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Adjetivos / Adjectives
Comparativo e Superlativo / Comparative and Superlative
Parte 2/ Part 2

Profa. Joana Pessôa

Comparativo e Superlativo / Comparative and Superlative

Formação dos Comparativos e Superlativos

1. Comparativos e superlativos regulares

Em inglês, a formação do comparativo e do superlativo

depende do número de sílabas do adjetivo original.

1.a) Adjetivos curtos (uma ou duas sílabas)

Normalmente, basta adicionar -er para formar o adjetivo

comparativo e -est para o superlativo.
Comparativo e Superlativo / Comparative and Superlative


Positive Comparative Superlative

old older oldest

long longer longest

tall taller tallest

Comparativo e Superlativo / Comparative and Superlative

Se o adjetivo termina em vogal + consoante, duplicamos a

consoante antes da inclusão da terminação:

Positive Comparative Superlative

big bigger biggest

fat fatter fattest

sad sadder saddest

Comparativo e Superlativo / Comparative and Superlative

Se o adjetivo termina em –e, simplesmente adicionamos –r

ou –st:

Positive Comparative Superlative

nice nicer nicest

large larger largest

close closer closest

Comparativo e Superlativo / Comparative and Superlative

Se um adjetivo termina na consoante –y, trocamos –y por –i

e adicionamos –er ou –est:

Positive Comparative Superlative

happy happier happiest

silly sillier silliest

busy busier busiest

Comparativo e Superlativo / Comparative and Superlative


Os adjetivos de duas sílabas a seguir podem formar o

comparativo e o superlativo tanto adicionando –er/–r e

–est/–st, quanto usando more e most:

common likely polite

cruel narrow simple
gentle pleasant stupid
Comparativo e Superlativo / Comparative and Superlative


He is certainly handsomer than his brother.

His brother is handsome, but he is more handsome.

She is one of the politest people I have ever met.

She is the most polite person I have ever met.

Comparativo e Superlativo / Comparative and Superlative

1.b) Adjetivos com três ou mais sílabas

Adjetivos com três sílabas ou mais formam o comparativo

de superioridade através da inclusão do termo more antes
de cada adjetivo; e o superlativo pela inclusão da palavra
Positive Comparative Superlative

important more important most important

talkative more talkative most talkative

Comparativo e Superlativo / Comparative and Superlative

Já o comparativo de inferioridade se dá através da inclusão

do termo less antes de cada adjetivo; e o superlativo pela
inclusão da palavra least.

Positive Comparative Superlative

expensive less expensive least expensive

intelligent less intelligent least intelligent

Comparativo e Superlativo / Comparative and Superlative


Demonstrando Superioridade

To him, this job is more important than his family.

This is the most important gig where she’s ever played.

Demonstrando Inferioridade

This sweater is less expensive than that one.

This is the least expensive sweater in the store.

Comparativo e Superlativo / Comparative and Superlative

2. Comparativos e superlativos irregulares

Os adjetivos abaixo possuem formas comparativas e

superlativas irregulares.

Positive Comparative Superlative

good better best
bad worse worst
far further/farther furthest/farthest
Comparativo e Superlativo / Comparative and Superlative


Today I had a good day at the office.

You play tennis better than I do.

Orlando is the best holiday destination.

Drinking is not as bad as smoking.

The food was worse than the service.

Dumbledore is Voldermort’s worst enemy.

Comparativo e Superlativo / Comparative and Superlative

Questões de Prova

(Escola Naval/2018) Mark the option that completes the

excerpt below correctly.
Our study analyzed 7.1-billion miles ______, to update our
______ distracted driving study with _______ and _____
data. We covered 4.5-miilion drivers across all American
states and territories, from December 2017 through
February 2018. We found that distracted driving is far
______ previously reported.
Comparativo e Superlativo / Comparative and Superlative

(A) further / latest / fresher / deeper / worse than

(B) farthest / the later / fresher / deeper / worse than

(C) farther
Para / latestque
demonstrar / the freshest
uma / the
situação deepest
depende da/ outra.
worst than

(D) The /later
the it got,/ the
later the more dangerous
freshest it was./ the worst
/ the deepest
The higher they climbed, the colder it got.
(E) furthest / the later / the freshest / the deepest / the
Comparativo e Superlativo / Comparative and Superlative

(EPCAR – 2018) Mark the sentence from the text that is an

example of comparative form.
(A) Owned or controlled by an ‘employer’. (line 18)
(B) Most child marriages can be considered slavery. (lines 58
and 59)
(C) [...] people are much more vulnerable to slavery[...]
(lines 74 and 75)
(D) [...] that need to be taken to end slavery across the
world. (lines 86 and 87)
Comparativo e Superlativo / Comparative and Superlative

(EEAR – 2017) Which of the following are examples of

Comparative and Superlative adjectives, respectively?

(A) severe (line 14) / major contributor (line 28)

(B) stronger (line 16) / the most seasoned (line 12)

(C) more frequent (line 3) / twice as much (line 23)

(D) more common (line 7) / most jet aircraft (lines 17 and

Comparativo e Superlativo / Comparative and Superlative


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