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Denotação e conotação

1. Denotação ( )Sentido literal

( )Sentido figurado
( )Modifica o sentida literal, criando
2. Conotação
um novo significado para a palavra
( )O mesmo do dicionário
Sinonímia e antonímia

1. Sintonímia ( )Mesmo significado ou significado

( )Significado oposto
2. Antonímia
Pronome e suas referências

1. Subject ( )Não vem acompanhado do

( )São o sujeito da frase
2. Object
( )São usados quando a mesma
pessoa é sujeito e objeto na frase
3. Possessive
( )Vem após o verbo
( )Deve estar acompanhado do
4. Possessive adjective
( )Expressa uma relação de posse
( )Vem antes do verbo
4. Reflexive ( )Expressa uma relação de posse
( )São o objeto da frase

1. Definidos ( )Usado apenas com substantivos no

( )Pode ser usado com substantivos no
2. Indefinidos
singular ou no plural
( )An (Antecede substantivos que
iniciam com som de vogal)
( )A (Antecede substantivos que iniciam
com som de consoante)
( )Referência a algo específico
( )Referência a algo em geral, não
Presente simples

1. Do ( )Usado com I, you, we, they

( )Na forma afirmativa acrescenta –s ou
–es ao fim do verbo
2. Does
( )Usado com he/she/it
( )Na forma negativa pode se juntar ao
not formando don’t
( )Aparece na forma interrogativa antes
do sujeito
( )Na forma negativa pode se juntar ao
not formando doesn’t
( )Na forma afirmativa é ocultado
( )Aparece na forma interrogativa antes
do sujeito
Presente simples

1. Do ( )Usado com I, you, we, they

( )Na forma afirmativa acrescenta –s ou
–es ao fim do verbo
2. Does
( )Usado com he/she/it
( )Na forma negativa pode se juntar ao
not formando don’t
( )Aparece na forma interrogativa antes
do sujeito
( )Na forma negativa pode se juntar ao
not formando doesn’t
( )Na forma afirmativa é ocultado
( )Aparece na forma interrogativa antes
do sujeito
Presente contínuo

1. Estrutura ( )Verbo to be + verbo + ing

( )am/is/are

2. Verbo to be
Comparativo e superlativo

1. Comparativo ( )Superioridade Adjetivos curtos

(Adjetivo + er + than)
( )The + most + adjetivo
2. Superlativo
( )Adjetivos longos
( )Inferioridade (Less + adjetivo + than)
( )Existem adjetivos irregulares
( )Superioridade Adjetivos longos
(More + adjetivo + than)
( )The + adjetivo + est
( )Existem adjetivos irregulares
( )Igualdade (As + adjetivo + than)
( )Adjetivos curtos
Adjetivos e advérbios e suas
posições nas frases
1. Adjetivos ( )Nunca estão no plural
( )Vem antes dos verbos na maioria
das vezes
2. Advérbios
( )Vem sempre antes do substantivo
( )Vem após o verbo to be
( )Dão qualidades a substantivos e
( )Vem entre o verbo auxiliar e o verbo
( )Seguem uma ordem específica
(Opinião, Tamanho, Idade, Formato,
Cor, Origem, Religião, Material,
( )Modificam verbos, adjetivos e outros
Quantificadores (many, much, few,
little, a lot of)
1. Contáveis ( )Many, a lot of, few, a few
( )Much, a lot of, little, a little
( )Substantivos que podem ser
2. Incontáveis
contados, sem uma unidade de medida
( )Substantivos que não podem ser
contados, precisam de uma unidade de
❖ Denotação e conotação
➢ Denotação
▪ Sentido literal
▪ O mesmo do dicionário
➢ Conotação
▪ Sentido figurado
▪ Modifica o sentido literal, criando um novo significado para a palavra

❖ Sinonímia e antonímia
➢ Sintonímia
▪ Mesmo significado ou significado próximo
➢ Antonímia
▪ Significado oposto

