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Em defesa dos textos bíblicos tradicionais

As palavras do SENHOR são palavras puras como prata refinada em fornalha de
barro, purificada sete vezes. Tu os guardarás, ó SENHOR, tu os preservarás desta
geração para sempre.
. . . Salmo 12: 6-7. . .


O Libelo de Michael Sproul contra a Verdade da Preservação Infalível de Deus de Suas
Palavras Inspiradas

Pelo Dr. Jeffrey Khoo

Dean, Far Eastern Bible College e Seminário em Cingapura

O ataque contra a doutrina bíblica da preservação providencial especial das palavras

inspiradas de Deus nas línguas originais para o jot e o til (Mt 5:18), e a tradução fiel e exata
dessas palavras para o inglês na Versão Autorizada ou King James ( AV / KJV) continuam
inabaláveis. Recentemente, o Dr. Michael Sproul, Pastor Sênior da Igreja Batista Tri-City e
Presidente do Conselho do Colégio Baptista Internacional em Tempe, Arizona, EUA, escreveu
e publicou um livro intitulado: A Palavra de Deus Preservada: Uma Defesa de Definições
Separatistas Históricas e Crenças. Neste livro ele enfraquece a autenticidade e a autoridade
das palavras sempre infalíveis e inerrantes de Deus, deturpando a doutrina bíblica da
Preservação Plenária Verbal (VPP) e escreve caluniosamente contra seus proponentes. Ele
coloca palavras em suas bocas e diz coisas que não dizem. O provérbio chinês, "Desenhar
uma cobra e acrescentar pernas", descreve bem o trabalho difamatório de Sproul.

O Dr. DA Waite escreveu um livro respondendo às falsas acusações e reivindicações de

Mike Sproul. Muitas de suas declarações caluniosas são repetidas por anti-VPPists em
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Apresentadas abaixo estão selecionadas partes do livro do Dr. Waite - Uma Resposta
Crítica à Palavra de Deus de Michael Sproul Preservada: 275 das Declarações de Sproul
Analisadas Cuidadosamente por Erros, Deturpações e Falsidades Graves (Collingswood NJ:
The Bible for Today Press, 2008). Sproul e aqueles de sua classe fundamentalista atacaram
maliciosamente o Dr. Waite e a Dean Burgon Society, e semearam confusão para a fiel
testemunha do Far Eastern Bible College e fiéis igrejas bíblico-presbiterianas em Cingapura,
que tomam posiçãoa atual infalibilidade e inerrância das Sagradas Escrituras nas línguas
originais, identificando-as precisamente como os Textos da Reforma (ou seja, palavras
hebraico / aramaico do Texto Massorético Tradicional e palavras Gregas do Textus Receptus)
sobre as quais a Versão Autorizada ou King James ( AV / KJV) é baseado

É triste e perturbador ver um líder cristão como Mike Sproul cuspir essas mentiras e
demonstrar tal malícia contra cristãos que acreditam, ensinam e defendem a doutrina bíblica da
infalibilidade e inerrância das palavras de Deus pela lógica da fé. "Porque nada podemos
contra a verdade, senão pela verdade" (2 Co 13: 8).

TR sob KJB é o mais puro

Declaração de Sproul # 53 . (p.56) "Em seu artigo no site da DA Waite, Jeffrey Khoo
escreve: Acreditamos que todas as edições TR são puras, mas há uma que é mais pura - a que
está subjacente à KJV."

Comentário de Waite # 53 . O Dr. Khoo é o Decano Acadêmico do Far Eastern Bible

College e Theological Seminary e um Pastor Presbiteriano da Bíblia em Cingapura. Eu o
conheço desde 1992. Concordo com a opinião do Dr. Khoo. Ele não tem o direito de acreditar,
como eu, que o "que é mais puro" é "aquele que está por trás da KJV"?

Palavras sob KJB não novo texto TR

Sproul's Statement #54. (p.56) "This is a KJV-only' author admitting that the KJV
translators made text critical choices to create a completely new text not in front of them, and
was original to them."

Waite's Comment #54. This is absolutely false. I explain in Comment #37 and #66 about
the Greek text on which the King James Bible translators relied. It was not "a completely new
text," but was basically Beza's 5th edition of 1598. The King James translators used an existing
Greek text. They did not create it or invent their Greek text. Sproul wants so badly to slander all
of his opponents, and put them all into the Ruckmanite box, that he viciously lies about the
Words underlying the King James Bible so as to lead his gullible readers astray.

KJV Translators Not "Inspired"

Sproul's Statement #55. (p.57) "If the KJV translators' choices created a new edition' of
the TR that is the right' one, is this not double inspiration'? Is this not Ruckmanism? Khoo
believes that God inspired the translators to create a new edition' of the TR by the Word
choices in the English."

Waite's Comment #55. This is absolutely false! The KJV translators did not "create
a new edition' of the TR," they merely translated basically from Beza's 5th edition text of
1598. There is not one ounce of "double inspiration" in the KJB translation. That is
Ruckmanite talk! The translators did not believe in this, nor do I, nor does Dr. Khoo [see
Jeffrey Khoo's "Non-Ruckmanite Answers to Anti-KJV Questions,"
http://www.deanburgonsociety.org/KJBible/answers.htm]. Only the Ruckmanites believe
in it and this is why Sproul seeks to slander people and lie about this matter in order to
make Dr. Khoo and me, and all the rest of those who oppose him, into Ruckmanites in

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order to smear and tar our good names and reputations. It is one of the dirtiest tricks
imaginable by a presumably honest Baptist minister of the Gospel!

