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© 2009 Israel [elin

Preparação de texto: Adriana Moretto / Verba Editorial

Capa, Projeto gráfico e Diagramação: Patricia Tagnin / Milxtor Design Editorial

Dados Internacionais de Catalogação na Publicação (CIP)

(Câmara Brasileira do Livro, SP, Brasil)

[elin, Israel
Small differences, huge mistakes / Israel Ielin. -- Barueri, SP :

ISBN 978-85-7844-039-8

1. Inglês - Estudo e ensino L Título.

09-10300 CDD-420.7

Índices para catálogo sistemático:

1. Inglês: Estudo e ensino 420.7


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Prefácio 5 K 183
Revisão 17 184
A 7
Revisão 1 18 L 185
Revisão 2 19 Revisão 18 195
Revisão 19 196
B 20
Revisão 3 32 M 197
Revisão 4 33 Revisão 20 207

C 34 N 208
Revisão 5 74 Revisão 21 213
Revisão 6 75
O 214
Revisão 7 76
Revisão 22 218
Revisão 8 76
P 219
D 78
Revisão 23 244
Revisão 9 101
Revisão 10 102 Q 245
Revisão 11 103
R 246
E 104 Revisão 24 260
Revisão 12 122 Revisão 25 262

F 124 S 263
Revisão 13 137 Revisão 26 281

G 138 T 282
Revisão 14 149
U 293
H 150
V 296
Revisão 15 163
Revisão 27 298
I 164
W 300
Revisão 16 176

J 177 Índice Remissivo 303

Respostas 317
Quando um brasileiro usa o inglês como segunda língua, é quase
inevitável que haja uma "contaminação" linguística, isto é, uma interferên-
cia do português na estrutura e no léxico da língua inglesa, gerando, por
conta disso, situações às vezes embaraçosas.Deixemos, no entanto, a estru-
tura do inglês de lado. Este livro visa tão somente identificar e corrigir os
erros mais frequentes que se cometem no vastíssimo campo do léxico, sem
a preocupação de enveredar pelas regras gramaticais. Que tipos de erros?
Vejamos alguns exemplos:

• Quando alguém faz aniversário, os familiares e amigos

não se reúnem em torno do bolo e cantam "Happy
anniversary to you ..:', porque birthday e anniversary
devem ser usados em contextos diferentes;

• Horse significa cavalo, mas numa partida de xadrez você não

toma o horse do seu adversário, mas sim o knight dele;

• Se você acha que o árbitro está prejudicando seu time, não

xingue o arbiter ou o judge. Dirija sua ira contra o referee;

• Se alguém espirra, convém não dizer health: não

diga nada ou então diga "God bless you",

• Aquela tia que você não vê há muito tempo é sua aunt

e não ant, que, por sinal, quer dizer formiga;

• Num restaurante, se você quiser um bife, não peça beef

Prefira steak, já que beef significa carne bovina;

• Uma pessoa inteligente, espirituosa e esperta não é,

necessariamente, um expert e sim smart, uma vez que essas
palavras pertencem a classes gramaticais diferentes;

• Se, infelizmente, você for vítima de um assalto, não grite

"I've been stolen!" e sim "I've been robbed!', porque
rob se refere a pessoas ou lugares e steal a coisas;

• Se o seu trabalho é exaustivo, não reclame que ele é exhaustive,

diga exhausting, pois exhaustive quer dizer meticuloso, minucioso;

• Se alguém lhe dá algum disinterested advice, não pense que o
conselho não seja interessante. Considere que a pessoa deu
o conselho sem nenhum interesse pessoal da parte dela;

• Se você pretend to do something, cuidado: as pessoas poderão

achá-lo falso, já que pretend é fingir e não pretender;

• Por fim, se tiver alguma dúvida, raise your hand, em vez de

rise your hand, uma vez que rise é um verbo intransitivo.

Israel [elin


abort ~ miscarry
X She miscarried the baby against her husband's will.

~ She aborted the baby against her husband's will. (Ela

fez o aborto contra a vontade do marido.)

X Unfortunately she fell off the stairs and aborted at eight weeks.

~ Unfortunately she fell off the stairs and miscarried at eight weeks.
(Infelizmente, ela caiu da escada e perdeu o bebê na oitava semana.)

abort: abortar, interromper voluntariamente a gravidez

miscarry: abortar involuntariamente

across ~ through
X She is planning to swim through the English Channel next summer.

~ She is planning to swim across the English Channel

next summer. (Ela está planejando atravessar o
Canal da Mancha a nado no próximo verão.)

X The bullet went across his chest and he died in a matter of minutes.

~ The bullet went through his chest and he died in a

matter of minutes. (A bala atravessou-lhe o peito
e ele morreu em questão de minutos.)

across: através (movimento sobre uma superfície)

through: através (movimento por dentro de algo)

adoring ~ adorable
X For the adorable public that flocked to the arena to watch
his fight, defeat was simply out of the questiono

~ For the adoring public that flocked to the arena to watch

his fight, defeat was simply out of the questiono (Para o

público apaixonado que lotou o estádio para ver a luta, a
derrota dele era algo completamente fora de questão.)

X 'What an adoring child, she said with a smile.

~ "What an adorable child," she said with a smile.

("Que criança adorável", ela disse, sorrindo.)

adoring: apaixonado
adorable: adorável

adventurous ~ adventurist
X I wish I had been more adventurist when I was young.

~ I wish I had been more adventurous when I was young.

(Gostaria de ter sido mais audacioso quando era jovem.)

X We'll do everything we can to bar the way

to those adventurous projects.

~ We'll do everything we can to bar the way to

those adventurist projects. (Faremos o possível
para barrar esses projetos aventureiros.)

adventurous: audacioso, audaz, disposto a correr riscos

adventurist: aventureiro (carreirista)

advice ~ advise ~ council

X She simply ignored the advise I gave her.

X She simply ignored the council I gave her.

~ She simply ignored the advice I gave her. (Ela

simplesmente ignorou o(s) conselho(s) que lhe dei.)

X His lawyer adviced him to make a statement to the press.

~ His lawyer advised him to make a statement to the press. (O

advogado dele aconselhou-o a dar uma declaração à imprensa.)

X The Security Advice will meet tomorrow morning.

~ The Security Council will meet tomorrow morning. (O

Conselho de Segurança se reunirá amanhã de manhã.)

advice: (substantivo) conselho, conselhos

advise: (verbo) aconselhar
council: conselho (grupo de pessoas com funções deliberativas)

aerial ~ antenna
X Ants use their aerials to keep them in the right direction.

~ Ants use their antennae to keep them in the right direction. (As
formigas usam suas antenas para mantê-Ias na direção certa.)

~ On the roof of the house there was something that looked like
an old-fashioned television aerial/antenna (No teto da casa
havia uma coisa que parecia uma velha antena de televisão.)

aerial: antena (de TV, rádio, carro etc.)

antenna: 1 antena de inseto 2 antena de televisão, automóvel etc.

agenda ~ notebook
~ Heres the agenda for the meeting, Mr. Howard.
(Aqui está a pauta da reunião, sr. Howard.)

X She kept an agenda where she wrote everything

that happened in the office.

~ She kept a notebook where she wrote everything that

happened in the office. (Ela tinha uma agenda onde
anotava tudo que acontecia no escritório.)

agenda: pauta, ordem do dia

notebook: agenda

alimony ~ child support
X Believe it or not, some feminists oppose child support!

"" Believe it or not, some feminists oppose

alimony! (Acredite se quiser, mas algumas
feministas se opõem à pensão alimentícia!)

X She wanted to know how much alimony her

three children were entitled to receive.

"" She wanted to know how much child support

her three children were entitled to receive. (Ela
queria saber qual o valor da pensão alimentícia
que seus três filhos tinham direito de receber.)

alimony: pensão alimentícia

child support: pensão alimentícia para o(s) filho(s)

almighty ~ all-powerful
X 'I swear by All-powerful God to teU the truth,
the whole truth and nothing but the truth,'

"" 'I swear by Almighty God to tell the truth, the whole truth and
nothing but the truth. (Juro por Deus Todo Poderoso dizer
a verdade, somente a verdade e nada mais que a verdade,')

X American banks were almighty until a

few years ago. Not any more.

"" American banks were all-powerful until a few years ago.

Not any more. (Os bancos americanos eram extremamente
poderosos até alguns anos atrás. Não mais.)

almighty: todo poderoso (no sentido religioso)

all-powerful: todo poderoso (em qualquer outro sentido
que não o religioso)

already ~ ali ready
X We've all ready been there twice.

~ We've already been there twice. (Nós

já estivemos lá duas vezes.)

X The reception was aIready except for the wedding

cake, which had not been brought yet.

~ The reception was alI ready except for the

wedding cake, which had not been brought yet. (A
recepção estava toda preparada, a não ser o bolo
de casamento, que ainda não tinha chegado.)

already: já
ali ready: tudo pronto, todos prontos

alternately ~ alternatively
X I have a dog that alternatively makes
me hate and love him.

~ I have a dog that alternately makes me

hate and love him. (Eu tenho um cachorro
que ora eu odeio, ora eu amo.)

X You can get a job as a salesgirl...or

alternateIy become a film star!

~ You can get a job as a salesgirl...or alternativeIy

become a film star! (Você pode arrumar
um emprego de vendedora numa loja ... ou
então tornar-se uma estrela de cinema!)

alternately: alternadamente (ora um, ora outro)

alternatively: alternativamente (ou então)

altogether ~ ali together
X The details of the case are not all together clear .

../ The details of the case are not altogether clear. (Os
detalhes do caso não estão totalmente claros.)

X Come on, guys. Let's sing altogether now .

../ Come on, guys. Let's sing all together now. (Vamos
lá, pessoal. Vamos cantar todos juntos agora.)

altogether: totalmente, completamente

ali together: todos juntos

ambient ~ environment
X Man pollutes the ambient.

../ Man pollutes the environment. (O homem polui o meio ambiente.)

X This milk keeps for three months in environment conditions

or tive days - once opened - in a refrigerator .

../ This milk keeps for three months in ambient conditions

or tive days - once opened - in a refrigerator. (Este leite
se conserva durante três meses em temperatura ambiente
ou cinco dias - depois de aberto - numa geladeira.)

ambient: (adjetivo) ambiente

environment: (substantivo) meio ambiente

among ~ between
X This atlas includes, between other features, a street plan of London .

../ This atlas includes, among other features, a street

plan of London. (Este atlas inclui, entre outros
destaques, um mapa das ruas de Londres.)

X In Iuly 1933 Pope Pius XI signed a concordat
among Nazi Germany and the Holy See.

~ In Iuly 1933 Pope Pius XI signed a concordat between Nazi

Germany and the Holy See. (Em julho de 1933 o papa Pio XI
assinou um acordo entre a Alemanha nazista e a Santa Sé.)

between: entre dois objetos, pessoas, países etc.

among: entre mais de dois

anniversary ~ birthday
X They'll celebrate their 25th wedding birthday next month.

~ They'll celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary next month. (Eles

vão comemorar seu 25° aniversário de casamento no mês que vem.)

X When's your anniversary?

~ When's your birthday? (Quando é o seu aniversário?)

anniversary: aniversário de um determinado evento

birthday: aniversário de nascimento


Good appetite.

appetite ~ enjoy your meal

~ When I looked at the tray I completely lost myappetite.
(Quando olhei a bandeja, perdi completamente o apetite.)

X 'Good appetíte,' he said politely.

~ 'Enjoy your rneal, he said politely. ("Bom

apetite", ele disse educadamente.)

appetite: apetite
enjoy your meal: bom apetite

Aquarius ~ aquarium
X Some of the most beautiful aquarius fish come from Brazil.

~ Some of the most beautiful aquarium fish come from Brazil.

(Alguns dos mais belos peixes ornamentais vêm do Brasil.)

X I knew you were an Aquarium!

,/' I knew you were an Aquarius! (Eu sabia que você era de Aquário!)

Aquarius: Aquário, o décimo primeiro signo do zodíaco (21 de janeiro

a 18 de fevereiro)
aquarium: aquário de peixes

arbiter ~ referee
X Grandfather would always be the final
referee in all our family matters.

,/' Grandfather would always be the final arbiter in all

our family matters. (Vovô é que sempre dava a palavra
final em todos os nossos assuntos de família.)

X The arbiter sent off Barnes after a 9th minute foul,

,/' The referee sent off Barnes after a 9th minute foul.
(O árbitro expulsou Barnes de campo após uma
falta cometida aos nove minutos de jogo.)

arbiter: árbitro, juiz

referee: árbitro de futebol e de alguns outros esportes

arch ~ bow
X The Bow of Triumph stands at the top of
the Champs Elysées in Paris.

,/' The Arch ofTriumph stands at the top ofthe

Champs Elysées in Paris. (O Arco do Triunfo fica
no topo dos Campos Elíseos em Paris.)

X Those Indians still caught fish with arch and arrow .

../ Those Indians still caught fish with bow and arrow.
(Aqueles índios ainda pescavam com arco e flecha.)

arch: arco, estrutura curva encontrada em construções

bow: arco, arma usada para o lançamento de flechas

assault ~ robbery
X Unfortunately our newspapers are full ofhorror
stories of assault, rape and murder .

../ Unfortunately our newspapers are full of horror stories of

robbery, rape and murder. (Infelizmente, nossos jornais estão
cheios de histórias terríveis de assaltos, estupros e assassinatos.)

X General Platt led the final robbery on the fortress .

../ General Platt led the final assault on the fortress. (O

General Platt liderou o ataque final à fortaleza.)

assault: ataque
robbery: assalto

at ~ by
../ I'll be back at noon. (Estarei de volta ao meio dia.)

../ I'll be back by noon. (Estarei de volta até o meio dia o mais tardar.)

at: na hora exata

by: até (no máximo, o mais tardar)

at last ~ at least
X "Free at Ieast! Thank God Alrnighty, we are free at least!"

,/ "Free at Iast! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!"

(Martin Luther King) (Finalmente livres! Graças a
Deus Todo Poderoso, estamos livres finalmente!)

X She must be at Iast fifty years old.

,/ She must be at Ieast fifty years old. (Ela deve ter

no mínimo cinquenta anos de idade.)

at last: finalmente
at least: pelo menos

aunt ~ ant
X Ant Clare is coming to see us next summer.

,/ Aunt Clare is coming to see us next summer. (A

tia Clare virá nos visitar no próximo verão.)

X Some aunt species enslave other aunts.

,/ Some ant species enslave other ants. (Algumas espécies

de formigas escravizam outras formigas.)

ant: formiga
aunt: tia

avoid ~ prevent
X If you want to keep fit, you should prevent
fatty foods and soft drinks.

,/ If you want to keep fit, you should avoid fatty foods

and soft drinks. (Se você quiser manter-se em forma,
evite alimentos gordurosos e refrigerantes.)

X For no apparent reason, she was avoided from entering the country.

V" For no apparent reason, she was prevented from

entering the country. (Por nenhuma razão aparente,
ela foi impedida de entrar no país.)

avoid: evitar
prevent: impedir

Revisão 1
Underline the correct alternative.

1. She was exactly three months pregnant at the time

and the shock caused her to (abort/miscarry).

2. In 1926, Gertrude Ederle was the first woman to

swim (across/through) the English Channel.

3. Michael Jackson left a vast musical legacy and legions

of (adorinq/adoroble) fans ali over the world.

4. The governor said the bus drivers' strike was

('adventurous'/ 'adventurist') and undemocratic.

5. Let me give you a piece of (advise/advice).

6. Unlike bees, we are unable to perceive the

world through (ontennaer aerials).

7. His secretary keeps (a notebook/an agenda) in which she

writes down every phone call her boss receives.

8. Only by means of a court order did she manage to receive

(aiimony/child support) for her four-year-old daughter.

9. 'OK: he said, 'we've packed everything. I think

we're (aiready/ati ready) to go.

10. (Altogether/All ioqether), 64 applicants were interviewed for the job.

Revisão 2
Some of these sentences may contain a mistake.
Correct the mistakes wherever necessary.
If the sentence is correct, just put a tick (-j).

1. ) The new law will be announced by the Minister of

Environment. _

2. ) The old manuscript was found among the pages of an 18th

century Bible. _

3. ) It's vitally important that we mark the 125th birthday of the

Abolition of Slavery Act. _

4. ) Vou should never fill an aquarium with ice cold

water . _

5. ) The arbiter gave Gomez two yellow cards, but failed to send
him offthe pitch. . _

6. ) The museum has upgraded surveillance cameras since the


7. ) Alone at last,' he said to her when they got into their car and
left the church.

8. ) When he came out of the garden he had aunts in his

trousers. _

9. ) The victory of the Union armies over the Confederates in the

American Civil War avoided the splitting of the USA into two
nations. _

10. ( ) One way to enjoy your holidays is to prevent the popular

tourist spots. _


bad ~ sick
X He felt really sick about lying to her.

,/ He felt really bad about lying to her. (Ele se

sentiu mal por estar mentindo para ela.)

X She felt bad all the time because of the baby.

,/ She felt sick all the time because of the baby. (Ela
passava mal o tempo todo por causa do bebê.)

feel bad: sentir-se mal psicologicamente

feel sick: passar mal fisicamente

ban ~ banish
X Smoking has been banished in ali restaurants in São Paulo.

,/ Smoking has been banned in all restaurants in São Paulo.

(Fumar foi proibido em todos os restaurantes em São Paulo.)

X D. Pedro 11was banned from Brazil shortly after the

proclamation ofthe Republic in November 1889.

,/ D. Pedro 11was banished from Brazil shortly after the proclamation

ofthe Republic in November 1889. (Dom Pedro 11foi banido do
Brasil logo após a proclamação da República em novembro de 1889.)

ban: proibir, impedir

banish: banir

basin ~ sink
X I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth in the sink.

,/ I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth in the

basin. (Entrei no banheiro e escovei os dentes na pia.)

X 'Oh de ar: she said, looking at the dishes piling up in the basin .

.,,/ 'Oh dear, she said, looking at the dishes piling up in the sink.
("Ah, meu Deus", disse ela, olhando a pilha de pratos na pia.)

basin: pia de banheiro

sink: pia de cozinha

bat s racket
x You play table
tennis with
a racket .
.,,/ You play table
tennis with
a bato (Tênis
de mesa se
joga com
uma raquete.)

X You play tennis with a bat.

.,,/ You play tennis with a racket. (Tênis se joga com uma raquete.)

bat: raquete de tênis de mesa

racket: raquete de tênis

bat "#- club "#- cue

X He attacked the cop with a baseball club .

.,,/ He attacked the cop with a baseball bato (Ele

atacou o policial com um taco de beisebol.)

X The defendant said he hit the young man

with his fists, not with a billiard bat.


./ The defendant said he hit the young man with his fists,
not with a billiard cue. (O acusado disse que atingiu o
rapaz com seus punhos, não com um taco de bilhar.)

X She alledged that her husband had beaten her up with a golf cue .

./ She alledged that her husband had beaten her up

with a golf dub. (Ela alegou que seu marido a
havia espancado com um taco de golfe.)

bat: taco de beisebol

club: taco de golfe
cue: taco de bilhar

beak ~ spout
X Every bird has a spout and a pair of wings .

./ Every bird has a beak and a pair of wings. (Todo

pássaro tem um bico e um par de asas.)

X I watched in horror as a fly flew right into the beak of the teapot!

./ I watched in horror as a fly flew right into the

spout of the teapot! (Horrorizado, eu vi uma mosca
voar para dentro do bico do bule de chá!)

beak: bico de pássaro
spout: bico de chaleira ou de bule

beast ~ moron
X The pitbull is more often than not portrayed as
an evil moron with insatiable bloodlust.

,/ The pitbull is more often than not portrayed as an evil beast

with insatiable bloodlust. (O pitbull é muitas vezes descrito
como uma fera maldosa com uma insaciável sede de sangue.)

X 'Shut up, you beast!' - she said to him.

,/ 'Shut up, you moron!' - she said to him. ("Cala

a boca, seu besta!': ela disse a ele.)

beast: animal de quatro patas, fera

moron: besta, cretino

beat ~ win
X If you can't win them, join them.

,/ If you can't beat them, join them. (Se você

não pode vencê-los, junte-se a eles.)

X Barack Obama, the first African-American to

beat a presidential election in the U.S.

,/ Barack Obama, the first African-American to win a presidential

election in the U.S. (Barak Obama, o primeiro negro a
vencer uma eleição presidencial nos Estados Unidos.)

beat: vencer, derrotar (um adversário)

win: vencer (uma competição, uma luta, uma guerra etc.)

beef ~ steak
X All I want is a nice steak burger and a beer .

../ All I want is a nice beefburger and a beer. (Eu só quero

um belo hambúrguer de carne e uma cerveja.)

X Cover and cook in the pre- heated oven for

two hours, until the steak is tender .

../ Cover and cook in the pre-heated oven for two hours, until
the beef is tender. (Tampe e leve ao forno preaquecido
durante duas horas, até que a carne esteja macia.)

beef: carne bovina

steak: bife

been ~ gone
X I've gone to London several times .

../ I've been to London several times. (Eu

fui para Londres várias vezes.)

X She's not at home. She must have been to the supermarket.

../ Shes not at home. She must have gone to the supermarket.
(Ela não está em casa. Deve ter ido ao mercado.)

been: (particípio passado de be) ir para algum lugar e voltar

gone: (particípio passado de go) ir para algum lugar sem ter

believe in ~ believe "

X My four-year-old daughter still believes Santa Claus .

../ My four-year-old daughter still believes in Santa Claus.

(Minha filha de quatro anos ainda acredita em Papai Noel.)

X I don't believe in a single word he said.

'" I don't believe a single word he said. (Não acredito
numa única palavra do que ele disse.)

believe 0: acreditar, achar algo ou alguém digno de crédito

believe in: acreditar, ter fé em algo ou em alguém

beside ~ besides
X She was sitting besides me.

'" She was sitting beside me. (Ela estava sentada do meu lado.)

X They have two other dogs beside that German shepherd.

'" They have two other dogs besides that German shepherd.
(Eles têm dois outros cães além daquele pastor alemão.)

beside: ao lado de
besides: além de

best man ~ godfather

X The groom, the bride's father and the godfather all
felt a bit uncomfortable in those posh clothes.

'" The groom, the brides father and the best man all felt
a bit uncomfortable in those posh clothes. (O noivo,
o pai da noiva e o padrinho se sentiam um tanto
desconfortáveis naquelas roupas elegantes.)

X When Rose and Arthur had their first child,

they asked Harry to be a best mano

'" When Rose and Arthur had their first child, they asked Harry
to be a godfather. (Quando Rose e Arthur tiveram o primeiro
filho, eles convidaram o Harry para ser o padrinho.)

best man: padrinho de casamento

godfather: padrinho de batismo

biannual ~ biennial
X I wish we could have a conference twice a year, not this
biannual conference which is about to begin.

~ I wish we could have a conference twice a year, not this

biennial conference which is about to begin. (Seria bom que
pudéssemos ter uma conferência duas vezes por ano, e não a
cada dois anos, como esta conferência que está para começar.)

X The Bromley Biannual Art Exhibit opens on [une 7.

~ The Bromley Biennial Art Exhibit opens on [une 7. (A Bienal

de Arte de Bromley será aberta no dia 7 de junho.)

biannual: semestral, que se realiza duas vezes por ano

biennial: bianual, que se realiza uma vez a cada dois anos

big toe ~ thumb

X Leave about a centimeter between your thumb and the end of the shoe.

~ Leave about a centimeter between your big toe

and the end of the shoe. (Deixe um espaço de um
centímetro entre o dedão e o bico do sapato.)

X The Emperor pointed his big toe downwards,

and the gladiator was killed.

~ The Emperor pointed his thumb downwards, and

the gladiator was killed. (O imperador moveu o
polegar para baixo e o gladiador foi morto.)

big toe: dedão do pé

thumb: polegar

blackhead ~ carnation ~ spinet

X When I looked in the mirror I saw a carnation on my nose.

~ When I looked in the mirror I saw a blackhead on my nose.
(Quando me olhei no espelho, vi um cravo no nariz.)

X At the celebration dinner all the ladies were given a white blackhead.

~ At the celebration dinner alI the ladies were given a

white carnation. (No jantar de comemoração todas
as mulheres receberam um cravo branco.)

X Where did you learn to play the blackhead?

~ Where did you learn to play the spinet?

(Onde você apredeu a tocar cravo?)

blackhead: cravo (na pele)

carnation: cravo, um tipo de flor vermelha ou branca
spinet: cravo, instrumento musical

blind ~ blunt
X I hadn't noticed he was blunt.

~ I hadn't noticed he was blind. (Eu não

tinha notado que ele era cego.)

X Never use a blind knife to cut meat.

~ Never use a blunt knife to cut meat. (Nunca

use uma faca cega para cortar carne.)

blind: cego, deficiente visual

blunt: cego, sem corte

blink ~ wink
X The defendant heard the verdict without winking.

~ The defendant heard the verdict without blinking.

(O réu ouviu o veredito sem piscar.)


X She smiled and blinked at him .

./ She smiled and winked at him. (Ela sorriu e piscou para ele.)

blink: piscar (movimento involuntário, feito para umedecer os olhos)

wink: piscar (movimento intencional, feito em geral com um só olho)

blister ~ bubble
X I've got bubbles on my hands .

./ I've got blisters on my hands. (Estou com bolhas nas mãos.)

X At the zoo we saw a beluga in a water tank that seemed

to enjoy creating air blisters under water .

./ At the zoo we saw a beluga in a water tank that seemed

to enjoy creating air bubbles under water. (No zoológico,
nós vimos uma beluga num tanque que parecia se
divertir formando bolhas de ar debaixo d'água.)

blister: bolha (machucado na pele)

bubble: bolha de ar ou de água

bookstore ~ library
X The library was crowded with people looking
for J.K. Rowling's latest novel.

./ The bookstore was crowded with people looking for J.K.

Rowling's latest novel. (A livraria estava repleta de pessoas
à procura do último romance de J.K. Rowling.)

X You will find all sorts ofbooks on this particular

subject in our college bookstore.

~ You will find all sorts ofbooks on this particular subject in our
college library. (Você vai encontrar todo tipo de livro sobre
este assunto em particular na biblioteca da nossa faculdade.)

bookstore: livraria
library: biblioteca

borrow ~ lend
X He lent some money from his sister, and never paid her back.

~ He borrowed some money from his sister, and

never paid her back. (Ele pediu um dinheiro
emprestado para sua irmã e nunca devolveu.)

X Could you borrow me your pen for a minute?

~ Could you lend me your pen for a minute? (Você podia

me emprestar a caneta só por um instante?)

borrow: tomar emprestado de alguém

lend: emprestar para alguém

bravura ~ bravery
X No one can deny the technical bravery of Volpis work.

~ No one can deny the technical bravura of Volpis work. (Ninguém

pode negar o brilhantismo técnico da obra de Volpi.)

X Their son received a decoration for bravura in the Gulf War.

~ Their son received a decoration for bravery in the

Gulf War. (O filho deles recebeu uma condecoração
por bravura na Guerra do Golfo.)

bravura: brilhantismo
bravery: bravura

bride ~ fiancée
}C The radiant fiancée, wearing a lovely white
dress, was given away by her father .

.,/ The radiant bride, wearing a lovely white dress, was

given away by her father. (A radiante noiva, usando um
lindo vestido branco, foi levada ao altar pelo pai.)

}C 'Let me introduce you to my bride, he said .

.,/ 'Let me introduce you to my fiancée, he said.

("Deixe-me apresentar-lhe minha noivá', ele disse.)

bride: noiva, mulher prestes a casar-se numa cerimônia religiosa

fiancée: noiva (mulher que foi pedida em casamento)

bridegroom ~ fiancé
}C The fiancé was standing at the altar, next to his best mano

.,/ The bridegroom was standing at the altar, next to his best mano
(O noivo estava ao pé do altar, ao lado do seu padrinho.)

}C Seven days were spent in cleaning and decorating the

bedroom where the princess would receive her fiancé .

.,/ Seven days were spent in cleaning and decorating

the bedroom where the princess would receive her
bridegroom. (Sete dias foram gastos para limpar e enfeitar
o quarto em que a princesa receberia seu noivo.)

bridegroom: noivo, homem prestes a casar-se numa cerimônia

fiancé: noivo, homem comprometido com uma mulher,
a quem pediu em casamento

bullet ~ candy
}C Demonstrators were dispersed by the police,
who used tear gas and rubber candies.


~ Demonstrators were dispersed by the police, who used tear gas

and rubber bullets. (Os manifestantes foram dispersados pela
polícia, que usou gás lacrimogênio e balas de borracha.)

X The little boy couldn't take his eyes off the

large tray of bullets on the table.

~ The little boy couldn't take his eyes off the large tray
of candies on the table. (O garotinho não tirava os
olhos da bandeja de doces em cima da mesa.)

bullet: bala, projétil

candy: bala, doce

burglary ~ robbery ~ theft

X Police are investigating a Mayfair theft in which
some valuable jewelry has been stolen.

~ Police are investigating a Mayfair burglary in which some valuable

jewelry has been stolen. (A polícia está investigando um assalto a
uma casa em Mayfair em que foram roubadas joias de grande valor.)

X Henry Cobb, 19, took part in an armed

burglary on a convenience store.

~ Henry Cobb, 19, took part in an armed robbery on a

convenience store. (Henry Cobb, 19, participou de um
assalto a mão armada a uma loja de conveniência.)

X He was arrested and later charged with the robbery of a wallet.

~ He was arrested and later charged with the theft of a wallet.

(Ele foi preso e depois acusado de furto de uma carteira.)

burglary: assalto a uma residência

robbery: assalto a um banco, loja, museu etc.
theft: furto de objetos sem emprego de violência

Revisão 3 9. We didn't them the way we
wanted, but we sure won the game.
Choose an appropriate word from the box to complete
these sentences. 10. 'Beauty and the ' is one of
the best musicais I've ever seen.

ban sink bat beast beat

steak besides godfather biannual carnation
Revisão 4
Match the words on the left column with their corresponding
1. He called the waiter and complained that his definitions on the right.
______ tasted of shoe leather.
(1) blind ) a swelling under your skin
2. The man had a pin-striped suit on with a white
______ in the buttonhole. (2) wink ) the crime of stealing

3. Angry parents want the headmaster of St. Andrew's to (3) blister ) close one eye very briefly, as a sign of something
______ Margaret Atwood's novel, The Handmaid's
Tale, on the grounds that it is toa sexually explicit. (4) library ) ask sb for permission to use or take sth

(5) borrow ) a small missile fired out of a gun

4. ______ your dictionary, what other books have you written?

(6) bravery ) unable to see

5. There were lots of unwashed dishes in the _

(7) fiancé ) sweets

6. Most American firms pay annual or _
bonuses to their top managers. (8) bullet ) a man engaged to be married

7. We found him hiding behind a tree with a baseball (9) candy ) a place full of books that people can read or borrow
______ concealed under his raincoat.
(10) theft ) courage
8. In 'The " Don Corleone says: 'A lawyer
with a briefcase can steal more money in a week
than a man with a gun can take in a year'

2 33
•• c
X I paid a fortune for my root channel treatment.
calf ~ veal ./ I paid a fortune for my root canal treatment. (Paguei
v" They had a cow, a calf and two lambs on their small farm. (Eles uma fortuna pelo meu tratamento de canal.)
tinham uma vaca, um bezerro e dois cordeiros em seu sítio.)
X The English Canal separates England from the rest of Europe.
X The menu was great. You could choose from
v" The English Channel separates England from the rest of Europe.
chicken to turkey, from calf to rabbit.
(O Canal da Mancha separa a Inglaterra do resto da Europa.)
v" The menu was great. You could choose from chicken to
X The debate on Canal 4 last Sunday was extremely boring.
turkey, from veal to rabbit. (O menu era fantástico. Dava
para escolher desde frango até peru, de vitela até coelho.) v" The debate on Channel4 last Sunday was extremely boring. (O
debate realizado no canal 4 domingo passado foi muito chato.)
calf: novilho
veal: vitela, carne de novilho Canal: 1 canal, passagem de água construída artificialmente 2 canal de
Channel: 1 canal, passagem de água existente na natureza
camisole ~ nightdress 2 canal de televisão

X As she looked at herself in the mirror, she

tucked her nightdress top in.
candelabra ~ candlestick
v" As she looked at herself in the mirro r, she tucked
X The room was lit by four candlesticks on the
her camisole top in. (Ao se olhar no espelho, ela
dining table, each holding four candles.
enfiou a camiseta para dentro da calça.)
v" The room was lit by four candelabras on the dining table, each
X Alice, now in her camisole, got into bed and tried to sleep.
holding four candles. (A sala estava iluminada por quatro castiçais
v" Alice, now in her nightdress, got into bed and tried to sleep. postos sobre a mesa de jantar, cada um deles com quatro velas.)
(Alice, já de camisola, foi para a cama e tentou dormir.)
X It looked like a metal candelabra, but in place of
camisole: camiseta sem manga usada como roupa íntima feminina the candle somebody had put in a big carrot.
nightdress: camisola v" It looked like a metal candlestick, but in place of the candle
somebody had put in a big carrot. (Parecia um castiçal de metal,
mas no lugar da vela alguém havia colocado uma cenoura grande.)
canal ~ channel
candelabra: candelabro, castiçal com hastes para várias velas
X The Panama Channel was built at the beginning of the 20th century.
candlestick: castiçal de uma só vela
./ The Panama Canal was built at the beginning of the 20th century.
(O Canal do Panamá foi construído no início do séc. XX.)

cantor ~ singer cape ~ corporal
X The singer rose and started singing on behalf of the congregation. X The Corporal of Good Hope is in the south of Africa .

../ The cantor rose and started singing on behalf of the congregation. ../ The Cape of Good Hope is in the south of Africa. (O
(O cantor levantou-se e começou a cantar em nome dos fiéis.) cabo da Boa Esperança fica no sul da África.)

X In his first film, Light and Glory, he played an opera cantor. X When the soldier feUdown a cape carne
over shouting at him to stand up .
../ In his first film, Light and Glory, he played an opera singer. (Em seu
primeiro filme, Luz e Glória, ele fez o papel de um cantor de ópera.) ../ When the soldier fell down a corporal carne over
shouting at him to stand up. (Quando o soldado caiu,
cantor: cantor de sinagoga ou de igreja
apareceu um cabo, gritando para ele se levantar.)
singer: cantor ou cantora (em sentido genérico)
cape: cabo (acidente geográfico)
corporal: cabo (do exército)
canvas ~ screen
X Vincent van Gogh, Vase with Twelve Sunflowers,
caption ~ subtitle
1888, oil on screen, 35.8 x 28.3 in.
X The subtitle under the photo read 'Victoria Park, Bath,'
../ Vincent van Gogh, Vase with Twelve Sunflowers, 1888, oil on
canvas, 35.8 x 28.3 in. (Vincent van Gogh, Vaso com Doze ../ The caption under the photo read 'Victoria Park, Bath. (A
Girassóis, 1888, óleo sobre tela, 35.8 x 28.3 polegadas.) legenda embaixo da foto dizia "Victoria Park, Bath".)

X Years later, he could still remember the poor womans X Those Chinese films with captions in
face on the television canvas, begging for help. Portuguese are now available on video .

../ Years later, he could still remember the poor woman's face ../ Those Chinese films with subtitles in Portuguese are now
on the television screen, begging for help. (Anos mais available on video. (Esses filmes chineses com legenda
tarde, ele ainda se lembrava do rosto da pobre mulher em português agora estão disponíveis em vídeo.)
na tela da televisão, implorando por socorro.)
caption: legenda (de fotos, ilustrações etc.)
canvas: tela de pintura subtitle: legenda de filme
screen: tela de cinema, TV ou computador

5 37
casualty ~ chance ./ The victims of the tragedy were remembered in a
./ The 42nd Division suffered high casualties on that moving public ceremony. (As vítimas da tragédia foram
morning of21st December. (A 42a Divisão sofreu lembradas numa comovente solenidade pública.)
pesadas baixas naquela manhã de 21 de dezembro.)
./ The solemnity of the oath seemed to impose on
X Casualty played a large role in the discovery ofX-ray. everyone in the church. (A solenidade do juramento
parecia se impor a todos os presentes na ígreja.)
./ Chance played a large role in the discovery ofX-ray. (O
acaso teve um papel importante na descoberta do raio X.) ceremony: cerimônia, solenidade
solemnity: solenidade, pompa
casualty: baixa, vítima, pessoa ferida, morta ou desaparecida em um
acidente ou guerra
chance: casualidade, acaso
certainly ~ surely
X She was surely the cleverest girl in class.
ceiling ~ roof ./ She was certainly the cleverest girl in class. (Ela era sem
X He painted the walls and the roof the same colour as the doors . dúvida alguma a menina mais inteligente da classe.)

./ He painted the walls and the ceiling the same colour as the doors. X You certainly remember Mr. Crosby, don't you?
(Ele pintou as paredes e o teto da mesma cor das portas.) ./ You surely remember Mr. Crosby, don't you? (Você
X Fiddler on the Ceiling is a musical set in Tsarist com certeza se lembra do sr. Crosby, não?)
Russia in the early years of the 20th century.
certainly: com certeza, sem dúvida alguma
./ Fiddler on the Roo! is a musical set in Tsarist Russia in the surely: com certeza, provavelmente
early years of the 20th century. (O violinista no telhado é um
musical que se passa na Rússia czarista no início do séc. XX.)
chalice ~ liqueur glass
ceiling: teto
roof: telhado X Holding the host above the liqueur glass, the priest
stared at the congregation for a few seconds .

./ Holding the host above the chalice, the priest stared at the
ceremony ~ solemnity congregation for a few seconds. (Segurando a hóstia acima do
X The victims of the tragedy were remembered cálice, o padre olhou fixamente para os fiéis por alguns segundos.)
in a moving public solemnity. X He stood up, tapped his chalice to get everyones
attention, and said, 'I want to propose a toast'


charcoal: carvão vegetal
,/ He stood up, tapped his liqueur glass to get everyones
coal: carvão mineral
attention, and said, 'I want to propose a toast' (Ele levantou-
se, bateu levemente no seu cálice para chamar a atenção
de todo mundo e disse: "Desejo propor um brinde".)
charge ~ cartoon
chalice: cálice usado pelo padre durante a missa ,/ What is the charge against me? (Qual é a acusação contra mim?)
liqueur glass: cálice de licor
,/ There is no charge for children under five years of age. (As
crianças com menos de cinco anos de idade não pagam.)

charade ~ conundrum X The Caruso brothers' political charges try to

uncover the lies that lie behind the truth.
,/ He went on chatting, as if what had happened between
us was nothing but a joke, or a charade. (Ele continuou ,/ The Caruso brothers' political cartoons try to uncover the
a falar, como se o que havia acontecido entre nós não lies that lie behind the truth. (As charges políticas dos irmãos
passasse de uma piada ou de uma encenação.) Caruso tentam revelar as mentiras por trás da verdade.)

X The answer to that charade was staring him charge: 1 acusação 2 taxa
in the face, but he didn't see it.
cartoon: charge (caricatura)
,/ The answer to that conundrum was staring him
in the face, but he didn't see it. (A solução daquela
charada estava na cara, mas ele não via.) chase ~ persecution

charade: simulação, fingimento, encenação X The police began a 30-mile persecution

which ended in a terrible accident.
conumdrum: charada
,/ The police began a 30-mile chase which ended in a terrible
accident. (A polícia iniciou uma perseguição que se estendeu
charcoal ~ coal por 30 milhas e que terminou com um terrível acidente.)

X The two men were fined $3,000 each by the X The Boyarskas decided to leave the country
alleged theft of wood to make coal. for fear of political chase.
,/ The two men were fined $3,000 each by the alleged theft of wood ,/ The Boyarskas decided to leave the country for fear
to make charco aI. (Os dois homens foram multados em 3.000 of political persecution. (Os Boyarskas resolveram
dólares cada, pelo suposto roubo de madeira para fazer carvão.) sair do país por medo de perseguição política.)
X My father worked at a charcoal mine for 35 years. chase: perseguição policial
,/ My father worked at a coal mine for 35 years. (Meu pai persecution: perseguição política ou religiosa
trabalhou numa mina de carvão durante 35 anos.)

- c
check ~ chess ~ jail ../ You can't expect to impress anybody wearing a dirty T-shirt
X He is wearing a chess shirt. and worn-out gym shoes. (Você não pode querer impressionar
ninguém usando uma camiseta suja e um par de tênis gastos.)
../ He is wearing a check shirt. (Ele está usando uma camisa xadrez.)
chemise: uma espécie de camisola ou túnica usada pelas mulheres de
X Ed is a very good check player.
../ Ed is a very good chess player. (Ed é um shirt: camisa
excelente jogador de xadrez.)
T-shirt: camiseta
X Why did they send him to chess?

../ Why did they send him to jail? (Por que o mandaram para o xadrez?)
chicken's feet ~ crow's feet
check: xadrez (padrão de tecido) ../ Some people like to eat chicken's feet. (Algumas
chess: xadrez (jogo) pessoas gostam de comer pés de galinha.)
jail: xadrez (prisão)
X Chicken's feet can be removed with botox injections .

