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Sistema PeC de Ensino – EEAR - Inglês - Gramática

Professor : Luiz Manoel Nóbrega da Fonseca Adjetivo x Advérbio .

Turma : EEAR Note que nos exemplos acima, o advérbio carefully foi
Disciplina : Inglês - Gramática formado pelo acréscimo do sufixo – ly ao final do adjetivo
Já a palavra fast não foi modificada, pois há alguns casos
AULA 06 em que se usa a mesma palavra para advérbios e adjetivos.

ADVÉRBIOS: Formação, Tipos ,Uso e Posição. Observações:

- Geralmente as palavras terminadas em “ LY ” são
ADVÉRBIOS (ADVERBS) advérbios, no entanto, existem exceções, por exemplo os
adjetivos: lovely (amável), friendly (amigável), lonely
(sozinho), etc.
Os Advérbios acrescentam informações importantes
ao texto. Ele pode modificar o verbo, o adjetivo e até - Alguns advérbios apresentam a forma irregular, por
mesmo um outro advérbio. exemplo: o adjetivo good (bom) e o advérbio well (bem).

Os “Adverbs” ajudam a dizer como, onde ou * Quando temos três tipos diferentes de advébios, a ordem
manner/place/time deve ser adotada.
quando algo foi feito. O advérbio é conhecido na
gramática como modificador (Modifier) ou ampliador
de sentido de certos vocábulos. FORMAÇÃO DOS ADVÉRBIOS
Os advérbios em inglês, em sua grande maioria,
Examples: são formados pelo acréscimo do sufixo “ly” ao final dos
Modify vebs:
- He drives fast. Brave - bravo => Bravely - bravamente
Certain - certo => Certainly - certamente
Modify adjectives:
- This room is extremely huge. O advérbio não é sempre formado pelo simples
acréscimo de ( -ly ) ao final do adjetivo.
Modify adverbs:
- The pilot drove extremely badly yesterday. Veja as demais regras de formação:
Formation of adverbs
ADVERBS X ADJECTIVES Terminações: Exemplos:
-ly quick > quickly,
Há sempre confusão no uso dessas duas classes accurate > accurately,
gramaticais. Confira as diferenças: social> socially
-le > -ly simple > simply,
Adjetivo: termo que qualifica o substantivo ou pronome. ample > amply
- y > -ily easy > easily,
busy > busily
- Helen is a careful driver. (to be)
(Helen é uma motorista cuidadosa.) - ic > -ically basic > basically,
economic > economically
- Robert is a very fast runner (to be). - ical > -ically typical > typically,
(Robert é um corredor muito rápido) economical > economically
-ful > fully useful > usefully,
*Nos exemplos acima, Os adjetivos qualificam os substantivos helpful >helpfully
Advérbio: termo que modifica os verbos, adjetivos e Os advérbios em inglês são classificados como:
outros advérbios. Ele aponta como, onde ou quando
ocorreu algo.
- Adverbs of Manner (advérbios de modo);
- Adverbs of Place (advérbios de lugar);
- Helen drove carefully. (to drive)
(Helen dirigiu cuidadosamente.) - Adverbs of Time (advérbios de tempo);
- Adverbs of Frequency (advérbios de frequência) e
- Robert runs very fast. (to run) - Adverbs of Intensifier (advérbios de intensidade).
(Robert corre muito rápido)

* Nos exemplos acima, Os advérbios modificam os verbos (to

drive/ to run).

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Sistema PeC de Ensino – EEAR - Inglês - Gramática


Os advérbios de modo são aqueles que indicam como Os advérbios de lugar indicam onde uma situação
alguma situação aconteceu. São derivados dos aconteceu e, diferentemente do advérbio de modo, eles não
adjetivos, e adiciona-se a terminação “ly” ao final da recebem a terminação “ly”.
palavra para indicá-los. Veja alguns exemplos:
- I can’t find him anywhere.
Veja alguns exemplos: Eu não consigo encontrá-lo em lugar nenhum.

