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Aula 5 | Ligando para um amigo

Meta da aula

• Apresentar o Simple Past de verbos regulares e irregulares.

• Introduzir alguns advérbios de tempo que são usados no
Simple Past.
• Apresentar os possessive adjectives e os possessive pronouns.
• Evidenciar o vocabulário relativo às estações do ano e à tem-

Objetivos da aula

Ao término desta aula, você deverá ser capaz de:

1. aplicar o Simple Past de verbos regulares em frases afirmativas,
negativas e interrogativas;
2. reconhecer os advérbios de tempo em orações no Simple Past;
3. comparar o Simple Past dos verbos irregulares com os regulares;
4. distinguir os pronomes possessivos (possessive pronouns) e os
adjetivos possessivos (possessive adjectives) nas orações;
5. identificar vocabulário relativo à temperatura e às estações do ano.

Lembrando-se de um amigo

Nesta aula, você acompanhará Robert entrando em contato com um amigo

para combinarem alguns passeios em Nova Iorque.

Robert lembrou-se de que Bruno, amigo de sua irmã Julia, morava em Nova
Iorque já há algum tempo. Robert então resolveu ligar pra ele, para pedir-lhe
sugestões de passeios e convidar Bruno para acompanhá-lo.

O uso de pronomes e vocabulário relativo ao clima também serão vistos

nesta aula.

Então, vamos aquecer as turbinas, pois a temperatura só deve aumentar,

não podemos deixá-la cair.

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Telephone call

Robert: Hello. Can I talk to Bruno?

Bruno: Yes, it’s me.

Robert: Hi Bruno! It’s Robert, Julia’s brother.

Bruno: Oh, boy, what a surprise!


Robert: Yeah! I’m here in New York and I want to know if we can
Go around meet to go around. I want to visit some places here.
Dar um volta.

Pleasure Bruno: Of course we can meet, it will be a pleasure.

But where do you want to go and when?
Fim de semana.
Robert: I don’t have much time here, so, if we could meet this weekend
Such as
Tais como. it would be perfect for me. And about the places, I would like
you to give me suggestions.

Bruno: Robert, tomorrow I have to work until 11:00 am.

Here in New York there are many interesting places such as:
Empire State Building, Statue of Liberty, Central Park
and others.

Robert: Ok, do you want to go around with me?

Bruno: Of course, which hotel are you staying?

Robert: I’m here on Hilton New York hotel.

Bruno: Oh, I’ve already heard about this hotel.

Give me the address.

Robert: It’s on 1335 Avenue of the Americas New York NY 10019.

Bruno: So, Robert, tomorrow about 1:00 pm, I’ll meet you, ok?

Robert: Ok, Bruno, it’s nice to me. See you tomorrow.

Bruno: Bye.

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Angela Franklin

Simona Dumitru
David Lat

Fonte: www.sxc.hu/photo/1060193 Fonte: www.sxc.hu/photo/1111836 Fonte: www.sxc.hu/photo/761492

Você tem aprendido em todas as aulas um tempo verbal diferente, agora

chegou a vez do Simple Past e do To be Simple Past. Atente para o fato de
que o Simple Past possui dois tipos de verbos: regulares e irregulares.

O Simple Past dos verbos regulares

O Simple Past expressa ações que aconteceram e se encerraram no passado

e em tempo definido.


• She called me. (Ela me chamou – a ação já aconteceu e acabou).

• Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876. (Alexander Graham Bell
inventou o telefone em 1876 – a ação já aconteceu em uma época no passado).

• The Beatles recorded their first hit in 1962. (Os Beatles gravaram seu pri-
meiro sucesso em 1962 – a ação está definida no tempo passado).

Os verbos no Simple Past são divididos em dois grupos: verbos regulares e

verbos irregulares.

Para formar o passado dos verbos regulares na forma afirmativa, procede-se

do seguinte modo:

• Acrescenta-se a terminação -ed ao verbo no infinitivo, sem “to”, em

todas as pessoas.

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Entretanto, há algumas exceções, que serão apresentadas adiante.