../ Crow's feet can be removed with botox injections. (Pés de

chef ~ chief galinha podem ser removidos com injeções de botox.)
X The ingredients of this recipe vary from chief to chief.
chicken's feet: pés de galinha (uma parte da ave)
../ The ingredients of this recipe vary from chef to chef. (Os crow's feet: pés de galinha (rugas ao redor dos olhos)
ingredientes desta receita variam de cozinheiro para cozinheiro.)

X OK, chef, just say the word and 1'11do it.

choir ~ chorus
../ OK, chief, just say the word and 1'11do it. (Está
X My son Robin sings in the church chorus.
bem, chefe, é só falar que eu faço.)
../ My son Robin sings in the church choir. (Meu
chef: cozinheiro chefe de um restaurante
filho Robin canta no coro da igreja.)
chief: chefe, patrão
X The decision was greeted by a choir of protest from the workmen .

../ The decision was greeted by a chorus of protest

chemise ~ shirt from the workmen. (A decisão foi recebida por um
../ Girl in Chemise is one of Picasses famous paintings. (Moça coro de protestos por parte dos operários.)
de camisola é um dos quadros famosos de Picasso.) X He decided that the girls on the choir line should
X You can't expect to impress anybody wearing a not show their legs but wear leotards instead.
dirty T-chemise and worn-out gym shoes.

•• c
,/ He decided that the gírls on the chorus line should not ,/ The pianist was found hanging by his neck from a
show their legs but wear leotards instead. (Ele decidiu que as rope in his hotel room. (O pianista foi encontrado
coristas não iriam mostrar as pernas e sim usar colants.) enforcado com uma corda no quarto de hotel.)

chorus: 1 coro 2 grupo de dançarinos e cantores em um musical X 'Your vocal ropes are OK: said the ear, nose and throat specialist.
choir: coro de igreja ,/ 'Your vocal chords are OK: said the ear, nose and throat specialist.
("Suas cordas vocais estão bem", disse o otorrinolaringologista.

,/ He hung the picture with a nylon cord. (Ele pendurou

chops ~ sideboards
o quadro com um cordão de náilon.)
X Have you even eaten pork sideboards with apple sauce?
chord: 1 acorde musical 2 corda, ponto sensível
,/ Have you even eaten pork chops with apple sauce? (Você
rope: corda (fios resistentes entrelaçados)
já comeu costeletas de porco com molho de maçã?)
X Uncle Conrad was a big man with bushy
chops and a RAF-style moustache.

,/ Uncle Conrad was a big man with bushy sideboards and a RAF- chronicle ~ newspaper article
style moustache. (O tio Conrad era um homem grande com ,/ Modern historians use newspapers mainly as a chronicle of
grossas costeletas e um bigode ao estilo da Real Força Aérea.) reported facts. (Os historiadores modernos usam os jornais
principalmente como um registro de fatos ocorridos.)
chops: costeletas (de porco ou carneiro)
sideboards: costeletas, uma espécie de barba X The 7-year-old boy was described in a newspaper
chronicle as a child prodigy.

,/ The 7-year-old boy was described in a newspaper article

chord ~ rope ~ cord
as a child prodigy. (O garoto de sete anos foi descrito
X He sure knew how to strike the right rope num artigo de jornal como uma criança-prodígio.)
in the hearts of his readers.
chronicle: crônica, registro cronológico de fatos históricos
,/ He sure knew how to strike the right chord in the hearts of his newspaper article: artigo ou crônica de jornal
readers. (Ele certamente sabia tocar os corações dos seus leitores.)

,/ The horns, in the final chord, complete the harmony of the melody.
(As trompas, no acorde final, completam a harmonia da melodia.) cigar ~ cigarette

X The pianist was found hanging by his neck ,/ The cigar humidor was next to the ashtray. (O humidor
from a chord in his hotel room. de charutos estava próximo ao cinzeiro.)

X Abigail now smoked her cigars with a long holder.


climactic ~ climatic
~ Abigail now smoked her cigarettes with a long holder. (Agora
a Abigail fumava seus cigarros com uma longa piteira.) X The climatic scene of the movie is when she
takes the knife and looks at him.
cigar: charuto
cigarette: cigarro ~ The climactic scene of the movie is when she takes the
knife and looks at him. (A cena culminante do filme
se dá quando ela pega a faca e olha para ele.)
cinnamon ~ shin X How will climactic change affect our rain forest?
X Would you like some shin with your rice pudding? ~ How will climatic change affect our rain forest?
~ Would you like some cinnamon with your rice pudding? (Você (De que maneira as mudanças climáticas
gostaria de um pouco de canela com o seu arroz doce?) afetarão nossa floresta amazônica?)

X He kicked me on the cinnamon. climactic: culminante, referente ao clímax

climatic: climático, referente ao clima
~ He kicked me on the shin. (Ele me deu um chute na canela.)

cinnamon: canela (condimento)

shin. canela (parte da perna) clock ~ watch
X The watch on the mantelpiece was three minutes slow.

classic ~ classical ~ The clock on the mantelpiece was three minutes slow. (O
relógio sobre a lareira estava três minutos atrasado.)
X After a few days he began to suffer the classical
symptoms of weakness and fever. X I looked at my clock as we got out of the taxi.

~ After a few days he began to suffer the classic symptoms of ~ I looked at my watch as we got out of the taxi. (Eu olhei
weakness and fever. (Depois de alguns dias ele começou a para o meu relógio quando descemos do táxi.)
apresentar os clássicos sintomas de fraqueza e febre.)
clock: relógio de parede ou de mesa
X I've always been keen on classic music. watch: relógio de pulso ou de bolso
~ I've always been keen on classical music. (Eu
sempre gostei muito de música clássica.)
cloth ~ clothes
classic: clássico, típico
X Wipe the window with these clothes.
classical: clássico, referente à música erudita ou à cultura
greco-romana ~ Wipe the window with this cloth. (Limpe a janela com este pano.)

6 47
•• c
X She never wears cheap doth.

,/ She never wears cheap dothes. (Ela nunca usa roupas baratas.)

cloth: pano, tecido

clothes: roupa

dover ~ doverleaf
,/ Some people believe that a four-Ieaf dover will
bring you good luck. (Há pessoas que acreditam que
um trevo de quatro folhas traz boa sorte.)

X They got stuck in a traffic jam on the dover on Route 66.

cock ~ bump
,/ They got stuck in a traffic jam on the doverleaf on Route 66. (Eles
X He fell against a door and got a cock on his forehead.
ficaram presos num congestionamento no trevo sobre a rodovia 66.)
,/ He felI against a door and got a bump on his forehead. (Ela
clover: trevo, uma plantinha muito comum nos nossos jardins caiu contra uma porta e ficou com um galo na testa.)
cloverleaf: trevo (entroncamento de vias elevadas ou rebaixadas)
X Why the hell do bumps crow so early in the morning?

,/ Why the hell do cocks crow so early in the morning? (Por

cobra ~ snake que será que os galos cantam tão cedo de manhã?)

X Snak.es are ali venomous. cock: galo (a ave)

,/ Cobras are all venomous. (Todas as najas são venenosas.) bump: galo (inchaço resultante de uma pancada)

X The false coral cobra is not venomous, is it?

,/ The false coral snak.e is not venomous, is it? collar ~ riecklace

(A falsa coral não é venenosa, é?)
,/ She is wearing a flower on her collar. (Ela
cobra: naja, um tipo de cobra venenosa está usando uma flor na gola.)
snake: cobra (serpente) ,/ White collar crimes include, among other things, embezzlement,
fraud, and bribery. (Os crimes do colarinho branco incluem,
entre outros, os desfalques, as fraudes fiscais e o suborno.)

X Her little silver collar twinkled like a star round her neck. college: faculdade
high school: colégio
~ Her little silver necldace twinkled like a star round her neck. (Seu
pequeno colar de prata brilhava como uma estrela em seu pescoço.)

collar: 1 colarinho 2 gola cologne ~ colony

necklace: colar X She always wears colony.

~ She always wears cologne. (Ela sempre usa água-de-colônia.)

colleague ~ classmate X Jamestown was the first English cologne in America.

~ Dr. Clark and his colleagues will have a ~ Jamestown was the first English colony in America.
conference this afternoon. (O Dr. Clark e seus (Jamestown foi a primeira colônia inglesa na América.)
colegas terão uma reunião hoje à tarde.)
cologne: água de colônia
X I can still remember a little boy called
colony: colônia (região onde um grupo de migrantes se estabelece)
Larry, a colleague of mine then.

~ I can still remember a little boy called Larry, a classmate

of mine then. (Eu ainda me lembro de um menininho collocate ~ place
chamado Larry, um colega de classe daquela época.) ~ 'Mortal' collocates with 'enemy' (A palavra "mortal" vem
colleague: colega de trabalho frequentemente precedida da palavra "inimigo")
classmate: colega de classe X Only a sick mind would collocate a bomb at a school.

~ Onlya sick mind would place a bomb at a school. (Só uma

mente doentia colocaria uma bomba em uma escola.)
college ~ high school
collocate: usar com frequência uma palavra juntamente com outra
X At the age of eighteen she decided to go to
high school to study fashion. place: colocar, pôr

~ At the age of eighteen she decided to go to college

to study fashion. (Aos dezoito anos, ela resolveu
coma ~ comma ~ virgule
fazer um curso de moda na faculdade.)
X She's been in a com ma for sixteen days now.
X My son [erry, 14, attends Clifford College.
~ Shes been in a coma for sixteen days now.
~ My son [erry; 14, attends Clifford High School. (Meu
(Ela está em coma há 16 dias.)
filho [erry, de 14 anos, estuda no Colégio Clifford.)
X The text was perfect: not a coma out of place.

c c
,/ The text was perfect: not a comma out of place. (O texto combine: combinar, coexistir
estava perfeito: nenhuma vírgula fora do lugar.) match: combinar (cores, roupas etc.)

,/ We use a virgule (I) to indicate a choice between

two or more words. (Usamos a barra (I) para indicar
uma escolha entre duas ou mais palavras.) comic ~ comical

coma: estado de coma

X Charlie Chaplin was an exceptional comical actor.

com ma: vírgula ,/ Charlie Chaplin was an exceptional comic actor. (Charlie
virgule: barra ( / ) usada para separar alternativas Chaplin foi um extraordinário ator cômico.)

X I couldn't helping laughing at the comic expression on his face.

combination ~ slip ,/ I couldn't helping laughing at the comical expression on his face.
(Não pude deixar de rir da expressão cômica do seu rosto.)
X She folded her combination and put it into a drawer.
comic: cômico (relativo à comédia)
,/ She folded her slip and put it into a drawer. (Ela
comical: cômico (engraçado)
dobrou a combinação e guardou-a na gaveta.)

X He had forgottten the slip of the safe.

commemorate ~ celebrate
,/ He had forgottten the combination of the safe. (Ele se
esquecera da combinação dos números do cofre.) X A large crowd gathered in the square to celebrate
the people who died in the two world wars.
,/ Orange is a combination of yellow and red. (A cor laranja
é uma combinação do amarelo com o vermelho.) ,/ A large crowd gathered in the square to commemorate
the people who died in the two world wars. (Uma grande
combination: 1 segredo, combinação de números 2 combinação
multidão se reuniu na praça para reverenciar a memória
slip: combinação (peça de roupa) dos que morreram nas duas guerras mundiais.)

X We commemorated my 22nd birthday in our local pub.

combine ~ match ,/ We celebrated my 22nd birthday in our local pub. (Nós
,/ Politics and morality do not seem to combine well. comemoramos o meu aniversário de 22 anos em nosso bar habitual.)
(Política e moralidade parecem não combinar bem.) commemorate: reverenciar a memória de uma pessoa ou de um fato
X Her blouse didn't combine with her skirt. através de uma cerimônia
celebrate: comemorar
,/ Her blouse didn't match her skirt. (Sua
blusa não combinava com a saia.)

-- c
commodity ~ comfort
X The Vietnamese ambassador and I complimented
~ Coffee was Brazil's most precious commodity in the 19th century. each other as old friends.
(O café foi o produto mais precioso do Brasil no séc. XIX.)
~ The Vietnamese ambassador and I greeted each
lC From the commodity of my living room other as old friends. (Eu e o embaixador do Vietnã
I can read my favourite books. nos cumprimentamos como velhos amigos.)

~ From the comfort of my living room I can read my compliment: cumprimentar, elogiar
favourite books. (Na comodidade da minha sala de greet: cumprimentar (dizer alô)
estar eu posso ler meus livros prediletos.)

commodity: commodity, qualquer tipo de mercadoria ou serviço que

pode ser negociado geralmente em bolsa comport ~ seat
comfort: comodidade, conforto ~ He comported himself with dignity. (Ele
se comportou com dignidade.)

lC This plane comports 350 passengers.

compliment ~ complement
~ This plane seats 350 passengers. (Este avião
lC She took his words as a complement.
comporta trezentos e cinquenta passageiros.)
~ She took his words as a compliment. (Ela considerou
as palavras dele como um elogio.) comport: comportar-se
seat: comportar (abrigar)
lC My complements to the chef.

~ My compliments to the chef. (Meus cumprimentos ao chei)

comprehensive ~ sympathetic
lC Yoga can be seen as a compliment to fitness.
~ His Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language was
~ Yoga can be seen as a complement to fitness. (Pode-se
published by Longman in 1985. (Sua Gramática Geral da
considerar a ioga como um complemento à boa forma física.)
Língua Inglesa foi publicada pela Longman em 1985.)
compliment: 1 elogio 2 cumprimento lC He was a comprehensive listener you could always turn to.
complement: complemento
~ He was a sympathetic listener you could always turn to. (Ele era
um ouvinte compreensivo, a quem você podia sempre recorrer.)
compliment ~ greet comprehensive: geral, total, abrangente
lC We all greeted him on his success. sympathetic: compreensivo

~ We all complimented him on his success. (Nós

todos o cumprimentamos pelo seu sucesso.)

conceit ~ concept concourse ~ contest
~ I can't stand his conceit! (Não aguento a arrogância dele!) ~ At that time the airport concourse was practically empty.
(Àquela hora, o salão do aeroporto estava quase vazio.)
X I'm afraid you're missing the whole conceit of free market.
X In 1923, Brazil held its first beauty concourse in Rio de Janeiro.
~ I'm afraid you're missing the whole concept of free market. (Receio
que você não esteja entendendo o que é a liberdade de mercado.) ~ In 1923, Brazil held its first beauty contest in Rio de
Janeiro. (Em 1923 o Brasil realizou o seu primeiro
conceit: arrogância, convencimento concurso de beleza no Rio de [aneiro.)
concept: conceito
concourse: saguão de espera em estações ou aeroportos

contest: concurso
conceited ~ reputable
~ She is so conceited! (Ela é tão convencida!)
concur ~ run
X How do you know that company is conceited in the market?
~ The queen concurred with the Prime Minister. (A
~ How do you know that company is reputable in the market? rainha concordou com o Primeiro-Ministro.)
(Como você sabe que aquela firma é conceituada no mercado?) ~ I can't see how these two facts might concur. (Não vejo como
conceited: convencido, arrogante esses dois fatos poderiam ocorrer ao mesmo tempo.)

reputable: conceituado X What made Barack Obama concur for the

presidency of the United States?
~ What made Barack Obama run for the presidency
concordat ~ creditor's composition
of the United States? (O que fez Barack Obama
~ In July 1933 Pope Pius XI signed a concordat between Nazi concorrer à presidência dos Estados Unidos?)
Germany and the Holy See. (Em julho de 1933 o papa Pio XI
assinou um acordo entre a Alemanha nazista e a Santa Sé.) concur: 1 concordar 2 ocorrer ao mesmo tempo

run: concorrer
X A concordat can avoid bankruptcy of a company.

~ A composition with creditors can avoid bankruptcy of a company.

(Uma concordata pode evitar a falência de uma companhia.) condemnation ~ conviction

concordat: acordo entre a Igreja Católica e o Estado ~ His decision received unanimous condemnation. (A
sua decisão foi recebida com total reprovação.)
composition with creditors: concordata
X Both father and son were sent to jail after
their condemnation for corruption.

confidant: confidente
,/ Both father and son were sent to jail after their conviction
confident: confiante
for corruption. (Tanto o pai quanto o filho foram para
a cadeia depois de condenados por corrupção.)

,/ 'Perhaps you're right, he said without much conviction. confer '# check
("Talvez você tenha razão': disse ele sem muita convicção.)
,/ Imported cars confer status to their owners. (Os carros
condemnation: reprovação, desaprovação importados conferem status aos seus donos.)
conviction: 1 condenação judicial 2 convicção, certeza
X 'Aren't you going to confer the bill?' she asked.

,/ 'Aren't you going to check the bill?' she asked. ("Você

conference '# lecture não vai conferir a conta?", ela perguntou.

,/ Everything is ready for tomorrow's sales department confer: conferir, dar

conference. (Está tudo pronto para a reunião check: conferir, verificar
do departamento de vendas amanhã.)

,/ An international conference on environmental pollutants is

being held in Geneva. (Está sendo realizado em Genebra um confound '# confuse
Congresso Internacional sobre poluentes ambientais.) X You sometimes confuse me.
X Prof. Thompson gave a conference on Byron's sonnets. ,/ You sometimes confound me. (Você às vezes me deixa confuso.)
,/ Prof. Thompson gave a lecture on Byrons sonnets. (O Prof. X It is easy to confuse inexperience with incompetence.
Thompson deu uma palestra sobre os sonetos de Byron.)
,/ It is easy to confound inexperience with incompetence. (É
conference: 1 reunião 2 congresso fácil confundir falta de experiência com incompetência.)
lecture: palestra, conferência
confound: confundir, deixar atônito
confuse: confundir, não conseguir distinguir

confidant '# confident

X I wish I had a confident to share my feelings with. congeal '# freeze
,/ I wish I had a confidant to share my feelings with. (Gostaria de X 'Those enzymes quickly make the blood
ter um confidente com quem compartilhar meus sentimentos.) freeze, explained the doctor.
X I am confidant, in all modesty, that I will win the fight. ,/ 'Those enzymes quickly make the blood congeal,
,/ I am confident, in ali modesty, that I will win the fight. explained the doctor. ("Essas enzimas fazem o sangue
(Modéstia à parte, estou confiante de que vou vencer a luta.) coagular rapidamente", explicou o médico.)

constipation ~ cold
X The tone of his voice made my blood congeal.
../ A high fibre diet can prevent constipation. (Uma dieta
../ The tone of his voice made my blood freeze. (O
rica em fibras pode evitar a prisão de ventre.)
tom de sua voz fez meu sangue gelar.)
X Symptoms of the common constipation include
congeal: endurecer, coagular
a runny nose, cough, and sore throat.
freeze: gelar, congelar
../ Symptoms of the common cold include a runny nose,
cough, and sore throat. (Incluem-se entre os sintomas do
resfriado comum a coriza, a tosse e a dor de garganta.)
conqueror ~ lady-killer
X William the Lady-killer defeated the English in 1066. constipation: prisão de ventre
cold: resfriado
../ William the Conqueror defeated the English in 1066.
(William, o Conquistador, venceu os ingleses em 1066.)

X My brother was a bon vivant and a conqueror. constrain ~ embarrass

../ My brother was a bon vivant and a lady-killer. (Meu irmão ../ I feel constrained to fire you, Miss Baldwin. (Sinto-me
era um bon vivant e um conquistador de mulheres.) forçado a despedi-Ia, srta. Baldwin.)

conqueror: conquistador militar ../ I feel embarrassed to fire you, Miss Baldwin. (Sinto-me
lady-kiIJer: conquistador de mulheres constrangido em ter que despedi-Ia, srta. Baldwin.)

X An artist cannot have his creativity embarrassed by any rules .

../ An artist cannot have his creativity constrained by any rules. (Um
consciousness ~ conscience
artista não pode ter sua criatividade limitada por nenhuma regra.)
X In spite of the injuries to the head, he did not lose conscience.
X His remark deeply constrained her .
../ In spite of the injuries to the head, he did not lose consciousness.
../ His remark deeply embarrassed her. (Seu
(Apesar dos ferimentos na cabeça, ele não perdeu a consciência.)
comentário deixou-a muito constrangida.)
X My consciousness is clear.
constrain: 1 forçar, obrigar, compelir 2 limitar, restringir
../ My conscience is clear. (Estou com a consciência tranquila.)
embarrass: constranger, embaraçar
consciousness: consciência (percepção da realidade, capacidade de
conscience: consciência (parte da mente que decide sobre
o que é moralmente certo ou errado)

constraint ~ embarrassment contemporaneous ~ contemporary
~ He acted under constraint. (Ele agiu sob coação.) X Those superstitions about death were
contemporary with Romanticism.
X I'm sure he only said that to cause us constraint.
~ Those superstitions about death were contemporaneous
~ I'm sure he only said that to cause us embarrassment. (Tenho
with Romanticism. (Tais superstições sobre a morte
certeza de que ele só disse aquilo para nos causar constrangimento.)
eram frequentes na época do romantismo.)
constraint: coação, constrangimento X He is writing an essay on contemporaneous art.
embarrassment: embaraço, constrangimento
~ He is writing an essay on contemporary art. (Ele está
escrevendo uma tese sobre arte contemporânea.)

consultation ~ appointment contemporaneous: concomitante, acontecendo ao mesmo tempo

~ I protested against the change without previous consultation. contemporary: contemporâneo, moderno
(Eu protestei contra a mudança sem consulta prévia.).

X I'd like to make a consultation with Dr. Clark this afternoon.

contemptuous ~ contemptible
~ I'd like to make an appointment with Dr. Clark
X As the players left the pitch, contemptible
this afternoon. (Gostaria de marcar uma consulta
spectators threw pennies at them.
com o Dr. Clark para hoje à tarde.)
~ As the players left the pitch, contemptuous spectators threw
consultation: consulta, pedido de opinião pennies at them. (Enquanto deixavam o campo, torcedores,
appointment: consulta médica manifestando todo seu desprezo, atiravam moedas sobre eles.)

~ Those contemptible attitudes towards homosexuals

are not acceptable today. (Essas atitudes em relação aos
construe ~ construct
homossexuais são inaceitáveis e desprezíveis hoje em dia.)
~ His gesture was construed as a sign of consent. (Seu gesto
~ Those contemptuous attitudes towards homosexuals are
foi interpretado como um sinal de assentimento.)
not acceptable today. (Essas atitudes cheias de desprezo em
X They were considering construing a bridge over the river Gwan. relação aos homossexuais são inaceitáveis hoje em dia.)

~ They were considering constructing a bridge over the river Gwan. contemptuous: desdenhoso, cheio de desprezo
(Eles estavam pensando em construir uma ponte sobre o rio Gwan.)
contemptible: desprezível (que merece desprezo)
construe: interpretar, entender
construct: construir

continence ~ salute ~ countenance X Didn't you see the 'No left conversion' sign?
v'" Continence is the ability to urinate only when you decide to. v'" Didn't you see the 'No left turn' sign? (Você não viu
(Continência é a capacidade de urinar apenas quando se deseja.) a placa "Proibida conversão à esquerdà'?)
X The private gave a continence and the captain returned it. conversion: conversão (transformação de uma coisa em outra)
v'" The private gave a salute and the captain returned it. (O turn: conversão (manobra no trânsito)
soldado bateu continência e o capitão fez o mesmo.)

v'" Her countenance showed how desperate she was. (Seu

convict ~ convinced ~ conceited
rosto revelava quão desesperada ela estava.)
v'" You, like everybody else here, will have to wear a
continence: continência, abstinência
convict's uniform. (Você, como todo mundo aqui,
salute: continência, cumprimento militar terá que usar o uniforme de presidiário.)
countenance: rosto, expressão facial
X I am not convict of his innocence.

v'" I am not convínced of his innocence. (Eu não

continual ~ continuous estou convencido de sua inocência.)

v'" His continual remarks irritated me. (Suas frequentes X Shes so convinced!
observações estavam me irritando.)
v'" Shesso conceited! (Ela é tão convencida!)
X The longest continual speech delivered in the British
convict: presidiário, prisioneiro, detento
Parliament lasted 4 hours and 45 minutes!
convinced: convicto, convencido
v'" The longest continuous speech delivered in the
conceited: convencido, presunçoso
British Parliament lasted 4 hours and 45 minutes! (O
discurso mais longo, sem interrupções, que já houve no
Parlamento Britânico durou 4 horas e 45 minutos!)
convocation ~ draft
continual: contínuo, frequente
X Everything has been arranged for the draft of a
continuous: contínuo, ininterrupto special conference on nuclear disarmament.

v'" Everything has been arranged for the convocation of

conversion ~ turn a special conference on nuclear disarmament. (Está
tudo preparado para a convocação de uma reunião
v'" How does the conversion of energy into heat take place? especial a respeito do desarmamento nuclear.)
(Como ocorre a conversão da energia em calor?)

X He would do anything to avoid a military convocation. copula ~ intercourse
~ He would do anything to avoid a military draft. (Ele faria ~ The verb 'to be' is a copula. ("Ser" é um verbo de ligação.)
qualquer coisa para evitar a convocação militar.) X She and her husband gave up sexual copula a long time ago.
convocation: convocação para uma reunião ~ She and her husband gave up sexual intercourse a long time ago.
draft: convocação militar (Ela e o marido deixaram de ter relações sexuais há muito tempo.)

copula: verbo de ligação

intercourse: cópula (ato sexual)
cook ~ cooker
X His wife is an excellent cooker.

~ His wife is an excellent cook. (A mulher corps ~ corpse ~ body

dele é uma excelente cozinheira.) X The receptions were restricted to members of the diplomatic corpse.
X The sink should always be very dose to the cook. ~ The receptions were restricted to members of the diplomatic corps.
~ The sink should always be very dose to the cooker. (As recepções eram limitadas aos membros do corpo diplomático.)
(A pia sempre tem que ficar perto do fogão.) X The corps was found lying on the kitchen floor.

cooker: fogão ~ The corpse was found lying on the kitchen floor. (O
cook: cozinheiro cadáver foi encontrado estendido no chão da cozinha.)

X When you work out, your heart beats faster, your blood
pressure rises and your corpse produces more adrenalin.
cooler ~ styrofoam
~ When you work out, your heart beats faster, your blood
X Where is the beer I put in the styrofoam? pressure rises and your body produces more adrenalin.
~ Where is the beer I put in the cooler? (Onde (Quando a gente malha, o coração bate mais depressa,
está a cerveja que eu pus no isopor?) a pressão sobe e o corpo produz mais adrenalina.)

~ Our company has begun to use pulp mould instead of styrofoam corps: corpo, grupo de pessoas empenhadas numa mesma atividade
for laptop packaging. (Nossa companhia começou a usar polpa corpse:corpo, cadáver
moldada no lugar de isopor na embalagem de laptop.) body: corpo humano

cooler: geladeira de isopor

styrofoam: isopor (o material)
correction ~ correctness
.,/ The teacher made a lot of corrections on my assignment.
(A professora fez muitas correções no meu trabalho.)

X The correction of the calculations has been confirmed. ~ She has that irritating habit of interrupting when
you are talking. (Ela tem esse hábito irritante de
~ The correctness of the calculations has been confirmed. interromper quando você está falando.)
(A exatidão dos cálculos foi confirmada.)
costume: fantasia
correction: ato de corrigir
custom: costume (atividade tradicional estabelecida por um povo ou
correctness: correção, perfeição, exatidão comunidade)
habit: hábito (ação praticada por um indivíduo)

corridor "I- runner

~ Her cabin is at the end of the corridor on the left. (A counter s accountant
sua cabine fica no fim do corredor à esquerda.)
~ Who's that man standing behind the counter?
X Paul Tergat is the Kenian corrido r who won (Quem é aquele homem atrás do balcão?)
the Saint Sylvester race five times.
X 1'11do whatever my counter te11sme to do.
~ Paul Tergat is the Kenian runner who won the Saint
~ 1'11do whatever my accountant te11sme to do. (Eu
Sylvester race five times. (Paul Tergat é o corredor queniano
vou fazer o que o meu contador disser.)
que venceu a corrida de São Silvestre cinco vezes.)
counter: balcão
corridor: corredor (passagem de ligação)
accountant: contador (especialista em contabilidade)
runner: corredor (atleta)

crampons "I- studs

costume "I- custom ~ habit
X My climbing gear consisted ofbig boots, ice axes and studs.
~ She wore a wonderful costume at the carnival parade. (Ela
usou uma fantasia maravilhosa no desfile de carnaval.) ~ My climbing gear consisted ofbig boots, ice axes and
crampons. (Meu equipamento de alpinismo consistia em
X In [apan, you must observe the costume of
botas grandes, machado para quebrar gelo e travas.)
taking off your shoes indoors.
X Players complained about the plastic crampons of their boots.
~ In [apan, you must observe the custom of taking off
your shoes indoors. (No Japão, deve-se respeitar o ~ Players complained about the plastic studs of their boots. (Os
costume de tirar os sapatos dentro de casa.) jogadores reclamaram das travas de plástico das chuteiras.)

X She has that irritating custom of interrupting when you are talking. crampons: travas de botas para andar no gelo ou escalar montanhas
studs: travas de chuteiras

cravat ~ tie ,/ That was the critical phase of the project.
X Toulouse Lautrec once painted a strange- (Aquela foi a fase crítica do projeto.)
looking woman wearing a tie. X She has always been critic of my work.
,/ Toulouse Lautrec once painted a strange-looking woman ,/ She has always been critical of my work. (Ele
wearing a cravat. (Toulouse Lautrec certa vez pintou uma sempre fez muitas críticas ao meu trabalho.)
mulher de aparência estranha usando uma echarpe.)
X Constructive critic is always welcome.
X The British Medical Association suggested that doctors should
stop wearing cravats, as they could pose a hygiene risk. ,/ Constructive criticism is always welcome. (A
crítica construtiva é sempre bem-vinda.)
,/ The British Medical Association suggested that doctors should stop
wearing ties, as they could pose a hygiene risk. (O Conselho de critic: crítico, pessoa que julga filmes, obras de arte etc.
Medicina da Inglaterra sugeriu que os médicos deixassem de usar critica I: 1 crítico, importante, crucial 2 crítico, cheio de críticas
gravatas, uma vez que elas podem oferecer um risco à higiene.) criticism: crítica, julgamento, análise, opinião
cravat: lenço de pescoço, echarpe
tie: gravata
cross ~ crossroads
,/ The creature looked like a cross between a dog and a rabbit. (A
create ~ raise criatura parecia um cruzamento de cachorro com coelho.)

X God raised the world, says the Bible. X There was a policeman standing at the cross.

,/ God created the world, says the Bible. (Deus ,/ There was a policeman standing at the crossroads.
criou o mundo, diz a Bíblia.) (Havia um guarda parado no cruzamento.)

X Mrs. Croft created her five children all by herself. cross: cruzamento de espécies animais ou vegetais
,/ Mrs. Croft raised her five children all by herself. (A crossroads: cruzamento de ruas
senhora Croft criou os cinco filhos sozinha.)

create: criar, produzir, conceber crude ~ raw

raise: criar (filhos e animais)
X The fall in raw oil prices was dramatic.

,/ The fall in crude oil prices was dramatic. (A queda

critic ~ critical ~ criticism de preço do óleo cru foi dramática.)

,/ Iay Sherman is a film critico (Jay Sherman é um crítico de cinema.) X Those scenes seemed raw and obscene.

X That was the critic phase of the project.

../ Those scenes seemed crude and obscene. (Aquelas cumulus ~ limit
cenas pareceram grosseiras e obscenas.) ../ He stood outside, watching the majestic cumulus clouds
X Crude meat inevitably contains some bacteria. in the grey sky. (Ele permaneceu lá fora, observando
os majestosos cúmulos-nimbos no céu cinzento.)
../ Raw meat inevitably contains some bacteria. (A
carne crua inevitavelmente contém bactérias.) X Isn't that the cumulus?

../ Isn't that the limit? (Isso não é o cúmulo?)

cru de: 1 cru, não refinado 2 grosseiro, rude
raw: cru, não cozido cumulus: cúmulo-nimbo, nuvem de chuva
limit: cúmulo

crux ~ cross
../ That was the crux of the problem. (Esse era o x do problema.) cupola ~ summit

X Jesus died on the crux. ../ We were fascinated by the gold-leafed cupola of the cathedral
(Ficamos encantados com a cúpula folheada a ouro da catedral.)
../ Jesus died on the cross. (Jesus morreu na cruz.)
X The UN Earth Cupola was held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992.
crux: o ponto central, o cerne da questão
../ The UN Earth Summit was held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. (A
cross: cruz
Cúpula da Terra foi realizada no Rio de Janeiro em 1992.)

cupola: cúpula, teto arrendondado de certas construções

cuisine ~ kitchen summit: reunião de cúpula

X The hotel provides comfortable accommodation

and the best of French kitchen.
curds ~ Kurds
../ The hotel provides comfortable accommodation and the
best of French cuisine. (O hotel oferece acomodações X He took Kurds and milk and the calf which he had
confortáveis e o melhor da cozinha francesa.) prepared, and placed it before them. (Genesis 18:8)

X She was in the cuisine frying some eggs. ../ He took curds and milk and the calf which he had prepared, and
placed it before them. (Genesis 18:8) (Ele pegou a coalhada e o
../ She was in the kitchen frying some eggs. (Ela novilho que havia preparado, e colocou tudo diante deles.)
estava na cozinha fritando ovos.)
X I'm now reading a report on Turkey and the Curds.
cuisine: culinária, cozinha
kitchen: cozinha, local onde a comida é preparada

,/ I'm now reading a report on Turkey and the kurds. (No momento Revisão 6
estou lendo um relatório sobre a Turquia e os curdos.) Write the number of each illustration next to the correct word.
curds: coalhada
kurds: os curdos, povo que habita parte da Turquia, do Irã e do Iraque

curt ~ short
,/ You shouldn't have been so curt with him. (Você
não devia ter sido tão grosseiro com ele.)

X Somerset Maugham wrote over 300 curt stories.

,/ Somerset Maugham wrote over 300 short stories.

(Somerset Maugham escreveu mais de 300 contos.)

curt: rude, grosseiro, ríspido

short: curto - ,

Revisão 5
Suggest a word for each of the definitions below.

1. the covering on top of a building

2. wrinkles around one's eyes __ cigar clock

3. a surface on which pictures or words are shown
sideboards snake
4. a confusing problem that is very difficult to solve
cock clover
5. a funny illustration in a magazine or newspaper

6. calf meat __ rope shin

7. words that translate what is said in a film

necklace __ bump
8. people that are killed or wounded in war

9. a professional cook in a restaurant

10. a TV station

Revisão 7 Revisão 8
The words below are connected in some way with the items The items on the right can be used to form a word that fits
on the right. Match them. suitably in the blanks. Supply these words.

(1) comma ( ) congratulations, thank you 1. I've made an with a psychiatrist. appoint

(2) slip } my condolences, I'rn really sorry 2. His behaviour at the new ambassador's reception
was simply contempt
(3) comic } beauty, boxing
3. We ali have to face a struggle
(4) compliment ( ) ice, refrigerator between honesty and temptation. continue

(5) sympathetic } sentences, figures 4. As we didn't have a fridge or a

we had to eat out ali the time. cook
(6) contest ( ) bowels, defecation
5. Political has dramatically changed
(7) lecture ( ) ashamed, self-conscious the way we think, speak and behave. correct

(8) freeze ( ) laughter, funny 6. Trevor Lee was the school's fastest
in the 100 metres sprint. run
(9) constipation } professor, audience
7. An 18-year-old soldier, infected with swine flu, is in
(10) embarrassed ( ) dress, skirt
a condition in St. Joan's Hospital. critic

8. Yesterday I witnessed a terrible accident at a

busy cross

9. Without sounding , I think we offer

a very good service. conceit

10. He wrote a book about his to

Catholicism. converse.

data ~ dice
damask ~ damson X The dice are still being processed.
X She was sitting comfortably on the two-seat sofa V' The data are still being processed. (Os dados
in blue damson in the living room. ainda estão sendo processados.)
V' She was sitting comfortably on the two-seat sofa in blue damask X It was Einstein who said, 'God does not play data:
in the living room. (Ela estava sentada confortavelmente no
sofá de dois lugares de damasco azul na sala de visitas.) V' It was Einstein who said, 'God does not play dice. (Foi
Einstein que disse: "Deus não joga dados com o universo")
X It was a lovely old orchard full of damask trees.
data: dados, informações
V' It was a lovely old orchard full of damson trees. (Era
dice: dados (de jogo)
um belo pomar, cheio de pés de damasco.)

damask: damasco, um tipo de tecido usado em cortinas, toalhas de

mesa ete. day school ~ boarding school
damson: damasco, uma fruta parecida com ameixa X I remember when I was at boarding school and
was allowed to go home every evening.

Dane ~ Danish V' I remember when I was at day school and was allowed to
go home every evening. (Eu me lembro quando estudava
X In the new version of Zeffirelli's Hamlet Mel Gibson no externato e podia voltar para casa todos os dias.)
plays the role of the moody Danish.
X When Caroline was home on holiday from her day school,
V' In the new version of Franco Zeffirelli's Hamlet Mel Gibson plays we used to spend hours playing in the garden.
the role of the moody Dane. (Na nova versão de Hamlet, de Franco
Zeffirelli, Mel Gibson faz o papel do sombrio dinamarquês.) V' When Caroline was home on holiday from her boarding
school, we used to spend hours playing in the garden.
X At present the Treaty of Maastricht cannot be (Quando Caroline voltava para casa nas férias do internato,
ratified because of the Dane veto. nós passávamos horas brincando no jardim.)
V' At present the Treaty of Maastricht cannot be ratified because
day school: externato, escola frequentada por alunos que voltam para
of the Danish veto. (No momento, o Tratado de Maastricht
casa todos os dias
não pode ser ratificado por causa do veto dinamarquês.)
boarding school: internato, escola frequentada por alunos que só
Dane: dinamarquês (substantivo) voltam para casa nas férias
Danish: dinamarquês (adjetivo)

death wish ~ dying wish ,/ You can now use your debit and credit cards at
X I think he's a psychotic with some kind of dying wish. ali our stores. (Você já pode usar seus cartões de
débito e de crédito em todas as nossas lojas.)
,/ I think he's a psychotic with some kind of death wish.
(Acho que ele é um maluco que quer morrer.) debt: dívida

X A woman who left her manor house to the public debit: débito
in her will has had her death wish denied.

,/ A woman who left her manor house to the public in her deception ~ disappointment
will has had her dying wish denied. (Uma mulher que,
em seu testamento, deixou sua mansão para o público, ,/ He and his wife were jailed for deception in December 2007. (Ele
teve seu último desejo negado pela justiça.) e a esposa foram presos por fraude em dezembro de 2007.)

X Book early to avoid deception.

death wish: desejo de morrer
dying wish: última vontade ,/ Book early to avoid disappointment. (Faça já
sua reserva para evitar decepções.)

deception: fraude, logro

debauch ~ mock
disappointment: decepção, desapontamento
X She was constantly debauching and imitating him behind his back.

,/ She was constantly mocking and imitating him behind his back.
(Ela estava sempre debochando dele e imitando-o pelas costas.) declassify ~ disqualify

,/ The charge against him was that he had debauched public X Many D.O.P.S. files have just been disqualified.
morals contrary to common law. (A acusação contra ele era de ,/ Many D.O.P.S. files have just been declassified. (Muitas
que ele, corrompendo a moral pública, havia infringido a lei.) fichas do DOPS recentemente deixaram de ser secretas.)
debauch: corromper, depravar, seduzir X Why was she declassified from Américas Next Top Model?
mock: debochar
,/ Why was she disqualified from Américas Next Top Model? (Por
que ela foi desclassificada do programa Américas Next Top Model?

debt ~ debit declassify: tornar públicos informações e documentos secretos

X I've run up a lot of debits this year. disqualify: desclassificar

,/ I've run up a lot of debts this year. (Fiz muitas dívidas este ano.)


decorate ~ memorise ,/ The protesters demanded the resignation of the police chief who
had given the order to shoot. (Os manifestantes exigiam a renúncia
,/ She decorated her room with posters of pop stars. (Ela
do delegado de polícia que havia dado a ordem para disparar.)
enfeitou o quarto com pôsteres de artistas famosos.)