❖ Correlação morfológica, sintática e/ou semântica

❖ Pronomes e suas referências

➢ Subject
▪ São o sujeito da frase
▪ Vem antes do verbo
➢ Object
▪ São o objeto da frase
▪ Vem após o verbo
➢ Possessive
▪ Expressa uma relação de posse
▪ Não vem acompanhado do substantivo
➢ Possessive adjective
▪ Expressa uma relação de posse
▪ Deve estar acompanhado do substantivo
➢ Reflexive
▪ São usados quando a mesma pessoa é sujeito e objeto na frase

❖ Artigos (definidos e indefinidos)

➢ Definidos
▪ Referência a algo específico
▪ Pode ser usado com substantivos no singular ou no plural
➢ Indefinidos
▪ Referência a algo em geral, não específico
▪ Usado apenas com substantivos no singular
▪ A
• Antecede substantivos que iniciam com som de consoante
▪ An
• Antecede substantivos que iniciam com som de vogal
❖ Singular e plural
➢ Plural regular
▪ Substantivos no geral:
• Acréscimo do –s
▪ Substantivos terminados em -s, -ss, -z, -sh, -ch, -x
• Acréscimo do –es
▪ Substantivos terminados em vogal + y
• Acréscimo do –s
▪ Substantivos terminados em -y e precedido por uma consoante
• Retira-se o -y e acrescenta-se -ies
➢ Plural irregular
▪ Ocorre a mudança do substantivo sem uma regra específica

❖ Presente simples
➢ Usado para expressar hábitos e rotinas
▪ Do
• Usado com I, you, we, they
• Aparece na forma interrogativa antes do sujeito
• Na forma afirmativa é ocultado
• Na forma negativa pode se juntar ao not formando don’t
▪ Does
• Usado com he/she/it
• Aparece na forma interrogativa antes do sujeito
• Na forma afirmativa acrescenta –s ou –es ao fim do verbo
• Na forma negativa pode se juntar ao not formando doesn’t

❖ Presente contínuo
➢ Usado para expressar atividades momentâneas e futuro
▪ Estrutura: verbo to be + verbo + ing
▪ Verbo to be:
• am/is/are

❖ Comparativo e superlativo
➢ Comparativo
▪ São utilizados para comparar as diferenças entre os dois ou mais objetos
• Superioridade
 Adjetivos curtos
➢ Adjetivo + er + than
 Adjetivos longos
➢ More + adjetivo + than
 Existem adjetivos irregulares
• Inferioridade
 Less + adjetivo + than
• Igualdade
 As + adjetivo + than
➢ Superlativo
▪ São utilizados para descrever um objeto que se encontra no extremo superior ou
inferior de uma qualidade
• Adjetivos curtos
 The + adjetivo + est
• Adjetivos longos
 The + most + adjetivo
• Existem adjetivos irregulares

❖ Adjetivos e advérbios e suas posições nas frases

➢ Adjetivos
▪ Dão qualidades a substantivos e pronomes
▪ Vem sempre antes do substantivo
▪ Nunca estão no plural
▪ Seguem uma ordem específica
• Opinião
• Tamanho
• Idade
• Formato
• Cor
• Origem
• Religião
• Material
• Propósito
➢ Advérbios
▪ Modificam verbos, adjetivos e outros advérbios
▪ Vem antes dos verbos na maioria das vezes
▪ Vem após o verbo to be
▪ Vem entre o verbo auxiliar e o verbo principal

❖ Quantificadores (many, much, few, little, a lot of)

➢ Contáveis
▪ Substantivos que podem ser contados, sem uma unidade de medida
▪ Many, a lot of, few, a few
➢ Incontáveis
▪ Substantivos que não podem ser contados, precisam de uma unidade de medida
▪ Much, a lot of, little, a little

