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O Tempo do Vermelho

Em 20 de Agosto de 2023, após uma incursão mal-sucedida do famoso Solo Morgan

Backhand e o Rockerboy Johhny Silverhand numa das torres da Arasaka, no centro da
cidade de Night City, uma bomba nuclear de baixa destruição é detonada no local,
obliterando tudo ao redor. Meio milhão de pessoas morreram instantaneamente. Outras
250 mil morreram depois com os efeitos da radiação.
Arasaka é acusada de sabotar as suas próprias instalações e de detonar a bomba. Como
consequência, Militech, uma megacorpoção armamentista, é institucionalizada pelos EUA.
A quarta Guerra Corporativa se da início entre as duas, culminando em 3 anos de
destruição em massa ao redor do mundo. Os efeitos dessa guerra são a atmosfera repleta
de partículas radioativas avermelhadas, dando início a um período chamado de O Tempo
do Vermelho. com a atmosfera detonada, várias plantações e animas morreram. Florestas
foram reduzidas drasticamente, bem como a água fora contaminada. Dois anos após
milhões de mortes no mundo devido a fome, radiação e míseria. O mundo conseguiu se
recuperar, por meios da tecnologia.
O Mundo
A Europa se mantém unificada e forte, apesar de países como Grécia, Inglaterra e outros
países da parte central que abandonaram ao Euro-Bloc, estarem em situação de
decadência econômica. O restante segue fortalecido, dominado em grande partes por
megacorporações e seus cidadãos vivem de forma confortável com ar e água limpos,
empregos e alimentos. A criminalidade é baixa e todos possuem moradia.
A politica russa foi dominada pela NSP (Novo Conselho Soviético) nos anos 2000 em
frente. Um regime ditatorial chmado de Tsentral’nyy Organ, um conselho de corporações
que controlam toda a indústria e comércio. A economia russa segue fraca com tecnologia
China, Japão e Coréia (unida), já prevendo o colapso mundial da bolsa e degradação
ambiental, abandonaram o petróleo e carvão, usando fontes de energia oriundas de algas
marinhas (CHOOH2). Desta forma, foram um dos poucos continentes afetados pelas
guerras, mantendo uma qualidade de vida e alimentação boa para sua população enorme.
Megacorporações como Arasaka, mantém controle da natalidade e demais aspectos
econômicos e sociais da população.
Irã, Libia, Iraque e Emirados Árabes foram deteriorados pelas guerras e radiações,
tornando-se regiões pobres e com diversas guerras civis. Apenas Egito e Israel
sobreviveram intactos e possuem economias fortes.
Uma nova aliança fora formada chamada Pan-Africa que acabou com os regimes ditatórias
de diversos países, acabando com as guerras civis e controles feudais. Essa união
fortaleceu laços com as nações europeias construindo diversos espaços-portos, angares e
fábricas especializadas na colonização espacial. Africa agora é um continente proeminente
na colonização espacial, com alta-tecnologia, considerados como Highriders. Uma espécie
de Wakanda.
America Central e Sul
Após vária guerras longas com os EUA, a America Central se reergueu como uma forte
união de estados independentes, trabalhando um um pacto de cooperação mutual, tipo
socialismo. Os EUA foram expulsos de suas terras, exceto o Canal do Panama.
Na America do Sul, países como Chile, Brasil e Argentina, cresceram a ponto de se
tornarem os líderes da Orgnização dos Estados das Americas, abandonando pactos com os
EUA, depois de várias guerras. A OEA se mantém como uma forte representante na ordem
do comércio mundial, ao nível dos países da Euro-Bloc.
Exploração Espacial e do Oceano
As grandes corporações que regem a exploração do espaço são: NASA, ESA (europa), USAF
(Corporação Americana), SRC (Rússia), JAB (Japão), IEC e Utopian Corporation.
Lua é atualmente colonizada com duas colônias de exploração mineração. Marte possui
em suas luas (Phobos e Diemos) colônias.
Uma estação orbital em Mercúrio coleta e emite raios solares para alimentar demais
estações no espaço. O cinturão de asteroides entre Marte e Júpiter, possui uma colônia de
mineração em Ceres.
Em Júpiter (lua Europa) e Saturno (lua Titã), também há uma colônia de exploração em
cada planeta.