Dr. Khoo does not believe the King James Bible translators "created a new edition.'" And
he certainly does not hold the heresy that Sproul holds that "God inspired the translators." The
phrase, "given by inspiration of God" is a translation of the Greek word, theopneustos. It means
literally "God-breathed" as I have mentioned several times above. God breathed out words, not
writers, authors, or translators like Sproul's heresy on "inspiration" believes. Sproul is a Baptist
Fundamentalist Christian believer, and yet he is publishing distortions, falsehoods, and outright
lies. This is a disgrace!

"Translators" Not "Perfect"

Sproul's Statement #76. (pp. 65-66) "Because the translators are declared perfect,
according to Waite and Khoo, no one can ever touch the TR of the King James translators'
creation because believers have used it for many years and the blessing of God is evident on
this translation."

Waite's Comment #76. I do not "declare the translators perfect" and Sproul cannot find
anywhere either in print or on tape where I have done so. Nor do I think he can find any
evidence that Dr. Khoo believes this either [see Jeffrey Khoo's article, "Perfect Bible Not Perfect
Version," http://www.deanburgonsociety.org/KJBible/perfect.htm]. But then, liars need no
documentation, do they? Just bold and repetitive assertion will do just fine for their evil and
wicked goals. The translators had a fallen sinful nature like the rest of humanity. As for "the TR
of the King James translators' creation," I have said many times earlier, these translators did
not "create" a TR, but used basically Beza's 5th edition, 1598. Sproul is way off on both his facts
and reasoning.

"Word" of God Not "Words" of God

Sproul's Statement #77. (p.66) Quoting Dr. Jeffrey Khoo, the Dean of the Far Eastern
Bible College and Seminary, Sproul wrote, "Bob Jones University and Calvary Baptist
Theological Seminary, as well as White, Kutilek, Price, and Hudson do not believe in inerrancy
and believe that the Bible only contains' the Word of God.' This claim is not true. His claim is a
sad example of either wilful ignorance or dishonesty."

Waite's Comment #77. On the contrary, all of the schools and individuals
mentioned above deny that we have the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek Words
preserved to this day inerrantly. They claim there are errors in those Words today and
that therefore, we do not have an "inerrant" Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek Bible. Their
Bible only "contains" some of the Words of God here and there, but they cannot tell
which are the Words and which are not the Words of God. They believe that only the
"ideas, thoughts, concepts, message, truth, or teachings" of the original Words are
preserved rather than the "Words" themselves. Their "Bible" is one with "scribal errors"
scattered throughout the Old and New Testaments.

I Am Not a "KJV-only" Advocate

Sproul's Statement #145. (p.202) "One of the two groups of people is deceived. Either
Fundamentalism's godly Fathers, Richard Clearwaters, Bob Jones Sr., A.T. Robertson, D.L.
Moody, Noel Smith, John R. Rice, Ernest Pickering, W.B. Riley, R.A. Torrey, James Gray, C.I.
Scofield et al., are wrong and deceived all along with their heirs who hold their position on
preservation, or KJV-only' advocates D.A. Waite, David Cloud, Dell Johnson, Jeffrey Khoo,
David Sorenson and their followers are fooled and in error."

Waite's Comment #145. First, once again, I am not a "KJV-only" advocate.

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Second, must the Bible-believing Christians living in the 21st Century be shackled by the
beliefs of the so-called "Fundamentalism's godly Fathers" of the 20th Century if they are in error,
no matter how many names are listed? I believe not. I believe the Biblical evidence must be the
deciding factor rather than the beliefs of "Fundamentalism's godly Fathers."

Third, what was "their position on preservation" of the Bible? Was it the deceptive
position of Sproul and those who follow him that holds merely to the Bible "preservation" of only
the "Word" of God, but not that of the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek "Words" of God?
And as I have written many times above, by "Word" of God, Sproul and his followers mean only
the "ideas, thoughts, concepts, message, truth, or teachings" of God, but not His original
Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek "Words." This is no Bible "preservation" at all. It is rather a denial
of it by clever and ingenious semantics.

It is the "godly Fathers" who are wrong. It is the "godly Fathers" who are deceived. They
were deceived in this area either because they never studied it out, or because they accepted
the lies of Bishop Westcott and Professor Hort without question.

Singapore "Bible Presbyterian" Division

Sproul's Statement #210. (p.314 footnote #79) "In Singapore, a tremendous division is
taking place over the issue among the Bible Presbyterians. The senior leader and founder
pastor of the movement was forced out by those who are younger. D.A. Waite has had
tremendous influence in Singapore among these young Turks.' Satan rejoices and the Spirit is

Waite's Comment #210. Sproul has reversed this problem. It sounds like I had
"tremendous influence" among the "young Turks" who were the "younger" people who "forced
out" the "senior leader" in Singapore. On the contrary, I am on the same side as the "senior
leader" and the "younger" or "young Turks." Sproul just doesn't know what he is talking about in
this case as in other cases.

Those who take a pro-Bob Jones University false position in favour of the Critical Text
forced Dr. Timothy Tow out of his church. He has now begun another church. Two younger
leaders (Dr. Jeffrey Khoo and Dr. Quek [Suan Yew]) are following this "senior leader" and did
not "force him out."

Dr. Timothy Tow and the Far Eastern Bible College and Seminary are standing true to the
preservation of the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek Words underlying the King James Bible.
The BJU followers in Singapore deny and oppose this position.

The Dean Burgon Society

Please click here for the Most Important Message of the Bible Concerning
You. "

Is any of the following a blessing to you today?

"Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away."
Matthew 24:3
"Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under
heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."
Acts 4:12

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"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered
into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love
1 Corinthians 2:9


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