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Aula 8 | Indo às compras

Meta da aula

• Apresentar a formação do present perfect e do past perfect,

assim como os usos desses tempos verbais, mostrando o
que os diferencia.
• Introduzir vocabulário relativo a roupas e acessórios que
fazem parte do vestuário masculino e feminino.
• Apresentar o uso de algumas preposições.

Objetivos da aula

Ao término desta aula, você deverá ser capaz de:

1. aplicar o present perfect;
2. aplicar o past perfect;
3. identificar vocabulário relativo a men’s and women’s clothes
(vestuários masculino e feminino);
4. aplicar algumas preposições em língua inglesa.


Rever as Aulas 2 e 5. Na Aula 2, temos o present continuous e, na

Aula 5, o simple past.

Let’s see, how many dollars Robert has

spent in New York?

Ao longo da aula, veremos os usos do present perfect, assim como os do

past perfect. Para traduzir as orações que estão no present perfect, é ne-
cessário você ter cuidado para não se atrapalhar. Isso porque não temos, na
língua portuguesa, um tempo que seja correspondente ao present perfect.
Agora, quando formos nos referir ao past perfect, aí sim podemos traduzir
ao pé da letra, porque temos, em português, o passado mais-que-perfeito,
que corresponde ao past perfect em inglês.

Aula 8 | Indo às compras 231 e-Tec Brasil

Estamos chegando ao fim de nossa viagem a New York. Como já sabemos,
nesta aula Robert sairá às compras. É preciso comprar algumas lembranças
de New York para presentear seus parentes e amigos. E, fazendo essas com-
pras, Robert aproveita para conhecer um pouco melhor o comércio de New
York, com suas lojas e butiques variadas.

Como Robert irá às compras, esse é o momento ideal para aprendermos

novos vocabulários relativos a vestuários, assim como alguns acessórios. Para
finalizar nossa aula de hoje, teremos um pouco mais de preposições.

Present perfect
O present perfect é usado para expressar a ideia de que alguma coisa
aconteceu no passado. O tempo exato quando a ação aconteceu não
é mencionado.

Obs.: Se for mencionado ou sugerido o tempo exato em

que a ação ocorreu, usa-se o passado simples (simple past),
visto na Aula 5.

Ex.: I studied English yesterday. (Eu estudei Inglês ontem.)


Robert has been in Central Park. (Robert esteve no Central Park.)

Bruno and Robert have eaten in a restaurant. (Bruno e Robert comeram em

um restaurante.)

Observe a formação do present perfect:

(+ affirmative) Subject + has / have + past participle (main verb)

(– negative) Subject + hasn’t / haven’t + past participle (main verb)

(? interrogative) Has / Have + Subject + past participle (main verb)

e-Tec Brasil 232 Turismo

Atente para a conjugação do present perfect nas três formas:

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I have bought a car. I haven’t bought a car. Have I bought a car?

You have bought a car. You haven’t bought a car. Have you bought a car?

He has bought a car. He hasn’t bought a car. Has he bought a car?

She has bought a car. She hasn’t bought a car. Has she bought a car?

We have bought a car. We haven’t bought a car. Have we bought a car?

You have bought a car. You haven’t bought a car. Have you bought a car?

They have bought a car. They haven’t bought a car. Have they bought a car?

• Expressões de tempo usadas com o Present perfect:

lately (ultimamente); recently (recentemente); never (nunca); ever (sempre,

constantemente); before (antes); since (desde).

Usos do present perfect

Podemos dizer que o Presente Perfeito (present perfect) é usado para ex-

• Ações que começaram no passado e vêm até o presente. Para isso, usa-
mos since e for.

Aula 8 | Indo às compras 233 e-Tec Brasil

Ariel da Silva Parreira
Fonte: www.sxc.hu/photo/1207951

Exemplo: Chris has been at home since 6 o’clock. (Chris está em casa desde
às 6 horas.)

• Ações que acabaram de acontecer. Para isso, usamos just. Nesse caso, o
just aparece entre o verbo auxiliar e o verbo principal.