- I would hard say something like this. - We really like living here.
= Eu dificilmente diria algo assim. Nós realmente gostamos de morar aqui.
- She dances perfectly.
= Ela dança perfeitamente. - When I looked around I couldn't see your face.
- Her daughter cleaned the house quickly. Quando olhei ao redor não pude ver sua face.
= A filha dela limpou a casa rapidamente.
- There is something wrong here.
Adjectives Adverbs Há algo de errado aqui.
Slow (devagar) Slowly (vagarosamente)
Serious (óbvio) Seriously (seriamente) Alguns advérbios de lugar
Perfect (perfeito) Perfectly (perfeitamente) above - Acima
Bad (mal) Badly (maldosamente) abroad (para fora)
Rare (raro) Rarely (raramente) ahead (a frente)
Beautiful (bonito) Beautifully (lindamente) anywhere (em qualquer parte)
Careful (cuidadoso) Carefully ( cuidadosamente) around (ao redor, em torno)
Soft (suave) Softly (suavemente) away (embora)
Hard (árduo) Hard (arduamente) backwards (para trás)
behind (atrás)
Alguns advérbios apresentam a forma irregular: below (abaixo)
beneath (debaixo, embaixo)
downstairs (para baixo)
Adjetivo Good (bom) e o advérbio Well (bem).
eastwards (para o oriente)
everywhere (em toda parte)
“You did a good job.” elsewhere (em outra parte)
(Você fez um bom trabalho.)
forwards (para diante)
“You did the job well.” here (aqui, cá)
(Você fez bem o trabalho.)
inside (para dentro)
left – esquerda
Alguns advérbios de modo: northwards (para o norte)
nowhere (em nenhuma parte)
ably (de modo capaz) onwards (para diante)
basically (basicamente) outside (do lado de fora)
bitterly (amargamente) right - direita
calmly (calmamente) somewhere (em alguma parte)
carefully (cuidadosamente)
southwards (para o sul)
divinely (divinamente)
extremely (extremamente) there (ali, aí)
fast (rapidamente) underneath (debaixo, embaixo)
happily (felizmente) upstairs (para cima)
honestly (honestamente) westward (para o ocidente)
kindly (benignamente) where (onde)
minutely (minuciosamente) within (dentro, ao alcance de)
patiently (pacientemente) without (fora)
politely (polidamente)
possibly (possivelmente)
quickly (rapidamente) C) ADVERBS OF TIME
richly (ricamente)
sincerely (sinceramente) Os advérbios de tempo indicam quando uma ação ocorreu,
softly (brandamente) e eles também não recebem a terminação “ly”.
stupidly (estupidamente) Confira alguns exemplos:
sweetly (docemente)
tenderly (ternamente)
After – Depois
truly (verdadeiramente)
well (bem) Before - Antes
wisely (sabiamente) Early - Cedo
Finaly – Finalmente

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Sistema PeC de Ensino – EEAR - Inglês - Gramática

Last year/month/week - Ano/mês/semana passada Os principais advérbios de frequência em inglês são:

Lastly – Finalmente Always, usually, frequently, often, sometimes,
Late - Tarde ocasional, rarely, seldom, hardly ever, never.
Lately - Ultimamente
Next – Em seguida
Veja alguns exemplos:
Next year/month/week - Ano/mês/semana que vem
Now - Agora
- He usually goes to work around 9 am.
Soon - Em breve Ele usualmente vai trabalhar por volta das 9h.
Still - Ainda
Then – Em seguida - I rarely watch horror movies.
Today - Hoje Eu raramente assisto a filmes de terror.
Tomorrow - Amanhã
Tonight - Hoje à noite - Mom always goes to the supermarket on Saturdays. Mamãe
Ultimately - Finalmente sempre vai ao supermercado aos sábados.
Yesterday - Ontem
Veja alguns exemplos:
Os advérbios de intensidade são aqueles que atribuem
- They' ll be here tomorrow. ênfase a uma ação ou uma qualidade, e assim, modificam
Eles estarão aqui amanhã. tanto verbos como adjetivos. Os advérbios de grau/
intensidade modificam outros advérbios ou adjetivos
- It’s too late to apologize. intensificando ou diminuindo o significado do adjetivo ou do
É tarde demais para pedir desculpas. advérbio que está modificando. Veja alguns exemplos:

