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jEste livro conta a história sobre a vida e a trajetória de Barack Obama, ex presidente dos  

Filho de Barack Obama, homem negro do Quénia e de Ann Durham, mulher branca dos Estados Unidos.
Barack Hussein Obama II, nasceu em Honolulu, no Havaí, em 1961. 
Quando seus pais se separaram, ele foi para a Indonésia com sua mãe e depois morou alguns anos com
seus avós no Havaí. Só com 12 anos, voltou a ver seu pai antes de sua morte, em um acidente de carro.
Barack Obama se graduou em ciências políticas na Universidade da Colômbia, e em Direito pela
Universidade de Harvard, na faculdade de direito, foi onde conheceu uma colega de faculdade, Michelle
Obama. Logo depois tiveram duas filhas, Malia e Sasha.
Em 1996 foi eleito para o Senado de Illinois e permaneceu até 2004. Nesse mesmo ano se elegeu ao
Senado norte-americano, e em fevereiro de 2007 ele conseguiu derrubar a antiga favorita Hillary Clinton
nas primárias presidenciais democráticas. Depois foi a vez de disputar com o republicano John Kennedy,
Obama venceu se tornando o primeiro presidente negro. Sua vitória marcou um desejo por políticas que
pudessem superar os problemas experimentados pela nação norte-americana ao longo dos oito anos de
predominância republicana nos Estados Unidos.
Gostei muito da história, adorei saber um pouco sobre a trajetória de Barack Obama e super recomendo
para amigos.  

This book tells the story about the life and trajectory of Barack Obama, former president of the United

Son of Barack Obama, a black man from Kenya and Ann Durham, a white woman from the United
States. Barack Hussein Obama II, was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, in 1961.

When his parents separated, he went to Indonesia with his mother and then lived for a few years with
his grandparents in Hawaii. It was not until he was twelve that he saw his father again before his death
in a car accident.

Barack Obama earned a degree in political science from Columbia University, and a law degree from
Harvard University, in law school, which is where he met a fellow student, Michelle Obama. Soon after
they were married in October 1992 in Chicago and had two daughters, Malia on July 4, 1998 and Sasha
on June 7, 2001.

In 1996 he was elected to the Illinois Senate and remained there until 2004. That same year he was
elected to the U.S. Senate, and in February 2007 he managed to knock off former favorite Hillary Clinton
in the Democratic presidential primaries. Then it was his turn to compete with Republican John
Kennedy, and Obama won, becoming the first black president. His victory marked a desire for policies
that could overcome the problems experienced by the American nation over the eight years of
Republican predominance in the United States.

He loved to write books in his spare time. In 2006, he wrote his second book, The Audacity of Hope, in
this book he wrote about his ideas for the future of politics in the USA, and the world.

I really enjoyed the story, loved learning a little about Barack Obama's background, and would highly
recommend it to friends.

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