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UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RIO GRANDE DO SUL FACULDADE DE CINCIAS ECONMICAS PROGRAMA DE PS-GRADUAO EM ECONOMIA MESTRADO E DOUTORADO EM ECONOMIA DO DESENVOLVIMENTO Disciplina: Macroeconomia I, ECOP 20 Nmero de crditos e carga horria: 3 crditos e 45 h/a Professor responsvel: Dr.Fernando Ferrari Filho Ementa A Economia de Keynes. As teorias ps-keynesiana e novo-keynesiana. Objetivo Inicialmente, a disciplina apresenta o desenvolvimento terico da Economia de Keynes. Em seguida, ela apresenta as convergncias e divergncias entre as agendas de pesquisas ps-keynesiana e novokeynesiana.

Contedo programtico 1. O desenvolvimento da Theory revoluo keynesiana: do Tract General

Referncias bibliogrficas sugeridas Keynes, J.M. (1964): caps.2, 3, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17 e 18. Keynes, J.M. (1971): caps.1, 3 e 5. Keynes, J.M. (1973a): A monetary theory of production (pp.408-11). Keynes, J.M. (1973b): The theory of the rate of interest (pp.101-8), The general theory of employment (pp.109-23) e Alternative theories of the rate of interest (pp.201-15). Keynes, J.M. (1976): caps.1, 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 e 30.

Keynes, J.M. (1979): The distinction between a operative economy and an entrepreneur economy (pp.76-87) characteristics of an entrepreneur economy (pp. 87-101). 2. A teorias ps-keynesiana e novo-keynesiana 2.1. Os fundamentos da teoria macroeconmica ps-keynesiana Referncias bibliogrficas sugeridas Arestis, P. (1992): cap.4. Cardim de Carvalho, F. (1992): cap.3. Chick, V. (1984): caps.9, 10, 11 e 12. Davidson, P. (1994): caps.2, 6, 7 e 8. Dow, S. (1993): cap.2. Eichner, A.; Kregel, J. (1975). Palley, T. (1996): caps.2, 6, 7 e 8. Snowdon, B.; Vane, H. (2005): caps.2 e 8.

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2.2. As falhas keynesianos

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Referncias bibliogrficas sugeridas Clarida, R.; Gal, J.; Gertler, M. (1999). Gordon, R. (1990). Greenwald, B.; Stiglitz, J.E. (1993). Mankiw, N.G. (2001). Romer, D. (1996): caps.5, 6, 9 e 10. Snowdon, B.; Vane, H. (2005): cap.7.


ARESTIS, P. (1992). The post-Keynesian Aldershot: Edward Elgar.




CARDIM DE CARVALHO, F. (1992). Mr.Keynes and the post Keynesians. Aldershot: Edward Elgar. CHICK, V. (1984). Macroeconomics after Keynes. Cambridge: The MIT Press CLARIDA, R.; GAL, J.; GERTLER, M. (1999). The science of monetary policy: a new Keynesian perspective. Journal of Economic Literature, 37: 1661-1707, December. DAVIDSON, P. (1994). Post Keynesian macroeconomic theory. Aldershot: Edward Elgar. DOW, S. (1993). Money and the economic process. Aldershot: Edward Elgar. EICHNER, A.; KREGEL, J. (1975). An essay on PostKeynesian theory: a new paradigm in economics. Journal of Economic Literature, 13(4):1293-314, December. GORDON, R. (1990). What is new-Keynesian theory? Journal of Economic Literature, 28(3):1115-71, September. GREENWALD, B.; and old Keynesians. Journal 44, Winter. STIGLITZ, J.E. (1993). of Economic Perspectives, New 7(1):23-

KEYNES, J.M. (1964). The general theory of employment, interest, and money. New York: HBJ Book. _____. (1971). A tract on monetary reform. London: Macmillan (The collected writings of John Maynard Keynes, vol.4). _____. (1973a). The general theory and after: preparation. London: Macmillan (The collected writings of John Maynard Keynes, edited by D.Moggridge, vol.13).

_____. (1973b). The general theory and after: defence and development. London: Macmillan (The collected writings of John Maynard Keynes, edited by D.Moggridge, vol.14). _____. (1976). A treatise on money. New York: AMS Press. _____. (1979). The general theory and a supplement. London: Macmillan (The collected writings Maynard Keynes, edited by D.Moggridge, vol.29). after: of John

MANKIW, N.G. (2001). Inexorable and mysterious trade-off between inflation and unemployment. Economic Journal, 111:C45-C61, May. PALLEY, T. (1996). Post Keynesian economics. London: Macmillan. ROMER, D. (1996). Advanced macroeconomics. New York: McGrawHill. SNOWDON, B.; VANE, H. (2005). Modern macroeconomics: its origins, development and current state. Northampton: Edward Elgar.

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