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Atividade Extra 1: Simple Present

1) A pintura abaixo se chama “Os Comedores de Batata” e foi feita por Vincent van Gogh.
Observe a imagem, leias as afirmações e então marque V para as frases verdadeiras e F
para as falsas.

( ) The name of the painting is The Potato Eaters.

( ) There are five people in the picture.

( ) There are two women, two men and a young girl.

( ) They aren’t poor.

( ) There is food on the table.

( ) There is a lamp above the table.

( ) That is a comfortable room.

( ) That’s a painting by Van Gogh.

2) Leia a tabela com os horários das aulas de Mark. Depois responda as perguntas
abaixo em língua inglesa.

a) When does the classes start on Mondays? 

b) When does the classes start on Fridays? 

c) What languages does Mark study? 

d) How many subjects does Mark study? 

e) Does Mark study only in the morning? 

f) When does Mark have English classes? 

g) When does Mark practice some sport? 

h) Do you study religion at your school? 

i) Do you have classes in the morning and in the afternoon in your school? 

j) Do you study more subjects than Mark? 

Quando usar o Simple Present?

O Simple Present é um tempo verbal utilizado para indicar ações habituais que ocorrem no
Além disso, ele é usado para expressar verdades universais, sentimentos, desejos, opiniões e
É muito comum que as frases no Simple Present apresentem expressões de tempo.


TEACHER: Lael Eduardo de Oliveira Lima DATE: / / 2021

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