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BERT E. mr |) TRUMAN = GIORELLO « VILLARRUBIA « STARKINGS eat uense J CONAN, O CIMERIO @nrS— SPECIAL SCO Issue GIBIG! Methor é IMPOSSIVEIS! ‘ROBERT E. _ CONAN THE CIMMERIAN #0/ JUNE 2008 CREATED BY ROBERT E, HOWARD WRITER TIMOTHY TRUMAN: ___ ARTIST TOMAS GIORELLO __ COLORIST JOSE VILLARRUBIA LETTERER RICHARD STARKINGS & COMICRAFT | COVER ART TOMAS GIORELLO. COVER COLORIST DAVE STEWART — CIMMERIA Inspicedby the poem Cinmeria by Robert E. Howard Know, O Prince, that between the yetre when the Oceans drank Atlan {is/and the gleaming cities, and the years of the rise of the sons of Aryas, there was an age undreamed of when shining-kingdoms lay spread across the world like blue mantles beneath the stars: But the proudest kingdom in the world was Aquilonia, reigning aupreme inthe dreaming west. Hither fame Conan the Cimmerian; black- haired, sullen-eyed, sword in hand, a thief, a reaver, a slayer, with gigantic melancholles and gigantic mirth, to tread the jeweled thrones of the Earth a \. : inder his sandaled feet. , A (ey (4 we : i ES | WRADUcAG E CerRAS \ NRONALDORRB @ This issue takes place after Conan #50. ie he Zui 5 CMe ay Publisher MIKE RICHARDSON Eitor PHILIP R. SIMON Smet Cnmnn eZ Phe! yO Not Gmc. 1 Min rt, nsuling Editor SCOTT ALLIE Assistant Edtrs RYAN Sse sna oF oun, md npn, Cnc ran Gn mae JORGENSEN & PATRICK THORPE Designer JOSHUA zack. main nee Ath mir nln oncah uD es oe ELLIOTT Digit Production JASON HVAM Editorial tanks nn scatn ay breed termes my em ty 0 name, ioc he oes eee te MATT DRYER. Spc thanks fo FREDRIK MALMBERG, fot Pe ne inch fen rv fe me aoe ‘JOAKIM ZETTERBERG, & LESLIE BUMLER at Conan Properties. sear tui xan wab sn tant creda PATO B CAOR wm rho Das FLonesras Negras, masca') | ‘RANDO AS ENCOSTAS DAS SOM BRIAS COLINAS, AS MUVENS CINZA FESADAS DO ARCO ETERNO.. | | FLUX DO CREPESCULO QUE "9 YENTOS \CADA ARVORE COM A SUA ESCURIDIO, NESSA DESOLADA i ENTAO QUANDO UM HOMEM | | S088 uu PICO INGREME con. TEMPLA, SEU OLHO SOMBREADO VB A VISTA MAIS INFINTTA.. ‘one ESTO: ow [eves 4 cnamavan) ‘DE CIMERIA. ‘CHUA NO INVERNO. NEXT MONTH: conan THE cIMMERIAN #1—A JULY SCORCHER! VOCE GOSTA DE QUADRINHOS? SE VOCE... - POSSUI UM SCANNER, - ENTENDE DE EDITORACAO DE IMAGEM - OU SABE INGLES, FRANCES, ITALIANO, JAPONES, ETC. Er QUER CONTRIBUIR PARA MONTAR UM GRANDE ACERVO DIGITAL DE HQS E LEVAR MATERIAL DE QUALIDADE A TODOS OS FAS DA NONA ARTE ENTAO... VENHA FAZER DA PARTE DA EQUIPE: ENTRE EM CONTATO COM UM DE NOSSOS MODERADORES ATRAVES DE NOSSO FORUM: WWW.GIBIHQ.ORG/FORUM/PORTAL.PHP OU ENVIE UM EMAIL PARA: COLABORE@GIBIHQ.ORG armas i © 1 MATERIAL SEM FINS LUCRATIVOS, FEITO DE FA PARA FA. COMPRE SEUS GIBIS PREDILETOS EM BANCAS, SEBOS OU COMIC SHOPS. j See A PLD tty re WAI NN AN CCRT i NAY ba Ot

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