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c) Há quem pense que somos os únicos seres

PORTUGUÊS existentes no universo.
d) As mulheres tendem a aceitar mais interferências
TEXTO PARA A PRÓXIMA QUESTÃO alheias em suas escolhas.
e) Por mais que eu tente, não consigo compreender os
fundamentos da física quântica.

5. Completam adequadamente as lacunas abaixo,


I. ______________ no saguão do hospital minha mãe,

meu pai e eu.

II. É importante saber que cada um dos estudantes

1. Em “(...) Procuro despir-me do que aprendi,” (verso
__________direito à assistência médica ao ingressar
1), a função morfossintática das palavras em negrito é,
na Universidade.
a) objeto direto e pronome pessoal reto; objeto direto
III. Foi difícil se conscientizar de que ele __________
e pronome oblíquo.
os amores de sua mãe.
b) partícula integrante do verbo e pronome oblíquo;
a) Estavam – terá – era
objeto indireto e preposição.
b) Estavam – terão – era
c) pronome oblíquo e objeto direto; combinação da
c) Estávamos – terá – era
preposição e objeto direto.
d) Estavam – terão – eram
d) partícula integrante do verbo e pronome pessoal;
e) Estávamos – terão – eram
objeto indireto e pronome demonstrativo.
e) objeto direto e preposição; objeto indireto e
6. Assinale alternativa que completa adequadamente
pronome pessoal.
as lacunas.
2. Assinale a alternativa em que todos os verbos são
I. Os motivos __________ deixamos de visitá-los são
a) Chover – Advir – Provir
b) Reaver – Caber – Haver
II. Vamos elaborar uma lista __________ produtos
c) Precaver(-se) – Construir – Carregar
queremos informações.
d) Abolir – Colorir – Computar
e) Entupir – Requerer – Valer
III. O jovem ainda não decidiu __________ partido se
3. Assinale a afirmativa cujos verbos preenchem
corretamente as lacunas do trecho abaixo.
IV. Os homens __________ se deparou a insultaram.
A maior parte das pessoas __________ a existência de
a) por que - cujos - qual - com que
efeitos colaterais causados pelos remédios. E muitos
b) por que - de cujos - a qual - com os quais
médicos, a sua grande maioria, não ___________ os
c) porque - de cujos - em qual - com os quais
problemas que os remédios podem causar. Há anos
d) pelos quais - sobre cujo - qual - com quem
venho defendendo a introdução de um sistema
e) pelos quais - sobre cujo - em qual - com quem
internacional de monitoramento de medicamentos,
para que os médicos __________ informados quando
7. Analise as afirmativas abaixo e, a seguir, assinale a
seus companheiros de outros países detectarem
alternativa correta
a) desconhece – conhece – ser
I. O presente do indicativo expressa situações
b) desconhece – conhecem – sejam
c) desconhecem – conhece – serem
d) desconhece – conhecem – serem
II. O presente do indicativo não expressa eventos
e) desconhecem – conhecem – sejam
ocorridos no passado.
4. O uso do verbo no subjuntivo, exprimindo
III. O pretérito perfeito do indicativo expressa o fato
conjectura, está presente na alternativa:
passado habitual.
a) Não quero que você me deseje mal.
a) Somente I está correta.
b) Procuro um carro que seja confortável, espaçoso e
b) Somente II está correta.

III.Só as preposições essenciais se acompanham de

c) Somente III está correta. formas tônicas dos pronomes oblíquos.
d) Somente I e II estão corretas. a) Somente I está correta.
e) Somente II e III estão corretas. b) Somente II está correta.
c) Somente III está correta.
8. Observe o verbo sublinhado na sentença abaixo. d) Somente I e III estão corretas.
Que outro tempo verbal pode ser usado nesse verbo e) Somente I e II estão corretas.
para que ele expresse uma ideia semelhante à ideia
que está expressando no futuro do pretérito? Se eu
pudesse, eu viajaria para o Havaí todo o ano. TEXTO PARA A PRÓXIMA QUESTÃO

a) Pretérito imperfeito do Subjuntivo. A Pirâmide Marciana

b) Pretérito imperfeito do Indicativo. A pirâmide é uma das formas geométricas mais
c) Pretérito mais-que-perfeito do Indicativo. reconhecidas do mundo. Diferentes civilizações,
d) Pretérito perfeito do Subjuntivo. incluindo Maias, Astecas e Egípcios, construíram
e) Pretérito perfeito do Indicativo. monumentos de formato piramidal para servir como
tumbas, templos ou até mesmo observatórios
9. Analise as afirmativas abaixo, colocando entre astronômicos. Por isso, quando um grupo de
parênteses a letra V, quando se tratar de afirmativa estudiosos avistou uma pedra de formato peculiar na
verdadeira, ou a letra F, quando se tratar de afirmativa superfície de Marte, em um vídeo divulgado pela
falsa. Em seguida, assinale a alternativa que apresenta agência espacial americana (Nasa), na semana
a sequência correta. passada, a imaginação dos que buscam sinais de vida
fora da Terra foi às alturas. Seria a rocha evidência de
( ) A simplificação dos paradigmas flexionais verbais, uma construção planejada por seres inteligentes?
um fenômeno morfofonêmico e morfossintático, Os cientistas até agora descartam essa ideia. A
sintaticamente e semanticamente relacionado ao pirâmide encontrada pelo robô Curiosity tem, de
pronome pessoal sujeito, é uma característica típica do acordo com estimativas de pesquisadores, o tamanho
português brasileiro. de um carro popular. Seu formato, apesar de raro, não
( ) Outra característica marcante do português é inédito na história da exploração de Marte.
brasileiro é o fenômeno da nominalização, marcada Oficialmente, a Nasa não se pronunciou sobre o
pelo uso do modelo padrão, pelo uso do pronome assunto. No entanto, um dos cientistas da missão disse
lembrete, pelo recurso da substituição com o à imprensa americana que tudo não passa de uma
pronome-cópia, ou ainda pelo uso da relativa coincidência. “O olho humano é bom em reconhecer
cortadora. formatos familiares em objetos aleatórios”, diz Jim
( ) Figura também como característica marcante do Bell, que também é professor de ciência planetária na
português brasileiro o uso do pronome-sujeito de Universidade do Arizona.
terceira pessoa como objeto direto, o qual tem valor Durante os bilhões de anos de história do Planeta
anafórico e pode ser associado ao caso genitivo da Vermelho, o choque de asteroides e os ventos
língua latina. ajudaram a moldar infinitos ângulos nas pedras da
a) V – F – F superfície. E possível, portanto, que algumas dessas
b) V – V – F rochas se assemelhem a pirâmides. Até que novos
c) F – V – V estudos sejam realizados, os cientistas também tratam
d) F – F – V o caso como fizeram com a “face de Marte”, capturada
e) V – F – V pela sonda Viking em 1976, que revelou uma
montanha cuja porção superior parecia se assemelhar
10. Pertencem à classe das palavras categoremáticas: a um rosto de formato humanoide. Fotografias de
a) pronomes, numerais e artigos. melhor resolução tiradas décadas depois acabaram
b) artigos, preposições e conjunções. com o mito. Enquanto isso, o Curiosity, prestes a
c) substantivos, adjetivos, verbos e advérbios. completar três anos no planeta, continua a fazer
d) pronomes e numerais. ciência.
e) preposições, conjunções e interjeições. (Disponível
em: http://www.istoe.com.br/reportagens/424656
11. A respeito das preposições, é correto afirmar que: A+PIRAMIDE+MARCIANA.)

I. São desprovidas de significado. Analise os trechos abaixo e, em seguida, responda.

II. São chamadas acidentais as preposições que
perderam seu valor e emprego primitivos. “A pirâmide encontrada pelo robô Curiosity tem, de
acordo com estimativas de pesquisadores, o tamanho

de um carro popular. Seu formato, apesar de raro, 15. Analise as afirmativas abaixo e, a seguir, assinale a
não é inédito na história da exploração de Marte." alternativa correta.

“[...] os cientistas também tratam o caso como fizeram I. O modo indicativo é utilizado e referência a fatos
com a 'face de Marte', capturada pela sonda Viking em verossímeis ou tidos como tal.
1976, que revelou uma montanha cuja porção II. O modo subjuntivo é utilizado em referência a fatos
superior parecia se assemelhar a um rosto de formato que se passam ou se estendem ao momento em que
humanoide." falamos.
III. O modo imperativo é utilizado em referência a
12. Os vocábulos em destaque referem-se, fatos dependentes de certa condição.
respectivamente, a: a) Somente I está correta.
b) Somente II está correta.
a) carro popular e sonda Viking. c) Somente III está correta.
b) pirâmide encontrada e sonda Viking. d) Somente I e II estão corretas.
c) robô Curiosity e face de Marte. e) Somente I e III estão corretas.
d) pirâmide encontrada e montanha.
e) carro popular e montanha. 16. O tempo verbal utilizado para indicar uma ação
passada em relação a outro momento passado é o:
a) pretérito perfeito
13. Escolha a alternativa em que todos os vocábulos b) pretérito imperfeito
são classificados como verbos abundantes. c) pretérito mais-que-perfeito
a) entregar - expulsar - amanhecer - prender - sair. d) futuro do pretérito
b) ganhar - fartar - debater - eleger - tingir. e) subjuntivo
c) aceitar - isentar - desenvolver - chover - interagir.
d) expressar - pagar - arrepender - desenvolver -
e) assentar - preconizar - acender - revolver - implodir.


