Apostila Ingles Do Lo n.6 30.04

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Colégio Naval As duas Escola Naval


Autor: Mateus Germano da Silva
Instagram: @mateus.germano.2001

Concursos Militares abordados: Colégio Naval, EPCAR, EAM,

EsSA, EEAr (das duas modalidades), EsPCEx, AFA, EFOMM,
Escola Naval e ITA
• Conteúdo Programático de cada concurso ------------------------------------------------- 5
• Relação de questões por concurso em cada assunto ------------------------------------- 10
• Top 10 de Inglês de cada Concurso --------------------------------------------------------- 11
Interpretação e Vocabulário --------------------------------------------------- 12
• Colégio Naval ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12
➢ Gabarito --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22
• EPCAR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23
➢ Gabarito --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35
• EAM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36
➢ Gabarito --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39
• EsSA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40
➢ Gabarito --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42
• EEAR --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43
➢ Gabarito --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 61
• EEAR BCT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 62
➢ Gabarito --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 91
• EsPCEx ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 93
➢ Gabarito ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 114
• AFA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 115
➢ Gabarito ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 135
• EFOMM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 136
➢ Gabarito ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 152
• Escola Naval ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 153
➢ Gabarito ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 174
• ITA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 175
➢ Gabarito ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 204
Gramática ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 206
• Articles ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 206
➢ Gabarito ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 210
• Nouns -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 211
➢ Countable x Uncountable ----------------------------------------------------------------- 211
❖ Gabarito --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 213
➢ Plural ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 214
❖ Gabarito --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 217
➢ Gender --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 218
❖ Gabarito --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 220
• Adjectives --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 221
➢ Gabarito ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 228
• Adverbs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 229
➢ Gabarito ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 233
• Pronouns e Referência Pronominal ------------------------------------------------------- 234
➢ Personal Pronouns: Subject Pronouns x Object Pronouns --------------------------- 234
❖ Gabarito --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 241
➢ Adjective Possessives x Possessive Pronouns ----------------------------------------- 242
❖ Gabarito --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 251
➢ Reflexive Pronouns ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 252
❖ Gabarito --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 256
➢ Relative Pronouns -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 257
❖ Gabarito --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 264
➢ Demonstrative Pronouns ------------------------------------------------------------------ 265
❖ Gabarito --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 273
➢ Indefinite Pronouns ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 274
❖ Gabarito --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 278
• Verbs and Verb Tenses ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 279
➢ Gabarito ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 300
• Numbers ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 302
➢ Gabarito ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 304
• Conjunctions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 305
➢ Gabarito ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 313
• Prepositions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 314
➢ Gabarito ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 321
• Modal Verbs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 322
➢ Gabarito ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 327
• Phrasal Verbs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 328
➢ Gabarito ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 336
• Passive Voice and Active Voice ------------------------------------------------------------ 337
➢ Gabarito ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 341
• Wh – Questions e Interrogative Pronouns ----------------------------------------------- 342
➢ Gabarito ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 345
• Question Tag e Tag Answers --------------------------------------------------------------- 346
➢ Gabarito ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 349
• Reported Speech ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 350
➢ Gabarito ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 353
• so / too / either / neither / nor --------------------------------------------------------------- 354
➢ Gabarito ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 356
• If Clauses --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 357
➢ Gabarito ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 361
• Determiners ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 362
➢ Gabarito ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 364
• Quantifiers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 365
➢ Gabarito ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 368
• Infinitive × Gerund --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 369
➢ Gabarito ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 374
• Genitive Case ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 375
➢ Gabarito ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 378
• Classes Gramaticais -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 379
➢ Gabarito ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 393
Conteúdo Programático de cada Concurso
Colégio Naval (Edital de 2023)
• Reading Comprehension;
• Nouns (Countable and uncountable);
• Pronouns (subject, object, demonstrative, relative, possessive adjective and possessive);
• Articles (definite and indefinite);
• Adjectives (comparative and superlative);
• Adverbs (manner, modifier and frequency);
• Prepositions (time and place);
• Verb tenses (Infinitive, Imperative, Simple Present, Present Continuous, Future, Simple Past, Past Continuous) - Affirmative,
negative, interrogative forms and short answers;
• Modal Verbs;
• Quantifiers;
• Genitive Case;
• Word order;
• WH-questions;
• Linking words;
• Word formation (prefixes and suffixes);
• Conditional clauses (type 1 and 2).
• Compreensão e Interpretação de Textos.
• Estruturas Gramaticais.
• Substantivos: gênero, número, contáveis e incontáveis.
• Pronomes: pessoal, oblíquo, possessivo, reflexivo, demonstrativo, relativo, indefinido e interrogativo.
• Adjetivos: graus comparativo e superlativo.
• Preposições.
• Conjunções.
• Advérbios: tempo, lugar, modo e frequência.
• Numerais.
• Artigos: definidos e indefinidos.
• Verbos: modos, tempos, formas e vozes.
• Caso possessivo.
• Questiontag e respostas curtas.
• Orações condicionais.
EAM (Edital de 2023)
➢ Verb tenses (affirmative, negative, and interrogative forms): Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past
Continuous and Future.
➢ Infinitive.
➢ Imperative.
➢ There to be.
➢ Modal verb “can”.
➢ Questions.
➢ Nouns (Countable and Uncountable).
➢ Articles (Definite and Indefinite).
➢ Adjectives.
➢ Pronouns (Subject, Object, Demonstrative and Possessive Pronouns) and Possessive adjectives.
➢ Prepositions (time and place).
➢ Time expressions.
➢ Conjunctions (and, but, so, or, because).
➢ Quantifiers (some, any, no, many, much).
• VOCABULARY: Numbers, Dates, Sports, Clothes, Food and related verbs.

• A prova de Inglês avaliará a Compreensão Leitora no idioma estrangeiro por meio de textos em gêneros diversos, além de
expressões, orações, frases e vocábulos; bem como exigirá o conhecimento dos seguintes tópicos gramaticais.
• Substantivos (Nouns)
➢ Gênero.
➢ Substantivos contáveis e incontáveis.
➢ Número dos substantivos contáveis no singular e no plural.
➢ Caso genitivo/possessivo com o genitivo saxão’s e com a preposição of.
• Pronomes (Pronouns)
➢ Pronomes pessoais.
➢ Pronomes reflexivos.
➢ Pronomes e adjetivos demonstrativos.
➢ Pronomes e adjetivos possessivos.
➢ Pronomes e adjetivos interrogativos (question words).
➢ Adjetivos indefinidos.
➢ Pronomes indefinidos.
➢ Quantificadores.
• Artigos (Articles)
➢ Artigo definido the.
➢ Artigo indefinido a/an.
• Adjetivos e Advérbios (Adjectives and Adverbs)
➢ Formas e usos.
➢ Posição dos adjetivos e advérbios.
➢ Graus do adjetivo e do advérbio.
• Verbos (Verbs)
➢ Verbos no tempo Presente Simples (Simple Present).
➢ Verbos no Presente Contínuo (Present Continuous).
➢ Verbos no Passado Simples (Past Simple).
➢ Verbos no Passado Contínuo (Past Continuous).
➢ Verbos no Futuro Imediato (Future with Going to).
➢ Verbos no Futuro com shall/will (Simple Future).
➢ Verbos no Presente Perfeito (Present Perfect).
➢ Verbos Modais can, could, must, may, might, would, should e ought to.
➢ Verbos no modo imperativo (Imperative).
➢ Formas do infinitivo e gerúndio (Infintive and Gerund).
➢ Verbos frasais (Phrasal verbs).
➢ Tag Questions.
• Preposições (Prepositions)
➢ Preposições de tempo, lugar, movimento e formas de transporte.
EEAr – Aeronavegantes e Não – navegantes (Edital de 2023)
➢ Substantivos: gênero, singular e plural, composto, contável e incontável e forma possessiva;
➢ Adjetivos: posição, grau de comparação, sinônimos e antônimos;
➢ Pronomes: pessoal do caso reto e do oblíquo, indefinidos (pronomes substantivos e adjetivos), relativos, demonstrativos
(pronomes substantivos e adjetivos), possessivos (pronomes substantivos e adjetivos), reflexivos e relativos;
➢ Pronomes e advérbios interrogativos;
➢ Advérbios: formação, tipos e uso;
➢ Preposições;
➢ Conjunções;
➢ Verbos: regulares, irregulares e auxiliares;
➢ Tempos verbais: Simple present, Present progressive, Simple past, Past progressive, Present perfect e Future;
➢ Modal verbs;
➢ Infinitivo e gerúndio;
➢ Modos imperativo e subjuntivo;
➢ Orações condicionais (0, 1 e 2);
➢ Voz Passiva e Phrasal Verbs;
➢ Question Tags;
➢ Quantificadores;
➢ Prefixos e Sufixos;
➢ Artigos definidos e indefinidos.
• COMPREENSÃO DE TEXTOS: Textos de assuntos técnicos e gerais.

EEAr – Controle de Tráfego Aéreo (Edital de 2023)
➢ Artigos: definido e indefinido;
➢ Substantivos: gênero, singular e plural, composto, contável e incontável e forma possessiva;
➢ Adjetivos: posição, formação pelo gerúndio e pelo particípio e grau de comparação;
➢ Pronomes: pessoal do caso reto e do oblíquo, indefinidos (pronomes substantivos e adjetivos), relativos, demonstrativos
(pronomes substantivos e adjetivos), possessivos (pronomes substantivos e adjetivos), reflexivos e relativos;
➢ Pronomes e advérbios interrogativos;
➢ Determinantes (Determiners: all, most, no, none, either, neither, both, etc.);
➢ Quantificadores (Quantifiers: a lot, a few, a little, etc.);
➢ Advérbios: formação, tipos e uso;
➢ Numerais;
➢ Preposições;
➢ Conjunções;
➢ Verbos: regulares, irregulares e auxiliares;
➢ Tempos verbais: Simple present, Present progressive, Simple past, Past progressive, Future e Perfect tenses;
➢ Modal verbs;
➢ Infinitivo e gerúndio;
➢ Modos imperativo e subjuntivo;
➢ Vozes do verbo: ativa, passiva e reflexiva;
➢ Phrasal verbs;
➢ Forma verbal enfática;
➢ Question tags e tag answers;
➢ Discurso direto e indireto;
➢ Estrutura da oração: período composto (condicionais, relativas, apositivas, etc.);
➢ Prefixos e sufixos; e
➢ Marcadores do discurso (By the way, on the other hand, in addition, in my opinion, etc.).
• COMPREENSÃO DE TEXTOS: Textos de assuntos técnicos e gerais.
• A prova de Inglês do Concurso de Admissão destina-se a avaliar a habilidade de compreensão geral de textos na Língua
Inglesa, a compreensão específica de expressões, frases e palavras, bem como o conhecimento das seguintes estruturas
➢ Adjectives;
➢ Adverbs;
➢ Nouns;
➢ Articles;
➢ Conjunctions;
➢ Modal auxiliaries;
➢ Prepositions;
➢ Pronouns;
➢ Possessive adjectives;
➢ Determiners;
➢ Quantifiers;
➢ Verb forms;
➢ Verb tenses;
➢ Active/passive voice;
➢ Wh-questions.
• Os textos de apoio abordarão temas variados e poderão ser extraídos das mais diversas fontes (livros, revistas, jornais e
➢ Substantivos: gênero, número, contáveis e incontáveis.
➢ Pronomes: pessoal, oblíquo, possessivo, reflexivo, demonstrativo, relativo, indefinido e interrogativo.
➢ Adjetivos: graus comparativo e superlativo.
➢ Preposições.
➢ Conjunções.
➢ Advérbios.
➢ Numerais.
➢ Artigos: definidos e indefinidos.
➢ Verbos: tempos, modos, formas e vozes.

➢ Caso possessivo.
➢ Questiontag e respostas curtas.
➢ Estrutura da oração.
➢ Período composto: orações condicionais, relativas, apositivas, etc.
➢ Discursos: direto e indireto.
➢ Leitura, compreensão e interpretação de textos diversos;
➢ Significado das palavras e expressões;
➢ Equivalência semântica;
➢ Identificação de informações no texto.
➢ Expressões idiomáticas;
➢ Falsos cognatos;
➢ Sinônimos e antônimos de palavras.
➢ Tempos verbais;
➢ Formas verbais: afirmativa, interrogativa e negativa;
➢ Vozes ativa e passiva;
➢ Infinitivo e gerúndio;
➢ Verbos regulares e irregulares;
➢ “phrasal verbs” e verbos seguidos de preposição;
➢ Modais;
➢ Imperativo;
➢ Causativo;
➢ Orações condicionais;
➢ Discursos direto e indireto;
➢ Comparativos e superlativos;
➢ Substantivos;
➢ Pronomes;
➢ Artigos;
➢ Adjetivos;
➢ Advérbios;
➢ Preposições;
➢ Locuções preposicionais;
➢ Conjunções;
➢ Uso de conectivos;
➢ Perguntas com pronomes interrogativos;
➢ Ordem das palavras na frase;
➢ Prefixos e sufixos;
➢ Pontuação;
➢ Numeral;
➢ “determiners”;
➢ “quantifiers”;
➢ “genitive case”;
➢ “relative clauses”;
➢ “clause and their elements”;
➢ “tag questions”;
➢ “so /too/ either/ neither”.
Escola Naval
➢ Leitura, compreensão e interpretação de diversos tipos de textos: inferência do significado de palavras e expressões;
➢ Identificação da ideia principal e de informações específicas no texto;
➢ Identificação do caráter emocional, da atitude do autor com relação ao texto e do efeito intencional no leitor.
➢ Verbos regulares e irregulares;
➢ Modais;
➢ Tempos verbais;
➢ Formas verbais: afirmativa, interrogativa e negativa;

➢ Imperativo;
➢ Gerúndio e Infinitivo;
➢ “Tag questions”;
➢ Causativo: “have”/“get”; “So”/“Neither”/“Nor” com auxiliares;
➢ “Phrasal verbs” e verbos seguidos de preposição;
➢ Orações condicionais (tipos 0, 1 e 2);
➢ Comparativos e superlativos;
➢ Discurso indireto;
➢ Voz passiva;
➢ Perguntas diretas e indiretas;
➢ Substantivos contáveis e incontáveis;
➢ “Quantifiers”;
➢ “Determiners”;
➢ Pronomes;
➢ Artigos;
➢ Adjetivos;
➢ Advérbios;
➢ Numerais;
➢ Preposições;
➢ Locuções preposicionais e preposições que seguem substantivos,
➢ Adjetivos e verbos;
➢ Conectivos.
➢ Vestimentas;
➢ Cotidiano;
➢ Educação;
➢ Diversão e mídia;
➢ Tecnologia;
➢ Meio ambiente;
➢ Comida e bebida;
➢ Tempo livre, “hobbies” e lazer;
➢ Saúde e exercícios;
➢ Moradia;
➢ Povos e línguas;
➢ Sentimentos, opiniões e experiências;
➢ Identificação pessoal;
➢ Lugares e edificações;
➢ Relacionamento com outras pessoas;
➢ Transporte e serviços;
➢ Compras;
➢ Esporte;
➢ Mundo natural;
➢ Viagens e férias;
➢ Tempo;
➢ Trabalho e empregos;
➢ A Marinha.
• O exame de Inglês consistirá em uma prova com 12 questões, visando à avaliação do candidato em sua competência para
compreender textos autênticos em língua inglesa. As questões, todas de múltipla escolha, avaliarão a capacidade do candidato
de predizer conteúdos, inferir significados, reconhecer vocabulário dentro de contextos diversos e identificar estruturas
gramaticais essenciais à compreensão dos conteúdos apresentados. Os textos utilizados serão extraídos das mais diversas
fontes. As questões deverão avaliar a compreensão global dos textos propostos, bem como a compreensão detalhada de
expressões, frases e palavras dentro do contexto. Além de questões para avaliação da compreensão dos textos, poderão compor
a prova questões formuladas a partir de expressões idiomáticas, frases isoladas e tiras cômicas, dentre outras.

Relação de questões por provas em cada assunto
Interpretação de
Texto e 48 84 10 9 120 183 107 120 74 77 135 0 967
Articles 4 0 1 1 2 3 0 0 6 9 0 6 32
Nouns: Countable
3 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 25 31
x Uncountable
Nous: Gender ⚫ 1 ⚫ ⚫ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 30
Nous: Plural ⚫ 1 ⚫ 2 4 1 0 1 3 1 0 18 31
Adjectives 8 6 0 2 16 9 1 5 4 10 6 0 67
Adverbs 3 4 ⚫ 0 12 3 0 3 0 3 1 5 34
Subject Pronouns x
6 5 2 2 6 2 2 2 1 3 1 1 33
Object Pronouns
Possessives x
5 2 2 0 3 5 5 2 0 7 0 2 33
Reflexive Pronouns ⚫ 0 ⚫ 0 4 2 0 2 0 1 0 24 32
Relative Pronouns 0 3 ⚫ 0 4 4 5 7 3 5 4 0 35
0 0 0 0 2 1 2 1 1 3 4 18 32
⚫ 4 ⚫ 0 4 1 0 1 0 0 0 21 31
Verbs and Verb
19 9 5 6 54 20 7 9 27 34 1 0 191
Numbers ⚫ 3 0 ⚫ 8 0 ⚫ 0 0 0 0 19 30
Conjunctions ⚫ 3 0 ⚫ 7 10 8 8 9 10 13 0 68
Prepositions 3 0 1 1 9 5 4 1 14 17 0 0 55
Modal Verbs 2 6 1 0 14 7 1 3 9 11 2 0 56
Phrasal Verbs ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ 0 11 17 1 1 16 6 3 2 57
Passive Voice and
⚫ 1 ⚫ ⚫ 8 11 2 5 0 3 2 3 35
Active Voice
Wh – Questions e
Interrogative 6 7 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 9 0 5 30
Question Tag e Tag
⚫ 5 ⚫ 0 4 3 ⚫ 2 3 9 0 6 32
Reported Speech ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ 6 ⚫ 7 1 9 1 9 33
so / too / either /
⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ 0 10 0 21 31
neither / nor
If Clauses 0 2 ⚫ ⚫ 2 8 ⚫ 3 8 14 0 0 37
Determiners ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ 1 0 ⚫ 0 2 0 27 30
Quantifiers 2 ⚫ 1 1 0 1 0 ⚫ 3 3 0 24 35
Infinitive × Gerund 0 0 1 1 4 2 ⚫ 0 9 16 1 3 37
Genitive Case 2 1 ⚫ 0 0 0 ⚫ 1 1 0 0 26 31
3 1 0 1 22 7 1 4 27 15 13 0 94
Total de questões 114 149 24 26 320 312 147 190 221 287 187 293 2270
Número de provas
6 10 5 4 14 14 12 12 12 12 12 ???? 112
⚫ = Não está no edital do concurso → baseado nos editais lançados no ano de 2022
Obs: Os exercícios “diversos” são questões de vestibulares e até mesmo de concursos militares que não estejam dentro das últimas
12 provas de cada concurso abordado OU de algum assunto que não está mais no edital dos concursos militares abordados.
Obs: alguns concursos começaram a cobrar inglês recentemente, por isso alguns não apresentam 12 provas

Top 10
Interpretação de Interpretação de Interpretação de Interpretação de
Interpretação de Interpretação de
1 Texto e Texto e Texto e Texto e
Texto e Vocabulário Texto e Vocabulário
Vocabulário Vocabulário Vocabulário Vocabulário
Verbs and Verb Verbs and Verb Verbs and Verb Verbs and Verb Verbs and Verb Verbs and Verb
Tenses Tenses Tenses Tenses Tenses Tenses
Subject Pronouns x Pronouns e
3 Adjectives Wh-questions Object Pronouns Nouns: Plural Referência Phrasal Verbs
Subject Pronouns x Possessives x Identificar a Classe Passive Voice and
4 Adjectives Adjectives
Object Pronouns Possessive Gramatical Active Voice
Subject Pronouns
5 Wh-questions Modal Verbs Adjectives Conjunctions
x Object Pronouns
Possessives x Subject Pronouns x
6 Modal Verbs Adjectives
Possessive Object Pronouns
Os outros Pronouns:
assuntos têm Os outros Adjectives
incidência muito assuntos têm Possessives x
7 Articles Question tag Adverbs
pequena incidência Possessive Pronouns
muito pequena
Relative Pronouns
8 Os outros Os outros Phrasal Verbs If Clauses
assuntos têm assuntos têm Identificar a Classe
9 Prepositions
incidência muito incidência muito Gramatical
10 pequena pequena Numbers Modal Verbs
Interpretação de Texto e Interpretação de Texto e Interpretação de Texto e Interpretação de Texto e Interpretação de Texto e
Vocabulário Vocabulário Vocabulário Vocabulário Vocabulário
Análise das classes
2 Conjunctions Verbs and Verb Tenses Verbs and Verb Tenses Verbs and Verb Tenses
Erro gramatical e
3 Verbs and Verb Tenses Conjunctions Prepositions Conjunctions
Preencher lacuna
Pronouns: Relative
Adjectives Possessives
4 Relative Pronouns Phrasal Verbs Infinitive × Gerund Pronouns e Demonstrative
x Possessive Pronouns
Erro gramatical e
5 Relative Pronouns Reported Speech Prepositions Adjective
Preencher lacuna
Passive Voice and
6 Prepositions Infinitive × Gerund If Clauses
Active Voice
Pronouns: Adjectives
Possessives x
7 Adjectives Conjunctions Possessive Pronouns Os outros assuntos
e têm incidência muito
Os outros assuntos
têm incidência Relative Pronouns pequena para entrar
8 muito pequena Modal Verbs Modal Verbs em um Top 10
Os outros assuntos
so / too / either / neither
9 têm incidência If Clauses
/ nor
muito pequena
10 Articles Adjectives

Interpretação de Texto e Vocabulário – e) He spent thirty days in a hotei near the city of Rio de
Colégio Naval Texto para as questões 4 e 5
Texto para as questões 1 e 2 The Vikings
Helpinq at a hospital Raiders, travelers or brave explorers?
Every year many young peopie finish school and then take The Vikings sailed the seas, attacked towns, and stole treasures
a year off before they start work or go to college. Some of them all over Europe between 800 and 1100. They started from
go to other countries and work as volunteers. Volunteers give Scandinavia and attacked many countries in Europe. They
their time to help people. For example, they work in schools or settled in Britain, Ireland and France. They also crossed the
hospitais, orthey help with conservation. Atlantic Ocean and arrived in Iceland and Greenland. They
Mike Coleman is 19 and lives in Omaha, Nebraska, in the discovered North America but they also traveled east to Russia
United States. He wants to become a teacher but now he is and south to Arabia.
living in Namibia. He's working in a hospital near Katima They were good farmers and excelient shipbuilders. They used
Mulilo. He says, " I'm working with the doctors and nurses their ships for war. They also used them to carry people and
here to help sick peopie. I'm not a doctor but I can do a lot of goods to new lands. In winter, when there was not much farm
things to help. For example, I help carry peopie who can't walk. work to do, they stayed home and did other interesting jobs.
Sometimes I go to villages in the mobile hospital, too. There Men made swords to use them in battle. The Vikings liked
aren't many doctors here so they need help from peopie like swords so much they often decorated them with gold and gave
me. I don't get any money, but that's OK, l'm not here for the them names. Women cooked and made clothes, shoes, and
money.” jewelry for themselves, their children and husbands.
"I'm staying here for two months, and I'm living in a small In 866 the Vikings captured an Anglo-Saxon town. They called
house with five other volunteers. The work is hard and the days it Jorvik and it was the capital of the Viking kingdom for 200
are long, but I'm enjoying my life here. I'm learning a lot about years. They made Jorvik rich and one of the most famous cities
life in Southern África and about myself! When I finish the two in Britain. Some years ago, archeologists discovered part of
months' work, I want to travel in and around Namibia for three that Viking town in York, the modern city of Jorvik. They
weeks. For example, I want to see the animais in the Okavango found many things such as jewelry, coins and clothes. If you
Delta in Botswana." ever go to York and you want to traveli back in time and see
http://vyre-legacy-access.cambridge.org how the Vikings lived, visit the Jorvik Centre!
1) (Colégio Naval 2017) Read the statements below to check Adapted from Wilson, D. M. (1987) The Vikings, Activity
if they are true (T) or false (F), and choose the option that Book, British Museum Press http://www.pi-
respectively represents the statements. schools.gr/books/gymnasio/aggl_a_prox/ergas/043-060.pdf
( ) Some volunteers work with preservation. 4) (Colégio Naval 2017) All the statements below are correct
( ) Mike Coleman often works in a hospital. about the Vikings, EXCEPT that They
( ) Mike is happy because the work is hard. a) were good at farming and shipbuilding.
( ) lt's a personal experience, in Mike's opinion. b) were a people who enjoyed traveling by ship.
a) (T) (F) (F) (T) c) liked jewelry and swords.
b) (F) (F) (T) (T) d) were in the Americas before Columbus.
c) (T) (T) (F) (F) e) all lived in Jorvik from 866 to 1066.
d) (F) (T) (T) (F) 5) (Colégio Naval 2017) The Vikings used their ships to
e) (T) (F) (T) (F) a) steal Scandinavia's treasures.
2) (Colégio Naval 2017) Mark the right option to fill in the b) become good shipbuilders.
following sentence. c) build villages all over Europe.
Why is Mike Coleman in Namíbia, South África? d) sail the seas, to carry people and goods and for war.
Because_________________________ . e) stay inside them during the cold winter.
a) he doesn't want to go to coliege. Texto para a questão 6
b) he wants to become a teacher. Social media ’destroying how society works'
c) money is never important. A former Facebook executive has said social media is doing
d) it's a cheap way to travel. great harm to society around the world. The executive is a man
e) he believes that volunteering is nice. called Chamath Palihapitiya. He joined Facebook in 2007 a n d
3) (Colégio Naval 2017) According to text II, it's correct to became a vice president. He was responsible for increasing the
say that the statements are true, EXCEPT: number of users Facebook had. Mr Palihapitiya said he feels
My name is Patrick. I went on vacation to Brazii last very guilty about getting more people to use social networks.
Summer, and I stayed in a five-star hotel in front of the He said the networks are destroying society because they are
beach in Rio de Janeiro. changing people's behavior. Twenty years ago, people talked to
I went to Rio by plane and I spent a month there, I met a lot each other face to face. Today, people message each other and
of people and we had a great time! I want to go back to do not talk. People also really care about what other people
Brazii as soon as possible. think of them. They post photos and wait to see how many
a) He liked the trip and intends to visit Brazii again. people like the photo. They get very sad if people do not like
b) He flew to Rio de Janeiro to spend his vacation there. the photo.
c) Patrick had a great time with many people. Mr. Palihapitiya said people should take a long break from
d) He traveled to Rio de Janeiro last summer. social media so they can experience real life. He wants people
to value each other instead of valuing online "hearts, likes, and

thumbs-up". Palihapitiya also points out how fake news is look out for during your trip, but it also adds to the excitement
affecting how we see the world, it is becoming easier for large of your upcoming exploration.
websites to spread lies. It is also becoming easier to hurt other If the movie is based on a book, consider reading the book,
people online. Anyone can hide behind a fake user name and too. It may have details about the locale that the movie doesn’t
post lies about other people. Palihapitiya said this was touch on. Also, books often have scenes that don’t make it into
a global problem. He is worried about social media so much the movie adaptations, which gives you a deeper view of the
that he has banned his children from using it. However, he did destination. Ms. Tillson also recommended downloading the
state that Facebook was a good company. He said: "Of course, movie’s soundtrack or score, and listening to it throughout your
it's not all bad. Facebook overwhelmingly does good in the trip.
world." Book a Themed Trip
6) (Colégio Naval 2018) Read the statements to check if they Some travel companies sell set itineraries focused on
are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F). popular movies. Luxury tour operator Zicasso, for example,
I- An ex-Facebook boss said social media is damaging has an eight-day trip, all inclusive, to Ireland inspired by "Star
society. Wars: The Last Jedi” and Wild Frontiers has an eleven-day trip
II- It is becoming more difficult for big websites to spread to India inspired by "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel." Ms.
fake news. Tillson suggested doing a web search or checking with a travel
III- People message each other today instead of talking face agent to find out about such trips.
to face. Also, in some destinations, local tour operators and hotels
IV- Palihapitiya said social media does not change our sell movie-themed tours. For instance, The St. Regis Priceville
behavior. Resort offers a tour that includes a private helicopter ride to
Choose the option that respectively represents the Manawaiopuna Falls, made famous in "Jurassic Park,” and an
statements above. ATV tour of filming locations of movies such as “Raiders of
a) (F)(T)(T)(F) the Lost Ark" and “Pirates of the Caribbean.” Lunch is even
b) (F)(F)(T)(T) included. The cost is $5,674 for two adults.
c) (T) (F) (T) (F) A more affordable option, in Rome, is the four-hour
d) (T) (T) (F) (T) “Roman Holiday" themed excursion from HR Tours, where
e) (F) (F) (F) (T) travelers ride a Vespa with a driver and see ail the sites from
Texto para as questões 7 - 10 the movie; the cost is 170 euros per person.
TRAVEL TIPS Hang Where the Movie Crew Did
How to Plan a Movie-Themed Vacation When they’re not working, movie crews enjoy hitting local
It’s easier than you may expect to find, visit, and enjoy the bars and casual restaurants that serve tasty local cuisine, Ms.
places where your favorite movies were made. Tillson said.
Lars Leetaru Find out where the behind-the-scenes staff of your film
By Shivani Vora spent their time by asking your destination’s tourist board or
March 8, 2018 your hotel’s concierge, and check out a few of the spots. “It’s
Whether it’s the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy in New another way to get involved in the film and spend time in bars
Zealand or "Roman Holiday” in Rome, many noteworthy and restaurants that you wouldn’t normally think to hit,” she
movies are filmed in appealing locales all over the world that said.
travelers may want to visit and enjoy. 7) (Colégio Naval 2018) What is true about the themed trip
According to Angela Tillson, a film location manager in inspired by the film “Star Wars: The Last Jedi"?
Kauai who has worked on the set of films including "Jurassic a) It offers no meals.
Park: The Lost World” and “The Descendants," exploring a b) It lasts 11 days.
beloved movie set destination through the eyes of the film c) It’s very cheap.
makes for an enjoyable vacation. "Seeing a place with a focus d) It’s located in India.
on a movie you love will give you a perspective that the e) It’s offered by Zicasso.
average tourist doesn’t usually get. You’ll certainly have a 8) (Colégio Naval 2018) In the first paragraph, the word
better impression of the place,” she said. Here are her tips to "appealing” can be replaced by all these words, EXCEPT
get started. for
Choose Your Destination a) interesting.
If there’s a movie you love, you can find out where it was b) pleasing.
filmed by looking at the credits at the end of the film or by c) lovable.
going online to The Internet Movie Database, also known d) repulsive.
as IMDB, which often lists filming locations. Once you know e) attractive.
the locale, you can start planning your trip. Or, consider doing 9) (Colégio Naval 2018) What’s the main purpose of text II?
what Ms. Tillson often does when deciding on where to a) Teach students how to plan where to go on vacation.
vacation: pick a spot you’re interested in visiting, and find out b) inspire the fans of “Lord of the Rings” to visit New
what movies have been filmed there. “It’s fun to sometimes let Zealand.
a destination determine the movie you're going to live rather c) Make people feel interested in watching famous movies.
than the other way around,” Ms. Tillson said. d) Give some suggestions on traveling to a movie set
Get in the Mood destination.
Before you head to your destination, be sure to rewatch the e) Advertise travel companies that sell movie-themed
movie. A rewatch not only reminds you of identifiable spots to vacations.

10) (Colégio Naval 2018) According to Ms. Tilson, holes easy to understand. Other famous Stephen Hawking
a) listening to the songs of the movie can get you in the books include: “A Briefer History in Time", “On the Shoulders
mood of your movie-themed vacation. of Giants” and "The Universe in a Nutshell". He also wrote
b) you can never choose the destination in the first place. many books for children along with his daughter Lucy. His
Always base your trip on the movie you like. famous books for children include "George’s Cosmic Treasure
c) you don’t find any information online about the themed Hunt" and “George and the Big Bang”.
itineraries. You have to check it exclusively with a His last work, submitted only two weeks before his death,
travel agent. reveals the universe will come to an end when stars run out of
d) it’s difficult to have a different perspective when you energy. However, his theory suggests that scientists will be
explore the destination through the eyes of the film. able to find parallel universes using probes on spaceships.
e) you can visit local bars and restaurants and have the 11) (Colégio Naval 2018) Say if the following statements are T
opportunity to meet the movie crew. (true) or F (false) about Hawking’s disease. Then mark the
Texto para as questões 11 - 14 correct option, from top to bottom.
STEPHEN HAWKING ( ) It confined him to a wheelchair.
Stephen Hawking, one of the most famous scientists of the ( ) It affected his ability to speak.
21st century, died on March 14th, 2018. But his ideas on ( ) It was diagnosed when he was 21 years old.
gravity, black holes and the Big Bang are the greatest legacy he ( ) It progressed more quickly than expected.
left to the world. ( ) It made him sturhble for no reason.
Early Life and College a) (T) (T) (T) (F) (F)
On January 8th, 1942, Stephen Hawking was born to a b) (T) (F) (T) (F) (F)
successful family in Oxford, England. He was not the best c) (T) (T) (T) (F) (T)
student at fundamental or high school, but he was very smart. d) (F) (T) (F) (T) (T)
His dad wanted him to become a medical doctor, but Stephen e) (F) (T) (F) (T) (F)
really wanted to study math. 12) (Colégio Naval 2018) What statement is correct about
Despite his poor grades at school, Stephen aced his exams Hawking’s last work?
for college. He was admitted to Oxford University, but they a) It predicted the end of the universe.
didn't have math as a major. So, he decided to study physics b) It suggests there are no parallel universes.
and chemistry instead. c) It could not be finished because of his death.
Stephen became a member of a rowing team when he was d) It was his bestselling book and received a prize.
in college. After he graduated, he decided to continue his e) It introduced his theory about the Big Bang.
education and went to graduate school. 13) (Colégio Naval 2018) It can be inferred from the text that
Graduate School, Marriage and Health Problems Stephen Hawking
While in graduate school, he had some health problems. He a) received numerous awards, including a Nobel Prize.
began tripping for no reason, and his speech became hard to b) was seventy six years old when he died.
understand. His family encouraged him to go to the doctor. c) married Jane one year after he got his Ph.D degree.
Stephen was diagnosed with a disease called ALS, or Lou d) wrote “A Brief History in Time” for kids.
Gehrig's disease, which affects the brain and spine. He was e) wanted to be a doctor, but studied physics instead.
only twenty one, and the doctors initially gave him only a few 14) (Colégio Naval 2018) In the sentence, “Despite his poor
years to live. Luckily, his condition progressed more slowly grades at school, Stephen aced his exams for college.”
than is often the case. (paragraph 3), the underlined phrase means that Stephen
During this time, Stephen had a relationship with a woman a) got bad grades in his tests.
named Jane. He said she and his work were his inspiration for b) passed with average grades.
living. Stephen earned his Ph.D. degree in 1965. He started to c) achieved high marks in the test.
get worse, and eventually became confined to a wheelchair. d) tried hard but did not pass.
Nonetheless, he and Jane married in 1965 and were able to e) had a second change and passed.
have three children. Texto para as questões 15 – 17
He studied how space and time are related, including Robotic Cars
scientific studies of black holes in space and how they work in The year is 2020, and it’s 7;45 on a rainy Monday morning,
the universe. He also had a lot of success in his work as a and you are in your car on your way to work. You turn right,
college professor. and you turn left. A few minutes later, you stop at a traffic
A New Voice light. When the light turns green and there are no other cars in
In 1985, Stephen got really sick and doctors were able to the intersection, you continue on your way. Ten minutes later
save him, but he was unable to speak. He could only use his you get to work and stop reading the morning paper. Then, you
eyebrows to communicate. Eventually, he was able to use a get out of your car and you say, “Thank you!". Your car
special voice synthesizer, allowing him to talk by moving his replies, “You’re welcome!’’. This possibie future may sound
cheek muscles and using a mouse pad. unreai, but in fact many car companies are aiready testing
Famous Works and Prizes robotic cars, or driverless cars, on the roads today, although the
His most notorious theory is that black holes can emit cars don't speak very much yet.
radiation; also known as Hawking radiation. He received In the 1980s, Germany and the United States tested the first
numerous awards but never won the Nobel Prize. driverless cars, and by 2020 companies such as Volvo, GM,
Stephen always enjoyed writing books. His best seller, “A Nissan and BMW plan to seil driverless cars. Driverless cars
Brief History in Time” made terms like the Big Bang and black are not really ‘driverless - the drivers are computers that use

radar, Computer maps and other modern technology. They <https://breakingnewsenglish.eom/1904/190401 -
offer many advantages. Perhaps the most important of these is webauthentication.html>
fewer deaths caused by road accidents. For example, in 1968 18) (Colégio Naval 2019) Mark the option which is false about
more than 53.000 people lost their lives in car accidents in the the text.
USA. This number has fallen to less than 33.000 but it’s still a a) Login credentiais might soon be replaced by Web
high number. In addition, people will spend iess time stuck in Authentication.
traffic jams and there will be no need for people to have a b) Web Authentication makes use of biometrics.
driving license. One of the major disadvantages of this new c) The WWW Consortium suggested the use of passwords
technology, however, is the cost. It’s not free. U$5.000 to is nearing an end.
U$10.000 is added to the price of the new car. Nevertheless, at d) The WWW Consortium suggested passwords are a
some time in your life, you will probably be sitting in a robotic, waste of resources.
driverless car on your way to work or school. The future is e) Web Authentication increases the risk of having
almost here. Are you ready for it? passwords stoien.
<https://www.aHthinastoDics.eom/uploads/2/3/2/9/23290220/l 19) (Colégio Naval 2019) What two exampies of biometrics
esson-drivina-robo ticcars2.pdf> did the article mention?
15) (Colégio Naval 2019) Mark the sentences that does not a) Facial recognition and DNA.
represent an advantage of driverless cars. b) Fingerprints and facial recognition.
a) Robotic cars will probably reduce the number of c) Our retina and fingerprints.
accidents. d) DNA and fingerprints.
b) People won’t waste so much time in traffic jams. e) DNA and USB security keys.
c) Driverless cars will be cheaper than regular cars. 20) (Colégio Naval 2019) Observe the city map.
d) Driving licenses won’t be necessary.
e) It will be possible to relax in a robotic car.
16) (Colégio Naval 2019) According to the text, a driverless
car is a car that
a) doesn’t have any driver.
b) uses technology to move.
c) goes where ít wants. lt’s correct to say that the
d) only goes to work or school. a) grocery store is in front of the high school.
e) drives and reads the papers. b) library is behind the hospital.
17) (Colégio Naval 2019) The robotic car can: c) drugstore is next to the café.
a) read the morning paper. d) barbershop is across from the sports center.
b) turn right, left and green. e) the bank is between the shopping center.
c) say a few words. 21) (Colégio Naval 2019) Read Garfield, a comic strip, by Jim
d) do your work for you. Davis.
e) test car companies.
Texto para as questões 18 e 19
Passwords to be replaced by Web Authentication
It looks iike login usernames and passwords are on their way
out. No longer will we have to worry about the security of our
login credentiais. They are set to be replaced by an infinitely
more secure login system known as Web Authentication. Web
lt’s correct to say that Garfield
Authentication has become an official standard for logging in
a) is always boring.
at the main Internet standards body, the World Wide Web
b) is never bored at Jon.
Consortium (WWWC). It is a system that will be universally
c) gets bored when Jon talks.
used by web browsers and platforms for simpier and stronger
d) has a boring life.
authentication processes. It will allow website users to iog in
e) thinks Jon has a boring voice.
securely to their online accounts using a digital device,
22) (Colégio Naval 2020) According to the text:
biometrics (such as fingerprints and facial recognition) or USB
The South Korean movie "Parasite won (WIN) the Oscar
security keys.
for best picture on Sunday, which means that it was the first
The WWWC spoke about the days of passwords being
non-English language movie to win the top prize.
numbered. A spokesperson said: "lt’s common knowledge that
lt also was the first movie from South Korea to get a
passwords have outlived their efficacy. Not only are stoien,
nomination at the Oscars. Before the Oscars, 'Parasite' also
weak or default passwords behind 81 per cent of data breaches,
won awards at the Cannes Film Festival, the Screen Actors
they are a drain of time and resources." It added: "Now is the
Guild, and the British Academy of Film and Television
time for web Services and businesses to adopt Web
Authentication to move beyond vulnerable passwords and help
Director Bong Joon-ho said that the movie is "a
web users improve the security of their online experiences,"
continuation of all the Korean films that came before. It's an
Web Authentication means users are at less risk of having their
extension of our history." The movie is about class
passwords and credentiais stoien. This is because login
struggles between the rich and poor.
authentication is achieved via physicai vices or biometrics from
our body.

14-02-2020 Adapted the president of the region to enlarge the precaution to the
from: <https://www.newsinlevels.com/> entire metropolitan city area. lt is just a precautton, we don't
a) the movie Parasite addresses the subject of social issues. want to create parue," he said.
b) Parasite received a lot of nominations but didn't win Meanwhile Giorgio Armanì's fashion show, scheduled to be
anything. held in Milan on Sunday, went ahead but without any media or
c) other non-English language movies have already won buyers present. The show was livestreamed on its website,
the Oscar. lnstagram and Facebook pages.
d) other South Korean movies got different nominations at Adapted from: https ://www. b be. com/news/world-e u
the Oscars. rope51602007
e) Parasite is a trilogy about the story of South Korea 23) (Colégio Naval 2020) When was Carnival supposed to
directed by Bong Joo-ho. finish in Venice?
Texto para as questões 23 - 25 a) Late on Sunday.
Coronavirus: Venice Carnival closes as Italy imposes b) On Tuesday.
lockdown c) After the quarantine.
23 February 2020 d) On Wednesday.
Italian officials have cut short the Venice Carnival as they try e) After two weeks.
to control what is now the worst outbreak of the coronavirus in 24) (Colégio Naval 2020) According to the text:
Europe. a) a train was stopped at the Austrian border because there
Authorities in the Veneto region said the event would end were two people contaminated with the coronavirus.
later on Sunday, two days earlier than scheduled. Italy has by b) Italy is now the country with more cases on coronavirus
far the highest number of coronavirus cases in Europe, with worldwide.
152. Three people have died. Italy has imposed strict c) "extraordinary measure" announced by Mr. Conte
quarantine restrictions in two northern "hotspot" regions close include enforcement of the regulations by the
to Milan and Venice. population.
About 50,000 people cannot enter or leave several towns in d) Italian authorities haven't discovered the origin of the
Veneto and Lombardy for the next two weeks without special coronavirus in Italy yet.
permission. Even outside the zone, many businesses and e) cities and regions outside the zone are closing
schools have suspended activities. and sporting events have universities and schools because they are in panic.
been cancelled. The BBC's Mark Lowen described the situation 25) (Colégio Naval 2020) Which regions in Italy are suffering
just outside the zone. ln neighbouring Austria, a train from the most with the corona virus outbreak?
Venice was stopped at the Austrian border after it emerged that a) Austria and South Korea.
two passengers had fever symptoms. Austria's Interior Minister b) South Korea and Iran.
Karl Nehammer later confirmed to the BBC that the pair tested c) Milan and Venice.
negative for coronavirus. d) Veneto and Lombardy.
“All authorities have acted quickly and with great caution e) Emilia-Romagna and Lazio.
in this case," said Mr Nehammer in a statement. "The reporting Texto para as questões 26 e 27
chain worked without delay." Elsewhere, authorities in South Six thousand couples decided not to let the coronavirus
Korea and Iran are battling to control rising numbers of deter them from celebrating their happy day. The multiple
infections. South Korea has raised its coronavirus alert to the brides and grooms attended a mass wedding ceremony in South
"highest level". Korea's Unification Church on Friday, in spite of the health
The new strain of coronavirus, which originated last year in scare from the coronavirus in neighbouring China. The
Hubei province in China, causes a respiratory disease called newlyweds were joined by 24.000 guests; some
Covid-19. China has seen more than 76,000 infections and renewing their marriage vows and others watching friends and
2,442 deaths. family tie the knot. The church seemed well prepared for such
What is happening in Italy? a large-scale event as staff handed out hand sanitizer and
Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte announced on Saturday that surgical masks to all attendees. They also checked the
"extraordinary measures" would come into force to try to stem temperature of the couples.
the rising number of coronavirus cases. Adapted from: <https://breakinqnewsenglish.
He said the quarantine restrictions could last for weeks. com/2002/200211-masswedd ing. html>
Police, and if necessary the armed forces, will have the 26) (Colégio Naval 2020) All pairs of words are usually related
authority to ensure the regulations are enforced. to a wedding, except:
Angelo Borrelli, the head of Italy's Civil Protection a) happy day / tie the knot.
Department, told reporters that 11 O of the confirmed cases b) brides / grooms.
were in Lombardy, with 21 in Veneto with others in c) sanitizer / surgical masks.
EmiliaRomagna and Lazio. Officials reported a third death on d) couples /newlyweds.
Sunday, an elderly woman from the town of Crema suffering e) marriage vows /guests.
from cancer. Italian officials say they are still trying to trace the 27) (Colégio Naval 2020) What happened last Friday,
source of the outbreak. according to the text?
Universities in Milan have been closed and the city's a) Friends and families watched couples preparing the
mayor, Giuseppe Sala, said schools would also close their church to a big event.
doors while the outbreak continued. "As a precaution I think b) Twenty-four thousand people went to China to get
that the schools have to be closed in Milan. I will propose to married, despite the coronavirus threat.

c) Thousands of people got married and renewed their 30) (Colégio Naval 2020) Read the comic strip below.
marriage vows in South Korea.
d) Newlyweds and their guests went to South Korea to
check their health condition.
e) Thousands of people canceled their wedding ceremony
due to the coronavirus threat.
Texto para as questões 28 e 29
Meditation: A simple, fast way to reduce stress
Meditation can wipe away the day's stress, bringing with it Mark the correct sentence that explains the comic strip.
inner peace. See how you can easily learn to practice a) Mafalda has great plans for Susanita's future.
meditation whenever you need it most. b) Susanita makes future plans for Mafalda as a to-dolist.
By Mayo Clinic Staff c) Mafalda thinks that planning one's future as a: to-dolist
If stress has you anxious, tense and worried, consider trying is a great idea.
meditation. Spending even a few minutes in meditation can d) Mafalda realizes that her future plans are exact the same
restore your calm and inner peace. as Susanita's.
Anyone can practice meditation. It's simple and e) Mafalda thinks that Susanita should not focus on trying
inexpensive, and it doesn't require any special equipment. to achieve social expectations.
And you can practice meditation wherever you are - Texto para as questões 31 - 35
whether you're out for a walk, riding the bus, waiting at the Like students throughout California (USA), students in the
doctor's office or even in the middle of a difficult business West Contra Costa Unified school district, in Richmond, have
meeting. coped with distance learning instituted this year in response to
Meditation has been practiced for thousands of the coronavirus pandemic. Today, we are bringing you these
years. Meditation originally was meant to help deepen students' reflections on their current experiences with distance
understanding of the sacred and mystical forces of life. These learning and being out of school - what worked and what
days, meditation is commonly used for relaxation and stress didn't. Students' remarks have been edited in some instances
reduction. for clarity.
Meditation is considered a type of mind-body Nayeli Mercado, 15, sophomore, Richmond High
complementary medicine. Meditation can produce a deep state Before distance learning, my mental health was never great, but
of relaxation and a tranquil mind. it was controllable. However, once quarantine started, I have
During meditation, you focus your attention and eliminate felt way more mentally exhausted because I can't go out. Also,
the stream of jumbled thoughts that may be crowding your l've been really emotional. I get really sad over little things or
mind and causing stress. This process may result in enhanced angry at things I shouldn't get angry about. I used to complain
physical and emotional well-being. about school a lot but I kind of miss it now. I miss my friends,
Benefits of meditation teachers, attending class. I miss school in general.
Meditation can give you a sense of calm, peace and balance Alizei De Leon, 15, sophomore, Middle College High
that can benefit both your emotional well-being and your I have about the same amount of homework, or maybe a little
overall health. lesa in this second year since some teachers are trying to make
And these benefits don't end when your meditation session this easier. Additionally, I don't have to study as much for tests
ends. Meditation can help carry you more calmly through your anymore since some teachers have cancelled 'tests for the rest
day and may help you manage symptoms of certain medical of the year... I spend about three to four hours on homework
conditions. per day unless l've already finished all my work that week. I'm
Adapted from: getting through my classes, but I know that I will forget most
<https://www.mayoclinic.org/testsprocedures/meditation/in- of this information throughout the summer.
depth/meditation/art-20045858> Ricardo Castillo, 17, senior, Richmond High
28) (Colégio Naval 2020) According to the text, meditation is: At first, when this distance learning started, I thought the work
a) expensive. was going to be easier. But then, as time passed, everything
b) mystical. just fell apart. I'm behind in ali of my classes and it's nearly
c) jumbled. impossible to catch up. I can't do the work on my own. I want
d) simple. to learn with my classmates. Distance learning changed a lot of
e) difficult. things for me. I wasn't able to spend time with my friends and
29) (Colégio Naval 2020) Mark the correct option according to my last year of high school hasn't been what I expected at all.
the text. Yashika Joshi, 17, senior, Aspire College Prep Academy
a) People use meditation to relief their stress. Distance learning has been difficult. It's been hard to manage,
b) Meditation can be considered a medical procedure. teaching yourself through assignments... I try to do my work
c) ln the past, meditation was used only for relaxation and when everybody is asleep at night. If I was at school, I
stress. would've learned much more due to a teacher paying more
d) Nowadays, meditation helps deepen understanding of attention. Teachers are assigning work on a daily balis, with 45
the sacred life minutes to hour-long assignments for each class, all due at the
e) It's important to keep meditating all the time to maintain end of the week. The workload has increased a lot. Some
oneself calm and relaxed. teachers have reached out (checked in) but not often.
Dana Reyes, 18, senior, Middle College High

My classes are all being taught virtually, through email, or 33) (Colégio Naval 2021) The best title for the text is
through Google Classroom. I have pushed my self- a) British students reflect on their experiences with
determination to the max and l'm experiencing something very distance learning.
strange. I am still receiving the content but now I have to work b) Distance learning in the pandemic: students prefer
twice as hard to understand the material. Sometimes, it is studying at home
discouraging, and I get unmotivated, but I still try my best to c) Distance learning sucess in West Contra Costa Unified
finish early even though teachers and staff have been very schools.
flexible and understanding with due dates. d) Student perspectives: the pros and cons of distance
Mekayla Saechao, 16, junior, Richmond High learning in 2020.
Distance learning for me so far has been difficult but e) How to motivate students to study harder using distance
manageable. Most of my classes consist of completing work learning
that is posted on Google Classroom with a Zoom meeting 34) (Colégio Naval 2021) One of the students pointed out an
every other week. I don't believe I'm learning as much as I advantage of studying from home during the pandemic.
would have in school because I'm not getting a lesson from my Who is this student and what is the advantage mentioned?
teachers every day. My teachers have helped a lot by answering a) Nayeli Mercado: her mental health has been more
questions about assignments quickly... To tell you the truth, it controllable
is a lot to manage since I'm not physically at school, working b) Dana Reyes: she has been more motivated studying
with my classmates and teachers. But being at home in my virtually
comfort tone has helped me become more organized with my c) Sarahi Yupit: she can concentrable more because she is
works. alone
Monishlia Maharaj, 18, senior, Richmond High d) Yashika Joshi: she has learned Much more with the
Although I have assignments from almost all of my classes assignments
every day, almost back-to-back, I always feel like I can do the e) Mekayla Saechao: she becarme more organized with her
work whenever I want to... lt's like fighting with my brain daily works
to do the work or not to do the work. As much as I wouldn't 35) (Colégio Naval 2021) All students below are in the last
want to do online learning, I know it benefits everyone by year of their courses, EXCEPT for
preventing them from getting sick from the virus. a) Ricardo Castillo
Sarahi Yupit, 16, sophomore, Richmond High b) Dana Reyes
It is hard to concentrate at home during distance learning c) Alizei De Leon
because I don't feel motivated to do the work since there is d) Monishlla Maharaj
nobody my age whereas at school, I feel motivated. lt seems e) Yashika Joshi
like it's easier to do the tasks and stay on task. There are Texto para a questão 36
teachers who teach the actual material. They also motivate you 10 Shorts Not to Miss at 2020's Annecy
to do your best. "Carne" (Camila Kater, Abano Produciónes, Doctela, Brazil,
Adapted from https://edsource.orgis posted on June 3 Spain)
31) (Colégio Naval 2021) Ricardo Castillo’s statement about Camila Kater's debut short is a fresh, unprejudiced reflection
his experience studying out of school implies that he is on femininity through successive stages of life. A resourceful
feeling. documentary, "Carne" mixes diverse techniques such as paint,
a) Motivated watercolor, stop motion, 35mm film and virtual imagery
b) Confortable decomposition to obtain a harmonious, vindicating ensemble
c) Disappointed narrated by five women from childhood to old age, from
d) Understanding around the world. Produced by Spain's Abano and Brazil's
e) Self – determined Doctela, it premiered last year at Locarno, earning a special
32) (Colégio Naval 2021) Say if the following statements are T mention. Multiple further awards followed.
(true) or F (false). Then, mark the correct option. https://www.google.com/amp/s/variety.com/2020/film/festivals
( ) Yashika Joshi’s teachers give students tasks every /10-shorts-not-to-miss-2020-annecy-1234641312/amp/
day through distance leaning. 36) (Colégio Naval 2021) According to the text, it is correct to
( ) Monishilla Maharaj thinks online learning during the say that “Carne”
pandemic is beneficial to people. a) Has won justo ne prize
( ) Alizei De Leon has had more homework during the b) Is considered a must-see documentary
pnademic than she had in the previous year. c) Was written by five women
( ) Dana Reyes’ classes are being taught virtually, only d) Is short, slow and colorful
through Google Classroom. e) Is a short about human stages of life
( ) Mekayla Saechao believes she has learned at home as Texto para as questões 37 – 39
Much as she would have in school. Causes and Effects of Climate Change
a) (T)(T)(F)(F)(F) Glaciers are melting, sea leveis are rising, cloud forests are
b) (T)(F)(T)(F)(T) dying, and wildlife is scrambling to keep pace. It has become
c) (T)(T)(F)(F)(T) clear that humans have caused most of the past century's
d) (F)(T)(T)(T)(F) warming by releasing heat-trapping gases as we power our
e) (F)(F)(T)(F)(T) medem lives. Called greenhouse gases, their leveis are higher
now than at any time in the last 800,000 years.

We often call the result global warming, but it is causing a set ethnically-diverse, and largest generation in American history,
of changes to the Earth's climate, or long-term weather comprising 27% of the US population. Pew Research recently
patterns, that varies from place to place. While many people defined Gen Z as anyone borra after 1997. Gen Z grew up with
think of global warming and climate change as synonyms, technology, the internet, and social media, which sometimes
scientists use "climate change" when describing the complex causes them to be stereotyped as tech-addicted, anti-social, or
shifts now affecting our planet's weather and climate systems – "social justice warriors."
in part because some arcas actually get cooler in the short term. The average Gen Z got their first smart phone just before their
Climate change encampasses not only rising average twelfth birthday. They communicate primarily through social
temperatures but also extreme weather events, shifting wildlife media and texts, and spend as much time on their phones as
popuiations and habitats, rising seas, and a range of other older generations do watching television.
impacts. Ali of those changes are emerging as humans continue The majority of Gen Zs prefer streaming services to traditional
to add heat-trapping greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, cable, as well as getting snackable content they can get on their
changing the rhythms of climate that ali living things have phones and computers.
come to rely on. Gen Z is the most ethnically diverse and largest generation in
What will we do – what can we do – to slow this human- American history, and eclipses all other generations before it in
caused warming? How will we cope with the changes we embracing diversity and inclusion.
_______ into motion? While we struggle to figure it ali out, the Adapted from https://www.businessinsider.com/generation-z
fate of the Earth as we know it – coasts, forests, farms, and 40) (Colégio Naval 2021) Read the sentence and mark the
snow-capped mountains – hangs in the balance. correct option.
By Christina Nunez The majority of Gen Zs prefer streaming services to
Adapted from traditional cable, as well as getting snackable content they
https://www.nationaigeographic.com/environmentiartiolefgrob can get on their phones and computers.”
al-warming-overview According to the contexto, you can change the word
37) (Colégio Naval 2021) Read the statements. Mark (T) for “snackable” without modifying its meaning for
true and (F) false. a) Secret
( ) Glaciers, sea levels, forests and wild life are suffering b) Slow
from global warming. c) Difficult
( ) Global warming and climate change are synonyms d) Useless
( ) Greenhouse gases interferes in weather events e) Straightforward
( )Human still need to find out how to solve global 41) (Colégio Naval 2021) In relation to generation Z, it is
warming problems correct to say that they
Mark the correct option. a) Prefer traditional cable services
a) (T)(T)(F)(T) b) Come after millenials
b) (F)(T)(T)(F) c) All have finished college by 2020
c) (T)(F)(T)(T) d) Are reserved and tech-addicted
d) (F)(T)(F)(F) e) Were born Only in 2020
e) (T)(F)(F)(T) Texto para a questão 42
38) (Colégio Naval 2021) Read the following sentence. There are no excuses for racism.
“How will we cope with the changes we ________ into Racism takes many forms and can happen in many places. It
motion?” includes prejudice, discrimination or hatred directed at
Which option completes the sentence correctly? someone because of their colour, ethnicity or national origin.
a) Have already set People often associate racism with acts of abuse ar harassment.
b) Have already sat However, it doesn't need to involve violent or intimidating
c) Have sit behaviour. Take racial name-calling and jokes. Or consider
d) Even have sat situations when people may be excluded from groups or
e) Have set yet activities because of where they come from.
39) (Colégio Naval 2021) What’s the meaning of the Racism can be revealed through people's actions as well as
expression hangs in the balance in “– coasts, forests, farms, their attitudes. It can also be reflected in systems and
and snow-capped mountains – hangs in the balance.”? It institutions. But sometimes it may not be revealed at all. Not
a) Stays the same ali racism is obvious. For example, someone may look through
b) Will last Forever a list of job applicants and decide not to interview people with
c) Can’t change any time certain surnames.
d) Is uncertain Racism is more than just words, beliefs and actions. It includes
e) Is difficult to believe all the barriers that prevent people from enjoying dignity and
Texto para as questões 40 e 41 equality because of their mace.
Generation Z News - Latest Characteristics, Research, and <https://humanrights.gov.au/our-work/race-
Facts discrimination/what-racism>
Generation Z (aka Gen Z, iGen, or centennials), refers to the 42) (Colégio Naval 2021) According to the text, racism
generation that was bom between 1996 – 2010, following a) Is all about certain surnames
millennials. This generation has been raised on the internet and b) Is not a violent way to address pepople
social media, with some the oldest finishing college by 2020 c) Is clear and easy to identify
and entering the workforce. Generation Z is the youngest, most d) Is exclusively revealed through people’s words

Texto para as questões 43 – 45 Adapted from: <http://time.com/6141429/belling-winter-
Everything to Know About the Beijing Winter Olympics olympics-opening- ceremony-2022/>
Opening Ceremony 43) (Colégio Naval 2022) According to the text:
The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics opening ceremony took a) the 2022 opening ceremony was smaller than 2008's.
place on Feb. 4 in a world that has changed dramatically since b) in 2008, China hosted the Winter Olympic Games in
the last time the chinese capital held the Olympic Game Beijing.
The 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics marked China's c) the ceremony was bigger than 2008's with a great
"coming out" as a global superpower. One third of the world audience.
tuned in to the $100 million event. Some 15,000 performers d) athletes and coaches are free to go anywhere during the
participated in a production that showcased the best of Chinese event.
history and culture. An estimated 91,000 people, including e) there isn't any measure to minimize COVID-19
U.S. President George W. Bush and other world leaders, infections.
attended the event, which Steven Spielberg had called the 44) (Colégio Naval 2022) Read the following sentence taken
"grandest spectacle of the new millennium." from the text.
“The 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics marked China's
Here's what you need to know about the 2022 Winter Olympics “coming out” as a global superpower.”
Opening Ceremony. What can we infer?
a) Summer Olympics in 2008 was a total disaster.
When is the 2022 Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony? b) China became the most powerful country.
The opening ceremony for the 2022 Winter Games is on c) The 2008 Summer Olympics was a success.
Feb. 4. The Beijing Olympics' formal opening began at 7:30 d) The ceremony in 2008 was simple and safe.
p.m. China Standard Time - or 6:30 a.m. ET and 3:30 a.m. PT. e) The event was scaled down from the last one.
45) (Colégio Naval 2022) Say if the following statements are T
What happened at the Beijing Olympics Opening (true) or F (false). Then, mark the correct option.
Ceremony? ( ) 15,000 athletes attended The 2008 Beijing Summer
Beijing's organizing committee assured a "simple, safe and Olympics.
splendid" staging of the Winter Games during the COVID-19 ( ) Zhang Yimou directed two Olympics opening
pandemic, and the opening ceremony will reflect that theme. ceremony in Beijing.
Internationally acclaimed filmmaker Zhang Yimou, who ( ) George W. Bush attended the 2022 Beijing Olympics
directed the spectacular launch of the 2008 Summer Olympics, Opening Ceremony.
returned for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics opening ( ) The 2022 Opening Ceremony took place at the same
ceremony. He promised a "different and unique" opening this stadium as in 2008.
time around in an interview with state-run news outlet Xinhua: a) (T) (F) (T) (F)
"China's status in the world, the image of the Chinese and the b) (F) (T) (F) (T)
rise of our national status - everything is totally different now." c) (F) (F) (T) (F)
With a runtime of 1 hour and 40 minutes and some 3,000 d) (T) (T) (F) (T)
performers joining, the ceremony was scaled down from 2008's e) (F) (T) (T) (T)
extravaganza due to cold weather and the pandemic. It was still Texto para as questões 46 e 47
held at the National Stadium, dubbed the "Bird's Nest, and The Positive and Negative Effects of Technology on Your
Zhang promised an "innovative" cauldron-lighting that will Life
echo China's thrust towards environmental protection. As a society, we've come a long way with the help of
technology. But is it all rainbows and sunshine? Technology is
Who is attending the Winter Olympics this year? around us everywhere, from simple devices like our
Some 2,900 athletes from over 90 countries are attending smartphones, laptop, and TV to background tech that we don't
the Winter Games in China, close to figures of participating even notice. Once we get the hang of using tech the right way,
athletes in Sochi, Russia in 2014 and Pyeongchang, South it can improve our lives and make our lives better. On the other
Korea in 2018. hand, tech can also make our lives harder. Whether technology
has a positive or negative effect on our lives, it all depends on
How will China minimize COVID-19 infections during the how we use it. So, let's look at some of the positive and
Winter Olympics? negative aspects of technology in our lives, shall we?
The Zero COVID policy is the cornerstone of the Beijing
Olympics anti-epidemic playbook published last December. Positives of Technology in Our Lives
China will manage athletes and other inbound participants
under a "closed-loop" system. Athletes, coaches and the media 1. Technology Boosts Business
will only be allowed to visit designated Olympics venues using Many new tech advancements and innovations are made by and
special transportation that is separate from Beijing's 21.5 for businesses. Why? Because companies are always locking to
million people. The three zones of Beijing, Yanqing, and upgrade their products and services for profit. The purpose is to
Zhangjiakou will have their own closed loop systems - barring boost business and make the daily management of enterprises
those inside from having any contact with the wider Chinese more systematic, structured, and successful.
population. To transfer from one closed loop system to another,
they must take designated trains, or travel on assigned buses 2. Technology Makes Shopping Online Possible
which will ply specific routes. Advancements in tech have made it easier and cheaper for

more people to access the internet. Currently, most people b) Technology has not boosted businesses by improving
prefer to shop online without leaving the house because of its the products and error-free collection.
sheer convenience. c) A few of the benefits of online shopping include
cheaper products, saved time, fuel, and energy.
3. Technology Has Advanced Education d) Technology has also had a positive influence on
One of the most downplayed areas of technology that has household devices and transportation system.
dramatically improved over the past few years is education. A e) Once we get accustomed to using technology properly,
few examples include the availability of online courses, it has a positive influence in our lives.
accessibility of web seminars, and unlimited online resources Texto para a questão 48
for research. Before tech, you'd have to physically go to class, Who is Kamala Harris?
attend a meeting or go to the library to do research. Now, Kamala Harris is the vice president of the United States,
education is easier for everyone, no matter where you live. making her the first female vice precident and first Black
person and Asian American to hold the position. After
4. Technology Makes Everyday Life Better attending Howard University and the University of California’s
Tech has made an immensely positive impact on the daily lives Hastings College of the Law, Kamala Harris embarked on a
of everyday people. Some positive examples include rise through the California legal system, emerging as state
improvements in the transportation system and household attorney general in 2010. Following the November 2016
items. elections, Harris became just the second African American
woman and the first South Asian American to win a seat in the
Negatives of Technology in Our Lives 2020 U.S. Senate. She declared her candidacy for the 2020
U.S. presidential election on Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2019
1. Technology Causes Health Problems dropped out of the race before the endo f the year. In August
Apart from creating unhealthy sleeping patterns, electronic 2020, Joe Biden announced Harris as vice presidential running
devices can cause digital eye strain, poor posture, and increased mate and after a close race, Biden and Harris were elected in
inactivity, leading to health problems like obesity. November 2020.
Adaptes from: <https://www.biography.com/political-
2. Technology Creates Job Insecurity figure/kamala-harris>
Job loss and downsizing are two significant adverse effects of 48) (Colégio Naval 2022) According to the text:
technology. Because of advances in the tech field such as Al a) She graduated in law from Oxford College
integration, automating and accomplishing tasks have become b) She is the first woman vice president of the US.
easy. c) She was a presidential candidate in 2016
d) She was elected vice president in 2010
3. Tech Products Lack Longevity e) She became the first woman in the U.S. Senate
Technology grows incredibly quickly, so the digital devices
and gadgets that we use have a short lifespan and become
outdated in a matter of months. These pieces of tech can be
pushed aside by newer.

4. Technology Spawns Misinformation and Fake News

The spread of misinformation and fake news online is nothing
new. However, with all the developments that happen so
frequently in technology, it has become harder to define what's
true and what's not.
Adapted from: <https://www.makeuseof.com/effects-of-
46) (Colégio Naval 2022) According to the text, it is correct to
state that:
a) technology has, without a doubt, made all our lives
worse over the past two decades.
b) as technology advances, we are connected now more
than ever and it doesn't impact our physical health.
c) some devices are so important in our daily lives that we
don't need a more advanced version.
d) machines can now carry out tasks that only humans
could do so far, which improves job opportunities.
e) because of technology advancements, many people
cannot tell what information is factual and what isn't.
47) (Colégio Naval 2022) Based on the text, mark the
alternative that does NOT indicate a positive effect of
a) Online classes have made it possible for all students to
enroll without leaving their homes.

1) A
2) E
3) E
4) E
5) D
6) C
7) E
8) D
9) D
10) A
11) C
12) A
13) B
14) C
15) C
16) B
17) C
18) E
19) B
20) D
21) C
22) A
23) B
24) D
25) D
26) C
27) C
28) D
29) A
30) E
31) C
32) A
33) D
34) E
35) C
36) B
37) C
38) A
39) D
40) E
41) B
42) D
43) A
44) C
45) B
46) E
47) B
48) B

Interpretação de Texto e Vocabulário – 3) (EPCAR 35 2013) After reading the text, we conclude that
a) learners think that it is more difficult to learn English
EPCAR than French.
Texto para as questões 1 - 3 b) non-native speakers use less idioms, synonyms, etc to
WHAT IS OFFSHORE ENGLISH? talk to native ones.
Offshore English is a term used by many people for c) English companies are not so famous as British ones.
International English. It is the English spoken and written by d) it’s easier to understand the type of English the non-
non-native speakers in International communication. Many in native speakers communicate.
business are starting to worry that native speakers are actually Texto para as questões 4 - 6
at a disadvantage in international communication. A good LEARN ENGLISH ONLINE: HOW THE INTERNET IS
example of this situation was when a company tried to sell CHANGING LANGUAGE
flight simulators to South Korea, where a French company won Online, English is now a common language for users from
the contract because the buyers found it easier to understand around the world. In the process, the language itself is
the English that the French people spoke than the English changing. Noah Webster thought that a common language
spoken by the British company brings people together and helps create a new identity.
Many native English speakers feel little necessity to learn Webster’s dictionary, now is in its 11th edition, adopted the
foreign languages, so they often don’t understand the Americanized orthography familiar today “-er” in place of “-
difficulties and problems learners have. They also don’t see the re” in theatre, not using the “u” from colour, losing one “I” in
need to modify their language for a foreign audience, so they traveller, and listed new words for example, skunk and squash.
use idioms, synonyms, colloquialisms, phrasal verbs, etc, and The Internet is creating a similar language evolution, but at
don't think of the impact this has on a foreign businessperson. a much faster velocity. Some linguists anticipate that in 10
The English studied by non-native speakers tends to use a years English will dominate the Internet, but in very different
more simple vocabulary, and considering the similarities in forms. That’s because people who speak English as a second
courses in many parts of the world, emphasized by a small language are more in number than native speakers. And they
number of course books (Headway Series) and the domination use it to communicate with other non-native speakers,
of a few examinations, for example TOEFL, etc. This means particularly on the Internet where people don't pay so much
that non-native speakers from different countries and cultures attention to grammar and orthography and users don’t have to
sometimes understand each other more easily than the native preoccupy about their way of speaking.
speaker. Few native speakers outside the world of ESL Users of Facebook. for example are socializing in a number
(English as a Second language) teaching have much idea of of different “Englishes" including Indian English, or Hinglish,
what non-native learners assimilate, and think that as their Spanglish (Spanish English) and Konglish (Korean English).
English is native speaker level, they speak it better than their For a long time, these variations existed in individual cultures,
non-native counterparts. Because of this, companies are but now they are expanding and becoming popular online. “On
offering courses in Offshore English to native speakers to train the Internet ali that is important is that people can communicate
them to speak the type of English that will make it easier for - nobody has a right to tell them what the language has to be,”
non-native speakers to understand. So they will gain more says Baron.
contracts. The intensification of the use of the Internet in everyday
Adapted from htto://www.usinaenalish.com/articles/what- life means that language online is not a zero result game. On
offshore-enalish.html Acessado em 14/03/2013 the contrary, it permits multiple languages to show up and they
Glossary: are mixing into English that is becoming the world's lingua
Foreign: estrangeiro franca.
Businessperson: homem/ mulher de negócios Adapted from http://www.bbc.cokh/news/maaazine-20332763
Counterpart: seu semelhante Acessado em 25/03/2013
To win: ganhar, vencer Glossary:
Disadvantage: desvantagem To lose: perder, retirar
Outside: do lado de fora Lingua franca: idioma usado globalmente para a comunicação
Level: nível 4) (EPCAR 2013) The text says that
1) (EPCAR 2013) According to the text, a) grammar and spelling are important when talking on the
a) French people don’t know English language very well. net.
b) South Koreans understood perfectly the company’s b) words like skunk, squash are very old in English
language. language.
c) the British company did not speak an easy c) the Webster’s changed as much as the English language
understanding English. did.
d) flight simulators are designed in many different d) the English language is creating more native speakers.
languages. 5) (EPCAR 2013) In the Webster’s dictionary, the words
2) (EPCAR 34 2013) We can say that Headway (line 20) is a theatre, colour and traveller
a) course book. a) are now written the same way.
b) successful course. b) changed their orthography to one more common in
c) dominant examination. Britain.
d) program. c) don’t exist anymore.
d) were adapted to American orthography.

6) (EPCAR 2013) Read the word in italics in the text. The c) they keep people's mind healthy.
expression “Englishesf (line 19) is related to d) they substitute dance-fitness class.
a) the second language that users of Facebook speak. 10) (EPCAR 2014) Mark the alternative that DOESN’T
b) the kinds of English speakers around the world use. complete the sentence below.
c) the different languages people speak in many cultures. To improve your heart health you can
d) the English speakers study to chat on the Internet. a) watch people dance.
Texto paras as questões 7 - 12 b) get off the sofa and dance.
DANCING EFFECTS ON THE HUMAN BODY c) do aerobic dance as an exercise.
These days, people love to watch other people dance. d) do dance training to lose weight.
Competitive dance shows, like “So you think you can dance” 11) (EPCAR 2014) Read the sentences and mark the correct
and “Dancing with the stars”, are dominating the world of option.
reality television. So, if you get off the sofa and dance, you can I. Dancing is only good for people's mental health.
keep your body and mind healthy. Studies show that dancing II. Regular dancing practice can reduce the risk of heart
can improve your heart health, helps you lose weight and stay problems.
flexible, reduces stress and can also help you get old in a III. People who dance don't have high blood pressure.
pleasant way. The only correct sentence(s) is(are)
Dancing, as an aerobic exercise, can reduce the risk of heart a) a) I and II.
problems and high blood pressure. You can learn ballroom b) III.
dancing, participate in a dance-fitness class or dance with a c) II.
video in your house. There are many ways to enjoy dancing d) I and III.
and get a good aerobic exercise at the same time. 12) (EPACR 2014) Mark the correct alternative to complete
Dance training helps you to lose weight. The number of the sentence.
calories burned per hour depends on the type of dance and the According to the text, dancing
weight of the dancer. Observe the chart below. a) makes people get old fast.
Type of dance Calories / hour Weight b) doesn’t improve heart condition.
Rhythmical 260 80 kg c) doesn’t contribute to flexibility.
Vigorous 500 80 kg d) improves memory.
442 80 kg Texto para as questões 13 - 16
590 100 kg “When I studied Interior Design, I took several drawing
Another good effect is that dancing works on the part of the classes. I was terrified when the instructor used my drawings as
brain that controls memory – hippocampus. So, what are you an example in front of the class. Most of my drawings were
waiting for? Let's dance! marked with dirty and greasy because of my sweaty hands.
(Adapted from www.everydayhealth.com and Nowadays, any art work I do is in a digital method, and I am
www.livestrong.com) happy I don't have to worry about my sweaty palms marking
Glossary: the paper anymore.” (Julia)
health - “saúde” “In the future, digital art and real art will never be different.
ballroom dancing - “dança de salão” I use both, and digital art is completely related to the real
to lose weight - “perder peso” drawing talent because they are connected and take the art
to improve - “melhorar” style. This digital method has no limits. Paint is limited but we
calories burned – “calorias queimadas” can fix our mistakes and it takes much more time. If you are
7) (EPCAR 2014) Mark the INCORRECT option. good at creating digital art, you can use your ability in
a) People can choose different types of dance to lose photoshop, for example, to make your art look real painting or
weight. any other traditional art type. Also, in digital art you can easily
b) Dancing helps your brain control your memory. click a button to cancel it. It's not an option in traditional art as
c) People who don't dance are stressed. the mistakes are there for all to see.” (Yuuki)
d) There are many good effects on your body when you (Adapted from www.graphicssoft.about.com)
dance. Glossary:
8) (EPCAR 2014) According to the chart, mark the correct drawing - “desenho”
alternative. greasy - “engordurado(a)”
a) Rhythmical dance burns more calories than aerobic sweaty - “suado(a)”
dance. fix - “consertar”
b) Vigorous dance isn't good to burn calories. easily - “facilmente”
c) The calories burned per hour depend on the type of 13) (EPCAR 2014) Julia was uncomfortable because her
dance. a) teacher criticized her sweaty hands.
d) An eighty-kilo man can lose more weight if he does b) hands were always dirty.
rhythmical dance. c) classmates' drawings were digital ones.
9) (EPCAR 2014) Mark the alternative that completes the d) greasy drawings were used as an example in class.
sentence. 14) (EPCAR 2014) Read the sentence.
Some dance shows on TV are dominating the world “This digital method has no limits.” (line 11)
because All the sentences below express a similar idea, EXCEPT
a) these days people like to see other people dance. a) There aren't limits to this digital method.
b) people are interested in dancers' life. b) This digital method doesn't have limits.

c) This digital method is unlimited. 18) (EPCAR 2015) Victims of cyberbullying
d) The limits of this digital method are real. a) don’t respect other teenagers.
15) (EPCAR 2014) Yuuki considers (that) b) suffer bullying for different reasons.
a) art is only real paintings or traditional art type. c) are very popular adolescents at school.
b) in traditional art, we never correct mistakes. d) are irresponsible and frustrated children.
c) digital art isn’t important. 19) (EPCAR 2015) Bullies are
d) the digital method has no limits. a) victims of physical attacks at school.
16) (EPCAR 2014) It is correct to affirm that b) teenagers and children who are afraid of cyberbullying.
a) we can’t correct our mistakes in a painting. c) adolescents who treat others very badly on social
b) you can’t use your ability in digital art. networks.
c) photoshop is a traditional art style. d) teenagers with an aggressive attitude with their parents
d) people can see mistakes in traditional art. and teachers.
Texto para as questões 17 - 22 20) (EPCAR 2015) Bullying on social networks is popular
Bullying among children and teenagers is not something a) the bullies don't show themselves.
new but it is getting more and more common by modern b) the victims’ parents use cell phones.
methods of communication. c) some teens want to punish themselves.
Cyberbullying happens when an adolescent is put in danger d) teenagers like to make fun of themselves.
by another child or teenager by photos or text messages sent to 21) (EPCAR 2015) The text shows that schools
cell phones or posted on social networks. Sometimes a) never get involved with bullying.
cyberbullies send mails with sexual comments or take b) can help the victims and the cyberbullies.
passwords of other teenagers and log on to websites with false c) often go to the police and accuse the bullies.
identities. Children also play Internet games and make fun of d) make the parents and the bullies become friends.
each other in many ways. 22) (EPCAR 2015) The sixth paragraph
A study by a Canadian University shows that half of the a) explains why cyberbullying is so common.
young people interviewed said that they suffer bullying. One of b) gives some ideas to reduce cyberbullying.
the reasons is the great use of cell phones over the past years. c) shows the importance of answering the bully’s emails.
Today’s children are connected with each other electronically. d) says that parents and teachers are responsible for the
They call friends every time they want or communicate with bully’s games.
them on Facebook. Texto para as questões 23 - 30
Cyberbullying is getting extremely popular because teens Most Common Prejudices
can stay anonymous. Many adolescents act this way because What are some of the most common ways people
they feel frustrated or angry and want to punish somebody for discriminate against each other? Some of the areas where
something that happened to them. At other times they do it just people show their intolerance are well-known, such as race.
for fun or because have nothing else to do. Parents usually But others are less acknowledged1, even if more common:
don’t know their child is a cyberbully. They perceive it just Age: Ageism is more common than you think. Older people
when the victim or the victim’s parents contact them. are thought to be inflexible and stuck2 in the past, while
This kind of bullying is not as inoffensive as many people younger people are seen as inexperienced and naive. One-fifth
think. In some cases it can lead to suicide. Many countries have of working adults say they experience ageism in the workplace
organized campaigns to inform adults and children of its Class: Classism usually takes the form of discrimination by
dangers. wealthier people against those who are less well off. However,
There are a few ways to prevent cyberbullying. First, it is classism goes both ways— people of lower economic status
important to show children that they have to respect others and can see the wealthy as elite snobs who, while monetarily
they are responsible for what they do. For victims it is secure, are morally bankrupt3.
important not to play the bully’s game or answer their emails Color: Different from racism, colorism is discrimination based
and text messages. It is also important to get help from parents only on the color of a person’s skin; how relatively dark or
and teachers. light they are. Colorism takes place within and between races.
Often schools get involved. They bring together the parents It is common in multi-ethnic and non-white societies and
of victims and cyberbullies and talk with them. Cyberbullying societies with historical racial prejudice.
does not always end at school. Often, parents go to the police Ability: Usually called ableism, a less well-known form of
and accuse the bullies. prejudice is discrimination against people with visible
(Adapted from http://www.english-online.at/society/ disabilities such as those in wheelchairs or with a learning
cyberbullying/cyberbullying-on-the-rise.htm) disability. The disabled face discrimination not only from their
17) (EPCAR 2015) Cyberbullying is a/na peers4, but from institutions, schools, employers, and
a) way to use technology for fun. landowners5 who are hesitant to accommodate the disabled.
b) inoffensive kind of bullying at schools. Sex/Gender: Possibly the most universal and long running
c) popular way to communicate with teenagers. prejudice is that based on a person’s gender or sex.
d) offensive use of technology to make someone angry or Historically, sexism has placed men in a more advantageous
unhappy. position than women.
Weight/Size: In short, sizeism is discrimination based on a
person’s body size or weight. Sizeism works with social

standards of beauty and usually takes the form of 28) (EPCAR 2016) The topic “ability” mentions people who
discrimination against the overweight — anti-fat prejudice. a) have poor sight.
Religion: Religious discrimination and persecution has been b) have difficulty in learning.
common throughout history. But prejudice based on religious c) get excited about helping the disabled.
affiliation doesn’t end with organized religion; atheists are d) face social and economical discrimination.
prone6 to discrimination and being discriminated against. 29) (EPCAR 2016) Mark the option which shows the same
Sexual Orientation: Most commonly, prejudice based on meaning as in “a person’s body size or weight.” (line 29
sexual orientation includes discrimination against those of a and 30).
non-heterosexual orientation. Discrimination against the non- a) A person and body size or weight.
heterosexual takes many forms depending on the society. In b) The body size or weight of a person.
some societies prejudice is open and tolerated, but in most c) Body size and person’s weight.
Western societies, bias7 against the non-heterosexual is more d) The body’s size or weight of a person.
discreet. 30) (EPCAR 2016) The word “persecution” (line 33) means
Country of Origin: Nativism is a common form of a) treating somebody in a cruel and unfair way.
discrimination against immigrants to a country. Unlike many b) keeping common types of prejudice.
other forms of discrimination, nativism is many times c) having a religion.
encouraged and enforced by some public entities. d) showing intense belief in something.
Which prejudice do you have? Which prejudice have you Texto para as questões 31 - 38
Adapted from https://aloftyexistence.wordpress.com CONSPIRACY THEORIES
Glossary: Michael Jackson Is Still Alive
1 - acknowledged – reconhecidos (as) The advent of the internet hasn't just cooked up1 new
2 - stuck – presos (as) conspiracy theories, it's also accelerated existing ones. If you
3 - bankrupt – falidos (as) refuse to believe that it was the Iranians that killed him,
4 - peers - pares; colegas perhaps you'll be convinced that MJ is actually still alive.
5 - landowners – proprietários (as) Proof? His own daughter Paris Jackson took a photo of him.
6 - prone – propensos (as) Seriously. What do you mean you don't see him? He's right
7 - bias – julgamento ou opinião parcial there in the back seat, stacked2 under that pile of clothes
23) (EPCAR 2016) The author points out that wearing his iconic hat. Believe, man. Thriller Vol.2 to drop
a) ableism is a kind of ability. next year.
b) race discrimination is the worst of all prejudices. The Moon Doesn't Exist
c) sex/gender prejudice is more advantageous than other t's no good looking at it, night after night. The moon doesn't
ones. exist. It's a hologram, put there by persons unknown. Of
d) there are different types of discrimination. course, serial conspiracy theorist David Icke has a theory.
24) (EPCAR 2016) Mark the INCORRECT definition of the There are also countless YouTubers keeping an eye out, one of
word “ageism” (line 5). whom has gone as far as "looking at it regularly for a year".
a) Law against age prejudice. Jay Z Is A Time-Travelling Vampire
b) Treating people unfairly because of their age. There are vast regions of the internet devoted to explaining
c) Discrimination on the grounds of a person's age. why Jay Z is part of the Illuminati. Hence3 when this photo,
d) Prejudice against people's age. which was taken in New York in 1939, appeared last year, he
25) (EPCAR 2016) Mark the FALSE statement below in was accused of being a time-traveller. And a vampire. This
relation to the text. video lists other old-time celebrity lookalikes4, as well as
a) Some institutions are hesitant to accommodate the suggesting that Hollywood stars don't age because they're the
disabled. immortal bloodsucking undead. Not because they're stuffed5
b) For some people, overweight is not an acceptable with botox, then?
standard of beauty. The Earth Is Hollow
c) Everybody experiences some kind of prejudice. Don't give up, readers. We're halfway through this list. We
d) Religious intolerance exists for a long time. can make it to the end. Dig6 deep. Well, not too deep. You see,
26) (EPCAR 2016) Mark the concept that is mentioned in the the Earth is hollow7 and accessible via portals at the north and
text. south poles. Luckily though, it's quite habitable down there,
a) Natural selection. providing excellent living quarters8 for the lost Viking colonies
b) The illegality of non-native people in a country. of Greenland and the Nazis, while "aliens" are in fact just
c) Nature. visitors from the subterranean areas.
d) Abundance of valuable possessions or money. Siri Can Predict The Apocalypse
27) (EPCAR 2016) The word “workplace” (line 8) means Amazing as it may seem, given that it can't do anything else
a) an institution for people who need professional care. you actually ask it to do, Siri can predict the apocalypse. When
b) a place where people work. asked "What day is 27th July 2014?", Apple's assistant replied,
c) home for old people. "The opening of the gate of Hades", aka9 The End Of The
d) a school where people live. World. That date has now passed without issue10. Say what you
like about the maligned MS Office paperclip, but at least he
didn't scaremonger11 that the end was near.

We All Live In The Matrix And Billionaires Want To 35) (EPCAR 2017) Mark the alternative that can answer the
Break Us Out Of It question below according to the text.
The New Yorker’s Tad Friend claims that many people in Why can Siri predict the apocalypse? Because
Silicone Valley are obsessed with the idea that we're all living a) it mentions a date that has a specific meaning.
in a Matrix-like simulation, and some are taking that obsession b) the tool opened the gate of Hades.
a stage further: “Two tech billionaires have gone so far as to c) it is responsible for the end of the world.
secretly engage scientists to work on breaking us out of the d) the tool created a new conspiracy theory.
simulation.”Here's hoping Mark Zuckerberg is 'The One', 36) (EPCAR 2017) “We all live in the matrix and billionaires
yeah? want to break us out of it” (lines 42 and 43) is
Hitler Is Still Alive a) an important governmental action to set us free.
"Hitler is still alive" rumours have circulated since the b) the new version of the movie Matrix starring Mark
1970s, fuelled by the fact that his crony Josef Mengele hid in Zuckerberg.
South America. Stories like this one, however, speculate the c) another conspiracy theory.
125-year-old Hitler has been responsible for various world d) the slogan of the new Matrix-like simulation.
disasters, including 9/11 and the 2010 Gulf oil spill, which 37) (EPCAR 2017) The sentence “Hitler is still alive rumours
happened on his birthday. Other theories say he died in 1984 in have circulated since the 1970s” (line 52 and 53) means
Brazil, aged 94. Or in Argentina, aged 73. that
(Adapted from http://www.shortlist.com/entertainment/20-of- a) some people still consider this hypothesis.
the-internets-craziestconspiracy-theories/Acesso em: 14 de fev b) it’s an old belief that is not accepted anymore.
2017) c) it was a rumour that occurred in 1970.
Glossary: d) Hitler has been alive since 1970.
1 - cook up – to invent a story, a plan, etc. 38) (EPCAR 2017) The main purpose of the text is to
2 - stacked – covered with things a) alert people to the possibility of unexpected events.
3 - hence – the reason, the explanation for b) inform about conspiracy theories.
4 - lookalikes – similar in appearance c) justify how dangerous conspiracy theories are.
5 - stuffed – filled with something d) make people believe in true facts.
6 - dig – to make a hole in the ground Texto para as questões 39 - 46
7 - hollow – a hole or empty space WHAT IS MODERN SLAVERY?
8 - quarter – a place to live Slavery did not end with abolition in the 19th century.
9 - aka – abbreviation for also known as Slavery continues today and harms people in every country in
10 - issue – problem the world.
11 - scaremonger – a person that creates stories that cause Women forced into prostitution. People forced to work in
public fear agriculture, domestic work and factories. Children in
31) (EPCAR 2017) We can deduce from the first paragraph sweatshops1 producing goods sold globally. Entire families
that forced to work for nothing to pay off generational debts. Girls
a) the new conspiracy theories were created to reinforce forced to marry older men.
the advent of the internet. There are estimated 40.3 million people in modern slavery
b) conspiracy theories are reliable speculations. around the world, including:
c) technology spread the existence of conspiracy theories. • 10 million children
d) the internet convinced people to be against conspiracy • 24.9 million people in forced labour
theories. • 15.4 million people in forced marriage
32) (EPCAR 2017) According to the second paragraph, the • 4.8 million people in forced sexual exploitation
moon Someone is in slavery if they are:
a) is not real. • forced to work – through coercion, or mental or physical
b) was created by YouTubers. threat;
c) is just one among countless moons. • owned or controlled by an ’employer’, through mental or
d) is an hologram created by David Icke. physical abuse or the threat of abuse;
33) (EPCAR 2017) “Hollywood stars don't age” (line 23). It • dehumanised, treated as a commodity or bought and sold
means that as ‘property’;
a) famous actors don't celebrate their birth. • physically constrained or have restrictions placed on their
b) stars' age is not countable. freedom of movement.
c) these people don't look older. Slavery has been a disgraceful aspect of human society for
d) some stars never die. most of human history. However, Anti-Slavery International
34) (EPCAR 2017) According to paragraph 3, conspiracy has refused to accept that this bloody status quo should be
theories DON’T consider that allowed to persist (Aidan McQuade, former director).
a) Jay Z is a member of the Illuminati. Forms of modern slavery
b) Hollywood stars are vampires. Purposes of exploitation2 can range from forced prostitution
c) The singer was alive in 1939. and forced labour to forced marriage and forced organ removal.
d) Hollywood stars don't age because of botox. Here are the most common forms of modern slavery.
• Forced labour – any work or services which people are
forced to do against their will3 under the threat of some form of

• Debt bondage or bonded labour – the world’s most 40) (EPCAR 2018) The word “goods” (line 6) means in the
widespread form of slavery, when people borrow money they text
cannot repay and are required to work to pay off the debt, then a) nice, pleasant
losing control over the conditions of both their employment b) items for sale.
and the debt. c) purchase.
• Human trafficking– involves transporting, recruiting or d) trade.
harbouring people for the purpose of exploitation, using 41) (EPCAR 2018) Mark the INCORRECT statement
violence, threats or coercion. according to the text.
• Descent-based slavery – where people are born into a) Slavery still exits worldwide.
slavery because their ancestors were captured and enslaved; b) The modern forms of slavery are encouraging helpless
they remain in slavery by descent. people.
• Child slavery – many people often confuse child slavery c) The issue of modern slavery hasn’t finished yet.
with child labour, but it is much worse. Whilst4 child labour is d) Slavery has continued until now.
harmful for children and hinders5 their education and 42) (EPCAR 2018) One of the statements below is according
development, child slavery occurs when a child is exploited for to the text. Mark it.
someone else’s gain. It can include child trafficking, child a) Modern slavery is never considered a crime.
soldiers, child marriage and child domestic slavery. b) Modern slavery does not concern authorities.
• Forced and early marriage – when someone is married c) Slavery today looks exactly the same as it was in the
against their will and cannot leave the marriage. Most child 19th century.
marriages can be considered slavery. d) Measures are necessary to stop modern slavery.
Many forms of slavery have more than one element listed 43) (EPCAR 2018) Mark the option that is NOT mentioned by
above. For example, human trafficking often involves advance the author (lines 15 to 23).
payment for travel and a job abroad, using money often a) Work against people’s will.
borrowed from the traffickers. Then, the debt contributes to b) Abusive control over workers.
control of the victims. Once they arrive, victims cannot leave c) Expensive properties that are bought and sold.
until they pay off their debt. d) Disrespect for human rights.
Many people think that slavery happens only overseas, in 44) (EPCAR 2018) Mark the INCORRECT statement,
developing countries. In fact, no country is free from modern considering the content of the text.
slavery, even Britain. The Government estimates that there are a) If intimidated people don’t do the forced labour, they’re
tens of thousands people in modern slavery in the UK. going to suffer afterwards.
Modern slavery can affect people of any age, gender or b) If people cannot pay what they borrowed, they’ll have
race. However, contrary to a common misconception6 that to work to pay off the debt.
everyone can be a victim of slavery, some groups of people are c) Employers will threat explored people if they don’t do
much more vulnerable to slavery than others. what they want to.
People who live in poverty7 and have limited opportunities d) If children don’t receive education, their owners will
for decent work are more vulnerable to accepting deceptive job punish them.
offers that can turn exploitative. People who are discriminated 45) (EPCAR 2018) The author concludes that Anti-Slavery
against on the basis of race, caste, or gender are also more International believes
likely to be enslaved. Slavery is also more likely to occur a) we need new laws in order to combat slavery.
where the rule of law is weaker and corruption is rife. Anti- b) it’s important to attack the origin of slavery to
Slavery International believes that we have to tackle8 the root extinguish it forever.
causes of slavery in order to end slavery for good. That’s why c) slavery is growing faster and faster.
we published our Anti-Slavery Charter, listing comprehensive d) there’s no way to end slavery across the world.
measures that need to be taken to end slavery across the world. 46) (EPCAR 2018) Anti-Slavery International
(Adapted from https://www.antislavery.org/slavery- a) persuades us to tolerate the new forms of slavery.
today/modern-slavery/) b) defends human rights.
Glossary: c) can afford slaves’ working hours.
1. sweatshop – a factory where workers are paid very little and d) stops people from being killed.
work many hours in very bad conditions Texto paras as questões 47 - 54
2. exploitation – abuse, manipulation The search for life beyond Earth
3. will – wish, desire We have always been fascinated by the thought of alien life
4. whilst – while elsewhere in the universe. The idea has provided the basis for a
5. to hinder – obstruct, stop huge wealth of science fiction stories that have been limited
6. misconception – wrong idea/ impression only by our imaginations. But can other creatures exist in the
7. poverty – the condition of being extremely poor vast reaches of space or on other planets or moons? And are
8. to tackle – attack there other intelligent forms of life out there—or are we more
39) (EPCAR 2018) The concept of slavery worked in the text likely to find something much simpler?
is Where are all the aliens?
a) a very hard work for which people are paid very little. Our Sun is just one star among billions in our galaxy. In the
b) about slaves who hardly work. last few years, scientists have detected thousands of planets
c) about something that is legally owned by someone else. around other stars and it seems that most stars have planetary
d) the activity of having slaves. systems. It’s therefore likely that there will be large numbers of

habitable planets in the Milky Way galaxy and beyond that are 2. to take into account – consider something
capable of supporting intelligent life. Some of these intelligent 3. rate – expansion
civilisations, if they’re out there, may have even developed 4. nearby – short distance away
interstellar travel. 5. feasible – appropriate; suitable
Are there other intelligent forms of life out there—or are 6. space probe – spy satellite
we more likely to find something much simpler? 47) (EPCAR 2019) The text states that
But Earth hasn’t been visited by any intelligent aliens a) other creatures have already visited us.
(yet?). This apparent high probability of life, combined with a b) scientists have searched smart aliens.
lack of evidence for its existence, is called the Fermi Paradox, c) we have neighbours beyond Earth.
named for the physicist Enrico Fermi who first outlined1 the d) nobody has proved the existence of extraterrestrial life.
argument back in 1950. This begs the question: where is 48) (EPCAR 2019) Mark the alternative in which the
everybody? highlighted word is used with the same meaning as in the
Back in 1961, astronomer Francis Drake tried to rationalise sentence below.
this question by developing an equation that takes into account2 “We have always been fascinated by the thought of alien
all the factors relevant to finding alien civilisations and gives life elsewhere in the universe.” (lines 1 and 2).
an estimate of the number of civilisations out there in the a) We didn't give any thought to her appearance.
galaxy that should be able to communicate with us. It considers b) We thought about the time we spent in the army.
factors such as the rate3 of new star formation, how many c) We thought of a pretty good excuse for being late.
planets around those new and existing stars might be able to d) We’d buy John's old car, but we thought better of it.
support life, the number of planets supporting intelligent life, 49) (EPCAR 2019) “the basis for a huge wealth of science
how many of those civilisations might have technology we can fiction stories” (lines 2 and 3). The underlined word is a
detect, whether they’re likely to communicate with us here on synonym for
Earth, and so on. a) interesting.
The search for extraterrestrial intelligence b) limited.
Scientists and radio astronomers have started the search for c) important.
extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) in a systematic manner. d) enormous.
Several international organisations, including the SETI 50) (EPCAR 2019) Mark the statement that is in
Institute and the SETI League, are using radio telescopes to DISAGREEMENT with the text.
detect signals that might have been produced by intelligent life. a) There’s a possibility of finding life in other places in the
In 1995, the SETI Institute started Project Phoenix, which universe.
used three of the most powerful radio telescopes in the world: b) Appropriate equipment will be necessary for the
the Green Bank radio telescope in West Virginia, USA; the exploration.
Arecibo telescope in Puerto Rico; and the Parkes radio c) International organisations detected aliens’ signals.
telescope in NSW, Australia. During its initial phase, Project d) Francis Drake developed an equation to find alien
Phoenix used the Parkes telescope to search for signals coming civilisations.
from 202 Sun-like stars as distant as 155 light years away. By 51) (EPCAR 2019) According to paragraph 2,
the end of its operations, Project Phoenix had scanned a total of a) there aren’t many stars in our galaxy.
800 ‘nearby’4 (up to 240 light years away) stars for signs of b) we may not be alone.
life. The project detected some cosmic noises, but none of that c) scientists developed interstellar travel.
could be attributed to aliens. d) our sun is the most important star among billions of
These days, anyone can become involved in the search for planetary systems.
extraterrestrial intelligence through their personal computer. 52) (EPCAR 2019) Mark the statement that is NOT mentioned
While there’s currently excitement about sending human in the text.
crews to Mars, missions beyond the Red Planet are at this stage a) The Fermi Paradox tries to answer the question of
pretty much not feasible5 the distances and travel times where the aliens are.
involved are simply too great. Basically, all exploration for life b) Drake’s equation comes from Fermi’s question.
beyond Earth will need to be done using robotic space probes6 c) The SETI Institute and the SETI League try to prove
and landing rovers. These instruments can provide a huge that aliens don’t exist.
wealth of information and are capable of exploring as far away d) Project Phoenix has tried to detect signs of life.
as Pluto, perhaps even beyond our solar system. But as for life 53) (EPCAR 2019) The content of the text is based on
beyond the solar system, the nearest stars are several light years a) mistakes and denials.
away, and even communications by electromagnetic waves b) doubts and lies.
(which all travel at the speed of light) are essentially going to c) truths and faults.
be a one-way message. d) facts and possibilities.
While we probably won’t find intelligent life too close to 54) (EPCAR 2019) The author concludes that
home, there’s a chance we may still find much simpler life a) the subject is still uncertain.
forms. Do we have neighbours beyond Earth? Time will tell— b) our intelligent neighbours live nearby in the universe.
and the search continues. c) the time for answers has already come.
(Adapted from https://www.science.org.au/curious/space- d) there’s no chance of finding new forms of life.
time/search-life-beyond-earth – Access on 16/02/19)
1. to outline – describe or give the main fact about something

Texto paras as questões 55 – 64 d) Leaving a footprint is not worrying if you are cautious
Your digital footprint and sensible.
Every time you go online you leave a trail. This is just like 58) (EPCAR 2020) “Aware” (line 7) means
a real footprint. It reveals where you’ve been, how long you a) knowing that something exists.
stayed and what you’ve been doing there. Every time you b) preoccupied with one’s thoughts.
register for an online service, send an email, download a video c) doing something without attention.
or upload a photo, the information can be accessed and your d) feeling strong affection.
digital footprint can be revealed. This shouldn’t necessarily be 59) (EPCAR 2020) If a user reports inappropriate content,
worrying but it is advisable to be aware of your digital a) other users read what they said.
footprint and to be cautious and sensible when you are online. b) she/he misses out on jobs and college.
Six top tips for taking care of your digital footprint c) recruiters often respond.
Don’t forget to log off when you leave a website, especially d) web managers usually react immediately.
if you are using a shared computer. If you don’t, someone can 60) (EPCAR 2020) A synonym for “come across” (line 16) is
easily pretend to be you! a) find.
Don’t tell anyone your passwords and don’t write them b) check.
down in an obvious place. Make them more complex by using c) buy.
a combination of letters, numbers and punctuation marks. d) take.
Tell an adult if you come across anything online that makes 61) (EPCAR 2020) In “six top tips”, the author advises people
you upset, anxious or concerned. There are ways to report a) not to pretend to be another person.
inappropriate or abusive content and in most cases web b) to create more obvious combinations as passwords.
managers respond rapidly. c) to use their own digital footprint in their favour.
Remember your favourite websites by using the history d) not to access inappropriate or abusive content.
button and the bookmark function on your computer or mobile 62) (EPCAR 2020) If you use a shared computer, it means that
device. This is a way that your digital footprint can work in a) the computer is yours.
your favour, but remember to clear your browser history b) other people use the same computer.
regularly. c) nobody can use that computer.
If you want to post comments online, you don’t have to use d) you use a modern computer.
your own name. Invent a nickname to use instead. You can 63) (EPCAR 2020) In one of the alternatives, the underlined
also use a picture instead of a real photo. word has a negative meaning. Mark it.
Protect your identity online. Be careful about who you a) All kinds of people are interested in your digital
share personal information with and always think twice before footprint (line 32).
sharing details like your email, home address, school or phone b) You can also use a picture instead of a real photo (lines
number with someone. Think about the future 26 and 27).
All kinds of people are interested in your digital footprint. c) There are ways to report inappropriate or abusive
It's now quite common for colleges, universities and employers content (lines 17 and 18).
to check out the online profiles of possible candidates as part of d) Their digital footprint didn’t impress the recruiters
their application process. There are cases of people having (lines 36 and 37).
missed out on jobs and places in college because their digital 64) (EPCAR 2020) The main goal of the text is to
footprint didn’t impress the recruiters. So, remember: keep a) teach how to access your favourite websites.
safe, don’t put too much personal information online and b) stop people from using the Internet.
always think carefully before you post something. Ask c) show how to protect your information online.
yourself, ‘Would I be happy for absolutely everyone to see d) help people to find jobs and go to college.
this?’ Texto paras as questões 65 - 70
(Taken from http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/skills/ Many parents are concerned with their child’s seemingly
reading/upper-intermediate-b2-reading/your-digital-footprint obsessive video game play. Fortnite, the most recent gaming
Access on 28/08/20) phenomenon, has taken the world by storm and has parents
55) (EPCAR 2020) A digital footprint is asking if the shooter game is okay for kids. The short answer is
a) an online service you can access any time. yes, Fortnite is generally fine. Furthermore, parents can breathe
b) something used to impress recruiters. easier knowing that research suggests gaming (on its own) does
c) anything online that can be worrying. not cause disorders like addiction.
d) a mark you leave when you access a website. However, there’s more to the story. A comprehensive
56) (EPCAR 2020) According to the text answer to the question of whether video games are prejudicial
a) a digital footprint is always bad. must take into account other factors, and parents need to
b) you should not share computers. understand why kids play, as well as when to worry and when
c) when you are online you should use your reason. to relax.
d) no one wants to know about your life. The word “addiction” gets tossed around quite a bit these
57) (EPCAR 2020) Considering paragraphs 1 and 4, mark the days, but if it isn’t causing serious harm and disorder to daily
INCORRECT alternative. function, it isn’t an addiction. Parents may worry that their kids
a) When you go online, you leave a trail. are addicted, but if the children can pull themselves away from
b) If you leave a trail, it can’t be seen. a game to join the family for a conversation over dinner and
c) A website may be reported when it looks suspicious. shows interest in other activities, like sports or socializing with
friends, then they are not addicted.

Generally, parents panic when their kid’s video game escape the same way some of us use our own flavor of
playing comes at the expense of doing other things, like dissociative devices to tune out reality for a while.
studying or helping around the house. But let’s be honest, kids (Adapted from https://www.psychologytoday.com. Access on
have been avoiding these activities for ages. Equally true is the March 25th, 2021)
fact that parents have been complaining about their unhelpful Glossary:
children well before the first video game was plugged into its 1. to toss around – to discuss possibilities or new ideas
socket. 2. to step away – to not become involved with something
In fact, moderate video game play has been shown to be 3. to flourish – to grow or develop successfully
beneficial. A study conducted at Oxford by Dr. Andrew 4. volition – the power to make your own decision
Przybylski revealed that playing about one hour per day 5. exhilaration – excitement and happiness
improved psychological well-being, while when taken to an 6. to call the shots – to be in position to decide
extreme, playing over three hours per day, was correlated with 7. outlet – a way in which emotions, energy or abilities can be
less well-being. expressed or made use of
The real question should be what is it about the special 8. to tune out – to stop paying attention to something or
attraction of gaming that makes it the preferred pastime of so someone
many millions of kids? What makes it so difficult for even non- 65) (EPCAR 2021) According to the text, an addiction
addicted kids to step away from video games sometimes? The a) makes people ignore important activities, which causes
answer has to do with the way games address basic a lack of balance in their routine.
psychological needs. b) happens when game time is restricted to one hour per
Fortnite, like any well-designed video game, satisfies what day.
we are all looking for. According to Drs. Edward Deci and c) is any activity that comes at the expense of studying.
Richard Ryan, people need three things to flourish. We look for d) is caused by video games.
competence — the need for mastery, progression, achievement, 66) (EPCAR 2021) The phrase has taken the world by storm (l.
and growth. We seek autonomy — the need for volition and 3) is closest in meaning to
freedom of control over our choice. And finally, we look for a) has been criticized.
relatedness — the need to feel like we matter to others, and that b) has become popular.
others matter to us. Unfortunately, when considering the state c) has a negative effect.
of modern childhood, many kids aren’t getting enough of these d) has been underestimated.
three essential elements. 67) (EPCAR 2021) According to Dr. Andrew Przybylski,
School, where kids spend most of their waking hours, is in a) if you play video game more than three hours per day,
many ways the antithesis of a place where kids feel you’ll improve your skills.
competence, autonomy, and relatedness. There, kids are told b) video games are prejudicial only if you play more than
what to do, where to be, what to think, what to wear, and what you want to.
to eat. While some argue that discipline and control provide c) there is no damage on playing video game moderately.
structure, it’s clear why teachers and students might struggle d) playing video game has no effect on psychological well-
with motivation in the classroom. being.
Gamers feel competence when they practice strengths to 68) (EPCAR 2021) The author of the text
reach their goals. In a game, players have the autonomy to call a) thinks that children have always liked to help around the
the shots, do what they want, and experiment with creative house.
strategies to solve problems. Games are also social outlets b) believes that schools offer motivation enough for kids to
where players can feel relatedness. In Fortnite, for example, grow.
players often meet in the virtual environment to chat and c) says that gaming disorders are caused by problems with
socialize, because doing so in the real world is often social media sites.
inconvenient or off limits. d) wonders why kids prefer playing video games to other
Of course, none of this is to say video games are a good activities.
substitution — quite the opposite. No game can give a child the 69) (EPCAR 2021) The phrase off limits (l. 65) is closest in
feeling of competence that comes from accomplishing a meaning to
difficult task or learning a new skill on their own accord. a) illegal.
Fortnite can’t compete with the exhilaration that comes from b) not allowed.
the autonomy of exploring reality, where a child is free to ask c) uncertain.
questions and unlock mysteries in the real world. No social d) possible.
media site can give a kid the sense of relatedness, safety, and 70) (EPCAR 2021) The underlined word in the passage Many
warmth that comes from an adult who loves that child parents are concerned with their child’s seemingly
unconditionally just the way they are, no matter what, and obsessive video game play (l. 1) is closest in meaning to
takes the time to tell them so. a) unfortunately.
Some kids suffer from gaming disorders, but such b) apparently.
dependencies are often combined with preexisting conditions, c) terribly.
including problems with impulse control. For most children, d) likely.
however, parents understanding the deeper truth behind what
kids are getting out of games empowers them to take steps to
give their children more of what they need. Video games are
this generation’s outlet, and some kids use them as a tool to

Texto para as questões 71 – 80 probable to hit now than in the 1950s due to climate change, a
TEXT I 2019 study found.
How climate change has altered Christmas "I've never felt as vulnerable in my entire life. I was
By Isabelle Gerretsen, 2021 [protecting myself] in a basement room with 10 others and lost
While Hollywood's representation of a white Christmas communication with my dad and friends," he says. During the
might be the northern hemisphere ideal, for many around the Christmas period, much of Puerto Rico was still in complete
world the holiday is celebrated in very different weather. But, darkness. Despite the terrible situation, Puerto Ricans managed
climate change is threatening both winter wonderlands and to celebrate Christmas that year.
warmer Christmas traditions. Daniel Holanda, 19, Brazil
In the Netherlands, where I grew up, a popular tradition Christmas starts on 24 November when Brazilians decorate
around Christmas is to put on your skates and take to the frozen the tree. Several years ago, Holanda’s family house flooded
rivers. Young and old head onto the ice. while they were celebrating this tradition.
Active skaters used to enter the Elfstedentocht, an iconic He celebrates Christmas in the city of Anápolis in Brazil's
ice-skating race covering 200km that passes through 11 cities central state, Goiás. "Every year we get together on 24
in the northern province Friesland. It's been 24 years since the December at my grandma's house. I have seven uncles and they
last race happened. Climate change is endangering this beloved each bring a dish for dinner," he says.
winter tradition. “Christmas dinner is often candlelit as the flooding causes
And it is not just cold-weather holiday traditions that are frequent power cuts at this time of year. We used to decorate
slowly disappearing. Around the world extreme weather caused the house with lights and play a lot of different games outside.
by climate change and rising temperatures are altering beloved Now we can't do it anymore”, he says.
Christmas traditions. BBC Future speaks to three young people Goiás is home to the Cerrado, a vast wooded savannah that
who share their Christmas stories. contains thousands of rare species. Scientists have warned that
Mitzi Jonelle Tan, 22, the Philippines this biodiversity place may collapse in less than 30 years if
The Philippines has the earliest and longest Christmas temperatures continue to rise and large agricultural businesses
season in the world. "We celebrate from 1 September until 6 rapidly change forests into soy plantations. Besides flooding,
January," says the 22-year-old climate activist from Manila, the the region has suffered from extreme drought in recent years.
capital of the Philippines. It is a colourful and creative time. Wildfires are also a major problem there.
People make their own Christmas decorations, including a star- Despite the challenges, people find a way to gather and
shaped lantern, called a parol that they hang in windows and return at Christmas time, he says. "On Christmas Eve, we give
streets for the entire festive season. food to people in need, especially old people."
"On Christmas morning we always take photos in front of Adapted from
churches near where my mum grew up," she says. "My mum https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20211206-how-climate-
and grandpa also used to take pictures there." But in 50 years' change-has-altered-christmas.
time, this special place for the Jonelle Tan family could no Accessed on March 05th, 2022
longer exist due to rising sea levels. Glossary:
The Philippines is the world's most vulnerable country to 1. To threaten: to announce or warn of something bad,
disasters caused by climate change. It is hit on average by more disastrous or dangerous
than 20 typhoons each year, which cause severe flooding and 2. To rise: to move upwards, to increase
large-scale destruction. Flooding already means that families 3. To flood: to become covered with water
can't put up their Christmas lights. 4. To gather: to come together in a group
In November last year, super typhoon Goni, the year's most 5. Mud: wet earth that is soft and sticky
powerful storm, hit the Philippines at 225km/h. "A few days 6. Basement: a room in a house below the level of the
before Christmas, we were still helping clean up the mud that ground
had flooded the houses”, says Tan. People brought food and 7. Despite: not prevented/influenced by; although
gifts to the evacuation centres. "Christmas is a celebration of 8. Drought: a long period when there is little or no rain
what we've suffered that year, together as a community". 9. Dutch: people from the Netherlands
Salvador Gómez-Colón, 19, Puerto Rico 71) (EPCAR 2022) It is correct to state that
Puerto Ricans love Christmas, says 19-year-old Salvador a) people around the world celebrate Christmas with
Gómez-Colón. “It is a spectacle. It's the biggest holiday in similar traditions despite the weather differences.
Puerto Rico”. During the festive period, families head into the b) only countries with a specific weather condition are
mountains around the capital San Juan to gather at food trucks, having Christmas traditions impacted, differently from
called chinchorros. There they eat suckling pig and cod fritters. the others.
"It's very communal, you meet your neighbours and talk to c) despite the Christmas traditions and the weather
strangers", Gómez-Colón says. characteristics, countries are being impacted by climate
One of his favourite Christmas traditions is the parranda: change.
carolling in the streets and outside people's houses. "We sing d) there is no impact on Christmas traditions in warmer
folklore songs with cymbals and drums". This tradition countries.
continued even during Puerto Rico's darkest days, after the 72) (EPCAR 2022) Choose the statement that is in
country was hit by category 5 Hurricane Maria in 2017. It DISAGREEMENT with the text.
dropped more rain on Puerto Rico than any storm to hit the a) Brazil and Philippines have a similar impact on their
country since 1956. A storm of such power is five times more Christmas decoration due to the natural disaster.

b) There have been three different types of climate 78) (EPCAR 2022) Read the statements related to the text.
problems in Brazil recently. I - Elfstedentocht didn’t happen last year.
c) Climate change caused so many problems in the three II - People from Netherlands have been participating in a
mentioned countries, that celebrations were impacted. race covering 200km for 24 years.
d) The natural disasters happened in the same year in the III - Dutches at all ages usually ice skate during Christmas
three mentioned countries. season.
73) (EPCAR 2022) Choose the option that explains what IV - The northern province Friesland is the only place that
happened to Salvador Gómez-Colón. preserves the beloved winter tradition.
During the storm, he could not talk to his dad and friends, The correct sentences are
a) then he decided to protect himself in a basement room a) I and II.
with 10 others. b) I and III.
b) after that he reached a basement room with 10 others to c) II and III.
protect himself. d) I, III and IV.
c) however, he reached a basement room with 10 others to 79) (EPCAR 2022) About the Christmas season, it is correct to
protect himself. say that
d) because he was protecting himself in a basement room a) Puerto Ricans gather in the mountains, where they sing
with 10 others. traditional songs to new people and acquaintances from
74) (EPCAR 2022) Write (T) for the true sentences and (F) to their neighborhood.
the false ones, according to the text. b) Brazilian families usually concentrate two months
I - The 3rd paragraph (l. 09 to 13) describes a cold season before Christmas in order to decorate their houses and
activity. ( ) tree.
II - The 5th paragraph (l. 20 to 26) tells how the celebrations c) Philippines celebrate the Christmas season for more
were altered due to climate change. ( ) than three months.
III - In the 11th paragraph (l. 61 to 65), there is a conclusion d) it is traditional to go to chinchorros in order to give food
about the importance of Christmas to Puerto Ricans. ( ) to people in need in Puerto Rico.
IV - In the 14th paragraph (l. 74 to 77), there is a 80) (EPCAR 2022) Choose the INCORRECT statement about
comparison between a habit in the past and present. ( ) Puerto Rico.
Choose the correct sequence. a) It is more expected to happen strong rains in the present
a) F, F, F, T similar to the one that occurred in 1956.
b) T, T, T, F b) In 1956, Puerto Rico was hit by one of the strongest
c) F, T, T, F storms that happened in the country.
d) T, F, F, T c) In 2019, there was a study related to the possible
75) (EPCAR 2022) The main goal of the text is to consequences of the climate change.
a) teach people how to avoid climate change on Christmas d) In 2017, a study showed that a storm like the one that
season. happened in 1956 will happen again.
b) inform people of the problems caused by climate change Texto para as questões 81 – 84
in the world.
c) notify the government of their responsibilities in
relation to the climate change.
d) relate three different ways to celebrate Christmas in
spite of the weather.
76) (EPCAR 2022) Choose the sentence that is INCOHERENT
with the idea supported by the author.
a) If the climate keeps changing, holiday traditions will
b) If the temperature levels were not rising, people could
keep their holiday traditions.
c) If the temperature levels rise, people may keep
celebrating their holiday with the same traditions.
d) If the climate changes, people might have their
Christmas traditions altered.
77) (EPCAR 2022) Choose the option that explains the idea of
the penultimate paragraph (l. 78 to 84).
a) There is a possibility that the biodiversity of Goiás
disappear in less than 30 years.
b) It is a fact that, in less than 30 years, Goiás biodiversity
will no longer exist.
c) In less than 30 years, there will be a collapse in Goiás
biodiversity for sure. 81) (EPCAR 2022) Mark the correct option.
d) Scientists have alerted that, in 2050, Goiás biodiversity a) The forest fires were solved due to the droughts.
is collapsing. b) The forest fires were a consequence of the flooding.

c) The droughts that happened in the past caused less
damage than the ones that happen nowadays.
d) Mudslides happened as a result of the worst fires that
caused the flooding.
82) (EPCAR 2022) According to the first sentence of the text,
it is possible to state that the situation that is being
a) is happening at or around the time of speaking.
b) is temporary, so it may never happen again.
c) is repeated as it is permanent.
d) has recently stopped.
83) (EPCAR 2022) Choose the correct option about the guy in
the cartoon.
a) He was not hit by the damage caused by the climate
b) He did not receive any information about the global
warming impact.
c) He ignores the existence of problems caused by the
climate change.
d) He is worried about the impact caused by the climate
84) (EPCAR 2022) Considering texts I and II, it is correct to
say that in both cases
a) people notice the impact of climate change in their lives.
b) three climate problems in common are mentioned.
c) some solutions to the climate problems are presented.
d) the positive side of global warming effects are justified.

Gabarito 62) B
1) C 63) C
2) A 64) C
3) D 65) A
4) C 66) B
5) D 67) C
6) B 68) D
7) C 69) B
8) C 70) B
9) A 71) C
10) A 72) D
11) C 73) D
12) D 74) D
13) D 75) B
14) D 76) C
15) D 77) A
16) D 78) B
17) D 79) C
18) B 80) D
19) C 81) C
20) A 82) A
21) B 83) C
22) B 84) B
23) D
24) A
25) C
26) D
27) B
28) B
29) B
30) A
31) C
32) A
33) C
34) D
35) A
36) C
37) A
38) B
39) D
40) B
41) B
42) D
43) C
44) D
45) B
46) B
47) D
48) A
49) D
50) C
51) B
52) C
53) D
54) A
55) D
56) C
57) B
58) A
59) D
60) A
61) C

Interpretação de Texto e Vocabulário – c) (F) (T) (T) (T) (T)
d) (F) (T) (T) (F) (T)
EAM e) (T) (F) (F) (T) (F)
1) (EAM 2018) Look at the picture below. 3) (EAM 2019) About Scotland’s people/population, it is
correct to say that
a) they are often friendly and kind.
b) most of them live in the north.
c) they are also called Scotch.
d) they do not speak English.
e) nobody speaks Gaelic anymore.
4) (EAM 2019)

What are they doing in the picture?

a) The children play basketball every day.
b) They are playing basketball now.
c) The boys didn’t play basketball yesterday.
d) They never play basketball together.
e) The boy and the girl won’t play basketball. Loch Ness is a lake (or ‘loch’ in Scottish Gaelic) located in
Texto para as questões 2 e 3 the Highlands of Scotland, near Inverness. People say there
There's nowhere like Scotland. Scotland is a country in a is a monster in it, which is called Nessie.
country. It is part of Great Britain (England, Scotland and In 1933, George Spicer described that he saw Nessie and it
Wales), and of the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales was a "dragon1'. It was 4 feet high, 25 feet long and had a
and Northern Ireland). long neck.
Scotland is in the far northwest of Europe, between the Atlantic In 1934, Robert Kenneth Williams took the first photo of
Ocean and the North Sea. It is often cold and grey, and it often the Loch Ness Monster’s neck and head. This photo was
rains a lot. But the people of Scotland love their country, and published in the Daily Mail newspaper in April 1934.
many visitors to Scotland love it too. They love the beautiful Around 1994, the photo was declared to be a hoax.
hills and mountains of the north, the sea and the eight hundred In 1934, Edward Mountain sent an expedition to Loch Ness
islands, and the six cities: Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen, from 9 am to 6 pm every day, for 5 weeks. They never
Dundee, Inverness and Stirling. The country is special, and found any evidence of the Monster.
Scottish people are special too: often warm and friendly. In 2003, the BBC TV network made a show that did a
There are about five million people in Scotland. Most Scots detailed search of Loch Ness. They found nothing and
live in the south, in or near the big cities of Edinburgh and concluded that the Monster was a myth.
Glasgow. Most of the north of the country is very empty; not It is FALSE to say that
many people live there. a) Nessie looked like a dragon, according to George
A Scottish person is also called a Scot, but you cannot talk Spicer.
about a Scotch person: Scotch means whisky, a drink made in b) The BBC TV network did a search in Loch Ness.
Scotland. Scottish people are British, because Scotland is part c) “Loch" means “lake", in Scottish Gaelic.
of Great Britain, but you must not call Scottish people English! d) Edward Mountain’s expedition found the Monster.
The Scots and the English are different. e) Robert Williams’ photo was a fraud.
These days everyone in Scotland speaks English. But, at one Texto para as questões 5 e 6
time, people in the north and west of Scotland did not speak The Baseball game
English. They had a different language, a beautiful language Dad took his son Chris to a baseball game. The Los Angeles
called Gaelic. About 60,000 people, 1% of the people in Dodgers were playing the San Francisco Giants. The Dodgers
Scotland, speak Gaelic now. But many more want Gaelic in were the home team. The Giants were the visiting team. Dad
their lives because it is part of the story of Scotland. and Chris walked into Dodger Stadium. Many people were
Adapted from: FLINDERS, S. Factfiles Seotland. OUP, 2010. there. Most of them wanted to see the Dodgers win. They
2) (EAM 2019) Say if the following statements are T (TRUE) wanted to see the Giants lose. Dad and Chris found their seats.
or F (FALSE) about Scotland. Then, mark the correct They sat down. Chris told his dad he was hungry. His dad
option, from top to bottom. bought two bags of peanuts for Chris. He bought two hot dogs
( ) It is part of Great Britain but not of the United for Chris. He bought a big soda for Chris. A foul ball came
Kingdom. their way. People dived for the foul ball. They knocked Chris'
( ) It is located between the Atlantic Ocean and the North soda over. His dad bought him another soda.
Sea. Adapted from:
( ) The weather there is usually cold, grey, and rainy. <https://www.eslfast.com/supereasy/se/supereasy134.htm>
( ) There are 80 islands in the country. 5) (EAM 2020) What did Chris and Dad do?
( ) Tourists can see hills, mountains and the sea there. a) They went to a supermarket to buy hot dog
a) (F) (T) (F) (T) (T) b) They watched a basketball game on TV.
b) (T) (F) (T) (F) (F) c) They played football with friends.

d) They went to the Giants Stadium. maintain balance, renew energy, and go back to studying
e) They went to a baseball game. with a clear mind.
6) (EAM 18 2020) How many sodas did Dad buy? (V) _____________
a) 1 Online learning doesn't necessarily mean learning in
b) 2 isolation. Connecting with your virtual classmates on social
c) 3 media or your online course's forum will enhance
d) 4 tremendously your eLearning experience.
e) 5 Follow these study tips for online learners and you will be
7) (EAM 2020) What sports can you see in the pictures able to make your online learning a fun and enjoyable
below? eLearning experience.
(Adapted from https://elearningindustry.com)
The headings below were removed from the text. Number
them to indicate the order they must appear to complete the
text correctly. Then, mark the option that contains the right
( ) Identify your learning objectives and goals
( ) Participate in online discussions
( ) Have a dedicated study space
( ) Understand online learning practices and expectations
( ) Take study breaks
a) (III) (IV) (I) (II) (V)
b) (III) (V) (II) (I) (IV)
a) Basketball, volleyball and swimming. c) (II) (V) (III) (IV) (I)
b) Handball, football and canoeing
d) (II) (IV) (III) (1) (V)
c) Baseball, soccer and running.
e) (I) (III) (III) (V) (IV)
d) Badminton, tennis and jogging
9) (EAM 2022) Mark the option that contains only fruit.
e) Golf, marathon and boxing. a) banana/ mango/ fish/ orange
8) (EAM 2021) Study Tips For Online Learners
b) orange/ rice/ beans/ pineapple
By Christopher Pappas
c) watermelon/ banana/ chicken/ rice
You have just enrolled in your first online course, but are
d) grape/ melon/ apple/ strawberry
you ready to study for it? Does it need more, less or the
e) onion/ mango/ papaya/ lettuce
same level of commitment with the traditional instructor-
Texto para a questão 10
led class you are used to? What are the best strategies for
Why some people find it easier to stick to new habits they
studying in online learning? In this article, I'll share some
formed during lockdown
study tips for online learners that will help you succeed
November 24, 2020
while studying for your online courses.
Periods of lockdown represent a massive disruption to
(I) _____________
people's daily routines, but they also offer an opportunity to
The first thing you need to realize is that online courses are
establish new habits.
not an easier way to learn, but rather a more convenient
Our research focus is on what motivates people to change
one. To successfully learn online, you need to dedicate a
their behaviour, particularly when it comes to physical activity
significant amount of your time, consistently attend the
program, be concentrated while studying, and fully commit
We compared the levels of physical activity of New
to your learning process, just as you would do for a regular
Zealanders before and during the country's major lockdown
between March and May. We found 38.5% of our sample were
(II) _____________ doing more physical activity than they did prior to lockdown.
Whether you decide to study in your office or in your living
But 36% did less and 25.5% were doing about the same.
room, ensure that this place is quiet, organized, distraction- More interesting was that people whose physical activity
free, and available for use at any time. Your study was either below or at the World Health Organization's (WHO)
environment should be one of your main concerns when
recommended guideline of 150 minutes of moderate activity
you are an online learner, so make sure that it enables your
per week increased their activity, while those who were highly
study routine.
active pre-lockdown did less.
(III) _____________
Understanding motivation
To stay on track with your online course, make sure that
Approved lockdown activities specifically allowed physical
you always keep in mind what you hope to accomplish by
activity as long as people stayed in their local neighbourhood.
the end of it.
Our study shows 23% of participants decided to increase
(IV) _____________
their physical activity to improve their physical and mental
Your performance will decrease if you are feeling tired or
health. Both the New Zealand government and the WHO
frustrated while studying. Integrate some personal time into
emphasised the link between exercise and health and our
your study routine and you will be able to work more
results back it up - being physically active during lockdown
effectively on your online course goals. A mild physical
was associated with greater self-reported psychological well-
activity, such as a walk around the block, will help you

Motivation is not an all-or-nothing phenomenon. There are
different types of motivation and each has a different influence
on how likely a person is to change their behaviour and to
maintain a new habit.
Someone who enjoys being active and sees the value of it
experiences what is called autonomous motivation. This
provides a strong impetus for people to continue being active in
the long term.
In contrast, someone who is active because they feel they
have to be (for example, their GP told them they need to
improve a health condition) or to avoid feeling guilty about not
getting enough exercise is experiencing controlled motivation.
Our results show that, during lockdown, people's levels of
physical activity were associated with autonomous motivation,
reflecting research from other countries.
Previous research has shown autonomous motivation leads
to sustained physical activity behaviour. People who recognise
and value the physical and mental health benefits of being
active are likely to have continued being active once lockdown
restrictions were lifted.
Two other popular reasons for being active during
lockdown were because people had more time (25%) or simply
because it was a good excuse to get outside (19%). This might
partly explain why some people stopped their physical activity
after lockdown.
Once lockdown finished, the extra spare time many people
reported was likely reduced again. Similarly, once restrictions
were lifted, the use of physical activity as an excuse to get
outside wasn't necessary.
(Adapted from https://theconversation.com)
10) (EAM 2022) Decide if the statements below are true (T) or
false (F) according to the text. Then choose the option that
contains the correct sequence.
( ) People from New Zealand participated in the research.
( ) More than thirty percent of the participants didn't
change their amount of physical activity during lockdown.
( ) People who were highly active before lockdown
increased their physical activity during lockdown.
( ) Half of the participants decided to do more physical
activity in order to have better physical and mental health.
( ) The research shows an association between
autonomous motivation and people's levels of physical
activity during lockdown.
a) (F) (T) (T) (T) (T)
b) (T) (F) (T) (T) (T)
c) (T) (F) (F) (F) (T)
d) (F) (F) (T) (T) (F)
e) (T) (T) (F) (F) (F)

1) B
2) D
3) A
4) D
5) E
6) B
7) C
8) B
9) D
10) C

Interpretação de Texto e Vocabulário – e) the Brazilian Army Aviation is part of the Brazilian
EsSA 3) (EsSA 2021) Read the comic strip and mark the best option
1) (EsSA 2019) According to the text, it is correct to say that: about the attitude of the soldier who is giving food to the
February 25, 2019 squirrel.
By LiseAlves, Senior Contribting Reporter
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – Exactly one month after
Brazil’s most deadly mining disasters, firefighters and
volunteers still search for at least 131 people still missing
under tons of mud left behind after a dam in the Feijão
mining complex, owned by Brazilian giant, vale, gave way a) The soldier is sure that the food is healthy and delicious.
on January 25th. So far 179 corpses have been retrieved and b) The soldier loves animals and cares about them.
identified. c) The soldier intends to kill the squirrel.
“The search starts at 5 am, when at teams get up. At 6:am, d) The soldier wants to know the squirrel’s opinion about
we gather for directions, a safety briefi ng and guidelines of the food.
what will be done throughout the day. The teams are then e) The soldier is suspicious of the quality of the food.
taken into the field,” firefighter Lt. Col. Anderson Passos 4) (EsSA 2021) Marque a única alternativa correta de acordo
tells journalist. com o texto abaixo.
“At the end of the day, when the teams return, they give us The Ovambo people in Namibia traditionally build a
feedback on how the search went. We then hold meeting to house for their children, using wooden poles standing
plan the next day and everything repeats itself”, conclueded closely together to form circular walls. However, as the
the official. region where they live is running short of trees, this
a) only firefighters are working to find the missing people. enterprising ethnic group is turning to a more abundant
b) firefighters and volunteers are working together to find building material: the empty beer bottles that litter the
the missing people. roadsides and are cheaply available at local stores.
c) firefighters and volunteers are working together to a) As casas são construídas próximas umas das outras no
identify the retrieved corpses. interior de uma muralha circular feita de madeira.
d) Vale’s officials are working to retrieve the corpses from b) Em função da escassez de madeira, os Ovambos estão
the mud.
construindo casas com garrafas de cerveja vazias.
e) only volunteers are working to fi nd the missing people.
c) Como são um grupo étnico empreendedor, os Ovambos
2) (EsSA 2020) According to the text, it is correct to say that:
estão se voltando para os investimentos no ramo da
Brazilian Armed Forces
The Brazilian Armed Forces is the unifi ed military
d) O povo Ovambo tem a tradição de construir casas para
organization formed by the Brazilian Army (including the
as crianças utilizando madeira e tijolos.
Brazilian Army Aviation), the Brazilian Navy (including
e) Na Namibia, encontra-se o litro da cerveja à venda a
the Brazilian Marine Corps and Brazilian Naval Aviation)
preços baixos nas lojas de beira de estrada.
and the Brazilian Air Force.
5) (EsSA 2021) Quais destas características, de acordo com o
Brazil's armed forces are the third largest in the
texto, se referem ao transporte público feito pelos ônibus do
Americas, after the United States and Colombia, and the
Rio de Janeiro:
largest in Latin America by the level of military equipment,
Text: Rio de Janeiro
with approximately 318,480 active-duty troops and offi
"Rio de Janeiro is Brazil's heart, its cultural capital and
cers. They are expanding their presence in the Amazon
emotional nerve-center (...). It's wise to remember that the
under the Northern Corridor (Calha Norte) program. In
romantic sparking lights that glimmer in the hillsides
1994, Brazilian troops joined United Nations (UN)
illuminate the city's notorious shanty towns. Crime,
peacekeeping forces in fi ve countries.
especially in the tourist-filled Copacabana district, is
The Brazilian military, especially the army, is more
common. Most visitors are easy targets, if only because
involved in civic-action programs, education, health care,
they usually lack a tan. Don't wear expensive watches or
and constructing roads, bridges, and railroads across the
jewelry and carry as little cash as possible, especially when
nation. The 1988 Constitution preserves the external and
going to the beach. (...) The subway system (Metro) is
internal roles of the Armed Forces, but it places the military
clean, fast and efficient, but only goes as far as Botafogo. It
under presidential authority.
does not extend to Copacabana. Buses are plentiful but are
(Adaptado de BrazilianArmed Forces. Revolvy, 2019.
uncomfortable and can be dangerous. (...) Business visitors
Disponívelemhttps://www.revolvy. com/page/Brazilian-
should not be surprised when meetings start late or
ArmedForces?cr=1.Acessoem: 19de ago. de 2019)
executives are informally dressed. This relaxed attitude is
a) the Brazilian Marine Corps is part of the Brazilian
counterbalanced by the "carioca's" quickness and creativity.
"Cafezinhos" (literally little coffees), usually highly
b) the Brazilian Armed Forces is part of Brazilian Air
sugared, and mineral water are staple of nearly every
business meeting in this city. In meetings between men and
c) the Brazilian Air Force is part of the Brazilian Armed
women (and between women), kisses on both cheecks are
common. Men shake hands enthusiastically. Cariocas are
d) the Brazilian Naval Aviation is part of the Brazilian Air
easy going and slow to take offence. (...)"

Source: 1998 Business Travel Guide adaptado de ingless a) The son wants to be exactly like his father without any
Intrumental de Rosângela Munhor exceptions.
a) Efficient and plentiful. b) In fact, the son wants to be different from his father in
b) Uncomfortable and plentiful. adulthood.
c) Clean and dangerous. c) The son thinks his father is very tall, smart, thin, rich,
d) Clean and comfortable. handsome and happy.
e) Fast and dangerous. d) The father thinks his son is short, stupid, fat, poor, ugly
6) (EsSA 2022) According to the text above, we can infer that: and miserable.
Basic Combat Training (BCT) in the US Army e) The father is teaching his son how to be tall, rich, smart,
Soldiers in the United States (US) Army are volunteers. thin, rich, handsome and happy.
The Army trains recruits at basic training units. The main 9) (EsSA 2022) Leia o texto abaixo e marque a opção que
basic training unit is Fort Jackson in South Carolina. melhor descreve o assunto abordado.
Basic training is nine weeks. The instructors are non- Physical training (PT) is an important part of military life
commissioned officers (NCOs). They teach basic military and Company Commander or Platoon Commander
skills, including drill and weapon training. Recruits in basic organizes PT activities every day. Soldiers run every
training live and sleep in barracks. They wear a military morning. They go to the gym twice a week or three times a
uniform. They don’t go home during basic training and they week and do weight lifting, sit-ups and push-ups. They
don’t see their family before graduation. usually go to the swimming pool once a week. Soldiers take
(Source: MELLOR-CLARK, S. ALTAMIRANO, Y. B. a physical test every year. A lot of soldiers usually do more
Campaign: English for the military. Student’s book 1. p. sports in their own time. Many soldiers play football every
14.) weekend. Some soldiers play tennis, or do karate or boxing.
a) Basic Combat Training offers a very comfortable stay a) Cartografia e orientação no terreno
for the recruits. b) Treinamento físico militar
b) Recruits don’t have weapon training during BCT. c) Tecnologia militar
c) Basic training has the duration of less than one month. d) Comunicações no Exército
d) Recruits probably miss their family during Basic e) Serviço médico em campanha
Combat Training.
e) Teenagers in the US Army are obliged to become
soldiers when they are 18 years old.
7) (EsSA 2022) Mark the only correct option according to the
text below.
Cash Flow Problem
“Honey, you have to tell me how we are spending our
money”, said the wife to her husband. “I should know about
these things.”
“Fine”, said the husband. “we are spending 25 percent on
rent, 20 percent on the kids, 30 percent on food, 15 percent
on clothes, and 40 percent on the cars.”
“But honey, that’s 130 percent.”
“I know. That’s the problem”
a) The husband is complaining to her wife about her
personal expenses.
b) The wife is very happy because the couple is saving
c) The husband wants to know how his wife is spending
their money.
d) The couple is spending more money than they make.
e) The couple is spending as much money as they make.
8) (EsSA 2022) Read the cartoon and mark the best option
that interprets its message.

1) B
2) C
3) E
4) B
5) B
6) D
7) D
8) B
9) B

Interpretação de Texto e Vocabulário – c) Garfield expected to eat at McDonald’s.
d) Garfield prefers birds to sandwiches.
EEAR 5) (EEAr 1. 2016)
1) (EEAr 1. 2016) According to the captain speech: A pilot from Northwest Airlines flight was less than pleased
with the food which was to be served on the flight. He
decided to find some better food, so he left his aeroplane,
and then left the airport to find food even though he had a
plane to fly. The passengers were left to wait 90 minutes
until the pilot came back and when the pilot came back he
was fired on the spot for “abandoning his plane”.
(Adapted from www.flightglobal.com)
According to the text, all the alternatives are true, except:
a) the pilot wasn’t satisfied with the food on board.
b) the pilot searched for a better food out of the airport.
a) passengers are being asked to calm down. c) when the pilot returned to the plane, he was
b) there is a failure in the pressurization system. immediately fired.
c) there is a problem in the fuselage of the aircraft. d) the alleged reason for losing his job was dissatisfaction
d) there is no oxygen mask available for the passengers. with the airline food.
2) (EEAr 1. 2016) According to the cartoon, the pilot 6) (EEAr 1. 2016) Summer Wine
Hot-weather drinking requires its own genre of wines: light,
easygoing, blithe and, above all, refreshing. These sorts of
wines are enjoyable year-round, but in the sweaty summer
months, the desirable becomes the imperative.
It’s not a question of red or white or even pink. All are
good as long as they come in the proper summer weight.
Just as winter wools are stored away, so are enervating
a) intended to make a stopover on the water. heavy wines that weigh you down, rather than pep you up.
b) asked swimmers to swim towards the coast. These summery wines are especially appealing when the
c) asked passengers who don’t swim to remain in the price is equally untaxing. I’ve long asserted that the greatest
plane. values in wines are in the $15 to $25 range.
d) landed the plane for the passengers to dive in the water. (Adapted from www.nytimes.com)
3) (EEAr 1. 2016) Are you a couch potato? GLOSSARY
A couch potato is a person who spends leisure time Winter wools: cobertor de inverno
passively or idly sitting around, especially watching TV. to Pep up: animar
They don’t get involved in any kind of strenuous exercise. According to the text, all the alternatives below are correct,
As a matter of fact, they can’t stand any kind of physical except:
activity. a) refreshing wines are enervating and not exciting.
What’s more, they rarely eat healthy, nourishing food; b) light, easygoing and refreshing wines are suitable for
they’d rather have hamburgers, fires, soft drinks and that summer.
kind of stuff. c) heavy wines must be stored away during the summer
(taken from http:inglesnapontadalingua) like the winter wools are.
GLOSSARY d) refreshing wines are desirable during the whole year,
strenuous: fatigante but a must for the summer.
nourishing food: comida nutritiva 7) (EEAr 1. 2016)
Based on the text, couch potato is a person An aeroplane was forced to circle for more than half an
a) addicted to the internet. hour after an air traffic controller dozed off. The pilot of the
b) that loves eating healthy food. cargo plane said he attempted a number of times to contact
c) that loves doing exhaustive exercise. the controller for permission to land – but got no answer
d) that spends a lot of time sitting down and not moving or he controller for permission to land – but got no answer.
exercising very much. He was forced to circle Nice Airport in France until the
4) (EEAr 1. 2016) Choose the correct alternative, according sleepy controller was woken up by security officials more
to the cartoon. than 30 minutes later. French air traffic control service
DGAC described the case as ‘extremely rare’ and said the
cargo plane ‘had never been in difficulty’.
An internal investigation has now been set up to
discover why the controller fell asleep on the job
(Adapted from www.flightglobal.com)
a) Garfield was disappointed because the cheeseburger dozed off – adormeceu
was spoiled. The verb “discover” (line 12), in the text, is closest in
b) Garfield was disappointed because the ticket wasn’t meaning to
valid. a) realize

b) decide d) A request for something to be brought for someone in
c) suppose return for money.
d) establish 13) (EEAr 2. 2016) According to the text, Bento Boxes is a/
8) (EEAr 1. 2016) The child and his mother an.
A curious child asked his mother: “Mommy, why are some a) Office
of your hairs turning grey?” b) kitchen
The mother tried to use this occasion to teach her child: “It c) delivery
is because of you, dear. Every bad action of yours will turn d) restaurant
one of my hair grey!” Texto para as questões 14 e 15
The child replied innocently: “Now I know why Olympic Sports
grandmother has only grey hairs on her head.” The first modern Olympic Games took place in Athens,
According to the text, the mother told the child her hair is Greece, in the year 1896. Athletes from only 13 countries
turning grey because participated in the Games that year. They competed in 43
a) she hasn’t a dye. different events in just 9 sports (track and field, swimming,
b) of her child’s bad behavior. cycling, fencing, gymnastics, shooting, tennis, weight lifting,
c) his grandmother has only grey hair. and wrestling). In 2004, the Olympic Games took place once
d) she wants to teach her child a lesson. again in Athens. This time athletes from 202 countries
Texto para as questões 9 - 11 competed in 300 events in 28 sports. Only five sports have
Sam’s adventure been in every Olympic Games
It’s a very hot Texas night; 35ºC! Sam can’t sleep. He’s hot Fonte: adapted from Thoughts and Notions.
and he’s hungry. He goes to the kitchen. He cooks some fried 14) (EEAr 2. 2016) The underlined words “took place”, (line
bananas. But he forgets to turn off the gas. He leaves the 01), in the text, is closest in meaning to
kitchen and goes to the pool. His parents are asleep; they don’t a) showed
know about his adventure. b) happened
He’s in the water-alone! c) presented
Mmm, It’s cool! Suddenly he gets cramp in his legs and he d) participated
can’t swim. He looks at the house and it’s on fire. Sam’s 15) (EEAr 2. 2016) According to the text,
parents are in there and he must help them. He is desperate. a) the Olympic Games took place twice in Greece.
9) (EEAr 2. 2016) According to the text, choose the best b) tennis is one of the sport competed in all Olympic
response Games.
a) Sam is a bad boy. c) shooting is the most dangerous sport in the Olympic
b) Sam is responsible for the house. Games.
c) Sam’s parents aren’t concerned about him. d) more than thirteen countries participated in the first
d) Sam’s parents don’t know what is happening. Olympic Games.
10) (EEAr 2. 2016) In “... Sam gets a cramp in his legs and he 16) (EEAr 2. 2016) According to the text, we can affirm that
can’t swim...” we can infer that The Antique store
a) he can’t feel his legs. Anita Jameson and Steve Weaver are antique dealers.
b) he can just move his legs slowly. They have a very successful business. They travel around
c) he has a suddenly contracting of muscle. the country buying antique furniture and paintings from flea
d) his legs are painful, because of the hot water. markets, antique stores, and elderly people. Steve has just
11) (EEAr 2. 2016) According to the text, we can infer that come out of a little antique store, and he seems very
Sam excited.
a) has to call his parents. a) the couple is married.
b) is not good at swimming. b) the couple sells old objects.
c) doesn’t know how to cook. c) Anita and Steve have a flea market.
d) is really concerned about his neighbors. d) Anita is very happy about the last acquisition.
Texto para as questões 12 e 13 Texto para as questões 17 e 18
Bento boxes April
People in offices in Japan often have a bento at lunchtime. There was a nice little girl which name was April
They do not eat a meal in a restaurant; they eat a bento in the One day, she asked her parents why she was called April.
office. They regularly have a menu for the bentos in the office They answered that it was because she was born in April. The
and they telephone a bento store with their orders. The people little girl liked her name and the month April too. Her parents
at bento store make the bentos and take them to all the offices made her a party, all her friends celebrated with her, and she
at about 12p.m. received a lot of presents.
12) (EEAr 2. 2016) According to the text, the word “orders”, in One day her mother became pregnant and April had a little
bold, means brother. Her brother was born in February and everybody came
a) something organized in a particular way. and suggested names for the new baby.
b) the situation that exists when everything is in the correct April didn’t understand what the problem was. If the baby
place. was born in February, the correct name should be February.
c) A group of nuns who live according to a particular set
of rules.

17) (EEAr 2. 2016) According to the text all the alternatives The house is part of the Macdougal-Sullivan Gardens
are correct, except: Historic District a landmarked community of 21 row homes.
a) April liked the fourth month of the year. Between them is a large interior courtyard shaded by maples,
b) Her father and mother made her a party. sycamores and palms. It’s a secret garden in the middle of the
c) April was her mother’s favorite month. city, hidden from the street. Each home comes with its own
d) April received a lot of gifts. small backyard that borders on the larger common area shared
18) (EEAr 2. 2016) In “... her mother became pregnant …” we by all.
can infer that she __________. Adapted from:http://www.nytimes.com
a) became sick 22) (EEAr 1. 2017) All words bellow are landmarks, except:
b) couldn’t have babies a) skyscraper
c) gave her a little sister b) monument
d) was expecting a baby c) bleary
19) (EEAr 2. 2016) In “... the path was named after Brazilian d) bridge
singer Tim Maia ...” we can infer that: 23) (EEAr 1. 2017) Based on the text:
Part of New Bicycle Path Collapses in Rio de Janeiro a) All the houses didn’t come with small backyard.
Leaving Two Deaths b) It’s easy to find this landmark around famous streets.
The Rio Fire Department says two people died on c) The luxury house was built with high roof and large
Thursday, April 21, after a part of the recently inaugurated rooms.
bicycle path on Niemeyer avenue, in the south zone of Rio d) The house which was bought is surrounded by wooded
de Janeiro. area.
The path was named after Brazilian singer Tim Maia 24) (EEAr 1. 2017) Air Travel
and is located between Niemeyer avenue and a cliff, Air travel has changed the way we see the world,
hanging over the sea. making our planet feel that much smaller. Depending on
The path is a connection between Leblon beach and São departure and arrival destinations, you can go from coast to
Conrado, both in the city’s south zone. The bike path was coast in mere hours or travel across seas in less than 10
inaugurated earlier this year, on January 17, and cost R$ hours. Complaints aside, flying is the quickest, safest, and
44,7 million. most convenient way to travel.
Glossary The U.S. Department of Transportation Bureau of
Hanging over – suspenso sobre Transportation Statistics reported a total of 812, 914, 960
a) It was a tribute to Niemeyer. passengers on domestic, international, or combined flights
b) It has the same name as Tim Maia. in 2012. This was also the safest year on record, with the
c) It has a different name from the famous singer. aviation industry boasting a record low accident rate,
d) The name of the path was changed by Tim Maia. according to the International Air Transport Administration.
Texto para as questões 20 e 21 Adapted from:http://weather.com/travel
Another plane returns to Guarulhos airport Choose the best response according to the text:
For the second day consecutive, an airplane had to return to a) The flight is not so much comfortable and safe but it’s
Guarulhos airport, after being hit by birds quick.
The incident happened on Wednesday (27) with a Boeing b) You can fly anywhere in less than 10 hours without
737- 800 belonging to the airline Gol which took off for complains.
Fortaleza. The bird entered one of the two motors, causing c) You can cross a coast depending on departure and
serious troubles. Because of the problem, the plane returned to arrivals destinations.
Guarulhos almost two hours after taking off. The aircraft had to d) Nevertheless, air travel may receive complains related
use fuel to land with less weight. to speed and safety.
20) (EEAr 2. 2016) According to the text, we can infer that Texto para as questões 25 e 26
__________. except: Can you be too old to donate blood?
a) the airplane had troubles. In general, you can never be too old to donate blood.
b) it was necessary to burn fuel. Though you can be too young or too thin.
c) the airplane was heading for Fortaleza The American Association of Blood Banks used to bar
d) the airport had problems with some birds people over 65 from donating blood, but it scrapped the rule in
21) (EEAr 2. 2016) According to the text, we can infer that 1978 after studies found that older people who stored their own
a) the aircraft landed before using fuel. blood prior to surgery did well, said Dr. Steven Kleinman, the
b) the aircraft belonged to Latan Airline. association’s senior medical adviser. Now most blood banks
c) the birds caused damage to the aircraft. are happy to accept blood from older volunteers.
d) after taking off, the aircraft landed in Fortaleza. Adapted from: http://well.blogs.nytimes.com
Texto para as questões 22 e 23 25) (EEAr 1. 2017) Choose the best alternative according to
The New York’s Secret Life the text:
In 2008, the photographer and film director Francesco a) Your weight cannot interfere when you want to donate
Carrozzini bought a townhouse in Greenwich Village for $6.8 blood.
million. Ostensibly, he got a home built in 1844 with low b) Nowadays, all blood banks accept donation from older
ceilings and small dark rooms. But luxury real estate is never people.
about the basics. c) After studies they found that older people that stored
own blood had a satisfactory surgery.

d) It’s important to bar people less than 60 from donating 30) (EEAr 2. 2017) According to the text, the narrator doesn’t
blood according The American Association of Blood like Christmas, possibly because __________.
Banks. a) it was not a happy time of the year when he was
26) (EEAr 1. 2017) The verb “bar” (line 3), in the text above, growing up
is closest in meaning to: b) it reminds him that life is short and that time passes by
a) release quickly
b) support c) his religious beliefs are different from the people in his
c) block neighborhood
d) flow d) it makes him feel bad that his house is not decorated
27) (EEAr 2. 2017) with Christmas lights
It’s never too late to make changes to prevent diseases 31) (EEAr 2. 2017) Economic crisis increases consumption
that may end your flying career. And becoming healthier of rice and beans in Brazil
doesn’t mean you have to make major changes. Here are The economic crisis is making the Brazilian consumer
some tips on what you can do today to keep yourself in the exchange meat for the traditional dish of rice and beans.
air for years to come. High unemployment and falling incomes, together with the
- take the stairs instead of riding the elevator; low prices of these products, caused by good harvest, are
- limit red meat; responsible for the increase in demand, which will be 15%
- consume more vegetables; to 20% this month, compared to the prediction for the year.
- wear UV-blocking sunglasses; The average consumption per capita is around 3, 5 kilos of
- walk more; rice and 1, 5 kilo of beans.
- try a yoga class; Fonte: Folha de São Paulo – Internacional -10/05/2017
- don’t smoke; GLOSSARY
- drink a lot of water; harvest = colheita
- find an activity that you love after retirement. average consumption = consumo médio
According to the text, in order to live a healthy life for According to the text, the Brazilian consumer is _______.
years, you should __________. a) changing rice and beans for meat
a) eat a lot of red meat b) having more rice than beans on average
b) ride the elevator all the time c) paying a very high price for rice and beans
c) find a hobby that you enjoy, after you retire d) reducing the demand for the traditional dish of rice and
d) consume many candies and cakes during the day beans
28) (EEAr 2. 2017) Finding a taste of Japan in São Paulo’s 32) (EEAr 1. 2018) Choose the best alternative, according to
Liberdade neighborhood the cartoon.
Home of the largest Japanese community outside of
Japan, São Paulo’s Liberdade neighborhood is a city within
a city, with many specialty shops for Japanese food and
home products.
Since most of the products are imported directly from
Japan, and many do not contain a Portuguese ingredient
version, shop owners and employees are always at hand for
a quick translation. According to what the boy says, he _____________.
Fonte: The Rio Times/Brazil News a) wants to take care of the baby
The words “at hand”, underlined in the text, mean _____. b) is asking permission to surf the internet
a) busy c) is curious to know the origin of the babies
b) distant d) will be successful in downloading a baby from the
c) worried internet
d) available 33) (EEAr 1. 2018) According to the text, the purpose of the
Texto para as questões 29 e 30 new machine is to __________________.
My neighbors love Christmas, but I don’t. In fact, if I can The Phoenix airport has introduced new technology that
be completely honest, I hate Christmas. Maybe it’s because can see through a person's clothes. The new machine costs
Christmas was always a little depressing when I was a young $100,000 to make and is designed to find out if a passenger
boy. Anyway, my neighbors really love Christmas and every is carrying a weapon or explosives. Critics of the new X-
year they decorate the inside and outside of their house with Ray scanner, however, say it takes away a person's privacy.
big, bright lights. This year, however, they really exaggerated: (adapted from www.inglesonline.com.br)
their lights are so bright that I can’t sleep at night! Tomorrow I a) waste money
am going to speak to my neighbors and ask that the lights be b) undress passengers
reduced or removed. c) find dangerous goods
29) (EEAr 2. 2017) The word “anyway”, underlined in the text, d) see what people are wearing
was used to __________.
a) indicate a place that does not exist
b) return to a previous topic in the text
c) state the good or bad quality of something
d) mention the time at which something happened

34) (EEAr 1. 2018) Choose the best alternative, according to 37) (EEAr 1. 2018) The word “bored”, used twice in the
the text. cartoon, is NOT closest in meaning to __________.
Vidigal is Rio’s most foreigner-friendly slum, with
guesthouses, coffee houses, restaurants and even a sushi-bar
aimed at the tourist market. It is relatively small and
picturesque, with spectacular views over the Atlantic, and
an hour-long walking trail that winds from its upper limits
to the top of the Dois Irmãos mountain.
a) refreshed
When pacified in 2012, Vidigal was already popular with
b) impatient
artists, young Brazilians and foreigners. Scottish school
c) sleepy
librarian Graeme Boyd, 34, lived there for two six-month
d) tired
periods, in 2009 and 2011. “As long as foreigners respect
Texto para as questões 38 - 40
the locals, make a contribution and use the business inside
Alberto Santos Dumont (1873-1932) was born in Brazil and
the favela, they will be welcomed,” he said. “People reacted
educated in Paris. He made his first balloon ascent in 1898
to me as if I had lived there all my life”
and, soon after that, began constructing dirigible airships. In
1901 he won a Paris air race and international fame. (After the
slum = favela
race, he asked Louis Cartier for a timepiece that would keep his
guesthouses = pousadas
hands free - the first wristwatch.)
a) Foreigners are welcome as long as they contribute to the
Turning to heavier-than-air machines, Santos Dumont built
business in Vidigal.
his 14-Bis in 1906, three years after the Wright brothers’ initial
b) Graeme Boyd was popular between Brazilian artists in
flight. His flight was the first in Europe, and his plane was the
2009 and 2011.
first anywhere to lift off the ground under its own power. In
c) Tourists cannot find Japanese food and places to rest.
1909 Santos Dumont designed the Demoiselle monoplane, the
d) Local residents prefer to disrespect foreigners.
first modern light plane.
35) (EEAr 1. 2018) Choose the alternative that best explains
In 1901 Santos Dumont fell ill with multiple sclerosis and
the words in the picture.
retired from flying. He returned to Brazil in 1916. Ill and
despondent over the use of aircraft in warfare, he committed
suicide in 1932.
(Adapted From “Leaders of the Century”)
38) (EEAr 1. 2018) According to the text, Santos Dumont
a) developed hot air balloons, dirigible airships and
a) Peace will be reached before the search for love or heavier-thanair machines.
power is fully completed by all. b) drew the Demoiselle cargo airplane, the most modern
b) The love of power is capable of bringing peace into plane.
many people’s lives. c) died of multiple sclerosis before returning to Brazil.
c) We’ll have peace when the love of power is weaker than d) was the only man interested in flying, at the time.
the power of love. 39) (EEAr 1. 2018) Choose the statement about Santos
d) Peace does not have the power to increase love among Dumont that is NOT correct, according to the text:
men. a) He made a balloon before making a dirigible airship.
36) (EEAr 1. 2018) Choose the best alternative according to b) His plane lifted off the ground under its own power.
the text c) He got sick but he didn’t stop flying.
Sometimes you don’t have to read an article completely d) He became famous in 1901.
to get the necessary information. Often you can move your 40) (EEAr 1. 2018) The words balloon, plane and dirigible
eyes quickly over the reading to find facts, names, dates, airships, in bold in the text, are different kinds of
titles. For example, if you are looking for a date, you should ______________.
move your eyes down the page looking for numbers. If you a) air races
are looking for a person’s names, you should find capital b) aircraft
letters. Punctuation is also a clue for finding specific c) flights
information. Quotation marks (“), commas (,), parentheses ( d) skies
), and dashes (--) all separate special information. 41) (EEAr 1. 2018) Choose the correct alternative, according
a) You always need to read the entire article when you are to the text.
looking for information. This recipe for chocolate cookies was sent to The New
b) Occasionally you can get necessary information by York Times several years ago by Mari Pfeiffer, a reader in
skimming an article. California; it’s from the cookbook “Great Cookies,”
c) It’s not possible to find a person’s name if you read all published in 2003 by the author and teacher Carole Walter.
the words. The cookies are filled with deep flavor from the
d) Capital letters are not used to find specific information. combination of cocoa powder, unsweetened chocolate and
espresso powder. Decorate them with royal icing. “Other
icings would spoil the cookie’s simple yet amazing flavor,”

said Ms. Pfeiffer, who often cuts the dough into letters to co-owners, BHP Billiton and Vale, have repeatedly said
spell out seasonal messages. that the water and mineral waste unleashed by the dam
(Adapted from www.nytimes.com) burst were not toxic. On Wednesday, the United Nations
a) Mari Pfeiffer has developed the recipe for chocolate human rights agency said “new evidence” showed that the
cookies and shared with Carole Walter. mud dumped by the flood “contained high levels of toxic
b) The New York Times published Carole Walter’s book. heavy metals and other chemicals.”
c) New York Times received the recipe from a reader. a) Levels of arsenic, up to ten times of above the legal
d) “Great Cookies” is the name of the recipe. limit, were found in one place beside the river.
Texto para as questões 42 e 43 b) UN Human Rights Agency said that the mud dumped
Renata, from Brazil: I just kiss them on the cheek. Just one actually contained low levels of chemicals.
kiss, because I’m from São Paulo. I have friends from Rio and c) Illegal levels of arsenic and mercury polluted a river
they always kiss twice. before a dam burst in Brazil.
Guillermo, from Chile: When it’s the first time I’m meeting d) Besides the high levels of arsenic, mercury was also
someone or in formal situations, I shake hands. With my male found.
friends, I give them a hug or a pat on the back but If I’m Texto para as questões 45 e 46
greeting a female friend, it’s different: I give her a kiss on the Why facebook will never die
cheek and sometimes I hug her. Women greet each other the I first heard about a new website for people my age in 2004
same way: kissing and sometimes hugging. when I was a freshman at Indiana University. I was chatting
Marco, from Italy: I shake hands in formal situations. with some friends on AOL Instant Messenger in my dorm
Where I live, kissing is acceptable. It’s OK for men to kiss room, at the start of a new semester.
each other, for men to kiss women or for women to kiss each “Have you heard of The Facebook?” a couple of them asked.
other. But with my male friends I usually just give a hug or a “You should sign up. It’s this new site for college kids.”
pat on the back. 45) (EEAr 2. 2018) The main idea of the text refers to
Molly, from the USA: When I greet close friends I give a) how college students depend on the internet.
them a hug. For casual friends, I just say “Hi”. For men it’s a b) the importance of chatting during classes.
little different. Where I live they never hug each other, it’s just c) the description of a freshman.
“Hey, man”. In formal situations I always shake hands, and it’s d) the beginning of a recent site.
important to shake hands firmly. When I’m saying good-bye to 46) (EEAr 2. 2018) The sentence in bold type in the text refers
people I’m not very close to, I also shake hands, be it a man or to
a woman. Kissing is not usual around here, unless it’s among a) actions that happened at a specific time in the past.
really close family members. b) things in general or things that happen repeatedly.
Adapted from www.rachacuca.com.br c) the relationship between the verb and the noun.
42) (EEAr 1. 2018) According to the text, we can conclude that d) actions and states that were unfinished.
__________. 47) (EEAr 2. 2018) Why Learn with English Podcasts?
a) in Italy, people only kiss each other to greet English language podcasts are an excellent way to learn
b) Molly shakes hands when she says good-bye to close English quickly.
friends You can listen to them anytime anywhere – at your desk or
c) if someone is from São Paulo, kissing once when while you’re on the move. What better way to pass the time
greeting is the usual during a long commute than by immersing yourself in an
d) where Molly lives, men hug each other and say “Hey entertaining podcast?
man” when they greet With a little dedication, English language podcasts will help
43) (EEAr 1. 2018) According to the text, choose the best you quickly improve your listening skills and proficiency.
alternative. One perk (benefit) is that podcasts often have transcripts (a
a) Shaking hands when greeting people in formal written version of the audio). This means that you can listen
situations is more common in various countries. and read at the same time, or look at a transcript if one part
b) People greet each other the same way, in different states of a podcast confuses you. As you know, if you dedicate to
in Brazil. your studies, you will succeed in life
c) If a man lives in Chile he greets males and females the Adapted https://www.fluentu.com/blog/english/esl-english-
same way. podcasts/
d) In many countries it is normal for men to kiss each According to the text, what are advantages of learning
other. English with Podcasts?
44) (EEAr 1. 2018) Choose the best alternative, according to a) You can find free English podcasts on the internet.
the text. b) Your proficiency will be better if you listen to English
Illegal levels of arsenic and mercury polluted a river in the podcasts.
days after a dam burst at an iron ore mine this month in c) English podcasts will help you while you learn this
Brazil’s worst environmental disaster, according to tests by language in a private school.
a state water agency, the Institute for Water Management in d) It’s not necessary to listen and read at the same time
Minas Gerais. The agency found arsenic levels more than because you can look at a transcript.
10 times above the legal limit in one place along the river,
the Rio Doce, after the dam burst on Nov. 5, killing at least
13 people. Mercury slightly above the permitted level was
also found in one area. Samarco, the mine operator, and its

48) (EEAr 2. 2018) United States Coast Guard cadets Texto para as questões 52 e 53
graduate from the Academy. Tourists in Maya Bay
Two hundred newly graduated United States Coast Guard Maya Bay in Thailand made headlines in 1999 when
Academy students, classified as officers, toss their cadet Hollywood arrived there to film ‘The Beach’ starring Leonardo
covers into the air during their graduation ceremony in New DiCaprio. Since then, tourists have flooded this beach with as
London, Conn. on May 23, 2018. Wednesday’s many as 4,000 visitors arriving on boats every day.The mass
commencement ceremony was the 137th at the academy. tourism exhausted the once-pristine beach and ruined the
Adapted www.nydailynews.com/news natural life. That is why people closed the beach to tourists for
Based on the text, choose the best alternative. four months. When it reopens by the end of September, they
a) The majority of cadets were classified by rank at the will impose a limit of 2,000 visitors per day.A marine scientist
United States Coast Guard Academy. said that he and the other scientists made a mistake thinking
b) The graduation ceremony was covered at the United that the money from the movie was very important, but now
States Coast Guard Academy in New York. they see that the beach is a natural resource that they have to
c) Coast Guard cadets were evaluated at the United States preserve. Zelda Tinska, an actress from the film, said that she
Coast Guard Academy on May 23, 2018. honestly thinks that the West is a society which is obsessed
d) Coast Guard cadets completed their course at the United with fame and celebrity. People do not visit the beach because
States Coast Guard Academy on May 23, 2018. they want to see the actual location but because there was a
Texto para as questões 49 e 50 film shot there – and Thailand is an amazing country and there
are many other beaches as beautiful as Maya Bay.
52) (EEAr 2. 2018) Read the text and choose the best
a) The visitors enjoyed the beach exclusively for its natural
49) (EEAr 2. 2018) The word “take-down” in the text means b) The money raised was important for the preservation of
a) a movement in which a wrestler gets the opponent down the beach.
to the floor. c) There are many attractive places like Maya Bay in
b) an arrest or unexpected visit by the police. Thailand.
c) to write down some information. d) The beach has received 4,000 visitors per month.
d) to take note during a meeting. 53) (EEAr 2. 2018) The word “pristine” in bold type in the text
50) (EEAr 2. 2018) Read the sentence and choose the best means
response. The word “remarkable” in the text can be a) polluted
replaced by _________. b) crowded
a) exceptional c) clean
b) savoury d) large
c) steady Texto para as questões 54 e 55
d) sharp
51) (EEAr 2. 2018) The Science Behind Hawaii’s Surprising
2018 Volcanic Eruption
Kilauea volcano is spewing lava and belching hazardous
gases on Hawaii’s Big Island, forcing more than 1,700
people to evacuate their homes. Eruptions aren’t anything
new on Kilauea. In particular, the Pu'u 'Ō'ō vent, where lava 54) (EEAr 2. 2018) According to the cartoon,
is visible, has erupted almost continuously since January a) Monica’s trick was a success.
1983. But the latest eruption took volcanologists by surprise b) Monica was very worried about her friends.
when it invaded Leilani Estates, a residential area near c) If she doesn’t change her show, the audience will leave.
Kilauea. Small earthquakes had shaken the region all that d) Her rabbit fascinated the entire audience when Monica
week, but residents were taken aback by 5.0- and 6.9- finished the show.
magnitude earthquakes on May 3 and 4, respectively, which 55) (EEAr 2. 2018) The word trick in the cartoon, refers to
preceded lava eruptions. Now, newly opened fissures are a) something that helps somebody.
bubbling with lava almost daily, and Hawaii County Civil b) a silly method of doing something.
Defense has warned sightseers to stay away for safety’s c) a habit of using a particular facial expression.
sake. d) a set of actions that make things appear or disappear.
https://www.livescience.com/62563-hawaii-volcano- Texto para as questões 56 e 57
eruption-2018.html Selecting the Olympic Sports
Choose the best alternative according to the text. There are 28 sports permitted in the Summer Olympic Games.
a) Although eruptions were happening, people didn’t have The list of Olympic Sports has many of the world’s best-loved
to leave their homes. sports on it, such as baseball, judo, soccer, tennis, and
b) No newly opened fissures have been found around volleyball. This list of sports hadn’t changed in 70 years, and
Kilauea volcano. the process for changing these sports is long and difficult.
c) Volcanologists were expecting the invasion in Leilani That is why it was surprising news when the International
States. Olympic Committee (IOC) announced that it was studying new
d) Earthquakes occurred before eruptions.

sports for the list. At a meeting in Singapore in 2005, the IOC 60) (EEAr 1. 2019) According to the text, the public school
voted on each of the 28 sports from the 2004 Olympic Games system was in need of changes due to _______________.
in Athens, Greece. Twenty-six of the 28 sports were selected Back to School
for the 2012 Summer Olympic Games, which took place in For generations in the United States, a nineteenth century
London, England. The two sports that did not receive 50 invention known as the public school system was seen as
percent of the votes were baseball and softball. the best way to give students the knowledge and skills to
Because these two sports were not selected, the IOC started the become nice citizens. Around the 1960s, experts began
process of voting for two new sports. The five sports to select questioning the system, citing the need for new types of
from were roller skating, golf, rugby, squash, and karate. After schools to meet the changing demands of the twentieth
the first vote, karate and squash were submitted to the IOC for century. These reformers eventually won for parents a
the final vote. much broader range of educational choices – including
To become an Olympic sport, a sport must receive twothirds of religious, alternative, and charter schools and home
the votes of the IOC. When the final vote took place, squash schooling – but they also sparked a debate on teaching and
received 39 “yes” votes and 63 “no” votes. Karate received 38 learning that still divides experts to this day.
“yes” votes and 63 “no” votes. It meant that neither squash nor Nunan, David - Listen in book 2, second edition
karate would feature in the 2012 Olympic Games. And sad a) parents requirement
fans didn’t believe that their sports could be selected for the b) the invention of the nineteenth century
2016 Olympic Games. c) the demands of the nineteenth century
Adapted from Anderson, Neil J. - Active Skills for Reading - d) experts concern about the twentieth century
second Edition 61) (EEAr 1. 2019)
56) (EEAr 1. 2019) Choose the alternative that IS NOT Write (T) True or (F) False, according to the text. Then
correct, according to the text. choose the correct alternative.
a) Baseball and softball didn’t receive more than half of ( ) The quality of TV programs in different countries
the IOC votes in Singapore. determines the amount of time people devote to TV
b) Baseball and softball were selected in 2005 for the watching.
London Olympics. ( ) Some commentators believe people watch so much
c) Squash and Karate were not selected for the 2012 TV simply because they enjoy it.
Olympics Games. ( ) People spend too much time watching TV
d) Baseball and softball were part of the Athens Olympics. a) F – T – F
57) (EEAr 1. 2019) “Sad” (line 23), underlined in the text, is b) F – T – T
the same as c) T – F – T
a) thrilled. d) F – T – F
b) gloomy. Texto para as questões 62 e 63
c) cheerful.
d) delighted.
58) (EEAr 1. 2019) According to the text the flights
Across the Atlantic!
On Monday May 24, 1976, two Concorde jets crossed the
Atlantic ocean in three hours and fifty minutes. The planes
took off and landed at the same time.
62) (EEAr 1. 2019) Choose the best alternative to explain the
a) were less than four hours.
comic strip:
b) were on a weekend.
a) Garfield is terrible at doing things.
c) took off at 3:50.
b) Garfield did nothing bad and is angry at his owner.
d) landed at 3:50.
c) John promised Garfield to keep a secret but couldn’t do
59) (EEAr 1. 2019) The sentence “There’s hardly anything in
the refrigerator”. means that:
d) Garfield did something very bad but doesn’t know what
it is.
63) (EEAr 1. 2019) The word “specific”, in the text, is NOT
closest in meaning to _______:
a) Exact
b) precise
c) detailed
a) There’s very little food inside the refrigerator. d) unclear
b) John has no idea how much food there is. 64) (EEAr 1. 2019) The cost of a cigarette
c) There’s a lot of food in the refrigerator. A businesswoman’s desperate need for a cigarette on an 8-
d) There’s nothing inside the refrigerator. hour flight from American Airlines resulted in her being
arrested and handcuffed, after she was found lighting up in
the toilet of a Boeing 747, not once but twice. She was
because she turned violent when the plane landed in
England, where the police subsequently arrested and
handcuffed her. Joan Norrish, aged 33, yesterday became

the first person to be prosecuted under new laws for This devastating attack was followed an hour and a half
smoking on board a plane, when she was fined £440 at later by a second wave of 170 Japanese aircraft. Within two
Uxbridge magistrates’ court. hours, 18 US warships had been sunk or damaged, 188
Adapted from Innovations , by Hugh Dellar and Darryl aircraft destroyed and 2,403 American servicemen and
Hocking women killed.
According to the text, Joan Norrish: Adapted from https://www.iwm.org.uk/history/what-
a) had always been a violent person. happened-at-pearl-harbor.
b) was arrested inside the airplane, where the police a) Only men were killed in Pearl Harbor.
handcuffed her. b) The USA attacked the Imperial Japanese Navy.
c) was arrested because she turned the lights inside the c) Pearl Harbor was bombed by 358 Japanese aircraft.
airplane’s toilet. d) The American Naval base in Pearl Harbor suffered two
d) had to pay an amount of money due to the new laws for attacks in about 2 hours.
smoking inside an airplane. 68) (EEAr 2. 2019) Choose the best alternative according to
65) (EEAr 2. 2019) Choose the best alternative according to the text.
the text. Gregory “Greg” Heffley is an American middle school
student and also the main protagonist of the book series
put Diary of a Wimpy Kid.
Greg is lazy, petty, slightly narcissistic, sociopathic,
egotistical, eccentric, egocentric, usually backstabbing, and
sometimes even selfish and dishonest, and apparently lacks
talent. He hardly has any skills aside from video games and
possibly singing. However, despite all this, Greg has had
his kind and caring moments, but not that often.
Adapted from https://diary-of-a-wimpy-
a) Greg is always an adorable kid.
b) Greg suffers bullying at school.
c) The text talks about Greg’s character.
a) Frankenstein is an excellent skateboarder. d) Diary of a Wimpy Kid is a true story, based on Gregory
b) Frankenstein is prohibited from skateboarding. Heffley’s life.
c) Frankenstein knows how to skateboard very well. 69) (EEAr 2. 2019) Choose the best alternative according to
d) Frankenstein hasn’t suffered any accident recently. the dialogue in the cartoon
66) (EEAr 2. 2019) According to the text, Sibling rivalry is a
Sibling rivalry is a competition between brothers and
sisters. Which brother is smarter? Who gets good grades
than the other? Sibling rivalry is not unusual in families. It
is more unusual on the tennis court. The Williams sisters,
Venus and Serena, are star tennis players. They often
a) The boy is not interested in taking a shower for the next
compete. Is it the easiest or the most difficult part of
playing against your own sister? The sisters say the game is
b) The boy is in love. Due to it, he’s going to take a
important – not the other player. Does their relationship
make their game more interesting? Some people think the
c) The girl doesn't want to take a shower anymore.
game is not as exciting when sisters play. I don’t agree. I
d) The girl accepts the boy the way he is.
think their games are more exciting. Venus and Serena are
Texto para as questões 70 e 71
both better as most other players in the world – sisters or
Paul Thompson is a student and he has a part-time job, too.
He lives in London and goes to university there. Paul works at
a) between family members.
an Italian restaurant called Mamma Mia. He’s a waiter there.
b) for family and friends.
He likes his job very much, but he doesn’t like to work on the
c) only between friends.
weekends. When he is free, he likes to go to the movies. He
d) for some tennis players.
recently watched “Avengers - Infinity War”, a superhero movie
67) (EEAr 2. 2019) Choose the best alternative according to
that was a huge success.
the text
70) (EEAr 1. 2020) All the words below are synonyms for the
What happened at Pearl Harbor?
word “huge” (line 07), in bold in the text, EXCEPT:
On the morning of 7 December 1941, at 7.55am local
a) insignificant
time, 183 aircraft of the Imperial Japanese Navy attacked
b) tremendous
the United States Naval base at Pearl Harbor on the island
c) massive
of Oahu, Hawaii.
d) great
The first attack wave began bombing the hangars and
parked aircraft of the island’s airfields while at the same
time launching torpedoes against the US warships moored
in the harbour.

71) (EEAr 1. 2020) According to the text, how long does Paul d) is insecure, but he is a good person who tries to act
work? correctly.
a) Part-time. 75) (EEAr 1. 2020) An e-mail to Mary
b) All day long. Hi, Mary!
c) He doesn’t work. How are you? I miss you so much!
d) Every other week. I arrived in Rome last week and I’m having a lot of fun.
72) (EEAr 1. 2020) The verb WONDER, in bold in the text, This morning my parents and I woke up at 8:00 and had a
can be replaced by ______________ without change in great breakfast at the hotel. Afterwards, I walked a little and
meaning. saw many tourists (many from Russia and China) and even
Price Tag some famous people!
Seems like everybody’s got a price Now we are going to Venice
I wonder how they sleep at night How are things in Las Vegas? Come meet us!
When the sale comes first See you soon!
And the truth comes second Paul.
Just stop for a minute and smile Where did Paul go on his vacation?
Why is everybody so serious a) Rome, Italy
Acting so damn mysterious b) Hong Kong, China
Got shades on your eyes c) Miami, The United States of America
And your heels so high d) Las Vegas, The United States of America
That you can’t even have a good time 76) (EEAr 1. 2020) The Lazy Song
Everybody look to the left Bruno Mars
Everybody look to the right Today I don’t feel like doing anything
Can you feel that yeah I just wanna lay in my bed
We’re paying with love tonight Don’t feel like picking up my phone
It’s not about the money money money So leave a message at the tone
We don’t need your money money Money ‘Cause today I swear I’m not doing anything
We just wanna make the world dance https://www.vagalume.com.br/the lazysong-
Forget about the price tag 11/brunomars.html
Ain’t about the uh cha-ching cha-ching Based on the song extract, the person in the song
Ain’t about the yeah b-bling b-bling a) doesn’t want to do anything today.
Wanna make the world dance b) wants to do lots of things today.
Forget about the price tag c) is sick and can’t do anything.
a) know d) has many things to do.
b) can know 77) (EEAr 1. 2020) Rude
c) must know Magic
d) want to know Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life? Say yes,
73) (EEAr 1. 2020) According to the text, Garfield: say yes
‘Cause I need to know
You say I’ll never get your blessing till the day I die
Tough luck my friend but the answer is no!
Why you gotta be so rude?
Don’t you know I’m human too
Why you gotta be so rude
a) Thinks all days are beautiful. I’m gonna marry her anyway
b) Prefers the kitchen only when it’s raining. (Marry that girl) Marry her anyway
c) Prefers staying outside if it’s a beautiful day. (Marry that girl) Yeah no matter what you say
d) Thinks days are beautiful in the kitchen even when it’s (Marry that girl) And we’ll be a Family
raining. Based on the text, we can infer that the couple
74) (EEAr 1. 2020) Doug Funnie a) is going to wait for the girl’s father to die to get married
Douglas Yancey, “Doug” Fannie, is the titular character in peace.
and chief protagonist of the animated series Doug. Douglas b) doesn’t want to get married without the blessing of the
is a shy, insecure, and somewhat clumsy 11-year-old boy girl’s father.
with a wild imagination and a big heart. He owns a very c) doesn’t care about the opinion of the girl’s father and is
expressive dog named Porkchop. Doug is a 6th Grade going to get married.
average kid who always tries to do the right thing, despite d) is going to break up because the girl’s father doesn’t
his frequent failures. He is naive at times, and fears that accept the marriage.
people will think of him as a loser.
According to the text, Doug
a) is a shy kid and, due to it, he isn’t so creative.
b) fails sometimes because he is not a good boy.
c) has a big imagination due to his self-confidence.

78) (EEAr 1. 2020) All of me 81) (EEAr 2. 2020) Which expression is usually used to tell
John Legend stories in English?
‘Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me
I’ll give my all to you
You’re my end and my beginning
Even when I lose I’m winning
a) There was a house with a man
‘Cause I give you all of me
b) Then the cat ate my breakfast
And you give me all of you
c) That sounds familiar
A synonym for the word “edges” (line 03) is:
d) Once upon a time
a) Hair
82) (EEAr 2. 2020) According to the text, Sandra is
b) bones
Being famous
c) center
Sandra is very beautiful, young, and successful. She’s a
d) margin
famous actress. She’s also very rich. Her house near the
79) (EEAr 2. 2020) According to the chart, we can affirm that
beach is big and beautiful, and her car is very expensive.
Her fans love her. But is she happy?
Sandra says, “Yeah, I’m young, rich, beautiful, and
famous. People think rich people are happy. That’s not
always true!”
Sandra’s brother, Mike, is her manager. He says,
“Sandra is only 18. She enjoys acting and entertaining
people. But she’s not happy. She doesn’t like being
“It’s true,” Sandra says. “I’m never alone. Reporters are
everywhere. Wherever I go, they’re there. They’re outside
my house all the time! That’s so annoying!”
Adapted from:
a) very happy because she is never by herself.
b) very happy because she has a lot of money.
a) it only has a negative effect c) unhappy with her career because it is annoying.
b) more than 1000 teens were interviewed d) unhappy because wherever she goes, the reporters are
c) all the teens were between 13 and 17 years old there.
d) the survey was conducted in July and August 2020 83) (EEAr 2. 2020) Reading the text, you can infer that
80) (EEAr 2. 2020) Reading the text, you can infer that a man I had a really terrible weekend. My boyfriend took me
Thinking Out Loud out to this really expensive restaurant. In the middle of our
Ed Sheeran dinner, he gave me a very beautiful ring and he asked me to
When my hair’s all but gone and my memory fades marry him. I was really surprised. I said no. I like him, but I
And the crowds don’t remember my name knew I didn’t want to marry him. He was quite angry and
When my hands don’t play the strings the same way, mm sad. It was awful.
I know you will still love me the same a) the girl didn’t like the food at the restaurant because it
‘Cause honey your soul can never grow old, it’s evergreen was too expensive.
Baby your smile’s forever in my mind and memory b) the girl is very happy because she is going to get
I’m thinking ‘bout how people fall in love in mysterious marriage.
ways c) the girl doesn’t like her boyfriend enough to marry him.
Maybe it’s all part of a plan d) the couple will marry soon.
I’ll just keep on making the same mistakes 84) (EEAr 2. 2020) Reading the text, you can infer that
Hoping that you’ll understand It was my birthday. My boyfriend Daniel came to my
a) doesn’t like to be in the middle of a crowd. house to take me out for dinner. I opened the door, and he
b) is talking about the time he’ll get old. had a big bunch of flowers and a very nice car. He rented
c) will give up playing the guitar. the car just to take me out. I was really surprised.
d) wants to change his hairstyle. https://www.inglesnapontadalingua.com.br/2016/02/textos-
a) the couple had dinner at home.
b) Daniel gave his girlfriend a car.
c) the couple probably went to a restaurant.
d) the couple celebrated their wedding anniversary.

