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4º Simulado CN – Estratégia Militares – 23/05/2020


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4º Simulado CN – Estratégia Militares – 23/05/2020

4º SIMULADO CN – 1º dia
Estratégia Militares

• Esta prova contém 40 questões objetivas, com 5 alternativas cada, e simula a prova do CN;
• Você receberá esta prova via e-mail cadastrado no ato da inscrição ou poderá baixar em um artigo publicado
no blog do Estratégia Militares. Baixe-a e imprima-a se preferir;
• Os participantes terão das 13h às 18h00min (horário de Brasília) para responder às questões e enviar o gabarito
com as respostas;
• Somente serão corrigidas as redações de alunos matriculados em nossos cursos regulares, bastando apenas
que o aluno envie para o email padrão de correção de redações;
• Não serão corrigidas as redações de candidatos que não são nossos alunos de pacotes ou curso regulares;
• Seu gabarito deve ser enviado através de um formulário eletrônico que ficará disponível nesta prova e no blog
do Estratégia Militares;
• O Formulário estará disponível para preenchimento durante toda aplicação da prova;
• Só serão considerados (para critérios de premiação) os gabaritos enviados dentro do prazo de aplicação da
prova, ou seja, até às 18h (horário de Brasília);
• Gabaritos enviados após às 18h (horário de Brasília) serão automaticamente desclassificados da premiação,
mas não ficam de fora do ranking geral classificatório que montamos com todos os candidatos;
• Para fins de desempate, será considerado o horário de envio do gabarito;
• Às 19h, do dia 23 de maio de 2020, serão divulgados o gabarito deste simulado e a resolução da prova por
• O resultado oficial do simulado com o desempenho dos candidatos será divulgado neste sábado, 23/05, às 19h
(horário de Brasília);
• Os alunos ganhadores dos descontos, conforme tabela abaixo, deverão entrar em contato com o Estratégia
Militares pelo e-mail vemsercoruja@estrategiamilitares.com.br, solicitando o cupom de desconto referente a
sua pontuação;
• As premiações serão feitas seguindo à risca a tabela que indica a distribuição dos descontos a seguir;
• Os descontos são os abaixo listados:

➢ até 50% de acertos: 20% de desconto;

➢ acima de 50% e até 60% de acertos: 30% de desconto;
➢ acima de 60% e até 75% de acertos: 50% de desconto; ou
➢ acima de 75% de acertos: 70% de desconto.

Preencha seu gabarito!


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4º Simulado CN – Estratégia Militares – 23/05/2020

Seja 𝐴𝐵𝐶 o triângulo retângulo a seguir, de modo que Dado um triângulo retângulo de base fixa com 16cm,
𝑀 seja o ponto médio de sua hipotenusa. Sendo assim, temos que podemos maximizar a sua área, de modo
sabendo que a razão entre os ângulos a e b pode ser que chamemos a figura que satisfaz tal condição de
escrita em forma de fração irredutível , assinale a ∆𝐴𝐵𝐶. Pegando o perímetro do triângulo descrito,
podemos, com essa medida, construir um polígono
alternativa que contenha 𝑑2 − 𝑐 2
cuja área é máxima para dado perímetro. Sendo assim,
calcule o raio da circunferência circunscrita a esse

√2 + 1
4(√2 + 1)
4(√2 − 1)

3 Considere o triangulo 𝐴𝐵𝐶 da figura abaixo e os pontos
2 𝑀, 𝑁 𝑒 𝑂, que são pontos de tangência entre a
1 circunferência interna e o triangulo. Dado que ̅̅̅̅
𝐵𝑂 ×
0 ̅̅̅̅ = 56, assinale a alternativa que contém a soma dos
algarismos do número que representa a área do
QUESTÃO 2 triângulo 𝐴𝐵𝐶
Calcule a soma dos quadrados das raízes da equação
√𝑥 2 − 6𝑥 + 9 = 𝑥 2 − 6𝑥 + 9


Considere uma situação em que 2 colegas de quarto 6
dividem o mesmo banheiro. Sabe-se que o colega 11
𝐴 consome 18000 L de água em 10 dias, enquanto o 13
colega B gasta 60000 L em 15 dias. Sendo assim, 15
assinale a alternativa que contém a quantidade de 17
água, em 𝑚3 , necessária para que os 2 colegas
supram suas necessidades em 30 dias.