Texto associado
Leia o trecho abaixo e, em seguida, escolha a TEXTO PARA AS PRÓXIMAS 2 QUESTÕES:
alternativa correta: Answer the questions below according to the text.

“Segundo os cientistas, se quisermos ter qualquer WHY DO SUPERVILLAINS FASCINATE US? A

chance de sobreviver a um grande objeto em rota de PSYCHOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE
colisão, a detecção precoce é essencial, já que a
maioria das soluções imaginadas para desviar um Why are we fascinated by supervillains? Posing the
asteroide levaria anos para ser implantada [...]. question is much like asking 1why evil itself intrigues
Quando ele vier, é preciso estar preparado.” us, but 2there's much more to our continued interest in
supervillains than meets the eye.
14. Os verbos em destaque estão, respectivamente, 3
Not only do Lex Luthor, Dracula and the Red
no: Skull run unconstrained by conventional morality,

a) imperfeito do subjuntivo - infinitivo - futuro do 5

they exist outside the limits of reality itself. Their evil,
presente - futuro do pretérito - particípio. even at its most realistic, retains a touch of the unreal.
b) futuro do subjuntivo - infinitivo - futuro do pretérito But 6is our fascination with fantastic 7fiends
- futuro do subjuntivo - particípio. healthy? From a psychological perspective, views vary
c) infinitivo - presente do indicativo - futuro do on 8what drives our enduring interest in superhuman
pretérito - futuro do subjuntivo - particípio. bad guys.
d) futuro do presente - infinitivo - futuro do pretérito - Shadow confrontation: Psychiatrist Carl Jung
futuro do subjuntivo - pretérito perfeito. believed we need to confront and understand our own
e) imperfeito do subjuntivo - infinitivo - futuro do hidden nature to grow as human beings. Healthy
presente - futuro do presente - infinitivo. confrontation with our shadow selves can unearth new
strengths (e.g., Bruce Wayne creating his Dark Knight
persona to fight crime), whereas unhealthy attempts at
confrontation may involve dwelling on or unleashing
the worst parts of ourselves.

who feels victimized and cannot figure out constructive

Wish fulfillment: 9Sigmund Freud viewed ways to stand up, be strong or 20become heroic might
human nature as inherently antisocial, biologically twist the need for self-assertion into destruction.
driven by the undisciplined id's pleasure principle to Alternately, a healthy person simply might focus on
get what we want when we want it – born to be bad how 21all characters assert themselves in any given
but held back by society. Even if the psyche fully story.
develops its ego (source of self-control) and superego 22
Better villain equals better hero: A hero only
(conscience), Freudians say the id still 10dwells appears as heroic as the challenge he or she must
underneath, and it wishes for many selfish things – so overcome. Great heroes require great villains. Without
it would love to be supervillainous. supercriminals, the world's finest heroes seem like
Hierarchy of needs: Humanistic psychologist overpowered brutes 23nabbing thugs unworthy of
Abraham Maslow held that 12people who haven't met them. Through myths, legends and lore across time,
their most basic needs will have difficulty maturing. If 24
we have needed heroes who rise to the occasion,
starved for food, you're unlikely to feel secure. If overcome great 25odds and take down giants.
starved for love and companionship, you'll have Facing our fears: Instead of dreading the
trouble building self-esteem. People who dwell on their darkness, you might reduce that dread by shining a
deficits may envy and resent others who have more light and seeing what's out there. Fiction can help us
than they do. Some people who are unable to feel empowered and enlightened without literally
overcome social shortcomings fantasize about 26
traipsing into mob hangouts and poorly lit
obtaining any means, good or bad, to satisfy every 27
need and greed. Exploring the unknown: Our need to challenge
Conditioning: Ivan Pavlov would say we can the unknown has driven the human race to cover the
learn to associate supervillains with other things we globe. This powerful curiosity makes us wonder about
value – 13like entertainment, strength, freedom or the everything that 28baffles us, including the world's worst
heroes themselves. Behaviorist B.F. Skinner would fiends. Knowledge is power, or at least feels like it.
likely argue that we can find it reinforcing to watch or 29
When gritty details repulse us, exploring evil through
read about supervillains, but without knowing what's the filter of fiction can help us contemplate humanity's
reinforcing about them, that's a bit like saying it's worst without turning away or dwelling almost
rewarding because it's rewarding. voyeuristically on real human tragedy. Even when the
fiction is about improbable people doing impossible
Our Motivations for Seeking Out things, the story's fantastic nature reassures us that
Supervillains this cannot happen – and therefore we don't have to
Throughout history, 14humans have been turn away.
captivated by stories of heroes facing off against
superhuman 15foes. But what specific rewards, needs, Supervillains' Ultimate Purpose
wishes and dark dreams do supervillains satisfy? In the end, our interest in supervillains can be
Freedom: Superpowered characters enjoy healthy or unhealthy. Even the more maladaptive
freedoms the rest of us don't. Nobody can arrest reasons for such fascination tend to arise from
Superman unless he lets them (at least not without motivations that were originally healthy and natural –
kryptonite handcuffs). As much time as supervillains frustrated drives that went the wrong way.
spend locked up, they seem to escape as often as they Remember, though, that superheroic fiction
please, to run unconstrained by rules and regulations. ultimately begins and ends with the heroes. Comic
Cosplayers who dress like 17Wonder Woman and book writers and artists create supervillains, who move
Captain America can't do any crazy thing that crosses in and out as guest stars and supporting cast, first and
their minds without seeming to mock and insult our foremost to reveal how heroic the comics' stars can be.
heroes, whereas those dressed as villains get to go
wild. Supervillainy feels liberating. (Adapted from https://www.wired.com/2012/07/why-
Power: Maybe you envy the power these evil do-supervillainsfascinate-us/)
characters 18wield. While that's also a reason to adore
superheroes, good guys don't ache to dominate.
Stories like Watchmen and Kingdom Come show how Glossary:
heroes become 19menaces when they try to take over. 7. fiend – an evil and cruel person
So when dreaming of superpowers, maybe you relate 10. to dwell – remain
to characters who dream of power as well, from the 15. foe – an enemy
Scarecrow (who controls individuals' fears) to Doctor 18. to wield – influence, use power
Doom (who's perpetually out to dominate the world). 19. menace – threat
Better villain than victim: Physiologically, anger 23. to nab thugs – arrest criminals
activates us and feels better than anxiety or fear. One 25. odds – probability