85) (EEAr 2. 2020) According to the text, we can affirm that For the past seven years, the woman complained of
__________. headaches that would occur two-or three-times a month and
The Importance of the English Language went away with prescribed migraine medication. However, her
Nowadays, more and more people are dedicating time to latest headache lasted for more than a week and came with
studying English as a second language. Many countries more severe visual symptoms, including the blurring of her
include English in their school syllabus and children are central vision.
starting to learn English at a younger and younger age. Do An MRI of her brain led doctors to believe that a tumor
you know why learning English is so important? Here are might be the cause of her pain, but after operating and
five good reasons to take an English Language Course. removing the lesion, they discovered it was actually a cyst full
1. English is the most commonly spoken language in the of tapeworm larvae. After the removal, she required no further
world. One out of five people can speak or at least treatment.
understand English! Tapeworms typically take up residence in human’s
2. Studying English can help you get a job. intestines, an infection known as taeniasis, and some can pass
3. English is the language of the Internet. on their own without medication. The parasite is commonly
4. Travelling is a lot easier with a good knowledge of transmitted when people consume undercooked pork - pigs are
English. often intermediary tapeworm hosts - or come in contact with
5. English gives you access to multiple cultures. food, water and soil contaminated with tapeworm eggs.
Adapted from https://www.british- The best line of defense against similar infection is cooking
study.com/en/importance-of-english-language/ meat to safe temperatures, washing your hands with soap
a) English is not the most commonly spoken language before eating and only eating food you can ensure was cooked
anymore in sanitary conditions.
b) many schools have English at their school syllabus Adapted from https://edition.cnn.com.
c) people who don’t speak English should not travel 87) (EEAr 1. 2021) The word “ensure” underlined in the text is
d) people are studying English at an older age closest in meaning to _______ .
86) (EEAr 2. 2020) According to the text, choose the right a) like
alternative b) remove
Baby Turtles c) guarantee
Thousands of baby turtles have hatched on a beach in d) misunderstand
eastern India. The name of this kind of turtle is Olive 88) (EEAr 1. 2021) According to the text, we can say
Ridley turtle. It is named after the color of its shell, which that___________.
is olive-green. It is the smallest sea turtle, and it lives in the a) people are used to consuming undercooked pork in
tropical oceans Australia.
In March, hundreds of turtles settled in the beach and b) tapeworms larvae usually live in human’s intestines and
they laid eggs in the sand. One and a half months later, the stomach.
small baby turtles started to come out from the sand. They c) doctors thought that a tumor might be the cause of the
knew where the sea was, and they started to move towards Australian woman’s headaches.
it. This was a dangerous journey, and not all turtles d) the young woman has traveled to regions where the
completed it. disease is endemic, such as Africa and Asia.
https://www.newsinlevels.com/products/baby-turtles-level- Texto para as questões 89 e 90
2/ Ancient mummies unearthed in Egypt after more than
a) It is safe for baby turtles to go from the sand to the 2,600 years
beach. Charlene Gubash and Adela Suliman
b) The Olive Ridley turtle is one of the biggest turtles. More than 2,600 years since they were buried,
c) The name of the turtle comes from its color. archaeologists in Egypt said Saturday they had found at least
d) Most of the turtles don’t reach the sea. 59 ancient coffins in a vast necropolis south of the country’s
Texto para as questões 87 e 88 capital Cairo, one containing the pristine mummy of an ancient
A woman in Australia discovered her headaches were priest.
caused by tapeworm larvae in her brain The ornate sarcophagi have remained unopened since they
Alaa Elassar were entombed near the famed Step Pyramid of Djoser in
A 25-year-old woman in Australia discovered she had Saqqara, according to Egypt’s Ministry of Tourism and
tapeworm larvae in her brain after suffering from a headache Antiquities.
that lasted for more than a week. Footage shared by the ministry showed colorful sarcophagi
The aches were caused by tapeworm larvae that had taken decorated with ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics. Other artifacts
up space in her brain, according to a new study on her case by and at least 28 statues were found in the two deep wells, the
the The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene ministry said.
published on September 21. A sealed door was also unearthed where it is expected more
The woman, who never traveled overseas, is the first native mummies may lie behind, said Khaled el-Anany the first
case of the disease in Australia, the study said. Previous Minister of Antiquities and Tourism, adding that the artifacts
Australian cases of this infection were from immigrants or were in an excellent state of preservation and would be
returning residents who traveled to regions where the disease is displayed in the Grand Egyptian museum next year.
endemic to, such as Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Mostafa Waziri, the general director of Egypt’s Supreme
Council of Antiquities, told NBC News that the find reminded

him of the tomb of King Tutankhamun, because both had been around and channels his energy into running, later
discovered almost intact. qualifying for the 1936 Olympics. When World War II
The Saqqara plateau is part of the necropolis of Egypt’s breaks out, Louie enlists in the military. After his plane
ancient city of Memphis. Designated a UNESCO World crashes in the Pacific, he survives incredible 47 days adrift
Heritage site in 1970s, it includes the famed Giza Pyramids. It in a raft, until his capture by the Japanese navy. Sent to a
is also home to tombs created across thousands of years POW (Prisoner-of-war) camp, Louie becomes the favorite
between the 1st Dynasty (2920 B.C.-2770 B.C.) and the Coptic target of a particularly cruel prison commander.
period (395-642). Adapted from
Hundreds of mummified animals, birds and crocodiles, as https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/unbroken_2014
well as two mummified lion cubs were found in the region last a) became a runner after being captured by the Japanese
year. navy.
Last week, the ministry displayed a bronze statue of the god b) ran in the Olympics before enlisting in the military.
“Nefertam” one of the artifacts discovered with the ancient c) didn’t survive when his plane crashed in the Pacific.
wooden coffins. d) died in a prisoner-of-war camp.
“Saqqara antiquities area is still revealing its secrets,” the 93) (EEAr 1. 2021) According to the text, we can infer that
ministry said. Spotify reveals streams of mental health playlists have
Adapted from https://www.nbcnews.com doubled in 2020
Isobel Lewis
89) (EEAr 1. 2021) The word “sealed”, underlined in the text, People are listening to mental health playlists in 2020
is closest in meaning to __________ . more than ever, Spotify has revealed.
a) closed With the pandemic forcing people to spend time indoors
b) opened and a seemingly never-ending bad news cycle, listeners are
c) released turning to content intended to calm them and allow them to
d) very famous practice mindfulness.
90) (EEAr 1. 2021) According to the text, we can say that According to data gathered by Spotify to mark World
_________________. Mental Health Day on Saturday (10 October), the music
a) less than 59 ancient coffins had been found. platform has seen a 50 percent jump in global listens for
b) last year thousands of mummified animals were found playlists relating to mental health this year.
in that region. Content related to the terms ‘mindfulness’, ‘calm’, and
c) the first Minister of Antiquities and Tourism was ‘self-care’ has also been streamed 57 per cent more in 2020
unconfortable because of the recent find. than in 2019.
d) the artifacts were in an excellent state of preservation as Spotify has its own mental health initiative called Heart
the tomb of King Tutankhamun when it was found. & Soul, which aims to reduce stigma surrounding mental
91) (EEAr 1. 2021) Choose the alternative that explains the health issues in the workplace
reason Garfield laughed at Jon’s concern Adapted from https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-
a) the pandemic is making people to spend more time
b) in the previous years, people listened to mental health
playlists more.
c) spotify believes people will stop listening to these
a) Garfield thinks Jon is more than enough for Liz. playlists once the pandemic is over.
b) Garfield is certain Jon is not enough for Liz. d) the bad news cycle in the pandemic is ending.
c) Garfield believes Liz is not enough for Jon. 94) (EEAr 1. 2021) The sentence underlined in the song
d) Garfield advises Jon not to think about it. expresses the idea of:
92) (EEAr 1. 2021) According to the text, we can affirm that Just the way you are
Louis Zamperini Bruno Mars
Oh, her eyes, her eyes
Make the stars look like they’re not shinin’
Her hair, her hair
Falls perfectly without her trying
She’s so beautiful and I tell her everyday
Yeah, I know, I know
When I compliment her she won’t believe me
And it’s so, it’s so
Sad to think that she don’t see what I see
But every time she asks me, “Do I look okay?”
I say
MOVIE INFO When I see your face
As a boy, Louis “Louie” Zamperini is always in trouble, There’s not a thing that I would change
but with the help of his older brother, he turns his life ‘Cause you’re amazing

Just the way you are Do a kind deed a day
And when you smile Maximize your mind, body, heart and soul.
The whole world stops and stares for a while Be your best self.
‘Cause girl you’re amazing Last but not least: LOVE LIFE.
Just the way you are Adapted from https://personalexcellence.co/blog/101-ways-
Yeah to-live-your-life-to-the-fullest/
Adapted from a) Find something good in every challenge you face.
https://www.google.com/search?q=just+the+way+you+are b) Study a new language and start a new hobby.
a) habit c) Feel down, depressed and lonely.
b) condition d) Get to know yourself better.
c) prediction 97) (EEAr 2. 2021) According to the text we can affirm that
d) possibility
95) (EEAr 1. 2021) According to the text, we can affirm that
Fires and Hurricanes
In the US, fires burn in the west. Also, hurricanes hit the
east. However, extreme weather is more and more usual in
all of the world.
Scientists think that human activity brings more extreme
weather. The planet is getting warmer.
A study finds that people are responsible for 97% of
fires in the US. Warmer temperatures mean more fires. The This extra long word (that approximately means
fires start very easily. They are bigger. It is harder to stop “fantastic”) was popularized by the movie Mary Poppins
them. and was eventually added to the dictionary. What you
Warmer temperatures also make more hurricanes. The probably didn’t know is that there is a word that is longer
hurricanes are stronger. It is more common that they get the — yes longer — than this one.
land. They break up houses. They kill people, too. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is a type
Scientists expect more hurricanes this year. The hurricane of lung disease caused by inhaling ash and dust. Go ahead
season ends on November 30th and try pronouncing that!
https://www.newsinlevels.com/products/fires-and- https://www.grammarly.com/blog/10-interesting-english-
hurricanes-level-1/ facts-guest/
a) human beings cannot be held responsible for the fires. a) Mary Poppins had a lung disease.
b) colder temperatures make more hurricanes. b) long words are easy to pronounce.
c) more hurricanes are expected this year. c) the longest word in English means fantastic.
d) the hurricane season lasts all year long. d) the longest word in English is a type of lung disease.
96) (EEAr 1. 2021) Choose the alternative which is not an 98) (EEAr 2. 2021) According to the text, we can affirm that
example of how to live your life to the fullest. The Power of Hashtags in Social Media
Ways To Live Your Life To The Fullest By TOMAS McKENNIE
How do you feel about your life today? Are you living Although hashtags were first used on Twitter back in
every day in excitement? Do you love what you’re doing? 2007, they soon became a social media phenomenon, being
Are you excited every single moment? Are you looking integrated into most platforms like Facebook, Instagram,
forward to what’s coming up next? Are you living your best Pinterest, Linkedin, etc.
life? So what exactly are hashtags, and how can your
If your answer to any of the above is a no, maybe, or not business benefit from them? Well, let’s go ahead and take a
sure, that means you’re not living your life to the fullest. look.
Which really shouldn’t be the case, because your life What are Hashtags?
experience is yours to create. Why settle for anything less Put simply, hashtags are the “#” symbols followed by a
than what you can get? You deserve nothing but the best. string of words. As you’ve probably seen, hashtags are
Here are some ways to live your life to the fullest: placed in almost every social media post out there. But
Live every day on a fresh new start. why?
Be true to who you are. Hashtags act as a label for the content users post on
Quit complaining. social media. Their job is to place these posts under a
Be proactive. certain category, making it easier to find content that shares
Rather than think “what if”, think “next time”. the same topic. And with how cluttered most of our feeds
Create your own opportunities. are, hashtags definitely come in handy.
Live consciously each day. However, are hashtags important for anything besides
Be committed to your growth. making your posts easier to find? Well, any digital branding
Know your inner self. company will tell that the answer to that question is yes.
Discover your life purpose. The Importance of Hashtags
Stop putting life on hold. 1. Hashtags grab attention
Set your goals. 2. Hashtags increase visibility
Be positive. 3. Hashtags give you insights into your competition
Build genuine, authentic connections. 4. Hashtags give you insights into your audience

5. Hashtags increase engagement A study, published in the journal Nature Climate
All in all, hashtags shouldn’t be treated as an Change, used data from 732 locations in 43 countries to
afterthought. They are as important to social media as calculate the number of deaths attributed to heat levels
keywords are to Search Engine Optimization. If you use higher than the ideal temperature for human health, which
them properly, hashtags can increase visibility and help you varies across locations.
reach a wider audience. The researchers examined past weather conditions
With that said, to make the most out of your hashtags, simulated under scenarios with and without emissions
you’ll first need to research both your audience and your triggered by human activity – allowing them to separate
competitors extensively. That will allow you to find out the warming and related health impact linked with human
what your audience is most interested in and understand activity from natural trends.
how your competitors are engaging with the said audience. Overall, they found 37% of all heat-related deaths in
Adapted from https://www.cofmag.com/2021/04/the- the locations studied were attributable to human activity –
power-of-hashtags-in-social-media/ but the largest climate change-induced contributions
a) hashtags help people find things related to the same (more than 50%) were in southern and western Asia (Iran
topic. and Kuwait), south-east Asia (the Philippines and
b) engagement decreases the use of hashtags. Thailand) and Central and South America.
c) there is no need to know your audience. Adapted from:
d) hashtags have no effect in social media. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/may/31/
99) (EEAr 2. 2021) According to the email, we can affirm that human-induced-global-heating-causes-over-third-heat-
Email deaths
Neil J. Anderson a) the world’s population is responsible for more than a
Dear Soo Hyun, third of heat-related deaths around the world between
Just a quick email to let you know that I’m not 1991 and 2018.
arriving in Korea until June 30. :( The travel agent here in b) 50% of heat-related deaths are due to human-induced
the U.S. booked my ticket for that date instead of the global heating.
26th. Can you come to meet me at the airport on the 30th? c) the research is the main cause of human-induced global
PLEASE, EMAIL ME and let me know. I’m *really* heating.
looking forward to meeting you again. d) global heating has no connection with human practices.
See you soon :) 102) (EEAr 2. 2021) We have different ways to use the word
Amy “tip”. Choose the alternative in which “tip” has the same
BTW – my brother says ‘Hi!’ meaning as “Tips to stay active at home during
Active Skills for Reading - Book 3 #COVID19 outbreak.”
a) Amy is traveling on the 26th.
b) Amy can’t wait to meet her friend in Korea.
c) Soo Hyun is meeting Amy at the airport on the 30th.
d) the travel agent booked the ticket for the correct day.
100) (EEAr 2. 2021) According to the comic strip, we can
infer that ____________.

a) he has three checkups every year

b) Garfield’s teeth are sharp
c) he will need treatment a) How much is the tip?
d) his checkup failed b) There’s paint on the tip of your nose.
101) (EEAr 2. 2021) According to the first paragraph, we can c) We don’t need to leave a tip for the waiter.
infer that d) She gave me a valuable tip for growing tomatoes.
Human-induced global heating ‘causes over a third of 103) (EEAr 2. 2021) According to the text, we can affirm that
heat deaths’ Fortnite’s Shopping Carts Disabled Yet Again By Epic
More than a third of all heat-related deaths around the Shopping carts are unavailable due to “ongoing issues.”
world between 1991 and 2018 can be attributed to human- Shopping carts have been a fun addition to Fortnite:
induced global heating, research has found. Battle Royale, but they’ve also proven to be a problematic
Climate breakdown has a range of effects ranging one. Epic Games has had to disable them a number of
from wildfires to extreme weather. As the temperatures times due to problems that have arisen, and that’s the case
rise, more intense and frequent heatwaves once again.
disproportionately affect elderly people and those with Epic confirmed the temporary removal of shopping
underlying chronic conditions such as asthma, making carts in a tweet, stating, “Due to ongoing issues, we’ll be
them more vulnerable to disease and premature death. disabling Shopping Carts again. We’ll update you when

this issue is resolved.” There’s no time table shared for Another reason why English is so amazing is that there
when they might be added back in, but at this point are even new ‘languages’ created from English, such as
players have become accustomed to seeing shopping the numerous creole languages across the world which
carts--Fortnite’s first vehicle--yanked from the roster of developed as a result of colonisation.
active items. English has a simple 26 letter alphabet much like most
It’s not uncommon for Epic to disable items; some are European languages. Compared to Latin rooted
rotated out to make way for new ones, while others--like languages, English doesn’t have complicated gender
the guided missile--have been removed to provide the grammar rules and much simpler ways of conjugating
studio with time to work on balancing them. But shopping verbs into different tenses. So writing essays and other
carts have been temporarily pulled several times now in a academic material in English can sometimes be easier
relatively small window of time. Among other things, compared to other languages. With a simple structure but
they’ve been utilized to glitch into areas of the map that evergrowing vocabulary, English has been described as
players should not be able to access, which is extremely easy to learn but hard to master.
problematic in a competitive game. With Fortnite’s Adapted from
massive popularity continuing to rise, it’s no surprise Epic https://www.europelanguagejobs.com/blog/english-
is fast to pull anything that might upset its competitive awesome-language.
balance (and thereby impact its growing success). a) “English contains over 750,000 words.”
Since the launch of Battle Royale last year as a free- b) “whilst at the same time seeping into foreign
to-play mode in Fortnite, Epic has steadily and frequently languages.”
rolled out new content. Some of that comes in the form of c) “English has been described as easy to learn but hard to
new weapons, as with the recently added Stink Bomb, master.”
while others serve different purposes, as with the d) “It is also adding hundreds of new words every year
shopping carts and Hop Rocks. such as ‘blogging’, ‘selfie’ etc…
During E3, Fortnite: Battle Royale was released on 106) (EEAr 1. 2022) According to the text, we can affirm that:
Switch, joining the existing PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Ben
iPhone versions. Fortnite Mobile is also on the way to Michael Jackson
Android, although a release date for that version has not Ben, the two of us need look no more
yet been announced. We both found what we were looking for
Adapted from: with a friend to call my own
https://www.gamespot.com/articles/fortnite-shopping- I will never be alone
carts-still-causing-problems-dis/1100-6459926 And you, my friend, will see
a) Fortnite’s Battle Royale mode was released to Android you have got a friend in me
consoles. Ben, you are always running here and there
b) Epic Games usually disables items in Fortnite. You feel you are not wanted anywhere
c) Epic Games never disables items in Fortnite. If you ever look behind and don’t like what you will find
d) Fortnite’s popularity has decreased. There’s something you should know
104) (EEAr 2. 2021) The boy in the comic strip is You have got a place to go
disappointed because I used to say “I” and “Me”
Now it’s us, now it’s we
Ben, most people would turn you away...
a) Ben has a place to go because he has found a friend.
b) The author could turn Ben away at any moment.
c) Ben is looking for a friend by himself.
d) Ben has a lot of friends.
a) he wants to play with his friend Anne Frank. 107) (EEAr 1. 2022) According to the text, we can affirm that:
b) his father is reading the news to him. We saw the movie last night.
c) he can go outside to play. Marjorie Fuchs and Margaret Bonner
d) he mustn’t go out. The year was 1912. The Titanic was a new, very large
105) (EEAr 2. 2021) The text says English has an “ever- ship. People thought it was safe. But, on April 15, 1912,
growing” vocabulary. Choose the sentence from the text the Titanic hit an iceberg and sank. More than 1,500
that confirms it. people lost their lives.
English is flexible and easy to learn From the book Grammar Express Basic.
One of the best assets of the English language and a) the Titanic was a tiny boat.
why it is so awesome is its flexibility. It is a huge entity of b) less than 1,500 crew members died.
vocabulary and is constantly absorbing new words, whilst c) people thought the ship could be risky.
at the same time seeping into foreign languages. English d) the Titanic crashed into an extremely large mass of ice
contains over 750,000 words. With so many different floating in the sea.
words available to describe things, you should never be
short of synonyms. It is also adding hundreds of new
words every year such as ‘blogging’, ‘selfie’ etc...

108) (EEAr 1. 2022) The word “meal” in the text is related to: Active Skills for Reading, 2nd Edition, Student Book
Read the conversation between Carol and Neil. 1.
Neil: What do you do on New Year’s Day? According to the text, write T for true and F for false to
Carol: Well, we sometimes go downtown. They have the statements related to the zodiac. After, choose the
fireworks. It’s really pretty. Other people invite friends to alternative with the right sequence.
their house and they have a party. ( ) It was originally created to reveal the future.
Neil: Do you give presents to your friends and family? ( ) It is linked to the day a person was born.
Carol: No, we never give presents on New Year’s. ( ) It is considered silly by some people.
Neil: Do you have a meal with your family? ( ) It was created to name the stars.
Carol: No, we do that on Christmas. On New Year’s a) F - F - T - T
we just party! b) T - F - F - T
a) food. c) T - T - F - F
b) money. d) F - T - T – F
c) sports. Texto para as questões 112 e 113
d) studies. Best job advice
109) (EEAr 1. 2022) Match the words according to their The best job advice I ever got was the following: at every
synonyms: job, you either learn or earn. It’s fine When only one of options
1 – strong occur. It’s perfect when both of them occur. But if you are not
2 – hungry learning or earning at your current job, you should start
3 – gorgeous thinking about finding a better one.
4 – inteligente 112) (EEAr 2. 2022) Choose the alternative that best
( ) clever summarizes the text.
( ) powerful a) Having a steady income every month is better than
( ) beautiful changing jobs constantly.
( ) starving b) If you aren’t being paid well or learning a relevant skill,
a) 1 - 4 - 2 - 3 it might be time to search for another job.
b) 4 - 1 - 2 - 3 c) People should only look for work if they are not at
c) 4 - 1 - 3 - 2 school or already making money somehow.
d) 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 d) After someone gives you the best job advice of your
110) (EEAr 1. 2022) The word “cloth” in the text means: entire professional career, you should quit your job.
Camping 113) (EEAr 2. 2022) The word got, underlined in the text, is
On Sunday morning, Tom and his family went closest in meaning to
camping. They camped near the lake. Their tent was a) sent.
shaped like an igloo. It was made of a thin cloth. Tom b) gave.
helped clean up. They ate a tasty meal of barbecued c) denied.
chicken and corn. When it got dark they made a fire. They d) received.
told stories and sang songs. 114) (EEAr 2. 2022) Write T for true and F for false, then
English Created Resources. choose the alternative with the right sequence.
a) a hard, usually shiny substance. “Studying in New Zealand was a fun experience for me,
b) material made from cotton, wool, etc. but it was also lots of hard work. I had classes six hours a
c) the hard material that trees are made of. day, five days a week - with lots of homework. I also kept
d) a common hard metal that is used to make steel. a journal of my experience. (...) On weekends, my
111) (EEAr 2. 2022) Read the text below. homestay family took me to lots of interesting places. (...)
What’s your sign? I’m definitely glad I went!” Alvin Chen - Hong Kong
Neil J. Anderson (Neil J. Anderson, editado)
Thousands of years ago, the ancient people of Babylon According to the text, Alvin Chen
and Egypt studied the stars in the sky and created the ( ) sounds disappointed at his experience abroad.
zodiac. It was first used to keep track of time. Later, many ( ) had a good time abroad, despite studying hard.
used the stars to describe a person’s personality and to say ( ) was able to make written notes about his daily
what would happen in the future. routine.
A person’s zodiac sign is connected to his or her birth ( ) doesn’t think that he had enough English speaking
date. Some believe this sign can tell us about a person’s practice.
personality. (...) a) F - T - T - F
In Asia, a person’s blood type is also used to describe b) F - F - T - T
personality. People with the blood type A are calm and c) T - F - F - T
serious, but they can be selfish. Type Bs are independent d) T - T - F – F
but can be lazy. ABs are honest, and type Os are loving
and talkative.
Not everybody believes that your blood type or birth
sign describes your personality. In fact, some people
disapprove of using the zodiac; they say it is just
foolishness. (...)

115) (EEAr 2. 2022) Write T for true and F for false, then a) remember
choose the alternative with the right sequence. b) disregard
“My year abroad in the United States was a truly c) overlook
awesome experience. I’m not a shy person, and I was very d) remind
comfortable speaking to everyone, so I got lots of Texto para as questões 118 e 119
speaking practice. (...) When I got home, my close friends Suggestion boxes
couldn’t believe how much I had improved!” Mariko David Nunan
Okada – Tokyo (Neil J. Anderson) It may not be a high-tech device, but the suggestion box has
According to the text, Mariko Okada probably done more to boost corporate efficiency over the
( ) can be considered an extrovert person. years than even the most powerful computer. Suggestion boxes
( ) spent more than eleven months in a foreign country. allow workers to recommend ways of making their jobs easier
( ) thinks that she would speak more if she weren’t so and offer employers the chance to save money - or make even
shy. more.
( ) regrets investing her time and money on a trip to an Listen In, Second Edition, Student Book 1, Thomson Heinle
English-speaking country. 118) (EEAr 2. 2022) Another way of saying “It may not be a
a) T - F - F - T high-tech device, but the suggestion box has probably
b) F - F - T - T done a lot to boost corporate efficiency” is
c) T - T - F - F a) “Despite being a high-tech device, the suggestion box
d) F - T - T - F has probably done a lot to boost corporate efficiency”.
116) (EEAr 2. 2022) According to the chart, write T for true b) “The suggestion box has probably done a lot to boost
and F for false, then choose the right alternative. corporate efficiency, due to it being a high-tech device”.
c) “Although it isn’t a high-tech device, a lot has been
done by the suggestion box to boost corporate
d) “It is likely that the suggestion box has probably done a
lot to boost corporate efficiency: hence, it could well be
a high-tech device”.
119) (EEAr 2. 2022) The word allow, in bold in the text, is
closest in meaning to
a) harm.
b) hinder.
c) enable.
d) get in the way of.
120) (EEAr 2. 2022) Write T for true and F for false, then
choose the alternative with the right sequence.
“I spent last year in London. I’m from a small town, and
London is a very big city. (...) There were so many people
( ) Even if people wanted to help, there wouldn’t be to talk to, but I always felt embarrassed about my English.
much they could do. I missed my family and my two cats. My roommate was
( ) People help when they don’t purchase goods made always listening to loud music, so I rarely had the chance
out of animals’ fur. for a nice long talk with my parents. It was a good
( ) Few people believe education is the main key to experience, but I am glad to be home!” Carla Fonseca –
help endangered animals. Resende (Neil J. Anderson, editado)
( ) Many people believe that giving some of your time According to the text, Carla Fonseca
to work for charities help endangered animals. ( ) expected London to be a bigger place.
a) T - T - F - F ( ) didn’t feel confident about her English.
b) F - F - T - T ( ) sounds disappointed at her experience abroad.
c) T - F - T - F ( ) felt lonely because she had to live abroad on her
d) F - T - F - T own.
117) (EEAr 2. 2022) Choose the alternative that completes the a) F - F - T - T
text. b) T - T - F - F
Beauty is where you find it. c) T - F - F - T
There are nearly 8 billion people living on Earth and, d) F - T - T - F
naturally, different cultures have different ideals of beauty
for both men and women. Generally speaking, in most
western societies being thin is more acceptable than being
overweight, whereas nations in other parts of the planet
may prefer a more full-bodied appearance. So if you wake
up feeling ugly some day, just __________ that you may
be the ideal of beauty somewhere. Perhaps you are living
in the wrong country.

Gabarito 62) D
1) B 63) D
2) B 64) D
3) D 65) B
4) B 66) A
5) D 67) D
6) A 68) C
7) D 69) A
8) B 70) A
9) D 71) A
10) C 72) D
11) A 73) D
12) D 74) D
13) C 75) A
14) B 76) A
15) A 77) C
16) B 78) D
17) C 79) C
18) D 80) B
19) B 81) D
20) D 82) D
21) C 83) C
22) C 84) C
23) D 85) B
24) C 86) C
25) C 87) C
26) C 88) C
27) C 89) A
28) D 90) D
29) B 91) B
30) A 92) B
31) B 93) A
32) C 94) A
33) C 95) C
34) A 96) C
35) C 97) D
36) B 98) A
37) A 99) B
38) A 100) B
39) C 101) A
40) B 102) D
41) C 103) B
42) C 104) D
43) A 105) D
44) D 106) A
45) D 107) D
46) A 108) A
47) B 109) C
48) D 110) B
49) A 111) D
50) A 112) B
51) D 113) D
52) C 114) A
53) C 115) C
54) C 116) D
55) D 117) A
56) B 118) C
57) B 119) C
58) A 120) D
59) A
60) D
61) B

Interpretação de Texto e Vocabulário – c) there is a different name for the same disease in men
and women.
EEAR BCT d) there’s not a disease called hisnia and it was a trick with
1) (EEAr BCT 1. 2016) Read the cartoon and write (T) for the possessive adjectives her (female) and his (male).
the true statements and (F) for the false statements. Texto para as questões 4 e 5
Why do planes crash?
Navigational errors are among the most common causes of
plane crashes. Planes are flown into a mountain or the sea out
of a variety of reasons. Sometimes weather conditions are bad,
in other cases pilots have made bad judgements.
In 1996 a Peruvian airliner crashed into the sea after the
computer stopped working. The crew had almost no data left to
work with and didn't know at which height they were flying
( ) The pilot is fed up with the passengers’ questions. when they hit the water.
( ) The pilot is concerned about the in-flight movie and In 1977 almost 600 people got killed when two planes were
meal. heading at full speed towards each other and collided in heavy
( ) The passenger is concerned about the in-flight movie fog on the runway in Tenerife. The crash happened after planes
and meal. had been guided to Tenerife because Gran Canary airport was
( ) The pilot and the passenger are engaged in a closed.
conversation about flying a jet safely. In June 2009 an Air France airbus disappeared off the coast
Choose the alternative that corresponds to the correct order. of Brazil. Although the wreckage was found after a few days it
a) T – F – F – T took investigators almost three years to find out what had really
b) F – T – T – F happened to the plane.
c) T – F – T – F Pilots are criticising the way planes are built. In the past
d) F – F – T – T decades the structure of planes has changed. More computers
2) (EEAr BCT 1. 2016) According to the text: and automated systems are taking over, the pilot often has no
Rio de Janeiro alternatives left.
In a quick and decisive military sweep, Brazilian (Adapted from http://www.english.online.at/news-
security forces seized control of this city’s most notorious articles/technology)
slum on Sunday, claiming victory in a weeklong battle 4) (EEAr BCT 1. 2016) According to the text, write (T) for
against drug gangs that has claimed dozens of lives. the true statements and (F) for the false statements.
Drug gangs have stained the reputation of this seaside ( ) In 1977 two planes collided in Tenerife.
city and contributed heavily to giving it one of the highest ( ) In 1977 almost 600 people were killed due to heavy
murder rates in the world. For the past two years, the fog on the runway.
government has carried out an ambitious campaign to ( ) In 1977 two planes collided when they were heading
pacify the most violent slums and regain control of the city for Gran Canary airport.
in advance of the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympic ( ) In 1977 two planes were guided to Gran Canary
Games. The police have since wrested more than three airport because Tenerife was closed.
dozen communities from criminal gangs, installing special Choose the alternative that corresponds to the order.
community police forces there. a) T – T – F – F
Source: b) T – F – F – T
http://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/29/world/americas/29bra c) F – T – F – F
zil.html?_r=0 d) F – F – T – T
a) military forces swept all the slums in Rio de Janeiro. 5) (EEAr BCT 1. 2016) “Wreckage” in bold type, (line 15)
b) Rio de Janeiro had its reputation regained after many means
murders. a) the parts of a plane that are left after it has been
c) the government wants to pacify violent slums in Rio destroyed in an accident.
before 2016 Olympic Games. b) a piece of equipment on plane that records what
d) the police has protected more than three dozen criminal happens on a flight.
gangs by installing police forces in the slums. c) the main part of a plane, in which people sit or goods
3) (EEAr BCT 1. 2016) The doctor’s joke is funny only if the are carried.
reader knows that d) the large flat part that sticks out from the side of a plane
and helps to keep the plane in the air.
6) (EEAr BCT 1. 2016) According to the article, all the
sentences are correct, except:
The U2 was one of the most famous military planes of
the Cold War. It was designed to fly high over a foreign
country, take pictures and gather information.
The U2 was built in Area 51, a secret place in Nevada,
a) men cannot have a hernia.
known for UFO sightings. The US Air Force built the area
b) Hagar knows everything about English grammar.
to create such a secret plane and test new weapons.

The single-pilot plane could fly at an altitude of over 20 unintelligible. In Igboland, as it’s informally known, names
km above the earth's surface. With its special cameras it have meaning and history. Nkemakonam means “may I not
could take detailed photos and close-ups of objects on the lack what is mine”, while Ifejika means “what I have is
ground. Today, the US Air Force still operates a modified greater”. By mispronouncing his names, he was throwing away
version of the U2, however it is not used as a spy plane any generation of history, and disregarding his parents’ careful
more. Current planes have a larger fuselage and need less choice.
fuel than their predecessors of the Cold War. They are also His indefatigable and proudly wife, who is also Igbo,
equipped with more sophisticated instruments. Some of helped him out when they met. Now he knows how to
them fly over Afghanistan and support American soldiers pronounce his name properly, with the correct tones and with
on the ground. They also saw action during the Gulf War pride.
and the conflict in the Balkans. Fonte: BBC NewsWorld Service
U2s are also used for research. NASA uses the former 9) (EEAr BCT 2. 2016) In ‘Igbo is a tonal language, so the
spy planes for tests in the atmosphere. words with the wrong stresses and tones either change their
(adapted from http://www.english-online.at/news- meaning, or worse, become unintelligible.’, (lines 12-15), it
articles/history/u2-spy) means that mispronouncing the words in Igbo can
a) Nowadays a new version of the U2 is operated as a spy a) have little change on their meaning as well as their
plane. understanding.
b) The US Air Force built a secret area to work on the U2. b) affect not only their meaning but also the understanding
c) During the Cold War, the U2 was used as a spy plane. of them.
d) The U2 could identify objects on the ground. c) change their meaning but hardly ever their
7) (EEAr BCT 1. 2016) According to the cartoon, we can intelligibility.
affirm that: d) make the understanding easy.
10) (EEAr BCT 2. 2016) According to the article, Nkem
Ifejika ___________, except:
a) has been able to speak his ancestors’ tongue since he
was a child.
b) didn’t use to pronounce his name properly.
c) was taught in the United Kingdom.
d) was partly brought up in Nigeria.
11) (EEAr BCT 2. 2016) All underlined words in the article
a) Hagar speaks French. have a negative prefix, except:
b) Hagar’s friend speaks some French. a) disregarding
c) Hagar is afraid of the other soldiers. b) indefatigable
d) Hagar and his friend don’t want to hurt the soldiers. c) unintelligible
8) (EEAr BCT 1. 2016) According to the text, butterflies: d) mispronouncing
Throughout history, butterflies have been seen as symbols 12) (EEAr BCT 2. 2016) In ‘(...) the Igbo is in danger of dying
of many things - not only transformation and purity, but out (...)’, (line 2), it means that the language is in danger of
also death and sin. Today though, scientists study them to ______________.
see what they can tell us about our changing planet, writes a) being minority
Mary Colwell. b) being less spoken
Source: www.bbc.co.uk/news c) becoming unclear
a) don’t symbolize purity. d) going into extinction
b) are also symbols of death and sin. Texto para as questões 13 - 15
c) have been studied by scientists throughout history. The Bottom Line on Facebook Depression
d) cannot tell anything about the changes in the planet. Facebook, the most popular social media platform, does not
Texto para as questões 9 - 12 make people more depressed on its own. Instead, what the
Why I stopped mispronouncing my Igbo name research shows is that Facebook – when used as a surveillance
In Nigeria, the language spoken by one of the largest ethnic device – leads to a greater risk of feelings of envy. And the
groups, the Igbo, is in danger of dying out – which is odd more those feelings of envy increase, the more likely it is for a
because the population is growing. In the past this didn’t worry person to start feeling depressed
Nkem Ifejika, who is himself Igbo but never learned the The key to stopping these feelings is to not use Facebook
language primarily as a surveillance method to spy on your family and
When he is in Nigeria, he says his parents are Igbo. He friends’ lives. Instead, use it as a social network where you
might throw in that he partly grew up in the United Kingdom. share your own information, photos and updates, as well as
In Britain, He says he’s Nigerian, though he often adds consume other’s updates and shares.
explainers about having been educated at British schools and Healthy use of Facebook will protect you against the
lived outside Nigeria since he was 12 years old. possibility of feeling more depressed after using it. It’s a
Nkem Ifejika can speak English, French among others. simple thing you can try for yourself – especially if you feel
However, he can’t speak the language of his ancestors. Igbo is more envious after checking Facebook.
a tonal language, so the words with the wrong stresses and Fonte: Psych Central – World of Psychology
tones either change their meaning, or worse, become

13) (EEAr BCT 2. 2016) Reading the last paragraph can lead Fonte: Aesop’s Fables
to the conclusion that The moral of the fable is
a) Facebook is highly addictive. a) ‘practice is our best friend’.
b) a healthy relationship with Facebook means no use of it b) ‘example is the best teacher’.
at all. c) ‘the only way to retain love is to give it away’.
c) heavy Facebook users should get rid of social media in d) ‘never give up persuading someone to copy you’.
order to have a feeling of well-being. Texto para as questões 18 e 19
d) Facebook, when it is not used in a healthy way, can Greenpeace has campaigned against environmental
affect the state of people’s mental health, making them degradation since 1971 when a small boat of volunteers and
feel very unhappy. journalists sailed into the U.S. atomic test zone of Amchitka,
14) (EEAr BCT 2. 2016) Reading the text leads to the Alaska.
conclusion that Facebook Our focus has been on the most crucial worldwide threats to
a) may lessen depressive feelings. our planet’s biodiversity and environment. It’s also our
b) alone doesn’t cause people to be more depressed. responsibility to expose environmental criminals, and to
c) is a social tool that can help loneliness if it is used in a challenge governments and corporations when they fail to act
healthy way. appropriately in order to protect our environment and our
d) can lead to unconscious envy that will result in future.
depression feelings 18) (EEAr BCT 2. 2016) The sentence ‘It’s also our
15) (EEAr BCT 2. 2016) In ‘(...) when used as a surveillance responsibility to expose environmental criminals.’ means
device (...)’, (lines 3 and 4), it means that Facebook is used that Greenpeace ________, except:
for a) sole responsibility is to expose criminals.
a) updating the news. b) exposes environmental criminals, among other things.
b) keeping track of others. c) is responsible for exposing environmental criminals,
c) exchanging the information between more people. too.
d) surveying people in order to find out their attitudes or d) is responsible for exposing environmental criminals, as
opinions. well.
16) (EEAr BCT 2. 2016) Hijacked jets destroy Twin 19) (EEAr BCT 2. 2016) According to the text, Greenpeace
Towers: a creeping horror a) is concerned about a range of environmental issues.
The horror arrived in epsodic bursts of chilling b) campaigns actively for the deforestation of the forests.
disbelief, signified first by trembling floors, sharp c) presents a threat to planet’s biodiversity and
eruptions, cracked windows. There was the cruel sight of environment.
bodies helplessly tumbling out, some of them in flames. d) blames politicians and business companies for
Finally, the high and impressive towers themselves were environmental degradation.
reduced to nothing. Dense plumes of smoke raced through Texto para as questões 20 e 21
the downtown avenues, coursing between the buildings, A lack of sleep affects your mood
shaped like tornadoes on their sides. When a person cannot sleep or sleeps only a few hours a
Every sound was cause for alarm. A plane appeared night, a lot of damage is done. A person gets bad-tempered,
overhead. Was another one coming? No, it was a fighter jet. loses their drive, feels angry and tired, and also gets bags under
But was it friend or enemy? People scrambled for their their eyes. Poor sleep can also make a person emotionally
lives, but they didn’t know where to go. Should people go unstable and even affect their immune system. A good tip to
north, south, east, west? Stay outside, go indoors? People improve the quality of sleep is to avoid heavy meals at night
hid beneath cars and each other. Some contemplated and to avoid drinking beverages with a high caffeine content,
jumping into the river (…) such as soft drinks and coffee.
Fonte: The New York Times, Sep. 12, 2001. Fonte: Maganews
GLOSSARY 20) (EEAr BCT 2. 2016) According to the extract,
chilling disbelief – incredulidade assustadora a) a bad night’s sleep doesn’t result in skin damage.
trembling floors – o tremor dos andares b) a good night’s sleep makes a person less energetic.
to scramble – lutar c) a bad sleep leads to a change in behaviour.
The text is about d) sleeping badly is harmless to our health.
a) a terrorist attack. 21) (EEAr BCT 2. 2016) A helpful piece of advice, mentioned
b) a bomb explosion. in the extract, is:
c) a terrific day of horror. a) Stay away from heavy meals at night.
d) an implosion of some buildings. b) Be away from alcoholic drinks.
17) (EEAr BCT 2. 2016) The Crab and His Mother c) Give up drinks with caffeine.
Mamma Crab was talking to Baby Crab when she noticed d) Skip meals when it is night.
that he was walking sideways. Mamma Crab said, ‘Why are Texto para as questões 22 e 23
you walking sideways like that, my son? You have to walk Airports ‘vunerable’ to attack
straight.’ Baby Crab replied, ‘Show me how, dear mother, The 2007 Glasgow International Airport attack was a
and I’ll follow your example.’ terrorist ramming attack which occurred on Saturday 30 June
Mamma Crab tried and tried, but her efforts were in vain. 2007, when a dark green Jeep Cherokee loaded with propane
She could not walk straight herself. Then, she saw how canisters was driven into the glass doors of the Glasgow
foolish she had been to find fault with her child. International Airport terminal and set ablaze. It was the first

terrorist attack to take place in Scotland. Security bollards 24) (EEAr BCT 1. 2017) Write (T) for the true statements and
outside the entrance stopped the car from entering the terminal, (F) for the false statements.
although the doors were damaged. ( ) Pilot fatigue is affecting only charter pilots.
Security consultant Chris Yates said many of the changes ( ) The Lindbergh flight shows that fatigue poses no risk
put in place at Glasgow had been copied at other UK airports. for aviation.
But he said that although some “weak points” in airport had ( ) If pilots sleep about six and a half hours before a
been addressed, others remained flight. He won’t face operational risks.
Since the attack, cars no longer drop off passengers outside ( ) There are accounts that pilots have falled asleep at the
the main terminal building, which was fitted with bomb-proof controls due to very long commute.
glass. Choose the alternative that correspond to the right order.
Fonte:BBC News a) T – F – T – F
GLOSSARY b) F – T – T – F
(car) ramming attack – ataque no qual um veículo choca-se c) F – F – F – T
contra um local d) T – F – F – T
propane canister – container de metal contendo gás propano 25) (EEAr BCT 1. 2017) “on a par with”, (line 19), in bold
bollard – poste usado para manter um veículo fora de uma área type, means
em particular a) at the same level.
22) (EEAr BCT 2. 2016) – Choose the alternative that reflects b) at the same local.
the information provided by the article. c) at different points.
a) Security hasn’t been improved at Glasgow Airport since d) at different standards.
the attack happened. Texto para as questões 26 e 27
b) The security at Glasgow Airport has been neglected by Twenty-First Century Birdwatching
the United Kingdom authorities. Our ancestors could spot natural predators from far by their
c) In spite of the damages at Glasgow Airport, the drop- silhouettes. Are we equally aware of the predators in the
offs are still allowed outside the terminal building. present-day? Drones are remote-controlled planes that can be
d) The airports in the United Kingdom aren’t secure used for anything from surveillance, to rescue operations and
enough to prevent the possibility of another terrorist scientific research. Most drones are used today by military
attack. powers for remote-controlled surveillance and attack, and their
23) (EEAr BCT 2. 2016) According to the article, the main numbers are growing. The Federal Aviation Administration
terminal building was (FAA) predicted in 2012 that within 20 years there could be as
a) rebuilt by using glass against bullet. many as 30.000 drones flying over U.S. Soil alone. As
b) supplied with glass proofed against bomb. robotic birds will become commonplace in the near future, we
c) fitted with security locks made by bomb-proof glass. should be prepared to identify them.
d) fitted out with sophisticated anti-collision equipment. Adapted from https://medium.com/looking-up/21st-century-
Texto para as questões 24 e 25 birdwatching)
The Pilot Fatigue Problem 26) (EEAr BCT 1. 2017) According to the text, the number of
For years, pilot fatigue has been a real issue. Airline pilots, drones used by military powers is
as well as cargo, corporate and charter pilots can all face a) increasing in terms of surveillance and attack.
fatigue while on the job. While pilot fatigue can be common b) preventing remote – controlled surveillance.
and overlooked, it poses a very troubling threat to aviation c) continuing the same as in 2012.
safety and should be taken seriously. d) decreasing in terms of attack.
Pilot fatigue has been a real problem since the beginning of 27) (EEAr BCT 1. 2017) In the text, all the nouns bellow refer
air travel. Charles Lindbergh fought to stay awake on his to drones, except:
record-breaking 33.5-hour transatlantic flight from New York a) predators (line 2)
to Paris on the Spirit of St. Louis. Long-haul pilots have b) ancestors (line 1)
reported falling asleep at the controls. Cargo pilots that fly at c) robotic birds (line 10)
night face fatigue from challenging the body's natural internal d) remote-controlled planes (line 3)
clock. 28) (EEAr BCT 1. 2017) Human's Best Friend
The Lindbergh flight provides a great example for the real We know that dogs are human's best friends. They love
issue today that fatigue is an acceptable risk and one that isn't us and we love them. However, we're not so sure where
given enough credit. Lindbergh flew from New York to Paris they came from. Many scientists think they came from
without falling asleep. Similarly, pilots today get away with wolves 15,000 years ago. Although wolves are wild and
flying tired all the time. If you ask an average pilot how much dogs are tame, they're still a lot alike. Both wag their tails
sleep he got the night before a flight, it's probably on a par when happy and put their tails between their legs when
with the average American, which is about six and a half hours. scared.
This might be an acceptable amount of sleep if you have a Dogs are easy to educate. Well-educated dogs are
desk job. sometimes used as watchdogs. A watchdog can stop a
(Source: www.thebalance.com/the-pilot-fatigue-problem) creature that is five to six times bigger. It is interesting,
though, that these dogs, which can become terrifyingly wild
in times of danger, pose no harm to their owners. In the
face of a threat, they put their lives in danger to save their

(Adapted from http://www.grammarbank.com) 32) (EEAr BCT 1. 2017) The first man thought the second
Write (T) for the True statements and (F) for the False man knew __________.
statements, according to the text a) more than he did
( ) Dogs and wolves present features that make many b) very much
scientists think that dogs came from wolves. c) very little
( ) Although dogs are human’s best friends. People don’t d) nothing
know their origin, exactly. 33) (EEAr BCT 1. 2017) Read the text and choose the correct
( ) Watchdogs can put their owners in danger in times of alternative.
threatening. In the film “The accountant”, a man on the autism spectrum
( ) Well-educated dogs when in danger are always tame. is a number cruncher by day, while involving himself in
Choose the alternative that corresponds to the correct order. seedier activities at night.
a) T – F – T – F This scene occurs in a conference room after the lead
b) T – T – T – F character, Christian (Ben Affleck), is hired to review a
c) T – T – F – F company’s financial records. He spends an entire night
d) T – F – F – T writing out figures, using whiteboards and eventually the
29) (EEAr BCT 1. 2017) “workout”, (line 4), in bold type in room’s glass walls.
the text, means For the scene, Mr. O’Connor wanted to take the audience
Pilates is a unique combination of stretching, inside the mind of the character. During an interview, he
strengthening and breathing. It improves circulation and explained how he used a real forensic accountant to get the
body alignment. It engages the powerhouse of the lower numbers right and also a creative approach to covering
abs, hips and lower back in almost every movement. walls with tidy handwriting.
Throughout the workout, practitioners try to stay united a) the director, Mr. O’Connor, wanted to show the viewer
from shoulder to shoulder and hip to hip, making sure the what goes on in the head of the character.
neck and limbs are used in long, graceful movements. b) the director. Mr. O’Connor, put the audience inside the
(Adapted fromhttp://www.grammarbank.com/paragraphs- mind of a real forensic accountant.
fitness) c) the main character, Christian, spends the night studying
a) a period people rest. for presentation work.
b) a period of mental exercise. d) the main character, Christian, suffers from panic
c) a period of physical exercise. disorder.
d) a period people spend repairing things at work. 34) (EEAr BCT 1. 2017) Read the cartoon and choose the best
30) (EEAr BCT 1. 2017) Read the cartoon and choose the best response.

According to the cartoon,

a) the little boy suggests that the girl is bossy.
b) the dog becomes forever the girl’s dog.
c) the dog tries to teach the girl to jump.
d) the girl wants to buy a dog for her.
a) The students were supposed to tell what they did during 35) (EEAr BCT 1. 2017) Read the cartoon and choose the best
the summer. response.
b) During the summer all the students communicated
through twitter.
c) Every student knew what Kayla did on vacation.
d) Kayla follows all the students on social network.
Texto para as questões 31 e 32
The first man drew a small circle in the sand and told the
second man, “This is what you know”, and drawing a circle
around the small one, “This is what I know”. The second man
took the stick and drew an immense ring around both circles:
“This is where both of us know nothing”. According to the cartoon, the man
(Adapted from Carl Sandburg (1878-1967), american poet) a) convinces his companion on the nutritional composition
31) (EEAr BCT 1. 2017) According to the passage of the mass.
The first man declared that he had more ____ than the b) persuades her to choose the same dish and add a salad.
second man. c) describes technically and praises his favorite dish.
a) knowledge d) proves that pizza and salad are the same in theory.
b) wisdom
c) circles
d) rings

Texto para as questões 36 e 37 Texto para as questões 39 - 41
Brazil takes on the European Refugee Crisis Inside Lilium, The World’s First Vertical Takeoff And
In 2016 significantly less refugees arrived in Europe than Landing Private Jet
the year before. The Organization for Migration and the EU Wonder what’s in store for the future of private jet flying?
border agency Frontex have reported a notable decline in the Here’s a glimpse. A start-up company – hosted in a European
number of migrants arriving on Europe’s shores by nearly two- Space Agency (ESA) business incubator center in Bavaria –
thirds. These numbers, however, are by no means an indication released an idea for an egg-shaped two-seater plane called
of improvement in the international situation of refugees. Lilium that’s currently in the works. With a top speed of 250
It’s evident that something has to change in the mph and a range of 300 miles, the plane can travel roughly
international mindset to bring an end to the enduring human between Munich and Berlin in about 90 minutes. And
rights violations concerning millions of people. Surprisingly, a according to the ESA, if testing succeeds, this will be the
potential wind of change has come from Brazil, a country world’s first vertical takeoff and landing private jet.
facing a deep economic and political crisis. The project came about when Daniel Wiegand – one of the four
Brazil is one of the biggest recipients of refugees in Latin founders of Lilium – wanted to realize flying for the masses in
America. In 2013 they introduced a humanitarian visa program a fast, inexpensive, efficient and eco-friendly way. ‘Our goal is
for Syrians, processing 8.450 humanitarian visas on basis of to develop an aircraft that doesn’t need the complex and
which more than 2.000 Syrian refugees have already settled in expensive infrastructure of an airport, can be used close to
Brazil. Brazil has several reasons to pursue a recipient urban areas, and doesn’t produce too much noise and
immigration policy. Receiving immigrants from all over the pollution,’ he said. So to produce this new class of airplanes
world helps to boost the country’s international reputation and that could take off and land vertically anywhere with a surface
to turn around its negative image regarding a high crime rate area of 250 square feet by 2018, Wiegand and his team in
and an even higher external debt. Immigrants in Brazil also Germany came up with a design using electric engines and
seem to be perceived as less as a (financial) burden than in incorporated movable fan turbines.
many European countries. Fonte: www.forbes.com
Fonte: www.dailymail.com.uk GLOSSARY
GLOSSARY glimpse – uma ideia para entender melhor algo
mindset – atitudes das pessoas 39) (EEAr BCT 2. 2017) According to the text, Lilium
enduring – resistente, duradoura a) is a European Space Agency business incubator center.
financial burden – carga financeira b) is a helicopter with a vertical takeoff and landing
36) (EEAr BCT 2. 2017) – According to the text, we can say system.
that c) is an electric jet with lower cost for short range
a) just Syrians refugees are settled in Brazil. journeys.
b) Brazil has supported many Syrian refugees. d) is an unmanned aircraft which is affordable for the
c) Brazil has no interest in humanitarian programs. masses.
d) due to the huge crisis, Brazil has refused foreigners. 40) (EEAr BCT 2. 2017) Write (T) for true statements and (F)
37) (EEAr BCT 2. 2017) ‘a potential wind of change has come for false statements and choose the alternative that
(…)’ in bold in the text, means corresponds to the right order.
a) there’s a possibility of change. ( ) The noise created by Lilium is too loud.
b) the changing has just started. ( ) Lilium will be a sustainable form of air transportation.
c) the changing has happened. ( ) Lilium has fan engines and an innovative technology
d) there’s a hope of changing. to cut pollution.
38) (EEAr BCT 2. 2017) According to the cartoon, ( ) A European Space Agency designed an amazing
aircraft with space for more than two people to sit.
a) F – F – T – T
b) T – F – F – T
c) T – T – T – F
d) F – T – F – F
41) (EEAr BCT 2. 2017) Choose the alternative in which the
prefix ‘in-’ was used to form an opposite.
a) incubator (line 3)
b) inexpensive (line 12)
c) incorporated (line 20)
d) infrastructure (line 14)
a) the guy is arguing with his parents about his graduation
42) (EEAr BCT 2. 2017) The quotation, in bold in the extract,
b) the guy’s father is being intentionally sarcastic about the
To be or not to be
Every one knows that ‘To be or Not to be, that is the
c) the guy’s parents are discussing about their present
question’ comes from Hamlet, but when someone says
graduation. ‘Neither a borrower nor a lender be’, they are probably
d) the guy’s parents are expecting to win a great gift for his unaware that they also quoting from the same play.
graduation. Innovations/ Thompson

a) If you borrow something, you must refuse to give it c) none of the 82 airlines formed in 10 years has failed so
back. far.
b) If you are not a borrower, you can’t be a lender. d) domestic air transport market in the USA is not really
c) Don’t be a lender or a borrower. vulnerable to newcomers.
d) It’s better to borrow than save. 47) (EEAr BCT 2. 2017) ‘Paradoxically’, in bold in the text
Texto para as questões 43 - 45 was used to express
The birds and the bees a) similar ideas.
My little boy came in the other day with a really serious b) opposite features.
look on his face and said, ‘Dad, do you mind if I ask you a c) additional information.
question? Where do I come from?’ I’d been dreading this d) negative consequences.
question for ages, but like a good father, I sat him down and 48) (EEAr BCT 2. 2017) According to the text, all alternatives
gently told him all about the birds and the bees. When I’d are correct, EXCEPT:
finished, he was very quite. He then got up and went, ‘thank a) there’s no crisis for JetBlue.
you, Dad’ and headed for the door. I said, ‘So what made you b) JetBlue has been growing for four years.
ask me?’ and he turned around and said, ‘I just want to know, c) crisis is something never heard by JetBlue.
because Bobby next door says HE comes from Manchester!’ d) JetBlue sales are going down at a spectacular rate.
Fonte: Innovations/ Thompson 49) (EEAr BCT 2. 2017) According to the text,
43) (EEAr BCT 2. 2017) ‘headed’, underlined in the text, The practical impacts of climate change can be hard to
means predict because of the large scales of time and geography
a) turned the head. over which changes are occurring. But more frequent jolts
b) went towards. in midair could be one way in which individuals will soon
c) looked. literally feel the effects.
d) pushed. A new scientific study says that severe turbulence could
44) (EEAr BCT 2. 2017) According to the text, we can infer become two to three times more common later this century
that when there is twice as much carbon dioxide in the
a) children are always polemic. atmosphere.
b) no adults are prepared to answer some issues. ‘Our new study paints the most detailed picture yet of
c) after simple questions, it’s better to give simple how aircraft turbulence will respond to climate change,’
answers. says author Dr. Paul Williams. ‘Even the most seasoned
d) fathers and sons almost always have difficulty in getting frequent fliers may be alarmed at the prospect of a 149%
along. increase in severe turbulence, which frequently hospitalizes
45) (EEAr BCT 2. 2017) In “I’d been dreading this question air travelers and flight attendants around the world.’
for ages (...)”, we can infer that Climate change is expected to lead to stronger vertical
a) the father wasn’t expecting that question. wind shears in the jet stream, at the cruising altitude for
b) his father’s words could be perfectly understood. most jet aircraft. Wind shears can become unstable and
c) the father was well prepared to answer the question. cause turbulence.
d) the father feared the day his son would ask him Williams used supercomputers simulations that
questions about sex. calculate clear-air turbulence along Transatlantic routes in
Texto para as questões 46 - 48 winter and found all turbulence strength levels will increase
JetBlue ... The crisis? Never heard of it… in a world with twice as much CO2. The computer models
The domestic air transport market in the USA must seem show the average amount of light turbulence will increase
highly unstable to newcomers, including low-cost carriers. Of by 59%, light-to-moderate turbulence by 75%, moderate by
the 82 airlines formed in ten years that followed deregulation in 94%, moderate-to-severe by 127%, and severe by 149%.
1978, only two have survived - America West and Mid-west Ironically, or perhaps poetically, aviation has long been
Express. Statistics show that three-quarters of all projects never recognized as a major contributor of greenhouse gases to
even get off the ground and that most of the others crash in less the atmosphere.
than five years. Fonte:www.forbes.com
Paradoxically, Southwest Airlines, the No.1 success story GLOSSARY
in the US air transport today, was founded before deregulation jolt – solavanco
(in 1972), though it did take advantage of it. Many of those seasoned – experiente
who tried to imitate the Southwest model came to grief. Not wind shear – tesoura de vento
JetBlue, which just four years after it was formed is continuing a) Aviation is a contributory factor in 20 % of all carbon
to grow at a spectacular rate. dioxide emissions.
Fonte: Revista Planet Aero-Space b) there used to be three times more severe turbulence than
GLOSSARY nowadays.
come to grief – falir c) an increase in all categories of turbulence will occur in
deregulation – desregulamentação the years to come.
46) (EEAr BCT 2. 2017) According to the text, it’s correct to d) it will take a considerable time to people experience the
say that effects of climate change.
a) just a few airlines have survived the crisis.
b) big companies get better results than the others.

50) (EEAr BCT 1. 2018) Read the cartoon and choose the 53) (EEAr BCT 1. 2018) According to the text, it is correct to
correct alternative: affirm that
a) Tenzin Gyatso, the world’s most famous monk, had
more than 100,000 people celebrating his 80th birthday.
b) Dalai Lama is celebrating his friend Patti Smith’s 80th
c) Dalai Lama would like to have white hair and beard.
d) Patti Smith is considered the 14th Dalai Lama
Texto para as questões 54 e 55
a) The air traffic controller duck understood that the duck Heathrow expansion should face strict environmental
pilot was requesting a day of May. conditions, say MPs.
b) The pilot duck was shouting “mayday” because he Final government approval for the expansion of Heathrow
wanted to relax. should be withheld until Europe’s busiest airport can
c) The air traffic controller duck was frantic due to the demonstrate that it accepts and will comply with key
affliction of the pilot. environmental conditions, a parliamentary committee has
d) The pilot duck was landing due to bad weather. concluded.
51) (EEAr BCT 1. 2018) The text above is a recipe for: MPs on the environmental audit committee have been
Ingredients hearing evidence on the likely carbon emissions, air quality and
- 25g butter noise levels after the government-appointed Airports
- 500g small onions, (about 5 in total), halved and finely Commission recommended a third runway at Heathrow as the
sliced preferred plan for London airport expansion
- 2 eggs (Adapted from www.theguardian/ environment. Acessed on
- 284ml pot double cream 01/12/2015)
- 140g mature cheddar, coarsely grated 54) (EEAr BCT 1. 2018) Heathrow airport already has
For the pastry _____________.
- 280g plain flour, plus extra for dusting a) 1 runway
- 140g cold butter b) 2 runways
Adapted from www.bbcgoodfood.com - Accessed on c) 3 runways
15/12/2015. d) 30 runways
a) a salmon and watercress quiche. 55) (EEAr BCT 1. 2018) Write true (T) or false (F), according
b) a sticky onion and cheddar quiche. to the text:
c) a leek, mushroom and Gruyère quiche. ( ) The expansion of Heathrow airport ought to be
d) a caramelized onion quiche with cheddar and bacon. blocked until the busiest airport complies with key
Texto para as questões 52 e 53 environmental conditions.
The Last Dalai Lama? ( ) The expansion of Heathrow should begin once
On a wet Sunday in June at the Glastonbury Festival, more Europe’s busiest airport may accept other conditions for
than 100,000 people spontaneously burst into a rendition of weather.
‘‘Happy Birthday.’’ Onstage, Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai ( ) Europe’s busiest airport can accept this change under
Lama, blew out the solitary candle on a large birthday cake two conditions: better air quality and lower noise levels.
while clasping the hand of Patti Smith, who stood beside him. ( ) Heathrow airport can choose the best alternative for
The world’s most famous monk then poked a thick finger at environmental conditions.
Smith’s silvery mane. ‘‘Musicians,’’ he said, ‘‘white hair.’’ a) T – T – F – F
But ‘‘the voice and physical action,’’ he added in his booming b) F – F – T – F
baritone, ‘‘forceful.’’ As Smith giggled, he went on: ‘‘So, that c) T – F – F – F
gives me encouragement. Myself, now 80 years old, but I d) F – F – T – T
should be like you — more active!’’ 56) (EEAr BCT 1. 2018) Choose the correct alternative,
Taken from www.nytimes.com. Acessed on 14/12/15 according to the cartoon.
52) (EEAr BCT 1. 2018) Match the definitions to the words:
1. clasp (line 4)
2. poke (line 6)
3. giggle (line 9)
4. booming (line 9)
( ) a loud and deep sound.
( ) to laugh in a childlike way.
( ) to hold someone’s hand firmly. a) The flying duck understood there was turbulence,
( ) to push someone or something with the fingers. because the winds were strong.
Choose the correct order: b) The air traffic controller duck didn’t have time to warn
a) 1 – 4 – 3 – 2 about turbulence.
b) 2 – 1 – 4 – 3 c) The water in movement caused the wind turbulence.
c) 3 – 2 – 1 – 4 d) The water turbulence was caused by the alligator.
d) 4 – 3 – 1 – 2

57) (EEAr BCT 1. 2018) - Provide information to pilots, such as weather updates,
The following are examples of types of air traffic runway closures, and other critical information; and
controllers: - Alert airport response staff, in the event of an aircraft
Tower controllers direct the movement of vehicles on emergency.
runways and taxiways. They check flight plans, give pilots Air traffic controllers' primary concern is safety, but
clearance for takeoff or landing, and direct the movement they also must direct aircraft efficiently to minimize delays.
of aircraft and other traffic on the runways and other parts They manage the flow of aircraft into and out of the airport
of the airport. Most work from control towers, as they airspace, guide pilots during takeoff and landing, and
generally must be able to see the traffic they control. monitor aircraft, as they travel through the skies.
Approach and departure controllers ensure that aircraft Controllers usually manage multiple aircraft at the same
traveling within an airport's airspace maintain minimum time and must make quick decisions to ensure the safety of
separation for safety. They give clearances to enter the aircraft. For example, a controller might direct one
controlled airspace and hand off control of aircraft to en aircraft on its landing approach, while providing another
route controllers. They use radar equipment to monitor aircraft with weather information.
flight paths and work in buildings known as Terminal Adapted from: ttps://collegegrad.com/careers/air-traffic-
Radar Approach Control Centers (TRACON). They also controllers
provide information to pilots, such as weather conditions a) the main concern of an air traffic controller is to avoid
and other critical notices. delays.
En route controllers monitor aircraft once they leave an b) an air traffic controller must be a fast and a good
airport's airspace. They work at air route traffic control decision maker.
centers located throughout the country, which typically are c) air traffic controllers must not direct more than one
not located at airports. aircraft at the same time.
Each center is assigned an airspace based on the geography d) air traffic controllers manage the flow of aircraft into the
and altitude of the area in which it is located. As an airplane airport airspace only.
approaches and flies through a center's airspace, en route 59) (EEAr BCT 2. 2018) According to the text, we can infer
controllers guide the airplane along its route. They may that
adjust the flight path of aircraft for safety and collision Hawaii’ volcano
avoidance. Caleb Jones and Andrey Mac Aroy
Adapted from: ttps://collegegrad.com/careers/air-traffic- Kilawea began erupting more than two weeks ago. It has
controllers burned dozens of homes, forced people to escape from
Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F). Then smoke and fire and led officials to distribute face masks to
choose the right alternative. protect against ash particles. Lava flying through the air
( ) En route controllers manage aircraft within airport’s from cracks in the earth can weigh as much as a refrigerator
airspace. and even small pieces can be lethal. The lava streamed
( ) Approach and departure controllers give official across a highway and flowed into the ocean. That sent
approval for landing and takeoff. hydrochloric acid with fine glass particles into the air, a
( ) The responsibility of approach and departure process that can lead to lung demage and eye and skin
controllers is to ensure that aircraft stay safe distances irritation. The highway was closed in some places, and
apart. residents in the area have been evacuated.
( ) Some of the tower controller duties are to prepare a) Kilawa erupted about ten days ago.
flight plans and to manage the movements of aircraft on the b) The lavas didn’t cause any health problems.
ground. c) The lavas can be very heavy and dangerous.
a) F – T – F – T d) The residents didn’t leave their houses during the
b) T – T – F – F eruption.
c) F – T – T – F Texto para as questões 60 - 62
d) F – F – T – F The mistake
58) (EEAr BCT 1. 2018) According to the text, it is correct to A photographer named John was flying first class from
say that London to Nairobi in Kenya when one of the pilots came out of
Air Traffic Controllers the cockpit to make some coffee in the microwave. He couldn’t
Air traffic controllers coordinate the movement of air get the machine to work, so he asked his fellow pilot to help
traffic, to ensure that aircraft stay safe distances apart. him.
Duties As the other pilot left the cockpit, he let the heavy metal
Air traffic controllers typically do the following: door close behind him. The pilot started an urgent, whispered
- Issue landing and takeoff instructions to pilots; discussion with his colleague. The two pilots had locked
- Monitor and direct the movement of aircraft on the themselves out of their cockpit and, as they told the
ground and in the air, using radar, computers, or visual photographer (who promised not to tell the other passengers),
references; the door was fitted with a safety lock. This meant that not even
- Control all ground traffic at airports, including the pilots could open it from outside the cockpit. John
baggage vehicles and airport workers; remembered that he had put his Swiss army knife in his hand
- Manage communications by transferring control of luggage. However, he couldn’t remember where he had put his
departing flights to traffic control centers and accepting hand luggage and spent five minutes opening and closing
control of arriving flights; overhead lockers until he found it. John and the pilots attacked

the door with the knife, the lock started to come loose, and papers around, or, pull a full-size human out of the plane.
when they broke into the cockpit, the plane was cruising Survival is unlikely for anyone fully sucked out into the sky.
eastward over the Indian Ocean. While in-flight incidents are extremely rare, if you want to
Adapted from American Inside Out - Student’s Book survive a crash, research suggests the best place to sit is in a
60) (EEAr BCT 2. 2018) According to the text, we can say that middle seat toward the back of the plane.
_________________. 65) (EEAr BCT 2. 2018) Write (T) for the true statements and
a) The pilots got back to the flight deck (F) for the false statements, according to the text.
b) Neither passenger realized the situation ( ) The safest place into the airplane is the first class.
c) The pilots often make coffee during the flight ( ) After being entirely sucked out in the sky, it’s difficult
d) It’s really common to face a problem like this one someone survives.
61) (EEAr BCT 2. 2018) The word “whispered”, in bold, in ( ) It’s likely to survive a crash if your place into the
the text, is closest in meaning to ________. airplane is in the cockpit.
a) yelled ( ) A depressurization caused by a hole on a plane can
b) bellowed suck out any people or object outside.
c) screamed a) F – F – T – T
d) murmured b) T – F – T – F
62) (EEAr BCT 2. 2018) According to the text, choose the best c) T – T – F – F
response. d) F – T – F – T
a) The airplane was heading for London. 66) (EEAr BCT 2. 2018) According to the text, we can infer
b) The two pilots were locked in the cabin. that _______________, EXCEPT,
c) The two pilots argued with the photographer. a) at 36,000 feet above sea level, it’s not possible to
d) The photographer helped the pilots to make coffee. breathe without a pressurized cabin
Texto para as questões 63 e 64 b) it’s possible to breathe naturally at an altitude of 5,000
Cuba plane crash: 110 dead as investigators recover feet above sea level
flight’black box c) at 36,000 feet above sea level, the pressure outside the
The fiery crash of an ageing passenger jet close to Havana’s cabin is higher than inside the pressurized cabin
main airport killed 110 people while three survivors remain d) an airplane cabin pressurized to 7,000 feet above sea
gravily in the hospital, making it the Caribean island’s level has a good oxygen level to passengers and crew
deadliest air disaster in nearly 30 years. The weather was rainy 67) (EEAr BCT 2. 2018) Southwest Airlines Flight 1380
at the airport at the time of the accident and some people could Jeremy Berke
hear a strange noise and saw the plane with an engine on fire. Southwest Airlines Flight 1380 suffered an engine
Among the dead are 20 clergy members of an evangelical failure that smashed a plane window, sucking a passenger
church, the Mexican pilots and the cabin crew. halfway out of the plane in midair
Adapted from Independent Online, May 25. A passenger on a Southwest Airlines flight on Tuesday
63) (EEAr BCT 2. 2018) The word “ageing”, in bold in the was partially sucked out of a window after an engine
text, is closest in meaning to exploded in midair.
a) old The flight, traveling from New York to Dallas, was
b) new forced to make an emergency landing in Philadelphia, and
c) modern the passenger — a 43-year-old woman named Jennifer
d) efficient Riordan — died Tuesday at a hospital. It was the first
64) (EEAr BCT 2. 2018) According to the text, we can infer fatality in a US passenger plane accident in nine years.
that Passengers on the flight described how, after the
a) The plane crashed far from the airport. explosion sent shrapnel into one of the plane’s windows,
b) The accident isn’t considered a huge tragedy. Riordan was pulled halfway out of aircraft.
c) All the passengers survived and only a couple died. While passengers were able to pull Riordan back into
d) The weather was dull and wet at the time of the the plane, another passenger was said to have felt “severe
accident. pressure” after positioning his back against the opening in
Texto para as questões 65 e 66 the cabin in an attempt to seal it.
PRESSURE When there’s an opening in an airplane during flight
Jeremy Berke (regardless of the cause), the plane will undergo rapid
Commercial airplane cabins are generally pressurized to an depressurization.
equivalent of 6,000 to 8,000 feet above sea level, in an effort to Adapted from http://www.businessinsider.com
maintain a healthy oxygen level for both the passengers and the Glossary:
flight crew. When a passenger jet is flying at a cruising altitude shrapnel – pequenos pedaços de metal que são lançados
of over 36,000 feet, the pressure outside the cabin devido a uma explosão.
is_____________ than inside the pressurized cabin. Air In, “... another passenger was said to have felt severe
pressure has a tendency to equalize, moving from areas of high pressure after positioning his back against the opening in
pressure to low pressure to achieve equilibrium. When a hole the cabin in an attempt to seal it”.
rips open on a plane, the suction resulting from the pressure The word “seal” is closest in meaning to ____________.
difference between the cabin and the sky could pull nearby a) fix
people or objects outside. Depending on the size of the hole, b) hide
such accidents could either create just enough force to shuffle c) close

d) protect 71) (EEAr BCT 1. 2019) According to the text, we can infer
Texto para as questões 68 e 69 that:
Mrs. Pratchett a) The tips depend on someone’s behavior.
Her name was Mrs Pratchett. She was a small, skinny old b) Even if the service is very good, tips don’t change.
hag with moustache on her upper lip and a mouth as sour as a c) People demonstrate their satisfaction tipping for the
green goosebery. She never smiled. service.
Her apron was gray and greasy. Her blouse had bits of d) People who works as parking vallets or bellshops get no
breakfast all over it, toast crumbs and tea stains and splotches tips.
of dried egg yollk. It was her hands, however, that disturbed us 72) (EEAr BCT 1. 2019) In (...) “you are not sure” about how
most.They were disgusting. They were black with dirt and much (...)”, the underlined words are closest in meaning to
grime. “you ____________”.
And do not forget that it was these hands and fingers that a) know
she would plunge into the sweet-jars when we asked for a b) are certain
pennyworth of TreackleToffe or Wine Gums or Nut Clusters, c) are uncertain
or whatever. There were precious few health laws in those d) have no doubt
days, and nobody, least of all Mrs. Pratchett , ever thought of 73) (EEAr BCT 1. 2019) According to the text, choose the best
using a little shovel for getting sweets out as they do today. response.
American Inside Out – Teacher’s book In “Americans usually tip people in places like restaurants,
68) (EEAr BCT 2. 2018) According to the text, we can infer airports, hotels, and (...)”, the word “TIP” is closest in
that Mrs Pratchett was _______________. meaning to
a) really tidy a) take some money.
b) kind of adorable b) pay for the service.
c) sort of unpleasant c) ask for extra money.
d) someone very kind d) give an amount of additional money.
69) (EEAr BCT 2. 2018) According to the text, choose the 74) (EEAr BCT 1. 2019) “low wages”, in bold type in the
best response. text, is closest in meaning to
a) Mrs. Pratchett was the cleaner. a) large tips.
b) Mrs. Pratchett was really repulsive. b) small tips.
c) Mrs. Pratchett’s place was very hygienic. c) small salary.
d) Mrs. Pratchett wore an impeccable apron. d) a high amount of money.
70) (EEAr BCT 2. 2018) Texto para as questões 75 e 76
Routine Evacuations as typhoon hits China coast
We’re supposed to start work at nine, but I often come More than 200,000 people have been evacuated as a
in later because I have to take my children to school first, typhoon made landfall on China’s east coast, state media say.
but then I stay a little later. Of course, if I have an early Typhoon Yagi hit China’s Zhejiang province shortly before
meeting or if I have to be in court first thing in the midnight on Sunday packing winds of up to 102km/h, the
morning, my wife has to take the kids to school. official Xinhua news agency reports, citing provincial flood
American Inside out - Teacher's book. control headquarters.
According to the text, in “We are supposed to start work A total of 204,949 people in 10 cities, including Taizhou,
at nine, (...)”. The underlined words are closest in Zhoushan, and Wenzhou, have been evacuated and almost
meaning to “We are .to start (...)” 21,000 fishing boats called back to port, it said.
a) wanted The storm will also bring heavy rain and will gradually
b) wished weaken as it moves slowly inland to the northwest, Xinhua
c) hopped said.
d) expected Summer is China’s typhoon season, although casualties
Texto para as questões 71 - 74 have been minimised in recent years by early government
To tip, or not to tip? planning and evacuations from potencial danger zones.
The word tip comes from an old English slang. Americans Adapted from www.news.com.
usually tip people in places like restaurants, airports, hotels, 75) (EEAr BCT 1. 2019) According to the text, we can infer
and hair salons. that
People who work in these places often get paid low wages. a) heavy rain is forecast for China’s typhoon season.
A tip shows that the customer is pleased with service. b) more than 200,000 fishing boats called back to port.
Sometimes it’s hard to know how much to tip. The size of c) the bad weather condition was caused by a wind shear.
the tip usually depends on the service. People such as parking d) typhoon Yagi has hit China’s Zhejiang province just
valets or bellshops usually get smaller tips. The tip for people after noon.
such as taxi drivers and waiters or waitresses is usually larger. 76) (EEAr BCT 1. 2019) According to the text, we can infer
When you’re not sure about how much to tip, do what that
feels right. You don’t have to tip for bad services. And you can a) Zhejiang is the Chinese who forecast the storm.
give a bigger tip for a very good service. Remember, though, b) Typhoon is a violent storm with very strong winds.
your behavior is more important than your money. Always c) Taizhou and Zhoushan are some countries in China.
treat service providers with respect. d) China has been facing typhoon for a long time during its
Adapted from Interchange all seasons.

Texto para as questões 77 e 78 80) (EEAr BCT 1. 2019) In “Walker is a clerk, but he also
Hanging out makes money as Daniel’s double (...)”, the underlined word
R. Jordania means that Walker _________ Daniel.
In american cities, teenagers like to spend time together – a) looks like
“hang out”, as they say – at drugstore, luncheonettes, or ice b) is not similar
cream parlors. c) is different from
Often, they don’t even meet inside, but gather on the d) is the opposite of
sidewalk in front of the store. From time to time they go in for Texto para as questões 81 e 82
coffee, milk, ice cream. They also like to play the pinball The legislation follows a year-on-year increase in drone
machines. incidents.
Most parents disapprove of their children’s “hanging out” Joana Whitehead
that way. They consider it a waste of time, which could be New laws introduced today will restrict all drones from
better used doing homework, working at a part-time job, or flying above 400 feet or within one kilometer of airport
helping in the house. boundaries. The legislation follows a year-on-year increase of
Adapted from life in the USA drones incidents with aircraft, with 93 reported in 2017. The
77) (EEAr BCT 1. 2019) According to the text, we can infer measures are hoped to reduce the possibility of damage to
that windows and engines of planes and helicopters.
a) teenagers are fond of hanging out with friends. Further laws will require owners of drones weighing 250
b) ice cream is the teenager’s favorite kind of junk food. grams or more to register with the Civil Aviation Authority
c) pinball machines are not something they enjoy playing (CAA). The majority of drones users considered it is vital for
so much. drone pilots to adhere to the rules and guidelines of the CAA,
d) most of the time teenagers “hang out” in the inner part a set of rules introduced to promote safe and responsible drone
of a place. use.
78) (EEAr BCT 1. 2019) According to the text, choose the best Drones are here to stay, not only as a recriational pastime,
response: but as a vital tool in many industries – from agriculture to blue-
a) Just a few teenagers make some housework. light services – so incresing public trust through safe drone
b) All of parents think the teenagers should work part- flying is crucial.
time. Adapted from www.independent.co.uk
c) Most of teenagers help their families doing the 81) (EEAr BCT 1. 2019) According to the text, choose the
housework. correct alternative;
d) Most teenagers’ parents don’t go along with the way a) Drones incidents with aircraft are increasing every year.
their children spend time. b) Drones are just tools used for recreation in your leisure
Texto para as questões 79 e 80 time.
Celebrity Doubles c) New laws won’t allow all drones to fly within 400 feet
A group of teenagers is standing outside a shop in near the airports.
Manchester, England. Many of them have cameras and are d) Most of drones users consider it is not important to
looking in the shop window. they want to see the movie star follow the rules of the CAA
Daniel Radcliffe. A man in the shop looks like Radcliffe, but 82) (EEAr BCT 1. 2019) The verb “to adhere”, in bold type in
he isn’t the famous actor. He’s Andrew Walker - a twenty-two- the text, is closest in meaning to
year old shop clerk. a) to believe in someone’s idea.
Walker isn’t surprised by the teenagers. People often stop b) to behave according a particular rule.
him on the street and want to take his picture. Walker is a clerk, c) to disapprove something or someone.
but he also makes money as Daniel’s double. Today, many d) to disagree with an action or proposal.
companies work with celebrity doubles. They look like famous Texto para as questões 83 e 84
athletes, pop singers, and actors. The companies pay doubles to Airline employee steals, crashes plane near Seattle
go to parties and business meetings. Doubles are also on TV US authorities are investigating the Friday night crash of a
and in newspapers ads. Horizon Air Q400 aircraft near Seattle-Tacoma airport in
Why do people want to look like a celebrity? One double in Washington state after an airline employee took off without
the USA says, “I can make good money. I also make a lot of clearance and flew the plane for about an hour before it
people happy”. crashed.
Adapted from World Link - Developing English Fluency Two F-15 military fighter jets went up into the air in order
79) (EEAr BCT 1. 2019) According to the text, we can infer to intercept the stolen airliner, and the airport closed for a short
that, EXCEPT: time
a) Doubles are paid to go to social events and business There were no passengers on board except the person who
meetings. was operating the plane. It is believed that he is Richard
b) The young clerk was amazed by the young people in the Russel, a 29 year old local man who worked for the airline.
shop. Some media images showed the aircraft doing complicated and
c) Some people like to have a very similar appearance to dangerous flying before crash. In an audio recording a
celebrities. conversation with an air traffic controller, the person piloting
d) Many companies work with people who take the place the aircraft said he was a “broken guy”.
of famous actors for some purposes. Adapted from news.airwise.com/story/airline...

83) (EEAr BCT 1. 2019) According to the text, choose the Texto para as questões 88 – 90
correct alternative: Asthma from traffic
a) The only person on board was the airline employee. Asthma is a serious medical condition because it is lifelong;
b) The aircraft made a calm and smooth flight before there is no cure. A study says that pollution from traffic
crashing. connects to 4 millions new cases of asthma in children each
c) The plane flew for approximately one hour and landed year.
safely. Researchers studied the pollution and how it affects
d) The airport was kept closed during many hours after the children’s health in 194 countries and 125 large cities.
accident. This is not the first study to make this clame, but the
84) (EEAr BCT 1. 2019) In “the person piloting the aircraft study’s main author says that it gives a comprehensive idea of
said he was a broken guy (...)”, you can infer that the man the problem. She says that it tells where pollution “hot spots”
was ___________, EXCEPT: are.
a) so sad Some people think rules for pollution need to change and
b) very excited that we need to have cleaner transportation. The author also
c) suffering a lot said that there are other pollutants in the world causing
d) extremely unhappy deseases, such as lung cancer, strokes, heart disease and
Texto para as questões 85 e 86 developmental issues.
What was lost and what survived devastating Notre Dame 88) (EEAr BCT 2. 2019) According to the text, we can say that
fire _________________.
David K. Li a) there is no solution for the problems caused by pollution
Some of the most prized, centuries-old relics of France and b) there are other substances that cause diseases in the
Christianity survived the devastating Notre Dame Cathedral world besides the pollution
fire that almost wiped out the cherished Paris landmark. c) researchers discovered a medical treatment for asthma
According to Culture Minister Frank Riester the “most that makes the illness go away
precious treasures” were largely spared. Many of the works d) the study doesn’t give us a complete idea of the problem
will be stored at Paris’ City Hall and the Louvre, where they related to asthma in children
will be examined, treated for damage and protected. 89) (EEAr BCT 2. 2019) The word “comprehensive”,
Monday’s fire almost destroyed the entire cathedral, wich underlined in the text, is closest in meaning to __________
has stood in Paris and survived nearly 900 years of tumultuous a) narrow
French history. b) limited
So far, authorities have said blaze appears to be an c) complete
accident, possibly connected to a renovation project carried out d) particular
by five companies. 90) (EEAr BCT 2. 2019) In "This is not the first study to make
The fire was finally extinguished after nine hours of work. this claim", the word, in bold type, is closest in meaning to
85) (EEAr BCT 2. 2019) According to the text, we can say _____________ . Except:
that___________. a) assertion
a) the fire could only stop burning after more than one day b) allegation
of work c) refutation
b) no ancient and valuable object could be saved from the d) affirmation
fire in Notre Dame cathedral Texto para as questões 91 e 92
c) Notre Dame cathedral stands in Paris and is considered The plane, the pilot and the mechanic.
a very important Christian symbol Whereas, several test pilots might fly the prototype, each
d) maybe the big and dangerous fire was caused by a prototype is enrusted to only one mechanic. For him, I’m the
restoration work conducted by the government pilot who is going to fly “his” plane and furnish him with the
86) (EEAr BCT 2. 2019) “...appears (...)”, underlined in the proof that the work he has lovingly and conscientiously put it
text is closest in meaning to _______ . Except: on it all day, and sometimes all night, has not been in vain. The
a) seems relation between the pilot, the plane and the mechanic are at
b) sounds once very simple – basic, obviously – and very complex when
c) looks like it comes to putting them into words. For the mechanic, the
d) looks as if plane is a kind of Sleeping Beauty, and he takes care of her and
87) (EEAr BCT 2. 2019) The words, “in plenty of time”, in coddles her while she is asleep. As soon as she wakes up, she
bold type in the paragraph, is closest in meaning to passes into the hands of the pilots, but he only knows the plane
__________. when it is “alive”, when it is flying and functioning. The
They arrived at the court in plenty of time and went moment the plane takes off for a test, the mechanic loses sight
straight to the robing room. It was crowded with solicitors of it, but he follows it, he feels it, he is bound to it by a kind of
and counsil. sixth sense, or to put it better, by an invisible umbilical cord.
Adapted from Reading for Meaning Adapted from Read for Meaning.
a) late 91) (EEAr BCT 2. 2019) According to the text, we can say that
b) on time _________________.
c) over time a) the pilot flew the mechanic’s plane in vain
d) in good time b) the mechanic is the only one able to fly his plane
c) there are a lot of mechanics testing the pilot’s plane

d) the pilot will give the mechanic the proof that his work Different cultures have different ways of celebrating
has been a success Halloween. In the United States, it’s the night when
92) (EEAr BCT 2. 2019) In ...”For the mechanic, the plane is a children dress up in costumes and go to neighbors’ houses
kind of Sleeping Beauty, and he takes care of her and to “trick or treat”, or ask for candy. Some adults wear funny
coddles her while she is asleep”, we can say that the or scary costumes and go to parties or parades. Halloween
mechanic ________________. has become a fun holiday for both adults and children.
a) is clumsy of the plane Adapted from Interchange.
b) is really jealous of the plane a) eerie
c) is very caring about the aircraft b) strange
d) doesn’t care of the most of the aircraft c) unusual
Texto para as questões 93 – 95 d) unbelievable
Customs Texto para as questões 97 – 99
It was the small hours of the morning, when we reached The Magic of Potter
London Airport. I had cabled London (England) from There was a time when no one knew the name Harry Potter.
Amsterdam (Holland), and there was a hired car to meet me, Now the adventures of this extraordinary student at Hogwarts
but there was one more contretemps before I reached the haven School of Witchcraft and Wizardry are read in over 45
of my flat. In all my travels I have never, but for that once, languages, including Russian, Thai, and even ancient Greek.
been required by carried by the British Customs to open a No one can explain the Harry Potter Phenomenon – not even J.
single bag or to do more than state that I carried no goods K. Rowling, his creator.
liable to duty. It was, of course, my fault; the extreme fatigue J. K. Rowling was born in England in 1965. From a young
and nervous tension of the journey had destroyed my age, she knew she wanted to be a writer. When she was 6, she
diplomacy. I was, for whichever reason, so tired that I could wrote her first story – about a rabbit that gets sick. In 1990, on
hardly stand and to the proffered pro forma and the question, a trip to London, she got the idea for the boy wizard. She soon
‘have you read this?’ I replied, with extreme testiness and created a whole cast of unique characters to help Harry battle
foolishness, ‘Yes-hundreds of times’. the forces of darkness. She kept working on the story while she
Adapted from Read for Meaning was teaching English in Portugal. She finished the first book in
93) (EEAr BCT 2. 2019) According to the text, we can say that the series, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, in 1995 and
________________. published it in 1997. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
a) the aircraft headed for London became an unexpected bestseller.
b) some unfortunate happening was expected Adapted from Interchange
c) someone arrived sooner at London Airport H. P. = Harry Potter
d) the passenger couldn’t realize his fault so far 97) (EEAr BCT 2. 2019) In... “Now the adventures of this
94) (EEAr BCT 2. 2019) According to the text, we can infer extraordinary student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft
that _______________. and Wizardy(...)”. The underlined words refer
a) the passenger was very polite at the customs to_______________.
b) it was the passenger’s first time at the customs a) Hogwarts School
c) at the customs, the passenger could relax and rest b) the adventures
d) after landing, the passenger couldn’t go towards his c) Harry Potter
place d) the author
95) (EEAr BCT 2. 2019) According to the text, choose the best 98) (EEAr BCT 2. 2019) According to the text, we can say that
response. J. K. Rowling used to ________________.
In “...there was a hired car to meet me (...)”. We can infer a) be a teacher, while she was writing Harry Potter and the
that___________. Sorcerer’s Stone
a) there was a car to pick the passenger up at his place b) imagine great adventures in her teen’s
b) there was a car ready to take the passenger to his place c) write novels when she was a child
c) the passenger has asked someone to give him a ride to d) study at Hogwarts
his flat 99) (EEAr BCT 2. 2019) According to the text, choose the best
d) the passenger has lent a car for someone meet him at the response
airport a) Harry Potter is J. K. Rowling first story.
96) (EEAr BCT 2. 2019) The word “weird”, in bold type, in b) Harry Potter’s adventures was translated into 45
the text, is closest in meaning to ______________ . Except: languages.
Halloween c) It has been possible to read H. P. and the Sorcerer’s
One fall day, as you walk down the street, you might Stone since 1993.
see ghosts, strange animals, and other weird things. What’s d) The boy wizard came up on J. K. Rowling’s mind on a
going on? It’s probably October 31, or Halloween. trip to England.
Halloween is a day when people go out wearing costumes
and colorful makeup.
People think that Halloween started in Ireland during
the 400s. October 31 was the end of summer, and people
believe that everyone who died during the year come back
on that day. To scare away the dead, people put on
costumes and went out into the streets to make noise.

Texto para as questões 100 – 101 d) Researchers from some countries have been studying
Investigators find “similarities” between Ethiopian and this phenomena for many years.
Lion Air crashes. Texto para as questões 103 – 105
Anna Cardovillis, Kara fox and Dakin Andone Reasons why the Airbus A380 failed
Preliminary data recovered from the black boxes of the last On 14 February 2019, Airbus announced their A380s have
week Ethiopian Airlines crash has revealed “similarities” to been cancelled, with production ending in 2021. After 12 years
October ‘s fatal Lion Air crash. of shaky business and development, its closure didn’t come as
Ethiopian Airlines flight 302 crashed March 10, six minutes a surprise. The dream is over for the world’ largest passenger
after take off, killing all 157 people on board. It was the second airliner. Why was the king of the airliners forced to land so
disaster involving a new Boeing 737 Max 8 aircraft in less than quikly? Here’s what happened:
six months. In October, all 189 people on board Lion Air Flight • poor business planing finds itself at the heart of the
were killed in Indonesia, 13 minutes after take off. Similarities A380’s downfall. Most of all A380’ eggs were put in a basket
between the two incidents led aviation authorities around the called Emirates, Airbus biggest buyer.
world to ban the use of 737 Max 8s. Investigators suspect the • bigger isn’t always better. With a wingspan of almost 80
Lion Air crash may have been caused by an angle of attack meters was difficult to guide the giant four-turbine around
sensor on the outside of the plane that transmited incorrect airports.
data, which could have triggered the automated flight software • airbus failed to antecipate how consumer’s tastes in air
that forced the plane’s nose down. The pilots first manually travel would change over the years. Passengers nowadays
corrected an “automatic aircraft nose down two minutes after prefer smaller airports, using direct routes to their destinations.
take off and performed the same procedure again and again • although a seating capacity of 800 may seem impressive
before the plane hurtled into the Java Sea. at first, it is not easy to fill them up, even when you give
100) (EEAr BCT 2. 2019) According to the text, we can infer discounts and make promotions.
that __________. Airbus A380’ closure perhaps teaches us all a lesson or two.
a) the crashes were caused by a mechanical problem in the Dream big, but keep your feet on the ground.
nose gear. Adapted from https://www.slashgerar.com.
b) many people survived in both accidents and this fact 103) (EEAr BCT 2. 2019) In “... Dream big, but keep your
was considered a miracle feet on the ground.”, the expression is closest in meaning
c) the pilots tried to find a solution to the problem using to: _______________________.
their own hands in the automatic aircraft. a) Be careful about your dreams
d) the data recovered from Ethiopian Airliners and Lion b) It’s possible to dream without consequences
Air crashes revealed there were differences between c) Don’t do anything without be sure that it will work
them. d) Try to achieve your wishes being realistic and sensible
101) (EEAr BCT 2. 2019) In “Similarities between the two 104) (EEAr BCT 2. 2019) According to the text, choose the
incidents led aviation authorities around the world to ban alternative that best complete the sentence.
the use of 737 Max 8”, the underlined word is closest in Airbus A380 _________________.
meaning to a) can land in all kinds of airports
a) allow b) is considered the largest cargo airliner
b) permit c) have many costumers among the other airliners
c) forbid d) is so big that it is difficult to have enough passengers to
d) suggest make it full
102) (EEAr BCT 2. 2019) According to the text all the 105) (EEAr BCT 2. 2019) In”...Most of all the A380’s eggs
alternatives are correct, except: were put in a basket called Emirates(...)”, we can infer
Iceberg ruptures in Patagonia raise alarm about that Airbus ______________.
global warming a) is the Emirates’ best customer
Fabian Andres Cambero b) have no other alternative left if Emirates fails
Two new icebergs have broken off from the Grey c) made investments on the open market for many years
Glacier in Chile’s Patagonia in recent weeks. Scientists d) put most of their efforts into Emirates, but have another
have linked the increased frequency ice breaks to rising plans to get sucess
temperature. According to Ricardo Jana, researcher and Texto para as questões 106 e 107
member of the climate change area of the Chilean Diplomat
Antartic Institute (INACH) “In recent years temperature There are three main aspects to this profession: a diplomat
rises above the normal average and intense rainfall were has to keep his country informed about pertinent international
registered with an increase in water level in the lake, events, promote a favorable image of his country and protect
factors that could explain the separation. Reseachers from his country’s interests.
universities in Germany and Brazil, together with experts Whoever is interested in a diplomatic career has to be
from INACH and other local entities, have been studing extremely familiar with political, economical, scientific,
the Grey Glacier since 2015. cultural and administrative issues. To be a diplomat, it is
a) The low water level was registered by the scientists. essential to have a good knowledge of English, not only the
b) The cause of ice breaks can be the high temperatures. conversational language, but also the technical terms in
c) Icebergs were separated from the Grey Glacier in Chile international law and diplomacy itself.

To follow this career, besides being fluently bilingual, one 109) (EEAr BCT 1. 2020) The word “strain”, underlined in
needs a standard college education and has to take and do well the text, is closest in meaning to, EXCEPT:
in the Rio Branco Institute examination in Brasilia. a) close
English is so important in this career that in the first part of b) tense
this selection exam, the applicant has to demonstrate his or her c) difficult
proficiency in the English language. Then, during the course, d) problematic
foreign language classes become a priority, giving future Texto para as questões 110 e 111
diplomats the necessary expertise to deal with the areas of Singapore overtakes US as world’s most competitive
official correspondences, diplomatic negotiation and economy
international media. Sherisse Pham
Adapted from Inglês no mundo do trabalho. Singapore has knocked the United States out of the top spot
106) (EEAr BCT 1. 2020) According to the text, we can infer in the World Economic Forum’s annual competitiveness report.
that: The index takes stock of an economy’s competitive
A diplomat _______________. landscape, measuring factors such as macroeconomic stability,
a) doesn’t need a normal college education the infrastructure, the labor market and the innovation
b) must be familiar with English, but only in the capability.
conversational language Singapore pushed the world largest economy down to
c) doesn’t have to give much attention to foreign language second place this year. Hong Kong, the Netherlands and
classes during the course Switzerland rounded out the top five. Hong Kong climbed four
d) must have a comprehensive knowledge of political, spots from last year’s report, despite the political crisis taking
economical, scientific and administrative problems a toll on its economy. The financial hub received high marks
107) (EEAr BCT 1. 2020) In...“giving future diplomats the for its macroeconomic stability and financial system, but fell
necessary expertise to deal with”, the underlined word in short on its capability to innovate.
the text is closest in meaning to, EXCEPT: Adapted from CNN.com
a) Skill 110) (EEAr BCT 1. 2020) The expression “taking a toll on
b) knowledge its economy”, in bold type in the text, means that it
c) proficiency _____________on the economy.
d) unawareness a) has a good impact
Texto para as questões 108 e 109 b) has a desired effect
Oil contaminating Brazil’s beaches very likely from c) has a very bad effect
Venezuela d) has an unacceptable effect
Anna Jean Kaiser 111) (EEAr BCT 1. 2020) According to the text, choose the
Thick crude oil that has stained hundreds of miles of pristine correct alternative:
Brazilian beach in recent weeks probably originated in a) The United States won the best position in the World
Venezuela, the Brazilian government has said, in an accusation Economic Forum.
likely to further strain relations between the two countries. b) The economy’s landscape is measured considering some
Brazilians authorities have been investigating the growing different factors.
disaster for more than a month, as the oil has spread to more c) The financial center increased its ability to use new
than 130 beaches across nine states. ideas and methods.
Ricardo Salles, the country’s environment minister, told that a d) Hong Kong reached a lower position in the competition
study by Petrobrás had concluded that the oil “is very likely due to the political crisis.
from Venezuela. He said that a foreign ship near Brazil’s 112) (EEAr BCT 1. 2020) According to the text, we can infer
coastline appeared to have caused the spill. that______________________.
There was no immediate response from Venezuela. Can you recognize your emotions?
Social media users have shared shocking images of the spill, If I ask you how you are feeling, you may answer:
showing kilometers of white sand stained with oil blotches and “I’m feeling good, I’m fine”! But what does that “good”
dead, oil-covered turtles and dolphins. One shows thick black or “fine” really mean? Would it mean fascinated, curious,
oil lapping up against a rocky jetty. balanced, joyful, encouraged, hopeful, motivated, happy?
Adapted from The Guardian. On the other hand you might also reply: “I’m feeling
108) (EEAr BCT 1. 2020) According to the text, we can infer bad”, and, then, recognize that you are feeling bored,
that____________________. lonely, sorry, anxious, fearful, nervous, insecure or
a) The spill was caused by a domestic ship near Brazilian frustrated.
beaches The advantage of making such distinctions, rather than
b) No dolphins and turtles died according to the images feeling “good” or “bad” is that your emotions indicate
shared by the media what you need to do to feel more satisfying.
c) A dense and natural oil marked hundreds of miles of For example, if you are angry with a person, you can
clean beaches recently argue with him, you can request him to stop his offensive
d) The government is investigating to discover how many behavior or you can avoid him. You have choices.
beaches are involved in the disaster Recognize each of your emotions and pay attention to
what they are communicating to you.
Adapted from Inglês no mundo do trabalho.
a) Our emotions are divided only between good and bad

b) It’s very easy to identify if our emotions are good or bad c) all good business are related to the corruption
c) You have no choice when you are annoyed with d) financial interests don’t matter to anyone
somebody 116) (EEAr BCT 1. 2020) According to the text, we can infer
d) Our emotions may indicate what we need to do to feel that____________.
happier a) corruption is something related to power in everyone
Texto para as questões 113 e 114 opinion
Diary: your life day by day b) money is offered to drivers in order to avoid a ticket for
Most people consider diaries indispensable - a reminder of speeding
what they have to do each day. This is especially true in the c) people around the world used to complain about the
professional world. A diary can help you keep track of your corruption of police
agenda and make it easier for you to follow a planned schedule. d) it’s possible to see people using their own interest to
In this sense, it is similar to a notebook with dates in which you deal with companies
write meetings and other things to remember. At school or at Texto para as questões 117 e 118
work, diaries are very useful. The Printing Press
However, a diary can be more than a list of appointments: it If you asked a large number of people what the most
can be a secret record of private thoughts. People write these important invention has been, many would say the printing
diaries for different reasons: for fun or to read them years later. press. Others might say the wheel. But even though it’s
“It makes you think and form an opinion on what you are debatable whether the appearance of the printing press affects
writing” - when you express your feelings and experiences, it’s the course of history more than the wheel. The printing press
easier to overcome your problems; it’s like a therapy. ranks within the top two or three inventions in history. Long
Nowadays, some people write e-diaries, called blogs or web before the telephone, the TV, the radio and the computer, the
logs. “They open their hearts” to other people on the Net. written word was the only way to communicate ideas to people
In fact, many people, famous or ordinary in fiction or in too far away to talk with. Until the sixth or seventh century, all
real life, write diaries. books had to be written by hand. Creating a book was difficult,
Adapted from Inglês de olho no mundo do trabalho. and in comparison with today, very few books existed.
113) (EEAr BCT 1. 2020) According to the text, we can infer Therefore, very few people read books.”
that: Adapted from Top Noch.
A diary____________________. 117) (EEAr BCT 1. 2020) According to the text, choose the
a) is just useful to make a list of our compromises best alternative________________.
b) can be considered essential to those people who use it a) the printing press invention was very important to the
every day. course of history
c) is better than a notebook, where people open their hearts b) the wheel was as important as the printing press
on the net invention
d) is used to write about our feelings, but it can’t help to c) the most important invention in the world was the wheel
solve our problems d) the printing press is the top invention in the world
114) (EEAr BCT 1. 2020) In…“A diary can help you keep 118) (EEAr BCT 1. 2020) According to the text, we can say
track of your agenda”, the underlined words are closest in that_____________.
meaning to: a) even in the last centuries, people used to write lots of
a) maintain your secret thoughts. books
b) remember some events from the past. b) the printing press invention allowed people to write the
c) continue to know what is going to happen. books by hand
d) have information about another people’s private life. c) just after the printing press, the TV, the radio, and the
Texto para as questões 115 e 116 computer were the new means of communication
Corruption d) nowadays, there are more readers than there used to be
People all over the world complain about the corruption of in the earlier centuries like the sixth and the seventh
police, government officials, and business leader. Three 119) (EEAr BCT 1. 2020) Choose the best alternative to
examples of corruption are: complete the text subsequently.
• a police officer takes money from a driver so he doesn’t Many advertisements also contain a ________slogan
give the driver a ticket for speeding. or a ________ to attract the consumer’s attention.
• a public official gives a government contract to a Effective slogans are usually short, easy to remember and
company in which he, or she has a financial interest. to repeat. Another technique for advertising is ________
• a company that wants to do business with a government commercials. It’s when a person, often a famous one,
agency offers public official money, or a gift to choose that shows up in ads and commercials. They speak on behalf
company for the job. of a product and they promote from hygiene items to
Some people feel that power promotes corruption and that financial institutions. Sponsors pay high ________ to
corruption is just an unavoidable part of human nature. But these “posters boys” because it’s been proved that
everyone agrees that it’s a terrible problem all over the world. celebrities are a status symbol that not only play a role
Adapted from Top Noch. model but can easily influence people.
115) (EEAr BCT 1. 2020) According to the text, we can infer Adapted from Grad Two.
that___________________. a) catchy/ jingle/ endorsement/ fees
a) the corruption involves different classes of workers b) jingle/ catchy/ endorsement/ fees
b) government just deal with corruption company c) catchy/ fees/ jingle/ endorsement

d) jingle/ endorsement/ catchy/ fees It is a relatively small artwork - measuring 9in by 18in
Texto para as questões 120 – 123 (23cm by 46cm) - which shows a glass of absinthe and a
Mandela newspaper on a table.
Nelson Mandela has achieved many things, but his greatest In total €5.1m was raised for the charity by selling 51,000
influence may be for something he didn’t do: run for a second raffle tickets at €100 each. About 29% of the tickets were sold
term as South Africa’s leader. As the first President of a post- in France, followed by the US and Switzerland.
apartheid South Africa, he was, like George Washington, aware Organisers said that €4.2m of proceeds will go towards
that everything he did would be a model for those who would clean water projects in schools and villages in Madagascar,
follow. He once said, “I don’t want to be an octogenarian Morocco and Cameroon.
President.” David Nahmad, the billionaire collector from Monaco who
What he really meant was that no man - not even one supplied the Picasso painting, will be given €900,000. He also
unfairly imprisoned for 27 years - should be above the law or donated €100,000 to Care, organisers said.
the people. Mandela will remain perhaps the only figure on the “Picasso would have loved an operation like this, because
world stage who has been an unambiguous moral giant. He he was someone with a lot of interest in humanitarian and
could be considered a hero precisely because he always social causes,” sale organiser Peri Cochin told Reuters news
admitted his errors and then tried to rise above them. And agency.
never stop learning. He had to catch up on almost three decades Adapted from www.bbc.com
of social change, and one of the things he had to learn about 124) (EEAr BCT 2. 2020) Choose the right alternative
was AIDS. At first, this man didn’t have the most enlightened according to the text.
view. But within a year-long before other, younger South a) Part of the money will help people in Europe and Asia.
African leaders - he understood that AIDS was an enormous b) Picasso would not be satisfied with this cause.
tragedy for his country and his continent, and he saw it as c) Christie’s auction house is in Rome.
another moral challenge in a life of facing up to them. That’s a d) 51,000 tickets were sold at €100.
moral leadership. 125) (EEAr BCT 2. 2020) The meaning of “raffle” in the title
Adapted from Grad Two. is:
120) (EEAr BCT 1. 2020) The word achieved, in bold type in a) The same as “for free”.
the text, is closest in meaning to: b) When you buy something very expensive.
a) failed c) A difficult operation that involves Picasso’s lecture.
b) accorded d) A competition or game in which people buy numbered
c) considered tickets and can win prizes.
d) accomplished Texto para as questões 126 e 127
121) (EEAr BCT 1. 2020) In... “he had to catch up on almost Flooding hits parts of Midwest, with evacuations in
three decades of social change...”, we can infer that Michigan
Mandela had to____________. People living along two mid-Michigan lakes and parts of a
a) read many things about social change river were evacuated Tuesday following several days of heavy
b) inform their followers about social change rain that produced flooding and put pressure on dams in the
c) teach the society procedures area.
d) write about the social change Two Midland-area schools were opened for evacuees and
122) (EEAr BCT 1. 2020) According to the text, we can infer more than 50 roads have been closed. The evacuations in
that Nelson Mandela _________. EXCEPT: Michigan followed days of heavy rains in parts of the Midwest
a) used to like George Washington that also brought flooding to Chicago and other parts of
b) was able to recognize his mistakes Illinois, as well as Ohio and other states.
c) has never intended to be above the law “We were laying in bed when I heard sirens,” Jon St. Croix
d) knew he was an example for his followers told the Midland Daily News. “A fire truck was driving around,
123) (EEAr BCT 1. 2020) According to the text, we can infer broadcasting that (we needed) to evacuate. It’s a scary thing
that Mandela _______________. EXCEPT: — you’re sleeping and awake to sirens.”
a) was a straight leader St. Croix, 62, his wife and a next-door neighbor were
b) could be considered a hero among more than a dozen people sheltering in one of the
c) was kept in prison for about 27 years schools. Their home was not flooded, but St. Croix said he had
d) didn’t consider or face AIDS as an issue seen flooding in the area.
Texto para as questões 124 e 125 Volunteers at the schools said about 120 vehicles were in
Woman wins Picasso painting worth €1m in raffle the parking lots and about 30 people had been staying on cots
An Italian woman has won a painting by Pablo Picasso, inside, according to WNEM-TV.
worth about €1m (£900,000; $1.1m), in a raffle after being 126) (EEAr BCT 2. 2020) According to the text, we can say
given the ticket as a gift. that:
The winning ticket was pulled out during a live draw at a) The schools were working despite the evacuations.
Christie’s auction house in Paris. b) During the night the Police asked people around to
The event, which was fundraising for Care charity, had evacuate.
been postponed twice - first to sell more tickets, and then c) One hundred and twenty volunteers have died because
because of coronavirus restrictions. of the flooding.
The prize painting, Nature Morte, is a still life from 1921. d) Because of the heavy rain people who lived around the
lakes area had to leave home.

127) (EEAr BCT 2. 2020) “...broadcasting (...),” underlined in Flight operations at the airport were suspended for several
the text is closest, in meaning to: hours as a result of the incident, which is now under
a) Transmitting investigation.
b) Causing “Myanmar national airlines would like to thank all
c) Following passengers and our crew on board,” the company said in a
d) Considering statement.
128) (EEAr BCT 2. 2020) The closest meaning of the word Last week a Biman Bangladesh Airlines plane skidded off
‘thoughtful’ is: the runway after landing in bad weather in Yangon. At least 15
Home School Tips crew and passengers were injured.
Many schools around the world closed because of the 129) (EEAr BCT 2. 2020) The correct information from the
coronavirus. Parents must be a substitute teacher, and they text is:
learn with their children at home. It is not an easy task. a) The name of the Captain is Myat Musk Aung.
Some parents expect that their children will work as b) There were 82 passengers and eight flight crew.
hard as they do in school. However, parents need to c) The passengers were scared when leaving the plane.
understand that every child is different and works at d) On Sunday it was made the contact with the runway.
different speeds. It is important to be kind and 130) (EEAr BCT 2. 2020) It is possible to infer from the title
thoughtful. that:
It does not have to be boring to learn. It can be fun, a) Landing a plane without front wheels is not safe.
too. When parents teach their children math, they do not b) The kind of airplane was a cargo aircraft.
need to sit at the table and work with a book. Children can c) The nose of a jet is not a part of the plane.
practice math during common activities such as baking or d) The action of the pilot was normal.
dining. Texto para as questões 131 e 132
Experts also say that it is important to communicate Anne With an E fans wage digital war with Netflix over
with the school and teachers and to stay in contact with cancellation
school friends. Anne Shirley, the outspoken orphan who first appeared in
a) Mentally ill or unable to behave in a reasonable way. Lucy Maud Montgomery’s 1908 novel, Anne of Green Gables,
b) When you think about how you can help other people. has since appeared in countless movies and television spinoffs
c) In need of rest or sleep. – and built a loyal global following. So it should probably
d) Feeling frightened. come as little surprise that fans of the show’s latest remake –
Texto para as questões 129 e 130 the TV series Anne With an E – are fiercely protective of their
Hero pilot safely lands passenger plane with no front heroine. And like Anne, they’re willing to fight for what they
wheels as sparks fly from nose of jet believe in
A pilot safely landed a passenger plane without using its The shows coproducers, Netflix and CBC, announced that
front wheels after they failed to deploy on arrival at the airport. the drama would be cancelled after three seasons. “People were
Video footage of the emergency touchdown showed sparks outraged. The cast and the crew were also blindsided by it,”
flying from the nose of the aircraft as it slid along the runway said Lisa E, a Toronto-based organizer with AWAE Fan
in Myanmar. Projects. “Everyone loves the show obviously. They just
None of the 82 passengers and seven flight crew were couldn’t believe it.” The day after the announcement, a group
injured during the incident at Mandalay International Airport. of fans took to Twitter with rallying cry: renew the show. The
Myanmar National Airlines said in a statement that the group’s most successful – and most controversial – campaign
pilot, Captain Myat Moe Aung, was alerted to the problem by has been a digital, guerilla-style battle against the two
the plane’s Engine Indicating and Crew Alerting System companies.
(EICAS). Adapted from
He informed the control tower and tried a backup https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/apr/22/anne-withan-
emergency procedure to pull down the wheels on the Brazilian- e-show-cancelled-angry-fans
made Embraer 190-LR. 131) (EEAr BCT 2. 2020) The word “blindsided”, in bold in
The pilot then carried out two fly-bys of the runway to the text, could be replaced by all the words below,
allow air controllers to check visually whether the landing gear EXCEPT:
had deployed. a) surprised
After dumping fuel to reduce the landing weight, he b) irritated
brought the aircraft in to land on its rear wheels before the nose c) shocked
slowly tipped down to make contact with the runway at 9.09am d) flabbergasted
on Sunday. 132) (EEAr BCT 2. 2020) According to the text:
“The pilot did a great job,” said Win Khant, permanent a) Anne with an E fans started crying when they
secretary of transportation and telecommunication ministry. discovered the show would be canceled.
A video posted online by one of the passengers showed b) Like the heroine of the show, Anne’s fans fought for
smoke spreading through the plane before they evacuated the their beliefs, as they were outraged by the show’s
aircraft. cancellation.
Several of the passengers were smiling as they walked c) Fans guerrilla fight for the show was successful, and the
away from the plane. next season of the show will be called “Anne of Green

d) Although the actors of the show knew from the 136) (EEAr BCT 1. 2021) According to the text, choose the
beginning it would only last 3 seasons, they were correct alternative:
devasted by the way the series ended. The World’s strangest laws
Texto para as questões 133 e 134 1. You can’t call a pig Napoleon in France.
Brazilian airforce airlifted 4 Polish citizens from the 2. It is illegal to die in the Houses of Parliament.
coronavirus-stricken Chinese city Wuhan 3. In Miami, Florida, you mustn’t skateboard in a police
The President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, has aided Poland station.
by helping to evacuate 4 Polish citizens from the 4. In London, you don’t have to pay to take a flock of
Coronavirus-stricken Chinese city Wuhan. A Brazilian air sheep across London Bridge.
force plane landed in Warsaw to drop the 4 Poles off, after 5. In Florida, unmarried women can’t parachute on
which it continued its journey from Wuhan to Brazil. A total of Sundays.
34 Brazilians were quarantined for 18 days after returning back 6. It’s illegal to play golf on the streets of New York.
home. 7. In Kentucky the law still says that everyone must have
133) (EEAr BCT 2. 2020) The verb “aided”, in bold in the a bath at least once a year.
text, is closest in meaning to: 8. In seventeenth-century Russia, you couldn’t grow a
a) Cured beard unless you paid a special tax.
b) Helped 9. In fifteenth-century England, it was illegal for men to
c) Fought wear a moustache.
d) Rescued 10. In the USA in the eighteenth century, bars couldn’t
134) (EEAr BCT 2. 2020) According to the text: sell soda water on Sundays.
a) Jair Bolsonaro flew a plane himself to rescue 4 Polish From the book Practical Grammar John Hughes and Ceri
citizens from Wuhan, besides the 34 Brazilians already Jones
rescued. a) In Kentucky, the law says that everyone should have a
b) Bolsonaro refused to rescue Polish citizens from Wuhan bath at least once a year.
stating that the airplane was full with 34 Brazilians in it. b) It’s allowed to play soccer on the streets of New York.
c) The airplane used to rescue 4 Polish citizens stopped in c) In the USA, bars must sell soda water on Sundays.
Warsaw so to that these citzens could leave. d) In France, it is not allowed to call a pig Napoleon.
d) Four Polish citzens were evacuated from Warsaw by a Texto para as questões 137 e 138
Brazilian air force plane. The Last Kingdom
135) (EEAr BCT 1. 2021) The word “void”, in bold in the The Last Kingdom is a contemporary story of redemption,
text, is closest in meaning to vengeance and self-discovery set against the birth of England.
The series combines real historical figures and events with
Shallow fiction, retelling the history of King Alfred the Great and his
Lady Gaga desire to unite the many separate kingdoms into what would
Tell me something, girl become England.
Are you happy in this modern world? Set in the 9th century AD, many of the separate kingdoms
Or do you need more? of what we now know as England have fallen to the invading
Is there something else you’re searching for? Vikings, only the great Kingdom of Wessex stands defiant
I’m falling under its visionary King Alfred the Great. It is the last
In all the good times kingdom. Against this turbulent backdrop lives Uhtred. Born
I find myself longing for change the son of a Saxon nobleman, he is orphaned by the Vikings
And in the bad times I fear myself and then kidnapped and raised as one of their own. Forced to
Tell me something, boy choose between the country of his birth and the people of his
Aren’t you tired trying to fill that void? upbringing, his loyalties are ever tested. What is he — Saxon
Or do you need more? or Viking? On a quest to claim his birthright, Uhtred must tread
Ain’t it hard keeping it so hardcore? a dangerous path between both sides if he is to play his part in
I’m falling the birth of a new nation and, ultimately, recapture his ancestral
In all the good times lands.
I find myself longing for change The Last Kingdom is a show of heroic deeds and epic
And in the bad times I fear myself battles but with a thematic depth that embraces politics,
I’m off the deep end, watch as I dive in religion, warfare, courage, love, loyalty and our universal
I’ll never meet the ground search for identity. Combining real historical figures and
Crash through the surface events with fictional characters, it is the story of how a people
Where they can’t hurt us combined their strength under one of the most iconic kings of
We’re far from the shallow now history in order to reclaim their land for themselves and build a
https://www.letras.mus.br/lady-gaga/shallow-feat-bradley- place they call home.
cooper/ Adapted from https://www.bbcamerica.com/shows/the-last-
a) Meaningful kingdom/about
b) emptiness
c) fullness
d) solid

137) (EEAr BCT 1. 2021) According to the text: c) Finish.
a) Although the series shows many brave actions and d) Over.
battles, it also includes deeper topics. 141) (EEAr BCT 1. 2021) Memories
b) The main character, Uhtred, is often tested, which Maroon 5
makes the series repetitive and in need of identity. Chorus:
c) When combining real events with fiction, the series only Here’s to the ones that we got
real strength lies in the character of King Alfred the Cheers to the wish you were here, but you’re not
Great. ‘Cause the drinks bring back all the memories
d) The show focuses on great battles and lacks depth when Of everything we’ve been through
representing the characters. Toast to the ones here today
138) (EEAr BCT 1. 2021) Mark the alternative that LACKS Toast to the ones that we lost on the way
the correct synonym for the underlined word. ‘Cause the drinks bring back all the memories
a) On a quest to claim his birthright, Uhtred must tread a And the memories bring back, memories bring back you
dangerous path (...) – walk There’s a time that I remember, when I did not know no
b) (...) only the great Kingdom of Wessex stands defiant pain
under its visionary King Alfred the Great – refusing to When I believed in forever, and everything would stay the
obey same
c) The Last Kingdom is a contemporary story of Now my heart feel like December when somebody say
redemption, vengeance and self-discovery set against your name
the birth of England. – revenge ‘Cause I can’t reach out to call you, but I know I will one
d) (...) it is the story of how a people combined their day, yeah
strength under one of the most iconic kings of history in Everybody hurts sometimes
order to reclaim their land for themselves and build a Everybody hurts someday,
place they call home. – give back But everything gon’ be alright
139) (EEAr BCT 1. 2021) Life on a desert island. Go and raise a glass and say,
Alexander,L.G. Chorus
Most of us have formed an unrealistic picture of life There’s a time that I remember when I never felt so lost
on a desert island. We sometimes imagine a desert island When I felt all of the hatred was too powerful to stop
to be a sort of paradise where the sun always shines. Life (ooh, yeah)
there is simple and good. Ripe fruit falls from the trees Now my heart feel like an ember and it’s lighting up the
and you never have to work. There is also the other side dark
of the picture: Life on a desert island is wretched - you I’ll carry these torches for ya that you know I’ll never
either starve to death or live like Robison Crusoe waiting drop, yeah
for a boat which never comes. Perhaps there is an element Everybody hurts sometimes
of truth in both these pictures, but few of us have had the Everybody hurts someday,
opportunity to find out. But everything gon’ be alright
Two men who recently spent five days on a coral Go and raise a glass and say,
island whished they had stayed there no longer. They Chorus
were taking a badly damaged boat from the Virgin Islands Choose the alternative that contains a word from the song
to Miami to have it repaired. During the journey, their meaning “a piece of wood or coal, etc. that continues to
boat began to sink. They quickly loaded a small rubber burn after a fire has no more flames”.
dinghy with food, matches, and cans of beer and rowed a) ember
for a few miles across the Caribbean until they arrived at b) hatred
a tiny coral island. There were hardly any trees on the c) same
island and there was no water to drink, but this didn’t d) raise
prove to be a problem since the men collected rain-water 142) (EEAr BCT 1. 2021) The lion and the four bulls
in the rubber dinghy. As they had brought a spear gun Clarke, M.
with them, they had plenty to eat. They caught lobster and A lion used to walk about a field in which four bulls
fish every day, and, as one of them put it, “ate like kings”. lived. Many times he tried to attack them, but whenever
When a passing tanker rescued them five days later, both he came near, they turned their tails toward one another
men were genuinely sorry that they had to leave. so that whichever way the lion tried to attack, he would
New concept English. Developing skills: an integrated have to face the horns of one of them.
course for intermediate students. At last, however, the bulls started arguing with each
The men on the island didn’t go thirsty because they: other, and each went off to a different part of the field by
a) had plenty of ripe fruit. himself. Then the lion attacked them one by one and soon
b) could drink rain-water. had killed all four
c) were at a coral island. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press,
d) had a spear gun. 1996.p.138
140) (EEAr BCT 1. 2021) In the sentence “You can start a The messsage of the text can be summarized as:
conversation just by saying...”, the opposite of start is: a) Necessity is the mother of invention.
a) Purpose. b) You must take the bull by the horns.
b) Initiate. c) United we stand, divided we fall.

d) Only the strong survive 146) (EEAr BCT 1. 2021) The word “panned”, in bold in the
143) (EEAr BCT 1. 2021) Metal airplane part seems to fall text, could NOT be replaced by:
from plane into Arizona family’s backyard ‘Emily in Paris’ star says he partly understands why
An Arizona couple discovered what appeared to be a critics panned the ‘cliché’ Netflix show
metal plate from an airplane in their backyard last week. Despite being a huge hit for Netflix, critics across the
Charlie and Jaclyn High of Phoenix found the white board (particularly French critics) have slammed the show
metal piece, which had fallen in their backyard, on for indulging in outdated and offensive stereotypes that
Friday, CBS5 reported. present Parisians as rude, sexist, and elitist.
“I kind of looked around to see if there was anything The main love interest in Netflix’s controversial
else, like another piece, or something else other than that, comedy “Emily in Paris” said he partly understands why
with writing on it. It looks like it’s from an airplane, and critics have panned the show. “I think they’re right in a
you think, oh man, that’s crazy,” Jaclyn told the outlet. way,” Lucas Bravo, who plays chef Gabriel in the show,
According to images shared with CBS5, the metal piece said during an interview with Cosmopolitan.
seems to be part of the airplane lavatory. The 32-year-old French actor continued: “At some
Adapted from https://www.foxnews.com/travel/arizona- point, if you want to tell a story about Paris, you have to
metal-piece-airplane-backyard. choose an angle. You have to choose a vision. French
In the sentence “Charlie and Jaclyn High of Phoenix critics, they didn’t understand the fact that it’s just one
found the white metal piece, which had fallen in their vision. They’re like, ‘Oh, this is not what Paris is.’ Of
backyard, on Friday, CBS5 reported.”, in bold in the text, course. Paris is many things.”
choose the alternative that contains a verb connected to Adapted from https://www.insider.com/emily-in-paris-
the action that happened first. star-lucas-bravo-understands-netflix-show-criticism-
a) piece 2020-10.
b) found a) condemned
c) fallen b) criticized
d) reported c) attacked
Texto para as questões 144 e 145 d) praised
Insomnia Texto para a questão 147
Insomnia is the most common of all sleep complaints. Perfect
Almost everyone has occasional sleepless nights, perhaps due Ed Sheeran
to stress, heartburn or drinking too much caffeine or alcohol. (...)‘Cause we were just kids
Insomnia is a lack of sleep that occurs on a regular or frequent When we fell in love
basis, often for no apparent reason. Not knowing what it was
How much sleep is enough varies. Although 7 1/2 hours of I will not give you up this time
sleep is about average, some people do fine on 4 or 5 hours of But darling, just kiss me slow
sleep. Other people need 9 or 10 hours a night. Your heart is all I own
Inability to get a good night’s sleep can affect not only your And in your eyes you’re holding mine
energy level and mood but your health as well because sleep
helps bolster your immune system. Fatigue, at any age, leads to Baby, I’m dancing in the dark
diminished mental alertness and concentration. Lack of sleep is With you between my arms
linked to accidents both on the road and on the job. Barefoot on the grass
About one out of three people have insomnia sometime in Listening to our favorite song
their life. Sleeplessness may be temporary or chronic. You When you said you looked a mess
don’t necessarily have to live with sleepless nights. Some I whispered underneath my breath
simple changes in your daily routine and habits may result in But you heard it, darling
better sleep. You look perfect Tonight
144) (EEAr BCT 1. 2021) The text contains information on: Well I found a woman, stronger
a) The different intellectual activities which may keep a Than anyone I know
person’s mind too busy to sleep. She shares my dreams
b) The effects of sleep problems on people’s body and I hope that someday I’ll share her home’(...)
mind. 147) (EEAr BCT 2. 2021) Choose the alternative that contains
c) The activities that help promote a good night’s sleep. a word meaning “not wearing any shoes or socks”.
d) The food that is necessary to eat to sleep better. a) Underneath
145) (EEAr BCT 1. 2021) According to the text, we can NOT b) Whispered
infer that: c) Barefoot
a) Changing some everyday habits can be a step to d) Odds
improve sleep quality. 148) (EEAr BCT 2. 2021) The correct information from the
b) A large number of people suffer from occacional text is:
sleepless nights. World Knowledge
c) Difficulty in concentration can be a consequence of lack France is the most popular country to visit. It has
of sleep. about 76 million visitors a year.
d) Insomnia will necessarily lead to chronic sleepless China has the greatest number of stores in the world.
nights. There are over 19 million stores.

Lake Baikal in Russia is the deepest lake on earth. It’s 152) (EEAr BCT 2. 2021) The word “fussing” in bold type
1,637 meters deep. means:
Tokyo Disneyland is the world’s most popular We can work it out
amusement park. It has over 25 million visitors a year. The Beatles
The longest nonstop flight is from New York to “Life is very short, and there’s no time for fussing and
Singapore. It’s 18 hours long. fighting, my friend.”
The busiest airport in the world is London Heathrow, a) To give too much attention to small matters that are not
with over 55 million passengers a year. important.
Canada has the longest coastline of any country on b) Not willing to work or use any effort.
earth. It’s 243,792 kilometers long. c) Feeling very happy and enthusiastic.
Easter Island is the world’s most isolated island. It’s d) Tired and wanting to sleep.
about 3,700 kilometers from the South American Texto para a questão 153
continent. Building on a breakthrough: Firm hoping to extend range
From the book Interchange of hydrogen-powered plane
a) The flight from China to Sigapore is the longest The firm behind the world’s first hydrogen-electric
nonstop. powered passenger plane flight is hoping to extend the range of
b) London Heahrow is the busiest airport in the world. the aircraft by the end of the year.
c) Canada has the most popular amusement park. ZeroAvia made the breakthrough by completing a 15-
d) The deepest lake on earth is Easter Island. minute flight at an airfield in southern England last month.
Texto para as questões 149 – 151 “It is not the future, it’s reality,” Sergey Kiselev,
How many kisses? ZeroAvia’s European chief told Euronews in an interview on
You must remember this: you were going in for a double Thursday, referring to hydrogen-powered planes. “We are
European - style greeting kiss with a friend who was expecting working on expanding the range of the reach of the aircraft. By
only a single cheek peck. It’s an awkward question that the end of the year, this exact aircraft will be able to fly about
constantly creates trouble for traveleres: How many times 300 nautical miles.”
should you pucker up? Here’s a handy guide: It is hoped ZeroAvia’s maiden flight will be the first step in
One: A single buss is acceptable in the U.S., but it’s mostly making one of the most polluting industries green.
a big-city, phenomenon. Women will give a brief hug, while “The only emission from this aeroplane in flight is water
men shake hands. In the Middle East, one kiss on the lips is a vapour,” said Val Miftakhov, CEO and founder of ZeroAvia,
normal greeting, but not between men and women. back in September.
Two: Double up in Spain, Austria, Sweden, Hungary and, “We also have a fueling infrastructure set up that ensures
more recently, in Britain. zero-emission production of hydrogen itself. It’s clean, it’s less
Three or more: Triple kisses will work in Egypt, Russia, noisy, and they will be able to fly without feeling guilty for
Switzerland and the Netherlands. Business in Belgium? Three flying.”
kisses are a sign of respect for those at least 10 years older than https://www.euronews.com/2020/10/22/building-on-a-
you. Pack your lip balm in France; many people still insist on breakthrough-firmhoping-to-extend-range-of-hydrogen-
four kisses. powered-plane.
Keep your lips to yourself: Germans rarely greet with a 153) (EEAr BCT 2. 2021) The word “breakthrough”, on the
kiss. In Chile, opt for a handshake. Skip the kiss and bow or title of the text, could be best substituted by:
shake hands instead when visiting Japan, China and Korea. a) an important discovery.
Time, March 15, 2004, p.63. b) a major problem.
149) (EEAr BCT 2. 2021) According to the text, one kiss on c) a big step-back.
the lips is a normal greeting in: d) a hope.
a) The Middle East. 154) (EEAr BCT 2. 2021) According to the text:
b) Switzerland. Flying with a Dog? Here’s What You Need to Know
c) Russia. The choice to take your dog in the cabin with you
d) Spain. versus traveling in the cargo hold will often be decided
150) (EEAr BCT 2. 2021) The text informs that kissing a for you by the size of the animal and the airline’s policy.
friend’s face: Some airlines restrict the total number of pets allowed on
a) Is a sign of respect with olders in Netherlands. any given flight, and these spots are usually parceled out
b) In Austria, means triple kisses. on a first-come, first-served basis—so you will want to
c) Is not a habit in Japan. book early.
d) Is okay in Chile. Expect to pay a fee to fly with your dog. Current
151) (EEAr BCT 2. 2021) According to the text, choose the standard fees range from around $75 to $200 each way,
alternative that is NOT correct. and can go up to several hundred dollars for larger dogs
a) In the U.S: women give a brief hug, men shake hands. that must be transported on cargo planes.
b) Greeting kiss is an easy task for travelers. If at all possible, choose a direct flight. As tough as
c) In Switzerland, triple kisses will work. flying is on a dog, especially in the cargo hold, submitting
d) Germans seldom greet with a kiss. them to even longer travel times plus multiple encounters
with baggage handling can easily go sideways. My family
flew cross-country with our dog several years ago, and
had purchased direct flights, but due to aircraft problems

on the way home had to switch to a connecting itinerary. agendas, and form a friendship bond while taking care of the
During our connection in St. Louis, we watched human baby
helplessly through the airport windows as a baggage The movie also features a squirrel desperately trying to
hander in St. Louis let our dog’s travel crate nearly free- bury an acorn without success. This squirrel has such a
fall onto the tarmac. When we picked her up at our home distinctive personality that we can only hope he’ll star in his
airport, the crate was shattered and the dog significantly own movie someday.
traumatized. 157) (EEAr BCT 2. 2021) Choose a sentence in which the
https://www.smartertravel.com/flying-with-a-dog/ word “agenda” is used correctly and with the same
a) The choice to take your dog in the cabin with you meaning it has on the text
versus traveling in the cargo hold will often be decided a) She told me the travel agency will give the travelers an
for you mostly by the size of the animal and will have agenda describing the different places they will go and
almost zero connection to the airline’s policy. things they will see.
b) The choice to take your dog in the cabin with you b) I got a very beautiful blue agenda as a gift from my dad.
versus traveling in the cargo hold will often be decided c) There were several important items on the agenda.
for you both by the size of the animal and the airline’s d) There’s no hidden agenda, I’m just trying to help.
policy. Texto para a questão 158
c) The choice to take your dog in the cabin with you NOBODY does it better
versus traveling in the cargo hold will often be decided Mark Powell
for you either by the size of the animal or the airline’s The James Bond movies are the longest-running, highest
policy. grossing film series in history. Current turnover stands at over
d) The choice to take your dog in the cabin with you $6 billion. In fact, the combined earnings of Star Wars and Star
versus traveling in the cargo hold will often be decided Trek series and the most successful single film ever, Gone with
for you neither by the size of the animal or the airline’s the Wind, still fall $750 million short of Bond at the box office.
policy. Bond is also the most profitable film series ever. The
Texto para as questões 155 e 156 special effects may cost much more these days, but the films
Job Search Tips still enjoy 30% profit margins, not including merchandising.
1. You should tell all your friends that you are looking for a Even Stephen Spielberg’s blockbusters ET, Jurassic Park and
job. the Indiana Jones trilogy can’t compete.
2. You’d better not quit your present job before you find a new Bond appeal on men and women, adults and children alike.
one. From Russia with Love was one of President Kennedy’s top
3. You shoudn’t tell your boss that you are looking for a new ten favourite books, but James Bond is no longer just a
job. Hollywood hero; he’s a bestselling brand. Although the actor
4. You ought to apply for several jobs at once. playing Bond has changed several times over the last forty
5. You shoudn’t immediately ask an interviewer about job years, and although there are no Ian Fleming novels on which
benefits. to base the films, the series goes on and on.
6. You should always give the interviewer accurate salary The film business is risky - seven out of ten movies lose
information. money. But brand awareness of Bond is so strong that even
155) (EEAr BCT 2. 2021) The word “accurate” in bold type people who don’t like films instantly recognise the Bond
means: music, fast cars and glamorous women. They know that James
a) Able to give completely correct information. takes his vodka Martini “shaken not stirred”.
b) Able to give completely wrong information. And then there is Bond himself - certainly the key factor in
c) To express the fact that you are surprised. 007’s commercial success. With so much money at stake, the
d) To increase over a period of time. choice of a new Bond always makes front-page news. Not
156) (EEAr BCT 2. 2021) According to the tips: everyone agreed in 1962 with the decision to choose a virtually
a) Sharing with your friends about your job search is not a unknown Sean Connery as James Bond, and Connery was only
good idea. paid $7000 for Dr No, but it was perhaps one of he best
b) You ought to keep your present job during your search. recruitment decisions ever made. And the rest, as they say, is
c) Asking about benefits right away sounds good. history.
d) You should apply for just one job. POWEL, Mark. In Company Intermediate. Macmillan.
Texto para a questão 157 158) (EEAr BTC 1. 2022) According to the text, write T for
ICE AGE true or F for false, then choose the alternative with the
Ice Age is an animated movie about a story that took place right sequence.
20,000 thousand years ago. At that time, everything was ( ) Gone with the wind made more money than The
covered in ice. The movie follows the path of a mammoth, a James Bond movies.
sabertooth tiger and a sloth after they encounter an Eskimo ( ) There are movies that were as profitable as The
baby and decide to protect it from the cold and other animals. James Bond movies.
Diego, the tiger, had attacked the tribe to get the baby ( ) The character itself, 007, is a key factor for the
eskimo but was not successful. Other tigers were unhappy with success.
Diego because of his incompetence to get the baby, who is now ( ) There are no more books to make movies about.
with Manfred, the mammoth, and Sid, the sloth. Eventually the a) F - F - T - T
three animals get together, although with very different b) T - F - F - T
c) T - T - F - F

d) F - T- T - F If you wear glasses or contact lenses, get a copy of your
Texto para a questão 159 prescription before you go. Carry it with you in case you break
JUST GET RID OF IT or lose your eyewear. Or be sure to carry an extra pair with
Chirs Redston and Gillie Cunningham you.
Is your home full of stuff you never use? If so, the time has Medications
come to get rid of all your junk and create a peaceful, relaxed Talk to your doctor before your trip. Your doctor may be
atmosphere in your home. able to write a prescription for extra medication or give you
• Give yourself at least two hours to clear out a room. tips for staying healthy while traveling. Buy and pack a supply
• Make space on the floor and empty all the cupboards and of all medications you take regularly. Carry your medications
drawers. in your carry-on bags. If you lose your luggage, you will still
• Sort out the things you haven’t used for six months and have them.
make three piles: 1) things to give away 2) things to throw Dental Care
away 3) things to keep. There’s nothing more frightening than having a toothache
• Put the first and second piles into separate rubbish bags when you’re far from home. Have a dental check-up before you
and take them out of the room. leave on a long trip to avoid any problems.
• Allow yourself one junk drawer in each room for the stuff Top Notch 3 - Pearson Longman
you can’t decide about. 162) (EEAr BTC 1. 2022) The expression “off the beaten
• Tidy up the room and put everything away, then sit down path”, in the text, means
and enjoy the calm and space you have created. a) a place that is not well known and is far from the places
And here’s how to stop all your junk coming back. people usually visit.
b) a place people are only allowed to travel when they
• Before you buy anything, ask yourself: Have I got
cover their tracks.
something similar? Do I need it? Where will I put it?
c) a touristic place which receives many visitors every
• When you buy something new, always throw something
else out.
d) a place you hadn’t planned to visit.
• Go through the cupboards and drawers in a different room
163) (EEAr BTC 1. 2022) According to the text, choose the
every month and throw away anything you don’t need. right alternative.
REDSTON, C.; CUNNINGHAM, G. Face2face Intermediate.
a) You must be vaccinated to travel overseas.
Cambridge: Cambrige University Press, 2006.
b) Doctors’ advice can help you stay healthy during your
159) (EEAr BTC 1. 2022) What can you affirm according to
the text?
c) You can only travel abroad if you take an extra pair of
a) You have to throw away anything you don’t use.
glasses with you.
b) You are allowed to accumulate junk if you want to.
d) Going to the dentist after your trip can prevent you from
c) It doesn’t take you many hours to clear out a room.
a toothache when traveling.
d) You don’t have to clean rooms often, if you keep them
164) (EEAr BTC 1. 2022) According to the graph, we can
160) (EEAr BTC 1. 2022) Choose the alternative which has
the same meaning as the following sentence.
“I saw Ian in town but he cut me dead.”
a) I saw Ian in town but he was in a hurry.
b) I saw Ian in town but he ignored me.
c) I saw Ian in town but he was sick.
d) I saw Ian in town but he was dying.
161) (EEAr BTC 1. 2022) Sara is a very distracted girl, only
when she got home last Friday, she realised that she’d
forgotten her keys at home. What happened first?
a) First she got home.
b) First she forgot her keys.
c) First she realised her mistake.
d) First she left her workplace.
Texto para as questões 162 e 163 a) our upbringing doesn’t interfere in the way we see
Before you go.... happiness.
A checklist for international travelers b) our parents genetics have no influence on our happiness.
Joan Saslow and Allen Ascher c) a big portion of your happiness is within your control.
Vaccinations d) the place where we live, our marital status and income
You may be required to get vaccinated before you are define our happiness.
allowed to enter certain countries. Check the immunization 165) (EEAr BTC 1. 2022) José went to a Rock in Rio concert
requirements of the country you are visiting. The farther “off many years ago, there he met Ana. They’ve been married
the beaten path” you travel, the more important it is to be for 2 years now. Believe it or not, he didn’t really want to
protected from illness and disease. go to that concert, his friends convinced him at the time.
Eyewear What would have happened if he hadn’t gone to Rock in

a) He would meet his friends if he went to the concert. The remnants of Hurricane Ida have killed dozens of
b) He won’t meet his wife if he doesn’t go to that concert. people as they brought relentless rain, causing New York
c) He wouldn’t meet his wife if he didn’t go to that City and New Jersey to declare states of emergency.
d) He wouldn’t have met his wife if he hadn’t gone to that
166) (EEAr BTC 1. 2022) We use WISH when we want
something to be true although we know it is either
impossible or unlikely. Choose the alternative with a
correct example of its use.

a) Dependent on something or someone.

b) Strict, cruel, or determined, without ever stopping.
c) Directly relating to the subject or problem being
a) I wish my mother is here with me. discussed.
b) I wish I can speak Spanish. d) A feeling of comfort when something frightening has
c) I wish time travel exists. ended.
d) I wish I were younger. 170) (EEAr BTC 1. 2022) Read the meme below, what causes
167) (EEAr BTC 1. 2022) Relate the columns considering the it to be humorous?
idea they are expressing, then choose the alternative with
the right sequence.
(1) My sister broke her tooth, she must be feeling a lot of
(2) He may want to be on his own for a while.
(3) That can’t be her real hair color.
( ) It refers to something we believe is true.
( ) It refers to something we believe isn’t true.
( ) It refers to something we think is possibly true.
a) 3 - 1 - 2
b) 1 - 3 - 2
a) The person who wrote it is a psycho.
c) 2 - 3 - 1
b) The person is talking about things he/she enjoys.
d) 3 - 2 - 1
c) The person who likes cooking has outstanding writing
168) (EEAr BTC 1. 2022) Read the meme below, what can
you affirm about it?
d) It has a punctuation problem, so there’s ambiguity in the
171) (EEAr BTC 1. 2022) According to the text, write T for
true and F for false. Then, choose the alternative which
corresponds to the correct sequence.
Vegetarianism: The Basic Facts
Contributors: Sarah Klemm, RDN, CD, LDN
Published August 18, 2021
There are several types of vegetarians. Some eat dairy
foods, others may choose to include eggs, while others
abstain entirely from any food product that comes from an
animal. One thing they all have in common, though, is
they rely primarily on plant-based foods for their
nutritional needs.
The decision to adopt a meat-free diet can be a
a) Only recently people have started making visual
complex choice. People of all ages and backgrounds
registers of their meals.
choose to be vegetarians and for a variety of reasons.
b) Taking pictures of your food is a curious modern habit.
Types of Vegetarians
c) People have taken pictures of their food for a long time.
A lacto-ovo vegetarian consumes milk and other dairy
d) People 500 years ago didn’t like images of their food.
products, eggs, grains, fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts and
169) (EEAr BTC 1. 2022) Choose the correct definition of the
seeds. Whereas a lacto-vegetarian follows a similar eating
word relentless.
pattern but does not eat eggs. Meanwhile, a vegan avoids
Ida: Pictures show aftermath of storm that has killed
all animal-based products. In addition to meat, this
dozens of people
includes eggs, milk and dairy products. Some vegans also
Samuel Osborne
do not eat honey.
Thursday 2 September 2021 23:08, UK

Adapted from d) The police officer says it is not legal to use paint for
https://www.eatright.org/food/nutrition/vegetarian-and- correcting phrases on street walls.
special-diets/vegetarianism-the-basic-facts Texto para as questões 174 e 175
( ) Vegans choose not to eat foods related to animals, La Palma volcano eruptions shut airport and force more
including milk and eggs. evacuations
( ) People only become vegetarians because they worry Source: TRTWorld and agencies
about animals. The Cumbre Vieja volcano is seen from Los Llanos de
( ) Eating eggs is the only difference between lacto-ovo Aridane on the Canary island of La Palma, September 25,
vegetarians and vegans. 2021.
( ) Vegetarians depend on plant-based foods to provide Rivers of lava raced down the Cumbre Vieja volcano and
the nutrients they need. exploded high into the air overnight on the Spanish island of
a) F - T - F - T La Palma and the airport was closed as an eruption intensified
b) F - F - T – T and entered its most explosive phase so far.
c) T - T - F - F Since it began erupting on Sunday on the small island in the
d) T - F - F - T Atlantic, volcano has spewed out thousands of tons of lava,
172) (EEAr BTC 1. 2022) Read the sentences below, write T destroyed hundreds of houses and forced the evacuation of
for true or F for false, then choose the correct alternative. nearly 6,000 people.
Holiday reviews Authorities said on Saturday that the 160 people evacuated
Alan’s holiday from three more towns on Friday would not be able to return to
Chirs Redston and Gillie Cunningham their homes to retrieve their belongings because of the
My holiday began when I arrived at the medical center “evolution of the volcanic emergency”.
in Cape Town. I had my operation the next day and it Experts said the volcano had entered a new explosive
went very well, I’m glad to say. However, I had to spend phase.
the next five days inside, which is quite difficult when “Volcanic surveillance measurements carried out since the
you’re on a holiday. But you need to be patient - you beginning of the eruption recorded the highest-energy activity
can’t just sit in the sun after having a facelift. The second so far during Friday afternoon,” emergency services said in a
week I just relaxed by the pool. In the third week I went statement on Friday evening.
on a safari, which was definitely the best thing about the Spanish airport operator Aena said on Saturday the island’s
holiday. We saw lots of lions and other wild animals, but airport had been closed. “La Palma airport is inoperative due to
we were never in any danger. We stayed in a guest house ash accumulation. Cleaning tasks have started, but the situation
in the jungle, which was extremely comfortable. The staff may change at any time”.
were very kind and helpful, and it was fantastic being Adapted from https://www.trtworld.com/europe/la-palma-
surrounded by nature. I’d definitely come back again and volcano-eruptions-shut-airport-force-more-evacuations-50241.
I’m sure this kind of holiday will increase in popularity as Access on October 25th, 2021.
more people worry about their health and appearance. 174) (EEAr BCT 2. 2022) Choose the alternative in which the
( ) Going on holiday to improve your appearance is prefixes and/or suffixes are formed in the same way as the
something very popular. following words from the text, respectively: explosive -
( ) The only purpose of his trip was relaxing and going volcanic - surveillance – inoperative
on a safari. a) achieve - irony - contact - excuse
( ) He didn’t have to deal with many inconveniences. b) include - ocean - maintain - sense
( ) Overall, he had a positive experience. c) eat - pathology - persevere - respond
a) T - T - F - F d) construct - period - manoeuvre - nature
b) F - F - T - T 175) (EEAr BCT 2. 2022) According to the text, it is correct
c) T - F - F - T to affirm that
d) F - T - T – F a) the airport of La Palma Island was closed because it had
173) (EEAr BCT 2. 2022) According to the comic, choose the been covered with volcano ashes.
alternative that is incorrect. b) specialists are measuring the amount of lava that has
been spewed from the volcano.
c) only around 160 people will be able to go back to their
homes due to the emergency.
d) more than 6,000 people had been evacuated until
September 25th.
Texto para as questões 176 e 177
Turtle’s walk delays planes at Tokyo airport
There are many reasons for delays at airports. Sometimes
it’s bad weather, sometimes it’s a technical problem, and other
times it’s a passenger who is late to the boarding gate. Narita
Airport in Tokyo, Japan has added a new cause of flight delays
a) The sentence on the wall was gramatically incorrect. – a turtle going for a walk. The runway at Narita had to close
b) The woman corrected the phrase written on the wall. for 12 minutes because a 2.1-kilogram turtle was spotted on the
c) It’s OK to vandalise walls if there is a grammar mistake. tarmac. The pilot of an airplane waiting to take off told air
traffic controllers about the small reptile at around 11:35am.

There was an immediate search for it. This caused the delay of 179) (EEAr BCT 2. 2022) According to the comic strip, it is
five flights. Airport staff managed to locate the creature. They correct to affirm that Calvin
safely removed it with a net. They reported that it was
A Narita Airport spokesperson said she believed the turtle
lived in a nearby pond. It managed to get under a fence
alongside the airport and crawl onto the runway. The turtle
might have decided to sunbathe because of the warm weather.
It was a lot warmer than usual at the airport for the time of the
year. Shortly after the turtle was caught, an A380 airplane took
off from the runway. By coincidence, the A380 was painted in
a turtle design. The plane was from the Japanese airline ANA.
It was going to the island of Okinawa in the south of Japan. An
ANA spokesperson said: “Turtles are seen as bringing good
luck. We hope this turtle, who came to see the flight off,
signals a bright future.”
176) (EEAr BCT 2. 2022) According to the news report, there
was a delay because (of)
a) weather conditions.
b) an animal was harmed.
c) an animal caused an accident.
d) an animal was in the wrong place.
177) (EEAr BCT 2. 2022) Read the text, write T for true and F a) is a super hero and rescues people in danger.
for false. After that, choose the alternative with the b) is very brave and not at all afraid of heights.
correct sequence. c) gets a bit scared of the altitude.
( ) The aircraft had turtle markings on its fuselage. d) has excellent hearing.
( ) The turtle was on the tarmac because it was lost. Texto para as questões 180 e 181
( ) The flight was delayed because a turtle was seen on I sold my first car at 11 and earned a million by 14
the runway. Tom Hartley Jr
( ) The company’s representative thinks the turtle might All my life, I’ve been around cars. Some of my earliest
be a sign of good luck. memories are of being in the showroom and wacth my father
a) T - F - T - T close deals for cars such as Ferraris and Lamborghinis. (...)
b) F - T - F - F Everyone’s good at something: I discovered my forte at an
c) T - F - T - F early age, and was fortunate enough to have a father who was
d) T - T - T- F already in the car business. I sold my first car - a Porsche
178) (EEAr BCT 2. 2022) According to the comic strip, some convertible - at the age of 11 and by the time I was 14, I was
people may have found buying and selling around three cars a week. That was the age I
became Britain’s youngest self-made millionaire.
Sometimes people make the mistake of thinking that
success has been handed to me on a plate. But everything I
have I’ve earned myself - and all my share of profits went into
a trust fund so that at 18 I was able to buy half of the business.
(...) I love the fact that I get to meet different kinds of people
through my work. One day I’ll be dealing with the guy from
the corner shop who’s buying a Mercedes for his wife, and the
next I’ll be meeting somebody famous.
I have a comfortable life, but it’s not overly ostentatious. I
don’t have a car of my own. When I get to work, I’ll drive
a) the exact location where the plane fell. whatever car happens to be on the forecourt, and most days I’ll
b) signs that Amelia is still alive. roll up my sleeves and wash it too. I haven’t had a proper
c) parts of Amelia’s aircraft. holiday for years and I still live in the family home. I’m having
d) the black box. my own house built at the moment. (...)
In my opinion, natural business acumen is not something
that can be taught - it comes from the inside. There has to be an
inherent competitive streak. Good salesmen are in competition
with themselves - they’re always trying to do better and sell
more. (...)
KAY, S.; HIRDS, J.; MAGGS, P. Move Upper
Intermediate. Macmillan: Oxford, 2006.

180) (EEAr BCT 2. 2022) According to the text, choose the ( ) The robots fly around and outside the Museum.
correct statement. ( ) The machines dance like a bee.
a) He started the car selling business without anyone’s a) T-F-F-T
influence. b) F-F-T-T
b) His life is not as stravagant as people might expect. c) T-T-F-F
c) He thinks that business abilities can be learned. d) F-T-T-F
d) He mostly deals with famous clients.
181) (EEAr BCT 2. 2022) The underlined expression forte in
the text can be replaced by
a) greatest strength.
b) father’s secret.
c) biggest dream.
d) life mission.
Texto para as questões 182 e 183
Giant floating robots and millennia-old odors make up a
new installation at Tate Modern Museum
Aimee Dawson
Two species of intelligent robots have moved into some
prime, Thames-side real estate: Tate Modern’s Turbine Hall.
Collectively named “aerobes,” the floating orbs that the New
York-based artist Anicka Yi has created to inhabit the
cavernous space are called “planulae” and “xenojellies”.
Inspired by ocean life forms and mushrooms, the helium-
filled shapes move around using rotors and a small battery
pack. Together, they create an “ecosystem” within the museum,
Yi said in a press statement, interacting with their environment
and visitors, and displaying individual and group behaviors.
Behind the scenes, an incredible amount of AI technology
and research is powering this floating family. A team of
specialists has developed the aerial vehicles using software that
gives each a unique flight path. The software, called an
artificial life program, generates a huge range of journey
options for the orbs to take and therefore simulates the
somewhat unpredictable processes of natural life.
The robots will respond to the space and people around
them by receiving information from electronic sensors
positioned around the venue. The signals affect them
individually and as a group so that they will behave differently
upon each encounter.
“Like a bee’s dance or an ant’s scent trail, the aerobes
communicate with each other in ways we cannot understand,” a
Tate Modern statement described.
Yi is also using her aerobes to question ideas around
intelligence and our focus on the brain as its main transmitter
182) (EEAr BCT 2. 2022) According to the text, it is correct
to affirm that
a) due to the fact that the artistic creations are robots, they
have the same behavior, no matter where they are or
who they find on their path.
b) the aerobes functioning is very different from the
functioning of an unmanned aerial vehicle.
c) the artist is using the robots to investigate issues about
intelligence and how it is developed.
d) the technological pieces of art were designed to inhabit
caves and oceans.
183) (EEAr BCT 2. 2022) Write T for true or F for false. Then
choose the alternative that corresponds to the correct
( ) There is an exhibition of AI technology at Tate
Modern Museum.
( ) The aerobes interact with the environment through

Gabarito 62) B
1) C 63) A
2) C 64) D
3) D 65) D
4) A 66) C
5) A 67) C
6) A 68) C
7) B 69) B
8) B 70) D
9) B 71) C
10) A 72) C
11) B 73) D
12) D 74) C
13) D 75) A
14) B 76) B
15) B 77) A
16) A 78) D
17) B 79) B
18) A 80) A
19) A 81) A
20) C 82) B
21) A 83) A
22) D 84) B
23) B 85) C
24) C 86) B
25) A 87) D
26) A 88) B
27) B 89) C
28) C 90) C
29) C 91) D
30) A 92) C
31) A 93) A
32) C 94) D
33) A 95) B
34) A 96) D
35) D 97) A
36) B 98) A
37) C 99) D
38) B 100) C
39) C 101) C
40) D 102) A
41) B 103) D
42) C 104) D
43) B 105) B
44) C 106) D
45) D 107) D
46) A 108) C
47) B 109) A
48) D 110) C
49) C 111) B
50) A 112) D
51) B 113) B
52) D 114) C
53) A 115) A
54) B 116) D
55) C 117) A
56) D 118) D
57) D 119) A
58) B 120) D
59) C 121) A
60) A 122) A
61) D 123) D

124) D
125) D
126) D
127) A
128) B
129) D
130) A
131) B
132) B
133) B
134) C
135) B
136) D
137) A
138) D
139) B
140) C
141) A
142) C
143) C
144) B
145) D
146) D
147) C
148) B
149) A
150) C
151) B
152) A
153) A
154) B
155) A
156) B
157) D
158) A
159) C
160) B
161) B
162) A
163) B
164) C
165) D
166) D
167) B
168) C
169) B
170) D
171) D
172) B
173) C
174) B
175) A
176) D
177) A
178) C
179) C
180) B
181) A
182) C
183) C

Interpretação de Texto e Vocabulário – problems. All teenagers have the same problems - life, love,
school work, and parents. It isn’t easy to become an adult.
EsPCEx Dawson loved movies. He had always loved movies. He
Texto para as questões 1 – 4 took film classes in school. He made short movies himself.
Mark Zuckerberg’s 650 Million Friends (and counting) Dawson wanted to be a film director. His favorite director was
Back in June 2009, the globe’s potpourri of social- Steven Spielberg. Dawson spent a lot of his free time filming
networking sites was extremely diverse: Google’s Orkut with his video camera. He loved watching videos of great
dominated India and Brazil; Central and South America movies from the past. Most evenings, he watched movies with
preferred Hi5; Maktoob was king in the Arab world. The Joey.
Vietnamese liked Zing, the Czechs loved Lidé, South Koreans “These days, Dawson always wants us to behave like
surfed Cyworld. Two years after that, and Facebook has stolen people in movies,” Joey thought. And life in the little seaside
users away from its rivals very fast. It’s completely knocked town of Capeside wasn’t like the movies.
Hi5 off the map in former strongholds such as Peru, Mexico, Joey looked at the handsome, blond boy who was sitting
and Thailand. After a tense back-and-forth with Orkut in India, next to her. She thought about the years of their long
Facebook has emerged victorious. And it’s becoming more friendship. They were best friends...
popular in Armenia, Georgia, and the Netherlands, where local ANDERS, C. J. Retold by CORNISH, F. H. Dawson’s Creek.
providers are making a desperate last stand. Shifting into overdrive. Oxford, Macmillan, 2005.
There are some glaring exceptions to Facebook’s 5) (EsPCEx 2011) Which alternative best explains the
colonization kick. Russians continue to use Vkontakte and sentence “We can’t write happy endings to all our
Odnoklassniki, with Facebook a distant fourth in the rankings. relationships.”?
China remains highly committed to domestic sites such as a) It’s not possible to decide what happens in our future.
Qzone and Renren. But for the rest of us, we’re living in b) We need permission to write books about happy endings
Zuckerberg’s world. in relationships.
(endereço eletrônico omitido propositadamente) c) Our relationships are the happiest things in our lives.
1) (EsPCEx 2011) According to the text, Facebook’s boom on d) Happy endings are always possible in real life.
the Internet was in e) People expect unhappy endings when they watch a
a) 2007. movie.
b) 2008. 6) (EsPCEx 2011) According to the sentence “Joey looked at
c) 2009. the handsome, blond boy who was sitting next to her”, it is
d) 2010. correct to say that Dawson was
e) 2011. a) strange.
2) (EsPCEx 2011) How many different social-networking b) calm.
sites are mentioned in the text ? c) ugly.
a) Five. d) good-looking.
b) Seven. e) intelligent.
c) Nine. 7) (EsPCEx 2011) According to the text, which alternative is
d) Eleven. correct about Dawson?
e) Thirteen. a) He first met Joey a couple of weeks ago.
3) (EsPCEx 2011) According to the text, Facebook is not b) He spent most of his evenings with Joey.
number one in c) He had dark hair.
a) South America. d) He didn’t have any problems
b) Peru, Mexico and Thailand. e) He was older than Joey.
c) Russia and China. 8) (EsPCEx 2011) According to the text, “The two teenagers
d) India and Brazil. had problems” because
e) South Korea. a) they wanted to be film directors.
4) (EsPCEx 2011) Which alternative represents the main idea b) it is difficult to become an adult.
of the text ? c) they wanted to behave like people in movies.
a) Facebook dominates the world of social networks. d) they were best friends.
b) Orkut is the most popular site in Latin America. e) they watched movies until late at night.
c) Facebook is used by people all over the world except in Texto para as questões 9 – 12
China. Brazilian Forces Claim Victory in Gang Haven
d) Orkut won the battle in India. RIO DE JANEIRO - In a quick and decisive military
e) Facebook is one of the top three in popularity in Russia. operation, Brazilian security forces took control of this city’s
Texto para as questões 5 – 8 most notorious slum on Sunday, celebrating victory over drug
Life and the Movies gangs after a weeklong battle.
Joey Potter looked at her friend Dawson Leery and she In the early afternoon, the military police raised the flags of
smiled sadly. Brazil and Rio de Janeiro atop a building on the highest hill in
“Life isn’t like a movie, Dawson,” she said. “We can’t the Alemão shantytown complex, providing a rare moment of
write happy endings to all our relationships.” happiness and celebration in a decades-long battle to rid this
Joey was a pretty girl with long brown hair. Both Joey and city’s violent slums of drug gangs.
Dawson were nearly sixteen years old. The two teenagers had An air of calm and relief swept through the neighborhood,
as residents opened their windows and began walking the

streets. Dozens of children ran from their houses in shorts and numerous benefits including access to health care and
bikinis to jump into a swimming pool that used to belong to a opportunities for promotions and training. In response to
gang leader. Residents congregated around televisions in bars questions from CNN, Apple also released a statement: “We
and restaurants, cheering for the police as if they were cheering care about every worker in our worldwide supply chain. We
for their favorite soccer teams. “Now the community is ours,” insist that our suppliers provide safe working conditions, treat
Jovelino Ferreira, a 60-year-old pastor, said, his eyes filling workers with dignity and respect, and use environmentally
with tears. “This time it will be different. We have to have responsible manufacturing processes wherever Apple products
faith. Many people who didn’t deserve have suffered here.” are made. Our suppliers must live up to these requirements if
http://www.nytimes.com, consulta em 28/11/2010 they want to keep doing business with Apple.”
9) (EsPCEx 2011) According to the text, Brazilian security After three weeks of applying more than 4,000 stickers a
forces fought Against day onto iPad screens by hand and working 60 hours a week in
a) Alemão shanty town complex. an assembly line, Chen says she’s ready to go back to school
b) drug gangs. and study hard so she’ll never have to return to Foxconn. “It’s
c) Jovelino Ferreira. so boring, I can’t bear it anymore. Everyday is like: I get off
d) the military police. from work and I go to bed. I get up in the morning, and I go to
e) Jovelino Ferreira’s community. work. It is my daily routine and I almost feel like an animal,”
10) (EsPCEx 2011) After Brazilian security forces’ victory, said Miss Chen. When asked why humans do machine-like
a) residents went to streets. work at Foxconn, she responds, “Well, humans are cheaper.”
b) children were afraid. Adaptado de http://edition.cnn.com, consulta em 06/02/2012
c) the gang leader used the swimming pool. 13) (EsPCEx 2012) It’s correct to say that Miss Chen
d) residents cheered for their favorite soccer team. a) is very satisfied with her job at Foxconn.
e) residents prayed with pastor Jovelino Ferreira. b) is a special factory worker at Foxconn.
11) (EsPCEx 2011) It is correct to say that, after the decisive c) has lots of benefits and little overtime at Foxconn.
military operation in the Alemão shantytown complex, d) works day or night shifts, eating and sleeping at
Jovelino Ferreira was Foxconn.
a) angry. e) worked in another company before working at Foxconn.
b) sick. 14) (EsPCEx 2012) In the sentence “As a poor college student
c) sad with no work experience, looking for a job in China’s
d) hungry competitive market is an uphill battle.”, the author means
e) hopeful. that
12) (EsPCEx 2011) In the last paragraph, the author is a) you cannot find a job in China.
describing a scene of b) you have to go up a hill.
a) sadness. c) it’s exciting to get a job in China.
b) conflict. d) it’s difficult to get a job in China.
c) happiness. e) you have to be an excellent athlete.
d) fear. 15) (EsPCEx 2012) According to the text, workers at Foxconn
e) tragedy. company are compared to
Texto para as questões 13 – 15 a) machines and animals.
Apple manufacturing plant workers complain of long hours b) machines and humans.
and militant culture c) animals and men.
Chengdu, China (CNN) — Miss Chen (we changed her d) suppliers and machines.
name for this story), an 18-year-old student from a village e) animals and suppliers.
outside of the southern megacity of Chongqing, is one of more Texto para a questão 16
than one million factory workers at a Chinese company that Fire at Antarctica station kills 2 Brazilian sailors
helps manufacture products for Apple Inc.’s lucrative global Two Brazilian sailors died and one was injured Saturday
empire, which ranked in a record $46.3 billion in sales last after a fire broke out at a naval research station in Antarctica,
quarter. They work day or night shifts, eating and sleeping at authorities reported. The fire occurred at the Comandante
company facilities, as they help build electronics products for Ferraz Station on King George Island, said Adm. Julio Soares
Apple and many other global brand names, such as Amazon’s de Moura Neto, commander of the Brazilian Navy. The three
Kindle and Microsoft’s Xbox. sailors were trying to extinguish a fire that broke out in the
As a poor college student with no work experience, looking engine room of the facility. Brazilian military police are
for a job in China’s competitive market is an uphill battle. So investigating the cause. The station is home to researchers who
when Chen was offered a one-month position at Foxconn with conduct studies on the effects of climate change in Antarctica
promises of great benefits and little overtime, she jumped at the and its implications on the planet, according to the Ministry of
chance. But when she started working, she found out that only Science and Technology and Innovation. Researchers at the
senior employees got such benefits. base also study marine life and the atmosphere.
“During my first day of work, an older worker said to me, Adaptado de http://articles.cnn.com, consulta em 26/02/2012
‘Why did you come to Foxconn? Think about it again and 16) (EsPCEx 2012) According to the text, it is correct to state
leave right now’,” said Chen, who plans to return to her studies that
at a Chongqing university soon. a) the Brazilian sailors were responsible for the fire
Foxconn recently released a statement defending its incident.
corporate practices, stating its employees are entitled to b) the fire started outside the engine room.

c) Brazilian military police still don’t know the cause. Adaptado de http://projectbritain.com/pubs.htm, consulta em
d) researchers are studying the cause. 22/06/2012
e) climate change caused the fire. 20) (EsPCEx 2012) According to the text, pubs are popular
Texto para as questões 17 – 19 places where people
“Hello”, said a quiet, musical voice. a) get together.
I looked up, stunned that he was speaking to me. He was b) just drink.
sitting as far away from me as the desk allowed, but his chair c) have to tip the bartender.
was angled toward me. His hair was dripping wet – he looked d) meet only in the winter.
like someone in a commercial for hair gel. His dazzling face e) pay the bartender a drink.
was friendly, open, a slight smile on his flawless lips. But his 21) (EsPCEx 2012) According to the text, it is correct to say
eyes were careful. that in Britain
“My name is Edward Cullen,” he continued. “I didn’t have a) there is table service in most pubs.
a chance to introduce myself last week. You must be Bella b) pubs do not serve the customer at the bar.
Swan.” c) pubs have a very important role in social life.
My mind was spinning with confusion. He was perfectly d) pubs are always located in very old buildings.
polite now. I had to speak; he was waiting. But I couldn’t think e) friends can’t buy ‘rounds’ of drinks in pubs.
of anything conventional to say. Texto para as questões 22 – 24
“H-how do you know my name?” I stammered. Facebook Song lyrics
He laughed a soft laugh. I wouldn’t call myself a social butterfly
“Oh, I think everyone knows your name. The whole town And there’s not much that separates me from the other guy
was waiting for you to arrive.” But when I log in I begin to live
MEYER, S. Twilight. New York: Megan Tingley Books, 2006.
Page 43 There’s an online world where I am king
17) (EsPCEx 2012) According to the sentence “I looked up, Of a little website dedicated to me
stunned that he was speaking to me.”, Bella With pictures of me and a list of my friends
a) didn’t expect Edward to approach her. And an unofficial record of the groups that I’m in
b) was feeling comfortable.
c) didn’t want to be friends with Edward. Before the internet, friendship was so tough
d) didn’t want to talk to Edward. You actually had to be in people’s presence and stuff
e) was offended by Edward’s attitude. Who would have thought that with a point and a click
18) (EsPCEx 2012) “My mind was spinning with confusion. I could know that Hope Floats is your favorite flick
He was perfectly polite now. I had to speak; he was
waiting. But I couldn’t think of anything conventional to Facebook
say. I’m hooked on Facebook
“H-how do you know my name?” I stammered.” I used to meet girls hanging out at the mall
The excerpt above describes a feeling of Now I just wait for them to write on my wall
a) sadness.
b) deception. Oh! Link’s status changed, it says he’s playing the recorder...
c) pain.
d) nervousness. How do you know this person?
e) anger. Did you hook up with this person?
19) (EsPCEx 2012) According to Bella’s descriptions in the Do you need to request confirmation?
text, Edward was Or did you just think they looked cute...
a) intelligent. From their picture on Facebook?
b) boring.
c) charming. If the internet crashed all across the land
d) inconvenient. Or my Facebook account was deleted by the man
e) dangerous. I’d carry around a picture of my face
Texto para as questões 20 e 21 And a summary of me typed out on a page
What is a pub? The word pub is short for public house. Adaptado de
Pubs are popular social meeting places. They are an important http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/r/rhett_and_link/facebook_s
part of British life. People talk, eat, drink, meet their friends ong.html
and relax there. Many have a garden where people can sit in the 22) (EsPCEx 2013) The text above can be considered
summer. One of the oldest pubs, Fighting Cocks in St. Albans, a) obscene.
Herts, is located in a building that dates back to the eleventh b) obsolete.
century. Groups of friends normally buy ‘rounds’ of drinks, c) religious.
where the person whose turn it is will buy drinks for all the d) ironic.
members of the group. In most pubs in Britain, you must go to e) thrilling.
the bar to order drinks and food and pay for your purchase
immediately, there is no table service. Bartenders do not expect
frequent tipping. To tip them, it is customary to say: “Would
you like a drink yourself?”

23) (EsPCEx 2013) The sentence “But when I login I begin to d) requests a task force to try to solve the problem.
live” brings the readers a reflection about the extreme e) decides to take action after talking to the reporter.
importance that people, in our society, give to 27) (EsPCEx 2013) In the sentences “... proposals to curb an
a) school and internet. “epidemic of gun violence”...” and “an array of steps to
b) love and life. curb gun violence...”, the word curb means
c) life and death. a) control.
d) girls and computers. b) cultivate.
e) the online world. c) increase.
24) (EsPCEx 2013) In the sentence “Before the internet, d) encourage.
friendship was so tough”, the word tough can be replaced e) originate.
by Texto para as questões 28 e 29
a) easy. Welcome to Madrid: City of Protests
b) difficult. Madrid (CNN) – “The people, united, will never be
c) respectable. divided!” yells the crowd, angrily waving banners and
d) nice. placards. “To fight is the only way!” Dog-walkers, mothers
e) flexible. with strollers, and pensioners carrying shopping bags join the
Texto para as questões 25 – 27 crowd. These people on the sidewalk are no curious neighbors.
President Obama Launches Gun-Violence Task Force Indeed, many of them are complete strangers to the family
Five days after deadliest elementary school shooting in U.S. living on the fifth floor, but they are all here to protect Rocio
history, President Obama said his administration plans from eviction - being forced to leave her property by legal
immediate action early next year on proposals to curb an process.
“epidemic of gun violence”. At a morning news conference, Rocio and her son, now 17 and in high school, moved from
Obama announced the formation of a task force to be headed Ecuador in 2003, when times were good and jobs plentiful in
by Vice President Joe Biden that will formulate a package of Spain. But then the global financial crisis hit, bringing Spain’s
policy recommendations by January. “The fact that this economy down, Rocio lost her two jobs - in a shop, and as a
problem is complex can no longer be an excuse for doing cleaner. For a while, Rocio got by on benefits, but then those
nothing”, Obama said. “The fact that we can’t prevent every stopped too. She is an example of the crisis many Spaniards
act of violence doesn’t mean that we can’t steadily reduce the face as the country deals with the highest unemployment rate
violence and prevent the very worst violence.” The president since the Civil War in the 1930s, and a recession entering its
said he intends to push for implementation of the proposals second year. “I can’t stand the thought of living on the streets
“without delay”. “This is a team that has a very specific task to with my son, but I have no idea where else to go”, she says.
pull together real reforms right now”, he said. Rocio’s story is echoed by others all over Spain. It is this
While Obama did not offer specifics, he suggested the task fear that took many Spanish citizens to action. Many of those
force would examine an array of steps to curb gun violence and people who are outside the door of Rocio’s apartment block are
prevent mass shootings, including legislative measures, mental supporters of “Stop Desahucios” (Stop Evictions), part of the
health resources and a “look more closely at a culture that all- Platform of People Affected by Mortgages (PAH – Plataforma
too-often glorifies guns and violence”. “I will use all the de Afectados por la Hipoteca), a group that campaigns to
powers of this office to help advance efforts aimed at prevent banks and authorities from eviction because of the
preventing more tragedies like this”, Obama said. country’s economic crisis. They accuse the banks and
Obama made similar pronouncements following at least authorities of “real estate terrorism”.
four other mass shootings that marked his first term. But few There are also the mass marches of the 15-M movement -
policy changes were made. “This is not the first incident of also known as the “Indignados”. Activist Dante Scherma, 24,
horrific gun violence of your four years. Where have you says citizens were not used to speaking out on political issues.
been?”, asked ABC News’ Jake Tapper. “I’ve been president of “The 15-M movement made people talk about social issues,
the United States, dealing with the worst economic crisis since and about politics in normal conversations - in cafés,
the Great Depression, an auto industry on the verge of collapse, restaurants, bars - where before they only talked about football
two wars. I don’t think I’ve been on vacation”, Obama or fashion.”
responded. Back in Vicalvaro, the moment of truth has arrived, but the
Adaptado de http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/OTUS/president- crowd - now shouting at the police, insisting they have to stop
obama - launches-gun-violence-task- forcing families to leave their properties - appears to have had
force/story?id=18015694#UOA3AOTAdyw an impact. Lawyers from the PAH explain that Rocio will be
25) (EsPCEx 2013) In the sentence “This is a team that has a able to stay - for a while, at least. For those working to stop
very specific task …”, who is the leader of this team? Spain’s eviction epidemic, today has seen a small and
a) the press. temporary victory. For those demonstrating about cuts,
b) Jake Tapper. corruption and lack of cash, the protests will go on.
c) Joe Biden. Adaptado de http://edition.cnn.com/2013/02/20/
d) the task force. world/europe/madrid-city-of-protests/index.html
e) ABC channel. 28) (EsPCEx 2013) According to the text, Rocio
26) (EsPCEx 2013) According to the text, Obama a) moved to Spain when there were many jobs there.
a) is not trying to solve the mass shootings problem. b) was the only person affected by the crisis in Spain.
b) is not worried about gun violence. c) is getting benefits from Spain’s government nowadays.
c) was on vacation during the shooting. d) had two jobs in Ecuador before moving to Spain.

e) has the best job in Spain nowadays. feedback from subordinates, peers and superiors. For the new
29) (EsPCEx 2013) According to the text, the 15-M movement training programs, he said that while it may be impossible to
made prevent infractions, “most officers need to be reminded of the
a) Spaniards’ lives lose their importance. rules and regulations on a routine basis”.
b) citizens in Spain more interested in social issues. Teams of inspectors will observe and review the procedures
c) Spaniards talk more about football and fashion. of commanders and their staffs. The inspections will not be
d) people go to cafés, restaurants and bars. punitive, but will provide a “periodic opportunity for general
e) Spaniards accept evictions. officers to understand whether, from an institutional
Texto para a questão 30 perspective, we think they are inside or outside the white
Empirically Based Leadership lines”, he said. In addition, new programs will be instituted to
A significant area of interest within the US Army empirical ensure that a commander’s staff, and a spouse, are fully aware
literature on leadership is emotional intelligence (EI), which in of military regulations.
recent years has been the focus of considerable attention in “In my 39 years in the military, I have learned that you are
relationship to leadership efficacy. Emotional intelligence not a profession just because you say you are. You have to earn
involves an awareness of one’s own emotions as well as the it and re-earn it and re-evaluate it from time to time”, General
ability to control them, social awareness of others and their Dempsey said.
emotions, and the capacity to understand and manage According to the Macmillan English Dictionary Online, the
relationship and social networks. word issue has the following definitions. Read them and
In understanding others’ emotions, an important answer the question below.
contributing factor to the success of the more effective military 1. a problem that needs to be considered.
officers is their ability to empathize with their subordinates. In 2. a magazine that is published at a particular time.
discussing empathy, FM (Field Manual) 6-22 defines it as “the 3. a set of things that are available to people at a particular
ability to see something from another person’s point of view, to time.
identify with and enter into another person’s feelings and 4. (formal) the act of officially giving something to
emotions”. Empathy is not typically a quality that most soldiers someone.
would readily identify as an essential characteristic to effective 5. (legal) someone’s children.
leadership or necessary to producing positive organizational 31) (EsPCEx 2014) According to the text, which definition
outcomes, but it is an important quality for competent above corresponds to issue in the sentence “...he was
leadership, especially as it relates to EI. disturbed about the misconduct issues...” (paragraph 2)?
Adaptado de McDONALD, Sean P. Military Review, Jan-Feb, a) 1
2013. b) 2
30) (EsPCEx 2013) According to the text, we can state that c) 3
a) empathy is part of emotional intelligence. d) 4
b) emotional intelligence does not include empathy. e) 5
c) emotional intelligence is the ability to avoid empathy. 32) (EsPCEx 2014) Which word is a synonym for evaluations
d) the US Army wants soldiers to hide feelings. in the text?
e) the US Army wants leaders to control subordinates’ a) Applications.
feelings. b) Regulations.
Texto para as questões 31 – 34 c) Infractions.
Military Officers Face a New Evaluation d) Assessments.
Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs e) Procedures.
of Staff, is leading important changes following recent scandals 33) (EsPCEx 2014) In the sentence “Conversely, you can
involving high-ranking officers. This is part of training and have...” (paragraph 3), the word conversely indicates that
development programs for generals and admirals. They will the two situations described in the paragraph
include new courses to train the security detail, executive staffs a) have similar elements.
and even the spouses of senior officers. b) have opposite elements.
Saying he was disturbed about the misconduct issues, c) have identical elements.
General Dempsey said that evaluations of top officers needed d) have chronological elements.
to go beyond the traditional assessment of professional e) have unbelievable elements.
performance by superior officers alone. He said that he had 34) (EsPCEx 2014) According to the text, a 360-degree
decided the changes were necessary “to assess both performance evaluation (paragraph 4)
competence and character in a richer way”. a) is a periodic evaluation that rotates 360 degrees.
“You can have someone of incredible character who can’t b) is a periodic evaluation that lasts 360 days.
lead their way out of a forward operating base because they c) includes the opinions of an immediate work circle.
don’t have the competence to understand the application of d) is an evaluation that certainly prevents infractions.
military power, and that doesn’t do me any good”, General e) includes only the opinions of superior officers.
Dempsey said. “Conversely, you can have someone who is
intensely competent in the skills of the profession, but doesn’t
live a life of character. And that doesn’t do me any good.”
General Dempsey said that regular professional reviews
would be transformed from top-down assessments to the kind
of “360-degree performance evaluation”, which includes

Texto para as questões 35 Mall owners and shopkeepers have reasons to be cautious.
Japan WW2 Soldier Who Refused to Surrender Dies A few rolezinhos have led to muggings and robberies. But
A Japanese soldier who refused to surrender after World most do not end in Itaquera-like chaos: the word’s true
War Two ended and spent 29 years in the jungle has died aged meaning is closer to “little outing”. And theories that rolezeiros
91 in Tokyo. Hiroo Onoda remained in the jungle on Lubang are class warriors or favela dwellers tired of the country’s
Island near Luzon, in the Philippines, until 1974 because he did veiled racism are not correct. “Their battle cry is not ‘Less
not believe that the war had ended. He was finally persuaded to oppression!’” says Renato Barreiros, who has directed a
emerge after his ageing former commanding officer was flown documentary about them. “It’s ‘More Adidas!’”
in to see him. Onoda was greeted as a hero on his return to The point of a rolezinho is “to hang out, chill, buy nice
Japan. things, meet people”, explains Vinicius Andrade, a 17-year-old
The young soldier had orders not to surrender - a command from Capão Redondo, a favela in western São Paulo. He has
he obeyed for nearly three decades. “I became an officer and I taken part in 18 big rolezinhos and helped organise a few,
received an order. If I could not carry it out, I would feel drawing some of his 89,000 Facebook followers. His 15-year-
shame. I am very competitive”, he said. Three other soldiers old girlfriend, Yasmin Oliveira, a rolezeiro sweetheart with
were with him at the end of the war. One emerged from the 94,000 fans of her own on the social network, says that
jungle in 1950 and the other two died. shopping centres make good meeting places because they are
Mr Onoda ignored several attempts to get him to surrender. safe – an important consideration in a crime-ridden city. There
He later said that he dismissed search parties sent to him, and are few other public venues for kids, especially in poorer
leaflets dropped by Japan, because there was always something neighbourhoods.
suspicious, so he never believed that the war had really ended. As well as air conditioning, shopping centres also confer
Though Onoda had been officially declared dead in December something no open-air space can: status. Rolezeiros enjoy
1959, search parties were sent out in 1972, when the last walking around in a branded T-shirt and bermudas, with a pair
person from his group was killed by local police, but they did of 400- reais ($170) shades perched on a baseball cap. Vinicius
not find him. Onoda was now alone. confesses to spending 800-1,000 reais a month on clothes and
On February 20, 1974, a Japanese man, Norio Suzuki, accessories, most of what he makes as a helper at a local
found Onoda after four days of searching. They became Adventist church. Just 8% of Itaquera shoppers enjoy a
friends, but Onoda still refused to surrender, saying that he was monthly income in excess of 2,780 reais. Some rolezeiros
waiting for orders from a superior officer. Suzuki returned to support their flashy lifestyle by reselling outmoded attire to
Japan with photographs of himself and Onoda as proof of their poorer neighbours.
encounter, and the Japanese government located Onoda’s Shopkeepers in the local malls have mixed feelings about
commanding officer, Major Yoshimi Taniguchi. He flew to the gatherings. On the one hand, the youngsters make ideal
Lubang where on March 9, 1974, he finally met with Onoda clients: they often pay cash and can spend 2,000-3,000 reais in
and rescinded his original orders in person. one go. On the other, larger groups can scare away customers.
The Philippine government granted him a pardon, although Adapted from http://www.economist.com
many in Lubang never forgave him for killing 30 people during 36) (EsPCEx 2014) Another title for this article could be
his campaign on the island. The news media reported on this a) Youngsters in Brazil are anxious for political changes.
and other misgivings, but at the same time welcomed his return b) Youngsters find a way to protest against social
home. inequality.
Adapted from http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia- c) Social networks are the first step into indiscipline and
25772192 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hiroo_Onoda chaos.
35) (EsPCEx 2014) According to the text, read the statements d) Shopkeepers see a strong need for legislation against
and choose the correct alternative. rolezinhos.
I) Hiroo Onoda was in the jungle for 29 years. e) Youngsters in shopping malls want to get attention, not
II) Hiroo Onoda was abandoned in the jungle by his political changes.
country after the war ended. 37) (EsPCEx 2014) In the sentence “Some rolezeiros support
III) Hiroo Onoda tried to go back home many times. their flashy lifestyle by reselling outmoded attire to poorer
IV) Hiroo Onoda had another soldier with him until 1972. neighbours.” (paragraph 4), the expression outmoded attire
V) Hiroo Onoda was admired by people in Lubang. means
a) III and V are correct. a) clothes that are not fashionable anymore.
b) I and II are correct. b) old and slow personal computers.
c) I and IV are correct. c) cheap shades they don’t want anymore.
d) I and III are correct d) high quality fashionable accessories.
e) All of them are correct. e) their mothers’ clothes without permission.
Texto para as questões 36 e 37 Texto para as questões 38 – 40
Brazil’s Rolezinhos – The Kids Are All Right The Phenomenon of Candy Crush: Why Is the Game So
Shopping Metrô Itaquera, a gleaming mall amid the favelas Popular?
(shantytowns) of eastern São Paulo, gained notoriety on In 2012, Candy Crush was released on Facebook and was
January 11th, when the police used rubber bullets and tear gas later converted to smartphone format for people to play on the
to disperse a crowd of 3,000 youths. The youngsters were go. In 2013, the game reached real prominence and became the
participating in a rolezinho, a gathering of tens, hundreds, and most popular game on Facebook. It’s no surprise then that so
sometimes thousands of youngsters which is convened via many people play this game on their phones. Candy Crush
social networks. Saga has changed the way many of us kill time on commutes,

or even in the toilet. I don’t remember the last train journey I I’ve made myself clear. Oh, and, by the way, I advise you to
took where at least one person wasn’t playing Candy Crush on forget that we have had this conversation. Goodbye.”
their phone. I’m sure almost every reader of this article will Dick Sterling put the phone down. His hands were
have either been invited or invited others to play Candy Crush trembling. He was furious with himself for failing to persuade
via Facebook in an effort to get more lives or even levels. his boss in Delhi, Keith Lennox, to support him, and was
Despite being incredibly similar to many games over the disgusted at the mixture of veiled threats and vague promises
years, Candy Crush Saga has added new depth to the genre, Lennox had made.
with seemingly unlimited combinations of new scenarios and Adapted from MALEY, Alan. He knows too much. Cambridge
concepts. So, this mixture of simplicity and variety is what University Press, 1999. p.6
makes Candy Crush so unbelievably popular. 41) (EsPCEx 2015) In the sentences “Our position is very
As a result, Candy Crush Saga shows no signs of slowing sensitive in this country.” and “So be sensible for once in
down. New levels are generally released via the Facebook your life.” (paragraph 3), sensitive and sensible mean
version every three weeks, with new levels also being made respectively
frequently available for the smartphone version. With 6.7 a) completely safe; responsive.
million active users, the developers are rumoured to be earning b) innocent; inoffensive.
$633,000 per day from Candy Crush users. c) easily affected; reasonable.
Adapted from http://metro.co.uk/2013/09/27/ d) conservative; harmful.
38) (EsPCEx 2014) In the sentence “Candy Crush Saga has e) worried; stupid.
changed the way many of us kill time on commutes...” 42) (EsPCEx 2015) The sentence “So just go with the flow for
(paragraph 1), the expression kill time on commutes means a bit longer.” (paragraph 5), the expression go with the flow
a) sleep while traveling on the bus. means
b) travel on business by airplane. a) don’t accept corruption.
c) work or travel on a holiday. b) don’t accept bribery.
d) do something while on a journey. c) don’t fight vague promises.
e) rest or sleep on the weekend. d) don’t accept threats.
39) (EsPCEx 2014) In the sentence “I don’t remember the last e) don’t fight prevailing trends.
train journey I took where at least one person wasn’t 43) (EsPCEx 2015) According to the text, Keith Lennox and
playing Candy Crush on their phone.” (paragraph 1), the Dick Sterling are
author means a) father and son.
a) his memory isn’t so good. b) union members.
b) he doesn’t travel by train a lot. c) close friends.
c) Candy Crush is very popular. d) superior and subordinate.
d) people play Candy Crush at home. e) college colleagues.
e) people were not playing Candy Crush on his last trip. Texto para as questões 44 – 46
40) (EsPCEx 2014) According to the text, the popularity of Frequently Asked Questions – Instagram
Candy Crush Saga is because What is Instagram?
a) it is a combination of many games over the years. It’s an application for your mobile phone that enables you
b) it was converted to smartphone format. to edit pictures you have taken with your mobile phone camera
c) people can play it in the toilet. using built-in filters and share them with others. If you have an
d) it was released on Facebook in 2012. Instagram account you can tag pictures, rate and comment on
e) it is a mixture of simplicity and variety. other people’s pictures and follow other users.
Texto para as questões 41 – 43 How much is your app?
Chapter 1 - Madras 1986 $0.00.
“He knows too much. I must ask you to do nothing.” Where does the name come from?
“But this time I caught him in the act. I have proof, When we were kids we loved playing around with cameras.
witnesses, everything. There is no possible doubt.” We loved how different types of old cameras marketed
“I said he knows too much! The company can’t afford to themselves as “instant” - something we take for granted today.
have any problems. Our position is very sensitive in this We also felt that the snapshots people were taking were like
country. We can’t afford to take risks. I am telling you once telegrams in that they got sent over the wire to others - so we
again – you will do nothing. And if there is any trouble, I’m figured why not combine the two?
afraid I shall have to hold you personally responsible. So be How did the idea come about?
sensible for once in your life.” We love taking photos. We always assumed taking
“I see. So you are telling me to close my eyes to corruption interesting photos required a big bulky camera and a couple
and behave as if nothing has happened. Is that right?” years of art school. But as mobile phone cameras got better and
“I didn’t put it quite like that. But, if you insist, yes. What better, we decided to challenge that assumption. We created
Vish does or doesn’t do is a minor matter compared with the Instagram to solve three simple problems:
company’s global strategy. Just try to get things in perspective. - Mobile photos always come out looking mediocre. Our
After all, you won’t be stuck in Madras for ever – I’ll make awesome looking filters transform your photos into
sure that you are not. So just go with the flow for a bit longer. professional-looking snapshots.
When you’re in your next post this will all seem a very long - Sharing on multiple platforms is a pain - we help you take
way away, I can assure you. But meantime, no trouble. I hope a picture once, then share it (instantly) on multiple services.

- Most uploading experiences are clumsy and take forever - A few of the boys had their heads shaved before heading
we’ve optimized the experience to be fast and efficient. off to “Basic Military Training.” The training consisted of
How does privacy work? doing push-ups and sit-ups, jumping through hula-hoops and
We have adopted a follower model that means if you’re running through an inflatable castle. They were also taught
“public” on Instagram, anyone can subscribe to follow your how to stand at attention, salute and do an about-face.
photos. We do, however, have a special private option. In this After basic training, each child attended “technical school”
mode, a user can make sure he/she must approve all follow and was taught a specific Air Force Specialty Code to help
requests before they go through. them in their mock deployment. Some children were taught
Who can see my photos? lifesaving self-aid and buddy care skills while others learned
All photos are public by default which means they are about the importance of radio communications while on a
visible to anyone who has an account. If you choose to make deployment.
your account private, then only people who follow you on The tech-school graduates were then issued water pistols
Instagram will be able to see your photos. before heading out. During their deployment, the children
Adapted from https://instagram.com/about/faq/# encountered hostile and non-hostile citizens, a water-balloon
44) (EsPCEx 2015) According to the text, read the statements fight and injured allies who needed help along the way.
and choose the correct alternative. At the end of a long day, loved ones waited outside the
I - The user is able to control who is going to be a follower. youth center on base with homemade signs welcoming the
II - Anyone can see your pictures when you use the private “troops” back home.
mode. “This event was great,” said Senior Airman Jasmine
III - The name Instagram comes from instant + telegram. Madison, 460th FSS Force Support Force Management
IV - Creators of Instagram think that all mobile pictures technician. “It’s a way for kids to get a hands-on understanding
look good. of what their parents do when they are separated from them
V - The application software is available for free. during deployments.”
VI - You can post your Instagram photos directly to other Adapted from
social platforms. http://www.buckley.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123424927
a) I, III, V and VI are correct. 47) (EsPCEx 2015) According to the text, what is a mock
b) I, II, V and VI are correct. deployment?
c) II, III and V are correct. a) traveling on a peacekeeping mission.
d) I, II, IV and V are correct. b) simulation of a movement of troops on a mission.
e) All of them are correct. c) rescue mission in a conflict area.
45) (EsPCEx 2015) In the sentence “We loved how different d) coming back home after a mission abroad.
types of old cameras marketed themselves as “instant” - e) going on a real mission in another country.
something we take for granted today.” (question 3), the 48) (EsPCEx 2015) According to the text, choose the correct
expression something we take for granted means statement.
a) Something we have to give someone. a) All the children had their heads shaved.
b) Something we have to do everyday. b) Some children were injured during the event.
c) Something we usually value a lot. c) All the children learned about radio communications.
d) Something we don’t have to learn. d) The event happens every year and lasts only one day.
e) Something we don’t give much importance to. e) The objective of the program is to recruit civilian
46) (EsPCEx 2015) Which words are synonyms for photos in parents.
the text? Texto para a questão 49
a) requests and filters. We’re so well educated – but we’re useless
b) snapshots and pictures. Record numbers of students have entered higher education
c) followers and pictures. in the past 10 years, but despite being the most educated
d) platforms and pictures. generation in history, it seems that we’ve grown increasingly
e) requests and snapshots. ignorant when it comes to basic life skills.
Texto para as questões 47 e 48 Looking back on my first weeks living in student halls, I
Children experience basic training and mock deployment consider myself lucky to still be alive. I have survived a couple
The 460th Force Support Squadron (FSS) hosted the 6th of serious boiling egg incidents and numerous cases of food-
Annual Operation Future Forces (OFF) Sept. 13, 2014, at poisoning, probably from dirty kitchen counters. Although
Camp Rattlesnake. OFF allows children ages 8-18 to some of my clothes have fallen victim to ironing
experience what military members endure from basic training experimentation, I think I have now finally acquired all the
to technical school to a mock deployment, ending with a domestic skills I missed out in my modern education.
homecoming party. Educationist Sir Ken Robinson says that our current
“The youth mock deployment was developed to alleviate education system dislocates people from their natural talents
many of the stresses commonly experienced by young family and deprives us of what used to be passed from generation to
members when one or both parents are deployed,” said Thomas generation – a working knowledge of basic life skills. Today’s
Cox, 460th FSS youth program chief. “Everything from basic graduates may have earned themselves distinctions in history,
training, tech schools, camp activities and accomplishing their law or economics, but when it comes to simple things like
mission as a team made the event a one of a kind opportunity putting up a shelf to hold all their academic books, or fixing a
for military kids.” hole in their on-trend clothes, they have to call for help from a
professional handyman or tailor.

