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Explicações de Inglês

Ficha de estudo e exercícios

Tema: Vocabulary Exp:

Elsa Pereira

1. Feelings and Emotions

a. Nouns

adoration (adoréishon) - adoração humiliation (hiumiliéshon) - humilhação

affection (afékshon) - afeto hurt (hert) - dano
agitation (adchitéishon) - agitação hysteria (histéria) - histeria
agony (ágoni) - agonia infatuation (infatiuéshon) - obsessão
alarm (alárm) - alarme insecurity (insekiúriti) - insegurança
amazement (améissment) - assombro insult (ínsolt) - insulto
amusement (amiúsment) - diversão irritation (irritéshon) - irritação
anger (ánguer) - raiva isolation (aisoléshon) - insolação
anguish (ángüish) - angústia jealousy (dchélosi) - ciúme
annoyance (anóians) - aborrecimento joy (dchói) - alegria
anxiety (angssáiti) - ansiedade jubilation (dchubiléishon) - júbilo
apprehension (apriénshon) - apreensão liking (láiking) - inclinação
arousal (aráusal) - excitação loathing (lóuding) - ódio, aversão
astonishment (astónishment) - assombro loneliness (lóunlines) - solidão
attraction (atrákshon) - atração longing (lónguing) - desejo
bitterness (bíternes) - amargura love (lov) - amor
bliss (bliss) - felicidade lust (last) - luxúria
caring (kéering) - preocupação melancholy (melánkoli) - melancolia
cheerfulness (chíirfulnes) - alegria misery (míseri) - miséria
compassion (compáshon) – compaixão mortification (mortifikéishon) - mortificação
contempt (contémpt) - desprezo nervousness (nérvosnes) - nervosismo
contentment (conténtment) - alegria optimism (óptimism) - otimismo
defeat (difíit) - derrota outrage (áutreidsh) - indignação
dejection (didchékshon) - abatimento pain (péin) - dor
delight (diláit) - prazer panic (pánik) - pânico
depression (dipréshon) - depressão passion (páshon) - paixão
desire (disáier) - desejo pity (píti) - pena
despair (dispéar) - desesperação pleasure (plésher) - prazer
disappointment (disapóintment) - pride (práid) - orgulho
desapontamento rage (réidsh) - raiva
disgust (disgást) - desgosto rapture (rápcher) - êxtase
dislike (disláik) - aversão regret (rigrét) - arrependimento
dismay (disméi) - desânimo rejection (ridchékshon) - rejeição
distress (distrés) - angústia relief (rilíif) - alívio
dread (dréd) - temor remorse (rimórs) - remorso
eagerness (íguernes) - ânsia repentance (ripéntans) - arrependimento
ecstasy (ékstasi) - êxtase resentment (risséntment) - ressentimento
elation (iléishon) - júbilo revulsion (rivólshon) - desgosto
embarrassment (embárrasment) - embaraço sadness (sádnes) - tristeza
enjoyment (indchóiment) - prazer satisfaction (satisfákshon) - satisfação
enthusiasm (enzúsiasm) - entusiasmo scorn (skórn) - desprezo
envy (énvi) - inveja shame (shéim) - vergonha
euphoria (iufória) - euforia shock (shók) - comoção

exasperation (egsásperéishon) - exasperação sorrow (sórrou) - pesar
excitement (eksáitment) - excitamento spite (spáit) - rancor
exhilaration (egsileréishon) - recreação suffering (sáfering) - sofrimento
fear (fíar) - medo surprise (sorpráis) - surpresa
ferocity (ferósiti) - ferocidade sympathy (símpazi) - compaixão
fondness (fóndnes) - carinho
fright (fráit) - susto tenderness (téndernes) - ternura
frustration (frostréishon) - frustração tenseness (ténsnes) - tensão
fury (fiúri) - fúria terror (térror) - terror
gaiety (guéiti) - alegria thrill (zríl) - emoção
glee (glíi) - divertimento torment (tórment) - tormento
gloom (glúm) - tristeza triumph (tráionf) - triunfo
greed (gríid) - avareza uneasiness (anísines) - preocupação
grief (gríif) - pesar unhappiness (anjápines) - infidelidade
guilt (guílt) - culpa woe (wóu) - aflição
happiness (hápines) - felicidade worry (uérri) - preocupação
hate (héit) - ódio wrath (raz) - ira
homesickness (hóumsíknes) - nostalgia zeal (ssíil) - zelo
hope (hóup) - esperança zest (ssést) – deleite
hopelessness (hóuplesnes) - desesperança _________________________
horror (hórror) - horror _________________________
hostility (hostíliti) – hostilidade _________________________