1º DIA – Prova de Matemática e Inglês Página: 3/12
4º Simulado CN – Estratégia Militares – 23/05/2020

Considere como sendo 𝑝1 , 𝑝2 , … , 𝑝𝑛 os números Uma pesquisa de aprovação cinematográfica foi feita
inteiros positivos assumidos por 𝑚 dispostos em ordem com 72 pessoas que assistiram, pelo menos, aos
crescente tais que a expressão R abaixo pertença aos filmes 𝐴, 𝐵 𝑜𝑢 𝐶. Sabe-se que o número de pessoas
números inteiros: que assistiram a dois filmes é igual e que o número de
pessoas que assistiram aos 3 filmes é 3 dos que
𝑚5 + 5𝑚 + 87 1
𝑅= assistiram apenas ao 𝐴; dos que assistiram apenas
𝑚+1 10
ao 𝐵 e dos que assistiram apenas ao 𝐶. Sendo assim,
Agora, assumindo 𝑘 = 𝑝1 + 𝑝𝑛 ,assinale a alternativa o número máximo de pessoas que assistiram ao A ou
que contém o número de fatores menores ou iguais a ao B e não ao C é dado por:
𝑘 que são co-primos com 𝑘.
40 42
35 24
20 36
15 25
Tendo-se a seguinte equação a seguir definida nos
Seja 𝐴𝐵𝐶 um triângulo de altura 8 𝑐𝑚 relativa ao lado números reais, calcule o valor da seguinte expressão
̅̅̅̅ . A que distância do vértice 𝐴 deve-se traçar uma
𝐵𝐶 𝐸 dada:
reta paralela a ̅̅̅̅
𝐵𝐶 de modo que a área do triângulo seja
dividida na razão de 1: 7 ? 4𝑎2 + 4𝑎𝑏 + 2𝑏 2 + 6𝑏𝑐 + 10𝑐 2 − 2𝑐𝑑 + 2𝑑 2 − 8𝑑 + 16 = 0

2 𝑐𝑚 𝐸 = 5𝑎 − 2𝑏 + 3𝑐 − 8𝑑
√2 𝑐𝑚
𝑐𝑚 31
2√2 𝑐𝑚 32
4 𝑐𝑚 33
Analise as assertivas abaixo a respeito de conjuntos
numéricos e assinale a alternativa correta: Dada a expressão 𝑅 abaixo, assinale a alternativa que
contém o resto da divisão de 𝑅 por 7
I- Todo quadrado perfeito de número natural deixa
𝑅 = −20213 + 20216 − 20219 + ⋯ − 2021135 + 2021138
resto zero ou 1 na divisão por 3
II- O quadrado de um número ímpar é sempre ímpar 4
III- Não existem 𝑎, 𝑏 𝑒 𝑐 𝜖 ℕ∗ tai que: 4𝑐 + 3 = 𝑎2 + 𝑏 2 3
IV- A soma dos cubos de 2 números primos que não 2
2 pode ser ímpar. 6
F, V, V, F
V, F, F, V
F, V, F, F
V, F, V, V
F, F, V, F


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4º Simulado CN – Estratégia Militares – 23/05/2020

A respeito dos conjuntos numéricos, analise a Um agricultor deseja delimitar parte de seu terreno
veracidade das assertivas abaixo e assinale a para a plantação de café. Dado que a área sombreada
alternativa correta: da figura abaixo é a área que ele escolheu para fazer
o plantio, considerando 𝜋 ≅ 3,14, assinale a alternativa
A divisão de dois números irracionais é um número
que contém o quadrado do valor inteiro que mais se
aproxima da área sombreada, sabendo que 𝐴𝐵𝐶𝐷 é
Para 𝑥, 𝑎, 𝑏 𝑒 𝑚 𝜖 ℝ , com 𝑎 𝑒 𝑏 distintos, 𝑎 = 𝑚𝑥 +
quadrado de lado 6 cm; 𝑀𝑁 ̂ , 𝑁𝑂̂ , 𝑂𝑃
̂ , 𝑃𝑀
̂ são arcos
𝑏 tem sempre solução com 𝑥 ∈ ℝ
A equação 𝑎𝑥 2 − 𝑘 2 = 0,com 𝑎 𝑒 𝑘 𝜖 ℝ, tem de circunferência e 𝑀, 𝑁, 𝑂 𝑒 𝑃 são pontos médios.
sempre soluções reais, para 𝑘 ≠ 0.
Para que 𝑚𝑥 2 − (2𝑚 − 3)𝑥 + (𝑚 + 2) tenha 2 25
raízes reais distintas, deve-se ter 𝑚 < 20 100
F, V, V, V 64
V, F, V, F
F, F, F, F
V, V, F, V
V, V, F, V