Shlomit Wolf

Fonte: www.sxc.hu/photo/962544

Mary has just entered in the office. (Mary acabou de entrar no escritório.)

e-Tec Brasil 234 Turismo

Outros advérbios empregados com o Present perfect são:

• Already (já) – usado em frases afirmativas e interrogativas, aparece entre

o verbo auxiliar e o verbo principal.

H Berends

Fonte: www.sxc.hu/photo/574983

They have already tried the new formula. (Eles já tinham tentado uma nova

• Yet (já) – usado em perguntas (vem no final da pergunta).

Anthony Thomas

Fonte: www.sxc.hu/photo/471638

Has he washed the car yet? (Ele já lavou o carro?)

Aula 8 | Indo às compras 235 e-Tec Brasil

• Yet (ainda não) – usado em frases negativas.

G Schouten de Jel
Fonte: www.sxc.hu/photo/1060902

He hasn’t washed the car yet. (Ele ainda não lavou o carro.)

• Ever (já, alguma vez) – utilizado em perguntas (vem após o sujeito).

Michael Sult

Fonte: www.sxc.hu/photo/120966

Has he ever visited Disneyworld? (Ele já visitou a Disneyworld?)

e-Tec Brasil 236 Turismo

• Never (nunca) – usado em frases afirmativas com sentido negativo (vem
após o auxiliar has).

Mike Gieson
Fonte: www.sxc.hu/photo/1062449

He has never visited Disneyworld. (Ele nunca visitou a Disneyworld.)

Atividade 1

Atende ao Objetivo 1

Complete as frases com o verbo no Present perfect na forma pedida:

a) The Beatles nowadays culture.

(influence) – affirmative.

b) Madonna nowadays culture.

(influence) – affirmative.

c) Madonna a landmark for free

generation. (be) – affirmative.

d) The band people to “find themselves”

as individuals. (help) – affirmative.

Aula 8 | Indo às compras 237 e-Tec Brasil

e) The guys prescribed directions.
(accept) – negative.

f) you to London many

times. (go) – interrogative.

g) Mrs. Simpson Buckingham Palace.

(visit) – negative.

h) I guitar. (play) –

i) I Paul and Mary. (see) –


Atividade 2

Atende ao Objetivo 1

Complete as frases no simple past ou no present perfect:

a) I my girlfriend. (kiss)

b) The boy a little dog last night.


c) They in the library 5 minutes

ago. (be)

d) She in that room. (work)

e) We the crystal vase. (break)

e-Tec Brasil 238 Turismo

Atividade 3

Atende ao Objetivo 1

Complete os espaços com since ou for:

a) Jack has been in the hospital Saturday.

b) Dave has worked hard a year.

c) He has worked there he graduated from college.

d) I have known Larry many years.

e) Fred and I have lived in Brazil the war.

f) We’ve worked here ten years.

No endereço a seguir, você encontrará a música I still

haven’t found what I’m looking for, do grupo U2. Aces-
se-o para que você possa ouvi-la e corrigir sua atividade. O
endereço é: http://www.kboing.com.br/script/radioonline/
radio/player.php?musica=90116&op=1&rd=527246 Nes-
ta música, podemos perceber o uso constante do present
perfect. Então, para confirmar que você aprendeu, vamos
completar a letra da música com os verbos entre parênte-
ses no present perfect.

I still haven’t found what I’m looking for (U2)

I (1) _________ __________ the highest mountains (climb)

I (2) _________ _______________ through the fields (run)

Only to be with you

Only to be with you

Aula 8 | Indo às compras 239 e-Tec Brasil

I have run I have crawled

I (3) __________ ______________ these city walls (scale)

Only to be with you


But I still (4) ___________ ______________ (find – neg.)

What I’m looking for

But I still (5) ___________ ______________ (find – neg.)

