
nline play."
"Voc atualmente no possui presentes e pass
es de convidado."
"You currently have no gifts or
guest passes available."
"Steam_GuestPasses_LoadingList" "O Steam est carregando sua lista de presentes. P
or favor, aguarde..."
"Steam is loading your gifts lis
t. Please wait..."
"Presentes no esto disponveis no modo offline."
"Gifts are not available in Offline Mode
"Steam_GuestPasses_PackageNameColumn" "Jogo"
"[english]Steam_GuestPasses_PackageNameColumn" "Game"

"[english]Steam_GuestPasses_ExpirationColumn" "Expiration"
"No expira"
"Enviar um passe de convidado"
"Send a Guest Pass"
"Passe de convid
ado enviado com sucesso!"
"Guest p
ass successfully sent!"
"Um e-mail foi enviado a
%search% para resgatar o seu passe de convidado de %package%.\n\nFique de olho
na sua lista de amigos voc poder ver o seu amigo jogando online."
"%search% has be
en sent an email invitation to redeem your %package% guest pass.\n\nWatch your F
riends list -- you ll be able to see your friend playing online."
"Steam_SendGuestPass_DefaultInviteErrorHeadline$type=guestpass" "Passe de convid
ado no foi enviado com sucesso"
"Guest pass was not successfully sent"
"Steam_SendGuestPass_DefaultInviteError$type=guestpass" "Lamentamos, houve um pr
oblema ao enviar o passe de convidado a %search%."
there was a problem sending a guest pass to %search%."
"Steam_SendGuestPass_DuplicateNameErrorHeadline$type=guestpass" "Voc no pode envia
r um passe de convidado a si mesmo!"
"You can t give a guest pass to yourself!"
"Steam_SendGuestPass_DuplicateNameError$type=guestpass" "Parece que voc est tentan
do enviar um passe para voc mesmo. Passes de convidado foram feitos para comparti
lhar seus jogos com amigos. Convide algum que voc conhea para jogar %package% gratu
"You app
ear to be trying to send a pass to yourself. Guest passes are for sharing your g
ames with friends. Try inviting someone you know to play %package% for free!"
"Passe de convid
ado j enviado"
"Guest p
ass already sent"
"Voc j enviou um passe de
convidado a %search% nas ltimas 24 horas. Voc no pode mandar quaisquer passes de co
nvidado a esse endereo se no se passaram 24 horas desde sua ltima tentativa.\n\nCli
que em voltar abaixo para especificar um destinatrio diferente."
"You have alread
y sent a guest pass to %search% within the past 24 hours. You cannot send any gu
est passes to this address until 24 hours after your most recent attempt.\n\nCli
ck back below to specify a different recipient."
"Enviando passe
de convidado..."

guest pass..."
"Seu passe de convidado
est sendo enviado a %search%.\nPor favor, aguarde..."
"Your guest pass
is being sent to %search%.\nPlease wait..."
"Steam_SendGuestPass_NoFriends" "Voc ainda no tem amigos na Comunidade Steam!
Faa um agora enviando um presente por e-mail para algum que voc conhea."
"You don t have any Steam Commun
ity Friends yet!
Make one now by emailing a gift to someone you know."
"Steam_GuestPassAccept_TitleOK$type=guestpass" "Passe de convidado pronto"
"[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_TitleOK$type=guestpass" "Guest Pass Ready"
"Falha ao aceitar passe
de convidado"
"Guest Pass Acce
ptance Failure"
"Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineFailed$type=guestpass" "Passe de convidado invli
"[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineFailed$type=guestpass" "Invalid Guest P
"O passe de convidado qu
e voc tentou aceitar est invlido. Esse passe pode ter sido usado por outra pessoa,
pode ter expirado ou pode ter sido revogado pelo remetente."
"The guest pass
you have attempted to accept is no longer valid. This pass maybe have already be
en used by someone else, it may have expired, or it may have been revoked by the
"Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineAlreadyRedeemed" "Voc j ativou este passe de convid
"You have alread
y activated this guest pass"
"Se seu passe expirou e voc desej
a continuar jogando %package%, que tal compr-lo?"
"If your pass has expire
d and you wish to continue playing %package%, please consider purchasing."
"Steam_GuestPassAccept_LinkTextAlreadyRedeemed" "Clique aqui para visitar a Loja
"Click here to v
isit the Steam store."
"Steam_GuestPassAccept_LinkURLAlreadyRedeemed" "steam://store"
"[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_LinkURLAlreadyRedeemed" "steam://store"
"Falha a
o aceitar passe de convidado"
"Guest pass acceptance failed"
"Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextServiceUnavailable" "O seu computador pode estar com
problemas de conexo aos servidores Steam ou o servio pode estar temporariamente d
esativado. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde."
"[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextServiceUnavailable" "Your computer is either
currently unable to reach the Steam servers, or the service may be temporarily
disabled. Please try again later."
"Para informaes de soluo de
problemas sobre presentes, veja esta pgina de suporte."
"For troubleshoo
ting information about gifts, see this support page."
"Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineRevoked$type=guestpass" "Este passe de convidado

foi revogado"
"[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineRevoked$type=guestpass" "This guest pass
has been revoked"
"O amigo que lhe enviou
este passe de convidado o cancelou e reenviou um cdigo de resgate mais recente. S
e a nova verso lhe foi enviada, voc receber outro e-mail com o cdigo atualizado."
"The friend who
sent you this guest pass has cancelled it and has resent a newer redemption code
. If the new version was sent to you, you ll receive another email with the upda
ted code."
"Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineExpired" "Este passe de convidado expirou"
"This guest pass has exp
"Voc no pode aceitar este passe de convida
do porque j passou de sua data de validade"
"You cannot accept this guest pa
ss, because its expiration date has passed."
"Voc no pode dar u
m passe de convidado a si mesmo!"
"You can
t give a guest pass to yourself!"
"Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextSelfRedeem$type=guestpass" "Parece que voc est tentan
do aceitar um passe que enviou a si mesmo. Passes de convidado foram feitos para
compartilhar seus jogos com amigos. Convide algum que voc conhea para jogar um nov
o jogo gratuitamente!"
"[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextSelfRedeem$type=guestpass" "You appear to b
e trying to accept a pass you sent to yourself. Guest passes are for sharing you
r games with friends. Try inviting someone you know to play a new game for free!
"Falha ao ativar passe d
e convidado"
"[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TitleFailed$type=guestpass" "Guest Pass Acti
vation Failure"
"Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineFailed$type=guestpass" "Passe de convidado invli
Guest Pass"
"O passe de convidado qu
e voc tentou resgatar est invlido. Esse passe pode ter sido usado por outra pessoa,
pode ter expirado ou pode ter sido revogado pelo remetente."
"The guest pass
you have attempted to redeem is no longer valid. This pass maybe have already be
en used by someone else, it may have expired, or it may have been revoked by the
"Falha a
o ativar passe de convidado"
"Guest pass activation failed"
"O seu computador pode e
star com problemas de conexo aos servidores Steam ou o servio pode estar temporari
amente desativado. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde."
"Your computer i
s either currently unable to reach the Steam servers, or the service may be temp
orarily disabled. Please try again later."
"Para informaes sobre soluo
de problemas relacionados a passes de convidado, veja esta pgina de suporte."
"[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_LinkTextServiceUnavailable" "For troubleshoo
ting information about guest passes, see this support page."

"Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineLimitExceeded" "Voc j usou um passe de convidado
deste produto"
"You have alread
y used a guest pass for this product"
"Como voc j aceitou um passe de co
nvidado de %package%, voc no pode aceitar outro. Se deseja continuar a jog-lo, que
tal compr-lo?"
"Because you have alread
y accepted a guest pass for %package%, you can t accept another one. If you wish
to continue playing the game, please consider purchasing."
"Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_LinkTextLimitExceeded" "Clique aqui para visitar a Loja
"Click here to v
isit the Steam store."
"Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_LinkURLLimitExceeded" "steam://store"
"[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_LinkURLLimitExceeded" "steam://store"
"Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineAlreadyOwned$type=guestpass" "Voc j possui este
"[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineAlreadyOwned$type=guestpass" "You alr
eady own this game"
"Voc no pode aceit
ar um passe de convidado de %package% porque voc j possui o jogo completo! Para jo
gar o jogo completo, instale-o e inicie-o a partir de sua Biblioteca de Jogos."
"You can
t accept a guest pass for %package%, because you already own the full game! To
play the full game, install and launch it from your Games Library."
"Este passe de c
onvidado foi revogado"
"This gu
est pass has been revoked"
"O amigo que lhe enviou
este passe de convidado o cancelou e reenviou um cdigo de resgate mais recente. S
e a nova verso lhe foi enviada, voc receber outro e-mail com o cdigo atualizado."
"[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextRevoked$type=guestpass" "The friend who
sent you this guest pass has cancelled it and has resent a newer redemption code
. If the new version was sent to you, you ll receive another email with the upda
ted code."
"Este passe de convidado expirou
"This guest pass has exp
"Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextExpired" "Voc no pode aceitar este passe de convida
do porque j passou da sua data de validade."
"[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextExpired" "You cannot accept this guest pa
ss, because its expiration date has passed."
"minuto(s) restante(s)"
"minutes left"
"hora(s) restante(s)"
"hours left"
"dia(s) restante(s)"
"days left"
"Licena expirada"
"License Expired"
"Cpia extra"
"[english]Steam_GuestPasses_LeftGift" "Extra copy"
"Passe de convidado"

"Guest pass"
"Ativar passe de convida
"Activate Guest
"SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_ActivateGift" "Ativar presente"
"[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_ActivateGift" "Activate Gift"
"Pronto para ativar"
"Ready to activate"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_MicrophoneLabel" "Voc tem um microfone conectado ao seu co
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_MicrophoneLabel" "Do you have a microphone connec
ted to your computer?"
"No sei"
"Don t know"
"Sim, eu tenho um microfone."
"Yes, I have a microphone."
"No, eu no tenho um microfone."
"No, I do not have a microphone.
"Microfone: %s1"
"Microphone: %s1"
"Steam_SubscriptionFailure_ServiceUnavailable_Headline" "Servidor Steam indisponv
"Steam s
erver is unavailable"
"Steam_SubscriptionFailure_ServiceUnavailable" "O seu computador pode estar com
problemas de conexo aos servidores Steam ou o servio pode estar temporariamente d
esativado. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde."
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionFailure_ServiceUnavailable" "Your computer is either
currently unable to reach the Steam servers, or the service may be temporarily
disabled. Please try again later."
"A sua c
ompra de %subscription% no foi concluda.\n\n%provider% comunicou um problema com o
endereo associado sua conta do %provider%. Voc pode corrigir este problema atravs
do %provider% ou clicar em \"Voltar\" para selecionar uma forma de pagamento dif
"Your purchase of %subscription% has not been completed.\n\n%provider% has repor
ted a problem with the address associated with your %provider% account. You can
either correct this problem through %provider%, or click back to select a diff
erent payment method."
"A sua c
ompra de %subscription% no foi concluda.\n\n%provider% comunicou um problema com a
fonte de fundos associada sua conta do %provider%. Voc pode corrigir este proble
ma atravs do %provider% ou clicar em \"Voltar\" para selecionar uma forma de paga
mento diferente."
"Your purchase of %subscription% has not been completed.\n\n%provider% has repor
ted a problem with the funding source associated with your %provider% account. Y
ou can either correct this problem through %provider%, or click back to select
a different payment method."
"A sua c
ompra de %subscription% no foi concluda.\n\n%provider% comunicou uma falha na auto
rizao. Por favor, clique em \"Voltar\" para selecionar uma forma de pagamento dife
"Your purchase of %subscription% has not been completed.\n\n%provider% has repor

ted an authorization failure. Please click Back to choose an alternate payment

"Acesse o site do Suporte Steam para mai
s informaes."
"Visit the Steam support web sit
e for more information."
"Forma de pagame
nto no suportada"
method not supported"
"A sua compra de %subscr
iption% no foi concluda.\n\nA forma de pagamento escolhida est atualmente indisponve
l no seu pas. Por favor, clique em \"Voltar\" para selecionar uma forma de pagame
nto diferente."
"Your purchase o
f %subscription% has not been completed.\n\nYour chosen payment method is curren
tly unavailable in your country. Please click back and choose a different paym
ent method."
"Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PayPalDeclined_Headline" "A autorizao de %provider%
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PayPalDeclined_Headline" "%provider% auth
orization failed."
"A sua compra de %subscription%
no foi concluda.\n\n%provider% comunicou uma falha na autorizao. Por favor, clique e
m \"Voltar\" para selecionar uma forma de pagamento diferente."
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PayPalDeclined" "Your purchase of %subsc
ription% has not been completed.\n\n%provider% has reported an authorization fai
lure. Please click back to select a different payment method."
"Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PuchaseDeclined_ContactProvider" "A sua compra de
%subscription% no foi completada.\n\n%provider% comunicou um problema com a sua
conta %provider%. Por favor, entre em contato com o suporte de %provider% ou pre
ssione Voltar para escolher uma forma de pagamento diferente."
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PuchaseDeclined_ContactProvider" "Your pu
rchase of %subscription% has not been completed.\n\n%provider% has reported a pr
oblem with your %provider% account. Please contact %provider% support or click
Back to choose an alternate payment method."
"Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PuchaseDeclined_AcctNotVerified" "A sua compra de
%subscription% no foi completada.\n\n%provider% comunicou que a sua conta %provi
der% precisa estar verificada ou com fundos para completar a compra. Por favor,
entre em contato com o suporte de %provider% ou pressione Voltar para escolher
uma forma de pagamento diferente."
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PuchaseDeclined_AcctNotVerified" "Your pu
rchase of %subscription% has not been completed.\n\n%provider% has reported that
your %provider% account needs to be verified or funded to complete the purchase
. Please contact %provider% support or click Back to choose an alternate payme
nt method."
"Lamentamos, mas esta forma de p
agamento est indisponvel no momento."
"Sorry, but that payment
method is not available right now."
"Steam_LaunchEULA_Info" "Contrato de licena para usurio final (EULA) de %game%"
"%game% End User License Agreement (EULA

"I Agree"
"Steam_LaunchEULA_Text" "Por favor, leia este contrato por completo. Voc precisa
aceitar os termos do contrato para jogar %game%."
"Please read this agreement in its entir
ety. You must agree with the terms of the EULA to play %game%."
"Mais informaes sobre presentes e passes de convid
"[english]Steam_GuestPasses_LinkText" "More info about gifts and guest passes"
"Steam No foi possvel iniciar"
"Steam - Unable to launch"
"Uma instncia do Steam j est rodando neste
computador em outra conta de usurio. Por favor, feche o Steam na outra conta de u
surio antes de tentar inici-lo novamente."
"An instance of Steam is already
running on this computer, under a different user account. Please shutdown Steam
on the other user account before trying to launch again."
"Steam_AlreadyRunningError_SupportLink" "Visite o site de suporte do Steam para
mais informaes"
"See the Steam support s
ite for more information"
"Steam_LoggedInElsewhere_Title" "Steam Sesso iniciada em outro local"
"Steam - Logged In Elsewhere"
"Steam_LoggedInElsewhere_Info" "Uma sesso foi iniciada com esta conta Steam em o
utro computador."
"[english]Steam_LoggedInElsewhere_Info" "This Steam account has been logged in o
n another computer."
"Reconectar-se ao Steam"
"Reconnect to Steam"
"Steam_GamesSection_Favorites" "FAVORITOS"
"[english]Steam_GamesSection_Favorites" "FAVORITES"
"Steam_GamesSection_Installed" "INSTALADO"
"[english]Steam_GamesSection_Installed" "INSTALLED"
"Steam_FavoritesColumn" "Favoritos"
"Steam_GamesDialog_RightClick_AddToFavorites" "Adicionar aos favoritos"
"[english]Steam_GamesDialog_RightClick_AddToFavorites" "Add to Favorites"
"Remover dos favoritos"
"Remove from Fav
"Verificar atualizaes do Cliente Steam..."
"[english]steam_menu_checkforupdates" "Check for Steam Client Updates..."
"steam_checkforupdates_title" "Steam Atualizao automtica"
"[english]steam_checkforupdates_title" "Steam - Self Updater"
"Uma atualizao do cliente Steam es

t disponvel e est sendo baixada agora."

"A Steam client update i
s available, and is now being downloaded."
"steam_ClientUpdateAvailableDownloaded" "Uma atualizao do cliente Steam foi baixad
"A Steam client update h
as been downloaded."
"Deseja reiniciar o Steam para a
plicar a atualizao?"
"Would you like to resta
rt Steam now to apply the update?"
"Steam_NoClientUpdateAvailable" "O seu cliente Steam j est atualizado."
"Your Steam client is already up
"No possvel se conectar rede Steam. O \"mo
do \noffline\" est indisponvel pois no h credenciais de conta\nSteam guardadas neste
computador.\n\nVoc no poder usar o Steam at que se \nconecte rede Steam novamente."
"Unable to connect to the Steam
network. Offline \nMode is unavailable because there is no Steam\nlogin inform
ation stored on this computer.\n\nYou will not be able to use Steam until you ca
n \nconnect to the Steam network again."
"Clique aqui para verificar o es
tado da rede do Steam"
"Click here to check the
status of the Steam network"
"Visual para o Steam baseado no design feito por random_
"Steam skin based on design by random_n"
"Steam_PackageVersion" "Verses de pacote do Steam: %package_version%"
"[english]Steam_PackageVersion" "Steam package versions: %package_version%"
"Steam Novidades (%item% de %total%)"
"Steam - News (%item% of %total%
"Steam_P2PAvailability" "Disponibilidade:"
"[english]Steam_P2PAvailabilityValue" "%availability%"
"Steam_P2PDownloaded" "Baixado:"
"[english]Steam_P2PDownloaded" "Downloaded:"
"Total de peers:"
"Swarm Peers:"
"Total de seeders:"
"[english]Steam_P2PSwarmSeedersLabel" "Swarm Seeders:"
"[english]Steam_P2PSwarmSeedersValue" "%swarmseeders%"
"[english]SteamUI_P2P_Simple" "Info"
"[english]SteamUI_P2P_Detail" "Detail"
"SteamUI_P2P_Options" "Opes"
"[english]SteamUI_P2P_Options" "Options"
"SteamUI_P2P_MetaData" "Metadados"

"[english]SteamUI_P2P_MetaData" "MetaData"
"L R"
"L R "
"MB enviados"
"MB Out"
"MB recebidos"
"MB In"
"SteamUI_P2P_PeerList_Col_BandwidthOut" "Kbps de upload"
"Kbps Out"
"SteamUI_P2P_PeerList_Col_BandwidthIn" "Kbps de download"
"[english]SteamUI_P2P_PeerList_Col_BandwidthIn" "Kbps In"
"Id do Peer\nO ID Steam do peer remoto"
"Peer Id\nThe remote peer s Stea
m ID"
"SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_Choke" "Choke / Interesse\nExibe se peers locais e remo
tos esto estagnados entre si ou esto interessados em receber dados entre si"
"Choke / Interest\nShows whether
local and remote peers are choking each other or are interested in receiving da
ta from each other"
"Porcentagem do arquivo completo possudo
pelo peer remoto"
"Percentage of complete file whi
ch the remote peer has"
"Tipo de conexo\nConexo (L)ocal foi inicia
da por este peer, Conexo (R)emota foi iniciada pelo peer remoto"
"Connection Type\n(L)ocal connec
tion was initiated by this peer, (R)emote connection was initiated by remote pee
"MB enviados"
"MB Out"
"MB recebidos"
"MB In"
"SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_BandwidthOut" "Kbps de upload"
"[english]SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_BandwidthOut" "Kbps Out"
"SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_BandwidthIn" "Kbps de download"
"[english]SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_BandwidthIn" "Kbps In"
"Blocos\nEstado visual da disposio de dado
s do peer remoto"
"Blocks\nVisual status of remote
peer s data set"
"SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_State" "Estado da conexo"
"Connection state"
"SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_Size" "Tamanho"
"SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_Downloaded" "Baixado"
"[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_Downloaded" "Downloaded"

"SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_ToGo" "Restante"
"To Go"
"SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_StartBlock" "Inicial"
"[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_StartBlock" "Start"
"[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_NumBlocks" "Blocks"
"[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_Remaining" "Remaining"
"Nome do arquivo"
"File Name"
"SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_Size" "Tamanho do arquivo"
"[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_Size" "File Size"
"Progresso para este arquivo"
"Progress for this file"
"Quantidade de dados baixados"
"[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_Downloaded" "Amount of data downloaded"
"SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_ToGo" "Quantidade de dados restantes a serem baixados"
"[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_ToGo" "Amount of data remaining to be download
"Bloco inicial para o arquivo"
"[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_StartBlock" "Starting block for file"
"Bloco final para o arquivo"
"Ending block for file"
"Total de blocos para o arquivo"
"Total blocks for file"
"Nmero de blocos restantes a serem baixad
"Number of blocks remaining to b
e downloaded"
"Completion status"
"[english]SteamUI_P2P_ClientState_Connecting" "Connecting"
"Executando Handshake"
"SteamUI_P2P_ClientState_Dead" "Morto"
"[english]SteamUI_P2P_ClientState_Dead" "Dead"
"Steam_P2P_StateActive" "Ativo"
"Steam_P2P_TorrentState_Ready" "Pronto"

"[english]Steam_P2P_TorrentState_Ready" "Ready"
"SteamUI_P2P_KeyValuesList_Col_Value" "Valor"
"[english]SteamUI_P2P_KeyValuesList_Col_Value" "Value"
"Nome da propriedade"
"Name of setting"
"Valor da propriedade"
"[english]SteamUI_P2P_KeyValuesListTip_Value" "Value of setting"
"SteamUI_P2P_GlobalOptionsButtonLabel" "Avanado..."
"[english]SteamUI_P2P_GlobalOptionsButtonLabel" "Advanced..."
"Opes globais"
"Global Options"
"Aguardando validao"
"Waiting to Validate"
"SteamUI_P2P_Update_Checking" "Validando [%s1%]"
"[english]SteamUI_P2P_Update_Checking" "Validating [%s1%]"
"Ativar registro"
"[english]SteamUI_P2P_Logging_Enable" "Enable Logging"
"Guardar avisos em registro"
"Log Warnings"
"SteamUI_P2P_LogProtocolBase" "Guardar mensagem de base peer-to-peer em regist
"[english]SteamUI_P2P_LogProtocolBase" "Log base peer-to-peer message"
"SteamUI_P2P_LogProtocolPieces" "Guardar mensagens de transferncia de bloco peerto-peer em registro"
"Log peer-to-peer block transfer
"Guardar mensagens do tracker peer-to-pe
er em registro"
"Log peer-to-peer tracker messag
"Guardar eventos de conexo de base peer-t
o-peer em registro"
"Log base peer-to-peer connectio
n events"
"Guardar eventos de mensagem peer-to-pee
r comuns em registro"
"Log common peer-to-peer message
"Total acumulado de upload:"
"Cumulative Outgoing:"
"Total acumulado de download:"
"Cumulative Incoming:"
"SteamUI_P2P_TotalTime" "Tempo total:"
"Total Time:"
"Tempo de download:"
"Download Time:"
"Steam Trmino de suporte a sistema operacional"
"Steam - Operating system support ending
"O suporte ao Steam na sua verso do Windows acaba
em 31 de agosto de 2012. Para continuar usando o Steam neste computador, voc dev
e atualizar a sua verso do Windows para Windows XP Service Pack 2 ou posterior."
"Support for Steam on your version of Wi
ndows will end on August 31st 2012.
In order to continue running Steam on this computer, you must upgrade your
version of Windows to Windows XP Service Pack 2 or higher."
"Steam CPU incompatvel detectada"

"Steam - unsupported CPU detected"
"Dentro dos prximos meses, %game% no mais poder ser
executado neste computador.
Isso acontece pelo fato do suporte de %game% para CPUs que no incluem o conjunto
de instrues SSE estar acabando.
Para continuar rodando %game%, voc ter de usar um computador diferente ou atualiza
r seu sistema."
"Within the next few months, %game% will
no longer be able to run on this computer.
This is because %game% support for CPUs which do not include the SSE instruction
set is ending.
In order to continue running %game%, you will need to use a different computer o
r upgrade your system."
"Steam Falha na instalao"
"[english]SteamUI_InstallScript_Failed_Title" "Steam - Setup failed"
"A instalao do jogo falhou em instalar os
componentes de sistema. Quando rodar este
jogo pela primeira vez, necessrio estar autenticado no Windows como administrador
Se continuar, voc poder passar por problemas durante a execuo do jogo."
"Game setup failed to install sy
stem components. When running this game
for the first time, it is necessary to be logged into Windows as an administrato
If you continue, you might experience problems running the game."
"Continuar mesmo assim"
"Continue anyway"
"Steam CPU incompatvel detectada"
"[english]Steam_CPUSSERequired_Title" "Steam - unsupported CPU detected"
"%game% requer uma CPU que suporta o conjunto de
instrues SSE.
Para jogar esse jogo, voc deve ou atualizar seu sistema ou usar um computador dif
"%game% requires a CPU which supports th
e SSE instruction set.
In order to play this game you must either upgrade your system or use a differen
t computer."
"Steam_AccountPage_BetaParticipation" "Participao beta:"
"[english]Steam_AccountPage_BetaParticipation" "Beta participation:"
"Steam_NoBetaAvailable" "(Nenhum disponvel no momento)"
"(None currently available)"
"No est participando\n(Betas disponveis: %numbetas%)"
"[english]Steam_NoBetaChosen" "Not participating\n(%numbetas% currently availa
"Steam_BetaReportBug" "Relatar um bug"
"[english]Steam_BetaReportBug" "Report a bug"
"Participao beta Steam"
"Beta Participation - Steam"
"Steam_ChooseBetaExplanation" "O Steam s vezes oferece a oportunidade de testar
atualizaes de jogos ou do Steam antes de serem lanadas oficialmente.
Para entrar em um desses programas beta, selecione-o na lista abaixo e clique em
OK. (Para sair de todos os programas beta, selecione NENHUM.)"
"[english]Steam_ChooseBetaExplanation" "Steam often offers the opportunity to t
ry out game updates or Steam updates before they re officially released.

To join one of these beta programs, select it from the list below and click OK
. (To remove yourself from all beta programs, select NONE.)"
"Leia mais sobre como os betas funcionam no Stea
"Read more about how betas on Steam work
"NENHUM Sair de todos os programas beta"
"[english]Steam_SelectNoBeta" "NONE - Opt out of all beta programs"
"Obrigado por sua participao no beta %betaname% no Steam.
O beta foi finalizado - por favor, reinicie o Steam para retornar verso atual."
"Thank you for participating in the %betaname% b
eta on Steam.
The beta has now ended - please restart Steam to return to the current release."
"Selecione o idioma no qual voc deseja jogar este
"Select the language you wish to play th
is game in:"
"Steam_SpokenLanguageTestTitle" "Left 4 Dead - Idioma do udio falado"
"Left 4 Dead - Spoken audio lang
"Steam_SpokenLanguageTestExplanation" "Left 4 Dead pode ser rodado com falas e
m <current language> ou em ingls com legendas em <current language>. Qual voc pref
ere?\n(Voc sempre pode mudar essas configuraes dentro do jogo.)"
"[english]Steam_SpokenLanguageTestExplanation" "The spoken audio in Left 4 Dead
can be played in <current language>, or in English with <current language> subt
itles. Which would you prefer?\n(You can always change these settings later with
in the game.)"
"Rodar com falas em <current lan
"[english]Steam_SpokenLanguageTestRadioButtonCurrent" "Play spoken audio in <c
urrent language>"
"Rodar com falas originais em in
gls com legendas opcionais em <current language>\n(Requer um download de 1GB)"
"[english]Steam_SpokenLanguageTestRadioButtonEnglish" "Play spoken audio in th
e original English with optional <current language> subtitles\n(Requires a 1GB d
"Notificar-me sobre adies
ou alteraes aos meus jogos, novos lanamentos e futuros lanamentos."
"Notify me about
additions or changes to my games, new releases, and upcoming releases."
"Steam_Settings_DownloadsTitle" "Downloads"
"Steam_P2PMoreInfoLink" "O que isso?"
"What is this?"
"Este o seu cdigo de ativao para %game%, que dever s
er inserido aps o aplicativo ser iniciado. Anote-o ou pressione o boto \"Copiar p/
rea de transferncia\"."
"This is your activation key for %game%.
You will need to enter this key after the application has launched. Write the k
ey down or press the Copy to clipboard button now."
"Este o seu cdigo de ativao para %game%, qu
e dever ser inserido aps o aplicativo ser iniciado. Anote-o para inseri-lo mais ta
"This is your activation key for
%game%. You will need to enter this key after the application has launched. Wri
te the key down so you can enter it later."

"Requisitando chave..."
"Requesting key..."
"Cdigo de produto (CD Key) de %game%"
"%game% CD key"
"Copiar p/ rea de transferncia"
"Copy key to clipboard"
"Iniciar editor de personalizao de
"Launch Building Customi
zation Editor"
"Usar essa conta"
"Use this account"
"Usar uma conta ClickandBuy diferente"
"Use a different ClickandBuy account"
"Escolher uma forma de pagamento diferen
"Choose a different payment meth
"Nossos registros indicam que voc usou a seguinte
conta ClickandBuy para compras anteriores no Steam:"
"[english]Steam_LabelPrevClickAndBuy" "Our records indicate you have used the
following ClickandBuy account for previous Steam purchases:"
"Steam_AddNonSteamGame" "Adicionar jogo no Steam..."
"Add non-Steam game..."
"Ver cdigo de produto"
"View CD key"
"Steam_SendGuestPass_Title$type=gift" "Enviar um presente"
"[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_Title$type=gift" "Send a Gift"
"Steam_SendGuestPass_InvitationSentHeadline$type=gift" "Presente enviado com su
"[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_InvitationSentHeadline$type=gift" "Gift succesfull
y sent!"
"Steam_SendGuestPass_InvitationSent$type=gift" "Um e-mail foi enviado a %search
% para resgatar o seu presente de %package%.\n\nFique de olho na sua lista de am
igos voc poder ver o seu amigo jogando online."
"[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_InvitationSent$type=gift" "%search% has been sent
an email invitation to redeem your %package% gift.\n\nWatch your Friends list -you ll be able to see your friend playing online."
"O presente no fo
i enviado com sucesso"
"Gift wa
s not successfully sent"
"Lamentamos, houve um pr
oblema ao enviar um presente para %search%."
"Sorry, there wa
s a problem sending a gift to %search%."
"Voc no pode se pr
"You can
t give a gift to yourself!"
"Parece que voc est tentan
do se presentear. Presentes foram feitos para compartilhar seus jogos com amigos
. Convide algum que voc conhece para jogar %package% gratuitamente!"
"You appear to b

e trying to send a gift to yourself. Gifts are for sharing your games with frien
ds. Try inviting someone you know to play %package% for free!"
"Presente j enviado"
"[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_PendingErrorHeadline$type=gift" "Gift already se
"Voc j enviou um presente a %searc
h% nas ltimas 24 horas. Voc no pode enviar quaisquer presentes a esse endereo at que
se passem 24 horas de sua ltima tentativa.\n\nClique em voltar abaixo para espe
cificar um destinatrio diferente."
"[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_PendingError$type=gift" "You have already sent a
gift to %search% within the past 24 hours. You cannot send any gifts to this ad
dress until 24 hours after your most recent attempt.\n\nClick back below to sp
ecify a different recipient."
"Steam_SendGuestPass_InvitingFriendHeadline$type=gift" "Enviando presente..."
"[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_InvitingFriendHeadline$type=gift" "Sending gift...
"Steam_SendGuestPass_InvitingFriend$type=gift" "Seu presente est sendo enviado p
ara %search%.\nPor favor, aguarde..."
"[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_InvitingFriend$type=gift" "Your gift is being sent
to %search%.\nPlease wait..."
"Presente pronto"
"Gift Ready"
"Steam_GuestPassAccept_TitleFailed$type=gift" "Falha ao aceitar presente"
"[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_TitleFailed$type=gift" "Gift Acceptance Failure
"Presente invlido"
"Invalid Gift"
"O presente que voc tentou aceita
r est invlido. Esse presente pode ter sido usado por outra pessoa, pode ter expira
do ou pode ter sido revogado pelo remetente."
"[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextFailed$type=gift" "The gift you have attem
pted to accept is no longer valid. This pass may have already been used by someo
ne else, it may have expired, or it may have been revoked by the sender."
"Falha ao aceita
r presente"
"[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineServiceUnavailable$type=gift" "Gift ac
ceptance failed"
"Este presente foi revog
"This gift has b
een revoked"
"Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextRevoked$type=gift" "O amigo que lhe enviou este pre
sente o cancelou e reenviou um cdigo de resgate mais recente. Se a nova verso lhe
foi enviada, voc receber outro e-mail com o cdigo atualizado."
"[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextRevoked$type=gift" "The friend who sent you
this gift has cancelled it and has resent a newer redemption code. If the new v
ersion was sent to you, you ll receive another email with the updated code."
"Voc no pode se presentear
"[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineSelfRedeem$type=gift" "You can t give
a gift to yourself!"
"Parece que voc est tentan
do aceitar um passe que enviou a si mesmo. Presentes foram feitos para compartil
har seus jogos com amigos. Convide algum que voc conhea para jogar um novo jogo gra
"You appear to b
e trying to accept a pass you sent to yourself. Gifts are for sharing your games
with friends. Try inviting someone you know to play a new game for free!"
"Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TitleFailed$type=gift" "Falha ao ativar presente"
"Gift Activation