Seja ABC um triângulo equilátero de lado √48 𝑐𝑚 e
uma circunferência concêntrica ao triângulo dado com Dada figura abaixo, sabendo que o polígono é regular
um raio igual a 2 𝑐𝑚. Considerando 𝜋 ≅ 3,14, o inteiro e que os arcos de circunferência dividem cada lado na
m mais próximo do valor que representa a área externa metade, assinale a alternativa que contém a razão
a circunferência e interna ao triangulo é tal que: entre o comprimento total da curva exterior e o
comprimento total da curva interior.
m é quadrado perfeito
m deixa resto 1 na divisão por 5
m é primo
m é múltiplo de 3
m é o cubo de um número natural

Dada a figura a seguir em que ABC é um triângulo
equilátero, BCDE é quadrado; 𝑁 é o centro do
quadrado e 𝑀, do triângulo, assinale a alternativa que
contem a razão entre as áreas dos triângulos 𝑀𝑂𝑁 e
2+√2 3
6 1
2+√3 2
6 1


1º DIA – Prova de Matemática e Inglês Página: 5/12
4º Simulado CN – Estratégia Militares – 23/05/2020

Dada a equação (𝑚 − 3)𝑥 2 + 2𝑚𝑥 + (𝑚 + 1) com Bruno é adorador do Halloween. Sendo assim, decidiu
raízes reais 𝑎 𝑒 𝑏 e 𝑚 ∈ ℝ ,tais que: montar um calendário para agradar as crianças que
batiam a sua porta no mês de Outubro e se planejou
1<𝑎<𝑏 para que, a partir do dia 1º, ele fosse todos os dias ao
shopping comprar um pacote de chocolates, sendo que
Assinale a alternativa que contém o número de valores cada pacote continha 24 unidades. Desse modo,
inteiros de 𝑚 tais que a condição acima é satisfeita: conforme os dias fossem passando, Bruno distribuiria,
diariamente, a quantidade de chocolate equivalente a
4 4 vezes o dia correspondente no calendário e
0 guardaria o restante para distribuir depois. Sendo
assim, assinale a alternativa que contém o dia a partir
2 do qual o número de chocolates não é mais suficiente
para distribuí-los no dia marcado.
Ao se preparar para assistir a um campeonato de jogo 13
de RPG online, Victor Hugo decide que irá comprar 11
guloseimas para se alimentar durante os dias do 12
torneio. Sendo assim, o menino decide por adotar
como opções pipoca ou chocolate. Sabe-se que, em QUESTÃO 20
cada dia, ele decide entre se alimentar de pipoca antes
ou de chocolate durante a partida ou não se alimentar. Dada a seguinte equação, temos que a soma dos
Sendo assim, com os dados coletados por ele durante inversos de suas raízes podem ser escritas na forma
o campeonato, assinale a alternativa que contém a de fração irredutível 𝑏 , 𝑐𝑜𝑚 𝑏 > 𝑎. Sendo assim,
duração do evento. assinale a alternativa que contenha o valor de 𝑎 + 𝑏

I- Durante 9 vezes ele não comeu pipoca 99

II- Durante 7 vezes ele não comeu chocolate 𝑥 2 − 7𝑥 − = −3
𝑥2 − 7𝑥 + 1
III- Se ele comer antes da partida, não comerá
durante 13
IV- Ao todo foram 12 vezes em que ele comeu antes 14
ou durante a partida 15
5 dias 17
Uma semana e 2 dias
Uma semana e quatro dias
Duas semanas
Duas semanas e 2 dias


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4º Simulado CN – Estratégia Militares – 23/05/2020

Read Text I to do questions 21 to 28 based on it. concurrently. It is, however, the killer disease that has
provoked the strong and urgent response.
TEXT I Governments have been forced to step in and deal with
the catastrophe in a way that is unprecedented,
After the Covid-19 crisis, will we get a greener including supporting business and industry, and public
world? and private infrastructure.