2. dehumanised, treated as a commodity or bought

26. to traipse into mob hangouts – walk among places and sold as ‘9property’;
where gangs, criminals meet 3. physically constrained or have restrictions placed
27. poorly lit alleyways – narrow road or path with on their freedom of 10movement.
little light Slavery has been a disgraceful aspect of
28. to baffle – confuse somebody completely human society for most of human history. However,
Anti-Slavery International has refused to accept that
this bloody status quo should be allowed to persist
17. The sentences below are used in the interrogative (Aidan McQuade, former director).
form. Forms of modern slavery
Purposes of 11exploitation can range from
Mark the one that is grammatically correct. forced prostitution and forced labour to forced
a) Why does evil itself intrigues us? (ref. 1) marriage and forced organ removal. Here are the most
b) Who run unconstrained by conventional morality? common forms of modern slavery.
(ref. 4) 1. Forced labour – any work or services which
c) Who exist outside the limits of reality itself? (ref. 5) people are forced to do against their 12will under
d) What drives our enduring interest in superhuman the threat of some form of punishment.
bad guys? (ref. 8) 2. Debt bondage or bonded labour – the world’s
most widespread form of slavery, when people
borrow money they cannot repay and are
18. Mark the option in which the sentence is an required to work to pay off the debt, then losing
example of passive voice. control over the conditions of both their
a) Sigmund Freud viewed human nature as inherently employment and the debt.
antisocial, biologically driven by the undisciplined 3. Human trafficking– involves transporting,
id's pleasure principle. (ref. 9) recruiting or harbouring people for the purpose
b) People who haven't met their most basic needs will of exploitation, using violence, threats or
have difficulty maturing. (ref. 12) coercion.
c) Humans have been captivated by stories of heroes 4. Descent-based slavery – where people are born
facing off against superhuman foes. (ref. 14) into slavery because their ancestors were
d) We have needed heroes who rise to the occasion, captured and enslaved; they remain in slavery
overcome great odds and take down giants. (ref. by descent.
24) 5. Child slavery – 13many people often confuse
child slavery with child labour, but it is much
TEXTO PARA AS PRÓXIMAS 2 QUESTÕES: worse. 14Whilst child labour is harmful for
WHAT IS MODERN SLAVERY? children and 15hinders their education and
development, child slavery occurs when a child
Slavery did not end with abolition in the 19th is exploited for someone else’s gain. It can
century. Slavery 3continues today and harms people in
include child trafficking, child soldiers, child
every country in the world. marriage and child domestic slavery.
Women forced into prostitution. People forced 6. 16Forced and early marriage – 17when someone
to work in agriculture, domestic work and factories. is married against their will and cannot leave the
Children in 4sweatshops producing 5goods sold marriage. 18Most child marriages can be
globally. Entire families forced to work for nothing to considered slavery.
pay off generational debts. Girls forced to marry older Many forms of slavery have more than one
men. element listed above. For example, human trafficking
There are estimated 40.3 million people in often involves advance 19payment for travel and a job
modern abroad, using money often borrowed from the
slavery around the world, including: traffickers. Then, the debt contributes to control of the
1. 10 million children victims. Once they arrive, victims cannot leave until
2. 24.9 million people in forced labour they pay off their debt.
3. 15.4 million people in forced marriage Many people think that slavery happens only
4. 4.8 million people in forced sexual exploitation overseas, in developing countries. In fact, no country
Someone is in slavery if they are: is free from modern slavery, even Britain. The
5. forced to work – through coercion, or mental or Government estimates that there are tens of
physical threat; thousands people in modern slavery in the UK.
1. 7owned or controlled by an ’employer’, through Modern slavery can affect people of any age,
mental or physical abuse or the 8threat of gender or race. However, contrary to a common
abuse; 20
misconception that everyone can be a victim of

slavery, some groups of 21people are much different global economy, due to our increasingly
more vulnerable to slavery than others. unsustainable exploitation of the planet’s
People who live in 22poverty and have limited environmental resources and the shift to less efficient
opportunities for decent work are more vulnerable to energy sources.
accepting deceptive job offers that can turn Climate change and species extinctions are
exploitative. People who are discriminated against on accelerating even as societies are experiencing rising
the basis of race, caste, or gender are also more likely inequality, unemployment, slow economic growth,
to be enslaved. Slavery is also more likely to occur rising debt levels, and impotent governments. Contrary
where the rule of law is weaker and corruption is rife. to the way policymakers usually think about these
Anti-Slavery International believes that we have to problems these are not really separate crises at all.
tackle the root causes of slavery in order to end These crises are part of the same fundamental
slavery for good. That’s why we published our Anti- transition. The new era is characterized by inefficient
Slavery Charter, listing comprehensive measures 24that fossil fuel production and escalating costs of climate
need to be taken to end slavery across the world. change. Conventional capitalist economic thinking can
no longer explain, predict or solve the workings of the
(Adapted from https://www.antislavery.org/slavery- global economy in this new age.
Energy shift
Those are the implications of a new
Glossary: background paper prepared by a team of Finnish
4. sweatshop – a factory where workers are paid very biophysicists who were asked to provide research that
little and work many hours in very bad conditions would feed into the drafting of the UN Global
11. exploitation – abuse, manipulation Sustainable Development Report (GSDR), which will be
12. will – wish, desire released in 2019.
14. whilst – while For the “first time in human history”, the paper
15. to hinder – obstruct, stop says, capitalist economies are “shifting to energy
20. misconception – wrong idea/ impression sources that are less energy efficient.” Producing
22. poverty – the condition of being extremely poor usable energy (“exergy”) to keep powering “both basic
23. to tackle – attack and non-basic human activities” in industrial civilisation
“will require more, not less, effort”.
At the same time, our hunger for energy is
19. Mark the alternative in which the verb “to driving what the paper refers to as “sink costs.” The
continue” (ref. 3) is applied in the sentence correctly. greater our energy and material use, the more waste
a) Slavery continues to exist today, affecting we generate, and so the greater the environmental
continents and countries. costs. Though they can be ignored for a while,
b) Today, new forms of slavery continues being tragic. eventually those environmental costs translate directly
c) Poverty continue afflicting vast number of people. into economic costs as it becomes more and more
d) New forms of slavery is continuing to come from difficult to ignore their impacts on our societies.
poverty. Overall, the amount of energy we can extract,
compared to the energy we are using to extract it, is
20. Mark the INCORRECT statement according to decreasing across the spectrum – unconventional oils,
the text. nuclear and renewables return less energy in
a) Slavery still exits worldwide. generation than conventional oils, whose production
b) The modern forms of slavery are encouraging has peaked – and societies need to abandon fossil
helpless people. fuels because of their impact on the climate.
c) The issue of modern slavery hasn’t finished yet. Whether or not this system still comprises a
d) Slavery has continued until now. form of capitalism is ultimately a semantic question. It
depends on how you define capitalism.
TEXTO PARA A PRÓXIMA QUESTÃO: Economic activity is driven by meaning –
Leia o texto e responda à(s) questão(ões) a seguir. maintaining equal possibilities for the good life while
lowering emissions dramatically – rather than profit,
This is how UN scientists are preparing for the and the meaning is politically, collectively constructed.
end of capitalism Well, this is the best conceivable case in terms of
modern state and market institutions. It can’t happen
Capitalism as we know it is over. So suggests without considerable reframing of economic-political
a new report commissioned by a group of scientists thinking, in short words: rethinking capitalism as it is
appointed by the UN secretary general. The main nowadays.
reason? We’re transitioning rapidly to a radically

Disponível em: that 8Hollywood stars don't age because they're the
<https://www.independent.co.uk/news/long_reads/ca immortal bloodsucking undead. Not because they're
pitalism-un-scientists-preparing-end-fossil-fuels- 9
stuffed with botox, then?
warning-demise-a8523856.html>. Acesso em: 12 mar.
2019. (Adaptado). The Earth Is Hollow
Don't give up, readers. We're halfway
through this list. We can make it to the end. 11Dig
21. Considerando os aspectos linguísticos e deep. Well, not 12too deep. You see, the Earth is
estruturais presentes no texto, constata-se que 13
hollow and accessible via portals at the north and
a) a sentença It depends on how you define south poles. Luckily though, it's quite habitable down
capitalism, na forma interrogativa seria “Does it there, providing excellent living 14quarters for the lost
depends on how do you define capitalism?”. Viking colonies of Greenland and the Nazis, while
b) em Though they can be ignored, o vocábulo "aliens" are in fact just visitors from the subterranean
“though” pode ser substituído pelo termo “through” areas.
sem alterar o sentido na sentença.
c) na sentença societies are experiencing rising Siri Can Predict The Apocalypse
inequality, os termos “experiencing” e “rising” são Amazing as it may seem, given that 15it can't
verbos e estão função de gerúndio. do anything else you actually ask it to do, Siri can
d) a sentença societies need to abandon fossil fuels, predict the apocalypse. When asked "What day is 27th
na forma negativa seria “societies don´t need to July 2014?", Apple's assistant replied, "The opening of
abandon fossil fuels”. the gate of Hades", 16aka The End Of The World. That
e) na sentença unconventional oils, nuclear and date has now passed without 17issue. Say what you
renewables, os termos “unconventional” e like about the maligned MS Office paperclip, but at
“renewables” são advérbios de modo. least he didn't 18scaremonger that the end was near.