Besides what we need to know for our own jobs, we must century of exile and homelessness and the cause is always the
have practical skills. We don’t grow our own crops, build our same - conflict and bad government. Unless these are dealt
own houses, or make our own clothes anymore; we simply buy with, the flow of migrants will never be stopped.
these things. Unable to create anything ourselves, what we Adapted from http://www.bbc.com/news/world-35091772
have mastered instead is consumption. 50) (EsPCEx 2016) According to the text, read the statements
Sociologist Saskia Sassen argues that the modern liberal and choose the correct alternative.
state has created a middle class that isn’t able to “make” I – There isn’t anything new about the current migrant
anymore. I suggest that we start with the immediate crisis.
reintroduction of some of the most vital aspects of “domestic II – The former migrant phenomena happened in London.
science” education. Instead of only maths, language and III – This migrant phenomenon is interfering in Europe’s
history, we should create an interactive learning environment in society.
schools where craftsmanship and problem-solving are valued IV – Europeans are concerned about learning new
as highly as the ability to absorb and regurgitate information. languages.
We need to develop children into people that not only think for V – Syria is becoming powerful and apparently there is no
themselves, but are also able to act for themselves. control over it.
Adapted from http://www.guardian.co.uk/education/ VI – Conflicts and poor governance are the reasons for
mortarboard/2013/feb/25/well-educated-but-useless the migration.
49) (EsPCEx 2015) What is the main topic of the text? a) I, IV and V are correct.
a) Consumption is the biggest problem of young students. b) I, IV and VI are correct.
b) The most educated generation in history has earned c) III, V and VI are correct.
distinctions. d) II, III and V are correct.
c) Basic life skills are passed from generation to e) I, II and IV are correct.
generation. Texto para as questões 51 – 53
d) Young students attend domestic science education. How Brazil Crowdsourced a Pioneering Law
e) Students don’t have the ability to do practical tasks. The passage of the Marco Civil da Internet, an “Internet bill
Texto para a questão 50 of rights” commonly referred to in English as the Brazilian
This migrant crisis is different from all others Civil Rights Framework for the Internet, demonstrates how the
2015 was unquestionably the year of the migrant. The news Internet can be used to rejuvenate democratic governance in the
was dominated for months by pictures of vast crowds shuffling digital age. The law is important not only for its content, but
through the borders of yet another European country, being for the innovative and participatory way it was written,
treated with brutality in some places and given a reluctant bypassing traditional modes of legislation-making to go
welcome in others. directly to the country’s citizens. At a moment when
When researching a report for radio and television about the governments of all kinds are viewed as increasingly distant
migrant phenomenon, it is possible to realize that there was from ordinary people, Brazil’s example makes an argument
nothing new about it. For many years, waves of displaced and that democracy offers a way forward.
frightened people have broken over Europe again and again The pioneering law was signed in 2014 and has three
and the images have been strikingly similar each time. components. First, it safeguards privacy by restricting the
In 1945, there were the ethnic Germans, forced out of their ability of private corporations and the government to store
homes in Poland, Czechoslovakia and Russia and obliged to Internet users’ browsing histories. Second, it mandates a
seek shelter in a shattered and divided Germany. More judicial review of requests to remove potentially offensive or
recently, we can see floods of Albanian refugees escaping from illegal material, including content that infringes copyrights.
the ethnic cleansing of the Serbian forces in Kosovo in 1998 And third, it prohibits Internet service providers from
and 1999. manipulating data transfer speeds for commercial purposes.
Yet there is one major difference between these waves of The bill was acclaimed by activists as an example the rest of
migrants in the past and the one we saw in 2015. Professor the world should follow.
Alex Betts, director of the Refugee Studies Centre at Oxford What makes this law even more interesting is that it became
University says that it was the first time Europe faced people one of the largest-ever experiments in crowdsourcing
coming in from the outside in large numbers as refugees. He legislation. The law’s original text was written through a
explains: “The fact that many are Muslims is perceived as website that allowed individual citizens and organizations —
challenging Europe’s identity.” European societies are including NGOs, businesses, and political parties — to interact
changing very fast, indeed, as a result of immigration. In with one another and publicly debate the law’s content. This
London, for instance, more than 300 languages are now process was markedly different from the traditional method of
spoken, according to a recent academic study. The influx of writing bills “behind closed doors” in the halls of Congress, a
migrants reinforces people’s sense that their identity is under process that favored well-connected families and large
threat. corporations.
But how can the world deal conclusively with the problem? Policymakers in other countries have tried to capture citizen
The former UN under-secretary-general for humanitarian input using social media before, but never on this scale, in a
affairs, Sir John Holmes, blames global governance. “Other country of roughly 200 million people. Whether it would
powers are rising,” he says - Syria is an example of this. “And succeed was far from certain. During the website’s public
the United States doesn’t have the influence it once did, so the launch, in 2009, one of the government lawyers summed up the
problem’s not being fixed, no-one’s waving the big stick and organizers’ high hopes: “This experience could transform the
we’re having to pick up the pieces.” We have endured an entire way we discuss not just legislation about the Internet, but also

the way we discuss other bills in Brazil, and, in so doing, Adapted from http://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/
reconfigure our democracy.” operation-desert-storm-was-not-won-smart-weaponry-alone-
Adapted from http://foreignpolicy.com/2016/01/19/how-brazil- 180957879/
crowdsourced-a-landmark-law/ 54) (EsPCEx 2016) According to the text, “dumb weapons”
51) (EsPCEx 2016) In the title “How Brazil Crowdsourced a (paragraph 2) were
Pioneering Law”, the verb crowdsource means a) bombs that couldn’t reach any coalition planes.
a) obtain ideas by soliciting contributions from diverse b) bombs that were “science fiction”-like targets.
groups of people. c) bombs that weren’t guided by lasers or satellites.
b) favor common citizens who don’t have Internet d) bombs that became known as smart weaponry.
connection. e) bombs that were exciting enough for the headlines.
c) draft a new law according to large corporations’ Texto para as questões 55 e 56
interests. Would it be wrong to eradicate mosquitoes?
d) remove contributions from politicians that prefer the The mosquito is the most dangerous animal in the world,
traditional method. carrying diseases that kill one million people a year. Now the
e) allow the congress to pass a bill that infringes Zika virus, which is carried by mosquitoes, has been linked
copyrights. with thousands of babies born with brain defects in South
52) (EsPCEx 2016) Choose the alternative that correctly America. There are 3,500 known species of mosquitoes, but
substitutes the word bypassing in the sentence “... only the females from just 6% of species draw blood from
bypassing traditional modes of legislation-making ...” humans - to help them develop their eggs. Of these, just half
(paragraph 1). carry parasites that cause human diseases.
a) Offending More than a million people, mostly from poorer nations, die
b) destroying each year from mosquito-borne diseases, including Malaria,
c) praising Dengue Fever and Yellow Fever. Some mosquitoes also carry
d) avoiding the Zika virus, which was first thought to cause only mild fever
e) accepting and rashes. However, scientists are now worried that it can
53) (EsPCEx 2016) According to the text, choose the correct damage babies in the womb. There’s a constant effort to
statement. educate people to use nets and other tactics to avoid being
a) Organizers were sure the experience would be totally bitten. But would it just be simpler to make an entire species of
successful. disease-carrying mosquito extinct?
b) Other laws from now on can be written and discussed In Britain, scientists at Oxford University and the biotech
the same way. firm Oxitec have genetically modified (GM) the males of
c) The content of the law is more important than the way it Aedes aegypti - a mosquito species that carries both the Zika
was written. and Dengue viruses. These GM males carry a gene that stops
d) This innovative way to develop a law puts democracy at their offspring from developing properly. This second
risk. generation of mosquitoes then die before they can reproduce
e) Brazil’s example made activists and political parties and become carriers of disease themselves.
disappointed. So are there any downsides to removing mosquitoes?
Texto para a questão 54 Mosquitoes, which mostly feed on plant nectar, are important
Operation Desert Storm Was Not Won By Smart pollinators. They are also a food source for birds and bats while
Weaponry Alone their young - as larvae - are consumed by fish and frogs. This
Technology has long been a deciding factor on the could have an effect further ahead in the food chain.
battlefield, from powerful artillery to new weaponry to Mosquitoes also have limited the destructive impact of
innovations in the seas and the skies. Twenty-five years ago, it humanity on nature. Mosquitoes make tropical rainforests, for
was no different, as the United States and its allies proved humans, virtually uninhabitable. Rainforests are home to a
overwhelmingly successful in the Persian Gulf War. A large share of our total plant and animal species, and nothing
coalition of U.S. Army Apache attack helicopters, cruise has done more to delay man-made destruction over the past
missiles from naval vessels, and Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk 10,000 years than the mosquito.
“stealth fighters” soundly broke through Saddam Hussein’s Adapted from http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-35408835
army defenses in Kuwait during Operation Desert Storm, 55) (EsPCEx 2016) According to the text, choose the correct
which became known as the “100-hour war”. statement.
But for all the possibilities that this “Computer War” a) Female mosquitoes from all the species cause the
offered, Operation Desert Storm was not won by smart diseases mentioned.
weaponry, alone. Despite the “science fiction”-like technology b) People from wealthy countries are the most bitten by
deployed, 90 percent of the pieces of ammunition used in mosquitoes.
Desert Storm were actually “dumb weapons”. The bombs, c) Mosquitoes are also important for food chain balance
which weren’t guided by lasers or satellites, were lucky to get and pollination.
within half a kilometer of their targets after they were dumped d) A few species of male mosquitoes were genetically
from planes. While dumb bombs might not have been exciting modified.
enough to make the headlines during the attack, they were e) Mosquitoes carry diseases, infect animals and destroy
cheaper to produce and could be counted on to work. But the rainforests.
frequency of use doesn’t change why history will remember
Desert Storm for its smart weapons, rather than its dumb ones.

56) (EsPCEx 2016) In the sentence “... a gene that stops their Texto para as questões 58 e 59
offspring from developing properly.” (paragraph 3), the A handwritten note from September 11
word offspring means In moments of crisis, our first thoughts are usually to get in
a) wombs. contact with the people we love. September 11, 2001, was a
b) viruses. day when many people wanted to know that their loved ones
c) diseases. were safe. At 9:37 a.m., the Pentagon was attacked by terrorists
d) brains. who crashed an airplane into the western side of the building.
e) babies. Many people tried using the mobile phones that existed
Texto para a questão 57 then, but few were successful. Franklin and Daria Gaillard
How diversity makes us smarter (Frank and Chip) were both members of the Air Force and
Decades of research by organizational scientists, worked at the Pentagon. They worked in different parts of the
psychologists, sociologists, economists and demographers building and had a previous agreement that they would meet at
show that socially diverse groups (that is, those with a diversity their car in the parking lot if there were any emergency.
of race, ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation) are more Daria was the first to arrive at the car and wrote a note to
innovative than homogeneous groups. It means being around Franklin saying “Frank - Sweetie I am okay. I’m w/ my office
people who are different from us makes us more creative, more over by the Lyndon B. Johnson Memorial Sign. I’ll stay there
diligent and more hardworking. till you come. Love lots & lots, Chip.” Frank found the note
It seems obvious that a group of people with diverse and was able to locate his wife in the aftermath of the attack.
individual expertise would be better than a homogeneous group What makes this story so interesting is the handwritten
at solving complex, non-routine problems. It is less obvious note. Today, in our digital culture, we have a variety of ways to
that social diversity should work in the same way – yet the let people know that we are safe. Text messages, voicemail,
science shows that it does. This is not only because people with and different forms of social media can be used to get the
different backgrounds bring new information. Simply information out to loved ones. In 2001, when these attacks
interacting with individuals who are different forces group happened, the cellular network was still growing and was not
members to prepare better, to anticipate alternative viewpoints as robust as it is today.
and to expect that reaching consensus will take effort. This letter is just one of the many objects that The National
Diversity of expertise confers benefits that are obvious – Museum of American History has collected since 2001. To
you would not think of building a new car without engineers, learn more, visit our online exhibition September 11th: Bearing
designers and quality-control experts – but what about social Witness to History.
diversity? The same logic applies to social diversity. People Adapted from http://americanhistory.si.edu/blog/handwritten-
who are different from one another in race, gender and other note-september-11-2001
dimensions bring unique information and experiences to bear 58) (EsPCEx 2017) According to the text, choose the correct
on the task at hand. A male and a female engineer might have statement.
perspectives as different from one another as an engineer and a a) Frank and Chip found a note on the western side of the
physicist – and that is a good thing. building.
The fact is that if you want to build teams or organizations b) Frank and Chip wrote a note together before the attack.
capable of innovating, you need diversity. Diversity enhances c) Frank and Chip had a meeting at the Air Force HQ.
creativity. It encourages the search for novel information and d) Frank and Chip relied on pen and paper to
perspectives, leading to better decision making and problem communicate.
solving. Diversity can improve the bottom line of companies e) Frank and Chip located each other using social media.
and lead to discoveries and breakthrough innovations. Even 59) (EsPCEx 2017) In the sentence “the cellular network... was
simply being exposed to diversity can change the way you not as robust as it is today” (paragraph 4), the word robust
think. means
Adapted from http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how- a) capable of producing repeated failures in bad
diversity-makes-us-smarter/ conditions.
57) (EsPCEx 2017) According to the text, choose the correct b) capable of performing without failure under a variety of
statement. conditions.
a) It takes more than interaction with others to become a c) capable of predicting critical weather changes in other
better person. countries.
b) Homogeneous groups work as hard as heterogeneous d) capable of creating standard responses to technical
ones. problems.
c) According to science, social diversity works just like e) capable of manufacturing its own components in bad
diversity of expertise. conditions.
d) When it comes to bear on the task at hand, a male is Texto para as questões 60 e 61
better than a female. Military operations in megacities
e) Solving complex problems is easier than searching for A linguistic perspective
novel information. The challenge of conducting future military operations
within megacities (cities with populations over ten million) lies
in understanding the dynamic and multidimensional
complexities of these urban areas. Military operations in
megacities, whether combat-oriented or otherwise, will be

similar to those in other urban environments, but will be clear at that moment that I would fight with all my strength for
complicated by factors unique to the megacity environment. him to survive.”
First and foremost, megacities are largely multilingual. Adapted from http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/
While this can be said of large cities in general, the scale of worlds-most-inspiring-person-2016-ooom-anja-ringgren-loven-
multilingualism in megacities magnifies its effects. For nigeria-witch-child-a7460976.html
instance, in New York City (NYC) – a metropolitan megacity 62) (EsPCEx 2017) Choose the best alternative that correctly
of over eighteen million people – nine foreign languages are substitutes the word highlight in the sentence “... served to
spoken by communities of one hundred thousand or larger. highlight the work she was doing to help orphan children
Language also plays a role in determining one’s identity and in Nigeria.” (paragraph 2).
the language community in which one decides to live. For a) emphasize
example, the majority of Russian speakers in NYC tend to live b) observe
in south Brooklyn and Staten Island, while Chinese speakers c) implement
tend to cluster in Manhattan and Sunset Park. In megacities, d) diminish
language, culture, and regional context go hand in hand and e) console
often reach beyond ethnic identities. 63) (EsPCEx 2017) When Ms Lovén says: “... my whole body
In order to fully understand the context of a megacity, we froze.” (paragraph 3), she means
must understand the role of the languages used in its a) she was feeling cold and wanted to leave.
communities. How do language communities interact in b) she needed help because she could not walk.
megacities? What tensions are caused by multiple language c) she felt unhappy and wanted to go home.
communities in urban space? What role does language play in d) she didn’t want Hope to find out she was there.
the power structures (government or otherwise) of megacities? e) she became suddenly paralysed with shock.
Adapted from Military Review – Jan/Feb 2016 64) (EsPCEx 2017) According to the text, read the statements
60) (EsPCEx 2017) Choose the statement in which the word and choose the correct alternative.
lies is used with the same meaning as in paragraph 1. I – Hope’s community didn’t want him because of a
a) He lies in the sun for too long. superstition.
b) His skill lies in his ability to communicate. II – Ms Lovén started helping orphan children after she met
c) I can tell from her face that she lies. Hope.
d) A giant crocodile lies in wait for its prey. III – Anja’s foundation cares for poor parents who have
e) This item always lies over for a next meeting. many children.
61) (EsPCEx 2017) According to the text, choose the correct IV – George Kindel was the only person who voted for Ms
statement. Lovén.
a) Urban environments are more complex than megacities. V – Ms Lovén has a child of her own and it’s a boy.
b) Nine languages are spoken in large cities. a) I, II and IV are correct.
c) Language is of great concern to the military. b) III and V are correct.
d) Ethnic identities are limited by regional context. c) I and V are correct.
e) Military operations are just combat-oriented. d) I, III and IV are correct.
Texto para as questões 62 – 64 e) II, III and V are correct.
Woman who rescued Nigerian ‘witch-child’ beats Obama Texto para as questões 65 e 66
and Pope Francis to top list of world’s most inspiring Learn to code, it’s more important than English as a second
people language
A woman who rescued a two-year-old boy who had been Apple CEO Tim Cook says coding is the best foreign
cast out by his own community for being a “witch-child” has language that a student in any country can learn. The tech
been recognised in an international list of the most inspiring executive made the remarks to French outlet Konbini while in
people of the year. Anja Ringgren Lovén, a Danish care worker the country for a meeting with French President Emmanuel
who rescued the young Nigerian boy back in February 2016, Macron. The tech leader gave some brief thoughts on
beat the likes of Pope Francis, Barack Obama and the Dalai education:
Lama to top the list of 100 inspiring individuals compiled by “If I were a French student and I were 10 years old, I think
German-language OOOM Magazine. it would be more important for me to learn coding than
An image of Ms Lovén giving the two-year-old boy (now English. I’m not telling people not to learn English in some
called Hope) some water was shared around the world, and form – but I think you understand what I am saying is that this
served to highlight the work she was doing to help orphan is a language that you can use to express yourself to 7 billion
children in Nigeria. Witch accusations is a growing problem in people in the world. I think that coding should be required in
many African countries, especially in Nigeria, where Anja’s every public school in the world.”
charity African Children’s Aid Education and Development Of course, it’s in Cook’s best interest to have the world
Foundation cares for other children like Hope. learning how to code. He runs a tech company that depends on
“When she saw the starving child, she acted like a human access to a constantly growing pipeline of talent. But it could
being and became an inspiration for millions,” said Georg be in your interest too: studying coding could increase your
Kindel, OOOM’s editor-in-chief, who led the jury that chose chances of pulling in a big salary. A computer-science
the list. Speaking today about the experience, she said: “He education, at least in countries like the US, is one of the most
was the size of a little baby, my whole body froze. I was viable and lucrative career paths open to young people today
thinking of my own son when I saw the boy. For me it was But, Cook says, the benefits go beyond that. “It’s the
language that everyone needs, and not just for the computer

scientists. It’s for all of us”. He added that programming e) Emergency service workers exploded American
encourages students of all disciplines to be inventive and warplanes and killed 600,000 people in Germany.
experimental: “Creativity is the goal. Coding is just to allow 68) (EsPCEx 2018) According to the text, choose the
that. Creativity is in the front seat; technology is in the alternative that correctly substitutes “was left behind” in
backseat. With the combination of both of these you can do the sentence “ ...to make sure nobody was left behind
such powerful things now.” before they began...” (paragraph 5).
Adapted from https://www.cnbc.com/2017/10/12/apple-ceo- a) remained in the evacuation area.
tim-cook-learning-to-code-is-so-important.html b) exploded in the evacuation area.
65) (EsPCEx 2018) The sentence “The tech leader gave some c) destroyed buildings in the evacuation area.
brief thoughts on education” (paragraph 1) can be correctly d) discovered bombs in the evacuation area.
paraphrased in the following terms: e) entered kindergarten in the evacuation area.
a) The tech leader created regulations on education. Texto para as questões 69 e 70
b) The tech leader underestimated education. Many graduates earn ‘paltry returns’ for their degree
c) The tech leader was concerned about private education. Mr Halfon, a former skills minister, stated in his speech that
d) The tech leader has been studying coding. the nation has “become obsessed with full academic degrees”.
e) The tech leader stated his opinion about education. “We are creating a higher education system that
66) (EsPCEx 2018) According to the text, choose the correct overwhelmingly favours academic degrees, while intermediate
statement. and higher technical offerings are comparatively tiny. The
a) Creativity is not a big issue for Tim Cook. labour market does not need an ever-growing supply of
b) Coding is going to be required in every public school. academic degrees. Between a fifth and a third of our graduates
c) Cook went to France to learn how to code. take non-graduate jobs. The extra return for having a degree
d) Cook and people in general can benefit from coding. varies wildly according to subject and institution. For many,
e) Coding and creativity don’t make a good combination. the returns are paltry.”
Texto para as questões 67 e 68 Mr Halfon said that there is a strong need for intermediate
(Título omitido propositadamente) skills. “There are skills shortages in several sectors. And there
German explosives experts defused a massive Second World are millions of people who want to get on in life – preferably
War bomb in the financial capital of Frankfurt on Sunday after without spending £50,000 on academic degrees,” he added.
tens of thousands of people evacuated their homes. “There has been growing concern about the amount of debt
About 60,000 people were ordered to leave in what was students are accumulating and the interest being charged on
Germany’s biggest evacuation since the war, with more than that debt.”
1,000 emergency service workers helping to clear the area A spokesman for UUK (a representative organisation for
around the bomb, which was discovered on a building site last the UK’s universities) said: “Official figures are clear that, on
week. Police set up cordons around the evacuation area, which average, university graduates continue to earn substantially
covered a radius of just under a mile (1.5km), as residents more than non-graduates and are more likely to be in
dragged suitcases with them and many families left by bicycle. employment. A university degree remains an excellent
The fire service said the evacuation of two hospitals, investment.”
including premature babies and patients in intensive care, had “We must, however, be careful to avoid using graduate
been completed and they were helping about 500 elderly salaries as the single measure of success in higher education.
people to leave residences and care homes. Many universities specialise in fields such as the arts, the
More than 2,000 tonnes of live bombs and munitions are creative industries, nursing and public sector professions that,
found each year in Germany, even under buildings. In July, a despite making an essential contribution to society and the
kindergarten was evacuated after teachers discovered an economy, pay less on average.”
unexploded Second World War bomb on a shelf among some Adapted from http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-42923529
toys. British and American warplanes pummelled Germany 69) (EsPCEx 2018) In the title “Many graduates earn ‘paltry
with 1.5 million tonnes of bombs that killed 600,000 people. returns’ for their degree”, the word paltry means
Officials estimate that 15% of the bombs failed to explode. a) big enough.
Frankfurt police said they rang every doorbell and used b) huge.
helicopters with heat-sensing cameras to make sure nobody c) very small.
was left behind before they began defusing the bomb on d) expected.
Sunday. e) satisfactory.
Adapted from https://www.theguardian.com/world/ 70) (EsPCEx 2018) According to the text, read the statements
67) (EsPCEx 2018) Choose the most appropriate title for the and choose the correct alternative.
text. I. Fifty percent of the graduates take non-graduate jobs.
a) Discovery of Germany’s biggest evacuation since the II. Having a degree doesn’t necessarily mean having great
war forces bombs to explode. salaries.
b) Kindergarten was evacuated after a World War II bomb III. The labour market lacks intermediate skills.
exploded among the toys. IV. Many people would rather not spend £50,000 on
c) Discovery of unexploded bomb in German financial academic degrees.
capital forces evacuation. V. In every single case, university graduates make more
d) 15% of World War II bombs were discovered on a money than non-graduates.
building site. a) All of them are correct.
b) I and V are correct.

c) III, IV and V are correct. language school in a cooperative coffee cultivation in
d) II, III and IV are correct. Paraguaçu. His learners are the children of rural workers.
e) I and III are correct. Rafael tells us that the objective of the project being
Texto para as questões 71 – 73 developed in the cooperative is to give the young people more
The photography exercise book by Bert Krages opportunities of growth in the countryside, and that includes
Training your eye to shoot like a pro the ability to communicate with international buyers. “In the
A while ago I was asked if I’d like to have a look at Bert future, our project may help overcome the lack of succession in
Krages’ book. My initial thought was that it would pretty much countryside activities because, nowadays, rural workers’
be a list of ‘try this’ exercises. Well in a way it is, in that you children become lawyers, engineers, teachers, and sometimes
really need to go out and try the exercises, not just read about even doctors, but those children very rarely want to have a
them. In much the same way that my piano playing won’t profession related to rural work”, says Rafael.
improve by just buying more books about playing the piano… “That happens”, he adds, “because their parents understand
Try the technical exercises – a desk lamp and an egg really can that life in the countryside can be hard work and they do not
teach you an enormous amount about the realities of lighting, want to see their children running the same type of life that
shadows and reflected light. I’ve been a pro photographer since they have. Their children also believe that life in the country
2004 and taking the time to do some of the exercises has been does not allow them to have contact with other parts of the
of real benefit. world, meet other people and improve cultural bounds. The
A well-written book that is packed with useful images to program intends to show them that by means of a second
illustrate the matters at hand. It’s nice to see the author didn’t language they can travel, communicate with new people and
fall into the trap of only including ‘perfect’ photos – you will learn about new cultures as a means of promoting and selling
look at some and think ‘I could do better than that’ – good! what they produce in the country, and that includes receiving
It’s a book for people who want to take more photos and visitors in their workplace from abroad.”
increase their satisfaction from doing so. Definitely one to try Rafael’s strategy is to contextualize the English language
if you feel you’re perhaps clinging to some of the technical and keep learners up-to-date with what happens in the global
aspects of photography as a bit of a safety blanket, to avoid the market. “Integrating relevant topics about countryside living
fluffy artsy stuff. can be transformative in the classroom. The local regional and
Book Author Info. cultural aspects are a great source of inspiration and learning
Bert Krages is a photographer and attorney who is the author of not only for the young, but for us all.”
two previous photography books, Legal Handbook for Adapted from
Photographers and Heavenly Bodies: The Photographer’s http://www.cambridge.org/elt/blog/2019/01/21/teaching-
Guide to Astrophotography english-in-the-brazilian-classroom/
Adapted from http://www.northlight-images.co.uk/ 74) (EsPCEx 2019) In the sentence “... our project may help
71) (EsPCEx 2018) What kind of text is this? overcome the lack of succession in countryside activities...”
a) Autobiography. (paragraph 2), the word overcome means
b) Book review. a) increase a problem.
c) Letter. b) hide a problem.
d) Recipe. c) control a problem.
e) Contract. d) start a problem.
72) (EsPCEx 2018) What is the question the author refers to e) neglect a problem.
when he says: “...I was asked if I’d like to have a look at 75) (EsPCEx 2019) According to the text, read the statements
Bert Krages’ book.”? (paragraph 1). and choose the correct alternative.
a) Did you like to have a look at Bert Krages’ book? I. Rafael tries to show them that their everyday lives are not
b) Should you like to have a look at Bert Krages’ book? an obstacle.
c) Need you like to have a look at Bert Krages’ book? II. Those children’s parents don’t want them to attend
d) Would you like to have a look at Bert Krages’ book? university.
e) Do you like to have a look at Bert Krages’ book? III. Rafael brings classroom topics close to what the
73) (EsPCEx 2018) In the sentence “... the author didn’t fall children see and live.
into the trap of only including ‘perfect’ photos...” IV. Those children may replace their parents in the future as
(paragraph 3), the expression fall into the trap means rural workers.
a) make a mistake. V. The language school reaffirms that country life has
b) give instructions. nothing to do with other parts of the world.
c) write clearly. a) I, II and IV are correct.
d) include extra lessons. b) II, IV, and V are correct.
e) improve his abilities. c) All of them are correct.
Texto para as questões 74 e 75 d) I, III, IV and V are correct
Teaching English in the Brazilian countryside e) I, III and IV are correct.
“In Brazil, countryside youth want to learn about new Texto para as questões 76 – 78
places, new cultures and people. However, they think their (Título omitido propositadamente)
everyday lives are an obstacle to that, because they imagine Italian children have been told not to turn up to school
that country life has nothing to do with other parts of the unless they can prove they have been properly vaccinated. The
world”, says Rafael Fonseca. Rafael teaches English in a deadline follows months of national debate over compulsory
vaccination. The new law came amid a surge in measles cases -

but Italian officials say vaccination rates have improved since it Changing the raw material could have a large effect on
was introduced. Children must receive a range of mandatory Lego’s carbon footprint, especially considering that only 10%
immunisations before attending school. They include of the carbon emissions from Lego products come from its
vaccinations for chickenpox, polio, measles, mumps and factories. The other 90% is produced from the extraction and
rubella. refinement of raw materials, as well as distribution from
Children up to the age of six years will be excluded from factories to toy stores.
nursery and kindergarten without proof of vaccination under The company has already taken steps to lower its carbon
the new rules. Those aged between six and 16 cannot be footprint, including a reduction of packaging size and an
banned from attending school, but their parents face fines if investment in an offshore wind farm.
they do not complete the mandatory course of immunisations. Adapted from http://time.com/3931946/lego-sustainable-
Italian media report that regional authorities are handling materials/
the situation in a number of different ways. In Bologna, the 79) (EsPCEx 2019) In the sentence “Changing the raw material
local authority has set letters of suspension to the parents of could have a large effect on Lego’s carbon footprint...”
some 300 children, and a total of 5,000 children do not have (paragraph 4), the expression carbon footprint means
their vaccine documentation up to date. In other areas there a) carbon dioxide separation technology for industrial and
have been no reported cases, while still others have been given gas treating applications.
a grace period of a few days beyond the deadline. b) estimation of soil carbon saturation that indicates its
The new law was passed to raise Italy’s dropping potential to store more carbon.
vaccination rates from below 80% to the World Health c) the amount of carbon dioxide produced by the activities
Organisation’s 95% target. of a company.
Adapted from https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe- d) species that are particularly sensitive and disappear after
47536981 a pollution event.
76) (EsPCEx 2019) Choose the most appropriate title for the e) long-term rise in the average temperature of the Earth’s
text. climate system.
a) Italy bans unvaccinated children from school. 80) (EsPCEx 2019) According to the text, choose the correct
b) Italian vaccination rates increased to 80% this year. statement.
c) National debate over compulsory vaccination has no a) A new sustainable material has already been chosen.
deadline. b) Lego has already reduced the size of their packaging.
d) Parents to face fines if they are not immunised in Italy. c) Lego is planning to reduce the size of their products.
e) Italy prohibits immunisation campaigns in schools. d) Lego’s raw material will continue to be the same.
77) (EsPCEx 2019) Choose the statement in which the word e) They are going to hire 100 specialists in 2030.
range is used with the same meaning as in paragraph 1. Texto para as questões 81 e 82
a) It came within my range of vision. Prison without guards or weapons in Brazil
b) The bomb was tested on a missile range in the desert. Tatiane Correia de Lima is a 26-year-old mother of two
c) Prices range between £7 and £10. who is serving a 12-year sentence in Brazil. The South
d) There is a wide range of opinions on this issue. American country has the world’s fourth largest prison
e) She was cooking soup on the range. population and its jails regularly come under the spotlight for
78) (EsPCEx 2019) In the sentence “...while still others have their poor conditions, with chronic overcrowding and gang
been given a grace period of a few days...” (paragraph 3), violence provoking deadly riots.
the expression grace period means Lima had just been moved from a prison in the mainstream
a) tiebreak. penitential system to a facility run by the Association for the
b) dead end. Protection and Assistance to Convicts (APAC) in the town of
c) extra time. Itaúna, in Minas Gerais state. Unlike in the mainstream system,
d) target. “which steals your femininity”, as Lima puts it, at the APAC
e) timetable. jail she is allowed to wear her own clothes and have a mirror,
Texto para as questões 79 e 80 make-up and hair dye. But the difference between the regimes
Lego wants to replace plastic blocks with sustainable is far more than skin-deep.
materials The APAC system has been gaining growing recognition as
The Lego Group wants to replace the plastic in their a safer, cheaper and more humane answer to the country’s
products with a “sustainable material” by 2030, the company prison crisis. All APAC prisoners must have passed through
announced. the mainstream system and must show remorse and be willing
The world’s largest toy company will invest $1 billion in to follow the strict regime of work and study which is part of
their new LEGO Sustainable Materials Centre in Denmark, the system’s philosophy. There are no guards or weapons and
which will be devoted to finding and implementing new visitors are greeted by an inmate who unlocks the main door to
sustainable alternatives for their current building materials. the small women’s jail.
Lego plans on hiring 100 specialists for the center. There is no main door to the small women’s jail. Inmates are known as
official definition of a sustainable material. recuperandos (recovering people), reflecting the APAC focus
Legos have been made with a strong plastic known as on restorative justice and rehabilitation. They must study and
acrylonitrile butadiene styrene since 1963. The company uses work, sometimes in collaboration with the local community. If
more than 6,000 tons of plastic annually to manufacture its they do not - or if they try to abscond - they risk being returned
products, according to NBC News. to the mainstream system. There have been physical fights but
never a murder at an APAC jail.

Adapted from https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america- d) useful
44056946 e) comprehensive
81) (EsPCEx 2019) In the sentence “But the difference 84) (EsPCEx 2020) According to the context, the missing part
between the regimes is far more than skin-deep.” of paragraph 3 is ..
(paragraph 2), the expression skin-deep means While she passed all other components of the test including
a) protective. writing and reading, (...).
b) extreme. a) she got more than necessary to pass the oral test.
c) shocking. b) she couldn’t get the results on the computer software.
d) profound. c) she didn’t have enough time to take the listening test.
e) superficial. d) she failed to reach the minimum score in oral fluency.
82) (EsPCEx 2019) According to the text, choose the correct e) she was not able to write a composition.
statement. Texto para as questões 85 – 87
a) Brazil’s prison system is the most populous in the Are any foods safe to eat anymore? The fears and the facts
world. Food was once seen as a source of sustenance and pleasure.
b) The prisoners must regret their previous crimes to be Today, the dinner table can instead begin to feel like a
relocated to an APAC jail. minefield. Is bacon really a risk factor of cancer? Will coffee or
c) There have been no cases of aggression inside APAC eggs give you a heart attack? Does wheat contribute to
facilities. Alzheimer’s disease? Will dairy products clog up your arteries?
d) Lima has a child who is 12 years old. Worse still, the advice changes continually. As TV-cook
e) Brazil is known for its poverty and street protests. Nigella Lawson recently put it: “You can guarantee that what
Texto para as questões 83 e 84 people think will be good for you this year, they won’t next
Computer says no: Irish vet fails oral English test needed to year.”
stay in Australia This may be somewhat inevitable: evidence-based health
Louise Kennedy is an Irish veterinarian with degrees in advice should be constantly updated as new studies explore the
history and politics – both obtained in English. She is married nuances of what we eat and the effects the meals have on our
to an Australian and has been working in Australia as an bodies. But when the media (and ill-informed health gurus)
equine vet on a skilled worker visa for the past two years. As a exaggerate the results of a study without providing the context,
native English speaker, she has excellent grammar and a broad it can lead to unnecessary fears that may, ironically, push you
vocabulary, but has been unable to convince a machine she can towards less healthy choices.
speak English well enough to stay in Australia. The good news is that “next year” you may be pleased to
But she is now scrambling for other visa options after a learn that many of your favourite foods are not the ticking time
computer-based English test – scored by a machine – bomb you have been led to believe...
essentially handed her a fail in terms of convincing Adapted from http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20151029-are-
immigration officers she can fluently speak her own language. any-foods-safe-to-eat-anymore-heres-the-truth
Earlier this year, Kennedy decided she would seek 85) (EsPCEx 2020) Choose the statement in which the word
permanent residency in Australia. She knew she would have to minefield has been used in a figurative way just like in
sit a mandatory English proficiency test but was shocked when paragraph 1.
she got the results. While she passed all other components of a) I’ve heard stories about a ghost town that has a secret
the test including writing and reading, (...). She got 74 when minefield.
the government requires 79. “There’s obviously a flaw in their b) Princess Diana walked through an active minefield in
computer software, when a person with perfect oral fluency Angola.
cannot get enough points,” she said. c) The rhetoric of the legal system is a minefield for the
The test providers have categorically denied there is ordinary person.
anything wrong with its computer-based test or the scoring d) A minefield located in the rear of the battle area must be
engine trained to analyse candidates’ responses. “We do not marked.
offer a pass or a fail, simply a score and the immigration e) Placing a minefield without marking it for later removal
department set the bar very high for people seeking permanent is a war crime.
residency”, they say. 86) (EsPCEx 2020) In the sentence “... ill -informed health
Kennedy, who is due to have a baby in October, says she gurus...” (paragraph 2), the prefix ill means
will now have to pursue a bridging visa, while she seeks a a) finely
more expensive spouse visa so she can remain with her b) badly
Australian husband. c) sadly
Adapted from https://www.theguardian.com/australia- d) highly
news/2017/aug/08/computer-says-no-irish-vet-fails-oral- e) gladly
english-test-needed-to-stay-in-australia 87) (EsPCEx 2020) In the text, the word ironically (paragraph
83) (EsPCEx 2020) Choose the alternative that has the same 2) introduces
meaning as the word mandatory in the sentence “She knew a) a situation that is irreversible.
she would have to sit a mandatory English proficiency b) a situation that ends the problem.
test...” (paragraph 3). c) a situation that is not true.
a) difficult d) a situation that carries a contradiction.
b) reasonable e) a situation that carries the solution.
c) compulsory

Texto para as questões 88 e 89 specific and possibly identifiable. “Things spiralled out of
OXFAM AMERICA control because both parties were thinking the opposite.”
Oxfam stands for the Oxford Committee for Famine Relief. When such misunderstandings happen, it’s usually the
It was started in Oxford, England in 1942 in response to the native speakers who are to blame. Ironically, they are worse at
European famine-related issues resulting from the Second delivering their message than people who speak English as a
World War. Ten other countries worldwide, including the second or third language, according to Chong. “A lot of native
United States and Australia, have started chapters of Oxfam. speakers are happy that English has become the world’s global
They make up what is known as Oxfam International. language. They feel they don’t have to spend time learning
Oxfam America is dedicated to creating lasting solutions to another language.”
hunger, poverty, and social injustice through long-term The non-native speakers, it turns out, speak more
partnerships with poor communities around the world. As a purposefully and carefully, trying to communicate efficiently
privately funded organization, we can speak with conviction with limited, simple language, typical of someone speaking a
and integrity as we challenge the structural barriers that foster second or third language. Anglophones, on the other hand,
conflict and human suffering and limit people from gaining the often talk too fast for others to follow, and use jokes, slang,
skills, resources, and power to become self-sufficient. abbreviations and references specific to their own culture, says
Oxfam implements various global projects that target areas Chong. “The native English speaker is the only one who might
particularly affected by hunger. The projects focus on not feel the need to adapt to the others,” she adds.
developing self-sufficiency of the communities in which they Adapted from http://www.bbc.com/capital/story/20161028-
are based, as opposed to merely providing relief in the form of native-english-speakers-are-the-worlds-worst-communicators
food aid. Oxfam’s projects operate on the communal level, and 90) (EsPCEx 2020) Choose the alternative that correctly
are developed by evaluating issues causing poverty and hunger substitutes SPIRALLED OUT OF CONTROL in the
in the community and subsequently the possible infrastructure sentence “Things spiralled out of control because both
that could end hunger and foster the attainment of self- parties were thinking the opposite.” (paragraph 2).
sufficiency. Examples of projects in which Oxfam America has a) quickly got worse in an unmanageable way
been or is involved range from a women’s literacy program in b) got better after a phone call about the word
India to providing microloans and agriculture education c) were intentionally unprofessionally handled
programs for small-scale organic farmers in California. d) went on the way everybody wanted them to go
Adapted from e) started to reach a common sense for them
http://students.brown.edu/Hourglass_Cafe/Pages/about.htm 91) (EsPCEx 2020) According to the text, read the statements
88) (EsPCEx 2020) In the sentences “...barriers that foster and choose the correct alternative.
conflict and human suffering...” (paragraph 2) and “...end I – The company had a profit of hundreds of thousands of
hunger and foster the attainment of self-sufficiency.” dollars.
(paragraph 3), the word foster means II – The tricky word that caused the problem isn’t
a) promote. mentioned in the text.
b) expel. III – Native speakers don’t usually think they should adapt
c) minimize. in order to make themselves understood.
d) finish. IV – Using abbreviations in emails facilitates the
e) decrease. communication.
89) (EsPCEx 2020) According to the text, choose the correct V – Non-native speakers choose language from a limited
alternative. repertoire.
a) Oxfam helps poor people only giving food to them. a) I, II and III are correct.
b) Famine was one of the consequences of Second World b) II, III and IV are correct.
War in Europe. c) I, IV and V are correct.
c) Oxfam’s money comes from the government. d) II, IV and V are correct.
d) Oxfam’s projects are not supposed to go beyond e) II, III and V are correct.
Europe. Texto para as questões 92 – 94
e) Oxfam believes that the causes of poverty and hunger Texas High School Opens Grocery Store That Accepts
are impossible to overcome. Good Deeds as Payment
Texto para as questões 90 e 91 How many high schools can say they have a grocery store
Native English speakers are the world’s worst inside their walls? The student-run grocery store at Linda Tutt
communicators High School in rural Sanger, Texas, provides food and other
It was just one word in one email, but it caused huge necessities to students and their families while teaching
financial losses for a multinational company. The message, essential job skills. And the store doesn’t accept cash, just good
written in English, was sent by a native speaker to a colleague deeds. Instead of money, students shop using a point system.
for whom English was a second language. Unsure of the word, The store, which aims to address food insecurities for
the recipient found two contradictory meanings in his students and others in the community, is open Monday through
dictionary. He acted on the wrong one. Wednesday for students and staff within the school district. “A
Months later, senior management investigated why the lot of our students come from low socioeconomic families,”
project had failed, costing hundreds of thousands of dollars. “It principal Anthony Love told KTVT. “It’s a way for students to
all traced back to this one word,” says Chia Suan Chong, a UK- earn the ability to shop for their families. Through hard work
based communications skills and intercultural trainer, who you can earn points. You can earn points for doing chores
didn’t reveal the tricky word because it is highly industry- around the building or helping to clean.”

The pioneering project is run in partnership with First “Megxit,” a term to describe Prince Harry and Meghan Markle
Refuge Ministries, Texas Health Resources, and Albertsons (a stepping back as senior members of the royal family, also made
grocery store chain). But nearly all the responsibility falls on the shortlist along with “TikToker” (a person who regularly
the students. They stock the shelves, keep track of inventory, shares or appears in videos on TikTok), and “BLM.” The
address sales, and monitor registers when items are purchased. abbreviation BLM, for Black Lives Matter is defined by
“I think the most exciting part of it is just teaching our kids job Collins as “a movement that campaigns against racially
skills that they can carry with them as they graduate high motivated violence and oppression”, it registered a 581%
school and move on into the world,” Love said to WAGA-TV. increase in usage.
“Students are really the key piece to it.” Adapted from
Adapted from https://www.theguardian.com/books/2020/nov/10/lockdown-
https://www.southernliving.com/culture/school/linda-tutt-high- named-word-of-the-year-by-collins-dictionary
school-grocery-store 95) (EsPCEx 2021) Lockdown is defined by Collins as “the
92) (EsPCEx 2021) In the sentence “And the store doesn’t imposition of stringent restrictions on travel, social
accept cash, just good deeds.” (paragraph 1), the word interaction, and access to public spaces” (paragraph 1).
deeds means Choose another possible definition for lockdown.
a) bitcoins. a) The ability to do something very dangerous, or to face
b) rural products. great pain or opposition when necessary.
c) actions. b) A document or statement that does not officially
d) donations. represent regular or current government policy.
e) checkbooks. c) A section of a large public or private organization such
93) (EsPCEx 2021) According to the text, “...stock the as a government, business, university, etc.
shelves...” (paragraph 3) is an example of d) An official order to control the movement of people or
a) point system. vehicles because of a dangerous situation.
b) grocery store chain. e) A common disease that causes a high temperature and
c) chores around the building. small red spots that cover the body.
d) job skills. 96) (EsPCEx 2021) According to the text, choose the correct
e) food necessities. statement.
94) (EsPCEx 2021) The sentence “Students are really the key a) All the words on the dictionary’s top 10 list were related
piece to it.” (paragraph 3) can be correctly paraphrased in to the coronavirus crisis.
the following terms: b) Collins Corpus is a collection of both written and
a) Students are the most important part of the project. spoken language evidence.
b) Students are not allowed to re-take the lessons. c) The word of the year does not tell us much about the
c) Students are profoundly upset by the project. world’s main worries.
d) Students buy lots of products every day, including keys. d) BLM showed a timid increase in usage and didn’t make
e) Students don’t earn enough points buying keys. the shortlist.
Texto para as questões 95 e 96 e) Collins counted about 100,000 uses of the word
Lockdown Named 2020’s Word of the Year by Collins lockdown in 2020, versus only 4,000 in 2019.
Dictionary Texto para a questão 97
Lockdown, the noun that has come to define so many lives Chinese Woman Opens Plane’s Emergency Exit for Some
across the world in 2020, has been named word of the year by Fresh Air
Collins Dictionary. Lockdown is defined by Collins as “the A flight was delayed for an hour and a woman detained by
imposition of stringent restrictions on travel, social interaction, police after she opened the emergency exit for “a breath of
and access to public spaces”. The 4.5-billion-word Collins fresh air” before the flight took off in central China’s Hubei
Corpus, which contains written material from websites, books province, mainland media reported. The incident happened on
and newspapers, as well as spoken material from radio, Xiamen Air Flight MF8215 from Wuhan to Lanzhou, which
television and conversations, registered a 6,000% increase in was scheduled to take off at 3.45 p.m. on September 23.
its usage. In 2019, there were 4,000 recorded instances of Cabin crew had briefed the woman, who was in her 50s,
lockdown being used. In 2020, this had risen to more than a about the rules when sitting next to the emergency exit and
quarter of a million. reminded her not to touch the button that opened the
“Language is a reflection of the world around us and 2020 emergency exit. However, the woman said she needed some
has been dominated by the global pandemic,” says Collins fresh air and touched the button to open the exit when the
language content consultant Helen Newstead. “We have chosen stewardess turned around to help others, the report said. The
lockdown as our word of the year because it encapsulates the woman was taken away and the flight was delayed for an hour.
shared experience of billions of people who have had to restrict Opening the emergency exit can be considered to be disturbing
their daily lives in order to contain the virus. Lockdown has public order in an aircraft, which is punishable by police
affected the way we work, study, shop, and socialise. It is not a detention and a fine
word of the year to celebrate, but it is, perhaps, one that sums In July last year, a woman who was flying for the first time
up the year for most of the world.” mistook the emergency door for a lavatory door before her
Other pandemic-related words such as coronavirus, social plane took off in Nanjing. The emergency slide was released
distancing and key worker were on the dictionary’s list of the and the flight was delayed for two hours. The woman was
top 10 words. However, the coronavirus crisis didn’t detained for 10 days. Some passengers have paid a heavy price
completely dominate this year’s vocabulary: words like for releasing the emergency slide, which may take days and

considerable expense to repair and reinstall. In January 2015, a a) “The Queen's Gambit” is a game of chess created by
man who opened an emergency door after a plane landed in Netflix.
Chongqing had to pay 35,000 yuan (150,000 baht) in b) After “The Queen’s Gambit”, new audiences became
compensation to the airline. interested in chess.
In June, a man from Hubei who was returning to China c) If you do not have a lot of money, you cannot afford to
from Bangkok on a Thai Lion Air Flight opened an emergency buy a chess set.
exit before take-off. After apologising repeatedly, according to d) Vintage and contemporary chessboards are considered
witnesses, he was held by Thai authorities for one day and unusual.
given a fine of 500 baht before being deported. e) The game of chess emerged in India in the last century
Adapted from Texto para as questões 100 e 101
https://www.bangkokpost.com/world/1762629/chinese- (Título omitido propositadamente)
woman-opens-planes-emergency-exit-for-somefresh-air Often when mentoring, in a one-to-one session, it will be
97) (EsPCEx 2021) The woman who caused the incident on clear that the mentee’s worst critic is the one they see very
Xiamen Air Flight MF8215 was regularly – daily, in fact. Often when they are tired and
a) less than 50 years old. stressed. Often when they are at a low point. It’s the one they
b) an hour late. look in the mirror.
c) between 50 and 59 years old. I mean most of the time, the worst critic lives inside
d) a stewardess. people’s head. It might be the criticism that you heard at school
e) a policewoman. or college. It might be the voice of so-called friends. It might
Texto para as questões 98 e 99 be a parent or guardian, sibling or perfect cousin. You can’t
The 'Queen's Gambit' Effect: Everyone Wants a Chess Set always shut those voices up. No matter how much you want to.
Now You can, however, recognise that they are internal voices and
Although for the past few years the most popular queen on cultivate a strategy to counteract them.
Netflix was undoubtedly Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, as If you can have an internal critic, you can also have an
portrayed by Claire Foy and Olivia Colman in The Crown, this internal cheerleader. One technique is to give yourself advice
fall another type of queen made her mark: Beth Harmon, the that you would give your best friend in that situation. If you’re
captivating protagonist of The Queen's Gambit, a Netflix worrying about not being good at something, what would you
original that became an overnight sensation and inspired a slew say to your best friend in that state? You’d probably tell them
of discerning viewers to pick up chess. that it would be alright, they’ll sail through it, that you believe
Call it the Queen's Gambit effect: Chessboards are flying in them. If you can do it for your best friend, you can do it for
off the (literal and virtual) rack in the wake of the show's hit yourself.
season. Just ask Anthony Barzilay Freund, editorial director Adapted from https://www.campaignlive.co.uk/article.
and director of fine art at vintage site 1stDibs: “The Queen's 100) (EsPCEx 2022) Choose the most appropriate title for the
Gambit is driving an interest in the game of chess among new text.
audiences and demographics,” Freund confirms: “At 1stDibs, a) Why are you so tired?
in just the month following the show's release, we've seen a b) Who’s your biggest critic?
100% increase in sales of chessboards, pieces, and tables as c) How often do you talk to a friend?
compared to this time period last year.” d) Where’s the best place to relax?
Of course, while it might be enjoying a renewed popularity e) Is it the voice of your parents?
at the moment, the game of chess dates back centuries and has 101) (EsPCEx 2022) Choose the alternative that correctly
long captivated players all over the world. It's believed to have substitutes counteract in the sentence “You can,
derived from a 7thcentury Indian game, then evolved as it however, recognise that they are internal voices and
spread across Asia and Europe in the following centuries. As a cultivate a strategy to counteract them.” (paragraph 2).
result, says Freund, “you can find a variety of vintage and a) neutralize
contemporary chess paraphernalia from dealers all over the b) encourage
world.” Those who don't necessarily have the budget for pawns c) forget
of precious stone have a myriad of options on the market at all d) remember
price ranges. So light a fire, make a drink, and set up the e) listen to
chessboard – Beth Harmon would be proud. Texto para as questões 102 e 103
Adapted from https://www.housebeautiful.com/design- Cornelius Ryan, the Irish D-Day Reporter Who Re-
inspiration/a34874207/queens-gambit-beth-harmon-chess-sets/ Invented Journalism
98) (EsPCEx 2021) In the sentence “Chessboards are flying off The father of modern literary journalism is Cornelius Ryan,
the (literal and virtual) rack in the wake of the show's hit whose massive “I was there” coverage of D-Day and its
season.” (paragraph 2), the words fly off the rack mean aftermath led to two incredible books and movies, The Longest
a) to put money in a bank account. Day and A Bridge Too Far. He was an unlikely war
b) to have no chance of succeeding. correspondent.
c) to be sold very quickly. Ryan was on a boat that ditched on Normandy Beach on
d) to make a short sound. June 6, 1944. He followed the Allied invasion attached to
e) to give or return a call. General Patton’s army. Years later he put together perhaps the
99) (EsPCEx 2021) According to the text, choose the correct best book about war ever written. It was exquisite writing and
statement. research, and as Michael Shapiro wrote in the Columbia
Journalism Review in 2010, “it broke completely new ground”.

Shapiro wrote, “The book (The Longest Day) was a Why, in an age of increasingly technical and complex
triumph, earning rave reviews and sales that, within a few warfare, would America's future combat leaders spend sixteen
years, would stretch into the tens of millions in eighteen weeks studying the likes of irony, rhyme, and meter?
different languages. I opened the book on the eve of a long Poetry confronts cadets with new ideas that challenge their
weekend. I was hooked after a single page. Something was worldview. The West Point curriculum includes poetry,
taking place in the telling of this story that transcended history, philosophy, politics, and law, because these subjects
journalism.” provide a universe of new ideas, different perspectives,
The book was written when Ryan placed an ad in several competing values and conflicting emotions. In combat, our
newspapers in 1957 which went, “June 6th, 1944: Were You graduates face similar challenges: whether to fire at a sniper
There?” One thousand, one hundred, and fifty people wrote hiding in a mosque, or how to negotiate agreements between
back. And of that group, he interviewed 172 alone or with his competing tribal leaders. Schoolbook solutions to these
assistants. Out of that came a book that puts you at the heart of problems do not exist; combat leaders must rely on their own
the greatest invasion of all time. You are there as the invasion morality, their own creativity, their own convictions. In
forces first gain the beaches and the Germans, taken by teaching cadets poetry, we teach them not what to think, but
surprise, fight back furiously. how to think.
Ryan died at just 54 from prostate cancer. On his Adapted from
gravestone in Connecticut is his name and one word: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/search?query=romance+and
“Reporter.” No one has earned that title more. He deserves to +reality.
be remembered. 104) (EsPCEx 2022) According to the text, choose the correct
Adapted from statement.
https://www.irishcentral.com/roots/history/cornelius-ryan-irish- a) Poetry is responsible for bringing subjects such as
dday-reporter. philosophy, politics, and law to West Point curriculum.
102) (EsPCEx 2022) How many people wrote back when b) Poetry, history, philosophy, politics and law help
Ryan placed an ad in the newspapers in 1957 (paragraph combat leaders to think critically and analyse problems
4)? from different points of view.
a) 1.155 c) Poetry is important because it brings irony, rhyme, and
b) 1.550 meter to the cadets’ curriculum.
c) 1.150 d) Combat leaders must review all the curriculum on
d) 1.105 English literature before making important decisions.
e) 1.115 e) America's future combat leaders spend sixteen weeks
103) (EsPCEx 2022) According to the text, read the statements studying schoolbooks that carry solutions to all the
and choose the correct alternative. problems.
I – Cornelius Ryan was a reporter who documented 105) (EsPCEx 2022) Choose the words that correctly and
WWII’s D-day and made history in journalism. respectively substitute meanwhile and hurdles
II – The book The Longest Day was written in 1944 on (paragraph 2).
the eve of a long weekend. a) ironically and excitements
III – “It broke completely new ground” (paragraph 2) b) contradictorily and obstacles
means Ryan’s book was different from anything that had c) simultaneously and hobbies
been done before. d) simultaneously and obstacles
IV – Ryan’s book The Longest Day was published in 18 e) erroneously and advantages
different countries, but only in English. Texto para as questões 106 e 107
V – The interviews of 1957 took place on several Social Media: a Gold Mine for Scammers in 2021
beaches, but were not used in the book The Longest Day Social media permeates the lives of many people – we use
a) I and III are correct. it to keep in touch, make new friends, shop, and have fun. But
b) I, II and III are correct. reports to the FTC (Federal Trade Comission) show that social
c) II, III and V are correct. media is also increasingly where scammers go to trick us. More
d) IV and V are correct. than one in four people who reported losing money to fraud in
e) I and V are correct. 2021 said it started on social media with an ad, a post, or a
Texto para as questões 104 e 105 message. More than 95,000 people reported about $770 million
Romance and Reality in losses to fraud initiated on social media platforms in 2021.
Military service is demanding and dangerous. As I write For scammers, there’s a lot to like about social media. It’s a
this, American soldiers serve in remote and hostile low-cost way to reach billions of people from anywhere in the
environments. For young leaders in today's Army, the war on world. It’s easy to manufacture a fake persona, or scammers
terror constitutes a difficult and sometimes tragic reality. can hack into an existing profile to get “friends” to trick.
Meanwhile, in the small classrooms of West Point, young There’s the ability to study the personal details people share on
cadets consider war through the eyes of Rudyard Kipling, Carl social media and target people with false ads based on details
Sandburg, and John McCrae. During his or her plebe year, such as their age, interests, or past purchases.
every West Point cadet takes a semester of English literature, Reports make clear that social media is a tool for scammers
reading and discussing poetry from Ovid to Owen, Spenser to in investment scams, particularly cryptocurrency investments.
Springsteen. Cadets must also recite poems from memory, a After investment scams, FTC data point to romance scams as
challenge that many graduates recall years later as one of their the second most profitable fraud on social media. Losses to
toughest hurdles. romance scams have climbed to record highs in recent years.

While investment and romance scams top the list on dollars
lost, the largest number of reports came from people who said
they were scammed trying to buy something they saw
marketed on social media. Some reports even described ads
that impersonated real online retailers that drove people to
lookalike websites.
There are many other frauds on social media and new ones
are popping up all the time. To minimize your risk, decline
friend requests from people you don’t know, limit who can see
your posts and personal information, be thoughtful about what
you share online, and take care with suspect links.
Adapted from https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/blogs/data-
106) (EsPCEx 2022) Scammer is a recurring word in the text.
We can define “scammer” as someone who
a) is in charge of a newspaper or magazine.
b) persuades people to work for a company.
c) writes books or articles to be published.
d) makes money using illegal methods.
e) manages local government services.
107) (EsPCEx 2022) The second paragraph of the text states
a) we have to deal with fake news all the time and try to
combat it.
b) romance scams are the most profitable fraud on social
c) your online activity and personal information can be
easily captured by criminals.
d) scammers use social media platforms to promote false
investment opportunities.
e) scammers who lost money to fraud in 2021 said it
started on social media with an ad.

Gabarito 62) A
1) E 63) E
2) D 64) C
3) C 65) E
4) A 66) D
5) A 67) C
6) D 68) A
7) B 69) C
8) B 70) D
9) B 71) B
10) A 72) D
11) E 73) A
12) C 74) C
13) D 75) E
14) D 76) A
15) A 77) D
16) C 78) C
17) A 79) C
18) D 80) B
19) C 81) E
20) A 82) B
21) C 83) C
22) D 84) D
23) E 85) C
24) B 86) B
25) C 87) D
26) D 88) A
27) A 89) B
28) A 90) A
29) B 91) E
30) A 92) C
31) A 93) D
32) D 94) A
33) B 95) D
34) C 96) B
35) C 97) C
36) E 98) C
37) A 99) B
38) D 100) B
39) C 101) A
40) E 102) C
41) C 103) A
42) E 104) B
43) D 105) D
44) A 106) D
45) E 107) C
46) B
47) B
48) D
49) E
50) C
51) A
52) D
53) B
54) C
55) C
56) E
57) C
58) D
59) B
60) B
61) C

Interpretação de Texto e Vocabulário – And spaces between us
You have come to show you go on
AFA Near, far, wherever you are
1) (AFA 2011) The text DOESN’T mention that I believe that the heart does go on
Twilight Once more you open the door
Twilight is a 2008 American romantic vampire film And you're here in my heart
based on Stephenie Meyer’s popular novel of the same And my heart will go on and on
name. It is the first film in The Twilight Saga film series. [...]
This film focuses on the development of the relationship http://www.stlyrics.com/lyrics/titanic/myheartwillgoon
between Bella Swan and Edward Cullen (a vampire), and 2) (AFA 2011) After reading both Titanic storyline and
the subsequent efforts of Cullen and his family to keep soundtrack, we can conclude that
Swan safe from a coven of evil vampires. a) Rose and Jack promised each other to be together.
The project was in development for approximately 3 b) the couple was sure their love wouldn’t last forever.
years at Paramount Pictures, during which time a screen c) Rose and Jack boarded the same ship.
adaptation that differed significantly from the novel was d) Rose knew their dreams would come true.
written. Principal photography took 44 days and the film 3) (AFA 2011) Rose DeWitt Bukater is the
was primarily shot in Oregon. a) narrator.
Twilight was theatrically released on November 21 b) protagonist of the real Titanic tragedy.
2010, grossing over US$392 million worldwide and c) actress that starred this blockbuster.
became the most purchased DVD of the year. The d) inspiration for Celine Dion theme song.
soundtrack was released in the same year. Following the 4) (AFA 2011) The first boy
success of the film, New Moon and Eclipse, the next two
novels in the series, were produced as films the following
Adapted from Wikipedia
a) the movie changed a lot from its initial storyline.
b) all the trilogy was established on stories with similar
c) New Moon and Eclipse also became the most purchased
DVDs in 2010.
d) the principal character, Cullen, tried to maintain the girl
away from others of his species.
Textos para as questões 2 e 3
Titanic – The Movie
In this fiction movie, 84 years later, a 100-year-old woman a) has never intended to be a Rolling Stone.
named Rose DeWitt Bukater tells the story to her b) has never been a Rolling Stone, but wanted it had
granddaughter Lizzy Calvert and others about her life set on happened.
April 10th 1912, on a ship called Titanic when young Rose c) has already been a Rolling Stone.
boards the departing ship with the upper-class passengers, her d) hasn’t wished to be a Rolling Stone yet.
mother Ruth DeWitt Bukater, and her fiancé. Meanwhile, a Texto para as questões 5 – 7
drifter and artist named Jack Dawson and his best friend How to Become a Stunt Double
Fabrizio De Rossi win third-class tickets to the ship in a game. A stunt double stands in for the actor when the action or fight
She explains the whole story from departure until the death of scene gets dangerous or goes beyond the capabilities of the
Titanic on its first and last voyage April 15th, 1912 at 2:20 in actor. To become a stunt double, you must be in excellent
the morning. physical condition and have special skills.
Adapted from http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120338/ Instructions
1. Exercise regularly if you want to become a stunt double. Eat
"My Heart Will Go On" is the love theme of the 1997 nutritiously for optimal health and strength.
blockbuster film Titanic. It was recorded by Celine Dion. 2. Take lots of lessons because the more skills you have, the
Originally released in 1997, it went to number 1 all over the better. Gymnastics is extremely important in becoming a stunt
world. It became Dion's biggest hit, and one of the best selling double. Get good at trampoline, skateboarding, swimming and
of all time, and was the world's best-selling single of 1998. high board diving. Take scuba diving lessons. Practice rock
Adapted from Wikipedia climbing and horseback riding. Learn to water ski and snow
My Heart Will Go On (Celine Dion) 3. Enroll in martial arts classes, especially judo. Judo is
Soundtrack of Titanic excellent for learning how to break falls.
4. Get training in CPR(1) and First Aid. This training looks
Every night in my Dreams good on a résumé, especially for stunt double careers. Injuries
I see you, I feel you, happen.
That is how I know you go on
Far across the distance

5. Have valid driver's licenses for both car and motorcycle. c) the biography of the sisters Velma Kelly and Roxie
Take advanced driving classes so you'll be qualified for Hart.
difficult driving scenes. d) the death row conditions in that city.
6. Move to Hollywood and plan to work your way up from the 10) (AFA 2011) The expression “ [...] the fame will keep them
bottom. You must get into the Screen Actors Guild(2) and have from the gallows [...]” means the fame
a union card(3) . a) is an opportunity for a better life in the death row.
Taken from Google b) will go on.
(1) Cardiopulmonary resuscitation. c) is what they wanted when they committed the crimes.
(2) Annual prize promoted by the American Syndicate of d) could avoid an execution.
Actors. Texto para as questões 11 – 16
(3) A card certifying membership in an organization. BRAZILIAN AIR FORCE ACADEMY
5) (AFA 2011) After reading this text, we can deduce that it
a) requests new stunt doubles.
b) briefs about what people should do to start any career.
c) recommends ways to deal with wounds and provides
tips to be healthy to be a double.
d) questions the problems stunt doubles usually have to
6) (AFA 2011) One of the instructions below IS NOT stated
in the text. Choose it.
In order to become a stunt double you
AFA (Air Force Academy), located at Pirassununga, State
a) must have specific qualification for driving.
of São Paulo, is responsible for the training of Pilots,
b) have to consume the necessary substances for your
Administrative and Aeronautics Infantry Officers for the
Brazilian Air Force.
c) need to be a black belt in martial arts.
The history of the Brazilian military pilots schools goes
d) have to show up in some specific surroundings.
back to 1913, when the Brazilian Aviation School was
7) (AFA 2011) In the article, the author DOES NOT
founded, at Campo dos Afonsos, State of Rio de Janeiro. Its
a) advise future doubles to train in First Aid to face
mission was to provide instruction at similar levels to those of
possible injuries.
the best European schools at the time; Blériot and Farman
b) recommend to eat junky food.
aircraft, made in France, were available for the instruction of
c) instruct and give tips for developing a lot of different
the pupils. The Great War 1914-1918, however, forced its
instructors to leave and the school was closed.
d) mention that people should be qualified to join the
At that time, both the Brazilian Army and Navy had their
own air arms, the Military Aviation and the Naval Aviation.
Texto para a questão 8
The Navy bought Curtiss F seaplanes in May 1916 to equip the
When the sun rose this morning,
latter, and in August of the same year, the Naval Aviation
I didn't have my baby by my side.
School was created.
When the sun rose this morning,
The Military Aviation, however, only activated its Military
I didn't have my baby by my side.
Aviation School after the Great War, on 10 July 1919. Among
I don't know where she was,
the aircrafts used at the school, one could find the Sopwith
I know she's out with some another guy.
1A2, Bréguet 14A2, and Spad 7.
fragment taken from the blues Blow Wind Blow (Muddy
Until the beginning of the 1940s, both schools continued
Waters, Paul Butterfield)
with their activities. The Brazilian Government was concerned
8) (AFA 2011) According to it, the author
with the air war in Europe and decided to concentrate under a
a) affirms he doesn’t have his lover with him.
single command the military aviation activities. Thus, on 20
b) wishes she had another man.
January 1941, the Air Ministry was created and both the Army
c) wants her back anyway.
and Navy air arms were disbanded, their personnel and
d) believes she will return that morning.
equipment forming the Brazilian Air Force. On 25 March
Texto para as questões 9 e 10
1941, the Aeronautics School was based at Campo dos
Murderesses Velma Kelly (a woman who killed her husband
Afonsos, and its students became known as Aeronautics Cadets
and sister after finding them in bed together) and Roxie Hart
from 1943 to the current days.
(who killed her boyfriend when she discovered he wasn't going
As early as 1942, it became clear that the Aeronautics
to make her a star) find themselves on death row together and
School would need to be transferred to another place, offering
fight for the fame that will keep them from the gallows, in
better climate and little interference with the flight instruction
1920s musical Chicago.
of the future pilots.
Adapted from
The town of Pirassununga was chosen among others, and,
in 1952, the first buildings construction was initiated. The
9) (AFA 2011) Mark the most appropriate option. According
transfer of the School activities to Pirassununga occurred from
to the plot summary, the musical Chicago shows
1960 to 1971. The School was redesigned as the Air Force
a) criminals trying to be the best-known ones.
Academy in 1969.
b) women who were abandoned by their partners.

The motto of the Academy is the Latin expression “Macte 12) (AFA 2012) Read the statements in order to mark only the
Animo! Generose Puer, sic itur ad astra”, extracted from the correct ones according to the text.
poem Thebaida, by the Roman poet Tatius. It is an exhortation I. The military aviation work had to be controlled by
to the cadets, which can be translated as Courage! This is the Europe in the beginning of the 1940s because of a war.
way, oh noble youngster, to the stars. II. Because of a war, the government resolved to unify the
The instruction of the Aeronautics Cadets, during the four- military aviation operation under a single command.
year-long course, has its activities centred in the words III. A single officer was chosen to concentrate the military
COURAGE - LOYALTY - HONOUR - DUTY - aviation skills.
MOTHERLAND. The future officers take courses on several IV. As the Brazilian government got worried, it was
subjects, including Calculus, Computer Science, Mechanics, decided to join the military aviation operations due to air
Portuguese and English, given by civilian lecturers, Air Force European war.
instructors and supervisors. The military instruction itself is a) III and I.
given on a daily basis, and the Cadets are trained on different b) II and IV.
subjects, including parachuting, and sea and jungle survival. c) I, II and III.
d) II, III and IV.
13) (AFA 2012) The last sentence from the text connotes a
a) way to celebrate the importance of The Brazilian
military schools.
b) metaphor that describes the similarity among pilots,
aircrafts and wings.
c) comparison between a myth and a hero.
d) reference to ancient airplanes.
14) (AFA 2012) We can infer from the text that among the
According to the chosen specialization, the Cadet will receive different specializations
specific instruction: a) the future Pilot has to be trained for hours before
Pilots: Instruction on precision maneuvering, aerobatics, becoming skilful.
formation flying and by instruments, with 75 flying hours on b) the pilot should follow instructions on security
the primary/basic training aircraft T-25 Universal, beginning techniques and deal with anti-aircraft measures more
on the 2nd term of the 1st year and completed in the 3rd year. than the Aeronautics Infantry.
Advanced training is given on T-27 Tucano aircraft, with 125 c) the Administrative Officer might have the most
flying hours. advanced training on aircraft of all.
Administrative: Training on the scientific and technological d) Aeronautics Infantry and Pilots ought to obtain more
modern foundations of economics and financial management, and more instructions on aerobatics.
and logistics training. 15) (AFA 2012) Read the statements about the informative text
Aeronautics Infantry: Instruction on defense and security and mark the correct option.
techniques of military Aeronautics installations, anti-aircraft I. In the beginning of the last century, Brazilian cadets were
measures, command of troops and fire-fighting teams, military sent to the best European schools that provided them
laws and regulations, armament usage, military service and instruction.
call-up procedures. II. In France, the youngsters had Blériot and Farman
During their leisure time, the Cadets participate on the aircraft instruction.
activities of seven different clubs: Aeromodelling, Literature, III. Brazilian Aviation School had to be closed in 1913.
Informatics, Firearms shooting, Gauchos Heritage (for those IV. The Brazilian Aviation School and the Naval Aviation
coming from the South of Brazil), Gerais Club and Sail Flying. School were created in the same year.
The clubs are directed by the Cadets themselves, under a) Only I and II are correct.
supervision of Air Force officers. b) Only III and IV are correct.
The Academy also houses the Brazilian Air Force Air c) All sentences are correct.
Demonstration Squadron - The Smoke Squadron. d) None of the sentences are correct.
Flying as the eagles do! 16) (AFA 2012) According to the text, in 1941,
Adapted from a) the Brazilian Air Force replaced the Army and Navy air
http://www.rudnei.cunha.nom.br/FAB/en/afa.html arms.
11) (AFA 2012) Mark the option that is related to the Air Force b) Military and Naval aviation schools were created at
Academy. Campo dos Afonsos.
a) Cadets are prepared at AFA to perform in different c) students from both Military and Naval aviation schools
areas. started to be called Aeronautics Cadets.
b) The Air Force Academy trains the Army to administer d) the Air Ministry created the Army and Navy air arms.
the Brazilian officers.
c) The Academy instructs the Aeronautics Brazilian
officers to manage our country.
d) The Brazilian Aviation School forced AFA’s instructors
to abandon their military base, creating a new

Texto para as questões 17 – 21 In a 2009 study led by Agnes Kovacs of the International
Why Bilinguals Are Smarter School for Advanced Studies in Trieste, Italy, 7-month-old
Speaking two languages rather than just one has obvious babies exposed to two languages from birth were compared
practical benefits in an increasingly globalized world. But in with peers raised with one language. In an initial set of tests,
recent years, scientists have begun to show that the advantages the infants were presented with an audio stimulus and then
of bilingualism are even more fundamental than being able to shown a puppet on one side of a screen. Both infant groups
converse with a wider range of people. Being bilingual, it turns learned to look at that side of the screen in anticipation of the
out, makes you smarter. It can have a profound effect on your puppet. But in a later set of tests, when the puppet began
brain, improving cognitive skills not related to language and appearing on the opposite side of the screen, the babies
even protecting from dementia in old age. exposed to a bilingual environment quickly learned to switch
This view of bilingualism is remarkably different from the their anticipatory gaze in the new direction while the other
understanding of bilingualism through much of the 20th babies did not.
century. Researchers, educators and policy makers long Bilingualism’s effects also extend into the twilight years. In
considered a second language to be an interference, cognitively a recent study of 44 elderly Spanish-English bilinguals,
speaking, that delayed a child’s academic and intellectual scientists led by the neuropsychologist Tamar Gollan of the
development. They were not wrong about the interference: University of California, San Diego, found that individuals
there is ample evidence that in a bilingual’s brain both with a higher degree of bilingualism — measured through a
language systems are active even when he is using only one comparative evaluation of proficiency in each language —
language, thus creating situations in which one system were more resistant than others to the beginning of dementia
obstructs the other. But this interference, researchers are and other symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease: the higher the
finding out, isn’t so much a handicap as a blessing in disguise. degree of bilingualism, the later the age of occurrence.
It forces the brain to resolve internal conflict, giving the mind a Nobody ever doubted the power of language. But who
workout that strengthens its cognitive muscles. would have imagined that the words we hear and the sentences
Bilinguals, for instance, seem to be more adept than we speak might be leaving such a deep imprint?
monolinguals at solving certain kinds of mental puzzles. In a Adapted from
2004 study by the psychologists Ellen Bialystok and Michelle http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/18/opinion/sunday/the-
Martin-Rhee, bilingual and monolingual preschoolers were benefits-of-bilingualism.html
asked to sort blue circles and red squares presented on a 17) (AFA 2012) The last two sentences of the second paragraph
computer screen into two digital bins — one marked with a mean that the interference of bilingualism
blue square and the other marked with a red circle. In the first a) was considered positive in the past, but nowadays this
task, the children had to sort the shapes by color, placing blue view has changed.
circles in the bin marked with the blue square and red squares b) has always been a problem, since the brain has to solve
in the bin marked with the red circle. Both groups did this with an internal conflict.
comparable ease. Next, the children were asked to sort by c) brings to the brain an internal conflict that improves its
shape, which was more challenging because it required placing cognition.
the images in a bin marked with a conflicting color. The d) has proved to increase the disabilities of the brain and
bilinguals were quicker at performing this task. reduce the blessings it can have.
The collective evidence from a number of such studies 18) (AFA 2012) Considering the context, mark the alternative
suggests that the bilingual experience improves the brain’s that contains the correct synonym or explanation to the
so-called executive function — a command system that directs words from the text.
the attention processes that we use for planning, solving a) Remarkably (line 9) – ordinarily, usually.
problems and performing various other mentally demanding b) For instance (line 22) – in my opinion.
tasks. These processes include ignoring distractions to stay c) So-called (line 38) – used to introduce a new
focused, switching attention willfully from one thing to another expression.
and holding information in mind — like remembering a d) Even (line 54) – used to explain something.
sequence of directions while driving. 19) (AFA 2012) Mark the INCORRECT option. According to
Why does the fight between two simultaneously active the text, recent researches prove that bilingualism
language systems improve these aspects of cognition? Until a) causes general cognitive development.
recently, researchers thought the bilingual advantage was b) enables people to communicate better in both languages
centered primarily in an ability for inhibition that was only.
improved by the exercise of suppressing one language system: c) prevents people from suffering from problems related to
this suppression, it was thought, would help train the bilingual memory and other mental disorders or delay these
mind to ignore distractions in other contexts. But that problems.
explanation increasingly appears to be inadequate, since studies d) is seen as positive cognitive interference.
have shown that bilinguals perform better than monolinguals 20) (AFA 2012) Based on the text, it is NOT correct to state
even at tasks that do not require inhibition, like threading a line that bilingualism
through an ascending series of numbers scattered randomly on a) delays the symptoms of diseases related to old age.
a page. b) has effect on children’s brains.
The bilingual experience appears to influence the brain c) is irrelevant for the elderly.
from infancy to old age (and there is reason to believe that it d) develops the ability of performing difficult tasks.
may also apply to those who learn a second language later in

21) (AFA 2012) The psychological study done in 2004 (3rd 23) (AFA 2013) War ethics’ intention, according to the text, is
paragraph) showed that to show that
a) the children in preschool had the same performances in a) even the enemies deserve a fair treatment.
both tests. b) in a war every violent action can be justified.
b) bilingual children were more efficient in the most c) individual actions shouldn’t be controlled.
complex test. d) it’s wrong not to kill your opponent.
c) monolinguals are better at solving mental puzzles. 24) (AFA 2013) According to the first paragraph, it’s correct to
d) blue and red are confusing colors for both groups. state that
Texto para as questões 22 – 25 a) only after fighting for a long time humans began to
ETHICS OF WAR worry about the correctness of their fights.
Human beings have been fighting each other since b) people always cared for their enemies rights.
prehistoric times, and people have been discussing the rights c) in prehistoric times people were more peaceful.
and wrongs of it for almost as long. d) fighting and talking about fighting have happened for
The Ethics of War starts by assuming that war is a bad just about the same time.
thing, and should be avoided if possible, but it recognizes that 25) (AFA 2013) The best definition for the word ‘drafting’
there can be situations when war may be the lesser evil of (line 16) is a/the
several bad choices. a) concluded idea about an assumption.
War is a bad thing because it involves deliberately killing b) system of regulations only for the high ranking officers.
or injuring people, and this is a fundamental wrong – an abuse c) written version that is not in its final form.
of the victims human rights. d) personnel who select the drafted soldiers.
The purpose of war ethics is to help decide what is right or Texto para as questões 26 – 30
wrong, both for individuals and countries, and to contribute to SEPTEMBER 11
debates on public policy, and ultimately to government and
individual action.
War ethics also leads to the creation of formal codes of war
(e.g. the Hague and Geneva conventions), the drafting and
implementation of rules of engagement for soldiers, and in the
punishment of soldiers and others for war crimes.
The three key questions are:
Is it ever right to go to war?
When is it right to fight? On September 11, 2001, nineteen militants associated with
What is the moral way to conduct a war? the Islamic extremist group al-Qaeda hijacked four airlines and
The discussion of the ethics of war goes back to the Greeks carried out suicide attacks against targets in the United States.
and Romans, although neither civilization behaved particularly Two of the planes were flown into the towers of the World
well in war. Trade Center in New York City, a third plane hit the Pentagon
In the Christian tradition war ethics were developed by St just outside Washington, D.C., and the fourth plane crashed in
Augustine, and later by St Thomas Aquinas and others. a field in Pennsylvania. Often referred to as 9/11, the attacks
Hugo Grotius (1583-1645), a Dutch philosopher and author resulted in extensive death and destruction, activating major
of De Jure Belli Ac Pacis (The Rights of War and Peace), U.S. initiatives to combat terrorism and defining the presidency
wrote down the conditions for a just war that are accepted of George W. Bush. Over three thousand people were killed
today. during the attacks in New York City and Washington, D.C.,
Cicero argued that there was no acceptable reason for war including more than four hundred police officers and
outside of just revenge or self-defence – in which he included firefighters.
the defence of honor. At 8:45 a.m., on a clear Tuesday morning, an American
He also argued that a war could not be just unless it was Airlines Boeing 767 loaded with twenty thousand gallons of jet
publicly declared and unless compensation for the enemy’s fuel crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center in
offence had first been demanded. New York City. The impact left a wide, burning hole near the
Cicero based his argument on the assumption that nature 80th floor of the 110- story skyscraper, instantly killing
and human reason influenced a society against war, and that hundreds of people and trapping hundreds more in higher
there was a fundamental code of behavior for nations. floors. Eighteen minutes after the first plane hit, a second
Adapted from http://www.bbc.co.uk/ethics/war/. Shtml Boeing 767– United Airlines Flight 175–appeared out of the
Acessado em 14/03/2013 sky, turned sharply toward the World Trade Center and crashed
22) (AFA 2013) The main purpose of this text is to into the south tower near the 60th floor. The collision caused a
a) alert readers about all the disadvantages related to wars. massive explosion that showered burning fragment over
b) show that moral rules of behavior concerning wars had surrounding buildings and the streets below. America was
long been discussed. under attack.
c) prevent humans from engaging or fighting. The attackers were Islamic terrorists from Saudi Arabia and
d) influence societies to follow their nature and therefore, several other Arab nations. Reportedly financed by Saudi
justify their warlike behavior when facing future wars. fugitive Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda terrorist organization,
they were acting in retaliation for America's support of Israel,
its involvement in the Persian Gulf War and its continued
military presence in the Middle East. Some of the terrorists had

lived in the United States for more than a year and had taken The correct ones are Only
flying lessons at American commercial flight schools. a) I and III.
As millions watched the events unfolding in New York, b) I and II.
American Airlines Flight 77 circled over downtown c) III and IV.
Washington, D.C., and banged into the west side of the d) I, II and III.
Pentagon military headquarters at 9:45 a.m. Jet fuel from the 28) (AFA 2013) According to the text, “some terrorists had
Boeing 757 caused a devastating inferno that led to the lived in the United States for more than a year [...]”. It
structural collapse of a portion of the giant concrete building. means that the terrorists
Less than fifteen minutes after the terrorists struck the nerve a) lived in the US before the attacks.
center of the U.S. military, the horror in New York took a b) were still living in the US when the tragedy happened.
catastrophic turn for the worse when the south tower of the c) had plans to move to America after the deadly events.
World Trade Center collapsed in a massive cloud of dust and d) intended to leave the US.
smoke. At 10:30 a.m., the other Trade Center tower collapsed. 29) (AFA 2013) The word “meanwhile” (paragraph 5) indicates
Close to three thousand people died in the World Trade Center in the text that
and its vicinity, including an impressive three hundred and a) many events happened at different times.
forty three firefighters and paramedics, twenty three New York b) a short event interfered in a longer one.
City police officers and thirty seven Port Authority police c) two events were happening at the same time.
officers who were struggling to complete an evacuation of the d) an important event would come to pass.
buildings and save the office workers trapped* on higher 30) (AFA 2013) The verb “learned” (line 56) has the same
floors. meaning as
Meanwhile, a fourth California-bound plane– United Flight a) talked about
93–was hijacked about forty minutes after leaving Newark b) heard
International Airport in New Jersey. Because the plane had c) looked for
been delayed in taking off, passengers on board learned of d) typed
events in New York and Washington via cell phone calls to the Texto para as questões 31 – 35
ground. Knowing that the aircraft was not returning to an JOBS AT HIGH RISK
airport as the hijackers claimed, a group of passengers and It is an invisible force that goes by many names.
flight attendants planned a rebellion. One of the passengers, Computerization. Automation. Artificial intelligence.
Thomas Burnett Jr., told his wife over the phone that "I know Technology. Innovation. And, everyone's favorite, ROBOTS.
we're all going to die. There are three of us who are going to do Whatever name you prefer, some form of it has been
something about it. I love you, honey." Another passenger– stimulating progress and killing jobs — from tailors to
Todd Beamer–was heard saying "Are you guys ready? Let's paralegals — for centuries. But this time is different: nearly
roll" over an open line. half of American jobs today could be automated in "a decade
The passengers fought the four hijackers and are suspected or two". The question is: which half?
to have attacked the cockpit with a fire extinguisher. The plane Another way of posing the same question is: Where do
then flipped over and sped toward the ground, crashing in a machines work better than people? Tractors are more powerful
rural field in western Pennsylvania at 10:10 a.m. All forty-five than farmers. Robotic arms are stronger and more tireless than
people aboard were killed. Within two months, U.S. forces had assembly-line workers. But in the past 30 years, software and
effectively removed the Taliban from operational power, but robots have succeeded replacing a particular kind of
the war continued. Osama bin Laden, was finally chased and occupation: the average-wage, middle-skill, routine-heavy
killed by U.S. forces in Abbottabad, Pakistan. worker, especially in manufacturing and office administration.
Adapted from http://www.history.com/topics/9-11-attacks Indeed, it's projected that the next wave of computer
Acessado em 04/04/2013 progress will continue to endanger human work where it
26) (AFA 2013) One of the main reasons of the Al Qaeda already has: manufacturing, administrative support, retail, and
attacks was transportation. Most remaining factory jobs are "likely to
a) a necessity of taking initiatives to force George W. Bush diminish over the next decades". Cashiers, counter clerks, and
out. telemarketers are similarly endangered. On the other hand,
b) the retaliation against the contribution given to Israel by health care workers, people responsible for our safety, and
the USA. management positions are the least likely to be automated.
c) because the Middle East had lost previous wars against The next big thing
the USA. We might be on the edge of an innovating moment in
d) to incite terrorism in New York and Washington, D.C. robotics and artificial intelligence. Although the past 30 years
27) (AFA 2013) Consider the following statements based on have reduced the middle, high- and low-skill jobs have actually
the text. increased, as if protected from the invading armies of robots by
I. Almost three thousand people were saved in the World their own moats. Higher-skill workers have been protected by a
Trade Center. kind of social-intelligence moat. Computers are historically
II. The hijackers of the United Flight 93 plane circled over good at executing routines, but they're bad at finding patterns,
downtown in Washington, D.C. communicating with people, and making decisions, which is
III. A fire extinguisher is supposed to be the weapon used what managers are paid to do. This is why some people think
by the passengers to attack the hijackers. managers are, for the moment, one of the largest categories
IV. The North tower was the second giant concrete building immune to the fast wave of AI.
to collapse.

Meanwhile, lower-skill workers have been protected by the d) subjected to automation.
Moravec moat. Hans Moravec was a futurist who pointed out 35) (AFA 2014) Mark the option closest in meaning to “We
that machine technology copied a savant infant: Machines don't really have a clue” (line 67).
could do long math equations instantly and beat anybody in a) We're completely unable to guess what will happen.
chess, but they can't answer a simple question or walk up a b) People are prepared for hard times in the future.
flight of stairs. As a result, not skilled work done by people c) We're not trying to find out what the right thing to do is.
without much education (like home health care workers, or d) We won't have a chance in the future.
fast-food attendants) have been saved, too. Texto para as questões 36 – 40
In the 19th century, new manufacturing technology
replaced what was then skilled labor. In the second half of the
20th century, however, software technology took the place of
median-salaried office work. The first wave showed that
machines are better at assembling things. The second showed
that machines are better at organizing things. Now data
analytics and self-driving cars suggest they might be better at
patternrecognition and driving. So what are we better at?
The safest industries and jobs are dominated by managers, “There is no future in any job. The future lies in the person
health-care workers, and a super-category that includes who holds the job.” – George W. Crane
education, media, and community service. One conclusion to One of my primary complaints with higher education is that
draw from this is that humans are, and will always be, superior they tend to prepare students for jobs of the past. Similarly, the
at working with, and caring for other humans. In this light, best paying jobs of the future are all jobs that currently exist
automation doesn't make the world worse. Far from it: it today. Many of them will still exist in the future, but with some
creates new opportunities for human creativity. changes as technology and communication systems make their
But robots are already creeping into diagnostics and impact.
surgeries. Schools are already experimenting with software that As a rule of thumb, 60% of the jobs 10 years from now
replaces teaching hours. The fact that some industries have haven’t been invented yet. With that in mind, I’ve decided to
been safe from automation for the last three decades doesn't put together a list of some jobs that will be in high demand in
guarantee that they'll be safe for the next one. the future.
It would be anxious enough if we knew exactly which jobs Jobs before 2020
are next in line for automation. The truth is scarier. We don't Many of the changes we see today will cause new jobs to
really have a clue. materialize quickly. This first section deals with new positions
(Adapted from http://www.businessinsider.com/robots- that will likely be developed within the next 10 years.
overtaking-american-jobs-2014-1) 3D printing engineers – Classes in 3D printing are already
Glossary: being introduced into high schools and the demand for printer-
savant infant – a child with great knowledge and ability produced products will rise quickly. The trend will be for these
to assemble – to make something by joining separate parts worker-less workshops to enter virtually different fields, at the
to creep – to move slowly, quietly and carefully same time, driving the need for competent technicians and
31) (AFA 2014) One of the purposes of the text is to show that engineers to design and maintain the next wave of this
a) machines are as effective at reaching decisions as we technology.
are. Nano-medics – Health professionals capable of working on the
b) some easy tasks are much more difficult to a machine. nano-level, both in designing diagnostics systems, remedies,
c) automated activities are the most questionable ones to and monitoring solutions will be in high demand.
be done by robots. Organ agents – The demand for transplantable organs is
d) human beings are getting worse and worse at exploding and people who can track down and deliver healthy
performing robot’s tasks. organs will be in hot demand.
32) (AFA 2014) According to the first paragraph, robots can be Octogenarian service providers – As the population
_____ by many names. continues to age we will have record numbers of people living
a) Called into their 80s, 90s, and 100s. This growing group of active
b) Invented oldsters will provide a demand for goods and services currently
c) Examined not being addressed in today’s marketplace.
d) Protected Jobs in 2030 and beyond
33) (AFA 2014) The expression “wave of computer progress” A number of technologies currently on the drawing board
(lines 16 and 17) has the same idea as will require a bit longer lead time before the industry comes
a) increase of social skills. into its own. Here are a few examples of these kinds of jobs:
b) reduction of skilled machine. Body part & limb makers – The organ agents listed before
c) technology advances. will quickly find themselves out of work as soon as we figure
d) social-intelligence moat. out how to efficiently grow and mass produce our own organs
34) (AFA 2014) According to paragraph 5, managers are from scratch.
a) at risk of losing their jobs. Earthquake forecasters – While scientists are developing
b) professionals that need to have social skills. skills to work with nanoscale precision on the earth’s surface,
c) paid to do manual work. the best we can know about below the surface is blindfolded

guesswork done with 100-mile precision. What we don’t know Texto para as questões 41 – 48
is literally killing us – over 226,000 killed in 2010 alone. But THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FRIENDS AND
that will change over time as we begin to understand the inner TYPES OF FRIENDSHIP
working of the earth and accurately forecast when the next big Everyone has at least one best friend, some maybe even
quakes are about to hit. more. There are also those people who are just friends and also
“Heavy air” engineers – Compressed air is useful in a wide arch-enemies. People may think that just because they are your
variety of ways. However, we have yet to figure out how to friends it means that they are your best friend. The thing is,
compress streams of air as they pass through our existing even though they are your friend, the relationship between a
atmosphere. Once we do, it will create untold opportunity for best friend and a friend is different. Either way regardless of
non-surface based housing and transportation system, weather arch-enemies, friends or best friends, there are not many ways
control, and other kinds of experimentation. to compare any of these different types of friends, but you can
Final thoughts easily contrast them from one another.
The jobs and occupations listed above are just scratching the Arch-enemies often know more about each other than two
surface. This list is intended to help stretch your imagination friends. In a comparison of personal relationships, friendship is
and start you down a path of imagining your own future. considered to be closer than association, although a wide range
(Adapted from http://www.futuristspeaker.com/2011/11/55- of degrees of intimacy exists in friendships, arch-enemies, and
jobs-of-the-future) associations. Friendship and association can be thought of as
36) (AFA 2014) Read the statements and mark the right option. spanning across the same continuum. The study of friendship is
I. Universities and colleges prepare students for jobs that included in the fields of sociology, social psychology,
already exist. anthropology, philosophy, and zoology. Even animals have
II. All jobs of the future will be better paid than today's familiars! Various academic theories of friendship have been
jobs. proposed, among which are social exchange theory, equity
III. The majority of future jobs are still unknown. theory, relational dialectics, and attachment styles. In Russia,
The correct statement(s) is (are) one typically bestows very few people the status of “friend”.
a) I, II and III. These friendships, however, make up in intensity what they
b) II. lack in number. Friends are entitled to call each other by their
c) III. first names alone, and to use diminutives. A customary
d) I and III. example of polite behavior is addressing "acquaintances" by
37) (AFA 2014) The text's main goal is to full first name plus their patronymic. These could include
a) force some jobs out of the marketplace. relationships which elsewhere would be qualified as real
b) call people's attention to future professional friendships, such as workplace relationships of long standing,
opportunities. or neighbors with whom one shares an occasional meal or a
c) increase the number of educated people in high school. social drink with.
d) create careers for people who predict the future. Also in the Middle East and Central Asia, male friendships,
38) (AFA 2014) Mark the INCORRECT alternative. while less restricted than in Russia, tend to be reserved and
a) Some professionals of the future will have to deal with respectable in nature. They may use nicknames and diminutive
environmental issues. forms of their first names. In countries like India, it is believed
b) In the future, old people will need services that have not in some parts that friendship is a form of respect, not born out
been given attention yet. of fear or superiority. Friends are people who are equal in most
c) Changes in the world today will stimulate the creation standards, but still respect each other regardless of their
of new jobs. attributes or shortcomings. Most of the countries previously
d) Technology and communication won't affect existing mentioned (Russia, Asia, and even the Middle East) and even
jobs. our own nation are suffering a decline in genuine friendships.
39) (AFA 2014) All the following verbs are used in the text in According to a study documented in the June 2006 issue of
their literal meaning, EXCEPT the Journal American Sociological Review, Americans are
a) rise (line 19). thought to be suffering a loss in the quality and quantity of
b) explode (line 28). close friendships since at least 1985. The study’s results state
c) age (line 31). that twenty-five percent of Americans have no close
d) kill (line 47). confidants, and the average total number of confidants per
40) (AFA 2014) “The jobs and occupations listed above are just citizen has dropped from four to two. According to the study,
scratching the surface.” (lines 58 and 59) This sentence Americans' dependence on family as a safety net went up from
means that fifty-seven percent to eighty percent; Americans dependence
a) occupations listed in the text are not really interesting on a partner or spouse went up from five percent to nine
for young workers. percent.
b) the jobs' reality relies much upon the possibility one has Recent studies have found a link between fewer friendships,
to work. especially in quality, and psychological and physiological
c) new jobs and occupations are becoming real as time regression. In the sequence of the emotional development of
goes by. the individual, friendships come after parental bonding and
d) if you work with surface professions, there's a great before the pair bonding engaged in at the approach of maturity.
possibility of success. In the intervening period between the end of early childhood
and the onset of full adulthood, friendships are often the most
important relationships in the emotional life of the adolescent,

and are often more intense than relationships experienced later 45) (AFA 2015) According to the last paragraph
in life. a) every human being is the same in many ways.
Unfortunately, making friends seems to trouble many of b) one is able to have only friends and arch-enemies in life.
people. Having no friends can be emotionally damaging for all c) even tough friends are equal, they differ when together.
ages, from young children to full grown adults. A study d) despite friendship vary, one will always have each of
performed by researchers from Purdue University found that them.
post-secondary-education friendships, college and university 46) (AFA 2015) According to the information in the fourth and
last longer than the friendships before it. Children with fifth paragraphs
Asperger syndrome and autism usually have some difficulty a) the quality of American close friendships have been
forming friendships. Socially crippling conditions like these are decreasing since the 1980's despite its quantity.
just one way that the social world is so difficult to thrive in. b) American's dependence on family is not as big as their
This does not mean that they are not able to form friendships, dependence on a partner or spouse.
however. With time, moderation and proper instruction, they c) real friendships have been decreasing in some countries
are able to form friendships after realizing their own strengths such as Russia and Asia.
and weaknesses. d) in Middle East and Central Asia, friends born out of
There is a number of theories that attempt to explain the respect, fear and superiority standards.
link, including that; Good friends encourage their friends to 47) (AFA 2015) “Good friends enhance their friend's coping
lead more healthy lifestyles; Good friends encourage their skills in dealing with illness and other health problems”
friends to seek help and access services, when needed; Good (lines 78 to 80). The highlighted word has the same
friends enhance their friend’s coping skills in dealing with meaning as in
illness and other health problems; and/or Good friends actually a) engrave.
affect physiological pathways that are protective of health. b) entreat.
Regardless of what we think, we can clearly see that there are c) enlighten.
some ways that friends, best friends and arch-enemies are the d) enlist.
same, but in the end they are clearly more different. 48) (AFA 2015) The expression “coping skills” (line 79) is
Nonetheless we all have every single type in our lives. closest in meaning to
(Adapted from: a) the capability to give up something.
http://www.ukessays.com/essays/philosophy/the-relationship- b) the ability to manage something.
between-friends-and-types-of-friendship-philosophy- c) the position to resent something.
essay.php) d) the condition to resign from something.
41) (AFA 2015) “In Russia, one typically bestows very few Texto para as questões 49 – 55
people the status of ‘friend’ ” (lines 20-21) means that Howard Gardner: ‘Multiple intelligences’ are not ‘learning
a) if you go to Russia you won't find a best friend. styles’ by Valerie Strauss
b) a friendly person is a recognized authority in Russia. The fields of psychology and education were revolutionized
c) you may have lots of close friends in Russia, but not all 30 years ago when we now world-renowned psychologist
are trustful. Howard Gardner published his 1983 book Frames of Mind:
d) the status of “friend” in Russia shows how much one is The Theory of Multiple Intelligences, which detailed a new
respected. model of human intelligence that went beyond the traditional
42) (AFA 2015) The first paragraph view that there was a single kind that could be measured by
a) compares the tasks individuals have when friends. standardized tests.
b) states that friendship is ruled by the amount of friends. Gardner’s theory initially listed seven intelligences which
c) makes an outline concerning the way friendship works. work together: linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical,
d) means that you cannot tell arch-enemies apart. bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal and intrapersonal; he later
43) (AFA 2015) “Socially crippling conditions” (line 69) refers added an eighth, naturalist intelligence and says there may be a
to few more. The theory became highly popular with K-12
a) college and university atmosphere. educators1 around the world seeking ways to reach students
b) Asperger and autism children. who did not respond to traditional approaches, but over time,
c) post-secondary-education friendships. ‘multiple intelligences’ somehow became synonymous with the
d) researchers and friends. concept of ‘learning styles’. In this important post, Gardner
44) (AFA 2015) Mark the option that is closest in meaning to explains why the former is not the latter.
“Unfortunately making friends seems to trouble many of It’s been 30 years since I developed the notion of ‘multiple
people” (lines 62-63). intelligences’. I have been gratified by the interest shown in
a) Unfortunately making friends seems to annoy many of this idea and the ways it’s been used in schools, museums, and
people. business around the world. But one unanticipated consequence
b) Unfortunately making friends seems to change many of has driven me to distraction and that’s the tendency of many
people. people, including persons whom I cherish, to credit me with the
c) Unfortunately making friends seems to delight many of notion of ‘learning styles’ or to collapse ‘multiple
people. intelligences’ with ‘learning styles’. It’s high time to relieve
d) Unfortunately making friends seems to comply many of my pain and to set the record straight.
people. First a word about ‘MI theory’. On the basis of research in
several disciplines, including the study of how human
capacities are represented in the brain, I developed the idea that

each of us has a number of relatively independent mental intelligences. There are common sense ways of assessing our
faculties, which can be termed our ‘multiple intelligences’. The own intelligences, and even if it seems appropriate, we can take
basic idea is simplicity itself. A belief in a single intelligence a more formal test battery. And then, as teachers, parents, or
assumes that we have one central, all-purpose computer, and it self-assessors, we can decide how best to make use of this
determines how well we perform in every sector of life. In information.
contrast, a belief in multiple intelligences assumes that human (Adapted from https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-
beings have 7 to 10 distinct intelligences. sheet)
Even before I spoke and wrote about ‘MI’, the term Glossary:
‘learning styles’ was being bandied about in educational 1. K-12 educators defend the adoption of an interdisciplinary
circles. The idea, reasonable enough on the surface, is that all curriculum and methods for teaching with objects.
children (indeed all of us) have distinctive minds and 49) (AFA 2016) The text
personalities. Accordingly, it makes sense to find out about a) aims at highlighting distinctive mind barriers related to
learners and to teach and nurture them in ways that are learning.
appropriate, that they value, and above all, are effective. b) provides the reader with a bird’s-eye-view of Gardner’s
Two problems: first, the notion of ‘learning styles’ is itself landmark publication.
not coherent. Those who use this term do not define the criteria c) develops a considerable set of psychological and mental
for a style, nor where styles come from, how they are implications.
recognized/ assessed/ exploited. Say that Johnny is said to have d) concerns about spending 30 years to measure people’s
a learning style that is ‘impulsive’. Does that mean that Johnny intelligence.
is ‘impulsive’ about everything? How do we know this? What 50) (AFA 2016) Mark the option that shows synonyms for the
does this imply about teaching? Should we teach ‘impulsively’, underlined expressions in “it’s high time to relieve my pain
or should we compensate by ‘teaching reflectively’? What of and to set the record straight” (lines 25 and 26).
learning style is ‘right-brained’ or visual or tactile? Same a) An important brake / to register.
issues apply. b) An ordinary condition / to show the discussion.
Problem #2: when researchers have tried to identify c) A belated explanation / to make myself clearly
learning styles, teach consistently with those styles, and understood.
examine outcomes, there is not persuasive evidence that the d) An unusual hour / to comprehend an argument.
learning style analysis produces more effective outcomes than 51) (AFA 2016) In the fourth paragraph (lines 27 to 36), it’s
a ‘one size fits all approach’. Of course, the learning style said that
analysis might have been inadequate. Or even if it is on the a) a single intelligence (SI) concept leads to the
mark, the fact that one intervention did not work does not mean assumption of computers which control 7 to 10 distinct
that the concept of learning styles is fatally imperfect; another intelligences.
intervention might have proved effective. Absence of evidence b) MI theory believes that instead of a central computer
does not prove non-existence of a phenomenon; it signals to mastering various sectors, there are a larger amount of
educational researchers: ‘back to the drawing boards’. them relatively autonomous.
Here’s my considered judgment about the best way to c) MI theory estimates the existence of a central computer
analyze this lexical terrain: responsible for 7 to 10 distinct intelligences.
Intelligence: We all have the multiple intelligences. But we d) a SI determines people’s performance in different
signed out, as a strong intelligence, an area where the person sectors of life through autonomous computers.
has considerable computational power. 52) (AFA 2016) Mark the alternative in which the problems
Style or learning style: A hypothesis of how an individual described in paragraphs 6 and 7 (lines 44 to 64) are
approaches the range of materials. If an individual has a correctly summarized.
‘reflective style’, he/she is hypothesized to be reflective about a) The idea of teaching distinct leaning styles and their
the full range of materials. We cannot assume that consistence were questionable concepts when researches
reflectiveness in writing necessarily signals reflectiveness in started.
one’s interaction with the others. b) Educational researchers have found that an impulsive
Senses: Sometimes people speak about a ‘visual’ learner or an learning style causes problems in its outcomes.
‘auditory’ learner. The implication is that some people learn c) There are proofs that different learning styles exist and
through their eyes, others through their ears. This notion is produce positive results.
incoherent. Both spatial information and reading occur with the d) The notion of learning styles and the outcomes observed
eyes, but they make use of entirely different cognitive faculties. when teaching based on them need further studies.
What matters is the power of the mental computer, the 53) (AFA 2016) The expression “one size fits all approach”
intelligence that acts upon that sensory information once (line 58) means
picked up. a) for a variety of cases a single aftermath.
These distinctions are consequential. If people want to talk b) the body dimension for human beings.
about ‘an impulsive style’ or a ‘visual learner’, that’s their c) different outcomes for different people.
prerogative. But they should recognize that these labels may be d) every person has the same achievements.
unhelpful, at best, and ill-conceived at worst. 54) (AFA 2016) The expression “back to the drawing boards”
In contrast, there is strong evidence that human beings have (line 63) suggests that
a range of intelligences and that strength (or weakness) in one a) one should pay more attention to the blackboards.
intelligence does not predict strength (or weakness) in any b) every researcher should draw schemes on boards.
other intelligences. All of us exhibit jagged profiles of c) more knowledge of the subject shall be considered.

d) the evidences are clear on drawing boards. methods that cannot yield3 enough, even substantial use.
55) (AFA 2016) According to the last paragraph Investments in agricultural research and developing are very
a) many outcomes have shown more kinds of strong or low in developing nations. Recent global financial crisis have
weak intelligences. led to increase in food prices and reduced investments in
b) other intelligences are always more significant for agriculture by individuals and governments in developed
human beings. nations resulting in reduced food production.
c) despite gathering distinctive intelligences people use Effects of food shortage
their senses. There are a number of short term effects of food shortage.
d) knowing intelligences are many, one becomes able to The impact on children, mothers and elderly are very evident as
use them as needed. seen in malnutrition and hunger related deaths. Children
Texto para as questões 56 – 67 succumb to hunger within short period as they cannot stand
FOOD SHORTAGE CAUSES, EFFECTS AND long period of starvation and they die even before the arrival of
SOLUTIONS emergency assistance.
Food shortage is a serious problem facing the world and is There are also long term effects of food shortage. These
prevalent in sub-Saharan Africa. The scarcity of food is caused include increase in the price of food as a result demand and
by economic, environmental and social factors such as crop supply forces. Increasing cost of food production due to the
failure, overpopulation and poor government policies are the increase in fuel prices coupled with persistent drought in grain
main cause of food scarcity in most countries. Environmental producing regions has contributed to the increase in the price of
factors determine the kind of crops to be produced in a given food in the world. Increase in oil price led to increase in the
place, economic factors determine the buying and production price of fertilizers, transportation of food and also industrial
capacity and socio-political factors determine distribution of agriculture. Increasing food prices culminated in political
food to the masses. Food shortage has far reaching long and instability and social unrest in several nations across the globe
short term negative impacts which include starvation, in 2007, in countries of Mexico, Cameroon, Brazil, Burkina
malnutrition, increased mortality and political unrest1 . There is Faso, Pakistan, Egypt and Bangladesh among other nations
need to collectively address the issue of food insecurity using (Kamdor, 2007).
both emergency and long term measures. Solution to problem of food shortage
Causes of food shortages There are some solutions to the problem of food shortage.
There are a number of social factors causing food There is need to reduce production of carbon emissions and
shortages. The rate of population increase is higher than pollution to reduce the resultant climatic change through
increase in food production. The world is consuming more than concerted and individual efforts. There is need to invest in
it is producing, leading to decline in food stock and storage clean energy such as solar, nuclear, and geothermal power in
level and increased food prices due to soaring2 demand. homes and industries, because they don’t have adverse effects
Increased population has led to clearing of agricultural land for on the environment (Kamdor, 2007). Rich nations should help
human settlement reducing agricultural production (Kamdor, poor nations to develop and use clean and renewable energy in
2007). Overcrowding of population in a given place results in order to stabilize green house emissions into the atmosphere
urbanization of previously rich agricultural fields. Destruction (Watson, nd). Government need to work in consultation with
of forests for human settlement, particularly tropical rain forest climatic bodies, World Bank and the UN to engage in projects
has led to climatic changes, such as prolonged droughts and aimed at promoting green environment.
desertification. Population increase means more pollution as Conclusion
people use more fuel in cars, industry, domestic cooking. The auses of food shortage are well known and can be solved if
resultant effect is increased air and water pollution which affect appropriate measures to solve the problem are taken and
the climate and food production. effectively implemented. Environmental causes of food
Environmental factors have greatly contributed to food shortages are changes in climatic and pollution due to human
shortage. Climatic change has reduced agricultural production. activities such overgrazing4 and deforestation which can be
The change in climate is majorly caused by human activities controlled through legislation.
and to some small extent natural activities. Increased (Adapted from http://www.paypervids.com/food-shortage-
combustion of fossil fuels due to increasing population through causeseffects-solutions/Acesso em:14 fev 2017)
power plant, motor transport and mining of coal and oil emits Glossary:
green house gases which have continued to affect world 1. unrest – disagreement or fighting between different
climate. Deforestation of tropical forest due to human pressure groups of people
has changed climatic patterns and rainfall seasons, and led to 2. soaring – something that increases rapidly above the
desertification which cannot support a crop production. Land usual level
degradation due to increased human activities has impacted 3. yield – to supply or produce something such as profit or
negatively on agricultural production (Kamdor, 2007). Natural an amount or food
disasters such as floods, tropical storms and prolonged 4. overgrazing – excessive use of land where animals feed
droughts are on the increase and have devastating impacts on on grass
food security particularly in developing countries. There are 56) (AFA 2017) The text
several economic factors that contribute to food shortage. a) points out how well Burkina Faso dealt with food
Economic factors affect the ability of farmers to engage in shortage.
agricultural production. Poverty situation in developing nations b) shows a remaining difficulty as well as its way out.
have reduced their capacity to produce food, as most farmers c) highlights the importance of urbanization for crop
cannot afford seed and fertilizers. They use poor farming fields.

d) states that land degradation is a natural impact for 64) (AFA 2017) Starvation, malnutrition, increased mortality
today’s climatic stability. and political unrest are mentioned in the text as examples of
57) (AFA 2017) Mark the INCORRECT option according to a) food shortage negative impacts.
the text. b) food shortage main causes.
a) There are no clear explanations on reasons for food c) long term measures to overcome the scarcity of food.
shortage. d) emergency measures to overcome the scarcity of food.
b) If one applies the required solutions one solves food 65) (AFA 2017) The scarcity of food may lead to long term
shortage problem. effects such as
c) Green house issues have contributed for experiencing a) malnutrition and hunger.
food restriction. b) the increase of food prices.
d) Droughts and desertification also harm food production. c) starvation and death.
58) (AFA 2017) The first paragraph states that crop failure, d) climatic changes.
overpopulation and poor government policies are the main 66) (AFA 2017) Investing in clean energy is considered
cause of food scarcity in most countries. Such problems a) one of the worst solutions to the problem of food
may represent respectively shortage.
a) urban, economic and social factors. b) a good way to increase the green house emissions.
b) economic, social and environmental factors. c) a reasonable idea to reduce the adverse effects on the
c) economic, environmental and political factors. environment.
d) environmental, social and economic factors. d) a concern faced by several nations in political instability
59) (AFA 2017) Some environmental factors that have and social unrest.
contributed to food shortage are 67) (AFA 2017) The text conclusion seems to be
a) land degradation, deforestation and fuel prices. a) logical and sharp.
b) climatic change, combustion of fossil fuels and floods. b) nonsense and worn out.
c) agriculture, fertilizers and cost of food production. c) controversial and useful.
d) droughts, tropical storms and reduced investments in d) excessive and repeated.
agriculture. Texto para as questões 68 – 76
60) (AFA 2017) “Overcrowding of population” (line 22) in the WHY DO SUPERVILLAINS FASCINATE US? A
a) short number of inhabitants. Why are we fascinated by supervillains? Posing the
b) place for human beings. question is much like asking why evil itself intrigues us, but
c) great amount of people. there's much more to our continued interest in supervillains
d) lack of populational area. than meets the eye.
61) (AFA 2017) The sentence “the change in climate is majorly Not only do Lex Luthor, Dracula and the Red Skull run
caused by human activities” (line 32) means that unconstrained by conventional morality, they exist outside the
a) human activities are majorly responsible for the climate limits of reality itself. Their evil, even at its most realistic,
change. retains a touch of the unreal.
b) the change in climate is responsible for several human But is our fascination with fantastic fiends1 healthy? From a
activities. psychological perspective, views vary on what drives our
c) human changes have caused lots of climate problems. enduring interest in superhuman bad guys.
d) changes in climate are leading to the current human Shadow confrontation: Psychiatrist Carl Jung believed we
behaviors. need to confront and understand our own hidden nature to grow
62) (AFA 2017) In the sentence “the change in climate is as human beings. Healthy confrontation with our shadow
majorly caused by human activities” (line 32), the selves can unearth new strengths (e.g., Bruce Wayne creating
highlighted word means his Dark Knight persona to fight crime), whereas unhealthy
a) on the average. attempts at confrontation may involve dwelling on or
b) basically. unleashing the worst parts of ourselves.
c) unlikely. Wish fulfillment: Sigmund Freud viewed human nature as
d) up to a great extent. inherently antisocial, biologically driven by the undisciplined
63) (AFA 2017) The sentence “recent global financial crisis id's pleasure principle to get what we want when we want it –
have led to increase in food prices and reduced investments born to be bad but held back by society. Even if the psyche
in agriculture” (lines 52 to 54) states that fully develops its ego (source of self-control) and superego
a) investments in agriculture have increased as much as (conscience), Freudians say the id still dwells2 underneath, and
food prices after the recent global crisis. it wishes for many selfish things – so it would love to be
b) food prices are getting lower than investments in supervillainous.
agriculture because of the recent global financial crisis. Hierarchy of needs: Humanistic psychologist Abraham
c) investments in agriculture are getting more and more Maslow held that people who haven't met their most basic
common since food prices are getting higher. needs will have difficulty maturing. If starved for food, you're
d) food prices are getting higher and investments in unlikely to feel secure. If starved for love and companionship,
agriculture are getting lower due to the recent global you'll have trouble building self-esteem. People who dwell on
financial crisis. their deficits may envy and resent others who have more than
they do. Some people who are unable to overcome social

shortcomings fantasize about obtaining any means, good or Supervillains' Ultimate Purpose
bad, to satisfy every need and greed. In the end, our interest in supervillains can be healthy or
Conditioning: Ivan Pavlov would say we can learn to unhealthy. Even the more maladaptive reasons for such
associate supervillains with other things we value – like fascination tend to arise from motivations that were originally
entertainment, strength, freedom or the heroes themselves. healthy and natural – frustrated drives that went the wrong
Behaviorist B.F. Skinner would likely argue that we can find it way.
reinforcing to watch or read about supervillains, but without Remember, though, that superheroic fiction ultimately
knowing what's reinforcing about them, that's a bit like saying begins and ends with the heroes. Comic book writers and
it's rewarding because it's rewarding. artists create supervillains, who move in and out as guest stars
Our Motivations for Seeking Out Supervillains and supporting cast, first and foremost to reveal how heroic the
Throughout history, humans have been captivated by comics' stars can be.
stories of heroes facing off against superhuman foes3. But what (Adapted from https://www.wired.com/2012/07/why-do-
specific rewards, needs, wishes and dark dreams do supervillains-fascinate-us/)
supervillains satisfy? Glossary:
Freedom: Superpowered characters enjoy freedoms the rest 1. fiend – an evil and cruel person
of us don't. Nobody can arrest Superman unless he lets them (at 2. to dwell – remain
least not without kryptonite handcuffs). As much time as 3. foe – an enemy
supervillains spend locked up, they seem to escape as often as 4. to wield – influence, use power
they please, to run unconstrained by rules and regulations. 5. menace – threat
Cosplayers who dress like Wonder Woman and Captain 6. to nab thugs – arrest criminals
America can't do any crazy thing that crosses their minds 7. odds – probability
without seeming to mock and insult our heroes, whereas those 8. to traipse into mob hangouts – walk among places where
dressed as villains get to go wild. Supervillainy feels liberating. gangs, criminals meet
Power: Maybe you envy the power these evil characters 9. poorly lit alleyways – narrow road or path with little light
wield4. While that's also a reason to adore superheroes, good 10. to baffle – confuse somebody completely
guys don't ache to dominate. Stories like Watchmen and 68) (AFA 2018) One of the messages below is mentioned in the
Kingdom Come show how heroes become menaces5 when they text. Mark it.
try to take over. So when dreaming of superpowers, maybe you a) We have to face and know ourselves deeply in order to
relate to characters who dream of power as well, from the become better.
Scarecrow (who controls individuals' fears) to Doctor Doom b) In fact, we are conditioned to expect more from the
(who's perpetually out to dominate the world). heroes.
Better villain than victim: Physiologically, anger activates c) A psychological study states that people have been
us and feels better than anxiety or fear. One who feels intrigued by the question whether we are fiends or not.
victimized and cannot figure out constructive ways to stand up, d) Superheroes are empowered despite dominating the
be strong or become heroic might twist the need for self- world.
assertion into destruction. Alternately, a healthy person simply 69) (AFA 2018) Mark the INCORRECT alternative.
might focus on how all characters assert themselves in any “[...] there's much more to our continued interest in
given story. supervillains than meets the eye.” (lines 3 and 4)
Better villain equals better hero: A hero only appears as If there’s more to something than meets the eye, it means
heroic as the challenge he or she must overcome. Great heroes that
require great villains. Without supercriminals, the world's a) it’s more difficult to understand.
finest heroes seem like overpowered brutes nabbing thugs6 b) you are conscious of what is around you.
unworthy of them. c) it involves more things than you thought at the
Through myths, legends and lore across time, we have needed beginning.
heroes who rise to the occasion, overcome great odds7 and take d) the situation is not as simple as it seems to be.
down giants. 70) (AFA 2018) According to what drives people’s interest in
Facing our fears: Instead of dreading the darkness, you supervillains, the text mentions
might reduce that dread by shining a light and seeing what's out a) the conscious knowledge that supervillains reinforce
there. Fiction can help us feel empowered and enlightened things we value (Pavlov and Skinner).
without literally traipsing into mob hangouts8 and poorly lit b) the negative side people need to hide to grow as human
alleyways9. beings (Carl Jung).
Exploring the unknown: Our need to challenge the c) the undisciplined principle controlled by society
unknown has driven the human race to cover the globe. This (Sigmund Freud).
powerful curiosity makes us wonder about everything that d) people’s lack of necessity of food, security and love
baffles10 us, including the world's worst fiends. Knowledge is (Abraham Maslow).
power, or at least feels like it. When gritty details repulse us, 71) (AFA 2018) Identify the option that summarizes the item
exploring evil through the filter of fiction can help us “freedom” (lines 47 to 55).
contemplate humanity's worst without turning away or a) We need to obey rules and regulations that the
dwelling almost voyeuristically on real human tragedy. Even superpowered characters follow too.
when the fiction is about improbable people doing impossible b) We look for supervillainy in order to feel that we can
things, the story's fantastic nature reassures us that this cannot behave the way we want.
happen – and therefore we don't have to turn away. c) Supervillains shouldn’t insult our heroes.

d) Nobody can arrest a superhero or a supervillain. insecurity, grief and decreased self-esteem. This, in turn, can
72) (AFA 2018) In the paragraph “Better villain equals better implicate social consequences. Social isolation can occur due
hero” (lines 71 to 75), the author DOESN’T to physical or psychological symptoms (for example, feeling
a) make a comparison. too tired to meet friends, cutting oneself off due to depressive
b) count a number of features. complaints).
c) indicate that something is necessary. Besides conventional pharmacological treatments of cancer,
d) describe characters. there are treatments to meet psychological and physical needs
73) (AFA 45 2018) In the sentence “when gritty details repulse of the patient. Psychological consequences of cancer, such as
us [...]” (line 88), the underlined word means depression, anxiety or loss of control, can be counteracted by
a) harmful. psychotherapy. For example, within cognitive therapy cancer
b) unknown. patients may develop coping strategies to handle the disease.
c) unpleasant but true. Research indicates that music therapy, which is a form of
d) impossible. psychotherapy, can have positive effects on both physiological
74) (AFA 2018) Read the statements below and mark the and psychological symptoms of cancer patients as well as in
option that contains the correct ones according to the text. acute or palliative situations.
I. Vulnerable people may have their self-esteem affected. There are several definitions of music therapy. According
II. Everybody is infatuated with antagonists. to the World Federation of Music Therapy (WFMT, 1996),
III. In a psychological perspective, antiheroes aren’t music therapy is: “the use of music and/or its music elements
despised at all by the public. (sound, rhythm, melody and harmony) by a qualified music
IV. The author reminds us that funny writers created therapist, with a client or group, in a process designed to
supervillains stories. V. We have cherished defeated heroes facilitate and promote communication, relationship, learning,
and victorious antiheroes. mobilization, expression, organization, and other relevant
a) Only sentences I, II and IV are correct. therapeutic objectives, in order to meet physical, emotional,
b) Only sentences I and III are correct. mental, social and cognitive needs”.
c) Only sentences II, III and V are correct. The Dutch Music Therapy Association (NVCT, 1999)
d) Only sentences IV and V are correct. defines music therapy as “a methodological form of assistance
75) (AFA 2018) One of the statements below LACKS the in which musical means are used within a therapeutic relation
content of the text. Mark it. to manage changes, developments, stabilisation or acceptance
a) Our curiosity makes us wonder what we’ve already on the emotional, behavioural, cognitive, social or on the
understood. physical field”.
b) According to the author’s perspective on superheroes, The assumption is that the patient's musical behaviour
they can be both heroes and fiends. conforms to their general behaviour. The starting points are the
c) Heroes depend on villains to succeed. features of the patient's specific disorder or disease pattern.
d) A part of our unconscious mind would desire to be a There is an analogy between psychological problems and
villain. musical behaviour, which means that emotions can be
76) (AFA 2018) The author concludes that expressed musically. For patients who have difficulties in
a) superheroes have been the supporting cast, not the stars expressing emotions, music therapy can be a useful medium.
anymore. Music therapy might be a useful intervention for breast cancer
b) our motivations for seeking out supervillains are patients in order to facilitate and enhance their emotional
originally unhealthy. expressivity. Besides analogy, there are further qualities of
c) supervillains are created to prove how heroic and music that can be beneficial within therapeutic treatment. One
powerful the superheroes are. of these qualities is symbolism: music can symbolize persons,
d) comic book writers create supervillains to overcome objects, incidents, experiences or memories of daily life.
superheroes. Therefore, music is a reality, which represents another reality.
Texto para as questões 77 – 87 The symbolism of the musical reality enables the patient to
Music therapy with cancer patients deal safely with the other reality for it evokes memories about
Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United persons, objects or incidents. These associations can be
States, in Germany and in many other industrialized countries. perceived as positive or negative, so they release emotions in
In 2007, about 12 million people were diagnosed with cancer the patient.
worldwide with a mortality rate of 7.6 million (American Music therapy both addresses physical and psychological
Cancer Society, 2007). In the industrial countries, the most needs of the patient. Numerous studies indicate that music
commonly diagnosed cancers in men are prostate cancer, lung therapy can be beneficial to both acute cancer patients and
cancer and colorectal cancer. Women are most commonly palliative cancer patients in the final stage of disease.
diagnosed with breast cancer, gastric cancer and lung cancer. Most research with acute cancer patients receiving
The symptoms of cancer depend on the type of the disease, chemotherapy, surgery or stem cell transplantation examined
but there are common symptoms caused by cancer and/or by its the effectiveness of receptive music therapy. Listening to music
medical treatment (e.g., chemotherapy and radiation). Common during chemotherapy, either played live by the music therapist
physical symptoms are pain, fatigue, sleep disturbances, loss of or from tape has a positive effect on pain perception,
appetite, nausea (feeling sick, vomiting), dizziness, limited relaxation, anxiety and mood. There was also found a decrease
physical activity, hair loss, a sore mouth/throat and bowel in diastolic blood pressure or heart rate and an improvement in
problems. Cancer also often causes psychological problems fatigue; insomnia and appetite loss could be significantly
such as depression, anxiety, mood disturbances, stress, decreased in patients older than 45 years. Further

improvements by receptive music therapy were found for 81) (AFA 2019) The passage “patient's musical behaviour
physical comfort, vitality, dizziness and tolerability of the conforms to their general behaviour” (line 47) suggests that
chemotherapy. A study with patients undergoing surgery found a) one standard complies with the other.
that receptive music therapy led to decreased anxiety, stress b) an unstable relation could take place.
and relaxation levels before, during and after surgery. Music c) some reactions are more predictable than others.
therapy can also be applied in palliative situations, for example d) general kinds of behaviour are not very common.
to patients with terminal cancer who live in hospices. 82) (AFA 2019) According to the text, most patients felt
Studies indicate that music therapy may be beneficial for compelled to
cancer patients in acute and palliative situations, but the a) create choruses in order to promote musical learning.
benefits of music therapy for convalescing cancer patients b) deprive themselves of getting along with people.
remain unclear. Whereas music therapy interventions for acute c) join other oncology patients for therapeutic purposes.
and palliative patients often focus on physiological and d) distress therapists as part of psychotherapy sessions.
psychosomatic symptoms, such as pain perception and 83) (AFA 2019) The text is mainly concerned with the
reducing medical side-effects, music therapy with post-hospital a) diastolic blood pressure decrease in cancer patients.
curative treatment could have its main focus on psychological b) studies on music therapy and its different sorts.
aspects. A cancer patient is not free from cancer until five years c) relevance of music in cancer patient's welfare.
after the tumour ablation. The patient fears that the cancer has d) patient's tolerability of chemotherapy as well as
not been defeated. In this stage of the disease, patients radiation.
frequently feel insecure, depressive and are emotionally 84) (AFA 2019) According to the text, mark the option which
unstable. How to handle irksome and negative emotions is an contains the meaning for the word “hospice” (line 85).
important issue for many oncology patients. After the difficult a) A protocol for dealing with cancer.
period of the medical treatment, which they often have b) A sort of music therapy for cancer patients.
overcome in a prosaic way by masking emotions, patients often c) A cancer surgery for palliative medical cases.
express the wish to become aware of themselves again. They d) A place providing care for ill people.
may wish to grapple with negative emotions due to their 85) (AFA 2019) Regarding music therapy in cancer treatment
disease. Other patients wish to experience positive feelings, a) good results are still not obvious in some cases.
such as enjoyment and vitality. b) psychological problems would not be considered.
The results indicate that music therapy can also have c) patients could not benefit from it after surgeries.
positive influences on well-being of cancer patients in the post- d) relaxation and stressful levels were very high.
hospital curative stage as well as they offer valuable 86) (AFA 2019) Read the statement based on paragraph 8 and
information about patients' needs in this state of treatment and mark the action that happened first.
how effects can be dealt with properly. A study discovered that receptive music therapy had
(Adapted from decreased anxiety and stress levels before, during and
https://essay.utwente.nl/59115/1/scriptie_F_Teiwes.pdf - after surgeries. Also, music therapy can be applied to
Access on 25/02/19) different levels of the disease.
77) (AFA 2019) Cancer is a) Discover.
a) the most relevant disease people face. b) Decrease.
b) not related to industrialized countries. c) Can.
c) actually restricted to German individuals. d) Apply.
d) one of the major causes of people's death. 87) (AFA 2019) One concludes that
78) (AFA 2019) The second paragraph of the text states that a) the therapy’s outcome helps out in distinct stages.
a) social isolation happens as a result of physical effort and b) some effects are hard to be managed suitably.
medical treatments. c) healing patients definitely overcome curative course.
b) radiation and chemotherapy prove to be ineffective for d) cancer welfare has to be faced by means of fierce
cancer treatment. sounds.
c) there may be a relation between kinds of disease as well Texto para as questões 88 – 97
as their symptoms. The end of life on Earth?
d) dizziness and bowel disturbances could be caused by It weighted about 10,000 tons, entered the atmosphere at a
different tunes. speed of 64,000 km/h and exploded over a city with a blast of
79) (AFA 2019) In the phrase “coping strategies” (line 27), the 500 kilotons. But on 15 February 2013, we were lucky. The
underlined word is a synonym for metereorite that showered pieces of rock over Chelyabinsk,
a) noting. Russia, was relatively small, at only about 17 metres wide.
b) defining. Although many people were injured by falling glass, the
c) managing. damage was nothing compared to what had happened in
d) creating. Siberia nearly one hundred years ago, when a relatively small
80) (AFA 2019) The text object (approximately 50 metres in diameter) exploded in mid-
a) focuses on the present cancer mortality rates. air over a forest region, flattening about 80 million trees. If it
b) aims at presenting a complementary way to deal with had exploded over a city such as Moscow or London, millions
cancer. of people would have been killed.
c) delves into the mind of worldwide cancer patients. By a strange coincidence, the same day that the meteorite
d) develops a detailed idea on how to live with cancer. terrified the people of Chelyabinsk, another 50m-wide asteroid
passed relatively close to Earth. Scientists were expecting that

visit and know that the asteroid will return to fly close by us in 92) (AFA 2020) The Russian meteorite
2046, but the Russian meteorite earlier in the day had been too a) will come close to Earth again.
small for anyone to spot. b) was too small to cause damage.
Most scientists agree that comets and asteroids pose the c) had been predicted by scientists.
biggest natural threat to human existence. It was probably a d) was not noticed before exploding.
large asteroid or comet colliding with Earth which wiped out 93) (AFA 2020) Experts maintain that comets and asteroids
the dinosaurs about 65 million years ago. An enormous object, could
10 to 16 km in diameter, struck the Yucatan region in Mexico a) wipe out only animal life.
with the force of 100 megatons. That is the equivalent of one b) put an end to both animal and great part of plant life.
Hiroshima bomb for every person alive on Earth today. c) cause as much damage as the Hiroshima bomb.
Many scientists, including the late Stephen Hawking, say d) kill a significant proportion of the human population.
that any comet or asteroid greater than 20km in diameter that 94) (AFA 2020) A relatively small asteroid
hits Earth will result in the complete destruction of complex a) is not a problem if seen early.
life, including all animals and most plants. As we have seen b) can still cause a lot of damage.
even a much smaller asteroid can cause great damage. c) cannot cause any significant harm.
The Earth has been kept fairly safe for the last 65 million d) is in fact more dangerous than a large one.
years by good fortune and the massive gravitational field of the 95) (AFA 2020) Earth has been relatively safe thanks to
planet Jupiter. Our cosmic guardian, with its stable circular a) luck and the protective force of another planet.
orbit far from the sun, sweeps up and scatters away most of the b) early warning systems set up by NASA.
dangerous comets and asteroids which might cross Earth’s c) researches and our position to the sun.
orbit. d) the foreseeable future.
After the Chelyabinsk meteorite, scientists are now 96) (AFA 2020) Scientists support the idea that
monitoring potential hazards even more carefully but, as far as a) we are not in any danger for the moment.
they know, there is no danger in the foreseeable future. b) NASA early warning systems will protect the planet.
Types of space rocks c) a meteorite is likely to hit Earth sooner or later.
• Comet – a ball of rock and ice that sends out a tail of gas d) it’s impossible to monitor potential hazards.
and dust behind it. Bright comets only appear in our visible 97) (AFA 2020) According to the text
night sky about once every ten years. a) meteoroids and meteorites are the same object.
• Asteroid – a rock a few feet to several kms in diameter. b) dinosaurs were certainly wiped out by a space rock.
Unlike comets, asteroids have no tail. Most are to small to c) asteroids and comets are exactly alike.
cause any damage and burn up in the atmosphere. d) meteorites are harmless.
• Meteoroid – part of an asteroid or comet. Texto para as questões 98 – 108
• Meteorite – what a meteoroid is called when it hits Earth. When making a decision, it is a common impulse to look
Taken from: http://learningenglishteens.britishcouncil.org – and see what others are doing. Nevertheless, it is often unclear
Access on 29/06/2020 whether the path that everyone else may be following is good
88) (AFA 2020) The damage caused by the Russian meteorite for us as well. After all, sometimes following the crowd has
a) could be impossible to calculate. merit - at other times, it is simply peer pressure blinding us.
b) was not as bad as the one in Siberia. The phenomenon of looking to others and following the
c) was much worse than the one in Siberia. crowd by social has been studied science for a long time.
d) had its impact reduced by the early warning system. Nevertheless, those findings do not always make their way to
89) (AFA 2020) The Siberian meteorite individual decision-makers. Therefore, let’s review why people
a) damaged trees when it exploded. conform to the crowd – and under what conditions it is a god
b) caused glass to shower over people. idea to go your own way instead.
c) has the destructive power of a nuclear bomb. To start, individuals tend to look to the opinions of others,
d) exploded over a big city. especially when they are unsure and lack information from
90) (AFA 2020) “If it had exploded over a city such as Moscow other sources. This dynamic was supported by classic research
or London, millions of people would have been killed” from Sherif (1937), who explored how a person’s perception of
(lines 10 – 12). We can conclude from the information in a very ambiguous stimuli can be influenced by the opinion of
this passage that others. Sherif (1937) asked participants to watch a small light
a) because of an explosion, millions of people died. in a dark and featureless room and evaluate how much that
b) experts managed to save people from an explosion. light moved around. In actuality, however, the light never
c) an explosion will hit both cities killing millions of moved at all – but the way our perception works in that
people. situation gives the possible illusion of movement (called the
d) the explosion and the millions of deaths are Autokinetic Effect). In this uncertain and ambiguous perceptual
hypothetical. situation, Sherif (1937) found that individuals were quite
91) (AFA 2020) On the same day as the meteorite exploded susceptible to the influence of the opinions of others when
over Chelyabinsk, trying to decide how much light was “moving”.
a) scientists were terrified. Unfortunately, this phenomenon also extends to individuals
b) experts issued a warning for 2046. following the crowd, even when they can clearly see that others
c) another linked asteroid incident happened. are wrong. This was first evaluated by Asch (1955), who asked
d) there was another, unrelated, asteroid event. participants to pick a line from a few choices of varying lengths
that matched up with another example line given to them. From

a perceptual standpoint, the task was easy – as the correct choices we might not be seeing. Therefore, if you do need to
choice of which lines were actually similar to one another was look to others to help provide information regarding a
clear. Nevertheless, when participants were surrounded by particular choice or decision, then it might help to seek out
other individuals giving the wrong answer, they often people with a few different opinions, weigh your options
conformed and made the wrong choice as well. Thus, even among them, and figure out what will work best for you.
when the correct choice is clear, and what others are doing is (Adapted from https://www.psychologytoday.com. Access on
wrong, that peer pressure can still cause us to doubt ourselves March 25th, 2021)
and follow the crowd. 98) (AFA 2021) Mark the option that makes an appropriate
Why is it that we are so compelled to follow the crowd, title for the text.
even when it is objectively clear that they are wrong? a) 5 Tips For Better Decisions at Work
According to more recent research, we may simply be wired b) Why Can Decision-Making Be So Simple?
that way. Specifically, these social influences can actually c) Should You Do What Everyone Else Is Doing?
change our perceptions and memories (Edelson, Sharot, Dolan, d) New Research Suggests That Machines Can Give Better
& Dudai, 2011). Therefore, rather than knowingly making the Recommendations Than People
wrong choice just to conform to peer pressure, the influence of 99) (AFA 2021) Earlier experiments showed that
others may actually change what we see as the correct choice in a) individuals surrounded by other participants might be
the moment and remember as the right thing after the fact. tricked into providing a wrong answer.
Beyond that, we might just have “herding brains” with built-in b) personal beliefs provide guidance when there’s
components that monitor our social alignments and make us uncertainty and lack of information.
feel good when we follow the crowd too (Shamay-Tsoory, c) the Autokinectic Effect describes how light can improve
Saporta, Marton-Alper, & Gvirts, 2019). people’s perception.
Fortunately, this effect has good points as well. In many d) the influence of the opinion of others can help us make
cases, group decision-making can help individuals look beyond correct decisions.
their own private perspectives and make more rational 100) (AFA 2021) According to more recent research,
decisions (Fahr & Irlenbusch, 2011). Furthermore, pro-social a) the more people are in control of their choices, the
and altruistic behaviors can be influenced and shared through better they can match their preferences.
such conformity as well (Nook, Ong, Morelli, Mitchell, & b) crowd following does not occur when people see that
Zaki, 2016). Therefore, sometimes following the crowd helps others are mistaken.
people get along and make better decisions too. c) people might change their beliefs or behavior in order to
Given the above, when making a decision, it is important to fit in with the group.
consider whether following others is a good idea – or is leading d) people made the wrong choice to avoid disagreement.
you astray instead. Some simple steps can help you figure it 101) (AFA 2021) In the text, the word even (line 27)
out. a) is used for emphasis or surprise.
Getting swept away by what everyone else is doing is often b) has the same meaning as just.
an emotional and thoughtless process. We are conforming c) expresses a negative idea.
simply because we have not given sufficient attention and d) means exactly.
effort toward considering any other options. Therefore, unless 102) (AFA 2021) Read the statements below.
you are in an emergency situation and need to immediately I. We ought to consider things more slowly and
follow everyone else toward the nearest exit, it might be a good intentionally to make better decisions.
idea to switch to more deliberate thinking processes, rather II. When under pressure it might be valid to follow the
than just going with your initial reaction. crowd.
Some choices and decision-making situations are more III. Being driven by what other people are doing is a
individual, while others are more social. Therefore, it is rational process.
important to consider the specific situation. Is this an individual Mark the alternative that is correct according to the text.
choice, or does it involve others? If you have sufficient a) I and II
information to make a clear choice on your own, and you do b) I and III
not need group approval, then you might want to make up your c) II and III
own mind. If you are personally unsure, or you need the d) I, II and III
support of others to make something happen, then taking the 103) (AFA 2021) A recurring idea in the text is that
opinion of others into consideration might be a good idea a) scientists found a definite answer as to why people are
instead. compelled to follow the crowd.
It is generally a good idea to evaluate your choices and b) social impacts are reduced when people conform to the
decisions from multiple perspectives. The same is true for crowd.
following the opinion of others too. Although it might not feel c) going your own way eventually leads to bad decisions.
that way at times, especially in the modern day of media d) following the crowd has pros and cons.
coverage and social networking, everyone is not doing it – 104) (AFA 2021) The statement that is more closely related to
whatever “it” is that you are considering. Given that, before the idea found in paragraph 9 is:
you follow the advice or choices of any particular group of a) Following others will take you away from the correct
people, it might be a good idea to look at what other groups of path.
people are doing or choosing too. In addition, we can learn a b) People are drawn to the immediate rewards of a
lot from people making choices contrary to ourselves or our potential choice.
preferred group, particularly about potential down-sides to

c) Individual decisions tend to be made to the benefit of
the group.
d) We’re often balancing between what is best for
ourselves and for others too.
105) (AFA 2021) The following factors can influence people
into following the crowd, EXCEPT,
a) choices that express more than one possible meaning.
b) the strong influence of a group on members to behave as
everyone else does.
c) a possible modification in the way we perceive and
memorize things due to social connections.
d) more objective facts, statistics, measurements and
evaluations as sources of potential decision-making
106) (AFA 2021) Mark the alternative that shows a synonym
for down-side (line 92).
a) disruption
b) discomfort
c) disadvantage
d) dislocation
107) (AFA 2021) Based on the last paragraph, it’s safe to say
a) when making important decisions, it is helpful to stay 109) (AFA 2022) Mark the option in which the information
open to facts and possibilities that we don’t want or like. DISAGREES with the chart.
b) our reasoning about an issue may lead us to pursue a a) Almost a quarter of Canadian youth feel that their future
deeper understanding of who we are. living conditions will improve.
c) we often automatically accept things as “true” before we b) India, Brazil and Turkey are more pessimistic than
carefully deliberate about them. optimistic for their young compared to the US.
d) gathering every fact and carefully thinking through c) The young in China are more likely to think things will
every decision is impossible. be better rather than worse.
108) (AFA 2021) It’s correct to affirm that the text is d) Belgium, Spain and France ranked towards the bottom.
a) personal and informal. Texto para a questão 110
b) informative and supportive. TEXT II
c) ironic and reminiscent. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the
d) lyrical and sublime. age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch
Texto para a questão 109 of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of
TEXT I Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope,
it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we
had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we
were all going the other way – in short, the period was so far
like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities
insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the
superlative degree of comparison only.
(DICKENS, Charles. A Tale of Two Cities.
Penguin Books, 1994.)
110) (AFA 2022) The extract above
a) develops the idea that nothing is as it seems.
b) presents an account of a series of recent contentions.
c) suggests that there is room for debate on the level of
comparisons presented.
d) establishes an analogy between the past and the time in
which a story takes place.
Texto para as questões 111 e 112
Transcript: Franval who lived in Paris, where he was born, possessed,
Q: To what extent, if at all, do you feel that your generation along with an income of 400,000 livres, the finest figure, the
will have had a better or worse life than your parent’s
most pleasant face and the most varied talents; but beneath this
generation, or will it be about the same? attractive exterior lay hidden every vice, and unfortunately
Key: Better those of which the adoption and habitual indulgence lead so
Total rapidly to crime. An imagination more unbridled than anything
Great Britain one can depict was Franval’s prime defect; men of this kind do
not mend their ways, the decline of power makes them worse;

the less they do, the more they undertake; the less they achieve, Texto para a questão 116
the more they invent; each age brings new ideas, and satiety, TEXT V
far from cooling their ardour, only prepares the way for more Oh, I’ve just come from the land of the sun
fatal refinements. From a war that must be won
(SADE, Marquis de. The Gothic Tales of the Marquis de In the name of truth
Sade. 2000.) With our soldiers so brave
111) (AFA 2022) Franval possesses the following feature(s), Your freedom we will save
EXCEPT With our rifles and grenades
a) his looks are second to none. And some help from God
b) no other figure is on a par with his. I want to see my family
c) the aptitude to perform activities of different kinds. My wife and child waiting for me
d) his personality traits correspond to his appearance. I’ve got to go home
112) (AFA 2022) A similarity between Text II and Text III can I’ve been so alone you see
be found in the following aspect(s): You just can’t believe
a) consolation and hope of a better, but unchanging future. The joy I did receive
b) a full description of the main characters’ motivations. When I finally got my leave
c) pairings of contrasting concepts that reflect duality. And I was going home
d) a combination of tension, action and violence. Oh, I flew through the sky
Texto para as questões 113 – 115 My convictions could not lie
TEXT IV For my country I would die
I know I shall meet my fate And I will see it soon
Somewhere among the clouds above; When I walked through the door
Those that I fight I do not hate, My wife she laid upon the floor
Those that I guard I do not love; And with tears her eyes were sore
My country is Kiltartan Cross, I did not know why
My countrymen Kiltartan’s poor, Then I looked into her hand
No likely end could bring them loss And I saw the telegram
Or leave them happier than before. Said that I was a brave, brave man
Nor law, nor duty bade1 me fight, But that I was dead
Nor public men, nor cheering crowds, (SUMMER, Bernard; GILBERT, Gillian; HOOK, Peter;
A lonely impulse of delight MORRIS, S
Drove to this tumult in the clouds; tephen. Lyrics to Love Vigilantes, performed by New Order,
I balanced all, brought all to mind, Low Life CD, track 1, Universal Music Publishing Group,
The years to come seemed waste of breath, 1986.
A waste of breath the years behind Taken from https://lyricfind.com)
In balance with this life, this death. 116) (AFA 2022) Whose characteristic is described below?
(YEATS, W.B. An Irish Airman Foresees His Death in Rhyme Write 4 for the speaker in Text IV, and 5 for the speaker
and Reason, An Anthology. Org. O’MALLEY, Raymond. in Text V.
HartDavis Educational.) ( ) He is driven by a patriotic fervor.
Vocabulary: ( ) He is fighting because he cares who wins.
1. Bid (bade, bidden): to tell somebody to do something. ( ) He is believed to have been killed in action.
113) (AFA 2022) In Text IV, the following phrase refers to ( ) Nothing else in his life seems worth pursuing.
dying: ( ) He considers aspects of his past, present and future.
a) meet my fate. Now, mark the correct option.
b) waste of breath. a) 5 / 5 / 5 / 4 / 4
c) tumult in the clouds. b) 5 / 5 / 4 / 4 / 5
d) impulse of delight. c) 4 / 4 / 5 / 5 / 4
114) (AFA 2022) According to lines 7 and 8 people will d) 4 / 4 / 4 / 5 / 5
a) express hope of making it through war. Texto para as questões 117 – 120
b) be encouraged to fight for Kiltartan Cross. TEXT VI
c) remain oblivious to the outcome of the war. Elon Musk, the CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, caused
d) be aware of the dangers they might face. something of a stir at the annual Air Force Association’s Air
115) (AFA 2022) Lines 9-12 imply that the speaker is Warfare Symposium in Orlando, Florida. During an informal
a) willing to risk his life to win honor and glory. ‘fireside chat’ with Lt. Gen. John Thompson of Space
b) fighting for the sheer pleasure and exhilaration of it. Command on Friday, Musk told a room packed with fighter
c) motivated by the desire to protect his fellow citizens. pilots that “the fighter jet era has passed”. Now, Musk is
d) daydreaming about moving through the clouds. renowned for finding soundbites for the media to hook onto,
and also of causing calculated disruption in his target audience,
but even by his standards this is a well-baited line. What makes
this such a bold and controversial statement?
The contemporary battlefield is far more networked,
complex, congested and lethal – it’s those that adapt that will

survive. Simply being ‘a good stick’ will rapidly no longer cut
it in the hostile skies of the future.
Musk’s main thrust is, however, that the human in the
cockpit is the limiting factor in air combat now, not the
Firstly, humans are awkward for aircraft designers to
accommodate. In a modern fighter the pilot sits on an ejection
seat for emergency escape, needs an oxygen supply and air-
conditioning to function at extremes of temperature and
altitude, and requires flight controls and instruments to fly and
fight the machine. All of these add a significant amount of
weight and cost into the aircraft. Moreover, having a
transparent canopy to permit the crew to see out does little to
improve signature management1 as radar cross section and the
chances of reflected sun glint all increase. The human also adds
more weight, especially when encumbered with flight kit such
as helmet, NVGs, g-suit and flight planning and survival
equipment. Traditionally, pilots sit toward the front of the
aircraft to afford them the best view for take-off and landing, as
well as air combat. This has implications on aerodynamics,
stealth1 design and weight distribution factors. In short, it can
make the designers life a lot simpler if the pilot/crew are not in
the aircraft.
(Extracted from https://www.forbes.com/. Accessed on
March 03, 2022.)
1. Signature management and stealth: both terms refer to
technology that reduces the likelihood of personnel,
aircrafts, missiles, etc. being detected.
117) (AFA 2022) According to the text, it’s eminent that Elon
a) improvises his speeches to entertain his listeners.
b) presents pieces of information to make the news.
c) plans what to say to keep the public heedful.
d) disapproves of being in the spotlight.
118) (AFA 2022) Based on Musk’s position, it is right to infer
a) combat planes will become more pilot-friendly.
b) high-performance fighter jets will proliferate.
c) a new era of conflicts is a controversial issue.
d) fighter pilots might end up becoming obsolete.
119) (AFA 2022) In the future, pilots will
a) be inconvenienced by flight helmets and survival
b) have to rely on other qualities besides technical
c) be considered the most important element in air combat.
d) have to make split-second life or death decisions.
120) (AFA 2022) Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false
(F) according to Text VI; then mark the right alternative.
I. Designers are challenged to find solutions that enable
fitting flying conditions.
II. The human factor is considered an asset when it comes
to air combat.
III. A transparent canopy is both an advantage and a
IV. The flying gear turns out to be heavy and expensive.
a) I. T / II. F / III. T / IV. F
b) I. F / II. T / III. F / IV. F
c) I. T / II. F / III. T / IV. T
d) I. F / II. T / III. F / IV. T

Gabarito 62) D
1) C 63) D
2) C 64) A
3) A 65) B
4) B 66) C
5) C 67) A
6) C 68) A
7) B 69) B
8) A 70) C
9) A 71) B
10) D 72) B
11) A 73) C
12) B 74) B
13) B 75) B
14) A 76) C
15) D 77) D
16) A 78) C
17) C 79) C
18) C 80) B
19) B 81) A
20) C 82) B
21) B 83) C
22) B 84) D
23) A 85) A
24) D 86) B
25) C 87) A
26) B 88) B
27) C 89) A
28) A 90) D
29) C 91) D
30) B 92) D
31) B 93) B
32) A 94) B
33) C 95) A
34) B 96) A
35) A 97) A
36) D 98) C
37) B 99) A
38) D 100) C
39) B 101) A
40) C 102) A
41) D 103) D
42) C 104) D
43) B 105) D
44) A 106) C
45) D 107) A
46) C 108) B
47) C 109) B
48) B 110) D
49) B 111) D
50) C 112) C
51) B 113) A
52) D 114) C
53) A 115) B
54) C 116) A
55) D 117) B
56) B 118) D
57) A 119) B
58) D 120) C
59) B
60) C
61) A

Interpretação de Texto e Vocabulário – e) the earthquake and tsunami will have a big impact on
the Japanese shipyard industry over the next decade.
EFOMM 2) (EFOMM 2011) Read the following piece from extract 1
Textos para as questões 1 – 5 “The rotational schedule of interruption of power supply
EXTRACT 1 due to the earthquake may affect our operation at our works
Japan’s shipyards remain intact after quake and subsidiaries.” It may be inferred that:
Japan’s major shipyards escaped the full impact of the March a) Operations will be greatly affected by the constant
11 earthquake and tsunami that struck the northeastern coast of interruption of power supply.
the country with full force. An official at the Japan Ship b) The earthquake caused the interruption of power supply
Exporters’ Association said the devastating natural disaster without any consequences to the operations.
“will have no impact on future export ship orders at all”. c) Some operations are expected to be affected by the
Although several small shipyards in the quake-hit areas were interruption of power supply. d) Subsidiaries and works
affected, major Japanese shipyards that build large vessels for will benefit from the power supply due to the
exports are concentrated in western Japan and remain intact, earthquake.
the official said. Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding sustained d) Power supply was not affected by the earthquake and
“slight material damages” in the company’s Kasai Center and operations will continue.
Chiba Works but did not consider such slight damages would 3) (EFOMM 2011) According to the following segment from
cause serious impact on operations. “The rotational schedule of the first extract: “Japanese export ship orders rose for the
interruption of power supply due to the earthquake may affect 15th consecutive month in February on a year-on-year
our operation at our works and subsidiaries. However, the basis.”
degree of the impact is not known now,” the company said in a a) The information above is collected every 15 months.
statement. Japanese export ship orders rose for the 15th b) The passage investigates the decrease in the number or
consecutive month in February o a year-on-year basis. Japanese ship orders.
shipbuilders received orders for 277 export vessels – 259 bulk c) The figures above were released before the tsunami.
carriers, 10 oil tankers and eight general cargo vessels – in the d) One can tell for sure that Japanese ship orders were
April-February period. decreasing just before the tsunami.
(Adapted from: www.australianmerchantnavy.com, March e) Japanese ship orders have increased for over a year.
2011) 4) (EFOMM 2011) According to the second extract, the
EXTRACT 2 model developed by the International Pacific Research
Tsnunami Debris Expected on U.S. Shores in 3 Years Center intends to:
The powerful tsunami triggered by the 9.0 Japanese earthquake a) predict the movement of tsunamis in the ocean.
destroyed coastal towns near Sendai, washing such things as b) study the movement of litter in the ocean.
houses and cars into the ocean. Projections of where this debris c) indicate the amount of garbage dumped in the ocean.
might head have been made at the international Pacific d) collect the Japanese tsunami debris to clean the ocean.
Research Center, university of Hawaii at Manoa. What their e) spread the debris in the ocean after the tsunami.
model predicts about the tsunami debris is that they first spread 5) (EFOMM 2011) Extract 2 explains that the North Pacific
out eastward from the Japan Coast in the North Pacific Garbage Patch
Subtropical Gyre. In a year, the Papahanaumokuakea Marine a) was formed after the Japanese tsunami.
National Monument will see pieces washing up on its shores; b) will reach the shores of the US West Coast.
in two years, the remaining Hawaiian islands will see some c) is formed by the garbage dumped on US shores.
effects; in three years, the plume will reach the US West Coast, d) is formed by the accumulation of garbage in the ocean.
dumping debris on Californian beaches and the beaches of e) releases debris that will eventually end up in Baja
British Columbia, Alaska, and Baja California. The debris will California.
then drift into the famous floating junk yard, the North Pacific 6) (EFOMM 2011) The initials V.I.P. _____________Very
Garbage Patch, where it will wander around and break into Important Person.
smaller and smaller pieces. In five years, Hawaii shores can a) means
expect to see another barrage of debris that is stronger and b) stand for
longer-lasting than the first one. Much of the debris leaving the c) are about
North Pacific Garbage Patch ends up on Hawaii’s reefs and d) describe
beaches. These model projections will help to guide clean-up e) accounts for
and tracking operations. 7) (EFOMM 2011) Choose the word that completes the idea
Adapted from: www.geog.ucsb.edu, April 2011) of the following statement correctly:
1) (EFOMM 2011) Acoording to the first extract, it is correct “Michael is a _______ smoker. He smokes three packs of
to say that: cigarettes a day.”
a) Japanese shipyards that build large vessels were a) Violent
virtually unharmed by the impact of the tsunami. b) fierce
b) all Japanese shipyards are not located on the path of the c) big
tsunami. d) chain
c) Japanese shipyards located on the path of the tsunami e) Strong
were slightly affected by the devastating waves.
d) shipyards in northwestern Japan were the most affected
by the earthquake and tsunami.

Texto para as questões 8 – 11 earlier this year was likely to be ‘no different’, regardless of the
Shipping industry faces new risks, says Allianz. outcome of investigations into the incident itself.
(The Actuary Newsdesk: Nick Mann 27/Mar 2012)
8) (EFOMM 2012) According to Allianz Global Corporate
and Speciality, the maritime industry has been facing
emerging risks, the odd one out is:
a) Incorrect decisions or improper lack of action aboard.
b) Crew numbers have been thriving.
c) Ultra large vessels are on the increase
d) Robbery on the high seas.
e) Red tape on board ships.
9) (EFOMM 2012) In line 28:‘(…) facing them proactively.’,
is the same as:
Increasing ship sizes, human error and the challenge of a) Complying with the rules of safety.
shipping in arctic waters are among the biggest risks facing the b) Keeping track of risks.
modern maritime industry, according to Allianz Global c) Foreseeing difficulties.
Corporate and Speciality. d) Putting off decisions.
The challenge of shipping in arctic waters is among the biggest e) Making deals.
challenges facing the modern maritime industry, the report 10) (EFOMM 2012) In lines 46-47: ‘(…) major accidents have
said. often been the catalysts for key changes(…)’, the
Marking 100 years since the sinking of Titanic, the insurers underlined word can be replaced by:
yesterday published a report which noted that, while the world a) goads
commercial shipping fleet has trebled to over 100,000 vessels b) clogs
over that period, overall shipping loss rates have declined c) obstructions
significantly. In 1912, they were one ship per 100 per year; in d) troubles
2009 they had fallen to one ship per 670 per year. e) excuses
Despite this, Safety and shipping 1912-2012: from Titanic to 11) (EFOMM 2012) What can be inferred from the text?
Costa Concordia, based on research from Cardiff University, a) Technology is the sole solution for casualties at sea.
said the industry faced several key challenges. These include b) Improper lack of action is still a defiance.
the growing trend to ‘super-size’ ships and cost pressures c) Ultra large vessels are not hazardous to navigation.
which are forcing ship-owners to source crews from emerging d) Maritime industry has been collapsing.
economies where training standards can be inconsistent. e) Mishaps seldom happen at sea.
Other emerging risks include reduced crew numbers, which can 12) (EFOMM 2012) People who never think of other people’s
compromise safety and encourage human error, increasing feelings are very ___________________.
bureaucracy on board ships and the increased threat of piracy a) Insensible
in Somalia and elsewhere. The emergence of ‘ice shipping’ and b) impolite
its associated navigational and environmental complications c) inconsiderate
also poses a risk, the report said. d) brutal
Dr Sven Gerhard, AGCS’s global product leader for hull & e) sensitive
marine liabilities, said the industry needed to address the new Texto para as questões 13 e 14
risks facing them proactively. Royal Navy hands fishing boat to Yemen authorities in
‘For example, ultra-large ships pose challenges for insurers due counter-piracy operation
to their sheer size and value, while others raise concerns on An elite team of Royal Marines stormed the fishing vessel
structural integrity and failure. While scale alone does not on Friday, seizing it back from a gang of suspected Somali
make these ships riskier, the increased sizes introduce specific pirates. The pirates are believed to have stolen the fishing
risks that need to be addressed, such as salvage and recovery vessel in order to use it as a platform for launching hijack
considerations and emergency handling,’ he said. attempts on cargo ships and tankers in the Gulf of Aden.
AGCS noted that, despite hundreds of years of improvements The return of the fishing vessel – known as a dhow – is part
in safety, human error remained a challenge. According to the of the NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) crackdown
report, over 75% of marine losses can be attributed to a wide on piracy in the seas around Somalia. Captain Gerry
range of ‘human error’ factors, including fatigue, inadequate Northwood, who is heading the counter-piracy operation on
risk management and competitive pressures, as well as board RFA Fort Victoria, said that he was pleased to return the
potential deficiencies in training and crewing levels. dhow to her Yemeni owner. “This was a good example of
Dr Gerhard said: ‘As technological improvements reduce risk, Royal Navy and the Yemeni Navy working together for the
so does the weakest link in the system – the human factor – common good of the local maritime community”, he said. “I
become more important. This is where the industry should was pleased that we were able to return the dhow to its rightful
focus most closely, so that best practice risk management and a owner. It is important that through our cooperation with the
culture of safety becomes second nature across the world fleet.’ Yemeni Navy, we reassure the local maritime community that
Allianz did, however, note that major accidents have often been we are able to protect their interests. They are as much the
the catalysts for key changes in maritime industry safety. In victims of Somali piracy as the larger international ships
light of this, Dr Gerhard said the Costa Concordia disaster navigating through the area". The dhow was handed over to the

Yemeni Navy. A spokesman said “Thank you for the dhow and d) undetermined
thank you for everything”. e) unexpensive
Piracy in the Indian Ocean currently costs the world 16) (EFOMM 2013) Which statement CAN NOT be inferred
economy billions of pounds a year. Merchant vessels are being from the text?
forced into large detours around dangerous areas and insurance a) The vessel was clear of land.
costs have risen. b) There were casualties in the shipping accident.
(Adapted from www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/piracy/ c) Investigators will make inquiries about the accident.
Jan 17,2012) d) The ramming incident occurred during duty period.
13) (EFOMM 2013) According to TEXT 1, it is correct to say e) The tower was smashed by the rear section of the
that: vessel.
a) Yemen hasn’t been a victim of Somali piracy. 17) (EFOMM 2013) There are two options for the sentences
b) Somali pirates have been hijacking Yemeni vessels. below, choose the ONLY one that both options are
c) International ships are navigating through the area of possible.
Somalia to attack Yemeni trawlers. a) The doctors (advised / persuaded) that I should rest for 3
d) Royal Navy isn’t able to defend itself from Somali months.
pirates. b) The police (assured / promised) local residents that
e) Piracy in the Indian Ocean is worthless. everything possible was being done to catch the car
14) (EFOMM 2013) In: ‘An elite team of Royal Marines thieves.
stormed the fishing vessel on Friday (…)’ (lines 1-2), the c) A spokesperson for the company (reminded / warned)
underlined word could be replaced by: that there may be delays on the railways this summer
a) Docked due to major engineering work.
b) anchored d) Russian scientists (have shown / have convinced) that
c) damaged honey can prevent the growth of bacteria.
d) assaulted e) Jack (told / promised) that he would be home before
e) berthed midnight.
Texto para as questões 15 e 16 Texto para as questões 18 – 20
Seven dead in Genoa shipping accident Five stranded snorkellers rescued from tiny island off
Up to eight people are feared dead after a massive cargo Australia after their huge SOS message was spotted by
ship rammed into a control tower in the Italian port of Genoa helicopter.
during a night-time manoeuvre that went wrong. The collision (Adam Withnall / Wednesday 23 April 2014)
sent the 165ft-tall cement control tower crashing to the ground, Five snorkellers stranded on a tiny island off the east coast
with much of its mangled remains tumbling into the harbour. of Australia have been rescued after scrawling a giant SOS
Around 14 people were in the glass-topped tower when it was message into a nearby sandbank.
hit by the ship’s stern as it ploughed into the dock. Some were The group had been stuck out at sea for more than nine
thrown into the water, while others were trapped under rubble hours after their boat’s anchor failed and it drifted away.
or in a lift which may have toppled into the sea. They had been swimming around a remote sandbar near
A 50-year-old man was reportedly pulled alive from the Wigton Island, Queensland, when the vessel started shifting -
rubble 12 hours after the accident and taken to hospital while with their mobile phones, clothes, water and sunscreen all still
seven bodies were recovered -several by rescue divers from the on board – and it had moved beyond reach before they had
water, the police said. It is unclear how many are still missing. time to react.
The vast red ship, which has a gross tonnage of more than Speaking to the Courier-Mail about the ordeal yesterday,
40,500, was following the protocol and navigating towards the Lyn Forbes-Smith described how she, a female friend and three
control tower when it failed to reverse properly before turning male friends were facing the prospect of a long, cold night
out into the open sea. It rammed into the concrete and metal surrounded by ocean when they finally spotted an approaching
structure. rescue helicopter.
As rescue workers and sniffer dogs searched through the “We had sort of made plans about what we’d do on the rock
rubble for survivors, the death toll steadily increased. Four for the evening,” she said.
people were still missing, with some believed to be trapped in “We had reef walkers on thankfully, but we had no food,
the wrecked internal lift in the tower. water, cream, no hats, not much at all. We just looked for the
The collision happened during a change of shift, meaning highest ground, we looked for rocks where five of us could
that there were more people in the tower than normal. The huddle together because we didn’t really want to separate, and
655ft-long Jolly Nero cargo ship was leaving Genoa’s port, the we wanted to be out of the wind as best as possible.”
biggest and busiest in north-western Italy. Ms Forbes-Smith explained that they were concerned the
The vessel has been impounded and investigators have sandbar – and their message – would go under with the tide,
opened an investigation. The captain has been detained for but that they were “reasonably confident” someone would
questioning. come looking when friends realised they had not returned.
(Adapted from www.telegraph.co.uk / May 08, 2013) The group had set off from Keswick Island towards Wigton
15) (EFOMM 2013) The prefix un as in ‘unclear’ (line 13) is Island at around 8am for the snorkelling trip, and it was around
used correctly in all alternatives EXCEPT: 5pm when they first saw signs of help approaching.
a) Unconscious Another member of the group, Craig Gilbert, told ABC
b) Uninteresting News of their joy at spotting an RACQ rescue helicopter.
c) unfold

“We saw the helicopter and we thought, 'Oh, you beauty' - plan had been drafted and approved by Panamanian voters in a
and then it disappeared and we thought, 'Oh no - we better look 77% landslide. With a total budget of $5.2 billion, completion
out for our beds for the night' - then it came back probably 20 was initially projected for 2014. Last year, the canal netted $2.6
minutes later,” he said. billion, roughly half of Panama’s national revenue. The
Rescue helicopter crew member Damien Kross said the five Panama Canal Authority has projected that the expansion will
were treated for sunburn and dehydration, but were otherwise increase that revenue eightfold by 2025.
“fine”. There’s been a hitch in the expansion effort, however. A
“They were a little bit dehydrated but we winched them to group of mostly European contractors known as the Grupo
safety and brought them back here [to Mackay on the Unidos por el Canal has filed claims totaling more than a half
mainland] for just to have a quick medical attention and they billion dollars against the Panama Canal Authority, alleging
were all fine.” that misinformation led to cost overruns.
(Adapted from The Independent / Friday 11 July 2014) But according to Dr. J. David Rogers, a professor of
18) (EFOMM 2014) In: “ (...) after scrawling a giant SOS geological engineering at Missouri University of Science and
message into a nearby sandbank (...)” (line 2 - 3), the Technology, who has worked closely with the Panamanians for
underlined word is closest in meaning to: more than a quarter-century, the real problem is that
a) reef contractors knowingly underbid the job.
b) debris The canal expansion is about more than money to the
c) shoal Panamanians, according to Dr. Rogers. “It’s a national pride
d) derelict project for them. It’s their lifeblood,” he says of the
e) seabed Panamanians’ feelings about the canal. “It’s what makes them
19) (EFOMM 2014) What is the text mainly about? go.”
a) Five snorkellers who were overboard in the vicinity of The same seriousness didn’t characterize Americans’
the east coast of Australia. approach to canal expansion. Of a series of false starts and
b) The retrieval of five snorkellers bound for Wigton fizzled plans, the most amazing came as part of Operation
Island. Plowshare, the “Atoms for Peace” program of the U.S. Atomic
c) A rescue chopper near Queensland. Energy Agency (now the Department of Energy).
d) Five snorkellers who were hoisted by a windlass. Intended to highlight the peacetime usefulness of atomic
e) Castaways who were in mourning. warheads, Plowshare spent more than a decade exploring the
20) (EFOMM 2014) In : “ (...) Speaking to the Courier-Mail possibility of widening the canal by detonating a string of
about the ordeal yesterday (...)” (line 11), the word in bold nuclear warheads. Rising awareness of environmental risks in
means: the 1960s scuttled the idea.
a) a risible story Under the current, nuke-free plan, new approach channels
b) a trying experience and locks are being excavated alongside the existing entrances,
c) a petty detail allowing operations to continue normally during construction.
d) a remarkable situation The new locks and channels will be about three times bigger,
e) a fuzzy plan of action allowing the passage of more of today’s huge container ships.
21) (EFOMM 2014) Choose the word that correctly completes The maximum load will increase from about 5,000 containers
the sentence. to 12,000—though the very largest ships, which currently
“A____________person has 'common sense', and does not balloon up to 19,000 containers and primarily work routes
make stupid decisions.” between Europe and Asia through the Suez Canal, still won’t
a) bored fit.
b) mischievous The expansion will provide cheaper shipping between Asia
c) clumsy and the American Gulf Coast. Traffic that currently flows
d) jealous through West Coast ports such as Los Angeles and Long
e) sensible Beach—including huge amounts of Midwestern grain and
Texto para as questões 22 – 24 coal—will soon move more directly through ports including
The seven-decade journey to an expanded Panama Canal is Houston and Savannah. Ports along the U.S. Gulf and East
coming to a close, despite one last obstacle. coasts have been expanding to accommodate increased ship
(by David Z. Morris / April 17, 2015) size and traffic.
The Panama Canal is getting a major overhaul, and despite The ongoing court battle means that even the Panama Canal
an unresolved lawsuit that has delayed the project, it’s poised Authority’s recently-updated 2016 target for completion may
to transform global trade dramatically. be missed. But a bigger canal is finally coming—and with it, a
The original Panama Canal remains of the most ambitious host of new possibilities.
public works projects of all time. But it wasn’t quite ambitious (fortune.com/2015/04/17/panama-canal/)
enough: within a few years of its opening in 1914, it was too 22) (EFOMM 2015) Mark the correct option about the text.
small for many military and cargo ships. The U.S. authorities a) Dr. Rogers pointed out that there was evidence of
then in control began excavation for larger locks in 1939—but deliberate overbilling.
that work came to a standstill as America entered World War b) The 'Atoms for Peace' program thrived fairly due to
II, and no effective progress was made on the project for the public opposition.
remainder of the 20th century. c) The expansion project is expected to bolster trade.
That changed swiftly when the canal transitioned to full d) Environmental awareness in the 1960s fostered
Panamanian control in 1999. By 2006, a detailed expansion Operation Plowshare.

e) Misleading information ended up preventing budget Because of their limited function, pidgin languages usually
overruns. do not last for very long – sometimes for only a few years, and
23) (EFOMM 2015) In lines 7 - 8: “The US authorities then in rarely for more than a century. They die when the original
control began excavation for larger locks in 1939”, the reason for communication diminishes or disappears, as
word in bold means: communities move apart, or one community learns the
a) An artificial waterway used for travel, shipping or language of the other. (Alternatively, the pidgin may develop
irrigation. into a creole.) The pidgin French which was used in Vietnam
b) A river or canal that vessels travel on. all but disappeared when the French left; similarly, the pidgin
c) A barrier that protects a harbor or shore from the full English which appeared during the American Vietnam
impact of waves. campaign virtually disappeared as soon as the war was over.
d) A place on a river with a set of gates which open and But there are exceptions. The pidgin known as Mediterranean
close to allow boats in. Lingua Franca, or Sabir, began in the Middle Ages and lasted
e) A barrier constructed across a waterway to control the until the 20th century.
flow or raise the level of water. Some pidgins have become so useful as a means of
24) (EFOMM 2015) In lines 1 – 2: “(…) and despite an communication between languages that they have developed a
unresolved lawsuit that has delayed the project (...)”, the more formal role, as regular auxiliary languages. They may
word in bold is formed by the prefix 'un'. In which option even be given official status by a community, as lingua francas.
below the word is not correctly formed by the same prefix? These cases are known as ‘expanded pidgins’, because of the
a) unfinished way in which they have added extra forms to cope with the
b) unfasten needs of their users, and have come to be used in a much wider
c) unwrapped range of situations than previously. In time, these languages
d) undecided may come to be used on the radio, in the press, and may even
e) unpolite develop a literature of their own. Some of the most widely used
Texto para as questões 25 e 26 expanded pidgins are Krio (in Sierra Leone), Nigerian Pidgin
Pidgins and creoles English, and Bislama (in Vanuatu). In Papua New Guinea, the
Pidgin Languages local pidgin (Tok Pisin) is the most widely used language in
A pidgin is a system of communication which has grown up the country.
among people who do not share a common language, but who (CRYSTAL, David. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of
want to talk to each other, for trading or other reasons. Pidgins Language, 3rd ed., 2010, p.344).
have been variously called ‘makeshift’, ‘marginal’, or ‘mixed’ 25) (EFOMM 2016) Which option can NOT be inferred from
languages. They have a limited vocabulary, a reduced the text? A pidgin language is:
grammatical structure, and a much narrower range of functions, a) a simplified means of linguistic communication.
compared to the languages which gave rise to them. They are b) the native language of a speech community.
the native language of no one, but they are nonetheless a main c) employed in situations such as commerce.
means of communication for millions of people, and a major d) a contact language.
focus of interest to those who study the way languages change. e) constructed impromptu, or by convention, between
It is essential to avoid the stereotype of a pidgin language, individuals or groups of people.
as perpetrated over the years in generations of children’s 26) (EFOMM 2016) In line 48, “Lingua Franca” is:
comics and films. The ‘Me Tarzan, you Jane’ image is far from a) a language that people use to communicate when they
the reality. A pidgin is not a language which has broken down; have different first languages.
nor is it the result of baby talk, laziness, corruption, primitive b) a distinctive lect, or variety of English spoken by
thought processes, or mental deficiency. On the contrary: African Americans.
pidgins are demonstrably creative adaptations of natural c) an informal language consisting of words and
languages, with a structure and rules of their own. Along with expressions that are not considered appropriate for
creoles, they are evidence of a fundamental process of formal occasions.
linguistic change, as languages come into contact with each d) a body of words and phrases that apply to a specific
other, producing new varieties whose structures and uses activity or profession, such as a particular art form or a
contract and expand. They provide the clearest evidence of medical or scientific subject.
language being created and shaped by society for its own ends, e) the language that a person has spoken from earliest
as people adapt to new social circumstances. This emphasis on childhood.
processes of change is reflected in the terms pidginization and 27) (EFOMM 2016) Choose the correct option.
creolization. a) She was very ingenuous to believe that her boss would
Most pidgins are based on European languages – English, listen to her suggestions.
French, Spanish, Dutch, and Portuguese – reflecting the history b) He pretends to buy a new car soon.
of colonialism. However, this observation may be the result c) Put both vegetables into a recipient and crush with a
only of our ignorance of the languages used in parts of Africa, potato masher.
South America, or South-east Asia, where situations of d) Beat the eggs and sugar until they start to engross.
language contact are frequent. One of the best-known non- e) My family and my job both play an important part in
European pidgins is Chinook Jargon, once used for trading by my life, fulfilling separate but complimentary needs.
American Indians in north-west USA. Another is Sango, a
pidginized variety of Ngbandi, spoken widely in west-central

28) (EFOMM 2016) Choose the option that correctly The Caledonian Sky has since been refloated and an
completes the two sentences below, respectively. inspection revealed that "the hull was undamaged and remained
I- When he started borrowing my books without asking, I intact,” the company said.
had to put my ______ down. The ship itself “did not take on water, nor was any pollution
II- I didn’t want to go to the party but Jessy twisted my reported as a result of the grounding,” Noble Caledonia added.
______. Indonesia’s Enviromnent and Forestry Ministry has
a) neck / knee deployed its staff to identify the damaged coral reefs and
b) finger / head collect evidence that they will use to demand compensation
c) hand / mind from the British company.
d) foot / arm Ministry spokesman Djati Witjaksono said, “We will
e) heart / leg discuss with experts the amount of compensation the company
29) (EFOMM 2016) Which sequence completes the text must pay [to Indonesia].”
below? Locals in Raja Ampat say that besides the damage to the
I- My wallet has been ______. reef, the accident has also put a major 55 strain on the local
II- The painting later proved to be a forgery and virtually economy, which relies heavily on snorkeling and scuba-diving
______. tourism.
III- Never walk into the road from behind a ______ vehicle. “Coral reefs are the main attraction for many tourists in the
IV- A ______ at the contents shows that it covers much area. It is counterproductive for our tourism prospects,” Laura
familiar ground. Resti, from Raja Ampat's 60 homestay association, told the
V- Having found a property we liked, we had to ______ BBC. “We have tried to conserve those coral reefs for a long
money quickly. time, and just within few hours they were gone”. Resti added:
a) stolen / worthless / stationery / glance / rise “I am so sad and feel ashamed to take tourists there.”
b) robbed / invaluable / stationary / glimpse / raise (Adapted from: www.foxnews.com)
c) stolen / worthless / stationary / glance / raise 30) (EFOMM 2017) In the extract from the first paragraph:
d) stolen / invaluable / stationery / glimpse / rise “The damage caused by a British-owned cruise ship that
e) robbed / invaluable / stationery / glance / raise accidentally ran aground on a pristine Indonesian coral reef
Texto para as questões 30 e 31 could total more than $18 million (...)”, the word in bold
Cruise ship crash causes more than $18M in damage to pristine means
Indonesian reef, experts say a) shabby
Published March 14, 2017. b) bulky
The damage caused by a British-owned cruise ship that c) unspoiled
accidentally ran aground on a pristine Indonesian coral reef d) cozy
could total more than $18 million, according to academics and e) awesome
environmental groups working in the region. 31) (EFOMM 2017) What is true according to the text?
Researchers for Conservation International Indonesia (CII), a) The one in charge of the Caledonian Sky took her to an
Papua State University and the Regional Technical unforbidden area.
Implementing Unit (UPTD) found that the grounding of the b) The main frame of the Caledonian Sky was wrecked
295-foot Caledonian Sky cruise ship - which weighs 4,200 tons when she was relaunched.
and carried 102 passengers - caused massive damage to several c) An inspection showed that there was no pollution but
endemic reefs that are unique to Raja Ampat, a remote and flooding as a consequence of the allision.
idyllic island chain west of Indonesia's Papua province. d) The Caledonian Sky steered away from her route and
“The types of reefs that were damaged by the ship are rammed into a ridge of rocks and sand.
Genus Porites, Acropora, Poicilopora, Tubastrea, Montipora, e) The phases of flood or ebb tide made the crew of the
Stylopora, Favia and Pavites. It will take decades to restore the Caledonian Sky trust the GPS navigation.
reefs,” Ricardo Tapilatu, who headed the research, told the 32) (EFOMM 2017) Choose the correct sentence.
Jakarta Post. Tapilatu added that the damage area stretched for a) Her breadth of knowledge is amazing.
more than 145,000-square-miles. b) David has a large respect for his teacher.
The Caledonian Sky, owned by British company Noble c) The river is 230 meters width.
Caledonia, was finishing a birdwatching trip on Waigeo Island d) The driver’s behavior caused a big annoyance.
on March 4 when it veered slightly off course and slammed e) Some native English speakers measure their personal
into the reef. An investigation into the incident found that the weigh in pounds.
cruise ship allegedly entered the area without consulting local 33) (EFOMM 2017) Mark the correct alternative.
guides and that ship’s crew only relied on GPS navigation a) All his bags were robbed of him.
without considering the tide. b) I handed to my sister the bottle.
“The skipper forced the ship to enter the area, which was c) I am going to treat myself to a new dress.
not open to cruise ships,” CII spokesman, Albert Nebore, said. d) He claimed that he had been deprived from his freedom.
Noble Caledonia called the accident an “unfortunate” e) Her grandmother made a lovely scarf to me.
incident and added that the company is “firmly committed to
protection of the environment” and fully backed an
investigation, but made no mention of compensation.