"Presente invlido"
"Invalid Gift"
"Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextFailed$type=gift" "O presente que voc tentou resgat
ar est invlido. Esse presente pode ter sido usado por outra pessoa, pode ter expir
ado ou pode ter sido revogado pelo remetente."
"[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextFailed$type=gift" "The gift you have attem
pted to redeem is no longer valid. This gift may have already been used by someo
ne else, it may have expired, or it may have been revoked by the sender."
"Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineServiceUnavailable$type=gift" "Falha ao ativar
"[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineServiceUnavailable$type=gift" "Gift ac
tivation failed"
"Voc j possui este
"You alr
eady own this game"
"Voc no pode aceitar %pack
age% de presente, pois voc j o tem! Para jogar este jogo, instale-o e execute-o a
partir da Biblioteca de Jogos."
"[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextAlreadyOwned$type=gift" "You can t accep
t a gift for %package%, because you already own the game! To play the game, inst
all it and launch it from the Games Library."
"Este presente foi revog
"This gift has b
een revoked"
"Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextRevoked$type=gift" "O amigo que lhe enviou este pre
sente o cancelou e reenviou um cdigo de resgate mais recente. Se a nova verso lhe
foi enviada, voc receber outro e-mail com o cdigo atualizado."
"The friend who
sent you this gift has cancelled it and has resent a newer redemption code. If t
he new version was sent to you, you ll receive another email with the updated co
"Atualizando lista..."
"[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_RefreshingList" "Refreshing list..."
"Todos os seus amigos da Comunid
ade Steam j possuem este produto.
Faa um novo amigo no Steam, enviando um presente para algum que voc conhece."
"All of your Steam Commu
nity Friends already own this product.
Make a new Friend on Steam by emailing a gift to someone you know."
"Steam_GuestPass_GiftSection" "PRESENTES"
"[english]Steam_GuestPass_GiftSection" "GIFTS"
"Steam_GuestPasses_GuestPassesSection" "PASSES DE CONVIDADO"
"[english]Steam_GuestPasses_GuestPassesSection" "GUEST PASSES"
"Steam_GuestPasses_ExtraCopiesSection" "CPIAS EXTRAS"
"[english]Steam_GuestPasses_ExtraCopiesSection" "EXTRA COPIES"
"Steam_Purchase_Total" "TOTAL"
"[english]Steam_Purchase_Total" "TOTAL"
"[english]Steam_Purchase_VAT" "VAT"
"(inclui desconto)"
"(includes discount)"
"[english]Steam_Purchase_GamePackage" "GAME PACKAGE"

"Steam_Purchase_PleaseReviewYourOrder" "Por favor, revise seu pedido"

"[english]Steam_Purchase_PleaseReviewYourOrder" "Please review your order"
"Steam_Purchase_IsGift" "Isto um presente?"
"Is this a gift?"
"Sim, um presente."
"[english]Steam_Purchase_YesItIsGift" "Yes, it s a gift."
"Seu total ser calculado durante o processo de co
mpra para incluir impostos."
"Your total will be calculated to includ
e taxes during the purchase process."
"Seu preo total ser calculado durante o pr
ocesso de compra para incluir impostos, frete e manuseio."
"Your total will be calculated t
o include taxes, shipping and handling during the purchase process."
"Alguns dos produtos des
te pacote no foram lanados e esto indisponveis no momento. Estes produtos ficaro auto
maticamente disponveis a voc pelo Steam assim que forem lanados. A data de lanamento
para estes produtos incerta e compradores no devem confiar em nenhuma data estim
ada. Aguarde 6-8 semanas para a entrega da mercadoria inclusa no pacote %subscri
"Some of the pro
ducts in this package have not yet been released and are not currently available
. These products will automatically be made available to you via Steam upon thei
r release. The release date for these products is uncertain and purchasers shoul
d not rely on any estimated release date. Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery of the me
rchandise included in the %subscription% package."
"Steam_Legal_PackageDetails_Unreleased" "Alguns dos produtos deste pacote ainda
no foram lanados, portanto no esto disponveis. Esses produtos sero automaticamente di
ponibilizados pelo Steam assim que forem lanados. A data de lanamento desses produ
tos incerta e compradores no devem se basear em nenhuma data estimada."
"Some of the products in
this package have not yet been released and are not currently available. These
products will automatically be made available to you via Steam upon their releas
e. The release date for these products is uncertain and purchasers should not re
ly on any estimated release date."
"Steam_Legal_PackageDetails_Shipping" "Aguarde 6-8 semanas pela entrega da mer
cadoria inclusa no pacote %subscription%."
"[english]Steam_Legal_PackageDetails_Shipping" "Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery of
the merchandise included in the %subscription% package."
"Steam_ForcedGiftPurchase_Next" "Para comprar este item como um presente, clique
em Avanar para continuar."
"To purchase this item as a gift
, click Next to continue."
"Tudo de bom"
"Best Wishes"
"Steam_Gift_Sentiment_BuckleUp" "Aperte os cintos"
"Buckle Up"
"[english]Steam_Gift_Sentiment_Enjoy" "Enjoy"
"Steam_Gift_Sentiment_GameOn" "Vamos jogar"
"[english]Steam_Gift_Sentiment_GameOn" "Game On"
"Steam_Gift_Sentiment_HaveFun" "Divirta-se"
"[english]Steam_Gift_Sentiment_HaveFun" "Have Fun"
"Steam_Gift_Sentiment_KerBlam" "Cabum"
"[english]Steam_Gift_Sentiment_KerBlam" "Ker Blam"
"Cmbio e desligo"
"Over n Out"
"Steam_Gift_Sentiment_YouOweMe" "Voc me deve uma"
"You Owe Me"
"Steam_Gift_Sentiment_YourTurn" "Sua vez"

"Your Turn"
"Steam_Gift_Sentiment_XOXOXO" "Beijos"
"[english]Steam_Gift_Sentiment_XOXOXO" "XOXOXO"
"Este item j est disponvel na sua conta Ste
am. Voc pode acessar os seus jogos a partir da Biblioteca de Jogos Steam."
"This item is already available
with your Steam account. You can access your games from the Steam Games Library.
"A quem voc gostaria de d
ar %package% ?"
"To whom would y
ou like to give %package% ?"
"Steam_SendGuestPass_RecipientQuestion$type=guestpass" "A quem voc gostaria de d
ar um passe de convidado de %package% ?"
"[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_RecipientQuestion$type=guestpass" "To whom would y
ou like to give a %package% guest pass?"
"Nome do destinatrio"
"[english]SteamUI_Gift_RecipientName" "Recipient s name"
"SteamUI_Gift_Message" "Sua mensagem do presente (limite de 160 caracteres)"
"[english]SteamUI_Gift_Message" "Your gift message (160 character limit)"
"Steam_SendGuestPass_GiftRecipientName" "Nome do destinatrio"
"Recipient s name"
"Sua mensagem do presente (limite de 160
"Your gift message (160 characte
r limit)"
"Seu sentimento"
"Your sentiment"
"Sua assinatura"
"Your signature"
"Espero que voc goste desse jogo!
"I hope you enjoy this g
"Espero que voc goste desses jogo
"I hope you enjoy these
"O Steam aceita as seguintes formas segu
ras de pagamento:"
"Steam accepts the following sec
ure payment methods:"
"Steam_PurchaseReview_IsGift" "Presente para"
"[english]Steam_PurchaseReview_IsGift" "Gift for"
"Por favor, insira uma mensagem
para enviar com seu presente."
"Please enter a message
to send with your gift."
"Steam_SendGuestPass_AlreadyOwnsGame" "%s1 j possui este jogo"
"[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_AlreadyOwnsGame" "%s1 already owns this game"
"Steam Presente revogado"
"Steam - Gift Revoked"
"O seu presente recente de %package%, dado por %gifter%,
foi revogado por um problema no processamento do pagamento deste item.\n\nComo
consequncia os jogos associados a esse presente no mais podero ser jogados. Caso de
seje comprar este item, visite a Loja Steam. Caso contrrio, voc tem a opo de excluir
o contedo local associado a esse presente."
"Your recent gift of %package% from %gifter% has
been revoked due to a problem processing payment for this item.\n\nThe games as
sociated with this gift can no longer be played as a result. If you would like t

o purchase this item, visit the Steam Store. Otherwise, you may choose to delete
the local content associated with this gift."
"Steam_GiftRevoked_SupportLink" "Visite o web site do suporte Steam para mais in
"Visit the Steam support web sit
e for more information"
"Ir ao website de %s1 agora"
"[english]Steam_ExternalSignupButton" "Go to %s1 web site now"
"Steam_ExternalSignupHeadline" "Sua conta %game%"
"[english]Steam_ExternalSignupHeadline" "Your %game% account"
"Suas contas externas"
"Your external accounts"
"Para completar sua instalao, voc ter de vincular su
a compra do Steam sua conta de %game%.\n\nVisite agora o site oficial do produto
para iniciar sesso com sua conta de %game% ou criar uma nova."
"To complete your install, you need to l
ink your Steam purchase with your %game% account.\n\nVisit their official web si
te now to login to your existing %game% account or to create a new one."
"Steam_ExternalSignupInfoMulti" "Para completar suas instalaes, voc ter que vincular
suas compras do Steam sua conta externa.\n\nVisite agora os sites oficiais dos
produtos para iniciar sesso com suas contas externas ou criar novas contas."
"To complete your installations,
you need to link your Steam purchases with your external account.\n\nVisit thei
r official web sites now to login to your external accounts or to create a new o
"Quando voc fizer sua conta de %game%, clique em
concluir e comece a jogar."
"[english]Steam_ExternalSignupFinish" "Once you have made your account for %ga
me% click finish and start playing."
"Steam_ExternalSignupPropertiesLabel" "Uma conta ativa de %game% necessria"
"[english]Steam_ExternalSignupPropertiesLabel" "An active %game% account is req
"Steam_ExternalSignupPropertiesButton" "Visite o web site da conta de %game%"
"[english]Steam_ExternalSignupPropertiesButton" "Visit %game% account web site"
"Jogo j est na conta"
"[english]Steam_GameAlreadyInAccount" "Game already in account"
"Jogo completo j est na conta"
"Full game already in account"
"Voc j possui todos esses jogos. Voc pode acess-los
a partir da Biblioteca de Jogos Steam."
"[english]Steam_AlreadyInAccountInfo" "You already own all of these games. You
can access your games from the Steam Games Library."
"Steam Desatualizado"
"Steam - Out of date"
"O seu cliente precisa ser atualizado para executar esse
"Your client needs to be updated to run this gam
"SteamUI_WrongPlatform_Title" "Steam Jogo indisponvel"
"[english]SteamUI_WrongPlatform_Title" "Steam - Game Unavailable"
"SteamUI_WrongPlatform" "%game% no est disponvel na sua plataforma atual."
"%game% is not available on your current
"Sim, eu tenho mais de 17 anos de idade."
"Yes, I am over 17 years of age."
"Steam Falha ao iniciar jogo"
"Steam - Game Launch Fai
"SteamUI_RootDialog_Start_Problem_Text" "%game% falhou em iniciar (cdigo de erro

"%game% failed to start
(error code %error%)."
"Steam_ExternalSignup" "Gerenciar conta de jogo..."
"[english]Steam_ExternalSignup" "Manage game account..."
"Steam_ExternalRegistrationURL" "Registrar jogo..."
"Register your game..."
"Steam Instalar %product%"
"Steam - Install %product%"
"Voc poder acessar seus jogos a qualquer momento, de qualq
uer computador, simplesmente iniciando sesso com sua conta Steam."
"You ll be able to access your games at any time
, from any computer just by logging in to your Steam account."
"Criar uma nova conta Steam"
"[english]Steam_RetailChooseCreateNewAccount" "Create a new Steam account"
"Iniciar sesso com uma conta Stea
m existente"
"Log into an existing St
eam account"
"Nuvem Steam Sincronizando"
"Steam Cloud - Syncing"
"O Steam est sincronizando arquivos dos s
eus jogos com a Nuvem Steam. O Steam ser encerrado aps o fim da sincronizao.\n\nPara
forar o Steam a sair sem sincronizar, clique em \"Sair agora\"."
"Steam is currently syncing your
game files with the Steam Cloud. Steam will automatically exit when this is com
pleted.\n\nTo force Steam to exit without syncing your files, click Exit Now ."
"Sair agora"
"Exit Now"
"Ativao bem-sucedida!"
"Activation Successful!"
"O seu cdigo promocional de %subscription
% foi ativado com sucesso. Este contedo est permanentemente associado sua conta St
eam e estar disponvel ao ativar e iniciar o jogo completo com esta conta no Steam.
"Your %subscription% promotion c
ode has successfully been activated. This content will become available to you o
nce you ve activated the full game on Steam. This content is now permanently ass
ociated with your Steam account. You must login to this account to have access t
o the items you ve just activated on Steam."
"Steam_ModNeedsFullGame_Title" "Steam No possvel instalar %game%"
"[english]Steam_ModNeedsFullGame_Title" "Steam - Cannot install %game%"
"Steam_ModNeedsFullGame_Info" "%game% um mod e requer que voc possua uma verso d
o jogo base."
"[english]Steam_ModNeedsFullGame_Info" "%game% is a mod, and requires you to ow
n a version of the base game."
"Steam_ModNeedsFullGame_Button" "Obter mais informaes"
"Get more info"
"Informaes da Conta Steam"
"Steam Account Information"
" recomendado que voc imprima essas informaes e as g
uarde em um lugar seguro. O seu nome de usurio e senha so importantes
a partir de agora, voc vai precisar deles pra ter acesso aos seus jogos e outros
recursos do Steam."
"It is recommended that you print this i
nformation and keep it in a safe place. Your Steam account and login information
is important--from now on, you ll need it to access your games and other Steam
"Nome de usurio:"
"Account Name:"
"Steam_AccountEmail_Password" "Senha:"

"[english]Steam_AccountEmail_Password" "Password:"
"Endereo de e-mail para contato:"
"Contact email address:"
"Clique aqui para imprimir esta pgina"
"Click here to print this page now"
"Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardDeclinedCart" "A sua assinatura dos se
guintes itens no foi completada. As informaes do seu carto de crdito foram recusadas
pela administradora.\n\nSaiba que, em certos casos, a administradora reter os fun
dos, mas no haver cobrana. Aps revisar as informaes abaixo, se voc acredita que o se
arto foi recusado por erros, por favor, tente finalizar a compra novamente."
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardDeclinedCart" "Your subscripti
on to the following items has not been completed. Your credit card information h
as been declined by your credit card company.\n\nNote that in some cases, your c
redit card company may put a hold on funds in your account, but you will not b
e charged. After reviewing the information below, if you believe your card has b
een declined in error please try your purchase again."
"A sua a
ssinatura dos seguintes itens no foi completada. As informaes do seu carto de crdito
foram recusadas pela administradora porque um endereo incorreto foi inserido.\n\n
Saiba que, em certos casos, a administradora reter os fundos, mas no haver cobrana.
Aps revisar as informaes abaixo, se voc acredita que o seu carto foi recusado por err
os, por favor, tente finalizar a compra novamente."
"Your subscription to the following items has not been completed. Your credit ca
rd information has been declined by your credit card company due to an incorrect
address being entered.\n\nNote that in some cases, your credit card company may
put a hold on funds in your account, but you will not be charged. After revie
wing the information below, if you believe your card has been declined in error
please try your purchase again."
"Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardDeclined_InsufficientFundsCart" "A sua a
ssinatura dos seguintes itens no foi completada. As informaes do seu carto de crdito
foram recusadas pela administradora porque no h limite suficiente no seu carto.\n\n
Saiba que, em certos casos, a administradora reter os fundos, mas no haver cobrana."
"Your subscription to the following items has not been completed. Your credit ca
rd information has been declined by your credit card company due to insufficient
funds in the account.\n\nNote that in some cases, your credit card company may
put a hold on funds in your account, but you will not be charged."
"A sua compra na pr-venda foi con
cluda e o jogo ser lanado oficialmente em breve. O seu pagamento foi processado.\n\
nVoc ser informado quando o jogo estiver disponvel. Agradecemos o seu pedido!"
"[english]Steam_Subscription_Preorder_PreProcessCart" "Your pre-order has been
completed, and the game will be officially released soon. Your payment has been
processed.\n\nWe ll let you know as soon as the game is available to play. Than
k you for your order!"
"Sua assinatura dos segu
intes itens foi completada com sucesso. A assinatura est registrada nesta conta S
team: %accountname%. Voc precisa iniciar sesso com esta conta para ter acesso aos
seus jogos. Agradecemos seu pedido!"
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionSuccessCart$purchasetype=regular" "Your subscripti
on to the following items has been completed successfully. Your subscription is
registered to this Steam account: %accountname%. In the future, you must login t
o this account to have access to your games. Thank you for your order!"
"O seu presente contendo
os seguintes itens foi enviado para %giftee%. Agradecemos seu pedido!"
"Your gift of th
e following items has been sent to %giftee%. Thank you for your order!"
"A compra dos seguintes
itens foi completada com sucesso. Agradecemos seu pedido!"
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionSuccessCart$purchasetype=unknown" "Your purchase o

f the following items has been completed successfully. Thank you for your order!
"Steam_Subscription_Preorder_CcardSuccessCart" "Voc recentemente pr-comprou os se
guintes itens. Tais itens foram lanados oficialmente, assim, fizemos o processame
nto e cobrana do seu carto de crdito. Agradecemos seu pedido!"
"[english]Steam_Subscription_Preorder_CcardSuccessCart" "Recently you preordered
the following items. These items have been officially released, so your credit
card has been processed and charged. Thank you for your order!"
"A sua a
ssinatura dos seguintes itens foi realizada com sucesso.\n\nVoc pode jogar quaisq
uer jogos j lanados clicando neles na sua Biblioteca de Jogos Steam. Alm disso, voc
receber uma confirmao por e-mail assim que os produtos fsicos do seu pedido forem en
viados. Agradecemos o seu pedido!"
"Your subscription to the following items has been completed successfully.\n\nYo
u can play any of the currently released games by clicking on them in your Steam
Games Library. Also, you ll receive an email confirmation as soon as the mercha
ndise portion of your order has shipped. Thank you for your order!"
"Steam_Subscription_Success_WithShippingCart$purchasetype=gift" "O seu presente
dos seguintes itens foi enviado para %giftee%. Voc receber uma confirmao por e-mail
assim que os produtos fsicos do seu pedido forem enviados. Agradecemos o seu pedi
"Your gift of the following items has been sent to %giftee%. You ll receive an e
mail confirmation as soon as the merchandise portion of your order has shipped.
Thank you for your order!"
"A sua c
ompra dos seguintes itens foi concluda. Voc receber uma confirmao por e-mail assim qu
e os produtos fsicos do seu pedido forem enviados. Agradecemos o seu pedido!"
"Your purchase of the following items has been completed. You ll receive an emai
l confirmation as soon as the merchandise portion of your order has shipped. Tha
nk you for your order!"
"Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardUseLimitHit_InfoCart" "Esta transao no fo
i processada porque o carto de crdito abaixo foi utilizado muitas vezes no Steam.\
n\nNs fazemos isso para prevenir nossos consumidores de fraudes com cartes de crdit
o. Ns iremos processar fraudadores at onde a lei permitir."
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardUseLimitHit_InfoCart" "This tr
ansaction was not processed because the credit card below has been used too many
times in Steam.\n\nThis policy exists in order to protect our customers from cr
edit card fraud. We will prosecute fraud to the fullest extent of the law."
"Steam_Subscription_ContactSupportCart" "Um erro inesperado ocorreu. A sua assin
atura dos itens abaixo no foi concluda. \n\nPor favor, contate o Suporte Steam usa
ndo o link abaixo."
"An unexpected error has
occurred. Your subscription to the following items has not been completed. \n\n
Please contact Steam Support using the link below."
"A sua compra dos seguin
tes itens no foi completada.\n\n%provider% comunicou uma falha na autorizao. Por fa
vor, tente efetuar a compra novamente usando uma forma de pagamento diferente."
"Your purchase o
f the following items has not been completed.\n\n%provider% has reported an auth
orization failure. Please try your purchase again using a different payment meth
"Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PayPalDeclined_InvalidShippingAddressCart" "A sua c
ompra dos seguintes itens no foi completada.\n\n%provider% comunicou um problema
com o endereo associado sua conta %provider%. Voc pode corrigir este problema atra
vs do %provider% ou tentar efetuar a sua compra novamente usando uma forma de pag
amento diferente."

"Your purchase of the following items has not been completed.\n\n%provider% has
reported a problem with the address associated with your %provider% account. You
can either correct this problem through %provider%, or try your purchase again
using a different payment method."
"Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PayPalDeclined_UseOtherFundingSourceCart" "A sua c
ompra dos seguintes itens no foi completada.\n\n%provider% comunicou um problema
com a fonte de fundos associada sua conta %provider%. Voc pode corrigir este prob
lema atravs do %provider% ou tentar efetuar a sua compra novamente usando uma for
ma de pagamento diferente."
"Your purchase of the following items has not been completed.\n\n%provider% has
reported a problem with the funding source associated with your %provider% accou
nt. You can either correct this problem through %provider%, or try your purchase
again using a different payment method."
"Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PayPalDeclined_UseOtherPaymentMethodCart" "A sua c
ompra dos seguintes itens no foi completada.\n\n%provider% comunicou uma falha na
autorizao. Por favor, tente efetuar a compra novamente usando uma forma de pagame
nto diferente."
"Your purchase of the following items has not been completed.\n\n%provider% has
reported an authorization failure. Please try your purchase again using a differ
ent payment method."
"A sua c
ompra dos seguintes itens no foi completada.\n\n%provider% comunicou um problema
com a sua conta %provider%. Por favor, entre em contato com o suporte de %provid
er% ou tente efetuar a compra novamente usando uma forma de pagamento diferente.
"Your purchase of the following items has not been completed.\n\n%provider% has
reported a problem with your %provider% account. Please contact %provider% suppo
rt or try your purchase again using a different payment method."
"A sua c
ompra dos seguintes itens no foi completada.\n\n%provider% comunicou que a sua co
nta %provider% precisa estar verificada ou com fundos para completar a compra. P
or favor, contate o suporte de %provider% ou tente efetuar a sua compra novament
e usando uma forma de pagamento diferente."
"Your purchase of the following items has not been completed.\n\n%provider% has
reported that your %provider% account needs to be verified or funded to complete
the purchase. Please contact %provider% support or try your purchase again usin
g a different payment method."
"A sua compra dos seguintes itens foi re
embolsada. O crdito deve aparecer na sua conta dentro de alguns dias teis."
"Your purchase of the following
items has been refunded. The credit should appear in your account within a coupl
e business days."
"Lamentamos, mas os itens abaixo
no esto disponveis para compra neste pas. A sua compra foi cancelada."
"Sorry, but the followin
g items are not available for purchase in this country. Your purchase has been c
"Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_ServerFailedCart" "A sua assinatura dos seguintes
itens no foi concluda. Os servidores Steam esto muito ocupados para processar o seu
pedido.\n\nLamentamos a inconvenincia. Por favor, tente realizar a transao novamen
te em algumas horas."
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_ServerFailedCart" "Your subscription to th
e following items has not been completed. The Steam servers are currently too bu
sy to process your request. \n\nWe apologize for the inconvenience. Please try y
our transaction again in a few hours."
"A sua compra de %subscr

iption% no foi completada.\n\nA forma de pagamento escolhida est atualmente indisp

onvel no seu pas. Por favor, tente comprar usando uma forma de pagamento diferente
"[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_RegionNotSupportedCart" "Your purchase o
f the following items has not been completed.\n\nYour chosen payment method is c
urrently unavailable in your country. Please try your purchase again using a dif
ferent payment method."
"A sua assinatura dos se
guintes itens no foi realizada porque os servidores Steam esto impossibilitados de
processar a transao no momento.\n\nVoc no poder jogar esses jogos at que o processo
eja concludo. Lamentamos qualquer transtorno que isso venha a lhe causar. A equip
e do Steam est trabalhando para resolver essa situao e lhe notificar assim que a tra
nsao for concluda."
"Your subscripti
on to the following items has not been completed, because Steam servers are curr
ently unable to process the transaction.\n\nYou won t be able to play these game
s until the subscription process is complete. We are sorry for any inconvenience
this may cause. The Steam team is working to rectify this situation, and will n
otify you as soon as the transaction is complete."
"No enviado"
"Steam_GuestPasses_Status_Sent" "Enviado"
"Como deseja que o seu presente
de %package% seja enviado?"
"How would you like your
gift of %package% to be sent?"
"Steam_SendGuestPass_SendInfo$type=guestpass" "Como deseja que o seu passe de
convidado de %package% seja enviado?"
"[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_SendInfo$type=guestpass" "How would you like your
%package% guest pass to be sent?"
"Revogar e reenviar um presente"
"Revoke and Resend a Gif
"Revogar e reenviar um p
asse de convidado"
"Revoke and Rese
nd a Guest Pass"
"Reenviar este presente far com q
ue o destinatrio anterior no possa aceit-lo. Se voc deseja continuar, por favor, dig
ite um endereo de e-mail vlido para o novo destinatrio do seu presente de %package%
"Resending this gift wil
l make the previous recipient unable to accept it. If you wish to continue, plea
se enter a valid email address for the new recipient of your %package% gift."
"Steam_SendGuestPass_ResendInfo$type=guestpass" "Reenviar este passe de convidad
o far com que o destinatrio anterior no possa aceit-lo. Se voc deseja continuar, por
favor, digite um endereo de e-mail vlido para o novo destinatrio do seu passe de vi
sitante de %package%."
"Resending this
guest pass will make its previous recipient unable to redeem the pass. If you wi
sh to continue, please enter a valid email address for the new recipient of your
%package% guest pass."
"Enviar o meu presente por e-mai
"Email my gift"
"Steam_SendGuestPass_EmailRadio$type=guestpass" "Enviar meu passe de convidado p
or e-mail"

"Email my guest
"Steam_SendGuestPass_EmailAddressLabel" "Endereo de e-mail do destinatrio"
"Recipient s email addre
"Steam_SendGuestPass_SendDirectRadio$type=gift" "Enviar o meu presente diretamen
te pelo Steam"
"Send my gift di
rectly through Steam"
"Enviar meu passe de con
vidado diretamente pelo Steam"
"[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_SendDirectRadio$type=guestpass" "Send my guest p
ass directly through Steam"
"Steam_SendGuestPass_SendDirectLabel$type=gift" "Enviar a meu amigo uma mensagem
de presente diretamente para sua conta Steam."
"Send my Friend
a gift message directly to their Steam account."
"Enviar a meu amigo uma
mensagem de passe de convidado diretamente para sua conta Steam."
"[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_SendDirectLabel$type=guestpass" "Send my Friend
a guest pass message directly to their Steam account."
"Cpias extras"
"Extra copies"
"Steam_GuestPasses_LeftGuestPassPlural" "Passes de convidado"
"Guest passes"
"Steam Instalar"
"[english]Steam_InstallAborted_Title" "Steam - Install"
"Este jogo no pode ser instalado."
"[english]Steam_InstallAborted_InfoAppNoInfo" "This game cannot be installed."
"%game% ainda no pode ser instala
do porque ainda no foi lanado."
"%game% cannot be instal
led yet, because it is not yet released."
"%game% no pode ser instalado porque uma
demonstrao e voc possui a verso completa do produto. Por favor, instale a verso compl
eta do jogo."
"[english]Steam_InstallAborted_InfoAppNoDemo" "%game% cannot be installed, bec
ause it is is a demo, and you own the full version of the product. Please instal
l the full version of the game."
"Por favor, feche quaisquer jogos ou fer
ramentas em execuo antes de tentar verificar o cache do seu jogo."
"Please exit any running games o
r tools before attempting to verify your game cache."
"Regio de download"
"Download region"
"O Steam seleciona o servidor de download mais prximo aut
omaticamente, mas voc pode faz-lo manualmente"
"Steam auto-selects the nearest download server
location, but this can be overridden"
"SteamUI_JoinDialog_PreparingToPlay1" "Preparando para iniciar %game%."
"[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_PreparingToPlay1" "Preparing to launch %game%."
"SteamUI_JoinDialog_PreparingToPlay2" "Preparando para iniciar %game%.."
"[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_PreparingToPlay2" "Preparing to launch %game%.."
"SteamUI_JoinDialog_PreparingToPlay3" "Preparando para iniciar %game%..."
"[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_PreparingToPlay3" "Preparing to launch %game%..."
"%game% Steam"
"%game% - Steam"
"Atualizando %game%"
"Updating %game%"
"Pronto - %game%"

"Ready - %game%"
"SteamUI_JoinDialog_InstallScriptInfo" "Realizando configurao inicial...\n\nInsta
lando: %stepname% (passo %step% de %steptotal%)"
"[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_InstallScriptInfo" "Performing first time setup...\
n\nInstalling: %stepname% (step %step% of %steptotal%)"
"Jogo requer NTFS"
"[english]SteamUI_Game_Requires_NTFS" "Game requires NTFS"
"O jogo que voc est instalando requer um d
isco com o sistema de arquivos NTFS e\nno pode ser instalado em um sistema de arq
uivos FAT32. Para mais informaes, veja o\narquivo de suporte indicado abaixo."
"The game you are installing req
uires a drive with the NTFS file system and\ncannot be installed on a FAT32 file
system. For more information see the\nsupport article linked below."
"SteamUI_NTFS_Required_SupportArticle" "Artigo sobre suporte a sistemas de arqu
"[english]SteamUI_NTFS_Required_SupportArticle" "Filesystem Support Article"
"SteamUI_OSXAccessibilityTitle" "Steam Acesso ao painel"
"Steam - Game Overlay Access"
"SteamUI_OSXAccessibilityText" "O painel Steam dentro do jogo requer que o aces
so a dispositivos assistivos esteja ativado.
Para ativar o painel dentro do jogo, abra o painel de preferncias Acesso Universa
l (Acessibilidade no OS X/macOS 10.8 ou posterior) e marque \"Ativar acesso a di
spositivos assistivos\""
"[english]SteamUI_OSXAccessibilityText" "The in-game Steam overlay requires acce
ss for assistive devices to be enabled.
To enable access to the in-game overlay, open the Universal Access preference pa
ne and check Enable access for assistive devices "
"Clique aqui para abrir o painel de pref
"Click here to open the Universa
l Access preference pane."
"Espao ocupado pelo Steam no disc
o: %s1 MB"
"Steam Hard Disk Usage:
%s1 Mb"
"Coletando informaes do si
"Gathering syste
m information..."
"Clique em \"Avanar\" para verificar o se
u endereo de e-mail com o Steam. Um endereo verificado ser usado para confirmar qua
isquer alteraes nas credenciais da sua conta Steam, para que apenas voc possa alter
ar a sua pergunta secreta ou senha."
"Click Next to verify your email a
ddress with Steam.\nA verified address will be used to confirm any changes to yo
ur Steam account credentials, so you and only you can change your secret questio
n or password."
"Uma mensagem foi enviada para %s1.\nPor favor,
verifique o seu e-mail e clique no link para concluir a verificao de endereo de e-m
ail com o Steam."
"A message has been sent to: %s1.\nPleas
e check your mail and click the link within to complete email address verificati
on with Steam."
"No recebeu a nossa mensagem?"
"Didn t receive our message?"
"Visite o suporte Steam para ajuda"
"Visit Steam support for assistance"
"SteamUI_ValidateEmailWorking" "Contatando os Servidores Steam para enviar o e-

"[english]SteamUI_ValidateEmailWorking" "Contacting Steam Servers to send email.
"Verificar e-mail"
"Verify Email"
"SteamUI_VerifyEmail_Verified" " | Verificado"
"[english]SteamUI_VerifyEmail_Verified" " | Verified "
" | No verificado"
" | Unverified "
"Jogos no podem ser instalados enquanto o
Steam estiver no modo offline.\nReinicie o Steam e escolha \"Ficar online\".\n"
"Games cannot be installed when
Steam is in Offline Mode.\nExit and restart Steam, and choose Go Online .\n"
"steam_library" "Biblioteca"
"steam_library_games" "Jogos"
"[english]steam_library_games" "Games"
"steam_library_media" "Mdia"
"[english]steam_library_media" "Media"
"steam_library_tools" "Ferramentas"
"[english]steam_library_tools" "Tools"
"[english]steam_library_zoom" "Zoom"
"[english]steam_library_show" "Show"
"steam_library_views" "Modo de exibio"
"[english]steam_library_views" "View"
"steam_library_filter_allgames" "Jogos"
"steam_library_filter_installedgames" "Instalados"
"[english]steam_library_filter_installedgames" "Installed"
"steam_library_filter_addtag" "Adicionar uma nova categoria..."
"[english]steam_library_filter_addtag" "Add a New Category..."
"steam_downloads_networkusage" "Uso da rede"
"[english]steam_downloads_networkusage" "Network Usage"
"steam_downloads_downloadrate" "Atual"
"[english]steam_downloads_downloadrate" "Current"
"steam_downloads_thissession" "Esta sesso"
"[english]steam_downloads_thissession" "This Session"
"Pico da taxa de upload"
"Peak Upload Rate "
"steam_downloads_pause" "Pausar"
"Pausar todos"

"Pause All"
"Retomar todos"
"Resume All"
"steam_downloads_downloading" "Baixando"
"[english]steam_downloads_downloading" "Downloading"
"Atualizao necessria"
"Update Required"
"Na fila"
"In Queue"
"steam_downloads_ready" "Pronto"
"Ready to Play"
"Hora de incio"
"Time Initiated "
"Download concludo"
"Download completed "
"Downloaded "
"Downloaded "
"Quantidade da atualizao atual adquirida"
"Amount of current update acquir
ed "
"steam_downloads_timeremaining" "Tempo restante"
"Time Remaining "
"steam_downloads_sessiontotal" "Total da sesso"
"[english]steam_downloads_sessiontotal" "Session Total "
"steam_downloads_currentrate" "%download_rate% Taxa atual"
"[english]steam_downloads_currentrate" "%download_rate% - Current Rate"
"Jogar %name%"
"Play %name%
"Ver notcias"
"[english]steam_downloads_updatenews" "View News"
"steam_downloads_showinlibrary" "Ver detalhes"
"View Details"
"steam_client_add_game" "Adicionar jogo..."
"Add a Game..."
"Adicionar um jogo no Steam..."
"Add a Non-Steam Game..."
"Ativar um cdigo de produto..."
"Activate a Product on Steam..."
"steam_addgame_browse" "Descobrir jogos na loja..."
"[english]steam_addgame_browse" "Browse the Steam Store for Games..."
"Jogado pela ltima vez"
"Last played"
"ltima vez"
"Last played"
evements% conquistas"
ble_achievements% achievements"
"%friendsplayingnow% amigos esto jogando %gamenam
e% agora!"
"You have %friendsplayingnow% Friends pl
aying %gamename% right now!"
"%friendsplayingnow% amigo est jogando %gamename%