What I’m looking for

I ­­­­­­­­­­­(6) ­______________ _______________ honey lips (kiss)

Felt the healing in her fingertips

It burned like fire

This burning desire

I (7)_____________ ______________ with the tongue of

angels (speak)

I (8) _____________ ______________ the hand of the devil


It was warm in the night

I was cold as a stone


e-Tec Brasil 240 Turismo

I believe in the Kingdom Come

Then all the colours will bleed into one

But yes I’m still running

You broke the bonds and you loosed the chains

You carried the cross

And my shame

And my shame

You know I believe it

[Chorus (x2)]

Confira agora se você entendeu as partes que faltavam na

letra da música:

(1) I have climbed the highest mountains

(2) I have run through the fields

(3) I have scaled

(4) But I still haven’t found

(5) But I still haven’t found

(6) I have kissed honey lips

(7) I have spoke with the tongue of angels

(8) I have held the hand of the devil

Aula 8 | Indo às compras 241 e-Tec Brasil

Past perfect
Usamos o past perfect quando queremos falar que um evento aconteceu no
passado, antes de outro evento no passado. Ou seja, é um tempo verbal que
expressa uma situação começada no passado, estendida até um determina-
do momento no passado e terminada no passado:

O past perfect é uma forma verbal utilizada na língua inglesa da mesma

forma que o “passado mais-que-perfeito” na língua portuguesa, ou seja, é
utilizada para se referir a uma ação anterior a outras também anteriores.


Ana had already gone out when his boyfriend arrived. (Ana já tinha saído
quando seu namorado chegou.)

Robert hadn’t eaten cheese cake before. (Robert não tinha comido cheese
cake antes.)

Observe a formação do past perfect:

( + affirmative ) Subject + had + past participle (main verb)

( – negative ) Subject + hadn’t + past participle (main verb)

( ? interrogative) Had + Subject + past participle (main verb)

Atente para a conjugação do past perfect nas três formas:

e-Tec Brasil 242 Turismo

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I had worked here. I hadn’t worked here. Had I worked here?

You had worked here. You hadn’t worked here. Had you worked here?

She had worked here. She hadn’t worked here. Had she worked here?

He had worked here. He hadn’t worked here. Had he worked here?

It had worked here. It hadn’t worked here. Had it worked here?

We had worked here We hadn’t worked here. Had we worked here?

They had worked here. They hadn’t worked here. Had they worked here?

Observe mais exemplos de frases em que o past perfect é utilizado:

Rasmus Andersen

Fonte: www.sxc.hu/photo/1057343

Aula 8 | Indo às compras 243 e-Tec Brasil

When we arrived, Sue had already left. (Quando nós chegamos, Sue já tinha

When I arrived, the teacher had already called my name. (Quando eu che-
guei, a professor já tinha chamado meu nome.)

Chris Eaves

Fonte: www.sxc.hu/photo/659236

e-Tec Brasil 244 Turismo

Before the party started, I had prepared everything. (Antes de a festa come-
çar, eu tinha preparado tudo.)

Manu Mohan
Fonte: www.sxc.hu/photo/771223

I thought I had seen this film before, but I hadn’t. (Eu pensei que tinha visto
este filme antes, mas não tinha.)

Os advérbios usados com o past perfect são: already (já); never (nunca); sel-
dom (raramente); always (sempre).

Procure perceber a diferença entre simple past e present

perfect a partir das duas sentenças a seguir:

I have worked as a teacher in the past. (Present perfect)

I worked as a teacher in 1995. (Simple past)

No primeiro exemplo, o que importa é a ação, o fato de

eu ter trabalhado como professor no passado. Ou seja, o
foco do que foi dito está na ação. Já no segundo exemplo,
o foco está em quando aconteceu, ou seja, quando eu tra-
balhei como professor.

Aula 8 | Indo às compras 245 e-Tec Brasil

Atividade 4

Atende ao Objetivo 2

Complete as frases com o past perfect na forma afirmativa:

a) I lost the key that he to me. (give)

b) She told me that she a ghost. (see)

c) I went downstairs because I a noise.


d) When they came home, Sue dinner already. (cook)

e) We couldn’t send you a postcard because we our

address book. (forget)

Atividade 5

Atende ao Objetivo 2

Agora complete as frases com a forma negativa do past perfect:

a) The waiter served something that we

. (not / order)

b) He went to Alaska where he

before. (not / be)

c) She put on the red dress, which she for ages.

(not / wear)

d) He tennis before that day. (not / play)

e) His mother was angry because he her with the

shopping. (not / help)

e-Tec Brasil 246 Turismo

Atividade 6

Atende ao Objetivo 2

Faça orações no past perfect em sua forma interrogativa:

a) your homework before you went to the ci-

nema? (you / finish)

b) the bathroom before you bathed the dog?