Veja, a seguir, a conjugação completa dos três verbos regulares apresentados

nos exemplos:

Verb to call (chamar, ligar)

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I called I didn’t call Did I call…?

You called You didn’t call Did you call...?

He called He didn’t call Did he call...?

She called She didn’t call Did she call...?

It called It didn’t call Did it call...?

We called We didn’t call Did we call...?

You called You didn’t call Did you call...?

They called They didn’t call Did they call...?

Verb to invent (inventar)

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I invented I didn’t invent Did I invent…?

You invented You didn’t invent Did you invent...?

He invented He didn’t invent Did he invent...?

She invented She didn’t invent Did she invent...?

It invented It didn’t invent Did it invent...?

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Affirmative Negative Interrogative

We invented We didn’t invent Did we invent...?

You invented You didn’t invent Did you invent...?

They invented They didn’t invent Did they invent...?

Verb to record (gravar)

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I recorded I didn’t record Did I record...?

You recorded You didn’t record Did you record...?

He recorded He didn’t record Did he record...?

She recorded She didn’t record Did she record...?

It recorded It didn’t record Did it record...?

We recorded We didn’t record Did we record...?

You recorded You didn’t record Did you record...?

They recorded They didn’t record Did they record...?

Conforme foi dito, quando queremos formar o Simple Past dos verbos regu-
lares, temos de acrescentar -ed a seu infinitivo sem o “to”. Ou seja, o Simple
Past é formado assim:

= infinitivo sem o “to” + terminação -ed

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Infinitive Simple past

to talk (falar) talked

to jump (pular) jumped

to smell (cheirar) smelled

Contudo, existem exceções para terminações dos verbos regulares. Veja

quais são elas:

• Verbos terminados em Y:

1º: Se o Y for precedido de consoante, retira-se o Y e acrescenta -ied:

Exemplos: We cried all night when our dog escaped.

Infinitive Simple past

to cry (chorar) cried

to study (estudar) studied

to try (tentar) tried

to worry (preocupar-se) worried

to hurry (apressar-se) hurried

to reply (responder) replied

2º: Se o Y for precedido de vogal, o procedimento é normal e apenas acres-

centa-se -ed:

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Exemplos: I played soccer with the gang last Saturday.

Infinitive Simple past

to play (jogar, brincar) played

to stay (ficar) stayed

to destroy (destruir) destroyed

to enjoy (aproveitar) enjoyed

Em verbos terminados em E, acrescenta-se apenas -d:

Exemplos: The ballerinas danced at the theatre last night.

Infinitive Simple past

to dance (dançar) danced

to love (amar) loved

to arrive (chegar) arrived

to decide (decidir) decided

Em verbos terminados em consoante + vogal + consoante, repete-se a últi-

ma letra quando a última sílaba for tônica (forte), e acrescenta-se -ed.

Exemplos: The train stopped ten minutes ago.

Infinitive Simple past

to stop (parar) stopped

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Infinitive Simple past

to drop (largar) dropped

to plan (planejar) planned

Em seguida, os acompanhantes dos verbos:

os advérbios

Na Aula 3, vimos a definição do que é um advérbio. Caso você não esteja se

lembrando, este é o momento de rever o assunto.

Alguns advérbios e expressões de tempo são comuns em orações do Simple Past.

Os advérbios são palavras invariáveis, que se juntam aos verbos, aos adjeti-
vos e a outros advérbios para lhes modificar a significação, exprimindo uma
circunstância de tempo, lugar, modo etc.

A expressão de tempo ocorre quando duas ou mais palavras exercem função

de advérbio. A expressão de tempo é o conjunto de palavras, geralmente in-
troduzidas por uma preposição, que exercem a função de advérbio: às vezes,
de quando em quando, de vez em quando, na última noite etc.

• yesterday: ontem;

• the day before: anteontem;

• last week: semana passada;

• a year ago: um ano atrás;

• last century: no século passado.

Veja como usar advérbios e expressões de tempo em frases no Simple Past:

• Yesterday Joana studied for the test.

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• Mr. Hill arrived ten minutes ago.

• I received this e-mail last week.

Agora que você já aprendeu as características do Simple Past, está na hora

de praticar.

