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g~18·2 t) )3 ,
•\ h3} t,::~n mc~t

'....."".... roa ..... Ur:~ c··' f' \{in'
Designati M:: 1 '185~ Olf . "' ..
~l ;'W,! ~nder 1i(~~. le
h the ~r wo r~\C 1;. '. -" ~ i
'NT."NATIONAJ. [" ,:11 ~, 9! I n(~r~a\I' ',a:

Standard Test Methods for

Sampling and Testing Non-Asbestos Fiber-Cement Flat
Sheet, Roofing and Siding Shingles, and Clapboards'
Tho. ,!~"JJ,d i> ".ucJ ,,,,de, Ihe ti.eJ dC.'llllatlOn C II ~~ IIoL" ,""",I.. , """,cd .. ,"I) foll""''''IIIIo" d."gna."", ,,,JIC~le, II", lC;U nr
,""mil ~J"llIion or, '" Ih~ ~~~ .. r .... ,.""",. ,he year of la" re I __ ,on A nu",he. In r=n1he~, ...J','~lC< II"" lUI' '" laM rUI'f'" .. al ,\
"'IICN:"IM CI'.. k~' It) "IIl'C>lU lUI cd"""al cl\:u'I:c ."",. " ", I..,t "" I'UlfI <It "'3/'1"... ,1

I. SCOJle ISO :'90 Product in Fiber Reinforced Cement Sampling ':lnd

I I These! Ic~1
flll!lh(xb CQ\-cr loumpling and [c!>ling o r In~pct'lIon '
n (>n-:lsbc~tos fibl:r-cement flat sheet:!., roofing shingle~. ~llhng [SO 2859·0 Sampling Procedures for In ~pection h)
sh!llglc~. and clapboards. These products Illuy be ~m ooth or Attrihutes-Pan 0: Introductio n to thc ISO 2859 Aunbut<!
\udace 1<"lUred The~e lest mel hods are mili7cd III evalu;umg S:lIllpllng System l
products cued in Spccilication~ C 11$6. C I:?:?S. C I:?Sl'I . .nul ISO ::!K51J-I Sampl/llg Proccdurcs lor Inspcctlon h>
C 1.125. AlIribUles-Part I Sampling Schemc~ Indexed by Accep.
12 The value,~
stated III Inch.pound units are 10 be regarded tance QualilY Limit (AQL) for Lot-by. Lot Inspection)
,,~ ~1;Jl1durd. The value~ givcn in parenthe.~e~ Olrc mathemutlcOlI ISO 31)51 Sampling Proceduro:~ and Chal1s for In~pection
u ·.. l\-er.<.lOns to SI UlIIt~ thaI are providcd for infonllJlLOIl 'Hlh by Vari;lble:. for PerccllI Nonconforming)
amI arc nOI con~ldered M,mdard.
3. Tc nninnlngy
I J Tl1i.l' \'wmlunl "F"'s 1101 Jlurporl to (l(ldre.ts 1,11/ oj Ih,'
lole/I COllcem.f. 'f WI)". •/u{J('";ult'd lI'ilh iu lise. II i~ 111 ,' 3, I D.'./mllioll.f: I{cfcr 10 Tennino[ul;Y C 1154
,.'J/IOIISlbiliry of IIII' lUer OJ this s/(lI/da ,.d 10 nWh!isll (//'1" 0- 3 . [.1 dt>IISI r.\'-thc mas~ PCI' unit volume C\prc~~cd III
p,.UIII' sufelY am! Ill'a/11l pr(lctices (IIuf de/erllli,,!' Ih" appli'll pounds per cubic fOOl (' b/ft ') 0r kllogram\ per l'\lhi~' metre
blliry of regul(l/ory IllIJi/fWfIIlS prio" 10 /Is .... (kg/Ill')
3. 1.2 flex/lml ~1r('llgl"-lho: ,I\';fagc llel(ur,11 ~Ircngth I~ thl'
2. H('r('l"cnccd OO(,UrllCn h a"er.lgc of twO perpendicular breab cxpl'c~~ed H1 pound·fon.'c
::!.I I\STM SlImr!lInl,,': l per square /IIch (mega pascals) a~ calculatcd from Ihe a~erage
C 2() Test Met hods for App:ucnt Porosity. Water Ab,.,nq' . brcaking IO:ld of weI or cquihbriul11 test ~peclJlle ns. loaded :1\
lion. Apparent Spe{'itil' Gr.IVuy. and l3ulk Densll) ~ - f ~ill1ple beam~. wilh Ihe load applied at thl' centcr
Bllmcd Refraclory Bnrk and S hapes by BOili ng W:UCI 3.1.3 lll'ut·ra;1I .IJ",ets-fi,'(cd 10 u buddmg frame III arrol"
C I t.~4 Termillol(lgy l (Jr NOI1-A~he~los Fiber·Rcinfofrcd dnrK'c with thc manufacturer' s reCOJl1I1lt:ll(kd insw.ll;ltion proc·
Cemcnt Product~ IIces. The sheeted frame IS then ~ubjectcd to altcrn:ltc wt'tlmg
C IIS6 Specifir:lllOn for Flat Non·Asbcsto~ Fi ber·Ctm,·I:1 ;md heullIlg cyc1e~ :md any structural ;Iltt'"r:ltion ot the ~he~-I
Sheeh caust'"d by the tC;\l ,\ rcported.
(' In:i Spct'ilicOlt/on l o r Non·AsbeslOs Fiber-Ct.:m~'nt 3,2 Otiillll!OI1.\ of Tt'/"I/1.\ S/wnjic /0 nil.' SIlIll(/(I/'(I.-
I{oolmg S h inglc~, Sh;lle~. and Slalc;; 3,2.1 dilll('II.li(lIlJ- for the purposc Ilf Ihese te~t IIICllltxh, lhe
C 1!xt; Spt.!Cllicalwn tor Di~crete Non·A\bcslO!'> Fiber· length, Width and thickness of lib<! r-celllcnt flat ;\heets. roofing
CemelU Intcrlor Slibstr"te Sheets \ hm g les, sldmg \hinglc~_ and c\:lpOO"1'd :,re mcasurcd under
C tJ25 Specification I'm Non·Asbe~to\ Fiber·Mat I~clll · ~pecificd conditions.

lor.-.;d Cemcmmous Backer Units 3.2.2 lI10isture cOIl/eli/-for the l)lIrpo~e 0 1 the\c le\1 meth·
~2 ISO Swmlrmh: od:.. Ihe pcrt'clltOlge of moisture contem III Ihe hbcr· cement
produci when condll!ollcd at 50 ::!: 5 % rc]aI1V": humidity lmd J
temperaturc of n ::!: <leI' (23 ~ 2°C).
, n ...,., 'c>t ""'thnJ, ~,. unJ .. <I", ju"...hcln'n of A~TM C<><llmmCC C " 32.] moisture 1II0I'('IIIt'lIt- 1I1 the.'>e te,t method:., thc Im..:"r
F,t>c r RelnfiM't,d C<""'nt Pt"d.,.;t~ ~nd ~r~ the d1fce! ,c>r ..",,,blh.) ,,( ~u""',~n" , ' \3nalion in length ;md Width of te!'>t ~pc.·llnen. With I."h;tnge In
.cc C n m !ln /l;un .l\,hc.",.. F,hc, Cement J>rooj"" ••
moi~tllre COnle111.
C~n.'" od,,,,," "l'P"",,,,1 M.. ~ I. 1()()~ f>ubhshcd .' I .lY 200~ O"~""d"
"11,,,,,.<1 In I'NI t.ll., 1'''''''''U5 """,on appro"oJ III 100,\ ~. (' 118S _ n,\
F,.- ", f",~n"\:\1 ,\STM ......".'d,. "~11 ,110 AST).t ... "bol"' . ........ ~>I'" "r~, ,~
C\·": ",, AST 't ('u ••umc. S"r"c<: "I \C"'ce~"'lm ",~, r.... r A"",~J/ 8",,4 '" ,-\,. / :/
) 1.1"/.,,,1> ,,,Iume ,,,rOJlI1.>1''''', ,efc, I" Ihe ".I"J...-d·, Do<-u""'''1 S",run;lfy P"~, ,on ' A.~,I~hk fr.,,,, A""r"'.,, NJUOMI S, ... ,J.U<l, tn,IIIute (A~S!), ~~ W 41,rl ~I
Ir.c AST»t "cb,ilt 41i1 1'1"Ul. \:~ ... y", ~ . NY 1011.\6. hllp /I ... " .. U">lWjl

;': ~) ••~ >tt·'a'I~~a'. JO~ Slll IWOQr Ofl~~

:o:,s~o,~me.,. rennll)~anla 19428·2959.
S:::Ei ,: ~r!r {~ 1n,s (~~ f ~I':S b~en ma~t