❖ Interpretação de texto
1- [EsFCEx - 2009] Choose the answer that appropriately completes the sentence: “Maria
wants to talk to me but I don’t want to talk to ____.”

a) she
b) he
c) her
d) hers
e) him

2- [ESSEx - 2009] I gave ____ a book for his birthday.

a) hes
b) he
c) him
d) his

3- [EsFCEx - 2010] Choose the alternative that correctly completes the sentence:

“The dog hit __________ tail.”

a) his
b) it
c) it's
d) her
e) its

4- [EsPCEx - 2011] In the sentence “An air of calm and relief swept through the
neighborhood, as residents opened their windows and began walking the streets”, the
possessive adjective their refers to

a) an air of calm and relief.

b) neighborhood.
c) residents.
d) streets.
e) calm and relief.

5- [Escola Naval - 2010] Which is the correct option to complete the text below?

Water shortages don't just affect ______ (1). _____ (2) can also
seriously harm ______ (3) environment. ________ (4) water comes from
rivers and groundwater so every drop ________ (5) use has a direct
effect on the _________ (6) environment.
(Adapted from: http: / /www.environment-agency.gov.uk)

a) we - They - its - Their - they - Ø

b) us - It - my - Our - we - our
c) us - We - its - Its - we - Ø
d) us - They - our - Our - we - Ø
e) we - It - our - Their - they – our

6- [EEAR - 2010]The correct pronouns to fill in the blanks are, respectively

A long job

A little boy sees his dad painting the ceiling. ____ mom says to _____: “Look and
remember how to do it. When you grow up you'll help _____ dad”. The boy says: “But
won’t he have finished painting by then?

a) His / he / his
b) Your / his / our
c) His / him / your
d) Your / his / your

7- [EsFCEx - 2013] Choose the alternative that correctly completes the sentences below:

I remember ____ names, but they don't remember ______. ______ name is Ana and
_____ name is David. I told ______ that ______ name is Carlos.

a) their – mine – Her – his – them - my.

b) they – my – She's – he's – they - mine.
c) they – mine – She – he – their - my.
d) their – I'm – Her – his – them – I'm
e) them – my – She's – he's – they – I

8- [EsPCEx - 2014] In the sentence “...shopping centres make good meeting places
because they are safe...” (paragraph 3), the word they refers to

a) fans.
b) shopping centers.
c) rolezeiros.
d) kids.
e) neighbourhoods.
9- In the sentence “They´ll let you take it home” The object pronoun “it” refers to:
a) The boy.
b) The Book.
c) The library.
d) The girl.

10- [EPCAR - 2018] “Slavery continues today and harms people in every country in the
world” (lines 2 and 3). The highlighted words can be substituted for _____.

a) them
b) theirs
c) their
d) they

11- [Colégio Naval - 2018] Read the sentence in order to do the question below.

“This is my friends’ car and that one is my car.”

Mark the option which rewrites the sentence using the correct possessive.

a) This car is theirs and that one is mine.

b) This is theirs cars and that is my car.
c) This is their car and that one is my.
d) This car is them and that one is my.
e) This is theirs car and that one is mine.

12- [EsFCEx - 2016] Choose the alternative that correctly completes the sentences
according to the right use of pronouns.

Dear friend, thanks for _____email. It is so nice to hear from ______. Let _____tell you
______news, even though ______are much more interesting.

a) your - you - me - my - yours

b) yours - you - I - mine - your
c) you - yours - my - his - they
d) my - me - mine - my - you
e) yours - I - I - mine – theirs

13- [AFA - 2019] In the fragment “music therapy with post-hospital curative treatment
could have its main focus on psychological aspects” (lines 107 to 109) the pronoun
refers to

a) music therapy and post-hospital curative treatment.

b) curative treatment and main focus.
c) main focus and psychological aspects.
d) psychological aspects and music therapy.

14- [Colégio Naval - 2018] Read the comic strip in order to do the question below.
The correct pronoun that completes the third bubble speech is

a) they.
b) it.
c) theirs.
d) its.
e) them.

