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Daniel Candeias Faria
Bruno Grima
Servio Medicina 4
Hospital Professor Doutor Fernando Fonseca


Endotlio como rgo funcional
xido Ntrico

Disfuno Endotelial
Reparao Endotelial
Aferio Clnica


Endotlio como rgo funcional1,2

1- John E. Deanfield, et al, Endothelial Function and Dysfunction, Testing and Clinical Relevance, Circulation. 2007 Mar
2- Mudau M, Genis, A, Lochner A, Strijdom H, Endothelial dysfunction: the early predictor ofAtherosclerosis, Cardiovasc
J Afr.2012 May;23(4):222-31.

Endotlio como rgo funcional

1-6x1013 clulas endoteliais
rgo metabolicamente activo
Papel crucial na homoeostasia vascular, com capacidade

para libertar inmeros factores vasoactivos3

3- Chhabra N. Endothelial dysfunction A predictor of atherosclerosis. Internet J Med Update 2009; 4(1): 3341

Endotlio como rgo funcional

Regulao do tnus vascular
Adeso celular

Proliferao de clulas musculares lisas


Endotlio como orgo funcional


xido Ntrico (NO)


Factor Hiperpolarizante Derivado

do Endotlio (EDHF)

Endotelina-1 (ET-1)
Angiotensina II
Tromboxano A2

4- Hsueh WA, Lyon CJ, Quinones MJ. Insulin resistance and the endothelium. Am J Med 2004; 117: 109117.

xido Ntrico

xido Ntrico

Nature, Vol.288, 27 November 1980, pag 373-376

xido Ntrico
Factor Relaxante Derivado do Endotlio1
Propriedades vasodilatadoras, anti-inflamatrias e

Alta difusibilidade inter e intracelular e capacidade

reactiva com vrias molculas5

1- John E. Deanfield, et al, Endothelial Function and Dysfunction, Testing and Clinical Relevance, Circulation. 2007
Mar 13;115(10):1285-95
5- Strijdom H, Chamane N, Lochner A. Nitric oxide in the cardiovascular system: a simple molecule with complex
actions. Cardiovasc J Afr 2009; 20: 303310

Figura 1 Ciclo da sntese de NO

6- James Leiper & Manasi Nandi, The therapeutic potential of targeting endogenous inhibitors of nitric oxide synthesis, Nature
Reviews Drug Discovery 10, 277-291 (April 2011)

xido Ntrico
Todas as isoformas de xido Ntrico Sintetase (NOS)

requerem co-factores7
Tetrahidrobiopeterina (BH4)
Flavina Adenina Dinucletido (FAD)
Flavina Mononucletido (FMN)
Protoporfirina IX (Heme)

Das 3 isoformas de NOS, a variante endotelial (eNOS)

considerada a mais importante em condies fisiolgicas

7-Alderton WK, Cooper CE, Knowles RG. Nitric oxide synthases: structure, function and inhibition. Biochem J 2001;
357: 593615

xido Ntrico

Figura 2 Mecanismos e efeitos fisiolgicos do NO

1- John E. Deanfield, et al, Endothelial Function and Dysfunction, Testing and Clinical Relevance, Circulation. 2007 Mar

xido Ntrico
A fora de cisalhamento um dos principais activadores

da eNOS em condies fisiolgicas e adequa a perfuso

s mudanas de dbito cardaco8
Bradicinina, Adenosina, Serotonina, Factor de

Crescimento Vascular Endotelial (VEGF) em resposta

1- John E. Deanfield, et al, Endothelial Function and Dysfunction, Testing and Clinical Relevance, Circulation. 2007 Mar
8- Corson MA, James NL, Latta SE, Nerem RM, Berk BC, Harrison DG. Phosphorylation of endothelial nitric oxide
synthase in response to fluid shear stress. Circ Res. 1996;79:984 991.

Mecanismos independentes
Factor Hiperpolarizante Derivado do Endotlio9
Aumento da conduo de potssio
Propagao da despolarizao
Manuteno do tnus vasodilatador
Compensador na perda de dilatao NO-mediada por diminuio da

sua biodisponibilidade
Papel limitado

9- Busse R, Edwards G, Feletou M, Fleming I, Vanhoutte PM, Weston AH. EDHF: bringing the concepts together.
Trends Pharmacol Sci. 2002;3: 374380.
10- Moncada S, Higgs EA, Vane JR. Human arterial and venous tissues generate prostacyclin (prostaglandin x), a
potent inhibitor of platelet aggregation. Lancet. 1977;1:18 20

Papel na inflamao
Manuteno da parede vascular num estado de quiescncia11:
Inibio da adeso celular

Nitrosilao de resduos de cistena12:

Ciclo celular
Factor tecidual
Limitao da fosforilao oxidativa na mitocndria

11- Stamler JS, Lamas S, Fang FC. Nitrosylation. The prototypic redox-based signaling mechanism. Cell.
2001;106:675 683
12 - Ghosh S, Karin M. Missing pieces in the NF-B puzzle. Cell. 2002; 109:S81S96

Disfuno Endotelial

Stress Oxidativo
Factores de risco cardiovasculares esto associados com

aumento dos nveis e fontes de radicais livres (ROS)3

Vias Propostas
NADPH Oxidase
Xantina Oxidase

3- Chhabra N. Endothelial dysfunction A predictor of atherosclerosis. Internet J Med Update 2009; 4(1): 3341

Stress Oxidativo

Figura 3 Stress Nitro-oxidativo

1- John E. Deanfield, et al, Endothelial Function and Dysfunction, Testing and Clinical Relevance, Circulation. 2007 Mar

Stress Oxidativo

eNOS uncoupling

Figura 3 Stress Nitro-oxidativo

Stress oxidativo
During conditions of oxidative stress, eNOS deviates from its role of being an
essential regulator of the functioning of the cardiovascular system to being an
O2- releasing enzyme.

A vicious circle therefore develops, whereby uncoupled eNOS synthesises

O2- at the expense of NO, further aggravating oxidative stress

2- Mudau M, Genis, A, Lochner A, Strijdom H, Endothelial dysfunction: the early predictor ofAtherosclerosis,
Cardiovasc J Afr.2012 May;23(4):222-31.

Stress Oxidativo
Produo de peroxinitrito - Citotoxicidade (DNA, lpidos, protenas)
eNOS uncoupling

Oxidao do co-factor essencial da eNOS (BH4)
Produo de BH3- e eNOS uncoupling
Formao de pontes dissulfito e perda dos stios de ligao da L-arginina

e do BH4

14 -Huang PL. Endothelial nitric oxide synthase and endothelial dysfunction - Curr Hypertens Rep 2003; 5: 473480
15 - Forstermann U, Munzel T. Endothelial nitric oxide synthase in vascular disease: from marvel to menace.
Circulation 2006; 113: 17081714.

Stress Oxidativo
Perxido de Hidrognio
eNOS uncoupling
Vitamina C 16
Recilagem de BH3- a BH4

16- Katusic ZS. Vascular endothelial dysfunction: does tetrahydrobiopterin play a role? Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol
2001; 281: 981986

Figura 4 eNOS uncoupling

16- Katusic ZS. Vascular endothelial dysfunction: does tetrahydrobiopterin .play a role? Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 2001;
281: 981986

O stress oxidativo amplifica as vias de sinalizao

endoteliais associadas aos estados inflamatrios17





17 - Madamanchi NR, Vendrov A, Runge MS. Oxidative stress and vascular disease. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol
2005; 25: 2938



Sndromes Coronrios Agudos

Insuficincia Cardaca
Formao de ROS via NADPH e Xantina Oxidase 19

Degradao do mRNA da eNOS 20

Leso isqumia-reperfuso
18 - Meldrum DR. Tumor necrosis factor in the heart. Am J Physiol Regulatory Intergrative Comp Physiol 1998; 274: 577595

19 - Zhang H, Park Y, Wu J, et al. Role of TNF- in vascular dysfunction - Clin Sci 2009; 116: 219230
20 - Davignon J, Ganz P. Role of endothelial dysfunction in atherosclerosis - Circulation 2004; 109: 2732


N Engl J Med 2007; 356:911-920 March 1, 2007


Grfico 1 Dilatao fluxo-mediada em 6 meses de follow-up

Reparao endotelial

Figura 5 Disfuno Endotelial Induzida por FRCV

2- Mudau M, Genis, A, Lochner A, Strijdom H, Endothelial dysfunction: the early predictor ofAtherosclerosis, Cardiovasc
J Afr.2012 May;23(4):222-31.

Reparao endotelial
Exposio prolongada/repetida a FRCV

Exausto dos mecanismos protectores e


derivadas de processos
Clulas inteiras

Perda de integridade, senescncia e

libertao para a circulao

Reparao endotelial
Replicao local de clulas adjacentes
Progenitores endoteliais em circulao21
Recrutamento da medula ssea
Diferenciao em clulas endotelias maduras nos tecidos
Mecanismo NO-dependente
Inibido nos doentes com FRCV22

21 - Asahara T, Murohara T, Sullivan A, Silver M, Zee R, Li T, Witzenbichler B, Schatteman G, Isner JM. Isolation of
putative progenitor endothelial cells for angiogenesis. Science. 1997;275:964-967
22 - Aicher A, Heeschen C, Mildner-Rihm C, Urbich C, Ihling C, Technauhling K, Zeiher AM, Dimmeler S. Essential role
of endothelial nitric oxide synthase for mobilization of stem and progenitor cells. Nat Med 2003;9:1370 1376.

