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Sistema PeC de Ensino – EEAR - Inglês - Gramática

Professor : Luiz Manoel Nóbrega da Fonseca c) An old American song.

Turma : EEAR (Uma velha música Americana.)
Disciplina : Inglês - Gramática
Adjectives Noun

Opnion Fact

size age shape color origin religion material purpose Noun

ADJETIVOS : Posição dos Adjetivos, Grau dos
Adjetivos, Adjetivos formados pelo Particípio e O A

pelo Gerúndio.
Usa-se o adjetivo antes do substantivo, exceto quando
serve de predicado à oração.
- an honest boy (um rapaz honesto);
Os “adjectives” (adjetivos) são palavras que - that girl is honest (aquela moça é honesta).
caracterizam os substantivos (seres, animais, objetos, etc).
Essa caracterização pode expressar qualidade, defeito, Lista de adjetivos em inglês
estado ou condição.
Os adjetivos em inglês podem variar no que diz respeito Confira abaixo alguns dos adjetivos mais
ao grau (comparativo/superlativo). No entanto, são usados em inglês.
invariáveis relativamente ao gênero (masculino e feminino)
e número (singular e plural). Ou seja, um mesmo adjetivo é
utilizado para caracterizar um substantivo no masculino, no Adorable - adorável
feminino, no singular e no plural. Amazing - surpreendente
Ambitious - ambicioso
- I have a new life. Angry - bravo
(Tenho uma vida nova.)
Antique - antigo
- Peter has a new car. Anxious - ansioso
(Peter tem um carro novo.)
Awful - péssimo
- They have two new cars. Bad - mau
(Eles têm dois carros novos.)
Beautiful - bonito
A ordem dos adjetivos serve para que você não escreva Boring - chato
mais de um adjetivo de forma aleatória numa frase. Essa Brave - corajoso
ordem precisa ser seguida de acordo com o tipo de cada Calm - calmo
adjetivo. Quando vamos descrever alguma pessoa ou Careful - cuidadoso
algum objeto e usamos vários adjetivos, eles devem seguir Caring - carinhoso
uma ordem. Veja abaixo os exemplos: Clean - limpo
Clever - esperto
a) An interesting young woman. Clumsy - desajeitado
(Uma mulher interessante e jovem.) Curious - curioso
Daring – ousado
Adjectives Noun
Darling – querida
Opnion Fact
Dedicated - dedicado
Disgusting - repugnante
size age shape color origin religion material purpose Noun Dishonest - desonesto
Dirty - sujo
W Easy - fácil
Elegant - elegante
Faithful - fiel
b) Small blue eyes.
(Pequenos olhos azuis.) Famous - famoso
Fancy - chique
Adjectives Noun Fantastic - fantástico
Fat - gordo
Opnion Fact
Noun Friendly - amigável
Funny - engraçado
size age shape color origin religion material purpose Noun
Generous - generoso
Gentle - gentil
Gifted - talentoso
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Sistema PeC de Ensino – EEAR - Inglês - Gramática