"You have %friendsplayingnow% Friend pla
ying %gamename% right now!"
"Outros %friendswhoplay% amigos jogam %gamename%
"You have %friendswhoplay% more Friends
who play %gamename%"
"%friendswhoplay% outro amigo joga %gamename%"
"You have %friendswhoplay% more Friend w
ho plays %gamename%"
"steam_friendswhoplay" "%friendswhoplay% amigos jogam %gamename%"
"[english]steam_friendswhoplay" "You have %friendswhoplay% Friends who play %gam
"steam_friendwhoplays" "%friendswhoplay% amigo joga %gamename%"
"[english]steam_friendwhoplays" "You have %friendswhoplay% Friend who plays %gam
"Nenhum dos seus amigos joga %gamename%"
"You don t have any Friends who play %ga
"steam_openfriendslist" "Abrir lista de amigos"
"Open Friends List"
"steam_viewallfriends" "Ver todos os amigos que jogam este jogo"
"[english]steam_viewallfriends" "View All Friends Who Play This Game"
"ltimas notcias"
"Recent News"
"[english]steam_Achievements" "Achievements"
"steam_YouHaveAchieved" "Voc conquistou %achieved_achievements%/%available_achiev
"You have achieved %achieved_achievement
"Ver todas as conquistas"
"View All Achievements"
"Voc ainda tem %moreachievements% conquistas para
"You still have %moreachievements% achie
vments to unlock!"
"Ver todas as notcias"
"View All News"
"steam_newscontinued" "Leia mais"
"[english]steam_newscontinued" "Read More"
"Mod ou atalho no Steam"
"Non-Steam Mod or Shortcut"
"steam_NonSteamMessage" "Algumas informaes detalhadas sobre %gamename% esto indispo
nveis por ser um mod ou atalho no Steam. O Steam ainda assim gerenciar a inicializao
do jogo para voc e, na maioria dos casos, o painel dentro do jogo estar disponvel."
"Some detailed information on %gamename%
is unavailable because it is a non-Steam mod or shortcut. Steam will still man
age launching the game for you and in most cases the in-game overlay will be ava
"steam_welcome" "Informaes do jogo"
"Game Info"
"[english]steam_welcomemessage_basic" "%welcome_action%"
"Para iniciar %gamename%, clique no boto Jogar ac
"[english]steam_welcomeaction_launch" "To launch %gamename%, click the Play bu

tton above."
"steam_welcomeaction_install" "Para instalar %gamename%, clique no boto \"Insta
lar\" acima."
"[english]steam_welcomeaction_install" "To install %gamename%, click the Instal
l button above."
"steam_welcomeaction_preload" "Para pr-carregar %gamename% para que possa comear
a jog-lo assim que for lanado, clique no boto Pr-carregar acima."
"[english]steam_welcomeaction_preload" "To pre-load %gamename% so you ll be rea
dy to play it the moment it s released, click the Pre-load button above."
"%gamename% ser lanado em breve."
"%gamename% is coming soon."
"%gamename% no est disponvel na sua platafo
rma atual."
"%gamename% is not available on
your current platform."
"Para encontrar outros que jogam %gamena
me%, entre <a href=steam://url/CommunityGroupSearch/%encodedsearch%>em um grupo
relacionado na Comunidade Steam</a>. Para ver que jogos os seus amigos esto jogan
do, <a href=steam://friends/add/>adicione um amigo</a> sua lista de amigos do St
"To find others who play %gamena
me%, join <a href=steam://url/CommunityGroupSearch/%encodedsearch%>a related Ste
am Community group</a>. To see what games your friends are playing, <a href=stea
m://friends/add/>Add a Friend</a> to your Steam Friends list."
"Caso precise de suporte tcnico para este jogo, a
cesse o <a href=http://storefront.steampowered.com/v/forums.php?AppId=%appid%>Fru
m Steam de %gamename%</a> ou consulte o <a href=http://support.steampowered.com/
>Suporte Steam</a>."
"If you need technical support with this
game, check out the <a href=http://storefront.steampowered.com/v/forums.php?App
Id=%appid%>%gamename% Steam Forums</a> or visit <a href=http://support.steampowe
red.com/>Steam Support</a>."
"Ocultar mensagem"
"Hide This Message"
"steam_achievement_mostrecent" "Mais recente"
"[english]steam_achievement_mostrecent" "Most Recent"
"Voc alcanou %achieved_achievements% conqu
istas de %available_achievements% (%achieved_percent%%)"
"You have unlocked %achieved_ach
ievements%/%available_achievements% (%achieved_percent%%)"
"Conquistas para alcanar"
"Locked achievements"
"Voc alcanou todas as conquistas. Parabns!"
"You ve unlocked every single achievemen
t. Congratulations!"
"Definir categorias..."
"Set Categories..."
"steam_edittags_addtag" "Adicionar categoria"
"Add Category"
"steam_edittags_title" "%game% Categoria"
"[english]steam_edittags_title" "%game% - Category"
"[english]steam_tags" "Categories"
"[english]steam_details_tags" "Categories"
"Definir categorias..."
"Set Categories..."
"steam_client_edit_categories" "Definir uma categoria para este jogo lhe ajudar

a encontr-lo rapidamente e tambm deixar a sua Biblioteca mais organizada. Jogos cat
egorizados sero agrupados na sua lista de jogos."
"[english]steam_client_edit_categories" "
Set a category for this game to help you find it quickly and organize your Libra
ry. Categorized games will be grouped together in your games list. "
"steam_topmenu_friends" "Amigos (%friends_online%)"
"Friends (%friends_online%)"
"Mudar nome do perfil..."
"Change Profile Name..."
"steam_menu_set_avatar" "Mudar avatar..."
"Change Avatar..."
"steam_menu_friends_sortbyname" "Ordenar por nome"
"Sort by Name"
"Exibir avatares"
"Show Avatars"
"Exibir somente amigos online"
"Show Online Friends Only"
"Adicionar um amigo..."
"Add a Friend..."
"steam_menu_friends_settings" "Ver configuraes"
"[english]steam_menu_friends_settings" "View Settings"
"[english]steam_menu_friends_players" "Players"
"friends_searchOnline" "Buscar membros da Comunidade Steam"
"[english]friends_searchOnline" "Search members of the Steam Community"
"steam_send_guestpass" "Enviar passe"
"[english]steam_send_guestpass" "Send Guest Pass"
"steam_links" "Links"
"[english]steam_links" "Links"
"Grupos relacionados"
"Related Groups"
"steam_stats" "Estatsticas"
"[english]steam_stats" "Stats"
"Contedo adicional"
"Cdigo de produto"
"CD Key"
"steam_guide" "Guia"
"[english]steam_guide" "Guide"
"steam_menu_downloads" "Downloads"
"[english]steam_menu_downloads" "Downloads"
"[english]steam_menu_friends" "Friends"
"[english]steam_menu_servers" "Servers"
"steam_menu_settings" "Configuraes"
"[english]steam_menu_settings" "Settings"
"Ver lista de amigos (%friends_online% online)"
"View Friends List (%friends_online% Onl

"steam_menu_add_friend" "Adicionar um amigo..."

"Add a Friend..."
"Definir status no Amigos"
"Set Friends Status"
"steam_onlinefriends" "%friends_online% online"
"[english]steam_onlinefriends" "%friends_online% Online"
"Steam_Tooltip_Steam" "Steam"
"[english]Steam_Tooltip_Steam" "Steam"
"Steam_Tooltip_Working" "Steam Processando"
"Steam - working"
"Steam_Tooltip_Offline" "Steam Offline"
"Steam - offline"
"Steam_Tooltip_Syncing" "Steam Sincronizando"
"Steam - synchronizing"
"Steam Baixando a %s1/s"
"Steam - downloading at %s1/s"
"Friends_away" "Ausente"
"[english]Friends_away" "Away"
"Friends_busy" "Ocupado(a)"
"[english]Friends_busy" "Busy"
"tooltip_view_details" "Detalhes"
"[english]tooltip_view_details" "Detail View "
"List View "
"Grid View "
"Definir categoria"
"Set Category"
"Criar nova..."
"Create new..."
"Alterar categorias..."
"Change categories..."
"[english]steam_recentlyplayed_today" "Today"
"steam_recentlyplayed_lastweek" "essa semana"
"This Week"
"esse ms"
"This Month"
"steam_menu_minimode" "Modo compacto"
"[english]steam_menu_minimode" "Small mode"
"steam_menu_largemode" "Modo expandido"
"[english]steam_menu_largemode" "Large mode"
"Overlay_GlobalSettingDisabled_Title" "Erro"
"[english]Overlay_GlobalSettingDisabled_Title" "Error"
"Voc desativou a Comunidade Steam dentro
do jogo nas suas configuraes gerais do Steam.\n\nPor favor, reative-a l primeiro ca
so deseje modificar a opo jogo a jogo."
"[english]Overlay_GlobalSettingDisabled_Body" "You have disabled Steam Communi

ty In-Game in your Steam wide settings.\n\nPlease re-enable it there first if yo

u wish to modify the setting on a per-game basis."
"Steam_UseDirectWrite_Option" "Ativar DirectWrite para melhorar a suavidade e
espaamento das fontes"
"[english]Steam_UseDirectWrite_Option" "Enable DirectWrite for improved font sm
oothing and kerning"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SignatureSupport" "Cdigos criptografados do fornece
dor: %s1 %s2 %s3 %s4 %s5"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SignatureSupport" "Crypto Provider Codes:
%s1 %s2 %s3 %s4 %s5"
"Seu hardware de vdeo no atende aos requisitos mnim
os deste jogo. Este jogo no pode ser rodado neste hardware."
"Your video hardware does not meet the m
inimum requirements that we have set for the game. This game cannot be run on t
his hardware."
"Criar um atalho de aplicativo"
"Create an application s
"Criar um atalho de apli
cativo para cada jogo"
"Create an appli
cation shortcut for each game"
"Conexo Internet"
"Internet Connection"
"Nuvem Steam"
"Steam Cloud"
"A Nuvem Steam armazena informaes para que a sua experincia
nos produtos seja constante entre computadores."
"The Steam Cloud stores information so your prod
uct experience is consistent across computers."
"Ativar sincronizao com a Nuvem Steam para aplicativos com
"Enable Steam Cloud synchronization for applicat
ions which support it"
"Ativar sincronizao com a Nuvem Steam para %game%"
"Enable Steam Cloud synchronization for
"%used% usado / %available% disponvel"
"%used% stored / %available% available"
"Steam_CloudEnableLink" "Visite Configuraes / Downloads + Nuvem"
"Visit Settings / Downloads + Cloud"
"para reativar a Nuvem Steam de sua cont
"to re-enable the Steam Cloud fo
r your account."
"O diretrio escolhido no existe e o Steam
no pde cri-lo."
"The chosen directory does not e
xist and Steam was unable to create the directory."
"Betas disponveis: %numbetas%\n(Apenas o usurio qu
e instalou o Steam pode alterar a participao beta.)"
"[english]Steam_NoBetaChosenNonAdmin" "%numbetas% currently available\n(Only t
he user who installed Steam can change Beta participation.)"
"Steam_UserCantSetBeta" "%electedbeta%\n(Apenas o usurio que instalou o Steam pod
e alterar a participao beta.)"
"%electedbeta%\n(Only the user who insta

lled Steam can change Beta participation.)"

"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Software" "Software instalado:"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Software" "Installed software:"
"Verso do Wine: %s1"
"Wine Version: %s1"
"Steam Desinstalar"
"[english]Steam_Uninstall_Games_Dialog_Title" "Steam - Uninstall"
"Desinstalando %game% ..."
"Uninstalling %game% ..."
"steam_menu_updatevendorgraphicscard" "Atualizar os drivers de vdeo da %graphic
"[english]steam_menu_updatevendorgraphicscard" "Update %graphics_vendor% Video
"steam_menu_checkforvideodriverupdates" "Verificar atualizaes para o driver de vdeo
"Check for Video Driver
"Steam Atualizaes do driver de vdeo
"Steam - Video Driver Up
"Seus drivers de vdeo j esto atualizados."
"[english]Steam_NoVideoDriverUpdateAvailable" "Your video drivers are already
"Steam_VideoDriverAvailableDownloading" "Uma atualizao do driver de vdeo est disponve
l e est sendo baixada agora."
"A video driver update i
s available, and is now being downloaded."
"Steam_VideoDriverAvailableDownloaded" "Uma atualizao do driver de vdeo foi baixad
"[english]Steam_VideoDriverAvailableDownloaded" "A video driver update has been
"Steam_InstallVideoDriverNow" "Instalar agora"
"[english]Steam_InstallVideoDriverNow" "Install Now"
"Steam_VideoDriverDownloadFailed_Title" "Steam Aviso"
"Steam - Warning"
"Steam_VideoDriverDownloadFailed_Text" "O seu computador pode estar com problem
as de conexo aos servidores Steam ou o servio pode estar temporariamente desativad
o.\n\nPor favor, tente novamente mais tarde."
"[english]Steam_VideoDriverDownloadFailed_Text" "Your computer is either current
ly unable to reach the Steam servers, or the service may be temporarily disabled
.\n\nPlease try again later."
"Steam_VideoDriverInvokeFailed_Title" "Steam Erro"
"[english]Steam_VideoDriverInvokeFailed_Title" "Steam - Error"
"Houve um problema ao iniciar o atualiza
dor do driver de vdeo."
"[english]Steam_VideoDriverInvokeFailed_Text" "There was a problem launching t
he video driver updater."
"Escrever anlise"
"Write Review"
"Escrever anlise"
"Write Review"
"Ver galeria de screenshots"
"View screenshot library"
"Steam_MoreScreenshots" "+%morescreenshots_notshown%"
"Steam_ForgottenPassword_SamePassword" "A nova senha corresponde senha atual. P
ressione voltar para escolher uma nova senha ou cancelar e iniciar sesso com essa

"[english]Steam_ForgottenPassword_SamePassword" "The new password matches the cu
rrent password. Hit back to choose a new password or cancel and log in with that
"Ver screenshots"
"View Screenshot
"Exibir barra de endereo quando disponvel"
"Display Steam URL address bar when avai
"A sua conta requer uma nova senha. Isso acontec
e porque a sua senha no atende mais aos requisitos de complexidade do Steam ou po
rque o Suporte Steam recuperou a sua conta perdida ou comprometida e definiu-lhe
uma senha temporria.\n\nGuiaremos-lhe na definio de uma nova senha agora."
"Your account requires that a new passwo
rd is set. This can either be because your password no longer meets Steam s comp
lexity requirements, or because Steam Support recovered your lost or compromised
account and had set a temporary password.\n\nWe ll walk you through setting a n
ew password now."
"Voc deve mudar sua pergunta secreta e re
sposta agora."
"You must change your secret que
stion and answer now."
"Falha ao alterar a senha.\nEssa senha no
satisfez requisitos adicionais de complexidade. Por favor, escolha outra."
"Failed to change password.\nTha
t password did not satisfy additional complexity requirements. Please choose aga
"Falha ao alterar a senha.\nVoc no pode us
ar uma senha antiga. Por favor, escolha outra."
"Failed to change password.\nYou
may not reuse an old password. Please choose again."
"Essas pergunta e resposta so as mesmas d
a configurao atual.\nPor favor, escolha uma pergunta e resposta diferentes."
"That question and answer is the
same as the current setting.\nPlease choose a different question and answer."
"Fora da senha:"
"Password strength:"
"Steam_ChangeContactEmailWizard_NotChangedYet" "Contatando os Servidores Steam
para enviar um cdigo de confirmao ao seu novo endereo de e-mail proposto..."
"[english]Steam_ChangeContactEmailWizard_NotChangedYet" "Contacting Steam Server
s to send a confirmation code to your proposed new email address..."
"Esta alterao estar concluda
assim que voc confirmar o recebimento daquele e-mail, clicando no link nele cont
"This change wil
l be complete once you have acknowledged the receipt of that email by clicking t
he link within."
"Trke (Turco)"
"Trke (Turkish)"
"Falha ao criar conta.\nEssa sen
ha no satisfez requisitos adicionais de complexidade. Por favor, escolha outra."
"[english]SteamUI_CreateAccountFailedPasswordIllegal" "Failed to create accoun
t.\nThat password did not satisfy additional complexity requirements. Please cho
ose again."
"Steam_EnableCloudScreenshots" "Abrir o gerenciador de screenshots aps fechar um
jogo no qual screenshots foram tiradas"
"[english]Steam_EnableCloudScreenshots" "Open the screenshot uploader after clos
ing a game if screenshots were taken"
"SteamUI_ValidateEmailDescriptionAlt" "O seu endereo de e-mail no foi verificado

.\nClique em \"Avanar\" para verificar o seu endereo de e-mail com o Steam.\nUm en

dereo verificado ser usado para confirmar quaisquer alteraes s credenciais da sua con
ta Steam, assim voc e somente voc poder alterar a sua pergunta secreta ou senha."
"[english]SteamUI_ValidateEmailDescriptionAlt" "Your email address is not verif
ied.\nClick Next to verify your email address with Steam.\nA verified address will
be used to confirm any changes to your Steam account credentials, so you and on
ly you can change your secret question or password."
"SteamUI_ManageSecurityButton" "Gerenciar segurana de conta Steam Guard..."
"[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurityButton" "Manage Steam Guard Account Security..."
"SteamUI_ManageSecurity_Title" "Gerenciar Steam Guard"
"[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_Title" "Manage Steam Guard"
"tima escolha! Apesar de que voc precisar d
e acesso ao seu e-mail para iniciar sesso no Steam em outro computador, sua conta
estar mais segura com o Steam Guard ativado."
"Good choice! While you will nee
d access to your email to login to Steam on another computer, your account will
be more secure with Steam Guard enabled."
"Para sua segurana, por favor, assegure-s
e de que as senhas de sua conta Steam e de seu endereo de e-mail so diferentes."
"For your security, please be su
re your Steam account and email address passwords differ."
"SteamUI_ManageSecurity_UnlockAccount_Success" "Qualquer computador ou navegado
r agora pode ter acesso sua conta Steam, dados seu nome de usurio e senha."
"[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_UnlockAccount_Success" "Any computer or browser
may now have access to your Steam account, provided your account name and passw
ord are provided."
"Para reativar o Steam Guard, clique em
\"Gerenciar segurana de conta Steam Guard\" nas configuraes do Steam."
"To re-enable Steam Guard, click
Manage Steam Guard Account Security in Steam Settings."
"Uma mensagem com um cdigo foi enviada a
seu endereo de e-mail.\nUse esse cdigo quando iniciar sesso em um novo computador."
"An email with a code has been s
ent to your email address.\nUse this code when you login on a new computer."
"SteamUI_ManageSecurity_OtherComputersDenied" "Todos os outros computadores no
mais esto autorizados a acessar esta conta Steam sem o seu prvio consentimento via
"[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_OtherComputersDenied" "All other computers are
no longer authorized to access this Steam account without your prior consent vi
a email."
"SteamUI_ManageSecurity_OtherComputersDenied2" "Para iniciar sesso no Steam em o
utro computador voc precisar inserir um cdigo de acesso nico, o qual ser enviado a se
u endereo de e-mail quando tentar iniciar sesso."
"[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_OtherComputersDenied2" "To login to Steam on an
other computer, you ll be required to enter a unique access code which we ll sen
d to your email address when you attempt to login."
"Contatando Servidores Steam para efetua
r pedido..."
"Contacting Steam Servers to per
form request..."
"Sua conta Steam agora est protegida pelo
Steam Guard, para evitar que ela caia em mos erradas."
"Your Steam account is now prote
cted by Steam Guard, to protect your account from falling into the wrong hands."
"Isso significa que voc precisar ter acess
o a sua conta de e-mail para acessar sua conta Steam de um computador ou navegad
or desconhecidos."
"This means you will need access
to your contact email account in order to access your Steam account from an unr
ecognized computer or browser."

"O Steam enviar uma mensagem ao seu ender
eo de e-mail na primeira vez que voc tentar acessar sua conta Steam de um computad
or ou navegador desconhecidos. Essa mensagem incluir um cdigo especial de acesso,
o qual necessrio para acessar sua conta Steam."
"Steam will send a message to yo
ur contact email address the first time you attempt to access your Steam account
from an unrecognized computer or browser. This message will include a special a
ccess code, which will be required in order to access your Steam account."
"SteamUI_ManageSecurity_NothingRadio" "Manter a minha conta protegida pelo Ste
am Guard"
"[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_NothingRadio" "Keep my account protected by St
eam Guard"
"Desativar Steam Guard (No recomendado)"
"[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_UnlockRadio" "Disable Steam Guard (Not Recomm
"Desautorizar todos os o
utros computadores agora"
"Deauthorize all
other computers now"
"SteamUI_ManageSecurity_NotLockedInfo" "Sua conta Steam agora est protegida pelo
Steam Guard, para evitar que ela caia em mos erradas."
"[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_NotLockedInfo" "Your Steam account can be prote
cted by Steam Guard, to protect your account from falling into the wrong hands."
"SteamUI_ManageSecurity_NotLockedInfo2" "Com o Steam Guard, o Steam enviar uma me
nsagem para seu endereo de e-mail na primeira vez que voc tentar acessar sua conta
Steam de um computador ou navegador desconhecidos. Essa mensagem incluir um cdigo
especial de acesso, que necessrio para acessar sua conta Steam."
"With Steam Guard, Steam
will send a message to your contact email address the first time you attempt to
access your Steam account from an unrecognized computer or browser. This messag
e will include a special access code, which will be required in order to access
your Steam account."
"Proteger minha conta com o Steam Guard (Recomen
"Protect my account with Steam Guard (Re
"Esta conta possui Proteo
de Identidade da Intel e s pode ser acessada atravs deste computador."
"This account ha
s Intel Identity Protection and may only be accessed from this computer."
"Adicionar um novo computador li
sta autorizada"
"Add a new computer to a
uthorized list"
"Ativar Proteo de Identidade da Intel"
"Enable Intel Identity Protectio
"Remover Proteo de Identidade da Intel"
"Remove Intel Identity Protectio
"SteamUI_ManageSecurity_SandybridgeActivated" "Proteo de Identidade da Intel ver
ificada.\nContatando agora o servidor para registrar este computador."
"[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_SandybridgeActivated" "Intel Identity Protecti
on verified.\nNow contacting server to register this computer."
"Proteo de Identidade da Intel fal
hou em inicializar.\nPor favor, verifique a instalao do software."
"Intel Identity Protecti
on failed to initialize.\nPlease verify software installation."
"A Proteo de Identidade da
Intel agora est ativa.\nApenas este computador pode acessar esta conta Steam."

"Intel Identity
Protection is now active.\nOnly this computer may access this steam account."
"Steam Guard Autorizao para o computador e
"Steam Guard - Computer Authoriz
ation Required"
"Ol! Vemos que voc est iniciando sesso em um novo co
"Hello! We see you re logging in from a
new computer."
"Steam_RecoverLocked_Details" "Como uma medida de segurana adicional, voc precis
a conceder acesso a este computador inserindo o cdigo especial que acabamos de en
viar ao seu endereo de e-mail em %s1."
"[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_Details" "As an additional security measure, you
ll need to grant access to this computer by entering the special code we ve just
sent to your email address at %s1."
"Steam_RecoverLocked_UseCode" "Recebi a mensagem do Suporte Steam e estou pron
to para inserir meu cdigo especial de acesso."
"[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_UseCode" "I ve received the message from Steam Su
pport and am ready to enter my special access code."
"Que mensagem de e-mail? No recebi..."
"What email message? I don t hav
e it..."
"Por que isso est acontecendo?"
"Why is this happening?"
"Steam_RecoverLocked_EnterCode" "O meu cdigo especial de acesso :"
"My special access code is:"
"Steam_RecoverLocked_EnterCodeDetails" "Assim que o seu cdigo for verificado, o
Steam Guard adicionar este computador lista de mquinas que tm permisso para acessar
sua conta Steam."
"[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_EnterCodeDetails" "Once your code has been verifie
d, Steam Guard will add this computer to the list of machines that are allowed t
o access your Steam account."
"Steam_RecoverLocked_WrongCode" "Lamentamos, cdigo incorreto."
"Sorry, that isn t quite right."
"Steam_RecoverLocked_WrongCodeDetails" "Volte para tentar novamente ou clique e
m Avanar para obter a ajuda que voc precisar para acessar sua conta Steam deste com
"[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_WrongCodeDetails" "Go back to try again, or click
Next to get the help you ll need to access your Steam account from this computer
"Steam_RecoverLocked_NoEmail" "Voc verificou sua pasta de spam?"
"[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_NoEmail" "Did you check your spam folder?"
"Caso no haja uma mensagem recente do Sup
orte Steam na sua caixa de entrada, tente procur-la na pasta de spam da sua conta
de e-mail."
"[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_NoEmailDetails" "If you don t see a recent messa
ge from Steam Support in your inbox, try looking in your email account s spam fo
"Steam_RecoverLocked_NoEmailDetails2" "Volte para inserir seu cdigo se voc o enc
ontrou ou clique em Avanar para obter a ajuda que voc precisar para acessar sua con
ta Steam deste computador."
"[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_NoEmailDetails2" "Go back to enter your code if y
ou ve found it, or click Next to get the help you ll need to access your Steam a
ccount from this computer."
"Lamentamos por voc estar com problemas deixe-nos ajudar!"
"Sorry you re having trouble - l
et us help!"
"Ns sabemos que sua conta Steam valiosa p

ara voc, e nos comprometemos em ajud-lo a manter o acesso a ela nas mos certas."
"[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_StartRecovery2" "We know your Steam account is v
aluable to you, and we re committed to helping you keep access to it in the righ
t hands."
"Por favor, entre em contato com o Supor
te Steam para que um membro de nossa equipe possa ajud-lo. Pedidos legtimos de aju
da com acesso conta so nossa prioridade nmero um."
"[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_StartRecovery3" "Please contact Steam Support to
have a member of our staff assist you. Legitimate claims for help with account
access are our number one priority."
"Contatar o Suporte Steam"
"Contact Steam Support"
"Steam_RecoverLocked_LearnMore" "Saiba mais sobre a Tecnologia de Proteo de Identi
dade da Intel"
"Learn more about Intel Identity
Protection Technology"
"Lamentamos, esta conta no pode ser acess
ada por este computador sem autorizao adicional."
"Sorry, this account can t be ac
cessed from this computer without additional authorization."
"Steam_RecoverLocked_Success" "Sucesso!"
"[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_Success" "Success!"
"Voc agora possui acesso a sua conta Stea
m deste computador. O Steam Guard adicionou este computador lista de mquinas que
tm permisso para acessar sua conta Steam no futuro."
"[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_SuccessDetails" "You now have access to your Ste
am account from this computer. Steam Guard has added this computer to the list o
f machines that are allowed to access your Steam account in the future."
"Steam Processando..."
"Steam - working..."
"Falha ao contatar os servidores Steam"
"Failed to contact Steam servers
"No foi possvel contatar os servid
ores Steam neste momento. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde."
"The Steam servers could
not be contacted at this time. Please try again later."
"steam_library_search" "Buscar"
"[english]steam_library_search" "Search"
"Friends_game_on_PS3" "%s1 no PlayStation3"
"[english]Friends_game_on_PS3" "%s1 on PlayStation3"
"Codec de voz desconhecido sendo usado pelo lado
remoto - desligando. Ele deve estar rodando uma verso mais nova do cliente Steam
"Unknown voice codec used by remote end
- hanging up. They must be running a newer version of the Steam client."
"Dados de voz corrompidos recebidos pelo termina
l remoto - desligando."
"Bad voice data received by remote end hanging up."
"Conexo de voz ao lado remoto foi desconectada in
"Voice connection to remote end disconne
cted unexpectedly."
"steam_screenshotsupload_title" "Envio de screenshots"
"Screenshot Upload"

"Enviar uma screenshot?"
"Upload a screenshot?"
"Enviar %upload_screenshot_count% screenshots?"
"Upload %upload_screenshot_count% screen
"Tamanho do envio:"
"Upload size:"
"Tamanho total:"
"Total size:"
"steam_selected_screenshot_size_info" "%screenshot_upload_size%"
"[english]steam_selected_screenshot_size_info" "%screenshot_upload_size%"
"Espao restante:"
"Remaining storage:"
"steam_remaining_storage_info" "%screenshot_remaining_storage%"
"[english]steam_remaining_storage_info" "%screenshot_remaining_storage%"
"steam_upload" "Enviar"
"[english]steam_upload" "Upload"
"steam_private" "Privada"
"steam_public" "Pblica"
"[english]steam_public" "Public"
"S amigos"
"Friends only"
"steam_screenshot_upload_info" "Enviando screenshot para a Nuvem Steam"
"[english]steam_screenshot_upload_info" "Uploading screenshot to Steam Cloud"
"steam_screenshots_upload_info" "Enviando %upload_screenshot_count% screenshots
para a Nuvem Steam"
"Uploading %upload_screenshot_co
unt% screenshots to Steam Cloud"
"steam_also_delete_from_cloud" "Excluir tambm da Nuvem Steam"
"[english]steam_also_delete_from_cloud" "Delete from Steam Cloud as well"
"steam_screenshots_error_info" "Houve um erro durante o envio de %ScreenshotsEr
rors% screenshot(s). A Nuvem Steam pode estar temporariamente indisponvel."
"[english]steam_screenshots_error_info" "There was an error uploading %Screensho
tsErrors% screenshots. Steam Cloud may be temporarily unavailable."
"steam_are_you_sure_delete_screenshot" "Tem certeza de que deseja excluir esta
screenshot permanentemente do seu disco rgido?"
"[english]steam_are_you_sure_delete_screenshot" "Are you sure you want to perman
ently delete this screenshot from your hard disk?"
"steam_are_you_sure_delete_screenshots" "Tem certeza de que deseja excluir %dele
te_screenshot_count% screenshots permanentemente do seu disco rgido?"
"Are you sure you want t
o permanently delete these %delete_screenshot_count% screenshots from your hard
"steam_screenshotdelete_title" "Excluso de screenshots"
"[english]steam_screenshotdelete_title" "Screenshot Delete"
"steam_delete" "Excluir"
"[english]steam_delete" "Delete"
"Voc marcou %selected_screenshot_count% screensho
"[english]steam_screenshots_selected" "You ve selected %selected_screenshot_co
unt% screenshots."
"steam_screenshots_select_all" "Marcar todas"
"[english]steam_screenshots_select_all" "Select all"

"Desmarcar todas"
"Deselect all"
"Ver minhas screenshots..."
"View my screenshots..."
"steam_screenshot_not_loaded" "No foi possvel carregar a screenshot: %file_not_l
"[english]steam_screenshot_not_loaded" "Screenshot could not be loaded: %file_n
"steam_screenshots_no_selection_title" "Compartilhe screenshots de seus jogos f
avoritos na web"
"[english]steam_screenshots_no_selection_title" "Share screenshots of your favor
ite games on the web"
"steam_screenshots_no_selection_instructions" "Pressione %screenshot_hotkey% e
nquanto no jogo para tirar uma screenshot\n\nMarque as screenshots que voc quer e
nviar para a sua galeria online\n\nSelecione mltiplas screenshots segurando as te
clas Shift ou Control\n\nDefina a visibilidade das suas screenshots para Pblica p
ara compartilh-las na web"
"[english]steam_screenshots_no_selection_instructions" "Press %screenshot_hotke
y% while in-game to take a screenshot\n\nSelect the screenshots you want to uplo
ad to your library online\n\nSelect multiple screenshots by holding the Shift or
Control key\n\nSet your screenshots visibility to Public to share them on the we
"A sua conta no j
ogou %gamename% no sistema PlayStation3"
"Your ac
count has not played %gamename% on the PlayStation3 system"
"O cdigo de produto inser
ido requer que voc primeiro jogue %gamename% no sistema PlayStation3 antes de pode
r ser registrado.\n\nPor favor:\n\n- Inicie %gamename% no seu sistema Playstatio
n3\n\n- Vincule a sua conta Steam sua conta PlayStation Network\n\n- Conecte-se ao
Steam enquanto joga %gamename% no sistema Playstation3\n\n- Registre este cdigo d
e produto pelo Steam"
"The product cod
e you have entered requires that you first play %gamename% on the PlayStation3 sy
stem before it can be registered.\n\nPlease:\n\n- Start %gamename% on your PlayS
tation3 system\n\n- Link your Steam account to your PlayStation3 Network account\n
\n- Connect to Steam while playing %gamename% on the PlayStation3 system\n\n- Reg
ister this product code through Steam"
"Steam_Game_DLC_Title2" "Voc tem o seguinte contedo adicional para %game%"
"You have the following downloadable con
tent for %game%"
"Steam_Game_DLC_InstallState" "Estado"
"[english]Steam_Game_DLC_InstallState" "State"
"Steam_Game_DLC_NotInstalled" "No instalado"
"[english]Steam_Game_DLC_NotInstalled" "Not installed"
"Por favor, contate o Suporte St
eam o mais cedo possvel"
"Please contact Steam Su
pport as soon as possible"
"Estado da segurana:"
"Security Status:"
"Endereo de e-mail ainda no verifi
"Email address not yet v
"Protegido pelo Steam Guard"
"Protected by Steam Guar

"Steam Guard desativado"
"Steam Guard disabled"
"Desconhecido, offline"
"Unknown, offline"
"Remover de \"%category%
"Remove from %c
ategory% "
"Problema de suporte de aplicativo"
"Application Support Issue"
"steam_AppSupport_Info" "Este aplicativo tem requisitos especiais para o seu amb
iente de instalao, clique no URL abaixo para mais detalhes."
"This application has special requiremen
ts for your installation environment, click the URL below to see details."
"Esta verso do Steam est em beta fechado no moment
o.\nInicie sesso com uma conta permitida para continuar."
"This version of Steam is currently in c
losed beta.\nLogin with an enrolled account to continue."
"steam_tryoutvoicechat" "Psiu, teste nossa nova e melhorada conversa por voz!"
"Psst, try our new & improved voice chat
"WelcomeToSteamPSNAccountSetup" "Jogadores do PS3: Novo no Steam?"
"PS3 Players: First time signing
into Steam?"
"Jogadores da PlayStationNetwork"
"PlayStationNetwork Players"
"Steam_Login_PSNAccountSetup" "PS3 - Novo no Steam?"
"[english]Steam_Login_PSNAccountSetup" "PS3 - First time signing in?"
"No encontramos nada! Tente limpar o campo de bus
ca ou selecionar outra categoria no menu acima."
"We ve come up empty! Try clearing your
search field or selecting another category from the dropdown above."
"Steam Erro"
"Steam - Error"
"Steam Contate-nos"
"Steam - Contact us"
"Por favor, contate o Suporte Steam para resolve
r este problema."
"[english]Steam_Login_ContactSupport" "Please contact Steam Support to resolve
this issue."
"Steam_PSNAccountSetup_Title" "Iniciar sesso pela PlayStationNetwork"
"[english]Steam_PSNAccountSetup_Title" "Sign in through the PlayStationNetwork"
"[english]Steam_GuestPasses_ShowGift" "Show"
"Ignorar este presente"
"Ignore this gift"
"Pergunte-me novamente mais tarde"
"Ask me again later"
"Ainda no aceito"
"Not yet accepted"
"Portugus (Brasil)"