,/ He was decorated with the Silver Cross. (Ele delegate: representante, delegado

foi condecorado com a Cruz de Prata.) police chief: delegado de polícia

X Ali my history teacher did was to make

us decorate names and dates.
de pose ~ testify
,/ Ali my history teacher did was to make us memorise
,/ Getúlio Vargas was not deposed. He committed suicide.
names and dates. (A única coisa que o meu professor de
(Getúlio Vargas não foi deposto. Ele cometeu suicídio.)
história fazia era obrigar-nos a decorar nomes e datas.)
X Most of the victims were too scared to depose.
decorate: 1 decorar, enfeitar; 2 condecorar
,/ Most of the victims were too scared to testify. (A maioria
memorise: decorar, memorizar
das vítimas estava assustada demais para testemunhar.)

depose: depor, destituir do cargo à força

deduce ~ deduct testify: depor, prestar testemunho
X I deducted that he didn't want to come with uso

,/ I deduced that he didn't want to come with uso

deposit ~ warehouse
(Deduzi que ele não queria vir conosco.)
,/ A small deposit is usually required when you rent a caro(Um
X The first thing her agent did was to deduce his commission.
pequeno depósito é em geral exigido quando se aluga um carro.)
,/ The first thing her agent did was to deduct his commission. (A
X It took five lorries to deliver the heavyweight
primeira coisa que o agente dela fez foi deduzir sua comissão.)
cargo from the ship to the deposito
deduce: deduzir, inferir ,/ It took five lorries to deliver the heavyweight cargo from the
deduct: deduzir, descontar ship to the warehouse. (Foram necessários cinco caminhões
para transportar a pesada carga do navio até o depósito.)

delegate ~ police chief deposit: depósito, quantia deixada como garantia

warehouse: depósito, armazém
,/ The two delegates were chosen by acclamation. (Os dois
representantes foram escolhidos por aclamação.)

X The protesters demanded the resignation of the police

delegate who had given the order to shoot.

desert ~ dessert
~ They never reached their destiny.
~ AnimaIs and plants living in the dessert
have to face severe problems. ../ They never reached their destination. (Eles
nunca chegaram ao seu destino.)
../ AnimaIs and plants living in the desert have to face
severe problems. (Os animais e as plantas que vivem no ~ 'I'm the mas ter of my own destination, he said.
deserto têm de enfrentar seríssimos problemas.) ../ 'I'm the master of my own destiny,' he said. ("Eu sou
~ For desert, there is chocolate ice cream and apple pie . o senhor do meu próprio destino", ele disse.)

../ For dessert, there is chocolate ice cream and apple pie. (Como destination: lugar de destino
sobremesa, temos sorvete de chocolate e torta de maçã.) destiny/fate: destino, sorte

desert: deserto
dessert: sobremesa deter ~ detain
../ The death penalty has never deterred criminaIs from ki11ingpeople.
desperado ~ desperate (A pena de morte jamais impediu os criminosos de matar pessoas.)

../ Dressed in an old-fashioned suit, a gangster's hat and black and ~ They may not deter the suspect for more than 24 hours .
white shoes, he was the very image of a desperado. (Vestindo um ../ They may not detain the suspect for more than 24 hours.
terno fora de moda, um chapéu de gângster e um par de sapatos (Eles não podem deter o suspeito por mais de 24 horas.)
preto e branco, ele era a própria imagem de um facínora.)
deter: impedir
~ If ever I'm that desperado for money 1'11comeand ask you for it.
detain: deter
../ If ever I'm that desperate for money 1'11come and
ask you for it. (Se algum dia eu ficar desesperado
por dinheiro, eu venho aqui para lhe pedir.) develop ~ reveal
desperado: criminoso violento que não teme o perigo ~ I'm afraid you'l1 have to reveal the photos yourself.
desperate: desesperado ../ I'm afraid you'l1 have to develop the photos yourself.
(Acho que você mesmo vai ter de revelar as fotos.)

destination ~ destiny = fate ../ The journalist refused to reveal his sources to the magistrate.
(O jornalista se recusou a revelar suas fontes ao juiz.)
~ The jury will decide his destination.
develop: revelar fotos
../ The jury will decide his fate. (O júri vai decidir o destino dele.)
reveal: revelar fatos

devolution ~ return
,/ There she was, showing off a diamanté necklace that hadn't cost
,/ The devolution was decided by plebiscite. (A transferência more than fifteen dollars. (Lá estava ela, exibindo um colar de
de poder foi decidida em um plebiscito.) brilhantes de imitação, que não custara mais que quinze dólares.)

)C His father is offering a reward for the devolution )C Congratulations to Conrad and Abigail Frost, who celebrated
of his sons mountain bike, which was stolen from their Diamanté Wedding Anniversary on July 1SI!
outside their house in Milson Street.
,/ Congratulations to Conrad and Abigail Frost, who
,/ A man is offering a reward for the return of his sons celebrated their Diamond Wedding Anniversary on [uly
mountain bike, which was stolen from outside their 1SI!(Parabéns a Conrad e Abigail Frost, que comemoraram
house in Milson Street. (Um homem está oferecendo uma suas bodas de diamante no dia 1 de julho!)

recompensa pela devolução da mountain bike do seu filho,

diamanté: feito de pedras que imitam o diamante
que foi roubada em frente à sua casa em Milson Street.)
diamond: diamante
devolution: transferência de poder do governo central para autoridades
return:devolução diarist ~ day labourer
,/ Anne Frank became a very famous diarist. (Anne
Frank se tornou uma diarista muito famosa.)
dexterous ~ right-handed
)C Local authorities are now facing a big problem: what to do with the
,/ Seals are naturally dexterous and may be taught to balance
dozens of diarists who gather outside Town Hall every morning.
balls on their noses. (As focas são naturalmente habilidosas
e podem ser ensinadas a equilibrar bolas no focinho.) . ,/ Local authorities are now facing a big problem: what to do
with the dozens of day labourers who gather outside Town
)C Dexterous pilots seem to have a natural tendency to turn left.
Hall every morning?(As autoridades locais agora enfrentam
,/ Right-handed pilots seem to have a natural tendency um sério problema: o que fazer com as dezenas de diaristas
to turn left. (Pilotos destros parecem ter uma que se aglomeram em frente à Prefeitura todas as manhãs?
tendência natural para virar à esquerda.)
diarist: diarista, pessoa que registra suas experiências em um diário
dexterous: habilidoso day labourer: diarista, trabalhador que recebe por dia
right-handed: destro

dictate ~ dictation ~ diktat ~ saying

diamanté ~ diamond
,/ His book suggests that we should follow our instincts and
)C There she was, showing off a diamond necklace the dictates of our heart. (Seu livro sugere que devemos
that hadn't cost more than fifteen dollars, seguir nossos instintos e os ditames do coração.)

86 8
X He invariably began his day by giving dictates to his secretary. director ~ headmaster

,/ He invariably began his day by giving dictation ,/ Brian Lee, the managing director of the company, said: 'The
to his secretary. (Ele invariavelmente começava o initiative has our support. (Brian Lee, o diretor administrativo
dia ditando instruções para sua secretária.) da companhia, disse: ''A iniciativa conta com o nosso apoio".)

,/ For years the country was governed by diktat. X In 1965 my grandfather was appointed
(Durante anos o país foi governado por decreto.) director of Prior Park School in Bath.

X You know the old dictation, theres always a first time for everything. ,/ In 1965 my grandfather was appointed headmaster of
Prior Park School in Bath. (Em 1965 meu avô foi nomeado
,/ You know the old sayíng, there's always a first time diretor da Prior Park School, na cidade de Bath.)
for everything. (Vocês conhecem o velho ditado:
há sempre uma primeira vez para tudo.) director: diretor (de cinema, de uma companhia etc.)
headmaster: diretor de escola
dictate: ditame, norma, regra
dictation: ditado (o ato de ditar)
diktat: à força, por decreto direct ~ drive
saying: ditado (provérbio)
,/ The 1997 Titanic was directed by Iames Cameron. (O filme
Titanic, de 1997, foi dirigido por [ames Cameron.)

digitize ~ type X Mr. Bean directs his Mini in a funny way.

,/ The soundtrack comes fully digitized. (A trilha ,/ Mr. Bean drives his Mini in a funny way. (Mr. Bean
sonora vem totalmente digitalizada.) dirige o seu Mini de um jeito engraçado.)

X She had to digitize the letter again. direct: dirigir, administrar, comandar, apontar

,/ She had to type the letter again. (Ela drive: dirigir um veículo
precisou digitar a carta de novo.)

digitize: colocar as informações de uma forma digital, usando os direction ~ steering wheel
números O e 1
,/ Homing pigeons have a wonderful sense of direction. (Os
type: digitar
pombos-correio têm um fantástico senso de direção.)

,/ Iust follow the directions and you will soon find the post-
office. (Siga as indicações e você logo achará o correio.)

X He pulled over and remained seated behind v'" In my opinion referees should be punished for foul pIay just
the direction of his BMW
like football players. (Na minha opinião, os árbitros deveriam
v'" He pulled over and remained seated behind the ser punidos por jogo sujo da mesma forma que os jogadores.)
steering wheel of his BMW (Ele encostou o carro e
dirty: 1 sujo, impregnado de sujeira 2 sujo, indecente
ficou sentado atrás do volante do seu BMW)
foul: sujo, ilegal, contrário às regras
direction: 1 direção, sentido 2 orientação, instruções, indicações
steering wheel: direção (volante)
disastrous ~ clumsy
v'" The use of pesticides on cotton crops has caused disastrous
directory ~ board damage to the environment. (O uso de pesticidas na plantações
v'" I wonder why I couldn't find his number in the directory. (Não de algodão já trouxe prejuízos desastrosos ao meio ambiente.)
sei por que não consegui encontrar o telefone dele na lista.) X Many such 'disastrous' children have learning
v'" With this program you can copy directories and their contents problems and emotional difficulties.
from one disk to another. (Com este programa é possível copiar v'" Many such 'clumsy' children have learning problems and
diretórios e seus conteúdos de um disquete para outro.) emotional difficulties. (Muitas dessas crianças "desastradas"
X The Directory meets once a month. têm dificuldades de aprendizagem e problemas emocionais.)

v'" The Board meets once a month. (A Diretoria disastrous: desastroso

se reúne uma vez por mês.) clumsy: desastrado

directory: 1 lista telefônica 2 diretório, espécie de pasta usada para

armazenar e organizar arquivos
board: diretoria
disciple ~ pupil = student
v'" He became a faithful disciple of Freud. (Ele se
tornou um fiel discípulo de Freud.)
dirty ~ foul
X It's a novel about a middle-aged teacher who
v'" All the plates were dirty and some were cracked. (Todos falls in love with a young disciple.
os pratos estavam sujos e alguns estavam rachados.) v'" It's a novel about a middle-aged teacher who falls in love
v'" He liked to tell dirty jokes. (Ele gostava de contar piadas sujas.) with a young student. (É um romance sobre um professor
de meia idade que se apaixona por uma aluna.)
X In my opinion referees should be punished for
dirty play just like football players. disciple: discípulo, seguidor de uma doutrina ou das idéias de alguém
student: aluno, estudante

discrete ~ discreet lC With this program you can copy directories and
lC It was a collection of separate, discreet pieces of their contents frorn one discus to another.
information with little or no cohesion at all. ,/ With this program you can copy directories and their contents
,/ It was a collection of separate, discrete pieces of information from one disk to another. (Com este programa é possível copiar
with little or no cohesion at all. (Era um conjunto de diretórios e seus conteúdos de um disquete para outro.)
informações com pouca ou nenhuma coesão.) lC The best selling Christmas disk of all time is
lC 'I promise you we'll be discrete, the private detective said. White Christmas, with Bing Crosby,

,/ 'I promise you we'll be discreet, the private detective said. ,/ The best selling Christmas record of all time is White
("Prometo-lhe que seremos discretos", disse o detetive particular.) Christmas, with Bing Crosby. (O disco de Natal mais vendido
de todos os tempos é White Christmas, com Bing Crosby.)
diserete: distinto, separado
di seus: disco, objeto circular usado em provas de arremesso
disereet: discreto
disk: disquete
reeord: disco, objeto redondo e achatado usado na gravação
discretion ~ description de músicas

,/ We've got to act with discretion. (Temos de agir com discrição.)

lC An eye-witness gave the police a detailed discussion ~ quarrel

discretion of the car used by the robbers.
,/ Their proposal is under discussion now. (Sua
,/ An eye-witness gave the police a detailed description of the proposta está em discussão agora.)
car used by the robbers. (Uma testemunha ocular deu à polícia
lC The night before a dreadful discussion had taken place
uma descrição detalhada do carro usado pelos assaltantes.)
and they were still sullen and angry with each other.
diseretion: discrição ,/ The night before a dreadful quarrel had taken place
deseription: descrição and they were still sullen and angry with each other.
(Na noite anterior tinha havido uma briga muito feia e
eles ainda estavam com muita raiva um do outro.)
discus ~ disk ~ record
diseussion: discussão, troca de ideias
lC [ackie McKernan was the best disk thrower Britain has ever had.
quarrel: discussão, briga
,/ [ackie McKernan was the best discus thrower
Britain has ever had. (Jackie McKernan foi o melhor
arremessador de disco que a Grã-Bretanha já teve.)

disgrace ~ misfortune X Dislike everyone in my family, I was not in the
./ She has brought disgrace on her family. (Ela envergonhou a família.) least sorry for what had happened .

X In the present economic crisis, there is a tendency ./ Unlike everyone in my famíly, I was not in the least sorry for
to blame capitalism for some of our disgrace. what had happened. (Ao contrário de todos na minha família,
eu não lamentei nem por um instante o que havia acontecido.)
./ In the present economic crisis, there is a tendency to
blame capitalism for some of our misfortune. (Na dislike: (verbo) não gostar
atual crise econômica, há uma tendência para culpar unlike: (preposição) ao contrário de, diferentemente de
o capitalismo por parte de nossos infortúnios.)

disgrace: desonra, vergonha

dismantle ~ dismount
misfortune: infortúnio, desgraça
X The mechanic dismounted the engine .

./ The mechanic dismantled the engine. (O

disinterested ~ uninterested mecânico desmontou o motor.)
X Let me give you some uninterested advice. ./ He dismounted from his horse and went into the
./ Let me give you some disinterested advice. (Deixe- saloon. (Ele desceu do cavalo e entrou no bar.)
me dar-lhe um conselho desinteressado.)
dismantle: desmontar, separar os componentes
X At first I was worried that the children might be disinterested dismount: desmontar, descer de uma montaria
in the idea, but I soon found that I was wrong .

./ At first I was worried that the children might be uninterested

in the idea, but I soon found that I was wrong. (A princípio dissertation ~ composition
eu fiquei preocupada, achando que talvez as crianças não se ./ His dissertation on ethics was simply brilliant. (Sua
interessassem pela ideia, mas logo vi que estava enganada.) tese sobre ética foi simplesmente brilhante.)

disinterested: desinteressado, sem interesse pessoal X Their teacher asked them to write a
uninterested: não interessado, sem curiosidade dissertation about their ideal school.

./ Their teacher asked them to write a

composition about their ideal school.
dislike ~ unlike
dissertation: ensaio, tese
X I don't exact1y unlike him, but I can't say I like him.
composition: dissertação, redação
./ I don't exact1y dislike him, but I can't say I like him. (Não é
que eu não goste dele, mas não dá para dizer que eu gosto.)

distinct ~ distinguished Como ambos os verbos significam fazer, convém

,/ Law and justice are distinct from each other.
familiarizar-se com as listas abaixo:
(Lei e justiça são coisas distintas.) do
X The headline read 'A distinct doctor tells the truth about stem cells. do badly sair-se bem
do your best.. fazer o possível
,/ The headline read 'A distinguished doctor tells the
truth about stem cells. (A manchete dizia: «Médico do business fazer negócio
ilustre conta a verdade sobre as células-tronco". do the cooking cozinhar
do a crossword resolver um quebra-cabeça
distinct: distinto, diferente
do the dishes lavar os pratos
distinguished: distinto, ilustre
do an exercise fazer um exercício
do a favour fazer um favor
distracted ~ absent-minded do good fazer bem
,/ After she hung up the phone she seemed to be do your hair.. fazer o cabelo
confused and distracted. (Depois de desligar o do harm fazer mal
telefone, ela parecia confusa e perturbada.) do your homework fazer o dever de casa
X She was so disorganised and distracted that she would often forget do the housework cuidar da casa
where she had left her keys, or her umbrella, or her sunglasses. do the ironing passar roupa
,/ She was so disorganised and absent-minded that she would often do your job fazer o serviço
forget where she had left her keys, or her umbrella, or her sunglasses. do the laundry lavar roupa
(Ela era tão desorganizada e distraída, que frequentemente esquecia do yournails fazer as unhas
onde deixara as chaves, ou o guarda-chuva ou os óculos de sol.)
do time cumprir pena
distracted: perturbado, confuso do the washing up lavar a louça
absent-minded: distraído .do well sair-se bem

do ~ make make amends desculpar-se

X She is making the ironing now. make arrangements providenciar

make the beds fazer as camas
,/ She is doing the ironing now. (Ela está passando roupa agora.)
make believe fingir
X I'm going to do some coffee.
make a choice fazer uma escolha
,/ I'm going to make some coffee. (Eu vou fazer café.) make coffe/tea fazer café/chá

make a comment fazer um comentário dormancy ~ numbness
make a decision tomar uma decisão
~ During dormancy the virus does not affect the patient.
make a difference fazer diferença (Durante o estado de Iatência, o vírus não afeta o paciente.)
make an effort fazer um esforço
X The effect of the rattlesnake venom includes localised pain
make an enquiry fazer uma pergunta
and dormancy followed by breathing difficulties.
make an excuse dar uma desculpa
~ The effect of the rattlesnake venom includes localised
make a fool of yourself bancar o tolo
pain and numbness followed by breathing difficulties.
make a fortune fazer fortuna (O efeito do veneno da cascavel inclui dor localizada e
make friends fazer amizade dormência, seguida de dificuldades respiratórias.)
make a fuss criar uma confusão
dormancy: estado de latência
make a journey fazer uma viagem
numbness: dormência
make love fazer amor
make a mess fazer uma confusão
make a mistake cometer um engano dream ticket ~ winning ticket
make money ganhar dinheiro X Was that the winning ticket America had been
make a move ~ fazer um movimento waiting for - Barack Obama and [oe Biden?
make a noise fazer barulho ~ Was that the dream ticket America had been waiting
make an offer. fazer uma oferta for - Barack Obama and [oe Biden? (Será que eram
make peace s.••••••••••••••••••••••• fazer a paz esses os candidatos ideais com que sonhavam os
make a phone call dar um telefonema Estados Unidos - Barack Obama e Ioe Biden?)

make plans fazer planos X He drew the dream ticket in the club raffie
make a profit ter lucro which is held every year in July.

make a promise fazer uma promessa ~ He drew the winning ticket in the club raffie which is
make a remark fazer uma observação held every year in July. (Ele tirou o bilhete premiado
na rifa que o clube organiza todo ano em julho.)
make a sound fazer barulho
make a speech fazer um discurso dream ticket: pessoa ou grupo político com grande chance de vitória
make a suggestion dar uma sugestão nas eleições
make time achar tempo winning ticket: bilhete premiado

make a visit fazer uma visita

make someone cry or laugh fazer alguém chorar ou rir
make someone happy or unhappy fazer alguém feliz ou infeliz
98 99

dressmaker ~ tailor ./ He worked as a postman for many years. (Ele

X Her wedding dress was made by a skilled tailor . trabalhou como carteiro durante muitos anos.)

./ Her wedding dress was made by a skilled dressmaker. (Seu during: durante (usado para indicar quando a ação ocorre ou ocorreu)
vestido de noiva foi feito por uma costureira habilidosa.) for: durante (usado para indicar quanto tempo a ação dura ou durou)
X All my uncle's suits used to be made by a dressmaker in Bromley .

./ All my uncle's suits used to be made by a tailor Revisão 9

in Bromley. (Todos os ternos do meu tio eram
confeccionados por um alfaiate em Bromley.) Complete the words.

dressmaker: costureira 1. Language spoken in Oenmark. O N 5

tailor: alfaiate
2. Information and/or facts. O T

3. Fraud. O E PT O
drop ~ gout
X [ust one gout of vanilla essence makes all the difference . 4. Learn something by heart. E M R 5

./ Iust one drop of vanilla essence makes all the difference. (Apenas 5. Give evidence in court. T 5 y
uma gota de essência de baunilha faz toda a diferença.)
6. Sweet food served at the end of a meal. E 5 E R
X Drop is an extremely painful disease .

./ Gout is an extremely painful disease. (Gota é 7. Fate. O 5 N Y

uma doença extremamente dolorosa.)
8. A precious stone. M O
drop: gota, pequena quantidade de líquido
gout: gota, um tipo de artrite 9. A proverb. 5 Y G

10. The main authority in a school. H OM - 5 - E-

during ~ for
./ Violent storms are common during the summer in Brazil.
(Tempestades violentas são comuns durante o verão no Brasil.)

X He worked as a postman during many years.


Revisão 10 Revisão 11
Replace the words in brackets with more suitable words. Circle the correct form of the verbo

1. He's not old enough to _ 1. It was the most difficult choice he had ever had to imake/doi.
(= operate a cor).
2. Brazil is now (making/doing) a lot of business with African countries.
2. Vou will find his telephone number in the _
3. Pesticides have (made/done) a lot of harm to the soil.
(= book that gives a list of nomes, addresses and
teLephone numbers arranged in aLphabeticaL order).
4. She tmode/didi a mess in the kitchen.

3. They knew they had to act with _

5. Today I've (made/done) a net profit of 80 pounds.
(= good judgement).
6. It is my mother that tmakes/does; the housework.
4. 'Don't go to bed with a ,' he used to say.
(= an angry argument) 7. It (makes/does) no difference whether you
believe what I'rn saying or not.
5. It's as if he enjoyed the of other people.
(= unfortunate events) 8. Tonight it's your turn to (make/do) the washing up, Tony.

6. We had to find a new secretary because the old one was very _ 9. Working out tmokes/does; you good.
(= she dropped things on the fLoor, couLd never [ind the messages she
had taken [rom cLients, made Lots oi speLLingmistakes, etc.). 10. It should be noted that the government is (making/doing)
every possible effort to keep inflation down.
7. 'The anaesthetic may cause in the tongue and lips,'.
explained the dentist.
(= partial or totaL Lackof sensation)

8. My great-grandfather was a in the old country.

(= person who makes men's cLothes)

9. Mrs. Galloway suffers from _

(=0 disease that oiiects the joints, particuLarLy
the toes, knees and fingers).

10. Rose is often so that she tends to forget where she left
her car key, her glasses, her umbrella, etc.
(= so Lost in thought)


edit ~ publish
eagerness ~ nausea X Newspapers and magazines may edit readers' letters and
~ In our eagerness to succeed, we often forget some basic principles of comments, but reserve the right to publish them.
decency and honesty. (Em nossa ânsia de obter êxito, muitas vezes ~ Newspapers and magazines may publish readers' letters
esquecemos alguns princípios básicos de decência e honestidade.) and comments, but reserve the right to edit them. (Os
X Symptoms of poisoning include eagerness, jornais e revistas podem publicar cartas e comentários
headaches and muscle spasms. de leitores, mas reservam-se o direito de editá-Ios.)

~ Symptoms of poisoning include nausea, headaches and edit: editar, preparar, corrigir e adaptar um texto
muscle spasms. (Os sintomas de envenenamento incluem publish: publicar
ânsia de vômito, dores de cabeça e espasmos musculares.)

eagerness: ânsia, ansiedade

educate ~ bring up
nausea: náusea, ânsia de vômito
X He was brought up at St. Edward's.

~ He was educated at St. Edward's Boarding School.

economic ~ economical (Ele foi educado no Internato Santo Eduardo.)
X Brazils economical performance has been surprisingly X After her parents died in a plane crash she
positive in the face of the international crisis. was educated by her grandparents.
~ Brazils economic performance has been surprisingly positive ~ After her parents died in a plane crash she was brought
in the face of the international crisis. (O desempenho up by her grandparents. (Depois que seus pais morreram
econômico do Brasil tem sido surpreendentemente num desastre de avião, ela foi criada por seus avós.)
positivo em face da crise internacional.)
educate: educar, dar educação escolar
X Capricorns are said to be very economic.
bring up: educar, criar, dar educação familiar e moral
~ Capricorns are said to be very economical. (Dizem
que os capricornianos são muito econômicos.)
educated ~ well-bred
eco no mie: econômico (relativo à economia de um país)
economical: econômico (relativo ao uso criterioso do dinheiro) ~ You don't necessarily need to go to a prestigious university to be
considered educated. (Você não precisa necessariamente estudar
numa universidade de prestígio para ser considerado instruído.)

X She was shocked, of course, but she was too

educated to make any comment.


elude ~ delude
,/ She was shocked, of course, but she was too well-bred to
make any comment. (Ela estava chocada, é claro, mas era ,/ lhe killer was able to elude the police. (O
educa da de~ais para fazer qualquer comentário.) assassino conseguiu escapar da polícia.)

X Let us not elude ourselves: his condition is terminal.

educated: culto, instruído
well-bred: educado (dotado de boas maneiras) ,/ Let us not delude ourselves: his condition is terminal.
(Não nos iludamos: seu estado de saúde é terminal.)

elude: escapar
eighth ~ octave
delude: iludir
,/ To express her incredulity Lady Constance usually raised
her voice an octave. (Para exprimir sua incredulidade, Lady
Constance normalmente elevava sua voz uma oitava.) eminence ~ imminence
X This is the octave time she has come to see you, doctor! X We were surprised that she got married to someone
,/ This is the eighth time she has come to see you, doctor! of the imminence of Terry Winters.
(Esta é a oitava vez que ela vem aqui para vê-lo, doutor!) ,/ We were surprised that she got married to someone of the
eminence ofTerry Winters. (Foi uma surpresa saber que ela
eighth: oitavo (numeral ordinal)
se casara com alguém da importância de Terry Winters.)
octave: oitava (em música, um tom que é oito graus acima
ou abaixo de um outro tom) X People say that dogs can sense the eminence of an earthquake.

,/ People say that dogs can sense the imminence of an earthquake.

(Dizem que os cães podem sentir a iminência de um terremoto.)
elastic ~ rubber band
eminence: eminência, importância
X lhe photos were bound up with an elastic.
imminence: iminência, proximidade de concretização
,/ lhe photos were bound up with a rubber bando
(As fotos estavam presas por um elástico.)

,/ As the waist is elastic it can fit a number of sizes. (Uma vez emit ~ issue
que a cintura é elástica, ela serve em vários tamanhos.) ,/ lhe animal emitted a frightening sound. (O animal emitiu um som
rubber band: elástico (substantivo) amedrontador. )
elastic: elástico (adjetivo) ,/ lhe chimneys emitted a nauseating gas. (As
chaminés soltavam um gás nauseabundo.)

X lhe European countries that adopted the euro

lost the right to emit national currency.

enervating ~ irritating
,/ The European countries that adopted the euro lost the right to
issue national currency. (Os países europeus que adotaram o ,/ Although not serious, flu is an enervating disease. (Embora
euro perderam o direito de emitir suas moedas nacionais.) não seja séria, a gripe é uma doença que enfraquece.)

emit: emitir sons ou odores X The way he pronounced his name was.extremely enervating.
issue: emitir dinheiro ,/ The way he pronounced his name was extremely irritating. (A
maneira como ele pronunciava seu nome era muito irritante.)

end ~ finish enervating: enfraquecedor

irritating: irritante, enervante
X Their romance finished when he told her he was married.

,/ Their romance ended when he told her he was married. (O

caso entre eles acabou quando ele disse a ela que era casado.) engrave ~ record
X Danny, have you ended your homework? ,/ Her name was engraved on a gold bracelet. (O nome
dela estava gravado numa pulseira de ouro.)
,/ Danny, have you finished your homework?
(Danny, você terminou a lição de casa?) X Why don't you use your musical talent and engrave a CD?

end: acabar, chegar ao fim ,/ Why don't you use your musical talent and record a CD? (Por
que você não usa o seu talento musical e grava um CD?)
finish: terminar, completar
engrave: gravar, imprimir
record: gravar um disco, uma conversa
energetic ~ strict
,/ I was feeling quite energetic and went for a walk early
in the morning. (Eu estava me sentindo cheio de energia ensure ~ insure ~ assure
e saí para uma caminhada de manhã cedo.)
X We need a contract that can effectively insure our jobs.
X I'd rather have an energetic teacher whos fair and teaches
,/ We need a contract that can effectively ensure
well than a teacher who is nice but ineffficient.
our jobs. (Nós precisamos de um contrato que
,/ I'd rather have a strict teacher who's fair and teaches well than a efetivamente garanta nossos empregos.)
teacher who is nice but ineffficient. (Prefiro ter um professor severo,
X The museum is being criticised for not ensuring all its paintings.
que seja justo e ensine bem, a um professor legal mas ineficiente.)
,/ The museum is being criticised for not insuring all
energetic: cheio de energia its paintings. (O museu está sendo criticado por não
strict: enérgico, severo fazer um seguro de todos os seus quadros.)


X Mr. Kent insured Sally that her report to the board was perfect.

,/ Mr. Kent assured Sally that her report to the board

was perfect. (O sr. Kent garantiu a Sally que o seu
relatório para a diretoria estava perfeito.)

ensure: assegurar, garantir

insure: segurar, pôr no seguro
assure: garantir, asseverar

entrance ~ ticket épée ~ sword

,/ Where's the main entrance? (Onde é a entrada principal?) X Fencing women's team sword final: Austria beat France 9-6.

X When I got into the theatre I showed the usher my ,/ Fencing women's team épée final: Austria beat France 9-6.
entrance and he pointed to the numbered seat. (Final da esgrima feminina: Áustria 9 - França 6.)

,/ When I got into the theatre I showed the usher my ticket and he X Hiroshis hand was severed by a Samurai épée.
pointed to the numbered seat. (Quando eu entrei no teatro, mostrei ,/ Hiroshi's hand was severed by a Samurai sword. (A mão
ao assistente a entrada e ele apontou para o lugar numerado.) de Hiroshi foi decepada por uma espada samurai.)
entrance: entrada, local por onde se entra em um lugar épée: espada usada em esgrima
ticket: entrada, bilhete sword: espada normal

envelop ~ envelope equator ~ Ecuador

,/ His past was enveloped in mystery. (O passado X Rainforests occur in and around Ecuador.
dele estava encoberto de mistério.)
,/ Rainforests occur in and around the equator. (As florestas
X He took the photos out of a brown paper tropicais encontram-se nas proximidades do equador.)
envelop and laid them on the table.
X Quito, not Tegucigalpa, is the capital of Equator.
,/ He took the photos out of a brown paper envelope and
laid them on the table. (Ele tirou as fotos de dentro de um ,/ Quito, not Tegucigalpa, is the capital of Ecuador.
envelope de papel pardo e colocou-as sobre a mesa.) (Quito, e não Tegucigalpa, é a capital do Equador.)

envelop: encobrir, envolver equator: o equador, a linha imaginária que divide a Terra em duas metades
envelope: envelope Ecuador: Equador (o país)

equilibrium ~ balance escalate ~ climb
X Did you know that there is a mental balance blog? v'" Tension between unions and the government tended to escalate.
(A tensão entre os sindicatos e o governo tendia a aumentar.)
v'" Did you know that there is a mental equilibrium blog? (Você
sabia que existe um blog que trata do equilíbrio mental?) X Edmund Hillary was the first man to escalate Mount
Everest, the highest mountain in the world.
X She lost her equilibrium and fell to the fioor.
v'" Edmund Hillary was the first man to climb Mount Everest, the
v'" She lost her balance and fell to the fioor. (Ela
highest mountain in the world. (Edmund Hillary foi o primeiro
perdeu o equilíbrio e veio ao chão.)
homem a escalar o Monte Everest, a montanha mais alta do mundo.)
equilibrium: equilíbrio, moderação, prudência
escalate: aumentar, crescer, piorar
balance: equilíbrio, posição estável de um corpo
climb: escalar, subir (uma montanha, um muro ete.)

equivocate ~ make a mistake

especially ~ specially
v'" The student didn't know the answer so he tried to equivocate
X My daughter loves fruit, specially apples.
but the professor made him stop. (O estudante não sabia a
resposta e tentou tergiversar, mas o professor o fez parar.) v'" My daughter loves fruit, especially apples. (Minha
filha adora frutas, principalmente maçãs.)
X 'Sorry, he said, 'I've equívocated.
X They manufacture chairs that are especially designed for paraplegics.
v'" 'Sorry, he said, 'I've made a mistake,' ("Desculpe",
ele disse, "eu cometi um engano:') v'" They manufacture chairs that are specially designed
for paraplegics. (Eles fabricam cadeiras que são
equivocate: falar ambiguamente, tergiversar
especialmente desenhadas para paraplégicos.)
make a mistake: equivocar-se (enganar-se)
especially: especialmente, principalmente
specially: especialmente, feito para alguém em especial ou para
err ~ error alguma finalidade específica

v'" To err is humano (Errar é humano.)

X Experimentation is based on trial and erro esta te ~ state
v'" Experimentation is based on trial and error. (A v'" They are now digging for oil in his estate. (Estão
experimentação se baseia em tentativa e erro.) tentando encontrar petróleo nas terras dele.)

err: errar (verbo) X The Prime Minister expressed serious concern about
error: erro (substantivo) the physical estate of the troops in Iraq.

esteem: estimar, gostar
,/ The Prime Minister expressed serious concern about the physical
state of the troops in Iraq. (O primeiro-ministro expressou profunda estimate: estimar, calcular
preocupação com a condição física dos soldados no Iraque.)

X Barack Obama was bom in the estate ofHawaii in 1961. every day ~ everyday
,/ Barack Obama was bom in the state ofHawaii in 1961. X You don't meet a celebrity in the street everyday.
(Barack Obama nasceu no estado do Havaí em 1961.)
,/ You don't meet a celebrity in the street every day. (Não é
estate: propriedade, terra todo dia que você cruza com uma celebridade na rua.)
state: estado, condição
X He was sick and tired of his every day routine.

,/ He was sick and tired of his everyday routine. (Ele

essay ~ rehearsal já estava farto daquela sua rotina diária.)

,/ He decided to write an essay about Hitler's madness. (Ele every day: todo dia, diariamente (advérbio)
resolveu escrever um ensaio sobre a loucura de Hitler.) everyday: diário (adjetivo)
X A play of such complexity requires an enormous amount of essay.

,/ A play of such complexity requires an enormous eventually ~ maybe

amount of rehearsal. (Uma peça teatral de tanta
complexidade exige um número enorme de ensaios.) ,/ If you fali at first, keep trying and I'm sure you will eventually
succeed. (Se você a princípio fracassar, continue tentando
essay: ensaio, tese e eu tenho certeza de que no fim você terá êxito.)
rehearsal: ensaio (de orquestra ou de teatro)
X 'I don't know, Carol, he said, 'eventually you
should have a word with them.

esteem ~ estimate ,/ 'I don't know, Carol, he said, 'maybe you should have
a word with them. ('Não sei, Carol", ele disse, «talvez
X He is highly estimated by his colleagues.
você devesse ter uma conversa com eles".)
,/ He is highly esteemed by his colleagues. (Ele
eventually: finalmente, no fim
é muito estimado por seus colegas.)
maybe: eventualmente, talvez
X The plumber esteemed the cost of the repair at $78.

,/ The plumber estimated the cost ofthe repair at $78. (O

encanador calculou o conserto em 78 dólares.)

evil ~ harm
,/ 'Your Híghness, he said, 'the Russian ambassador, His Excellency Dr.
X The struggle between good and harm is Ivan Boyarska, is here to see you' (''Altezà: ele disse, "o embaixador
present all through the Bible. russo, Sua Excelência o Dr. Ivan Boyarska, está aqui para vê-lo")

,/ The struggle between good and evil is present all through the excellence: excelência, ótima qualidade
Bible. (A luta entre o bem e o mal está presente em toda a Bíblia.) excellency: excelência, termo usado em pronomes de tratamento
X Who knows what evil he might do!

,/ Who knows what harm he might do! (Só Deus

exceptional ~ handicapped
sabe o mal que ele poderia causar!)
,/ We were all astonished at his exceptional progresso (Nós todos
evil: mal, maldade, perversidade estávamos espantados com o seu excepcional progresso.)
harm: mal, malefício, prejuízo
X What are the chances ofhaving an exceptional child?

,/ What are the chances ofhaving a mentally handicapped child?

evict ~ avoid (Quais as chances de alguém ter um filho excepcional?)

,/ She was evicted from her apartment for not paying the rent. exceptional: excepcional, extraordinário
(Ela foi despejada do apartamento por não pagar o aluguel.) mentally retarded: excepcional, portador de deficiência mental
X Sometimes he would conceal his own fears
to evict alarming his wife and kids.
executioner ~ executor
,/ Sometimes he would conceal his own fears to avoid alarming
his wife and kids. (Às vezes ele escondia seus próprios X 'What do you think you are, sir, he asked
temores para evitar de assustar a esposa e os filhos.) vehemently, 'judge, jury and executor?'

evict: despejar
,/ 'What do you think you are, sir?' - he asked vehemently -
'Iudge, jury and executioner?' ("O que o senhor pensa que é?",
avoid: evitar
ele perguntou com veemência. "Juiz, jurado e carrasco?")

X He signed his will in the presence of his

excellence ~ excellency executioner and two more witnesses.

X The restaurant is renowned for the excellency of its food. ,/ He signed his will in the presence of his executor and two
more witnesses. (Ele assinou o testamento na presença
,/ The restaurant is renowned for the excellence of its food. (O
do seu testamenteiro e de duas outras testemunhas.)
restaurante é famoso pela ótima qualidade de sua comida.)
executioner: executor de uma sentença de morte, carrasco
X 'Your Highness, he said, 'the Russian ambassador, His
Excellence Dr. Ivan Boyarska, is here to see you' executor: executor de um testamento, testamenteiro


exhausting ~ exhaustive
,/ No one can be dismissed on the grounds of race, religion
X I was very tired after that long, exhaustive walk. or sexual orientation. (Ninguém pode ser demitido com
,/ I was very tired after that long, exhausting walk. (Depois daquela base em critérios raciais, religiosos ou sexuais.)
longa e exaustiva caminhada, eu estava me sentindo muito cansado.) exonerate: isentar
X Local authorities promised they would carry out an dismiss: exonerar, demitir
exhausting investigation into the boy's murder.

,/ Local authorities promised they would carry out an

expect ~ wait ~ hope ~ look forward to
exhaustive investigation into the boy's murder. (As
autoridades locais prometeram realizar uma investigação X Candidates are waited to answer the questions in ink.
cuidadosa sobre o assassinato do garoto.)
,/ Candidates are expected to answer the questions in ink.
exhausting: exaustivo, cansativo (Espera-se que os candidatos respondam às perguntas a tinta.)
exhaustive: exaustivo, meticuloso X She is waiting for a baby.

,/ She is expecting a baby. (Ela está esperando um bebê.)

exit ~ success X How long have you been expecting the bus?
X lheir first album was a smashing exit. ,/ How long have you been waiting for the bus? (Há
,/ lheir first album was a smashing success. quanto tempo você está esperando o ônibus?)
(O primeiro CD deles foi um tremendo sucesso.) X We're hoping to see you as soon as possible.
,/ After you drive past the tollgate, take exit 262 to Margate. ,/ We're looking forward to seeing you as soon as possible.
(Depois de passar pelo pedágio, pegue a saída 262 para Margate.) (Estamos aguardando vê-lo o mais breve possível.)

exit: saída X I look forward things will get better from now on.
success: êxito, sucesso ,/ I hope things will get better from now on. (Espero
que as coisas melhorem de agora em diante.)

exonerate ~ dismiss expect: 1 esperar (sem noção de tempo) 2 esperar (um filho)
wait: esperar (com a noção de tempo)
,/ lhe report exonerated the pilot of the blame for the accident.
(O relatório isentou o piloto de culpa pelo acidente.) hope: esperar, ter esperança
look forward to: esperar, ficar na expectativa, estar ansioso por
X No one can be exonerated on the grounds of
race, religion or sexual orientation.

experience ~ experiment exploit ~ explore

'" Do you have any experience in dealing with patients with AIDS? (O X Its a pity solar energy is not commercially explored in Brazil.
senhor tem alguma experiência em lidar com pacientes com AIDS?) '" 11'sa pity solar energy is not commercially exploited
X Careful criteria are essential in the interpretation of any experience. in Brazil. (É uma pena que a energia solar não
seja explorada comercialmente no Brasil.)
'" Careful criteria are essential in the interpretation of any
experimento (Critérios muito cuidadosos são essenciais X The captain decided to exploit the south coast
na interpretação de qualquer experiência.) of what is now the state of Bahia.

'" The captain decided to explore the south coast of what

experience: experiência, sabedoria adquirida ao longo da vida
is now the state of Bahia. O capitão resolveu explorar
experiment: experiência feita para testar algum efeito
a costa sul do que hoje é o estado da Bahia.)

exploit: explorar, aproveitar-se

expert ~ smart explore: explorar, pesquisar
'" Hes an expert on explosives. (Ele é um perito em explosivos.)

X She was the most expert girl in the class. exposure ~ exhibition
'" She was the smartest girl in the class. (Ela era X Exhibition to radiation can cause cancer.
a menina mais esperta da classe.)
'" Exposure to radiation can cause cancer. (A
expert: especialista, perito (substantivo) exposição à radiação póde provocar câncer.)
smart: esperto, inteligente (adjetivo)
X You can't miss the next photographic exposure at the Tate Gallery.

