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A História de

Walt Disney
Antes do Mickey
 Nasceu em Chicago em 05/12/1901. Morreu em Los Angeles em 15/12/1966
(65 anos).

 Com o irmão Roy e o amigo Ub Iwerks criou a pequena produtora Laugh-O-

Gram, que animava contos de fadas.

 Produtor cinematográfico, cineasta, diretor, roteirista, dublador, animador,

empreendedor, filantropo e co-fundador da The Walt Disney Company em 1923.

 Conhecido por seus personagens de desenho como Mickey e Pato Donald. Foi o
criador do parque, sediado nos Estados Unidos, chamado Disneylândia
Antes do Mickey
 Durante a 2ª Guerra Mundial foi colaborador do FBI em traduções de
desenhos para treinamento de soldados.

 Depois passou a produzir filmes de propaganda militar e ajudou a criar a

"Aliança do Cinema para a Preservação dos Ideais Estadunidenses“ com
objetivo de combater o Comunismo.

 Com o fim da guerra, o negócio de Walt Disney quase fale. Foi então
que resolveu investir em Cinderela. Deu certo.
Antes do Mickey

 Primeiro filme Disney com atores foi em 1950. Chama-se A Ilha do Tesouro.

 Em 1964 produz Mary Poppins, filme que mistura atores com desenho animado.
Antes do Mickey

 Walt Disney é a pessoa que venceu o maior número de Óscars na história sendo 22 prêmios da
Academia e 59 indicações.

 Também venceu sete Emmy Awards. Sr. Disney morreu de câncer de pulmão em 15 de dezembro de
1966, em Burbank, Califórnia. Ele deixou para trás um vasto legado: Uma universidade (California
Institute of the Arts - CalArts), numerosos curtas, documentários e filmes produzidos durante a sua
vida; e a Walt Disney Company é hoje um dos maiores conglomerados de entretenimento do mundo.
Antes do Mickey
 Infância e juventude
 Walt Disney nasceu no dia 5 de dezembro de 1901 em Chicago. Passou a maior parte de sua infância
numa fazenda em Marceline, no Missouri. Foi um período muito difícil para o menino, devido aos
castigos impostos pelo pai, Elias Disney (1859-1941), homem bastante severo. Depois de descobrir
que não tinha uma certidão de nascimento, alimentou a ideia de que era filho adotivo. Esse fato iria
influenciar algumas de suas atitudes posteriormente.[4]

 Aos 16 anos, começou a estudar arte, além de ter participado da Ordem Demolay. Como não havia
atingido a maioridade, foi-lhe recusada permissão quando procurou alistar-se no Exército durante a
Primeira Guerra Mundial. Conjuntamente com um amigo, decidiu então juntar-se à Cruz Vermelha.
Pouco tempo depois, foi enviado para França, onde passou um ano a dirigir ambulâncias da Cruz
Antes do Mickey
 Com o irmão Roy e o amigo Ub Iwerks, criou a pequena produtora "Laugh-O-Gram", que animava
contos de fadas. Esses desenhos animados eram exibidos no cinema local antes dos filmes. Em 1923,
mudaram-se para Hollywood, em Los Angeles. Em Hollywood, Walt Disney contratou a distribuidora
de filmes M. J. Wrinkler, dizendo que o seu estúdio de animação tinha diversos filmes para vender.
Wrinklers não só aceitou a oferta como também aceitou pagar 1500 dólares por cada filme.
 Depois de angariar dinheiro, adquirir material, contratar pessoal, Walt começa a fazer planos: Alice,
uma série em que uma menina convivia com personagens de cenário animado. Foi durante este tempo de
imenso trabalho em que Walt conheceu sua futura esposa, Lillian Bounds Disney. Depois de Alice,
veio Oswald, o coelho sortudo, também conhecido em português como Coelho Osvaldo, foi um grande
sucesso que levou à reavaliação dos valores dos contratos quanto aos preços dos filmes. Foi para Nova
Iorque, onde foi apanhado de surpresa. O patrão para quem Walt desenhou Alice e Oswald, roubou-
lhe as personagens, a equipe de desenhistas e as encomendas, porque as mesmas não foram assinadas
em seu nome. Walt enviou um telegrama ao irmão dizendo que tudo estava certo e para não se
Antes do Mickey
 Para superar a fase difícil e contornar os prejuízos, Ub Iwerks criou para Walt Mickey Mouse em
1928 para competir com o sucesso do Gato Félix. O camundongo, desenhado a partir de uma série de
círculos, provou ser ideal para o desenho animado e se tornaria o personagem de maior sucesso dos
estúdios Disney. Nessa época, a produtora passou a ser mais bem organizada: Roy cuidava da parte
financeira, Walt produzia e dirigia, e Iwerks desenhava.