Atividade 1

Atende ao Objetivo 1

Complete as frases a seguir colocando os verbos entre parênteses no Simple Past:

a) Suellen _____________ to talk to her mother. (stop)

b) Mr. and Mrs. Cunha _____________ to Natal last March. (travel)

c) My cousins _____________ the World Cup finals in my house. (watch)

d) I _____________ my hair this morning. (wash)

e) Sir Alexander Fleming _____________ penicillin last century. (discover)

f) On July 20, 1969, an astronaut _____________ on the moon for the first
time. (walk)

Atividade 2

Atende aos Objetivos 1 e 2

As orações a seguir estão no Simple Present. Substitua as expressões de

tempo pelas expressões que estão entre parênteses e passe as orações para
o Simple Past, conforme o exemplo:

a) Andrea works in the morning every day. (yesterday)

Andrea worked in the morning yesterday.

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b) John watches TV at night. (last night)

c) Luke celebrates his birthday every year. (two days ago)

d) The businessmen attend meetings every Wednesday. (last Wednesday)

e) Tom and Susan play with their kids on the weekends. (last weekend)

O Simple Past dos verbos regulares nas for-

mas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa

Você já aprendeu, nas aulas anteriores, as formas afirmativa, negativa e

interrogativa de alguns tempos verbais. Agora é a vez de verificar como fica
o Simple Past nessas três possibilidades.

Affirmative (+)
Na forma afirmativa, quando o verbo está na forma do Simple Past, as ora-
ções têm a seguinte apresentação:

= subject + verbo no Simple Past + advérbio


I/ You / We / They worked in the morning.

He / She / It worked in the morning.

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Negative (–)
Na forma negativa, o Simple Past é formado da seguinte maneira: acrescen-
ta-se o verbo auxiliar did + not (indicativo de negação) + o verbo principal na
sua forma infinitiva sem o “to”.

= subject + did + not + infinitive sem o “to” + advérbio


I / You / We / They didn’t work in the morning.

He / She / It didn’t work in the morning.

Interrogative (?)
Já na forma interrogativa do Simple Past, o auxiliar did é deslocado para
o início da oração, seguido do sujeito e depois a forma infinitiva do verbo
principal sem o “to”.

= Did + subject + infinitive sem o “to” + advérbio


Did I/ you / we / they work in the morning?

Did he / she / it work in the morning?

Watch out!

O Simple Past tem somente uma conjugação para todas as pesso-

as. Então, teremos:

I, you, we, they watched TV last night.

He, she, it watched TV last night.

Nas frases afirmativas no passado, quando os verbos forem regu-

lares, acrescentaremos a esses verbos: d, ed ou ied.

Aula 5 | Ligando para um amigo 115 e-Tec Brasil

Quando você for escrever orações negativas e interrogativas, lem-
bre-se de retirar o d, ed ou ied, ou seja, lembre-se de usar o verbo
no infinitivo sem o to. Lembre-se também de usar did na interro-
gativa e didn’t na negativa.


Verbo – celebrate

(+) They celebrated their victory yesterday.

(–)They didn’t celebrate their victory yesterday.

(?) Did they celebrate their victory yesterday?

Verb – wish

(+) He wished them peace and good luck.

(-) He didn’t wish them peace and good luck.

(?) Did he wish them peace and good luck?

Verb - study

(+) They studied for the test last Monday.

(-) They didn’t study for the test last Monday.

(?) Did they study for the test last Monday?

Atividade 3

Atende ao Objetivo 1

Vamos praticar como fazer a forma negativa e interrogativa das orações a

seguir? Siga o modelo e indique como ficam as seguintes frases na forma
interrogativa e afirmativa.

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Model: She danced all night yesterday.
Interrogativa: Did she dance all night yesterday?
Negativa: She didn’t dance all night yesterday.

a) James studied at Cambrigde University in 1965.


b) It rained a lot the day before today.


c) The kids played ball on the weekend.


d) I visited my grandparents last month.


e) They organized the Halloween party.