"SteamUI_Selection_Brazilian" "Portugus (Brasil)"

"[english]SteamUI_Selection_Brazilian" "Portugus-Brasil (Portuguese-Brazil)"
"SteamUI_Selection_Bulgarian" " (Blgaro)"
"[english]SteamUI_Selection_Bulgarian" " (Bulgarian)"
"Validando arquivos de cache do Steam (%
cache_number% de %cache_total%)"
"Validating Steam cache files (%
cache_number% of %cache_total%)"
"Esse cdigo muito antigo e expirou."
"That code is too old and has ex
"Verifique se na sua pasta de email h uma mensagem mais recente e clique em voltar para tentar novamente ou cliq
ue no boto avanar para solicitar um novo e-mail com um novo cdigo."
"Check your email folder
for a more recent email and click back to try again, or click the next button t
o request a new email with a new code."
"Steam_RunGame_Title_ConvertingToSteam3Content" "Sistema de Contedo Steam"
"Steam Content S
"Este jogo est sendo convertido p
ara o novo sistema de contedo do Steam"
"This game is being conv
erted to Steam's new content system"
"Alocando espao em disco para %s1 ..."
"[english]Steam_PreallocateAppStatus" "Allocating disk space for %s1 ..."
"Descobrindo arquivos existentes para %s1 ..."
"Discovering existing files for %s1 ..."
"Steam Erro"
"Steam - Error"
"Steam_App_Install_Failed_Text" "Ocorreu um erro durante a instalao de %game% (%re
"An error occurred while install
ing %game% (%reason%)"
"Steam_UpdateSuspended" "Atualizao na fila"
"Update queued"
"Steam_UpdateRequired" "Atualizao necessria"
"[english]Steam_UpdateRequired" "Update required"
"Steam_Shutdown_Dialog_Title" "Steam Desligamento"
"[english]Steam_Shutdown_Dialog_Title" "Steam - Shutdown"
"Encerrando o Steam..."
"[english]Steam_Shutdown_Dialog_Text" "Shutting down Steam ..."
"Aguardando o encerramento de %game%..."
"Waiting for %game% to shut down
"Steam_Shutdown_Waiting_For_Download" "Parando o download de %game% ..."
"[english]Steam_Shutdown_Waiting_For_Download" "Stopping download for %game% ..
"Finalizando sincronizao com a Nuvem Steam
"Finishing Steam cloud sync ..."
"Saindo ...."
"Logging off ..."
"Sair Agora"
"Exit Now"
"Este passe de c

onvidado tem requisitos adicionais"

"This gu
est pass has additional requirements"
"Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextMustOwnApp$type=guestpass" "Antes de resgatar um pa
sse de convidado de %package%, voc deve possuir %appname%. Quando o possuir, tent
e resgatar este passe de convidado novamente."
redeeming a guest pass for %package%, you must own %appname%. Once owned, please
try to redeem this guest pass again."
"Steam_GameProperties_BetasTab" "Betas"
"Steam_ChooseGameBeta" "Selecione de que beta deseja participar:"
"[english]Steam_ChooseGameBeta" "Select the beta you would like to opt into:"
"Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineMustOwnApp$type=gift" "Este presente tem requi
sitos adicionais"
"[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineMustOwnApp$type=gift" "This gift pass
has additional requirements"
"Antes de poder aceitar
%package% como presente, voc deve possuir %appname%. Quando o possuir, tente acei
tar este presente novamente."
"Before acceptin
g a gift for %package%, you must own %appname%. Once owned, please try to accept
this gift again."
"[english]steam_downloads_installing" "Installing"
"[english]steam_downloads_validating" "Validating"
"steam_downloads_preallocating" "Pr-alocando"
"steam_menu_friends_showtagged" "Exibir \"Todos os amigos\""
"Show All in the FRIENDS Section
"Steam_ErrorAccountIPLoginRestricted" "Esta conta no pode ser acessada deste lo
"[english]Steam_ErrorAccountIPLoginRestricted" "This account can not be accesse
d from this location.\n"
"Querendo trocar"
"Looking to Trade"
"Friends_lookingtoplay" "Querendo jogar"
"Looking to Play"
"Converso do contedo do jogo"
"[english]Steam_Convert_Content_Dialog_Title" "Game content conversion"
"O Steam precisa converter o contedo de \"%game%\
" para um formato novo e mais eficiente, o que requer conexo internet e alguns mi
"[english]Steam_Convert_Content_Text" "Steam needs to convert the game content
for \"%game%\" to a new, more efficient format. This will require an Internet c
onnection and a few minutes time."
"Steam_Convert_Content_Start" "OK"
"[english]Steam_Convert_Content_Start" "Ok"
"Steam_Convert_Content_Cancel" "Cancelar"
"[english]Steam_Convert_Content_Cancel" "Cancel"
"Verificando contedo existente..."
"[english]Steam_Convert_Content_Removing_Old" "Checking existing content ..."
"Steam_Convert_Content_Reconfiguration" "Reconfigurando novo contedo..."
"Reconfiguring new conte

nt ..."
"Convertendo contedo existente... %progre
"Converting existing content ...
"Steam_Convert_Content_Preallocation" "Preparando novo contedo... %progress%"
"[english]Steam_Convert_Content_Preallocation" "Preparing new content ... %prog
"Converso completa. Contedo ausente sendo baixado.
"[english]Steam_Convert_Content_Done" "Conversion complete. Missing content is
being downloaded..."
"Steam_Convert_Content_Error" "Falha na converso (%error%)"
"[english]Steam_Convert_Content_Error" "Conversion failed (%error%)"
"CloudFiles_RemoveFile_Title" "Nuvem Steam Remover arquivo"
"[english]CloudFiles_RemoveFile_Title" "Steam Cloud - Remove File"
"Tem certeza de que deseja remover %filename% da
sua Nuvem Steam? Isso tambm excluir a cpia local do arquivo permanentemente.\n\n(E
sta ao no pode ser revertida.)\n"
"[english]CloudFiles_RemoveFile_Info" "Are you sure you want to remove %filena
me% from your Steam Cloud? This will also permanently delete your local copy of
the file.\n\n(This action cannot be reversed.)\n"
"CloudFiles_RemoveFile_Button" "Remover"
"[english]CloudFiles_RemoveFile_Button" "Remove"
"Erro na pesquisa"
"Survey Error"
"SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Error_InvalidID" "ID de pesquisa invlido"
"Invalid survey ID"
"SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Error_TryAgain" "Houve um problema ao comunicar-se com o
s servidores Steam. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde."
"[english]SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Error_TryAgain" "There was a problem communicati
ng with the Steam servers. Please try again later."
"SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Error_NotOnline" "Voc deve estar online para responder est
a pesquisa."
"You must be online to t
ake this survey."
"SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Error_SurveyUnavailable" "A pesquisa que est tentando resp
onder no existe ou no est mais disponvel."
"The survey you
are trying to take does not exist or is no longer available."
"Voc no foi convidado para responder esta
"[english]SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Error_Denied" "You have not been invited to ta
ke this survey."
"SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Error_AlreadyComplete" "Voc j respondeu esta pesquisa. Ag
radecemos sua participao."
"[english]SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Error_AlreadyComplete" "You have already taken
this survey. Thank you for your participation."
"SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Welcome" "%surveyname%\n\nObrigado por concordar em respo
nder esta pesquisa. Ela dividida em duas partes.\n\nPrimeiro coletaremos informaes
sobre a sua mquina. Esses dados no so annimos e sero compartilhados com o autor dest
a pesquisa.\n\nDepois ns mandaremos voc para um website para coletar dados demogrfi
cos adicionais.\n\\\\Para comear clique em \"Avanar\""
"%surveyname%\n\nThank you for a
greeing to take this survey. This survey has two steps.\n\nFirst we will gather
information about your machine. This data is not anonymous and will be shared wi
th the author of this survey.\n\nFor step 2, we will forward you to a website to
gather additional demographic data.\n\nTo get started click \"Next\""
"%surveyname%\n\nObrigado por co
ncordar em responder esta pesquisa.\n\nParece que voc comeou a respond-la mais cedo

e, por isso, no precisamos coletar informaes sobre sua mquina novamente. Pressione
\"Concluir\" para abrir uma pgina onde voc poder completar o resto da pesquisa."
"%surveyname%\n\nThank y
ou for agreeing to take this survey.\n\nIt looks like you started this survey ea
rlier so we do not have to gather information about your machine again. Press \"
Finish\" to open a web page where you can complete the rest of the survey."
"Parte 1 - coleta de informaes do hardware
- est completa.\n\nClique em \"Concluir\" para abrir uma pgina e completar a Part
e 2. A pesquisa no estar completa at que complete a Parte 2."
"[english]SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_ForwardToWeb" "Step 1, gathering hardware info
rmation, is complete.\n\nClick \"Finish\" to open a web page to begin step 2. Th
e survey will not be finished until you complete step 2."
"Enviando dados coletados..."
"[english]SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Sending_Data" "Sending gathered data..."
"SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Cancel" "Cancelar"
"[english]SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Cancel" "Cancel"
"Abrir arquivo"
"Open file"
"Publicar \"%filename%\""
"Publish %filename% "
"Compartilhar arquivo com a comunidade: %filenam
"Share File With Community: %filename%"
"Steam_PublishFile_Description" "Compartilhar este arquivo com a Comunidade Stea
"Share this file with the Steam
"Steam_PublishFile_TitleLabel" "Ttulo:"
"[english]Steam_PublishFile_TitleLabel" "Title:"
"[english]Steam_PublishFile_DescriptionLabel" "Description:"
"Steam_PublishFile_Visibility_Private" "Privado"
"[english]Steam_PublishFile_Visibility_Private" "Private"
"S amigos"
"Friends Only"
"Steam_PublishFile_Visibility_Public" "Pblico"
"[english]Steam_PublishFile_Visibility_Public" "Public"
"Publicar para:"
"Publish For:"
"Steam_PublishFile_Success_VisibilityPrivate" "Parabns! Voc publicou seu arquivo
na nuvem. Voc agora pode compartilhar o link com qualquer um, mas este no ser comp
artilhado publicamente com o resto da Comunidade Steam."
"[english]Steam_PublishFile_Success_VisibilityPrivate" "Congratulations! You h
ave posted your file into the cloud. You may now share the link to your file wi
th anyone, but it will not be publically shared with the rest of the Steam commu
"Parabns! Voc compartilhou
seu arquivo com seus amigos e com qualquer um que souber o link para seu arquiv
! You have shared your file with your friends and anyone who you ve shared the
link to your file with."
"Parabns! Voc compartilhou seu arq
uivo com o resto da Comunidade Steam."

"[english]Steam_PublishFile_Success_VisibilityPublic" "Congratulations! You h

ave shared your file with the rest of the Steam Community."
"Por favor, note que voc publicou este arquivo ne
sta hora. Quaisquer mudanas que desejar compartilhar devem ser republicadas. Se u
sar o mesmo ttulo, qualquer um que seguir este arquivo receber a publicao mais nova
"Please note that you ve posted this fil
e at this point in time. Any new changes that you wish share must be re-publish
ed again. If you use the same title, anyone following this file will automatica
lly get the newly published version."
"Publicando arquivo na Comunidade Steam..."
"[english]Steam_PublishFile_Progress" "Publishing file to the Steam Community.
"Houve um problema ao publicar seu arquivo na Co
munidade Steam. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde."
"There was a problem publishing your fil
e to the Steam Community. Please try again later."
"Um arquivo j existe com o ttulo f
ornecido. Por favor, selecione um ttulo diferente ou marque sobrescrever nas opes
de publicao."
"A file already exists w
ith the title you provided. Please select a different title, or check overwrit
e in the publishing options."
"Steam_PublishFile_Failed_AccessDenied" "Voc deve possuir este programa para publ
icar arquivos para ele. Por favor, compre este produto antes de tentar publicar
um arquivo."
"You must own this progr
am in order to publish files for it. Please purchase this product before attemp
ting to publish a file."
"Houve um erro de sincronizao ao atualizar
seu arquivo na Nuvem Steam. Talvez voc precise resolver conflitos entre sua cpia
local e a cpia armazenada na Nuvem Steam antes que possa tentar publicar novament
"[english]Steam_PublishFile_Failed_SyncError" "There was a synchronization err
or updating your file with the Steam Cloud. You may need to resolve conflicts b
etween your local copy and the copy stored in the Steam Cloud before you can att
empt to publish again."
"steam_cloud" "Nuvem Steam"
"[english]steam_cloud" "Steam Cloud"
"Voc tem %cloud_files% arquivo deste jogo salvo na nuvem"
"You have %cloud_files% file saved in the cloud
for this game"
"Voc tem %cloud_files% arquivos deste jogo salvos na nuve
"[english]steam_filesincloud" "You have %cloud_files% files saved in the cloud
for this game"
"Ver todos os arquivos na Nuvem"
"[english]steam_viewallcloud" "View All Files In Cloud"
"Ver todos os arquivos"
"View All Files"
"steam_community_files" "Oficina"
"Crie, descubra e jogue contedo criado pela Comun
idade Steam."
"[english]steam_community_files_info" "Create, discover, and play content crea
ted by the Steam Community."
"Navegar pela Oficina"
"Browse the Workshop"
"steam_paginationtext" "Exibindo %start%%end% de %total%"
"[english]steam_paginationtext" "Showing %start%-%end% of %total%"

"Steam_App_Update_Failed_Title" "Steam Erro"

"Steam - Error"
"Steam_App_Update_Failed_Text" "Ocorreu um erro durante a atualizao de %game% (%r
"[english]Steam_App_Update_Failed_Text" "An error occurred while updating %game%
"[english]steam_downloads_preloading" "Preloading"
"No possvel se conectar aos servidores da
Oficina Steam no momento."
"Unable to connect to the Steam
Workshop servers at this time."
"Voc tem um alerta da conta"
"[english]Steam_SupportAlert" "You have an account alert"
"O backup falhou. Por favor, verifique seus arqu
ivos de cache de jogo."
"[english]Steam_BackupComplete_Error" "Backup failed. Please verify your game
cache files. "
"Uma mensagem de e-mail
contendo um cdigo de verificao foi enviada para o endereo fornecido.\n\nPor favor, v
erifique o seu e-mail e insira as informaes solicitadas abaixo."
"An email messag
e containing a verification code has just been sent to the address you provided.
\n\nPlease check your email, then enter the requested information below."
"Steam_SendGuestPass_AccountLockedError$type=guestpass" "Sua conta est bloqueada
e no pode enviar ou receber passes de convidado."
"Your ac
count is locked, and cannot send or receive guest passes."
"Sua conta est bloqueada
e no pode enviar ou receber presentes."
"Your account is
locked, and cannot send or receive gifts."
"1 novo item no seu inventrio"
"1 new item in your inventory"
"%items% novos itens no seu inventrio"
"%items% new items in your inventory"
"1 novo convite"
"[english]steam_inbox_invite" "1 new invite"
"steam_inbox_invites" "%invites% novos convites"
"[english]steam_inbox_invites" "%invites% new invites"
"1 novo presente"
"1 new gift"
"%gifts% novos presentes"
"%gifts% new gifts"
"Verificar cdigo"
"Check Code"
"Cdigo de acesso correto, o beta
privado \"%betaname%\" est disponvel."
"[english]Steam_ContentBetaResultsPasswordSuccessful" "Access code correct, pr
ivate beta %betaname% is now available."
"Steam_ContentBetaResultsPasswordUnsuccessful" "Cdigo de acesso beta invlido."
"[english]Steam_ContentBetaResultsPasswordUnsuccessful" "Beta access code invali
"Steam_ContentBetaOK" "Inscrito com sucesso no beta de contedo \"%betaname%\"."
"[english]Steam_ContentBetaOK" "Successfully opted into the %betaname% conten
t beta."

"Houve um problema ao se inscrever no beta \"%be
"There was a problem opting into the %b
etaname% content beta."
"Participao no beta removida com sucesso."
"Successfully opted out of content betas
"Houve um erro ao remover a sua particip
ao no beta."
"There was a problem opting out
of the content beta."
"Navegador de servidores: mx. pings / min
"In-Game server browser: Max pin
gs / minute"
"Caso tenha problemas com a conexo intern
et enquanto busca servidores, tente diminuir este valor."
"If you experience connection pr
oblems while browsing game servers, try lowering this value."
"Automtica (%PingsPerMin%)"
"[english]Steam_ServerBrowserPingRateDefault" "Automatic (%PingsPerMin%)"
"Steam_HelpUsTranslate" "Fluente em ingls e portugus? Ajude-nos a traduzir o Steam
"Fluent in another language? Help us tra
nslate Steam."
"%s1 em dispositivo mvel"
"[english]Friends_mobile_device_only" "%s1 on Mobile Device"
"Friends_mobile_device_extra" "%s1 + Dispositivo mvel"
"[english]Friends_mobile_device_extra" "%s1, Mobile"
"SteamUI_Greek" "Grego"
" (Grego)"
" (Gree)"
"ste o seu edereo de e-ma atua?"
"Is ts st your curret ema addres
"steam_emaaddress_query_yes" "Sm"
"[egs]steam_emaaddress_query_yes" "Yes"
"steam_emaaddress_query_o" "No, atuazar"
"[egs]steam_emaaddress_query_o" "No, update"
"steam_emaaddress_query_fo" "O seu edereo de e-ma usado para cofrmar com
pras e ajud-o a gerecar o acesso sua cota Steam."
"Your ema address s used to c
ofrm purcases ad ep you maage access to your Steam accout."
"Saba mas"
"[egs]steam_emaaddress_query_fo_" "Lear more"
"SteamUI_VaveSurvey_Summary_yefty" "yefty detectado (%s1 motores)"
"yefty Detected (%s1
"Cete mve do Steam"
"Steam Mobe Cet"
"Voc precsar serr o cdgo ovamete se
desejar car sesso com a sua cota este computador o futuro."
"You w eed to eter te code

aga f you wat to og  to your accout o ts computer aga."

"SteamUI_SteamGuardUseMobe" "Usar o apcatvo mve do Steam para forecer o
seu cdgo do Steam Guard"
"[egs]SteamUI_SteamGuardUseMobe" "Use te Steam Mobe appcato to pro
vde your Steam Guard code"
"SteamUI_SteamGuardUseMobe2" "stou com meu dspostvo mve proto"
"[egs]SteamUI_SteamGuardUseMobe2" "I ave my mobe devce ready"
"SteamUI_SteamGuardUseMobe3" "No teo mas o meu dspostvo mve com o apca
tvo do Steam..."
"[egs]SteamUI_SteamGuardUseMobe3" "I o oger ave my mobe devce wt
te Steam Mobe appcato.."
"Steam_Rejected_Cdey_Recover_Accout" "Se voc j regstrou esse cdgo de produto e
m uma cota Steam e o embra o ome de usuro, por favor, cque em 'Recuperar co
ta' para receber uma mesagem de e-ma com o seu ome de usuro Steam."
"[egs]Steam_Rejected_Cdey_Recover_Accout" "If you ave prevousy regster
ed ts CD Key to a Steam accout ad do ot remember te accout ame, pease c
c 'Retreve Accout' to receve a ema cotag your Steam accout ame."
"Steam_Rejected_Cdey_Recover_Butto" "Recuperar cota"
"[egs]Steam_Rejected_Cdey_Recover_Butto" "Retreve Accout"
"Steam_Rejected_Cdey_Recover_Feedbac" "Uma mesagem de e-ma fo evada para
o doo do cdgo de produto serdo."
"A ema as bee set
to te ower of te product code you etered."
"sta cota Steam j possu o(s) produto(s
) assocado(s) a esse cdgo de produto. Cque em \"avaar\" para cotuar com a
"Ts Steam accout aready ows
te product(s) assocated wt ts actvato code. Cc ext to proceed to 
"Produto j adqurdo"
"Product Aready Owed"
"1 ovo cometro"
"1 ew commet"
"%commets% ovos cometros"
"%commets% ew commets"
"Resgatar um cdgo da Cartera Steam..."
"Redeem a Steam Waet Code..."
"Abrr com"
"[egs]Steam_RgtCc_OpeWtCoudFe" "Ope wt"
"Abrr oca do arquvo"
"Ope fe ocato"
"Proto para scrozar"
"Ready to Syc"
"Proto para scrozar"
"Ready to Syc"
"[egs]Steam_CoudFe_SycState_Cofct" "Cofct"
"Modo Bg Pcture"
"Bg Pcture Mode "
"SteamUI_GamesDaog_RgtCc_SetCustomImage" "Defr magem persoazada"
"Set Custom Imag
"Remover magem persoa

"Remove Custom I
"SteamUI_SetCustomImage_Tte" "%gameame% - Defr magem persoazada"
"[egs]SteamUI_SetCustomImage_Tte" "%gameame% - Set Custom Image"
"scoa uma magem para represetar %ga
meame% o modo de exbo em grade do Steam."
"[egs]SteamUI_SetCustomImage_CooseImage" "Coose a mage to represet %g
ameame%  Steam's grd vew."
"sse arquvo deve ser uma mage
m JPG, PNG ou TGA com tamao de aproxmadamete 460x215 pxes."
"Ts fe soud be a J
PG, PNG, or TGA mage approxmatey 460x215 pxes  sze."
"Arquvo de magem persoazada:"
"Custom Image Fe:"
"SteamUI_SetCustomImage_Browse" "Procurar..."
"Por favor, sra um ome de arquvo v
"Pease eter a vad feame."
"Locaze a sua magem"
"[egs]SteamUI_SetCustomImage_LocateImage" "Locate Your Image"
"Defr magem"
"Set Image"
"SteamUI_SetCustomImage_Cace" "Cacear"
"%gameame% - Remover magem persoaza
"%gameame% - Remove Custom Imag
"Remover a magem persoazada que voc a
pcou a %gameame%?"
"Remove te custom mage you av
e apped to %gameame%?"
"[egs]SteamUI_DeeteCustomImage_Cotue" "Cotue"
"SteamUI_SpecaSurvey_Wecome_No_Web" "%surveyame%\\Agradecemos ter aceto
respoder a esta pesqusa. \\sta pesqusa coeta formaes sobre a sua mqua. T
as dados o so amos e sero compartados com o autor desta pesqusa.\\Para co
mear, cque em \"Avaar\""
"[egs]SteamUI_SpecaSurvey_Wecome_No_Web" "%surveyame%\\Ta you for a
greeg to tae ts survey. \\Ts survey gaters formato about your mac
e. Ts data s ot aoymous ad w be sared wt te autor of ts surve
y.\\To get started cc \"Next\""
"Agradecemos por ter competado esta pes
qusa. As suas respostas foram savas."
"Ta you for competg ts s
urvey. Your respose as bee recorded."
"Pr-carregameto suspeso"
"Pre-oad suspeded"
"No aceto"
"I Dsagree"
"Por favor, ea este acordo por tero. Voc precsa co
cordar com os termos da Potca de Prvacdade da Vave para cotuar."
"Pease read ts agreemet  ts etrety. You
must agree wt te terms of te Vave Prvacy Pocy to cotue."
"SteamOS + Lux"
"SteamOS + Lux"
"Meu perf"

"My Profe"
"Meu perf"
"My Profe"
"Meus grupos"
"My Groups"
"Meu vetro"
"My Ivetory"
"steam_meu_vew_screesots" "Mas screesots"
"[egs]steam_meu_vew_screesots" "My Screesots"
"Meus vdeos"
"My Vdeos"
"Mas ases"
"My Revews"
"Ma Ofca"
"My Worsop"
"Detaes da cota"
"[egs]steam_meu_accout_detas" "Accout Detas"
"Ver perf"
"Vew Profe"
"Cque aqu para mprmr"
"[egs]Steam_CcToPrt" "Cc ere to prt"
"Cetra da Comudade"
"[egs]SteamUI_GamesDaog_RgtCc_VewGameHub" "Vew Commuty Hub"
"Nome do ere: %s1"
"Kere Name: %s1"
"Verso do ere: %s1"
"Kere Verso: %s1"
"SteamUI_VaveSurvey_Summary_XServerVedorName" "Cosrco do Servdor X: %s1"
"X Server Vedor
: %s1"
"Verso do Servdor X: %s1
"X Server Reeas
e: %s1"
"Mas sgas"
"My Badges"
"Cetra da Comudade"
"[egs]Steam_Game_GameHub" "Commuty Hub"
"Icar apcatvo"
"Lauc App... "
"Istaar apcatvo"
"Ista App..."
"Comprar apcatvo"
"[egs]SteamUI_GamesDaog_RgtCc_PurcaseAppcato" "Purcase App...
"SteamUI_JoDaog_PayGame_Bt$apptype=appcato" "xecutar"
"[egs]SteamUI_JoDaog_PayGame_Bt$apptype=appcato" "Lauc"
"Icar apcat
vo assm que estver proto"
appcato as soo as t's ready"
"Fazer bacup dos arquv
"Bacup App Fe
"Ready to auc"
"Steam_AwaysKeepTsGameUpToDate$appType=appcato" "Sempre mater este ap

catvo atuazado"
"[egs]Steam_AwaysKeepTsGameUpToDate$appType=appcato" "Aways eep t
s appcato up to date"
"Steam_DoNotUpdateTsGame$appType=appcato" "Atuazar apeas ao car"
"Oy update t
s appcato we I auc t"
"Steam_GamePropertes_AwaysUpToDateIfo$appType=appcato" "ste apcatvo
e as suas atuazaes sero adqurdos automatcamete assm que estverem dspoves
"[egs]Steam_GamePropertes_AwaysUpToDateIfo$appType=appcato" "Ts ap
pcato ad ts updates w be automatcay acqured as soo as tey are ava
"Cotedo atuaza
do ser adqurdo apeas ao car este apcatvo."
cotet w be acqured oy we aucg ts appcato."
"Verfcar tegrdade d
os arquvos..."
"Verfy tegrt
y of appcato cace..."
"xcur cotedo oca...
"Deete oca ap
pcato cotet..."
"Fazer bacup dos arquvos..."
"Bacup appcato fe
"Agora todos os
arquvos deste apcatvo sero baxados peo Steam."
"A f
es for ts appcato w ow be dowoaded troug Steam."
"Steam_Ista_StartCaceLoadg$appType=appcato" "Crado arquvos de cac
e oca do apcatvo..."
"[egs]Steam_Ista_StartCaceLoadg$appType=appcato" "Creatg oca
appcato cace fes..."
"Steam_PrepargGamesLst$appType=appcato" "Preparado sta de apcatvos
do Steam%progress%"
"[egs]Steam_PrepargGamesLst$appType=appcato" "Preparg st of Steam
"Steam_ScagForUpdates$appType=appcato" "Verfcado se  atuazaes para a
pcatvos do Steam%progress%"
"[egs]Steam_ScagForUpdates$appType=appcato" "Scag for Steam app
cato updates%progress%"
"SteamUI_NoGamesOfTsType$appType=appcato" "No  apcatvos Steam para exb
"No Steam appc
atos to dspay."
"Steam_VadatgSteamCaces_Labe$appType=appcato" "Por favor, aguarde equ
ato o Steam verfca os arquvos do apcatvo."
wat we Steam verfes appcato fes."
"Steam_FdCotet$appType=appcato" "Buscar software..."
"Browse software..."
"Steam_NoGamesOfTsType$appType=appcato" "No ecotramos ada! Tete mpa
r o campo de busca ou seecoar outra categora o meu acma."
"[egs]Steam_NoGamesOfTsType$appType=appcato" "We've come up empty! Tr
y cearg your searc fed or seectg aoter category from te dropdow abo

"Icar %game%"
"Lauc %game%"
"steam_brary_fter_aappcatos" "Softwares"
"[egs]steam_brary_fter_aappcatos" "Software"
"Pr-carregameto competo"
"Pre-oad compete"
"Ready to Lauc"
"Icar %app% "
"[egs]steam_dowoads_auc_app" "Lauc %app%
"Usado pea tma vez"
"Last auced"
"%fredspaygow% amgos esto usado %
gameame% agora!"
"[egs]steam_fredspaygowappcato" "You ave %fredspaygow% Fr
eds usg %gameame% rgt ow!"
"%fredspaygow% amgo est usado %ga
meame% agora!"
"You ave %fredspaygow% Fr
ed usg %gameame% rgt ow!"
"steam_morefredswopayappcato" "Outros %fredswopay% amgos usam %ga
"[egs]steam_morefredswopayappcato" "You ave %fredswopay% more
Freds wo use %gameame%"
"steam_morefredwopaysappcato" "%fredswopay% outro amgo usa %game
"[egs]steam_morefredwopaysappcato" "You ave %fredswopay% more
Fred wo uses %gameame%"
"%fredswopay% amgos usam %gameame%
"You ave %fredswopay% Fre
ds wo use %gameame%"
"%fredswopay% amgo usa %gameame%"
"You ave %fredswopay% Fre
d wo uses %gameame%"
"Neum dos seus amgos usa %gameame%"
"You do't ave ay Freds wo
use %gameame%"
"Ver todos os amgos que usam este apc
"Vew A Freds Wo Use Ts A
"steam_fecoudappcato" "Voc tem %coud_fes% arquvo deste apcatvo s
avo a uvem"
"[egs]steam_fecoudappcato" "You ave %coud_fes% fe saved  t
e coud for ts appcato"
"steam_fescoudappcato" "Voc tem %coud_fes% arquvos deste apcatvo
savos a uvem"
"You ave %coud_fes% fes sa
ved  te coud for ts appcato"
"[egs]steam_av_worsop" "Worsop"
"steam_av_greegt" "Greegt"
"[egs]steam_av_greegt" "Greegt"
"steam_av_maretpace" "Mercado"

"Cetras de jogos"
"[egs]steam_av_gameubs" "Game Hubs"
"steam_gameub" "Cetra da Comudade"
"Commuty Hub"
"steam_av_dscussos" "Dscusses"
"xcur os arquvos do apcat
"Deete Appcato Fe
"Isso excur todo o cotedo de %s
1\deste computador.\\O apcatvo permaecer a sua bboteca de software, ma
s\para us-o o futuro voc prmero dever\bax-o ovamete."
"Ts w deete a %s
1 appcato cotet\from ts computer.\\Te appcato w rema  you
r Software Lbrary, but\to pay t  te future you' ave to frst\re-dow
oad ts cotet."
"Modo Bg Pcture"
"[egs]NoBgPcture_Tte" "Bg Pcture mode"
"O modo Bg Pcture do Steam o compatve com a su
a pataforma ou ardware."
"Steam Bg Pcture mode s ot supported
o your patform or ardware."
"NoBgPcture_Acor" "Vste o Suporte Steam para mas formaes."
"[egs]NoBgPcture_Acor" "Vst Steam Support for more formato."
"Modo Bg Pcture"
"Bg Pcture mode"
"Pastas de bboteca"
"Steam Lbrary Foders"
"Pastas de bboteca Steam"
"Steam Lbrary Foders"
"[egs]SteamUI_CotetMgr_NumApps" "Istaed"
"SteamUI_CotetMgr_DsUsed" "spao usado"
"[egs]SteamUI_CotetMgr_DsUsed" "Used Space"
"SteamUI_CotetMgr_DsFree" "spao vre"
"[egs]SteamUI_CotetMgr_DsFree" "Free Space"
"SteamUI_CotetMgr_IstaedAppName" "Apcatvo"
"[egs]SteamUI_CotetMgr_IstaedAppName" "Appcato"
"SteamUI_CotetMgr_AddIstaFoder" "Adcoar pasta"
"[egs]SteamUI_CotetMgr_AddIstaFoder" "Add Lbrary Foder"
"A pasta de bboteca Steam seecoada
o exste"
"Seected Steam brary foder d
oes't exst"
"Pastas de bboteca Steam ovas precs
am estar vazas"
"New Steam brary foder must b

e empty"
"SteamUI_CotetMgr_NotWrtabeFoder" "Pastas de bboteca Steam ovas precs
am ter permsso de escrta"
"[egs]SteamUI_CotetMgr_NotWrtabeFoder" "New Steam brary foder must b
e wrteabe"
"Faa ao adcoar pasta de bboteca
Steam ova"
"Faed to add ew Steam brary
"Desstaar apcatvo"
"Usta Appcato"
"[egs]SteamUI_CotetMgr_Refres" "Refres"
"Pastas de bboteca Steam permtem a staao de
cotedo do Steam em mas de um dsco."
"Steam brary foders aow stag
Steam cotet o mutpe drves."
"SteamUI_CooseIstaFoder" "scoa o oca de staao:"
"[egs]SteamUI_CooseIstaFoder" "Coose ocato for sta:"
"Uso de dsco: %dsusagemb% MB o dsco %drve
"Ds usage: %dsusagemb% MB o drve %
"Uso de dsco: %dsusagemb% MB"
"Ds usage: %dsusagemb% MB"
"spao em dsco"
"Sze o ds"
"Iformaes do apcatvo"
"Appcato Ifo"
"Modo Bg Pcture"
"Bg Pcture mode"
"NoBgPctureVsta_xpaato" "O modo Bg Pcture do Steam requer DrectWrte.
Parece que voc est o Wdows Vsta, que tem suporte a DrectWrte, mas voc precs
a staar o SP2 e o Wdows Vsta Patform Update (dspove o Wdows Update).
"Steam Bg Pcture mode requres
DrectWrte. It oos e you are rug Wdows Vsta wc supports Drect
Wrte, but you eed to sta SP2 ad te Wdows Vsta Patform Update (avaa
be va Wdows Update)."
"Modo Bg Pcture"
"Bg Pcture mode"
"Lametamos, mas parece que voc est usado
uma verso compatve do drver de vdeo da AMD o Wdows 8. H um probema coecd
o com esta verso que travar o Bg Pcture aps 30-60 segudos de uso. Tete votar v
erso 8.97.10 dos drvers Catayst para Wdows 8 ou atuaze para uma verso mas r
ecete se ouver."
"Sorry, but t oos e you ar
e usg a compatbe AMD Vdeo Drver verso o Wdows 8. Tere s a ow
ssue wt ts verso tat w cras Bg Pcture after 30-60 secods of use.
Try rog bac to te 8.97.10 of te Wdows 8 Catayst drvers, or updatg
to a ewer verso f avaabe."
"Remover pasta"
"Remove Lbrary Foder"
"A ova pasta de bboteca Steam o pode
ser a raz do dsco"
"New Steam brary foder ca't
be te drve root"
"Dsco seecoado j possu uma p
asta de bboteca Steam"
"Seected drve aready

as a Steam brary foder"

"Crar/Seecoar ova pasta de
bboteca Steam:"
"Create or seect ew St
eam brary foder:"
"Faa ao remover a pasta de bboteca
Steam seecoada."
"Removg seected Steam brary
foder faed."
"SteamUI_CotetMgr_RemoveFaedDefautFoder" "A pasta de staao padro do Steam
o pode ser removda."
"[egs]SteamUI_CotetMgr_RemoveFaedDefautFoder" "Te defaut Steam sta
 foder ca't be removed."
"Somete pastas de bboteca St
eam vazas podem ser removdas."
"Oy empty Steam brar
y foders ca be removed."
"SteamUI_IstaUder" "Istaar em %s1"
"[egs]SteamUI_IstaUder" "Ista uder %s1"
"Crar ova bboteca Steam o dsco %s1"
"Create ew Steam brary o drve %s1"
"Navegar peos arquvos ocas..."
"Browse oca fes..."
" - NWR"
" - OLDR"
"Steam_CoudCofct_Uow" "Descoecdo"
"[egs]Steam_CoudCofct_Uow" "Uow"
"%ame% - Cotedo da Ofca"
"%ame% - Worsop Cotet"
"Faa ao car o jogo (%error%)."
"Faed to start game (%error%).
"eum erro"
"o error"
"erro descoecdo"
"uow error"
"atuazao pausada"
"update paused"
"atuazao caceada"
"update caceed"
"atuazao suspesa"
"update suspeded"
"o possu cea"
"o ceses"
"sem coexo teret"
"o teret coecto"
"coexo exprou"
"coecto tme out"
"cotedo ada crptografado"
"cotet st ecrypted"
"cofgurao do apcatvo dspove"
"app cofgurato uavaabe"
"erro de etura de dsco"
"ds read error"
"erro de gravao em dsco"
"ds wrte error"

"sem espao em dsco sufcete"
"ot eoug ds space"
"arquvos de cotedo corrompdos"
"corrupt cotet fes"
"esperado por dsco de staao"
"watg for sta dsc"
"camo de staao vdo"
"vad sta pat"
"apcatvo j aberto"
"app aready rug"
"cotedo compartado ausete"
"mssg sared cotet"
"o staado"
"ot staed"
"atuazao ecessra"
"update requred"
"servdores de cotedo acaves"
"cotet servers ureacabe"
"cofgurao de apcatvo vda"
"vad app cofgurato"
"cofgurao de depsto vda"
"vad depot cofgurato"
"mafesto dspove"
"mafest uavaabe"
"apcatvo ada o aado"
"app ot reeased"
"restrto a certas reges"
"rego restrcted"
"cace de cotedo corrompdo"
"corrupt cotet cace"
"executve ausete"
"mssg executabe"
"Faa ao car jogo com cotedo compar
tado. Por favor, atuaze os segutes jogos prmero:\\ %depedeces%"
"[egs]Steam_rrorCatStartGameDepedecy" "Faed to start game wt sare
d cotet. Pease update tese games frst:\\ %depedeces%"
"Icar o Steam o modo Bg Pcture"
"Start Steam  Bg Pcture Mode"
"Reatros de faa recetes:"
"[egs]SteamUI_VaveSurvey_Summary_FaureReports" "Recet Faure Reports:
"Steam_Covert_Cotet_Upacg_GCF" "Desempacotado depstos de arquvos exs
"[egs]Steam_Covert_Cotet_Upacg_GCF" "Upacg exstg depots..."
"SteamUI_VdeoDrver_Recommedato_Noe_Tte" "Verfcao do drver de vdeo"
"Vdeo Drver C
"SteamUI_VdeoDrver_Recommedato_Noe_Ifo" "O seu pacote de drvers de vdeo
est atuazado."
"[egs]SteamUI_VdeoDrver_Recommedato_Noe_Ifo" "Your vdeo drver paca
ge s up to date."
"SteamUI_No_VdeoDrvers_Detected_Ifo" "No fo possve ecotrar pacotes de drve
rs de vdeo recomedados para o seu sstema."
"Steam coud ot fd re
commeded vdeo drver pacages o your system."
"SteamUI_VdeoDrver_Detecto_Dsabed_Ifo" "No fo possve reazar a deteco de
drver de vdeo o seu sstema."
"[egs]SteamUI_VdeoDrver_Detecto_Dsabed_Ifo" "Steam s uabe to perf

orm vdeo drver detecto o your system."