 Em 1927, já se havia inventado o filme sonoro. Poucos anos depois, inventou-se o filme colorido.
Disney e seus assistentes utilizaram as novas técnicas com muita imaginação.

 O primeiro desenho foi Plane Crazy, de 1928, no qual o personagem contracenava com sua namorada
Minnie Mouse. O primeiro desenho com som foi Steamboat Willie, também de 1928. As primeiras
palavras do camundongo foram Hot dogs, hot dogs, numa canção do episódio The Karnival Kid, de
Antes do Mickey
 Walt Disney pretendia fazer um longa-metragem da clássica história Branca de Neve.
Houve protestos por parte da equipe, mas o filme foi feito. Após três anos de produção,
desenho e músicas, o filme estreou.

 Branca de Neve e os Sete Anões gerou fundos necessários para a construção de um novo
estúdio e foram criados novos longas-metragens: Pinóquio, Fantasia e Bambi.[6]
Infelizmente, os tempos de lucro não duraram muito, devido ao início da Segunda Guerra
Mundial em 1939.

 Com a entrada dos Estados Unidos na guerra, Disney foi convidado pelas Forças Armadas
para produzir desenhos animados de treinamento para os soldados. Em seguida, começou a
Antes do Mickey
 Cinderela e outras longas-metragens
 Depois da guerra, Walt Disney estava com sua empresa arruinada. Walt tinha duas
opções: ou fazia um filme ou vendia a empresa. Decidiu, assim, fazer o filme Cinderela. O
filme foi um sucesso e gerou riqueza para que a empresa continuasse.[7]

 Mas Walt Disney não trabalhou apenas com desenhos animados. Seu primeiro longa-
metragem com atores foi A Ilha do Tesouro (1950). O primeiro sobre a natureza foi O
Drama do Deserto (1953). Em 1954, fez 20.000 léguas submarinas, baseado na obra do
escritor francês Júlio Verne.

 Dez anos depois, produziu Mary Poppins, uma mistura de desenho animado com personagens
Antes do Mickey
 Disney obteve um de seus maiores êxitos em 1955 ao inaugurar a Disneylândia, um
superparque de diversões situado em Anaheim, na Califórnia. O parque foi construído
graças a uma parceria com a rede de televisão ABC.

 Existe ainda um outro parque semelhante, chamado Walt Disney World, perto de Orlando,
na Flórida, que foi inaugurado em 1971, após a morte de Disney. Quase todos os
brinquedos, desfiles e espetáculos desses dois parques baseiam-se nos personagens dos
filmes de Disney.

 O cineasta, porém, não viveu para ver as atrações da Disneyworld, como o Epcot, o
Magic Kingdom, os estúdios MGM (atual "Hollywood Studios") e o Disney Animal
Antes do Mickey
 Com a ajuda de Lillian Bounds e das filhas Diane Marie e Sharon Mae, seu irmão Roy
continuou comandando os negócios por mais algum tempo, vindo a falecer um mês após o
término da construção do "Magic Kingdom" e a correspondente inauguração do "Walt
Disney World".
 Após a morte de Roy longos períodos de turbulência na administração da Companhia se
seguiram, só alcançando novamente a estabilidade na década de 1980 sob a direção da dupla
Eisner-Wells. Wells veio a falecer num trágico acidente, fazendo com que Michael Eisner
controlasse a empresa por longos anos, até que devido a vários desgastes, inclusive
decorrentes de atritos com Roy E. Disney, sobrinho de Walt, Eisner entregasse em 30
de setembro de 2006 o cargo de CEO para o então presidente da Disney, Robert (Bob)
Antes do Mickey
Strategic M a n a g e m e n t