15- [Escola Naval - 2018] Which option best completes the paragraph below?

"Waking up after a couple of hours may not be insomnia," wrote Wehr. "It may be
normal sleep." Ekirch added, "If people don't fight it, they'll find______falling asleep
again after roughly one hour."
(https ://amp.Iivescience.com)
a) they
b) their
c) theirs
d) them
e) themselves

1 c
2 c
3 e
4 c
5 d
6 c
7 a
8 b
9 b
10 a
11 a
12 a
13 a
14 e
15 e
1- Choose the best option to complete the sentence below:

“There aren't _____ hotels in this town.”

a) many
b) much
c) more
d) most

2- Choose the best option to complete the sentence below:

“Paula doesn't have _____ money.”

a) many
b) some
c) much
d) most

3- Choose the best option to complete the sentence below:

“How _____ players are there in a football team?”

a) much
b) more
c) most
d) many

4- Choose the best option to complete the sentence below:

“How _____ milk do you want in your coffee?”

a) much
b) many
c) more
d) most

5- Choose the best option to complete the sentence below:

“We enjoyed our holiday. We had _____ fun”

a) very
b) a lot of
c) many
d) most

6- Choose the best option to complete the dialog below:

A: Do you have any envelopes?

B: Yes, _____.

a) very
b) a few
c) a little
d) much

7- Choose the best option to complete the sentence below:

“Your English is very good. You make very _____ mistakes.”

a) a few
b) little
c) few
d) a little

8- Choose the best option to complete the sentence below:

“I drink _____ coffee. I prefer tea.”

a) few
b) a few
c) a little
d) very little

9- Choose the best option to complete the sentence below:

“I can't decide now. I need _____ time to think about it.”

a) a little
b) few
c) a few
d) little

10- Choose the best option to complete the sentence below:

“There was _____ traffic, so we arrived earlier than we expected.”

a) very
b) a little
c) little
d) few

11- Choose the best option to complete the dialog below:

A: When did Sarah go out?

B: _____ minutes ago.

a) few
b) a few
c) little
d) a little

12- Choose the best option to complete the sentence below:

“The bus service isn't very good at night - there are _____ buses after 9 o'clock”
a) a few
b) few
c) little
d) a little

13- [EEAR - 2015] Fill in the blanks, in the text, with the appropriate quantifiers:

a) any – a
b) any – some
c) some – any
d) some – some

14- Choose the option which completes the sentences below correctly:

It is ________ use trying to change her mind.

Slowly, ___________children began coming to school.
Unfortunately, he had __________ friends.
Could you possibly give me ___________ help?

a) a little / a few / few / little

b) a little / a few / little / little
c) a little / few / few / a little
d) little / few / few / a little
e) little / a few / few / a little

15- [Escola Naval - 2009] Which of the alternatives below completes the sentence

There are no figures for ______ (1) of the applicants successfully get off waiting lists. It
varies since it depends on the strength of the application pool and whether the fully
accepted students decide to attend or go elsewhere.

a) how many
b) how
c) how much
d) many
e) much
1 a
2 c
3 d
4 a
5 b
6 a
7 c
8 d
9 a
10 c
11 b
12 b
13 b
14 d
15 a
1- Escolha a alternativa correta que apresenta um sinônimo da palavra WEALTHY:

a) poor
b) healthy
c) rich
d) sad

2- Escolha a alternativa correta que apresenta um sinônimo da palavra THIEF:

a) hate
b) robber
c) fire
d) key

3- Escolha a alternativa correta que apresenta um antônimo da palavra COMFORTABLE:

a) fruit
b) apples
c) painful
d) delicious

4- Escolha a alternativa correta que apresenta um antônimo da palavra NEAT:

a) pretty
b) tide
c) messy
d) clothes

5- Which words in the sentence below are synonyms?

