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COLGIO UNIVERSUS Professor: Weybher Ferreira

Avaliao Global de Ingls - Ensino Fundamental

Aluno (a)_________________________________________________________________n:_____

Turma: 9 ano Turno: Tarde Data:____/_____/2013

1-Durante a prova mantenha absoluto silncio; 2-O tempo mnimo para realizar a prova de 1 hora. 3-No permitido: pedir material emprestado.
4-Utilize apenas caneta azul ou preta, lpis e borracha. 5-No ser permitido uso de corretivo; 6-No ser aceita rasuras nas questes de marcar (mltipla escolha.)
7-As tentativas de fraudes podero resultar em perda parcial ou total dos pontos atribudos prova

01- Marque o verbo entre as alternativas: (1,0)

a) Need
b) Eyes
c) Cold
d) Wind

02- Marque o adjetivo entre as alternativas: (1,0)

a) See
b) Old
c) Hand
d) Sky

03- Marque a sentena que corresponde frase: Ela chegar no prximo ms. (1,0)

a) The Will month

b) The Will travel moth
c) She Will arrive next month.
d) He will next moth

04- Qual a traduo mais adequada para a palavra TONIGHT. (1,0)

a) Prximo ms
b) Amanh
c) Esta noite
d) Este ms

05- Complete a sentena Phillip ____________ Kiss Jane because he loves. (1,0)

a) Will
b) Wive
c) Wontre
d) Weonve

06- Qual a traduo para Ultimamente ? (1,0)

a) Lately
b) Recentiy
c) Since
d) Nofe
As questes seguintes sero relacionadas com o texto a baixo, leia e responda.


Steve and Stella Baker live in California. Theyve got two small children, and they are an
average American family, except for one thing: she goes to work, he stays at home and looks
after the children. Our reporter spoke to Steve and Stella at their home in San Diego:

My wife has a very good job. Shes an electronics engineer, and she works for the US Navy
here. So she works, and I stay at home and look after the children.

Jim Macartney is a helicopter pilot. Hes British, but he lives and works in Africa.
I work for the hospital here. I take a doctor and two nurses in my helicopter to the jungle.
There are no roads in the jungle . only rivers. People go by helicopter or by boat, or they

Mrs. Betty Brown is sixty-two. Shes a housewife, and a grandmother and a student! Mrs.
Brown lives in Oxford, England, and goes to the University there. She studies Japanese, and
she is the first in her class. We asked Mrs. Brown how she learns Japanese.
My son lives in Japan, he teaches English in Tokyo and sends me Japanese magazines and
newspapers, videos of Japanese TV programmes and cassettes of Japanese radio

07- De acordo com o texto, escolheu a alternativa correta: (1,0)

a) Stella and Steve have two big children.

b) Stella Baker is sixty-two.
c) Steve looks after his wife.
d) Mrs. Browns son teaches English.

08 - De acordo com o texto, escolha a alternativa que descreve corretamente as ocupaes das
pessoas: (1,0)

a) Mrs. Brown is a nurse.

b) Stella is an electronic engineer.
c) Jim is a teacher.
d) Steve is a doctor.

09 - De acordo com o texto, escolher as alternativas que contm a resposta correta para a
pergunta: Onde eles vivem? (2,0)

a) Mrs. Brown lives in Japan.

b) Jim lives in England.
c) Steve lives in Oxford.
d) Mrs. Browns son lives in Japan.

Good Lock!

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