'" You can't miss the next photographic exhibition at

expiate ~ peep the Tate Gallery. (Você não pode perder a próxima
exposição fotográfica na Tate Gallery.)
'" He expiated his guilt at last. (Ele expiou sua culpa afinal.)
exposure: sujeição a uma situação de perigo ou risco
X Overtaken by curiosity, I bent down to expiate through the keyhole.
exhibition: exposição, mostra
'" Overtaken by curiosity, I bent down to peep
through the keyhole. (Tomado pela curiosidade,
eu me abaixei para espiar pela fechadura.)
express ~ espresso
expiate: expiar, remir, pagar por X Hes acting on the Presidents espresso instructions.
peep: espiar, olhar furtivamente
'" He's acting on the Presidents express instructions. (Ele está
agindo de acordo com ordens expressas do Presidente.)


3. Sometimes it may prove more to buy a

X 'Come and see my new express coffee machine, she said.
new TV set than to have the old one fixed.
~ 'Come and see my new espresso coffee machine, she said. ("Venha
4. ____ a moment, you didn't tell us the place was empty!
ver minha nova máquina de fazer café expresso", ela disse.)
5. How important is technology in life?
express: expresso
6. Chocolates, Swiss and Belgian ones,
espresso: café expresso
are delicious, but terribly expensive.

7. Much as I you, I cannot give you my consent.

exquisite ~ strange 8. That was an with chimpanzees carried out
X Maxim's de Paris is renowned for its strange food. by Peter Lewis, a zoologist from Oxford University.

9. They tried, without much , to persuade him

~ Maxims de Paris is renowned for its exquisite food. (O
to come back, but he wouldn't listen to them.
Maxims de Paris é famoso por sua comida refinadíssima.)
10. He worked for quite a long time as a gardener
X I had an exquisite dream last night.
on the of the Spencer family.
~ I had a strange dream last night. (Ontem
11. Trevor Mason, Minister of for the
eu tive um sonho esquisito.)
Environment, has just announced his resignation.
exquisite: requintado, delicioso 12. We are ali very worried about the decline in the
strange: esquisito, estranho US's global hegemony.

13. I meet him on my way to work.

Revisão 12 14. What can we from the first swine flu vaccine?

Fill in the blanks with words below. 15. Soon after we drove off he began to talk in
a , sinister manner.

economic economical educated well-bred 16. He is a pilot of wide who has

especially specially estate state fought in Iraq and Afghanistan.
esteem estimate every day everyday 17. Our exclusive fashion cosmetics are selected to suit you.
exit success expect wait
18. Even men like Mr. Boswell believed
experience experiment exquisite strange in the existence of witchcraft.

1. I didn't like him, but I was too to say so to anyone. 19. It would be very difficult to try to how
many parents will attend the meeting.
2. The decor is tasteful and includes
many antiques and Renassaince paintings. 20. To his horror, he saw that there was a barrier blocking the __ .


X When a doctor asks for a faeces test, he or she is often looking

fabric ~ factory for the presence ofblood, which may be a sign of colon cancer .

../ Fortex: A resistant fabric made from high-quality fibres. (Fortex: ../ When a doctor asks for a stool test, he or she is often
um tecido resistente feito de fibras de alta qualidade.) looking for the presence of blood, which may be a sign
of colon cancer. (Quando um médico solicita um exame
X This fabric produces computer chips. de fezes, ele muitas vezes está à procura da presença de
../ This factory produces computer chips. (Esta sangue, o que pode ser um sinal de câncer do cólon.)
fábrica produz chips de computador.)
faeces: fezes
fabric: pano, tecido stool test: exame de fezes
factory: fábrica

falcon ~ hawk
fabrication ~ invention X Id like to know where Ican buy a trained hawk.
../ Thomas Edison is usually credited with the invention ../ I'd like to know where I can buy a trained faleon. (Eu gostaria
of the electric bulbo (Atribui-se geralmente a Thomas de saber onde posso comprar um falcão treinado.)
Edison a invenção da lâmpada elétrica.)
X During the Vietnam war, Congress was
X The whole story was described as a total invention. divided into falcons and doves .
../ The whole story was described as a total fabrication. ../ During the Vietnam war, Congress was divided into
(A história toda foi descrita como pura invenção.) hawks and doves. (Durante a guerra do Vietnã, o
../ The fabrication of the new model took almost five years. Congresso estava dividido entre falcões e pombos.)
(A fabricação do novo modelo levou quase cinco anos.)
falcon: falcão, ave de rapina que pode ser treinada para caçar
fabrication: 1 invenção, mentira 2 fabricação hawk: 1 falcão, ave de rapina com o dobro do tamanho de um falcon 2
invention: invenção, criação de algo antes inexistente falcão, pessoa que apoia soluções de força para qualquer tipo
de conflito

faeces ~ stool
fantasy ~ costume
../ Cholera is transmitted in food or water contaminated by the faeces
of an infected person. (A cólera é transmitida pela água ou por X She wore a wonderful fantasy at the carnival parade.
alimentos contaminados pelas fezes de uma pessoa infectada.) ../ She wore a wonderful costume at the carnival parade. (Ela
usou uma fantasia maravilhosa no desfile de carnaval.)

fathers ~ parents
~ Psychoanalysts now agree that we all have promiscuous
sexual fantasies. (Os psicanalistas hoje concordam que ~ Most children tend to see their fathers as heroes. (A maioria
todos nós temos fantasias sexuais promíscuas.) das crianças tende a ver seus pais como heróis.)

fantasy: fantasia (sonho) X My fathers carne from Russia.

costume: fantasia (roupa) ~ My parents carne from Russia. (Meus pais vieram da Rússia.)

fathers: pais, homens que têm filhos

farther ~ further parents: pais (homem e mulher)

~ He was so tired that he couldn't go any farther/further. (Ele

estava tão cansado que não dava mais para continuar.) feather ~ pity ~ quill
~ They had saíled much farther/further than I would have imagined. X The poor child was as light as a pity.
(Eles tinham navegado muito além do que eu teria imaginado.)
~ The poor child was as light as a feather. (A pobre
X Contact our local brank for farther details. criança era mais leve que uma pluma.)
~ Contact our local brank for further details. (Entre em X What a feather they can't come to the party!
contato com nossa filial para maiores detalhes.)
~ What a pity they can't come to the party! (Que
farther/further: (comparativo de superioridade de far) mais longe, pena que eles não podem vir à festa!)
mais distante, mais além
X He read the document again, took the feather and signed it.
further: adicional, mais, extra
~ He read the document again, took the quill and signed it. (Ele
leu o documento novamente, pegou a pena e assinou-o.)
fatally ~ inevitably
feather: pena, pluma
~ He was fatal1y wounded in the battle. (Ele pity: pena, dó
foi mortalmente ferido na batalha.)
quill: pena de ave, usada no passado para escrever
X Sooner or later we will fatal1y have to face the facts.

~ Sooner or later we will inevitably have to face the facts. (Mais cedo
fervent ~ boiling
ou mais tarde, fatalmente nós vamos ter que encarar os fatos.)
~ He is a fervent admire r of Gothic architecture. (Ele é
fatally: mortalmente
um fervoroso admirador da arquitetura gótica.)
inevitably: fatalmente
X She carne from the kitchen holding a kettle of fervent water.


~ She carne from the kitchen holding a kettle ofboiling water. (Ela fight: 1 luta 2 briga, discussão
veio da cozinha segurando uma chaleira de água fervente.) quarrel: briga, discussão
discussion: discussão, troca de ideias
fervent: fervoroso, ardente
boiling: fervente

filial ~ branch

feud ~ fief ~ He showed no sign of filial affection at his father's funeral. (Ele não
demonstrou nenhum sinal de amor filial durante o enterro do pai.)
~ His assassination started a family feud which has been
going on for three generations. (Seu assassinato deu início X The ATS filial manager at Brighton was
a uma rixa entre famílias que já dura há três gerações.) arrested for embezzlement last night.

X Gone are the days when everything beyond the ~ The ATS branch manager at Brighton was arrested for
Mississippi was a Republican feud. embezzlement last night. (O gerente da filial da ATS em
Brighton foi preso por estelionato ontem à noite.)
~ Gone are the days when everything beyond the Mississippi
was a Republican fief. (Lá se vão os dias em que toda a filial: filial (relativo aos filhos)
área além do Mississippi era um feudo republicano.) branch: filial (sucursal)

feud: rixa, inimizade

fief: feudo
finality ~ purpose
~ I believe that death is the ultimate finality, because I'm convinced
fight ~ quarrel ~ discussion there is nothing after this life. (Acredito que a morte é o fim de tudo,
porque estou convencido de que não existe nada após esta vida.)
X Did you watch the heavyweight quarrel on TV last night?
X I often wonder what is the finality of education?
~ Did you watch the heavyweight fight on TV last night? (Você
viu a luta do pesos pesados pela televisão ontem à noite?) ~ I often wonder what is the purpose of education? (Muitas
vezes eu me pergunto para que serve a educação.)
~ I had a fight with my son last night. (Tive uma
briga com meu filho ontem à noite.) finality: finalidade, caráter final
purpose: finalidade, propósito, objetivo
~ I had a quarrel with my son last night. (Tive uma
briga com meu filho ontem à noite.)

~ Their proposal is under discussion now. (Sua

proposta está em discussão agora.)

128 129
finger ~ toe ./ In this aquarium, you will see a small number of
tortoises, rays and sharks. (Neste aquário, vocês verão um
X Don't kick the
pequeno número de tartarugas, arraias e tubarões.)
ball with your
big finger. fish bowl: aquário doméstico
./ Don't kick the aquarium: aquário público
ball with your
big toe. (Não
chute a bola fit ~ suit
com o dedão.)
X lhe skirt suited her like a glove.
X She cut her toe
./ lhe skirt fitted her like a glove. (A saia serviu como uma luva para ela.)
while she was
peeling the potatoes. X This blouse doesn't fit me. I look so old in it!

./ She cut her ./ lhis blouse doesn't suit me. I look so old in it! (Esta
finger while she blusa não fica bem em mim. Eu pareço tão velha!)
was peeling the
fit: servir, caber, ter o tamanho certo
potatoes. (Ela cortou
o dedo enquanto descascava as batatas.) suit: ficar bem

finger: dedo da mão

toe: dedo do pé flax ~ linen
X His father told him to reap the linen and milk the cows .

fish bowl ~ aquarium ./ His father told him to reap the flax and milk the cows. (Seu
pai disse-lhe para colher o linho e ordenhar as vacas.)
X The pet shop owner doesn't recommend
keeping goldfish in aquariums. X In ancient Egypt clothes were made of flax.

./ The pet shop owner doesn't recommend keeping goldfish ./ In ancient Egypt clothes were made oflinen. (No
in bowls. (O dono da loja de animais não recomenda antigo Egito as roupas eram feitas de linho.)
manter peixinhos dourados em aquários.)
flax: planta com flores azuis, da qual se extrai a fibra de linho
X In this fish bowl, you will see a small number linen: linho (o tecido)
of tortoises, rays and sharks.

130 131
foreigner: estrangeiro
flour ~ flower
stranger: estranho, forasteiro
X Add the flower and the eggs, and cook for two minutes .

../ Add the flour and the eggs, and cook for two minutes. (Acrescente
a farinha e os ovos, e leve ao fogo por dois minutos.) forget ~ leave
X You've got some beautiful flour in your garden, Mrs. Frenton . ../ She forgot to mention her name. (Ela esqueceu de dizer seu nome.)

../ You've got some beautiful flowers in your garden, Mrs. Frenton. X She forgot her keys at the bank.
(As flores do seu jardim são muito bonitas, sra. Frenton.) ../ She left her keys at the bank. (Ela esqueceu as chaves no banco.)

flour: farinha forget: esquecer, não lembrar

flower: flor leave: esquecer, deixar algo em algum lugar

float ~ fluctuate formidable ~ marvellous

X Wood fluctuates in water. ../ The problems he would have to face were formidable. (Os
../ Wood floats in water. (A madeira flutua na água.) problemas que ele teria de enfrentar eram imensos.)

X The exchange rate can float a lot. X His performance was absolutely formidable!

../ The exchange rate can fluctuate a lot. (A ../ His performance was absolutely marvellous! (Sua
taxa de câmbio pode variar muito.) atuação foi simplesmente formidável!)

fluctuate: flutuar, variar formidable: tremendo, impressionante, imenso

float: flutuar na água marvellous: formidável, maravilhoso

foreigner ~ stranger foster parents ~ adoptive parents

X 'Are you a stranger?' 'No, I was bom here' X In 2008 his adoptive parents applied to adopt him, but
his birth parents refused to consent to the adoption .
../ 'Are you a foreigner?' 'No, I was bom here. ("Você
é estrangeiro?" "Não, eu nasci aqui") ../ In 2008 his foster parents applied to adopt him, but his birth
parents refused to consent to the adoption. (Em 2008 seus
X 'Never talk to foreigners, her mother always told her.
pais de criação entraram com um pedido de adoção definitiva,
../ 'Neve r talk to strangers: her mother always told her. mas os pais biológicos não deram o consentimento.)
("Nunca fale com estranhos", sua mãe sempre lhe dizia.)

t- I

X He had no idea that they were his foster parents fracas: tumulto, briga
until the day he read their will. failure: fracasso
,/ He had no idea that they were his adoptive parents until the
day he read their will. (Ele não tinha ideia de que eles eram seus
pais adotivos até o dia em que ele leu o testamento deles.) frog ~ toad
X I once saw a big frog squirt a jet of poison at a cat a metre away.
foster parents: (pais adotivos, que assumem a responsabilidade
temporária pela educação de uma criança, sem torná-Ia parte da ,/ I once saw a bíg toad squirt a jet of poison at a cat a metre
família) away. (Uma vez eu vi um sapo grande lançar um jato de veneno
adoptive parents: pais adotivos (em caráter definitivo) contra um gato que estava a um metro de distância.)

X Toad legs tas te like chicken.

fountain ~ source ,/ Frog legs taste like chicken. (Rã tem gosto de frango.)

,/ Rome is full of fountains, the most famous of which frog: rã

is Fontana de Trevi. (Roma está cheia de fontes, a toad: sapo
mais famosa das quais é a Fontana de Trevi.)

X Their site provides a rich fountain of information

on Inca history and traditions.
fugue ~ escape
,/ The CD contains all of Bachs toccatas and fugues. (O
,/ Their site provides a rich source of information on Inca
CD contém todas as tocatas e fugas de Bach.)
history and traditions. (O seu site fornece uma rica fonte de
informações sobre a história e as tradições dos incas.) X The police blocked off their only fugue route.

fountain: fonte de água ,/ The police blocked off their only escape route. (A
source: fonte, origem, procedência polícia bloqueou sua única rota de fuga.)

fugue: fuga, composição musical polifônica

escape: fuga, ação de fugir
fracas ~ failure
,/ The neighbours called the police to break up the fracas. (Os
vizinhos chamaram a polícia a fim de parar a briga.) fur ~ skin
X Fracas will beget fracas. X She was wearing a very expensive skin coat.
,/ Failure will beget failure. (O fracasso gera fracasso.) ,/ She was wearing a very expensive fur coat. (Ela estava
usando um casaco de pele muito caro.)

X If your fur is very sensitive, use a sun protection Revisão 13
facto r cream greater than thirty. Unscramble the letters and form a word. The clues in brackets
~ If your skin is very sensitive, use a sun protection will certainly help you.
facto r cream greater than thirty. (Se sua pele é muito
sensível, use um protetor solar maior que trinta. 1. CABFIR (cotton and silk are examples of this word)

fur: pele (de animais como o urso, a chinchila, o coelho etc.) 2. MUSCETO (people often wear this at carnival parades)
skin: pele (de gente)
3. TRAFESHE ( birds' bodies are covered in them)

4. UFDE (this was between Romeo's and Juliet's families)

fuse ~ time zone 5. BECNHRAS (a large bank has many of these)

~ Oh dear, the fuse has blown! (Ah, meu Deus, queimou o fusível!) 6. SOTE ( each of your feet has five of these)
X ,It takes a few days to adjust to a new time fuse.
7. FRU O L (you need this to make a cake)
~ It takes a few days to adjust to a new time zone. (Leva alguns
dias até a gente se adaptar a um novo fuso horário.) 8. DATO (this animal looks like a frog)

fuse: fusível 9. U RF (you can make coats with it)

time zone: fuso horário
10. L I A R F U E (this is what you get when you don't succeed)

136 137

,/ I saw when the soldier yanked out the pin and threw the grenade.
gammon ~ backgammon (Eu vi quando o soldado puxou o pino e atirou a granada.)
,/ You can serve the gammon warm or cold with mashed potatoes.
garnet: granada, pedra preciosa de cor vermelha
(O presunto pode ser servido quente ou frio com purê de batatas.)
grenade: granada (bomba)
X Colonel Travis and I used to play gammon in the Military Club bar.

,/ Colonel Travis and I used to play backgammon in the

Military Club bar. (Eu e o Coronel Travis costumávamos
gavel ~ hammer
jogar gamão no bar do Clube Militar.) X The auctioneer beat the table with his hammer and said 'Sold!'

gammon: presunto ,/ The auctioneer beat the table with his gavel and said 'Sold!'
backgammon: gamão (O leiloeiro bateu o martelo e disse: "Vendido!':

X I don't remember the last time I used a gavel or a screwdriver.

garland ~ wreath ,/ I don't remember the last time I used a hammer or a

screwdriver. (Eu não lembro quando foi a última vez
,/ The bride was wearing a lavender garland. (A noiva que usei um martelo ou uma chave de fenda.)
estava usando uma coroa de alfazema.)
gavel: martelo usado por um juiz ou leiloeiro
X She placed a garland of laurel and daffodils on her husband's coffin.
hammer: martelo comum
,/ She placed a wreath oflaurel and daffodils on her
husband's coffin. (Ela depositou uma coroa de
louros e narcisos sobre o caixão do marido.) gem ~ yolk
garland: grinalda, coroa de flores usada na cabeça ou no pescoço ,/ She showed me alI the emeralds, topazes and the other
wreath: coroa de flores fúnebre precious gems she had. (Ela me mostrou todas as esmeraldas,
os topázios e as outras pedras preciosas que ela possuía.)

X Beat the egg gems until they are creamy

garnet ~ grenade and then add the milk and sugar.
X The brooch had the form of a dolphin with grenade eyes. ,/ Beat the egg yolks until they are creamy and then add
,/ The brooch had the form of a dolphin with garnet eyes. (O the milk and sugar. (Bata as gemas de ovos até que elas
broche tinha o formato de um golfinho com olhos de granada.) fiquem cremosas e então acrescente o leite e o açúcar.)

gem: gema, pedra preciosa

yolk: gema de ovo

138 139

gender ~ genre ../ Oscar Niemeyer is an architect of genius who has put
X 'Ship' is one of the 'things' that may be Brasilia on the map. (Oscar Niemeyer é um arquiteto
referred to in the feminine genre . genial que tornou Brasília conhecida no mundo todo.)

../ 'Ship' is one of the 'things' that may be referred to in genial: afável, cordial
the feminine gender. ("Navio" é uma das "coisas" que of genius: genial
podem ser mencionadas no gênero feminino.)

X Shakespeare was an expert in both the

comedy and the tragedy genders.
gigolo ~ pimp

../ Shakespeare was an expert in both the comedy and ../ She was rich enough to pay a gigolo to be her lover. (Ela
the tragedy genres. (Shakespeare foi um especialista era rica o suficiente para ter um gigolô como amante.)
tanto no gênero comédia como na tragédia.) X The man was a gigolo who worked several girls around King's Cross .

gender: gênero gramatical (masculino, feminino ou neutro) ../ The man was a pimp who worked several girls
genre: gênero, um tipo ou espécie de obra artística em geral e literária around King's Cross. (O homem era um gígolô que
em especial explorava várias garotas em King's Cross.)

gigolo: homem que recebe dinheiro de uma mulher em troca de

favores sexuais
generate ~ bear
pimp: gígolô (homem que explora prostitutas)
../ We urgently need a creative policy to generate new
jobs. (Precisamos urgentemente de uma política
criativa para gerar novos empregos.) glue ~ cheat
X It is a kind of strategy that requires time to generate fruit. ../ His father glued all the pieces of the model plane together.
../ It is a kind of strategy that requires time to bear fruit. (É um (Seu pai colou todas as peças do aviãozinho.)
tipo de estratégia que requer tempo para dar resultado.) X His math teacher caught him glueing .

generate: gerar ou criar projetos, empregos ete. ../ His math teacher caught him cheating. (Seu
bear: gerar filhos ou frutos professor de matemática pegou-o colando.)

glue: colar, grudar

cheat: colar, trapacear numa prova ou exame
genial ~ of genius
../ He is in a genial mood today. (Ele está de bom humor hoje.)

X Oscar Niemeyer is a genial architect who

has put Brasilia on the map.

140 141

goalpost ~ crossbar godmother ~ bridesmaid ~ stepmother

X The goalkeeper managed to get the ball but X Guess what! Marion Gibbs has requested me
hit his head against the crossbar. to stand stepmother for her child!

~ The goalkeeper managed to get the ball but hit his ~ Guess what! Marion Gibbs has requested me to stand
head against the goalpost. (O goleiro conseguiu pegar godmother for her child! (Adivinhe o que aconteceu! A
a bola, mas bateu a cabeça contra a trave.) Marion me convidou para ser madrinha da criança!)

X It was a tremendous shot, but luckily for Chelsea, X 'I'm not like Snow White's wicked godmother, she said with a smile.
the ball flew over the goalpost. ~ 'I'm not like Snow White's wicked stepmother,' she said
~ It was a tremendous shot, but luckily for Chelsea, the ball flew with a smile. Ç'Eu não sou como a perversa madrasta
over the crossbar. (Foi um chute espetacular, mas felizmente da Branca de Neve", ela disse com um sorriso.)
para o Chelsea, a bola passou por cima do travessão.) X When Olga told Sheila that she wanted her for a
stepmother at her wedding to Robert, she was thrilled.
goalpost: uma das duas traves verticais do gol
crossbar: trave horizontal do gol, travessão ~ When Olga told Sheila that she wanted her for a bridesmaid
at her wedding to Robert, she was thrilled. (Quando Olga
disse a Sheila que queria que ela fosse a madrinha do seu
godfather ~ stepfather casamento com o Robert, ela ficou emocionada.)

X He wrote him a letter, inviting him to be the childs stepfather. godmother: madrinha de batismo

~ He wrote him a letter, inviting him to be the chíld's godfather. (Ele stepmother: madrasta

lhe escreveu uma carta, convidando-o a ser o padrinho da criança.) bridesmaid: madrinha de casamento

X She ran away from home because she didn't

like living with her new godfather.
good ~ goods
~ She ran away from home because she didn't want to
X They are very goods actors.
live with her new stepfather. (Ela fugiu de casa porque
não queria viver com seu novo padrasto.) ~ They are very good actors. (Eles são excelentes atores.)

X I had the honour to be godfather at David Spencer's wedding. ~ There's no way to control the demand for goods and services.
(Não há como controlar a demanda por bens e serviços.)
~ I had the honour to be best man at David Spencer's wedding. (Eu
tive a honra de ser padrinho de casamento de David Spencer.) ~ Have ali the goods we ordered last week been delivered? (Será que
toda a mercadoria que pedimos na semana passada já foi entregue?)
godfather: padrinho de batismo
stepfather: padrasto good: bom (adjetivo - não tem plural)

best man: padrinho de casamento goods: bens, mercadoria (substantivo só usado no plural)

142 143
gout ~ drop
~ I had an uncle who died of gout. (Eu tive
um tio que morreu de gota.)

X I knew some people would say 'You're only a gout

in the bucket, but it wouldn't matter.

~ I knew some people would say 'You're only a drop in the bucket,

but it wouldn't matter. (Eu sabia que algumas pessoas diriam que eu
não passava de uma gota no oceano, mas não tinha importância.)

gout: gota, doença caracterizada pela inflamação das juntas dos pés e
das mãos
drop: gota (de água)

~ The crystallographic structure of graphite was established

gracious ~ graceful
by J. D. Bernal in 1924. (A estrutura cristalográfica do
X '1'11be glad to accept your graceful invitation, he said. grafite foi estabelecida por J. D. Bernal em 1924.)

~ '1'11be glad to accept your gracious invitation, he said. graffiti: pichação em muros
("Será um prazer aceitar seu amável convite", ele disse)
graphite: grafite, substância usada em lápis, tintas e
X She walked towards him with gracious movements. equipamento elétrico

~ She walked towards him with graceful movements. (Ela foi se

encaminhando na direção dele com movimentos graciosos.)
grand ~ big
gracious: amável, bondoso, gentil X We were impressed by the big landscape of the forest.
graceful: gracioso
~ We were impressed by the grand landscape of the forest. (Ficamos
impressionados com a paisagem majestosa da floresta.)

graffiti ~ graphite X Uncle Harry was a grand man with a fine moustache .

X The walls of the building had been covered with graphite. .~ Uncle Harry was a big man with a fine moustache. (Tio
Harry era um homem grande com um belo bigode.)
~ The walls of the building had been covered with graffiti. (As
paredes do prédio tinham sido cobertas com pichações.) grand: grande, esplêndido, majestoso

X The crystallographic structure of graffiti was big: grande, em matéria de tamanho

established by J. D. Bernal in 1924.

144 145
grasshopper ~ cricket ../ Would you like to receive a free copy of our magazine? (Você
X There are many differences between a grasshopper gostaria de receber um exemplar grátis de nossa revista?)
and a cricket, the main one being that the former is a
nocturnal insect and the latter is a diurnal insect. gratuitous: gratuito, desnecessário
free: gratuito, de graça
../ There are many differences between a cricket and a grasshopper,
the main one being that the former is a nocturnal insect and
the latter is a diurnal insect. (Há muitas diferenças entre um
groom ~ fiancé
grilo e um gafanhoto, sendo que a principal delas é que o grilo
é um inseto noturno e o gafanhoto é um inseto diurno.) X There she was, sitting in her wedding dress, waiting
for the fiancé who would never come.
grasshopper: gafanhoto
../ There she was, sitting in her wedding dress, waiting for the
cricket: grilo
groom who would never come. (Lá estava ela, sentada com
seu vestido branco, esperando pelo noivo que jamais viria.)

gratification ~ bonus X According to People, actress Brenda Fox and her

groom Paul Morris have broken up.
../ He had the gratification of seeing both his children getting on in
life. (Ele tinha o prazer de ver seus dois filhos se saindo bem.) ../ According to People, actress Brenda Fox and her fiancé Paul
Morris have broken up. (De acordo com a revista People, a
X Besides his ordinary salary, he was given a
atriz Brenda Fox rompeu com seu noivo Paul Morris.)
gratification of five per cent of the net profit .
groom: noivo (homem prestes a se casar)
../ Besides his ordinary salary, he was given a bonus of five per
cent of the net profit. (Além do salário normal, ele recebia fiancé: noivo, homem que pediu uma mulher em casamento
uma gratificação de cinco por cento do lucro líquido.)

gratification: satisfação, prazer gross ~ thick

bonus: gratificação
../ The film contains gross language, which makes it
unsuitable for small children. (O filme contém linguagem
grosseira, o que o torna inadequado para crianças.)
gratuitous ~ free
X All of a sudden he saw himself in the middle of a gross forest.
He was accused of acting with gratuitous violence. (Ele
foi acusado de agir com desnecessária violência.) ../ All of a sudden he saw himself in the middle of a thick forest.
(De repente, ele se viu no meio de uma densa floresta.)
Would you like to receive a gratuitous copy of our magazine?
gross grosseiro, mal-educado, vulgar
thick: grosso, espesso, denso

guard 'I:- keep 'I:- put away
Revisão 14
,/ Five men were in charge of guarding the governor's
Fill in the crossword below.
caro (Cinco homens estavam encarregados de
dar proteção ao carro do governador.) Down
X 'Guard the change,' he said to the cab driver. 1. Not palite, not refined 1. Drawings or writing on a
3. A man to whom a woman wall in public places
,/ 'Keep the change, he said to the cab driver. ("Fique is engaged to be married 2. The yellow part of the egg
com o troco': ele disse ao chofer de táxi.) 5. A sticky substance you use to 3. Costing nothing
stick stamps on an envelope 4. Act dishonestly in an exam
X He helped his mother to wash the dishes and guard them.
8. The woman my father got 6. Meat similar to bacon
,/ He helped his mother to wash the dishes and put them away. married to after my mom died
7. An insect thatjumps and
(Ele ajudou sua mãe a lavar os pratos e guardá-los.) 10. Vou hit nails with it makes high vibrating sounds
11. A man who lives on the 9. The sensation food
guard: guardar (dar proteção)
money prostitutes earn causes when you eat it
keep: guardar (manter) 12. Give birth
put away: guardar (pôr no lugar)

gusto 'I:- taste 2 3

,/ He was so hungry that he could eat a dog biscuit with
gusto. (Ele estava com tanta fome que seria capaz
de comer ração de cachorro com prazer.)
X A protective coating conceals the gusto of the medicine.

,/ A protective coating conceals the tas te of the medicine. (Uma

cobertura de proteção esconde o gosto do remédio.)

gusto: entusiasmo, prazer

taste: gosto

148 149
( Health!}

handwriting ~ letter
X She immediately recognised his letter .

../ She immediately recognised his handwriting.

(Ela na hora reconheceu a letra dele.)

../ '1\.is the first letter of the alphabet. (''1\.'é a primeira letra do alfabeto.)

handwriting: letra, caligrafia

letter: letra, cada um dos sinais gráficos que compõem o alfabeto

X People often say 'Health' after someone has sneezed.

hard ~ hardly
../ People often say 'God bless you' after someone has sneezed. (As
X He works very hardly.
pessoas muitas vezes dizem "saúde" depois que alguém espirra.)
../ He works very hard. (Ele trabalha muito.)
health: saúde (substantivo)
../ 'This roll is as hard as iron!' he said. ("Este pãozinho God bless you: saúde (interjeição), exclamação que se diz quando
está mais duro que pedra!", ele disse.)
alguém espirra
X I was so ashamed I could hard look in his face. cheers: saúde (interjeição), exclamação que se diz quando se faz um
../ I was so ashamed I could hardly look in his face. (Eu estava
tão envergonhado que mal podia olhar para o seu rosto.)

hard: muito (advérbio) hear ~ listen

hard: duro (adjetivo) X I couldn't listen to what he said.
hardly: mal, quase não (advérbio)
../ I couldn't hear what he said. (Eu não ouvi o que ele disse.)

X 'Sit down and hear me: he said.

health ~ God bless you ~ Cheers ../ 'Sit down and listen to me: he said. ("Sente-
../ You shouldn't eat it. It's bad for your health. (Você se e me escute", ele disse.)
não devia comer isso. Faz mal à saúde.)
hear: ouvir
X 'Health!' said Brian, and everybody raised their glasses. listen: escutar (prestar atenção ao que se ouve)
../ 'Cheers!' said Brian, and everybody raised their glasses.
("Saúde!", disse Brian, e todos ergueram seus copos.)

heaven ~ sky
./ The helicopter had a four-bladed propeller. (O
X Grandma went to the sky, Tommy.
helicóptero tinha uma hélice de quatro pás.)
Grandma went to heaven, Tommy. (A vovó foi para o céu, Tommy.)
helix: espiral
X Look at ali the stars in heaven. propeller: hélice
./ Look at ali the stars in the sky. (Olhe todas as estrelas no céu.)

heaven: céu, paraíso herb ~ weed

sky: céu, firmamento
X Oregano and basil are my favourite weeds .

./ Oregano and basil are my favourite herbs. (O orégano

Hebraic ~ Hebrew e o manjericão são minhas ervas preferidas.)

X I've always been fond of Hebrew religious literature . X The garden is covered in herbs.

./ I've always been fond of Hebraic religious literature. ./ The garden is covered in weeds. (O jardim
(Eu sempre gostei da literatura religiosa hebraica.) está coberto de ervas daninhas.)

X Can you speak Hebraic? herb: erva, planta que pode ser usada em culinária

./ Can you speak Hebrew? (Você fala hebraico?) weed: erva daninha

Hebraic: hebraico, relativo aos hebreus

Hebrew: hebraico (a língua) heritage ~ inheritance
X Are we a nation that cherishes its cultural inheritance?

helix ~ propeller ./ Are we a nation that cherishes its cultural heritage? (Será que
somos uma nação que cuida de sua herança cultural?)
./ DNA has the shape of a double
helix. (O DNA tem a forma X He recklessly wasted his heritage.
de uma espiral dupla.)
./ He recklessly wasted his inheritance. (Ele dilapidou
X The helicopter had a sua herança sem a menor prudência.)
four-bladed helix.
heritage: herança, conjunto de valores transmitidos de geração a
v geração
inheritance: herança (bens que se transmitem por via de
sucessão ou por testamento)

heroin ~ heroine X He kept his gun on the tall shelf of a cupboard.
X He became a heroine addict before he was 20. v" He kept his gun on the high shelf of a cupboard. (Ele
v" He became a heroin addict before he was twenty. (Ele se guardava o revólver na prateleira mais alta do armário.)
tornou um dependente de heroína antes dos vinte anos.) high: alto (usado para montanhas, nuvens, pássaros voando, cadeiras,
X Many people believe that Maria Bonita, cercas, saltos de sapatos, prateleiras e também para substantivos
Lampíão's girlfriend, is a heroin. abstratos tais como definição, esperança, expectativa, frequência,
nível, porcentagem, preço, pressão, proporção, qualidade,
v" Many people believe that Maria Bonita, Lampiãos reputação, risco, taxa de mortalidade, velocidade, voltagem etc.)
girlfriend, is a heroine. (Para muita gente, Maria Bonita,
tal!: alto (usado para pessoas, árvores, edifícios, chaminés, muros ete.)
a companheira de Lampião, é uma heroína.)

heroin: heroína, droga poderosa e ilegal

heroine: heroína, mulher admirada por sua coragem hijack ~ kidnap
X Three men kidnaped a plane that was flying to Brussels.

hiccup ~ sob v" Three men hijacked a plane that was flying to Brussels. (Três
homens sequestraram um avião que estava voando para Bruxelas.)
X I often get sobs when I eat too quickly.
X Charles Lindbergh's son was hijacked from his nursery.
v" I often get hiccups when I eat too quickly. (Frequentemente
v" Charles Lindbergh's son was kidnaped from his nursery. (O filho
fico com soluço quando como muito depressa.)
de Charles Lindbergh foi sequestrado de dentro do seu quarto.)
X '1'11never pass my exams, I said with a hiccup.
hijack: sequestrar veículos (aviões, principalmente)
v" '1'11never pass my exams, I said with a sob. ("Eu nunca
kidnap: sequestrar pessoas
vou passar no exame", eu disse com um soluço.)

hiccup: soluço
sob: soluço de choro Hindu ~ Hindi
X He was not really a Hindi.

high ~ tall v" He was not really a Hindu. (Ele na verdade não era hindu.)

X He was not as high as his brother, but he was stronger. X Hindi society is divided into castes.

He was not as tall as his brother, but he was stronger. (Ele v" Hindu society is divided into castes. (A
não era tão alto quanto o irmão, mas era mais forte.) sociedade hindu se divide em castas.)

154 15

X 1 asked him in Hindu what time the train would leave. X 'I like it when the boys hiss at me: she said with a smile.

./ 1 asked him in Hindi what time the train would leave. (Eu ./ 'I like it when the boys whistle at me: she said with
lhe perguntei em hindi que horas o trem partiria.) a smile. ("Eu gosto quando os rapazes assobiam
para mim", ela disse com um sorriso.)
Hindu: hindu, indiano
X Suddenly he started hissing the tune of a childhood song.
Hindi: hindi, uma das línguas faladas na Índia
./ Suddenly he started whistling an old childhood song. (De
repente, ele passou a assobiar uma velha canção infantil.)
hire ~ rent
hiss: assobio de desaprovação
X We'll have to rent a new secretary.
whistle: 1 assobio de aprovação 2 assobio de uma música
./ We'll have to hire a new secretary. (Vamos ter
de contratar mais uma secretária.)
historic ~ historical
X When the weather is fine, you can rent a
horse to ride about on the hillsides . X The guide showed us a lot of important historical monuments.

./ When the weather is fine, you can hire a horse to ride about ./ The guide showed us a lot of important historic monuments. (O
on the hillsides. (Quando o tempo está bom, é possível guia nos mostrou muitos monumentos históricos importantes.)
alugar um cavalo e cavalgar pelas encostas dos morros.)
X Walter Scott wrote several historic novels, like Ivanhoe for example.
X The cottage was hired by three students.
./ Walter Scott wrote several historical novels, like
./ The cottage was rented by three students. (O Ivanhoe for example. (Walter Scott escreveu vários
chalé foi alugado por três estudantes.) romances históricos, como Ivanhoé, por exemplo.)

hire: 1 contratar, admitir no emprego 2 alugar por pouco tempo (carro, historic: histórico, importante para a história de um país ou região
smoking etc.) historical: histórico, referente à história de um país ou região
rent: alugar por um período mais longo (casa, apartamento etc.)

history ~ story
hiss ~ whistle
X Neil Armstrong made story when he
X The mayor was greeted with boos, shouts and whistles. stepped on the moon in July 1969.

./ The mayor was greeted with boos, shouts and hisses. (O prefeito ./ Neil Armstrong made history when he stepped on
foi recebido com vaias, gritos e assobios.) the moon in July 1969. (Neil Armstrong entrou para a
história quando pisou na lua em julho de 1969.)

156 157
X 'Uncle Neíl, she said, 'tell us a history. homework ~ housework

~ 'Uncle Neíl, she said, 'tell us a story' ("Tio Neil', X Suzette always does her housework in her room.

ela disse, "conte-nos uma história:') ~ Suzette always does her homework in her room. (A
Suzette sempre faz a lição de casa no quarto.)
history: história, sucessão de eventos passados
story: história, relato, conto, fábula
X 'What would my husband do: she wondered, 'if I
went on strike, and refused to do homework?'

~ 'What would my husband do: she wondered, 'if I went

holiness ~ sainthood on strike, and refused to do housework?' ("O que o meu
marido faria ..:', ela começou a pensar, "se eu entrasse
X He was standing by none other than His Sainthood the Pope!
em greve e me recusasse a cuidar da casa?"
~ He was standing by none other than His Holiness the Pope! (Ele
estava ao lado de ninguém menos que Sua Santidade o Papa!) homework: dever de casa, tarefa escolar
housework: afazeres domésticos (lavar, cozinhar ete.)
X Holiness can only be achieved by avoiding the temptations of sino

~ Sainthood can only be achieved by avoiding the

temptations of sino (A santidade só pode ser alcançada horse ~ knight
quando se evitam as tentações do pecado.)
~ Can you ride a
holiness: santidade, título usado em relação ao papa horse? (Você
sainthood: santidade (qualidade própria dos santos) sabe andar
a cavalo?)

~ Everybody is
home ~ house familiar with
X Make yourself at house. the legend
~ Make yourself at home. (Sinta-se em casa.) Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. (Todo mundo
X Do you live in a home or in a fIat? conhece a lenda do rei Artur e os Cavaleiros da Távola Redonda.)

~ Do you live in a house or in a flatr (Você mora X I took his horse with my bishop.
numa casa ou num apartamento?) ~ I took his knight with my bishop. (Eu tomei
seu cavalo com meu bispo.)
home: casa, lar, local que resume a essência das pessoas que lá vivem
house: casa, estrutura física composta de paredes, telhado etc. horse: cavalo (animal)
knight: 1 cavaleiro medieval 2 cavalo (peça de xadrez)

158 159
hospice ~ mental hospital
X The driver was seriously wounded in the car crash .
./ A new hospice for people with Aids will be built in Croydon. (Será
./ The driver was seriously injured/hurt in the car crash.
construído em Croydon um novo hospital para pacientes com AIOS.)
(O motorista ficou seriamente ferido no acidente.)
X He was sent to a hospice after he insisted he
X The headline read 'Twelve killed, thirty-one
could hear voices and see visions .
injured/hurt in Sunday suicide bombing.
./ He was sent to a mental hospital after he insisted he could
./ The headline read 'Twelve kilIed, thirty-one wounded in
hear voices and see visions. (Ele foi internado num hospital
Tuesday suicide bombing. (A manchete dizia: "Doze mortos,
psiquiátrico após insistir que podia ouvir vozes e ter visões.)
trinta e um feridos no ataque suicida de terça-feira"
hospice: hospital para pacientes terminais
hurt: ferir alguém, com ênfase sobre a dor
mental hospital: hospital psiquiátrico
injure: ferir alguém, com ênfase sobre o ferimento em si
wound: ferir alguém com uma arma, normalmente em uma batalha
human ~ humane
X Success in life is based on knowledge of humane nature. hymn ~ anthem
./ Success in life is based on knowledge of human nature. (O sucesso X The congregation said the final prayers, sang a final
na vida depende do conhecimento da natureza humana.) anthem, and the priest blessed them all.
X His decisions, always characterized by kindness and ./ The congregation said the final prayers, sang a final hymn, and
compassion, reveal him as a human judge. the priest blessed them all, (Os fiéis fizeram as últimas orações,
./ His decisions, always characterized by kindness and cantaram o último hino e o padre abençoou-os todos.)
compassion, reveal him as a humane judge. (Suas X La Marseillaise is the French national hymn.
decisões, sempre caracterizadas pela bondade e pela
./ La Marseillaise is the French national anthem. (A
compaixão, mostram-no como um juiz humano.)
Marseillaise é o hino nacional da França.)
human: humano, próprio do homem
hymn: hino religioso
humane: humano, humanitário, bondoso
anthem: hino nacional

hurt ~ injure ~ wound

hyperbola ~ hyperbole
X The little girl fell off her bike and badly wounded her knee.
X The teacher showed us how to draw a hyperbole .
./ The little girl fell off her bike and hurt/injured her knee.
(A garotinha caiu da bicicleta e machucou o joelho.) ./ The teacher showed us how to draw a hyperbola. (O
professor nos mostrou como desenhar uma hipérbole.)