- She is in London for a year. Absolutely – Absolutamente

Ela está em Londres por um ano. Almost (quase)
Approximately = Aproximadamente
- Mary has lived in Berlin since 1983. Completely – Completamente
Maria tem vivido em Berlim desde 1983. Enough - Suficiente
Entirely (inteiramente)
- He is doing his homework now. Equally - Igualmente
Ele está fazendo sua lição de casa agora.
Exactly - Exatamente
Greatly - Grandemente
D) ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY Hardly - Severamente
Largely - Grandemente
Os advérbios de frequência indicam com que Nearly - Quase
frequência uma ação ocorre e estão sempre Much (muito)
posicionados antes dos verbos. Veja alguns exemplos: Nearly (quase)
Particularly – Particularmente
Always - Sempre Quite (inteiramente)
Rather - Bastante
Daily - Diariamente
Really – Realmente
Frequently – Frequentemente Roughly, Approximately = Aproximadamente
Generally - Geralmente Sufficiently - Suficientemente
Hardly ever - Quase nunca Throughly - Completamente
Monthly - Mensalmente Too - Demasiadamente
Never - Nunca Totally – Totalmente
Normally - Normalmente Quite - Bastante, realmente
Occassionally - Ocasionalmente Very (muito)
Often - Frequentemente Wholly – Inteiramente
Rarely - Raramente
Regularly – Regularmente Veja alguns exemplos:
Seldom - Raramente - She is completely in love with the summer collection.
Sometimes - Algumas vezes Ela está completamente apaixonada pela coleção de verão.
Usually - Usualmente
Weekly - Semanalmente - I’m very upset with what you said.
Eu estou muito chateada com o que você disse.
Yearly - Anualmente
- He hardly spoke at the debate this morning.

- The weather was extremely cold.

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Sistema PeC de Ensino – EEAR - Inglês - Gramática


1) Advérbios de Modo: Os advérbios de modo são
bastante flexíveis e, normalmente, podem aparecer em três
Como podemos observar nos exemplos, os posições:
advérbios são derivados de adjetivos, porém alguns
advérbios possuem a mesma forma do adjetivo. - Quickly he organized the entire thing. (Antes do sujeito)
- He quickly organized the entire thing. (Entre o sujeito e o verbo)
- I've always interested in fast cars. (Adjective) - He organized the entire thing quickly. (Após o verbo ou o objeto)
Eu sempre fui interessado em carros rápidos.

2) Advérbios de Frequência: Os advérbios de

- You were driving too fast. (Adverb) frequência apresentam diferentes padrões de colocação.
Você estava dirigindo rapidamente. Veja os casos a seguir:

a) Vem depois do verbo “to be”:

Veja abaixo alguns advérbios que possuem a mesma - They were frequently on time during the course.
forma que os adjetivos e possuem significados
semelhantes: b) Com os demais verbos, vem depois do
sujeito e antes do verbo:
NEAR NEAR - They occasionally work at night.
- We never travel by ship.
FAST FAST c) Nos tempos compostos, após o primeiro auxiliar:
DAILY DAILY - The children have always been told not to talk to strangers.
- The professor has sometimes begun classes, when we arrive.
FAR FAR d) Após os verbos modais:
FREE FREE - We may never forgive him.
3) Advérbios de Tempo: O advérbio de Tempo
normalmente vai para o final da oração, podendo
RIGHT RIGHT também, algumas vezes, ser colocado no começo.
DEEP DEEP - In February we usually go to the beach.
LONG LONG - We usually go to the beach In February.
LATE LATE 4) Advérbios de Lugar: Os advérbios ou locuções
adverbias de lugar são colocados geralmente após o
verbo ou o objeto, direto ou indireto.
- John looked around but he couldn’t see the monkey.
- I have nowhere to go.
- They built a house nearby.