We All Live In The Matrix And Billionaires
Read the text below and answer the question(s) Want To Break Us Out Of It
according to it. The New Yorker’s Tad Friend claims that many
people in Silicon Valley are obsessed with the idea that
SOME OF THE INTERNET'S CRAZIEST we're all living in a Matrix-like simulation, and some
CONSPIRACY THEORIES are taking that obsession a stage 20further: “Two tech
billionaires have gone so far as to secretly engage
Michael Jackson Is Still Alive scientists to work on breaking us out of the
The advent of the internet hasn't just 2cooked simulation.” Here's hoping Mark Zuckerberg is 'The
up new conspiracy theories, it's also accelerated One', yeah?
existing ones. If you refuse to believe that it was the
Iranians that killed him, perhaps you'll be convinced Hitler Is Still Alive
that MJ is actually still alive. Proof? 3His own daughter "21Hitler is still alive" rumours have circulated
Paris Jackson took a photo of him. Seriously. What do since the 1970s, fuelled by the fact that his crony Josef
you mean you don't see him? 4He's right there in the Mengele hid in South America. Stories like this one,
back seat, 5stacked under that pile of clothes wearing however, speculate the 125-year-old Hitler has been
his iconic hat. Believe, man. Thriller Vol.2 to drop next responsible for various world disasters, including 9/11
year. and the 2010 Gulf oil spill, which happened on his
birthday. Other theories say he died in 1984 in Brazil,
The Moon Doesn't Exist aged 94. Or in Argentina, aged 73.
It's no good looking at it, night after night. The
moon doesn't exist. It's a hologram, put there by Adapted from
persons unknown. Of course, serial conspiracy theorist http://www.shortlist.com/entertainment/20-of-the-
David Icke has a theory. There are also countless internets-craziestconspiracy-theories/.
YouTubers keeping an eye out, one of whom has gone Acesso em: 14 de fev 2017.
as far as "looking at it regularly for a year".
Jay Z Is A Time-Travelling Vampire
There are vast regions of the internet devoted Glossary:
to explaining why Jay Z is part of the Illuminati. 2. cook up – to invent a story, a plan, etc.
Hence when this photo, which was taken in New York 5. stacked – covered with things
in 1939, appeared last year, he was accused of being a 6. hence – the reason, the explanation for
time-traveller. And a vampire. This video lists other 7. lookalikes – similar in appearance
old-time celebrity 7lookalikes, as well as suggesting 9. stuffed – filled with something

agricultural fields. Destruction of forests for human

11. dig – to make a hole in the ground settlement, particularly tropical rain forest has led to
13. hollow – a hole or empty space climatic changes, such as prolonged droughts and
14. quarter – a place to live desertification. Population increase means more
16. aka – abbreviation for also known as pollution as people use more fuel in cars, industry,
17. issue – problem domestic cooking. The resultant effect is increased air
18. scaremonger – a person that creates stories that and water pollution which affect the climate and food
cause public fear production.
Environmental factors have greatly contributed
to food shortage. Climatic change has reduced
22. “The advent of the internet hasn't […] cooked up agricultural production. 4The change in climate is
new conspiracy theories” (reference 1). majorly caused by human activities and to some small
extent natural activities. Increased combustion of fossil
Mark the correct option to make the sentence above fuels due to increasing population through power
interrogative. plant, motor transport and mining of coal and oil emits
a) Doesn’t the advent of the internet cook up new green house gases which have continued to affect
conspiracy theories? world climate. 5Deforestation of tropical forest due to
b) Hasn’t the advent of the internet cooked up new human pressure has changed climatic patterns and
conspiracy theories? rainfall seasons, and led to desertification which
c) Didn’t the advent of the internet cook up new cannot support a crop production. 6Land degradation
conspiracy theories? due to increased human activities has impacted
d) Haven’t the advent of the internet cook up new negatively on agricultural production (Kamdor, 2007).
conspiracy theories? Natural disasters such as floods, tropical storms and
prolonged droughts are on the increase and have
TEXTO PARA A PRÓXIMA QUESTÃO: devastating impacts on food security particularly in
Read the text below and answer the question(s) developing countries. There are several economic
according to it. factors that contribute to food shortage. Economic
factors affect the ability of farmers to engage in
FOOD SHORTAGE CAUSES, EFFECTS AND agricultural production. 7Poverty situation in developing
SOLUTIONS nations have reduced their capacity to produce food,
as most farmers cannot afford seed and fertilizers.
Food shortage is a serious problem facing the They use poor farming methods that cannot 8yield
world and is prevalent in sub-Saharan Africa. The enough, even substantial use. Investments in
scarcity of food is caused by economic, environmental agricultural research and developing are very low in
and social factors such as crop failure, overpopulation developing nations. 9Recent global financial crisis have
and poor government policies are the main cause of led to increase in food prices and reduced investments
food scarcity in most countries. Environmental factors in agriculture by individuals and governments in
determine the kind of crops to be produced in a given developed nations resulting in reduced food
place, economic factors determine the buying and production.
production capacity and socio-political factors
determine distribution of food to the masses. Food Effects of food shortage
shortage has far reaching long and short term negative There are a number of short term effects of
impacts which include starvation, malnutrition, food shortage. The impact on children, mothers and
increased mortality and political 1unrest. There is need elderly are very evident as seen in malnutrition and
to collectively address the issue of food insecurity hunger related deaths. Children succumb to hunger
using both emergency and long term measures. within short period as they cannot stand long period of
starvation and they die even before the arrival of
Causes of food shortages emergency assistance.
There are a number of social factors causing There are also long term effects of food
food shortages. The rate of population increase is shortage. These include increase in the price of food
higher than increase in food production. The world is as a result demand and supply forces. Increasing cost
consuming more than it is producing, leading to of food production due to the increase in fuel prices
decline in food stock and storage level and increased coupled with persistent drought in grain producing
food prices due to 2soaring demand. Increased regions has contributed to the increase in the price of
population has led to clearing of agricultural land for food in the world. Increase in oil price led to increase
human settlement reducing agricultural production in the price of fertilizers, transportation of food and
(Kamdor, 2007). 3Overcrowding of population in a also industrial agriculture. Increasing food prices
given place results in urbanization of previously rich culminated in political instability and social unrest in

several nations across the globe in c) the time tense of the sentence refers to a past
2007, in countries of Mexico, Cameroon, Brazil, situation which has no relation with the present
Burkina Faso, Pakistan, Egypt and Bangladesh among moment.
other nations (Kamdor, 2007). d) ‘Land degradation’ can be defined as the result of
several actions that worsened the quality of the soil.
Solution to problem of food shortage
There are some solutions to the problem of TEXTO PARA A PRÓXIMA QUESTÃO:
food shortage. There is need to reduce production of Recent Human Adaptations
carbon emissions and pollution to reduce the resultant
climatic change through concerted and individual Human populations live in an extraordinary
efforts. There is need to invest in clean energy such as variety of different habitats: hot and cold, wet and dry;
solar, nuclear, and geothermal power in homes and in forests, grasslands and tundra. Different human
industries, because 10they don’t have adverse effects groups feed on a wide variety of food sources. For
on the environment (Kamdor, 2007). Rich nations many populations, diets shifted further with the
should help poor nations to develop and use clean and development of agriculture in the past 10,000 years.
renewable energy in order to stabilize green house To what extent have these and other factors led to
emissions into the atmosphere (Watson, nd). genetic adaptation?
Government need to work in consultation with climatic 1
Human populations differ in various
bodies, World Bank and the UN to engage in projects phenotypes – observable characteristics that result
aimed at promoting green environment. from interactions between genes and the environment
–, 2but scientific studies have shown that phenotypic
Conclusion differences have a genetic basis and are adaptive. For
Causes of food shortage are well known and example, mammals that live in cold climates tend to
can be solved if appropriate measures to solve the have larger, rounder bodies and shorter limbs than
problem are taken and effectively implemented. members of the same or closely related species in
Environmental causes of food shortages are changes in warm climates. 3These patterns do appear to also hold
climatic and pollution due to human activities such in humans, implying that population movements into
overgrazing and deforestation which can be colder climates were accompanied by adaptation to
controlled through legislation. larger, stockier body shape, presumably to improve
thermal efficiency. At the other end of the spectrum is
Adapted from http://www.paypervids.com/food- the pygmy phenotype that has evolved in rainforest
shortage-causeseffects-solutions/. populations in Africa, South-East Asia and South
Acesso em: 14 fev 2017. America. Research has suggested that 4this phenotype
may be an adaptation to food limitations, high
humidity or dense forest undergrowth.
Glossary: Another impressive example of adaptation is
provided by human populations living at high altitude,
1. unrest – disagreement or fighting between different especially in the Himalayas and the Andes. Compared
groups of people to related lowland populations, 5these high-elevation
2. soaring – something that increases rapidly above populations show a group of physiological adaptations
the usual level to low oxygen. These adaptations include markedly
8. yield – to supply or produce something such as increased blood flow and oxygen delivery to the uterus
profit or an amount or food during pregnancy, substantially reducing the risk of
11. overgrazing – excessive use of land where animals babies with low birthweight. 6Current evidence
feed on grass suggests that these differences are not simply the
result of recent acclimation, but are at least partly
genetic. If this is the case, then 7the adaptation must
23. In the sentence “Land degradation due to have occurred rapidly, because 8these high altitude
increased human activities has impacted negatively on regions were settled within the last 10,000 years.
agricultural production” (reference 6) it is INCORRECT 9
Skin pigmentation is perhaps the phenotype
to state that that varies most obviously among human populations.
a) the adverb ‘negatively’ suggests the idea of 10
Dark pigmentation is strongly associated with
something with unsatisfactory results. tropical climates, and the spread of prehistoric humans
b) no change of meaning happens if the expression into northern latitudes was accompanied by a shift to
‘due to’ is replaced by ‘because of’. lighter skin color. We now know of at least half a
dozen different genes that affect skin, hair or eye
pigmentation. In particular, the evolution of light skin
color occurred largely in parallel in western Eurasia