160 161
X The sentence Tm so hungry I could eat a Revisão 15
horse' is an example of hyperbola.
Supply the words asked for in the clues. The first one has been
~ The sentence Tm so hungry I could eat a horse' is an example done for you.
of hyperbole. (A frase "Estou com tanta fome que poderia
até comer um cavalo" é um exemplo de hipérbole.) O. What word means 'the way you write using
a pen or pencil? HCVYtClMJvu~
hyperbola: hipérbole, figura geométrica
hyperbole: hipérbole, figura de linguagem que apela para o exagero 1. What word do you use when you raise your glass and
drink something alcoholic? C, _

2. If you are good, where will you go when you die? H _

3. What language do the lsraelis speak? H _

4. What is the name of a powerful drug made

from morphine? H _

5. What verb means 'to take someone away by force in order to

demand money from his or her family'? K, _

6. What nationality is a person who was born in lndia? H _

7. What adjective do we use to define a novel that

deals with past events? H _

8. What do you call the tasks of cleaning, washing,

cooking and ironing? H _

9. What do you call a chess piece that looks like

a horse's head? K _

10. What do you call a song that represents a nation? A. _

imperious: arrogante, altivo
ignore ~ not to know imperative: imperioso, urgente

,/ I simply ignored his comment. (Simplesmente

ignorei seu comentário.)
impiety ~ mercilessness
X I ignore where our new neighbours come from.
X Socrates was found guilty of mercilessness and sentenced to death.
,/ I don't know where our new neighbours come from ..
,/ Socrates was found guilty of impiety and sentenced
(Eu ignoro de onde vêm nossos novos vizinhos.)
to death. (Sócrates foi julgado culpado por desprezo
ignore: ignorar, não dar atenção pela própria religião e condenado à morte.)
not to know: ignorar, desconhecer X 'One of the biggest restraints to crimes is not the
impiety of punishments, yet their infallibility'

,/ 'One of the biggest restraints to crimes is not the mercilessness

impediment ~ offside
of punishments, yet their infallibilíty' (Cesare Beccaria) "Um
X My lawyer sees no legal offside to the transaction. dos maiores freios para restringir a criminalidade não é a
crueldade das penas, mas sim a certeza de sua aplicação:'
,/ My lawyer sees no legal impediment to the transaction. (Meu
advogado não vê nenhum impedimento legal à transação.) impiety: impiedade, falta de respeito religioso
X The referee validated the goal, but Iones was obviously offside mercilessness: impiedade, crueldade
by at least two yards. (O árbitro validou o gol, mas [ones estava
visivelmente em impedimento - no mínimo, duas jardas.)
impinge ~ foist
impediment: impedimento, obstáculo
,/ The latest economic decisions have deeply impinged on poor
offside: em posição de impedimento (futebol)
peoples lives. (As últimas decisões econômicas afetaram
profundamente a vida das pessoas mais pobres.)
imperious ~ imperative X 'Don't impinge all the blame on me!', he said.
X He simply ordered, in a high, imperative voice, 'Sit. ,/ 'Don't foist all the blame on me!' he said. ("Não
jogue toda a culpa em mim!': ele disse.)
,/ He simply ordered, in a high, imperious voice, 'Sit. (Ele
simplesmente ordenou, em voz alta e arrogante: "Sente-se:' impinge: afetar, influenciar
X It was imperious now to show that the situation was under controI. foist: impingir, atribuir

,/ It was imperative now to show that the situation was under controI.
(Era imperioso agora mostrar que a situação estava sob controle.)

164 165
implicate ~ imply ~ pick on imprint ~ print
X The secret recording proved that the CSW X The scene of the accident was forever printed in her mind.
director was implied in the scandal.
,/ The scene of the accident was forever imprinted in her mind. (A
,/ The secret recording proved that the CSW director was cena do acidente ficou gravada para sempre na memória dela.)
implicated in the scandal. (A gravação secreta provou que
X He decided to imprint his own poems.
o diretor da CSW estava envolvido no escândalo.)
,/ He decided to print his own poems. (Ele resolveu
X He implicated that she was deeply in love with him.
imprimir seus próprios poemas.)
,/ He implied that she was deeply in love with him. (Ele deu a
imprint: imprimir, gravar
entender que ela estava profundamente apaixonada por ele.)
print: imprimir (um livro)
,/ Why is everybody always picking on me? (Por que
todo mundo está sempre implicando comigo?)

implicate: implicar, comprometer in the end ~ at the end

imply: sugerir, dar a entender X I tried to keep calm, but at the end I couldn't
pick on: implicar, cismar stand it and told them a piece of my mind.

,/ I tried to keep calm, but in the end I couldn't stand it and

told them a piece of my mind. (Eu tentei me controlar, mas
impresario ~ entrepreneur no fim eu não aguentei mais e lhes disse umas verdades.)
X The success of the play owed nothing to his skills as X After weeks of hard work, we could finally see
an entrepreneur, but to the talent of the cast. some light in the end of the tunnel.
,/ The success of the play owed nothing to his skills as an impresario, ,/ After weeks of hard work, we could finally see some light at
but to the talent of the cast. (O sucesso da peça não devia nada à the end of the tunnel. (Depois de semanas de muito trabalho,
sua habilidade como empresário, mas sim ao talento do elenco.) finalmente começamos a ver uma luz no fim do túnel.)
X He was the great impresario who turned a
in the end: afinal, por fim (nunca seguido de oj)
small factory into a great company.
at the end: no fim de algo (geralmente seguido de oj)
,/ He was the great entrepreneur who turned a small factory
into a great company. (Ele foi o grande empresário que
transformou uma pequena fábrica numa grande empresa.) in time ~ on time
impresario: empresário de espetáculos, concertos etc. X They managed to take him to hospital on time to save him.
entrepreneur: empresário (dono de empresa) ,/ They managed to take him to hospital in time to save him. (Eles
conseguiram levá-lo para o hospital a tempo de salvá-lo.)

166 167
X He insisted that the meeting should start in time. industrious ~ industrial

../ He insisted that the meeting should start on time. (Ele ../ Some of those workers are rather lazy, but I'd say most of
insistiu para que a reunião começasse na hora.) them are industrious. (Alguns daqueles operários são bem
preguiçosos, mas eu diria que a maior parte deles é esforçada.)
in time: a tempo, antes da hora
X The title of the book was Industrious
on time: na hora, pontualmente
structure, technology and innovation .

../ The title of the book was Industrial structure,

in the way ~ on the way technology and innovation. (O título do livro era
Estrutura industrial, tecnologia e inovação.
X The headline read, 'Iraqi hero dies in his way back home.
industrious: esforçado, dedicado
../ The headline read, 'Iraqi hero dies on his way back home. (A
manchete dizia: "Herói iraquiano morre a caminho de casa") industrial: industrial, referente à indústria

X He couldn't see anything ahead of him with

that damned coach on the way. inferno ~ hell
../ He couldn't see anything ahead ofhim with that ../ The poor victims
damned coach in the way. (Ele não via nada na frente were trapped in a
dele com aquele maldito ônibus no caminho.) blazing inferno.
(As pobres vítimas
in the way: no meio do caminho (impedindo a passagem)
ficaram presas num
on the way: a caminho (indo em direção de algum lugar)
incêndio devastador)

X She showed me some

indicate ~ recommend samples of medieval
illustrations of heaven
../ 'Put it over there, he said, indicating his desk. ("Ponha-o
and inferno.
ali': ele disse, apontando para sua mesa.)
She showed me
X She indicated me a good eye doctor.
some samples of
../ She recommended me a good eye doctor. medieval illustrations of heaven and hell. (Ela me exibiu algumas
(Ela me indicou um bom oculista.) amostras de ilustrações medievais do céu e do inferno.)

indicate: indicar, apontar inferno: incêndio de grandes proporções

recommend: indicar, recomendar hell: inferno

168 169
infidel ~ unfaithful v'" Cheng Lee said he would initiate us into the art of drawing.
v'" He swore to kill ali the infidels he met. (Ele jurou (Cheng Lee disse que iria nos iniciar na arte do desenho.)
matar todos os infiéis que encontrasse.) initial: rubricar, assinar de forma abreviada
X It didn't take long for her to find out that her initiate: iniciar
husband was being infidel to her.

v'" It didn't take long for her to find out that her husband
was being unfaithful to her. (Não demorou para ela
injury ~ slander
descobrir que seu marido a estava traindo.) v'" Two of his bodyguards suffered serious injury. (Dois dos
seus guarda-costas sofreram ferimentos graves.)
infidel: infiel, pertencente a outra religião
unfaithful: infiel, que engana o/a parceiro/a em sua vida X To everybody's surprise, he was acquitted of criminal injury.
amorosa ou conjugal v'" To everybody's surprise, he was acquitted of
criminal slander. (Para surpresa de todos,
ele foi absolvido do crime de injúria.)
ingenuity ~ ingenuousness
injury: ferimento, lesão
X I congratulated him on his ingenuousness.
slander: injúria
v'" I congratulated him on his ingenuity. (Eu o
cumprimentei por sua engenhosidade.)

X It is difficult to believe in the ingenuity of politicians.

ink ~ paint
X Write the composition in paint, not in pencil.
v'" It is difficult to believe in the ingenuousness of politicians.
(É difícil acreditar na ingenuidade dos políticos.) v'" Write the composition in ink, not in pencil.
(Escreva a composição a caneta, não a lápis.)
ingenuity: engenhosidade
ingenuousness: ingenuidade X Ali the iron gates were painted with aluminium ink.

v'" Ali the iron gates were painted with aluminium

paint. (Todos os portões de ferro foram
initial ~ initiate pintados com tinta de alumínio.)
v'" You've got to initial every page of the contract. (Você ink: tinta de caneta
tem de rubricar cada página do contrato.)
paint: tinta de parede
X Cheng Lee said he would initial us into the art of drawing.

170 171
interior ~ countryside intimate ~ summon

X Most of Australia's countryside has desert temperatures. ~ He subtly intimated that it was perhaps a
bit too late. (Ele sutilmente insinuou que
~ Most of Australia's interior has desert temperatures. talvez fosse um pouco tarde demais.)
(A maior parte da região central da Austrália
apresenta temperaturas de deserto.) X A judge can intimate a person for interrogation.

X After living in a big city for more than thirty ~ A judge can summon a person for interrogation.
years, we decided to move to the interior. (Um juiz pode intimar uma pessoa a
comparecer para ser interrogada.)
~ After living in a big city for more than thirty years,
we decided to move to the countryside. (Depois de intimate: insinuar, sugerir
morar numa cidade grande durante mais de trinta summon: intimar, convocar formalmente
anos, nós resolvemos nos mudar para o interior.)

interior: interior, parte central

invaluable ~ worthless
countryside: interior (campo)
~ Thank you for your
invaluable help. .
interview ~ press conference (Obrigado por sua
inestimável ajuda.)
~ Jim Carey, in a New York Times interview,
asked, 'What's that President good for?' (Jim X Tm invaluable,
Carey, numa entrevista para o New York Times, he said to himself.
perguntou: "Para que serve esse presidente?") Tm a complete
X Most of the journalists who attended
the Prime Minister's interview were ~ Tm worthless,
disappointed in his evasive answers. he said to himself.
Tm a complete
~ Most of the journalists who attended the Prime
failure. ("Eu não
Minister's press conference were disappointed in his
presto para nada:'
evasive answers. (A maioria dos jornalistas presentes
ele disse para si
à entrevista coletiva com o primeiro ministro ficou
mesmo, "sou um
decepcionada com suas respostas evasivas.)
interview: entrevista individual
invaluable: inestimável
press conference: entrevista coletiva
worthless: sem valor

172 173
inventory ~ probate ~ It took some time for the Israelites to understand the
~ The police made an inventory of ali the items in the house. extent of God's miracle. (Os israelitas levaram algum tempo
(A polícia fez uma lista de todos os objetos da casa.) para compreender a extensão do milagre de Deus.)

X Inventory can be defined as a legal process Israeli: israelense, referente ao Estado de Israel
that takes place after someone dies. Israelite: israelita, referente ao antigo reino de Israel
~ Probate can be defined as a legal process that takes place
after someone dies. (O inventário pode ser definido como o
procedimento judicial que ocorre após a morte de uma pessoa.) itch ~ scratch
X My nose is scratching.
inventory: relação, lista
probate: inventário ~ My nose is itching. (Meu nariz está coçando.)

X She itched her harm with her nails.

invincible ~ undefeated ~ She scratchedher arm with her nails. (Ela coçou o braço com as unhas.)

X I could hardly believe it wherÍ they defeated the itch: coçar, sentir coceira
seemingly undefeated Barcelona by a score of 3-1. scratch: coçar (esfregar com os dedos ou algum objeto a parte do
~ I could hardly believe it when they defeated the seemingly corpo em que se sente coceira)
invincible Barcelona by a score of 3-1. (Eu não acreditei quando eles
derrotaram o aparentemente invencível time do Barcelona por 3 a 1.)

X Rocky Marciano ended his career invincible.

~ Rocky Marciano ended his career undefeated. (Rocky

Marciano encerrou sua carreira invicto.)

invincible: invencível
undefeated: invicto

Israeli ~ Israelite
X Israelites speak Hebrew.

~ Israelis speak Hebrew. (Os israelenses falam hebraico.)

X It took some time for the Israelis to understand

the extent of God's miracle.

174 175
I .J

Revisão 16
jack ~ monkey ~ valet
Match these sentences with the words on the right column.
Be careful, though! There are more words than sentences. X She used a monkey to lift her car and change the flat tyre.

~ She used a jack to lift her car and change the flat tyre. (Ela usou
1. Ali Palmeiras fans shouted 'goal', but a IMPLICATE
o macaco para levantar o carro e trocar o pneu furado.)
linesman's flag signalled IN THE END
X [acks love bananas.
2. Learning a foreign language does, of course, INFERNO
~ Monkeys love bananas. (Os macacos adoram banana.)
a lot of practice.
~ He handed his keys to the parking valet and walked
3. The answers are INK into the restaurant. (Ele entregou as chaves para
of the book.
INVALUABLE o manobrista e entrou no restaurante.)
4. Fortunately, the train arrived X He picked a valet of clubs out of the deck
and showed it to ali the guests.
5. Our dog Rover died ~ He picked a jack of clubs out of the deck and showed
to the vet. it to ali the guests. (Ele tirou um valete de paus do
AT THE END baralho e mostrou-o a todos os convidados.)
6. As soon as the plane touched the
runway, it burst into flames and IMPLY
jack: 1 macaco de automóvel 2 valete (carta do baralho)
burnt like an IN TIME monkey: macaco (animal)
7. Since judo is a combat sport, it carries HELL
with it the risk of
8. He wrote the message with a security marker SLANDER
pen containing invisible
9. She was deeply depressed, feeling her
life had become
10. The symptoms are intense
, eczema
and excessive sweating. WORTHLESS

176 177

jar ~ jug journal ~ newspaper

,/ She bought a jar of honey yesterday. ,/ He read a very interesting article about Alzheimers disease
(Ela comprou um vidro de mel ontem.) in a medical journal. (Ele leu um artigo muito interessante
sobre o mal de Alzheimer numa revista médica.)
lC Pass me the jar of water, please.

,/ Pass me the jug of water, please. lC A journal report about Foster's murder triggers investigation.
(Passe-me a jarra de água, por favor.) ,/ A newspaper report about Foster's murder triggers
investigation. (Uma reportagem de jornal sobre o
jar: vidro, pote
assassinato de Foster provoca uma investigação.)
jug: jarra
journal: revista especializada
newspaper: jornal
join ~ joint ~ junta
lC The two pieces have been glued together so
journey ~ trip ~ travei ~ voyage
wel1 that you can hardly see the joint.
X I took a traveI into the Amazon jungle.
,/ The two pieces have been glued together so well that
you can hardly see the join. (As duas partes foram ,/ I took a journey into the Amazon jungle. (Fiz uma
tão bem coladas que mal se vê a junção.) ·viagem pelo interior da selva amazônica.)

lC A smal1 hole was drilled in the patient's femur to fix an artificial join. X While I was in Italy I took a day journey to Pompeii.

,/ A small hole was drilled in the patient's femur to fix an ,/ While I was in Italy I took a day trip to Pompeii. (Enquanto
artificial joint. (Foi feito um pequeno orifício no fêmur estava na Itália, eu fiz uma excursão de um dia para Pompeia.)
do paciente para a fixação de uma junta artificial.)
X Gulliver's Trips is a satire written by Jonathan Swift in 1726.
,/ Two thirds of the Senate were appointed by the
.,/ Gulliver's Travels is a satire written by [onathan Swift in 1726. (As
military joint three weeks after the coup.
viagens de Gulliver é uma sátira escrita por Jonathan Swift em 1726.)
lC Two thirds of the Senate were appointed by the military junta
X Francis Chichester was the first man to complete a single- handed
three weeks after the coup. (Dois terços do Senado foram
journey around the world on board his yacht, Gypsy Moth IV.
nomeados pela junta militar três semanas após o golpe.)
,/ Francis Chichester was the first man to complete a single-handed
join: junção, junta
voyage around the world on board his yacht, Gypsy Moth IV.
joint: junta (articulação óssea) (Francis Chichester foi o primeiro homem a completar sozinho uma
junta: junta militar viagem: ao redor do mundo a bordo de seu iate Gypsy Moth IV.)

178 179
journey: viagem de um lugar a outro, em geral por terra
lC Rafael Nadal was so upset that he did not shake
travei: viagem longa, em geral visitando vários lugares
hands with the judge at the end of the match.
trip: excursão, viagem curta de ida e volta
~ Rafael Nadal was so upset that he did not shake hands with
voyage: viagem longa de navio
the umpire at the end of the match. (Rafael Nadal estava tão
irritado que não cumprimentou o juiz no final da partida.)

judge: juiz
referee: juiz de futebol
umpire: juiz de tênis

judgement ~ trial
~ He has always displayed good judgement. (Ele sempre revelou ter
discernimento. )

lC She was condemned without judgement as a

witch and burnt to death at a stake.

~ She was condemned without trial as a witch and

burnt to death at a stake. (Ela foi condenada sem
julgamento como bruxa e queimada na fogueira.)

judgement: discernimento, bom senso

trial: julgamento (num tribunal de justiça)
judge ~ referee ~ umpire
,/ It's up to the judge to send the defendant to prison
jump ~ skip
or to a mental institution. (Cabe ao juiz enviar o réu
para a prisão ou para um manicômio judicial.) lC The dog skipped over the fence and ran off.

lC lhe judge sent off two players and booked four others as ~ The dog jumped over the fence and ran off.
Real Madrid beat Arsenal 2-0 in London yesterday. (O'cachorro pulou a cerca e fugiu.)

,/ lhe referee sent off two players and booked four orhers as Real lC The teache r told the boy to read the paragraph
Madrid beat Arsenal 2-0 in London yesterday. (O juiz expulsou again because he had jumped a line.
dois jogadores e deu cartão amarelo para outros quatro na
vitória do Real Madrid sobre o Arsenal ontem em Londres.)

180 181
,/ The teacher told the boy to read the paragraph again because
he had skipped a line. (A professora disse para o menino ler khaki ~ persimmon
o parágrafo de novo porque ele havia pulado uma linha.)
,/ He looked ridiculous in that khaki uniform. (Ele
j( She kept jumping from one subject to another. ficou ridículo com aquele uniforme cáqui.)
,/ She kept skipping from one subject to another. j( She went to the supermarket and bought some
(Ela ficava pulando de um assunto a outro.) apples, some khaki and a melon.

jump: pular, saltar ,/ She went to the supermarket and bought some
skip: 1 pular linha 2 pular de um assunto para outro apples, some persimmons and a melon. (Ela foi ao
supermercado e comprou maçã, caqui e melão.)

khaki: cáqui, cor amarelada

just ~ tight
persimmon: caqui (fruta)
j( He was determined to struggle against
corruption and to build a tight society.

,/ He was determined to struggle against corruption and

kitchenette ~ studio
to build a just society. (Ele estava decidido a lutar contra ,/ The flat has two bedrooms, a fully equipped kitchenette
a corrupção e a construir uma sociedade justa.) and a bathroom. (O apartamento tem dois quartos, uma
j( She was wearing a sexy just skirt. pequena cozinha totalmente equipada e um banheiro.)

,/ She was wearing a sexy tight skirt. (Ela estava j( I'm now living in a 46-square metre kitchenette.
usando uma saia justa bem sexy.) ,/ I'm now living in a 46-square metre studio. (Agora eu estou
morando numa quitinete de 46 metros quadrados.)
just: justo, imparcial
tight: justo, apertado kitchenette: cozinha pequena
studio: quitinete (apartamento de quarto e sala)

182 183
Revisão 17
The drawings below are connected in some way with the items labia ~ lips
on the left. Use numbers to match them. X After examining her the gynaecologist detected an
infection in the glands of the urethra and in the lips.

,/ After examining her the gynaecologist detected an infection

in the glands of the urethra and in the labia. (Depois de
examiná-Ia, o ginecologista constatou que havia uma
infecção nas glândulas da uretra e nos lábios da vulva.)
X She opened her labia in a welcoming smile.

,/ She opened her lips in a welcoming smile. (Ela

trial abriu os lábios num sorriso cordial.)

labia: lábios da vagina

jack lips: lábios da boca

kitchenette lack ~ absence ~ foul

X Foul of time was the main factor of failure.

monkey ,/ Lack of time was the main factor of failure. (A falta

de tempo foi o principal fator para o insucesso.)

X It was clearly a lack, but the ref didn't see it.

,/ It was clearly a foul, but the ref didn't see it. (Foi
uma falta clara, mas o árbitro não viu.)

X Illness is an excusable reason for lack from school.

,/ Illness is an excusable reason for absence from school. (Faltar às

aulas por motivo de doença é perfeitamente compreensível.)

lack: falta, carência

foul: falta, infração dentro de um jogo
absence: falta, ausência


ladder ~ staircase language ~ tongue

X Walking under a staircase brings you bad luck. X She can speak several tongues.
~ Walking under a ladder brings you bad luck. ~ She can speak severallanguages. (Ela fala várias línguas.)
(Passar por baixo de uma escada dá azar.)
~ Russian is her mother tongue. (Sua língua materna é o russo.)
X The marbled ladder led to eight magnificent rooms.
X Ouch! 1bit my language!
~ The marbled staircase led to eight magnificent rooms. (A
escada de mármore dava para oito quartos magníficos.) ~ Ouch! 1bit my tongue! (Ai! Mordi a língua!)

ladder: escada móvel, geralmente feita de madeira ou metal language: língua, idioma
staircase: escada fixa, que vai de um andar a outro tongue: 1 língua (órgão da fala) 2 língua materna

large ~ wide
~ They lived in a large house by the lake. (Eles
moravam numa casa grande perto do lago.)

X It took her almost two minutes to walk across the large avenue.

~ It took her almost two minutes to walk across the wide avenue.
(Ela levou quase dois minutos para atravessar a larga avenida.)

large: grande
wide: largo

lasso ~ bond
ladle ~ shell
X He threw a bond around the horses neck and pulled it tight.
X Stir the soup with a shell.
~ He threw a lasso around the horses neck and pulled it tight.
~ Stir the soup with a ladle. (Mexa a sopa com uma concha.) (Ele jogou o laço no pescoço do cavalo e puxou com força.)
X Wouldn't you like to find a pearl inside a ladle? X He stressed the importance of strong family lassos.
~ Wouldn't you like to find a pearl inside a shell? (Você não ~ He stressed the importance of strong family bonds. (Ele
gostaria de encontrar uma pérola dentro de uma concha?) ressaltou a importância de laços familiares fortes.)
ladle: concha de sopa
lasso: laço, corda usada para laçar cavalos e bois
shell: concha do mar
bond: laço, elo


last ~ latest leaf ~ sheet

X Memorial de Aires was Machado de Assis' latest novel. X She meticulously washed the lettuce, sheet by sheet.

~ Memorial de Aires was Machado de Assis' last novel. (Memorial ~ She meticulously washed the lettuce, leaf by leaf. (Ela
de Aires foi o último romance de Machado de Assis.) lavou a alface meticulosamente, folha por folha.)

X Leite derramado is Chico Buarque's last novel. X The answer leaf is at the end of the exam.

~ Leite derramado is Chico Buarque's latest novel. (Leite ~ The answer sheet is at the end of the exam. (A folha
derramado é o mais recente romance de Chico Buarque.) de respostas se encontra no fim do exame.)

last: último, final leaf: folha de árvore ou planta

latest: último, mais recente sheet: folha de papel

lay ~ lie leave ~ let

X She lied her head on the pillow and closed her eyes. X 'I'm going to let you, Bob: she said.

~ She laid her head on the pillow and closed h~r eyes. (Ela ~ Tm going to leave you, Bob, she said. ("Eu
pôs a cabeça no travesseiro e fechou os olhos.) vou deixar você, Bob", ela disse.)

X 'Penguins also lie eggs, don't they?', asked Cassie. X 'Do you think Dad willleave us go to the
disco next Saturday?', she asked.
~ 'Penguins also lay eggs, don't theyi; asked Cassie. ("Os
pinguins também botam ovos, não?", Cassie perguntou.) ~ 'Do you think Dad willlet us go to the disco next
Saturday?', she asked. ("Você acha que o papai vai nos
X You have been laying to me ali these years, haven't you?
deixar ir à discoteca no sábado?", ela perguntou.)
~ You have been lying to me all these years, haven't you?
leave: deixar, abandonar, largar
(Você tem mentido para mim todos esses anos, não?)
let: deixar, permitir
lay: 1 pôr, colocar 2 pôr, botar
lie: (verbo irregular) 1 deitar-se, ficar deitado 2 jazer
lie: (verbo regular) mentir lecture ~ reading
~ ProE."Thompson gave a lecture on Aztec architecture
last night. (O Prof. Thompson deu uma palestra
sobre arquitetura asteca ontem à noite.)

less ~ fewer
X Is it true that lecture is good for your brain?
X It's time we spent fewer money on useless stuff.
,/ Is it true that reading is good for your brain? (É
verdade que a leitura faz bem ao cérebro?) ,/ Ifs time we spent less money on useless stuff. (Está na hora
de a gente gastar menos dinheiro com coisas inúteis.)
lecture: palestra, aula de faculdade
X It seems that we have less close friends
reading: leitura
nowadays than two decades ago.
,/ It seems that we have fewer close friends nowadays than
legal ~ nice twenty years ago. (Parece que hoje em dia as pessoas têm
menos grandes amigos do que vinte anos atrás.)
,/ The legal situation of these firms was far from clear. (A
situação jurídica dessas empresas não estava bem clara.) less: menos (singular)

X Iacks a legal guy. 1 like him. fewer: menos (plural)

,/ Jack's a nice guy. 1like him. (O Iack é um

sujeito legal. Eu gosto dele.)
limb ~ member
legal: legal, jurídico X 1 felt as if I'd lost a member!
nice: legal (bom, agradável)
,/ 1 felt as if I'd lost a limb! (Parecia que eu tinha
perdido um braço ou uma perna!)

legend ~ subtitles X Mr. Boyarska was a prominent limb of the

Communist Party in Poland.
,/ Legend has it that he did not cry when he was bom.
(Diz a lenda que ele não .chorou quando nasceu.) ,/ Mr. Boyarska was a prominent member of the Communist
Party in Poland. (O sr. Boyarska era um membro
X Most of my students are illiterate, and have
importante do Partido Comunista na Polônia.)
never seen a film with legends.
limb: membro do corpo
,/ Most of my students are illiterate, and have never seen
a film with subtitles. (A maior parte dos meus alunos member: membro de uma organização, clube etc.
é analfabeta e nunca viu um filme com legendas.)

legend: lenda lineman ~ linesman

subtitles: legenda de cinema
X Denver Pistols linesman Ron Boyle broke his leg
in a collision with a team-mate last Friday.


,/ Denver Pistols lineman Ron Boyle broke his leg in a ,/ I bought these jeans in a sale.
collision with a team-mate last Friday. (O atacante do
Denver Pistols Ron Boyle quebrou a perna num choque Iiquidation: liquidação, fechamento
com um companheiro de time na última sexta-feira.) sale: liquidação (venda de produtos por preços mais baixos)

X Luca Toni scored but the Iíneman's flag signal1ed offside.

,/ Luca Toni scored but the linesman's flag signalled list ~ stripe
offside. (Luca Toni marcou mas o bandeirinha levantou ,/ Make a list of everything you need. (Faça
a bandeira, assinalando o impedimento.)
uma lista de tudo que você precisa.)
Iineman: atacante de time de futebol americano X Zebras have black and white lists.
Iinesman: bandeirinha, assistente de árbitro de futebol
,/ Zebras have black and white stripes. (As
zebras têm listas brancas e pretas.)

liqueur ~ liquor list: lista, listagem de nomes, produtos etc.

X 'Let's have a liquor and a cigar, suggested Lord Elmsworth. stripe: lista (tira longa e estreita)

,/ 'Let's have a liqueur and a cigar, suggested Lord

Elmsworth. ("Vamos tomar um licor e fumar
lose ~ miss
um charuto': sugeriu Lorde Elmsworth.)
X I've missed my wallet!
X He bought that whisky at a liqueur store.
,/ I've lost my wal1et! (Perdi minha carteira!)
,/ He bought that whisky at a liquor store. (Ele
comprou aquele uísque numa loja de bebidas.) X This is an opportunity you can't lose.

liqueur: licor ,/ This is an opportunity you can't miss. (Esta é uma

oportunidade que você não pode perder.)
liquor: bebida alcoólica
lose: perder um guarda-chuva, uma chave, um documento etc.
miss: perder uma oportunidade, o ônibus, a primeira aula etc.
liquidation ~ sale
,/ Many companies have gone into liquidation this
year. (Muitas firmas fecharam este ano.) luck ~ sort
X I bought these jeans in a liquidation. X As I left home for my first job interview, my
brother wished me good sort.


../ As I left home for my first job interview, my brother wished Revisão 18
me good Iuck. (Ao sair de casa para a minha primeira
What are these? Circle the right option.
entrevista de emprego, meu irmão me desejou boa sorte.)

../ What sort of man is he? (Que tipo de homem ele é?)

luck: sorte
sort: tipo, espécie

lunch ~ snack
../ I usually have Iunch at noon. (Eu
normalmente almoço ao meio dia.) (1) A ladder ar a staircase? (4) A leaf or a sheet?
X Children like to have lunch during break time.

X Children like to have a snack during break time. (As crianças

gostam de comer um lanche na hora do intervalo.)

lunch: almoço
snack: lanche

luxury ~ lust
(2) A ladle ar a shell? (5) A lineman ar a linesman?
../ They live in great luxury, (Eles vivem com grande luxo.)

X Many walls in Pompeii are decorated with realistic images of Iuxury .

../ Many walls in Pompeii are decorated with realistic

images of Iust. (Muitas paredes em Pompeia estão
decoradas com imagens realistas de atos sexuais.)

luxury: luxo, fausto

lust: luxúria, lascívia

(3) A language ar a tangue? (6) Lists ar stripes?

194 195
Revisão 19
Underline the right option. macaroni ~ pasta
../ Macaroni cheese and lasagne have become very
1. 'Don't you dare (lie, lay) a finger on her!' he shouted. popular in England. (Fusili com queijo e lasanha
tornaram-se muito populares na Inglaterra.)
2. She said she didn't know him but the police proved she had (lied, lain).
X Cyclists often eat a lot of macaroni the
3. Tom (lied, laid) the table while his wife was fixing some sandwiches. night before an important race .

4. They found the body (laying, lying) on the kitchen floor. ../ Cyclists often eat a lot of pasta the night before an
important race. (Os ciclistas geralmente comem muita
s. The tombstone read: Here (lies, lays) massa na noite anterior a uma corrida importante.)
Janet O'Hara (1956-2009).
macaroni: fusili, um tipo de macarrão
6. '(let, Leave) me alone,' she said. pasta: massa, macarrão

7. He suddenly stood up and (let, left) the room.

machinist ~ train driver
8. Vou shouldn't have (let, ieit) her do it, Pete.
../ On leaving school, he got a job as a printing machinist in
9. As he was (leavinq, lettinq), he turned and a factory. (Quando saiu da escola, ele arranjou emprego
looked at her one more time. como operador de impressora numa fábrica.)

10. Myjob hardly (leaves, lets) me any time for social contact. X Machinist blamed for crash with lorry.

../ Train driver blamed for crash with lorry. (Maquinista

de trem é culpado por acidente com caminhão.)

machinist: operador de máquina dentro de uma fábrica

train driver: maquinista de trem

magazi~e ~ department store ~ review

../ His article was published in a nationwide magazine. (Seu
artigo foi publicado numa revista de circulação nacional.)

X I bought this perfume in a magazine.


,/ 1 bought this perfume in a department store. X There was not a hint of malice in his innocent jokes.
(Comprei este perfume num magazine.)
,/ There was not a hint of naughtiness in his innocent jokes. (Não
}C Dr. Caldwell was the editor of the National havia nenhum sinal de malícia em suas inocentes piadas.)
Magazine ofMedicine from 1932 to 1946.
malice: má-fé, intenção de prejudicar
,/ Dr. Caldwell was the editor of the National Review of
naughtiness: malícia, pensamento impuro, frase picante
Medicine from 1932 to 1946. (O Dr. Caldwell foi o editor-
chefe da Revista Nacional de Medicina de 1932 a 1946.)

magazine: revista mango ~ sleeve

department store: magazine, loja de departamentos X What are you eating?'
review: publicação voltada para a análise de obras literárias 'A sleeve.
ou científicas
,/ What are you eating?' 'A
mango: ("O que você está
comen do.(" "Uma manga. ")
magic ~ magical
,/ She rolled up her sleeves
}C Children are generally fascinated by a conjurors magical tricks.
and began to do the dishes.
,/ Children are generally fascinated by a conjurors magic tricks. (As (Ela arregaçou as mangas e
crianças em geral ficam fascinadas pelos truques de um mágico.) começou a lavar a louça.)

}C Seeing the Iguazu Falls for the first time was a magic experience. mango: manga (fruta)
,/ Seeing the Iguazu Falls for the first time was a magical sleeve: manga de camisa, paletó etc.
experience. (Contemplar as Cataratas do Iguaçu pela
primeira vez foi uma experiência mágica.)
manicure ~ manicurist
magic: mágico, relativo a truques de magia
,/ She has a manicure once a week. (Ela faz
magical: mágico, fabuloso, fantástico
as unhas uma vez por semana.)

}C lt was my manicure who told me that.

malice ~ naughtiness
,/ lt was my manicurist who told me that. (Foi
,/ Publishing those photos was certainly an act of sheer minha manicure que me contou isso.)
malice. (A publicação daquelas fotos foi sem dúvida
um ato praticado com a intenção de prejudicar.) manicure: tratamento das mãos e unhas
manicurist: manicure (pessoa que faz as unhas)

manslaughter ~ murder marmalade ~ quince paste

X A 78-year-old driver walked free yesterday after being cleared ./ "Ioast and marmalade for mel, cried Sally. ("Torrada
of the murder of a little girl who was crossing a busy road . com geleia de laranja para mim!': gritou a Sally.)

./ A 78-year-old driver walked free yesterday after being X Marmalade is obviously made from quinces.
cleared of the manslaughter of a little girl who was crossing ./ Quince paste is obviously made from quinces. (A
a busy road. (Um motorista de setenta e oito anos de idade marmelada é obviamente feita de marmelo.)
livrou-se ontem da acusação de homicídio culposo de
uma menina que atravessou uma rua movimentada.) marmalade: geleia de laranja ou, às vezes, limão
quince paste: marmelada
X Iack the Ripper committed six manslaughters
in about two months .

./ [ack the Ripper committed six murders in about marriage ~ wedding

two months. (Iack, o Estripador, cometeu seis
X Wedding is a lottery.
assassinatos em cerca de dois meses.)
'./ Marriage is a lottery. (O casamento é uma loteria.)
manslaughter: homicídio culposo (não intencional)
murder: homicídio doloso (com a intenção de matar) X She looked marvellous in her marriage dress.

./ She looked marvellous in her wedding dress. (Ela

estava maravilhosa em seu vestido de noiva.)
march ~ gear
marriage: casamento (instituição)
./ Most of the soldiers developed blisters after that 20-
wedding: casamento (cerimônia)
kilometre marcho (A maioria dos soldados ficou com bolhas
nos pés depois daquela marcha de vinte quilômetros.)

X . The lorry driver changed into a slower mascara ~ mask

march as he saw the policeman.
./ Inever go out without a bit of mascara and some lipstick.
./ The lorry driver changed into a slower gear as he (Eu nunca saio de casa sem rímel ou batom.)
saw the policeman. (O caminhoneiro engrenou uma
X He went into the ball room wearing a gorilla mascara.
marcha mais lenta quando viu o policial.)
./ He went into the ball room wearing a gorilla mask. (Ele
march: marcha, ato de marchar
entrou no salão com uma máscara de gorila.)
gear: marcha (de veículo)
mascara: rímel
mask: máscara

200 201
- -- .,.,.
mass ~ dough
X The police have finally arrested the serial matador.
,/ There have been dramatic changes in mass media patterns in the
,/ The police have finally arrested the serial killer. (A
last few years. (Tem havido profundas mudanças nos padrões
polícia finalmente prendeu o assassino serial.)
dos meios de comunicação de massa nos últimos anos.)
matador: matador, toureiro
X She put the mass in a bowl, and sprinkled it with fiour.
killer: matador, assassino
,/ She put the dough in a bowl, and sprinkled it with fiour. (Ela pôs
a massa numa tigela e jogou um pouco de farinha em cima.)

mass: massa, um grande número match ~ phosphorus

dough: massa de bolo ou pão X He struck a phosphorus and lit the bonfire.

,/ He struck a match and lit the bonfire. (Ele

riscou um fósforo e acendeu a fogueira.)
massive ~ solid
X Those multivitamins contain iron,
,/ He sat alone at the massive dining table, looking smaller
calcium, sodium, and matches.
than he actually was. (Sentado sozinho à enorme mesa
de jantar, ele parecia menor do que realmente era.) ,/ Those multivitamins contain iron,
calcium, sodium, and phosphorus.
,/ The doctor told him he would be ready to eat solid food
(Essas multivitaminas contêm ferro, cálcio, sódio e fósforo.)
in about three days. (O médico lhe disse que ele estaria em
condições de comer alimentos sólidos em cerca de três dias.) match: fósforo

X Her bracelet was made of inassive gold. phosphorus: fósforo (elemento químico)

,/ Her bracelet was made of solid gold. (A sua

pulseira era feita de ouro maciço.) mature ~ ripe
massive: grande, enorme X To his surprise, she looked riper now.
solid: 1 sólido 2 maciço
,/ To his surprise, she looked more mature now. (Para
sua surpresa, ela parecia mais madura agora.)

matador ~ killer X Avocados should be picked before they are completely mature.

X For some unknown reason, the killer refused to kill the bull. ,/ Avocados should be picked before they are completely ripe. (O
abacate tem de ser colhido antes de amadurecer completamente.)
,/ For some unknown reason, the matador refused to kill the bull. (Por
alguma razão desconhecida, o toureiro recusou-se a matar o touro.) mature: maduro, experiente
ripe: maduro (fruta, vinho, queijo etc.)

202 2

meat ~ flesh ,/ Who's to blame for teachers' miserable salaries? (De quem
X Vegetarians don't eat flesh. é a culpa pelos salários miseráveis dos professores?)

,/ Vegetarians don't eat meat. (Os vegetarianos não comem carne.) X Miserable fellow, If I lay my hands on you, you are dead!

,/ Like Shakespeare's Shylock, he too was a merciless creditor who ,/ Wretched fellow, If I lay my hands on you, you are
demanded his pound of flesh. (Tal como o Shylock de Shakespeare, dead! (Desgraçado, se eu te pego, te mato!)
ele também era um credor impiedoso que exigia sua libra de carne.)
miserable: 1 infeliz, muito triste 2 horrível, deprimente 3 miserável,
X As a virgin, he had never felt the pleasures of the meat. insignificante
wretched: miserável, patife, canalha
,/ As a virgin, he had never felt the pleasures of the flesh.
(Virgem, ele jamais sentira os prazeres da carne.)

meat: carne comestível momentum ~ moment

flesh: 1 carne, parte macia do corpo de um ser humano ou de um
,/ This tendency is gaining momentum now. (Esta tendência está
animal 2 carne, no sentido sexual
tomando impulso agora.)