Good - bom
Gorgeous - maravilhoso Em inglês, os adjetivos variam em grau,
Handsome - bonito este se subdivide em duas modalidades:
Happy - feliz o grau comparativo e o grau superlativo.
Hard-Working - trabalhador
Honest - honesto
Huge - enorme No Grau Comparativo, a comparação é feita
Important - importante entre dois substantivos. O grau comparativo tem sua
Intelligent - inteligente divisão bem clara: Inferioridade, Igualdade e
Interesting - interessante Superioridade.
Kind - gentil
Large - enorme
1- Comparativo de Inferioridade
Lazy - preguiçoso
Comparative of inferiority
Lovely - amável
Magnificent - magnífico
Mean - maldoso Observe que no comparativo de inferioridade não há
Modern - moderno diferença se o adjetivo é curto ou longo.
Naive - ingênuo Ele é formado com: less........than.
Nervous - nervoso
Nice - legal Observe os exemplos a seguir:
Old - velho
Optimistic - otimista - That car is less expensive than the others.
Organized - organizado (Aquele carro é menos caro do que os outros.)
Outgoing - sociável
Patient - paciente - That subject is less important than this one.
Pretty – bonito (coisas) (Aquela disciplina é menos importante do que esta.)
Pessimistic - pessimista
Polite - educado
Responsible - responsável 2- Comparativo de Igualdade
Sad - triste Comparative of equality
Sensible - sensato Observe que no comparativo de igualdade não há
Sensitive - sensível diferença se o adjetivo é curto ou longo.
Shy - tímido
Short - baixo No grau comparativo de igualdade existem formas
Silly - bobo diferentes para afirmar ou negar a comparação.
Sincere - sincero
Small - pequeno Ele é formado com:
Smart - esperto
Sociable - sociável as..........as (em frases afirmativas) e
Strong-Willed - determinado
Stubborn - teimoso not so........as (em frases negativas).
Sympathetic - solidário
Tall - alto She sings as beautifully as you dance!
Thin - magro (Ela canta tão lindamente quanto você dança!)
Trustworthy - confiável
Ugly - feio
Understanding - compreensivo This game is not so complicated as that one.
Useful - útil (Este jogo não é tão complicado quanto aquele.)
Young – jovem
Wonderful – maravilhoso
Today is as cold as yesterday.
(Hoje está tão frio quanto ontem.)
* O adjetivo serve para qualificar ou determinar o
substantivo. O adjetivo em Inglês difere do adjetivo em
português por não concordar em gênero e número com o This exercise is not so easy as the last one.
substantivo; portanto, não sofre mudança alguma na (Este exercício não é tão fácil quanto o último.)
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Sistema PeC de Ensino – EEAR - Inglês - Gramática

3- Comparativo de Superioridade B) ADJETIVOS - GRAU SUPERLATIVO

Comparative of superiority
O superlativo tem sua divisão bem clara: pode ser de
A maneira como faremos a comparação de inferioridade e superioridade. O grau superlativo segue as
superioridade dependerá da quantidade de sílabas seguintes regras de formação:
que o adjetivo possui.
Composto por uma ou duas sílaba Superlative of superiority
“short adjectives”. Observe que no superlativo de superioridade
há diferença se o adjetivo é curto ou longo.
Veja os exemplos a seguir:
Para adjetivos longos (mais de duas sílabas):
Jose is old. (Jose é velha.) “long adjectives”.
Jose is older than me. (Jose é mais velha do que eu.) Ele é formado com: THE MOST...

Ele é formado com: er + than. *Julia is the most intelligent girl of my classroom.
(Julia é a menina mais inteligente da minha sala de aula)
REGRAS: * This is the most beautiful picture I've ever seen.
(Este é o quadro mais bonito que já vi.)
a) Adjetivos precedidos de CVC (Consoante-Vogal-
Consoante), dobra-se a última letra: Para adjetivos curtos (até duas sílabas):
“short adjectives”.
big = bigger than
Ele é formado com: THE ADJ+EST...
fat = fatter than
* It was the happiest day of my life.
b) Adjetivos terminados em “y” precedidos por (Foi o dia mais feliz da minha vida.)
consoantes são substituídos por “i”:
* Helen is the shortest girl in the clasroom.
(Helen é a garota mais baixa da classe.)
pretty = prettier than
*My teacher is the best in school.
c) Adjetivos Irregulares: (Meu professor é o melhor da escola.)