Além do grande avanço espacial, a humanidade trouxe seus olhares para o fundo do mar
também. Fora construída uma vasta teia de cúpulas no fundo do mar e instalações
espalhadas pelas plataformas continentais na maioria dos continentes, nas profundezas
do Atlântico e Pacífico. As cúpulas variavam muito em tamanho, variando em capacidade
de vinte pessoas até alguns mil. Além das muitas cúpulas de pesquisa, há "fazendas
verdes" semi-submersas, onde krill e cripropalano (dois itens essenciais na vida do dia-a-
dia) são colhidos e processados, além de mais frutos do mar exóticos. A outra grande
indústria submarina é a mineração em alto mar de minerais raros e valiosos e óleo. As
comunidades dessas cidades subterrâneas são conhecidas como "The Deepdown".
Os Estados Unidos
Uma série de desastres ecológicos ocorreram nos EUA. Com o aquecimento solar, várias
calotas de gelo do ártico derreteram aumentando o nível do mar. Vários estados da Costa
Leste e do Sul foram submersos e outros se tornaram regiões pantanosas. Com o aumento
das temperaturas, Alaska, Canada e a parte norte dos EUA, se tornaram campos de
plantações de grãos modificados geneticamente, se tornando base da economia
Muitas regiões se tornaram desertos, como as Grandes Planícies e o Sudeste. Em Seatle,
São Francisco e San Diego, água se tornou um item vaioso e de disputas. Em Los Angeles,
as mudanças climáticas resultaram em uma região com neblinas densas e ácidas que
tornaram a região estéril. Night City que fica entre North Carolina e South Carolina,
acabou pegando um pouco de tudo. Verões sufocantes e quentes, e invernos frios e secos,
sendo castigado por periódicas chuvas ácidas e névoas tóxicas.
Ao leste, salvo as áreas enormes controladas pela Petrochem, com plantações de milho e
trigo geneticamente modificados para produção de CHOOH 2, se tornaram uma vastidão de
terras áridas e secas.
Duas regiões inteiras da costa leste foram reduzidas a terras devastadas quando empresas
de energia abandonaram reatores nucleares durante o colapso e deixaram seu conteúdo
vazar na água. Rochas estelares de massa lunar que caíram durante a primeira Guerra
Orbital destruíram Tampa e Colorado Springs. Os impactos explosivos explodiram milhões
de toneladas de poeira e calor na atmosfera para agravar ainda mais o aquecimento
global. Derramamentos tóxicos em ambas costas e o despejo de resíduos médicos de anos
marcaram uma era chamada de “Praga Devastadora”. Tudo isso contribuiu para uma
morte acentuada da vida oceânica, incluindo mamíferos marinhos, peixes alimentares, e o
fitoplâncton necessário para repor fornecimento de oxigênio da Terra.
Doenças dizimaram grandes setores da população à medida que a epidemia de AIDS da
década de 1990 escalou para o a crise do AIDS II no início dos anos 2000. Crises entre
políticos e lutas internas acadêmicas entre pesquisadores atrasou tanto a cura que, nos
anos seguintes, a doença sofreu uma mutação para uma forma mais virulenta. Até pior, a
Peste Destruidora de 1999 ainda mais rasgou através da população, matando centenas de
milhares ao longo de apenas alguns anos, seguiu apenas uma década depois, pela curta
praga de carbono de 2020, que teve como alvo adultos, mas deixou muito mais jovens
pessoas vivas e órfãs.
O evento chamado Diaspora, se inicia. Cidades detonadas pelas guerras, começam a
invadir cidades vizinhas, causando muitas guerras civis. Nômades crescem em poder nesse
período, dominando vastas regiões nos EUA. Vários estados se rebelam ante o governo
americano e são divididos em vários clãs de famílias nômades e megacorporações. O
governo americano, regido pela ditadora Presidente Elizabeth Kress agora é concentrado
apenas nos estados do extremo Nordeste, de Maine à Maryland, incluindo a capital
Washington DC.
Famílias de nômades agora operam os portos e estradas ao longo dos USA, fazendo trocas
de favores entre as megacorporações.