(why / you / clean)

c) breakfast before you came

here? (you / have)

d) a place to stay when she went to Boston?

(she / find)

e) before she moved to Chicago?

(where / she / live)

Atividade 7

Atende ao Objetivo 2

Preencha os espaços com past perfect ou simple past dos verbos entre pa-

a) My sister told me she from a tree. (fall)

b) They dinner after they had drunk a lot. (start)

c) When he me I for
2 hours. (call/sleep)

Aula 8 | Indo às compras 247 e-Tec Brasil

d) After we the book, the teacher us a
test. (read/give)

e) The children all the sandwiches before we

. (eat/arrived)

f) I Julia at a restaurant yesterday. I

her in years! (meet/see)

g) I them that I a check a

week before. (tell/send)

h) After they that chicken pie they all

sick. (eat/get)

In a store

O diálogo a seguir acontece em uma loja onde Robert foi comprar umas
lembrancinhas para seus amados. Nele temos o aprendizado do vocabulário
relativo a roupas e acessórios.

Robert: Excuse me. How much is this?

Sales person: The baseball cap? It’s $18.00.
What size
Que tamanho Robert: What size is it?
Try on
Experimentar Sales person: They’re all the same.
Here you are
Aqui está
Robert: Let me try it on.

Sales person: Here you are.

Robert: How much are those t-shirts?

e-Tec Brasil 248 Turismo

Sales person: Which ones?

Robert: The pink and the black one.

Sales person: They’re twenty-five dollars each.

Robert: What sizes do you have?

Sales person: Small, medium, large and extra-large. Is it for you?

Robert: No, it’s for my sister and my brother.

Sales person: How old are they?

Robert: My sister is 17 and my brother is 12.

Sales person: I suppose small.

Robert: Ok, the cap and the two t-shirts, please.

Sales person: That’s sixty-eight together.

Aula 8 | Indo às compras 249 e-Tec Brasil

Men’s and women’s wear
Neste quadro temos vocabulário relativo a vestuários e objetos pessoais.

Vestuários e objetos

Men’s wear Women’s wear

shoes – sapato dress – vestido

sneakers – tênis skirt – saia

sandals – sandália blouse – blusa, camisa

shirt – camisa jacket – jaqueta

pants – calça lingerie – lingerie

shorts – short jeans – calça jeans

bermuda – bermuda scarf – cachecol

underwear – cueca earring – brinco

sock – meia necklace – colar

cap – boné boots – botas

tie – gravata sweater – blusa de frio, moleton

t-shirt – camisa de malha handbag – bolsa

hat – chapéu high heels – sapato alto

belt – cinto ring – anel

e-Tec Brasil 250 Turismo

Adrian Gtz

Lynn Lopez
Fonte: www.sxc.hu/photo/1185429 Fonte: www.sxc.hu/photo/782712
Jean Scheijen

Banjo Ari
Fonte: www.sxc.hu/photo/1199770 Fonte: www.sxc.hu/photo/1170228

Você sabia que não há um sistema universal para as nume-

rações de roupas e calçados? Muitos países têm seu próprio
tamanho, o que causa confusão ao visitante. Nos Estados
Unidos, tamanhos de camisas são comumente classificadas
em: S (small – pequeno), M (medium – médio), L (large
– grande) e XL (extra-large – extra-grande). No caso dos
sapatos, a diferença entre a numeração no Brasil e nos Es-
tados Unidos é bem grande. Vamos comparar alguns tama-
nhos de sapatos no Brasil e nos Estados Unidos.

Brasil Estados Unidos

34 3½
35 5
36 5½
37 6
38 6½
39 7
40 7½

Aula 8 | Indo às compras 251 e-Tec Brasil

Aproveite a atividade a seguir e treine o vocabulário sobre vestuário e o Pre-
sent Continuous visto na Aula 2.

Atividade 8

Atende ao Objetivo 3

O que essas pessoas estão usando? Descreva suas roupas e acessórios.

She is wearing a blouse, a vest, pants and sandals.



e-Tec Brasil 252 Turismo




Preposição é uma palavra invariável que serve para ligar duas outras pala-
vras, estabelecendo as relações que eles devem ter.


I go to the beach. (Eu vou à praia.)

