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Este guia mostra passo a passo como configurar um site do Google Sites em
menos de uma hora.

Escrito por: Josh Brown

Publicado: 31 de outubro de 2020

O Google Workplace (anteriormente conhecido como Google Suite) é uma coleção

de ferramentas de produtividade e colaboração que são populares entre
empresas de todos os tamanhos devido à sua conveniência e facilidade de uso.
Na verdade, você já pode estar usando um dos mais populares, como:

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Google Drive para armazenar arquivos

Gmail para serviços de e-mail
Google Docs, Google Sheets e Google Apresentações por colaborar em
diferentes tipos de documentos

Mas, menos equipes usaram — ou até ouviram falar — do Google Sites. Depois
que o Google deu a esta ferramenta uma revisão completa em 2016, vale a pena
dar uma olhada em organizações (assim como indivíduos) que estão
interessadas em criar sites simples do Google.

Este tutorial do Google Sites vai levá-lo passo a passo sobre como configurar e
publicar um site básico em menos de uma hora. No entanto, antes de
mergulharmos em nosso guia, vamos dar uma olhada mais profunda no que é o
Google Sites.

O que é o Google Sites?

O Google Sites é uma maneira conveniente de montar uma página da Web ou
wiki rapidamente — sem exigir nenhuma habilidade de TI, codificação ou
instalação de software. Você nem precisa ter um nome de domínio separado, pois
se torna uma extensão da conta do Google Apps que você está usando.

Considere-a a versão do Google de um "site em uma caixa", sites como Wix e


Então, como você pode usar o Google Sites?

Sites públicos. Por exemplo, portais de atendimento ao cliente ou sites de

negócios simples.
Site interno privado ou wiki interno. Por exemplo, para gerenciamento de
projetos ou para uso como intranet.

Recursos dos sites do Google

O Google Sites vem com uma série de recursos úteis, incluindo:

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Modelos do Google Sites com design responsivo entre dispositivos

Temas que dão um olhar coerente e projetado
A capacidade de incorporar vídeos, imagens e outros conteúdos do Youtube
Tabelas de conteúdos e texto expansível para fácil visão geral
Integração com outras ferramentas do Google Workplace:
Adicionar documentos ou folhas (Google Docs e Google Sheets)
Formulários de exibição (Formulários do Google)
Adicionar mapa (Google Maps)
Calendário de shows (Calendário do Google)
Ferramenta para incorporar código às páginas
Gerenciamento de acesso e visibilidade do usuário

Os melhores modelos de sites do Google

Como você quer usar o Google Sites? Essa é a pergunta a ser respondida ao
escolher o melhor modelo para você.

O Google Sites vem com vários temas elegantes. Considere-os pontos de partida
em vez de sites prontos, pois você provavelmente precisará adicionar muito
conteúdo e páginas para obter o site que você precisa.

Aqui estão alguns modelos do Google Sites que gostamos:

O Modelo portal

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Este modelo do Portal é o modelo intranet do Google Sites, voltado para

empresas que precisam de uma intranet muito simples. O modelo possui uma
caixa de pesquisa proeminente para ajudar os usuários a encontrar as
informações certas rapidamente.

You’ll also see boxes for adding more information, linking to a Google Calendar to
show upcoming events. At the bottom of the template, you have lists where you
can add links to important documents such as HR policies, resource groups, and
company reports.

The Help Center Template

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The Help Center template serves as a starting point for creating a customer-
facing self-service portal. You can easily use sub-pages to group articles in
categories that help customers to navigate to the right article.

The fields with collapsable text in this template allow customers to review the
information little by little.

If you choose this template, we’d recommend that you add a search box to it, as it
helps customers to find the right information quickly.

The Project Template

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The Project template is practical for gathering all the necessary information about
a project in one location. The template states the project mission and then
highlights the key outcomes. Other template pages share more information about
the team and their motivations, share the background, and list FAQs.

You’ll likely need to add more sections to make the site useful for your team, but
the template is a convenient starting point.