O Simple Past dos verbos irregulares

Assim como ocorre com os verbos regulares no Simple Past, os verbos irre-
gulares também têm forma única para todos os sujeitos. Porém, diferente-
mente dos verbos regulares, que tínhamos que acrescentar d, ed, ied para
formarmos os passado, os verbos irregulares não têm regra fixa. Por isso, é
necessário que você aprenda como os verbos ficarão no passado.

Veja, a seguir, a tabela com alguns verbos irregulares.

Watch out!

A lista dos verbos irregulares é bem extensa. Você, provavelmente,

encontrará uma lista mais completa em um dicionário.

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Infinitive Simple past Translate

begin began

bring brought

buy bought

come came

do did

drive drove

eat ate

feed fed

fight fought

fly flew

forget forgot

get got

give gave

go went

have had

know knew

leave left

let let

make made

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Infinitive Simple past Translate

pay paid

put put

say said

see saw

sleep slept

speak spoke

spend spent

take took

teach taught

tell told

think thought

wake woke

write wrote

Veja agora exemplos de frases com verbos irregulares no Simple Past:

Exemplos: Camila went to school late. (Camila foi para escola tarde.)

Subject Verbo – passado de go

Sam slept until 11 o’clock. (Sam dormiu até 11 horas.)

Subject Verbo – passado de sleep

Aula 5 | Ligando para um amigo 119 e-Tec Brasil

Veja como são conjugados os verbos “to go” e “to sleep”, apresentados nos
exemplos, no Simple Past:

Verb to GO (ir)

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I went I didn’t go Did I go …?

You went You didn’t go Did you go...?

He went He didn’t go Did he go...?

She went She didn’t go Did she go...?

It went It didn’t go Did it go...?

We went We didn’t go Did we go...?

You went You didn’t go Did you go...?

They went They didn’t go Did they go...?

Verb to SLEEP (dormir)

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I slept I didn’t sleep Did I sleep …?

You slept You didn’t sleep Did you sleep...?

He slept He didn’t sleep Did he sleep...?

She slept She didn’t sleep Did she sleep...?

It slept It didn’t sleep Did it sleep...?

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Affirmative Negative Interrogative

We slept We didn’t sleep Did we sleep...?

You slept You didn’t sleep Did you sleep...?

They slept They didn’t sleep Did they sleep...?

Affirmative (+)
Na forma afirmativa, as orações têm a seguinte construção quando o verbo
está na forma do Simple Past:

= subject + verbo no Simple Past + advérbio


I/ You / We / They wrote many letters.

He / She / It wrote many letters.

Negative (–)
Na forma negativa do Simple Past de verbos irregulares, acrescenta-se o
verbo auxiliar did + not (indicativo de negação) + o verbo principal na sua
forma infinitiva sem o “to”.

= subject + did + not + infinitive sem o “to” + advérbio


I / You / We / They didn’t write many letters.

He / She / It didn’t write many letters.

Interrogative (?)
Já na forma interrogativa do Simple Past de verbos irregulares, o auxiliar did
é deslocado para o início da oração, seguido do sujeito e depois da forma
infinitiva do verbo principal sem o “to”.

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= Did + subject + infinitive sem to + advérbio?


Did I/ you / we / they write many letters?

Did he / she / it write many letters?

Watch out!

Não acrescentaremos: d, ed ou ied às orações no passado com

verbos irregulares. Temos que aprender os verbos da tabela. Quan-
do você for fazer orações negativas e interrogativas, lembre-se de
voltar o verbo para o infinitivo sem o to, e de também usar did na
interrogativa e didn’t na negativa.

Atividade 4

Atende ao Objetivo 3

Preencha os espaços em branco usando o Simple Past dos verbos nos


a) Jane _____________ (get) back from Mikonos yesterday.

b) Mr. Kelly _____________ (speak) to his wife in the afternoon.

c) The boys _____________ (go) to the gym in the morning.

d) The businessmen _____________ (fly) to Chicago last week.

e) The conference _____________ (begin) at 5 o’clock.

f) Jeremy _____________ (spend) a week in Baltimore.

g) Mrs. Brown _____________ (teach) five classes yesterday.

h) Lucy _____________ (drive) to work everyday last month.