Inovações tecnológicas
A AI caminha a passos largos, com muitas redes neurais e robôs autômomos, porém,
todos ainda sob o controle da humanidade. Não há ainda uma mente coletiva formada e
nem tãopouco robôs sabem de sua própria existência ou possuem sentimentos. Porém, há
muitas programações de robôs com memórias de outras pessoas implantadas neles.
Normalmente são pessoas que já morreram, por isso, o infame nome de Soulkillers. Como
se fossem fantasmas.
Aproveitando sobre o assunto acima, existe um sistema de entretenimento chamado de
Braindance onde é possível reviver todas as memorias de uma pessoa, diretamente
conectado ao seu sistema neural, como se você estivesse vivenciando tudo aquilo. Seja a
memória de aventura de um explorador, seja a sensação de prazer por um ator de filme
pornô. Porém, há meios mais nefastos e ilegais ainda, como reviver a mente de alguém
que foi morto, sentindo exatamente tudo aquilo que ele sentira antes de morrer.
Há cybercars, cyberbikes que são pilotados sem motoristas, apenas roboticamente ou por
controle remoto de usuários com interface plugs. Maglevs substituíram os metrôs de
antigamente. Além disso, há AV, veículos de propulsão a ar que servem como
deslocamento entre centros urbanos para entrar e sair de forma rápida. Apenas Corps,
trauma team e polícia que os usam, ou pessoas muito ricas.
Armas lasers ou de pulsos existem mais são muito restritas e experimentais, geralmente
montadas em robôs ou máquinas, por causa do tamanho das baterias.
Heywood is seen as a district of complete contrast. The north, borders the City Center,
and is where you'll find lush parks and modern skyscrapers towering high above. However
further south, the district changes drastically, with dangerous and unwelcoming slums
dominating the urban landscape. The Valentinos and 6th Street gangs have control over
this district, and are constantly fighting.
It's known by the locals as "the biggest bedroom in Night City." Due to a majority living in
this area. The richer parts of Heywood are primarily occupied by corpos. For every rule
there's always the exception — an odd soul from outside the corporate circle that
occasionally manages to get an apartment. The rest are just happy they get to live in
Heywood, with their only realistic alternatives being Pacifica or the industrial wasteland
outside of the city.
Wellsprings, the safest part of Heywood, is full of working stiffs and underpaid corporate
employees. Much like any other american city in 2077.
After Night City got taken over by corporations, the government moved to Glen. It's now a
state-owned sub-district with a town hall, mayor's office, court and a big NCPD station.
Vista Del Rey is the poorest part of the district. It's heavily under-invested, crime ridden,
and slowly descending further into chaos, with many residents moving to other locations
and more gang members moving into the empty void.
Vista Del Rey
Vista Del Rey is the poorest district of Heywood and is dramatically afflicted with poverty
and violence. Gangs overrun this part of the district of Heywood. The streets are definitely
less crowded than the rest. Graffiti covers the walls of crumbling buildings, clearly
indicating the Valentinos are in charge here. That being said the 6 th Street also holds
territory here as well. Megabuildings and apartment blocks look run-down and neglected.
Vista Del Rey neighbors Corporate Plaza and North Oak, both of which are under
corporate control, and a dying district filled with poor folks and gangers must be very
irritating for the corporate next door. The corporations would most likely try to take this
area by force if they weren't afraid of the bad PR that the pacification of an entire district
would cost them. Despite how poor it might be, Vista Del Rey is far from a combat zone.
Well Springs
Wellsprings is a relativity safe district, on the west side that borders City Center. The
buildings here are newer and modern, brought to life during the rebuilding of Night City.
However southwest of the district the buildings are smaller and older. These apartments
here are around mid-tear to down right cheap, however wellsprings manages to keep an
overall aura of class. Most of the buildings were built during the second stage of
The eastern part of Wellsprings are the shanty houses, evoking memories from the
Rebuilding over 35 years ago. The Valentinos graffiti covers the walls of this area, but they
aren't as active in this district.
The Glen
During the Rebuilding period, right around the time Night City made a deal with the
corporations to aid and fund the city's reconstruction, the Glen was planned as the new
seat of power for the city state and central government. The state owned district is rich,
clean, and mostly crime free. Reconciliation Park is tidy and pleasant, surrounded by some
elegant architecture, behind is the newly built City Hall.
