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Hi guys,
My name is John. I am 18 years old. I speak Portuguese, but now I
need to speak English every day.
I live with my parents and my sister. In the morning, I drink milk
with chocolate and eat toast and ham. My sister drinks soda and eats
In the afternoon, I like to speak with my parents. I don’t like to eat meat
at night but I love to eat fish.
My sister´s name is Karen. She doesn’t speak English, but I want to teach
her this year. And you? Do you need to speak English too?


1- How old is John?

2- What does he like to do in the afternoon?

3- Does Karen speak English?

4- Do you need to speak English?

5- What do you eat in the morning?



to need – precisar (de) to drink – beber, tomar

to speak – falar to eat – comer


English – inglês fish – peixe

Portuguese – português meat – carne
Chinese – chinês cereal – cereal
brother – irmão toast – torrada
sister – irmã chicken- frango
father – pai now – agora
mother – mãe today – hoje
parents – pais only – só, somente
coffee – café with – com
milk – leite and – e
chocolate – chocolate I – eu
tea – chá my – meu
water – água you – você
juice – suco your – seu
Soda – refrigerante


thank you – obrigado please – por favor in the evening – à noite

thanks – obrigado in the morning – de manhã at night – à noite
you’re welcome – de nada in the afternoon – à tarde every day – todos os dias


I need – Eu preciso I don’t need – Eu não preciso Do you need? – Você precisa?
I speak – Eu falo I don’t speak – Eu não falo Do you speak? – Você fala?
I drink – Eu bebo I don’t drink– Eu não bebo Do you drink? – Você bebe?
I eat – Eu como I don’t eat – Eu não como Do you eat? – Você come?
I need to speak. – Eu preciso falar.
I don’t need to drink. – Eu não preciso beber.
Do you need to eat now? – Você precisa comer agora?


















17. _





1. Eu falo Inglês e agora eu preciso falar Português.

2. Obrigado. Eu não bebo chá de manhã.

3. Eu não como peixe, eu bebo leite e chocolate à noite.

4. Você precisa falar com sua mãe agora?

5. Eu preciso comer agora.

6. Eu não preciso falar com meus pais hoje.

7. Você bebe café e come torrada com queijo?

8. Eu falo somente inglês com meus irmãos.

9. Eu bebo chá e como torradas à tarde.

10. Você precisa beber suco agora?







Listen to the audio of Chapter 1 and complete

Hi guys,
name is John. I am 18 years old. ,
but now I need to speak English every day.
I live . In the morning
I drink milk with , my sister drinks
and eats .
In the afternoon I like . I don’t like to eat meat at
night but .
My sister´s name is Karen. She doesn’t speak English, but I want to teach
her this year. And you ? too?

I eat cereal every day, and you? / fish / meat / toast

I don’t eat cereal every day. / fish / meat / toast

I eat fish every day. / meat / toast / jam

Do you eat toast and jam in the morning? / in the afternoon / in the evening / at night

I don’t eat toast and jam in the morning. / in the afternoon / in the evening / at night

I eat toast and jam at night. / in the morning / in the afternoon / in the evening

Do you eat cereal in the morning? / toast / meat / fish

No, I don’t eat cereal in the morning. / toast / meat / fish

I eat jam in the morning. / meat / fish / toast

Do you need to speak English with your sister? / brother / parents / mother
No, I don’t need to speak English with my sister. / brother / parents / mother

I need to speak Portuguese with your brother. / parents / sister / father

Do you drink milk and coffee at night? / tea - coffee / soda - juice

No, I don’t drink milk and coffee at night. / tea - coffee / soda - juice

I drink soda and juice at night. / water - milk / tea - milk

Do you speak English with your parents? / Chinese / Portuguese

No, I don’t speak English with my parents. / Chinese / Portuguese

I speak Portuguese with my parents. / English / Chinese

Do you need to drink juice now? / today / in the evening / at night

No, I don’t need to drink juice now. / today / in the evening / at night

I need to drink juice in the morning. / in the afternoon / at night / in the evening

Do you speak English or Portuguese in the afternoon? / in the morning / at night

I speak only English in the afternoon. / in the morning / at night

I don’t speak English in the morning. / at night / in the evening



Hello guys, how are you?

Let me tell you a little bit about my life.
I like to work with my father at his store, but I want to be an
engineer. I study at the Federal University of Goiás and I play soccer with
my friends every week. In the afternoon, I drink a cup of tea with my
mother and speak English with my sister. She likes to drink tea and to eat
a slice of bread.
On weekends, I like to play video games with my friends, but I don’t
like to study on Saturday and Sunday.
And you? What do you like to do on weekends?


1- Where does John work?

2- When does he like to play video games?

3- What does he like to drink in the afternoon?

4- What doesn´t he like to do on weekends?

5- Where do you work / study?


to want – querer to study – estudar

to work – trabalhar to play – brincar, jogar, tocar


German – alemão bread – pão but – mas

French – francês cheese – queijo tomorrow – amanhã
son – filho ham – presunto week – semana
daughter – filha slice – fatia what – o que, qual
children – crianças, filhos of – de where – onde, aonde
sibling – irmão, irmã cup – xícara when – quando
boy – menino glass – copo yes – sim
girl – menina a – um no – não
egg – ovo an – um

Good morning – bom dia Hi – oi
Good afternoon – boa tarde Hello – olá
Good evening – boa noite bye – tchau
Good night – boa noite goodbye – tchau
Excuse me – desculpe. Com licença. ‘’não entendi’’ sorry – desculpe

What do you want? – O que você quer? How are you? – como vai você?
Where do you work? – Onde você I’m fine, thanks. – Estou bem, obrigado
trabalha? I’m not doing very well – Não estou muito bem
When do you study? – Quando você estuda? I’m ok. – Estou muito bem.

A cup: Uma xícara AN egg: Um ovo



















17. _

18. ____________

19. ____________

20. ____________

1. Eu quero trabalhar com meus filhos.

2. Preciso falar com meus irmãos hoje.

3. Você come uma fatia de queijo com pão de manhã? Não, obrigado.

4. Eu não bebo uma xícara de café, mas bebo um copo de leite e chocolate.

5. Quando você brinca com sua filha? Eu brinco à noite.

6. Quero estudar alemão com minha irmã agora. Onde você estuda alemão?

7. O que você come e bebe de manhã? Eu como torradas com geleia e bebo um copo
de suco.

8. Trabalho com meus pais todos os dias. Desculpe, preciso trabalhar agora.

9. Preciso estudar amanhã. Estudo francês com meus filhos todas as semanas.

10. Onde você quer brincar com seus filhos?






Listen to the audio of Chapter 2 and complete

Hello guys, how are you?

Let me tell you a little bit about my life.

I like with my father at his store, but I to
be an engineer. I at the Federal University of Goiás and I
soccer with my friends every . In the afternoon I
drink with my mother and speak English with my
sister. She likes to drink tea and to eat a .
On weekends I like video games with my friends, but I
don’t like on Saturday and Sunday.
And you? do you like to do on weekends?

(to Play)

I like to play THE guitar at home.

(When we use “to play” and “musical instrument”, we have to use “THE”).

I play THE guitar

I don’t play THE flute

They have the same meaning in English. Examples:

 I like studying English. What about you?

 She likes to run in the park. How about her boyfriend?

Do you study with your sister in the evening? / siblings / brother / daughter

No, I don’t study with my sister in the evening. / siblings / brother / daughter

I study with my son in the evening. / mother / children / father

I work with my daughter, and you? / parents / siblings / children

I don’t work with my daughter. / parents / siblings / children

I work with my son. / father / parents / mother

Do you want to eat an egg or toast? / meat - a slice of ham / bread - a slice of cheese / cereal - jam

I want to eat eggs. / meat / bread / cereal

I don’t want toast. / a slice of ham / a slice of cheese / jam

Do you want to drink a glass of juice in the morning? / glass of water / cup of coffee / cup of tea

Yes, I want to drink a glass of juice in the morning. / glass of water / cup of coffee / cup of tea

I don’t want to drink a glass of milk in the morning. / glass of juice / cup of tea / glass of water

What do you want to drink in the morning? / in the afternoon / in the evening / at night

I want to drink a cup of coffee. / cup of tea / glass of soda / glass of juice

I don’t want a cup of milk. / cup of tea / glass of water / glass of milk



Hello everybody!

This is john again.

From Monday to Friday I go to work with my parents and at night I
go to school where I study engineering. On Saturdays I play video games
with my friends and at night I go to the movies with my girlfriend Adriana.
She studies with me at UFG. She helps me with my homework and after
we go to church downtown. Sometimes we go to the movies on Sundays
and she sleeps at my house. I love her very much. She plays the guitar and
I play the piano at church every weekend.
She wants to study English with me and my teacher this year, but
she doesn’t have time. She doesn’t like to study alone at home, that´s why
we study together. She is 17 years old and lives with her parents.
Tell me a little about your routine.


1- What days of the week do you work/study?

2- Where do they go on Saturdays?

3- What do you like very much?

4- How old is Adriana?

5- What instrument does she play?


to like – gostar (de) to help – ajudar

to go – ir to sleep – dormir


movies – cinema Instrument – instrumento cold – frio

school –escola piano – piano iced – gelado
store – mercado, loja guitar – violão alone – sozinho
house – casa keyboard – teclado to – para, a
home – lar game – jogo the – o, a
church – igreja soccer – futebol
downtown – centro baseball – beisebol
teacher – professor donut – rosquinha
manager – gerente pancake – panqueca
friend – amigo / a hot – quente


Very much – muito See you later – até logo

With me – comigo See you tomorrow – até amanhã
On weekend – no fim de semana See you – até
What about you? – E você?


I like to go to the movies. – Gosto de ir ao cinema.

Days of the week ( on)
I need to go to the store. – Preciso ir ao mercado.
I want to go to school. – Quero ir à escola.
I like to go to church. – Gosto de ir à igreja
I want to go home. – Eu quero ir para casa.
I need to go downtown. – Preciso ir ao centro.

















16. ______________

17. _____________

18. ______________

19. ______________

20. ______________

1. Eu preciso ajudar minhas filhas a estudar alemão.

2. Você quer leite quente ou frio? Eu quero leite frio.

3. Gosto muito de ir à igreja nos fins de semana com meus amigos.

4. Trabalho na loja todos os dias de manhã e em casa à noite.

5. Quando você joga futebol na escola? Eu jogo às terças e quintas.

6. O que você quer comer hoje? Quero comer pão e queijo hoje.

7. Até amanhã. Preciso falar com o gerente agora.

8. Que instrumento você toca? Toco teclado e piano à noite em casa.

9. Ajudo meus pais na loja nos fins de semana.

10. Você gosta de dormir à tarde nos fins de semana? / Eu gosto de dormir à tarde
todos os dias.



Listen to the audio of Chapter 3 and complete 3
Hello everybody!