X It was a momentum of acute embarrassment.

meretricious ~ sluttish
,/ It was a moment of acute embarrassment. (Foi um
,/ The ideas with which he rose in politics were by all momento de profundo constrangimento.)
means meretricious. (As ideias que o fizeram subir
momentum: ímpeto, impulso
na política eram completamente enganosas.)
moment: momento, instante
X She was a sexy woman, attractive in a meretricious sort of way.

,/ She was a sexy woman, attractive in a sluttish sort of way. (Ela

era uma mulher sensual, atraente como uma meretriz.) morose ~ slow

meretricious: enganoso, falso ,/ She looked at him with a morose expression, as if she
really hated him. (Ela olhou para ele com uma expressão
sluttish: próprio ou típico de uma meretriz
de mau humor, como se realmente ela o odiasse.)

X The Research and Development Department has been too morose.

miserable ~ wretched
,/ The Research and Development Department has been too slow. (O
,/ He felt miserable. (Ele se sentia profundamente infeliz.) departamento de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento tem sido muito lento.)

,/ This miserable weather is driving me nuts. (Este morose: mal-humorado, birrento

tempo horroroso está me deixando louco.) slow: moroso, lento, vagaroso

204 21
motherhood ~ maternity Revisão 20
X Teenage maternity is a very serious problem.
What are these words associated with?
v' Teenage motherhood is a very serious problem. (A
maternidade na adolescência é um problema muito sério.) 1. Spaghetti, noodles, butterflies: mass or pasta?

X By coincidence, my wife and I were born at 2.· Sportswear, cosmetics, toys: magazine or department store?
the same motherhood hospital.
3. Skin, flesh, stone: mango or sleeve?
v' By coincidence, my wife and I were born at the same
maternity hospital. (Por coincidência, eu e a minha
4. Orange, lemon: marmalade or quince paste?
mulher nascemos na mesma maternidade.)
5. The Phantom, the Lone Ranger, Batman: mascara or mask?
motherhood: maternidade, qualidade inerente à mãe
maternity: maternidade (termo usado em conexão ao ato de dar à luz) 6. Buli, arena, sword: matador or killer?

7. Beef, lamb, pork: meat or flesh?

mutton ~ sheep
8. Fruit, wine, cheese: mature or ripe?
X Unfortunately, there was no sheep stew on the menu.

v' Unfortunately, there was no mutton stew on the menu.

9. Wool, leather, horns: sheep or mutton?

(Infelizmente, não havia ensopado de carneiro no cardápio.)

10. Cake, dress, ring: wedding or marriage?
X Ours was one of the largest mutton farms in the area.

v' Ours is one of the largest sheep farms in the area. (A nossa
fazenda de criação de ovelhas é uma das maiores da região.)

mutton: carne de carneiro

sheep: ovelha, carneiro

neither ~ none ~ no one
nail ~ preach
X "Iea or coffee?' 'None, thank you'
X There was a 'No trespassing' ./ "Iea or coffee?' 'Neither, thank you' ("Chá ou
sign preached to the fence. café?" "Nenhum dos dois, obrigado:')
./ There was a 'No trespassing' X Neither of the thirty students knew the answer
sign nailed to the fence. to the question the teacher asked them.
(Havia um aviso de "Não
entrar" pregado na cerca.) X No one of the thirty students knew the answer
to the question the teacher asked them.
X We have invited the
Reverend Thomas Blake of ./ No one knew the answer to the question the teacher asked.
Belfast to nail at our church. (Ninguém sabia a resposta da pergunta que o professor fez.)

./ We have invited the ./ None of the thirty students knew the answer to the question
Reverend Thomas Blake the teacher asked them. (Nenhum dos trinta alunos sabia
of Belfast to preach a resposta da pergunta que o professor lhes fez.)
at our church. (Nós
neither: nenhum (de dois)
convidamos o reverendo
none: nenhum (de três ou mais)
Thomas Blake, de Belfast, para pregar em nossa ígreja.)
no one: ninguém (não vem seguido de of)
nail: pregar (prender com pregos)
preach: pregar (fazer uma pregação)
nervous ~ angry
./ That phone call made him nervous. (Aquele
name ~ noun
telefonema o deixou nervoso.)
X They all booed her when she mentioned his noun .
X You're not nervous with me, are you?
./ They all booed her when she mentioned his name. (Todos
./ You're not angry with me, are you? (Você
eles a vaiaram quando ela mencionou o nome dele.)
não está bravo comigo, né?)
X 'Happiness' is an abstract name.
nervous: nervoso (ansioso, tenso)
./ 'Happiness' is an abstract noun. ("Felicidade" angry: nervoso (irritado, bravo)
é um substantivo abstrato.)

name: nome (de pessoa, local etc.)

noun: nome (substantivo)

neuter ~ neutral nosy ~ long-nosed
X She was a particularly long-nosed person, always
X 'Book' is a neutral noun in English grammar.
asking questions about everything.
~ 'Book' is a neuter noun in English grammar. ("Livro"
~ She was a particularly nosy person, always asking questions
é um substantivo neutro em gramática inglesa.)
about everything. (Ela era uma pessoa bem intrometida,
X I'd rather remain neuter on that issue. sempre fazendo perguntas a respeito de tudo.)
~ I'd rather remain neutral on that issue. (Eu prefiro X My grandpa was a tall, nosy old man, with
permanecer neutro nessa questão.) a grey beard and moustache.
neuter: neutro (gênero gramatical) ~ My grandpa was a tall, long-nosed old man, with a
neutra I: neutro (que não toma partido) grey beard and moustache. (Meu avô era um velho
alto e narigudo, de barba e bigode grisalhos.)

nosy: intrometido, curioso, abelhudo

new ~ news
long-nosed: narigudo
X Have the news books arrived yet?

~ Have the new books arrived yet? (Já chegaram os novos livros?)
note ~ grade
~ No news is good news. (A falta de notícia já é uma boa notícia.)
~ She made a note in her appointment book.
new: novo (adjetivo - não tem plural) (Ela fez uma anotação na sua agenda.)
news: notícia, notícias (substantivo singular)
X I got a very low note in physics.

~ I got a very low grade in physics. (Eu tirei

new ~ young uma nota muito baixa em física.)

X . What's your young math teacher like? note: nota, anotação

~ What's your new math teacher like? (Que tal o grade: nota de escola
seu novo professor de matemática?)

X You're too new to understand these things.

notice ~ news
~ You're too young to understand these things. (Você ~ The notice read 'No Vacancies' (O cartaz dizia: "Não há vagas".)
é novo demais para entender essas coisas.)
X I've got some very good notices for you.
new: novo, recém-chegado
young: novo, jovem

••• I'"

./' I've got some very good news for you. (Eu tenho
Revisão 21
uma notícia muito boa para lhe dar.)
Try this word finding game. The words may have been written
notice: aviso, cartaz
horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, to the left or right.
news: notícia
1. Fix something with a hammer
2. lhe opposite of old
notice ~ report
3. Curious about other people's lives
./' Did you notice he was disappointed with the response? 4. War and Peace and Dom Casmurro are examples of this word
(Você notou que ele ficou decepcionado com a resposta?)
5. A word we use to identify things, people, animais, etc.
X The Daytona Herald noticed that the Chrisler- 6. Not at ali pleased
Fiat deal is bad for GM and Ford.
7. A mark given in a test or exam
./' The Daytona Herald reported that the Chrisler-Fiat deal is 8. Something written on a piece of paper so that everybody can read it
bad for GM and Ford. (O Daytona Herald noticiou que o 9. lhe opposite of new
acordo da Chrisler com a Fiat é ruim para a GM e a Ford.)
10. A popular lV drama serial
notice: notar
report: noticiar D I J W K G R A D E

novel ~ soap opera
G N U O y V A E T Y
./' 'lhe Razor's Edge is, in my opinion, Somerset Maugham's
best novel. (O Fio da Navalha é, em minha opinião,
E E G H Q u N P S S
o melhor romance de Somerset Maugham.)
X She simply can't bear missing her favourite novel every night.
./' She simply can't bear missing her favourite soap
opera every night. (Ela simplesmente não suporta T U V P A S N A T N
ficar sem ver sua novela favorita toda noite.)
novel: romance
soap opera: novela N A T R I N G S S R


o o
~ In May 1889 Van Gogh himself asked to be admitted to an
oar ~ paddle asylum at St Rémy. (Em maio de 1889, o próprio Van Gogh
pediu para ser internado num manicômio em St. Rémy.)
}C In canoeing, you hold an oar, which is not attached to the cano e,
whereas in rowing you use a paddle, which is attached to the boat. ~ After the coup détat, he asked for asylum in Chile. (Depois
do golpe de estado, ele pediu asilo político no Chile.)
~ In canoeing, you hold a paddle, which is not attached
to the canoe, whereas in rowing you use an oar, which old people's home: asilo de velhos
is attached to the boat. (Numa canoa, usa-se um remo asylum: 1 manicômio 2 asilo político
curto, que não fica preso a ela, enquanto que num barco
a remo, o remo é longo e fica preso ao barco.)

oar: remo longo

on view ~ cash
paddle: remo curto, para embarcações pequenas ~ The Holy Shroud is not on view except on special occasions.
(O Santo Sudário só é exposto em ocasiões especiais.)

}C I didn't understand why he bought it on

occupancy ~ occupation credit instead of paying on view.
}C Hotel occupation in Rio de Janeiro often reaches 90% in summer.
~ I didn't understand why he bought it on credit
~ Hotel occupancy in Rio de Janeiro often reaches 90% instead of paying cash. (Eu não entendi por que ele
in summer. (O número de quartos ocupados nos comprou no crediário ao invés de pagar à vista.)
hotéis do Rio de Janeiro chega a 90% no verão.)
on view: à vista, em exposição
}C Tibet has been under military occupancy since 1951. cash: pagamento à vista
.~ Tibet has been under military occupation since 1951.
(O Tibete está sob ocupação militar desde 1951.)
opposite ~ in front of
occupancy: ocupação ou uso de um imóvel
}C My house is in front of the post office.
occupation: ocupação (invasão de um país)
~ My house is opposite the post office. (Minha
casa fica em frente ao correio.)
old people's home ~ aisylum }C She would sit opposite the TV set for hours on end.
}C When Mrs. Taylor's father could no longe r look ~ She would sit in front of the TV set for hours on end. (Ela
after himself, she sent him to an asylum.
ficava sentada na frente da televisão durante horas.)
~ When Mrs. Taylor's father could no longer look after himself, she
opposite: em frente, mas do lado oposto de uma rua, mesa etc.
sent him to an old people's home. (Quando o pai da sra. Taylor não
pôde mais cuidar de si mesmo, ela o internou num asilo de velhos.) in front of: em frente

optician ~ eye doctor
}( His parents were disappointed in his
}( He went to an eye doctor's and bought a new pair of glasses. ordinary performance in the exam.
~ He went to an optician's and bought a new pair of glasses. ~ His parents were disappointed in his mediocre
(Ele foi a uma ótica e comprou um par de óculos.) performance in the exam. (Seus pais ficaram decepcionados
}( If you need a cateract operation you will com seu desempenho medíocre no exame.)
be under the care of an optician.
ordinary: comum, normal, usual
~ If you need a cateract operation you will be under the care of mediocre: ordinário, medíocre
an eye doctor. (Se você precisar de uma operação de catarata,
você ficará sob os cuidados de um oftalmologista.)
ounce ~ jaguar
optician: pessoa que vende óculos e lentes de contato
eye doctor: oftalmologista ~ There are seventeen ounces in a pound. (Há
dezesseis onças em uma libra.)

}( He was attacked by an ounce.

ordain ~ milk
~ He was attacked by a jaguar. (Ele foi atacado por uma onça.)
~ Why can't women be ordained in the Catholic Church? (Por que
ounce: onça, unidade de peso (28,35 gramas)
as mulheres não podem ser ordenadas na Igreja Católica?)
jaguar: onça (animal)
~ Ayatollah Khomeini ordained that Salman Rushdie be executed. (O
aiatolá Khomeini decretou que Salman Rushdie fosse executado.)

}( His wife always helped him ordain the cows.

outdoor ~ billboard
~ At the Black Horse Hotel there are four outdoor tennis courts
~ His wife always helped him milk the cows. (Sua
and two indoor swimming pools available for our guests to
esposa sempre o ajudava a ordenhar as vacas.)
enjoy. (No Hotel Cavalo Negro há quatro quadras de tênis ao
ordain: 1 ordenar, fazer de alguém um padre 2 ordenar, decretar ar livre e duas piscinas cobertas à disposição dos hóspedes.)
milk: ordenhar (tirar leite)
}( As he was driving on a very busy road in Tel Aviv
he saw a huge outdoor that said 'Peace Now'

ordinary ~ mediocre ~ As he was driving on a very busy road in Tel Aviv he

saw a huge billboard that said 'Peace Now' (Dirigindo
~ It is a TV show in which ordinary viewers can ask the numa estrada movimentada em Tel Aviv, ele viu
president questions. (É um programa de televisão em que um outdoor enorme que dizia "Paz Agora"
expectadores comuns podem fazer perguntas ao presidente.)
outdoor: ao ar livre
billboard: outdoor (anúncio de publicidade exposto ao ar livre)
o p
ownership ~ property
X There's been a dispute among the heirs for the property of the farm. pair ~ partner ~ peers ~ even

../ Theres been a dispute among the heirs for the X I think I need a new peer of shoes .
ownership of the farm. (Está havendo uma briga entre ../ I think I need a new pair of shoes. (Acho que eu
os herdeiros pela propriedade da fazenda.) estou precisando de um novo par de sapatos.)
X He sold his ownership and went out of business. X She wondered who would be her dancing pairo
../ He sold his property and went out ofbusiness. (Ele ../ She wondered who would be her dancing partner. (Ela
vendeu a propriedade e se retirou dos negócios.) ficou imaginando quem seria o seu par no baile.)
X He acted with property and fairness. X He insisted on being judged by his pairs .
../ He acted with propriety and fairness. (Ele se ../ He insisted on being judged by his peers. (Ele
comportou de forma apropriada e imparcial.) insistia em ser julgado por seus pares.)
ownership direito à propriedade X Two, four and six are pair numbers.
property propriedade (imóveis, veículos, ações ete.)
../ Two, four and six are even numbers. (Dois,
propriety: justeza, retidão, adequação quatro e seis são números pares.)

pair: par (dois)

Revisão 22 partner: par (companheiro/a de dança)

Unscramble the letters and you'll get the right word. peers pares, pessoas do mesmo nível social ou da mesma idade.)
even: par (número par - dois, quatro, seis ete.)
1. Vou row a boat with it: ARO
2. A place for mentally ill people: MALUYS
palaver "t word
3. This person sells glasses and contact lenses: IPANITOC
../ Cut the palaver and let's get straight to the point. (Chega
4. To take milk from a cow: KLIM de papo furado e vamos direto ao assunto.)
5. Not uncommon: DAYORINR X He gave me his palaver ofhonour that he would be back by midnight.
6. A large outdoor board used in advertising: DBLBRILAO
../ He gave me his word of honour that he would be
7. The things you own: PPRRYETO back by midnight. (Ele me deu sua palavra de honra
8. A unit of weight, equal to 28.35 grams:
que estaria de volta antes da meia noite.)
9. On the other side of something: POPOSTEI palaver: debate estéril, bate-boca

10. A job ar profession: word: palavra


218 219
palimony ~ alimony
lC It wiIl be an opportunity to meet old friends
../ After eight years together she demanded $6,000 a and parents you have lost contact with.
month in palimony. (Depois de oito anos juntos,
../ It wiIl be an opportunity to meet old friends
ela entrou com um pedido de 6.000 dólares
and relatives you have lost contact with. (Será
por mês, a título de pensão alimentícia.)
uma oportunidade de rever velhos amigos e
lC Should I still pay palimony if my ex-wife parentes com quem você perdeu contato.)
is expecting another mans child?
parent: o pai ou a mãe de uma pessoa ou animal
../ Should I still pay alimony if my ex-wife is relative: parente
expecting another man's child? (Eu ainda tenho
que pagar pensão alimentícia para minha ex-
mulher se ela está grávida de outro homem?) particular ~ private
palimony: pensão alimentícia que se deve dar a uma ex-companheira ../ The photos show you exact1y what she was wearing on that
com quem se tenha vivido sem ser casado particular day in 2004. (As fotos mostram exatamente
alimony: pensão alimentícia regular o que ela estava usando naquele dia em particular.)

lC She earns her living by giving particular lessons .

palmetto ~ heart of palm ../ She earns her living by giving private lessons. (Ela
ganha a vida dando aulas particulares.)
../ You can make mats and baskets from the
palmetto leaves. (Com as folhas da palmeira particular: especial, específico
é possível fazer tapetes e cestos.) private: particular, privado
lC There was nothing in the fridge
except for a jar of palmetto.
passage ~ ticket
../ There was nothing in the fridge except for
a jar ofhearts of palmo (Não havia nada na ../ He slowly walked down the passage that led to
geladeira a não ser um vidro de palmito.) the main entrance. (Lentamente, ele percorreu o
corredor que dava para a entrada principal.)
palmetto: um tipo de palmeira
../ I particularly like the passage in which he
heart of palm: palmito
discovers she is in fact his sister. (Eu gosto
principalmente da passagem em que ele
descobre que ela é na verdade sua irmã.)
parent ~ relative
../ Children should obey their parents. (Os
filhos devem obedecer aos pais.)

X 'Passages please, said the railway inspector. X The ingredients include black olives, paprika,
tomato pasta, salt and pepper.
,/' Tickets please, said the railway inspector. ("Bilhetes,
por favor», disse o fiscal do trem.) ,/' The ingredients include black olives, paprika, tomato
paste, salt and pepper. (Os ingredientes incluem azeitonas
passage: 1 passagem, corredor 2 passagem, trecho de um livro pretas, páprica, massa de tomate, sal e pimenta.)
ticket: passagem (bilhete)
pasta: macarrão, massa
file: pasta (arquivo)
password ~ pin number paste: pasta, massa
,/' You need a password to start the computer. (Você precisa
de uma senha para poder usar o computador.)
patio ~ schoolyard
X A gang of teenagers robbed an old woman of her cash
,/' Why don't we have a barbecue out on the patio? (Por
card and then forced her to give them her password.
que não fazemos um churrasco lá no quintal?)
,/' A gang ofteenagers robbed an old woman ofher
X The entrance to the old school was from the patio.
cash card and then forced her to give them her
pin number. (Um bando de delinquentes assaltou ,/' The entrance to the old school was from the schoolyard.
uma senhora idosa, roubou seu cartão de crédito (A entrada da velha escola era pelo pátio.)
e obrigou-a a lhe dar a senha do cartão.)
patio: pátio, quintal
password: senha (em geral) schoolyard: pátio de escola
pin number: senha do cartão de crédito

patron ~ boss
pasta ~ file ~ paste
,/' Lorenzo de Mediei was a statesman and an art patron.
X My favourite file is ravioli. (Lorenzo de Mediei foi um estadista e um patrono das artes.)
,/' My favourite pasta is ravioli. (Minha X He quit his job because he didn't like his patron.
massa predileta é ravióli.)
,/' He quit his job because he didn't like his boss. (Ele
X Everything in a computer is kept in pastes. saiu do emprego porque não gostava do patrão.)
,/' Everything in a computer is kept in files. (Tudo que se patron: patrono, pessoa que apoia e financia artistas
faz num computador é guardado em arquivos.)
boss: patrão


pay 0 ~ pay for pension ~ boarding house

X Were the drinks free or did you have to pay them? X He lives on a small
boarding house.
,/ Were the drinks free or did you have to pay for them?
(A bebida era de graça ou você teve que pagar?) ,/ He lives on a small
pensiono (Ele vive
X Oh dear, I forgot to pay for the electricity bill!
de uma pequena
,/ Oh, dear, I forgot to pay the electricity bill! (Ah, aposentadoria. )
meu Deus, esqueci de pagar a conta da luz!)
X She moved to Mrs.
pay 0: pagar uma conta, uma dívida, um empréstimo etc. O'Haras pension
in Groot St.
pay for: pagar por algo que se adquire
,/ She moved to Mrs.
O'Haras boarding
peace ~ piece
house in Groot
X Here's my advice on how to gain piece of mind in daily life. St. (Ela se mudou
para a pensão
,/ Heres my advice on how to gain peace of mind in daily life. (Eis o
da sra. O'Hara
meu conselho sobre como alcançar a paz de espírito no dia -a dia.)
na rua Groot.)
X How many peaces of pizza have you eaten?
pension: pensão, aposentadoria
,/ How many pieces of pizza have you eaten? boarding house: casa de pensão
(Quantos pedaços de pizza você já comeu?)

peace: paz
pension off ~ retire
piece: pedaço
X When [ack became too old to work, his employer retired him.

,/ When Iack became too old to work, his employer

pedicure ~ pedicurist
pensioned him off. (Quando [ack ficou velho demais
,/ She has a pedicure once a week. (Ela faz as para o trabalho, o patrão o aposentou.)
unhas do pé uma vez por semana.)
X 'You're old enough to pension off' she said .
.X It was my pedicure who told me that.
,/ 'You're old enough to retire; she said. ("Você já
,/ It was my pedicurist who told me that. (Foi tem idade para se aposentar': ela disse.)
minha pedicure que me contou isso.)
pension off: dispensar, aposentar
pedicure: cuidado com os pés retire: aposentar-se
pedicurist: pedicure (pessoa que cuida dos pés)

224 225
p p

peregrination ~ pilgrimage
,/ I hate being asked personal questions. (Detesto
X His pilgrimage from Victoria Park to Pultney que me façam perguntas pessoais.)
Bridge was full of adventure.
X He is in charge of the personal department.
,/ His peregrination from Victoria Park to Pultney Bridge
,/ He is in charge of the personnel department.
was full of adventure. (Sua caminhada do Parque
(Ele é o chefe do departamento pessoal.)
Vitória à Ponte Pultney foi cheia de aventuras.)

X He met her on a peregrination to the Holy Land. personal: pessoal (adjetivo)

personnel: pessoal, grupo de pessoas (substantivo)
,/ He met her on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. (Ele a
conheceu numa peregrinação à Terra Santa.)

peregrination: peregrinação, viagem geralmente feita a pé perspective ~ prospect

pilgrimage: peregrinação, visita a um lugar sagrado ,/ You've got to look at his goals with a long-range
perspective. (É preciso olhar os seus objetivos
com uma perspectiva de longo alcance.)
persecute ~ chase
,/ In a perspective drawing what is a vanishing point? (Num
X Ethnic minorities are quite often chased. desenho em perspectiva, o que é um ponto de fuga?)
,/ Ethnic minorities are quite often persecuted. (As X In my opinion, the perspective of a new arms race seems inevitable.
minorias étnicas são frequentemente perseguidas.)
,/ In my opinion, the prospect of a new arms race seems
X The police persecuted the car down the inevitable. (Na minha opinião, a perspectiva de uma
motorway until it crashed into a van. nova corrida armamentista parece inevitável.)
,/ The police chased the car down the motorway until perspective: 1 modo de encarar as coisas, ponto de vista 2 perspectiva,
it crashed into a van. (A polícia perseguiu o carro na representação dos objetos sobre um plano, tais como são
rodovia até que ele se chocasse contra uma perua.) apresentados à vista
persecute: perseguir, atormentar prospect: perspectiva (expectativa, esperança, possibilidade futura)
chase: perseguir (ir atrás)

pertain ~ belong
personal ~ personnel X Let's just focus on the facts that belong to the case.
X I hate being asked personnel questions. ,/ Let's just focus on the facts that pertain to the case. (Vamos
nos concentrar apenas nos fatos que dizem respeito ao caso.)

photograph ~ photography
X No, the house doesn't pertain to him.
X A black and white photography seems
v" No, the house doesn't belong to him.
a thing of the past nowadays.
(Não, a casa não pertence a ele.)
v" A black and white photograph seems a thing of
pertain: relacionar-se, referir-se the past nowadays. (Uma fotografia em preto
belong: pertencer (ser de propriedade de) e branco hoje parece coisa do passado.)

X Sebastião Salgado is regarded as

a master of photograph.
pest ~ plague
v" Sebastião Salgado is regarded as a
X Part of the crop was destroyed by plague.
master of photography. (Sebastião
v" Part of the crop was destroyed by pests. (Parte da Salgado, um mestre da fotografia.)
plantação foi destruída por uma praga.)
photograph: foto, fotografia
X In the Middle Ages, if someone in a house got the
photography: fotografia, a arte de fotografar
pest, a big red cross was painted on their door.

v" In the Middle Ages, if someone in a house got the plague, a big red
cross was painted on their door. (Na Idade Média, se alguém numa physician ~ physicist
casa tinha a peste, pintava-se uma grande cruz vermelha na porta.) v" A physícían's job is to preserve life. (A função
pest: inseto ou animal nocivo do médico é preservar a vida.)

plague: peste (epidemia, doença contagiosa) X Isaac Newton was one of the greatest physicians of all time.

v" Isaac Newton was one of the greatest physicists of all time.
(Isaac Newton foi um dos maiores físicos de todos os tempos.)
petrol ~ oil
v" As I was driving home my car ran out of petrol. physician: médico
(Voltando para casa, fiquei sem gasolina.) physicist: físico (cientista)

X The photos show workers digging a petrol well in Iraq in 1928.

v" The photos show workers digging an oil well in Iraq pig ~ pork
in 1928. (As fotos mostram trabalhadores cavando X Every child knows the story of the three little podes and the wolf.
um poço de petróleo no Iraque em 1928.)
v" Every child knows the story of the three little pigs
petrol: gasolina and the wolf. (Toda criança conhece a história
oil: petróleo dos três porquinhos e do lobo mau.)

p p

X Iews and Muslims don't eat pig. ,/ The Monaco Grand Prix takes place on the most charming
street track in the world. (O Grande Prêmio de Mônaco
,/ Jews and Muslims don't eat pork. (Os judeus e os
acontece na pista de rua mais charmosa do mundo.)
muçulmanos não comem carne de porco.)
X So far the police still have no piste about the murderers.
pig: porco
pork: carne de porco ,/ So far the police still have no clue about the murderers. (Até
o momento, a polícia ainda não tem pista dos assassinos.)

piste: pista de esqui

pimple ~ spine
track: pista de corrida
X To her horror, as she looked in the mirro r clue: pista policial
she saw a spine on her chin.

,/ To her horror, as she looked in the mirro r she saw

a pimple on her chin. (Ao se olhar no espelho, ela, placard ~ score
horrorizada, viu uma espinha rio queixo.) ,/ The protesters were carrying placards saying 'Save the Earth' (Os
,/ Try not to curve your spine when you do this exercise. manifestantes portavam cartazes que diziam "Salve a Terra")
(Tente não curvar a espinha ao fazer este exercício.) X Does anyone know what the final placard was
,/ Contrary to popular belief, the spines of a hedgehog are last night with Flamengo and Palmeiras?
not poisonous. (Ao contrário do que muita gente pensa, ,/ Does anyone know what the final score was last night with
os espinhos de um ouriço não são venenosos.) Flamengo and Palmeiras? (Alguém aí sabe o resultado
pimple: espinha (erupção cutânea)
de ontem à noite de Flamengo e Palmeiras?)

spine: 1 espinha, coluna vertebral 2 espinho de certos animais placard: cartaz de protesto
ou plantas score: placar (resultado de um jogo)

piste ~ track ~ c1ue plain ~ flat

,/ Yesterday the ski championship was cancelled after snow fell ,/ The facts about the case are plain to see. (Os fatos
heavily on the VaI d'Isere piste in the French Alps. (Ontem o sobre o caso estão aí para quem quiser ver.)
campeonato de esqui foi cancelado depois que uma tempestade
de neve caiu sobre a pista de VaI d'Isere nos Alpes franceses.) ,/ He is corrupt - that's as plain as day. (Ele
é corrupto. Isso está na cara.)
X The Monaco Grand Prix takes place on the most
charming street piste in the world. ,/ I guess I got used to eating plain food. (Acho que
me' acostumei a comer comida caseira).

230 231
,/ If you want to emphasize your furniture, it is best plan: 1 plano 2 mapa 3 planta de casa

to choose a plain carpet. (Se você pretende realçar plant: planta

os móveis, é melhor escolher um tapete liso.)

,/ He was willing to give plain answers to any questions the

plaque ~ plate
reporters asked. (Ele estava disposto a dar respostas diretas
a quaisquer perguntas que os repórteres fizessem.) ,/ On Ianuary 14 a commemorative plaque was
unveiled in the assembly hall of our school. (No dia
,/ He certainly knew how to make a plain middle-aged lady
14 de janeiro uma placa comemorativa foi descerrada
feel sexy. (Ele com certeza sabia como fazer uma mulher
no salão de reuniões de nossa escola.)
de meia-idade sem nada de especial sentir-se atraente.)
,/ This new toothpaste helps to whiten your teeth and
X Flooding can easily affect plain terrain.
remove plaque. (Esta nova pasta de dentes ajuda a
,/ Flooding can easily affect flat terrain. (As inundações clarear os dentes e a remover a placa bacteriana.)
podem facilmente afetar terrenos planos.
X I sometimes forget the number plaque of my own caro
plain: 1 claro, óbvio 2 simples, sem sofisticação 3 liso, sem desenhos 4
,/ I sometimes forget the number plate of my own caro (Às
honesto, direto 5 sem graça, sem atrativo vezes eu esqueço a chapa do meu próprio carro.)
flat: plano, reto
plaque: 1 placa, chapa de metal 2 placa, substância que se forma nos
plan ~ plant plate: placa de automóvel

,/ In his new book, Jimmy Carter presents a peace plan

for the Holy Land. (Em seu novo livro, Jimmy Carter
platoon ~ squad
apresenta um plano de paz para a Terra Santa.)
,/ Lieutenant Barnes will deal with any problems within
,/ This atlas includes, among other features, a street
the platoon. (O tenente Barnes se encarregará de
plan of London. (Este atlas inclui, entre outros
qualquer problema dentro do pelotão.)
destaques, um mapa das ruas de Londres.)
X Thomas Fry is the new head of Scotland
X You cannot stress enough the importance of
Yards anti-terrorism platoon,
the ground plant of any building.
,/ Thomas Fry is the new head of Scotland Yards anti-
,/ You cannot stress enough the importance of the ground
terrorism squad. (Thomas Fry é o novo chefe do
plan of any building. (Nunca é demais enfatizar a
esquadrão antiterrorismo da Scotland Yard.)
importância da planta baixa de qualquer construção.)
platoon: pelotão, grupo de soldados comandado por um tenente
,/ I forgot to water the plants yesterday. (Eu me
esqueci de regar as plantas ontem.) squad: pelotão, esquadrão

232 233

police state ~ state police policy: política, diretriz

police: polícia
X When the Communist Parti came to power, I felt
that was the beginning of a state police. politics: política, a arte e a ciência de governar
politician: político, homem público
"" When the Communist Party carne to power, I felt
that was the beginning of a 'police state. (Quando
o Partido Comunista chegou ao poder, eu senti que
powder ~ dust
aquilo era o início de um estado totalitário.)
X Cocaine is a white crystaline dust extracted from coca leaves.
X Before the FBI could take over the investigations, the
police state had already arrested the three men. "" Cocaine is a white crystaline powder extracted from coca leaves.
(A cocaína é um pó cristalino branco extraído das folhas da coca.)
"" Before the FBI could take over the investigations, the
state police had already arrested the three men. (Antes X Ali the furniture was covered in powder.
que o FBI pudesse assumir as investigações, a polícia
"" AlI the furniture was covered in dust. (Todos
estadual já havia prendido os três homens.)
os móveis estavam cobertos de pó.)
police state: estado totalitário
powder: pó, substância composta de grãos pulverizados
state police: polícia estadual
dust: pó, poeira

policy ~ police ~ politics ~ politician

prawn ~ shrimp
X Honesty is the best police.
X The first course was a shrimp cocktail.
"" Honesty is the best policy. (A honestidade é a melhor política.)
"" The first course was a prawn cocktail. (a primeiro
X Why didn't the policy arrest him? prato foi um coquetel de camarão.)

"" Why didn't the police arrest him? (Por que a polícia não o prendeu?) X In spite of its name, Shrimp Newburg is an Italian dish.

X 'Policy is the doctrine of the possible. (Otto von Bismarck) "" In spite of its name, Prawn Newburg is an Italian dish. (Apesar
do nome, camarão à Newburg é um prato italiano.)
"" 'Politics is the doctrine of the possible. (Otto von
Bismarck) (''A política é a doutrina do possível:') prawn: camarão grande
X Most, if not ali, politics are opportunistic shrimp: camarão pequeno

"" Most, if not ali, politicians are opportunistic. (A maioria

dos políticos - se não todos - é oportunista.)

234 235
precoclous ~ premature preface ~ foreword

~ Mozart was a precocious child who composed X In the foreword, the author thanks his
his first oratorio at the age of eleven. (Mozart assistants for their cooperation.
foi uma criança precoce que compôs seu ~ In the preface, the author thanks his assistants for
primeiro oratório aos onze anos de idade.) their cooperation. (No prefácio, o autor agradece
X It is estimated that precocious ejaculation aos seus assistentes por sua cooperação.)
affects at least 25% of men in the U.S. X The preface was written by the author's closest friend.
~ It is estimated that premature ejaculation affects ~ The foreword was written by the author's closest friend.
at least 25% of men in the U.S. (Estima-se que a (A introdução foi escrita pelo melhor amigo do autor.)
ejaculação precoce afeta no mínimo vinte e cinco
por cento dos homens nos Estados Unidos.) preface: prefácio, introdução escrita normalmente pelo próprio autor
foreword: introdução escrita normalmente por outra pessoa
~ She was reading an article about premature babies. (Ela
que não o autor
estava lendo um artigo sobre bebês prematuros.)

precocious: precoce
prennature:prematuro,precoce prejudice ~ 1055
~ Pride and Prejudice is [ane Austens most famous novel. (Orgulho
e Preconceito é o romance mais famoso de Iane Austen.)·
predicate ~ quality
X Fortunately, the prejudice was smaller than we had imagined.
~ In the sentence 'She is coming, tis coming' is the predicate.
(Na sentença "Ela está vindo", "está vindo" é o predicado.) ~ Fortunately, the loss was smaller than we had imagined.
(Felizmente, o prejuízo foi menor do que havíamos imaginado.)
X He was a man of many predicates.
prejudice: preconceito
~ He was a man of many qualities. (Ele era
1055: prejuízo
um homem de muitos predicados.)

predicate: predicado, a parte da oração que contém aquilo que se

afirma a respeito do sujeito premium ~ prize
quality: predicado (qualidade, virtude) ~ The premiums for healthcare plans have increased by 5% this
year. (As prestações dos planos de saúde subiram 5% este ano.)

X Prof. Burt Gibbs was given a premium for his significant

contribution in the field of quantum energy.

236 237

~ Prof. Burt Gibbs was given a prize for his contribution in X More than 2,000 Chinese civil servants will
the field of quantum energy. (O Prof. Burt Gibbs recebeu um be punished for prevarication.
prêmio por sua contribuição no campo da física quântica.)
~ More than 2,000 Chinese civil servants will be punished
premium: prêmio, prestação de um seguro for wrongdoing. (Mais de dois mil funcionários públicos
chineses serão punidos por prevaricação.)
prize: prêmio
prevarication: evasiva, resposta ou justificativa vaga e sem objetividade
wrongdoing: prevaricação, infração praticada por funcionário
preservative ~ condom
público visando obter vantagem pessoal
~ Vinegar was used for many centuries as a preservative. (Durante
muitos séculos o vinagre foi usado como conservante.)
priceless ~ worthless
X Should preservative machines be installed in hígh schoollavatories?
X To Anne, the necklace her father had given her on her
~ Should condom machines be installed in high school
fifteenth birthday was worthless and she always wore it.
lavatories? (As escolas devem instalar máquinas
de camisinhas nos banheiros dos alunos?) ~ To Anne, the necklace her father had given her on her
fifteenth birthday was priceless and she always wore it.
preservative: conservante, produto usado na preservação de alimentos,
(Para Anne, o colar que seu pai lhe dera quando ela fez
madeira etc.
quinze anos não tinha preço e ela sempre o usava.)
condom: preservativo (camisinha)
X Hes the only designer I know who can transform
a priceless sofa into a work of art.
pretend ~ intend ~ He's the only designer I know who can transform
a worthless sofa into a work of art. (Ele é o único
~ She pretended she didn't see him. (Ela fingiu que não o viu.)
designer que eu conheço que consegue transformar
X I didn't pretend to hurt his feelings. um sofá sem nenhum valor numa obra de arte.)
~ I didn't intend to hurt his feelings. (Eu não tive a intenção de ofendê-lo.) priceless: inestimável, de enorme valor

pretend: fingir worthless: sem valor

intend: pretender

process ~ lawsuit
prevarication ~ wrongdoing X Once the erosion lawsuit begins, it is irreversible.
~ Ask her how old she is, and, without prevarication, she will tell ~ Once the erosion process begins, it is irreversible. (Uma
you. (Pergunte-lhe a sua idade, e ela lhe dirá sem evasivas.) vez iniciado o processo de erosão, ele é irreversível.)

238 239
professor ;t. teacher
X He filed a process against them for breach of contract.
X Frank Webb has been Penal Law teacher at
,/ He filed a lawsuit against them for breach of contract. (Ele
Harvard Law School for 22 years.
entrou com um processo contra eles por quebra de contrato.)
,/ Frank Webb has been Penal Law professor at Harvard Law
process: processo (em geral) School for 22 years. (Frank Webb é professor de Direito Penal
lawsuit: processo judicial da Faculdade de Direito de Harvard há vinte e dois anos.)

X My 6-year-old daughter is very fond ofher professor.

process ~ press charges ,/ My 6-year-old daughter is very fond ofher teacher. (Minha
filha de seis anos gosta muito da sua professora.)
,/ All the data sent by the satellite are processed by our
computers. (Todos os dados enviados pelo satélite professor: professor(a) universitário(a)
são processados por nossos computadores.)
teacher: professor(a) de ensino fundamental e médio
X I have no intention to proc~ss the hospital.

,/ I have no intention to press charges against the hospital.

promoter ;t. prosecutor
(Não tenho nenhuma intenção de processar o hospital.)
X Don King is a very popular American boxing prosecutor.
process: processar, trabalhar
,/ Don King is a very popular American boxing promoter. (Don
press charges: processar judicialmente
King é um promotor de lutas de boxe muito popular.)

X Giovanni Falcone was an Italian promoter who

procure ;t. look for was killed by a car-bornb set by the Mafia.
,/ A new serum was procured from horses' blood. (Um ,/ Giovanni Falcone was an Italian prosecutor who was killed by a
novo soro foi obtido a partir do sangue de cavalos.) car-bomb set by the Mafia. (Giovanni Falcone era um promotor
X Is this the book you've been procuring? público que morreu num atentado perpetrado pela Máfia.)

,/ Is this the book youve been looking for? (É promoter: promotor, pessoa que organiza e promove um evento
este o livro que você está procurando?) prosecutor: promotor público

procure: obter, conseguir

look for: procurar
propaganda ;t. advertising
,/ 'Information is as vital to a democratic regime as
propaganda is to an authoritarian one. (Blumler, 1987).
("A informação é tão essencial num regime democrático
quanto a propaganda política num regime ditatorial:')

240 241

X Propaganda is essential to the survival of newspapers,

X The pulsewatch was invented by Santos Dumont.
magazines, and TV and radio stations.
,/ The wristwatch was invented by Santos Dumont. (O
,/ Advertising is essential to the survival of newspapers, magazines, relógio de pulso foi inventado por Santos Dumont.)
and TV and radio stations. (A publicidade é essencial para a
sobrevivência de jornais, revistas, canais de TV e estações de rádio.) pulse: pulso, pulsação
wrist: punho
prop~gan~a.: propaganda, divulgação de ideias políticas ou concepções
ideológicas, em geral distorcidas
advertising: propaganda (publicidade) pulverise ~ spray
,/ A special machine is used to pulverise the wheat. (Usa-
pull ~ push se uma máquina especial para triturar o trigo.)

X She pushed the rug away from the fire. X There are plants that simply don't like to be pulverised.

,/ She pulled the rug away from the fire. (Ela ,/ There are plants that simply don't like to be sprayed on. (Existem
puxou o tapete para longe da lareira.) plantas que simplesmente não gostam de ser borrifadas com água.)

X 'Teacher! He hit me!' 'She pulled me!' pulverise: reduzir a pó

,/ "Ieacher! He hit me!' 'She pushed me!' ("Professora, spray: pulverizar (borrifar com líquido)
ele me bateu!" "Ela me empurrou!")

pull: puxar pump ~ bomb

push: empurrar X Yesterday a pump blew up a petrol bomb near a mosque in Teheran.