Not far from City Hall, things in the district look much worse. Buildings are uglier and
poorer, this is the territory where gangs rule. It's the turf of the Valentinos and the 6th
Street. As the buildings get more dilapidated, it's impossible to ignore the clear correlation
between their quality and societal wealth and class. The Valentinos are omnipresent in
this area.
For a period of time Watson was a thriving district. People visited for the various
Nightclubs, skyscrapers, corporate offices, a top-end medcenter, and even the biggest
black market in all of Night City. Many Japanese corporations invested billions
of eurodollars into the district competing with the giant Arasaka, their intent was to make
it self-sufficient and prosperous. Everything changed after the Unification War, and
Arasaka returned to the city. It bled the corporations dry and changed Watson forever.
Without a stable financial sector, the glory days of Watson had ended: the Northside
Industrial District, once a cutting edge technological park, could no longer provide jobs,
leaving people out on the street. Arasaka took advantage of the economic vacuum by
taking over the district for its gain. The Arasaka Corporation finally got the port-access in
the waterfront that it had always wanted.
In 2077, Watson is seen as a sad and desperate place. Its well known as one of the city's
poorest districts, with many industrial factories and plants being completely abandoned.
Watson is also the battlegrounds between the Maelstrom and Tyger Claws gangers. The
Maelstrom settled in the Northside Industrial District (NID). Filled with factories (most of
which are abandoned) and working-class apartment blocks. The well-known Totentanz
bar is also located here.
Tyger Claws operate from Little China and Kabuki. Little China was once an extension of
the Downtown area; it's a high density urban region with skyscrapers, overpopulated with
Asian immigrants during the late 2040s. The old Med Center is located in this area, with it
is the infamous Solos bar the Afterlife. It was once the best place in all of Night City to
legally spend some money on body enhancements, but has since been overrun by the
Kabuki Market.
Kabuki is a maze of narrow alleyways located right next to Little China. At night, they turn
into a bazaar for implants, organs, steroids, and much more. It's said anything a person
could desire can be found in the Kabuki Market. This makes Watson a prime target
for Scavs, a ruthless gang that kidnap and harvest peoples' organs and implants for resale
on the black market.
As for the rest of Watson, it belongs to Arasaka in an area known as the Arasaka
Waterfront. This place is completely off limits to anyone who isn't an employee of the
Little China
Parts of Little China used to be an extension of Downtown, during the Rebuilding in the
2040s there were plans to make it a second City Center. The corporations built some
skyscrapers and top quality medical clinics known as the Med Center. It used to be the
best place in Night City to spend money on body augmentations legally. In the late 2040s
the sub-district flooded with Asian immigrants, mostly from Chinese diaspora, hence the
name change. During the next few decades, Little China became overpopulated and its
exclusive tone to the current more ethnic feel.
In 2077 Central Little China resembles the poorer areas elsewhere in Night City; however
the food, shops, neon lights, lingo, and flavor are all distinctly Chinese. The castes are all
mixed up now with living blocks beside affluent condo buildings, and illegal gambling dens
next to the offices of legitimate business. Low and mid tier come here on occasion for
cheap fun in the casinos and strip clubs, and to mix with the poor and homeless on the
streets. No gang claims territory of Little China, but the Tyger Claws often come here to
have fun.
Kabuki was once the pride of the Japanese medical corporations in this part of Night City.
It was adjacent to the famous Med Center, and as a result the whole area flourished and
prospered. Nowadays, with all the other corpos either dissolved by Arasakaor transferred
to the other bank of the gulf, Kabuki is possibly the poorest sub-district of the city outside
of Pacifica.
The area was quickly repopulated with Chinese diaspora before turning into the shadiest
bazaar imaginable. During the daytime Kabuki has narrow, tangled alleyways full of chop
suey joints, seedy cosmetic boutiques, and cheap junk shops, all decorated with Chinese
lampions and flickering neon lights. During the night, Kabuki is the heart of Night City's
black market for all manner of illegal transactions. Implants, organs, combat drugs,
prototype cyber augmentations, steroids, synth-viruses, snuff braindance recordings-it's
all there to buy if you know the right places and people. There are allegedly several black
clinics operating in hidden basements or backrooms that install illicit military and
prototype cyberware, right from the labs of Chiba City or top-notch Scandinavian bio-
clinics or so the ripperdocs all claim. Some of the merchants in the hood are supplied
by Scavengers.