3.2.4 1I'1IIer ab,wrpl/lm-tor the purpose of the~~ tc~l Ull"Lh· 5.2.2 Prep(lr(J/iol/ of Te.u Specimens. (Roojinx Shinx/~s.
o.h, the Hlcrea~e HI IIlJ.SS ot Ihe IC~I specimen exprc!~sed .\~ ;j Sidi/!.~ SIIII1~lc"'. (ll1d CltlpilOlIrtiS)-CUI
a slOgle specimen 6 ::::
percentage of it~ dry mll~ ~ uftcr immersion in water !'o r ,I VI~ in. (152::!: 1.6 mill) in widlh and 12 :::: 1/,610 (305 :::: 16
~JXciiied period of lime a.~ prescribed. mm) in length from each unit. CUI one ha lf of the ~pccllnen~ III
~uch :1 manner Ihal the 12-in. (J05-mm) dlmCJ1~lOn of e;tch
4. Sampling and Inspcctinl1 specimen is parallel 10 one edge of the shingle or clapboard
4 I Employ ~"mp1ing prvccdurcs providing an acccptabk unit: cut one half of the 1\peclillens HI righl angle..\ thereto
qu,di!) lese! (AQL) of 4 ~ at" 90 % confidence Icvd with a NOTE 2-Allcm:uc leSl speclIl1Cn (!imcn~jons ~nd span 111:1)' b( lI'cd
~'\ll1plc ~1!.C given by ~pccial in~pcclion level 53. c,cepl wher\' prOVided thai Ihc rauo or lhe leS! span 10 specimen Ihl<'~nc.s I~ '101 Ie"
~I)\!cific ,ampling I' require:: ... by particular Ic~t procedure' Ihan t8. and Ihal Ihe actual span "'ed be' reponed
-I:! AcCt'{Jlahlt' Qua/u\' 1.l'vel (AQL}--The acceptable qu,!I. 5.2.3 COIu!iliO/llllg:
1I) level \AQL) may be dchned as follows: 5.2.3. I EqUIlibrium COllditi(}nin~-Placl' Ihe lest )pcl'l-
-12.1 The maximum pcr~'ent nonconforming thai, for pur- men~. for at least four days [thicknes~< 'h 111. (12 mm)! or al
po-es of ~alllpli ng Ln~pccLion. can be considered s3llsfaclOr) J~ lco.~t ~even days [thickness 2: liz in. (12 n1!1l)] to a controlled
a process or long-It:nn .lver.LS!!, and ulmosphere of 7J :::: 4°P (23 :::: 2°C) and 50 :: 5 'it- rdatl'o'e
-12.2 A quality levl'j WhL ~'h cOrTe),pond~ to relatively hl~h humidllY and 10 such a manner Ihat atl rlll:cs :Ire adeq\l:ltc!)
pr"b,lbility (l'ommonl) 90 'k-) of acceptance. vemi!ated,
-I :\ SlIlIIflle Si:e-The ~,"nple Sll.e i~ determined acconllll~ Wrl C(J/ltlllivlUllg-lmmerse ~pecimens 10 be tested
II) lhi! 1I1.'pco.::llon 101 ~i/c b) Ihe l>pecwl In~pccLion level S,~ "t in wei condi tion in wate r ill a temperature of 73 :: 7°F (13 --:
ISO 2589-1 where 1)]<' ill"pe(IIOn I~ by anribules or sperl;,t .Joe) for a period of 48 h mimmum. Te~1 the speciml'lh
1Il~peClion level S3 01 ISO 395 I where 1111:: inspeclion i, b) immedio.tcly upon removal from the waler,
\ Jriab]c:s 5.2.4 Test Procedllre- Delermine Ihe Ilexurnl strength 01
e:tch ,!'Ccimen by placing the underside of the specimen on
N,m 1- Wh~n :I nmnlol"ClUr<'r'~ pruo.:e~~ ,all~he~ :I ~amphng ~~·h"'J.,c·
''''In nn AQL uf .,] 'l> Ih~n Ihl' Ind,cales Ihal bener than % .. III Ihe suppon~ that cannot exen longnudinal COthlr:tIllIS [rocker·type
1I1'J1<.~lCd producI,on c~c~cds lile ~pcc'lkalions. Under Ihi, Iy~ "I bearing edges, rolters. etc. wlIh a Ylo-in. 0.2-mm) Il111llmUm
~1'\·'IIKall()l1 Ihe con~umcr " prm ,dcd the prOlcclloli and confidelKc "I " radiu, and a liz-i n . (t2.7-mm) maxilllum rJdlu~1 :I!ld tlppl} Ihe
tk.lIl), dCli!l~d lowe, bound,IIY I h,.' would !lot b.: lrue If ac~q)t:ln~e " .. ,,' load o.t mid-~pan through (l .,intilar edge bearing :Jg(lIll~1 the
b.,,~d ~olely nn Ih~ a,crag,' \'aIUf of the measured propcn) E,ampk' ,I riml>hed surface of the specimen. The le ... l ~p;tn shall be 10 :!:
'.,nlrhn~ .... heme< ",h,eh "'3Y b.: u<cd ean be' found ,n documcms ~\I~h ",
V,n in. (254 :::: 1.6 mm) :lIld the loud line and suppon ~halt be
J~O ".In. I~O 2H5\11. or 1"0 J9.< I Olher ~alllpllnl! ~hcmc. Inay be 11,,,,1
parallel. Mount a dial micrometer reading 100.01 m. (025 nun)
IUlI'",ellOn hy alinbUIC~ l> " method which COl1SI>IS of determming. f,'1
""'Y Ile1l1l>f:l sample. 11l~ pl't.'","ce or absellce of ~ ecnaln qualuame or an equally ~el1 ... itive upparatus. 10 bear on the IOJding
dl;"."·l~r"h~ (aurilwl~)""'!h r~,!X'ell() tile applicable ~I'ec lti caljon II member or on the ~peeimen al mld-spo.n 10 dClennine the:
In, ''>CIICC. J pas.-fall ,n'I"-·,uon "llIcb delernllnc< the nUIl1 b(r of it~m' III deflec1ion of the specimen (It the remer of the lest ~p;jn.
• """pie Ih,'1 do confunn to lhe 'I1CCi lic~11 0n and Ihe numbt'. of Lho.c Lh.,1 ~1casuTt: (lnd record the dclleclion when the m:lXllnum load l~
Ik' nUl ~\lI1r\lfm An aurihulc c""ld be 3 d'll1t"n.,onal nlea'Ufemcl1l. "I .1 readied. IncrclIse the load at :I UnirOml deflecli on r,j(e. !.uch :1'
fle;\,ural "rt'111:111 value. u,- nih.." Ihlll art' ue ....·ribtcd III Ihese leSI II1clll\).1-
will re~uh in failure of the speeimen hel"Cen five and thlrt)
In'"c~llUn b)' vlIDabk I> ., 111~lhod whIch ~·on"'I. uf me",unng .,
seco/ld~. The elTor In 1he load reading sho.!l not ex(;(!ed I q of
'I".Inl'I,'1"e characterhtK lur e~"'h Utili III a .~mplt, C(>nfuml~n~e "'Ih
Ihe "I'ph~abl ... pccilkallul1 I. dclcnmn ..d frum Ille mean ,~!u ... t>f 'h. the maximum load
m~~'''rtd l>ropen,n Dnd Ihe Sl,llI\lIcal variation, or IhC1>(" •. ,Iu ... ah,,'c
Nun; J-Ahemmc le,l 'llCcil1len dnllcll"un, and ~pan m~~ he II,~<J
and b.:1"", Ihc meal1. Th,·,<' pn,,·,·dul't.'~ dcl;!.,] ~amphng plan' 10 ~UIl ;,:(
plo"i,k,1 Ihat In.: rin", of Ihe te~t ~pan IU ,pc~1fl1en I1l1cllle'" " oot Ie"
.,·!l'nk,n ).lmphng ,'III;HII1I" Tlw ~3mphnp: plan' 'pt:eify Iht" numh,:, ,t
Ihan I~. ~nd Ihm lh~ aClua] 'pan u,cd he ~1)"rICd
'IX II1lrn, m hoc: lall'lI 11'' 111 ~," h b'11th amI lhe oc~cp,,,,,c~lrcJc,,"""
,n1:na Th,· ~p.:.;ilicd m_pt:eltun tc'cl~ have hoc:cn c;ele.-ted hI" 'i 5.2..1 I Meo.sure the specimen thIckness. tor the ilc:xural
111><:, .:"nleI'II prodI.lCl~. 10 h.. t:ln .. ,· the CCI\I uf ;t~'e,'men\ ajl"ln<1 cun'I' l(;~l.at four polOb along lhe line of breo.k for an nverage re sult
IklLC 1111'l.'\uhs rnl1l1l1~n'un,te w,\h lhi~ indu~lry This measu rement 11l00y be com pleled either befor..: or afler load
te~tl11g, TIle thickness gage shllll have ilat p(lrtlllci anvils of
5. FleXlIntl Stre n ~th (Modulus of Rupture) between 0,4-in. (IO-mm) and 06-10 (15· mill) dl:lIl1Cler with an
~ I Sigllifictm(.·~ (1/1(1 Us.'-Thl~ is a routine test meo.s\1nnj! aCCUT3CY of ::::O.002-in. (::::0.05-111111), Delermme lace -le ~lured
a primm) prod~lct dl:JfOlctenqic u~cd lor proollcl grading prodUCI thlckne<;s frnm volume measurement hy ..... ater dl~­
~ 2 fmallrcr~: placement using the IOnl1llla:
52.1 Pr/!{JClrmuJ!! Of TI'.I/ Specilll~I/J. (rial Shet'H)-Clil I
P,LL! of 1>p..:Clmen~, c:lch () ~ 1/1<. III (152 :::: 1,6 mill) in l'ill.l!h
,111.1 12:!: "I" In (305 .. I t'I IlIm) in length. from Ihe inten(lr
'lIl'.1 of I.';,](h ~ample ~heet III Stich a manner tho.t 110 edge 1'1 where:
~p~,'men t) le)~ 111:11 :I 111, (71) 111111) from Ihe ongin:11 edge~ of I . . peCll1len tlllcknc~s. in ..
Ihe ,h":('I. Th..: lUllger ,hm~n"on of one of Ihe !lopccimen, \It' V = \olume-. determined by waler displacement. In '.
L :::: lenglh. Ill. Hnd
c'H.h 1',lIr . . hall be pawllel h' Ihe lenglh of the ~hecl (Ih:ll I'
W :::: width. 111
paJJllci "lIh the fiber la,). and the other sho.lI be! al righl31l)!b
III ,I .'lon.,] A!iernatl\ c method. for del~mlln~1I0n uf avera!;e lh,ckn,,~ nl