This is john again.

From Monday to Friday I with my parents and

at night I where I study engineering. On Saturdays
I video games with my friends and at night I
with my girlfriend Adriana. She studies with me at
UFG. She helps me with my homework and after we
downtown. Sometimes we on Sundays and she
at my . I love
her .She plays and I play
_every weekend.
She wants to study English and my teacher this
year, but she doesn’t have time. She doesn’t like to study alone
, that´s why we study together. She is 17
years old and lives with her parents.

A GLASS OF – I drink a glass of water for dinner.

A CUP OF – I drink a cup of coffee after lunch.

A SLICE OF – She eats a slice of cheese with bread.

A PIECE OF – I have a piece of cake for breakfast.

Do you like to eat donuts and pancakes in the morning? / bread - eggs / cheese - bread
I like to eat only pancakes. / eggs / bread

I don’t like donuts. / bread / cheese

Do you like to sleep in the morning? / at night / in the afternoon / in the evening

No, I like to sleep at night. / in the afternoon / in the evening

I don’t like to sleep in the morning. / at night / in the afternoon / in the evening

What instruments do you like to play?

I like to play the piano, what about you? / guitar / keyboard

I don’t like to play the piano very much. / guitar / keyboard

Where do you want to go on weekends?

I want to go to the store, what about you? / school / downtown / movies

I don’t want to go to the store on weekends. / school / downtown / movies

Do you like to drink iced tea at night? / cold milk / hot chocolate / hot tea

No, I only like to drink iced tea in the afternoon. / cold milk / hot chocolate / hot tea

I like to drink hot chocolate at night. / iced tea / cold milk / hot coffee


mother sibling afternoon movies cold

game French evening week when


1. Do you like to study English alone? / Portuguese / French

2. Where do you play soccer? / Baseball / guitar
3. Do you like to drink juice in the morning? / Milk / coffee
4. Do you speak French with your mother? / sister / siblings
5. Do you sleep in the afternoon? / play / study
6. What do you eat on Sundays? / Saturdays / weekends
7. Do you like to play soccer? / Baseball / games
8. Do you like hot chocolate? / cold / tea
9. When do you need to study English? / German / French
10. Do you like to go to the movies with your friends? / brothers / parents
11. Where do you like to go on weekends? / Tuesdays / Thursdays
12. Do you like to eat meat or fish? / donuts – pancakes / cheese – ham
13. What do you eat in the morning? / in the afternoon / in the evening
14. Do you want to go to the mall with me? / to the movies / to church
15. What do you need to study today? / to eat / to drink


1 - Eu como torrada com geleia e eu bebo uma xícara de chá frio.

2 - Eu preciso falar inglês, mas só falo português.

3 - Eu estudo inglês todos os dias com meu gerente.

4 - Gosto de comer uma fatia de pão com queijo à tarde.

5 - Quando você quer ir ao cinema comigo? Quero ir na sexta feira.

6 - Como vai você? Vou bem, obrigada e você?

7 - Preciso trabalhar todas as semanas na loja.

8 - Não vou à igreja às quartas feiras, vou aos domingos.

9 - Não como pão e presunto à noite, eu como cereais.

10 - Você ajuda seus filhos na escola? Não, eu ajudo meus filhos em casa.


Unscramble the following sentences
1. Eat, I, every, day, meat , rice , beans, and

2. I , study, French, need, to, what, you , about

3. Need, go, to, I, the, movies, morning, in the, to

4. Like, study, I , to, Portuguese , home, at

5. I , like, eat, my, parents, with, to , weekends, on

What do you need to study?

I need to study French now, what about you? / Chinese / Portuguese / German

I don’t need to study French now. / Chinese / Portuguese / German

When do you like to sleep?

I like to sleep in the morning. / in the afternoon / in the evening / at night

I don’t like to sleep at night. / in the evening / in the morning / in the afternoon

What do you like to study?

I like to study French at home. / German / Portuguese / English

I like to study German at school. / English / Chinese / French

Where do you play the piano? / keyboard / guitar

I play the piano at home. / keyboard / guitar

I don’t play the keyboard at home. / guitar / piano

When do you want to drink coffee? / iced tea / hot chocolate / cold milk

I want to drink coffee now. / iced tea / hot chocolate / cold milk

I don’t want to drink cold milk now. / hot chocolate / iced tea / coffee

Do you want to go downtown with me today? / movies / school / church

No, I don’t want to go downtown with you today. / movies / school / church

I want to go to church with you tomorrow. / school / movies / downtown

Where do you work?

I work at school in the morning. / YOU GET IT / store / home

I don’t work at home in the evening. / movies / church / downtown

Do you want to go to the store this weekend? / school / movies / church

No, I don’t want to go to the store this weekend. / school / movies / church

I need to go to the store tomorrow. / school / movies / church



Let´s study some more.

My father has a store and he sells many things in it. He goes to
other countries to buy electronic products and then he sells them here.
We don’t have much money but we work very much. My sister doesn’t
understand why we work so much but she loves to buy new clothes. My
girlfriend likes to have expensive things and she goes to the mall with her
family to buy jewelry and clothes every week.
This year I want to buy a new car so I have to sell my old one. I need
much money to pay for the wedding and I don’t have much time.
We live in a small house downtown but I want to buy a big house
for my future wife in Aldeia do Vale and live with her there and have
many children.


1- How many siblings does John have?

2- What does Karen love to buy?

3- Where does john want to live?

4- What do you want to buy this year?

5- What do you buy every day?


to have – ter to buy – comprar

to understand – entender to sell – vender

this – este, esse, isto, isso large – grande enough – suficiente
that – aquele, aquilo little – pequeno Spanish – espanhol
book – livro new – novo husband – marido
bank – banco old – velho wife – esposa
work – trabalho money – dinheiro family – família
time – tempo dollar – dólar for – para, por
car – carro some – algum lunch – almoço
big – grande much – muito dinner – jantar
small – pequeno many – muitos supper – jantar

for breakfast – no café da manhã how much – quanto (SINGULAR)
for lunch – no almoço how many – quantos (PLURAL)
for dinner – no jantar about – aproximadamente, mais ou menos, sobre


I have a car. – Eu tenho um carro. I have to study. – Eu tenho que estudar.

How much money do you need? How many books do you have?
Quanto dinheiro você precisa? Quantos livros você tem?

I want to buy a book for you. I want to sell my car to my sister.

Eu quero comprar um livro para você. Eu quero vender meu carro à minha irmã.

0 zero 11 eleven 21 twenty-one 100 one hundred

1 one 12 twelve 22 twenty-two 200 two hundred
2 two 13 thirteen 30 thirty 1.000 one thousand
3 three 14 fourteen 40 forty 2.000 two thousand
4 four 15 fifteen 50 fifty 10.000 ten thousand
5 five 16 sixteen 60 sixty
6 six 17 seventeen 70 seventy
7 seven 18 eighteen 80 eighty
8 eight 19 nineteen 90 ninety
9 nine 20 twenty
10 ten























1. Gosto de ir ao cinema com meus amigos no fim de semana.

2. Não tenho que ir à escola todos os dias esta semana.

3. Eu estudo inglês todos os dias de manhã.

4 . Você entende seus filhos?

5 . Quando você come rosca? Como rosca no jantar.

6 . Quero comprar alguns livros novos para meus filhos.

7 . Preciso vender meu carro para comprar uma casa nova.

8 . Quanto tempo você tem para falar comigo? Tenho algum tempo agora.

9 . Quantos CDs você tem em casa? Tenho aproximadamente trinta e cinco CDs.

10 . Preciso falar com meu gerente agora sobre o trabalho. Até logo.






Listen to the audio of Chapter 5 and complete

My father has a store and he things in it. He goes

to other countries electronic products and then he
here. We don’t but we work
very much. My sister why we work so
but she loves . My girlfriend
likes expensive things and she goes to the mall
with her family jewelry and clothes every week.
This year I want soI
my . I need to
pay for the weeding and I don’t time.
We live in a downtown but I want
a for my future _in Aldeia do Vale
and live with her there and children.









Where do you work?

I work at the bank. / school / downtown / church

I don’t work at the movies. / bank / store / home

What do you like to eat for brunch? / dinner / breakfast / supper

I like to eat pancakes for brunch. / dinner / breakfast / supper

I don’t like to eat cereal. / soup / donut / bread

Do you go to work with your sister? / husband / wife / friend

No, I don’t go to work with my sister. / husband / wife / friend

I go to work with my children. / wife / teacher / husband

Do you want to drink a large glass of juice? / small cup of coffee / large cup of hot chocolate

No, I don’t want to drink a large glass of juice. / small cup of coffee / large cup of hot chocolate

I want to drink a small glass of water. / large cup of iced tea / small cup of iced tea

When do you want to go to the bank?

I want to go to the bank tomorrow. / on Monday / in the afternoon / on Friday morning

I don’t want to go to the bank today. / on Tuesday / in the evening / on Thursday


children brunch this little old
wife today house book cereal

1. What do you eat for breakfast? / for lunch / for dinner
2. Where do you want to go this weekend? / tomorrow / now
3. How much money do you need? / have / want
4. Do you want to buy a new car for your mother? / daughter / wife
5. Do you want to play soccer with me tomorrow? / on Monday / on Friday
6. Do you need to go to the bank tomorrow? / to the store / to school
7. What do you like to drink for breakfast? / for lunch / for dinner
8. When do you study English? / French / Portuguese
9. Do you like to study with your friends? / husband / son
10. How many children do you have? / siblings / sisters
11. Do you play the guitar or the piano? / keyboard – piano / guitar – keyboard
12. Where do you work? / study / play
13. Do you have an old book? / a big car / a new house / a new piano
14. Do you understand your English teacher? / Chinese / German
15. How much money do you need? / time / water


1. Eu não entendo francês e espanhol. Eu entendo inglês.

2. Eu preciso comprar carne todas as semanas, mas eu não preciso comprar queijo.

3. Eu não vendo carros. Eu compro carros.

4. Quero comprar dois livros para meu marido.

5. Quanto dinheiro você tem agora? Não tenho muito dinheiro comigo agora.

6. Quero falar espanhol com meus irmãos.

7. Preciso ir ao centro hoje.

8. Quando você gosta de brincar com seus filhos? Gosto de brincar com meus filhos todos os

9. O que você gosta de comer no jantar? Gosto de comer panquecas no jantar.

10.Preciso beber um copo de água agora. Obrigada.