34) (EFOMM 2018) According to the comic strip, it is possible point of reference on the land) is available. For this, other
to infer that: more precise, handy and faster tools, like the GPS, are used.
(Adapted from: Flash on English for Transport and
a) A Radar is a Global Positioning System.
b) Targets are unsafe due to bearings and distances.
c) Electromagnetic waves are shown in the Plan Position
d) A Radar is a device used to avert crashes.
e) A Radar is a tool that uses distinct methods of giving
position to locate vessels.
37) (EFOMM 2018) Based on the text below, mark the correct
Russian jet intercepts US Navy plane
a) Hagar comes to terms with his daughter. A Russian Su-27 fighter jet performed an
b) Hagar’s daughter takes love for granted. "unprofessional" intercept of a US Navy P-8 surveillance
c) Hagar proved to be a greedy man. plane while it was flying in international airspace over the
d) Hagar’s daughter is afraid of being left on the shelf. Baltic Sea Tuesday, two defense officials told CNN.
e) Hagar’s daughter is highly delighted with the proposal. The Russian jet came within about 20 feet of the US
35) (EFOMM 2018) Read the text below. Which alternative is aircraft, one official said, adding that the encounter lasted
correct ? about nine minutes.
What’s the weather like ? The intercept was described by officials as safe but
Of all human activities, transport is probably one of unprofessional, though a US Navy official told CNN that
the most influenced by the weather. From deciding the Navy does not officially classify aerial encounters that
wheather or not to go for a walk in the park to cancelling way. The Navy classifies aviation intercepts simply as
or delaying intercontinental passenger flights, the weather either safe or unsafe.
influences our movements all the time. Extreme weather Lt. Cdr. Zach Harrell, a spokesman for US Naval Forces
conditions can cause accidents, death and destruction. So, Europe, declined to comment on the specific incident,
predicting the weather is a priority when people and saying, "US Navy ships and aircraft routinely interact with
goods are moved from one place to another. Today man military units from other countries.". He added that the
has developed some very sophisticated means for Navy would provide information on unsafe interactions.
predicting the weather, but despite this, our predictions The last unsafe intercept of a US Navy aircraft by a
are not always accurate because weather conditions can Russian jet occurred in January when a Russian Su-27 jet
change very suddenly. flew within five feet of a US Navy EP-3, forcing the Navy
(Adapted from: Flash on English for Transport and plane to fly through its jet wash. The US Navy deemed that
Logistics) intercept unsafe and unprofessional.
a) Adverse weather conditions are not feasible. Following that incident, the US State Department issued
b) Inclement weather can be hazardous. a statement accusing the Russians of "flagrantly violating
c) Rotten weather indicates it will turn cold. existing agreements and international law.".
d) The weather forecast is invariably gloomy. (Adapted from: http://www.cnn.com)
e) Weather records are to be neglected. Considering the text, the word “declined” in “[...] a
36) (EFOMM 2018) Read the text and mark the correct option spokesman for US Naval Forces Europe, declined to
The Radar comment on the specific incident [...] (4thparagraph) means
The word RADAR stands for Radio Detection and “______ ”.
Ranging. It is a technology which was properly used for the a) decided
first time during the Second World War by the allied troops b) agreed
against the Germans. Basically, a radar is an anti-collision c) accepted
tool and can measure the bearing and the distance of a d) refused
selected target. It is therefore a vital aid on ships and e) intended
airplanes, especially in case of low or blind-visibility Texto para a questão 38
navigation. To detect a target’s position, the radar dish or Buy a beach cruiser and help save sea turtles on Kiawah
antenna sends out pulses of electromagnetic waves. When Every spring, fierce female sea turtles-mostly loggerheads-
these waves hit the target their echo is returned to the aerial make their way from the ocean to Kiawah Island during nesting
and transformed into visual signals shown on a screen season.
called PPI (Plan Position Indicator) or display. The capacity From May through October, Kiawah's beaches are home to
of the antenna to concentrate the irradiation energy in the 400 nests and thousands of baby loggerheads. But many of
dish is called gain. The whole process is based on the these endangered hatchlings would not survive without the
principle that radio waves bounce off solid surfaces. It is island's hands-on nest protection program. Specifícally, the
therefore possible to determine the bearings and distances Kiawah Island Turtle Patrol efforts that help 75% of hatchlings
of far away targets and deduce infonnation about potential make it from their nests to the ocean. Without these efforts:
hazards. The Radar can also be used to find out the position less than 10% have a chance.
of a ship at sea, but only in the case in which a fix (a fixed

Sea turtles are an endangered species and the loggerhead to 40 million shipping containers in the world right now, and
turtle has been on the threatened list since 1978. Over the experts believe that only six million are currently in use.
years, the Kiawah Island Turtle Patrol has become one of the Who'd live in a shipping Container?
largest volunteer turtle efforts in the United States. From Shipping containers are built to be strong, secure and
relocating nests to helping hatchlings find the sea, volunteering practical. These are all sound benefits for storage and mass
is open to island residents and guests, and the program relies on transit, but do they make for comfortable accommodation?
the community to help raise awareness about the importance of The idea of living in a shipping Container might strike
nesting season. some as odd, unfeasible, impractical and maybe even a little
This May, you'11 see a custom fleet of beach cruisers with unappealing. But it's important to think of shipping containers
an original turtle print designed by Peter Millar at the new not as finished products, but as raw materiais - as exoskeletons
Timbers Kiawah Ocean Club and Residences. for future homes.
“We approached Peter Millar, a favorite on Kiawah, to Because, really, there's no end to what you can do with a
design a turtle-pattemed bike as a fun way to raise our owners' shipping Container. They can easily be insulated and fitted
awareness about the turtles and show our commitment to with Windows, doors, indoor partitions, electricity and running
protecting the wildlife on Kiawah”, says Chris Burden, water - everything that's needed for human inhabitation. A
managing director for Timbers Kiawah. single shipping Container can be transformed into a cosy
You don't have to be a Timbers' owner to help: the limited- dwelling in no time at all. But if more space is needed, you can
edition beach cruisers are for sale to the public and 100% of the just stack multiple containers on top of each other.
proceeds go to the turtle patrol. “Kiawah Island is one of the And if you're really wondering whether people would be
country's most vital nesting areas for loggerhead sea turtles and comfortable living in converted shipping containers, just
the turtle patrol is responsible for nesting patrols and consider the great reaction that greets shipping containers
monitoring efforts up and down the beach. The contributions converted for retail use. They're thought of as cool, hip and
will be used to fund their initiatives in whatever way they see quirky. When used as affordable housing, it's no stretch to say
fit”, Burden says. Anyone can volunteer in the nesting and that many won't think of shipping containers as a last resort, so
hatching programs by contacting Kiawah Island Turtle Patrol. much as actively desirable.
(Abridged and adapted from (Abridged and adapted from
https://www.newsweek.com/iawahsave-turtles-1412015) https://www.openaccessgovemment.org)
38) (EFOMM 2019) It is possible to infer from the text that 39) (EFOMM 2019) Read the statements about the text and
a) the island's hands-on nest protection program has been decide whether they are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F). Mark the
jeopardizing the offspring. correct option.
b) hatchlings are imperilled. I - There is a surfeit of dwellings in England.
c) the purpose of the protection program is to cheat the II - Housing is wobbly in England.
community. III - House prices are steep worldwide.
d) the nesting and hatching programs are compulsory. IV - Home ownership is attainable for many people.
e) it is a pointless effort to raise awareness of the V - Living in a shipping Container is alluring and ordinary
community. throughout the world.
Texto para as questões 39 – 41 a) I - (F) / II - (T) / III - (T) / IV - (F) / V - (F)
Are shipping containers the future of affordable housing? b) I - (T) / II - (F) / III - (F) / IV - (T) / V - (F)
Millions of people need homes. Millions of shipping c) I - (T) / II - (T) / III - (T) / IV - (F) / V - (T)
containers are going unused. Could this be an answer to the d) I - (F) / II - (F) / III - (F) / IV - (T) / V - (F)
global housing crisis? Cleveland Containers explore further. e) I - (F) / II - (T) / III - (F) / IV - (T) / V - (T)
England is facing a housing crisis. According to housing 40) (EFOMM 2019) In the excerpt “But one major factor is a
charity Shelter, more than 50,000 households a year are being general dearth of good quality, affordable housing.”, the
forced out of their homes, and there are more than 9 million word in bold means:
renters in unsecure rented accommodations. a) wealthy
The situation is shaky even for those who own their own b) paucity
homes. 28,900 homes were repossessed across the UK in 2013. c) surplus
But this situation isn't unique to England. House prices are d) amount
soaring across the world, which is placing home ownership out e) glut
of reach for millions. And that's just in the developed world. 41) (EFOMM 2019) According to the text, shipping containers
Around 850 million people are currently living in “informal a) can be a menace for people.
settlements”. In numerous rapidly urbanising cities, the average b) are a rip off.
housing costs can be up to 200% of the net monthly income. c) are usually rotten.
There is no single explanation as to why the world's facing d) never tamish.
a housing crisis, and there's no easy answer for how to solve it. e) can be snug.
But one major factor is a general dearth of good quality, Texto para as questões 42 e 43
affordable housing. Many developments in the housing market Smartphones are rewiring our brains
are focused on constructing high-end units that are expensive With beeps, buzzes and chimes alerting us to crucial
to build and out of the price range of most. This needs to intelligences like the latest software updates we'll regret
change. installing, and our work colleague's groundbreaking new
Desperate times often call for radical Solutions. One thing profile picture, our mastery of concentration is slipping away.
the world isn't lacking is shipping containers. There may be up Focus is becoming a lost art. One study reported that adults

between the ages of 18 and 33 interact with their phones an 44) (EFOMM 2020) According to the article:
astounding 85 times a day, spending about 5 hours doing so. a) Covid-19 pandemic urged the development of the
Interestingly, their usage was largely unconscious. They all world's first autonomous, zero-emission feeder.
thought they spent about half the time. For Larry Rosen, a b) Norwegian Company Yara issued a statement about the
psychologist at Califórnia State University, smartphones are launching of a new watercraft fully manned,
really influencing our behavior. c) Unmanned craft can whittle down the discharge of foul
Benjamim Storm, a psychologist at the University of air and greenhouse gases.
Califórnia says: “The scope of the amount of information we d) Yara and Kongsberg technology company split up due
have at our fíngertips is beyond anything we've ever to the virus outbreak.
experienced. The temptation to become reliant on it seems to e) Autonomous and zero-emission feeders are salvage
be greater”. One of his studies offered strong evidence that the vessels that can stow the level of pollutants.
more students were allowed to use the internet to answer 45) (EFOMM 2020) Which statements are TRUE about the
questions, the more they were prone to continue to use the article?
internet, even when the questions became easier. “Some people I-The pandemic forestalled additional improvement ofthe
think memory is absolutely declining as a result of us using feeder vessel.
technology”, he says. “Others disagree”. Based on the current II-The ship will enable a depletion of road freight and road
data, though, I don't think we can really make strong hazards.
conclusions one way or the other”. III-The vessel will be scrapped straight away.
(Adapted and abridged from: http://www.cbc.ca) IV-The Norwegian shipyard went bankrupt due to the
42) (EFOMM 2019) Read the text and mark the correct option. changed global outlook.
a) Smartphone notifications such as beeps, buzzes and V-The ship will be fitted with outdated controls and
chimes are crucial to our intelligence. navigation systems.
b) Smartphones help in mastering concentration and a) I and V
sharpening our focus. b) IV and V
c) A study showed that adults between 18 and 33 were c) II and V,
unaware of the actual time they spent on their d) III and IV
smartphones. e) I and II
d) Although we've never had so much information at our Texto para as questões 46 e 47
fíngertips, people are less reliant on them. Passenger ship hits rock
e) For Benjamim Storm, it is a fact that memory is A passenger ship was inbound in daylight and fair
declining as a result of using technology. visibility. The Master gave the Pilot a briefing regarding the
43) (EFOMM 2019) In the excerpt “[...] the more they were ship's manoeuvring characteristics; the ship was highly
prone to continue to use the internet [...]”, the word in bold manoeuvrable and would 'turn on a dirne,' he said. The Master
means: told the Pilot that a three-degree helm order would create a rate
a) assured of turn of 10-15 degrees per minute.
b) inclined The bridge team would consist of the Pilot at the con while
c) averse the Master would bave overall navigational conunand. The
d) certain staff captain would be in charge of communications while the
e) unwilling first officer would be in charge of electronic navigation and
Texto para as questões 44 e 45 collision avoidance. Finally, the second officer would be in
Development of world's first autonomous, zeroemission charge of plotting the ship's position on the navigational chart,
feeder postponed amid COVID-19 crisis The Pilot and the . Master discussed and agreed the
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the changed global intended passage plan, noting a strong flood tide that would be
outlook, the development of the world's first autonomous and running astern. However, the subsequent investigation found
electric container vessel Yara Birkeland is put on hold, that, due to miscommunication during the exchange, the
Norwegian company Yara announced. passage inwards began with the Master and Pilot having
Yara has decided to pause further development of the vessel different understandings of how the first turn would be
and will assess next steps together with its partners, the conducted.
company stated. The hull of the Yara Birkeland vessel was The ship was lined up with the leading navigation lights
launched to sea in Romania in February 2020. The ship is and entered the channel without incident. As the Pilot took the
expected to arrive at the Norwegian shipyard in May where it con, the Master brief ed the staff captain on the Master/ Pilot
will be fitted with various control and navigation systems and exchange and explained his understanding of how they were
undergo testing before delivery to Yara. going to negotiate the tum to port. The rest of the bridge team
Yara and technology company Kongsberg teamed up in were not included in this conversation and essentially relied on
2017 with the ambition to build the world's first autonomous what they overheard.
and zero-emission container vessel. Under the Pilot's con, the first alteration of course to port
Replacing 40,000 truck journeys a year, Yara Birkeland was initiated using three degrees of port helm. At this time the
seeks to reduce NOx and CO2 emissions and improve road vessel had a speed over ground (SOG) of nearly 18 knots. The
safety in a densely populated urban area in Norway. initial helm order was followed by successive increases to five
(Adapted from: https://safety4sea.com) and then 10 degrees of rudder.
About one minute after the initial three degree port helm
order an offtrack: alarm flashed 011 the ECDIS, but this

information was not brought to the attention of the Master or Texto para a questão 48
the Pilot. The alarm appeared only as a visual indicator on the IMO, FAO to reduce marine plastic litter
radar screen because its audio had been muted prior to the ship In light of the global issue of marine plastic litter, IMO and
entering the channel. the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Even so, the Master and Pilot soon realised that the ship (FAO) shake their hands and inked an agreement in order to
was proceeding dangerously close to a known rock shoal, so 20 prevent and reduce marine plastic litter coming from shipping
degrees of port rudder was ordered, immediately foll owed by In fact, the agreement focuses on how the agencies will
maximum port rudder. jointly execute the project and marks the next step towards
About three minutes after the initial helm order of three many strategic partnerships anticipated under the project.
degrees, and despite the emergency helm order, the ship's bilge Through their collaboration, both sides will move forward
keel and the starboard propeller made contact with the rock as and jointly implemente the GloLitter Partnerships Project,
the ship passed. initially launched in December 2019, with funding from
The ship was then navigated back to the centre of the Norway.
channel and continued on its passage to port without further For the records, the GloLitter Project will help developing
incident. countries to identify opportunities to prevent and reduce marine
The official report on this accident discusses the concept of litter, icluding plastic litter, from within the maritime transport
allowing a ship to depart from an intended track in the belief and fishery sectors, and to decrease the use of plastics in these
that other influences, such as tide in this case, would return the industries.
ship to the intended track. The report notes that this carries a “It will identify opportunities to re-use and recycle plastics.
high risk when manoeuvring large ships in narrow waterways, It will directly help to achieve one of the specific targets in the
where margins for error are small. The report posits that there global Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14 – to prevent
is less risk when a ship is kept strictly to the intended track by and significantly reduce marine pollution of all kinds, in
increasing or decreasing its rate of tum inresponse to the particular from lan-based activities, including marine debris
external influences such as tide and wind. This method has the and nutriente pollution, by 2025.”, as IMO noted in its
advantage of being unambiguous for other members of the statement.
bridge team tasked with monitoring the progress of the ship Moreover, IMO and FAO will now reach out to their
against the planned track. respective Fields to strengthen cooperation, not least private
(Adapted from: https://steamshipmutual.com) sector participation through a Global Industry Alliance. The
46) (EFOMM 2020) It is possible to infer from the text that: agreement was signed on 14 April 2020.
a) Both the one in charge of the ship and the Pilot saw eye- (Adapted from: https://safety4sea.com)
to-eye on the voyage planning at the outset. 48) (EFOMM 2020) According to the text, it is possible to
b) The outer passenger ship was quite stationary. infer that:
c) Despite being highly manoeuvrable, the ship would a) IMO and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the
have problems in changing direction very quickly in a United Nations made an agreement that would spur the
very small space. jettison of waste in the oceans.
d) Due to a rock shoal the ship stranded b) Marine pollution has been backed by some sectors of
e) The navigation lights were unlit, although the ship was society.
keeping track of it. c) The contract between IMO and FAO is related to the
47) (EFOMM 2020) Mark the option that is TRUE about the strategies for enlarging the provision of rubbish for the
text. industries.
a) As the Master does not hold ultimate command and d) The contract will enable an ebb in marine pollution
responsibility on board, the Pilot and staff Captain take besides averting it.
the navigation watch. e) The project is a helping hand in the development of
b) After taking over the navigational duties on the bridge, other countries and a deterrent for recycling.
the Pilot gave instructions to the staff Captain on the 49) (EFOMM 2020) Choose the option with the correct
Master/Pilot trade. prefixes to complete the sentences below.
c) Both the Pilot and the Master took the offtrack alarm for I. Computing systems often deliberately _____ classify
granted as it went off the ECDIS. sensitive information.
d) The audible and visual emergency alarms had been II. Since then, every time I felt stressed, _____ aligned, or
hushed when the vessel entered the channel.The audible dissatisfied, I would refer back to them to get the source of
and visual emergency alarms had been hushed when the my frustration." ·
vessel entered the channel. III. My son-in-law was talking and acting in an ____
e) The Master as well as the Pilot found out that the vessel appropriate manner at the party.
was running into risk and made up their minds to steer IV. Crooks sometimes ____ run the police.
clear of it at once. V. She had difficulty in writing anything but scribbles
because she was ____ patient.
VI. Her latest article is quite ____ similar from the previous
a) de- / dis- / in-/ out- / im- / dis
b) de-/ un-/ un- / mis- / im- / un-
c) dis-/ in- / dis-/ out- / un- / un-
d) de- / dis- / in- / mis-/ im- / dis

e) dis- / mis- / un- / mis- / un-/dis c) Group
50) (EFOMM 2020) Based on the passage below, mark the d) Category
correct option. e) Company
By the end of our first two weeks in Holland, we had 53) (EFOMM 2020) Based on the text, it is possible to infer
fallen head over heels for the country. It's a historic, visual, that:
artistic and cultural feast that is compact and easy to get a) There are many job positions to be held.
around thanks to its efficient trains, buses and bike routes. b) Most ofthe job vacancies are overlooked.
(Adapted from: Sail Magazine, August 2018.) c) Prospects for employment are short-term ones.
Considering the previous passage, the underlined phrase d) A great deal of job opportunities has been shed.
'head over heels' is closest in meaning to: e) A gloomy unemployment scenario has been faced.
a) Bewildered 54) (EFOMM 2020) According to the text:
b) Gleeful Confluence of Cultures
c) At ease A professional involved in a merchant marine career
d) In love gets to meet and mingle with people of different cultures
e) Stupefied and nationalities. This helps the individual to understand
51) (EFOMM 2020) Read the poem below and choose the and function better as a team player and learn the nuances
correct answer. of different cultures and traditions at the same time. This
SEA-FEVER automatically increases adaptability and brings about more
I must down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky, awareness about what goes and what doesn't in a different
And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by, country.
And the wheel's kick and the wind's song and the white (From: https://www .marineinsi ght. com/careers-2/10-
sail's shaking, reasonswhy-a-career-in-merchant-navy-ís-unl ike-any-
And a grey mist on the sea's face and a grey dawn breaking. other-career/)
I must down to the seas again, forthe call of the running tide a) Communication between co-workers provides them
Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied; with deeper understanding about their way of life.
And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying, b) Interaction with people from various cultures enhances
And the flung spray and the blown spume, and the seagulls professional skill.
crying. c) By being exposed to different cultures, workers end up
I must down to the seas again to the vagrant gypsy life, strict professionals.
To the gull's way and the whale's way where the wind's like d) Knowledge got from being in contact with foreigners
a whetted knife; affects the professional's quality of life.
And all I ask is a merry yarn from a laughing fellow-rover, e) A proper behavior on the part of such a professional is a
And quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick's requirement for communication abroad.
over. Texto para a questão 55
By John Masefield (1878-1967) MARITIME ACCIDENTS
According to the text: Accidents on Tugboats
a) The title refers to a disease that could commonly occur Tugboats are those which help move huge ships to enter
working onboard vessels at sea. docks. They are small in nature but are powerful to ensure that
b) The seagulls are crying because of the blown spume and the large vessels are handled safely. But sometimes because of
the flung spray. the blockage of the visibility of tugboats by the larger vessels,
c) The voice of the poem has a strong desire to hear a story maritime accidents occur. Also, human error on the part of the
from a seafarer. pilot of the tugboat can also lead to unwanted and unexpected
d) The whetted knife is going to be used to cut the seagulls tugboat mishaps.
and the whales like the wind. Accidents on Oil Tankers
e) The voice of the poem wants to have an amazing The major cause of accidents on tankers is explosions.
adventure at sea by sailing in very bad weather, Since the very nature of the materials . these tankers transport
Texto para as questões 52 e 53 is dangerous and highly flammable, even the most minor of
explosions can cause enormous losses. According to statistics,
one of the main reasons for oil tanker accidents occurring is
because of workers' negligence - nearly 84-88%.
(Adapted from: https://www
55) (EFOMM 2020) Read the statements below and decide
whether they are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F). Then choose the
option that contains the correct answer.
I. Maritime accidents can be caused by human failure.
52) (EFOMM 2020) In "A merchant navy or merchant marine II. Size of vessels does not imply maritime accidents.
is the fleet of merchant vessels [... ]. ", the word fleet III. Maritime accidents sometimes occur at dock entrances.
means: IV. Lack of visibility is one of the causes of maritime
a) Union accidents.
b) Team

V. Explosions represent a small percentage in tanker The total cost of the project is expected to reach $325MM
accidents. with officials mentioning that funding has been secured. The
a) T - T - F - T – F construction process is planned to begin in early 2022 after
b) T - F - F - T – F signing a contract in 2021. Officials suggest that the
c) F - T - F - T – T construction phase will last for 3-4 years, hence, the tunnel will
d) F - T - T - F – F be completed by 2026.
e) T - F - T - F - T Norway is a pioneering country for tunnel engineering and
56) (EFOMM 2021) It is possible to infer from the excerpt that has more than 1,100 facilities. The rough terrain and the
Inland cargo ship ran aground, damaged, may break in rockmass conditions (which are generally good) have favored
two, Western Scheldt the establishment of such projects.
Inland cargo ship MVS SOWNENT loaded with soil ran Despite the excitement for the project, not everyone is in
aground at around 1750 UTC April 14 on Western Scheldt favor of it. According to Knut Samset, Professor of project
near Baalhoek, Netherlands, while sailing downstream. The management at the Norwegian University of Science and
ship suffered serious damages, hull is breached, understood Technology, the project is not going to be financially
to get cracks, but there's no immediate danger of breaking. prosperous due to its high cost, the fact that it will not always
She was refloated and taken below grounding site, to be be thefaster route and that modem ships will not be obliged to
offloaded and after that, towed to Hansweert. use it. “It's a very expensive thing. Weather permitting, it's as
(Adapted from fast to sail around the cape as it is to sail into the fjord and
https://www.fleetmon.com/services/vesselrisk-rating/) through the tunnel. Plus, today’s boats are big enough and safe
a) the coastal freighter MVS SOWNENT was disabled and enough to handle the choppy waters, which makes traveling
adrift. through the tunnel a moot point.”, Prof. Samset stated.
b) the vessel nearly turned turtle clear of land. (From https:// www.geoengineer.org>news)
c) the ship managed to avoid flood damage. 57) (EFOMM 2021) According to the text, which option is
d) the main frame of the vesselis rifted. correct?
e) before being discharged, the vessel was hauled to a) The new route will be compulsory for contemporary
Hansweert. ships.
Texto para as questões 57 e 58 b) The project is going to be a little steep.
First ship tunnel to be constructed in Norway c) The groundbreaking project of the tunnel is a real flop.
Norway plans for a pioneering construction project that will d) The placid waters of the peninsula are the main
facilitate ship transportation. The plan includes the construction deterrent to safe navigation.
of a tumnel from which ships will pass by in order to avoid the e) The construction of the tunnel caused a feeling of
Stad peninsula. The endeavor has been underway since 2017 dispair.
and was approved by Norway’s Ministry of Transport and 58) (EFOMM 2021) It is true about the text that
Communications in late February 2021. a) plying the new waterway is still a bone of contention.
The waters in the Stad peninsula are dangerous since it is an b) due to its underwater topography, the tunnel will
exposed area where navigation is challenging. Except for the certainly jeopardize future navigation in the peninsula.
water currents, the underwater topography creates additional c) the Vikings used to shut their eyes to the menacing
issues including unpredictable waves which may persist for a situation around the peninsula.
significant amount of time after a storm has passed. d) integrating the tunnel with its surrounding nature is
The Norwegian Coastal Administration stated that plans for beyond the bounds of possibility.
alternatives such as the one currently underway have been e) the plans for the first ship tunel came overnight.
suggested for years. Even the Vikings used to drag their ships Texto para as questões 59 e 60
over the land in order to avoid the dangerous conditions around What the Ever Given can tell us about mental health at sea
the peninsula. During World War II, the Germans also made Captain Lee Clarke from Tapiit Live on one of the overlooked
plans to construct a similar project, however, according to aspects stemming from last month's Suez blockage.
Terje Andreassen, head of the Norwegian Coastal Thirty days ago, a ship named Ever Given was sailing in
Administration, “the war didn’t last long enough to build it”. relative anonymity. Twenty-nine days ago, that same ship
The tunnel will create an alternative, faster route for ships found itself splashed across the front cover of every national
around the peninsula. It will stretch for 1700 meters and will be newspaper from London to Lima.
37 and 36 meters in height and width, respectively. The In a matter of hours, the ship and its 25 strong crew went
construction will begin from the two sides of the tunnel from highly skilled seafarers to media targets. In the maelstrom
(probably using the drilling and blasting technique). The tunnel of social media memes, newspaper cover stories and “special
face will be excavated in multiple phases. The top of the tunnel reports”, one major thing was forgotten, more likely ignored:
will be supported by a layer of shotcrete. Routes from which the crew”'s mental well-being.
the excavated material will be transported outside ofthe tunnel In a world of social media, everyone is an expert, and
will also be established. never has that been felt more in the maritime industry than
The two entrances of the tunnel will feature walls made now. A frenzy of blame erupted almost instantly with little or
from the excavated rocks. The interior of the facility will have no merit or fact-checking, as evidenced by the naming of a
led lights that will function both as an aesthetic and a female officer as the Ever Given's Captain, regardless of the
navigation tool. The design aims at making the tunnel fit with fact she was over 200 miles away on another vessel.
the surrounding nature and not interrupt the natural Being a seafareris a stressful job, irrespective of a global
environment. incident, especially when you factor in being away from family

for extended periods and working contract to contract with 60) (EFOMM 2021) According to Captain Lee Clarke, the
little job security. You also have to cope with fatigue, seafarer’s occupation is
extreme weather conditions and intense time pressure placed a) a piece of cake.
upon the crew and its Master by multiple state and global b) a cushy job.
agencies as well as the ship’s own charter. So, add to that c) terrific.
taking the “blame” for halting $9.6 billion of trade a day, d) a cinch.
understandably, stress levels rise astronomically. e) grueling.
As an industry, mental health appears still to be very much 61) (EFOMM 2021) Mark the correct option about the text.
a taboo topic. Seafarers are more likely to be signed off and Ever Given crew fear joining ranks of seafarers
dismissed for being deemed “unfit to serve” than they are to stranded on ships for Years
receive any form of support. Whilst onboard, the mood will “For two years Mohammad Aisha has been the lone
feel somewhat supportive with the crew banding together to resident of an abandoned container ship marooned off
keep the ship operating, internally, each and every seafarer, Egypt in Golf of Suez. If he needs to charge his phone, get
from deckhand to Master will be worrying about their drinking water or buy food, he has to row to shore, although
reputation and thus, their employability. he can only stay for two hours at most as the area is a
From my experience as a Captain, your crew is your first restricted military zone. According to one doctor who
line of defence against any major incident. As soon as examined him, the malnourished sailor has started to
something goes awry, they burst into action, they're trained to exhibit similar symptoms to prisioners held in poor
do so, it's instinctive. I have no doubt, everyone aboard the conditions.”
Ever Given did everything in their power to protect that ship (Adapted from https://www.the guardian.com>19)
and avoid a major incident, but some things are beyond your a) Mohammad Aisha’s having the time of his life on board
control. In reality, they will never be praised for saving the the ship.
ship, only criticised for grounding it. b) The container ship is keeling over in the vicinity of the
This crew is acutely aware of the issues the incident has port.
caused and they are reminded of it every time they open their c) Mohammad Aisha’s endurance hinges on his attempís.
phone or computer to read the news or speak to their families, d) Mohammad Aisha gets a real kick out of rowing to
and I feel for every single one of them. shore.
They’re now stuck in an Egyptian lake, further away from e) Mohammad Aisha is a ravenous convict.
their families, without the ability to defend themselves with the Texto para as questões 62 – 65
threat of civil and criminal charges looming. This downward Maersk, the worlds largest shipping company, says the
spiral will undoubtedly be taking its toll on their mental health Suez Canal blockage”s economic fallout will continue into
and in the past, there hasn't been much of a support system in second half of May
place to help. Kevin Shalvey
Based on my experience offshore, working for a company Apr 11, 2021, 9:01 AM
that provides mental well-being training, and from all of the Fallout from the Ever Given's time lodged in the Suez
feedback, Tapiit has garnered from its live-streamed mental Canal will “ripple” through the economy for the next few
health awareness courses, seafarers want and need this support. weeks or months, according to Maersk, the world's biggest
Yet, there's a deep-rooted fear that admitting they're struggling shipping company.
and asking for help will be the end of their careers. “We will see ripple effects continuing into the second half
Of course, the conversation has advanced significantly, of May,” Lars Mikael Jensen, head of Maersk's Global Ocean
however, it's still not where it should be. The harsh reality is, Network, told The Financial Times.
the Ever Given and its crew will be forgotten about in a month The Ever Given, which is among the world’s largest
or two’s time, but this crew is hurting and will continue to container ships, was lodged in the canal for six days,
struggle with the mental health issues caused by the incident effectively closing ons of the world’s most important trade
for years to come. routes.
(Adapted from https://splash247.com>what-the-ev...) The Ever Given was operated by the Taiwan-based
59) (EFOMM 2021) Read the sentences and mark the correct shipping company Evergreen Group. The ship was freed on
option aboutthe text. March 29.
I) Captain Lee Clarke reckons that the crew of the Ever Maersk predicted knock-on effects from the blockage. In an
Given busted a gut to steer clear ofjeopardies. updated press advisory posted on Thursday, the company said
II) The crew’s mental well-being was slighted. it was pleased to see that the queue waiting at the canal was
III) Seafarers are usually given the sack for being unwary. rapidly diminishing.
IV) The crew of the Ever Given stood out for being clumsy. “For each day that passes we are getting a clearer picture of
V) It was settled that there was a female skipper who rode what this incident means for our customers,” the company said.
herd on the Ever Given Maersk said about 50 ships had been delayed for about a
a) I and II week because of the blockage. Some of those ships waited on
b) II and IV either end of the canal, while others were redirected around the
c) III and V Cape of Good Hope.
d) I and III The effects of those delays will be felt in ports around the
e) II and V world, the company said. Its advisory warned that delays may
vary by location. Busy ports and terminals may not have berths
for ships arriving outside their originally scheduled: windows.

The company previously said shipping backlog may take Texto para as questões 66 e 67
months to unravel. IMO Action Plan to address marine plastic litter from ships
“Even when the canal gets reopened, the ripple effects on IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC)
global capacity and equipment are significant and the blockage in 2018 adopted the International Maritime Organisation
has already triggered a series of further disruptions and backlog (IMO) Action Plan to address marine plastic litter from ships,
in global shipping that could take weeks, possibly months, to which aims to enhance existing regulations and introduce new
unravel,” Maersk said in a statement back when the Ever Given supporting measures to reduce marine plastic litter from ships.
was still lodged in the canal. What is marine litter?
(Adapted from https://www.businessinsider.com maersk-ever- Plastic materials in all shapes and sizes are omnipresent in
given-suez-canal-blockage-economic-fallout-late-may-2021-4) our seas and oceans. They break down extremely slowly in the
62) (EFOMM 2021) According to the text, it is possible to marine environment, taking in excess of 400 years. Marine
infer that litter originates from many sources and causes a wide spectrum
a) the prolonged marine blockage at Suez Canal could of environmental, economic, safety, health and cultural
have spiralled into an economic trouble. impacts. For example, marine litter can cause harm to sea life if
b) the tie-up of shipment caused by the lodged Ever Given ingested or even death if a marine mammal becomes entangled
would cause customers financial problems. in litter.
c) concerted actions to salvage the ship could have averted Marine litter has been defined by UN Environment (United
serious shortages of supplies. Nations Environment) as “any persistent, manufactured or
d) the Suez trade route closure has undermined confidence processed solid material discarded, disposed of or abandoned
in economy position. in the marine and coastal environment. Marine litter consists of
e) success in freeing the Ever Given as soon as possible items that have been made or used by people and deliberately
would significantly boom economy. discarded into the sea or rivers or on beaches; brought
63) (EFOMM 2021) In “The company previously said indirectly to the sea with rivers, sewage, storm water or winds;
shipping backlog may take months to unravel”, the accidentally lost, including material lost at sea in bad weather
company (fishing gear, cargo); or deliberately left by people on beaches
a) had stated about the period of time that might have been and shores.”
taken to carry through the accumulated amount of Marine litter, including plastics and microplastics, is known
shipping work. to result from land-based sources in massive quantities but can
b) had assumed that a period of months might have been also originate from ships. Debris particles have been observed
taken in order to have the shipping activities rearranged. in coastal areas, in waters far from anthropogenic pollution
c) had commented that it might take months to start again sources, in surface waters, in the water column of deep water
the great amount of shipping work. and in ocean sediments, and from the equator to the poles,
d) had pronounced on the amount of time that might be including trapped in sea ice.
taken so that all shipping work is brought down. UN Environment estimates that 15% of marine litter floats
e) had said that it might take a long period until the on the sea's surface, 15% remains in the water column and 70%
quantity of shipping work gets its volume increased. rests on the seabed.
64) (EFOMM 2021) Which statementis true about the text? According to another study, 5.25 million plastic particles,
a) Ever Given vessel operated by Evergreen group is the weighing 268,940 tonnes in total, are currently floating in the
world's largest ever container ship. world’s oceans.
b) In consequence of a six-day shipping backlog, ports all What problems does marinelitter cause?
over the world would be as busy as ever. In addition to the environmental and health problems posed
c) The Canal blockage was over after six days and by marine litter, floating garbage and plastics pose a costly as
shipping lane has been freed ever since. well as dangerous problem for shipping, as they can be
d) According to Maersk, as the six days went by, blockage anavigational hazard and become entangled in propellers and
effects on our customers” business were getting ever rudders.
more evident. Another problem requiring urgent remedial action is the
e) The fact that Ever Given has run aground for six days massive accumulation of plastics, not only in coastal areas but
would rarely, if ever, affect ships” schedule adversely. also in the deep sea.
65) (EFOMM 2021) According to the text, it is possible to This litter is harmful to marine life: sea creatures can
conclude that become trapped inside containers or strangled by nets or ropes,
a) authorities had reassessed maritime laws before the time and microplastics can also enter the food chain as they are
the Suez Canal got reopened. indigestible when swallowed.
b) even when the Suez Canal got opened again, shipping (Adapted from https://www.imo.org)
companies remained inactive for months. 66) (EFOMM 2021) Mark the correct alternative about the text
c) when the Suez Canal got no longer obstructed, the Cape above.
of Good Hope had got impassable. a) Litter disposal at sea has been treated as a matter of
d) all ships in the long queue had been redirected before human lack ofattention.
the time the Suez Canal became passable. b) IMO voices its view about sea life being caught in a trap
e) Ever Given had already been refloated, by the time the of extensive damage.
Suez Canal got unblocked. c) UN Environment has called on IMO to issue litter-
related death on sea.

d) Attention has been diverted from land-based litter to country is already running low on oxygen and other medical
debris on open sea. supplies.
e) Plastic is by far the least noticeable substance discarded (Adapted from foreignpolicy.com/2022/03/07/ ukraine-
into marine environment. shipping-supply-w...)
67) (EFOMM 2021) “They break down extremely slowly in 68) (EFOMM 2022) According to the text,
the marine environment, taking in excess of 400 years.” a) there is a surfeit of food in the Ukrainian ports.
The underlined expression means: b) the Russian invasion is laying waste to global shipping.
a) As little as possible c) the Russian seizure of Ukraine is panning out.
b) further than normally recommended d) worldwide shipping is making strides on account of the
c) much less than usually expected Russian invasion.
d) more than a particular amount e) global shipping is thriving as a result of the Ukrainian
e) slightly greater than normal occupation.
Texto para as questões 68 – 70 69) (EFOMM 2022) It is possible to infer from the text that
The invasion of Ukraine is causing crisis at sea a) humanitarian assistance is beside the point.
Russian ships have nowhere to dock, and supply chains will b) the transportation of goods is plain sailing.
suffer. c) penalties imposed by the US government pose threats to
The United Kingdom has banned Russian ships from vessels already on the way.
calling on its ports, and the European Union (EU) is about to d) the European Union is on the verge of casting out
do the same. The world's three largest shipping lines will no Russian ships from dropping into its ports.
longer call on Russian ports. Ukraine's ports are closed. e) China refrained from backing Russia.
Russian's invasion of Ukraine is wreaking havoc on global 70) (EFOMM 2022) The invasion of Ukraine is wreaking
shipping, which transports 80 per cent of the world's trade. havoc on global shipping. That means it _______________
Ships are now sailing the oceans unable to deliver and pick up international freight.
cargo while some 140 other merchant vessels are stuck in a) is fostering
Ukrainian ports, at risk of coming under fire and with food and b) is uplifting
other provisions running low. The rest of the world should care c) is strengthening
about their desperate situation - if nothing else because the d) is evolving
cargo they carry is crucial to our daily lives. e) is ravaging
On March 1, the crude oil tanker NS Champion suddenly Texto para as questões 71 e 72
encountered an urgent problem. It was steering toward Seafarers are being fired upon by military vessels, one seafarer
Scotland's Orkency oil terminal. Like many other cargo has been killed, and others remain trapped in the Sea of Azov
vessels, the NS Champion sails under a Liberian flag, but it is and along the Black Sea coast. Others have lost their jobs or
owned by Sovcomflot, Russia's largest shipping company, and cannot access their salaries. Seafarers are suffering because of
on Feb. 24 the U.S. government had placed the company under war. They are in a precarious position yet again.
sanctions. Even so, the tanker had the right to make its next (Adapted from: https://www.globalmaritimeforum.org news-
port of call, because sanctions don't affect ships that are already war-in-uk.)
en route. But before it arrived, the British government 71) (EFOMM 2022) According to the previous excerpt,
announced it was immediately closing U.K. ports to Russian seafarers are undergoing a treacherous situation. Which
vessels. The Champion had to sail on, oil undelivered, to its statement is the odd one out?
next port of call, Denmark's Port of Skagen. a) They are in a fix.
Very soon, it won't be able to deliver its oil there either. b) They are going through a sticky patch.
The EU is expected to imminently follow the U.K.'s lead and c) They are painting the town red.
close its ports to vessels owned or operated by Russian d) They are on a razor edge.
companies or sailing under the Russian flag. Canada already e) They are having a thin time of it.
has. Switzerland-based Mediterranean Shipping Company, the 72) (EFOMM 2022) Read the previous excerpt and decide if
world's largest shipping company has announced that it's the following statements are True (T) or False (F). Mark the
suspending all container traffic to and from Russia. So have the option with the correct sequence.
other two members of global shipping's top three, Denmark- Concerning seafarers, it is possible to say that
based Maersk and France's CMA CGM. Singapore-based I- they are having a ball.
Ocean Network Express and Germany's Hapag-Lloyd had II- they are not in a tight corner.
already made similar announcements. The companies will only III- one has been bumped off
make humanitarian deliveries, usually understood as food and I- they are well-heeled.
medication. V- they are being laid off.
That means Russia will be cut off from much of the world, a) T - F - T - F - F
able to send and receive goods only via primarily Asian b) F - T - F - F - F
shipping companies such as China's COSCO. Ukraine, c) T - T - F - T - F
meanwhile, has already been cut off. The week before the d) T - F - T - T - T
invasion, maritime insurers red-listed the Russian and e) F - F - T - F – T
Ukrainian parts of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov, making
it difficult and expensive for ships to sail through the waters.
When Russia invaded last month, Ukraine closed its ports. The

Texto para a questão 73 73) (EFOMM 2022) Choose the correct statement according to
Tackling the challenges of cultural differences onboard the text.
The phenomenon of manning a ship with a culturally mixed a) Multiculturalism on board is a thorny issue and it is
crew is nothing new in the shipping industry. However, imperative to find means to take the edge off its
working along with mixed crews on board ships can easily lead challenges.
to potential misunderstandings or miscommunication issues. b) The article describes cultural differences on board as
As a result, shipping companies and operators need to provide challenging and unprecedented.
cross-cultural training to every crewmember before boarding a c) Seafarers are held solely responsible for their
vessel. performance on board
Given the matter of multi-national crews' employment, the d) The challenges of cultural differences might be dealt
industry must be well-prepared, in order to cope with manning with by curbing cultural awareness on board.
diversity, while realize the hidden risks of mixed crews. e) The soft skills encompass a wide range of technical
Multiplicity of persons whose ethnicity involves differences, skills required to work on the deck and in the engine
not only language but also culture and religion are a major room.
challenge to overcome when facing prolonged periods of on Texto para a questão 74
board. Raising the reef
According to a study conducted by World Maritime On the tiny island of Bonaire, scuba divers tend to an
University, cultural complexity on ships has become an issue underwater nursery, slowly plucking off the algae that
of intensive attention, due to the fact that a growing number of smothers young coral dangling from fibreglass trees. The
maritime accidents are attributed to ineffective communication island's entire coastline is a protected marine park and a major
and misinterpretation of different behaviors on multilingual draw for tourists, but like elsewhere in the Caribbean Sea, coral
and multicultural vessels. cover has declined since the 1970s due to warming sea
"Seafaring professional culture, seafarers' national temperatures, disease outbreaks, coastal development and
cultures, shipping company organizational culture and the pollution. A team of scientists and volunteer divers are working
industry-hailed safety culture all exert influences on seafarers' tirelessly to restore the dying reef in the hope that it will serve
individual attitudes, values, and team interactions and can lead as a model for the rest of the Caribbean.
to positive or negative performance on board ships." ... as Above water, Bonaire has a semi-desert landscape dotted
World Maritime University stated. with giant cacti and low shrubs, which trap sediment and help
What is more, it is observed that poor command of English, prevent soil erosion. There is one problem, though: feral goats
wrong stereotyping, different understanding of safety/work and donkeys, descendants of those once brought in by Spanish
culture and different attitude toward risk, can all lead to severe settlers, love to gobble up the scant vegetation. The loss of
marine accidents and impact a ship's operational performance. plant life, combined with powerful winds and hurricanes,
"The development of cross-cultural competency is absent increasingly pushes sediment and waste into the ocean, where
from the agenda of maritime education and training, despite it chokes the clear water.
the fact that the shipping sector is highly globalized and the As Bonaire is located outside of the hurricane belt, it
maritime labor market widely multicultural." provides a safe haven for boat owners to moor their vessels, but
In addition, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Maritime this can also have a negative impact on the coral. "We now
Studies conducted a survey noting that companies should not have increasing number of boats mooring in the town area,
only focus on the acquisition of appropriate technical skills for very close to shore. They just release their waste water into the
navigation and engineering, but also on the non-technical, i.e. occan, right here, on top of the reef," says Francesca Virdis, a
soft skills, such as communication skills and intercultural marine biologist and project co-ordinator at Reef Renewal
competences and understanding of how culture can impact Foundation Bonaire (RRFB). Waste water introduces bacteria,
communication. viruses and disease to the shallow reef, as well as nitrogen and
Therefore, it is of vital importance for shipping industry phosphorus that can fuel the growth of algae. As algae and
and the seafarers to tackle the challenges of cultural differences corals both require sunlight to survive, they compete for space
onboard, by taking into consideration the following points: on the seabed.
boost a cultural awareness environment; develop a global (Adapted from: Wired, 2020)
mindset; practice of language skills; enhance international 74) (EFOMM 2022) According to the text, choose the correct
work experience; boost diverse social contacts: promote option.
appreciation of cultural differences. a) Volunteer divers and scientists are tired of trying to
"Cultural differences should not separate us from each make coral reefs return to their former condition.
other, but rather cultural diversity brings a collective strength b) Attempting to preserve life at sea, scuba divers are
that can benefit all of humanity. Intercultural dialogue is the engaged in algac farming.
best guarantee of a more peaceful, just and sustainable c) Waste water favors the proliferation of algae improving
world."... Robert Alan, American writer, artist and social the resilience of coral reefs.
activist noted. d) The depletion of skimpy vegetation in Bonaire is a
(Adapted from: https://safety4sea.com/cm-tackling-the- critical issue.
challenges-of-cultural-differences-onboard/) e) Human impact on Bonaire's coral reef's has plummeted
dramatically over the years.

Gabarito 62) B
1) A 63) A
2) C 64) C
3) E 65) E
4) B 66) B
5) D 67) D
6) B 68) B
7) D 69) D
8) B 70) E
9) C 71) C
10) A 72) E
11) B 73) A
12) C 74) D
13) B
14) D
15) E
16) A
17) B
18) C
19) B
20) B
21) E
22) C
23) D
24) E
25) B
26) A
27) A
28) D
29) C
30) C
31) D
32) A
33) C
34) C
35) B
36) D
37) D
38) B
39) A
40) B
41) E
42) C
43) B
44) C
45) E
46) A
47) E
48) D
49) A
50) D
51) C
52) C
53) A
54) B
55) B
56) D
57) B
58) A
59) A
60) E
61) C

Interpretação de Texto e Vocabulário – b) I- (F) II- (F) III- (T) IV- (T) V- (F) VI- (F)
c) I- (F) II- (T) III- (T) IV- (F) V- (F) VI- (T)
Escola Naval d) I- (T) II- (F) III- (T) IV- (T) V- (T) VI- (F)
1) (Escola Naval 2011) Choose the best option to rewrite the e) I- (T) II- (T) III- (F) IV- (F) V- (F) VI- (T)
sentence keeping the same meaning. Texto para as questões 4 – 6
He had his hair cut yesterday. MOVIES ON THE JOB
a) He himself cut his hair yesterday. Yesterday I watched a movie in which Joan Allen’s
b) He wanted to cut his hair yesterday. character had a job which seemed to consist entirely of
c) His hair needed cutting. standing around while other people do the actual work of
d) He cut his hair yesterday. restoring historic artwork in old buildings (the movie was
e) The hairdresser cut his hair yesterday. “Hachiko: A Dog’s Story”). This seemed like a nice, lucrative
Texto para as questões 2 e 3 job -- she certainly dressed well, and lived in an enormous,
USING SENSORS TO PREDICT BREAKING GLASS stately home with her music-professor husband -- and one that
Ever been walking down the street in a major city and left her plenty of energy and free time. And it got me thinking
suddenly get the eerie feeling that something is not quite right about the idea of work in the movies; how so often jobs (which
above you? Some of the buildings around you will be designed take up a huge amount o four waking time in real life) are
with lots of glass. Huge plates of the stuff. What might happen treated by movies as a dismissible fantasy thing, sometimes to
if that glass shattered and started falling all over you? This unintentionally comic effect.
happens more often than you might think. And with large glass Ever notice how young women in the movies, who usually
façades becoming part of modern building design, it’s have some sort of underling office job, live in adorably
becoming even more of a concern to architects, builders and decorated apartments that an administrative assistant couldn’t
engineers. possibly afford -- and are never shown doing anything at work
Researches at the Fraunhofer Institute want to help by using other than taking personal calls and having lunch? Or the way
sensors to sound the alarm before the glass is already breaking writers in the movies, like the hero of “Marley and Me” or
and falling. Four sensors are situated on the edge of the pane at Carrie Bradshaw in “Sex and the City,” seem to effortlessly
a distance of one meter from each other. One sensor produces make a fortune while doing very little actual writing? Or the
an ultrasound wave that is registered by the others. If the signal way attractive female executives (see Renee Zellweger in
remains constant, the pane is not defective. If it changes, this “New in Town,” and quite possibly Sandra Bullock in the
indicates a fissure, which most often emanates from the edge of upcoming “The Proposal”) prance around on their high heels
the pane and is initially invisible. It is only as time goes by that and tight skirts and do ... well, nothing? Or how pepople in the
it gets larger due to various factors, like fluctuations in movies routinely have the kind of careers, like Allen’s in
temperature. The information is relayed to the building control “Hachiko,” that seem a tad difficult to pull off in real life? I
systems and an alarm goes off. remember a Hilary Swank movie from a couple of Years back
The modules are also equipped to with light and in which she effortlessly transitioned from real estate agente to
temperature sensors that can instruct the building control . . . wait for it . . . . shoe designer, and lived happily ever after.
system to lower shades to prevent the building from getting too (Adapted from http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html)
hot. 4) (Escola Naval 2011) The main aim of this text is to
(Adapted from: http://news.discovery.com) a) list women jobs in the movie industry.
2) (Escola Naval 2011) According to the text, in what way b) recommend movies which talk about jobs.
has the modern building design worried architects, builders c) compare careers in different movies.
and engineers? d) criticize the way careers are portrayed in movies.
a) Glass façades make buildings quite expensive. e) describe some fantasy careers which appear in movies.
b) Glass façades make buildings too hot. 5) (Escola Naval 2011) Which of the alternatives below is
c) Glass façades require control systems, which are not correct?
safe enough. a) The author saw "The Proposal" before writing the text.
d) Glass façades make people afraid of living in modern b) Hilary Swank's character made no effort to change her
buildings. career.
e) Glass façades make buildings dangerous for people on c) Carrie Bradshaw's character is not a writer.
the streets. d) Jobs are treated by movies in a funny way on purpose.
3) (Escola Naval 2011) Which is the best alternative e) The characters mentioned are all rich, well dressed
considering some of the statements are true (T) and others women who live in adorably decorated apartments.
are false (F)? 6) (Escola Naval 2011) What was the author's motivation to
I- Modern building façades might be dangerous. write this text?
II- The sensors show when the glass is breaking or falling. a) She would like to work in the movie industry.
III- A glass fissure is not easily seen in the beginning. b) She watched a film and thought about the topic.
IV- The sensors can help control the building temperature. c) She's doing some research on movies on the job.
V- A change in the signal indicates that the pane is not d) She writes film reviews for her blog.
defective. e) She wants the movie industry to be more realistic.
VI- Changes in temperature do not have any influence on
the size of glass fissures.
The best alternative is
a) I- (T) II- (F) III- (T) IV- (T) V- (F) VI- (F)

Texto para as questões 7 – 9 it can be less expensive than traditional nursing homes while
BIG INCREASE IN DRUNKEN 10-YEAR-OLDS WHO providing better medicai outcomes.
NEED NA AMBULANCE The number of such programs has expanded rapidly,
London Ambulance Service figures today reveal that the growing from 42 programs in 22 States in 2007 to 84 in 29
number of 10 – and 11 – year – olds requiring medical States today. In New York City, a program run by a division of
treatment for alcohol abuse has more than doubled in the past Center Light Health System, formerly known as the Be th
thow Years. The figures come as health groups called for Abraham Family of Health Services, has over 2,500
restrictions on cheap alcohol after it was revealed that participants at 12 sites in the metropolitan area.
youngsters could get drunk for Half the price of a bar of "It used to be that if you needed some kind of long-term
chocolate. care, the only way you could get that Service was in a nursing
Campaigners called on the Government to tackle the “plague” home, with 24-hour nursing care," said Jason A. Helgerson, the
of illness caused by cheap alcoholic drinks after an Medicaid director for New York State. "That meant we were
investigation found that Strong cider was available in city institutionalizing Service for people, many of whom didn't
supermakets for as little as 10 p a unit. need 24-hour nursing care. If a person can get a Service like
Former chief medical officer Sir Liam Donaldson has home health care or Meais on Wheels, they can stay in an
recommended parentes should not let children under 15 drink apartment and thrive in that environment, and it's a lower cost
alcohol. But many young people are consuming an average of to taxpayers."
15 units a week, the equivalent of a pint of beer every day. (Adapted from http: //www. nytimes.com)
A report by Alcohol Concern and the Children’s Society 10) (Escola Naval 2012) According to the text, which of the
reveals that parentes who drink to excesso might also be alternatives below is correct?
influencing their children. At least 2.6 million children in the a) Elderly patients prefer to receive medical care at home.
UK now live with parentes drinking “hazardously”. b) Medicare and Medicaid are no longer offering medical
(Adapted from http://www.thisislondon.co.uk) Services.
7) (Escola Naval 2011) Considering the text, what does the c) A new model of health care is coming out.
word "tackle" mean in this extract? d) Medicare and Medicaid are nurse home operators.
"Campaigners called on the Government to tackle the e) Elderly patients will have to stay in their homes.
"plague" of illness caused by cheap alcoholic drinks." 11) (Escola Naval 2012) Considering the text, what do the
a) to handle words "soaring" and "shrinking" mean in this extract?
b) to save "Faced with soaring health costs and shrinking Medicare
c) to restore and Medicaid f inancing [...] ."
d) to check a) seeking – closing
e) to protect b) increasing – improving
8) (Escola Naval 2011) Considering the text, what does the c) claiming – improving
word "reveal" mean in this extract? d) seeking – falling
"London Ambulance Service figures today reveal that the e) increasing – decreasing
number of 10- and ll-year-olds requiring medical treatment Texto para a questão 12
for alcohol abuse has more than doubled in the past two Why Join the Navy?
years." In the Navy, you' 11 find there' s much more to be gained
a) relay than a regular paycheck. In fact, the Navy experience can shape
b) suspect your future through outstanding financial benefits, unparalleled
c) presume career potential, and the lifestyle of freedom and personal
d) show growth that you've been waiting for.
e) rely (I) ______________
9) (Escola Naval 2011) According to the text, the increase in Launch your future in any of dozens of dynamic career and
drunken 10-year-olds is mainly due to: j ob areas - each with excellent opportunities to earn
a) figures in health groups. promotions by advancing through the ranks.
b) drunken youth restrictions. (II) _______________
c) alcohol abuse among parents. Report to work in a dif f erent time zone or a dif f erent
d) lack of public medical treatment. hemisphere. Take on lif e as a world traveler. Experience
e) low prices of alcoholic drinks. people and places that most others simply canft . And see
Texto para as questões 10 e 11 firsthand the positive impact you'11 make - for yourseif, your
A Shift from Nursing Homes to Managed Care at Home country and the world at large.
Faced with soaring health care costs (III) _______________
and shrinking Medicare and Medicaid financing, nursing Do it all while earning competitive pay, generous vacation
home operators are closing some facilities and embracing an time and other special bonuses that make the difference
emerging model of care that allows many elderly patients to between getting ahead and just getting by.
remain in their homes and still receive the medicai and social (IV) ________________
Services available in institutions. The Navy has a strong interest in the long-term health of its
In the newer model, a team of doctors, social workers, Sailors and their families, which means that outstanding
physical and occupational therapists and other specialists benefits are standard - for both you and your family, including
provide managed care for individual patients at home, at adult full coverage from some of the nation's most talented
day-care centers and in visits to specialists. Studies suggest that professionals.

(V) _________________ 13) (Escola Naval 2012) Which is the best alternative
Think about it . As long as you have the drive to make a considering some of the statements are TRUE (T) and
difference in the world - and in your own life - there will be a others are FALSE (F)?
place for you in America's Navy. Enlist now! I- The female officers who will join the elite submarine
(Adapted from http://www.navy.com/joining/why-join.html) force are all engineering graduates from Annapolis.
12) (Escola Naval 2012) The following headings have been II- Peggy LeGrand is worried about being confined in tight
removed from the text and replaced by (I), (II), (III), (IV) quarters with an entirely male crew.
and (V). III- America's submarine force is over a hundred years old.
1- Secure Your Finances IV- Female officers have been serving at sea for less than
2- Get Medical Care two decades.
3- Join the Navy V- Allowing female officers in the elite submarine force is
4- Find Your Niche the last gender barriers in the military.
5- Go Global The best alternative is
Therefore, the correct order of the headings is: a) I- (T) II- (F) III- (T) IV- (T) V- (F)
a) I- (3) II - (1) III - (2) IV - (4) V - (5) b) I- (F) II- (F) III- (T) IV- (T) V- (F)
b) I- (4) II - (5) III - (1) IV - (2) V - (3) c) I- (F) II- (T) III- (F) IV- (T) V- (T)
c) I- (4) II - (1) III - (3) IV - (2) V - (5) d) I- (T) II - (F) III- (F) IV- (T) V- (T)
d) I- (3) II - (5) III - (1) IV - (2) V - (4) e) I- (F) II- (F) III- (F) IV- (F) V- (F)
e) I - (4) II - (2) III - (3) IV - (1) V - (5) 14) (Escola Naval 2012) Considering the text, what does the
Texto para as questões 13 e 14 word "magnified" mean in this extract?
Navy preps submarines for 1st female officers "I have a feeling more people will be focused on us. Our
HARTFORD, Conn. — For Ensign Peggy LeGrand, the mistakes and successes will be magnified more than they
biggest concern about serving on a submarine is not spending deserve."
weeks at a time in tight quarters with an entirely male crew. a) penalized
What worries her is the scrutiny that comes with breaking one b) treated
of the last gender barriers in the military. c) amplified
"I have a feeling more people will be focused on us. Our d) certified
mistakes and successes will be magnified more than they e) justified
deserve", said LeGrand, a 25-year-old Naval Academy Texto para as questões 15 e 16
graduate from Amarillo, Texas. Genetically Modified Foods, Pros and Cons.
LeGrand is among a small group of female officers who are Genetically modified foods (GMs)are becoming
training at sites including Groton, Connecticut, to join the elite increasingly coirtmon in many countries. However, before one
submarine force beginning later this year. While the Navy says opts for any of these foods, it is very important to know
it is not treating them any differently from their male about their pros and cons.
counterparts, officials have been working to prepare the There are a variety of reasons for developing GMs. For
submarine crews — and the sailors1 wives — for one of the instance, some foods are genetically modified to prevent the
most dramatic changes in the 111-year history of the Navy’s occurrence of allergies after consumption, while some are
"silent Service." developed to improve their shelf life.
The change is a source of anxiety for others, including the Though the seeds of GMs are quite expensive, their cost of
wives of submariners, who worry the close contact at sea could production is said to be lesser than that of the traditional crops
lead to sailors' cheating. The issue really has to do with the for these foods do have natural resistance towards damaging
creation of a relationship that becomes very close and then pests and insects. This reduces the necessity of exposing crops
results in further relations ashore. That is, of course, what to hazardous Chemicals. It is also said that GMs grow faster.
bothers the wives. "They know the kind of relationships that Due to this, productivity increases, providing the population
happens between the shipmates", said retired Navy Rear Adm. with more food. At times, GMs crops can be grown at places
W . J. Holland Jr., a former submarine commander. with unfavorable climatic conditions whereas a normal crop
The initial class of 24 women will be divided among four can grow only in specific season or under some favorable
submarines, where they will be outnumbered by men by a ratio climatic conditions.
of roughly 1 to 25. The enlisted ranks, which make up about 90 The biggest threat caused by GMs is that they can have
percent of a sub's 160-sailor crew, are not open to women harmful effects on the human body. It is believed that they can
although the Navy is exploring modifications to create separate cause diseases which are immune to antibiotics. Moreover,
bunks for men and women. according to some experts, people who consume such foods
The female officers, many of them engineering graduates have high chances of developing câncer. Besides, not much is
from Annapolis, are accustomed to being in the minority, and known about their long-term effects on human beings.
so far they say they hardly feel like outsiders. The nuclear In many countries, manufacturers do not mention on the labei
power school that is part of their training, for example, has that foods are genetically modified because they think that this
been open to women for years because the Navy in 1994 would affect their business. However, this is not a good
reversed a ban on females serving on its surface ships, practice as consumers do not get the chance to decide whether
including nuclear-powered vesseis. they should really opt for these foods, Experts are of the
(Adapted from http://www.militarytimes.com) opinion that with the increase of genetically modified foods,
developing countries would start depending more on industrial

countries because it is likely that the food production would be Ergonomics Society, the engineers recruited 15 multitasking
controlled by them in the time to come. volunteers to perform a "letter-counting" test while jogging on
(Adapted from http://www.buzzle.com) a treadmill and using ReadingMate. The participants were
15) (Escola Naval 2012) Which is the best alternative asked to tally how many times the letter 'F' appeared in two
considering some of the statements are TRUE (T) and lines of text nested in 10 lines of text that were displayed on a
others are FALSE (F)? computer monitor.
I- All types of GMs last longer than their traditional While performing the test, the participants wore goggles
counterparts. equipped with infrared LEDs. An infrared camera tracked the
II- The cost of production of GMs is higher due to the cost motion of the LEDs, essentially recording the movement of the
of the seeds. runner's head. To compensate for the head motion, the
III- Some companies omit Information about their products displayed text was moved as the volunteers ran along the
to save money. treadmill with their heads bobbing.
IV- GMs crops require less Chemicals than traditional ones. The researchers found those who used the ReadingMate
V- GMs consumption can make some organisms resistant system performed better at multi-tasking their physical and
to antibiotics. mental assignments, particularly when it carne to reading
The best alternative is smaller font sizes and smaller line-spaced text.
a) I - (T) II- (F) III- (T) IV- (T) V- (F) Besides aiding people with the novel task of reading while
b) I- (F) II- (F) III- (T) IV- (F) V- (T) running, the researchers said their system could be used to
c) I- (F) II- (T) III- (F) IV- (T) V - (F) assist airline pilots or those working in heavy industry.
d) I - (T) II- (F) III- (F) IV- (T) V- (T) "Both may experience heavy shaking and turbulence while
e) I- (F) II- (F) III- (F) IV- (T) V- (T) reading information from a display," Kwon said. "ReadingMate
16) (Escola Naval 2012) Which of the alternatives below could stabilize the content in such cases."
States an aspect of GMs that is NOT mentioned in the text? (Adapted from http://www.redorbit.com/news)
a) GMs may prevent the occurrence of allergies. 18) (Escola Naval 2013) According to the text, which
b) GMs seeds are more resistant to pesticides and insects. alternative is correct?
c) GMs can have harmful effects on the human body. a) ReadingMate allows street runners to read their favorite
d) GMs crops are likely to grow despite climatic novels.
conditions. b) Runners compensate for training reading novels.
e) GMs contain genes added or transferred into plant c) Increasing the size of the displayed font was the
seeds. solution to adjust the runner's eyes to the text.
17) (Escola Naval 2012) Choose the best option to rewrite the d) It's not possible to install monitors in an exercise room.
sentence keeping the same meaning. e) It's stressing for the eyes to adapt themselves to constant
She got her brother to do her homework. movement when reading.
a) She herself did her homework. 19) (Escola Naval 2013) Considering the text, what does the
b) The homework was too difficult for her brother. word "tally” mean in this extract?
c) She persuaded her brother to do the homework for her. "The participants were asked to tally how many times the
d) Sister and brother did the homework together. letter 'F ' appeared in two lines of text [...]"
e) Her brother offered to do the homework for her. a) Calculate.
Texto para as questões 18 – 20 b) Prove.
Exercising Body and Mind at the Same Time? c) Describe.
New Device Lets You Read While You Run d) Study.
Engineers from Purdue University have devised a new e) Show.
System that will facilitate a very specific type of physical and 20) (Escola Naval 2013) In the last paragraph "both" refers to:
mental multitasking - helping treadmill runners to read text on a) reading and running.
a display screen. b) heavy shaking and turbulence
The System, called ReadingMate, compensates for c) airline pilots and those in heavy industry.
constantly bobbing eyes so runners can train for a marathon d) reading smaller font sizes and smaller line-spaced text.
while reading their favorite novel. e) physical and mental assignments.
"Not many people can run and read at the same time," said Texto para as questões 21 e 22
Ji Soo Yi, an assistant professor of industrial engineering at Facebook deserted by millions of users in biggest markets
Purdue University. "This is because the relative location of the Facebook has lost millions of users per month in its biggest
eyes to the text is vigorously changing, and our eyes try to markets. In the last six months, Facebook has lost nearly 9m
constantly adjust to such changes, which is burdensome." monthly visitors in the US and 2m in the UK. Studies suggest
Instead of increasing the size of the displayed font, Yi and that its expansion in the US, UK and other major European
his colleagues decided to compensate for a runner's head countries has peaked. In the last month, the world's largest
motion. social network has lost 6m US visitors, a 4% fall, according to
"You could increase the font size and have a large-screen analysis firm Socialbakers. In the UK, 1.4m fewer users visited
monitor on the wall, but that's impractical because you cannot in March, a fali of 4.5%. Users are also turning off in Canada,
have numerous big screen displays in an exercise room," Yi Spain, France, Germany and Japan, where Facebook is
said. extremely popular.
According to a report on the system published recently in Alternative social networks have seen surges in popularity
Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and with younger people. Instagram, the photo-sharing site, got

30m new users in the 18 months before Facebook bought the After nearly a decade of steady decline, forest cutting has
business. Path, the mobile phone-based social network founded spiked again in the world's largest rainforest. The nonprofit
by former Facebook employee Dave Morin, which only Amazon watchdog organization, Imazon, released a study
allows its users to have 150 friends, is gaining 1m users a reporting that deforestation at the hands of farmers and
week. ranchers jumped 90 percent in the 12 months since April of last
Facebook is still growing fast in South America. Monthly year. And since burning always follows felling, another 88
visitors in Brazil were up to 6% in the last month to 70m, million tons of carbon dioxide and other gases hit the
according to Socialbakers, whose Information is used by atmosphere—a 62 percent increase on the year.
Facebook advertisers. India has seen a 4% rise to 64m - still For decades, Brazilians were told that ruin in the Amazon
only a fraction of the country's population, so there is room for was the price of development. But recent research has
more growth. imploded that assumption. A paper published by the National
As Facebook itself has warned, the time spent on its pages Academy of Sciences shows that continued deforestation
from those sitting in front of personal computers is decreasing threatens not just the trees but the progress and riches their
fast because people now prefer to use their smartphones and removal were thought to guarantee. The paper bolsters an old
tablets. Although smartphone minutes have doubled in a year, theory by Brazilian climate scientist Eneas Salati, who argued
to 69 a month, that growth may not compensate that the Amazon actually produces half its own rainfall. The
for dwindling desktop usage. takeaway: remove too much of the forests and the Amazon
Facebook will tell investors about its performance for the could dry out. And more than the jungle is at stake. Reduced
quarter. Wall Street expects revenues of about $1.44bn, an rainfall from forest cutting could dry up the water that powers
increase from $1.06bn a year ago. Shareholders will want to hydroelectric dams, thus slashing Brazilian power-generating
know how fast the number of mobile Facebook users is capacity by 40 percent by midcentury. It could also rob the
growing, and whether advertising revenues are increasing at the food larder, cutting soybean productivity by 28 percent and
same rate. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has created a beef production by 34 percent.
series of new initiatives designed to appeal to smartphone Brasilia quickly countered the environmental skeptics by
users. One initiative, Facebook Home, is software that can be saying that these are unofficial figures, noting that the National
downloaded onto Android phones to feed news and photos Space Institute is still crunching the satellite data. The
from friends - and advertising - directly to the owner's locked government is still basking in last year's numbers: only 4,600
home screen. square kilometers of forests felled, a fraction of the 27,700
(Adapted from http://www.guardian.com.uk) square kilometers lost in 2004. But the Rousseff administration
21) (Escola Naval 2013) Which is the best alternative would do well to heed the smoke signals. Even Brasilia admits
considering some of the statements are TRUE (T) and that Brazil's continued rise to glory turns on the country's
others are FALSE (F)? ability to stay green.
I - Facebook is gaining users in the US and the UK. 23) (Escola Naval 2013) Which is the best alternative
II - Facebook is the owner of Instagram and Path. considering some of the statements are TRUE (T) and
III - People are spending more time on their PCs. others are FALSE (F)?
IV - Facebook has recently introduced new software. I - In 2012 fewer trees were cut down than in previous
V - Facebook has probably made more money this year years.
than in 2012. II - Until recently the destruction of the Amazon forest was
The best alternative is seen as a necessary evil.
a) I - (T) II - (F) III - (T) IV - (T) V - (F) III - The President agrees with the numbers presented by
b) I - (F) II - (F) III - (T) IV - (T) V - (F) scientist.
c) I - (F) II - (T) III - (F) IV - (T) V - (F) IV - The Amazon forest might die because of lack of rain.
d) I - (T) II - (F) III - (F) IV - (T) V - (T) V - Farming and livestock sectors might produce more food
e) I - (F) II - (F) III - (F) IV - (T) V - (T) as a result of deforestation.
22) (Escola Naval 2013) Considering the text, the words The best alternative is
“surge” (line 10) and “dwindling” (line 29) mean a) I- (T) II- (F) III- (T) IV- (T) V- (F)
respectively a sudden (1) _________ and (2) _________. b) I- (F) II- (F) III- (T) IV- (F) V- (T)
a) increase – shrinking c) I- (T) II- (T) III- (F) IV- (T) V- (F)
b) increase – progressing d) I- (T) II- (F) III- (F) IV- (T) V- (T)
c) decrease – increasing e) I- (F) II- (F) III- (F) IV- (T) V- (T)
d) decrease – passing 24) (Escola Naval 2013) Considering the text, what does the
e) abatement – surviving word "crunching" mean in this extract?
Texto para as questões 23 e 24 [...] the National Space Institute is still crunching the
Slash and burn satellite data."
Brazil’s rainforest is going up in smoke. Again. a) Collecting.
As Brazil'S skyscrapers and silos rose, it seemed the most b) Confirming.
impressive quality of this 21st-century Latin American c) Selecting.
powerhouse was its ability to grow without trashing the d) Revising.
environment. Just last year, Brasilia was boasting about a steep e) Processing.
decline in deforestation in the Amazon rainforest, a feat that
President Dilma Rousseff trumpeted as "impressive, the fruit of
social change." What would she say now?

25) (Escola Naval 2013) Which of the alternative completes 27) (Escola Naval 2014) Considering the text, what does the
the paragraph correctly? word "skilled" mean in this extract?
“Alex is very (1) _______ and his girlfriend, Janice, is " [...] the benefits of hiring skilled and experienced
very (2) ________. She has (3) ________ hair and beautiful military veterans [...]."
eyes.” a) Strong.
a) pretty – handsome – dark straight brown b) Loyal.
b) handsome – pretty – straight dark brown c) Expert.
c) handsome – pretty – straight brown dark d) Resolute.
d) pretty – handsome – brown dark straight e) Confident.
e) handsome – pretty – brown straight dark Texto para as questões 28 e 29
Texto para as questões 26 e 27 How to Exercise While Sitting At Your Computer
The War at Home: The Struggle for Veterans to Find Jobs Is your work stressing you out? Is your work making you
In today's tough and competitive job market, it can be fat? Of course, it is. If you are in a relationship with your work
challenging for any adult to land a decent job. Though like me (I hate the word "workaholic") , then maybe you are
education can definitely improve outcomes, sometimes it's not also dealing with some relationship issues like stress and
just abont the degree. Experience can also play a major role in weight gain. Every person who has a desk job does not need to
helping people find jobs. Yet in some cases, if you do not have indulge in a tub of ice-cream after a particularly stressful day at
the right kind of experience, this may be of little help. Just ask work to gain the pounds. In fact, the downside of being a way
one of the many college-educated military veterans who serve too dedicated employee is that it will make you fat! The stress
their country only to return to find a job market that will treat to perform plus the inactivity of a desk job will definitely
them as rookies. increase your waist size. What's more, you will become
Army veteran John Lee Dumas said he had zero anxieties lethargic once four hours of inactivity can seriously send your
about finding a job after graduating college and had been told metabolism leveis to an all-time low. If you think that a 30
that his military experience would give him a leg up on other minute walk every day is enough cardio activity in a week to
candidates. But things did not turn out that way. maintain your metabolism, you are wrong! Yes, I was surprised
"I quickly found out that I was lumped together with recent too! The mathematics of this is that when you perform any
college grads for entry-level positions, and that an employee cardio activity, it elevates your metabolism rate for a span of
that had two years' experience at a job in a similar industry was time, but not the entire day. Because the rest of the day you are
considered way more qualified than I was despite my four sitting idle on your chair without much activity, the 30 minute
years as an officer in the army", Dumas said. walk is not enough, nor is the 1-hour intense workout. What
When Dumas did find work, he said it was difficult to you need to do to keep yourself from pilling on the pounds is to
acclimate to the civilian Office environment. keep your metabolism rate high all day long. For that, you need
"I often found that my peers and above had a hard time to break the no physical activity routine from 9 to 5 by
dealing with my direct approach and attitude about tackling exercising while sitting at your desk!
problems head on, often asking for forgiveness rather than Here are simple exercises that take 5 minutes of your day
permission", he said. and prevent you from feeling stiff.
One issue is that veterans are too modest when it comes to A) Neck: To stretch your neck, slowly flex your head
stating their accomplishments in the military. forward and backward, side to side and look right and left. This
"For some reason, I've had veterans not tell me about their can be done almost any time to lessen tension and strain. Never
awards and honors, but it should all be listed - from roll your head around your neck— this could cause damage to
commander' s coins to medals of honor," Hurwitz said. the joints of the neck.
Navy veteran Tom Graves, who has a career in world force B) Shoulders: Roll your shoulders forward around 10 times,
development helping companies understand the benefits of then backward. This helps release the tension off your
hiring skilled and experienced military veterans, agreed. shoulders.
(Adapted from http://www.onlinecollege.org) C) Wrists: Roll your wrists regularly, around every hour or
so. Roll the wrists 10 times clockwise, then 10 times
26) (Escola Naval 2014) According to the text, which counterclockwise. This will help minimize the potential for
alternative is correct? getting carpal tunnel syndrome if you spend a lot of time
a) The largest obstacle for veterans to find a job is their typing.
previous experience as military officers. D) Ankles: Roll your ankles regularly. As with your wrists,
b) Important accomplishments as a military officer do not roll the ankles in a clockwise motion three times, then
count when applying for a job as a civilian. counterclockwise. This helps improve blood circulation, and
c) It was difficult for John Lee Dumas to deal with prevents that tingling feeling you can get when blood
civilians because they never asked for permission. circulation is cut off, also known as "pins and needles".
d) Things did not turn out as John Lee Dumas expected (Adapted from http://www.buzzle.com and
because he had a leg up on other candidates. http://www.wikihow.com)
e) Veterans should value their experiences as officers 28) (Escola Naval 2014) According to the text, which
when applying for a job in the civilian market. alternative is correct?
a) Stress and weight gain cause relationship issues.
b) A regular high rate of metabolism prevents weight gain.
c) Exercising from 9 to 5 prevents putting on weight.
d) Inactivity elevates metabolism all the time.

e) Lethargy is a result of waist size increase. (Adapted from http://www.nytimes.com)
29) (Escola Naval 2014) According to the text, which 30) (Escola Naval 2014) Considering the text, the words
alternative is correct? "trailed" (lst paragraph) and "outperformed" (3rd and
a) To relax your shoulders, roll them. Repeat the 6th paragraphs) mean respectively "followed _______ " and
movement no more than 10 times. "did _________ ".
b) Ankles and wrists should be exercised regularly, but a) ahead / better
more repetitions are recommended to relax the ankles. b) ahead / less
c) To minimize carpal tunnel syndrome you should spend c) behind / better
a lot of time typing. d) behind / the same
d) "Pins and needles" sensation results from poor blood e) side by side / the same
circulation. 31) (Escola Naval 2014) Say if the statements are T (true) or F
e) Rolling your head is certain to result in problems in the (false) and choose the best alternative.
neck region. ( ) American students outscored students of developed
Texto para as questões 30 e 31 countries in all kinds of tests.
American Students Test Well in Problem Solving, but Trail ( ) Results suggest American students are good at
Foreign Counterparts problem-solving tests.
Fifteen-year-olds in the United States scored above the ( ) American students have outstanding results in
average of those in the developed world on exams assessing problem-solving tasks and in academic subjects like
problem-solving skills, but they trailed several countries in reading, math and science.
Asia and Europe as well as Canada, according to International ( ) American educational authorities are concerned about
standardized tests results released on Tuesday. the performance of students from other countries.
The American students who took the problem-solving tests ( ) Asian students only perform better when it comes to
in 2012, the first time they were administered, did better on memorizing facts and formulas.
these exams than on reading, math and Science tests, a) (T) (F) (T) (T) (F)
suggesting that students in the United States are better able to b) (F) (F) (T) (T) (F)
apply knowledge to real-life situations than perform c) (F) (T) (F) (F) (T)
straightforward academic tasks. d) (F) (T) (F) (T) (F)
Still, students who took the problem-solving tests in e) (T) (F) (F) (T) (T)
countries including Singapore, South Korea, Japan, several Texto para a questão 32
provinces of China, Canada, Australia, Finland and Britain How New Words Are Created
all outperformed American students. Below we can find the description of five different
"The good news is that problem solving still remains a processes that have led to the creation of new words in the
relatively strong suit for American students," said Bob Wise, English language.
former governor of West Virginia and president of the Alliance (I) ________
for Excellent Education, a national policy and advocacy group Many of the new words added to the ever-growing lexicon
focused on improving high schools. "The challenge is that a lot of the English language are just created out of the blue, and
of other nations are now developing this and even moving often have líttle or no etymological pedigree. A good example
ahead. So where we used to, in an earlier era, dominate in what is the word dog, etymologically unrelated to any other known
we called the deeper learning skills — Creative thinking, word, which, in the late Middle Ages, suddenly and
criticai thinking and the ability to solve problems — in terms mysteriously displaced the Old English word hound (or hund)
of producing the workers that are increasingly needed in this which had served for centuries.
area, other nations are coming on strong and in some cases (II) ___________
surpassing us ." Some words arise simply as shortened forms of longer
The new problem-solving exams were administered to a words (exam, gym, lab, bus, vet, phone and burger are some
subset of 15-year-olds in 28 countries who sat for the Program obvious and wellused examples). Perhaps less obvious is the
for International Student Assessment, a set of tests every three derivation of words like goodbye (a shortening of God-be-
years commonly known as PISA and given by the Organization with-you) and hello (a shortened form of the Old English for
for Economic Cooperation and Development, a Paris-based "whole be thou").
group whose members include the world's wealthiest nations. (III) ______________
Almost 1,275 American students took the exams. Like many languages, English allows the formation of
Critics of the rankings on International tests have tended to words by joining together shorter words (e.g. airport, seashore,
characterize the high performance of Asian countries in fireplace, etc.). The concatenation of words in English may
particular as demonstrating the rote learning of facts and even allow for different meanings depending on the order of
formulas. But the problem-solving results showed that students combination (e.g. houseboat/boathouse, casebook/bookcase,
in the highest-performing nations were also able to think etc) .
flexibly. Even on Interactive tasks, the American students' (IV) _______
strength, all the Asian countries that participated in this round The drift of word meanings over time often arises, often but
of exams outperformed the United States. not always due to catachresis. By some estimates, over half of
"To understand how to navigate a complex problem and all words adopted into English from Latin have changed their
exercise abstract reasoning is actually a very strong point for meaning in some way over time, often drastically. For
the Asian countries," said Francesco Avvisati, an analyst on the example, smart originally meant sharp, cutting or painful; A
PISA team at the O.E.C.D. more modern example is the changing meaning of gay from

merry to homosexual (and, in some circles in more recent tour, you will likely spend no time at sea during the course of
years, to stupid or bad). the duty assignment {usually 2 to 3 years).
(V) ______ What things are there for me to do on a ship?
New words may arise due to mishearings or misrenderings. There are plenty of activities available to sailors in their
According to the "Oxford English Dictionary", there are at off-duty time. Depending on the size of the ship, you'll have
least 350 words in English dictionaries (most of them areas for exercise, watching movies, playing cards, emailing
thankfully quite obscure) that owe their existence purely to friends, and purchasing snacks and other items. Many ships
typos or other misrenderings (e.g. shamefaced from the original also provide college classes.
shamefast, penthouse from pentice, sweetheart from sweetard, How long is the normal workday?
buttonhole from button-hold, etc). The tempo of operations will dictate actual length. While in
(Adapted from home port or on shore duty, it is very similar to that of civilian
http://wviw.thehistoryofenglish.com/issues_new.html) jobs. While out to sea, it is often longer because of the
32) (Escola Naval 2014) The following headings have been workload needed to keep the ship, aircraft and other machinery
removed from the text and replaced by (I), (II), (III), (IV) working properly and efficiently.
and (V). Choose the alternative which presents them in the What is the career plan like?
correct order. Onder normal circumstances, you will be eligible for
1- Change in the Meaning of Existing Words a promotion from E-l to E-2 in 9 months, from E-2 to E-3 in
2- Creation from Scratch 9 months, and from E-3 to E-4 in 6 months. Advancements on
3- Fusion or Compounding Existing Words the basis of merit can occur in basic training to E-2
4- Truncation or Clipping without waiting the 9 months. By referring friends who join
5- Errors the Navy, you can be promoted even faster!
a) (2) (4) (3) (1 (5) How often will I have to live in another place?
b) (3) (4) (2) (5) (1) Once you have completed basic training and any
c) (4) (2) (3) (1) (5) followup schooling, you will probably move just once to your
d) (4) (2) (1) (3) (5) first permanent duty station. Naturally, if you stay in the
e) (2) (5) (3) (1) (4) Navy past your first enlistment (or if you request a
33) (Escola Naval 2015) Read this sign and answer the specific deployment) you may have to move again.
question. (Adapted from https://www.navy.eom/faq.html#section-4)
34) (Escola Naval 2015) The words and expressions that can
replace "picture", "locate" and "set up" in the extract "
[...] to get the most complete picture of the
Navy, locate your nearest recruiter and set up a meeting."
while keeping the same meaning are.
a) photo / assign a location to / arrange.
b) image / discover the place of / combine.
c) photo / ascribe a location to / combine.
d) notion / assign a location to / combine.
e) Idea / discover the place of / arrange.
Texto para a questão 35
Top Tips for Safe Travel
The world isn’t dangerous or unsafe. Quite the opposite.
There are some desperate places and people, even in your home
(Taken from http://blog.stocksigns.co.uk) town, but these are a minority. In fact, you're more likely to get
By reading the sign, we CANNOT infer that. into trouble at home than travelling if you follow these
a) the place where the sign is offers risks. common sense tips on your trips:
b) it is permitted to work before you enter. 1) Scan ali your major documents. Scan your
c) you need permission to enter the place. travel documents and email them to yourself - that way
d) only authorized people can work there. your documents won't go missing even if your bags do.
e) it is a limited or restricted place. 2) Get travel Insurance. This is mainly for health costs if
Texto para a questão 34 you get ill or injured while abroad. Hospital costs can quickly
Life in the Navy – Frequently Asked Questions get into the tens of thousands of dollars, even for a minor
Many of your questions about the Navy have been injury.
asked and answered before. See if you can find your question 3) Get vaccinated. Visit your doctor before you leave to get
in the list below. Or, to get the most complete picture of ali the relevant vaccinations/immunizations for the destinations
the Navy, locate your nearest recruiter and set up a meeting. you're visiting, and to learn what health precautions you should
How much time will I spend at sea? follow.
It depends. Normally ships will go to sea for 10 days to 2 (Adapted from http://www.lonelyplanet.com)
weeks each month for training operations. Extended operations
away from home port can last up to 6 months, and ships deploy
every 18-24 months. This varies depending on the mission and
type of ship. Ships on 6-month deployments spend time
visiting ports throughout the world. If you are on a shore duty

35) (Escola Naval 2015) According to the text, which d) noble / rejected.
statement is correct? e) practical / suffered.
a) The majority of places that tourists visit are likely to be Texto para as questões 38 e 39
safe. The Future of Libraries Has Little to Do with Books
b) When you are travelling, you may get into trouble On a Monday morning between Christmas and New
more easily than when you are in your home town. Year's Eve in Paris, the line for modern art museum Centre
c) Unless you have common sense, you will be safe Georges Pompidou winds around the block. But the patrons
when travelling. waiting in the cold aren't there to catch a glimpse of a
d) Health care in a foreign country isn't so expensive Magritte —they're young locais queueing for access through
as some people might imagine. the museum’s back door to another attraction: the
e) Before travelling, you must see the doctor and ask for public library.
a check-up. In a digital age that has left book publishers
Texto para as questões 36 e 37 reeling, libraries in the world's major cities seem poised for
How to Become a USINA Midshipman a comeback, though it1s one that has very little to do
Posted by: Jacqui Murray j December 8, 2010 with books. The Independent Library Report — published
There are lots of how-to books on getting in the in December by the U.K.'s Department for Culture, Media,
Naval Academy, but they1re quite dry and impersonal. Mine - and Sport — found that libraries across the nation
Buildinq a Midshipman - is from the perspective of a are reinventing themseives by increasingly becoming "vibrant
woman who did it (my daughter!) and how she accomplished and attractive community hubs", focusing on the "need to
such a lofty goal. It's down-to-earth and should give confidence create digital literacy, and in an ideal world, digital fluency.”
to any teen, male or female, considering a military academy Taking into account the proliferation of freelancing, the gig
as their college of choice. economy, and remote working (also known as 'technomadism'),
I wrote this because there was a need for a book like this. the rise of library as community hub begins to make sense.
When my daughter wanted a step-by-step on how to get into Cities are increasingly attracting location independent workers,
the Naval Academy, ali she could find were books that told her and those workers need space and amenities that expensive and
how hard it was, how selective they were, how very few could unreliable coffee shops simply cannot provide enough of.
Furthermore, when one considers that the most vulnerable
achieve it. My daughter brushed the negativity off, but I
and underserved city dwellers are also those who generally do
wondered how many kids were discouraged by that approach. not have access to the Internet, the need for a free and publicly
I decided to write a book (a) explaining how to achieve the connected space becomes even clearer.
goal, not why kids couldnTt; (b) showing how teens can solve According to a 2013 Pew poli, 90 percent in the U.S. said
the problems that stand in their way rather than why they can't, their community would be negatively impacted if their local
and (c) sharing the many but predictable steps that will take a library closed. But if libraries are going to survive the digital
motivated, committed applicant where they want to go rather age, they need to be more about helping patrons filter vast
than why they can't get there. quantities of digital Information rather than access to analog
That approach worked for my daughter and I had no materiais. Good news carne for U.S. libraries in November,
doubt it would work for others. From what I hear from when Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom
readers, it1s true. I hope you find it useful. Wheeler announced a 62 percent increase in spending on high-
(MURRAY, Jacqui. Building a USNA Midshipman. How to speed Internet for schools and public libraries.
crack the United States Naval Academy Application, 2nd When it comes to this need for connectivity,
edition, 2008. Adapted from https:// Britainfs library report stated a "Wi-Fi connection should
usnaorbust.wordpress.com) be delivered in a comfortable, retail standard environment
36) (Escola Naval 2015) According to the text, which with the usual amenities of coffee, sofas and etc." The
statement is correct? report suggested that libraries focus less on loaning
a) Many books fail to tell the applicants how selective physical books and more on widening access via loaning of e-
the Naval Academy examination board is. books, which the report noted was up by 80 percent in Britain
b) The previous books on how to get in the Naval from 2013.
Academy are discouraging and do not show any Also in 2013, the first bookless public library in the United
emotion. States opened in San Antonio, Texas. The cityTs BiblioTech
c) Teenagers are always confident when they choose offers an all-digital, cloud-based collection of more than
a military academy as their college. 10,000 e-books, plus e-readers available for checkout. Located
d) The author of the book "Building a USNA in San Antonio’s underserved South Side, the BiblioTech
Midshipman" succeeded in getting in the Naval provides an important digital hub in a city with a population
Academy. that still struggles to connect to wireless Internet, Last month
e) Jacqui Murray decided to write her book because saw the opening of Canada's Halifax Central Library, designed
the other books take the perspective of men. by a world-leading Danish design firm. With its auditorium,
37) (Escola Naval 2015) Considering the text, the words meeting space for entrepreneurs, multiple cafes, adult literacy
"lofty" in how she accomplished such a lofty goal.” and classes and gaming facilities, actual books seemed like
"brushed off" in "[...] she brushed the negativity off [...] ." an afterthought.
mean respectively. (Abridged from http://magazine.good.is/articles/public-
a) unattempted / cleaned. libraries-reimagined).
b) easy / defeated.
c) intelligent / surrendered.

38) (Escola Naval 2015) Mark the only option that is FALSE (http://www.foxnews.com/us/2016/02/27/navy-looking-for-
according to the text. drone-operator-flying-device-around-washington-state-
a) Libraries are making efforts to reinvent themselves base.html)
in order to remain relevant for the population. 40) (Escola Naval 2016) By reading the text, we CANNOT
b) According to a poll, a small percentage of state that
Americans said their community would be negatively a) the Navy plans to work with non-military agencies on
impacted if their local library closed. the case.
c) Nowadays some libraries have become places that b) there has been more than one report on drones in that
provide favorable conditions for some independent region.
professionals to work. c) there has been a huge number of exercises to fight
d) In some communities, libraries serve as places drones.
where city dwellers can have free access to the Internet. d) the Navy controls part of Toandos Peninsula.
e) There has been a sharp increase in the loaning of e- e) the Defense Department has shot down a spy drone.
books in Britain. 41) (Escola Naval 2016) The sentences below have been
39) (Escola Naval 2015) The word "unreliable" in " [...] those removed from the text and replaced by (I), (II), (III) and
workers need space and amenities that expensive (IV). Number them to indicate the order they must appear
and unreliable coffee shops simply cannot provide enough to complete the text correctly. Then choose the option that
of." is the opposite of. contains that sequence.
a) dependable. ( ) They said they haven't seen anything unusual.
b) independent. ( ) No aircraft of any kind is allowed to fly over the area
c) dependent. up 2,500 feet.
d) insufficient. ( ) The U.S. Navy is searching for the operator of a drone
e) expensive. that has been seen flying near a Washington state naval
Texto para as questões 40 – 42 base at night since Feb. 8.
Navy looking for drone operator flying device around ( ) What are you going to see at night unless you have an
Washington state base infrared camera?
Published February 27, 2016 Foxnews.com a) (II) (IV) (I) (III)
(I) _________ b) (II) (I) (III) (IV)
A civilian employee of Naval Submarine Base Kitsap- c) (IV) (II) (I) (III)
Bangor reported seeing the drone, spokeswoman Silvia d) (IV) (II) (III) (I)
Klatman told Military.com. e) (II) (III) (I) (IV)
According to the Navy, it is illegal to operate a drone above 42) (Escola Naval 2016) According to the text, it is right to say
the base without the permission of the Navy. "It's our intent to that
support the investigation and prosecution of this reported act, a) there are 14 submarines on Bangor base at house eight.
and any others that may occur, in coordination with civilian b) the total number of missiles on Bangor base is 24.
law enforcement," Klatman said. c) there are six submarines that are not kept on Bangor
Military.com reported that agents interviewed families who base.
lived in houses surrounding the base. (II) _______ Officials d) half of all Navy's submarines are kept on Bangor Base.
said the drones were seen operating at night. "It could be a e) there are eight houses for the Bangor base submarines.
hoax, but worst-case scenario, it could be clandestine, a foreign Texto para a questão 43
government, a cell," Al Starcevich, whose family's house is The Armel-Leftwich Visitor Center
located between the base and Hood Canal in Washington, told Welcome to the Armel-Leftwich Visitor Center of the
the website. "The creepy thing is they' re only doing it at night. United States Naval Academy. Visit the United States Naval
(Ill) ______ " Academy in Annapolis, MD to see where future officers are
Starcevich told The Seattle Times that agents told him there educated and trained.
had been repeated incidents around the base involving an The Visitor Center is conveniently located inside USNA
alleged drone. Gate 1 at the Annapolis harbor. Pedestrian entrances are on
Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor's airspace was designated as Prince George and Randall Streets. The Visitor Center provides
"prohibited" by the FAA in May 2005, at the request of the guided historical tours for visitors, as well as groups.
Navy. (IV) ______ The prohibited area extends to the water Anyone 18 or older must show a government-issued photo
across Hood Canal and the Navy-owned portion of Toandos ID or original passport to enter USNA grounds. Visitors from
Peninsula. the states of Minnesota, Illinois, Missouri, New Mexico and
Doug O'Donnell, chief pilot at Avian Flight Center at Washington are required to present a SECOND PHOTO ID.
Bremerton National Airport, said security forces are supposed The Visitor Center is the first stop on a visit to the
to shoot down aircraft that violate the FAA riiles. undergraduate college of the U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine
The Bangor base houses eight of the Navy's 14 ballistic- Corps. Information specialists welcome visitors to view the 13-
missile submarines, according to Military,com. Each can carry minute film, "The Call to Serve", and to take a guided walking
up to 24 missiles with multiple nuclear warheads. tour with a professional, certified guide.
The Defense Department has held countless classified Admissions Information
exercises to counter possible drone attacks, The Seattle Times United States Naval Academy Admissions briefings, lasting
reported. Last year, one exercise included a Marine sniper approximately one hour, are held at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.,
shooting one down from a military helicopter,

Monday through Saturday, on the second deck of the Visitor e) " [...] sleep comfort is first and foremost a matter of
Center. personal preference."
U.S. Naval Academy Museum 45) (Escola Naval 2016) Considering the text, the word
The museum's artifacts are displayed in galleries located on "solely" in "[...] changes in the type of bed or mattress used
two floors in Preble Hall. The first floor is devoted to the should be made solely for the sake of comfort." Means
exhibit entitled "Leadership and Service: The History of the a) only.
United States Navy and the Naval Academy". The famous b) mainly.
Rogers Collection of antique ship models is the focus of the c) nearly.
second floor exhibit. d) lately.
(Adapted from http://www.usnabsd.com/for-visitors) e) quickly.
43) (Escola Naval 2016) According to the text, which Texto para as questões 46 e 47
statement is correct? Hard Lesson in Sleep for Teenagers
a) There is a single pedestrian entrance, which is located By Jane E. Brody October 20, 2014
on Prince George Street. Few Americans these days get the hours of sleep optimal
b) People under eighteen are required to show a photo ID for their age, but experts agree that teenagers are more likely to
or original passport to visit USNA. fall short than anyone else.
c) "The Call to Serve", a film that lasts less than thirty Researchers report that the average adolescent needs eight
minutes, is shown to visitors. and a half to nine and a half hours of sleep each night.
d) United States Naval Academy Admissions briefings However, in a poll taken in 2006 by the National Sleep
take place from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p .m., six days a Foundation, less than 20 percent reported getting that much rest
week. on school nights. With the profusion of personal electronics,
e) The museum presents an exhibit called "Leadership and the current percentage is believed to be even worse. A study in
Service" on the second floor. Fairfax, Va., found that only 6 percent of children in the 10th
Texto para as questões 44 e 45 grade and only 3 percent in the 12th grade get the
Additional Factors That Affect Sleep Comfort recommended amount of sleep. Two in three teens were found
By Richard A. Staehler, MD to be severely sleep-deprived, losing two or more hours of
The type of mattress one uses is not the only factor for sleep every night. The causes can be biological, behavioral or
patients with pain and sleep difficulty. Many other factors need environmental. The effect on the well-being of adolescents —
to be considered that may affect sleep, including; on their health and academic potential — can be profound.
- medication side effects; Insufficient sleep in adolescence increases the risks of high
- irregular sleep patterns; blood pressure and heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and obesity,
- caffeine / alcohol / tobacco use; said Dr. Owens, pediatric sleep specialist at Children's National
- sleep apnea; Health System in Washington. Sleeplessness is also linked to
- anxiety / stress. risk-taking behavior, depression, suicidal ideation and car
If comfort is not the only thing making sleep difficult, it is accidents. Insufficient sleep also impairs judgment, decision-
advisable for the patient to consult his or her family physician making skills and the ability to curb impulses, which are "in a
to discuss other possible causes and treatments for critical stage of development in adolescence," Dr. Owens said.
sleeplessness. With the current intense concern about raising academic
If anyone experiences significant or persistent back pain, achievement, it is worth noting that a study by Kyla Wahlstrom
there may be an underlying back condition that has nothing to of 9,000 students in eight Minnesota public high schools
do with the mattress. It is always advisable for people with showed that starting school a half-hour later resulted in an
back pain to consult with a health care provider for a thorough hour's more sleep a night and an increase in the students' grade
exam, diagnosis, and treatment program. point averages and standardized test scores.
As a reminder, sleep comfort is first and foremost a matter When children reach puberty, a shift in circadian rhythm
of personal preference. No one should expect that switching makes it harder for them to fall asleep early enough to get the
mattresses or beds will cure their lower back pain, and changes requisite number of hours and still make it to school on time. A
in the type of bed or mattress used should be made solely for teenager’s sleep-wake cycle can shift as much as two hours,
the sake of comfort, making it difficult to fall asleep before 11 p.m. If school starts
(Adapted from http;//www.spine- at 8 or 8:30, it is not possible to get enough sleep. Based on
health,com/wellness/sleep/additional-factors -affect -sleep- biological sleep needs, a teenager who goes to sleep at 11 p.m,
comfort ) should be getting up around 8 a.m.
44) (Escola Naval 2016) Which option expresses a Adding to the adolescent shift in circadian rhythm are
recommendation? myriad electronic distractions that cut further into sleep time,
a) "The type of mattress one uses is not the only factor for like smartphones, iPods, computers and televisions. A stream
patients with pain and sleep difficulty." of text messages, tweets, and postings on Facebook and
b) "Many other factors need to be considered that may Instagram keep many awake long into the night.
affect sleep [...] . " Parents should consider instituting an electronic curfew and
c) "[...] it is advisable for the patient to consult his or her perhaps even forbid sleep-distracting devices in the bedroom,
family physician [...] ." Dr. Owens said. Beyond the bedroom, many teenagers lead
d) "If anyone experiences significant or persistent back overscheduled lives that can lead to short nights.
pain [...] . " Also at risk are many teenagers from low-income and
minority families, where overcrowding, excessive noise and

safety concerns can make it difficult to get enough restful Thanks for sharing. With two young children, I increasingly
sleep, the academy statement said. Trying to compensate for think about the importance of early childhood education. Pre-k
sleep deprivation on weekends can further compromise an care is far too inaccessible, ultimately magnifying inequality
adolescent's sleep-wake cycle by inducing permanent jet lag. from the earliest stages of life.
Sleeping late on weekends shifts their internal clock, making it Tom Franks
even harder to get to sleep Sunday night and wake up on time What exactly is education? Academic education doesn't
for school Monday morning. make someone a better person or even a better employee, I
(Adapted and abridged from http://www.nytimes.com) would guess that anything we learn in the education process is
46) (Escola Naval 2016) Mark the only option that is FALSE at the most 10% useful to us as people. Education should teach
according to the text. academia but also life skills such as budgeting, EQ skills,
a) Most Americans are sleep deprived nowadays but languages etc., all the elements to be a successful person and
teenagers are the age group mostly affected by it. not necessarily a successful professional.
b) Sleep deprivation may lead to several diseases such as (Adapted from https ://www.linkedin.com)
diabetes, obesity and depression. 48) (Escola Naval 2017) Decide if the statements below are
c) For a teenager, falling asleep early is only a matter of true (T) or false (F) according to the text. Then choose the
self-discipline. option that contains the correct sequence.
d) According to research done is some schools, starting ( ) Most kids in American schools cannot read well
classes half an hour later increased student performance. enough at third grade.
e) A teenager's social status may influence his/her sleeping ( ) The BRT report does not include suggestions on how
habits. to improve education.
47) (Escola Naval 2016) Which words are similar in meaning ( ) Michel Jonas posted a positive comment about the
to ''curb" and "curfew" in the following extracts: matter.
"Insufficient sleep also impairs judgment, decision-making ( ) Tom Franks believes schools do not prepare us for life.
skills and the ability to curb impulses [...] . " and "Parents a) (T) (F) (T) (T)
should consider instituting an electronic curfew and perhaps b) (F) (T) (T) (F)
even forbid sleep-distracting devices in the bedroom [...] ."? c) (F) (F) (T) (T)
a) restrict / device d) (T) (T) (F) (F)
b) restrict / limit e) (T) (F) (F) (T)
c) restrict / delay Texto para as questões 49 – 51
d) encourage / device As the Olympics Approaches, a Lesson in Overcoming
e) encourage / delay Adversity
Texto para a questão 48 Bert R. Mandelbaum, MD
Too many third graders can’t read this sentence July 20, 2016
9 Feb. 2017- Editor's Picks I've known a lot of athletes who qualified for the Olympic
Two-thirds of U.S. third graders face challenges that will Games despite injuries. But I know of only one who
impact their future, including academic struggles that could qualified because of an injury.
lead to dimmer academic and career prospects. Sadly, only one Cliff Meidl’s story captures the spirit of the Olympics.
in three U.S. students demonstrates reading proficiency at the In November 1986, Cliff, a 20-year-old plumber's
end of third grade. This has alarming consequences apprentice, hit three buried high-voltage electrical cables with a
for these children, and for our country. jackhammer. An estimated 30,000 volts surged through his
A report released today from the Business Roundtable body, exploding bone and cartilage from the inside ail the way
(BRT) sheds light on this troubling trend in American up to his head. To put that into perspective, electric chairs use
education, and advises business leaders on how they can help only 1500-2000 volts for executions. So it's safe to say that
put more children on a path to success. Cliff should have died.
(...) And he nearly did. His heart stopped. Paramedics were able
I’ve heard it said that before third grade, students are to get it going again, but they had to resuscitate him on the way
learning to read, while after third grade, they’re reading to to the hospital.
learn. Grade three is a critical crossroads in a life's journey. If As part of a team with renowned plastic surgeon Malcolm
you’ve read this far, then you understand why this is so Lesavoy, MD, and others, I got to work reconstructing Cliffs
important. Not enough of our young learners can say the same. legs. Our best hope was to avoid amputation.
I encourage you to read the BRT report. As you read, please But very quickly, we noticed something else going on -
consider ways to help our schools and our teachers keep something that had nothing to do with our expertise. Through
students on paths to bright futures. every step of his painful rehabilitation, Cliff grew more and
Leave your comments below more determined. He never complained. He just asked, "What's
Michel Jonas next?"
Really, all I read was blabla wa wa wa. Are you Charlie Before he had even finished the rehabilitation, Cliff started
Brown’s teacher? If we can't understand our children who are paddling various watercrafts. The days spent on crutches had
crying out for help and direction, then there is something already strengthened his upper body, and he took naturally to
wrong with you. Please go back and check yourself! They are the sport. The same year in which he was injured, he began
worth so much more. competing in canoe and kayak events, and in 1996 he qualified
Rick Shire for the Olympics - not the Paralympic Games, the Olympic

Four years later, in Sydney, Australia, I was overseeing the e) After the accident, Cliff Meidl wrote a book called The
sports medicine team at the Olympic soccer tournament. I was Win Within: Capturing Your Victorious Spirit.
sitting in the stands during the opening ceremonies when Cliff 51) (Escola Naval 2017) Choose the correct statement
walked into the Olympic Stadium carrying the Stars and according to the text.
Stripes. a) The Olympic Games emphasize the importance of
It's a long-standing tradition for delegations of athletes to defeating our opponents.
select one among their number to bear the flag, and the choice b) As human beings evolved, they lost the ability of
often symbolizes some extraordinary accomplishment. I had no overcoming adversity.
idea that Cliff would be selected. So when he strode into the c) Adversity brings new opportunities and helps human
stadium with a normal gait, I nearly broke down. beings succeed.
Moments like that reinforce what I have always believed: d) Physical exercises increase the amount of endorphin and
that sport can bring out the best in us all. lipids in our body.
The Olympic Games (...) are devoted to celebrating the e) Nowadays, we have to face the same dangers as our
human capacity to improve body, mind, and soul. ancestors.
They are about taking part - not necessarily about winning. 52) (Escola Naval 2017) Read some rules for voting in Brazil.
Cliffs peers in the US delegation of 2000 recognized that when - The minimum legal age for voting is 16.
they elected him to bear the nation's colors. He never won a - Voting is compulsory for all literate citizens over 18 and
medal at the games, but the spirit with which he overcame under 70.
adversity inspired all of them. - Voting is optional for citizens who are older than 70 or are
The Olympic motto - faster, higher, stronger - can help our illiterate.
patients realize that the real victory is the "win within." The Based on the information above, choose the correct option.
Win Within: Capturing Your Victorious Spirit is the name of a) In Brazil, illiterate people mustn’t vote.
the book I wrote to show people that coming back from b) A person who is 15 years old can vote in Brazil.
adversity is part of our heritage - that we as human beings are c) Brazilians who are over 70 years old can’t vote.
more adapted to adversity than we are to success. d) In Brazil, a literate citizen who is 20 years old must
Adversity is the engine of unimagined opportunity. It can vote.
unleash our energy and stimulate our will. It moves us to e) Brazilians who are over 18 years old don’t have to vote.
succeed. If I don’t have food, I have to go get some. If I’m Texto para as questões 53 e 54
cold, I have to build a shelter. Doctors Know Best
I remind patients who don't participate in sports that they By Ted Spiker
have the heritage of athletes. We all have the genes of pursuit- Along with all the disease stomping, heart reviving, baby
hunters who survived by running down their prey and running delivering, and overall people healing they do, doctors have
away from their predators. That's why even now, in 2016, another full-time job: keeping themselves healthy. Scratch that
when we go out and take a run, we feel good. We get an - keeping themselves healthiest. So instead of peeking into
endorphin surge and our lipids go down. Our hearts and brains their medical practices, we looked at what they actually
become clear. practice - in their own lives. Use personal strategies and insider
The life of sport and sport of life are interlinked. Exercise is tips from the best medical pros to supercharge your health this
our birthright; it's our legacy; it's why we are here. year.
We no longer have to fear saber-toothed tigers or cave (I)-______
bears. But when you look today at how people can be "As soon as I feel an illness coming on, I go to sleep for at
successful in 2016, it's by avoiding the predators in our urban least nine hours," says Hilda Hutcherson, MD, clinical
life: overeating, inactivity, and smoking. And it's by rising to professor of ob-gyn at Columbia University Medicai Center. "I
meet adversity. also lie on the floor with my legs elevated and propped against
(Adapted from http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/866279) the wall and breathe deeply for five minutes." It helps lower
49) (Escola Naval 2017) Considering the text, the words stress, which weakens the immune system.
“nearly” (4th and 9th paragraphs) and “overseeing” (II)-______
(8th paragraph) mean, respectively,"______ ” and “______”, Instead of having a garden-variety green salad, Margaret
a) seldom / helping McKenzie, MD, assistant professor of surgery at the Cleveland
b) nearby / joining Clinic, tosses napa cabbage, radicchio, edamame, and carrots
c) certainly / meeting with ginger-soy dressing. "It gives me a lot of vitamins,
d) quite / disregarding antioxidants, and protein and makes me feel full," she says.
e) almost / supervising (III)-______
50) (Escola Naval 2017) According to the text, which [...] Gary Small, MD, professor of psychiatry and
statement is correct? biobehavioral sciences at the University of California, Los
a) Cliff Meidl got seriously injured during a competition Angeles, and author of The Alzheimer's Prevention Program,
and almost lost his legs. plays Scrabble and Words With Friends on his smartphone
b) In 1996, Cliff Meidl took part in the Paralympic Games most days. These word games are perfect brain boosters,
for the first time. because they build not only verbal and math skills but also
c) In 2000, Cliff Meidl was the US flag bearer during the spatial abilities as you position letters to create words.
opening ceremonies of the Olympic Games. "Combining several mental tasks strengthens multiple neural
d) Cliff Meidl has already won several medals, including a circuits," Dr. Small says. "It's like cross-training for your
gold medal at the Olympic Games in 1996. brain."

(IV) - _____ someone has been injured reduces the likelihood of violent
Make your bedroom spalike: Dim the lights at least an hour retaliation and provides a chance for the victim to address some
before you go to bed; ban cell phones, laptops, and the TV; ask of the circumstances that may have led to their injury.
your partner for a foot rub. "I do deep breathing exercises," Dr. Gore started this program at his hospital with a handful of
Hutcherson says. "Sometimes I play relaxing music softly." volunteers from KAVI. Today, the effort is a partnership
(V) - _____ between KAVI and a few other nonprofits, with teams on call
The most important meal is breakfast, says David Katz, 24/7.
MD, director and founder of Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Yet Gore wanted to prevent people from being violently
Center in Derby, Connecticut. He often has two breakfasts, injured in the first place. So, in 2011, he and his group began
divvying up his morning meal so that he eats half before his working with a handful of at-risk students at a nearby high
workout and half after. "It helps with portion control, and it school. By the end of the year, more than 50 students were
establishes a daily eating pattern," Dr. Katz says. Plan your involved. Today, KAVI holds weekly workshops for male and
breakfast at night to start the next day on a healthy note. female students in three schools, teaching mediation and
(Abridged from https conflict resolution. The group also provides free mental health
://www.fitnessmagazine.com/health/doctors-tips-tostay- counseling for students who need one-on-one support.
healthy/) "Violence is everywhere they turn - home, school,
53) (Escola Naval 2018) The headlines below have been neighborhood, police," Gore said. "You want to make sure they
removed from the text and replaced by (I), (II), (III), (IV) can learn how to process, deal with it and overcome it."
and (V). Number them to indicate the order they must While Gore still regularly attends workshops, most are now
appear to complete the text correctly. Then mark the option led by peer facilitators - recent graduates and college students,
that contains the right sequence. some of whom are former KAVI members - who serve as
( ) Fuel up for the day mentors to the students. School administrators say the program
( ) Take a time out has been a success: lowering violence, raising grades and
( ) Stay sharp sending many graduates on to college.
( ) Eat extra veggies "This is really about the community in which we live" he
( ) Sleep easier said. "This is my home. And I'm going to do whatever is
a) (II) (I) (V) (III) (IV) possible to make sure people can actually thrive."
b) (V) (I) (III) (II) (IV) (Adapted and abridged from http://www.cnn.com)
c) (I) (IV) (V) (III) (II) 55) (Escola Naval 2018) According to the text, which option is
d) (II) (IV) (III) (V) (I) correct?
e) (V) (III) (IV) (II)(I) a) In Dr. Rob Gore's opinion, violent conflict cannot be
54) (Escola Naval 2018) In the sentence "It helps lower stress, avoided.
which weakens the immune system.” (2nd paragraph), the b) “Kings Against Violence Initiative" is a nonprofit
underlined words mean, respectively,______and______ . organization.
a) raise / lessens c) KAVI started a successfui project at a high school in
b) rise / strengthens 2009.
c) reduce / debilitates d) Male students do not attend workshops held by KAVI.
d) eliminate / toughens e) Dr. Rob Gore does not go to workshops anymore.
e) decrease / reproduces Texto para a questão 56
Texto para a questão 55 Switzerland’s invisible linguistic borders
Doctor works to save youth from violence before they reach his There are four official Swiss languages: German, French,
ER Italian and Romansh, an indigenous language with limited
As an emergency physician at Kings County Hospital status that's similar to Latin and spoken today by only a
Center [in Brooklyn], Dr. Rob Gore has faced many traumatic handful of Swiss. A fifth language, English, is increasingly
situations that he'd rather forget. But some moments stick with used to bridge the linguistic divide. In a recent survey by Pro
him. "Probably the worst thing that I've ever had to do is tell a Unguis, three quarters of those queried said they use English at
15-year-old's mother that her son was killed," Gore said. "If I least three times per week.
can't keep somebody alive, I've failed." [...] In polyglot Switzerland, even linguistic divisions are
"Conflict's not avoidable. But violent conflict is," Gore divided. People in the German-speaking cantons speak Swiss-
said. "Seeing a lot of the traumas that take place at work, or in German at home but learn standard German in school. The
the neighborhood, you realize, 'I don't want this to happen Italian spoken in the Ticino canton is peppered with words
anymore. What do we do about it?" borrowed from German and French.
For Gore, one answer is the “Kings Against Violence Language may not be destiny, but it does determine much
Initiative" - known as KAVI - which he started in 2009. Today, more than the words we speak. Language drives culture, and
the nonprofit has anti-violence programs in the hospital, culture drives life. In that sense, the Rõstigraben is as much a
schools and broader community, serving more than 250 young cultural border as a linguistic one. Life on either side of the
people. divide unfolds at a different pace, Bianchi explained. “[In my
Victims of violence are more likely to be reinjured, so the opinion] French speakers are more laid-back. A glass of white
first place Gore wanted to work was in the hospital, with an wine for lunch on a workday is still rather usual. German
intervention program in which "hospital responders" assist speakers have little sense of humour, and follow rules beyond
victims of violence and their family - a model pioneered at the rigidity of the Japanese."
other hospitals. The idea is that reaching out right after

The cultural divide between Italian-speaking Switzerland times. On delivery, she and her sister vessel, HMS Haliand
and the rest of the country - a divide marked by the so-called were the first destroyers armed with surface to surface marine
Polentagraben - is even sharper. Italianspeakers are a distinct missiles. Her propulsion machinery comprises 29,000 hp steam
minority, accounting for only 8% of the population and living turbines, each driving a propeller. She may be said to be the
mostly in the far southern canton of Ticino. “When I first result of the 80-year development of destroyers.
moved here, people told me, Ticino is just like Italy except (Abridged from http ://www.hnsa.org/hnsa-ships)
everything works’, and I think that's true,” said Paulo 57) (Escola Naval 2018) According to the text, which option is
Gonçalves, a Brazilian academic who has been living in Ticino correct?
for the past decade. a) HMS Nordkaparen is a Dragon-class submarine which
Coming from a nation with one official spoken language, is similar to earlier vessels.
Gonçalves marvels at how the Swiss juggle four. “It is quite b) HMS Nordkaparen has a novel system of storage to
remarkable how they manage to get along,” he said, recalling keep her torpedoes in the right direction.
going to a conference attended by people who spoke French, c) Kalmaesund (M13) was built for a different purpose
German, Italian and English. "You had presentations being than the one she served in Gothenburg.
given in four different languages in the same conference hall.’’ d) HMS Haliand was the first ship destroyed by surface
Living in such a multilingual environment "really reshapes marine missiles in Scandinavia.
how I see the world and imagine the possibilities,” Gonçalves e) It took 80 years to complete building the HMS Smaland,
said. “I am a significantly different person than I was 10 years which is now in a museum.
ago.” Texto para as questões 58 – 62
Switzerland’s languages are not evenly distributed. Of the If children lose contact with nature they won't fight for it
country’s 26 cantons, most - 17 - are German speaking, while [1] According to recent research, even if the present rate of
four are French and one Italian. (Three cantons are bilingual global decarbonisation were to double, we would still be on
and one, Grisons, trilingual.) A majority of Swiss, 63%, speak course for 6°C of warming by the end of the century. Limiting
German as their first language. the rise to 2°C, which is the target of current policies, requires
(Abridged from http ://www.bbc.com) a six-time reduction in carbon intensity.
56) (Escola Naval 2018) According to the text, which option is [2] A new report shows that the UK has lost 20% of its
correct? breeding birds since 1966: once common species such as
a) English is spoken by one-fifth of the Swiss. willow tits, lesser spotted woodpeckers and turtle doves have
b) French speakers don’t usually drink on workdays. all but collapsed; even house sparrows have fallen by two
c) Germans are as rigid as the Japanese. thirds. Ash dieback is just one of many terrifying plant
d) Everything works in Italy and in Ticino. diseases, mostly spread by trade. They now threaten our oaks,
e) German is spoken by most Swiss citizens. pines and chestnuts.
Texto para a questão 57 [3] While the surveys show that the great majority of
HNSA Ships people would like to see the living planet protected, few are
HMS Nordkaparen prepared to take action. This, I think, reflects a second
This submarine was built at Kockums Mekaniska Verkstad environmental crisis: the removal of children from the natural
in Maimo. The Dragon-class submarine was delivered in 1962 world. The young people we might have expected to lead the
and differed from earlier boats primarily in that her aft part is defence of nature have less and less to do with it.
streamlined and fitted with a rudder in the longitudinal form of [4] We don't have to undervalue the indoor world, which
a cross. Her single propeller is less noisy than the earlier twin has its own rich ecosystem, to lament children's disconnection
propellers. A wire guided system steers her torpedoes, and a from the outdoor world. But the experiences the two spheres
novel system of storage in a revolving device in her forward offer are entirely different. There is no substitute for what takes
compartment simplifies and shortens the time for recharging place outdoors, mostly because the greatest joys of nature are
her tubes. Her original equipment included radar, snorkel unplanned. The thought that most of our children will never
ventilation and a crane on her foredeck for recovering dummy swim among phosphorescent plankton at night, will never be
torpedoes used in training. startled by a salmon leaping, or a dolphin breaching is almost
Kalmaesund (M13) as sad as the thought that their children might not have the
The minelayer Kalmarsund, M13, was built at Orlogsvarvet opportunity.
in Stockholm in 1953. M13 was used in Karlskrona for repairs [5] The remarkable collapse of children's engagement with
and maintenance of the Swedish Coast Defence minefields, and nature - which is even faster than the collapse of the natural
for training of officers and conscripts in navigation and mine world - is recorded in Richard Louv's book Last Child in the
service. In 1992 she was refitted at Oskarshamn naval yard Woods, and in a report published recently by the National
when, for instance, the mine storage was converted into crew's Trust. Since the 1970s the area in which children may roam
quarters. In 2001 she was transferred to Gothenburg. Her main without supervision has decreased by almost 90%. In one
task was to serve as a support-and-quartering ship for the generation the proportion of children regularly playing in wild
regiment. places in the UK has fallen from more than half to fewer than
HMS Smaland one in 10. In the US, in just six years (1997-2003) children
The largest destroyer ship in Scandinavia preserved in a with particular outdoor hobbies fell by half. Eleven- to 15-year-
museum, HMS Smaland was launched in 1952 at Eriksberg’s olds in Britain now spend, on average, half their waking day in
Mekaniska Verkstad in Goteborg, and delivered to the Royal front of a screen.
Swedish Navy in 1956. Before the destroyer was [6] There are several reasons for this collapse: parents'
decommissioned in 1979, she had been modernized three irrational fear of strangers and rational fear of traffic, the

destruction of the fortifying lands where previous generations 60) (Escola Naval 2019) According to the text, which option is
played, the quality of indoor entertainment, the structuring of correct?
children's time, the criminalisation of natural play. The great a) Richard Louv believes there is a connection between
indoors, as a result, has become a far more dangerous place attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and life
than the diminished world beyond. indoors.
[7] The rise of obesity and asthma and the decline in cardio- b) Richard Louv believes that ADHD consists of a set of
respiratory fitness are well documented. Louv also links the symptoms that are aggravated by too much exposure to
indoor life to an increase in attention deficit hyperactivity nature.
disorder and other mental ill health. Research conducted at the c) Richard Louv suggests that ADHD is an illness that is
University of Illinois suggests that playing among trees and caused by a child’s physical conditions.
grass is associated with a marked reduction in indications of d) The symptoms of ADHD increase when a child is
ADHD, while playing indoors appears to increase them. The submitted to many unexpected conditions in the natural
disorder, Louv suggests, "may be a set of symptoms aggravated world.
by lack of exposure to nature". Perhaps it's the environment, e) Richard Louv suggests that the environment has gone
not the child, that has gone wrong. wrong and, consequently, parents should be afraid of
[8] In her famous essay the Ecology of Imagination in exposing their children to it.
Childhood, Edith Cobb proposed that contact with nature 61) (Escola Naval 2019) According to the text, which option is
stimulates creativity. Reviewing the biographies of 300 correct?
"geniuses", she exposed a common theme: intense experiences a) Edith Cobb proposed that contact with nature stimulates
of the natural world in the middle age of childhood (between creativity because many geniuses have presented
five and 12). Animals and plants, she argued, are among "the theories in favour of that.
figures of speech in the rhetoric of play... which the genius, in b) The creativity of many geniuses has led them to suggest
particular of later life, seems to remember". that children between the ages of five and 12 should be
[9] Studies in several nations show that children's games are in contact with nature.
more creative in green places than in concrete playgrounds. c) The creativity of many geniuses appears to have been
Natural spaces encourage fantasy and roleplay, reasoning and influenced by their intense experiences of the natural
observation. The social standing of children there depends less world when they were children.
on physical dominance, more on inventiveness and language d) Edith Cobb proposed that the biographies of many
skills. geniuses should contain information about how their
[10] And here we meet the other great loss. Most of those I creativity was improved.
know who fight for nature are people who spent their e) Edith Cobb wrote about the fact that geniuses of later
childhoods immersed in it. Without a feel for the texture and life used to present speeches in public.
function of the natural world, without an intensity of 62) (Escola Naval 2019) According to the text, which option is
engagement almost impossible in the absence of early correct?
experience, people will not devote their lives to its protection. a) Undervaluing the indoor world would be a solution to
[11] Forest Schools, Outward Bound, Woodcraft Folk, the the problem of children’s disconnection from nature.
John Muir Award, the Campaign for Adventure, Natural b) Undervaluing the indoor world would emphasize the
Connections, family nature clubs and many others are trying to fact that there are two spheres that are completely
bring children and the natural world back together. But all of different.
them are fighting forces which, if they cannot be changed, will c) Being in contact with nature has no substitute because
deprive the living planet of the wonder and delight that for the greatest joys of nature are unplanned.
millennia have attracted children to the wilds. d) There is no substitute for what takes place outdoors
(Adapted from: because children will never swim among
https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2012/nov/19/chil phosphorescent plankton at night.
dren-lose-contact-with-nature) e) The thought that our children’s children might not have
58) (Escola Naval 2019) According to the text, which option the opportunity to enjoy nature has been overestimated
completes the sentence below correctly? for decades.
The current policies aim at a ________ in the rise of Texto para as questões 63 – 67
temperatures by the end of the century. Career confusion in the 21st century: challenges and
a) minimum of 6°C opportunities
b) maximum of 6°C [1] The time and energy that teenagers dedicate to learning
c) maximum of 12°C and the fields of study they choose profoundly shape the
d) maximum of 2°C opportunities they will have during their whole lives. Their
e) minimum of 2°C dreams and aspirations do not just depend on their talents, but
59) (Escola Naval 2019) What’s the meaning of the word they can be highly influenced by their personal background as
“engagement” in paragraph 5? well as by the depth and extent of their knowledge about the
a) Argument. world of work. ln summary, students cannot be what they
b) Disagreement. cannot see.
c) Involvement. [2] With young people staying in education longe than ever
d) Disappointment. and the labour market automating with unprecedented speed,
e) Punishment. students need help to make sense of the world of work. ln
2018, the OECD Programme for International Student

Assessment (PISA), the world's largest dataset on young
people's educational experiences, collected first-of-its kind data
on this, making it possible to explore how much the career
dreams o young people have changed over the past 20 years,
how closely they are related to actual labour demand, and how
closely aspirations are shaped by social background
and gender.
[3] Studies in Australia, the United Kingdom and the
United States show that teenagers who combine part-time
employment with full-time education do better in their school-
to-work transitions. The positive benefits include lower
probabilities of being unemployed or NEET (Not in
Education1 Employment or Training), higher waçes, and others
(see Box 1). However, the benefits cannot be taken for granted
and some experiences in different countries have demonstrated
that governments and schools can better support young people
as they prepare themselves for working life.
[4] Schools may provide programmes of career
development activities, particularly those that include
workplace experience. Experience of the world of work
challenges young people to understand what it means to be
personally effective in different workplaces while providing a
unique opportunity to develop social networks of value.
Through exposure to the people who do different jobs, young
people have the chance to challenge genderN and class-based
stereotyping and expand their aspirations, easing ultimate entry
into the labour market (see Box 2).
[5] However, in recent years, analyses of career preparation
have focused on the challenge of misalignment: where the
educational plans of young people are out of kilter with their
occupational expectations. When young people underestimate
the education required to fulfil their dreams, they can expect to
63) (Escola Naval 2020) According to the text, which option is
find their early working lives more difficult than would be
expected. Of particular concern is that most young people
a) When schools provide career talks, they challenge the
whose aspirations are misaligned with their education come
world of work.
from disadvantaged backgrounds. Consequently, it is now clear
b) When teenagers attend career talks, they challenge the
that career guidance serves an important service in dealing with
different social classes.
c) The higher the number of career talks teenagers attend,
[6] Results from PISA show that the career aspirations of
the higher their salaries may be.
young people are no simple reflection of teenage academic
d) The higher the number of career talks teenagers attend,
ability. Rather, they reflect complex lives. Analyses show that
the higher the number of drop-outs.
the children of more advantaged families are more likely to
e) Career talks facilitate someone's immediate entry into
want to go on to university than working class kids. Similarly,
the labour market.
career thinking is often determined by gender and immigrant
64) (Escola Naval 2020) According to paragraph 1, it is correct
background as well as socioeconomic status. Disadvantaged
to say that "students cannot be what they cannot see"
young people are at clear risk of career confusion. lt is neither
fair, nor efficient, for students to move through education with
a) their dreams and aspirations belong to the opportunities
limited views of both the amplitude of the labour market and
they find.
their own potential. b) their dreams and aspirations consume much time and
c) they need to extend their knowledge about their talents.
d) they need to be well-informed about the world of work.
e) they need to devote more time to dreaming about their
65) (Escola Naval 2020) The meaning of the expression "out of
kilter with" in paragraph 5 is:
a) outdated about.
b) delivered by.
c) in equal terms with.
d) in accordance with.
e) in disagreement with.

66) (Escola Naval 2020) According to the contents of sat in a similar situation, but 300 miles away. Here I could do
paragraph 3, the transition from school to work is better for something to help my community.”
teenagers who: He has now been singled out for an award by the
a) study full-time and work part-time. commanding officer of RNAS Culdrose, Captain Stuart Finn,
b) study part-time and work full-time. who said: “Chief Petty Officer Mackenzie has displayed
c) both study and work part-time. exemplary leadership skills, both in his professional capacity
d) both study and work full-time. with the Royal Navy and a selfless approach to service in his
e) work, study and have higher wages. local community.”
67) (Escola Naval 2020) According to the text in Box 1, it is (Adapted from “Dedicated to helping his community”. Naval
correct to say that people who worked a lot and studied News, p. 39, December 2020. &
when they were teenagers: https://www..cornwalllive.com)
a) always had the best grades in final exams. 68) (Escola Naval 2021) Decide if the statements below are
b) tended to have lower grades in final exams. true (T) or false (F) according to the text. Then choose the
c) were very happy about their grades and their jobs. option that contains the correct sequence.
d) had higher salaries but were often unemployed. ( ) After retiring from the Navy, Sean Mackenzie decided
e) had higher salaries and were never unemployed. to help his community during coronavirus lockdown.
Texto para a questão 68 ( ) Sean Mackenzie was helped by a team of 70
Dedicated to helping his community volunteers.
December 2020 ( ) People could show that they needed help by putting a
When the country went into coronavirus lockdown this sign in their window.
year, one Royal Navy sailor sprang into action to protect his ( ) Mackenzie and other volunteers helped people in
local community with all the dedication and efficiency of a different ways, such as delivering food and medicine to
military operation. them.
Chief Petty Officer Sean Mackenzie has served in the Royal ( ) Mackenzie's parents, who live near him, also needed
Navy for 29 years and works at Royal Navy Air Station help during lockdown.
Culdrose in Cornwall. So when people in his village of a) (T) (T) (T) (T) (F)
Tregony faced the uncertainty of lockdown in March, CPO b) (F) (T) (T) (F) (T)
Mackenzie knew exactly what to do. c) (F) (F) (T) (T) (F)
In the navy, he specialises in logistics at 1700 Naval Air d) (F) (T) (T) (T) (T)
Squadron, which deploys teams of sailors around the world to e) (T) (F) (F) (T) (F)
allow flying operations on navy warships, support ships and air Texto para as questões 69 e 70
bases. He also supervises a team of 70 personnel at Culdrose's U.K. hospitals are overburdened. But the British love their
extensive supply chain depot. universal health care
“From the first day of lockdown, | got together with a March 7, 2018
couple of former military men and we created our own group,” When Erich McElroy takes the stage at comedy clubs in
he said. “We did rounds of the village and we deliberately London, his routine includes a joke about the first time he went
made it as military as we could. | wanted to help my to see a doctor in Britain.
community and these people in it are all part of that together.” Originally from Seattle, McElroy, 45, has lived in London
His team of volunteers, which grew to 27 people, for almost 20 years. A stand-up comedian, he's made a career
immediately set up a 'smiley-face system” where anyone, many out of poking fun at the differences in the ways Americans
of them elderly, could indicate with a simple sign in their versus Britons see the world - and one of the biggest
window if they needed help or not. differences is their outlook on health care.
Regular smiley-face patrols were soon underway every day "I saw a doctor, who gave me a couple pills and sent me on
in the village of around 450 households. This was followed by my way. But I still hadn't really done any paperwork. I was
a 'buddy system”, where socially-isolated people could receive like, 'This isn't right!’ " McElroy says onstage, to giggles from
a visit and talk to someone - for many it could be their only the crowd. "So I went back to the same woman, and I said,
contact all day, [...] from a safe distance outside. 'What do I do now?’ And she said, ‘You go home!’"
The team also prepared an emergency kitchen [...] The mostly British audience erupts into laughter.
established their own foodbank and updated noticeboards with McElroy acknowledges it doesn't sound like much of a
the latest advice. joke. He's just recounting his first experience at a U.K. public
They bought food for those who could not get out, hospital. But Britons find it hilarious, he says, that an
including up to 20 visits a day to the local shop. Soon, dog- American would be searching for a cash register, trying to find
walking and pizza-delivery services followed as well as a how to pay for treatment at a doctor's office or hospital. It is a
medicine delivery service, which collected more than 2,000 foreign concept here, McElroy explains.
prescriptions over lockdown, which were then personally Onstage, McElroy recounts how, when the hospital
handed out to each patient. receptionist instructed him to go home, he turned to her and
All of this was on top of Chief Petty Officer Mackenzie's exclaimed, "This is amazing!"
responsibilities at work, where he continued as a key-worker, Amazing, he says, because he did not have to pay - at least
helping to ensure that the Royal Navy could still meet its key not at the point of service. In Britain, there is a state-funded
defence requirements. system called the National Health Service, or NHS, which
“I was really aware that everyone needed help and I was guarantees care for all. That means everything from ambulance
capable of helping. I was also aware that my own parents were rides and emergency room visits to long hospital stays,

complex surgery, radiation and chemotherapy - are all free. to ignore this challenge. As severe climate change displaces
They are paid for with payroll taxes. In addition, any more people, the international community may be forced to
medication you get during a hospital visit is free, and the cost either redefine “refugees” to include climate migrants or create
of most prescription drugs at a pharmacy are cheap - a few a new legal category and accompanying institutional
dollars. (Private health care also exists in the U.K., paid out-of- framework to protect climate migrants. However, opening that
pocket or through private insurance coverage, but only a small debate in the current context would be very difficult. Currently,
minority of residents opt for it.) the atmosphere in Europe and the U.S. would most likely lead
Since the 2008 financial crisis, the U.K., like many to limiting refugee protections rather than expanding them.
countries, has been taking in less tax revenue - so it has had to (Adapted from https://www.brookings.edu)
cut spending. Its expenditure on the National Health Service 71) (Escola Naval 2021) Choose the correct option according
has still grown, but at a slower pace than before. [...] Wait to the text.
times at the emergency room are up, says Richard Murray, a) The number of people who are fleeing home due to
policy director at the King's Fund, a health care think tank. climate change is stable.
"If the ER is really busy, it makes the ambulances queue b) There is some similarity between climate migrants and
outside the front door - not great," Murray says. "And in some refugees.
cases, the hospital is simply full." c) The UNHCR can afford to protect climate migrants and
(Adapted from https:/Awww.npr.org) refugees.
69) (Escola Naval 2021) Which option replaces the word d) The international community is considering revising the
“overburdened” in the title “U.K. hospitals are definition for refugee.
overburdened”, according to its meaning in the text? e) The U.S. and European countries want to increase
a) Completely broke. refugee protections.
b) Completely crowded. 72) (Escola Naval 2021) Read the information below.
c) Completely abandoned. How do | know if I'm eligible to apply to the Naval
d) Extremely expensive. Academy?
e) Extremely bad. You must be:
70) (Escola Naval 2021) According to the text, which option is - at least 17 years of age and must not have passed your
correct? 23rd birthday on July 1st of the year of admission;
a) British and American people share the same opinion - unmarried, not pregnant and have no incurred
about health care. obligations of parenthood; and
b) Mr. McElroy was dissatisfied with his first experience - a United States citizen (except for the limited quotas of
at a British hospital. international midshipmen specifically authorized by
c) In Britain, the majority of the population prefers the Congress).
public health system. (Adapted from https://www.usna.edu/)
d) Only British people attend Mr. McElroy's gigs at Considering only the requirements above, who can apply to
comedy clubs in London. the Naval Academy?
e) British people do not like it when Mr. McElroy makes a) A woman who is expecting a baby.
fun of the NHS. b) A married American man who is eighteen years old.
Texto para a questão 71 c) Any foreign person who lives in the US.
Time to envision legal recourse for climate refugees d) A nineteen-year-old American woman who is single.
As gradually worsening climate patterns and severe weather e) An unmarried man over twenty-four who was born in
events prompt an increase in human mobility, people who the US.
choose to move will do so with little legal protection. The Texto para as questões 73 – 75
current system of international law is not equipped to protect What lt's Like to Live in the Jungle for a Month
climate migrants, as there are no legally binding agreements December 10, 2018
obliging countries to support climate migrants. Lesley de Souza (Keller Science Action Center)
While climate migrants who flee unbearable conditions Our team of Field Museum scientists - experts on fish,
resemble refugees, the legal protections afforded to refugees do plants, amphibians, mammals, and more - traveled to Colombia
not extend to them. In the aftermath of World War II, the to join regional and national scientists for a month, with the
United Nations established a system to protect civilians who goal of going deep into the rainforest and documenting as
had been forced from their home countries by political much wildlife as possible. We've done several trips like this,
violence. Today, there are almost 20.4 million officially called rapid inventories, in the Amazon basin, but this one felt
designated refugees under the protection of the United Nations especially important. We were exploring an area that no
High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), but there is an scientists had entered for over sixty years because of guerrillas.
additional group of 21.5 million people who flee their homes as Now we're able to venture into this region, but it is also
a result of sudden onset weather hazards every year. exposed to threats. Deforestation is moving into this area at an
The UNHCR has refused to grant these people refugee alarming rate. With a focused mission, we explore the beautiful
status, instead designating them as “environmental migrants,” landscape and its many diverse critters while working and
in large part because it lacks the resources to address their learning from the people who live there.
needs. But with no organized effort to supervise the migrant But getting into the rainforest - it's no easy feat! After
population, these desperate individuals go where they can, not taking a commercial airliner from Chicago, we made our way
necessarily where they should. As their numbers grow, it will into the jungle by bush plane, upriver by boat, and lastly, on
become increasingly difficult for the international community

our own two feet. To get to one campsite, we hiked for a mile ( ) ln the forest, the author sleeps better on the ground.
in a flooded creek, balancing on floating logs. ( ) They documented less than six hundred species of
Each campsite is a little different, but it's always important animais during the trip.
to set up a kitchen and dining area! Typical meals include fish, a) (T) (F) (F) (T) (F)
rice, beans, plantains, and oatmeal - repeat, repeat, repeat. A b) (F) (T) (T) (T) (T)
definite bonus of fieldwork life? Brewing fresh hot chocolate c) (T) (F) (T) (T) (F)
from local cacao in the jungle. Plus, lots of coffee keeps us d) (F) (T) (T) (F) (F)
going for long days (and late nights) of collecting and e) (T) (T) (F) (F) (T)
recording data. Texto para a questão 76
You realize what a force nature is - especially during rainy Brazilian Navy releases new 20-year plan
season in the Amazon. That's why I prefer sleeping off the By Victor Barreira
ground in a hammock. At one particular site, I woke up with The Brazilian Navy is looking to acquire mediumsized
water below me. The river had risen so much that it flooded the general-purpose helicopters and attack, antisubmarine (ASW)
forest. But I also love the breeze being suspended in the air. l'm and reconnaissance helicopters, according to the recently
convinced you sleep better with the swaying ... released Brazilian Navy latest Strategic Plan (Plano Estratégico
Of course, we're here to work. That means finding, da Marinha 2040/PEM 2040).
measuring, photographing, identifying, and in some cases, The Plan, which was publicly released on 10 September,
collecting specimens. I focus on Neotropical fish species, and I calls for a host of other new measures to be implemented over
learn A LOT from talking to local people about fishes. lt is an the next 20 years. For example, the Navy wants to significantly
important part of their diet and the economy. Because they're increase research-and-development (R&D) to develop
fishermen themselves, they have firsthand knowledge of things shipboard systems such as communications, detection,
like fish behavior, where and when to find them, and how to navigation, and electronic warfare. The R&D increases are also
catch them. It's such important information when trying to meant to help boost the country's Defence Technological and
understand the landscape, people, and fishes for conservation. Industrial Base (DTIB).
At the end of each day, we have seen, collected and The Navy also wants to achieve a minimum of 65% of
photographed so many specimens. But there is still more work ships and aircraft operational availability, create a cyber-
to do at night - which means working by candlelight or putting warfare squadron, and bolster its satellite ability to intercept
on our headlamps. Some groups stay up until one in the maritime communications.
morning, like the botany team pressing plants. The reptile & According to the Plan, the Navy is now going to focus more
amphibian and fish teams go out for their night survey, and the heavily on operations in the Southern Atlantic Ocean, paying
mammal team sets up mist nets to catch bats! lt's activity particular attention to threats such as piracy, illegal fishing,
around the clock for a rapid inventory team. organised crime, urban conflicts, natural resources dispute,
At the end of the day, we may be exhausted, but it really is cyber warfare, terrorism, illegal access to knowledge, lhe
a privilege to set foot in these natural areas and learn from the pandemics, natural disasters, and environmental issues.
local people and scientists. On this trip alone, we documented The document, which does not describe exact schedules,
750 species of plants and 686 species of vertebrates! And we also covers a range of modernisation projects that were
estimate there are more than double these numbers in the area. previously planned or initiated, but not yet effectively
The more we know about what lives in rich natural areas like implemented or concluded. These include the acquisition of
the Amazon rainforest, the easier it is for us to work together to vessels (mine-hunting ships, escort ships, aircraft carriers, a
protect the landscapes where they live and the people who logistics support ship, coastal and offshore patrol ships,
depend on them. Antarctic support ship, training ships, and survey ships),
(Adapted from https://www.fieldmuseum.org/blog) unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), fighter jets, and lightweight
73) (Escola Naval 2022) The word "creek" in the sentence "To training and utility helicopters. ln addition, the Plan aims at the
get to one campsite, we hiked for a mile in a flooded creek, enlargement and modernisation of equipment used by the
balancing on floating logs." (para. 3) means: Marines Corps, the development of anti-ship missiles, and the
a) small river. local construction of the country's first nuclear-powered
b) light breeze. submarine SN Álvaro Alberto.
c) deep ocean. (Adapted from https://www.janes.com/)
d) arid desert. 76) (Escola Naval 2022) According to lhe text, which option is
e) strong wind. correct?
74) (Escola Naval 2022) The author does research on: a) The Navy has a new Strategic Plan that will start in
a) amphibians. 2040.
b) fish. b) The R&D that will be carried out is expected to have
c) mammals. little impact on DTIB.
d) plants. c) The Plan measures are restricted to activities that
e) reptiles. involve sea patrolling.
75) (Escola Naval 2022) Decide if the statements below are d) The Plan contains a detailed calendar for lhe purchases
true (T) or false (F) according to the text. Then choose the and projects.
option that contains the correct sequence. e) The Plan includes projects that were once started but not
( ) The text is about a leisure trip. finished.
( ) They spent more than twenty days in Colombia.
( ) Their journey into the forest was hard.

Texto para a questão 77 77) (Escola Naval 2022) Decide if the statements below are
Sleeping longer than 6.5 hours a night associated with true (T) or false (F) according to lhe text. Then choose lhe
cognitive decline according to research - what's really going option that contains lhe carreei sequence.
on here? ( ) The study aimed at finding out how much sleep in a
November 5, 2021 year could cause dementia.
A good night's sleep is important for many reasons. lt helps ( ) People who were 70 years old were not included in the
our body repair itself and function as it should, and is linked to group of 100 older adults.
better mental health and lower risk of many health conditions - ( ) Less than 15% of the subjects already had some level
including heart disease and diabetes. lt has also been shown of cognitive decline.
that not getting enough sleep is linked to cognitive decline and ( ) Cognition tests were administered before the subjects'
conditions such as Alzheimer's disease. sleep patterns were tracked.
However, more is not always better, as one recent study ( ) The team concluded that the amount and the quality of
found. Researchers from the Washington University School of sleep are linked to cognition.
Medicine have published a paper that indicates that just like a) (T) (T) (T) (T) (F)
getting too little sleep, sleeping too much may also be linked b) (F) (T) (F) (F) (T)
with cognitive decline. c) (F) (T) (T) (T) (T)
The research team wanted to know how much sleep was d) (F) (F) (T) (T) (F)
linked to cognitive impairment over time. To do this, they e) (T) (F) (F) (T) (F)
looked at 100 older adults in their mid-to-late-70s, and tracked
them for between four and five years. At the time of their
study, 88 people did not show any signs of dementia, while 12
showed signs of cognitive impairment (one with mild dementia
and 11 with the pre-dementia stage of mild cognitive
Throughout the study, participants were asked to complete
a range of commonplace cognitive and neuropsychological
tests to look for signs of cognitive decline or dementia. Their
scores from these tests were then combined into a single score,
called the Preclinical Alzheimer Cognitive Composite (PACC)
score. The higher the score, the better their cognition was over
Sleep was measured using a single-electrode
encephalography (EEG) device, which participants wore on
their forehead while sleeping, for a total of between four to six
nights. This was done once, three years after people first
completed their annual cognitive tests. This EEG allowed the
researchers to accurately measure brain activity, which would
tell them whether someone was asleep (and for how long), and
how restful that sleep was.
Sleep was only measured at one period during the study,
but this still gave the research team a good indication of
participants' normal sleep habits. While using an EEG to
measure brain activity may be somewhat disruptive to sleep on
the first night, as people get used to the equipment, sleep tends
to return to normal the following night. This means that when
sleep is tracked from the second night onwards, · it is a good
representation of a person's normal sleep habits.
The researchers also took into account other factors that can
affect cognitive decline - including age, genetics and whether a
person had signs of lhe protein beta-amyloid or tau, which are
both linked to dementia.
Overall, the researchers found that sleeping less than 4.5
hours and more than 6.5 hours a night - alongside poor quality
sleep - was associated with cognitive decline over time.
lnterestingly, the impact of sleep duration on cognitive function
was similar to the effect of age, which is the greatest risk factor
for developing cognitive decline.
(Adapted from https://theconversation.com/)

Gabarito 62) C
1) E 63) C
2) E 64) D
3) A 65) E
4) D 66) A
5) B 67) B
6) B 68) C
7) A 69) B
8) D 70) C
9) E 71) B
10) C 72) D
11) E 73) A
12) B 74) B
13) B 75) D
14) C 76) E
15) E 77) C
16) E
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20) C
21) E
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43) C
44) C
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51) C
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54) C
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56) E
57) C
58) D
59) C
60) A
61) C

Interpretação de Texto e Vocabulário – resources, but it is hard to imagine a more lightweight
approach being nearly as effective.
ITA 1) (ITA 2011) Para estar adequada ao contexto em que
Texto para as questões 1 – 3 aparece, a palavra effective (linha 1), deve ser acrescida de
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2010. a) fully.
Newsweek Article: Bullying and Empathy (Kate Altman, b) by.
M.S.) c) ness.
d) ful.
e) lessly.
2) (ITA 2011) A opção que descreve a palavra empathy é
a) essentially compassion.
b) walking in another’s shoes.
c) an admirable trait.
d) a band-aid on more systemic problems.
Newsweek offers an article on how schools are using e) societal and educational issues.
empathy-training programs in an effort to reduce bullying 3) (ITA 2011) Segundo o texto,
in schools: http://www.newsweek.com/2010/12/15/can- a) é difícil incluir os alunos de ensino médio nos empathy
schools-teach-kids-not-to-bully.html training programs, por serem mais velhos e
The effective_____ of such programs is unclear at this demandarem uma abordagem diferenciada.
point, and experts are divided on whether it makes more sense b) o componente mais importante na empatia é a relação
to offer the programs to young children (elementary school familiar.
age) or older children (middle school age) (both, is probably c) simpatia está estritamente relacionada à empatia.
the answer). High school kids are simply difficult to reach d) é inútil trabalhar o conceito de empatia anteriormente à
logistically, since they all have different schedules all day. pré-adolescência.
Unsurprisingly, some experts have found that the most e) há, provavelmente, fatores mais determinantes para a
important component to empathy training is to include the prática de bullying do que a falta de empatia.
parents. Texto para as questões 4 e 5
In assessing these programs and the broader issues of THE WORLDS OF INFINITIES
empathy-training and bullying, there are multiple factors to To see the world in a
consider and no clear answers. First of all, empathy is one of grain of sand,
the most difficult and least-understood skills we can develop – And a heaven in a
adults and kids alike. Empathy is the process of viewing and wildflower;
understanding the world through another’s experience, and it is Hold infinity in the palm of you hand,
often confused with sympathy, which is, essentially, And eternity in an hour. – William Blake
compassion and lacks the ―walking in another’s shoes‖ Infinity has stimulated imaginations for thousands of years. It
component (which is not to say it is not an admirable trait, it’s is an idea drawn upon by theologians, poets, artists,
just different from empathy). Developmentally, children may philosophers, writers, scientists, mathematicians – an idea that
not be able to truly understand and practice empathy until they has perplexed and intrigued – an idea that remains illusive.
are closer to the pre-teen years, but introducing the concept Infinity has taken on different identities in different fields of
early and often is a good primer for its later development. thought. In early times, the idea of infinity was, rightly or
Another big question to consider: are programs focused on wrongly, linked to large numbers. People of antiquity
empathy simply band-aids on much larger, more systemic experienced a feeling of the infinite by gazing at stars and
problems? Why are kids bullying other kids in the first place? planets or at grains of sand on a beach. Ancient philosophers
What family issues, societal issues, educational issues, are and mathematicians such as Zeno, Anaxagoras, Democritus,
contributing to the need/urge to humiliate and attack other Aristotle, Archimedes pondered, posed and argued the ideas
children for some sort of personal gain and satisfaction? My that infinity presented.
guess is that for many kids, participating in a brief (or even a Aristotle proposed the ideas of potential and actual infinities.
few brief) empathy-skills seminars simply is not enough, and He argued that only potential infinity existed.
will not get at the root(s) of the problems(s), no matter how In The Sand Reckoner Archimedes dispelled the idea that the
young they are when the programs begin. number of grains of sand on a beach are infinite by actually
I’m not saying that the programs are not a good idea. I determining a method for calculating the number on all the
imagine that they have a lot of benefits and could especially beaches of the earth.
help kids who would not necessarily be bullies themselves, but Infinity has been the culprit in many paradoxes. Zeno’s
may have quietly stood by while witnessing bullying, to paradoxes of Achilles and the tortoise and the Dichotomy have
become more confident about standing up to/reporting bullies. perplexed readers for centuries. Galileo’s paradoxes dealing
However, to truly reduce bullying, society and schools need to with segments, points, and infinite sets should also be noted.
find ways to identify and work with aggressive children and The list of mathematicians with their discoveries and uses or
their families from a young age — to troubleshoot factors misuses of infinity extends through the centuries. (…).
(from not having basic needs met, to divorce, to models of Texto adaptado de PAPPAS, T. ―The Magic of Mathematics:
aggression in the home, etc.) that contribute to triggering Discovering the Spell of Mathematics‖, 1994.
aggressive behavior. Such an approach would be expensive and
time-consuming and would command a lot of schools’

4) (ITA 2011) Segundo o texto, a ideia de infinito 6) (ITA 2011) De acordo com o texto,
a) embora atraia a atenção de poetas, artistas e filósofos é a) Kurzweil está convencido de que os novos
explorada, mais especificamente, por matemáticos e computadores poderão conduzir nossa mente e nosso
cientistas. corpo.
b) tem propiciado discussões e descobertas desde a b) é possível que, num futuro próximo, supercomputadores
antiguidade. se desenvolvam independentemente de seus criadores
c) é sempre relacionada a grandes números. humanos.
d) deixou de ser ilusória a partir do método desenvolvido c) Kurzweil acredita que o fim da civilização humana
por Arquimedes. poderá acontecer em 35 anos.
e) foi abordada, de forma semelhante, por diferentes d) computadores, cada vez mais rápidos, igualar-se-ão ao
campos do saber. cérebro humano.
5) (ITA 2011) Sobre as inúmeras ideias e paradoxos relativos e) a Ciência da Computação ocupa-se, atualmente, do
ao infinito, o texto informa que desenvolvimento de superinteligências.
a) os paradoxos de Zeno são os que despertam maior 7) (ITA 2011) From that point on (linha 23), refere-se a
perplexidade nos leitores. a) whatever it is our brains are doing.
b) Aristóteles defendeu a existência de infinito potencial, b) all bets are off.
em contraposição à ideia vigente de um infinito real e c) Kurzweil and a lot of other very smart people can.
outro potencial. d) if you can swallow that idea.
c) Galileu, trabalhando com pontos e segmentos, e) they would keep on developing.
conseguiu provar a existência do infinito. Texto para as questões 8 – 10
d) o grande número de grãos de areia na praia e de estrelas
no céu conferia sensação de infinito aos povos da
e) eles resultam das contradições acerca do tema.
Texto para as questões 6 e 7
Thursday, Feb. 10, 2011
2045: The Year Man Becomes Immortal
By Lev Grossman
(…), Kurzweil believes that we’re approaching a moment when
computers will become intelligent, and not just intelligent but
more intelligent than humans. When that happens, humanity –
our bodies, our minds, our civilization – will be completely and
irreversibly transformed. He believes that this moment is not
only inevitable but imminent. According to his calculations, the
end of human civilization as we know it is about 35 years
Computers are getting faster. Everybody knows that. Also,
computers are getting faster faster – that is, the rate at which
they’re getting faster is increasing.
True? True.
So if computers are getting so much faster, so incredibly fast,
there might conceivably come a moment when they are capable
of something comparable to human intelligence. Artificial
intelligence. All that horsepower could be put in the service of
emulating whatever it is our brains are doing when they create
consciousness – not just doing arithmetic very quickly or
(I) → led
composing piano music but also driving cars, writing books,
(II) → leading
making ethical decisions, appreciating fancy paintings, making
8) (ITA 2011) Assinale a opção que indica a relação das
witty observations at cocktail parties.
palavras cabbage e carrots com o restante do anúncio.
If you can swallow that idea, and Kurzweil and a lot of other
a) Serviços e produtos oferecidos pelo GE Capital são
very smart people can, then all bets are off. From that point on,
sustentáveis e ecologicamente corretos.
there’s no reason to think computers would stop getting more
b) Dentre os serviços e produtos oferecidos pelo
powerful. They would keep on developing until they were far
anunciante constam refeições preparadas com legumes
more intelligent than we are. Their rate of development would
produzidos organicamente.
also continue to increase, because they would take over their
c) A GE Capital oferece a seus clientes um cardápio
own development from their slower-thinking human creators.
nutritivo e balanceado.
Imagine a computer scientist that was itself a super-intelligent
d) A GE Capital só estabelece parceria com empresas que
computer. It would work incredibility quickly. It could draw on
priorizam o desenvolvimento sustentável.
huge amounts of data effortlessly. It wouldn’t even take breaks
e) Apenas veículos movidos a biocombustível são
to play Farmville.
admitidos na frota da GE Capital.

9) (ITA 2011) A opção que traduz the company’s long-term e) o autor é correspondente jornalístico no Paquistão.
transport needs (linha 3) é 12) (ITA 2011) Segundo o texto, a ISI é uma organização
a) há tempos a empresa investe no suprimento de sua a) contraditória.
necessidade de transporte. b) corporativa.
b) as necessidades de transporte a longo prazo da empresa. c) terrorista.
c) o suprimento da necessidade de um serviço de d) cooperativa.
transporte contínuo e eficaz para a empresa. e) autoritária.
d) a empresa firma contratos de longo prazo para suprir 13) (ITA 2011) A opção cujo significado mais se aproxima do
sua necessidade de transporte. vocábulo peeved (linha 11) é
e) a empresa precisa de transporte a longo prazo. a) mistrustful.
10) (ITA 2011) Que tipo de serviço é anunciado pela GE b) challenged.
Capital? c) irritated.
a) Cardápios nutritivos. d) worried.
b) Assistência ao produtor agrícola. e) encouraged.
c) Locação de veículos. 14) (ITA 2011) A palavra casualties (linha 20)
d) Serviços de logística. a) é sinônimo de eventualities.
e) Soluções financeiras. b) pode ser entendida como desgastes.
Texto para as questões 11 – 16 c) expressa uma relação de causa e consequência.
The Double Mirror d) é o mesmo que ataques.
How Pakistan’s intelligence service plays both sides e) pode ser substituida por losses.
By DAVID IGNATIUS 15) (ITA 2011) A sentença I cannot go on defending myself
(...) I found that I couldn’t capture ISI’s nuances in forever, even when I am not doing what I am blamed for
newspaper columns. So my eighth novel, Bloodmoney, is set (linhas 11 – 13), sugere que aquele que a pronunciou
largely in Pakistan; it centers on a fictional ISI and a CIA a) seguramente carrega consigo alguma culpa.
whose operations inside Pakistan have spun out of control. I b) se autocondena ao tentar explicar-se.
describe the director general of my imaginary ISI this way: “To c) se responsabiliza pela própria defesa.
say that the Pakistani was playing a double game did not do d) se defende de uma acusação formal.
him justice; his strategy was far more complicated than that.” e) está farto de defender-se do que não faz.
This Janus-like quality is true of all intelligence services, I 16) (ITA 2011) A opção que corresponde à expressão the
suppose, but I have never seen an organization quite like the puppeteer has gotten caught in the strings (linha 26) é
ISI. It is at once very secretive and very open, yet ISI officials a) mentira tem perna curta.
get especially peeved at the charge of duplicity: “I can not go b) o tiro saiu pela culatra.
on defending myself forever, even when I am not doing what I c) para bom entendedor, meia palavra basta.
am blamed for,” wrote one of my ISI contacts, after I had d) prevenir é melhor que remediar.
written a column noting the organization’s “double game” with e) uma mão lava a outra.
the U.S. “I shall do what I think is good for PAKISTAN, my Texto para as questões 17 e 18
country. I am sure you will do the same for US.” Artist Detained In Growing Crackdown
What this official wanted me to understand was that BEIJING
Pakistan was suffering under its own onslaught of terrorism. Ai Weiwei, China’s most prominent dissident after imprisoned
An ISI briefer almost shouted at me in 2010: “Mr. David Nobel laureate Liu Xiaobo, was detained April 3 at the Beijing
Ignatius! Look at the casualties we have suffered fighting airport as he tried to board a flight to Hong Kong. Perhaps best
terrorism!” We’re in alongside the U.S., ISI officials insist. Yet known for codesigning the 2008 Beijing Olympic stadium
they are caught in the backwash of an anti-American rhetoric known as the Bird’s Nest, Ai is an outspoken critic of the
they help create. The ISI’s press cell feeds Pakistani government an has been detained several times. During one
newspapers constantly; presumably, it thinks its U.S.-bashing period in custody, he was allegedly beaten so badly that he
leaks will hide the reality of the ISI’s cooperation. But required brain surgery. This arrest comes amid a widespread
the puppeteer has gotten caught in the strings. Anti- crackdown touched off by online calls for a Tunisian-style
Americanism has taken a virulent form that threatens the ISI “jasmine revolution.” Over the past several weeks, at least 26
too. activists have been detained, 200 have been put under house
ISI = Inter-Services Intelligence arrest, and more than 30 have disappeared.
Time, May 23, 2011 Essay Time, April 18, 2011.
Adaptado. 17) (ITA 2011) Segundo o texto, Ai Weiwei
11) (ITA 2011) Segundo o texto, é possível afirmar que a) alegou ter sido severamente torturado.
a) há particularidades no modo de agir da ISI que o autor b) foi preso devido a um recrudescimento da repressão na
nunca viu em organizações semelhantes. China.
b) a ISI trata com virulência a questão do c) embarcou num voo para Hong Kong.
antiamericanismo para que ele não contamine suas d) foi preso por incitar uma revolução nos moldes da
fileiras. tunisiana.
c) Bloodmoney é uma novela encenada, em grande parte, e) foi quem projetou o estádio olímpico de Pequim.
no Paquistão.
d) as operações da ISI e da CIA, no Paquistão, fugiram de

18) (ITA 2011) Segundo o texto, Texto para as questões 23 – 28
a) Liu Xiaobo foi preso em 3 de abril no aeroporto de 5 Ways To Turn Fear Into Fuel
Pequim. Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Jonathan Fields,
b) houve, na China, incitação à revolução via Internet. author of Uncertainty: Turning Fear and Doubt Into Fuel for
c) Ai Weiwei é o mais proeminente dissidente chinês. Brilliance.
d) a prisão domiciliar é prática frequente em território Uncertainty. It’s a terrifying word.
chinês. Living with it, dangling over your head like the sword of
e) Ai Weiwei faz críticas veladas ao regime vigente. Damocles, day in day out, is enough to send anyone spiraling
Texto para as questões 19 – 22 into a state of anxiety, fear and paralysis.
Like it or not, though, uncertainty is the new normal. We
live in a time where the world is in a state of constant, long-
term flux. And, that’s not all. If you want to spend your time on
the planet not just getting-by, but consistently creating art,
experiences, businesses and lives that truly matter, you’ll need
to proactively seek out, invite and even deliberately amplify
uncertainty. Because the other side of uncertainty is
Nothing great was ever created by waiting around for
someone to tell you it’s all going to be okay or for perfect
information to drop from the sky. Doesn’t happen that way.
19) (ITA 2012) No contexto em que se insere, “external Great work requires you to act in the face of uncertainty, to live
stuff”, no quarto quadro da tirinha, foi interpretado, pelo in the question long enough for your true potential to emerge.
entrevistado, como There is no alternative.
a) funcionários terceirizados. When you find the strength to act in the face of uncertainty,
b) exames de rotina para contratação. you till the soil of genius.
c) informações de menor importância. Problem is, that kills most people. It leads to unease,
d) dados de veracidade questionável. anxiety, fear and doubt on a level that snuffs out most
e) dados investigados externamente. genuinely meaningful and potentially revolutionary endeavors
20) (ITA 2012) Segundo a tirinha, em uma entrevista de before they even see the light of day. Not because they
trabalho wouldn’t have succeeded, but because you never equipped
a) está cada vez mais difícil falsear informações pessoais. yourself to handle and even harness the emotional energy of
b) a empresa contratante exige uma série de exames the journey.
clínicos que atestem a saúde do candidato. But, what if it didn’t have to be that way?
c) a atitude do candidato é comprovada através de What if there was a way to turn the fear, anxiety and self-
detalhada investigação laboratorial. doubt that rides along with acting in the face of uncertainty—
d) o desempenho do entrevistado é de suma importância the head-to-toe butterflies—into fuel for brilliance?
para a construção de sua imagem. Turns out, there is. Your ability to lean into the unknown
e) as informações sobre o entrevistado, disponíveis online, isn’t so much about luck or genetics, rather it’s something
não são mais importantes do que sua atitude e entirely trainable. I’ve spent the past few years interviewing
apresentação pessoal. world-class creators across a wide range of fields and pouring
21) (ITA 2012) “Tanning bed”, no penúltimo quadro da over research that spans neuroscience, decision-theory,
tirinha psychology, creativity and business.
a) foi mencionado para ocultar um MRI. Through this work, a collection of patterns, practices and
b) refere-se a uma atitude do entrevistado. strategies have emerged that not only turbocharge insight,
c) refere-se a um tipo de cama utilizada para relaxamento. creativity, innovation and problem-solving, but also help
d) é sinônimo de MRI. ameliorate so much of the suffering so often associated with
e) é um tipo de exame. the pursuit of any creative quest.
22) (ITA 2012) A palavra “landed”, na sentença “apparently Fonte: http://zenhabits.net/fearfuel. Acesso em 07/12/2011.
some of your sample landed [...]”, no sexto quadro da Texto adaptado.
tirinha, pode ser substituída por 23) (ITA 2012) De acordo com a ideia central do texto, a
a) stopped. incerteza
b) ended up. a) é comum nos dias de hoje e leva a um estado de
c) was included. ansiedade e medo paralisante.
d) arrived. b) é normal nos dias de hoje e impede o desenvolvimento
e) was caught. das potencialidades.
c) é normal nos dias de hoje mas também pode
proporcionar oportunidades.
d) embora natural nos dias de hoje, pode até levar à morte.
e) embora seja objeto de estudo de diversas áreas de
conhecimento, nenhuma desenvolveu mecanismos para
sua total superação.

24) (ITA 2012) Na sentença “When you find the strength to a) Your airline should offer its clients a wider range of
act in the face of uncertainty, you till the soil of genius” businesses.
(linhas 19 e 20), o vocábulo “till” tem o mesmo significado b) Business should cross borders and also should your
de airline.
a) crop. c) Your airline should invest more in business worldwide.
b) until. d) Business crosses borders and your airline should, too.
c) stir. e) Your airline should keep on doing business abroad so as
d) cultivate. to improve its results.
e) still. Texto para as questões 30 – 32
25) (ITA 2012) Escolha a opção que apresenta a mesma ideia Reboot the School
da afirmação a seguir: “Your ability to lean into the SALMAN KHAN’S YOUTUBE LESSONS HAVE
unknown isn’t so much about luck or genetics, rather ALREADY MADE HIM A GEEK CELEBRITY.
it’s something entirely trainable” (linhas 32 – 34). NOW HE WANTS TO REINVENT HOMEWORK, BANISH
a) Your ability to deal with the unknown isn’t a matter of CLASSROOM LECTURES—AND MAYBE SAVE
genetics but luck. EDUCATION
b) Your ability to deal with the unknown has nothing to do Fifth-graders at Eastside College Preparatory School in East
with genetics or luck but training. Palo Alto, Calif., sit at their desks with netbooks. They're in the
c) Your ability to deal with the unknown rather than being middle of a math lesson, listening as a teacher explains how to
simply about genetics is equally a matter of luck and convert percentages to decimals. "If we get rid of the percent
training. sign, we just have to move the decimal sign two places to the
d) Your ability to deal with the unknown, instead of being left," the instructor says. Pens scribble across notebooks.
simply a matter of luck and genetics, is mainly Eleven thousand miles away in Accra, Ghana, students at
something trainable. the African School for Excellence are studying logarithms.
e) Your ability to deal with the unknown, instead of being Their teacher is the same one firing off math tips in California–
entirely trainable, is mainly a matter of luck and both groups of kids are learning by watching online videos.
genetics. While the screen shows a march of equations and diagrams, the
26) (ITA 2012) A expressão “The head-to-toe butterflies” students never actually see the face of the lecturer. There's just
(linha 31), no contexto em que se insere, significa a voice, deep, patient and unrehearsed—think NPR host
a) incertezas que confundem a mente. crossed with Mister Rogers. His inflection rises at times to
b) autoquestionamentos que imobilizam o corpo da cabeça underscore a point or when he gets really excited. "Math is not
aos pés. just random things to memorize and regurgitate on a test next
c) aflições que acabam interferindo no bom funcionamento week," he says. "It's the purest way of describing the universe!"
do organismo. The voice belongs to Salman Khan, a 35-year-old hedge-
d) sensação de formigamento nas extremidades do corpo. fund manager turned YouTube professor to millions around the
e) medos e anseios que dão a sensação de “frio na barriga”. world. Thanks to his Khan Academy, an online repository of
27) (ITA 2012) No contexto em que se insere, a afirmação some 3,250 digital lectures, he has become a celebrity to
“turns out, there is” (linha 32) pode ser entendida como: techies, educators and uncounted high schoolers cramming for
a) é possível transformar medo e ansiedade em algo the AP biology test. His 18-minute discourse on the Krebs
construtivo. cycle and cell metabolism has been viewed more than 675,000
b) o medo e a ansiedade levam à inação. times.
c) a incerteza transforma o medo em ansiedade e dúvida. But Khan isn't satisfied with being the most famous teacher
d) temores estão geralmente associados à incerteza. ever to appear on a Web browser. He believes he has stumbled
e) há um caminho no qual temores e incertezas andam onto a solution to some of education's most intractable
juntos. problems, with his video-driven teaching method at its heart.
28) (ITA 2012) Na linha 5, “Like it or not” He wants to fundamentally change the role of teachers in the
a) refere-se à espada de Damocles. classroom—and redefine the concept of homework along the
b) significa sendo ou não sendo como descrito no texto. way. And he has persuaded Bill Gates, Google's Eric Schmidt
c) refere-se à normalidade da incerteza nos dias atuais. and a minor constellation of other tech billionaires to back this
d) significa goste disso ou não goste. quest.
e) refere-se aos sentimentos desencadeados pela incerteza. Education reform is notoriously difficult. K-12 schools are
29) (ITA 2012) Leia o anúncio abaixo e assinale a opção que debating everything from teacher evaluations to standardized
substitui corretamente a afirmação “so should your tests, with no consensus in sight. Universities, meanwhile, are
airline”. confronting massive budget cuts and new kinds of
competition—as dramatized by the recent turmoil at the
University of Virginia. Its board fired the president amid
worries that UVa wasn't keeping up with change and
embracing online education fast enough, then rehired her 16
days later after a backlash from students and faculty.
At all levels, there's plenty of skepticism about any tech-
centric approach to teaching. An estimated $65.7 billion was
spent in the U.S. last year on education technology, according

to research firm Gartner. But many educators say there is little decided to stay permanently as professor of electrical
concrete proof of its benefits. engineering.
Khan is already butting up against veteran teachers nervous Dr. Beckmann has authored 11 books and more than 50
about their roles in his brave new classroom. But the biggest scientific papers, mostly on probability theory and
obstacle of all may be Khan himself. For all his grassroots electromagnetic wave propagation. History is one of his side
fandom and Silicon Valley cred, he's not an educator, and he's interests; another is linguistics (he is fluent in five languages
never worked with children. Are parents and teachers ready to and he has worked out a new generative grammar which
upend hundreds of years of precedent about how basic subjects enables a computer to construct trillions of grammatical
are taught on the word of a guy who has spent more time sentences from a dictionary of less than 100 unprocessed
analyzing financial statements than standing before a words).
blackboard? He also publishes a monthly pro-science, pro-technology,
Fonte: Time, July 9, 2012. Texto adaptado. pro-free enterprise newsletter Access to Energy, in which he
30) (ITA 2012) Escolha a opção correta. promotes the viewpoint that clean energy can be made
a) O texto descreve o método adotado para o ensino de plentiful, but that access to it is blocked by government
matemática na Eastside College Preparatory School, em interference and environmental paranoia.
Palo Alto, Califórnia. BECKMANN, Petr. A History of Pi. New York: Barnes &
b) O uso da tecnologia está tão disseminado que em Gana, Noble Books, 1983.
África, substitui o professor no ensino de logaritmos. 33) (ITA 2013) O texto foi extraído de um(a)
c) Khan não é educador, mas pode ter encontrado a a) aba / orelha de livro.
solução para alguns problemas educacionais. b) prefácio de livro.
d) Cortes no orçamento provocaram demissão em massa e c) roteiro de leitura.
tumulto na Universidade de Virgínia. d) resenha literária.
e) Nos vídeos online, não é possível ver o rosto do e) ensaio literário
professor; apenas se ouve a voz de Mister Rogers. 34) (ITA 2013) O livro A History of Pi
31) (ITA 2012) Assinale a opção correta, de acordo com o a) descreve grande parte da história da matemática e da
texto. humanidade.
a) Professores, de modo geral, acreditam que o ensino b) é direcionado apenas para iniciantes em matemática.
centrado numa abordagem tecnológica pode ser a c) conta a história de Petr Beckmann em tempos de
grande promessa para o avanço educacional. repressão ao conhecimento.
b) Khan quer contar com a ajuda de celebridades como d) associa conceitos matemáticos a fatos da vida cotidiana.
Bill Gates para vencer algumas resistências em relação e) é acessível a um público diversificado.
ao seu método educacional. 35) (ITA 2013) No contexto deste texto, o item lexical
c) Há pais e professores que desconfiam da pretensão de “stifled” (linha 5) pode ser traduzido por
um profissional do mercado financeiro em substituir a a) sufocada.
experiência educacional acumulada ao longo de muito b) desmascarada.
tempo. c) organizada.
d) Há descrença quanto à aplicação da abordagem de Khan d) promulgada.
em crianças do ensino fundamental. e) institucionalizada.
e) A maioria dos professores do ensino regular defende 36) (ITA 2013) Dentre os interesses de Petr Beckmann, NÃO
uma proposta de ensino tradicional. se encontra(m)
32) (ITA 2012) A palavra “actually” (linha 12) a) a divulgação científica.
a) está empregada com o mesmo significado de can. b) a Geografia.
b) é um cognato. c) a História.
c) está relacionada à modernidade mencionada no texto. d) a pesquisa científica.
d) é sinônimo de eventually. e) as línguas estrangeiras.
e) equivale a really. 37) (ITA 2013) Indique o item lexical que pode substituir o
Texto para as questões 33 – 37 sublinhado no trecho “... mostly on probability theory
A HISTORY OF PI and electromagnetic wave propagation.” (linhas 16 e 17),
The history of Pi, says the author, though a small part of the sem prejudicar o seu sentido.
history of mathematics, is nevertheless a mirror of the history a) absolutely
of man. Petr Beckmann holds up this mirror, giving the b) chiefly
background of the times when Pi made progress — and also c) inherently
when it did not, because science was being stifled by d) randomly
militarism or religious fanaticism. The mathematical level of e) utterly
this book is flexible, and there is plenty for readers of all ages 38) (ITA 2013) A Grant Study, pesquisa realizada pela
and interests. Universidade de Harvard,
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Harvard conducted one of the longest and most
Petr Beckmann was born in Prague, Czechoslovakia, in comprehensive studies of human development — the 75
1924. Until 1963, he worked as a research scientist for the year old Grant Study — that’s reached some fascinating
Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, when he was invited as a conclusions regarding the recipe for leading a happy life.
Visiting Professor to the University of Colorado, where he The sample group was comprised of healthy male
Harvard college students who, over the course of their

lifetime, agreed to meet with an array of scientists and This is a worry for carmakers, who are wondering where
researchers who measured their psychological, physical their future customers are going to come from. In the two
and anthropological traits. Though all identities are decades to 2008 the number of miles driven by Americans in
confidential, it was recently discovered that John F. their 20s fell by 8%. In Britain a study for the RAC
Kennedy was a sample participant. Following these men Foundation, a transport-research body, found a 30% drop
through times of war, their careers, parenthood and old among men in the same age group between 1996 and 2006.
age, the Grant Study has amassed an exorbitant amount of One reason for concern is that half the world’s population
data that deeply reflects the human condition. What can now lives in towns and cities, which have only so much space
be concluded from seven decades of data? It is quite for cars. Even in rapidly growing car markets such as China,
simple actually; warm relationships between parents, city governments in the more prosperous parts of the country
spouses, children and friends have the greatest impact on are beginning to restrict new car registrations and invest
your health and happiness in old age. The study found heavily in public transport.
that 93 percent of the sample group who were thriving at Young urban residents may also be meeting up less often in
age 65, had a close relationship with a sibling when they person, thanks to social-networking sites that let them keep in
were younger. As George Vaillant, the lead director of the touch digitally. So they have less need for a car, and when they
study states, it can all be boiled down into five simple do need one they turn to car clubs, which offer rental by the
words: “Happiness is love. Full stop.” (Business Insider.) hour in their neighbourhood, and to car-sharing schemes. In
http://www.goodnet.org/articles/1055 (acesso em particular, the generation who came of age after 2000, the so-
10/06/2013). called “millennials”, express a preference for having access to
a) teve por objetivo investigar o comportamento de rather than owning cars. But some of that may be just talk. In a
pessoas idosas e felizes. survey by McKinsey, American millennials said they expected
b) possibilitou o levantamento gigantesco de dados sobre to use car clubs in the future, but when asked if owning a car
pesquisadores de Harvard. would remain an important status symbol, they were much
c) comprovou que John F. Kennedy foi um homem more likely to answer “yes” than older consumers.
extremamente feliz. Economic factors, too, work against car ownership. Sheryl
d) chama-se the 75 year old Grant Study por ser Connelly, Ford’s “global trends and futuring” manager, notes
homenagem à faixa etária analisada. that a few decades ago teenagers in America often got free
e) comprovou que felicidade na vida adulta está atrelada às driving lessons at school, but now they may have to pay up to
relações afetivas ao longo da vida. $800 for them before they can sit their test. The cost of adding
39) (ITA 2013) Pelo contexto, pode-se depreender que os a young driver to the family’s car-insurance policy too has
personagens são risen sharply, she says. In Britain the RAC Foundation study
found that fewer young men are driving because their
employers have cut back on providing company cars.
However, studies also show a marked rise in the proportion
of elderly people with driving licences. Baby-boomers pretty
much all learned to drive, and now that they are beginning to
retire they expect to continue motoring. The development of
assisted driving, followed one day by fully automated cars, will
allow them to stay mobile for much longer.
What may be happening in rich countries is a one-off shift
in the timing of people’s driving careers, so that they start later
a) dois alunos e um professor de matemática. but then continue well into old age. This may be no bad thing
b) um aluno e dois professores de matemática. for carmakers. It has long been an open secret in the business
c) pelo menos um professor de matemática. that cars are advertised as being for the young but are bought
d) três professores de matemática. mainly by the middle-aged with the necessary disposable
e) de identificação impossível. income. In America the average Mercedes buyer is in his late
Texto para as questões 40 – 45 50s, and even the supposedly youth-oriented MINI Cooper is
DISTANT PEAK CAR typically bought by people in their early 40s. The world’s
Carmakers worry that one day demand for cars will stop biggest car markets—China, North America and Europe—are
rising. But that is a long way off. all greying.
IN 1924 FORD ran an advertisement headlined “His First So it is not clear that declining car ownership among young
Car”, urging fathers to buy their teenage sons their first set of urbanites will have more than a marginal effect on overall car
wheels. The idea caught on. For boys, especially, learning to sales. Besides, argues Renault-Nissan’s Mr Ghosn, for most
drive became an essential part of growing up. By the late 1970s people “their car is more than an object.” For some it is an
86% of American 18-year-olds—of both sexes—had a driving extension of their home, he says, and most people would rather
licence. But then the trend went into reverse: researchers at the not share their home. For others it is their pet, and who wants
University of Michigan found that in 2010 only 61% of 18- to share their pet?
year-old Americans had licences. Other rich countries are All in all, “peak car”— the point at which worldwide
going the same way. Teenagers are showing less interest in cars demand for cars will stop rising—still seems quite a long way
as they turn their attention to smartphones and social off. In the rich world some of the economic factors that have
networking. deterred young people from taking up driving will fade away:
as cars become increasingly self-piloting and accident rates

fall, insurance costs should decrease, and in time there will be b) apenas II.
little or no need to take expensive lessons. c) apenas III.
The Economist, April 20th, 2013. d) apenas I e II.
40) (ITA 2013) Uma das razões para o menor uso de carros por e) apenas II e III.
jovens nos últimos anos é o(a) Texto para as questões 46 – 48
a) desinteresse em usar carro como símbolo de status THE MAN IN THE CONVERTIBLE
social. One morning, well after I was diagnosed with cancer, I got
b) realização de festas em clubes particulares. an email from Robbee Kosak, Carnegie Mellon’s vice
c) falta de segurança nas grandes cidades. president for advancement. She told me a story.
d) uso de redes sociais digitais. She said she had been driving home from work the night
e) insuficiência de estacionamentos e alto custo das vagas before, and she found herself behind a man in a convertible. It
privativas. was a warm, gorgeous, early-spring evening, and the man had
41) (ITA 2013) Considere as sentenças: his top down and all his windows lowered. His arm was
I. A geração millennials não se incomoda com status social. hanging over the driver’s side door, and his fingers were
II. A geração millennials já atingiu os 40 anos de idade. tapping along to the music on his radio. His head was bobbing
III. A geração baby boomers faz parte dos apreciadores da along, too, as the wind blew through his hair.
fabricante de carros Mercedes. Robbee changed lanes and pulled a little closer. From the
Está(ão) correta(s) side, she could see that the man had a slight smile on his face,
a) apenas I. the kind of absentminded smile a person might have when he’s
b) apenas II. all alone, happy in his own thoughts. Robbee found herself
c) apenas III. thinking: “Wow, this is the epitome of a person appreciating
d) apenas I e II. this day and this moment.”
e) apenas I e III. The convertible eventually turned the corner, and that’s
42) (ITA 2013) Assinale a opção correta. when Robbee got a look at the man’s full face. “Oh my God,”
a) O modelo MINI Cooper foi idealizado para o público she said to herself. “It’s Randy Pausch!”
consumidor jovem, apesar da maior comercialização She was so struck by the sight of me. She knew that my
para pessoas na faixa dos 40 anos. cancer diagnosis was grim. And yet, as she wrote in her email,
b) O mercado automobilístico em ascensão é constituído she was moved by how contented I seemed. In this private
exclusivamente por consumidores aposentados. moment, I was obviously in high spirits. Robbee wrote in her
c) De acordo com a Fundação RAC, houve uma queda de email: “You can never know how much that glimpse of you
30% nos percursos feitos pelos americanos. made my day, reminding me of what life is all about.”
d) O declínio de vendas de carro para o público jovem está I read Robbee’s email several times. I came to look at it as
diretamente relacionado ao alto custo de aulas de a feedback loop of sorts.
direção. It has not always been easy to stay positive through my
e) Veículos fretados e transporte solidário estão entre as cancer treatment. When you have a dire medical issue, it’s
opções dos jovens chineses que não compram veículos. tough to know how you’re really faring emotionally. I had
43) (ITA 2013) De acordo com o texto, a expressão “a long wondered whether a part of me was acting when I was with
way off” (no subtítulo e nas linhas 70 e 71) pode ser other people. Maybe at times I forced myself to appear strong
entendida como and upbeat. Many cancer patients feel obliged to put up a brave
a) eminente retrocesso. front. Was I doing that, too?
b) acontecimento a longo prazo. But Robbee had come upon me in an unguarded moment.
c) grande possibilidade. I’d like to think she saw me as I am. She certainly saw me as I
d) evento fora de cogitação. was that evening.
e) preocupação factível. Her mail was just a paragraph, but it meant a great deal to
44) (ITA 2013) A expressão “this is a worry for carmakers” me. She had given me a window into myself. I was still fully
(linha 12) resgata o(a) engaged. I still knew life was good. I was doing OK.
a) decréscimo do número de habilitações para motoristas Fonte: PAUSCH, R. The last lecture. New York, Hyperion,
britânicos. 2008. p.64-65
b) generalização da baixa venda de veículos. 46) (ITA 2014) O autor do texto
c) pequena disponibilidade de estacionamentos. a) utiliza a dissertação e a descrição como tipologia textual
d) menor interesse dos jovens por carros. predominante.
e) demora no amadurecimento dos adolescentes b) é narrador observador e mescla discursos direto, indireto
americanos. e indireto livre.
45) (ITA 2013) Considere as sentenças: c) usa foco narrativo em primeira pessoa configurando o
I. Houve queda no número de motoristas na Inglaterra até texto autobiográfico.
1996. d) utiliza linguagem coloquial nos diálogos para externar
II. No passado, estudantes americanos geralmente tinham seus sentimentos.
aulas gratuitas de direção. e) recorre a figuras de pensamento para compor o gênero
III. A propaganda “His First Car” tinha como público alvo dramático.
pais de jovens rapazes.
Está(ão) correta(s)
a) apenas I.

47) (ITA 2014) De acordo com as informações no texto, solve the problem and ask the question: What would Iron Man
Robbee Kosak look like if it was real?"
a) descreveu detalhadamente o cenário do seu primeiro The US military has so far spent about $10 million on
encontro com Randy Pausch. Talos, prompting the armed services committee to request a
b) sentiu-se atraída pelo veículo de Randy Pausch devido à briefing on the project to ensure taxpayer money is not being
alta velocidade dele. wasted.
c) escreveu palavras motivadoras a Randy Pausch porque "Will you ever have an Iron Man? I don't know," said Brian
desejava reanimá-lo. Dowling, a former soldier involved in the project. "But you'll
d) caracterizou o motorista do veículo como uma pessoa have some greatly improved technology along the way".
satisfeita e de bem com a vida. Fonte: http://www.theweek.co.uk/world-news/59323/iron-man-
e) ocupava o cargo de Vice-Presidente na empresa designers-to-build-body-armour-for-us-army
presidida por Randy Pausch. Acesso: 13/ago/2014
48) (ITA 2014) A frase “She had given me a window into 49) (ITA 2014) O projeto Talos
myself” (linha 39) expressa a) tem por objetivo construir uma prótese a ser usada por
a) percepção que Robbee Kosak transmitiu de si própria soldados americanos.
para Pausch. b) foi idealizado há quatro anos e três protótipos foram
b) visão reduzida que o autor transmitiu sobre seu lado apresentados.
otimista. c) é constituído por uma equipe formada por militares
c) aparência distorcida de uma personalidade extrovertida. americanos e pesquisadores aposentados.
d) constatação de que Randy Pausch não transmitia d) conta com a participação do studio que desenvolveu a
vontade de viver. armadura do Iron Man.
e) percepção do narrador sobre algo de que ele não se dava e) faz parte de um projeto mais amplo desenvolvido pela
conta. empresa americana Legacy Effects.
Texto para as questões 49 – 51 50) (ITA 2014) A empresa Legacy Effects
IRON MAN DESIGNERS TO BUILD BODY ARMOUR a) tem experiência em criar roupas especiais para filmes
FOR US ARMY americanos famosos.
Hollywood special effect team is working on a new Iron b) tem como sede o estado da Califórnia e prevê um gasto
Man 'agile exoskeleton' for US soldiers de 10 milhões no projeto Talos.
The Oscar-nominated special effects team behind the Iron c) é uma das parceiras do exército americano na
Man suit has been contracted to design body armour for the US idealização de exoesqueleto para uso médico.
military. d) aceitou o desafio do projeto Talos e garante cumprir
Legacy Effects, a Hollywood design studio based in todos os objetivos que o projeto impõe.
California, has previously worked on power suits for films such e) baseou-se nos estudos de exoesqueletos de animais e de
as RoboCop, Captain America, The Terminator and Iron Man. insetos para criar o protótipo americano.
Now, the company is building body armour equipped with an 51) (ITA 2014) A vestimenta idealizada no projeto Talos
"agile exoskeleton" that will allow soldiers to carry hundreds of deverá satisfazer apenas uma das condições abaixo:
pounds of equipment, the Wall Street Journal reports. a) não ultrapassar o orçamento de 10 milhões de dólares
"We are trying to be revolutionary," said Mike Fieldson, previsto pelo governo americano.
who manages the US military project known as the Tactical b) ajustar-se ao corpo humano independentemente do peso
Assault Light Operator Suit (Talos). e do tamanho do usuário.
Three prototypes have been presented to the Pentagon by c) oferecer condições de realizar operações militares
teams of bioengineers, technologists and a Canadian company carregando muito peso.
that studies insect and animal exoskeletons. The prototypes d) auxiliar o soldado em combate, aumentando o tempo em
will contribute to the creation of a new generation of body incursões militares não motorizadas.
armour which the US Special Operations Command aims to e) ser funcional e conter bateria duradoura e recarregável
complete within four years. por energia solar.
The suits are designed to protect soldiers from bullets, Texto para as questões 52 – 55
explosions and bayonet attacks. STICKERNOMICS
Legacy Effects admits that bringing an Iron Man to life Football albums
presents significant challenges. For one thing, a real-life Got, got, got, got, got, need
version of the suit would add extra bulk to a soldier limiting his THE World Cup is still two weeks away, but for children
or her agility. Also, the company estimates that the Iron Man worldwide (plus disturbing numbers of adults) the race to
suit would probably weigh about 180kg, and would need to be complete the Brazil 2014 sticker book started long ago. Panini,
supported by a mobile exoskeleton, but "none of the an Italian firm, has produced sticker albums for World Cups
exoskeletons in the industry are capable of moving that much since Mexico 1970; this year’s version has 640 stickers to
weight", SlashGear reports. collect. Collecting them is no idle pursuit, however. Getting
Russ Angold of Ekso Bionics, a company that designs every slot filled delivers an early lesson in probability, the
exoskeletons for medical use, says that power armour in films value of statistical tests and the importance of liquidity.
offer an unrealistic model, so engineers are presently trying to When you start an album, your first sticker (in Britain, they
make the suits more practical. "Hollywood has definitely made come in packs of five) has a 640/640 probability of being
the Iron Man suit impossibly thin, impossibly light, impossibly needed. As the spaces get filled, the odds of opening a pack
agile and impossibly energy efficient. So we're really trying to and finding a sticker you want fall. According to Sylvain Sardy

and Yvan Velenik, two mathematicians at the University of e) o processo de confecção e distribuição das figurinhas é
Geneva, the number of sticker packs that you would have to feito aleatoriamente pela Panini.
buy on average to fill the album by mechanically buying pack 54) (ITA 2014) De acordo com o texto, Sardy e Velenik
after pack would be 899. That assumes there is no supply shock a) insistem a formação de grupos de 10 colecionadores
to the market (the theft of hundreds of thousands of stickers in para facilitar o preenchimento total de álbuns de
Brazil in April left many fearful that Panini would run short of figurinhas.
cards). b) fiscalizam a compatibilidade entre a produção de
It also assumes that the market is not being rigged. Panini figurinhas e sua comercialização desde 2010.
says that each sticker is printed in the same volumes and c) verificaram na Suíça a repetição de aproximadamente 9
randomly distributed. In a 2010 paper Messrs Sardy and vezes cada figurinha em um lote de 6.000 figurinhas.
Velenik gamely played the role of “regulator” by checking the d) são matemáticos pesquisadores da empresa Panini,
distribution of stickers for a 660-sticker album sold in responsáveis pela distribuição das figurinhas.
Switzerland for that year’s World Cup. Out of their sample of e) consideram que as práticas de obtenção de figurinhas da
6,000 stickers, they expected to see each sticker 9.09 times on Copa do Mundo são injustas e manipuláveis.
average (6,000/660), which was broadly borne out in practice. 55) (ITA 2014) Em “Despite entreaties, your
Even in a fair market, it is inefficient to buy endless packs correspondent’s son is prepared to tear out most of his
as an individual (not to mention bloody expensive for the stickers to get hold of Lionel Messi” (linhas 45 – 47),
parents). The answer is to create a market for collectors to depreende-se que o autor
swap their unwanted stickers. The playground is one version of a) reconhece que também faz parte do grupo de
this market, where a child who has a card prized by many colecionadores fanáticos por álbuns de figurinhas.
suddenly understands the power of limited supply. Sticker fairs b) se dispõe a tudo para conseguir a figurinha de Lionel
are another. As with any market, liquidity counts. The more Messi para o filho.
people who can be attracted into the market with their duplicate c) busca adquirir as figurinhas mais disputadas para seu
cards, the better the chances of finding the sticker you want. filho por meio das redes sociais.
Messrs Sardy and Velenik reckon that a group of ten astute d) inclui-se no grupo de colecionadores insensatos de
sticker-swappers would need a mere 1,435 packs between them figurinhas de Copa de Mundo 2014.
to complete all ten albums, if they take advantage of Panini’s e) vivencia em casa o esforço de um colecionador para
practice of selling the final 50 missing stickers to order. obter uma única figurinha.
Internet forums, where potentially unlimited numbers of people Texto para as questões 56 e 57
can swap stickers, make this number fall even further. The idea
of a totally efficient market should dismay Panini, which will
sell fewer packs as a result. But as in all markets, behaviour is
not strictly rational. Despite entreaties, your correspondent’s
son is prepared to tear out most of his stickers to get hold of
Lionel Messi.
Fonte: http://www.economist.com/news/finance-and-
Acesso: 13/ago/2014
52) (ITA 2014) O autor do texto
I. atribui ao roubo de milhares de figurinhas no Brasil a 56) (ITA 2014) A relação semântica entre os dois quadros é de
dificuldade para compra e troca entre colecionadores. a) corroboration.
II. deprecia as estratégias do Grupo Panini para b) contradiction.
comercializar álbuns de figurinhas da Copa do Mundo. c) substantiation.
III. descreve o mercado de figurinhas da Copa do Mundo e d) establishment.
apresenta aos colecionadores possibilidades de obtenção de e) reinforcement.
figurinhas. 57) (ITA 2014) A reportagem anunciada na tirinha
Está(ão) correta(s) a) mostra a relação direta entre obesidade e consumo de
a) apenas a I. produtos calóricos.
b) apenas a II. b) divulga um estudo científico com o objetivo de mudar o
c) apenas a III. comportamento da audiência.
d) apenas I e II. c) demonstra indiferença com relação ao tema.
e) apenas I e III. d) estimula o uso de redes sociais para divulgar produtos
53) (ITA 2014) De acordo com o texto, dos patrocinadores.
a) a empresa Panini comercializa álbuns de figurinhas da e) revela que 70% das pessoas com sobrepeso são
Copa do Mundo há 30 anos. sedentárias.
b) é impossível completar o álbum sem que os
colecionadores recorram a feiras e redes sociais.
c) são necessárias 1.500 figurinhas para completar um
d) a empresa Panini disponibiliza a venda das 50
figurinhas faltantes aos colecionadores.

Texto para as questões 58 – 61 and started selling power it had bought on cheap long-term
Brazil’s business Belindia – Why the country produces contracts. Energy sales made up most of its operating profits
fewer world-class companies than it should that year. Such short-term stunts are hardly the path to long-
BRAZILIANS make up almost 3% of the planet’s term greatness.
population and produce about 3% of its output. Yet of the firms Worse, crisis management all too often consists of going
in Fortune magazine’s 2014 “Global 500” ranking of the cap in hand to the government. Brazilian bosses continue to
biggest companies by revenue only seven, or 1.4%, were from waste hours in meetings with politicians that could be better
Brazil, down from eight in 2013. And on Forbes’s list of the spent improving their businesses. In January 2014, as vehicle
2,000 most highly valued firms worldwide just 25, or 1.3%, sales flagged, the automotive industry’s reflex reaction was to
were Brazilian. The country’s biggest corporate “star”, descend on the capital, Brasília, and demand an extension of its
Petrobras, is mired in scandals, its debt downgraded to junk costly tax breaks. Thanks to lifelines cast by the state, feeble
status. In 1974 Edmar Bacha, an economist, described its firms stay afloat rather than sink and make room for more agile
economy as “Belindia”, a Belgium-sized island of prosperity in competitors. Shielded from competition by tariffs, subsidies
a sea of India-like poverty. Since then Brazil has done far and local-content rules, they have little reason to innovate. A
better than India in alleviating poverty, but in business terms it locally invented gizmo which lets cars run on both petrol and
still has a Belindia problem: a handful of world-class biodiesel is nifty. But, asks Marcos Lisboa of Insper, a business
enterprises in a sea of poorly run ones. school, does that really justify six decades of public support for
Brazilian businesses face a litany of obstacles: bureaucracy, the motor industry?
complex tax rules, shoddy infrastructure and a shortage of The dead hand of government
skilled workers—to say nothing of a stagnant economy. But a Indeed, a glance at the “Belgian” end of Brazil’s corporate
big reason for Brazilian firms’ underperformance is less well landscape suggests that successful firms cluster in sectors the
rehearsed: poor management. Since 2004 John van Reenen of state has not tried desperately to help, such as retail or finance.
the London School of Economics and his colleagues have Bradesco, a big lender, is internationally praised as a pioneer of
surveyed 11,300 midsized firms in 34 countries, grading them automated banking. Each month Arezzo creates 1,000 new
on a five-point scale based on how well they monitor their models of women’s shoes, and picks 170-odd to sell in its
operations, set targets and reward performance. Brazilian shops.
firms’ average score, at 2.7, is similar to that of China’s and a Brazil’s other world-beaters are in industries like
bit above that of India’s. But Brazil ranks below Chile (2.8) agriculture and aerospace, which are free to compete at home
and Mexico (2.9); America leads the pack with 3.3. The best and abroad, and in which the government sticks to its proper
Brazilian firms score as well as the best American ones, but its role. In 1990 farms were allowed to consolidate and to buy
long tail of badly run ones is fatter. foreign machines, pesticides and fertiliser. Efforts by Brazil’s
Part of the explanation is that medium and large firms tend trade negotiators opened up export markets. JBS, a meat giant,
to be better-organised than small ones, and not only because can slaughter 100,000 head of cattle a day, selling more beef
well-run ones are likelier to grow. Brazil offers incentives than any rival worldwide. Thanks in part to Embrapa, the
aplenty to stay bitty, such as preferential tax treatment for firms national agriculture-research agency, Brazilian farms have been
with a turnover of no more than 3.6m reais ($1.3m). As they raising productivity by about 4% a year for two decades.
expand, many firms split rather than face increased scrutiny Similarly, a supply of skilled engineers and know-how from
from the taxman. According to the World Bank, a midsized the government’s Technological Institute of Aeronautics has
Brazilian firm spends 2,600 hours filing taxes each year. In helped turn Embraer, privatised in 1994, into one of the
Mexico, it is 330 hours. world’s most successful aircraft-makers.
Ownership patterns play a part too. Many Brazilian The success of businesses such as these offers a lesson for
concerns are controlled by an individual shareholder, or one or the state. The best way to make Brazil’s underperforming firms
two families. Two-thirds of those with sales of more than $1 more competitive would be to make them compete more.
billion a year are family-owned, notes Heinz-Peter Elstrodt of Coddling by the state can be more a curse than a blessing.
McKinsey, a consulting firm. That is less than in Mexico Ronald Reagan’s dictum that the nine most terrifying words in
(96%) or South Korea (84%) but more than in America or the English language are, “I’m from the government and I’m
Europe. Mr Van Reenen’s research shows that where family here to help,” translates well into Flemish, Hindi and Brazilian
owners plump for outside chief executives, their firms do no Portuguese.
worse than similarly sized ones with more diverse By Schumpeter. In: The Economist. Feb 28th,2015.
shareholders. But all too often they pick kin over professional 58) (ITA 2015) Marque a opção cujo assunto não é
managers—and performance suffers. This is particularly true in mencionado no texto.
“low-trust” societies like Brazil, where bosses hire relatives a) Empresas familiares
instead of better-qualified strangers to avoid being robbed or b) Mão-de-obra qualificada
sued for falling foul of overly worker-friendly labour laws. c) Incentivos fiscais
Decades of economic turmoil—which ended when d) Encargos financeiros
hyperinflation was vanquished in 1994—meant that companies e) Bolsa de valores
were managed from crisis to crisis. This forced Brazilian firms 59) (ITA 2015) De acordo com o texto,
to be nimble. But it also encouraged short-termism, which a) devido à crise financeira, as indústrias têxtil e agrícola
management consultants and academics finger as Brazilian deixaram de fazer parte das empresas brasileiras mais
managers’ number-one sin. Faced with a record drought in bem sucedidas no cenário mundial.
2014, and a subsequent spike in energy prices in a hydropower-
dependent country, Usiminas, a steelmaker, stopped smelting

b) “Belindia” é o termo usado pelo economista Edmar 63) (ITA 2015) De acordo com a descrição dos tipos de
Bacha para comparar a produtividade empresarial do inteligência apresentados na figura,
Brasil com a da Bélgica e a da Índia. a) pessoas capazes de visualizar objetos mentalmente de
c) a pesquisa de Van Reenen diz que empresas familiares vários ângulos são dotadas de inteligência espacial.
brasileiras são prejudicadas por escolher parentes ao b) pessoas dotadas de inteligência lógico-matemática são
invés de profissionais mais qualificados como gestores. capazes de comprovar teoremas complexos.
d) reuniões entre empresários brasileiros e políticos c) pessoas preocupadas com o equilíbrio entre mente e
contribuem para a inovação automotiva e a redução dos corpo e com a boa postura corporal são dotadas de
impostos. inteligência corporal-cinestésica.
e) as revistas Fortune e Forbes revelam ascensão das d) pessoas dotadas de inteligência musical conseguem
empresas brasileiras no ranking mundial de 2013 para identificar ritmos e notas musicais e tocam qualquer
2014. instrumento.
60) (ITA 2015) Marque, dentre as frases extraídas do texto, e) pessoas dotadas de inteligência naturalista são leitores
aquela que expressa o posicionamento do autor com relação vorazes de textos sobre a natureza.
ao papel do governo na gestão de empresas brasileiras. Texto para as questões 64 – 67
a) Brazilian businesses face a litany of obstacles. (linha Teflon was Invented by Accident
15) Today I found out Teflon was invented by accident.
b) The best Brazilian firms score as well as the best The man who accidentally invented it was Dr. Roy
American ones. (linhas 25 e 26) Plunkett. After receiving his BA, MS, and eventually PhD in
c) Many Brazilian concerns are controlled by an individual organic chemistry, Dr. Plunkett took a job with DuPont, in
shareholder or one or two families. (linhas 38 – 40) Jackson New Jersey. He was subsequently assigned to work on
d) Such short-term stunts are hardly the path to long-term synthesizing various new forms of refrigerant, trying to find a
greatness. (linhas 62 e 63) non-toxic alternative to refrigerants like sulfur dioxide and
e) Coddling by the state can be more a curse than a ammonia.
blessing. (linha 103) According to DuPont, in 1938, 27 year old Dr. Plunkett and
61) (ITA 2015) O texto apresenta como modelos de gestão bem his assistant, Jack Rebok, were experimenting with one such
sucedida e independente de auxílio do governo as empresas potential alternative refrigerant, tetrafluorethylene (TFE). Dr.
a) Bradesco e Arezzo. Plunkett subsequently created around 100 pounds of TFE and
b) Embraer e Petrobras. stored the gas in small cylinders.
c) Arezzo e Embrapa. On April 6, 1938, upon opening the valve on one of the
d) Petrobrás e JBS. pressurized cylinders of TFE that had previously been frozen,
e) JBS e Usiminas. nothing came out, even though by its weight, it seemed to still
Texto para as questões 62 e 63 be full. Dr. Plunkett and Jack Rebok then decided to investigate
further by cutting the cylinder open. Once they managed to get
it open, they discovered that the TFE gas inside had
polymerized into a waxy white powder, polytetrafluoroethylene
(PTFE) resin.
Ever the scientist, Plunkett then proceeded to run tests on
this new substance to see if it had any unique or useful
properties. Four of the most important properties of this
substance discovered were that it was extremely slippery (one
of the slipperiest substances known to man), non-corrosive,
chemically stable, and that it had an extremely high melting
point. These properties were deemed interesting enough that
the study of the substance was transferred to DuPont’s Central
Research Department and assigned to chemists that had special
experience in polymer research and development, while Dr.
Plunkett was then promoted and transferred to a separate
division that produced tetraethyl (sic), used to boost gasoline
octane levels.
Three years later, the process and name of Teflon were
62) (ITA 2015) Os tipos de inteligência que se associam às patented and trademarked. Four years after that, Teflon first
definições I, II, III e IV da figura são, respectivamente: began being sold, initially only used for various industrial and
I II III IV military applications due to the expense of producing TFE. By
a) inter-personal | existential | intra-personal | linguistic the 1960s, various forms of Teflon were being used in a variety
b) inter-personal | linguistic | intra-personal | existential of applications, such as stain repellant in fabrics and electrical
c) intra-personal | linguistic | inter-personal | existential wire insulation. It was also in the 1960s that Teflon began
d) intra-personal | inter-personal | existential | linguistic being used in its most publicly known application, as a coating
e) existential | linguistic | inter-personal | intra-personal for non-stick pans. Today, Teflon or other brands of the same
product are also used in windshield wipers; carpets and
furniture (as a stain repellant); light bulbs; coating on glasses;
in various hair products; in semiconductor manufacturing;

automotive lubricant; igniters for solid-fuel rocket propellants; A newly published series of experiments by cognitive
and in infrared decoy flares, among other things. neuroscientists at New York University is reinforcing the
Adaptado de www.todayIfoundout.com (acesso em relevance of facial expressions to perceptions of characteristics
19/07/2015). such as trustworthiness and friendliness. More importantly, the
64) (ITA 2015) De acordo com o texto, pode-se afirmar que research also revealed the unexpected finding that perceptions
Dr. Roy Plunkett of abilities such as physical strength are not dependent on
a) é doutor em química orgânica e foi responsável pela facial expressions but rather on facial bone structure.
descoberta de substâncias tóxicas em sistemas de The team’s first experiment featured photographs of 10
refrigeração. different people presenting five different facial expressions
b) começou a atuar na empresa DuPont juntamente com each. Study subjects rated how friendly, trustworthy or strong
Jack Rebok em Nova Jersey em 1938. the person in each photo appeared. A separate group of subjects
c) foi responsável pela descoberta de uma resina não scored each face on an emotional scale from “very angry” to
corrosiva chamada PTFE. “very happy.” And three experts not involved in either of the
d) provocou um acidente na empresa DuPont ao armazenar previous two ratings to avoid confounding results calculated
o gás TFE em cilindros pequenos. the facial width-to-height ratio for each face. An analysis
e) foi transferido para o Departamento Central de Pesquisa revealed that participants generally ranked people with a happy
da empresa a fim de se dedicar exclusivamente ao expression as friendly and trustworthy but not those with angry
estudo do PTFE. expressions. Surprisingly, participants did not rank faces as
65) (ITA 2015) Dentre as propriedades da resina PTFE citadas indicative of physical strength based on facial expression but
no texto, não se inclui a graded faces that were very broad as that of a strong individual.
a) refrigerante In a second survey facial expression and facial structure
b) deslizante were manipulated in computer-generated faces. Participants
c) quimicamente inerte rated each face for the same traits as in the first survey, with
d) resistente à alta temperatura the addition of a rating for warmth. Again, people thought a
e) não corrosiva happy expression, but not an angry one, indicated friendliness,
66) (ITA 2015) De acordo com o texto, trustworthiness — and in this case, warmth. The researchers
a) desde 1938, a empresa DuPont realiza estudos para then showed two additional sets of participants the same faces,
expandir o uso comercial da resina PTFE. this time either with areas relevant to facial expressions
b) a comercialização do Teflon teve início em 1960, após obscured or the width cropped. In the first variation, for faces
duas décadas de testes em diversos segmentos lacking emotional cues, people could no longer perceive
industriais. personality traits but could still perceive strength based on
c) a descoberta da nova resina levou a DuPont a instituir width. Similarly, for those faces lacking structural cues, people
novo departamento na empresa para focar neste estudo. could no longer perceive strength but could still perceive
d) a descoberta do Teflon ocorreu por acaso, quando personality traits based on facial expressions.
Plunkett e Rebok buscavam desenvolver compostos In a third iteration of the survey participants had to pick
químicos para sistemas de refrigeração. four faces out of a lineup of eight faces varied for expression
e) a preocupação inicial da empresa DuPont era and width that they might select either as their financial advisor
desenvolver equipamentos de baixo custo e menos or as the winner of a power-lifting competition. As might be
agressivos ao meio ambiente. expected, participants picked faces with happier expressions as
67) (ITA 2015) De acordo com o texto, o tipo de indústria que financial advisors and selected broader faces as belonging to
não se beneficia com as propriedades do Teflon é a power-lifting champs.
indústria In a final survey the researchers generated more than 100
a) têxtil. variations of one individual “base face” by varying facial
b) automobilística. features. Participants saw two faces at a time, and then picked
c) espacial. one as either trustworthy or high in ability or as a good
d) farmacêutica. financial advisor or power-lifting winner. Using these results, a
e) cosmética. computer then created an average face for each of these four
Texto para as questões 68 – 71 categories, which were shown to a separate set of participants
Your Facial Bone Structure Has a Big Influence on How who had to pick which face appeared either more trustworthy
People See You or stronger. Most of the participants found the computer-
(…) Selfies, headshots, mug shots — photos of oneself generated averages to be good representations of
convey more these days than snapshots ever did back in the trustworthiness or strength — and generally saw the average
Kodak era. Most digitally minded people continually post and “financial advisor” face as more trustworthy and the
update pictures of themselves at professional, social media and “powerlifter” face as stronger. The findings from all four
dating sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Match.com and surveys were published in the Personality and Social
Tinder. For better or worse, viewers then tend to make snap Psychology Bulletin on June 18.
judgments about someone’s personality or character from a Adaptado de www.scientific.american.com/article/your-facial-
single shot. As such, it can be a stressful task to select the bone-strecture-has-a-big-influence-on-how-people-see-
photo that conveys the best impression of ourselves. For those you.(acesso em 20/8/2015)
of us seeking to appear friendly and trustworthy to others, a
new study underscores an old, chipper piece of advice: Put on a
happy face.