~ ~Tlli\ ll"."i~) ',I ,11~r 1', !~J 3aif f1ar: N DIi~1 i

~m~ f l . Si (,.n~~~nO(··r, hn~~ylvar,ia 19m·2m, I

nlt¥ C 1185& r08'lW(l ThiS{Opy h~S t'ttn m~de
~.,.!~ ifr'
", .
lnwn:d prnd(j ~1 Illa) ~ u~'<l provided thai Ih~)' c' n Il<! I,n
b~ th e. nl·,w,.,.
~rl 1\': ,
1'2 an{ Yt
,Jf SI2r::U1i /,'d QiJJiity l~lM1E Ol under 111~nJ
= aetledrons. X
111. (I Ill) corn:;;prmdlng to Ihe
,"~{J~C. IV y ,~\d a lh,c\..nn~ J1WCl,u rCrncnt ""lhin ~2 % rr'~ll&l ~l uc~ : 'jn~L loads ~clecled.
Ir"," ,olul1>e m"u<"r~'B,",ll h)' w.Iler d'~placcmcn( . - ·--·- --Ir-----"""~- wmttruf_sptXTn . III. (Illm).
5.3 CII/rll/a/I(m (jll/I Re/lOr/: d = lh id,n es~ of .'ipecimen. ill_ (mill). and
5.3.1 Ctlcu late tin: lk)(ural ~trength for each .~peci11len b} L = length of spnn. in. (mill).
the following equallOIl' 5.5 Precisir/!! (lml Bias:
5.5.1 l'I~'ci.~i(/II- The precision of Ihe procedure III Te~t
J i'L
Methods C 1185 for rlll:a~uring tleX\Jr~1 ~tre ll gth is bcmg
N a '2h.I '
5.5.2 Bias-Since there I~ 110 accepted reference matcrilll
II here; !>uilable fo r delcnmning the bia~ for the proced ure II) Te~l
R '" tkxural strength. PSt ( MPu). M Clhod~ C 1185 for measuring nCCl.unll strellgth. no !>latcmem
p m~;dmum 10'ld. lb IN). on bia~ is being mJd(,".
l. length of Sp:lII. tn . (mm),
h = width of specimen. in. (rnm). a nd 6. Ucnsity
d = average thickness. in. ( mill ). 6.1 SiSlHji('(mct' wrd UH' - The uniformi ty of density rc~ulh
The n~erage nexural ~lrcllgl h of the specimen pair sh.lIl bc' arc used for quality control asslIr;mcc
the arithmetic,' menn value obtained in the twO direcllOt1~ 6.2 Procedllr<':
Rc'pon the ari thmelic mean villuc of each pai r. 6.2.1 Prepm-mioll oj Te.l·j S,JFClmell- Use a ti:q specimen
5.3 2 [I Shill! be Ihe opllOn of the milnufacturer to Tepon the from the flexu ral lest or a specimen of eqlllv:llent dimensioll
h;tnd!eabiliIY ind ex of his produci . Handlcability index Yalue~ 6.2.2 Te.~lill}: P mce(fllre- Determine the yolume o f the
are relauvc and are u~t!d 10 delemline Ihe capability of IllI." specimen by any method capable of giving a re~llh accurate 10
material 10 be handled Without breaking. An increa~e in within 2 % of the results obtained by the water displatemclll
hundleability inde.x means lllc reased ea~e of handling. For elch method. Detcrmim: the mass by drying OUlthe te~1 ,peclillen 1I1
,heel direction, cakul'ntt handleabililY index u~lIlg Iht' 101 - ;.tn oven at 194 ::':: 4°F (90::':: 2 e C ) untillhe ditrerel1cc between
In ula: tWO consecutive weighings. :II inlcrvab 1101 Ic.~~ than Iv.. 0 hool~.
is le~s Ihun 0.1 9t by ma.'~.
". --
, Nrm 5-W;tI~r di,plael'l1\enl c:ln b<: obl~'nc\l pl'f Te.l M,·lhod. C ~ IJ.
III which "oll/me (V) of Ihe lnl ~pcClillCIl I. oblalned III cubIC ccnHUlelrc,
by ,ublr;l~llIlg Ihc sll~pcndctl weighl \ IV) frol1\ Ihe ,alur.lle\l "~'ghl ( S),
\Ih<.:rc bolh III gram,~, folio""
{ ' = h:lI1dleability Index. in.-l b!in. (mm-N/mm).
}J breaking load. Ib (NJ. in clch dirc(;lion at a spnn oj II)
\I = IV s ,6,
in. (25 4 mm).
ultImate delleclion. In . (mm), under center load ing 'It ;t ",hUlle. em '.
span of ]() III (2S.J mill), and IV '" '''lur;ll<:\1 welghl. g. and
I '" Ihie kncs~ of Ih t te~l spedmcn, in. (m m).
S '" ,u'[XlHkd welghl. g
n,,~ a." ulIle. Ihm I CUI' of wmer weigh. I g. Til" i\ H1I~ wnhw aboul
5.JJ Cakuhlle Ihe bro:aking moment (rootin g producl~ lhrcc pans '" 1000 tor w~let' m room ICll1pa.1IUr~ SY'fX'n(kd welghl IS )
only I for cach ~amplc specimcn by the following cqualion. I' Obl.1lncd for each lCSI ~pc:c "nen by 'Y'pendlllg Ihe spI'elm.:n In ;1 loop
or h"lterof AWe J!age No. 22 (0.{)44 mUl) copper w,re bUill! from one arlll
of the balance Tl1e batance shall be previously eoutller balanced Wllh lhe

M = 471
'" Wife ,n pl;tce anu imll1crs~d 111 waler 10 Ihe ~~me de plh as I. d~tenfljnln~
Ihe suspen\le\l weigh\. biN eaCh specimen ItgtllJy "'llh:l mOistened .Il11oolh
brc:Jking moment. fl·lbf/ft (N·m!m ). IHlen or ~01lOn Cl01h 10 rcmove ~1J drops 0r waler fmlll Ihe '~rf;,ec . .ono
M '" delCl'l1\1ne Ihe \al\lr;n~d welghl (IV) 11\ gram, b~ "'eigh'''l! on ",r to Ihe
I' nwximum load. Ibf (N ).
ncurt.! 0 1 g
'" il:ngth of sp:ln. ft ( m). and
= Width of spC('lmcn. n (m) . 6.3 Co/ell/aIlO!) (l/ul Rt'port- Calcu latc and repol1 the den ·
Report thl;: :lnlhl11\:t ic mean va lue for Ihe sample specimt'll ~il) of Ihe ~pecil11cn III puunds per CUbll' fOOl (lb/fI1) U\lIlg the

group t'qu:ttion~:

S,..t Ctlculutc th e modulus of cJa~ticit y (i nterior .~ub~tra t e IV I 11211

\hcC't~ only) for c,ldl s,llllple ~pec:ime n by the follow!!l];
d~nslly :. 17 x .15 .. x - ,-
equation :
1:.: If'~ - I' ,l x L '14b"'lY~ - )'1 ) whe re ;
IV = dry ma~~ u f ~r)ccirn~ll. g. and

'" V :: vultllm:. in .3 .
or In kll')gr;}llh pl!r cubiC Illi;lr(," (kg/m") u~ing the equatiou '
L = modulus 01 elasticity. psi (N/mm z).
p . ,llld P, = JOaJ~, Ib (\'). taken from twO point~ within th~ !\'
[)~'I"l y 17 '- I OIlO ()(Xl
Imeal ,ect1<J1I of the plut,