Change the sentences to affirmative

1. I don’t play the piano on weekends.

2. I don’t go to school on Fridays.

3. I don’t like to help my father at the bank.

4. I don’t need to buy a new car for my son.

5. I don’t want to sell my old CDs to my sister.

6. I don’t study English on Mondays and Wednesdays.

Do you understand the Spanish teacher? / Chinese / German / French

No, I don’t understand the Spanish teacher. / Chinese / German / French

I understand the English teacher. / Portuguese / French / Chinese

How much money do you need to buy this?

I need ten thousand dollars. / two hundred / four thousand

I have three thousand dollars. / one hundred and fifty / three thousand and five hundred

How many CDs do you have at home? / books / games / glasses

I don’t have many CDs at home. / books / games / glasses

I have about thirty CDs. / fifteen books / twenty-five games / eighteen glasses

Do you want to help your mother this week? / on the weekend / today / tomorrow

Sorry, I don’t have time this week. / on the weekend / today / tomorrow

I need to study Chinese. / Spanish / French / Portuguese

Where do you work in the morning? / at night / in the afternoon / in the evening

I don’t work in the morning. / at night / in the afternoon / in the evening

I work at the store only in the afternoon. / in the morning / in the evening / at night

Do you have many sons? / sisters / brothers / daughters

I don’t have many sons. / sisters / brothers / daughters

I have only two sons. / one sister / two brothers / two daughters



Let´s study some more.

I work as a salesman at my father´s store and during lunch time I like to
read magazines and newspapers. Adriana visits me there on Wednesday
and Thursday because she doesn’t have classes on those days. She doesn’t
like to write emails or Facebook posts to me. She prefers to write letters
and then, she goes by bicycle to see me in the afternoon, because she
doesn’t know how to drive.
This morning I didn’t go to work because I have to study for a test tonight.
Sometimes it´s ok not to go to work because my boss is my father and he
knows that school is my priority.
This month she wants to learn how to drive, but I don’t have time to teach


1- What does he like to read at lunchtime?

2- Does Adriana know how to drive a car?

3- Why didn’t John go to work this afternoon?

4- What kind of magazine do you like to read?

5- What do you prefer to do in your free time?

to prefer – preferir to read – ler
to know – saber, conhecer to write – escrever

animal – animal kind – tipo pork – carne de porco
apartment-apartamento letter – carta post Office – correio (agência)
as – como magazine – revista postcard – cartão postal
bicycle – bicicleta mail – correio, postman – carteiro
bike – bicicleta correspondência there – lá
boss – chefe mailman – carteiro turkey – peru
chicken – frango month – mês waiter – garçom
here – aqui motorcycle – moto why – por que (pergunta)
how – como newspaper – jornal

this morning – hoje de manhã tomorrow morning – amanhã de manhã
this afternoon – hoje à tarde tomorrow night – amanhã à noite
tonight – hoje à noite by mail – pelo correio

I read to my children. Why do you study English?
Leio para meus filhos. Por que você estuda inglês?

I write to my friends. Because I want to go to the USA.

Escrevo para meus amigo. Porque eu quero ir aos EUA.

I understand that … - Eu entendo que…

I know that… - Eu sei que…

I know how to speak English.

Eu sei falar inglês.

I know how to play soccer.

Eu sei jogar futebol.

I know how to go downtown.

Eu sei ir ao centro.

I prefer a car to a motorcycle.

Eu prefiro um carro à uma motocicleta.


















17. _______________

18. _______________

19. _______________

20. _______________

1. O carteiro trabalha no correio de manhã e na loja à tarde.

2. Quando ela vai para casa? Ela vai para casa todo fim de semana.

3. Eu gosto de comer frango no jantar, meu irmão prefere comer peru.

4. Por que ela estuda inglês? Porque ela quer ir aos EUA.

5. Quantas bicicletas você tem em casa? Eu tenho duas bicicletas em casa.

6. Você sabe ler e escrever em Inglês?

7. Eu entendo que sua irmã não gosta de ajudar em casa, mas ela precisa ajudar.

8. Aquele garçom prefere ler revistas à jornais. E você?

9. Preciso comprar uma bicicleta para meus filhos. Você quer vender a sua bicicleta para mim?

10. O que você gosta de comer no almoço? Gosto de comer carne de porco no almoço.







Listen to the audio of Chapter 7 and complete
I work at my father´s store and during lunch time I like
and .
Adriana visits me _on Wednesday and
Thursday because she doesn’t have classes on those days. She doesn’t like
emails or Facebook posts to me, she
and then she
goes to see me in the afternoon because she
doesn’t drive.
This morning I didn’t go to work because I have to study for a test tonight.
Sometimes it´s ok not to go to work because my is my
father and he that school is my priority.
_she wants to learn how to drive, but I don’t have time to

(Verbs and their prepositions)

To buy for I buy a book for my daughter.

To sell to I want to sell my apartment to you.

To speak with I speak English with my teacher.

To read to I read to my children.

What do you want to buy for your daughter?

I want to buy that bike for my daughter, what about you? / car / motorcycle / apartment

I don’t want to buy that bike, I prefer to buy this motorcycle. / car / motorcycle / apartment

Why do you have to sell your old house? / old CDs / old magazines

I have to sell my old house because I need the money. / old books / old CDs / old magazines

I don’t have enough money to buy a new apartment. / new CDs / new magazines / new books

When do you prefer to go to the post office? / store / downtown / school

I prefer to go to the post office this morning. / store / downtown / school

I don’t want to go there tonight. / this afternoon / tomorrow morning / this evening

Do you know how to speak and write in Chinese? / Spanish / English / German

Yes, I know how to speak and write in Chinese. / Spanish / English / German

I don’t write letters in Chinese every month. / Spanish / English / German

What do you buy at the store?

I have to buy pork at the store. / turkey / chicken / fish

I don’t want to buy pork here. / bread / donuts / pancakes


read letters magazines Tuesday Thursday

juice donut new cheese Portuguese

1. Do you like to read? / to write / to sleep
2. Do you speak English with your parents? / German / Portuguese
3. When do you speak with your boss? / manager / teacher
4. How many books do you have at home? / magazines / newspapers
5. What magazines do you like to read? / have / want
6. Does your wife know what you like to drink in the morning? / to eat / to read
7. How many letters do you write every month? / e-mails / postcards
8. Do you have time to help me with my homework tomorrow? / today / now
9. Does your husband read magazines in English? / German / French
10.How many cups of tea do you drink every day? / coffee / milk
11. Does your son have a bicycle? / motorcycle / car
12.Do you like to eat chicken or fish for dinner? / lunch / supper
13.Does your sister write to your parents every week? / friends / siblings / children
14.Does your boss know how to speak French? / German / Spanish / English
15.Do you want to eat meat tonight? / chicken / turkey / fish



1. Não entendo porque você quer comprar doze livros.

2. Você quer escrever um e-mail ou cartão postal para sua mãe este ano?

3. Tenho que ajudar meus pais. Você gosta de ajudar seus pais?

4. Preciso escrever uma carta esta tarde. Você quer ir ao correio comigo?

5. Não sei por que ela faz isso.

6. Preciso ir ao centro amanhã de manhã. Você quer ir comigo?

7. Quando você lê para seus filhos? Leio para meus filhos todas as noites.

8. Que instrumento ele sabe tocar? Ele sabe tocar violão.

9. Quero jogar beisebol com meus amigos esta tarde. Você quer ir comigo?

10. Preciso falar com o garçom sobre isto. O que você sabe sobre isto?






Substitution Practice 8
1. How many children do you have? I have three children.

2. What do you need to buy today? I need to buy some CDs.

3. I have to study now. I need to understand that.

4. I want to buy a new house for my family.

5. Do you have any siblings? I have only one little brother.

6. I don’t want to sell my new house but I want to sell my old car.

7. I want to eat pancakes for dinner and drink a glass of soda.

8. How much money do you have? / I have a lot of money.

Does your sister know how to speak German? / Chinese / Spanish / French

She doesn’t know how to speak German. / Chinese / Spanish / French

She only knows English. / French / Portuguese / Chinese

When do you write e-mails to your family?

I write e-mails to my family every week. / Tuesday / Monday / Wednesday

I don’t write e-mails to my family every week. / Tuesday / Monday / Wednesday

Where do you work?

I work at the post office. / bank / school / movies

I don’t work here. / there / movies / downtown

What books do you read?
I read books in English. / German / Chinese / Spanish

I don’t read books in Portuguese. / French / Spanish / Chinese

Do you eat chicken for dinner? / pork / turkey / fish

No, I don’t like chicken. / pork / turkey / fish

I eat only meat for dinner. / chicken / fish / turkey

What does he sell every day?

He sells books. / magazines / cars / motorcycle

He doesn’t sell newspapers. / books / bicycle / cars

Do you know how to play the piano? / guitar / keyboard No, I

don’t know how to play the piano. / guitar / keyboard

I know how to play the guitar. / keyboard / piano

Do you prefer a bike to a motorcycle? / car-bicycle / apartment-house / piano-keyboard

I prefer a bike to a motorcycle. / car-bicycle / apartment-house / piano-keyboard

I don’t like motorcycle very much. / bicycles / books / keyboard


A little more about my life.

Every day I get up very early at 6 a.m., have breakfast, get in my car
and go to work. I open my father´s store at 7a.m.. I live far from the store
and at noon I prefer to have lunch there. Some days Adriana visits me in
the afternoon and we go to school together. My father works until 6:30
p.m., then he closes the store and goes home by motorcycle. We usually
have dinner at 9 p.m. and go to bed at around midnight because we like
to watch TV until late.
We live in a beautiful city named Goiânia in the state of Goiás. My
house is near Vaca Brava Park. It´s a beautiful place with many beautiful
people. We don’t have beaches here, but we have many beautiful farms
and rivers.
All my relatives live near my house and I usually visit them on


1- What time does John get up?

2- What time does John´s father close the store?

3- What time do you get up, have lunch and go to bed every day?

4- When do you visit your relatives?

5- How does John´s father go home at night?

to open – abrir to live – morar, viver
to close – fechar to visit – visitar


door – porta near – perto

bridge – ponte beach – praia
window – janela far – longe
drugstore – farmácia country – paÍs
relatives – parentes from – de
company – companhia river – rio
usually – geralmente noon – meio dia
office – escritório airport – aeroporto
until – até midnight – meia noite
city – Cidade park – parque
more – mais early – cedo
state – estado corner – esquina / canto
then – então late – tarde
farm – fazenda
neighbor –vizinho

What time is it? – Que horas são to have breakfast – tomar café da manhã
to get up – levanter-se to have lunch – almoçar
to go to bed – ir dormir to have dinner – jantar


1:00 – it’s one o’clock I go to school at 7 o’clock – Eu vou para escola as 7.

