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Como falar da sua rotina em inglês!

Hi there! Embora cada um tenha a sua rotina, existem coisas que todos nós fazemos todos os
dias! Vamos ver como falar sobre essas coisas em inglês?

Vou ressaltar aqui que quando falamos sobre a nossa rotina, usamos o tempo verbal presente
simples (eu faço, eu tabalho, eu como, eu dirijo) e costumamos usar alguns advérbios de
frequência (não se assuste com o termo gramatical, se atente à sua correspondência em
português). Alguns destes advérbios são:

OFTEN - frequentemente, com frequência.

ALWAYS - sempre
RARELY - raramente
OCCASIONALLY - ocasionalmente
NEVER - nunca
BARELY - dificilmente, não muito
SOMETIMES - às vezes, algumas vezes
USUALLY - geralmente, usualmente

Aí vai um pouco da nossa daily routine, rotina do dia-a-dia. Para praticar, crie um parágrafo
usando as frases abaixo com as modificações necessárias para falar sobre a sua rotina.

I wake up at 7am every morning. - Eu acordo às 7 todas as manhãs.

I get up around 7:30. - Eu levanto por volta das 7:30.

I have breakfast very fast. - Eu tomo café da manhã bem rapido.

I usually read the newspaper while I have breakfast. - Eu geralmente leio o jornal enquanto
eu tomo café.

I work out. - Eu malho.

I go to the gym. - Eu vou para a academia.

I take a shower and then I get dressed. - Eu tomo banho e então me troco.

I brush hair and put on some make-up (for women). Eu escovo meu cabelo e passo um
pouco de maquiagem (para mulheres).

I have short hair so I comb my hair. - Eu tenho cabelos curtos então eu penteio os cabelos.

I floss and brush my teeth. - Eu passo o fio dental e escovo os dentes.

I feed my dog before I leave home everyday. - Eu alimento meu cachorro antes de sair de casa
todos os dias.

I go to work/school at 8.45am. - Eu vou para o trabalho/escola às 8h45.

I usually drive to work. - Eu normalmente vou de carro para o trabalho.

I take a taxi/the subway to work. I never take the bus because it takes longer. - Eu pego um
taxi ou vou de metrô para o trabalho. Eu nunca pego onibus porque demora mais.

When I get to work I always check my e-mails. - Quando eu chego no trabalho eu sempre
checo meus e-mails.

I have lunch at noon. - Eu almoço ao meio-dia.

In the afternoon I usually write reports and send e-mails. - À tarde eu normalmente faço
relatórios e envio e-mails.

Sometimes I answer the phone and call some clientes. - Às vezes eu atendo ao telefone e ligo
para alguns clientes.

I often have a snack around 3pm. - Eu frequentemente tomo um lanche por volta das 15h.

After work, I go home and make dinner. - Depois do trabalho eu vou para casa e faço o jantar.

I have English classes twice a week. - Eu tenho aulas de inglês duas vezes por semana.

After dinner I do my homework and then I chill out on the sofa. Depois do jantar eu faço lição
de casa e então relaxo no sofá.

In the evenings I watch TV. - À noite eu assisto TV.

I usually watch the News. - Eu geralmente assisto ao noticiário.

I do the dishes/laundry before I go to bed. - Eu lavo a louça/roupa antes de ir para cama.

I take a shower and put on my pyjamas. - Eu tomo banho e coloco meu pijama.

I lock the door, turn off the lights and go to bed. - Eu tranco a porta, apago as luzes e vou pra

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Exercício: Texto em inglês com o Presente Simple(s) Present

Donay Mendonça 45685 •21 •69 •1034 Moderator - 15 Jun 2011, 12:12

Texto em inglês com áudio. Confira no final deste post.

1. Read the text below - leiam o texto abaixo

A dedicated teenager

Jane is a very intelligent teenager. She is fifteen years old and has two brothers. She goes to school in
the morning and helps her parents in the afternoon. In the evening, she studies English at a school.
She loves ice cream and barbecue; she eats an ice cream every day and, on the weekend, she eats
barbecue. Her brothers don’t like to study but they help their parents too. They want to open a small
restaurant because they like to work with food. Jane likes science and she wants to be a doctor. Her
father tells her that it is necessary to study a lot to be a doctor. Jane tells her father: “Yes, you are
correct. This is my dream and I know it is possible because I am dedicated.”