,/ Yesterday a bomb blew up a petrol pump near a mosque

pulse ~ wrist in Teheran. (Ontem um explosivo destruiu uma bomba
de gasolina perto de uma mesquita em Teerã.)
The mans pulse was weak. He needed a doctor. (O pulso
do homem estava fraco. Ele precisava de um médico.) pump: bomba (de ar, de gasolina etc.)

Wrist fractures are very common, especially with bomb: bomba (explosivo)

basketbaU players. (Fraturas do punho são muito comuns

principalmente entre os jogadores de basquete.) ,

She tried to commit suicide by cutting her pulses with a knife.

She tried to commit suicide by cutting her wrists with a knífe.

(Ela tentou se matar, cortando os pulsos com uma faca.)

Revisão 23
quadrille ~ gang
Fill in the crossword below.
v" He couldn't wait to dance the opening quadrille with her. (Ele
Across Down não via a hora de dançar a quadrilha de abertura com ela.)
1. parceiro, companheiro 2. pensão alimentícia
4. inestimável 3. parente X Clyde Barrow and his quadrille robbed several banks.
5. petróleo 7. fingir
6. perseguir 8. inseto nocivo
v" Clyde Barrow and his gang robbed several banks. (Clyde
9. senha do cartão de crédito 10. espinha Barrow e seu bando assaltaram vários bancos.)
10. dinheiro da aposentadoria 11. preconceito
11. camarão 14. processo judicial quadrille: quadrilha, um tipo de dança, popular no séc. XIX, em que os
12. preservativo pares formam um quadrado
13. política gang: quadrilha de bandidos
15. pista policial
16. pulso
17. obter, conseguir
18. publicidade



13 14


244 245

lC I'd like to get a job within a radium of three miles of my home.

rabies ~ anger
,/ I'd like to get a job within a radius of three miles
lC Anger affects not only dogs but also cats, foxes and bats. of my home. (Gostaria de achar um emprego
num raio de três milhas da minha casa.)
,/ Rabies affects not only dogs but also cats, foxes and bats. (A raiva
ataca não só cães, mas também gatos, raposas e morcegos.) radium: rádio, elemento químico
lC Rabies gave her the strength to stare at him defyingly. radius: raio, distância entre o centro e um ponto qualquer da
circunferência ou da esfera
,/ Anger gave her the strength to stare at him defyingly. (A raiva lhe
deu forças suficientes para encará-lo numa atitude de desafio.)

rabies: raiva, hidrofobia raise ~ rise

anger: raiva, ira lC If you have any questions, please rise your hands.

,/ If you have any questions, please raise your hands. (Se vocês
tiverem alguma dúvida, por favor levantem a mão.)
racket ~ bat
lC The sun raises in the east.
,/ He showed me a photo of a young woman holding
a tennis racket. (Ele me mostrou uma foto de uma ,/ The sim rises in the east. (O sol nasce no leste.)
moça segurando uma raquete de tênis.)
raise: levantar, erguer (verbo transitivo direto)
lC He showed me a photo of a young woman rise: subir, elevar-se, erguer-se (verbo intransitivo)
holding a table tennis racket.

,/ He showed me a photo of a young woman holding a

table tennis bato (Ele me mostrou uma foto de uma ransom ~ rescue
moça segurando uma raquete de tênis de mesa.)
lC The kidnappers demanded a rescue of
racket: raquete de tênis, squash ou badminton $100,000 from the boy's family.

bat: raquete de tênis de mesa ,/ The kidnappers demanded a ransom of $100,000

from the boy's family. (Os sequestradores exigiram um
resgate de 100.000 dólares da família do menino.)
radium ~ radius
lC The climbers were caught in an avalanche and
lC Radius was discovered by Pierre and Marie Curie. had to wait for ransom for two days.

,/ Radium was discovered by Pierre and Marie Curie. (O ,/ The climbers were caught in an avalanche and
radium foi descoberto por Pierre e Marie Curie.) had to wait for rescue for two days. (Os alpinistas

246 247
foram surpreendidos por uma avalanche e real ~ royal
tiveram que esperar dois dias pelo resgate.)
X Mark Twain's royal name was Samuel Langhorne Clemens.
ransom: resgate, dinheiro exigido para que uma vítima de sequestro v"" Mark Twain's real name was Samuel Langhorne Clemens. (O
seja libertada verdadeiro nome de Mark Twain era Samuel Langhorne Clemens.)
rescue: resgate, salvamento
X A new book about the British real family has just been published.

v"" A new book about the British royal family has

ratio ~ reason just been published. (Acaba de ser publicado um
novo livro sobre a família real britânica.)
X The reason of 6 to 1 is written 6: 1 or 6/1.

v"" The ratio of 6 to 1 is written 6: 1 or 6/1. (A real: real, verdadeiro

razão de 6 para 1 se escreve 6:1 ou 6/1.) royal: real, relativo à realeza

X We have ratio to believe that she may be lying.

v"" We have reason to believe that she may be lying, (Temos realise ~ accomplish
razões para acreditar que talvez ela esteja mentindo.)
v"" At-first I didn't realise he was blind. (De início,
ratio: razão, em matemática eu não percebi que ele era cego.)
reason: razão, motivo X Deep inside he felt that one day he would realise great things.

v"" Deep inside he felt that one day he would accomplish great things.
(No fundo, ele sentia que um dia realizaria grandes coisas.)
ration ~ feed
v"" The War Cabinet has reduced the week1y sugar ration realise: perceber, compreender
to half a pound per person per week. (O Gabinete accomplish: realizar, conquistar
de Guerra reduziu a ração semanal de açúcar a
meia libra por semana para cada pessoa.)
receptor ~ receiver
X Most of Iapans animal ration comes from foreign countries.
v"" Our studies reveal that a receptor can be associated to a
v"" Most of Iapans animal feed comes from foreign countries. (A
genomic effect. (Nossos estudos revelam que um nervo
maior parte da ração animal do Japão vem do exterior.)
receptor pode estar associado a um efeito genômico.)
ration: ração, quantidade de alimento ou combustível a que cada
X [ohn Mills, an alleged receptor of stolen goods,
indivíduo tem direito em certas circunstâncias
was arrested by Detective Stewart last night.
feed: ração (comida de animais)
v"" [ohn Mills, an alleged receiver of stolen goods,
was arrested by Detective Stewart last night. (John

248 249
Mills, um suposto receptador de objetos roubados, recipe: receita culinária
foi preso pelo detetive Stewart ontem à noite.) revenue: receita, entrada de dinheiro
receptor: nervo receptor prescription: receita médica
receiver: receptador, comprador de objetos roubados

reclaim ~ complain
recipient ~ receptacle ./ I'm afraid I'm not entitled to reclaim income
./ What kind of food should a heart transplant taxo (Acho que não tenho o direito de pedir
a restituição do imposto de renda.)
recipient eat? (Que tipo de alimento um receptor
de um transplante cardíaco deve comer?) X Some patients reclaim of the side-effects of the medication.
X The rubbish is put in three separate recipients. ./ Some patients complain of the side-effects of
the medication. (Alguns pacientes se queixam
./ The rubbish is put in three separate receptacles. (O
lixo é colocado em três recipientes separados.) dos efeitos colaterais da medicação.)

recipient: receptor, pessoa que recebe um órgão transplantado reclaim: pedir a restituição

receptable: recipiente (vasilhame) complain: reclamar, queixar-se

recipe t revenue ~ prescription recognition ~ reconnaissance

X Years later his theories won international reconnaissance .
X My mother taught me an easy revenue for a chocolate cake.
./ Years later his theories won international
./ My mother taught me an easy recipe for a chocolate cake. (Minha
recognition. (Anos depois, suas teorias receberam
mãe me ensinou uma receita fácil de bolo de chocolate.)
o reconhecimento internacional.)
X His books alone account for 46% of the
publishing company's recipe. X Five soldiers were killed on a recognition mission .

./ His books alone account for 46% of the publishing ./ Five soldiers were killed on a reconnaissance
company's revenue. (Só os livros dele são . mission. (Cinco soldados foram mortos
responsáveis por 46% da receita da editora.) numa missão de reconhecimento.)

You can buy those tablets at a drugstore without a recipe. recognition: reconhecimento, aceitação
reconnaissance: reconhecimento, exame, verificação
You can buy those tablets at a drugstore without a
prescription. (Você pode comprar esses comprimidos
numa farmácia sem receita médica.)

250 251
reconstitute ~ reconstruct
X Ali that old furniture will have to go before
X The new law is an attempt at reconstructing any reform can get underway.
the national curriculum.
.,/ All that old furniture will have to go before any
.,/ The new law is an attempt at reconstituting the national redecoration can get underway. (Todos esses móveis
curriculum. (A nova lei é uma tentativa de reorganização velhos vão ter de sair antes que se inicie a reforma da casa.)
do currículo escolar das escolas públicas.)
refornn: reforma
X The police reconstituted the crime in every detail.
redecoration: reforma de casa
.,/ The police reconstructed the crime in every detail. (A
polícia fez uma minuciosa reconstituição do crime.)
rE7gress~ return
reconstitute: reconstituir, reoganizar
X The doctor was afraid that the bad news might cause
reconstruct: fazer a reconstituição de um crime
him to return to his forme r state of madness .

.,/ The doctor was afraid that the bad news might cause him
recuperation ~ remedial classes to regress to his former state of madness. (O médico
receava que a má notícia pudesse fazer com que ele
.,/ Those two days away from the medias spotlight
regredisse ao seu antigo estado de insanidade.)
gave him an opportunity for physical recuperation.
(Aqueles dois dias longe da pressão da mídia lhe deram X The next morning we regressed to Swansea by train.
a oportunidade de uma recuperação física.)
.,/ The next morning we returned to Swansea by train. (Na
X Recuperation classes are a necessary evil for slow students . manhã seguinte nós voltamos a Swansea de trem.)
.,/ Remedial classes are a necessary evil for regress: regredir
slow students. (Aulas de recuperação são um
return: voltar, retornar
mal necessário para alunos fracos.)

recuperation: recuperação
rennedial classes: aulas de recuperação rehearsal ~ essay
X A new production of Agatha Christie's
The Mousetrap is now in essay.
reform ~ redecoration
.,/ A new production of Agatha Christies The Mousetrap is
.,/ This paper analyses the agrarian reform from a now in rehearsal. (Uma nova montagem de A Ratoeira,
socialist point of view. (Este trabalho analisa a reforma de Agatha Christie, está agora em fase de ensaios.)
agrária do ponto de vista do socialismo.)
X He wrote a long rehearsal about Julius Caesar.


.,/ He wrote a long essay about Iulius Caesar. (Ele remember ~ remind
escreveu um longo ensaio sobre Júlio César.) X I can't remind her name .
rehearsal: ensaio de orquestra ou peça de teatro .,/ I can't remember her name. (Eu não me lembro do nome dela.)
essay: ensaio (tese)
X That song remembers me an old friend .

.,/ That song reminds me of an old friend. (Essa

relaxed ~ sloppy música me lembra um velho amigo.)

.,/ Enjoy our luxurious accommodations in a relaxed remember: lembrar, lembrar-se

atmosphere! (Desfrute de nossas acomodações remind: lembrar, fazer lembrar
luxuosas em uma atmosfera de tranquilidade!)

X He was not a good student. He was in fact

rendition ~ surrender
a lazy, spoiled, relaxed kid.
.,/ He amazed the world with his rendition ofVerdi's La Traviata. (Ele
.,/ He was not a good student. He was in fact a lazy, spoiled,
encantou o mundo com sua execução da La Traviata, de Verdi.)
sloppy kid. (Ele não era um bom aluno. Na verdade,
era um garoto preguiçoso, mimado e relaxado.) X With our strong army, we are definitely far
from a humiliating rendition.
relaxed: relaxado, calmo
.,/ With our strong army, we are definitely far from a humiliating
sloppy: relaxado, desleixado
surrender. (Com o nosso poderoso exército, estamos
decididamente longe de uma rendição humilhante.)
remark ~ reduce rendition: execução, apresentação, desempenho

.,/ He remarked she looked a bit pale. (Ele comentou surrender: rendição
que ela parecia um pouco pálida.)

X Every summer Harrods remarks winter coats . rentable ~ profitable

.,/ Every summer Harrods reduces winter coats. (Todo verão a .,/ The number of rentable apartments is going up. (O número
Harrods faz uma remarcação no preço dos casacos de inverno.) de apartamentos para alugar está aumentando.)

remark: notar, comentar, observar X Investing in property has always been a rentable business.
reduce: remarcar, reduzir o preço .,/ Investing in property has always been a profitable business.
(Investir em imóveis sempre foi um negócio rentáveL)

rentable: alugável, pronto para alugar

profitable: rentável, lucrativo

repeal ~ repel requirement ~ application
X The decree has been repelled by a simple majority. ,/ A degree in business administration is the minimum requirement
for admission to the job. (Um diploma de administração de
,/ The decree has been repealed by a simple majority.
empresas é o requisito mínimo para ser admitido no emprego.)
(O decreto foi revogado por maioria simples.)
X The Council of Europe has approved Hungary's
X The villagers repealed the attack with determination.
requirement for membership.
,/ The villagers repelled the attack with determination. (Os habitantes
,/ The Council of Europe has approved Hungary's
da cidadezinha repeliram o ataque com determinação.)
application for membership. (O Conselho Europeu
repeal: revogar, anular aprovou o requerimento de filiação da Hungria.)
repel: repelir
requirement: requisito, condição
application: requerimento, pedido
reprise ~ rerun
,/ At the end of the aria, the chorus sings a reprise.
restaurateur ~ restorer
(No fim da ária, o coro repete o tema.)
X Rogério Fasano, the famous restorer, is planning
X Is the current crisis a reprise ofthe 1930s?
to open a new restaurant next month.
,/ Is the current crisis a rerun ofthe 1930s? (Será que
,/ Rogério Fasano, the famous restaurateur, is
a atual crise é uma reprise dos anos 30?)
planning to open a new restaurant next month.
reprise: repetição de parte de uma música (Rogério Fasano, o famoso dono de restaurantes,
rerun: reprise planeja abrir uma nova casa no mês que vem.)

X Derek Forbes, an art restaurateur and antiques dealer, was

the man who helped restore St Patrick's church in Dublin.
reprove ~ flunk
,/ Derek Forbes, an art restorer and antiques dealer,
,/ My wife reproved me for offering the guests some cheese before
was the man who helped restore St Patrick's church
trying the wine. (Minha esposa me censurou por oferecer
in Dublin. (Derek Forbes, um restaurador de arte e
queijo aos convidados antes de experimentar o vinho.)
negociante de antiguidades, foi o homem que ajudou
X My physics teache r gave me a D and reproved me. a restaurar a igreja de São Patrício em Dublin.)
,/ My physics teacher gave me a D and flunked me. (Meu restaurateur: dono de restaurante
professor de física me deu um D e me reprovou.)
restorer: restaurador de obras de arte e de construções históricas
reprove: criticar, censurar, reprovar
flunk: reprovar (um aluno)

256 257
resume 'f;. summarise
X As he had no family, Alfred Nobelleft his immense
V" As soon as the war was over he resumed his work. (Assim richness for the establishment of the Nobel Prizes.
que acabou a guerra, ele voltou ao seu trabalho.)
V" As he had no family, Alfred Nobelleft his immense
X I'd like you to just resume in a few words wealth for the establishment ofthe Nobel Prizes. (Como
your ideas on capitalismo não tinha descendentes, Alfred Nobel deixou sua imensa
fortuna para os prêmios que levam seu nome.)
V" I'd like you to just summarise in a few words your ideas
on capitalismo (Eu gostaria que você resumisse em richness: riqueza, abundância
poucas palavras suas ideias sobre o capitalismo.) wealth: riqueza (fortuna)
resume: retomar, recomeçar
summarise: resumir
rob 'f;. steal

X The bank's been stolen.

reunion 'f;. meeting
V" The bank's been robbed. (O banco foi assaltado.)
X Two or three of the old boys didn't
X Legend has it that Robin Hood stole
come to our annual meeting.
the rich to give to the poor.
V" Two or three of the old boys didn't come to our
V" Legend has it that Robin Hood robbed the rich to
annual reunion. (Dois ou três dos velhos colegas
give to the poor. (Segundo a lenda, Robin Hood
não vieram ao nosso encontro anuaL)
roubava dos ricos para dar aos pobres.)
X At the moment Mr. Saunders is at a reunion Someone robbed my bike!
with the manager of DWT.
V" Someone stole my bike! (Alguém roubou minha bicicleta!)
V" At the moment Mr. Saunders is at a meeting with
the manager ofDWT. (No momento, o sr. Saunders rob: roubar, assaltar (pessoas ou lugares)
está numa reunião com o gerente da DWT.) steal: roubar (objetos)

reunion: reunião de família ou de ex-companheiros

meeting: reunião de trabalho rose s pink
V" He gave her a bunch of roses. (Ele lhe deu um buquê de rosas)
richness 'f;. wealth X 1he Rose Panther is a series of films usually
V" Few cities in the world can match the cultural richness associated with Peter Sellers.
of London. (Poucas cidades no mundo podem igualar-
se a Londres em matéria de riqueza cultural.)

258 259
6. Which word rhymes with 'description' and means 'a piece of paper
~ The Pink Panther is a series of films usually associated
written by a doctor that allows you to buy medicine from a chemist's'?
with Peter Sellers. (A Pantera Cor de Rosa é uma série
de filmes normalmente associados a Peter Sellers.) 7. Which word rhymes with 'universal' and means 'a practice
rose: rosa (flor) performance of a play or a piece of music'?

pink: rosa (cor) 8. Which word rhymes with 'copy' and means 'careless'?

9. Which word rhymes with 'behind' and means

rubric ~ initials 'help someone remember something'?

./ Before the exam began the students were given a few

10. Which word rhymes with 'drunk' and means
minutes to read the rubrico (Antes do início do exame, os
'fail to get a passing grade'?
alunos tiveram alguns minutos para ler as instruções.)

X Don't forget to write your rubric on every page. 11. Which word rhymes with 'chat roem' and
means 'begin something again'?
./ Don't forget to write your initials on every page.
(Não se esqueça de rubricar cada página.) 12. Which word rhymes with 'feel' and means 'take
something from someone illegally'?
rubric: conjunto de regras
initials: rubrica (assinatura abreviada) 13. Which word rhymes with 'think' and is a colour?

14. Which word rhymes with 'rat' and is

Revisão 24 something you play baseball with?

Guess what are the rhyming words. 15. Which word rhymes with 'stadiurn' and is a chemical
element discovered by Marie Curie?
1. Which word rhymes with 'banq' and means 'a group of criminais'?
1. _ 6. ~--- 11. _
2. Which word rhymes with 'babies' and means
'a disease you can catch from a dog? 2. _ 7. _ 12. _

3. Which word rhymes with 'phase' and means 'put up'? 3. _ 8. _ 13. _

4. Which word rhymes with 'greed' and means 'give food to someone'? 4. _ 9. _ 14. _

5. Which word rhymes with 'analyse' and means 'understand'? 5. 10. ~ 15. _

260 261
R s
Revisão 25
Raise or rise? Circle the right option.
safety ~ security
X The passengers were told to fasten their security belts.
1. The poor soldier (raised/rose) his hand in a feeble salute.
,/ The passengers were told to fasten their safety belts. (Os
2. He was a member of the Faculty of Law at Harvard, where passageiros foram orientados a apertar os cintos de segurança.)
he (raised/rose) to the rank of Senior Lecturer. X 'We're concerned with national safety, he said.

3. 'It is not my intention to (raise/rise) false hopes among you,' he said. ,/ 'We're concerned with national security, he said. ("Nossa
preocupação maior é a segurança nacional", disse ele.)
4. Why didn't anyone (raise/rise) the alarm?
safety: segurança (proteção contra eventos acidentais)
5. Gas bubbles in any liquid tend to (roise/rise) tà the surface. security: segurança (proteção contra danos intencionais)

6. She felt a wave of anger (roise/rise) within her.

salary ~ wages
7. The money (roised/risen) will go towards building a new school.
X As a high school teacher, her monthly wages are 4,200 dollars.
8. Unemployment has already (raised/risen) to 16.2% this year.
,/ As a high school teacher, her monthly salary is 4,200 dollars. (Como
9. We could see smoke (raisinq/risinq) from the chimney. professora do Ensino Médio, seu salário é de 4.200 dólares.)

X Our employees decided to donate a day's salary to a cancer hospital.

10. 'There's no need to (raise/rise) your voice,' she said to him calmly.
,/ Our employees decided to donate a day's wages to a
cancer hospital. (Nossos funcionários resolveram doar
um dia de salário para um hospital do câncer.)

salary: salário, remuneração mensal, por conta do trabalho realizado

wages: salário, remuneração paga, por hora ou por semana, pelo
trabalho realizado

salsa ~ parsley
,/ Salsa star Celia Cruz doesn't know how many times she
has sung 'Guantanamera' (A estrela da salsa Celia Cruz
não sabe quantas vezes já cantou "Guantanamera")

262 263
s s
~ While in Costa Rica I bought a bottle of salsa, this rich ~ Pelé was first selected to play for Brazil when he was
condiment usually made with cooked tomatoes, chili peppers, only 17 years old. (Pelé foi escalado pela primeira vez
onion, and garlic. (Quando estive em Costa Rica, comprei para jogar pelo Brasil quando só tinha 17 anos.)
um vidro de salsa, aquele condimento forte normalmente
scale: escalar, chegar ao topo de uma montanha
feito de tomates cozidos, pimenta, cebola e alho.)
select: escalar, designar quem vai jogar
X Sprinkle the soup with freshly chopped salsa before serving.

~ Sprinkle the soup with freshly chopped parsley before serving.

(Jogue um pouco de salsa fresca picada na sopa antes de servir.) scenario ~ scenery
X Even in the worst -case scenery we would still
salsa: 1 tempero forte, à base de cebola, pimenta e tomate, que
be in a fairly comfortable situation.
se come com comida mexicana 2 salsa, um tipo de música
originária do Caribe ~ Even in the worst -case scenario we would still be in a
parsley: salsa (planta usada como condimento) fairly comfortable situation. (Mesmo na pior das hipóteses,
nós ainda estaríamos numa situação confortável.)

X When viewed from high ground the scenario was simply fantastic.
sandal ~ sandalwood
~ When viewed from high ground the scenery was simply fantastic.
~ He carne to school wearing sandals with socks! (Ele
(Quando vista do alto, a paisagem era simplesmente fantástica.)
chegou à escola usando sandálias com meias!)
X The scenario was beautiful but the play was rather disappointing.
X As a student of aromatherapy, Ive always enjoyed
the captivating aroma of sandal. ~ The scenery was beautiful but the play was rather disappointing.
(O cenário era lindo mas a peça foi um tanto decepcionante.)
~ As a student of aromatherapy, I've always enjoyed the captivating
aroma of sandalwood. (Como estudante de aromaterapia, scenario: quadro imaginário do que pode acontecer no futuro
eu sempre gostei do cativante aroma do sândalo.) scenery: 1 paisagem, vista 2 cenário de uma peça de teatro
sandal: sandália
sandalwood: sândalo, árvore da qual se extrai um óleo de fino odor
scholar ~ school
~ We will always remember him as a great scholar and a
scale ~ select good friend. (Sempre nos lembraremos dele como um
homem de grande erudição e um bom amigo.)
~ Edmund Hillary was the first man to scale Mt. Everest.
(Edmund Hillary foi o primeiro homem a escalar o Everest.) X American scholar buses are usually yellow.

X Pelé was first scaled to play for Brazil when he was only 17 years old.

264 265
s s
,/ American school buses are usually yellow. (Os ônibus ,/ How many Scotches has he drunk so far?
escolares americanos são geralmente amarelos.) (Quantos uísques ele já bebeu até agora?)

scholar: pessoa de grande erudição e cultura X He speaks English with a strong Scot accent.
school: escola ,/ He speaks English with a strong Scottish accent. (Ele
fala inglês com um forte sotaque escocês.)

scissors ~ shears Scot: escocês, pessoa nascida na Escócia

X Furious, she took a pair of Scots: escocês, dialeto falado na Escócia

shears out of a drawer and Scotch: uísque escocês
cut all his photos to pieces. Scottish: escocês (adjetivo)
,/ Furious, she took a
pair of scissors out or
a drawer and cut all Scrabble ~ crossword puzzle
his photos to pieces. X lhe four of us sat round the table to play crossword puzzle.
(Furiosa, ela pegou uma
tesoura da gaveta e cortou ,/ lhe four of us sat round the table to play Scrabble. (Nós
todas as fotos dele em pedacinhos.) quatro nos sentamos à mesa para jogar palavras cruzadas.)

X lhe gardener trimmed the shrubs with a pair of scissors. X He sat down to solve the Scrabble in the Daily
Herald, which he did in less than ten minutes.
,/ lhe gardener trimmed the shrubs with a pair of shears.
(O jardineiro aparou os arbustos com uma tesoura.) ,/ He sat down to solve the crossword puzzle in the Daily
Herald, which he did in less than ten minutes. (Ele
scissors: tesoura sentou-se para resolver as palavras cruzadas do Daily
shears: tesoura de jardinagem Herald, o que ele fez em menos de dez minutos.)

Scrabble: jogo de palavras cruzadas, com pequenas peças de madeira e

um tabuleiro
Scot ~ Scots ~ Scotch ~ Scottish
crossword puzzle: palavras cruzadas (passatempo de jornal ou revista)
X Is Mr. MacPherson a Scotch?

,/ Is Mr. MacPherson a Scot? (O sr. MacPherson é escocês")

sculptural ~ sculpturesque
X Can you understand Scotch?
X lhe exhibit includes nudes, portraits and sculpturesque heads.
,/ Can you understand Scots? (Você entende escocêsi)
,/ lhe exhibit includes nudes, portraits and sculptural heads.
X How many Scots has he drunk so far? (A mostra apresenta nus, retratos e esculturas de cabeças.)

266 267
seal: selo, lacre
X She was a woman with a sculptural body.
stamp: selo de correio
~ She was a woman with a sculpturesque body. (Ela
era uma mulher com um corpo escultural.)

sculptural: relativo à escultura

search.0 ~ search for
sculpturesque: escultural, perfeito X The police stopped me and searched for my luggage.

~ The police stopped me and searched my luggage. (A

scythe ~ sickle polícia me parou e revistou minha bagagem.)

X They were searching drugs.

X Death is usually personified as a skeleton holding a sickle.
~ They were searching for drugs. (Eles
~ Death is usually personified as a skeleton holding
estavam à procura de drogas.)
a scythe. (A morte é em geral representada
como um esqueleto segurando uma foice.) search 0: revistar
X The flag of the Soviet Union was red, with a search for: procurar
crossed hammer and scythe and a star.

~ The flag of the Soviet Union was red, with a crossed hammer
season ~ station
and sickle and a star. (A bandeira da União Soviética era
vermelha, com a foice e o martelo cruzados e uma estrela.) X What are the stations of the year?

scythe: foice de cabo longo ~ What are the seasons of the year? (Quais são as estações do ano?)
sickle: foice de cabo curto ~ He lost his wallet at a bus station. (Ele perdeu
a carteira numa estação de ônibus.)

seal ~ stamp ~ My favourite radio station is WRCT. (Minha

estação de rádio favorita é a WRCT.)
X The letter, dated l3th Iuly 1586, bears
the royal stamp of Elizabeth I. season: estação do ano
station: 1 estação de ônibus ou trem 2 estação de rádio
~ The letter, dated l3th Iuly 1586, bears the royal seal
of Elizabeth I. (A carta, datada de l3 de julho de
1586, traz o selo real da rainha Elizabeth I.)
season ~ temper
X Oh, I've stuck the seal upside down!
X Temper the fish with salt and lemon.
~ Oh, I've stuck the stamp upside down! (Ih, eu
~ Season the fish with salt and lemon.
colei o selo de cabeça para baixo!)
(Tempere o peixe com sal e limão.)

268 269
,/ The news that he had had a serious accident was tempered semaphore ~ traffic light
by the information that he was out of danger now. (A notícia ,/ Traditional ways of sending information includes
de que ele tinha sofrido um acidente grave foi amenizada lighthouses, morse code and semaphore. (Os meios
com a informação de que agora ele estava fora de perigo.) tradicionais com os quais se enviam informações são os
faróis, o código morse e os sinais com bandeiras.)
season: temperar (pôr tempero)
temper: suavizar, amenizar, reduzir o efeito X He was mugged while waiting at a semaphore.

,/ He was mugged while waiting at a traffic light. (Ele foi

assaltado enquanto estava parado num semáforo.)
selection ~ team
,/ That restaurant has a fine selection of French wines. (Aquele semaphore: sistema de sinais com bandeiras ou luzes usado em
restaurante tem uma bela seleção de vinhos franceses.)
traffic light: semáforo (sinal de trânsito)
X Whos the manager of the Brazilian selection?

,/ Who's the manager of the Brazilian team? (Quem

é o técnico da seleção brasileira?) seminar ~ seminary

selection: seleção, conjunto X I'm sure the seminary on seIling techniques

will attract a lot of interest.
team: time, seleção
,/ I'm sure the seminar on seIling techniques will attract a
lot of interest. (Tenho certeza de que o seminário sobre
seller ~ salesperson técnicas de vendas vai atrair muito interesse.)
,/ The seller of the painting asked the auctioneer not X Most of the staff were once Iesuit seminar students.
to reveal his identity. (O vendedor do quadro pediu
ao leiloeiro que não revelasse sua identidade.) ,/ Most of the staff were once [esuit seminary students. (A maior
parte da equipe era formada por ex-seminaristas jesuítas.)
X As soon as she walked into the store a smiling
seller said, 'Can I help you?' seminar: seminário, grupo de pessoas que se reúnem para discutir um
,/ As soon as she walked into the store a smiling salesperson
seminary: seminário, colégio para padres
said, 'Can I help you?' (Assim que ela entrou na loja, uma
sorridente vendedora lhe perguntou: "Em que posso ajudar?")

seller: vendedor sensible ~ sensitive

salesperson: vendedor de loja ,/ She wondered if it would be sensible to spend so much
money on a single pair of shoes. (Ela se perguntou se seria
sensato gastar tanto dinheiro num único par de sapatos.)

shade ~ shadow
X My eyes are sensible to light.
X They sat down to rest in the shadow of a tree.
~ My eyes are sensitive to light. (Meus olhos são sensíveis à luz.)
~ They sat down to rest in the shade of a tree. (Eles se
sensible: sensato
sentaram para descansar na sombra de uma árvore.)
sensitive: sensível
X As he walked down the road, his long shade
accompanied him like a silent friend.
separate ~ separated ~ As he walked down the road, his long shadow accompanied
him like a silent friend. (Enquanto ele descia a rua, sua longa
X They sleep in separated bedrooms.
sombra o acompanhava como um amigo silencioso.)
~ They sleep in separate bedrooms. (Eles
dormem em quartos separados.) shade: sombra, espaço fixo em que não há luz
shadow: sombra, silhueta móvel de um objeto projetada pela luz
X He's been separate from his wife for three months.

~ He's been separated from his wife for three months.

(Ele está separado da mulher há três meses.) signature ~ subscription
separate: separado, independente ~ 'That's not my signature!' he said when he looked at the cheque.
separated: separado, não vivendo mais juntos ("Esta não é minha assinatura!" ele exclamou quando viu o cheque.)

X I decided to take out a signature to Newsweek.

service ~ job ~ I decided to take out a subscription to Newsweek.

(Resolvi fazer uma assinatura da revista Newsweek.)
~ At the age of 65 he retired after 45 years of faithful service
to the company. (Aos 65 anos de idade ele se aposentou, signature: assinatura, modo como cada pessoa assina seu nome em
após 45 anos de serviço dedicados à companhia.) documentos, cheques etc.
subscription: assinatura de jornal ou revista
X He told her it was an easy service, but it wasn't.

~ He told her it was an easy job, but it wasn't. (Ele lhe

disse que era um serviço fácil, mas não era.) silicon ~ silicone
service: serviço, exercício de uma atividade X Silicone Valley, in California, is where the future of the world lies.
job: serviço (emprego, trabalho) ~ Silicon Valley, in California, is where the future
of the world lies. (O Vale do Silício, na Califórnia,
é onde se encontra o futuro do mundo.)

272 273
s s
spade ~ sword
X Silicon breast implants are not as safe as many women think.
./ The earth was so hard
./ Silicone breast implants are not as safe as many women
that he couldn't dig a
think. (Os implantes de seios de silicone não são tão
hole with his spade
seguros quanto muitas mulheres pensam.)
. (A terra' estava tão
silicon: silício, elemento químico dura que ele não
silicone: silicone conseguia abrir um
buraco com sua pá.)

X The pirate was armed

smoking ~ tuxedo with two pistols
./ Smoking causes lung cancer. (O fumo causa o câncer do pulmão.) and a spade.

X I didn't wear my first smoking until I was 26! ./ The pirate was
armed with two
./ I didn't wear my first tuxedo uri.til I was 26! (Eu só usei pistols and a sword.
o meu primeiro smoking quando tinha 26 anos!) (O pirata estava armado com duas pistolas e uma espada.)

smoking: fumo spade: pá

tuxedo: smoking (traje de festa para homens) sword: espada

soap ~ soup Spaniard ~ Spanish

As she carne out of the bathroom, her hands ./ Peru was colonized by the Spaniards in the 16th century.
smelt strongly of perfumed soup. (O Peru foi colonizado pelos espanhóis no séc. XVI.)
As she carne out of the bathroom, her hands smelt strongly ./ Can you speak Spanish? (Você fala espanhol?)
of perfumed soap. (Quando ela saiu do banheiro, suas
mãos tinham um cheiro forte de sabonete perfumado.) ./ The Spanish are proud of their language. (Os
espanhóis têm orgulho de sua língua.)
I hate tomato soap.
X Shes now taking a course on Spaniard literature .
./ I hate tomato soup. (Eu detesto sopa de tomate.)
./ Shes now taking a course on Spanish literature. (Agora
soap: sabão, sabonete ela está fazendo um curso de literatura espanhola.)
soup: sopa
Spaniard: espanhol, natural da Espanha
Spanish: 1 espanhol (a língua) 2 os espanhóis 3 espanhol (adjetivo)

specter ~ spectrum state ~ status
X The spectrum of famine hovers over Africa. ./ Texas is the largest state in the United States. (O
Texas é o maior estado dos Estados Unidos.)
./ The specter of famine hovers over Africa. (O
espectro da fome paira sobre a Africa.) ./ Some ofthe passengers were in a state of shock. (Alguns
dos passageiros estavam em estado de choque.)
X You've got to make up your mind where you fali on
the political specter: left, right, or in-between. X According to his death certificate, his marital
state was listed as widowed .
./ You've got to make up your mind where you fall on
the political spectrum: left, right, or in-between. ./ According to his death certificate, his marital status
(Você tem que se decidir sobre sua posição no was listed as widowed. (De acordo com o seu atestado
espectro político: esquerda, direita ou centro.) de óbito, seu estado civil era como viúvo.)

specter: espectro, ameaça iminente state: 1 estado, unidade da federação 2 estado, condição física ou
spectrum: 1 espectro (conjunto de cores que se forma quando um raio psicológica
de luz atravessa um prisma) 2 leque de características ou status: condição de uma pessoa perante a lei
aspectos que apresentam pontos em comum

stationary ~ stationery
stampede ~ report X Alligators usually stay stationery for a long time,
X What the neighbours heard sounded which makes them easy to photograph.
like the stampede of a gun.
./ Alligators usually stay stationary for a long time, which makes
./ What the neighbours heard sounded like the them easy to photograph. (Os jacarés normalmente permanecem
report of a gun. (O que os vizinhos ouviram imóveis durante muito tempo, e por isso são fáceis de fotografar.)
parecia o estampido de um revólver.)
X Recycled stationary is becoming more and more popular these days .
./ We knew he would be able to stop a stampede
./ Recycled stationery is becoming more and more popular these
of the cattle all by himself if necessary. (Nós
days. (Papel reciclado está cada vez mais popular hoje em dia.)
sabíamos que ele, sozinho, seria capaz de parar o
estouro de uma boiada, se fosse necessário.) stationary: (adjetivo) parado, imóvel
stationery: (substantivo) artigos de papelaria ou de escritório, tais
stampede: estouro de boiada
como blocos de papel, envelopes etc.
report: estampido

276 277
s s
stimulant ~ stimulating
../ Do never go out in the rain in a suede jacket. (Nunca
../ Some people believe that peanuts can act as a powerful sexual saia na chuva usando um paletó de camurça.)
stimulant. (Algumas pessoas acreditam que o amendoim lC "Ioday, she said, 'we're having cabbage and
pode atuar como um poderoso estimulante sexual.) suede stew with sweet potatoes.
lC The conversation had a stimulant effect on her. ../ "Ioday, she said, 'we're having cabbage and swede stew
../ The conversation had a stimulating effect on her. with sweet potatoes. ("Hoje", ela disse, "nós vamos ter
(A conversa teve um efeito estimulante nela.) ensopado de repolho e rutabaga com batata doce:')

stimulant: estimulante (substantivo) suede: sue de, tecido acamurçado

stimulating: estimulante (adjetivo) swede: rutabaga ou nabo sueco, planta híbrida que resulta do
cruzamento do nabo com a couve

suave ~ soft
surge ~ come up = appear
../ She managed to change a smalllocal publication into a nationwide
magazine synonymous with a suave lifestyle. (Ela conseguiu ../ He would have to explain how his personal fortune
transformar uma pequena publicação local numa revista de alcance had surged up like that. (Ele teria que explicar como
nacional que virou sinônimo de um estilo de vida elegante.) sua fortuna pessoal tinha aumentado tanto.)

lC The audience was simply mesmerised by João Gilberto's lC These dark patches on my hands surged out
suave voice and his 'Girl from Ipanerna' of nowhere and I'm very worried.

../ The audience was simply mesmerised by João Gilberto's ../ These dark patches on my hands appeared out of nowhere
soft voice and his 'Girl from Ipanema' (A plateia and I'm very worried. (Estas manchas escuras nas minhas
ficou simplesmente hipnotizada pela voz suave de mãos surgiram de repente e eu estou muito preocupada.)
João Gilberto e sua "Garota de Ipanerna")
surge: aumentar, crescer
suave: alegre, encantador, elegante appear: surgir, aparecer
soft: suave, macio

sustain ~ support
suede ~ swede ../ He sustained his views in spite of all the evidence against him. (Ele
x Do never go out in the rain in a swede jacket. manteve sua opinião, a despeito de todas as evidências contra ele.)

lC I'm out of work and have a family to sustain.

278 279
,,/ I'm out of work and have a family to support. (Eu estou Revisão 26
desempregado e tenho uma família para sustentar.)
Find the words.
sustain: sustentar, manter (uma opinião, um ponto de vista etc.)
1. Weekly payment for work or services. W _ S
support: sustentar (prover financeiramente)

2. Plant used for flavouring food. _ A __ L _ V

Swedish "#- Swiss 3. A person who is an expert on a particular academic field. S _ H __ A_

X Swiss Queen Silvia can speak six languages fluently.

4. Vou can cut paper or cloth with them. c O
,,/ Swedish Queen Silvia can speak six languages fluently. (A
rainha Silvia da Suécia fala fluentemente seis línguas.) 5. A person born in Scotland. S __ T

X Swedish watches are renowned for their outstanding quality. 6. One of the four periods of the year. _ E A _

,,/ Swiss watches are renowned for theír outstanding quality. (Os
7. Able to make sound judgements or wise decisions. B L
relógios suíços são famosos por sua excepcional qualidade.)

Swedish: sueco 8. A formal evening suit for men. T _ X _ D

Swiss: suíço 9. Vou wash your hands with it. S __ P

10. Papers, pens, envelopes. _ T _ T I _ N E

sympathetic "#- nice = kind
11. A kind of soft leather. U E
,,/ They were sympathetic to our proposal. (Eles se
mostraram receptivos à nossa proposta.) 12. To provide someone with money so that they can buy
food, accommodation, etc. _ U P P _
X How sympathetic of him to send me flowers on my birthday.

,,/ How nice of him to send me flowers on my birthday. (Que 13. Showing favour, approval, or agreement. S_ M _ A T _ E _
simpático da parte dele me mandar flores no meu aniversário.)
14. A person born in Spain. _ P A _ D
sympathetic: compreensivo, receptivo
15. To look carefully in order to find something. S _ A _ C _
nice: simpático, bondoso

280 281
X He would never have expected to find a tattoo in his garden.
tact ~ touch
,/ She would never have expected to find an armadillo in her
X I'm sure he'll have the touch to explain the situation to her. garden. (Ela jamais esperaria encontrar um tatu em seu jardim.)

,/ I'm sure he'll have the tact to explain the situation tattoo: tatuagem
to her. (Tenho certeza de que ele vai ter o tato
armadillo: tatu
necessário para explicar a situação a ela.)