Pollution and emissions are down, but we will Across the world, government has never been bigger.
squander these gains if governments fail to push Many experts argue that this provides us with a huge
ahead with decisive change opportunity to also deal with the other crisis: to make a
transformational leap towards a sustainable society
The current crisis has revealed a sobering truth: the that enables us to keep the world below dangerous
global economic shutdown, which has been achieved warming. How we respond to this unique opportunity
at a devastating social cost, has barely dented our could set our climate trajectory for thousands of years
carbon emissions. The latest analysis, by the to come.
International Energy Agency (IEA), expects this year’s
annual emissions to be down by just 6-8%. Such a These behavioural changes we’ve experienced – some
small drop in emissions would have no measurable of which may become ingrained permanently, meaning
effect on the world’s carbon concentration, or its travel and consumption patterns become more
warming potential. Indeed, 2020 is currently on track to responsible – are helpful in reducing pollution, just as
be the hottest year ever recorded. hand-washing helps in the pandemic. But what the
expected 8% emissions reduction figure shows us is
“You’d need about a 10% drop to have a noticeable that individual action – driving your car less, attending
effect on the rising CO2 concentrations, but even then a meeting via Zoom rather than taking a business flight
concentrations would still be rising,” says Richard – is not going to be enough. Equally, it shows that
Betts, head of climate impacts at the Met Office. “The moving to a no-growth economy is not the answer, as
rate of rise of CO2 varies from year to year anyway, as some have argued. Instead, systemic transformative
the natural carbon sinks get stronger and weaker action is required at international and state level to get
because of natural processes, like El Niño.” During an the effective reductions in atmospheric carbon that will
El Niño event, tropical forests don’t take up as much bring us to net zero.
carbon, so the atmospheric CO2 rises a bit faster. And
in La Niña, the opposite occurs. “That effect is probably “It means we can’t be fiddling around the edges,” says
more important than the small drop in emissions we’re Betts. “If we are going to have a substantial impact on
seeing now.” long-term CO2 concentrations, we need huge, lasting
changes in energy systems and other things that rely
Considering that emissions have to fall by at least 7.6% on fossil fuels.”
every year to 2050 in order to keep global warming
below 1.5C (above pre-industrial levels), this It’s worth noting that the IEA analysis was based on the
internationally agreed target now feels alarmingly expectation that human activity will return to some
unachievable. approximation of “normal” within months, so the
shutdown period itself is likely to produce a far steeper
“It shows that the challenge of avoiding dangerous drop in emissions – CO2 emissions in China fell by an
climate change and getting to zero emissions is estimated 25% during its February lockdown, for
unbelievably hard,” says Simon Evans of climate example. India, meanwhile, recorded its first ever
science website Carbon Brief. “Even something which annual emissions fall for the year ending March, and is
seems to be having seismic implications for the global expected to show a 30% drop in emissions for the
economy, at least in the short term, like the current month of April. “But what we’re seeing at the moment
crisis, is something of a drop in the ocean compared to is, for the most part, very temporary,” Evans says.
that challenge.” “When we drive again, the car still burns petrol.”

And yet, the cleaner air, burgeoning urban wildlife, and (Adapted from:
our sudden, dramatic shift to a less carbon-intensive https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/may/
lifestyle reveal the scope of what we can achieve in just 17/after-the-covid-19-crisis-will-we-get-a-greener-
days. This is something to cling to as we navigate the world)
twin storms of Covid-19 and climate. We know that the
climate crisis will not wait for a more convenient time;
we must deal with it and the pandemic crisis


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4º Simulado CN – Estratégia Militares – 23/05/2020

Read the extract from the text. Read the sentence below.

“some of which may become ingrained permanently, “Across the world, government has never been bigger”.
meaning travel and consumption patterns become
more responsible.” What’s the plural form of the sentence?
Across the worlds, governments have never been
Mark the option that can replace the word ingrained.
Hopeless Across the worlds, governments has never been
Strong bigger.
Rooted Across the world, governments have never been
Good bigger.
Full of grains Across the world, governments have never been
Across the worlds, governments has never been
QUESTÃO 22 biggers.