Adjetivo Comparativo REGRAS:

good better than
a) Adjetivos precedidos de CVC (Consoante-Vogal-
bad worse than Consoante), dobra-se a última letra:
big = the biggest fat = the fattest
little less than

far farther than b) Adjetivos terminados em “y” precedidos por

consoantes são substituídos por “i”:

d) adjetivos terminados em e acrescenta-se pretty = the prettiest

apenas “r”:
c) Adjetivos Irregulares:
nice = nicer than.
Adjetivo Superlativo

Composto por mais de duas sílabas good the best

“long adjectives”.
bad the worst
Ele é formado com: more ..........than little the least
Sheila is more beautiful than Roberta. far the farthest
(Sheila é mais bonita do que Roberta)

Neste caso, o adjetivo “beautiful” não sofre d) adjetivos terminados em e acrescenta-se

apenas “st”:
alteração alguma, apenas acrescentamos:
more (antes) e than (depois) dele. nice = the nicest
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Sistema PeC de Ensino – EEAR - Inglês - Gramática

Superlative of inferiority .
Read the text and answer question 1
Observe que no superlativo de inferioridade
Winter sports
não há diferença se o adjetivo é curto ou longo.
Only two areas of the USA are mild in winter, the
Ele é formado com: THE LEAST ... coasts, especially Florida and southern California,
and the southern part of the Mississippi basin.
-Ana Carla is the least tall in the class. Everywhere else it gets cold, often very cold. By
(Ana Carla é a menos alta na sala.) the end of November, many American states are
often covered in snow; and although recent winters
-This is the least comfortable bed in this store. have been less cold, sport in winter usually means
(Esta cama é a menos confortável desta loja.) winter sports, or indoor sports.
By January, many people in North America will
-This girl is the least beautiful in this festival. have temperatures of -30°C; not every day, of course,
(Esta garota é a menos bonita no festival.) but such low temperatures are not rare. In Chicago
and Minneapolis, the temperature can fall below -40°.
When it is very cold, especially when there is a
ADJETIVOS - FORMAÇÃO PELO GERÚNDIO cold wind, few people want to go outside, unless they
have to; but on sunny winter days, winter sports are
Alguns adjetivos em inglês possuem uma popular.
terminação com –“ing”. (Formação pelo Gerúndio). In the large flat regions in the middle of North
A terminação -ing possui sentido ativo indicando America,________ winter sports are snowmobiling,
atributo de alguma coisa ou pessoa. snowshoeing and cross-country skiing. Ice-skating is
popular too; lakes and rivers freeze, and many towns
- It was a terrifying story. and cities have free open-air skating rinks. In many
(Foi uma história apavorante.) places, these are flood-lit after dark, so that people
can enjoy skating in the evening.
- She was wearing an amazing dress. Adapted from http://linguapress.com/intermediate/wintersports.usa.htm

(Ela estava usando um vestido incrível.)

1) Choose the alternative so as to have the text
- Paulo Coelho writes interesting books. completed correctly, (line 18):
(Paulo Coelho escreve livros interessantes.) a) more popular than b) less popular than
c) the most popular d) as popular as
- Paul´s performance was fascinating.
(O desempenho do Paulo foi fascinante.) Read the article and answer question 2
The U2 was one of _____ military planes of the
Cold War. It was designed to fly high over a foreign
ADJETIVOS - FORMAÇÃO PELO PARTICÍPIO country, take pictures and gather information. The U2
Alguns adjetivos em inglês possuem uma was built in Area 51, a secret place in Nevada, known
terminação com “–ed”. (Formação pelo Particípio) for UFO sightings. The US Air Force built the area to
A terminação -ed possui sentido passivo e create such a secret plane and test new weapons.
refere-se ao sentimento de alguém por alguma coisa The single-pilot plane could fly at an altitude of over
ou pessoa. 20 km above the earth's surface. With its special
cameras it could take detailed photos and close-ups
- I was confused about the rules. of objects on the ground. Today, the US Air Force still
(Fiquei confuso com relação às regras.) operates a modified version of the U2, however it is
not used as a spy plane any more. Current planes
- Helen was fascinated by my children. have a larger fuselage and need less fuel than their
(Helen estava fascinada pelos meus filhos.) predecessors of the Cold War. They are also
equipped with more sophisticated instruments. Some
- My father is interested in sports. of them fly over Afghanistan and support American
(Meu pai está interessado em esportes.) soldiers on the ground. They also saw action during
the Gulf War and the conflict in the Balkans. U2s are
- He was terrified of the story he read. also used for research. NASA uses the former spy
(Ele ficou apavorado com a história que leu.) planes for tests in the atmosphere.
(adapted from http://www.english-online.at/news-articles/history/u2-spy)