Reparao endotelial

Circulation. 2004 Jan 20;109(2):220-6. 2003 Dec 22

Reparao endotelial

Circulation. 2001 Jun 19;103(24):2885-90

Reparao endotelial

Grfico 2 Percentagem de clulas progenitoras endoteliais em doentes tratados com


Reparao endotelial
Interferem com o recrutamento de clulas progenitoras endoteliais
Interferem com a sua diferenciao e funo
Diferenciao em clulas da linhagem mieloide (macrfagos,
clulas dendrticas) quando expostas a citocinas prinflamatrias23

23 -Vallance P, Leiper J. Cardiovascular biology of the asymmetric dimethylarginine:dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase

pathway. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2004;24:10231030.

Reparao endotelial

Grfico 3 Associao entre nmero de clulas progenitoras circulantes e a reactividade

braquial; B- Doentes com elevado nmero de clulas progenitores e relao com FRCV

1- John E. Deanfield, et al, Endothelial Function and Dysfunction, Testing and Clinical Relevance, Circulation. 2007 Mar

Aferio Clnica

Mtodos de Avaliao Directos

Dilatao Fluxo-Mediada (FMD)
Pletismografia do antebrao
Pletismografia de puslo digital (EndoPat)
Angiografia coronria quantitativa

ndice ntima-mdia (IMT)

ndice ntima-mdia

Grfico 4 Associao entre IMT, FMD e FRCV na infncia e idade adulta


Figura 6 Funo vasodilatadora normal endotelial


Figura 7 Funo vasodilatadora anormal

Dimetilarginina assimtrica (ADMA) 23
Anatagonista endgeno da eNOS
Nveis aumentados em doentes com FRCV
Reduz a biodisponibilidade do NO
Actividade reduzida da enzima dimetilamino-hidrolase (DDAH),
associada a TNF-a, LDL-ox e glicmia
Associada a doena aterosclertica pr-clnca24

23 -Vallance P, Leiper J. Cardiovascular biology of the asymmetric dimethylarginine:dimethylarginine

dimethylaminohydrolase pathway. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2004;24:10231030.
24 - Boger RH, Maas R, Schulze F, Schwedhelm E. Elevated levels of asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) as a
marker of cardiovascular disease and mortality. Clin Chem Lab Med. 2005;43:1124 1129

Figura 1 Ciclo da sntese de NO

6- James Leiper & Manasi Nandi, The therapeutic potential of targeting endogenous inhibitors of nitric oxide synthesis, Nature
Reviews Drug Discovery 10, 277-291 (April 2011)

Citocinas inflamatrias e molculas de adeso celular25

Marcadores pr-coagulantes26
Factor de VonWillebrand

25 - Ridker PM, Brown NJ, Vaughan DE, Harrison DG, Mehta JL. Established and emerging plasma biomarkers in the
prediction of first atherothrombotic events. Circulation. 2004;109:IV6 IV19
26 -Vaughan DE. PAI-1 and atherothrombosis. J Thromb Haemost. 2005 3:1879 1883

Clulas endotelias e micropartculas

Clulas endoteliais circulantes2
Leso mecnica
M adeso matriz extracelular
Apoptose (CD146)
Citometria de fluxo e microscopia de fluorescncia
Micropartculas endoteliais (MPE)
Vesculas libertadas pelas clulas activadas e apoptticas
Funo desconhecida (pr-inflamatrias?)
Doentes hipertensos, com doena coronria, artrite reumatide e
lups eritematoso sistmico tm nveis aumentados de MPE em
Estatinas reduzem o nmero de MPE
2- Mudau M, Genis, A, Lochner A, Strijdom H, Endothelial dysfunction: the early predictor ofAtherosclerosis, Cardiovasc
J Afr.2012 May;23(4):222-31.

A Disfuno Endotelial um marcador de leso

provocada pelos factores de risco tradicionais e

Existe a necessidade de utilizao de testes clnicos para

estratificao individual de risco, identificao de doentes

de risco elevado e monitorizao teraputica.
Os testes de funo endotelial reflectem a biologia

vascular, esto relacionados com a gravidade da doena

e com o prognstico, mas so dispendiosos e de difcil


1- John E. Deanfield, et al, Endothelial Function and Dysfunction, Testing and Clinical Relevance,
Circulation. 2007 Mar 13;115(10):1285-95