.·19 r,: ASIM l ~lern ~ ~l c~ a ' 100 Sdrr Haroor Olive ,
'j'" ConshohQ(ken, Pr nns ylvJnl~ Ism·mg,

--- . -:;-;-c,;-c-;~-,
IIhere: 7.6 Flat Sheel,\" Mell.flwemenl 0/ Length and Wid/Ii-Take
IV = df) Illass of "'pCl"lml'll, g. and three !11ea~\lrements of each dimension with a steel t.:lpe
V = volume, mm '. capable of re:lding 10 an accuracy of Vn in. (0.7 nUll).
6,~ Pre(/jWI1 and BIiI~: 7,7 Prl'cisioll (lnd Bias:
f14.1 Pre{'i~i(JIl-Th~' preci.~iOll of the procedure in Te,[ 7,7.1 Precision-The preci~ion of the procedure in TC'1
Methods C 1185 for measuring density is being determined Methods C 1185 for dimensional me:lsuremen!s is bCl1lg deter·
t' 4 2 H/(I,I'-Since lhere j!> no accepted rderenct! m:nen;II ml!lcd
~ullJblc for determinlllg the bias for the procedure III T~~! 7.7.2 Bias-Since there is no <lccepted reference rnah:rial
Mt'thods C 1185 for rneasurl11g density. no .~l;lte1Tlerll on bia~ i, suitable for dctennining the bia ... for the procedure III Te~l
hClIlS m3de. t-.1clhods C 1185 for dirm:nsional measurements. no ~la[en1cnl
on bi:ls is being made.
7. Dime nsiona l 1\11'asurCllw nts
- I Sigllijinll1ce IIlId USI' 8. M ois ture Movement
7. 1 I These are routine.- measurements for determining 8.) Si8l!ifi(;(lI1ce alld Use: Mois(Ure MOl'l!melll- Tim tc~t l~
whether the length and width of the individual \l llits are a~ u~ed 10 detem1lnc the serviceability of product in area~ of high
ordaed. to ensure that lhey IiI togelher properly in applicalicHi. humidity and e;(po~ure 10 moisture.
and 10 determine the uniformity of the specified thickness 8.2 Tes/ Specilllell- The test specimens shall be 3 In. (76
7 1.2 [n detcnnining lhr thickness of a sheet having ,I mm) in width and at least 12 in. (305 mm) in length. Provule
tC:l:turcd or granulated ~mfao.:e, a mctal plale is plao.:ed adjacent twO specimens. one cut parallel with the long dimension of
to lhe texlured surface. 'and the micrometer rcadi n g~ arc tak~ll each sheet and one from the same sheet cut at right angles to
on the combined thickricss of the sheet and the metal plate. The the long dimensio n .
purpobc b to obtain a more nCCllrme overall thickne~~ lIlL'a 8.3 ConditiO/IiI!X- Condition each ~pccil11cn to prJctical
~lIn:rnellt uf the tCXllln.:J or granulated sheet. Thi~ would be
equihbrium at a relmive humidity of JO :!: 2 ~ and ~
ratlier ditlieuh to ..10. in many cases, because of Sllrf,lU' tt;;rnper:!lure of 73 :!: 4 c F (23 :':: 2C C), Practical equilibnull1 I'
Irn:gulanlles when the plalc IS nOI used. defined as the stale of t1l11e change 111 weigh t where. tor
7.2 CUJldiliullillg- Condition the specimens to bI! h~sted in practical purposes. the specimen IS neither gaining nor I()~ing
,Ill environment of7) :: -I~F (23:,: 2°C) temperature ~I!ld 5U -
Illoi~ture content more thun 0.1 wI. % in it 24-h period.
5 <), relallve humidity for -IX h. Condition specilllcn.~ for JII l'l.4 Procedure-Measure the length of each specimen in II
dln l ~nslOn~1 mcasu rement tc.,ts.
di.tl g:lgc comparator lIsing :t standard bar of the same norlllna!
-, 3 Me'I/fw-emCnI or rlud.lless: length as the specimen for reference. or any othcr method
7 .3.1 FIlii S"el!l~ Memul"I'melll of Thick/less-Take IhlCJ..- capable of measu ring each specimcn to Ihe nearc~t 0.001 In .
ne,~ lIle:J~llremems at the I11H.lpoint along each edge dimensioll (0.02 mm). Then condition the ~pecill1cns to practical equilib-
I'. Itll .\ gage capable of r~:tdlllg to an accuracy of OJ)02 in. (005 rium at a relative humidity of 90 :!: 5 % and a lI::mpcr:ttllrc (If
111111) ,
73 :'.:: 6°F (23 :!: 3°C). Measure the length of cach 'pcclmen tn
~ 32 Ti.'xlurcd or Gmmi/tlled Slleels- Me,lsurc the thld.,
it dial gage comparator or arty other mel hod cap:Jble ul
nc .. , 01 each test speCimen hy pl,lcing :J .~l11ooth melal plate of ll1easuringeach specimen \0 the nearest 0.001 tn. (0,02 111m), If
lInlto rm thickness with Jimensions approximately IfI>4 by 4 b~ bowing IS evident, choose a method that will record 111easur\'-
-1111 (0.4 by 102 by ]()~ 111111) against the t1nished.textured, P(
men!s on both sides of the te.~t specimen :lnd :!verage Ihe
I'.e . llher-e\po~cd ~urfao.:~ 01 the spt;;cimen. Using ,Iguge ,',1- n!~llhs
p.ll>le of n:adl1lg to 0,002 !II (0.05 mm). measure the over.111 8.5 CO/cll/wwn (III(/ Rc/)Orl-Report the lmear change III
thi<.:kn~~s of the metal plate Jnd speci men at the appro:l:imalC moi.~ture content as the percent:Jge change in length bl~cd on
midpoint of e:!cll edge of the ~pecimen :lnd III lca~t If~ in. (12,7 tile length at relative humidi ty change of 30 tn 90:
mnl) from lhe edge of the ~pecimen.
(L)m90% - (L)alJO% x tOO
- .3.2.1 Flul Sheel.\ A\t.·rage the rour lTIt;;aSUrell1elllS and lincarchangc.% - (L)aI3()% (')1
r.:c,[((1 a~ Ihe specimt;;11 thickness.
.. 3.2 ,2 Texwred III Gramr!wed Sheel.l"-Subtract Ihe Ill,·a· 8.6 Preci~in/l mId Bias:
~ur",dthi(.·].,ncs~ of the meta) plate from e:lch mC:iSllrCmell! an,] R.6.1 Precisioll-The precision of the proccdure III Te .. t
,I\erage lour measureillenl'> to give the specimen thickne" Method~ C ) I R5 fOI" moisture movement IS Oclng deter111l1led,
Th l' methnd ~hall nn! be used for calculation (If Hexur;tl R.6.2 Bias-Since there is no llccepted reference materi,11
\tr,-ngllt :lf1d den.~ity ~uitahle for de ten11ining lhe bias for the pW(;cdure in Tc~t
., I FI"I Siwel.\ Mell.IIII"Cnlelll (!f Squarelle.u-Measurc the Methods C IIR5 for moistu re movement. no statemcnt on bi:ls
lenglh 01 the diagoi1:l)\ . ~h well w, the edge lengths of the b being made.
shect~, wllh a ~teel tapt' cap.,hle of reading to an :lccuracy (II
!In III (0.7 mm) . 9. W:lte r A b so rpti o n
. 5 Flal Sheels M<,(/.\"urf'mf'rII oj Dlge SlroiXhllle.n - 9 . J Signijic(lIIt"e lIlId Use-This l~ a roullnc test. The valu~~
.\k<lliUrc the g realc.~l (l!.,talKe between Ihe edge of lhe ~hco.:t arc relmiye. The te~t b madl! to determine 1111' tendency of a
and a ..rrlllg or wlrc ~trt;;lehed from on~ comer of the panel ttl product to absorb wlIter :md sometime, dctertl1lnc unif(Jrt111l),
the adJ:u.:cnt corner with a "Icel mle c>lp<tble 01 reading 10 all ('11 the product.
".dlracy of Il'l 111. (0 7 111111 ) 9.2 Procedure:
rl. '; "S·'· .. '., ~Jrt rat:)' O~lve
l ,'
. ,' ) '/'
--.:v ",,'-, ."" ",',",,,'
e_". '(~·)yl.Jt,~ "" '"
I~~ . ~· .' )'

