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Os Espíritos de Cristo

1. Pureza 2. Generosidade 3. Paciência 4. Bondade 5. Disciplina / Conservação 6. Diligência

7. Humildade

Desmantela a Casa da Luxúria / Vício: Expulsa o Espírito da Luxúria e do Vício, invoca o

Espírito da Pureza. Peça a Deus para ajudá-lo a construir a Casa da Pureza e viver com ética
sexual em sua mente e corpo alinhados com o Espírito de Cristo.

Desmonte a Casa da Ira / Raiva: Despeje o Espírito de Ira e Raiva, Invoque o Espírito da
Paciência. Peça a Deus para ajudá-lo a construir a Casa da Paciência em sua mente e corpo
alinhados com o Espírito de Cristo.

Desmonte a Casa da Ganância / Avareza: Despeje o Espírito da Ganância e Invoque o Espírito

da Generosidade. Peça a Deus para ajudá-lo a construir a Casa da Generosidade em sua
mente e corpo alinhados com o Espírito de Cristo.

Desmonte a Casa da Inveja / Ciúme: Despeje o Espírito de Inveja e Ciúme e Invoque o Espírito
da Bondade. Peça a Deus para ajudá-lo a construir a Casa da Bondade em sua mente e corpo,
alinhados com o Espírito de Cristo.

Desmonte a Casa da Gula / Desperdício: Despeje o Espírito de Gula e Desperdício e Invoque o

Espírito de Disciplina e Conservação. Peça a Deus para ajudá-lo a construir a Casa da
Disciplina e Conservação em sua mente e corpo alinhados com o Espírito de Cristo.

Desmonte a Casa da Preguiça / Desânimo: Despeje o Espírito de Preguiça e Desânimo e

Invoque o Espírito da Diligência. Peça a Deus para ajudá-lo a construir a Casa de Diligência
em sua mente e corpo alinhados com o Espírito de Cristo.

Desmonte a Casa do Orgulho / Auto-Importância: Despeje o Espírito do Orgulho e a Auto-

Importância e Invoque o Espírito da Humildade. Peça a Deus para ajudá-lo a construir a Casa
da Humildade em sua mente e corpo alinhados com o Espírito de Cristo.

Clearing Blood Covenants

Prepare your 12D shield and command your personal space as a God-Sovereign-Free being that
serves the Law of One.

Beloveds, I ask to apply Core Soul Protection to the family of origin of DNA, source field DNA
and all bloodlines related to the Rh negative lineages, please go to origin to the off planet DNA
and blood record, please go to the causation in the timeliness of the original human DNA that is
free of all alien genetic modification or hybridization.

I ask our beloved Guardian teams that work with the Albion body as we are in a phase of
coming into an awakening of the Albion body.

I intend to clear all blood covenants and related overlays that have been put on the Rh negative
blood and the history of recessive genes in the bodies that I am inhabiting at this time.

I clear blood covenants in the human DNA, original human DNA, diamond sun DNA and all
the way into the Albion body of the earth.

Clearing blood covenants:

Applying core soul protection to the family of origin DNA, Rh negative bloodlines (or other
blood types) to the original Diamond Sun DNA record.
Restoring the soul record
Reclaim the consciousness memories in all time
Please repair any damage made in (my) lineage of Rh negative blood or other blood type.
RBCs (red blood cells)
Microorganisms that comes from chemtrails
Clear damaged blood cells of Rh negative lines recessive through the blood that has been
brought forth.
Clear hybridization damage
Repair soul fiber damage
Repair the damage in the blood itself
We ask to bring Krystal Waters through this blood group, individual blood healing, as God
would have it be.
We bring forth the amplifier of the Krystal Waters as a resonant tone.
We call our family of Christ, may the Krystal Waters protect and support our blood.