F i n a l Case S t u d y

A n d r e a Baril

A s h l e y Cleary

Sylvia LaBrie

Marie-Michele Lachance

Walt, after the Studio
The founder
had won 4 Academy
Walt Disney 1901-1966

• Walt Disney was born on December 5, 1901 in Chicago

• During the fall of 1918, Walt Disney attempted to enlist for
military service but he got rejected.
• He started a small company called Laugh-O-Grams, which
eventually fell bankrupt.
• With his suitcase, and $20 Walt headed to Hollywood to start
• After making a success of his "Alice Comedies," Walt became a
recognized Hollywood figure.
• Disney took a deep interest in the establishment of California
Institute of the Arts, a college-level professional school of all the
creative and performing arts.
• Walt Disney passed away on December 15, 1966.
•Urban legend maintains his corpse would be
frozen and stored beneath the Pirates of the
Caribbean ride at Disneyland. . .

October 16,1923:
This date is considered the start of the Disney Company first known as
The Disney Brothers Studio.

First Mickey Mouse cartoon, and the first appearance by Minnie Mouse.

Flowers and Trees, first full-color cartoon and first Academy Award
The Disney Studio begins its move to Burbank, California.

Walt Disney Productions issues its first stock.


Mickey Mouse Club debuts on television.

Walt Disney World Resort opens with the Magic Kingdom and two hotels near
Orlando, Florida.


EPCOT Center opens at Walt-Disney World Resort .

Tokyo Disneyland, the first international Disney theme park, opens in Japan.


The first Disney Store opens, in Glendale, California.

Growth cont.
Disney-MGM Studios opens at Walt Disney World Resort.
Disneyland Paris opens.
Disney agrees to purchase 25 percent of the California Angels baseball
team, Disney agrees to purchase Capital Cities/ABC for $19 billion. The
Disney Channel begins operation in the UK.
Disney Online launches Disney.com.
Radio Disney, a live 24-hour music-intensive radio network, debuts.
ESPN Magazine debuts, Disney’s Animal Kingdom opens at Walt Disney
World Resort, Disney Magic cruise ship departs on its inaugural cruise.

Disney purchased Marvel Entertainment

Gave a $0.35 dividend per share
Roy Disney died at age 79
He was a key person in Disney’s
animation legacy
Received approval to build a theme park in
Released the movie Up

Disney Resorts:
1. California
2. Florida
3. Tokyo
4. Hong Kong
5. Paris
W a l t Disney Divisions

Media Networks Park and Resorts

• ESPN • Disney Land Resorts

• Disney/ABC Television • Walt Disney World Resort
Group • Tokyo Disney Resort
• ABC Entertainment Group • Disneyland Paris
• ABC News • Hong Kong Disneyland
• ABC Owned Television • Disney Cruise Line
Stations Group • Disney Vacation Club
• ABC Family • Adventures by Disney
• Disney Channels • Walt Disney Imagineering
• Hyperion Book s
Wa l t D i s n e y D i v i s i o n s Cont .

The Walt-Disney Studios Disney Consumer Products

• Walt-Disney Studios • Disney Licensing
Motion Pictures • Disney Publishing
• Marvel Studios Worldwide
• Touchstone Pictures • Disney Store
• Disneynature
• Walt Disney Animation Disney Interactive Media
Studios Group
• Pixar Animation Studios
• Disney Music Groups • Disney Online
• Disney Theatrical Group • Disney Games
Mission Statement

"The mission of The Walt Disney Company is

to be one of the world's leading producers
and providers of entertainment and
information. Using our portfolio of brands to
differentiate our content, services and
consumer products, we seek to develop the
most creative, innovative and profitable
entertainment experiences and related
products in the world."
Proposed Vision

Walt Disney strives to be the world’s

most famous entertainment
company by creating an amazing
experience for individual of all ages.
Proposed Mission