The whole area is densely populated, except for the northern edge where warehouses and
abandoned factories are occupied by various gangs, transients, and junkies. Tyger
Claws maintain a presence in the area, as do some Maelstrom members from the NID, but
neither of them claim territory of Kabuki. The Mox now hold control of the sub-
district. Lizzie's Bar, one of Kabuki's most popular braindance clubs and brothels, is under
their jurisdiction.
Northside Industrial District
Northside Industrial District (NID) was once Watson's prosperous factory sub-district.
Nowadays its desolate and neglected, its factories are mostly non-functional and
abandoned due to odd earthquake damage and a lack of investments by Japanese
corporations that originally financed this area.
New apartments blocks were built on the edge of the district to hide it from the rest
of Night City. They're home to mid-level employees who manage the few operational
factories in this area.
Still people need to live here. Many have come here looking for opportunity and a new
life. They got a big chance to work in the factory, and now they are stuck in limbo. Some
other residents of the NID are much worse. The Maelstrom claim this area as their
territory. They use its abandoned buildings as hideouts, illegal braindance studios, and
warehouses for the loot they steal from the corporate transports.
Arasaka Waterfront
The Waterfront is the bulwarked island of the corporate authority in the lawless lands
of Watson. Unless you are an Arasakaemployee, you are completely not welcomed.
The Arasaka Waterfront is an important link in the corporation's local supply chain. Official
data states that hundreds of shipments come through the Waterfront every month,
packed and sorted by automated robots to be sent to other corporate-owned warehouses
and outposts. That being said most people are unable to see much of anything inside.
The Japanese zaibatsu built a wall all around the Waterfront to keep Watson inhabitants
at bay; gangers, scavengers, and meddlesome reporters. It's reinforced with motion
detectors, electrified razor wire, and autonomic armored gun turrets, the wall protects
Arasaka property form unwanted guests and trespassers.
Corpo Plaza
The Corpo Plaza was rebuilt after the war, and is now the home to the most recognizable
fixtures of Night City. It's also a sign of the corporations' return to power after long years
of humiliation and disgrace. The Plaza's giant skyscrapers and towering megabuildings are
once again host to the offices complexes of Arasaka and Militech, the very same
corporations that destroyed the city half a century ago.
The Plaza's main feature is the Memorial Park, a huge roundabout between the
corporations' headquarters that commemorates the victims of the Fourth Corporate War.
The Plaza is always crowded with all types of low and mid-level corpos, always hurriedly
shuffling from one meeting to the next. The armored AVs carrying high-ranking executives
circle over your head, docking and taking off again from landing pads.
It seems peaceful, but NCPD officers and armored corporate guards are constant patrol,
reminding everyone who's really in charge of this district. Everyone has to pass through
multiple security checkpoints to enter any plaza building.
Downtown is another one of Night City's newer districts, built from scratch after the Nuke
Incident. The history of the old Downtown vanished with the blast wave. Now the massive
new office and apartment buildings, corporate hotels, and restaurants emanate a unique
posh vibe. During the night the wide streets are well-lit and buzzing, filled with people and
traffic. Neon signs are everywhere, advertising all kinds of pubs, bars, strip clubs, fast food
joints and "one night" hotels. Being an upper-tier district, Downtown is also the social
heart of Night City.
Like the rest of Night City, Downtown has a second face that's hidden during the day and
seen only by night. It has dark alleys, shadowy spots, and sleazy hotels where drug deals
go down and black braindance is produced. These are the places gangers from other
districts come to have their own kind of fun, and some of them even work as bouncers
and bodyguards.
City Center
City Center is the central business district (CBD) of Night City. City Center is the
commercial hub of the Night City metropolitan area. Most of the
city's corporations operate from the city center.
City Center is the real showcase of Night City. The once smoldering battlefield of the 4th
Corporate War and nuclear fallout from the Arasaka Tower assault, was now completely
restored. Restoration of the district was a lengthy and costly process — it started in the
2030s and ended just recently, when the Arasaka Tower was rebuilt in the 2070s. By 2077,
it was now the most fortified district in all of Night City.
Filled with modern, cutting-edge architecture, City Center is where anyone can witness
the unrivaled might of megacorporations. This is where the rich and overworked spend
their lives, building up the economic power of Night City.