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Atividade 5

Atende aos Objetivos 1 e 3

Reescreva as seguintes sentenças no passado. Depois, passe-as para as for-

mas interrogativa e negativa:

Model: Suellen buys clothes every month.

Simple Past: Suellen bought clothes last month.
Interrogative: Did Suellen buy clothes last month?
Negative: Suellen didn’t buy clothes last month.

a) Tanya writes to her parents every month.

Simple Past: last month.

b) Kevin and Tom leave work at 5 every day.

Simple Past: yesterday.

c) My parents have to go to work in the afternoon.

Simple Past: yesterday afternoon.

d) The Johnsons take their kids to school every week.

Simple Past: last week.

e) The kids have a good time at the mall on the weekends.

Simple Past: last weekend.

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O Simple Past do verbo “to be”

Vimos que, no Simple Present, temos três formas no “to be” (ser ou estar),
que são am, is e are. Agora no to be – Simple Past temos duas formas que
são was e were (era ou estava). Portanto, o to be é um caso especial de verbo
irregular. Veja, no quadro a seguir, a quais pessoas was e were se referem:

To be – Simple Present To be – Simple Past

I am happy I was happy

You are happy You were happy

He is happy He was happy

She is happy She was happy

It is happy It was happy

We are happy We were happy

You are happy You were happy

They are happy They were happy

Então, a partir da observação do quadro anterior, conclui-se que para as

pessoas (I, he, she, it) que usamos am e is no presente, usaremos was no

E para as pessoas (you, we, they) que usamos are no presente, agora usare-
mos were no passado.

Affirmative (+)
Na forma afirmativa, as orações têm a seguinte construção quando o verbo
está na forma do To be Simple Past:

= subject + to be Simple Past + complemento

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I/ He / She / It was at the club yesterday.

You / We / They were at the club yesterday.

Negative (–)
Na forma negativa do To be Simple Past, acrescenta-se not (indicativo de
negação) depois do to be.

= subject + to be Simple Past + not + complemento


I/ He / She / It was not (wasn’t) at the club yesterday.

You / We / They were not (weren’t) at the club yesterday.

Interrogative (?)
Já na forma interrogativa do To be Simple Past, o to be é deslocado para o
início da oração, seguido do sujeito e depois dos complementos.

= to be Simple Past + subject + complemento?


Was I/ he / she / it at the club yesterday?

Were you / we / they at the club yesterday?

To be – Simple Past Negativa Interrogativa

I was happy I wasn’t happy Was I happy?

You were happy You weren’t happy Were you happy?

He was happy He wasn’t happy Was he happy?

She was happy She wasn’t happy Was she happy?

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To be – Simple Past Negativa Interrogativa

It was happy It wasn’t happy Was it happy?

We were happy We weren’t happy Were we happy?

You were happy You weren’t happy Were you happy?

They were happy They weren’t happy Were they happy?

Atividade 6

Atende ao Objetivo 3

Escolha a melhor opção de aplicação do verbo to be no Simple Past para

cada frase:

a) Paul _____________ a good basketball player when he _____________

8 years old.
(  )was, was (  ) were, were (  ) was, were (  ) were, was

b) Jeannie _____________ born in Brazil when her mother _____________

25 years old.
(  ) were, were (  ) was, were (  ) was, was (  ) were, was

c) Will and Bill _____________ born in 1998. They _____________ very small,
just 45 cm.
(  ) was, were (  ) were, was (  ) was, was (  ) were, were

d) John and Maria _____________ married in December. She _____________

very pretty.
(  ) was, were (  ) were, was (  ) was, was (  ) were, were

Estudamos em aulas anteriores os pronomes sujeitos e pronomes objetos.

Agora chegou o momento dos pronomes possessivos e adjetivos possessivos.

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Possessive Adjectives – Possessive Pronouns

Você se lembra do que são pronomes? Não? Então, vamos lá...

Pronomes são palavras que substituem os nomes, para evitar repetições


No quadro a seguir, você tem os subject pronouns, possessive adjectives e

possessive pronouns. Vocês verão adiante quando usar e o que significam
possessive adjectives e possessive pronouns.