5) Advérbios de Grau / Intensidade: Os advérbios

de intensidade em geral são colocados antes da palavra
que estiverem modificando (adjetivo, verbo, advérbio

- She runs very fast.

- I absolutely agree with you.

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Sistema PeC de Ensino – EEAR - Inglês - Gramática

EXERCISES 3) “At once”, in bold type in the text, can be

replaced by:
Read the text and answer question 1. a) at the same time. c) a long time ago.
b) in a short time. d) all the time.
Dear Matthew,
4) “enough”, underlined in the text, is:
I was really upset to hear about your accident. It a) a preposition.
sounds terrible! You’re lucky to have only one broken b) an adjective.
leg! Hope you’re back on your feet soon! c) an adverb.
Love, Rachel d) a verb.

1) We can infer that the text is a: 5) Based on the text:

a) get well message. a) after some time the Countryman sold the Goose at
b) piece of advice. the market.
c) business letter. b) the Countryman killed his Goose because of his
d) love letter. greed.
c) the Countryman found many eggs inside the
Read the text and answer the question 2 d) the Goose laid eggs once a week.

A New Car
Mark bought a new car last week. He is happy Read the text and answer questions 6, 7 and 8.
with his new car. He got a good deal on his new car. Bento boxes
It was on sale. His new car is green. The four tires
People in offices in Japan often have a bento at
are black. His new car has four doors. It has one
lunchtime. They do not eat a meal in a restaurant;
trunk. The spare tire is in the trunk. All new cars have
they eat a bento in the office. They regularly have a
a spare tire. His new car has one hood. The engine
menu for the bentos in the office and they telephone
is under the hood. All new cars have an engine. His
a bento store with their orders. The people at bento
new car has two big seats. One seat is in the front.
store make the bentos and take them to all the offices
One seat is in the back. Mark sits in the front seat
at about 12p.m.
when he drives his new car. He always buckles his
seat belt.
6) The underlined words in the text, often and
regularly are closest in meaning to:
2) The underline word is: a) always.
a) adverb of manner b) seldom.
b) adverb of place c) frequently.
c) adverb of time d) sometimes.
d) adverb of frequency
7) According to the text, the word “orders”, in
bold, means:
Read the text and answer questions 3, 4 and 5 a) something organized in a particular way.
The Goose and the Golden egg b) the situation that exists when everything is in the
correct place.
There was once a Countryman who possessed the c) A group of nuns who live according to a particular
most wonderful Goose you can imagine, for every set of rules.
day when he visited the nest, the Goose had laid a d) A request for something to be brought for someone
beautiful, glittering, Golden egg. The Countryman in return for money.
took the eggs to the market and soon began to get
rich. But he grew impatient with the Goose because 8) According to the text, Bento Boxes is a/ an:
she gave him only a single Golden egg a day. He a) office
was not getting rich fast enough. b) kitchen
Then one day, after he had finished counting his c) delivery
money, he thought that he could get all the Golden d) restaurant
eggs at once by killing the Goose and cutting it open.
But when he killed her, he didn’t find a single Golden
egg and his precious Goose was dead.
(Adapted from “The Goose and the Golden egg”)

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Sistema PeC de Ensino – EEAR - Inglês - Gramática

Read the text and answer questions 09 and 10. Read the text and answer question 13.

A __________ fact about Australia is that one

A priest phoned the Board of Health to have a dead
Australian family in three (that’s approximately 33%) mule removed from his lawn. Said the clerk,“ I thought
priests took care of the dead”. The priest said, “We do,
speak another language, apart from English.
but we try to get in touch with the relatives first”.