and east Asia, but we still know few of the the world. But 5one unanticipated consequence has
relevant genes in east Asia. Adaptation to lighter driven me to distraction and that’s the tendency of
pigmentation may have been motivated by a need to many people, including persons whom I cherish, to
increase UV absorption for vitamin D synthesis at high credit me with the notion of ‘learning styles’ or to
latitudes or by sexual selection. collapse ‘multiple intelligences’ with ‘learning styles’.
These are only a few cases of genetic 6
It’s high time to relieve my pain and to set the record
adaptation. There are surely some – perhaps many – straight.
other 11factors yet to be found. First a word about ‘MI theory’. On the basis of
research in several disciplines, including the study of
sciencedirect.com how 7human capacities are represented in the brain, I
developed the idea that each of us has a number of
relatively independent mental faculties, which can be
24. Emphasis can be signalled by different linguistic termed our ‘multiple intelligences’. The basic idea is
elements. simplicity itself. A belief in a single intelligence
assumes that we have one central, all-purpose
The underlined element that expresses emphasis is: computer, and it determines how well we perform in
a) scientific studies have shown that phenotypic every sector of life. In contrast, a belief in multiple
differences have a genetic basis (ref. 2) intelligences assumes that human beings have 7 to
b) These patterns do appear to also hold in humans, 10 distinct intelligences.
(ref. 3) Even before I spoke and wrote about ‘MI’, the
c) this phenotype may be an adaptation to food term ‘learning styles’ was being bandied about in
limitations, (ref. 4) educational circles. The idea, reasonable enough on
d) the adaptation must have occurred rapidly, (ref. 7) the surface, is that all children (indeed all of us) have
distinctive minds and personalities. Accordingly, it
TEXTO PARA AS PRÓXIMAS 3 QUESTÕES: makes sense to find out about learners and to teach
Read the text below and answer the question(s) and nurture them in ways that are appropriate, that
according to it. they value, and above all, are effective.
Two problems: first, the notion of ‘learning
styles’ is itself not coherent. Those who use this term
Howard Gardner: ‘Multiple intelligences’ are not do not define the criteria for a style, nor where styles
‘learning styles’ come from, how they are
recognized/assessed/exploited. Say that Johnny is said
by Valerie Strauss to have a learning style that is ‘impulsive’. Does that
mean that Johnny is ‘impulsive’ about everything? How
The fields of psychology and education were do we know this? What does this imply about
revolutionized 30 years ago when we now world teaching? Should we teach ‘impulsively’, or should we
renowned psychologist Howard Gardner published his compensate by ‘teaching reflectively’? What of learning
1983 book Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple style is ‘right-brained’ or visual or tactile? Same issues
Intelligences, which detailed a new model of human apply.
intelligence that went beyond the traditional view that Problem #2: when 8researchers have tried to
there was a single kind that could be measured by identify learning styles, teach consistently with those
standardized tests. styles, and examine outcomes, there is not persuasive
Gardner’s theory initially listed seven evidence that the learning style analysis produces
intelligences which work together: linguistic, logical- more effective outcomes than a 9‘one size fits all
mathematical, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, approach’. Of course, the learning style analysis might
interpersonal and intrapersonal; he later added an have been inadequate. Or even if it is on the mark, the
eighth, naturalist intelligence and says there may be a fact that one intervention did not work does not mean
few more. The theory became highly popular with 2K- that the concept of learning styles is fatally imperfect;
12 educators around the world seeking ways to reach another intervention might have proved effective.
students who did not respond to traditional Absence of evidence does not prove non-existence of a
approaches, but over time, ‘multiple intelligences’ 10
phenomenon; it signals to educational researchers:
somehow became synonymous with the concept of 11
‘back to the drawing boards’.
‘learning styles’. In this important post, Gardner Here’s my considered judgment about the best
explains 3why the former is not the latter. way to analyze this lexical terrain:
It’s been 30 years since I developed the Intelligence: We all have the multiple intelligences. But
notion of ‘multiple intelligences’. I have been gratified we signed out, as a strong intelligence, an area where
by the interest shown in this idea and the ways it’s the person has considerable computational power.
been used in schools, museums, and business around Style or learning style: A hypothesis of how an

a) It has.
individual approaches the range of materials. If an b) It been.
individual has a ‘reflective style’, he/she is c) It is.
hypothesized to be reflective about the full range of d) It was.
materials. We cannot assume that reflectiveness in
writing necessarily signals reflectiveness in one’s
interaction with the others. 27. Choose the best option to change the sentence
Senses: Sometimes people speak about a ‘visual’ “human capacities are represented in the brain”
learner or an ‘auditory’ learner. The implication is that (reference 7), into the active form.
some people learn through their eyes, others through
their ears. This notion is incoherent. Both spatial The brain __________ human capacities.
information and reading occur with the eyes, but they a) has represented
make use of entirely different cognitive faculties. What b) represents
matters is the power of the mental computer, the c) has been represented
intelligence that acts upon that sensory information d) representing
once picked up.
These distinctions are consequential. If TEXTO PARA AS PRÓXIMAS 2 QUESTÕES:
people want to talk about ‘an impulsive style’ or a Read the text below and answer question(s) according
‘visual learner’, that’s their prerogative. But they to it.
should recognize that these labels may be unhelpful, at
best, and ill-conceived at worst. In contrast, there is Most Common Prejudices
strong evidence that human
beings have a range of intelligences and that strength What are some of the most common ways
(or weakness) in one intelligence does not predict people discriminate against each other? Some of the
strength (or weakness) in any other intelligences. All of areas where people show their intolerance are well-
us exhibit jagged profiles of intelligences. There are known, such as race. But 1others are less
common sense ways of assessing our own 2
acknowledged, even if more common:
intelligences, and even if it seems appropriate, we can
take a more formal test battery. And then, as teachers, Age: 3Ageism is more common than you think. Older
parents, or self-assessors, we can decide how best to people are thought to be inflexible and 4stuck in the
make use of this information. past, while younger people are seen as inexperienced
and naive. 5One-fifth of working adults say they
(Adapted from experience ageism in the 6workplace.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet) Class: Classism usually takes the form of
discrimination by wealthier people against those who
are less well off. However, classism goes both ways –
Glossary: people of lower economic status can see the wealthy
as elite snobs who, while monetarily secure, are
K-12 educators defend the adoption of an morally 7bankrupt.
interdisciplinary curriculum and methods for teaching Color: Different from racism, colorism is discrimination
with objects. based only on the color of a person’s skin; how
relatively dark or light they are. Colorism takes place
within and between races. It is common in multi-ethnic
25. Mark the option that contains the correct and non-white societies and societies with historical
negative form for the sentence “researchers have tried racial prejudice.
to identify learning styles” (reference 8). Ability: 8Usually called ableism, a less well-known
a) Researchers have tried to not identify learning form of prejudice is discrimination against people with
styles. visible disabilities such as 9those in wheelchairs or with
b) Researchers not have tried to identify learning a learning disability. The disabled face discrimination
styles. not only from their 10peers, but from institutions,
c) Researchers do not have tried to identify learning schools, employers, and 11landowners who are hesitant
styles. to accommodate the disabled.
d) Researchers have tried not to identify learning Sex/Gender: Possibly the most universal and long
styles. running prejudice is that based on a person’s gender
or sex. Historically, sexism has placed men in a more
26. In the sentence “it’s been 30 years since I advantageous position than women.
developed the notion of ‘multiple intelligences’” Weight/Size: In short, sizeism is discrimination
(reference 4), the contraction refers to based on 12a person’s body size or weight. Sizeism