Subject Pronouns Possessive Adjectives Possessive Pronouns

I My Mine

You Your Yours

He His His

She Her Hers

It Its its

We Our Ours

You Your Yours

They Their Theirs

Possessive adjectives (adjetivos possessivos)

• Vêm sempre antes dos substantivos a que se referem.

Exemplos: Robert is from Brazil. His country is Brazil.
Susan is from Italy. Her country is Italy.

• Suas formas são invariáveis; concordam com o possuidor e não com a

coisa possuída.
Exemplos: Robert = he (his name, his country, his friends etc.)
Susan = she (her name, her country, her friends etc.)

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• Não são usados com artigo.
Exemplos: My name is Sílvia. (O meu nome é Sílvia.)
Your friends are here. (Os seus amigos estão aqui.)

Possessive pronouns (pronomes possessivos)

• Evitam a repetição de um substantivo, por este já ser conhecido ou óbvio.

Exemplos: This notebook is mine! (my notebook)
That bike is hers. (her bike)
Is this pen yours? (your pen)

• Os possessive pronouns vêm no lugar dos substantivos; os possessive

adjectives precedem os substantivos.
Exemplos: My t-shirt is yellow. Yours is blue.
Our teacher is British. His is American.

• Nunca se usam com o artigo.

Exemplos: My cat is black. Mine is white. (O meu gato é preto. O meu é

Exemplos: Susan washes her hair every day.

Subject Adjetivo possessivo Elemento possuído

Daniel and James clean their house.

Subject Adjetivo possessivo Elemento possuído

Atividade 7

Atende ao Objetivo 4

Complete as frases a seguir com os possessive pronouns ou possessive


a) I have _____________ problems. Sue has _____________ .

b) Paul and Mary have _____________ apartments. I have _____________ .

e-Tec Brasil 128 Turismo

c) You have _____________ friends. We have _____________ .

d) Will has _____________ surfboard. Bill has _____________ .

e) Grandma has _____________ recipes. You have _____________ .

f) We have _____________ ideas. The Twin Brothers have _____________ .


Iniciaremos a seguir a seção Look! Nesta aula, você terá contato com voca-
bulário relacionado à temperatura e estações do ano. É importante saber
informações sobre o clima do local que você vai visitar quando fizer uma
viagem. Isso porque o clima influencia, por exemplo, nas roupas que você
deve levar e nos passeios que você poderá fazer.

Look! Let’s talk about weather

É necessário aprender as condições climáticas. Elas são usadas com a função
de adjetivo para poder descrever como está o tempo. John Evans

Fonte: www.sxc.hu/photo/634881

sunny – ensolarado

Aula 5 | Ligando para um amigo 129 e-Tec Brasil

Nick Clix
Fonte: www.sxc.hu/photo/939164

rainy – chuvoso

Milan Jurek
Fonte: www.sxc.hu/photo/1188952

windy – com vento Christine Landis

Fonte: www.sxc.hu/photo/1192339

foggy – com neblina

e-Tec Brasil 130 Turismo

Colin Brough
Fonte: www.sxc.hu/photo/1116432

snowy – com neve

Julia Starr

Fonte: www.sxc.hu/photo/1137802

cloudy – nublado

Look! Seasons of the year

Assim como no português, no inglês também temos quatro representações
das estações do ano, que são elas:

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Gerhard Taatgen jr.
Fonte: www.sxc.hu/photo/1188041

spring – primavera

Jules Bloemen
Fonte: www.sxc.hu/photo/1224049

summer – verão Th Sid

Fonte: www.sxc.hu/photo/1193818

fall (or autumn) – outono

e-Tec Brasil 132 Turismo

Cindy Kalamajka
Fonte: www.sxc.hu/photo/244235

winter – inverno

Agora que você já estudou o vocabulário relativo às estações do Site destaque

ano, veja a letra de uma música que fala que a amizade independe
da estação do ano. Será que você consegue identificar as palavras
primavera, verão, outono e inverno?