68) (ITA 2015) De acordo com o texto, This was in late 2012. She was 69, in her early months
a) são relatados os resultados de quatro pesquisas getting familiar with retirement. For some time she had
realizadas por neurocientistas ligados a empresas de experienced the sensation of clouds coming over her, mantling
recursos humanos. thought. There had been a few hiccups at her job. She had been
b) todos os estudos utilizaram o mesmo método para a nurse who climbed the rungs to health care executive. Once,
analisar as fotos, mas os resultados são distintos. she was leading a staff meeting when she had no idea what she
c) as pesquisas foram encomendadas por gerenciadores de was talking about, her mind like a stalled engine that wouldn‘t
redes sociais como o Facebook e o LinkedIn. turn over.
d) as pesquisas mostram que as pessoas avaliam a “Fortunately I was the boss and I just said, ‘Enough of that;
confiabilidade observando as expressões faciais do Sally, tell me what you‘re up to,’” she would say of the
indivíduo. episode.
e) os quatro estudos apresentam resultados totalmente Certain mundane tasks stumped her. She told her husband,
distintos no que se refere à afetuosidade. Jim Taylor, that the blind in the bedroom was broken. He
69) (ITA 2015) De acordo com o texto, showed her she was pulling the wrong cord. Kept happening.
a) fotos postadas em redes sociais determinam as Finally, nothing else working, he scribbled on the adjacent wall
habilidades e competências de um candidato a emprego. which cord was which.
b) fotos digitais postadas nas redes sociais causam as Then there was the day she got off the subway at 14th
mesmas impressões sobre um indivíduo que fotos Street and Seventh Avenue unable to figure out why she was
analógicas. there.
c) a Universidade de Nova York pretende publicar as So, yes, she had had inklings that something was going
pesquisas relatadas na reportagem para divulgar wrong with her mind. She held tight to these thoughts. She
características de competência e confiabilidade. even hid her suspicions from Mr. Taylor, who chalked up her
d) além de credibilidade e competência profissional, a thinning memory to the infirmities of age.
análise das faces revelou dados sobre força física e “I thought she was getting like me,” he said. “I had been
condição socioeconômica. forgetful for 10 years.”
e) a percepção da força física de um indivíduo está But to not recognize her own face! To Ms. Taylor, this was
relacionada à estrutura óssea da face e não à expressão the “drop-dead moment” when she had to accept a terrible
facial do indivíduo. truth. She wasn‘t just seeing the twitches of aging but the early
70) (ITA 2015) Considere as sentenças a seguir: fumes of the disease.
I. O primeiro estudo foi realizado com um grupo de 10 She had no further issues with mirrors, but there was no
participantes e 3 avaliadores. ignoring that something important had happened. She confided
II. O segundo estudo ampliou o primeiro, incluindo a her fears to her husband and made an appointment with a
avaliação sobre afetuosidade. neurologist.
III. O terceiro estudo calculou a força física pela razão entre “Before then I thought I could fake it,” she would explain.
altura e largura da face. “This convinced me I had to come clean.”
IV. O quarto estudo utilizou as mesmas imagens do In November 2012, she saw the neurologist who was
primeiro estudo. treating her migraines. He listened to her symptoms, took
Está(ão) correta(as) blood, gave her the Mini Mental State Examination, a standard
a) apenas I e IV. cognitive test made up of a set of unremarkable questions and
b) apenas a II. commands. (For instance, she was asked to count backward
c) apenas II e III. from 100 in intervals of seven; she had to say the phrase: “No
d) apenas II e IV. ifs, ands or buts”; she was told to pick up a piece of paper, fold
e) apenas a IV. it in half and place it on the floor beside her.)
71) (ITA 2015) De acordo com o terceiro estudo, He told her three common words, said he was going to ask
a) rostos mais largos sinalizam pessoas mais felizes. her them in a little bit. He emphasized this by pointing a finger
b) rostos mais finos indicam pessoas mais competentes. at his head — remember those words. That simple. Yet when
c) rostos mais compridos indicam pessoas mais afetuosas. he called for them, she knew only one: Beach. In her mind, she
d) rostos mais finos sinalizam pessoas mais confiáveis. would go on to associate it with the doctor, thinking of him as
e) rostos mais largos indicam pessoas mais fortes Dr. Beach.
fisicamente. He gave a diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment, a
Texto para as questões 72 – 76 common precursor to Alzheimer‘s disease. The first label put
FRAYING AT THE EDGES: A LIFE-CH ANGING DI on what she had. Even then, she understood it was the footfall
AGNOSIS of what would come. Alzheimer‘s had struck her father, a
IT BEGAN WITH what she saw in the bathroom mirror. paternal aunt and a cousin. She long suspected it would
On a dull morning, Geri Taylor padded into the shiny bathroom eventually find her.
of her Manhattan apartment. She casually checked her Fonte:
reflection in the mirror, doing her daily inventory. http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/05/01/nyregion/livin
Immediately, she stiffened with fright. g-with-
Huh? What? alzheimers.html?action=click&contentCollection=Americas&
She didn‘t recognize herself. module= Trending&version=Full&region=
She gazed saucer-eyed at her image, thinking: Oh, is this Marginalia&pgtype=article. (acesso em 1/05/2016).
what I look like? No, that‘s not me. Who‘s that in my mirror?

72) (ITA 2016) Quanto ao gênero textual, o texto pode ser term sheets, accounting and mezzanine debt structures to
classificado como dealing with corruption to defining and marketing their brands.
a) sinopse de romance. They‘ll head home with golden contacts (investor cocktail
b) romance autobiográfico. hours were built into the packed schedule) and a commitment
c) romance biográfico. for up to $500,000 in seed capital from Capria Accelerator, a
d) laudo psiquiátrico. first-of-its-kind venture whose initial investors include
e) resenha médica. Microsoft cofounder (and world‘s richest man) Bill Gates.
73) (ITA 2016) Quanto à narrativa, o texto é apresentado One of those rehearsing is Patrick Makanza, 51, an M.B.A.
a) por narrador externo, que utiliza discursos direto e and veteran of Unilever and Barclays Bank, who quit a cushy
indireto. job at a top Zimbabwe private equity firm and launched Vakayi
b) pela personagem principal, que relata ao leitor suas Capital. The first fund being formed by Vakayi (which means
limitações cognitivas. “to build”) will back for-profit businesses providing essential
c) por uma personagem que traz também a voz da services in Zimbabwe, which has per capita gross domestic
personagem principal. product of about $1,000. That fund will make loans (with an
d) pelo médico que busca apresentar informações sobre option to convert some to equity) for an average of four years
Geri Taylor. to small and medium-size businesses that want to expand and
e) pela própria narradora, quando ainda tinha consciência can‘t get adequate bank financing. Among potential
dos fatos de sua vida. investments: an eye clinic that‘s building a new operating room
74) (ITA 2016) De acordo com o texto, so it can double its daily procedures and bring down the cost of
a) Geri Taylor ficou abatida com o diagnóstico de cataract surgery; an education microlender; and a builder of
Alzheimer e declarou ter sido nocauteada pela doença. low-cost housing.
b) Jim Taylor procurou o médico para conversar sobre os The next day, in their presentation, Makanza and his
esquecimentos da esposa. Vakayi cofounder tackle head-on the tough issues they might
c) o neurologista teve certeza da doença de Geri Taylor be asked about, including Zimbabwe‘s endemic corruption,
porque ela não conseguiu contar de 0 a 100. economic challenges and currency dramas–it squelched
d) Geri Taylor foi diagnosticada com um problema hyperinflation in 2009 by switching to foreign currencies,
cognitivo que normalmente precede o Alzheimer. primarily the U.S. dollar. But in the question period Tracy
e) Jim Taylor preferiu não contar ao médico sobre as Washington, principal investment officer for the International
doenças degenerativas na família da esposa. Finance Corp.‘s global private equity funds, lobs a personal
75) (ITA 2016) Marque a opção correta quanto aos query at Makanza, a father of four who is partial to
procedimentos solicitados pelo neurologista a Geri Taylor. conservative business suits and golf. “With your resume”, she
a) Contar de 0 a 100 em intervalos de 7 em 7. asks, “why get involved with so risky an enterprise, and will
b) Repetir cinco palavras em intervalos curtos de tempo. you stick to it?” Makanza responds that he worked in venture
c) Dobrar uma folha de papel ao meio e posicioná-la no capital back in the 1990s and came to miss the highs and lows
chão. of investing in early-stage entrepreneurs. “I still have at least
d) Elaborar perguntas e respondê-las em sequência. ten years to do this. … It‘s a real roller-coaster lifestyle. But I
e) Citar frases populares bem conhecidas. enjoyed it, and I want to have more of that experience again.”
76) (ITA 2016) Marque a opção que contém a principal causa Impact investing – which aims to produce both financial
da decisão de Geri Taylor em buscar diagnóstico médico. and social or environmental returns – is in vogue. Big names in
a) Dificuldade de reconhecer sua própria imagem diante do finance, from BlackRock to Goldman Sachs to Bank of
espelho. America Merrill Lynch, have been piling in recently, seeing it
b) Esquecimento de palavras importantes em reuniões de as a way to appeal to the socially conscious Millennials now
trabalho. building and inheriting wealth.
c) Dificuldades recorrentes para lidar com a persiana do But this alternative asset class is still small – $77 billion
quarto do casal. invested worldwide, according to a new survey from the Global
d) Sensação de estar perdida em pontos da cidade por onde Impact Investing Network. To grow, it needs experienced,
tinha costume de circular. hands-on fund managers, and those are in short supply,
e) Histórico de Alzheimer em pessoas da família, como o particularly in areas with the greatest needs, such as sub-
próprio pai e parentes paternos. Saharan Africa.
Texto para as questões 77 e 78 Fonte:
INSIDE THE BILL GATES-BACKED ACCELERATOR http://www.forbes.com/sites/laurengensler/2016/06/15/capria-
THAT'S TRAINING THE NEXT GENERATION OF bill-gates-impact-investing-accelerator/#56afe1ab1dc4.
VENTURE CAPITALISTS (Acesso em 07/07/2016).
Lauren Gensler, FORBES STAFF 77) (ITA 2016) De acordo com o texto,
In an airy converted furniture store in Seattle‘s Pioneer a) cinco profissionais da área financeira, de diferentes
Square neighborhood, five novice impact fund managers from partes do mundo, preparam-se para apresentar suas
Zimbabwe, Guatemala and the Netherlands are rehearsing the propostas a investidores.
sales pitches they‘ll make the next day to 60 mostly b) o curso sobre gestão financeira realizado em Seattle, de
institutional investors, representing $10 billion in capital. caráter eliminatório, teve duração de quatro semanas.
The presentations will be a graduation ceremony of sorts. c) contatos profissionais são mais importantes do que o
Despite their impressive resumes, the five men have just domínio de conhecimentos específicos e teóricos.
completed a four-week boot camp covering everything from

d) a comparação entre fundos de investimentos e a “nano craft” deep into space to explore the most remote regions
expressão "montanha russa" deve-se ao panorama that humans have ever seen, by far. The hugely ambitious
econômico dos últimos dez anos. project could reveal deep secrets of the universe and will allow
e) investimento de impacto é uma tendência que agrega people to photograph one of the most likely places to hold life
obrigatoriamente retornos financeiro, social e ambiental. on other worlds.
78) (ITA 2016) É INCORRETO afirmar que Patrick Makanza Professor Hawking said at the event: "What makes us unique is
a) é um profissional experiente que deixou uma carreira transcending our limits. Gravity pins us to the ground, but I just
bem sucedida para se arriscar em um novo flew to America.
empreendimento. "How do we transcend these limits? With our minds and our
b) faz questão de envolver os quatro filhos na gestão de machines.
todos os seus empreendimentos, apesar de ser um gestor "The limit that confronts us now is the great void between us
conservador. and the stars. But now we can transcend it, with light beams,
c) lançou Vakayi Capital com o objetivo de oferecer light sails, and the lightest spacecraft ever built. Today we
empréstimos a empresas que querem expandir, mas não commit to this next great leap into the cosmos, because we are
conseguem financiamento bancário adequado. human and our nature is to fly.”
d) participa de um evento na cidade de Seattle, preparando- The Starshot Project hopes to get the tiny robots out to the
se para responder perguntas sobre corrupção e riscos Alpha Centauri star system, 25 trillion miles away. Getting
financeiros no Zimbábue. there through normal means would take 30,000 years – but the
e) busca investir em empresas que prestem serviços new project hopes that using the tiny rockets will allow them to
essenciais no Zimbábue, como, por exemplo, na área de get there in just 20.
saúde, educação e habitação. Scientists think that the Alpha Centauri system might well have
Texto para as questões 79 e 80 an Earth-like planet that could be found in its “habitable
zones”. The craft will be able to take pictures of those – a
potential way that they might find life on other worlds.
The crafts will be ―gram-scale nano craft‖, according to Yuri
Milner, which will make their way through space using a “sail
pushed by a light beam”. Their design will allow them to fly at
25 per cent of light speed. Those craft will be able to send back
images of possible planets and other scientific data, according
to the scientists behind it.
"The human story is one of great leaps,” Dr Milner said.
“Today we are preparing for the next great leap – to the stars.
"Can we literally reach the stars, and can we do it in our
79) (ITA 2016) A terceira pessoa mostra-se incomodada devido
The tiny rockets are made up of computers that can be mounted
to a tiny “wafer”. Shrinking computer components mean that
a) incoerência das informações tratadas na conversa.
all of the necessary parts – cameras, thrusters, power supply
b) excesso de informações e à falta de privacidade.
and navigation equipment – can all be mounted on a tiny plate
c) impossibilidade de adquirir um smartphone.
that will be a fully functional space probe.
d) fato de ser ignorada pelas pessoas que estão
Before those are built, the project will have to create all of the
important parts on the ground. That includes the construction
e) resistência pessoal quanto ao uso de aplicativos para
of a light-beamer that can power the rockets and a
“mothership” that will be able to carry them all out into space
80) (ITA 2016) Depreende-se da leitura que os aplicativos
and launch them.
a) podem ser instalados em qualquer modelo de aparelho
Because of economies of scale and the decreasing price of
computer components, the team will eventually be able to send
b) oferecem exatamente as mesmas facilidades às duas
out the rockets for just a few hundred thousand dollars, they
c) registram informações nutricionais nos rótulos dos
Fonte: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/starshot-
d) impedem o consumo de alimentos de má qualidade
rockets-to-alpha-centauriin-most-a6981101.html (acesso em
e) auxiliam as usuárias no controle da perda de peso.
81) (ITA 2016) De acordo com o texto, o principal objetivo do
Texto para as questões 81 – 83
Projeto Starshot é
a) enviar robôs minúsculos para encontrar e investigar vida
alienígena inteligente em galáxias distantes.
b) encontrar planetas semelhantes à Terra, para os quais
Tiny rockets are going to be sent into space to study the far
humanos devam ser transportados dentro de vinte anos.
universe in the most ambitious space exploration project in
c) enviar "nanofoguetes" para a galáxia mais distante do
sistema solar, aonde nenhum ser humano seria capaz de
Scientists including Stephen Hawking and backers such as
internet investor Yuri Milner and Mark Zuckerberg will send

d) enviar foguetes minúsculos ao sistema estelar Alfa gradually start judging people by how much money they have.
Centauri a fim de obter imagens de seus planetas e You convince yourself that you need to make a lot of money so
outros dados científicos. you don’t miss out on success. And for you to make money,
e) alterar as leis da gravidade e transcender os limites da you need everyone else to spend their money. And so it goes.
ciência atual com nossas mentes e máquinas de forma So I said goodbye to a lot of things, many of which I’d had
nunca antes imaginada. for years. And yet now I live each day with a happier spirit. I
82) (ITA 2016) De acordo com o texto, é correto afirmar que feel more content now than I ever did in the past.
a) os "nanofoguetes" percorrerão o trajeto em um I wasn’t always a minimalist. I used to buy a lot of things,
centésimo do tempo que uma espaçonave comum faria. believing that all those possessions would increase my self-
b) é esperado que os "nanofoguetes" cheguem ao sistema worth and lead to a happier life. I loved collecting a lot of
estelar Alfa Centauri em apenas duas décadas. useless stuff, and I couldn’t throw anything away. I was a
c) o sistema Alfa Centauri se encontra a 25 trilhões de natural hoarder of knick-knacks that I thought made me an
quilômetros de distância da Terra. interesting person.
d) o Projeto Starshot levará robôs minúsculos ao sistema At the same time, though, I was always comparing myself
estelar Alfa Centauri em 30.000 anos. with other people who had more or better things, which often
e) a "nave-mãe" navegará a 25% da velocidade da luz até o made me miserable. I couldn’t focus on anything, and I was
sistema Alfa Centauri. always wasting time. Alcohol was my escape, and I didn’t treat
83) (ITA 2016) Quanto à execução do Projeto Starshot, o texto women fairly. I didn’t try to change; I thought this was all just
afirma que part of who I was, and I deserved to be unhappy.
a) os "nanofoguetes" serão constituídos por circuitos e My apartment wasn’t horribly messy; if my girlfriend was
baterias autocarregáveis, a fim de facilitar o coming over for the weekend, I could do enough tidying up to
arquivamento dos dados. make it look presentable. On a usual day, however, there were
b) a última etapa para a criação dos "nanofoguetes" será books stacked everywhere because there wasn’t enough room
definir o tamanho da nave-mãe e de todos os seus on my bookshelves. Most I had thumbed through once or
componentes. twice, thinking that I would read them when I had the time.
c) as câmeras, os propulsores, as fontes de energia e os The closet was crammed with what used to be my favourite
equipamentos de navegação foram desenvolvidos em clothes, most of which I’d only worn a few times. The room
um projeto anterior. was filled with all the things I’d taken up as hobbies and then
d) os investidores em componentes para computadores gotten tired of. A guitar and amplifier, covered with dust.
comercializarão os "nanofoguetes" a fim de lucrar Conversational English workbooks I’d planned to study once I
centenas de milhares de dólares. had more free time. Even a fabulous antique camera, which of
e) a economia de escala é um dos fatores que poderá course I had never once put a roll of film in.
permitir o envio dos "nanofoguetes" ao espaço por It may sound as if I’m exaggerating when I say I started to
algumas centenas de milhares de dólares. become a new person. Someone said to me: “All you did is
Texto para as questões 84 – 86 throw things away,” which is true. But by having fewer things
GOODBYE THINGS, HELLO MINIMALISM: CAN around, I’ve started feeling happier each day. I’m slowly
LIVING WITH LESS MAKE YOU HAPPIER? beginning to understand what happiness is.
Fumio Sasaki owns a roll-up mattress, three shirts and four If you are anything like I used to be – miserable, constantly
pairs of socks. After deciding to scorn possessions, he began comparing yourself with others, or just believing your life
feeling happier. He explains why. sucks – I think you should try saying goodbye to some of your
Let me tell you a bit about myself. I’m 35 years old, male, things. […] Everyone wants to be happy. But trying to buy
single, never been married. I work as an editor at a publishing happiness only makes us happy for a little while.
company. I recently moved from the Nakameguro 84) (ITA 2017) De acordo com o texto, Fumio
neighbourhood in Tokyo, where I lived for a decade, to a a) já foi casado, mas está solteiro no momento.
neighbourhood called Fudomae in a different part of town. The b) morou em Nakameguro por 10 anos.
rent is cheaper, but the move pretty much wiped out my c) mudou-se de Tóquio recentemente.
savings. d) é editor em uma agência de publicidade.
Some of you may think that I’m a loser: an unmarried adult e) mudou-se porque precisava quitar dívidas.
with not much money. The old me would have been way too 85) (ITA 2017) Antes da mudança, Fumio acumulava bens
embarrassed to admit all this. I was filled with useless pride. materiais porque
But I honestly don’t care about things like that any more. The a) queria vendê-los quando chegasse à velhice. ,
reason is very simple: I’m perfectly happy just as I am. The b) costumava julgar as pessoas pelos carros que possuíam.
reason? I got rid of most of my material possessions. c) queria desfrutar deles sem se preocupar com o futuro.
Minimalism is a lifestyle in which you reduce your d) acreditava que as posses aumentariam a sua autoestima
possessions to the least possible. Living with only the bare e felicidade.
essentials has not only provided superficial benefits such as the e) desejava impressionar a mulher que amava por meio de
pleasure of a tidy room or the simple ease of cleaning, it has suas posses.
also led to a more fundamental shift. It’s given me a chance to 86) (ITA 2017) Sobre Fumio, é correto afirmar que
think about what it really means to be happy. a) a mudança para o novo apartamento fez com que suas
We think that the more we have, the happier we will be. We reservas financeiras aumentassem.
never know what tomorrow might bring, so we collect and save b) seu antigo apartamento era tão bagunçado que ele não
as much as we can. This means we need a lot of money, so we podia sequer receber a namorada.

c) desperdiçava tempo e não conseguia manter o foco, aggressive or arrogant, while women’s experience and
antes de aderir ao minimalismo. excitement were tempered by discussions of their emotional
d) orgulhava-se de ter um salário mais alto do que todos os shortcomings. Similarly, cautiousness was viewed very
seus amigos. differently depending on the gender of the entrepreneur.
e) era alcoólatra e violento com as pessoas, antes de mudar Unsurprisingly, these stereotypes seem to have played a
o estilo de vida. role in who got funding and who didn’t. Women entrepreneurs
Texto para as questões 87 – 90 were only awarded, on average, 25% of the applied-for
WE RECORDED VCs CONVERSATIONS AND amount, whereas men received, on average, 52% of what they
ANALYZED HOW DIFFERENTLY asked for. Women were also denied financing to a greater
THEY TALK ABOUT FEMALE ENTREPRENEURS extent than men, with close to 53% of women having their
When venture capitalists (VCs) evaluate investment applications dismissed, compared with 38% of men. […]
proposals, the language they use to describe the entrepreneurs Such stereotyping will inevitably influence the distribution
who write them plays an important but often hidden role in of financing, but could also have other major consequences.
shaping who is awarded funding and why.[…] We were given Because the purpose of government venture capital is to use tax
access to government venture capital decision making meetings money to stimulate growth and value creation for society as a
in Sweden and were able to observe the types of language that whole, gender bias presents the risk that the money isn’t being
VCs used over a two-year period. One major thing stuck out: invested in businesses that have the highest potential. This isn’t
The language used to describe male and female entrepreneurs only damaging for women entrepreneurs; it’s potentially
was radically different. And these differences have very real damaging for society as a whole.
consequences for those seeking funding — and for society in 87) (ITA 2017) De acordo com o texto, é correto afirmar que
general. a) o número de propostas feitas por mulheres representava
[…] Worldwide, government venture capital is important um terço do total de pedidos de investimento.
for bridging significant financial gaps and supporting b) em virtude dos estereótipos de gênero, somente 16 das
innovation and growth, as VCs can take risks where banks are candidatas receberam financiamento.
not allowed to. When uncertainty is high regarding assessment c) as empreendedoras que foram aprovadas receberam
of product and market potential, for example, the assessment of somente 53% do total que requereram.
the entrepreneur’s potential becomes highly central in d) os homens conseguiram mais do que o dobro de
government VCs’ decision making. financiamento se comparados às mulheres.
In Sweden, about one-third of businesses are owned and e) 52% dos requerentes do gênero masculino tiveram seus
run by women, although they are not granted a corresponding pedidos de financiamento aprovados.
proportion of government funding. In fact, women-owned 88) (ITA 2017) De acordo com o texto, é correto afirmar que
businesses receive much less — only 13%–18%, the rest going a) na Suécia, as mulheres possuem cerca de um terço das
to male-owned companies. empresas e, proporcionalmente, conseguem
This brings us back to our research. From 2009 to 2010 we financiamento correspondente ao concedido a
were invited to silently observe governmental VC decision- empreendedores do sexo masculino.
making meetings and, more important, the conversations they b) foram observadas, pelo período de um ano, as reuniões
had about entrepreneurs applying for funding. […] We decisórias para a escolha de quais empreendedores
observed closed-room, face-to-face discussions leading final receberiam investimento de capital de risco pelo
funding decisions for 125 venture applications. Of these, 99 governo sueco.
(79%) were from male entrepreneurs and 26 (21%) were from c) a análise do potencial de mercado ou do produto é
female entrepreneurs. The group of government venture primordial na tomada de decisão sempre que há dúvidas
capitalists observed included seven individuals: two women em relação ao potencial do empreendedor.
and five men. […] d) tendo em vista que os bancos não podem assumir
Aside from a few exceptions, the financiers rhetorically determinados riscos, o aporte de capital por parte do
produce stereotypical images of women as having qualities governo desempenha um papel importante no incentivo
opposite to those considered important to being an à inovação e ao crescimento.
entrepreneur, with VCs questioning their credibility, e) a forma como os investidores (VCs) descrevem os
trustworthiness, experience, and knowledge. empreendedores desempenha um papel muito claro e
Conversely, when assessing male entrepreneurs, financiers inquestionável na decisão de como os recursos
leaned on stereotypical beliefs about men that reinforced their financeiros são distribuídos.
entrepreneurial potential. Male entrepreneurs were commonly 89) (ITA 2017) De acordo com as observações dos
described as being assertive, innovative, competent, pesquisadores, para os investidores (VCs)
experienced, knowledgeable, and having established networks. a) excesso de entusiasmo causa desconfiança em relação a
We developed male and female entrepreneur personas controle emocional, no caso de mulheres.
based on our findings […]. These personas highlight a few key b) cautela é positiva quando se trata de homens; porém, no
differences in how the entrepreneurs were perceived depending caso de mulheres, significa medo de arriscar.
on their gender. Men were characterized as having c) juventude é vista como um aspecto promissor tanto para
entrepreneurial potential, while the entrepreneurial potential for mulheres quanto para homens.
women was diminished. Many of the young men and women d) agressividade e arrogância são consideradas
were described as being young, though youth for men was características negativas para ambos os gêneros.
viewed as promising, while young women were considered e) experiência, conhecimento e competência são
inexperienced. Men were praised for being viewed as características marcantes das mulheres.

90) (ITA 2017) Marque a opção que lista qualidades expostas pharmacologically, using brain implants for recordings,
no texto que foram colocadas em dúvida em relação às stimulation and drug delivery, by employing brain-machine
empreendedoras. interfaces, or even by ablation of certain brain areas.
a) Experiência, cautela, juventude e liderança. In this Research Topic, we welcome papers critically
b) Potencial para inovação, competência, assertividade e evaluating the existing methods of brain augmentation,
entusiasmo. introducing new approaches and probing particular parts of
c) Entusiasmo, potencial de crescimento, confiabilidade e brain circuitry and particular neuronal mechanisms as
competitividade. candidates for an enhancement. We welcome scientists from
d) Assertividade, conhecimento de mercado, competência different fields: from neuroscience of microcircuits to systems
e determinação. neuroscience of large-scale networks and neural engineering.
e) Conhecimento, credibilidade, experiência e The work can be experimental or computational. Reviews and
confiabilidade. papers on philosophical and ethical issues are also welcome.
Texto para as questões 91 – 93 While the scope of possible relevant topics is broad, the
authors are encouraged to clearly indicate how their studies
address the announced theme of brain augmentation.
Important Note: All contributions to this Research Topic
must be within the scope of the section and journal to which
they are submitted, as defined in their mission statements.
Frontiers reserves the right to guide an out-of-scope manuscript
to a more suitable section or journal at any stage of peer
94) (ITA 2017) O texto é um(a):
a) artigo de opinião.
b) artigo científico.
c) resumo de projeto de pesquisa.
d) relato de experiência.
e) chamada para publicação
91) (ITA 2017) A mãe de Helga pergunta "What did you ever 95) (ITA 2017) Considere as seguintes afirmações:
see in that man?" porque I. A melhoria ou o aumento das funções cerebrais pode ser
a) acha que ele não dá atenção a sua filha. obtida via: estimulação farmacológica, interface cérebro-
b) repara que ele trata Helga de forma rude. máquina, implantes cerebrais ou mesmo remoção de
c) percebe que Helga está chateada com ele. determinadas áreas do cérebro.
d) suspeita que ele trate o cão melhor do que Helga. II. Atualmente, abordagens para melhoria das funções
e) observa que ele é um homem folgado. cerebrais envolvem exclusivamente funções sensoriais,
92) (ITA 2017) O fato de Helga usar a expressão “Oh... now, cognitivas e motoras.
mother...”, significa que ela III. O aumento das funções cerebrais pode vir a ser usado
a) concorda com sua mãe que cometeu um erro ao se casar no tratamento de doenças neurodegenerativas.
com Hägar. Com base no texto, estão corretas
b) vai contar à sua mãe porque se casou com Hägar. a) apenas I e II.
c) está irritada com o comportamento do marido. b) apenas I e III.
d) ficou incomodada com o comentário de sua mãe. c) apenas II e III.
e) quer confessar para sua mãe o desânimo com o d) apenas III.
casamento. e) todas.
93) (ITA 2017) A ironia da mãe de Helga, ao afirmar: “I can 96) (ITA 2017) Com base no texto, é INCORRETO afirmar
see that!”, reside no fato de que que estudos sobre a melhoria das funções cerebrais
a) ela vê quão bem Hägar trata Snert. a) devem-se aos avanços que foram conquistados no
b) ela constata que Hägar trata Snert como se fosse um campo das Neurociências.
serviçal. b) são realizados tanto na esfera computacional quanto no
c) Snert pode comer junto com a família. domínio experimental.
d) Hägar passou a noite inteira ensinando truques para c) são realizados por cientistas de diferentes áreas.
Snert. d) ainda estão apenas no campo da ficção científica.
e) Hägar permite que Snert fique dentro da casa. e) englobam questões de natureza ética e filosófica.
Texto para as questões 94 – 96 Texto para as questões 97 – 100
AUGMENTATION OF BRAIN FUNCTION: FACTS, […] A picture of Brighton beach in 1976, featured in the
FICTION AND CONTROVERSY Guardian a few weeks ago, appeared to show an alien race.
Augmentation of brain function is no longer just a theme of Almost everyone was slim. I mentioned it on social media, then
science fiction. Due to advances in neural sciences, it has went on holiday. When I returned, I found that people were
become a matter of reality that a person may consider at some still debating it. The heated discussion prompted me to read
point in life, for example as a treatment of a neurodegenerative more. How have we grown so fat, so fast? To my astonishment,
disease. Currently, several approaches offer enhancements for almost every explanation proposed in the thread turned out to
sensory, motor and cognitive brain functions, as well as for be untrue. […] The obvious explanation, many on social media
mood and emotions. Such enhancements may be achieved insisted, is that we’re eating more. […]

So here’s the first big surprise: we ate more in 1976. housing costs, fat people are blamed for a societal problem. But
According to government figures, we currently consume an yes, willpower needs to be exercised – by governments. Yes,
average of 2,130 kilocalories a day, a figure that appears to we need personal responsibility – on the part of policymakers.
include sweets and alcohol. But in 1976, we consumed 2,280 And yes, control needs to be exerted – over those who have
kcal excluding alcohol and sweets, or 2,590 kcal when they’re discovered our weaknesses and ruthlessly exploit them.
included. I have found no reason to disbelieve the figures. […] 97) (ITA 2018) De acordo com o texto, em comparação com
So what has happened? The light begins to dawn when you 1976, atualmente nós compramos
look at the nutrition figures in more detail. Yes, we ate more in a) 50% a mais de leite fresco.
1976, but differently. Today, we buy half as much fresh milk b) 3% a mais de cereais matinais.
per person, but five times more yoghurt, three times more ice c) 39 vezes menos sobremesas lácteas.
cream and – wait for it – 39 times as many dairy desserts. We d) uma quantidade três vezes maior de sorvete.
buy half as many eggs as in 1976, but a third more breakfast e) uma quantidade três vezes menor de batatas fritas.
cereals and twice the cereal snacks; half the total potatoes, but 98) (ITA 2018) De acordo com o texto, é correto afirmar que
three times the crisps. While our direct purchases of sugar have a) atualmente consumimos 2.130 quilocalorias por dia, ao
sharply declined, the sugar we consume in drinks and passo que em 1976 o consumo diário era de 2.280
confectionery is likely to have rocketed (there are purchase quilocalorias, incluindo doces e álcool.
numbers only from 1992, at which point they were rising b) os dados indicam que, em comparação com 1976, nosso
rapidly. Perhaps, as we consumed just 9kcal a day in the form consumo de açúcar de forma indireta sofreu um declínio
of drinks in 1976, no one thought the numbers were worth acentuado.
collecting.) In other words, the opportunities to load our food c) somente existem dados referentes ao consumo indireto
with sugar have boomed. As some experts have long proposed, de açúcar incluindo bebidas e produtos de confeitaria
this seems to be the issue. até o ano de 1992.
The shift has not happened by accident. As Jacques Peretti d) a indústria alimentícia tem recorrido à contratação de
argued in his film The Men Who Made Us Fat, food companies cientistas para orientar a população em relação às
have invested heavily in designing products that use sugar to verdadeiras causas da obesidade.
bypass our natural appetite control mechanisms, and in e) a discussão desencadeada pela foto de 1976 sinaliza que
packaging and promoting these products to break down what a estratégia de culpar o obeso por sua própria condição
remains of our defenses, including through the use of tem se revelado eficaz.
subliminal scents. They employ an army of food scientists and 99) (ITA 2018) De acordo com o texto,
psychologists to trick us into eating more than we need, while a) o posicionamento dos legisladores em relação à
their advertisers use the latest findings in neuroscience to obesidade é embasado em dados das pesquisas mais
overcome our resistance. recentes em neurociências.
They hire biddable scientists and thinktanks to confuse us b) apenas menos de 10% dos legisladores não acreditam
about the causes of obesity. Above all, just as the tobacco que a motivação pessoal exerça forte influência no
companies did with smoking, they promote the idea that weight aumento da obesidade.
is a question of “personal responsibility”. After spending c) os legisladores são capazes de apontar todos os
billions on overriding our willpower, they blame us for failing mecanismos que são considerados responsáveis pela
to exercise it. perda de força de vontade.
To judge by the debate the 1976 photograph triggered, it d) o sobrepeso e a obesidade, que atualmente afetam 61%
works. “There are no excuses. Take responsibility for your own da população inglesa, são atribuídos, pelos legisladores,
lives, people!” “No one force feeds you junk food, it’s personal a fatores como estresse e ansiedade.
choice. We’re not lemmings.” “Sometimes I think having free e) as explicações fornecidas pelos legisladores acerca das
healthcare is a mistake. It’s everyone’s right to be lazy and fat causas do aumento da obesidade são plausíveis e
because there is a sense of entitlement about getting fixed.” encontram respaldo em evidências.
The thrill of disapproval chimes disastrously with industry 100) (ITA 2018) De acordo com o texto, é correto afirmar que
propaganda. We delight in blaming the victims. o autor sustenta que
More alarmingly, according to a paper in the Lancet, more a) cada pessoa deve assumir a responsabilidade por seu
than 90% of policymakers believe that “personal motivation” is peso, uma vez que ninguém é obrigado a consumir
“a strong or very strong influence on the rise of obesity”. Such alimentos prejudiciais à saúde.
people propose no mechanism by which the 61% of English b) as pessoas são preguiçosas e não se preocupam com a
people who are overweight or obese have lost their willpower. saúde, pois sentem que têm direito assegurado a
But this improbable explanation seems immune to evidence. assistência médica gratuita.
Perhaps this is because obesophobia is often a fatly- c) nos países ricos há menos pessoas obesas do que em
disguised form of snobbery. In most rich nations, obesity rates países mais pobres, pois a ciência evidencia que a causa
are much higher at the bottom of the socioeconomic scale. da obesidade reside no baixo poder de compra.
They correlate strongly with inequality, which helps to explain d) a força de vontade, bem como a responsabilidade
why the UK’s incidence is greater than in most European and pessoal, devem ser exercidas; porém, pelos governantes
OECD nations. The scientific literature shows how the lower e legisladores, respectivamente.
spending power, stress, anxiety and depression associated with e) o governo deve controlar as fraquezas descobertas nos
low social status makes people more vulnerable to bad diets. obesos, da mesma forma que controla problemas como
Just as jobless people are blamed for structural o desemprego.
unemployment, and indebted people are blamed for impossible

Texto para as questões 101 e 102 Which means that our policymakers must understand and
help guide AI so it benefits society. [...] We don’t want
overreaching regulation that goes beyond keeping us safe and
ends up stifling innovation. Regulators helped make it so
difficult to develop atomic energy, today the U.S. gets only
20% of its electricity from nuclear power. So while we need a
Federal Artificial Intelligence Agency, or FAIA, I would prefer
to see it created as a public-private partnership. Washington
should bring in AI experts from the tech industry to a federal
agency designed to understand and direct AI and to inform
lawmakers. Perhaps the AI experts would rotate through
Washington on a kind of public service tour of duty.
Importantly, we’re at the beginning of a new era in
government — one where governance is software-defined. The
nature of AI and algorithms means we need to develop a new
kind of agency — one that includes both humans and software.
The software will help monitor algorithms. Existing, old-
school regulations that rely on manual enforcement are too
cumbersome to keep up with technology and too “dumb” to
monitor algorithms in a timely way.
Software-defined regulation can monitor software-driven
101) (ITA 2018) De acordo com a tirinha, industries better than regulations enforced by squads of
a) o chefe está criticando um jornal concorrente por não regulators. Algorithms can continuously watch emerging
verificar fatos, não se apoiar em fontes confiáveis e usar utilities such as Facebook, looking for details and patterns that
títulos sensacionalista. humans might never catch, but nonetheless signal abuses. If
b) o jornalista justifica o seu chefe o porquê de escrever Congress wants to make sure Facebook doesn’t exploit
matérias que não respeitam o código de ética dos political biases, it could direct the FAIA to write an algorithm
jornalistas. to look for the behavior.
c) o jornalista salienta que aquele tipo de matéria é o que It’s just as important to have algorithms that keep an eye on
causa mais repercussão; ainda assim, seu chefe the role of humans inside these companies. We want
desaprova seu uso. technology that can tell if Airbnb hosts are illegally turning
d) após a crítica do chefe, o jornalista concorda em seguir down minorities or if Facebook’s human editors are squashing
o código de ética dos jornalistas e zelar pelo conteúdo conservative news headlines.
de suas matérias. The watchdog algorithms can be like open-source software
e) o chefe do jornalista está zangado porque seguir os — open to examination by anyone, while the companies keep
princípios éticos do jornalismo causa prejuízos para a private proprietary algorithms and data. If the algorithms are
sua empresa. public, anyone can run various datasets against them and
102) (ITA 2018) No último quadrinho, o chefe do jornalista: analyze for “off the rails” behaviors and unexpected results.
a) solicita que ele lhe mostre as imagens que está Clearly, AI needs some governance. As Facebook is
escrevendo. proving, we can’t rely on companies to monitor and regulate
b) fica entusiasmado porque ele concorda que as imagens themselves. Public companies, especially, are incentivized to
são sensacionalistas. make the biggest profits possible, and their algorithms will
c) demonstra o interesse e pede que ele lhe mostre os optimize for financial goals, not societal goals. But as a tech
dados do teste mencionado. investor, I don’t want to see an ill-informed Congress set up
d) muda de ideia e demanda que ele exiba as ilustrações regulatory schemes for social networks, search and other key
dos jornais concorrentes. services that then make our dynamic tech companies as dull
e) rende-se à lógica das redes sociais após checar a and bureaucratic as electric companies. [...] Technology
repercussão das fotos publicadas. companies and policymakers need to come together soon and
Texto para as questões 103 – 105 share ideas about AI governance and the establishment of a
Artificial intelligence (AI) is going to play an enormous software-driven AI agency. [...]
role in our lives and in the global economy. It is the key to Let’s do this before bad regulations get enacted — and
self-driving cars, the Amazon Alexa in your home, autonomous before AI gets away from us and does more damage. We have
trading desks on Wall Street, innovation in medicine, and a chance right now to tee up AI so it does tremendous good. To
cyberwar defenses. unleash it in a positive direction, we need to get the checks and
Technology is rarely good nor evil — it’s all in how balances in place right now.
humans use it. AI could do an enormous amount of good and Adaptado de: <https://www.marketwatch.com/story/artificial-
solve some of the world’s hardest problems, but that same intelligence-is-too-powerful-to-be-left-to-facebook-amazon-
power could be turned against us. AI could be set up to inflict and-other-tech-giants-2018-04-23> Acesso em: jun. 2018.
bias based on race or beliefs, invade our privacy, learn about
and exploit our personal weaknesses — and do a lot of
nefarious things we can’t yet foresee.

103) (ITA 2018) Assinale a alternativa INCORRETA. No threat to humanity. But these are in fact the words of
texto, o autor afirma que commentators discussing mechanisation and steam power two
a) os legisladores precisam compreender a inteligência centuries ago. Back then the controversy over the dangers
artificial para que possam criar regulamentações que nos posed by machines was known as the “machinery question”.
mantenham seguros, porém sem refrear a inovação. Now a very similar debate is under way.
b) embora haja a necessidade de uma agencia reguladora, After many false dawns, AI has made extraordinary
ele preferiria que ela funcionasse como uma parceria progress in the past few years, thanks to a versatile technique
público-privada, contando com consultores da indústria called “deep learning”. Given enough data, large (or “deep”)
tecnológica. neural networks, modelled on the brain’s architecture, can be
c) estamos no início de uma nova era, na qual a trained to do all kinds of things. They power Google’s search
governança é definida por software, o que leva à engine, Facebook’s automatic photo tagging, Apple’s voice
necessidade de um novo tipo de agência, que inclua assistant, Amazon’s shopping recommendations and Tesla’s
tanto software quanto seres humanos. self-driving cars. But this rapid progress has also led to
d) as empresas públicas, em especial, são incentivadas a se concerns about safety and job losses. Stephen Hawking, Elon
auto monitorar e se autorregular a fim de que seus Musk and others wonder whether AI could get out of control,
algoritmos maximizem ora metas financeiras, ora metas precipitating a sci-fi conflict between people and machines.
sociais. Others worry that AI will cause widespread unemployment, by
e) por ser um investidor em tecnologia, ele não deseja que automating cognitive tasks that could previously be done only
um Congresso mal informado crie regulamentações que by people. After 200 years, the machinery question is back. It
tornem as empresas de tecnologia burocrática demais. needs to be answered.
104) (ITA 2018) O autor defende uma regulação definida por Fonte: https://www.economist.com/leaders/2016/06/25/march-
software, pois of-the-machines. Adaptado. Acesso em agosto de 2019.
I. a considera mais adequada para monitorar indústrias 106) (ITA 2019) Leia as afirmações a seguir para responder à
orientadas por software do que regulações impostas por questão.
equipes de reguladores humanos. I. Redes neurais alimentam o mecanismo de busca do
II. algoritmos podem procurar por detalhes e padrões que Google, o assistente de voz da Apple, a identificação de
os seres humanos talvez nunca pudessem descobrir, mas fotografias no Facebook, as sugestões de compras da
que, não obstante, são indicativos de abusos. Amazon, os carros autônomos da Tesla.
III. precisamos de tecnologia que seja capaz de identificar II. O temor de que as máquinas substituiriam o trabalho
comportamentos como o do Facebook que, ao explorar humano era real há duzentos anos, mas superado na
vieses políticos, difundiu manchetes de partidos atualidade.
conservadores. III. Steven Hawkings e Elon Musk especulam se a I.A.
IV. é importante que algoritmos monitorem o papel dos pode sair do controle, levando pessoas e máquinas a um
seres humanos em empresas orientadas por software para conflito somente visto em obras de ficção científica.
evitar que minorias sejam prejudicadas na utilização de IV. Duzentos anos atrás, a controvérsia sobre os perigos
serviços. impostos pelas máquinas era conhecida como “a questão
Estão corretas apenas das máquinas”.
a) I e II. De acordo com as informações do texto, estão corretas as
b) I, II e IV. afirmações
c) I, III e IV. a) I e II.
d) II, III e IV. b) I, II e III.
e) II e IV. c) II, III e IV.
105) (ITA 2018) A palavra ou expressão sublinhada na d) I, III e IV.
primeira coluna pode ser substituída pela palavra ou e) III e IV.
expressão na segunda coluna em todas as opções, Texto para as questões 107 e 108
mantendo o mesmo sentido, EXCETO em: If there is any doubt about the persistent power of literature in
a) The watchdog algorithms can be like open-source the face of digital culture, it should be banished by the recent
software […] → guardian climb of George Orwell’s 1984 up the Amazon “Movers and
b) […] and analyze for “off the rails” behaviors […] → Shakers” list. There is much that’s resonant for us in Orwell’s
illegal dystopia in the face of Edward Snowden’s revelations about
c) […] before bad regulations get enacted […] → are the NSA […]. We look to 1984 as a clear cautionary tale, even
sanctioned a prophecy, of systematic abuse of power taken to the end of
d) We have a chance right now to tee up AI […] → the line. […]
organize However, after “THE END” of his dystopian novel 1984,
e) To unleash it in a positive direction […] → restrain George Orwell includes another chapter, an appendix, called
Texto para a questão 106 “The Principles of Newspeak.” Since it has the trappings of a
Experts warn that “the substitution of machinery for human tedious scholarly treatise, readers often skip the appendix. But
labour” may “render the population redundant”. They worry it changes our whole understanding of the novel. Written from
that “the discovery of this mighty power” has come “before we some unspecified point in the future, it suggests that Big
knew how to employ it rightly”. Such fears are expressed today Brother was eventually defeated. The victory is attributed not
by those who worry that advances in artificial intelligence (AI) to individual rebels or to The Brotherhood, an anonymous
could destroy millions of jobs and pose a “Terminator”-style resistance group, but rather to language itself. The appendix

details Oceania’s attempt to replace Oldspeak, or English, with to mention ongoing humiliation and ridicule from viewers.
Newspeak, a linguistic shorthand that reduces the world of “Deepfakes are one of the most alarming trends I have
ideas to a set of simple, stark words. “The whole aim of witnessed as a Congresswoman to date,” said US
Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought.” It will render Congresswoman Yvette Clarke in a recent article for Quartz.
dissent “literally impossible, because there will be no words in “If the American public can be made to believe and trust
which to express it.” altered videos of presidential candidates, our democracy is in
Fonte: Frost, Laura. http://qz.com/95696. Adaptado. Acesso grave danger. We need to work together to stop deepfakes from
em agosto de 2019. becoming the defining feature of the 2020 elections.”
107) (ITA 2019) De acordo com o texto, em geral, os leitores Of course, it’s not just democracy that is at risk, but also the
do clássico 1984, de George Orwell, dispensam a leitura economy, the legal system and even individuals themselves.
do apêndice da obra porque Clarke warns that, if deepfake technology continues to evolve
a) não foi escrito pelo próprio autor. without a check, video evidence could lose its credibility
b) acreditam se tratar de mais um longo texto acadêmico. during trials. It is not hard to imagine it being used by
c) sua leitura não altera a compreensão da obra. disgruntled ex-lovers, employees and random people on the
d) foi escrito após a publicação do romance. internet to exact revenge and ruin people’s reputations. The
e) sua autoria é desconhecida. software for creating these videos is already widely available.
108) (ITA 2019) De acordo com o texto, é incorreto afirmar Fonte: Curtis, Sophie. https://www.mirror.co.uk/tech/deepfake-
que videos-creepy-new-internet-18289900. Adaptado. Acessado em
a) na obra 1984, Orwell retrata um mundo distópico que Agosto/2019.
ainda possui relevância nos tempos atuais. 109) (ITA 2019) De acordo com o texto, é correto afirmar que
b) a obra 1984 é considerada como um alerta para o uso a) mesmo que se saiba que são falsos, os vídeos deepfake
abusivo do poder levado às últimas consequências. deixam uma impressão duradoura.
c) no apêndice, há o relato da tentativa de substituição da b) os vídeos deepfake surgiram na mini série distópica da
Oldspeak por uma língua mais abreviada (simplificada). BBC TV intitulada Years and Years.
d) o vocabulário da Newspeak é tão complexo que se torna c) apesar de serem falsos, os vídeos deepfake reproduzem
difícil usá-lo para expressar discordância. falas reais das pessoas retratadas.
e) Newspeak é uma língua que impossibilita externalizar d) os vídeos deepfake somente retratam figuras notórias,
um pensamento mais complexo. como Obama, Trump, Zuckerberg, fazendo discursos
Texto para as questões 109 e 110 inflamados.
“Of course they’re fake videos, everyone can see they're not e) o criador da tecnologia dos vídeos deepfake possui
real. All the same, they really did say those things, didn't controle total sobre dados pessoais de bilhões de
they?” These are the words of Vivienne Rook, the fictional indivíduos.
politician played by Emma Thompson in the brilliant dystopian 110) (ITA 2019) De acordo com a congressista Yvette Clarke,
BBC TV drama Years and Years. The episode in question, set pelos diversos riscos representados pelos vídeos deepfake,
in 2027, tackles the subject of “deepfakes” – videos in which a é necessário
living person's face and voice are digitally manipulated to say a) bani-los totalmente da Internet.
anything the programmer wants. b) proibir e criminalizar seu compartilhamento.
Rook perfectly sums up the problem with these videos – even c) impedir sua presença nas eleições futuras.
if you know they are fake, they leave a lingering impression. d) filtrar e diminuir sua presença nas redes digitais.
And her words are all the more compelling because deepfakes e) fiscalizar e controlar essa tecnologia.
are real and among us already. Last year, several deepfake porn Texto para as questões 111 e 112
videos emerged online, appearing to show celebrities such as About seven years ago, three researchers at the University of
Emma Watson, Gal Gadot and Taylor Swift in explicit Toronto built a system that could analyze thousands of photos
situations. and teach itself to recognize everyday objects, like dogs, cars
[…] and flowers. The system was so effective that Google bought
In some cases, the deepfakes are almost indistinguishable from the tiny start-up these researchers were only just getting off the
the real thing – which is particularly worrying for politicians ground. And soon, their system sparked a technological
and other people in the public eye. Videos that may initially revolution. Suddenly, machines could “see” in a way that was
have been created for laughs could easily be misinterpreted by not possible in the past.
viewers. Earlier this year, for example, a digitally altered video This made it easier for a smartphone app to search your
appeared to show Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the US House personal photos and find the images you were looking for. It
of Representatives, slurring drunkenly through a speech. The accelerated the progress of driverless cars and other robotics.
video was widely shared on Facebook and YouTube, before And it improved the accuracy of facial recognition services, for
being tweeted by President Donald Trump with the caption: social networks like Facebook and for the country’s law
“PELOSI STAMMERS THROUGH NEWS CONFERENCE”. enforcement agencies. But soon, researchers noticed that these
The video was debunked, but not before it had been viewed facial recognition services were less accurate when used with
millions of times. Trump has still not deleted the tweet, which women and people of color. Activists raised concerns over how
has been retweeted over 30,000 times. companies were collecting the huge amounts of data needed to
The current approach of social media companies is to filter out train these kinds of systems. Others worried these systems
and reduce the distribution of deepfake videos, rather than would eventually lead to mass surveillance or autonomous
outright removing them – unless they are pornographic. This weapons.
can result in victims suffering severe reputational damage, not

Fonte: Matz, Cade. Seeking Ground Rules for A. I. 113) (ITA 2020) A diferença existente entre os anos de 1914 a
www.nytimes.com, 01/03/2019. Adaptado. Acessado em 1918 e o momento em que o texto foi escrito é que:
Agosto/2019.) a) quando o ensaio foi escrito, após o período de 1914 a
111) (ITA 2019) De acordo com as informações do texto, 1918, questionadores poderiam ser presos.
selecione a alternativa que melhor complete a afirmação: b) antes do texto ser escrito, entre 1914 a 1918, certos
The new system proved to be less precise when questionamentos eram passíveis de punição.
a) applied to driverless cars. c) antes do período de 1914 a 1918, certas perguntas não
b) adjusted to users’ face recognition in social networks. eram consideradas legais.
c) identifying inanimate objects like cars and plants. d) o conceito de civilização, como o entendemos, foi
d) used to identify Africans and African descendants. definido após 1918, quando o texto foi escrito.
e) tested by American law enforcement agencies. e) antes do texto ser escrito, o autor foi preso em 1914 e
112) (ITA 2019) Analise as afirmações de I a IV em destaque. ficou quatro anos encarcerado.
I. Ativistas manifestaram preocupação em relação à forma 114) (ITA 2020) O termo startled, destacado no trecho do
como as empresas estavam coletando enormes segundo parágrafo, “Startled by this sudden enthusiasm
quantidades de dados para treinar sistemas de [...]”, pode ser entendido como:
reconhecimento. a) destroçado.
II. A Universidade de Toronto construiu um sistema ético b) empolgado.
de Inteligência Artificial para reconhecimento de c) atônito.
imagens. d) instigado.
III. Uma das preocupações de ativistas era a possibilidade e) desanimado.
de tais sistemas conduzirem a vigilância em massa ou Texto para as questões 115 e 116
armamento autônomo. It is the standing reproach of a democratic society that it is the
IV. Empresas privadas de tecnologia, como Google, e purgatory of genius and the paradise of mediocrity. With
redes digitais, como Facebook, junto com algumas ourselves it has become notorious that when a man is so
agências governamentais, chegaram a um consenso unfortunate as to exhibit uncommon abilities, he usually
quanto a uma ética da Inteligência Artificial. renders himself ineligible for political honors or distinctions. It
V. Algumas leis foram desenvolvidas por alguns grupos would seem that the community is possessed with that
específicos de pessoas para decidir sobre o futuro da groveling quality of a sordid mind which hates superiority, and
Inteligência Artificial. would ostracize genius, as the Athenians did Aristides. One
De acordo com o texto, estão corretas apenas: might believe it would not be unpleasing to the popular taste if
a) I e II. some enterprising person could invent a machine for stunting
b) II, III e V. intellectual development, after the fashion of idiotic barbarians
c) I e III. who flatten the heads of their children. The masses of the
d) II, IV e V. community certainly appear to believe that political equality
e) I, III e IV. implies not only social, but should also imply intellectual
Texto para as questões 113 e 114 equality, under pain of being severely frowned down by an
Since from August 1914 to November 1918 Great Britain and outraged public opinion.
her Allies were fighting for civilization it cannot, I suppose, be The prevalent sentiment manifests itself in many different
impertinent to inquire what precisely civilization may be. ways. It finds expression in public conveyances and resorts and
“Liberty” and “Justice” have always been reckoned expensive is not altogether unknown even to the pulpit. It is found to
words, but that “Civilization” could cost as much as I forget perfection in the speeches of demagogues, who feel certain
how many millions a day came as a surprise to many they are never so successful as when their audience is satisfied
thoughtful taxpayers. The story of this word’s rise to the that the intellect of the speaker is of no higher an order than
highest place amongst British war aims is so curious that, even that of the lowest intelligence among them. Worse than all, it is
were it less relevant, I should be tempted to tell it […]. demonstrated in the election of public officers of nearly all
“You are fighting for civilization”, cried the wisest and best of grades up to the highest: of which latter it has now become
those leaders who led us into war, and the very soldiers took up quite the custom to assume that it is impossible for a man of
the cry, “Join up, for civilization’s sake”. Startled by this first-rate powers to be made President of the United States.
sudden enthusiasm for an abstraction in which till then The causes which lend to so singular a state of affairs are of an
politicians and recruiting-sergeants had manifested little or no intricate and complex character. At the outset, it is difficult to
interest, I, in my turn, began to cry: “And what is civilization?” realize the possibility of a system, the logical deduction from
I did not cry aloud, be sure: at that time, for crying things of which appears to be that, if a man would rise in life, he must
that sort aloud, one was sent to prison. But now that it is no assiduously belittle his understanding. Perhaps it would be
longer criminal, nor unpatriotic even, to ask questions, I intend fairer to modify the proposition so far as to concede that ability
to inquire what this thing is for which we fought and for which is as useful here as elsewhere, provided the owner has the tact
we pay. I propose to investigate the nature of our leading war- not to affront the sensibilities of the people by showing too
aim. Whether my search will end in discovery and – if it does – much of it. No doubt a vague apprehension exists in the
whether what is discovered will bear any likeliness to the popular mind that shining talents are dangerous when intrusted
Treaty of Versailles remains to be seen. with executive power in a republic: yet, it were a poor
BELL, Clive. Civilization: An Essay. 1ª ed. 1928. commentary on our institutions to intimate that, under them,
Harmondsworth, Middlesex, UK: Penguin Books, 1938, p. 13. for a man to be clever he must also be vicious. Experience
rather teaches the contrary. If the diffusion of education, having

the general tendency to elevate the understanding, is to produce that you thought too much. When my mother reported that Mr.
more bad men than good, we had better abandon than foster Tomkey did not believe in television, my father said, “Well,
our Common School system. Manifestly, we must look further good for him. I don't know that I believe in it, either”. “That's
for the solution of our enigma[:] that minds of moderate calibre exactly how I feel,” my mother said, and then my parents
ordinarily condemn everything which is beyond their range. watched the news, and whatever came on after the news.
THE NEW YORK TIMES. The worship of mediocrity. SEDARIS, David. Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim.
17/08/1862. Disponível em: Recurso eletrônico. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 2004,
https://www.nytimes.com/1862/08/17/archives/theworship-of- p. 5.
mediocrity.html. Acesso 20/08/2020. 117) (ITA 2020) De acordo com o texto:
115) (ITA 2020) Leia atentamente as declarações destacadas. a) o narrador não tinha muitas amizades porque sempre foi
Em seguida, assinale a alternativa correta. antissocial.
I. Quanto menos inteligente for um homem, mais chances b) a mãe do narrador fazia muitas amizades com pessoas
ele terá de ser presidente dos Estados Unidos. que acreditavam no que viam na TV.
II. Quando um homem é infeliz a ponto de exibir c) os vizinhos do narrador geralmente não gostavam de
habilidades incomuns, ele se torna inelegível para quem acreditasse no que a TV mostrava.
distinções políticas. d) é perigoso criar amizades com pessoas desconhecidas
III. A declaração de que o sistema educacional deve ser sem saber o que gostam de ver na TV.
abandonado se produz mais pessoas ruins que boas é e) acreditar na TV é algo diferente de não se importar com
irônica. a TV.
De acordo com o texto, é correto afirmar que: 118) (ITA 2020) Os fatos apresentados pelo narrador no
a) apenas I é verdadeira. terceiro e no quarto parágrafos expressam:
b) apenas II é falsa. a) ironia, sarcasmo.
c) apenas III é verdadeira b) eufemismo, floreio.
d) ambas I e II são falsas c) hipérbole, exagero.
e) ambas II e III são verdadeiras. d) sinestesia, perífrase.
116) (ITA 2020) De acordo com o terceiro parágrafo, é correto e) personificação, simbologia.
afirmar que: 119) (ITA 2020) O trecho destacado do segundo parágrafo, “I
a) não resta dúvida para o cidadão comum de que talentos hoped that in walking around after dark I might witness a
brilhantes são os mais desejáveis para ocupar o poder murder, but for the most part our neighbors just sat in
executivo. their living rooms, watching TV.”, poderia ser mais bem
b) mentalidades medianas desaprovam tudo o que está traduzido sem perda de sentido como:
além do seu alcance. a) “Eu esperava que ao dar uma volta depois de escurecer
c) é incorreto afirmar que ter habilidade é útil tanto no ainda pudesse assassinar uma testemunha, porém sem
âmbito público-político quanto em qualquer outro. que a maioria dos meus vizinhos saíssem da frente da
d) a ampliação da inteligência é um valor inquestionável TV, sentados nas salas de estar.”
para alguém subir na vida. b) “Eu esperava que dando uma voltinha ao escurecer eu
e) todas as asserções estão corretas. pudesse presenciar um assassinato, porém, na maior
Texto para as questões 117 – 120 parte do tempo, meus vizinhos ficavam sentados nas
When my family first moved to North Carolina, we lived in a suas salas de estar, vendo TV.”
rented house three blocks from the school where I would begin c) “Eu esperava que ao escurecer pudesse dar uma volta e
the third grade. My mother made friends with one of the presenciar um assassinato, embora a maioria dos meus
neighbors, but one seemed enough for her. Within a year we vizinhos visse TV, sentados mesmo, na sala de estar.”
would move again and, as she explained, there wasn’t much d) “Eu esperava que ao dar uma volta depois de escurecer
point in getting too close to people we would have to say good- eu pudesse testemunhar um assassinato, mas meus
bye to. Our next house was less than a mile away, and the short vizinhos, na sua maioria, só ficavam sentados nas suas
journey would hardly merit tears or even goodbyes, for that salas de estar, vendo TV.”
matter. It was more of a “see you later” situation, but still I e) “Eu esperava que ao dar uma volta depois de assassinar
adopted my mother’s attitude, as it allowed me to pretend that alguém eu não pudesse ver o dia escurecer, mas sim,
not making friends was a conscious choice. I could if I wanted sentado na sala de TV com a maioria de meus vizinhos,
to. It just wasn’t the right time. ainda que sem a assistirmos.”
Back in New York State, we had lived in the country, with no 120) (ITA 2020) O termo still, destacado no trecho do
sidewalks or streetlights; you could leave the house and still be primeiro parágrafo, “It was more of a ‘see you later’
alone. But here, when you looked out the window, you saw situation, but still I adopted my mother’s attitude […]”,
other houses, and people inside those houses. I hoped that in transmite a ideia de
walking around after dark I might witness a murder, but for the a) ação coordenada da família.
most part our neighbors just sat in their living rooms, watching b) período de tempo até a próxima mudança.
TV. The only place that seemed truly different was owned by a c) concessão por parte do narrador.
man named Mr. Tomkey, who did not believe in television d) período de tempo após a última mudança até o momento
[…]. da narrativa.
To say that you did not believe in television was different from e) imposição por parte da mãe após a mudança.
saying that you did not care for it. Belief implied that television
had a master plan and that you were against it. It also suggested

121) (ITA 2021) De acordo com o texto, não é correto afirmar These words again came to my mind when thinking back on
que the dozens of ironic, sarcastic and cynical memes about
Stupidity permeates our perception and practice of underperforming politicians and policy scandals disseminated
politics. We frequently accuse politicians, bureaucrats, over the past year. Who has not seen the image of Donald
journalists, voters, “elites,” and “the masses” for their Trump walking through a desolate, scorched forest mumbling
stupidities. In fact, it is not only “populist politicians,” to himself: ‘My work here is almost done’? Who has not read
“sensational journalism,” and “uneducated voters” who the scathing reports of Flemish Ministers Bart Somers and
are accused of stupidity. Similar accusations can be, and Hilde Crevits escaping from a window aided by an unidentified
in fact have been, made concerning those who criticize third person after a meeting of the Council of Ministers to
them as well. It seems that stupidity is ubiquitous, unable avoid critical journalists with the defense that they urgently
to be contained within or attributed to one specific needed to go on holiday and windows are faster than doors?
political position, personal trait, or even ignorance and Who has not come across the video announcement for a
erroneous reasoning. Undertaking a theoretical fictitious thriller called Angstra Zeneca with Dutch Health
investigation of stupidity, Nabutaka Otobe challenges the Minister Hugo de Jonge exclaiming ‘ik heb er zo’n
assumption that stupidity can be avoided. The author kankerbende van gemaakt’ (I have made it all a cancerous
argues that the very ubiquity of stupidity implies its mess) with a grimace stretching from ear to ear? And who has
unavoidability — that we cannot contain it in such missed the most recent true story tragicomedy played by
domains as error, ignorance, or “post-truth.” What we Charles Michel, male President of the European Council, and
witness is rather that one’s reasoning can be sound, Ursula von der Leyen, female President of the European
evidence-based, and stupid. In revealing this Commission, who had jointly been invited by Turkish
unavoidability, he contends that stupidity is an ineluctable President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to discuss the position of
problem not only of politics, but also of thinking. We women in Turkey? Unfortunately, they were only offered one
become stupid because we think: it is impossible to chair for two people, which was symbolically occupied by
distinguish a priori stupid thought from upright, righteous Michel who left Von der Leyen standing awkwardly for a
thought. Moreover, the failure to address the while. She ended up settling for a place on the comfortable sofa
unavoidability of stupidity leads political theory to the reserved for second rank guests. It was damned easy to get
failure to acknowledge the productive moments that addicted to these countless videos, photos, images and written
experiences of stupidity harbor within. Such productive parodies. Oh, did we have fun with them! Some were ironic,
moments constitute the potential of stupidity — that some sarcastic and others cynical, but they jointly sketch a
radical new ideas can emerge out of our seemingly banal disconcerting image of the quality and reputation of key
and stupid thinking in our daily political activity. politicians in liberal Western democracies.
Fonte: https://www.routledge.com/. Publicado em Fonte: https://www.eur.nl/en/news/. Publicado em 16/04/2021.
12/10/2020. Acesso em 20/08/2021. Acesso em 29/08/21. Adaptado.
a) em nossa prática política diária, novas ideias radicais 122) (ITA 2021) Em um encontro para discutir a posição da
podem surgir de um pensamento aparentemente banal e mulher, o anfitrião
estúpido. a) convidou dois representantes homens.
b) o fracasso em considerarmos que a estupidez é b) não deu oportunidade de voz a uma representante
inevitável nos conduz a outro malogro. mulher.
c) a ubiquidade da estupidez implica em sua evitabilidade. c) relegou a representante mulher a um assento secundário.
d) a estupidez não pode ser contida em domínios como d) não cumprimentou a representante mulher.
ignorância, erro ou pós-verdade. e) ficou constrangido com a falha na organização do
e) a estupidez é um problema do pensamento do qual não evento.
podemos escapar. Texto para as questões 123 e 124
Texto para a questão 122 In a new survey of North American Indian languages,
Jaap Wagelaar was my all-time favorite secondary school Marianne Mithun gives an admirably clear statement of what is
teacher. He gave me a 10/10 for my oral Dutch literature exam, lost as each language ceases to be used. “Speakers of these
taught psychoanalysis during grammar class, astounded pupils languages and their descendants are acutely aware of what it
with odd puppet show performances during lunch breaks and can mean to lose a language,” she begins – and this is perfectly
sadly ended his career with a burn-out. Few students and true, although these speakers must have taken the decision
fellow teachers understood him. But since I trusted his themselves not to teach the language to their children. It
judgment like nobody else’s, I once asked him why Piet happens all too often – people regret that their language and
Paaltjens and Gerard Reve, both canonized Dutch literary culture are being lost but at the same time decide not to saddle
figures, albeit of very divergent genres, could occasionally be their own children with the chore of preserving them.
kind or ironic but were more often rather cynical, cold and When a language disappears [Mithun continues] the most
heartless. The response he gave has stuck with me ever since: intimate aspects of culture can disappear as well: fundamental
cynical people are in fact the most emotional ones. Because of ways of organizing experience into concepts, of relating ideas
their sentimentality they are unable to handle injustice and feel to each other, of interacting to people. The more conscious
forced to build up a self-protective screen against painful genres of verbal art are usually lost as well: traditional ritual,
emotions called cynicism. Irony is mild, harmless and green. oratory, myth, legends, and even humor. Speakers commonly
Sarcasm is biting and represents an orange traffic light. And remark that when they speak a different language, they say
the color of cynicism is deep red, with the shape of a grim scar different things and even think different thoughts. These are
that hides a hurt soul. They are all equally beautiful. very interesting assertions. They slip by in a book on

anthropological linguistics, where in a book on linguistic management scholar Emilio Castilla at the Massachusetts
theory they would be highly contentious. Is it true that Institute of Technology and the sociologist Stephen Benard at
“fundamental ways of organizing experience into concepts Indiana University studied attempts to implement meritocratic
[and] of relating ideas to each other” are specific to individual practices, such as performance-based compensation in private
languages and are therefore likely to be lost when a language companies. They found that, in companies that explicitly held
ceases to be used? Is it true that when speakers speak a meritocracy as a core value, managers assigned greater rewards
different language, they “say different things and even think to male employees over female employees with identical
different thoughts”? Again, the extent to which thought performance evaluations. This preference disappeared where
depends on language is very controversial. These questions meritocracy was not explicitly adopted as a value.
must be now faced, because only when we have reached an This is surprising because impartiality is the core of
opinion on them will we be able to accept or reject Marianne meritocracy’s moral appeal. The ‘even playing field’ is
Mithun’s conclusion: “The loss of a language represents a intended to avoid unfair inequalities based on gender, race and
definitive separation of a people from its heritage. It also the like. Yet Castilla and Benard found that, ironically,
represents an irreparable loss for us all, the loss of attempts to implement meritocracy leads to just the kinds of
opportunities to glimpse alternative ways of making sense of inequalities that it aims to eliminate. They suggest that this
the human experience.” ‘paradox of meritocracy’ occurs because explicitly adopting
Fonte: Dalby, Andrew. Language in danger. New York: meritocracy as a value convinces subjects of their own moral
Columbia University Press, 2003, p. 252; 285. Adaptado. sincerity. Satisfied that they are just, they become less inclined
123) (ITA 2021) De acordo com a linguista Marianne Mithun to examine their own behaviour for signs of prejudice.
a) os indivíduos falantes de línguas nativas e seus As with any ideology, part of its draw is that it justifies the
descendentes não têm absoluta clareza do que perder status quo, explaining why people belong where they happen to
uma língua pode significar. be in the social order. It is a well-established psychological
b) indivíduos nativos lamentam a perda de sua língua e principle that people prefer to believe that the world is just.
cultura, mas não querem sobrecarregar seus filhos com Fonte: https://bigthink.com/. Publicado em 23/03/2019.
a responsabilidade de preservá-las. Acesso em 20/08/2021. Adaptado.
c) antes da extinção de uma língua, aspectos da cultura 125) (ITA 2021) According to the first paragraph, one of the
correspondente já haviam desaparecido. supporting arguments for meritocracy is:
d) teorias linguísticas afirmam que o desaparecimento de a) since meritocracy resembles the species selection
línguas nativas é altamente controverso. process, it has a biological nature.
e) a decisão de povos originários e seus descendentes ao b) effort and developed ability will be rewarded, so
abandonar suas línguas nativas tem motivação meritocracy is an unbiased ideological ideal.
econômica. c) meritocracy is based on the concept of self-made
124) (ITA 2021) De acordo com o texto, é correto afirmar que fortunate man.
com o desaparecimento de uma língua, aspectos dessa d) skill and effort are determined by fortuitous
cultura também estão fadados ao desaparecimento, exceto opportunities that should be identified.
a) a interação entre indivíduos do grupo. e) heredity should play a decisive part for a successful
b) formas de expressar experiências vividas em conceitos. outcome.
c) estabelecimento de relações entre ideias. 126) (ITA 2021) According to the third and fourth paragraphs,
d) suas práticas econômicas baseadas em escambo. researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
e) a tradição oral de seus mitos e lendas. and Indiana University found that meritocracy
Texto para as questões 125 – 127 a) should be adopted in organizations in a transparent way.
Meritocracy has become a leading social ideal. Politicians b) has the potential to be transformed into a fair
across the ideological spectrum continually return to the theme assessment tool in companies.
that the rewards of life—money, power, jobs, university c) could eliminate inequalities and prejudice against
admission—should be distributed according to skill and effort. minorities if well conducted.
The most common metaphor is the ‘even playing field’ upon d) is surprising because it provides a social ‘even playing
which players can rise to the position that fits their merit. field’.
Conceptually and morally, meritocracy is presented as the e) is self-contradictory since it reinforces the inequalities it
opposite of systems such as hereditary aristocracy, in which is supposed to eradicate.
one’s social position is determined by the lottery of birth. 127) (ITA 2021) De acordo com o quarto parágrafo, a
Under meritocracy, wealth and advantage are merit’s rightful meritocracia promove
compensation, not the fortuitous windfall of external events. a) o conformismo social.
And most people don’t just think the world should be run b) a mobilidade social.
meritocratically, they think it is meritocratic. However, c) a justiça social.
although widely held, the belief that merit rather than luck d) a crença em um mundo melhor.
determines success or failure in the world is demonstrably e) a inquietação psicológica.
false. This is not least because merit itself is, in large part, the Texto para as questões 128 – 130
result of luck. Talent and the capacity for determined effort, Since the early 1990s, an interesting phenomenon has emerged
sometimes called ‘grit’, depend a great deal on one’s genetic in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus – some states that, despite
endowments and upbringing. having their own government and state apparatus, lack
Perhaps more disturbing, simply holding meritocracy as a international recognition. Even today, the struggle of these
value seems to promote discriminatory behaviour. The unrecognised states remains widely unknown. While these

states have been the focus of much academic study, their very b) só podem viajar se puderem obter passaporte emitido
existence is often neglected by both the international por um país vizinho.
community and societies in the West. In parallel, there exist in c) muitas vezes acabam adquirindo outra cidadania
Eastern Europe and the Caucasus distinct peoples who have também.
neither acquired recognised statehood nor any significant d) seus passaportes emitidos localmente são válidos para
representation within their own countries – they are the so- entrada em qualquer país.
called unrepresented peoples. e) só conseguem viajar para os poucos países que
Today, the territory of the former Soviet Union in Eastern reconhecem sua cidadania.
Europe and the Caucasus is somewhat unique for its relatively 130) (ITA 2022) O termo “allegiance”, destacado em itálico
high concentration of unrecognised states and unrepresented sublinhado no excerto do terceiro parágrafo: “in exchange
peoples. Each of them has varying degrees of independence for their allegiance”, pode ser substituído, sem alteração
and autonomy. Some have de facto statehood, whereas others de sentido, por
are distinct peoples with little to no representation or territorial a) allegation.
autonomy. Although different, these peoples seem to have one b) loyalty.
common goal – self-determination. c) alienation.
The benefits of recognised statehood are numerous and often d) unfaithfulness.
taken for granted – countries have access to various forms of e) animosity.
international funding, for example from the World Bank and Texto para as questões 131 – 133
the International Monetary Fund (IMF); their citizens can Conquistadores. By Fernando Cervantes. Viking; 512 pages;
travel, assured that their passports will be accepted in another $35. Penguin, £12.99. A balanced retelling of the Spanish
country; and they have a voice at international forums like the conquest of the Caribbean, Mexico and Peru, which draws
United Nations (UN), which can be an opportunity to influence heavily on the letters and diaries of those involved. The author
international outcomes in their favour. Unrecognised states, on chronicles the brutality of the invaders but seeks to judge them
the other hand, are isolated internationally and can be forced to by the values of their own times. The behaviour of Hernán
rely upon a patron state which offers them all kinds of help in Cortés and the rest was nurtured by a late-medieval religious
exchange for their allegiance. This dependency on a patron- culture, not purely by the lure of gold and still less by modern
client relationship can lead to the client state being used as a notions of statehood, he argues.
political tool by its patron. News of a Kidnapping. By Gabriel García Márquez. Translated
One key issue facing most unrecognised states is the restriction by Edith Grossman. Vintage; 304 pages; $17. Penguin; £8.99.
on movement imposed on their people. Because their de facto An unsurpassed journalistic account by Colombia’s most
nationality is not recognised internationally, their locally- famous novelist of the horror inflicted by Pablo Escobar, the
issued passports or travel documents are not considered valid murderous drug-trafficker from Medellín, in the late 1980s and
for travel or entry into another country. The only way for them early 1990s. It focuses on the kidnapping of Diana Turbay, a
to travel abroad is to receive a passport from a neighbouring journalist and daughter of a former president, tracing the
country, or to travel to the few countries that do recognise agonising choices of officials torn between national interest
them. It happens that some people living in de facto states are and personal ties.
entitled to other citizenships. In addition to unrecognised states, The Feast of the Goat. By Mario Vargas Llosa. Translated by
there also exists a number of unrepresented peoples – that is, Edith Grossman. Picador; 416 pages; $20. Faber & Faber;
distinct ethnic and linguistic groups that enjoy little or no £8.99. Peru’s Nobel-prizewinning novelist is at his
representation both internationally and domestically. These psychologically probing best in this fictionalised account of the
peoples struggle even more for self-determination since they do moral corruption and political repression of the dictatorship of
not have their own autonomous territory. They find themselves Rafael Leónidas Trujillo, the self-styled Generalissimo who
even more vulnerable and are often at best ignored, or worse ruled the Dominican Republic from 1930 until his assassination
persecuted. in 1961.
Fonte: What does it mean to be unrecognised and Beef, Bible and Bullets. By Richard Lapper. Manchester
unrepresented? https://unpo.org/article/21947. Adaptado. Data University Press; 272 pages; $29.95 and £11.99. A readable
de acesso: 07/08/2022. account of how Jair Bolsonaro won Brazil’s presidency in the
128) (ITA 2022) De acordo com o texto, é correto afirmar que election of 2018 through a culture war that forged an ad hoc
a) ao ser reconhecido, os benefícios de um Estado são coalition of farmers, evangelical Protestants and the security
numerosos e tidos como certos. forces.
b) ao ser reconhecido, um Estado adquire vantagens que, Fonte: Our correspondents recommend the best books on their
embora reduzidas, são essenciais. beats – Latin America. In: www.economist.com/culture
c) além de participar da Organização das Nações Unidas, a /2022/07/14/our-correspondents-recommend-the-best-books-
representação de um Estado reconhecido é limitada. on-their-beats. Adaptado. Data de acesso: 14/07/2022.
d) um Estado reconhecido tem crédito irrestrito junto a 131) (ITA 2022) De acordo com o texto, dentre as obras
bancos internacionais. recomendadas sobre a América Latina, assinale a
e) a luta travada por Estados não reconhecidos é hoje alternativa que apresenta os títulos cujos enredos
amplamente divulgada. ocorreram no século XX.
129) (ITA 2022) A respeito das populações de Estados não a) Beef, Bible and Bullets e Conquistadores.
reconhecidos, não é correto afirmar que b) Conquistadores e News of a Kidnapping.
a) suas nacionalidades de facto não são internacionalmente c) Beef, Bible and Bullets e The Feast of the Goat.
reconhecidas. d) The Feast of the Goat e News of a Kidnapping.

e) Conquistadores e The Feast of the Goat. nation-builder, who ruled for much of 1930 to 1954, by turns
132) (ITA 2022) According to the text, Fernando Cervantes, an autocrat and a democrat.
the author of Conquistadores, Fonte: How the “Cannibal Manifesto” changed Brazil
a) recreated the novel in the form of diaries and letters (Updated Feb 20th 2022). In: www.economist.com/the-
from the invaders. americas/ 2022/02/12/how-the-cannibal-manifesto-changed-
b) tells that religious culture of the time was the main brazil. Adaptado. Data de acesso: 20/08/2022.
motivation to invade parts of the Americas. 134) (ITA 2022) In the second paragraph, the sentence “Even
c) depicts the astonishment of the conquistadores with the so, they were disrupters” means that they were disrupters
riches they easily found. although
d) excuses the invaders on the grounds that they were a) the Modern Art Week took place in São Paulo instead of
expanding the Spanish crown domains. Rio de Janeiro.
e) concentrates on Hernán Cortés, who civilized the b) they belonged to the established and affluent
Caribbean, Mexico and Peru. aristocracy.
133) (ITA 2022) In the excerpt from the text “the dictatorship c) the focus in São Paulo was industrialization.
of Rafael Leónidas Trujillo, the self-styled Generalissimo d) they were revolutionaries on account of their social
who ruled the Dominican Republic”, the underlined backgrounds.
expression means that he e) they wished to interfere in local politics.
a) was not proud of his military attire. 135) (ITA 2022) The third paragraph of the text
b) gave himself the specific title. a) names the main participants of the movement, like
c) managed to be among the best Latin American generals. Eduardo Giannetti and Oswald de Andrade.
d) was chosen to represent the military power across Latin b) highlights the black and indigenous artists that
America. contributed to innovative perspectives of modern art.
e) was a self-centred dictator. c) makes clear that the Brazilian modernist artists could
Texto para as questões 134 e 135 not break free from European modernism.
A hundred years ago this weekend, a group of young artists and d) explains the main idea of the Manifesto Antropófago,
writers organised what they called the Modern Art Week in the that is, to digest foreign influences and produce
new and grandiose municipal theatre in São Paulo. In fact, it something else.
lasted only for three evenings. It included a show of modernist e) points out that cultural independence somehow leads to
painting, lectures, poetry recitals and music by Heitor Villa- political dependence.
Lobos, who was to become Brazil’s best-known composer. It
has since come to be seen as the founding moment of modern
Brazilian artistic culture. Its centenary has brought both
commemoration and some criticism.
The event took place in São Paulo, then a fast-industrialising
frontier city that was starting to rival Rio de Janeiro, the capital
at the time, where the staid cultural establishment was based.
The Brazilian modernists had their contradictions. The would-
be revolutionaries were also dandies, the scions of the coffee-
growing aristocracy, and they were close to the political
oligarchy that ran São Paulo and Brazil. Even so, they were
The week “was a declaration of cultural independence, that we
are not simply a clumsy copy of something else”, says Eduardo
Giannetti, a Brazilian philosopher. The modernists’ aims were
later formalised in a Manifesto Antropófago (Cannibal
Manifesto), written by one of the poets, Oswald de Andrade.
This sought to address the dilemma of how to be a Brazilian
modern artist when modernism was a European import. The
answer: “Absorption of the sacred enemy. To transform him
into a totem.” In other words, Brazilians would not simply
reproduce other models but digest them and turn them into
something that was their own. The group embraced a national
identity that, at least in theory, included black and indigenous
Brazilians and their beliefs, and tropical fauna and flora.
It was cultural nationalism, but of an open-minded,
cosmopolitan and non-xenophobic kind. That was important.
Across Latin America, modernist writers and artists were
forging new national identities. As the innovative 1920s
degenerated into the ideological conflicts of the 1930s, some
would embrace communism and others creole fascism in its
many variants. The Brazilian modernists would radicalise
politically and be coopted, too, by Getúlio Vargas, Brazil’s

Gabarito 62) C
1) C 63) A
2) B 64) C
3) E 65) A
4) B 66) D
5) D 67) D
6) B 68) D
7) D 69) E
8) A 70) B
9) B 71) E
10) E 72) C
11) A 73) A
12) A 74) D
13) C 75) C
14) E 76) A
15) E 77) A
16) B 78) B
17) B 79) B
18) B 80) E
19) C 81) D
20) A 82) B
21) A 83) E
22) B 84) B
23) C 85) D
24) D 86) C
25) D 87) B
26) E 88) C
27) A 89) D
28) D 90) A
29) D 91) E
30) C 92) D
31) C 93) B
32) E 94) E
33) A 95) B
34) E 96) D
35) A 97) D
36) B 98) E
37) B 99) B
38) E 100) D
39) C 101) B
40) D 102) C
41) C 103) D
42) A 104) B
43) B 105) E
44) D 106) D
45) E 107) B
46) C 108) D
47) D 109) A
48) E 110) E
49) D 111) D
50) A 112) C
51) C 113) B
52) C 114) C
53) D 115) E
54) C 116) B
55) E 117) E
56) B 118) A
57) C 119) D
58) E 120) C
59) C 121) C
60) E 122) C
61) A 123) B

124) D
125) B
126) E
127) A
128) A
129) D
130) B
131) D
132) B
133) B
134) B
135) D

Artigos – Articles Now, mark the correct option, from top to bottom:
a) an / a / an
1) (Colégio Naval 2017) Complete the sentences using an
b) a /the /a
article when necessary.
I- Is Mario_________ honest man? c) a /the /an
d) an / a / a
II- The students wear_________ uniform here.
e) a /a /an
III- _________ Smiths live next to the supermarket.
IV- __________ Brasília was made the capital ia 1960. 6) (EsSA 2021) Complete the blanks with the right articles
Choose the correct option. when necessary.
a) a / an / - / - Attention: the blank space (_____________) in the options
b) a / an / The / The means no article.
“In my cottage there space are ______ tables in the dining
c) an / a / The / The
room and there is __________ armchair in ________ living
d) a / an / - / The
e) an / a / The / -
a) a, an, an.
2) (Colégio Naval 2018) Read the text to do the question
b) _____ , an, the.
below. Complete with a, the or Ø (no article).
___________ Brazil is a huge country. c) a, _____ , _____ .
In,___________North, there are____________rain forests d) a, an, _______ .
and ___________ longest river is also situated there. In e) ______ , a, the.
___________ South, ____________ climate is more 7) (EEAr 2. 2017) Choose the best alternative to complete the
European. ___________ Brazil also has many social blanks in the text.
differences.___________ rich own most of____________ I am from New Zealand, which is _____ country that is in
country’s wealth and ___________ poor often live on _____ Pacific Ocean. Wellington is _____ name of _____
minimum wage. capital of my country.
Now mark the option which completes the gaps a) a – a – a – the
respectively. b) the – a – a – the
a) Ø - the - Ø - a - the - the - Ø - a - the – a c) a – the – the – the
b) The - the - Ø - a - Ø - the - the - The - Ø – the d) the – a – the – the
c) Ø - the - Ø - the - the - the - Ø - The - the – the 8) (EEAr 1. 2019) Choose the best alternative to complete the
d) The - Ø - Ø - a - Ø-the- The - Ø - a – Ø text:
e) The - Ø - the - a - Ø - the - The - a - a - a Grounding is a common form of punishment for young
3) (Colégio Naval 2019) Read and complete the sentence people who disobey their parents. Grounding means that
below. they are not allowed to go out, after school or on weekends,
I’m traveling to,______ United States next month. I want to for a certain period of time. This could be from one day to
see _____ Hawaii and________ Rocky Mountains ____ month or more, depending upon the gravity of the
(depending on_______money and________time!). offense. During that time, though, they must continue to go
Mark the option which best completes the blanks to school, to work if they have a job, and do other errands
respectiveiy. approved by their parentes
a) the / X / the / X / X ____ term “grounding” is ____ aviation term. A plane is
b) X / the / the / the / the grounded when it is not allowed to fly for any reason.
c) X / the / the / X / X Similarly, pilots or other flying personnel are grounded
d) the / the / the / the / the when they are not allowed to fly because of illness or for
e) X / X / the / the / X
disobeying the rules.
4) (Colégio Naval 2021) Read the following sentence. a) the / the / an
“Camila Kater’s debut short is _______ fresh, unprejudiced
b) an / the / a
reflection on femininity through successive stages of life” c) a / the / an
Mark the option that completes the sentence correctly.
d) a / a / the
a) A 9) (EEAr BCT 1. 2016) Complete the text with the correct
b) Na article.
c) The
Rio de Janeiro
d) --- (no article)
In a quick and decisive military sweep, Brazilian
e) One
security forces seized control of this city’s most notorious
5) (EAM 2019) Complete the paragraph below, about
slum on Sunday, claiming victory in a weeklong battle
Scotland, with the missing articles..
against drug gangs that has claimed dozens of lives.
For many years, Scotland was ___________ poor country.
Drug gangs have stained the reputation of this seaside
But now things are better for most people. There is oil and city and contributed heavily to giving it one of the highest
gas in __________sea between Scotland and Norway. murder rates in the world. For the past two years, (1)
Edinburgh is ____________ important place for money, government has carried out (2) ambitious campaign to
and there are big banks there, like the Royal Bank of pacify (3) most violent slums and regain control of the city
Scotland. Tourists visit this beautiful country and they bring in advance of the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympic
money to Scotland too. Many people love living and Games. The police have since wrested more than three
working there, and more than 20 million visitors go to dozen communities from criminal gangs, installing special
Scotland each year. community police forces there.

Source: 13) (EFOMM 2013) The blanks of this excerpt can be
http://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/29/world/americas/29bra adequately filled by:
zil.html?_r=0 Diplomatics, from ______ Greek diploma (folded), is ____
a) (1) the – (2) an – (3) the study of legal and administrative documents of all kinds.
b) (1) the – (2) the – (3) a Most attention has been paid to ______ public documents
c) (1) the – (2) a – (3) the of monarchs, emperors, and popes, which are usually
d) (1) a – (2) the – (3) a classified separately from_____ many varieties of private
10) (EEAr BCT 1. 2018) Complete the text with the right documents that exist.’ (CRYSTAL, David (2010). The
articles. Then choose the correct alternative. Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language. Cambridge
Behind a Shopping Center in New Jersey, University Press).
Signs of a Mass Extinction a) the – the – X – the.
Behind a Lowe’s home improvement store here, b) the – a – the – X
scientists are methodically scraping and sifting through ___ c) a – a – the – the
quarry pit that may contain unique insights to the mass d) the – the – the –the
extinction that eliminated _____ dinosaurs. e) a – a – X – X
Back then, about 66 million years ago, _____ oceans 14) (EFOMM 2015) Choose the correct alternative to complete
were higher, and this part of southern New Jersey was a the sentences below.
shallow sea, 10 to 15 miles offshore from ____ ancient I - Simon is in ______ prison because he didn’t pay his
mountain range that rose from the water. Today’s quarry pit taxes.
was once the sea bottom, and one particular layer about 40 II - You have made ____ very good progress.
feet beneath the surface contains a bounty of fossils. III - We didn’t have time to visit ____ Louvre when we
Kenneth J. Lacovara, a professor of paleontology and were in Paris.
geology at nearby Rowan University, calls the layer ___ IV - I’ve always wanted to visit ____ Netherlands.
“mass death assemblage.” He believes it may be ____ only a) a / a / the / the
known collection of animal remains that dates from the b) --- / --- / the / the
mass extinction itself. c) the / a / --- / ---
Taken from www.nytimes.com - Accessed on 06/01/2016. d) --- / a / --- / a
a) a – the – the – a – an – the e) a / --- / --- / the
b) a – the – the – an – a – the 15) (EFOMM 2017) Which alternative is correct?
c) an – the – the – an – a – an a) I visited the United Kingdom and the Brazil two years
d) a – the – the – the – an – an ago.
11) (EEAr BCT 2. 2022) Choose the alternative that contains b) The Bahamas is a group of islands in the West Indies.
the correct order of the articles, in order to complete the c) Sahara is the largest hot desert in the world.
second paragraph in the text. d) The coast of the country is bathed by Atlantic Ocean.
Two species of intelligent robots have moved into some e) My brother likes seaside, but I prefer mountains.
prime, Thames-side real estate: Tate Modern’s Turbine 16) (EFOMM 2018) Choose the correct sequence to complete
Hall. Collectively named “aerobes,” the floating orbs that the text below.
the New York-based artist Anicka Yi has created to inhabit Language, brain and disability
the cavernous space are called “planulae” and “xenojellies”. It has often been remarked that we come to
Inspired by ocean life forms and mushrooms, ___ appreciate_____unique complexity and function of
helium-filled shapes move around using rotors and ___ language only when it starts to go wrong. This happens
small battery pack. Together, they create ___ “ecosystem” daily in many small ways - when we detect ambiguity,
within ___ museum, Yi said in a press statement, express ourselves incoherently, or speak at cross-purposes.
interacting with their environment and visitors, and Less commonly, it happens in _____ dramatic and
displaying individual and group behaviors. devastating manner, in _____ form of language disability.
a) an − the − a – the Those who find it difficult or impossible to communicate,
b) the − a − an − the on account of some physical, psychological, or other
c) an − a − the − an disability, face _____ frustrating, isolated, and uncertain
d) a − an − an − a future, in which their disability is often not recognized, and
12) (EFOMM 2011) The indefinite article can be appropriately community support services may be inaccessible or absent.
used in: Drawing attention to ______ existence and extent of
a) _____ information language disability is thus _____important role for any
b) _____ wool encyclopedia of language.
c) _____ furniture (Adapted from: The Cambridge Encyclopedia o f language)
d) _____ eggs a) the / a / the / a / the / an
e) _____ hypothesis b) the / a / — / a / an / the
c) a /th e / a / — / the / an
d) a / the / — / the / — / the
e) an / a / the / — / the / na

17) (EFOMM 2021) Mark the correct option to complete the 21) (Escola Naval 2015) Which sequence best completes the
excerpt below. quotation below?
Oil spill reported at Golden Ray wreck site "_____ Ebola outbreak in West Africa is already
I- __________ Unified Command in charge of II- _______ _______ global threat to________ public health and it's
disposal of III- ________wreck in Golden Ray reported vital that ______ UK remains at________ forefront of
IV- _________oil spill which V- __________ workers were responding to ______epidemic." Michael Fallon, Defense
attempting to contain both VI- __________ water and along Secretary, 2014. (Adapted from
VII - _______ coastline of St. Simons Sound. http://www.royalnavy.mod.uk).
(Adapted from https://www.fleetmon.com>oil...) a) An / a / the / - / the / an.
a) I - The / II - the / III -a / IV - __ / V - __ / VI -a / VII - b) - / the / - / the / - / an.
the c) The / the / the / - / the / the.
b) I - The / Il - the / IIl – the / IV - an / V - the / VI - the / d) An / - / - / the / - / - .
VII – the e) The / a / - / the / the / the.
c) I - The / Il - __ / III- the / IV - the / V - the / VI - __ / 22) (Escola Naval 2016) What is the correct option to complete
VII – a the text below?
d) I - __ / II - __/ III - the / IV - __ / V - ___ / VI - __ / VII Mosquito Screens to Be Used at Rio Games
– the Even as athletes grow increasingly concerned about
e) I - __ / II – a / III - a / IV - an / V - the / VI - the / VIl - a _______ outbreak of _______ Zika virus in Brazil,
18) (Escola Naval 2012) Which is the correct option to _______ organizing committee for the August Olympics in
complete the sentence below? Rio de Janeiro said it would charge national delegations to
Windsurfing will be dropped from {1)____ Olympics after have mosquito screens on athletes' rooms.
(2)____ London 2012 Games and will be replaced by _____ screens, one measure Brazilians are using to help
(3)____ kiteboarding for (4) Rio 2016 Games. ward off the mosquito that is the primary transmitter of
(Adapted from http://www.guardian.co.uk/sport/olympics- Zika, will be installed in communal areas "where required,"
2012) but affixed to lodging only if national delegations decide to
a) Ø - Ø - the – Ø pay for it, said Philip Wilkinson, ______ spokesman for the
b) an - the -the -the Rio 2016 organizing committee.
c) the -the - Ø – the (http://www.nytimes.com)
d) Ø - a - the -a a) an / - / the / - / an
e) the - a - Ø - a b) the / the / the / the / a
19) (Escola Naval 2013) Which is the correct option to c) the / a / the / the / a
complete the paragraph below? d) an / the / - / the / a
"Plan your perfect vacation by reserving (1) ____ room at e) the / the / the / the / an
(2)____ Best Western Hotel. Situated on (3) ____ Northern 23) (Escola Naval 2017) What is the correct option to complete
Drive, half mile from (4) ____ downtown, our hotel mixes the text below?
spacious guest rooms and convenient location." The current smartphone market
a) the - Ø - the – Ø It's______ brand new year and already there have been
b) a - the - Ø – Ø ______new smartphones released onto the market.
c) a - the - Ø – the Upgrading from your current device can be
d) a - the - the -a ______exciting time, but it can also be______little
e) the - a - Ø - a confusing with all of______options available.
20) (Escola Naval 2014) Which sequence best completes the (http ://www.news.com.au)
text below? a) a / - / the / - / -
On _____ Monday, September 2nd _____ International b) the / a / an / the / an
Olympic Committee's (IOC) inspectors completed their c) a / - / an / a / the
fifth trip to Rio and, at ____ press conference wrapping up d) an / the / - / the / an
_____ trip, gave organizers cautious approval of_____ way e) the / - / a / a / the
things are going. 24) (Escola Naval 2019) Which of the options completes the
(Adapted from The Rio Times - Weekly Online Edition, text below correctly?
Issue LVIII) I got into________ accident on my bike
a) Ø / the / Ø / the / a If you have experienced ________ crash on your Citi Bike
b) a / Ø / the / a / the and are injured, call 911 immediately. You should also call
c) a / Ø / Ø / the / Ø ________ police department w here_________ crash took
d) Ø / the / a / the / the place and file ________ report w ith __________officer to
e) Ø / the / Ø / Ø / the make sure that all important information is documented.
(Adapted from https://help.citibikenyc.com)
a) an / a / the / the / a / an
b) an / a / - / a / the / an
c) the / the / a / the / the / a
d) a / the / the / a / a / a
e) a / the / a / a / - / a

25) (Escola Naval 2020) Which option completes the text 29) (EsFCEx 2017) Choose the alternative that correctly
correctly? A dash (-) indicates that no article is used. completes the sentences according to the right use of
_______ China's first autonomous cargo ship, named Jin articles:
Dou Yun O Hao, has made its first voyage in Zhuhai. When we cross the street we must wait for the green man
Yunzhou Tech, ______ technology company based in on _____ crossing sign, but in one Australian city, he no
Zhuhai, developed ______ ship in collaboration with longer wears trousers._____ city of Melbourne is now in
Wuhan University of Technology and CCS. _______ the news because it changed some of the pedestrian lights
autonomous cargo ship will reduce 20°/o construction cost, from men to women._____ member of the Melbourne city
20% operation cost and 15% fuel consumption. board thinks that to see only_____male figure is not right.
(Adapted from https://www.seatrade-maritime.com) She hopes that _____ female figure will make our world
a) A / the / - / A equal.
b) - / a / the /The a) the - the - a - a – the
c) - / the / the / A b) the - the - an - a – a
d) The / a / - / An c) a - a - a - the – the
e) The / - / a / The d) a - a -the - an – an
26) (Escola Naval 2022) Read the paragraph below. Complete e) a - the - the - a - the
the sentences with a, an, the or Ø (no article). 30) (Quadro Complementar 2017) Which option correctly
Not everyone is cut out for traveling or being away from completes the sentences below?
_______ home for _______ long period of time, and that’s 1 - _________River Thames is a river that flows through
perfectly fine! As someone with _______ younger brother London.
still in high school, I personally chose to attend college at 2- Sweden is in_____ northern Europe.
_______ university _______ hour away from my 3- _____ Lake Superior is the largest of the Great Lakes of
hometown. North America.
(Adapted from https://www.collegeraptor.com/) 4- ______ Canaries are an archipelago and autonomous
community of Spain.
Now mark the option that completes the paragraph
5- ______ French are famous for their food.
correctly. a) The - the - The - X – The
a) Ø/ a/ a/ an/ a b) X - the - X - The - X
b) the/ a/ an/ a/ a c) The - X - X - The – The
c) Ø/ a/ a/ a/ an d) X - X - The - X – The
d) a/ Ø/ an/ the/ a e) X - the - The - X - The
e) the/ a/ a/ an/ an 31) (Quadro Complementar 2017) What is the correct option
27) (AMEOSC 2018) Observe the following sentences. to complete the text below?
I - […] one look at her Instagram account will reveal that Navy Ships Respond to Piracy Attack
she has rock hard. Late night on 08 April______distress call was received
II - A FBI agent testified Thursday. from ______foreign merchant vessel MV OS 35 (Tuvalu
III - […] and an honor to work with Andy Lincoln. registered vessel), which was attacked and boarded by
IV - […] in the world as a one-parent child. pirates in ______Gulf of Aden.
Choose the correct option according to the underlined ______Indian Navy ships Mumbai, Tarkash, Trishul and
items. Aditya proceeding on deployment to ______ Mediterranean
a) The items I, II, and III, only. responded to ______ call and rapidly
b) The items I, II, and IV, only. closed______merchant vessel by ______ early hours of 09
c) The items I, III, and IV, only. April.
d) The items II and IV, only. (Adapted from http: // www. marineinsight .com / shipping)
28) (AMEOSC 2019) Analyze the sentences below. a) a / a / Ø / Ø / Ø / the / a / Ø
I. Could I have a rice instead of potatoes with my fish? b) a / a / the / Ø/ the / the / the / the
II. That’s an amazing bit of news. c) the / a / the / an / the / a / the / na
III. Could I have a liter of milk, please? d) a / the / the / Ø /Ø / a / a /Ø
Observing the articles, “a” and “an”, indicate the correct e) the / Ø / a / the / a / the / the / the
alternative: 32) (MACK-SP) Paul, _____ doctor, was _____ first person in
a) The item I, only. _____ city to swim in _____ Mississipi River on _____
b) The items I and II, only. tenth of _____ October, 1970 and in ____ Lake Michigan
c) The items II and III, only. in _____ 60s.
d) The items I, II, and III. a) a - the - x - the - x - x - the – x
b) a - the - the - the - the - x - x – the
c) the - the - x - the - the - x - x – the
d) a - x - the - the - the - the - x – the
e) an - the - the - the - the - x - x – the

1) E
2) C
3) A
4) A
5) C
6) B
7) C
8) C
9) A
10) B
11) B
12) E
13) D
14) B
15) B
16) A
17) B
18) C
19) B
20) D
21) E
22) B
23) C
24) A
25) B
26) C
27) C
28) C
29) A
30) C
31) B
32) B

Substantivos – Nouns: Countable × 8) (Unoesc 2021) Note the countable and uncountable nouns
and mark the correct alternative according to the sentences.
Uncountable I. In the ocean, there are many living waters.
1) (Colégio Naval 2017) Read the sentences below. II. Mr. Smith bought much planks of wood last year.
I- Can you give me some information ,please? III. I can´t eat many salt.
II- Those women are my teachers. IV. I found much stones in my house.
III- He doesn't have much money. a) Only I is correct.
IV- Life is great! b) Only I and II are correct.
Choose the option which defines the underlined nouns as U c) Only II and IV are correct.
(uncountable) or C (countable). d) All the alternatives are correct.
a) U - C - U – U 9) (FUNDATEC 2018) Mark the word that is an uncoutable
b) C - C - C – C noun.
c) C - C - U – U a) eyes (l.14).
d) U - U - U – U b) diamonds (l.27).
e) C - U - C - C c) thighs (l.28).
2) (Colégio Naval 2020) Read the following sentence taken d) daybreak (l.37).
from the text. e) slave (l.40).
"Even outside the zone, many businesses and schools have 10) (VUNESP 2018) Leia o texto e responda à questão.
suspended activities and sporting events have been Within word classes, there are a number of restrictions.
canceled." Knowledge of these allows competent speakers to produce
All the underlined words are considered Countable nouns. well-formed sentences. Speakers of British English might
Mark the option in which all the nouns are considered say There isn’t any furniture in the room, but would not
Uncountable. say There aren’t any furnitures in the
a) beauty, computer, strawberry, diary room because furniture is almost always an uncountable
b) money, painting, window. Love noun.
c) electricity, advice, help, oxygen An example of a well-formed sentence with an uncountable
d) cookie, candy, fruit, shop noun is:
e) knowledge, idea, man, air a) Bad news never makes people happy.
3) (Colégio Naval 2022) Mark the option that ONLY contains b) I frequently give my students many advices about
uncountable nous. adequate study habits.
a) Advice / Children / Behavior c) He seems to be in a very good health now.
b) Luggage / Traffic / Umbrella d) The informations I received were completely incorrect.
c) Information / Luck / Bread e) I gave students papers so they could copy the lesson I
d) Furniture / Weather / Job was dictating.
e) Baggage / Suggestion / Chaos 11) (NUCEPE 2019) The sequence that shows only countable
4) (EPCAR 2016) Mark the group of uncountable words nouns is
extracted from the text above. a) rice, meat, cherry, tea.
a) Prejudice – experience – ability. b) sausage, water, potato, cake.
b) Orientation – body – position. c) electricity, pride, house, bread.
c) Discrimination – intolerance – racism. d) eggplant, pantyhose, truck, wolf.
d) History – status – religion. e) homework, evidence, flour, orange.
5) (EEAr 2. 2016) Choose the alternative in which all the 12) (FUNDATEC 2020) Nouns as ‘food’ (l. 06) may be
words are uncountable. countable or uncountable, depending on the context. The
a) salt – cake – egg following nouns usually follow the same rule, EXCEPT:
b) chocolate – butter – walnut Ask a Dane to explain the concept, and they’ll probably
c) flour – baking powder – sugar say it means socializing with loved ones at home, wearing
d) vanilla – cake tin – ice cream warm clothes, feeling sheltered and safe, enjoying indulgent
6) (EFOMM 2011) Which pair of words below contains foods, and drinking mulled wine.
countable nouns: a) Hair.
a) news / bread b) Advice.
b) advice / music c) Coffee.
c) weather / equipment d) Ice cream.
d) vocabulary / baggage e) Water.
e) paper / illness 13) (FURB 2019) Some nouns are countable in other languages
7) (Quadro Complementar 2015) Nouns can be countable or but uncountable in English. Choose the alternative that
uncountable. Choose the correct option. presents only uncountable nouns in English:
a) Equipment (countable) / tool (countable). a) coffee; job; baggage; advice; paper; noise; experience.
b) Work (uncountable) / job (countable). b) juice; weather; view; suggestion; work; permission.
c) News (uncountable) / fact (uncountable). c) rice; sand; bowl; music; beach; blood.
d) Baggage (countable) / bag (countable). d) bread; information; feedback; news; money; furniture.
e) Information (countable) / furniture (uncountable). e) water; electricity; accident; song; air; luck.

14) (EEAr 2012) All words below are countable nouns, except: 23) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) Sobre os
a) Mice substantivos incontáveis, assinale a alternativa
c) Sheep a) Não apresentam singular e nem plural
d) Children b) Denotam substância homogênea
15) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) Sobre os c) Se o sentido for de plural, o verbo também ficará no
substantivos contáveis, assinale a alternativa plural
INCORRETA: d) Frequentemente indicam substância, qualidades
a) Possuem plural humanas e ideias abstratas
b) Aceitam os artigos A/An 24) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) Sobre os
c) Podem ser quantificados por números substantivos contáveis, assinale a alternativa correta:
d) Usa-se “much” para quantifica a) Podem ser utilizados somente no singular
16) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) Sobre os b) Se quiserem passar a ideia de plural, terá que usar o
substantivos incontáveis, assinale a alternativa coletivo
INCORRETA: c) Pode vir antecedido por a lot of, few e much
a) Não possuem plural d) Nem os substantivos que são contáveis no português,
b) Não aceitam artigos indefinidos. Coloca-se o “The” são contáveis no inglês.
c) Não podem quantificados por números 25) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) Sobre os
d) Usa-se “much” para quantificar substantivos contáveis, assinale a alternativa incorreta:
17) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) Sobre o substantivo a) Mesmo music sendo incontável, song é contável
“time”, assinale a alternativa correta b) Podem vir precedidos por diversos pronomes, tanto no
a) no sentido de “tempo” é incontável singular como no plural
b) no sentido de “frequência” é incontável c) São os nomes de objetos, pessoas, lugares, animais e
c) Independente do sentido, ele é incontável bebidas.
d) Independente do sentido, ele é contável d) Podem vir precedidos pelos artigos a/an.
18) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) Sobre o substantivo 26) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) Assinale a
“Hair” assinale a alternativa correta alternativa que apresenta um substantivo incontável.
a) no sentido de “conjunto de fios” é contável a) Dorothea studied 3 times the same matter
b) no sentido de “fios de cabelo” é contável b) Yesterday in the newspaper passed the news that the
c) Independente do sentido, ele é incontável criminal had been caught
d) Independente do sentido, ele é contável c) Carlos went to the supermarket and bought a glass
19) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) Sobre o substantivo d) Jurandir said that he didn't want to study
“Music” 27) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) Sobre o substantivo
a) no sentido de “música” é contável “glass” assinale a alternativa correta
b) no sentido de “faixas de música” é incontável a) no sentido de “copo” é contável
c) Independente do sentido, ele é incontável b) no sentido de “vidro” é contável
d) Independente do sentido, ele é contável c) Independente do sentido, ele é incontável
20) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) Assinale a d) Independente do sentido, ele é contável
alternativa que não apresenta somente substantivo 28) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) Sobre o substantivo
incontáveis: “newspaper” assinale a alternativa incorreta
a) equipment, children e advice. a) É contável
b) glass, ice e cheese. b) É formado pela junção de dois substantivos incontáveis
c) metal, cake e song. c) No sentido de “papel” fica incontável
d) snow, sugar e salt. d) Significa “jornal”
21) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) Sobre os 29) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) Assinale a
substantivos incontáveis, assinale a alternativa alternativa que apresenta um substantivo que não pode ser
INCORRETA: contável.
a) Líquido, grãos e pó são incontáveis a) Time
b) tudo que é conjunto é incontável b) Hair
c) “Money” é incontável porque não se quantifica a c) Music
quantidade de cédulas ou moedas, mas, sim o valor d) Glass
d) Todas as palavras que são contáveis em português são 30) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) Assinale a
contáveis no inglês. alternativa que apresenta somente substantivos contáveis:
22) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) Assinale a a) Idea, key and equipament
alternativa que apresenta um substantivo contável: b) Money, bottle and house
a) Air c) Cat, dog and work
b) Proof d) Newspaper, Woman and house
c) Jewerly 31) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) Sobre o uso do
d) Idea many e do much nos substantivos contáveis e incontáveis,
assinale a alternativa correta.
a) Much pode ser usado com o sentido de “muito”
b) Apenas o many pode ser usado

c) Tanto o many como o much podem ser usados com o Gabarito
mesmo sentido 1) A
d) Many e much apresentam sentidos opostos 2) C
3) C
4) C
5) C
6) E
7) B
8) A
9) D
10) A
11) D
12) B
13) D
14) B
15) D
16) B
17) A
18) B
19) C
20) C
21) D
22) D
23) C
24) D
25) C
26) B
27) A
28) C
29) C
30) D
31) B

Substantivos – Nouns: Plural and Coletive 7) (EEAr 1. 2021) The word “women” is the plural form of
“woman”, an irregular plural noun. Choose the alternative
1) (EPCAR 2019) Considering the plural form of the nouns,
that contains an example of an irregular plural noun.
mark the correct alternative.
a) Basis (line 3) – base. a) Kid
b) Hero
b) Galaxy (line 11) – galaxyes
c) Mouse
c) Life (line 36) – lives.
d) Search (line 39) – searchers. d) Kingdom
2) (EsSA 2020) The plural forms of table, box, kilo, sky, wife 8) (EEAr BCT 2. 2020) Choose the alternative that indicates
and tooth are respectively the plural of the words fish, life, woman.
a) tables, boxes, kilos, skies, wives and tooths. a) Fishes, lifes, woman.
b) Fishs, lives, woman.
b) tables, boxes, kilos, skys, wives and teeth.
c) Fish, lives, women.
c) tables, boxes, kilos, skies, wifes and teeth.
d) Fish, lifes, women.
d) tables, boxes, kilos, skies, wives and teeth.
9) (AFA 2016) Mark the option which shows the appropriate
e) tables, boxes, kiloes, skies, wives and teeth.
plural form for the word “phenomenon” (line 70).
3) (EsSA 2021) Todas as palavras abaixo formam o plural em
a) Phenomenae.
inglês como a palavra “photo”, exceto:
b) Phenomena.
a) piano.
c) Phenomenons.
b) kilo.
d) Phenomenos.
c) hero.
10) (EFOMM 2015) Choose the correct alternative.
d) radio.
a) self/selfies; half/halfs; species/species; man/men
e) vídeo.
b) calf/calfs; photo/photos; child/children; lady/ladies
4) (EEAr 1. 2017) Choose the best alternative that shows the
c) church/churches; box/boxes; negro/negros; bus/buses
irregular plural form:
d) penny/pence; louse/lice; tornado/tornadoes;
a) mice, children, goose, woman.
b) mice, children, geese, women. volcano/volcanos
e) ox/oxen; goose/geese; child/children; tomato/tomatos
c) mouses, kids, goose, women.
11) (EFOMM 2020) Which word DOES NOT follow the same
d) mice, child, geese, woman.
5) (EEAr 2. 2017) Choose the best alternative to complete the plural rule applied to the word "nationalities" in the text?
blanks in the text: a) Enemy
Good day! My name is Sheila. I’m from Melbourne, b) Activity
Australia. My ___________ is from Montreal, Canada. We c) Country
d) Theory
live in Sydney. A lot of ___________ living in Australia
e) Delay
come from other ___________.
12) (EFOMM 2022) In the text, the words “shrubs”, “viruses”
a) husband – peoples – country
and “vessels” are in the plural form. Mark the sequence in
b) husband – people – countries
which the use of the plural for mis correct
c) husbands – persons – country
a) sheaves/ runners up/ data/ nuclei/ volcanoes
d) husbands – person – countries
b) halves/ lice/ pence/ oxen/ corpus
6) (EEAr 1. 2020) What is the correct plural form of the
c) analysis/ Eskimos/ stimuli/ series/ radius
words, in bold type, in the text?
d) formula/ headquarters/ species/ wreaths/ buzz
e) phenomena/ diagnoses/ fungus/ oasis/ vertebrae
Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life? Say yes, 13) (Escola Naval 2014) Which of the alternatives completes
the sentence correctly?
say yes
If you need ____________about what to remove from your
‘Cause I need to know
_______ to avoid problems at check in, this leaflet is for
You say I’ll never get your blessing till the day I die
Tough luck my friend but the answer is no!
a) some information/luggage
Why you gotta be so rude?
b) the informations/luggage
Don’t you know I’m human too
Why you gotta be so rude c) information/luggages
I’m gonna marry her anyway d) an information/luggage
(Marry that girl) Marry her anyway e) informations/luggages
(Marry that girl) Yeah no matter what you say 14) (EsFCEx 2020) As far as the teaching of standard English
is concerned, the pluralization of the underlined noun is
(Marry that girl) And we’ll be a family
only acceptable in alternative:
a) daughter, lives, days, and family.
a) An economy-class passenger is entitled to no more than
b) daughters, life, day, and families.
two baggages per flight.
c) daughters, lives, days, and family.
b) The police have found no evidences of the young man’s
d) daughters, lives, days, and families.
involvement with the victim.
c) Manned journeys to space have been temporarily
interrupted due to lack of resources.
d) Excessive informations can hinder rather than help
comprehension of a complex topic.

e) His specialty is the design of 19) (EEAr 2015) Choose the alternative that presents the plural
sustainable furnitures made of natural materials. of the nouns “mouse” and “fish” (lines 4 and 7), in the text,
15) (IBFC 2017) Na Língua Inglesa há regras específicas para respectively.
a construção do plural dos substantivos. a) mice – fish
A seguir, encontra-se um pequeno trecho de um texto sobre b) mice – fishs
inteligências múltiplas cujos substantivos que estão entre c) mouses – fishs
parênteses no singular, deverão ser escritos na forma plural. d) mouses – fishes
[...] Linguistic - using ___________ (word) effectively. 20) (FUNDATEC 2021) The word “studies” (l. 23) follows the
These ____________ (learner) like reading, taking notes in same spelling rule to form plural nouns as:
their ________ (class), making up poetry or a) Babies
___________(story). Interpersonal - understanding, b) Beliefs
interacting with others. These ______________ (student) c) Wives
learn through interaction. They like group ___________ d) Boys
(activity), ____________ (seminar), __________ (debate), e) Series
_________ (interview). Logical-Mathematical - reasoning, 21) (FEPESE 2018) The plural form of the word ‘analysis’, is:
calculating. __________ (Person) who excel in this a) analysies
intelligence like to experiment, solve ____________ b) analyses
(puzzle) play with logic __________ (game), read about c) analyze
___________ (investigation), and solve ___________ d) analysi
(mystery). e) analys
Assinale a alternativa que completa correta e 22) (Prefeitura de Bataguassu – MS 2021) Assinale a
respectivamente as lacunas considerando os plurais de alternativa em que todos os substantivos estão corretamente
substantivos em inglês americano. escritos no plural de acordo com as normas da Gramática
a) words - learners - classes - stories; students - activities - da Língua Inglesa:
seminares - debates - interviews; Persons - puzzles - a) radios – tomatoes – chiefs – wifes
games - investigations – mysteries b) mangoes – lice – oxen – bamboos
b) words - learners - classes - stories; students - activitys - c) wolves – handkerchiefs – mice – buses
seminars - debates - interviews; People - puzzles - d) cities – feet – studioes – children
games - investigations – mysteries 23) (IDHTEC 2019) Chicken - Beef – Fish
c) wordes - learners - classes - stories; studentes - activities a) Chickens- beeves- fishes
- seminars - debates - interviews; People - puzzles - b) Chicken – beefs – fishes
games - investigations – mysteries c) Chickens- beeves – fishs
d) words - learners - classes - stories; students - activities - d) Chickenes- beeves – fishes
seminars - debates - interviews; People - puzzles - e) Chicks – beefs- fishes
games - investigations – mysteries 24) (IDHTEC 2019) There were 50 __________ (PERSON) in
e) words - learners - classes - storys; students - activitys - the party.
seminars - debaties - interviews; Persons - puzzles - a) persons
games - investigations - mysteries b) people
16) (CONSULTEC 2010) The words “men" (L. 9) and c) personnes
"women” (L. 9) d) women and men
a) are examples of nouns that only have a plural form. e) crowd
b) are, respectively, singular and plural nouns. 25) (FACET Concursos 2020) Select the option that shows
c) are both plural nouns. words that follow the same rules for plural as: “approach”,
d) form the plural by adding an "s" to the singular form. “community” and “government”.
e) can be used v/ith the indefinite article "a”. a) coach, tax, car
17) (EEAr 2010) “...wives...” (line 2), have the same plural b) hoax, telephone, pen
form as, except c) roach, baby, book
a) life d) agency, tomato, child
b) shelf e) float, man, chair
c) thief 26) (VUNESP 2019) “Phenomenon”, in the second paragraph,
d) belief and “basis” in the third, are pluralized as “phenomena” and
18) (EFOMM 2010) Respectively, the plural forms of “hero”, “bases”, respectively. A number of other English words
”louse”, “ox” and “cactus” are: also have irregular plurals.
a) heros, louses, oxen, cactuses. Mark the alternative in which a singular noun is correctly
b) heros, lice, oxen, cacti. followed by its plural form.
c) heroes, louses, oxen, cacti. a) specie – species.
d) heroes, louses, oxen, cactuses. b) sheep – sheepies.
e) heroes, lice, oxen, cacti. c) people – peoples.
d) datum – data.
e) crises – crisis.

27) (FUNDATEC 2020) The word “children” (l. 10) is the
plural of “child”. Mark the INCORRECT combination of
singular + plural form of the nouns.
a) Hero – Heroes.
b) Man – Men.
c) Half – Halves.
d) Woman – Women.
e) Tooth – Toothes.
28) (IESES 2014) Which word is not plural?
a) People
b) Species
c) Series
d) News
29) (COSEAC 2018) We may keep the sentence grammatically
correct by substituting “words” for:
“May I say a few words?”
a) information; because it’s an uncountable noun, just like
b) informations; because it’s a countable noun in the
plural, just like “words”.
c) things; because it’s a countable noun in the plural, just
like “words”.
d) thing; because it’s a countable noun in the singular, just
like “words”.
e) stuffs; because it’s an uncountable noun in the plural,
just like “words”.
30) (FUNDATEC 2017) Consider the statements below:
I. The plural of the word ‘beauty’ (l.40) follows the same
rule that explains the formation of the plural
form ‘displays’ (l.24).
II. The plural of ‘crisis’ (l.05) is made by dropping ‘is’ and
adding ‘es’.
III. The rule that explains the formation of ‘values’ (l.30)
and ‘pages’ (l.13) is the same.
Which ones are correct?
a) Only I.
b) Only III.
c) Only I and III.
d) Only II and III.
e) I, II and III.
31) (FUNCAB 2014) Choose the option that contains the
correct plural forms of: company / facility / address / store,
a) companys, facilitys, address, stores
b) companies, facilities, addressis, stories
c) companys, facilitys, addressis, stories
d) companies, facilities, addresses, stories
e) companies, facilities, addresses, stores

1) C
2) D
3) C
4) B
5) B
6) D
7) C
8) C
9) B
10) D
11) E
12) A
13) A
14) C
15) D
16) C
17) D
18) E
19) A
20) A
21) B
22) B
23) A
24) B
25) C
26) D
27) E
28) D
29) C
30) D
31) E

Substantivos – Nous: Genders 10) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) Assinale a
alternativa que apresenta um substantivo que ao passar pro
1) (EPCAR 2017) “His own daughter Paris Jackson took a
feminino, recebe o mesmo sufixo que o feminino de “god”:
photo of him” (lines 6 and 7).
Mark the correct masculine type of the highlighted word. a) waiter
b) executor
a) Niece.
c) prosecutor
b) Sister.
c) Brother. d) hero
d) Son. 11) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) Assinale a
2) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) Assinale a alternativa que apresenta um substantivo masculino:
alternativa que apresenta um substantivo comum de dois a) Ship
b) Uncle
c) Aunt
a) Dog
d) Spinster
b) Drake
12) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) Sobre a divisão de
c) Author
gênero dos substantivos, assinale a alternativa incorreta.
d) Bull
a) A maioria dos substantivos que se referem a pessoas e a
3) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) Assinale a
suas profissões/funções são neutros
alternativa que NÃO apresenta um substantivo comum de
b) Em alguns casos, acrescenta-se o sufixo “ess” para
dois gêneros:
passar um substantivo pro feinino
a) God
c) Para todos os animais, deve-se colocar um prefixo para
b) Artist
indicar se está se referindo a um macho ou a uma fêmea
c) Doctor
d) Alguns substantivos possuem formas irregulares do
d) Child
4) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) Assinale a
As questões 13 – 27 são referentes a marcar o feminino do
alternativa incorreta quanto a forma do feminino:
a) Boy – girl substantivo apresentado na questão
13) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) Uncle
b) Brother – sister
a) Aunt
c) Bull – bulless
b) Uncle (comum de dois gêneros)
d) Lion - lioness
c) Ucless
5) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) Assinale a d) Parent
alternativa incorreta quanto a forma do feminino: 14) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) Groom
a) God – goddess a) Bride
b) Husband – Husbandess b) Groom (comum de dois gêneros)
c) Prince – princess c) Groomess
d) Poet – poetess d) Bridess
6) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) Assinale a 15) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) Husband
alternativa incorreta quanto a forma do feminino: a) Wife
a) Dog – bitch b) Hubby
b) Drake – duck c) Husbandess
c) Husband – Wife d) Hubbiess
d) Widower – widowess 16) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) Nephew
7) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) Assinale a a) Nephewess
alternativa que NÃO apresenta um substantivo comum de b) shah
dois gêneros: c) Niece
a) Friend d) Nephew (comum de dois gêneros)
b) Neighbor 17) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) Monarch
c) Scientist a) Monarchess
d) Bride b) Queen
8) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) Assinale a c) Lady
alternativa que NÃO apresenta um substantivo comum de d) Monarch (comum de dois gêneros)
dois gêneros: 18) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) Wizard
a) Student a) Wizard (Comum de dois gêneros)
b) Teacher b) Não apresenta feminino
c) Waiter c) Wirzardess
d) Person d) Witch
9) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) Qual é o feminino 19) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) Lawyer
de “bull”? a) Layeress
a) bulless b) Lawyer (comum de dois gêneros)
b) ox c) Já está no femino
c) cow d) Não apresenta feminino
d) Bull (comum de dois gêneros)

20) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) Horse
a) Horsess
b) She – horse
c) Horse (substantivo comum de dois gêneros)
d) Mare
21) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) manservant
a) maidservant
b) menservant
c) manservant (comum de dois gêneros)
d) manservantess
22) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) he-bear
a) Não apresenta feminino
b) He-bear (comum de dois gêneros)
c) she-bear
d) he-bearess
23) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) ship
a) shipess
b) boat
c) Já está no feminino
d) Não apresenta feminino
24) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) hero
a) heroine
b) heroess
c) hero (comum de dois gêneros)
d) não apresenta feminino
25) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) executor
a) executrix
b) executores
c) she-executor
d) executor (comum de dois gêneros)
26) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) sultan
a) sultan (comum de dois gêneros)
b) sultaness
c) sultana
d) não apresenta feminino
27) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) baron
a) baron (comum de dois gêneros)
b) barona
c) não apresenta feminino
d) baroness
28) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) Assinale a
alternativa que apresenta somente substantivos femininos:
a) Princess, drake e rooster
b) Hen, duck e prince
c) Ship, baroness e ewe
d) Ox, nun e lady
29) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) Assinale a
alternativa que apresenta somente substantivos masculinos:
a) Son, aunt e nephew
b) King, bitch e queen
c) Monk, bachelor e groom
d) Ship, father e lord
30) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) Assinale a
alternativa que apresenta somente substantivos comum de
dois gêneros:
a) Teacher, doctor e window
b) Student, friend e poet
c) Guest, cousin e chicken
d) Artist, scientist e god

1) D
2) C
3) A
4) C
5) B
6) D
7) D
8) C
9) C
10) A
11) B
12) C
13) A
14) A
15) A
16) C
17) D
18) D
19) B
20) C
21) A
22) C
23) C
24) A
25) A
26) C
27) D
28) C
29) D
30) C

Adjetivos – Adjectives 4) (Colégio Naval 2018) Mark the sentence which has an
adjective that is NOT in the superlative degree.
1) (Colégio Naval 2017) Complete the dialogue using the
a) Stephen Hawking, one of the most famous scientists of
right form of the adjectives.
A: Would you like to go to the beach on Friday? the 21st century (...).
b) But his ideas (...) are the greatest legacy he left to the
B: Actually, I think Saturday is ___________________ for
me. Friday is my___________________ day.
Choose the item that respectively completes the gaps. c) He was not the best student at fundamental or high
a) the best / busier school.
b) better / busiest d) His most notorious theory is that black holes can emit
c) good / the most busiest radiation.
e) He started to get worse, and, eventually, became
d) best / the busiest
confined to a wheelchair.
e) good / the busier
5) (Colégio Naval 2020) Read the following sentence taken
2) (Colégio Naval 2018) All the underlined words in text I are
from the text.
adjectives, EXCEPT:
"Italian officials have cut short the Venice Carnival as they
Social media ’destroying how society works'
try to control what is now the worst outbreak of the
A former Facebook executive has said social media is
coronavirus in Europe."
doing great harm to society around the world.
Mark the adjective that forms its Superlative the same way
The executive is a man called Chamath Palihapitiya. He
as the underlined word.
joined Facebook in 2007 a n d became a vice president. He
a) High.
was responsible for increasing the number of users
b) Good.
Facebook had. Mr Palihapitiya said he feels very guilty
c) Early.
about getting more people to use social networks. He said
d) Elderly.
the networks are destroying society because they are
e) Extraordinary.
changing people's behavior. Twenty years ago, people
talked to each other face to face. Today, people message 6) (Colégio Naval 2020) Read the sentence below.
"During meditation, you focus your attention and eliminate
each other and do not talk. People also really care about
the stream of jumbled thouqhts."
what other people think of them. They post photos and wait
to see how many people like the photo. They get very sad if The adjective "jumbled" (underlined in the sentence) can be
people do not like the photo. replaced without change in meaning by:
Mr. Palihapitiya said people should take a long break a) good.
from social media so they can experience real life. He b) awful.
c) useless.
wants people to value each other instead of valuing online
d) enjoyable.
"hearts, likes, and thumbs-up". Palihapitiya also points out
e) disordered.
how fake news is affecting how we see the world, it is
7) (Colégio Naval 2021) All the sentences have comparative
becoming easier for large websites to spread lies. It is also
or superlative adjectives EXCEPT for
becoming easier to hurt other people online. Anyone can
a) “This generation has been raised on the internet and
hide behind a fake user name and post lies about other
social media, with some the oldest finishing college by
people. Palihapitiya said this was a global problem. He is
2020 and entering the workforce.”
worried about social media so much that he has banned his
b) “Generation Z is the youngest, most ethnically-diverse,
children from using it. However, he did state that Facebook
and largest generation in American history, comprising
was a good company. He said: "Of course, it's not all bad.
Facebook overwhelmingly does good in the world." 27% of the US population”
c) “They communicate primarily through social media and
a) social.
texts, and spend as much time on their phones as older
b) global.
generations do watching television.”
c) long.
d) “The majority of Gen Zs prefer streaming services to
d) executive.
traditional cable, as well as getting snackable content
e) former.
they can get on their phones and computers.”
3) (Colégio Naval 2018) Mark the sentence that does NOT
contain the use of comparative adjective. e) “Gen Z is the most ethnically diverse and largest
a) It's easier than you may expect to find, visit, and enjoy generation in American history, and eclipses all other
the places where your favorite movies were made. generations before it in embracing diversity and
b) You’ll certainly have a better impression of the place. inclusion.”
c) It’s fun to sometimes let a destination determine the
movie you’re going to live rather than the other way
d) Also, books often have scenes that don’t make it into
the movie adaptations, which gives you a deeper view
of the destination.
e) A more affordable option, in Rome, is the four-hour
Roman Holiday themed excursion from HR Tours.

8) (Colégio Naval 2022) Read the comic strip below. 14) (EPCAR 2021) In the passage Fortnite, the most recent
gaming phenomenon (l. 2 - 3), the underlined phrase is an
example of
a) comparative.
b) conjunction.
c) superlative.
d) adverb.
15) (EsSA 2019) Which sentence is grammatically correct?
a) Camila’s dress is cheaper than mine.
b) I went to bed more earlier than usual.
c) Gustavo is more old than his brother.
d) Going by train is expensiver than by car.
e) My car is more fast than my sister’s car.
16) (EsSA 2022) Marque a opção que melhor completa o
espaço em branco.
Mark the right option to fill in the blank in the cartoon. “Colonel is a _______________ rank in the army but it is
a) more disgusting than _______________ than General.”
b) as disgusting than a) highest – lowest
c) the most disgusting than b) low – high
d) the least disgusting than c) highest – low
e) disgustinger than d) lowest – highest
9) (EPCAR 2013) The comparative form of the underlined e) high – lower
word in the sentence “Webster’s dictionary [...] adopted the 17) (EEAr 1. 2016) Select the alternative that completes the
American orthography familiar today” ílines 6 and 7) is extract below.
a) most familiar. One day, Billy was playing basketball in his friend’s garage
b) more familiar than. in Kokoma, Indiana. He was having a great time. Suddenly,
c) the most familiar. it became dark. A very loud noise frightened him. He
d) the more familiar. looked up and saw the sky was very grey; it became very
10) (EPCAR 2015) “Many adolescents act this way because windy. Without warning, a gust of wind broke the garage
they feel frustrated or angry (...)” (lines 20-21). The into pieces. Billy was very ________.That storm was really
comparative form of the underlined word is ________.
a) more angry a) frightened – scared
b) angrier than. b) frightened – scaring
c) more angrier. c) frightening – scared
d) more angry than. d) frightening – scaring
11) (EPCAR 2016) The underlined word in “those in 18) (EEAr 1. 2017) “I find the easiest way to expand my
wheelchairs or with a learning disability.” (lines 25 and 26) vocabulary is to make up words.”
is used in the same grammatical way as in The underlined word in the phrase implies an idea of
a) Teachers are learning how to deal with disabled a) comparative adjectives
students. b) superlative adjectives
b) Learning English is a necessity nowadays. c) comparisons
c) He's learning how to deal with his brother’s disability. d) adverb
d) The learning theory is common in Western societies. 19) (EEAr 2. 2017) The adjective “healthier”, underlined in the
12) (EPCAR 2018) Mark the sentence from the text that is an text, is a ____________.
example of comparative form. And becoming healthier doesn’t mean you have to make
a) Owned or controlled by an ‘employer’. (line 18) major changes.
b) Most child marriages can be considered slavery. (lines a) superlative
58 and 59) b) comparative of equality
c) [...] people are much more vulnerable to slavery [...] c) comparative of inferiority
(lines 74 and 75) d) comparative of superiority
d) [...] that need to be taken to end slavery across the 20) (EEAr 2. 2017) Choose the best alternative to complete the
world. (lines 86 and 87) blank in the text
13) (EPCAR 2019) Read the sentences from the text and A __________ fact about Australia is that one Australian
classify them. The underlined excerpts are examples of family in three (that’s approximately 33%) speak another
“Project Phoenix, which used three of the most powerful language, apart from English.
radio telescopes in the world:” (lines 46 to 48). a) surprises
“there’s a chance we may still find much simpler life b) surprised
forms.” (lines 75 and 76). c) surprising
a) comparative and superlative. d) surprisingly
b) superlative and comparative.
c) superlative of inferiority.
d) comparative of equality.

21) (EEAr 2. 2018) The expression “most sensational”, in the 26) (EEAr 2. 2021) The adjective “empty”, in the comic strip,
cartoon, is being used as is the antonym of “full”. Choose the alternative that has the
right antonyms for “neat” and “dirty”, respectively.

a) comparative adjective.
b) superlative adjective.
c) preposition.
d) adverb
22) (EEAr 1. 2019) The word “easier”, in the text, is in the:

a) interesting and clean

b) beautiful and long
c) messy and clean
d) bright and long
Texto para as questões 27 e 28
a) base form Human-induced global heating ‘causes over a third of heat
b) superlative form deaths’
c) comparative form More than a third of all heat-related deaths around the
d) past participle form world between 1991 and 2018 can be attributed to human-
23) (EEAr 1. 2019) The adjective form “the best” and “nice” induced global heating, research has found.
have as their comparative forms, respectively: Climate breakdown has a range of effects ranging from
a) good and nicer.
wildfires to extreme weather. As the temperatures rise, more
b) better and nicer.
intense and frequent heatwaves disproportionately affect
c) best and the nicer. elderly people and those with underlying chronic conditions
d) the better and the nicest.
such as asthma, making them more vulnerable to disease and
24) (EEAr 1. 2021) The words in bold, in the text, are in the premature death.
Fires and Hurricanes A study, published in the journal Nature Climate Change,
In the US, fires burn in the west. Also, hurricanes hit the used data from 732 locations in 43 countries to calculate the
east. However, extreme weather is more and more usual in number of deaths attributed to heat levels higher than the ideal
all of the world. temperature for human health, which varies across locations.
Scientists think that human activity brings more extreme The researchers examined past weather conditions
weather. The planet is getting warmer. simulated under scenarios with and without emissions triggered
A study finds that people are responsible for 97% of by human activity – allowing them to separate the warming and
fires in the US. Warmer temperatures mean more fires. related health impact linked with human activity from natural
The fires start very easily. They are bigger. It is harder to trends.
stop them. Overall, they found 37% of all heat-related deaths in the
Warmer temperatures also make more hurricanes. The locations studied were attributable to human activity – but the
hurricanes are stronger. It is more common that they get largest climate change-induced contributions (more than 50%)
the land. They break up houses. They kill people, too.
were in southern and western Asia (Iran and Kuwait), south-
Scientists expect more hurricanes this year. The hurricane east Asia (the Philippines and Thailand) and Central and South
season ends on November 30th.
https://www.newsinlevels.com/products/fires-and- Adapted from:
a) comparative form. n-induced-global-heating-causes-over-third-heat-deaths
b) simple past form. 27) (EEAr 2. 2021) The adjective “largest” in bold is in the:
c) superlative form. a) comparative form
d) base form. b) superlative form
25) (EEAr 2. 2021) The word LONGEST, in the picture, and c) neutral form
LONGER, in the text, are in the ____________ and d) inferior form
____________ forms, respectively. 28) (EEAr 2. 2021) The opposite of “higher” in bold in the text
a) comparative / superlative is:
b) superlative / comparative a) more expensive
c) comparative / imperative b) extreme
d) superlative / imperative c) cheaper
d) lower

29) (EEAr 1. 2022) Choose the alternative that represents the 35) (EEAr BCT 2. 2016) Hijacked jets destroy Twin
correct position of the adjective YELLOW in the Towers: a creeping horror
expression in bold. The horror arrived in epsodic bursts of chilling
The City of London first started to plan a new bridge disbelief, signified first by trembling floors, sharp
across the Thames in 1876. eruptions, cracked windows. There was the cruel sight of
a) new bridge yellow bodies helplessly tumbling out, some of them in flames.
b) yellow new bridge Finally, the high and impressive towers themselves were
c) new yellow bridge reduced to nothing. Dense plumes of smoke raced through
d) bridge new yellow the downtown avenues, coursing between the buildings,
30) (EEAr 1. 2022) The words in bold are in the: shaped like tornadoes on their sides.
I’ve had the highest mountains Every sound was cause for alarm. A plane appeared
I’ve had the deepest rivers overhead. Was another one coming? No, it was a fighter jet.
a) comparative. But was it friend or enemy? People scrambled for their
b) superlative. lives, but they didn’t know where to go. Should people go
c) equality. north, south, east, west? Stay outside, go indoors? People
d) future. hid beneath cars and each other. Some contemplated
31) (EEAr 2. 2022) The only victim of the crash was the jumping into the river (…).
________ pilot. Fonte: The New York Times, Sep. 12, 2001.
Volcano eruption in Italy GLOSSARY
A volcano eruption in southern Italy caused chaos in the chilling disbelief – incredulidade assustadora
skies yesterday. The eruption produced a cloud of smoke trembling floors – o tremor dos andares
that slowly spread itself over an area of thousands of square to scramble – lutar
kilometers. The excessive amount of ash particles in the Which word, from the text, is being used as an adjective?
airspace caused a biplane to crash. The fine gray particles a) creeping (title)
got inside both engines and, all of a sudden, neither of them b) coursing (line 7)
were working. The crash had one fatal victim: a 21-year-old c) tumbling (line 4)
pilot named Antonella Ponzini. Her father, a rich d) jumping (line 15)
landowner, is said to be devastated at the loss of his only 36) (EEAr BCT 2. 2017) Which of the following are examples
daughter. of Comparative and Superlative adjectives, respectively?
a) young Italian beautiful The practical impacts of climate change can be hard to
b) beautiful Italian young predict because of the large scales of time and geography
c) Italian beautiful young over which changes are occurring. But more frequent jolts
d) beautiful young Italian in midair could be one way in which individuals will soon
32) (EEAr 2. 2022) Choose the alternative with possible literally feel the effects.
antonyms of the adjectives “awesome” and “close”. A new scientific study says that severe turbulence could
“My year abroad in the United States was a truly awesome become two to three times more common later this century
experience. I’m not a shy person, and I was very when there is twice as much carbon dioxide in the
comfortable speaking to everyone, so I got lots of speaking atmosphere.
practice. (...) When I got home, my close friends couldn’t ‘Our new study paints the most detailed picture yet of
believe how much I had improved!” Mariko Okada – how aircraft turbulence will respond to climate change,’
Tokyo (Neil J. Anderson) says author Dr. Paul Williams. ‘Even the most seasoned
a) unimpressive - distant frequent fliers may be alarmed at the prospect of a 149%
b) extraordinary - young increase in severe turbulence, which frequently hospitalizes
c) phenomenal - foreign air travelers and flight attendants around the world.’
d) rare - intimate Climate change is expected to lead to stronger vertical
33) (EEAr BCT 1. 2016) Choose the alternative so as to have wind shears in the jet stream, at the cruising altitude for
the passage completed correctly. most jet aircraft. Wind shears can become unstable and
Many people believe that pilots earn a lot of money. But the cause turbulence.
real fact is _____ the airline is, _____ pilots’ salary is. Williams used supercomputers simulations that
Smaller budget airlines can not afford to pay their pilots calculate clear-air turbulence along Transatlantic routes in
that much. winter and found all turbulence strength levels will increase
a) the largest – the highest in a world with twice as much CO2. The computer models
b) the larger – the highest show the average amount of light turbulence will increase
c) the largest – the higher by 59%, light-to-moderate turbulence by 75%, moderate by
d) the larger – the higher 94%, moderate-to-severe by 127%, and severe by 149%.
34) (EEAr BCT 1. 2016) Choose the correct alternative to Ironically, or perhaps poetically, aviation has long been
complete the article (line 1). recognized as a major contributor of greenhouse gases to
The U2 was one of _____ military planes of the Cold War. the atmosphere.
a) as famous as Fonte:www.forbes.com
b) the most famous GLOSSARY
c) less famous than jolt – solavanco
d) more famous than seasoned – experiente

wind shear – tesoura de vento a) smaller – larger – bigger – more important.
a) severe (line 14) / major contributor (line 28) b) smaller – the largest – bigger – the most important.
b) stronger (line 16) / the most seasoned (line 12) c) the smallest – the largest – bigger – the most important.
c) more frequent (line 3) / twice as much (line 23) d) the smallest – the largest – the biggest – the most
d) more common (line 7) / most jet aircraft (lines 17 and important.
18) 40) (EEAr BCT 2. 2021) The word “stronger”, in the text, is
37) (EEAr BCT 2. 2018) The word “deadliest”, undelined in used in the:
the text, is a a) Superlative
The fiery crash of an ageing passenger jet close to Havana’s b) Comparative of equality
main airport killed 110 people while three survivors remain c) Comparative of inferiority
gravily in the hospital, making it the Caribean island’s d) Comparative of superiority
deadliest air disaster in nearly 30 years. 41) (EEAr BCT 2. 2021) In the alternatives below, there are
a) Superlative superlative forms of adjectives from the text. The
b) comparative of equality superlative form of good, bad and big are:
c) comparative of inequality a) The best, the worse, the bigger.
d) comparative of superiority b) The best, the worst, the biggest.
38) (EEAr BCT 2. 2018) Choose the best alternative to have c) The good, the worst, the big.
the text completed correctly. d) Better, worse, bigger.
PRESSURE 42) (EsPCEx 2016) In the sentence “This could have an effect
Commercial airplane cabins are generally pressurized to further ahead in the food chain.” (paragraph 4), the word
an equivalent of 6,000 to 8,000 feet above sea level, in an further expresses
effort to maintain a healthy oxygen level for both the a) addition.
passengers and the flight crew. When a passenger jet is b) distance.
flying at a cruising altitude of over 36,000 feet, the pressure c) contrast.
outside the cabin is_____________ than inside the d) time.
pressurized cabin. Air pressure has a tendency to equalize, e) conclusion
moving from areas of high pressure to low pressure to 43) (AFA 2011) Look at the bold comparative form (item 2).
achieve equilibrium. When a hole rips open on a plane, the Choose the option that contains a similar construction.
suction resulting from the pressure difference between the “the more skills you have, the better”
cabin and the sky could pull nearby people or objects a) The earlier we get there, the more likely we are to get
outside. Depending on the size of the hole, such accidents good seats.
could either create just enough force to shuffle papers b) More and more people travel to England.
around, or, pull a full-size human out of the plane. Survival c) The smoothest Channel crossing you’ll ever have! Why
is unlikely for anyone fully sucked out into the sky. not fly to France with British Airways? It’ll be the best
While in-flight incidents are extremely rare, if you want decision you’ve ever made.
to survive a crash, research suggests the best place to sit is d) Our new jets are now far more luxurious.
in a middle seat toward the back of the plane. 44) (AFA 2014) Mark the option that contains an adjective in
a) more low the same form as in “The safest industries and jobs are
b) the lowest dominated by managers [...]” (lines 62 and 63).
c) much lower a) “The truth is scarier.” (lines 77 and 78)
d) the most low b) “[...] the least likely to be automated.” (lines 26 and 27)
39) (EEAr BCT 1. 2019) Choose the alternative that completes c) “Where do machines work better than people?” (line 11)
the text with the correct comparatives. d) “Tractors are more powerful than farmers.” (lines 11
To tip, or not to tip? and 12)
The word tip comes from an old English slang. 45) (AFA 2015) Choose the option which shows the same kind
Americans usually tip people in places like restaurants, of comparison in the underlined adjective in “friendship is
airports, hotels, and hair salons. considered to be closer than association” (lines 13-14).
People who work in these places often get paid low a) Americans have no best friends.
wages. A tip shows that the customer is pleased with b) While less restricted in Russia.
service. c) Friendships are often more intense than relationship.
Sometimes it’s hard to know how much to tip. The size d) Everyone has at least one best friend.
of the tip usually depends on the service. People such as 46) (AFA 2016) n the fragment “why the former is not the
parking valets or bellshops usually get (small) latter” (line 19), the highlighted words refer to
_____________ tips. The tip for people such as taxi drivers a) multiple intelligences / learning style.
and waiters or waitresses is usually (large) _____________. b) over time / theory.
When you’re not sure about how much to tip, do what c) ways to reach students / traditional approaches.
feels right. You don’t have to tip for bad services. And you d) traditional approaches / K-12 educators.
can give a (big) _____________ tip for a very good service. 47) (AFA 2019) The fragment “the most commonly diagnosed
Remember, though, your behavior is (important) cancers” (lines 06 and 07) is an example of
_____________ than your money. Always treat service a) superlative.
providers with respect. b) comparative of superiority.
Adapted from Interchange c) comparative of inferiority.

d) comparative of equality. 55) (Escola Naval 2015) Which sequence best completes this
48) (EFOMM 2014) Choose the alternative that correctly paragraph from a recommendation letter?
shows the comparative form of the adjectives below. John is a very ____________ teacher. Attractive
far - good – bad – easy – old and professional-looking, he has __________ interpersonal
a) further - best – worst – easier – oldest skills and is _________ understood by students and parents
b) farther - better – worse – easiest – older alike. He carries out every responsibility ____________
c) further - better – worse – easier – elder and in a timely manner.
d) farther – best – worse – easier – oldest (Adapted from http://www.writeexpress.com).
e) farthest – better – worst – easiest – eldest a) committed/good/easy/good.
49) (EFOMM 2015) Choose the correct alternative. b) committing/good/easily/well.
a) She is a young fat lady. c) committing/well/easy/good.
b) It’s a new black Italian handbag. d) committed/well/easy/well.
c) It’s an American modern little house. e) committed/good/easily/well.
d) It’s a white old lovely dog. 56) (Escola Naval 2015) Which is the correct way to complete
e) It’s a philosophical old discussion. the paragraph below?
50) (EFOMM 2015) Choose the correct alternative. Unclean Water Kills Half a Million Newborns a Year
a) Anna is the more intelligent girl in this room. In 18 countries of Sub-Saharan Africa, access to water in
b) He plays best than his brother. health care facilities is as ________ 20 percent. Access to
c) The commonest reason given for absence from school is water in larger hospitais is typically ________ than it is in
flu. smaller, primary health clinics, where most people receive
d) Would you please talk quietlier? their care, the report finds.
e) Richard is the nicer of the three brothers. (Adapted from http://www.newsweek.com).
51) (EFOMM 2019) Mark the correct sentence a) low as/ better.
a) There are less people living in the country nowadays. b) low/ better.
b) I have two daughters; the oldest is fifteen years-old. c) less than/ good.
c) Which of these cities is furthest from London? d) least/ good.
d) This room is a lot cleaner than the other. e) less than/ best.
e) The harder I study, the least I leam. 57) (Escola Naval 2016) Which is the correct way to complete
52) (Escola Naval 2013) What is the correct way to complete the paragraph below?
the text below? No language is easy to learn well, though languages which
"American Field Service, one of (1) ____ Exchange are related to our first language are __________ . Learning
programs, said it saw a 6 percent increase in the number of a completely different writing system is a huge challenge,
families willing to host students next year." but that does not necessarily make a language __________
a) older another. In the end, it is impossible to say that there is one
b) the oldest language that is ______ language in the world.
c) the older (Adapted from www.usingenglish.com)
d) oldest a) easier/ more difficult/ harder
e) the most old b) the easiest/ more difficult/ harder
53) (Escola Naval 2014) What is the correct way to complete c) as easy as/ the most difficult/ the hardest
the text below? d) easier/ more difficult than/ the hardest
If you are visualizing many paradisiacal swims in clear blue e) the easiest/ more difficult than/ the harder
waters, then the Croatian islands are calling your name. 58) (Escola Naval 2018) Mark the option that completes the
Most of the residents of Croatian islands have their own excerpt below correctly.
small boats to travei between islands and the coast - it's Our study analyzed 7.1-billion miles ______, to update
_____________ way to get around. our______distracted driving study w ith _______
(Adapted from http://www.travelchannel.com) and_____data. We covered 4.5-miilion drivers across all
a) Easy American states and territories, from December 2017
b) the easier through Fébruary 2018. We found that distracted driving is
c) easiest far______previously reported.
d) the easiest (Abridged from http ://blog,zendrive.com/)
e) easier a) further / latest / fresher / deeper / worse than
54) (Escola Naval 2014) What is the correct way to complete b) farthest / the later / fresher / deeper / worse than
the text below? c) farther / latest / the freshest / the deepest / worst than
Learning a second language is not _______ learning a first d) farer / the later / the freshest / the deepest / the worst
language. It is _________. e) furthest / the later / the freshest / the deepest / the worst
a) the same like/ harder 59) (Escola Naval 2019) Which option completes the tips
b) the same/ more hard below correctly?
c) the same as/ harder Leadership
d) the same/ more harder - ______ way to lead is to lead by example. A good
e) the same as/ more hard leader tells you how it’s done, a great one shows you how.
- As a leader,________ thing that you can give your team
members is your time. A lot of them will go through a bad

phase or will be clueless about what to do. At those a) led – leading.
times, they need to know you are there. b) leader – led.
- People will look up to you. At times, even for things in c) leading – led.
which they are fa r________ than you. You don’t have to d) led – leader.
take their decisions, just provide them your confidence so e) leader – leading.
that they can take their decisions. 63) (ITA 2013) Substituindo os adjetivos long e
(Abridged from: comprehensive, respectivamente, por easy e rich na oração
https://yourstory.com/mystory/4b6ce51011-85-things- “Harvard conducted one of the longest and most
ilearned-being-a-ceo) comprehensive studies of human development” (linha 1),
a) The better / the bigger / the most skill teremos:
b) The better / the bigger / more skilled a) the most easy - the richest
c) Better / bigger / most skilled b) the easiest - the most rich
d) The best / the biggest / more skilled c) the more easy - the richer
e) The best / the biggest / most skilled d) the easiest - the richest
60) (Escola Naval 2020) Mark the option that completes the e) the most easy - the most rich
paragraph below correctly. 64) (ITA 2013) Em “the more I learn, the less clear anything
The Russian Vostok weather station in Antarctica has gets”, mantém-se o mesmo sentido em:
recorded temperatures as ______ as -89.2ºC (-128.6ºF). a) more learning, less obscurity.
Here, the _______ temperature ever measured is -14ºC b) more learning, more obscurity.
(7ºF). c) less learning, more obscurity.
(Adapted from d) less learning, less doubts.
<https://www.climatestotravel.com/clîmate/antarctica>) e) more doubts, more obscurity.
a) lowest / high 65) (ITA 2015) Todas as frases abaixo contêm adjetivo com
b) low / higher flexão de grau, exceto:
c) low / highest a) …photos of oneself convey more these days than
d) lower / higher snapshots ever did back in the Kodak era.(linhas 3/4)
e) lower / highest b) …it can be a stressful task to select the photo that
61) (Escola Naval 2021) Read the sentences below. conveys the best impression of ourselves.(linhas 6/7)
I – She has a _______ job. c) …participants picked faces with happier expressions as
II – I enjoyed the movie at first, but after a time I got financial advisors… (linha 30)
______ with it. d) …and [participants] selected broader faces as belonging
III – I was _________ at her knowledge of literature. to power-lifting champs.(linhas 30/31)
IV – Which do you find more __________, traveling by e) …and generally saw the average “financial advisor”
caro or by bus? face as more trustworthy… (linha 37)
Which option completes the sentences correctly? 66) (ITA 2016) Na frase "But now we can transcend it, with
a) stressed / boring / surprised / tired light beams, light sails, and the lightest spacecraft ever
b) stressful / boring / surprising / tiring built." (linhas 10 e 11), é correto afirmar que
c) stressing / bored / surprising / tired a) o adjetivo light é usado duas vezes no grau normal e
d) stressed / boring / surprised / tireless uma no comparativo.
e) stressful / bored / surprised / tiring b) a palavra light significa luz e tem função de agente dos
62) (ITA 2011) As lacunas I e II devem ser preenchidas, verbos beam e sail.
respectivamente, por c) the lightest significa a mais leve e está flexionada no
grau superlativo.
d) somente nas duas primeiras ocorrências, o significado
de light é leve.
e) as três ocorrências da palavra light têm o mesmo
67) (ITA 2017) Todas as frases abaixo usam a forma
comparativa do adjetivo, EXCETO:
a) The rent is cheaper, (linha 3)
b) …you reduce your possessions to the least possible.
(linha 9)
c) …the more we have, the happier we will be. (linha 13)
d) I feel more content now than I ever did in the past.
(linha 19)
e) But by having fewer things around, (linha 36)

Gabarito 62) A
1) B 63) D
2) D 64) B
3) C 65) A
4) E 66) C
5) B 67) B
6) E
7) D
8) A
9) B
10) B
11) D
12) C
13) B
14) C
15) A
16) E
17) B
18) B
19) D
20) C
21) B
22) C
23) B
24) A
25) B
26) C
27) B
28) D
29) C
30) B
31) D
32) A
33) D
34) B
35) A
36) B
37) A
38) C
39) A
40) D
41) B
42) D
43) A
44) B
45) C
46) A
47) A
48) C
49) B
50) A
51) D
52) B
53) D
54) C
55) E
56) A
57) D
58) A
59) D
60) C
61) E

Advérbios – Adverbs 7) (EPCAR 2021) Mark the sentence in which the underlined
expression does NOT express frequency.
1) (Colégio Naval 2017) Read the sentences below.
I- I work hardly every day. a) If it isn’t causing serious harm and disorder to daily
II- My classmates speak French very well. function, it isn’t an addiction (l. 15 - 16)
III- Ana drives incredibly fast. b) Equally true is the fact that parents have been
IV- Our father is a very carefully driver. complaining about their unhelpful children (l. 26 - 27)
Choose the option according to the correct use of the adverbs c) Players often meet in the virtual environment to chat
and modifiers. and socialize (l. 66 - 67)
a) Only the sentences I, lll and IV are correct. d) Playing about one hour per day improved psychological
b) Only the sentences I and lll are correct. well-being (l. 31 - 32)
c) Only the sentences II and lll are correct. 8) (EEAr 1. 2016) Choose the sentence that contains a one-
d) Only the sentences II, lll and IV are correct. word adverb.
e) Only the sentences III and IV are correct. a) We are having lunch in a big Japanese restaurant.
2) (Colégio Naval 2020) Read the following sentence taken b) I’ve bought an old table for my kitchen.
from the text. c) She lives in an amazing white house.
"All authorities have acted quickly and with great caution." d) Maria slowly opened her present.
Mark the option that contains a sentence with the same type 9) (EEAr 1. 2016) The child and his mother
of adverb underlined in the sentence above. A curious child asked his mother: “Mommy, why are some
a) John looked around but he couldn't see the monkey. of your hairs turning grey?”
b) He is probably in the park. The mother tried to use this occasion to teach her child: “It
c) The water was extremely cold. is because of you, dear. Every bad action of yours will turn
d) He swims well. one of my hair grey!”
e) I will call you later. The child replied innocently: “Now I know why
3) (Colégio Naval 2021) Read the following sentence. grandmother has only grey hairs on her head.”
“People often associate racismo with acts of abuse or The word “innocently” (line 06), in bold type in the text, is
harassment” an adverb of
The underlined word “often” can be replaced by a) time
a) Seldon b) place
b) Usually c) manner
c) Rarely d) probability
d) Always 10) (EEAr 1. 2016) In the sentence “I hardly ever watch TV at
e) Never night.”, the expression in bold type is an adverb of
4) (EPCAR 2014) The opposite of never (line 9) is a) place
“In the future, digital art and real art will never be b) manner
diferente.” c) frequency
a) seldom. d) probability
b) always. 11) (EEAr 2. 2016) The underlined words in the text, often and
c) usually. regularly are closest in meaning to
d) often. Bento boxes
5) (EPCAR 2016) In the sentence “Usually called ableism, a People in offices in Japan often have a bento at
less well-known form of prejudice” (lines 23 and 24), the lunchtime. They do not eat a meal in a restaurant; they eat a
underlined expression means bento in the office. They regularly have a menu for the
a) always. bentos in the office and they telephone a bento store with
b) rarely. their orders. The people at bento store make the bentos and
c) frequently. take them to all the offices at about 12p.m
d) seldom. a) always.
6) (EPCAR 2017) Mark the alternative that CANNOT b) seldom.
replace the word “too” (line 31) in the text. c) frequently.
“Don't give up, readers. We're halfway through this list. We d) sometimes.
can make it to the end. Dig deep. Well, not too deep. You 12) (EEAr 1. 2017) The Cutting Edge
see, the Earth is hollow and accessible via portals at the Skating fans, listen up! The Cutting Edge is a romantic
north and south poles. Luckily though, it's quite habitable movie with _____ skaters. The stars are practicing for the
down there, providing excellent living quarters for the lost Winter Olympics. Kate Mosely looks _______ on the ice,
Viking colonies of Greenland and the Nazis, while "aliens" but she isn’t a _______ person. All her partners leave
are in fact just visitors from the subterranean areas.” _____. Then her coach introduces her to Doug Dorsey.
a) Extremely. Doug was a hockey star, so he skates well. At first, they
b) Also. argue. To Kate, Doug is the wrong choice (he is not a
c) Very. dancer). To Doug, ice dancing isn’t a serious sport.
d) So. Adapted from: Grammar Express Basic – For Self-Study
and Classroom Use
Choose the best alternative that completes the blanks with
adjectives or adverbs.

a) well – beautifully – nicely – mostly 16) (EEAr 2. 2020) In the sentence “My teacher told us to read
b) badly – beautiful – nicely – worst quietly”, “quietly” is an adverb of _________.
c) well – beautifully – nicely – slow a) time
d) great – beautiful – nice – quickly b) place
13) (EEAr 2. 2017) The word “approximately” means c) manner
__________. d) Frequency
a) exactly Texto para as questões 17 e 18
b) roughly Read the conversation between Carol and Neil.
c) precisely Neil: What do you do on New Year’s Day?
d) undoubtedly Carol: Well, we sometimes go downtown. They have
14) (EEAr 1. 2018) Choose the alternative that best completes fireworks. It’s really pretty. Other people invite friends to their
the text house and they have a party.
It was a beautiful summer afternoon with the sun Neil: Do you give presents to your friends and family?
shining brightly. I excitedly phoned my friends asking them Carol: No, we never give presents on New Year’s.
to come over later for a barbecue. Neil: Do you have a meal with your family?
After making the calls I quickly drove into town to buy Carol: No, we do that on Christmas. On New Year’s we just
some food and drink. ________ I arrived at the shops I was party!
very surprised at _________ busy it was. Everyone must From the Book World English 1A
have been shopping for a barbecue! 17) (EEAr 1. 2022) Choose the alternative that best replaces
The first butchers I visited had completely run out of the word in bold without changing the meaning of the
sausages. The next shop had some left so I happily bought adverb.
some. After visiting a few more shops I had finally finished a) never
my shopping. But I was starting to worry as it was 6 p.m. b) frequently
and I had invited my friends to visit at 6:30 p.m. c) many times
I hastly rushed to the car park with all of my shopping d) occasionally
and threw it in the boot. Suddenly I notice that the cars 18) (EEAr 1. 2022) The word “really” can be replaced by the
were moving really slowly out of the car park and there was words below, EXCEPT by:
a bit of traffic jam. It was past 6:30 p.m. ________ I arrived a) definetely.
home and I was extremely worried. As a drove into my b) extremely.
drive I smiled happily when I saw my friends sitting in my c) questionably.
front garden. Luckily they had realized I was stuck at the d) really and truly.
shops and they waited for me. 19) (EEAr 2. 2022) The word rarely, in bold in the text, is
a) when / where / when closest in meaning to
b) which / how / where “I spent last year in London. I’m from a small town, and
c) where / was / whose London is a very big city. (...) There were so many people
d) when / how / when to talk to, but I always felt embarrassed about my English. I
15) (EEAr 2. 2020) Without changing the meaning of the missed my family and my two cats. My roommate was
sentence, which alternative can replace the word, in bold always listening to loud music, so I rarely had the chance
type, in the text? for a nice long talk with my parents. It was a good
The Importance of the English Language experience, but I am glad to be home!” Carla Fonseca –
Nowadays, more and more people are dedicating time Resende (Neil J. Anderson, editado)
to studying English as a second language. Many countries a) sometimes.
include English in their school syllabus and children are b) seldom.
starting to learn English at a younger and younger age. Do c) never.
you know why learning English is so important? Here are d) often.
five good reasons to take an English Language Course. 20) (EEAr BCT 2. 2017) As used in (line 5), ‘currently’ can be
1. English is the most commonly spoken language in the replaced by
world. One out of five people can speak or at least Inside Lilium, The World’s First Vertical Takeoff And
understand English! Landing Private Jet
2. Studying English can help you get a job. Wonder what’s in store for the future of private jet flying?
3. English is the language of the Internet. Here’s a glimpse. A start-up company – hosted in a
4. Travelling is a lot easier with a good knowledge of European Space Agency (ESA) business incubator center in
English. Bavaria – released an idea for an egg-shaped two-seater
5. English gives you access to multiple cultures. plane called Lilium that’s currently in the works. With a top
Adapted from https://www.british- speed of 250 mph and a range of 300 miles, the plane can
study.com/en/importance-of-english-language/ travel roughly between Munich and Berlin in about 90
minutes. And according to the ESA, if testing succeeds, this
a) Previously will be the world’s first vertical takeoff and landing private
b) Eventually jet.
c) Currently The project came about when Daniel Wiegand – one of the
d) Actually four founders of Lilium – wanted to realize flying for the
masses in a fast, inexpensive, efficient and eco-friendly

way. ‘Our goal is to develop an aircraft that doesn’t need 25) (AFA 2020) The passage “the damage was nothing
the complex and expensive infrastructure of an airport, can compared to what had happened in Siberia nearly one
be used close to urban areas, and doesn’t produce too much hundred years ago” (lines 7 to 9) states that the incident
noise and pollution,’ he said. So to produce this new class occurred _______ a century ago.
of airplanes that could take off and land vertically anywhere a) actually
with a surface area of 250 square feet by 2018, Wiegand b) precisely
and his team in Germany came up with a design using c) approximately
electric engines and incorporated movable fan turbines. d) exactly
Fonte: www.forbes.com 26) (Escola Naval 2011) Which of the alternatives below
GLOSSARY completes the sentence correctly?
glimpse – uma ideia para entender melhor algo “Because he was driving so _________ (1) he was _______
a) now. (2) hurt in the accident.”
b) finally. a) fastly – hardly
c) actually. b) quick – serious
d) eventually. c) fast – seriously
21) (EEAr BCT 1. 2019) Complete the text with the correct d) fastly – badly
alternative subsequently. e) quickly – serious
Roller skating 27) (Escola Naval 2012) Choose the best reply to this
R.Jordania statement.
Roller skating used to be strictly for children. Michelle: Have you replied to his e-mail yet?
Nowadays, with the new neoprene wheels and frictionless You: (1)______. I've been busy all morning but I'll do it
ballbearings, rollerskating has become popular with people a) Already
with of all ages and all social classes. b) Not yet
Not only do people skate, they also dance on roller c) Not still
skates – ______ the term roller-disco. d) Not already
To cater to the new fad, many indoor roller – disco rinks e) Never
are opening all over the country. There people can dance on 28) (Escola Naval 2020) Read the sentences below.
roller skates ______ in winter when there is snow and ice I- People shouldn't drive so ____.
on the ground. II- I need to see a doctor because I haven't been feeling well
Life in the USA. _____.
a) even – that III- Although she's tried _______ to find a new job, she's
b) that – even still unemployed.
c) why – hence Which option completes the sentences correctly?
d) hence – even a) fast/ late / hardly
22) (EEAr BCT 2. 2022) Choose the alternative that best b) quickly/ late / hardly
completes the following sentence: “Mary thought the pie c) quick / late / hard
was _______ tasty, so she ordered another slice”. d) fast/ lately / hard
a) fairly e) quickly/ lately / hardly
b) mainly 29) (ITA 2016) Marque a opção em que o item sublinhado
c) slightly NÃO é classificado como um advérbio.
d) specially a) She casually checked her reflection in the mirror, [...]
23) (AFA 2011) Considering the boldfaced adverb in the text, (linha 2)
mark the sentence in which the underlined word has the b) “Fortunately I was the boss and I just said, [...] (linha
function of an adverb. 13)
“Twilight was theatrically released on November 21 2010, c) Finally, nothing else working, he scribbled on the
grossing over US$392 million worldwide and became the adjacent wall which cord was which. (linhas 16-17)
most purchased DVD of the year” d) She wasn’t just seeing the twitches of aging but the
a) Laura seems to be such a lovely person! early fumes of the disease. (linha 25)
b) I won’t stay long, I promise. e) She long suspected it would eventually find her. (linha
c) Chess isn’t a very fast game. 40)
d) Baseball is a hard game to understand. 30) (IBFC 2017) Os advérbios têm a mesma função em inglês
24) (AFA 2014) “This first section deals with new positions e em português, ou seja, modificam um verbo, um adjetivo
that will likely be developed within the next 10 years.” The outro advérbio ou uma frase completa.
underlined word (line 15) is closest in meaning to Com base nessas informações analise as sequências
a) never. apresentadas a seguir.
b) exactly. I - Actively, quickly, easily, independently, carefully, poorly.
c) mainly. II - Above, below, here, there, near, far (from).
d) probably. III - Today, yesterday, now, early, late, last next, soon, ago.
IV - Temporarily, shortly, indefinitely, permanently, forever.
V - Very, almost, extremely, greatly, partially, strongly,
VI - Possibly, perhaps, maybe, almost, certainly, definitely.

Assinale a alternativa cuja correspondência entre os 34) (EEAr 2013) “hard”, in bold type in the extract, is an
exemplos (acima) e os tipos (abaixo) de advérbios está adverb of
correta. “I have to prepare the country for the World Cup and the
a) adverbs of manner, adverbs of place, adverbs of degree, Olympics, but I also have another commitment, and that is
adverbs of duration, adverbs of time, adverbs of to work very hard to end absolute poverty in Brazil. We
probability still have 14 million in poverty. That’s my major
b) adverbs of manner, adverbs of place, adverbs of time, challenge,” Dilma Roussef, Brazil’s first female president,
adverbs of duration, adverbs of degree, adverbs of said.
probability (Taken from The Washington Post Dec 5, 2010)
c) adverbs of place, adverbs of manner, adverbs of time, GLOSSARY
adverbs of duration, adverbs of degree, adverbs of commitment – compromisso
probability a) time.
d) adverbs of manner, adverbs of probability, adverbs of b) place.
time, adverbs of duration, adverbs of degree, adverbs of c) manner.
place d) frequency.
e) adverbs of probability, adverbs of place, adverbs of
time, adverbs of duration, adverbs of degree, adverbs of
31) (NUCEPE 2019) The alternative that contains only adverbs
of frequency is
a) always – often – usually – rarely.
b) frequently – sometimes – early.
c) badly – often – never – actually.
d) really – seldom – hardly ever.
e) occasional – fast –there – finally.
32) (GUALIMP 2019) Indicate the best adverb that completes
the context in (c):
How we turned around literacy instruction and student
“A few years ago, leaders from Flagler Schools realized
that students from across our district were struggling.
Literacy scores were below target for elementary and
middle school students, and high school graduation rates
were not meeting expectations. We took a whole-district
approach and developed four key initiatives to better align
K-8 assessment and instruction and improve high school
graduation rates. Recognizing that literacy is tied to our
students’ overall success across all educational subjects
and grade levels, we took a two-step approach to
remediation, aimed primarily at elementary and middle
school students. In addition to our focus on literacy, we (c)
narrowed our student outreach efforts at the high school
level to focus on acceleration and graduation.”
a) Never.
b) Hardly ever.
c) Not at all.
d) Also.
33) (Ufrs 1996) Gradually and powerfully are adverbs formed
from the adjectives gradual + ly and powerful + ly,
respectively. Other adjectives can take the same suffix to
form adverbs, in the same way, except:
a) historic
b) usual
c) wild
d) abrupt
e) inteligente

1) C
2) D
3) B
4) B
5) C
6) B
7) B
8) D
9) C
10) C
11) C
12) D
13) B
14) D
15) C
16) C
17) D
18) C
19) B
20) A
21) D
22) D
23) B
24) D
25) C
26) C
27) B
28) D
29) D
30) B
31) A
32) D
33) A
34) C

Personal Pronouns: Subject Pronouns x 5) (Colégio Naval 2021) Read the comic strip

Object Pronouns
1) (Colégio Naval 2017) Read the fragment from the text.
Every year many young peopie finish school and then take
a year off before they start work or go to college. Some of
them go to other countries and work as volunteers.
Volunteers give their time to help people. For example,
they work in schools or hospitais, orthey help with
What does the object pronoun them refer to? Complete the blank with the appropriate pronoun.
a) Schools and hospitais. a) Their
b) People in general. b) They
c) Hospital volunteers. c) Them
d) Young people. d) It
e) College students. e) Its
2) (Colégio Naval 2018) Read the sentence in text II. 6) (Colégio Naval 2022) What does the underlined word in
“A rewatch not only reminds you of identifiable spots to the text refer to?
look out for during your trip, but it also adds to the As a society, we've come a long way with the help of
excitement of your upcoming exploration." technology. But is it all rainbows and sunshine?
What does the pronoun it refer to? Technology is around us everywhere, from simple devices
a) Trip. like our smartphones, laptop, and TV to background tech
b) Spots. that we don't even notice. Once we get the hang of using
c) Excitement. tech the right way, it can improve our lives and make our
d) Exploration. lives better. On the other hand, tech can also make our lives
e) Rewatch. harder. Whether technology has a positive or negative
3) (Colégio Naval 2018) Read the comic strip in order to do effect on our lives, it all depends on how we use it. So, let's
the question below. look at some of the positive and negative aspects of
technology in our lives, shall we?
a) Whether
b) Technology
c) Lives
d) Effect
The correct pronoun that completes the third bubble speech e) Aspects
is Texto para as questões 7
b) it. Offshore English is a term used by many people for
c) theirs. International English. It is the English spoken and written by
d) its. non-native speakers in International communication. Many in
e) them. business are starting to worry that native speakers are actually
4) (Colégio Naval 2019) Read the extract from the text. at a disadvantage in international communication. A good
In the 1980s, Germany and the United States tested the first example of this situation was when a company tried to sell
driverless cars, and by 2020 companies such as Volvo, GM, flight simulators to South Korea, where a French company won
Nissan and BMW plan to seil driverless cars. Driverless the contract because the buyers found it easier to understand
cars are not really ‘driverless - the drivers are computers the English that the French people spoke than the English
that use radar, Computer maps and other modern spoken by the British company
technology. They offer many advantages. Many native English speakers feel little necessity to learn
The subject pronoun ‘they’ refers to: foreign languages, so they often don’t understand the
a) Germany and the United States. difficulties and problems learners have. They also don’t see the
b) Volvo, GM, Nissan and BMW. need to modify their language for a foreign audience, so they
c) computers with radars. use idioms, synonyms, colloquialisms, phrasal verbs, etc, and
d) driverless cars. don't think of the impact this has on a foreign businessperson.
e) computer maps. The English studied by non-native speakers tends to use a
more simple vocabulary, and considering the similarities in
courses in many parts of the world, emphasized by a small
number of course books (Headway Series) and the domination
of a few examinations, for example TOEFL, etc. This means
that non-native speakers from different countries and cultures
sometimes understand each other more easily than the native
speaker. Few native speakers outside the world of ESL
(English as a Second language) teaching have much idea of
what non-native learners assimilate, and think that as their

English is native speaker level, they speak it better than their passwords of other teenagers and log on to websites with false
non-native counterparts. Because of this, companies are identities. Children also play Internet games and make fun of
offering courses in Offshore English to native speakers to train each other in many ways.
them to speak the type of English that will make it easier for A study by a Canadian University shows that half of the
non-native speakers to understand. So they will gain more young people interviewed said that they suffer bullying. One of
contracts. the reasons is the great use of cell phones over the past years.
Adapted from htto://www.usinaenalish.com/articles/what- Today’s children are connected with each other electronically.
offshore-enalish.html Acessado em 14/03/2013 They call friends every time they want or communicate with
Glossary: them on Facebook.
Foreign: estrangeiro Cyberbullying is getting extremely popular because teens
Businessperson: homem/ mulher de negócios can stay anonymous. Many adolescents act this way because
Counterpart: seu semelhante they feel frustrated or angry and want to punish somebody for
To win: ganhar, vencer something that happened to them. At other times they do it just
Disadvantage: desvantagem for fun or because have nothing else to do. Parents usually
Outside: do lado de fora don’t know their child is a cyberbully. They perceive it just
Level: nível when the victim or the victim’s parents contact them.
7) (EPCAR 2013) The pronoun that best substitutes the This kind of bullying is not as inoffensive as many people
underlined words in the sentence ... “the buyers found it think. In some cases it can lead to suicide. Many countries have
easier...” (line 8) is organized campaigns to inform adults and children of its
a) you dangers.
b) he There are a few ways to prevent cyberbullying. First, it is
c) they important to show children that they have to respect others and
d) we they are responsible for what they do. For victims it is
8) (EPCAR 2014) In the 2nd paragraph, the word it (line 16) important not to play the bully’s game or answer their emails
refers to and text messages. It is also important to get help from parents
“When I studied Interior Design, I took several drawing and teachers.
classes. I was terrified when the instructor used my Often schools get involved. They bring together the parents
drawings as an example in front of the class. Most of my of victims and cyberbullies and talk with them. Cyberbullying
drawings were marked with dirty and greasy because of my does not always end at school. Often, parents go to the police
sweaty hands. Nowadays, any art work I do is in a digital and accuse the bullies.
method, and I am happy I don't have to worry about my (Adapted from http://www.english-online.at/society/
sweaty palms marking the paper anymore.” (Julia) cyberbullying/cyberbullying-on-the-rise.htm)
“In the future, digital art and real art will never be 10) (EPCAR 2015) “They perceive it (...)” (line 22). The
different. I use both, and digital art is completely related to underlined pronoun refers to
the real drawing talent because they are connected and take a) victims.
the art style. This digital method has no limits. Paint is b) children.
limited but we can fix our mistakes and it takes much more c) parents.
time. If you are good at creating digital art, you can use d) cyberbullies.
your ability in photoshop, for example, to make your art 11) (EPCAR 2015) In the sentence, “Many countries have
look real painting or any other traditional art type. Also, in organized campaigns to make adults and children informed
digital art you can easily click a button to cancel it. It's not of its dangers.” (lines 25-27), the underlined expressions
an option in traditional art as the mistakes are there for all can be substituted for
to see.” (Yuuki) a) it – they.
a) button. b) they – it.
b) art. c) they – them.
c) mistakes. d) them – they.
d) ability. 12) (EAM 2019)
9) (EPCAR 2013) The underlined word in the sentence “... Loch Ness is a lake (or ‘loch’ in Scottish Gaelic) located in
native speakers to train them to speak ..." refers to the Highlands of Scotland, near Inverness. People say there
a) native speakers. is a monster in it, which is called Nessie.
b) courses in Offshore English. In 1933, George Spicer described that he saw Nessie and it
c) the kind of English. was a "dragon1'. It was 4 feet high, 25 feet long and had a
d) Offshore English. long neck.
Texto para as questões 10 e 11 In 1934, Robert Kenneth Williams took the first photo of
CYBERBULLYING ON THE RISE the Loch Ness Monster’s neck and head. This photo was
Bullying among children and teenagers is not something published in the Daily Mail newspaper in April 1934.
new but it is getting more and more common by modern Around 1994, the photo was declared to be a hoax.
methods of communication. In 1934, Edward Mountain sent an expedition to Loch Ness
Cyberbullying happens when an adolescent is put in danger from 9 am to 6 pm every day, for 5 weeks. They never
by another child or teenager by photos or text messages sent to found any evidence of the Monster.
cell phones or posted on social networks. Sometimes
cyberbullies send mails with sexual comments or take

In 2003, the BBC TV network made a show that did a 17) (EEAr 1. 2019) Choose the alternative to have the text
detailed search of Loch Ness. They found nothing and completed correctly.
concluded that the Monster was a myth. All over the world, people give gifts. But they give
In the sentence “People say there is a monster in it, which is different things in different ways.
called Nessie" (lines 2 and 3), the pronoun “it” refers to In Japan, people often give gifts. But they never open
a) Inverness. _____ in front of the giver.
b) the lake. In the United States and Canada, a man often gives
c) Nessie. _____ girlfriend flowers on Valentine’s Day (February 14).
d) the people. He sometimes gives her chocolate too.
e) the monster. In Korea, older people give new money to children on
13) (EAM 2020) The Baseball game New Year’s Day. They give it to them for good luck.
Dad took his son Chris to a baseball game. The Los In Peru, a man gives flowers to _____ girlfriend. But he
Angeles Dodgers were playing the San Francisco Giants. doesn’t give _____ yellow flowers. They mean the
The Dodgers were the home team. The Giants were the relationship is finished.
visiting team. Dad and Chris walked into Dodger Stadium. a) they / he / his / she
Many people were there. Most of them wanted to see the b) them / he / he / her
Dodgers win. They wanted to see the Giants lose. Dad and c) they / his / he / she
Chris found their seats. They sat down. Chris told his dad d) them / his / his / her
he was hungry. His dad bought two bags of peanuts for 18) (EEAr 2. 2020) The word in bold, in the text, is an object
Chris. He bought two hot dogs for Chris. He bought a big pronoun. Which word does it make reference to?
soda for Chris. A foul ball came their way. People dived for The U. S. Constitution doesn’t guarantee happiness, only
the foul ball. They knocked Chris' soda over. His dad the pursuit of it. You have to catch up with it yourself.
bought him another soda. a) Constitution
Adapted from: b) Happiness
https://www.eslfast.com/supereasy/se/supereasy134.htm c) The U. S.
Read the following sentence. d) Pursuit
"They wanted to see the Giants lose." (line 6) Texto para a questão 19
The pronoun THEY refers to: The Power of Hashtags in Social Media
b) Dad Although hashtags were first used on Twitter back in
c) Chris and Dad. 2007, they soon became a social media phenomenon, being
d) Many people. integrated into most platforms like Facebook, Instagram,
e) The Giants Pinterest, Linkedin, etc.
14) (EsSA 2020) "My brother has a new job. He doesn't like So what exactly are hashtags, and how can your business
_____ very much'’. Fill in the blank with the correct forms benefit from them? Well, let’s go ahead and take a look.
of the personal pronoun. What are Hashtags?
a) him Put simply, hashtags are the “#” symbols followed by a
b) it string of words. As you’ve probably seen, hashtags are placed
c) her in almost every social media post out there. But why?
d) he Hashtags act as a label for the content users post on social
e) she media. Their job is to place these posts under a certain
15) (EsSA 2021) Complete the sentence below using the category, making it easier to find content that shares the same
appropriate pronoun: topic. And with how cluttered most of our feeds are, hashtags
"Sometimes, you want a search engine to find pages that definitely come in handy.
have one word on _____ but not another word". However, are hashtags important for anything besides
a) These. making your posts easier to find? Well, any digital branding
b) Them. company will tell that the answer to that question is yes.
c) There. The Importance of Hashtags
d) Their. 1. Hashtags grab attention
e) They. 2. Hashtags increase visibility
16) (EEAr 1. 2017) “It”, underlined in the text (third balloon), 3. Hashtags give you insights into your competition
refers to: 4. Hashtags give you insights into your audience
5. Hashtags increase engagement
All in all, hashtags shouldn’t be treated as an afterthought.
They are as important to social media as keywords are to
Search Engine Optimization. If you use them properly,
hashtags can increase visibility and help you reach a wider
a) Character’s hat.
With that said, to make the most out of your hashtags,
b) Character’s headache.
you’ll first need to research both your audience and your
c) The doctor’s examine.
competitors extensively. That will allow you to find out what
d) The doctor’s medicine.

your audience is most interested in and understand how your a) father and son.
competitors are engaging with the said audience. b) father and mother.
Adapted from https://www.cofmag.com/2021/04/the-power- c) one fan and daughter.
of-hashtags-in-social-media/ d) mother and daughter.
19) (EEAr 2. 2021) The word “them” in the text, refers to 22) (EEAr BCT 1. 2018) The pronoun it (line 13), underlined
____________. in the text, refers to
a) Hashtags Behind a Shopping Center in New Jersey, Signs of a
b) visibility Mass Extinction
c) social media Behind a Lowe’s home improvement store here,
d) Search Engine Optimization scientists are methodically scraping and sifting through a
Texto para a questão 20 quarry pit that may contain unique insights to the mass
Fortnite’s Shopping Carts Disabled Yet Again By Epic extinction that eliminated the dinosaurs.
Shopping carts are unavailable due to “ongoing issues.” Back then, about 66 million years ago, the oceans were
Shopping carts have been a fun addition to Fortnite: Battle higher, and this part of southern New Jersey was a shallow
Royale, but they’ve also proven to be a problematic one. Epic sea, 10 to 15 miles offshore from an ancient mountain range
Games has had to disable them a number of times due to that rose from the water. Today’s quarry pit was once the
problems that have arisen, and that’s the case once again. sea bottom, and one particular layer about 40 feet beneath
Epic confirmed the temporary removal of shopping carts in the surface contains a bounty of fossils.
a tweet, stating, “Due to ongoing issues, we’ll be disabling Kenneth J. Lacovara, a professor of paleontology and
Shopping Carts again. We’ll update you when this issue is geology at nearby Rowan University, calls the layer a
resolved.” There’s no time table shared for when they might be “mass death assemblage.” He believes it may be the only
added back in, but at this point players have become known collection of animal remains that dates from the
accustomed to seeing shopping carts--Fortnite’s first vehicle-- mass extinction itself.
yanked from the roster of active items. Taken from www.nytimes.com - Accessed on 06/01/2016.
It’s not uncommon for Epic to disable items; some are a) “the mass extinction” (line 14 and 15)
rotated out to make way for new ones, while others--like the b) “Rowan University” (line 12)
guided missile--have been removed to provide the studio with c) “a professor” (line 11)
time to work on balancing them. But shopping carts have been d) “the layer” (line 12)
temporarily pulled several times now in a relatively small 23) (EEAr BCT 1. 2019) Fill in the blanks with the correct
window of time. Among other things, they’ve been utilized to personal pronouns:
glitch into areas of the map that players should not be able to Celebrity Doubles
access, which is extremely problematic in a competitive game. A group of teenagers is standing outside a shop in
With Fortnite’s massive popularity continuing to rise, it’s no Manchester, England. Many of _____ have cameras and are
surprise Epic is fast to pull anything that might upset its looking in the shop window. ____ want to see the movie
competitive balance (and thereby impact its growing success). star Daniel Radcliffe. A man in the shop looks like
Since the launch of Battle Royale last year as a free-to-play Radcliffe, but ______ isn’t the famous actor. He’s Andrew
mode in Fortnite, Epic has steadily and frequently rolled out Walker - a twenty-two-year old shop clerk.
new content. Some of that comes in the form of new weapons, Walker isn’t surprised by the teenagers. People often
as with the recently added Stink Bomb, while others serve stop _____ on the street and want to take his picture.
different purposes, as with the shopping carts and Hop Rocks. Walker is a clerk, but he also makes money as Daniel’s
During E3, Fortnite: Battle Royale was released on Switch, double. Today, many companies work with celebrity
joining the existing PC, PS4, Xbox One, and iPhone versions. doubles. They look like famous athletes, pop singers, and
Fortnite Mobile is also on the way to Android, although a actors. The companies pay doubles to go to parties and
release date for that version has not yet been announced. business meetings. Doubles are also on TV and in
Adapted from: https://www.gamespot.com/articles/fortnite- newspapers ads.
shopping-carts-still-causing-problems-dis/1100-6459926 Why do people want to look like a celebrity? One
20) (EEAr 2. 2021) The pronoun “them” in the text refers to double in the USA says, “I can make good money. I also
a) balancing make a lot of people happy”.
b) provide Adapted from World Link - Developing English Fluency
c) items a) they – them – him – he
d) work b) them – they – he – him
21) (EEAr 1. 2022) In the end of the letter, the sentence “both c) he – him – they – them
of you” means: d) them – they – him – he
Dear Toti, 24) (EsPCEx 2011) In the sentence “And it’s becoming more
I’m writing to you from my hotel room. Everyone else popular in Armenia, Georgia, and the Netherlands...”, the
is sleeping, but I’m sitting here and watching the ocean. pronoun it refers to
We’re staying at the Plaza in Atlantic Beach, and the view Mark Zuckerberg’s 650 Million Friends (and counting)
is beautiful. The tour is goes well. The audience is crazy Back in June 2009, the globe’s potpourri of social-
about the new songs, but the fans are always asking for you. networking sites was extremely diverse: Google’s Orkut
How is the baby? She has a great voice. Are you teaching dominated India and Brazil; Central and South America
her to sing yet? Maybe both of you will come along for the preferred Hi5; Maktoob was king in the Arab world. The
next tour! Vietnamese liked Zing, the Czechs loved Lidé, South

Koreans surfed Cyworld. Two years after that, and 26) (AFA 2014) “Many of them will still exist in the future, but
Facebook has stolen users away from its rivals very fast. with some changes as technology and communication
It’s completely knocked Hi5 off the map in former systems make their impact.” The underlined word (line 4)
strongholds such as Peru, Mexico, and Thailand. After a refers to
tense back-and-forth with Orkut in India, Facebook has “One of my primary complaints with higher education is
emerged victorious. And it’s becoming more popular in that they tend to prepare students for jobs of the past.
Armenia, Georgia, and the Netherlands, where local Similarly, the best paying jobs of the future are all jobs that
providers are making a desperate last stand. currently exist today. Many of them will still exist in the
There are some glaring exceptions to Facebook’s future, but with some changes as technology and
colonization kick. Russians continue to use Vkontakte and communication systems make their impact.”
Odnoklassniki, with Facebook a distant fourth in the a) primary complaints.
rankings. China remains highly committed to domestic sites b) students.
such as Qzone and Renren. But for the rest of us, we’re c) jobs.
living in Zuckerberg’s world. d) changes.
(endereço eletrônico omitido propositadamente) Texto para a questão 27
c) Armenia. Food shortage is a serious problem facing the world and is
d) Hi5. prevalent in sub-Saharan Africa. The scarcity of food is caused
e) Facebook. by economic, environmental and social factors such as crop
25) (EsPCEx 2014) In the sentence “...shopping centres make failure, overpopulation and poor government policies are the
good meeting places because they are safe...” (paragraph 3), main cause of food scarcity in most countries. Environmental
the word they refers to factors determine the kind of crops to be produced in a given
Brazil’s Rolezinhos – The Kids Are All Right place, economic factors determine the buying and production
Shopping Metrô Itaquera, a gleaming mall amid the capacity and socio-political factors determine distribution of
favelas (shantytowns) of eastern São Paulo, gained food to the masses. Food shortage has far reaching long and
notoriety on January 11th, when the police used rubber short term negative impacts which include starvation,
bullets and tear gas to disperse a crowd of 3,000 youths. malnutrition, increased mortality and political unrest1. There is
The youngsters were participating in a rolezinho, a need to collectively address the issue of food insecurity using
gathering of tens, hundreds, and sometimes thousands of both emergency and long term measures.
youngsters which is convened via social networks. Causes of food shortages
Mall owners and shopkeepers have reasons to be There are a number of social factors causing food
cautious. A few rolezinhos have led to muggings and shortages. The rate of population increase is higher than
robberies. But most do not end in Itaquera-like chaos: the increase in food production. The world is consuming more than
word’s true meaning is closer to “little outing”. And it is producing, leading to decline in food stock and storage
theories that rolezeiros are class warriors or favela dwellers level and increased food prices due to soaring2 demand.
tired of the country’s veiled racism are not correct. “Their Increased population has led to clearing of agricultural land for
battle cry is not ‘Less oppression!’” says Renato Barreiros, human settlement reducing agricultural production (Kamdor,
who has directed a documentary about them. “It’s ‘More 2007). Overcrowding of population in a given place results in
Adidas!’” urbanization of previously rich agricultural fields. Destruction
The point of a rolezinho is “to hang out, chill, buy nice of forests for human settlement, particularly tropical rain forest
things, meet people”, explains Vinicius Andrade, a 17-year- has led to climatic changes, such as prolonged droughts and
old from Capão Redondo, a favela in western São Paulo. desertification. Population increase means more pollution as
He has taken part in 18 big rolezinhos and helped organise people use more fuel in cars, industry, domestic cooking. The
a few, drawing some of his 89,000 Facebook followers. His resultant effect is increased air and water pollution which affect
15-year-old girlfriend, Yasmin Oliveira, a rolezeiro the climate and food production.
sweetheart with 94,000 fans of her own on the social Environmental factors have greatly contributed to food
network, says that shopping centres make good meeting shortage. Climatic change has reduced agricultural production.
places because they are safe – an important consideration in The change in climate is majorly caused by human activities
a crime-ridden city. There are few other public venues for and to some small extent natural activities. Increased
kids, especially in poorer neighbourhoods. combustion of fossil fuels due to increasing population through
Adapted from http://www.economist.com power plant, motor transport and mining of coal and oil emits
a) fans. green house gases which have continued to affect world
b) shopping centers. climate. Deforestation of tropical forest due to human pressure
c) rolezeiros. has changed climatic patterns and rainfall seasons, and led to
d) kids. desertification which cannot support a crop production. Land
e) neighbourhoods. degradation due to increased human activities has impacted
negatively on agricultural production (Kamdor, 2007). Natural
disasters such as floods, tropical storms and prolonged
droughts are on the increase and have devastating impacts on
food security particularly in developing countries. There are
several economic factors that contribute to food shortage.