2:00 – it’s two o’clock I study until 11 o’clock – Eu estudo até as 11.
4:15 – it’s four fifteen a.m. – 0…12
9:25 – it’s nine twenty-five p.m. – 12…24
5:30 – it’s five thirty It’s three and a quarter – São três e quinze
3:50 – it’s ten to four It’s half past ten – São dez e meia
7:05 – it’s seven-o-five It’s a quarter to six – São quinze para as 6


















17. ______________

18. ______________

19. ______________



1. Levanto-me às sete e meia para ir à escola todos os dias. Que horas você vai trabalhar?

2. Preciso estudar mais. Você quer estudar comigo hoje?

3. Você come pão com geleia no café da manhã? Que horas você toma café da manhã?

4. Você mora perto ou longe da praia? Eu moro perto da praia. E você?

5. Eu vou ao parque com meus amigos aos sábados de manhã. Preciso levantar cedo.

6. Meu marido geralmente trabalha até às seis horas às terças-feiras.

7. Eles preferem visitar meus pais nos fins de semana.

8. Meu vizinho joga futebol naquele parque na esquina.

9. Quanto dinheiro você precisa para comprar seu carro novo?

10. Meu pai fecha o escritório às 6 horas e minha mãe o abre às 8 horas.






Listen to the audio of Chapter 9 and complete
A little more about my life.

Every day I very

at 6 a.m., , get in my car and go to
work. I my father´s store at 7a.m.. I live
the store and
I prefer there. Some
days Adriana me in the afternoon and we go to school
together. My father works 6:30 p.m., then he
the store and goes home by motorcycle. We
_at 9 p.m. and at
around because we like to watch
TV .
We live in a beautiful city named Goiânia in the state of Goiás. My house is
Vaca Brava . It´s a
beautiful place with many beautiful people. We don’t have
here but we have many beautiful
and .
All live my house and I
on weekends.

Now it’s your turn! What do you do every day? Write a little bit about
your everyday routine!

What time does your neighbor open the drugstore? / office / store / bank

My neighbor doesn’t open the drugstore. / office / store / bank

She opens the school at seven a.m. / bank / post office / drugstore

My daughter likes to visit the farm. / park / beach / country

How about your son? / father / boss / brother

He doesn’t like to visit the farm. / park / beach / country

Does your sister know where you live? / piano teacher / manager / friend

My sister doesn’t know where I live. / piano teacher / manager / friend

I live in Las Vegas. / San Francisco / Chicago / Denver

Why do you go to bed early? / at ten p.m. / at midnight / late

Because I have to go to work in the morning. / at seven a.m. / at nine thirty / at noon

But I like to get up at this time.

Where do you usually go with your friends on Sundays? / parents / relatives / children

I usually go to the beach on Sundays. / the farm / that city / the park

I don’t like to go there with my friends. / parents / relatives / child

relatives get up Friday at 11 p.m. far

country window late farm early

1. When do you usually visit your relatives? / friends / parents
2. Where does your sister live? / daughter / mother
3. What time do you usually get up? / go to bed / go to work
4. What time do you usually have breakfast? / lunch / dinner
5. Does your son prefer cold or hot milk? / chocolate / tea
6. Where do you usually go on Tuesdays? / Saturdays / Sundays
7. When does your brother usually go to the movies? / bank / church
8. Why do you live in this city? / study / work
9. Where does your friend live? / work / study
10. Does your boss understand Spanish? / French / German
11. When do you eat cereal? / fish / toast and jam
12. Do you prefer to live in an apartment or in a house? / city – farm
13. What time does he usually open the office in the morning? /drugstore / company
14.Does your brother want to play soccer this afternoon? / tonight / tomorrow
15.Why do you want to live in that city? / state / country



1. Nós precisamos dormir cedo hoje porque amanhã temos um jogo de futebol no parque.

2. Ela não mora perto da ponte, ela mora perto daquela casa velha na esquina.

3. Eles querem comprar um carro novo para meus pais. Você quer vender seu carro?

4. Eu conheço muitas cidades neste estado. Que cidades você conhece neste país?

5. O que você geralmente compra neste mercado? Eu geralmente compro peixe.

6. Preciso ir dormir cedo hoje. Amanhã tenho um jogo de beisebol bem cedo.

7. Meu pai trabalha no correio como carteiro. Onde seu pai trabalha?

8. Não gosto de tocar piano em casa à noite.

9. Meu filho quer ler aquele livro. Você lê para seus filhos?

10. Preciso falar com você sobre isto. Quando você tem tempo para falar comigo?







Complete the following sentences

1. I want to .

2. They usually .

3. He works .

4. We understand .

5. They play .

6. My neighbor .

7. Your sister needs .

8. Don’t you .

9. Why do .

10. What time does he .

What time does he usually open the office in the morning? / drugstore / store / windows

He doesn’t open the office in the morning. / drugstore / store / windows

He opens the office in the afternoon. / drugstore / store / windows

Do you prefer to work with your brother? / parents / siblings / friends

Yes, I prefer to work with my brother. / parents / siblings / friends

I don’t like to work with my sister. / daughter / children / relatives

Does he work until midnight every day? / on weekends / on Mondays / every Tuesday

No, he doesn’t work until midnight every day. / on weekends / on Mondays / every Tuesday

He works until ten o’clock. / nine o’clock / seven thirty / a quarter to eight

When do you go downtown?

I don’t go downtown every day. What about you? / week / month / weekend

I never go downtown. / always / sometimes / usually

Do you visit your parents every month? / day / morning / week

I don’t visit my parents every month. / day / morning / week

I visit my parents every Sunday. / Saturday / Monday / Wednesday

What time does she have breakfast?

She has breakfast at seven thirty. / eight fifteen / nine o’clock / ten to seven

I don’t like to have breakfast at seven thirty. / eight fifteen / nine o’clock / ten to seven

Does she want to help me with supper? / dinner / breakfast / lunch

She doesn’t have time to help you with supper. / dinner / breakfast / lunch

She needs to go to work. / school / bank / game

Where do you work?
What time do you wake up?
When do you study English?
What do you like to do in the morning?
Who needs to go there?
How do you go to school?

How much money do you need?

How many books do you have?

I want to buy a book for my mother.

I sell my car to my father.
I read to my children every night.
I write to my parents on weekends.

He has a new house.

He doesn’t have a new house.
Does he have a new house?

I want to go downtown.
I want to go to school.
To church
To New York
To work
I want to go to the movies.
What time is it?It’s 4 p.m./6 a.m.
What time do you go to school?
I go to school at 6:30.

1. Que horas você acaba sua tarefa de casa? Acabo minha tarefa antes da aula.

2. Gosto de comer uma fatia de pão com queijo à tarde.

3. Quando você quer ir ao cinema comigo? Quero ir na sexta feira.

4. Tenho que ajudar meus pais. Você gosta de ajudar seus pais?

5. Preciso escrever uma carta esta tarde. Você quer ir ao correio comigo?

6. Minha aula de música começa às oito horas e a de arte às dez e quarenta e cinco.

7. Tenho muitas coisas para dizer. Você tem tempo agora? Não tenho muito tempo agora.

8. Nós precisamos dormir cedo hoje porque amanhã temos um jogo de futebol no parque.

9. Ela não mora perto da ponte, ela mora perto daquela casa velha na esquina.

10. Eles querem comprar um carro novo para meus pais. Você quer vender seu carro?

11. Eu conheço muitas cidades neste estado. Que cidades você conhece neste país?


1. We study English on Mondays and Wednesdays at night.
_________ __
2. She likes to play with her children on weekends.

3. You drink much water every day.

4. He goes to work only on weekdays.

LESSON 11 11

My job.
People like to say they hate their jobs, but I have to say I love my
job. You know I work with my parents, but my mother only goes there
twice a week. My father starts and finishes his day always smiling.
Everybody who works with him says he is a great man. Before he comes
home he always buys some flowers for my mother and my sister. He lets
me do my homework at the store and after I go to school he cleans the
store alone. He never stays there after 6:30 p.m. and on Saturdays he says
that I don’t need to work. I love my boss. I still want to be an engineer, but
working with my father this year is really great.


1- What do people usually say about their jobs?

2- What does John´s father buy for his wife?

3- What do you like about your job/school?

4- What do you want to be?

5- Where does John do his homework?

to start – começar to say – dizer
to finish – terminar to stay – ficar, permanecer

vacation – férias before – antes
next – próximo, seguinte music – música
job – serviço, emprego after – depois
year – ano art – arte
meeting – reunião good – bom
semester – semestre bad – ruim
class – classe, aula swimming – natação
thing – coisa always – sempre
test – teste, prova swimming pool – piscina
still – ainda never – nunca
homework – tarefa, lição de casa yet – ainda
course – curso


That’s okay – não tem problema Right away – imediatamente

Very well – muito bem Be quiet – fique quieto
What’s the meaning of...? – Qual é o significado de…? Be cool – fique calmo

My –meu

By car – de carro
Your – seu By car – de carro I still don’t know.
His – seu (dele) By bus – de ônibus Eu ainda não sei.
By train – de trem
Her – seu (dela)
By plane – de avião I don’t know yet.
Its – seu (neutro)
By subway – de metrô Eu não sei ainda.
On foot – a pé
On vacation.
de férias.
Your –seus (de vocês)
Their – seus (deles)
















15. __________________

16. __________________

17. __________________

18. __________________

19. __________________

20. __________________


1. Eu ainda não sei quando meu irmão vai à praia com seus amigos .

2. Quanto dinheiro você tem para ficar aqui? Tenho quinhentos dólares.

3. Que horas você almoça ? Eu almoço meio dia e meia.

4. Nós temos que estudar para nossa prova de computação. Quando vocês têm prova?

5. Você janta antes ou depois das sete horas? Geralmente eu janto depois das sete horas.

6. Minha aula de música começa às oito horas e a de arte às dez e quarenta e cinco.

7. Tenho muitas coisas para dizer. Você tem tempo agora? Não tenho muito tempo agora.

8. O download começa antes do almoço. O que você tem a dizer sobre isto?

9. Meu pai sempre me ajuda com minha lição de casa.

10. Gosto de ficar aqui com meus amigos, não quero ir ao parque agora à pé.







Listen to the audio of Chapter 11 and complete
My job.
People like they hate
their , but I have I love
my . You know I work with my parents, but my mother
only goes there twice a week.
his day
smiling. Everybody who works with
he is a great man. he comes home
he some flowers for my mother and my sister. He
lets me do my at the store I go to
school he cleans the store alone. He there after
6:30 p.m. and on Saturdays he that I don’t need to
work. I love my boss. I to be an engineer,
but working with my _is really great.

