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Avaliao de Lngua Inglesa 1 ano ______

Nome: _____________________________________________ Data: ____/____/_____





















6.1. - Estabelecer relaes entre termos, expresses e ideias que tenham o

mesmo referente de modo a construir os elos coesivos gramaticais.
22.1. - Fazer uso adequado dos modais no processo de recepo /produo do
texto oral e escrito de vrios gneros textuais.
1.6. - Identificar data e local de publicao do texto.
14.5. - Identificar os falantes envolvidos.
21.1. - Identificar e/ou fazer uso adequado dos pronomes e das relaes de coeso
gramatical que ajudam a estabelecer nos vrios gneros textuais orais e escritos.
1.3. - Reconhecer o gnero do texto.
5.4. - Reconhecer as caractersticas bsicas da narrao.
56.1. - Fazer uso adequado dos diversos tipos do tempo presente no processo de
recepo /produo do texto oral e escrito de vrios gneros textuais.
2.1. - Localizar informao especfica (scanning),de acordo com os objetivos de
leitura do leitor.
68.2. - Reconhecer e/ou produzir a forma escrita de numerais ordinais.
29.1. - Identificar e/ou localizar caractersticas lexicais e sintticas de alguns
dos recursos de organizao textual (enumerao; seqenciao; comparaocontraste; causa-efeito).
59.1. - Fazer uso adequado do gerndio e infinitivo no processo de recepo/
produo do texto oral e escrito de vrios gneros textuais.
1.1. - Identificar o tema geral do texto.
2.1.- Localizar informao especfica (scanning), de acordo com os objetivos de
leitura do leitor.
5.1. - Reconhecer as caractersticas bsicas da exposio.
40.1. - Produzir efeitos de sentido pretendidos pelo uso de notaes como, por
exemplo, travesso, aspas, itlico, negrito, letras maisculas, dois pontos e
3.1. - Estabelecer relaes entre informao noverbal e verbal na compreenso
de textos de vrios gneros.


ESCOLA: _____________________________________________________________________________
PROFESSOR: _________________________________________________________________________
NOME DO ALUNO:____________________________________________________________________
DATA: _____/_____/ 2015
1 ANO_______________

1- In the sentence: They deliver newspaper to house The underlined word refers to:
a) USA.

b) Young people.

c) Newspaper.

d) Pocket money.

2- In the sentence: You must be 16 (years old) to work in a shop. The underlined word gives the idea
a) Obligation.
b) Possibility.

c) Ability.
d) Advice.

3- The history was written near to:

a) France.

b) German.

c) England.


4- In the text, there is a dialogue between:

a) Smudge and Jimmy Five.
b) Maggy and Jimmy Five.

c) Chuck Billy and Angel.

d) Blu and Franklin.

5- In the sentence: Can I go to the bathroom? The underlined word refers to:
a) A possessive pronoun.
b) A subject pronoun.

c) An object pronoun.
d) A reflexive pronoun.

6- The text is:

a) Review.
b) Movie.

c) Sad strip.
d) Comic strip.

d) Washington.

Apply for driver's license
Henry is upset. He is applying to a driver's license, and he's upset with all the things he has to do.
First he has to go to the Bureau of Motor Vehicles and obtain an application form. He cant ask the phone for form, and
he cant ask it for at email. He has to go to the center and pick up the form in person.
He has to complete the form in duplicate. He cant use a pencil. He has to use a pen. He cant wear blue ink. He has to
use black ink. And he cant write in manuscript. And he has to print.
He also has to attach two photos to the form. They may not be old photographs. They have to be new. They may not
be big. They have to be small. And they cant be black and white. They have to be colored.
Then he has to submit your form. He has to wait in a long line to pay their registration fee. He has to wait in another
long line to have an eye exam. And believe it or not, he has to wait in another long line to take a written test!
Finally, he has to do a road test. He has to start the car. He has to make a right turn, left turn, and once a comeback in
U. And he has even parked your car in a crowded city street.
No wonder. Henry is upset! He is applying to your driver's license, and he cant believe so many things that he has to

7- In the text, we can find:

a) A letter.

b) A joke.

c) A narration.

d) A dialogue.

8- The sentence: He has to complete the form in duplicate. It was formulated:

a) In this simple present, because is a present action.
b) In the simple past, it indicates something that has already occurred.
c) In the conditional, because you can not sure that this fact can occur.
d) In the future, as this action will still happen.
9- Henry is:
a) Happy.
b) Crying.

c) Bored.
d) A driver.

10- In the sentence: First he has to go to the Bureau of Motor Vehicles... The underlined word is:
a) A fractional number.
b) A decimal number.

c) A cardinal number.
d) An ordinal number.

11- In the text, the sequence of events is:

a) He has to complete the form in duplicate. He has to do a road test. He also has to attach two photos to the
form and he has to wait in a long line to pay their registration fee.
b) He has to complete the form in duplicate. He also has to attach two photos to the form. He has to wait in
a long line to pay their registration fee and he has to do a road test.
c) He has to complete the form in duplicate. He also has to attach two photos to the form. He has to do a
road test and he has to wait in a long line to pay their registration fee.
d) He has to complete the form in duplicate. He has to wait in a long line to pay their registration fee. He
also has to attach two photos to the form and he has to do a road test.
12- Choose the verbs which appear in the infinitive and gerund:
a) To do and applying.
b) Written and to be.

c) Parked and to wait.

d) To do and may.



13- The theme of this text is:

a) The taste of the book.
b) The letter of the text.

c) The quality of the wine.

d) The quality of the book.

14- The mark divulged is:

a) Book.
b) Disal.

c) Wine.
d) Years.

15- The text presents characteristic:

a) Injunctive.

b) Descriptive.

c) Expositive.

d) Narrative.

16- DISAL was written like this:

a) To call attention.
b) Because isnt important.

c) Because the author made a mistake.

d) Because was nice.

17- The text shows a bottle of wine. Why did he use it?
a) Because the wine is better.
b) Because the author wanted to compare the book with the wine, the oldest is the best.
c) Because the author wanted to compare the wine with the book, the older is better.
d) Because the author wanted to compare the book with the wine, the older is better.

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