"Steam_Ista_CreateAppcatoIco" "Crar um coe de apcatvo do sstema"
"[egs]Steam_Ista_CreateAppcatoIco" "Create a system appcato co
"Steam_Ista_CreateMutpeAppcatoIco" "Crar um coe de apcatvo do s
stema para cada jogo"
"[egs]Steam_Ista_CreateMutpeAppcatoIco" "Create a system appca
to co for eac game"
"SteamApp_Descrpto" "Apcatvo para jogar e gerecar jogos o Steam"
"[egs]SteamApp_Descrpto" "Appcato for maagg ad payg games o S
"Steam_GamesDaog_RgtCc_VewSteamGudes" "Guas da Comudade"
"[egs]Steam_GamesDaog_RgtCc_VewSteamGudes" "Vew Commuty Gudes"
"Steam rro"
"Steam - rror"
"O sstema de arquvos seecoado o per
mte a execuo de arquvos.\Por favor, remote-o com a opo de executar e tete ovam
"[egs]Steam_rrorFesystemNotxecutabe" "Te seected fesystem does o
t aow executg fes.\Pease re-mout t wt te exec opto ad te try a
"Steam_Subscrpto_RateLmtedCDKey_Heade" "Mutas tetatvas de atvao"
"[egs]Steam_Subscrpto_RateLmtedCDKey_Heade" "Too May Actvato Att
"Steam_Subscrpto_RateLmtedCDKey" "Houve mutas tetatvas de atvao reaza
das a partr deste edereo IP. Por favor, aguarde e tete usar o seu cdgo de prod
uto ovamete mas tarde."
"[egs]Steam_Subscrpto_RateLmtedCDKey" "Tere ave bee too may recet
actvato attempts from ts accout or Iteret address. Pease wat ad try
your product code aga ater."
"steam_gudes" "Guas da Comudade"
"[egs]steam_gudes" "Commuty Gudes"
"Atuazado cotedo ... %progress%"
"Updatg cotet ... %progress%
"1 mesagem o da"
"[egs]steam_box_offemessage" "1 uread cat message"
"steam_box_offemessages" "%offemessages% mesages o das"
"[egs]steam_box_offemessages" "%offemessages% uread cat messages"
"A ova pasta de bboteca Stea
m precsa estar em um sstema de arquvos motado com permsses de execuo"
"New Steam brary fode
r must be o a fesystem mouted wt execute permssos"
"Steam_rrorPasswordTooSort3" "sea curta demas"
"[egs]Steam_rrorPasswordTooSort3" "password too sort"
"sea o cofere"
"password do ot matc"
"sea fraca demas"
"[egs]Steam_rrorPasswordTooWea" "password too wea"
"Steam_Log_CapsLocWarg" "Caps Loc atvado"
"[egs]Steam_Log_CapsLocWarg" "Caps Loc O"
"Steam Guard o atvado"
"Steam Guard ot eabed
"SteamUI_JoDaog_PayGame_Bt$apptype=demo" "Jogar demostrao"
"[egs]SteamUI_JoDaog_PayGame_Bt$apptype=demo" "Pay demo"
"Icar demostrao assm
que estver prota"
"Lauc demo as
soo as t's ready"

"Steam_AwaysKeepTsGameUpToDate$appType=demo" "Sempre mater esta demostrao atu

"Aways eep t
s demo up to date"
"Atuazar apeas ao car"
"Oy update ts demo w
e I auc t"
"Steam_GamePropertes_AwaysUpToDateIfo$appType=demo" "sta demostrao e as suas
atuazaes sero adqurdas automatcamete assm que estverem dspoves."
"[egs]Steam_GamePropertes_AwaysUpToDateIfo$appType=demo" "Ts demo ad 
ts updates w be automatcay acqured as soo as tey are avaabe."
"Cotedo atuazado ser ad
qurdo apeas ao car esta demostrao."
"Updated cotet
w be acqured oy we aucg ts demo."
"Verfcar tegrdade dos arqu
"Verfy tegrty of dem
o cace..."
"xcur cotedo oca..."
"Deete oca demo cote
"Fazer bacup dos arquvos..."
"[egs]Steam_BacupGameFes$appType=demo" "Bacup demo fes..."
"Agora todos os arquvos
desta demostrao sero baxados peo Steam."
"A fes for t
s demo w ow be dowoaded troug Steam."
"Steam_Ista_StartCaceLoadg$appType=demo" "Crado arquvos de cace oca
da demostrao..."
"[egs]Steam_Ista_StartCaceLoadg$appType=demo" "Creatg oca demo cac
e fes..."
"Steam_PrepargGamesLst$appType=demo" "Preparado sta de demostraes do Steam%
"Preparg st of Steam
"Steam_ScagForUpdates$appType=demo" "Verfcado se  atuazaes para demostraes
do Steam%progress%"
"Scag for Steam demo
s updates%progress%"
"No  demostraes do Steam para exb
"No Steam demos to dsp
"Por favor, aguarde equ
ato o Steam verfca os arquvos da demostrao."
"Pease wat w
e Steam verfes demo fes."
"Buscar demostraes..."
"Browse demos..."
"Protegdo peo Steam Gu
ard desde %s1"
"Protected by St
eam Guard sce %s1"
"Gerecador de jaeas
X: %s1"
"X Wdow Maage
r: %s1"

"Verso do rutme do Stea
m: %s1"
"Steam Rutme V
erso: %s1"
"SteamUI_AMD_BgPcture_Probem_Tte" "Probema com drver de vdeo"
"[egs]SteamUI_AMD_BgPcture_Probem_Tte" "Vdeo Drver Probem"
"SteamUI_AMD_BgPcture_Probem_Ifo" "O seu sstema possu a verso 13.1 do dr
ver de vdeo da AMD staada. Por favor, atuaze para a verso 13.2 ou posteror a
tes de usar o modo Bg Pcture."
"[egs]SteamUI_AMD_BgPcture_Probem_Ifo" "Your system as AMD Vdeo Drve
r verso 13.1 staed. Pease upgrade to verso 13.2 or above before usg S
team Bg Pcture."
"Istaar drvers de vdeo da AMD"
"Dowoad AMD Vdeo Drv
"[egs]SteamUI_AMD_BgPcture_Probem_Ur" "ttp://support.amd.com/us/gpudo
"Notfcao do Steam Guard"
"Steam Guard Notfcato
"Desde a tma vez em que voc c
ou a sesso este computador, as suas credecas de cota foram usadas e autorz
adas peo Steam Guard em outros ocas.\\Por favor, verfque se as segutes
sesses foram autorzadas por voc:"
"[egs]SteamUI_SteamGuardNotfyNewMacesDetas" "Sce you ast ogged 
 from ts computer, your accout credetas were used ad Steam Guard was aut
orzed from aoter pace.\\Pease cofrm tese sessos were autorzed by
"Se quaquer uma das ses
ses stadas o fo autorzada por voc, seecoe \"No fu eu\" para aterar a sua s
ea e o seu edereo de e-ma do Steam e desautorzar outros ocas."
"If ay sted s
essos were ot autorzed by you, seect 'No, ts was ot me' to cage your
Steam password ad ema address ad deautorze oter ocatos."
"SteamUI_SteamGuardNotfyNewMacesTuredOff" "Desde a tma vez em que voc c
ou a sesso este computador, as suas credecas de cota foram usadas em outro
oca, ode o Steam Guard fo desatvado.\\Por favor, verfque se as segute
s sesses foram autorzadas por voc:"
"[egs]SteamUI_SteamGuardNotfyNewMacesTuredOff" "Sce you ast ogged 
 from ts computer, your accout credetas were used ad Steam Guard was ds
abed from aoter pace.\\Pease cofrm tese sessos were autorzed by yo
"Se quaquer uma das ses
ses stadas o fo autorzada por voc, seecoe \"No fu eu\" para aterar a sua s
ea e o seu edereo de e-ma do Steam, desautorzar outros ocas e reatvar o
Steam Guard."
"[egs]SteamUI_SteamGuardNotfyNewMacesxpaButtos2" "If ay sted s
essos were ot autorzed by you, seect 'No, ts was ot me' to cage your
Steam password ad ema address, deautorze oter ocatos ad re-eabe Stea
m Guard."
" IP do avegador "
" web browser IP
" IP do computador "
" computer IP "
"Sm, fu eu"
"Yes, ts was m

"No fu eu"
"No, ts was o
t me"
"pas descoecdo"
"[egs]SteamUI_SteamGuardNotfyNewMaces_UowCoutry" "uow coutry
"SteamUI_SteamGuardNotfyNewMaces_fo_" "Saba mas"
"Lear more"
"SteamUI_SteamGuardNotfyNewMaces_fo_ur" "ttps://support.steampowered.co
"[egs]SteamUI_SteamGuardNotfyNewMaces_fo_ur" "ttps://support.steampo
"SteamUI_SteamGuardCompromsed_Tte" "Steam Seguraa da cota comprometda"
"[egs]SteamUI_SteamGuardCompromsed_Tte" "Steam - Accout Securty Compro
"SteamUI_SteamGuardCompromsed_xpa" "A seguraa da sua cota Steam e de e-ma
 parece ter sdo comprometda.\\Autorzaes do Steam Guard foram revogadas para
todos os outros computadores."
"Your Steam ad ema ac
cout securty appears to ave bee compromsed.\\Steam Guard autorzato a
s bee revoed for a oter computers."
"A seguraa da sua cota Steam e
de e-ma parece ter sdo comprometda.\\O Steam Guard fo reatvado e autorz
aes deste foram revogadas para todos os outros computadores."
"Your Steam ad ema ac
cout securty appears to ave bee compromsed.\\Steam Guard as bee re-eab
ed ad autorzato as bee revoed for a oter computers."
"SteamUI_SteamGuardCompromsed_xpaActos" "Atere a sea da sua cota de
e-ma medatamete:\%s1\\Dca: Use uma sea ova e ca.\\No cotue at qu
e voc a tea aterado, a sua cota o estar segura sem ta aterao."
"[egs]SteamUI_SteamGuardCompromsed_xpaActos" "Cage te password for
your ema accout mmedatey:\%s1\\Note: Use a ew ad uque password.\\
Do ot proceed ut you ave doe so, your accout w ot be secure wtout
ts cage."
"Agora voc aterar a sea
da sua cota Steam."
"Next you w c
age your Steam password."
"Aterar sea"
"[egs]SteamUI_SteamGuardCompromsed_CagePasswordButto" "Cage password
"steam_subav_featured" "Destaques"
"steam_subav_wsst" "Lsta de desejos"
"[egs]steam_subav_games" "Games"
"steam_subav_software" "Software"
"[egs]steam_subav_meda" "Meda"
"[egs]steam_subav_toos" "Toos"
"steam_subav_commuty_ome" "Pga ca"

"[egs]steam_subav_commuty_ome" "Home"
"steam_subav_worsop" "Ofca"
"steam_subav_maret" "Mercado"
"[egs]steam_subav_maret" "Maret"
"steam_subav_actvty" "Atvdade"
"steam_subav_profe" "Perf"
"[egs]steam_subav_profe" "Profe"
"steam_subav_freds" "Amgos"
"[egs]steam_subav_freds" "Freds"
"steam_subav_groups" "Grupos"
"[egs]steam_subav_groups" "Groups"
"steam_subav_cotet" "Cotedo"
"[egs]steam_subav_cotet" "Cotet"
"steam_subav_badges" "Isgas"
"[egs]steam_subav_badges" "Badges"
"Commuty Home"
"Atvdade dos amgos"
"[egs]steam_meu_fred_actvty" "Fred Actvty"
"Steam_CaotIstaDowoadsDsabed" "No possve staar jogos quado dowoad
s estverem desatvados.\"
"[egs]Steam_CaotIstaDowoadsDsabed" "Games caot be staed we
dowoads are dsabed.\"
"pataforma vda"
"vad patform"
"sstema de arquvos compatve"
"usupported fesystem"
"arquvos de atuazao corrompdos"
"corrupt update fes"
"dowoads desatvados"
"dowoads dsabed"
"[egs]steam_subav_stats" "Stats"
"Steam_FusCofgDaogTte" "Steam Lmpar dados de dowoad"
"[egs]Steam_FusCofgDaogTte" "Steam - Cear Dowoad Cace"
"Isso mpar os seus dados ocas de dowoad e s
er ecessro car a sesso o Steam ovamete.\\Deseja cotuar?"
"[egs]Steam_FusCofgDaogMsg" "Ts w cear your oca dowoad cac
e ad you w eed og to Steam aga.\\Do you ws to cotue?"
"SteamUI_GamesDaog_RgtCc_Reew" "Reovar"
"[egs]SteamUI_GamesDaog_RgtCc_Reew" "Reew..."
"Steam_Reew" "Reovar"
"[egs]Steam_Reew" "Reew"
"sea cotm ome de usuro"
"password cotas accou
t ame"
"Steam_CotetDowoadsLabe" "Dowoad de cotedo"
"[egs]Steam_CotetDowoadsLabe" "Cotet Dowoads"
"Lmtar dowoads segute veocdade"
"Lmt badwdt to"

"SteamUI_No_Trotte" "Sem mte"

"[egs]SteamUI_No_Trotte" "No mt"
"Isra o cdgo de acesso beta para destr
avar betas prvados:"
"ter beta access code to uoc
 prvate betas:"
"Gerece ocas de cotedo em mt
pos dscos"
"[egs]SteamUI_CotetMgr_MaageIstaedAppsIfo" "Maage cotet ocato
s o mutpe drves"
"Lembrar este computador?"
"[egs]Steam_RememberTsComputer" "Remember ts computer?"
"SteamUI_Ivad_Accout_Name" "Nome de usuro vdo"
"[egs]SteamUI_Ivad_Accout_Name" "Ivad Accout Name"
"SteamUI_Ivad_ma_Address" "dereo de e-ma vdo"
"Ivad ma Address"
"Atuazar depos"
"[egs]SteamUI_JoDaog_UpdateLater_Bt" "Update ater"
"SteamUI_JoDaog_OverrdeTrotte" "Igorar mte de veocdade atua"
"[egs]SteamUI_JoDaog_OverrdeTrotte" "Overrde curret badwdt m
"Igorar atuazao e jogar agora"
"Sp te update ad pay ow"
"1 proposta de troca pedete"
"1 pedg trade offer"
"%cout% propostas de troca pedetes"
"%cout% pedg trade offers"
"Bboteca compartada de jog
"Sared game brary"
"A sua bboteca compar
tada est sedo usada por %borrower%. Ao jogar agora, %borrower% ser avsado que
est a ora de parar."
"Your sared b
rary s currety  use by %borrower%. Payg ow w sed %borrower% a otc
e tat t's tme to qut."
"SteamUI_JoDaog_SaredLceseLoced_BorrowerText" "Jogo compartado atua
mete dspove. Por favor, tete ovamete mas tarde ou compre-o para a sua
"[egs]SteamUI_JoDaog_SaredLceseLoced_BorrowerText" "Ts sared gam
e s currety uavaabe. Pease try aga ater or buy ts game for your ow
"D um ome para esta mqua:"
"Coose a fredy ame for ts
"SteamUI_SteamGuardNotfyNewMaces_Coutry" "PAS"
"[egs]SteamUI_SteamGuardNotfyNewMaces_Coutry" "COUNTRY"
"SteamUI_SteamGuardNotfyNewMaces_IPAddress" "NDRO IP"
"Steam_RecoverLoced_MaceNameLabe" "ome"
"[egs]Steam_RecoverLoced_MaceNameLabe" "fredy ame"
"Nome do computador o Steam Guard"

"[egs]Steam_RecoverLoced_MaceNameBox" "Steam Guard Computer Name"

"Por favor, sra um ome para
este computador com peo meos 6 caracteres"
"Pease eter a ame at
east 6 caracters og for ts computer"
"%game% est tetado ser cado com os parmetros
opcoas abaxo."
"[egs]Steam_AowGameLauc_Ifo" "%game% s attemptg to auc wt te
optoa parameters sow beow."
"Steam_AowGameLauc_Tte" "Permtr execuo do jogo?"
"[egs]Steam_AowGameLauc_Tte" "Aow game auc?"
"IDIOMA: %s1"
"LANG: %s1"
"Atvar pacotes de drvers propr
"abe Propretary Drv
er Pacages"
"O Steam requer drvers propretr
os, forecdos peo fabrcate, para um meor desempeo. Por favor, atve pac
otes de drvers propretros as cofguraes do seu sstema."
"Steam requres vedor-s
upped propretary drvers for best performace. Pease eabe propretary drv
er pacages  your system settgs."
"SteamUI_Upgrade_Istaed_VdeoDrver_Pacage" "O pacote de drvers de vdeo st
aado atuamete, %staed_pacage_ame%, possu uma ova verso: %staed_pac
age_verso%.\Recomedamos atuazar o seu sstema com este ovo pacote de dr
"Your currety
staed vdeo drver pacage, %staed_pacage_ame%, as a ew verso: %
staed_pacage_verso%.\We recommed upgradg your system to ts ew drver
"[egs]SteamUI_Upgrade_VdeoDrver_Butto" "Upgrade"
"SteamUI_Caddate_VdeoDrver_Pacage_Avaabe_Tte" "Novo pacote de drvers
"New Dr
ver Pacage Avaabe"
"SteamUI_SwtcTo_Caddate_VdeoDrver_Pacage_Ifo" "O pacote de drvers de
vdeo atua %staed_pacage_ame% (verso %staed_pacage_verso%).\O pacote
de drvers %caddate_pacage_ame% possu uma verso mas recete (%caddate_pa
cage_verso%).\Recomedamos atuazar para este pacote."
"[egs]SteamUI_SwtcTo_Caddate_VdeoDrver_Pacage_Ifo" "Your currety
staed vdeo drver pacage s %staed_pacage_ame%, verso %staed_p
acage_verso%.\Te vdeo drver pacage %caddate_pacage_ame%, verso %ca
ddate_pacage_verso% as a more recet drver verso.\We recommed upgrad
g to ts pacage."
"Recomedamos staar o
pacote de drvers de vdeo %caddate_pacage_ame% para que tea um meor dese
"[egs]SteamUI_Ista_Caddate_VdeoDrver_Pacage_Ifo" "We recommed 
stag vdeo drver pacage %caddate_pacage_ame% for best performace."
"SteamUI_Ista_Caddate_VdeoDrver_Butto" "Istaar"
"[egs]SteamUI_Ista_Caddate_VdeoDrver_Butto" "Ista"
"SteamUI_Add_Pacage_Repostory_Tte" "Adcoar repostro de pacotes"
"[egs]SteamUI_Add_Pacage_Repostory_Tte" "Add Pacage Repostory"
"SteamUI_Add_Pacage_Repostory_Ifo" "Recomedamos staar o repostro de pa

cotes %repostory_ame% para que tea um meor desempeo grfco."

"[egs]SteamUI_Add_Pacage_Repostory_Ifo" "We recommed stag pacage
repostory %repostory_ame% for best vdeo drver performace."
"SteamUI_Add_Pacage_Repostory_Butto" "Adcoar"
"Gerecador de pacotes"
"[egs]SteamUI_Update_Pacage_Idex_Tte" "Pacage Maager"
"O seu dce de pacotes do sstema est des
atuazado. Recomedamos atuaz-o para que a deteco dos pacotes de drvers de vdeo
seja reazada corretamete."
"Your system pacage dex s ou
t of date. We recommed updatg t for proper vdeo drver pacage detecto."
"SteamUI_Update_Pacage_Idex_Butto" "Atuazar"
"[egs]SteamUI_Update_Pacage_Idex_Butto" "Update"
"Saba mas"
"[egs]SteamUI_Lear_More" "Lear more"
"SteamUI_Upgrade_Nvda_Drver_Tte" "Probema com drver de vdeo"
"[egs]SteamUI_Upgrade_Nvda_Drver_Tte" "Vdeo Drver Probem"
"O seu sstema est usado drvers de vdeo
propretros da Vda desatuazados. O Steam requer a verso 304.22 ou superor do
"[egs]SteamUI_Upgrade_Nvda_Drver_Ifo" "Your system s rug oder pr
opretary Vda vdeo drvers. Steam requres drver verso 304.22 or ger."
"[egs]Steam_GamesSecto_MyGames" "MY GAMS"
"Jogos de %ower%"
"[egs]steam_brary_fter_ower" "%ower%'s Games"
"steam_brary_uow_ower" "Outros jogos"
"[egs]steam_brary_uow_ower" "Oter Games"
"Por favor, verfque a sua coe
xo rede e cque em \"Tetar ovamete\"."
"Pease cec your etwo
r coecto ad cc 'Retry'."
"Steppg do processador: %s1"
"CPU Steppg: %s1"
"SteamUI_VaveSurvey_Summary_CPUMode" "Modeo do processador: %s1"
"[egs]SteamUI_VaveSurvey_Summary_CPUMode" "CPU Mode: %s1"
"SteamUI_VaveSurvey_Summary_CPUFamy" "Fama do processador: %s1"
"CPU Famy: %s1"
"SteamUI_VaveSurvey_Summary_CPUProcessorType" "Tpo do processador: %s1"
"[egs]SteamUI_VaveSurvey_Summary_CPUProcessorType" "CPU Type: %s1"
"Verso do OpeGL: %s1"
"[egs]SteamUI_VaveSurvey_Summary_OpeGL_Verso" "OpeGL Verso: %s1"
"Pay Game..."
"Steam_SaredGameUavaabe" "Jogo compartado dspove"
"[egs]Steam_SaredGameUavaabe" "Sared game uavaabe"
"sse jogo compartado pertece a %ow
"Ts sared game beogs to %ow
"Vxe, agum j est usado um dos jo
gos compartados de %ower%."
"[egs]Steam_SaredGameDetaCurretyUavaabe" "Soot, %ower%'s sared
games are currety  use. "
"Steam_SaredGameDetaPermaetyUavaabe" "Jogo dspove em bbotecas

"[egs]Steam_SaredGameDetaPermaetyUavaabe" "Ts game s ot avaa
be  sared brares"
"SteamUI_PatformParetaCotro_Tte" "Cotroes dos Pas do Wdows"
"Wdows Pareta Cotro
"Jogo boqueado para o usuro atu
a peos Cotroes dos Pas do Wdows"
"Game boced for curre
t user by Wdows Pareta Cotro."
"Adcoar aos jogos da
"Add to Famy G
"Steam_GamesDaog_RgtCc_RemoveFromUbocedGames" "Remover dos jogos da fa
from Famy Games"
"O pae Steam detro do jogo requer qu
e o acesso a dspostvos assstvos esteja atvado.
Para atvar o pae detro do jogo, abra o pae de prefercas Seguraa e Prva
cdade, cque a aba Prvacdade, escoa Acessbdade a sta esquerda e d p
ermsso ao Steam."
"Te -game Steam overay requ
res access for assstve devces to be eabed.
To eabe access to te -game overay, ope te Securty ad Prvacy > Prvacy
preferece pae, seect Accessbty from te eft st ad aow access for S
"Jogos da fama"
"Famy Games"
"Caso precse de suporte tcco para este
jogo, cosute o <a ref=ttp://support.steampowered.com/>Suporte Steam</a>."
"If you eed tecca support w
t ts game, vst <a ref=ttp://support.steampowered.com/>Steam Support</a>.
"tootp_saredbrary" "Icar este jogo agora evar um avso a %borrower% de
que est a ora de sar."
"Payg ow w sed %borrower% a ot
ce tat t's tme to qut."
"bboteca compartada dspove"
"sared brary oced"
"Steam_DevceAut_Pay_Butto" "Jogar"
"[egs]Steam_DevceAut_Pay_Butto" "Pay"
"Steam_DevceAut_CooseDaog_Tte" "Deseja jogar este jogo?"
"[egs]Steam_DevceAut_CooseDaog_Tte" "Wat to pay ts game?"
"%ower% o(a) ttuar deste jogo. Deseja
soctar acesso aos jogos de %ower% este dspostvo?"
"[egs]Steam_DevceAut_CooseDaog_Text" "Ts game beogs to Steam user
%ower%. Woud you e to request access to %ower%'s games o ts devce?"
"Prefro compr-o..."
"I'd rater buy t..."
"Steam_DevceAut_CooseDaog_Cace" "Cacear"
"[egs]Steam_DevceAut_CooseDaog_Cace" "Cace"
"Steam_DevceAut_RequestDaog_Tte" "Soctao de compartameto de bbote
"[egs]Steam_DevceAut_RequestDaog_Tte" "Famy Lbrary Sarg Request"
"O, %ower%,"

"H %ower%,"
"Steam_DevceAut_RequestDaog_Cace" "Cacear"
"Steam_DevceAut_RequestDaog_Sed" "var soctao"
"[egs]Steam_DevceAut_RequestDaog_Sed" "Sed Request"
"A sua soctao fo evada por e
-ma. speramos que o seu desejo seja reazado em breve!"
"[egs]Steam_DevceAut_RequestDaog_SedPedg" "Your ema request as
bee set. Heres hoping your wish will be granted soon!"
"SteamUI_ManageDeviceAuth_Text" "Para fornecer acesso sua biblioteca Steam a out
ros usurios neste dispositivo*, autorize-o abaixo. Voc tambm pode revogar o acesso
de qualquer dispositivo previamente autorizado nessa lista."
"To grant others access to your
Steam library on this device*, authorize it below. You may also revoke access fr
om any previously authorized devices in this list."
"SteamUI_ManageDeviceAuth_TokenOwner" "Autorizado por"
"[english]SteamUI_ManageDeviceAuth_TokenOwner" "Authorized By"
"ltimo acesso"
"Last accessed"
"SteamUI_ManageDeviceAuth_Deauthorize" "Desautorizar dispositivo"
"[english]SteamUI_ManageDeviceAuth_Deauthorize" "Deauthorize device"
"Renomear dispositivo"
"Rename Device"
"Ainda no autorizado"
"Not authorized yet"
"SteamUI_ManageDeviceAuth_NotAccessed" "Autorizado, ainda no usado"
"[english]SteamUI_ManageDeviceAuth_NotAccessed" "Authorized, not used yet"
"Gerenciar compartilhamento de bibliotec
"[english]Steam_AccountPage_ManageDeviceAuth" "Manage Family Library Sharing..
"Os jogos compartilhados de %own
er% esto disponveis para serem jogados neste computador."
"%owner% s games are now
available for you to play on this computer."
"Ei, %owner% quer os jogos compa
rtilhados de volta! Voc poder jogar por mais %minutes% minutos..."
"Hey, %owner% needs this
shared game back! You have %minutes% minutes of playtime remaining..."
"Modo famlia"
"[english]Steam_Parental_UnlockTitle" "Family View"
"Modo famlia"
"Family View"
"Steam_Parental_UnlockFailure" "Nem tente chutar. Por favor, insira o cdigo corr
"[english]Steam_Parental_UnlockFailure" "Nice try. Please enter the correct PIN.
"Modo famlia"
"Family View"
"Este jogo no est disponvel no modo famlia"
"[english]Steam_Parental_GameBlocked" "This game is unavailable in Family View
"Tente jogar mais tarde ou compre este jogo para
a sua biblioteca para jog-lo quando quiser."
"Try playing later, or buy this game for
your own library to play it now."
"Steam_DeviceAuth_ChooseDialog_Request" "Solicitar acesso..."
"Request access..."
"Steam_DeviceAuth_RequestDialog_From" "Obrigado(a),\n%user%"
"[english]Steam_DeviceAuth_RequestDialog_From" "Thanks,\n%user%"