2- Mudau M, Genis, A, Lochner A, Strijdom H, Endothelial dysfunction: the early predictor

ofAtherosclerosis, Cardiovasc J Afr.2012 May;23(4):222-31.
3- Chhabra N. Endothelial dysfunction A predictor of atherosclerosis. Internet J Med Update 2009; 4(1): 33
4- Hsueh WA, Lyon CJ, Quinones MJ. Insulin resistance and the endothelium. Am J Med 2004; 117: 109117.
5- Strijdom H, Chamane N, Lochner A. Nitric oxide in the cardiovascular system: a simple molecule with
complex actions. Cardiovasc J Afr 2009; 20: 303310
6- James Leiper & Manasi Nandi, The therapeutic potential of targeting endogenous inhibitors of nitric oxide
synthesis, Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 10, 277-291 (April 2011)
7-Alderton WK, Cooper CE, Knowles RG. Nitric oxide synthases: structure, function and inhibition. Biochem J
2001; 357: 593615
8- Corson MA, James NL, Latta SE, Nerem RM, Berk BC, Harrison DG. Phosphorylation of endothelial nitric
oxide synthase in response to fluid shear stress. Circ Res. 1996;79:984 991.

9- Busse R, Edwards G, Feletou M, Fleming I, Vanhoutte PM, Weston AH. EDHF: bringing the
concepts together. Trends Pharmacol Sci. 2002;3: 374380.
10- Moncada S, Higgs EA, Vane JR. Human arterial and venous tissues generate prostacyclin
(prostaglandin x), a potent inhibitor of platelet aggregation. Lancet. 1977;1:18 20

11- Stamler JS, Lamas S, Fang FC. Nitrosylation. The prototypic redox-based signaling mechanism.
Cell. 2001;106:675 683

12 - Ghosh S, Karin M. Missing pieces in the NF-B puzzle. Cell. 2002; 109:S81S96
13- Tohru Fukai, Possible role of endothelial GTPCH in eNOS uncoupling and atherosclerosis,
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2007;27:1493-1495
14 -Huang PL. Endothelial nitric oxide synthase and endothelial dysfunction - Curr Hypertens Rep
2003; 5: 473480
15 - Forstermann U, Munzel T. Endothelial nitric oxide synthase in vascular disease: from marvel to
menace. Circulation 2006; 113: 17081714.

16- Katusic ZS. Vascular endothelial dysfunction: does tetrahydrobiopterin play a role? Am J Physiol
Heart Circ Physiol 2001; 281: 981986
17 - Madamanchi NR, Vendrov A, Runge MS. Oxidative stress and vascular disease. Arterioscler
Thromb Vasc Biol 2005; 25: 2938

18 - Meldrum DR. Tumor necrosis factor in the heart. Am J Physiol Regulatory Intergrative Comp
Physiol 1998; 274: 577595

19 - Zhang H, Park Y, Wu J, et al. Role of TNF- in vascular dysfunction - Clin Sci 2009; 116: 219230
20 - Davignon J, Ganz P. Role of endothelial dysfunction in atherosclerosis - Circulation 2004; 109:
21 - Asahara T, Murohara T, Sullivan A, Silver M, Zee R, Li T, Witzenbichler B, Schatteman G, Isner
JM. Isolation of putative progenitor endothelial cells for angiogenesis. Science. 1997;275:964-967
22 - Aicher A, Heeschen C, Mildner-Rihm C, Urbich C, Ihling C, Technauhling K, Zeiher AM, Dimmeler
S. Essential role of endothelial nitric oxide synthase for mobilization of stem and progenitor cells. Nat
Med 2003;9:1370 1376.

23 -Vallance P, Leiper J. Cardiovascular biology of the asymmetric dimethylarginine:dimethylarginine
dimethylaminohydrolase pathway. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2004;24:10231030.
24 - Boger RH, Maas R, Schulze F, Schwedhelm E. Elevated levels of asymmetric dimethylarginine
(ADMA) as a marker of cardiovascular disease and mortality. Clin Chem Lab Med. 2005;43:1124
25 - Ridker PM, Brown NJ, Vaughan DE, Harrison DG, Mehta JL. Established and emerging plasma
biomarkers in the prediction of first atherothrombotic events. Circulation. 2004;109:IV6 IV19
26 -Vaughan DE. PAI-1 and atherothrombosis. J Thromb Haemost. 2005 3:1879 1883
27 - Munzel T, Sinning C, Post F, et al. Pathophysiology, diagnosis and prognostic implication of
endothelial dysfunction. Ann Med 2008; 40:180196.
28 -Rajagopalan S, Somers EC, Brook RD, Kehrer C, Pfenninger D, Lewis E, Chakrabarti A,
Richardson BC, Shelden E, McCune WJ, Kaplan MJ. Endothelial cell apoptosis in systemic lupus
erythematosus: a common pathway for abnormal vascular function and thrombosis propensity. Blood.

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