The Corpo Plaza is reaching for the sky with its brutal corporate skyscrapers and blinding
floodlights. This is the heart of the district and the home to some of the biggest
corporations such as Arasaka, Militech, Biotechnica, Petrochem, and Kang Tao.
Next to it is Downtown. It's full of narrow alleys, night clubs, celebrities, and corporate
stiffs. Here you'll find an abundance of office buildings and eccentrically shaped
architecture — as well as exclusive apartments, hotels, and restaurants. Its northern
waterfront is a mecca for artists and snobs, with galleries, concert halls and ateliers
around every corner. Despite the elegance and power of Downtown, it isn't as secure as it
would seem: turn down the wrong alley and you'll find yourself en-route to sleazy love
hotels, dive bars, and shadowy corners where drug deals — and worse — are a common
The Westbrook District of Night City is home to many wealthy elites, celebrities, and
corporates. It is also home to Japantown, an especially important part of Night City for
really two reasons. First being, it's the cultural center for the city's sizable Japanese
community. The second reason being, Japantown is home base for most of
the Yakuza families operating throughout the Free State of North California; it's centrally
located, has limited police interference, and outsiders tend to stick out like a sore thumb.
The Tyger Claws are the dominant gang in the district and are considered to rule it but
only at night in order to avoid the heavy presence of corporate security.
Westbrook is considered by many to be the best place to live and have fun in all of Night
City. This is home to many wealthy elites, celebrities, corporates, and most influential
members of society reside. However this was not always the case. In 2023, after
the nuclear bomb set off in the Arasaka Tower, a portion of Westbrook closest to the City
Center sustained significant damage, turning skyscrapers into ghostly, crooked skeletons
for the next two decades. During the great restoration of Night City, residents saw the
many ruins removed and replaced by Asian corporations. The once dangerous Combat
Zone, was revived into an exclusive, ultra secure District.
North Oak used to see crime rates that measured higher than any other district, but with
the attentive help of mercenaries, order has been well and truly restored. In 2077, North
Oak is home to many of Night City's untouchable elite: corporate regional directors,
managers, bankers, and executives. Private security forces are present all over, because of
this no gangs reside here. Taking a walk through its tree-lined streets at every step you're
met with luxurious cars, private villas, and tennis courts. Nowadays, it is considered the
most beautiful neighborhood in all of Night City.
Charter Hill is well-known as the place many aspiring and ambitious corpo that cannot
afford to live in North Oak reside. This part of the district is all about mass housing.
However living here leads to a lifestyle under constant attack, because of this the wealthy
need the work of bodyguards as well as the use of armored vehicles to stay safe. Its the
price you need to pay for even just a taste of such luxury.
If you've got the eddies, you come to Japantown. If you don't have enough to spend, well,
take out a loan and pretend you're on top of the world. Even if it is just for short amount
of time, it'll be a night you remember. It's chock-full of gaming parlors, street food stands,
and capsule hotels. Ain't nowhere quite so enticing. It also lies very close to the City
Primarily inhabited by people of Japanese descent, Japantown during daytime is usually
crowded with tourists for whom the many bars, fancy restaurants, gaming parlors, the
Cherry Blossom Market, and Shinto temple are mandatory destinations in Night City. Here
one can also find the many love hotels, kyabakuras and hostess clubs whose lights glow in
thick abundance along Japantown's streets. Clean and safe by day, this district is a perfect
spot for sightseeing, and it's just one bridge away from the famous Corpo Plaza, any one
of whose many hotels are perfect places to stay.
However Japantown also has another side to it. After dark, Japantown becomes the party
district for the rich, corpos and tourists alike. The corpos are looking to blow off some
steam after another day of the exhausting rat race. The tourists are interested in more
sublime entertainment and a wild night in Night City. Both groups visit the same fancy
brothels, lose their money in casinos, and get drunk to the point of blackout. Both groups
also have to be careful to not cross the Tyger Claws, the gangers that rule the district
during night hours.
North Oak
North Oak is the newest part of Night City. It's the exclusive residential district, free from
the poverty and gangs that plague the city. More than 50 years ago, there was nothing
here than arid hills framing the north-eastern border of Night City. After the Nuke
Incident and the destruction of the Arasaka Twin Towers complex it became the site of
temporary refugee camps and favelas for the next 25 years.