Our Mission is to be one of the world’s leading producer

and provider of entertainment and information, from
parks to network media, and website for all ages. We
seek to provide a great experience for our customers, as
well as for our employees. By using our unique portfolio to
differentiate our content, services and consumer
products, we seek to develop the most
creative, innovative and profitable entertainment
experiences, which would produce financial rewards to
our shareholders. In everything we do, we try to
contribute to our communities by giving them the best

One of the most recognizable entertainment company in the

Strong advertising
Wide and unique portfolio
Innovative entertainment business
Strong customer service
Strong Media Networks and Broadcasting division
Disney owns a variety of companies, which allows them to
generate more profits from different industry such as Media
Networks and Broadcasting, Park and Resorts, Studio
Entertainment and Disney Consumer Products
Disney is the largest worldwide licensor of character-based
merchandise and producer of children’s film-related products
based on retailsales

Disney sends a corrupted influence to children

Jasmine was in a forbidden relationship with Aladdin

Snow White lived alone with 7 men

Pinocchio was a liar

Robin Hood was a thief

Tarzan walked without clothes on

A stranger kissed sleeping beauty and she married him

Cinderella lied and sneaked out at night to attend a party

Coyote runs off cliffs and blowshimself up


Studio Entertainment and Disney Consumer Products divisions

have been experiencing declining revenue for the last 3 years

Disney as a narrow target market

Disney as such a diversify product range that it can reduce

efficiency and lead to a lack of strategic focus

High cost of entertainment production

High employee turnover

Poor working conditions in factories

Walt Disney’s Park and Resorts are not easily accessible
which leads people to associate Disney World with a costly

Opportunity to renovate attractions in Park and Resorts Division

due to increase in profit

Growth from cable and satellite operators creating even more

potential for Disney to make money with their network

Prospect to build more theme park and resorts worldwide

Openings in other areas of the travelbusiness

Opportunity to invest in building theme parks to satisfy the
increase in guest spending, theme park attendance, and hotel

Target new costumers group

Lasting economic recession leading to slow growth rate
High unemployment rate
Park and Resorts Divisions’ success is unpredictable because of
exchange rate fluctuations; travel industry trends; amount of available leisure
time; oil and transportation prices; and weather patterns and seasonality.
Changes in technology leads customers to streamonline instead of buying
Online streaming makes Disney vulnerable to piracyand
violation of its intellectual property.
Retail distribution business are influenced by seasonalconsumer purchasing beh
and by the timing and performance of animated theatrical release
Increase in labor cost which will have a noticed impact in Walt- Disney expenses
to their large amount of employee.
External Audit
Media Network Segment

Critical Success factors Weights Rating Weighted Score Rating Weighted Score Rating Weighted Score
0.0 to 1.0 1 to 4 1 to 4 1 to 4

0 0 0

Advertising 0.12 4 0.48 4 0.48 2 0.24

Market Share 0.11 3 0.33 4 0.44 2 0.22

Company Image 0.12 4 0.48 3 0.36 3 0.36

Financial Position 0.11 4 0.44 4 0.44 3 0.33

Management 0.09 3 0.27 3 0.27 3 0.27

Global Expansion 0.12 4 0.48 4 0.48 4 0.48

Consumer Loyalty 0.12 4 0.48 4 0.48 3 0.36

Production Capacity 0.12 3 0.36 3 0.36 2 0.24

Technology 0.09 3 0.27 4 0.36 3 0.27

Totals 1 3.59 3.67 2.77

Positioning Map
Media Network Segment
Positioning Map
Park and ResortsSegment
Internal Audit

Disneyland will never be completed. It will continue to grow

as long as there is imagination left in the world.
- Walt Disney
Organizational Chart

Theme Parks & Resorts

ABC TelevisionGroup
Co-Head Interactive
Co-Head Interactive & Playdon
Human Resources
Motion Picture Distribution
CEO Stategy and BusinessDevelopment
Government Relations
Disney Consumer Products
ESPN& Disney Media Networks
Legal and Secretary
F inanci l Trends
Price/ Price/ Net Profit Value/ Return on Return on Interest
Avg P/E Sales Book Margin (%) Share Equity (%) Assets (%) Coverage


