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Projetos de Circuitos Caseiros

Como coletar energia

Obtenha ajuda gratuita para circuitos 24livre da
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Última atualização em 3 de junho de 2019 por Swagatam


Um circuito coletor de energia livre ajuda a converter as ondas de

radiof requência circundantes em energia elétrica e pode fornecer de 40
watts a 10 watts indefinidamente.

O Conceito de Circuito
Uma opção para aumentar a potência de saída é alcançável através da
configuração adequada de uma antena. Colocar uma antena próxima a
um grande objeto de metal ajuda a gerar energia adicional.

O fio de uma antena deve ter mais de 150 metros de comprimento, que
deve ser colocado horizontalmente em uma plataforma mais alta para
obter o melhor resultado.

Quanto mais alta uma antena é configurada, mais ela é capaz de agir de
forma eficiente. No entanto, é aconselhável manter o circuito mais perto
de uma antena.
O circuito coletor de energia livre proposto, por outro lado, também atua
como um detector passivo. À medida que o grande objeto metálico passa
de onda, há um aumento na potência. Um dos principais usos desse
processo é no campo dos estudos vulcânicos.

Selecionando a antena
A sensibilidade de uma antena é capaz de detectar a variação de energia
da Terra e é f requentemente usada para receber sinal de alerta para uma
possível atividade sísmica.

Assim, pode-se resumir que a colocação de uma antena é muito crucial

para uma melhor saída. Também pode-se usar muitos desses circuitos
para construir e conectar seus insumos juntos, para produzir ampla
energia para executar eletricidade em uma casa. No entanto, para notar,
cada unidade precisa de sua própria antena para construir o mesmo.

A potência de radiof requência varia de acordo com o local. Se o local de

instalação for próximo a uma cidade ou próximo aos transmissores, o que
gera alto nível de Radiof requência; leva a um ótimo desempenho.

Se você está animado para gerar energia livre em sua casa a partir da
atmosfera, então você pode realizar algum experimento com diferentes
comprimentos e tamanhos de uma antena.

Altitude é crucial
No entanto, tenha em mente colocar a antena em um local mais alto para
melhor resultado. Durante a construção também é necessário ter em
mente que o solo de terra do circuito tem que ser adequadamente
condutor. O solo terrestre também deve consistir de tubo ou haste
metálica, condutora.

Mais Circuitos de Energia Livre podem ser encontrados no seguinte link:

Dispositivos de energia grátis que você pode construir em

casa (https://www.homemade-
Enviado por: Dhrubajyoti Biswas

Diagrama de Circuitos
Lista de produtos
Todos os diodos são 1N4148

C1---C8 = 0,22uF/100V mylar

C9----C16 = 33uF/25V eletrolítico

Melhorando o dispositivo de energia livre

O seguinte projeto de circuito derivado de energia livre mais abrangente
foi encaminhado a mim por um dos leitores interessados deste blog
Sr.Prashanth Dhonde.
Mais informações sobre o design acima:
content/uploads/2013/06/makingf reeenergy.png)

Usando diodos de recuperação rápida

Para gerar mais eletricidade, é possível intensificando com mais diodos.
Para fazê-lo funcionar corretamente, o tipo de diodos e a construção da
Para fazê lo funcionar corretamente, o tipo de diodos e a construção da
antena desempenham um papel crucial.

Para começar com este processo, vamos começar a configurar a antena. A

fim de definir uma antena corretamente, existem algumas questões-
chave a serem consideradas.

Uma antena deve ser feita de ferrite e uma altura de haste de 30 polegadas
é uma opção ideal para configurar a antena para receber ondas de rádio.

Em relação aos diodos, o Gerânio os diodos de menor perda e uma baixa

tensão de junção de ruptura de ~ 0,2 - 0,4 Volts é o ideal, caso você não
consiga encontrar o que você pode usar o 1N4148 regular, apenas

Uma onda de rádio é interceptada em áreas com maior concentração e

congestionamento de tráfego. Neste tipo de situação vê-se que cada
diodo pode puxar em torno de 30mV.
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Você também vai gostar de:

1. Circuito gerador de bicicleta de energia livre (https://www.homemade-
circuits.com/f ree-energy-bicycle-generator-with/)
2. Circuito gerador de moinho de vento mais simples
3. Faça este circuito de lâmpada LED gravidade (https://www.homemade-
4. Como gerar eletricidade a partir da água do mar – 2 métodos simples
(https://www.homemade-circuits.com/how-to-generate-electricity-f rom-
5. Energia livre do inversor com incrível overunity
(https://www.homemade-circuits.com/f ree-energy-f rom-inverter/)
6. Conceito de Recebimento de Energia Livre – Tesla Coil Concept
(https://www.homemade-circuits.com/understanding-f ree-energy-
Sobre Swagatam
Swagatam é um engenheiro eletrônico, amador, inventor,
esquemático/designer de PCB, fabricante. Possui mais de
15 anos de experiência em eletrônica prática. Ele também é o fundador
e autor do site: https://www.homemade-circuits.com/, onde ele adora
compartilhar suas ideias inovadoras de circuitos e tutoriais.
Se você tiver alguma dúvida relacionada ao circuito, você pode
interagir por meio de comentários e obter respostas garantidas do

Alien Nomad diz
23 de dezembro de 2023

No artigo: "Para gerar mais eletricidade, é possível intensificando com mais diodos." Um artigo
interessante, mas para quem pensa que pode obter mais potência usando mais diodos, isso
está errado. A quantidade de energia na antena é um valor ditado pela antena e pelas
estações de rádio na área. Não está relacionado com a forma como é detetado. Ao adicionar
mais diodos, o que você está fazendo é aumentar a tensão de saída usando o que são
basicamente duplicadores de tensão de diodo. No entanto, cada vez que você dobra a tensão,

você reduz pela metade a corrente de saída. Então, faz sentido se você precisar de uma
tensão de carregamento específica, mas será que eles terão mais tempo para carregar. Além
disso, adicionar mais diodos significa que há um aumento da queda total de tensão usada
pelos diodos, então você não obterá exatamente 2x de tensão, mas um pouco menos e um
pouco menos de corrente à medida que o diodo efetivamente usa a corrente. Quanto mais
diodos, maior a tensão, mas menor a corrente e a potência de saída disponível.

Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) diz

23 de dezembro de 2023

Obrigado pelo seu valioso feedback, concordo com você.


Lee diz
8 de março de 2023

Importa em que região a antena está? ou se você talvez use uma encosta em vez de uma
antena? Começar perto de um riacho ou usar uma árvore?


Alien Nomad diz

23 de dezembro de 2023

Sim, quanto mais longa e mais alta a antena, melhor, assim como uma boa terra. Isso não é
gerar energia da Terra, mas dos vários transmissores em sua área. Se você mora em uma área
com muitos transmissores poderosos, então você vai gerar mais energia. Se você mora em
uma área onde você dificilmente pode pegar qualquer estação de rádio, você está sem sorte.
Além disso, como se trata de uma antena não sintonizada, você encontrará a potência
variando ao longo do dia e até mesmo do ano, dependendo das condições locais, da mesma
forma que algumas estações se tornam mais fortes em determinados horários do dia.


Mohammad diz
23 de novembro de 2022
Qual a melhor antena para receber 30 volts? Fiz circuitos diferentes, mas ele não sai mais do
que 1,5 volts. Por favor, guie-me para fazer uma antena melhor. Obrigado


Alien Nomad diz

23 de dezembro de 2023

Um fio comprido o mais alto possível é o caminho a seguir, bem como uma terra realmente
boa. Outros projetos aéreos são mais eficientes, mas isso ocorre porque eles são projetados
para trabalhar em determinadas frequências. Se você tem uma estação de rádio local que
você sabe que é poderosa e em uma frequência específica, você poderia sintonizar isso
especificamente usando um circuito de conjunto de cristal simples ou uma antena
especialmente projetada, Vale a pena o esforço ou o custo? Você decide!


adarkwa kofi diz

12 de abril de 2022

Precisa da sua ajuda com o seu projeto


gironimo diz
16 de dezembro de 2021

Oi Swagatam eu postei
uma pergunta que foi excluída, há algo errado com a pergunta, desculpe se o caso
Bests considera


Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) diz

16 de dezembro de 2021
Oi Gironimo, a que pergunta você está se referindo?


gironimo diz
16 de dezembro de 2021

Oi Swagatam
A pergunta 15 de dezembro de 2021 às 22:51 (4 estado digital ++ +- -+ — em) , eu pensei que foi
excluído como seu não relacionado com o assunto original (energia livre)
thks para sua resposta


Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) diz

16 de dezembro de 2021

It was not deleted, you can check it under the article, but yes posting comment under
unrelated post may not be good for the site!


gironimo says
December 15, 2021

hi Swagatam
I have a question, what is the meaning of 4 digital state ++ +- -+ — on off do this do that …..in a
circuit of leds(info from of an engineer ) i always do with 0 and 1 using and nor xor gates but
with plus and minus i don’t understand if its the same thing
Thks in advance


Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) says

December 16 2021
December 16, 2021

Hi Geronimo,

Sorry, I have no idea about it. Can’t figure it out!


cornelliuss31@gmail.com says
February 17, 2024

Hello! Let me explain something to you. leave the circuit aside and take only the long wire
antenna. This will capture electricity from electromagnetic waves of positive value and
another wire that you will take from a grounding will give you negative electrical charges. Put
a measuring device between them and you will see how many volts it gives you. For more
volts, you will increase the length of the wire.


gironimo says
November 26, 2021

Hi Swagatam
if it can help i built one yesterday
and i got up to 40 volts using just two MKP-X2 220N and 4 diode germanium 1n
the current is too weak about 0.026A at the out of a capacitor,
1.My question is how to increase current.without adding more Cap and Diode (i know that to
increase current i can increase current)
2. which capacitor y advice me to wire with the circuit to charge quickly voltage

Thks in advance


Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) says

November 26, 2021
Thank you Gironimo for updating the results, it looks very encouraging.
However, unfortunately, increasing the current may not be possible unless more number
units are added in parallel.


gironimo says
November 26, 2021

Thank y Swagatam i forgot to notice that

Antenna i m using is coaxial used for Tv installed on the roof of the building at about 15 Meters


Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) says

November 26, 2021

No problem Gironimo, thanks for updating the information!


Hector says
August 13, 2021

Mi comentario seria una casa seria abastecida por este sistema de energia libre ,y no depender
de las grandes monopolios de la energia caliente que nos venden


Zuha says

April 2, 2021

hello everyone where can i buy this kit Can anyone make it for me?
hello everyone where can i buy this kit. Can anyone make it for me?


Eric says
April 1, 2021

What happens if the power grid fails


Debarshi Biswas says

March 3, 2021

Instead of the drum bobbin, can we use lightning arrestor rod or old wireless receiver
antenna. kindly let me know.


Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) says

March 3, 2021

The drum bobbin is air cored according to me, so iron or ferrite cored bobbins will not work



July 2, 2020

I need a good free energy circuit to charge a LiFePO4 leisure battery in my RV. Can you help


Travis says
April 9, 2020
Why not just power a joule ringer and use the coil to run a second transformer to run an op
amp to up the voltage and drive an avalanche transistor as a current source at high voltage?


Steve Nelson says

October 13, 2019

wonderful ideas here! But the schematic under “Using Fast Recovery Diodes” shows the
groups of 5 diodes are facing each other and not in series. Can you explain how that works?
Also, how many turns of what size wire is over the 30″ ferrite rod?
Thank you in advance for your answer,


Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) says

October 14, 2019

Hi thanks, yes the diodes seem to be connected with cathode to cathode in series, which will
simply not allow any current flow. I took the pics from one of the free energy forums, so have
no idea regarding the working concept behind this configuration.


hassan says
July 30, 2019

Concerning the “How to Collect Free Energy from Atmosphere” I would like to built several
pcb(Dragan Kljajic) but I have not the scaled printed circuit picture. I got one pcb drawing but
not in proper size that would fit the components.
Could you please send me the PCB picture if you have it.
Thanking you in advance


Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) says

July 30, 2019

Hi Hasan,

I am really sorry, making the PCB design can be difficult due to lack of time…I wish I could do it
for you!


Zoltan Szabo says

September 5, 2019

I can help You !

zszabo@freemail.hu (mailto:zszabo@freemail.hu)


Dare Diamond says

April 21, 2019

Hello Swagatam. Please May I have a circuit designed by you which I can integrate with
readymade NE555 Module to properly drive IRF9540N which is a P-Channel Mosfet I plan to
you to Drive an Inductor and do further test on?
My input voltage will be between 24V to 36V.
Please your help is Needed.


Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) says

April 22, 2019
Hello Dare, please specify what exactly you are trying to implement, I will try to help!


April 15, 2019

Very low forward voltage drop diode is 1N5817 I think they are more efficient than diodes with
germanium 1n34 !


