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I am Bob and I am ten years old, I live with my parents. I study at a very
beautiful school and I attend classes at 8:00 a.m. The classes are fantastic
and my teacher is genial. She works at the library. My friends are intelligent,
but Charles is stupid. He pretends to be a good boy. My favorite subject is
Science. One day I intend to go to college to study Biology. After school I go
home and I have lunch. I like pasta but not vegetables. I like coke and milk
shake too.
(PROCHNER; SUZUKI, 2008, p. 231).
Responda aqui
Ingls A04
a) Sublinhe apenas as palavras que voc considera semelhantes ao
b) Procure compreender o texto a partir do sentido que voc, sozinho,
atribui s palavras.
c) Resta alguma dvida?
d) Procure em um bom dicionrio apenas o sentido daquelas palavras sobre
que voc tem dvidas.
e) Agora escreva em portugus o texto como voc o compreende.

Ela no tem educao. She has no manners.

Ele foi educado em Oxford. He was educated in Oxford.

Ns fomos educados por uma tia. We were brought up by an aunt.

difcil descrever o sistema de educao It?s difficult do describe the British system of
britnico. education.

Eu estou ouvindo um barulho muito esquisito. I hear a very strange noise.

Ela tem um gosto requintado. She has an exquisite taste.

Eu admiro sua inteligncia. I admire your intelligence.

Eles combinaram de ir l juntos. They agreed to go there together.

A cor das cortinas no combina com a cor das The color of the curtains doesn't match the color
paredes. of the walls.

Nem sempre possvel combinar trabalho e It's not always possible to combine work and
prazer. pleasure.

Ela tem sofrido muitas decepes na vida. She has suffered many disappointments in life.

No confie nas aparncias: elas so muitas vezes Don't rely on appearances: they are often
enganadoras. deceptive.

D-me os fatos verdadeiros. Give me the actual facts.

Atualmente temos poucas salas disponveis. At present we have few available rooms.

Ele est realmente interessado no projeto. He is actually interested in the project.

No me admiro de v-lo nessa posio. I am not surprised at seeing him in this position.

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