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Questionário de Level Designer

Olá, aspirante! Nós da PxG gostaríamos de conhecer mais de suas habilidades e conhecimentos gerais
sobre o jogo. A seguir, elaboramos um questionário a ser respondido para avaliarmos diversas
questões que achamos interessantes para o cargo pretendido. Pode ficar tranquilo! Não existem
respostas certas ou erradas; tudo depende de como o projeto/conteúdo é planejado e executado.

Contexto requisitado pelo líder do projeto

A ilha de Navel está localizada na região leste do arquipélago Laranja. É uma grande ilha dominada
por uma montanha incrivelmente alta. No topo dessa montanha, existe um vulcão que é o habitat de
diversos Pokémon do tipo fogo. Lendas dizem que dentro desse vulcão existem diversos segredos e
relíquias perdidas.

No sopé da montanha, existe uma pequena aldeia tranquila. Geralmente, o líder de ginásio Danny
pode ser encontrado praticando windsurf na praia local.
Pergunta 1

A ilha possui 4 ambientes diferentes:

● Praia: conta com Pokémon do tipo Water de nível baixo, como Krabby, Slowpoke, Shellder,
● Floresta: é dividida em duas profundidades de acordo com a força dos Pokémon, separando
os mais fracos dos mais fortes. Na parte mais profunda, é possível encontrar Pokémon do tipo
Grass, como Meganium, Venusaur e Exeggutor.
● Montanha: onde é possível encontrar Pokémon do tipo Flying, também dividida em duas
profundidades. Na parte mais funda, onde se encontram os Pokémon mais fortes, é possível
encontrar Pidgeot e Swellow.
● Vulcão: o ponto mais alto da ilha onde estão localizados os Pokémon mais fortes e perigosos
dessa região, como Magmar, Charizard, Magcargo e Camerupt.

Sabendo que foi pedido para existir, pelo menos, uma tarefa para cada um desses ambientes, quais
tarefas você criaria e qual a breve história ou contexto que levou o NPC a oferecer essas tarefas?
Transcreva, em Inglês, o diálogo completo de uma das tarefas solicitadas.

Beach: name: Issac Hernandez, profession: photographer, Issac is a photography lover who loves to
portray from green plains, to the most dangerous landscapes such as the interior of a volcano.

Task: Hello, I heard that you are one of the strongest trainers there is, you know I also wanted to be a
trainer like you but I am not made of a trainer, I like photography better, do you think you can help
me clean the beach of some Pokémon so I can take a photo of the sunset?

-yes sure

Issac: thanks, I need you to kill 11 slowpokes and 10 shellders

(at the end of the task the reward will be 10k-20 exp)
Issac: thank you, now I can take some wonderful photos

FOREST: character: Eduardo borrego: profesion: explorer

Hello coach I need help my partner was attacked by a venusaur and is poisoned
- Yes, of course, how can I help you?

Thanks for your help, I need to collect some items to create an antidote, I need 5 bulbs 20 leaves and
50 bottles of poison

-Thanks for your help now I can create an antidote for my partner
(at the end of the task the reward will be 10k-20 exp)

MOUNTAIN: Character: Jasmine: Pokémon Trainer

Hi, my name is Jasmine. I've heard about you, coach. I hope one day I can be as strong as you. Would
you help me improve my skills in combat against pokemon?
-glad to help you
There are flying type pokemon in this area but I don't have the ability to deal with them, can you
defeat 100 pidgeots and 120 swellows for me?
- sure

--thanks now I know how to face them thanks to you, the next time we see each other I will be
(at the end of the task the reward will be 25k-70k exp)

volcano: character: Alejandro perez: pokemon trainer

Hello coach, I have heard that you are very strong, but the truth is that I doubt it very much...

I will show you how strong I am

I have to wait for my blastoise to recover, but to know if what they say is true, could you show me
how strong you are by defeating 100 charizard and 150 magmars

- ok I will show you how strong I am

when completing the mission:

-I think the others are right, you're amazing!!!!