 WHY – We use why to make questions. Ex: Why do you need to get up so early?
 BECAUSE – We use because to answer questions. Ex: Because I have to go to work.

(To read to / to write to - for)

 My aunt reads to her children.
 I write a letter to my friend. (use “to” when you mean “to send”)
 I write a letter for my friend. (use “for” when you mean “a favor”)

 What kind of food do you like the most?

(I know that…. / I understand that…)

 I know that you can do this!
 I understand that you still can’t understand me well…

Do they want to stay in their house? / he-his / she-her / you-your

Yes, they want to stay in their house. /he-his / she-her / I-my

They don’t want to go to the movies now. / he-meeting / she-company / I-drugstore

How does the boss go to work? / postman / waiter / neighbor

He goes to the company by car. / bike / bus / train

He doesn’t like to go on foot. / subway / motorcycle / car

Do you sleep until ten a.m. on Saturdays? / Fridays / Thursdays / Sundays

I sleep until ten a.m. on Tuesdays. / Mondays / Fridays / Wednesdays

I have to work on Saturdays in the morning. / Fridays / Thursdays / Sundays

Do you understand your parents? / your children / your friends / your teachers

Yes, I understand my parents. / children / friends / teachers

I don’t understand my Spanish neighbor. / French / German / Chinese

What time does your swimming class start? / art / music / English

It starts after lunch . / dinner / supper / breakfast

It doesn’t start now. / in the morning / in the afternoon / in the evening

on foot always finish say by car

on vacation teacher sibling music start

1. Where does his teacher live? / her / their
2. Does the teacher go to school on foot? / by car / by subway
3. Do you always go to the beach? / swimming pool / park
4. Does your brother like art classes? / swimming / music
5. Where do your relatives live? / parents / friends
6. Does your brother play soccer? / boss / son
7. Do you write to your mother every month? / siblings / children
8. Do you know how to read and write in English? / French / Spanish
9. How do you go to work? / school / home
10.Do you want to buy a ticket for your parents? / car / house
11.Where do you like to go on vacation? / want / prefer
12. Do you read a lot? / write / study
13. Why does your brother want to stay in California for two years? / months / semesters
14.What time does your English class start? / art / swimming / music
15.How does your teacher go to work every day? / boss / manager / neighbor

Make your own questions

1. Preciso falar com meu novo chefe imediatamente. Ele começa a trabalhar hoje.

2. Ela ainda tem muitas coisas para estudar? Ela não estuda comigo as segundas-feiras.

3. Meu filho quer ficar comigo todos os dias. Quero terminar este serviço antes do almoço.

4. Onde seus parentes gostam de ir em suas férias? Eles geralmente vão à praia.

5. Você quer começar um curso novo no próximo mês? Não, eu quero começar no próximo

6. Que horas você acaba sua tarefa de casa? Acabo minha tarefa antes da aula.

7. Meus parentes moram em uma casa grande perto do rio.

8. Meu filho sabe tocar violão muito bem. Seu filho sabe tocar algum instrumento?

9. Não quero ficar aqui. Prefiro ir lá com você.

10.Eu ainda não sei jogar beisebol muito bem. Quero jogar mais.







Unscramble the following sentences! 12
1. Mother, goes, my, only , twice, a ,to, work ,week

2. Buys, flowers, he, for, her, always , on , birthday , her

3. Work, with, I , my, brother , downtown, every, day

4. He, up, wakes, 6:30, before , Sunday, every

5. Time, does, what, ,swimming, start, your , class

6. Still, I , don’t, basketball, well, play , very

How does the boss go to work? / postman / waiter / neighbor

He goes to the company by car. / bike / bus / train

He doesn’t like to go on foot. / subway / motorcycle / car

Do you sleep until ten a.m. on Saturdays? / Fridays / Thursdays / Sundays

I sleep until ten a.m. on Tuesdays. / Mondays / Fridays / Wednesdays

I have to work on Saturdays in the morning. / Fridays / Thursdays / Sundays

Do you understand your parents? / your children / your friends / your teachers

Yes, I understand my parents. / children / friends / teachers

I don’t understand my Spanish neighbor. / French / German / Chinese

Do you live with your parents? / he – his / she-her / they-their

No, I don’t live with my parents. / he-his / she-her / they-their

I live alone. / he / she / they

Where does your teacher want to go on her vacation? / daughter / mother / sister

She wants to go to the farm. / beach / Orlando / Salt lake city

She doesn’t want to stay home. / in the apartment / in this city / in this country

Do you open your drugstore early? / office / park / business

No, I open it only after lunch. / brunch / ten a.m. / noon

I study in the morning. / sleep / play / read

When do the girls prefer to go to the movies? / beach / farm / downtown

The girls prefer to go to the movies tomorrow morning. / beach / farm / downtown

They don’t want to stay home. / at work / in the city / at the office

Do you know the meaning of ‘’download’’? / swimming pool / neighbor / early

No, I don’t know the meaning of ‘’download’’. / swimming pool / neighbor / early

I need to study more. / read / write / work


Last weekend.

Last weekend was great. I went to the mall with my girlfriend and
we ate at Outback Steakhouse. I ate French fries, a medium steak and a
piece of pie for dessert, Adriana ate salad, cooked vegetables and a
chocolate cake. I drank about 10 glasses of beer. Adriana didn’t drink beer
because she doesn’t drink alcohol, but we had a great time there. We
spoke about our wedding and made plans for the future. We met some
friends there too. Yesterday I needed to stay home because I had a
terrible hangover and didn’t want to go to work. I ate a lot and drank a lot
and now Adriana is a little angry with me. That woman makes me crazy. I
love her a lot.
I want to marry her and have a lot of children with her, but her
family doesn’t like me a lot. They didn’t go to my birthday party and her
father never spoke with me. I think I need to change this.


1- What did John eat last weekend?

2- How many glasses of beer did he drink?

3- What plans do they have for the future?

4- What did you do last weekend?

5- Why is Adriana angry with him?

to need, needed – precisar to drink, drank – beber
to speak, spoke – falar to eat, ate – comer


food – comida grilled – grelhado grape – uva

rice – arroz cooked – cozido pear – pêra
beans – feijão dessert – sobremesa apple – maçã
salad – salada birthday – aniversário strawberry – morango
French fries – batatas fritas orange – laranja cake – bolo
vegetables – verduras, legumes pineapple – abacaxi pie – torta
potato – batata piece – pedaço
pasta – macarrão last – último, passado
soup – sopa yesterday – ontem
steak – bife all – todo
baked – assado ice – gelo

a little – um pouco, pouco rare – mal passado
a lot – muito medium – ao ponto
a lot of – muito / s well done – bem passado

I spoke I ate I drank
I didn’t speak I didn’t eat I didn’t drink
Did you speak? Did you eat? Did you drink?

Example: Example: Example:

They played soccer. You didn’t eat chicken. Did we play yesterday?





















1. Meu pai comeu muito peixe grelhado ontem no almoço. Ele não jantou.

2. Quero começar um novo curso de música no próximo ano. Você quer começar comigo?

3. Minhas crianças comeram todo o bolo de morango e beberam refrigerante.

4. Precisei falar com você ontem. Meu vizinho quer vender o carro dele para você.

5. Minha mãe lê toda noite para meus filhos.

6. Prefiro meu bife bem passado, não gosto de bife mal passado.

7. Precisei ajudar meus amigos a terminar seus trabalhos.

8. Tenho muitas coisas boas para te dizer. Você tem tempo agora?

9. Você gostou da salada?

10. Não comi batata assada, comi verduras e legumes cozidos.







Listen to the audio of Chapter 13 and complete
Last weekend.
was great. I went to the
mall with my girlfriend and we at Outback Steakhouse.
, Adriana
ate and a chocolate
_. I 10 glasses of
beer. Adriana didn’t drink beer because
, but we had a great time
there. our wedding and
made plans for the future. We met some friends there too. Yesterday I
home because I had a
terrible hangover and didn’t want to go to work. I
now Adriana is
_angry with me. That woman makes me crazy. A love her
I want to marry her and have with her,
but her family doesn’t like me a lot. They didn’t go to
party and her father never
with me. I think I
need to change this.

My – I like my neighbor. She is a great woman.

Your – You need to help your father at the store. He is sick and has
a lot of work to do.
His – He said his car is dirty. That’s why he sent it to the car wash.
Her – Her mother is at the hospital. She is worried.
Its - The cat drinks its milk in the morning.
Our – We have to bring our books to the classroom when we have
Your – Your classes are on Mondays and Wednesdays.
Their – They take their children to school every day by car.

Do you want to eat vegetables for lunch? / salad / soup / French fries

No thanks, I ate vegetables yesterday. / salad / soup / French fries

I prefer to eat rice and beans today. / pasta – steak / potatoes – ham / chicken – turkey

How do you want your steak? / eat / like / prefer

I want my steak rare or medium. / eat / like / prefer

I don’t want my steak well done. / eat / like / prefer

Do you eat pasta on Sundays? / Fridays / Saturdays / weekends

Yes, I always eat pasta with my family on Sundays. / Fridays / Saturdays / weekends

We don’t eat pasta on Wednesdays. / Thursdays / Tuesdays / Mondays

What kind of cake do you want on your birthday?

I want a chocolate cake. / apple / orange / pineapple

I don’t like orange cakes. / banana / strawberry / chocolate

LESSON 14 14

food a little a lot pear baked

cake orange spoke ice needed

1. Did you need to help your boss yesterday? / manager / neighbor
2.What time do you like to have lunch? / breakfast / dinner
3. What did you eat yesterday? / last Tuesday / last Saturday
4. When do you play soccer with your friends? / siblings / neighbor
5. Do you work a lot or a little? / study / speak
6. What do you like to read when you go home after work? / eat / drink
7. How many teachers do you have? / sister / brothers
8. What time does your English class start? / German / Spanish
9. Do you sleep with your window open or closed? / he / she
10. What instrument does your sister play? / daughter / son
11. What game does your son want to play? / friend / neighbor
12. What city do you want to live in? / state / country
13. Why did you go to the store this morning? / this afternoon / last night / yesterday
14. What did you eat for lunch yesterday? / for breakfast / for dinner
15. Do you know where he plays? / works / studies / lives

Make your own questions

1. Você quer estudar comigo amanhã? Tenho uma reunião bem cedo.

2. Onde você comeu a noite passada? Comi no aeroporto com meus amigos.

3. Quantos pedaços de torta de frango você quer? Quero dois pedaços de torta.

4. Tenho muitos testes no próximo mês. Preciso começar a estudar imediatamente.

5. Ainda não sei como tocar teclado muito bem. Você toca esse instrumento?

6. Preciso dormir antes da meia noite. Tenho aula de música amanhã cedo.

7. Por que você trabalha todas as noites? Porque preciso de dinheiro para comprar uma casa na

8. Preciso ficar aqui. Quero falar com você sobre a reunião.

9. Minha mãe abre as janelas todas as manhãs e eu as fecho de noite.

10. Preciso visitar nosso professor em seu aniversário. Você quer ir comigo?







Complete with the correct possessive adjectives 14
1 - I wash car once a week.