You’ve got a friend

James Taylor

When you’re down and troubled

and you need some love and care
And nothing, no nothing is going right
Close your eyes and think of me
And soon I will be there
To brighten up
Even your darkest night
You just call out my name
And you know wherever I am
I’ll come running

Aula 5 | Ligando para um amigo 133 e-Tec Brasil

To see you again
Winter, spring, summer or fall
All you have to do is call
And I’ll be there
You’ve got a friend.
You’ve got a friend...

Fonte: www.youtube.com/watch?v=wftbahypdAA

Look! Temperature
Agora, chegou a vez da temperatura, para poder fechar o nosso estudo
relacionado ao tempo.

Hot (30º C a 38ºC)

Warm (20º C a 30ºC)

Cool (10º C a 20º C)

Cold (1º C a 10º C)

Freezing (0º C e abaixo de zero)

Fonte: www.gramado.rs.gov.br/images/stories/termmetro_digital.jpg

e-Tec Brasil 134 Turismo

Nos EUA, costuma-se indicar a temperatura ambiente em graus
Fahrenheit. E para fazer a conversão aproximada de Fahrenheit em
Celsius, subtrai-se 32 da temperatura em Fahrenheit e multiplica-
se resultado por 0,55.

32º Farenheit, por exemplo, corresponde a 0º Celsius.

Atividade 8

Atende ao Objetivo 5

O quadro a seguir mostra as temperaturas de algumas cidades do mundo.


City/country Degrees Weather

Camberra – Austrália 12º C

Nova York – Estados Unidos 25º C

Berlim – Alemanha 27º C

Los Angeles – Estados Unidos 29º C

Tokio – Japão 24º C

Belo Horizonte – Brasil 25º C

Agora, com base nas informações do quadro, responda às seguintes ques-

tões, conforme o modelo:

Aula 5 | Ligando para um amigo 135 e-Tec Brasil

Examples: What was the weather like in Camberra?
It was cool and rainy.

a) What was the weather like in New York?

b) What was the weather like in Berlin?

c) What was the weather like in Los Angeles?

d) What was the weather like in Tokio?

e) What was the weather like in Belo Horizonte?

Site destaque Trabalhando a pronúncia

Não se esqueça de consultar sempre o site Language

Guide para desenvolver sua pronúncia. O endereço é

e-Tec Brasil 136 Turismo


• O Simple Past dos verbos regulares é formado pelo acréscimo da terminação

-ed, -ied ou -d ao infinitivo dos verbos, sem o “to”.

• O Simple Past dos verbos irregulares não é formado do mesmo modo

que o dos verbos regulares, pois os irregulares não seguem uma regra de
formação, portanto é preciso aprender como é cada caso em particular.
Example: go – went.

• O verbo to be no Simple Past apresenta apenas duas formas: “was” e

“were”. Usa-se “was” com: I, he, she, it. Usa-se “were” com os demais
pronomes: you, we e they.

• Os possessive adjectives e possessive pronouns são usados para indicar

posse, sendo que o primeiro vem sempre acompanhado de um substan-
tivo, e o segundo substitui o substantivo.

• Na seção LOOK, vimos as estações do ano e a temperatura, assuntos

importantes principalmente quando estamos programando uma viagem
para um determinado lugar.

• Vimos também que, na formação do Simple Past, algumas vezes os advér-

bios de tempo aparecem nas orações para poder definir o tempo em que
a ação aconteceu. Examples: yesterday, last week, last month, two days
ago etc.

Informações sobre a próxima aula

Na próxima aula, Robert encontrará com seu amigo Bruno. Os dois irão até
uma agência, pois pretendem alugar um carro para fazerem os passeios.
Você não pode perder essa chance de conhecer lugares maravilhosos de
Nova Iorque escolhidos pelos dois amigos.

Então, vamos desfrutar, juntamente com Robert e Bruno, os passeios e ati-

vidades de lazer em lugares maravilhosos que eles escolheram, tais como:
Central Park, Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building e outros. You can’t miss
this trip! Você não pode ficar fora dessa!