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Sistema PeC de Ensino – EEAR - Inglês - Gramática

2) Choose the correct alternative to complete the 5) The underlined word in the text is:
article (line 1). a) an adjective b) a pronoun
c) a noun d) a verb
a) as famous as
b) the most famous
c) less famous than 6) Choose the correct alternative:
d) more famous than In my opinion, Goiania is _________ city in Brazil.

a) more beautiful b) the beautifulest

Read the article and answer question 3 c) beautifuler d) the most beautiful

Rio de Janeiro presented what they are calling the

largest ever floating Christmas “tree” on the Rodrigo 7) Choose the correct alternative:
de Freitas Lagoon on Saturday night. The giant This is __________ bakery shop in town.
structure was inaugurated with a firework display
during an event that featured lights and musical a) the best b) good
performance, drawing thousands of people to the c) better d) the better
lagoon. This year’s theme celebrates the importance
of light in people’s lives, symbolized by the sun, the
8) Choose the correct alternative:
moon and the stars. The 280 ft. tall structure is
This is ________ film I have ever seen.
illuminated by 3.1 million lights and it will be lit every
night until 6 January.
(Adapted from www.telegraph .co. a) bad b) the worst
uk) c) worse than d) the worse

3) “largest”, (line 2 ), was used in the text as a: 9) Choose the correct alternative:
a) superlative. You are _____________ person I have ever met.
b) comparative of equality.
c) comparative of inferiority. a) the more interesting b) the interestinger
d) comparative of superiority. c) the most interesting d) the much interesting

Read the text and answer questions 4 and 5. 10) Select the correct comparative and superlative
of the following words, respectively: Big and Good.
April a) Biger/ The Bigest // Goodier/ The Goodiest
There was a nice little girl which name was April. One
day, she asked her parents why she was called April. b) Big/ The Bigger // Best/ The best
They answered that it was because she was born in c) Bigger/ The Bigest // Best/ The best
April. The little girl liked her name and the month April
too. Her parents made her a party, all her friends d) Bigger/ The Biggest // Better/ The best
celebrated with her, and she received a lot of
presents. One day her mother became pregnant and 11) Complete using the correct comparative or
April had a little brother. Her brother was born in superlative.
February and everybody came and suggested names Canada is __ than China but Russia is the __
for the new baby. April didn’t understand what the country.
problem was. If the baby was born in February, the
correct name should be February. a) big // biggest
b) bigger // biggest
c) big // bigger
d) bigger // big
4) In “... her mother became pregnant …” we can
infer that she __________.
12) What is the superlative form of fat?
a) became sick
b) couldn’t have babies a) fatter
c) gave her a little sister b) fattiest
d) was expecting a baby c) the fattest
d) fattest
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Sistema PeC de Ensino – EEAR - Inglês - Gramática

13) Her daughter wore ____ dress to the party. 20) The adjective that follows the same
superlative rule as in “the most rewarding” (line
a) more pretty than b) the prettiest 4) is:
c) the most pretty d) prettier than a) the most cheap b) the most intelligent
c) the most safe d) the most old
14) A lion is ____ animal in the jungle.
21) Check the incorrect alternative:
a) the most dangerous b) dangerouser than a) I heard a French song today.
c) the dangerousest d) more dangerous than b) This clock is French.
c) That girl pretty came with Marcus.
15) My uncle is ____ man in our family. d) He's a young man in love.