9) Choose the best alternative to complete the 13) The underlined word “dead” is being used as,
blank in the text. respectively:
a) surprises a) a noun / a verb
b) surprised b) an adverb / a noun
c) surprising c) an adjective / a noun
d) surprisingly d) an adjective / an adverb

10) The word “approximately”, in bold in the text, Read the text and answer question 14
means: An Englishman living near Sheffield recently had a
a) exactly most unlucky day’s fishing. He was standing on a low
b) roughly bridge when he had the misfortune to knock his tin of
c) precisely bait into the river. Leaning over the side of the bridge,
d) undoubtedly he tried to hook the tin and pull it out of the river. As
he did so, his car keys fell out of his pocket and
disappeared in the water.
Read the text and answer questions 11 and 12. Feeling thoroughly annoyed with himself and his
luck, the fisherman lent over the bridge to try to see
Homeless crack addict revitalizes small square in where his keys had gone. As he did so, the bridge
downtown São Paulo collapsed and he fell into the river. This was the last
straw. The fisherman crawled out of the river and
A homeless man has chosen to occupy his free time went back to his car. There he discovered that he had
revitalizing a small square on the corner of avenues locked the doors and could not get in. His anti-thief
São João and Duque de Caxias, in downtown São lock had immobilized his car. There was nothing left
Paulo. He planted pau-brasil, palm, banana and for him to do but walk sadly home.
avocado trees. He also planted boldo, sweet
potatoes, beans, peppers and ornamental plants, 14) “ thoroughly”, (line 9), is closest in meaning
such as snake plants. Residents noticed the square’s to:
gradual changes and congratulated the author for the a) badly.
modifications. b) slightly.
Fonte: Folha de São Paulo Internacional – 21/03/2017
c) completely.
11) The words “small”, “sweet” e “ornamental”, d) accordingly.
underlined in the text, are:
Read the text and answer question 15
a) nouns
b) adverbs
c) pronouns Facebook makes users envious and dissatisfied
d) adjectives
In a recent research study conducted by two German
12) Choose the alternative that is NOT in the universities, Facebook members answered questions
Simple Past: about their own feelings after using the platform.
More than one-third of the respondents reported
a) A man has chosen to occupy his free time predominantly negative feelings, such as frustration.
revitalizing a square. The researchers identified that envying their
b) People congratulated the man for the gradual seemingly more successful ‘Facebook friends’ is the
changes in the square. major reason for this result. In general, online social
c) He planted a number of pau-brasil, palm and networks allow users brand-new insights on relevant
banana trees. others, which would be _______ more difficult to
d) Residents noticed the square’s changes. obtain offline.

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Sistema PeC de Ensino – EEAR - Inglês - Gramática

15) In “…their seemingly more successful 20) “almost”, in bold type in the text, is closest in
‘Facebook friends’…”, (lines 6 and 7), the meaning to________ , except:
underlined word can be replaced by: a) approximately
b) entirely
a) surely. c) close to
b) positively. d) nearly
c) apparently.
d) undoubtedly. 21) Choose the word below that refers to one of
the five senses:
Read the text and answer question 16, 17 and 18
a) sight
Smart traveler, expert opinion about the airport b) aging
c) health
The first piece of advice is, people should always
d) memory
carry a good book. It helps to pass the time as you
wait for your delayed flight. Don’t forget to take a
22) In “ I rarely feel hungry...”, the underlined
sweater or a jacket on the plane. It can get very cold
word is closest in meaning to:
on a long night flight. And then there is airline food.
Take a snack (cookies or fruit) with you. Sometimes a) never.
the food is late, sometimes it doesn’t arrive at all, b) often.
and it’s never very good. c) seldom.
d) definitely.
16) Based on the text, we can infer that:
a) flights are always delayed. Read the text and answer question 23
b) the food served on the plane is excellent. The first roller skates were made in 1760 by Joseph
c) the airline companies never serve fruit or cookies. Merlim, a Belgium musician. He worked hard on his
d) people should take warm clothes, in case the wonderful invention. People at a dance couldn’t
temperature goes down on the plane. believe it when Merlin arrived on his roller skates
playing the volin. Unfortunately his skates had no
17) “snack”, (line 6), underlined in the text, breaks so he couldn’t stop; he went straight across
means: the dance floor and crashed into a large mirror. Both
a) lunch. the mirror and the violin were broken, and Merlim was
b) dinner. badly hurt. It was the last time anyone tried roller-
c) a great feast. skating for another hundred years.
d) a small meal.
23) All the words, underlined in the text, are
18) The words “sometimes” and “never”, in bold adverbs, except:
type in the text, are adverbs of:
a) time. a) last
b) place. b) hard
c) manner. c) badly
d) frequency. d) unfortunately