2 - If you want to learn English well, you have to do _homework.

3 – He argues with girlfriend all the time.

4 – She doesn’t need piano teacher anymore. She knows how to play.

5 – That bookstore has great books. books are cheap.

6- classes are on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

7 – You and sister are sick. You need to take medication.

8 - Jane and Raquel lost documents in the park, last week.

In what city does your manager live? / the waiter / your boss / your neighbor

He lives in San Francisco. / New York / Miami / Salt Lake City

He doesn’t live far from here. / this city / my farm / the bank

How do you like your fish? / potato / meat / steak

I like grilled fish. / baked potato / cooked meat / grilled chicken

I don’t eat grilled food. / baked / cooked / grilled

Do you know when he plays the piano?

Yes, he plays the piano on Saturdays. / Sundays / Fridays / weekends

He doesn’t play the piano on Tuesdays. / Mondays / Thursdays / Wednesdays

Did you need to go there yesterday? / last week / last month / last vacation

Yes, but I didn’t go there alone. How about you?

I need to go there tomorrow. / next week / next month / next vacation

Did the mailman open the post office today? / manager-bank / boss-store

No, he didn’t open the post office. / bank / store / school

He went to bed late last night. / at midnight / at two a.m. / one thirty a.m.

Did you visit your family on your vacation this year? / friends / siblings / relatives

No, I didn’t visit my family on my vacation. / friends / siblings / relatives

They visited me last month. / week / semester / weekend

What do they eat for lunch? / supper / breakfast / dessert

They eat salad and vegetables. / rice-beans / bread-eggs / pasta-salad

They don’t eat a lot.

LESSON 15 15

Last weekend. (Adriana´s perspective)

Last weekend was awful. I wanted to go to the dentist and to the
doctor but John wanted to go to the mall to eat some fast-food. He ate a
lot. The problem is that he drank about 20 glasses of beer and got really
drunk. The day after he was really hung over and didn’t go to work and
didn’t study anything so I studied alone again. But he had enough energy
to play video games with his friends all night long. He said he wanted to
be an engineer but I don’t know if he wants to study for that. Sometimes I
think his life is a big holiday. He doesn’t work out and eats a lot. He wants
to marry me but never spoke with my father, who is a very serious police
officer. I love him a lot, but my family is very important to me and he
needs to talk to them soon. What do you think I should do?


1- Why was the weekend awful?

2- What did John do all night long?

3- What do you think Adriana should do?

4- Describe a romantic dinner you had.

to want, wanted – Querer to study, studied – Estudar
to work, worked – Trabalhar to play, played – tocar, jogar, brincar


factory – fábrica mechanic – mecânico

dentist – dentista volleyball – vôlei
doctor – doutor business – negócio, comércio
flute – flauta checkers – jogo de damas
lawyer – advogado businessman – executivo
violin – violino soon – logo, em breve
engineer – engenheiro administration – administração
field – campo holiday – feriado
secretary – Secretária law – lei, direito
court – quadra during – durante
assistant – assistente hospital – hospital
tennis – tênis again – de novo, novamente, outra vez
police officer – policial restaurant – restaurante
basketball – basquete who – quem


all day long – o dia todo How do you spell your name?
to work out – exercitar-se Como se escreve seu nome?
all night long – a noite toda


me – She wants to take me to Miami. Who wants to go with me?

you – I need to visit you tomorrow. Quem quer ir comigo?
him – She likes to cook for him. Who plays the flute in your family?
her – I have to say this to her. Quem toca flauta em sua família?
it – I need to wash it. Who spoke in the meeting?
us – They like to help us there. Quem falou na reunião?
you – I want to write to you. Who ate the toast?
them – I need to know them better. Quem comeu as torradas?

( use after the verbs)


















17. __________________

18. __________________

19. __________________

20. __________________


1. Quero ir ao campo de futebol jogar com vocês amanhã.

2. Meu irmão toca violino muito bem. Você quer tocar com ele hoje à noite?

3. Eu me exercito toda manhã. Quando você se exercita?

4. Como se escreve seu nome?

5. Qual o significado de Factory? Meu irmão não sabe isto ainda?

6. Aquele homem de negócios trabalhou comigo o ano passado.

7. Você queria comer arroz, feijão e legumes cozidos no almoço?

8. Falei com ela sobre o gerente ontem. Ele trabalhou bem?

9. Quem tocou bateria no restaurante ontem à noite?

10. Nós precisamos terminar isto logo. Você tem tempo para nos ajudar?



Listen to the audio of Chapter 15 and complete

Last weekend. (Adriana´s perspective)

Last weekend was awful. I
dentist and to the doctor but
John fast-food.
He ate a lot. The problem is that he drank about 20 glasses of beer and got
really drunk. The day after he was really hung over and didn’t go to work
and didn’t .
But he had enough energy to play .
He said he but I
don’t know if he wants to study for that. Sometimes I
think . He
and eats a
lot. He wants to marry me but never spoke with my father, who is a
very .I
love him a lot, but my family is very important to me and he needs to talk
to . What do you think I should

( Simple Past)

Change the sentences into negative! 15
1 – My girlfriend and I had dinner together yesterday.

2 – Peter did his homework last class.

3 – I knew your grandfather.

4 – We went downtown yesterday to buy some electrical appliances.

When did the lawyer work all day long? / engineer / businessman / waiter

He didn’t work all day long yesterday. / this Tuesday / last Sunday / this Saturday

He worked all day long last Monday. / week / month / weekend

Where did the lawyer work until last year? / waiter / businessman / doctor

He worked at the law school until last year. / restaurant / business school / hospital

He doesn’t want to work there this year. / this month / this week / today

Who plays the flute in your house? / guitar / violin

My children play the flute in my house. / guitar / violin

They don’t play the violin. / piano / keyboard

Does the police officer play basketball on Sundays? / tennis / volleyball / checkers

No, he doesn’t play basketball on Sundays. / tennis / volleyball / checkers

He prefers to stay with his family on Sundays. / them / his son / him

LESSON 16 16

Studied violin who field engineer

Soon again played spell work out

1. Did you work all day long last Saturday? / Sunday / Wednesday
2. Do you know the meaning of “be cool”? / ”right away” / “work out”
3. When do you usually go to the post office? / mechanic / bank / church
4. Does your neighbor have a good car? / bad / old / new
5. Where do you want to go next week? / holiday / year / month
6. What do you usually eat in the restaurant? / at the beach / at home
7. How much money do you need to buy a car? / house / an apartment
8. Who works with you? / studies / has lunch
9. Did you eat some cheese for breakfast? / a piece of cake / a slice of ham
10. Do you want to play tennis with us on Friday night? / baseball / checkers
11. Who drank all the orange juice? / grape / strawberry
12. What instrument do you play? / he / she
13. Did you visit your mother yesterday? / teacher / relative
14. Did your son play the flute all day long? / piano / guitar / violin
15. Where does your secretary live? / sister / teacher / assistant

Make your own questions

1. Ela comeu batata assada com presunto e queijo no jantar. O que você gosta de comer no

2. Ela estudou administração naquela escola. Onde você estudou direito?

3. Ele trabalhou no restaurante como garçom o ano passado. Agora ele trabalha na farmácia.

4. Meu irmão jogou futebol ontem no novo campo. Aquele policial trabalhou lá ontem.

5. Eu prefiro meu bife ao ponto. Eu prefiro mal passado.

6. Sempre almoço naquele restaurante na esquina com elas. Onde você almoça?

7. Tenho que trabalhar neste feriado. Preciso de dinheiro para comprar um apartamento novo.

8. Quero terminar minha lição de casa antes do almoço porque preciso ir à escola depois do

9. Como vai você? Estou bem, obrigada.

10. Queremos visitar nossos parentes que moram naquela cidade.







Find the past form of the following verbs 16
Read Eat
close say
Go Drink
visit buy
Stay Have
understand sell
Finish Play
sleep know
Work Write
help open

Write a short story using 10 of the verbs above!

Why did you need to open the drugstore this morning? / factory / restaurant / office
Because my assistant didn’t go to work today. / secretary / sister / daughter
She needed to go to the hospital. / school / dentist / doctor

When does the police officer play at the baseball field? / soccer field / tennis court
He always plays at the baseball field during the week. / soccer field / tennis court
He never plays on weekends. / Sundays / Saturdays

What do you eat for breakfast every day?
I eat apples and cereal. / grapes – bread / strawberries – pancakes / pears – donuts
I don’t like toast in the morning. / cheese / ham / eggs

Did your doctor work all day long? / your dentist / your lawyer / your engineer
Yes, he worked all day long last Monday. / Tuesday / Thursday / Wednesday
He didn’t have time to study. / play / write / read

How does the teacher like her meat? / secretary / office assistant / hospital assistant
She likes her meat grilled and well done. / rare / medium / well done
She doesn’t eat vegetables. / salad / soup / potatoes

Until what time did your son study yesterday?

He studied until midnight. / one a.m. / late / two thirty a.m.

He doesn’t want to get up now. / this morning / before ten a.m. / early

Does she prefer to study engineering or law? / business – arts / administration - music

She prefers to study engineering. / business / administration

She doesn’t like law. /arts / music

LESSON 17 17

My last vacation
On my last vacation in June my family and I went camping in
Pirenópolis. We stayed there for 6 days and it was great. We slept in a
tent, took a walk in the city every night and barbecued in the afternoon.
The problem was that there were these people listening to funk all day
long at the campsite.
The price of food there is very expensive. We bought food at the
supermarket and at the grocery store near the campsite. Sometimes we
had something to eat at the snack bar at the square when we were tired.
In the afternoon we did many things like take long naps, barbecue, play
chess and cards. There is nothing better than camping in Pirenópolis.
This month I have to work overtime to compensate my leisure trip
to Pirenópolis.

What about you?