"Steam_DeviceAuth_RequestDialog_Text" "Deseja compartilhar o acesso sua biblio

teca Steam neste computador?"
"[english]Steam_DeviceAuth_RequestDialog_Text" "Would you share access to your
Steam library on this computer?"
"Por favor, nomeie este computad
"[english]Steam_DeviceAuth_RequestDialog_Description" "Please name this comput
"Steam_DeviceAuth_RequestDialog_SendOK" "Ns descobrimos que o dono j autorizou est
e dispositivo para o compartilhamento de jogos. Voc est pronto."
"Weve discovered the owne
r has already authorized this device for game sharing. Youre all set."
"Falha ao enviar pedido de autor
izao (%reason%)"
"Failed to send authoriz
ation request (%reason%)"
"Dispositivos autorizados"
"Authorized Devices"
"Nome do dispositivo"
"[english]SteamUI_ManageDeviceAuth_TokenDesc" "Device Name"
"Pelo usurio Steam"
"By Steam user"
"Autorizar dispositivo"
"[english]SteamUI_ManageDeviceAuth_Authorize" "Authorize device"
"Nenhum dispositivo autorizado encontrad
"No authorized device found"
"SteamUI_ManageDeviceAuth_ThisComputer" "Este computador*"
"This Computer *"
"%owner% desautorizou este compu
tador, alguns jogos podem no estar mais disponveis."
"[english]Steam_DeviceAuth_Deauthorized_Notification" "%owner% has de-authorzi
ed this computer, some games may be unavailable."
"Steam_DeviceAuth_Shared_Library_Now_Available" "Viva! Os jogos compartilhados d
e %owner% j esto disponveis para voc jogar..."
"Hooray, %owner%
s shared games are now available for you to play..."
"Steam_DeviceAuth_Shared_Library_Unavailable" "Os jogos de %owner% esto em uso"
"[english]Steam_DeviceAuth_Shared_Library_Unavailable" "%owner% s games are in
"%borrower% est usando a sua bibl
"Your game library is in
use by %borrower%"
"steam_details_totalplaytime_minutes" "%minutes% minutos"
"[english]steam_details_totalplaytime_minutes" "%minutes% minutes"
"%hours% horas"
"%hours% hours"
"Jogou por"
"You ve played"
"steam_details_totallaunchtimeheader" "Usado por"
"[english]steam_details_totallaunchtimeheader" "Used for"
"steam_details_sharedbyheader" "Compartilhado por"
"[english]steam_details_sharedbyheader" "Shared by"
"Biblioteca em uso por"
"Library in use by"
"[english]steam_details_sharedbyname" "%share_user%"
"steam_details_sharedbyinuse" "%share_user% biblioteca em uso"
"[english]steam_details_sharedbyinuse" "%share_user%, whose shared library is i

n use"
"Dispositivo autorizado"
"[english]Steam_Game_AuthorizeDevice" "Authorized Device"
"SteamUI_PlatformParentalControl_Tip" "Selecione para bloquear e desbloquear o
modo parental"
"[english]SteamUI_PlatformParentalControl_Tip" "Select to lock and unlock Paren
t Mode"
"Steam_LibrariesLabel" "Bibliotecas de contedo"
"[english]Steam_LibrariesLabel" "Content Libraries"
"Restries de download"
"Download Restrictions"
"Steam_SettingsInGameScreenshotFolder" "Pasta de screenshots"
"[english]Steam_SettingsInGameScreenshotFolder" "Screenshot folder"
"Painel Steam"
"The Steam Overlay"
"steam_library_filter_mygames" "Meus jogos"
"[english]steam_library_filter_mygames" "My Games"
"Velocidade mxima"
"[english]steam_downloads_throttling" "Throttling limited to"
"Na fila"
"Atualizao necessria (no est na fila)"
"Update Required (not queued)"
"Baixar agora"
"[english]steam_downloads_topofqueue" "Download Now"
"Alerta de biblioteca compartilh
"Shared Library Warning"
"O Steam fechou %game% porque %o
wner% comeou a usar esta biblioteca."
"Steam terminated %game%
because %owner% is currently using this game library."
"SteamUI_ManageDeviceAuth_Name_Device" "Insira um nome para este computador:"
"[english]SteamUI_ManageDeviceAuth_Name_Device" "Enter a name for this computer:
"SteamUI_ManageDeviceAuth_Get_Devices_Failed" "Falha ao baixar lista de dispos
itivos autorizados (%reason%)"
"[english]SteamUI_ManageDeviceAuth_Get_Devices_Failed" "Failed to get authorize
d devices (%reason%)"
"steam_inbox_asyncgame" "1 novo turno pendente"
"1 new turn waiting"
"%count% novos turnos pendentes"
"%count% new turns waiting"
"steam_inbox_asyncgameinvite" "1 novo convite para partida"
"[english]steam_inbox_asyncgameinvite" "1 new game invite"
"steam_inbox_asyncgameinvites" "%count% novos convites para partida"
"[english]steam_inbox_asyncgameinvites" "%count% new game invites"
"Gerenciar downloads..."
"Manage Downloads..."
"Alta prioridade
Atualizar antes de outros produtos"
"High Pr
iority - Always auto-update this application before others"
"Alta prioridade Atualiz
ar antes de outros produtos"
"High Priority -

Always auto-update this game before others"

"Alta prioridade Atualiz
ar antes de outros produtos"
"High Priority Always auto-update this demo before others"
"Alta prioridade Atualiz
ar antes de outros produtos"
"[english]Steam_AutoUpdateBehaviorHighPriority$appType=media" "High Priority Always auto-update this media before others"
"Alta prioridade Atualiz
ar antes de outros produtos"
"High Priority Always auto-update this tool before others"
"Steam_GameProperties_HighPriorityAutoUpdateInfo$appType=application" "Este ap
licativo e as suas atualizaes sero adquiridos automaticamente com prioridade sobre
outros downloads assim que estiverem disponveis."
"This application and its updates will be automatically acquired as soon as they
are available. Steam will prioritize this application over other downloads."
"Steam_GameProperties_HighPriorityAutoUpdateInfo$appType=game" "Este jogo e as
suas atualizaes sero adquiridos automaticamente com prioridade sobre outros downloa
ds assim que estiverem disponveis."
"[english]Steam_GameProperties_HighPriorityAutoUpdateInfo$appType=game" "This ga
me and its updates will be automatically acquired as soon as they are available.
Steam will prioritize this game over other downloads."
"Steam_GameProperties_HighPriorityAutoUpdateInfo$appType=demo" "Esta demonstrao e
as suas atualizaes sero adquiridas automaticamente com prioridade sobre outros dow
nloads assim que estiverem disponveis."
"[english]Steam_GameProperties_HighPriorityAutoUpdateInfo$appType=demo" "This de
mo and its updates will be automatically acquired as soon as they are available.
Steam will prioritize this demo over other downloads."
"Steam_GameProperties_HighPriorityAutoUpdateInfo$appType=media" "Esta mdia e as s
uas atualizaes sero adquiridas automaticamente com prioridade sobre outros download
s assim que estiverem disponveis."
"This media and its updates will be automatically acquired as soon as they are a
vailable. Steam will prioritize this media over other downloads."
"Steam_GameProperties_HighPriorityAutoUpdateInfo$appType=tool" "Esta ferramenta
e as suas atualizaes sero adquiridas automaticamente com prioridade sobre outros d
ownloads assim que estiverem disponveis."
"[english]Steam_GameProperties_HighPriorityAutoUpdateInfo$appType=tool" "This to
ol and its updates will be automatically acquired as soon as they are available.
Steam will prioritize this tool over other downloads."
"steam_downloads_timecompleted" "Hora de concluso"
"Time Completed "
"Alta prioridade"
"High Priority"
"steam_downloads_auto_update_default" "Atualizaes automticas ativadas"
"[english]steam_downloads_auto_update_default" "Auto-Updates Enabled"
"steam_downloads_auto_update_disabled" "Atualizaes automticas desativadas"
"[english]steam_downloads_auto_update_disabled" "Auto-Updates Disabled"
"Insira o seu cdigo abaixo para desativar
o modo famlia"
"Enter your PIN below to exit Fa
mily View"
"Steam_Status_DownloadsPaused" "Downloads em pausa"
"[english]Steam_Status_DownloadsPaused" "Downloads Paused "
"Steam_AutoUpdateTimeRestrictionLabel" "Atualizar automaticamente apenas entre
"[english]Steam_AutoUpdateTimeRestrictionLabel" "Only auto-update games between:

"Steam_AutoUpdateTimeRestrictionStart" ""
"[english]Steam_AutoUpdateTimeRestrictionStart" ""
"e as"
"[english]Steam_AutoUpdateTimeRestrictionEnd" "And"
"Steam_Game_AllowOtherDownloads$appType=game" "Permitir que o Steam baixe outr
as atualizaes enquanto este jogo estiver rodando"
"[english]Steam_Game_AllowOtherDownloads$appType=game" "Allow Steam to download
other updates while this game is running"
"Steam_Game_AllowOtherDownloads$appType=tool" "Permitir que o Steam baixe outr
as atualizaes enquanto esta ferramenta estiver rodando"
"[english]Steam_Game_AllowOtherDownloads$appType=tool" "Allow Steam to download
other updates while this tool is running"
"Permitir que o Steam ba
ixe outras atualizaes enquanto este aplicativo estiver rodando"
"[english]Steam_Game_AllowOtherDownloads$appType=application" "Allow Steam to
download other updates while this application is running"
"Steam_Game_AllowOtherDownloads$appType=demo" "Permitir que o Steam baixe outr
as atualizaes enquanto esta demonstrao estiver rodando"
"[english]Steam_Game_AllowOtherDownloads$appType=demo" "Allow Steam to download
other updates while this demo is running"
"Steam_Game_AllowOtherDownloads$appType=media" "Permitir que o Steam baixe outr
as atualizaes enquanto esta mdia estiver rodando"
"[english]Steam_Game_AllowOtherDownloads$appType=media" "Allow Steam to download
other updates while this media is running"
"Downloads automticos somente das
"Auto-downloads limited
"%autostart% s %autoend%"
"%autostart% - %autoend%
"Modo famlia"
"Family View"
"Por favor, confirme que deseja ativar o
modo famlia."
"Please confirm you d like to re
turn to Family View."
"Steam_Parental_Manage" "Gerenciar modo famlia"
"Manage Family View"
"Steam_ManageAccountSecurity" "Gerenciar segurana da conta"
"[english]Steam_ManageAccountSecurity" "Manage Account Security"
"Atualizao disponvel"
"Update Available"
"H uma atualizao disponvel para %gam
e%. Deseja inici-lo agora\nou atualiz-lo primeiro?"
"An update for %game% is
available. Would you like to launch it now,\n or download the update first?"
"SteamUI_JoinDialog_UpdateAvailable_LaunchNow" "Iniciar agora"
"[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_UpdateAvailable_LaunchNow" "Launch Now"
"Download the Up
"Voc est no modo famlia. Selecione para alt
"[english]SteamUI_ParentalControl_Tip_Locked" "You are in Family View. Select
to change."
"SteamUI_ParentalControl_Tip_Unlocked" "Voc no est no modo famlia. Selecione para a
"[english]SteamUI_ParentalControl_Tip_Unlocked" "You are not in Family View. Sel

ect to change."
"Steam_Settings_Family_Sharing_Title" "Compartilhamento de biblioteca"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Family_Sharing_Title" "Family Library Sharing"
"Steam_Settings_Family_Sharing_ManageSharing" "Gerenciar outros computadores"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Family_Sharing_ManageSharing" "Manage other computers"
"Steam_Settings_Family_Sharing_StateAuthorized" "O compartilhamento de bibliotec
a permite que voc compartilhe a sua biblioteca Steam com outros. Aps serem autoriz
ados, usurios Steam em computadores compartilhados podero acessar, baixar e jogar
a sua biblioteca de jogos Steam disponveis.\n\nEste computador est autorizado a co
mpartilhar os seus jogos. Contas selecionadas podero acessar a sua biblioteca de
jogos ao iniciarem a sesso aqui."
"Family Library
Sharing enables you to share your Steam library with others. Once authorized, St
eam users on shared computers may access, download and play your available libra
ry of Steam games.\n\nThis computer is currently authorized to share your games.
Selected accounts may use your available game library while logged in here."
"O compartilhamento de b
iblioteca permite que voc compartilhe a sua biblioteca Steam com outros. Aps serem
autorizados, usurios Steam em computadores compartilhados podero acessar, baixar
e jogar a sua biblioteca de jogos Steam disponveis.\n\nEste computador est autoriz
ado a compartilhar os seus jogos. Contas selecionadas podero acessar a sua biblio
teca de jogos ao iniciarem a sesso aqui."
"Family Library
Sharing enables you to share your Steam library with others. Once authorized, St
eam users on shared computers may access, download and play your library of Stea
m games.\n\nYou may authorize up to ten computers to allow selected accounts to
use your Steam library while you are not playing."
"Steam_Settings_Family_Sharing_AuthorizeDevice" "Autorizar computador"
"Authorize this
"Desautorizar computador
"Deauthorize thi
s computer"
"Steam_Settings_Family_Sharing_AuthorizeError" "Falha ao autorizar computador (
"[english]Steam_Settings_Family_Sharing_AuthorizeError" "Failed to authorized co
mputer (%reason%)"
"Falha ao desautorizar c
omputador (%reason%)"
"Failed to deaut
horized computer (%reason%)"
"Steam_Settings_Family_Sharing_UpdateBorrowers" "Atualizar contas autorizadas"
"Update borrower
"Steam_Settings_Family_Sharing_BorrowerError" "Falha ao atualizar estado da co
nta (%reason%)"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Family_Sharing_BorrowerError" "Failed to update borrow
er (%reason%)"
"Steam_Settings_Family_Sharing_No_SteamGuard" " necessrio ativar o Steam Guard p
ara usar o compartilhamento de biblioteca"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Family_Sharing_No_SteamGuard" "Steam Guard is required
to enable Family Library Sharing"
"Voc pode autorizar um mxi
mo de %maxborrowers% contas simultaneamente."
"You can only au
thorize up to %maxborrowers% accounts at the same time."
"Contas autorizadas"
"Authorized acco

"Nenhuma outra conta local foi e
"No other local accounts
"Por favor, selecione at %maxborr
owers% usurios que podero acessar e usar a sua biblioteca em computadores autoriza
"Please select up to %ma
xborrowers% users who may access and use your library on your authorized compute
"Steam_Settings_Family_Options_Title" "Modo famlia"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Family_Options_Title" "Family View"
"O modo famlia pode ser usado para restri
ngir acesso a contedo e recursos da conta e s pode ser desativado com um cdigo."
"[english]Steam_Settings_Family_Options_Text" "Family View can be used to rest
rict access to content and features while in a PIN-protected Family View."
"SteamUI_JoinDialog_KickSessions_Text" "Voc j iniciou a sesso em outro computador,
onde \"%existing_app%\" est aberto.\nIniciar \"%launching_app%\" aqui finalizar a
outra sesso no Steam."
"[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_KickSessions_Text" "You are logged in on another co
mputer already playing \"%existing_app%\".\nLaunching \"%launching_app%\" here w
ill disconnect the other session from Steam."
"SteamUI_JoinDialog_KickSessions_Error" "Falha ao finalizar sesso com %game% em e
"Failed to disconnect ot
her session playing %game%"
"Continue launch"
"Pedido de cdigo pendente"
"Product key request pen
"Steam Aviso"
"Steam - Warning"
"No foi possvel verificar titularidade par
a solicitar um cdigo de produto. Por favor, entre em contato com o Suporte Steam.
"Steam was unable to verify owne
rship in order to request a product key. Please contact Steam Support."
"Permitir downloads enquanto joga"
"[english]Steam_AllowDownloadsDuringGameplay" "Allow downloads during gameplay
"Ative para permitir que o Steam
inicie ou continue a baixar atualizaes enquanto \num jogo ou aplicativo Steam est
iver em execuo. Esta opo pode ser definida individualmente na janela de propriedades
do jogo desejado."
"If this is checked, Ste
am may initiate or continue downloading updates while you have a game or other \
nSteam application running. You can also override this on a per-game basis in ea
ch game s Properties page"
"Steam_GameProperties_BackgroundDownloadsWhilePlaying" "Downloads em segundo pl
"[english]Steam_GameProperties_BackgroundDownloadsWhilePlaying" "Background down
"Steam_GameProperties_BackgroundDownloadsWhilePlayingInfo$appType=game" "O Steam
pode baixar outros jogos ou aplicativos enquanto %game% estiver aberto?"
"While playing %game%, should Steam be allowed to download other games or applic

"O Steam pode baixar outros jogos ou aplicativos enquanto %game% estiver aberto?
cation" "While using %game%, should Steam be allowed to download other games or
"Steam_GameProperties_BackgroundDownloadsWhilePlayingInfo$appType=demo" "O Steam
pode baixar outros jogos ou aplicativos enquanto %game% estiver aberta?"
"While playing %game%, should Steam be allowed to download other games or applic
"O Steam pode baixar outros jogos ou aplicativos enquanto %game% estiver aberto?
"While playing %game%, should Steam be allowed to download other games o
r applications?"
"Steam_GameProperties_BackgroundDownloadsWhilePlayingInfo$appType=tool" "O Steam
pode baixar outros jogos ou aplicativos enquanto %game% estiver aberto?"
"While using %game%, should Steam be allowed to download other games or applicat
"Configurao global (permitir downl
oads em 2 plano)"
"Follow my global settin
g (allow background downloads)"
"Steam_BackgroundDownloadsDefault_Deny" "Configurao global (impedir downloads em 2
"Follow my global settin
g (stop background downloads)"
"Sempre permitir downloads em 2 plano"
"Always allow background downloa
"Steam_BackgroundDownloadsDeny" "Nunca permitir downloads em 2 plano"
"Never allow background download
ds em segundo plano"
"Background downloads while playing this game"
"[english]Steam_LaunchStream" "Stream"
"Famlia e compart."
"[english]Steam_Settings_FamilyTitle" "Family"
"[english]steam_library_filter_installedlocallygames" "Local"
"Transmitir de"
"Stream from"
"steam_details_streamfromname" "%stream_from%"
"[english]steam_details_streamfromname" "%stream_from%"
"Steam_DeviceAuth_RequestDialog_No_SteamGuard" " necessrio ativar o Steam Guard p
ara usar o compartilhamento de biblioteca"
"[english]Steam_DeviceAuth_RequestDialog_No_SteamGuard" "Steam Guard needs to be
enabled to access Family Library Sharing"
"Steam_Parental_UnlockFailureExceeded" "Nmero de tentativas excedido. Por favor,
reinicie o Steam para tentar novamente."
"[english]Steam_Parental_UnlockFailureExceeded" "Too many failed attempts. Pleas
e restart Steam to try again."
"SteamUI_StreamingSource_ThisMachine_Installed" "Jogar nesta mquina"
"Play on this ma

"Instalar nesta mquina"
"Install on this
"Transmitir de %ClientName%"
"Stream from %ClientName%"
"SteamUI_StreamingSource_NotInstalled" "Instalar em %ClientName%"
"[english]SteamUI_StreamingSource_NotInstalled" "Install on %ClientName%"
"Falha no cliente de transmisso"
"Streaming Client Failed"
"SteamUI_StreamClient_Failed" "O cliente de transmisso fechou inesperadamente (
"[english]SteamUI_StreamClient_Failed" "The streaming client exited unexpectedl
y (%error%)"
"SteamUI_StreamClient_Failed_Connect" "No foi possvel conectar-se ao computador
"[english]SteamUI_StreamClient_Failed_Connect" "Couldn t connect to the remote
"A verso do Steam instalada no computador
local no a mesma do computador remoto."
"The versions of Steam installed
on the local and remote computers do not match."
"Falha de autenticao."
"Authentication failed."
"Falha ao iniciar transmisso"
"Stream Launch Failed"
"O incio deste jogo requer a interveno do u
surio.\n\nInicie-o manualmente no computador remoto e, ento, inicie a transmisso da
"This game launch requires user
intervention.\n\nLaunch manually on the remote computer and then join the stream
from here."
"Problema de autenticao."
"Authentication problem."
"A tela do computador remoto est bloquead
"The screen is locked on the rem
ote computer."
"SteamUI_StreamLaunch_OtherGameRunning" "H outro jogo em execuo no computador remot
"There is another game a
lready running on the remote computer."
"SteamUI_StreamLaunch_Timeout" "O tempo de espera para o incio da transmisso expi
"[english]SteamUI_StreamLaunch_Timeout" "Timed out waiting for stream to launch.
"A instalao deste jogo requer a in
terveno do usurio.\n\nInstale-o manualmente no computador remoto."
"Installation of this ga
me requires user intervention.\n\nInstall manually on the remote computer."
"SteamUI_StreamLaunch_Failed" "No foi possvel iniciar a transmisso."
"[english]SteamUI_StreamLaunch_Failed" "Unable to launch stream."
"SteamUI_StreamLaunch_StillDownloading" "H uma atualizao em andamento em %ClientNam
e%. %game% estar disponvel para ser transmitido assim que o download for concludo."
"Update is in progress o
n %ClientName%. %game% will be ready to stream when the download completes."
"Erro Steam"
"Error - Steam"
"Voc j iniciou a sesso em outro computador,
onde \"%existing_app%\" est aberto.\nIniciar \"%launching_app%\" aqui finalizar a

outra sesso no Steam."

"You are logged in on another co
mputer already playing \"%existing_app%\".\nLaunching \"%launching_app%\" here w
ill disconnect the other session from Steam."
"Transmisso domstica"
"In-Home Streaming"
"%machine% disponvel para transmisso"
"[english]Notification_RemoteClientConnected" "%machine% is available for stre
"Notification_RemoteClientDisconnected" "%machine% no mais disponvel para transmis
"%machine% is no longer
"Steam_Settings_StreamingTitle" "Trans. domstica"
"In-Home Streaming"
"Steam_Settings_Streaming_Description" "Transmita jogos do seu PC com Windows a
outros computadores detectados na sua rede local. Para se conectar, basta inici
ar a sesso com esta mesma conta Steam em outro dispositivo local."
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_Description" "Stream gameplay from your Windo
ws PC to other computers detected on your local network. To connect, simply log
into this same Steam account on another local device."
"Steam_Settings_Streaming_DeviceName" "NOME DO DISPOSITIVO"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_DeviceName" "DEVICE NAME"
"Para aprimorar o desempenho da
transmisso, tente reduzir a resoluo do jogo ou ajustar as seguintes configuraes locai
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_Perf_Instructions" "To improve in-home stre
aming performance, try reducing your game s resolution or adjusting the followin
g local settings."
"Limitar largura de banda a"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_Bandwidth" "Limit bandwidth to"
"Automtica (recomendado)"
"Automatic (recommended)
"5 MBit/s"
"5 MBit/s"
"10 MBit/s"
"10 MBit/s"
"15 MBit/s"
"15 MBit/s"
"20 MBit/s"
"20 MBit/s"
"Steam_Settings_Streaming_BandwidthUnlimited" "Ilimitada (aumenta latncia)"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_BandwidthUnlimited" "Unlimited (increases la
"Travar taxa de quadros por segundo a"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_Framerate" "Lock framerate to"
"Steam_Settings_Streaming_Framerate30" "30 quadros/s"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_Framerate30" "30 FPS"
"Steam_Settings_Streaming_Framerate60" "60 quadros/s"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_Framerate60" "60 FPS"
"Desativar decodificao por
"Disable hardwar
e decoding"
"Ver informaes de suporte"

"View support informatio
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_Connected" "Connected"
"Steam_Settings_Streaming_Disconnected" "No conectado"
"Not Connected"
"Steam_Settings_Streaming_Self" "Sesso iniciada com a minha conta"
"Logged in as me"
"Sesso iniciada com outra conta"
"Logged in as different user"
"%game% Iniciando transmisso"
"[english]SteamUI_StreamLaunch_ProgressTitle" "%game% - Streaming Launch"
"SteamUI_StreamLaunch_ServerProgress" "Preparando para transmitir %game%..."
"[english]SteamUI_StreamLaunch_ServerProgress" "Preparing to stream %game%..."
"SteamUI_StreamLaunch_RemoteProgress" "O servidor de transmisso est realizando a
configurao inicial..."
"[english]SteamUI_StreamLaunch_RemoteProgress" "Remote computer is performing f
irst time setup..."
"SteamUI_StreamLaunch_RemoteProgressDetailed" "O servidor de transmisso est real
izando a configurao inicial...\n\n%detail%"
"[english]SteamUI_StreamLaunch_RemoteProgressDetailed" "Remote computer is perf
orming first time setup...\n\n%detail%"
"Preparando para transmitir %game%..."
"Preparing to stream %game%..."
"SteamUI_Selection_Ukrainian" " (Ucraniano)"
"[english]SteamUI_Selection_Ukrainian" " (Ukrainian)"
"O Steam adicionou %game% fila d
e downloads e comear a ser baixado assim que os outros downloads na frente forem c
oncludos. Voc pode gerenciar a fila na seo Downloads do Steam."
"Steam has queued %game%
for download. It will begin the download when the other downloads in front of i
t in the queue have completed. You can manage the queue in the Steam Downloads v
"Gerenciar downloads"
"Manage Downloads"
"Atualmente no possvel transmitir este jog
"This game currently doesn t sup
port streaming."
"Steam_Settings_Streaming_Resolution" "Limitar resoluo a"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_Resolution" "Limit resolution to"
"Resoluo de exibio"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_ResolutionDesktop" "Display resolution"
"1920x1080 (1080p)"
"1920x1080 (1080p)"
"1280x720 (720p)"
"1280x720 (720p)"
"Rodar em modo janela"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_DisableFullscreen" "Run in a window"
"Steam_Settings_Streaming_NotConnected" "No conectado"
"Not connected"
"Verso do cliente diferente"
"Different client versio
"SteamUI_StreamClient_Failed_DirectX" "Por favor, instale o DirectX Runtime no
site da Microsoft."
"[english]SteamUI_StreamClient_Failed_DirectX" "Please install the DirectX runt
ime from Microsoft s website."

"Steam_ContentBuildID" "BuildID de contedo atual: %buildid%"

"[english]Steam_ContentBuildID" "Current content BuildID: %buildid%"
"Aviso: Caso redefina a sua senh
a, voc no poder trocar ou usar o Mercado da Comunidade temporariamente."
"Note: If you reset your
password, you will be temporarily restricted from trading and the Community Mar
"Steam_ForgottenPassword_FAQ" "Perguntas frequentes sobre restries de troca e Me
"[english]Steam_ForgottenPassword_FAQ" "View the Trading and Market Restriction
s FAQ"
"Exibir notificaes quando bibliote
cas compartilhadas estiverem disponveis"
"Show notifications when
shared libraries become available again"
"3 MBit/s"
"3 MBit/s"
"852x480 (480p)"
"852x480 (480p)"
"Atualizando informaes do Steam..."
"Updating Steam Information..."
"Atualizando configuraes do usurio..."
"Updating User Configuration..."
"O Steam est indisponvel no momento.\n\n\n
Por favor, clique em \"Tentar novamente\" mais tarde ou inicie o Steam no \"modo
"Steam is currently unavailable.
\n\n\nPlease try again later by clicking Retry , or start Steam in Offline Mod
e .\n"
"Antes de acessar o Comp
artilhamento de Biblioteca, ative a segurana de conta Steam Guard nas configuraes d
a conta."
"To access Famil
y Library Sharing, first enable Steam Guard account security in Account settings
"Iniciar SteamVR (BETA)"
"[english]steam_menu_startvr" "Start SteamVR (BETA)"
"Ativar transmisso"
"Enable streaming"
"Opes de transmisso:"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_HostLabel" "Host options:"
"Steam_Settings_Streaming_ClientLabel" "Opes do cliente:"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_ClientLabel" "Client options:"
"Steam_Settings_Streaming_QualityFast" "Rpida"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_QualityFast" "Fast"
"Steam_Settings_Streaming_AdvancedHostOptions" "Opes avanadas de transmisso"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_AdvancedHostOptions" "Advanced Host Options"
"Opes avanadas de transmisso
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_AdvancedHostOptions_Title" "Advanced Host O
"Para aprimorar
o desempenho da transmisso deste computador, tente reduzir a resoluo do jogo ou aju
star as seguintes configuraes."
"To impr
ove performance streaming from this computer, try reducing your game s resolutio

n or adjusting the following settings."

"Opes avanadas do cliente"
"Advanced Client
"Steam_Settings_Streaming_AdvancedClientOptions_Title" "Opes avanadas do cliente"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_AdvancedClientOptions_Title" "Advanced Client
"Para aprimorar
o desempenho da transmisso para este computador, tente reduzir a resoluo do jogo ou
ajustar as seguintes configuraes."
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_AdvancedClientOptions_Description" "To impr
ove performance streaming to this computer, try reducing your game s resolution
or adjusting the following settings."
"Ativar codificao por hard
"Enable hardware
"Ativar decodificao por ha
"Enable hardware
"Caso tenha um r
oteador novo ou de alta qualidade, tambm bom ativar priorizao de trfego de rede."
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_EnableTrafficPriority_Description" "If you
have a newer or high-end router, you might also turn on network traffic prioriti
"Priorizar trfego de rede
"Prioritize netw
ork traffic"
"Steam_Settings_Streaming_EnableDebugOverlay" "Exibir informaes de desempenho"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_EnableDebugOverlay" "Display performance inf
"30 MBit/s"
"30 MBit/s"
"Transmisso desativada"
"Streaming disabled"
"Steam_Settings_Streaming_UnsupportedPlatform" "Ainda no h suporte para transmisso
a partir desta plataforma"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_UnsupportedPlatform" "Hosting is not currentl
y supported on this platform"
"Steam_Settings_Streaming_Unsupported" "Conectado"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_Unsupported" "Connected"
"Contas elegveis"
"Eligible accounts"
"Steam_Settings_Family_Sharing_Checked" "Compartilhar"
"steam_inbox_moderatormessage" "1 mensagem da moderao da comunidade"
"[english]steam_inbox_moderatormessage" "1 community moderation message"
"steam_inbox_moderatormessages" "%count% mensagens da moderao da comunidade"
"%count% community moderation me
"steam_menu_view_music" "Msica"
"steam_menu_view_musicplayer" "Reprodutor de msica"
"[english]steam_menu_view_musicplayer" "Music Player"
" "
" "

"%currentqueueentry% de %queuecount% %queueduratio
"%currentqueueentry% of %queuecount% - %
"%queuecount% faixas %queueduration%"
"%queuecount% tracks - %queueduration%"
"%queuecount% faixa %queueduration%"
"%queuecount% track - %queueduration%"
"Music_Status_Playing" "REPRODUZINDO"
"[english]Music_Status_Playing" "NOW PLAYING"
"Music_Status_Paused" "PAUSADA"
"[english]Music_Status_Paused" "PAUSED"
"Limpar fila"
"Clear Queue"
"Music_Queue_Remove_Track_From_Queue" "Remover faixa da fila"
"[english]Music_Queue_Remove_Track_From_Queue" "Remove Track from Queue"
"Music_Queue_Remove_Tracks_From_Queue" "Remover faixas da fila"
"[english]Music_Queue_Remove_Tracks_From_Queue" "Remove Tracks from Queue"
"Ver faixa no sistema"
"View Track in System"
"SteamUI_StreamingIntro_Title" "Bem-vindo transmisso domstica"
"[english]SteamUI_StreamingIntro_Title" "Welcome to In-Home Streaming"
"Voc est prestes a iniciar um jogo em um computado
r remoto e jog-lo por aqui usando a transmisso domstica."
"You are about to run this game on anoth
er computer and play it here using In-Home Streaming."
"A sua experincia pode variar dependendo do seu h
ardware e da sua rede domstica. Voc pode ajustar o desempenho ou desativar este re
curso nas configuraes da transmisso domstica."
"Your experience may vary depending on y
our hardware and home network. To improve performance, visit In-Home Streaming s
"Ocupado gravando em disco"
"Busy Writing To Disk"
"1 arquivo falhou na validao e ser readquir
"[english]Steam_ValidationResults_OneFailure" "1 file failed to validate and w
ill be reacquired."
"Atualizao na fila"
"[english]Steam_UpdateQueued" "Update queued"
"Steam_DownloadQueued" "Na fila"
"[english]Steam_DownloadQueued" "Queued"
"SteamUI_RemoteControl_AuthorizeDevice_Title" "Permitir controle remoto"
"[english]SteamUI_RemoteControl_AuthorizeDevice_Title" "Allow Remote Control"
"%devicename% est tentando contro
lar o Steam remotamente. Permitir?"
"[english]SteamUI_RemoteControl_AuthorizeDevice_Text" "%devicename% is trying
to remote control Steam. Do you want to allow it?"
"Um aplicativo desconhec
ido est tentando controlar o Steam remotamente. Permitir?"
"An unknown remo
te control application is trying to control Steam. Do you want to allow it?"
"Steam_InstallAppWizard_Preload_Title" "Pr-carregar %game%"
"[english]Steam_InstallAppWizard_Preload_Title" "Preload - %game%"
"Steam_InstallGameInfo_Preload" "Voc est prestes a pr-carregar %game%.\n"
"You are about to preload %game%

"Download em espera"
"[english]Steam_GameDownloadWaitingForComponentInUse" "Download waiting"
"Os arquivos de mdia selecionados
esto disponveis na sua biblioteca de \njogos Steam."
"Your selected media fil
es are now available in your Steam \ngames library."
"%game% est sendo pr-carregado pel
o Steam. O jogo ser desbloqueado e estar disponvel para ser jogado assim que for la
"[english]Steam_InstallComplete_DownloadInfo_Preload" "Steam is now preloading
%game%. Once the game is released, the content will be unlocked and the game is
ready to play."
"steam_library_music" "Msicas"
"[english]steam_library_music" "Music"
"steam_menu_view_music_details" "Biblioteca musical"
"Music Details"
"Music_NoLibrary_Text" "No encontramos nada! Voc talvez precise configurar a sua
biblioteca musical <a href=steam://settings/music>nas configuraes</a>."
"[english]Music_NoLibrary_Text" "We ve come up empty! You might need to set up y
our music library <a href=steam://settings/music>in settings</a>."
"Music_Crawling_Text" "A sua biblioteca musical est sendo escaneada em busca de
contedo. Isto pode ser <a href=steam://musiccrawlingcancel>cancelado</a> a qualq
uer momento."
"[english]Music_Crawling_Text" "Your Music Library is being scanned for content
. This can be <a href=steam://musiccrawlingcancel>canceled</a> at any time."
"Music_Nav_Menu_Albums" "lbuns"
"Nenhuma msica encontrada"
"No music found"
"Nenhum lbum encontrado"
"No albums found"
"Nenhum artista encontrado"
"No artists found"
"[english]Music_Column_Album" "Album"
"Music_Column_Artist" "Artista"
"[english]Music_Column_Artist" "Artist"
"Reproduzir faixas"
"Play Tracks"
"Reproduzir a seguir"
"[english]Music_Album_Details_PlayTracksNext" "Play Next"
"Music_Album_Details_AddTracksToQueue" "Adicionar fila"
"[english]Music_Album_Details_AddTracksToQueue" "Add to Queue"
"Music_Album_Details_ShowAlbum" "Exibir lbum"
"Show Album"
"Reproduzir lbum"
"Play Album"
"Music_Album_Details_PlayNext" "Reproduzir a seguir"
"[english]Music_Album_Details_PlayNext" "Play Next"
"Adicionar fila"
"Add to Queue"
"Music_Album_Details_ShowAlbumInSystem" "Exibir no sistema"
"Show in System"
"Music_Album_Details_Menu_Play" "Reproduzir"

"Reproduzir a seguir"
"Play Next"
"Music_Album_Details_Menu_AddToQueue" "Adicionar fila"
"[english]Music_Album_Details_Menu_AddToQueue" "Add to Queue"
"Reproduzir artista"
"Play Artist"
"Reproduzir a seguir"
"[english]Music_Artist_Details_Menu_PlayNext" "Play Next"
"Music_Artist_Details_Menu_AddToQueue" "Adicionar fila"
"[english]Music_Artist_Details_Menu_AddToQueue" "Add to Queue"
"Exibir no sistema"
"[english]Music_Album_Details_Menu_ShowAlbumInSystem" "Show in System"
"Music_Track_Menu_Play" "Reproduzir faixa"
"Play Track"
"Reproduzir a seguir"
"Play Next"
"Music_Track_Menu_AddToQueue" "Adicionar fila"
"[english]Music_Track_Menu_AddToQueue" "Add to Queue"
"Reproduzir as faixas seguintes"
"Play Subsequent Tracks"
"Music_Track_Menu_PlayNext_Subsequent" "Reproduzir faixas subsequentes a seguir
"[english]Music_Track_Menu_PlayNext_Subsequent" "Play Subsequent Tracks Next"
"Adicionar faixas subsequentes f
"Add Subsequent Tracks t
o Queue"
"Exibir no sistema"
"[english]Music_Track_Menu_ShowAlbumInSystem" "Show in System"
"Exibir lbum"
"Show Album"
"Music_Tooltip_Repeat" "Repetir "
"[english]Music_Tooltip_Repeat" "Repeat "
"Music_Tooltip_Shuffle" "Aleatrio "
"Shuffle "
"Previous "
"Reproduzir / Pausar"
"Play / Pause "
"Prxima "
"[english]Music_Tooltip_Next" "Next "
"Music_Tooltip_Volume" "Volume "
"[english]Music_Tooltip_Volume" "Volume "
"Music_Tooltip_Browse" "Exibir biblioteca "
"[english]Music_Tooltip_Browse" "Browse Music "
"Exibir reprodutor "
"View Player "
"Music_Settings_Library_Header" "Biblioteca musical"
"Music Library"
"[english]Music_Settings_Library_Add" "Add"
"Music_Settings_Library_Remove" "Remover"
"Music_Settings_Library_StartCrawling" "Escanear agora"
"[english]Music_Settings_Library_StartCrawling" "Scan Now"
"Banco de dados"

"Escanear ao iniciar"
"Scan at Startup"
"Music_Settings_Database_ResetDatabase" "Limpar banco de dados"
"Reset Database"
"Music_Settings_Database_StopCrawling" "Parar escanamento"
"[english]Music_Settings_Database_StopCrawling" "Stop Scanning"
"Music_Settings_Database_BuildingMusicLibrary" "Criando biblioteca musical..."
"[english]Music_Settings_Database_BuildingMusicLibrary" "Building the Music Libr
"Nenhum lbum disponvel."
"No albums available."
"1 lbum, %trackcount% faixas"
"One albums, %trackcount% tracks
"%albumcount% lbuns, %trackcount%
"[english]Music_Settings_Database_XAlbumsWithYTracks" "%albumcount% albums, %t
rackcount% tracks"
"Music_Settings_Volume_Header" "Volume"
"[english]Music_Settings_Volume_Header" "Volume"
"Pausar msica"
"Pause Music"
"Ao iniciar um aplicativ
"When starting a
n application"
"Durante uma conversa por voz"
"When voice chatting"
"Music_Settings_Logging_Header" "Registro"
"Music_Settings_NotificationPlaylistNowPlaying" "Quando uma nova faixa iniciar"
"When a new trac
k begins"
"Exibir uma notificao"
"[english]Music_Settings_Notification_Header" "Display a notification"
"Salvar registro de atividade de escanea
"Save scanning activity log"
"Music_Settings__SelectDirectory_Title" "Selecionar biblioteca musical"
"Select Music Library"
"Ativar captura rpida da rea de tr
"Enable fast desktop cap
"Steam Trmino de suporte a sistema operacional"
"Steam - Operating system support ending
"Steam_MacOSX105Warning_Info" "O suporte ao Steam no Mac OS X 10.5 acaba em ag
osto de 2014.
Para continuar usando o Steam neste computador, voc deve atualizar
para o Mac OS X verso 10.6 ou posterior."
"[english]Steam_MacOSX105Warning_Info" "Support for Steam on Mac OS X 10.5 ends
in August, 2014
In order to continue running Steam on this computer, you must
upgrade to Mac OS X version 10.6 or higher."
"Por favor, acesse este artigo no Suport
e Steam para mais informaes."
"Please visit this Steam support
article for more information."