01-Oct-09 12.9 1.41 1.47 9.1 $18.55 0.38 9.8 5.2 9.6

01-Sep-08 14.2 1.69 1.85 11.7 $17.73 0.46 13.7 7.1 10.4

01-Sep-07 15 2.03 2.19 13.2 $15.67 0.5 15.2 7.7 10.4

01-Sep-06 16.9 1.87 1.98 9.8 $15.42 0.43 10.4 5.5 7.5

01-Oct-05 22.2 1.58 1.82 7.8 $13.06 0.49 9.4 4.6 6.3

01-Sep-04 21 1.52 1.7 7.6 $13.05 0.53 9 4.4 5.9

01-Sep-03 28.4 1.52 1.68 4.9 $11.82 0.57 5.6 2.7 3.4

01-Sep-02 33.4 1.2 1.29 4.9 $11.61 0.62 5.3 2.5 3

Income Statement

(in Millions, except per sharedata) 2009

Revenues $36,149.00

Costs andexpenses $(30,452.00)

Restrucuring and impairment charges $(492.00)

Other income(expense) $342.00

Net interest expense $(466.00)

Equity in the income ofinvestees $577.00

Income from continuing operations before income taxes and minority interests $5,658.00

Incometaxs $(2,049.00)

Minority interests $(302.00)

Income from continuingoperations $3,307.00

Discontinued operations, net of tax -

Net income $3,307.00

Diluted earnings per share:

Earnings per share, continuing operations $1.76

Earnings per share, discontinued operations

Earnings per share $1.76

Basic earnings per share

Earnings per share, continuing operations $1.78

Earnings per share, discontinued operations

Earnings per share $1.78

Weighted average number of common and common equivalent shares outstanding:

Diluted $1,875.00

Basic $1,856.00
Balance Sheet
Balance Sheet
Selected Financial Ratios

2009 2008

Liquidity Ratios

Current Ratio 1.33 1.01

Quick Ratio 1.19 0.91

Leverage Ratios

Debt-to-Total Assets Ratio 1 1

Debt-to-equity Ratio 1.12 1.93

Long-term debt-to-equity Ratio 0.1 0.12

Times-Interest-earned Ratio -12.14 -14.13

Activity Ratios

Inventory Turns 28.44 33.67

Fixed Assets Turnover 1.11 1.2

Total Assets Turnover 0.57 0.61

Profitability Ratios

Gross Profit margins 1.84 1.8

Operating Profit Margin 0.16 0.2

Net Profit Margin 0.09 0.12

Return on TotalAssets 0.05 0.07

Return on Stockholders equity 0.06 0.14

Earning per share 1.78 2.34

Price-earnings Ratio 15.31 12.61

Growth Rations (yearly)

Sales -4.48% 7.66%

Net Income -25.30% -5.55%

Strategic Formulation

“I do not like to repeat successes, Ilike to

go on to other things.”
Walt Disney
SWOT Matrix
Space Matrix
Space Matrix
Market Development
Market Penetration
Product Development
Forward Integration
Backward Integration
Horizontal Integration
Related Diversification
Unrelated Diversification
IE Matrix

Total IFEScore
Strong3-4 Average2-2.99 Weak1-1.99


Total EFEMedium ConsumerProducts
Score 2-2.99
Parks andResorts

Grand Strategy Matrix
Market Development
Market Penetration
Product Development
Forward Integration
Backward Integration
Horizontal Integration
Related Diversification
Unrelated Diversification
Matrix Analysis
QSPM Matrix
QSPM Cont.
“Disneyland will never be completed. It will
continue to grow as long as there is imagination
left in the world.”
Walt Disney

“Pixar is the most technically advanced creative

company; Apple is the most creatively advanced
technical company. “
Steve Jobs 2005-02-21

Eliminate 10 billion out of the

borrowings from the retained earnings
Finance 1 billion to buy a land in order to
open indoor resort in New York in the next
three years.
Invest 10 million for advertisement
Spend 1 billion in each of the five existing
Park for renovation and new attractions.
=Total of 5billion

Total Investment of 19.01 billion

Projected Income
Projected Balance Sheet
Project Balance
Project Financial Ratios