Read the text and answer question 19 and 20 24) All the alternatives below are adverbs of
frequency, except:
The sun and the moon
a) seldom
The sun is a star. It’s a ball of fire. The moon is rocky
b) well
and hard. It’s not hot. The sun sends out light, but the
c) never
moon doesn’t. In fact, the moon reflects the light. The
d) often
moon is about 240.000 miles away from us; the sun
is 93 million miles; that’s why the moon looks almost
as large as the sun. 25) “Hard” means:
a) complex
19) The underlined words, in the text, are: b) deep
a) adjectives. c) difficult
b) pronouns. d) impossible
c) adverbs.
d) nouns.

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Sistema PeC de Ensino – EEAR - Inglês - Gramática

26) He was driving his car very FAST.. 31) In the sentence “Usually
Usually called ableism, a less
a) adjective well-known
known form of prejudice”, the underlined
b) adverb expression means:
c) noun a) always.
d) preposition b) frequently.
c) rarely.
d) seldom.
Read the add and answer question 27
32) All the alternatives below are adverbs of
place, except:
a) enough
b) there
c) anywhere
d) somewhere

33)) Choose the correct alternative:

She worked ___________ to pass the exam.
a) hard
b) hardly
c) harder
d) hardest
27)) The sentence that best describes the add is:
a) Turn on the lights when a room is not being used. 34)) Children in Brazil have a HARD life.
b) Turn on the heaters and boilers on summer days. a) adjective
c) Turn off the lights when there is nobody in a room. b) adverb
d) Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth or c) noun
shaving. d) preposition

28) The underlined word in the sentence 35) Peter is a GOOD person.
“Crowded airports, long lines and delays may a) adjective
cause stress and high pressure.” is: b) adverb
a) a verb c) noun
b) a noun d) preposition
c) an adjective
d) an adverb 36) My mother cooks paella very WELL.
a) adjective c) adverb
29) We ran very _______ in the race but at the b) noun d) preposition
end we could ______ breathe.
Read the text and answer questions 37 and 38
a) fast, harder
b) fast, hardly J.K. Rowling
c) fast, hard Place birth: Yate, Gloucestershire, England
d) faster, hardly Date birth: July 31, 1965.
30) The opposite of never is: 1965: She finished Harry Potter and the
a) seldom. Philosopher´s stone and sent it to 12 different
b) usually. publishers, who rejected her manuscript. She finally
c) always. published it two years later.
d) often. 1998: The sequel, Harry Potter and the Chamber of
Secrets, was published.
1999: The third novel, Harry Potter and the prisoner
of Azkaban, received the Smarties prize.
2000: The fourth book, Harry Potter and the Goblet of
Fire,, was published with a record first print run of one
million copies in the UK.

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Sistema PeC de Ensino – EEAR - Inglês - Gramática

2003: The fifth book of the series was released, Harry 44) In the text bellow, the word “nearly” means:
Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.
2005: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, the After 20 years of scientific advances, ‘nearly’ three out of
sixth book of the series, was released. four infertile couples seeking medical assistance to have a
2007: The final book was released, Harry Potter and child still go home to an empty crib.
the Deathly Hallows.
2008: She published The tales of Beedle the Bard, a a) almost.
collection of five fables. b) hardly.
c) close.
37) Where was J.K. Rowling born? d) far.
She was born in ....................................... e) over.
a) England. b) Brazil. c) Spain. d) France. 45) The sun __________ rises in the west.

a) always
38) Which was the fifth book? b) never
a. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. c) often
b. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. d) sometimes
c.The tales of Beedle the Bard e) usually
d. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire *o sol sempre se levanta no leste nunca no oeste (West)