The Benefits of Google Sites

Free to use
Intuitive tools that let you get started in minutes, without installing or
downloading any software
You can access Google Sites anywhere and from any device
Integrated with other Google Workplace tools such as Google Docs, Google
Calendar, and Google Maps
Easy to edit and manage access

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The Potential Drawbacks of Google Sites

To share files to your Google Sites website, you first need to upload them to
Google Drive, creating an extra step. You also need to manage all the access
levels of the files to ensure that they are visible to the users
Google Sites offers limited customization and functionality compared to
other alternatives
There’s limited integration with apps outside of the tools available via
Google Workplace

How to Make a Google Website [Google Sites Tutorial]

The main thing to remember when you’re creating your Google website is that a
bit of planning and preparation will make the setup process much easier and
faster. When you’ve got your documents, images, and other content ready, you
can make a simple site in less than an hour.

Here’s our step-by-step tutorial to get your new Google Sites website up and
running in no time:

Step 1: Strategize and prepare content

Before you get started, there are three questions you need to answer.

Question #1: What’s the purpose of your site?

For example:

Intranet — internal site to share news and events to inform employees.

Customer service portal — FAQs, tutorials, information to solve issues, and
reduce customer service inquiries.
Project site — information, news, and documents related to a team project.

Once you’ve decided on the main job of your new Google Sites, you need a simple

Question #2: What pages does your site need to deliver the necessary

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Look closer to what your actual goal is with the Google Site that you are creating.
For some sites, it may be enough with one long page. Other sites will be clearer
with a structure consisting of several pages. 

For example, a site dedicated to a project might need:

Start page with an overview of the project.

Team page with the team members and their contact information.
Documents page with necessary policies, reports, and links to documents
that are in progress.
Goal page that breaks down the main outcome or outcomes into
manageable goals.

Question #3: What content will you share on the pages?

It’s now time to gather and organize the content necessary for the site to fulfill
this job. What text, images, and other content do you need?

As you’re using Google Sites, the natural solution is to use other Google apps for
this, such as:

Spreadsheets from Google Sheets

Documents from Google Docs
Presentations from Google Slides
Forms from Google Forms
Schedules from Google Calendar
PDFs and other types of content from Google Drive
Videos uploaded to Youtube (owned by Google) for embedding

You’ll also want to gather all the necessary images in a folder.

The main thing to remember in this stage? Configure the access permissions so
that the users can interact with the files or calendar.

Step 2: Choose the Best Google Sites Template for You

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You can create your site from scratch. However, Google Sites comes with several
ready-made templates. It’s worth taking a look at them as they serve as good
starting points for getting your site up quickly.

Click template gallery to see all of the Google Sites templates:

The templates range from enterprise-focused — such as the Portal template for
intranets — to practical templates that small businesses can use for their
websites, such as the Restaurant, Salon, and Portfolio templates:

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Select the template for your site by clicking on it.

Step 3: Set Up Your New Google Site

Now when you’ve selected a template, you’ve got a skeleton for starting your
website. Let’s start by setting it up with the right title. Click on the title to change
the words and style:

You can also change the header image by clicking change image and either
choose one of the available images in the Google Sites gallery, from an URL or
Google Search, or from your own folder or Google Drive — then click select.

Click on the cogwheel to change the site navigation’s location, upload a logo and
favicon, and add a tracking code for using Google Analytics:

Now the site should start to look a bit more like yours!

Step 4: Choose the Right Google Sites Theme

Themes are the easiest way to change the look and feel of your site. Simply click
themes in the right sidebar to see the different theme options. Click around and

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test them to see which one fits you the best.

You can quickly customize the theme further by choosing one of the color
schemes or selecting one of your brand colors by marking the paint jar symbol.

You can also click font style to choose between different styles:

Step 5: Add Additional Pages and Sub-pages

Now, it’s time to set up the site structure. Click pages in the right sidebar to get an
overview of the site structure:

By clicking the plus sign at the bottom of the sidebar, you can choose to add a
new page or a new link. Click new page and enter the name of the page, then
click done.