Liquidity Ratios

Current Ratio 1.33 0.51

Quick Ratio 1.19 0.46

Leverage Ratios

Debt-to-Total Assets Ratio 1 0.86

Debt-to-equity Ratio 1.12 1.84

Long-term debt-to-equity Ratio 0.1 0.26

Times-Interest-earned Ratio -12.14 -12.14

Activity Ratios

Inventory Turns 28.44 40.39

Fixed Assets Turnover 1.11 1.11

Total Assets Turnover 0.57 0.62

Profitability Ratios

Gross Profit margins 1.84 1.84

Operating Profit Margin 0.16 0.16

Net Profit Margin 0.09 0.09

Return on Total Assets 0.05 0.06

Return on Stockholders equity 0.06 0.012

Earning per share 1.78 1.72

Price-earnings Ratio 15.31 14.27

Growth Rations (yearly)

Sales -4.48% 0.00%

Net Income -25.30% 0.00%


“You're dead if you aim only for

kids. Adults are only kids grown
up, anyway.”
Walt Disney
Stock Price Graph
Balanced Score Card
Area ofObjectives Measure ofTarget TimeExpectations Primary Responsibility

1. Costumer satisfaction Customer Survey Yearly Human Resources &

Webinar CEO


1. Employee Conditions Employee Satisfaction Biannually CEO

2. Career Opportunity Lower employee turnover Biannually CEO

Community / Socially

1. Eco-Friendly Company Maintain clean environment in Yearly CEO

resorts Marketing Department
Increase presence of recycling in
Limit food, paper and water
Limit land destruction

2. Ethical Company Increase in donations and Yearly CEO

presence of charitable events Marketing Department


1. Innovation Number of new products in each Yearly CEO

segment Marketing Department
Number of renovated products in
each segment

2. Brand expansion/ Accessibility Numbers of new resorts built Yearly CEO


1. Reduce cost of production Decrease in cost of Parks, Resorts Yearly CFO

and otherproperty

2. Increase profitability Increase Sales Quarterly CFO

Reduce Expenses

Use product development to renovate and

build new attractions in order to attract an
older target market.

Use market development to build a new

theme park which will be more accessible to
the North East area.
In the next three years Walt Disney should..

Build an indoor theme Park and Resort in New

Improve advertising to promote
entertainment which target a more mature
Remove the Interactive Media Segment.
Remodel and build new attractions in
every Park and Resorts to stay appealing to
our customers.

In the next year WaltDisney should…

Improve advertising to
promote entertainment

Remove the Interactive Media Segment

Buy a land in New York City

““Home, The Walt Disney Company”, <http://thewaltdisneycompany.com/<ALDRIDGE, B. “Walt Disney”,
Brad Aldridge Productions, Berkley, CA, August 2002, http://www.justdisney.com/walt_disney/’>

“ Annual Reports, The Walt Disney Company”,


“ Who Owns the Media? Media Ownership Charts, Free Press”, Florence, MA,

“ Investor Relations, The Walt Disney Company”, <http://thewaltdisneycompany.com/investors>

“ Walt Disney Company (DIS) News – The New York Times”


“ Stock Quote for Walt Disney Co – MSN Money”, page generated 9:55PM,

“ DIS: Summary for Walt Disney Company (The) Common – Yahoo! Finance”

“ Organizational Chart The Walt Disney Company –TheOfficialBoard”,


“ Disney Corporate Press Releases , The Walt Disney Company”,

História do parque
 São cinco resorts espalhados por quatro diferentes países:
- Disneyland Resort (Anaheim, Califórnia)
2 parques: Disneyland e California Adventure

- Walt Disney World Resort (Orlando, Flórida)

4 parques: Magic Kingdom, EPCOT, Disney Hollywood
Studio e Animal Kingdom
2 parques aquáticos: Typhoon Lagoon e Blizzard Beach
História do parque
- Disneyland Resort Paris (Marne-la-Vallée, próximo de
2 parques: Disneyland Park e Walt Disney Studios

- Tokio Disney Resort (dois parques localizados em

Urayasu, Chiba, Japan - próximos à Tókio)
Tokio Disneyland
História do parque

- Hong Kong Disneyland Resort (Hong Kong, Japão)

É o mais novo parque da cadeia Disney: Hong Kong

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