works with social standards of beauty and usually Leia o texto a seguir e responda à(s) questão(ões).
takes the form of discrimination against the overweight
– anti-fat prejudice. Operation Desert Storm Was Not Won By Smart
Religion: Religious discrimination and 13persecution Weaponry Alone
has been common throughout history. But 14prejudice
based on religious affiliation doesn’t end with Technology has long been a deciding factor on
organized religion; 15atheists are 16prone to the battlefield, from powerful artillery to new weaponry
discrimination and being discriminated against. to innovations in the seas and the skies. Twenty-five
Sexual Orientation: Most commonly, prejudice years ago, it was no different, as the United States and
based on sexual orientation includes discrimination its allies proved overwhelmingly successful in the
against those of a non-heterosexual orientation. Persian Gulf War. A coalition of U.S. Army Apache
Discrimination against the non-heterosexual takes attack helicopters, cruise missiles from naval vessels,
many forms depending on the society. In some and Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk “stealth fighters”
societies prejudice is open and tolerated, but in most soundly broke through Saddam Hussein’s army
Western societies, 17bias against the non-heterosexual defenses in Kuwait during Operation Desert Storm,
is more discreet. which became known as the “100-hour war”.
Country of Origin: Nativism is a common form of But for all the possibilities that this “Computer
discrimination against immigrants to a country. Unlike War” offered, Operation Desert Storm was not won by
many other forms of discrimination, nativism is many smart weaponry, alone. Despite the “science fiction”-
times encouraged and enforced by some public like technology deployed, 90 percent of the pieces of
entities. ammunition used in Desert Storm were actually “dumb
weapons”. The bombs, which weren’t guided by lasers
Which prejudice do you have? Which prejudice have
or satellites, were lucky to get within half a kilometer
you experienced? of their targets after they were dumped from planes.
While dumb bombs might not have been exciting
Adapted from https://aloftyexistence.wordpress.com enough to make the headlines during the attack, they
were cheaper to produce and could be counted on to
work. But frequency of use doesn’t change why history
Glossary: will remember Desert Storm for its smart weapons,
acknowledged – reconhecidos(as) rather than its dumb ones.
stuck – presos(as)
bankrupt – falidos(as) Adapted from
peers - pares; colegas http://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/operation-
landowners – proprietários(as) desert-storm-was-not-
prone – propensos(as) won-smart-weaponry-alone-180957879/
bias – julgamento ou opinião parcial

30. Choose the alternative that has the sentence

28. Choose the option which contains the correct “Operation Desert Storm was not won by smart
negative for “atheists are prone to discrimination” weaponry” (paragraph 2) correctly changed into active
(reference 15). voice.
a) Smart weaponry hasn’t won operation desert storm.
Atheists __________ prone to discrimination. b) Smart weaponry didn’t win operation desert storm.
a) don’t c) Smart weaponry doesn’t win operation desert storm.
b) didn’t d) Smart weaponry isn’t winning operation desert
c) aren’t storm.
d) can’t e) Smart weaponry won’t win operation desert storm.

29. Mark the correct question for the sentence TEXTO PARA A PRÓXIMA QUESTÃO:
“prejudice based on religious affiliation” (reference THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FRIENDS AND
a) Which prejudice did you talk about?
b) Which religion talked you about? Everyone has at least one best friend, some maybe
c) Which affiliation talk you about? even more. There are also those people who are just
d) Which religious prejudice you talked about? friends and also arch-enemies. People may think that
just because they are your friends it means that they
are your best friend. The thing is, even though they

psychological and physiological regression. In the

are your friend, the relationship between a best friend sequence of the emotional development of the
and a friend is different. Either way regardless of individual, friendships come after parental bonding and
archenemies, friends or best friends, there are not before the pair bonding engaged in at the approach of
many ways to compare any of these different types of maturity. In the intervening period between the end of
friends, but you can easily contrast them from one early childhood and the onset of full adulthood,
another. friendships are often the most important relationships
Arch-enemies often know more about each in the emotional life of the adolescent, and are often
other than two friends. In a comparison of personal more intense than relationships experienced later in
relationships, 1friendship is considered to be closer life.
than association, although a wide range of degrees of 6
Unfortunately, making friends seems to
intimacy exists in friendships, arch-enemies, and trouble many of people. Having no friends can be
associations. Friendship and association can be emotionally damaging for all ages, from young children
thought of as spanning across the same continuum. to full grown adults. A study performed by researchers
The study of friendship is included in the fields of from Purdue University found that post-secondary-
sociology, social psychology, anthropology, philosophy, education friendships, college and university last
and zoology. Even animals have familiars! Various longer than the friendships before it. Children with
academic theories of friendship have been proposed, Asperger syndrome and autism usually have some
among which are social exchange theory, equity difficulty forming friendships. 7Socially crippling
theory, relational dialectics, and attachment styles. 3In conditions like these are just one way that the social
Russia, one typically bestows very few people the world is so difficult to thrive in. 8This does not mean
status of “friend”. that they are not able to form friendships, however.
These friendships, however, make up in With time, moderation and proper instruction, they are
intensity what they lack in number. Friends are entitled able to form friendships after realizing their own
to call each other by their first names alone, and to strengths and weaknesses.
use diminutives. A customary example of polite 9
There is a number of theories that attempt to
behavior is addressing "acquaintances" by full first explain the link, including that; Good friends
name plus their patronymic. These could include encourage their friends to lead more healthy lifestyles;
relationships which elsewhere would be qualified as 10
Good friends encourage their friends to seek help
real friendships, such as workplace relationships of and access services, when needed; 11Good friends
long standing, or neighbors with whom one shares an enhance their friend’s 12coping skills in dealing with
occasional meal or a social drink with. illness and other health problems; and/or Good friends
Also in the Middle East and Central Asia, male actually affect physiological pathways that are
friendships, while less restricted than in Russia, tend to protective of health. Regardless of what we think, we
be reserved and respectable in nature. They may use can clearly see that there are some ways that friends,
nicknames and diminutive forms of their first names. best friends and archenemies are the same, but in the
In countries like India, it is believed in some parts that end they are clearly more different. 13Nonetheless we
friendship is a form of respect, not born out of fear or all have every single type in our lives.
superiority. Friends are people who are equal in most
standards, but still respect each other regardless of (Adapted from:
their attributes or shortcomings. Most of the countries http://www.ukessays.com/essays/philosophy/therelatio
previously mentioned (Russia, Asia, and even the nship- between-friends-and-types-of-friendship-
Middle East) and even our own nation are suffering a philosophyessay. php)
decline in genuine friendships.
According to a study documented in the June
2006 issue of the Journal American Sociological 31. Choose the best option to complete the active
Review, Americans are thought to be suffering a loss in form of the sentence: “The study of friendship is
the quality and quantity of close friendships since at included in the fields of sociology, social psychology,
least 1985. The study’s results state that twenty-five anthropology, philosophy, and zoology” (reference 2).
percent of 4Americans have no close confidants, and The fields of sociology, social psychology,
the average total number of confidants per citizen has anthropology, philosophy, and zoology __________
dropped from four to two. According to the study, the study of friendship.
Americans' dependence on family as a safety net went a) Include
up from fifty-seven percent to eighty percent; b) have included
Americans dependence on a partner or spouse went c) are including
up from five percent to nine percent. d) have been including
Recent studies have found a link between
fewer friendships, especially in quality, and

The region of the Triple Border, where the Brazilian

TEXTO PARA A PRÓXIMA QUESTÃO: city of Foz do Iguaçu is located, is a major entry point
The following text refers to question(s) below. for smuggled goods in the country. Most come from
Brazil Plans to Implement a Control Center on
Border with Argentina and Paraguay
32. The sentence “The information was given on
Folha Online 03/20/2015 Thursday by the Minister of Justice José Eduardo
Renata Agostini Cardozo, at a forum held by Folha in São Paulo” in the
From São Paulo active voice is
Mariana Carneiro a) The information given on Thursday at the Folha
From Buenos Aires forum in São Paulo by the Minister of Justice José
Eduardo Cardozo.
The Brazilian government started negotiations with b) The Minister of Justice José Eduardo Cardozo at a
Argentina to implement a Center of Integrated forum held by Folha in São Paulo gave the
Command and Control in the Triple Border – which information.
unites the two countries and Paraguay – as a way to c) The information that the Minister of Justice José
intensify anti-smuggling efforts in the area. Eduardo Cardozo gave on Thursday at a forum was
The information was given on Thursday (19) by the held by Folha in São Paulo.
Minister of Justice José Eduardo Cardozo, at a forum d) The forum that Folha held in São Paulo on Thursday
held by Folha in São Paulo, entitled “Smuggling in gave the information by the Minister of Justice José
Brazil”. Eduardo Cardozo.
The idea is to bring the police forces of the three e) On Thursday, The Minister of Justice José Eduardo
countries which could draw together intelligence and Cardozo gave the information at a forum that Folha held
enforcement operations. The neighbors could help in São Paulo.
each other also with commercial information and
immigration in the region. FIM DA PROVA DE INGLÊS


33. (Ufrgs 2018) Em uma escola, as turmas de ensino

médio totalizam 231 estudantes. Para uma atividade
festiva na escola, todos esses estudantes foram
dispostos em filas, obedecendo à seguinte disposição:
1 estudante na primeira fila, 2 estudantes na segunda
fila, 3 estudantes na terceira fila, e assim

O número de filas que foram formadas com todos os

estudantes é
a) 19.
“Even if we put a man every 50 feet along the border, b) 21.
it would not be enough supervision. We need c) 22.
intelligence,” the minister said. d) 23.
He said that border control is one of the main e) 25.
problems faced by Brazil in regards to public safety,
and the solution would come from integrated actions 34. (Esc. Naval 2018) Quantos números inteiros entre
combined with the use of technology. 1 e 1.000 são divisíveis por 3 ou por 7 ?
According to the Brazilian proposal, Paraguay would be a) 47
exempt from the project cost, which would be funded b) 142
by Brazil and Argentina, the minister said. c) 289
The experience derived from the Integrated Centers d) 333
erected in the 12 host cities for the World Cup was e) 428
considered successful and inspired the idea of a unified
initiative between the three countries.

