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A Romantic Dinner

Lasagna de Berinjela Ingredientes 2 dentes de alho picados; 6 colheres de sopa de azeite de oliva; 5 berinjelas cortadas em cubos pequenos Sal e pimenta do reino a gosto 3 colheres de sopa de salsinha picada 3 colheres sopa de cebolinha picada 2 embalagens de molho de tomate pronto (680 g) 2 xicaras de ch de gua (480 ml) 1 embalagem de massa de lasanha (200 g) 400 g de queijo mussarela fatiado 200 g de queijo parmeso ralado Modo de preparo 1. Doure o alho no azeite de oliva quente e acrescente as berinjelas. Tempere com sal e pimenta e deixe refogar rapidamente. Adicione salsinha e cebola. Apague o fogo e conserve quente. 2. Em uma panela, misture o molho de tomate com a gua e aquea a mistura. 3. Em um refratrio (22 x 35 cm), coloque uma camada de molho e intercale uma camada de lasagna com a camada de molho, de berinjela e outra camada de queijo. Continue at acabar os ingredientes e finalize com queijo parmeso ralado 4. Cubra com papel alumnio e leve ao forno mdio (180C), preaquecido, por cerca de 10 minutos. Retire o alumnio e volte ao forno para gratinar.

A Romantic Dinner
From: Eduardo To: Suzete Teacher: Luciana Magalhes

To drink:
Suave red wine; U Water; U

Eggplant Lasagna
2 cloves garlic, minced; C 6 tablespoons olive oil; U 5 Eggplants cut into small cubes; C Salt and pepper to taste; U 3 tablespoons chopped parsley; C 3 tablespoons chopped chives; C 2 packs of ready tomato sauce (680 g); U 2 cups of water (480 ml); U 1 package of lasagna sheets (200 g); U 400 g of sliced mozzarella cheese; U 200 g of grated parmesan cheese; U

1. 2. 3. Cook until it's golden garlic in hot olive oil and add the eggplant. Season with salt and pepper and cook quickly. Add parsley and onion. Turn off the fire and keep warm. In a saucepan, combine the tomato sauce with water and heat the mixture. In a baking dish (22 x 35 cm), place a layer of sauce and merge a layer of lasagna with a layer of sauce, eggplant and another layer of cheese. Continue until you finish the ingredients and finish with grated parmesan cheese. Cover with foil and bake in moderate oven (180 C), preheated for about 10 minutes. Remove the aluminum and return to oven for browning.


Dessert: Lemon Mousse

2 Can of condensed milk; U 3 Can of cream milk; U 1 cup of lemon juice, pure. without water, just squeeze the lemon; U 1 bar of dark chocolate; C

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Melt chocolate in double boiler and mix with sour cream, once melted, spread in the bowl. Place the cream milk and the condensed milk in blender and blend a little. Then gradually add the lemon juice gradually until stay consistent. Place the bowl on the chocolate. Take to the refrigerator.

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