(at the end of the task the reward will be 100k-150k exp)

Pergunta 2

Para diversificar ainda mais as missões disponíveis nessa ilha, foi solicitado o desenvolvimento de até
duas missões simples que não envolvem derrotar Pokémon, capturar Pokémon e entregar itens (por
exemplo, drop dos Pokémon da ilha).

Quais seriam essas missões, seus níveis recomendados, objetivos, dificuldades e recompensas?
Transcreva os diálogos dessa missão em Inglês.

story: Luis and his exploration team entered the island's volcano in search of relics or discover some
of the secrets of this island, but in the middle of exploring the volcano they were attacked by a group
of pokemon that perhaps sought to defend their home, or the secrets of the island

NPC: Luis, explorer, location, inside the town, outside the pokemon center,
objectives, help to find the 5 lost archaeologists on the island,
Difficulty: easy,
Level 100 to 150
Rewards: 250k exp, amulet or archeologic decorative item and 1 boost stone

Luis: hello trainer I was looking for you, I need your help, my team and I were investigating the
secrets of the island when a group of camerumpt suddenly attacked us and my team separated trying
to mislead the camerumpt
But I'm the only one who has come to town,

trainer: What's wrong is there something I can help you with?

Luis: could you find my friends?? their names are: Jacinto, David, Sergio and Abigail

-Of course, I'll be happy to help you.

(location: Abigail: in some cave or underground

Abigail: Hello, trainer, did Luis send you to look for us? When we were attacked, I ran out with
Jacinto and we found this cave where we hid, but Jacinto went to fill the canteens and hasn't returned

- At least you're safe now, help is on the way

Abigail: Thank you very much.

Location: Sergio: In the forest with a one group of bulbasaurs

Sergio: hello trainer, thanks, I hope Luis sent you to look for me,

-Yes, Luis is worried but he is already on his way

Sergio: I got lost looking for the way to the town and a group of bulbasaurs have been taking care of
me from the dangers of the forest, aren't they wonderful creatures

-I see it they are cute when they don't attack you hehe
Jacinto Location: forest near a body of water or on the beach, preferably near Abigail

Jacinto: Hi, men, have you seen Luis?

---yes, he sent me to look for you

When we parted I hid together with abi but I came to refill the water canteens and I can't find my way
back with abi

-Go back to town with Luis, he's worried.

Jacito: thanks man I hope to meet abi on the way

Location David: Mountains near a group of pidgeot.
Hello, great trainer, Luis sent you to look for me?

- Yes, exactly

When we parted ways I came with the pidgeot since I specialize in flying pokemon and in my house I
had pidgey and pidgeotto

- Everyone in the village is worried

David: thanks for letting me know right now I'll fly to town thank you very much

The last part

At the end, he will return to Luis and he will say the following:
Luis: thanks to you I was able to find my friends,
It's nothing I just like to help
Luis: as a reward I will give you some objects that we found in our exploration of the volcano: ( 250k
exp, relic (decorative item) 1 boost stone)

Pergunta 3
Esta questão tem um caráter mais pessoal para que possamos conhecê-lo melhor.

a) O que você mais gosta na PxG?

R) The exploration system and the ease with which you can explore and level up

Qual missão da PxG você considera sua favorita?

daily kill and daily catch missions

Por quê? in addition to being different every day, it helps you level up and plan a strategy
against different pokemon

b) Qual conteúdo ou atualização você acha que a PxG mais acertou? In my opinion, all the
contents have been successful in the game because they expand in one way or another the
story within the game, and the update that seemed most successful to me was the auction
method for the acquisition of a house without an owner
Por quê?
Because this way the players are a little more casual and we can't be in the restart of the
server, we now have more opportunity to bid for a house within the game
c) Qual conteúdo ou atualização você menos gostou? Because this way the players are a little
more casual and we can't be in the restart of the server, we now have more opportunity to bid
for a house within the game
Por quê? Although it was a necessary one, I have seen colleagues within the game who
reach level 150-200, already considered mid game, lose interest because they do not have a
clear objective or the sense of the game seems a bit monotonous
d) De todas as atualizações recentes feitas pela PxG, se você quisesse mudar algo, o que
As such, it would not change anything, it would only increase the generation of materials for
professions a little, or increase a little the obtaining of resources for profession, for example
from large bushes or mines

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