Economic factors affect the ability of farmers to engage in e) I'll leave it to John to let them know.
agricultural production. Poverty situation in developing nations Texto para a questão 29
have reduced their capacity to produce food, as most farmers American Students Test Well in Problem Solving, but Trail
cannot afford seed and fertilizers. They use poor farming Foreign Counterparts
methods that cannot yield3 enough, even substantial use. Fifteen-year-olds in the United States scored above the
Investments in agricultural research and developing are very average of those in the developed world on exams assessing
low in developing nations. Recent global financial crisis have problem-solving skills, but they trailed several countries in
led to increase in food prices and reduced investments in Asia and Europe as well as Canada, according to International
agriculture by individuals and governments in developed standardized tests results released on Tuesday.
nations resulting in reduced food production. The American students who took the problem-solving tests
Effects of food shortage in 2012, the first time they were administered, did better on
There are a number of short term effects of food shortage. these exams than on reading, math and Science tests,
The impact on children, mothers and elderly are very evident as suggesting that students in the United States are better able to
seen in malnutrition and hunger related deaths. Children apply knowledge to real-life situations than perform
succumb to hunger within short period as they cannot stand straightforward academic tasks.
long period of starvation and they die even before the arrival of (Adapted from http://www.nytimes.com)
emergency assistance. 29) (Escola Naval 2014) In the extracts: but they trailed several
There are also long term effects of food shortage. These countries [...]" (1st paragraph) and “[...] the first
include increase in the price of food as a result demand and time they were administered." (2nd paragraph), the
supply forces. Increasing cost of food production due to the underlined pronouns refer respectively to:
increase in fuel prices coupled with persistent drought in grain a) American students/ students from other countries.
producing regions has contributed to the increase in the price of b) tests/ American students.
food in the world. Increase in oil price led to increase in the c) American students/ tests.
price of fertilizers, transportation of food and also industrial d) tests/ students from other countries.
agriculture. Increasing food prices culminated in political e) American students/ several countries.
instability and social unrest in several nations across the globe Texto para a questão 30
in 2007, in countries of Mexico, Cameroon, Brazil, Burkina The Future of Libraries Has Little to Do with Books
Faso, Pakistan, Egypt and Bangladesh among other nations On a Monday morning between Christmas and New
(Kamdor, 2007). Year's Eve in Paris, the line for modern art museum Centre
Solution to problem of food shortage Georges Pompidou winds around the block. But the patrons
waiting in the cold aren't there to catch a glimpse of a
There are some solutions to the problem of food shortage.
Magritte —they're young locais queueing for access through
There is need to reduce production of carbon emissions and
the museum’s back door to another attraction: the public library.
pollution to reduce the resultant climatic change through In a digital age that has left book publishers reeling, libraries
concerted and individual efforts. There is need to invest in in the world's major cities seem poised for a comeback, though
clean energy such as solar, nuclear, and geothermal power in it1s one that has very little to do with books. The Independent
homes and industries, because they don’t have adverse effects Library Report — published in December by the U.K.'s
on the environment (Kamdor, 2007). Rich nations should help Department for Culture, Media, and Sport — found that libraries
poor nations to develop and use clean and renewable energy in across the nation are reinventing themseives by increasingly
order to stabilize green house emissions into the atmosphere becoming "vibrant and attractive community hubs", focusing on
(Watson, nd). Government need to work in consultation with the "need to create digital literacy, and in an ideal world, digital
climatic bodies, World Bank and the UN to engage in projects fluency.”
aimed at promoting green environment. Taking into account the proliferation of freelancing, the gig
(Adapted from http://www.paypervids.com/food-shortage- economy, and remote working (also known as 'technomadism'),
the rise of library as community hub begins to make sense. Cities
causeseffects-solutions/Acesso em:14 fev 2017)
are increasingly attracting location independent workers, and
Glossary: those workers need space and amenities that expensive and
1. unrest – disagreement or fighting between different unreliable coffee shops simply cannot provide enough of.
groups of people Furthermore, when one considers that the most vulnerable
2. soaring – something that increases rapidly above the and underserved city dwellers are also those who generally do
usual level not have access to the Internet, the need for a free and publicly
3. yield – to supply or produce something such as profit or connected space becomes even clearer.
an amount or food According to a 2013 Pew poli, 90 percent in the U.S. said
27) (AFA 2017) The personal pronoun “they” (line 81) refers to their community would be negatively impacted if their local
a) adverse effects. library closed. But if libraries are going to survive the digital
b) homes and industries. age, they need to be more about helping patrons filter vast
c) geothermal power. quantities of digital Information rather than access to analog
d) some kinds of clean energy. materiais. Good news carne for U.S. libraries in November,
28) (EFOMM 2015) In which sentence ‘it’ is not correctly when Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom
used? Wheeler announced a 62 percent increase in spending on high-
a) I can not bear it to see women crying. speed Internet for schools and public libraries.
b) She found it strange being in that flat.
c) We owe it to society to help those who need help.
d) I take it that you won't be working tomorrow.

30) (Escola Naval 2015) in the excerpt "But if libraries are 31) (Escola Naval 2018) What does the pronoun “it" refer to in
going to survive the digital age, they need to be more about the excerpt “‘Violence is everywhere they turn - home,
helping patrons filter vast quantities of digital Information school, neighborhood, police,’ Gore said. ‘You want to
rather than access to analog materials." the pronoun "they" make sure they can learn how to process, deal with it [...]’”
refers to: (7thparagraph)?
a) libraries. a) Process.
b) the digital age. b) Police.
c) patrons. c) Violence.
d) quantities of digital Information. d) Home.
e) analog materials. e) Everywhere
Texto para a questão 31 32) (ITA 2017) Marque a opção que indica a que it se refere no
Doctor works to save youth from violence before they reach seguinte excerto: "...it has become a matter of reality…"
his ER (linha 3).
As an emergency physician at Kings County Hospital Augmentation of brain function is no longer just a
Center [in Brooklyn], Dr. Rob Gore has faced many traumatic theme of science fiction. Due to advances in neural
situations that he'd rather forget. But some moments stick with sciences, it has become a matter of reality that a person may
him. "Probably the worst thing that I've ever had to do is tell a consider at some point in life, for example as a treatment of
15-year-old's mother that her son was killed," Gore said. "If I a neurodegenerative disease. Currently, several approaches
can't keep somebody alive, I've failed." [...] offer enhancements for sensory, motor and cognitive brain
"Conflict's not avoidable. But violent conflict is," Gore functions, as well as for mood and emotions. Such
said. "Seeing a lot of the traumas that take place at work, or in enhancements may be achieved pharmacologically, using
the neighborhood, you realize, 'I don't want this to happen brain implants for recordings, stimulation and drug
anymore. What do we do about it?" delivery, by employing brain-machine interfaces, or even
For Gore, one answer is the “Kings Against Violence by ablation of certain brain areas.
Initiative" - known as KAVI - which he started in 2009. Today, a) advances in neural sciences
the nonprofit has anti-violence programs in the hospital, b) treatment of a neurodegenerative disease
schools and broader community, serving more than 250 young c) some point in life
people. d) science fiction
Victims of violence are more likely to be reinjured, so the e) augmentation of brain function
first place Gore wanted to work was in the hospital, with an 33) (IESES 2014) Complete o texto a seguir com os pronomes
intervention program in which "hospital responders" assist mais adequados.
victims of violence and their family - a model pioneered at This is Mark. ______ is a good friend of mine. That is
other hospitals. The idea is that reaching out right after Paula, _____ is his girlfriend. Mark and Paula are from
someone has been injured reduces the likelihood of violent Germany. _____ are german. I live with my brother and
retaliation and provides a chance for the victim to address some ___ have a pet. ____ is a dog called Otto.
of the circumstances that may have led to their injury. A sequência correta é:
Gore started this program at his hospital with a handful of a) he - she - they - we – it
volunteers from KAVI. Today, the effort is a partnership b) we - it - she - it – he
between KAVI and a few other nonprofits, with teams on call c) it - she - they - he – we
24/7. d) she - he - we - they – it
Yet Gore wanted to prevent people from being violently
injured in the first place. So, in 2011, he and his group began
working with a handful of at-risk students at a nearby high
school. By the end of the year, more than 50 students were
involved. Today, KAVI holds weekly workshops for male and
female students in three schools, teaching mediation and
conflict resolution. The group also provides free mental health
counseling for students who need one-on-one support.
"Violence is everywhere they turn - home, school,
neighborhood, police," Gore said. "You want to make sure they
can learn how to process, deal with it and overcome it."
While Gore still regularly attends workshops, most are now
led by peer facilitators - recent graduates and college students,
some of whom are former KAVI members - who serve as
mentors to the students. School administrators say the program
has been a success: lowering violence, raising grades and
sending many graduates on to college.
"This is really about the community in which we live" he
said. "This is my home. And I'm going to do whatever is
possible to make sure people can actually thrive."
(Adapted and abridged from http ://www.cnn.com)

1) D
2) E
3) E
4) D
5) C
6) B
7) C
8) B
9) A
10) C
11) C
12) B
13) D
14) B
15) B
16) A
17) D
18) B
19) A
20) C
21) D
22) D
23) B
24) E
25) B
26) C
27) D
28) B
29) C
30) A
31) C
32) E
33) A

Adjective Possessives x Possessive attending Howard University and the University of California’s
Hastings College of the Law, Kamala Harris embarked on a
Pronouns rise through the California legal system, emerging as state
1) (Colégio Naval 2017) Which possessive form completes attorney general in 2010. Following the November 2016
the gap in text III? elections, Harris became just the second African American
They were good farmers and excelient shipbuilders. They woman and the first South Asian American to win a seat in the
used their ships for war. They also used them to carry 2020 U.S. Senate. She declared her candidacy for the 2020
people and goods to new lands. In winter, when there was U.S. presidential election on Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2019
not much farm work to do, they stayed home and did other dropped out of the race before the endo f the year. In August
interesting jobs. Men made swords to use them in battle. 2020, Joe Biden announced Harris as vice presidential running
The Vikings liked swords so much they often decorated mate and after a close race, Biden and Harris were elected in
them with gold and gave them names. Women cooked and November 2020.
made clothes, shoes, and jewelry for themselves, ______ Adaptes from: <https://www.biography.com/political-
children and husbands. figure/kamala-harris>
a) Their 5) (Colégio Naval 2022) It is possible to rewrite the sentences
b) Her substituting the underlined parts for:
c) His “(...) Joe Biden announced Harris as vice presidential
d) Hers running mate”
e) Theirs a) Him/ her
2) (Colégio Naval 2018) Read the sentence in order to do the b) He/ she
question below. c) She/ him
This is my friends’ car and that one is my car. d) He/ Her
Mark the option which rewrites the sentence using the e) She/ he
correct possessive. Texto para as questões 6 e 7
a) This car is theirs and that one is mine. WHAT IS MODERN SLAVERY?
b) This is theirs cars and that is my car. Slavery did not end with abolition in the 19th century.
c) This is their car and that one is my. Slavery continues today and harms people in every country in
d) This car is them and that one is my. the world.
e) This is theirs car and that one is mine. Women forced into prostitution. People forced to work in
3) (Colégio Naval 2019) Mark the option that fills in blanks I agriculture, domestic work and factories. Children in
and II, respectively. sweatshops1 producing goods sold globally. Entire families
It looks iike login usernames and passwords are on __(I)__ forced to work for nothing to pay off generational debts. Girls
way out. No longer will we have to worry about the forced to marry older men.
security of __(II)__ login credentiais. There are estimated 40.3 million people in modern slavery
a) their/ our around the world, including:
b) it/ us • 10 million children
c) its/ ours • 24.9 million people in forced labour
d) theirs/ ours • 15.4 million people in forced marriage
e) its/ us • 4.8 million people in forced sexual exploitation
4) (Colégio Naval 2020) Who do the underlined possessive Someone is in slavery if they are:
adjectives "their" in the text refer to, respectively? • forced to work – through coercion, or mental or physical
Six thousand couples decided not to let the coronavirus threat;
deter them from celebrating their happy day. The multiple • owned or controlled by an ’employer’, through mental or
brides and grooms attended a mass wedding ceremony in physical abuse or the threat of abuse;
South Korea's Unification Church on Friday, in spite of the • dehumanised, treated as a commodity or bought and sold
health scare from the coronavirus in neighbouring China. as ‘property’;
The newlyweds were joined by 24.000 guests; some • physically constrained or have restrictions placed on their
renewing their marriage vows and others watching friends freedom of movement.
and family tie the knot. The church seemed well prepared Slavery has been a disgraceful aspect of human society for
for such a large-scale event as staff handed out hand most of human history. However, Anti-Slavery International
sanitizer and surgical masks to all attendees. They also has refused to accept that this bloody status quo should be
checked the temperature of the couples. allowed to persist (Aidan McQuade, former director).
a) coronavirus / countries. Forms of modern slavery
b) celebrate / marriage vows. Purposes of exploitation2 can range from forced prostitution
c) brides / couples. and forced labour to forced marriage and forced organ removal.
d) grooms / newlyweds. Here are the most common forms of modern slavery.
e) couples / guests.
• Forced labour – any work or services which people are
Texto para a questão 5
forced to do against their will3 under the threat of some form of
Who is Kamala Harris?
Kamala Harris is the vice president of the United States,
• Debt bondage or bonded labour – the world’s most
making her the first female vice precident and first Black
widespread form of slavery, when people borrow money they
person and Asian American to hold the position. After
cannot repay and are required to work to pay off the debt, then

losing control over the conditions of both their employment 7) (EPCAR 2018) Considering the use of possessive
and the debt. adjectives, mark the alternative that completes the sentence
• Human trafficking– involves transporting, recruiting or below correctly
harbouring people for the purpose of exploitation, using Modern slavery includes
violence, threats or coercion. a) an employee who has its work abused.
• Descent-based slavery – where people are born into b) children who have his lives affected.
slavery because their ancestors were captured and enslaved; c) a girl who has her marriage forced.
they remain in slavery by descent. d) people who have your freedom restricted.
• Child slavery – many people often confuse child slavery 8) (EAM 2018) Read the sentences and mark the correct
with child labour, but it is much worse. Whilst4 child labour is option to fill in the blanks respectively.
harmful for children and hinders5 their education and Sarah is ____________friend.____________ lives next to
development, child slavery occurs when a child is exploited for my house. We love riding our bikes.___________ bike is
someone else’s gain. It can include child trafficking, child red. ____________ is green. We love spending tome
soldiers, child marriage and child domestic slavery. together!
• Forced and early marriage – when someone is married a) my / She / My / Hers
against their will and cannot leave the marriage. Most child b) your /I / My / Her
marriages can be considered slavery. c) her /He / Her/ Mine
Many forms of slavery have more than one element listed d) my /H er/My/ She
above. For example, human trafficking often involves advance e) his / He / My / His
payment for travel and a job abroad, using money often 9) (EAM 2021) Mark the option that completes the paragraph
borrowed from the traffickers. Then, the debt contributes to below correctly.
control of the victims. Once they arrive, victims cannot leave Cooking in Britain is now a spectator sport. _______
until they pay off their debt. watching famous chefs cook on TV, and _______ buy
Many people think that slavery happens only overseas, in ______ books. But do ______ use ______ ?
developing countries. In fact, no country is free from modern (Adapted from OXENDEN, Clive et al. New English File -
slavery, even Britain. The Government estimates that there are Elementary. OUP, 2011. p. 51.)
tens of thousands people in modern slavery in the UK. a) It/ it/ their/ they/ them
Modern slavery can affect people of any age, gender or b) They/ they/ theirs/ we/ it
race. However, contrary to a common misconception6 that c) They/ they/ ours/ they/ its
everyone can be a victim of slavery, some groups of people are d) We/ we/ their/ we/ them
much more vulnerable to slavery than others. e) We /we/ ours/ they/ its
People who live in poverty7 and have limited opportunities 10) (EEAr 2. 2019) The word “My” in the text is a
for decent work are more vulnerable to accepting deceptive job ____________ pronoun.
offers that can turn exploitative. People who are discriminated
against on the basis of race, caste, or gender are also more
likely to be enslaved. Slavery is also more likely to occur
where the rule of law is weaker and corruption is rife. Anti-
Slavery International believes that we have to tackle8 the root
causes of slavery in order to end slavery for good. That’s why a) subject
we published our Anti-Slavery Charter, listing comprehensive b) relative
measures that need to be taken to end slavery across the world. c) reflexive
(Adapted from https://www.antislavery.org/slavery- d) possessive
today/modern-slavery/) 11) (EEAr 1. 2020) The words me, your and you are:
Glossary: a) Object pronoun - possessive adjective - subject pronoun
1. sweatshop – a factory where workers are paid very little and b) Object pronoun - subject pronoun - possessive adjective
work many hours in very bad conditions c) Subject pronoun - possessive adjective - objective
2. exploitation – abuse, manipulation pronoun
3. will – wish, desire d) Possessive adjective - object pronoun - subject pronoun
4. whilst – while 12) (EEAr 1. 2022) – In the sentence “Other people invite
friends to their house and they have a party...”, the
5. to hinder – obstruct, stop
underlined word is related to:
6. misconception – wrong idea/ impression
Read the conversation between Carol and Neil.
7. poverty – the condition of being extremely poor
Neil: What do you do on New Year’s Day?
8. to tackle – attack
Carol: Well, we sometimes go downtown. They have
6) (EPCAR 2018) “Slavery continues today and harms people
fireworks. It’s really pretty. Other people invite friends to
in every country in the world” (lines 2 and 3). The
highlighted words can be substituted for _____. their house and they have a party.
a) them Neil: Do you give presents to your friends and family?
b) theirs Carol: No, we never give presents on New Year’s.
c) their Neil: Do you have a meal with your family?
d) they Carol: No, we do that on Christmas. On New Year’s we just
a) other people.

b) fireworks. hospital, where she died. The airport is one of the most
c) friends. dangerous in the world due to the location of its runway
d) house. with a public beach at one end, and a mountain at the other.
13) (EEAr BCT 2. 2016) Hijacked jets destroy Twin Between the beach and the airport there is a public road.
Towers: a creeping horror Despite warning signs and requests from the airport to stay
The horror arrived in epsodic bursts of chilling away from the runway they don’t obey and stay by the
disbelief, signified first by trembling floors, sharp fence to feel the blast from planes as they take off.
eruptions, cracked windows. There was the cruel sight of Adapted from The Independent Online; July 13, 2017.
bodies helplessly tumbling out, some of _____ in flames. a) woman
Finally, the high and impressive towers themselves were b) airport
reduced to nothing. Dense plumes of smoke raced through c) runway
the downtown avenues, coursing between the buildings, d) princess
shaped like tornadoes on their sides. 16) (EEAr BCT 2. 2021) The word “mine”, underlined in the
Every sound was cause for alarm. A plane appeared text, refers to:
overhead. Was another one coming? No, it was a fighter jet. Perfect
But was it friend or enemy? People scrambled for _____ Ed Sheeran
lives, but _____ didn’t know where to go. Should people go (...)‘Cause we were just kids
north, south, east, west? Stay outside, go indoors? People When we fell in love
hid beneath cars and each other. Some contemplated Not knowing what it was
jumping into the river (…). I will not give you up this time
Fonte: The New York Times, Sep. 12, 2001. But darling, just kiss me slow
GLOSSARY Your heart is all I own
chilling disbelief – incredulidade assustadora And in your eyes you’re holding mine
trembling floors – o tremor dos andares a) Me
to scramble – lutar b) Heart
Choose the best pronouns to have the text completed, c) Own
respectively: d) Darling
a) them – their – they 17) (EEAr BCT 2. 2022) In the sentence “Rivers of lava raced
b) they – them – their down the Cumbre Vieja volcano and exploded high into the
c) their – they – them air overnight on the Spanish island of La Palma and the
d) them – they – their airport was closed as an eruption intensified and entered its
14) (EEAr BCT 1. 2017) “Their”, (line 7), underlined in the most explosive phase so far”, the underlined word refers to
text, refers to a) the Spanish island.
Twenty-First Century Birdwatching b) an eruption.
Our ancestors could spot natural predators from far by c) volcano.
their silhouettes. Are we equally aware of the predators in d) phase.
the present-day? Drones are remote-controlled planes that Texto para a questão 18
can be used for anything from surveillance, to rescue Brazilian Forces Claim Victory in Gang Haven
operations and scientific research. Most drones are used RIO DE JANEIRO - In a quick and decisive military
today by military powers for remote-controlled surveillance operation, Brazilian security forces took control of this city’s
and attack, and their numbers are growing. The Federal most notorious slum on Sunday, celebrating victory over drug
Aviation Administration (FAA) predicted in 2012 that gangs after a weeklong battle.
within 20 years there could be as many as 30.000 drones In the early afternoon, the military police raised the flags of
flying over U.S. Soil alone. As robotic birds will become Brazil and Rio de Janeiro atop a building on the highest hill in
commonplace in the near future, we should be prepared to the Alemão shantytown complex, providing a rare moment of
identify them. happiness and celebration in a decades-long battle to rid this
a) powers. city’s violent slums of drug gangs.
b) drones. An air of calm and relief swept through the neighborhood,
c) numbers. as residents opened their windows and began walking the
d) surveillance and attack. streets. Dozens of children ran from their houses in shorts and
15) (EEAr BCT 2. 2018) “Her”, underlined in the text, refers bikinis to jump into a swimming pool that used to belong to a
to the. gang leader. Residents congregated around televisions in bars
and restaurants, cheering for the police as if they were cheering
St Marteen: tourist killed by jet blast at caribean for their favorite soccer teams. “Now the community is ours,”
airport Jovelino Ferreira, a 60-year-old pastor, said, his eyes filling
A tourist has been killed after being knocked over by jet with tears. “This time it will be different. We have to have
blast at an airport famous for its dangerous runway. The faith. Many people who didn’t deserve have suffered here.”
woman was watching a plane take off at Princess Juliana http://www.nytimes.com, consulta em 28/11/2010
Airport on the island of St. Marteen when the blast of a
Boeing 737 knocked her over. The tourist was standing by
the fence at the end of the runway, watching the plane takes
off when she fell and had head injuries. She was taken to

18) (EsPCEx 2011) In the sentence “An air of calm and relief Texto para a questão 20
swept through the neighborhood, as residents opened their Welcome to Madrid: City of Protests
windows and began walking the streets”, the possessive Madrid (CNN) – “The people, united, will never be
adjective their refers to divided!” yells the crowd, angrily waving banners and
a) an air of calm and relief. placards. “To fight is the only way!” Dog-walkers, mothers
b) neighborhood. with strollers, and pensioners carrying shopping bags join the
c) residents. crowd. These people on the sidewalk are no curious neighbors.
d) streets. Indeed, many of them are complete strangers to the family
e) calm and relief. living on the fifth floor, but they are all here to protect Rocio
Texto para as questões 19 from eviction - being forced to leave her property by legal
Apple manufacturing plant workers complain of long hours process.
and militant culture Rocio and her son, now 17 and in high school, moved from
Chengdu, China (CNN) — Miss Chen (we changed her Ecuador in 2003, when times were good and jobs plentiful in
name for this story), an 18-year-old student from a village Spain. But then the global financial crisis hit, bringing Spain’s
outside of the southern megacity of Chongqing, is one of more economy down, Rocio lost her two jobs - in a shop, and as a
than one million factory workers at a Chinese company that cleaner. For a while, Rocio got by on benefits, but then those
helps manufacture products for Apple Inc.’s lucrative global stopped too. She is an example of the crisis many Spaniards
empire, which ranked in a record $46.3 billion in sales last face as the country deals with the highest unemployment rate
quarter. They work day or night shifts, eating and sleeping at since the Civil War in the 1930s, and a recession entering its
company facilities, as they help build electronics products for second year. “I can’t stand the thought of living on the streets
Apple and many other global brand names, such as Amazon’s with my son, but I have no idea where else to go”, she says.
Kindle and Microsoft’s Xbox. Rocio’s story is echoed by others all over Spain. It is this
As a poor college student with no work experience, looking fear that took many Spanish citizens to action. Many of those
for a job in China’s competitive market is an uphill battle. So people who are outside the door of Rocio’s apartment block are
when Chen was offered a one-month position at Foxconn with supporters of “Stop Desahucios” (Stop Evictions), part of the
promises of great benefits and little overtime, she jumped at the Platform of People Affected by Mortgages (PAH – Plataforma
chance. But when she started working, she found out that only de Afectados por la Hipoteca), a group that campaigns to
senior employees got such benefits. prevent banks and authorities from eviction because of the
“During my first day of work, an older worker said to me, country’s economic crisis. They accuse the banks and
‘Why did you come to Foxconn? Think about it again and authorities of “real estate terrorism”.
leave right now’,” said Chen, who plans to return to her studies There are also the mass marches of the 15-M movement -
at a Chongqing university soon. also known as the “Indignados”. Activist Dante Scherma, 24,
Foxconn recently released a statement defending its says citizens were not used to speaking out on political issues.
corporate practices, stating its employees are entitled to “The 15-M movement made people talk about social issues,
numerous benefits including access to health care and and about politics in normal conversations - in cafés,
opportunities for promotions and training. In response to restaurants, bars - where before they only talked about football
questions from CNN, Apple also released a statement: “We or fashion.”
care about every worker in our worldwide supply chain. We Back in Vicalvaro, the moment of truth has arrived, but the
insist that our suppliers provide safe working conditions, treat crowd - now shouting at the police, insisting they have to stop
workers with dignity and respect, and use environmentally forcing families to leave their properties - appears to have had
responsible manufacturing processes wherever Apple products an impact. Lawyers from the PAH explain that Rocio will be
are made. Our suppliers must live up to these requirements if able to stay - for a while, at least. For those working to stop
they want to keep doing business with Apple.” Spain’s eviction epidemic, today has seen a small and
After three weeks of applying more than 4,000 stickers a temporary victory. For those demonstrating about cuts,
day onto iPad screens by hand and working 60 hours a week in corruption and lack of cash, the protests will go on.
an assembly line, Chen says she’s ready to go back to school Adaptado de http://edition.cnn.com/2013/02/20/
and study hard so she’ll never have to return to Foxconn. “It’s world/europe/madrid-city-of-protests/index.html
so boring, I can’t bear it anymore. Everyday is like: I get off 20) (EsPCEx 2013) In the sentence “...insisting they have to
from work and I go to bed. I get up in the morning, and I go to stop forcing families to leave their properties...”, the words
work. It is my daily routine and I almost feel like an animal,” they and their respectively refer to
said Miss Chen. When asked why humans do machine-like a) the crowd and families.
work at Foxconn, she responds, “Well, humans are cheaper.” b) the crowd and the police.
Adaptado de http://edition.cnn.com, consulta em 06/02/2012 c) the police and families.
19) (EsPCEx 2012) In the sentence “Foxconn recently released d) the families and the properties.
a statement defending its corporate practices...”, the word e) the police and the properties.
its refers to
a) statement.
b) Foxconn.
c) health care.
d) practices.
e) employees.

21) (EsPCEx 2019) Collins language content consultant Helen Newstead. “We
Teaching English in the Brazilian countryside have chosen lockdown as _______(2) word of the year
“In Brazil, countryside youth want to learn about new because it encapsulates the shared experience of billions of
places, new cultures and people. However, they think their people who have had to restrict _______(3) daily lives in
everyday lives are an obstacle to that, because they imagine order to contain the virus. Lockdown has affected the way
that country life has nothing to do with other parts of the we work, study, shop, and socialise. It is not a word of the
world”, says Rafael Fonseca. Rafael teaches English in a year to celebrate, but it is, perhaps, one that sums up the
language school in a cooperative coffee cultivation in year for most of the world.”
Paraguaçu. His learners are the children of rural workers. a) its, our, their
Rafael tells us that the objective of the project being b) my, our, her
developed in the cooperative is to give the young people c) your, his, our
more opportunities of growth in the countryside, and that d) its, his, their
includes the ability to communicate with international e) my, their, your
buyers. “In the future, our project may help overcome the Texto para as questões 23
lack of succession in countryside activities because, FOOD SHORTAGE CAUSES, EFFECTS AND
nowadays, rural workers’ children become lawyers, SOLUTIONS
engineers, teachers, and sometimes even doctors, but those Food shortage is a serious problem facing the world and is
children very rarely want to have a profession related to prevalent in sub-Saharan Africa. The scarcity of food is caused
rural work”, says Rafael. by economic, environmental and social factors such as crop
“That happens”, he adds, “because their parents failure, overpopulation and poor government policies are the
understand that life in the countryside can be hard work and main cause of food scarcity in most countries. Environmental
they do not want to see their children running the same factors determine the kind of crops to be produced in a given
type of life that they have. Their children also believe that place, economic factors determine the buying and production
life in the country does not allow them to have contact with capacity and socio-political factors determine distribution of
other parts of the world, meet other people and improve food to the masses. Food shortage has far reaching long and
cultural bounds. The program intends to show them that by short term negative impacts which include starvation,
means of a second language they can travel, communicate malnutrition, increased mortality and political unrest1 . There is
with new people and learn about new cultures as a means of need to collectively address the issue of food insecurity using
promoting and selling what they produce in the country, both emergency and long term measures.
and that includes receiving visitors in their workplace from Causes of food shortages
abroad.” There are a number of social factors causing food
Rafael’s strategy is to contextualize the English shortages. The rate of population increase is higher than
language and keep learners up-to-date with what happens in increase in food production. The world is consuming more than
the global market. “Integrating relevant topics about it is producing, leading to decline in food stock and storage
countryside living can be transformative in the classroom. level and increased food prices due to soaring2 demand.
The local regional and cultural aspects are a great source of Increased population has led to clearing of agricultural land for
inspiration and learning not only for the young, but for us human settlement reducing agricultural production (Kamdor,
all.” 2007). Overcrowding of population in a given place results in
Adapted from urbanization of previously rich agricultural fields. Destruction
http://www.cambridge.org/elt/blog/2019/01/21/teaching- of forests for human settlement, particularly tropical rain forest
english-in-the-brazilian-classroom/ has led to climatic changes, such as prolonged droughts and
a) they (paragraph 1) = countryside youth desertification. Population increase means more pollution as
b) his (paragraph 1) = Paraguaçu people use more fuel in cars, industry, domestic cooking. The
c) us (paragraph 2) = workers resultant effect is increased air and water pollution which affect
d) their (paragraph 3) = rural workers’ children the climate and food production.
e) them (paragraph 3) = other parts of the world Environmental factors have greatly contributed to food
22) (EsPCEx 2021) Choose the alternative with words that shortage. Climatic change has reduced agricultural production.
respectively complete gaps (1), (2) and (3) in the correct The change in climate is majorly caused by human activities
way. and to some small extent natural activities. Increased
Lockdown, the noun that has come to define so many combustion of fossil fuels due to increasing population through
lives across the world in 2020, has been named word of the power plant, motor transport and mining of coal and oil emits
year by Collins Dictionary. Lockdown is defined by Collins green house gases which have continued to affect world
as “the imposition of stringent restrictions on travel, social climate. Deforestation of tropical forest due to human pressure
interaction, and access to public spaces”. The 4.5-billion- has changed climatic patterns and rainfall seasons, and led to
word Collins Corpus, which contains written material from desertification which cannot support a crop production. Land
websites, books and newspapers, as well as spoken material degradation due to increased human activities has impacted
from radio, television and conversations, registered a negatively on agricultural production (Kamdor, 2007). Natural
6,000% increase in ______(1) usage. In 2019, there were disasters such as floods, tropical storms and prolonged
4,000 recorded instances of lockdown being used. In 2020, droughts are on the increase and have devastating impacts on
this had risen to more than a quarter of a million. food security particularly in developing countries. There are
“Language is a reflection of the world around us and several economic factors that contribute to food shortage.
2020 has been dominated by the global pandemic,” says Economic factors affect the ability of farmers to engage in

agricultural production. Poverty situation in developing nations Texto para a questão 24
have reduced their capacity to produce food, as most farmers Music therapy with cancer patients
cannot afford seed and fertilizers. They use poor farming Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United
methods that cannot yield3 enough, even substantial use. States, in Germany and in many other industrialized countries.
Investments in agricultural research and developing are very In 2007, about 12 million people were diagnosed with cancer
low in developing nations. Recent global financial crisis have worldwide with a mortality rate of 7.6 million (American
led to increase in food prices and reduced investments in Cancer Society, 2007). In the industrial countries, the most
agriculture by individuals and governments in developed commonly diagnosed cancers in men are prostate cancer, lung
nations resulting in reduced food production. cancer and colorectal cancer. Women are most commonly
Effects of food shortage diagnosed with breast cancer, gastric cancer and lung cancer.
There are a number of short term effects of food shortage. The symptoms of cancer depend on the type of the disease,
The impact on children, mothers and elderly are very evident as but there are common symptoms caused by cancer and/or by its
seen in malnutrition and hunger related deaths. Children medical treatment (e.g., chemotherapy and radiation). Common
succumb to hunger within short period as they cannot stand physical symptoms are pain, fatigue, sleep disturbances, loss of
long period of starvation and they die even before the arrival of appetite, nausea (feeling sick, vomiting), dizziness, limited
emergency assistance. physical activity, hair loss, a sore mouth/throat and bowel
There are also long term effects of food shortage. These problems. Cancer also often causes psychological problems
include increase in the price of food as a result demand and such as depression, anxiety, mood disturbances, stress,
supply forces. Increasing cost of food production due to the insecurity, grief and decreased self-esteem. This, in turn, can
increase in fuel prices coupled with persistent drought in grain implicate social consequences. Social isolation can occur due
producing regions has contributed to the increase in the price of to physical or psychological symptoms (for example, feeling
food in the world. Increase in oil price led to increase in the too tired to meet friends, cutting oneself off due to depressive
price of fertilizers, transportation of food and also industrial complaints).
agriculture. Increasing food prices culminated in political Besides conventional pharmacological treatments of cancer,
instability and social unrest in several nations across the globe there are treatments to meet psychological and physical needs
in 2007, in countries of Mexico, Cameroon, Brazil, Burkina of the patient. Psychological consequences of cancer, such as
Faso, Pakistan, Egypt and Bangladesh among other nations depression, anxiety or loss of control, can be counteracted by
(Kamdor, 2007). psychotherapy. For example, within cognitive therapy cancer
Solution to problem of food shortage patients may develop coping strategies to handle the disease.
There are some solutions to the problem of food shortage. Research indicates that music therapy, which is a form of
There is need to reduce production of carbon emissions and psychotherapy, can have positive effects on both physiological
pollution to reduce the resultant climatic change through and psychological symptoms of cancer patients as well as in
concerted and individual efforts. There is need to invest in acute or palliative situations.
clean energy such as solar, nuclear, and geothermal power in There are several definitions of music therapy. According
homes and industries, because they don’t have adverse effects to the World Federation of Music Therapy (WFMT, 1996),
on the environment (Kamdor, 2007). Rich nations should help music therapy is: “the use of music and/or its music elements
poor nations to develop and use clean and renewable energy in (sound, rhythm, melody and harmony) by a qualified music
order to stabilize green house emissions into the atmosphere therapist, with a client or group, in a process designed to
(Watson, nd). Government need to work in consultation with facilitate and promote communication, relationship, learning,
climatic bodies, World Bank and the UN to engage in projects mobilization, expression, organization, and other relevant
aimed at promoting green environment. therapeutic objectives, in order to meet physical, emotional,
(Adapted from http://www.paypervids.com/food-shortage- mental, social and cognitive needs”.
causeseffects-solutions/Acesso em:14 fev 2017) The Dutch Music Therapy Association (NVCT, 1999)
Glossary: defines music therapy as “a methodological form of assistance
1. unrest – disagreement or fighting between different in which musical means are used within a therapeutic relation
groups of people to manage changes, developments, stabilisation or acceptance
2. soaring – something that increases rapidly above the on the emotional, behavioural, cognitive, social or on the
usual level physical field”.
3. yield – to supply or produce something such as profit or The assumption is that the patient's musical behaviour
an amount or food conforms to their general behaviour. The starting points are the
23) (AFA 2017) In “poverty situation in developing nations features of the patient's specific disorder or disease pattern.
have reduced their capacity to produce food, as most There is an analogy between psychological problems and
farmers cannot afford seed and fertilizers” (lines 47 to 49), musical behaviour, which means that emotions can be
the underlined word means expressed musically. For patients who have difficulties in
a) poverty situation. expressing emotions, music therapy can be a useful medium.
b) developing nations. Music therapy might be a useful intervention for breast cancer
c) seed and fertilizers. patients in order to facilitate and enhance their emotional
d) most farmers. expressivity. Besides analogy, there are further qualities of
music that can be beneficial within therapeutic treatment. One
of these qualities is symbolism: music can symbolize persons,
objects, incidents, experiences or memories of daily life.
Therefore, music is a reality, which represents another reality.

The symbolism of the musical reality enables the patient to through (3)_____ "wall of Windows". (4) _____ also lies
deal safely with the other reality for it evokes memories about next door to the BBC's Broadcasting House, so you’re
persons, objects or incidents. These associations can be almost guaranteed to see a minor celebrity or two.
perceived as positive or negative, so they release emotions in (Adapted from http://www.guardian.co.uk/travel/2011)
the patient. a) they - it- their – Its
Music therapy both addresses physical and psychological b) you - it - your – They
needs of the patient. Numerous studies indicate that music c) they - its - they – It
therapy can be beneficial to both acute cancer patients and d) you - its - its – It
palliative cancer patients in the final stage of disease. e) we - its - their – Its
Most research with acute cancer patients receiving Texto para a questão 26
chemotherapy, surgery or stem cell transplantation examined Facebook deserted by millions of users in biggest markets
the effectiveness of receptive music therapy. Listening to music Facebook has lost millions of users per month in its biggest
during chemotherapy, either played live by the music therapist markets. In the last six months, Facebook has lost nearly 9m
or from tape has a positive effect on pain perception, monthly visitors in the US and 2m in the UK. Studies suggest
relaxation, anxiety and mood. There was also found a decrease that its expansion in the US, UK and other major European
in diastolic blood pressure or heart rate and an improvement in countries has peaked. In the last month, the world's largest
fatigue; insomnia and appetite loss could be significantly social network has lost 6m US visitors, a 4% fall, according to
decreased in patients older than 45 years. Further analysis firm Socialbakers. In the UK, 1.4m fewer users visited
improvements by receptive music therapy were found for in March, a fali of 4.5%. Users are also turning off in Canada,
physical comfort, vitality, dizziness and tolerability of the Spain, France, Germany and Japan, where Facebook is
chemotherapy. A study with patients undergoing surgery found extremely popular.
that receptive music therapy led to decreased anxiety, stress Alternative social networks have seen surges in popularity
and relaxation levels before, during and after surgery. Music with younger people. Instagram, the photo-sharing site, got
therapy can also be applied in palliative situations, for example 30m new users in the 18 months before Facebook bought the
to patients with terminal cancer who live in hospices. business. Path, the mobile phone-based social network founded
Studies indicate that music therapy may be beneficial for by former Facebook employee Dave Morin, which only
cancer patients in acute and palliative situations, but the allows its users to have 150 friends, is gaining 1m users a
benefits of music therapy for convalescing cancer patients week.
remain unclear. Whereas music therapy interventions for acute Facebook is still growing fast in South America. Monthly
and palliative patients often focus on physiological and visitors in Brazil were up to 6% in the last month to 70m,
psychosomatic symptoms, such as pain perception and according to Socialbakers, whose Information is used by
reducing medical side-effects, music therapy with post-hospital Facebook advertisers. India has seen a 4% rise to 64m - still
curative treatment could have its main focus on psychological only a fraction of the country's population, so there is room for
aspects. A cancer patient is not free from cancer until five years more growth.
after the tumour ablation. The patient fears that the cancer has As Facebook itself has warned, the time spent on its pages
not been defeated. In this stage of the disease, patients from those sitting in front of personal computers is decreasing
frequently feel insecure, depressive and are emotionally fast because people now prefer to use their smartphones and
unstable. How to handle irksome and negative emotions is an tablets. Although smartphone minutes have doubled in a year,
important issue for many oncology patients. After the difficult to 69 a month, that growth may not compensate
period of the medical treatment, which they often have for dwindling desktop usage.
overcome in a prosaic way by masking emotions, patients often Facebook will tell investors about its performance for the
express the wish to become aware of themselves again. They quarter. Wall Street expects revenues of about $1.44bn, an
may wish to grapple with negative emotions due to their increase from $1.06bn a year ago. Shareholders will want to
disease. Other patients wish to experience positive feelings, know how fast the number of mobile Facebook users is
such as enjoyment and vitality. growing, and whether advertising revenues are increasing at the
(Adapted from same rate. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has created a
https://essay.utwente.nl/59115/1/scriptie_F_Teiwes.pdf - series of new initiatives designed to appeal to smartphone
Access on 25/02/19) users. One initiative, Facebook Home, is software that can be
24) (AFA 2019) In the fragment “music therapy with post- downloaded onto Android phones to feed news and photos
hospital curative treatment could have its main focus on from friends - and advertising - directly to the owner's locked
psychological aspects” (lines 92 to 94) the pronoun refers to home screen.
a) music therapy and post-hospital curative treatment. (Adapted from http://www.guardian.com.uk)
b) curative treatment and main focus. 26) (Escola Naval 2013) In the extract: [...] which only
c) main focus and psychological aspects. allows its users to have 150 friends [...]", the pronoun "its"
d) psychological aspects and music therapy. refers to:
25) (Escola Naval 2012) What is the best sequence to complete a) Instagram
the paragraph? b) Path
This place looks like a thousand other hotel bars up and c) Dave Morin
down the country ... until (1)____ take into account (2) d) Facebook
____ location: reached via a half-hidden lift in the lobby of e) Business
St George1s hotel. Perched 15 floors above Oxford Circus,
the bar offers some of the best views of central London

Texto para as questões 27 27) (Escola Naval 2016) What does the pronoun "their" refer to
Hard Lesson in Sleep for Teenagers in the excerpt "Sleeping late on weekends
By Jane E. Brody October 20, 2014 shifts their internal clock, making it even harder to get to
Few Americans these days get the hours of sleep optimal sleep Sunday night and wake up on time for school Monday
for their age, but experts agree that teenagers are more likely to morning."?
fall short than anyone else. a) Teenagers.
Researchers report that the average adolescent needs eight b) Minority families.
and a half to nine and a half hours of sleep each night. c) Safety concerns.
However, in a poll taken in 2006 by the National Sleep d) Weekends.
Foundation, less than 20 percent reported getting that much rest e) Parents.
on school nights. With the profusion of personal electronics, 28) (Escola Naval 2016) Which is the correct way to
the current percentage is believed to be even worse. A study in complete the excerpt below?
Fairfax, Va., found that only 6 percent of children in the 10th The Legacy of Hartlepool
grade and only 3 percent in the 12th grade get the "He thought that if he had the courage to visit the
recommended amount of sleep. Two in three teens were found Long Gallery, the portraits of ________ ancestors would
to be severely sleep-deprived, losing two or more hours of come to life in ______ frames. _______ would point
sleep every night. The causes can be biological, behavioral or ______ fingers and say: ' We did ______ duty. We spent
environmental. The effect on the well-being of adolescents — the money as __________ . was meant to be spent [...] . "
on their health and academic potential — can be profound. (TORDAY, Paul. The Legacy of Hartlepool Hall.
Insufficient sleep in adolescence increases the risks of high London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2012.)
blood pressure and heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and obesity, a) him / its / We / ours / ours / he
said Dr. Owens, pediatric sleep specialist at Children's National b) him / theirs / They / their / ours / it
Health System in Washington. Sleeplessness is also linked to c) her / their / We / ours / our / he
risk-taking behavior, depression, suicidal ideation and car d) his / their / They / their / our / it
accidents. Insufficient sleep also impairs judgment, decision- e) his / its / They / theirs / our / it
making skills and the ability to curb impulses, which are "in a 29) (Escola Naval 2017) Which is the correct way to complete
critical stage of development in adolescence," Dr. Owens said. the text below?
With the current intense concern about raising academic 11 reasons why it is important to have Dreams
achievement, it is worth noting that a study by Kyla Wahlstrom Everyone always says: “Follow ______ dreams!” But
of 9,000 students in eight Minnesota public high schools not everyone does ______. Life interjects, bills pile up, and
showed that starting school a half-hour later resulted in an sometimes ______ have to do boring jobs just to make
hour's more sleep a night and an increase in the students' grade ______ through the day. However, there are a number of
point averages and standardized test scores. reasons to follow ______ dreams, to break the trend, and to
When children reach puberty, a shift in circadian rhythm live the life you’ve always wanted. Here they are below,
makes it harder for them to fall asleep early enough to get the (http: //www. Iifehack.org)
requisite number of hours and still make it to school on time. A a) your / it / we / it / your
teenager’s sleep-wake cycle can shift as much as two hours, b) yours / it / you / them / yours
making it difficult to fall asleep before 11 p.m. If school starts c) you / it / they / l / you
at 8 or 8:30, it is not possible to get enough sleep. Based on d) your / they / we / them / your
biological sleep needs, a teenager who goes to sleep at 11 p.m, e) yours / them / l / it / yours
should be getting up around 8 a.m. 30) (Escola Naval 2019) Mark the correct option to complete
Adding to the adolescent shift in circadian rhythm are the text below.
myriad electronic distractions that cut further into sleep time, When Debbie Carr collapsed unconscious on the floor
like smartphones, iPods, computers and televisions. A stream after an epileptic fit, ________ son might easily have
of text messages, tweets, and postings on Facebook and panicked. But the youngster showed the kind of coolness in
Instagram keep many awake long into the night. a crisis - and conversational skill - that was way beyond
Parents should consider instituting an electronic curfew and ________ years.
perhaps even forbid sleep-distracting devices in the bedroom, ________ picked up the phone, dialled 999 and gave the
Dr . Owens said. Beyond the bedroom, many teenagers lead operator ________ full name, _________ mother's name
overscheduled lives that can lead to short nights. and the number of the house and the street where
Also at risk are many teenagers from low-income and ________, lived. An ambulance was duly dispatched to
minority families, where overcrowding, excessive noise and Whinfield Terrace in Rowlands Gill, near Gateshead, Tyne
safety concerns can make it difficult to get enough restful and Wear.
sleep, the academy statement said. Trying to compensate for The operator kept ________ on the line until for around
sleep deprivation on weekends can further compromise an half an hour, awaiting the arrival of the ambulance.
adolescent's sleep-wake cycle by inducing permanent jet lag. (Adapted from:
Sleeping late on weekends shifts their internal clock, making it <https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-21322/The-
even harder to get to sleep Sunday night and wake up on time boy-saved-mothers-life.html>)
for school Monday morning. a) his / her / She / her / her / she / his
(Adapted and abridged from http://www.nytimes.com) b) hers / him / She / him / him / he / his
c) her / his / He / her / his / he / her
d) hers / him / She / him / her / they / him

e) her / his / He / his / his / they / him fair, nor efficient, for students to move through education with
Texto para a questão 31 limited views of both the amplitude of the labour market and
Career confusion in the 21st century: challenges and their own potential.
opportunities 31) (Escola Naval 2020) The word "their", in "[ ... ] with I
[1] The time and energy that teenagers dedicate to learning imited views of both the amplitude of the labour market
and the fields of study they choose profoundly shape the and their own potential." (paragraph 6), refers to:
opportunities they will have during their whole lives. Their a) working class kids.
dreams and aspirations do not just depend on their talents, but b) complex lives.
they can be highly influenced by their personal background as c) career aspirations.
well as by the depth and extent of their knowledge about the d) students.
world of work. ln summary, students cannot be what they e) results from PISA.
cannot see. 32) (CESGRANRIO 1993) Mark the option which completes
[2] With young people staying in education longe than ever the following sentences with the adequate pronouns:
and the labour market automating with unprecedented speed, I. Businessmen have __________ own priorities.
students need help to make sense of the world of work. ln II. Everyone must feel happy with __________ working
2018, the OECD Programme for International Student habits.
Assessment (PISA), the world's largest dataset on young III. Working from home allows a mother to spend more time
people's educational experiences, collected first-of-its kind data with __________ children.
on this, making it possible to explore how much the career IV. If you have never tried to work at home, you cannot
discuss __________ disadvantages.
dreams o young people have changed over the past 20 years,
a) I. his, II. their, III. her, IV. their
how closely they are related to actual labour demand, and how
b) I. their, II. its, III. their, IV. its
closely aspirations are shaped by social background
c) I. their, II. his, III. her, IV. its
and gender.
d) I. its, II. your, III. its, IV. their
[3] Studies in Australia, the United Kingdom and the
e) I. his, II. his, III. their, IV. your
United States show that teenagers who combine part-time
33) (EsFCEx 2016) Choose the alternative that correctly
employment with full-time education do better in their school-
completes the sentences according to the right use of
to-work transitions. The positive benefits include lower
probabilities of being unemployed or NEET (Not in
Dear friend, thanks for _____email. It is so nice to hear
Education1 Employment or Training), higher waçes, and others
from ______. Let _____tell you ______news, even though
(see Box 1). However, the benefits cannot be taken for granted
______are much more interesting.
and some experiences in different countries have demonstrated
a) your - you - me - my – yours
that governments and schools can better support young people
b) yours - you - I - mine – your
as they prepare themselves for working life.
c) you - yours - my - his – they
[4] Schools may provide programmes of career
d) my - me - mine - my – you
development activities, particularly those that include
e) yours - I - I - mine – theirs
workplace experience. Experience of the world of work
challenges young people to understand what it means to be
personally effective in different workplaces while providing a
unique opportunity to develop social networks of value.
Through exposure to the people who do different jobs, young
people have the chance to challenge genderN and class-based
stereotyping and expand their aspirations, easing ultimate entry
into the labour market (see Box 2).
[5] However, in recent years, analyses of career preparation
have focused on the challenge of misalignment: where the
educational plans of young people are out of kilter with their
occupational expectations. When young people underestimate
the education required to fulfil their dreams, they can expect to
find their early working lives more difficult than would be
expected. Of particular concern is that most young people
whose aspirations are misaligned with their education come
from disadvantaged backgrounds. Consequently, it is now clear
that career guidance serves an important service in dealing with
[6] Results from PISA show that the career aspirations of
young people are no simple reflection of teenage academic
ability. Rather, they reflect complex lives. Analyses show that
the children of more advantaged families are more likely to
want to go on to university than working class kids. Similarly,
career thinking is often determined by gender and immigrant
background as well as socioeconomic status. Disadvantaged
young people are at clear risk of career confusion. lt is neither

1) A
2) A
3) A
4) E
5) D
6) A
7) C
8) A
9) D
10) D
11) A
12) A
13) A
14) B
15) A
16) B
17) B
18) C
19) B
20) C
21) A
22) A
23) B
24) A
25) D
26) B
27) A
28) D
29) A
30) E
31) D
32) C
33) A

Reflexive Pronouns pilot named Antonella Ponzini. Her father, a rich
landowner, is said to be devastated at the loss of his only
1) (EEAr 2. 2017) The word “yourself” is a __________
a) personal a) area.
b) Italy.
b) reflexive
c) possessive c) cloud.
d) demonstrative d) biplane.
2) (EEAr 1. 2018) The word themselves, in bold in the text, 5) (EEAr BCT 2. 2020) Choose the right alternative to
refers to ____. complete the gap:
When “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” opens on Dec. Mr. Thompson’s secretary was ill yesterday, so he had to
18 and, for the first time in nearly a decade, moviegoers can type the document ________.
return to that galaxy of long ago and far, far away, they will a) him
find that it contains two new stars. The film, which is b) herself
directed by J. J. Abrams and continues the interstellar saga c) himself
of Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia and Han Solo some 30 d) yourself
6) (EEAr BCT 1. 2022) Choose the correct reflexive pronoun
years after the events of “Return of the Jedi” (1983), is also
to complete the following sentence.
a launching pad for two young actors who are barely half as
“The men formed __________ into a line”
old as the “Star Wars” franchise itself.
a) himself
Daisy Ridley, who plays a mysterious scavenger named
b) yourself
Rey, and John Boyega, who plays a disaffected
stormtrooper named Finn, are among the new heroes of c) yourselves
d) themselves
“The Force Awakens” and are bracing themselves for the
7) (AFA 2011) Observe the reflexive pronoun in italics
biggest roles of their careers.
(myself) and then read the sentences below.
a) Daisy Ridley and John Boyega
b) Princess Leia and Han Solo I. Just help yourself, won’t you?
c) The Force Awakens II. I hope the children behave themselves.
d) roles and careers III. The chef himself welcomes the customers to the
3) (EEAr 2. 2020) The words in bold are, respectively, restaurant.
_______________ pronouns. Considering the letters A (reflexive), B (emphatic) and C
What a Wonderful World (idiomatic), match the sentences to the letters and choose
Louis Armstrong the correct alternative.
I see trees of green, red roses too a) I (A) / II (A) / III (C)
I see them bloom for me and you b) I (C) / II (C) / III (B)
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world c) I (B) / II (A) / III (B)
I see skies of blue and clouds of white d) I (A) / II (B) / III (A)
Texto para a questão 8
The bright blessed days, the dark sacred night
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world
The colors of the rainbow, so pretty in the sky
Why are we fascinated by supervillains? Posing the
Are also on the faces of people going by
I see friends shaking hands, saying: How do you do? question is much like asking why evil itself intrigues us, but
there's much more to our continued interest in supervillains
They’re really saying: I love you!
than meets the eye.
I hear babies crying, I watch them grow
Not only do Lex Luthor, Dracula and the Red Skull run
They’ll learn much more, than I’ll never know
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world unconstrained by conventional morality, they exist outside the
Yes, I think to myself, what a wonderful world limits of reality itself. Their evil, even at its most realistic,
Adapted from: https://www.letras.mus.br/louis- retains a touch of the unreal.
armstrong/2211/ But is our fascination with fantastic fiends1 healthy? From a
psychological perspective, views vary on what drives our
a) object, reflexive, object, and personal
b) reflexive, object, personal, and reflexive enduring interest in superhuman bad guys.
c) reflexive, reflexive, object, and personal Shadow confrontation: Psychiatrist Carl Jung believed we
d) object, reflexive, personal, and personal need to confront and understand our own hidden nature to grow
4) (EEAr 2. 2022) The word itself, in bold in the text, refers as human beings. Healthy confrontation with our shadow
to selves can unearth new strengths (e.g., Bruce Wayne creating
Volcano eruption in Italy his Dark Knight persona to fight crime), whereas unhealthy
A volcano eruption in southern Italy caused chaos in the attempts at confrontation may involve dwelling on or
skies yesterday. The eruption produced a cloud of smoke unleashing the worst parts of ourselves.
that slowly spread itself over an area of thousands of square Wish fulfillment: Sigmund Freud viewed human nature as
kilometers. The excessive amount of ash particles in the inherently antisocial, biologically driven by the undisciplined
airspace caused a biplane to crash. The fine gray particles id's pleasure principle to get what we want when we want it –
got inside both engines and, all of a sudden, neither of them born to be bad but held back by society. Even if the psyche
were working. The crash had one fatal victim: a 21-year-old fully develops its ego (source of self-control) and superego
(conscience), Freudians say the id still dwells2 underneath, and

it wishes for many selfish things – so it would love to be c) [...] become heroic might twist the need for self-
supervillainous. assertion into destruction. (lines 68 and 69)
Hierarchy of needs: Humanistic psychologist Abraham d) [...] all characters assert themselves in any given story.
Maslow held that people who haven't met their most basic (line 70 - 71)
needs will have difficulty maturing. If starved for food, you're 9) (Escola Naval 2018) Which option best completes the
unlikely to feel secure. If starved for love and companionship, paragraph beiow?
you'll have trouble building self-esteem. People who dwell on "Waking up after a couple of hours may not be insomnia,"
their deficits may envy and resent others who have more than wrote Wehr. "It may be normal sleep." Ekirch added, "If
they do. Some people who are unable to overcome social people don't fight it, they'll find______falling asleep
shortcomings fantasize about obtaining any means, good or again after roughly one hour."
bad, to satisfy every need and greed. (https://amp.Iivescience.com)
Conditioning: Ivan Pavlov would say we can learn to a) They
associate supervillains with other things we value – like b) Their
entertainment, strength, freedom or the heroes themselves. c) Theirs
Behaviorist B.F. Skinner would likely argue that we can find it d) Them
reinforcing to watch or read about supervillains, but without e) themselves
knowing what's reinforcing about them, that's a bit like saying 10) (EEAr 2012) Fill in the blank, in the extract, with the
it's rewarding because it's rewarding. appropriate reflexive pronoun.
Our Motivations for Seeking Out Supervillains Every week, millions of dollars are spent, and won, on the
Throughout history, humans have been captivated by lottery tickets. The jackpot in many lotteries can be as much
stories of heroes facing off against superhuman foes3. But what as 100 million, and winners suddenly find ________ with
specific rewards, needs, wishes and dark dreams do more money than ever before.
supervillains satisfy? (Active- Skills for reading)
Freedom: Superpowered characters enjoy freedoms the rest GLOSSARY
of us don't. Nobody can arrest Superman unless he lets them (at jackpot – aposta total , prêmio
least not without kryptonite handcuffs). As much time as a) themselves
supervillains spend locked up, they seem to escape as often as b) ourselves
they please, to run unconstrained by rules and regulations. c) yourself
Cosplayers who dress like Wonder Woman and Captain d) himself
America can't do any crazy thing that crosses their minds 11) (EEAr 2015) Fill in the blank, in the text, with the
without seeming to mock and insult our heroes, whereas those appropriate reflexive pronoun.
dressed as villains get to go wild. Supervillainy feels liberating. “Miss Emlyn read us some of it. I asked Mummy to read
Power: Maybe you envy the power these evil characters some more. I liked it. It has a wonderful sound. A brave
wield4. While that's also a reason to adore superheroes, good new world. There isn’t anything really like that, is there?”
guys don't ache to dominate. Stories like Watchmen and “You don’t believe in it?”
Kingdom Come show how heroes become menaces5 when they “Do you?”
try to take over. So when dreaming of superpowers, maybe you “There is always a brave new world”, said Poirot, “but
relate to characters who dream of power as well, from the only, you know, for very special people. The lucky ones.
Scarecrow (who controls individuals' fears) to Doctor Doom The ones who carry the making of that world within
(who's perpetually out to dominate the world). ________.”
Better villain than victim: Physiologically, anger activates (Adapted from Agatha Christie, Hallowe’en Party)
us and feels better than anxiety or fear. One who feels a) yourselves
victimized and cannot figure out constructive ways to stand up, b) yourself
be strong or become heroic might twist the need for self- c) ourselves
assertion into destruction. Alternately, a healthy person simply d) themselves
might focus on how all characters assert themselves in any 12) (EEAr 2011) Fill in the blank with the appropriate
given story. reflexive pronoun:
(Adapted from https://www.wired.com/2012/07/why-do- The importance of faith
supervillains-fascinate-us/) According to the Princeton University study, having a
Glossary: spiritual life is the most important factor in the pursuit of
1. fiend – an evil and cruel person happiness. Going to church helps people to make new
2. to dwell – remain friends and deal better with day-to-day problems. Father
3. foe – an enemy Fábio de Melo believes that everyone can be happy, even
4. to wield – influence, use power when facing difficult problems. He also said, in a program
5. menace – threat aired on TV Canção Nova, that happiness also depends on
8) (AFA 2018) Mark the option in which the underlined word our choices. When we choose to do good and healthy things
makes it clear that the subject and the object are the same. for ______ and for the others, happiness increases.
a) [...] they exist outside the limits of reality itself. (lines 5 (Taken from Maganews # 58)
b) [...] like entertainment, strength, freedom or the heroes faith – fé
themselves. (lines 38) deal – lidar
aired – divulgado através de in the pursuit of – em busca de

a) itself d) myself
b) himself 18) (CONSESP 2017) Complete the sentence with the best
c) ourselves alternative.
d) themselves “That old machine cleans ________!”
13) (EEAr 2013) Choose the right alternative to have the blank a) theirself
filled in the letter: b) Itself
Dear Maggie, c) themself
My son just announced that he is going away to school. d) myself
Bobby is a good student, and I am very proud of him. 19) (CONSESP 2017) Mark the best alternative to complete
Any college would be lucky to have him! the blank.
My only concern is that he’s never lived away from home “Phoebe hurt ______ last game, then, she might not play
before. Will he be able to take care of _______? tomorrow.”
What if there’s an emergency? a) herself
Give me some advice so that I can relax! b) herselves
Doubtful Dad c) themselves
a) itself d) herselfie
b) herself 20) (VUNESP 2019) One of Benjamin Franklin’s sayings
c) himself states that “God helps those who help themselves”. Another
d) yourself popular saying in English with the correct use of a reflexive
14) (PUC 1997) Fill in the blanks of the text below with the pronoun is found in alternative
appropriate pronouns: a) A house divided against herself cannot stand.
Dear Debbie, b) Do unto others as you would do to themselves.
How are you? Lisa and I are having a marvelous holiday. c) Take care of the pennies and the dollars will take care of
We are really enjoying __________. We brought three themselves.
tubes of suntan cream with __________ and we've used d) Some men are born mediocre, some men achieve
__________ all up already. Lisa is a bit annoyed because mediocrity, and some men, have mediocrity thrust upon
her suntan isn't as good as __________. himself.
a) ourselves – we – them – mine e) Nothing succeeds like success himself.
b) ourselves – us – them – mine 21) (IBADE 2018) Choose the sentence in which the reflexive
c) us – us – they – my pronoun is used correctly.
d) us – we – themselves – mine a) All the students should challenge yourselves.
e) ourselves – ourselves – they – my b) John burnt yourself while he was cooking.
15) (Quadrix 2021) Choose the alternative that presents a c) The students asked ourselves questions about the text.
reflexive pronoun. d) Mary looked at herself in the mirror.
a) “to find a balance between their work and life” (lines 2 e) Peter always cuts yourself whenever he cooks.
and 3) 22) (NUCEPE 2019) Concerning the use of reflexive
b) “They need to work” (lines 4 and 5) pronouns, the option that provides the suitable pronouns
c) “some major bug in their application” (lines 6 and 7) that complete the sentences below, respectively
d) “They stretch themselves” (line 7) 1. Carol can’t wash ________ if she doesn’t have any
e) “balance between your career and your personal life” water.
(lines 16 and 17) 2. The children____________ built the doghouse.
16) (Alternative Concursos 2021) Complete the sentences 3. The boy cut _________ with a knife last night
with one of the words in the brackets: a) herself / himself / himself.
a) _____ house is at 667, Great Avenue. [My – Mine –Me] b) herself / themselves / himself.
b) His house is near ________. [my – mine – me] c) themselves / himself / herself.
c) I want to see him. Call ______when he arrives. [my – d) ourselves/ themselves / himself.
mine – me] e) herself / themselves / myself.
d) Girls, don't limit _______________. [herself – 23) (IBFC 2013) The word “itself" refers to:
yourselves – themselves] “It seems that American patriotism measures itself against
e) John and Mary has a new car. ______car is a Volvo. an outcast group. The right Americans are the right
[Their – Its – Theirs] Americans because they're not like the wrong Americans,
Respectively, the correct order is: who are not really Americans". Eric Hobsbawm
a) Mine- mine- me- themselves- Theirs a) Americans.
b) My- my- me- herself- Their
b) American patriotism.
c) My- mine- me- yourselves- Their
d) Mine- mine- me- yourselves- Theirs c) Outcast group.
e) My- my- me- yourselves- Its d) Against.
17) (CONSESP 2017) Complete the sentence with the best 24) (ACAPLAM 2010) To understand your parents` love you
alternative. must raise children _____.
“That old machine cleans ________!” a) yourself
a) Theirself b) themselves
b) Itself c) myself
c) themself d) itself

e) ourselves 32) (VPNE) Here is some money. Go and buy __________
25) (FGR 2018) Mark the CORRECT alternative according to some decent clothes.
the correct grammar use of the Pronouns: a) myself
I. She always does ______________ homework. b) herself
II. Henry never talks to _______________. c) themselves
III. The baby can‟t feed ________________. d) himself
IV. Paulo and you love _________________ teachers e) yourself
a) my / his / they / we
b) she / him / themself / us
c) hers / he / him / yours
d) her / them / himself / your
26) (CESGRANRIO 2008) The item “themselves” (line 27)
refers to
For their new approach, the UMass researchers rapidly
heated cellulose in the presence of solid catalysts, materials
that speed up reactions without sacrificing themselves in
the process. They then rapidly cooled the products to create
a liquid that contains many of the compounds found in
gasoline. The entire process was completed in less than two
minutes using relatively moderate amounts of heat.
a) “researchers” (line 24).
b) “materials” (line 26).
c) “reactions” (line 26).
d) “compounds” (line 29).
e) “amounts” (line 31).
27) (VPNE) People should know about __________.
a) yourself
b) herself
c) himself
d) themselves
e) yourselves
28) (VPNE) Assinale a alternativa correta para preencher o
espaço na sentença a seguir:
Mr. Dean's secretary was ill yesterday, so he had to type the
letters __________.
a) yourself
b) themself
c) himself
d) herself
e) itself
29) (VPNE) The pronoun themselves in the sentence “the
things themselves had existed from the beginning of the
world” is used:
a) as the complement to the verb "had existed".
b) to emphasize the subject of the verb "had existed".
c) in relation to people taken in general.
d) to specify which things are arranged.
e) as a personal pronoun.
30) (VPNE) Assinale a alternativa correta:
I took my husband to the airport __________.
a) himself
b) oneself
c) myself
d) herself
e) yourself
31) (VPNE) You can do that __________.
a) myself
b) himself
c) herself
d) yourself
e) ourselves

1) B
2) A
3) A
4) C
5) C
6) D
7) B
8) D
9) E
10) A
11) D
12) C
13) C
14) B
15) D
16) C
17) B
18) B
19) A
20) C
21) D
22) B
23) B
24) A
25) D
26) B
27) D
28) C
29) B
30) C
31) D
32) E

Relative Pronouns a) which
b) where
1) (EPCAR 2021) The underlined word in the passage “No
c) when
social media site can give a kid the sense of relatedness,
d) who
safety, and warmth that comes from an adult who loves that
6) (EEAr 2. 2017) Economic crisis increases consumption of
child unconditionally just the way they are, no matter what,
rice and beans in Brazil
and takes the time to tell them so” can be replaced by
The economic crisis is making the Brazilian consumer
a) whose.
exchange meat for the traditional dish of rice and beans.
b) which.
High unemployment and falling incomes, together with the
c) what.
low prices of these products, caused by good harvest, are
d) that.
responsible for the increase in demand, __________ will be
2) (EPCAR 2022) The word in bold can be omitted in:
15% to 20% this month, compared to the prediction for the
a) Active skaters used to enter the Elfstedentocht, an
year. The average consumption per capita is around 3, 5
iconic ice-skating race covering 200km that passes
kilos of rice and 1, 5 kilo of beans.
through 11 cities in the northern province Friesland.
Fonte: Folha de São Paulo – Internacional -10/05/2017
b) People make their own Christmas decorations, including
a star-shaped lantern, called a parol that they hang in
harvest = colheita
windows and streets for the entire festive season.
average consumption = consumo médio
c) "A few days before Christmas, we were still helping
Choose the alternative that best completes the blank in the
clean up the mud that had flooded the houses”, says
Jonelle Tan.
d) Goiás is home to the Cerrado, a vast wooded savannah a) who
b) which
that contains thousands of rare species.
c) whom
3) (EPCAR 2022) Mark the only alternative that the
d) whose
underlined word can be replaced by THAT.
7) (EEAr 1. 2018) – Choose the best alternative to complete
a) “BBC Future speaks to three young people who share
the text
their Christmas stories”.
When “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” opens on Dec.
b) “In the Netherlands, where I grew up, a popular
18 and, for the first time in nearly a decade, moviegoers can
tradition around Christmas is to put on your skates”.
return to that galaxy of long ago and far, far away, they will
c) “It is hit on average by more than 20 typhoons each
find that it contains two new stars. The film,
year, which cause severe flooding and large-scale
________________ is directed by J. J. Abrams and
continues the interstellar saga of Luke Skywalker, Princess
d) "Christmas is a celebration of what we've suffered that
Leia and Han Solo some 30 years after the events of
year, together as a community".
“Return of the Jedi” (1983), is also a launching pad for two
4) (EEAr 2. 2016) Choose the word to have the text
young actors who are barely half as old as the “Star Wars”
franchise itself.
Another plane returns to Guarulhos airport
Daisy Ridley, who plays a mysterious scavenger named
For the second day consecutive, an airplane had to return to
Rey, and John Boyega, who plays a disaffected
Guarulhos airport, after being hit by birds.
stormtrooper named Finn, are among the new heroes of
The incident happened on Wednesday (27) with a Boeing
“The Force Awakens” and are bracing themselves for the
737- 800 belonging to the airline Gol _____ took off for
biggest roles of their careers.
Fortaleza. The bird entered one of the two motors, causing
serious troubles. Because of the problem, the plane returned
a) whose
to Guarulhos almost two hours after taking off. The aircraft
b) which
had to use fuel to land with less weight.
c) where
a) Which
d) who
b) whom
8) (EEAr BCT 1. 2016) Choose the alternative that contains
c) whose
the right use of the relative pronoun, in order to write the
d) who
two sentences below as a single sentence:
5) (EEAr 1. 2017) Can you be too old to donate blood?
That is the teacher. I spoke to her about my grades.
In general, you can never be too old to donate blood.
a) That is the teacher to whom I spoke to about my grades
Though you can be too young or too thin.
b) That is the teacher to who I spoke to about my grades.
The American Association of Blood Banks used to bar
c) That is the teacher to whom I spoke about my grades.
people over 65 from donating blood, but it scrapped the rule
d) That is the teacher who I spoke about my grades.
in 1978 after studies found that older people _____ stored
9) (EEAr BCT 1. 2017) Fill in the blank with the correct
their own blood prior to surgery did well, said Dr. Steven
Kleinman, the association’s senior medical adviser. Now
“An archeologist is a man_____ work is the study of
most blood banks are happy to accept blood from older
ancient things.”
a) whose
Adapted from: http://well.blogs.nytimes.com
b) which
Choose the best alternative to complete the blank in the text
c) how
(line 5).
d) who

10) (EEAr BCT 2. 2017) The best alternative to complete the on the planet, according to the Ministry of Science and
text is: Technology and Innovation. Researchers at the base also
JetBlue ... The crisis? Never heard of it… study marine life and the atmosphere.
The domestic air transport market in the USA must Adaptado de http://articles.cnn.com, consulta em
seem highly unstable to newcomers, including low-cost 26/02/2012
carriers. Of the 82 airlines formed in ten years ______ a) station.
followed deregulation in 1978, only two have survived - b) researchers.
America West and Mid-west Express. Statistics show that c) home.
three-quarters of all projects never even get off the ground d) studies.
and that most of the others crash in less than five years. e) Ministry of Science and Technology and Innovation.
Paradoxically, Southwest Airlines, the No.1 success Texto para a questão 13
story in the US air transport today, was founded before Children experience basic training and mock deployment
deregulation (in 1972), though it did take advantage of it. The 460th Force Support Squadron (FSS) hosted the 6th
Many of those who tried to imitate the Southwest model Annual Operation Future Forces (OFF) Sept. 13, 2014, at
came to grief. Not JetBlue, ______ just four years after it Camp Rattlesnake. OFF allows children ages 8-18 to
was formed is continuing to grow at a spectacular rate. experience what military members endure from basic training
Fonte: Revista Planet Aero-Space to technical school to a mock deployment, ending with a
GLOSSARY homecoming party.
come to grief – falir “The youth mock deployment was developed to alleviate
deregulation – desregulamentação many of the stresses commonly experienced by young family
a) that / how members when one or both parents are deployed,” said Thomas
b) when / that Cox, 460th FSS youth program chief. “Everything from basic
c) that / which training, tech schools, camp activities and accomplishing their
d) which / When mission as a team made the event a one of a kind opportunity
11) (EEAr BCT 1. 2019) Fill in the blank with the correct for military kids.”
relative pronoun. A few of the boys had their heads shaved before heading
The cabin crew battled to save the passenger off to “Basic Military Training.” The training consisted of
Ben Graham doing push-ups and sit-ups, jumping through hula-hoops and
Shocked passengers watched as doctors and cabin crew running through an inflatable castle. They were also taught
tried to save the life of a critically ill passenger on a Qantas how to stand at attention, salute and do an about-face.
flight to Sidney on Friday. After basic training, each child attended “technical school”
A Qantas spokeswoman confirmed that the passenger and was taught a specific Air Force Specialty Code to help
________ received tratment during the medical emergency them in their mock deployment. Some children were taught
couldn’t survive. lifesaving self-aid and buddy care skills while others learned
The flight from London, via Singapore, was forced to about the importance of radio communications while on a
land in Adelaide because of the incident. No passengers got deployment.
off the flight while it was in Adelaide. The tech-school graduates were then issued water pistols
A witness on board told that everything started with a before heading out. During their deployment, the children
cabin announcement asking for any doctors on board. There encountered hostile and non-hostile citizens, a water-balloon
were two passengers with medical training, but nothing fight and injured allies who needed help along the way.
could be done to save the passenger. The crew did Adapted from
everything they could, including performing CPR with a http://www.buckley.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123424927
doctor on board, but unfortunately the passenger has passed 13) (EsPCEx 2015) In the sentence “During their deployment,
away. the children encountered hostile and non-hostile citizens, a
Adapted from nypost.com water-balloon fight and injured allies who needed help
a) who along the way.” (paragraph 5), the words their and who
b) what respectively refer to
c) which a) the children and citizens.
d) whose b) water pistols and injured allies.
12) (EsPCEx 2012) In the sentence “The station is home to c) the children and injured allies.
researchers who conduct studies...”, the word who refers to d) deployment and non-hostile citizens.
Fire at Antarctica station kills 2 Brazilian sailors e) graduates and a water-balloon fight.
Two Brazilian sailors died and one was injured Saturday Texto para a questão 14
after a fire broke out at a naval research station in Discovery of unexploded bomb in German financial capital
Antarctica, authorities reported. The fire occurred at the forces evacuation.
Comandante Ferraz Station on King George Island, said German explosives experts defused a massive Second World
Adm. Julio Soares de Moura Neto, commander of the War bomb in the financial capital of Frankfurt on Sunday after
Brazilian Navy. The three sailors were trying to extinguish tens of thousands of people evacuated their homes.
a fire that broke out in the engine room of the facility. About 60,000 people were ordered to leave in what was
Brazilian military police are investigating the cause. The Germany’s biggest evacuation since the war, with more than
station is home to researchers who conduct studies on the 1,000 emergency service workers helping to clear the area
effects of climate change in Antarctica and its implications around the bomb, which was discovered on a building site last

week. Police set up cordons around the evacuation area, which b) the projects and food aid.
covered a radius of just under a mile (1.5km), as residents c) the communities and food aid.
dragged suitcases with them and many families left by bicycle. d) self-sufficiency and the communities.
The fire service said the evacuation of two hospitals, e) the communities and the projects.
including premature babies and patients in intensive care, had 16) (EsPCEx 2022) In the sentence “...whose massive ‘I was
been completed and they were helping about 500 elderly there’ coverage of D-Day…” (paragraph 1), the word
people to leave residences and care homes. whose refers to
More than 2,000 tonnes of live bombs and munitions are The father of modern literary journalism is Cornelius
found each year in Germany, even under buildings. In July, a Ryan, whose massive “I was there” coverage of D-Day and
kindergarten was evacuated after teachers discovered an its aftermath led to two incredible books and movies, The
unexploded Second World War bomb on a shelf among some Longest Day and A Bridge Too Far. He was an unlikely
toys. British and American warplanes pummelled Germany war correspondent.
with 1.5 million tonnes of bombs that killed 600,000 people. a) literary journalism.
Officials estimate that 15% of the bombs failed to explode. b) D-Day.
Frankfurt police said they rang every doorbell and used c) journalism.
helicopters with heat-sensing cameras to make sure nobody d) Cornelius Ryan.
was left behind before they began defusing the bomb on e) books and movies.
Sunday. 17) (AFA 2012) All the options below complete the boldfaced
Adapted from https://www.theguardian.com/world/ sentence. Mark the one in which the Relative Pronoun is
14) (EsPCEx 2018) Choose the alternative with the correct INCORRECTLY used.
reference for the underlined words from the text. When Brazilian Aviation School was founded,
a) their (paragraph 1) = experts. a) both the Brazilian Army and the Navy, which had their
b) which (paragraph 2) = the area. own air arms, used to have military missions.
c) them (paragraph 2) = suitcases. b) Rio de Janeiro was the place where this school was
d) they (paragraph 3) = the fire service. located.
e) that (paragraph 4) = warplanes. c) there were two French aircrafts who were available to
15) (EsPCEx 2020) In the sentence “The projects focus on the instructions of the students.
developing self-sufficiency of the communities in which d) it provided instructions that were similar to the best
they are based.” (paragraph 3), the words in which and European schools.
they consecutively refer to 18) (AFA 2012) The relative pronoun THAT can be omitted in
OXFAM AMERICA all the sentences below, EXCEPT
Oxfam stands for the Oxford Committee for Famine a) The collective evidence from a number of such studies
Relief. It was started in Oxford, England in 1942 in suggests that the bilingual experience improves the
response to the European famine-related issues resulting brain’s so-called executive function. (lines 40 – 43)
from the Second World War. Ten other countries b) [...] the bilingual advantage was centered primarily in
worldwide, including the United States and Australia, have ability for inhibition that was improved by the exercise
started chapters of Oxfam. They make up what is known as of suppressing one language system. (lines 52 – 55)
Oxfam International. c) [...] there is reason to believe that it may also apply to
Oxfam America is dedicated to creating lasting those who learn a second language later in life. (lines 64
solutions to hunger, poverty, and social injustice through – 66) [...]
long-term partnerships with poor communities around the d) But who would have imagined that the words we hear
world. As a privately funded organization, we can speak and the sentences we speak might be leaving such a
with conviction and integrity as we challenge the structural deep imprint? (lines 90 – 93)
barriers that foster conflict and human suffering and limit 19) (AFA 2014) In the sentence “Hans Moravec was a futurist
people from gaining the skills, resources, and power to who pointed out that machine technology copied a savant
become self-sufficient. infant [...]” the pronoun “who” can be replaced, with no
Oxfam implements various global projects that target change in meaning, by
areas particularly affected by hunger. The projects focus on a) which.
developing self-sufficiency of the communities in which b) whose.
they are based, as opposed to merely providing relief in the c) what.
form of food aid. Oxfam’s projects operate on the d) that.
communal level, and are developed by evaluating issues 20) (AFA 2015) In the sentence “there is a number of theories
causing poverty and hunger in the community and that attempt to explain the link” (lines 84-85), it is possible
subsequently the possible infrastructure that could end to find an option to substitute the pronoun accordingly in
hunger and foster the attainment of self-sufficiency. a) when.
Examples of projects in which Oxfam America has been or b) how.
is involved range from a women’s literacy program in India c) whom.
d) which.
to providing microloans and agriculture education programs
for small-scale organic farmers in California.
Adapted from
a) Oxfam and the projects.

21) (AFA 2016) In the sentence “there was a single kind that d) Earth.
could be measured by standardized tests” (lines 07 and 08), 24) (EFOMM 2013) In which sentence below can you leave
it is possible to find an option to substitute the pronoun out the relative pronoun?
accordingly in a) Last week I met some people who were born in the
a) when. USA.
b) which. b) The film which we saw yesterday was very interesting.
c) how. c) That’s the restaurant where Carol works.
d) whom. d) My sister, who is 31 years old, got married in July.
22) (AFA 2019) Mark the sentence in which “that” can e) I didn’t get what I wanted for my birthday.
correctly replace the pronoun. 25) (EFOMM 2014) Choose the alternative where the pronoun
a) Music therapy, which is a form of psychotherapy, can can correctly be omitted.
have positive effects (lines 33 to 35). a) Do Exercise 1, which is very easy.
b) A methodological form of assistance in which musical b) Have you read the letter which I sent you?
means are used (lines 49 and 50). c) She lives in a house which was built by her father.
c) For patients who have difficulties in expressing d) The man who gave me the book was the librarian.
emotions [...] (lines 61 and 62). e) These walls are all that remain of the city.
d) Patients often express the wish to become aware of 26) (EFOMM 2015) Say if the sentences below are C (correct)
themselves again (lines 118 to 120). or I (incorrect).
Texto para a questão 23 ( ) This is my sister Jane, whom you met last week.
The end of life on Earth? ( ) She remarried six months later, what surprised
It weighted about 10,000 tons, entered the atmosphere at a everyone.
speed of 64,000 km/h and exploded over a city with a blast of ( ) I visited Mr. Rogers, whose son I used to go to school
500 kilotons. But on 15 February 2013, we were lucky. The with.
metereorite that showered pieces of rock over Chelyabinsk, ( ) He doesn’t like the people with who he works.
Russia, was relatively small, at only about 17 metres wide. The correct sequence is:
Although many people were injured by falling glass, the a) (I) (C) (C) (I)
damage was nothing compared to what had happened in b) (C) (C) (I) (C)
Siberia nearly one hundred years ago, when a relatively small c) (C) (I) (C) (I)
object (approximately 50 metres in diameter) exploded in mid- d) (C) (I) (I) (C)
air over a forest region, flattening about 80 million trees. If it e) (I) (I) (I) (C)
had exploded over a city such as Moscow or London, millions 27) (Escola Naval 2011) Which sequence best completes the
of people would have been killed. text below?
By a strange coincidence, the same day that the meteorite Mr Stephens, _______ (1) recently defended WikiLeaks
terrified the people of Chelyabinsk, another 50m-wide asteroid boss Julian Assange, said the latest move has made a
passed relatively close to Earth. Scientists were expecting that mockery of celebrity super-injunctions. “It’s” becoming
visit and know that the asteroid will return to fly close by us in increasingly untenable _________ (2) super-injunctions can
2046, but the Russian meteorite earlier in the day had been too continue in the way they have, as there are so many people
small for anyone to spot. ________ (3) breaking the law and in contempto f court.
Most scientists agree that comets and asteroids pose the a) that - that – that
biggest natural threat to human existence. It was probably a b) who - which - who
large asteroid or comet colliding with Earth which wiped out c) that - what – that
the dinosaurs about 65 million years ago. An enormous object, d) whom - which – Ø
10 to 16 km in diameter, struck the Yucatan region in Mexico e) who - that – Ø
with the force of 100 megatons. That is the equivalent of one Texto para a questão 28
Hiroshima bomb for every person alive on Earth today. USING SENSORS TO PREDICT BREAKING GLASS
Many scientists, including the late Stephen Hawking, say Ever been walking down the street in a major city and
that any comet or asteroid greater than 20km in diameter that suddenly get the eerie feeling that something is not quite right
hits Earth will result in the complete destruction of complex above you? Some of the buildings around you will be designed
life, including all animals and most plants. As we have seen with lots of glass. Huge plates of the stuff. What might happen
even a much smaller asteroid can cause great damage. if that glass shattered and started falling all over you? This
The Earth has been kept fairly safe for the last 65 million happens more often than you might think. And with large glass
years by good fortune and the massive gravitational field of the façades becoming part of modern building design, it’s
planet Jupiter. Our cosmic guardian, with its stable circular becoming even more of a concern to architects, builders and
orbit far from the sun, sweeps up and scatters away most of the engineers.
dangerous comets and asteroids which might cross Earth’s Researches at the Fraunhofer Institute want to help by using
orbit. sensors to sound the alarm before the glass is already breaking
Taken from: http://learningenglishteens.britishcouncil.org – and falling. Four sensors are situated on the edge of the pane at
Access on 29/06/2020 a distance of one meter from each other. One sensor produces
23) (AFA 2020) “Which” (line 34) refers to an ultrasound wave that is registered by the others. If the
a) the sun. signal remains constant, the pane is not defective. If it changes,
b) comets and asteroids. this indicates a fissure, which most often emanates from the
c) cosmic guardian. edge of the pane and is initially invisible. It is only as time goes

by that it gets larger due to various factors, like fluctuations in 30) (Escola Naval 2018) Which is the correct option to
temperature. The information is relayed to the building control complete the film synopsis below?
systems and an alarm goes off. Hacksaw Ridge
The modules are also equipped to with light and Desmond Doss,______endured a troubled childhood
temperature sensors that can instruct the building control in rural Virginia, enlists in the army. After Desmond's
system to lower shades to prevent the building from getting too desire to serve as an unarmed medic is approved by
hot. military officials, he is sent to the Pacific arena,______he
(Adapted from: http://news.discovery.com) saves dozens of lives during the Battle of Okinawa.
28) (Escola Naval 2011) Which alternative below (Adapted from http://oscar.go.com/nomÍnees/best-
is CORRECT, based -on the text above? picture/hacksaw-ridge)
a) The word "stuff" (line 4) refers to "glass". a) which / that
b) The word "others" (line 13) refers "acoustic signals". b) who / where
c) The word "it" (line 14) refers to "the pane". c) what / when
d) The word "which" (line 15) refers to "defective". d) that / which
e) The word "that" (line 21) refers to "modules". e) whose / who
Texto para a questão 29 Texto para a questão 31
Genetically Modified Foods, Pros and Cons. Sleeping longer than 6.5 hours a night associated with
Genetically modified foods (GMs)are becoming cognitive decline according to research - what's really going
increasingly coirtmon in many countries. However, before one on here?
opts for any of these foods, it is very important to know November 5, 2021
about their pros and cons. A good night's sleep is important for many reasons. lt helps
There are a variety of reasons for developing GMs. For our body repair itself and function as it should, and is linked to
instance, some foods are genetically modified to prevent the better mental health and lower risk of many health conditions -
occurrence of allergies after consumption, while some are including heart disease and diabetes. lt has also been shown
developed to improve their shelf life. that not getting enough sleep is linked to cognitive decline and
Though the seeds of GMs are quite expensive, their cost of conditions such as Alzheimer's disease.
production is said to be lesser than that of the traditional crops However, more is not always better, as one recent study
for these foods do have natural resistance towards damaging found. Researchers from the Washington University School of
pests and insects. This reduces the necessity of exposing crops Medicine have published a paper that indicates that just like
to hazardous Chemicals. It is also said that GMs grow faster. getting too little sleep, sleeping too much may also be linked
Due to this, productivity increases, providing the population with cognitive decline.
with more food. At times, GMs crops can be grown at places The research team wanted to know how much sleep was
with unfavorable climatic conditions whereas a normal crop linked to cognitive impairment over time. To do this, they
can grow only in specific season or under some favorable looked at 100 older adults in their mid-to-late-70s, and tracked
climatic conditions. them for between four and five years. At the time of their
The biggest threat caused by GMs is that they can have study, 88 people did not show any signs of dementia, while 12
harmful effects on the human body. It is believed that they can showed signs of cognitive impairment (one with mild dementia
cause diseases which are immune to antibiotics. Moreover, and 11 with the pre-dementia stage of mild cognitive
according to some experts, people who consume such foods impairment).
have high chances of developing câncer. Besides, not much is Throughout the study, participants were asked to complete
known about their long-term effects on human beings. a range of commonplace cognitive and neuropsychological
In many countries, manufacturers do not mention on the tests to look for signs of cognitive decline or dementia. Their
labei that foods are genetically modified because they think scores from these tests were then combined into a single score,
that this would affect their business. However, this is not a called the Preclinical Alzheimer Cognitive Composite (PACC)
good practice as consumers do not get the chance to decide score. The higher the score, the better their cognition was over
whether they should really opt for these foods, Experts are of time.
the opinion that with the increase of genetically modified Sleep was measured using a single-electrode
foods, developing countries would start depending more on encephalography (EEG) device, which participants wore on
industrial countries because it is likely that the food production their forehead while sleeping, for a total of between four to six
would be controlled by them in the time to come. nights. This was done once, three years after people first
(Adapted from http://www.buzzle.com) completed their annual cognitive tests. This EEG allowed the
29) (Escola Naval 2012) Which alternat:ive below researchers to accurately measure brain activity, which would
is INCORRECT, basied on the above? tell them whether someone was asleep (and for how long), and
a) The word "their" modified foods". (line 4) refers to how restful that sleep was.
"Genetically modified foods". Sleep was only measured at one period during the study,
b) The word "their" (line 8) refers to "foods". but this still gave the research team a good indication of
c) The word "that" (line 10) refers "the cost of participants' normal sleep habits. While using an EEG to
production" measure brain activity may be somewhat disruptive to sleep on
d) The word "they" modified foods". (line 19) refers to the first night, as people get used to the equipment, sleep tends
"Genetically modified foods" to return to normal the following night. This means that when
e) The word "them" (line 33) refers to "developing sleep is tracked from the second night onwards, · it is a good
countries". representation of a person's normal sleep habits.

The researchers also took into account other factors that can c) “Until 1963, he worked as a research scientist for the
affect cognitive decline - including age, genetics and whether a Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, when he was
person had signs of lhe protein beta-amyloid or tau, which are invited …” (linhas 8 e 9) → research scientist
both linked to dementia. d) “he is fluent in five languages and he has worked out a
Overall, the researchers found that sleeping less than 4.5 new generative grammar which enables a computer to
hours and more than 6.5 hours a night - alongside poor quality construct …” (linhas 10 – 11) → five languages
sleep - was associated with cognitive decline over time. e) “He also publishes a monthly pro-science, pro-
lnterestingly, the impact of sleep duration on cognitive function technology, pro-free enterprise newsletter Access to
was similar to the effect of age, which is the greatest risk factor Energy, in which he promotes the viewpoint …” (linha
for developing cognitive decline. 23 - 25) → newsletter Access to Energy
(Adapted from https://theconversation.com/) 33) (ITA 2016) O termo whose em: “They’ll head home with
31) (Escola Naval 2022) What element does the pronoun golden contacts (investor cocktail hours were built into the
“which” reter to in the sentence "lnterestingly, the impact of packed schedule) and a commitment for up to $500,000 in
sleep duration on cognitive function was similar to the seed capital from Capria Accelerator, a first-of-its-kind
effect of age, which is the greatest risk factor for venture whose initial investors include Microsoft cofounder
developing cognitive decline."? (and world’s richest man) Bill Gates.”, refere-se a
a) lnterestingly. a) golden contacts.
b) Impact. b) a commitment.
c) Sleep duration. c) seed capital.
d) Cognitive function. d) Capria Accelerator.
e) Age. e) Bill Gates.
Texto para a questão 32 34) (ITA 2016) As palavras utilizadas como referentes aos
A HISTORY OF PI aplicativos são
The history of Pi, says the author, though a small part of the
history of mathematics, is nevertheless a mirror of the history
of man. Petr Beckmann holds up this mirror, giving the
background of the times when Pi made progress — and also
when it did not, because science was being stifled by
militarism or religious fanaticism. The mathematical level of
this book is flexible, and there is plenty for readers of all ages
and interests.
Petr Beckmann was born in Prague, Czechoslovakia, in
1924. Until 1963, he worked as a research scientist for the
Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, when he was invited as a
a) that, mine, it.
Visiting Professor to the University of Colorado, where he
b) it, even, mine.
decided to stay permanently as professor of electrical
c) that's, it, them.
d) that, me, mine.
Dr. Beckmann has authored 11 books and more than 50 e) them, that, it.
scientific papers, mostly on probability theory and Texto para a questão 35
electromagnetic wave propagation. History is one of his side GOODBYE THINGS, HELLO MINIMALISM: CAN
interests; another is linguistics (he is fluent in five languages LIVING WITH LESS MAKE YOU HAPPIER?
and he has worked out a new generative grammar which Fumio Sasaki owns a roll-up mattress, three shirts and four
enables a computer to construct trillions of grammatical pairs of socks. After deciding to scorn possessions, he began
sentences from a dictionary of less than 100 unprocessed feeling happier. He explains why.
words). Let me tell you a bit about myself. I’m 35 years old, male,
He also publishes a monthly pro-science, pro-technology, single, never been married. I work as an editor at a publishing
pro-free enterprise newsletter Access to Energy, in which he company. I recently moved from the Nakameguro
promotes the viewpoint that clean energy can be made neighbourhood in Tokyo, where I lived for a decade, to a
plentiful, but that access to it is blocked by government neighbourhood called Fudomae in a different part of town. The
interference and environmental paranoia. rent is cheaper, but the move pretty much wiped out my
BECKMANN, Petr. A History of Pi. New York: Barnes & savings.
Noble Books, 1983. Some of you may think that I’m a loser: an unmarried adult
32) (ITA 2013) Indique a alternativa que contém a referência with not much money. The old me would have been way too
correta para o termo sublinhado. embarrassed to admit all this. I was filled with useless pride.
a) “giving the background of the times when Pi made But I honestly don’t care about things like that any more. The
progress …” (linhas 3 e 4) → background reason is very simple: I’m perfectly happy just as I am. The
b) “Petr Beckmann holds up this mirror, giving the
reason? I got rid of most of my material possessions.
background of the times when Pi made progress — and
Minimalism is a lifestyle in which you reduce your
also when it did not …” (linhas 3 - 6) → mirror
possessions to the least possible. Living with only the bare
essentials has not only provided superficial benefits such as the

pleasure of a tidy room or the simple ease of cleaning, it has IV. …which of course I
also led to a more fundamental shift. It’s given me a chance to had never once … (linhas a fabulous antique câmera
think about what it really means to be happy. 53 e 54)
We think that the more we have, the happier we will be. We Estão corretas
never know what tomorrow might bring, so we collect and save a) I, II e III.
as much as we can. This means we need a lot of money, so we b) I e III.
gradually start judging people by how much money they have. c) I e IV.
You convince yourself that you need to make a lot of money so d) II, III e IV.
you don’t miss out on success. And for you to make money, e) todas.
you need everyone else to spend their money. And so it goes.
So I said goodbye to a lot of things, many of which I’d had
for years. And yet now I live each day with a happier spirit. I
feel more content now than I ever did in the past.
I wasn’t always a minimalist. I used to buy a lot of things,
believing that all those possessions would increase my self-
worth and lead to a happier life. I loved collecting a lot of
useless stuff, and I couldn’t throw anything away. I was a
natural hoarder of knick-knacks that I thought made me an
interesting person.
At the same time, though, I was always comparing myself
with other people who had more or better things, which often
made me miserable. I couldn’t focus on anything, and I was
always wasting time. Alcohol was my escape, and I didn’t treat
women fairly. I didn’t try to change; I thought this was all just
part of who I was, and I deserved to be unhappy.
My apartment wasn’t horribly messy; if my girlfriend was
coming over for the weekend, I could do enough tidying up to
make it look presentable. On a usual day, however, there were
books stacked everywhere because there wasn’t enough room
on my bookshelves. Most I had thumbed through once or
twice, thinking that I would read them when I had the time.
The closet was crammed with what used to be my favourite
clothes, most of which I’d only worn a few times. The room
was filled with all the things I’d taken up as hobbies and then
gotten tired of. A guitar and amplifier, covered with dust.
Conversational English workbooks I’d planned to study once I
had more free time. Even a fabulous antique camera, which of
course I had never once put a roll of film in.
It may sound as if I’m exaggerating when I say I started to
become a new person. Someone said to me: “All you did is
throw things away,” which is true. But by having fewer things
around, I’ve started feeling happier each day. I’m slowly
beginning to understand what happiness is.
If you are anything like I used to be – miserable, constantly
comparing yourself with others, or just believing your life
sucks – I think you should try saying goodbye to some of your
things. […] Everyone wants to be happy. But trying to buy
happiness only makes us happy for a little while.
35) (ITA 2017) As palavras sublinhadas nos excertos da coluna
I foram utilizadas tendo os referentes respectivamente
indicados na coluna II
Coluna I Coluna II
I. ...it has also led to a
living with only the bare
more fundamental shift.
(linhas 17 e 18)
II. …which often made
other people who had
me miserable. (linhas 37 e
more or better things
III. ...I would read them
when I had the time. my bookshelves
(linha 47)

1) D
2) B
3) A
4) A
5) D
6) B
7) B
8) C
9) A
10) C
11) A
12) B
13) C
14) D
15) C
16) D
17) E
18) B
19) D
20) D
21) B
22) C
23) B
24) B
25) B
26) A
27) E
28) A
29) E
30) B
31) E
32) E
33) D
34) A
35) C

Demonstrative Pronouns While Obama did not offer specifics, he suggested the task
force would examine an array of steps to curb gun violence and
1) (EEAr 1. 2020) Choose the alternative that best completes
prevent mass shootings, including legislative measures, mental
the dialogue:
Mary: Hi, ____ am Mary Smith. ___ am from the USA. health resources and a “look more closely at a culture that all-
too-often glorifies guns and violence”. “I will use all the
What’s your name?
powers of this office to help advance efforts aimed at
Paul: _____ name is Paul Thompson
Mary: Nice to meet you. _____ are you from? preventing more tragedies like this”, Obama said.
Paul: Nice to meet you, too. _____ am from London. And Obama made similar pronouncements following at least
who is ____ woman? four other mass shootings that marked his first term. But few
Mary: ____ is Jessica Lopez. ____ is from the USA too. policy changes were made. “This is not the first incident of
horrific gun violence of your four years. Where have you
a) She - She - Her - When - I - that - He - He
b) I - I - My - Where - I - that - She - She been?”, asked ABC News’ Jake Tapper. “I’ve been president
c) I - I - My - When - I - those - He - He of the United States, dealing with the worst economic crisis
d) I - I - I - Where - He - that - She - She since the Great Depression, an auto industry on the verge of
2) (EEAr 1. 2022) In the sentence “In their survey of 642 collapse, two wars. I don’t think I’ve been on vacation”,
college freshmen, those who measured their self-worth Obama responded.
against objective standards, such as getting good grades, Adaptado de http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/OTUS/president-
were actually more stressed...”, the word in bold refers to: obama - launches-gun-violence-task-
The best way to boost self-esteem force/story?id=18015694#UOA3AOTAdyw
Working hard to accomplish great things is a healthy 4) (EsPCEx 2013) In the sentence “The fact that this problem
way to pump your ego? Not necessarily, according to is complex can no longer be an excuse for doing
researchers at the University of Michigan. In their survey of nothing...”, this problem refers to
642 college freshmen, those who measured their self-worth a) task force.
b) economic crisis
against objective standards, such as getting good grades,
c) police recommendations.
were actually more stressed - and received no higher marks
d) an array of steps.
- than those who based how they felt themselves of their
e) gun violence.
relationships with others. That’s not to say that you
Texto para as questões 5
shouldn’t work hard; just don’t make it all about you.
Japan WW2 Soldier Who Refused to Surrender Dies
“Instead of focusing on whether you’re succeeding, ask
A Japanese soldier who refused to surrender after World
yourself, ‘What am I contributing to society? How will
War Two ended and spent 29 years in the jungle has died aged
people benefit from what I’m doing?’” suggests lead
91 in Tokyo. Hiroo Onoda remained in the jungle on Lubang
researcher Jennifer Crocker, Ph.D. “This takes the pressure
Island near Luzon, in the Philippines, until 1974 because he did
off you and guarantees that your work will always feel
not believe that the war had ended. He was finally persuaded to
emerge after his ageing former commanding officer was flown
a) college freshmen.
in to see him. Onoda was greeted as a hero on his return to
b) researchers.
c) good grades.
The young soldier had orders not to surrender - a command
d) standards.
he obeyed for nearly three decades. “I became an officer and I
3) (EEAr BCT 2. 2020) Complete the sentences with the right
received an order. If I could not carry it out, I would feel
demonstrative pronoun:
shame. I am very competitive”, he said. Three other soldiers
Who is ________ officer over there?
were with him at the end of the war. One emerged from the
a) this
jungle in 1950 and the other two died.
b) that
Mr Onoda ignored several attempts to get him to surrender.
c) these
d) those He later said that he dismissed search parties sent to him, and
Texto para a questão 4 leaflets dropped by Japan, because there was always something
President Obama Launches Gun-Violence Task Force suspicious, so he never believed that the war had really ended.
Though Onoda had been officially declared dead in December
Five days after deadliest elementary school shooting in U.S.
1959, search parties were sent out in 1972, when the last
history, President Obama said his administration plans
person from his group was killed by local police, but they did
immediate action early next year on proposals to curb an
not find him. Onoda was now alone.
“epidemic of gun violence”. At a morning news conference,
On February 20, 1974, a Japanese man, Norio Suzuki,
Obama announced the formation of a task force to be headed
found Onoda after four days of searching. They became
by Vice President Joe Biden that will formulate a package of
friends, but Onoda still refused to surrender, saying that he was
policy recommendations by January. “The fact that this
waiting for orders from a superior officer. Suzuki returned to
problem is complex can no longer be an excuse for doing
Japan with photographs of himself and Onoda as proof of their
nothing”, Obama said. “The fact that we can’t prevent every
act of violence doesn’t mean that we can’t steadily reduce the encounter, and the Japanese government located Onoda’s
commanding officer, Major Yoshimi Taniguchi. He flew to
violence and prevent the very worst violence.” The president
Lubang where on March 9, 1974, he finally met with Onoda
said he intends to push for implementation of the proposals
and rescinded his original orders in person.
“without delay”. “This is a team that has a very specific task to
The Philippine government granted him a pardon, although
pull together real reforms right now”, he said.
many in Lubang never forgave him for killing 30 people during

his campaign on the island. The news media reported on this Texto para a questão 7
and other misgivings, but at the same time welcomed his return Shipping industry faces new risks, says Allianz.
Adapted from http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-
25772192 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hiroo_Onoda
5) (EsPCEx 2014) In the sentence “The news media reported
on this and other misgivings...” (paragraph 5), this refers to
a) other misgivings.
b) killing 30 people.
c) so much attention.
d) the Philippine government.
e) original orders.
Texto para a questão 6
The end of life on Earth?
Increasing ship sizes, human error and the challenge of
It weighted about 10,000 tons, entered the atmosphere at a
shipping in arctic waters are among the biggest risks facing the
speed of 64,000 km/h and exploded over a city with a blast of
modern maritime industry, according to Allianz Global
500 kilotons. But on 15 February 2013, we were lucky. The
Corporate and Speciality.
metereorite that showered pieces of rock over Chelyabinsk,
The challenge of shipping in arctic waters is among the biggest
Russia, was relatively small, at only about 17 metres wide.
challenges facing the modern maritime industry, the report
Although many people were injured by falling glass, the
damage was nothing compared to what had happened in
Marking 100 years since the sinking of Titanic, the insurers
Siberia nearly one hundred years ago, when a relatively small
yesterday published a report which noted that, while the world
object (approximately 50 metres in diameter) exploded in mid-
commercial shipping fleet has trebled to over 100,000 vessels
air over a forest region, flattening about 80 million trees. If it
over that period, overall shipping loss rates have declined
had exploded over a city such as Moscow or London, millions
significantly. In 1912, they were one ship per 100 per year; in
of people would have been killed.
2009 they had fallen to one ship per 670 per year.
By a strange coincidence, the same day that the meteorite
Despite this, Safety and shipping 1912-2012: from Titanic to
terrified the people of Chelyabinsk, another 50m-wide asteroid
Costa Concordia, based on research from Cardiff University,
passed relatively close to Earth. Scientists were expecting that
said the industry faced several key challenges. These include
visit and know that the asteroid will return to fly close by us in
the growing trend to ‘super-size’ ships and cost pressures
2046, but the Russian meteorite earlier in the day had been too
which are forcing ship-owners to source crews from emerging
small for anyone to spot.
economies where training standards can be inconsistent.
Most scientists agree that comets and asteroids pose the
7) (EFOMM 2012) In lines 16-17: ‘Despite this, safety and
biggest natural threat to human existence. It was probably a shipping 1912-2012: from Titanic to Costa Concordia,
large asteroid or comet colliding with Earth which wiped out (…)’, the underlined word refers to:
the dinosaurs about 65 million years ago. An enormous object, a) The sinking of Titanic.
10 to 16 km in diameter, struck the Yucatan region in Mexico b) Maritime industry.
with the force of 100 megatons. That is the equivalent of one c) Commercial shipping fleet.
Hiroshima bomb for every person alive on Earth today. d) General shipping loss rate.
Many scientists, including the late Stephen Hawking, say e) Shipping in arctic waters.
that any comet or asteroid greater than 20km in diameter that Texto para as questões 8
hits Earth will result in the complete destruction of complex Too many third graders can’t read this sentence
life, including all animals and most plants. As we have seen 9 Feb. 2017- Editor's Picks
even a much smaller asteroid can cause great damage. Two-thirds of U.S. third graders face challenges that will
The Earth has been kept fairly safe for the last 65 million impact their future, including academic struggles that could
years by good fortune and the massive gravitational field of the lead to dimmer academic and career prospects. Sadly, only one
planet Jupiter. Our cosmic guardian, with its stable circular in three U.S. students demonstrates reading proficiency at the
orbit far from the sun, sweeps up and scatters away most of the end of third grade. This has alarming consequences
dangerous comets and asteroids which might cross Earth’s for these children, and for our country.
orbit. A report released today from the Business Roundtable
Taken from: http://learningenglishteens.britishcouncil.org – (BRT) sheds light on this troubling trend in American
Access on 29/06/2020 education, and advises business leaders on how they can help
6) (AFA 2020) In “scientists were expecting that visit” (line put more children on a path to success.
17), the underlined word has the same use as in (...)
a) the meteorite that showered pieces of rock (lines 3 and I’ve heard it said that before third grade, students are
4). learning to read, while after third grade, they’re reading to
b) the same day that the meteorite (line 13). learn. Grade three is a critical crossroads in a life's journey. If
c) that is the equivalent of one Hiroshima bomb (lines 23 you’ve read this far, then you understand why this is so
and 24). important. Not enough of our young learners can say the same.
d) any comet or asteroid [...] that hits Earth (lines 27 and

I encourage you to read the BRT report. As you read, please destruction of the fortifying lands where previous generations
consider ways to help our schools and our teachers keep played, the quality of indoor entertainment, the structuring of
students on paths to bright futures. children's time, the criminalisation of natural play. The great
(Adapted from https ://www.linkedin.com) indoors, as a result, has become a far more dangerous place
8) (Escola Naval 2017) By reading the text, we CANNOT than the diminished world beyond.
state that the pronoun [7] The rise of obesity and asthma and the decline in cardio-
a) “their” in “Two-thirds of U.S. third graders face respiratory fitness are well documented. Louv also links the
challenges that will impact their future...” refers to indoor life to an increase in attention deficit hyperactivity
"Two-thirds of U.S. third graders”. disorder and other mental ill health. Research conducted at the
b) "these" in "This has alarming consequences University of Illinois suggests that playing among trees and
for these children...” refers to “only one in three U.S. grass is associated with a marked reduction in indications of
students”. ADHD, while playing indoors appears to increase them. The
c) “they” in “...how they can help put more children on a disorder, Louv suggests, "may be a set of symptoms aggravated
path to success.” refers to “business leaders". by lack of exposure to nature". Perhaps it's the environment,
d) “they" in “...while after third grade, they’re reading to not the child, that has gone wrong.
learn.” refers to “students”. [8] In her famous essay the Ecology of Imagination in
e) "you” in “I encourage you to read the BRT report.” Childhood, Edith Cobb proposed that contact with nature
refers to the reader. stimulates creativity. Reviewing the biographies of 300
Texto para a questão 9 "geniuses", she exposed a common theme: intense experiences
If children lose contact with nature they won't fight for it of the natural world in the middle age of childhood (between
[1] According to recent research, even if the present rate of five and 12). Animals and plants, she argued, are among "the
global decarbonisation were to double, we would still be on figures of speech in the rhetoric of play... which the genius, in
course for 6°C of warming by the end of the century. Limiting particular of later life, seems to remember".
the rise to 2°C, which is the target of current policies, requires [9] Studies in several nations show that children's games are
a six-time reduction in carbon intensity. more creative in green places than in concrete playgrounds.
[2] A new report shows that the UK has lost 20% of its Natural spaces encourage fantasy and roleplay, reasoning and
breeding birds since 1966: once common species such as observation. The social standing of children there depends less
willow tits, lesser spotted woodpeckers and turtle doves have on physical dominance, more on inventiveness and language
all but collapsed; even house sparrows have fallen by two skills.
thirds. Ash dieback is just one of many terrifying plant 9) (Escola Naval 2019) In paragraph 9, the word "there”
diseases, mostly spread by trade. They now threaten our oaks, refers to
pines and chestnuts. a) social standing.
[3] While the surveys show that the great majority of b) concrete playgrounds.
people would like to see the living planet protected, few are c) nations.
prepared to take action. This, I think, reflects a second d) studies.
environmental crisis: the removal of children from the natural e) natural spaces.
world. The young people we might have expected to lead the 10) (Escola Naval 2020) Which option completes the
defence of nature have less and less to do with it. paragraph below correctly?
[4] We don't have to undervalue the indoor world, which It is important that female navy officers are now
has its own rich ecosystem, to lament children's disconnection commanding vessels, not only because of ________
from the outdoor world. But the experiences the two spheres achievement in and of itself, but also because ________
offer are entirely different. There is no substitute for what takes types of posts will help ______ advance even more in
place outdoors, mostly because the greatest joys of nature are ______ careers.
unplanned. The thought that most of our children will never (Adapted from http://cimsec.org)
swim among phosphorescent plankton at night, will never be a) these / these / it / its
startled by a salmon leaping, or a dolphin breaching is almost b) this / this / her / her
as sad as the thought that their children might not have the c) this / these / it / her
opportunity. d) these / this / them / their
[5] The remarkable collapse of children's engagement with e) this / these / them / their
nature - which is even faster than the collapse of the natural Texto para a questão 11
world - is recorded in Richard Louv's book Last Child in the 5 Ways To Turn Fear Into Fuel
Woods, and in a report published recently by the National Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Jonathan Fields,
Trust. Since the 1970s the area in which children may roam author of Uncertainty: Turning Fear and Doubt Into Fuel for
without supervision has decreased by almost 90%. In one Brilliance.
generation the proportion of children regularly playing in wild Uncertainty. It’s a terrifying word.
places in the UK has fallen from more than half to fewer than Living with it, dangling over your head like the sword of
one in 10. In the US, in just six years (1997-2003) children Damocles, day in day out, is enough to send anyone spiraling
with particular outdoor hobbies fell by half. Eleven- to 15-year- into a state of anxiety, fear and paralysis.
olds in Britain now spend, on average, half their waking day in Like it or not, though, uncertainty is the new normal. We
front of a screen. live in a time where the world is in a state of constant, long-
[6] There are several reasons for this collapse: parents' term flux. And, that’s not all. If you want to spend your time on
irrational fear of strangers and rational fear of traffic, the the planet not just getting-by, but consistently creating art,

experiences, businesses and lives that truly matter, you’ll need to the market (the theft of hundreds of thousands of stickers in
to proactively seek out, invite and even deliberately amplify Brazil in April left many fearful that Panini would run short of
uncertainty. Because the other side of uncertainty is cards).
opportunity. It also assumes that the market is not being rigged. Panini
Nothing great was ever created by waiting around for says that each sticker is printed in the same volumes and
someone to tell you it’s all going to be okay or for perfect randomly distributed. In a 2010 paper Messrs Sardy and
information to drop from the sky. Doesn’t happen that way. Velenik gamely played the role of “regulator” by checking the
Great work requires you to act in the face of uncertainty, to live distribution of stickers for a 660-sticker album sold in
in the question long enough for your true potential to emerge. Switzerland for that year’s World Cup. Out of their sample of
There is no alternative. 6,000 stickers, they expected to see each sticker 9.09 times on
When you find the strength to act in the face of uncertainty, average (6,000/660), which was broadly borne out in practice.
you till the soil of genius. Problem is, that kills most people. It Even in a fair market, it is inefficient to buy endless packs
leads to unease, anxiety, fear and doubt on a level that snuffs as an individual (not to mention bloody expensive for the
out most genuinely meaningful and potentially revolutionary parents). The answer is to create a market for collectors to
endeavors before they even see the light of day. Not because swap their unwanted stickers. The playground is one version of
they wouldn’t have succeeded, but because you never equipped this market, where a child who has a card prized by many
yourself to handle and even harness the emotional energy of suddenly understands the power of limited supply. Sticker fairs
the journey. are another. As with any market, liquidity counts. The more
But, what if it didn’t have to be that way? people who can be attracted into the market with their duplicate
What if there was a way to turn the fear, anxiety and self- cards, the better the chances of finding the sticker you want.
doubt that rides along with acting in the face of uncertainty— Messrs Sardy and Velenik reckon that a group of ten astute
the head-to-toe butterflies—into fuel for brilliance? sticker-swappers would need a mere 1,435 packs between them
Turns out, there is. Your ability to lean into the unknown to complete all ten albums, if they take advantage of Panini’s
isn’t so much about luck or genetics, rather it’s something practice of selling the final 50 missing stickers to order.
entirely trainable. I’ve spent the past few years interviewing Internet forums, where potentially unlimited numbers of people
world-class creators across a wide range of fields and pouring can swap stickers, make this number fall even further. The idea
over research that spans neuroscience, decision-theory, of a totally efficient market should dismay Panini, which will
psychology, creativity and business. sell fewer packs as a result. But as in all markets, behaviour is
Through this work, a collection of patterns, practices and not strictly rational. Despite entreaties, your correspondent’s
strategies have emerged that not only turbocharge insight, son is prepared to tear out most of his stickers to get hold of
creativity, innovation and problem-solving, but also help Lionel Messi.
ameliorate so much of the suffering so often associated with Fonte: http://www.economist.com/news/finance-and-
the pursuit of any creative quest. economics/21603019-got-got-got-got-got-need-stickernomics
Fonte: http://zenhabits.net/fearfuel. Acesso em 07/12/2011. Acesso: 13/ago/2014
Texto adaptado. 12) (ITA 2014) Marque a opção em que o item lexical
11) (ITA 2012) No trecho “Problem is, that kills most sublinhado não remete a uma informação anterior.
people” (linha 20), o pronome relativo “that” refere-se a a) That assumes there is no supply… (linha 16)
a) falta de alternativas. b) …left many fearful that Panini would run short of
b) longos questionamentos. cards… (linhas 18 e 19)
c) dificuldade para agir diante da incerteza. c) …sold in Switzerland for that year’s World Cup. (linhas
d) incapacidade de descobrir o verdadeiro potencial. 24 e 25)
e) falta de informações precisas. d) …one version of this market, where a child who has a
Texto para a questão 12 card prized... (linhas 31 e 32)
STICKERNOMICS e) …should dismay Panini, which will sell fewer packs...
Football albums (linhas 43 e 44)
Got, got, got, got, got, need Texto para a questão 13
THE World Cup is still two weeks away, but for children Reboot the School
worldwide (plus disturbing numbers of adults) the race to SALMAN KHAN’S YOUTUBE LESSONS HAVE
complete the Brazil 2014 sticker book started long ago. Panini, ALREADY MADE HIM A GEEK CELEBRITY.
an Italian firm, has produced sticker albums for World Cups NOW HE WANTS TO REINVENT HOMEWORK, BANISH
since Mexico 1970; this year’s version has 640 stickers to CLASSROOM LECTURES—AND MAYBE SAVE
collect. Collecting them is no idle pursuit, however. Getting EDUCATION.
every slot filled delivers an early lesson in probability, the By Kayla Webley
value of statistical tests and the importance of liquidity. Fifth-graders at Eastside College Preparatory School in East
When you start an album, your first sticker (in Britain, they Palo Alto, Calif., sit at their desks with netbooks. They're in the
come in packs of five) has a 640/640 probability of being middle of a math lesson, listening as a teacher explains how to
needed. As the spaces get filled, the odds of opening a pack convert percentages to decimals. "If we get rid of the percent
and finding a sticker you want fall. According to Sylvain Sardy sign, we just have to move the decimal sign two places to the
and Yvan Velenik, two mathematicians at the University of left," the instructor says. Pens scribble across notebooks.
Geneva, the number of sticker packs that you would have to Eleven thousand miles away in Accra, Ghana, students at
buy on average to fill the album by mechanically buying pack the African School for Excellence are studying logarithms.
after pack would be 899. That assumes there is no supply shock Their teacher is the same one firing off math tips in California–

both groups of kids are learning by watching online videos. Texto para a questão 14
While the screen shows a march of equations and diagrams, the A hundred years ago this weekend, a group of young artists and
students never actually see the face of the lecturer. There's just writers organised what they called the Modern Art Week in the
a voice, deep, patient and unrehearsed—think NPR host new and grandiose municipal theatre in São Paulo. In fact, it
crossed with Mister Rogers. His inflection rises at times to lasted only for three evenings. It included a show of modernist
underscore a point or when he gets really excited. "Math is not painting, lectures, poetry recitals and music by Heitor Villa-
just random things to memorize and regurgitate on a test next Lobos, who was to become Brazil’s best-known composer. It
week," he says. "It's the purest way of describing the universe!" has since come to be seen as the founding moment of modern
The voice belongs to Salman Khan, a 35-year-old hedge- Brazilian artistic culture. Its centenary has brought both
fund manager turned YouTube professor to millions around the commemoration and some criticism.
world. Thanks to his Khan Academy, an online repository of The event took place in São Paulo, then a fast-industrialising
some 3,250 digital lectures, he has become a celebrity to frontier city that was starting to rival Rio de Janeiro, the capital
techies, educators and uncounted high schoolers cramming for at the time, where the staid cultural establishment was based.
the AP biology test. His 18-minute discourse on the Krebs The Brazilian modernists had their contradictions. The would-
cycle and cell metabolism has been viewed more than 675,000 be revolutionaries were also dandies, the scions of the coffee-
times. growing aristocracy, and they were close to the political
But Khan isn't satisfied with being the most famous teacher oligarchy that ran São Paulo and Brazil. Even so, they were
ever to appear on a Web browser. He believes he has stumbled disrupters.
onto a solution to some of education's most intractable The week “was a declaration of cultural independence, that we
problems, with his video-driven teaching method at its heart. are not simply a clumsy copy of something else”, says Eduardo
He wants to fundamentally change the role of teachers in the Giannetti, a Brazilian philosopher. The modernists’ aims were
classroom—and redefine the concept of homework along the later formalised in a Manifesto Antropófago (Cannibal
way. And he has persuaded Bill Gates, Google's Eric Schmidt Manifesto), written by one of the poets, Oswald de Andrade.
and a minor constellation of other tech billionaires to back this This sought to address the dilemma of how to be a Brazilian
quest. modern artist when modernism was a European import. The
Education reform is notoriously difficult. K-12 schools are answer: “Absorption of the sacred enemy. To transform him
debating everything from teacher evaluations to standardized into a totem.” In other words, Brazilians would not simply
tests, with no consensus in sight. Universities, meanwhile, are reproduce other models but digest them and turn them into
confronting massive budget cuts and new kinds of something that was their own. The group embraced a national
competition—as dramatized by the recent turmoil at the identity that, at least in theory, included black and indigenous
University of Virginia. Its board fired the president amid Brazilians and their beliefs, and tropical fauna and flora.
worries that UVa wasn't keeping up with change and It was cultural nationalism, but of an open-minded,
embracing online education fast enough, then rehired her 16 cosmopolitan and non-xenophobic kind. That was important.
days later after a backlash from students and faculty. Across Latin America, modernist writers and artists were
At all levels, there's plenty of skepticism about any tech- forging new national identities. As the innovative 1920s
centric approach to teaching. An estimated $65.7 billion was degenerated into the ideological conflicts of the 1930s, some
spent in the U.S. last year on education technology, according would embrace communism and others creole fascism in its
to research firm Gartner. But many educators say there is little many variants. The Brazilian modernists would radicalise
concrete proof of its benefits. politically and be coopted, too, by Getúlio Vargas, Brazil’s
Khan is already butting up against veteran teachers nervous nation-builder, who ruled for much of 1930 to 1954, by turns
about their roles in his brave new classroom. But the biggest an autocrat and a democrat.
obstacle of all may be Khan himself. For all his grassroots Fonte: How the “Cannibal Manifesto” changed Brazil
fandom and Silicon Valley cred, he's not an educator, and he's (Updated Feb 20th 2022). In: www.economist.com/the-
never worked with children. Are parents and teachers ready to americas/ 2022/02/12/how-the-cannibal-manifesto-changed-
upend hundreds of years of precedent about how basic subjects brazil. Adaptado. Data de acesso: 20/08/2022.
are taught on the word of a guy who has spent more time 14) (ITA 2022) No trecho do quarto parágrafo “That was
analyzing financial statements than standing before a important”, o termo “that” destacado em itálico sublinhado
blackboard? refere-se a
Fonte: Time, July 9, 2012. Texto adaptado. a) “The modernists’ aims were later formalised in a
13) (ITA 2012) No contexto em que se insere, “this quest” Manifesto Antropófago (Cannibal Manifesto), written
(linhas 33 e 34) refere-se by one of the poets, Oswald de Andrade.”
a) à tentativa de disseminação do uso de tecnologia na b) “The answer: “Absorption of the sacred enemy. To
educação formal. transform him into a totem.””
b) à busca de aprovação de bilionários da tecnologia para c) “It was cultural nationalism, but of an open-minded,
sua pretensão de introduzir educação online no sistema cosmopolitan and non-xenophobic kind.”
de ensino. d) “As the innovative 1920s degenerated into the
c) ao questionamento acerca das abordagens do ensino ideological conflicts of the 1930s, some would embrace
tradicional. communism and others creole fascism in its many
d) à tentativa de desenvolver tarefas de casa de forma que variants.”
cada estudante trabalhe no seu próprio ritmo. e) “The Brazilian modernists would radicalise politically
e) à busca por mudança no conceito de ensinar e de fixar o and be co-opted, too, by Getúlio Vargas, Brazil’s
conteúdo ensinado.

nation-builder, who ruled for much of 1930 to 1954, by 18) (GUALIMP 2020) Look at the picture. Based on what you
turns an autocrat and a democrat.” can see, choose the CORRECT answer.
15) (UFPR 2018) In the sentence “This centred on Descartes’s
daughter Francine, who died of scarlet fever …”, the
underlined word refers to the:
The French philosopher René Descartes was reputedly
fond of automata: they inspired his view that living things
were biological machines that function like clockwork.
Less known is a strange story that began to circulate after
the philosopher’s death in 1650. This centred on
Descartes’s daughter Francine, who died of scarlet fever at
“_________ is our school.”
the age of five.
a) These.
a) philosopher’s death.
b) This.
b) clockwork.
c) That.
c) French philosopher.
d) Those.
d) strange story.
Texto para a questão 19
e) automata.
At least 200 people have died in the Brazilian state of Rio de
16) (VUNESP 2013) No trecho do segundo parágrafo – those
Janeiro after another storm. This is arguably the worst
linking the Russian mafia with Columbian cocaine cartels
torrential rain for decades, causing flooding and landslides. Our
or North American criminal gangs with the Japanese
website readers in Rio de Janeiro have been sharing their
Yakuza. – a palavra those refere-se, no texto, a
It is increasingly global. Although links between, for
Comment 1 - I’ve never seen such chaos. We weren’t prepared
example, mafia groups in Italy and the USA have existed
for this, even though we were warned that a big storm was
for decades, new and rapid means of communication have
about to come. Newspapers are saying that the reason for the
facilitated the development of international networks. Some
catastrophe is the garbage. Well it may have been. We need to
build on shared linguistic or cultural ties, such as a network
teach recycling at schools and community groups, otherwise
trafficking drugs and human organs, which links criminal
we will have more disasters like this. (Lia, Niterói)
gangs in Mozambique, Portugal, Brazil, Pakistan, Dubai
Comment 2 - Today I witnessed Rio de Janeiro on the brink of
and South Africa. Others bring together much less likely
collapse. I ventured out around midday, just as the electric
groups, such as those trafficking arms, drugs and people
power blacked out in my neighbourhood. Three hours later,
between South Africa, Nigeria, Pakistan and Russia, or
looking out of my office window, the city still reminded me of
those linking the Russian mafia with Colombian cocaine
a war zone. “What´ve we done to deserve this?”, I thought. It’s
cartels or North American criminal gangs with the Japanese
night time now and I haven’t been able to return home. I might
Yakuza. Trafficked commodities may pass from group to
do so tomorrow. (José, Rio)
group along the supply chain; for instance heroin in Italy
Comment 3 - Worldwide, we are seeing more and more climate
has traditionally been produced in Afghanistan, transported
instability. The deserts of central Asia are growing, while areas
by Turks, distributed by Albanians, and sold by Italians.
of the US (and now Rio) are drenched. The lakes in Minnesota
a) criminal gangs.
have never thawed this early, at any time in the recorded
b) international networks.
record. The icecaps will be history, and islands around the
c) mafia groups.
world are disappearing under the surf. The oceans are
d) trafficking arms.
warming, the coral reefs are dying. How much more evidence
e) cocaine cartels.
do we need of global warming? (João, Brasília)
17) (EDUCA 2018) O pronome demonstrativo "those" faz
19) (Prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro) The pronoun “this” in the
referência aos:
excerpt “We weren’t prepared for this” refers back to:
The defenders of Normandy were not the best of Hitler's
a) 200 victims and reports
army. Those were in Russia and Italy, as well as in France,
b) preparation and catástrofe
but on the other side of the Seine, the Pas-de-Calais, which
c) light rain and experiences
the Germans thought the more likely invasion target.
d) flooding and landslides
(Extracted from Time– June 6, 1994)
20) (CETRO 2015) Choose the alternative that presents the
a) Soldados escalados para a defesa da Normandia.
plural form of the demonstrative pronoun “that" in the
b) Soldados soviéticos da Ásia Central.
sentence given above.
c) Soldados mais adestrados do exército de Hitler.
A malnourished person finds that their body has
d) Soldados das divisões estacionárias.
difficulty doing normal things such as growing and
e) Soldados russos, italianos e franceses.
resisting disease.
a) Those.
b) We.
c) Mine.
d) Than.
e) This.

21) (CETRO 2015) Choose the alternative that presents the “Current Situation”. Then, identify what the learner needs
singular form of the demonstrative pronoun in the sentence to know to achieve the “Ideal Situation”. The space
below. between those two points is the “gap” you are going to
“These situations are the result of high profile crises like create to fi ll your course content. The gap should help you
war or natural disasters [ ]". pinpoint a set of clear and measurable learning objectives.
a) Those. The demonstrative this in the sentence refers to:
b) This. a) typical learner
c) He. b) situation change
d) My. c) analysis application
e) That. d) learner knowledge
22) (CEPERJ 2013) Demonstrative pronouns in English may e) instructional assessment
be used in different ways to refer to segments of a text or 24) (CETRO 2013) Read the sentence below
ideas within a text. In the excerpt “This was part of why my “Botox's sales grew 1,407% and by 2007, total Botox sales
7-year-old daughter and I traveled to Rio in December.”, exceeded $500 million. More than 70% of that was for
(lines 8-9) the pronoun this refers to the fact that the writer unapproved uses.”
wanted to: It is correct to affirm that the underlined word refers to
If you want to know why people come to Rio de a) Botox.
Janeiro, and came even during its years of bloody, decadent b) million.
decline, stand on the Arpoador Beach promenade at day’s c) total.
end. Before you lies an orchestral fi nale of a sunset: d) sales.
iridescent water, pastel-streaked skies and hazy silhouettes e) uses.
of cliffs to the west. At the moment when the neon-pink sun 25) (CESGRANRIO 2013) In the fragment “as those
slips below the horizon, everyone stops, stands and claps: a experienced by their bigger counterparts” (line 6) the
nightly salute to city, beach and sky pronoun those refers to
This was part of why my 7-year-old daughter and I Unexpected insights emerge from the group dynamic. If
traveled to Rio in December. Rio may be the most increasing interaction among different peer groups within a
voluptuous city in the world, with soft beaches, dramatic single company could lead to promising results, imagine the
mountains, waterfalls, a rain forest, lagoon and orchids — possibilities for solopreneurs, small businesses, and indie
planted by residents — peeking out of lush old trees lining workers — if only they could reach similar levels of peer
the streets; papayas and jackfruit drop from branches all access as those experienced by their bigger counterparts. It
over town, symbols of the city’s overabundant Sweetness. is this potential that coworking tries to capture for its
The place does make Miami look like Cleveland. members.
a) see the most sensual city in the world a) results (line 3)
b) pay a visit to a place that outshines Miami b) possibilities (line 4)
c) set eyes on contrasting sea, sky and landscape c) solopreneurs (line 5)
d) experience urban beauty worthy of applause d) levels (line 5)
e) determine the reason why tourists had never ceased to e) counterparts (line 6)
visit Rio Texto para a questão 26
23) (CEPERJ 2013) Observe the fragment: Soda consumption increases risk of stroke and vascular
After selecting a learning management system (LMS), disease
the next logical step for an association is to begin creating By John Phillip
your course catalog. However, for many associations, Americans drink more than 216 liters of carbonated soft
creating online learning courses is uncharted territory, drinks each year, a number that continues to increase at an
especially if this is a brand new course. To be successful, a alarming rate. Many people use low-calorie diet soda in a futile
course should help the learner acquire the skills and effort to lose weight. Yet they find that these drinks have the
knowledge they truly need. This text will offer some tips opposite effect leading them to be overweight or obese.
for creating more engaging and more effective e-Learning The high acid content in most carbonated beverages
by following the simple “Current Situation – Ideal removes calcium and other critical nutrients from the bone and
Situation” model. tissues, significantly increasing disease risk over years of
What is the Skills Gap? consumption.
Nothing kills engagement quicker than a course that is Researchers from Cleveland Clinic’s Wellness Institute and
not focused on what the learner really needs to know. Harvard University have reported the result of a study in the
Setting clear pre-requisites can help you start out with a American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the first to examine
better understanding of what the learner already knows. soda’s effect on stroke risk and vascular diseases.
Another way to fi ne-tune your learning is to perform what Past studies have linked sugar-sweetened beverage
is called a Skills Gap Analysis. By starting with some consumption with weight gain, diabetes, high blood pressure,
assumptions about the learner’s pre-requisite knowledge, a high cholesterol, gout and coronary artery disease, but current
Skills Gap Analysis will help you determine what your research has implicated diet soft drink consumption with
learners need to know so that you can zero-in on the desired increased disease risk and weight gain due to depletion of
outcomes for the course. essential minerals.
In order to carry out a Skills Gap Analysis, first decide Lead study author Dr Adam Bernstein noted “Soda remains
what your typical learner already knows. This is your the largest source of added sugar in the diet. What we’re

beginning to understand is that regular intake of these motorbike. According to the Fundação Getulio Vargas
beverages sets off a chain reaction in the body that can (FGV), a research institute, this means households with a
potentially lead to many diseases, including stroke. monthly income ranging from 1,064 reais ($600) to 4,561
Researchers analyzed soda consumption among 43,371 men reais. Since 2002, according to FGV, the proportion of the
and 84,085 women over a time span of nearly thirty years. population that fits this description has increased from 44%
During that time, 2,938 strokes were documented in women to 52%. Brazil, previously notorious for its extremes, is
while 1,416 strokes were documented in men.” now a middle-class country.
Despite the millions of dollars spent by soda marketers to a) shopkeepers.
instill the virtues of drinking soda, there is nothing healthy b) persons.
about consuming any type of carbonated beverage. Moreover, c) economists.
the study did note that drinking coffee was associated with a d) politicians.
10% lower risk of stroke, compared to drinking sweetened e) owners.
beverages. 29) (NC – UFPR 2009) In the sentence “This has increased the
Regarding low calorie drinks, researchers concluded “older heating effect of the ‘blanket’” (paragraph 3), the
adults who drank diet soda daily had a 43% increased risk of underlined word refers to the:
heart attacks or strokes compared to those that never drank diet CO2 and various other gases wrap the Earth in an invisible
soda”. ‘blanket’, helping to prevent heat from escaping. Without
The suggestion is to substitute carbonated beverage this greenhouse effect, the average temperature on Earth
consumption with an antioxidant packed cup of green tea or would be around -18 ºC, compared with the current average
coffee to significantly reduce risk of strokes and vascular of around +15 ºC. This blanket of gases has remained at a
diseases. constant concentration for many thousands of years. Since
Alexander’s Gas & Oil Connections Magazine. May 12, 2012 the Industrial Revolution began around 200 years ago,
Available at: . Retrieved on: 9 May 2012. Adapted. people have been burning more fossil fuels. This has
26) (CESGRANRIO 2012) In Text II, the word those (line 37) increased the heating effect of the ‘blanket’, trapping more
refers to of the sun’s energy inside our atmosphere. In turn the
a) stroke Earth’s temperature has increased more rapidly in a shorter
b) drinks period of time than it has for thousands of years.
c) adults a) increase of the temperature.
d) researchers b) sun’s energy.
e) heart attacks c) Earth’s climate.
27) (CESGRANRIO 2012) The pronoun “those" in the d) greenhouse effect.
sentence “Our hopes are that you won't find too many of e) increase in burning fossil fuels.
those around here." (lines 32-33) refers to 30) (FCC 2009) In the text, these refers to
At the core of your safety responsibilities lies the task of On the other hand, Brazil's new activism often, though
recognizing safety and health hazards. In order to do that, not always, coincides with the interests of the United States.
you must first understand what constitutes a hazard. Both countries want democracy and stability in places in
Extreme hazards are often obvious. Our hopes are that you the Americas where these seem fragile. In some of those
won’t find too many of those around here. places, Lula's Brazil has more friends and influence than
There are, however, more subtle hazards that won’t George Bush's more abrasive United States. The two
jump up and bite you. As a result of your safety training sometimes back rivals in these countries, but that is one
and meetings like these, some things may come to mind. source of Brazil's usefulness.
For example, a machine may not be easy to lock out. a) places.
Common practice may be to use a tag. This is a potential b) democracy and stability.
hazard and should be discussed. Maybe something can be c) both countries.
changed to make it easier to use a lock. Other subtle d) friends and influence.
hazards include such things as frayed electrical cords, a e) the Americas.
loose machine guard, a cluttered aisle, or maybe something 31) (AMEOSC 2018) Analyze the fragment below.
that just doesn’t look right. Though the bright scene before us betrayed ____ words, I
a) safety responsibilities (line 28) was nevertheless certain of ___ place on the calendar.
b) safety and health hazards (line 29) Identify the option that completes the context given.
c) extreme hazards (line 31) a) […] those – our.
d) our hopes (line 32) b) […] this – my.
e) more subtle hazards (line 34) c) […] that – my.
28) (FGV 2008) The missing word in “those with a job” (line d) […] that – our.
6) is 32) (UNITAU) Assinale a alternativa que corresponde à
EVER since it was first spotted amid the factory smoke sequência de pronomes que mais adequadamente
of western Europe’s industrialising nations, the middle completam a sentença a seguir:
class has borne the hopes for progress of politicians, __________ cat is sick because __________ ate
economists and shopkeepers alike. It remains hard to __________ spoiled food over there.
define, and attempts to do so often seem arbitrary. But in a) Its; he; that
Brazil, the middle class describes those with a job in the b) Its; he; this
formal economy, access to credit and ownership of a car or c) His; its; this

d) Its; it; that Gabarito
e) His; it; that 1) B
2) A
3) B
4) E
5) B
6) C
7) D
8) B
9) E
10) E
11) C
12) B
13) E
14) C
15) D
16) B
17) C
18) B
19) D
20) A
21) B
22) D
23) D
24) D
25) D
26) C
27) C
28) B
29) E
30) B
31) A
32) E

Indefinite Pronouns Texto para as questões 3 e 4
The search for life beyond Earth
Texto para as questões 1
We have always been fascinated by the thought of alien life
Bullying among children and teenagers is not something elsewhere in the universe. The idea has provided the basis for a
huge wealth of science fiction stories that have been limited
new but it is getting more and more common by modern
only by our imaginations. But can other creatures exist in the
methods of communication.
Cyberbullying happens when an adolescent is put in danger vast reaches of space or on other planets or moons? And are
by another child or teenager by photos or text messages sent to there other intelligent forms of life out there—or are we more
cell phones or posted on social networks. Sometimes likely to find something much simpler?
cyberbullies send mails with sexual comments or take Where are all the aliens?
Our Sun is just one star among billions in our galaxy. In the
passwords of other teenagers and log on to websites with false
last few years, scientists have detected thousands of planets
identities. Children also play Internet games and make fun of
around other stars and it seems that most stars have planetary
each other in many ways.
systems. It’s therefore likely that there will be large numbers of
A study by a Canadian University shows that half of the
habitable planets in the Milky Way galaxy and beyond that are
young people interviewed said that they suffer bullying. One of
capable of supporting intelligent life. Some of these intelligent
the reasons is the great use of cell phones over the past years.
civilisations, if they’re out there, may have even developed
Today’s children are connected with each other electronically.
interstellar travel.
They call friends every time they want or communicate with
Are there other intelligent forms of life out there—or are
them on Facebook.
we more likely to find something much simpler?
Cyberbullying is getting extremely popular because teens
But Earth hasn’t been visited by any intelligent aliens
can stay anonymous. Many adolescents act this way because
(yet?). This apparent high probability of life, combined with a
they feel frustrated or angry and want to punish somebody for
lack of evidence for its existence, is called the Fermi Paradox,
something that happened to them. At other times they do it just
named for the physicist Enrico Fermi who first outlined1 the
for fun or because have nothing else to do. Parents usually
don’t know their child is a cyberbully. They perceive it just argument back in 1950. This begs the question: where is
when the victim or the victim’s parents contact them.
Back in 1961, astronomer Francis Drake tried to rationalise
This kind of bullying is not as inoffensive as many people
think. In some cases it can lead to suicide. Many countries have this question by developing an equation that takes into account2
organized campaigns to inform adults and children of its all the factors relevant to finding alien civilisations and gives
dangers. an estimate of the number of civilisations out there in the
There are a few ways to prevent cyberbullying. First, it is galaxy that should be able to communicate with us. It considers
factors such as the rate3 of new star formation, how many
important to show children that they have to respect others and
planets around those new and existing stars might be able to
they are responsible for what they do. For victims it is
support life, the number of planets supporting intelligent life,
important not to play the bully’s game or answer their emails
how many of those civilisations might have technology we can
and text messages. It is also important to get help from parents
detect, whether they’re likely to communicate with us here on
and teachers.
Earth, and so on.
Often schools get involved. They bring together the parents
The search for extraterrestrial intelligence
of victims and cyberbullies and talk with them. Cyberbullying
Scientists and radio astronomers have started the search for
does not always end at school. Often, parents go to the police
extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) in a systematic manner.
and accuse the bullies.
Several international organisations, including the SETI
(Adapted from http://www.english-online.at/society/
cyberbullying/cyberbullying-on-the-rise.htm) Institute and the SETI League, are using radio telescopes to
detect signals that might have been produced by intelligent life.
1) (EPCAR 2015) “At other times they do it just for fun or
because have nothing else to do.” (lines 23-24). Mark the In 1995, the SETI Institute started Project Phoenix, which
option that substitutes the underlined sentence correctly. used three of the most powerful radio telescopes in the world:
a) have anything else to do. the Green Bank radio telescope in West Virginia, USA; the
b) have something else to do. Arecibo telescope in Puerto Rico; and the Parkes radio
c) don’t have anything else to do. telescope in NSW, Australia. During its initial phase, Project
d) don’t have something else to do. Phoenix used the Parkes telescope to search for signals coming
2) (EPCAR 2016) The word “others” (line 4) refers to from 202 Sun-like stars as distant as 155 light years away. By
What are some of the most common ways people the end of its operations, Project Phoenix had scanned a total of
discriminate against each other? Some of the areas where 800 ‘nearby’4 (up to 240 light years away) stars for signs of
people show their intolerance are well-known, such as race. life. The project detected some cosmic noises, but none of that
But others are less acknowledged, even if more common could be attributed to aliens.
a) people. These days, anyone can become involved in the search for
b) each other. extraterrestrial intelligence through their personal computer.
c) some of the most common ways. While there’s currently excitement about sending human
d) areas where people show their intolerance. crews to Mars, missions beyond the Red Planet are at this stage
pretty much not feasible5 the distances and travel times
involved are simply too great. Basically, all exploration for life
beyond Earth will need to be done using robotic space probes6
and landing rovers. These instruments can provide a huge

wealth of information and are capable of exploring as far away if you are not learning or earning at your current job, you
as Pluto, perhaps even beyond our solar system. But as for life should start thinking about finding a better one.
beyond the solar system, the nearest stars are several light a) job.
years away, and even communications by electromagnetic b) advice.
waves (which all travel at the speed of light) are essentially c) earning.
going to be a one-way message. d) learning.
While we probably won’t find intelligent life too close to 9) (EEAr BCT 1. 2017) the word “one” in bold type refers to
home, there’s a chance we may still find much simpler life ________.
forms. Do we have neighbours beyond Earth? Time will tell— The first man drew a small circle in the sand and told
and the search continues. the second man, “This is what you know”, and drawing a
(Adapted from https://www.science.org.au/curious/space- circle around the small one, “This is what I know”. The
time/search-life-beyond-earth – Access on 16/02/19) second man took the stick and drew an immense ring
Glossary: around both circles: “This is where both of us know
1. to outline – describe or give the main fact about something nothing”.
2. to take into account – consider something a) First man
3. rate – expansion b) Second man
4. nearby – short distance away c) circle
5. feasible – appropriate; suitable d) sand
6. space probe – spy satellite 10) (AFA 2015) Mark the option that shows the same meaning
3) (EPCAR 2019) Mark the alternative that is grammatically as in “Americans have no close confidants” (line 52).
INCORRECT. a) Americans do have not any close confidants.
Where are all the aliens? (line 8) b) Americans not have any close confidants.
a) Nobody saw them. c) Americans haven't any close confidants.
b) There are some beyond Earth. d) Americans do not have any close confidants.
c) There aren't any in the universe. 11) (EEAr 2011) “Nobody”, (line 6), can be replaced by
d) There aren't none in our galaxy. I’m Peter and I live in Germany. In summer I like to travel
4) (EPCAR 2019) The word none (line 51) refers to to Italy, because of the weather and the people there. Last
a) noises. summer I took a plane from Munich to Rome. From the
b) project. airport we went to our hotel by bus. We stopped at a small
c) aliens. restaurant for a quick meal. The driver parked the bus
d) no one. behind the restaurant. Nobody could find the bus and the
Texto para as questões 5 e 6 driver, so we waited outside the restaurant for an hour. The
The idea of evolution (which is gradual change) was not a new driver was walking through the small park near the
one. The Greeks had thought of it, so Erasmus Darwin, the restaurant that we did not know. So we were very angry
grandfather of Charles, and also the Frenchman, Lamarck. It is with him. But my holidays were great.
one thing to have an idea; we can all of us guess and a) no one.
sometimes make a lucky guess. b) anybody.
5) (EEAr 2. 2019) The pronoun one, in bold in the text, refers c) everyone.
to: d) any person
a) Greeks 12) (IESES 2021) Complete the sentences with ANY or NO.
b) Lamarck We have _____ money to buy a new car. We don’t have
c) Erasmus Darwin ____ money to go to the movies. There is ____ milk in the
d) Idea of Evolution refrigerator.
6) (EEAr 2. 2019) The pronoun one, in the text, is classified Choose the correct alternative:
as: a) no - any – no
a) object pronoun b) no - any – any
b) relative pronoun c) any - any – any
c) indefinite pronoun d) any - no – no
d) possessive pronoun 13) (IPEFAE 2019) Look at the paragraph and choose the
7) (EEAr 1. 2021) Choose the correct alternative to complete correct words.
the sentence My name is Sarah and I don’t like ________________ in
“There’s _________ I can do. Please, take an aspirin!” my class, but _______________once told me that I should
a) no give people a change by being nice and open hearted. I
b) nothing think __________________ deserves a chance.
c) nobody a) anyone / everyone / someone
d) somebody b) no one / anyone / nobody.
8) (EEAr 2. 2022) The word one, in bold in the text, refers to c) anyone / someone / everyone.
Best job advice d) no one / someone / anyone.
The best job advice I ever got was the following: at
every job, you either learn or earn. It’s fine When only one
of options occur. It’s perfect when both of them occur. But

14) (PS Concursos 2021) Complete with the CORRECT word module connected to the game) is a simplified subdomain
for the phrase below: of the real game; problems are ordered so that the first ones
There wasn`t _______ at home to be solved in the game lead to fruitful generalizations
a) Somebody about how to solve more complex problems later; explicit
b) Nobody information/ instruction is given "on demand" and "just in
c) Anyone time" in the game world; learning is interactive (probing,
d) No one assessing, and re-probing the world); there are multiple
e) Someone routes to solving a problem; there are intrinsic rewards
15) (GUALIMP 2019) Complete the sentence below with the (within the game) keyed to any player's level of expertise;
correct pronoun. Choose the CORRECT answer. the game operates at the outer edge of one's "regime of
“My friend: Who was at the party? Me: When I arrived competence" (always doable with the resources you have at
there, I saw _________ we knew. All of our friends arrived that point, never too easy); "basic skills" are not separated
after me.” from higher-order skills— both are picked up bottom-up by
a) Anybody. playing the game or several different games of a given type
b) No one or genre; the meaning of texts and symbols is situated in
c) Somebody. what one does, and is thus never purely verbal or textual;
d) Anyone. meaning/knowledge is built up through various modalities
16) (IBADE 2018) According to the fourth paragraph, Kate (images, texts, symbols, interactions, abstract design,
wanted to get a job. “Something - anything - that would pay sound, etc); meaning/knowledge is distributed between the
money”. player's mind, the objects and environments in the game
Read the sentences below and choose the correct sentence, world, and other players (who help); knowledge is
as far as the use of the words SOMETHING, ANYTHING dispersed as players go online to get help and discuss
and NOTHING is concerned. strategy; players use affinity spaces dedicated to a
a) There is anything in John's suitcase. particular game or type of game for learning; the game
b) Mary said that she doesn't know nothing. constitutes a complex designed system and the player
c) John said that he didn't hear anything. orients his or her learning to issues of design and the
d) There isn't nothing in Mary's bag. understanding of complex systems.
e) There isn't something on Kate‘s desk. a) ordering.
17) (Colégio Pedro II 2013) The use of one in “[…] the b) counting.
meaning of texts and symbols is situated in what one does c) defining.
[…]” (L. 47, 48) is related to d) generalizing.
A note on learning in the new capitalist world 18) (IFB 2017) Pronoun is a word used instead of a noun group
One important theme in the world in which Millennials for referring to a person, group, or thing that has already
are growing up is, I believe, this: thanks to modern been mentioned or that is obvious from the context. The
technology, young people today are often exposed outside only option that does NOT present a pronoun is
of school to processes of learning that are deeper and richer a) who
than the forms of learning to which they are exposed in b) anybody
schools. I do not have space here to develop this theme very c) Only
fully. Let me give but one example of what I mean. d) Itself
In recent work (Gee 2003), I have been investigating the e) mine
principles of learning that are built into video and computer 19) (SCGás 2014) Choose the best dialogue completion:
games. Video and computer games are today a major I don’t remember ____________ about the accident.
cultural practice of young people—the video and computer a) Nothing
games industry now outsells the movie industry (Poole b) Anything
2000). Video and computer games are prototypical high- c) Something
tech products of the new capitalism, and the businesses that d) Everything
make them, in a highly competitive market, cannot have 20) (IADES 2014) According to the text, the words their (line
lots of people fail when they try to learn to play them (just 5), their (line 14), which (line 19), who (line 21), and ones
as the makers of Blue's Clues have to get their research (line 26) refer, respectively, to
about what children want and can do right or go out of
Taking modern first- and third-person shooter games as
an example (e.g. Half-Life, Metal Gear Solid, Deus Ex,
System Shock 2), here are just a few (there are many more)
of the learning principles that the player is (however tacitly)
exposed to in learning to play these games. Learning is
based on situated practice; there are lowered consequences
for failure and taking risks (you've saved the game and can
start over); learning is a form of extended engagement of
self as an extension of an identity to which the player is
committed; the learner can customize the game to suit his
or her style of learning; the learning domain (e.g. a training

c) active role.
d) farm trade.
e) G20 group.
22) É função dos pronomes indefinidos:
a) expressar certeza e exatidão.
b) expressar indefinição e vagueza.
c) expressar definição e precisão.
d) expressar correção e confidência.
23) (UEL) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a
lacuna da frase a seguir:
- "Why didn't you buy that sweater? It was such a good
- "Because I didn't have __________ money on me."
a) a
b) no
c) any
d) some
e) none
24) (UEL) Assinale a alternativa correta:
Despite this violent activity, poltergeists in fact never hurt
a) national nominating conventions, tax returns, public a) something
funds, the Revenue Act and presidents. b) nothing
b) national political parties, taxpayers, the dollar checkoff, c) none
Presidential nominees and candidates. d) nobody
c) Taxpayers, taxpayers, The Revenue Act, Presidential e) anybody
nominees and the 1974 Amendments. 25) (FATEC) Escolha a alternativa que mantém o mesmo
d) national political parties, dollars, the party, public significado de NO ONE em "no one passes or fails a
money and candidates. TOEFL":
e) national nominating conventions, public funds, a) Anybody
taxpayers, Revenue Act and Presidential candidates. b) Everybody
21) (FCC 2009) In the text, the pronoun one refers to c) Nobody
It is a small force, but of huge symbolic significance. d) Somebody
This month, 1,200 Brazilian troops arrived in Haiti, the e) Someone
country's biggest foreign military deployment since the 26) (ITA) Hardly __________ took Louis Frank seriously
Second World War. Brazil is commanding a United Nations when he first proposed, more than 10 years ago, that Earth
peacekeeping force of 6,700 mainly Latin American troops was being bombarded by cosmic snowballs at the rate of as
and 1,600 police which is taking over from American and many as 30 a minute.
French forces in the Caribbean island. This marks a new A lacuna deve ser preenchida por:
departure. Brazil has long been a gentle and introverted a) somebody.
giant, content to be a bystander on the world stage, now that b) anybody.
is changing. c) someone.
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, the country's left-leaning d) everybody.
president, is carving out a role for Brazil as spokesman for e) nobody.
poor countries, most notably by founding the G20 group 27) (MACKENZIE)
which lobbies for rich countries to open up farm trade. His I'm a person __________ technical knowledge of computer
government is playing a more active role across South will impress __________.
America. And it is seeking a permanent seat on the UN a) who – everyone
Security Council. "Brazil has begun to flex its muscles as a b) which – someone
regional superpower," says Miguel Díaz of the Centre for c) for whom – nobody
Strategic and International Studies, a Washington-based d) whom – everybody
think-tank. e) whose – anyone
If so, it is a paradoxical one. On the one hand, Brazil's 28) (UFSM) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a
fondest wish is to mitigate the United States' dominance of lacuna da frase apresentada:
global affairs and thereby to enhance Brazil's influence. The There are many evidences that __________ can live alone.
foreign minister, Celso Amorim, calls for "a more balanced Those __________ marriage ends generally suffer from
world" and justifies the Haiti mission in part as a step depression.
towards it. "You can't be a supporter of multilateralism and a) any – who
when it comes to act say it's [too] dangerous," says Mr b) nobody – whose
Amorim. c) no – whose
a) UN Security Council. d) nobody – who
b) the country's left-leaning president. e) any – which

29) (FATEC) He left without ________ money. Gabarito
a) some 1) C
b) no 2) D
c) no one 3) D
d) any 4) A
e) none 5) D
30) (ITA) _________ cures a headache faster than an aspirin. 6) B
a) Nothing 7) B
b) None 8) A
c) Nobody 9) C
d) Somebody 10) D
e) Anybody 11) A
31) (MACKENZIE) _________ of you can speak English 12) A
well. 13) C
a) None 14) C
b) No one 15) B
c) Nobody 16) C
d) Anybody 17) D
e) Someone 18) C
19) B
20) B
21) C
22) B
23) C
24) E
25) C
26) B
27) E
28) B
29) D
30) A
31) A

Verbos e Tempos Verbais – Verbs and a) saw / was arguing / were listening / went
b) was seeing / was arguing / listened / were
Verb Tenses c) were weeing / argued / listenned / were
Texto para as questões 1 e 2 d) saw / were arguing / was listening / went
Helpinq at a hospital e) was seing / argued / listened / were going
Mike Coleman is 19 and______________in Omaha, 6) (Colégio Naval 2018) Which verb forms respectively
Nebraska, in the United States. He wants to become a teacher complete the gaps in text I?
but now he ______________ in Namibia. He's working in a A former Facebook executive has said social media is doing
hospital near Katima Mulilo. He says, " I'm working with the great harm to society around the world. The executive is a
doctors and nurses here to help sick peopie. I'm not a doctor man called Chamath Palihapitiya. He ___________
but I can do a lot of things to help. For example, I help carry Facebook in 2007 a n d ___________a vice president. He
peopie who can't walk. Sometimes I go to villages in the was responsible for increasing the number of users
mobile hospital, too. There aren't many doctors here so they Facebook had. Mr Palihapitiya said he feels very guilty
need help from peopie like me. I don't get any money, but that's about getting more people to use social networks. He said
OK, l'm not here for the money.” the networks are destroying society because they are
1) (Colégio Naval 2017) Read the fragment from the text. changing people's behavior. Twenty years ago, people
“When I finish the two months' work, I want to travel in talked to each other face to face. Today, people message
and around Namibia for three weeks.” (lines 19, 20 and 21) each other and do not talk. People also really care about
Because it is a plan, it is possible to rewrite the sentence what other people think of them. They post photos and wait
substituting the underlined part for: to see how many people like the photo. They get very sad if
a) am traveling. people do not like the photo.
b) like traveling. a) joined/become
c) am going to travel. b) joined/became
d) can travel. c) joins/becomes
e) traveled. d) joint/became
2) (Colégio Naval 2017) Which verb forms respectively e) was joined/ become
complete the gaps in text I? 7) (Colégio Naval 2018) Mark the option in which there is
a) is living / leaves NO Present Continuous Tense.
b) lives / is living a) A former Facebook executive has said social media is
c) is living / lives doing great harm to society around the world.
d) leaves / is living b) He was responsible for increasing the number of users
e) leaves / is leaving Facebookliad.
3) (Colégio Naval 2017) Read the text II in orderto answer c) He said the networks are destroying society because
item. they are changing people's behavior.
My name is Patrick. I ___________ on vacation to Brazii d) Palihapitiya also points out how fake news is affecting
last Summer, and I ___________ in a five-star hotel in front how we see the world.
of the beach in Rio de Janeiro. e) It is becoming easier for large websites to spread lies.
I went to Rio by plane and I___________ a month there, I 8) (Colégio Naval 2019) Read the sentence below.
___________ a lot of people and we____________a great That is an inteliigent car that works with a Computer.
time! I want to go back to Brazii as soon as possible. What’s the plural form of the sentence?
Choose the option which completes the gaps in text I a) These are intelligents cars that work with computers.
respectively. b) Those are intelligent cars that work with computers.
a) traveled / stayed / spend / knew / had c) Those are intelligents cars that works with computers.
b) traveled / were / spent / knew / did d) These are intelligent cars that works with computers.
c) went / stayed / spent / met / had e) Those are intelligent cars that works with computers.
d) Went / were / spend / met / did 9) (Colégio Naval 2019) Read the dialogue below.
e) were / went / stayed / knew / have A: Hi, Anna!
4) (Colégio Naval 2017) Mark the option in which all the B: Good morning, Sue!
verbs are written in the Simple Past. A: Tell me, dear,___________ you go to Theo's bday party
a) put - drank - ate - heard – taken last night?
b) knew - brought - wanted - made – was B: oh, yes, I___________ . It was great! I ___________ so
c) wrote - come - felt - had – flew much fun! But I ___________ you there! ___________ you
d) told - were - begun - gave – read there, sweetie?
e) left - spent - slept - swum - traveled A: No, I ___________ . I ___________ at home. What time
5) (Colégio Naval 2017) Complete the sentences with the did you get home?
correct use of the Simple Past and the Past Continuous. B: It___________ about 11 p.m. when I got there!
- I was waiting for the bus when I___________ (see) her. A: AII right then! See you around!
- The children ___________ (argue) when the teacher B: See ya!
arrived. Mark the option that completes the dialogue correctly.
- Everyone___________ (listen) to music when the lights a) were / was / did / don't see / Was / not / went / was
___________. (go) out. b) did / did / had / didn’t see / Were / wasrTt / stayed / was
To fill in the gaps respectively, mark the right option. c) will / will / am having / am not see / Do / don’t / am / is

d) were / were / did / saw / Were / weren‘t / were / is 15) (Colégio Naval 2020) Read the dialogue below.
e) did / did / was having / wasn't / Did / didn’t / stayed / John: "I am about to fall asleep. I need to stay awake!"
got Katie: I"______ you some coffee."
10) (Colégio Naval 2019) Complete the sentences using the Complete the dialogue with the right option.
correct verb tense for the verbs in brackets. a) 'll go
Hanna ______________ (drive) down the road when she b) 'm going get
______________ (see)the perfect wedding dress on a shop c) 'lI get
window. d) 'm go get to
Mark usually ______________, (leave) for work early, but e) 'lI to go to get
today he's a little late because he ______________ (have) Texto para a questão 16
problems with his car. Generation Z News - Latest Characteristics, Research, and
Jane ______________ (be)fifteen years old, so she Facts
_____________ (have) a driving license. Generation Z (aka Gen Z, iGen, or centennials), refers to the
Mark the sentence that shows the correct use of verb tenses. generation that was bom between 1996 – 2010, following
a) drove / saw / is leaving / has / has / has millennials. This generation has been raised on the internet and
b) is driving / sees / left / has / is / hasn’t social media, with some the oldest finishing college by 2020
c) was driving / was seeing / ieave / is having / is / have and entering the workforce. Generation Z is the youngest, most
d) drives / sees / ieaves / was having / has / don’t have ethnically-diverse, and largest generation in American history,
e) was driving / saw / Ieaves / is having / is / doesn’t have comprising 27% of the US population. Pew Research recently
11) (Colégio Naval 2019) Mark the right option to fill in the defined Gen Z as anyone borra after 1997. Gen Z 1_______ up
blanks in the cartoon, respectively. with technology, the internet, and social media, which
sometimes causes them to be stereotyped as tech-addicted, anti-
social, or "social justice warriors."
The average Gen Z got their first smart phone just before their
twelfth birthday. They communicate primarily through social
media and texts, and spend as much time on their phones as
a) amazes – spend older generations do watching television.
b) amazed – spend The majority of Gen Zs prefer streaming services to traditional
c) amazed – spends cable, as well as getting snackable content they can get on their
d) amazes – spends phones and computers.
e) amazed - spent Gen Z is the most ethnically diverse and largest generation in
12) (Colégio Naval 2020) Mark the option that best completes American history, and eclipses all other generations before it in
the gap in the text with the right form of the verb in embracing diversity and inclusion.
brackets. Adapted from https://www.businessinsider.com/generation-z
The South Korean movie "Parasite _________ (WIN) the 16) (Colégio Naval 2021) Complete gap 1 in the text with the
Oscar for best picture on Sunday, which means that it was right verb form and mark the correct option.
the first non-English language movie to win the top prize. a) Grew
a) wins b) Grows
b) has won c) Grow
c) was winning d) Grown
d) is winning e) Has grew
e) won 17) (Colégio Naval 2022) Read the sentence below.
13) (Colégio Naval 2020) Mark the sentence from the text that "A riot occurred in my neighborhood yesterday."
contains the use of Present Continuous. Mark the option which rewrites the sentence using there to
a) "Three people have died." be.
b) "The reporting chain worked without delay." a) There is a riot in my neighborhood.
c) "He said the quarantine restrictions could last for b) There was a riot in my neighborhood.
weeks." c) There has been a riot in my neighborhood.
d) "Officials reported a third death on Sunday, an elderly d) There will be a riot in my neighborhood.
woman from the town of Crema suffering from cancer." e) There were a riot in my neighborhood.
e) "Italian officials say they are still trying to trace the 18) (Colégio Naval 2022)
source of the outbreak." Suzy: Have you ever _________ to New York?
14) (Colégio Naval 2020) Read the sentence below. Jane: No, I _________ been there. Why?
He feels like eating a lot of ice cream on Friday. Suzy: I'm planning a trip and I'd like some tips about what
Change the sentence to Simple Past tense and negative kind of clothes to take.
form. Then, mark the correct option. Jane: Oh really? My friend Josh _________ there for a
a) He didn't fell like eating a lot of ice cream last Friday. year. I think he can _________ you.
b) He didn't felt like eating a Jot of ice cream last Friday. Suzy: That's amazing.
c) He didn't feel like eating a lot of ice cream last Friday. Choose the best option to complete the dialogue.
d) He didn't like eating a lot of ice cream last Friday. a) been / have never / has lived / help
e) He didn't fall like eating a lot of ice cream last Friday. b) been / never have / have lived / help
c) be / have never / has lived / helping

d) be/ haven't never / have lived / helps Users of Facebook. for example _________ in a number of
e) been / haven't never / has lived / helps different “Englishes" including Indian English, or Hinglish,
19) (Colégio Naval 2022) Mark the option that best complete Spanglish (Spanish English) and Konglish (Korean English).
the blanks. For a long time, these variations existed in individual cultures,
The Marines _______ more of the ships they've got and but now they are expanding and becoming popular online. “On
more ships yet to be designed, all in an effort to _______ in the Internet ali that is important is that people can communicate
the maritime fight. Top Marine leaders, Commandant Gen. - nobody has a right to tell them what the language has to be,”
David Berger and Gen. David Odom, recently pushed the says Baron.
ship needs of the Corps. The America-class ship has been in The intensification of the use of the Internet in everyday
service since 2014 and _______ Marines a vertical lift life means that language online is not a zero result game. On
platform at range in various areas. the contrary, it permits multiple languages to show up and they
Adapted from: https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your- are mixing into English that is becoming the world's lingua
marine- corps/2022/02/14/new-warship-no-tradeoff-but- franca.
wanted-for-future-marine- fight Adapted from http://www.bbc.cokh/news/maaazine-20332763
a) wants / stay / has given Acessado em 25/03/2013
b) want / stays / gives Glossary:
c) wants / stayed / give To lose: perder, retirar
d) want / stay/ gives Lingua franca: idioma usado globalmente para a comunicação
e) wanted / stays / give 22) (EPCAR 2013) Choose the option that completes the blank
20) (EPCAR 2013) “Native speakers are at a disadvantage in in the text.
international communication”. The negative form of this a) is using
sentence is “Native speakers ....... at a disadvantage in b) are socializing
international communication”. c) uses
a) not are d) socializes
b) isn’t 23) (EPCAR 2014) In the underlined sentences (lines 1, 2 and
c) do not are 3), there are ____ verbs used in the past tense.
d) aren’t “When I studied Interior Design, I took several drawing
21) (EPCAR 2013) Consider the underlined verbs (1 to 4) in classes. I was terrified when the instructor used my
the text. Mark the alternative in which they are changed drawings as an example in front of the class.”
into the Simple Past Tense. They are, respectively, a) six
Many native English speakers feel little necessity to learn b) five
foreign languages, so they often don’t understand the c) four
difficulties and problems learners have. They also don’t see d) three
(1) the need to modify their language for a foreign 24) (EPCAR 2016) Choose the option which contains the
audience, so they use (2) idioms, synonyms, colloquialisms, correct negative for “atheists are prone to discrimination”.
phrasal verbs, etc, and don't think (3) of the impact this Atheists ________prone to discrimination.
has (4) on a foreign businessperson. a) don’t
a) did not see / use / did not thought / had. b) didn’t
b) not saw / did use / not thought / did had. c) aren’t
c) did not saw / used / did think / have. d) can’t
d) didn’t see / used / didn’t think / had. 25) (EPCAR 2017) “The advent of the internet hasn't [...]
Texto para a questão 22 cooked up new conspiracy theories” (lines 2 and 3).
LEARN ENGLISH ONLINE: HOW THE INTERNET IS Mark the correct option to make the sentence above
CHANGING LANGUAGE interrogative.
Online, English is now a common language for users from a) Doesn’t the advent of the internet cook up new
around the world. In the process, the language itself is conspiracy theories?
changing. Noah Webster thought that a common language b) Hasn’t the advent of the internet cooked up new
brings people together and helps create a new identity. conspiracy theories?
Webster’s dictionary, now is in its 11th edition, adopted the c) Didn’t the advent of the internet cook up new
Americanized orthography familiar today “-er” in place of “- conspiracy theories?
re” in theatre, not using the “u” from colour, losing one “I” in d) Haven’t the advent of the internet cook up new
traveller, and listed new words for example, skunk and squash. conspiracy theories?
The Internet is creating a similar language evolution, but at 26) (EPCAR 2018) Mark the alternative in which the verb “to
a much faster velocity. Some linguists anticipate that in 10 continue” is applied in the sentence correctly.
years English will dominate the Internet, but in very different a) Slavery continues to exist today, affecting continents
forms. That’s because people who speak English as a second and countries.
language are more in number than native speakers. And they b) Today, new forms of slavery continues being tragic.
use it to communicate with other non-native speakers, c) Poverty continue afflicting vast number of people.
particularly on the Internet where people don't pay so much d) New forms of slavery is continuing to come from
attention to grammar and orthography and users don’t have to poverty.
preoccupy about their way of speaking.

27) (EPCAR 2020) Mark the option in which the verb of the d) listen/ watch/ is loving/ prefer/ live/ is working
sentence “their digital footprint didn’t impress the e) listen/ am watching/ loves/ prefers/ lives/ work
recruiters” (lines 42 and 43) is correctly changed into the 32) (EAM 2020) Mark the option that completes the text with
affirmative form. the right form of the verbs in parenthesis, respectively.
a) Has impressed. Betty's doctor told her to exercise more. So she began
b) Impresses. running. She______ (to enjoy) running. She _____ (to run)
c) Impress. almost every day. Betty will run in the marathon next week.
d) Impressed. A marathon _______(to be) 26 miles. She will run for three
28) (EPCAR 2021) The verb tense underlined in the passage hours without stopping. She will try to finish it.
the most recent gaming phenomenon has taken the world by a) enjoys / rans / was.
storm (l. 2 - 4) is b) enjoy / run / be.
a) present perfect continuous. c) enjoys / runs / is.
b) present continuous. d) enjoyes / runes / is.
c) present perfect. e) enjoyed / runned / was.
d) past perfect. 33) (EAM 2021) Which option completes the text below
29) (EAM 2018) Read the dialogue and mark the right option correctly?
to fill in the gaps respectively. Jack ________ a young sailor. He _______ in England, but
A: Good morning, Pedro! he ________ often away with his ship.
B: Hi, Anne! How are you? One summer he ________ back from a long voyage and
A: I'm great. And you? _________ new neighbours near his mother's house. They
B: I'm OK. ________ a daughter, and Jack soon ________ in love with
A:__________you at Tom's party last night? her.
B: Yes, I _________. (Adapted from HILL, L.A. Elementary Stories for
A: Who_________ you go with? Reproduction 2. OUP, 1980. p.4.)
B: I __________ with my friends from work. And you? a) is/ lives/ is/ come/ find/ have/ fall
Were you there? b) were/ lived/ were/ came/ find/ has/ feel
A: No, I __________. I __________home. c) was/ lived/ was/ came/ found/ had/ fell
a) Did/ did/ went/ was/ weren't/ was d) were/ lives/ were/ comes/ found/ has/ fell
b) Were /was /were /go /didn't /went e) was/ lived/ was/ come/ founded/ had/ feel
c) Was/was/ did/ was/ weren't/ was 34) (EsSA 2019) “_________ American?” Complete the space
d) Were/ was/ did/ went/ wasn't/ stayed with the correct form of the verb and the pronoun.
e) Did/ did/ did/ went/ didn't/ went a) Is you.
30) (EAM 2018) Read the text below. b) Are you.
c) You is.
d) Am you.
e) You are.
35) (EsSA 2019) Complete the sentence below using the
appropriate words:
Mr. Harris_________ trains: He is afraid of airplane
and________like buses, but ________trains.
a) like/do/loves.
In the cartoon, the future tense is used to express b) likes/don’t/love.
a) a plan. c) like/does/love.
b) an order. d) likes/doesn’t/loves.
c) a possibility. e) like/don’t/love.
d) a prediction. 36) (EsSA 2021) Mark the correct alternative. "Don't speak so
e) an offer. loud! The baby ____________ now."
31) (EAM 2018) Use the verbs in parentheses to complete the a) sleep.
following statements. b) sleeps.
I- I usually ___________ (listen) to music in the evenings, c) is sleeping.
but at the moment I ___________(watch) my favorite d) are sleeping.
program on TV. e) to sleep
II- Janeth ___________ (love) films. Sometimes, she 37) (EsSA 2021) Observe the extract below:
___________ (prefer) to go to the theater with her friends. "Everybody's going on holiday", Bill said. He laughed. "It's
III- Mr. Steven ___________ (live) in Rio de Janeiro, going to be wonderful. No work for two weeks"
Brazil. During the week, his parents ___________ (work) Choose the option in which you can observe the same verb
as lawyers for a big company downtown. tense as in the underlined words.
Now mark the option which completes them respectively. a) I am eating. Can you call me later?
a) am listening/ am watching/ is loving/ prefers/ lives/ b) She is going home every weekend.
working c) They are travel until Saturday.
b) am listening/ watch/ loves/ is prefering/ is living/ works d) I studying japanese. It is fantastic!
c) am listening/ watch/ love/ is prefering/ is living/ works e) We can playing basketball really well..

38) (EsSA 2022) The plural form of the sentence “the thief is 44) (EEAr 1. 2017) All the alternatives below are into
threatening the child with a knife” is: imperative, except:
a) The thiefs are threatening the childs with knives. a) A water bath helps it cook gently and stay moist.
b) The thieves are threatening the childs with knives. b) Whisk 1/3 of white eggs into chocolate mixture.
c) The thieves are threatening the children with knives. c) Beat white eggs with salt until soft peaks form.
d) The thiefs are threatening the children with knives. d) Butter a shallow 2-quart baking dish.
e) The thieves is threatening the children with knives. 45) (EEAr 1. 2017) Increasing CPR training to save lives
39) (EsSA 2022) Choose the best alternative to fill in the box In August, Jeffrey Feig, a 50-year-old financial executive in
and complete the sentence correctly. Manhattan and father of three young sons, became one of
the more than 350,000 Americans who each year suffer a
sudden cardiac arrest. His heart went into an erratic and
ineffective rhythm and he stopped _____________.
But unlike 90 percent of people similarly afflicted, Mr. Feig
not only lived to tell the tale but survived his near-death
experience without any damage to his heart muscle or his
brain, an outcome rarely seen following an out-of-hospital
cardiac arrest.
Adapted from http://www.nytimes.com
Complete the blank (line 5) with the right verb:
a) Is a) is breathing
b) Am b) breathing
c) Are c) brought
d) Be d) breath
e) Was 46) (EEAr 1. 2017) Choose the alternative that presents the
Texto para as questões 40 - 42 imperative form of the sentence:
Did you remember it’s April Fools Day today? My sister loves Doctor: You should drink less alcohol.
playing jokes. At breakfast, she said, “Robert and I ____ going a) You ought to drink much alcohol.
to elope! We’re going to Robben Island. It’s the place where b) Don’t drink too much alcohol.
Nelson Mandela was in prison. My guidebook say it is a “place c) Don’t drink less beer.
forever connected with the fight for freedom”. So, if you d) Don’t drink alcohol.
receive a phone call today about winning the lottery or 47) (EEAr 1. 2017) Choose the best alternative that completes
something, don’t get excited. It’s probably an April Fools joke. the first balloon
40) (EEAr 1. 2016) Select the alternative that fills in the blank
in the text
a) have
b) am
c) are
d) is a) I have
41) (EEAr 1. 2016) The sentence “We’re going to Robben b) I’d have
Island” (line 3), in the text, refers to the c) I’ll have
a) past d) I’ve had
b) future 48) (EEAr 1. 2017) Complete the sentences below using make
c) present or do:
d) daily action 1 – She forgot to __________ her homework.
42) (EEAr 1. 2016) The verb “get”, in the text, can be replaced 2 – During the text, try not to __________ a noise.
by 3 – She needs to __________ an appointment to see the
a) Become destist.
b) Stay 4 – Every morning I _________ my bed.
c) have a) make – make – make – make
d) need b) make – make – do – make
43) (EEAr 2. 2016) In “…One day, her mother became c) do – make – make – make
pregnant and April had a little brother. Her brother was d) do – do – make – make
born in February and everybody came and suggested 49) (EEAr 2. 2017) Choose the best alternative to complete the
names for the new baby”, all the underlined verbs are in blank in the text.
the: My neighbors love Christmas, but I don’t. In fact, if I can
a) past progressive be completely honest, I hate Christmas. Maybe it’s because
b) simple present Christmas was always a little depressing when I was a
c) simple past young boy. Anyway, my neighbors really love Christmas
d) future and every year they decorate the inside and outside of their
house with big, bright lights. This year, however, they
really exaggerated: their lights are so bright that I can’t

sleep at night! Tomorrow I am going to speak to my 56) (EEAr 2. 2018) Choose the alternative that shows the same
neighbors and ask that the lights __________ reduced or tense as in the sentence “Have you heard of the Facebook?”
removed. a) Do they have some close friends to chat in Whatsapp?
a) be b) I deleted some friends off my Facebook last night.
b) are c) Does the user have a new list of contact?
c) were d) I haven’t understood that message.
d) have been 57) (EEAr 2. 2018) Read the extract and choose the best
50) (EEAr 2. 2017) The verbs “have spread” and “have alternative to complete the blank.
accompanied” are in the __________. Dan and Jenny are married. They got married exactly 20
a) simple past years ago, so today is their 20th wedding anniversary. They
b) future tense ___________ together for 20 years.
c) present perfect a) could have
d) past progressive b) would have
51) (EEAr 2. 2017) Choose the alternative that is NOT in the c) have been
Simple Past: d) has been
a) A man has chosen to occupy his free time revitalizing a 58) (EEAr 2. 2018) Read the text and choose the best response.
square. Ursula! I whispered
b) People congratulated the man for the gradual changes in Yes, my darling, she said, without __________ her eyes.
the square. The verbs “whispered” and “said” underlined in the text
c) He planted a number of pau-brasil, palm and banana refer to
trees. a) past progressive.
d) Residents noticed the square’s changes. b) present perfect.
52) (EEAr 2. 2017) The words “is making” form a verb in the c) simple present.
__________. d) simple past.
a) simple past 59) (EEAr 1. 2019) The words “become” (line 4) and “meet”
b) future tense (line 6), in bold type in the text, are
c) simple present For generations in the United States, a nineteenth century
d) present progressive invention known as the public school system was seen as
53) (EEAr 2. 2017) The word “inform”, in bold in the text, is a the best way to give students the knowledge and skills to
verb in the __________. become nice citizens. Around the 1960s, experts began
“Please inform your altitude”. questioning the system, citing the need for new types of
a) infinitive schools to meet the changing demands of the twentieth
b) imperative century.
c) subjunctive a) regular verbs in the infinitive.
d) passive voice b) irregular verbs in the infinitive.
54) (EEAr 1. 2018) Choose the best alternative to complete the c) irregular verbs in the past tense.
dialogue. d) regular verbs in the present tense.
Jane: Hi Susan, how are you doing? 60) (EEAr 1. 2019) The sentence “Grounding means that they
Susan: Everything is Okay! are not allowed to go out, after school or on weekends, for a
Jane: Do you have any plans for this weekend? certain period of time” is in the:
Susan: Not sure… I ______ probably give a party this a) Simple Past
weekend. b) Future Perfect
Jane: Cool! c) Simple Present
a) am going to d) Present Perfect
b) am going Texto para a questão 61
c) will be The cost of a cigarette
d) will A businesswoman’s desperate need for a cigarette on an 8-
55) (EEAr 1. 2018) Read the text and complete the blanks with hour flight from American Airlines ________ in her being
the appropriate verbs. arrested and handcuffed, after she was found lighting up in the
Dear John, toilet of a Boeing 747, not once but twice. She ___________
How are you? Here I am in Mayflower in an English class because she _______ violent when the plane landed in
with my cousin. Here in Mayflower the students England, where the police subsequently arrested and
__________ to school in the morning, but in Brazil handcuffed her. Joan Norrish, aged 33, yesterday ________ the
__________ the option to study during the morning or after first person to be prosecuted under new laws for smoking on
lunch. I think this option __________ because of the board a plane, when she was fined £440 at Uxbridge
weather: in Brazil the sun is up early so people start the day magistrates’ court.
earlier. I miss you and I hope to see you soon. Adapted from Innovations , by Hugh Dellar and Darryl
Love, Lucy. Hocking.
a) goes / there are / happened 61) (EEAr 1. 2019) Choose the best alternative to complete the
b) go / there is / happens text using verbs in the Simple Past:
c) goes / have / happens a) result / were / turning / become
d) go / got / happen b) resulted / was / turned / become

c) resulted / was / turned / became 67) (EEAr 2. 2019) What is the main verb tense used in the
d) result / were / turning / became dialogue above?
62) (EEAr 2. 2019) The words MISSED and TRIED in the
text are:
Dear Frank,
I am sorry, I missed your party on Friday.
I could not come because I had to take my cousin at the
I tried to phone you but you were out. I hope the party a) Simple Past
went well. b) Simple Future
Yours, Sammy c) Simple Present
a) Modal Verbs d) Present Continuous
b) Regular Verbs 68) (EEAr 2. 2019) Choose the appropriate word to fill in the
c) Irregular Verbs blank.
d) Are not Verbs What happened at Pearl Harbor?
63) (EEAr 2. 2019) Choose the best alternative to complete the On the morning of 7 December 1941, at 7.55am local
blank time, 183 aircraft of the Imperial Japanese Navy attacked
the United States Naval base at Pearl Harbor on the island
of Oahu, Hawaii.
The first attack wave __________ bombing the hangars
and parked aircraft of the island’s airfields while at the
same time launching torpedoes against the US warships
a) begins
b) began
c) begun
d) begin
69) (EEAr 2. 2019) The negative form of the underlined
sentence is
a) putting “Greg has had his kind and caring moments, but not that
b) putted often.”
c) puts a) Greg doesn’t have his kind and caring moments, but not
d) put that often.
64) (EEAr 2. 2019) “ARE MULTIPLYING “...in the: b) Greg haven’t had his kind and caring moments, but not
a) Simple Present Tense that often.
b) Simple Past Tense c) Greg hasn’t have his kind and caring moments, but not
c) Present Progressive that often.
d) Past Progressive d) Greg hasn’t had his kind and caring moments, but not
Texto para as questões 65 e 66 that often.
70) (EEAr 1. 2020) The verbs in bold are, respectively, in the
“The Little Prince”, now, is a movie
Alex Weiss
An all-time favorite children’s book, The Little Prince
by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry has been turned into a
beautifully animated movie — and it’s finally being
released. The inspiring lessons, timeless story, and beautiful
quotes from The Little Prince make this a perfect choice for
an on-screen adaptation. At one point or another, your
parents read this book to you when you were a child, and
then you picked it up later on in life, realizing how
65) (EEAr 2. 2019) “Dad arrives at midnight”. The verb incredibly important this small book truly is.
arrives is in the: Adapted from: https://www.bustle.com/articles/176416-18-
a) simple past tense – affirmative form the-little-prince-quotes-to-get-you-pumped-for-the-movie
b) simple present tense – affirmative form a) present perfect, simple past, and simple past.
c) present perfect tense – affirmative form b) simple past, simple past, and present perfect.
d) present continuous tense – affirmative form c) present perfect, simple past, and present perfect.
66) (EEAr 2. 2019) … TO DRIVE HIM HOME … This d) simple past, present perfect, and present perfect.
expression in English means: 71) (EEAr 1. 2020) The sentence “Now it’s raining” is in the:
a) to let him home a) Simple Past
b) to lend him home b) Simple Present
c) to take him home c) Past Progressive
d) to move him home d) Present Progressive

72) (EEAr 1. 2020) Doug Funnie b) Has the cost of living doubled in relative terms over
Douglas Yancey, “Doug” Fannie, is the titular character recent years?
and chief protagonist of the animated series Doug. Douglas c) Have the cost of living double in relative terms over
is a shy, insecure, and somewhat clumsy 11-year-old boy recent years?
with a wild imagination and a big heart. He owns a very d) Have the cost of living doubled in relative terms over
expressive dog named Porkchop. Doug is a 6th Grade recent years?
average kid who always tries to do the right thing, despite 77) (EEAr 1. 2020) The negative form of the underlined
his frequent failures. He is naive at times, and fears that sentence, in the text, is
people will think of him as a loser. “I’ve put my trust in you”
In the sentence “He owns a very expressive dog named a) I didn’t put my trust in you.
Porkchop”, the verb OWNS can be replaced by _________ b) I don’t put my trust in you.
without change in meaning. c) I do not put my trust in you.
a) has d) I haven’t put my trust in you.
b) buys 78) (EEAr 2. 2020) The sentences underlined, in the text, are in
c) needs the:
d) wants I’ve never seen anybody
73) (EEAr 1. 2020) An e-mail to Mary Take my
Hi, Mary! I see you, see you, see you every time
How are you? I miss you so much! a) Present Perfect, Imperative, and Simple Present.
I arrived in Rome last week and I’m having a lot of fun. b) Present Perfect, Simple Present, and Imperative.
This morning my parents and I woke up at 8:00 and had a c) Simple Present, Imperative, and Present Perfect.
great breakfast at the hotel. Afterwards, I walked a little and d) Simple Present, Present Perfect, and Imperative.
saw many tourists (many from Russia and China) and even 79) (EEAr 2. 2020) Keeping in mind the structure of the
some famous people! Present Perfect Tense, fill the blank in the text.
Now we are going to Venice. The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the
How are things in Las Vegas? Come meet us! Wardrobe
See you soon! The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, completed by
Paul. the end of March 1949 and published by Geoffrey Bles in
All verbs below, underlined in the text, are in the Simple the United Kingdom on 16 October 1950, tells the story of
Past, EXCEPT: four ordinary children: Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy
a) Arrived Pevensie, who ______________ evacuated to the English
b) Woke countryside from London following the outbreak of World
c) Come War II. They discover a wardrobe in Professor Digory
d) Had Kirke’s house that leads to the magical land of Narnia. The
74) (EEAr 1. 2020) Complete the text with the appropriate Pevensie children help Aslan, a talking lion, save Narnia
words. from the evil White Witch, who has reigned over the land
Alice in Wonderland of Narnia for a century of perpetual winter with no
“If you ___________ know where you want to go, then it Christmas. The children become kings and queens of this
___________ matter which path you take” new-found land and establish the Golden Age of Narnia,
a) don’t / don’t leaving a legacy to be rediscovered in later books.
b) does / don’t Adapted from
c) don’t / doesn’t www.en.wipedia.org/wiki/the_lion_the_witch_and_the_war
d) doesn’t / doesn’t drobe
75) (EEAr 1. 2020) The term “Wake me up”, in the comic a) has been
strip, is in the b) have been
c) have to be
d) hasn’t been
80) (EEAr 2. 2020) What is the main verb tense used in the
comic strip?

a) Present Continuous
b) Imperative
c) Future
d) Past
76) (EEAr 1. 2020) Change the sentence into the interrogative
form. a) Present Perfect
“The cost of living has doubled in relative terms over recent b) Simple Present
years.” c) Past Perfect
a) Has the cost of living double in relative terms over d) Simple Past
recent years?

