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A entrevista em ingls

Voc no precisa ter experincia internacional ou ter feito dez anos de ingls para se dar bem em
uma entrevista em Ingls numa multinacional. fundamental conhecer o vocabulrio da rea que
voc atua e estar preparado para responder questes relativas sua vida pessoal e profissional, tudo
em ingls, of course. "A chave a preparao, chegar na entrevista j sabendo o que vai ser
Segue uma lista com algumas dicas de como se preparar para a entrevista em ingls, confira:

Visite o site da empresa. Se for uma multinacional, que tenha o site em ingls e portugus,
melhor ainda. Aproveite para entender o negcio da empresa, os concorrentes e produtos em

Analise a vaga pretendida. Quais competncias e habilidades so requeridas? Quais so as

responsabilidades do cargo? Conhecendo os jarges mais comuns na rea, voc pode
elaborar uma lista bsica de palavras e expresses que podero ser usadas na conversa

Treine algumas construes frasais bsicas at que suas respostas soem espontneas. Use
seu professor para ser o entrevistador e pratique.

Elabore antes as perguntas que voc vai fazer para o entrevistador. Mostre interesse pela
empresa e faa perguntas inteligentes

Estruture suas respostas em torno de caractersticas pessoais e realizaes profissionais que

voc julga importantes

Concentre-se na fluncia verbal. A entrevista no deve servir para impressionar o

entrevistador, mas para demonstrar seu conhecimento no idioma

Ensaie para no cometer erros inaceitveis, como "They is" (em portugus, eles )

Na hora da entrevista, se voc no entender alguma questo, tente colocar o que voc
entendeu de outra forma. Reformular a pergunta melhor que dizer que voc simplesmente
no entendeu coisa alguma. Se a sua colocao estiver errada, o selecionador vai avisar e

fazer a pergunta de outra maneira, ou mesmo repetir a questo

No tente parecer algo que voc no . Se voc tem um nvel bsico do idioma, deixe isso
claro no comeo da entrevista e treine expresses que correspondam a esse nvel. Tentar
adquirir a fluncia que voc no tem em alguns dias no aconselhvel, porque os bons
selecionadores logo percebem a farsa

O que pode ser perguntado na entrevista em ingls*

As questes feitas na entrevista em ingls no variam muito do que j pratiado nas entrevistas em
portugus. O muda, na verdade, o tipo de empresa e as particularidades da posio e rea
profissional. Colocamos, abaixo de cada questo, uma indicao do que pode ser respondido e
algumas sugestes do que voc precisa saber. Mas lembre-se: todas as questes devem ser
respondidas de acordo com a sua experincia e a sua personalidade. Decorar as respostas vai
parecer totalmente impessoal e no a melhor forma de garantir a vaga. Fique atento... and good

1. Tell me about you.

2. What do you know about our company?
Know products, size, income, reputation, image, goals, problems, management talent, management
style, people skills, history and philosophy. Don't say you do not know much ... you should state that
you would like to know more."
3. Why do you want to work for us?
"You wish to be part of a company project; you would like to solve a company problem; you can
make a definite contribution to specific company goals."
4. What can you do for us that someone else cannot? "Relate past experience that represents
success in solving previous employer problems that may be similar to those of the prospective
5. What do you look for in a job?
"Keep your answer opportunity-oriented. Talk about the opportunity to perform and be
6. How long would it take you to make a meaningful contribution to our firm?
Be realistic and say six months to one year. You may be overqualified or too experienced for the
position we have to offer. Strong companies need strong people; experienced executives are at a
premium today; the employer will get a faster return on investment because you have more
experience than required; a growing, energetic company rarely is unable to use its people talents.
Emphasize your interest in a a long-term association."
7. Why are you leaving your present job?
Stick to one response. Don't change answers during the interview. Give a 'group' answer if possible
- "Our office is closing". Another possible answer is "We agreed to disagree."
8. How do you feel about leaving all of your benefits?
"Concerned but not panicked."
9. Describe what you feel to be an ideal working environment.
"Where people are treated as fairly as possible."

10. How would you evaluate your present firm?

"An excellent company that afforded me many fine experiences." It is important not to bad mouth
past employers or bosses. Bad mouthing tends to reveal more about you than about those who are
the objects of your comments."
11. Why haven't you found a new position before now?
"Finding a job is easy but finding the right job is more difficult."
12. Had you thought of leaving your present position before: If so, what do you think held you
"Challenge, but it's gone now."
13. If I spoke to your previous boss, what would she/he say are your greatest strengths and
This 'threat of reference check' question almost always produces honesty but also perspiration. It is
important, in your response, to "be honest but not too negative."
14. What are your weak points?
Don't say you have none. Turn a negative into a positive answer: "I am sometimes impatient and I
get too deeply involved when we are late."
15. How much do you expect if we offer this position to you?
"Be careful; the market value of the job may be the key answer - 'My understanding is that a job
like the one you are describing may be in the range of ...'"
16. What was the last book you read? Movie you saw? Sporting event you attended?
"Talk about leisure books to represent balance in your life."
17. Will you be out to take your boss' job?
Not until I get the current job done."
18. How would you describe the essence of success? According to your definition, how
successful have you been so far?
"A sense of well-being ... Pretty successful with the usual ups and downs."
At some point in every interview, the interviewer would ask the applicant if she/he has any
questions. It is important that the applicant has some questions - and some good ones - because
questions can reveal as much about the applicant as answers.
Normalmente no final da entrevista, o selecionador abre um espao para eventuais perguntas
do candidato. Voc pode - e deve - tirar todas as suas dvidas nesta hora. Confira as questes
que voc pode fazer:

Why is this position open?

