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Name: ______________________________________________

Class: _________________________ Date: ________________



1. Match the nouns to their definitions. responsibility

a) acceptance f) importance
b) adaptation g) involvement
c) decision h) responsibility
d) enjoyment i) sincerity
e) happiness j) weakness weakness

[ ] process of changing something to fit a new

environment 3. Rate these characteristics according to what
[ ] the degree to which something or someone is you consider that is more important (1-5).
important a) enjoyment [ ] d) responsibility [ ]
[ ] pleasure received from an activity or experience b) decision [ ] e) sincerity [ ]
[ ] the feeling of being happy
c) happiness [ ]
[ ] the job of being in charge of something or
4. Justify you answers in Activity 3. Write at
least three lines about each of the
[ ] a choice made after reflection
[ ] the act of taking part in something
[ ] the state of not having physical or mental ____________________________________________
strength ____________________________________________
[ ] agreement to a plan or an idea
[ ] the quality of being honest and truthful
2. Change the nouns into adjectives and verbs ____________________________________________
whenever possible. ____________________________________________
Noun Adjective Verb ____________________________________________

decision ____________________________________________
enjoyment ____________________________________________

Activity 1
Peça para os alunos ligarem os substantivos aos seus significados. Peça para que se apoiem aos cognatos caso
tenham dificuldades, mas que tentem entender os significados pelo contexto ou por eliminação. Se necessário, peça
que usem dicionários monolíngues.

Respostas: b, f, d, e, h, c, g, j, a, i

Activity 2
Lembre aos alunos de que tanto os verbos quanto os adjetivos tendem a ser mais curtos que os substantivos, que
são formados com a adição dos sufixos -ance, -tion, -sion, -ment, -ity e -ness. Explique que nem todos os substantivos
terão adjetivos e verbos correspondentes. Se necessário, deixe-os usar um dicionário monolíngue para pesquisar as
formas. Durante a correção, aceite todas as formas corretas.

Noun Adjective Verb
acceptance acceptable accept
adaptation adaptable adapt
decision decisive decide
enjoyment enjoyable enjoy
happiness happy -
importance important -
involvement involved involve
responsibility responsible -
sincerity sincere -
weakness weak weaken

Activity 3

Peça aos alunos que reflitam sobre os seus valores, e diga que não há resposta certa ou errada, mas que cada
indivíduo dá mais ou menos valor para uma ou outra característica dependendo de fatores como cultura familiar,
ambiente onde vive e crenças pessoais, entre outros.

Respostas pessoais.

Activity 4

Peça que escrevam parágrafos sobre a importância (ou não) de cada uma das características. Segue um modelo:

Sincerity is very important to me because I believe that people have to tell the truth no matter what. I try to be
honest with people I know and I expect the same from them, so, in my opinion, sincerity is a very important

Respostas pessoais.

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