a) the richest b) the most rich Read the text and answer question 22.
c) richer than d) more rich than
You may not have heard the words “freshman
fifteen” before, but they are very important for
16) My mother cooks _________ my dad. students who are entering university.
“Fifteen” refers to fifteen pounds, the fifteen
a) the most good b) the best pounds added to a student’s weight in his or her first
c) more good than d) better than year. There are a number of reasons why first-year
university students gain weight, but it is encouraging
to know that freshmen don’t have to add these
17) Choose the alternative that correctly shows harmfull fifteen pounds.
the comparative form of the adjectives Some students visit the kitchen many times while
far – good – bad – easy – old studying and also have less time for walking, running
and doing sports due to their amount of schoolwork.
a) farther- better – worse – easier - older (Adapted from Active skills for Reading)
b) farthest – best – worse – easier - oldest
c) further – best – worse – easiest - older 22) Which of the underlined words in the text is
d) farther – better – worst – easier - oldest an adjective?
a) doing b) walking
c) running d) encouraging
18) Choose the alternative that correctly shows
the superlative form of the adjectives 23) Check the incorrect alternative:
far – good – bad – easy – old a) My children are happy!
a) farther- better – worse – easier - older b) They are intelligents boys!
b) farthest – best – worst – easiest - oldest c) I have a new dress!
c) further – best – worse – easiest - older d) I watched an interesting movie!
d) farther – better – worst – easier - oldest
24) According to the position of the adjectives,
Read the text and answer questions 19 and 20. mark the correct alternative.
a) They live in a house old.
Why study abroad? b) I know that boy tall.
Have you considered studying abroad, but are not c) She looks rich.
sure whether it’s worth your time? If you ask anybody d) I had a headache terrible yesterday.
who has studied abroad, he or she will most certainly
tell you that it is a life-changing experience and one 25) Complete the dialogue using the right form of
of the most rewarding things he or she has ever the adjectives.
done. Perhaps you’re not certain what benefits you A: Would you like to go to the beach on Friday?
can reap from an extended stay in a foreign country. B: Actually, I think Saturday is _______________ for
There are many reasons why you should take the me. Friday is my_________________ day.
plunge. Choose the item that respectively completes the gaps
Adapted from www.vistawide.com.
a) the best / busier
19) According to the text, studying abroad b) better / busiest
a) is an experience that changes someone’s life. c) good / the most busiest
b) is a waste of time. d) best / the busiest
c) has no benefits. e) good / the busier
d) is very risky.
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Sistema PeC de Ensino – EEAR - Inglês - Gramática

26) “Many adolescents act this way because they 31) All alternatives are in the comparative, except:
feel frustrated or angry”. The comparative form of a) driver
the underlined word is b) greater
a) more angry. c) shorter
b) angrier than. d) smaller
c) more angrier.
d) more angry than. 32) What is the correct way to complete the text
27) The comparative form of the underlined word Learning a second language is not _______
in the sentence “Webster’s dictionary [...] adopted learning a first language. It is _________.
the American orthography familiar todav” is a) the same like/harder
a) most familiar. b) the same/more hard
b) more familiar than. c) the same as/harder
c) the most familiar. d) the same/more harder
d) the more familiar. e) the same as/iore hard

28) These summery wines are especially 33) What is the correct way to complete the text
appealing when the price is equally untaxing. I’ve below?
long asserted that the greatest values in wines
are in the $15 to $25 range. The word “appealing”, If you are visualizing many paradisiacal swims in
in the text, is a(n) clear blue waters, then the Croatian islands are
a) verb calling your name. Most of the residents of Croatian
b) adverb islands have their own small boats to travei between
c) noun islands and the coast - it’s ____ __________ way to
d) adjective get around.