James Skews says

February 28, 2019

Thank you for your fast reply. I have another question if I can , after the fourth (last)turn to the
second row the wiring changes why? This is regarding the geranium diodes schematic.
Thanks Jim


Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) says

February 28, 2019

There’s no change in the coil, it’s uniform from start to end.


James Skews says

February 25, 2019

In your geranium diode diagram is the antenna 30” (ferrite) long? How many turns should I
use?Have you or any of your followers made this ,and what was there out put voltage?
Thanks Jim

Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) says

February 25, 2019

It’s between 300 to 1000 turns of 30 SWG wire.

I haven’t tested it yet!


Stanley Arinze says

August 20, 2018

Hello swagatam, kindly look at d video in d link below and advice if it could work.



Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) says

August 20, 2018

Hello Stanley, that’s a super FAKE video, will never work. The scene was paused and changed
twice, that clearly shows the set up was manipulated.


Dr.Pat Howden says

June 10, 2018

About 1947 as a kid I met a fellow in Sydney who had built a simple full-wave, un-tuned crystal
set which he used to drive a tiny motor he made out of a match box with wire coiled around
it, thin wire brushes & small magnets. It depended largely on 6 local radio stations to drive this
little motor flat-out.

Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) says

June 10, 2018

That looks so amazing, Thank you for updating this interesting incident, appreciate it a lot!


Dr.Pat Howden says

June 12, 2018

GREEN GREETINGS SWAG: Antenna power = pretty useless. An old fellow tenting in a city
caravan park had 3 solar garden lights with switches; these he daily put in the sun for night
For 33 years we have had only one ordinary 12 volt car battery so power has cost us nix over
decades & battery does everything except power my 25year old homemade Prize dual trike
with 1/4 hp motor that attracts no rego, license or insurance on highways, but not freeways in
this country. All home large appliances are 12 volt (none 240 or 110 V) & largely homemade like:
fridge (average power = 2.8 watts with 15cm foam all round, blender = small starter motor, TV,
vacuum cleaner, coffee boiler, fans, pumps (some items worked off small solar panel without
battery), insect zapper, many tools, laundry, bed warmer, computer & printer, brilliant LED
lights, 2-way radios, sewing etc. Then there are many small devices either solar or preferably
windup like: FM/SW radio, torches, shaver, calculators, stirrer, saw, brush cutter etc. The stove is
my small 1979 smokeless single-stick invention that has air preheating & afterburning. But
when in Cornwall UK – warmest county & only 10 minutes snow when visiting for 7 years – the
all-glass veranda facing south heated the entire home for free to beyond summer temp for
hours after sunset! Incidentally, the current to charge latest home mentioned car battery is
provided by only a 46 watt PV solar panel + it charges the trike battery!!! If y’all want to know
more I’m Dr.Pat Howden.

What if, as predicted imminently by great panels of US experts, that no: jobs, banks, markets,
utilities, health, car, fuel, energy (California is reportedly verging thus), water, partner, security
or happiness…? Disaster Survival is highly correlated with home multi-tasked self-sufficiency
level as many experts agree, & we have been – including emission-free & total solar + edible
jungle + solar dual vehicle (trike) – for 1/3rd century! Not long ago our Centerlink (dole,
employment, pension…) + Tax office + Army + Medicare were on strike – intending to be at

Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) says

June 12, 2018

GREEN GREETINGS TO YOU TOO Dr. Pat, thanks for sharing your wonderful experience and
knowledge with us, it is indeed very inspirational…please keep up the good work, and keep


April 17, 2020

The capacitors are not properly connected, need to change the polarity one full side.


Okachi Johnson says

January 13, 2018

HELLO Swagatam thanks for ur tutorials .plz help me with the answers to these questions
1, Is mylar capacity polarized + & –
2.must the antenna be up to 150feet be it works
3. I used 0.22uf/100v electrolyte caps; is it accepable,although no single output
4. what type of wire should i use for the antenna
5. plz must i use earth materials for the earthing
I appreciate your response


Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) says

January 14, 2018
Hello Okachi, sorry, I cannot suggest personally anything regarding this concept because this
article was referred from other forums and websites….please do it as per your own
understanding and evaluations.