Aula 5 | Ligando para um amigo 137 e-Tec Brasil

Respostas das atividades

Atividade 1

Complete as frases a seguir com os verbos entre parênteses no passado:

a) Suellen stopped to talk to her mother.

b) Mr and Mrs. Cunha travelled to Natal last March.

c) My cousins watched the World Cup finals in my house.

d) I washed my hair this morning. (wash)

e) Sir Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin last century. (discover)

f) On July 20, 1969, an astronaut walked on the moon for the first time.

Atividade 2

a) Andrea worked in the morning yesterday.

b) John watched TV last night.

c) Luke celebrated his birthday two days ago.

d) The businessmen attended meetings last Wednesday.

e) Tom and Susan played with their kids last weekend.

Atividade 3

a) James studied at Cambrigde University in 1965.

Interrogativa: Did James study at Cambrigde University in 1965?
Negativa: James didn’t study at Cambrigde University in 1965.

b) It rained a lot the day before.

Interrogativa: Did It rain a lot the day before today?
Negativa: It didn’t rain a lot the day before today.

e-Tec Brasil 138 Turismo

c) The kids played ball on the weekend.
Interrogativa: Did the kids play ball on the weekend?
Negativa: The kids didn’t play ball on the weekend.

d) I visited my grandparents last month.

Interrogativa: Did I visit my grandparents last month?
Negativa: I didn’t visit my grandparents last month.

e) They organized the Halloween party.

Interrogativa: Did they organize the Halloween party?
Negativa: They didn’t organize the Halloween party.

Atividade 4

a) Jane got back from Mikonos yesterday.

b) Mr. Kelly spoke to his wife in the afternoon.

c) The boys went to the gym in the morning.

d) The businessmen flew to Chicago last week.

e) The conference began at 5 o’clock.

f) Jeremy spent a week in Baltimore.

g) Mrs. Brown taught five classes yesterday.

h) Lucy drove to work every Day last month.

Atividade 5

a) Simple Past: Tanya wrote to her parents last month.

Int: Did Tanya write to her parents last month?
Neg.: Tanya didn’t write to her parents last month.

b) Simple Past: Kevin and Tom left work yesterday.

Int.: Did Kevin and Tom leave work yesterday?
Neg.: Kevin and Tom didn’t leave work yesterday.

Aula 5 | Ligando para um amigo 139 e-Tec Brasil

c) Simple Past: My parents had to go to work yesterday afternoon.
Int.: Did my parents have to go to work yesterday afternoon?
Neg.: My parents didn’t have to go to work yesterday afternoon.

d) Simple Past: The Johnsons took their kids to school last week.
Int.: Did the Johnsons take their kids to school last week?
Neg.: The Johnsons didn’t take their kids to school last week.

e) Simple Past: The kids had a good time at the mall last weekend.
Int.: Did the kids have a good time at the mall last weekend?
Neg.: The kids didn’t have a good time at the mall last weekend.

Atividade 6

a) ( x ) was, was (  ) were, were (  )was, were (  ) were, was

b) (  ) were, were (  )was, were ( x ) was, was (  ) were, was

c) (  ) was, were (  ) were, was (  ) was, was ( x ) were, were

d) (  ) was, were ( x ) were, was (  ) was, was (  ) were, were

Atividade 7

a) I have my problems. Sue has hers.

b) Paul and Mary have their apartments. I have mine.

c) You have your friends. We have ours.

d) Will has his surfboard. Bill has his.

e) Grandma has her recipes. You have yours .

f) We have our ideas. The Twin Brothers have theirs.

Atividade 8

a) It was warm and rainy.

b) It was warm, and rainy and cloudy.

e-Tec Brasil 140 Turismo

c) It was warm and cloudy.

d) It was warm and rainy.

e) It was warm, sunny and cloudy.

Referências bibliográficas
AUN, Eliana. English on top, 2. 4 ed. São Paulo: Saraiva, 1997.
DI BIAGGI, Enaura T. Krieck; STAVALE, Emeri De Biaggi. Enjoy your stay!: Inglês básico de
hotelaria e turismo. São Paulo: Disal, 2004.
VINEY, Peter. Basic Survival: International Communication for Professional People. 5 ed.
Thailand: Macmillan, 2008.

Aula 5 | Ligando para um amigo 141 e-Tec Brasil

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