I’m coming from São Paulo. (Eu estou vindo de São Paulo.)

Nesses exemplos, as palavras to e from são preposições.

Time Place
IN meses: in January cidades: in London
anos, séculos: in 1995 estados: in Arkansas
estações: in winter países: in Nicarágua
partes do dia: in the morning, in the after- continentes: in Asia
noon, in the evening
ON dias da semana: on Sunday ruas, avenidas, praças: on Portugal Avenue
datas (mês + dia): on April the 3rd
determinadas datas: On Christimas day

AT horas: at 7 endereços (rua +número): at 456 Lincoln St.

certos feriados: at Christmas lugares públicos: at the club, at the airport,
at a party

Aula 8 | Indo às compras 253 e-Tec Brasil

TO Indica deslocamento do ponto A para o ponto B.
To go to – I go to BH once a month.
To travel to – My friends travel to Rio every Summer.
To take a trip to – I want to take a trip to Porto Seguro.

FOR Indica período de tempo e destino, propósito.

To wait for – Wait for me!
A present/a book for – This is a present for you.

BY Indica meio de transporte

By + meios de transporte
Car – I go to school by car.
Boat – They went to Manaus by boat.
Plane – I went to Miami by plane.

Atividade 9
Atende ao Objetivo 4

Estude as preposições in, on e at e complete os espaços com a preposição


a)_____ the car g) _____ Baker Street m) _____ vacation

b)_____ home h) _____ July n) _____ the morning

c) _____ September, 7th I) _____ 9 o’clock o) _____ the airport

d)_____ 1970 j) _______ Saturday p) _______ Christmas Day

e) ____ 229 Broadway k) _______ Summer q) _______ Ipanema Avenue

f) _____ Paris l) _____ the supermarket

e-Tec Brasil 254 Turismo

Atividade 10

Atende ao Objetivo 4

Escolha a preposição correta no quadro a seguir e preencha as lacunas:

by – for – on – to – in

a) Please put this book ________ the table.

b) Please put these pencils _______ their box.

c) Are you going _______Curitiba? No, I’m going ______ Porto Alegre.

d) He bought a present _______ his girlfriend.

e) I don’t like to travel ________ train.

f) The program _______ TV last night was very good.

g) She baked a cake _______ her daughter.

h) My husband and I traveled ________ Natal ______ plane.

Informações sobre a próxima aula

Na próxima aula, Robert se despedirá de New York. Então, teremos o check

out de Robert e seu retorno ao Brasil. Aproveitaremos para aprender um
novo tempo verbal, o past continuous. Veremos question tag e uma revisão
geral de alguns conteúdos dados e também novos vocabulários.


• Present perfect: usado para expressar uma ação que aconteceu num pas-
sado recente, porém não determinado:

Também pode expressar a ação que acabou de acontecer, caso em que

se usa o advérbio just (agora mesmo).

Aula 8 | Indo às compras 255 e-Tec Brasil

Outros advérbios comumente empregados com o Present perfect são:

–– already (já), em frases afirmativas;

–– yet (já), em perguntas;
–– ever (já, alguma vez), em perguntas;
–– never (nunca), em frases com sentido negativo;
–– since (desde);
–– for (há, por, faz).

• Formação do present perfect:

–– ( + ) Subject + has / have + past participle (main verb)

–– ( – ) Subject + hasn’t / haven’t + past participle (main verb)
–– ( ? ) Has / Have + Subject + past participle (main verb)

• Expressões de tempo usadas com o Present perfect:

lately (ultimamente); recently (recentemente); never (nunca); ever (sem-

pre, constantemente); before (antes); since (desde).

• Past perfect: usamos o Past perfect para mostrar que a ação à qual nos
referimos é anterior às que acontecem em um texto.

• O past perfect é uma forma verbal utilizada na língua inglesa da mesma

forma que o “passado mais-que-perfeito” o é na língua portuguesa, ou
seja, é utilizada para se referir a uma ação anterior às outras também

• Formação do past perfect:

–– ( + ) Subject + had + past participle (main verb)

–– ( – ) Subject + hadn’t + past participle (main verb)
–– ( ? ) Had + Subject + past participle (main verb)

• Advérbios usados com o past perfect: already (já); never (nunca); seldom
(raramente); always (sempre).