Read the extract from the text.

“The current crisis has revealed a sobering truth: the Read the extract from the text.
global economic shutdown, which has been achieved
at a devastating social cost, has barely dented our “we must deal with it and the pandemic crisis
carbon emissions”. concurrently.” (Paragraph 5)

What’s the correct question referring to the underlined Mark the option that can replace the underlined
information? sentence.
How often has the current crisis revealed a sobering it simultaneously
truth? them daily
Who has revealed a sobering truth? both of them every other day
Why has the global economic shutdown revealed a one or the other at a time
sobering truth? both of them at the same time
What did the current crisis reveal?
What has the current crisis revealed?
About the climate, it’s correct to say that
Read the extract from the text. climate crisis can be solved thanks to lower
emissions during COVID-19 crisis.
" or its warming potential." (paragraph 1) the pandemic helped lowering emissions, but not
enough to end climate crisis.
The word “its” refers to: the 7.6% yearly drop in emissions can be easily
Potential the 7.6% yearly drop in emissions was the
World internationally agreed target because it’s doable.
Concentration the climate crisis has to wait for a more convenient
Measurable effect time, since we are amid a pandemic.


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4º Simulado CN – Estratégia Militares – 23/05/2020

QUESTÃO 27 stage study and then begin a late-stage trial in July. The
company hopes its vaccine could be ready for
According to the text, the Covid-19 crisis emergency use this fall, a timeline with no precedent in
the history of vaccine development.
worsened the climate crisis.
represents the end of the climate crisis. Moderna has worked closely with the NIH since early
is probably less relevant in relation to the climate January on its coronavirus vaccine, dubbed mRNA-
than La Niña. 1273. The biotech uses a technology platform called
shows us that individual actions will save the world messenger RNA to create vaccine candidates using
from global warming. solely the genetic code of the virus. Traditional
will be known as the watershed moment in climate vaccines typically require live samples of the virus.
crisis in the future.
While mRNA has demonstrated its speed, with
Moderna being the first to enter the clinic and now the
QUESTÃO 28 first to release human results, it has never led to an
approved vaccine. The Cambridge, Massachusetts,
biotech is now hoping its coronavirus vaccine can be its
expects to have a huge drop in CO2 emissions this first, eyeing full regulatory approval in 2021.
expects that Covid-19 crisis generates a mild drop Investors cheered the initial results Monday morning,
in CO2 emissions this year. sending Moderna's stock up nearly 30%. The biotech
expects that human activity won’t return to normal already has seen its shares more than triple this year
within months. as it has advanced its vaccine. Moderna has a market
expects this year’s annual emissions to be down by value of about $28 billion.
68%. Adapted from
expects that India will have a 30% emissions (https://www.businessinsider.com/moderna-
reduction in 2020. coronavirus-vaccine-releases-first-human-trial-results-
Read the text II to do items 29 to 33. QUESTÃO 29
Mark the option which is false about the text.
Moderna is a company located in Cambridge,
Moderna's coronavirus vaccine just showed signs Massachusetts.
of success in a preliminary study, raising early Moderna uses the genetic code of the virus instead
hopes in the fight against the pandemic. of live samples of the virus.
Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine was given the
In a milestone moment in the race for a coronavirus name of mRNA-1273.
vaccine, the first results in humans showed Moderna's Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine is considered the
vaccine candidate led to antibody responses in a final solution of Covid-19.
handful of healthy volunteers. Moderna is looking forward to having its first
vaccine approved.
The Massachusetts biotech on Monday described the
immune-system responses to the vaccine from this
first, small study that was primarily focused on safety.
The results don't yet show whether the vaccine would The word “handful” in the first paragraph’s context
prevent people from being infected with the novel
that a few vonlunteers were healthy.
Finding an effective coronavirus vaccine has become a that not more than five people had antibody
global priority in ending the pandemic. US government responses.
leaders have put forward the ambitious timeline to have that some healthy people had antibody responses.
one by the end of 2020. It typically takes several years that all participants had antibody responses.
to develop a vaccine. that not more than ten people had antibody
The trial was conducted by the US National Institutes
of Health. Moderna is planning to soon start a mid-