~::"~~1:c ffssttEba .\·~tr (J 1.\ (~" ~~) ~e:c "1;;t

2. I Dry each Spccl1llcn of minimum size of

<) 4 ~ ~O()
Jy the ~1I("
hrr 1'9
'cr 5;~":!!~) !"d I).'ilt~ (5WtEQ) Ui,der 11[~~il
I OA . I {Jreci~IVlI - The precIsIon (11 thc procedure _in Te'l
b} 100 1111n) 10 COn~t:l1l1 weight in :l vClHilat ri I(gl" nl l'l1 ::-.' ~!I~'N\elhods C II H5 for l1loi.~lure conlc, l IS hemg dctcnmned.
ICIllI>eraturc of 194 =- 4" 1 (90 =- 2°C) ilnd C o-Y<Kmr---m:-4:2-elrls Since IhcreiSiiO"iccepled reference matenal
temperature in a de,icc:l!Or or desiccator-type cabinet. We i~h ~uil:lhle for dClcnnining thc bias for Ihe procedure In Tc~t
each cooled specimen \epar;.uely on a scale of an accur:lcy of Methods C I J 85 for moisturc! conl..:nl. no !>I:lh!llIenc on bias 1\
II,", % of ~peclmen ma,!>. Record Ihe dry weighl of each cooled being madc
'IJoecimen Submerge the ~JX~cimen for 48 ::- 8 h in dean waler
at 73 ::- 7"F (23 ::- 4 ~C). 11. Water TiJ,:htl1l:ss
1),2.2 Remove c;lch ~1J":(.;111len frolll the water, wipe with ,\
II, I SignijicWl(·1' (lml U.l't'-Thi~ IC~1 is u.~td \0 delerllll1K'
U;UIlP cloth. and \.\'cigh ea(.;h specimen \CIJ<lJ"atcJy on <l ~cak III
,m a~'curolcy of 0.5 '*
of ~pccill1en mm,~ .
'l.3 Ca/culallOlI wul Report:
the servi!;eabilily (waler tigntne~s) of produci whl!n subJcclcd
to a delennrned wat~r head fur :1 protracled period
J 1.2 Test SpeCllllells- Cut the tC!>1 ~pccilllens 10 24 by 20 in
\).3,1 Calculate Ihe waler absorption value for each ,pen ·
(610 by 508 mm) 1I1111111lUm. from alle:!!>llhre..: ~alllpled )hCCh
illen a~ follows:
Cut one )pcclIn..:n from each ~hcel with a lotal of three
WJlt·r ilm.orpllUll. rna.. % - [(IV, - IV ,,)lIV.J x tOO ~pecimen!> for e:.l(.;h lest. Where produci size i~ 1c~~ than 2<1 by
(11 11 20 111. (610 by 508 mill) u~e the large~l sizc producl ns 11K' IC~1
.... hl!l'(.;; ' I~cimen .

1\, :: \;llUr:lIcd Illa~,. Ib tg) of !tpccimen. and 11.3 pf()(:edW"t'- Kcep Ih(' 24 by 20·in (610 by 50S-111m)
IrJ = dry mas~. Ib (g) 01 specllm~n. te~1 ~peciJllen~ 111 :l controlled cnl'lronmcOl fur al Ica~t ril e ll:.lY,
9.3,2 Report th..: \loll!!r ;lbsorp[lon a~ Ihe average value tnr al an ambient temj>('r:lturl· (exccedi ng -II "F (5°C)] PI:ll·e and
,III ~pt'cilllens le~ted seal a suitable frame 22 by IS in (559 by 457 mm) lIumrnUI\l
<),.1 Predsion cmd Hiar un top oflhe face of the ~pcci11len imd fill wilh waler 10 a hClght
94 I PI"I!c/sioll- Thc precision of Ihe procedure in Tl',[ of 2 tn. (50 111111) above the fa!;c of the ~heel. Place lite
r-.1cthod~ C 1185 for w¥tcr .lbSOrplioll is being determi ll..:d ~pecirnen in a (.;{lntrol1cd enVlfon rn(,flt at 73:,: 4°]= (23 :!: 2°C)
9.4 2 Bias-Since there I~ no accepted reference maten ul and 50 :!:: 5 % reklliv~ humidilY for:.l period of 24 h.
,ullable for dl!lennilluig the bia!> for the procedure in Te,t 11.4 Ca/clI/atillll lIIld Report-[.xlllmnc Ihe ~pcclmen .... lIh
:-'1elhod~ C 1185 for \.\ ,ller .lb~orptioll, no Slalellll!nt on bl;l~ I~ the unaIded eye ,md repon any formal ion 01 drop~ of Witter nn
bemg made. the under~ldc of Ihl! ,heci Repon Ihe Ilur,;km:~~ of the produd
III. Moislure Cont rllt 11.5 PreciJioll ullcI Bio.r- No .~ latclllel11 I' made ilboUlI!I(llcr
the prccision or bias of Test Method~ C I [85 for lIlea~urillg
10.1 SiKnijiccl1!cl' <Iud U.\·e-Thi.~ IS a routillc. te~!. NOlllllwl
W,ller tightne~s ,incc Ihe rC~1I 1t merely \t,jte~ whether Iherc l~
\,.11 \1<:' Jild toler:ln('c.~ for IllImture contcnt ~hall be dedarcd hv
conformance to 11t(' criteria for ~u"ce" 'l)Ccilicd in the proce ·
the manllfa,'wrer lur hi) pnl(\utt!>.
10.2 I'mn'c!lIfj'
10.2, I Prell(lfallOIl of Tnt Speciml"ll-USC a te~t specirnl'n
12. F'rccl.cfrha\\ -CJ;ldding l'rodlirLS
trum thc f1exurnl le~t When for any reason additional deler-
l\\Illation of moisture (.;onten( arc required. prepare ~c lXllale 121 Sigllllicatl~·t' (Jlld u're-Th!\ tesl II1I'cstig:ltc~ Ihe IX"
~~lIl1pleS. The.~e moi~t\lrc content .specimens shnll be thc full .\ ibk degradation of the product dne \0 expo.,urc 10 repe;lld
thleknt"s) of tht" mntrnal om] 3 in . (76 mm) widl' arld 6 11\. \!:'i~ freeze or thaw (·yde~. or both. Thl~ IC\I l ' i.l {'ompJmllve Olle
mill) long. uud i~ only ~Igniti!;iml for as-reeel~<.:d produ{: t~
10.2.2 COlldiliolllllg- CunLiition as stated in 5.2.:\.1 12 .2 Ti.',u Specllllc'm"- The te~t specimens sh:lll be 6 by J 2
Ill. ( 152 by 305 mm) CUI from al leasl h~e sampled sheets as
1I/,2,J Te.~tlll,~ Pmc.'t/llfl'-After e(luilibriulII condllioning,
I\,elgh e3ch ~arnple ,ep;lr:uely on a scale \n 3n aceur.lcy I,r delivered by Ihe manufnclure r. CUI twO pain- of IWO lopecimen,
(J 'i %. i\'otc Ihl) lIIa~) J) 1I11lial mas~ ( 10'). Dry each specimen
from each sheet wilh a lotal of ten pain. of ,pecimcns lor thl .~
II' eOlbtJnt mas) tn J l·lrcul:l1ed oven nl a temperaturl! of !94 ;!;.
-I F (90 :': 2°C) and 1.'001 tlJ rOOm IcmpcrutUrt." in a dc~ic!;allll 12.3 PI"uu' duI"":
t~ pI! cabme!. RecorJ Ihl! dry ma~s of each cooled ~pecilllcn alill 12.3.1 Oividl.' the pUlred 'pccllllen~ to form (wo ,el, (11
Ihlte (I) hnal mass whcn oven-dry (P). paired ~pccimen~ e:.lch.
10.3 OI/CII/OIiol/ l/Iull«'/wfI-Calculate the moi~lure l·Il!!· 12.3.2 Subnul Ihe fir:;t set of ten ~p"'Clmcn~ to the SMur.lteJ
tent a~ tullo .... s tlcxural ~trcngth IC)t :.lc!;ording to $c\:lion 5.
t2.3.3 Saturate Iht: rem,ullmg 'tCt of [en sp....'{:imcn, b)
II • toO [(II' - f'Vfl
lI11merslIlg 111 water or a temperature p;fCi.lter IhJn 41 oJ; (5 C)
for a minimum of -IS h. Then seal each .'pcCllnen M:par;lIc1y III
II hen:: i.l pla~tic bag. The pla~lIc b,lg ).h;1I1 have a th!!;kIlCs.~ between ~

H = 1I100swre !;Ontl·n1. "" mil.~ (0.2 mm) and 12 mil~ (0.3 mm). The length ,lI1d width of
II" = IlUlial m:1S~. Ih (Ilp;), and the. pta~tit· bag ,hall not eX!;ecd the length :.llld Wldlh of lhe
I "" hnal lIIa~~ whcn ol-en-dry, Ib (kg), ~ampk by 1II0re than 20 %, re~pc(.;llvd) SnbJcct the ~pccllnen~
1()4 PfecisiOl1 mll/lJi(lS 10 frecl.elthaw !;ycles con.'>I!tllng ul