Jane’s family has problems but they believe there are solutions and they never give up. Jane doesn’t
have everything she wants but she works hard.


- Teenager: adolescente
- Has(have na terceira pessoa, forma afirmativa): tem
- Want: querer
- Open: abrir
- Tell: dizer, contar
- A lot: muito
- Dedicated: dedicado(a)
- Give up: desistir
- Everything: tudo
- Works hard: trabalha duro, se esforça bastante.

2. Answer the questions - respondam as perguntas

A. How old is Jane?


B. When does she go to school?


C. Does Jane have everything she wants?


3. True or False - Verdadeiro ou Falso

A. Jane doesn't help her mother in the afternoon. (...)

B. Jane studies English at a university. (...)
C. She doesn't like meat. (...)
D. Her brothers love to study.(...)
E. Jane wants to be a doctor.(...)


Bons estudos!

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williammfd1 15 Jun 2011, 16:13

2)a-15 anos
b-in the morning
c-No,Jane does'nt have everithing she wants


MENSAGEM PATROCINADA Aprenda dicas sobre os tempos verbais em inglês! Baixe agora o seu
Guia Grátis de Tempos Verbais em Inglês. Ele contém um ótimo resumo para revisar todos os
Clique aqui e saiba como baixar!

Donay Mendonça 45685 •21 •69 •1034 Moderator - 17 Jun 2011, 09:22


Aqui estão as respostas / Here are the answers


a. She is fifteen years old.

b. She goes to school in the morning.
c. No, she doesn't.


a. False
b. False
c. False
d. False
e. True

Bons estudos!

Henrique Poloni 05 Out 2015, 22:29

Donay Mendonça escreveu:Texto em inglês com áudio. Confira no final deste post.

1. Read the text below - leiam o texto abaixo

A dedicated teenager

Jane is a very intelligent teenager. She is fifteen years old and has two brothers. She goes to school in
the morning and helps her parents in the afternoon. In the evening, she studies English at a school.
She loves ice cream and barbecue; she eats an ice cream every day and, on the weekend, she eats
barbecue. Her brothers don’t like to study but they help their parents too. They want to open a small
restaurant because they like to work with food. Jane likes science and she wants to be a doctor. Her
father tells her that it is necessary to study a lot to be a doctor. Jane tells her father: “Yes, you are
correct. This is my dream and I know it is possible because I am dedicated.”

Jane’s family has problems but they believe there are solutions and they never give up. Jane doesn’t
have everything she wants but she works hard.


- Teenager: adolescente
- Has(have na terceira pessoa, forma afirmativa): tem
- Want: querer
- Open: abrir
- Tell: dizer, contar
- A lot: muito
- Dedicated: dedicado(a)
- Give up: desistir
- Everything: tudo
- Works hard: trabalha duro, se esforça bastante.

2. Answer the questions - respondam as perguntas

a. How old is Jane?

____fifteen_yers old_____________________________________________

b. When does she go to school?

________in the morning__________________________________________

c. Does Jane have everything she wants?


3. True or False - Verdadeiro ou Falso

a. Jane doesn't help her mother in the afternoon. (.....false...)

b. Jane studies English at a university. (....false....)
c. She doesn't like meat. (......false..)
d. Her brothers love to study.(...false.....)
e. Jane wants to be a doctor.(.....true...)

Bons estudos!

Mariley Dasilva 06 Nov 2015, 17:17

Donay Mendonça escreveu:Texto em inglês com áudio. Confira no final deste post.

1. Read the text below - leiam o texto abaixo

A dedicated teenager

Jane is a very intelligent teenager. She is fifteen years old and has two brothers. She goes to school in
the morning and helps her parents in the afternoon. In the evening, she studies English at a school.
She loves ice cream and barbecue; she eats an ice cream every day and, on the weekend, she eats
barbecue. Her brothers don’t like to study but they help their parents too. They want to open a small
restaurant because they like to work with food. Jane likes science and she wants to be a doctor. Her
father tells her that it is necessary to study a lot to be a doctor. Jane tells her father: “Yes, you are
correct. This is my dream and I know it is possible because I am dedicated.”

Jane’s family has problems but they believe there are solutions and they never give up. Jane doesn’t
have everything she wants but she works hard.