This situation persisted until the early 2050s, when the NC government, backed by
the megacorporations, decided to clear the area by force. Proclaimed as a "war against
crime" by the corporate-owned media, this action became a synonym of corporate
brutality and prejudice. The North Oak favelas were pacified and razed by corporate
developers, and in a few years the area became the most prized part of Night City. Years
of the ongoing corporate-media campaign eventually watered down and finally hushed
the whole incident, not only to avoid negative PR, but to raise land value. Many rich
people were initially reluctant to buy land where some dirty homeless had once lived.
These days that history is all but forgotten, and North Oak is home to the untouchable
elite, corporate CEOs, hedge fund managers, and investment bankers, but also to the
various showbiz figures: BD producers and stars, and musicians.
Most people are not welcomed here, and private security is tight. I had to rent an aerial
vehicle just to catch a glimpse of the famous district. The area consists of vast estates,
some of them with their own micro-biome and artificially created landscape. Both
the Arasaka Mansion and Kerry Eurodyne's villa are within North Oak, because here it
doesn't matter whether you're a corporate owner or a renegade rockerboy, the only thing
that matters here is how wealthy you are. Every Night City citizen dreams of living here.
Charter Hill
Charter Hill is a relatively new and well maintained corporate district that was built from
scratch during the Rebuilding period. It quickly became very popular among the upper
class of Night City, this was before North Oak became hot within the next two decades.
Nevertheless, most aspiring mid-level corpos work from sunrise to sunset
in Westbrook or City Center, to then party in Japantown after a day's work to sleep off
their hangovers in one of the apartments in Charter Hill. Each of them secretly dreams of
becoming CEO of some corporation and moving to North Oak, but that doesn't stop them
from burning each other in the hope of achieving that goal. If you see someone not suited
up in corpo style, they're probably an up-and-coming artist, musician, or well-paid
freelancer who's rich enough to turn their nose up a Little China or Wellsprings.
The Pacifica District, formally known as the Pacifica Playground, was an upper-class
corporate-sponsored residential suburb directly south of Night City. By 2077, the district
has become a lawless and anarchic combat zone district.
Originally made to be Night City's money making vacation resort. It was to be true
paradise, catering to corporate employees and tourists alike with it's golden sandy
beaches, luxurious hotels, and unmatched entertainment. By 2045, the resort functioned
as intended, becoming home to the Playland by the Sea amusement park, protected
by Militech security contractors, and attracting crowds from San Francisco and other parts
of California. In addition, the developing Coastview condos offered a view of the sea, as
well as relaxation and rest for those who could afford them.
This was before the economic collapse, causing much of the corporate funding to stop and
the district was left unfinished and lawless.
Construction work was put on permanent hold, leaving most buildings unfinished, forever
to remain the hulking concrete and steel shells they were at the time.[3] The district has
now since been overrun by poverty, violence, and gangs. All the buildings are now home
to homeless, rather then the tourist it was suspected to house.
The Voodoo Boys, a techno-mystical group of netrunners, made this place the base of
their operations. Originating from the Haitian community that settled in Night City after
their country was ravaged by climate disaster, they took it upon themselves to protect the
local community, forsaken and left to fend for themselves by the NCPD.
West Wind State
By 2070, during the time the Unification War ended, some of the previous investors
attempted to restart the Pacifica project. They were unwelcomed by the local community
that had taken over the sub-districts and adopted them into favelas. Corporate workers
tried to clear the construction area of squatters, but were met with great resistance from
the Voodoo Boys. Attempts were made by the NCPD, escalated to a full scale riots that
lasted for weeks. Fearing that clearing neighborhood would result in a bloodbath, the
chief of the NCPD ordered the withdrawal of police units from the area. City Council shut
down all city services in Pacifica to force the Voodoo Boys and locals to leave. From that
time both the West Wind Estate and Coast View districts slowly turned into a new combat
zone within Night City.
Neither the NCPD or the corporates have any power in this area. Gang fights and drug
trafficking are part of the daily routine here, but the locals gotten used to it. Outsiders
aren't welcomed here. In order to get into Pacifica, the Voodoo Boys or one of the locals
must give an okay.