b. Adjectives

The situation: I feel, I am... This is, It is...

I spilled water on my pants. embarrassed embarrassing
My pants fell down in front of the class. humiliated humiliating
I want to learn about this new computer. interested interesting
This is a new and wonderful computer! fascinated fascinating
This TV show isn't saying anything informative or new. bored boring
He's been talking about statistical formulas for hours!! bored to death deadly boring
I've been working all day.
I've been running for three miles! tired tiring
exhausted exhausting
This unfriendly dog has big teeth!
afraid fearsome
The hurricane is going to hit our city!! scared scary
This man-eating shark has enormous teeth!!! frightened frightening
terrified terrifying
This fly keeps buzzing around my head.
I lost my favorite hat!
My daughter didn't clean her room!! annoyed annoying
The dog did its mess on the carpet!!! upset upsetting
angry, mad maddening
I can't understand the instructions. furious infuriating
I don't know why my wife is mad at me.
confused confusing
I can't pass the test after trying two times. perplexed perplexing
I can't pass the test after trying six times!
The teacher said that my English was getting better. frustrated frustrating
I'm listening to Martin Luther King's famous speech! discouraged discouraging
encouraged encouraging
He's picking his nose in public! inspired inspiring
The homeless man is doing number two on the street!!
Women were tortured, raped and killed during the war!!!
disgusted disgusting
He told a good joke that made me laugh. repulsed repulsive
This show made me laugh until my sides hurt! horrified horrifying
The show was fun to watch.
amused amusing, funny
She was pregnant and had twins (two babies). in hysterics hysterical, hilarious
She was pregnant and had quintuplets (five)! entertained entertaining
She won $25 million in the lottery!!
He shot and killed his wife after they had an argument!!! surprised

His argument was strong. He gave good reasons. astonished astonishing
His argument was weak. He didn't prove his point. astounded astounding
This was a good meal. shocked shocking
I didn't win the baseball game.
convinced convincing
My favorite goldfish died last night! unconvinced unconvincing
My dog was run over by a car!! satisfied satisfying
My son died in an auto accident!!! disappointed disappointing
I got an A on my sociology test.
I'm going to ride the Coney Island roller coaster today! sad sad
I'm going to meet the president of the company!! depressed depressing
My wife is going to have a baby!!! devastated devastating

happy happy
My son isn't home yet, and it's after midnight. excited exciting
My daughter isn't eating her vegetables anymore. delighted delightful
I'm going to take my driving test today thrilled thrilling

worried worrisome
troubled troubling
nervous, anxious, unnerving,
nerve-wracked nerve-wracking

Examples of sentences:

I’m angry because the bus is late.

(Estou chateado, porque o autocarro está atrasado.)

She’s feeling anxious due to the presentation.

(Ela está a sentir-se ansiosa por causa da apresentação.)

He told me he was sad because his dog passed away.

(Ele disse-me que estava triste porque o seu cão faleceu.)

I got a promotion at work! I’m so happy right now!

(Recebi uma promoção no trabalho! Estou tão feliz agora!)

Wow! The new X-Men movie is out. I’m so excited!

(Uau! O novo filme dos X-Men saiu. Estou tão entusiasmado!)

When you start doing yoga, you get more relaxed each day.
(Quando começas a fazer yoga, ficas cada dia mais relaxado)


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