Keith says
October 11, 2017

I simulated the circuit described and make it available here tinyurl.com/y6wcb2b5 . It might
look different, but electronically it is exactly the same. One can experiment with different load
resistors. It is quite simple a negative and positive voltage multiplayer.
Additional Notes.
1. If you know the altitude of your antenna above ground, you can guesstimate the
atmospheric potential at that altitude with the formula given so that you can determine safe
and appropriate voltage ratings for your capacitors as well as be aware of handling while they
are charged. Make sure to double that to consider days in which the atmosphere is more
charged. Do not underestimate the importance of safety when handling capacitors, charged
or not. The capacitors described don’t store much energy so they are generally safe but
people are likely to modify the circuit potentially making it very dangerous to handle. It is well
known there is an electrical potential between ground and the altitude above of an antenna
or charge collector. On the other hand, what this circuit does is harnesses stray
electromagnetic fields, and RF noise. Yes it is wireless transmission of energy, but it is not
atmospheric energy.


Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) says

October 12, 2017

Thanks Keith, that looks great, however how can the simulator estimate the amount of
potential difference available in the atmosphere, because that’s the key element behind the
success of this experiment.

Deogratia Nkwenti (https://www.blogger.com/profile/13305401639124457538) says

May 19, 2017

Dear Sir.
Please i wish to build this circuit for my project as i live in a suburb with no electrical energy,
now my question is, Can i use the circuit and connect it to a DC Car batterry so for it to charge
then use an Inverter to step up the voltage so to macth my requirement? i will appreciate
your help sir.


Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) says

May 20, 2017

Dear Deogratia, the above circuit is only for experimental purpose, it cannot be used for
running a house…it won't produce that much power…


Deogratia (https://www.blogger.com/profile/13405639319259548586) says

May 20, 2017

Thank you very much sir, so you mean there is no way to step up the voltage to any way that
can charge a DC battery? i guess if the circuit can charge a batterry then it can push an
inverter that can supply medium equipments, i am just asking if the idea can work out well
via experiment… thanks for your time and i look forward to be hearing from you…


Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) says

May 21, 2017
You are welcome, Deogratia…The circuit will need to be extremely huge to accumulate the
amount of energy required for charging a battery, in a limited scale it would be quite


Ali F.T (https://www.blogger.com/profile/10722111897734016878) says

December 16, 2016

Dear Swagatam Majumdar

I created this circuit but it generated 0.1 volt and need to time about 2 min for reaching to 2
volt and when i use this circuit by a very low amp LED this circuit discharge suddenly and
again requires 2 min time for charging.

Please help me and explain what can i do about voltage that it generates 2 volt at first and
does not need to time for charging.

Best Regards


Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) says

December 16, 2016

Dear Ali, it will probably depend on the antenna size, try with a more bigger antenna and see if
that improves the results…


Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) says

November 12, 2016

thanks for updating the info

thanks for updating the info


maksim garbaly (https://www.blogger.com/profile/17349284539125566961) says

November 11, 2016

I made a fractal antenna and it's has a capability to capture more variety of waves giving more


s (https://www.blogger.com/profile/01096364000437046776) says
September 4, 2016

All the capacitors are reversed on the left side of the schematic. I built it and it didn't work
until I corrected this.


Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) says

September 5, 2016

Thank you for updating the info!


Jade Mark Talaboc (https://www.blogger.com/profile/07357474056594137971) says

August 12, 2016

hello swagatam,

does this comes with a high power output?


Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) says

August 12 2016
August 12, 2016

hello mark, no it doesn't…


Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) says

June 9, 2016

I took this circuit from another site so I am not entirely sure about its working and the
results….wish you all the best!


Unknown (https://www.blogger.com/profile/06397425412330417447) says

January 31, 2016

hi Swagatam Majumdar,

i am very impress when i see your website by mistakly. I am software engineer but from chield
hood i like rnd of rnd,tv,tapes and computer repairing but many time i am unsuccessful due
to no knowledge of electronics or electrical education.
i want to learn circuits from ABCD what i do.
I am regular update with new software but circuit level i am zero. Can you given me
suggestion for i learn or not. If not then no problem if yes then give me guidance.


Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) says

February 1, 2016

sure, I'll try my best to teach you electronics, you can ask any specific question related to
electronics and get it solved from me.

soon time (https://www.blogger.com/profile/04882695272652115806) says
December 16, 2015

Hello sir
I have some problems – about the reception of mobile phone signal – and the weakness of
surfing the Internet – via USB modem – making antenna alone but also indicate weak dwell
signal area – and I found booster mobile signal – but it's expensive – Is there a small semi to
meet this work and get on the circle a good signal


Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) says

December 16, 2015

Hello soon time,

sorry I do not have much idea regarding this subject, it could be quite complex to find an easy
solution for it.


soon time (https://www.blogger.com/profile/04882695272652115806) says

December 16, 2015

Hello sir
Really work very well
But ask …!
Does it work on mobile networks Trdat – – 3G – 4G – because I live coverage area is too weak to
connect to dial + Connectivity via USB modem


eshkariel tapiador (https://www.blogger.com/profile/14615244102267469941) says

October 24, 2015
Hi Engr. Swagatam,
Can you make a topic about tesla's patent "Apparatus for utilizing radiant energy"…tnx


Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) says

October 25, 2015

it seems, actually these concepts never worked satisfactorily according to me, otherwise we
would have seen these being used in every home by now…


eshkariel tapiador (https://www.blogger.com/profile/14615244102267469941) says

October 23, 2015

Hi Engr. Swagatam,
Can you make a topic about tesla's patent "Apparatus for utilizing radiant energy"…tnx


Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) says

October 24, 2015

Hi eshkariel, I will surely research the subject and try to post a related article in this blog.


henry brown (https://www.blogger.com/profile/15001136636447304180) says

October 12, 2015

Amazing when connected correctly, low voltage yet great output


Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) says

October 13, 2015
can you explain it in detail?


Janee Edward (https://www.blogger.com/profile/08694606142894467768) says

October 3, 2015

You can make 20 of this and use vortex connection to get high Wattage Output. By Vortex, I
meant Directing each out put to separate caps each and then connecting the caps in series
using a DIODE.


fidel catsro (https://www.blogger.com/profile/02176426917689425367) says

September 29, 2015

anyone trying to make this circuit will also have to be extra sure to get genuine germanium
diodes which have low forward voltage and careful when soldering because they are very
sensitive and easily damaged..


fidel catsro (https://www.blogger.com/profile/02176426917689425367) says

September 29, 2015

I tried making the simpler circuit above some years back after seeing it on you tube charging
a handphone, it failed to work, not sure if its because of failed components or because it
simply doesn't work


Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) says

September 29, 2015
the output could be too trivial to notice….perhaps many such circuits needs to be connected
in parallel to achieve anything that might be worth considering..


Syed Arham (https://www.blogger.com/profile/08119427638513485665) says

June 4, 2015

Sir 0.22uf capacitor is not available in my city can you suggest me equivalent. And if i connect
a 20ma led with one circuit then does it glow or burn out.

My home is on 2nd floor then the antenna is necessary or not..i means that i will use a shorter
anntena or iron rod


Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) says

June 5, 2015

Hi Syed, I have not yet tried this practically so cannot say about the results, but an LED will not
burn I think, because the setup may not be capable of generating that much power.

0.22uF is not acritical value, you can any other capacitor with nearby values.

antenna is a must and needs to be included no matter on which floor you are, without
antenna the circuit may not produce the intended outputs


cj vignesh (https://www.blogger.com/profile/10506548807454596976) says

April 21, 2015

swagatam i am going to do this project if i start did i get output what type of material should
swagatam i am going to do this project.if i start did i get output .what type of material should
be used for antenna


Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) says

April 21, 2015

CJ, actually I have not yet tested this circuit, so I am not sure abut the results, however many
have tested and have been successful in getting reasonable outputs….


Syed Arham (https://www.blogger.com/profile/08119427638513485665) says

March 23, 2015

Sir can you suggest me a circuit in which first we charge capacitors with 12v then these
capacitors give accurate 12 or 11v just for 5 or 10sec


Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) says

March 24, 2015

Syed for this you may have to employ huge caapcitor may be upto 10000uF, it will also
depend on the discharge rate (mamps) of your application.


Syed Arham (https://www.blogger.com/profile/08119427638513485665) says

March 24, 2015



Prasanna M shetty (https://www blogger com/profile/06412449645411441118) says

Prasanna M.shetty (https://www.blogger.com/profile/06412449645411441118) says
December 7, 2014

dear sir pls tellme swg of wire its length r whitch type antena will be useable to make this


Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) says

December 8, 2014

dear prasanna, you can use any standard flexible wire for it which we normally use in our
home wiring. …….1/18 could be tried


sarib zafar (https://www.blogger.com/profile/12258976233688899104) says

October 19, 2014

Hi sir !!
Could you please tell the output form, i mean dc or ac and if ac so in which waveform.
Thanks !


Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) says

October 20, 2014

Hi sarib, the output will be DC since it would be from the capacitor's stored energy which is
always DC


James Lane (https://www.blogger.com/profile/10608022543348153745) says

September 20, 2014
I have completed the circuit and it works great, but in the bottom picture there are 50
circuits. Any idea if they are connected in series or in parallel? I have tried series to increase
the voltage and it keeps decreasing rather than increasing. Any idea how you can hook this
circuit up in series?


Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) says

September 20, 2014

That's great and interetsing, because most people have a skeptical view about such concepts,

in the bottom image the configurations are in parallel in order to increase current gain and
the overall power of the output….it could be done in parallel first and then those parallel
strings could be further put in series for getting a sustained boosted voltage


eshkariel tapiador (https://www.blogger.com/profile/14615244102267469941) says

September 19, 2014

Is this inspired by Tesla's Generator?


Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) says

September 20, 2014

yes that's right


Emmanuel Eli (https://www.blogger.com/profile/06905360229977428441) says

September 18, 2014
thank you Mr. Swagatam
I appreciate your kindness.


Emmanuel Eli (https://www.blogger.com/profile/06905360229977428441) says

September 11, 2014

Swagatam, please i want a circuit that will changeover between two
batteries for an inverter while the strong battery is powering the
inverter, the weak one is bieng charged automatical by a charger
connected to the inverter…. Please I want to know if it is possible
thank you in advance.


Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) says

September 12, 2014

Dear Emmanual,

If you have a low battery indicator in your existing inverter then you could probably try the
following design:



Emmanuel Eli (https://www.blogger.com/profile/06905360229977428441) says

September 12, 2014

you for your quick respond, but the inverter am having is a homemade
555 squarewave inverter I made following some of your post and it does
not have low battery indicator, so if you could please help me with a
simple circuit on that so that I can continue from the previous solution
circuit you gave.thank you once again.


Emmanuel Eli (https://www.blogger.com/profile/06905360229977428441) says

September 13, 2014

another little confusion is the kind of charger circuit I will need in
charging the dual configuration setup of the batteries, because each of
the batteries am going to use have a high "AH" 12v 100AH and 12v 120AH.
Meaning do I use a single charger or a split charger type.thanks you
once more.


Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) says

September 13, 2014

Dear Emmanuel,

A split charger would be preferable, you can build the following design, it is supposed to
charge the batteries in a split manner by selecting the battery according to their charge


Emmanuel Eli (https://www blogger com/profile/06905360229977428441) says

Emmanuel Eli (https://www.blogger.com/profile/06905360229977428441) says
September 14, 2014

you Mr. Swagatam… I wl post you the images when and am done and I wl
also let you know when I face any difficulties…thank you once again.


Emmanuel Eli (https://www.blogger.com/profile/06905360229977428441) says

September 14, 2014

Swagatam, and also do I have to combine the two circuit diagrams which
is the dual battery changerover and the split charger? Thank you.


Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) says

September 15, 2014

Hi Emmanuel, the last circuit link above will changeover from one battery to the other, so any
other circuit won't be required.


mawuli dugbartey (https://www.blogger.com/profile/13248897066654377490) says

August 25, 2014

Thank you Eng. Swagatam I appreciate what your help may God richly bless you.


mawuli dugbartey (https://www.blogger.com/profile/13248897066654377490) says

August 12, 2014
please Eng. Swagatam can you also sadjust a simple inverter circuit diagram the can power
electronics and inductive load. thank you
sorry for bordering you.


Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) says

August 13, 2014

you can try any 4047 based inverter design, and add a 0.22uF/400V capacitor at the output of
the inverter….. this will fulfill your requirement reasonably.


mawuli dugbartey (https://www.blogger.com/profile/13248897066654377490) says

August 12, 2014

thank you Eng, Swagatam, but the reason why i need this solution is because the battery
turns to burn the components and the jumpers on the circuit board.
Here is the link to the circuit i built..


Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) says

August 13, 2014

the image is not opening,

anyway, check the condition without any load…. if still it starts burning would indicate a
malfunction in the unit.
unless the voltage is increased AH will not cause any harm to the inverter.

mawuli dugbartey (https://www.blogger.com/profile/13248897066654377490) says

August 11 2014
August 11, 2014

Eng. Swagatam please I need a simple circuit that can reduce 12v/60Ah to 12v/20……25AH for
my homemade inverter. thank you.


Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) says

August 12, 2014

mawuli, if your inverter is rated to work with a 12V supply you can comfortably use the
12V/60AH or any higher AH battery without worrying…unless the voltage is increased AH will
not cause any harm to the inverter.


shadab karnachi (https://www.blogger.com/profile/06270167366306027745) says

August 9, 2014

but please try to get that within a month. It would be a great pleasure. I have to present it

again thanks,
with regards.


Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) says

August 9, 2014

I'll try my best. Thanks


shadab karnachi (https://www.blogger.com/profile/06270167366306027745) says

August 6, 2014
I am looking for an advanced electronic based project on changing weather and climate. It
could be and new type measuring device or analysing device using electronics. Measuring
weather attributes like temperature, daily sun shine hours, humidity, wind,
precipitation, etc will do. please please tell me if you have any one, even from outside your
website. Iam a 9th grader, and i want to take my project to the national level.please give me
the link of the project you know or tell me yourself about any project. It would be an great


Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) says

August 7, 2014

Hi, this could be a complicated design and would need microcontrollers, presently I do not
have an appropriate info regarding the subject, if I happen to come across one I'll surely let
you know about it.


shadab karnachi (https://www.blogger.com/profile/06270167366306027745) says

August 7, 2014

I have microcontroller, currently i have atmega 16 and I program with a software called
bascom AVR and then compile it and then feed the program with ponyprog 2000 software,
using serial port. Please send me the project with microcontroller.


Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) says

August 8, 2014
presently I do not have an appropriate info regarding the subject, if I happen to come across
one I'll surely let you know about it.


prasanta sarkar (https://www.blogger.com/profile/02098567562187571344) says

May 6, 2014

what about out put voltage??? and anyone make this circuit????is this working…Pls tell


Anurag (https://www.blogger.com/profile/09834831607530777868) says

May 4, 2014

One of the best circuits ever seen. If I use any voltage booster IC(output adjustable one) from
National Semiconductor or Texas Instruments and configure it for lets say 6V then if the
voltage at the input increases or decreases will I get 6V at the output? If the output changes
will the current change or voltage will change. Can I use 1N4007 diodes instead of 4148,
1N4007 is used for rectiication but whats the main difference between the two.


Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) says

May 4, 2014

Thanks! I don't think ICs will work here.

1N4007 cannot be used since they are not specified for high speed detection. 1N4148 react
much faster compared to 1N4007.


Rohit (https://www.blogger.com/profile/13174722612309812021) says

April 5, 2014
Do you think 150 feet antenna is practical??


Raymund Delfin (https://www.blogger.com/profile/14753183174013514237) says

March 26, 2014

Hi sir,

I found this link:


On this design, frenergy.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/pyramid-flux-capacitor.bmp

what should be the proper capacitor/diodes to use? or any suggestions for this.

Thank you.


Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) says

March 26, 2014

Hi Raymund,

The blue cap is 0.0002uF/5000V

The electrolytic cap looks like a 22uF/100V
The diodes could be 1N4148 or BAT30


achilles hector (https://www.blogger.com/profile/13316234132440706379) says

December 15, 2013
hi sir!!!
1. On the last picture, can you give me the schematic diagram?

thanks in advance!!!!


Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) says

December 15, 2013

it's the same as the second diagram, just add many of them in parallel.


Aslam Khan says

July 10, 2019

From areal power what about thunder lighting? Could make any dangerous ?


SHIV-FOUNTAIN (https://www.blogger.com/profile/12486513453141239751) says

July 31, 2013

Hi dear sir,
Can you please provide us high power led driver's all wattage circuit digram
my email. id is swapnilsinalkar@rediffmail.com (mailto:swapnilsinalkar@rediffmail.com)


Swagatam (https://www.homemade-circuits.com/) says

July 31, 2013

Hi Shiv
Hi Shiv,

You can try the following design:


Use LM196 for the IC if the requirement is upto 10amps.


Zoltan Szabo says

September 5, 2019

There is no all wattage circuit. Each category of LED need own driver. If you are interested I
can do it for you if you tell me your led type and configuration.
zszabo@freemail.hu (mailto:zszabo@freemail.hu)


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