Jlm~) ;c~, ',5TH :nlmahmf, DO oEr' H1'bol Drlv:
~J2.. w,' \~o~;t~~" ~~r.~sy!1~':~ 19~:a·m"
,... rUO" A1>"""', .If' Th,s (OH r,as ~:en (I13~ e
,,,.,-, ... .
'f, )f ;..r;.":(l

by t~i' Dr:(\Ci~:~ I :U :n~ \~~!('{ ISlh/1E;J IJnder hcen)e

Iro. ASi,II04mf!' C 1185 - 08
I :!.3.3.1 Cool 10 - 4 =
4 ~ F (-20 :!: 2°e) over n period 01 13.3.2 Submit the first lot of len specimens 10 the salurated
11(>\ less than one hHUT nor morc than two hour~ . Hold Ih<: flexural strength test, as specified in Section 5, and ::It Ihe same
'1}c':lmcn~ at - 4= 4°F (-2() :t 2°C) for one hour. time immer.:;e the ten ~pecimcns of Ihe ~econd lot in water
1,:'!.3.3.2 Thaw to 6K .:: 4 F (20 .:: rC) over a period of IIO[ ~atum led wilh an excess of lime and maintnmed at 140 ::!: 4°F
ie., than one hour and a maximum of two hours. After \h:lw!II!: _ (60 ::: 2°C) for 56 :!: 2 days. At the end of this period, pl:lec Ihe
spet:lmen~ in a condlt1oning chumber at 73 ::: .1 °F (13 ::: 1 C)
1ll.loniain Ihe ~pecjmcn~ at 611 ::!:: 4"F (20 :!:. 2~C) for one hour
b.:hlr¢ proceeding WIlh treczlIIg. and SO.!. 5 % rel:lIive humidity for 48 :!: 2 h.
(f) Each free7.dlha\\ cyc1<: ~hall have :l minimum cycle IlIlW 13.3.3 Examine the ~pecil11en.~ with the unaided eye m orllel
o ! Illur h Oll r~ and a maxlllHllll of six hours. 111 detect pos~ible cracks. dehllmnution, or other defl!c". and
\!J The freeler Ul)ll .~ hall have a forced-air circulallllll record llny ob~er\ntiom.
c,rpJble of being regulated to Ihe prc.~cribed trcc7ing condition 13 ,3..1 Carry OUi the flexur:11 .~I rength II!.~! ~~ ~i>ecrfied JI1
wIlli a lull load of lcst 'pecllllcns. SecliOlI 5, after prelimmary condllioning for wet 'trenglh
U) The 10lal number 01 freele/th:!w cycles shall be J' \3.4 Ca/cu/llliOlI, IlUl!rpI"ri(ltll)/J oJ Rr,\'ulls, and RI'{)(/I'!
~ Ik'cl hed 11\ the apphC;Jble ~tandard ~pecificntion. 13.4 . 1 For each pair of specimens ( 1= 1\(10), calculate
(-I) Frt!c7.ehhaw c)"des nuy be controlled autolll3lic:!lIy ("Ir the indJviduul mtlO ( ri) as follow:. :
manually r, = 1/1',
15) ,\n IIIlerval betv.o:en \:)des. maXllllUm 48 h. I~ penni' t 1.11
'I ble Dunng Ihis illlenJI. ~!Ore specimens III warm cOlldlllUIi
al11S ::: 4 F (20::: 2' , ').
I flexurnl sirength nfter wann water in\ll1t:r~lon , :lIId
(6) Duong bolh fre~ling ,md thawing. position the SPC~~I' I" control ilexur;J1 .~ trength .
men, to cnable freo: circulmlon of the conducling medium (.m 13A.2 Calculate and report the average (xl and the standard
01 w;lter) around each bag
dl!vialiOI1 (S) of the indi vtdual ratios (1"/). The ~tandard devla·
I:!A Calculation will Report: tioll (eslimHted) .~ h::11I be ealculuted as follow~ :
J 1A I Examine the ~peCll1le nS with the unaided eye in ord{'r
n~{t l' (~)
10 detect po"slble cf:!ck\. dd,unin:ltlOlI. and other defl!Cls, .In,1
rC~'ord dny obl>ervatu)n,
,- n("

12A.2 Saturate the .. pe~'III1C ll S and iel>tthc flexural slren~th whl!re:

(/-II aCl'Qnhng to SeCllun 5 \ '" estimated sl::lndllrd deviation.
12.4 .3 Cll1culate and repon the rallo ( R) of the stren/!Ih .I '" value of single observation. and
;JH'rJged lor the set undergwng freezcll haw cycle~ (Fj) 10 the II '" number of ooservatiol1\.
'Ir~'nglh a~erJgell for the c011l rol of rderence set (Fr) . 13A .3 Calculate and r1.!port the 95 % Iowa eontlclencc
I< .. 1-1"-, c~timate of the ralio as follows :
( I~J
Ly~ -.f-O. 5R.r
2.5 Pucisioll and IIWJ' (I~r

11.5 I rreci.~i(m-The prl!cislOn of the procedure in T(·~t

wh~' rc
~1ctho(h C II RS for freeze/ thaw i~ being determined.
.f '" mithmcuc melm of the set of {)bservallOn~ . alld
1252 Blas---Since there I~ no :lccepted reference matel'lnl l '" estimated st:!ndanJ d.;vintiOIl.
suitabk for detennUling the bias for the procedure in TI!~1 I 3.5 Prl!ci~'hm WId Hws:
Mdhods C IlKS for trt'('l.e/lh,lw. no Slatement em bias I~ bem~ 13.5 . 1 Precisiofl- The precl:'lon of thl! pro(cdure III Test
made Methods C 1185 for warm wateT IS being delcrnllned,
13.5.2 Bills-Since there IS no accepted reference Ill;!tcnal
13. Wa rm W:lt cr slIit:lble for dctennining the billS for the procedure in Test
11. 1 Si~l!iJica'Kf' Will Ul' - Thts test mvestlgntel> the long Method\ C 1185 for warm water, no Sllltemem on biaS is being
tCfln chemical IllleraCih)ll u r c.onstltuent m:uerillb. \Vet and Illude.
elevated to:mper:llurl! cond itions are used 10 accelerate the
H·~~ 1tS. Thl~ test i~ a c.omp:lT3I1Ve one and IS nnly Significant rnr ) .t Hellt/Rain- \Val l Structures
prfl<lucls a~ delivered 14.1 Si};lIiJicGllct! ami Uu-This tC.~1 t~ u~ed to ;!s~e~~ Ihe
13.2 Salllpllllg: in .~I:IJled pl!rformancc of Iht' produce ul1der C)'chc change, ,n
1.1,2. 1 Sample Ii\\' fi r 1l 10r\! .~heets as delivered by the mOIMurc ,'ontcn!.
PI( duc~1 lUI len M~l.\ !If p;un:d ~pecill1ellS tn ~uir the flexu r.ll 14.2 Test SpeclmeJI.r- Sheet spccimen~ u~ed lor the te~1
~tr~'ng lh re~t, III .Icl'unl.mce with 5.2.1. shall be drawn at random from slock of liOished products. The
1J.2.2 Cut each ~p<:umell pair irom the same sheet and nllmber of ~heet~ reqUIred Will depend upon the manufacturer' ~
II111quely numbe r for bter comp:lriM)n of results. Two p:li~ III In~tallatlon recommend::l\ion~ and on the site of Ihe ~hects to b~
'1>t;(lmCII~ l1lay be cut rrulll the sheet Ic~tcd .
1:\ Procedure: 1.1 .3 Prm;l!dlfre :
113, I Di\ ide the patred ~pecimen~ 10 form twO ~cts of (L'1l 14 .3. 1 As~cmblc a te:.1 frame. <lccordmg 10 the m:tnuf,K·lur·
~))l'l"ll11en' each er's recommendations. that silllulate~ the rigidity of the field