35. (Udesc 2018) A função quadrática cujo gráfico

contém os pontos (0, − 9), (1, 0) e (2, 15) tem vértice
a) ( −2, − 13)
b) (1, 0)
c) (0, − 9)
d) (2, 15) e)
e) ( −1, − 12)
37. (G1 - ifpe 2018) Quando estudamos Cinemática,
em Física, aprendemos que podemos calcular a altura
36. (Upe-ssa 1 2018) Qual das alternativas a seguir de uma bala atirada para cima pela fórmula
representa, conjuntamente, os esboços dos gráficos
das funções reais f(x) = x2 e g(x) = 4x − 4? h = 200t − 5t 2 ,

onde h é a altura, em metros, atingida após t

segundos do lançamento. Qual o menor intervalo de
tempo para a bala atingir 1.875 metros de altura?
a) 20 s.
b) 15 s.
c) 5 s.
d) 11 s.
e) 17 s.




mês ele postar 10 vídeos e conseguir atingir a meta

38. (Upf 2018) Considere os seguintes gráficos, estabelecida, ao fim deste mês, seu canal terá
representativos da função afim f e da função a) 1.024 inscritos.
quadrática g. Tal como a figura sugere, −1 é zero de b) 5.120 inscritos.
f e 2 é zero de g. c) 5.115 inscritos.
d) 1.023 inscritos.
e) 310 inscritos.

Seja h(x) = , o conjunto solução da condição
h(x)  0 é:
a) ] − , 2]
b) ] − , 2] − {−1}
c) ] − 1, + [
e) ] − 1, 2[]2, + [

39. (Unicamp 2018) Dois anos atrás certo carro valia

R$ 50.000,00 e atualmente vale R$ 32.000,00.
Supondo que o valor do carro decresça a uma taxa
anual constante, daqui a um ano o valor do carro será
igual a
a) R$ 25.600,00.
b) R$ 24.400,00.
c) R$ 23.000,00.
d) R$ 18.000,00.

40. (G1 - ifpe 2018) Dudu quer se tornar um youtuber

famoso, mas, em seu primeiro vídeo, ele obteve
apenas 5 inscritos em seu canal. Obstinado que é,
Dudu pretende, a cada novo vídeo, dobrar a
quantidade de inscritos em seu canal. Se no primeiro

41. (Uefs 2018) Parte dos gráficos de duas funções RASCUNHA

polinomiais do primeiro grau, f e g, estão
representados na figura, em que f(3) = g(3).

Se f(4) = 0 e g(0) = 0, o conjunto solução de

f(x)g(x)  0 é
a) x  | x  0
b) x  | 0  x  4
c) x  | 3  x  4
d) x  | x  3
e) x  | x  4

42. (Ufrgs 2018) Dadas as funções reais de variável

real f e g, definidas por f(x) = x3 e g(x) = 3 x, o
intervalo, tal que f(x)  g(x), é
a) (0; +  ).
b) ( −; − 1)  (0; 1).
c) ( −1; 1).
d) ( −; − 1)  (1; + ).
e) ( −1; 0)  (1; +  ).

43. (G1 - cmrj 2018) Considere um ponto A

equidistante de outros dois pontos B e C. Sabe-se
ainda que o ângulo BACˆ é 10 menor que seu
ˆ intercepta o
complemento. A bissetriz do ângulo ABC
segmento AC em D e, ao traçar uma ceviana CE, E
sobre o segmento AB, notamos que o ângulo AED ˆ é
o dobro do ângulo BCE. Além disso, o triângulo CDE
é semelhante ao triângulo CEA.

Então podemos afirmar que o número que expressa a

medida do ângulo EDB,ˆ em graus, é um
a) quadrado perfeito.
b) múltiplo de 3.
c) múltiplo de 7.
d) cubo perfeito.
e) primo.

44. (G1 - cftmg 2017) Sejam os conjuntos

A = {x  | 0  x  5}, B = {x  | x  −5} e
C = {x  | x  0}. Pode-se afirmar que
a) (A − B)  C = C
b) (A − C)  B = 
c) (B C)  A =
d) (B C)  A = A

45. (G1 - ifsul 2017) Analisando os conteúdos nos

quais os alunos possuem maiores dificuldades de
aprendizagem em uma escola com 500 alunos,
percebeu-se que: 208 têm dificuldades de
aprendizagem em matemática; 198, em português; Sendo A = {x  | f(x)  0} e B = {x  | g(x)  0},
154, em física; 62, em matemática e física; 38, em A  B é igual a:
português e física; 52, em matemática e português e a) {x  | 2  x  6}.
20 têm dificuldades nas três disciplinas. b) {x  | 2  x  6}.
c) {x  | x  2}.
Por esse viés, o número de alunos que não tem
d) {x  | x  6}.
dificuldades em nenhuma dessas disciplinas é de
a) 92 alunos.
b) 72 alunos. RASCUNHO
c) 60 alunos.
d) 20 alunos.

46. (G1 - ifpe 2017) No IFPE Campus Olinda foi feita

uma pesquisa com alguns alunos do curso de
computação gráfica a respeito do domínio sobre três
aplicativos. As repostas foram as seguintes:

78 dominam o Word;
84 dominam o Excel;
65 dominam o Powerpoint;
61 dominam o Word e Excel;
53 dominam o Excel e Powerpoint;
45 dominam o Word e Powerpoint;
40 dominam os três aplicativos;
03 não dominam aplicativo algum.

Com base nas informações acima, o número de

estudantes do curso de computação gráfica que
responderam a essa pesquisa é
a) 112.
b) 227.
c) 230.
d) 111.
e) 129.

47. (G1 - cftmg 2017) O gráfico abaixo mostra a

representação gráfica de duas funções polinomiais, f
e g, de primeiro grau.

48. (Fac. Albert Einstein - Medicin 2017) A função f

tem lei de formação f(x) = 3 − x e a função g tem lei
de formação g(x) = 3x2.
Um esboço do gráfico da função f(g(x)) é dado por

a) Considerando que as medidas dos segmentos AB, BC

e AC são, respectivamente, 60 m, 80 m e 100 m, e
que o tempo cronometrado para dar uma volta no
trecho BCDB foi de 40 s, a velocidade escalar média
desenvolvida por essa pessoa nessa volta foi de
a) 4,1m s.
b) b) 6,0 m s.
c) 5,2 m s.
d) 4,8 m s.
e) 3,6 m s.





49. (Unesp 2021) A figura mostra a visão aérea de um

parque onde existem ruas que podem ser utilizadas
para corridas e caminhadas. Nesse parque há uma
pista ABCA em que uma pessoa corre dando voltas

52. (Ita 2020) Por uma mangueira de diâmetro D1 flui

50. (Unesp 2021) Um veículo (I) está parado em uma água a uma velocidade de 360 m min, conectando-se
rodovia retilínea quando, no instante t = 0, outro
na sua extremidade a 30 outras mangueiras iguais
veículo (II) passa por ele com velocidade escalar de entre si, de diâmetro D2  D1. Assinale a relação
30 m s. Depois de determinado intervalo de tempo, os
D2 D1 para que os jatos de água na saída das
dois veículos passam a trafegar com velocidades
escalares iguais, conforme demonstra o gráfico. mangueiras tenham alcance horizontal máximo de
40 m.
a) 1 10.
b) 3 10.
c) 4 5.
d) 1 2.
e) 2 3.

Desprezando as dimensões dos veículos, a distância

que os separava no instante em que suas velocidades
escalares se igualaram é de
a) 600 m.
b) 650 m.
c) 550 m.
d) 500 m.
e) 700 m.


Sempre que necessário, use π = 3 e g = 10 m s2 .