X He was able to find his socks in the dark by tact.

tenant ~ lieutenant
,/ He was able to find his socks in the dark by touch. (Ele
conseguiu encontrar suas meias no escuro pelo tato.) ,/ The landlord told the tenant that he would have to leave unless
he paid the rent he owed. (O proprietário disse ao inquilino que
tact: tato, habilidade para lidar com situações delicadas ele teria que sair, a menos que pagasse o aluguel que devia.)
touch: tato, um dos cinco sentidos
X For some time Iohn Huston, the famous American film
diretor, was a tenant making several films for the army.

tasteful ~ tasty ,/ For some time John Huston, the famous American film diretor,
was a lieutenant, making several films for the army. (Durante
X That five-star hotel is remarkable for its tasty decoration.
algum tempo, [ohn Huston, o famoso diretor de cinema
,/ That five-star hotel is remarkable for its tasteful decoration. (Aquele americano, foi tenente, e fez vários filmes para o exército.)
hotel cinco estrelas é famoso por sua decoração sofisticada.)
tenant: inquilino
X 'Would you like to eat something tasteful?' she asked with a smile.
lieutenant: tenente
,/ 'Would you like to eat something tastyi, she asked
with a smile. ("Você gostaria de comer alguma coisa
gostosa?", ela perguntou com um sorriso.) tennis ~ sneakers
tasteful: de bom gosto, requintado ,/ Have you ever played tennis? (Você já jogou tênis?)
tasty: gostoso, bom quanto ao paladar X He was wearing jeans, a T-shirt and a pair of tennis,

,/ He was wearing jeans, a T-shirt and a pair of sneakers. (Ele

estava usando calça jeans, uma camiseta e um par de tênis.)
tattoo ~ armadillo
,/ He had a tattoo of a serpent on his armo (Ele tinha tennis: tênis, o jogo

uma tatuagem de serpente no braço.) sneakers: tênis, o calçado

282 283

terrain ~ plot of land

,/ She served the salmon terrine with lettuce leaves
,/ Crossing a rocky terrain in a 4X4 requires a lot of planning. and tomatoes around. (Ela serviu o patê de salmão
(A travessia de um terreno rochoso num veículo com com folhas de alface e tomates em volta.)
tração nas quatro rodas exige muito planejamento.)
X The soup was served in an 18th century terrine.
X Two years ago I bought a terrain not far from Jundiaí.
,/ The soup was served in an 18th century tureen. (A
,/ Two years ago I bought a plot ofland not far from Jundiaí. sopa foi servida numa sopeira do séc. XVIII.)
(Dois anos atrás eu comprei um terreno perto de [undiaí.)
terrine: um tipo de patê de fabricação caseira
terrain: terreno, solo tureen: terrina (sopeira)
plot of land: terreno (imóvel)

testimony 'I- witness

terrible ~ terrific
,/ They offered me money to change my testimony,
X Yesterday a terrific accident took place on MS but I said no, thanks. (Ofereceram-me dinheiro para
near Windsor. Three people got killed. mudar meu depoimento, mas eu recusei.)

,/ Yesterday a terrible accident took place on MS near Windsor. ,/ His death was a heroic testimony ofhis patriotismo (Sua
Three people got killed. (Ontem um acidente horrível na morte foi um testemunho heroico de seu patriotismo.)
MS, nas proximidades de Windsor, matou três pessoas.)
X The testimony said he was a heroin addict.
X Last night I saw a terrible show called "Ihe
,/ The witness said he was a heroin addict. (A
Sound and the Fury' I loved it!
testemunha disse que era viciada em cocaína.)
,/ Last night Isaw a terrific show called "Ihe Sound
testimony: 1 depoimento 2 testemunho
and the Fury'. I loved it! (Ontem eu assisti a um show
sensacional chamado "O som e a fúria" Eu adorei!) witness: testemunha

terrible: terrível, horroroso

terrific: ótimo, sensacional than ~ then
X Shes much older then I thought she was.
terrine ~ tureen ,/ Shes much older than I thought she was. (Ela
é muito mais velha do que eu pensei.)
X She served the salmon tureen with salad
leaves and cherry tomatoes around. X First comes winter, than spring.

284 285

~ First comes winter, then spring. (Primeiro vem tiresome ~ tiring

o inverno e depois, a primavera.) X It was a long tiring lecture about Bulgarian folk music.

than: que, do que (conjunção) ~ It was a long tiresome lecture about Bulgarian folk music. (Foi
then: então, depois (advérbio) uma longa e cansativa palestra sobre música folclórica búlgara.)

X I felt terribly thirsty after that tiresome walk in the midday sun.

till ~ as far as ~ I felt terríbly thirsty after that tiring walk in the midday
sun. (Eu estava com uma sede tremenda depois daquela
~ She lived with her parents till she got married. caminhada exaustiva debaixo do sol do meio dia.)
(Ela morou com os pais até se casar.)
tiresome: cansativo, aborrecido, tedioso
~ He waited for her till eleven oclock, (Ele
tiring: cansativo, exaustivo
esperou por ela até as onze horas.)

X She travelled non-stop till 10s Angeles.

~ She travelled non-stop as far as 10s Angeles. tooth ~ clove

(Ela viajou sem parar até 10s Angeles.) ~ I had two of my wisdom teeth pulled out last week. (Eu
arranquei dois dentes do siso na semana passada.)
till: até (tempo)
as far as: até (distância) X Chop a tooth of garlic and an onion and
brown them in a frying pano

~ Chop a clove of garlic and an onion and brown them

time ~ weather in a frying pano (Pique um dente de alho e uma
~ I haven't seen them for a long time. (Eu cebola e frite-os até que estejam dourados.)
não os vejo há muito tempo.)
tooth: dente
X What's the time like in your country? clove of garlic: dente de alho

~ What's the weather like in your country?

(Como é o tempo no seu país?)
torment ~ storm
time: tempo (aspecto cronológico)
X His life has been a storm since his wife left him.
weather: tempo (condição climática)
~ His life has been a torment since his wife left him. (Sua vida
tem sido um tormento desde que sua esposa o deixou.)

286 287
trampoline ~ springboard
X 'lhe torment that destroyed 22 houses in Las
Palmas last week seemed like a cyclone. ,/ It was a small trampoline with a red
canvas and a yellow metal frame.
,/ 'lhe storm that destroyed 22 houses in Las Palmas last week
(Era uma cama elástica pequena
seemed like a cyclone. (A tempestade que destruiu 22 casas
com uma lona vermelha e uma
em Las Palmas na semana passada parecia um ciclone.)
armação de metal amarelo.)
torment: tormento, sofrimento
X I was proud to see my son .-
storm: tormenta, tempestade jump for the first time ,,
" I

from a trampoline
into a swímming .
'. I
, I
tower ~ rook pool. I I

,/ 'lhe Eiffel tower is the most popular tourist attraction in Paris. ,/ I was proud
(A Torre Eiffel é a mais famosa atração turística de Paris.)

X I took his knight with my tower.

to see my
sonjump --
for the first time
,/ I took his knight with my rook. (Eu tomei from a springboard
o cavalo dele com a minha torre.) into a swimming
tower: torre pool. (Cheio de orgulho, fiquei vendo meu filho
saltar pela primeira vez de um trampolim.)
rook: torre (peça de xadrez)
trampoline: cama elástica
springboard: trampolim
traduce ~ translate
,/ He complains that he has been systematically
traduced by the press. (Ele reclama que tem sido transpire ~ perspire, sweat
sistematicamente caluniado pela imprensa.) ,/ Nobody knows what transpired at the summit. (Ninguém
X His books have been traduced into many languages. sabe o que aconteceu na reunião de cúpula.)

,/ His books have been translated into many languages. X 'lhe poor fellows face was getting red, and
(Seus livros já foram traduzidos para muitas línguas.) he was beginning to transpire.

traduce: caluniar, denegrir a reputação ,/ Her face was getting red, and she was beginning to perspire. (Seu
rosto estava ficando vermelho e ele começava a transpirar.)
translate: traduzir
transpire: acontecer
perspire: transpirar, suar

288 289
trapeze ~ trapezium = trapezoid
,/ The Treaty of Tordesillas was signed in 1494. (O
X When I was a kid I wanted to be a trapezium artist. Tratado de Tordesilhas foi assinado em 1494.)
,/ When I was a kid I wanted to be a trapeze artist. treatise: tratado, estudo aprofundado sobre um assunto
(Quando eu era garoto, queria ser trapezista.)
treaty: tratado, acordo
X One can say that the trapeze is a member of the quadrilateral family.

,/ One can say that the trapezium is a member of the

tribute ~ tax
quadrilateral family. (Pode-se dizer que o trapézio
é um membro da família dos quadriláteros.) ,/ He was a man we should all pay tribute to. (Ele foi um
homem a quem todos devemos pagar tributo.)
trapeze: trapézio (atração de circo)
trapezium: trapézio (figura geométrica) X Non-profit organizations are tribute-exempt.

,/ Non-profit organizations are tax-exempt. (As organizações

sem fins lucrativos estão isentas de impostos.)
travesty ~ transvestite
tribute: tributo, gesto de respeito e admiração
,/ Sadly enough, nobody in the room protested at this
tax: tributo (imposto)
travesty of justice. (Infelizmente, ninguém na sala
protestou contra este simulacro de justiça.)

X I immediately noticed that the young man was a travesty. trunks ~ swimsuit
,/ I immediately noticed that the young man was a transvestite. X Any man wearing a swimsuit away from
(Eu logo notei que o rapaz era um travesti.) beaches is heavily fined on Grenada.

travesty: imitação pobre, simulacro ,/ Any man wearing trunks away from beaches
transvestite: travesti is heavily fined on Grenada. (Qualquer
homem usando maiô longe das praias
recebe uma multa pesada em Granada.)
treatise ~ treaty X The pregnant lady looked lovely
X She wrote a treaty on internationallaw. in her black trunks.

,/ She wrote a treatise on internationallaw. (Ela escreveu ,/ The pregnant lady looked lovely in her
um tratado sobre direito internacional.) black swimsuit. (A mulher grávida
estava linda com seu maiô preto.)
X The Treatise ofTordesillas was signed in 1494.
trunks: maiô masculino
swimsuit: maiô feminino


turf ~ peat
~ He took off his shirt and lay on the turf under a tree. (Ele tirou Ulster ~ Eire
a camisa e se deitou na relva embaixo de uma árvore.) X Belfast is the lovely capital of Eire.
X Turf plays an important role in the development ~ Belfast is the lovely capital ofUlster. (Belfast é
of the flavours of whisky. a linda capital da Irlanda do Norte.)
~ Peat plays an important role in the development of the X He has moved to Dublin, Ulster, to study
flavours of whisky. (A turfa tem um papel importante traditional Gaelic dance music.
no desenvolvimento do sabor do uísque.)
~ He has moved to Dublin, Eire, to study traditional Gaelic
turf: relva, gramado dance music. (Ele se mudou para Dublin, na República da
peat: turfa, matéria composta de restos vegetais em decomposição Irlanda, a fim de estudar as danças tradicionais gaélicas.)
dentro da água
Ulster: Irlanda do Norte, que faz parte do Reino Unido da Grã-
Eire: República da Irlanda, país independente

ultimately ~ lately
~ Ultimately, the decision is in the President's hands. (Em
última análise, a decisão está nas mãos do Presidente.)

X I haven't been feeling well ultimately.

~ I haven't been feeling welllately. (Eu não ando

me sentindo bem ultimamente.)

ultimately: em última análise, basicamente

lately: ultimamente

uneducated ~ iII-bred
X Tm an intellectual, he said, 'not one of those ill-
bred people who've got nothing in their heads,'

~ Tm an intellectual, he saíd, 'not one of those uneducated people

who've got nothing in their heads. ("Eu sou um intelectual': ele
disse, "não um desses ignorantes que não têm nada na cabeça:')
292 293
u u
Câncer de Presidente Prudente, em São Paulo, é um
X How uneducated of him to make jokes about the Polish exemplo de uma organização sem fins lucrativos.)
flag in the presence of the Polish ambassador.
unprofitable: não lucrativo, não rentável
~ How ill-bred ofhim to make jokes about the Polish flag
non-profit: sem fins lucrativos
in the presence of the Polish ambassador. (Que falta
de educação da parte dele, fazer piada com a bandeira
da Polônia na presença do embaixador polonês.)

uneducated: inculto, ignorante

iII-bred: grosseiro, mal-educado

unique ~ only
~ Van Goghs style is unique. (O estilo de Van Gogh é unico.)

X The unique reason he isn't famous is

because hes got a lousy manager.

~ The only reason he isn't famous is because hes got

a lousy manager. (A única razão pela qual ele não é
famoso é que ele tem um péssimo gerente.)

unique: único, singular, especial (não há outro daquela espécie) urn ~ ballot box
only: único (que é um só, em relação aos demais) ~ He took the urn that contained his daughter's ashes
to São Sebastião and scattered them in the sea.
(Ele levou a urna contendo as cinzas de sua filha
unprofitable ~ non-profit para São Sebastião e espalhou-as no mar.)

x I'm afraid the art market is becoming a non-profit business. X The way to democracy is through the urn, not
through the bomb and the bullet.
~ I'm afraid the art market is becoming an unprofitable
business. (Acho que o mercado de arte está se ~ The way to democracy is through the ballot box, not
tornando um negócio que não dá lucro.) through the bomb and the bullet. (O caminho da democracia
se dá através das urnas, não das bombas e balas.)
X The Cancer Hospital in Presidente Prudente, SP, is
an example of an unprofitable organization. urn: urna funerária, onde são guardadas as cinzas de um corpo

~ The Cancer Hospital in Presidente Prudente, SP,is an cremado

example of a non-profit organization. (O Hospital do ballot box: urna de votação

294 29~
v v
X I'm afraid my vista is beginning to fail.
vacant ~ vague
,/ I'm afraid my eyesight is beginning to fail. (Acho
X He wants $850 a month for a vague room in his apartment.
que minha vista está começando a falhar.)
,/ He wants $850 a month for a vacant room in his
vista: vista, paisagem
apartment. (Ele quer 850 dólares por mês por
um quarto vago em seu apartamento.) eyesight: vista, visão

X 1 have a vacant idea of the plano

,/ 1have a vague idea of the plano (Eu voluntary ~ volunteer

tenho uma vaga ideia do plano.) X She was willing to get involved in volunteer work.
vacant: vago, disponível ,/ She was willing to get involved in voluntary work. (Ela
vague: vago, incerto, confuso estava disposta a participar de um trabalho voluntário.)

X '1 need a voluntary for this number, said the conjurer.

varnish ~ veneer ,/ 'I need a volunteer for this number, said the conjurer. ("Eu
preciso de um voluntário para este número", disse o mágico.)
X This table needs another coat of veneer.
voluntary: voluntário (adjetivo)
,/ This table needs another coat of varnish. (Esta
mesa precisa de mais uma mão de verniz.) volunteer: voluntário (substantivo)

X He would try to disguise his vulgarity

with a varnish of culture.

,/ He would try to disguise his vulgarity with a

veneer of culture. (Ele tentava disfarçar sua
vulgaridade com um verniz de cultura.)

varnish: verniz, substância usada para proteger móveis de madeira

veneer: verniz, aparência enganosa

vista ~ eyesight

,/ Come to the Grand Hotel and enjoy the magnificent vista

of the lake and the mountains. (Venha para o Grand Hotel
e desfrute da magnífica vista do lago e das montanhas.)

296 297
v v
12. When the paint has dried, apply a coat of a liquid thot provides a hord
Revisão 27 shiny transporent cooting.
Replace the words in italics in each sentence with a single word.
13. In spite of his poor ability to see, he insists he doesn't need glasses.
1. It is a job that requires great consideration in deoling with people ond
ovoiding hurting their feelings.
14. My wife and I had dinner in a beautifully converted wheeled vehicle
odopted to the rails of a railrood.
2. The menu was full of especiolly pleosing to the toste dishes.

15. Those were the days when children could play in closely pocked trees
3. I once saw a mommol with body covered with strong horny plotes forming a [orest and fields, unafraid.
coming out of a hole.

4. '(ali the next person who sow whot hoppened, said the judge.

5. How would you describe your ideal summer meteorologicol


6. Karpov took a white pawn and threatened the piece thot looks like a

7. The children simply loved bouncing up and down on the strong

canvos sheet ottoched with springs to a metal frame.

8. My feet excrete sweot through the pores in the skin profusely in the

9. She had a tight two-piece gorment worn for swimming on.

10. What do people often call Northern Irelond?

11. They found some cremated bones in an ancient vose used for holding
the oshes of a cremoted body at Girton.

,;' 'Are you nuts?' he asked angrily. ("Você está
wagon ~ railway carriage maluco?", ele perguntou irritado.)

,/ I have an old picture of my greatgrandfather's horse-drawn windsock: biruta, espécie de saco que, preso a um mastro, indica a
wagon. (Eu tenho uma velha foto da carroça do meu bisavô.) direção do vento

}C A 54-year-old man had a heart attack on a train nuts: biruta, louco

wagon yesterday while on his way to Brornley.

,/ A 54-year-old man had a heart attack on a railway wood ~ woods

carrriage yesterday while on his way to Bromley. (Um
homem de 54 anos teve um ataque cardíaco num }C All the furniture in the house was made of noble woods.
vagão de trem ontem a caminho de Bromley.) ,;' All the furniture in the house was made of noble wood.
(Toda a mobília da casa era feita de madeiras nobres.)
wagon: carroça de quatro rodas
railway carriage: vagão de trem de passageiros ,;' They hid in the woods. (Eles se esconderam na floresta.)

wood: madeira - não tem plural

wildfire ~ pemphigus woods: bosque, floresta

}C Pemphigus destroyed hundreds of acres of rain forest in Rondonia.

,/ A wildfire destroyed hundreds of acres of rain forest in Rondonia.

(Um incêndio destruiu centenas de acres de floresta em Rondônia.)

}C lhe poor woman suffered from wildfire in an extreme degree.

,/ lhe poor woman suffered from pemphigus in an extreme degree.

(A pobre mulher sofria da forma mais grave de fogo-selvagem.)

wildfire: incêndio na floresta

pemphigus: fogo-selvagem (doença de pele)

windsock ~ nuts
,/ He looked up and noticed that the windsock
showed an easterly direction.

}C 'Are you a windsock?' he asked angrily.

300 30
Índice Remissivo

appear 279 beast 23

appetite 14 beat 23
abort 7
application 257 beef 24
absence 185
appointment ___ 62 been 24
absent -minded 96
accomplish ___ aquarium 14 believe 0 24
aquarium l30 believein 24
accountant 69
Aquarius 14 belong 227
across 7
arbiter 15 beside 25
adoptive parents _ l33
arch 15 besides 25
adorable 7
armadillo 282 best man 25
adoring 7
as far as 286 between 12
adventurist 8
assault 16 biannual 26
adventurous 8
241. assure 109 biennial 26
asylum 214 big 145
advice 8
at 16 big toe 26
advise 8
at last 17 billboard 217
aerial 9
at least 17 birthday l3
agenda 9
at the end 167 blackhead 26
alimony 10
aunt 17 blind 27
alimony 220
avoid 17 blink 27
all ready 11
avoid 116 blister 28
all together 12
blunt 27
all- powerful 10
almighty 10 B board 90
backgammon __ 138 boarding house _ 225
already 11
bad 20 boarding school__ 79
alternately 11
balance 112 body 67
alternatively 11
ballotbox 295 boiling 127
altogether 12
ban 20 bomb 243
ambient 12
banish 20 bond 187
among 12
basin 20 bonus 146
anger 246
bat 21 bookstore 28
angry 209
bat 21 borrow 29
anniversary l3
bat 246 boss 223
ant 17
beak 22 bow 15
antenna 9
bear 140 branch 129
anthem 161

Índice Remissivo Índice Remissh

bravery 29 charcoal 40 clue 230 concur 57 cooler 66 cupola 73

bravura 29 charge 41 clumsy 91 condemnation 57 copula 67 curds 73
bride 30 chase 41 coal 40 condom 238 cord 44 curt 74
bridegroom 30 chase 226 cobra 48 confer 59 corporal 37 custom 68
bridesmaid 143 cheat 141 cock 49 conference 58 corps 67
bringup 105 check 42 cold 61 confidant 58 corpse 67 D
bubble 28 check 59 collar 49 confident 58 correction 67 damask 78
bullet 30 Cheers 150 colleague 50 confound 59 correctness 67 damson 78
bump 49 chef 42 college 50 confuse 59 corridor 68 Dane 78
burglary 31 chemise 42 collocate 51 congeal 59 costume 68 Danish 78
by 16 chess 42 cologne 51 conqueror 60 costume 125 data 79
chicken's feet 43 colony 51 conscience 60 council 8 day labourer ___ 87
C chíef 42 coma 51 consciousness 60 countenance 64 day school 79
calf 34 child support ___ 10 combination 52 constipation 61 counter 69 death wish 80
camisole 34 choir 43 combine 52 constrain 61 countryside ___ 172 debauch 80
canal 34 chops 44 come up 279 constraint 62 crampons 69 debit 80
candelabra 35 chord 44 comfort 54 construct 62 cravat 70 debt 80
candlestick 35 chorus 43 comic 53 construe 62 create 70 deception 81
candy 30 chronicle 45 comical 53 consultation 62 creditor's composition declassify 81
cantor 36 cigar 45 comma 51 contemporaneous _ 63 56 decorate 82
canvas 36 cigarette 45 commemorate 53 contemporary __ 63 cricket 146 deduce 82
cape 37 cinnamon 46 commodity 54 contemptible ___ 63 critic 70 deduct 82
caption 37 classic 46 complain 251 contemptuous __ 63 critical 70 delegate 82
carnation 26 classical 46 complernent 54 contest 57 criticism 70 delude 107
cartoon 41 classmate 50 compliment 54 continence 64 cross 71 department store_ 197
cash 215 climactic 47 compliment 54 continual 64 cross 72 depose 83
casualty 38 climatic 47 comport 55 continuous 64 crossbar 142 deposit 83
ceiling 38 climb 113 composition 95 conundrum 40 crossroads 71 description 92
celebrate 53 clock 47 comprehensive __ 55 conversion 64 crossword puzzle _ 267 desert 84
ceremony 38 cloth 47 conceit 56 convict 65 crow's feet 43 desperado 84
certainly 39 clothes 47 conceited 56 conviction 57 crude 71 desperate 84
chalice 39 clove 287 conceited 65 convinced 65 crux 72 dessert 84
chance 38 clover 48 concept 56 convocation 65 cue 21 destination 84
channel 34 cloverleaf 48 concordat 56 cook 66 cuisine 72 destiny 84
charade 40 club 21 concourse 57 cooker 66 curnulus 73 detain 85

304 3C
Índice Remissivo Índice Remlssb

deter 85 distinct 96 engrave exhaustive 118 fiancé 147 further 126

develop 85 distinguished ___ 96 enjoyyour meal __ 14 exhibition 121 fiancée 30 fuse l36
devolution 86 distracted 96 ensure exit 118 fief 128
dexterous 86 do 96 entrance 110 exonerate 118 fight 128 G
diamanté 86 dormancy 99 entrepreneur __ expect 119 file 222 gammon l38
diamond 86 dough 202 envelop experience 120 filial 129 gang 245
diarist 87 draft 65 envelope experiment ___ 120 finality 129 garland l38
dice 79 dream ticket 99 environment expert 120 finger l30 garnet 138
dictate 87 dressmaker 100 épée expiate 120 finish 108 gavel l39
dictation 87 drive 89 equator exploit 121 fish bowl l30 gear 200
digitize 88 drop 100 equilibrium ___ explore 121 fit l31 gem l39
diktat 87 drop 144 exposure 121 flat 231 gender 140
equivocate 112
direct 89 during 100 err express 121 flax l31 generate 140
direction 89 dust 235 error exquisite 122 flesh 204 genial 140
director 89 dying wish 80 escalate eye doctor 216 float l32 geme 140
directory 90 escape eyesight 296 flour l32 gigolo 141
dirty 90 E especially 113 flower 132 glue 141
disappointment __ 81 eagerness 104 espresso 121 F fluctuate l32 goalpost 142
disastrous 91 economic 104 essay fabric 124 flunk 256 God bless you __ 150
disciple 91 economical 104 essay fabrication 124 foist 165 godfather 142
discreet 92 Ecuador 111 estate factory 124 for 100 godfather 25
discrete 92 edit 105 este em faeces 124 foreigner l32 godmother 143
discretion 92 educate 105 estirnate failure l34 foreword 237 gone 24
discus 92 educated 105 even falcon 125 forget l33 good 143
discussion 93 eighth 106 eventually fantasy 125 formidable l33 goods 143
discussion 128 Eire 293 every day farther 126 foster parents __ 133 gout 144
disgrace 94 elastic 106 everyday fatally 126 foul 90 gout 100
disinterested 94 elude 107 evict fate 84 foul 185 graceful 144
disk 92 embarrass 61 evil fathers 127 fountain 134 gracious 144
dislike 94 embarrassment 62 feather 127 fracas l34 grade 211
excellence 116
dismantle 95 eminence 107 feed 248 free 146 graffiti 144
excellency 116
dismiss 118 emit 107 exceptional ___ fervent 127 freeze 59 grand 145
dismount 95 end 108 executioner feud 128 frog 135 graphite 144
disqualify 81 energetic 108 fewer 191 fugue 135 grasshopper ___ 146
executor 117
dissertation 95 enervating 109 exhausting fiancé 30 fur 135 gratification ___ 146

Índice Remissi
índice Remissivo

large 187 look forward to 119

gratuitous 146 Hindu 155 in the end 167
in the way
J lasso 187 lose 193
greet 54 hire 156 168 177
jack 188 loss 237
grenade 138 hiss 156 in time 167 last
jaguar 217
lately 293 luck 193
groom 147 historic 157 indicate 168 42
jail lunch 194
147 historical 157 industrial 169 latest 188
gross 178
jar 239 lust 194
guard 148 history 157 industrious 169 lawsuit
job 272
lay 188 luxury 194
gusto 148 holiness 158 inevitably 126 178
join 189
home 158 inferno 169 leaf
H homework 159 infidel 170
leave 189 M
journal macaroni 197
ingenuity leave 133
habit 68 hope 119 170 179
journey machinist 197
ingenuousness __ lecture 189
hammer 139 horse 159 170 180
judge magazine 197
inheritance lecture 58
handicapped __ 117 hospice 160 153 181
judgement magic 198
handwriting ___ initial legal 190
150 house 158 170 178
jug 190 magical 198
hard 150 housework 159 initials 260 legend
jump 181
lend 29 make 96
hardly 150 human 160 initiate 170 178
junta make a mistake _ 112
injure less 191
harm 116 humane 160 160 182
just malice 198
injury let 189
hawk 125 hurt 160 171
150 mango 199
headmaster 89 hymn 161 ink 171 K 28 manicure 199
health 150 hyperbola 161 insure 109 148 library
188 manicurist 199
hear 151 hyperbole 161 intend 238 khaki 183 lie
283 manslaughter_'_ 200
heart ofpalm __ 220 intercourse 67 155 lieutenant
191 march 200
heaven 152 I interior 172 killer 202 limb
marmalade ___ 201
interview 172 limit 73
Hebraic 152 ignore 164 kind 280
191 marriage 201
Hebrew 152 ill-bred 293 intimate 173 72 lineman
131 marvellous 133
helix 152 imminence 107 invaluable 173 183 linen
191 mascara 201
hell 169 impediment ___ 164 invention 124 159 linesman
185 mask 201
herb 153 impera tive 164 inventory 174 Kurds 73 lips
192 mass 202
heritage 153 imperious 164 invincible 174 liqueur
massive 202
heroin 154 impiety 165 irritating 109 L liqueur glass 39
185 liquidation 192 matador
heroine 154 impinge 165 Israeli 174 labia
192 match 203
hiccup 154 implicate 166 Israelite 174 lack 185 liquor
193 match 52
high 154 imply 166 issue 107 ladder 186 list
151 maternity 206
high school 50 impresario 166 itch 175 ladle 186 listen
211 mature 203
hijack 155 imprint 167 lady-killer 60 long-nosed
240 maybe 115
Hindi 155 in front of 215 language 187 look for

índice Remlssr
índice Remissivo

204 news 210 optician 216 225 plate 233 profitable 255
meat pension
mediocre 216 news 211 ordain 216 225 platoon 233 promoter 241
pension off
meeting 258 newspaper 179 ordinary 216 226 plot of land ___ 284 propaganda ___ 241
peregrination __
member 191 newspaper article _ 45 ounce 217 226 police 234 propeller 152
memorise 82 nice 190 outdoor 217 41 police chief 82 property 218
mental hospital _ 160 nice 280 ownership 218 183 police state 234 prosecutor 241
persimmon ___
mercilessness 165 nightdress 34 226 policy 234 prospect 227
meretricious 204 noone 209 P 226 politician 234 publish 105
milk none 209 214 227 politics 234 pull 242
216 paddle perspective ___
229 pulse 242
miscarry 7 non-profit 294 paint 171 perspire, sweat __ 289 pork
235 pulverise 243
miserable 204 nosy 211 pair 219 pertain 227 powder
235 pump 243
misfortune 94 notto know 164 palaver 219 pest 228 prawn
208 pupil 91
miss 193 note 211 palimony 220 petrol 228 preach
236 purpose 129
mock 80 notebook 9 palmetto 220 phosphorus ___ 203 precocious
236 push 242
moment 205 notice 211 parent 220 photograph ___ 229 predicate
237 put away 148
momentum 205 notice 212 parents 127 photography __ 229 preface
monkey 177 noun 208 parsley 263 229 prejudice 237
moron 23 novel 212 particular 221 physicist 229 premature 236 Q
237 quadrille 245
morose 205 numbness 99 partner 219 pickon 166 premium
250 quality 236
motherhood 206 nuts 300 passage 221 piece 224 prescription ___
238 quarrel 93
murder 200 password 222 pig 229 preservative ___
mutton 206 O pasta 222 pilgrimage 226 press charges __ 240 quarrel
oar 214 pasta 197 pimp 141 press conference _ 172 quill
238 quince paste ___ 201
N occupancy 214 paste 222 pimple 230 pretend
nail 208 occupation 214 patio 223 pin number ___ 222 prevarication __ 238
narne 208 octave 106 patron 223 pink 259 prevent 17 R
239 rabies 246
naughtiness ___ 198 ofgenius 140 pay0 224 piste 230 priceless
167 racket 246
nausea 104 offside 164 payfor 224 pity 127 print
221 racket 21
necklace 49 oil 228 peace 224 placard 231 private
237 radium 246
neither 209 old peopleshome _ 214 peat 292 place 51 prize
174 radius 246
nervous 209 on the way 168 pedicure 224 plague 228 probate
239 railway carriage _ 300
neuter 210 on time 167 pedicurist 224 plain 231 process
240 raise 247
neutral 210 on view 215 peep 120 plan 232 process
240 raise 70
new 210 only 294 peers 219 plant 232 procure
241 ransom 247
new 210 opposite 215 pemphigus 300 plaque 233 professor

Índice Remissiv
Índice Remissivo

269 skip 181 stamp 268

search 0
ratio 248 rendition 255 rubberband --- 106 152 stampede 276
search for 269 sky
ration 248 rent 156 rubric 260 171 state 277
season 269 slander
raw 71 rentable 255 run 57 199 state 113
seat 55 sleeve
reading 189 repeal 256 runner 68 52 state police 234
security 263 slip
real 249 repel 256 254 station 269
select 264 sloppy
realise 249 report 212 S 270 slow 205 stationary 277
reason 248 report 276 safety 263 204 stationery 277
seller 270 sluttish
receiver 249 reprise 256 sainthood 158 120 status 277
semaphore 271 smart
receptacle 250 reprove 256 salary 263 274 steak 24
seminar 271 smoking
receptor 249 reputable 56 sale 192 steal 259
271 snack 194
recipe 250 requirement ___ 257 salesperson ___ 270 steering wheel __ 89
271 snake 48
recipient 250 rerun 256 salsa 263 stepfather 142
271 sneakers 283
reclaim 251 rescue 247 salute 64 stepmother ___ 143
272 soap 274
recognition ___ 251 restaurateur 257 sandal 264 212 stimulant 278
separated 272 soap opera
recommend __ 168 restorer 257 sandalwood __ 264
154 stimulating ___ 278
service 272 sob
reconnaissance 251 resume 258 saying 87 278 stool 124
shade 273 soft
reconstitute __ 252 retire 225 scale 264 38 storm 287
shadow 273 solemnity
reconstruct __ 252 return 86 scenario 265 story 157
266 solid 202
record 109 return 253 scenery 265 193 strange 122
sheep 206 sort
record 92 reunion 258 scholar 265 274 stranger 132
sheet 189 soup
recuperation __ 252 reveal 85 school 265 134 strict 108
shell 186 source
redecoration __ 252 revenue 250 schoolyard 223 193
46 spade 275 stripe
review shin
reduce 254 197 scissors 266 275 student 91
shirt 42 Spaniard
referee 15 richness 258 score 231 275 studio 183
short 74 Spanish
referee 180 right-handed __ 86 Scot 266 studs 69
235 specially 113
reform 252 ripe 203 Scotch 266 276 styrofoam 66
sick 20 specter
regress 253 rise 247 Scots 266 276 suave 278
sickle 268 spectrum
rehearsal 253 rob 259 Scottish 266 subscription __ - 273
44 spine 230
rehearsal sideboards
114 robbery 16 Scrabble 267 26 subtitle 37
signature 273 spinet
relative 220 robbery 31 scratch 175 22 subtitles 190
silicon 273 spout
relaxed 254 roof 38 screen 36 243 success 118
silicone 273 spray
remark 254 rook 288 sculptural 267 suede 278
36 springboard ___ 289
remedial classes sculpturesque __ 267 singer 131
252 rope 44 233 suit
sink 20 squad
remember 255 rose 259 scythe 268 summarise 258
135 staircase 186
remind royal seal skin
255 249 268

Índice Remissivo Índice Remissivo

testimony 285 travesty 290

summit 73 voluntary 297 V
summon 173 than 285 treatise 290 volunteer 297 139
support 279 theft 31 treaty 290 voyage 179 210
surely 39 then 285 trial 181
surge 279 thick 147 tribute 291 W
surrender 255 through 7 trip 179 wages 263
sustain 279 thurnb 26 trunks 291 wagon 300
swede 278 ticket 110 tureen 284 wait 119
Swedish 280 ticket 221 turf 292 warehouse 83
swimsuit 291 tie 70 tum 64 watch 47
Swiss 280 tight 182 tuxedo 274 wealth 258
sword 111 till 286 type 88 weather 286
sword 275 time 286 wedding 201
sympathetic ___ 280 time zone 136 U weed 153
sympathetic 55 tiresome 287 Ulster 293 well-bred 105
tiring 287 ultimately 293 whistle 156
T toad 135 umpire 180 wide 187
tact 282 toe 130 undefeated 174 wildfire 300
tailor 100 tongue 187 uneducated 293 win 23
tall 154 tooth 287 unfaithful 170 windsock 300
tas te 148 torment 287 uninterested 94 wink 27
tasteful 282 touch 282 unique 294 winning ticket __ 99
tasty 282 tower 288 unlike 94 witness 285
tattoo 282 track 230 unprofitable ___ 294 wood ' 301
tax 291 traduce 288 urn 295 woods 301
teacher 241 traffic light 271 word 219
team 270 train driver 197 V worthless 173
temper 269 trampoline 289 vacant 296 worthless 239
tenant 283 translate 288 vague 296 wound 160
tennis 283 transpire 289 valet 177 wreath 138
terrain 284 transvestite 290 varnish 296 wretched 204
terrible 284 trapeze 290 veal 34 wrist 242
terrific 284 trapezium 290 veneer 296 wrongdoing ___ 238
terrine 284 trapezoid 290 virgule 51
testify 83 travel 179 vista 296

314 315

Revisão 1 Revisão 2 Revisão 3 Revisão 4

1. miscarry 1. ~ 1. steak (3)
2. across 2. between 2. carnation (10)
3. adoring 3. anniversary 3. ban (2)
4. adventurist 4. ~ 4. besides (5)
5. advice 5. referee 5. sink (8)
6. antennae 6. ~ 6. biannual (1)
7. a notebook 7. ~ 7. bat (9)
8. child support 8. ants 8. godfather (7)
9. ali ready 9. prevented 9. beat (4)
10. Altogether 10. avoid 10. beast (6)

Revisão 5 Revisão 6 Revisão 7 Revisão 8

1. roof 3 5 (4) 1. appointment
2. crow's feet 1 7 (5) 2. contemptible
3. screen 9 6 (6) 3. continua I
4. conundrum 2 4 (8) 4. cooker
5. cartoon 10 8 (1) 5. correctness
6. veal (9) 6. runner
7. subtitles (10) 7. critical
8. casualties (3) 8. crossroads
9. chef (7) 9. conceited
10. channel (2) 10. conversion

Revisão 9 Revisão 10 Revisão 11

1. DANISH 1. drive 1. make
2. DATA 2. directory 2. doing
3. DECEPTION 3. discretion 3. done
4. MEMORISE 4. quarrel 4. made
5. TESTIFY 5. misfortunes 5. made
6. DESSERT 6. c1umsy 6. does
7. DESTINY 7. numbness 7. makes
8. DIAMOND 8. tailor 8. do
9. SAYING 9. gout 9. does
10. HEADMASTER 10. absent-rninded 10. making

Respostas Respostas

Revisão 12 Revisão 13 Revisão 14 Revisão 21 Revisão 22

1. well-bred 11. State 1. fabric Across 1. nail 1. oar
2. exquisite 12. economic 2. costume 1. gross 2. new 2. asylum
3. economical 13. every day 3. feathers 3. fiancé 3. nosy 3. optician
4. wait 14. expect 4. feud 5. glue 4. novel 4. milk
5. everyday 15. strange 5. branches 8. 5. noun 5. ordinary
6. especially 16. experience 6. toes 10. hammer 6. angry A 6. billboard
7. esteem 17. specially 7. fiour 11. pimp 7. grade 7. property
8. experiment 18. educated 8. toad 12. bear 8. notice 8. ounce
9. success 19. estimate 9. fur 9. young 9. opposite
10. estate 20. exit 10. failure 10. soap opera 10. occupation
1. graffitti
2. yolk
3. free
4. cheat Revisão 23 Revisão 24 Revisão 25
6. gammon Across Down 1. gang l. raised
Revisão 15 Revisão 16 Revisão 17 7. grasshopper 1. partner 2. alimony 2. rabies 2. rose
1. Cheers 1. offside 3 9. tas te 4. priceless 3. relative 3. raise 3. raise
2. Heaven 2. imply 5 5. oil 7. pretend 4. feed 4. raise
3. Hebrew 3. at the end 6 6. chase 8. pest 5. realise 5. ris e
4. Heroin 4. ontime 1 9. pin number 10. pimple 6. prescription 6. ris e
5. Kidnap 5. on the way 7 10. pension 11. prejudice 7. rehearsal 7. raised
6. Hindu 6. inferno 2 11. prawn 14.1awsuit 8. sloppy 8. risen
7. Historical 7. injury 4 12. condom 9. remind 9. rising
8. Housework 8. ink
13. politics 10.f1unk 10. raise
9. Knight 9. worthless 15. clue 11. resume
10. Anthem 10. itching
16. wrist 12. steal
17. procure 13. pink
18. advertising 14. bat
15. radium

Revisão 18 Revisão 19 Revisão 20

1. A ladder 1. lay
Revisão 26 Revisão 27
1. pasta
2. A shell 2. lied l. wages 10. stationery l. tact 10. Ulster
2. department store
3. A tongue 3. laid 2. parsley 11. suede 2. tasty 11. urn
3. mango
4. A leaf 4. lying 3. scholar 12. support 3. armadillo 12. varnish
4. marmalade
5. A linesman 5. lies 4. scissors 13. sympathetic 4. witness 13. eyesight
5. mask
6. Stripes 6. Leave 5. Scot 14. Spaniard 5. weather 14 .. railway carriage
6. matador
7. left 7. meat 6. season 15. search 6. rook 15. woods
8. -Iet 8. ripe 7. sensible 7. trampoline
9. leaving 9. sheep 8. tuxedo 8. perspire
10. leaves 9. soap 9. swimsuit
10. wedding
318 319
Quando um brasileiro faz uso da língua inglesa está sujeito
a contaminações linguisticas, devido a interferências do
português, gerando por conta disso alguns erros, às vezes
grosseiros, e situações embaraçosas. Veja alguns exemplos:
• Utilizar happy annivesary em vez de happy birthday
• Em uma partida de xadrez usar a palavra horse para
designar cavalo,quando o correto seria knight
• Em um restaurante pedir um beef em vez de steak.
• Achar que pretend é pretender quando na
verdade é fingir; ou achar que uma pessoa
esperta é expert quando na verdade é smart.
Os exemplos são inúmeros, e o que este livro pretende
é identificar e corrigir esses erros tão comuns, de forma
prática e objetiva, sem enveredar pelas regras gramaticais.
O livro contém exemplos de frases comparando
palavras que confundem acompanhadas de tradução,
além de inúmeros exercícios com respostas.

Israel Jelin é professor de inglês,

com grande experiência no ensino
médio e superior, além de autor de
livros didáticos e paradidáticos.

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