• As preposições vistas nessa aula foram: in, on, at, to, for, by. Volte sem-
pre ao quadro para rever as particularidades de cada uma delas.

• O vocabulário estudado foi relativo a vestuários e objetos pessoais.

e-Tec Brasil 256 Turismo

Respostas das atividades

Atividade 1

a) The Beatles have influenced nowadays culture.

b) Madonna has influenced nowadays culture.

c) Madonna has been a landmark for free generation.

d) The band has helped people to “find themselves” as individuals.

e) The guys haven’t accept prescribed directions.

f) Have you gone to London many times?

g) Mrs. Simpson hasn’t visited Buckingham Palace.

h) I haven’t played guitar.

i) I haven’t seen Paul and Mary.

Atividade 2

a) I have kissed my girlfriend.

b) The boy found a little dog last night.

c) They were in the library 5 minutes ago.

d) She has worked in that room.

e) We have broken the crystal vase.

Atividade 3

a) Jack has been in the hospital since Saturday.

b) Dave has worked hard for a year.

Aula 8 | Indo às compras 257 e-Tec Brasil

c) He has worked there since he graduated from college.

d) I have known Larry for many years.

e) Fred and I have lived in Brazil since the war.

f) We’ve worked here for ten years.

Atividade 4

a) I lost the key that he had given to me.

b) She told me that she had seen a ghost.

c) I went downstairs because I had heard a noise.

d) When they came home, Sue had cooked dinner already.

e) We couldn’t send you a postcard because we had forgotten our address


Atividade 5

a) The waiter served something that we hadn’t ordered.

b) He went to Alaska where he hadn´t been before.

c) She put on the red dress, which she hadn’t worn for ages.

d) He hadn’t played tennis before that day.

e) His mother was angry because he hadn’t helped her with the shopping.

Atividade 6

a) Had you finished your homework before you went to the cinema?

b) Why had you cleaned the bathroom before you bathed the dog?

c) Had you had breakfast before you came here?

e-Tec Brasil 258 Turismo

d) Had she found a place to stay when she went to Boston?

e) Where had she lived before she moved to Chicago?

Atividade 7

a) My sister told me she had fallen from a tree.

b) They started dinner after they had drunk a lot.

c) When he called me I had slept for 2 hours.

d) After we had read the book, the teacher gave us a test.

e) The children had eaten all the sandwiches before we arrived.

f) I met Julia at a restaurant yesterday. I hadn´t seen her in years!

g) I told them that I had sent a check a week before.

h) After they ate that chicken pie they all got sick.

Atividade 8

a) She is wearing a hat, a top, a belt, a skirt and sandals.

b) They are wearing ties, suits, shirts, belts and shoes.

c) She is wearing a necklace, a bracelet a dress and boots.

d) They are wearing caps, t-shirts, socks and sneakers.

Atividade 9

a) In/On the car f) In Paris l) At the supermarket

b) At home g) On Baker Street m) On vacation

c) On September, 7th h) In July n) In the morning

Aula 8 | Indo às compras 259 e-Tec Brasil

d) In 1970 I) At 9 o’clock o) At the airport

e) At 229 Broadway Avenue j) On Saturday p) On Christmas Day

f) In Summer q) At/On Ipanema

Atividade 10

a) Please put this book on the table.

b) Please put these pencils in their box.

c) Are you going to Curitiba? No, I’m going to Porto Alegre.

d) He bought a present for his girlfriend.

e) I don’t like to travel by train.

f) The program on TV last night was very good.

g) She baked a cake for her daughter.

h) My husband and I traveled to Natal by plane.

Referências bibliográficas
DI BIAGGI, Enaura T. Krieck; STAVALE, Emeri De Biaggi. Enjoy your stay!: Inglês básico de
hotelaria e turismo. São Paulo: Disal, 2004.
RICHARDS, Jack C. New Interchange: English for internacional communication: student’s
book 1. 9. ed. United Kingdom: University Press, Cambridge, 2001.
VINEY, Peter. Basic Survival: International Communication for Professional People. 5. ed.
Thailand: Macmillan, 2008

e-Tec Brasil 260 Turismo

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