51. (Unicamp 2021) Uma cápsula destinada a levar

astronautas à Estação Espacial Internacional (ISS) tem
massa m = 7500 kg, incluindo as massas dos próprios
astronautas. A cápsula é impulsionada até a órbita da
ISS por um foguete lançador e por propulsores
próprios para os ajustes finais. O aumento da energia
potencial gravitacional devido ao deslocamento da
cápsula desde a superfície da Terra até a aproximação
com a ISS é dado por ΔU = 3,0  1010 J. A velocidade
da ISS é vISS = 8000 m s. A velocidade inicial da
cápsula em razão do movimento de rotação da Terra
pode ser desprezada. Sem levar em conta a energia
perdida pelo atrito com o ar durante o lançamento,
pode-se dizer que o trabalho realizado pelo foguete e
pelos propulsores sobre a cápsula é de
a) 2,1 1011 J.
b) 2,4  1011 J.
c) 2,7  1011 J.
d) 5,1 1011 J.

coordenada x = m será
53. (Acafe 2020) Um sagui se locomove pelas árvores, 4
mas em alguns momentos tem que saltar de árvore a) 10 m s.
em árvore por falta de galhos para atravessar. Na
b) 9 m s.
figura abaixo, tem-se a representação de um sagui de
massa m, que usa um pouco de sua energia para c) 6 m s.
saltar, a partir do repouso, do ponto A para o B e em d) 8 m s.
seguida para o C. Considera-se que nesta série de e) 7 m s.
saltos não houve perda de energia mecânica e que a RASCUNHO
energia cinética, imediatamente, antes de chegar em
C é 1 3 da energia mecânica em A.

Com base no exposto, marque a alternativa que indica

a energia mecânica do sagui, imediatamente, antes
dele chegar em C.
a) EmC = mgH
b) EmC = mgH
c) EmC = mgH
d) EmC = mgH

54. (Unesp 2020) A figura representa o perfil, em um

plano vertical, de um trecho de uma montanha-russa
em que a posição de um carrinho de dimensões
desprezíveis é definida pelas coordenadas x e y, tal
que, no intervalo 0  x  2π, y = cos (x).

Nessa montanha-russa, um carrinho trafega pelo

segmento horizontal A com velocidade constante de
4 m s. Considerando g = 10 m s2 , 2 = 1,4 e
desprezando o atrito e a resistência do ar, a velocidade
desse carrinho quando ele passar pela posição de

55. (Unesp 2020) Parque Eólico de Osório, RS O valor de m, em gramas, equivale a:

a) 50
b) 100
c) 150
d) 300

O Parque Eólico de Osório é o maior da América Latina

e o segundo maior do mundo em operação. Com
capacidade produtiva total de 150 MW, tem potência
suficiente para abastecer anualmente o consumo
residencial de energia elétrica de cerca de 650 mil

(www.osorio.rs.gov.br. Adaptado.)

Considere agora a combustão completa do metano,

principal componente do gás natural, cuja entalpia de
combustão completa é cerca de −9  102 kJ mol, e
que as transformações de energia nessa combustão
tenham eficiência ideal, de 100%.

Para fornecer a mesma quantidade de energia obtida

pelo Parque Eólico de Osório quando opera por 1 hora
com sua capacidade máxima, uma usina termoelétrica
a gás necessitaria da combustão completa de uma
massa mínima de metano da ordem de
a) 10 t.
b) 5 t.
c) 25 t.
d) 15 t.
e) 20 t.

56. (Uerj 2020) Para aquecer a quantidade de massa

m de uma substância, foram consumidas 1450
A variação de seu calor específico c, em função da
temperatura θ, está indicada no gráfico.

a) 20 
57. (Insper 2019) O gráfico da figura ilustra b) 35 
qualitativamente a variação da pressão (p) exercida
c) 50 
pelo combustível ̸ gás de um pistão do motor de um
d) 42 
veículo, em função do volume (V ) ocupado pelo
e) 32 
combustível ̸ gás no interior da câmara de combustão,
durante um ciclo. O rendimento do motor é de 40%. RASCUNHO

O calor fornecido a esse sistema pela fonte quente

durante um ciclo, em função dos dados, está
corretamente expresso por:
a) 2,5  (V2 − V1)  (p3 − p1)
b) 2,5  (V2 − V1)  (p2 − p1)
c) 0,4  (V2 − V1)  (p3 − p2 )
d) 2,5  (V2 − V1)  (p3 − p2 )
e) 0,4  (V2 − V1)  (p3 − p1)

58. (Udesc 2018) Um recipiente com paredes

adiabáticas contém 100 g de água a 20 C. Um
resistor com resistência elétrica de 2,0  é ligado a
uma fonte de tensão de 12 V e é imerso na água.

Desconsidere a capacidade térmica do recipiente, e

assinale a alternativa que corresponde,
aproximadamente, ao tempo necessário para a água
atingir 30 C.
a) 58 s
b) 14 s
c) 44 s
d) 29 s
e) 87 s

59. (G1 - ifba 2018) Um aquecedor de imersão, ligado

a uma fonte de tensão contínua de 1,00  102 V,
aquece 1,00 kg de água, de 15 C a 85 C, em
836 s. Calcule a resistência elétrica do aquecedor,
supondo que 70% da potência elétrica dissipada no
resistor seja aproveitada para o aquecimento da água.
Considere o calor específico da água:
c = 4,18  103 J kg  K.

60. (Ufrgs 2020) Duas cargas negativas e uma carga

positiva, as três de mesmo módulo, estão arranjadas,
em posições fixas, de três maneiras distintas,
conforme representa a figura abaixo.

Determine o valor da intensidade da corrente elétrica,

Assinale a alternativa que ordena corretamente os expressa em ampères, que percorre o amperímetro A
valores da energia potencial eletrostática armazenada conectado ao circuito elétrico.
U. a) 1,4 A
a) U(1)  U(2) = U(3) b) 0,42 A
b) U(1)  U(2)  U(3) c) 2,4 A
d) 2 A
c) U(1) = U(2) = U(3)
e) 0,6 A
d) U(1)  U(2)  U(3)
e) U(1)  U(2) = U(3)

61. (Ufrgs 2020) No circuito da figura abaixo, todas as

fontes de tensão são ideais e de 10 V, e todos os
resistores são de 4 Ω.

Quando a chave C for fechada, a potência, em W,

dissipada no resistor R, será de
a) 1.
b) 2.
c) 3.
d) 4.
e) 5.

62. (S1 - ifpe 2020) Na figura abaixo, está

representado um circuito elétrico contendo um gerador
ideal de 42 volts, com resistência interna desprezível,
o qual alimenta três resistores.

63. (Uerj 2019) Na ilustração, estão representados os

pontos I, II, III e IV em um campo elétrico uniforme.

Pressão atmosférica = 1 atm
Uma partícula de massa desprezível e carga positiva
Densidade da água = 1g / cm3
adquire a maior energia potencial elétrica possível se
for colocada no ponto: Calor específico da água = 1cal  g−1  C−1
a) I 1 cal = 4,2 J
b) II
= resistor de 1 
c) III
d) IV a) 1,88
b) 2,00
64. (Fac. Albert Einstein - Medicin 2016) Por decisão c) 2,33
da Assembleia Geral da Unesco, realizada em d) 4,00
dezembro de 2013, a luz e as tecnologias nela
baseadas serão celebradas ao longo de 2015, que
passará a ser referido simplesmente como Ano
Internacional da Luz. O trabalho de Albert Einstein
sobre o efeito fotoelétrico (1905) foi fundamental para
a ciência e a tecnologia desenvolvidas a partir de
1950, incluindo a fotônica, tida como a tecnologia do
Livro, leitor digital, gibis, jornais ou revistas, não
século 21. Com o intuito de homenagear o célebre
importa em qual ferramenta, somente o simples ato da
cientista, um eletricista elabora um inusitado
leitura é uma das oportunidades mais democráticas e
aquecedor conforme mostra a figura abaixo. Esse
acessíveis de desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional. É
aquecedor será submetido a uma tensão elétrica de
por meio dela que a pessoa se desliga do mundo real,
120V, entre seus terminais A e B, e será utilizado,
quebra as fronteiras da imaginação e descobre novos
totalmente imerso, para aquecer a água que enche universos sem sequer sair do lugar.
completamente um aquário de dimensões Encontrar um tempo para ler é um processo que
30 cm  50 cm  80 cm. Desprezando qualquer tipo de permite a expansão de si mesmo, criando a abertura
perda, supondo constante a potência do aquecedor e para infinitas possibilidades e trilhando o caminho para
considerando que a distribuição de calor para a água o despertar do potencial pleno. Um leitor assíduo tem
se dê de maneira uniforme, determine após quantas mais chance de absorver mais conhecimento,
horas de funcionamento, aproximadamente, ele será incentivando a sua própria evolução pessoal e
capaz de provocar uma variação de temperatura de profissional, do que aquele que não tem interesse em
36F na água desse aquário. se desenvolver através desta, que é uma das formas
mais eficientes de agregar valor à sua atuação, bem
como à sua performance, dentro e fora do trabalho.



Faça uma dissertação em prosa sobre o tema: “A

melhor lei: o livro.


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