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Colégio XIX de Março

Educação do jeito que deve ser

Aluno(a): Nº

Ano: 9º Turma: Data: 16/05/2017 Nota:

Professor(a): Antonio Marcio Valor da Prova: 40 pontos

Orientações gerais:

1) Número de questões desta prova: 15

2) Valor das questões: Abertas (5): 4,0 pontos cada. Fechadas (10): 2,0 pontos cada.
3) Provas feitas a lápis ou com uso de corretivo não têm direito à revisão.
4) Aluno que usar de meio ilícito na realização desta prova terá nota zerada e conceituação
5) Tópicos desta prova:
-Present Perfect

1ª Questão: Fill in the gaps with the correct verb:

Jack _____ in Boston for the past 15 years.
a) has lived
b) lived
c) lives
d) is living
e) has left

2ª Questão:
Crash Landing

In the middle of eighth grade, my school went on an educational trip to Washington, D.C. – we
flew there and everything. I was so excited to start the tour that I ran off the plane and smacked right
into a glass door! I fell over backward, stunned like a bird that hit a window. My class laughed while
other travelers in the airport helped me up.

Answer in Portuguese.

a)Em que ano escolar a garota estava?

b)Para onde ela foi viajar com a escola?

1ª PS de Inglês / 9º ano / Prof.Antonio Marcio / Pág. 1

c) Ela estava tão animada com a viagem que, quando saiu correndo do avião, o que lhe aconteceu?

3ª Questão: Fill in the gaps with the correct verb:

Antonio Marcio _____ at XIX de Março for the past 29 years.
a) is working
b) works
c) has worked
d) worked
e) work

4ª Questão: “Our students have gone to the cinema.” This sentence in the interrogative form:
a) Have our students gone to the cinema?
b) Did they go to the cinema?
c) Have our students go the cinema?
d) Have our students not gone to the cinema?
e) None is correct.

5ª Questão:

Answer in Portuguese.
a)Onde estava o casal de namorados?

b)Depois de ter caído, qual era a vontade da menina?

c)Quando aconteceu tal episódio?

1ª PS de Inglês / 9º ano / Prof.Antonio Marcio / Pág. 2

6ª Questão: “Nós já tomamos café.” This sentence in English is:
a) We drank coffee already.
b) We have drunk some coffee yet.
c) We have already drunk some coffee.
d) We drunk already some coffee.
e) We have ever drunk some coffee.

7ª Questão:
Once upon a time, in a faraway land, a young prince lived in a shining castle. Although he had
everything he desired, he was spoiled, selfish, and unkind.
One freezing night, an old beggar woman came to the castle. She offered the Prince a red rose in
return for shelter from the cold. Repelled by her ragged appearance, he sneered at the gift and turned
her away.
“Do not be deceived by appearances,” she warned him, “for beauty is found within.”

Answer in Portuguese.
a) Who lived in the castle?

b) Who came to his castle?

c) What did she offer?

d) How did he react?

8ª Questão:
Dear answer boy

My boyfriend of six months just broke up with me. The day we split, he asked my stepsister
out. I still care for him. What should I do?
This guy has finally shown you his true colors – he’s a creep! Asking anybody out five seconds
after dumping you is bad, but choosing your stepsister is just plain evil. It seems to me that you were
dating a person you didn’t really know. In other words, you were in love with who you thought he
was, not who he actually is. You need to allow yourself to feel really angry at him (let go of that loving,
forgiving feeling!). This is the first step toward figuring out that he’s all about your past, not your

Answer in Portuguese.
a)Quem ele convidou para sair no mesmo dia em que desmanchou com a menina?

b)Qual é o primeiro passo a ser tomado após o ocorrido?

1ª PS de Inglês / 9º ano / Prof.Antonio Marcio / Pág. 3

9ª Questão: Fill in the gaps with the correct verb:
My uncle ___________ a pair of sneakers in his life.
a) never wore
b) has never wear
c) is never wearing
d) never has wore
e) has never worn

10ª Questão:
The old woman was really an enchantress, who saw that the Prince had no love in his heart.
As punishment, she transformed him into a hideous horned beast and placed a spell on everyone in
the castle. Then she gave him an enchanted Mirror as his only window on the outside world. The
Enchantress left behind the Rose she had offered him, which would bloom until his twenty-first year.
For the spell to be broken, he must learn to love another and earn that person’s love in return before
the last petal fell. If not, he would remain a beast forever.

Answer in Portuguese.
a) Descreva o príncipe após o feitiço.

b) Quanto tempo a rosa duraria?

c) Como o feitiço poderia ser quebrado?

As questões de 11 a 15 devem ser respondidas de acordo com o texto que segue.

Elections in the USA There are two major parties in the USA – Republican and Democrat. There
are also smallest parties, but down through the years the President has always represented one or
the other of the two major parties.
Every four year there is a national election for President. First the person has to become the
candidate of his own party. Then each major party holds a convention to choose its candidate. It is a
large and noisy party televised to all the country. Everybody can hear the speeches and share the
excitement. Delegates to the conventions are chosen in a variety of ways – by the state committes or
primary elections. They are usually people with some political experience. The delegates vote for their
districts and states. After a number of rounds of voting, a candidate is nominated.

11ª Questão: Quantos principais partidos existem nos EUA?

a) six
b) five
c) four
d) three
e) two

12ª Questão: Com que frequência ocorrem as eleições nos EUA?

a) de 2 em 2 anos.
b) de 3 em 3 anos.
c) de 4 em 4 anos.
d) de 5 em 5 anos.
e) de 6 em 6 anos.
1ª PS de Inglês / 9º ano / Prof.Antonio Marcio / Pág. 4
13ª Questão: Como são escolhidos os delegados para as convenções?
a) Através de comitês federais.
b) Através de comitês estaduais ou eleições primárias.
c) Através de eleições secundárias.
d) Através do voto direto.
e) Através da internet.

14ª Questão: O que os delegados fazem nas eleições?

a) Votam nulo.
b) Votam neles mesmos para presidente.
c) Votam por seus distritos e estados.
d) Votam para presidente.
e) Votam para governador.

15ª Questão: Quem são os delegados?

a) São geralmente pessoas com alguma experiência política.
b) São geralmente pessoas com alguma experiência econômica.
c) São geralmente pessoas com alguma experiência sócio-econômica.
d) São geralmente pessoas com nenhuma experiência política.
e) nda

1ª PS de Inglês / 9º ano / Prof.Antonio Marcio / Pág. 5

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