Eternal water sprung forth in the eternal creation Holy Mother, Holy Father, please soothe and
heal the soul and Crystal body with the crystal waters. We ask these water to spiritualize the
blood of Christos and to flow through the fountain of eternal life and eternal youth. Krystal
Waters, please support our project of elemental encryption of our body's blood chemistry and to
heal the damage of blood toxicity, miasm and hybridization recorded as reversals in the

For a moment, intend to deeply feel and connect to our bloodstream and blood. Imagine and
bring the intent to merge with the Krystal Waters and spiritualize the blood of Christos-Sophia.
See the blood spiritualized and it's living life force throughout your venous system, throughout
the arterial system and pumping through your heart protecting, healing and spiritualizing our
blood in a living light blood chemistry. As we spiritualize our blood, to heal our blood of all that
is tainted from ancestral genetic or miasmatic hybridization reasons. Beloved, please clear our
blood record.

Please clear the spleen of its inherited genetic karmic records and wounds from any identity in
time and space.
As we purify our blood, we ask the spirits of Christ to dwell in our flesh, in our mind and in our
body and to circulate in our blood. Spiritualizing our blood and therefore repairing all energy
receivers. The entire nadial system, radial system and the umbilicus connected through our
blood, in the eternal living light.
Please correct fibrin, red blood cells and other microorganism imbalances through lab made
chemtrails, toxins or other chemicals considered pathogens that are directly engineered and
manufactured to harm Rh negative blood. I ask to bring this into clarity and to remove any and
all DNA instruction and RNA instruction sets which carry this reverse mutation protein chain.
Clear all reverse synthesis bond made through these pathogens in the blood. Clear the DNA and
RNA instructions set to the original human DNA without modification as per recorded in the
higher silicate matrix body of the Albion body of the double diamond sun human, the cosmic
human on this earth.


Clear physical blood to brain barrier and generate upgrade
Blood treatment clearing
Clear degeneration
Clear septicemia
Clear anemia
Correct the bone marrow production as per the Rh negative of divine design
Corrects spleen function
Correct any lipoprotein disorder
Blood disorder
Genetic mutation
Miasmic ancestral karmic
Replace the organic matrix blood treatment
Timeline collapse past, present, future lifetimes in fetus, newborn, child, teenager, adult, and
senior. Correct impacts and disease causation.
Collapse the timeline and replace organic matrix through all timelines.
Clearing any disease memory in the body from all timelines
Clear all memory and influences from disease memory.
Remove mismatching or wrongly attached body parts in the genetic or ancestral history related
to hybridization modification or genetic experimentation on or off planet.

Please take this clearing off planet – Saturn blood covenants made in any lifetime, clearing
Saturn blood worship of damage to the blood of my Rh negative lines. I asked to terminate any
and all alien agendas, mind control software that is using reverse DNA, RNA instruction sets to
be recorded in the mitochondria, chromosomes, and the DNA, RNA messengering between the

Clear Saturn blood worship of Rh negative control histories.

We ask in the Book of the Law to Return to Rightful Owner now.
Returning to rightful owner all human beings that are originally connected to the original human
DNA off planet to the Rh negative blood.
We ask to return to rightful owner here and now all that belongs to each person directly.

As the living Avatar of Christ and light of God that I am, I cancel contracts and agreements that
have been made with any off planet entity guide or alien in this timeline or reality related to
blood covenants and that which is designed with the intention of the destruction of the Rh
negative blood line and the original human DNA pattern of the diamond sun silicate matrix in
the Albion body.
We ask to clear the Albion body and to reanimate the Albion body with return to rightful owner
and returning the Rh negative blood and blood patterns to the original human DNA pattern. All
that is not in the highest alignment in service of God and the cosmic sovereign law of one, we
terminate these contracts and agreements through the ancestral line, through the genetic line and
through the collective consciousness line of the human species and race of which we are a part.

We terminate redemptive vehicle, crucifixion contracts and their phantom systems from using
Rh negative human DNA bloodlines through the Albion body.
We also address all splitter technologies which have been used to split apart human DNA and
create toxins in the Rh negative and original human blood.
Terminate the redemptive vehicle crucifixion contract and related phantom systems from the
original human DNA and bloodlines now - including the Rh negative blood lines recessive
genes and the ancestral genes of which go back to the original human DNA.

