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Colégio XIX de Março

Educação do jeito que deve ser

Aluno(a): Nº

Ano: 8º Turma: Data: 16/05/2017 Nota:

Professor(a): Antonio Marcio Valor da Prova: 40 pontos

Orientações gerais:

1) Número de questões desta prova: 15

2) Valor das questões: Abertas (5): 4,0 pontos cada. Fechadas (10): 2,0 pontos cada.
3) Provas feitas a lápis ou com uso de corretivo não têm direito à revisão.
4) Aluno que usar de meio ilícito na realização desta prova terá nota zerada e conceituação
5) Tópicos desta prova:
-Simple Past

1ª Questão:

Answer in Portuguese.

a)How old was the girl?

b)What did her boyfriend buy?

1ª PS de Inglês / 8º ano / Prof.Antonio Marcio / Pág. 1

c)Where does she keep her gift?

Texto para as questões 2 e 3:

We are all housekeepers!

Plant a tree…Use recycled paper… Don’t waste fuel… Save water… Keep your engine well adjusted…
Walk… Don’t smoke… Don’t wear fur… Use biodegrable products. In this way we can keep our house
in order.

2ª Questão: O texto acima aborda algumas medidas a serem tomadas:

a) apenas pelo governo.
b) apenas pelos ambientalistas.
c) por todos.
d) apenas por você.
e) por alunos.

3ª Questão: Analisando a frase “In this way we can keep our house in order”, a palavra “house” se
a) aos produtos biodegradáveis.
b) ao governo.
c) ao mundo.
d) ao nosso corpo.
e) a nossa casa.

4ª Questão:

1ª PS de Inglês / 8º ano / Prof.Antonio Marcio / Pág. 2

Answer in Portuguese.
a)De acordo com o texto, quem sofre mais do coração? Por quê?

b)Quantas pessoas, no total, foram entrevistadas por Anthony Lewis?

c)De acordo com o texto, qual foi o resultado final da pesquisa?

5ª Questão:
"So, is this Hercules kid gonna mess up my plan to take over Olympus, or what?” an anxious
Hades asked them. They refused to say, so Hades resorted to flattery. “Did you get your hair cut? Get
a makeover? You look fabulous!” he told the shriveled old crones.
The Fates relented, telling Hades that in eighteen years, when the planets became perfectly
aligned, Hades could indeed overthrow Zeus. “But”, they added, “if Hercules fights on the side of the
gods, you will fail.”

Answer in Portuguese.
a)O que aconteceria em 18 anos?

b)Qual era a preocupação de Hades?

c)O que atrapalharia os planos de Hades?

6ª Questão: Amy Marks went from a size 24 to a size 10, and MCCALL’S was there every step of the
way. Follow her eating and workout plan...and you can have the same results. (The husband, however,
is hers to keep.)

Answer in Portuguese.
a)O que MacCall’s fez durante a dieta de Amy?

b)O que Amy fez para emagrecer?

c)Quem parece ter gostado dos resultados?

1ª PS de Inglês / 8º ano / Prof.Antonio Marcio / Pág. 3

7ª Questão:
Fireworks lit up the sky over Mount Olympus, home of the gods, to celebrate the arrival of Zeus
and Hera’s son, Hercules. It was obvious to everyone that this was no ordinary baby. He was cute and
cuddly, to be sure, but also unbelievably strong. Why, he could easily lift his mighty father above his
All the Olympian gods attended the celebration, bringing an array of amazing presents. But
Zeus was not to be outdone. He spun several clouds into an adorable winged baby horse as a present
to Baby Hercules from himself and Hera. “His name is Pegasus, and he’s all yours, Son,” Zeus said,

Answer in Portuguese.
a)Por que fogos de artifício iluminaram o Monte Olimpo?

b)Qual era a principal característica de Hércules? Exemplifique:

c)Qual foi o presente que Zeus deu a Hércules?

As questões de 08 a 12 devem ser respondidas de acordo com o texto que segue.

The envelope

After the man had locked the door and closed the windows, he turned on the gas. Then he lay
on his bed to wait for the effects. As he lay on the bed, his hand touched something. It was an
envelope. He began to open it but his eyes closed and very soon he fell asleep.
And he had a dream. He dreamed that he had received an envelope containing a check for an
amount enough to pay all his debts and still be a rich man. After that pleasant dream he slept
peacefully all night.
Next morning the children in the street started making a loud noise, so he woke up. He
evidently had not died yet. He felt his pulse. It was normal. He felt his heart. It was still beating! Then
he saw the envelope. He remembered his dream and eagerly opened the envelope. There wasn’t any
check inside. Instead he found a letter informing him that as he had not paid his gas bill, the company
had cut off his gas!
(Adapted from Daily Life, Harold H. Binns)

8ª Questão: Segundo o texto, o que o homem decidiu fazer?

c)ler a mensagem no envelope
e)levantar-se cedo

9ª Questão: O que aconteceu quando ele começou a abrir o envelope?

a)ele adormeceu
b)leu o seu conteúdo
c)arregalou os olhos
d)viu que o envelope estava vazio
e)caiu da cama

1ª PS de Inglês / 8º ano / Prof.Antonio Marcio / Pág. 4

10ª Questão: O personagem sonhou que:
a)tinha ficado pobre
b)estava cheio de dívidas
c)tinha ficado rico
d)recebera uma carta
e)tinha morrido

11ª Questão: Como estava o coração do homem, pela manhã?

a)batendo acelerado
b)quase parando
c)batendo muito devagar
d)batendo normalmente

12ª Questão: Do texto se deduz que o gás que o personagem usava em sua casa era:
a)de botijão

13ª Questão:Complete the sentences using the past tense of the verbs
Japanese immigrants ___________________ Portuguese lessons onboard ship to Brazil. They
_______________ a lot because they ____________________ about living a better life here.
a)had – studied – dreamt
b)had – studied – dreams
c)have – study – dreamed
d)had – studies – dream
e)having – studied – dream

14ª Questão: Complete the sentences using the past tense of the verbs
Most of these immigrants _______________ formed by farmers, who _______________ to Brazil to
work on the prosperous coffee farms from the western state of São Paulo. They _______________
hard and _______________ their own land years later.
a)was – came – worked - buy
b)were – came – worked – bought
c)were – come – worked – buy
d)was – come – work – bought
e)been – came – work - buy

15ª Questão: Complete the sentences using the past tense of the verbs
Italian immigrants, in Brazil, ___________________ the “Jornal Fanfulla”, an old newspaper
___________________ in 1893.
a)read – created
b)read – creating
c)reads – creates
d)read – creating
e)reading – creating

1ª PS de Inglês / 8º ano / Prof.Antonio Marcio / Pág. 5

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