"[english]Steam_MacOSX105_SupportURL" "https://support.steampowered.com/kb_art
"Protegido pelo autenticador mvel
do Steam Guard"
"[english]SteamUI_Settings_Security_Status_TwoFactor" "Protected by Steam Guar
d Mobile Authenticator"
"Gerenciar autenticador
mvel do Steam Guard"
"Manage Steam Gu
ard Mobile Authenticator"
"Voc est usando um autenticador mve
l do Steam Guard. Para gerenciar as configuraes do Steam Guard, abra o aplicativo
do Steam no seu dispositivo mvel."
"You are using a Steam G
uard Mobile Authenticator. To manage your Steam Guard settings, please open the
Steam Mobile application on your smart phone."
"SteamUI_Settings_Security_ManageTwoFactor_2" "Se o seu dispositivo estiver pe
rmanentemente indisponvel, entre em contato com o Suporte Steam para obter ajuda.
"[english]SteamUI_Settings_Security_ManageTwoFactor_2" "If your phone is perman
ently unavailable, contact Steam Support for help."
"Steam_GetTwoFactorCode_Title" "Steam Guard Autorizao para o computador exigida"
"[english]Steam_GetTwoFactorCode_Title" "Steam Guard - Computer Authorization Re
"O meu cdigo do Steam Guard :"
"My Steam Guard code is:"
"Como uma medida de segurana adic
ional, voc precisa inserir o cdigo atual do Steam Guard no autenticador mvel do Ste
am no seu dispositivo mvel."
"As an additional securi
ty measure, you ll need to enter the current Steam Guard code from the Steam Mob
ile Authenticator on your phone."
"Lamentamos, cdigo incorreto."
"Sorry, that isn t quite right."
"Por favor, insira um cdigo novo
do aplicativo do seu dispositivo mvel."
"Please enter a fresh co
de from your mobile app."
"Steam_GetTwoFactorCode_ResultFailure" "Falha ao contatar os servidores Steam."
"[english]Steam_GetTwoFactorCode_ResultFailure" "Failed to contact Steam servers
"Steam_GetTwoFactorCode_ResultFailureDetails" "No foi possvel contatar os servid
ores Steam neste momento. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde."
"[english]Steam_GetTwoFactorCode_ResultFailureDetails" "The Steam servers could
not be contacted at this time. Please try again later."
"Definir uma categoria para estes jogos
lhe ajudar a encontr-los rapidamente e tambm deixar a sua Biblioteca mais organizada
. Jogos categorizados sero agrupados na sua lista de jogos."
"[english]steam_client_edit_categories_multi" "
Set a category for these games to help you find them quickly and organize your L
ibrary. Categorized games will be grouped together in your games list. "
"Limpar banco de dados musical local"
"[english]Music_Settings_ResetDatabase_Title" "Reset Local Music Database"
"Tem certeza de que deseja limpar o banc

o de dados musical?"
"Are you sure you want to reset
the music database?"
"Agora no"
"Not Now"
"SteamUI_UpdateControllerFirmware_Done" "OK"
"Atualizar firmware do Controle
"Update Steam Controller
"H um novo firmware disponvel para
o seu Controle Steam. Vamos acompanh-lo pelo processo de atualizao."
"There is new firmware a
vailable for your Steam Controller. We ll run you through the update steps now.
"O novo firmware est sendo instal
ado.\nPor favor, no desconecte o controle."
"New firmware is being i
nstalled on the controller.\nPlease do not disconnect the controller."
"O firmware do seu Controle Stea
m est atualizado."
"Your Steam Controller f
irmware has been updated."
"O Steam precisa estar em modo d
e recuperao para instalar o firmware no seu controle:\n\n 1) Desconecte o cabo USB
do seu controle.\n 2) Aperte e segure o GATILHO DIREITO e conecte o controle no
vamente.\n 3) Espere alguns instantes (entre 30 a 60 segundos) para que o seu si
stema operacional possa detectar e montar o volume de atualizao do firmware do seu
controle.\n\nDepois de concluir esses passos, o controle entrar em modo de atual
izao de firmware e passaremos para o prximo passo."
"Steam needs to use reco
very mode to install firmware on your controller:\n\n 1) Unplug the USB cable co
nnecting the controller\n 2) Hold down the RIGHT TRIGGER and plug the controller
back in\n 3) Wait a while (up to 30-60 seconds) for the OS to detect and mount
the controller s firmware update volume.\n\nOnce you ve completed those steps th
e controller will reconnect in firmware update mode and we ll move on to the nex
t step."
"O firmware foi atualiza
do. Por favor, siga estes passos:\n\n 1) Desconecte o cabo USB do seu controle.\
n 2) Conecte o cabo novamente, sem tocar em nenhum boto.\n 3) Selecione OK abaixo
para concluir a instalao"
"[english]SteamUI_UpdateControllerFirmware_Fallback_Finished" "Your firmware h
as now been updated, please do the following:\n\n 1) Unplug the USB cable connec
ting the controller\n 2) Plug the USB cable back in without touching any buttons
\n 3) Choose OK below to complete this wizard"
"SteamUI_UpdateControllerFirmware_Disconnect" "O Controle Steam foi desconecta
do durante a atualizao de firmware. Voc poder continuar a atualizao assim que ele for
"[english]SteamUI_UpdateControllerFirmware_Disconnect" "The Steam Controller di
sconnected during the firmware upgrade process. You will have another opportuni
ty to upgrade the firmware when it is reconnected."
"Ver todas as screenshots"
"View all screenshots"
"Steam_Screenshots_ViewRecent" "Ver screenshots recentes de"
"[english]Steam_Screenshots_ViewRecent" "View recent screenshots from"
"Steam_Screenshots_All" "Todas as screenshots"
"All Screenshots"

"[english]Steam_Screenshots_GameName" "%game%"
"Steam_Screenshots_ImageIndex" "%ssindex%/%sscount%"
"[english]Steam_Screenshots_ImageIndex" "%ssindex%/%sscount%"
"Steam_Screenshots_ImageNext" "Prxima >"
"[english]Steam_Screenshots_ImageNext" "Next >"
"Steam_Screenshots_ImagePrev" "< Anterior"
"[english]Steam_Screenshots_ImagePrev" "< Previous"
"Isso excluir todo o contedo desse
s jogos\ndeste computador.\n\nOs jogos permanecero na sua biblioteca de jogos, ma
s\npara jog-los no futuro voc primeiro dever\nbaix-los novamente."
"This will delete all co
ntent for these games\nfrom this computer.\n\nThe games will remain in your Game
s Library, but\nto play them in the future you ll have to first\nre-download the
ir content."
"O Steam adicionou os jo
gos fila de downloads e comearo a ser baixados assim que os outros downloads na fr
ente forem concludos. Voc pode gerenciar a fila na seo Downloads do Steam."
"[english]Steam_InstallComplete_DownloadInfo_Queued_Multiple" "Steam has queue
d your games for download. It will begin the downloads when the other downloads
in front of them in the queue have completed. You can manage the queue in the St
eam Downloads view."
"steam_multiple_games" "Mltiplos jogos"
"[english]steam_multiple_games" "Multiple Games"
"Reprodutor de msica"
"Music Player"
"steam_library_section_menu_expandall" "Expandir todos"
"[english]steam_library_section_menu_expandall" "Expand All"
"Recolher todos"
"Collapse All"
"steam_library_section_menu_showicons" "Exibir cones"
"[english]steam_library_section_menu_showicons" "Show Icons"
"steam_library_section_menu_hideicons" "Ocultar cones"
"[english]steam_library_section_menu_hideicons" "Hide Icons"
"steam_subnav_explore" "Explorar"
"[english]steam_subnav_explore" "Explore"
"Sem categoria"
"[english]steam_library_filter_uncategorized" "Uncategorized"
"Atualizao da Oficina"
"Workshop Update"
"compra pendente"
"purchase pending"
"aberto em outra sesso"
"other session playing"
"download corrompido"
"corrupt download"
"Criar lista de reproduo"
"Create Playlist"
"Adicionar a lista de reproduo"
"Add to Playlist"
"steam_library_filter_hidden" "Ocultos"
"[english]steam_library_filter_hidden" "Hidden"
"steam_edittags_hide" "Ocultar esse jogo na minha biblioteca"
"[english]steam_edittags_hide" "Hide this game in my library"
"Ocultar esses jogos na minha biblioteca"
"Hide these games in my library"
"Listas de reproduo"

"Music_NoMusicOfThisPlaylist" "Nenhuma lista de reproduo encontrada"

"[english]Music_NoMusicOfThisPlaylist" "No playlists found"
"Music_Column_Playlist" "Lista de reproduo"
"Music_Album_Details_NoTracks" "Nenhuma faixa"
"[english]Music_Album_Details_NoTracks" "No tracks"
"Music_Album_Details_OneTrack" "1 faixa / %tracksduration%"
"[english]Music_Album_Details_OneTrack" "1 track / %tracksduration%"
"%trackscount% faixas / %tracksduration%
"[english]Music_Album_Details_MultipleTracks" "%trackscount% tracks / %tracksd
"Adicionar a lista de reproduo"
"Add to Playlist"
"Adicionar a lista de reprod."
"Add to Playlist"
"Nova lista de reproduo"
"New Playlist"
"Adicionar a lista de reproduo"
"Add to Playlist"
"Criar lista de reproduo"
"Create Playlist"
"Adicionar a lista de reproduo"
"Add to Playlist"
"Criar lista de reproduo"
"Create Playlist
"Adicionar a lista de reproduo"
"Add to Playlist"
"Criar lista de reproduo"
"Create Playlist"
"Biblioteca musical"
"Music Library"
"Lista de reproduo"
"[english]Music_Playlist_Defaultname" "Playlist"
"Music_Playlist_Details_Menu_PlayNext" "Reproduzir a seguir"
"[english]Music_Playlist_Details_Menu_PlayNext" "Play Next"
"Adicionar fila"
"Add to Queue"
"[english]Music_Playlist_Details_Menu_Rename" "Rename"
"Music_Playlist_Details_Menu_Duplicate" "Duplicar lista de reproduo"
"Duplicate Playlist"
"[english]Music_Playlist_Details_Menu_Delete" "Delete"
"Music_Playlist_Details_Menu_DeleteAll" "Remover todas da lista de reproduo"
"Delete All from Playlis
"Uma posio acima"
"[english]Music_Playlist_Details_Menu_MoveUp" "Up"
"Music_Playlist_Details_Menu_MoveDown" "Uma posio abaixo"
"[english]Music_Playlist_Details_Menu_MoveDown" "Down"
"Music_Playlist_Details_Menu_MoveBegin" "Ao topo"
"To Top"
"Music_Playlist_Details_Menu_MoveEnd" "Para o fim"
"[english]Music_Playlist_Details_Menu_MoveEnd" "To Bottom"

"Criar nova lista de reproduo "
"Create New Playlist "
"Adicionar a lista de reproduo"
"Add to Playlist"
"Renomear lista de reproduo"
"Rename Playlist"
"Renomear a lista de reproduo \"%playlistn
"[english]Music_Playlist_RenameDialog_Prompt" "Rename the playlist %playlistn
ame% "
"Criar nova lista de reproduo"
"Create New Playlist"
"Remover lista de reproduo"
"Delete Playlist"
"Tem certeza de que deseja remover a lis
ta de reproduo \"%playlistname%\"?"
"[english]Music_Playlist_DeleteDialog_Prompt" "Are you sure you want to delete
the playlist %playlistname% ?"
"Music_Playlist_Details_Play" "Reproduzir lista"
"[english]Music_Playlist_Details_Play" "Play List"
"Reproduzir a seguir"
"Play Next"
"Adicionar fila"
"Add to Queue"
"Music_Playlist_Details_AddRandomTrack" "Adicionar faixas aleatrias"
"Add Random Tracks"
"Remover todas as faixas da list
a de reproduo"
"[english]Music_Playlist_DeleteAllTracksDialog_Title" "Delete All Tracks from
"Music_Playlist_DeleteAllTracksDialog_Prompt" "Tem certeza de que deseja remov
er todas as faixas da lista de reproduo?"
"[english]Music_Playlist_DeleteAllTracksDialog_Prompt" "Are you sure you want t
o remove all tracks from the playlist?"
"Nenhuma faixa"
"No tracks"
"1 faixa / %playlistduration%"
"1 track / %playlistduration%"
"Music_TracksInfoLabel_MultipleTracks" "%playlisttrackcount% faixas / %playlist
"[english]Music_TracksInfoLabel_MultipleTracks" "%playlisttrackcount% tracks / %
"Music_Queue_Menu_LoadPlaylist" "Substituir fila com lista de reproduo"
"Replace Queue with Playlist"
"Substituir lista de reproduo com a fila"
"Replace Playlist with Queue"
"Music_Queue_AddPlaylist_Dialog_Title" "Adicionar lista de reproduo"
"[english]Music_Queue_AddPlaylist_Dialog_Title" "Add Playlist"
"SteamUI_UpdateControllerFirmware_WiredUpdate" "Uma atualizao de firmware est disp
onvel para o seu Controle Steam. O seu controle requer uma nica atualizao por cabo.\
nQuando estiver pronto, conecte o controle por USB e o processo de atualizao ser in
iciado automaticamente."
"[english]SteamUI_UpdateControllerFirmware_WiredUpdate" "A firmware update is av
ailable for your Steam Controller. Your controller requires a one-time wired up
date.\nWhen you are ready, connect the controller via USB and the update process
will start automatically."
"Atualizao de firmware do
"[english]SteamUI_UpdateControllerFirmware_WiredUpdate_Title" "Controller Firm
ware Update"

"SteamUI_UpdateControllerFirmware_HardFailure" "Aviso: Um dos seus Controles St

eam foi desativado e no ser reconfigurado ou programado para jogos porque o seu fi
rmware est desatualizado e no foi possvel obter informaes de firmware atualizadas."
"[english]SteamUI_UpdateControllerFirmware_HardFailure" "Warning: One of your St
eam controllers has been disabled and will not be reconfigured or programmed for
games because its firmware is out of date and Steam was unable to fetch updated
firmware information."
"Criada em: %imagetime%, Tamanho: %image
width%x%imageheight%, %imagesize%"
"Created : %imagetime%, Size: %i
magewidth%x%imageheight%, %imagesize%"
"Steam_Screenshots_UploadImage" "Enviar"
"Steam_Screenshots_DeleteImage" "Excluir"
"Steam_Screenshots_ShowOnDisk" "Exibir em disco"
"[english]Steam_Screenshots_ShowOnDisk" "Show on Disk"
"Steam_Screenshots_ShowOnline" "Exibir online"
"[english]Steam_Screenshots_ShowOnline" "Show Online"
"Steam_Screenshots_IsSpoiler" "Adicionar marcador de spoiler"
"[english]Steam_Screenshots_IsSpoiler" "Add Spoiler Tag"
"Steam_Screenshots_FriendsOnly" "S amigos"
"Friends Only"
"Pblica e Facebook"
"[english]Steam_Screenshots_Facebook" "Public & Facebook"
"Steam_Screenshots_VisibleTo" "Visibilidade:"
"[english]Steam_Screenshots_VisibleTo" "Visible to:"
"Steam_Screenshots_ViewOnline" "Ver online"
"[english]Steam_Screenshots_ViewOnline" "View Online"
"Steam_Screenshots_UploadQuota" "Tamanho do envio %imagesize%, espao restante %st
"Upload size %imagesize%, remain
ing storage %storagesize%"
"Erro ao iniciar SteamVR"
"Error Starting SteamVR"
"VR_Error_VRSkipParam" "O SteamVR no foi iniciado devido ao parmetro de inicializ
ao -vrskip. Deseja inici-lo mesmo assim?"
"[english]VR_Error_VRSkipParam" "SteamVR not started because of the -vrskip comm
and line parameter. Would you like to start it anyway?"
"O SteamVR no est disponvel porque a ferram
enta SteamVR no est instalada. Deseja instal-la?"
"SteamVR is not available becaus
e the SteamVR tool is not installed. Would you like to install it?"
"O SteamVR no est disponvel enquanto a ferramenta S
teamVR estiver sendo atualizada, desinstalada, validada, etc."
"SteamVR is not available while the Stea
mVR tool is being updated, uninstalled, validated, etc."
"O SteamVR est desativado porque travou da ltima v
ez que foi executado. Deseja tentar novamente?"
"SteamVR is disabled because it crashed
the last time it ran. Would you like to try again?"
"VR_Error_HmdNotFound" "O SteamVR no est disponvel porque um headset compatvel no fo
i detectado."
"[english]VR_Error_HmdNotFound" "SteamVR is not available because a supported he

adset was not detected."

"VR_Error_UnknownError" "O SteamVR falhou em inicializar devido a um motivo desc
onhecido. (Erro: %error%)"
"SteamVR failed to initialized for unkno
wn reasons. (Error: %error%)"
"VR_Error_Query_Cancel" "Cancelar"
"[english]VR_Error_Query_Yes" "Yes"
"Ignorar -vrskip"
"Ignore -vrskip"
"VR_Error_Query_InstallSteamVR" "Instalar SteamVR"
"Install SteamVR"
"Esqueci o meu cdigo"
"I Forgot My PIN"
"Nenhum e-mail de recuperao associado"
"No Recovery Email Set"
"Steam_Parental_NoRecoveryEmail_Instructions" "No h um endereo de e-mail de recup
erao associado sua conta. Para atualiz-lo, saia do modo famlia e refaa a configura
"[english]Steam_Parental_NoRecoveryEmail_Instructions" "No recovery email addre
ss is set for your account. To update your recovery email address, please exit F
amily View and rerun Family View setup."
"Repetir uma vez"
"Repeat Once "
"Adicionar msicas dos meus jogos"
"Scan Steam Folders for
"Parece que h um headset da Oculu
s conectado, mas a conexo ao Oculus Runtime falhou. Ele est instalado e aberto?"
"There appears to be an
Oculus headset attached but connecting to the Oculus Runtime failed. Is it insta
lled and running?"
"Baixe o Oculus Runtime aqui"
"Download the Oculus Runtime her
"steam_subnav_curators" "Curadores"
"Novas mquinas"
"New machines"
"SteamUI_ManageSecurity_UnlockWarning" "Observao: Os recursos de troca e Mercado
da Comunidade Steam estaro indisponveis enquanto o Steam Guard estiver desativado
e at 15 dias aps a sua reativao."
"[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_UnlockWarning" "Note: Steam Trading and the Ste
am Community Market will be unavailable while Steam Guard is disabled and will c
ontinue to be unavailable for 15 days after reenabling Steam Guard."
"O seu cdigo de produto foi ativa
do com sucesso. O contedo ficar disponvel assim que o jogo lanar no Steam. Este cont
edo agora est permanentemente associado sua conta Steam. Voc deve iniciar a sesso co
m esta conta para ter acesso aos itens que voc acabou de ativar no Steam."
"Your product activation
code has successfully been activated. This content will become available to you
once the game has been released on Steam. This content is now permanently assoc
iated with your Steam account. You must login to this account to have access to
the items you ve just activated on Steam."
"Ativar teclas multimdia"
"Enable Media Keys"
"Criar lista de reproduo"
"Create New Play
list "

"Music_Playlist_Details_Menu_AddMusic_Tooltip" "Adicionar msicas "

"[english]Music_Playlist_Details_Menu_AddMusic_Tooltip" "Add Music "
"Steam_ChangeCred_EnterTwoFactorCode" "Insira o cdigo do seu autenticador mvel d
o Steam Guard"
"[english]Steam_ChangeCred_EnterTwoFactorCode" "Enter the code from your Steam
Guard Mobile Authenticator"
"Falha ao alterar endereo de e-ma
il de contato.\nPor favor, verifique se inseriu o cdigo do autenticador mvel do St
eam Guard corretamente."
"Failed to change contac
t email.\nPlease check that you have entered the Steam Guard Mobile Authenticato
r code correctly."
"steam_voice_version_mismatch" "O cliente do outro lado da linha est desatualiza
do encerrando chamada."
"[english]steam_voice_version_mismatch" "Client on remote end is out of date - h
anging up."
"steam_voice_remote_no_answer" "A chamada no foi atendida encerrando chamada."
"[english]steam_voice_remote_no_answer" "Remote end did not answer call - hangin
g up."
"Antes de podermos recuperar o a
utenticador da sua conta, precisamos confirmar a sua identidade. Por favor, insi
ra o seu nome de usurio e senha."
"Before we can recover y
our account s authenticator, we first need to verify your identity. Please enter
your password below."
"Nome de usurio"
"Account name"
"Steam_RecoverAuthenticator_Password" "Senha"
"[english]Steam_RecoverAuthenticator_Password" "Password"
"Uma mensagem de e-mail contendo
um cdigo de verificao (que comea com D seguido de alguns dgitos) foi enviada para o
seu endereo de e-mail. Por favor, insira as informaes solicitadas abaixo."
"An email message contai
ning a verification code has been sent to your email address. This code starts w
ith a D and is followed by some digits. Please enter the code below."
"Por favor, insira o cdig
o contido no e-mail que acabou de receber."
"Please enter th
e code from the email that you just received."
"Steam_RecoverAuthenticator_VerificationCode" "Cdigo do e-mail"
"[english]Steam_RecoverAuthenticator_VerificationCode" "Email code"
"Por favor, insira o cdig
o que pedimos para voc anotar quando cadastrou o seu autenticador. Ele comea com R
seguido de alguns dgitos."
"Please enter th
e code you were asked to write down when you signed up for your authenticator. T
his starts with an R and is followed by some digits."
"Cdigo do cadastro"
"Code from signup"
"Os cdigos ou a senha estavam incorretos.
Por favor, verifique-os e tente novamente."
"[english]Steam_RecoverAuthenticator_BadCode" "The code or password were not c
orrect. Please check them and try again."
"Steam_RecoverAuthenticator_SupportURL" ""
"O autenticador do Steam Guard foi remov
ido da sua conta.\n\nVoc j pode iniciar a sesso com a sua conta."
"The Steam Guard authenticator h
as been removed from your account.\n\nYou should be able to log in to your accou
nt now."

"Perdi o meu autenticador do Ste
am Guard."
"[english]SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordLostAuthenticator" "I lost my Steam Guard a
"Repetir uma vez "
"Repeat Once "
"Enviando screenshot para a Comunidade S
"Uploading screenshot to Steam c
"Para permitir o compart
ilhamento de jogos, o dono da mesma deve iniciar a sesso nesta mquina e ativar o c
ompartilhamento de biblioteca aqui."
"In order to all
ow game sharing, the owner must login to this machine and enable Family Library
Sharing here."
"Autorizar dispositivo"
"Authorize Device"
"Por favor, insira o cdigo de aut
orizao para permitir que %devicename% conecte-se e jogue."
"Please enter the author
ization code to allow %devicename% to connect and play games."
"Programado para %delayeduntil%"
"Scheduled For %delayeduntil%"
"O Steam programar a atualizao para ser rea
lizada automaticamente no horrio exibido"
"Steam will automatically queue
the update at the time shown"
"Steam_TurnNotifications_LaunchSession" "Abrir sesso"
"Launch session"
"Steam_TurnNotifications_TakeYourTurn" "Jogar o seu turno"
"[english]Steam_TurnNotifications_TakeYourTurn" "Take your turn"
"Ver partida"
"View game"
"Erro do Steam"
"Steam Error"
"O Windows est executando o Steam em modo
de compatibilidade, o qual pode causar problemas com alguns recursos e jogos St
eam. Por favor, siga as instrues abaixo para remover o modo de compatibilidade."
"Windows is currently running St
eam in Windows Compatibility Mode which can cause issues with some Steam feature
s and running games. Please follow the instructions below to remove compatibilit
y mode."
"No exibir novamente"
"[english]Steam_WindowsCompat_DoNotShowAgain" "Do not show again"
"Steam_WindowsCompat_SupportLinkDesc" "Como desativo o modo de compatibilidade
"[english]Steam_WindowsCompat_SupportLinkDesc" "How do I disable Compatibility
"Fechar o Steam"
"Close Steam"
"Steam_WindowsCompat_Continue" "Continuar"
"[english]Steam_WindowsCompat_Continue" "Continue"
"O Steam est sendo executado no modo de c

ompatibilidade do Windows, o qual pode impedir o modo Big Picture de ser iniciad
o j que o Steam pode achar que est rodando no Windows XP ou mais antigo."
"Steam is currently running in W
indows compatibility mode. This may prevent Big Picture from launching as Steam
may be told that you are running Windows XP or below."
"O computador remoto est atualmente usand
o a Transmisso Steam, no sendo assim possvel iniciar uma sesso de transmisso domstica
"The remote computer is currentl
y using Steam Broadcasting so it cannot start an In-Home Streaming session."
"Assistir... "
"Watch... "
"Steam_UseH264HWAccel_Option" "Ativar decodificao de vdeo por hardware, caso disp
onvel (requer que o Steam seja reiniciado)"
"[english]Steam_UseH264HWAccel_Option" "Enable hardware video decoding, if supp
orted (requires Steam to restart)"
"steam_library_videos" "Vdeos"
"[english]steam_library_videos" "Videos"
"No instalado"
"Not installed"
"Steam_Game_DLC_PurchaseTime" "Adquirido em"
"[english]Steam_Game_DLC_PurchaseTime" "Acquired"
"Adicionado em %purchasedate%"
"Added %purchasedate%"
"steam_game_dlc_Purchased_on" "Adicionado em %purchasedate%"
"[english]steam_game_dlc_Purchased_on" "Added %purchasedate%"
"steam_purchased_space" "Novo "
"New "
"steam_details_lastpurchased" "Data da compra"
"[english]steam_details_lastpurchased" "Game purchased"
"Data da compra"
"Application purchased"
"steam_details_addedtoaccount" "Adicionado conta em"
"[english]steam_details_addedtoaccount" "Added to account"
"Contedo adicional"
"Gerenciar contedo adicional"
"Manage DLC"
"steam_finddlcinstore" "Ver mais contedos adicionais na loja"
"[english]steam_finddlcinstore" "Find More DLC In Store"
"DLC %latestadded%"
"Por favor, insira o cdig
o atual do seu autenticador do Steam Guard pelo aplicativo mvel do Steam em seu t
"Please enter th
e current Steam Guard authenticator code from the Steam mobile app on your phone
"Steam_ForgottenPassword_EnterAuthCode" "Cdigo do Steam Guard"
"Steam Guard code"
"Cdigo SMS"
"SMS code"
"Steam_ForgottenPassword_EnterSmsDescription" "Enviamos um cdigo SMS ao seu tel
efone. Por favor, insira-o abaixo."

"[english]Steam_ForgottenPassword_EnterSmsDescription" "We ve sent an SMS code

to your phone. Please enter that code below."
"Steam_ForgottenPassword_EmailCodeDescription" "Uma mensagem de e-mail contendo
um cdigo de verificao foi enviada para o seu endereo de e-mail.\n\nPor favor, insir
a o cdigo abaixo para prosseguirmos."
"[english]Steam_ForgottenPassword_EmailCodeDescription" "An email containing a v
erification code has just been sent to your account s email address.\n\nPlease e
nter that code below so that we can proceed."
"Cdigo do e-mail"
"Email code"
"Steam_ForgottenPassword_EmailCode_Incorrect" "O cdigo do e-mail inserido est in
"[english]Steam_ForgottenPassword_EmailCode_Incorrect" "The email code you ente
red was incorrect."
"Steam_ChangePasswordFailedTwoFactorMismatch" "Falha ao alterar a senha.\nPor
favor, verifique se voc inseriu o cdigo do autenticador do Steam Guard corretament
"[english]Steam_ChangePasswordFailedTwoFactorMismatch" "Failed to change passwo
rd.\nPlease check that you have entered your Steam Guard authenticator code corr
"Steam_ChangePasswordFailedSmsFailed" "Falha ao alterar a senha.\nPor favor, v
erifique se voc inseriu o cdigo SMS corretamente."
"[english]Steam_ChangePasswordFailedSmsFailed" "Failed to change password.\nPle
ase check that you have entered the SMS code correctly."
"Recuperar autenticador do Steam"
"Recover Steam Authenticator"
"SteamUI_RecoverAuthenticatorEmailOrSmsChoice" "Para remover o autenticador do
Steam Guard do seu telefone, precisaremos ou de um cdigo SMS ou do cdigo que voc an
otou ao adicionar o autenticador sua conta (ele comea com \"R\" seguido de alguns
"[english]SteamUI_RecoverAuthenticatorEmailOrSmsChoice" "To remove the Steam Gua
rd authenticator from your phone we will need either an SMS code, or the code th
at you wrote down when you added the authenticator to your account (it starts wi
th an R and is followed by some digits)."
"SteamUI_RecoverAuthenticatorUseEmail" "Envie um cdigo por e-mail"
"[english]SteamUI_RecoverAuthenticatorUseEmail" "Send me an email code"
"Envie um cdigo por SMS ao meu telefone"
"[english]SteamUI_RecoverAuthenticatorUseSms" "Send an SMS code to my phone"
"Enviamos um cdigo por SM
S ao n de telefone registrado na sua conta. Por favor, insira-o abaixo."
"We ve sent an S
MS to the phone number registered for your account. Please enter the SMS number
"A senha estava incorreta. Por f
avor, verifique-a e tente novamente."
"The password was not co
rrect. Please check it and try again."
"Steam_RecoverAuthenticator_BadCodes" "Os cdigos ou a senha estavam incorretos.
Por favor, verifique-os e tente novamente."
"[english]Steam_RecoverAuthenticator_BadCodes" "The codes or password were not
correct. Please check them and try again."
"SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordResetType2" "O que precisa recuperar? Voc pode redefi
nir a sua senha aqui ou, caso tenha perdido o acesso ao aplicativo autenticador
do Steam Guard, voc pode remov-lo da sua conta."
"[english]SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordResetType2" "What do you need to recover? Yo
u can reset your password here, or if you have lost access to your Steam Guard a
uthenticator app, you can remove it from your account."
"Eu esqueci a minha senha."
"I forgot my password."
"Data da compra"

"Game purchased"
"Data da compra"
"Application pur
"Data da compra"
"Video purchased"
"Informaes do jogo"
"[english]steam_welcome$apptype=game" "Game Info"
"Informaes do aplicativo"
"Application Info"
"steam_welcome$apptype=video" "Informaes do vdeo"
"[english]steam_welcome$apptype=video" "Video Info"
"Para iniciar %gamename%, clique
no boto Jogar acima."
"To launch %gamename%, c
lick the Play button above."
"Para iniciar %gamename%
, clique no boto Iniciar acima."
"To launch %game
name%, click the Play button above."
"Para assistir a %gamename%, cli
que no boto Assistir acima."
"To watch %gamename%, cl
ick the watch button above."
"steam_welcomemessage_nofriends$apptype=game" "Para encontrar outros que jogam
%gamename%, entre <a href=steam://url/CommunityGroupSearch/%encodedsearch%>em u
m grupo relacionado na Comunidade Steam</a>. Para ver que jogos os seus amigos e
sto jogando, <a href=steam://friends/add/>adicione um amigo</a> sua lista de amig
os do Steam."
"[english]steam_welcomemessage_nofriends$apptype=game" "To find others who play
%gamename%, join <a href=steam://url/CommunityGroupSearch/%encodedsearch%>a rel
ated Steam Community group</a>. To see what games your friends are playing, <a h
ref=steam://friends/add/>Add a Friend</a> to your Steam Friends list."
"Para encontrar outros q
ue usam %gamename%, entre <a href=steam://url/CommunityGroupSearch/%encodedsearc
h%>em um grupo relacionado na Comunidade Steam</a>. Para ver que aplicativos os
seus amigos esto usando, <a href=steam://friends/add/>adicione um amigo</a> sua l
ista de amigos do Steam."
"[english]steam_welcomemessage_nofriends$apptype=application" "To find others
who use %gamename%, join <a href=steam://url/CommunityGroupSearch/%encodedsearch
%>a related Steam Community group</a>. To see what applications your friends are
using, <a href=steam://friends/add/>Add a Friend</a> to your Steam Friends list
"steam_welcomemessage_nofriends$apptype=video" "Para encontrar outros que assis
tem a %gamename%, entre <a href=steam://url/CommunityGroupSearch/%encodedsearch%
>em um grupo relacionado na Comunidade Steam</a>. Para ver a que vdeos os seus am
igos esto assistindo, <a href=steam://friends/add/>adicione um amigo</a> sua list
a de amigos do Steam."
"[english]steam_welcomemessage_nofriends$apptype=video" "To find others who watc
h %gamename%, join <a href=steam://url/CommunityGroupSearch/%encodedsearch%>a re
lated Steam Community group</a>. To see what videos your friends are watching, <
a href=steam://friends/add/>Add a Friend</a> to your Steam Friends list."
"Caso precise de suporte tcnico p
ara este jogo, acesse o <a href=http://storefront.steampowered.com/v/forums.php?
AppId=%appid%>Frum Steam de %gamename%</a> ou consulte o <a href=http://support.s
teampowered.com/>Suporte Steam</a>."
"If you need technical s
upport with this game, check out the <a href=http://storefront.steampowered.com/
v/forums.php?AppId=%appid%>%gamename% Steam Forums</a> or visit <a href=http://s
upport.steampowered.com/>Steam Support</a>."