How often has it been filled in the last 5 to 10 years?
What have been the primary reasons for individuals leaving?
What would you like done differently by the next person who fills this job?
What is the most pressing problem? What would you like to see done in the next 2 to 3
What are some of the longer term objectives that you would like completed?
What freedom would I have to determine my work objectives, deadlines, and methods of
Where could a person go who is successful in this position and within what time frame?
How is one judged? What accounts for success?

Practice those questions giving them natural answers.

Tell me about yourself

Tell me about your 3 greatest achievements.
Are you satisfied with your career to date?
Tell me about a difficult situation you have faced and how did you
tackle it
What do you like about your present job?
What do you dislike about your present job?
What are your strengths?
What is your greatest weakness?
Why do you want to leave your current employer?
Why should we hire you? Or Why do you think you are the best
candidate for this position?
Read and compare the answers below with the ones you would give.
1. Why did you leave your previous job?
Answer: I havent left my old job yet, but I feel that after graduation, especially this year, I need to find a
job that gives me more responsibility and new challenges. []
2. What do you think your strengths and weaknesses are?
Answer: I like to take the initiative, to work as part of a team, especially exchanging ideas, I really like that.
My weakness is that sometimes I take on the jobs of the other colleagues without contesting it. As you
know, it happened a lot of times at the University and in my current job too
3. What experience do you have which you think is relevant for this job?
Answer: Ive created new innovative techniques and new approaches to solving problems, as you can see in
my resum. Actually, I really did it all the time, as a []; Ive never had the same problem twice; they each
have their own peculiarities. The other experience that I can transfer to this job is the control of processes
and projects. By the way, I think that this position is very suitable for my professional growth, because it
will allow me to use both, my [] skills and my [] skills.
4. Where do you see yourself in five years time?
Answer: Id like to be working on international projects, and use my English language skills.

Read below what the interviwer means when he asks...

Tell us about yourself

Esta uma questo muito ampla sobre sua personalidade, antecedentes, estudos, ambies, histrico
profissional etc.

Why should we hire you?

O entrevistador est perguntando sobre suas qualidades e pontos fortes.

Why did you leave your last job?

Neste caso, o entrevistador quer saber se voc se demitiu, foi demitido, ou foi dispensado, e por que razo.

Are you willing to relocate?

Quando fazem esta pergunta, significa que querem saber se voc est disposto a se mudar para outra cidade
ou pas.

Tell me about your scholastic record.

Esta pergunta refere-se suas notas e resultados na escola e universidade.

Tell me about your extra-curricular activities and interests.

Aqui, o entrevistador quer conhecer seus interesses alm de acadmicos e profissionais, por exemplo
esportes, hobbies e clubes.

How would your last boss describe you?

Esta pergunta significa o que seu ltimo chefe pensa de voc.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?

Quais so seus planos para o futuro e onde voc acha que estar daqui a 5 anos?

How do you work under pressure?

Essa questo pergunta sobre sua habilidade de lidar com uma grande quantidade de trabalho, prazos
apertados e extremo stress.

What salary are you expecting?

Aqui, o entrevistador quer saber quais so suas expectativas salarais.

Treine o vocabulrio relativo rea

Estudar o vocabulrio em ingls correspondente rea de atuao importante para mostrar ao
entrevistador que o candidato conhece o segmento ao qual faz parte. Para no ser pego de surpresa
importante fazer uma lista com as palavras e termos mais comuns. Uma boa dica ler artigos
tcnicos e publicaes segmentadas. Dessa forma, o candidato ter a oportunidade de se familiarizar
com um novo vocabulrio.
Tambm esteja preparado para falar de assuntos relativos indstria qual a empresa pertence ou
assuntos gerais da atualidade. Exemplo de perguntas nessa linha:
What is your opinion about the financial crisis in
Qual a sua opinio sobre a crise financeira da Europa?
What is your view about the world cup being held
Qual a sua opinio sobre a copa do mundo no Brasil?
in Brazil?
Em sua opinio, qual ser a tendncia no mercado para
What do you think is the trend for retail companies?
empresas de varejo?
Do you think the economical prosperity in Brazil Voc acha que a prosperidade econmica no Brasil vai
will continue in the next 10 years?
continuar nos prximos 10 anos?
Do you think the real estate price will continue to Voc acha que o preo dos imveis vai continuar a
raise in Brazil in the next years?
aumentar no Brasil nos prximos anos?

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