_ 'WI
..."J ..... ~ r"!!'.... ~TW .
~..~tttf1 C "i1S!i I.Jb8a T;,S (~H hJS ;~~n m:~e
by tOt DlIt,!~:J~t •. 'd51ar~2~1~:\~V iS1AMh'i ~nder 11(:nse
in_lallation. The fr:lml' con~lmc{ion should . n cluq ~.WIC?visl('llh 5. 'Flb'er CCIllC It roofing 11 llcriah art: ta';(cned 10 a I'oohnl;
tor :u least one sheet Joi nt ill irs central re dhl.r11>H~'WHfrwtC!r frame in accordance with lh - manufacturer' s recommended
01 the fmme should aHo .... for standard ~hce eage nhiSmUg I IiSI .dlJtiorT"'pr'Jeri~..:r-h tblcd fr,une l~ then subJected 10
The con"lruction or ,he ir..unc should meet Ihe followmg :llterna!,;: wetting ,lIId hCJling l'ye1e;.. und :lily structural ;sher
re4Ulremem~: alion of Ihc roofing materiab cau~cd by the 11:,,\ i" reponed
143.1 I A minimuill of .17.7 ftlp.S rn~), 15.3 Te.f{ SpeClIl1em- Fiber cement roolmg product ~pcn
14.3,12 Allow ~hee[~ HI be in~[alJed with normal orit'nl'l men~ used for [he [est !'>hall be drl1wn a[ random from [he Mock
lIun, of fim.\hed prodW.:h The number of .)peclJTlen~ reyulfI:d will
1-13.1,3 Allnw 1U~1;!lla(lnn of at k;l~t two ~heeb as folhm~. depend upon the manu facture r's In~I:1l1:11Il)n recolI\mendlllJon~
ilnd and the .)izc of th~' assembly to be tc.)ted.
14.3_1.4 Avoid :wy signific;Jnt external our flow dunng te't 15A Pmcu/wC!
p<nod 15.4.1 A.)~cmble a roof 10;:.'>1 fnullc (IccorJmg to Ihe IIhIllU -
II) Area per sheet >19,4 ft~(l.8 m 2 ) for 2 specimen.). facturer's recommendations thai sil1lulatt:~ the ngidi[y 01 tht:
IZ) Area per shcel <19.4 t[~{ 1.8 1Il~) or a ~ufficlent number \11 field installation , The construction of the fr(lllle should hI! a
'l)Ccimen~ to cover:1II urea of 37.7 f1 2(3,5 ml), lind minimum of 47 ,7 ft~(4.5 m~),
IJ) If [he combined area of Ihe s heel.~ exceed.~ 37.7 ft2(]. _~ J 5.4 J. J Avuid any ~ignificant extcrn,lI air flow during the
m~) lhe sheet length .~ may be reduced to provide a test arca n(ll le~1 period.
le,~ th1m 37.5 2(3,5 m 2 ). 15...l.2 Fix tll..: rooting ma[erials to the tesl trame, observing
143.1.5 A\oid Jny .'>igllJficant external air flow during [he all manufacturer's recommendations_ The head lappmg dl~ '
le~1 period. tance shall be the minimum allowed All v.eatherproormg Jnd
14.32 Fix lhe saml)le sh..:ets to Ihe test frame, obsc:rving all olher auachments normally specified shall be IIlcludcd in Ihe
lIl.tnufacturer"s recommendation.). The edge fiXing dlsl.III<.'e assembly_ The assembled te~l frame muy be ~e[ 11\ a plJlle do"n
~hJl1 be Ihe minimum :Illnwed. The center dIstance bc!\\eCII to a minimull1 ~Iope of one in fOllr. or aitent:ltivcly lIl~y be ~el
h~ll1g shall be the maximum allowed. Inl"lude aU weathcl In II vcrticall'osi tioll A waler ~pl'ay ~llI tl \)n IS prOVIded to wei
pruoitng and other :lh:lehmcnts normally specified III lh~' Ihe top weather ~urf:lce. along with :J hellting ~latiOn 10 proVide
.I!'>\t:mbly Where sheel.'. arc recommended to have overlapPing ulll fonn flldiant heal. The ~he..:ted te,1 fr:llllc !'>hould bc Mlb,
JOHU.). a...semble [he te~t Frome accordingly. SCI the sheeted if:,l jected 10 the nllmber of cycles !'>pccillcd in lhe ~ppll!:llblc
Ir,U1le in :I vertical position. Provide a water spray stalion h' st:lI1dard .'tpccifieiltion meeting the following requiremenl~
\\d one surface .•llong \\Ith a heallllg ~lIlIion. to prOVide 15A 2.1 Waler ~pr~y al a rate 011 gal/min (4 Ulmn) for a
uliitornl radiant heal Subject the sheeted \(!~t frame \0 Ihe period of 2 h. 55 111111, Wilh it "JICr lI:mperJlUre nOlto e:u:ccd
number 01 cycles spccilic:d in the npplic3ble stnndnrd spt'':III' 86°F (-10°C).
':'lliOI1 mee ting thl;' lollowlng requiremen1~. J 5...\.2.2 Pau~e for II pcrioJ of 5 111111
14,3.3 Water sprlly al a rJte of I gal/min for a period of:' h, 15",\.2.] Radillnt heal to give :t measurement plalc ( I)
;'i nlln. v.aler tempcrJIUre 110\ to exceed 86°F {30°C), lempl;'rature acro!'>s the complele lest Jramc surface of 140 :!:
I..UA P;lUSt: tor '" ~riod of 5 min. 9°F (60 ::!: Sec) for a period of 2 h :md 55 min
14 J5 Radlanl he,ll 10 I,\I .. e a measurement plJtc (I) tel1l' 15 .424 Pau.)e for a period of 5 min
perature acro.~~ the rDmpkle test Ir:tlne surface 01 1401: \) I· Nort. 7-A n1<.·,LWf~OI""nl plalC I~ ddmcd a~ an ahUHUIII'" pl~l~ :!. hy !
1M) :!: 5~C) tor a pt!nod 01 2 h. 55 nlln, alld '" (SO by ~O 111m) of O.UJO·", (I nllll ) 11I1<.~nc~~ hav",g a h\ac~ 1Il~IIC
1..1.),6 PJuse for;\ peflod of 5 min. lilli_h. A sugg~~lcd IIlclh(>d for uhllurlln~ ~ bb~l 111;,1\<' lin"h " I"
complelely hlucKen lhe lIl<."a~Urem~ol pluLe "'nil ,\lot from u hurnlng
NOTE b-A measurement platt is defined as lin ulllllllllum plate 1: b)' 2 can<llc The II\C3)Ua'ment plale .hall h:l'·~ ~ Ihermal ~olll'k or "IlHI~r
11\ (50 by 50 mm) of () (}.IO·in ( I·mm) Iluckne.~ h:r. ... in~ 11 blad nl"ll~ dcvl~'C 3110Chcd 10 Ihc s urfa,,~ of lhe plate
11I".h. A iiUggCSIW utt:lhod for obUlllllng a black mane finish I. It,
L"mpk ldy blaelcn 11K" rnca'Ulemcrll pl"'lc Wllh .OCM from u bumlll~ 15.5 Rt'IWrI- On ctJmplcuon of the lin;!] le:.1 cyde. m~pect
lJnJ~C The JTIC".I,ureIUcnl pl~I " .hatl hale a Ihclln.1l cuuple I'll 'H11Il.<l the roofing producl~ wllh the unaided eye and repon any
,In'~c alladlc<l !O Ih.· wrl.lc" "r Ih .. plate damage or slructur:11 alteration t'au~ed by Iht: lest
144 Rt'I)()rI-O ll <.-ompletion of the fi nalte!![ cyde. in~ pl·<.1 I 5.6 P"l!ci~'i(llL (llLd Bias-No .)lalt:ment I'" I1lllde :tbol\! eith~r
the sheets WIth the IlI1(lil.kd eye and report (l ny damage \If the precision or bia., of Test M ethod~ C 1185 for he<lt/ralll-
~1r1l(;lur;}1 alterallOn (;;Jus~d by the t e~t.
roof StructureS, since lhe resull merely SIHtC-.'> whether Ihere i~
14.5 Prl'clSioll wu/LJws-No SI:IIemt:nt is made about t:lIhn
con forman ce to the criteria for .'>uccC-.'>s ~pel.'i l ied in lhe proce·
the preclMon or bHlS of Te:.t Methods C 1185 for heatlram-
v.,111 structures. since lhe result merely stales whether Ihere I~ 16. Frt'l'7.cn·ha w- Rooling Prt)dlll· t.~
l·"nformance 10 the cnten", for success spet"ificd in the prl)<.-.:· 16 I SI/:lIIjiC'tlllcC (lfU/ USt'- Thl~ te ... t illVesug:lIes the deg-
rlldatlon of the product due 10 eXpo!,>ufe \0 repealed freele .. tluw
l"yl'le\ T hi, le'l I' II t'omp<ll'atlve one ba ... ed on the perC'..:ntugc
15. lI eutlRain-Ruuf Slt'tlctures 01 ~Irength J"cduc tion :tfter a \pecifi~d number of cyell.'\
!5.J SiWttjic{IItct' fllld UJe-This [est b lI~ed [0 asses~ thc 16.2 Tesl SI't'Cllnt!II.f-Twemy lest ~p<!l.'imen.) ~hall be CUI
11"I;!llcd perforn)ann: of tiber cement roofing prudUo:IS undl" from ten sep:1rale piece~ of product. Proouct [0 be le ... ted ,h;11I
~·\rhc ~·hange.s 111 ITllll\lUrr content be conJitioned for 28 days al 7] :!: 4 F (23 :!: 2 ~C) Jnd a