What did you do on your last vacation?

to like, liked – Gostar to help, helped – Ajudar
to go, went – Ir to sleep, slept – Dormir


customer – freguês party – festa

price – preço trip – viagem
cards – cartas, baralho leisure – lazer
chess – xadrez kitchen – cozinha
just – só, apenas bedroom – quarto
slowly – devagar, lentamente mall – shopping
fast – rápido library – biblioteca
too – também gas station – posto de gasolina
also – também supermarket – supermercado
short – curto bakery– padaria
long – longo grocery store – mercearia
electric guitar – guitarra snack bar – lanchonete
drums – bateria You are not rich
until you have
EXPRESSIONS something that
money can´t buy
someting – alguma coisa, algo me too – eu também
anything – alguma coisa overtime – hora extra
nothing – nada to take a nap – tirar um cochilo


I have something – Eu tenho alguma coisa

Do you have anything? – Você tem alguma coisa? January
I don’t have anything – Não tenho nada. (neg.) February
I have nothing – Não tenho nada (aff) March
He studies English and also French. May
Ele estuda inglês e francês também June
He studies English too. August
Ele estuda inglês também. September


















17. ___________

18. ___________

19. ___________

20. __________

1. Fui à festa com meus amigos quinta passada. Nós fomos de trem.

2. Gostei de falar com minha vizinha na festa. Nós fomos para casa tarde depois da festa.

3. Ele estudou com os amigos dele sexta-feira passada e, depois fomos jogar futebol.

4. Não comi e bebi nada na festa. Também não falei nada na reunião.

5. Você quer alguma coisa no shopping hoje? Eu não quero comer nada.

6. Não tive tempo de ir ao dentista essa semana. Precisei ir ao médico.

7. Não terminei minha tarefa hoje ainda. Quem estudou com você?

8. Ele não jogou cartas hoje de manhã. Ele jogou xadrez com os filhos dele.

9. Ele dormiu muito este mês. Ele não falou com os fregueses dele sobre os preços.

10. Tenho que ir a uma viagem curta de negócios. Vou amanhã de manhã de carro.



Listen to the audio of Chapter 17 and complete

My last vacation
On my last vacation camping
in Pirenópolis. We stayed there for 6 days and it was great. We slept in a tent,
took a walk in the
afternoon. The problem was that there were these
all day long at the campsite.
The . We bought food at
the and at the
near the campsite. Sometimes
we had something to eat at the when
we were tired. In the afternoon we ,
barbecue, play . There is
better than camping in Pirenópolis.
This month I have to work overtime to to

Who did she help last week? / weekend / holiday / Saturday
She helped her customers. / boss / manager / neighbor

She didn’t have time for leisure last week. / weekend / holiday / Saturday

Where does he have to stay now?

He has to stay at the library. / gas station / supermarket / grocery store

He doesn’t have to work until eight o’clock. / ten to seven / six twenty-five / four twenty

What do you have to buy at the mall? / bakery / snack bar / supermarket

I don’t have to buy anything at the mall. / bakery / snack bar / supermarket

I just want to go there to speak with my sister. She works there.

Do they study French or Chinese? / Spanish – Portuguese / German - English

They study French and also Chinese. / Spanish – Portuguese / German - English

I want to study Chinese too. / Portuguese / English

Does your daughter help you in the kitchen? / sister / mother / friend

No, my daughter doesn’t help me in the kitchen. / sister / mother / friend

She helps me at school. / drugstore / restaurant / store

LESSON 18 18
liked just went chess too

trip mall helped supermarket

1. Who has a motorcycle in your family? / bike / big car / small
2. What time do you get up every day? / on weekends / Sundays / holidays
3. Do you like to get up early? / need / want / have
4. What book do you like to read? / magazine / newspaper
5. Did you work as a postman last year? / manager / office assistant
6. Where did you go yesterday after lunch? / work / school
7. When do you like to play cards? / games / instruments
8. Did you eat anything before class today? / drink / write
9. Do you always drink coffee and milk in the morning? / orange juice / pineapple
10. Does your father work in an office? / factory / farm / gas station
11. Who plays the guitar in your family? / the drums / the electric guitar / the piano
12. When do you usually finish your homework? / work / English class.
13. Where did you go last Saturday? / Sunday / Friday / weekend
14. What time did she go to the mall? library / supermarket / movies
15. Do you work a lot? / read / write / study

Make your own questions

1. Você disse alguma coisa na reunião? Por que você foi lá sozinho?

2. Tenho que falar com o gerente do banco. Preciso falar com ele sobre sua viagem de negócios.

3. Nossa irmã gostou muito daquela nova lanchonete. Você já foi lá com ela?

4. Minhas férias começam amanhã. Vou em uma longa viagem com minha família.

5. Eles jogaram beisebol e depois foram jogar tênis.

6. Quem falou na reunião sobre aquele negócio? O homem de negócios falou sobre isto.

7. Minha filha precisou ir ao Shopping comprar um livro sobre lei para estudar.

8. Queria dormir mais na minha viagem de lazer.

9. Preciso ajudar minha irmã na festa de aniversário hoje.

10. Precisei terminar minha tarefa de casa de alemão antes de ir à aula.






Did you like the trip to New York? / Orlando / L. A. / Chicago
No, I didn’t like the trip to New York. / Orlando / L. A. / Chicago

I liked the trip to San Francisco. / Salt Lake City / Miami / Dallas

Did they go to bed early yesterday? / last Sunday / last Wednesday / last week

No, they didn’t go to bed early. / before midnight / at ten p.m. / at eight thirty

They want to take a nap today. / this morning / this afternoon / during the day

Did you work with the postman last year? / engineer / lawyer / police officer

No, I never worked with the postman. / engineer / lawyer / police officer

I worked with the mechanic. / waiter / businessman / office manager

Did you go on vacation in March or April last year? / May – June / July – August / September - October

I didn’t go on vacation in April. / June / August / October

I went on vacation in March. / May / July / September

What did the customer say in German? / secretary / hospital assistant / office assistant

The customer didn’t say anything in German. / secretary / hospital assistant / office assistant

She only speaks French. / Chinese / Portuguese / Spanish

LESSON 19 19
Going to the mall
Remember I said I wanted to get married this year? Well, I have to
save a lot of money and it`s difficult with a girlfriend like Adriana.
Yesterday we went to the mall to buy a new television and some
furniture, but instead she only bought some blouses, a 2-thousand-dollar
dress many skirts, pants, five pairs of shoes and some toys for her cousins.
This way it´s going to be difficult to pay for the wedding. I already sold my
car and everything I didn’t need anymore, like my playstation, bicycle, and
almost my entire hot wheels collection. I know, I know…I am an adult now
and don’t need toys any more, but they have a sentimental value for me.
After that we went to the movies but the tickets were sold out and we
were very hungry, so we decided to eat something.
Now I don’t have any money and I am working a lot to pay for
everything. Adriana is looking for a house for us to buy near my mother -
in- law´s. My sister is living by herself in Brasilia since she passed the
college entrance exam at UNB. My parents are paying for everything
because my sister is too lazy to work, so they can´t help very much with
my wedding.


1 – What did she buy at the mall?

2 – Where is his sister living now? And why?

3 – What is his girlfriend doing?

to buy, bought – Comprar to have, had – Ter
to sell, sold – Vender to understand, understood – entender


name – nome flower – flor pants – calça

dad – pai watch – relógio shirt – camisa
mom – mãe present – presente shoe – Sapato
nephew – sobrinho ticket – passagem, bilhete toy – brinquedo
niece – sobrinha sandwich – sanduíche Christmas – natal
cousin – primo ice cream – sorvete almost – quase
uncle – tio clothes – roupas everything – tudo
aunt – tia skirt – saia nice – bom, bonito, legal
furniture – mobília dress – vestido happy – feliz
television – televisão blouse – blusa sad – triste


I am hungry – estou com fome I am in a hurry – estou com pressa

I am thirsty – estou com sede sold out – esgotado, vendido


To be– ser, estar

I am – eu sou, estou by myself – sozinho

You are – você é, está by yourself – sozinho
He is – ele é, está by himself – sozinho
She is – ela é, está by herself – sozinha
It is – é,está (neutro) by itself – sozinho
We are – nós somos, estamos by ourselves – sozinhos
You are – você são, estão by yourselves – sozinhos
They are – eles são, estão by themselves – sozinhos


















17. __________________

18. __________________

19. __________________

20. __________________

1. Como você começou este negócio? Comecei com meu irmão e agora estou sozinho.

2. Comi salada, arroz e peixe grelhado no almoço. Comi sorvete de sobremesa.

3. Comprei quase tudo que precisava para as crianças. Estou feliz agora.

4. Não quero ir ao centro sozinha. Você quer ir comigo, por favor?

5. Estou com sede. Preciso beber um copo grande de água gelada.

6. Os bilhetes estão esgotados. Você comprou seu bilhete ontem?

7. Eles venderam os CDs para meu marido. Você sabia disto?

8. Meu pai é policial. Você conhece meu pai?

9. Toquei bateria naquela lanchonete ontem à noite.

10. Não comi batata assada, comi legumes cozidos.



Listen to the audio of Chapter 19 and complete
Going to the mall
Remember I said I wanted to get married this
year?Well, and
it`s difficult with a girlfriend like Adriana. Yesterday we went to the mall to buy
a new , but instead she
only , a 2-thousand-
dollar , five pairs of
and some
for . This way it´s going to be
difficult to pay for the wedding. I and
everything I didn’t need anymore, like my
and almost my entire hot wheels collection.
I know, I know…I am an adult now and any more,
but they have a sentimental value for me. After that we went to the movies
but we ,so we
decided to eat something.
Now I don’t have any money and I am working a lot to pay for
everything. She is looking for a house for us to buy near my mother -in-law´s.
Brasilia since she passed the
college entrance exam at UNB. My parents are paying for everything because
my sister is too lazy to work, so they can´t help very much with my wedding.

