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Review of tenses

Os quadros seguintes devem ser estudados com ateno. Mostram quando se empregam os vrios tempos verbais e estabelecem as diferenas entre eles. PRESENT SIMPLE I study Aco habitual ou repetida. Exp: I go to school on foot. Situaes imutveis ou permanentes. Exp: The sun moves round the earth . Planos futures relativos a viagens, espectculos ou horrios. Exp: When does the show begin? The train starts at 12.30. Em ligao com certas expresses de tempo: Frequently Generally Usually Rarelly Always Often Everyday Sometimes Once a week Several times PRESENT CONTINUOUS I am studying Aces que acontecem no momento em que se fala. Exp: The telephone is ringing. Situaes temporrias de mudana. Exp: I am working in a factory for the time being. It is getting colder. Projectos pessoais num futuro prximo. Exp: She is arriving in Lisbon next Saturday. Em ligao com certas expresses de tempo: Now At present At this time

Usa-se o PRESENT SIMPLE e no o PRESENT CONTINUOUS, com os seguintes verbos: Verbs of thinking Think; believe; agree; understan; know; remember; forget Verbs of feeling Want: wish; like; love; hate Verbs of perception See; hear; notice Verbs of possession Have; own; belong Reporting verbs Say; ask; tell; answer Other verbs Cost; weigh; seem; appear; need

Notas: 1 Com os verbos citados empega sempre o PRESENT SIMPLE e nunca o PRESENT CONTINUOUS. Exp: I remember his face. (Nuncas digas: Im remembering his face.) 2 Usa o PRESENT CONTINUOUS e nunca o PRESENT SIMPLE para falares de planos e combinaes pessoais. errado dizer What time do you meet me? correcto dizer What time are you meeting me?

PRESENT PERFECT I have studied Aco que decorre num tempo indefinido. Exp: Ive seen her. Aco que comea no passado e continua at ao presente. Exp: Ive worked in England for three years. Aco que acontece num passado muito recente. Exp: Ive seen her this morning. Usa-se com JUST. Exp: Ive just written the letter. Usa-se com os seguintes advrbios e expresses adverbiais: Recently Lately Up to now Its the first time This morning Ever Never Already Yet (interrogative and negative)

PAST SIMPLE I studied Aco que decorre num momento bem definido do passado. Exp: I saw her yesterday. Aco completamente passada sem nenhuma relao com o presente. Exp: I worked in England four years ago. Usa-se com as seguintes expresses adverbiais: Yesterday The day before yesterday Last Saturday Last week A few minutes ago Long ago

PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS I have been studying Equivale ao PRESENT PERFECT; usa-se no mesmo sentido e nas mesmas condies. Exprime, alm disso, reforo de continuidade e durao. Usa-se com advrbios precedidos de ALL. Exp: all morning, all day. Usa-se (de preferncia ao present perfect) com verbos que exprimem uma aco que dura e se prolonga no tempo: Expect Live Stand Rest Learn Sit Stay Lie Sleep Study Work Em vez de dizeres I have lerned, podes dizer I hve been learning.

PAST CONTINUOUS I was studying Equivale ao PRESENT CONTINUOUS. Usa-se para exprimir aces simultneas no passado. Exp: I was having dinner when the telephone rang. No se usa com advrbios como Know, want, etc.

PAST PERFECT I had studied Aco anterior ao passado Exp: When I arrived, the train had started.

PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS I had been studying Equivale ao PAST PERFECT; usa-se no mesmo sentido. Exprime reforo de durao e continuidade. Usa-se com certos verbos que exprimem uma aco que dura e se prolonga no tempo: Expect, leran, lie, etc.

Bom trabalho!!! 3

Mrcia Ribeiro

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