"steam_welcomemessage_help$apptype=application" "Caso precise de suporte tcnico p

ara este aplicativo, acesse o <a href=http://storefront.steampowered.com/v/forum
s.php?AppId=%appid%>Frum Steam de %gamename%</a> ou consulte o <a href=http://sup
port.steampowered.com/>Suporte Steam</a>."
"If you need tec
hnical support with this application, check out the <a href=http://storefront.st
eampowered.com/v/forums.php?AppId=%appid%>%gamename% Steam Forums</a> or visit <
a href=http://support.steampowered.com/>Steam Support</a>."
"Caso precise de suporte tcnico p
ara este vdeo, acesse o <a href=http://storefront.steampowered.com/v/forums.php?A
ppId=%appid%>Frum Steam de %gamename%</a> ou consulte o <a href=http://support.st
eampowered.com/>Suporte Steam</a>."
"If you need technical s
upport with this video, check out the <a href=http://storefront.steampowered.com
/v/forums.php?AppId=%appid%>%gamename% Steam Forums</a> or visit <a href=http://
support.steampowered.com/>Steam Support</a>."
"Steam Reprodutor de vdeo"
"Steam - Video Player"
"Houve um erro ao iniciar o reprodutor d
e vdeo do Steam"
"There was an error launching th
e Steam Video Player"
"Informaes do atalho"
"Shortcut Info"
"steam_welcomeaction_launch$apptype=shortcut" "Para iniciar %gamename%, clique
no boto Jogar acima."
"[english]steam_welcomeaction_launch$apptype=shortcut" "To launch %gamename%, c
lick the Play button above."
"steam_downloads_pausedreason" "Pausado"
"[english]steam_downloads_pausedreason" "Paused "
"Steam_Wallet_PendingBalance" "%amount% (%amount_delayed% pendente)"
"[english]Steam_Wallet_PendingBalance" "%amount% (%amount_delayed% pending)"
"Uso de disco"
"Disk Usage"
"[english]steam_downloads_legenddisk" "Disk"
"Pronto para assistir"
"Ready to watch"
"Assistiu por"
"You ve watched"
"steam_details_lastplayedheader_video" "ltima vez"
"[english]steam_details_lastplayedheader_video" "Last watched"
"Endereo IP: %1"
"IP Address: %1"
"Endereo MAC Ethernet: %1"
"Ethernet MAC Address: %1"
"Endereo MAC sem fio: %1"
"Wireless MAC Address: %1"
"tooltip_view_vr_start" "Iniciar SteamVR "
"Start SteamVR "
"tooltip_view_vr_exit" "Sair do SteamVR "
"[english]tooltip_view_vr_exit" "Exit SteamVR "
"Sair do SteamVR (BETA)"
"Exit SteamVR (BETA)"
"Steam_LaunchOption_SafeMode" "Iniciar %game% no modo de segurana"
"[english]Steam_LaunchOption_SafeMode" "Launch %game% in Safe Mode"
"Steam_LaunchOption_VR" "Iniciar %game% no modo SteamVR"
"Launch %game% in Steam VR Mode"

"Iniciar servidor dedicado"
"Launch Dedicated Server"
"Iniciar editor do jogo"
"Launch Game Editor"
"Iniciar ferramenta de configurao"
"Launch Configuration Tool"
"Exibir manual"
"Show Manual"
"Steam_LaunchOption_Benchmark" "Iniciar ferramenta de benchmark"
"[english]Steam_LaunchOption_Benchmark" "Launch Benchmark Tool"
"No possvel adicionar uma nova pas
ta de biblioteca do Steam durante o download"
"New Steam library folde
r can t be added while downloading"
"Notification_StreamingTitle" "Transmisso domstica"
"[english]Notification_StreamingTitle" "In-Home Streaming"
"Notification_StreamingStarted" "Transmisso iniciada de %hostname% a %machine%"
"Started streaming from %hostnam
e% to %machine%"
"Notification_StreamingStopped" "Transmisso a %machine% interrompida"
"Stopped streaming to %machine%"
"VR_Notice_PathChanged_Title" "Diretrio de execuo do OpenVR alterado"
"[english]VR_Notice_PathChanged_Title" "OpenVR Runtime Path Changed"
"VR_Notice_PathChanged_Message" "O diretrio de instalao do SteamVR foi alterado por
que o diretrio anterior era invlido."
"Path changed to the install pat
h of SteamVR because the old path was invalid."
"Steam_InstallComplete_DownloadInfo_Auto_Run" "O Steam terminou de baixar %gam
e% e o iniciar automaticamente."
"[english]Steam_InstallComplete_DownloadInfo_Auto_Run" "Steam has finished down
loading %game% and will start it automatically."
"No h um n de telefone associado a esta conta."
"You do not have a phone number associat
ed with this account."
"steam_phoneaddress_query_info" "Um n de telefone pode ser usado para verificar a
titularidade desta conta, caso perca acesso ao seu endereo de e-mail ou esquea a
sua senha."
"A phone number can be used to v
erify your ownership of this account, in the case you lose access to your email
address or password."
"steam_phoneaddress_query_yes" "Adicionar n de telefone"
"[english]steam_phoneaddress_query_yes" "Add Phone Number"
"steam_phoneaddress_query_no" "Agora no"
"[english]steam_phoneaddress_query_no" "Not Now"
"[english]Steam_GamesSection_SteamVR" "VR"
"steam_library_steamvr" "RV"
"Para concluir a
conexo inicial, insira este cdigo em %1"
"To comp
lete first time connection, enter this PIN on %1"
"Steam_MacOSX106Warning_Info" "O suporte ao Steam no Mac OS X 10.6 acaba em no
vembro de 2015. Para continuar usando o Steam neste computador, voc deve atualiza
r para o OS X/macOS verso 10.7 ou posterior."
"[english]Steam_MacOSX106Warning_Info" "Support for Steam on Mac OS X 10.6 ends
in November, 2015
In order to continue running Steam on this computer, you must
upgrade to Mac OS X version 10.7 or higher."

"Por favor, acesse este artigo no Suport
e Steam para mais informaes."
"Please visit this Steam support
article for more information."
"O Steam poder confirmar esta alterao com uma mensagem de t
exto enviada por SMS ao seu n de telefone."
"Steam may confirm this change with an SMS text
message to your phone number."
"Uma mensagem de texto foi enviada por S
MS ao n de telefone associado sua conta. Ser necessrio informar o cdigo de alterao
e-mail contido na mensagem."
"An SMS text message was sent to
the phone number associated with your account. You will need to enter the email
change code you received from that message."
"Para segurana adicional, enviamos uma me
nsagem de texto por SMS ao telefone associado sua conta. Por favor, informe o cdi
go aqui:"
"For extra security, we have sen
t an SMS text message to phone associated with your account. Please enter the co
de here:"
"Iniciar %game% no modo multijogador"
"Launch %game% in Multiplayer Mo
"Controle Steam"
"Steam Controller"
"Steam_VGUIControllerWarning" "Por favor, inicie o Steam no modo Big Picture p
ara aproveitar ao mximo o seu controle."
"[english]Steam_VGUIControllerWarning" "Please run Steam in Big Picture mode to
make full use of your controller."
"Usando um Controle Steam?"
"Using a Steam Controller?"
"steam_accountsettings_title" "Configuraes da conta"
"[english]steam_accountsettings_title" "Account Settings"
"Na fila"
"In Queue"
"steam_downloads_uninstalling" "Desinstalando"
"[english]steam_downloads_uninstalling" "Uninstalling"
"Steam_ThrottleDownloadsWhileStreaming" "Reduzir velocidade de downloads durante
"Throttle downloads whil
e streaming"
"Steam_ThrottleDownloadsWhileStreamingDetails" "Ative para que o Steam limite a
velocidade de download para manter uma experincia de transmisso domstica de alta q
"[english]Steam_ThrottleDownloadsWhileStreamingDetails" "If this is checked, Ste
am will limit download speed to maintain a high quality In-Home Streaming experi
"Falha ao iniciar %game% em real
idade virtual. (Erro: %error%)"
"Failed to start %game%
in VR. (Error: %error%)"
"Esperando o encerramento de %qu
"Waiting for %quitting_g
ame% to exit..."
"SteamUI_LicenseExpired_Title" "Licena expirada"
"[english]SteamUI_LicenseExpired_Title" "License Expired"
"SteamUI_LicenseExpired_Body" "A sua licena de %game% expirou."

"[english]SteamUI_LicenseExpired_Body" "Your license for %game% has expired."

"[english]SteamUI_AppTypeApplication" "application"
"SteamUI_AppTypeApplicationInitialCaps" "Aplicativo"
"SteamUI_AppTypeApplicationInitialCapsPlural" "Aplicativos"
"[english]SteamUI_AppTypeApplicationInitialCapsPlural" "Applications"
"SteamUI_AppTypeDemo" "demonstrao"
"[english]SteamUI_AppTypeDemo" "demo"
"SteamUI_AppTypeDemoInitialCapsPlural" "Demonstraes"
"[english]SteamUI_AppTypeDemoInitialCapsPlural" "Demos"
"contedo adicional"
"[english]SteamUI_AppTypeDlc" "dlc"
"SteamUI_AppTypeDlcInitialCaps" "Contedo adicional"
"contedos adicionais"
"SteamUI_AppTypeDlcInitialCapsPlural" "Contedos adicionais"
"[english]SteamUI_AppTypeDlcInitialCapsPlural" "DLC"
"SteamUI_AppTypeGuide" "guia"
"[english]SteamUI_AppTypeGuide" "guide"
"[english]SteamUI_AppTypeGuidePlural" "guides"
"SteamUI_AppTypeGuideInitialCapsPlural" "Guias"
"SteamUI_AppTypeDriver" "driver"
"SteamUI_AppTypeDriverPlural" "drivers"
"[english]SteamUI_AppTypeDriverPlural" "drivers"
"SteamUI_AppTypeConfig" "configurao"
"SteamUI_AppTypeConfigPlural" "configuraes"
"[english]SteamUI_AppTypeConfigPlural" "configs"
"[english]SteamUI_AppTypeHardwareInitialCaps" "Hardware"
"SteamUI_AppTypeHardwarePlural" "hardware"
"SteamUI_AppTypeVideo" "vdeo"
"[english]SteamUI_AppTypeVideo" "video"

"[english]SteamUI_AppTypeVideoPlural" "videos"
"SteamUI_AppTypeVideoInitialCapsPlural" "Vdeos"
"[english]SteamUI_AppTypeShortcutInitialCaps" "Shortcut"
"SteamUI_AppTypeShortcutPlural" "atalhos"
"depot only"
"depot only"
"SteamUI_AppTypeDepotonlyInitialCaps" "Depot only"
"[english]SteamUI_AppTypeDepotonlyInitialCaps" "Depot only"
"depot only"
"depot only"
"Depot only"
"Depot only"
"SteamUI_AppTypePlugin" "plugin"
"SteamUI_AppTypePluginPlural" "plugins"
"[english]SteamUI_AppTypePluginPlural" "plugins"
"SteamUI_AppTypeMusic" "msica"
"[english]SteamUI_AppTypeMusic" "music"
"[english]SteamUI_AppTypeMusicPlural" "music"
"SteamUI_AppTypeMusicInitialCapsPlural" "Msicas"
"Steam_WindowsCompat_Webhelper" "O Windows est rodando o navegador web do Steam n
o modo de compatibilidade, o que pode impedir a exibio correta de contedo da web. \
n\nO Steam consertar o problema e reiniciar. \n\nCaso esta mensagem continue a ser
exibida, siga as instrues abaixo para desativar o modo de compatibilidade."
"Windows is currently running th
e Steam Web Browser in Windows Compatibility Mode. This may prevent Steam from c
orrectly displaying Web content. \n\nSteam will repair the problem and restart.
\n\nIf you continue to see this message, please follow the instructions below t
o remove compatibility mode."
"Reinicie o Steam"
"Restart Steam"
"SteamUI_ContentMgr_MakeDefaultFolder" "Tornar padro"
"[english]SteamUI_ContentMgr_MakeDefaultFolder" "Make Default Folder"
rompts_on_the_remote_computer" "A transmisso exige a instalao de drivers adicionai
s.\nPor favor, siga as instrues do Steam no computador remoto."
e_Steam_prompts_on_the_remote_computer" "Streaming requires additional driver in
stallation.\nPlease follow the Steam prompts on the remote computer."

"Steam offline, enviando
solicitao de despertar (Wake On LAN) a %1"
"Steam offline,
sending Wake On LAN request to %1"
"SteamUI_StreamLaunch_InstallDrivers" "A transmisso exige a instalao de drivers a
dicionais.\nPor favor, siga as instrues do Steam no computador remoto."
"[english]SteamUI_StreamLaunch_InstallDrivers" "Streaming requires additional d
river installation.\n\nPlease follow the Steam prompts on the remote computer."
"Steam_InstallAudioCaptureDriver_Title" "Atualizao do driver de udio"
"Audio Driver Update"
"Steam_InstallAudioCaptureDriver_Text" "O Steam precisa atualizar o driver de ud
io, que pode exigir a reinicializao do sistema.\n\nClique em \"Instalar\" para con
"[english]Steam_InstallAudioCaptureDriver_Text" "Steam needs to update its audio
driver, which may require a system reboot.\n\nClick \"Install\" to continue."
"Steam_InstallGamepadInputDriver_Title" "Atualizao do driver de controle"
"Gamepad Driver Update"
"Steam_InstallGamepadInputDriver_Text" "O Steam precisa atualizar o driver de c
ontrole, que pode exigir a reinicializao do sistema.\n\nClique em \"Instalar\" par
a continuar."
"[english]Steam_InstallGamepadInputDriver_Text" "Steam needs to update its gamep
ad driver, which may require a system reboot.\n\nClick \"Install\" to continue."
"O navegador do Steam est desativado."
"The Steam Browser is disabled."
"Acesse este artigo do suporte para mais informaes
"See this Support Article for more Infor
"Steam_Browser_Disabled_KB_URL" "https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php
"Voc precisa ler e aceitar o Acordo de Assinatura
do Steam.\n<a href=\"%url%\">Clique aqui</a> para abrir o acordo no seu navegad
or. Volte a esta janela para continuar."
"You must read and agree to the Steam Su
bscriber Agreement.\n<a href=\"%url%\">Click Here</a> to open the agreement in y
our browser. Return to this window to continue."
"A sua conta foi trancada, seja pelo tit
ular ou pelo Suporte Steam. No possvel ativar produtos nesta conta at que o problem
a seja resolvido."
"Your account is currently selflocked or has been locked by Steam Support. You cannot activate any new product
s on this account until the issue is resolved."
"Exibir alertas ativos do Suport
e Steam"
"[english]SteamUI_ActivateProduct_ViewSupportMessage" "View active alerts from
Steam Support"
"Iniciar %game% em modo Oculus VR"
"[english]Steam_LaunchOption_othervr" "Launch %game% in Oculus VR Mode"
"Iniciar %game% como painel do SteamVR"
"Launch %game% as Steam VR Overl
"Novo firmware disponvel
para o controle"
"New Controller
Firmware Available"
"H um novo firmware disponvel para
o seu Controle Steam. Por favor, acesse o modo Big Picture para iniciar o proce
sso de atualizao."

"There is new firmware f
or your Steam Controller. Please switch to Big Picture mode to begin the update
"Remigrao de controles exigida"
"Controller Re-Migration
"Corrigimos um problema no processo de m
igrao de controles relacionado a jogos no Steam. Por favor, acesse o modo Big Pictu
re para remigrar as suas configuraes do controle."
"We ve fixed an issue in the con
troller migration process related to non-Steam games. Please switch to Big Pictu
re mode to re-migrate your controller configurations."
"Steam_Settings_Streaming_AudioChannelSelect" "Disposio dos alto-falantes"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_AudioChannelSelect" "Speaker configuration"
"Detectar automaticamente"
"Auto Detect"
"Detectar auto. (%channe
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_AudioChannelAuto_Channels" "Auto Detect (%c
"Quadrifnico (2 frontais, 2 trase
"Quadraphonic (2 front,
2 rear)"
"Surround 5.1"
"5.1 Surround"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_AudioChannel_Min2" "Stereo"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_AudioChannel_Min4" "Quadraphonic"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_AudioChannel_Min6" "5.1"
"Caso no tenha solicitado tal inicializao o
u no saiba o que so as opes acima, selecione \"Cancelar\"."
"If you did not request this lau
nch or do not understand these options, select Cancel."
"Informaes de aluguel"
"[english]Steam_Rental_Title" "Rental Information"
"Voc tem at %expiration% para comear a assi
stir %gamename%. Ao comear a assistir, voc ter 48 horas para assistir quantas vezes
"You have until %expiration% to
begin watching %gamename%. Once you begin, you will have 48 hours to complete wa
tching it."
"Steam_Rental_Body_Activated" "O perodo de aluguel para assistir a %gamename% f
oi ativado. Voc poder assistir quantas vezes quiser at %expiration%."
"[english]Steam_Rental_Body_Activated" "The rental viewing period for %gamename
% has been activated. You now have until %expiration% to complete watching it."
"Editar configurao do Controle Steam..."
"[english]steam_configurecontroller_menuitem" "Edit Steam Controller Configura
"Steam_VGUIVRHMDWarning_Title" "SteamVR"
"[english]Steam_VGUIVRHMDWarning_Title" "SteamVR"
"Instale o SteamVR para usufruir do headset ao mx
imo com o Steam e use este boto sempre que quiser iniciar ou sair do modo RV no S

"Install SteamVR to make full use of you
r headset with Steam, then use this same button each time you d like to launch o
r exit VR using Steam."
"Steam_VGUIVRHMDWarningHeader" "Usando um headset de RV?"
"[english]Steam_VGUIVRHMDWarningHeader" "Using a VR Headset?"
"Instalar SteamVR"
"Install SteamVR"
"steam_NonSteam_OpenVR" "Aplicativo OpenVR"
"OpenVR Application"
"steam_NonSteamMessage_OpenVR" "Algumas informaes detalhadas sobre %gamename% esto
indisponveis por ser um aplicativo OpenVR no Steam. O Steam ainda assim gerenciar
a inicializao do jogo para voc."
"[english]steam_NonSteamMessage_OpenVR" "Some detailed information on %gamename%
is unavailable because it is a non-Steam OpenVR application. Steam will still
manage launching the application for you."
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VRHeadset" "Headset de RV: %s1 encontrado(s)"
"VR Headset: %s1 detecte
"Headset de RV: Nenhum encontrad
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VRHeadset_None" "VR Headset: None detect
"Exibir taxas de download em bits/segundo"
"Display download rates in bits per seco
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Computer" "Informaes do computador:"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Computer" "Computer Information:"
"Fabricante: %s1"
"Modelo: %s1"
"Model: %s1"
"Tipo: Computador de mesa"
"Form Factor: Desktop"
"Tipo: Laptop"
"Form Factor: Laptop"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_TouchInputDevices" "Entrada de toque detectada"
"Touch Input Det
"Sem entrada de toque"
"No Touch Input
"AES: %s1"
"AES: %s1"
"AVX: %s1"
"AVX: %s1"
"CMPXCHG16B: %s1"
"CMPXCHG16B: %s1"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LAHFSAHF" "LAHF/SAHF: %s1"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LAHFSAHF" "LAHF/SAHF: %s1"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_PrefetchW" "PrefetchW: %s1"
"PrefetchW: %s1"
"Steam_Settings_Streaming_EnableHardwareEncodingNVIDIA" "Ativar codificao por hard
ware para GPUs NVIDIA"
hardware encoding on NVIDIA GPU"
"Preferir captur
a por NVFBC"
NVFBC capture method"

"Ativar codificao por hard
ware para GPUs AMD"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_EnableHardwareEncodingAMD" "Enable hardware
encoding on AMD GPU"
"Steam_Settings_Streaming_EnableHardwareEncodingIntel" "Ativar codificao por hard
ware para iGPUs Intel"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_EnableHardwareEncodingIntel" "Enable hardware
encoding on Intel iGPU"
"Steam_Settings_Streaming_SoftwareEncodingThreads_Description" "Qtd. de threads
de codificao por software"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_SoftwareEncodingThreads_Description" "Number
of software encoding threads"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_SoftwareEncodingThreads_0" "Automatic"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_SoftwareEncodingThreads_1" "1"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_SoftwareEncodingThreads_2" "2"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_SoftwareEncodingThreads_3" "3"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_SoftwareEncodingThreads_4" "4"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_SoftwareEncodingThreads_5" "5"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_SoftwareEncodingThreads_6" "6"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_SoftwareEncodingThreads_7" "7"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_SoftwareEncodingThreads_8" "8"
"Steam_Settings_Streaming_DynamicallyAdjustResolution" "Ajustar resoluo para aume
ntar desempenho"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Streaming_DynamicallyAdjustResolution" "Adjust resoluti
on to improve performance"
"Steam_VR2DGameWarning_Title" "Aviso"
"[english]Steam_VR2DGameWarning_Title" "Warning"
"%launching_app% ser iniciado em um ambiente no v
isor de RV e na rea de trabalho.\nO desempenho neste modo pode no ser aceitvel; fec
he o SteamVR antes de iniciar o jogo caso queira jog-lo apenas na rea de trabalho.
"[english]Steam_VR2DGameWarning_Desc" "%launching_app% will launch into an env
ironment in your VR HMD as well as on your desktop.\nPerformance may not be acce
ptable in this mode, to launch this game only on your desktop please exit SteamV
R before launching the game."
"%launching_app% no compatvel com realidad
e virtual. Ele ser exibido na sua rea de trabalho e poder afetar o desempenho de RV
"%launching_app% does not suppor
t VR. It will appear on your desktop and may affect VR performance."
"%launching_app% compatvel com RV, mas vo
c escolheu a verso da rea de trabalho. Deseja continuar?"
"%launching_app% supports VR nat
ively but you have chosen the desktop version, do you want to continue?"
"Jogar em RV"
"Play in VR"
"Steam_Watch_VideoVR" "Assistir em RV"
"[english]Steam_Watch_VideoVR" "Watch in VR"
"Iniciar em RV"
"[english]Steam_Launch_AppVR" "Launch in VR"
"SteamUI_StreamLaunch_VRActive" "O computador est em modo de realidade virtual, i

mpedindo uma sesso de transmisso domstica."

"The remote computer is currentl
y in VR mode so it cannot start an In-Home Streaming session."
"Caso queira usar um Oculus Rift com o SteamVR,
<a href=\"https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=3180-UPHK-0900\">s
iga estas instrues</a>."
"If you want to use an Oculus Rift with
SteamVR <a href=\"https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=3180-UPHK0900\">follow these instructions</a>."
"Reviso: 0x%s1"
"Revision: 0x%s1"
"Reviso no detectada"
"Revision Not De
"%launching_app% ser iniciado fora do amb
iente do SteamVR. Pode ser necessrio remover o headset para voltar ao Steam."
"%launching_app% will launch out
side of the SteamVR environment. You may need to remove your headset in order to
return to Steam."
"%launching_app% no compatvel com o headse
t ativo."
"%launching_app% does not suppor
t your currently active headset."
"steam_inbox_helprequestreply" "1 resposta do Suporte Steam"
"[english]steam_inbox_helprequestreply" "1 reply from Steam Support"
"%count% respostas do Suporte Steam"
"%count% replies from Steam Supp
"Steam_VacBanOnAccount" "Banimento(s) VAC na conta"
"VAC Ban(s) on Account"
"Sem banimentos VAC na conta"
"No VAC Bans on Account"
"Limpar dados de download"
"Clear Download Cache"
"Limpar os dados de download pod
e resolver problemas ao baixar ou iniciar aplicativos"
"[english]SteamUI_ContentMgr_FlushDownloadConfigInfo" "Clearing the download c
ache might resolve issues downloading or starting apps"
"Isso no afetar jogos j instalados
ou salvos"
"This will not affect yo
ur already installed games or saved games"
"Steam_Game_Family_Sharing_Unsupported" "No momento, este ttulo no est disponvel no
Compartilhamento de Biblioteca Steam."
"Steam Family Sharing is
currently not supported by this title."
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CPUBrand" "Marca da CPU: %s1"
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CPUBrand" "CPU Brand: %s1"
"Voc usa o extensor para melhorar
a conexo sem fio do seu Controle Steam (conforme exibido abaixo)?"
"Do you use the Wireless
Extender Base to improve your Steam Controller s wireless connection (as shown
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_ControllerCradleDontKnow" "No tenho um Controle Steam."
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_ControllerCradleDontKnow" "I do not have a Steam C

"Sim, uso o extensor como exibid
"Yes, I use the wireless
extender as shown."
"No, conecto o receptor sem fio d
iretamente em uma porta USB."
"No, I plug the wireless
receiver directly into a USB port."
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_ControllerCradle" "Cabo e base do Controle Steam:
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_ControllerCradle" "Steam Controller Cable
and Base: %s1"
"O compartilhamento de biblioteca permit
e que voc compartilhe a sua biblioteca Steam com outros neste computador. Aps sere
m autorizados, usurios Steam em computadores compartilhados podero acessar, baixar
e jogar a sua biblioteca de jogos Steam disponveis enquanto voc no estiver jogando
"[english]Steam_Settings_Family_Sharing_Info" "Family Library Sharing enables
you to share your Steam library with others on this computer. Once authorized, S
team users on shared computers may access, download and play your available libr
ary of Steam games while you are not playing."
"Autorizar compartilhame
nto de biblioteca neste computador"
"Authorize Libra
ry Sharing on this computer"
"Voc pode autoriz
ar at dez computadores"
"You may
authorize up to ten computers"
"Iniciar %game% no modo OSVR"
"Launch %game% in OSVR Mode"
"Steam_GamesDialog_RightClick_RemoveFromHidden" "Remover dos ocultos"
"Remove from Hid
"Ocorreu um erro ao instalar %game% (%re
"[english]Steam_App_Install_Failed_Text_Long" "An error occurred while install
ing %game% (%reason%) :\n\n%location%"
"Ocorreu um erro ao atualizar %game% (%r
"An error occurred while updatin
g %game% (%reason%) :\n\n%location%"
"disco corrompido"
"corrupt disk"
"privilgios do arquivo ausentes"
"missing file privileges"
"arquivo de contedo bloqueado"
"content file locked"
"contedo indisponvel"
"content unavailable"
"O jogo falhou em iniciar porque
voc est rodando uma verso 32-bit do Windows, mas uma verso 64-bit exigida.\n\nCaso
o jogo tenha uma opo de inicializao 32-bit, selecione-a, caso contrrio ser necessrio
computador com uma verso 64-bit do Windows.\nCaso no tenha um disponvel, clique ab
aixo para saber como solicitar um reembolso.\n"
"The game failed to star
t because you are running a 32bit version of Windows and a 64bit version is requ
ired.\n\nIf the game has a 32 bit launch option please select it, otherwise you
will need a PC with a 64 bit version of Windows.\nIf you don t have such a PC av
ailable click below to learn about requesting a refund.\n"

"SteamUI_GameRequires_64BitOS_Detail" "O jogo que est instalando exige uma verso

64-bit do Windows.\nCaso no tenha um disponvel, clique abaixo para saber como sol
icitar um reembolso.\n"
"[english]SteamUI_GameRequires_64BitOS_Detail" "The game you are installing req
uires a 64bit version of Windows. If you don t\nhave such a PC available click b
elow to learn about requesting a refund."
"executvel exige sistema operacional 64-bit"
"the executable requires a 64bit operati
ng system"
"50 MBit/s"
"50 MBit/s"
"No exibir esta pgina novamente"
"Don t show this page again"
"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_ControllerCradleDontHave" "No tenho um extensor sem fio."
"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_ControllerCradleDontHave" "I do not have a wireles
s extender."
"Sem receptor sem fio."
"No Wireless Receiver."
"Data da compra"
"Tool purchased"
"Informaes da ferramenta"
"[english]steam_welcome$apptype=tool" "Tool Info"
"Para iniciar %gamename%, clique
no boto Jogar acima."
"To launch %gamename%, c
lick the Play button above."
"steam_welcomemessage_nofriends$apptype=tool" "Para encontrar outros que usam
%gamename%, entre <a href=steam://url/CommunityGroupSearch/%encodedsearch%>em um
grupo relacionado na Comunidade Steam</a>. Para ver que ferramentas os seus ami
gos esto usando, <a href=steam://friends/add/>adicione um amigo</a> sua lista de
amigos do Steam."
"[english]steam_welcomemessage_nofriends$apptype=tool" "To find others who use
%gamename%, join <a href=steam://url/CommunityGroupSearch/%encodedsearch%>a rela
ted Steam Community group</a>. To see what tools your friends are using, <a href
=steam://friends/add/>Add a Friend</a> to your Steam Friends list."
"Caso precise de suporte tcnico p
ara esta ferramenta, acesse o <a href=http://storefront.steampowered.com/v/forum
s.php?AppId=%appid%>Frum Steam de %gamename%</a> ou consulte o <a href=http://sup
port.steampowered.com/>Suporte Steam</a>."
"If you need technical s
upport with this tool, check out the <a href=http://storefront.steampowered.com/
v/forums.php?AppId=%appid%>%gamename% Steam Forums</a> or visit <a href=http://s
upport.steampowered.com/>Steam Support</a>."
"no possvel escrever na pasta de biblioteca"
"library folder not writable"
"No foi possvel escrever na pasta de insta
lao do Steam, o que pode resultar em problemas com alguns recursos do Steam e com
a execuo de jogos. \n\nO Steam precisa reparar este problema e reiniciar."
"The Steam install folder is cur
rently not writable which can cause issues with some Steam features and running
games. \n\nSteam needs to repair this problem and then restart."
"No foi possvel escrever no caminho do Ste
am no registro do sistema, o que pode resultar em problemas com alguns recursos
do Steam e com a execuo de jogos. \n\nO Steam precisa reparar este problema e rein
"[english]Steam_InstallIssue_WindowsRegistry" "The Steam registry path is curr
ently not writable which can cause issues with some Steam features and running g
ames. \n\nSteam needs to repair this problem and then restart."

"Solicitao de cdigo de produto falhou. Por
favor, tente novamente em alguns minutos."
"Product key request failed. Ple
ase try again in a few minutes."
"Steam_App_LegacyKey_NoResponse_Text" "Falha ao comunicar-se com o servidor de
cdigos de produto do Steam. Verifique a sua conexo internet e tente novamente."
"[english]Steam_App_LegacyKey_NoResponse_Text" "Failed to contact the Steam pro
duct key server. Verify your Internet connection and try again."
"Parte ou todo o contedo de %game
% s est disponvel via conexo a um servio de terceiros, como Uplay ou Origin.\nO titul
ar original deve se cadastrar nesse servio para acessar esse contedo."
"Some or all content of
%game% is only available by connecting to a third-party service, for example Upl
ay or Origin.\nThe original owner must have registered with this service to acce
ss this content."
"Solicitao de cdigo de produto com aprovao pe
ndente pelo Suporte Steam. Por favor, tente novamente em algumas horas."
"Product key request is pending
approval by Steam Support. Please try again in a few hours."
"No h cdigos de produto de %game% disponveis
no Steam.\n\nPoderemos emitir um cdigo de produto a voc assim que recebermos mais
cdigos da distribuidora.\nPor favor, tente novamente mais tarde ou, se preferir,
solicite um reembolso agora."
"[english]Steam_App_LegacyKey_OutOfKeys_Text" "Steam is temporarily out of unu
sed product keys required by %game%.\n\nWe will be able to issue you a product k
ey once we received more keys from the publisher.\nPlease try again later or you
can request a refund now."
"Clique em \"Avanar\" para iniciar o processo de
atualizao da senha."
"[english]Steam_ChangeCred_ClickNext" "Click Next to begin the process of up
dating your password."
"Esqueceu a senha?"
"Forgot password?"
"Perdeu acesso ao e-mail?"
"[english]Steam_ChangeCred_LostEmail" "Lost access to your email?"
"Perdeu acesso ao autenticador mvel do St
eam Guard?"
"Lost access to your Steam Guard
Mobile Authenticator?"
"Perdeu acesso ao telefone?"
"[english]Steam_ChangeCred_LostPhone" "Lost access to your phone?"

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