29) Mother to small son: “Be sure to wash your (Adapted from http://www.travelchannel.com)
arms before you put on your new shirt.” a) easy
Small son: “Should I wash for long or short b) easies t
sleeves? ” c) easier
The underlined word, in the anecdote, is a(n) d) the easier
a) verb. e) the easiest
b) noun.
c) adverb. 34) For Mitiko this entrance examination was
d) adjective. ________ the last one .
a) easy as
b) easier than
Questão 30 c) so easy than
How to prepare well for an interview d) more easy t han
It’s important to be well prepared for a job interview e) more easier as
and practice the best answers to possible questions
an interviewer could ask. It is common for the 35) This exam is not ________ difficult ________ I
interviewer to ask why you are unemployed, why thought .
you want to work in that company, what you know a) as / so
about it and what salary you are looking for. Some b) so / how
interviewers can ask questions about current affairs c) so / as
in Brazil and the world (so it is always good to be well d) so / how much
informed). e) as / how
(Adapted from Maganews Mar 2011)
36) Qual das opções abaixo não é uma forma
30) All the words below, in the text, are adjectives, comparativa?
except: a) I walked farther than my friend.
a) well b) Claude drives as fast as Marcos.
b) prepared c) Peter speaks the last clearly.
c) important d) Beethoven is more famous than Prokofiev.
d) unemployed e) A silver ring is less expensive than a gold ring .

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Sistema PeC de Ensino – EEAR - Inglês - Gramática

37) Qual das opções abaixo mostra a forma 41) Questão (EEAR)
incorreta do comparativo?
a) Ana is more beautiful than Patrícia. I am an American man living in France, but I
b) This car is newer than that other one . spend a lot of time in the USA visiting family and
c) English is interestinger than Maths. friends.
d) My house is bigger than yours. These are the questions Americans ask me most
e) Peter is taller than Alessandro. often: “Are the French rude? Is it true that they
hate Americans?” The answer is a simple ‘No’. In
38) Finding a job is _________pulling a star out of my opinion, the French are among the
the sky”. Choose the right alternative to fill in the __________ and __________ people in Europe.
blank. Maybe it’s because I speak French with a funny
a) the harder American accent and they see that I have made
b) harder than the effort to learn the language. When people ask
c) the hardest me if I prefer living in France or the USA, I simply
d) more hard than tell the truth. I don’t prefer. I consider myself very
lucky to be able to experience both cultures. I
39) I always wanted a car and thought that having really love the differences.
one would make my life _______. I still remember
the day I bought the car - my car! - and drove it (Adapted from www.about.com)
home. It was the ________ day of my life... and
then everything went wrong. Choose the alternative that best completes the text.
First of all, I got a ticket for speeding. I was so
excited about driving my new car that I didn’t a) friendlier – more helpful
realize how fast I was going. Later, when I got b) friendliest – most helpful
home, there was nowhere to park on the street. I c) most friendly – more helpful
looked for parking for almost thirty minutes. d) more friendly – more helpful
Finally, I found a place – six blocks from my
house! The next morning, I decided to drive to
school. The traffic was terrible and I was fifteen 42) (ITA) Dadas as formas comparativas e
minutes late for class. All this happened in the superlativas
first twenty-four hours of owning a car ! I. bigger than / the biggest
By the end of the first year, I was almost $2,000 in II. more modern than / the most modern
debt. I needed money for car payments, gas and III. more interesting than / the most interesting
insurance. It was crazy! In the end, I had to sell IV. more ingenuous than / the most ingenuous
the car to pay my bills.
So what’s the moral of the story? If you don’t constatamos que está(ão) correta(s):
need a car, don’t buy one. It would be a terrible a) apenas a I.
mistake! b) apenas a II.
c) apenas a II e a III.
Fill in the blanks with the suitable option. d) apenas a II, a ill e a IV.
e) todas as formas apresentadas.
a) happier - easier
b) happiest - easier
c) easier - happiest
d) easiest – happiest
*Dica: Procure conferir o gabarito somente depois de
resolver as questões, pois assim será mais proveitoso.
40) Questão (EEAR)
A sign of the times 01C 02B 03A 04D 05A
Imagine that you are taking a peaceful walk in the 06D 07A 08B 09C 10D
British countryside, when suddenly you hear the 11B 12C 13B 14A 15A
16D 17A 18B 19A 20B
annoying sound of mobile phones going off all
21C 22D 23B 24C 25B
around you. “annoying”, is: 26B 27B 28D 29D 30A
31A 32C 33E 34B 35C
a) a verb. 36C 37C 38B 39C 40D
b) a noun. 41B 42E
c) an adverb. .
d) an adjective

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