Coast View
By 2070, during the time the Unification War ended, some of the previous investors
attempted to restart the Pacifica project. They were unwelcomed by the local community
that had taken over the sub-districts and adopted them into favelas. Corporate workers
tried to clear the construction area of squatters, but were met with great resistance from
the Voodoo Boys. Attempts were made by the NCPD, escalated to a full scale riots that
lasted for weeks. Fearing that clearing nieghborhood would result in a bloodbath, the
chief of the NCPD ordered the withdrawal of police units from the area. City Council shut
down all city services in Pacifica to force the Voodoo Boys and locals to leave. From that
time both the West Wind Estate and Coast View districts slowly turned into a new combat
zone within Night City.
Neither the NCPD or the corporates have any power in this area. Gang fights and drug
trafficking are part of the daily routine here, but the locals gotten used to it. Outsiders
aren't welcomed here. In order to get into Pacifica, the Voodoo Boys or one of the locals
must give an okay.
Santo Domingo
Santo Domingo is one of the oldest districts in Night City. Due to its location, the district
avoided any major damage from the 4th Corporate War. It turned into a provisional camp
for thousands of citizens seeking shelter. By 2077, the settlements were all gone and
Santo Domingo had become a testing ground for industrial projects: corporations destroy
old factories, only to build new ones in their place.
Meanwhile, residents scrape a desperate living in the crowded the megabuildings —
hoping for better things to come. It didn't take long for a couple of ex-military veterans to
group together and take matters into their own hands. The district then became home to
the 6th Street Gang.
Arroyo is the industrial heart of Santo Domingo. This region of contrast you can find an old
nuclear power plant and junkyard right next to newly built high-tech corporate factories.
Operational factories keep their own private security, as neglected buildings quickly
become controlled by the gangs.
The workers from Arroyo then return home to Rancho Coronado — a self-sufficient
housing district with dozens of identical homes. This neighborhood is reminiscent of the
traditional american homes of the early 20th century.
The Arroyo district is always under constant construction, currently it consists of an old-
fashioned nuclear power plant, robot factories, a logistics center, and a gigantic junkyard.
Not every corporate investments have turned out to be profitable, and a significant
number of buildings in this district are unfinished, either partially constructed or simply
laying in complete ruin. All the operational high-tech sites, including the Arasaka factory
or Petrochem-Betterlife's power plants, are restricted areas with their own security forces.
The reason being for such high security is that this district belongs to the 6th Street gang,
they control many abandoned factories and heavy equipment storage areas in the district.
Rancho Coronado
Rancho Coronado appears as a self-sufficient town with Night City. The corporations who
own the Arroyo factories planned and advertised it as a place for their workers to live out
the real American dream. Rancho Coronado consists almost solely of identical houses,
reminiscent of the ones seen in mid twentieth century American suburbs.
The district has its own bars, shopping, school, park, restaurants, and even a metro
station. Security is overseen by the 6th Streetgang, while the NCPD maintain over-watch
on the suburbs. Residents of Rancho Coronado are primarily mid and high-ranking factory
workers, and some corpos who were tired of Night City's lights and noise. Most of the
people here work in Arroyo and don't need to leave Santo Domingo for their entire lives.
Despite its Utopian concept, the neglect and disrepair can be clearly seen.
The Badlands are the vast plains outside of Night City. Populated by Nomads, it makes the
city look more glamorous in comparison. However there's still life in here and golden
opportunities. There are a lot of surprises out here.
Nomads aren't the only ones who call Badlands their home. A a gang made up mostly of
exiles from local tribes and families known as the Wraiths reisde here, these are the guys
responsible for the corporate transport disappearances. Crossing into their territory
without armed transport is suicide.
Unchecked resource extraction and derelict oilfields dominate in the north. Wastelands
full of chemicals and landfills reign supreme in the east. Acid rains are a result from the
massive pollution, this guarantees nothing will ever grow here anytime soon, perhaps
ever, while the winds carrying the unbearable stench that makes sure that Night City
doesn't forget this place exists.
The south side is comprised of desert. Due to Biotechnica's many protein farms, as well as
the Jackson Plains power plant, this part of the badlands is less apocalyptic than the rest.
Some even think it's safe around here, but let your guard down for a second and it'll eat
you up alive.

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