' r ~STr\ !nWW,C,MI, ;en 8~ r r Karbor Onvt
:'~ l 'l , h('( k ~n, Penn;yIV!OII I941S· m~ .
• !~tH 01 Ante ~ l c ~ lnl ; 'OOV hJ; ~e(n m~ f
by th~ ~' i, Wo r ~k :]r~5 Jr.: G~' : i!Y 15W! E ~) ~n~ er I(: ,)~

lram ISJM<4!l/¥.' C 1185 - 08

relalive humidity of 50:!: 5 %. The specimcn.~ shall be 12 111 16.3.8 The free7.er unit shall be capable of being contmllcd
(~05 mm) long and 6 III (l52 mill) wide or one-half the width to the prescribed freezing condilion I'ollh :r flill load ('OJ te,t
o f an mdlvidual piece. it Ihe pIece IS le.\~ than 12 in wide. CI1\ specimens.
t .... o spl...cimen~ from each plcce of produCI, so [hat at least SO 16.3.9 During bo[h th..: freezmg lind thawing cycle.'>. the
'it of [he lOp surface area will come form the area of the pie c~ specimens shall be positioned to a llo w [h..: free circulation o!
th,1! would nomlally be cxpo~ed. as specified 111 the m:muf:u. au/waler around the mui"idual bags. Carl! shall be tak..:n to
[ure r's in~[alhnion in,lnlctions. There .~hlll1 be OIl leasl oue t'ul ..:n~ure that the proper quantilY of water remain~ in the bal!.
edge of 12 in. that expo!oC' the substrale on each speCUllcn Bags can be fl!pl:rced or repaired during the test program .
Label cat'h piece to Idenllfy which two piece~ were cut frllm .1 16.3.10 S:J\urate the conlrol specimen~ and the cycled
specilic ~lImple. 'pecimens (removed from the bag~) by imlllerslllg them It\
16.3 Procedure : w;lIer HI !I tempe rature grealer than 60°F (I~ OC) for a millll1lUIIl
16.3. 1 Divide the te't spccilllcn~ from each ptcte \0 fOI11\ of -18 h. On the same day. ~ubmit bo[h so;:t~ of ~po;:C1m..:ns 10 the
1.... (1 s..:ts of len specimens e,lth, One sct i~ for control and one salUr:tted flexural test according to 5ecI1on 5. Spcclmcn~ WIth
IS lor frecle/lhaw leStHl,!;. Control specimcns shall he rctaincJ a uniform Ihickncss .. hall h:lve the :.I renglh r..:corded :r~ MOlt
III ,\ frec7er al-IO ::: 10°F 1· 23 :!: 6°C) to retard hydration Specimens with an uneven Ihickne~s ~hall have the ~trcngth
16.3 .2 Saturate one sct 01 ten lest specimens by lmmer:.ing r..:corded HS th..: breaking load.
them 111 water at a t..:mpcratur..: of 60 :!: 18°F (16 :!: 10°C ) f('O r 16.4 C,,/rllll.llioll (/11(/ Rcporl--Calculate and report [he rallo
:l minmlum ('Of 4S h R of Ihe sirength averaged for the se[ undergomg freezclthaw
163 .3 The specimens ~h:lll be ~eaJcd individually into cycles (F/ ) to the ~trength averaged for the c01llrol 01 reference
pb,uc bag~ sUfToundJd on .111 sides by a minul\ulll of 250 111 1. set ( F,) .
.md II maxullum of Son mL of w:'Ile r; air shall be cvacuat~ u F
tTO mlhe bag. The plnstlt· bag ~h:J1I have :.l [hickne~s of bet .... een N ' :J ((Ilt
N mil .. (0 2 mm) ;md 12 mih (0.3 mm). The lenglh and wallh
01 the bag, ~hall nOl exceed the Ic:ngth and width of lhe 10.5 Preci.fioll Gild 8im:
"p{"l"imen by more than 20 '% . respeclively. 16.5. 1 Prel"isioll-The preciSIon of Ihe procedure III Test
Method~ C 1185 for fre..:ze/thaw-roofing products i, belllg
1('1.3 .3 1 Specimen~ ~hall be horizo ntal during freezing and
th" .... mg. It I~ permincd to te~tllldlvidl,lHI.~JleCll11enS or to ~t'H':1-. d..:tenlllned.
\~)(.'<:imem on top of e:ld, other. provided that ~pace~ of at le.!~ t
16.5.2 Bia.f-Si nce there is no accep[ed rererel1c~ malenal
1,~ tn . (6 Il1m) thkk <lfC useu between Hdjacem specimens. (.r SUitable for determining the bia.~ for the procedu re~ III Tc,t
Mc[hoo~ C 1185 for freezelthaw-roofing prodUCIS. no ,laic·
Iml1'liJuai perforated ~hd ve, are provided for each ~pecimcn to
allo w tirc ulallon of ,lIr and waler bc:twecn l>pedmen~. llIent o n bia.~ is being maue. When spccim..:ns are Slacked. one of the ~pec i J1len s
Ul the middlo;: of the sta(' k shJ!I hllve a thermocouple embedded 17. Ke y words
In •• small hok 1 / 1" Ill. (1 .5 mm) lI\:lximum diamet..:r dri lled 111 17 . 1 accelerated aglllg: acceptable quahlY II1111t (AQL);
Ihe t'emer of Ihe lOp surface 10 a depth of the mid· plane of th t· cellulose fiber: clapboards: cracking; de1amin:lIion : densit) .
~ llCClmen . to detenllinc wh~'n the l>pceimen~ have reached the dimensional me:I.~l!rements: ed ge straightne ss measurement ,
pn.-,c nbed lempermurc eqUlhbnum conditIoning; !lat sheet; fleKur:tI: frce7c/tha\\.
10.3.4 Subject [he ~peculll:n.s to the number 01 free7c1th;N granulated surface; heat/rain; inspecllon by at!ribute.~: mspec·
c ~ des required in Ihe appllcllble product specific.ulon In tlOn by variables; length measurement; linear changC'; long.
ae hlc\c the desired grJde classificalion term chemical interaction; modulus of rupture; moi~ture cnn·
10.3 .5 Free7e 111 n lree1er where the speCimen with 11ll" lenl; moisture movement; non-a~be~lo.~ fiber celllenl .
the n nocouple shall rcach at telllpenl1Ure of · 10 :!: IOQF (·23 .! polyethylene fiber; polyvinyl lI1cohol fiber; r.1dlUllt heal. roof·
O'" C ) .... ithlll 24 h and be held for:l nlinimum of I h. ing; ~ample conditiol1ing; snmple testing; sampling; ~amphllg
Ill.3.6 Thaw in lIir or W;\ler. where [he ~pecimcn with th ~' by attributes; ~;ll n pling by vari ables; salllpltng schemes; ~(lLU
thamocouple ., hall re;u.' h a lemperalUre of 60 ::!: IRoF (10 ;:. raled conditioning: ~crviccability; shakes: <,hingles: sldmg:
10 C ) within 24 h ;lIld be h.:1d for a minullum of I h befOl 1! slate,: ~mooth !>urface: squarenc~~ measurement. Strenglh:
pro-.: eeding WIth freczmg . texturt:d ~lllface: thickness measurement: W;lnll .... :tter; waler
16.3 .7 Each freezchh;lw .;yelc shall have a minimum cyl'll: ab~orp[ion: waler di~placemenl method. waler tlghtnes,;
Ilmc of -I h and a m:tWllUlll of 48 h. bUI an interval of 1'2 h lIeather degr:Jdation : weathering expo.~ure: w..:atherproofing:
max imum (';In be la!"cn bcl\\ccn cycles. wet condi[ioning: width mea~uremenl

AS TM 1"/fllNbonal fsh •• no pOSillQll '1I$p9CIJnQ ~~yp.tr,",I·"!)t!I~U'A CQGllGCI.Ql ~ltn mlX. ..".tNJoned
In lhi$ ~randaf(l U$II'$ 01 tf>js slafldald IIfll III1P'.S5Iy Ildvrs.o IIIaI o.rannonaroon 01 rl>6 ~lIhdiry oI."y such $Urr..,1 rognrs. ,no ifill fISk
01 ifllnnge",..,r 0I5UCh rlghls, .'" en/If'ry 1110" own '1l5pct1$Wlllty

ThIs srarldard IS subjecl 10 IllVrSioo II/lIny '''''a by ",a 'osPO"~,()kJ Il/CMICalcommll/ee IJnO "'1111 be 'o>ll6w.o ava'Y hve y68f5 and
","/J, feapptOV/lfJ or W/lndraw" YOtIf comnle_")I~ ·Jtllltlvlred "1Il/J' lor rf/lfI$iOfl oIl111s SlanoJf<l or lor arJd,1JC(llJ1 51,tf1(1at<ls
II no( rIJIflsed.
"'" SIJO\JIQ 0. ,!1dfessed roAsrM Inr/Jfnal/Otllfl HllMiqua"ers YOIU comrnoml$ wrIIleceIWJ carelul con$ld6lBroon.l. meellllg 01 Ihll
re5PO"~ IllCfIflICal comrninee, whlC" yOu ",ay anenO 11 yO\. 'aat rnal your comments have nol receiVed /I lalf fleanng yoo shotJld
mllNe yoor I"IIWS known 10 Ihe ASTM Commillt'f! "" SllIndaflis ., /I,. add'ess SlIown billow

T"' •• llIfK1IllCJ 1S copyrlgllUJd Dy ASTM InlemsbOl>aJ. 100 6.J" ~Jtx1t OrnIe, PO 80.\ ClOD, WOS' Col!sna'>oc/I..,. PA 19428-2959.
IJn,led SI.IIIS /ndl~1 repnnlS (s~ 01 mllh1p/G copIf!$! 01 rhls srandard ~y btl obla"'/1(7 by COfI,aCII"fl ASTM III ",. .00116
If)dress or ,I 610·832·9585 (pIIc<le), 610·832·9555 (I;,tol. or serVl<:etla$rm.OIg (a·mall). or Ihrough me ASTM webS.re

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