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4º Simulado CN – Estratégia Militares – 23/05/2020

QUESTÃO 31 Observe the comic strip to do items 35 and 36.

the expression “milestone moment” in the first

paragraph means
a moment to put a stone over things and move on.
a moment of historical importance.
an ordinary moment.
the beginning of the race for a coronavirus vaccine. QUESTÃO 35
the end of the race for a coronavirus vaccine.
It’s correct to say that
QUESTÃO 32 The dog gets lucky because the human wants to get
the blanket back by himself.
What can we infer from the text? Read the statements. The dog is willing to help the human to recover his
With a vaccine almost ready for population blanket.
protection, we can say that coronavirus crisis is The dog answers “we?” to show that he doesn’t
over. want to help him recover the blanket.
The first study of this vaccine had a focus on The human used “we” to express his expectation
immune-system responses to the vaccine. that the cat would help him recover the blanket.
If the vaccine is available this fall, it will be the The dog doesn’t even understand what the human
fastest development for vaccines in history. is talking about.
The biotech company has to use live samples of the
virus to develop the vaccine. QUESTÃO 36
Moderna’s shares more than tripled its value after
the initial results of the vaccine. It’s correct to say that the dog

QUESTÃO 33 is not capable of understanding the situation he is

The sentence “Investors cheered the initial results intended to help the human to recover his blanket.
Monday morning” could be replaced without change in is very brave and will fight the cat to recover the
meaning by
thinks it will be very easy to get the blanket back.
Investors were upset because of the initial results is afraid of facing the cat to get the blanket back.
Monday morning.
Investors celebrated the initial results Monday
morning. QUESTÃO 37
Investors didn’t like the initial results Monday
Read the sentence in order to do the question below.
Investors were hoping for good initial results
Monday morning. This is my friends’ garage and that one is my garage.
Investors hated the initial results Monday morning.
Mark the option which rewrites the sentence using the
correct possessive.
This garage is theirs and that one is mine.
Mark the sentence that is not true. This is theirs garages and that is my garage.
You wash your hands in order not to get Covid-19. This is their garage and that one is my.
People stay home to slow the spread of This garage is them and that one is my.
coronavirus. This is theirs garage and that one is mine.
You take your dog to a dog park so that the dog can
have some exercise.
The sports clothes you buy are manufactured in a
fabric facility.
If you are a member of the armed forces, you
should be a patriot.


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4º Simulado CN – Estratégia Militares – 23/05/2020

Mark the sentence which is grammatically correct. Mark the option that fills in the blanks I and II,
How many water do you drink a day?
Which fees have you paid to enroll at this school?
Ignorant people don’t recognize his own ignorance.
There are a very beautiful girl in my classroom.
Have you gone to London during your vacation?

Read and complete the sentence below.

Atop a shaded hill at ______ edge of São Paulo,

______ gravedigger thinks he knows ______ truth. No
matter how bad it appears in ______ Brazil, ______
reality is significantly worse.
Adapted from
coronavirus-brazil-testing-bolsonaro-cemetery- Adapted from (https://www.boredpanda.com/comics-
gravedigger/2020/04/22/fe757ee4-83cc-11ea-878a- toonhole-
86477a724bdb_story.html) ryan/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&ut
Mark the option which best completes the blanks m_campaign=organic)
respectively. send/being
the / X / the / X / X sent/been
the / the / the / the / the sending/been
the/ X / the / X / the sending/being
X / X / the / X / the have sent/be
the / the / the / X / the


1º DIA – Prova de Matemática e Inglês Página: 11/12
4º Simulado CN – Estratégia Militares – 23/05/2020


ATENÇÃO: O aluno conquistará desconto nos percentuais a seguir indicados somente se participar e
preencher o gabarito com suas respostas dentro do prazo de aplicação da prova simulada:

✓ até 50% de acertos: 20% de desconto;

✓ acima de 50% e até 60% de acertos: 30% de desconto;
✓ acima de 60% e até 75% de acertos: 50% de desconto; ou
✓ acima de 75% de acertos: 70% de desconto.





GRUPO Link do Grupo

Estratégia Militares https://t.me/estrategiamilitares

Estratégia Vestibulares https://t.me/estrategiavestibulares


1º DIA – Prova de Matemática e Inglês Página: 12/12

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