39) Which was the fourth book? 46) Which word is not an adverb?
a) Wholly
a. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.
b) Weekly
b. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.
c) Earthly
c.The tales of Beedle the Bard
d) Sadly
d. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
e) Proudly
40) The words “Carefully” and “Slowly” are
47) Gradually and powerfully are adverbs formed
adverbs of:
from the adjectives gradual + ly and powerful + ly,
a) time. b) place. c) manner. d) frequency. respectively. Other adjectives can take the same
suffix to form adverbs, in the same way, except:
41) Choose the correct alternative
a. historic
We have been working _________to ensure all b. usual
wood comes from well managed forests. c. wild
d. abrupt
a) lot e. intelligent
b) hardly
c) hard 48) Assinale a altenativa que completa
d) very corretamente a sentença:
e) many
Of all the movies I have seen lately, the one
I saw yesterday was __ __ ___ __ _.
42) In “ It was a fair game”, we conclude that the
game was played: a) worse .
b) worst .
a) well b) badly c) honestly d) brilliantly c) the worse.
d) the worst .
43) (ITA) O termo "seldom", entre aspas no trecho e) the most worse .
adiante, poderia ser substituído por: "As an
American Express Cardmember, you will enjoy a
relationship with us that goes beyond the 49) In t h e se nten ce " What is the BEST
ordinary. You will be treated as a MEMBER, not a way to live?" , the capital word is the supe
number. And you will receive the respect and rlative form of the adjective :
recognition “seldom” found today".
a) far .
a) occasionally b) rarely c) often d) usually e) always b) bad .
c) fun .
d) good

Você Pode Tudo! Página 9/10

Sistema PeC de Ensino – EEAR - Inglês - Gramática

50) EFOMM 1997 56) Em qual das alternativas a seguir o advérbio

Take it easy , John ! You need not work so ___. está incorreto?
a) She hasn’t met them yet.
a) hardly b) We were rather hot yesterday.
b) harder c) Jamie is waiting for us always.
c) hard d) They work very hard on Fridays.
d) hardest
e) hardy 57) Complete o diálogo, usando os advérbios
51) Qual é a alternativa que apresenta apenas – Hasn’t anyone caught the thief ____________?
advérbios de frequência? – No, he hasn’t been caught ___. He will be caught _____
a) badly – gently – fast – often
a) already; still; just now
b) often – rarely – usually – always b) yet; yet; soon
c) always – rarely – fast – softly c) now; already; tomorrow
d) still; yet; immediately
d) often – always – badly – fast e) yet; already; at the moment

52) Qual é a alternativa que apresenta apenas 58) I noticed the student speak English
advérbios de modo? _______________.
a) gently – fast – often – terribly a) very fluent
b) fluent
b) badly – silently – terribly – happily. c) more fluent
c) happily – often – slowly – gradually d) fluently
e) fluency
d) fluently – today – yesterday – tomorrow
59) This is a _______ good course for you to take.
53) Marque a alternativa que melhor complete a
a) enough b) only c) nearly d) much e) very
frase: “We ________ go to France on holidays”
a) slowly
60) Assinale a única alternativa correta:
b) fast
a) Carefully he drives always his car.
c) always b) He drives his car carefully always.
c) He always drives his car carefully.
d) at school d) He drives his car always carefully.
e) Always he drives his car carefully.
54) Qual alternativa NÃO é um advérbio de
a) often
b) usually *Dica: Procure conferir o gabarito somente depois de
c) sometimes resolver as questões, pois assim será mais proveitoso.

d) well 1A 2C 3A 4C 5B 6C 7D 8C 9C 10B
11D 12A 13C 14C 15C 16D 17D 18D 19D 20B
e) regularly
21A 22C 23A 24B 25C 26B 27C 28C 29C 30C
31B 32A 33A 34A 35A 36C 37A 38B 39D 40C
55) Marque a alternativa que completa a frase: 41C 42C 43B 44A 45B 46C 47A 48D 49D 50C
“ They _____________ read a book”. 51B 52B 53C 54D 55B 56C 57B 58D 59E 60C
a) well
b) sometimes Você Pode Tudo!
c) at home
d) tomorrow
e) terribly

Você Pode Tudo! Página 10/10

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