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Verb To Be

O verbo to be tem dois significados: Ser e Estar, dependendo do contexto da

frase ele terá um significado.
Examples :
I am very stressed because of my friend. (Eu estou estressado por causa do meu
He is very handsome and tall. (Ele é muito lindo e alto)
She is nervous today and very tired too. (Ela está nervosa hoje e muito cansada
This band is very good. (Esta banda é muito boa)

Ao todo são oito pronomes sujeitos ( I,you,he,she,it,we,you,they) que

juntamente com o verbo to be ficam: I am, you are, he is, she is, it is, we are,
you are and they are.
I am – Eu sou/Eu estou
You are –Você é/Você está
He is – Ele é /Ele está
She is – Ela é /Ela está
It is – Usado para coisas, objetos, animais
We are – Nós somos/Nós estamos
You are – Vocês são /Vocês estão
They are – Eles, elas são/ Eles, elas estão

O verbo to be é composto por três formas no presente simples: A forma

afirmativa, a forma negativa e a forma interrogativa.
A forma afirmativa tem duas subdivisões assim como a negativa também.
Affirmative Form
I am (long form) I’m (short form)

You are (long form) You’re (short form)

He is (long form) He’s (short form)

She is (long form) She’s (short form)

It is (long form) It’s (short form)

We are (long form) We’re (short form)

You are (long form) You’re (short form)

They are (long form) They’re (short form)

Negative Form
I am not (long form) I’m not (short form)

You are not (long form) You aren’t (short form)

He is not (long form) He isn’t (short form)

She is not (long form) She isn’t (short form)

It is not (long form) It isn’t (short form)

We are not (long form) We aren’t (short form)

You are not (long form) You aren’t (short form)

They are not (long form) They aren’t (short form)

Interrogative Form
Am I?
Are you?
Is he?
Is she?
Is it?
Are we?
Are you?
Are they?

Para responder à uma pergunta temos duas formas de fazer isso: Copiando o
restante da pergunta ou respondendo sim ou não tanto de forma afirmativa
quanto de forma negativa. A segunda imagem irá ilustrar melhor o que eu estou
Links de vídeos

Aprenda o VERBO TO BE! | Aula 01 - English in Brazil

Inglês na Prática #3: Domine o Verbo To Be

Verbo To Be Simple Present

Descomplicando de vez o verbo TO BE

Aula de Ingles Basico 12 - Contrações Verbo TO BE


Links dos exercícios

Verb to be - English ESL Worksheets for distance learning and physical
classrooms (islcollective.com)
VERB TO BE FOR BEGINNERS - English ESL Worksheets for distance
learning and physical classrooms (islcollective.com)
Verb To be Practice - English ESL Worksheets for distance learning and
physical classrooms (islcollective.com)
The Verb TO BE: Yes/No questions and short answers in Simple Present -
English ESL Worksheets for distance learning and physical classrooms

Link sobre o uso do verbo to be

verb to be - English ESL Worksheets for distance learning and physical
classrooms (islcollective.com)

Link de games
Astronauts Boardgame - English ESL Worksheets for distance learning and
physical classrooms (islcollective.com)

Link da tarefa
Simple Present tense to be and verb - English ESL Worksheets for distance
learning and physical classrooms (islcollective.com)

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