You’ve now got a new page and can click on it in the right sidebar to adjust its

For example, you can turn it into the site’s home page, duplicate it to create new
pages that look the same or add a sub-page.

To adjust the site structure, you can drag and drop pages to change the order of
the pages in the menu or turn a page into a sub-page.

If you want to, you can hide the page from the Google Sites navigation and
instead link to it from another page. For example, here the page “News” has a
sub-page called “Latest reviews.” You can choose to make the sub-page invisible
in the navigation bar.

Now we want the image to take users to the sub-page. Add a link to the sub-
page from the image by clicking on the image and choosing insert link.

Step 6: Add Content to Your Google Website’s Pages

Now it’s time to fill your pages with content. While the templates come preloaded
with simple layouts, you’ll likely want to add to them by clicking insert in the right
sidebar and then choosing the right content type.

The layouts are useful for letting you add material quickly. Add headlines and
texts, or embed video, images, a map, or a view of the calendar:

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You can also add the content directly to the page, drag-and-drop style. For
example, you can add a document from Google Docs straight to the page by
clicking Docs and then choosing the right file. Check the settings to ensure that
the files you embed are visible to the users.

Step 7: Review the Site’s User-Friendliness

Once you’ve added all the pages and content you want to your site, it’s time to
review it. Is it user-friendly? Is it easy to find the right content? Do you need a
search box?

One great way to making a page easier to overview is by adding a table of


Step 8: Add Collaborators

Now you’re ready to invite colleagues to collaborate on the site:

You can invite others by adding their email addresses as well as adjust their
access. For example, you can make the draft or the published visible to anyone
with the link:

Step 9: Preview Your Google Sites Website

Feeling happy with your work? Click preview to see the site before you publish it:

Switch between the different symbols to see what your site will look like on
various devices:

Make any necessary adjustments, and now you’re ready to hit...

Step 10: Publish!

Your site is done! Press publish in the top right corner to share your work with the

You can adjust the site’s URL, decide who can access the site, and also whether
you want search engines to list it or not:

Congratulations on your new site!

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Is Google Sites Right For You?

Even a user that isn’t particularly tech-savvy can get a site up and running in a
short time by using Google Sites. It is especially intuitive if you already have some
experience working with the G Suite.

Many companies choose to use Google Sites to build simple intranets, as it is easy
to manage access levels and only invite certain users. If a very basic site is all that
you need, it can be a great option.

However, the simplicity of Google Sites causes its own set of limitations. The main
issues are the reliance on Google’s own products — meaning that you can’t
integrate other tools — and the lack of customization.

For those looking for a more powerful alternative that they can use in all areas of
their business, a knowledge base is a better fit. A knowledge base lets you store,
share, and edit information — all in one centralized, secure hub. This means that
you won’t have to flit between Google Drive, Sheets, Docs, Sites every time you
want to add a new document or manage access.

Important features of a knowledge base include:

Powerful search functionality to find information

Accessible editing and commenting features for document collaboration
Analytics that show how users interact with the content
Advanced access and security functions
Integrations and customization options

The right knowledge base is a tool to replace many. For example, it can just as
well serve as a file repository or a document collaboration platform, as an
intranet or a customer support platform.

One of the main weaknesses of Google Sites is the lack of customization. But,
your business has its unique needs, and the right tool should adapt to you instead
of forcing you to adapt to it. Here at Helpjuice, we pride ourselves on the
unlimited customization options available. We’ll even have our support team help
you customize your site for you for free. Start your free 14-day trial now.

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Why is the knowledge base important?

With a knowledge base, you can allow your customers to self-help themselves, thus reducing your
customer support by up to 60%. Furthermore, you can also have your team get instant answers to the
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questions they need without having to email themselves all using knowledge base software.

What is the purpose of a knowledge base?

The purpose of knowledge base software is to allow you to host your knowledge base/corporate wiki in
one centralized 'hub'. Both your customers, and employees can now access information within seconds!

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