81) (EEAr 2. 2020) Fill the blanks with the correct verb forms. 84) (EEAr 1. 2021) The sentence “That’s always worked” is an
Bobby’s World (originally __________ as The world example of
According to Bobby) is an American animated television
series, which ran from September 8, 1990 to February 23,
1998, on FOX Kids. This Saturday-morning cartoon
__________ the world from the point of view of a suburban
4-year-old named Bobby Generic and his very overactive
imagination. The show __________ an Outstanding
Animated Program Emmy nomination in 1991.
Adapted from: a) Present Perfect.
https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/bobby_s_world and b) Simple Present.
https://bobbys-world.fandom.com/wiki/Bobby%27s_World c) Past Perfect.
a) know - explores - earns d) Simple Past.
b) known - explore - earns 85) (EEAr 1. 2021) The words COMPLAINED and
c) know - explored - earned DISCOVERED in bold in the text are:
d) known - explores - earned A woman in Australia discovered her headaches were
82) (EEAr 2. 2020) All the verbs in bold are caused by tapeworm larvae in her brain
Beautiful Girls Alaa Elassar
Sean Kingston A 25-year-old woman in Australia discovered she had
Your way too beautiful girl tapeworm larvae in her brain after suffering from a
That’s why it’ll never work headache that lasted for more than a week.
You’ll have me suicidal, suicidal For the past seven years, the woman complained of
When you say it’s over headaches that would occur two-or three-times a month and
Damn all these beautiful girls went away with prescribed migraine medication. However,
They only wanna do your dirt her latest headache lasted for more than a week and came
They’ll have you suicidal, suicidal with more severe visual symptoms, including the blurring
When they say it’s over of her central vision.
See it started at the park a) not verbs
Used to chill after dark b) modal verbs
Oh when you took my heart c) regular verbs
That’s when we fell apart d) irregular verbs
‘Cause we both thought 86) (EEAr 1. 2021) The negative form of the underlined
That love last forever (last forever) sentence is:
They say we’re too young “The artifacts were in an excellent state of preservation”
To get ourselves sprung a) Were the artifacts in an excellent state of preservation.
Oh we didn’t care b) The artifacts won’t be in an excellent state of
We made it very clear preservation.
And they also said c) The artifacts were not in an excellent state of
That we couldn’t last together (last together) preservation.
See it’s very divine, girl d) The artifacts wouldn’t be in an excellent state of
You’re one of a kind preservation.
But you mush up my mind 87) (EEAr 2. 2021) The tips given in the picture are in the
You ought to get declined imperative form. Choose the alternative that has the right
Oh Lord negative form of imperative sentences.
My baby is driving me crazy a) Not walk up and down the stairs.
Adapted from: https://www.letras.mus.br/sean- b) Do don’t some stretching exercises.
kingston/1073265/ c) Dance not to music for a few minutes.
a) regular verbs. d) Don’t seek more ideas and resources online.
b) irregular verbs. 88) (EEAr 2. 2021) The negative form of the sentence “I’ve
c) in the simple past. been inside forever!” is:
d) in the simple present. a) I not have been inside forever!
83) (EEAr 1. 2021) Choose the best alternative to complete the b) I haven’t been inside forever!
blank. “I know Kelly _______ in the office at this c) I have been inside forever!
moment.” d) I’m not inside forever!
a) work 89) (EEAr 1. 2022) The underlined sentences in the text are in
b) is working the following tenses:
c) has worked Ben
d) were working Michael Jackson
Ben, the two of us need look no more
We both found what we were looking for
with a friend to call my own
I will never be alone

And you, my friend, will see Finally, the high and impressive towers themselves were
you have got a friend in me reduced to nothing. Dense plumes of smoke raced through
Ben, you are always running here and there the downtown avenues, coursing between the buildings,
You feel you are not wanted anywhere shaped like tornadoes on their sides.
If you ever look behind and don’t like what you will find Every sound was cause for alarm. A plane appeared
There’s something you should know overhead. Was another one coming? No, it was a fighter jet.
You have got a place to go But was it friend or enemy? People scrambled for their
I used to say “I” and “Me” lives, but they didn’t know where to go. Should people go
Now it’s us, now it’s we north, south, east, west? Stay outside, go indoors? People
Ben, most people would turn you away... hid beneath cars and each other. Some contemplated
a) Past Progressive / Present Perfect / Conditional tense jumping into the river (…)
b) Conditional tense / Past Progressive / Present Perfect Fonte: The New York Times, Sep. 12, 2001.
c) Past Progressive / Simple Past / Conditional GLOSSARY
d) Future / Present Perfect / Simple Present chilling disbelief – incredulidade assustadora
90) (EEAr 1. 2022) Choose the alternative that best completes trembling floors – o tremor dos andares
the blanks with the verbs in parentheses. to scramble – lutar
We saw the movie last night. ‘hid’, (line 14), is the past tense of the verb
Marjorie Fuchs and Margaret Bonner a) hit.
The year was 1912. The Titanic was a new, very large b) hike.
ship. People thought it _____ (to be) safe. But, on April 15, c) hint.
1912, the Titanic hit an iceberg and _______ (to sink). d) hide.
More than 1,500 people lost their lives. 95) (EEAr BCT 2. 2016) The Crab and His Mother
a) was / sunk Mamma Crab _____ to Baby Crab when she _____ that he
b) was / sank was walking sideways. Mamma Crab said, ‘Why are you
c) were / sink walking sideways like that, my son? You have to walk
d) were / sank straight.’ Baby Crab replied, ‘Show me how, dear mother,
91) (EEAr 1. 2022) Read the sentences below. and I’ll follow your example.’
1. Andy reads comic books. Mamma Crab tried and tried, but her efforts were in vain.
2. Sandy sings in the bathroom. She could not walk straight herself. Then, she saw how
3. My sister helps in the kitchen. foolish she had been to find fault with her child
The verbs in bold are in the: Fonte: Aesop’s Fables
a) Simple Past. Choose the best verbal form to have the fable completed,
b) Simple Present. respectively:
c) Present Perfect. a) talked – was noticed
d) Present Continuous. b) was talking – noticed
92) (EEAr 1. 2022) Choose the alternative that best completes c) has talked – was noticing
with the correct form of the verb in parentheses. d) has been talking – has noticed
Tower Bridge 96) (EEAr BCT 2. 2016)
John Hughes and Ceri Jones Greenpeace _____ against environmental degradation
Tower Bridge is probably the most famous bridge in since 1971 when a small boat of volunteers and journalists
London. It is called Tower Bridge because it is located near _____ into the U.S. atomic test zone of Amchitka, Alaska.
the Tower of London. The City of London first started to Choose the best verbal form to have the text completed,
plan a new bridge across the Thames in 1876. More than 50 respectively:
designs _________ (to receive) and it took eight years for a) has campaigned – sailed
the judges to choose the winning design. b) had campaigned – sailed
a) received c) campaigned – was sailing
b) was received d) was campaigning – has sailed
c) were received 97) (EEAr BCT 1. 2017) Write (T) for true and (F) for false
d) would receive according to the explanation of the tenses in parenthesis.
93) (EEAr 2. 2022) The sentence “But I’ve developed a new ( ) When you are looking back from a point in past time,
philosophy” is an example of Present Perfect. Choose the and you are concerned with the effects of something which
alternative which follows the same grammar rule. happened at an earlier time in the past. (Past perfect )
a) He’s wanted for murder. ( ) When you are concerned with the present effects of
b) She has many overcooked cookies. something which happened at an indefinite time in the past.
c) They needed to withdraw money today. (past perfect continuous)
d) He’s tried that new restaurant downtown. ( ) When you are talking about something which
94) (EEAr BCT 2. 2016) Hijacked jets destroy Twin continued to happen before and after a particular time.
Towers: a creeping horror (past continuous)
The horror arrived in epsodic bursts of chilling Choose the alternative that corresponds to the right order.
disbelief, signified first by trembling floors, sharp a) T – F – F
eruptions, cracked windows. There was the cruel sight of b) T – F – T
bodies helplessly tumbling out, some of them in flames. c) F – T – F

d) F – F – T 102) (EEAr BCT 1. 2017) In the first balloon, the verbs
98) (EEAr BCT 2. 2017) Choose the best verbal form to have “watch” and “learn” are respectively in the
the text completed correctly: AS
Brazil takes on the European Refugee Crisis
In 2016 significantly less refugees _____in Europe than
the year before. The Organization for Migration and the EU
border agency Frontex have reported a notable decline in
the number of migrants arriving on Europe’s shores by
nearly two-thirds. These numbers, however, are by no
a) imperative mood – imperative mood
means an indication of improvement in the international
situation of refugees. b) imperative mood – subjunctive mood
c) subjunctive mood – imperative mood
a) arrived
d) subjunctive mood – subjunctive mood
b) had arrived
103) (EEAr BCT 1. 2019) Complete the text with the correct
c) have arrived
d) have been arriving
Evacuations as typhoon hits China coast
99) (EEAr BCT 2. 2017) Choose the best verbal form to have
More than 200,000 people ___________ evacuated as
the text completed correctly:
a typhoon made landfall on China’s east coast, state
Inside Lilium, The World’s First Vertical Takeoff And
media say. Typhoon Yagi hit China’s Zhejiang province
Landing Private Jet
shortly before midnight on Sunday packing winds of up to
Wonder what’s in store for the future of private jet flying?
102km/h, the official Xinhua news agency reports, citing
Here’s a glimpse. A start-up company – hosted in a
European Space Agency (ESA) business incubator center in provincial flood control headquarters.
Bavaria – released an idea for an egg-shaped two-seater A total of 204,949 people in 10 cities, including
plane called Lilium that’s currently in the works. With a top Taizhou, Zhoushan, and Wenzhou, have been evacuated
speed of 250 mph and a range of 300 miles, the plane can and almost 21,000 fishing boats called back to port, it said
travel roughly between Munich and Berlin in about 90 The storm will also bring heavy rain and will
minutes. And according to the ESA, if testing succeeds, this gradually weaken as it moves slowly inland to the
northwest, Xinhua said.
_____ the world’s first vertical takeoff and landing private
Summer is China’s typhoon season, although
casualties ____________ minimised in recent years by
a) is
early government planning and evacuations from
b) was
potencial danger zones.
c) will be
Adapted from www.news.com.
d) would be
a) has been – had been
100) (EEAr BCT 1. 2017) Considering the underlined
b) had been – had been
expression in the sentence “Flight operations to and from
c) has been – have been
Chennai have been affected due to heavy rains”, it is
d) have been – have been
correct to say that
104) (EEAr BCT 2. 2020) Choose the alternative in which you
a) the present perfect tense was used to refer to a
can find the Past Perfect Continuous.
temporary continuing action.
a) About 30 people had been staying on cots inside.
b) the present perfect tense was used to announce news of
b) We were laying in bed when I heard sirens.
a recent event.
c) More than 50 roads have been closed.
c) the past perfect tense was used to say that something
d) Schools were opened for evacuees.
was in progress.
105) (EEAr BCT 2. 2020) These are verbs from the text.
d) the simple past tense was used to announce an earlier
past. Choose the alternative in which we can find only irregular
101) (EEAr BCT 1. 2017) The correct form of the sentence verbs.
“more than 100,000 people burst into a rendition of a) carry, suspend
‘Happy Birthday’ in the present perfect is: b) deploy, walk
c) bring, do
a) More than 100,000 people has bursted into a rendition
d) try, land
of Happy Birthday.
106) (EEAr BCT 2. 2020) The sentence in bold in the text is
b) More than 100,000 people have bursted into a rendition
in the:
of Happy Birthday.
Jair Bolsonaro, has aided Poland by helping to evacuate
c) More than 100,000 people have burst into a rendition of
4 Polish citizens
Happy Birthday.
a) Present Continuous
d) More than 100,000 people has burst into a rendition of
b) Past Continuous
Happy Birthday.
c) Present Perfect
d) Simple Past
107) (EEAr BCT 1. 2021) The sentence “Charlie and Jaclyn
High of Phoenix found the white metal piece, which had
fallen in their backyard, on Friday, CBS5 reported.”,
contains verbs in the following tenses, in this order:

a) Simple Past, Past Perfect, Simple Past ( ) I sold my first car - a Porsche convertible - at the age
b) Simple Past, Present Perfect, Simple Past of 11.
c) Present Perfect, Simple Past, Simple Past a) 2 - 3 - 1 - 4
d) Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Present Perfect b) 3 - 2 - 4 - 1
108) (EEAr BCT 2. 2021) Choose the alternative in which you c) 4 - 1 - 2 - 3
can NOT find Present Perfect tense: d) 1 - 4 - 3 - 2
a) Researchers have already discovered cures for many 113) (EEAr BCT 2. 2022) Choose the alternative that
diseases. correctly completes the comic strip.
b) I had three cups of coffee with milk this morning.
c) We’ve just gotten back from Los Angeles.
d) They have won several awards.
109) (EEAr BCT 2. 2021) Read the sentences below.
“I wasn’t looking for this
but now you’re in my way
your stare was holding
ripped jeans a) has flew
skin was showing.” b) have flew
The correct verb tense in bold is: c) has flown
a) Present Continuous. d) have flown
b) Past Continuous. 114) (EsPCEx 2016) Choose the alternative containing the
c) Present Perfect. correct verbal tense to complete gap (1) in paragraph 3.
d) Past Perfect. In 1945, __________ (1) the ethnic Germans, forced out
110) (EEAr BCT 2. 2021) The sentences that are underlined in of their homes in Poland, Czechoslovakia and Russia and
the text are in the: obliged to seek shelter in a shattered and divided Germany.
(I) everything was covered in ice. More recently, we can see floods of Albanian refugees
(II) Diego, the tiger, had attacked the tribe to get the baby escaping from the ethnic cleansing of the Serbian forces in
eskimo but was not successful. Kosovo in 1998 and 1999.
(III) he’ll star in his own movie someday a) there to be
a) I Simple Past - II Simple Past - III Future Perfect b) there will be
b) I Past Perfect - II Simple Past - III Simple Future c) there are
c) I Simple Past - II Past Perfect - III Simple Future d) there were
d) I Past Continuous - II Present Perfect - III Future e) there have been
Continuous 115) (EsPCEx 2017) Choose the alternative containing the
111) (EEAr BCT 2. 2022) In the comic strip, the teacher correct verb tenses to complete gaps (1) and (2) in
corrected the sentence to be grammatically right changing paragraphs 4 and 5 respectively.
it to “Do you have any milk?”. Choose the alternative that “In 2001, when these attacks __________(1), the
contains another correct way to ask the same question. cellular network was still growing and was not as robust as
it is today.
This letter is just one of the many objects that The
National Museum of American History __________(2)
since 2001. To learn more, visit our online exhibition
September 11th: Bearing Witness to History.”
a) have happened, collected
b) have happened, have collected
c) has happened, has collected
d) happened, has collected
e) happened, have collected
116) (EsPCEx 2017) Choose the alternative containing the
a) Have you any milk? correct words to respectively complete gaps (1), (2) and
b) You have got any milk? (3) in paragraph 3.
c) Have you got any milk? In order to fully understand the context of a megacity, we
d) Do you have got any milk? must understand the role of the languages used in its
112) (EEAr BCT 2. 2022) Match the columns to the correct communities. How _____(1) language communities
verb tenses and choose the alternative with the correct interact in megacities? What tensions ______(2) caused
sequence. by multiple language communities in urban space? What
1 – Past Simple role ______(3) language play in the power structures
2 – Present Perfect (government or otherwise) of megacities?
3 – Present Simple a) is, does, do
4 – Present Continuous b) do, are, do
( ) I still live in the family home. c) are, is, do
( ) All my life, I’ve been around cars. d) are, do, does
( ) I’m having my own house built at the moment. e) do, are, does

117) (EsPCEx 2018) Which one from the underlined verbs in losses to fraud initiated on social media platforms in
the text conveys a verb tense that is different from the 2021.
others? a) have, go, do
a) says (paragraph 1) b) keep, do, make
b) made (paragraph 1) c) make, keep, have
c) think (paragraph 2) d) do, make, go
d) runs (paragraph 3) e) keep, make, have
e) needs (paragraph 4) 121) (AFA 2011) In the 2nd verse of the last strophe the word
118) (EsPCEx 2019) Choose the alternative containing the “does”
correct verb forms to complete gaps (1), (2) and (3) in Near, far, wherever you are
paragraphs 2, 3 and 5 respectively. I believe that the heart does go on
Lego wants to replace plastic blocks with sustainable Once more you open the door
materials And you're here in my heart And my heart will go on and
The Lego Group wants to replace the plastic in their on
products with a “sustainable material” by 2030, the a) is only used as an auxiliary verb of a present tense.
company announced. b) reinforces the word before it.
The world’s largest toy company will invest $1 billion c) emphasizes the verb after it.
in their new LEGO Sustainable Materials Centre in d) has the same meaning as the verb ‘to make’.
Denmark, which _______(1) devoted to finding and 122) (AFA 2013) The verbal construction of the underlined
implementing new sustainable alternatives for their sentence in the text expresses the notion of an action
current building materials. Lego plans on hiring 100 “Human beings have been fighting each other since
specialists for the center. There is no official definition of prehistoric times”
a sustainable material. a) completed in the past.
Legos _______(2) made with a strong plastic known b) that no longer lasts.
as acrylonitrile butadiene styrene since 1963. The c) repeated over a period of time.
company uses more than 6,000 tons of plastic annually to d) already arranged to do but didn’t happen.
manufacture its products, according to NBC News. 123) (AFA 2013) Choose the alternative containing the correct
Changing the raw material could have a large effect on verbal tenses to complete the gaps (1) and (2) in the text.
Lego’s carbon footprint, especially considering that only On September 11, 2001, nineteen militants associated
10% of the carbon emissions from Lego products come with the Islamic extremist group al-Qaeda hijacked four
from its factories. The other 90% is produced from the airlines and carried out suicide attacks against targets in
extraction and refinement of raw materials, as well as the United States. Two of the planes were flown into the
distribution from factories to toy stores. towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, a
The company _______(3) already taken steps to lower third plane hit the Pentagon just outside Washington,
its carbon footprint, including a reduction of packaging D.C., and the fourth plane crashed in a field in
size and an investment in an offshore wind farm. Pennsylvania. Often referred to as 9/11, the attacks
Adapted from http://time.com/3931946/lego-sustainable- resulted in extensive death and destruction, activating
materials/ major U.S. initiatives to combat terrorism and defining
a) have, will be, have the presidency of George W. Bush. Over three thousand
b) are, have been, have people were killed during the attacks in New York City
c) will be, has been, hasn’t and Washington, D.C., including more than four hundred
d) will be, have been, has police officers and firefighters.
e) will be, haven’t been, has At 8:45 a.m., on a clear Tuesday morning, an
119) (EsPCEx 2020) Which one from the underlined verbs in American Airlines Boeing 767 loaded with twenty
the text conveys a different verb tense? thousand gallons of jet fuel crashed into the north tower
a) has of the World Trade Center in New York City. The impact
b) handed left a wide, burning hole near the 80th floor of the 110-
c) decided story skyscraper, instantly killing hundreds of people and
d) knew trapping hundreds more in higher floors. Eighteen
e) got minutes after the first plane hit, a second Boeing 767–
120) (EsPCEx 2022) Choose the alternative with verbs that United Airlines Flight 175–appeared out of the sky,
respectively complete gaps (1), (2) and (3) in the correct turned sharply toward the World Trade Center and
way. crashed into the south tower near the 60th floor. The
Social media permeates the lives of many people – we use collision caused a massive explosion that showered
it to (1)______ in touch, (2)______ new friends, shop, burning fragment over surrounding buildings and the
and (3)______ fun. But reports to the FTC (Federal Trade streets below. America was under attack.
Comission) show that social media is also increasingly The attackers were Islamic terrorists from Saudi
where scammers go to trick us. More than one in four Arabia and several other Arab nations. Reportedly
people who reported losing money to fraud in 2021 said it financed by Saudi fugitive Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda
started on social media with an ad, a post, or a message. terrorist organization, they _____________(1) in
More than 95,000 people reported about $770 million in retaliation for America's support of Israel, its involvement
in the Persian Gulf War and its continued military

presence in the Middle East. Some of the terrorists had 129) (AFA 2022) The following sentence shows an instance of
lived in the United States for more than a year and colloquial language:
_____________(2) flying lessons at American a) I have got to go home.
commercial flight schools. b) I have been so alone.
a) won’t act / have been taking c) I did not know why.
b) are acting / haven’t taken d) I want to see my family.
c) didn’t act / took 130) (EFOMM 2011) Complete the sentences with the correct
d) were acting / had taken verb forms:
124) (AFA 2016) In the sentence “it’s been 30 years since I 1. No sooner ________ the door than I realized it was
developed the notion of ‘multiple intelligences’” (lines 20 locked.
and 21), the contraction refers to 2. Never _________ a weaker excuse!
a) It has. 3. Only after posting the letter ________ that I had
b) It been. forgotten to put on a stamp.
c) It is. 4. Seldom _________ given a worse performance.
d) It was. a) had I reached / did I hear / I remembered / the team has.
125) (AFA 2016) Mark the option that contains the correct b) I reached / did I hear / I have remembered / the team
negative form for the sentence “researchers have tried to have.
identify learning styles” (lines 60 and 61). c) I have reached / I heard / have I remembered / has the
a) Researchers have tried to not identify learning styles. team.
b) Researchers not have tried to identify learning styles. d) had I reached / have I heard / did I remember / has the
c) Researchers do not have tried to identify learning styles. team.
d) Researchers have tried not to identify learning styles. e) I had reached / I had heard / I remembered / have the
126) (AFA 2018) “Not only do Lex Luthor, Dracula and the team
Red Skull run unconstrained by conventional morality 131) (EFOMM 2011) In the sentences below, “seem” and
[...]” (lines 5 and 6) “appear” are used correctly, except in:
The highlighted word from the sentence above is used a) It seemed like a good idea at first.
a) to perform an action. b) I can’t appear to make her notice the events.
b) as an auxiliary verb of the clause. c) It seems a pity, but I can’t see you this weekend.
c) to emphasize the verb. d) He seems younger than he is.
d) to avoid repeating a verb. e) The baby appears hungry.
127) (AFA 2021) In paragraph 2, the option that fits the gap 132) (EFOMM 2011) Choose the correct option to complete
appropriately in standard language is the sentences:
When making a decision, it is a common impulse to 1. Where have you been? I ______ for you for two weeks!
look and see what others are doing. Nevertheless, it is 2. Their bus __________at 3:00 p.m.
often unclear whether the path that everyone else may be 3. Tim __________to the beach, when he heard the
following is good for us as well. After all, sometimes weather forecast and changed his mind.
following the crowd has merit - at other times, it is simply 4. Research _____________ that excessive sue of cell
peer pressure blinding us. phones may cause headaches.
The phenomenon of looking to others and following 5. When the police arrived, the thieves __________.
the crowd _______ by social science for a long time. a) have been looking / has arrived / drove / showed / had
Nevertheless, those findings do not always make their run away.
way to individual decision-makers. Therefore, let’s b) am looking / has arrived / was driving / has shown / has
review why people conform to the crowd – and under run away.
what conditions it is a god idea to go your own way c) have been looking / has arrived / drove / has shown / ran
instead. away.
a) have been studied. d) have been looking / arrives / was driving / has shown /
b) has been studied. had run away.
c) has studied. e) am looking / arrives / was driving / showed / ran away.
d) is studied. 133) (EFOMM 2012) I’ve lost the key. I ought __________ it
128) (AFA 2022) The verb tense used in your generation will in a safe place.
have had a better or worse life a) that I put
a) shows that something will be in progress at a particular b) to be putting
moment in the future. c) to have put
b) refers to something that will be looked back on at a d) to put
certain time in the future. e) put
c) is used to talk about actions that will continue for a 134) (EFOMM 2012) ‘John’s birthday is tomorrow.’
period of time in the future. ‘__________________ I known about it, I would have
d) can be used to talk about intentions and plans that will bought him a gift.’
happen in the future. a) Would
b) Did
c) Could
d) Had

e) Have if I _________ a lift home, so I said no, I _________
135) (EFOMM 2012) When Martin ________the car, he took hungry, so we went out for a curry.
it out for a drive. a) was fancying / hadn’t ever met / had / wants / was
a) were washing b) fancying / have never met / have / want / wasn’t
b) had washed c) fancied / had never met / had / wanted / was
c) has washed d) fancies / have never met / haven’t / wanted / am
d) washed e) fancied / had never met / hadn’t / wanted / was
e) was washing 143) (EFOMM 2014) Which sequence completes the
136) (EFOMM 2012) We can’t go along here because the road sentences below?
is ____________. 1- Susan ___________ down and closed her eyes.
a) been repaired 2- The boss ____________ the papers on the table.
b) being repaired 3- Don’t _____________ in bed all day. Get up and do
c) repair some work.
d) repaired 4- The lake ___________ beyond this hill.
e) be repair a) laid – laid – lay - lies
137) (EFOMM 2012) Janet was out of breath because b) laid – lay – lay - lies
______________. c) lay – laid – lie - lies
a) she does run d) laid – lay – lie - lays
b) she didn’t run e) lay – lay – lie -lays
c) she’s been running 144) (EFOMM 2014) Choose the verb that DOES NOT
d) she’s run complete the sentence correctly.
e) she’d been running “The committee has _________ a meeting to discuss the
138) (EFOMM 2012) I can remember ____________ voices president's death.”
in the middle of the night. a) arranged
a) to hear b) programmed
b) hear c) scheduled
c) heard d) organized
d) hearing e) called
e) have heard 145) (EFOMM 2014) Choose the sequence that correctly
139) (EFOMM 2013) Mark the correct alternative to complete completes the sentences below.
the sentence. 1- The UK ____ less than 2% of its gas from Russia.
Max _________________ ill for three weeks. He’s still in 2- Several agreements ________to try to reduce water
hospital. pollution.
a) had been 3- Some political measures ______ for many years.
b) were 4- You should take a coat and an umbrella. I heard the
c) is weather _______later.
d) was 5- Thousands of people _____ every year in storms and
e) has been hurricanes.
140) (EFOMM 2013) Choose the correct option. 6- Climate change ______ the weather all over the world.
I’m going to have the car _______ tomorrow morning. a) gets – have been made – won't be understood - will
a) Repaired change – are killed – is affecting
b) Repairs b) is got – have being made – will understand - will be
c) Repair changed – kill – is being affected
d) Repairing c) gets - is made – won't be understood – is being changed
e) is repairing - are being killed – was affected
141) (EFOMM 2013) Mark the correct option to complete the d) is got - are made – will understand – will change – is
sentence. killed – affects
My legs are aching now because I ________ since 2 e) has been getting – has been made – won't be understood
o’clock. – will change – are killed – is affected
a) am swimming 146) (EFOMM 2016) Choose the option that correctly
b) swam completes the two sentences below, respectively.
c) swim I- I ______ his insults patiently.
d) have been swimming II- She ______ three children in six years.
e) would be swimming III- The king’s body was ______ away to the cathedral.
142) (EFOMM 2013) Choose the option that completes the IV- Hundreds of children are ______ deaf each year.
text below: a) bear / born / bored / borne
I had a really funny evening yesterday, Mary. I got talking b) bored / born / bored / born
to this boy in the pub, very nice-looking he was, and I c) bore / bore / borne / born
could see he _________ me. He said he _________ d) bored / borne / born / borne
anybody like me before, and he felt I _________ a very e) bear / bears / beared / beared
unusual kind of beauty. Oh, yes? I said. Then he asked me

147) (EFOMM 2016) Mark the correct option to complete the e) has added / is having / went / increased
sentence below. 153) (EFOMM 2020) Which is the correct alternative to
I've just finished reading a short story called complete the paragraph below?
“Dangerous”. It's about a woman who ______ her Many ofthe same questions that ________ about coal-
husband because she doesn't want to lose him. powered propulsion _______ of the Internet of Things
a) was killing (loT) today: What's wrong with the traditional way; how
b) killed will this benefit my fleet; why do we need to malee this
c) kill change? They _______ all good questions, and they
d) is killing ______ a very natural human interest in the three areas
e) kills that should matter most in deciding whether to use any
148) (EFOMM 2016) Choose the word that correctly maritime technology: safety, effectiveness and cost. The
completes the sentence. biggest challenges to IoT adoption _______. In large part,
I am not worried about the test. I ______ enough to pass. this is due to the ready availability of high-performance
a) learnt data collection.
b) have learnt (Adapted from: Sea Technology, December 2018).
c) learn a) have been asked / could be asked / were / show / have
d) had learnt already overcome
e) learned b) will be asked / are asked / were / are being shown/
149) (EFOMM 2016) Mark the correct alternative. already overcame
When I saw a diamond necklace in a local jewelry store, I c) had been asked / were asked / might be / showed / had
knew it was exactly what I ______ for. already been overcome
a) have looked d) could be asked / were asked / will be / will show / have
b) had looked already overcome
c) have been looking e) were asked / are being asked / are / show / have already
d) had been looking been overcome
e) looking 154) (EFOMM 2021) Mark the correct option to complete the
150) (EFOMM 2018) Choose the correct alternative to statements below.
complete the text below. I - Brazilian people ______ responsible for litter
About a year ago, two sisters ______ at a local discarded.
Virginia Beach tea shop on a beautiful summer afternoon II - Shipping debris ________too.
sipping delicious bubble tea, sharing laughs and enjoying III - Cattle _______ as important as marine species.
each other's company, unsure of when they might see IV -The police __________ investigating crime against
each other again. Both sisters ______the Navy in January the environment.
2014, leaving for basic training only two weeks apart. V - New statistics on marine litter decrease ______ not
Since then, they ______assigned to different duty reliable.
stations, making it difficult to find time to see each other. a) I- is / II- are / III- are / IV-is / V- is
(Adapted from: http://www.navy.mil) b) I- are / II- is / III- is / IV- are / V- is
a) were / joined / were c) I- are / II- is / III- are / IV- are / V- are
b) have been / have joined / have been d) I- are / II- is / III- are / IV- is / V- are
c) had been / joined / will be e) I- is / II- is / III- is / IV- are / V- are
d) were / had joined / have been 155) (EFOMM 2022) Mark the option that correctly
e) have been / had joined / will be completes the sentences below.
151) (EFOMM 2018) Choose the correct option. I- The incident will ________ serious damage to his
By the time we get there, the party_____________. reputation.
a) would have already started II- Exercise can ________ wonders for body, mind and
b) will have already started soul
c) is already starting III- My cousin ________ no attempt to apologize.
d) had already started IV- She ________ as if to speak but then stopped.
e) have already started V- The hat ________ the outfit.
152) (EFOMM 2019) Which is the correct way to complete VI- I don't think we'll ________ the deadline.
the paragraph below? VII- I know you don't like your niece, but there's no need
Netflix______9.6 million new subscribers in the first to keep ________ her down in front of everybody.
three months of the year even as it increased prices and a) I- make/ II- do/ III- did/ IV- made/ V- makes/ VI- do/
faced competition from rivais including Amazon and VII- making
Apple. The streaming video-service now ______ nearly b) I- make/ II- make/ III- made/ IV- did/ V- does/ VI- do/
149 million subscribers worldwide. Since it _____ public VII- making
in 2002, Netflix shares ______about 29%. c) I- do/ II- make/ III- did/ IV- did/ V- does/ VI- make/
(Abridged from https://www.bbc.com) VII- doing
a) added / has / has gone / have increased d) I- do/ II- do/ III- did/ IV- made/ V- does/ VI- make/ VII-
b) added / has / went / have increased making
c) has added / has / has gone / have increased e) I- do/ II- do/ III- made/ IV- made/ V- makes/ VI- make/
d) Has added / is having / went / increased VII- doing

156) (EFOMM 2022) In which option the use of the word 162) (Escola Naval 2012) What is the correct way to complete
"miss" is closest in meaning to the word in bold in the the sentence below?
sentence below? I'm going to leave early tomorrow in case (1) _______ a
We can't miss seeing a squall coming but it's not always lot of traffic.
obvious if it has our name on it. a) there to be
a) I would like to know what causes an engine car to miss. b) there would be
b) Perhaps there's something the police have missed. c) there will be
c) I think I will give the barbecue a miss because I am on a d) there are
diet. e) there is
d) Jane handled all her problems without missing a beat. 163) (Escola Naval 2012) Which sequence best completes the
e) Another candidate has just taken this job, so I am afraid text below?
you have missed the boat. Apple (1)_______ over 15 million iPads just in the final
157) (Escola Naval 2011) Which of the alternatives below three months of 2011. Now the popular tablet Computer
completes the sentence correctly? (2) _______ in its third generation. But as Apple prepared
After the referee _________ (1) the whistle, the match (3) _______ a new iPad on March 7th, it (4) _______
will start. legal challenges in China over rights to the name of the
a) is blowing device.
b) blows (Extracted from
c) blew http://www.manythings.org/ipad/e/v.php?v=4GmNlCqctL
d) blowing U)
e) does blows a) sells - is being - to launch – faced
158) (Escola Naval 2011) Wha tis the correct way to complete b) sold - is - launching – faces
the sentence below? c) sells - is - launch - faces
Most of the instrctions in this handout _______ (1) d) sold - is - to launch – faced
a) have not been followed e) sold - is being - to launch - faced
b) are not being follow 164) (Escola Naval 2012) Which is the correct alternative to
c) are not been followed complete the following instructions?
d) are not been follow (1)_____ a game card in the card slot. (2)_____
e) have not being followed power. Important: (3)____ insert or remove cards when
159) (Escola Naval 2011) Which sequence best completes the the power is on as it damages the machine. (4) _____ the
text below? game card icon.
David Beckham ________ (1) in a minor car accident on a) Insert - Press - Do not – Tap
Friday. The football ace ___________ (2) near Torrence b) To insert - To press - To do not - To tap
in California When he __________ (3) into the back of a c) Insert - Press - Do - To Tap
stationary vehicle with his Cadillac SUV. d) Insert - To press - Do – Tap
(Adapted from http://www.thisislondon.co.uk) e) To insert - Press - Do not - Tap
a) involved – was driving – run 165) (Escola Naval 36 2013) Choose the best reply to this
b) was involved – was driving – ran statement.
c) was involving – drove – was running Michelle: Are you going to Michelle's get-together?
d) has been involved – had been driving – run You: I won't go unless I (1) ____ all my chores in time.
e) was involved – drove – ran a) finish
160) (Escola Naval 2011) What tis the correct way to b) will finish
complete the sentence below? c) finished
Though Ann was Only 10, she _______ (1) first place in d) finishing
the competition. e) to finish
a) won 166) (Escola Naval 2013) Which sequence best completes the
b) winning text below?
c) has won "Over 250 members of the Brazilian Navy in the UK
d) had won (1)_________ stationed since the contract (2) _________
e) was winning at the end of 2011 for three Ocean Patrol Vessels and
161) (Escola Naval 2011) Which sequence best completes the ancillary support services, which (3) _________ a
sentence below? manufacturing license (4) _________ further vessels of
When you stay _______ (1) after Midnight, your attention the same class to be constructed in Brazil."
surely _________ (2). (Adapted from http://www.baesystems.com/article)
a) woken – dorpped a) are now - signed - includes – enables
b) aeake – has dropped b) has now been - was signed - includes – enables
c) awoken – has dropped c) is now - signed - is including - to enable
d) awake – drops d) are now - was signed - is including – enables
e) woken – drops e) have now been - was signed - includes - to enable

167) (Escola Naval 2014) Which of the alternatives completes 171) (Escola Naval 2015) Which is the correct way to
the sentence correctly? complete the paragraph below?
After she ______ the competition, she _______ a What Explains Brazil's Surfing Boom?
professional dancer. Brazil _________ more than 4,000 miles of coastline,
a) has won / became and Brazilians _________ its waves at least since the
b) won / became Australian surfer Peter Troy _________ a demonstration
c) was winning / was becoming in Rio de Janeiro in 1964. So why the sudden dominance?
d) has been winning / has become The answer is that the country itself _________.
e) wins / became (http://nytimes.com).
168) (Escola Naval 2014) Which sequence best completes the a) has / have surfed / has given / has changed.
text below? b) has / have been surfing / has given / has changed.
Each naval district _________ at least one base from c) has / have been surfing / gave / has changed.
which it and its vessels _________, but, except for Aratu d) has had / have been surfing / gave / changed.
in the 2nd Naval District, most _________ not large. e) has had / have surfed / has given / changed.
Aratu _________ to be the MB's number two dockyard 172) (Escola Naval 2015) Choose the correct option to
complex outside Guanabara Bay. complete the dialogue.
(Adapted from John: I’ll have to buy a new smartphone. Mine is broken.
http://www.thinkdefence.co.uk/2013/12/look--brazilian- Paul: Why don’t you have it __________ instead?
navy/) a) repair
a) has / operates / is / seems b) repairing
b) has / operate / are / seems c) repairs
c) have / operate / are / seem d) to repair
d) have / are operated / are / seem e) repaired
e) have / are operating / is / seem 173) (Escola Naval 2016) Which option completes the
169) (Escola Naval 2014) Choose the best reply to this paragraph below correctly?
statement. Electric Bikes
Michelle: Your flat needs painting. The US is different from other countries when it
You: I know. I _______________ shortly. comes to electric bikes. Nearly 32m e-bikes________ in
a) have it paint 2014, most of them in China, where they are primarily
b) have painted it used for transportation. They are popular in much of
c) have been painting it Europe, too. They are common in the Netherlands and
d) am having it painted Switzerland; German postal workers use them to get
e) am having painted it around and BMW offers one for about $3,000.
170) (Escola Naval 2015) Which is the correct way to Electric bikes are different from motorcycles or
complete the text below? mopeds, which rely on motorized power; they are
Many wounded as Moroccan police beat protestos bicycles that ______ with - or without - help from an
(Reuters) - Moroccan police beat protesters who electric motor. Riding an e-bike feels like riding a normal
defied a ban on demonstrations across the country on bike with a strong wind behind you; the motor just helps
Sunday, leading to arrests and dozens of injuries, some of you to go faster or climb hills. Unlike mopeds, e-bicycles
them life threatening, witnesses said. ________ on bike paths and they cannot travel faster than
Much of the anger _____ at the Makhzen, Morocco's 20mph.
royal court. "Protest is a legal right, why is the (Abridged from www.theguardian.com)
Makhzen afraid?", crowds in Casablanca chanted. a) were sold / can be pedaled / are usually permitted
"Makhzen get out. Down with despotism." b) were sold / can pedal / usually permit
A Reuters correspondent __________ seven riot c) are sold / can be pedaled / are usually permitted
police attacking one bearded man in his 30s, repeatedy d) have been sold / can pedal / usually permit
hitting his head and body, causing severe bleeding. e) have been sold / can be pedaled / are usually permitted
"We ____________ here to preserve order because of 174) (Escola Naval 2016) Which is the correct option to
this unauthorized protest", said a senior police officer on complete the paragraph below?
the scene who _______ to give his name. How to prepare yourself for entrance exams
No one was available at the Interior Ministry While you are studying for the test, ______ the time to
to comment on the protesters' reports. anticipate what obstacles you might encounter when
(Adapted from http://www.linkedin.com). taking the actual test. A helpful tool for doing this will be
a) directed/was seen/have called/was declined. the practice tests: ______ which questions trip you up the
b) was directed/was seen/have called/declined. most. Then, ________ up with strategies for handling
c) directed/saw/had called/were declined. those minor issues while you take your exam.
d) was directed/saw/have been called/declined. (http://www.wikihow.com/Prepare-Yourself-for-
e) directed/was seen/had called/declined. Entrance-Exams)
a) are taking/notice/comes
b) takes/noticing/coming
c) take/notice/come
d) takes/noticing/come

e) take/noticing/coming e) done / won / taken
175) (Escola Naval 2016) Choose the correct option to 179) (Escola Naval 2017) Which is the correct way to
complete this novel excerpt. complete the paragraph below?
"Where is Louisia?", shouted Paul. A change of habits
"Paul", said Mrs Schobert softly [...] "Louisia has not In recent years, dairy milk alternatives made from
_________ nor ______ . She has not ________ home — almonds, soy, cashews and coconuts ______ in
yet. I am sorry. I don't know what to think." popularity. Many people consider them more nutritious
(HOOD, P.F.F.; HOOD, C.L. Tomorrow, soldier. Part than cow's milk. Some people _______ them because they
Three: Himmler's Gas Station. An autobiographical novel have a milk allergy or lactose intolerance. Others choose
in four parts. Milton Keynes: UK. Author House, 2007, them for environmental reasons or because they want a
p.40.) vegan diet. Some just like the taste. Cow’s
a) called / wrote / come milk______once one of America’s most iconic beverages.
b) called / wrote / came But now Americans ______ less of it.
c) call / wrote / came (Adapted from https ://www.nytimes.com)
d) call / written / came a) have exploded / bought / was / are drinking
e) called / written / come b) have exploded / buy / was / are drinking
176) (Escola Naval 2016) Which is the correct way to c) have exploded / buys / was / drink
complete the text below? d) exploded / buy / is / have drunk
You can now edit and format your Google Docs by e) exploded / bought / is / drink
voice 180) (Escola Naval 2017) Which option completes the
About six months ago, Google ______ voice typing paragraph below correctly?
for Google Docs on the web ______ you to dictate your Millennium development goals: an overview
text into a document. Today it's taking this feature a step The millennium development goals (MDGs)______, eight
further by also allowing you to edit and format your text key areas - poverty, education, gender equality, child
by voice, too. mortality, maternal health, disease, the environment and
This ______ you can now say things like "select all, " global partnership. Each goal,______ by 21 specific
"align center", "bold", "got to end of line", or "increase targets and more than 60 indicators. The UN ______the
font size" and Google Docs ______ and follow your MDGs 'the most successful anti-poverty movement in
commands. You can find a full list of available commands history’, but what progress______ on each of the goals?
here. (Adapted from https://vwwv.theguardian.com)
(http://techcrunch.com/2016/02/24/you-can-now-edit- a) have been targeted / supports / has been called / has
and-format-your-google-docs-by-voice/) made
a) has introduced / to allow / means / understanding b) have targeted / support / has called / has been made
b) introduces / allowed / meant / has understood c) have targeted / is supported / has called / has been made
c) has introduced / to allow / is meaning / understood d) have been targeted / supported / has been called /has
d) introduced / to allow / means / will understand been made
e) introduced / allowed / meant / understand e) have targeted / are supported / has been called / has
177) (Escola Naval 2017) Which is the correct option to made
complete the paragraph below? 181) (Escola Naval 2018) Which option completes the
How to use the camera at the beach or near water sentence below correctly?
_______ the camera dry naturally in case it gets wet. Greg ______, and ______ his leg while he ______ in
After that, please______ the door/cover to be sure no sand Bariloche.
is present. ______ as required. ______ the camera a) felt / has broken / was skiing
anywhere the temperature may exceed 35°C as this may b) felt / had broken / had been skiing
damage the unit. c) fell / broke / was skiing
a) Let / to inspect / To clean / Do not leave d) fell / has broken / had been skiing
b) Let / inspect / Clean / Do not leave e) felt / broken / was skiing
c) To let / inspect / Clean / Not leave 182) (Escola Naval 2018) Which option completes the
d) To let / inspect / Clean / Leave not sentences below correctly?
e) To let / to inspect / To clean / Leave not I- The faucet is dripping. I need to have it______.
178) (Escola Naval 2017) Choose the correct option to II- We got him ______ us with the first steps of the
complete this paragraph. project.
Pamela is absolutely dedicated to work. She is a doctor III- They got the living room ______in pastel colors as
and director of a university department where she has they had always wanted.
______ a lot of research on anesthesiology. She has also IV- Instead of buying a new computer, why don’t you
______ grants from federal and private organizations and have your old one______?
has______ her projects all over the world to be presented a) repair / help / painted / fixed
at professional meetings. b) repaired / to help / painted / fixed
a) do / win / took c) repair / help / paint / fix
b) did / won / taken d) repaired / helps / painting / fix
c) did / won / took e) repairing / to help / painting / fixing
d) done / won / took

183) (Escola Naval 2018) Choose the correct option to 187) (Escola Naval 2020) Choose the correct option to
complete the text below. complete the paragraph below.
In the age of sail, however, a captain's options _________ The Brazilian Navy _________ its new Antarctic station
if a more powerful enemy ship _________ while his own "Estação Antártica Comandante Ferraz" (EACF) on 15
vessel _________ at anchor. If the situation was urgent January. The facility _________ by China National
[...], a captain _________ that it was more prudent to cut Electronic Imports and Exports Corporation (CEIEC) to
the anchor cable [...], and run, living to fight another day. replace the original EACF, which _________ by a fire in
(https ://blog.oxforddictionaries.com) 2012. The new station _________ of laboratories,
a) limited / was spotted / was laid / might be decided communications and meteorological modules, power
b) limited / spotted / lay / might decide generation equipment, and a living area for 64, as well as
c) were limited / was spotted / was laid / might be decided medical, healthcare, catering, and technical areas.
d) were limited / was spotted / lay / might decide (Adapted from https://www.janes.com)
e) were limited / spotted / lay / might be decided a) was inaugurated / built / destroyed / composes
184) (Escola Naval 2019) Which option completes the b) inaugurated / was built / destroyed / composes
dialogue below correctly? c) was inaugurated / built / destroyed / is composed
John: What’s the matter? d) inaugurates / builds / was destroyed / was composed
Mary: My notebook isn’t working properly. I must call e) inaugurated / was built / was destroyed / is composed
the technician and________ immediately. 188) (Escola Naval 2020) Which option completes the
a) have fixed it paragraph below correctly?
b) have it fixed ln 1984, Dallas, Texas, a call to the emergency
c) fixed it services ________ catastrophically wrong. An elderly
d) has fixed it woman _______ breathing in her home. Her son, clearly
e) has it fixed distressed, _______ 911. His conversation with the
185) (Escola Naval 2019) Which option completes the dispatcher soon _______ out of control.
paragraph below correctly? (Adapted from https://www.bbc.com)
After a particularly long week in Shanghai and a) had gone / stopped / had called / spiraled
Beijing, several of us ________ on a United flight direct b) was going / had stopped / has called / was spiraling
to Chicago on a late Friday afternoon. We ________ at c) went / has stopped / had called / had spiraled
the airport only to find out the company________ the d) had gone / has stopped / called / was spiraling
flight right before takeoff. e) went / had stopped / called / spiraled
(Adapted from https://www.linkedin.com/pulse) 189) (Escola Naval 2021) Choose the correct option to
a) was / were arriving / had cancelled complete the text below.
b) were / were arriving / had been cancelling In February, the Royal Navy’s submarine HMS Talent
c) was / arrived / had been cancelling (S92) __________ the upgraded Spearfish torpedo near
d) was / had arrived / had been cancelling the Isle of Skye to rigorously test it before it _________
e) were / arrived / had cancelled servisse.
186) (Escola Naval 2019) Which is the correct option to During the three-day trial, the torpedo _________ at
complete the text below? Talent three times and _________ to safely pass the
All 12 members of the Wild Boar soccer team and submarine.
their coach ________ after more than two weeks trapped The trials ________ valuable data in the final stages of
inside a cave in Thailand. The rescue mission was the upgraded torpedo’s development ahead of its entry
complicated. Here's how it went down. into servisse.
First, experts ________ to teach the boys how to use The operational version of the weapon _________ to
scuba gear. During the hours-long trip out of the cave, all front-line Royal Navy submarines by 2025.
each boy ________ underwater by two divers. The boys (Adapted from https://www.navaltoday.com)
and their escorts ________ to squeeze through a narrow, a) was fired / will enter / fired / programmed / provided /
flooded channel. Having completed that narrow section, will introduce
the boys ________ to separate, specialist rescue teams, b) fired / enters / was fired / was programmed / provided /
who _________ them through the remainder of the cave. will be introduced
(Adapted from: https://edition.cnn.com/asia/live- c) was fired / entered / was fired / was programmed / were
news/thai-cave-rescue-live-intl/index.htmI) provided / will introduce
a) were rescued / were sent in / accompanied / were d) fired / enters / fired / was programmed / were provided /
required / were handed over / were helped will introduce
b) were rescued / were sent in / was accompanied / were e) was fired / entered / fired / programmed / provided / will
required / were handed over / helped be introduced
c) rescued / sent in / accompanied / required / handed over/
were helped
d) rescued / sent in / was accompanied / required / handed
over / were helped
e) was rescued / were sent in / accompanied / were
required / handed over / helped

190) (Escola Naval 2022) Which option completes the text peoples struggle even more for self-determination since they do
below correctly? not have their own autonomous territory. They find themselves
Dr. How Hoong Au: Learning Mandarin at 75 even more vulnerable and are often at best ignored, or worse
Dr. How Hoong Au ___________ born in Malaysia to persecuted.
parents from mainland China. His family ___________ it Fonte: What does it mean to be unrecognised and
would be better for him to learn in English than Mandarin unrepresented? https://unpo.org/article/21947. Adaptado. Data
or Cantonese. That ___________ Au without much de acesso: 07/08/2022.
knowledge of any Chinese language. 191) (ITA 2022) O termo “do”, destacado em itálico
At the age of 75, Au now attends the Toronto sublinhado no excerto do quarto parágrafo: “the few
Mandarin School alongside his grandchildren, who countries that do recognise them”, expressa
___________ the language as well. a) dúvida.
a) is/ figured/ left/ was learning b) equivalência.
b) was/ figured/ left/ are learning c) detalhamento.
c) were/ figures/ will leave/ are learning d) exemplificação.
d) is/ figures/ left/ is learning e) ênfase.
e) was/ figured/ will leave/ was learning
Texto para a questão 191
Since the early 1990s, an interesting phenomenon has emerged
in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus – some states that, despite
having their own government and state apparatus, lack
international recognition. Even today, the struggle of these
unrecognised states remains widely unknown. While these
states have been the focus of much academic study, their very
existence is often neglected by both the international
community and societies in the West. In parallel, there exist in
Eastern Europe and the Caucasus distinct peoples who have
neither acquired recognised statehood nor any significant
representation within their own countries – they are the so-
called unrepresented peoples.
Today, the territory of the former Soviet Union in Eastern
Europe and the Caucasus is somewhat unique for its relatively
high concentration of unrecognised states and unrepresented
peoples. Each of them has varying degrees of independence
and autonomy. Some have de facto statehood, whereas others
are distinct peoples with little to no representation or territorial
autonomy. Although different, these peoples seem to have one
common goal – self-determination.
The benefits of recognised statehood are numerous and often
taken for granted – countries have access to various forms of
international funding, for example from the World Bank and
the International Monetary Fund (IMF); their citizens can
travel, assured that their passports will be accepted in another
country; and they have a voice at international forums like the
United Nations (UN), which can be an opportunity to influence
international outcomes in their favour. Unrecognised states, on
the other hand, are isolated internationally and can be forced to
rely upon a patron state which offers them all kinds of help in
exchange for their allegiance. This dependency on a patron-
client relationship can lead to the client state being used as a
political tool by its patron.
One key issue facing most unrecognised states is the restriction
on movement imposed on their people. Because their de facto
nationality is not recognised internationally, their locally-
issued passports or travel documents are not considered valid
for travel or entry into another country. The only way for them
to travel abroad is to receive a passport from a neighbouring
country, or to travel to the few countries that do recognise
them. It happens that some people living in de facto states are
entitled to other citizenships. In addition to unrecognised states,
there also exists a number of unrepresented peoples – that is,
distinct ethnic and linguistic groups that enjoy little or no
representation both internationally and domestically. These

Gabarito 62) B
1) C 63) D
2) B 64) C
3) C 65) B
4) B 66) C
5) D 67) B
6) B 68) B
7) B 69) D
8) B 70) A
9) B 71) D
10) E 72) A
11) B 73) C
12) E 74) C
13) E 75) B
14) C 76) B
15) C 77) D
16) A 78) A
17) B 79) B
18) A 80) D
19) D 81) D
20) D 82) C
21) D 83) B
22) B 84) A
23) C 85) C
24) C 86) C
25) B 87) D
26) A 88) B
27) D 89) A
28) C 90) B
29) D 91) B
30) D 92) C
31) E 93) D
32) C 94) D
33) C 95) B
34) B 96) A
35) D 97) B
36) C 98) A
37) A 99) C
38) C 100) B
39) C 101) C
40) C 102) A
41) B 103) D
42) A 104) A
43) C 105) C
44) A 106) C
45) B 107) A
46) B 108) B
47) D 109) B
48) C 110) C
49) A 111) C
50) C 112) B
51) A 113) D
52) D 114) D
53) B 115) D
54) D 116) E
55) B 117) B
56) D 118) D
57) C 119) A
58) D 120) E
59) B 121) C
60) C 122) C
61) C 123) D

124) A 186) B
125) D 187) E
126) B 188) E
127) B 189) B
128) B 190) B
129) A 191) E
130) D
131) B
132) D
133) C
134) D
135) B
136) B
137) E
138) D
139) E
140) A
141) D
142) C
143) C
144) B
145) A
146) C
147) E
148) B
149) D
150) D
151) B
152) B
153) E
154) C
155) E
156) B
157) B
158) A
159) B
160) A
161) D
162) E
163) D
164) A
165) A
166) E
167) B
168) B
169) D
170) D
171) C
172) E
173) A
174) C
175) E
176) D
177) B
178) E
179) B
180) C
181) C
182) B
183) D
184) B
185) E

Numerais – Numbers c) twenty-eight, seventeen, two hundred and five, two
thousand and six
1) (EPCAR 2013) “Websterts dictionary is now in its 11 th
d) twenty-eight, seventeen, two thousand and five, two
edition.” The full form of the underlined item is
a) eleven. hundred and six
10) (EEAr 2. 2020) The written form of the number 35,000 is
b) eleventy.
c) eleventh.
d) elevent. a) thirteen five thousand
2) (EPCAR 2015) “(...) half of the young people interviewed b) thirty-five thousand
said that they suffer bullying” (lines 13-14), the underlined c) thirty-five hundred
expression representes d) three five hundred
11) (EEAr 2. 2021) Choose the alternative that has the right
a) twenty-five percent of.
written form of the number in bold in the text.
b) a hundred percent of.
English contains over 750,000 words. With so many
c) ten percent of.
different words available to describe things, you should
d) fifty percent of.
never be short of synonyms.
3) (EPCAR 2016) The sentence “one-fifth of working adults
a) Seven hundred and fifty thousand
say they experience ageism in the workplace” (lines 9 and
b) Seven thousand and fifty hundred
10) means that
c) Seventy-five thousand
a) twenty per cent of working adults suffer the
d) Seventy-five hundred
consequences of ageism at work.
12) (EsSEx 2015) What`s another way of saying “It`s seven
b) 1/15 of adults work under pressure.
c) 1/5 of workers experience prejudice against their type of
a) It`s a quarter after eight.
b) It`s seven thirty.
d) half of the adult population experiences intolerance at
c) It`s a quarter to eight.
4) (EEAr 1. 2016) The ordinal form for the number ninety d) It`s seven o`clock.
13) (EEAr BCT 2013) The numbers “70 and 100” (line 18),
(90) is
are expressed in English as
a) ninth
b) nineth a) seventy and a hundred
c) ninetieth b) seventy and a thousand
d) nineteenth c) seventeen and a hundred
5) (EEAr 1. 2017) Choose the best alternative for the written d) seventeen and a thousand
14) (EEAr BCT 2013) “a hundred thousand”, (line 9), is
form of “1844”.
expressed in number as:
a) eight fourty – four
a) 100,000
b) one eight four four
b) 1,000,000
c) eighteen forty-four
c) 10,000,000
d) eighteen fourth-four
d) 100,000,000
6) (EEAr 2. 2017) The correct way of writing the cardinal
15) (EEAr 2012) The correspondent ordinal forms for the
number 30,000 using words is __________.
numbers 60, 30 and 90 are, respectively:
a) third thousand
a) sixth / third / ninth
b) thirty thousand
b) sixty / thirty / ninety
c) thirteen thousand
d) thirtieth thousand c) sixtieth / thirtieth / ninetieth
d) sixteenth / thirteenth / nineteenth
7) (EEAr 1. 2018) The number 100,000 is expressed in words
16) (EEAr 2013) The numbers 12 th and 25 th, underlined in the
as __________________.
text, are, respectively:
a) a million
a) twelve / twenty-fifth
b) one hundred
b) twelfth / twenty-fifth
c) one thousand
c) twelve / twentieth-fifth
d) a hundred thousand
8) (EEAr 2. 2018) Choose the best alternative for the written d) twelfth / twentieth-five
form of 137th 17) (Crescer Consultorias 2019) Which number is spelt
a) hundredth thirtieth seventh. incorrectly? Choose the INCORRECT answer.
b) one hundred thirty seven. a) Third (3rd)
b) Twelfth (12th)
c) one hundred thirty seventh.
c) Seventeenth (17th)
d) a hundred thirteen seventy.
d) Twenty Ninteh (29th )
9) (EEAr 1. 2019) The numbers 28, 70, 2005 and 2016 are
18) (FACET Concursos 2020) Choose the option that shows
respectively expressed in words as _______.
an example of ordinal numbers:
a) twenty-eight, seventy, two thousand and five, two
a) “The “Edinburgh declaration”, published on Monday,
thousand and sixteen
urges leaders to work more closely with sub-national
b) twenty-eight, seventy, two thousand and fifty, two
governments, indigenous peoples, national parks, local
hundred and sixteen
councils and wider society in meeting 20 biodiversity

b) “signed in Nagoya, Japan, 10 years ago.” 25) Em relação aos números do inglês, assinale a opção
c) “Thompson said Scotland was set to meet nine of the incorreta:
Aichi goals.” a) A preposição of pode ser utilizada atrelada a números
d) “The convention on biological diversity was first expressivos como centenas, milhares em milhões.
opened for signature at the Earth summit in Rio de b) A palavra and é comumente utilizada após a
Janiero, Brazil, in 1992.” palavra hundred como em three hundred and sixteen.
e) None of them show an ordinal number. c) A million é equivalente a one million.
19) (Instituto Excelência 2019) Leia o trecho abaixo: d) Nenhuma das respostas anteriores.
“Mary has two young children and they are very intelligent. 26) Como se diz "2014" e "2015" em inglês?
Their names are "Jack" and "Julie". Jack is nine years old a) Two thousand fourteen / two thousand fifty
and Julie is eleven years old.” b) Two thousand forty / two thousand fifteen
How many numerals appear in the sentence? c) Two thousand fourteen / two thousand fifteen
a) Four. d) Two hundred fourteen / two hundred fifteen
b) Five. 27) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) Os números
c) Two. cardinais entre 20 e 99 apresentam terminação:
d) Nenhuma das alternativas. a) -ve
20) (NUCEPE 2016) In the text 06, the numbers "116” (line b) -ty
14) and "35" (in the reference), are, in compliance with c) -th
Bristish usage, written respectively as: d) -teen
a) one hundred and sixteen; thirty - five. 28) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) Assinale a opção
b) a hundred sixteen; thrity five. que apresenta um número ordinal:
c) one hundred and sixtyeen; thirty five. a) hundred and thirty-third
d) a hundred sixty; third - five. b) hundred and thirty-three
e) one - hundred sixteen; thirty – five. c) seven hundred and ninety
21) (CONSULPLAN 2014) In “We are helping UNIQLO grow d) five thousand, eight hundred and ninety-nine
by 350%.”, 350% is read 29) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) Sobre frações,
a) three hundred fifty percent. assinale a alternativa incorreta:
b) thirty-five hundred percent. a) 26/78 → twenty-six over seventy-eight
c) thirty-five thousand percent. b) 2½ → two and a half (dois e um meio)
d) three thousand and five hundred percent. c) Nas frações abaixo de 1, utilizamos a
22) Em relação ao tópico números e datas em inglês, assinale a preposição of antes de substantivos.
opção correta: d) Half é sempre seguido de of
a) There were five thousands people at the party narra o 30) (Questão Inédita – Mateus Germano) Como se diz em
número de pessoas em uma festa. inglês “1708” e “2009”
b) A data 2020 pode ser lida como two-thousand and a) one Thousand, seven hundred and eight / two thousand
twenty ou two-thousand-twenty. (and) nine
c) A preposição of não deve ser utilizada com números. b) seventeen oh eight / twenty oh nine
d) Nenhuma das respostas anteriores. c) seventeen oh eight / two thousand (and) nine
23) Em relação aos números do inglês, assinale a opção d) one Thousand, seven hundred and eight / twenty oh nine
a) Em Inglês, o número 120.000 é escrito como 120,000.
b) Em Inglês, o número 120,000 pode ser lido como one
hundred and twenty thousand ou a hundred and twenty
c) Assim como no Português, a casa dos milhares é
pronunciada no plural. Dessa forma, em inglês, 4,000 é
lido como four thousands.
d) Nenhuma das respostas anteriores.
24) Em relação aos números do inglês, como pronunciar,
presencialmente, o número 6,300,100?
a) Six hundred million, three hundred thousand, one
b) Six hundred million, three hundred thousand, and one
c) Six hundred million and three hundred thousand, and
one hundred.
d) Nenhuma das respostas anteriores.

1) C
2) D
3) A
4) C
5) C
6) B
7) D
8) C
9) A
10) B
11) A
12) C
13) A
14) A
15) C
16) B
17) D
18) D
19) D
20) A
21) A
22) B
23) B
24) A
25) D
26) C
27) B
28) A
29) D
30) C

Conjunções – Conjunctions d) though
6) (EEAr 1. 2018) Fill in the blank with the option that best
1) (EPCAR 2017) The expression “further” (line 51)
completes the text.
introduces an idea of
The New Yorker’s Tad Friend claims that many people in Dear Mary,
My younger sister just told us she’s been accepted to her
Silicone Valley are obsessed with the idea that we're all
first choice university. Lee is very intelligent. She will be
living in a Matrix-like simulation, and some are taking that
obsession a stage further: “Two tech billionaires have gone the first person in our family to go to college. I got good
so far as to secretly engage scientists to work on breaking grades in high school, too, but when I graduated I went into
us out of the simulation.” the family business _________ going to college. I enjoy my
a) exemplification. new career, I’m sure that I’ve learned a lot of new things.
With love, Lincon
b) contrast.
a) as soon as
c) conclusion.
b) instead of
d) comparison.
c) still
2) (EPCAR 2021) The word furthermore (l. 6) could be
d) yet
replaced, without changing the meaning, by
7) (EEAr 2. 2019) The missing words in the text above are,
“The short answer is yes, Fortnite is generally fine.
Furthermore, parents can breathe easier knowing that
Dear Frank,
research suggests gaming (on its own) does not cause
I am sorry, I missed your party _____ Friday.
disorders like addiction.”
I could not come _______ I had to take my cousin ______
a) nonetheless.
the airport.
b) meanwhile.
I tried to phone you ______ you were out. I hope the party
c) in addition.
went well.
d) though.
Yours, Sammy
3) (EPCAR 2021) In the sentence For most children,
however, parents understanding the deeper truth behind a) in – if – on – but
b) on – but – at – so
what kids are getting out of games empowers them to take
c) on – because – at – but
steps to give their children more of what they need (l. 84 -
88), the underlined word expresses d) at – however – to – because
a) consequence. 8) (EEAr 1. 2020) The words in bold are, respectively,
b) comparison. synonyms for
c) conclusion. In The End
Linkin Park
d) contrast.
One thing, I don’t know why
4) (EEAr 1. 2016)
It doesn’t even matter how hard you try
A pilot from Northwest Airlines flight was less than pleased
Keep that in mind
with the food which was to be served on the flight. He
I designed this rhyme
decided to find some better food, so he left his aeroplane,
To remind myself of a time when
and then left the airport to find food even though he had a
I tried so hard
plane to fly. The passengers were left to wait 90 minutes
In spite of the way you were mocking me
until the pilot came back and when the pilot came back he
Acting like I was part of your property
was fired on the spot for “abandoning his plane”.
Remembering all the times you fought with me
(Adapted from www.flightglobal.com)
The conjunction “so” (line 03), in the text, can be replaced I’m surprised it got so
Things aren’t the way they were before
You wouldn’t even recognize me anymore
a) because
Not that you knew me back then
b) however
But it all comes back to me in the end
c) even though
You kept everything inside
d) and therefore
And even though I tried, it all fell apart
5) (EEAr 1. 2017) The Secret life of pets
Taking place in a Manhattan apartment building, Max’s What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time
life as a favorite pet is turned upside down, when his owner when
brings home a sloppy mongrel named Duke. They have to I tried so hard
put their quarrels behind when they find out that an And got so far
But in the end
adorable white bunny named Snowball is building an army
It doesn’t even matter
of lost pets determined to take revenge.
I had to fall
Fonte: www.imdb.com/title/tt2709768
To lose it all
But in the end
Mongrel: a dog that is a mixture of different breeds.
It doesn’t even matter
A similar meaning to “as”, in bold type in the passage, is
I’ve put my trust in you
a) like
Pushed as far as I can go
b) when
For all this
c) while
There’s only one thing you should know

I’ve put my trust in you 12) (EEAr BCT 1. 2018) Which words complete the lines in
Pushed as far as I can go the cartoon?
For all this
There’s only one thing you should know
a) despite, although, and in the end.
b) although, in the end, and finally.
c) despite, though, and although.
d) although, finally, and despite.
9) (EEAr 1. 2022) The underlined word in the text can be
a) As – as
replaced by:
b) At – as
The best way to boost self-esteem
c) Like – as
Working hard to accomplish great things is a healthy
d) How – like
way to pump your ego? Not necessarily, according to
13) (EEAr BCT 2. 2018) The word “despite” is closest in
researchers at the University of Michigan. In their survey of
meaning to
642 college freshmen, those who measured their self-worth
St Marteen: tourist killed by jet blast at caribean
against objective standards, such as getting good grades,
were actually more stressed - and received no higher marks
A tourist has been killed after being knocked over by jet
- than those who based how they felt themselves of their
blast at an airport famous for its dangerous runway. The
relationships with others. That’s not to say that you
woman was watching a plane take off at Princess Juliana
shouldn’t work hard; just don’t make it all about you.
Airport on the island of St. Marteen when the blast of a
“Instead of focusing on whether you’re succeeding, ask
Boeing 737 knocked her over. The tourist was standing by
yourself, ‘What am I contributing to society? How will
the fence at the end of the runway, watching the plane takes
people benefit from what I’m doing?’” suggests lead
off when she fell and had head injuries. She was taken to
researcher Jennifer Crocker, Ph.D. “This takes the pressure
hospital, where she died. The airport is one of the most
off you and guarantees that your work will always feel
dangerous in the world due to the location of its runway
with a public beach at one end, and a mountain at the other.
a) on the contrary.
Between the beach and the airport there is a public road.
b) furthermore.
Despite warning signs and requests from the airport to stay
c) however.
away from the runway they don’t obey and stay by the
d) despite.
fence to feel the blast from planes as they take off.
10) (EEAr 2. 2022) The word whereas, underlined in the text,
Adapted from The Independent Online; July 13, 2017.
is closest in meaning to
a) although
Beauty is where you find it.
b) however
There are nearly 8 billion people living on Earth and,
c) because of
naturally, different cultures have different ideals of beauty
d) in spite of
for both men and women. Generally speaking, in most
14) (EEAr BCT 1. 2019) “In order to”, in bold type in the text,
western societies being thin is more acceptable than being
is a _________ clause.
overweight, whereas nations in other parts of the planet
Two F-15 military fighter jets went up into the air in order
may prefer a more full-bodied appearance. So if you wake
to intercept the stolen airliner, and the airport closed for a
up feeling ugly some day, just remember that you may be
short time
the ideal of beauty somewhere. Perhaps you are living in
a) time
the wrong country.
b) result
a) so.
c) manner
b) but.
d) purpose
c) thus.
15) (EEAr BCT 1. 2021) “Life there is simple and good. Ripe
d) therefore.
fruit falls from the trees and you never have to work.”
11) (EEAr BCT 2. 2016)
These sentences could be connected by the word:
Greenpeace has campaigned against environmental
a) however.
degradation since 1971 when a small boat of volunteers and
b) because.
journalists sailed into the U.S. atomic test zone of
c) despite.
Amchitka, Alaska.
d) though.
Our focus has been on the most crucial worldwide
16) (EEAr BCT 1. 2021) In the fragment “At last, however,
threats to our planet’s biodiversity and environment. It’s
the bulls...”, the word however means the same as:
also our responsibility to expose environmental criminals,
a) Nevertheless
and to challenge governments and corporations when they
b) Furthermore
fail to act appropriately in order to protect our environment
c) In addition
and our future.
d) Therefore
‘in order to’, underlined in the text, is used to
a) give orders.
b) express purpose.
c) indicate personal opinion.
d) talk about a sequence of ideas.

17) (EEAr BCT 1. 2021) In the sentence “Either mom’s 24) (EsPCEx 2015) In the sentence “Besides what we need to
cooking dinner or somebody got sick at home.”, the know for our own jobs, we must have practical skills.”
expression either...or gives an idea of: (paragraph 4), the word besides can be replaced by
a) Comparison a) However
b) Opposition b) in addition to
c) Exclusion c) to the exclusion of
d) Addition d) though
18) (EEAr BCT 1. 2022) In the following passage from the e) as a result of
text “Nobody does it better”, what is the idea expressed by 25) (EsPCEx 2016) Choose the alternative that correctly
the words in bold? substitutes the expression for instance in the sentence “In
Although the actor playing Bond has changed several London, for instance, more than 300 languages...”
times over the last forty years, and although there are no (paragraph 4).
Ian Fleming novels on which to base the films, the series a) for example
goes on and on. b) such as
a) Contrast. c) on the other hand
b) Addition. d) however
c) Purporse. e) no exception
d) Cause. 26) (EsPCEx 2016) Choose the alternative that correctly
19) (EEAr BCT 1. 2022) Choose the conjunction that best substitutes the expression rather than in the sentence “...
replaces “whereas” in the text history will remember Desert Storm for its smart weapons,
A lacto-ovo vegetarian consumes milk and other dairy rather than its dumb ones.” (paragraph 2)
products, eggs, grains, fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts and a) as well as
seeds. Whereas a lacto-vegetarian follows a similar eating b) besides
pattern but does not eat eggs. Meanwhile, a vegan avoids c) in addition to
all animal-based products. In addition to meat, this includes d) aside from
eggs, milk and dairy products. Some vegans also do not eat e) instead of
honey. 27) (EsPCEx 2017) Choose the alternative that correctly
a) Albeit substitutes the word yet in the sentence “It is less obvious
b) Because that social diversity should work in the same way – yet the
c) Therefore science shows that it does.” (paragraph 2)
d) In addition to a) however
20) (EEAr BCT 2. 2022) In the excerpt from the text “(...) to b) for
return to their homes to retrieve their belongings because of c) such as
the ‘evolution of the volcanic emergency’”, the underlined d) thus
expression can be replaced by e) because
a) nonetheless. 28) (EsPCEx 2021) Choose the alternative with words that
b) as though. respectively complete gaps (1), (2), (3) and (4) in the
c) therefore. correct way.
d) due to. The 'Queen's Gambit' Effect: Everyone Wants a Chess
21) (EsPCEx 2011) In the sentence “All teenagers have the Set Now
same problems - life, love, school work, and parents”, the _______(1) for the past few years the most popular
conjunction and indicates _______(2) on Netflix was undoubtedly Her Majesty
a) contrast. Queen Elizabeth, as portrayed by Claire Foy and Olivia
b) result. Colman in The Crown, this fall another type of queen
c) reason. _______(3) her mark: Beth Harmon, the captivating
d) consequence. protagonist of The Queen's Gambit, a Netflix original that
e) addition. became an overnight sensation and inspired a slew of
22) (EsPCEx 2012) In the sentence “But when she started discerning viewers to pick up _______(4).
working, she found out that...”, the word but indicates a) Finally, queen, is, chess
a) addition. b) Although, queen, made, chess
b) consequence. c) However, chessboard, makes, queen
c) result. d) The Crown, movie, made, queen
d) reason. e) The Crown, actress, makes, Harmon
e) contrast. 29) (AFA 2012) The connectives however (line 19) and thus
23) (EsPCEx 2013) In the sentence “...an awareness of one’s (line 27) express, respectively, _________ and _________ .
own emotions as well as the ability to control them...”, the The Military Aviation, however, only activated its Military
expression as well as has the same meaning as Aviation School after the Great War, on 10 July 1919.
a) but. Thus, on 20 January 1941, the Air Ministry was created
b) thus. and both the Army and Navy air arms were disbanded, their
c) also. personnel and equipment forming the Brazilian Air Force.
d) unless. a) contrast - result
e) then. b) addition - conclusion

c) contrast - addition 37) (EFOMM 2011) Indicate in which of the sentences below
d) conclusion – result the subordinator “although” can ben used:
30) (AFA 2012) Mark the option that correctly substitutes the a) I don’t like him; _______________, I agree that he’s a
expression rather than (line 01). good manager.
Speaking two languages rather than just one has obvious b) ___________, the rain, my cousins went to a party last
practical benefits in an increasingly globalized world. night.
a) Instead of. c) The police, _________, did not believe him.
b) As well as. d) ___________ unhappy, Susan went out with him.
c) Aside from. e) It is a bit late, ____________ I’d like to go out.
d) In addition to. 38) (EFOMM 2012) He says he’s not wealthy, and ______ he
31) (AFA 2014) In the sentence “for the last three decades” owns a house at the beach and drives a BMW.
(lines 73 and 74), the underlined item was used in the same a) so
way as in b) so that
The fact that some industries have been safe from c) because
automation for the last three decades doesn't guarantee that d) unless
they'll be safe for the next one. e) yet
a) “[...] killing jobs — from tailors to paralegals — for 39) (EFOMM 2014) Which conjunction correctly completes
centuries.” (lines 6 and 7) the sentence?
b) “[...] people responsible for our safety [...]” (line 25) “_________________ he left school at 16, he still managed
c) “[...] caring for other humans.” (lines 66 and 67) to become prime minister.”
d) “[...] opportunities for human creativity.” (lines 68 and a) Because
69) b) Even though
32) (AFA 2015) “This does not mean that they are not able to c) Provided that
form friendships, however” (lines 80-81). The option that d) So
replaces the highlighted expression is e) Thus
a) so. 40) (EFOMM 2017) In lines 53-55: “Locals in Raja Ampat say
b) though. that besides the damage to the reef, the accident has also
c) thus. put a major strain on the local economy (...).”, the word in
d) most likely. bold is closest in meaning to
33) (AFA 2015) “Nonetheless we all have every single type in a) as soon as
our lives” (lines 95-96). The option that contains a b) instead of
synonym for the underlined expression is c) in spite of
a) nevertheless. d) as long as
b) due to. e) as well as
c) therefore. 41) (EFOMM 2018) Choose the alternative that correctly
d) although. completes the blanks in the text below.
34) (AFA 2017) Mark the option which best shows the The Signal Box Inn
meaning of the highlighted expression in “deforestation of In the Cleethorpes region of Great Britain, there is a
tropical forest due to human pressure” (line 42). very unusual signal box that is now used for something
a) Owed by. completely different. The Signal Box Inn is a pub;_______
b) Arranged for. , at only 6m2 , it is in the Guinness Book of Records as the
c) Caused by. smallest pub in the world, with room inside for only 6
d) Deserved by. people! _______it is very small, it serves 5 types of beer
35) (AFA 2021) Therefore (line 51) is closest in meaning to and cider and some food. The best place to enjoy your drink
Therefore, rather than knowingly making the wrong choice while you watch steam trains go by is in the pub’s beer
just to conform to peer pressure, the influence of others garden.
may actually change what we see as the correct choice in (Adapted from: Flash on English for Transport and
the moment and remember as the right thing after the fact. Logistics)
a) nevertheless. (line 2) a) in fact – Although
b) however. (line 22) b) however - Despite
c) thus. (line 41) c) therefore - Because
d) furthermore. (line 64) d) thus - As
36) (AFA 2021) Mark the option in which the passage e) otherwise -Once
expresses a condition. 42) (EFOMM 2018) Read the extract below and choose the
a) From a perceptual standpoint […] (line 36) only sequence that can complete it.
b) Unless you are in an emergency situation […] (lines 77 The female voice.
and 78) The vast majority of projects in speech synthesis have
c) Rather than knowingly making the wrong choice […] used male voices. The early synthesizers of the 1980s were
(lines 51 and 52) very limited in the kind of speech they could cope with.
d) Furthermore, pro-social and altruistic behaviors can be The Haskins Laboratories Pattern Playback, for example,
influenced […] (lines 64 and 65) could only produce a fundamental frequency of 120Hz.
______, very little information was available on the

acoustics of female speech. ______ several efforts were 46) (Escola Naval 2011) Which of the alternatives below
made to produce female-sounding speech, none of them completes the sentence correctly?
was convincing.______, since the 1980s, the use of more The receptionist allowes Mary into the concert hall _____
sophisticated acoustic analyses and equipment has led to (1) she was late.
the synthesis of several utterances with an acceptable a) however
female quality. b) still
(Adapted from: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language) c) yet
a) Even though / Also / Thus d) in spite of
b) Therefore / Because / But e) although
c) However / Once / In addition 47) (Escola Naval 2012) Which sequence best completes the
d) As much as / As long as / Otherwise sentence below?
e) Moreover / Although / However The little girl wouldn't go into the sea (1)____ her mother
43) (EFOMM 2019) Choose the correct option to complete the did so, too.
paragraph below. a) except for
Is an autonomous ship a 'ship' in the eyes of the law? b) unless
Different defmitions of 'ship' appear in different statutes c) also
and conventions, and it has often fallen to judges to decide d) if not
if a floating object is, or is not, a 'ship'. ______________ , e) but also
none of the defmitions of'ship' requires that the floating 48) (Escola Naval 2013) What does the word "thus" mean in
object be manned, generally simply requiring that it be used the following extract?
or be capable of being used in navigation. Whether this is "Reduced rainfall from forest cutting could dry up the
by remote control or fully autonomous would not appear to water that powers hydroelectric dams, thus slashing
be a problem in terms of the legal definition of a 'ship'. It Brazilian power - generating capacity by 40 percent by
appears probable,________________ , that autonomous midcentury."
ships are likely to fali within the legal definition of 'ship' a) Therefore.
and so will have to comply with the relevant laws and b) However.
conventions ______________ the laws themselves might c) Despite.
require some modification. d) Because of.
(Abridged from SEAWAYS -The International Journal o f e) In addition.
the Nautical Inslitute. Dec/2017) 49) (Escola Naval 2013) Which of the alternatives completes
a) Also / however / even so the sentence correctly?
b) Because / otherwise / anyhow (1) ____ he cannot afford a car, he rides a bicycle.
c) Moreover / instead / in addition a) Unless
d) Hence / as well / in spite of b) Whereas
e) However / therefore / although c) Though
44) (EFOMM 2020) Choose the option that correctly d) As
completes the sentences below, respectively: e) Although
I - The journey was quite quick _______ the road was clear. 50) (Escola Naval 2013) Which of the alternatives completes
II - The meeting has been canceled _______ the strike. the sentence correctly?
III - I drove at a steady 50 mph ________ save fuel. "Harry went to the office on Monday (1) ____ not feeling
IV- There's no reason _______ we shouldn't be friends. well."
V- _______ all her qualifications, she's useless at the job. a) Although
a) owing to / due to / otherwise / insofar as / to b) until
b) because of / in order that / provide that / unless / owing c) in spite of
to d) however
c) owing to / due to / therefore / for / in e) because
d) as / because / so as to / as of / in spite of 51) (Escola Naval 2014) Considering the text, which word can
e) because / owing to / so as to / why / for replace "despite" in this extract: "[...] despite my four years
45) (EFOMM 2021) “... and microplastics can also enter the of experience [...]"?
food chain as they are indigestible when swallowed.” In the “‘I quickly found out that I was lumped together with
excerpt from the text, the word in bold can be substituted recent college grads for entry-level positions, and that an
by: employee that had two years' experience at a job in a
a) provided similar industry was considered way more qualified than I
b) although was despite my four years as an officer in the army’,
c) unless Dumas said.”
d) since a) Whatever.
e) while b) Moreover.
c) Wherever.
d) In spite of.
e) However.

52) (Escola Naval 2014) Which of the alternatives completes d) Besides being a confidential study, John F. Kennedy
the sentence correctly? said he used to be a participant.
The population must bear in mind that ____________ e) In spite of the fact that all identities are kept
the UK has moved to a treatment phase for swine flu, it is confidential, it was recently found out that John F.
important that people all over the world continue to do Kennedy was a sample participant.
everything they can to stop the virus from spreading. 57) (ITA 2014) Marque a opção que pode substituir “due to”
(Adapted from http://nhs.uk) sem alterar o sentido do período.
a) although
b) moreover
c) in spite of
d) however
e) In addition to
53) (Escola Naval 2016) Which of the options completes the
sentence correctly?
Surveys have found that even though 80% of smokers
would like to quit smoking, less than five percent are able
to quit on their own ______ the highly addictive properties
of nicotine. a) by means of
(http://www.spine-health.com/we11ness/stop-smoking) b) in case of
a) because c) in spite of
b) due to d) instead of
c) moreover e) because of
d) however 58) (ITA 2016) Marque a opção que substitui o trecho
e) instead of sublinhado, mantendo o mesmo sentido.
54) (Escola Naval 2017) Which option completes the first “Despite their impressive resumes, the five men have just
paragraph of the text correctly? completed a four-week boot camp covering everything
“I’ve known a lot of athletes who qualified for the Olympic from term sheets, [...]”
Games ______ injuries. But I know of only one who a) Once they have impressive resumes,
qualified because of an injury." b) Besides they have impressive resumes,
a) as if c) Since their impressive resumes,
b) despite d) Because of their impressive resumes,
c) instead of e) Although they have impressive resumes,
d) however Texto para as questões 59 e 60
55) (Escola Naval 2019) Which is the correct option to ANALYZED HOW DIFFERENTLY
complete the paragraph below? THEY TALK ABOUT FEMALE ENTREPRENEURS
The power of a thank-you note When venture capitalists (VCs) evaluate investment
Thank-you notes might seem old-fashioned ________ proposals, the language they use to describe the entrepreneurs
there's plenty of value to be found in the tradition. who write them plays an important but often hidden role in
________ a study by Accountemps, just 24% of job shaping who is awarded funding and why.[…] We were given
applicants send thank-you notes after interviews - access to government venture capital decision making meetings
________ 80% of hiring managers who receive them say in Sweden and were able to observe the types of language that
they are useful in evaluating the potential of applicants. VCs used over a two-year period. One major thing stuck out:
Proponents of thank-you notes say they are an inexpensive The language used to describe male and female entrepreneurs
way to strengthen a relationship ________ show the was radically different. And these differences have very real
applicant cares about the job. consequences for those seeking funding — and for society in
(Adapted from https://www.linkedin.com) general.
a) but / According to / but / and […] Worldwide, government venture capital is important
b) and / Because of / because / but for bridging significant financial gaps and supporting
c) so / According to / so / because innovation and growth, as VCs can take risks where banks are
d) so / In addition to/ but / because not allowed to. When uncertainty is high regarding assessment
e) but / Because of / because / and of product and market potential, for example, the assessment of
56) (ITA 2013) 9. Assinale a opção cuja reescrita não altera o the entrepreneur’s potential becomes highly central in
sentido de: “Though all identities are confidential, it was government VCs’ decision making.
recently discovered that John F. Kennedy was a sample In Sweden, about one-third of businesses are owned and
participant.” (linha 5) run by women, although they are not granted a corresponding
a) John F. Kennedy was a sample participant, although proportion of government funding. In fact, women-owned
nobody knew that. businesses receive much less — only 13%–18%, the rest going
b) In spite of being a sample participant, John F. to male-owned companies.
Kennedy’s identity was never discovered. This brings us back to our research. From 2009 to 2010 we
c) The study was confidential, thus the participation of were invited to silently observe governmental VC decision-
John F. Kennedy was never discovered. making meetings and, more important, the conversations they

had about entrepreneurs applying for funding. […] We b) so long as
observed closed-room, face-to-face discussions leading final c) despite
funding decisions for 125 venture applications. Of these, 99 d) but that
(79%) were from male entrepreneurs and 26 (21%) were from e) since
female entrepreneurs. The group of government venture 61) (ITA 2017) Marque a opção que preenche, correta e
capitalists observed included seven individuals: two women respectivamente, as lacunas I, II, III e IV inseridas no texto.
Aside from a few exceptions, the financiers rhetorically FICTION AND CONTROVERSY
produce stereotypical images of women as having qualities Augmentation of brain function is no longer just a
opposite to those considered important to being an theme of science fiction. __________(I) advances in neural
entrepreneur, with VCs questioning their credibility, sciences, it has become a matter of reality that a person may
trustworthiness, experience, and knowledge. consider at some point in life, for example as a treatment of
Conversely, when assessing male entrepreneurs, financiers a neurodegenerative disease. Currently, several approaches
leaned on stereotypical beliefs about men that reinforced their offer enhancements for sensory, motor and cognitive brain
entrepreneurial potential. Male entrepreneurs were commonly functions,__________(II) for mood and emotions. Such
described as being assertive, innovative, competent, enhancements may be achieved pharmacologically, using
experienced, knowledgeable, and having established networks. brain implants for recordings, stimulation and drug
We developed male and female entrepreneur personas delivery,__________(III) employing brain-machine
based on our findings […]. These personas highlight a few key interfaces, or even by ablation of certain brain areas.
differences in how the entrepreneurs were perceived depending In this Research Topic, we welcome papers critically
on their gender. Men were characterized as having evaluating the existing methods of brain augmentation,
entrepreneurial potential, while the entrepreneurial potential for introducing new approaches and probing particular parts of
women was diminished. Many of the young men and women brain circuitry and particular neuronal mechanisms as
were described as being young, though youth for men was candidates for an enhancement. We welcome scientists
viewed as promising, while young women were considered from different fields: from neuroscience of microcircuits to
inexperienced. Men were praised for being viewed as systems neuroscience of large-scale networks and neural
aggressive or arrogant, while women’s experience and engineering. The work can be experimental or
excitement were tempered by discussions of their emotional computational. Reviews and papers on philosophical and
shortcomings. Similarly, cautiousness was viewed very ethical issues are __________(IV) welcome.
differently depending on the gender of the entrepreneur. While the scope of possible relevant topics is broad, the
Unsurprisingly, these stereotypes seem to have played a authors are encouraged to clearly indicate how their studies
role in who got funding and who didn’t. Women entrepreneurs address the announced theme of brain augmentation.
were only awarded, on average, 25% of the applied-for Important Note: All contributions to this Research
amount, whereas men received, on average, 52% of what they Topic must be within the scope of the section and journal to
asked for. Women were also denied financing to a greater which they are submitted, as defined in their mission
extent than men, with close to 53% of women having their statements. Frontiers reserves the right to guide an out-of-
applications dismissed, compared with 38% of men. […] scope manuscript to a more suitable section or journal at
Such stereotyping will inevitably influence the distribution any stage of peer review.
of financing, but could also have other major consequences. a) Due to, as well as, by, also
Because the purpose of government venture capital is to use tax b) Because, and, through, too
money to stimulate growth and value creation for society as a c) Owing to, including, beyond, moreover
whole, gender bias presents the risk that the money isn’t being d) In view of, plus, over, additionally
invested in businesses that have the highest potential. This isn’t e) Thanks to, together with, by way, likewise
only damaging for women entrepreneurs; it’s potentially 62) (ITA 2018) Assinale a alternativa que pode substituir ‘as’
damaging for society as a whole. na sentença “As Jacques Peretti argued in his film The Men
59) (ITA 2017) A expressão sublinhada na primeira coluna Who Made Us Fat, food companies have invested heavily
pode ser substituída pela expressão na segunda coluna em in designing products [...]” (linhas 19-20) mantendo o
todas as opções, EXCETO em mesmo sentido do texto e a correção gramatical.
a) Although they are not granted... (linha 19) → even a) In line with what
though b) In contempt of
b) Aside from a few exceptions, (linha 34) → apart from c) During the time
c) Conversely, when assessing male entrepreneurs, (linha d) Considering that
39) → likewise e) Despite the fact that
d) Whereas men received, on average, (linha 60) → while 63) (ITA 2019) No trecho “but rather, to language itself”, o
e) Because the purpose of government venture capital is… termo rather pode ser substituído, sem alteração de sentido,
(linha 66) → considering that por
60) (ITA 12 2017) Na sentença "Men were characterized as “The victory is attributed not to individual rebels or to The
having entrepreneurial potential, while the entrepreneurial Brotherhood, an anonymous resistance group, but rather to
potential for women was diminished", indique a expressão language itself.”
que pode substituir while mantendo o significado e a a) to some extent.
correção gramatical b) on behalf of.
a) yet c) instead of.

d) in support of. rely upon a patron state which offers them all kinds of help in
e) more exactly. exchange for their allegiance. This dependency on a patron-
64) (ITA 2019) No trecho: “it’s not just democracy that is at client relationship can lead to the client state being used as a
risk, but also the economy”, a expressão sublinhada political tool by its patron.
expressa uma ideia de One key issue facing most unrecognised states is the restriction
“Of course, it’s not just democracy that is at risk, but also on movement imposed on their people. Because their de facto
the economy, the legal system and even individuals nationality is not recognised internationally, their locally-
themselves.” issued passports or travel documents are not considered valid
a) oposição. for travel or entry into another country. The only way for them
b) concessão. to travel abroad is to receive a passport from a neighbouring
c) concordância. country, or to travel to the few countries that do recognise
d) adição. them. It happens that some people living in de facto states are
e) contraste. entitled to other citizenships. In addition to unrecognised states,
65) (ITA 2021) O termo “moreover”, destacado em itálico no there also exists a number of unrepresented peoples – that is,
excerto do segundo parágrafo, “Moreover, the failure to distinct ethnic and linguistic groups that enjoy little or no
address the unavoidability of stupidity leads political theory representation both internationally and domestically. These
to the failure”, pode ser substituído, sem prejuízo de peoples struggle even more for self-determination since they do
significado, por not have their own autonomous territory. They find themselves
a) furthermore. even more vulnerable and are often at best ignored, or worse
b) although. persecuted.
c) nevertheless. Fonte: What does it mean to be unrecognised and
d) unlikely. unrepresented? https://unpo.org/article/21947. Adaptado. Data
e) even though. de acesso: 07/08/2022.
66) (ITA 2021) O termo “albeit”, destacado em itálico no 67) (ITA 2022) O termo “Although”, destacado em itálico
excerto do primeiro parágrafo, “both canonized Dutch sublinhado no excerto do segundo parágrafo: “Although
literary figures albeit of very divergent genres”, tem sentido different, these peoples seem to have one common goal”,
equivalente a expressa ideia de
a) meanwhile. a) dessemelhança.
b) despite. b) alternância.
c) whereas. c) similaridade.
d) indeed. d) contraste.
e) through. e) decorrência.
Texto para as questões 67 e 68 68) (ITA 2022) O termo “whereas”, destacado em itálico
Since the early 1990s, an interesting phenomenon has emerged sublinhado no excerto do segundo parágrafo: “whereas
in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus – some states that, despite others are distinct peoples”, pode ser substituído, sem
having their own government and state apparatus, lack prejuízo de sentido, por
international recognition. Even today, the struggle of these a) meanwhile.
unrecognised states remains widely unknown. While these b) while.
states have been the focus of much academic study, their very c) wheresoever.
existence is often neglected by both the international d) thereby.
community and societies in the West. In parallel, there exist in e) henceforth.
Eastern Europe and the Caucasus distinct peoples who have
neither acquired recognised statehood nor any significant
representation within their own countries – they are the so-
called unrepresented peoples.
Today, the territory of the former Soviet Union in Eastern
Europe and the Caucasus is somewhat unique for its relatively
high concentration of unrecognised states and unrepresented
peoples. Each of them has varying degrees of independence
and autonomy. Some have de facto statehood, whereas others
are distinct peoples with little to no representation or territorial
autonomy. Although different, these peoples seem to have one
common goal – self-determination.
The benefits of recognised statehood are numerous and often
taken for granted – countries have access to various forms of
international funding, for example from the World Bank and
the International Monetary Fund (IMF); their citizens can
travel, assured that their passports will be accepted in another
country; and they have a voice at international forums like the
United Nations (UN), which can be an opportunity to influence
international outcomes in their favour. Unrecognised states, on
the other hand, are isolated internationally and can be forced to

Gabarito 62) A
1) D 63) E
2) C 64) D
3) D 65) A
4) D 66) B
5) A 67) D
6) B 68) B
7) C
8) A
9) A
10) B
11) B
12) A
13) D
14) D
15) B
16) A
17) C
18) A
19) A
20) D
21) E
22) E
23) C
24) B
25) A
26) E
27) A
28) B
29) A
30) A
31) A
32) B
33) A
34) C
35) C
36) B
37) D
38) E
39) B
40) E
41) A
42) E
43) E
44) E
45) D
46) E
47) B
48) A
49) D
50) C
51) D
52) A
53) B
54) B
55) A
56) E
57) E
58) E
59) C
60) A
61) A

Preposições – Prepositions 4) (EAM 2021) Which option completes the sentence below
1) (Colégio Naval 2017) Complete the paragraph with a
Our founder made the decision to close ______ Sundays
proper preposition.
I’m Hannah and I work _______ an Office in London. _______ 1946, When he opened his first restaurant in
During the week, I get up_______six-thirty. I go_______ Hapeville, Georgia.
work by subway, but_______Sundays I like waking up (Adapted from
late because I don’t work_______weekends. <https://www.chanhassenchfa.com/sundays>)
Choose the right option to fill in the gaps with the correct a) at/ at
prepositions. b) in/ in
a) in / at / to / on / on c) on/ on
b) at / at / to / in / at d) in/ on
c) on / about / at / at / on e) on/ in
d) at / about / at / on / at 5) (EsSA 2022) Preencha o espaço em branco com a única
e) in /about / to / in / at preposição correta.
2) (Colégio Naval 2020) Mark the option that best completes Fair Play
gaps I, li and lii in the text with the right preposition. “Hey, break the rules again and you are _____ of the
Meanwhile Giorgio Armanì's fashion show, scheduled game”, said the referee to the soccer player.”
to be held _______ (I) Milan _______ (II) Sunday, went “Sorry, Sir”, said the soccer player. “It won’t happen
ahead but without any media or buyers present. The show again.”
was livestreamed _______ (III) its website, lnstagram and a) out
Facebook pages. b) at
Adapted from: https://www. b be. com/news/world- c) off
europe51602007 d) with
a) on / in / at e) along
b) In / on / on 6) (EEAr 1. 2016) Choose the alternative that best completes
c) at / of / in the sentence below.
d) on / on / on I stayed in London ___ a few days during my vacation. I
e) in / on / of came back to Brazil ___ May 1st.
3) (Colégio Naval 2021) Complete the gaps 1, 2 and 3 in the a) in – at
text, respectively, with the correct preposition and then, b) for – in
mark the correct option. c) in – on
There are no excuses for racism. d) for – on
Racism takes many forms and can happen 1_______ many 7) (EEAr 2. 2016) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate
places. It includes prejudice, discrimination or hatred prepositions to complete the text.
directed at someone because of their colour, ethnicity or Part of New Bicycle Path Collapses in Rio de Janeiro
national origin. Leaving Two Deaths
People often associate racism with acts of abuse ar The Rio Fire Department says two people died __
harassment. However, it doesn't need to involve violent or Thursday, April 21, after a part __ the recently inaugurated
intimidating behaviour. Take racial name-calling and jokes. bicycle path on Niemeyer avenue, __ the south zone of Rio
Or consider situations when people may be excluded from de Janeiro.
groups or activities because of where they come 2 The path was named after Brazilian singer Tim Maia
________. and is located between Niemeyer avenue and a cliff,
Racism can be revealed through people's actions as well as hanging over the sea.
their attitudes. It can also be reflected in systems and The path is a connection between Leblon beach and São
institutions. But sometimes it may not be revealed at all. Conrado, both in the city’s south zone. The bike path was
Not ali racism is obvious. For example, someone may look inaugurated earlier this year, on January 17, and cost R$
_________ a list of job applicants and decide not to 44,7 million.
interview people with certain surnames. Glossary
Racism is more than just words, beliefs and actions. It Hanging over – suspenso sobre
includes all the barriers that prevent people from enjoying a) in – on – of
dignity and equality because of their mace. b) on – of – in
<https://humanrights.gov.au/our-work/race- c) of – in – on
discrimination/what-racism> d) in – of – on
a) On / for / at 8) (EEAr 1. 2017) Air Travel
b) Into / of / through Air travel has changed the way we see the world,
c) With / from / to making our planet feel that much smaller. Depending on
d) Onto / at / for departure and arrival destinations, you can go _____ coast
e) In / from / through _____ coast in mere hours or travel across seas in less than
10 hours. Complaints aside, flying is the quickest, safest,
and most convenient way to travel.
The U.S. Department of Transportation Bureau of
Transportation Statistics reported a total of 812, 914, 960

passengers on domestic, international, or combined flights 12) (EEAr BCT 1. 2016)
in 2012. This was also the safest year on record, with the Throughout history, butterflies have been seen as symbols
aviation industry boasting a record low accident rate, of many things - not only transformation and purity, but
according to the International Air Transport Administration. also death and sin. Today though, scientists study them to
Adapted from: http://weather.com/travel see what they can tell us about our changing planet, writes
Fill in the blank with the suitable prepositions. Mary Colwell.
a) from / from The underlined word in line 1 can be replaced by only one
b) from / to of the words below. Choose the right alternative.
c) at / from a) Since
d) to / from b) Below
9) (EEAr 2. 2017) Choose the best alternative to complete the c) Before
blank in the text. d) Through
The pilot of a Beech Baron airplane noticed that one of his 13) (EEAr 1. 2022) Choose the correct preposition to complete
engines was on fire. He contacted the nearest air traffic the sentence: “I study English ________ Mondays.”
control center to ask for help. a) for
The voice __________ the radio answered, “This is the b) on
Control Tower. “Please inform your altitude”. c) in
The pilot replied, “We are at 30,000 feet”. d) at
a) on 14) (EEAr 2. 2022) Choose the alternative that completes the
b) for text.
c) into Suggestion boxes
d) until David Nunan
10) (EEAr 1. 2018) Fill in the blanks with the option that best It may not be a high-tech device, but the suggestion box
completes the text has probably done more to boost corporate efficiency over
Illegal levels of arsenic and mercury polluted a river in the the years ________ even the most powerful computer.
days after a dam burst at an iron ore mine this month Suggestion boxes allow workers to recommend ways of
__________ Brazil’s worst environmental disaster, making their jobs easier and offer employers the chance to
according to tests by a state water agency, the Institute for save money - or make even more.
Water Management in Minas Gerais. The agency found a) of
arsenic levels more than 10 times above the legal limit in b) into
one place __________ the river, the Rio Doce, after the c) than
dam burst on Nov. 5, killing at least 13 people. Mercury d) across
slightly above the permitted level was also found in one 15) (EEAr BCT 1. 2017) Complete the sentence with the
area. Samarco, the mine operator, and its co-owners, BHP correct response.
Billiton and Vale, have repeatedly said that the water and Frida Kahlo, a master ____the art of surrealism, is
mineral waste unleashed by the dam burst were not toxic. _____ icon of Mexican popular culture.
On Wednesday, the United Nations human rights agency a) from – the
said “new evidence” showed that the mud dumped by the b) to – the
flood “contained high levels of toxic heavy metals and c) by – an
other chemicals.” d) of – an
(Adopted from www.nytimes.com) 16) (EEAr BCT 2. 2017) Which word, in bold in the text,
a) over / in means approximately?
b) in / along Inside Lilium, The World’s First Vertical Takeoff And
c) at / along Landing Private Jet
d) on / across Wonder what’s in store for the future of private jet flying?
11) (EEAr 1. 2019) Choose the best alternative to complete the Here’s a glimpse. A start-up company – hosted in a
text. European Space Agency (ESA) business incubator center in
Across the Atlantic! Bavaria – released an idea for an egg-shaped two-seater
_____ Monday May 24, 1976, two Concorde jets crossed plane called Lilium that’s currently in the works. With a top
the Atlantic ocean _____ three hours and fifty minutes. The speed of 250 mph and a range of 300 miles, the plane can
planes took off and landed _____ the same time. travel roughly between Munich and Berlin in about 90
a) in / on / at minutes. And according to the ESA, if testing succeeds, this
b) on / in / at will be the world’s first vertical takeoff and landing private
c) at / on / in jet.
d) on / from / in The project came about when Daniel Wiegand – one of the
four founders of Lilium – wanted to realize flying for the
masses in a fast, inexpensive, efficient and eco-friendly
way. ‘Our goal is to develop an aircraft that doesn’t need
the complex and expensive infrastructure of an airport, can
be used close to urban areas, and doesn’t produce too much
noise and pollution,’ he said. So to produce this new class
of airplanes that could take off and land vertically anywhere

with a surface area of 250 square feet by 2018, Wiegand 20) (EsPCEx 2019) Choose the alternative containing the
and his team in Germany came up with a design using correct words to respectively complete gaps (1) and (2).
electric engines and incorporated movable fan turbines. Lima had just been moved from a prison in the mainstream
Fonte: www.forbes.com penitential system to a facility run ______(1) the
GLOSSARY Association for the Protection and Assistance to Convicts
glimpse – uma ideia para entender melhor algo (APAC) in the town of Itaúna, in Minas Gerais state.
a) by Inmates are known as recuperandos (recovering people),
b) about reflecting the APAC focus ______(2) restorative justice and
c) close to rehabilitation. They must study and work, sometimes in
d) between collaboration with the local community.
17) (EEAr BCT 2. 2018) Choose the best prepositions to have a) to, in
the text completed correctly. b) in, of
Hawaii’ volcano c) at, on
Caleb Jones and Andrey Mac Aroy d) by, from
Kilawea began erupting more than two weeks ago. It has e) by, on
burned dozens of homes, forced people to escape ______ 21) (EsPCEx 2021) Choose the alternative that correctly
smoke and fire and led officials to distribute face masks to substitutes next to in the sentence “...about the rules when
protect against ash particles. Lava flying ______ the air sitting next to the emergency exit…” (paragraph 2).
from cracks in the earth can weigh as much as a refrigerator a) across
and even small pieces can be lethal. The lava streamed b) on
______ a highway and flowed ______ the ocean. That sent c) under
hydrochloric acid with fine glass particles into the air, a d) over
process that can lead to lung demage and eye and skin e) beside
irritation. The highway was closed in some places, and 22) (EsPCEx 2022) Choose the alternative with prepositions
residents in the area have been evacuated. that respectively complete gaps (1), (2) and (3) in the
Adapted from http://apnews.com; May 20, 2018 correct way.
a) from/ through/ across/ into Often when mentoring, in a one-to-one session, it will
b) from/ into/ across/ through be clear that the mentee’s worst critic is the one they see
c) into/ across/ through/ from very regularly – daily, in fact. Often when they are tired and
d) across/ into/ through/ from stressed. Often when they are at a low point. It’s the one
they look (1)________ the mirror.
18) (EEAr BCT 2. 2021) Complete the following sentences I mean most of the time, the worst critic lives inside
with the correct prepositions. people’s head. It might be the criticism that you heard at
I’m not in the mood ____ pizza tonight. school or college. It might be the voice of so-called friends.
I was just thinking _____ our last trip. It might be a parent or guardian, sibling or perfect cousin.
Carrying a pet into the cabin of an airplane is safer than You can’t always shut those voices up. No matter how
putting it ____ the cargo hold. much you want to. You can, however, recognise that they
a) for – about – into are internal voices and cultivate a strategy to counteract
b) to – about – on them.
c) for – in – on If you can have an internal critic, you can also have an
d) to – on – in internal cheerleader. One technique is to give yourself
19) (EsPCEx 2018) Choose the alternative containing the advice that you would give your best friend in that
correct words to respectively complete gaps (1), (2) and (3). situation. If you’re worrying about not being good
Many graduates earn ‘paltry returns’ for their degree (2)________ something, what would you say to your best
Mr Halfon, a former skills minister, stated in his speech friend in that state? You’d probably tell them that it would
that the nation has “become obsessed ______(1) full be alright, they’ll sail through it, that you believe
academic degrees”. (3)________ them. If you can do it for your best friend, you
“There are skills shortages in several sectors. And there can do it for yourself.
are millions ______(2) people who want to get on in life – Adapted from https://www.campaignlive.co.uk/article.
preferably without spending £50,000 on academic degrees,” a) on, in, on
he added. b) in, at, at
Many universities specialise in fields such ______(3) c) at, at, on
the arts, the creative industries, nursing and public sector d) on, in, in
professions that, despite making an essential contribution to e) in, at, in
society and the economy, pay less on average.”
Adapted from http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-
a) at, of, to
b) to, on, a
c) by, on, that
d) in, with, an
e) with, of, as

23) (AFA 2011) Choose the correct prepositions to fill in the d) of – towards- by – to
gaps above. e) from – along – by – to
Twilight 27) (EFOMM 2014) Which sequence completes the text
Twilight is a 2008 American romantic vampire film below?
based ___ Stephenie Meyer’s popular novel of the same "I cannot understand why the Spring is so late _______
name. It is the first film in The Twilight Saga film series. coming," said the Selfish Giant, as he sat _______ the
This film focuses on the development of the relationship window and looked ________ ______ this cold white
between Bella Swan and Edward Cullen (a vampire), and garden; "I hope there will be a change ______ the weather."
the subsequent efforts of Cullen and his family to keep (Adapted from The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde)
Swan safe ___ a coven of evil vampires. a) in – at – out – in – of
The project was in development for approximately 3 b) in – on – at – out – in
years ___ Paramount Pictures, during which time a screen c) for – by – out – on – of
adaptation that differed significantly from the novel was d) in – at – out – at – in
written. Principal photography took 44 days and the film e) for – by – at – out – in
was primarily shot in Oregon. 28) (EFOMM 2015) Complete the passage below with the
Twilight was theatrically released ___ November 21 correct word. Then choose the correct alternative.
2010, grossing over US$392 million worldwide and I. I was shocked _______ her behavior.
became the most purchased DVD of the year. The II. The man is known ______ the police.
soundtrack was released in the same year. Following the III. We’re worried _______ the future.
success of the film, New Moon and Eclipse, the next two IV. The mountains are covered ______ snow.
novels in the series, were produced as films the following V. Everybody’s annoyed ______ you.
year. a) I. at – II. to – III. about – IV. with – V. with
Adapted from Wikipedia b) I. to – II. on – III. of – IV. in – V. with
a) of – off – at – in c) I. with – II. for – III. with – IV. in – V. with
b) about – to – over – at d) I. about – II. in – III. for – IV. with – V. on
c) under – for – off – in e) I. for – II. to – III. with – IV. in – V. by
d) on – from – at – on 29) (EFOMM 2016) Which option is correct?
24) (EFOMM 2011) Choose the alternative in which the She was afflicted ______ severe asthma.
preposition is used correctly: a) to
a) We’re booked on flight 607. b) by
b) When did you arrive to new Zealand? c) of
c) He wrote the book in a month’s time. d) with
d) That’s mine. I saw it at first. e) at
e) She is arriving in the 3:30 train. 30) (EFOMM 2016) Which sequence completes the text
25) (EFOMM 2011) Choose the option in which the below?
prepositions complete the verb phrases, respectively: “The profile of the global maritime industry encompasses a
1. The problem stems __________ the government’s lack significant variation ____ cultural diversity. More
of action. pointedly, a culturally diverse milieu ____ officers and
2. When I asked Jean, she hinted ________ the chance of a ratings is becoming more of the norm ____ contemporary
promotion for me. maritime shipping ventures. Unlike the planned
3. The salesman was responsible ________ the accident. cohabitation of mixed cultures that were known to be
4. Please, refrain _________smoking in the lecture lounge. tolerant and compatible ____ each other, the current mixing
5. I can’t stand the way she is always boasting _______ her of diverse nationalities on board merchant cargo vessels
wealthy parents. appears to be occurring at an unprecedented rate. This
a) of/ at / for / with. recent trend is partially explained ____ the larger
b) from / at / for / of / about percentage of mixed crew ____ foreign flagged ships.
c) of / for / in / from / with Regardless of the causes, however, there can be no doubt
d) of / for / in / of / with that the maritime environment has become multi-cultured,
e) from / at / for / from / about dynamic, fast paced and laden with liability.”
26) (EFOMM 2013) The blanks of this excerpt can be (PROGOULAKI, Maria; POTOKER, Elaine; PARSONS,
adequately filled by: James. An international survey on crosscultural competency
‘Navigation , derived ________ the Latin words “navis” for maritime professionals through education and training .
(meaning “ship”) and “agere” (meaning “to drive”) is the IAME 2013 Conference, July 3-5 - Marseille, France Paper
process of accurately determining the position and ID 248, p.2)
controlling of a craft or vehicle _________ a desired a) of / of / in / with / in / at
course. This is accomplished ______ finding the b) of / of / for / of / by / on
navigator’s position compared ________ known locations c) in / about / of / with / for / in
or patterns (…)’. (MarineLink.com – Maritime Reporter d) in / about / of / of / by / in
and MarineNews magazines online) e) on / on/ for / with / on / on
a) from – towards – by – with
b) from – along – on – with
c) of – along - on – to

31) (EFOMM 2017) Which alternative is correct? making a U-turn back to the bay to drop anchor with the
a) Can you translate this in Chinese? other cruisers who'd opted to skip the draft headaches. We
b) I broke it into half. made it just before the gale overtook us.
c) Cut the onion into small pieces. (Adapted from: Sail Magazine,March 2020).
d) The ball rolled slowly in the goal. a) of / into / out / on / up
e) He sat down into the armchair, and I sat down onto the b) towards / over / up / along / over
floor. c) off / along / into / at / out
32) (EFOMM 2018) Which is the correct way to complete the d) from / on / off / in / on
sentences below? e) to / in / along / over / off
1. They insisted______making their child learn a foreign 36) (EFOMM 2021) Mark the option that completes the blank
language. spaces,in paragraph six, in the text above.
2. He was never rude______any of his numerous I- __________ my experience as a Captain, your crew
subordinates. is your first line II- ____________ defence III-
3. I depend_____my parents help in order to pay the rent. ____________any major incident. As soon as something
4. As a teenager, she used to be interested______ jazz. goes awry, they burst IV- _____________ action, they're
a) in / at / of / in trained to do so, it's instinctive. I have no doubt, everyone
b) on / with / of / on aboard the Ever Given did everything V- _________ their
c) in / with / in / of power to protect that ship and avoid a major incident, but
d) to / to / on / on some things are VI- __________your control. In reality,
e) on / to / on / in they will never be praised for saving the ship, only
33) (EFOMM 2019) Choose the correct altemative to complete criticised for grounding it.
the excerpt below. a) I - In / II -of / III - for/ IV- in / V - at / VI – under
“I agonized _______ whether I wanted to splurge _____a b) I - In / Il - for / II - under / IV - into/ V - in / VI – at
private tour and have a little more autonomy ______ where c) I - Under / II - of / III - agaist / IV- in / V- above / VI –
we went and how long we spent ______ each place, but beyond
ultimately went _______ a Gamma Travei group tour.” d) I - From / II - of / III - from / IV- over / IV - into / V -
(Abridged from: over / VI – under
https://www.businessinsider.com.au/visitingchemobyl- e) I - From / II - of / III - against / IV - into / V- in /VI-
after-the-n...) beyond
a) on / at / on / at / in 37) (EFOMM 2022) Mark the option with the correct sequence
b) about / in / in / in / on to complete the previous excerpt.
c) over / on / over / at / with Seafarers are being fired I. ________ II. ________ military
d) in / over / - / in / on vessels, one seafarer has been killed, and others remain
e) - / about / - / in / with trapped III. ________ the Sea of Azov and IV. ________
34) (EFOMM 2019) Choose the correct option to complete the the Black Sea coast. Others have lost their jobs or cannot
sentences below. access their salaries. Seafarers are suffering because of war.
I. She congratulated me ______passing the driving test. They are V. ________ a precarious position yet again.
II. My parents discouraged me _____ quitting my job. (Adapted from: https://www.globalmaritimeforum.org
III. She got married______a foreigner. news-war-in-uk.)
IV. Many young people dream______living abroad. a) I – upon/ II – by/ III – in/ IV – along/ V – in
V. The mayor was forced to resign ______ his position. b) I – from/ II – in/ III – on/ IV – around/ V – on
a) for / from / with /about / of c) I – in/ II – of/ III – at/ IV – over/ V – at
b) for / for / with / about / of d) I – on/ II – from/ III – around/ IV – in/ V – on
c) on / from / to / of / from e) I – of/ II – on/ III – by/ IV – under/ V – with
d) on / from / to / with / from 38) (EFOMM 2022) Choose the option that correctly
e) by / of / to / with / from completes the blanks, respectively
35) (EFOMM 2020) Choose the correct alternative to complete I- Sarah wasn’t very polite _______ her new workmates.
the paragraph below. II- I would like to talk to the woman dressed _______
Charter, Sail, Repeat: new ventures and old favorites in yellow.
the Greek Isles III- Up to two milion people there are dependent _______
By Zuzana Prochazka food aid.
On our first day, we sailed southwest nearly 50 miles IV- James got a job and now he is independent _______ his
011 a nice beam reach, winding through Kolpos Idras, or parents.
the Hydra Gulf. By the end, we were running out ______ V- He must be disappointed _______ his exam results.
daylight, so we pulled ___ the miniscule harbor on Spetses a) I- with/ II- with/ III- of/ IV- of/ V- at
Island. I read the guides twice, but the most I got was a b) I- with/ II- in/ III- of/ IV- from/ V- with
warning about tl1e inner harbor being only 4ft deep, which c) I- about/ II- with/ III- upon/ IV- to/ V- about
made me suck in my stomach as we crept in. The harbor d) I- at/ II- on/ III- at/ IV- away/ V- with
turned ______ to be a mix of private yachts, commercial e) I- to/ II- in/ III- on/ IV- of/ V- at
boats and fishing craft, and as we were looking round I
happened to notice black clouds _____ the horizon. The
wind was also now picking _______, so out we went again,

39) (Escola Naval 2011) Which of the alternatives below d) In a movie theatre
completes the sentence correctly? e) In a library
The radio alarm clock went ___________ (1)at the same 45) (Escola Naval 2013) Which sequence best completes the
time as usual. text below
a) on "Derived (1)____ "vita," meaning life (2)____ Latin,
b) off vitamins are necessary to convert food (3)____ energy.
c) through When people don't get enough vitamins, they suffer
d) up diseases like scurvy and rickets. The question isn't whether
e) for people need vitamins. They do. The questions are how
40) (Escola Naval 2011) Which is the correct option to much do they need, and do they get enough (4)____
complete the sentence below? foods?"
I congratulated her __________ (1). (Adapted from http:// http://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/09)
a) for passing a) from - in - in – out
b) to passing b) of - in - into – of
c) for pass c) of - of - in – in
d) on passing d) of - of - in – out
e) on pass e) from - in - into – in
41) (Escola Naval 2012) In whichtwo sentences the verbs 46) (Escola Naval 2014) Which is the correct option to
are NOT followed by the correct preposition? complete the paragraph below?
(1) They had to leave to the party right after work. The construction of means to control maritime areas
(2) He's always dreaming with his ex-girlfriend. will focus __________ the strategic areas ________
(3) She strongly disagreed with him. maritime access ______ Brazil. Two Coastal areas will
(4) They had to apologize for being rude. continue to deserve special attention: the strip that goes
The correct answer is ________ Santos _________ Vitória, and the area around
a) 1 and 2 the mouth of the Amazon River.
b) 1 and 4 (Adapted from http://www.globalsecurity.org)
c) 2 and 3 a) on / of / in / to / in
d) 2 and 4 b) in / of / in / from / to
e) 1 and 3 c) on / from / in / to / from
42) (Escola Naval 2012) Which of the alternatives below d) on / of / to / from / to
correctly completes the sentence? e) in / from / to / to / in
What I like about Jenny is that she always comes (1) 47) (Escola Naval 2015) Which is the correct option to
____with great ideas. complete this paragraph?
a) on We would like to invite you to participate __________
b) off a conference on the Contemplative Heart of Higher
c) through Education that will be held _______ Amherst College
d) up _____ April 24-26, 2009.
e) for This year1s conference will be the first to be sponsored
43) (Escola Naval 2012) Which sequence best completes the _______ the new Association for Contemplative Mind in
text below? Higher Education, which is affiliated with the Center
Months and years passed, and I grew more distant (1)___ for Contemplative Mind in Society. The conference will
each (2)____ my friends. Various people flew (3) _____ explore the special role that contemplative practices can
and (4) _____ of my life. I lost some friends to distance, play in cultivating those capacities of attention,
some to circumstance. Mostly, they just drifted away equanimity, wisdom and compassion that are central to the
(5)____ me, toward their own lives. A few of these people lives _____ our students and ourselves.
are still in my life, and I'm very lucky, because not (Adapted from
everyone still has a friend who knew them when they were http://www.internationalpeaceandconflict.org).
seventeen. a) In / at / in / for / in.
(Adapted from b) Of / on / in / of / from.
http://www.notmyshoes.net/monologues/rachei.html) c) In / at / on / by / of.
a) from - of - in – out - from d) Of / on / on / by / to.
b) than - of - out - in – of e) On / in / in / for / on.
c) of - from - in - out – to 48) (Escola Naval 2016) Which is the correct option to
d) than - of - over - out – from complete the sentence below?
e) from - of - over - in - of 25 simple well-being tricks to health-proof your body
44) (Escola Naval 2013) Where do you think this conversation Let's be honest, we could all do with looking _________
takes place? ourselves better. And if you follow these simple well-being
Paul: I think we’ve passed the exit. tricks to health-proof your body, you'll soon feel the
Sam: Ok. Let’s change lanes and take the next exit. benefits.
a) At the airport Here are 25 instant body boosters from top to toe.
b) In a supermarket (http://www.mirror.co.uk/lifestyle/health/25-simple-health-
c) On a freeway tips-boost- 2305412)

a) for 52) (Escola Naval 2018) Which is the correct option to
b) up complete the text below?
c) to Chock-a-block
d) after Today, this adjective means ‘crammed full with people
e) into or things' (the narrow roads are chock-a-block with
49) (Escola Naval 2016) Choose the correct option to complete vehicles).
the text below. Chock derives ,_____ , chock-full, a Middle English
International Congress word______unknown origin meaning “very full’. It rhymes
Join us _________our 2016 International Education nicely______the block in question, more fully known as a
Conference _____________Orlando, at the Disney's pulley block, part______ a block and tackle. This is a
Boardwalk Inn! The Boardwalk is located within the Walt device much used______, boats and elsewhere to make
Disney World Resort and 10 minutes away ______ the lifting heavy weights less demanding.
Epcot Theme Park. In addition to the Education (https ://blog.oxforddictionaries.com)
Conference, we are also hosting a Business Conference that a) of / with / for / of / in
will be held on the same days, at the same venue. b) of / of / for / in / on
(Abridged from http://www,eluteinstitute.com/education- c) from / with / with / from / in
conferences/) d) from / with / to / of / for
a) in / in / at e) from / of / with / of / on
b) on / in / under 53) (Escola Naval 2019) Which option completes the
c) at / at / under paragraph below correctly?
d) at / in / from A lawyer I worked ________ told me he was impressed
e) in / at / from because i wasn't afraid________ anything. I had no idea
50) (Escola Naval 2017) Which is the correct option to what he was talking ________. I'm scared
complete the sentence below? ________ everything.
Abandoned dog now works at a petrol station (Adapted from www.hrexaminer.com)
Buying petrol is generally a trivial activity. You fill______ a) with / of / to / to
your car, head into the shop, possibly pick______a KitKat b) at / from / about / with
or motoring atlas, pay the cashier then set______for your c) with / of / about / of
destination. Wouldn't the whole process be more enjoyable d) at / for / with / with
if there was a dog to brighten up your visit? e) with / for / with / of
(Adapted from http://www,telegraph,co.uk/pets/news- 54) (Escola Naval 2020) Which is the correct option to
features/dog-abandoned-petrol-station-now-works-petrol- complete the text below?
station/) The Letter Always Wins
a) for / down / up Somehow ______our several ways to contact a
b) for / down / into company and complain _______ products (email, toll free
c) up / out / in numbers, _______ person), the old-fashioned letter still
d) up / up / out seems to win. Case in point. This week Smucker's Jam
e) up / into / out agreed to replace two of my grandmother's Pineapple Jams
51) (Escola Naval 2017) Which option completes the that she had ordered. She talked ______ them _____ the
paragraph below correctly? phone and they apologized _____ the bad packaging. But it
If Brazilian industry is successful ______ producing was her letter that got her two free replacements.
submarines and stealth corvettes, demand for Brazilian (Adapted from <https://www.wisebread.com/the-
military hardware will only grow (...). Of concern, letteralways-wins>)
however, are Brazil's long-term intentions with a) between / to / at / to / by / at
regard______ the construction of BNS Alvaro Alberto. (...) b) among / about / in / to / on / for
It will be necessary to keep a very close e ye ______ the c) between / of / on / for / in / for
Brazilian shipbuilding and nuclear industries in the 2030s, d) among / about / in / for / in / to
especially as domestic demand for this class of vessel is e) between / of / on / with / on / to
satisfied. 55) (Escola Naval 2021) Which option completes the text
(https://www.offiziere.ch/?p=19043) below correctly?
a) at / to / of Do you feel mentally drained out ________ office? Are
b) at / of / on you constantly worried ________ meeting your deadline or
c) in / to / on are unable ________ achieve your targets? All these can
d) in / of / in lead _______ stress, a phenomenon faced ________ the
e) on / to / in majority of the working population.
a) after / with / of / to / for
b) after / about / to / to / by
c) before / with / of / from / with
d) before / of / to / from / by
e) during / about / of / to / for

1) A
2) B
3) E
4) E
5) A
6) D
7) B
8) B
9) A
10) B
11) B
12) D
13) B
14) C
15) D
16) B
17) A
18) A
19) E
20) E
21) E
22) E
23) D
24) C
25) E
26) E
27) D
28) A
29) D
30) B
31) C
32) E
33) C
34) C
35) A
36) E
37) A
38) E
39) B
40) D
41) A
42) D
43) A
44) C
45) E
46) D
47) C
48) D
49) D
50) D
51) C
52) E
53) C
54) B
55) B

Verbos Modais – Modal Verbs and when to relax (l. 9 - 13), the underlined word can be
replaced, without changing the meaning, by
1) (Colégio Naval 2021) Read the following sentence.
a) will.
“However, once quarantine started, I have felt way more
mentally exhausted because I can’t go out” b) can.
c) wouldn’t.
What’s the idea expressed by can’t in the sentence?
d) has to.
a) Ability
b) Prohibition 9) (EAM 2021) Read the sentences below.
c) Don’t need to Jane is a very good pianista. She can play the piano very
d) Obligation well
e) Possibility In the previous sentence, the modal verb can is used to
2) (Colégio Naval 2022) Read the following sentence:
a) Prohibition
“(...) To transfer from one closed loop system to another
b) Ability
they must take designated trains, or travel on assigned
c) Permission
buses which will ply specific routes”
d) Order
What’s the idea expressed by must in the sentence?
e) Recommendation
a) Permission
10) (EEAr 1. 2016) In the sentence “We mustn’t enter the
b) Possibility
party. It’s private”, the modal verb in bold type expresses
c) Obligation
a) request
d) Probabillity
b) obligation
e) Suggestion
c) prohibition
3) (EPCAR 2014) In the sentence “Studies show that dancing
d) lack of ability
can improve your heart health [...]” (lines 6 and 7) the verb
11) (EEAr 2. 2016) The word “must”, in bold, in the text,
can expresses
a) ability.
b) possibility. Sam’s adventure
It’s a very hot Texas night; 35ºC! Sam can’t sleep. He’s
c) permission.
hot and he’s hungry. He goes to the kitchen. He cooks some
d) capacity.
4) (EPCAR 2015) “Cyberbullying is getting extremely fried bananas. But he forgets to turn off the gas. He leaves
popular because teens can stay anonymous” (lines 19-20). the kitchen and goes to the pool. His parents are asleep;
The underlined verb expresses they don’t know about his adventure.
a) possibility. He’s in the water-alone!
Mmm, It’s cool! Suddenly he gets cramp in his legs and
b) obligation.
he can’t swim. He looks at the house and it’s on fire. Sam’s
c) prohibition.
parents are in there and he must help them. He is desperate.
d) permission.
a) ability
5) (EPCAR 2017) Mark the option that can replace the
b) necessity
sentence below without changing its meaning.
c) permission
“It can't do anything else” (lines 38 and 39).
d) suggestion
a) It cannot do nothing else.
12) (EEAr 1. 2017) The modal verbs underlined in each
b) It can do nothing else.
sentence express:
c) It can't do something else.
1 – She might be at the party.
d) It can do anything else.
6) (EPCAR 2018) In the topic “Forced and early marriage” 2 – Can you drive a dump truck?
3 – He mustn’t sleep during the class.
(line 56), the modal verb can be replaced by ____ without
4 – You ought to learn Aviation English.
changing the meaning.
a) ability, possibility, advice, prohibition
“Forced and early marriage – when someone is married
b) possibility, ability, prohibition, advice
against their will and cannot leave the marriage. Most child
c) permission, possibility, request, wish
marriages can be considered slavery.”
d) ability, request, prohibition, offers
a) mustn’t
b) shouldn’t 13) (EEAr 2. 2017) In the sentence “It’s never too late to make
c) doesn’t have to changes to prevent diseases that may end your flying
d) doesn’t need to career”, the modal verb “may” expresses __________.
7) (EPCAR 2020) In “you don’t have to use your own name” a) ability
b) necessity
(lines 28 and 29), the underlined term shows that
c) deduction
a) you can choose not to do something.
d) possibility
b) an action is not permitted.
14) (EEAr 2. 2017) The word “can”, in bold in the text,
c) it is obligatory to do something.
expresses ________.
d) you do not have the ability to do something.
My neighbors love Christmas, but I don’t. In fact, if I can
8) (EPCAR 12 2021) In the sentence A comprehensive
be completely honest, I hate Christmas.
answer to the question of whether video games are
a) quality
prejudicial must take into account other factors, and parents
b) permission
need to understand why kids play, as well as when to worry
c) prohibition

d) importance 19) (EEAr 2. 2020) The modal verb CAN in “but we can stop
15) (EEAr 1. 2018) In the famous words by John Lennon: “You sharing it” conveys the idea of __________.
may say I’m a dreamer but I’m not the only one. I hope
someday you’ll join us and the world will be as one”, the
modal verb in bold indicates that:
a) He knew that he could dream about peace and try to
help everybody.
b) He understood that he could be seen as a dreamer.
c) He was not able to dream about peace and love.
d) He considered himself the only dreamer.
16) (EEAr 2. 2018) The sentence “You should sign up”, line 6,
expresses a) certainty
I first heard about a new website for people my age in 2004 b) obligation
when I was a freshman at Indiana University. I was chatting c) permission
with some friends on AOL Instant Messenger in my dorm d) possibility
room, at the start of a new semester. 20) (EEAr 1. 2021) The use of MIGHT in the comic strip
“Have you heard of The Facebook?” a couple of them implies the idea of
asked. “You should sign up. It’s this new site for college
a) possibility.
b) deduction.
c) advice.
d) ability
17) (EEAr 1. 2019) The word “must” (line 6), underlined in the
text, is used to express: a) ability.
Grounding is a common form of punishment for young b) necessity.
people who disobey their parents. Grounding means that c) possibility.
they are not allowed to go out, after school or on weekends, d) recommendation.
for a certain period of time. This could be from one day to a 21) (EEAr 2. 2021) The modal verb “can’t” represents the idea
month or more, depending upon the gravity of the offense. of:
During that time, though, they must continue to go to
school, to work if they have a job, and do other errands
approved by their parents.
The term “grounding” is an aviation term. A plane is
grounded when it is not allowed to fly for any reason.
Similarly, pilots or other flying personnel are grounded
when they are not allowed to fly because of illness or for
disobeying the rules.
a) advice a) prohibition
b) possibility b) obligation
c) obligation c) future
d) lack of necessity d) advice
18) (EEAr 2. 2019) The modal verb CAN’T, bolded in the text 22) (EEAr 1. 2022) Match the columns according to the
means meaning of the modal verb in bold in each sentence below.
You shout it out 1 – Impossibility
But I can’t hear a word you say 2 – Possibility
I’m talking loud not saying much 3 – Prohibition
I’m criticized but all your bullets ricochet 4 – Advice
You shoot me down, but I get up ( ) Mark studied hard for his exams, but he got poor
I’m bulletproof nothing to lose marks; he can’t be very clever.
Fire away, fire away ( ) You should work less! You look too tired!
Ricochet, you take your aim ( ) She may be in the garden.
Fire away, fire away ( ) You mustn’t enter here.
You shoot me down but I won’t fall, I am titanium a) 1 - 4 - 3 - 2
You shoot me down but I won’t fall b) 4 - 2 - 3 - 1
I am titanium, I am titanium, I am titanium, I am titanium c) 1 - 4 - 2 – 3
a) inability. d) 4 - 3 - 2 – 1
b) obligation.
c) permission.
d) prohibition.

23) (EEAr 2. 2022) Read the cartoon and, without changing the 28) (EEAr BCT 2. 2020) Choose the correct alternative that
meaning, choose the alternative that substitutes the modal shows a modal verb indicating an obligation.
verb CAN in “We can do something about the future”. a) Children can practice math during common activities
such as baking or dining.
b) They do not need to sit at the table and work with a
c) Parents must be a substitute teacher.
d) It is not an easy task.
29) (EEAr BCT 1. 2021) In the sentence “At some point, if
you want to tell a story about Paris, you have to choose an
angle”, the words “have to” could be substituted by:
a) can
b) must
c) could
d) should
30) (EEAr BCT 1. 2022) Choose the alternative that best
a) Is able to. replaces the word COULD without changing its meaning in
b) Are able to. “I could start avoiding it now”.
c) Is capable to. a) would be able to
d) Are allowed to. b) will probably
24) (EEAr BCT 1. 2016) In the article, the word in bold type c) would can
(line 7) expresses d) should
The single-pilot plane could fly at an altitude of over 20 km 31) (EsPCEx 2022) According to the sentence “Cadets must
above the earth's surface. also recite poems from memory” (paragraph 2), it is correct
a) advice to say that cadets
b) ability a) can recite poems from memory if they want to.
c) request b) will recite poems from memory if they feel comfortable
d) preference to do it.
25) (EEAr BCT 2. 2016) The Crab and His Mother c) have to recite poems from memory, even if they do not
Mamma Crab was talking to Baby Crab when she noticed want to.
that he was walking sideways. Mamma Crab said, ‘Why are d) should recite poems if they are able to.
you walking sideways like that, my son? You have to walk e) may recite poems from memory in case they are
straight.’ Baby Crab replied, ‘Show me how, dear mother, allowed to.
and I’ll follow your example.’ 32) (AFA 2013) In the phrase “should be avoided” (line 5) the
Mamma Crab tried and tried, but her efforts were in vain. modal verb expresses
She could not walk straight herself. Then, she saw how “The Ethics of War starts by assuming that war is a bad
foolish she had been to find fault with her child. thing, and should be avoided if possible, but it recognizes
‘could’, underlined in the fable, was used to that there can be situations when war may be the lesser evil
a) express prohibition. of several bad choices.”
b) refuse permission. a) a sense of obligation.
c) talk about ability. b) something that is probable.
d) give an order. c) confidence that something will happen.
26) (EEAr BCT 1. 2018) The words underlined in the text d) the idea of what is right to do.
(lines 19 and 25) express, respectively 33) (AFA 2013) Mark the only sentence below that has the
Air traffic controllers' primary concern is safety, but they same function of the Modal verb in bold (line 6).
also must direct aircraft efficiently to minimize delays. “The Ethics of War starts by assuming that war is a bad
For example, a controller might direct one aircraft on its thing, and should be avoided if possible, but it recognizes
landing approach, while providing another aircraft with that there can be situations when war may be the lesser evil
weather information. of several bad choices.”
a) deduction – obligation a) ‘Children under 8 are not allowed to swim here’, the
b) obligation – deduction sign says.
c) obligation – possibility b) In UK, pubs must close at ten. It’s a rule.
d) deduction – possibility c) “May I have your attention?” The principal asked the
27) (EEAr BCT 1. 2019) In “The crew did everything they students before the classes started.
could (...)”, the modal “could” is used to indicate d) My father said to me: “It can be dangerous, watch out!”
The crew did everything they could, including performing 34) (AFA 2020) In the sentence “the dangerous comets and
CPR with a doctor on board, but unfortunately the asteroids which might cross Earth’s orbit” (lines 39 and
passenger has passed away. 40), the underlined word is similar to
a) ability a) must.
b) obligation b) should.
c) permission c) could.
d) prohibition d) shall.

35) (EFOMM 2011) Match the following sentences with the c) he realizes/ did she breath/ I would doubt/ you should
meaning expressed by the modal verb in each of them. miss
1. Rooms must be vacated by noon. d) he will realize/ she breathed/ I would doubt/ should you
2. May I take a look at your newspaper? miss
3. John might have borrowed his partner’s computer. e) he realized/ she would breathe/ would I doubt/ you
4. If you are going to the forest, you ought to buy some should miss
mosquito repellent. 41) (EFOMM 2017) Mark the correct alternative.
5. You must be joking! a) We had better not to call him today.
a) obligation / permission / possibility / advice / deduction b) I ought to read this book, oughtn’t I?
b) advice / ability / permission / ability / obligation c) John is eighteen, so his sister must to be twenty.
c) advice / permission / permission / advice / obligation d) I suggested she added this book to the list, and she
d) obligation / ability / possibility / obligation / deduction finally would.
e) deduction / ability / permission / advice / obligation e) Last year I lived with my boyfriend but I knew I can
36) (EFOMM 2012) Were he not busy, he ________ your live with my parents again at any time.
cousin. 42) (EFOMM 2019) Which of the following sentences
a) will accompany expresses probability?
b) can accompany a) Angela is not as efficient as she ought to be.
c) would accompany b) People living in this area must be immunized.
d) had accompanied c) You should drink at least 1 liter of water a day.
e) should accompany d) She left early, so she should be here at any time.
37) (EFOMM 2012) There was no one else at the box office. I e) One mustn't smoke at hospitais or health centers.
_______ in a queue. 43) (EFOMM 2020) In "Also, human error on the part of the
a) needn’t wait pilot of the tugboat can also lead to unwanted and
b) mustn’t wait unexpected tugboat mishaps.", the word in bold expresses:
c) needn’t have waited a) Obligation
d) didn’t need to wait b) Suggestion
e) must wait c) Prohibition
38) (EFOMM 2013) Choose the correct alternative. d) Possibility
This is not installed correctly. They____________ my e) Permission
instructions. 44) (Escola Naval 2011) Which of the alternatives below
a) must misunderstand completes the sentence correctly?
b) must have misunderstood (Airport Requirement) Passengers _________ (1) present
c) should have misunderstood their valid travel documents and boarding pass at airport
d) should misunderstand security check and at the boarding gate in order to be
e) may understand allowed to board the airplane.
39) (EFOMM 2014) Choose the alternative that correctly a) can
completes the sentences below. b) may
1 - She ____ be married, she isn't old enough. c) should
2 - Listen, children, you ____ finish the essay now if you d) must
don't want to. e) might
3 - The neighbors ______ be at home, I saw the light on in 45) (Escola Naval 2011) Choose the best sequence to complete
their bedroom. the blanks.
4 - You ___ take a taxi. There's a good bus service. TIME ZONES AND UNIVERSAL TIME
5 - Look at that sign. You _____ park here. Time _________ (1) in a number of ways. For instance, we
a) can- have to – can't - ought to – shouldn't __________ (2) the passage of time via the orbital motion
b) can't – should – don't have to – shouldn't – mustn't of the Earth and other planets in the solar system
c) isn't allowed to – ought to – don't have to – should – (Dynamical Time). The measure _________ (3) on the
don't have to rotation of the Earth on its axis with respect to the stars, as
d) can't – don't have to – must – don't have to – aren't well (Universal Time)
allowed to (Adapted from
e) must – can't – have to – mustn't – don't have to http://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/SEhelp/TimeZone.html)
40) (EFOMM 2015) Complete the sentences with the correct a) can be measured - can measure – base
verb tenses. b) can measure - can measure - can base
1. Little ____________ how inconvenient he can be. c) can be measure - can be measured can be based
2. Not until she received the call _______________ d) can measure - can measure - can base
relieved. e) can be measured can measure can be based
3. Not for one moment _____________ your honesty. 46) (Escola Naval 2011) Which alternative does not
4. Under no circumstances _______________ class. express the same idea as "Always do right" in the sentence
a) does he realize/ she had breathed/ would I doubt/ should below?
you miss. "Always do right. This will gratify people and astonish the
b) does he realize/ did she breathe/ would I doubt/ should rest" (Mark Twain)
you miss a) You should always do right.

b) You can always do right. (TORDAY, Paul. The Legacy of Hartlepool Hall. London:
c) You always have to do right. Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2012 . )
d) You must always do right. a) might not /can't
e) You always ought to do right. b) can't /will
47) (Escola Naval 2013) Which is the correct option to c) can't /must
complete the paragraph below? d) shouldn't / mustn't
"Lego releases a Star Wars themed animation in tribute e) shouldn't / can't
to Father's Day in the UK, 16 June, Lego depict how Darth 52) (Escola Naval 2019) Which option completes the text
Vader and Luke Skywalker (1) ____ spend Father's Day, below correctly?
assuming they have buried their long-running feud - a trip Tips for a Healthy Diet
to the theme park perhaps? Maybe a father-son fishing You ________ eat vegetables every day. Vegetables
outing or just a good old game of catch?" contain essential vitamins and substances that are very
(Adapted from http://www.guardian.co.uk) important for your organism. You ________ only eat
a) might what you like to eat because to stay healthy you also need
b) have to to eat what your organism needs you to eat.
c) can't (Adapted from https://nexter.org/top-5-tips-for-a-healthy-
d) must diet)
e) had to a) can’t / can
48) (Escola Naval 2014) Which is the correct option to b) should / can
complete the paragraph below? c) shouldn’t / can’t
China's recent rise has made people think that everyone d) should / shouldn’t
________ learn Mandarin. But China itself seems to have e) shouldn’t / should
caught the English bug. Some 175 million Chinese are now 53) (Escola Naval 2020) Which option completes the text
studying English in the formal educational system. below correctly?
(Adapted and abridged from Newsweek) Renew or replace your adult passport
a) ought You ______ be aged 16 or over (or turning 16 in the
b) must next 3 weeks). if you want an adult passport. There’s a
c) mustn't different process to get a passport for a child.
d) can't The rules for passports, drivlnq, pet travel and more
e) needs ______ change from 1 January 2021. Act now so you
49) (Escola Naval 2014) In which alternative is the idea _____ travel as planned.
expressed by the modal verb INCORRECTLY stated in If you're in the UK you _____.
brackets? -renew your passport if it's expired or will expire soon;
a) In China, there might be 10 million teenage internet - replace your passport if it's been lost, stolen or damaged;
addicts. (Possibility) - change the details on your passport.
b) It must be hard for him to work and study at the same (Adapted from <https://www.gov.uk/renew-adult-
time. (Obligation) passport>)
c) You mustn't park here or you'll receive a fine. a) should / may / can't / shouldn't
(Prohibition) b) must / might / can't / must
d) Could you lend me your book for a week? (Request) c) should / mustn't / can / should
e) If you're getting fat you should go on a diet. (Advice) d) must / may / can / can
50) (Escola Naval 2015) Which is the correct option to e) should / mustn't / must / should
complete the text below? 54) (Escola Naval 2021) Which is the correct option to
Major Current Environmental Problems complete the text below?
Ocean Acidification: It is a direct impact of Social engineering: here’s how you _________ be hacked
excessive production of C02. 25% of C02 is produced by Learn how social engineering _________ affect you, plus
humans. The ocean acidity has increased by the last 250 common examples to help you identify and stay safe from
years, but by 2100, it _______ shoot up by 150%. these schemes.
Acid Rain: Acid rain occurs due to the presence Social engineering is an importante term in the security
of certain pollutants in the atmosphere. Acid rain is a world, but you _______ not be familiar with exctly what it
known environmental problem that _______ have serious means. While it is a broad subject, there are specific types
effect on human health, wildlife and aquatic species. of social engineering as a concept so you ________ avoid
(Adapted from http://www.conserve-energy-future.com). falling victim to it.
a) may/ can. Social engimeering is the act of manipulating people to
b) would/ can. steal private information from them, or make them give up
c) would/ may. such confidential details.
d) may/ would. (Adapted from https://www.muo.com)
e) could/ would. a) could / can / might / can / can
51) (Escola Naval 2016) Which is the correct option to b) must / should / must / could / must
complete the excerpt below? c) should / must / might / ought to / can
d) must / can / must / can / should
e) could / should / must / ought to / must

55) (ITA 2017) Marque a opção correta de acordo com o Gabarito
sentido com que os verbos modais sublinhados são 1) B
empregados no texto. 2) C
I. Can living with less make you happier? (título) → para 3) B
indicar uma possibilidade. 4) A
II. We never know what tomorrow might bring, (linha 13) 5) B
→ para indicar um estado contrário à realidade. 6) A
III. It may sound as if I’m exaggerating… (linha 35) → 7) A
para indicar uma probabilidade. 8) D
IV. I think you should try saying goodbye to some of your 9) B
things. (linha 39) → para dar um conselho. 10) C
a) I e II. 11) B
b) I, II e IV. 12) B
c) I, III e IV. 13) D
d) II, III e IV. 14) B
e) II e IV. 15) B
56) (ITA 2021) O termo “must”, destacado em itálico no 16) C
excerto do segundo parágrafo, “These questions must be 17) C
now faced”, pode ser substituído, sem alteração de 18) A
significado, por 19) D
a) could. 20) C
b) might. 21) A
c) ought to. 22) C
d) used to. 23) B
e) had to. 24) B
25) C
26) C
27) A
28) C
29) B
30) A
31) C
32) D
33) D
34) C
35) A
36) C
37) D
38) B
39) D
40) B
41) B
42) D
43) D
44) D
45) E
46) B
47) A
48) B
49) B
50) A
51) C
52) D
53) D
54) A
55) C
56) C

Verbos Frasais – Phrasal Verbs UK airports. But he said that although some “weak points”
in airport had been addressed, others remained
Texto para a questão 1
Since the attack, cars no longer drop off passengers
Robotic Cars
The year is 2020, and it’s 7;45 on a rainy Monday morning, outside the main terminal building, which was fitted with
bomb-proof glass.
and you are in your car on your way to work. You turn right,
Fonte:BBC News
and you turn left. A few minutes later, you stop at a traffic
light. When the light turns green and there are no other cars in GLOSSARY
the intersection, you continue on your way. Ten minutes later (car) ramming attack – ataque no qual um veículo choca-se
you get to work and stop reading the morning paper. Then, you contra um local
get out of your car and you say, “Thank you!". Your car propane canister – container de metal contendo gás propano
bollard – poste usado para manter um veículo fora de uma
replies, “You’re welcome!’’. This possibie future may sound
área em particular
unreai, but in fact many car companies are aiready testing
In ‘(…) a Jeep Cherokee was driven into the glass doors
robotic cars, or driverless cars, on the roads today, although the
and set ablaze’, (lines 3 - 5), it means that the vehicle hit
cars don't speak very much yet.
into the glass doors and _________________, except:
In the 1980s, Germany and the United States tested the first
a) burnt
driverless cars, and by 2020 companies such as Volvo, GM,
b) blew up
Nissan and BMW plan to seil driverless cars. Driverless cars
c) caught fire
are not really ‘driverless - the drivers are computers that use
d) burst into flames
radar, Computer maps and other modern technology. They
4) (EEAr 1. 2017) “I find the easiest way to expand my
offer many advantages. Perhaps the most important of these is
vocabulary is to make up words.”
fewer deaths caused by road accidents. For example, in 1968
The phrasal verb “make up” in this phrase can be replaced
more than 53.000 people lost their lives in car accidents in the
USA. This number has fallen to less than 33.000 but it’s still a
a) build up
high number. In addition, people will spend iess time stuck in
traffic jams and there will be no need for people to have a b) go away
c) look up
driving license. One of the major disadvantages of this new
d) go on
technology, however, is the cost. It’s not free. U$5.000 to
U$10.000 is added to the price of the new car. Nevertheless, at 5) (EEAr 2. 2020) Choose the alternative that substitutes the
some time in your life, you will probably be sitting in a robotic, phrasal verb in the following sentence without changing its
driverless car on your way to work or school. The future is meaning.
almost here. Are you ready for it? “My mother asked me to look after my little sister”.
a) Carry on
b) Take care
esson-drivina-robo ticcars2.pdf>
c) Take over
1) (Colégio Naval 2019) Read the extract from the text.
d) Hold back
'Ten minutes iater you get to work and stop reading the
6) (EEAr 1. 2021) Without changing the meaning, the phrasal
morning paper.’
verb in bold in the sentence below can be substituted for
Mark the option that can replace the expression get to.
“She is very upset because it’s been one year since her
a) drive to
father passed away.”
b) go to
a) moved.
c) find
b) called.
d) arrive at
e) come from c) tried.
d) died.
2) (EPCAR 2017) The sentence “Don't give up” (line 29) in
7) (EEAr 1. 2021) Without changing the meaning, the phrasal
the affirmative form is
verb “breaks out” could be substituted for
a) giving up.
b) I give up.
c) I gave up.
d) give up.
3) (EEAr 2. 2016)
Airports ‘vunerable’ to attack
The 2007 Glasgow International Airport attack was a
terrorist ramming attack which occurred on Saturday 30
June 2007, when a dark green Jeep Cherokee loaded with
propane canisters was driven into the glass doors of the
Glasgow International Airport terminal and set ablaze. It
was the first terrorist attack to take place in Scotland.
Security bollards outside the entrance stopped the car from
entering the terminal, although the doors were damaged.
As a boy, Louis “Louie” Zamperini is always in trouble,
Security consultant Chris Yates said many of the
but with the help of his older brother, he turns his life
changes put in place at Glasgow had been copied at other
around and channels his energy into running, later
qualifying for the 1936 Olympics. When World War II

breaks out, Louie enlists in the military. After his plane 11) (EEAr 1. 2022) Read the sentence below:
crashes in the Pacific, he survives incredible 47 days adrift “I nearly passed out when I saw all the blood.”
in a raft, until his capture by the Japanese navy. Sent to a The phrasal verb underlined means:
POW (Prisoner-of-war) camp, Louie becomes the favorite a) to die.
target of a particularly cruel prison commander. b) to become sick.
Adapted from c) to recover from something.
https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/unbroken_2014 d) to faint, to lose consciousness.
a) kills. 12) (EEAr 1. 2022) The phrasal verb underlined in the song
b) ends. means:
c) begins. On top of the World-Imagine Dragons
d) finishes. If you love somebody
8) (EEAr 2. 2021) Choose the alternative that substitutes the Better tell them why they’re here cause
sentence “They were crying to get out of the jar...” without They just may run away from you
changing the meaning. You will never know what went well
Then again it just depends on
How long of time is left for you
I’ve had the highest mountains
I’ve had the deepest rivers
You can have it all but not til you move it
Now take it in but don’t look down.
a) to meet someone you know when you are not expecting
b) to leave a place or person secretly and suddenly.
c) the possibility of something bad happen.
d) to be extremely unwilling to be involved.
13) (EEAr 2. 2022) Choose the alternative that best substitutes
a) They were crying to get in the jar...
the words “turned upside down” in the picture below.
b) They were crying to break out of the jar...
c) They were crying to stick around the jar...
d) They were crying to come back to the jar...
9) (EEAr 2. 2021) Choose the phrasal verb that best
substitutes the word in bold in the following sentence.
“They needed to cancel the game because of the bad
a) call off
b) hand out a) Overturned
c) tear down b) Off-putting
d) put towards c) Backwards
10) (EEAr 1. 2022) The phrasal verb in bold in the text means: d) Top-down
The best way to boost self-esteem 14) (EEAr BCT 2. 2016)
Working hard to accomplish great things is a healthy Airports ‘vunerable’ to attack
way to pump your ego? Not necessarily, according to The 2007 Glasgow International Airport attack was a
researchers at the University of Michigan. In their survey of terrorist ramming attack which occurred on Saturday 30
642 college freshmen, those who measured their self-worth June 2007, when a dark green Jeep Cherokee loaded with
against objective standards, such as getting good grades, propane canisters was driven into the glass doors of the
were actually more stressed - and received no higher marks Glasgow International Airport terminal and set ablaze. It
- than those who based how they felt themselves of their was the first terrorist attack to take place in Scotland.
relationships with others. That’s not to say that you Security bollards outside the entrance stopped the car from
shouldn’t work hard; just don’t make it all about you. entering the terminal, although the doors were damaged.
“Instead of focusing on whether you’re succeeding, ask Security consultant Chris Yates said many of the
yourself, ‘What am I contributing to society? How will changes put in place at Glasgow had been copied at other
people benefit from what I’m doing?’” suggests lead UK airports. But he said that although some “weak points”
researcher Jennifer Crocker, Ph.D. “This takes the pressure in airport had been addressed, others remained
off you and guarantees that your work will always feel Since the attack, cars no longer drop off passengers
meaningful.” outside the main terminal building, which was fitted with
a) to become bigger or more important than something bomb-proof glass.
else. Fonte:BBC News
b) to start legal action against somebody. GLOSSARY
c) to continue something. (car) ramming attack – ataque no qual um veículo choca-se
d) to remove something. contra um local
propane canister – container de metal contendo gás propano

bollard – poste usado para manter um veículo fora de uma c) give up
área em particular d) abandon
In ‘(…) a Jeep Cherokee was driven into the glass doors 20) (EEAr BCT 2. 2018) “lead to”, underlined in the text, can
and set ablaze’, (lines 3 - 5), it means that the vehicle hit be replaced by
into the glass doors and _________________, except: That sent hydrochloric acid with fine glass particles into the
a) burnt air, a process that can lead to lung demage and eye and skin
b) blew up irritation.
c) caught fire a) offer
d) burst into flames b) cause
Texto para as questões 15 e 16 c) develop
Some situation call for a lot of patience. We were going to d) influence
call on some friends. But I had traveled to São Paulo and it was 21) (EEAr BCT 1. 2019) In “Roller skating used to be strictly
raining hard. for children.”, the verb “used to”, in bold type is closest in
Because of the weather all flights to Rio were call off. So I meaning to:
couldn’t come. I called her up to explain, and then she called a) My sister is used to calling me at work.
me down! b) The children used the roller skating to play.
15) (EEAr BCT 1. 2017) “call for”, in bold type in the text, c) They are used to meeting people late at night.
means d) When she was a chilld, she used to play baseball with
a) demand friends.
b) cancel 22) (EEAr BCT 1. 2019) Choose the correct verb to replace
c) phone the phrasal verb “passed away”, in bold type in the text:
d) visit The crew did everything they could, including performing
16) (EEAr BCT 1. 2017) Choose the correct alternative to CPR with a doctor on board, but unfortunately the
replace the phrasal verb, underlined in the text. passenger has passed away.
a) reprimand a) died
b) deprive b) choked
c) refuse c) fainted
d) visit d) collapsed
17) (EEAr BCT 1. 2017) As used in (line 16), ‘lead to’ can be 23) (EEAr BCT 2. 2019) All the underlined words from the
replaced by text are phrasal verbs, except:
Climate change is expected to lead to stronger vertical Halloween
wind shears in the jet stream, at the cruising altitude for One fall day, as you walk down the street, you might see
most jet aircraft. ghosts, strange animals, and other weird things. What’s
a) result in. going on? It’s probably October 31, or Halloween.
b) forecast. Halloween is a day when people go out wearing costumes
c) encounter. and colorful makeup.
d) accompany People think that Halloween started in Ireland during the
18) (EEAr BCT 2. 2017) Choose the best verbal form to have 400s. October 31 was the end of summer, and people
the text completed correctly. believe that everyone who died during the year come back
Drunk pilot removed from cockpit at Stuttgart Airport on that day. To scare away the dead, people put on
Josh Gerbbatiss costumes and went out into the streets to make noise.
A “highly intoxicated” pilot was removed from the Different cultures have different ways of celebrating
cockpit of a flight, leaving more than 100 passengers Halloween. In the United States, it’s the night when
unable to leave Stuttgart airport. Shortly before ______, an children dress up in costumes and go to neighbors’ houses
airport employee noticed the man walking unsteadly and to “trick or treat”, or ask for candy. Some adults wear funny
smelt of alchool. The airline apologised for having to or scary costumes and go to parties or parades. Halloween
cancel the flight. All the passengers were put up in hotels has become a fun holiday for both adults and children.
overnight. The pilot’s licence was immeadiately suspended. Adapted from Interchange.
Adapted from The Independent Online; March 25, 2018 a) end of
a) take off b) dress up
b) took off c) went out
c) takes off d) scare away
d) taking off 24) (EEAr BCT 2. 2020) The word “postponed”, underlined in
19) (EEAr BCT 1. 2018) Choose the correct verb that can the text, is closest in meaning to:
replace the phrasal verb “racking up” (line 11), according to The event, which was fundraising for Care charity, had
the text. been postponed twice - first to sell more tickets, and then
Since he first started racking up air miles a little over a because of coronavirus restrictions.
decade ago – yes, he was just 14 when he started this – a) Put off
Schlappig says he's never flown economy on an b) Turned on
international flight. c) Looked out
a) amass d) Stayed Away
b) forfeit

25) (EEAr BCT 2. 2020) Read this notice about an apartment c) picked by
for rent and answer the question below. d) came up
“Students! Are you looking for a special place to live? 28) (EEAr BCT 1. 2022) Choose the alternative in which the
Come to 140 Grant Street, Apt. 4B. This apartament is phrasal verb means that you look or behave like an older
absolutely perfect for two serious students who are looking relative.
for a quiet neighborhood, just 15 minutes from campus.” a) Jenny really takes after her mother.
The expression “looking for” in bold type in the paragraph b) Jenny really lives up to her mother.
above is closest in meaning to _________________. c) Jenny really looks up to her mother.
a) Buying d) Jenny sometimes comes across her mother.
b) latch-key 29) (EEAr BCT 1. 2022) Which of the options below replaces
c) disturbing the word in bold in the text correctly?
d) searching for Is your home full of stuff you never use? If so, the time
26) (EEAr BCT 1. 2021) Read this article about the architect has come to get rid of all your junk and create a peaceful,
Ieoh Ming Pei. Choose the best alternative to complete the relaxed atmosphere in your home.
text subsequently. a) Donate.
Ieoh Ming Pei b) Organize.
Born in 1917, Ieoh Ming Pei grew up in Canton, China. c) Eliminate.
When he was seventeen, he went to the United States to d) Discharge.
learn about building. As it turned out, Pei became one of 30) (EEAr BCT 2. 2022) The expression “carried out” in bold
the most famous architects of the twentieth century. in the text can be replaced by
Pei is famous for his strong geometric forms. One of his “Volcanic surveillance measurements carried out since
most controversial projects was his glass pyramid at the the beginning of the eruption recorded the highest-energy
Louvre in Paris. The old museum had a lot of problems, but activity so far during Friday afternoon,” emergency
no one wanted to destroy it. Pei had to __________ a services said in a statement on Friday evening.
solution. Many Parisians were shocked with his proposal a) realized.
for a 71-foot-high glass pyramid. It __________ anyway, b) continued.
blending with the environment. Today many people say that c) conducted.
it is a good example of the principles of feng shui. d) commanded.
From the book Grammar Express Marjorie Fuchs and 31) (EsPCEx 2015) In the sentence “I think I have now finally
Margaret Bonner acquired all the domestic skills I missed out in my modern
a) give up / turn out education.” (paragraph 2), the words missed out mean
b) went up / pay off a) didn’t miss.
c) come up with / go back b) didn’t want.
d) come up with / went up c) didn’t have.
27) (EEAr BCT 2. 2021) Choose the alternative that completes d) didn’t like.
the text with a suitable phrasal verb. e) didn’t need
Flying with a Dog? Here’s What You Need to Know Texto para a questão 32
The choice to take your dog in the cabin with you When making a decision, it is a common impulse to look
versus traveling in the cargo hold will often be decided for and see what others are doing. Nevertheless, it is often unclear
you by the size of the animal and the airline’s policy. Some whether the path that everyone else may be following is good
airlines restrict the total number of pets allowed on any for us as well. After all, sometimes following the crowd has
given flight, and these spots are usually parceled out on a merit - at other times, it is simply peer pressure blinding us.
first-come, first-served basis—so you will want to book The phenomenon of looking to others and following the
early. crowd by social has been studied science for a long time.
Expect to pay a fee to fly with your dog. Current Nevertheless, those findings do not always make their way to
standard fees range from around $75 to $200 each way, and individual decision-makers. Therefore, let’s review why people
can go up to several hundred dollars for larger dogs that conform to the crowd – and under what conditions it is a god
must be transported on cargo planes. idea to go your own way instead.
If at all possible, choose a direct flight. As tough as To start, individuals tend to look to the opinions of others,
flying is on a dog, especially in the cargo hold, submitting especially when they are unsure and lack information from
them to even longer travel times plus multiple encounters other sources. This dynamic was supported by classic research
with baggage handling can easily go sideways. My family from Sherif (1937), who explored how a person’s perception of
flew cross-country with our dog several years ago, and had a very ambiguous stimuli can be influenced by the opinion of
purchased direct flights, but due to aircraft problems on the others. Sherif (1937) asked participants to watch a small light
way home had to switch to a connecting itinerary. During in a dark and featureless room and evaluate how much that
our connection in St. Louis, we watched helplessly through light moved around. In actuality, however, the light never
the airport windows as a baggage hander in St. Louis let our moved at all – but the way our perception works in that
dog’s travel crate nearly free-fall onto the tarmac. When we situation gives the possible illusion of movement (called the
____________ at our home airport, the crate was shattered Autokinetic Effect). In this uncertain and ambiguous perceptual
and the dog significantly traumatized. situation, Sherif (1937) found that individuals were quite
a) picked her up susceptible to the influence of the opinions of others when
b) took it up trying to decide how much light was “moving”.

Unfortunately, this phenomenon also extends to individuals you follow the advice or choices of any particular group of
following the crowd, even when they can clearly see that others people, it might be a good idea to look at what other groups of
are wrong. This was first evaluated by Asch (1955), who asked people are doing or choosing too. In addition, we can learn a
participants to pick a line from a few choices of varying lengths lot from people making choices contrary to ourselves or our
that matched up with another example line given to them. From preferred group, particularly about potential down-sides to
a perceptual standpoint, the task was easy – as the correct choices we might not be seeing. Therefore, if you do need to
choice of which lines were actually similar to one another was look to others to help provide information regarding a
clear. Nevertheless, when participants were surrounded by particular choice or decision, then it might help to seek out
other individuals giving the wrong answer, they often people with a few different opinions, weigh your options
conformed and made the wrong choice as well. Thus, even among them, and figure out what will work best for you.
when the correct choice is clear, and what others are doing is (Adapted from https://www.psychologytoday.com. Access on
wrong, that peer pressure can still cause us to doubt ourselves March 25th, 2021)
and follow the crowd. 32) (AFA 2021) In the text, the phrasal verb that means have a
Why is it that we are so compelled to follow the crowd, harmonious and friendly relationship is
even when it is objectively clear that they are wrong? a) look to. (line 6)
According to more recent research, we may simply be wired b) get along. (line 59)
that way. Specifically, these social influences can actually c) look beyond. (line 53)
change our perceptions and memories (Edelson, Sharot, Dolan, d) figure out. (line 63)
& Dudai, 2011). Therefore, rather than knowingly making the 33) (EFOMM 2012) The boss refused her request for a day
wrong choice just to conform to peer pressure, the influence of off. The underlined word can be replaced by:
others may actually change what we see as the correct choice in a) turned out
the moment and remember as the right thing after the fact. b) turned over
Beyond that, we might just have “herding brains” with built-in c) turned off
components that monitor our social alignments and make us d) turned in
feel good when we follow the crowd too (Shamay-Tsoory, e) turned down
Saporta, Marton-Alper, & Gvirts, 2019). 34) (EFOMM 2013) Choose the correct alternative.
Fortunately, this effect has good points as well. In many By this time next year, my brother ______ his new car.
cases, group decision-making can help individuals look beyond a) will be paid off
their own private perspectives and make more rational b) is paying off
decisions (Fahr & Irlenbusch, 2011). Furthermore, pro-social c) had paid off
and altruistic behaviors can be influenced and shared through d) has paid off
such conformity as well (Nook, Ong, Morelli, Mitchell, & e) will have paid off
Zaki, 2016). Therefore, sometimes following the crowd helps 35) (EFOMM 2013) In : ‘(…) around 14 people were in the
people get along and make better decisions too. glasstopped tower when it was hit by the ship’s stern as
Given the above, when making a decision, it is important to it ploughed into the dock(...).’ (lines 7-9), the underlined
consider whether following others is a good idea – or is leading two-word phrase is closest in meaning to:
you astray instead. Some simple steps can help you “Up to eight people are feared dead after a massive cargo
figure it out. ship rammed into a control tower in the Italian port of
Getting swept away by what everyone else is doing is often Genoa during a night-time manoeuvre that went wrong. The
an emotional and thoughtless process. We are conforming collision sent the 165ft-tall cement control tower crashing
simply because we have not given sufficient attention and to the ground, with much of its mangled remains tumbling
effort toward considering any other options. Therefore, unless into the harbour. Around 14 people were in the glass-
you are in an emergency situation and need to immediately topped tower when it was hit by the ship’s stern as it
follow everyone else toward the nearest exit, it might be a good ploughed into the dock.”
idea to switch to more deliberate thinking processes, rather a) ran aground
than just going with your initial reaction. b) capsized
Some choices and decision-making situations are more c) struck
individual, while others are more social. Therefore, it is d) drifted
important to consider the specific situation. Is this an individual e) flooded
choice, or does it involve others? If you have sufficient 36) (EFOMM 2013) Choose the correct alternative.
information to make a clear choice on your own, and you do That cargo ship ______________ the harbour.
not need group approval, then you might want to make up your a) put into
own mind. If you are personally unsure, or you need the b) put forward
support of others to make something happen, then taking the c) put Away
opinion of others into consideration might be a good idea d) put off
instead. e) put across
It is generally a good idea to evaluate your choices and
decisions from multiple perspectives. The same is true for
following the opinion of others too. Although it might not feel
that way at times, especially in the modern day of media
coverage and social networking, everyone is not doing it –
whatever “it” is that you are considering. Given that, before

37) (EFOMM 2014) Read an extract of a news report and a) put down / stand up / end up
decide which verb correctly completes the sentences. Then, b) count on / rule out / come down
choose the correct alternative. c) lay off / stick out / wind up
“Drivers on a Chinese motorway in Sichuan had to stop d) wipe out / set aside / go up
suddenly because an ostrich ________ along the road. It e) give away / turn around / finish up
________ to belong to a Mr Liu, or Meishan, who 41) (EFOMM 2017) Which is the correct option to complete
________ that the ostrich ________ away when he the sentence below?
________ it.” Ruth wanted to be transferred to another department, but
a) ran – was turning out – was explaining – ran – fed her application w a s________ because her own department
b) was running – turned out – explained – was running – is understaffed.
was feeding a) turned down
c) was running – turned out – explained – ran – was b) turned out
feeding c) turned up
d) ran – turned out – was explaining – was running – was d) turned over
feeding e) turned away
e) ran – was turning out – explained – was running – fed 42) (EFOMM 2018) Select the correct option to complete the
38) (EFOMM 2016) In line 65, “(...) they have added extra sentence below.
forms to cope with the needs of their users (...)”, the "Sue, would you kindly ______ John ? He has a hospital
phrasal verb in bold is closest in meaning to: appointment at half past four tomorrow afternoon and he
“Some pidgins have become so useful as a means of won’t be able to teach."
communication between languages that they have a) stand up for
developed a more formal role, as regular auxiliary b) stand up to
languages. They may even be given official status by a c) stand in for
community, as lingua francas. These cases are known as d) stand down
‘expanded pidgins’, because of the way in which they have e) stand out
added extra forms to cope with the needs of their users, and 43) (EFOMM 2019) Choose the correct alternative to complete
have come to be used in a much wider range of situations the paragraph below.
than previously. In time, these languages may come to be Fatal accident during mooring operation on deck
used on the radio, in the press, and may even develop a During the mooring operation, the forward spring line
literature of their own. Some of the most widely used _________________ beneath the berth fender
expanded pidgins are Krio (in Sierra Leone), Nigerian and________________tightened up without awareness of
Pidgin English, and Bislama (in Vanuatu). In Papua New the risk. Suddenly, the taut rope ________
Guinea, the local pidgin (Tok Pisin) is the most widely used ___________from beneath the berth fender
language in the country.” and________________on the OS causing his death.
a) foresee (Abridged from https://safety4sea.com/fatal-accident-
b) support mooring-operation-deck/)
c) respect a) was stuck / being / bounced off / hit
d) realize b) is stuck / is / bounces off / hit
e) handle c) would stick / would be / bounced off / hits
39) (EFOMM 2016) Which sequence of verbs completes the d) is sticking / was / is bounced off / hit
sentences below? e) had stuck / was being / was bounced off / hit
I- The house ______ much more attractive by the new 44) (EFOMM 2019) Which is the correct option to replace the
owners. verb “reach” in the paragraph below so that the meaning
II- John ______ as a sort of clown. remains the same?
III- Politics ______ the art of the possible. Nowadays, it is difficult for parents to ______ their
IV- Nobody understood why she ______ their engagement. image of what ideal parenting should look like.
V- She’s worried about ______ careful enough with her a) live up to
translation. b) look down on
a) has being made / would see / is / breaks off / not been c) run out of
b) has been made / was seen / is / broke off / not having d) get away with
been e) look in on
c) made / had been seen / are / would break off / not to be 45) (EFOMM 2020) In "[... ] the world's first autonomous and
d) is made / could be seen / are / doesn’t break off / not electric container vessel Yara Birkeland is put on hold [...
being ].",the idiom in bold means:
e) had made / sees / is / had broken off / being “Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the changed global
40) (EFOMM 2016) Choose the option that correctly outlook, the development of the world's first autonomous
completes the sentences below, respectively. and electric container vessel Yara Birkeland is put on hold,
I- Factories are warning that they may have to ______ Norwegian company Yara announced.”
workers. a) Put Away
II- He wore a dark grey suit that would not ______ in a b) Put about
workplace. c) Put off
III- This plan might ______ costing us more money. d) Put across

e) Put up I don't know how some teachers _____ such disrespectful
46) (EFOMM 2021) Mark the correct option to complete the and rude students.
text below. a) look forward.
Achemical-laden cargo ship is sinking off the coast of b) come down to.
Sri Lanka, sparkling fears of an environmental disaster c) come up with.
The Singapore-registered X-Press Pearl I- ________ on fire d) put through to.
for almost two weeks before the blaze II- _________ this e) put up with.
week. Hundreds of tonnes of oil from fuel tanks III- 51) (Escola Naval 2018) Which option completes the text
_________ into the sea, IV- ____________nearby marine below correctly?
life. The Sri Lankan and Indian navies V- _________jointly School is exhausting! I’m so tired! I can’t keep up
over the past days in an attempt VI- ________ the fire and ______all the readings and assignments. It’s too much
VI- _________ the ship from breaking and sinking. work! But l won’t drop_____. I need this degree. I don’t
(Adapted from https://www.bbc.com>news>word...) want to put_____my dreams any longer. I need to have the
a) I - has been / II- has been put out / III - leaked / IV - to money to carry them ____ as soon as possible, but I’m
devastate / V - worked / VI - to put out / VII - had really looking forward_____the spring break. I need to rest
prevented a little.
b) I - has been / II- was put out / III - had leaked / IV - a) with / up / away / out / for
devastating / V - have worked / VI- putting out / VII – b) to / in / away / on /for
preventing c) for / out / off / on / to
c) I- had been / II- was put out / III- could leak / IV- d) to / up / up / on / for
devastating / V- had worked / VI- to put out / VII – e) with /out / off / out / to
prevent 52) (Escola Naval 2021) Which is the correct option to
d) I - had been / II - put out / III- could have leaked / IV- complete the text below?
devastating / V- have worked / VI - to put out / VII - to Personnel aboard HMS Queen Elizabeth ________ in a
prevent sports day to reinvigorate interest in team sports.
e) I- was / II - put out / HI - were leaking / IV- devastating The event, led by the NAVYfit team at HMS Temeraire,
/ V - had worked / VI - to put out / VII - preventing working under Covid-19 guidance, provided an opportunity
47) (EFOMM 2022) In “In addition, University of Rijeka, for personnel to _________ in a range of activities,
Faculty of Maritime Studies conducted a survey noting that designed to show the importance of sport and fitness to
companies [...].’, the word “conducted” can be correctly health and well-being.
replaced by the following phrasal verb, with no difference (“Sporting oppotunities for carrier personnel”, Naval News,
in meaning: p. 36, December 2020)
a) carried on a) took part/ take part
b) carried away b) took/ take place
c) carried out c) got over/ take off
d) carried off d) got up/ get up
e) carried over e) got away with/ get away with
48) (EFOMM 2022) Select the correct option to complete the 53) (Escola Naval 2022) Chose the correct option to complete
sentences below. the text below.
I- I __________ him crying in the bedroom. Drone saves missing 65-year-old climber in the
II- Please, __________ to Math class! Himalayas
III- Do you want to __________ to my house to eat Daniel Van Boom
popcorn and watch a movie? July 18, 2018
IV- I’ve __________ a great idea to solve that problem. Scottish climber Rick Allen ___________ a drone after
a) Come up with/ come over/ come back/ came across he had fallen during a solo climb of Broad Peak mountain
b) Came over/ come back/ come across/ come up with in the Himalayas. Allen’s climbing bag __________ a base
c) Came across/ come back/ come over/ come up with camp worker, prompting the drone _____________ to
d) Come up with/ come back/ come over/ came across successfully locate him. Then, Rick Allen _____________
e) Come back/ come up with/ come across/ come over without significant injury.
49) (Escola Naval 2012) Considering the text, what do the (Adapted from https://www.cnet.com)
expressions "getting ahead" and "getting by" mean in this a) was saved for/ spotted/ to be sent out/ rescued
extract? b) saved/ was spotted by/ to send out/ rescued
" [...] and other special bonuses that make the difference c) was saved for/ was spotted for/ to send out/ was rescued
between "getting ahead" and just getting by". d) was saved by/ spotted/ to send out/ was rescued
a) progressing – passing e) was saved by/ was spotted by/ to be sent out/ was
b) passing – progressing rescued
c) surviving – progressing 54) (Escola Naval 2022) Which is the correct option to
d) surviving – passing complete the text below?
e) progressing - surviving TAMPA, Fla. – A Lutz man is now a millionaire after
50) (Escola Naval 2015) Which is the correct option to nearly _____________ gas and buying a scratch-off ticket
complete the sentence below? at a gas station in Tampa when he stopped to ___________,
according to the Florida Lottery.

Feras Al Younes, 48, won the top prize and chose to 55) (ITA 2012) Assinale a afirmação correta.
take his winnings as a one-time payment. a) “day in day out” (linha 3) equivale a every other day.
“I was standing at the pumps when I suddenly realized I b) “getting by” (linha 8) equivale à expressão: vir ao
was holding a $2 million winning ticket! I was so excited mundo a passeio.
that I left before my tank was full!” Al Younes said. c) “seek out […] uncertainty” (linha 10) opõe-se a seek
(Adapted from https://www.abcactionnews.com) out opportunity.
a) running out of/ pass away d) A palavra “handle” (linha 26) pode ser entendida por
b) running out of/ fill up evitar.
c) catching up with/ pass away e) “pouring over” (linhas 35 e 36) pode ser substituído
d) looking up to/ fill up por making.
e) looking up to/ take away Texto para as questões 56 e 57
Texto para a questão 55 Reboot the School
Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Jonathan Fields, ALREADY MADE HIM A GEEK CELEBRITY.
author of Uncertainty: Turning Fear and Doubt Into Fuel for NOW HE WANTS TO REINVENT HOMEWORK, BANISH
Uncertainty. It’s a terrifying word. EDUCATION.
Living with it, dangling over your head like the sword of By Kayla Webley
Damocles, day in day out, is enough to send anyone spiraling Fifth-graders at Eastside College Preparatory School in East
into a state of anxiety, fear and paralysis. Palo Alto, Calif., sit at their desks with netbooks. They're in the
Like it or not, though, uncertainty is the new normal. We middle of a math lesson, listening as a teacher explains how to
live in a time where the world is in a state of constant, long- convert percentages to decimals. "If we get rid of the percent
term flux. And, that’s not all. If you want to spend your time on sign, we just have to move the decimal sign two places to the
the planet not just getting-by, but consistently creating art, left," the instructor says. Pens scribble across notebooks.
experiences, businesses and lives that truly matter, you’ll need Eleven thousand miles away in Accra, Ghana, students at
to proactively seek out, invite and even deliberately amplify the African School for Excellence are studying logarithms.
uncertainty. Because the other side of uncertainty is Their teacher is the same one firing off math tips in California–
opportunity. both groups of kids are learning by watching online videos.
Nothing great was ever created by waiting around for While the screen shows a march of equations and diagrams, the
someone to tell you it’s all going to be okay or for perfect students never actually see the face of the lecturer. There's just
information to drop from the sky. Doesn’t happen that way. a voice, deep, patient and unrehearsed—think NPR host
Great work requires you to act in the face of uncertainty, to live crossed with Mister Rogers. His inflection rises at times to
in the question long enough for your true potential to emerge. underscore a point or when he gets really excited. "Math is not
There is no alternative. just random things to memorize and regurgitate on a test next
When you find the strength to act in the face of uncertainty, week," he says. "It's the purest way of describing the universe!"
you till the soil of genius. The voice belongs to Salman Khan, a 35-year-old hedge-
Problem is, that kills most people. It leads to unease, fund manager turned YouTube professor to millions around the
anxiety, fear and doubt on a level that snuffs out most world. Thanks to his Khan Academy, an online repository of
genuinely meaningful and potentially revolutionary endeavors some 3,250 digital lectures, he has become a celebrity to
before they even see the light of day. Not because they techies, educators and uncounted high schoolers cramming for
wouldn’t have succeeded, but because you never equipped the AP biology test. His 18-minute discourse on the Krebs
yourself to handle and even harness the emotional energy of cycle and cell metabolism has been viewed more than 675,000
the journey. times.
But, what if it didn’t have to be that way? But Khan isn't satisfied with being the most famous teacher
What if there was a way to turn the fear, anxiety and self- ever to appear on a Web browser. He believes he has stumbled
doubt that rides along with acting in the face of uncertainty— onto a solution to some of education's most intractable
the head-to-toe butterflies—into fuel for brilliance? problems, with his video-driven teaching method at its heart.
Turns out, there is. Your ability to lean into the unknown He wants to fundamentally change the role of teachers in the
isn’t so much about luck or genetics, rather it’s something classroom—and redefine the concept of homework along the
entirely trainable. I’ve spent the past few years interviewing way. And he has persuaded Bill Gates, Google's Eric Schmidt
world-class creators across a wide range of fields and pouring and a minor constellation of other tech billionaires to back this
over research that spans neuroscience, decision-theory, quest.
psychology, creativity and business. Education reform is notoriously difficult. K-12 schools are
Through this work, a collection of patterns, practices and debating everything from teacher evaluations to standardized
strategies have emerged that not only turbocharge insight, tests, with no consensus in sight. Universities, meanwhile, are
creativity, innovation and problem-solving, but also help confronting massive budget cuts and new kinds of
ameliorate so much of the suffering so often associated with competition—as dramatized by the recent turmoil at the
the pursuit of any creative quest. University of Virginia. Its board fired the president amid
Fonte: http://zenhabits.net/fearfuel. Acesso em 07/12/2011. worries that UVa wasn't keeping up with change and
Texto adaptado. embracing online education fast enough, then rehired her 16
days later after a backlash from students and faculty.