- Teenager: adolescente
- Has(have na terceira pessoa, forma afirmativa): tem
- Want: querer
- Open: abrir
- Tell: dizer, contar
- A lot: muito
- Dedicated: dedicado(a)
- Give up: desistir
- Everything: tudo
- Works hard: trabalha duro, se esforça bastante.

2. Answer the questions - respondam as perguntas

a. How old is Jane?

______________Fifteen years old.____________________________________

b. When does she go to school?

_She goes to school in the morning._______________________________________

c. Does Jane have everything she wants?

Jane doesn`t have everything she wants but works

3. True or False - Verdadeiro ou Falso

a. Jane doesn't help her mother in the afternoon. (...False.....)

b. Jane studies English at a university. (...False.....)
c. She doesn't like meat. (..False......)
d. Her brothers love to study.(...False.....)
e. Jane wants to be a doctor.(..true......)

Bons estudos!

marval 24 Nov 2015, 18:08

Donay Mendonça escreveu:Texto em inglês com áudio. Confira no final deste post.

1. Read the text below - leiam o texto abaixo

A dedicated teenager

Jane is a very intelligent teenager. She is fifteen years old and has two brothers. She goes to school in
the morning and helps her parents in the afternoon. In the evening, she studies English at a school.
She loves ice cream and barbecue; she eats an ice cream every day and, on the weekend, she eats
barbecue. Her brothers don’t like to study but they help their parents too. They want to open a small
restaurant because they like to work with food. Jane likes science and she wants to be a doctor. Her
father tells her that it is necessary to study a lot to be a doctor. Jane tells her father: “Yes, you are
correct. This is my dream and I know it is possible because I am dedicated.”

Jane’s family has problems but they believe there are solutions and they never give up. Jane doesn’t
have everything she wants but she works hard.


- Teenager: adolescente
- Has(have na terceira pessoa, forma afirmativa): tem
- Want: querer
- Open: abrir
- Tell: dizer, contar
- A lot: muito
- Dedicated: dedicado(a)
- Give up: desistir
- Everything: tudo
- Works hard: trabalha duro, se esforça bastante.

2. Answer the questions - respondam as perguntas

a. How old is Jane?

_______she is fifteen years old_______
b. When does she go to school?
______she goes tô school in the morning___________

c. Does Jane have everything she wants?

_____no, Jane doesn't have everything she wants____

3. True or False - Verdadeiro ou Falso

a. Jane doesn't help her mother in the afternoon. (..f......)

b. Jane studies English at a university. (.t.......)
c. She doesn't like meat. (.f.......)
d. Her brothers love to study.(..f......)
e. Jane wants to be a doctor.(...t.....)

Bons estudos!

Amanda Borges Do Pr 05 Mai 2016, 16:45

Donay Mendonça escreveu:Texto em inglês com áudio. Confira no final deste post.

1. Read the text below - leiam o texto abaixo

A dedicated teenager

Jane is a very intelligent teenager. She is fifteen years old and has two brothers. She goes to school in
the morning and helps her parents in the afternoon. In the evening, she studies English at a school.
She loves ice cream and barbecue; she eats an ice cream every day and, on the weekend, she eats
barbecue. Her brothers don’t like to study but they help their parents too. They want to open a small
restaurant because they like to work with food. Jane likes science and she wants to be a doctor. Her
father tells her that it is necessary to study a lot to be a doctor. Jane tells her father: “Yes, you are
correct. This is my dream and I know it is possible because I am dedicated.”

Jane’s family has problems but they believe there are solutions and they never give up. Jane doesn’t
have everything she wants but she works hard.


- Teenager: adolescente
- Has(have na terceira pessoa, forma afirmativa): tem
- Want: querer
- Open: abrir
- Tell: dizer, contar
- A lot: muito
- Dedicated: dedicado(a)
- Give up: desistir
- Everything: tudo
- Works hard: trabalha duro, se esforça bastante.

2. Answer the questions - respondam as perguntas

a. How old is Jane?

________________________fifteen years old__________________________

b. When does she go to school?

__in the morning________________________________________________

c. Does Jane have everything she wants?

__________to be a doctor________________________________________

3. True or False - Verdadeiro ou Falso

a. Jane doesn't help her mother in the afternoon. (.....F...)

b. Jane studies English at a university. (...F.....)
c. She doesn't like meat. (..F......)
d. Her brothers love to study.(...F.....)
e. Jane wants to be a doctor.(.....T...)

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