“As we walked to school, the cool wind blew in our and us very chilly.”

a) wind - very
b) school - cool
c) walked - blew
d) cool - chilly

6- What’s the sentence with a similar meaning of the sentence below?

“They needed cash to pay for their groceries.”

a) They needed a debit card to pay for the groceries.

b) They needed money to pay for the groceries.
c) They needed checks to pay for the groceries.
d) They needed a credit card to pay for the groceries.

7- What’s the sentence with the opposite meaning of the sentence below?

“The plane will arrive on time”

a) The plane will stay on time.

b) The plane will fly on time.
c) The plane will depart on time.
d) The plane will be on time.

8- [Escola Naval - 2019] What’s the meaning of the word “engagement” in paragraph 5?
a) Argument.
b) Disagreement.
c) Involvement.
d) Disappointment.
e) Punishment.

9- [EFOMM - 2019] In the excerpt “[...] the more they were prone to continue to use the
internet [...]”, the word in bold means:
a) assured
b) inclined
c) averse
d) certain
e) unwilling

10- [EPCAR - 2019] The word “goods” (line 6) means in the text
a) nice, pleasant.
b) items for sale.
c) purchase.
d) trade.

11- [EsPCEx - 2018] In the title “Many graduates earn ‘paltry returns’ for their degree”, the
word paltry means
a) big enough.
b) huge.
c) very small.
d) expected.
e) satisfactory.

12- [EFOMM - 2018] Based on the text below, mark the correct option.

Russian jet intercepts US Navy plane

A Russian Su-27 fighter jet performed an "unprofessional" intercept of a US Navy P-8

surveillance plane while it was flying in international airspace over the Baltic Sea Tuesday, two
defense officials told CNN. The Russian jet came within about 20 feet of the US aircraft, one
official said, adding that the encounter lasted about nine minutes. The intercept was described
by officials as safe but unprofessional, though a US Navy official told CNN that the Navy does
not officially classify aerial encounters that way. The Navy classifies aviation intercepts simply
as either safe or unsafe. Lt. Cdr. Zach Harrell, a spokesman for US Naval Forces Europe,
declined to comment on the specific incident, saying, "US Navy ships and aircraft routinely
interact with military units from other countries.". He added that the Navy would provide
information on unsafe interactions. The last unsafe intercept of a US Navy aircraft by a Russian
jet occurred in January when a Russian Su-27 jet flew within five feet of a US Navy EP-3, forcing
the Navy plane to fly through its jet wash. The US Navy deemed that intercept unsafe and
unprofessional. Following that incident, the US State Department issued a statement accusing
the Russians of "flagrantly violating existing agreements and international law."

(Adapted from: http://www.cnn.com)

Considering the text, the word “declined” in “[...] a spokesman for US Naval Forces
Europe, declined to comment on the specific incident [...] (4thparagraph) means “______ ”.

a) decided
b) agreed
c) accepted
d) refused
e) intended

13- No trecho do quarto parágrafo “judges lack the basic information they need to decide
whether to issue the order”, o termo em destaque pode ser substituído, sem alteração
de sentido, por
a) disconsider.
b) don’t have.
c) demand.
d) connect.
e) don’t agree with.

14- [EsPCEx - 2017] Choose the best alternative that correctly substitutes the
word highlight in the sentence "... served to highlight the work she was doing to help
orphan children in Nigeria." (paragraph 2).
a) emphasize
b) observe
c) implement
d) diminish
e) console

15- [EFOMM - 2017] In the extract from the first paragraph: “The damage caused by a
British-owned cruise ship that accidentally ran aground on a pristine Indonesian coral
reef could total more than $18 million (...)”, the word in bold means
a) shabby
b) bulky
c) unspoiled
d) cozy
e) awesome

1 c
2 b
3 c
4 c
5 d
6 b
7 c
8 c
9 b
10 b
11 c
12 d
13 b
14 a
15 c

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