What did you buy for your mom on Christmas? / niece / cousin / aunt

I bought her some Christmas cards. / some flowers / a present / a watch

Did she like them? / the flowers / it / the present

What clothes did you sell at the store? / presents / instruments / games

I sold many dresses. / flowers / electric guitars / checkers

I don’t know how many skirts I still have to sell. / cards / drums / chesses

Did they understand their homework? / lesson / letter / magazine

Yes, they understood their homework by themselves. / lesson / letter / magazine

They don’t need help this time. / this week / today / now

What did you have for breakfast? / for dinner / for lunch

I only had cereal and pancakes. / pasta – meat / French fries - chicken

I don’t eat much for breakfast. / for dinner / for lunch

Did the girl study French by herself? / the boy – himself / your cousins – themselves

Yes, the girl studied French by herself. / the boy – himself / my cousins – themselves

She didn’t study Chinese. / they – Spanish / they – Portuguese / I – French

LESSON 20 20

myself sad thirsty ourselves flower

happy dress aunt bought clothes

1. Does your father work by himself? / uncle / nephew
2. Where did you buy your furniture? / watch / television
3. Do you know her name? / his / their
4. Did you go there by bus? / train / on foot
5. When do you want to go to the beach? / farm / park
6. How many English lessons do you have a week? / French / German
7. Where did you go yesterday? / on Sunday / on the weekend
8. Does your mom work at home? / at the library / at the restaurant
9. What do you usually have for breakfast? / dinner / lunch
10.Do you live by yourself or with your family? / he / she
11.Did you buy the tickets for your trip? / he / she
12.Did you go to the gas station today? / bank / office
13.Where did you buy this dress? / blouse / shirt / skirt
14.Why does he live downtown? / in this city / in this house / in this apartment
15.Do you usually work overtime in December? / January / February / July


1. Precisei vender meu carro para comprar um apartamento na praia. Você tem um apartamento
na praia?

2. Ele comprou muitos presentes para as crianças. Quem comprou os presentes?

3. Quero comer alguma coisa antes do meio dia, porque estou com fome agora.

4. Ele está muito feliz hoje. Ele começa num novo emprego esta semana.

5. Entendi o que a professora disse ontem na aula. Você entendeu?

6. Ele quer comprar mobília nova para o escritório dele. Ela quis comprar uma televisão para a
mamãe dela.

7. Gostei muito de estudar francês com você ontem. Você me ajuda de novo?

8. Ele vendeu todas as passagens essa semana.

9. Ela comeu quase o bolo todo. Agora ela quer exercitar-se.

10. Ele quer jogar tênis com os amigos dele depois do jantar.






Anything, something, nothing
1 – I want to do nice today. I slept well and I am full of energy.

2 – Do you need from the drugstore? I am going there right now.

3 – Did he drink at the party? He looked very drunk.

4 - Do you want to eat? You seem to be very hungry.

5 – I did yesterday. I was very lazy.

6 – I like all kinds of food. So, I eat .

7- My friend doesn’t know about her birthday party!

8- If there is you need, you can call me.

9- My friend’s decisions have to do with me.

10- I think there is wrong with the Blue-ray. It isn’t

working well.

Do you want to drink something? / your cousin / your dad / they

Yes, I want to drink water. / she – apple juice / he – soda / they – iced tea

I am thirsty. / she / he / they

Where did she go by bicycle? / trolley / subway / bike

She went to the movies by bicycle. / mall – trolley / drugstore – subway / library - bike

She didn’t go to the supermarket. / grocery store / snack bar / bakery

Did you understand everything by yourself? / they / she / he

No, I didn’t understand everything by myself. / they / she / he

I understood only when my teacher helped me. / they / she / he

When do you have to go to the store? / mall / supermarket / grocery store
I have to go to the store now. / mall / supermarket / grocery store

I have to work overtime today. / every day / tonight / Sunday

What did you drink for breakfast? / after lunch / this morning / after dinner

I drank iced tea. / hot milk / cold water / coffee

I don’t like to drink hot chocolate. / hot tea / orange juice / soda

Where do your parents work? / siblings / children / relatives

My father is a mechanic. / brother – lawyer / son – doctor / uncle – police officer

My mother doesn’t work. / sister / daughter / aunt

What did you buy for your mom last Christmas? / sister / niece / aunt

I bought some flowers for my mom. / sister / niece / aunt

I didn’t buy anything for my dad. / brother / nephew / uncle

Who ate all the sandwiches? / ice cream / donuts / cheese

Nobody knows who ate all the sandwiches. / ice cream / donuts / cheese

The child ate all the sandwiches. / ice cream / donuts / cheese



Answer the following questions.

Do you like to travel?

Where do you usually go?

How often do you travel?

Where did you travel on your last vacation?

Write about your last trip

I went I bought I drank
I didn’t go I didn’t buy I didn’t drink
Did you go? Did you buy? Did you drink?

I have something.
Do you have anything?
I don’t have anything
I have nothing.

1. Precisei vender meu carro para comprar um apartamento na praia. Você tem um
apartamento na praia?

2. Ele comprou muitos presentes para as crianças. Quem comprou os presentes?

3. Quero comer alguma coisa antes do meio dia, porque estou com fome agora.

4. Você janta antes ou depois das sete horas? Geralmente eu janto depois das sete horas.

5. Minha aula de música começa às oito horas e a de arte às dez e quarenta e cinco.

5.Tenho muitas coisas para dizer. Você tem tempo agora? Não tenho muito tempo agora.

6.O trabalho começa antes do almoço. O que você tem a dizer sobre isto?

7. Não terminei minha tarefa hoje ainda. Quem estudou com você?

8. Ele não jogou cartas hoje de manhã. Ele jogou xadrez com os filhos dele.

9. Ele dormiu muito este mês. Ele não falou com os fregueses dele sobre os preços.

10. Tenho que ir a uma viagem curta de negócios. Vou amanhã de manhã de carro.


1. No, I don’t need to go to work today.
2. Yes, I helped my boss at work last week.

3. I ate chicken and salad for dinner.


4. I live in Goiânia because I like this city.


Present Simple
A. Make positive present simple sentences:

1. (he / go to school every day)

2. (I / like swimming)

3. (you / play chess on Saturdays)

4. (the class / start at 9 a.m.)

5. (they / sometimes go to the cinema)

6. (she / love chocolate)

7. (we / study French)

8. (they / live in London)

9. (he / work in a restaurant)

10. (Lucy / play the guitar)

11. (we / cook every day)

12. (he / clean the house on weekends)

13. (I / like reading detective stories)

14. (you / come from France)

15. (John and David / go to restaurants)

16. (Susie / study English every night)

17. (the train / leave at 6 p.m.)

18. (we / go to the park on Sundays)

19. (he / like taking pictures)

20. (the moon / go round the earth)

B .Make the negative present simple:

1. (he / not / like jazz)

2. (we / not / buy many clothes)

3. (she / not / like studying)

4. (you / not / love me)

5. (they / not / work at home)

6. (Lucy / not / have a computer)

7. (I / not / take the bus at night)

8. (David / not / travel much)

9. (we / not / have any children)

12. (they / not / live close to our house)

13. (she / not / work abroad)

14. (you / not / own a bicycle)

15. (I / not / get up early)

16. (they / not / have a car)

17. (he / not / come home late)

18. (I / not / like travelling by plane)

19. (you / not / come from Africa)

20. (She / not / have any brothers or sisters)

C. Make present simple questions:

1. (you / like cake?)

2. (she / live in London?)

3. (they / hate studying?)

4. (you / drink tea every morning?)

5. (you smoke?)

6. (he / play tennis on Saturdays?)

7. (you / go shopping on the weekend?)

8. (you / drink alcohol?)

9. (she / work in an office?)

10. (they / study French?)

11. (you / meet your friends on Fridays?)

12. (you / read a lot?)

13. (John / come from New Zealand?)

14. (they / like pizza?)

15. (we / arrive at 9 p.m.?)

16. (it / snow here in winter?)

17. (Lucy / study History?)

18. (I / work as a teacher?)

19. (he / eat rice often?)

20. (you / like coffee?)

At In

(a) We have class at two o’clock. (d) My birthday is in July.

(b) I have an appointment with the (e) I was born in 1978.
doctor at 4:30. (f) We have class in the morning.
(c) We sleep at night. (g) Jason has class in the afternoon.
at + a specific time on the clock. (h) I study in the evening.
at + night in + a specific month
in + a specific year
On in + the morning
in + the afternoon
(i) I have class on Monday. in + the evening
(j) I was born on May 3, 1982.
on + a specific day of the week
on + a specific date

(k) We have class from 3:00 to 4:00. From (a specific time) to (a specific time)

A. Put in the correct preposition (at, in, on, or no preposition):

1. They woke up midnight.

2. Do you usually eat chocolate eggs Easter?
3. What are you doing the weekend?
4. last week, I worked until 9pm every night.
5. My father always reads the paper breakfast time.
6. She plays tennis Fridays.
7. The trees here are really beautiful the spring.
8. I’ll see you Tuesday afternoon, then.
9. Shakespeare died 1616.
10. She studies every day.
11. John buys the presents today.
12. In my city the shops open early the morning.
13. She met her husband 1998.
14. The party is next Saturday.
15. We are meeting Friday morning.
16. I often get sleepy the afternoon.
17. His daughter was born the 24th of August.
18. Mobile phones became popular the nineties.
19. The meeting will take place this afternoon.
20. Luckily the weather was perfect her wedding day.

B. Complete the sentences with prepositions of time.

1) We have class eleven o’clock.

2) We have class nine eleven.
3) Tom has class the morning, and he works the afternoon.
4) I study the evening.
5) I sleep night.
6) Mary was born October.
7) Mary was born 1967.
8) Mary was born October 28.
9) Mary was born October 28, 1967.
10) The bank isn’t open Sundays.
11) The bank is open 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday.
12) The bank closes 5:00 p.m.

C. Complete the sentences with prepositions of place.

1. The wine is the bottle.

2. Pass me the dictionary, it's the bookshelf.
3. Jennifer is work.
4. Berlin is Germany.
5. You have something your face.
6. Turn left the traffic lights.
7. She was listening to classical music the radio.
8. He has a house the river.
9. The answer is the bottom of the page.
10. Julie will be the plane now.
11. There are a lot of magnets the fridge.
12. She lives London.
13. John is a taxi. He's coming.
14. I'll meet you the airport.
15. She sat the chair.
16. The cat is the house somewhere.
17. Why are you calling so late? I’m already bed.
18. I waited for Lucy the station.
19. There was a picture of flowers her T-shirt.
20. She has a house Japan.

1. He’s swimming the river.
2. Where’s Julie? She’s school.
3. The plant is the table.
4. There is a spider the bath.
5. Please put those apples the bowl.
6. Frank is holiday for three weeks.
7. There are two pockets this bag.
8. I read the story the newspaper.
9. The cat is sitting the chair.
10. Lucy was standing the bus stop.
11. I'll meet you the cinema.
12. She hung a picture the wall.
13. John is the garden.
14. There's nothing TV tonight.
15. I stayed home all weekend.
16. When I called Lucy, she was the bus.
17. There was a spider the ceiling.
18. Unfortunately, Mrs. Brown is hospital.
19. Don't sit the table, sit a chair.
20. There are four cushions the sofa.

D. Complete the sentences using to, to the or no preposition

1. I don’t want to go downtown today.

2. Do you like to go movies on Tuesdays or on Mondays?
3. I need to go home. I forgot the TV on.
4. He goes office only in the afternoon.
5. I don’t need to go mall this weekend.
6. He doesn’t go church every Sunday.
7. My family wants to go beach in the summer.
8. We need to go farm and after park.
9. I would like to go USA during my vacation.
10. I wouldn’t like to go London, because it is too cold.


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