Clearing Alien Implants

Replication or hybridization trauma
as appropriate through each of the locations of dimensions and location of the body of the
original human DNA
Clearing blood covenant of replication or hybridization trauma
Human animal hybrid
Anunnaki hybrid
Dracon hybrid
Nephilim reversals
Solar Lord and warden implants
Axiom seals
Curse implant trauma
Fallen Angelic seals
Anu Seal
Orion solar cross
Crucifixion implants - left lung and heart, left knee

Please clear all Crucifixion memory implant removing blood covenant Rh negative blood
distortion from the historical lines of the Albion body, collective body, collective consciousness
body, human body, Left lung heart - harmonic triad all bodies clear now. Clearing all stolen
replicated damage genetics as God would have it be.

Please Identify, Locate, Remove and Repair all appropriate stolen replicated or damage genetics
from hybridization, cloning, replication, as well as enslavement trauma, upon the human DNA
through any blood covenant which is connected to the blood.

We terminate all redemptive vehicle contracts.

We terminate all superimposed karmic loads of miasma.
We terminate all crucifixion contracts, enslavement contracts and related phantom systems from
impacting our God consciousness and all of our double diamond sun Christ bodies.
I ask my avatar of Ascension and Christ consciousness to return all aspects of DNA, unity
codes, fire letters, all body parts, wings, energies that have been misdirected or usurped through
hybridization or blood damage.
We ask them to be returned now to the rightful owner in the name of self sovereignty here and
stated and commanded into presence.
Again, connecting to the Albion body as the collective now.
Return all energies, essences, body parts that are in divine right order now!
We call back now all that is our self-sovereign God power and right.
Beloveds, thank you thank you thank you!
All is one with the light - for I am unity.
Coming into Krystal Star of Azoth and seeing the overlay of Krystal Star of Azoth in the heart
chakra Back to front,
Front to back
Inner to outer
Outer to inner
Left to right
Right to left
In Krystal Star of Azoth, Beloved Seven Sacred Suns:


Allowing the Krystal Star of Azoth divine firewater in our heart, in our blood, as we fully allow
the carrier wave of the Krystal Star to be with us, within our blood and to assist in purification
and spiritualization of the blood of Christ within us. Clearing in the field of superposition or
possessions which need to be transited at this time. Holy Mother, we ask for Krystal Star
intercession and transit of all creation, shape shifters, structures and entities.

Please perform Simple Triad Sweep run through and clearing through the transit vortex.

Transiting possessions
Shadow creatures
Release bindings
Release blood covenants
Clear the negative forms and apply the Core Soul Protection on the way out through the Mother
Arc Portal
Balance center and stabilize the bodies.
Correct the cellular memory and perform timeline collapse from source of origin of the original
nature of these creatures
I ask Holy Mother and Sophia to reclaim all that is originally yours

Return again into the usable substance and elements, which can be reconstituted into the holy
presence. We apply unconditional love and forgiveness and forgetfulness now. Please clear
human karmic miasma levels related to blood covenants that has been set forth in connection to
the Albion body.

Please clear planetary karmic miasma levels related to blood covenants and again restoring
original human DNA record of the specialized Krystic blood to the Albion body. Collapse and
return all identities to integrate through Crystal diamond sun matrix in the organic matrix of
God, as God would have it be through Crystal Star intercession and crystal matrix re encryption
of the elemental body. As God would have it be, I am one with the holy presence and through
all eternity, I am Unity and One with God.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

(Source: Blood Covenant Clearing and Ascension Glossary, Transcription by Kimberly)

Eu gosto de fazer o Comando do Sono Tranquilo:

"Eu consagro e dedico este espaço de dormir à autoridade das Leis Naturais de Deus e à do
Cristo Vivo Eterno. Eu abençoo e santifico este espaço na autoridade de Deus e em nome de
Cristo. Deus é a autoridade do meu corpo, consciência e ser e deste espaço sagrado agora e
sempre. Norte Sul Leste Oeste - Céu Terra e Coração: eu me dirijo aos Quatro Cantos para
Serem Selados à Luz da Unidade e da Totalidade. EU SOU Impenetrável e Invencível. Peço às
Forças Aurora para ancorarem este espaço sagrado a serviço da Lei do UM, a qual eu sirvo. Eu
convido minha Consciência e as famílias e tudo que é a mais elevada expressão para o propósito
do meu sono nesta noite. Eu consagro e dedico meu corpo, minha mente, minha consciência e
todo o meu ser para servir à Fonte Eterna de Deus, Totalmente e Completamente Agora e Para

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