56) (ITA 2012) Na sentença em que se insere “He believes he Gabarito
has stumbled onto a solution to some of education’s 1) D
most intractable problems” (linhas 27 e 28), o verbo 2) D
“stumbled onto” pode ser substituído por 3) B
a) come upon. 4) A
b) search for. 5) B
c) figured out. 6) D
d) come up with. 7) C
e) pointed out. 8) B
57) (ITA 2012) Nas frases “Their teacher is the same one 9) A
firing off math tips in California […]” (linha 9) e “Its 10) D
board fired the president amid worries […]” (linha 40) 11) D
a) “firing off” e “fired”, embora utilizados em tempos 12) D
verbais diferentes, têm o mesmo significado. 13) A
b) “firing off” equivale a sending quickly. 14) B
c) “firing off” e “fired” têm sentidos opostos. 15) A
d) “firing off” e “fired” podem ser substituídos, 16) D
respectivamente, por shooting off e shot. 17) A
e) “firing off” equivale a spread e “fired” equivale a 18) D
detonate. 19) A
20) B
21) D
22) A
23) A
24) A
25) D
26) D
27) A
28) A
29) C
30) C
31) C
32) B
33) E
34) E
35) C
36) A
37) C
38) E
39) B
40) C
41) A
42) C
43) A
44) A
45) C
46) C
47) C
48) C
49) A
50) E
51) E
52) A
53) E
54) B
55) B
56) A
57) B

Vozes Verbais – Passive Voice e Active Texto para a questão 8
The cost of a cigarette
Voice A businesswoman’s desperate need for a cigarette on an 8-
1) (EPCAR 2021) Mark the option that shows a structure in hour flight from American Airlines resulted in her being
the passive voice. arrested and handcuffed, after she was found lighting up in the
a) There, kids are told what to do, where to be, what to toilet of a Boeing 747, not once but twice. She was because she
think, what to wear, and what to eat. (l. 56 - 57) turned violent when the plane landed in England, where the
b) Kids have been avoiding these activities for ages. (l. 25 police subsequently arrested and handcuffed her. Joan Norrish,
- 26) aged 33, yesterday became the first person to be prosecuted
c) The answer has to do with the way games address basic under new laws for smoking on board a plane, when she was
psychological needs. (l. 39 - 41) fined £440 at Uxbridge magistrates’ court.
d) Many kids aren’t getting enough of these three essential Adapted from Innovations , by Hugh Dellar and Darryl
elements. (l. 51 - 52) Hocking
2) (EEAr 1. 2016) Choose the correct form for the passive 8) (EEAr 1. 2019) Complete the sentence adapted from the
voice of the following sentence. text using the Passive Voice: She ____________ when the
‘They have taken her to the hospital.’ plane landed in England.
a) She was taken to the hospital. a) is arrested
b) She is being taken to the hospital. b) was arrested
c) She has been taken to the hospital. c) was arresting
d) She had been taken to the hospital. d) will be arrested
3) (EEAr 1. 2016) Choose the alternative that presents the 9) (EEAr 1. 2022) In the letter, the sentence in bold is wrong.
passive voice of the sentence below. The correct form of the sentence is:
The expanding Hispanic population in the U.S. still hasn’t Dear Toti,
created a market for Spanish-language pictures. I’m writing to you from my hotel room. Everyone else
a) A market for Spanish-language pictures hasn’t been is sleeping, but I’m sitting here and watching the ocean.
created by the expanding Hispanic population. We’re staying at the Plaza in Atlantic Beach, and the view
b) A market for Spanish-language pictures hadn’t been is beautiful. The tour is goes well. The audience is crazy
created by the expanding Hispanic population. about the new songs, but the fans are always asking for you.
c) A market for Spanish-language pictures isn’t being How is the baby? She has a great voice. Are you teaching
created by the expanding Hispanic population. her to sing yet? Maybe both of you will come along for the
d) A market for Spanish-language pictures wasn’t being next tour!
created by the expanding Hispanic population. a) The tour is go well.
4) (EEAr 2. 2016) What’s the active voice for “The bike path b) The tour going well.
was inaugurated earlier this year”. c) The tour is going well.
a) Someone has inaugurated the bike path earlier this year d) The tour not going well.
b) Someone will inaugurate the bike path earlier this year 10) (EEAr BCT 1. 2016) Complete the sentence in the text
c) Someone inaugurated the bike path earlier this year. (line 19) with the correct option
d) Someone inaugurates the bike path earlier this year. Why do planes crash?
5) (EEAr 2. 2017) The sentence “People negotiate and Navigational errors are among the most common causes
consume drugs”, in the Passive Voice is: of plane crashes. Planes are flown into a mountain or the
a) Drugs are negotiated and consumed. sea out of a variety of reasons. Sometimes weather
b) Drugs were negotiated and consumed. conditions are bad, in other cases pilots have made bad
c) Drugs will be negotiated and consumed. judgements.
d) Drugs had been negotiated and consumed. In 1996 a Peruvian airliner crashed into the sea after the
6) (EEAr 1. 2018) Choose the alternative that corresponds to computer stopped working. The crew had almost no data
the Active Voice of the following sentence: “Great recipes left to work with and didn't know at which height they were
are made by Carole Walter”. flying when they hit the water.
a) Carole Walter is making great recipes. In 1977 almost 600 people got killed when two planes
b) Carole Walter has made great recipes. were heading at full speed towards each other and collided
c) Carole Walter makes great recipes. in heavy fog on the runway in Tenerife. The crash
d) Carole Walter made great recipes. happened after planes had been guided to Tenerife because
7) (EEAr 1. 2019) Choose the correct active form for the Gran Canary airport was closed.
sentence: “The history of humankind has been marked by In June 2009 an Air France airbus disappeared off the
patterns of growth and decline.” coast of Brazil. Although the wreckage was found after a
a) The history of humankind marked patterns of growth few days it took investigators almost three years to find out
and decline. what had really happened to the plane.
b) Patterns of growth and decline has marked the history of Pilots are criticising the way planes are ________. In
humankind. the past decades the structure of planes has changed. More
c) The history of humankind has marked patterns of computers and automated systems are taking over, the pilot
growth and decline. often has no alternatives left.
d) Patterns of growth and decline have marked the history (Adapted from http://www.english.online.at/news-
of humankind. articles/technology)

a) building the passenger — a 43-year-old woman named Jennifer
b) builds Riordan — died Tuesday at a hospital. It was the first
c) build fatality in a US passenger plane accident in nine years.
d) built Passengers on the flight described how, after the
11) (EEAr BCT 1. 2017) Read the sentences and decide if they explosion sent shrapnel into one of the plane’s windows,
are Active (A) or Passive (P). Riordan was pulled halfway out of aircraft.
( ) Magazines are sold at newsstands everywhere. While passengers were able to pull Riordan back into
( ) Many readers subscribe to the magazine. the plane, another passenger was said to have felt “severe
( ) A large type edition is also printed. pressure” after positioning his back against the opening in
( ) They also recorded it. the cabin in an attempt to seal it.
Choose the alternative that corresponds to the right order. When there’s an opening in an airplane during flight
a) A – A – P – A (regardless of the cause), the plane will undergo rapid
b) P – A – P – A depressurization.
c) P – P – A – P Adapted from http://www.businessinsider.com
d) P – A – P – P Glossary:
12) (EEAr BCT 1. 2017) Choose the correct alternative to shrapnel – pequenos pedaços de metal que são lançados
have the passive voice from the sentence, in bold type, in devido a uma explosão.
the text: they put their lives in danger to save their a) Riordan was pulled halfway out of the aircraft.
owners. b) Passengers were able to pull Riordan back into the
Their lives _______ in danger to save their owners. plane.
a) is put c) It was the first fatality in US passenger plane accident in
b) are put nine years.
c) was put d) Another passenger felt severe pressure after positioning
d) were put his back against the opening cabin.
13) (EEAr BCT 2. 2017) Which of the following is being used 16) (EEAr BCT 2. 2019) What’s the active voice for “intense
in the Passive Voice? rainfall was registered by scientists in the lake”?
a) Williams used supercomputers simulations (…) (line a) Scientists register intense rainfall in the lake.
20) b) Scientists registered intense rainfall in the lake.
b) But more frequent jolts in mid-air could be one way c) Scientists will register intense rainfall in the lake.
(…) (lines 3 and 4) d) Scientists were registering intense rainfall in the lake.
c) The practical impacts of climate change can be hard to 17) (EEAr BCT 1. 2020) Change the following sentence to the
predict (…) (lines 1 and 2) passive voice:
d) Climate change is expected to lead to stronger vertical “A diplomat must inform his country about international
wind shears (…) (lines 16 and 17) events.”
14) (EEAr BCT 2. 2018) All the sentences below are in the a) His country must inform a diplomat about international
passive voice, EXCEPT, events.
Drunk pilot removed from cockpit at Stuttgart Airport b) His country has to be informed by a diplomat about
Josh Gerbbatiss international events.
A “highly intoxicated” pilot was removed from the c) His country will be informed by a diplomat about
cockpit of a flight, leaving more than 100 passengers international events.
unable to leave Stuttgart airport. Shortly before taking off, d) His country must be informed by a diplomat about
an airport employee noticed the man walking unsteadly international events.
and smelt of alchool. The airline apologised for having to 18) (EEAr BCT 2. 2020) Choose the alternative that you can
cancel the flight. All the passengers were put up in hotels find Passive Voice tense:
overnight. The pilot’s licence was immeadiately suspended. a) They also record it.
Adapted from The Independent Online; March 25, 2018. b) It is sold at newsstands everywhere.
a) The pilot’s licence was suspended. c) Many readers subscribe to the magazine.
b) The pilot was removed from the cockpit. d) One million people do not speak Japanese.
c) All the passengers were put at the hotels. 19) (EEAr BCT 2. 2021) The sentence “Diego, the tiger, had
d) An airport employee noticed the drunk pilot. attacked the tribe to get the baby eskimo but was not
15) (EEAr BCT 2. 2018) Which of the following sentence is successful”, from the text could be rewritten without
being used in passive voice? changing the verb tense, like this:
Southwest Airlines Flight 1380 a) The baby eskimo had attacked by Diego, the tiger.
Jeremy Berke b) The baby eskimo was attacked by Diego, the tiger, but
Southwest Airlines Flight 1380 suffered an engine was not successful.
failure that smashed a plane window, sucking a passenger c) The tribe had been ambushed by Diego, the tiger, but
halfway out of the plane in midair. the baby had not been successful.
A passenger on a Southwest Airlines flight on Tuesday d) The tribe had been attacked by Diego, the tiger, in an
was partially sucked out of a window after an engine unsuccessful attempt to get the baby.
exploded in midair.
The flight, traveling from New York to Dallas, was
forced to make an emergency landing in Philadelphia, and

20) (EEAr BCT 1. 2022) The sentence “The remnants of latter, and in August of the same year, the Naval Aviation
Hurricane Ida have killed dozens of people” is in the Active School was created.
Voice. Choose the alternative with correct Passive Voice. The Military Aviation, however, only activated its Military
a) Dozens of people have been killed by the remnants of Aviation School after the Great War, on 10 July 1919. Among
Hurricane Ida. the aircrafts used at the school, one could find the Sopwith
b) The remnants of Hurricane Ida have been killed by 1A2, Bréguet 14A2, and Spad 7.
dozens of people. Until the beginning of the 1940s, both schools continued
c) Dozens of people have killed by the remnants of with their activities. The Brazilian Government was concerned
Hurricane Ida. with the air war in Europe and decided to concentrate under a
d) The remnants of Hurricane Ida were killed by dozens of single command the military aviation activities. Thus, on 20
people. January 1941, the Air Ministry was created and both the Army
21) (EsPCEx 2016) Choose the alternative that has the and Navy air arms were disbanded, their personnel and
sentence “Operation Desert Storm was not won by smart equipment forming the Brazilian Air Force. On 25 March
weaponry” (paragraph 2) correctly changed into active 1941, the Aeronautics School was based at Campo dos
voice. Afonsos, and its students became known as Aeronautics Cadets
a) Smart weaponry hasn’t won operation desert storm. from 1943 to the current days.
b) Smart weaponry didn’t win operation desert storm. As early as 1942, it became clear that the Aeronautics
c) Smart weaponry doesn’t win operation desert storm. School would need to be transferred to another place, offering
d) Smart weaponry isn’t winning operation desert storm. better climate and little interference with the flight instruction
e) Smart weaponry won’t win operation desert storm. of the future pilots.
22) (EsPCEx 2021) Choose the alternative that has the The town of Pirassununga was chosen among others, and,
sentence “...he was held by Thai authorities for one day in 1952, the first buildings construction was initiated. The
and given a fine of 500 baht…” (paragraph 4) correctly transfer of the School activities to Pirassununga occurred from
changed into active voice. 1960 to 1971. The School was redesigned as the Air Force
a) Thai authorities had held him for one day and given him Academy in 1969.
a fine of 500 baht. The motto of the Academy is the Latin expression “Macte
b) Thai authorities will hold him for one day and give him Animo! Generose Puer, sic itur ad astra”, extracted from the
a fine of 500 baht. poem Thebaida, by the Roman poet Tatius. It is an exhortation
c) Thai authorities have held him for one day and gave him to the cadets, which can be translated as Courage! This is the
a fine of 500 baht. way, oh noble youngster, to the stars.
d) Thai authorities were holding him for one day and The instruction of the Aeronautics Cadets, during the four-
giving him a fine of 500 baht. year-long course, has its activities centred in the words
e) Thai authorities held him for one day and gave him a COURAGE - LOYALTY - HONOUR - DUTY -
fine of 500 baht. MOTHERLAND. The future officers take courses on several
Texto para a questão 23 subjects, including Calculus, Computer Science, Mechanics,
BRAZILIAN AIR FORCE ACADEMY Portuguese and English, given by civilian lecturers, Air Force
instructors and supervisors. The military instruction itself is
given on a daily basis, and the Cadets are trained on different
subjects, including parachuting, and sea and jungle survival.
23) (AFA 2012) Mark the alternative that has the fragment
from the text INCORRECTLY changed into Active
a) The air war in Europe concerned The Brazilian
Government. (lines 22, 23)
b) Someone chose the town of Pirassununga among others.
(line 35)
AFA (Air Force Academy), located at Pirassununga, State
c) Somebody redesigned the School as the Air Force
of São Paulo, is responsible for the training of Pilots,
Academy. (lines 38, 39)
Administrative and Aeronautics Infantry Officers for the
d) The officers trained the Cadets on different subjects.
Brazilian Air Force.
(lines 52, 53)
The history of the Brazilian military pilots schools goes
24) (AFA 2015) Choose the best option to complete the active
back to 1913, when the Brazilian Aviation School was
form of the sentence: “The study of friendship is included
founded, at Campo dos Afonsos, State of Rio de Janeiro. Its
in the fields of sociology, social psychology, anthropology,
mission was to provide instruction at similar levels to those of
philosophy, and zoology” (lines 17 to 19).
the best European schools at the time; Blériot and Farman
The fields of sociology, social psychology, anthropology,
aircraft, made in France, were available for the instruction of
philosophy, and zoology ______________ the study of
the pupils. The Great War 1914-1918, however, forced its
instructors to leave and the school was closed.
a) Include
At that time, both the Brazilian Army and Navy had their
b) have included
own air arms, the Military Aviation and the Naval Aviation.
c) are including
The Navy bought Curtiss F seaplanes in May 1916 to equip the
d) have been including

25) (AFA 2016) Choose the best option to change the sentence a) [...] it was rumours about the possible apperance of na
“human capacities are represented in the brain” (line 32), iWatch.
into the active form. b) [...] a watch would “fill a gaping hole in the Apple
The brain _______________ human capacities. ecosystem” [...]
a) has represented c) The article offered no proof that Aple [...]
b) represents d) [...] or that the device that the device that was rapidly
c) has been represented christened na iWatch [...]
d) representing e) But the story offers a fascinating insight [...]
26) (AFA 2018) Mark the option in which the sentence is an 30) (Escola Naval 2014) Which alternative contains a clause
example of passive voice. from the passage in the passive voice?
a) Sigmund Freud viewed human nature as inherently Discoveries of oil off Brazil’s coast were cited as
antisocial, biologically driven by the undisciplined id's justifications for increasing Brazil’s navy. While the oil
pleasure principle. (lines 21 to 23) finds will almost certainly increase Brazil’s future
b) People who haven't met their most basic needs will have prosperity, the US sought to turn the strategic dialogue in
difficulty maturing. (lines 31 and 32) Brazil away from fantasies that another country - -
c) Humans have been captivated by stories of heroes potentially the United States - - would try to seize the oil
facing off against superhuman foes. (lines 49 to 51) fields to a productive discussion of energy security and the
d) We have needed heroes who rise to the occasion, importance of maintaining freedom of the seas. The April
overcome great odds and take down giants.(lines 85 to 2008 announcement of the reactivation of the US Fourth
87) Fleet caught Brazil by surprise and provoked Much
27) (AFA 2020) The statement “many people were injured by negative commentary. Even many Brasilians not prone to
falling glass” (line 7) stands for accept the wild-eyed theories of U.S. intentions to invade
Falling glass _______ many people. the Amazon suspected that the announcement, coming as it
a) have injured did on the heels of President Lula’s announcement that
b) has injured Brazil had discovered more oil off the Brazilian coast,
c) had injured could not have been a coincidence.
d) injured (Adapted from http://www.globslsecurity.org)
28) (Escola Naval 2012) Which alternative contains a clause a) Discoveries of oil off Brazil’s coast were cited as
from the passage in the active voice? justifications for increasing Brazil’s navy.
The ABSTRACT is not a part of the body of the report b) While the oil finds will almost certainly increase
itself. Rather, the abstract is a brief suramary of the report Brazil’s future prosperity [...]
contents that is often separately circulated so potential c) [...] another country - - potentially the United States - -
readers can decide whether to read the report. The abstract would try to seize the oil fields.
should very concisely summarize the whole report: why it d) The April 2008 announcement of the reactivation of the
was written, what was discovered or developed, and what is US Fourth Fleet caught Brazil by surprise.
claimed to be the significance of the effort. The abstract e) [...] coming as it did on the heels of President Lula’s
does not include figures or tables, and only the most announcement [...], could not have been a coincidence.
significant numerical values or results should be given. 31) (ITA 2013) A opção que contém a reescrita correta de “...
(Adapted from http://www.columbia.edu) science was being stifled by militarism or religious
a) [...] that is often separately circulated [...] fanaticism.” (linha 3) é: Militarism or religious fanaticism
b) The abstract should very concisely summarize the a) were stifling science.
whole report [...]. b) had been stifling science.
c) [...] why it was written [...]. c) were being stifling science.
d) [...] what is claimed to be the signif icance of the effort. d) has stifling science.
e) [...] only the most significant numerical values or results e) Have been stifling science.
should be given. 32) (ITA 2014) Assinale a opção em que a construção verbal
29) (Escola Naval 2013) Which alternative contains a clause está na voz ativa.
from the passage in the passive voice? a) Panini […] has produced sticker albums for... (linhas 2 e
“There is nothing the internet likes more than rumours 3)
about Apple products. In the last few days, specifically, it b) As the spaces get filled... (linha 7)
was rumours about the possible apperance of an iWatch. c) …each sticker is printed in the same... (linha 12)
The frenzy of speculation was sparked by an article written d) ...which was broadly borne out in practice. (linha 16)
by interface expert Bruce Tognazinni, who argued that a e) ...where a child who has a card prized by many... (linha
watch would “fill a gaping hole in the Apple ecosystem” 19)
and herald a new phase in how we Interact with technology. 33) (EsFCEx 2011) Choose the alternative that correctly shows
The article offered no proof that Aple was working on a a sentence in the passive voice:
watch – or that the device that the device that was rapidly a) She got the job.
christened an iWatch was even a timekeeper. But the story b) I got sick after Carnival.
– true or not – offers a fascinating insight into the rapidly c) She got invited to the show.
emerging field of wearable computing.” d) He got stressed before the game.
(Adapted and abridged from http://www.bbc.com) e) They got great grades on the test.

34) (VUNESP 2021) Note the use of the passive in “Casual Gabarito
conversation is said to be less frank than conversation in 1) A
Greece”. Another correct use of an impersonal passive is 2) C
found in alternative 3) A
a) The Prime Minister has been reported to be very fearful 4) C
about the consequences of workers’ strikes in pandemic 5) A
times. 6) C
b) New York City’s school employes are being classified 7) D
according to their basic special skills. 8) B
c) A different judgement could have been pronounced, but 9) C
unfortunately the result came out too quickly. 10) D
d) All public manifestations have been banned in the state 11) B
by the new governor. 12) B
e) Attending art lessons may help kids have their 13) D
perceptions of beauty and harmony increased. 14) D
35) (EsFCEx 2010) Choose the alternative that correctly states 15) A
the voice in the sentences below: 16) B
We have lost our keys. They were singing a song. The bike 17) D
is being fixed. 18) B
a) active - passive – passive 19) D
b) passive - active – active 20) A
c) active - passive – active 21) B
d) passive - passive – passive 22) E
e) active - active - passive 23) D
24) A
25) B
26) C
27) D
28) B
29) D
30) A
31) A
32) A
33) C
34) A
35) E

Wh-Questions e Interrogative Pronouns 6) (Colégio Naval 2022) Read the sentence below.
"Last Wednesday we saw Doctor Hill at the bus stop."
1) (Colégio Naval 2017) Read the Information in the box
Mark the option that indicates the correct question for the
sentence above.
a) When was the last time you went to work by bus?
b) Who do they see at the bus stop on Wednesdays?
c) How long does it take to get to work in the morning?
d) Which doctor did you see - Doctor John or Doctor Hill?
Now read the questions. e) Why does Doctor Hill go to work during the week?
I – How many suagr is there in an orange? 7) (EPCAR 2013) Select the question(s) below that have (has)
II – How much suagr is there in an orange? answer(s) in the sentences I and II (lines 1 - 4).
“Offshore English is a term used by many people for
I – How many eggs are there in a carton? International English (I). It is the English spoken and
II – How much eggs are there in a carton? written by non-native speakers in International
communication (II).”
I – How many calories are there in a banana? I. How does the speaker use Offshore English?
II – How much calories is there in a banana? II. Who speaks Offshore English?
Choose the right questions for the information in the box III. What is the term Offshore English?
respectively. IV. Why is Offshore English spoken and written?
a) II - l – II Mark the right option.
b) II - I – I a) Only II and III.
c) l - ll – l b) Only I.
d) l - l – ll c) Only IV
e) ll - ll - l d) Only I, II and IV.
2) (Colégio Naval 2018) Mark the correct question for the 8) (EPCAR 2014) Mark the correct question to the sentence
following answer. below.
Angela Tillson is a film location manager in Kauai who has “Dance training helps you to lose weight.”
worked on the set of films including “Jurassic Park: The a) When do you lose weight?
Lost World” and “The Descendants”. b) What does dance training do?
a) Who is Ms. Tilson? c) How does dance training help you to lose weight?
b) Where is Ms. Tilson? d) Who helps you to lose weight?
c) What is Ms. Tilson like? 9) (EPCAR 2015) Mark the option that is the correct question
d) Why is Ms. Tilson working? for the sentence “One of the reasons is the great use of cell
e) When does Ms. Tilson work? phones (...)” (lines 14-15)
3) (Colégio Naval 2019) Read the extract from the text a) When do children practice cyberbullying?
'The year is 2020, and it’s 7:45 on a rainy Monday morning, b) What kind of children practice cyberbullying?
(...)’ c) Why do children often practice cyberbullying?
What’s the correct question referring to the underiined d) How often do children practice cyberbullying?
information? 10) (EPCAR 2016) Mark the correct question for the sentence
a) What's the weather? “prejudice based on religious affiliation” (lines 40 and 41).
b) What’s the weather like? a) Which prejudice did you talk about?
c) How is the weather? b) Which religion talked you about?
d) How is the climate like? c) Which affiliation talk you about?
e) What's the climate? d) Which religious prejudice you talked about?
4) (Colégio Naval 2020) Read the sentence below. 11) (EPCAR 2016) Mark the sentence below that CANNOT
"Meditation can give you a sense of calm, peace and answer the following question correctly.
balance." “ Which prejudice do you have?” (line 56).
Mark the option that indicates the correct question for the a) I have some.
sentence above. b) I don't have any.
a) What do you do during meditation? c) I have none.
b) What are the benefits of meditation? d) I don't have no prejudice.
c) Why meditation is good for you? 12) (EPCAR 2018) Mark the option with the suitable question
d) What benefits do meditation have? to answer the fragment below.
e) Does meditation have benefits? “When someone is married against their will”. (lines 56 and
5) (Colégio Naval 2021) Read the following sentence. 57)
“I spend about three to four hours on homework per day” a) When does anyone get married?
Mark the option that completes the sentence correctly. b) When are women married?
a) How often do you do your hmework? c) When does it happen?
b) How do you do your homework? d) When is anyone getting married?
c) How many times do you do your homework?
d) How many hours do students spend on homerwork?
e) How long do you spend doing your homework?

13) (EPCAR 2020) Mark the correct question to the answer d) I am a doctor.
“protect your identity online” (line 32). Consider the e) I am doctor.
content of the whole paragraph. 19) (Escola Naval 2014) Which question word best completes
a) When should I report it? the paragraph below?
b) Where should I sign in? Would you like to know ______ educational specialists
c) How long should I be online? are flocking to Finland? Partly, their interest has been
d) What should I do? stimulated by how well Finnish students scored in 2001.
14) (EEAr BCT 1. 2016) Read the dialogue and mark the right (Adapted from http://www.nesweek.com)
expression to complete it correctly. a) why
A: _____________ have you been working as a sergeant? b) what
B: For about 2 years. c) where
a) How d) who
b) How long e) how
c) How much 20) (Escola Naval 2015) The following headings have been
d) How many removed from the text and replaced by (I), (II), (III), (IV)
15) (EsPCEx 2017) Which question below has its answer in and (V). Number them to indicate the correct order and
paragraph 1? choose the corresponding option.
“Decades of research by organizational scientists, Life in the Navy - Frequently Asked Questions.
psychologists, sociologists, economists and demographers Many of your questions about the Navy have been
show that socially diverse groups (that is, those with a asked and answered before. See if you can find your
diversity of race, ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation) question in the list below. Or, to get the most complete
are more innovative than homogeneous groups. It means picture of the Navy, locate your nearest recruiter and set up
being around people who are different from us makes us a meeting.
more creative, more diligent and more hardworking.” (I) ________
a) Why did the researchers decide to study such a context? It depends. Normally ships will go to sea for 10 days to 2
b) Who studied about socially diverse groups? weeks each month for training operations.
c) Where did the researchers carry out their studies? Extended operations away from home port can last up to 6
d) How did the researchers carry out their studies? months, and ships deploy every 18-24 months. This varies
e) How many people were involved in the research? depending on the mission and type of ship. Ships on 6-
16) (AFA 2011) The line “I’ve shared what I made” is the month deployments spend time visiting ports throughout
answer to one question. Mark it. the world. If you are on a shore duty tour, you will likely
a) What did I share to make? spend no time at sea during the course of the duty
b) Who made what I shared? assignment (usually 2 to 3 years).
c) How have I shared what I made? (II) _______
d) Who’s shared what I made? There are plenty of activities available to sailors in their
Texto para a questão 16 off-duty time. Depending on the size of the ship, you'll have
Why are we fascinated by supervillains? Posing the areas for exercise, watching movies, playing cards,
question is much like asking why evil itself intrigues us, but emailing friends, and purchasing snacks and other items.
there's much more to our continued interest in supervillains Many ships also provide college classes.
than meets the eye. (III) _______
Not only do Lex Luthor, Dracula and the Red Skull run The tempo of operations will dictate actual length. While in
unconstrained by conventional morality, they exist outside the home port or on shore duty, it is very similar to that of
limits of reality itself. Their evil, even at its most realistic, civilian jobs. While out to sea, it is often longer because of
retains a touch of the unreal. the workload needed to keep the ship, aircraft and other
But is our fascination with fantastic fiends1 healthy? From machinery working properly and efficiently.
a psychological perspective, views vary on what drives our (IV) _______
enduring interest in superhuman bad guys. Onder normal circumstances, you will be eligible for
17) (AFA 2018) The sentences below are used in the a promotion from E-l to E-2 in 9 months, from E-2 to E-3
interrogative form. Mark the one that is grammatically in 9 months, and from E-3 to E-4 in 6 months.
correct. Advancements on the basis of merit can occur in basic
a) Why does evil itself intrigues us? (lines 2) training to E-2 without waiting the 9 months. By referring
b) Who run unconstrained by conventional morality? (lines friends who join the Navy, you can be promoted even
5 and 6) faster!
c) Who exist outside the limits of reality itself? (lines 6 (V) _______
and 7) Once you have completed basic training and any
d) What drives our enduring interest in superhuman bad followup schooling, you will probably move just once to
guys? (lines 10 and 11) your first permanent duty station. Naturally, if you stay in
18) (Escola Naval 2012) What is the correct way to answer the the Navy past your first enlistment (or if you request a
question below? What do you do? specific deployment) you may have to move again.
a) I do doctor. (Adapted from https://www.navy.eom/faq.html#section-4)
b) I do medicine. ( ) What things are there for me to do on a ship?
c) I do the medicine. ( ) How often will I have to live in another place?

( ) How long is the normal workday? 25) (Escola Naval 2020) Analyze the questions below.
( ) How much time will I spend at sea? I- Who does this pencil belong to?
( ) What is the career plan like? II- Who read a book last week?
a) (II) (V) (III) (I) (IV). III- Where did your mother born?
b) (III) (I) (II) (IV) (V). IV- What about are they talking?
c) (II) (I) (III) (V) (IV). V- What fell on the floor yesterday?
d) (IV) (V) (II) (III) (I). Choose the correct option.
e) (IV) (II) (III) (I) (V). a) Only I, lI and lII are grammatically correct.
21) (Escola Naval 2015) Which question word best completes b) Only l, lI and V are grammatically correct.
the paragraph below? c) Only lI and IV are grammatically correct.
The National Gallery in London is among a d) Only lI, lII and V are grammatically correct
growing number of venues that have banned selfie sticks. e) Only lII and V are grammatically correct.
________ is so wrong with walking around a gallery taking 26) (Escola Naval 2021) Which word best completes the
pictures of yourself ? The gallery says it needs to protect question below?
artworks and other visitors. But some users can’t see what _______ advice do you follow more, your parents’ or your
the fuss is about. friends advice?
(Adapted from http://www.bbc.com). a) Who
a) Which. b) Whom
b) Why. c) Whose
c) What. d) When
d) When. e) Where
e) Who. 27) (EsFCEx 2009) Choose the alternative that best completes
22) (Escola Naval 2016) Which question word best completes the dialogue below.
the paragraph below? A. ____________ different types of penguins inhabit the
So if smoking is so bad for you, ______ is it so hard to South Pole?
quit? Stopping smoking is difficult for several reasons: B. I don’t know. Ten, maybe.
nicotine is highly addictive, rewarding psychological A. No, fifteen. And _____________ tall can they grow?
aspects of smoking and genetic predisposition. B. I have no idea. One meter?
(Adapted from http://www.spine-health,com/wellness/stop- A. That’s right. ___________ do they leave the South Pole?
smoking) B. Probably in winter.
a) what A. Excellent.
b) when B. _________ are you asking me all these questions?
c) who A. Because I want to see if you did your homework!
d) whose a) How much – who – When – How
e) why b) How many – how – Where – Which
23) (Escola Naval 2018) Which question word completes the c) How much – when – Who – Why
dialogue correctly? d) How many – who – When – How
Peter:______wasn’t Mary at work yesterday? e) How many – how – When – Why
Jane: She was ill. 28) (Unoesc 2021) Considering the questions and answers
a) When below, which alternative presents the correct use of the
b) Where interrogative pronouns, respectively?
c) Who 1. Q:__________ do you from? A: I´m from in Canada.
d) Why 2. Q:__________ will you arrive in Brazil? A: Next week.
e) Which 3. Q:__________ is your favorite fruit, banana or Orange?
24) (Escola Naval 2019) Which word best completes the A: It´s banana.
question below? 4. Q:__________ telephone keeps ringing? A: It´s mine.
How________ do YOU look at your phone? a) What / Whose / Who / What.
The average user now picks up their device more than b) Where / When / Which / Whose.
1,500 times a week. c) Where / Why / What / Which.
(http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech) d) Where / When / Whose / What.
a) far 29) (CETREDE 2019) Create a question for the following
b) old answer:
c) high This course has four levels.
d) often What alternative has the best question?
e) many a) How many levels does this course have?
b) How many levels this course has?
c) How has four levels?
d) How many levels has this course?
e) This course has how many levels?

30) (CEV – URCA 2021) Complete the interview below with Gabarito
the correct interrogative pronoun: Mr. Smith is applying for 1) B
a job. Right now, he is being interviewed by Mrs. Joy, head 2) A
of the personnel department. 3) B
4) B
5) E
6) D
7) A
8) B
9) C
10) A
11) D
Mrs. Joy: ________ is your full name, please? 12) C
Mr. Smith: Thomas Wilson. 13) D
Mrs. Joy: ________ are you from? 14) B
Mr. Smith: Canada. 15) B
Mrs. Joy: ________ were you born? 16) D
Mr. Smith: I was born on March 7, 1956. 17) D
Mrs. Joy: _________ did you know about our job offer? 18) D
Mr. Smith: Through the ad you put in the newspaper.
19) A
a) What - Where - How – Why 20) A
b) Who - How - Where – When 21) C
c) What - Where - When – How
22) E
d) What - Who - When – How 23) D
e) How - Who - When - What 24) D
25) B
26) C
27) E
28) B
29) A
30) C

Question tags e tag answers a) isn’t she
b) isn’t it
1) (EPCAR 2015) Mark the option to complete the sentence
c) does it
with the correct tag question form. “They bring together the
parents of victims, ________” (lines 37-38) d) doesn’t it
8) (EEAr 2. 2021) Choose the best Question Tag for the
a) do they?
sentence below:
b) are they?
c) don't they? Epic confirmed the temporary removal of shopping carts in
d) aren’t they? a tweet,______________?
2) (EPCAR 2017) Mark the option that shows the appropriate a) doesn’t it
question tag for the sentence. b) didn’t it
c) isn’t it
He's right there in the back seat”, ______? (line 8)
d) did it
a) isn't he
9) (EEAr 2. 2022) Choose the correct alternative to complete
b) hasn't he
the gap in the comic strip.
c) isn't there
d) is he
3) (EPCAR 2019) “Do we have neighbours beyond Earth?”
(lines 76 and 77).
One of the alternatives DOESN’T answer the question.
Mark it.
a) No, we haven't.
b) Probably not.
c) I don't think so.
d) No, we don't.
4) (EPCAR 2020) “Would I be happy for absolutely everyone
to see this?” (lines 46 and 47). The only INCORRECT
answer for the question above is
a) I sure wouldn’t.
b) I don’t think so.
c) of course I won’t. a) Isn’t life
d) no way! b) Isn’t it
5) (EPCAR 2021) Mark the alternative that shows the c) Is life
appropriate question tag for the sentence. d) Is it
Many parents are concerned with their child’s seemingly 10) (EEAr BCT 1. 2016) Choose the alternative that completes
obsessive video game play, ______? the sentence correctly.
a) isn't it You wouldn’t believe him, __________?
b) doesn't it a) do you
c) don't they b) don’t you
d) aren't they c) would you
6) (EEAr 1. 2017) Look at the following statements and d) wouldn’t you
choose the correct question tags: 11) (EEAr BCT 2. 2021) Read the following sentences.
1 – It snowed last night, _______________? I- You and your brother know how to dance, don’t you?
2 – She shouldn’t be aggressive to people, _____________? II- The dog and the cat fight a lot, don’t they?
3 – You haven’t closed the door, _________________? III- Don’t be late, do you?
4 – You are going to the party with us, ____________? IV- Let’s dance, won’t you?
a) doesn’t it – shouldn’t she – aren’t you – going you Choose the alternative that contains grammatically correct
b) didn’t it – should she – have you – aren’t you sentences.
c) did it – should she – haven’t you – aren’t you a) I and II
d) didn’t it – ought to – have you – will you b) IV and I
7) (EEAr 2. 2019) The correct QUESTION TAG to complete c) III and IV
this sentence in the text is: d) II and III
12) (EEAr BCT 2. 2022) Choose the alternative that completes
Peanut’s thought.

a) doesn’t it

b) does it c) isn't he?
c) isn’t it d) doesn't he?
d) is it e) is he?
13) (AFA 2012) One extracted fragment has its correct Tag 20) (Escola Naval 2015) Which of the options completes the
Question. Mark the item. sentence correctly? Mary has a brother,____________ ?
a) The bilingual experience appears to influence the brain a) does Mary.
from infancy to old age, don’t they? b) doesn't she.
b) Bilingualism’s effects also extend into the twilight c) has she.
years, has it? d) hasn't Mary.
c) These processes include ignoring distractions to stay e) does he.
focused, aren’t they? 21) (Escola Naval 2013) Which is the correct alternative to
d) Nobody ever doubted the power of language, did they? complete this sentence?
14) (AFA 2016) Mark the option which shows the appropriate "There's been a rumor that Jane is seeing someone from the
question tag for the sentence “one unanticipated office, (1) ____ ?"
consequence has driven me to distraction” (lines 24 and a) is there
25). b) isn't there
a) Hasn’t driven it? c) has there
b) Not has it? d) hasn't there
c) Has it? e) doesn't it
d) Hasn’t it? 22) (Escola Naval 2016) Which of the options completes the
15) (EFOMM 2011) Choose the option with the correct tag sentence correctly?
questions for the sentences below. Peter's got blue eyes, _____ ?
1. You weren’t listening, ____________________? a) isn't he
2. She doesn’t’t know him, __________________? b) does Peter
3. I’m a bit overweight, _____________________? c) doesn't he
4. Don’t open your eyes, ____________________? d) has Peter
a) weren’t you / does she / aren’t I / do you e) hasn't he
b) were you / doesn’t she / aren’t I / do you 23) (Escola Naval 2019) Which option completes the sentence
c) were you / does she / aren’t I / will you below correctly?
d) weren’t you / doesn’t she / am I not / do you Like any technology, artificial intelligence has both positive
e) were you / doesn’t she / am I not / do you aspects and more worrying aspects, ________?
16) (EFOMM 2012) ‘Could I help you, sir?’ ‘Would you be so (Adapted from: https://cryptoid.com.br/international-
kind as to tell me how much news/artificial-intelligence-and-the-energy-sector-huge-
__________________________?’ potential-tough-questions/)
a) does this CD player cost a) haven’t they
b) this CD player costs b) hasn’t it
c) cost this CD player c) doesn't it
d) is the cost of this CD player d) don’t they
e) cost is the CD player e) aren’t they
17) (EFOMM 2012) 24) (Escola Naval 2020) Which option completes the sentence
I - Let’s start the presentation, ___________? below correctly?
II - Nobody phoned, __________? Spinach is very thin, so there's more loss of moisture and
III - Don’t open your books, ______________? exposure to heat and oxygen compared to a carrot, _______
IV - There is a nice restaurant near here, ______________? ?
a) won’t we/ did they/ do you/ is there (Adapted from https://www.bbc.com)
b) will we/ didn’t they/ don’t you/ isn’t there a) is there
c) shall we/ did they/ do you/ isn’t there b) did it
d) shall we/ did they/ will you/ isn’t there c) isn't there
e) will we/ didn’t they/ will you/ is there d) didn't it
18) (Escola Naval 2011) Which of the alternative below e) does it
completes the sentence correctly? 25) (Escola Naval 2021) Which option completes the
Let’s go to the mall, ____________ (1)? paragraph below correctly?
a) will be “Would you like to go to Vyas Chhatri, madam?”
b) won’t we Lal asks, as I get back into the car. “It was built in honour
c) shall we of Maharishi Ved Vyas. I’m sure your head tells you to go
d) don’t we back, but your heart doesn’t want to let go of the
e) let we opportunity, _________?
19) (Escola Naval 2012) Which is the correct option to a) aren’t you
complete the sentence below? b) isn’t it
He's done a lot of work today, (1)____ ? c) dos it
a) hasn't he? d) is it
b) does he? e) doesn’t it

26) (Escola Naval 2022) Which option completes the sentence 32) (MetroCapital Soluções 2020) Choose the best option to
below correctly? complete the sentences:
You had a dog when you were a kid, ____________? 1. So he won't give me my money back, _____?
a) hadn’t you 2. You're not going to study, _____?
b) had you 3. I don't think anyone will go, _____?
c) didn’t you 4. Everything is fine, ______?
d) have you a) will he – aren't you – will they – isn't it.
e) weren’t you b) won’t he – are you – will they – is it.
27) (EFOMM 2010) Choose the option with the correct tag c) will he – are you – won't they – isn't it.
questions for the sentences below. d) won’t he - aren’t you – won't they – is it.
1) Come here _________________? e) All answers are incorrect.
2) Let’s talk, _______________?
3) I’m late, ________________?
4) Don’t close your eyes, _______________?
a) won’t you / won’t we / aren’t / do you
b) won’t you / shall we / aren’t I / do you
c) will you /shall we / aren’t I / will you
d) will you / won’t we / am I not / will you
e) will you / shan’t we / am I not / do you
28) (AMAUC 2019) About tag questions. A tag question is a
statement plus a mini question. Tick the sentences below
with R (right) W (wrong), after that, choose the correct
( ) She went to the clube, didn’t she?
( ) Carmen is not nurse, is she?
( ) Paul can play the piano, can’t he?
( ) Paul was a student, didn’t he?
( ) Mary studies medicine, doesn’t she?
a) R – W – R – R –W
b) R – W – R – R –R
c) R – W – W – R –R
d) W – W – R – R – R
e) R – R – R – W –R
29) (FACET Concursos 2020) Read the sentences extracted
from the article, then analyze the proposed question tags for
them and select the most appropriate alternative:
“The current approach is bust,” (line 9) It has been
rescheduled for next year. (line 18) […] but the UK is not
yet meeting the targets around adequate funding on
biodiversity (lines 34, 35)
I. The current approach is bust , isn’t it?
II. It has been rescheduled for next year, hasn’t it?
III. […] but the UK is not yet meeting the targets around
adequate funding on biodiversity, is it?
a) Items (I), (II) and (III) are incorrect.
b) Items (I), (II) and (III) are correct.
c) Only items (I) and (II) are correct.
d) Only item (III) is correct.
e) Only item (II) is incorrect.
30) (NBS 2021) Mark the option whose tag question is wrong:
a) People have fought for their rights, haven´t they?
b) The man had many stories, hadn´t he?
c) Kids have energy to play, don´t they?
d) The actress has been sick, hasn´t she?
e) Bob has curly hair, doesn´t he?
31) (NBS 2021) The question tag is incorrect in:
a) The secretary doesn´t write his speeches, does she?
b) The doctor had visited his patients, hadn´t he?
c) Sarah has curly hair, hasn´t she?
d) Let the happiness come in, will you?
e) Let´s read together, shall we?

1) C
2) A
3) A
4) C
5) D
6) B
7) B
8) B
9) B
10) C
11) A
12) C
13) D
14) D
15) C
16) B
17) D
18) C
19) A
20) B
21) D
22) E
23) C
24) C
25) C
26) C
27) C
28) E
29) B
30) B
31) C
32) C

Discurso direto e indireto - Reported 6) (EEAr BCT 2. 2022) According to the comic strip, choose
the alternative that reports what the woman said.
1) (EEAr BCT 2. 2016) Change the sentence below into
indirect speech.
Baby Crab said to Mamma Crab, ‘Show me how to walk
straight (…).’
Baby Crab told _____ how to walk straight (…).
a) his mom to show
b) to his mom show
c) his mom showing
d) to his mom shows
2) (EEAr BCT 1. 2018) The correct form of the sentence
“Flight operations to and from Chennai have been affected a) Surely he didn’t expect her to break off her attack
due to heavy rains” – announced IndiGo Airlines”, in the because he was too close to the edge of the porch.
indirect speech is: b) Surely he didn’t expect him to break off his attack
a) IndiGo Airlines announced that flight operations to and because he was too close to the edge of the porch.
from Chennai would be affected due to heavy rains. c) Surely she didn’t expect him to break off his attack
b) IndiGo Airlines announced that flight operations to and because she was too close to the edge of the porch.
from Chennai had been affected due to heavy rains. d) Surely she didn’t expect her to break off her attach
c) IndiGo Airlines announced that flight operations to and because he was too close to the edge of the porch.
from Chennai will be affected due to heavy rains. Texto para a questão 7
d) IndiGo Airlines announced that flight operations to and Twilight
from Chennai was affected due to heavy rains. Twilight is a 2008 American romantic vampire film based
3) (EEAr BCT 1. 2020) Put this statement into the reported on Stephenie Meyer’s popular novel of the same name. It is the
speech: first film in The Twilight Saga film series. This film focuses on
She said: “I’m feeling good, she is fine”. the development of the relationship between Bella Swan and
a) She said she feels good, she is fine.
Edward Cullen (a vampire), and the subsequent efforts of
b) She said I’m feeling good, I’m fine.
Cullen and his family to keep Swan safe from a coven of evil
c) She said she is feeling good, she is fine. vampires.
d) She said she was feeling good, she was fine. The project was in development for approximately 3 years
4) (EEAr BCT 2. 2021) Choose the alternative which has the at Paramount Pictures, during which time a screen adaptation
sentence below correctly reported: that differed significantly from the novel was written. Principal
“I kind of looked around to see if there was anything photography took 44 days and the film was primarily shot in
else, like another piece, or something else other than that, Oregon.
with writing on it. (…)”, Jaclyn told the outlet. Twilight was theatrically released on November 21 2010,
Jaclyn grossing over US$392 million worldwide and became the most
a) Jaclyn told CBS5 that she had looked around to see if purchased DVD of the year. The soundtrack was released in the
there was anything else. same year. Following the success of the film, New Moon and
b) Jaclyn said that she looked around and liked another Eclipse, the next two novels in the series, were produced as
piece, or something else other than that, with writing on films the following year.
it. Adapted from Wikipedia
c) Jaclyn replied: “Is there anything else, like another 7) (AFA 2011) Read the chorus of the song and choose the
piece, or something else other that, with writing on it?”, correct alternative.
while looking around. The singer _____ _____ the wrong _____.
d) Jaclyn told CBS5 that if she kind of looked to see if a) asked / to forget / he’d done
there was anything else, she might have liked another b) said / forget / I did
piece, or something else other than that, with writing on c) advised / forgetting / I’ve done
it. d) told / not to forget / they’ve done
5) (EEAr BCT 1. 2022) Choose the alternative which best 8) (AFA 2012) In the question “Why does the fight between
reports the following speech: two simultaneously active language systems improve these
“I tried to reach him”, said Mary. aspects of cognition?” (lines 50 – 53) The author asked
a) She told me she reached him. a) if the fight between two simultaneously active language
b) She told she had tried to reach him. systems had improved these aspects of cognition.
c) She said she had tried to reach him. b) why does the fight between two simultaneously active
d) She said she would try to reach him. language systems improved those aspects of cognition?”
c) why the fight between two simultaneously active
language systems improved those aspects of cognition.
d) if the fight between two simultaneously active language
systems improve these aspects of cognition?”

9) (AFA 2013) The sentence “Thomas Burnett Jr. told his b) Mom asked me if I knew he had assassinated the day
wife over the phone that ‘I know that we’re all going to die’ before.
” is similar in meaning to c) Mom asked me if I know he assassinated yesterday.
Thomas Burnett Jr. d) Mom asked me if I knew he was assassinated the day
a) said his wife he knew they were all going to die. before
b) said that he knew they were all going to die. e) Mom asked me if I knew he had been assassinated the
c) asked if he knew they were all going to die. day before.
d) told “I know we’re all going to die”. 16) (Escola Naval 2012) Which alternative best reports the
10) (AFA 2014) “There is no future in any job. The future lies stranger's speech in this passage?
in the person who holds the job.” – George W. Crane. In 1953, I got married. A few weeks after the wedding, I
Crane's quotation in the indirect speech is best shown in suddenly fell ill. My husband took me to a hospital. I was
a) Crane asked if there is future in any job. The future lay there for almost a week. I was in so much pain. And no one
in the person who will hold the job. could say for sure what was wrong. One night, in the
b) Crane said there will be no future in any job. The future hospital, a stranger came to see me. He told me, "Janie,
lay in the person who holds the job. you1 re going to die tomorrow". That was my name then,
c) Crane says there is no future in any job. The future lies the name I was born with.
in the person who held the job. (Adapted from http://www.notmyshoes.net/monologues/
d) Crane said that there was no future in any job. He also hannah-march.html)
added that the future lay in the person who held the job. a) He told her she was going to die the day after.
11) (AFA 2015) Choose the option that shows the sentence b) He said to her she was going to die tomorrow.
“good friends encourage their friends to seek help and c) He told she is going to die the day after.
access services” (lines 86 to 88) in the indirect speech form. d) He said to her she is going to die tomorrow.
a) The text told good friends encourage their friends to e) He told her she was going to die tomorrow.
seek help and access services. 17) (Escola Naval 2014) Which alternative is correct?
b) The text said us that good friends encourage their a) The teacher said the student do not eat in class.
friends to seek help and access services. b) The teacher told the student not to eat in class.
c) The text told that good friends encourage their friends to c) The teacher said to the student to not to eat in class.
seek help and access services. d) The teacher told to the student not to eat in class.
d) The text said that good friends encouraged their friends e) The teacher told the student to do not eat in class.
to seek help and access services. 18) (Escola Naval 2016) Which is the correct option to
12) (AFA 2016) Choose the option that shows the indirect complete the dialogue?
speech form for “These distinctions are consequential.” What did John tell Mary last Saturday?
(line 92). John told __________________ the day before.
Gardner a) Mary that he will buy some Flowers
a) said that those distinctions were consequential. b) her that he had bought some Flowers
b) told these distinctions are consequential. c) him that he did buy some Flowers
c) said us these distinctions were consequential. d) to Mary that he bought some Flowers
d) told those distinctions are consequential. e) that he has to buy some flowers
13) (AFA 2018) Mark the alternative which has the sentence 19) (Escola Naval 2017) Which is the correct option to
below correctly reported. complete the sentence?
“[...] is our fascination with fantastic fiends healthy?” (lines Peter: I saw Jane yesterday.
9 and 10) Peter____________________ .
The author a) said Jane that he saw her yesterday
a) replied: “is our fascination with fantastic fiends b) told he saw Jane the previous day
healthy?” c) says he had seen Jane the following day
b) said that their fascination with fantastic fiends had been d) told Jane that he has seen her the next day
healthy. e) said that he had seen Jane the day before
c) told the readers their fascination with fantastic fiends 20) (Escola Naval 2018) Which of the sentences below is
has been healthy. INCORRECT?
d) asked if people’s fascination with fantastic fiends was a) The boy told me that he was sick.
healthy. b) The children said that they were happy.
14) (EFOMM 2019) Which sentence is correct? c) The girl said she was extremely tired.
a) She said she had observed problems in her class. d) The man asked me where was the bank.
b) She told to her boss that she would leave. e) The students asked me if they were late.
c) She told she would buy the books herself. 21) (Escola Naval 2019) Mark the correct option to complete
d) She asked John where did he travei on vacation. the paragraph below.
e) She asked John whether was he married. The doctor ________ Peggy if she ________ the blood
15) (Escola Naval 2011) On May 2nd my mon asked me: “Do pressure pill. Peggy________ to the doctor that she
you know that Osama Bin Laden was assassinated _________ taking it several weeks before. The doctor
yesterday?” ________ Peggy ________ taking the medicine again.
Which alternative best reports my mom’s speech? (Adapted from McAslan, Mary Sue. Read the Prescription
a) Mom asked me if I know he was assassinated yesterday. Label. Balboa Press, 2012, p. 150-151)

a) said / had taken / told / stopped / said / start Mary saw James, her doctor, two days ago.
b) asked / was taking / said / stopped / told / start James said: "See me tomorrow again."
c) told / had taken / said / had stopped / said / start a) He said Mary will see him tomorrow.
d) asked / was taking / admitted / had stopped / told / to b) He told to her to see him the day after.
start c) He said to her to see him tomorrow.
e) told / took / admitted / would have stopped / asked / to d) He told her to see him the day after.
start e) He told her to see him the day after tomorrow.
22) (Escola Naval 2021) Mark the option that completes the 27) (Escola Naval 2009) Mary saw her boyfriend with another
excerpt below correctly. girl and they had a quarrel. She shouted: "Don't come here
[...] Then he _______ I ________ a lot, and I _______ anymore! "
that I did. He _______ Where, and I _______ him that I Which alternative best reports what she said?
______ throughout Europe and to the east coast in America, a) She said her boyfriend do not come here anymore.
primarily. b) She told to her boyfriend not to come here anymore
(MCDANIEL, Phyllis. Over the line: a Detective c) She said to her boyfriend to not to go there anymore.
Bendix Mystery VI. 2013. p. 200) d) She told her boyfriend not to come there anymore.
a) asked / travel / said / asked if / told / had gone e) She told her boyfriend not to go there anymore.
b) asked / traveled / told / asked if / said / went 28) (Escola Naval 2010) Choose the best option to rewrite the
c) asked if / travel / told / asked / said / go sentence keeping the same meaning.
d) asked if / traveled / told / asked / said / go On August 2"", 2010, Mary asked Peter: "What were you
e) asked if / traveled / said / asked / told / went doing this morning at 8"?
23) (Escola Naval 2022) Mark the option that completes the Mary wanted to know what...
text below correctly. a) was he doing this morning at 8?
Bill Gregg never suspected that he would solve a 67- b) had he done this morning at 8?
year-old mystery when he began digging a place for a pool. c) he had done that morning at 8.
It was the Middle of July when the started the excavation. d) he were doing that morning at 8.
He found a ring and set out to locate its owner. e) he was doing that morning at 8.
“I can’t believe that he took the time to find me,” said 29) (GSA CONCURSOS 2019) Tony said to Ann: Do you
Mrs. Gardner, who is 85 years old. need my computer? The previous sentence in the Reported
Having already planned a trip back to the area to meet Speech is:
Gregg, Mrs. Gardner ______________________________ a) Tony asked Ann whether she needs her computer.
the ring in person. b) Tony asks Ann whether she needs her computer.
(Adapted from https://www.sharonherald.com) c) Tony ask Ann whether she need her computer.
a) said him wants to give herself d) Tony asked Ann if she needed his computer.
b) told that she wanted he gave her 30) (Unoesc 2020) O reported speech, ou discurso indireto, é a
c) said she wanted him to give her maneira de falar sobre algo que alguém disse ou até mesmo
d) said that she wanted he to give hers para repassar uma notícia. Falado na voz de quem está
e) told him she wants him to give hers contando a ação e não na de quem a viveu, esse mecanismo
24) (ITA 2014) Na frase “She said she had been driving do idioma possibilita melhorar as técnicas de conversação.
home from work the night before, and she found herself Analise a seguinte oração: “I told my boss I won’t be able
behind a man in a convertible” (linhas 3 e 4), a formação to go to the meeting next week.” Assinale a alternativa cuja
correta quanto ao uso do discurso direto é: frase, em discurso indireto, indica o mesmo que a oração
a) She said: “I was driving home from work last night, and apresentada.
I found myself behind a man in a convertible”. a) Jack said that he had told his boss he wouldn’t be able
b) She said: “I had been driving home from work last to go to the meeting the following week.
night, and I found me behind a man in a convertible”. b) Jack said that he has told his boss he wouldn’t be able to
c) She said: “I drove home yesterday night from work, and go to the meeting the following week.
I had found myself behind a man in a convertible”. c) Jack said that he has told his boos he won’t be able to
d) She said: “I had driven home the night before, and I go to the meeting the following week.
found myself behind a man in a convertible”. d) Jack said that he would tell his boss he won’t be able to
e) She said: “I was driving home from work yesterday, and go to the meeting the following week.
I was finding myself behind a man in a convertible”. 31) (FACET Concursos 2020) Analyze the following
25) (EEAr 2010) The indirect speech for “I was challenged by sentences regarding the verb tenses and direct or reported
the language barrier, he said.” Is speech.
a) He said he is being challenged by the language barrier. Choose the alternative that best describes them and in the
b) He said that he had been challenged by the language correct order:
barrier. I. None of them were, leaving global biodiversity in a
c) He told us that he has been challenged by the language parlous state, the statement says. (line 4)
barrier. II. Thompson said Scotland was set to meet nine of the
d) He asked us if he was being challenged by the language Aichi goals. (line 34)
barrier. a) sentence (I) uses simple past and reported speech
26) (Escola Naval 2010) Which alternative best reports what b) sentence (II) uses only direct speech
he said? c) sentence (I) uses past continuous

d) sentence (I) uses direct speech
e) they are both in the present make use of direct speech
32) (NBS 2021) The sentence: Scientists say the three
fragments are roughly 2,600 square kilometres in size. in
the Direct Speech is:
a) Scientists say: The three fragments had roughly 2,600
square kilometres in size.
b) Scientists say: The three fragments are roughly 2,600
square kilometres in size.
c) Scientists say: The three fragments were roughly 2,600
square kilometres in size.
d) Scientists said: The three fragments were roughly 2,600
square kilometres in size.
e) Scientists said: The three fragments are roughly 2,600
square kilometres in size.
33) (IBADE 2019) Focusing on reported speech, choose the
best alternative to rephrase the citation above.
“Let’s face it: most of us were taught in classrooms where
styles of teachings reflected the notion of a single norm of
thought and experience, which we were encouraged to
believe was universal.”
a) She said that most of us had been taught in classrooms
where styles of teachings reflected the notion of a single
norm of thought and experience, which we had been
encouraged to believe had been universal.
b) She asked that most of us were taught in classrooms
where styles of teachings reflected the notion of a single
norm of thought and experience, which we have been
encouraged to believe was universal. Gabarito
c) She advised that most of us were teaching in classrooms 1) A
where styles of teachings reflected the notion of a single 2) B
norm of thought and experience, which we are 3) D
encouraged to believe is universal. 4) A
d) She advised that most of us taught in classrooms where 5) C
styles of teachings reflected the notion of a single norm 6) A
of thought and experience, which we used to be 7) A
encouraged to believe had been universal. 8) C
e) She said that most of us teach in classrooms where 9) B
styles of teachings reflected the notion of a single norm 10) D
of thought and experience, which we are encouraged to 11) D
believe is universal. 12) A
13) D
14) A
15) E
16) A
17) B
18) B
19) E
20) D
21) D
22) E
23) C
24) A
25) B
26) D
27) E
28) E
29) D
30) A
31) A
32) B
33) A

So / Too / Either / Neither / Nor (Priestley, J.B. “The Linden Tree". An inspector calls and
other plays.UK: Penguin, 2001.)
1) (Escola Naval 2011) Chose the best reply to this statement.
a) would / neither would
Dayse: I haven’t seen The King’s Speech yet.
You: _________ (1) b) wouldn’t / so would
c) had / nor had
a) Neither have I
d) hadn’t / so had
b) Nor do I
c) So have I e) didn’t / neither did
d) So do I 8) (Escola Naval 2018) Which of the options completes the
e) So did I excerpt below correctly?
2) (Escola Naval 2012) Which of the alternatives below You're dehydrated - and______your skin
Most of us tend to think of dehydration as a short term
correctly completes the sentence?
problem solved by a glass of water, but board-certified
She will never talk to him again, and (1)____ I.
dermatologist Dr. Janet Prystowsky encourages viewing
a) neither do
skin dehydration as a long-term problem, as consistently
b) either do
failing to get your skin the water it needs can have lasting
c) neither will
d) either won't
(Abridged from https://www.goodhousekeeping.com
e) either will
/beauty/anti-aging/a 36993 /dull-skin-causes/)
3) (Escola Naval 2013) Which is the correct alternative to
a) so is
complete the dialogue?
b) so are
Peter: I don't think I've got to study for the test.
c) nor is
Jane: (1) ____ . This subject is really easy.
d) neither is
a) So do I
e) neither are
b) Neither do I
9) (Escola Naval 2021) Which option completes the
c) So have I
d) Neither have I paragraph below correctly?
[...] Go on, don’t let the conservation die. Say something;
e) Neither am I
just keep talking. “Do you read many novels? You do?
4) (Escola Naval 2014) Which is the correct alternative to
complete the dialogue? _____________, or some at least, though nonfiction is
John: I've never gone horseback riding. more in my line ....” .
Sue: ______ I'd be afraid to try. (Adapted from CALVINO, Italo. If on a winter’s night a
a) I wouldn't either traveller. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1981. p.21)
a) I do neither
b) Neither did I
b) So do I
c) So have I
c) Nor do I
d) I haven't either
d) So I do
e) Neither would I
e) Neither do I
5) (Escola Naval 2015) Choose the correct option to complete
10) (Escola Naval 2022) Which option completes the dialogue
the dialogue.
below correctly?
Megan: I'd like to live abroad.
“I want to have na animal,” Rick said futilely, and
Julie: So ______ I. Which country do you have in mind?
gestured empty-handed.
Megan: Probably Australia, because it's hot. I wouldn't
__________ Deckard replied.
like to live in a cold country.
Julie: I wouldn't ________. I hate feeling cold. (Adapted from DICK, Philip K. Do androids dream of
electric sheep? 1968, p. 7)
a) do / too.
a) “So have I,”
b) do / neither.
b) “So do I,”
c) would / too.
c) “Nor have I,”
d) would / neither.
d) “So did I,”
e) would / either.
e) “Nor did I,”
6) (Escola Naval 2016) Choose the best reply to the statement
below. 11) (IESES 2019) Complete the sentences with some or any
I went to school yesterday. and choose the correct alternative.
I am not hungry. I’m not hungry _____.
a) So I did.
I am going out. I am going out ____.
b) So did I .
I haven’t been to China. ___________ .
c) Nor I did. Would you like ____ tea?
d) Neither went I. a) either - too- neither I did – any
e) Neither did I. b) either - too - neither have I – some
7) (Escola Naval 2017) Which of the options completes the c) too - too - neither did I – some
dialogue correctly? d) too - either - neither haven´t I - any
The Linden Tree 12) I don’t like rainy days and _____ does my boyfriend.
Mrs Linden: (...) You’d like some tea,,______you, Rex? a) So
Rex: A cup, certainly. b) Too
Jean: And______ Marion and I. c) Neither

d) Either 23) (Mackenzie) Indicate the alternative that best completes the
13) A: Wanda will be able to see her son’s school presentation. following sentence:
B: That’s awesome! _____ will I. Anne disliked our new roommate, and __________.
a) Too a) I didn't too
b) So b) I didn't either
c) Neither c) neither did I
d) Either d) never did he
14) A: Which movie do you want to watch? An action movie or e) so did I
a dramatic one? 24) (Mackenzie) Indicate the alternative that best completes the
B: I choose _____ of them! following sentence:
a) Too I haven't finished the homework and __________.
b) Either a) my brother hasn't either
c) So b) neither my brother
d) Neither c) so did my brother
15) My sister is going to start in a new job today! And _____ d) either hasn't my brother
am I! e) neither does my brother
a) Neither 25) (Mackenzie) Indicate the alternative that best completes the
b) Either following sentence:
c) So Paulo knows how to drive a truck and ___________.
d) Too a) Mark does neither
16) A: Which juice do you want, orange or grape? b) either does Mark
B: Whatever, I don’t like _____. c) so does Mark
a) Either d) nor does Mark
b) Neither e) Mark does either
c) Nor 26) (EFOMM) Philip: "- She's got a place at college!"
d) So Kate: "- __________!"
17) A: I don’t like shrimps. _____ does Patricia. a) So have I
a) So b) So I have
b) Nor c) And I
c) Either d) I am too
d) Neither e) So am I
18) _____ of these films won an Oscar. 27) (JFS) Mr. Anderson can’t speak Chinese.
a) Neither a) Neither I can.
b) So b) Neither can I.
c) Too c) So can I.
d) Either d) So I can.
19) I don’t know which chair I prefer! I can _____ choose the 28) Boyle: I didn’t play poker last night.
pink one _____ the blue one. Jack: _____I.
a) Nor / either a) Nither played I.
b) Either / or b) Neither I.
c) Either / nor c) Neither did I.
d) Neither / or d) Neither didn’t I.
20) A: Have you ever tried champagne? 29) Neither of us _____.
B: No and _____ has Vanessa. a) Are hungry.
a) So b) Is tired.
b) Neither c) Were there.
c) Either d) Is have.
d) Too 30) Joseph: I don’t like onions.
21) Sincerely, I didn’t like this desk. _____ did my roommate. Marie: _____ I.
a) So a) neither do
b) Neither b) neither does
c) Either c) neither I
d) Too d) so either
22) (FUVEST) Selecione a alternativa que preenche 31) Holt: I’m not a big fan of Rock and Roll.
corretamente a lacuna: Amy: ______ am I.
My mother doesn't drink tea and __________ do I. a) Neither
a) or b) Either
b) also c) Too
c) too d) So
d) either
e) neither

1) A
2) C
3) B
4) D
5) E
6) B
7) B
8) A
9) B
10) B
11) B
12) C
13) B
14) D
15) C
16) A
17) B
18) A
19) B
20) B
21) B
22) E
23) E
24) A
25) C
26) A
27) B
28) C
29) B
30) A
31) A

Orações Condicionais – If Clauses 6) (EEAr BCT 1. 2016) The sentence “If young people don’t
control the hours they spend on-line, they won’t stay out of
1) (EPCAR 2017) Complete the fragment below with the
trouble.” can be correctly replaced by:
grammatically correct verb tense.
According to paragraph four, if the earth is hollow, you a) Unless young people control the hours they spend on-
line, they will stay out of trouble.
________ it via portals at the north and south poles.
b) Unless young people control the hours they spend on-
(paragraph four ) Don't give up, readers. We're halfway
through this list. We can make it to the end. Dig6 deep. line, they won’t stay out of trouble.
Well, not too deep. You see, the Earth is hollow7 and c) If young people controls the hours they spend on line,
accessible via portals at the north and south poles. Luckily they will unless stay out of trouble.
though, it's quite habitable down there, providing excellent d) Unless young people don’t control the hours they spend
on line, they won’t stay out of trouble.
living quarters8 for the lost Viking colonies of Greenland
7) (EEAr BCT 1. 2016) The sentence “I wouldn’t marry you,
and the Nazis, while "aliens" are in fact just visitors from
unless you were the last girl on Earth” has the same
the subterranean areas.
meaning as:
a) accessed
a) I would marry you only if you were the last girl on
b) have entered
c) will reach
b) If you were the last girl on Earth, I wouldn’t marry you.
d) stays
c) If you weren’t the last girl on Earth, I would marry you.
2) (EPCAR 2019) Mark the alternative that completes the
d) If I married you, you would be the last girl on Earth.
sentence below correctly.
8) (EEAr BCT 1. 2016) If Hagar’s friend had told the soldiers
All exploration will happen if they ___ robotic space
what he was asked to in English he would have said:
a) will use
b) using
c) use
d) are going to use
3) (EEAr 2. 2018) The sentence in the text “As you know, if
you dedicate to your studies, you will succeed in life.” is
classified by
a) If you go away, we will not harm you.
a) Second Conditional.
b) If they go away, we will not harm you.
b) Third Conditional.
c) If you went away, we will not harm you.
c) First Conditional.
d) If they will go away, we will not harm you.
d) Zero Conditional.
9) (EEAr BCT 1. 2017) Choose the alternative to have the
4) (EEAr 2. 2022) Choose the conditional sentence that
text completed correctly.
correctly summarizes the text.
Your parents tell you to wear sunscreen when you're
Volcano eruption in Italy
outside in the summer. And they are certainly right.
A volcano eruption in southern Italy caused chaos in the
Sunscreen protects your skin from ultraviolet light rays.
skies yesterday. The eruption produced a cloud of smoke
Too much ultraviolet is bad for your skin. If you spend a
that slowly spread itself over an area of thousands of square
long time outside without any sunscreen on, you ________
kilometers. The excessive amount of ash particles in the
a sunburn because of the ultraviolet rays.
airspace caused a biplane to crash. The fine gray particles
(Adapted from http://www.grammarbank.com)
got inside both engines and, all of a sudden, neither of them
a) would have got
were working. The crash had one fatal victim: a 21-year-old
b) might have got
pilot named Antonella Ponzini. Her father, a rich
c) might get
landowner, is said to be devastated at the loss of his only
d) would get
10) (EEAr BCT 2. 2021) Read the following structure:
a) If a volcano erupts, planes crash.
If he had won a million dollars, he would have traveled
b) The plane would crash if there wasn’t an eruption.
to China.
c) If the volcano didn’t erupt, the plane wouldn’t crash.
The correct alternative which is in the same structure is:
d) The pilot would have no choice other than crashing the
a) If George had died young, he wouldn’t have had
plane, if the volcano erupted.
5) (EEAr BCT 1. 2016) Choose the correct alternative to
b) If you win too much money, you will travel abroad.
complete the sentence
c) If air expends, it becomes lighter.
After landing safely pilots and crew will have a few
d) If I had time, I could read more.
days of rest _____.
11) (EEAr BCT 1. 2022) Which of the options below has the
a) if they have been on a long distance flight.
same meaning as the following sentence:
b) if they will be on a long distance flight.
“I won’t move home if I don’t find a job soon.”
c) if they were on a long distance flight.
a) I will move home unless I find a job soon.
d) if they are on a long distance flight.
b) I will move home if I don’t find a job soon.
c) I won’t move home unless I find a job soon.
d) If I didn’t find a job, I wouldn’t move home.

12) (EEAr BCT 2. 2022) Choose the alternative that completes 17) (EFOMM 2012)
the sentence in the first frame with the correct verb to I - I wish you _____________ all the water! I’m thirsty.
express emphasis. II - If you hadn’t helped me, I ___________ the task so
III - If you __________ me back, I wouldn’t have to
borrow money from my parents.
IV - If it ________________ for the goalkeeper, our team
would have lost.
a) didn’t drink/ wouldn’t finish/ had paid/ weren’t
b) hadn’t drunk/ wouldn’t finish/ had paid/ hadn’t been
c) hadn’t drunk/ wouldn’t have finished/ have paid/ wasn’t
d) didn’t drink/ wouldn’t have finished/ paid/ weren’t
e) hadn’t drunk/ wouldn’t have finished/ paid/ hadn’t been
18) (EFOMM 2013) Mark the correct option to complete the
sentence. ‘Why aren’t you going to London with your
‘If only I ____________ enough time, I’d certainly go with
a) do
b) did
a) was having
c) does
b) will have
d) would
c) would have
13) (AFA 2011) After reading the first item of the instructions,
d) had
mark the option that completes the gap in the converted
e) have
sentence below.
19) (EFOMM 2014) Which verb form can complete the
“If you want to become a stunt double you ________
sentence correctly?
exercise regularly.”
“If we _______________ by lunchtime, we had better
a) had to
b) might
a) get there
c) could
b) will get there
d) must
c) would get there
14) (AFA 2013) Mark the right option to complete the
d) are to get there
e) could get there
If the plane hadn’t been delayed in taking off, the
20) (EFOMM 2014) Choose the alternative with the verbs that
passengers ________ about the events in New York and
correctly complete the sentences below.
1 - If I were you, I _____ him the truth.
a) wouldn’t have known
2 - If I had been in your place, I _____ this.
b) shouldn’t have known
3 - If I knew her name, I ____ you.
c) would know
4 - If I hadn’t saved money, I _____ this sports car now.
d) hadn’t known
5 - If it rains next Sunday, I _____ home.
15) (AFA 2018) The sentence “[...] Abraham Maslow held that
a) tell – wouldn't say – will tell - will buy – will stay
people who haven't met their most basic needs will have
b) told – would say – would tell - would buy – would have
difficulty maturing.” (lines 31 and 32) means the
psychologist believes that
c) would tell – wouldn't have said – should tell – wouldn’t
a) if people don’t become mature, they will have trouble
buy – will stay
meeting their basic needs.
d) will tell - would have said – had told – buy – would stay
b) if Abraham Maslow hadn’t met his basic needs, people
e) would have told – wouldn't have said – should tell – am
would have had difficulty maturing.
buying – will stay
c) unless people fulfill their basic necessities, getting
21) (EFOMM 2015) Say if the sentences below are C (correct)
mature won’t be easy for them.
or I (incorrect).
d) unless one gets their basic necessities, they won’t have
( ) I wasn’t tired last night. If I were tired, I would have
difficulty maturing.
gone home.
16) (EFOMM 2011) Choose the correct alternative to complete
( ) You’d be surprised if I told you how much it costs.
the following sentence:
( ) I’d be able to visit Monica in the afternoon if I stay in
“If she hadn’t been so bad-tempered, I _________ her.”
Santiago overnight.
a) shall have married
( ) If Carrie had been honest, she would return the money.
b) ought to have married
The correct sequence is:
c) might have married
a) (I) (I) (C) (I)
d) will have married
b) (I) (I) (I) (C)
e) must have married
c) (I) (C) (C) (I)
d) (I) (C) (I) (I)
e) (C) (I) (I) (C)

22) (EFOMM 2017) Which option is NOT correct? e) I would go out with him if he was more polite.
a) If your mother will fill in this form, I’ll prepare her 28) (Escola Naval 2014) Which is the best sequence to
ticket. complete the paragraph?
b) If Ann won’t be here on Monday, we’d better cancel the Dangerous bactéria can become resistant to antibiotics if
meeting. they _________________ prescribed too often. That is why
c) If you should run into Peter, tell him he owes me a the overuse of antibiotics is harmful.
letter. a) won' t be
d) Hadn’t we missed the plane, we would all have been b) are
killed in the crash. c) will be
e) If it hadn’t been for your help, I don’t know what I’d d) aren't
have done. e) can't be
23) (EFOMM 2019) Mark the only option which is 29) (Escola Naval 2015) Analyze these sentences.
INCORRECT. I - Would you still love me if I hurt you?
a) If I were you, I wouldn't ask for bank loans so often. II - I wouldn't travel alone if I were you.
b) If she had worked harder, she wouldn't be out-of-work III - Even if she would study, she didn't pass.
now. IV - If you would stop smoking, you'd be able to run the
c) Lisa wouldn't have met John if she hadn't gone to that marathon.
party. V - She wouldn't eat broccoli even if you'd cover it
d) I'd be more patient with my parents if I didn't live with with cheese.
them. Choose the correct option.
e) They'd leam how to cook if they need to live by a) Only I and II are grammatically correct.
themselves. b) Only II and III are grammatically correct.
24) (Escola Naval 2011) Which is the correct option to c) Only II and IV are grammatically correct.
complete the sentence below? d) Only I and IV are grammatically correct.
If nobody ________ (1) anything at once, I ________ (2) e) Only II and V are grammatically correct.
the police! 30) (Escola Naval 2015) Which option contains a correct
a) doesn’t do – will have call sentence?
b) do – won’t have call a) Medical students are taught that if they were
c) do – have to call empathetic and used the right body language, patients
d) does – will have to call will see them as compassionate.
e) will do – have to call b) Medical students are taught that if they are
25) (Escola Naval 2012) Which of the alternatives below empathetic and use the right body language, patients
correctly completes the sentence? will see them as compassionate.
According to some scientífic studies, if children (1) c) Medical students are taught that if they are
______ exposed to dirt early in life, their immune system empathetic and use the right body language, patients
will be strengthened. would see them as compassionate.
a) is d) Medical students are taught that if they are
b) are empathetic and use the right body language, patients
c) will be saw them as compassionate.
d) won' t be e) Medical students are taught that if they were
e) were empathetic and used the right body language, patients
26) (Escola Naval 2013) Which is the best seuqence to saw them as compassionate.
complete the paragraph? 31) (Escola Naval 2015) Which is the correct option to
“If you have to deliver bad News, (1) _______ offer complete the paragraph below ?
unnecessary details because when you (2) ________ every How to Succeed in High School - Studying at Home
single reason for your decision, the Other person can use In order to be successful, set regular study
those reasons as negotiation points. Your decision is firm, and homework hours. Making this part of your routine
and this will come across most clearly if you (3) ______ creates a positive pattern for success. Create a well-lit study
short and to the point.” area. _______ a CD player if you _______ it helps you
(Adapted from http://www.wikihow.com/Be-Assertive) stay focused. Otherwise, highlight the space with yellow
a) won’t – will explain – will be and other upbeat hues that may help keep your mind fresh.
b) doesn’t – explain – be (Adapted and abridged form http://teenadvice.about.com).
c) don’t – explain – are a) Including / find.
d) won’t – will explain – are b) Including / will find.
e) don’t – explain – will be c) Include / find.
27) (Escola Naval 2013) Which alternative below is d) Include / will find.
INCORRECT? e) Include / would find.
a) If my father were alive, he would be turning 70 next
b) If my boyfriend would have a job, we could get married.
c) They would be happier if they had a house by the sea.
d) Would you go to the party if you weren’t feeling well?

32) (Escola Naval 2016) Which of the sentences below is c) If you have your own space, it can be really easy to live
INCORRECT? in almost exclusively.
a) If the Earth dies, you die. If you die, the planet surely d) You’d get bored if you spend your entire day essentially
survives. in your bedroom.
b) If you don't want to wait 1.5 seconds, press Control- e) If you see your children are not doing their work, just
Power button. check up on them.
c) I will not go away if you promise to change and behave
d) You could see it through my eyes if you would realize
how special you are.
e) My mother is going to kick me out tomorrow unless I
stop all contact with my boyfriend.
33) (Escola Naval 2017) Which of the sentences below is
a) You wouldn’t spend so much if you didn’t have a good
b) If you would plan to use Wi-Fi, connect your TV with
your router.
c) Unless he tried hard, he won’t get the job of his dreams.
d) If he were married, he won’t travel alone so much.
e) She won’t buy a new car even if she'll have the money.
34) (Escola Naval 2018) Mark the sentence that is correct
a) If Lory was honest, she pays what she owes you.
b) If I wouldn’t take extra classes, I won’t pass my finals.
c) I’d be able to see Mark if l will stay in town more
d) If I were you, I wouldn’t spend all that money on
e) She would be offended if I won’t attended her wedding.
35) (Escola Naval 2019) Mark the sentence that is correct.
a) If your computer didn’t have Bluetooth support, you
could bought a cheap Bluetooth adapter.
b) If your computer wouldn’t have Bluetooth support, you
could buy a cheap Bluetooth adapter.
c) If your computer hadn’t Bluetooth support, you could
be able to buy a cheap Bluetooth adapter.
d) If your computer doesn’t have Bluetooth support, you
can buy a cheap Bluetooth adapter.
e) If your computer won’t have Bluetooth support, you
will buy a cheap Bluetooth adapter.
36) (Escola Naval 2020) Mark the sentence that is
grammatically INCORRECT.
a) If you want to be an expert talker when speaking to real
life emergency services dispatchers, know your
b) If the company pushed the update to everyone's TVs
automatically, the servers would be badly affected.
c) If you don't like the idea of using metal to build your
drone, you can use other materials that are flexible.
d) If you will want to take aerial photos and record the
surroundings while flying your drone, you will need a
e) If the callers are unable to answer the questions, the
dispatcher taking emergency calls has to act
37) (Escola Naval 2021) Mark the sentence that is
a) You’d feel like dozing off in class if no one could see or
hear you doing that.
b) If your face is on the screen, it’ll definitely make it just
a better experience.

1) C
2) C
3) C
4) C
5) D
6) B
7) A
8) A
9) C
10) A
11) C
12) A
13) D
14) A
15) C
16) C
17) E
18) D
19) D
20) C
21) D
22) D
23) E
24) D
25) B
26) C
27) B
28) B
29) A
30) B
31) C
32) D
33) A
34) D
35) D
36) D
37) D

Determinantes – Determiners 5) (AMEOSC 2018) We often use two nouns together to
show that one thing is a part of something else. Identify the
1) (EEAr BCT 1. 2018) The correct words to fill in the blanks
wrong noun modifier used.
(line 2 and 3) are, respectively:
Meet the 'homeless man' who flies the world first class a) A shopping list.
b) An ice bucket.
For the last year and a half, Ben Schlappig has been
c) The chair’s leg.
essentially homeless. The 25-year-old American has
______ fixed address, ______ the keys to his own front d) A potato peeler.
door. Why bother paying rent, he figured, when a bed was 6) (IPEFAE 2019) Choose the correct determiner.
only ever a first class ticket away? My son doesn’t like _____________ of his Math teachers.
a) no – neither a) neither
b) both
b) neither – nor
c) either
c) either – neither
d) none
d) not either – not neither
7) (EEAr 1. 2019) Read the text to answer question.
2) (AFA 2013) Choose the alternative in which the determiner
Paul: Mary, the party is tomorrow! Do we have everything
‘neither’ is used with the same meaning as the one in italics
we need? Mary: We have _____ juice, but we should buy
in the text.
more. Pau: Do we need to buy bread? Mary: Well, we have
The discussion of the ethics of war goes back to the Greeks
_____, I don’t know if it’s enough. Paul: So let’s talk to Jen
and Romans, although neither civilization behaved
and ask for ____ advice.
particularly well in war.
Choose the alternative that best completes the text:
a) ‘My brother can’t swim. Me neither.’
a) a lot of / some / some
b) ‘I neither smoke nor drink.’
b) many / some / an
c) ‘Kate doesn’t like technology. Neither does Linda.’
c) many / a / some
d) ‘Can you come on Monday or Tuesday?’ ‘I’m afraid
d) a lot / a / an
neither day is possible.’
3) (Escola Naval 2020) Which option completes the text 8) (EsFCEx 2010) Choose the alternative that correctly names
the parts of speech, in the order they appear, in the sentence
below correctly?
There are ____different opinions on how ____ water you below:
should be drinking every day. Health authorities commonly Maybe they left very quickly.
recommend eight 8- ounce glasses, which equals about 2 a) modifier - pronoun - verb - intensifier – adverb.
liters, or half a gallon. This is called the 8x8 rule and is very b) adverb - noun - adjective - adjective – adverb.
easy to remember. However, _____ health gurus believe c) adjective - pronoun - verb - determiner – adjective
that you need to sip on water constantly throughout the day, d) determiner - noun - verb - intensifier – adverb.
even when you're not thirsty. As with most things, this e) noun - pronoun - intensifier - adverb - determiner
depends on the individual. _____ factors (both internal and 9) (UEL) Assinale a letra correspondente à alternativa que
external) ultimately affect your need for water. preenche corretamente as lacunas da frase apresentada:
(https://www.healthline.com) "Did you like the film?"
a) many / much / some / Many "No, not very __________."
b) many / much / little / Much "__________ was wrong with it?"
c) much / many / some / None "The actors were good but the story was too sentimental."
d) much / many / little / Much a) much – What
e) a lot of / much / none / Many b) many – Why
4) (Escola Naval 2021) Which option completes the text c) few – When
below correctly? d) little – How
Ultimately you can’t go long term without an e) so – Where
appropriate duration of sleep, so it’s important to try to get 10) (UnB – DF) Fill in the blanks correctly: “He has _______
________ sleep _______ nights. friends but ______ enemies
While everyone’s exact sleep requirements are a) lots of – little
diferente, on average you should be getting between six and b) a lot of – much
nine hours of sleep a night. Your brain is hardwired for c) few – many
what it needs. Getting less sleep than you need can cause d) many – one
sleepiness and moodiness, as well as difficulty e) much – a few
concentrating, poor coordination and poor work quality. 11) (MACKENZIE) Indicate the alternative that best
Overall it’s importante to try to maintain a consistente completes the following sentences:
and regular sleep cycle. Be aware that When you miss I. Could you give me __________ water? I'm so thirsty.
sleep, it’ll take __________ days to get back on track. II. I have very __________ money. I need more.
(Adapted from https://wexnermedical.osu.edu/) III. Who has __________ friends than John? Nobody I
a) much / all / a little think.
b) much / every / any IV. Only __________ people came to the party yesterday. It
c) enough / every / a little was boring!
d) enough / most / a few V. I have __________ time to stay with my family
e) many / most / a few nowadays.
a) I. less; II. little; III. lesser; IV. a few; V. few

b) I. some; II. a little; III. few; IV. little; V. lesser 16) Marque a alternativa incorreta quanto ao uso dos
c) I. a little; II. little; III. fewer; IV. few; V. less determinantes:
d) I. little; II. a little; III. less; IV. a few; V. least a) Every boy is keen on gymnastics.
e) I. few; II. less; III. least; IV. little; V. more b) Generally, Mr Jones doesn’t have many money with
12) Complete the following passage with suitable determiners: him. But whenever he goes to visit his grandchildren, he
You’re going to take the life away of (1) ______________ has many coins in his pocket.
man with (2) ______________ belief that you will give it c) A lot of petrol leaked from the tank.
back. This is (3) ______________ enormous step (4) d) ‘How much more strength must I exert, the mechanic
______________ precious life is at stake. You must asked.
perform to the best of (5) ______________ ability to save 17) ________ persons have made the same mistake.
(6) ______________ patient’s life.
a) Many a
a) a/ some/ an/ her/ your/ the
b) an/ the/ an/ her/ yours/ the b) A good much
c) a/ the/ an/ his/ your/ the c) Much a
d) an/ some/ an/ his/ yours/ the d) A good many
13) Complete the following passage with ‘all’, ‘each’, ‘every’, 18) There is _______ marbles here, Andy told Mark. “Let’s
‘several’, ‘a lot of’, ‘many’ or ‘few’. In some cases, more take _________”.
than one word will fit. a) a lot of / few
Once, there was a very rich man. He was neither handsome b) lots of / few
nor clever but he worked hard and saved _____________ c) a lot of / a few
money. There was a beautiful lady who lived just two doors d) lots of / a few
away from his house. She was a widow with 19) (IESES 2018) Put a, an or some where necessary and
_____________ children. _____________ morning, the choose the correct alternative.
rich man would steal a _____________ glances at the I’ve seen __________ good films recently. What’s wrong
widow when she came out to do her chores in the garden. with you? Have you got _________ headache. _________
One evening, the man decided to pay her a visit. He brought birds, for example the penguin, cannot fly. I don’t feel very
with him _____________ presents, one for _____________ well this morning. I’ve got _______ sore throat.
child. _____________ the children liked him and so a) a - an - some – a
_____________ time he visited her, he brought presents for b) some - a - an – a
the children. This went on for _____________ months. Just c) a - a - some – na
when the man thought that he could propose to the widow, d) some - a - some - a
something happened. A handsome strange man came to the 20) I’m sorry there isn’t _______ food left but I can make some
town. He was not as rich as the man. But somehow, sandwiches if you like.
_____________ eligible lady of the town fell in love with a) Many
him. b) Much
a) A lot of / few / Every / few / many / each / All / every / c) Few
several / an d) A few
b) A lot of / A lot of / Every / few / many / each / All / 21) You should drink more water and ______ coffee.
every / several / an a) lesser
c) A lot of / few / All / few / many / each / All / every / b) few
several / an c) many
d) A lot of / few / Every / few / many / each / Every / every d) less
/ several / an 22) Have you got ______ books? I’ve only got a few.
14) Put in ‘a’, ‘an’, ‘many’, ‘much’, ‘a few’, or ‘a little’ where a) Much
necessary: b) little
I wrote it on _____________ piece of paper. c) many
He wants to write it in ink, give him _____________ pen. d) a little
He bought _____________ orange and _____________ 23) Annie is eating ______ rice because she wants to lose
banana. weight.
They waited for _____________ bus for half a) fewer
_____________ hour. b) few
_____________ table is made of wood. c) less
a) little / many / few / many / a / an / a d) lesser
b) a / a few / little / many / a / an / a 24) Maggie’s mother died ______ years ago.
c) much / a / many / much / a / an / a a) few
d) a / a / an / a / a / an / a b) a few
15) Marque a alternativa correta quanto ao uso dos c) little
determinantes: d) a little
a) Let us save a little for a rainy day. 25) He has _____ friends because of his nasty temper.
b) Won’t you have some tea? Yes, I’ll have a little. a) little
c) Don’t you have some match at all? Of course we have b) few
some. c) a few
d) He is mischievous, like many boys. d) a little

26) The motocyclist lost ______ blood in the accident.
a) many
b) few
c) much
d) a few
27) Salsa has given me _______ good ideas.
a) much
b) little
c) a little
d) many
28) (UFRS) Na sentença “the Tamagotchi is a Keychain-size
plastic egg that houses a small LCD in which ‘lives’ a
creature that you nurture by pushing a variety of buttons”, a
expressão a variety of buttons significa o mesmo que:
a) little buttons.
b) several buttons.
c) all the buttons.
d) very small buttons.
e) too many buttons.
29) (UFRS) These pioneers began a revolution that has
culminated in a firmly established belief among most
American employers that women can do the job – any job –
as well as men. Many thought that day would never come.
Na frase "Many thought that day would never come", a
palavra mais adequada para completar o sentido de many é:
a) beliefs.
b) most.
c) women.
d) standards.
e) discrimination.
30) (CESGRANRIO) LAUGHTER is an uncountable noun. Gabarito
Mark the sentence below that shows the correct usage of 1) B
countable and uncountable nouns: 2) D
a) I'll have just a bread for dinner. 3) A
b) John has fewer money than Paul. 4) D
c) Can you give me an advice? 5) C
d) I need some informations. 6) C
e) My mother is in very good health 7) A
8) A
9) A
10) C
11) C
12) C
13) A
14) D
15) B
16) B
17) D
18) C
19) D
20) B
21) D
22) C
23) C
24) B
25) B
26) C
27) D
28) B
29) C
30) E

Quantificadores – Quantifiers b) many - much
c) many - many
1) (Colégio Naval 2019) Match the questions and answers.
d) lot - much
I- How’s Mary?
II- What does Cíndy do? 8) (EFOMM 2011) Choose the option which completes the
sentences below correctly:
III- Whose daughter is Karen?
It is ________ use trying to change her mind.
IV- How much meat does your sister have on a regular
meal? Slowly, ___________children began coming to school.
V- Hou many friends do Mark and Sue have on Facebook? Unfortunately, he had __________ friends.
( ) A few. Could you possibly give me ___________ help?
( ) She’s hers. a) a little / a few / few / little
b) a little / a few / little / little
( ) She’s all right.
c) a little / few / few / a little
( ) A little.
d) little / few / little / a little
( ) She’s a shop manager.
e) little / a few / few / a little
Mark the option that shows the correct order of answers.
9) (EFOMM 2013) All the following statements are
a) (I) (II) (III) (IV) (V)
grammatically correct EXCEPT:
b) (IV) (I) (II) (III) (V)
a) Lots of us think it’s time for vacation.
c) (V) (III) (I) (IV) (II)
b) A lot of time is needed to learn a foreign language.
d) (IV) (I) (III) (V) (II)
c) There is not a lot meat left.
e) (II) (V) (IV) (I) (III)
d) Lots of patience is needed , too.
2) (Colégio Naval 2022) Choose the correct option.
e) A lot of my friends want to take a trip abroad.
a) Margaret isn't very popular. She has little friends.
10) (EFOMM 2014) Complete the sentences with too many,
b) My husband is very busy today. He has few free time.
too much or enough. Then, choose the correct alternative.
c) The bus was very crowded. There were too much
1 - I've been to rather __________ parties recently.
d) They don't spend many money in expensive clothes. 2 - You're spending far ________ time on your computer.
3 - Stop. You're asking me _______ questions.
e) Anne is so worried. She has many problems to solve.
4 - Help! I've got _________ luggage.
3) (EPCAR 2015) “There are a few ways to prevent
cyberbullying” (line 31) is the same as 5 – Oh, sorry, I didn't call you. I didn't have _________
a) There are some ways to prevent cyberbullying. time.
b) There are many ways to prevent cyberbullying. a) too many – too much – too many– too much - enough
c) There are lots of ways to prevent cyberbullying. b) too much – enough – too many – too much – too Much
c) enough – enough – too much - enough – too many
d) There are no ways to prevent cyberbullying.
d) too many – too much – enough – too much – enough
4) (EPCAR 2018) Mark the option that replaces the
e) too much – too many – enough – enough – enough
underlined words, respectively, keeping the same meaning.
11) (Escola Naval 2012) Which of the alternatives below
“[...] many people often confuse child slavery with child
completes the sentence correctly?
labour [...]” (lines 48 and 49)
Rio de Janeiro doesn't get (1)____ Petrópolis.
a) a lot.
a) as many rain as
b) very.
b) as much rain than
c) much.
c) as much rain as
d) a lot of.
d) so many rain than
5) (EAM 2022) Which option completes the dialogue below
correctly? e) so much rain than
12) (Escola Naval 2018) Which option completes the
Paul: How ____________ money do you have?
paragraph below correctly?
Peter: I don’t have ____________ money.
Money and happiness
a) many/ no
While it is true that money can't buy love or happiness, a
b) many/ any
certain amount is necessary to have a baseline of happiness.
c) many/ some
Interestingly, from science we learn that for most people
d) much/ no
e) much/ any the magic number is between $75- $100K per year. At that
6) (EsSA 2022) Em “This leads many people to seek help in point we have enough money not to be struggling between
neighboring countries”, a palavra em negrito pode ser paychecks, and there is a diminishing return on making
substituída, sem alterar o sentido, por: more money after that. The nice thing is happiness is more
about our habits and attitudes that we can control through
a) a lot of
things like exercise, mindfulness, gratitude, kindness, etc.
b) much
regardless of how ______or how ,______ money we have.
c) little
Happiness Is a choice and a process, not a place.
d) few
(https ://www.linkedin.com/pulse)
e) some
a) much / little
7) (EEAr BCT 2. 2021) Complete the following sentence:
b) many / few
My mom has eaten too ______ pieces of cake and drunk
c) much / few
too ______ orange juice.
d) many / little
a) much - many
e) many / much

13) (Escola Naval 2022) Which option completes the text 17) (RBO 2012) Complete the question below:
below correctly? “For the pick-nick we´ll need ___________CDs,
McLaren rue difficult day _________ cheese to make sandwiches and ________
Anna Francis lemonade.”
November 6, 2021 a) Many, much, much.
McLaren admit they have _________ work to do after b) Much, many, much.
enduring a difficult start to their Mexican Grand Prix c) Many, many, many.
weekend. d) Much, much, much.
Daniel Ricciardo and Lando Norris ended up in 14th 18) (RBO 2012) Complete the question below:
and 15th respectively on the Free Practice 1 timesheets, Jim drinks _______ soda everyday!
whilst Free Practice 2 brought further issues. a) Lots.
“These things happen, and we’ll just have to get into it b) Plenty.
tomorrow. We don’t have _________ time to waste so c) A lot of.
we’ll get amongst it. We’ve got _________ challenges d) Many.
ahead but we’ll be alright. We got _________ information 19) (CESGRANRIO 2015) In the sentence of the text “Still,
from Lando today to be able to pick it up tomorrow,” said there are plenty of ways millennials can build a credit
Ricciardo. history without a credit card” (lines 52 – 53), the
(Adapted from https://racingnews365.com) quantifier plenty of can be replaced, with no change in
a) enough/ no/ some/ a lot meaning, by
b) a lot/ some/ a few/ some a) some
c) plenty of/ no/ a little/ enough b) few
d) enough/ any/ a little/ a lot c) a few
e) plenty of/ any/ a few/ enough d) a little
14) (AMEOSC 2021) Escolha a alternativa que completa e) lots of
correta e respectivamente a sentença abaixo. 20) (CEV-URCA 2021) Complete sentences below using
“___________ people hunt wild animals for sport. much, many, few and little
_________ damage has been caused by this kind of 1. My mother did not have ______ money.
hunting”. 2. She only has ______ days left before retirement.
a) Many … many. 3. We still have ______ eggs.
b) Many … much. 4. He has ______ time, so she can?t stop by on her way to
c) Much … Much work.
d) Much … many. a) many - little - few – Much
15) (VUNESP 2019) Mark the sentence in which “most” is b) little - much - many – few
being used as a quantifier. c) much - few - many – little
a) The most memorable writing in eighteenth-century d) few - many - little – Much
America was done by the founding fathers. e) few - many - little - much
b) They were practical philosophers, and their most typical 21) (AMEOSC 2018) Analyze the sentence below. I want to
product was the political pamphlet. play a many possible, have the best stats and make a real
c) The writings of Benjamin Franklin show the difference here for Bordeaux. The underlined item should
Enlightenment spirit in America at its best and most be correct as:
optimistic. a) […] as much as.
d) Together with the Bible and the newspaper, Almanacs b) […] as many as.
were the most-widely read material in Colonial c) […] as much.
America. d) […] as many.
e) The Bible, the newspaper and Benjamin 22) (BIO – RIO 2011) A palavra many em “Many operations
Franklin’s Almanacs were often the only reading matter would be fully automated” pode ser substituída por:
in most Colonial households. a) much;
16) (GUALIMP 2019) The alternative that best completes the b) very;
empty space found in the text is: c) more;
“At least 13 "self-inflicted" deaths happened in a year in d) a lot of
England among people who took the two substances, the 23) (BIO – RIO 2011) O oposto de “many” em “This parrot is
Victoria Derbyshire programme found. _______, including one of many to call” (na legenda da foto) é:
two contestants on Love Island, took their own lives a) few;
between April 2018 and March 2019. Coroners have b) much;
reported seeing a rise in such cases”. c) fewest;
a) Much. d) more.
b) Many.
c) Very.
d) Plenty.

24) (EsFCEx 2011) Write “T” if the sentence is grammatically 30) (CESGRANRIO) Which of the following sentences can be
correct, and “F” if it is grammatically incorrect. Then completed with the word MANY as in "the laser has many
choose the alternative with the correct sequence. applications"?
( ) Many people are dying in Haiti. a) The laser beam is being used by __________ telephone
( ) Much of the children are sick and hungry. companies.
( ) There are only a few food to eat. b) The laser beam has caused __________ advance in
( ) Not much fresh water is left. various areas.
( ) They need lot money to rebuild the country. c) Science has gained __________ from the latest
a) T – F – F – T – F applications of the laser.
b) T – T – F – F – T d) __________ effort has resulted in significant
c) T – T – F – T – F technological improvement.
d) F – F – F – F – T e) Scientists have devoted __________ time to research in
e) F – T – T – F – T the field of communication.
25) (EsFCEx 2010) Choose the alternative that correctly 31) (CESGRANRIO) The following sentences should be
completes the sentences below in the right order: completed with FEW or LITTLE:
We don't have __________ money, just __________ reais. I. Many of us tried but very __________ succeeded.
Let's take only __________ milk. II. To our surprise, changes in foreign policy were
a) many - few - a few __________.
b) much - a few – some III. That school is so expensive that only __________
c) a lot of - many – few children can attend it.
d) few - some – many IV. That crane can lift objects weighing a
e) many - few - some __________hundred pounds.
26) (Escola Naval 2010) Analyse the sentences below. Which V. We had __________ chance of success.
alternative is correct? The sentence which must be completed which FEW are:
a) A little people passed the exam because it was too a) I and IV, only.
difficult. b) II and III, only.
b) Few people passed the exam because it was too c) I, II and V, only.
difficult. d) I, II, III and IV, only.
c) Much people passed the exam because it was too e) II, III, IV and V, only.
difficult. 32) (PUCPR) Mark the correct alternative to fill the gaps of the
d) Many people passed the exam because it was too dialogue below: At the Supermarket...
difficult. Wife: Do we need (I) wheat?
e) A lot of people passed the exam because it was too Husband: Yes, we do. We haven't got (II) wheat.
difficult. Husband: We need (III) apples, don't we?
27) (UNESP) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente Wife: No, we don't. We have got (IV) apples. But we have
as lacunas da frase a seguir: (V) carrots and (VI) cheese. Let's get some...
Do politicians work __________ and earn __________ a) some; II. much; III. any; IV. few; V. many; VI. little
money? b) I. much; II. any; III. many; IV. too much; V. few; VI.
a) little – many few
b) very – much c) I. few; II. some; III. little; IV. many; V. little; VI. little
c) much – few d) I. any; II. much; III. some; IV. many; V. few; VI. little
d) little – much e) I. few; II. many; III. few; IV. no; V. much; VI. many
e) hard – many 33) (FATEC) Assinale a alternativa que apresenta o uso
28) (UNESP) Assinale a alternativa correta: It is not easy to gramatical correto de "there is":
learn a foreign language. a) There is few teachers and parents talking to the children.
It requires __________ years of study. b) There is some children who need help.
a) many c) There is a lot of frightened adults after the attack.
b) much d) There is many events happening at the same time.
c) little e) There is much anger among people in New York.
d) lot of 34) (CESGRANRIO) LITTLE is used in "There is still very
e) any little known about compulsive spenders". Check the item in
29) (ITA) Assinale a opção cuja frase esteja gramaticalmente which it must also be used to complete the sentence
correta: meaningfully.
a) There is fewer people at the party than Mary expected. a) __________ people claim they don't like to go
b) There is less people at the party than Mary expected. shopping.
c) There are less people at the party than Mary expected. b) Many adults are compulsive spenders, but very
d) There are fewer people at the party than Mary expected. __________ children suffer from this obsession.
e) There was less people at the party than Mary expected. c) Researchers are willing to spend __________ thousand
dollars to find out more about compulsive shopping.
d) As the famous psychiatrist was talking about
compulsive shoppers, the audience interrupted very

e) Apparently, changes in the treatment recommended to Gabarito
obsessive shoppers were very __________. 1) C
35) (JFS) Taking the following sentences mark the option 2) E
which fills the blanks correctly. 3) A
I. A great __________ people who voted for her in the last 4) D
election will not be doing so this time. 5) E
II. Have you heard __________ of Polly recently? 6) A
III. The repairs to our car cost __________ more than we 7) B
were expecting. 8) E
IV. I know quite __________ people who've had the same 9) C
problem. 10) A
V. With __________ training she could do very well. 11) C
a) I. much; II. much; III. very; IV. few; V. little 12) A
b) I. much; II. much; III. very; IV. a few; V. a little 13) E
c) I. many; II. little; III. much; IV. few; V. little 14) B
d) I. many; II. little; III. much; IV. a few; V. a little 15) E
e) I. many; II. much; III. much; IV. a few; V. a little 16) B
17) A
18) C
19) E
20) C
21) A
22) D
23) A
24) A
25) B
26) B
27) D
28) A
29) D
30) A
31) D
32) D
33) E
34) D
35) E

Infinitivo × Gerúndio – Infinitive × 6) (EEAr 2. 2022) Choose the alternative that completes the
Gerund “Studying in New Zealand was a fun experience for me, but
1) (EAM 2022) Which option completes the text below it was also lots of hard work. I had classes six hours a day,
correctly? five days a week - with lots of homework. I also kept a
Safety Instructions for Ultraviolet (UV) Equipment journal of my experience. (...) On weekends, my homestay
- ____________ appropriate personal protective equipment family took me to lots of __________ places. (...) I’m
(safety glasses, UV-blocking face shield, gloves). definitely glad I went!” Alvin Chen - Hong Kong (Neil J.
- ____________ exposed skin. Anderson, editado)
- ____________ UV emitters and radiated surfaces. a) interest
(Adapted from https://www.heraeus.com) b) interests
a) Wear/ Cover/ Not touch c) interested
b) Wear/ Cover/ Don’t touch d) interesting
c) Wears/ Covers/ Don’t touch 7) (EEAr BCT 1. 2017) According to the extract, what is the
d) To wear/ To cover/ No touch alternative that contains the right explanation about the
e) To wear/ To cover/ Not touch gerund in bold type?
2) (EsSA 2022) Mark the option that correctly completes the “Swimming is an amazing exercise. It’s healthy, fun,
sentence below relaxing and a low-impact sport. I know this from personal
“My parents are seriously thinking about experience. Last year while I was jogging I injured my left
_______________ to Canada.” knee. I don’t go jogging anymore, now I’m considering
a) moves joining a swimming competition.”
b) moving The gerund is:
c) moved a) The direct object of the sentence.
d) to move b) The progressive form of the verb.
e) move c) The indirect object of the verb.
3) (EEAr 1. 2016) Fill in the blank with the correct response d) The subject of the sentence.
according to grammar rules: 8) (EEAr BCT 1. 2017) Fill in the blanks with the correct
I don’t mind _________ alone, but I prefer to travel with alternative, respectively:
my friends. Pilates is a unique combination of ____, ____ and ____.
a) not travel It improves circulation and body alignment. It engages the
b) traveling powerhouse of the lower abs, hips and lower back in almost
c) to travel every movement. Throughout the workout, practitioners try
d) travels to stay united from shoulder to shoulder and hip to hip,
4) (EEAr 2. 2018) Read the dialogue and choose the best making sure the neck and limbs are used in long, graceful
alternative to complete the blanks, respectively. movements.
— Hey Bob, let’s keep ________. We’re almost there! (Adapted fromhttp://www.grammarbank.com/paragraphs-
— I think you need to ________, Grandma! fitness)
— Do I? a) stretching – strengthening – breathing
a) going – resting b) stretched – strengthened – breathed
b) rest – going c) stretches – strengthens – breathes
c) go – resting d) stretch – strengthen – breathe
d) going – rest 9) (EFOMM 2013) Choose the correct alternative.
5) (EEAr 2. 2018)Choose the appropriate word to fill in the We weren’t sure ____________________ or just walk in.
blank a) should knock
Ursula! I whispered b) to knock
Yes, my darling, she said, without __________ her eyes. c) whether to knock
What have you got in your basket? I asked. She opened her d) whether knock
eyes, startled, and looked at me. e) whether knock
What do you mean? she said defensively. There is 10) (EFOMM 2015) Say if the sentences below are C (correct)
something moving in your basket, I said. or I (incorrect).
Oh, it’s nothing. It’s just a present for somebody. She said. ( ) He’s used to run 5 kilometers every day.
a) Opening ( ) Last year, I use to study harder than I do now.
b) to open ( ) Sam used to sleeping 12 hours a day when he was a
c) opened teenager.
d) opens ( ) I’m sorry. I´m not used to staying up so late.
The correct sequence is:
a) (I) (I) (I) (C)
b) (C) (C) (I) (C)
c) (I) (C) (C) (I)
d) (C) (I) (I) (C)
e) (I) (C) (I) (I)

11) (EFOMM 2015) Choose the correct alternative to complete d) I- laying/ II- laid/ III- laid/ IV- lie/ V- lays/ VI- lying
the sentences below. e) I- laid/ II- laying/ III- laid/ IV- laying/ V- lies/ VI- laid
I – I can’t afford _____ for all your expenses. 17) (EFOMM 2022) Choose the option that correctly
II – He enjoys ______ on the weekends. completes the blanks below, respectively.
III – After many frustrated attempts, I finally managed When Felicity Aston __________ fish and chips, she
_______ him stay. __________ something was wrong. The unmistakable
IV – You should always put on sunscreen before ______ to aroma of the classic British pub food, deep-fried fish and
the beach. french fries, could only mean one Thing: She must be
a) paying / sailing / making / going hallucinating. After all, __________ no pubs in the
b) paying / sailing / to make / to go middle of Antarctica. The British explorer __________
c) pay / to sail / made / going solo across the great frozen continent and had not seen
d) to pay / sailing / to make / going another human being for weeks. "It __________ me
e) to pay / to sail / making / to go insane," said Aston. But, she says, she__________,
12) (EFOMM 2016) Choose the correct option. eventually crossing Antarctica in 59 days in 2012 –
a) The bad weather prevented me to go. becoming the first woman in the world to make it solo.
b) I object to be treated like this. (Adapted from:
c) Would you mind to open the door? https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/felicity- aston-
d) I meant to have called you, but I forgot. antarctic-explorer)
e) You should avoid to make mistakes. a) started to smell/ knows/ there has been/ has been skiing/
13) (EFOMM 2017) Choose the correct alternative. drives/ will keep going
a) You’ll soon get used to live abroad. b) starts to smell/ might know/ there are/ is skiing/ drives/
b) She is talking about to move to the countryside. keeps going
c) I look forward to hear from you. c) started smelling/ knew/ there are/ was skiing/ drove/
d) I used to playing cards when I was a kid. kept going
e) I am used to doing the dishes. d) has started to smell/ has known/ there was/ had skied/
14) (EFOMM 2018) Which is the correct sequence to complete has driven/ keeps to go
the sentences below? e) will start to smell/ would know/ there was/ skied/ was
1.______ all your money on clothes is not good. driving/ would keep going
2 .I don’t think this article deserves_____. 18) (Escola Naval 2011) Which sequence best completes the
3. I’m afraid o f______ sick during the trip. text below?
4. It’s easy______deceived by fake news. Riding a bicycle is a low impact form of exercise that can
a) Spending / read / to get / be be enjoyed by people of all ages and fitness levels. It can
b) To spend / to read / getting / being help _______ (1) your generak health while ________ (2)
c) Spending / reading / getting / to be gentle on your joints. It’s also a great way ________ (3)
d) To spend / to be reading/to get / be fun, get fit and spend time with friends and family. Always
e) To spend / to read / get / being ________ (4) a helmet and be aware of traffic rules when
15) (EFOMM 2019) Which option is correct to complete the on the road.
sentences below? (Adapted from: http://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au)
1- My sister heard him_______ down the stairs. a) improving – to be – to have – wear
2- She heard the bomb_________. b) to improve – being – having – wear
3- The teacher saw the notebook__________on the table. c) improving – being – to have – wear
4- Justice must not only be done, it must be to be done. d) to improve – to be – to have – wear
5 - I could see my nephew______ on the bus. e) to improve – being – to have – wear
a) go / explode / lie / seen / get 19) (Escola Naval 2011) Analyse the sentence below. Which
b) gone / exploding / lie / saw / get TWO sentences express the same idea?
c) went / explode / lying / seeing / getting (1) The man stopped to smoke.
d) going / explode / lying / seen / getting (2) The man gave up smoking.
e) goes / exploding / lying / seen / getting (3) The man stopped smoking.
16) (EFOMM 2022) Mark the option with the correct sequence (4) The man didn’t smoke.
to complete the sentences below. The correct answer is
I- Many sicknesses are being __________ at the door of a) 1 and 2
stress. b) 1 and 4
II- She's been __________ low with flu for a long time. c) 2 and 3
III- I could hear her __________ down the law. d) 2 and 4
IV- I felt so lazy just __________ around on the beach all e) 1 and 3
morning. 20) (Escola Naval 2012) Which sequence best completes the
V- John __________ back against the pillows. text below?
VI- On the day of the party, all arguments between the We’re in danger of (1) _________ locked in the midfield
families were __________ aside. stalemate of agreement, so allow me (2)__________ up the
a) I- laid/ II – laid/ III- laying/ IV- lying/ V- lay/ VI- laid left wing. Given the extraordínary wealth of top flight
b) I- lying/ II- laid/ III- laying/ IV- laid/ V- laid/ VI- lied football in this country, I do think the game owes a greater
c) I- lying/ II- lyng/ III- lay/ IV- laid/ V- lies/ VI- laying degree of pastoral care to its players, and of a more

profound nature than (3) __________ out their cars and b) to conclude / design / to provide /of being / to be
living arrangements. Football clubs now gain control over developed
players when they’re youngsters, but not nearly enough c) to conclude / designing / providing / to be / to being
effort is put into (4) _________ rounded, educated developed
individuais. d) to conclude / designing / to provide / to being / to being
(Adapted from http://www.guardian.co.uk) developed
a) been - opening - sorting – developing e) concluding / designing / to provide / of being / to be
b) be - open - to sort – developing developed
c) been - to open - to sort – develop 25) (Escola Naval 2015) Which is the correct option to
d) being- to open - sorting – developing complete this paragraph from an article on Managing
e) being- open - to sorting - develop Multicultural Teams?
21) (Escola Naval 2012) Which of the alternatives below When a major International software developer
completes the sentence correctly? needed _______ a new product quickly, the project
(1) _____ is a bad habit and it can cause lung cancer. manager assembled a team of employees from índia and the
a) To smoke United States. From the start the team members could
b) Smoke ________ on a delivery date for the product. The
c) Smoking Americans thought the work could be done in two weeks;
d) To smoking the Indians predicted two to three months. As time went on,
e) The smoke the Indian team members proved reluctant ________
22) (Escola Naval 2013) In the alternatives below, the gerund setbacks in the production process, which the American
was used correctly in only two sentences. team members would find out about only when work was
(1) This laptop is definitely worth buying. due to be passed to them.
(2) He stopped eating fast food in order to lose weight. (Adapted from https://hbr,org/2006/ll/managing-
(3) They can't afford buying a new car. multicultural-teams)
(4) She refused seeing him. a) producing / not to agree / to report.
The correct sentences are: b) to produce / not agree / to report.
a) 1 and 2 c) producing / to not agree / to report.
b) 1 and 4 d) to produce / not agreeing / reporting.
c) 1 and 3 e) produce / not agree / reporting.
d) 2 and 3 26) (Escola Naval 2015) Which is the correct way to complete
e) 2 and 4 the paragraph below?
23) (Escola Naval 2013) Choose the best reply to this How to Become a Pro Gamer
statement. Easy to understand, that is. ________ for a living isn't
Michelle: Are you going to Michelle's get-together? all fun and games. It takes time, skill and
You: I won't go unless I (1) ____ all my chores in time. determination ________ in today's competitive circuits. If
a) finish you're up for the challenge, here's what you need to do.
b) will finish (Adapted frora http://iq.intel.com/want-pro-
c) finished gamer/?sr_source=lift„gravity&v=3)
d) finishing a) to play / to win.
e) to finish b) playing / winning.
24) (Escola Naval 2014) Which sequence best completes the c) play / winning.
text below? d) playing / to win.
On 18 December 2008, President Lula signed the e) to play / winning.
National Defense Strategy, ________ a fifteen month 27) (Escola Naval 2016) Which option best completes the
drafting exercise. The document was principally drafted by paragraph below?
Minister for Strategic Planning Roberto Mangabeira Unger, Eat healthy
and it provides a security policy framework that places In today's fast-paced world, it is so easy ___________
defense in the context of the government's broader goal of through a drive-through window to grab something to eat. It
national development. In terms of ____________ the is also easy __________ into a gas station ___________ a
relationship among the strategic tasks of "sea denial", "sea bag of chips, a soda, and some candy. However,
control" and "power projection", the Brazilian Navy will be __________ this is not the best choice for our bodies.
ruled by an unequal and joint development. If the Navy Simply put - the more junk you put into your body, the
accepted ___________ the same weight to all three worse you are going to feel. Try __________ your body
objectives, there would be a big risk ___________ with healthy food, drink plenty of water, and skip fast food
mediocre in all of them. Although all of them deserve lines as much as you can to feel healthy and happy.
__________, this will happen in a certain order and (Abridged from http://www.teenadvice.about.com)
sequence. a) driving / stopping / to buy / to do / to nourish
(Adapted from b) driving / stopping / to buy / doing / to nourish
http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/brazil/navy.ht c) to drive / to stop / to buy / doing / to nourish
m) d) to drive / to stop / buying / doing / nourishing
a) concluding / design / provide / to being / to be e) to drive / to stop / to buy / to do / nourishing

28) (Escola Naval 2018) Which option completes the b) has answered / has considered / reinforcing / promoting
paragraph below correctly? / say
In places with electricity, artificial lighting has prolonged c) answers / considered / reinforces / promotes / says
our experience of daylight, allowing us ______ productive d) answered / considers / to reinforce / to promote / said
for longer. At the same time, it has cut nighttime short, and e) has answered / will consider / to reinforce / promoting /
so to get enough sleep we now have______it all in one go. said
Now, "normar sleep requires forgoing the periods of 32) (Escola Naval 2022) Which option completes the
wakefulness that used______up the night; we simply don't paragraph below correctly?
have time for a midnight chat with the neighbor any longer. Listen to this advice. _______ your toothache, joint
"But people with particularly strong circadian rhythms pains, headache or cough in your lungs, for example. Some
continue,_____ , up in the night. small issues may turn into a complicated situation as you
(https://amp.livescience.com) start getting old, so _______ an appointment from your
a) being / to do / to break / wake doctor and _______ diagnosed.
b) be / do / breaking / to wake (Adapted from https://www.eatthis.com/)
c) to be / to do / to break / to wake a) Don’t ignore/ make/ get
d) to be / do / to break / waking b) Don’t to ignore/ to make/ to get
e) being / doing / breaking / wake c) Don’t ignoring/ making/ getting
29) (Escola Naval 2020) Which option completes the d) Don’t ignore/ to make/ get
paragraph below correctly? e) Don’t to ignore/ make/ to get
Speak, FIDO! 33) (Escola Naval 2022) Which is the correct option to
Imagine you're out for a walk with your family when a complete the paragraph below?
strange dog approaches. The dog isn't aggressive, but it Aging is inevitable and yet it’s hard _______ it’s
seems ______ something because it nudges you with its happening. Inside, you feel like you’re 24 years old still,
snout, and barks. What you don't know is that this dog is wanting _______ the most of life, maybe even more so now
trained _______ a person with a medical condition. Around that you know there are more years behind you than ahead
the corner, the doq's owner has collapsed, and the dog of you. And yet, no one told your body. It’s not the same as
instinctively runs off _____ help. That's you! But how can it used _______. Acknowledging this can _______ your
the dog make you _______ what's wrong? life. You just need _______ a few habits. [...] Start by
(Adapted from https://www.timeforkids.com) _______ yourself [...] ‘What do I want?’ That answer will
a) to want / help / to find / to understand drive Every decision you make.
b) want / helping / finding / understanding (Adapted from https://www.eatthis.com)
c) want / help / find / to understand a) admitting/ to make/ be/ saving/ to change/ asking
d) to want / to help / to find / understand b) admitting/ make/ being/ to save/ changing/ ask
e) wanting / to helping / finding / understand c) to admit/ make/ being/ saving/ change/ ask
30) (Escola Naval 2021) Which is the correct option to d) to admit/ to make/ to be/ save/ to change/ asking
complete the text below? e) admitting/ make/ to be/ to save/ change/ asking
A good CV Texto para a questão 34
It starts with a brilliant summary that makes people STICKERNOMICS
_______ more; it is daring, lively. You rarely need _______ Football albums
trivial details of your early education or training except in Got, got, got, got, got, need
passing. THE World Cup is still two weeks away, but for children
Your CV is a creative document that allows you worldwide (plus disturbing numbers of adults) the race to
_______ what you think is appropriate, compared with complete the Brazil 2014 sticker book started long ago. Panini,
forms, which confine self-expression; you might as well an Italian firm, has produced sticker albums for World Cups
_______ that freedom! since Mexico 1970; this year’s version has 640 stickers to
a) to want to read / explain / to say / to use collect. Collecting them is no idle pursuit, however. Getting
b) want to read / explaining / saying / using every slot filled delivers an early lesson in probability, the
c) want to read / to explain / to say / use value of statistical tests and the importance of liquidity.
d) want reading / to explain / say / use When you start an album, your first sticker (in Britain, they
e) to want to read / explaining / saying / to use come in packs of five) has a 640/640 probability of being
31) (Escola Naval 2021) Which option completes the needed. As the spaces get filled, the odds of opening a pack
paragraph below correctly? and finding a sticker you want fall. According to Sylvain Sardy
Brazil has joined Combined Maritime Forces (CMF) and Yvan Velenik, two mathematicians at the University of
“On July 30th, the Brazilian Navy _______ the Geneva, the number of sticker packs that you would have to
invitation letter from the CCFM accepting the affiliation buy on average to fill the album by mechanically buying pack
as a full member of the CMF. The Brazilian Navy ______ after pack would be 899. That assumes there is no supply shock
this kind of event na excellent opportunity _______ ties to the market (the theft of hundreds of thousands of stickers in
of friendship, as well as _______ cooperation and mutual Brazil in April left many fearful that Panini would run short of
respect among the participating navies,” a spokesperson cards).
for the Brasilian Navy ________. It also assumes that the market is not being rigged. Panini
(Adapted from https://www.navaltoday.com) says that each sticker is printed in the same volumes and
a) answered / will consider / to reinforce / to promote / say randomly distributed. In a 2010 paper Messrs Sardy and

Velenik gamely played the role of “regulator” by checking the 36) (Quadro Complementar 2017) Choose the correct option
distribution of stickers for a 660-sticker album sold in to complete the paragraph below.
Switzerland for that year’s World Cup. Out of their sample of Biases
6,000 stickers, they expected to see each sticker 9.09 times on Our mind likes_____ our brain into_____that it’s right.
average (6,000/660), which was broadly borne out in practice. Over time, this leads to us ______biases. Biases can be
34) (ITA 2014) Marque a opção em que o uso do ing denota positive or negative, but it’s important______these deeply
ação contínua. rooted subconscious factors.
a) …disturbing number of adults… (linha 2) (Adapted from https: / / www. makeuseof .com)
b) Collecting them is no idle pursuit… (linha 6) a) trick / believe / create / to identify
c) …your first sticker […] has a 640/640 probability of b) tricking / believe / to create / identify
being needed. (linhas 10 e 11) c) to trick / believe / to create / to identify
d) According to Sylvain Sardy and Yvan Velenik… (linhas d) to trick / believing / creating / to identify
12 e 13) e) trick / believing / to create / identifying
e) …the market is not being rigged. (linha 20) 37) (CETRO 2014) Choose the alternative that fills in correctly
Texto para a questão 35 and respectively the blanks in the sentences below with the
The Christmas Anti-drink drive campaign is in full swing, but correct verb tense and form.
there will always be those who think they can get away with it. “When I _____________ (meet) 1 Serge, it
Beyond the points, the driving ban and the criminal record, ____________ (be) 2 love at first sight for me – I absolutely
how do those caught handle the shame? Another Christmas, adored him, he was this wonderful mad, extrovert Russian
another warning about getting behind the wheel while under Jew who _____________ (spend) 3 half of World War II up
the influence of alcohol. a tree, according to him. I _____________ (think) 4 he
The theme of the 2019 campaign is that a conviction can ruin a actually spent a couple of nights up a tree, although he’d
driver´s life. “That is could come between you and Christmas” worn the yellow star for years in occupied France. For a
is the slogan. The criminal record and driving ban are project, I met Hitler’s architect Albert Speer at his
automatic and for those who rely on their cars that can be Heidelberg eyrie in 1971, and he asked if Jane and Serge
punishment enough. But what about the stigma and the shame? would sign a copy of Je t’aime] for him. Serge did so,
Mary, a 27-year-old care co-ordinator from Torquay in Devon, probably relishing the irony, and when he made his Rock
found that being convicted even affected her relationship whit Around The Bunker album a few years later [featuring
her mother. “She made me feel really, really bad. She didn’t lyrics about Nazi Germany], he gave me a copy
want to see me and shut the door in my face and told me to go _______________ (send) 5 to Speer. His parents had
away. That was the worst feeling ever.” arrived in Paris after _____________ (flee) 6 the 1917
Mary, which is not her real name, says the incident that Russian Revolution, and his father – who was a brilliant
changed her life came at the end of a “rubbish” day at work last pianist – had to perform in casinos.”
year, close to the anniversary of her grandmother’s death. She a) meet 1 / was 2 / had spent 3 / think 4 / sent 5 / fled 6
began drinking a bottle of wine at home and then went into b) meet 1 / was 2 / spent 3 / think 4 / to send 5 / fled 6
town to continue drinking, but on the way she hit a parked car, c) met 1 / be 2 / had spent 3 / thought 4 / send 5 / fleeing 6
failed a breath test and spent a night in a police cell. “That was d) meet 1 /is 2 / spent 3 / think 4 / to send 5 / flee 6
lonely and horrendous. You feel very bad about yourself,” she e) met 1 / was 2 / had spent 3 / think 4 / to send 5 / fleeing 6
“It gives you time to things over and how you could
have killed someone. You feel embarrassed because you don’t
think you could even end up in a cell.”
Text adapted whttp://news/magazine.com. Acesso em abril
35) (AEVSF/FACAPE 2021) As palavras em negrito
apresentam diversas funções na Língua Inglesa.
Classifique-as conforme o contexto em (G) Gerúndio, (S)
Substantivo, (I) Infinitivo, (A) Adjetivo, (P) Passado, (PP)
Particípio Passado.
I. The criminal record and driving ban are automatic…
II. That was the worst feeling ever.
III. She began drinking a bottle of wine at home…
IV. …she hit a parked car…
V. …and how you could have killed someone.
a) A – S – I – A – PP.
b) I – A – P – G – P.
c) S – S – I – P – PP.
d) A – S – I - G – A – P.
e) G – P – I - A – PP.

1) B
2) B
3) B
4) D
5) A
6) D
7) D
8) A
9) C
10) A
11) D
12) D
13) E
14) C
15) D
16) A
17) C
18) E
19) C
20) D
21) C
22) A
23) C
24) E
25) B
26) D
27) C
28) C
29) D
30) C
31) D
32) A
33) D
34) E
35) A
36) D
37) E

Caso Possessivo – Genitive Case 9) (FACET Concursos 2020) Analyze the items below and
choose the appropriate alternative:
1) (Colégio Naval 2017) Mark the INCORRECT option
I. Scotland’s conservation agency
according to the Genitive Case.
a) The door’s car is open. II. that’s how
III. we’re
b) The world’s population is increasing.
a) all items use verb to be
c) I’m going to Grandma’s.
d) Which are Fred's and Eric’s cars? b) none of them use verb to be
e) This is my mother-in-law's house. c) item (I) uses verb to be but items (II) and (III) do not
2) (Colégio Naval 2022) Which one is the ONLY correct d) item (II) uses verb to be but items (II) and (III) do not
sentence? e) item (I) uses the possessive case and items (II) and (III)
use verb to be
a) Mark’s and Kate’s house is so clean
10) (Alternative Concursos 2021) “The teen's choice of
b) My friends’ boss is so rude. He hates him
friends”. In this topic, there is an example of Genitive Case.
c) Women’ clothes are too Much expensive
Match the correct alternative to complete this sentence: Bia
d) John and Mary’s wedding were on Sunday
and Bella are sisters. Do you know ____________?
e) Tomorrow’s meeting will start at 10 o’clock
a) Bia and Bella mothers
3) (EPCAR 2015) Choose the option that has the same
b) Bia and Bella mother
meaning of “Parents usually don’t know their child is a
c) Bia and Bella mother´s
cyberbully.” (lines 24-25).
d) Bia and Bella´s mother
a) Parents’ child usually don’t know he is a cyberbully.
e) Bia´s and Bella´s mother
b) Parents child’s usually don’t know he is a cyberbully.
11) (FEPESE 2019) The use of the apostrophe in the following
c) Child parents’ usually don’t know he is a cyberbully.
sentence from paragraph 1
d) Child’s parents usually don’t know he is a cyberbully.
“…any organization’s existence,…” indicates:
4) (AFA 2015) Mark the option which shows the same
Operations management is important. It is concerned with
meaning as in “Americans' dependence on family” (lines
54-55). creating the products and services upon which we all
depend. And creating products and services is the very
a) The family's dependence on Americans'.
reason for any organization’s existence, whether that
b) The Americans family dependence.
c) The Americans dependence of family's. organization be large or small, manufacturing or service,
d) The dependence of Americans on family. for profit or not profit. Thankfully, most companies have
5) (EFOMM 2021) Which statement is NOT correct? now come to understand the importance of operations.
a) Three hours’ waterway blockage. a) the contraction form of ‘has’.
b) that the organization has its existence.
b) Whale and elephant's habitat put at risk.
c) the plural form of the word ‘organization’.
c) UN Environment's data is available.
d) that the existence belongs to any organization.
d) Brazil's and Africa’s great coastal areas.
e) the use contracted form of the verb ‘to be’.
e) Environmentalist's analysis is optimistic.
12) (FUNDATEC 2019) Consider the use of the apostrophe in
6) (EEAr 2015) All the extracts below, in the text, present a
the expressions “speakers' first language” (title) and
possessive noun, except:
“speaker's first language” (l.05-06):
a) “…the nation’s soccer federation…”
Título: New research quantifies how much speakers' first
b) “…under Brazil’s military dictatorship…”
language affects learning a new language
c) “…a reflection of the investigation’s focus…”
Line 05 – 06: Linguistic research suggests that these
d) “…the United States Justice Department’s charging Mr.
Marin…” accents are strongly shaped by the speaker's first language
that they learned growing up.
7) (CONSULTEC 2011) The ’s in “not the government’s” (l.
I. In the first token, it is added to make the noun plural.
19) is the
II. In the second token, it indicates that there is an omission
“Parents tell us it’s their right and responsibility, not the
of the verb to be.
govermment’s, to make their own decisions and to choose
III. It is wrongly used in the former, as it should have been
what’s right for their children”
written as in the latter.
a) plural mark.
b) genitive case. Which ones are INCORRECT?
c) contraction of is. a) Only I.
d) contraction of has. b) Only II.
e) contraction of was. c) Only III.
d) Only I and II.
8) (CONSULTEC 2012) The’ s in “government’s” is the
e) I, II and III.
“So the government’s told the country’s menfolk to shed
13) (FUNDATEC 2019) Connect the first column to the
their ties” (l. 11-12)
second, associating the uses of apostrophe in context to its
a) contraction of is.
b) contraction of was.
Column 1
c) contraction of has.
1. To show possession.
d) plural ending.
2. To indicate an omission.
e) genitive case.
Column 2

( ) They should consider the question if it’s possible for a 17) (FUNDATEC 2018) Consider the use of apostrophe in the
book to fit into more than one genre. sentences below, then judge if they show possession (P) or
( ) Can they tailor their recommendations to match omission (O) according to the context of occurrence.
Matilda’s taste? ( ) Young people’s language today.
( ) When they’ve finished, ask them to read them out to ( ) there’s something.
the rest of the class. ( ) Bare things poppin’ off.
The correct order of filling in the parenthesis, from the top The correct order of filling in the parenthesis, from the top
to the bottom, is: to the bottom, is:
a) 1 – 1 – 1 – 2. a) O – O – O.
b) 1 – 2 – 1 – 2. b) O – P – O.
c) 1 – 2 – 2 – 2. c) P – P – P.
d) 2 – 1 – 2 – 1. d) P – O – P.
e) 2 – 2 – 1 – 2. e) P – O – O.
14) (IBFC 2019) I stayed at the house of my brother. Assinale 18) (FUNDATEC 2018) Match Collumn A and B and
a alternativa correta. associate examples from the text with the correct use of
a) my brother house apostrophes.
b) my brother’s house Collumn A
c) my brother’s houses 1. Show possession.
d) my house’s brother 2. Show omission.
15) (FEPESE 2018) Study the following sentence: Collumn B
“Perhaps they were detected as flaws in a product’s quality ( ) And it still is, only now I sit at Maya's feet.
caused inadvertently by one or more workers trying to keep ( ) She's the woman who can share my triumphs
pace with production demands that should not have been ( ) her mother's boyfriend stole her virginity.
placed on them.” ( ) She’s a Tony-nominated actress who has appeared in
1. the word ‘trying’ is being used in the sentence as a such productions as Look Away (1973) and Roots, a 1977
continuous verb. miniseries.
2. the tense used in: ‘were detected, is the passive voice. Mark the correct order.
3. the word ‘flaws’ means ‘imperfections’. a) 1 – 1 – 2 – 2.
4. in ‘product’s quality’, the (‘s) indicates possession. b) 1 – 2 – 1 – 2.
Choose the alternative which presents the correct ones. c) 1 – 2 – 2 – 1.
a) Only 4 is correct. d) 2 – 1 – 2 – 1.
b) Only 1 and 3 are correct. e) 2 – 2 – 1 – 1.
c) Only 2 and 3 are correct. 19) (ACEP 2018) O termo destacado na frase “I told Angel’s
d) Only 1, 2 and 4 are correct. story four months ago and asked New York Times readers
e) Only 2, 3 and 4 are correct. to help us find the cause of these terrible episodes of
16) (FUNDATEC 2015) Connect the first column to the rhabdomyolysis” (l. 24-25) representa:
second, associating the uses of apostrophe in context to its a) pronome possessivo.
function. b) pronome possessivo adjetivo.
Column 1 c) verbo TO BE.
1. To indicate an omission of letters or numbers. d) caso possessivo.
2. To show possession. 20) (PUC Minas) Qual destas frases está CORRETA?
Column 2 a) My father’s mother is my niece.
( ) We have found that immersing children in a range of b) My father’s mother is my aunt.
creative activities before reading the text means that they’re c) My father’s mother is my grandmother.
fully prepared, and excited, about the reading journey ahead d) My father’s mother is my great-grandmother.
of them. e) My father’s mother is my sister.
( ) What's the point of reading and writing anything. 21) (UEMA) Is this your car? No, it’s not. It’s _________.
( ) Whether it's an invitation to the headteacher to attend a a) John’s.
class assembly. b) of John’s
( ) As children's fluency in reading increases. c) the John’s
( ) This process expands the pupils' imaginations. d) of the John.
( ) when they start to read with a writer's mind. e) John.
The correct order of filling in the parenthesis, from the top 22) (ITA-SP) Quanto às frases:
to the bottom, is: I. Peter’s house is different from Wilson.
a) 1 – 1 – 1 – 2 – 2 – 2. II. The children’s uncles were present.
b) 1 – 2 – 1 – 1 – 2 – 1. III. The girl’s dolls are expensive.
c) 1 – 1 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 1. a) a I está errada.
d) 2 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 2. b) a I e a III estão corretas.
e) 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 1 – 1. c) a I está correta.
d) todas estão corretas.
e) todas estão erradas.

23) (Cola da Web) Whose coat is this? It’s my ___________.
a) brother-in-law’s
b) brother’s-in law
c) brother-in’s-law
d) brother-in-law
e) todas são corretas
24) (Cola da Web) She bought the ______________ food.
a) dog’s
b) dog
c) of dog’s
d) of the dog
e) dogs’s
25) (Cola da Web) Have you seen those _________ dresses?
a) lady’s
b) ladies’
c) ladies’s
d) ladye’s
e) of ladies’
26) (Cola da Web) I like _______ plays.
a) Sophocles’s
b) Sophofocles’
c) Sophocles
d) of Sophocles
e) of Sophocles’
27) (Cola da Web) Here you have _______ grades.
a) James’
b) of James’
c) James’s
d) James
e) of James
28) (Cola da Web) There are my _______ toys.
a) children
b) children’s
c) child’s
d) of children
e) “b” and “c” are corrects
29) (Cola da Web) The women’s room is here, and the
_______ one is there.
a) mans’
b) men’
c) men’s
d) mens’s
e) of men’s
30) Em relação ao estudo do Genitive Case, é correto afirmar
que, um dos seus objetivos é:
a) Identificar a relação objeto-objeto.
b) Identificar um objeto
c) Identificar o possuidor.
d) Identificar a relação possuinte-possuinte.
31) O Genitive Case pode ser usado para identificar um ou mais
possuidores. Para o caso de dois possuidores:
a) Não flexionamos nenhum dos possuidores.
b) Flexionamos apenas o segundo possuidor.
c) Flexionamos ambos os possuidores.
d) Flexionamos apenas o primeiro possuidor.

1) A
2) E
3) D
4) D
5) B
6) D
7) B
8) C
9) E
10) D
11) D
12) E
13) B
14) B
15) E
16) B
17) E
18) B
19) D
20) C
21) A
22) A
23) A
24) A
25) B
26) B
27) C
28) E
29) C
30) C
31) B

Classes Gramaticais c) adverb
d) adjective
1) (Colégio Naval 2022) Mark the sentence which is
7) (EEAr 2. 2016) The underlined words in the text are
grammatically correct
a) Luke and I clean the house every weekend Sam’s adventure
It’s a very hot Texas night; 35ºC! Sam can’t sleep. He’s
b) Everybody enjoyed very much the party
hot and he’s hungry. He goes to the kitchen. He cooks some
c) We have always to wait a long time for the bus
d) My parentes both are mathematics teachers fried bananas. But he forgets to turn off the gas. He leaves
e) They’re going on Saturday to South Africa the kitchen and goes to the pool. His parents are asleep;
2) (Colégio Naval 2022) Mark the sentence which is they don’t know about his adventure.
grammatically INCORRECT. He’s in the water-alone!
Mmm, It’s cool! Suddenly he gets cramp in his legs and
a) Do you usually work out in the morning?
he can’t swim. He looks at the house and it’s on fire. Sam’s
b) She got married on 23 July 2016.
parents are in there and he must help them. He is desperate.
c) Will you go out on next Saturday?
a) adjectives.
d) Don't worry! I'll be here at the weekend.
b) countable nouns.
e) They went on vacation in October.
c) verbs in the simple present tense.
3) (Colégio Naval 2022) Mark the sentence which is
d) verbs in the present continuous tense.
grammatically correct.
8) (EEAr 2. 2016) The words, in bold type, in the text are
a) Atlantic Ocean is the second largest ocean in the world.
Olympic Sports
b) I've visited the Mexico and the United States recently.
The first modern Olympic Games took place in Athens,
c) I know that the Amazon is a large forest in north of
Greece, in the year 1896. Athletes from only 13 countries
participated in the Games that year. They competed in 43
d) I went to London and visited the British Museum last
different events in just 9 sports (track and field,
swimming, cycling, fencing, gymnastics, shooting,
e) England used to be part of United Kingdom for
centuries. tennis, weight lifting, and wrestling). In 2004, the
Olympic Games took place once again in Athens. This time
4) (EPCAR 2021) In the passage where kids spend most of
athletes from 202 countries competed in 300 events in 28
their waking hours (l. 53 - 54), the underlined word is a(n)
“School, where kids spend most of their waking hours, is in sports. Only five sports have been in every Olympic
many ways the antithesis of a place where kids feel Games.
competence, autonomy, and relatedness.” Fonte: adapted from Thoughts and Notions.
a) verb. a) verbs
b) nouns
b) adjective.
c) pronouns
c) adverb.
d) adjectives
d) noun.
9) (EEAr 2. 2016) The underlined word in the text is
5) (EsSA 2021) Which option has one word out of context?
There was a nice little girl which name was April
a) short – tall – good-looking – pretty – heavy – thin.
a) an adjective
b) shorts – sneakers – swimsuit – cap – T-shirt – skirt.
b) a pronoun
c) Brazilian – Russian – New Yorker – France – Spanish –
c) a noun
d) a verb
d) friendly – serious – funny – nice – smart – shy.
10) (EEAr 2. 2017) The words “after”, “in”, “of” and “from”,
e) China – Mexico – Germany – Turkey – India – United
Kingdom. in bold in the text, are __________.
Five days after a police operation in Cracolândia
6) (EEAr 1. 2016) Summer Wine
(Crackland) in the center of São Paulo, drug addicts have
Hot-weather drinking requires its own genre of wines: light,
spread to various parts of the region, such as Paulista
easygoing, blithe and, above all, refreshing. These sorts of
avenue, as well as the space underneath the João Goulart
wines are enjoyable year-round, but in the sweaty summer
overpass, which is also known as the Minhocão.
months, the desirable becomes the imperative.
The officers from the GCM (the Metropolitan Civil
It’s not a question of red or white or even pink. All are
good as long as they come in the proper summer weight. Guard) have accompanied the movement of those who
Just as winter wools are stored away, so are enervating belonged to the “flow” (fluxo) – a term used to describe
heavy wines that weigh you down, rather than pep you up. outdoor areas where people negotiate and consume drugs.
These summery wines are especially appealing when the Fonte: Folha de São Paulo – Internacional – 26/05/2017
price is equally untaxing. I’ve long asserted that the greatest
overpass = viaduto, elevado
values in wines are in the $15 to $25 range.
a) articles
(Adapted from www.nytimes.com)
b) adverbs
c) pronouns
Winter wools: cobertor de inverno
d) prepositions
to Pep up: animar
The word “appealing” (line 9), in the text, is a(n)
a) verb
b) noun

11) (EEAr 2. 2017) The words “small”, “sweet” e is a natural resource that they have to preserve. Zelda
“ornamental”, underlined in the text, are __________. Tinska, an actress from the film, said that she honestly
A homeless man has chosen to occupy his free time thinks that the West is a society which is obsessed with
revitalizing a small square on the corner of avenues São fame and celebrity. People do not visit the beach because
João and Duque de Caxias, in downtown São Paulo. He they want to see the actual location but because there was a
planted pau-brasil, palm, banana and avocado trees. He also film shot there – and Thailand is an amazing country and
planted boldo, sweet potatoes, beans, peppers and there are many other beaches as beautiful as Maya Bay.
ornamental plants, such as snake plants. Residents noticed a) an adjective.
the square’s gradual changes and congratulated the author b) an adverb.
for the modifications. c) a noun.
a) Nouns d) a verb.
b) adverbs 15) (EEAr 2. 2018) The word “darling”, line 2, in the text
c) pronouns refers to
d) adjectives Yes, my darling, she said, without __________ her eyes.
12) (EEAr 1. 2018) The four words in bold, in the text, are: a) an adjective.
It was a beautiful summer afternoon with the sun shining b) an adverb.
brightly. I excitedly phoned my friends asking them to c) a noun.
come over later for a barbecue. d) a verb.
After making the calls I quickly drove into town to buy 16) (EEAr 1. 2019) The word “astonishing”, underlined in the
some food and drink. When I arrived at the shops I was text, is a / na
very surprised at how busy it was. Everyone must have The amount of time people spend watching television is
been shopping for a barbecue! astonishing.
The first butchers I visited had completely run out of a) verb.
sausages. The next shop had some left so I happily bought b) noun.
some. After visiting a few more shops I had finally finished c) adverb.
my shopping. But I was starting to worry as it was 6 p.m. d) adjective.
and I had invited my friends to visit at 6:30 p.m 17) (EEAr 1. 2019) The words “violent” and “subsequently”,
I hastly rushed to the car park with all of my shopping and underlined in the text, are:
threw it in the boot. Suddenly I notice that the cars were The cost of a cigarette
moving really slowly out of the car park and there was a bit A businesswoman’s desperate need for a cigarette on an 8-
of traffic jam. It was past 6:30 p.m. When I arrived home hour flight from American Airlines resulted in her being
and I was extremely worried. As a drove into my drive I arrested and handcuffed, after she was found lighting up in
smiled happily when I saw my friends sitting in my front the toilet of a Boeing 747, not once but twice. She was
garden. Luckily they had realized I was stuck at the shops because she turned violent when the plane landed in
and they waited for me. England, where the police subsequently arrested and
a) Nouns handcuffed her. Joan Norrish, aged 33, yesterday became
b) Adverbs the first person to be prosecuted under new laws for
c) Pronouns smoking on board a plane, when she was fined £440 at
d) Adjectives Uxbridge magistrates’ court.
13) (EEAr 2. 2018) The word “latest” underlined in the text is a) a noun and a pronoun
___________. b) an adverb and an adjective
But the latest eruption took volcanologists by surprise c) and adjective and a noun
when it invaded Leilani Estates, a residential area near d) an adjective and an adverb
Kilauea 18) (EEAr 2. 2019) The word “losers” underlined in the text is
a) a reflexive pronoun No time for losers
b) a superlative a) an adjective.
c) an auxiliary b) an adverb.
d) a noun c) a noun.
14) (EEAr 2. 2018) The word “honestly” underlined in the text d) a verb.
is 19) (EEAr 2. 2019) Dear Jane,
Tourists in Maya Bay Everybody says that people like to wear sunglasses. My
Maya Bay in Thailand made headlines in 1999 when mother has two and my sisters have many. In my opinion,
Hollywood arrived there to film ‘The Beach’ starring sunglasses make people look artificial. My friends disagree
Leonardo DiCaprio. Since then, tourists have flooded this with me. They always do that. Nobody understands me. Am
beach with as many as 4,000 visitors arriving on boats I wrong?
every day.The mass tourism exhausted the once-pristine The word Everybody in bold in the text is
beach and ruined the natural life. That is why people closed a) a pronoun.
the beach to tourists for four months. When it reopens by b) an article.
the end of September, they will impose a limit of 2,000 c) a number.
visitors per day.A marine scientist said that he and the other d) a verb.
scientists made a mistake thinking that the money from the
movie was very important, but now they see that the beach

20) (EEAr 2. 2019) In the sentence in bold type, Greg’s ‘Cause I give you all of me
personal characteristics are mainly expressed by the use of And you give me all of you
____________. ...
Greg is lazy, petty, slightly narcissistic, sociopathic, a) Love (line 03)
egotistical, eccentric, egocentric, usually backstabbing, and b) Lose (line 08)
sometimes even selfish and dishonest c) Beginning (line 07)
a) conjunctions d) Winning (line 08)
b) adjectives 24) (EEAr 1. 2021) The word “amazing” underlined in the text
c) adverbs is:
d) verbs
21) (EEAr 1. 2020) The underlined words, in the text, are Just the way you are
Price Tag Bruno Mars
Jessie J Oh, her eyes, her eyes
Seems like everybody’s got a price Make the stars look like they’re not shinin’
I wonder how they sleep at night Her hair, her hair
When the sale comes first Falls perfectly without her trying
And the truth comes second She’s so beautiful and I tell her everyday
Just stop for a minute and smile Yeah, I know, I know
Why is everybody so serious When I compliment her she won’t believe me
Acting so damn mysterious And it’s so, it’s so
Got shades on your eyes Sad to think that she don’t see what I see
And your heels so high But every time she asks me, “Do I look okay?”
That you can’t even have a good time I say
Everybody look to the left When I see your face
Everybody look to the right There’s not a thing that I would change
Can you feel that yeah ‘Cause you’re amazing
We’re paying with love tonight Just the way you are
It’s not about the money money money And when you smile
We don’t need your money money money The whole world stops and stares for a while
We just wanna make the world dance ‘Cause girl you’re amazing
Forget about the price tag Just the way you are
Ain’t about the uh cha-ching cha-ching Yeah
Ain’t about the yeah b-bling b-bling Adapted from
Wanna make the world dance https://www.google.com/search?q=just+the+way+you+are
Forget about the price tag a) a noun
a) adjectives b) a verb
b) adverbs c) an adverb
c) nouns d) an adjective
d) verbs 25) (EEAr 1. 2021) The words in bold in the text, “proactive /
22) (EEAr 1. 2020) The words “bite” and “net”, in the comic set / deed / but”, are respectively examples of
strip, are, respectively:
Ways To Live Your Life To The Fullest
How do you feel about your life today? Are you living
every day in excitement? Do you love what you’re doing?
Are you excited every single moment? Are you looking
forward to what’s coming up next? Are you living your best
a) a noun and a noun If your answer to any of the above is a no, maybe, or not
b) a noun and a verb sure, that means you’re not living your life to the fullest.
c) a verb and a noun Which really shouldn’t be the case, because your life
d) a verb and a verb experience is yours to create. Why settle for anything less
23) (EEAr 1. 2020) All of the words bellow are verbs, than what you can get? You deserve nothing but the best.
EXCEPT: Here are some ways to live your life to the fullest:
All of me Live every day on a fresh new start.
‘Cause all of me Be true to who you are.
Loves all of you Quit complaining.
Love your curves and all your edges Be proactive.
All your perfect imperfections Rather than think “what if”, think “next time”.
Give your all to me Create your own opportunities.
I’ll give my all to you Live consciously each day.
You’re my end and my beginning Be committed to your growth.
Even when I lose I’m winning Know your inner self.

Discover your life purpose. 30) (EEAr BCT 1. 2020) According to the text, the underlined
Stop putting life on hold. word “which” is a_____________.
Set your goals. “a public official gives a government contract to a company
Be positive. in which he, or she has a financial interest.”
Build genuine, authentic connections. a) conjunction linking two sentences
Do a kind deed a day b) word that expresses consequence
Maximize your mind, body, heart and soul. c) word that expresses conclusion
Be your best self. d) relative pronoun
Last but not least: LOVE LIFE. 31) (EEAr BCT 1. 2020) The word “within”, in bold type in
Adapted from https://personalexcellence.co/blog/101-ways- the text, is a______________.
to-live-your-life-to-the-fullest/ “The printing press ranks within the top two or three
a) Adjective / noun / preposition / adverb inventions in history.”
b) Adverb / verb / determiner / adjective a) preposition
c) Adjective / verb / noun / conjunction b) conjunction
d) Adverb / noun / conjunction / verb c) pronoun
26) (EEAr 2. 2021) Choose the alternative that best completes d) noun
the following gap. 32) (EEAr BCT 2. 2020) The words “beautiful”, “highly”,
She has a bad stomachache,_________, she should see a “intelligent” and “child”, in the context, are:
doctor. - I have a question. What would happen if there were a
a) nevertheless beautiful and highly intelligent child up in heaven waiting
b) throughout to be born and his or her parents decided that the children
c) therefore they already had were enough?
d) neither - Your ignorance of theology and medicine is appalling!
27) (EEAr 1. 2022) The word “tasty” in the text is: - I still think it’s a good question!
Camping Adapted from https://www.peanuts.com/comics/
On Sunday morning, Tom and his family went camping. a) Adjective, adverb, adjective, noun
They camped near the lake. Their tent was shaped like an b) Adjective, adverb, adverb, noun
igloo. It was made of a thin cloth. Tom helped clean up. c) Adverb, adjective, noun, adverb.
They ate a tasty meal of barbecued chicken and corn. When d) Noun, noun, adjective, adverb
it got dark they made a fire. They told stories and sang 33) (EEAr BCT 1. 2021) The words “longing”, “change”,
songs. “myself” and “hardcore”, underlined in the text, are
a) a verb. respectively:
b) an adverb. Shallow
c) a pronoun. Lady Gaga
d) an adjective. Tell me something, girl
28) (EEAr BCT 1. 2016) In the cartoon, “hovering” is Are you happy in this modern world?
Or do you need more?
Is there something else you’re searching for?
I’m falling
In all the good times
I find myself longing for change
And in the bad times I fear myself
Tell me something, boy
Aren’t you tired trying to fill that void?
a) a verb Or do you need more?
b) a noun Ain’t it hard keeping it so hardcore?
c) an adverb I’m falling
d) an adjective In all the good times
29) (EEAr BCT 1. 2018) Choose the synonym in the context I find myself longing for change
for the underlined word in the title, and its correct part of And in the bad times I fear myself
speech. I’m off the deep end, watch as I dive in
Heathrow expansion should face strict environmental I’ll never meet the ground
conditions, say MPs. Crash through the surface
a) easygoing – adverb Where they can’t hurt us
b) tough – adjective We’re far from the shallow now
c) fear – adjective https://www.letras.mus.br/lady-gaga/shallow-feat-bradley-
d) severely – adverb. cooper/
a) verb, verb, possessive pronoun, noun
b) verb, noun, reflexive pronoun, adjective
c) adjective, verb, adjective pronoun, noun
d) adjective, noun, reflexive pronoun, adjective

34) (EEAr BCT 2. 2022) The words “hearing” in the first Texto para a questão 38
frame and “building” in the second frame have both the TEXT V
function of Oh, I’ve just come from the land of the sun
From a war that must be won
In the name of truth
With our soldiers so brave
Your freedom we will save
With our rifles and grenades
And some help from God
I want to see my family
My wife and child waiting for me
I’ve got to go home
I’ve been so alone you see
You just can’t believe
The joy I did receive
When I finally got my leave
And I was going home
Oh, I flew through the sky
My convictions could not lie
For my country I would die
And I will see it soon
When I walked through the door
My wife she laid upon the floor
And with tears her eyes were sore
a) adjectives. I did not know why
b) adverbs. Then I looked into her hand
c) nouns. And I saw the telegram
d) verbs. Said that I was a brave, brave man
35) (EsPCEx 2020) About the words purposefully, carefully But that I was dead
and efficiently (paragraph 4) , it is correct to say that (SUMMER, Bernard; GILBERT, Gillian; HOOK, Peter;
The non-native speakers, it turns out, speak more MORRIS, S
purposefully and carefully, trying to communicate tephen. Lyrics to Love Vigilantes, performed by New Order,
efficiently with limited, simple language, typical of Low Life CD, track 1, Universal Music Publishing Group,
someone speaking a second or third language. 1986.
a) they are adjectives. Taken from https://lyricfind.com)
b) they are nouns. 38) (AFA 2022) Read the statements below considering the
c) they are verbs. aspects of grammar and meaning of Text V.
d) they are prepositions. I. The war referred by the speaker is over.
e) they are adverbs. II. The speaker had been conscripted to engage in combat.
36) (AFA 2017) In the sentence “land degradation due to III. Some parts of speech were left out of the phrase in line
increased human activities has impacted negatively on 4.
agricultural production” (lines 45 to 47) it is INCORRECT IV. The use of the auxiliary verb in line 13 is substandard.
to state that V. The noun in line 17 is a false cognate.
a) the adverb ‘negatively’ suggests the idea of something The only correct statements are
with unsatisfactory results. a) I and II.
b) no change of meaning happens if the expression ‘due to’ b) I and V.
is replaced by ‘because of’. c) II and III.
c) the time tense of the sentence refers to a past situation d) III and IV.
which has no relation with the present moment. Texto para a questão 39
d) ‘land degradation’ can be defined as the result of several TEXT VI
actions that worsened the quality of the soil. Elon Musk, the CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, caused
37) (AFA 2019) Mark the alternative that LACKS the correct something of a stir at the annual Air Force Association’s Air
synonym for the underlined word. Warfare Symposium in Orlando, Florida. During an informal
a) Cancer also often causes psychological problems (lines ‘fireside chat’ with Lt. Gen. John Thompson of Space
18 and 19) – generally. Command on Friday, Musk told a room packed with fighter
b) Besides analogy, there are further qualities of music that pilots that “the fighter jet era has passed”. Now, Musk is
can be beneficial (lines 65 to 67) – apart from. renowned for finding soundbites for the media to hook onto,
c) Therefore, music is a reality, which represents another and also of causing calculated disruption in his target audience,
reality (lines 70 and 71) – thus. but even by his standards this is a well-baited line. What makes
d) “For it evokes memories about persons, objects or this such a bold and controversial statement?
incidents” (lines 73 and 74) – conversely. The contemporary battlefield is far more networked,
complex, congested and lethal – it’s those that adapt that will

survive. Simply being ‘a good stick’ will rapidly no longer cut e) She was the first woman to climb that mountain solo.
it in the hostile skies of the future. 44) (EFOMM 2014) Which sentence is correct?
Musk’s main thrust is, however, that the human in the a) The news today are very bad.
cockpit is the limiting factor in air combat now, not the b) The aircraft are being refuelled.
advantage. c) The staff is on strike.
Firstly, humans are awkward for aircraft designers to d) Too many mathematics are usually taught in schools.
accommodate. In a modern fighter the pilot sits on an ejection e) He picked up the dice and threw them again.
seat for emergency escape, needs an oxygen supply and air- 45) (EFOMM 2015) Mark the correct alternative.
conditioning to function at extremes of temperature and a) She does probably not know.
altitude, and requires flight controls and instruments to fly and b) I won't probably be there.
fight the machine. All of these add a significant amount of c) I didn't judge fair.
weight and cost into the aircraft. Moreover, having a d) He laughed silly.
transparent canopy to permit the crew to see out does little to e) The accused was charged with the crime today.
improve signature management1 as radar cross section and the 46) (EFOMM 2015) Choose the correct answer.
chances of reflected sun glint all increase. The human also adds a) This cheese tastes well.
more weight, especially when encumbered with flight kit such b) Susan pulled her belt tightly and started off.
as helmet, NVGs, g-suit and flight planning and survival c) Can you suggest me a good dentist?
equipment. Traditionally, pilots sit toward the front of the d) The forecast says it will grow colder tomorrow.
aircraft to afford them the best view for take-off and landing, as e) Who did you buy it?
well as air combat. This has implications on aerodynamics, 47) (EFOMM 2015) Choose the correct sentence.
stealth1 design and weight distribution factors. In short, it can a) My best friend is as smart as me.
make the designers life a lot simpler if the pilot/crew are not in b) Nobody but I knew the end of the story.
the aircraft. c) Do you want Paul or I to phone her?
(Extracted from https://www.forbes.com/. Accessed on d) I poured her a glass of water, she drank at once.
March 03, 2022.) e) He was admired by the people with who he worked.
Vocabulary: 48) (EFOMM 2015) Which sentences are grammatically
1. Signature management and stealth: both terms refer to correct?
technology that reduces the likelihood of personnel, I- He goes running in all weathers.
aircrafts, missiles, etc. being detected. II- I have difficulties in remembering faces.
39) (AFA 2022) Analyzing the grammatical aspects of Text VI, III- Do you think we have much chance of catching the
and considering the standard use of language, it’s correct to train?
say that IV- He speaks an excellent English.
a) an (line 3) introduces a description. V- We’ve bought three groceries.
b) a lot (line 34) can be replaced by very. a) Only I and IV
c) does (line 24) is being used as an auxiliary. b) Only I and III
d) causing (line 7) can be used in the form cause. c) Only II and IV
40) (EFOMM 2013) Mark the correct option to complete the d) Only III and V
sentence. e) Only II and V
‘Her new beach house isn’t _______________ finished’. 49) (EFOMM 2015) Choose the option that contains only
a) besides nouns.
b) therefrom a) Absentee, craftsmanship, golden, confusion
c) whereas b) Assistant, friendliness, kindness, frosty
d) afterwards c) Adhesive, mindful, backwards, slowly
e) altogether d) Wisdom, amazement, ammunition, cruelty
41) (EFOMM 2014) Which sentence is grammatically correct? e) Heroic, wooden, poetic, clockwise
a) I think I would enjoy a city life. 50) (EFOMM 2016) Mark the correct alternative.
b) You’ve made a very good progress. a) The repairs are certain of costing more than you think.
c) We are having a terrible weather. b) We didn’t reach agreement on any of the discussed
d) A child needs plenty of love. problems.
e) What a nonsense! c) Children may resemble both their father and their
42) (EFOMM 2014) Which sentence IS NOT correct? mother in different ways.
a) She went and got him from the station. d) It is not expected to have difficulty in finding somebody
b) I am going to try and eat something. suitably qualified.
c) Be sure and ask Uncle Sam about the vegetables. e) Her family are easy to get on with them.
d) She tried and ate something, but she couldn’t manage. 51) (EFOMM 2016) All the sentences below are correct,
e) Hurry up and open the door. EXCEPT:
43) (EFOMM 2014) Choose the correct alternative. a) Carefully, she laid the papers on the table and left the
a) He explained it all carefully, but I was not the wiser. room.
b) My grandmother can run twice faster than you. b) These children are very badly brought up. They are
c) I spent more money than it was sensible yesterday. always shouting and fighting each other.
d) There were more people at the meeting than we had c) We looked at lots of different makes of car but, in the
expected them. end it was a question of price.

d) The train is my favorite way of transport. 58) (EFOMM 2018) Which alternative IS NOT correct?
e) The road out of our village goes up a steep hill. a) Could you talk more quietly?
52) (EFOMM 2016) Choose the option that correctly b) Thank you very much indeed. That is kindest of you.
completes the text below, respectively. c) The road is getting more and more sleep.
“______ half-past twelve next day Lord Henry Wotton d) The more money he makes, the more useless things he
strolled from Curzon Street over to the Albany to call on his buys.
uncle, Lord Fermor, a genial if somewhat rough-mannered e) Can’t you drive any faster?
old bachelor, ______ the outside world called selfish, 59) (EFOMM 2018) Which option is correct?
______ it derived no particular benefit from him, but a) I think neither answer is right. Please, try again.
______ was considered generous by Society as he fed the b) There isn’t many time left to develop the project.
people who amused him.” c) She doesn’t need nothing else to finish the course.
(WILDE, Oscar. The Picture of Dorian Gray. Collins d) Each member of the club have to undergo tests.
Classics.) e) Both of us didn’t speak again until we arrived home.
a) On / which / nonetheless / that 60) (EFOMM 2019) Analyze the sentences and choose the
b) About / where / notwithstanding / which option which is grammatically correct.
c) In / who / instead / whom I . I heard that she's looking forward to visit you.
d) At / whom / because / who II. She wanted that everyone understood her.
e) Around / that / consequently / which III. If you can't sleep, try taking sleeping pills.
53) (EFOMM 2017) Mark the correct option. IV. I'll never forget visiting Paris for the first time.
a) Many cattle are suffering from a serious disease. V. Remember locking the door on the way out.
b) The police is looking for a dark-haired man in his a) (I) and (II)
twenties. b) (II) and (III)
c) Too many mathematics are usually taught in schools. c) (III) and (IV)
d) Her jeans is too tight at the hips. d) (II) and (IV)
e) Where are those five pounds I lent you? e) (IV) and (V)
54) (EFOMM 2017) Mark the only option which is NOT 61) (EFOMM 2021) Which option corresponds to the
grammatically correct. sentences that are grammatically correct?
a) We’ve all got terrible voices, but I sing worst of all. I) Sue kissed them each on the forehead.
b) Thank you very much indeed. That is most kind of you. II) My niece has lost nearly each friend she had.
c) She’s the fastest player of them all. III) I can write with any hand.
d) We’re walking by far the slowest. IV) They each said what they thought.
e) The more it is dangerous, the more I like it. V) Paul didn't get on with either parente
55) (EFOMM 2017) Mark the correct alternative. a) I, III and V
a) You have made me be a happy man. b) II, IV and V
b) I don’t know enough of French to read this. c) I, III and IV
c) I got a grandmother last month. d) I, IV and V
d) She spoke very fast that nobody could understand. e) I, II and IV
e) He’s from Austin, as you can tell from his accent. 62) (EFOMM 2021) In which statement is the word well an
56) (EFOMM 2017) Choose the correct sentence. adjective?
a) Pancho is always happy to offer advise if you ask him a) The injured turtle is well now.
for it. b) The mammal was well treated.
b) Teachers always advice parents to emphasize studying c) Tears well in eyes when turtles are back to the sea.
at home. d) Well, I agree that some species are extinct.
c) My doctor adviced me to go to the gym more often. e) Litter affects culture as well as economy
d) John has a bad habit of offering unsolicited advice. 63) (EFOMM 2022) Choose the option that is grammatically
e) Sarah will advice the city council that the deadline correct.
might need to be extended. I- Speak up, will you?
57) (EFOMM 2018) Which sequence completes the sentences II- Seafarers have fewer time to spend with their families.
correctly? III- The vases are handmade and every one is slightly
1. That man died________ he lived, fighting. different.
2. I wasn’t expecting ________ cold weather. IV-Because of the large number of people retiring, more
3. Don’t use your plate ________ an ashtray. than one job have been offered.
4. That’s John’s bike, unless I’m _________ mistaken. V- She needn't fear our organization ever again.
5. They’re _________ fools. a) II, IV and V
a) like - such - as - much – so b) III, IV and V
b) like - so - as - very - such c) II, III and IV
c) as - such - as - very much - such d) I, III and V
d) as - so - as - very much - so e) I, III and IV
e) as - such - like - very – so

64) (EFOMM 2022) Choose the option that correctly 71) (Escola Naval 2014) Which of the alternatives below
completes the blanks below. contains a mistake?
I- John acted ________ he had never seen her before. a) Be punctual.
II- She’s got an interview today, ________ the new dress. b) Do make an effort to be on time.
III- He’ll be back next month ________ there is a bus c) Arrive in time for the dessert, then.
strike. d) Don't be late, will you?
IV- Thanks for your support. We wouldn’t have finished it e) This time try to not be late.
in time ________. 72) (Escola Naval 2014) Mark the correct sentence
a) I- as though/ II- hence/ III- unless/ IV- otherwise a) What would you do if you see a bug in your food?
b) I- like/ II- unless/ III- so/ IV- though b) If you’ll have some time tonight you should study
c) I- so/ II- as if/ III- hence/ IV- likewise c) When I graduate, I’ll apply for a job in another country
d) I- if/ II- owing to/ III- as if/ IV- so d) If it will rain tomorrow, I won’t go out
e) I- as if/ II- regarding/ III- thus/ IV- then e) I’ll give you a call as soon as I’ll get home
65) (EFOMM 2022) Which option is NOT gramatically 73) (Escola Naval 2014) Which of the alternatives is
correct? grammatically INCORRECT?
a) Let’s go to that big round glass building a) Will you please put away your pens?
b) The girl’s leather red dress is short b) Put your pens away, please.
c) That car is a beautiful and expensive powerful French c) On my command, put them away.
machine d) Let's put them away because we won't write anymore.
d) These are two interesting Spanish courses e) I've done enough writing so I'll put away them.
e) The two entrepreneurs created great smart solutions 74) (Escola Naval 2015) Which of the sentences below is
66) (EFOMM 2022) Which statement is NOT correct? INCORRECT ?
a) I remember to be taught to speak English a) Don't you believe him if he talks to you.
b) She wants to pass her next test b) Do not shut down these computers!
c) This book was written by Eliot c) Did study hard not to fail, but I did anyway.
d) The hypothesis is that they are to blame d) Let us not go to the beach. It's going to rain.
e) Many waste materials are disposed of in na irregular e) Do forgive me, I didn't mean to be so rude.
local 75) (Escola Naval 2015) Which of the options completes the
67) (Escola Naval 2011) Which alternative is grammatically sentence correctly?
correct? People who are middle-aged and older tend to know
a) He suggested me to go on a diet. more than young adults ________ they have been around
b) He suggested me that I went on a diet. longer, and score higher on vocabulary tests, crossword
c) He suggested me going on a diet puzzles and other measures of so-called crystallized
d) He suggested me that going on a diet intelligence.
e) He suggested going on a diet (Adapted from http://www.nytimes.com).
68) (Escola Naval 2013) Which of the alternatives below a) so.
contains a mistake? b) when.
a) He laid his hand on her head. c) while.
b) She is laying the table for lunch. d) because.
c) He's been lying in the sun for hours. e) in case.
d) Don't lay on this sofa. 76) (Escola Naval 2016) Analyze these sentences.
e) l'm sure he lied to me. I - The boss discussed about the new sales report.
69) (Escola Naval 2013) Mark the alternative where there is a II - Does the coefficient of kinetic friction depend on
mistake. speed?
a) She moved the table carefully III - My son finally succeeded in finding a new job.
b) He ran as fastly as he could IV - Some people still blame the driver on the accident.
c) She studied hard for the test V - He apologized for his girlfriend to being late.
d) Thor smells bad. Let’s wash him Choose the correct option.
e) John speaks perfect English a) Only I and II are grammatically correct.
70) (Escola Naval 2013) Which of the alternatives completes b) Only II and III are grammatically correct.
the sentence correctly? c) Only II and IV are grammatically correct,
"As a teacher, the thing that annoys me most is (1) ___. “ d) Only I and IV are grammatically correct.
a) the cheat e) Only II and V are grammatically correct.
b) cheating 77) (Escola Naval 2016) Mark the correct option.
c) to cheat a) Beth got married with an American engineer last week.
d) to cheating b) After 30 minutes standing in line, he was tired of
e) cheated waiting.
c) The disadvantage in having a car is the need with
d) During his high school years, he had always been good
in math and chemistry.

e) There are some differences of living in a house and Eleven thousand miles away in Accra, Ghana, students at
living in a flat. the African School for Excellence are studying logarithms.
78) (Escola Naval 2016) Mark the only sentence that is correct. Their teacher is the same one firing off math tips in California–
a) I don't mind doing all the housework. both groups of kids are learning by watching online videos.
b) She suggested to go to a new restaurant on Sunday. While the screen shows a march of equations and diagrams, the
c) They avoid to go out at night because of the violence. students never actually see the face of the lecturer. There's just
d) The children refused making their beds. a voice, deep, patient and unrehearsed—think NPR host
e) He promised not being late next time. crossed with Mister Rogers. His inflection rises at times to
79) (Escola Naval 2017) Mark the correct option. underscore a point or when he gets really excited. "Math is not
a) When times are tough, your friends will motivate you just random things to memorize and regurgitate on a test next
hardly. week," he says. "It's the purest way of describing the universe!"
b) Enjoy the process of doing what you love and get The voice belongs to Salman Khan, a 35-year-old hedge-
excitedly. fund manager turned YouTube professor to millions around the
c) Your parents will have a lot of reasons to be proudly of world. Thanks to his Khan Academy, an online repository of
you. some 3,250 digital lectures, he has become a celebrity to
d) Working in a job you hate makes the days go slowly. techies, educators and uncounted high schoolers cramming for
e) Life without dreams can become very depressingly. the AP biology test. His 18-minute discourse on the Krebs
80) (Escola Naval 2019) Analyze these sentences. cycle and cell metabolism has been viewed more than 675,000
I - Sheriff Grady Judd decided to do something to cheer up times.
young Daylin. But Khan isn't satisfied with being the most famous teacher
II - He came to Daylin's house to bringing him a brand new ever to appear on a Web browser. He believes he has stumbled
bike and a helmet. onto a solution to some of education's most intractable
III - Daylin thanked the man while he worked to making problems, with his video-driven teaching method at its heart.
sure the helmet fit. He wants to fundamentally change the role of teachers in the
IV - Daylin will be able to ride the bike after he finishes his classroom—and redefine the concept of homework along the
medical treatment. way. And he has persuaded Bill Gates, Google's Eric Schmidt
V - Sheriff Grady Judd hopes this bike will help him enjoy and a minor constellation of other tech billionaires to back this
to be a kid again. quest.
(Adapted from https://edition.cnn.com) 82) (ITA 2012) A palavra “teaching”, em “video-driven
Choose the correct option. teaching method” (linha 29),
a) Only I and II are grammatically correct. a) deve ser traduzida por “ensinando”.
b) Only I and IV are grammatically correct. b) tem a mesma função gramatical da palavra “YouTube”,
c) Only II and III are grammatically correct. na construção “YouTube professor” (linha 19).
d) Only II and IV are grammatically correct. c) refere-se à palavra “video”.
e) Only II and V are grammatically correct. d) tem a mesma função gramatical da palavra “professor”,
81) (Escola Naval 2022) Which option completes the na construção “YouTube professor” (linha 19).
paragraph below correctly? e) tem a mesma função gramatical da palavra “turned”, na
__________ I went to Georgetown University on construção “turned YouTube professor” (linha 19).
October 9, 2003, to interview Dr. James Alatis, I have to Texto para a questão 83
admit that I was nervous. __________ I had met him DISTANT PEAK CAR
previously at an international convention (a mutual friend Carmakers worry that one day demand for cars will stop
introduced us), I was sure that he wouldn’t remember me. rising. But that is a long way off.
(Adapted from ANCKER, William P. A call to service. IN 1924 FORD ran an advertisement headlined “His First
English Teaching Forum. V. 50, n. 1, p. 18-19, 2012.) Car”, urging fathers to buy their teenage sons their first set of
a) Before/ Since wheels. The idea caught on. For boys, especially, learning to
b) After/ Therefore drive became an essential part of growing up. By the late 1970s
c) While/ Besides 86% of American 18-year-olds—of both sexes—had a driving
d) When/ Although licence. But then the trend went into reverse: researchers at the
e) During/ Despite University of Michigan found that in 2010 only 61% of 18-
Texto para a questão 82 year-old Americans had licences. Other rich countries are
Reboot the School going the same way. Teenagers are showing less interest in cars
SALMAN KHAN’S YOUTUBE LESSONS HAVE as they turn their attention to smartphones and social
NOW HE WANTS TO REINVENT HOMEWORK, BANISH This is a worry for carmakers, who are wondering where
CLASSROOM LECTURES—AND MAYBE SAVE their future customers are going to come from. In the two
EDUCATION decades to 2008 the number of miles driven by Americans in
Fifth-graders at Eastside College Preparatory School in East their 20s fell by 8%. In Britain a study for the RAC
Palo Alto, Calif., sit at their desks with netbooks. They're in the Foundation, a transport-research body, found a 30% drop
middle of a math lesson, listening as a teacher explains how to among men in the same age group between 1996 and 2006.
convert percentages to decimals. "If we get rid of the percent One reason for concern is that half the world’s population
sign, we just have to move the decimal sign two places to the now lives in towns and cities, which have only so much space
left," the instructor says. Pens scribble across notebooks. for cars. Even in rapidly growing car markets such as China,

city governments in the more prosperous parts of the country She said she had been driving home from work the night
are beginning to restrict new car registrations and invest before, and she found herself behind a man in a convertible.
heavily in public transport. It was a warm, gorgeous, early-spring evening, and the man
Young urban residents may also be meeting up less often in had his top down and all his windows lowered. His arm was
person, thanks to social-networking sites that let them keep in hanging over the driver’s side door, and his fingers were
touch digitally. So they have less need for a car, and when they tapping along to the music on his radio. His head was bobbing
do need one they turn to car clubs, which offer rental by the along, too, as the wind blew through his hair.
hour in their neighbourhood, and to car-sharing schemes. In Robbee changed lanes and pulled a little closer. From the
particular, the generation who came of age after 2000, the so- side, she could see that the man had a slight smile on his face,
called “millennials”, express a preference for having access to the kind of absentminded smile a person might have when he’s
rather than owning cars. But some of that may be just talk. In a all alone, happy in his own thoughts. Robbee found herself
survey by McKinsey, American millennials said they expected thinking: “Wow, this is the epitome of a person appreciating
to use car clubs in the future, but when asked if owning a car this day and this moment.”
would remain an important status symbol, they were much The convertible eventually turned the corner, and that’s
more likely to answer “yes” than older consumers. when Robbee got a look at the man’s full face. “Oh my God,”
Economic factors, too, work against car ownership. Sheryl she said to herself. “It’s Randy Pausch!”
Connelly, Ford’s “global trends and futuring” manager, notes She was so struck by the sight of me. She knew that my
that a few decades ago teenagers in America often got free cancer diagnosis was grim. And yet, as she wrote in her email,
driving lessons at school, but now they may have to pay up to she was moved by how contented I seemed. In this private
$800 for them before they can sit their test. The cost of adding moment, I was obviously in high spirits. Robbee wrote in her
a young driver to the family’s car-insurance policy too has email: “You can never know how much that glimpse of you
risen sharply, she says. In Britain the RAC Foundation study made my day, reminding me of what life is all about.”
found that fewer young men are driving because their I read Robbee’s email several times. I came to look at it
employers have cut back on providing company cars. as a feedback loop of sorts.
However, studies also show a marked rise in the proportion It has not always been easy to stay positive through my
of elderly people with driving licences. Baby-boomers pretty cancer treatment. When you have a dire medical issue, it’s
much all learned to drive, and now that they are beginning to tough to know how you’re really faring emotionally. I had
retire they expect to continue motoring. The development of wondered whether a part of me was acting when I was with
assisted driving, followed one day by fully automated cars, will other people. Maybe at times I forced myself to appear strong
allow them to stay mobile for much longer. and upbeat. Many cancer patients feel obliged to put up a brave
What may be happening in rich countries is a one-off shift front. Was I doing that, too?
in the timing of people’s driving careers, so that they start later But Robbee had come upon me in an unguarded moment.
but then continue well into old age. This may be no bad thing I’d like to think she saw me as I am. She certainly saw me as I
for carmakers. It has long been an open secret in the business was that evening.
that cars are advertised as being for the young but are bought Her mail was just a paragraph, but it meant a great deal to
mainly by the middle-aged with the necessary disposable me. She had given me a window into myself. I was still fully
income. In America the average Mercedes buyer is in his late engaged. I still knew life was good. I was doing OK.
50s, and even the supposedly youth-oriented MINI Cooper is Fonte: PAUSCH, R. The last lecture. New York, Hyperion,
typically bought by people in their early 40s. The world’s 2008. p.64-65
biggest car markets—China, North America and Europe—are 84) (ITA 2014) Assinale a oração que não contém expressão ou
all greying. termo qualificador.
So it is not clear that declining car ownership among young a) It was a warm, gorgeous, early-spring evening... (linha
urbanites will have more than a marginal effect on overall car 6)
sales. Besides, argues Renault-Nissan’s Mr Ghosn, for most b) She was so struck by the sight of me. (linha 20)
people “their car is more than an object.” For some it is an c) …she was moved by how contented I seemed. (linha
extension of their home, he says, and most people would rather 22)
not share their home. For others it is their pet, and who wants d) …I was obviously in high spirits. (linha 23)
to share their pet? e) She certainly saw me as I was that evening. (linhas 36 e
83) (ITA 2013) Assinale a opção em que o emprego sintático 37)
do item lexical that é diferente dos demais. 85) (ITA 2014) Com relação às escolhas lexicais do autor no
a) “... researchers at the University of Michigan found that texto, pode-se afirmar que
...” (linhas 6 - 7) a) em “Carnegie Mellon’s vice president” (linhas 2 e 3),
b) “One reason for concern is that ...” (linha 18) “the driver’s side door” (linha 8), “the man’s full face”
c) “… thanks to social-networking sites that …” (linha 25) (linha 18) e em “Robbee’s email” (linha 26) o uso do ’s
d) “Sheryl Connelly, Ford’s “global trends and futuring” indica caso possessivo.
manager, notes that …” (linhas 36 - 38) b) em “she found herself behind a man in a convertible”
e) “So it is not clear that ...” (linha 62) (linha 5) e em “Robbee found herself thinking...” (linhas
Texto para as questões 84 e 85 14 e 15), o verbo find pode ser substituído por realize
THE MAN IN THE CONVERTIBLE sem prejudicar o sentido.
One morning, well after I was diagnosed with cancer, I got c) em “as the wind blew through his hair” (linha 10), “...as
an email from Robbee Kosak, Carnegie Mellon’s vice she wrote in her email...” (linha 21) e em “...as a
president for advancement. She told me a story. feedback loop of sorts” (linha 27) os itens sublinhados

podem ser substituídos por while sem prejudicar o Decades of economic turmoil—which ended when
sentido. hyperinflation was vanquished in 1994—meant that companies
d) absentminded (linha 13), feedback (linha 27) e engaged were managed from crisis to crisis. This forced Brazilian firms
(linha 40) são empregados como substantivos. to be nimble. But it also encouraged short-termism, which
e) eventually (linha 17), obviously (linha 23), really (linha management consultants and academics finger as Brazilian
30) e certainly (linha 36) indicam o mesmo tipo de managers’ number-one sin. Faced with a record drought in
advérbio. 2014, and a subsequent spike in energy prices in a hydropower-
Texto para as questões 86 e 87 dependent country, Usiminas, a steelmaker, stopped smelting
Brazil’s business Belindia – Why the country produces and started selling power it had bought on cheap long-term
fewer world-class companies than it should contracts. Energy sales made up most of its operating profits
BRAZILIANS make up almost 3% of the planet’s that year. Such short-term stunts are hardly the path to long-
population and produce about 3% of its output. Yet of the firms term greatness.
in Fortune magazine’s 2014 “Global 500” ranking of the Worse, crisis management all too often consists of going
biggest companies by revenue only seven, or 1.4%, were from cap in hand to the government. Brazilian bosses continue to
Brazil, down from eight in 2013. And on Forbes’s list of the waste hours in meetings with politicians that could be better
2,000 most highly valued firms worldwide just 25, or 1.3%, spent improving their businesses. In January 2014, as vehicle
were Brazilian. The country’s biggest corporate “star”, sales flagged, the automotive industry’s reflex reaction was to
Petrobras, is mired in scandals, its debt downgraded to junk descend on the capital, Brasília, and demand an extension of its
status. In 1974 Edmar Bacha, an economist, described its costly tax breaks. Thanks to lifelines cast by the state, feeble
economy as “Belindia”, a Belgium-sized island of prosperity in firms stay afloat rather than sink and make room for more agile
a sea of India-like poverty. Since then Brazil has done far competitors. Shielded from competition by tariffs, subsidies
better than India in alleviating poverty, but in business terms it and local-content rules, they have little reason to innovate. A
still has a Belindia problem: a handful of world-class locally invented gizmo which lets cars run on both petrol and
enterprises in a sea of poorly run ones. biodiesel is nifty. But, asks Marcos Lisboa of Insper, a business
Brazilian businesses face a litany of obstacles: bureaucracy, school, does that really justify six decades of public support for
complex tax rules, shoddy infrastructure and a shortage of the motor industry?
skilled workers—to say nothing of a stagnant economy. But a The dead hand of government
big reason for Brazilian firms’ underperformance is less well Indeed, a glance at the “Belgian” end of Brazil’s corporate
rehearsed: poor management. Since 2004 John van Reenen of landscape suggests that successful firms cluster in sectors the
the London School of Economics and his colleagues have state has not tried desperately to help, such as retail or finance.
surveyed 11,300 midsized firms in 34 countries, grading them Bradesco, a big lender, is internationally praised as a pioneer of
on a five-point scale based on how well they monitor their automated banking. Each month Arezzo creates 1,000 new
operations, set targets and reward performance. Brazilian models of women’s shoes, and picks 170-odd to sell in its
firms’ average score, at 2.7, is similar to that of China’s and a shops.
bit above that of India’s. But Brazil ranks below Chile (2.8) Brazil’s other world-beaters are in industries like
and Mexico (2.9); America leads the pack with 3.3. The best agriculture and aerospace, which are free to compete at home
Brazilian firms score as well as the best American ones, but its and abroad, and in which the government sticks to its proper
long tail of badly run ones is fatter. role. In 1990 farms were allowed to consolidate and to buy
Part of the explanation is that medium and large firms tend foreign machines, pesticides and fertiliser. Efforts by Brazil’s
to be better-organised than small ones, and not only because trade negotiators opened up export markets. JBS, a meat giant,
well-run ones are likelier to grow. Brazil offers incentives can slaughter 100,000 head of cattle a day, selling more beef
aplenty to stay bitty, such as preferential tax treatment for firms than any rival worldwide. Thanks in part to Embrapa, the
with a turnover of no more than 3.6m reais ($1.3m). As they national agriculture-research agency, Brazilian farms have been
expand, many firms split rather than face increased scrutiny raising productivity by about 4% a year for two decades.
from the taxman. According to the World Bank, a midsized Similarly, a supply of skilled engineers and know-how from
Brazilian firm spends 2,600 hours filing taxes each year. In the government’s Technological Institute of Aeronautics has
Mexico, it is 330 hours. helped turn Embraer, privatised in 1994, into one of the
Ownership patterns play a part too. Many Brazilian world’s most successful aircraft-makers.
concerns are controlled by an individual shareholder, or one or The success of businesses such as these offers a lesson for
two families. Two-thirds of those with sales of more than $1 the state. The best way to make Brazil’s underperforming firms
billion a year are family-owned, notes Heinz-Peter Elstrodt of more competitive would be to make them compete more.
McKinsey, a consulting firm. That is less than in Mexico Coddling by the state can be more a curse than a blessing.
(96%) or South Korea (84%) but more than in America or Ronald Reagan’s dictum that the nine most terrifying words in
Europe. Mr Van Reenen’s research shows that where family the English language are, “I’m from the government and I’m
owners plump for outside chief executives, their firms do no here to help,” translates well into Flemish, Hindi and Brazilian
worse than similarly sized ones with more diverse Portuguese.
shareholders. But all too often they pick kin over professional By Schumpeter. In: The Economist. Feb 28th,2015.
managers—and performance suffers. This is particularly true in 86) (ITA 2015) Os termos sublinhados nas orações abaixo
“low-trust” societies like Brazil, where bosses hire relatives podem ser substituídos, respectivamente, sem que haja
instead of better-qualified strangers to avoid being robbed or prejuízo do sentido, por:
sued for falling foul of overly worker-friendly labour laws. I. Ownership patterns play a part too (linha 38) → as well.
II. Decades of economic turmoil... (linha 52) → growth.

III. Brazilian bosses continue to waste hours in meetings a) apenas a I.
with politicians…(linhas 65 e 66) → findings. b) apenas a II.
IV. In January 2014, as vehicle sales flagged… (linha 66 e c) apenas a III.
67) → dropped. d) apenas a I e a II.
Estão corretas e) todas.
a) apenas I e II. 89) (ITA 2015) Marque a opção em que o item sublinhado
b) apenas I e III. denota um qualificador.
c) apenas I e IV. a) Most digitally minded people continually post and
d) apenas II e IV. update pictures... (linha 4)
e) apenas III e IV. b) For those of us seeking to appear friendly and... (linha
87) (ITA 2015) Considere as seguintes afirmativas: 7)
I. Em “This forced Brazilian firms to be nimble. But it also c) More importantly, the research also revealed the
encouraged short-termism, which management unexpected finding… (linhas 10/11)
consultants...” (linhas 53 – 55), os pronomes sublinhados d) An analysis revealed that participants generally ranked
possuem o mesmo referente. people... (linhas 16/17)
II. Em “The best Brazilian firms score as well as the best e) Surprisingly, participants did not rank faces as
American ones...” (linhas 26 e 27) e em “Brazil offers indicative of physical strength… (linha 18)
incentives aplenty to stay bitty, such as preferential tax 90) (ITA 2016) Marque a opção em que o item sublinhado é
treatment…” (linhas 31 e 32) os termos sublinhados têm o um qualificador.
mesmo sentido. a) Once, she was leading a staff meeting when she had no
III. Em “This is particularly true in “low-trust” societies idea [...] (linhas 10-11)
like Brazil…” (linhas 47 e 48) e em “Bradesco, a big b) So, yes, she had had inklings that something was going
lender, is internationally praised as a pioneer…” (linha 82) wrong [...] (linha 20)
os termos sublinhados têm o mesmo sentido. c) [...] Mr. Taylor, who chalked up her thinning memory to
IV. Em “...which ended when hyperinflation was the infirmities of age. (linhas 21-22)
vanquished in 1994” (linhas 52 e 53) e em “…the d) [...] but there was no ignoring that something important
automotive industry’s reflex reaction was to descend on the had happened. (linhas 26-27)
capital…” (linhas 68 e 69), as formas verbais sublinhadas e) He emphasized this by pointing a finger at his head −
estão na voz passiva. remember those words. (linhas 34-35)
Está(ão) correta(s) Texto para a questão 91
a) apenas I e III.
b) apenas II e III.
c) apenas III.
d) apenas III e IV.
e) apenas a IV.
Texto para a questão 88

91) (ITA 2016) Marque a opção em que os itens da tirinha

possuem a mesma classificação gramatical.
a) then – quite
b) intake - milestones
c) loss – huge
d) like – reach
e) providing – ratings

88) (ITA 2015) Considere as seguintes construções léxico-

gramaticais da figura:
I. O uso do -ing mostra que os tipos de inteligência são
II. O uso dos pronomes you, we, your, yourself possibilita
identificação dos leitores com a figura.
III. Os pronomes what e why têm função interrogativa
Está(ão) correta(s)

92) (ITA 2018) No contexto da tirinha, todas as palavras regulators. Algorithms can continuously watch emerging
pertencem à mesma classe gramatical, EXCETO: utilities such as Facebook, looking for details and patterns that
humans might never catch, but nonetheless signal abuses. If
Congress wants to make sure Facebook doesn’t exploit
political biases, it could direct the FAIA to write an algorithm
to look for the behavior.
It’s just as important to have algorithms that keep an eye on
the role of humans inside these companies. We want
technology that can tell if Airbnb hosts are illegally turning
down minorities or if Facebook’s human editors are squashing
conservative news headlines.
The watchdog algorithms can be like open-source software
— open to examination by anyone, while the companies keep
private proprietary algorithms and data. If the algorithms are
public, anyone can run various datasets against them and
analyze for “off the rails” behaviors and unexpected results.
Clearly, AI needs some governance. As Facebook is
proving, we can’t rely on companies to monitor and regulate
themselves. Public companies, especially, are incentivized to
make the biggest profits possible, and their algorithms will
optimize for financial goals, not societal goals. But as a tech
investor, I don’t want to see an ill-informed Congress set up
a) lies
regulatory schemes for social networks, search and other key
b) testing
services that then make our dynamic tech companies as dull
c) shows
and bureaucratic as electric companies. [...] Technology
d) clicks
companies and policymakers need to come together soon and
e) likes
share ideas about AI governance and the establishment of a
Texto para as questões 93 e 94
Artificial intelligence (AI) is going to play an enormous software-driven AI agency. [...]
Let’s do this before bad regulations get enacted — and
role in our lives and in the global economy. It is the key to
before AI gets away from us and does more damage. We have
self-driving cars, the Amazon Alexa in your home, autonomous
a chance right now to tee up AI so it does tremendous good. To
trading desks on Wall Street, innovation in medicine, and
unleash it in a positive direction, we need to get the checks and
cyberwar defenses.
balances in place right now.
Technology is rarely good nor evil — it’s all in how
Adaptado de: <https://www.marketwatch.com/story/artificial-
humans use it. AI could do an enormous amount of good and
solve some of the world’s hardest problems, but that same
and-other-tech-giants-2018-04-23> Acesso em: jun. 2018.
power could be turned against us. AI could be set up to inflict
93) (ITA 2018) A palavra ou expressão sublinhada na primeira
bias based on race or beliefs, invade our privacy, learn about
coluna pode ser substituída pela palavra ou expressão na
and exploit our personal weaknesses — and do a lot of
segunda coluna em todas as opções, mantendo o mesmo
nefarious things we can’t yet foresee.
sentido, EXCETO em:
Which means that our policymakers must understand
a) The watchdog algorithms can be like open-source
and help guide AI so it benefits society. [...] We don’t want
software […] → guardian
overreaching regulation that goes beyond keeping us safe and
b) […] and analyze for “off the rails” behaviors […] →
ends up stifling innovation. Regulators helped make it so
difficult to develop atomic energy, today the U.S. gets only
c) […] before bad regulations get enacted […] → are
20% of its electricity from nuclear power. So while we need a
Federal Artificial Intelligence Agency, or FAIA, I would prefer
d) We have a chance right now to tee up AI […] →
to see it created as a public-private partnership. Washington
should bring in AI experts from the tech industry to a federal
e) To unleash it in a positive direction […] → restrain
agency designed to understand and direct AI and to inform
94) (ITA 2018) Observe o uso da palavra ‘so’ nas frases
lawmakers. Perhaps the AI experts would rotate through
Washington on a kind of public service tour of duty.
I. […] and help guide AI so it benefits society […] (linha
Importantly, we’re at the beginning of a new era in
government — one where governance is software-defined. The
II. Regulators helped make it so difficult to develop […]
nature of AI and algorithms means we need to develop a new
(linha 16 e 17)
kind of agency — one that includes both humans and software.
III. So, while we need a Federal Artificial Intelligence
The software will help monitor algorithms. Existing, old-
Agency, or FAIA […] (linha 18 e 19)
school regulations that rely on manual enforcement are too
Assinale a alternativa que explica respectivamente, o uso de
cumbersome to keep up with technology and too “dumb” to
monitor algorithms in a timely way.
a) Para expressar propósito, como intensificador, para
Software-defined regulation can monitor software-driven
sintetizar ideias anteriores.
industries better than regulations enforced by squads of

b) Para expressar resultado, para indicar tamanho ou
extensão, para substituir uma oração.
c) Para introduzir uma decisão, como advérbio de modo,
com sentido de ‘até o momento’.
d) Para indicar confirmação, para expressar efeito, como
conjunção adversativa.
e) Para indicar inclusão, como preposição, para indicar a
relevância do que será expresso.

Gabarito 62) A
1) A 63) D
2) C 64) A
3) D 65) B
4) B 66) A
5) C 67) E
6) D 68) D
7) C 69) B
8) B 70) B
9) A 71) E
10) D 72) C
11) D 73) E
12) B 74) C
13) B 75) D
14) B 76) B
15) C 77) B
16) D 78) A
17) D 79) D
18) C 80) B
19) A 81) D
20) B 82) B
21) A 83) C
22) A 84) E
23) C 85) A
24) D 86) C
25) C 87) C
26) C 88) B
27) D 89) B
28) A 90) C
29) B 91) B
30) D 92) C
31) A 93) E
32) A 94) A
33) B
34) C
35) E
36) C
37) D
38) C
39) A
40) E
41) D
42) D
43) E
44) B
45) E
46) D
47) A
48) B
49) D
50) C
51) D
52) D
53) A
54) E
55) E
56) D
57) C
58) B
59) A
60) C
61) D


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